#also both them and another friend did some alternate versions of this pic!
duthea · 2 years
Cab you talk about the Unova protags please? Especially grey.
Sure! If I'm talking about Black and Grey, I might as well talk about White and Gray too. So, to preface this, in my AU Unova has two alternate universes, with the differences them mostly being the games' version differences, like one universe has White Forest and the other has Black City. Gates rarely open between the two universes, and scientists have been researching the phenomenon. They managed to create a function that should open the gate, but for unknown reasons fails to function. Fennel, who helped develop the X-Transceiver, decides to include a button on a few test models of the device that would open the gate, and hands it to a few trainers in hopes of one of them getting it to work.
Black and White are each others' alternate universe counterparts, and so are Grey and Gray. As some of the only people whose counterparts are different, they have the ability to open the gates with their X-Transceivers. They basically just use it to visit each other and check in on their journey, and seeing all the differences between their worlds.
That's the basics, now to talk about the actual characters! I've drawn their family trees before so here they are! Pics and character info behind the readmore since this got long!
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So, Black and White's dad is Looker. (Emma's a character Looker meets in XY postgame, in case you haven't seen her. It's my AU and I decided he adopts her. In canon Looker disappears into another universe but by the time that happens his kid(s) are experts in dimensional travel and go get him back.)
Black and White are very different people. Black's a shy, awkward kid with social anxiety who can barely order in restaurants, but around his friends and online he's more confident and outspoken. His hobbies are gaming and music, and he's a mod at a chatroom Cheren started for their friend group. White, meanwhile, is confident and says whatever comes to mind, and prefers outdoor hobbies like hiking and biking. She's in her universe's version of Cheren's chatroom, but barely ever checks it, though she likes hearing Cheren and Bianca tell her what's been going on in there.
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Finally, the character you actually wanted to hear about, Grey! Her and Gray's father is dead in both worlds, nobody talks about him, and everyone in the family is better off without him. That's all you need to know about him.
When they meet, Grey decides on "E" and "A" as their nicknames since their names are pronounced the same.
Grey's the type of person who seems to barrel through everything with the self-confidence of someone who always gets her way. She's constantly joking about everything, including her bisexuality, but usually avoids talking about anything serious about herself or her feelings, deflecting anything like that with more jokes. She does have the emotional maturity to notice if somebody's hurting and take things seriously to help them. However, she also has a bit of a short temper and may start fights to defend somebody, as well as think her way of helping someone is the only right way, so it may not always turn out well, but she tries her best.
Gray, on the other hand, is nervous and shaky, and has a hard time asserting himself even around his closest friends in fear of offending them. He's also got serious reoccurring short-term memory issues, and usually has to rely on his mom or his friend Hue for help. (Hue being Hugh's name in this AU because I wanted to make the color theme more obvious. His little sister's named Tint!) Also, unlike Grey, Gray has DID, and an alter named Nate who usualy comes out whenever Gray is in serious mental distress and needs somebody to just take over. Nate's more calm and collected than Gray, though still has the same memory issues, he's just more likely to make deadpan jokes about it. Nate usually makes his appearance obvious to others by putting on his visor and putting his hair up, looking more like his canon design.
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I realized I didn't actually have any good pics of him outside paper drawings so I quickly whipped this up just now! DID is kind of a touchy subject since it gets misrepresented in media so much but I tried my best to research actual DID for my boys Gray and Nate... If I still get something horribly wrong with them at some point I hope someone will tell me.
I hope that was enough! If you've got any questions feel free to ask, it's getting a bit late here and I'm tired so I'm gonna end the post here lol
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wonderful-bellies · 2 years
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HOO boi I worked hard on this one. A bit of a sequence thanks to the conversations I've had about pred Will with a couple certain nerds. We bave decided Will is without a doubt a very gluttonous pred.
Also! @nightmarevore wrote an amazing lil story to go with this art! It's really hekin good and you should go check it out!
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sepublic · 4 years
My Sad Dream about Luz...
           Last night, I had a really sad dream where… It was Luz back in the human world, before she met Eda and the others; And she was running down a hallway, being chased by a few bullies for something she did, but was being way too overtly punished for. And poor Luz, she was stumbling and pushing past other students, the whole hallway was filled with them; And they were all basically aware of her predicament and making fun of her! And then Luz bumped into another student, and SHE got angry at Luz and basically threw her to the ground (off-screen, we only see Luz land) before Luz has to keep running with more bullies on her trail.
           And eventually she makes it to the door leading outside but it’s locked, so she literally has to break open the glass in the doors, swinging a large object (I think a radio) at the bullies, making them pause, only for Luz to reveal that she’s just swinging it back for momentum so she can break the door opposite them! And then she barely manages to squeeze through the broken window, has to jump and climb over a few fences as the kids chase after her…
           And Luz, she manages to briefly lose them- And then for some reason (dreams are weird okay) she starts flying? She can just fly by waving her arms? And she flies above the bullies and they don’t see her, maybe she’s also invisible. Anyhow Luz is flying around, keeping track of her attackers, and as they get frustrated a teacher appears and asks what they’re doing. The bullies explain about how they’re just looking for Luz, and the teacher remarks aloud about how Luz has always been a trouble student and it just… HURTS Luz to hear this! Then my dream ended because I just woke up, but…
           …Honestly, while I can’t say Luz was outright physically harassed in this manner, I can’t help but feel like she was the occasional victim of her peers basically being bystanders to her own bullying. And being sent to the Reality Check Camp could’ve worsened things, because I imagine Luz was already not popular for causing mayhem and chaos, here or there, in her bids to be understood, express herself, maybe just attract someone who was interested… And it reminds me of this headcanon for an AU I saw (I can’t remember the exact post), where someone suggested that had Luz gone to the Reality Check Camp- She would’ve been singled out on by the people there… And they’d have likely used the “if one student messes up, everyone is punished” tactic to turn all of the other kids against Luz.
          And, in the context of my dream- I’m just imagining that as what basically led to this, because teachers weren’t just content with hurting Luz, they had to make enemies out of her peers (instead of potential friends), and that just REALLY messed her up…! It just reminds me of that speculation I had, in the month or so before The Owl House premiered; I wondered if Luz was going to stay in the Boiling Isles and had intentionally sought it out, because she had nothing back for her in the human world. Maybe Luz was an orphan with no family, no friends; And so she read about the Boiling Isles and found a way, and that’s why she’s choosing to stay… She has nothing back there in the human world to go back to, just pain and rejection; So why not stay forever in a place where she’s treated like a person and has an actual family?
           …Thankfully, it’s not that horrible in canon; Luz DOES have a mother, Camila, who deeply cares and who she clearly had a great bond with. Obviously things have soured a little in recent years, but it’s obvious that a lot of Luz’s bright and outgoing personality was encouraged by Camila, and that the two value one another. In hindsight, Luz still having ties to her human home that she wants to maintain, works for her character and its development, separating fantasy from reality while also enjoying both. And I’m glad we have the idea that while she was lonely, it wasn’t THAT bad for Luz… At least, as far as we know.
           Still, that reminds me of another portion of my dream, disconnected from the part I mentioned (because my dreams are a patchwork of completely unrelated sequences), where… Luz is running through the woods, similar to the ones behind her house, and she’s being chased by kids and gets physically accosted. But there’s a treehouse, and while the dream changed to something else; I feel like the idea was that this was an alternate opening to The Owl House, where in her attempt to avoid her bullies, Luz stumbles across the portal to the Boiling Isles. And in the context of my dream, Dana and the creators changed it to what we got in canon, for multiple reasons… This sequence would’ve been really depressing, especially the implication that to her human peers, Luz just ran away from harassment one day and just disappeared, essentially chased away from her birthplace.
          I imagine in this ‘timeline’ or whatever, those bullies would’ve REALLY gotten in trouble and been suspected a lot regarding Luz’s disappearance… And honestly, I can see this ‘dream version’ of the show having Luz never go back home, not bothering to give that closure to the people who hurt her; Because she’s happier where she is now. But thankfully, we don’t get such a cold and cruel kind of set-up/resolution, Luz still has a family, she wasn’t physically harassed (again, as far as we know), and she still somewhat chose to go to the Boiling Isles on her own terms, not necessarily under a threat. Luz found Eda and King, then Willow and Gus… Amity and the Twins, and now she’s just been so much happier as a person! She feels safe in the Boiling Isles, and on Earth too- Luz just isn’t supported there…
          Still, this reminds me of back when that one promo pic for Wing it like Witches came out, with Luz, Willow, and Gus bearing the marks of Boscha’s bullying; And then I had a brief, major grudge/vitriol against Boscha, because my mind went to the worst places and imagined Luz being disturbingly reminded of her own experiences back home, and feeling like even in the Boiling Isles, she can’t escape that kind of bullying and ostracizing and will always be a ‘freak’ and a ‘loser’… Luckily the actual context of that scene ended up not being nearly intense, and Luz quickly brushed it aside- But it really makes me wonder about Luz and her character, and the idea of her having hidden apprehensions and paranoia about rejection, about being ostracized at school again (as we see in the beginning of The First Day), etc.
          But Luz has been so supported and encouraged by others that she’s willing to take that risk, to make more friends like Willow and Gus and Amity (or at least hang out with them more), and learn magic! And I love that, Eda and King made Luz feel safe; They gave her an environment where Luz felt free to explore herself, protected from harsh repercussions and punishments, while still aware of the consequences and willing to fix any problems she caused! If she does have any trauma, triggers, and PTSD about being bullied, that follows through to the Boiling Isles; I do believe that Eda and the others can help to reassure Luz how much she means, how great she is… She already seems somewhat popular and even legendary for defeating Grom and wounding Belos!
          Luz already has all of the friends she needs, but I really think she’s earned a genuine love, appreciation, and admiration from her peers and community as a whole! Luz didn’t need that; But by her own unwitting efforts of just being true to herself, and the support and love she got… Luz no longer has to deal with a default of being ostracized and hated; Now, her default is being loved and admired, seen as amazing and legendary, and even cheered upon! And it’s such a fantastical change of pace to her; Maybe one Luz is afraid will be interrupted when she’s suddenly pulled back down to earth, reminded of what a loser she REALLY is… But no, she’s never truly been a loser, and definitely won’t be!
          She’s Luz Noceda, a human who learned magic against all odds, wounded the Emperor, changed the learning system at Hexside, destroyed Grometheus… And her accomplishments go well beyond that, and keep adding up! She’s on a roll, and this girl is unstoppable now, knows it, and is going to take advantage of this to make such a positive impact- She’s an unyielding, guiding light! Luz is weird and an utter cryptid, but this time in a way that’s meaningful and validating to her- She’s got friends by her side, has accomplished things, and is for once now emboldened to pursue her dreams, without having to worry about any delusions to distract/hinder her; Luz knows who she is, and that person is AMAZING!
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sporadic-writer · 4 years
Welcome to the Neighborhood pt. 2
Note: ok so I know that not all of the boys, meaning both twins, live with the others. And I know my update schedule sucks but I go in a block and funk. Sorry guys. I just want you to read something I would read and truly enjoy. Also, I think I may make this a Haz fic bc ones about hin deserves more love and notes.
No one really reads these but I also think I'll write this for Harrison bc when Tom posted the pic of Nadia, it shattered the illusion in my head lol and it feels weird to a certain extent to write when he is most likely dating her. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for him and he doesn't know I exist, but it feels odd idk. So im pausing on Tom stuff atm lol. Harrison is single as far as publicly that ik so thats that 😅
Pairing: Harrison x Reader (most likely)
Warnings: mentions of weed, alcohol, and swearing. I enjoy all these things responsibly and ik im not the only one. As always stop reading if you dont like something.
Part 1 here initial teaser here (got around 100 notes soo 😎 check that out)
“Alrighty boys. That’s enough about me, tell me about yourselves. I only know this one from the big screen and that 2 of you are brothers.” You gestured to Tom as you spoke about him. “And from basic eavesdropping I gather you are all very close.” 
Tom smiled, “Actually I’m a brother to the twins, older obviously.” It was fun having a celeb lounging in your hot tub, drinking a beer with you. “But yeah I am an actor, Spider-Man as you probably know. Harrison’s an actor too!”
“Oh my god you are! I watched Catch-22 on Hulu! Comedy my ass..! I balled my eyes out several times.” He had the nerve to laugh in response. “Don’t laugh! That shit got intense quick. Then the shot where you all are swimming? Killed me. I don't know how I didn't notice you. Sorry!”
“Did you at least like it?” He smiled and asked hopefully. When you nodded yes he beamed! “Well then that’s all that matters. I will say an American accent is hard.”
You brought your beer up to your lips. “Yeah because your guys’ accent is so easy. You make fun of how different areas in America have different accents but it’s the same here!” They nodded in agreement at your words. You leaned your head back a tad and enjoyed the warm water. “Southern accents have different twangs bepending on the area, I have family that lives closer to New England, that's something all in its own. Just like here. You got London, Wales, some place called Essex and other places more north of here. It's not just the US." You reached over for your joint to finish it amongst the bubbles. "Now for real. Tell me about yourselves. Harrison you start I guess."
"Why me?"
"Shorter wikipedia page." You smirk as you re-lit your herb. The guys laughed and made 'ooh' noises to tease. "I'm kidding! Relax a touch. I just picked your name because you are right in front of me."
