#also geez long time no post lol
lordofnowhere-art · 8 months
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every once in a while I think about how Celehar is basically like a noir detective
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ganondoodle · 3 months
so, doing this as an extra post bc i dont want to spam op nor invite more disaster into their post (sorry)
(i get annoyed, i get frustrated, but i rarely get pissed off, so if this sounds aggressive to you, it is; i have had enough of arguing with people -even if most of that arguing has happened on twitter-)
someone had replied (and later apparently deleted) something along the lines of "well zelda wanted to restore hyrule at the end of botw and what is so bad about ganondorf always being the bad guy in the way that he is?"
so first off, while i know hyrule and KINGDOM of hyrule is often used as an equally interchangeable word to refer to the world there, i dont think she meant the kingdom or its or its monarchy when she said that (does she? i dont have the end in my head rn and pretty sure its a lil different than english anyway) and much more the LAND of hyrule, its still in shambles even if people have found ways to live with it- that is an interpretation of me mostly, you can think what you want in that regard idc
secondly .... im not gonna get into that rant bc you cannot be seriosuly asking what is bad about how ganondorf is presented, treated in the games (espeically in totk) and his role and "writing" (oh geez i dont know maybe all the racism and stereotypes?? also, frankly boring ass writing, if your villain can be replaced by a cloud of toxic goo incapable of speech and nothing would change except saving money for voice actors that dont fit the role that is not a great look- hes never gotten much but totk is a new low)
then theres this reply
astro-shark3113 replied: "You're kidding right? If she cared about reinstating the monarchy then why is the castle still in disrepair after five years? Why does she become a teacher and live in a cottage with her boyfriend instead of taking on duties as princess? She clearly wants to help people and be a leader but she can do that without wanting to be a Queen. Please be real"
i am not kidding and i AM being real, i think you need to look at the game without your rose tinted glasses for a second; the castle is still in ruin? what the hell do you expect, theres no soldiers and very few servants left, repairing anything is quite impossible in that time and frankly not a priority (not proof of her not caring lol) also there is a plan for it at the very least given the camps with the hyrule crest all over it in the ruins of castle town- we dont SEE her as a teacher, or living a "normal" life, that happens in between the game, its flavor text, what HAPPENS in the game is her being taught a lessson on who she needs to be and what hyrule needs to be (pretty in your face too, she gets sent to paradise past of the "first" king that is some supposedly godly thing from the HEAVENS and watches him and his queen die at the hands of the eviiil guy, the last scene in the game mimics perfectly the scene where everyone that god king got under his rule swears undying loyalty to her ffs); she does live in that house, but what other option is there, set up camp in the collapsing throne room all alone?? nigh everyone from that time is long dead and the only one she actually knows is link who happens to have a house (bc impa doesnt care i guess idk), with her ""boyfriend"" is also interesting, a "boyfriend" that apparently is locked in the basement, lives in the woods or straight up dematerlializes when theres no big bad in need of stabbing bc why the hell does no one fucking know him in hateno??? not even the kids that come to the house EVERY SINGLE DAY?? and taking on duties as a princess, she very much does? just bc she doesnt get physically carried around in a castle doesnt mean she isnt doing royal stuff (also, again, that happens BETWEEN the games, not actually in totk), she still sees herself as the princess, everyone calls her that, she herself calls herself that (if the memorial stones are anything to go by) and everyone listens to the most overtly stupid and nonsensical stuff that zelda puppet says (even her friends follow that order without even asking back???) after over 100 years of there not being a kingdom as such its pretty weird how everyone immediately, even the ones not alive for the calamity event, snaps into blindly following her orders
"she can still lead without being a queen", did we play the same game?? totk? TEARS of the KINGDOM?? (its zeldas tears, she IS the kingdom) that game?? the game couldnt be more directly telling you that its whole point is that royal family holy and good and how much everyone has to sacrifice to uphold the holy kingdom bc its the only thing that keeps evil man from overtaking it!! including turnign herself into a farmable, glorified stone pedestal for the entirety of the actual game and then that sacrifice not meanign shit bc she just gets deus ex machina'd back (i didnt need her to stay a dragon, though it would have been the better choice if she still didnt get an active part in the game i would kill for her to have been a capable companion instead of the stupid ghost sages, and you dont even get to actually do anything for it, it just happens), not even the nuclear pebble is lost, how great! she and everyone else that is a leader of their people has a nuclear pebble now!! they will not let a bad evil man be a threat ever again!! like the point to bring her back in that utterly unsatisfying way is that otherwise the royal line wouldnt exist anymore, its a blessing of her ancient ancestors!! woohooo!!
and the thing is, i LIKE botw zelda, i liked her character, that she wasnt the typically maiden princessy type, her struggle (even if i find the way she unlocked her powers lame), i do NOT like totk zelda, after the intro of the game she is a princessy maiden standing prettily at the side of the god king that rules the only thing keeping evil at bay, the level of how much totk disrespects her makes me mad on her behalf but i have ranted about that alone enough as well
and with this i am DONE talking about this game, i have ranted so much about it, made my points carefully clear over and over, said that i dont have the nerves left to be nice anymore about it given how much shit alone on twitter i had to live through just bc i dared mildly critisizing the damn game, if you comment some snarky "be real" thing again im just gonna go straight to blockign people bc i am done with this
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insertdisc5 · 1 year
The tumblr q&a is over, but I was curious! I love all the different phrases the characters in isat/sasasa:p use--If it's something you can say, where did inspiration for "gems alive" and other phrases come from?
long post ahead
ok so when I was figuring out the world, I found this lecture on worldbuilding by Brandon Sanderson (go watch it, and also go read his books), and (im gonna paraphrase heavily here) one thing he mentioned is that, to make a memorable world, one thing you can do is pick a couple areas of culture, and go real deep with it. So like, pick fashion, and architecture, and interior design, and develop those a bunch, and bam! you convinced people you have a whole dang world, even though you only developed 3 areas of this world. hollow iceberg everyone thinks is a real iceberg.
he also mentioned the idea of like... getting weird with it? and develop based on a weird detail? for example, in his book The Stormlight Archives, one detail is that women have to hide their left hand at all times. ok, so what does that mean, whats taboo about a left hand? is the left hand shameful, or lewd somehow, the same way ankles were for us? what about fashion, what does women's fashion look like? and how do you live your every day life, knowing you can't show this hand, can you carry things the same way? etc
SO, for me, one of the Big Worldbuilding pillars i picked was, uh, swear words lol. or language and common expressions, more generally. i went on a whole journey where i was like... ok swear words in a LOT of languages (including french and english, both languages i speak fluently) are either sexual, or about gross bodily discharges. you know what words i mean!!!!!
and, well, i also didnt want the game to be full of those words, mostly because i think its a tightrope to use those words without seeming cringe, and also because i have a Core Memory of showing a comic to a colleague and she said "well i wouldve liked to show it to my kids, but you said fuck 12 times in there" and i didnt show my face to her for a week. family friendly family friendly family friendly
so what swear words should my characters use, that arent the same ones we use? and could those swear words actually tell us something about the world they live in? could i actually use those swear words... to show the characters come from different cultures???
and what COULD swear words be like, if theyre not about sex or body stuff? well irl they're usually about religions or belief. "oh god", "goddamnit", etc. as a sidenote, stuff like "oh my god" or "geez" arent used, because jesus christ is not canon to the ISAT universe. alright
i decided very early on i wouldnt have those in the game either, but i COULD have them be about the religions specific to this world. and for insults, i could have them be about stuff those beliefs would see as lesser.
anyway instead of talking about "gems alive" lets talk about "crab"
isabeau+mirabelle+bonnie use "crab" as a swear word because they follow a religion all around change, bettering yourself, evolving, and, the crab meme,
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for those who dont get the joke, its about carcinisation, and about how a bunch of non-crab-like forms somehow evolved to a crab-like form. which would be horrible, for a religion all based around change!!! you mean we change and evolve, but theres a chance we might all become crabs??? CRAB!!!!!!!
anyway having "crab" kinda reads as 1. swear word 2. thats funny and weird (sets the tone) 3. tells you they know what crabs are (world not that different from ours, AND means they live close-ish to the coast, aka not land locked) and 4. crabs are somehow hated/feared, even if as the player you dont get why, it shows this country has its own culture (even if you dont get the crabs joke, which uuuh apparently doesnt work as well in countries that dont have this specific meme. WHATEVER!!!!)
