#also evil powers seem way stronger than the light ones
thefooljester · 2 days
creepypasta+ marble hornets jealousy headcanons
features: the slenderman, eyeless jack, jeff the killer, timothy w. [masky], brian t. [hoodie], ticci toby
reader: not specified
warnings: canon-typical violence [non graphic. implied], implied smut content [non graphic]
• Honestly, I think the Slenderman is actually pretty good at handling his emotions, especially those that make him a bit more human(e) than he'd like to admit ;)
• For once, I think he's hardly ever pushed to a point where he feels like he isn't in control of a situation. He's, well, an anomaly, an entity, a spirit, a God - he shouldn't care about mortal problems and instead ease your burdens as you are cursed with this wretched lifespan and a mind far too complex to comprehend.
• As a natural protector and provider, the Slenderman easily is the dominant one in a relationship. He makes most of the important calls and he's assertive enough to stand his ground whenever a choice has to be made. He also...likes doting on you. He thinks you're precious.
• Which is why he probably struggles with people who enter your life as a mentor. Whether it's professors, tutors or just people you clearly respect, the Slenderman feels like his position as your unique partner is threatened because these ...people can teach you valuable skills and life lessons whereas he can, at best, teach you his strange ways.
• At his core, though he wouldn't want to admit it, his pride comes from a place of askew values and thus, he'll automatically think less highly of himself if you seem to be thriving just fine in another's presence... It's because he doesn't really understand the difference between platonic and romantic love.
• You'll have to explain friendships and relationships to him. Deep down, he still remembers these things, but he's seen enough horrors to send him astray. He needs someone deeply patient and caring, gentle even.
• After internalizing the difference, he'll become more secure in your relationship and jealousy will be foreign to him again. Seriously.
• Jack's jealousy is hard to assess because of the strange inhabitant that shares his body. One body, two tenants... a bad omen indeed.
• The demon in him, though suppressed most of the time, is possessive - obviously. It seeks power, it seeks might and it seeks pure and utter submission from anyone that crosses it or risk being shredded to bits and eaten. Jack has a tight hold on...that thing, but in times of weakness, its urges are just that much stronger than Jack's logical mind and gentle soul.
• The demon doesn't love you. It's has a twisted infatuation with you because Jack is in love with you and that evil being lives to see him suffer, but it doesn't love you one bit.
• Still, it views you as its property because you belong to Jack, by extension... you belong to Jack's tormentor.
• The demon seeks to poison every single thought of Jack's whenever you're talking to another person... or you're gushing about someone else... or anything that makes you you. You don't deserve an identity, after all, you're bound to a demon. He should come over and teach you a lesson, take a little bite out of you... Just a little scare.
• Jack sees this entire thing very differently. He's a laid-back guy and quite trusting if you consider his unusual circumstances, plus he's brilliantly intelligent and can read you very well. He knows you like him back, he knows you fell in love with him for him, and nothing else...
• B U T Jack just loathes himself. He's hated himself for all that he's become already, he cannot view himself in a good light at all; he thinks he's a monster that deserves to be exterminated, but he really started despising himself as soon as he subjected you to being with him. He thinks he's robbed you of your own humanity.
• Look at you... beautiful, witty, funny and so warm. You feel like home, and he thinks he deprives you of your life because you deserve a boyfriend who isn't... him.
• He feels threatened when you're with other people, particularly those that are objectively attractive and intellectually gifted. It makes him incredibly insecure and he's jealous in a self-deprecating if not self-destructive way... Like, he came up with thousands of reasons why you should start dating them and break up with him right now... because look at him. Look into his empty eyes, how could you love that?
• Jack needs a lot of reassurance because otherwise he's spiraling.
• Jeff's jealousy, on the other hand, is spiteful. He's angry and he'll let everybody know about it.
• He is emotionally attached to you, as a friend, a partner and just... on a human level. He feels like he really met his match and is convinced that you're his happily ever after... which causes him to act a bit unhinged when other people decide to shoot their shot at being with you.
• Jeff, contrary to popular belief, is quite intelligent. He isn't a genius or something, but he is pretty smart and as soon as he suspects that someone else likes you, he will basically be out of control.
• He's quite touchy already but the physical affection and PDA will run rampant around the person that causes Jeff to feel even the slightest bit of jealousy.
• He trusts you because you're his and he's yours and you've proven time and time again that you're fully committed to him of all people, but he is just... possessive by nature.
• He wants to let other people know that you're taken and that he isn't keen on messing around when it comes to you. He's definitely the type to become super petty towards the third party and behave like an asshole.
• Degradation isn't beneath him, he'll call the person he's feeling jealous of names, insult their personality and scoff at them in broad daylight. Jeff's not ashamed to come across that way and he doesn't mind being disliked for it.
• In fact, he prefers it.
• The type to gossip about "that person" with you. Like, "Doll, did you see that guy? What the fuck." then cackle like a mean girl - he's terrible in the best way.
• Tim mainly feels jealous whenever his capability at being your partner is questioned, aka when he feels like someone else just seems to get along well with you...and oh, their life isn't a mess, and huh...they could protect you so well...
• He, much like Jack, thinks very little of himself because of the way his life went downhill after meeting the Operator. He thinks that just by being near you he's putting you in danger.
• Genuinely believes that he's just... incapable of being a person after all that has happened. You're such a bright light in his life, the only good thing that has happened to him in like, 10 years... and he's such an anxious, paranoid mess. He looks like he could move mountains but he's just a timid guy who's shaking in his boots whenever he needs to call someone.
• Do you really want that? Wouldn't you... be so much happier with someone who could give you stability and security? Someone who isn't plagued by an entity that could warp your entire personality until a killing machine is all that is left?
• He's basically murdered his best friend Brian in cold blood once because of his fear of the Operator... What if he loses control and lets Masky choke your life out?
• Or what if the Operator takes revenge by making you into one of them?
• Tim couldn't bear watching that life vanish from your eyes. He loves you so, so much. He loves that you care and that you hold him like a lover, he adores that you're sharing your strength with him and that you, in return, lean on him... He doesn't ever want to betray that.
• He's a sad type of jealous. Fuelled entirely by his intrusive thoughts... and his mind will be so foggy that Masky would temporarily take over, seeking control of the situation.
• Masky isn't good at expressing himself verbally because he's rough around the edges. He somehow manages to mess everything up with everyone... always too harsh, too mean and too direct. He has an overbearing personality. You still put up with him and flash him that gorgeous smile. You always know what he means... He feels like he's your soulmate.
• You usually don't get to be with Masky very often because Tim is overly protective of you. He doesn't want Masks to "corrupt" you or make you think differently of him.
• Still, Masky loves you because he and Tim share the same core identity. Both of them know that.
• Masky loves you so much... it sometimes hurts that he cannot be with you as often as he likes.
• Meaning that whenever Masky feels like Tim is on the verge of throwing this one thing away, that one thing they agreed upon being the ultimate dream - a life with you, Masky is MAD.
• He wants to burn his love into you, to remind everyone of the fact that he's (also) your man. He'll kiss you roughly, hold you close to him and stare down at you with his intense deep brown gaze. His eyes are so much deeper than Tim's.
• Tim's gaze is a gentle caress, a sweet, fond look that watches over you whereas Masky's eyes are drawing you in with passion, they're making you want to fall into his arms and be pampered.
• And they are both yours, and Masky will remind everyone that you are theirs, too.
• Hope you don't mind... marking.
• Brian rarely gets jealous. He's not an insecure man and he's perfectly content with your relationship as it is. He adores you wholeheartedly.
• That doesn't mean that he doesn't have a breaking point.
• He feels that flick of anger ignite in him whenever someone touches you in a flirty manner. He knows that look in their eyes - they're testing the waters. And you, bless your heart, though sometimes uncomfortable, always remain friendly. Your kindness is such a virtue, but Brian just boils when someone's hands are too frisky for his liking.
• Touching your lower back will make him snap his jaw shut and swallow a sound of protest.
• He knows how to behave himself. He is aware that causing a scene will only get you in trouble and embarrass you potentially. And it's not like he has some sort of ownership on you.
• You're his saving grace, he'd never want to inconvenience you.
• Well... Brian likes reassurance - the naughty kind.
• He wants to remind himself that there's nothing to worry about.
• He'll come over to you - public or not doesn't matter to him, teasing you in that way is his bread and butter - and rile you up. Fleeting touches, breaths down your neck, wet kisses and even friskier hands that squeeze all those terrible spots that never fail to draw a noise from you. In front of people. Yeah...
• Brian is relentless.
• He'll watch you like a hawk, smiling down at you as he feigns innocence, your own gaze growing hungrier by the moment. He loves watching you fall apart at his hands.
• Hoodie, on the other hand, is a surprisingly jealous man. He is nonverbal so making himself known is rather difficult, PLUS he's never out in public, but he feels what Brian feels.
• If Brian feels like someone had crossed a boundary, Hoodie knows that someone must have pushed his buttons and did something truly unacceptable.
• But... Hoodie isn't as suave. He just isn't the type - he also doesn't enjoy sexual tension as much as Brian does. He prefers the emotional aspect of love. He manifested because of Brian's fear, he's basically the place where all those outsourced feelings of inadequacy and insecurity went.
• Thus, Hoodie is a troubled guy. Brian may have some trouble forcing a smile in public - he manages though, but Hoodie only ever smiles around you. He is stoic, he is basically dead inside...and he's quite shy around you. You're the first normal person he has met and he... never thought to get to live with you.
• Hoodie wants to remind you of the deep bond you share. He instantly takes you out on a date... something cheesy, like a slow dance in the middle of his bedroom.
• He wants you to know that he'll never treat you with disrespect and always tend to your every need. Hoodie can read your expressions like a book and he knows that sometimes, overly "friendly" touching can feel uncomfortable, especially when it's not exactly welcome or unprecedented...
• Hoodie aims to make you forget about those other people. Focus solely on him and lose yourself in his doting. Come on, he knows just the song that describes his feelings for you. Listen to it and kiss him, please.
• You're such a rare treasure... so rare that Hoodie understands that others might want you, but they'll never see you for what you really are: An angel, his angel.
• Toby also gets jealous very easily but not out of distrust for you but rather because he doesn't trust anyone else to treat you right. He knows that he can be a lot, but you deserve even more than that.
• While he admires other people's taste and lowkey congrats them for wanting to be with you, but he'll also be super obnoxious about the fact that you chose him and rub it in their face.
• People always belittle him. They think he's weak, dumb and he's had his fair share of being on the receiving end of the r-slur when he grew up... Now look at him. Fucking look at him. He is working on getting his life together, he's working on himself and he has a partner who loves him and supports him no matter what.
• He won. Other people should be so jealous of him. Naturally, he makes sure they are.
• Flashes you a gummy smile that is so sickly affectionate every time you turn your head in his direction... He is so stupidly in love with you, wow... Just wow.