"Well I've known this lot since we were all kids. Tom and I went to school together and we have been stuck with each other since. I was his personal assistant for a while too." You listened as he spoke. Sweat was building up on his face from the hot tub. It added a nice shine to his, and everyone's faces. In order to avoid makeup running everywhere you sat up as you listened to him. You watched his eyes watch your movements as you took a hit and slowly exhaled. Almost like he was relaxing from watching someone relax from getting high without actually doing so. He kept going and you realized you zoned out a tad. "And then I wanted to do more than just model so I did more auditions and Catch-22 became my biggest so far."
You nodded, noting you heard and were listening. "That's cool and all but tell me like favorite song, movie, animal! Hahaha it isn't everyday famous people are in my hot tub. I'm going to savor this first encounter!" He smiled and answered your sort of questions. You offered the joint around before it finished. Tom passed, Tuwaine and Harrison took quick hits though. "But yeah that is me. Now someone else go so I don't have the spot light on me anymore." He looked at you as he said that and handed you the last bit. You winked in thanks, and to flirt lightly. (Shoot your shot right?) "Same questions to you love."
You responded your favorite song, movie, and color to him. "Yeah I like a bit of everything. But funny movies are my favorite. Obviously I like Marvel too Tom don't worry. Same goes for music but my preference ranges from new pop to older rock. I grew up on 80s alternative pop stuff." You smiled at him and he beamed in pride at the brand he represented. "Ok Sam you now."
Sam starts talking about his life and Harrison goes to grab more drinks. At this point the sun as almost finished setting and you tell the blonde how to turn the deck lights on. Soon the rows of edison bulbs flick on and a lovely mood is set. The glow isn't too bright and adds a nice light to your summer tanned skin. What you don't know is that the gentlemen appreciated the glow as well. However, they are too polite to say anything too bold after just meeting you.
If you could read minds or be sober enough to detect a certain lack of subtlety you would pick up on how the single men checked you out as you got out of the tub to get rid of the roach. Polite of course, 20 something men are going to appreciate a beautiful American girl right in front of them.
And if they could read your mind they would hear how you were taking in Tom and Harrison's jaw lines and toned muscles. How you appreciated Tuwaine's smile and height. Then add the twin's curls and freckles to the list and they'd think you were picking them like boys from a catalogue. Despite the slight oggling on your part, your eyes always wandered back to the blonde hair blue eyed boy the most. He seemed a little more laid back then Tom. Probably just because one was working more than the other, but that was just initial vibes you got. Regardless of vain appearance choices and vibe preference, all these boys were wonderful and you were just lucky enough your uncle's hot tub fit them all nicely.
Tuwaine smiled cheekily and spoke up. "Alright, we all have fresh drinks and proper buzzes. Let's make it fun and play a game. So Y/N, you went to college in the states, give us a classic drinking game and show us what you got."
"Ha! I don't know what you're looking for but I assume never have I ever is universal? You can't play kings or flip cup in a hit tub. Hold up 5 fingers, put them down if you've done said thing, drink as well."
"No fingers, just play till we are right pissed." Harry grinned and everyone else went along with it. "I will start. Never have I ever- wait this a normal game or sexy version?"
You said you didn't care and Tom said what the hell, so he continued. "Never have I ever gotten walked in on during a scandelous activity." Tom and Harrison both drank and groaned saying they have both walked in on each other at some point in life. Tuwaine continued.
"Never have I ever fooled around while someone else is in the room." There was a pause and no one drank. But then you rose your beer to your lips and they all looked at you in a manner of surprise and demand for explination.
Shrugging you said, "Old drunken hookup in school. We didn't know his roommate was in his top bunk asleep until it was too late. The mistake we made was keeping on going when we thought we heard him, because we did..."
"Wow Y/N. Learning a lot about the neighbor girl right away!"
"Shut up this game was your idea!" You laughed as you spoke in response to his teasing. "But whatever it's my turn now anyway. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person." That got all but Harrison and you felt proud for getting them. "Alright so you are either morons or were in a rush to send that sext."
Tom defended himself saying her name was Sam and it was instant regret the second he realized.
Sam glared at him and said, "Yeah no one enjoyed that bro. I'm still shaken up about it."
"Get over yourself it was like 5 years ago! And you accidentally sent your friend Jake one, so pot, kettle, hi both black."
"It was detailed!"
You just sat there amused taking this all in. "I am so glad this happened tonight." You said more to yourself than them.
"Darling if this ends up in the tabloids we will never speak again." They were teasing with the threat. "But come on this is good let's keep going. Never have I ever done it in a car." You, Sam, and Tuwaine all drank and giggled.
The game continued on and another round of drinks were had. You learned Tuwaine had said the wrong name in bed. Also, that both Harry and Harrison have fooled around during family functions. In return they learned that you've hooked up in a college classroom and in a restaurant bathroom. That ended up getting you and your former boyfriend kicked out of the establishment. Towards the final round all were getting sleepier but still in a good mood.
"Never have I ever had sex high." Harrison challenged the group. No one drank. "Wait really? Thought I'd get you with that. Finish your beer and all." He looked at you as he spoke.
"Nope. Just never happened now that I've thought about it. Huh. You'd think right? But nope. Not that I'm opposed." You ended your statement by glancing his way while finishing your beer anyway. Harrison just watched the way your neck moved as you tilted your head back. "Ok boys this was fun but I am gettin tired."
Tom nodded. "Same here. Thank you for having us darling, it was fun!" The others spoke in agreement and you smiled at them saying they were welcomed back anytime. They offered to help clean but you grabbed the remaining bottles and told them you were good. After final goodbyes, you told them to not he strangers, you were all in your respective homes.
You went to bed pretty quick. Next door, at their place Tom, Harrison, and Sam lingered to get some water before bed. "She was really cool." Sam said while sipping water.
Harrison hummed in agreement. "Yeah I think so too. Very chill and all that."
Sam smirked and playfully said, "You just think she's fit mate." There was a pause.
"Well she is." It was Tom who said that and the others looked at him in playful shock. "What I'm not blind! She is! She's isn't some shy girl freaking out over us. She's cheeky and just seems normal about us living next to her. More Harrison's type though I'd say."
Sam laughed. "Yeah he always liked the classic American 'girl next door' type. Just a bonus she is actually American this time." They paused for Harrison to negate their statements but he just sipped his water and looked at them with a glint in his eyes. "Told you." Sam said as he took a sip. "She is better than half the models either of you bring back. Nuerons fire and she can keep a conversation. Not that all models are like that! But come on you went out with some stereotypes." Neither could disagree. Sometimes you just want to have a date with the beautiful face. Long term needs substance though, and both Tom and Harrison thought you had it all.
"We need to invite her over tomorrow, and any time she's free." Groundwork was to be established and Harrison was determined to get to know you more.
As always, like and reblog! I hope you like it! Also if i forget to tag someone lmk, same if you wanna be tagged or not tagged. Feedback and notes are appreciated but be nice haha I edit as best I can. Thanks for reading and enjoying.
Tags: @jillanaholland @averyfosterthoughts @sarah-m-limelight-2007 @astridcommings
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: DokiDoki May 20
I just felt like getting another review worked on, I had the pics for this ready for the past few days.
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This month’s theme: Berry Sweet Bash!
“This month’s theme is all about sweets and strawberries to help create your own Berry Sweet Bash! From plushie friends to pretty tableware, you are sure to have a successful strawberry celebration.“
Suteki Crate & Photo Prize
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This month’s special crate is full of strawberry sweeties and a mix of cute practical goods and even more plush friends :D
Meanwhile, the photo contest prize is an adorable Cinnamoroll who is also celebrating the cute red fruit ♥
Ichigo Marshmal Park Plush
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Our first item is a sweet little friend donning cute pink strawberry clothing or accessories. These XL plush are mochi based, meaning they are very squishy-soft and a bit stretchy. You’ll love to cuddle them and give them a squeeze when you feel stressed or sleepy.
Besides the seal, you could also get a kitty with pink markings and strawberry ears, a puppy wearing a hood like mine is, and an adorable pink spotted penguin.
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I love these plushies, I have each one from this series that I got in these boxes on my bed to sleep with. My cats also seem to really like them.
It’s super-soft, squishy, and cuddly. The details are fairly simple and he’s a bit bent up from being in the box so long, but he’s still berry cute ♥
Sumikko Gurashi Candy Pouch
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We get another plush sweetie in the form of a wrapped candy, each based on one of the Sumikko Gurashi. It’s a bit misshapen once you take out all the packaging, but it can easily be fixed by putting other stuff in it. They have a nice metal zipper on the back.
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It’s very cute and the plush fabric is really soft, it feels nice to rub. You really can’t put too much in it, but it could still come in handy, such as putting change or money, a few small cosmetics, a snack, candies, hair pieces, etc. The sewn on details are very nice and clean.
Yeastken Mini-Notepad
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Writing down a recipe, sending a note to someone or making a shopping list; notepads are pretty essential. For this month, we get this cute little notepad based on the Yeastken series, which is basically dog’s with bread, dog’s who look like bread, and dog’s made from bread!
This notepad comes in 2 alternate sheets, one based on the cover while the other features a horizontal print.
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I got tons of these by now so it’s a bit hard for them to impress me- but it’s still very adorable! I do really like it when notepads provide alternate layouts/vertical and horizontal pages though, it can really come in handy having both as an option depending on what you’re writing.
My Melody Strawberry Bowl & Apollo Chocolate Chopsticks
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Our last two items, a perfect companion for strawberries since you have to have somewhere to put them. You might recognize this bowl if you’ve been a long-time Reader, but for anyone unfamiliar, we got a hot pink Hello Kitty version of this exact bowl sometime last year. The designs were different but essentially it’s the same thing.
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These bowls are so pretty, I love looking at them through the light. The designs are very sweet too.
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Chopsticks are nothing new for me by now, I have a big collection of them from these boxes. But it’s always fun getting a unique pair like this, based on the Apollo chocolate!
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I’d recommend trying the Apollo strawberry chocolate if you come across them. They’re fairly common online as an iconic Japanese snack, and they taste really good~
These will go great with my Apollo pen that I got around last year too I think. Still scented, and still usable x3 I love it so much.
Content - 4 out of 5. Everything was very cute, and we got lots of pink which I also really appreciated. Now, I know the items were kinda small to counter-balance our large plush, but when you actually look at how empty the box seems to be without it inside, it almost feels unbalanced in terms of content.
Theme: 4 out of 5. All but 2 items featured strawberries, but technically speaking they could be used for helping with strawberries; such as writing down a berry recipe, or going out berry picking, or if you have some strawberry candies on hand. I love the theme since I really like strawberries too, but you probably already knew that~
Total Rank: 7 out of 10 Cuties. Not the best box, I sorta wish maybe we got something else to replace the notepad and candy pouch in favor of other strawberry themed goods like the other items, or just something else entirely. I really don’t have too much of an opinion on this box otherwise. I did like the items though, and everything is nice and practical, quality was decent. It provided a nice mixture of goods too.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Hmm i think i may have possibly settled on an idea for how to rewrite Kin and Gin to be more complex and potentially redeemable.
Gonna focus on The Big Family Love, because these siblibgs caring about each other so much its literally their battle power is already their best and only slightly sympathetic trait
So i was thinking about the whole 'hey here's another third sibling in the third version of the game' thing and had a BIG BRAINWAVE
What if kin and gin want to turn back time to fix a mistake in their past? And all the evil they do with manipulating other people's pasts is something that they regret having to do buy see as a necessary evil in order to achieve their goal.
Their goal? Bronzlow.
Why did he not appear in the original version of the game and wasnt even mentioned? Because he was DEAD.
Kin and Gin's goal in life is to save their baby brother who died when they were children. Maybe his 'funny' clumsiness and struggle to keep up with his sisters was very much not funny in this original timeline. One day the twins were teasing him over something or other, he messed up yet again and got their kite caught in a tree or something. And they were supoosed to be responsible when looking after the lil guy, but on that day they just happened to be a little short tempered with him and made the stupid decision to yell at him to get the kite back even though they knew he wasnt good at climbing. It was just a stupid mistake of some kids who were probably too young to be put in charge of babysitting their brother. He just.. Fell. Everything was over so fast. And it felt like time had forever stopped at that moment.
So they spent their whole lives trying to find a way to bring him back to life, even doing forbidden magic to become yokai and gain the power they needed to bend time. And they grew old and cynical and slowly lost their grip on morality, because the guilt just kept hauntinh them and the closer they got to making their dream come true the more they became tempted to let go of morals and hurt people in the desperation to finally achieve it...