(a few people came to me saying "heh, i get it, because crab and crap are very similar words" and um actually i did not think about that. crab is just a funny word on its own, and also i am a comedy genius without even trying)
anyway tldr: swear words as a worldbuilding tool. soon in theaters
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anonnluvver · 1 year
brett with a very shy reader ? most x readers have a too bold personality for me to relate too lol, gender is unimportant and just headcannons pleaseee :) ty
HIII OMG YALL REQUESTED A WHOOOLLE LOT AND IM SO SORRY IVE TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO THEM BUT I PROMISE I WILL! I’ve just been so busy lately but I’ve finally got some free time on my hands so be ready for looots of posts. ANYWAYS let’s get to it, thanks so much for requesting! (Btw this one is a long one…and cheesy)
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Brett x shy reader fluff(gender neutral)
“Deep breathes, okay. You can do this.” You quietly whisper to yourself, nervously fiddling with the seams of your shirt. It’s the first day of your new job in the shadow government at Cognito inc. taking one last deep breath and push the doors open walking up to the front desk. “Hi, im Y/n. Im new here and someone named Reagan said to ask you for instructions.” The secretary just looks you up in down with the blankest expression you’ve ever seen and simply said “go to the 2nd floor, conference room.” You awkwardly look away and thank the lady. Geez so much for good first impressions. Following the mean ladys instructions you stand right in front of the conference doors and give it a quick knock. “Come in!” You hear a women shout. Opening the doors you see who you assume is your boss, Regan. “Hi, I’m Regan your boss . Since of now you are part of the task force.” That was super brief, you thought. You’re a little shocked at how quickly you had been assigned to a job. “Oh um okay, well when do I get to meet this team of mine?” You question her a little scared to meet the rest of your co-workers. “Ah sorry I called you in a bit earlier than everyone else just so you could adjust to your office a bit. I’ll show you the way there then you’ll come back here when your done settling down to meet everyone else.” Regan walks you out to your office and leaves soon after. Your body slumps and your bag falls onto your desk as you sit down. “Well this hasnt been too bad. Regan doesn’t talk too much, which is kind of awkward but I mean so am I.” You talk to yourself in your small office hearing your voice echo a little on the walls from the emptiness in the room. Well I guess I should start heading back I’ve been here a while, sighing you stand up and hesitantly go to the conference room once more. You open the doors to find more people sitting down at the large table in the conference room, all suddenly turning their heads to look at you. In embarrassment your face flushes a little and you look at the floor awkwardly. “Oh, sorry everyone um hi I’m Y/n.” You quietly introduce yourself. “Oh my gosh!” *SQUEEL* “You must be our new co worker!” *gasp* You sharply gasp, surprised by being pulled into a tight hug and squeezed up into the air. Your face grows even hotter and flustered not knowing who is touching you or what to do. You look down to see the person hugging you so tightly and see a tall and really attractive guy. And suddenly your even more flustered if that’s possible. “Brett how many times do we have to tell you, you don’t hug people who don’t know you.” Reagan sighs tiredly, clearly this isn’t the first time he’s done this. “Oh! Right sorry… I’m just so excited to have a new addition to our gang!” He quickly puts you done and apologizes. “Y/n you can come sit down with us now, everyone just introduce yourselves normally please.” Wow, Regan already seems done and the day just started. “Oh okay.” Shit, well where am I supposed to sit? You look to the right and see that weird guy who hugged you patting the seat next to him. You just quickly look away and sit next to Regan on the opposite side from him. You don’t mean to be harsh but you’re just nervous to be close to him. And strange enough he looks sad you didn’t sit next to him. “Alright well I’m Andre Lee, the tasks force one and only biochemist. I also got the good stuff-if you know what I mean wink wink.” He elbows your side while dramatically winking. “You are such a weirdo Andre.” The next girl rolls her eyes at Andre “whatever, I’m Gigi Thompson, best looking one here and PR of the media manipulation department. I’m sure you’ve seen my work because I am everywhere.” She laughs at her own flattery. “And I’m Glen Dolphman, Cognito Inc’s supersoilder and responsible for managing the company’s arsenal.” He says while firmly saluting to the American flag. “Oh and I’m Brett Hand! And uh I guess I just work here.” He laughs awkwardly at the last part as it seems he doesn’t even know why he’s here. “Okay now that everyone has introduced themselves let’s get to business.”
Regans voice just fades out slowly from your head as your distracted by a certain someone. You just stare at him in confusion and curiosity, Brett seems like such a strange yet normal guy. Though as your staring at him you can say he is really cute. Lost in your thoughts you don’t even notice when Brett catches you staring at him at first. He smiles at you and you quickly look away in embarrassment.
Eventually the hours pass you by and your first day on the job was over. You’re glad it was nothing crazy but planning things and paperwork. Reagan promised you’d be safely at the office, just for your first few days. You collect your things from your office and head to your car in the parking lot. Content enough with your first day you decide to get a quick pick me up at Starbucks. You sit at a table by yourself waiting for your vanilla with extra sweet cream foam cold brew, your regular. “Oh hey Y/n, it’s me Brett!” You look at up from your phone in surprise. Brett stood smiling right in front of you. Immediately filled with awkward nervousness you look away from him and down the the table. “Um hi…” you quietly respond to him, clearly not matching his energy. Brett immediately frowns with sadness. “Hey, I’m sorry that I hugged you without your permission. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I was just so excited to meet you! From now on I promise I’ll always ask before touching you.” Surprised at his apology you look up to see him smiling sweetly at you. You feel your cheeks warm up and little and you start to smile just a little. “Thanks, I really appreciate it Brett.” You finally spoke to him while making eye contact! Brett’s eyes light up with happiness, just glad you accepted his apology. Before either of you could say anything else the employee called out your order. “Oh that’s me, sorry Brett I have to go now but um it was really nice to see you.” You grab your bag and coffee and wave goodbye to Brett. Finally at home lying in your bed trying to sleep, you find yourself staring at the ceiling unable to stop thinking about something. Or more like someone. You couldn’t get Brett Hand out of your head and it was unbearable. What was so intriguing about him to you? I mean surely you cant like him you just met. I’m sure it’s just cause your excited about having a new friend. Yes of course, that’s the answer. All these thoughts rush through your head for the next few hours of you sleepless night.
