#also being liberal with the block button helps
scionshtola · 1 year
How do people NOT go into the tags to find stuff 😭 do a little scavenger hunt, find new and old things you love, be the mutual you wish to see
i think you have to have the right combination of loving a little scavenger hunt and enjoying be a bit of a hater about things you find that annoy you. which i do 😌
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mychemicalnations · 23 days
What the fuck, NaNo???????
this is a long post, buckle up.
Okay, if you haven't heard anything about NaNoWriMo's statement about the use of AI in writing, I am both jealous of you and here to ruin that for you.
The folks over at National Novel Writing Month have released a statement (which you can read here) that explicitly says that being Anti-genAI is classist and ableist. My gut reaction is that this is a fucking asinine take -- poor and disabled people have been writing for longer than we've even had the electricity that powers AI -- but the more I think about it, the angrier I get about the anti-community sentiment that they seem to be pushing.
The claims that are made in this statement are either non-issues or something that AI does not actually fix. Yeah, not everyone can afford to hire an editor, but that is a large part of why writing communities exist both in-person and online. Exchange works with a friend and help each other out, find a discord server and ask there. Make use of a writing community. The same thing applies to ableism; Yeah, we all have different abilities and not everyone can "see" what might need improvement. So you share your work with another writer and get feedback from your community. Writing is a skill that needs to be honed and in order to do that, you have to be okay with being bad at it sometimes.
I'm not even sure I can say much about their "General access" paragraph because, like... AI is not going to fix the systemic issues with the publishing industry. It just won't. That entire paragraph gets half-way to a point and then falls on its ass into the void.
As if I wasn't angry enough, NaNoWriMo edited the statement about 8 hours ago to say "Note: we have edited this post by adding this paragraph to reflect our acknowledgment that there are bad actors in the AI space who are doing harm to writers and who are acting unethically."
This makes me want to throw my computer out a fucking window. Using AI in writing or any other art is inherently unethical because the language models being used are trained on works by people who did not consent to their work being used to train said AI. It is theft. It is plagiarism. Plain and simple. Chat-GPT was trained using the entirety of the New York Times archive, so when you use Chat-GPT, what it produces is based off of the work of NYT journalists (read about the resulting lawsuit here). It's not that there are "bad actors", the programs themselves are built on stealing writing. We've known this for what feels like ages now. This is such a bullshit edit and a fucking sad attempt at saving their asses.
I am someone that doesn't even use Grammarly anymore because they literally market themselves as an AI writing assistant and I'm not willing to risk my entire degree for an application that can't even handle vernacular and dialect and makes mid suggestions at best. Genuinely fuck off and block me if you support the use of AI in writing. Also, my block button is rated E for Everyone and I will use it liberally if anyone comes into my notes supporting genAI. Unless I am feel particularly combative, then you will feel the full weight of my academic and creative integrity. You have been warned.
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queerpunktomatoes · 6 months
QueerPunkTomatoes is a reference to guerilla gardening. All people should have food. (If you need food, please DM and I'll try my best to help.) 🍅
Call me Belly (they/them). I'm 20, based in the US, and a Global Citizen 🌏 Sociology Scholar! Aroace and Queer. 🏳️‍🌈 Fat. White. AuDHD. Chronically Ill. Intersex (apparently).
This blog is pro-marginalized liberation and anti-capitalism. Hopepunk, because we have to believe we can create the world we deserve. Mine are tagged #mytomatoes.
I use the block button liberally, and I encourage you to do the same! I don't argue with people on the internet as much as I can help it. I don't pick fights or owe anyone an argument. I present my thoughts as concisely as I can, and if someone is not willing to listen to me and starts a screaming match, I'm not willing to listen to them. I prioritize my own peace, and will gladly have hard conversations! but only if we're on the same page about respect. I strongly encourage you to do the same 💚
I make mistakes. I'm still learning. Call me out.
Take care of yourself 💚 (if for nothing else, because we need you for the revolution!✊🏼)
Personal stuff under the cut, if you're interested.
Omg hi you clicked the cut. More about me!
I started studying sociology because I needed an extra humanities course in community college, and the second I learned what it means to study society, everything clicked and I realized why I struggled with psychology so much. I hate the pathologizing nature we tend to take on when we look at the world's problems. I'm an empath, and sociology was like finally getting to open my eyes.