And then this would be a good excuse for me to lets play one of the original versions of the game and then also the third one. And it could be interesting to set it up like this story with my oc is actually left hanging on the first playthrough and only fully completes after the third game. Like its all in the same continuity as if Mallory really did experience both games! Kin and gin's time travel messing up the future could be a good excuse to show all the different versions as alternate universe type things! And have it so that at some point Bronzlow just suddenly appears without explanation and everyone acts like he was always there. Which would lead to the reveal of the whole backstory and like.. Bronzlow is here now and looks like how he would if he'd lived a full long life, because their plan is almost complete. Theyre always sassing him and he's all funny comic relief but really all alpng he mattered more to them than anyone else and theyre so happy to see him again. And getting to see him again has made them so desperate to make it real that they'd even collapse time and space itself just to not have to let go of him again! Like what if some of his 'funny clumsy moments' are actually like.. Signs that he's not completely saved and the paradox is trying to correct itself? Like he doesnt remember that he died but his sisters do, he's just like 'wow i felt kinda dizzy there for a moment, im sorry' and 'huh i seem really forgetful lately' and he doesnt notice himself flickering in and out of existance and just DAMMIT IM GETTING REALLY EMOTIONAL ALREADY
And in the end of course kin and gin would have to face the fact that bronzlow wouldbt want them to bring him back if it meant other people had to get hurt. Thats why they tried to hide the truth from him, they knew he would sacrifice himself to fix the timeline and save everyone. And it could be super depressing with him joining you to fight his sisters even when he knows it'll kill him, and then the last moment of the fight is the time machine thing being broken and then a vision of the siblings as kids standing beneath that same tree, and the twins begging bronzlow to let them just stop time here and stay with him, if they cant save him then they want to die together... But there's no timeline where he'd ever say yes to that...
So umm yeah, the redemption fot these two would be finally accepting their grief instead of running from it, and you hug them and let them know that they have a second chance at a happy life. He never blamed them, they didnt have to destroy their own chance at happiness for his sake. He'd want them to go out and enjoy life, every time theyre smiling he'll be smiling with them...
I dunno i just think itd be a good way to make people care more about an underrated character. Cos from what ive heard about bronzlow he apparantly barely even talks, and really is just 'we added another one in the third version' with no more complexity than that. Kin and Gin already arent very popular so its understandable that their lil bro would be even more ignored, so this is an idea for how to make his low plot role a big plot role yet alsp at the same time get meta with thw low plot role itself being the big emotional tragedy...
Also i dunno if i'd actually find some way to bring him back eventually? Like as a reward for them at the end of their redemptive arc, maybe have them return in yw3 and help the heroes there and then after a loooong long journey they find another non-evil way to bring him back in the postgame. I dunno if itd dampen the emotional arc to bring him back tho? I feel like the importabt part os just that they learn not to hurt other people tp try and save their brother, as long as they actually finally give up and stop their evil plan it could still show the same amount of character growth if he does come back. Like it wouldbt be a moral-ruining 'yeah their evil plan actualky worked' kind of thing, just some different miracle happened, possibly directly caused BY them making the right choice? Like by confiding in others and not doing it all alone they finally manage to find the answer. But maybe have it happen some time after the endibg so the sadness still has enough time to breathe and it feels even happier when it eventually happens.
Also gives me an excuse to play out the credits sequence but with bronzlow vanishing out of that happy pic of them together. (Thanks to my friend who showed me that!)
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savefarris124-blog · 6 years
Love Me Tinder
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Words To Live By: “I just wish I could start a relationship 12 years in. When you really don’t have to try anymore and you can just sit around and goof on TV shows and then go to bed without anybody trying any funny business”--Liz Lemon (Tina Fey), 30 Rock.
Reader, I have an embarrassing confession to make: I am over the age of 30 and still single. You might think this isn’t terribly shocking as far as secrets go. Once upon a time I may have agreed with you. That was before older people started constantly asking me, “When are you getting married?”
I grew up watching a healthy dose of NBC’s Must-See TV, featuring such gems as Suddenly Susan and Just Shoot Me. These two shows featured 30-something women trying to balance a crazy career while possibly looking for love. The premise may seem clichéd now but in 1998 it was…also clichéd. Still these shows were great for background noise, and they infused me with the subversive notion that somehow a 30-year-old woman could walk into a room and nobody would be offended by her lack of husband.
I will confess that questions about my marital status bother me. Naturally I should be bothered on feminist principle and all that jazz, and I am. I am also bothered because I honestly do wish to fall hopelessly, sickeningly in love and share a life of adventures with somebody who sees me as I am. We would know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, push each other to become the best versions of ourselves, and laugh at jokes only we can understand.
Most people go about finding love by dating, but my dating history is spotty at best. I could go into details both depressing and/or absurd but here is the rundown of my greatest hits:
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I needed to break out of this cycle. I had tried online dating a little in the past, but this time I decided to dive deep. After all, if the internet could bring a custom-made Scarlet Witch headpiece right to my door why not a boyfriend? I set out on an epic quest to become a Tinderella. And guess what? I’m engaged!
Just kidding; I burnt out after six weeks of extreme dating. During this period I went out with four guys, which for me is the equivalent of trying to run the Boston marathon when your warm-up routine has been a coma. Still I learned some valuable lessons. Learn from my mistakes, readers, and godspeed.
DO: Choose a Good Profile Picture
One of the reasons I dragged my feet on joining Tinder is that I hate every photo of me ever taken. I therefore avoid cameras at all cost. “What am I doing?” I ask myself as I dodge behind the nearest potted plant. “How will I remember that I have a fun, enviable life?” I then leap out in front of the camera, contort my body into an unnatural posture never used in real life, and smile. My reward is yet another awkward photo of myself that I will destroy immediately. Wash, rinse, repeat for the next ten years.
Because the only way to get better at something is practice, I spent my summer learning the art of complete narcissism. Going to a play? Let me take a selfie. Someone’s having a party? Selfie time. Spending a relaxing day inside to avoid the heat? Selfie marathon! I took enough selfies to burn through my phone’s memory. One of my best friends got married in October and I used the opportunity of professional hair and make-up to snap roughly 800 pictures of myself and maybe two of the bride for good measure. This strategy worked though, because I now have a whole six of photos of myself I can show with pride neutrality.
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This photo obsession may seem like overkill, but online dating profiles have no context. The bio section is short, and half the time people don’t fill it out. Therefore if a guy doesn’t smile in his photos I assume he doesn’t have a sense of humor. If he takes a shirtless pic in a place where he shouldn’t be shirtless I assume he is a douchebag. If he refuses to post any photos with his face I assume he will murder me, and nobody has time to deal with that.
DO: Fill Out the Bio
Just take 5 minutes. Give me something. This is a system set up for convenience; I don’t want to dig. Also saying, “Just ask” doesn’t count. You are not mysterious, or rebellious, or beyond labels. You are lazy. I, too, am lazy, so I understand the impulse, but one of us has to put in the effort so it may as well be you.
DO: Play It Safe
Tell your friends whenever you are going out with someone new. Not only is it useful in case they need to file a police report, but also fun. The highlight of meeting so many new people was brainstorming safety code phrases with my gal pals. One friend insisted on the word “Pikachu.” I can’t remember if that meant I was safe or in trouble; it doesn’t matter. From “banana hammock” to “crazytown” to “vanilla gorilla” anything works for this purpose. Granted if a guy sees you get or send a text during the date, odds are he knows the score but a code word gives you at least some sort of deniability. That way in case he grabs the phone out of your hand like a psycho you can claim it’s just an inside joke, and oh my God, what the Hell has dating come to in the 21st century?
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DON’T: Set Your Expectations High
“The love of my life may be just a swipe away,” I told myself when I signed up for Tinder. This is technically true, but you know who else is just a swipe away? Every other guy in this city. The beauty of Tinder is that you can see just how much is out there. The downside is that most of it is hot garbage.
I don’t want to just rag on Tinder, though I could. They have a filter for age, a filter for distance, but they don’t let me set a filter for douchebags (again, those guys who think I’m impressed by their refusal to let shirts dampen the glory of their doughy physiques). However at least Tinder respects my filters. 
On the advice of a friend I also tried Coffee Meets Bagel, the site where she met her current boyfriend. While CMB seemed a bit more promising at first with its “select picks” it is rapidly disappointing me. I am 32 right now, and a very different person from when I was in my 20s. I told CMB I only wanted to date guys over the age of 30, but 75% of my picks are 29 or under. One time they selected a 28-year-old man for me that was clearly in his 50s. Between his gray goatee and his paunch he looked like Santa Claus with a mid-life crisis. Is that a fluke? Doubtful. Today the same thing happened, except this guy’s alternate pictures are all of Jesus. I think I’ll pass.
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DON’T: Ignore Yellow Flags
Sure we all can recognize red flags when we see them, but what about yellow flags? I ended up falling hard for a guy who was funny and introspective. He loved to sing and act goofy, and being around him made brought out the light-hearted dreamer in me. He also ended up being a massive jerkwad.
He would schedule every date to be at or around his place. This part I was sort of okay with because I don’t want near-strangers knowing where I live, but it did mean I did all the driving. He tried to reschedule our first date so he could hang out with his friends that night, and did reschedule our second date. On said second date he had his phone out during dinner so he could play a Ghostbusters game. In my head half of me would say, “Whatever, we don’t know each other that well, plus you know he has ADHD. Nothing like being a high-maintenance bitch to drive men away.” The other half would say, “You came all this way, battled for downtown parking, worked your ass off to look cute for this date, let it be rescheduled, and he can’t even set his phone down for one minute? WTF?”
Yet somehow this guy emerged as the leader of the pack despite the fact that if I made a list of “Guys Who Displayed Basic Consideration For My Time” he would rank 3 out of 4. What can I say, the heart wants what it wants, and also I have terrible self-esteem and judgment. It came as a shock to absolutely no one that after our third and final date he sent me this text message:
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Hmm, yes, “exhausting.” This was technically true, because I was exhausted. On the evening of our last date I bolted out of work at 5:00, drove home, took a shower, shaved my legs despite being on my period and knowing there would be no shenanigans that night, picked out an outfit, got dressed, decided that my outfit was too sexy for a night free of said shenanigans (I’m not cruel), put on a different outfit, looked around for my steampunk earrings because he mentioned he loved steampunk, did my make-up, and drove downtown to hang at his place at 7:00.
He got out of work late, fit in a workout, took a shower, and ordered pizza. Poor baby.  Poor me. I had thought of calling him on this BS multiple times but refrained because I didn’t want to scare him off. Now here we were a month later, him running away anyway and me peeved I had invested so much effort into a guy when I had seen from the start he wouldn’t do the same.
So here I am now, licking my wounds from this latest foray into dating. I won’t give up completely, but I have learned that I’m the kind of person that needs to take things slow. If that means I only date one person at a time, then I’m going to make damn sure that person is worth it. Will I go back to online dating? Maybe, although now when I check out Tinder or CMB instead of seeing possibilities all I see is a vast wasteland of strangers staring back at me. I’ll try again in the new year, but for now I’m back to my previous dating strategy of hoping to get hit on the head and ending up with a special kind of amnesia where I get transported into my favorite TV universes to romance the hot male leads. Sure Peter Stone has issues but at least he won’t constantly reschedule our steady date night on Thursdays at 9:00.
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27timescinema · 3 years
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By Eoin O’Donnell (pics © Ioannis Giannetakis)
On Monday, 6th September, ahead of the premiere of their film Isolation, the 27 Times Cinema jury was fortunate enough to hear from directors Jaco Van Dormael, Michael Winterbottom, Julia Von Heinz and Olivier Guerpillon at a directing masterclass panel.
Isolation has premiered as part of the Giornate Degli Autori program at the 78thInternational Venice Film Festival, and it focuses on five different short documentaries, all related to isolation in the time of Coronavirus; Jaco Van Dormael’s ‘Mourning in the time of Coronavirus’, Michael Winterbottom’s ‘Isolation’, Julia Von Heinz’ ‘Two Fathers’, Olivier Guerpillon’s ‘Liberty, Equality, Immunity’, and Michele Placido’s ‘Death Close By’ (Michele was unable to attend).
We were lucky enough to briefly interview the four directors present after the panel about their approaches to making their films, personal struggles in doing so and the political throughlines depicted therein. Eoin spoke with Jaco and Michael, while Monti interviewed Julia and Olivier.
Jaco, the most striking part about your segment was the visual style and presentation which you talked about during the masterclass, presenting it as a series of still, monotone images in sequence; could you talk a little bit about how you reached that decision?
Jaco: It was the first idea I had -it's easy when it’s the first idea you have, to use no camera, no recording, no sound, just to take pictures-. It was a little bit like Le Jetée, the French film, but with techniques from now. With La Jatée he had to develop the film and zoom on it, here the possibilities are much more wide, and the way of shooting is so much easier. The question was how to de-construct the time, to take two seconds, things like that, to give this sort of movement into a sort of mobility. There’s a sort of flow where the instant is frozen, another frozen instant, and how to bend all that with the techniques we have now. Now people can do it with just a phone and a computer.
And your family could do it with you, which was nice. I suppose what we didn’t cover as much in the masterclass is that the film is book-ended by the government critiques, how did you find that balance between... Not anger necessarily, but critiques alongside your own personal story.
J: In the beginning, I tried in the editing to make them alternate, but in fact it didn’t work, so I left the whole thing separate -all the voices; everything that is said; and all the lies, all the denying- it was very visible that the politicians at that moment thought ‘what will people think about me’, and ‘how will they hear me?’, it’s not about their work, it’s more about their panic.
Michael: I’ve forgotten, but was the connection between that and the music?
J: You know the artists are very much imaginative, and this guy on the radio made something about that, by playing this music, and what was that music? Le Mépris (Contempt, 1963), and it killed, and much more people listened to that radio segment even than to the politicians, at that moment it was the voice of the people when he said that.