• His whole face lights up when you turn your attention away from other people to focus on him. Nobody's ever done that and yet it's totally in your nature. You were made for each other. You're so good to him.
• He often stands behind you when you're talking to someone else. He doesn't even focus on the conversation, he's just looking around before looking at you with so much love in his eyes... and sometimes his hands wander.
• He's so excited to show you off, to celebrate your relationship publicly... he's always so eager to hug you from behind and lay his head on your shoulder, basically smothering you. Is delighted if you do the same with him...
• He's also the type to randomly drag you into a sloppy kiss, teeth clashing and everything. But Toby doesn't want to embarrass you at all, he's just there to illustrate his affection and let everybody know.
• Is fine with sticking his tongue out at people who are clearly interested in you but cannot even talk to you properly because he's hogging your attention.
• Suck it, loser.
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elibean · 1 year
So totk didn’t really give ganondorf a motivation, huh. Just for the eviluz?
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rosie-b · 6 months
Centuries Overdue
Long ago, an evil Darkness spread across Europe, claiming the lives of many in the magic community. Trained by Plagg himself, Adrien made it his mission to stop the Darkness before it snuffed out the lives of more Mages and Talents, as it did to his own parents. Though he seemed to succeed in his mission, the pages of his old journals tell a different tale.
In the modern world, Marinette is a fashion student, working at a small library for the summer to earn extra credit. She’s never believed in magic before, but when she finds the old Agreste journals in her library, her beliefs about reality begin to crumble. Determined to find the truth, both about magic and the unsolved death of one Adrien Agreste, Marinette begins on a journey that will eventually lead her deep into the city’s catacombs, where an ancient force sleeps, but is ready to awaken once more…
Read chapter 1 on AO3 or below! I hope you enjoy 💕
Excerpt from the eighth journal of Adrien Agreste, written at Sassolungo Castle in Italy, on the first of November 1809.
There are times when I think myself unfit to be called a Traveler, much less an Adventurer, for my Heart longs for the feeling of Home above all these foreign cliffs and castles. Still, at times like this I am reminded of how necessary my Travels are and why I must continue them.
At first, my only desire was to honor my Parents. That was the Feeling, the unabating Urge, which drove me to the treacherous Forests of the Harz Mountains, to the Supljara Cave, and to even the farthest reaches of Europe, but with Time’s passing a new Desire grows within me.
There is something wild growing in the Darkness; when I close my Eyes I can feel it growing. It is a most disturbing Feeling, and one I am not alone in noticing. The Mages of Tikki and Plagg have felt it also, and have noted its Growth. It cares not for the Moon, nor the Stars, nor the Sun, but its Presence continues to spread unchecked at all times.
I fear if we do not find its cause ere the spring festivals’ start, it will prove too powerful to be Destroyed, and so I have made it my business to uncover its Secrets. This Darkening is surely a sign of a stronger, more sinister Magic, and I fear that there are things darker and still more guileful to come of it. I must make all Haste to prevent its growth, which is why I must journey to the edges of Light, to the place where my parents died…
_-*-_ _-*-_ _-*-_ _-*-_
It was Marinette’s first day at work.
The small library was much bigger than Marinette had expected, or at least it felt that way. In half an hour’s worth of shelf reading, she’d only gotten through four shelves, not nearly as many as she’d hoped to check. She had decided to blame it on the call numbers; the way they were printed on the books varied depending on when they had been added to the collection, and she was finding that made older ones difficult to read. Those numbers, written in fading black ink directly on the books’ covers, were the hardest to make out, and she’d wasted several minutes trying to tell 8s and 6s apart.
But it was almost time for her lunch break, so Marinette jotted down her progress on the chart the head librarian had given her and returned to the circulation desk, where an old man was insisting that the new computers did not work, or if they did, they were far too confusing for an eighty-year-old to understand.
“I’m just trying to log into my email account, but I can’t even find the right button to turn the thing on,” the man said, tapping his cane on the floor emphatically.
“I can help with that!” Marinette folded her paper and set it down. “If you’ll just lead me to the computer you were using, I can get you signed in, no problem!”
The other library intern, whose lunch break came just before Marinette’s, smiled gratefully at her. She grinned back. Some people didn’t like this part of the job, but to Marinette it didn’t seem so bad. Then again, it was only her first day as an intern.
“Oh, thank you!” The man seemed very relieved, and he slowly began making his way over to the computers. He lowered himself into the third chair from the left with a heavy sigh. “I’ve already tried jiggling the mouse, but I don’t know if it’s even connected, because nothing’s happening.”
Marinette frowned and glanced at the monitor. The power button was hidden at the back of the screen, so she carefully turned the monitor around to check. As she thought, the button wasn’t glowing. She pressed it once and waited for it to turn green, and within seconds, the monitor was displaying its login screen.
“There you go, sir. Log in as a guest and let me know if you have problems getting to your email. Okay?”
The man smiled and clapped his hands together, knocking over his wooden cane. “Thank yo— oh! Thank you again, miss,” he laughed as Marinette picked up the cane and handed it to him. “Don’t know why they’re hiding the important buttons behind the screen these days. Made me look like a fool, didn’t it?”
Marinette smiled. “It just takes a while to get used to. And don’t worry, I was happy to help!”
The old man waved as Marinette turned to walk back to the desk.
That wasn’t so bad, she thought cheerfully. At least I’m doing some things right at this job.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was not a librarian, nor did she have any intention of becoming one. But it was summer break, and she wanted to get a head start on internship credits for university. All the fashion houses in Paris had already chosen interns; luckily, it didn’t matter where the internship was as long as it provided some of the same skills working at a fashion house would, which this position did. It wasn’t even hard to get, since most people looking to work at a library applied to the François-Mitterrand Library, ignoring this smaller location, which was a mere municipal library not part of the BnF. The position paid decently well, and it guaranteed Marinette the extra credit she needed to give her a boost at university.
I already have a robust resume anyway, she had told herself when she’d been debating whether to apply to the little Bourgeois Library or not. Being Jagged Stone’s favorite costume and album designer has to count for something! And my designs have been featured in Style Queen a few times, too. Next year, I can have my pick of Paris’ fashion houses to work at.
It was time for Marinette’s lunch break, so she clocked out and grabbed the lunch her mother had packed. Normally, she would have gone somewhere else to make the most of her break, but she wanted to explore the library a bit more. There were lots of rooms on both levels of the renovated building, and she wanted to be able to guide patrons to the right section of books when they asked without getting lost.
With this in mind, Marinette finished her reheated croque monsieur and ventured off to explore. There were still forty minutes left of her break according to the new watch on her wrist — plenty of time to acquaint herself with the building.
The children’s area was downstairs, a colorful section full of picture books, games, movies, audiobooks, and bright-colored bean bag chairs. It wasn’t as full as it usually was, the children’s librarian said, but on weekends especially there were dozens of children and parents at a time filling the area.
On the far side of the basement was the young adult area. It hadn’t been renovated along with the rest of the building, and the gray shelves of books, old video games, DVDs, and three comic books looked unappealing to Marinette, and apparently to the rest of the young adult population, as there was only one person in the area. They sat in the lone, wooden chair by the poster advertising the youth group’s fall meeting schedule, looking at something on their laptop.
Marinette squinted as she made out the lone tuft of white hair on top of the visitor’s head. At least they’re young at heart, she thought with a shrug.
Back upstairs, there were three big rooms and one smaller one, with a central area where the laptop and computer desks sat, as well as the circulation desk, several sofas, and wood tables with cushioned chairs. Then, the three larger connected rooms — the North room held the nonfiction area, the West held fiction, and the East room had everything from large print to a kindle station to an open dictionary.
The last room Marinette visited was the smallest. It had a red carpet, large south-facing windows, a wooden globe atop a low shelf of foreign-language books, and a small, one-sided shelf of old, leather books facing the sun. On the other side of the shelf, there was a lone, wooden table in front of one red velvet chair.
Marinette walked around the room, gave the globe a couple spins, and stood by the central shelf to examine the books. A golden metal sign on it read that these were part of a special collection, and were not able to be checked out, although anyone could read them while within the library. They’d been donated by the Bourgeois family at the start of the library’s usage, and had remained there ever since.
But there weren’t any more librarians in the Bourgeois family; they had moved on to politics halfway through the last century and hadn’t looked back. Marinette supposed they were happy being richer, but a single library donation in the 1800s wasn’t enough charity work to persuade her to vote for Mayor Bourgeois in the upcoming election.
Marinette looked closer at the collection of books. Was it just her, or did it look like the old books were rusting? Small piles of red dust sat at the edges of the shelves, and the spines of many of the books were cracked, allowing her to see the threads that were binding them together.
She gingerly picked a book off the shelf, noting the cloud of dust it created; the way the spine threatened to crack in two at her touch; the brittle, yellow pages; and, with a look of disgust, the way it seemed to instantly suck all the moisture from her skin.
She immediately put the book back. Her hands were now covered in red dust from the cover.
Marinette rubbed her fingertips together, trying to get the dust off, but it seemed to have sunk deep into the lines of her skin.
Marinette headed to the bathroom and washed her hands (and then washed them again when the dust didn’t come off the first time). Her break was almost over, anyway, so she might as well head back to the desk. Before she did, she stopped in the South room one more time, looking for the name of the book’s publisher so she could know who was responsible for her mishap.
The Journals of Adrien Agreste, vol. 3, read the half-attached spine of the book, which apparently had no publisher and was more of a diary than anything else.
Well, who would put that in a library? Marinette wondered. No wonder you can’t check it out. The first thing anyone would do with it after they left the building would be toss it in the trash just to spare future patrons.
And she walked back to the desk, taking long, confident strides and silently cursing this Adrien person for writing in books that would fall apart so easily. She wouldn’t be returning to that room anytime soon.
_-*-_ _-*-_ _-*-_ _-*-_
Excerpt from the eighth journal of Adrien Agreste, written in Munich, Bavaria, on the fourth of November 1809.
Being an Orphan is less tragic than one might expect. It puts me in good company, and it guarantees a kind of Sympathy from most people I meet. Emphasizing the sorrowful Look of a young Orphan helped me secure many a meal when I was younger and traveling, often Alone, back to Plagg’s cave after my parents’ death. Nevertheless, when I am by myself, I am struck by the Guilt and Sorrow I felt on the day I lost them… Some wounds take too long to heal.
Since to the best of my Memory I have never written about the Disaster before in these journals, I suppose I should put it here. It wouldn’t do to let it be forgotten, after all, and it may aid me in recalling the Dangers of Blå Jungfrun, the destination of this journey.
My mother’s Spirit was more adventurous than my father’s; the voyage to Blå Jungfrun was her Idea. There used to be a circle of Mages on the island, but an inhospitable Darkness drove them out. My mother wanted to see if, since much Time had passed since then, the island was safe once more, and she planned to do this using her Talent. My father was against the idea at first, arguing that neither of them had the ability to use Magic, only to detect and defend it through their Talents.