You wave lazily at the front desk lady on your way into the office this morning, tired from you lack of sleep from last night. You drop a few things off at the office and report to the conference room shortly after as Reagan directed. You walk in and it’s just Reagan, seems like your a bit early. “G’mornin.” You mumble and take a sit next to her slumping tiredly in the chair. “Woah you look just like me, what’s wrong?” Reagan questions your tired face knowing it a little too well. You slowly lift your head off the table to look at her with half closed eyes. “Hm? Oh sorry, im just really tired. I couldnt sleep last night and I forgot to get coffee this morning too.” You slur and mumble all your words but it’s clear enough for Reagan to understand what your saying. “Ah I get that but my question is, why were you having trouble sleeping?” And before you could fumble over your words trying to make an excuse the answer bursts right through the doors. “Hey guys! How’s it going?” Brett’s energy is way too much for you this morning so you just put your head back down and doze off as Regan and Brett talk for a bit. Yet before you can fall asleep Brett calls out your name. “Y/n, look up.” “Hm?” You hum and left your head of the table once more to look up at whatever Brett wanted. He was holding out a coffee to you. You wake up a little from the shock and slowly sit up straight. “Is this for me?” You look at him confused. “Yes of course, I swinged by this morning to get you it. it’s a vanilla cold brew with extra sweet cream foam!” He gleefully beams at you. “But that’s what I always get?” You look at him stumped “how do you know my order?” Still confused you question Brett. “Oh well I I remember what order the employee called out yesterday when I saw you.” He smiles once more and you gently reach out your hands to grab the cup. And suddenly your sense of touch heightens when your fingers brush softly against Brett’s as you grab the cold cup. You share one last look with Brett before he quickly jolts up. “Oh! I just remembered I should go find the others. I know they’re here probably just running late.” He smiles and heads off to find the rest of your co workers. You just sit there starring off into space from where Brett last stood. “Hey Y/n” “hello?” “Y/N!” Regan yells at you to wake up from your day dream. “Oh regan, sorry I spaced out.” “Yea I could tell. Now let’s get ready for another stressful meeting.” You fully turn your attention to helping Regan prepare for the day.
Once again the work day is over and it’s time to leave as your walking out to the doors of your office you’re stopped by a certain someone. “Hey Y/n! Great work today.” It’s Brett. “Oh, thanks Brett…” fuck you’re internally screaming. Why does this guy make you so nervous? Hiding your face from Brett inevitable feeling the heat flush to your cheeks once more. “Um by the way, thanks for the coffee. It was really cool of you.” Cool? Gosh I sound like a dork. You internally beat your self up for your stupid choice of words. “No problem! Anything for a pal.” He giggles a little from his own statement and winks at you playfully. “Okay we’ll see you tomorrow Y/n!” And with that you both exchanges waves and goodbyes. Once finally out of eyesight you mentally face palm and groan into your hands. Gosh. That was embarrassing “Honey, I just saw that whole thing and whooh that was awkward.” You quickly turn around to see who saw your embarrassing display with Brett and it was Gigi. “Ugh I know but I just can’t figure out why I’m so awkward around him.” You cringe at just remembering your interaction. And yet you find yourself weirdly comfortable talking to Gigi. “Mmhm I think I know exactly why.” She just gives you an all knowing look up and down. “Really? Please tell me why.” You plead do her to enough you so you can just solve the issue already. “It’s because you like him.” “WHAT?” You accidentally yell out in shock covering your mouth quickly. “I mean, why do you say so?” This time whispering so no one near could hear. “Honey it’s written all over that little face of yours.” You groan loudly at her claim. Could that really be the reason your social skills suck more then usual when talking to Brett? “But I just met him, how could I already like him?” You ask Gigi since she seems to be much more knowledgeable in this aspect. “Well I couldn’t tell you. After all how am I supposed to know why YOU like him? All I know is lover boy seems to be developing a few feelings of his own.” And with that mind breaking statement she leaves you alone with just you and your thoughts. Brett like me?? No way. Not in a million years. These words echoing through your head the whole way home. Throwing yourself over your bed with exhaustion more over your conflicting emotions rather than your heavy work load and eventually passing out.
A few weeks pass and your now comfortable in your new work environment, strange but now familiar. Yet one thing has not changed, the awkwardness you feel when around Brett. And yes those feelings Gigi talked about have not left one bit, in fact you’d say they’ve grown over time. Brett’s nice gestures always make your stomach flutter with butterflies and your heart face like some 3rd grade crush. “Y/nnnn, Come on! He clearly likes you, why not just make a damn move already. Everyone in the office practically knows already! It’s so obvious.” Gigi shouts at you while your just trying to enjoy your sandwich. You asked to have lunch together not a therapy session… “Gigi shhh! Don’t say that so loud!” You sigh and put your sandwich down “look, I like him sure but we don’t know for sure if he does and-“ “OH PLEASE!” Gigi cuts you off abruptly shouting and throwing her arms in the air. “He’s always extra nice to you and trust me Brett’s already way too nice. Plus he’s always bring you little gifts all the time.” She huffs and rolls her eyes at you. “Whatever Gigi, I’m not making any moves so sorry to dissatisfy your office romance fantasies.” You roll you eyes back at her and clean up since your lunch break is over leaving back to your office and go finish up some paperwork for Reagan. “Oh I will get my office romance wether you want it or not.” Gigi talks to herself planning a ‘special’ surprise for you.
*KNOCK* *KNOCK* you sigh getting up from your chair to open the door to your office. “Oh hi Gigi, Reagan, What do you need?” You see the two girls standing in front of your door. “Hey Y/n we were hoping you could help us find something in the chemical closet.” Gigi asks in a weirdly high pitch voice. “Sure,what is it?” You ask wondering what it was they couldn’t find. “Oh follow us then we’ll tell you”. So you follow Reagan and Gigi to the chemical closet and go inside. “It’s called fizzyflupflurp acid.” You can hear one of them trying to hold in a laugh behind you “Really? That sounds kind of stupid.” But before you can say anymore they quickly leave in a rush saying to just call them when you find it since they’re so “busy”. Huh, weird. But I mean this whole place is weird. You just think to yourself as you look through the various viles for ‘fizzyflupflurp’ acid. Suddenly you hear lots of giggling behind you and hear Brett stumble into the closet falling right on to you. He lets out a grunt from the impact of you two colliding and before either of you can get a word out you hear the lock click and Gigi and Reagan giggles burst out into laughter. You push brett aside and rush to the door trying to open the door but it’s locked, pounding your fist on the door in frustration when it doesn’t open. “Let us out!” You yell at the other two behind the door. “Yeah, What are we locked in here for?” Brett chimes in. “Oh I think you know why you’re in there. And we’re not letting you out till one of you spits it out.” You can just hear the smirk on Gigi’s face. You freeze in fear and feel your face turn completely hot and red. “Gosh no.” You breathlessly whisper to yourself not wanting to turn around and face Brett. “AH OKAY I ADMIT IT,” Brett suddenly yells out “I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE STALKED YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA TO LEARN YOUR FAVORITE THINGS.” Brett winces as if you might yell at him for what he’s done. “Brett what? No, this isn’t what this is about. And that’s not a horrible thing Brett im not mad at you for it but it is kinda weird…” you sigh preparing yourself to ruin your small friendship with Brett and make it awkward for the rest of your career. “Then what is it about?” Brett asks confused to what other secret needed sharing. “Well it’s… it’s- gosh um” SPIT IT OUT ALREADY internally yelling at yourself to get it over with. “I like you.” You say extremely quite almost enough for Brett to not hear. “Oh well I like you too Y/n! You’re a great friend, that’s no secret.” He laughs at you for your ‘silly’ secret that he just doesn’t seem to understand. “No, Brett. I like like you. As in romantically.” You muster out clarifying things for Brett. It’s silent. Way too silent that you look up to see his expression and he looks so, shocked? Panicked you start apologizing “look Brett I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable I jus-“. Oof is the noise you let out from being knocked back into the closet door. “Brett?” “I’m sorry, I know I said I’d ask next time before hugging you but I just really needed to this time.” He whispers softly and your heart just melts. You hug him back tighter than ever happy he isn’t upset. “I like like you too Y/n” he quietly says nuzzling into your neck and gently squeezes you reassuringly.
I AM SO SORRY I TOTALLY READ THIS REQUEST WRONG I DONT KNOW HOW 😭. well regardless I hope some of you like it but I am truly sorry anonymous hope you can forgive me🙏.