To move back to the personal aspect of this story, I have nurses and midwives in my family, they’ve had to be a part of stories like these, saying goodbye to loved ones by iPad, and it’s horrific. However, I feel like for the people who haven’t lost loved ones or known people who’ve done so during COVID it’s hard to understand how alienating it is, so did you feel it was important to preserve that feeling and represent that experience for them?
J: I think when people who tried to make rules, at least in Belgium, about how people will die, didn’t realize it up close. It’s something that on paper or on TV it looks like it will protect people, but in reality they die alone, and that problem was not solved -it took months and months to react to this-. They see the iceberg on the Titanic and say ‘okay, okay, okay’ until it’s too late, so that’s where I was coming from.
As a question for Michael as well, I’m a history graduate, so I have to ask, do you think this film will mean something to future generations as a work of historical documentation to represent this feeling and time period that we hopefully won’t ever experience again?
M: I think this time has been something where we’ve all experienced sort of the same thing, at least in Europe, the experience of the reaction to the pandemic is a sort of shared feeling which could, in some ways, bring us closer together and bring more solidarity between us. But whether this film is the great record of that or not, I won’t claim that quite yet [laughs].
J: But you do learn something from this experience, this insight. When the mother and son are in this strange experience, you can feel it, and you maybe couldn’t feel it through words or a picture.
Specifically for Isolation, Michael, all the other films are to some extent critical of their governments, but your segment was a little bit more indirect. You only ever see Johnson or the UK government on TV in the background. Was it important to you to never lose the perspective of the family in the home?
M: Yeah, it’s not about, and I wasn’t interested in, whether what they were doing was right or wrong when it came to COVID. I was interested more in the idea of solidarity and community, and about whether that was actually true or not. These politicians on the right were trying to employ values of community and working together, and yet it’s so contrary to what they do for the asylum-seeking family we’re with, so it’s from their point of view. They experience the exact opposite, where not only the reality is hostile, but the rhetoric is very hostile. It was that contrast that I was searching for.
To tie into that, with a lot of the more right-wing figures around the world, the rhetoric is about public health, whereas in the guise of public health they can push forward their own policies, whether it be restrictions on refugees or asylum seekers, under ‘temporary’ measures; do you think this is more of an excuse for them to push forward more sweeping reforms?
M: I don’t know about the future of the detailed policies, but the politicians there are already hostile, they don’t necessarily need an excuse. Governments around Europe and almost every country is hostile, more so now.
Exactly. It also struck me that during this film, we were all locked in our homes and growing sick of it, but asylum seekers have been doing that for years, and now they were locked in homes that weren’t theirs, and that could be pulled out from under them at any moment.
M: Yeah, I mean they’ve been living in that one room for years, deliberately prevented from leaving. You know, all the things that we miss, being able to go to work, to meet family, to meet friends, to get money to go to restaurants or to shops; they have no money, they’re not allowed to work, they have one room, there’s the possibility of never seeing your family or the possibility of being sent back, they just have an extreme version of what we all experienced for a while, We’ve been locked in our houses for twelve weeks or whatever, but they've been like that for years.
Just a quick question to wrap up, and a more easy one for both of you; You’ve both been working in narrative films for a while now, how was it to slip back into documentary filmmaking?
M: It’s kind of the same in a lot of ways, it’s making a film. In this case for me, I was working with real people and observing them, but you’re still shaping a film, you know, the main difference was that it was ten minutes rather than an hour and a half. Whether it’s people acting a role or being themselves, it’s kind of the same process.
J: And I don’t think it’s documentary. When I see this film, the photograph is fiction and the time is... I use everything that fiction loves to make the feelings. My film is not a documentary I believe, it’s a recreation of a feeling, there’s no reality to this film. I don’t see anything real, everything is re-done.
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... Dear White People (S01E01) Chapter 1 Airdate: April 28, 2017 @netflix @JSim07 Ratings: Privatized @DearWhitePeople Score: 7.5/10 TVTime/FB/Twitter/IG/Tumblr/Path/Pin: @SpotlightSaga **********SPOILERS BELOW********** Dear White People, Brown People, and any People who are reading, listening, watching, or paying attention... Eventually it was coming. Eventually this series had to be addressed. But how? The last thing a Sexually Fluid, White Scotch-Irish, Ginger Male in an 11 year+ gay relationship, living in an Argentinian neighborhood within a city that has massive pockets of square miles with +80% people who speak Spanish as a first language... Or large numbers of neighborhoods with Haitian-Creole voices blasting loudly from friendly faces throwing friendly waves from a group of old men, who for some reason are always sitting at a major bus stop in North Miami Beach (but never going anywhere or taking any busses), wants to be labeled as is a 'Pseudo' or even a 'Hardcore-Leftist' who's desperately out to prove that he isn't racist. You won't be getting that article from me. You won't be getting anything of the sort from this 10-Piece Project that I assure you I will be taking my time on. I am not Left. I am not right. I'm barely in the middle. This isn't political, though it might have political undertones and repercussions. That's on interpretation, not me. By now you know that Spotlight Saga never reviews anything in a traditional manner unless it's an everyday type series that doesn't carry a particular tense or emotional impact. We go at our own pace and I prefer existential challenges, but all are welcome. I had made promises to write articles to accompany 'Dear White People', brought to us by the new & true, multitalented Justin Simien, to multiple readers, but I was waiting for the right time. Sure, I have an army of unreleased articles and reviews ready to shoot out of an iOS cannon when I'm not feeling particularly inspired, but that just hasn't happened lately, so expect last second 'Big 4 Network' reviews to start spewing out sometime in September, because everything from 'Gotham' to 'Lucifer' to 'Colony' awaits you. Oh boy. Now let's get something straight, particularly to the people on Social Media whining and crying about the show's polarizing title, claiming to cancel (or to the ones who actually did cancel, though I doubt it) their Netflix subscriptions because the title evoked some sort of feeling of uncomfortable paranoia, or what they felt was divisive rhetoric, even though it was them who were attempting to divide themselves from Netflix and causing a stir... Ultimately giving the show free promotion in the process. DWP isn't a series that is out to make anyone feel shame, wagging a brown finger across your noses, or smacking you over the top of the head with a rolled up newspaper, preferably Sunday (because there are some people who actually deserve it). The show's main protagonist narrates the thoughts of Justin Simien directly and quite accurately, right off the bat. "Dear White People is a misnomer. My show is meant to articulate the feelings of a misrepresented group outside the majority." @jsouth71 on Twitter, one of many racist, idiot keyboard warriors (I'm personally singling out him because he no longer seems to be active - guess he came, he typed, and he successfully looked like an idiot), responded to the original trailer (legit on March 12, 2017, the show didn't even air until April 28th) with multiple hashtags claiming that Netflix was racist. His most hilarious claim (to me anyway) is the one claiming that the show, what it stands for, and those that support it are all full of #LiberalBS. Well what now, Joey Southworth? I'm not even Liberal, Black, or some sort of seemingly desperate apologist... I have no agenda, except to review a Netflix TV Series in a way like no one has ever done before and while doing so, tell you all MY story, my letter to White People, because there is one thing I won't do... Tell someone else's truth... Unless they ask me to, I am for hire, y'all. Ironically, Lionel (DeRon Horton), says something eerily similar to what I've just said and said before a million times. Some people, *coughAVCLUBcough*, don't understand that telling someone else's 'truth' isn't necessarily the point of journalism, but sometimes it does involve telling another person's story from your OWN perspective, after a little help from gaining a bit of someone else's. So let's kick this thing off, shall we? It's going to be a doozy! Samantha White aka Sam (Logan Browning - ah, yes we see the ironic juxtaposition of those names already, especially since the character is biracial) attends an Ivy League school called Winchester University and hosts a radio show on campus called 'Dear White People'. As the aforementioned quote pulled directly from Sam's mouth would suggest, she really just wants to be a voice not normally heard without some sort of filter or applied lens to trickle out what people feel safe with. Sam isn't prejudice or even remotely a bigot, she doesn't seem to be whatsoever. As a matter of fact, Sam's reactions to environmental stimuli and certain situations remind me of me. She is shown often attempting to pull back when faced with a possibility of reacting off of an emotion, but when that emotion becomes overwhelming, she caves and takes control by spiraling out of control. There is a blackface party on campus and it is quickly revealed by the end of the episode that the campus crew, Pastiche, had their Facebook hacked and invites were sent out after the school's administration had already shut down the idea of the party even going forward. Did Sam send it? Please remember we're talking E1, and I don't go beyond that. She claims to have sent the email in an emotionally provocative, genuinely stirring speech she delivers after her radio show is pushed to the sidelines. She had shown up for her time slot and someone else had taken her place due to the recent controversy. This all forces Sam to make a split, snap decision, overthrowing the DJ booth like a straight up BOSS... A prime example of what I mean when I say she 'takes control by spiraling out'. Sam is also seen videotaping the party and later editing & going over the footage. So far, 2+2=4, but if she did indeed do what she said she did, then she's not the only one playing games to prove a point. She's outed to have a white boyfriend, Gabe (John Patrick Amedori), who she seems to genuinely like and in turn he is definitely enamored with her. Yes, by the way, one can be racist and have a significant other of an alternate race (as we covered in an article in S2 of the E4 & Netflix series 'Chewing Gum' after talking with and interviewing several women of color from the Caribbean)... Thats related to the fetishization or perversion of race, skin color, or anything of the like, but that isn't what it looks like what is going on here. There's definitely some real life chemistry brewing. Of course, some of Sam's peers look at her with disdain after Gabe puts their ongoing, once secret relationship on blast with an Instagram pic and a hashtag... Amazing what hashtags are capable of these days, ammirite? Well, in this case it's less the hashtag and more of the 'tagging' of the pic done by Sam's arch nemesis, Coco (Antoinette Robinson - who my white, CW loving ass recognizes from the God-awful 3rd season of 'Hart of Dixie', yeah I see you, Lavon's Niece!)... All of this confusion and animosity is what Coco wanted but this isn't what she necessarily got, not in the exact form she was aiming for, at least. Here comes the fun part! Through self-reflection and talks with her best friend, Joelle (Ashley Blaine Featherson), Sam realizes she does in fact like Gabe and decides to embrace the couple's outing... Bringing him along to her usually, black only, weekly viewing of 'Defamation', a hilarious satire of Shonda Rhimes' (who might just answer this cheeky mockery, since she just scored herself a Netflix contract) ABC political thriller, or just plain dumbed down (sorry Rhimes' fans) version of 'Scandal' (as if it could go any lower). Ouch! Anyway, according to Sam, 'Defamation Wednesdays' are the cornerstone of black college campus life.' It's just that, well, Gabe is obviously feeling a bit 'fish out of water'... Come on, white people, think about how you feel when you are the only white person in the room, you get it right? Well, that's more than likely how your good friend of color feels when you invite them out and they are the only black person to show up at your Baby Shower, Birthday Party, 'Girls Night Out', whatever the event may be. It takes time. It's admirable that Gabe came, it truly is, but this isn't exactly the same situation that I used for environmental comparisons. Sam has a show called 'Dear White People' for Christ Sake, she has an obligation to stick to her guns, sure... But love is love, and as long as there is no perversion of skin going on, who the fuck cares? Mind your mother fucking own! Oh, but that's a tale as old as time, people just love to give no fucks about this or that, while simultaneously giving all kinds of fucks about who someone lays next to at night. I can attest to both of these things, or some version of it, at least... As I live in a part of the States where I'm the only white guy that's not a Euro-Tourist in an incredibly wide radius, also being in a gay relationship, I get quite a few double takes... And the giant Red Beard doesn't help. Yet, I've come to a point where I've been here so long and become so accustomed to a different environment, being amongst other white people makes me a tad uncomfortable. More on that another episode, another day. Reggie (Marque Richardson) isn't too happy about Gabe's presence at the 'Defamation' viewing party... I'm guessing it's a lot less because he's white and a lot more because Reggie feels like he should be the one holding Sam's hand. Reggie comes off as a bit of a jackass, then again, Gabe is not only encroaching on what appears to be Reggie's love interest, but he's also aggressively inserting himself into the group. It's not that Reggie, or most of Sam's friends and acquaintances are prejudice of intolerant, quite the opposite, really. It actually seems more like a 'too much, too soon' situation. Take race out of the equation for a second, take out that fact that Sam's ideals are being broadcasted over the radio, representing a whole lot of people. EVERYONE eyes the 'new' guy or gal in a group, especially if that new person is also a new significant other, I don't care who you are. It's always best to sit back, shut your mouth, and let people come to you... Not stick out your hand and affirm loudly that, 'Hi, I'm Gabe, and I'll be taking a prominent role here now, whether you like it or not.' I love the fact that just like we all have a long way to go as a society when it comes to understanding where everyone is coming from, why people feel what they feel, so do the characters of 'Dear White People', all of them... Black, White, and everyone in between... Especially the girl in between! Yes, it appears that Sam is telling the truth in her guerrilla takeover, emotionally charged, campus wide, broadcasted admission... And if she wasn't she appears very much ready to to take both the praise & the heat (something not yet shown in E1) that she was the one who hacked the Pastiche Facebook and sent out the invites, encouraging the culturally ignorant to show up in Blackface and other embarrassingly idiotic, culture appropriated, misfortunes of human error to a party that had already been given the axe... But the show is still playful in its righteous delivery. The narrator (Giancarlo Esposito) points out a white girl and guesses that she's in a Nicki Minaj costume... Later on, while in her feelings, Sam quickly switches her music from a soft, feminine country crooning track, Suzanna Spring's 'Some Blue Sky' to 'Black' by 'Innanet James' on her way to the radio station when passing a group of Black acquaintances... It's ok to laugh, it's ok to point out the confusing parts of a sliding identity. It's ok to be who you are as long as you are true to whoever that is... Unless your a fucking hateful asshole, then Fuck You. *Somebody cue a 'Run The Jewels' track, please* *********Written By: Kevin Cage********** http://www.tvtime.com http://www.facebook.com/spotlightsaga http://www.spotlightsaga.com http://www.facebook.com/groups/artsentertainment
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randomsquirrel · 7 years
Simblr Story Meme
*Laughs and grins.* I’ve been tagged by the delightful @valoisfulcanelli, and it would simply be RUDE not to say something, so here we go!