I became anti-capitalist pretty much immediately. It didn't take much to radicalize me, because I'd always known things were screwed in the US, I just didn't realize how badly. Thankfully I realized before I was old enough to vote, because I absolutely would have voted for Trump. I absolutely love writing and learning and theory and community conversation, and this blog is my space to make sure I prioritize that :)
I was raised to be all the phobics---homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic, xenophobic. Realizing your own sexuality can do a lot to that worldview. I'm aro ace and queer, and I love how broad and contradicting those terms might seem. I'm still unpacking my old beliefs every day, and I am proud of how much progress I've made. I believe there is always more room for growth. I also found out I'm intersex very recently, so that's been a challenge to sort through, but I'm trying to love this new knowledge about myself.
Being fat is a part of my identity (I'm an old fat [as in, not a new fat]) and something I take very seriously. I have chronic an0rex!@ and that dichotomy does inform the way I think about body neutrality and fat liberation.
Anyway, that's a lot of words. I hope you're having a good day :)
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🍉 “I’m afraid to speak up about Palestine.” — Alright, let me help you!! 🍉
So, speaking up can be scary especially if you are in a situation where if you speak up any perceived risk of speaking up for people in safe environments, supportive family members, supportive schools is amplified for people in unsafe environments. So let’s start. What things can you do that don’t directly put you in the line of fire?
1. Boycott! Easy one. Boycott Starbucks, McDonald’s, Disney, Sodastream etc.
2. If you can, Email your government ! If you are Canadian, I suggest looking at https://www.wikihow.com/Contact-Justin-Trudeau ! Or if you are American: https://www.wikihow.com/Contact-the-President-of-the-United-States
3. Call out behaviour using anonymous asks on tumblr! This is handy because if you see Israel propaganda being spread you can anonymously call it out!
4. Use code: 🍉 (The watermelon emoji.) is a common sign that someone is supporting Palestine! You can use Palestine colours, art etc.
5. Change your account names! Especially on AO3. As AO3 has removed a volunteer for having a status as “From the River to the see Palestine will be free.” - (https://x.com/bearsys_/status/1728638469021257797?s=20 evidence.) change user to similar things. Also there has been several Palestine x Israel fanfics on there which is absolutely deplorable, and all sides of the proship and antiship should absolutely not stand with that.
And there’s more you can do! Secretive PFPs, Joining Pro-Palestine discord servers, doing art, donating if you can, buying something from ETSY that the seller has promised donations, create your own Etsy listing where you donate proceeds to Palestine!
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f1-birb · 1 year
me trying so hard to get back into this teammate pairing but fearing certain fans conspiracy theories have already ruined them for me too sigh
do you mean Lando and Oscar?
fan conspiracy theories have existed literally since Oscar was announced as a driver and it was primarily started by people salty about Lando having a better performance the last two years, last season especially, or by people salty over Oscar getting a seat and it being announced the way it was
calls about team favouritism or people being bad teammates or selfishness, arrogance, brattiness, blah blah blah have always been a thing and always will be, and the little contact moment last race won't have helped at all
but at the end of the day half of these conspiracies come from people with not the best wheel knowledge, and it's plain to see they're wrong
Lando and Oscar clearly get along, they clearly have a good laugh together and are chill, they're a lot more similar than Lando's previous teammates we've seen in F1 and also Lando's changed a lot since he started in F1 too (funnily enough that happens between 19 and 23)
another thing to add is they're both team players, both have been subject to team orders, and both have had the opportunity to make calls (just like the last race, Oscar was asked at Silverstone if he thought Lando was holding him up/slowing him down and they would've made the call to switch, but he said he was fine and then Oscar had to pit because his tyres dropped off faster than Lando's who held on and benefitted from the SC)
there's a reason I always say use the block button liberally, even pettily, and never listen to backseat drivers/strategists on any form of social media
the boys are great, we've got such a strong pairing, and they do seem to genuinely really really like each other, so I'd pay more attention to that than as you put it 'conspiracy theories'
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urtransmascbf · 3 months
Hello hi hello, and welcome to my blog! I'm Jay, and I'm just here for a good time tbh
I've been a tumblrite for some time now, though only just came back to kink tumblr and thought I'd try doin a blog again. Fair warning, this will likely just be reblogs and hornyposting
About me:
As said, my name's Jay, though I sometimes go by various space related screen names (I love space, can't you tell? Lol) and I'm 23
I'm transmasc nonbinary, and use they/he pronouns. I'm not strictly t4t, but this blog has a pretty hard lean in that direction if you can't already tell
Sexuality is weird and funky, I usually just say queer since it's easiest. I don't have a preference for presentation or parts but hoo boy do I go nuts for fellow trans folks and gender fuckery!