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jtl07 · 8 months
jt (finally) watches warrior nun - s2 e1 - Avatrice fight thoughts pt 2
Guess who finally finished the episode! I’m gonna do a post on the dance of romance and the aftermath of the fight in a separate post because I want to go out of order and talk about the fight scene since I’d already started talking about it here.
For such a short scene it does a lot - my notes ended up quite long lol. It was a great scene to highlight how much better Ava’s gotten - but what was also interesting was how it showed how much better Beatrice is compared to Ava. So I figured I’d do a bit of a comparison of the following:
Fight styles (plus a little bit more on each of their opening moves)
Success against multiple attackers / situational awareness (and hits taken)
Vibe in general
First, can we applaud the fact that Ava doesn’t run? Like, even faced with two dudes initially she immediately - and a little cockily - squares up. And yeah she seems a little worried when the number ups to five, but she stands her ground, doesn’t make any moves to run. And these dudes are like, twice her weight and a full head taller than her! Pretty darn badass.
Okay so let’s start with fight styles: So despite Ava being taught by Beatrice, Ava has more of a brawler feel. Makes me wonder if Beatrice leaned into it when she was training her. As in: she must of have noticed Ava’s tendencies, would have definitely taken Ava’s personality into account, yknow? And yes, there’s fundamentals and safety but the best teachers and coaches nurture what’s already there. And idk, I feel like Beatrice isn’t the type to stifle (not when she herself has been, not when Ava has such a passion for living).
Ava tends to swings wide, has extra movement compared to Bea, who’s the epitome of precision and fluidity. Also interesting is that Bea stays grounded the whole time, whilst Ava goes airborne three times: her opening takedown (0:11), a jumping front kick (0:47), and while caught in a rear bear hug (0:50). She literally launches herself into every move, which is very much in character for Ava.
Also, speaking of opening moves: Beatrice’s opening move (0:33) is a simple one that takes advantage of her surprise entrance: it looks like she grabs one dude’s shoulder from behind and somehow gets him to his knees. Feels in character to Beatrice, not getting attention even from the camera lol. But though it’s not as flashy as Ava’s entrance, it’s effective, which is all that matters.
What’s lovely to watch about Bea’s fight is just how fluid it is - similar to the Arq-tech fight, everything flows together. For example, take the moment after that nasty wrist lock strike (0:41): she not only blocks that second dude’s punch but is is already transitioning to a shoulder lock (which, again kudos to KTY for her physicality, the way she uses her whole body, stretching up then twisting to torque the dude’s shoulder - again, very important to use one’s whole body when performing joint locks against a bigger opponent), which flows into crashing the dudes together, and that beautiful spinning back kick.
Everything about Bea’s fight screams professional. I mean, there’s that straight punch she does at 0:54 where it’s precise and powerful - and look how she retracts just as quickly, already loaded for a follow up. And if we’re going to talk about precision: freaking performing a wrist lock is already finicky enough, but to keep that pressure while moving?? Geez.
Also the whole flipping the dude behind her with that shoulder shrug (0:58): yeah, I don’t understand how that’s possible, there was no momentum or leverage, but if we’re going to suspend disbelief and look at it in terms of story, I can see what they were trying to do in painting Beatrice as an aikido master.
Speaking of mastery, let’s move to the second point about multiple attackers. One of my first thoughts as I was watching this scene was, “How did Ava learn to fight multiple opponents if she’s only been training with Beatrice?” If this is the first time she’s been in that kind of situation, she does a good job! She makes smart choices and divides her attention well (good example is the very first exchange at 0:32, she does a great job getting the first dude off-line with that parry that turns him and starts to expose his back - I bet if it’d been 1 v 1, she’d have likely followed up on that, but she makes a good decision to tend to the second dude; also at 0:36, she takes a hit but is smart about getting that dude out of the way so she can do that fun push kick on the other dude).
All in all, yeah, Ava takes a few hits but she shows incredible situational awareness for the level she’s at (and likely for her first 1 v many fight).
Then we have Beatrice. Whereas Ava was constantly reacting, Beatrice was in complete control of her fight. It’s an interesting contrast to the Arq-tech fight: there, she took on each guard one at a time, but here, she is almost always is engaged with both dudes at the same time. Plus, she’s unarmed here. (Which now makes me wonder if Beatrice also “leveled up” while in the Alps. Huh.)
The ultimate example of Beatrice’s superior situational awareness is of course that no-look dodge at 0:55 - probably the closest she ever gets to getting hit during this fight. Note that Beatrice takes no hits during this whole fight, compared to Ava taking three hits (plus a grab; also not counting the crowbar strike she phased through).
Lastly, we’ve got their general vibe. Ava, just like in freaking everything, is just so in the moment and loving it. Now that she’s overcome her flight tendency and has confidence in her fighting abilities, she relishes being in the action. Yeah, there’s that scary moment when she’s caught in the rear bear hug, but she thinks quickly (bases out, seems to also go for the dude’s grip - all textbook moves to execute when in that situation) and gets out of it safely.
Also, I mentioned she took three hits: Did you notice that she just kept going? Yeah, she has the halo to help her heal, but that doesn’t shield her from the pain and the shock of getting hit. It takes a heck of a lot of conditioning to take a blow and just keep going, and Ava does a fantastic job keeping focused.
But if we’re gonna talk about focus, good god, Beatrice’s focus is on another level. This is Beatrice in kill-mode 0 I mean, that look she gives the dude when she wrist locks him at 0:57?
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How did that dude not die on the spot? Seriously. Beatrice is cold as ice here, and she doesn’t drop her guard until the very end. (I still think it’s so interesting, the way she steps feet together at 1:03 - it’s very reminiscent of ending a kata, of formally ending a match; though she’s very much still on her guard, almost resigned even, her body has acknowledged that the fight is over).
Oh, I also forgot to mention two things: First, Beatrice again chose not to step in when it comes to Ava interacting with Michael. What’s the saying? Third time is a habit? But she does what she always does, which is watch. Which leads to my second thing: Beatrice must not have been far to have come in so quickly. I wonder if she started heading home then turned back around (maybe she saw Ava’s opening move and felt a little bit of pride?) or kept close the whole time (only stepping in when the odds turned decidedly not in Ava’s favor).
I guess it also explains Beatrice’s vibe in this fight. At Arq-tech, she was fighting only for herself, but my thoughts then are ones I still believe now: that Beatrice sees herself as expendable. But here, she’s not alone - she’s fighting not just for herself, but for Ava as well. She has to win, because to lose means Ava getting hurt.
So yeah, lots of rambling lol - I didn’t expect to be so fascinated with this fight until I started taking notes. I guess the last thing I’ll say is how analyzing this fight made me more sympathetic to Beatrice - when she tells Ava she’s not ready, she truly believes that, and we see evidence here. Ava loves being in the fight, does a pretty bang up job, but Beatrice knows it’s not enough, not when it comes to Adriel.
Anyway let me know what y’all think! Happy to expand on anything but also just happy to have y’all reading along <3
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zepskies · 4 months
Writer Tag
Thank you so much for tagging me @venus-haze! As always, your responses on this were really interesting and got me thinking about my answers. (Here's the original post.)
So these first questions are geared toward Ao3 stories.
How many works do you have on AO3? 48 and counting.
What's your total AO3 word count? Aw geez. According to the statistics page, 1,022,400.
(But I have more fics listed in Tumblr thanks to headcanons and things not yet posted in Ao3.)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Every Loyalty - (Jon Snow x OC)
And So It Goes - (Butcher x OC)
Never Say Goodbye - (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Break Me Down - (OC Version | Soldier Boy x OC)
Checkerboard - (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! Always. I love getting feedback and engaging with the people who take the time to read my work. 💜
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Ooh, it's gotta be this imagine in SPN fandom: "Sam crosses the line." In which he's in love with Dean's girlfriend.