 Here’s a fun thing: YOU’VE BEEN TAGGED! Let’s talk about your story! Here’s what you do:
 1. How many stories are you writing?
Um, heh, not that many sadly. I’ve been working on a series set in the Stardew Valley game-universe for over a year now, on its third book, with a fourth one starting up some time in fall once I finish the third one. At least, that’s the PLAN; I’m updating thrice weekly, but even at 51 chapters so far it’s still not quite done, and I don’t want to rush it like I did book one.
Rose & Sunflower is the current series, and hopefully I’ll be done with it after book four. (I mean, seriously, four books for this little game?!) It’s the story of someone running from a problem that he created and it trying to start over again, and happens to find friends, a new use for his skills, and more. Where most SDV writers tend to follow their farmers, their farm, and all of that stuff, I went for a different tangent, hitting the musical angle that to my surprise, nobody else has tried. There’s also romance because of course there is, but it’s still a decent story despite that. XD
A Legend from the Gem Sea is a little one-shot short story written as a Tumblr Secret Santa this year, and it came out rather nice. Just a quick story between their farmer and Elliott, and I’m pretty pleased with how it came out.
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day is another short-story one-shot I’ve had in mind for a little bit but haven’t had the time or energy to sit down and write, just a small Sam/Sebastian thing, but not set in the R&S “universe.”
For REAL stories and not just fanfiction I have a few other stories in mind, like the high-tech high-magic world that I’ve been tinkering with for over a decade, and another with a near-future version of Earth that’s basically “network engineers in low-earth orbit.” Trust me, it’s much more interesting than it sounds. :P
I’ve also got a few FFXIV-centric fics planned, based on the adventures my RP character and his Free Company (and allied/neighboring FCs) get up to. But again, those are on hold for a bit until I untangle my schedule a bit more and cache some ideas and events. Haven’t built any stories around my Sims 3 version of Lys yet as I’ve been too busy getting his FFXIV incarnation to level 50 before the new expansion drops.
2. What’s your favorite story/favorite post you’ve written?
Rose & Sunflower, of course, but Legend was a cute story and I’m pleased with it. The R&S project has been a lot of fun and I’ve had a number of great moments in all three books. Some of my favorites are easily the Chatter logs (basically the equivalent of Discord in this universe). Also, I LOVE writing dialogue for Sam, and have given him so many good one-liners and moments, alternating between having him be the butt of a joke or making him a cheeky troll. One I particularly love is partway through book 2 where Lysander notes aloud that “I’m heterochromatic” when he discovers that he suddenly has mismatched eyes, and Sam remarks that he thought that “you like both men AND women.” One of the other best moments in general came early on from book one at the end of chapter 7. (The people in chat are Sebastian, Abigail, Sam, and then Lysander, in that order):
As he sat down on the edge of his bed to take off his boots his phone chirped with a Chatter message. Curious, he picked up his phone and was greeted with a shirtless photo of Sam, taken in the bathroom mirror, while making the for-some-reason-popular kissy-face.
What in the hell…
L33tK3ys: d00d wtf
PurpleGoth: MOAR :D
L33tK3ys: no
RawkStar: sry guys, misstell -_-
Initially confused, he began giggling until he dissolved into a full fit of laughter, collapsing back onto the bed.  He wiped away tears and checked the rest of the messages he had just missed.
PurpleGoth: c’mon Sebby, your turn.  You too, Lys, if you’re still up! ;)
L33tK3ys: NO
RawkStar: your turn, too, Abby, if you wanna play like that :P
L33tK3ys: ...okay maybe
PurpleGoth: nope, not until I get another pic from someone else. I’ve got two boobs, that means I need two pics to bring the girls out to play :3
L33tK3ys: the hell I will.  Mom almost saw this and I don’t have the energy to deal with that
Suddenly feeling cheeky, Lys typed out a quick reply.
SixStrings: why? There were already two boobs in the first pic; you and your reflection :P
PurpleGoth: there needs to be a microphone drop emoji
RawkStar: that…. That was actually a good burn.  I’m not even mad, bro
L33tK3ys: damn it, mom and Demetrius want to know why I’m laughing so hard. SMH, FML
SixStrings: good night :)
 3. Who do you personally ship in your story?
*Puts on tricorn hat.* I be shipping alllll the booty!
*Removes hat, coughs politely.*
Lysander/Elliott of course, but non-canon to “my universe” I think that Sam and Sebastian are a great match, and in-story I really wish I’d taken the time to develop Sam and Penny together a bit more. They’re such a cute couple, and I really got a kick out of how he’s such a snarky, energetic pain in the ass around his friends, but turns into a blushing, grinning doofus around Penny, because she’s a sweet cinnamon roll and he will protect her. Though I do love the bromance that ended up growing between Sam and Lysander, they are such adorable and awful shits together when they’re up to something! :D
 4: Who do you think has had the most character development in your story (bonus: why)
Funny enough, Elliott. Lysander got a lot of personal development over book 1 (and a bit more in book 2), but for the most part he was already mostly self-actualized. He was running from a problem that he’d created, and had a few self-esteem/confidence issues, but overall his character arc through the first (and technically the third) book was a story of redemption, ultimately. Elliott, however, definitely changed since the moment you meet him, and in book 3 (which tells events from his side), you get a much bigger picture of how he changed and developed thanks to his friendship (and later, relationship) with Lysander. His is much closer to a coming-of-age story in that regard, and he is a distinctly different person at the end of that story (and therefore the start of book 2) than he was at the beginning.
 5. Tag 3 story simblrs that you’ve been reading!
Ah, heh… I follow a few artists here and there, but I follow no other writers (save for Valois), so I think I’m gonna hafta risk the seven years of bad luck for breaking this chain. (That’s how this thing works on the internet, right?) Send me an ask with someone’s name and I’ll tag THEM, then, just so this space doesn’t end up blank. :3
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Things To Do on Campus During The Weekend
Whereas my last IP was about what to do during the week, for those of you who are here for the weekend but can’t be bothered to get on the 1 train, here’s a post about things you can do right here at Columbia on the weekend. I’m sure some of the things here you can do during the week too, but it’s guaranteed that you can do these on the weekend as well.
Visit St. Paul’s Chapel
St. Paul’s Chapel is a beautiful building that is often overlooked, with odd hours that mean you have to plan when you’re going. The entrance level has the main chapel, with the organ and the nice acoustics and the mass area and whatnot (sorry for being so ignorant, I’m not religious at all). At either entrance to the chapel there are stairs that lead both down and up; up will take you to the balconies, which is usually locked. Downstairs will take you to the basement, which houses Postcrypt, our most well-known coffeehouse, and a lot of boring admin offices. The stairs lead to boring places because most of the doors are locked, but walk around the main floor and take cool pictures or just sit and listen.
Get coffee at Joe’s
We’ve got two locations of Joe’s Coffee; in Dodge Hall, the music building, and in the Northwest Corner building. NoCo has the bigger and better Joe’s, so visit there if you want the full aesthetic experience. Otherwise, visit the much less well-known Joe’s in Dodge to save the effort. Note: if you visit the Joe’s in NoCo, it’s a floor down from the campus entrance and a floor up from the 120th entrance: take the escalator down or take the stairs up. It’s got glass walls; you can’t miss it.
Explore the tunnels
For those of you looking for more risque things to do, you can visit the legendary underground tunnels beneath campus. Originally built for the insane asylum that used to be on the land, most of the tunnels were closed off to the public once Columbia moved in, and with each passing year security grows stronger as more people find ways around them. So be careful. The most well-known tunnel pathway runs through John Jay, Wallach, and Hartley: go to the basement floor of any of the three and walk around. However you would have to be swiped in to gain access, so for anyone else, you guys can try the Kent system, where you just go to the basement of Kent, Hamilton, or Philosophy, and try pulling/pushing on seemingly locked doors.
Find the best place to take a pic of campus
This might require roof access, so the next thing on my list is:
See which buildings you can get to the roof of without getting caught
Something not to be attempted during the day; roof access is strictly prohibited and can result in things like rescinded admissions offers. Butler and Carman roofs are popular, but I have no idea how most people get there: I have only ever found my way to either roof through outstanding circumstances and in unusual ways, opportunities that never showed up again.
There is one building that has unobstructed (if still illegal) access to its roof. I’ll leave it to you to find out, if you can. DM me if you discover it.
Get bubble tea
Back to conventional things: visit Cafe East on the entrance floor of Lerner Hall and try some of our bubble tea. This is one of the places where you can use Dining Dollars, $125 of which are usually provided on freshman meal plans. Sushi and other things to eat are also offered here, and the sushi is better than the sushi in most places. I personally stick to the Stumptown’s and bubble tea, going to a restaurant for any of my sushi cravings.
Visit the sundial
There are two things called “the sundial” on campus, both of which you can feel free to visit. The first is an actual sundial in front of Pupin and NoCo, on the northwest side of campus. It’s about waist-height, kinda easy to miss. See if you can actually tell the time--it is supposed to work, after all. The other “sundial” is a circular pedestal right in between Low and Butler Libraries. It did in fact used to be an actual sundial, with a giant granite orb resting upon it. The sphere developed a crack in it and mysteriously vanished from campus for several years, turning up in Michigan later. Given the fact that this is common knowledge, it’s also a mystery why Columbia still hasn’t bought it back.
Explore Butler
Find the prettiest reading alcove, or venture through the stacks and find some quirky book written in the original Sanskrit. Instagram the third floor reading room, or get coffee from Blue Java. There are tunnels through Butler as well, but the basement is difficult to get access to.
See how long it takes you to find and get to all 22 libraries on campus
Speaking of libraries, it might be a fun competition to get a group of friends and race through all of our libraries. A hint (but not really a hint) is that Avery is located directly across from Mathematics, and is right next to St. Paul’s. Lehman is on the third floor of the International Affairs building, across Amsterdam bridge.
Go on a tour
Technically tours aren’t offered during the weekend, but what I meant by this is to find out when gag tours are happening and latch onto one. Gag tours are tours given by trained tour guides, founded by yours truly, but spout alternate or funnier versions of Columbia, including things we’re not typically allowed to mention on real tours. You’re seeing a lot of it just by following this blog, but gag tours are in the flesh, and at night, when we can all get properly ~wasted~.
Visit the most filmed lecture hall in the US
Back to kosher. 309 Havemeyer is the most filmed college classroom in America, and it’s where I have my chem lecture. Havemeyer is, after all, the chemistry building. You can sit where I usually sit, on the upper right balcony, or sit anywhere at all and just get a feel for college. Ha. Afterwards, go see Spiderman or Gossip Girl or Kinsey or something.
Sit on Alma Mater
Athena gracefully watches over campus with her staff and wreath crown. Her lap does look awfully comfy, though. Another stunt to be pulled after dark only, climb up onto the statue and sit on the tome she’s just been reading, or drape your body dramatically over her outstretched arms (kind of hard unless you’re like 6’8”). For the record, a similar feat can be pulled on the Scholar’s Lion by Havemeyer and Dodge Fitness Center.
Chill on campus somewhere
Last but certainly not least. Nothing really gives you a feel for how campus moves and acts more than sitting on Low Steps, or on Butler lawn, and just watching people go by. See if you can tell the time by the amount of people swelling and diminishing. Columbia’s a perfect campus for both lazy days preserved delicately in a bubble, and the vibrancy New York life that’s always there on the backburner should you ever miss the hum of the city.
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tumblunni · 7 years
I had a weird dream last night that there was like a new sequel comic made by the Bobobobo Bo-Bobo guy and it was calld ‘Blind Nya’ (???) and it was officially licensced by sega and then there was a scene of eggman in Garnet cosplay doing a fusion dance with Don Patch
Also another dream where I was equally convinced that a thing existed, but it was less funny this time and more So Mundane That I Wonder Why I Dreamed This. It was just some sort of anime dating sim that i thought was Ehh kinda average, like i was living in an alternate world where this had been a part of my childhood that was so boring i forgot. I think it was called ‘Goodbye Mayfly’, and in context my dream-mind was trying to remember the word Wallflower, i think? Anyway you are An Anime High School Girl and Date Some Cliche Strait Dood Archetypes. But I think also there was something with a parallel world that was magic?