I'm polyamorous, though currently without partners. Possibly also acespec but very sex and kink favorable, and certainly here to fuck around :3
I'm a huge nerd, especially for dnd and video games. Don't get me started I'll talk your ears off lol
I'm a big ol stoner, both bc I like getting high and it helps with my back pain and stuff
I'm real friendly but awkward and shy, so I really wanna make friends but have a hard time messaging first
Some of my ~Interests~
Teasing/playful bullying, gentle embarrassment, praise and petnames
Bondage, pinning, play fighting
Edging, overstim, multiple orgasms, little bit of rough
Desperation, neediness, whining + whimpering etc.
Audio and voice
Pleasure domming, service subbing, but also being on the other ends of both of those
There's definitely more to be added
Oh also, I'm a switch! And pretty evenly split, I'd say
I'll set a proper dni later, but I block liberally if I'm uncomfy. Basically if you're a minor/don't have your age listed, or for some reason make me uncomfortable I'm gonna get real friendly with that block button
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sandumilfshou · 5 months
Meta analysis/hypothesis on what is influencing the rise of anti culture
I feel like antis (as most commonly minors) are stuck in this vicious cycle that has been perpetuated by internet culture over the last 20 years without having the advantage of the early internet etiquette/warnings/safety education that we as millennials and older got.
Kids these days are pretty much online from birth. The internet encourages people to post their thoughts and opinions at all times, often without much thought, and this norm is perpetuated pretty strongly through sites like Twitter and TikTok. So they're posting all of their thoughts and feelings and opinions left right and centre, often without privacy settings turned on, usually on social media sites where anyone can see these posts. And because the internet is a panopticon, unless you are on a private or hidden account, everyone is also able to post their own opinion about your opinion. It's easier than ever before for someone to discuss, argue, reject, and attack other people's opinions. And it's human nature to double down and defend your position instead of coming to an agreement or neutral ground (or god forbid change your mind), especially when tone is difficult to get across via text, and even so when people are often automatically argumentative and aggressive in their initial response (I have been guilty of this many a time).
This is all tied up in what I think for minors is a fundamental misunderstanding of what the internet is. It isn't a safe space, it isn't sanitized for your comfort, and it isn't censored or controlled much outside of strictly R18 sites other than literal illegal content being reported. But there seems to be this view among minors and antis that by default the internet should be safe for them to navigate, and they should not be able to stumble across, access, or engage with adult content (not even necessarily NSFW stuff either). So when they see this, they're shocked and appalled that it exists where they can see it, and because of the above, have been encouraged by the nature of the internet to post their very strong, often underdeveloped and shallow, opinion about it! They do not understand that the internet is the wild fucking west and outside of strictly under 13 sites and parental controls put on them, that it is your individual responsibility to curate your OWN safe space on the internet. Be liberal with the block button! Make use of mute functions! Set your shit to private so people who don't know you can't interact with your posts!
But they don't do this, because they were never taught about the dangers of the internet like we were. I remember when you should never give out ANY personal information about yourself, not even your first name, hell even saying the country you were from was often frowned against. We were taught that the internet is dangerous and you are responsible for keeping yourself safe. Now kids are putting out their name, their age, their country, all of their mental illnesses and neurodivergences and triggers all over the place! (It doesn't help that so many social media sites are encouraging linking your identity on other sites as 'verification', making it very impossible to be anonymous or fully under pseudonyms anymore.) So they think the internet is a safe and fun place to spend their time and encountering any content they dislike is free real estate to have a very loud opinion on, and are conditioned to double down on this when questioned.
This leads to two things that have become pretty rampant recently:
A lack of understanding of basic fandom culture and etiquette
The rise of puritanist views from LGBT+ youth on sexual deviance / morality / kink, and the encouragement of broad censorship.