At that time, it was unknown to me that I had a Mage’s Gift, not the simpler Talent my parents had. They were afraid of the dangers Mages face, and tried to spare me from Harm by holding the knowledge of my magic back from me. Untrained as I was, I could not even sense Magic, and I was completely dependent on my parents to sniff out Curses and other Evils for me. My father mentioned this, too, but my mother was unswayed.
To her sensible mind, the Talents of my parents were more than enough to protect themselves and me from lurking Dangers. And no-one had visited Blå Jungfrun in nearly a century. Whatever Darkness once lived there, it had nothing to sustain it. Surely, it must be dead, she told my father.
Wanting to please his wife, and trusting in her own trust, he agreed to take me to Blå Jungfrun, island of the Blue Maiden.
The journey through Sweden was pleasant from what I remember. There are two groups of Mages in the South of that country, Ravlunda’s group being the largest. I plan to stop there on my own journey, which I pray will not be as ill-fated as my parents’ was.
Departing for Blå Jungfrun from Oskarshamn, my parents took a small boat, protected by Charms given to them by the Mages of Ravlunda. I went with them, and my clothes were similarly protected by Charms for extra safety, while my parents did not wear charms on theirs. There was one Mage from Oskarshamn who came with us, and she had the foresight to wear already-charmed clothing. That is how she and I escaped from the Dark Island.
The Island itself is nothing special. There are trees and rocks covering a large hill, which is otherwise barren. The locals have long feared that place, and call it the Mountain of Witches. They are not far off, except in time, since the Mages have long abandoned it.
The Ocean’s strange waves had floated the Boat a little way from the Shore; since there was no dock to tie our boat to, this had been expected. My parents and the Mage waded out to the boat where I still was, having spent less than five minutes on Shore, and that is when the Darkness struck.
It had sensed our Presence, and gathered into a Storm, fully visible even to me, and too powerful to be banished by the Mage. It was all she could do to keep the boat, and me in it, afloat as it threatened to capsize and was pulled still further out. By now my parents had to swim, their feet unable to touch ground under the water, and the Mage as well. I was frightened and did not know what to do, though I strove with all my might to row the boat back to my parents, and all the while the Darkness was growing until at last a Tendril reached out from the storm and dragged my mother fully under the waves.
My father dove in after her, thinking to save her, as the Mage climbed into the boat and cast a protective Spell just strong enough to create a sphere of safety in the Storm. We searched and searched as the Storm raged on, hoping to find my parents resurfaced, or to see their forms in the water and haul them into the Boat. But they were forever lost to the Darkness. We never found them, and for our own safety, the Mage determined that we must head away from the Island, which was the only place the Darkness seemed to draw power from.
I went back to Plagg’s cave, which is hidden in the Harz mountains, and stayed with the Mages there until I was old enough to take up my parents’ mission and travel again, recording the Darkness, keeping peace between Mages as their countries went to war again and again, and eventually learning of the Magic that was hidden inside me.
I have been lucky enough to take lessons from Plagg himself during his visits to the Cave, however impossible to understand and often of little help to a peaceful traveler like myself said Lessons are.
But now, if the Darkness is spreading, then I will need all the spells he taught me and more.
As I set out to the Blue Maiden, I plan for my journey to be a slow one. This is only in part due to the Ocean not being safe during winter. I will stay in Bavaria for a while and take lessons from the Mages of Mullo. Then I will move on to Leipzig and Berlin, should the fighting (for there is always War now) allow it, and finally to Świnoujście and from there to Sweden. Along the way, I hope to gather a small group of stout-hearted Mages to aid me in my Fight.
I must take the Time to carefully prepare to face whatever twisted Mage is at the heart of this Darkness, for I grow ever surer that there is one. Darkness does not move on its own, but it relies on Servants to work for it.
Let those Servants beware, for if I find them, I will not show them Mercy.
Author’s note: This is the first chapter of my fic for the @mlbigbang!! There are eight chapters total and I’ll be updating weekly, on Thursdays. I’d like to thank all the mods for helping this event go smoothly, my three beta readers (Angel, Helios, and my sister @poorschilpad) for keeping me on track, and my two amazing artists, @acise and @nireu-art for their crazy cool work. You guys are the best! 💕
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kakuzatos · 2 years
kobeni’s devil
!! spoilers for chainsaw man !!
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so, episode 9 came out and i watched it with vigor. as expected, kobeni slayed this episode and didn’t disappoint me with her moves. damn, she was quick. you really can’t have a pure hatred for kobeni, it will always have love in the mix. 
and while i was thinking about her, i got curious about her devil again. really, what is this big secret... why was she the only one who got out alive after 100 chapters while other characters like aki and power were ultimately killed off? she surely has relevance in the plot and there is a reason why her devil is concealed as a secret. a devil like that would be thought of as a dangerous one because kobeni can’t even say its name. 
naturally, i go to a full-on zoning out session thinking of the many possibilities of kobeni’s devil. 
i. well, first, i thought of the possibility of her being a devil that has a human-like appearance like makima, yoru and fami. that is a good theory, but her having a family and a brother denounces it a bit. i’m not saying that devils don’t have families and aren’t capable of being raised by one (makima was raised by the government, that’s why she’s like the way she is, if that ever counts as a family). i’m not particularly fond with this one, though, since kobeni is pretty much the most human person in the whole cast. i mean, look at her. 
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scared shitless. if she was a devil, she would’ve been happy. devils thrive on fear, they don’t live with it. that would be pretty fun, though. 
ii. moving on. she could have a contract with the death devil. it’s probably the most overstated theory and for good reason. first of all, i’ve read this comment in a reddit post about a totally unrelated, regardless interesting, observation on chapter 113.
the comment reads: 
Getting back to my tangent about the Four Horsemen: the Four Horsemen are unique because, unlike normal devils, who only use fear, the Horsemen are each able to use one of the four emotions unique to humans, listed by the Doll Devil in ch 63:
Conquest uses Worship (aka reverence). So long as humans revere her, they hold her in a "higher place", allowing her to control them. Put from her POV, that means that, so long as the human is "lower" than her, she can control them.
Conquest bends the "rules" around devil contracts in two ways. The first way is obvious - she can force "lesser" humans to submit to her contracts. The second way is by being able to claim ownership over other devils. This means that, unlike a normal devil, Conquest can use other devils like as though they were part of her own body. This gave her the ability to use Angel's powers as though they were her own. This also means she could offer the bodies of other devils in her contracts, as we saw with Aki and the Gun Devil.
War uses Guilt. The greater the guilt she feels, the stronger the weapon she creates. The irony here is that War is so selfish and so absent of the understanding of right and wrong that she's unable to feel much guilt over anything she does. She blames Pochita for her current weakness, but really, she's inherently pretty weak compared to the other Horsemen, just because of this anti-synergy with her own power.
War bends the "rules" by forming completely lopsided "contracts". Like Makima, Yoru removes the human's consent from the equation - if she claims ownership, so long as it's something she can touch, she can weaponize it. But the person turned into a weapon gains nothing from it, the only benefactor is Yoru. Completely one-sided "contracts".
Famine uses Adoration/Respect. We'll see what this means exactly later, but I think I kind of touched on it in my other comment. War and Famine are a yin and yang duo - Yoru is "night", while the heart of Justice "shines with light". And while Yoru is completely selfish and devoid of the understanding of good and evil, Famine seems stuck doing things for others (in other words, is "selfless"), all while being very concerned with the understanding of good and evil. Yoru's power is based on guilt, aka, being able to sense the evil in yourself. So hence, I suspect Famine's "Respect"-based powers are based on being able to sense the good in other people.
Famine bends the "rules" by also forming completely lopsided contracts. The difference is, while Yoru only takes... as Yuko pointed out, Justice only gives. My guess is that, if Famine senses that a human is "good", she can form zero-cost contracts.
Death uses Pity. Pity is the feeling you get when you watch other living things suffer. The idea that Death gets stronger from feelings of pity sends shivers down my spine...
This is especially the case if it's true that every Horseman is trying to cancel out the source of their own power. Conquest's dream is to form equal, nonhierarchical, relationships, which flies in the face of a being whose power is based on hierarchy. So if Death wants to be rid of the "source of its power", too, then wouldn't it have to get rid of all suffering?
notice something about death. death is also powered by pity. kobeni is pretty damn pitiful in almost all her screentime, manga or anime, except her fabulous show in episode 9. but she did experience a lot of torment and she is generally seen as pitiful. maybe, just maybe, that pity she gets from other people is what feeds the death devil. and having to survive all what happened in the past arcs, i wouldn’t be surprised if she ever was involved with such a mortifying devil like the death devil. she dodged death in multiple occasions, it’s like death sided with her. another thing, in hell or chapter 63-64, the darkness devil didn’t even try to kill her. maybe it’s scared?
it’s also such a fun concept to think about. this traumatized girl who is about to shit herself has a contract with the death devil. fucking metal. the thought alone deserves its own book. 
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iii. kobeni has a contract with the luck devil! a lot of people agree with this one! i don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck, though. she seems to somehow have both, so i’m not sure. many people do lean into the idea of a “chance devil”, but i’m pretty certain, if that was the case, it would be the “bad luck” or “misfortune” devil. if there was a luck devil, why would anyone fear good luck? it would’ve been extremely weak because, in retrospect, no one would fear good luck. 
so, bad luck. in this article, it stated that kobeni somehow feeds the bad luck devil with her own bad luck and fear, explaining why she doesn’t sacrifice her body parts. 
although this is good, personally i don’t favor it too much. fujimoto is known for his chaotic direction of his manga and always being spontaneous that you can’t predict it, but it’s done so, in a way, that it’s orchestrated. hints are left, foreshadowing is present; it’s chaotic but makes sure to make sense to us too. a good story should make sense while maintaining its unpredictability. so, a death devil is already hinted. a bad luck devil is not. (yet) 
well, this theory will just have to wait for a while. maybe, there will be a time when a bad luck devil will appear or get mentioned. 
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iv. in this post, kobeni is theorized to be contracted with a devil connected to survival. for one, if that devil were to be connected to survival, it could either mean: a fear of death or a fear of getting hurt. 
a fear of death relates to the death devil. 
a fear of getting hurt relates to a pain devil of some sorts. a pain devil would be cool because it will be powerful. almost all humans are scared of being hurt and will make a bit more sense in the storyline, considering that her line of work is potentially getting hurt and seeing others getting hurt because of her. pretty neat theory! 
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v. same post in iv, there’s a comment where she might be have a contract with the knife devil. although, there is no evidence to back this up, her main weapon of choice is a knife. in a way, it makes sense.  
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v. car devil. no questions. in fact, according to u/LeynaSepKim, it was even foreshadowed in chapter 5, in their post.
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all are only speculation! feel free to correct me or add some other theories. the only thing we can do to form more theories and solidify existing ones is to wait. we have yet to see her full potential. she is shown to be athletic in the anime and the manga, but not her power in its entirety. 