Like I think I was possibly taking inspiration from the manga Dream Saga Takamahagara (hope I spelled that right) which was actually a very unknown thing that I liked when i was a young kid. (First ever canon trans character I ever saw in anything!) Anyway the plot of that manga is that everyone has a parallel self in a magical mirror fantasy world, and when you dream in our world you wake up there and vice versa. Protagonist was the only one with the power to remember our world when she went to that world, at the cost of not having a parallel life over there so she was totally lost and needed to have her parallel friends explain all the worldbuilding to her. But they didn’t remember her and she had to win their trust again until they awakened as part of the super duper hero team and gained magical girl powers and stuff. then save de world!! Also everyone was lil kids in real world and bishie magical girl/boy type characters in fantasy world, so it had that cool element of ‘wow i wonder what i’ll be like when i grow up and get to have grown up adventures’. (Ha.. ha... kids, the real grown up adventures are just paying gas bills and stuff, don’t idealize us...) And also there was one character whose fantasy world self was a girl and like in the real world she was ‘a boy who wants to be a girl’, and just it was nice to see a trans character explained in rather simple terms for kids, even if also sometimes the portrayal wasn’t 100% perfect. man I wish i could read that story again but its so hard to find the books! i never even got to see what the ending is...
ANYWAY BACK TO THE DREAM So it was a dating sim in that sort of setting, but the mirror world was just a very boring cliche alice in wonderland ripoff instead of the cool desert setting from Dream Saga that combined japanese and indian mythology. And it was just something like you were a princess and everyone else was a prince of a different kingdom and then you had basically the same dynamic as you did in real life high school? So it was just like ‘your choices in real life high school have way more importance and you’ll have an even bigger happy ending’, cos you’d unify some fantasy kingdoms. And then i (sadly) don’t rememember if any of the other princes got to be cool fantasy races or anything, but if I could make this game for real then they TOTALLy would be! Hug your shy and nice ogre boyfriend!! get swept off your feet by the king of bunny boy kingdom! (I am still so pissed that i saw concept art of the Viera race in FF12 as a both genders non sexualized thing, like it makes me even madder to know they wasted a good idea instead of always intending it to be the bad version...) Also I think the game actually had some character customization, and in the dream i was like ‘man this is the only good part of this’. It was kinda basic tho, you just selected from five or so preset appearances for your protag and all of them were white, lol. But it was interesting cos the appearance selection also corresponded to what elemental affinity your fantasy kingdom would have! And you had different kinds of elemental fairy wings. Also i recall that all the selection pictures for the different elements had the protag doing some sort of weird model pose while a lot of terrible ps1 era particle effects floated in the background. Like a non sexualized version of this random character from Monster Rancher: (have a good laugh at the badly translated profiles, lol)
And then like I never got to actually play the game before I woke up? I was just on the character creator screen complaining about how I’d apparantly played it before and I knew that half of the elemental options were essentially unuseable due to bad gameplay balance. Like there wasnt any battle or anything, the element just determined your starting boosts and penalties to social stats you needed to romance all the doods. And apaprantly some stats were easier to gain than others, so certain boosts were essentially useless and certain penalties made the game almost unwinnable. I think I always still picked those broken options tho, cos I was more interested in picking the character i thought looked coolest rather than winning the game. Also all of the dudes weren’t very fun to romance, apparantly! I remember that dream-me was really annoyed about the ‘chair kicking scene’? Like, there was one character who was an immature bully in highschoolverse and then he was supposed to be the super rich and noble prince that’s the best ending in the fantasyverse. One of those ‘oh i was just bullying you cos i liked you’ plots of a jerkass boyfriend who never even apologizes or anything. And the last straw for me was when he kept kicking your chair during class and then lying to get you in trouble when you told the teacher about it. I was like ‘wtf dude, you’re THAT immature? aren’t you supposed to be 16??’ And I think I was mad cos he had turquoise hair and I liked his character design but he was a douche.
Just like how I was annoyed playing Spirited Heart Deluxe cos Frebo has a cool design and is a sarcastic funnyman but then he’s also supposed to be an adult and you’re a teenager and its Creepy. (the damn art style makes everyone look like a teenager, how was I meant to see that coming??) And like yeah, I know that the game keeps going for like six years but there isn’t anything in play to make it so that you can’t marry him until after you’re of legal age and all. And he’s still got a huge age difference even if you wait til the end of the game to tie the knot, and its still a teacher-student thing thats kinda creepy... Oh and randomly I found a site that has pics of all the different job costumes in that game! Good so you can see how awkward it is to try and tell age, cos like your height seems to vary depending on which one you pick, lol.. And while I’m going off on this tangeant I may as well ramble about how its funny that the gay DLC expansion pack had so much of an art improvement that it makes it look weird in comparison. (All those routes were way better written too!) Also I’m still sad that the sequel got cancelled, but its funny how Frebo looks EVEN MORE younger than you! Damn u game why u confuse me with elf dads
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eduardocpqn046-blog · 5 years
Photo editing software to edit photos for Windows 10
Download free of charge this photo editing software for prompt and intelligent edit images
Abstract images are implied to record the essence of a discover more here subject, or a compilation of them, excluding disclosing the perfect circumstances all at once. And also subjects with patterns or repetition are terrific prospects for edited photography, such as in a photograph of sliced up vegetables listed below. Photo editing software performs have a number of the components is popular for, which comes somewhat practical when you have actually chose you've like to attempt your give on one thing a lot more better than Rotate photo as well as edit photos. Photo editing software may likewise bring in freeze frames coming from video, in addition to diverse data. And also when you are actually feeling a little lazy or even it is actually simply ordinary unconcerned regarding how to make use of a few of the tools, a helper can easily help you to change the fundamentals just as lights, concentration, color, and turning of images. For this people who love their pictures in widescreen versions, the software assists you flawlessly produced photos to build an awesome picture. As well as when it is actually opportunity to reveal off your digital photography skills, you can choose amongst the graphic plan concept themes to right away print them in a details size.
This photo editing software is actually better for willing trainees along with a considerable amount of opportunity in their hands to find out the too technical attributes that would certainly scare initial time image modifying customers. It also comes geared up along with a 360 scenery course. Possibly the shiniest jewel in the planning would certainly be actually the attractive skin end result, which evens out and also removes red patches out the skin layer tone.
Whereas there's no automatic shade repair work alternative rather necessary to fixing the lousy lighting most electronic cameras drawback, there are actually still the essential functionalities of edit images. One of the most well-known misconstrued components of electronic photography is what happens once you made the photo in reality editing your pictures. Here we are going to be cover some suggestions for modifying your images, from the essentials like sharpening and edit a picture, through more complicated activities.
The crop tool permits you to change the dimension of your image, as well as also to transform the aspect ratio. You can crop an image from a rectangular form to a square form. There are many reasons you would certainly want to crop, consisting of for posting in various layouts and facet proportions. Compared to the initial, I have cropped the image with photo editing software to remove the lightning part of the right side of the pic and recomposed using the guideline of one-third. It makes the darkness screw much more the focus of photo shot. You could ask yourself why I did not simply make up effectively when making the picture. Well, in this case, I was actually preparing a very long exposure shot without having a tripod, so had the video camera stabilized on the edge of the sidewalk for stability. That extremely much restricted my capacity to perfectly frame the minute, so I just shot larger, recognizing I had to be able to crop the image appropriately after the truth. In both situations, cutting out is very straightforward as well as it is simply entails you choosing the cut out device and afterwards selecting the area you intend to maintain with your touchpad. After that you use the changes as well as your brand-new cropped picture prepares to go.
Download free of charge the photo editing software for fast and simple edit images
Photo editing software and photo editor for Windows 10 to edit pictures or invert photos
Whenever the perspective contour in a pic is not even level, a specific of my own petty annoyances in digital photography is. Occasionally when we are actually taken up in the second, this standard rule is forgotten yet the excellent news is that editing and enhancing your shots with the photo editing software to make them degree is additionally very basic. Balancing the cam at the side of the boat dock indicated that the picture was not degree that is notably obvious to the sight anytime the image has a plainly specified horizon line, like the sea.
A leveling item is component part of the crop tool, as well as you can easily simply revolve the photo to fit. As soon as you take the level technique, a grid is going to seem to help you obtain the placement appropriate.
Leveling a photo is an actually easy task in which will get simply a few minutes, causing a much more aesthetically wowing picture.
Often if we take a photo, sections of the photo may finish up being actually shadier than we really want. We refer to the less colored locations of the photo as shadows, as well as the intense areas of the photo as highlights. Comparison has to do with accentuating the contrast between the light fixture and also dark sections of the photo. Increasing the comparison of a photo can significantly improve the graphical impact in which had, by creating the borders between these light and dark components clearer. Color scheme change is one other crucial part related to the photo editing software. You can adjust photo color or texture in every sort of ways, starting with transforming the whole heat of the image like just how yellow or blue it appears, to independently transforming the shade as well as concentration of details shades contents of a photo. I just desire to deal with some extremely simple shade modifications you are able to utilize to create your photography just a bit extra aesthetically amazing. The easiest method to adjust the color related to a photo is actually with the saturation tool from the photo editing software. That alters the appearance related to every color or texture inside an image to make it essentially saturated.
Similar to lots of modify, the key is definitely to find an ideal balance also much shading the images have a tendency to look instead unnatural. Color photos may be really helpful, and naturally white colored and also black is an excellent selection for all type of situations, particularly, construction, and also particular landscape scenes.
Photo editing software
Sometimes there will be a single thing inside a photo that you actually do just not intend to exist, just like a troublesome pimple on a friend's forehead. That is quick to clear away in almost all the leading photo editing software.
It is usually quite easy to erase any things out of an image however the photo editing software works most ideal on distinctive, small-sized things that are probably rounded by even colorations. This is since the heal device needs to replace the area you wish to remove with something else, and this functions best when it has a location nearby that looks similar. So for instance, a bright point on a face is bordered by a great deal of similarly colored skin, so the heal tool can quickly calculate what to change the pimple based on the surrounding area. This specific is usually just because the photo editing software needs to remove and replace the sector you like to remove along with another thing else, and also that does work most ideal when it has a spot near that looks the same.
Photo editing software has ended up being quite complicated and helpful and it is usually possible to adjust photograph so they end up being entirely various from the original. There certainly are definitely lots of photo editing software as well as multitudes of techniques of having the exact same or very much the same final results.
The intention very most when it comes to a lot of photos I upload procedure is actually to make them seem as all-natural as feasible. I believe this is an optimal spot to begin, even in case you intend to continue on and create much more surreal appearing pictures.
Tone variation on a photo shot is one of the main worries. The human eyes are able to typically see a broader variety of tone than the electronic camera can shot.
The significance of image editing is the process of altering a picture, simply put. But that is oversimplifying a theme that is really intricate. You can generally carry out easy photo editing strategies like edit pics rather conveniently and also rapidly however complicated techniques and also digital editing and enhancing may call for photo editing software as well as more knowledge. Photo editing software is a gadget that anyone can easily use to manipulate as well as improve images. Since images contain a boosting variety of uses, even more firms are finding techniques to reuse images as well as work with them on many networks.
0 notes
milopfrt625-blog · 5 years
Edit photos in Windows 10 with the great edit pictures
Edit a picture for trainees and experienced with many awesome features free download The definition of photo editing and enhancing is the process of adjusting a photo, basically put. Still that is simplifying a theme which is really complex. You can usually execute basic image editing techniques like edit photos relatively quickly and swiftly yet complicated methods as well as electronic editing might call for edit a picture and also more skill. Edit a picture is a gadget that anyone can make use of to adjust as well as beautify pictures. Since photos include a boosting number of usages, more services are looking for means to reuse images as well as work with them on a couple of channels. Edit a picture has actually turned into truly complex and impressive and it is usually possible to control images and so they come to be entirely various from the initial. There actually are loads of edit a picture and wide varieties of methods of accomplishing the very same or very similar end results. My intention most for many photos I publish process is actually to help make all of them seem being all-natural as you possibly read all can. I strongly believe this is a very good point to start, even in case you really want to continue on as well as develop much more surreal appearing photos. Hue variation within a photo shot is just one of the key problems. The eyes have the ability to generally see a broader variety of hue than the electronic camera possibly shot.