Cancel culture is so fucking rampant these days. Kids especially are terrified to be cancelled or called out, especially since cyberbullying is so fucking common now. For kids this is often tied up in their real life school interactions, but it is rapidly becoming normal to consider your online identity and interactions just as real and valid as your physical, everyday interactions. Internet friendships are just as strong - or even stronger - as those you have in real life at school, or work, or sports clubs. It's known that people spend more time on the internet now than ever, so more and more of our time and mental energy and space is taking place in the virtual sphere. Being involved in something that negatively affects you like cyberbullying, or being cancelled or called out, or even just labeled as 'problematic' is so much bigger now, and it's not as easy to "just log off" or "just turn off your phone" as it used to be, because SO MUCH of our identity is caught up in online spaces now.
There's this dichotomy where we are encouraged to post all of our thoughts and opinions on the internet where anyone can see them, but cancel culture is also making people - especially kids - terrified to make mistakes or withhold opinions for fear of being labeled 'problematic' or 'siding with xyz if you don't post an opinion that disagrees with it'. There's a hyperawareness of what could be considered problematic behaviour, this strong need to be performatively moral, even if it means throwing someone else under the bus to prove that you're unproblematic!
This all links back to my previous two points. It means that common historical fandom etiquette - things like "don't like, don't read", the term "squick", "YKINMK - your kink is not my kink (and that's okay)" have all but disappeared from lexicon and culture. Where in the past we used to scroll past things we didn't like, kids now feel the need to call it out to prove themselves morally superior and unproblematic. They don't care that most of the time the space is NOT FOR THEM, they ignore all of the 🔞emojis and "MDNI" warnings, because of this fundamental misunderstanding that the internet is not always by default going to be palatable for them. Internet culture has destroyed any sense of 'if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it' which used to be more normal (though that didn't mean people still didn't label every fic with NO FLAMES PLZ!!!11!)
Because of this lack of 'fandom etiquette', because of this misunderstanding of how the internet works and historically has been, because of this instinctive reaction to immediately disapprove of and attack content they viscerally dislike, instead of ignoring it, this is giving rise to puritanist views and talking points amongst LGBT+ youth, minors, and antis. They are literal minors who are literally not even relevant to these conversations and concepts, as most of them are R18, inserting themselves where they aren't wanted into discussions on and posts about things that they consider sexually deviant or immoral. Because they are CHILDREN. Of COURSE they don't like this content!
I'm not a psychologist, but I wonder if developmental phases are playing a part here. Like, when you learn to differentiate concrete and abstract thinking, the ability to understand nuance and separate fiction from reality. A lot of these antis are literally too young to be able to understand some of these conversations, but don't understand this, and don't understand why they should not be involving themselves in these R18 areas that are clearly designated NOT FOR THEM, because "it's on the internet and I can find it easily, so therefore it's applicable and valid for me to have an opinion on this!"
And all of this culminates into what we are seeing now as the anti phenomenon. So TL;DR -
The internet is a panopticon. Everything you post can be viewed by everyone. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone is encouraged to voice those opinions. Opinions now must always be morally superior and unproblematic, or you risk being cancelled.
Minors are coming across content on sites they are on that is not relevant to them, and ignore R18 warnings and MDNIs to insert themselves into these spaces to give their opinion, because they have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the internet is and how it works, due to a lack of internet safety.
This means that common fandom culture/etiquette is being lost, and all of this is giving rise to youth parroting what they don't realise are puritan talking points and arguments against sexual deviance, morality, kink, and encouraging censorship. Which may or may not be exacerbated by the psychological developmental phases they are going through, which could be affecting their ability to understand abstract concepts and nuance, such as separating fictional morality and real life morality when it comes to taboo/dark/kink concepts in fan spaces.
(BTW many of my talking points above are thanks to @rainystudios' amazing academic papers which should definitely be checked out by anyone interested in this.)
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tabletofruination · 4 months
Ohhh, wonderful! It looks like I've got this thing working, finally.
I did tell you that reading up would prove helpful...
Yeah, I probably could've done that. But, well, here we are, partner! I'll go first on the introductions!
You guys can call me Juliana--or Juli, for short! I've been a student at Naranja Academy for a year and a half now--and it turns out you can do a lot in that time! I wound up accomplishing a lot! Champion, beater of Team Star, a-and other stuff... Though you'll find I'm waaay more interested in learning about history, nowadays. I think I've got all of Naranja's library read by now...alright, your turn, partner!