(Sequel to "You are Dean's one exception.")
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending? Well, most of my stories have happy endings. But probably Never Say Goodbye (Dean W. x Reader). It's a soulmate AU, so very rom-com and fluffy, despite all the drama they went through.
Though I could also say the same of the last story in the Midnight Espresso-verse: In Bad Weather.
Do you write crossovers? No, I don't. I've enjoyed reading a few though.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes, unfortunately lol. It's inevitable for as long as I've been writing though.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh yes lol. I'm a romantic though, so it's often a mix of fluff, straight up romance, occasionally dashed with angst and/or hurt/comfort.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge. (I hope not!)
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, but I've received solicitations lol.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yeah, when I was a teenager just starting out writing, I used to write with one of my best friends growing up. (We're still good friends to this day.)
What's your all-time favorite ship? That's pretty much impossible. 🤣 It depends on the fandom! Nowadays I tend to write for OCs or reader inserts though.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? Ooof, nothing recent. But I finally finished And So It Goes, which took me 3 years for some reason. 🙃
Though I do have both a Jason Teague x OC series and a Smallville Clark Kent x OC series outlined that realistically, I probably won't get to. 💔
What are your writing strengths? I've been told I'm good at dialogue and keeping canon characters in character, which is always amazing to hear! I try my best.
What are your writing weaknesses? Action scenes and smut scenes are my biggest writing challenges, though I've been told I do a decent job at them. I know I tend to use adverbs a lot lol (I'm trying to curb that).
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? So I try to minimize use of this, but, I've gotten critiqued (putting it mildly) on this before for two reasons. Admittedly, I've had to revise myself in certain use cases, but also, there are slang words and phrases in certain Spanish cultures that wouldn't make sense to another Hispanic/Latino culture that doesn't use the word/phrase. So sometimes, it's not that it's wrong grammatically, but that it's slang.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Oh jeezus, probably Chronicles of Narnia fandom when I was like, 10 and brand new to writing. 😂
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? Ooh a tough one. I feel like there are so many! I do have a story I had outline years ago now for Steve Rogers/Captain America back in the MCU fandom (which I've written in before). But that fandom is a bit intimidating. 😂
What's your favorite fic you've written? Also really tough for me. I think it's a tie between two series:
Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Midnight Espresso (Dean W. x Plus-Sized Latina!Reader)
One totally took me by surprise by how much I enjoyed writing the series and the characters (and figuring out how to write Soldier Boy/Ben 😂).
While the other allowed me to be a little more indulgent with myself, writing from my personal experience and my culture.
The responses on both stories have been amazing and incredibly heartwarming. 💗
No pressure tags:
@thatonewriter15 @waywardxwords @impala-dreamer @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @deanwritings @deanwinchesterswitch @deanbrainrotwritings @kaleldobrev -- and whoever else wants to join! 💜
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ducktracy · 6 months
Is Bah, Humduck! any good? Is it worth checking out this Holiday season?
Have a nice day!
HI THERE!! happy holidays to you and yours! IMMEDIATELY PREFACING THIS WIIIITH: you should definitely give it a go, regardless of my opinion! i don’t want to be THE GATEKEEPER OF THE TUNES HAHA so i think if you’re curious enough, regardless of what i have to say, you should give it a go!
BUT, with that said! i actually haven’t seen it in… 3 years??? oh geez! the last time i watched it i wasn’t nearly as edjumacated on the ins-and-outs of LT’s history/xharacters/grasp as a whole, so i’m sure if i were to rewatch it now i’d be like “um actually Daffy wouldn’t say that because in this short released Octember 37th, which started production on a Thoisday in the 24 and 1/2th century, he—“ BUT THAT’S NOT A BAD THING EITHER. that’s just how i am. so you’ve actually piqued my curiosity, and i may try to squeeze in time to watch it again myself and come back with any thoughts i have!
NEVERTHELESS, i recall liking it! i know i’ve seen it more than once! as with any modern post-Blanc LT production i have my qualms with it, but i don’t remember them being super big or anything. it’s arguably both guilty AND resistant of “oooooh da Looney Tunes are all one big happy family 🤗”, but i recall it being moreso the latter and that being a big reason as to why i liked it (such as Yosemite Sam punching Daffy in the arm during a heartfelt moment or Porky’s daughter—voiced by Tara Strong which is also a kind of endearingly sarcastic “lol” moment for me since it’s like… yeah this sure was released in 2006, huh!—basically saying that Daffy is in hell)
it’s a sweet special! “Looney Tunes” and “sweet” are not two things i tend to love put together, but i think in this particular special it felt earned. Daffy’s “””””lore”””””” i think was always a bit amusingly trite to me, but, again, ya gotta have a justification for the special somehow! and i do remember finding the ending genuinely endearing, even in spite of my aversions to playing that stuff totally straight in a LT production.
iirc it does a good job of giving multiple characters screen time—some longer than others, but i did respect that they had some pulls like Beaky Buzzard and i think even Hippety Hopper???? maybe???
i like it because it’s a modern production that gives Porky a spotlight and doesn’t beat down on him the ENTIRE time, and so i really enjoy that it gives a little more dimension/prioritization to the Porky and Daffy dynamic, especially something on a slightly less surface level than what they’d usually been made out to be around that time, both before and after. Porky’s always getting the short end of the stick in some way (which is why i’ve made it my sworn duty to spread my porcine propaganda) and i don’t feel that way about this special. he might even have more screen time than Bugs? i think? so i deeply admire that
I’LL HAVE TO GIVE IT A WATCH BECAUSE NOW I’M CURIOUS! the last time i saw it as i said before, i wasn’t as Matured In My Tastes yet. i’ve especially come around to Joe Alaskey’s Daffy much more since then (thanks Duck Dodgers!), so i’d love to give it a rewatch for that alone. i’m sure there’s more i’d have to nitpick now, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because if i’m nitpicking something it means i’m engaged HAHA
LONG ANSWER SHORT: i liked it and i’d say go for it!
i can at least answer with immediacy that it’s certainly better than the ‘70s interpretation they did of A Christmas Carol (which goes against that post-Blanc bias i mentioned)! but, at the same time, that short has this and Bah Humduck doesn’t, soooooooo……
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larebiscornue · 10 days
(EDIT: This is getting visibility so reminder to do your daily clicks in arab.org (not only for the Palestine tab) and check this list of vetted palestinian gofundmes)
So, per typical Friday, we had a new page of La Grande Vague, but (at least when I checked), for the first time, the comments were... Pretty negative! And it's no wonder, we only have 2 more chapters episodes til this wraps up and, if you have read it, you know exactly how lackluster of an ending for the Wakfu story if this were the ending. (Sure, we'd have the upcoming Flo and Mad comic to cover one part of the cast, but LGV IS advertised as the great finale for the main story.) I really get the disappointed feeling, especially because whether you get the cheap or expensive pack, reading LGV at full is NOT free. And I'm not even touching, of course, the issue with season 5 being a webcomic.
But, if what other commenters said is true, Tot said LGV is actually going to have a hundred episodes or so! (I haven't been able to find the source. Maybe twitter? Feel free to send it to me. I'd be doubtful on authenticity but with many people saying it.. It sounds too specific)
However, I do still think some degree of criticism to how LGV is handled is still warranted for sure.
Like. The way it was marketed... Were we told there would be more than 10 chapters? Correct me if we have, but there being a bit of an ammount of fans in the comments not knowing tells me it was not well expressed.