Download free of charge this edit a picture for fast and easy edit pics
Among the most well-known misunderstood components of digital photography is what happens once you made the photo shot as a matter of fact editing your picture. That's the time where you modify the photos you have taken, to create the final product. Editing your images is the matching of the room dark from the time long period of time back. We are most likely to be covering some concepts for editing your images, from the basics like cutting out a part of a photo and edit pictures, via extra complex activities. The cropping device allows you to change the dimension of your picture, as well as also to transform the element ratio. As an example, you can chop an image from a rectangle-shaped shape to a square form. There are many factors you would certainly wish to cropping, including for posting in various formats as well as element ratios. Compared to the initial, I have actually chopped the image with edit a picture to remove the colored part of the left-hand side of the photo and also reassembled making use of the policy of fourths. That makes the lightning screw extra the focus of the shot. When making the image, you may question why I did not just compose effectively. So in this situation, I was arranging a longish exposure shot without a camera stand, so had actually the electronic camera stabilized on the edge of the street for security. That extremely much minimal my capacity to perfectly frame the minute, so I simply shot wider, understanding I had the ability to crop the shot appropriately following the truth. In both cases, chopping is very straightforward as well as it is just involves you choosing the cut out device and after that choosing the area you intend to keep with your mouse. Then you use the modifications and also your brand-new cropped picture is prepared to go. Occasionally there will be a thing inside a photo that you really do not really wish to be there, just like an annoying dark spot on a friend's face. That is no problem to get rid of in every the leading edit a picture. It is normally uncomplicated to clear away any type of objects directly out of a photo yet the edit a picture does work well on distinctive, small things that are certainly covered by uniform shades. This is since the heal tool has to replace the location you want to remove with another thing, as well as this works best when it has a location close by that looks similar. So for instance, a pimple on a face is bordered by a great deal of similarly colored skin, so the recover device can easily calculate what to replace the dark spot based on the surrounding location. This is simply because the edit a picture needs to change out the location you need to take out together with another thing, as well as this runs optimal whenever it has a field close by that looks very same. What you need is a great deal of imagination and also a proficiency of a few of the greatest edit a picture offered in the market. Edit a picture performs possess some of the functions is actually popular for, which happens somewhat practical when you've made a decision you've like to attempt your hand on something even more high end than Insert people into photos as well as edit photos. Edit a picture may likewise import screenshots coming from video, along with distinct reports. As well as when you are actually really feeling a little bit lazy or even it is actually just plain oblivious about how to make use of a few of the tools, an assistant can easily help you to modify the essentials like lighting, focus, color, and also cutting of images. For this people who like their photos in wide scale versions, the edit a picture assists you very easily created photos to make an impressive picture. And also if it's time to show off your digital photography skills, you can selection one of the image planning design templates to right away publish all of them in a certain dimension. This edit a picture is actually most ideal for willing students along with a large amount of attend their hands to figure out the also technological functions that will terrify 1st chance picture modifying consumers. It likewise comes equipped along with a full circle panorama system. Possibly the glossiest gem in the bundle would be the beautiful skin effect, which evens out and eliminates red patches out the skin shade. While there is actually no automatically color solution alternate very essential to repair work the substandard lighting up most electronic video cameras squeeze, there are actually still the common functions of edit photos.
Edit a picture or sharpening is excellent with the edit a picture and image editor for beginners
In some cases when we take a picture, components of the picture might finish up being shadier than we desire. We describe the brighter spots of the image as darkness, and also the intense spots of the shot as high light. Comparison is about emphasizing the distinction between the light fixture and also dark sections of the image. Raising the comparison of a photo can drastically improve the visual influence in which has, by making the borders in between those light and dark areas clearer. Shade adjustment is an additional essential item related to the edit a picture. You are able to change picture color scheme in all type of means, starting with transforming the overall character of the photo such as how blue or green it shows up, to separately changing the hue and saturation of certain colors contents of a photograph. We simply would like to go over a few very basic color modifications you can use to make your pictures simply a little bit a lot more visually impressive. The best solution to correct the color or texture of an image is definitely using the saturation device from the edit a picture. That adjusts the visual appeal related to every color scheme within an image to produce it basically condensed. As with several changes, the trick is definitely to get an effective balance excessive coloring the pictures have a tendency to seem instead not naturally made. Shading images can be actually pretty effective, and naturally bright white as well as black is an exceptional selection for almost all type of situations, particularly, architecture, and specific panorama views. When the perspective line in a photo is not level, a particular of my personal casual nuisances in digital photography is. Often when we are taken up in the second, this fundamental policy is failed to remember but the excellent news is that modifying your images with the edit a picture to make them degree is also extremely easily done. Stabilizing the camera at the edge of the boat dock suggested that the photo was not degree that is particularly notable to the sight whenever the image has a plainly specified horizon line, like the seashore. This degree device is element of the cropping item, as well as you can just spin the photo to match. The grate will certainly seem to aid you obtain the positioning ideal when you use the edit a picture. Regularize a photo is a truly straightforward task this will certainly take simply a number of seconds, resulting in a lot more visually hitting the spot photograph.
0 notes
ginasthoughtdump · 7 years
Addiction, therapy, future, mental illness, bad social constructing, and the huge danger of boredom
These questions keep coming up in my head and I haven't done a brain dump on these specific thoughts to get them out, so here we go:
1. Are people addicted to drugs because the chemicals have addicting attributes of is it more than that?
2. Are there better alternatives to therapy and why do we think the current models work?
3. Is mental illness genetic or the life experiences you encounter through living?
4. Do we give enough concern to the problem of "boredom" and it's correlation to depression?
5. Are the people designing our new social world really qualified to do so and what adverse effects are the results of these design?
A study that was done in 1978 tested the addiction to morphine in rats that I think is highly relevant today. Now there we plenty of other studies before that showed rats would prefer morphine water over plain water and that it was addicting and blah blah blah. The difference here is Alexander made a rat park, basically Disneyland for rats. When this alternative was introduced the rats, who are social creatures like us, took the regular water over ol' bama water( Alabama has the highest opioid use in the country). The idea being that if you give rats and therefore humans rewarding alternatives, you have less drug use.
(study) https://www.summitbehavioralhealth.com/…/overview-rat-park…/
I was talking with my kid who knows people who have addiction issues as many of us do now considering it will only be a matter of time before we all have a loved one in the same boat. One thing she noticed was that the people she knew that were home-schooled all seemed to jump right into every drug known to man once they got to the real world. She thought it was because they were deprived from the experiences of interaction and then kind of went loose with all the sensory enhancing once they got a chance. This is kind of what is happening in rural areas everywhere. Most addicts when interviewed in these small towns will tell you there is literally nothing to do here besides drugs. Of course there is no real job opportunity, no future of that changing, and it doesn't help that Big Pharma has just been allowed to send pallets of dangerous drugs to cities without any oversight. (Link) https://www.vox.com/…/opioid-epidemic-painkillers-west-virg…
Two things interest me in this information. One is that you could probably see a map of the issues with Opioids and where places have dick all to do, Buckeye ring a bell? Apache Junction isn't known for its parks people.
The other is this conservative idea that the decline of western society is in divorce, the liberal agenda, and not wanting to have this nuclear family model from the 60s. The way they combat this is by homeschooling their kids to hide them from influence and liberal programming. The problem is the result of this is drug addiction is ramping up more kills than Mortal Kombat.
The bible belt is hit very hard by drugs, my kid pointed out some terrible success rates with the rates of the kids she knows that were raised in home school christian settings and their battle with drugs. One example is two brothers both dying from alcohol excess, one a complete shut in with a heroin problem, the other who just slammed a bottle of fireball after heart surgery due to the effects. Overall it was 8 out of 10. The ones that joined the military seemed to avoid the issue the rest were swept away.
So the question is how dangerous is boredom? How dangerous is not having prospects of a future? I think the rat park is an example of idle hands make devil's work. We know that parents that get their kids into extracurricular activities have better outcomes but considering that most poor areas don't have the option of one job, and purchasing soccer outfits for kids, this may be a luxury of the rich. Rehab is a pipe dream for most poor people as well. Job opportunity and college plans is also a luxury of the affluent as much as the model of one parent working per household. So how do you combat and epidemic that poor people cant fix without an economic plan to shift poor and bored to middle class and working? Not by cutting funding but that is another debate. There is a finding that shows poverty is linked to mental health issues as well which makes perfect sense and the ramifications on addiction fall perfectly in line with that sense. (link) https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2016/10/30/499777541/can-poverty-lead-to-mental-illness
So how do you combat the addiction we now know exists? This idea of habit forming is true and dangerous if you don't respect it but do you heal the mind or do you fix it chemically? Some people have been going to extremes in the psychedelic frontier but I think they're missing something in some areas and completely bullshit in others. Where does the mental illness reside? Some think it is in your DNA. Others believe that is its a genetic trigger, like you are born with the genetic disposition but if certain events happen then the genes change. One example is how you can be predestined to develop breast cancer but it never triggers. Another is a linking between smoking at an early age can cause your child to be overweight. One other study was done on the MAOA, the warrior gene, or psychopath gene to some. The study showed that if certain environmental factors did not happen the gene would not trigger and the person would not be more impulsive of violence. (link) https://www.psychologytoday.com/…/evol…/201410/gene-violence
So how do you go about fixing yourself? Reset the brain with mushrooms? Do some therapy while on ecstasy? Microdosing LSD? Go on a Ayahuasca retreat? Take some electric volts to the brain? How bout regular therapy or counseling? I think you first got to find out one thing. Is your mental disorder something you are born with or something you were wired with through environment?
I tend to think it is the latter and here is my evidence. PTSD is a good example of something that was triggered through an event. Now some could say you were predisposed to be effected more so than someone else but they cant deny when it changed from dormant to affecting the individual. Another is the way they treat Schizophrenic behaviors with electric shock. They could literally wipe your brain of the existence of the disorder if you didnt mind losing your memory. This is a very good documentary on the subject of Bi-Polar but I want to note 2 things here. Most people dont just have one disorder, a ton have PTSD and considering they didnt look like vets I can assume their childhood was one of nightmares. The other is the woman who didnt want to lose her memory for the cure. Memory is paramount in these disorders even if you make a case for genetic predisposition you would also have to admit that environment plays a huge role in all these and in some it is seems like it is 100% that. (link) https://youtu.be/eyiZfzbgaW4
I believe the big reason why therapy works is because you play out the trauma over and over and talk about the terrible things you endured to someone. This could be a friend that doesn't mind hearing the story over and over or a therapist. I think the addition of medication is scary but as a stop gap I can see this as a necessity in a small timeline but there are a ton of adverse effects that are dangerous if going unchecked. Most mass shooters were on some anti depressants or adhd meds. This is why the holistic view garners some respect if used in logical ways and for a short time as well. Case in point is that you cant overdose on marijuana. So holistic does trump pharmaceutical if you cant die from it or the side effects of a pill meant to help you be happy makes you want to harm yourself and others. PTSD effected military folks have been swept under the rug by subscribing them some meds and sending them on their way. This is not being monitored by therapists but by doctors who get kick backs from the industry that benefits solely on people using more and more of their drugs. As you can see, business is good. (pic) https://margaretfarenger.files.wordpress.com/…/rates-of-pre…
This is an example of re-enacting trauma in a light way can repair the mind, this is similar to continuous telling of the story of your trauma. There are more elaborate studies that help people cope by recreating high quality versions of the trauma over and over till the brain can cope: (link) http://www.latimes.com/…/la-ss-morningside-can-paintball-he…
Now I think most people go to far on the merits of psychedelics and definitely on the catch all uses of marijuana. There are cases where it helps and the evidence in seizures is proof in the pudding. The over exaggeration of its effectiveness on cancer when its anti inflammatory effects are equal to you using tumeric or eating blue berries. Now I do think that if you were to take some ecstasy and focus on therapy, either talking about trauma or working out relationship issues, the different perspective and openness could make what would have been a toxic conversation one that is more easy to cope with. They have shown similar success with drugs like Ketamine and huge effects with mushrooms.
Now if you were to take ecstasy and sit there and talk about a bunch of bullshit like music or how could a mouse have a dog for a pet in Disney films, you are not getting shit out of the experience. The same could be applied to doing a bunch of psychedelics and going to burning man, what would you really learn from that? Intentions matter is all im saying. Other drugs like Ayahuasca and mushrooms have a different effect but the results on heroin addicts cannot be ignored. This isnt because you became one with the universe but the effects that brain wiring has on your life. If you were raised in a household where love meant violence and calm could be interrupted by chaos in any moment, you would have some fucked up wiring. It would effect the relationships you choose and the friends you can keep. There are ways to rewire the brain with actions. This is where therapy comes into play again. Someone telling you that what you think is boring is boring because your wiring needs enough positive links to love and relationships before it is wired to normal. The same reason why habits are formed like drinking while gaming, or the need to workout once you missed a day. (link) http://bigthink.com/ex…/how-to-rewire-your-brain-for-success
These drug may have an effect of getting their sooner by escalating the progress and putting you in a frame of mind to take it in more. Now these effects are fleeting but with practice and focus on the therapy and not just watching a shit Dead cover band you may get there without the danger of mood altering drugs that can have terrible reactions.
So what about our current social mediums? Do they actually do what we need them to do? Many people have talked about the dangers of social media and the addiction to likes. Here is a study which ranks them on how bad each one sucks but I have an idea behind why. (link) https://www.forbes.com/…/…/2017/05/31/instagram-depression/…
Here is a study showing the uptick in stress issues as a whole: (link) https://youtu.be/vqevGkjuLW0
Now most of these can be contributed to the asshole in charge, health care(mental as well), and economic concerns. 30% showed concerns about trust in government as well. Overall, people are not mentally better than they were last year and there are plenty of studies that show stressed households or classrooms can have huge effects on learning and stress in general. Stress is deeply tied to your health in a biological way as well so it is cause for concern.
I don't want to get to far down the rabbit hole but I think it is because we have people who have no idea how to talk to people creating social media apps. We have people that have no idea on dating making dating apps. That these applications dont take into account what is best for the user but what is best for making money and in return programming people to behave in a way that makes the developers money and provides mild success in the results desired by the person.
For example, the interfaces are one indicator that no one cares how you think. No one needed a tile interface for Windows 8/10 but here we are. Games are designed for in app purchasing and are curbing gamers to be loot and grind hounds that keeps them playing an unrewarding experience for continued activity and not a desire for rewarding game play. FB does a few things right but there are no ways to actually meet real people compared to AOL chat rooms in the 90s where a ton of people found love. World Of Warcraft does a better job match making friends/lovers than the current offerings and the reason why that is could be attributed to the way the app makes its money. Snapchat rewards users by encouraging them to stay active and post often which in turns means more ad clicks etc. None of these reward the user in the ways they want, you get a few clicks but no fill for the loneliness.