Really? Must I? ...I suppose I've little choice. My name is of no importance, but you may call me 'Green' if you wish to designate a name for me. As Miss Juliana has stated, I am something of a partner to her research into the legends of Paldea. It is a pleasure, I suppose.
We'll be talking a lot about our findings and hopefully posting a lot about what we can find--we're especially interested in finding out more about the Treasures of Ruin in this region, and finding out more about their history! But we're also down to battle! So feel free to talk to us!
Tumblr media
HELLO welcome to another ~bad sable decision~, this time presenting: an AU Juliana who has been living rent free in my head for months! Time to pay-up and become an actual blog girliepop.
Anyway. As for how this Juliana is AU? It's very simple: girlie here got fused with Wo-Chien after shit went VERY decidedly awry during The Way Home. I'm going to hopefully reveal the details very slowly, but this Juliana is actually a little more villainous in nature, though in a very innocent sort of way. She's already freed Wo-Chien and I'm sure you can all figure out what's going to be the gimmick of this blog a bit. :3c
Some ground rules!
Juliana is a minor. If I see even a singular anon getting weird I will utilize the block button liberally, so don't be weird.
Juliana's circumstances are...I'll be honest, they're a fair amount darker because she did technically fail to stop the Paradise Protection Protocol herself and basically told her world's version of Nemona/Arven/Penny to run for their lives. And it haunts her. Oh does it haunt her. But while she technically lost, Wo-Chien basically won the rest of the fight and got Juliana out, though nobody is really aware of the whole. Fusion situation. As a result, some things have changed--particularly the Teal Mask, it plays out VERY differently here, and Juliana received no invitation to go to Blueberry as a result. And yes, she's basically kind of a villain now. :3c
Any description of the fusion and stuff will be kept minimal but uh. Just a general warning for body horror if you do decide to ask. Please do not fuck around and find out without proper prep. 🙏
More details of her canon circumstances will come out in time as she answers asks, and I ask simply for no godmodding! I may let some details slip OOC early but don't bring them up until I feel the time is right please!
Let me know if you're not okay with Juliana or Green interacting! Green is going to be keeping up a facade as a Totally Normal Human, but I imagine it's not going to take rocket science to figure out what Green is hiding. But I am treating canon like silly putty here, and Green will interact with people of their own accord. If you're not cool with that, let me know. Or if you want Green and not Juliana, or neither, just let me know!
Yes there are two Koraidon on the trainer card. Juliana does not fight with either of them despite Bitey basically being that one meme with the cat on the stairs going "FATHER I CRAVE VIOLENCE". And Buddy is basically still scared shitless of battle! So she basically only fights with three of her Pokemon, but she is pretty strong despite the handicap.
Juliana herself can tap into Wo-Chien's moveset. She absolutely HATES doing so, though. She pretty much only ever uses Protect in a panic, usually, but uh. I figured I'd bring that up in case anyone asked!
Pelipper Mail/Malice on, as is Musharna Mail/Malice! Please just fuck the girliepop up.
I. May also do some regular RP on here? I do not know how tumblr RP works but I have brainworms and want to RP the girl. If anyone wants to RP I guess hmu???
idk what else to put here. i'll think as i go??? but yes. this'll mostly be juliana's daily life stuff and expedition logging to try and find more stakes and more research!
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winguontheweb · 1 year
i hope this isn't an odd question but how does one become confident about drawing fat characters? i've always wanted to draw bigger body types but when i do i'm often met with way less likes or sometimes even rude comments, and i kinda just delete the art and retreat back to drawing skinny characters
i've tried my best to learn all i can about drawing fat bodies but i just can't like. get myself the push to keep drawing and posting them i guess? i think i'm too caught up in the idea that i need social media approval on my art, but i also feel so empty and lacking if i don't show my art to the world i guess
(also your art is really really inspiring to me! it's amazing!!)
I'll be honest, I was really afraid for a lot of the time too, I was worried people would get the wrong idea. But coming to terms with the fact that I am just an admirer of big ladies has made me more motivated to break out of my shell, because otherwise I'd be SCREAMING,,,
I'm really sorry about the rude comments :< those people just can't comprehend someone's out there enjoying what they enjoy and putting art of that into the world. I know it's not always as simple as that, but I'd say buck the haters and keep posting if you can. If you keep getting rude comments from the same people, highly recommend a block/mute, as well. Liberal use of the block button is in fact highly recommended.