The webtoon/webcomic(?) issue would be the pacing, I do agree.. Webcomics can have quite an iffy pacing to get used to as they do obviously need to be spread in time, often in short bits like lgv (though, at least it isn't as this one comic I read as a teen that was only a page per week. We were fine with it because it was a one person team but geez, it made action full high plot point chapters/episodes/(gah I find the names confusing..) tough to read with unchanging hype... (I'm not saying any webcomic author or even company should be pressured to upload even more than a page per *insert period of time * but we cannot deny the medium has its limitations. Idk if this also happens with comic books, since while they come in issues, they're longer book releases) For full transparency I'll say I'm not that much of a webcomic bluff at all aside from wakfu and the other one, so take it with a pinch of salt.
I think the problem is, we as a wakfu audience are used to get meaty 20 minute episodes, and while each lgv episode has content, because of the medium and the way it's structured, it definitely lasts less. Does this have any solution? I dunno. Webcomic was the only compromise to s5 not being able to be animated. And not to mention how passionate we are about this series.
On one hand, I feel some of the uproar should be saved til we see how does this progress and how Ankama handles the situation, cause if lgv is really gonna be 100 episodes long, we have to see how stuff plays out. On the other, I feel we as fans have the right to freely critique, (like the "ammount of chapters wasn't well advertised") healthily!
This isn't intended to be a proper essay, sorry if some of the wording doesn't make sense, and as you can see I have NOT touched on the plot itself cause I don't feel its that relevant for this post. Feel free to share your opinions with me!
EDIT: @/julith-jurgen and @/cocogum shared me a link to Tot and Cathiane (LGV's artist)'s statement in the replies, the 100 episodes/chapters (Again I still struggle with proper webcomic terminology lol) thing is real:
https://x.com/Totankama/status/1781321831263424875 https://x.com/Cathianedraws/status/1781379849606529479)
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siphisket · 2 years
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Felt emo might delete later
(Just kidding~ …although I might take out some of the text lol this thing is way wordier than I thought geez — that’s what I get for pumping it out in one sitting and refusing to edit)
Image ID below the cut
[Image ID: Image 1 depicts a blue figure with short hair casting their gaze down to the side and gripping their right arm with their left hand. The text reads, “Only finally finding the safety to ‘be a teenager’ after turning 20 is such a lonely experience…”
Image 2 depicts the blue figure turning to look over their shoulder at a smaller blue figure with long hair, the same figure at a younger age, who is curled into a ball. The text reads, “I wish I knew then what I know now.”
Image 3 depicts this younger, long-haired blue figure sitting in a desk surrounded by friends in a high school classroom. The text reads, “I wish I’d gotten to meet my friends back then.”
Image 4 depicts younger Blue now with shorter hair and ripped jeans. They’re wearing a nondescript band tee with a long-sleeve fishnet shirt underneath, and they have a black ring on the middle finger of each black-nailed hand. One friend wraps an arm around younger Blue’s shoulder while another ruffles their hair, and for the first time in the comic, the blue figure looks unabashedly happy, even if a bit sheepish. The text reads, “I wish they’d been there to give me the strength to fight for myself. To cut and dye my hair, to rip my jeans and give each other stupid matching tattoos.”
Image 5 depicts younger Blue in the back of a car with their friends, laughing and going recklessly fast. The text reads, “We could have stolen our parents’ cars and gone for screeching joyrides at 1 in the morning, flooring the gas and just getting as far away as possible because none of us can stand the idea of going ‘home.’”
Image 6 starts out with a wall of text that ruins the flow of the comic because the artist is paranoid about their words being misinterpreted but also too paranoid about posting even the slightest amount of personal information on the internet to keep that from happening so hooray for me being stupid anyway long story short I am not endorsing any of this behavior please drive safely. The text reads, “It’s not even that I like the idea of stealing a car or speeding or anything, I just wish I’d gotten to be a kid, to have had the opportunity to make ‘bad choices’ if I wanted to, for choices to have been something I was allowed to make.”
The lower half of Image 6 depicts younger Blue laughing in the back seat as two of their friends have an animated conversation on either side of them. The text reads, “It’s pathetic.”
Image 7 depicts the blue figure in the present now, back to “reality” where they’re driving an empty car, an uneasy look on their face. The text continues where the previous image left off, reading, “and I think about it every day I have to drive back from work.”
Image 8 zooms out from the previous image, where Blue uneasily grips the steering wheel of their car, looking up at the sign for the street they’re about to turn on to. The sign reads, “Family’s House St” because the author is so subtle. The text reads, “I just wish they weren’t so far away, that they’d take me with them.”
Image 9 depicts Blue driving towards a crudely-drawn house, and long-haired younger Blue sits in the passenger’s seat with shoulders anxiously raised. The text reads, “But even now I remain obedient. I’m still just so scared.” End ID]
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joshbruh10x · 11 months
Ok first how long have you shipped Fazcule
second did freddy and Bonnie see Monty at the same time and go " yup he's ours now" or did one fall then the other,
Thirdly did you ever write out or draw out how that kind of relationship affects the game or does it exist separately
And finally ( sorry it's long) I have a dumb, probably not funny doodle comic idea I'd like to draw and it would cross over our characters so I'm asking for permission to draw your characters totally fine if you rather I didn't
Oh my asks about the Fazcule <:0
It's been a while!!!
(warning, very stupid long rant, I didn't realize how long I've written, oh dear god I'm so sorry)
Ok firstly, when I went to Tumblr with the help of @lmaojune (hi bestie if you see this). I was completely blind to the fandom, I used to be in a Pokemon Amino and posted whatever, what're aus? What're fics? Ships? Didn't know em. Then saw all the Monteddy art and was like y'know what? Why not draw them. Then it dawned on me I could basically draw anything I wanted , didn't matter how goofy (yes it took me that long to realize, I was a very serious artist back in Amino). Not long, I saw everyone's Glamrock Fronnie, as a Monty enthusiast I was like NOOOO HE WAS LEFT OUT :( but then I stumbled upon other people's art with Monty and Bonnie, I've read so much fics about them being enemies or fics where Bonnie's the abusive partner of either Monty or Freddy but I didn't see him as how I see him today (the sweet idiot hornball). Then I started drawing Bonnie more but then I saw Izzy (holidayturkeyy who which I will NOT tag I do not need them seeing this rant guys, pls save me the humility) and their idea of a polycule with the three guys, polycule and Fazbear? BOOM FAZCULE (also it's a reason I don't call the ship Gatorbearbun, I think that derived from Twitter? The hellscape land of musk :> /hj), and THE ART WAS TOO SWEET I COULDNT KVMDKDLS then dots aligned and I got hooked. Sorry for the long answer but to cut this short, I've been shipping them ever since I've discovered the ship's exsistance, that being like 2 years ago already (geez time is fast)
Secondly, yeah that was my first impression of the ship, Freddy and Bonnie are ogs and they find this new guy they both really like so they were both like YEAHHHHH we'll just uhhh talk to him. And then they started to become a polycule. Although I did have ideas back then where Bonnie and Monty drag Freddy into their relationship. This is actually canon to the TOH au me and June share.