Use FB,IG, SC, Tinder all you want but in the end you will be no better off than when you started since there is nothing gained. I can use it to dump my thoughts into the ether but I dont expect anyone to read it, and no reward will be given for the effort. It has its merits but they are few. FB is great for connecting to the family and friends you already know but rewards you by making meaningless fake friends with no geographical filtering. Friends without the actual benefits of being one. It is devoid of filtering to location, unlike Tinder. Tinder on the other hand is devoid of emotion, information, and compatibility. You are given enough to explain yourself in emoticons and maybe your dick size :) but all you did was find out of someone 5 miles away swiped right, which is usually done be default for people not wasting time. So you match and it is cool you are close but now you have to sift through all the fake matches and see if you are compatible by having shitty after shitty conversation with people too busy maintaining their social media presence to respect your time. Also beware of neckbeards and the crazies. Other sites like OKCupid have personality matching by asking questions, sounds cool until you realize you match with an 80 year old woman or man in Novia Scotia, too bad they didnt have age or location sorting. It is no wonder ghosting exist, that people have moved their respect of the fake meaningless friends that accrue on social media and it has bleed over to someone literally unswiping you in front of your face and not caring about a human they were intimate enough to reply with one sentence over a text.
Twitch(Also any live shows with chat) is an interesting case for me. People watching gamers play is a simplified term for what it really is. The parts, well some, missing in other applications. For example, FB should have geographical filtering so Tinder half asses it. FB should have ways to talk to others and socialize so another app will half ass the lack of it by creating something that almost gives you everything but not quite to keep you along. Twitch fills in the gap of chatrooms no longer existing but also plays to a need of the socially awkward in the guise of gaming. What it really is, is a sense of community without the need for working on your social interaction skills. This is what is lacking in the current apps, this is why men cant put together 3 sentences before they say "I hope you get raped" for being ignored. So they go into a chatroom while someone is gaming who is successful because they talk to the discontent and not because they are good at them. These people are the therapists, a way to belong while remaining awkward. They can have one sided conversations with other regulars but they can still have a connection with the streamer of vlogger who reads their comments and validates them.
You really do have to appreciate the gift of gab, especially when it pays to keep the fans relevant, if you watch the successful ones they are really good at stringing people along and keeping then engaged by responding, the game is secondary: (link) https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Fortnite
It is no wonder an asshole who couldnt keep friends failed at successfully making an application where people have the same effect. They are just not capable of it sometimes, and other times your mental health has nothing to do with profits so it takes a bad seat. Much like our democracy got in the way of paid ads during our presidential campaign, we wonder why we keep getting sicker and never understand that the tools we have at our fingertips have not helped us at all but have made us worse if we put any faith in them. While developers not listening to the users in an Office suite may effect productivity, and a developer not listening to a user on a game may effect entertainment. Social media applications can effect your life, your stress levels, your sleep, your job, your mental health. So we better make damn sure we take that into account when we keep looking to them for happiness when I know they can never bring it.
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vvlpine-blog · 7 years
5 Greatest Kik Mods Of 2016
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KIK is a social network for actual pals, create your personal web page, and Pisyvajte with your friends.  You should be capable to install Kik Messenger app easily but when set up fails, first test and ensure that you have allowed set up of apps outside Google Play Retailer by checking the 'Unknown Sources' possibility in your Android telephone / tablet's safety settings.
In case you are concerned about compromising the safety of your own home pc, simply take the steps crucial to make sure that you've gotten the best anti virus and anti malware safety on your pc earlier than you go forward and try to obtain a Kik Messenger APK file.
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It is vitally simple to obtain and set up kik apk on LAPTOP but you need an Android Emulator to do so. This Android Emulator is a software to run Android Apks on Home windows COMPUTER. BlueStacks is a very stable android emulator when in comparison with different android emulators.
Download Kik Messenger APK newest version for Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, LG, HTC, Lenovo and all different Android phones, tablets and gadgets..KIK for COMPUTER Free Messenger Download on Home windows ,,. Guide to obtain KIK for Windows LAPTOP. Kik APK App free Download for Android KIK login Online.
One other threat that comes with downloading a modded Kik app is that to be able to install it in your system, you must change the security setting to permit kik apk android 2.3.6 set up of recordsdata from unknown sources.” This implies the developer and distributor of the software will not be acknowledged by the producer of your system or the Android OS as a reliable contributor.
Not only is this the simplest way of utilizing Kik Messenger however it is the solely totally safe approach of doing so. Millions of individuals do it like that but additionally many people use Kik Messenger from their house computers, so it's entirely up to you to decide what would suit you better.
You will need to highlight that the only official or licensed sites to download the Kik Messenger app from are the official app stores together with the Google Play app store, the Amazon app retailer, the Apple app store, the Home windows app retailer.
It is also handy to know the way to obtain an APK file if you're occupied with utilizing an older model of the Kik Messenger file (whether it could be in your good telephone, some other cellular gadget, or residence pc), or if you wish to an Android emulator on your PC with the intention to run the Kik Messenger app.
Did not open WiFi for like 4 days only and when i received again to open my WiFi and open my kik, i found that kik did not present me any message from the chats i had already and only sending me messages of immediately (the day i opened the wifi at solely).
The one thing we can tell you about it if that in case you are intending to transfer the APK file to your good cellphone or mobile device after you downloaded utilizing an Android emulator (for instance, in case you are wanting to put in an older version of the Kik Messenger app), you'll need to change your safety settings in your cellular gadget.
Every time somebody needs to obtain an APK file from , we'll examine the corresponding APK file on Google Play and permit person obtain it straight (in fact, we'll cache it on our server). Virtually everyone using Kik Messenger knows about these faux camera instruments and apps.
There is only one approach to download KiK Messenger APK on iOS and that is by installing from iTunes Store. So, After understanding latest options you may obtain Kik app from beneath obtain link. On your authentic Kik Messenger, almost immediately upon sending a message you see an S” in the read receipt letting you realize the text has efficiently gone out of your system to the Kik Messenger servers.
Modded Kiks are unauthorized versions of Kik Messenger which have been changed not directly. After successful installation, you could place the Data / OBB file in the best place. Nonetheless if you don't own an Android smartphone, then additionally you needn't fear at all as you possibly can obtain KiK Messenger for LAPTOP easily by following our guide.
Initially, KIK was developed by a group of students finding out on the College of Waterloo in Canada in the yr 2009. Regardless of the distinctive characteristic it has, Kik is able to operating smoothly in Android devices. Launch the Kik Messenger app , for the first-time consumer it needs registration course of.
On this article we'll show all you want to know to download Kik Messenger APK information so that you can do precisely that: use Kik Messenger from your property laptop. Nonetheless, in case you are after the latest version of the Kik Messenger app, it might take significantly longer to find it. So, be patient and ready to spend time till you find precisely what you're searching for.
Kik Apk is an easy and powerful instrument for the Android consumer in the recent instances for chatting. Here in Techroasted, we'll provide you all associated information about Kik messenger apk file download. However, if you want to obtain the most recent Kik Messenger APK in your phone and set up it manually, then you can do so utilizing the link given under.
Kik for PC messenger lets you alternate messages with another Kik messenger consumer over the data connection or Wi-Fi. Normally, just about any Android emulator will do the trick when it comes to utilizing the Kik Messenger app in your laptop, however if you additionally need to use other apps or play on-line games, and so on.
Note: Please remember that only share the original and free apk installer package deal for Kik 9.1.zero.3591apk file without any modifications or any alterations within theapk file package for illegal activities. Keygen / File size: 2 MB / Total downloads: 2526 2 days ago Revit 2011 Crack Serial Keygen-AppCracks-Obtain Suite.
Earlier, now we have already instructed you that KIK APK is a free instant messaging app which is obtainable on Google Play Store and App Store. People who are in keen on looking for new individuals from anyplace at anytime can now just obtain kik messenger in your device and begin connecting with many people world wide right here.
If you do not discover this app don't fret just read this article utterly to amass one of the best of Kik messenger software One of the best advantage of this app is no want to offer the telephone quantity. But for those who want to obtain the KIK APK file then you may download them from the trusted website easily.
Kik messenger APK 7.9.zero.143 is tremendous best APK communication app to connect with which provides you a greatest social experience. In case you are prepared to download the appliance then you may go to Google Play Store or different app store on your telephone and search for Kik Messenger app.
You may search KIK APP in your Google Play retailer and begin downloading utilizing good web alerts. Kik Messenger Apk is an fascinating alternative to giants like WhatsApp or LINE. It is because whenever you obtain the Kik Messenger app free of charge from an app store, you are additionally downloading the apk file without any further effort.
All Kik logos and images are the only copyright of Kik Interactive and are used for instructional functions. Kik for Android is definitely an advance messaging utility that has varied options in your convenience. The most recent version of Backup & Restore for kik is 1.2.1. It was released on You'll be able to download Backup & Restore for kik 1.2.1 directly on Over 126 customers ranking a common 3.2 of 5 about Backup & Restore for kik.
Sure, emojis, with you could communicate whatever involves your thoughts along with your pricey ones regardless of wherever you might be both in school or schools or anywhere else KIK always acquired lined. If this sounds a bit of bit too highfalutin to you, all it boils all the way down to is that APK file is the name of the file that Android functions (such as the Kik Messenger app).
Remaining Words: Now we have shared Kik Apk Download For Android, Kik Apk Free Download For PC, and Kik App for Home windows Laptop computer Obtain Windows 7/eight/8.1/10. It is vitally straightforward to download the KIK APK both from Google Play Store or App Store, but in case when you don't wish to download the app then you'll be able to go for KIK APK file from the advisable sources.
Right here on this web site We now have intention provide you with the most recent breaking information and videos straight direct to you with none delay. Kik apk has the ability of sending messages, footage, videos, voice cuts, doc recordsdata or every other shared things unlimitedly.
The most typical modifications made by the varied Kik mod apps are adjustments to the graphics interface. There are loads of different features on this APK as properly which you'll be able to discover after installing it in your machine. Download Kik Messenger Apk permits the users to talk in actual time (forwards and backwards).
Downloading the app could not be less complicated as it's formally out there on Google App Store as well as iOS App Retailer. Nonetheless, you should utilize KiK Messenger on Mac iOS gadgets by downloading BlueStacks or a dmg file of the app. Step 4: Now connect your cellphone to the COMPUTER and switch the Kik Messenger apk file.
It is not doable to download Kik Messenger directly to your pc from an official app retailer. Kik Messenger applies no limits to how many textual content, pic, or video messages you ship. You possibly can download kik for windows7, 8 and for home windows 10. Kik is rising in popularity amongst kids and kids.
Inside BlueStacks, open Google PlayStore and obtain the Android model of Kik. The only vital thing to find out about that is that, without anapk file, Kik Messenger can't run on any gadget (and this may additionally embody your house computer). By utilizing kik on pc, you'll be able to connect with your mates and relations without driving up your telephone bill.
To install Kik Messenger app in your Android system for free, comply with these directions. Kik messenger apk can share doc files, voice messages and simply can discover connections for brand spanking new mates. You can send and obtain messages, photographs, videos, mobile net pages, sketches and a whole lot of content material through Kik and all you have to do is register together with your username and you are good to go.
Now click on on the downloaded APK file and then hit the Set up button and settle for all the phrases and situation of the applying. Kik Apk for Android permits users to ship text messages, footage and chatting collectively in real time. This is not saying that the one that developed the mod is a foul programmer or has bad intentions simply that they are not related to Kik Messenger and their modifications haven't been verified or licensed by Kik Interactive.
Some individuals like earlier versions of the Kik Messenger app, and these are very straightforward to search out on-line. Now the one factor we glance into Kik messenger is the screen size of video calls. KiK Messenger is one of the most used chat apps in US and with a 4 star rating on iTunes, you should download KiK Messenger for iPhone as it's a useful app additionally.
Tried for 30 minutes,lost me temper with it,so no longer have anything to do with kik. One setback although, Kik was solely designed by its builders for iOS, Android and Windows Mobile only. KIK APK is an software that provides you a whole answer to online communication.
Subsequently, if you wish to obtain the KIK APK file on your system then simply go and go to the suggest website and obtain it. Or you can directly tap on the link under to obtain the KIK APK file in your gadget. Now, you can start searching for the brand new buddies and can spend your time on this greatest chatting apk app.
Click on the above link to proceed to the apk file download page or app purchase page. This is the only app that may backup and restore your entire kik conversations. You probably have the smallest suspicion a particular APK download site may include any of these, then you shouldn't download something from it. You will by no means be capable to know if any of the websites providing APK file download are one hundred pc safe.
If you want to use Kik Messenger on your house computer, you have to to download an Android emulator first. Kik Apk helps us to ship messages, pictures, videos, Emojis and Gif file with our mates and folks. However utilizing Kik Messenger in your pc isn't the only motive for downloading APK recordsdata.
Kik Messenger comes with an integrated browser that permits us to go different hyperlinks without closing this software. Full step-by-step tutorial is given on the way to set up Kik Messenger 7.5.zero.121.0 APK manually. Kik messenger has a lot of new options like video name, voice name, prompt messages, instant backup, restoring backup instantly and rather more.
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