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rawliverandgoronspice · 11 months
TLOZ translations always seem to be a bit shitty. I still see people talk about the weird translation of the Demise monologue at the end of SkSw. I think someone said that Demise was more general with his statement, as in there will always be forces from the demon tribe fighting against the light or smth? Not specifically "us three will always fight". (I've read it a few times, but hard to remember, sorry.) (On the topic of SkSw, I kinda dislike how much it impacted theories within TLOZ, some theories are really cool, don't get me wrong. But now, even games that existed for years before suddenly are being pushed to fit with the lore presented in that game. Ganondorf being the best example: He no longer is his own character who did bad things because of his own will and actions, it's now "He did it all because an evil curse made him do it. He had no choice, he was born as a vessel for the demonic lord." The implications that "the curse of Demise" also would mainly go for the already vilified race of the Gerudo, and make their one male an evil warlord is already kinda... yeah... no. (Not to mention that there are other demon lords throughout the franchise that have nothing to do with Ganon.)
Ohh speaking of this I recently saw this post that did a good translation of that very moment, and pretty much confirms what you are mentioning anon; that it's basically a promise of that cycle coming back moreso than Demise himself coming back (especially since his actual and definitive death is a big deal in that game).
But yeah, I agree it has taken a huge space in the way the series is thought about. I pretty much completely missed that hard turn, as I couldn't play Skyward Sword when it released and wasn't super into Zelda afterward anymore (I had gotten too edgy.... 2011 was the year where I got obsessed with every horror videogame in existence basically except for Resident Evil for some reason I could never get into that series ANYWAY WAY off topic........), so coming back a few years later had me very ???? puzzled about how the theories had reconstructed themselves around Hylia and Demise and endless cycles (it's not that it wasn't a thing before, but I wouldn't say it was as much a Series Trademark as it is now).
But yeah. Ganondorf having his own motivations makes him immediately stronger as an antagonist, especially since his deal is quite complicated all things considered.
I am having a thought about how a lot of Zelda villains' motivation is a sort of rebellion against nature. I have scratched enough digital paper about Ganondorf's situation, but like... Minish Cap Vaati is also very much motivated by his refusal to remain small and whimsical and seize power instead of staying in his lane (and then he gets horny in Four Sword so, maybe let's not go there), Zant is.... Zant, Hilda in A Link Between World has been cosmically punished for trying to reject the Goddesses and create a world on its own terms --like SERIOUSLY this is HORRIFYING I feel like we don't talk enough about how utterly nightmarish of a reality that paints for Hyrule as a whole-- Girahim is devoted but fights for the side more or less destined to lose... It's interesting how Hyrule is hostile to change and anything that threatens the statut quo.
(then you have the occasional Majora and Yuga, whomst I dooon't think really fit the above category --to their full credit! and then you have Bellum, who is..... a blob...... And I don't remember enough from either the Oracles game or about Malladus to put them in either category, I need to replay those games)
Hyrule really has this frightening quality to it when you stare at it for too long: that your two only options are to either graciously submit to your assigned cosmic role, or fight it and become darkness incarnate in some way. A Link Between World showed, quite starkly, that trying to escape that binary choice is *not an option*.
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sailor-hufflepuff · 1 month
Posting the full text of my Sith/Dark Side meta/headcanon.
There are two sides to the Force.
This is true.
There is only one Force.
This is also true.
Those sides are the Light side and the Dark side.
This is the lie.
It does not know when it began. It does not know where it began. It only knows that it is not from Here.
The two sides of the Force are the Living (living, dying, growing, chaotic), and the Unifying, or Cosmic (peaceful, sterile, ordered, stagnant, beautiful).
Both are needed. Life requires order: molecules in their proper places, planets in their orbits, warmth from a star and water to drink and atmosphere to breathe. Life also requires change to grow, to evolve, to bring diversity and beauty, to become more than it was.
Neither is good. Neither is evil.
Neither is powerful. Neither is weak.
Neither is Dark.
It slithers through some crack in the walls of reality, falls from some higher dimension, rises is up from some hellish universe.
It is Other.
It is Strange.
It wants to go Home.
Dark is nothing. Dark is absence. The Darkside does not want war, or power, life, no matter what It tells Its victims.
It promises and promises, but only serves Itself.
It flings Itself against the edges of reality.
This is a physical dimension, full of tactile beings and elementary laws. It must take on a physical form if it wishes to create the changes necessary to create a doorway.
But making one proves beyond Its capabilities, so it steals the forms of others.
Microscopic algae at first. Plants. Animals.
Then It discovers sentient life that can move and decide. This, It knows, is better, is superior. It spends a few eons jumping from host to host, reveling in all the pleasures of pains of physicality.
One day, the host is Different. The host is More. The host is connected to the universe in a way that none of Its previous hosts had been.
It discovers Force Users.
The walls of reality are too strong, the laws of physics too rigid for it to create the hole it wants to.
Life too stubborn.
It must grow stronger.
It must find stronger hosts.
Not all hosts can access the Force, It finds. And those that can take time to develop the abilities, like training new muscles. Easier, then, to posses a body already sufficiently strong.
It takes trial and error (and the rise and fall of a few civilizations), but eventually It settles on a system that most suits It.
One Master. The host.
One Apprentice. The next host, for when the current one brings to fail with age and decay, in that frustrating way all life-forms seem to do.
It finds a potential host and trains Its future body up, makes the body strong, promises him or her or them power and immortality. And then, when they chomp at the rules and limitations, they rise up and kill their Master, proving their body the stronger one, the faster, the better.
That is when It makes the jump, from decrepit corpse to Its new host, young and strong, swiftly smothering the existing mind/soul/being that had dwelled there before, absorbing its memories and personality, making them a part of Itself.
Immortality. Power.
From a certain point of view.
There are those that worship It, unaware of Its goal to destroy their very reality.
There are those that oppose it, an Order united in the cause of eradicating Its taint from existence.
It takes particular pleasure in using those as hosts.
The Sith, you see, is not an order. Not a long line of beings passing on knowledge and teaching to an apprentice they know will someday kill them. No. The Sith is a single entity, a being, a life, perhaps.
A parasite, jumping from host to host over long millennia in pursuit of its goals.
Palpatine is Plageus is Zannah is Bane.
Every murder, every atrocity, every genocide blamed on that line, in truth committed by one. Single. Creature.
The Dark is not death.
It is not the predator, which kills but does not hate, to feed itself.
It is not decay, which breaks down the dead into the building blocks of new life.
It is hatred. It is destruction. It is the unmaking of reality, of splitting atoms into singular molecules that will never again compose anything.
There is no death, there is the Force, each scrap of energy moving from being to being in a cycle.
This is Chaos. This is Dark.
This is Sith
The universe tries to fight the parasite, more and more Force users being born, being trained as Jedi, like white blood cells being sent after a virus.
It only laughs, and hides, and plots.
A child is born strong, so strong units ability to use the Force.
This, It-who-is-Sith-who-is-Palpatine, will be Its next host, finally one strong enough to destroy reality completely and free It from this prison of physicality.
It will watch him with Great Interest.
(The Force is life, the Force is death, the Force is predator and prey and a parasite all on its own.
The Force lays a trap.)
In its excitement, the Sith overplays Its hand, and the new vessel is damaged beyond use; limbs gone, skin melted, lungs burned. A mechanical monster fit only to use as a tool. A robot guard dog.
Sith is patient, though. It idly brings up a few other apprentices (failsafes), though none of them prove useful. It spends Its time waiting, sowing chaos, burning worlds, setting up systems that will collapse, wiping out entire races, building weapons more terrible than any sentient creature could even dream of.
It is so close, so tantalizingly close to the destruction of all reality when word comes.
A Child.
A Son.
A new host, to replace this body that has become broken and useless as it spends decades channeling Darkness.
Young and healthy and so strong, eyes like his father, words like his mother, It covets, It wants, It needs.
“Strike me down!” It cajoles, kill me, it does not say, so that I may kill you in turn, and take possession of the body you leave behind.
It is so close to Its goal, It can feel it.
The Force is Life. The Force is Death. The Force is growth and change and birth and decay.
But most of all.
The Force is Love.
It is not the boy that kills it.
It is the Failure.
And when It tries to make the leap anyways, to take that broken and mechanical body as better than nothing…
It can’t get a grip.
For this was the trap:
Anakin Skywalker, Chosen One, conceived of the midicloreans, Son of the Suns cannot be taken.
He can be influenced.
He can be tempted.
He can be corrupted.
But he cannot be possessed.
Starved of Its host, it slips away into the darkness.
A father dies in his son’s arms.
A new Order is born.
Balance is restored.
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sithqueenkat · 1 year
Intertwined Paths: Cal Kestis x female reader
Summary: After traveling beside you for so long, Cal decides he can’t keep his feelings for you a secret any longer.
Disclaimer: minor fluff but that’s it
Word count: 422
As Cal Kestis ventured through the galaxies, battling the remnants of the dark side, he couldn't help but be captivated by her presence. She was his guiding light amidst the shadows, a beacon of hope that ignited a fire within his heart. Her name was [Y/N], a fellow Jedi who shared his passion for justice and the restoration of peace.
On a secluded planet, bathed in the soft glow of a distant star, Cal found solace in [Y/N]'s company. They often sought refuge amidst the ancient ruins, their conversations a dance of shared dreams and whispered secrets. In those stolen moments, their connection deepened, sparking a flame that neither could deny.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of gold and pink across the landscape, Cal found himself unable to contain the feelings that surged within him. He searched for the right words, hoping to convey the emotions that swirled through his soul.
"[Y/N]," Cal began, his voice gentle yet filled with determination, "since the moment we crossed paths, my heart has been entwined with yours. You are the light that pierces through the darkness, the warmth that envelops me when the galaxy feels cold. I find myself drawn to you, not just as a comrade but as something more."
[Y/N]'s gaze met his, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and intrigue. "Cal," she whispered, her voice carrying a vulnerability that mirrored his own, "I've felt the same way. In your presence, I discover a strength I never knew I possessed. The way you fight, the way you care, it ignites something within me."
Taking a step closer, Cal reached out, his hand gently caressing [Y/N] cheek. "Let us embrace the force that binds us, [Y/N]. Together, we can face whatever darkness lies ahead. In unity, our love will become a weapon against the shadows."
As their lips finally met in a tender kiss, the universe seemed to align, rejoicing in the union of two souls intertwined by destiny. In that moment, Cal and [Y/N] knew that their love would guide them through the trials yet to come, forging a bond that would withstand the darkest of times.
Amidst the vast expanse of the Star Wars galaxy, Cal Kestis and [Y/N] would not only conquer the forces of evil but also discover the true power of love—a force stronger than any lightsaber, capable of transcending space and time. Together, they would rewrite their destinies, intertwined forever in a love story that would echo throughout the ages.