Third, yes actually! If you go to AO3 and see my Fazcule Drabbles (short Fazcule Oneshots which I have yet to update lcsmdmldnfk), multiple times have I mentioned about the effects of a polycule relationship to their modern lives, I'm about to do the same thing with a new fic series I am about to write (still on break from writing lol)
I don't see anything wrong with it (unless people yoink my art and claim it as theirs, ya know those kinda stuff)
Sorry for the long rant lmao :p
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
yk i used to have an old frnd who i was very close to. like really. we used to talk all the time even though we live miles away and haven't met in like 7+ years. but we always got along. she had a really wide and kind of a different approach to life than other people which i really found admiring. i learned a lot of things from her and i honestly miss her presence sometimes. we don't talk anymore. time got us. there wasn't any fight or anything, we just gradually drifted apart and that's what hurts the most. why am i telling you this? because you remind me of her sometimes. she was strong, opinionated and never feared stating whatever was on her mind. that's a quality i acquired from her. so yeah... reading your messages (replies to the anons) remind me of her sometimes.
hope u do well in life, get everything u want and keep up with your spirit, rosie. i wish you the best in life and i hope everyone around you shows their love in their own way to you. and it's my request to you too, that if you have something to say to someone, say it. you never know when things might change, nothing is forever even the best of relationships (platonic, familial or romantic) end sometimes and you don't know when a stranger might become your new special person. so please don't ever hesitate to show your love to your loved ones. i've lost people and it won't be a lie if i say i barely have friends right now (i'm not forty years old, sigh. just ended high school) but that's fine i still have a lot more things coming. i could meet new people in college and hopefully form new definitions of friendships and relationships. but yes, from whatever i have seen so far, what i am sure of is that nothing is forever. i talk to everyone and you won't believe me people see me as a "happy go lucky girl" which i always like, because why being sad in front of people and making them feel sad when they can't do anything to help you? (in a good way. but i have this serious issue of bottling things up and that lead to anxiety. bad one) i literally have these thick walls because of how scared i am of forming bonds just for the fear of losing them. sigh. i just told you nothing is forever but i, myself have a hard time accepting that. easier said than done, isn't it? lol anyway a lot of sentimental and philosophical stuff have been said. geez i might cringe later at myself if you post this. nvm, it's so good that i found your blog, found bts, found armys, and found uh idk everything? yeah, life could be depressing but i try to smile it off because why not?
a frnd of mine was saying she's going to kill herself and i swear i've heard that lot more times from different people. two kids (15 year olds) commited suicide in the last two months where i live. and i was crying in the bathroom because idk who might be next. and it scares me yk what if it's me next? or in future months or years later maybe if i can't smile anymore? it's so disturbing, sigh. and i hate when people joke and say 'i'm gonna kill myself' at the slightest discomfort in life. at least once, just for a second i want them to think of thousands of those people who are surviving under constant fear of hurting themselves for real, who are actually struggling to keep themselves alive, to fight back life harder than it comes for them, and those who want someone to help them out of vicious circle of depression, anxiety and other similar problems they're caught in. i don't like people who make mental health issues look 'aesthetic'. hope they grow up to know better soon.
god i need to learn how to shut up. sorry this long. i love your blog, please don't ever shut this down. ilysm, hope you stay healthy and live your best life. also, again i'm sorry if my message is too depressing. i started off only to tell you that you remind me of my (ex) best friend lol.
Hi, anon! How are you?
I hope this doesn't sound disrespectful but I was a bit surprised when I read that you recently finished high school. There is experience in your words, experience that is usually gained over the years, with mistakes and frustrations but also joys. You are wise beyond your years, anon. That was nice to see. Although I keep in mind that at no point did you mention your age, assuming you're a teenager is perhaps a bit bold of me.
I think I've said it all day but thank you for the nice opinion you have of me. Thank you for the way you think of me. Thank you for somehow telling me that my sincerity is perceived by all of you. I'm sorry that you and your former friend have drifted apart. Life is funny like that sometimes. Sometimes people come into our lives to teach us something but not to stay. And in itself, that is also a life lesson.
In part, you remind me of me but unlike you, I have never had such positive thoughts about my future. About other people's? Of course, I have, but not about mine, I guess in that respect I like to preach but I don't apply what I preach.
Thanks for the advice and good wishes. You are a special person anon. Try not to change. Always try not to let life and all its tribulations ruin your way of thinking. Maybe try to be a little more positive about yourself. Trusting someone else people say is a rewarding thing to do, I need to work on that too, maybe we can do it together. I sincerely hope that people come into your life who bring something to you instead of taking something away from you. I hope that people come into your life with whom you can form sincere, honest and lasting relationships. You sound like the kind of friend I would like to have. That I often need to have.
I wish you nothing but the best anon, thank you for your kind words. I promise I won't forget what you said to me.
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random-mha-thoughts · 9 months
*crawls out of my tiny dark hole* So um... how's everyone doin~?
It's been a super crazy 2 years for me (oh geez... that's how long i've been out of it for?). I started writing out a whole post explaining what the hell was going on in my life, but it sounded more like a therapy session and I figured it was too much for updates and I don't want to bore you.
Long story short: I've graduated from PA school, started adulting and working in a trauma hospital in a high-stress specialty where I'm also working overtime, and I haven't had the time or energy to process how I've basically lost most if not all of my meaningful relationships/friendships because I haven't given myself time to properly process/heal/deal with my first breakup with someone who I was also best friends with during all of PA school. And I spend all of my free time sleeping or mindlessly watching meaningless YouTube videos. Or playing Twisted Wonderland. Almost always at the same time.
(I really thought that when I graduated and started working I'd have so much free time and I'd be happier, but I'm just tired all the time and I'm pretty sure my friends hate me lol.)
Anyway, the past 2 weeks I actually didn't have to work overtime for the first time in a WHILE, and I fully realized how capital D Depressed I actually am (and how thin my hair is and how much my scalp hurts and how much weight I've put on and how much my body aches everywhere) and I want to take back my happiness one day at a time. (No really, I broke down and downloaded a habit tracker to remind me to take my vitamins and iron every day and oil my hair every week and get my nails done-)
I really miss getting the smallest ideas for one shots from the randomest things in my daily life. I miss writing and having some kind of purpose. I just miss being happier tbh, someone skip me to the part of my life where I become hotter and more emotionally stable and confident
You're probably gonna get a oneshot out of me sometime this week, an idea popped into my head while I was researching hair sticks to put my hair up without my scalp screaming at the end of the day. After that... I have no idea, we'll see.
I hope this is the start of me coming back here on a regular basis. In case you didn't know, I also have a kpop blog where I write mostly timestamps and shorter oneshots @doyoungiesbunnies. I might start writing Twisted Wonderland stuff, but I don't know where I'd put it... That's all for now. I hope you're all doing well, staying happy and healthy and taking care of yourselves. I'll see you all again soon ❤️
~Love, Chibi
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grellestie · 1 year
Okay so! Here's some questions I think I'd get/have gotten that I can just answer here.
What's your name?
I'm Jo! you can call me Grellestie if you want though. Either or works for me!
What are your pronouns? What do you prefer to be called?
I prefer to be called my name!
Who can or can't interact?
Just about anyone! No ManGrellers (aka the illiterate fans </3) or S3baci3l shippers. Go to jail. Literally.
No TERFs or anyone like that. I like sane people here <3
Oh and no exclusionists. I really don't care and I don't get why you people care about what other people do especially if it doesn't harm anyone actively. People are dying, Kim.
AND any fans of Vivziepop material who aren't critical of it. Please and thank you
How old are you?
I'm 20 and aging. rapidly. god save me.
grellestie on Ao3 but I'll usually post snippets of what I write when I get shtuff done.
cupojo on VRChat!
And here! duh. My main is @a-delish-cupofjo so if you see stuff from that account, it me!!
AND, if you're 18+, you can follow me on Newgrounds where I post. Things ;) (The account is grellestieR) and PLEASE only follow if you're an adult!
Can I DM you on Discord?
Geez, ask me to dinner first. (joke)
I only give out my Discord to hot people people I know well so dm me on here a little more and then I'll probably give it out to ya! I don't answer random DMs a lot of the time.
Hey! I saw one of your edits/art on Twitter/Instagram/etc.!