Your art deserves to be shown to the world!!! All art is!! some people just hate fun, but that shouldn't make you stop posting!
As for the less likes though, if you're posting to twitter, I'd highly recommend an extension called the "Twitter Demetricator" which removes all numbers of likes and retweets. I've been using that for about a year and a half and it's helped me a lot in no longer caring about how well my posts perform. There might be a Tumblr option? I know this is kind of a roundabout answer, but I guess, it should be that you're confident in your art, rather than basing its quality on how well it does in the Algorithm
anyway, I hope some of that is able to help!! I really appreciate being able to inspire, thank you so much for the kind words ;0;
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tenebrisdivina · 1 year
Hello and Welcome. This blog is intended as record and musings of my spiritual path, devotion and practices with the demonic divine and other beings. Alongside a log of witchcraft and occult ritual. I am a priestess of the demonic divine and a certain aspect of the divine masculine energies. My patron is Lord Abaddon. I am also espoused to two Dark Lords (Lord S and Lord O) who I may mention about somewhat on here as well. I am restricted upon what I am able to share however. I am also quite close to Lord Lucifer and I mainly work with Dark Lords and Ladies listed in the Dukante hierarchy, though I do work with some goetic listed and grimoire verum listed Demonic divine as well. I also connect with unknown/recorded demonic divine beings too.
My background is in paganism- I was previously a devotee of Setekh and Kali ma ( this blog was originally heretiquesmusings) for many years before I found my home with the demonic divine, whom I have been connected to and working with for the past 7 years. My practice is demonolatry based, though I am not as restricted. I go where the demonic divine, spirits, gods and my soul guides me. I am female and I identify as non-human (other then human-souled). My past studies and practices included Kemeticism, Kaula Tantra and some Hinduism related to Kali ma, Taoism, Chaos magic, east asian and northern tradition shamanic practices, hedge and traditional witchcraft.
I also work with the qliphoth, eldritch beings, other gods, spirits and journey to the otherworlds regularly.
Other then my spiritual path- I am an artist, dancer, martial artist and have studied traditional Chinese medicine and herbalism among other things.
I am somewhat open to inquiries and questions and I will answer and guide where I can. I am restricted by the demonic divine and my Husbands on what I may share an discuss.
Disclaimer: We each are each individuals, have different energy structures/vibrations and each walk different paths and I don’t expect you to have the same views nor experiences as I do. Nor necessarily agree with my practices. This is my path, workings and gnosis from my personal experiences and what the demonic divine, gods and otherworldy beings I work with- have shared and taught me. It does not automatically apply to others. Though if what I share of the demonic divine helps others, then great.
Courtesy notice: I don't really care to list DNI as I'm not bothered by much, however if you disrespect the demonic divine, practice/advocate/believe in solomonic binding and other such practices- then this is not the blog for you and I suggest you move along.
Anyone who speaks/advocates about it being cultural appropriation to work with any of the demonic divine - including Lilith- or that Qliphotic work is cultural appropriation- will be blocked immediately. I have no tolerance for such nonsense. Also if you attempt to harass or abuse me it should go without saying you will be blocked. and I do use the block button liberally.
If you wish to discuss things in this space, then respecting the demonic divine, My Husbands, and myself( it is my blog after all) is required. This blog is more directed at adults then minors, will discuss dark topics and adult content. This blog is for more advanced/intermediate practices, then beginner work. I also tend to write essays, if that is not to your liking then this may not be the space for you.
Important posts:
I also run an Etsy store:
Other then all of this welcome to my blog!