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desultory-novice · 1 year
oh my god i just had A Thought. ok so in star allies there's a celebration image called "rockability and blues" which has taranza reaching out to the dimension mirror with sectonia in the background and joronia on the other side of the mirror, and when dedede finds the mirror he instantly encounters his mirror world self, so. what if sectonia is somehow mirror world joronia and joronia is still in the mirror world somewhere. that probably wouldn't hold up canonically but it would still be cool
Honestly, seeing as how the OG, Dark Meta Knight, successfully sealed Meta Knight in the mirror world for a time, it's not that farfetched of an idea!
I think the only thing standing in the way of that theory being super plausible is that I imagine Director Kumazaki would probably prefer Sectonia be "responsible" for her own evil deeds and face the outcome of them, rather than the Sectonia we fought being an evil mirror clone while "our" sweet Joronia did nothing wrong. Sniffle...
(My many years as an anime/game fan has taught me that generally speaking "They were just controlled/brainwashed/body-swapped" is not a very popular lead in for "...which is why X did nothing wrong!!" A lot of creators want their characters to take SOME responsibility, even if the situation got out of their hands really quickly.
I think that's why most of Kirby's "sympathetic" last bosses all have serious character flaws. Hyness was stabbed in the back by his planet and put under immense pressure to care for an entire subset of a population, but the way he channels his anger is still considered "unjustified." Magolor "just" wanted to build the galaxy's best theme park, but there was some darkness there, a larger than normal dose of ambition, that allowed the Master Crown to sway his thoughts.)
It is still incredibly fascinating! Particularly when it comes to imagining what a Mirror Joronia's personality was like BEFORE she started body-swapping like mad. Joronia might have always been fascinated by the idea by being stronger, more beautiful... the perfect queen, but never really been able to act on it? Just like Meta Knight fights against his powerful love of battle, in contrast to Dark Meta Knight who doesn't let anything or anyone take him away from the fight. So Mirror Joronia would be the one to go, "...Why don't I just take someone ELSE's strength? Someone else's beauty?" 
And of course, then they could still go into the mirror-verse and rescue Taranza's Joronia. Hey, if the novelization of Planet Robobot let Susie's papa survive Star Dream exploding (:handwaves like wild:) that would be a decent way for a potential Triple Deluxe novelization to have a similarly happy/bittersweet ending. Taranza giving his thanks to everyone while saying something like, "The Joronia I know is still out there. I just need to find her."
Of course the novels went ahead and canonized her death before she even got to appear in them sooo...
You know, at the same time, I can't shake the feeling that anything could still happen on that front? Does everyone remember the Kirby Twitter account having Magolor talk about DMK and the Dimension Mirror kinda recently? Sure, they say it's because DMK's mask was popular the time but what if it was a hint we'll be revisiting that plot later? Sectonia seems pretty popular amongst the (non-brought back to life) last bosses. And look what popularity did for Magolor!
I also get the feeling that Kumazaki may have more to say about her down the line? RtDL as a game was very "chatty." TDX was light on talking (way too light, IMO) and I feel like that was to make-up for RtDL's bevy of dialogue.
But you know that, even if we didn't see a lot of world-building in game, Kumazaki did a LOT of writing and thinking about that story. (The friggin' sun stones, man. Their petals are the same as the Master Crown's leaves...)
Kumazaki also loves his girl bosses. Drawcia was from a spinoff game, but look at her now! She's the only "spinoff" game character to get a dress-up mask! She has, for all intents and purposes, been bumped up to "basically canon." An honor not even Fluff has gotten.
Sectonia, like Drawcia, keeps appearing in these unexpected places. Getting a nod from Ohmoto and Kumazaki at the music fest and such. (Or getting her pre-corruption name dropped in Gourmet Fest. No one asked them to do that, but they did.)
So I don't know.
It's probably not a bad idea to keep an open mind as to her status...
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douglysium · 3 months
Some Rough Concepts for Force Users that aren't purely Jedi or Sith
Cosmos Speakers
The Cosmos Speakers are an order of  wielders that consider themselves separate from both the Jedi and the Sith. While the Jedi and Sith speak of tapping into the light side or dark sides of the  the Cosmos Speakers merely tap into the nature of the  in the surrounding environment, and whether said  is from something aligned with the light side or dark side tends to be of little concern to them. Some of the abilities they have may remind others of both light side and dark side abilities.
The philosophy of the Cosmos Speakers emphasizes becoming one with the environment and understanding the physical universe. Where Jedi seek to become one with the , and Sith seek to dominate it, the Cosmos Speakers seek to become one with the more physical aspects of the universe (such as planets, stars, etc.). Due to this approach the abilities of the Speakers tends to be heavily reliant on either their nearby environment (like the ground), or celestial objects (such as stars) with a strong connection to the . They often use aspects of the environment as conduits for their abilities which means their  powers manifest with the use or creation of physical objects or substances. However, how the Speakers utilize the  means that their abilities tend to be heavily reliant on how strongly attuned to the  the place, planet, or moon, as well as nearby celestial objects. The farther away a Speaker is from a locus of the  the weaker their abilities and connection to the  tend to be. While true masters and prodigies can tap into the  present in any area, the average Speaker may straight up be incapable of connecting to the  in certain areas. Those who can use their  powers with few restrictions often describe doing so as having “internalized” an environment within them. It’s like having an inner world. The way Speakers often use the force often also relies on movement that resembles martial arts, but this is not true for everyone.
Due to the nature of how they work with the , they often make homes or temples on planets or places with a strong connection to the  (think places like Dagobah). Whether the environment in question is connected to the Dark or Light sides matters not to them as they have a holistic view of the  and view it more like an ecosystem that balances each other out. The Dark Side isn’t any more evil than a predator like a lion is. The Cosmos Speakers also generally believe that everyone can become a  sensitive or wield  abilities if they can find the right environment.
The Cosmos Speakers have different branches, some live a sedentary lifestyle while others are nomads. They are also famous for having map makers and a good sense of direction via the . They get their name from the idea that they are “speaking with” or communicating with the environment.
The  abilities of the Speakers tends to be broken up into 3 main schools based on what they are connecting to. The major schools are Solar, Lunar and Terrestrial. While their abilities may seem mystical, from the perspective of the Speakers they are merely coaxing the  to enhance existing aspects of the environment. For example, they can create gusts of wind but they only do so by using the  to boost existing currents.
The Solar school involves connecting from nearby suns / stars. Typically, the  abilities of this school focus on enhancing aspects of the sun, such as light, heat and even it’s gravity or ability to give live. This means the school can involve anything from producing devastating blasts of fire by channeling the heat of a sun, to producing dazzling arrays of light by enhancing the light the sun provides the planet, to even healing others with the life giving properties of the sun.
The Terrestial school involves drawing power from the planet, or moon, that the Speaker is on. This category is further broken down into notable subschools based on parts of a planet, and what schools are stronger or weaker depends on the make up of the planet.
Hydros- This school focuses on connecting to a planet’s / moon’s hydrosphere (the parts made of water). Abilities in this category include being able to summon ferocious water currents in even the smallest pools of water to splash or blast a target, spreading ice by increasing the rate at which it freezes things around it, collecting water from the air, forming mist or steam, etc.
Lithos- This school focuses on connection to a planet’s / moon’s lithosphere (the earthen parts of it). One can tap into seismic activity to creat earthquakes, lava, or reshape the earth, etc.. Some often use this school to forge weapons connected to the force and it can be used to increase the toughness of various materials. They can also enhance the magnetism of magnetic substances.
Bios- This school focus on connecting the biosphere (living parts) of a planet / moon. One can increase the rate at which plants and animals alike in order to heal or even empower them. One can shape plants by guiding the way in which they grow, and if one combines this with the ability to accelerate growth they can use plants as an extension of their own body. Being able to commune with animals or plants is also often a common ability. It is also possible to make organic matter quickly rot and decay by coaxing the various bacteria that creates connected to such processes.
Atmos- This school focuses on connecting to the atmosphere (gaseous parts) of a planet / moon. Some abilities remain consistent, such as the ability to ambify the strength of wind or breath, while other abilities need certain weather conditions. For example, during a thunderstorm one might be able to fire blasts of lightning by taking advantage of the increased charge in the environment and when it rains someone might be able to gather water from the air or raindrops. Snow or hail may allow someone to freeze things in place with wind or breath and some can slow their descent by increasing how air pushes against their body in a certain way.
The Terrestrial schools aren’t completely independent from each other and coan overlap a lot. Where one school begins and another ends can become vague and some abilities are present in all schools.
The Lunar school is probably the one that has the most debate around it, with some arguing that it should be combined with the Terrestrial school. It involves drawing power from nearby orbiting bodies, which are most often moons but can include planets. Typically, this means speaking to the gravitational pull of said body on the planet, the light reflected off of it, or the shadow cast on it. This allows a practitioner to do things like influence the pull of gravity on things like the tide, influence light, or cloak areas in shadow. This schools abilities are often tied to the state of the orbiting body. For example, during a fill moon one might not be able to use abilities revolving around shadow or darkness but during any other phase they can. A common ability in this school is the ability to seemingly lower gravity’s on a given target or area. In actuality, what is happening is that the Speaker is enhancing the pull of an orbiting body’s gravity in contrast to the pull of whatever the ground is.
Kyber crystals are very important to the Speakers for while they don’t all tend to use lightsabers they are known to increase their connection to the force. Likewise, they can use their abilities to increase a kyber crystal’s force related traits. Since kybers are living crystals many also often speak to them and seek guidance from them. Some Speakers bury their dead near kyder crystals so that they can join the gemstones. Piercings or jewelry containing kyber crystals are very common.
Speakers sometimes use weapons, but rarely use lightsabers.
 Force Forgers
The Force Forgers are an order that prefers to channel and connect to the force via objects. They often use the force when creating objects in order to create force sensitive, be it blessed or cursed, items. These can range from weapons with abilities that can decimate foes, to incredible pieces of defense, to objects to help with navigation, and even simple games. Most people know them for their ability to make powerful weapons connected to the force, be it blasters or lightsabers. They often incorporate kyber crystals into the buildings and objects they make to increase their connection to the force.
When a Force Forger dies they usually have their soul bound to an object so they can persist as a ghost. This strengthens the objects force abilities and also allows the person in question to guide with and communicate with other people. Sometimes they can even impart long lost or rare techniques. The Forgers see their way as an art form and their constructs are often beautiful and ornate.
While factions like the Jedi see binding one’s soul as a Dark Side ability that doesn’t stop some Jedi from using top of the line lightsabers made by the Forgers.
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kitsunefyuu · 11 months
[ 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑 ] ― sender traces a scar on receiver’s body
(can be with inko if you want, or anyone else if you don't feel like doing AFOxinko.)
[ 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑 ] ― sender traces a scar on receiver’s body | Accepting
Some scars can never heal. They are small and light on the symbol of evil's body so subtle no one would notice. No one would ever have been allowed to notice.
Except for the woman whose touch lingers upon his body. Her lithe form pressed to his side as the tips of her nail brushed the thin white scar over his arm. Never prodding about them always waiting for him to speak of them.
"Fascinated?" he questioned with amusement. Enjoying the touch as they laid in bed together. Vulnerable and yet he does not feel threatened, not even a hint when is in the other's presence. Not for the reasons many would think.
He never doubted his own strength. More than capable of taking out any person that dares to try and overtake him. That is without question but this woman wasn't a comfort because was weaker. Even now her touch is gentle as if these scars are open wounds to him. A kindness that no one would give to a man with such power.
"Hmm..." was Inko's response. Seeming more enraptured by the very sensation and All for One has to admit it felt different. Needing to suppress the shudder that threatened to go up his spine he slowly moves his arm away. Wondering if this was her way to get him to tell her more about himself.
"Trying to get me to talk about where I got it?" He questioned able to see a small smile threatening to show on her face. She knows how much he likes to talk yet also hides who he truly is. The problem was he struggled to lie to her, a fact he is constantly baffled by so simply avoids speaking. "How much more do you want out of me?"
Slowly the woman pulls back as she looks up at him, "As much as you're willing to give obviously. You look like you want to talk about it, you have quite a few."
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This woman reads him like a book. Even if it sure it like pulling teeth still she persists in making him reopen old wounds. Yet makes him feel free even when is bleeding from a festered thing he had long since closed.
"I got this one from someone who hated me. People aren't exactly... Kind in my line of business," he answers but he is vague. Able to feel her hand slowly reach out to place her hand over the scar itself.
"Do you still want this job? Despite the scars it inflicts on you? Is it even worth it?" There was an almost knowing look from the woman who didn't have much of a life of her own. Who had struggled to survive for as long as she could in a heartless world. In a way that made her so pitiable to those that could feel. He didn't see a pitiable woman, he saw someone stronger than many heroes as she looked him in the eye.
No one had ever asked him that.
And the worst part?
He had no answer... He didn't take the chance to leave that life when he should.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hunter – Dirty Little Thief 15 – Under A Red Sun
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Warnings: Possible Angst/Possible Hurt/Tension/Force Wielding Reader
Life with Maul as a teacher is not easy, but you learn a lot. However, you don't like the place you are in very much. A lot of time has passed, but you haven't forgotten the guys from Clone Force 99. As it turns out, the guys haven't forgotten you either.
What happened before:
Dirty Little Thief
Part 2 -Fairplay
Part 3- What We Do Not Admit
Part 4 - Provocative
Part 5 - Fighting And Loving
Part 6 - Scorching Hot
Part 7 - Keep It Together
Part 8 - Give Me More
Part 9 - Don’t You Dare
Part 10 - Hurt
Part 11 - Say You Won’t Miss Me
Part 12 - Still A Dirty Little Thief
Part 13 – In The Shadows
Part 14 - Burning Bridges
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Part 15 - Under A Red Sun
"Fear is a tool, a weapon, if used wisely, it gives you power over your enemy," Maul whispered into your ear.
When you wake up and open your eyes, you hear the echo of his voice from your dream for a moment. You sigh. The last few days had been hard, Maul had intensified your training, and you didn't feel at all like getting out of bed and going to see him. But you knew sooner or later he would come to check on you if you didn't show up on your own.
You looked around. The sun had risen and, as always, everything was bathed in that unhealthy reddish light. Dathomir had been a really fascinating planet in the beginning, so mysterious, so different, so new. But by now you had been here for almost two years and knew that Dathomir was just inhospitable and ugly, and the last bit of population that the war with the Separatists had left was not very pleasant to you.
But you had little contact with anyone except Maul anyway. Even if you didn't have a physical relationship, Maul was very careful to keep you away from others and sometimes reacted downright jealous when someone approached you, especially male individuals.
In general, life with Maul was confusing. He often came so close to you, talked to you as if he wanted to climb into your panties at any moment, but he never touched you, not like that anyway. You were aware that he manipulated you in many ways and wanted to make you dependent on him. But you weren't stupid, you let him do his thing until you had what you wanted, then you would just disappear one day and try your luck somewhere else.
He had promised you that you would get several holocrons and open them. Maybe then you would get the answers you wanted, the answers that Maul didn't have either.
You often thought of the Bad Batch, of Hunter above all, but also of his brothers. The time with the boys had been the best of your life until then. The first time real friends, something like a family and real love. In the first nights, you secretly cried yourself to sleep more often. Maul had noticed this, but he didn't talk to you about it.
You had learned a lot by now, and you were, Maul admitted, stronger than he had expected, he was pleased with you, most of the time, but he was still often condescending. You were aware, part of his own insecurity could not allow him to see you as an equal, on any level. It was exhausting, but you played the game as long as you still needed him.
One thing about you made him wonder, though, you were neither really dark nor were you light. You constantly swayed back and forth between both sides, but mostly moved on a very thin line in between. He had tried everything and used your pain to pull you to the Dark Side, but hadn't managed it in two years.
You could call it strength of character, but you just called it stubbornness. You didn't want to bend, you were who you were and would always act the way it seemed right to you, good, evil or neutral didn't necessarily interest you that much.
You swung your legs out of bed and stood up when Maul appeared in your room, he suddenly stood in the doorway and looked at you. He had wanted to say something, but that you were standing in your room in your underwear, he had not expected and for a long moment, he just looked at you silently. His expression was hard to interpret, he seemed surprised, startled and at the same time curious, but also partly disgruntled.
Finally, his expression darkened, and he growled, "You're late again"
"I had a restless night, little sleep, I'm going to take a quick shower, then I'll come to the temple".
The stupid temple of the night nurses, you thought. A creepy place. There were hardly any of them left, just a handful. And Mother Talzin. A creepy old witch who treated Maul as if he were her son. Just the thought gave you the creeps.
"I want you to come with me now," Maul murmured.
"In my underwear?"
Maul stumbled, realizing again that you were standing half-naked in front of him. His eyes wandered up and down your body once more. Then he shook his head as if he had to banish certain thoughts about it.
"Fine. Then go shower and get dressed, you have 20 minutes, tops."
You sighed and made your way to your small bathroom.
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Tech sat down in the pilot's seat and programmed a flight path for a hyperjump.
"Tech, what are you going to do, where are we going?" asked Hunter, puzzled.
Crosshair murmured, "Dathomir? Why the hell would we want to go to that damn planet"
"Because Y/N is probably there" Tech said and started the hyperspace jump.
Hunter held his breath for a moment, for almost two years the guys had been looking for you, between their jobs, following leads and rumors that had so far always led nowhere.
"You have a lead?" he asked tensely.
Tech nodded and said pointing to the copilot seat where Echo sat, "Actually Echo found a lead. It's dangerous we don't know much current about Dathomir, but Echo picked up rumors during our last stay on Tattooine that a Sith Lord was living there. Together with his apprentice. The description fits Y/N. It's worth a try."
Echo turned in his seat and said to Hunter, "You're the boss, if it's not worth the risk to you, we'll turn back, but I think we should check it out."
Wrecker rumbled, "Risk or not, this has never deterred us before".
Hunter took a deep breath. He wanted to see you again, he hadn't forgotten you for a single day in all that time. If there was any hope of seeing you again, he would hold on to it.
"If you all agree, I'd say we risk a look," he finally said.
A nod went around the room.
Crosshair said, "About time we spanked her for just taking off."
His way of saying he wants to see you again, too.
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Maul trained with you in lightsaber combat. By now you had your own. You had to find the crystal alone in a cave. There were several crystals there, but only one of them had whispered to you, only one of them resonated with the Force energy that flowed through your body.
Maul's surprised expression when you first brought your weapon to life, and he saw the color of your blade, was interesting. You yourself were surprised. It wasn't red like Maul's blade, nor was it green or blue like most Jedi's, as you had learned. It was a very light cyan, almost white. Not only that, but it was your saber, your color, your crystal, this color was meant for you, even Maul couldn't change that.
Your blades clashed again and again, hissing loudly. By now, you had learned to use your body and your surroundings in battle as well. You used the Force to blind him with a blast of dust and sand, then kicked him off his feet, disarmed him, and bent over him, your blade just in front of his face. Maul was angry and proud at the same time.
"You've learned a lot" he growled "You're versatile, don't just rely on your sword alone, that's good".
You pulled back and let him stand up.
"However, I'm also holding back, I don't want to accidentally decapitate you" he finally growled.
You suppressed the impulse to roll your eyes and instead said dutifully, "I know Master, I'm very grateful for that."
You knew that was what he wanted to hear and in part you knew it was true, he was holding back, though nowhere near as much as he had a few months ago.
The sound of an approaching shuttle, drew both your attention to the horizon.
"Are we expecting anyone?"
There wasn't much air traffic here. You could count on one hand how many times a shuttle had landed near the temple in the time you had been here.
The shuttle had the red sun behind it, and you had to blink a few times, but finally you recognized the outline. It was the Marauder. Not just any Omicron shuttle, no definitely the Marauder, you saw the modifications Tech had made.
"I don't fucking believe it," you whispered.
Maul gritted his teeth, he knew that ship too. Before he took you with him then, he had watched you and the boys from a safe distance for a while. He looked at you and tried to read your face, while you watched in disbelief as the Marauder touched down about 200 meters away from you. He could sense your emotional turmoil in the Force, even though you appeared relatively calm on the outside.
"Your training isn't over yet," he noted.
"I know," you said carefully, "I'm still happy to see them."
"You mean you're looking forward to seeing Hunter," he huffed.
"I've missed them all," you admitted.
Knowing the direction his mind was drifting, you said, "Don't even think about harming any of them, or you will have me as your mortal enemy forever and will have to kill me to keep me from taking your life."
You looked him straight in the eye, he knew your every word was in complete sincerity.
"I see," Maul said simply with a mocking little smile.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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nabbing-bad-habits · 1 month
name. Nabbit.
nickname(s). Nabbs, Nabby, but only by him.
title. The bunny bandit of the Mushroom Kingdom. (Gave himself that title.)
P E R S O N A L .
morality. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
religious belief. Same as anyone else really, after life when your game ends and wishing to star spirits for good things to happen, or “However it works.” In his own words.
sins. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride /envy/ wrath
virtues. chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience/ justice
primary goals in life. To have fun and play jokes, also steal stuff. Honestly, he doesn’t really know what he wants out of life so, he’s just doing what he wants, when he wants. Although, having some friends for once would be nice…
languages known. He does know a good few languages, but mostly learns how to speak them to sell something off, so he doesn’t know how to have a true conversation in any of them.
quirks. - Nabbit is actually a huge book nerd, so when not messing with people, he likes to crack open something to read. He has the habit of calling people nicknames instead of their real ones. Also, he weirdly holds back on stealing when in fights or on adventures.
savvies. - Speed, stealth, quick learning skills, plus a whole bunch of other tricks at his disposal!