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s1yeye · 1 year
make intro post yes say hi talk about who i am what i do
my name kuru or siyeye, siyeye ainu to mean be sick or be ill, kuru is ainu, reconnecting with culture and language, please be nice do not mock names or language just because not white not friendly sound funny to you.
kuru part in system, other system not talk here, but kuru is inside of, complex did / polyfragmented many alters many parts. do not let other parts on this blog, only for kuru, may only say hi if is an emergency or big worry need to adress things because kuru me i cant do it.
kuru it/its pronouns. kuru an it, thing, being, nonhuman creature weirdo crazy. no she he they no no do not use any of that. just kuru, just it, just me. kuru body transfeminine, kuru body boygirl nonbinary lesbian, but kuru not girl or boy, kuru only kuru siyeye it me thing being.
kuru have many disorders, many disabilities, kuru level 2 autistic medium support needs (mild ID), kuru have POTS and asthma and TBI and other body ailments that make life work hard not good hard to make a living hard to do things for good livings. kuru will talk about it, affect life happen very much. kuru also, more important, schizoaffective disorder symptom holder hold symptom for alters other parts not feel as bad as kuru do. kuru have schizoaffective since young age, 13 or 14, early onset, cause many many problems in life hard to deal with many many many harsh hard wow so many suffer medicate suffer evil. this will be main many post include symptoms vents rambles talk about life experiences medicate psychatric ward and others and others that happen because of this. kuru talk funny because of schizoaffective disorder. kuru talk and write weird due to positive negative symptoms mixing mixing cause words jumble mix up hard to speak thoughts racing by fleeting away from me. all words come out all at once becoming mixing jumbled and hard to understand word write or speak. kuru can not help this or fix this. other alter sometimes can write better, can help kuru siyeye do this, but abilities go downhill, catatonia apraxia alogia flat effect etc etc make worse and worse spiral go downhill eventually all gone some day maybe fear. kuru also speak weird part of trauma CPTSD DID abuse severe severe severe many happen occurence all at once. ruin kuru life, make extra extra difficult.
i kuru is an also poc indigenous east asian mixed many races mixed. if could not tell from name. do not want white people telling what to do on race related issues. has seen this happen, feel it felt it before. go away shut up.
kuru me i also a minor, bodily 16. if uncomfortable talking to speak to minors, let kuru know and will not follow.
kuru dni include endogenic (support ok, no syscourse on blog), transabled / transrace / etc (only transgender, transsexual, transspeices good), proship / comship, intersexists and transmisogynists. kuru block liberally, will use many block button, do not throw cry hissy fit if find out blocked by siyeye.
kuru may talk about triggering, bad bad hurt harmful things. can trigger tag if something heavy or obvious bad, but otherwise will not know to do unless you tell me to. if one of kuru follower, ok to ask to trigger warn tag things if they are being triggering to you. kuru ask that mutuals trigger tag heavy religion, around kuru, ESPECIALLY satanism / christianity, can triggering bad scary hurt kuru siyeye make bad visions remember horrible scary thing. thank you for if you are doing this.
edit : panphobes, acearo exclusionists, transmeds, do not follow like reblog interact!!!!! kuru is collective body mogai many genders and arospec, some parts acespec pan or others, support all harmless queer identity!!!!! go away if exclusionist bad bad person rude harmful mean leave
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shalpilot · 9 months
I feel the pain of x readers everywhere and that is coming from someone who
A) frequently consumes (or tries to) x reader fics and
B) even occasionally writes them
Its one thing to admit that youre writing a character very ooc and another to be constantly projecting your shitty sexual fantasies onto a character and warping them in a poorly written manner.
I try to only post my fics on ao3 to isolate them and also want you to know that i know its bad writing and im sorry. I could go on some more about the oddness of the x reader/"selfship" community and their flooding of any tag ever but just wanted to let you know some of us are self aware
yeah I don’t have any problem with readers and genuinely for the most part I don’t have any issue with the writers. It’s literally just the inconsistent tagging that really gets me heated! I end up just being really liberal with the block button. I don’t wanna yuck anyone’s yums but when I’m trying to find fanart or discussion posts on a character and a massive chunk of the tag is just smut it gets sooooo tiring to scroll through. Literally no one could ever hope to get everyone to tag them with the same tag but *more* people tagging their posts with like. “Reader Insert” or “x reader” would definitely help. or maybe just not putting it in the main tags but I understand that there ARE people looking for them and that that tag is good for them as well as for organization on the OP’s blog. so tl;dr, I was being hyperbolic and I understand that it’s on me to curate my online experience but I wish it was easier!