P H Y S I C A L .
build. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
height. 4’11
weight. 110lbs
scars/birthmarks. He does have a burn scar on the back of his right hand, but that was from learning how to cook.
abilities/powers. - Nabbit is incredibly fast, he’s able to outrun most, if not all danger he comes across. He’s also much stronger than he actually looks, that bag of his is anything but light! Well not really a power, he seems to have pretty expansive knowledge of different things, including various kingdoms, artifacts, and Mario, plus a few of his more interesting adventures. Plus, his seemingly invincible nature, being able to run of spikes and enemies seemingly ignoring him. (Take that, Mario!)
F A V O U R I T E S .
favourite food. Veggie stew, especially if he’s got some fresh grown vegetables from his garden!
favourite drink.  Strawberry lemonade.
topping. Mushrooms and peppers forever, baby!
favourite colour. Purple.
favourite music genre. Anything high energy and catchy, but he does have a preference for jazz when it’s an option.
favourite book genre. Normally he’s reading books on history and old legends, but when he’s not, mystery is the go to!
favourite movie genre. Nabbit doesn’t really watch enough movies to have a favorite genre.
favourite season. Fall, not too hot or too cold, to him it’s perfect, Halloween is a plus because of all the candy he can score.
favourite curse word. Doesn’t actually curse that often. Probably f-bombs though.
favourite scent.  Cinnamon.
F U N S T U F F .
bottom or top. Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy.
loud burper or soft burper. Soft, Nabbit try’s to keep attention off of him whenever he’s out in public so, it just kinda became a habit.
sings in the shower. yes /no
likes bad puns. yes / no
their opinion on the mun. "She’s way too nice for her own good, but her friends like her so, i guess that’s just a me problem."
Tagged by: @red-man-of-mustache thanks!
Tagging: @brokenpathways , @lultimagoccia , and anyone else that sees this!
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apocalypticavolition · 9 months
Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 51: Against the Shadow
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Spoiler alert: We've got spoilers here, all the way to the end of the Wheel of Time series. If you don't want everything in the books to be spoiled, run away!
Our chapter begins with the heron-marked sword icon, a reference to Rand's becoming a real fighter at last and how he turns his sword into a blade of light.
When he turned, Aginor was there, just reaching the crest. The Forsaken topped the hill without any difficulty, walking up the steep slope as if it were level ground.
There's some interesting semi-bookends here with Rand having started the series having to fight against terrain like everyone else except the Forsaken and ending the series being the guy who walks easily anywhere while flowers blossom around him.
Why should I share power with you? Why should I bend knee to you? I, who faced Lews Therin Telamon in the Hall of the Servants itself. I, who threw my might against the Lord of the Morning and met him stroke for stroke. I think not.
Does the BWB go into more detail about this? Aginor is mostly taken to be a guy who thrived with his evil science experiments and is mostly useless otherwise, but having the equivalent of the Yoda v. Palpatine fight in the Senate suggests he once had some real glory days. (Also Rand really doesn't like it that Aginor won't respect his firm denial of everything).
A glowing rope ran off from Aginor, behind him, white like sunlight seen through the purest cloud, heavier than a blacksmith’s arm, lighter than air, connecting the Forsaken to something distant beyond knowing, something within the touch of Rand’s hand. The rope pulsed, and with every throb Aginor grew stronger, more fully fleshed, a man as tall and strong as himself, a man harder than the Warder, more deadly than the Blight. Yet beside that shining cord, the Forsaken seemed almost not to exist. The cord was all. It hummed. It sang.
I kind of feel like Jordan's original intent was for male channelers in general to seem to have cords connecting them to the Source and that this was mostly discarded later, except for giving Rand a way to force Asmodean to his side. They just don't show up a lot - and this one is extra weird because it's Aginor drawing on the Eye instead of taking the Dark One's filter.
Warmth built in Rand, the warmth of the sun, the radiance of the sun, bursting, the awful radiance of light, of the Light. Away! "Mine!" Flame shot from Aginor's mouth, broke through his eyes like spears of fire, and he screamed. Away! And Rand was no longer on the hilltop. He quivered with the Light that suffused him. His mind would not work; light and heat blinded it. The Light. In the midst of the void, the Light blinded his mind, stunned him with awe.
Rand's not just channeling the Power but a hell of a lot of beginner's luck. It's rather funny that both major instances of good guys using Traveling for the first time are complete accidents.
Also bye bye Aginor. See you when you're reborn.
From the clear sky lightning came, each bolt crisp and sharp, searing his eyes, each bolt striking a winged black shape. Hunting cries became shrieks of death, and charred forms fell to leave the sky clean again. The heat. The terrible heat of the Light.
There's some confusion as to how Jordan's duality reconciles with the fact that the good guys are entirely on the side of the Light and I feel like this aspect was meant to foreshadow how he might have clarified it better if he'd gotten to write the Last Battle: If the Light were ever to actually try to push forward in full the way the Shadow does, the results would be exactly like Rand's occasional Trinity moments, except not being held back by his limitations.
IT IS NOT HERE. It was not Rand’s thought, making his skull vibrate. I WILL TAKE NO PART. ONLY THE CHOSEN ONE CAN DO WHAT MUST BE DONE, IF HE WILL.
The other part of it is that as the Shadow and Light are opposites, where the Dark One is constantly trying to push his way into where he doesn't belong, the Creator can almost never be arsed to show up and even when he does it's only to say "Not helping", so the Light never does overwhelm everything the way the Shadow would like to. One character speculates that the Creator just up and left this world behind to go make new ones and honestly I would not be remotely surprised - and without the Dark One, they probably all suck.
Darkness surrounded him, the utter blackness of total nothing. The steps were still there, hanging in the black, under his feet and ahead. When he looked back, those behind were gone, faded away to nothing, into the nothingness around him. But the cord was yet there, stretching behind him, the glowing line dwindling and vanishing into the distance. It was not so thick as before, but it still pulsed, pumping strength into him, pumping life, filling him with the Light. He climbed.
Not gonna lie, I always lose the plot around this point. Rand's jumped physically into T'A'R, maybe? It sure as fuck isn't the skimming space (though the idea of the gholam eventually slamming into these steps and then falling down them forever is funny).
Ba’alzamon had a cord, too, he saw. A black cord, thicker by far than his own, so wide it should have dwarfed the human body, yet dwarfed by Ba’alzamon, instead. Each pulse along that black vein ate light.
*mutters something about Freud and moves on*
Ba’alzamon’s eyes roared like two furnaces. His lips did not move, but Rand thought he heard a curse screamed at Aginor. Then the fires died, and that ordinary human face smiled at him in a way that chilled even through the warmth of the Light.
I deeply appreciate how terrible Ishamael is at actually keeping his cool. He talks one of the biggest games in the series yet every time he encounters even the smallest of setbacks he's about ready to flip out.
He knows it all. He could have done. It could be the way he says. The Light warmed the void. Doubt cried out and was stilled, till only the seed remained.
Of course, Rand's not doing much better at this point. I doubt very much that Ishamael planned half as much as he claimed to, some of these things are probably just lucky accidents that his Darkfriend spies (who are everywhere) managed to keep him up to date about, like the Aiel survivor talking to the Tuatha'an. After all, Jain Farstrider dies clean and the only other Shadow-related stuff he's associated with is through different compulsions.
But I would rather have you kneel to me alive than dead. A single fist of Trollocs sent to your village when I could have sent a thousand. One Darkfriend to face you where a hundred could come on you asleep. And you, fool, you don’t even know them all, neither those ahead, nor those behind, nor those by your side.
And this stuff is definitely half lies. The Trolloc numbers were limited because trying to move overwhelming masses of them through the Ways would likely have ended in disaster for them. The Darkfriends couldn't all swoop down on Rand because the regular populace is super on edge and would definitely have recognized a cult uprising if they saw one. There are also no Darkfriends at Rand's side - the party is good through and through.
On the other hand, Rand doesn't know all the Darkfriends behind him (Ingtar) nor ahead (too many to list). Then again, the latter is self-evident so...
“The Lord of the Grave is stronger than he once was, my son,” she said. “His reach is longer. The Father of Lies has a honeyed tongue for unwary souls. My son. My only, darling son. I would spare you if I could, but he is my master, now, his whim, the law of my existence. I can but obey him, and grovel for his favor. Only you can free me. Please, my son. Please help me. Help me. Help me! PLEASE!”
This is the downside of using the World of Dreams to psychologically torment your enemies - the dreams operate on the expected narrative logic of all concerned, so if you don't use the right kind of trap, when it takes on a life of it own it might not be a trap at all!
Ba’alzamon screamed as the sword fell, screamed till the stone walls trembled, and the endless howl redoubled as the blade of Light severed the cord. The cut ends rebounded apart as if they had been under tension. The end stretching into the nothingness outside began to shrivel as it sprang away; the other whipped back into Ba’alzamon, hurling him against the fireplace.
People have pointed out that Ba'alzamon's cord cutting doesn't seem to be anywhere near as big a deal as Asmodean's, but I think that's because Ish just went right back to Shayol Ghul after this and swore himself back to the Dark One to get a replacement cord. Probably got punished for it, but nowhere near as badly as Asmodean would have if he'd ever shown his face again.
Light lanced from the blade, coruscating in a shower of fiery sparks like droplets of molten, white metal. Wailing, Ba’alzamon threw up his arms in a vain effort to shield himself. Flames shrieked in his eyes, joining with other flames as the stone ignited, the stone of the cracking walls, the stone of the pitching floor, the stone showering from the ceiling.
More bookends here, with magic blades proving to be Ishamael's downfall. Note that Rand using one as a conventional weapon absolutely fails to win the war, only the battle. Also note that Rand's using it like a magic wand and that at no point does the blade physically stab into Ishamael's heart. Dude is withering, but he absolutely does not die nor incur a mortal wound before Rand is gone.
Anyway, next time: even more book ends when I finish the book, because I sure as fuck am not doing separate posts for chapters 52 and 53.
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the vitriol for light mode is so valid. tell me about your poor little meow meow blorbo from dnd if you so wish
You know that TikTok audio from the Lego movie where the astronaut wants to build a space ship and he’s like “you’re not gonna tell me no” or whatever? Me rn :3 Apologies in advance for the long rant but!! You did technically ask for it hehe
ANYWAY, technically none of them are *my* poor little meow meow blorbos because I’m the Dungeon Master!! But I am genuinely obsessed with all of them
@haaawaiianshirt plays Delilah, an aasimar path of the beast barbarian. She was born and raised in a religious commune type situation before running away after being responsible for the death of a friend, and then being adopted by a sheriff in a small town. She later became his deputy, but they can’t outrun their past. The god this commune worshipped, Omen, is reaching out, and it seems he has some sort of plan for her that she does NOT want to be a part of. They’re also reflavored so that their path of the beast forms aren’t tail, claws, whatever, it’s cherub, seraphim, and throne form!! Which we got to work on together and I think it’s really cool. Emmie jokes I have shared custody of Delilah hehe, and I’ve probably done the most writing for her thus far
@suwunnysideup is playing Belladonna, a reborn tiefling grave cleric (with a bonus level in fighter!)!! They were raised from death by an evil cult called the Order of the Rotting Eye, which serves a rival god to Omen called Char’gothikon. Their past is intrinsically linked to Delilah’s, but both characters are still figuring out how. She’s recent been revealed to have more than one soul piloting their body, and are under the influence of something dark. They are currently trying to rescue their wife, Aasharni, from the clutches of the Order, who are demanding powerful Relics in return. She is also a werewolf, as of session two! They are the sweetest ever. They’re also 7 feet tall and we’re all really normal about it
@daughterofdrearburh is Nora Elliot, a rough around the edges “human” (werecoyote) ranger!! Her specific subclass has yet to be revealed in game, but she has abilities somehow related to other dimensions. A group called the Horizon Walkers, also servants of Omen, have made their connection to her known, and are seemingly trying to recruit her. She’s a terrible little beast and we all love her so dearly. She’s best friends with Morgan, and grew up in the same town as Delilah, but she can be a little aloof. She doesn’t like to trust people, and recently got shot by Morgan (under a vampiric charm) and lost the one bit of trust she had placed in anyone. Also she died and came back with black eyes but that went away so I’m sure it’s fine
@ninthhousesteel is playing Ruewen Simber, another normal human!! She’s a fighter, champion archetype, only she somehow has access to spare the dying and was able to use a scroll, despite “not being a spellcaster.” She was a socially awkward farm girl who didn’t even believe in monsters before joining the group and quickly having to confront that fact. She discovered a not at all cursed sword that was later revealed to in some way be connected to Char’gothikon. Also, she died in one session, but returned without the help of revivify—but with dark veiny scarring across her shoulder that appears to be spreading…
@candle-lion plays everyone’s favorite unethical evil lesbian, Doctor Morgan Lancaster. She’s a doctor who Jekyll and Hyde’d herself. She’s a “shifter” circle of the moon druid with a few levels in artificer. She was a doctor in a town called Dusty Springs, which was terrorized by vampires from a coven called the Onyx Eye Coven for many years. She has a HUGE vendetta against vampires, and is damn determined to exterminate every single one she sees. In an effort to become stronger and protect people, she made an experimental serum, which turned her into a monster. During times of stress, at will, or occasionally at random, she transforms into a “bad taxidermy wolf monster” but apparently mostly maintains control. She’s looking for a cure for herself, and recently discovered she too is somehow connected to Char’gothikon.
@lavenderlevetan is a petty vampire and we fucking love her. Seraphina is a half elf now vampire and she’s a fighter as well!! She has canonically killed 1000+ people over 20 years of being a vampire!! But she specifically chooses to go after bounties, and specifically those that list “wanted dead or alive.” She’s actually the nicest person ever until you (Morgan) give her a reason to be petty. She’s also the most charming of the group and her expertise in persuasion has made her mvp of multiple sessions. She was dragged into this mess while trying to find a missing person for a bounty, and thus far has yet to discover why her specifically, when it seems every other character is here for a Reason
Morgan and Seraphina hate each other and they want to kiss about it so bad. When any of us post about morphine, that’s them LMAO. Deliladonna is obviously Delilah and Belladonna. Norue are the slowest slow burn ever
And while I’m the DM and don’t have a PC, I do have a special little guy NPC that I’m a little obsessed with. Her name is Brozi and she’s a half orc way of mercy monk. She was Delilah’s best friend (and for some time, girlfriend) after the aasimar arrived in Sawtooth City and together they were the worst teenagers ever. Brozi isn’t going with the party, but she and Delilah are still very close, and their goodbye will be hard. While Delilah is gone, they get to achieve their lifelong dream of opening a bakery 🫶
In any case. Cowboy dykes. With horror. Themes of free will, losing control, found family, and learning to trust and overcome prejudice. The friendship dynamics took everyone by surprise. Belladonna and Seraphina are undead besties. Ruewen and Seraphina play go fish. Delilah and Morgan are slowly fixing each other. Nora and Morgan are also fixing each other. Morgan is super protective of Ruewen and it’s very sweet. I would die for any one of them. I’m obsessed with them a healthy amount.
This is the party 🫶
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(In order left to right: Morgan, Seraphina, Belladonna, Delilah, Ruewen, Nora)
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
Types/uses of humor in fiction which are good and valuable and which also actually enhance drama (incomplete list)
Irrepressible humor. This is what I would call it when characters are consciously being funny for their own and/or their friends' benefit, and it's treated accordingly by the story. Friends making each other crack up. Someone getting distracted from the current plot by an opening for a joke, and distracting other characters in turn. Multiple characters doing a spontaneous bit. Humor that feels like it wasn't written for the audiences' benefit, the characters are just being funny in-universe.
I love this type of humor because it's human. It adds life and depth and realism to the story because humans do have a deeply ingrained instinct for humor! People who get along well are going to make each other laugh! Furthermore, it generally leads to characters saying/doing little things that are entertaining but don't further the plot, which makes their world feel less scripted and more expansive. I think it connects to what Miyazaki said somewhere about the value of empty space in storytelling--it grounds everything and gives it more room to breath.
Examples: The Dick Van Dyke show my beloved (helped by the fact that several characters are played by actors with stage comedy experience--they're used to engaging with live reactions). The Lord of the Rings, which is in fact full of characters being gently, naturally humorous. Also, I suspect this is a big part of why D&D streams and such are popular now--you're watching a group of funny people trying to amuse each other first and foremost, so you're not just laughing but also watching them laugh.
Punching-up humor. The closest to quip-style humor, but with a specific kind of substance--this is weaponized humor. This is characters looking up at something that seems bigger and stronger and scarier than themselves, and making a joke out of it for specific reasons: to remind their enemy it's not actually above them, to remind themselves of that, to rob it of some or all of its power over them. Sometimes it works completely, and the other is revealed to actually have no power over them. Sometimes it works partway. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, and that's terrifying, if done right.
I think failed imitations of this type of humor are where a lot of quip-overload writing comes from, but in itself it's valuable and impactful and, again, human. It's a human trying to hold on to their own identity and dignity in the face of something terrible, refusing to cede any superiority to the enemy they're facing. The key is that whatever they're punching up at has to actually be stronger than them, or at the very least seem so until that verbal attack goes home.
Examples: Buffy (again, the progenitor of a lot of empty quippiness, but in this it was very often a case of beleaguered teenagers trying to stand their ground under the weight of history and myth and overwhelming evil), Stargate SG-1 (also good at the first type, while we're discussing them).
Humor as a ray of light. This differs in the two above in that it often originates from the reality of the narrative instead of the characters. This is for moments when everything seems bleak and grim and serious, maybe even tragic, when you're in the middle of a dark scenario with no way out... and then something just absurd happens. And the revelatory comedy of the moment shatters the darkness and shows the characters and/or audience that no! the world wasn't as dark as it looked just now! This is real, that incredibly silly thing that just happened, and it reminds them of the good underlying the world.
I love this one. It's humor as eucatastrophe. It can be used to break tension, it can be used to end confrontations, it can kill a tragic hero's despair as he suddenly stops taking himself so seriously, it can give the audience a sense of renewed safety and deliverance. Like the first type reminds us that humor is part of being human, this type affirms that humor is part of reality itself. It's affirming joy is a part of reality, in its own way.
Examples: Mob Psycho 100 (ONE's really good at this), Gravity Falls (less in climactic moments, more as a continuing element of light that keeps viewers able to invest themselves in the dark parts).
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purplehairedwonder · 2 years
Chapter 1062: Satellites
It feels like we’re getting back to some classic One Piece humor with this new arc, and I’m enjoying it.
Let’s start with the cover story.
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So, we had the two intruders at Chocolat Town back in chapter 1046. Looks like one of them was Kuzan. I’m guessing this isn’t Blackbeard’s full crew since we saw the man himself go after Hancock then kidnap Coby. If this cover story is happening around the same time, this might be the other part of that crew, though. After the road poneglyph while Big Mom is away?
On to the chapter!
Robin voices many of the same concerns fandom had after the reveal at the end of last chapter:
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And we get confirmation of what many were theorizing: that Vegapunk has “satellite” bodies that he is controlling. It’s interesting that a man of science like Vegapunk would have satellites imbued with emotional personalities -- especially in the wake of the last science-related arc in Whole Cake where Sanji’s brothers had their emotions removed; and we know Judge and Vegapunk worked together in MADS. 
Wait. Are these Vegapunk’s various personality traits removed and placed into the satellites? If so, I wonder if Judge’s work inspired Vegapunk or the other way around.
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Relating to the name Lilith, I immediately thought of the first wife of Adam and the mother of all demons. That would fit her as the “evil” satellite Vegapunk.
The Straw Hats left behind on the Sunny are under threat from Lilith, but she gets a wakeup call that an Emperor’s crew isn’t going to be easy pickings.
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I love these two panels. I love Robin being portrayed alongside Zoro as a badass fighter. That’s my queen right there.
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lol @ Sanji and Franky.
And what do you want, Zoro?
Punk 01, Shaka, wants to see the Straw Hats.
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Is it because he’s curious about the crew that Kuma used his final wish to protect?
Meanwhile, back with Jinbei and his Devil Fruit eating children...
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Confirmation of many theories that Bonney is Kuma’s daughter. We’ve got our princess for the arc, lol.
I can’t help but seeing a parallel between Bonney and Viola from Dressrosa -- a princess becoming a pirate to protect loved ones, assuming Bonney became a pirate to help her father.
Anyway, the small group gets into the lab and finds... food?
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Like I said, Dad Jinbei and his children XD
The food’s a hologram, and it seems we’ve switched genres from samurai film to sci-fi.
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Also, I was howling at Luffy’s sheer rage at the food not being real. I love him so much.
We meet another Vegapunk satellite: Atlas. This one is supposed to be wrath. 
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Atlas, of course, was a Titan in Greek mythology who, after a failed battle against the gods, was condemned to hold the heavens on his shoulders.
Atlas punches one of the holograms, revealing that she has gloves that let her touch light.
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This seems like it would be useful in fighting Kizaru. Just a thought.
We also see the machine that makes food. I foresee Sanji being highly offended by this.
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And shoutout to this post pointing out the Vega Cola. Who do we know that admires Vegapunk and powers his inventions with cola? Franky gonna have a field day. 
Finally, we see CP0 is on the way to Egghead as well. And guess who’s back!
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I’m sure Lucci is much stronger than he was in Enies Lobby, but there’s no way he could fight Luffy now, right?
Considering Lucci is actually questioning the orders to take out Vegapunk, it wouldn’t shock me if we see a shift in allegiances.
(Also, Stussy. Love her.)
Overall, good stuff.
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