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luvrodite · 9 months
hi! what are some tips or advice you have for new writers like me (hi) also tips on finding mutuals i used to just like posts or reblog them but i started writing and really enjoy it
hi!! aaa that’s so exciting!! i hope the writing journey has been rewarding so far! thank you for asking me! i don’t know how qualified i am but here are some thoughts i have that hopefully will help!
i feel like the main thing i’d say is to write what you want and for YOU. i know that you’re going to be posting it to your account and sharing it with the internet too, but at the end of the day it’s a hobby that brings you joy, so make sure you’re writing what makes you happy and not something that’ll make writing feel like a chore you know?
also figure out your writing voice! every author has their own unique style of writing, and it’s so interesting to me as a fic reader seeing the differences between writers that i follow. it sounds so corny but be true to YOU!! explore and explore and explore! obviously over time your writing style is going to evolve (and that’s so exciting to think about!! i love looking at my old writing and seeing the differences in then and now) but the only way to get better is to continue to write!!
on finding mutuals, i’m not entirely sure…most of the moots i have are other writers whose fics i enjoyed and commented on, and who happened to like mine too! i would gently advise that this usually happens naturally, and over time. it’s not really one of those things (i’ve found, at least) that you can arrange/control. but most of the time being interactive online will help i think ?
oh oh also. i think people on tumblr can be hateful at the worst of times, which is an experience most of the writers on this site know all too well. my advice is always always always just to block them. don’t interact with it, and shut it down immediately. don’t waste your time replying to anyone’s nonsense!! curate your space both as a reader and a writer and make liberal use of the block button if you have to. hopefully it never comes to that but people are just weird on here so.
i hope this was helpful love, good luck!!
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aeirithgainsborough · 6 months
No, no. It's alright. You can keep me Blocked if it helps curate your space. I also Block very liberally to keep Cloud, Aerith, Tlfa, and Zax haters off my screen. My main problem is NOT that they ship Clerith or CIoti, it's rather that a lot of them are rather toxic about it. Invading CA or CT/ZA spaces, name-calling, bullying, threatening, doxxing, etc. They even attack random people(in their own space) who don't like either of the characters I mentioned above.
i feel bad bcus I prob got you by accident, ive done that before and had ppl blocked who are now some of my fave mutuals!! if you don’t feel comfy sharing the handle i do understand tho, this is the type of stuff i used to get daily that made me very liberal with the block button:
Tumblr media
and yeah i agree… it’s a nightmare. if the fandom could just acknowledge all the ships are valid and fair interpretations instead of trying to battle over only one being ‘canon’ it would be a nicer place!
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radhyena · 2 years
As someone who was groomed online as a teenager, social media sites are not safe for minors and I wouldn’t recommend minors be too active on social media. (I think ms hells bells said it best is that there needs to be places just for teenagers, but part of me knows they’d be infiltrated too)
That being said I know that isn’t realistic, and I also know that some teenagers have a lot to contribute and things they can learn by interacting with older generations. There’s nothing inherently wrong with a teenager talking to someone older than them, but that line between acceptable and weird is razor thin which is why many people (including myself) opt to speak to minors as little as possible.
So it’s a tricky act because on the one hand, should minors be up front about being minors with the adults they speak to? Or would that put them in more danger for people seeking out younger impressionable girls? And I honestly don’t know the solution but I do know things get weird in these spaces, as we have seen.
If you are a teenager online I’d urge to keep your usage to a minimum. Again I know how dangerous it can be, what can go wrong. Stay safe out there, use the block button liberally, and if someone is getting too close to comfort and won’t leave you alone, tell someone you trust. I know it’s scary but trust me they’d rather know and help then see you hurt.
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briarpatch-kids · 1 year
genuinely what the fuck is wrong with all your recent anons?? i dont know you or your friend but i dont see why these people are so involved in the lives of literal strangers.
anyways, id just like to say that while i dont have high support needs myself my kid brother does and i worry about when he gets old enough to use the internet and see dicks like those debate his entire life, but its also reassuring to see people like you posting against that kind of stuff. i hope im not overstepping my bounds here, but i really enjoy your posts! (notably your brightly painted walls and the birbs <3) and im sorry you have to deal with stuff like that
Part of it is that I turned on anon so anyone who was getting harassed about Tay by that one person could send in screenshots and I left it on, and part of it is that he's been posting about autism education again and his mama is more liberal with the block button than I am for my blog. This is kinda part of the job of helping him online, being a buffer between people like that and him. I hope your brother has an easier time online than Tay does sometimes. It's been really good for him to have an outlet he's interested in and uses like Tumblr and I'm really glad he's been able to share his life on here.
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