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energywarning · 2 years
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Disorganized thoughts regarding splat3 story mode+ my agents. Perhaps not the best thoughts ever but heyyy *disclaimer i do not take some events too seriously i like comedy . And on the other i extrapolate on silly things tldr im sillay babey sorry for cringe rocking*
-The power eggs that callie gives harper are from either looking around like a dummy or entering some of the kettles and farming eggs on easy missions *orca voice* you are not an authoriz- "ah fuck off robot thing" it works out... somehow
-It was kinda easy to lose track of time because the artificial walls always were sunny so like. 1 week in and harper was p much convinced they were in here for a year somehow
-Ripley kinds of considers "captain" to be a pity title at some point cus thats when ppl started to be big on the idea of having ripley chill the fuck out and like . Do less work Lol. The reasons why theyre Sitting there the whole time almost is bc they were also technically meant to recover from an injury (so the captain cant talk bc theyre shy thing is like a quarter of a lie thing bc yeah they are a little and they mumble often but rn theyre straight up just exhausted Lol) but ultimately callie and marie are like eh Fuck it. we ball cmon captain do your thing re: building that machine thing+ fuzzy stuff elimination LOL . And then they get injured again oops.
- At the beginning of story mode ... harper is like: hey uh. How do we get out of here by the way... since we fell? From above?
No one answers them..
- After the Ending of storymode harper is very clear about 3 things :
1. hey callie hey marie i kind of feel scammed by your grandpa. Like i should be paid a little right. Like at least a little bit.
2. Madam captain person being. Sorry i dont know your name yet- oh its ripley. Ok ripley you are cool thank you for being nice to me while we were down there 👍.
Yes i know that splat3dlc is going to contradict these but for now in my brain this is the funniest thing ever so it is so for now have this:
3. Unless there is a another world ending scenario im not doing any agent work ever again sorry. Or at least for a long long time(is trying to be nice about rejecting the whole agent thing)
-last discussion eight had w ripley b4 splat3 story mode kind of went smth like : callie saying that gramps is looking for another agent... captain isnt going to do much duh injury and all. Well geez what do you mean you're coming with us anyway dont you girls have a life hold on lemme call ripley theyll tell you all abt it.
Ripley: hi darling, hi Alex. No sorry you both are fired actually for now :^) no yeah i know im not actually the one who can fire people i was joking- no i know- ok ok i get it geez. well either way you cant come with us sorry you both are meant to patrol other places so. ok will be back soon in less than a week probably promise
-I also like to think that they were in alterna for like a month and a half or so... but it felt like much longer re: losing track of time
-harper got all the alterna logs etc but they literally dont give a shit about them and forgot the 3/4 of them
-Post story mode Harper kinds of hate/is scared by deepcut ever since the whole attacking them thing but they are very funny about it cus they hide behind ripley when they see any of em sillay individuals but harper is like so much taller than ripley so its like
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-Ripley is kind of harper s honorary uncle
-Harper had an awful roommate situation and ultimately they end up. Living w the rest of the agents (they say its only temporary...)
-callie is harper s favorite squid sister
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marigoldwriter · 28 days
I agree with ur post but I think that with the scope of the lore and various types of media in MLOM, taking on such an expansive history might be daunting for some fans? And I think that’s the case for most genre tv in general. There are huge fandoms about sci-fi and fantasy shows but many of those are old or have more approachable stories? And in the case Cate/May specifically, wlw ships tend to be the least popular (especially on ao3–f/f pairings just broke 1 million fics) and with a show with two potential straight ships they’re always going to come last. I rarely see this change unless the wlw ship is the main or only relationship or the show is gay in general. But yeah I’m with you there absolutely needs to be more stories and creations and I’m definitely trying to add to it because I’ve read all 10 fics multiple times and I need more lol
In this regard you are right! It makes me very sad, but it's true that f/f ships are more undervalued compared to ANY other ship. I wish there were more people willing to take on making long stories, I personally love it (I'm even working on one from the monsterverse, I just don't know how it will be received). The fact that there are various medias, fantasy, dystopia, sci-fi, in MLOM really makes the work a little harder, it’s a, relatively, large fandom but thanks to the plots's package, which aren't just from MLOM but from the other Legendary Pictures's films also because they all coexist, it makes everything more complicated. Yea, you know, I just think that there should be more domestic fluff Cate/May fics, it's a ship with good potential (their rushed development is not one of those), and that the few fanfics in Ao3 page, for me, a ficwriter, is a waste of ideas for subplots and plot-twists, geez, there are so many possibilities!! Maybe it's just me who gets frustrated with how broad the monsterverse is, but how small some people write about it -_- and yes, I've also read and reread those 10 fanfics more than a thousand times, my favorite is: "between the desert sun and the arctic moon (let this love bloom)” by sataninacape, I definitely needed another one of these, just with them outside of Axis Mundi.
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jtl07 · 8 months
jt (finally) watches warrior nun - s2 e1 (pt 2)
(Btw, thanks for the replies on the first post! Really fun to talk about this stuff with folks!)
Alright, so from the first post, the things I wanted to talk about in that first avatrice scene were: 1) how tense Beatrice is, 2) conversely, how easily she bends to Ava, and 3) that was not the first time Ava has kissed Beatrice.
I talked a bit about the emotional tension that Beatrice was carrying in the last post, so let’s talk about the physical tension - which also leads into the 2nd point about how she bends to Ava (and also the cheek kiss lol)
First, can we give KTY all the accolades for her choices in this scene? We get so much from Beatrice in just over a minute of screen time:
a lecture (which is the closest we get to s1 Bea but it’s wrapped in something like a plea that makes it feel different)
the quick improvisation that reminds you of what she’s capable of (i.e. not just able to kill a man but also to make herself invisible if she needs to)
suspicion (which, now that I think about it, is kinda reminiscent of her calling out Lilith outside of Arq-tech in s1 e4
pride (which I absolutely love and will talk about more below)
her softness at the mention of Mary
and of course, the most perfect impersonation of a computer restart lol
I mean, look at all that! So sososo much in one minute! Geez. All the awards to KTY.
Anyway, Bea’s hella tense in this scene and, as mentioned in the replies of the first post, it makes a lot of sense considering how out in the open they are here. I get this feeling that without the structure (and scripture) of the OCS, Bea has this need to double down on holding herself in (and running from her own feelings). And she’s trying so hard here. She keeps defaulting to that strictness, what with the mini-lecture and the suspicion, but she can never hold on to it for very long, can she? Because Ava’s right there to make her bend.
Two moments in particular: First, the “exceptionally well-organized” line (0:59 in this vid), look at how her posture changes.
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I love how Beatrice straightens here, almost as if she’s standing for judgement - and expecting praise. Which she probably received when she was back at Cat’s Cradle. But they’re not at Cat’s Cradle now, and what she receives instead - at least what she seems to take it as - is admonishment. I mean, look at her reaction:
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She ducks her head as if chastised, even gives Ava a nod like a sullen child. But I don’t think Ava quite meant it as a critique, yknow? There’s a fondness in her voice, in her smile, teasing even - and of course, the gentle reminder (1:08), “You don’t have to be so perfect all the time,” where KTY again gets all the awards for how she puts so much in how Beatrice hesitates in looking back up at Ava, that almost stuttered breath she takes in when she does. Goddamn, KTY, such a great performance, showing just how deeply Ava has gotten under Beatrice’s skin.
The second moment where Beatrice bends to Ava, not as evident as the above but it’s still there, is in response to Ava’s “Yes, mother.” Which, huh, I guess Ava realized the best way to get Beatrice to bend is to tease her lol
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Beatrice ducks her head just for a moment and yknow, I wonder if that’s what tipped Ava over the edge - it is kind of adorable, the way Bea just accepts the teasing. But also it’s like, here Beatrice is with the girl she loves (as mentioned in the replies to that first post, my thought is that Beatrice is well aware of her feelings by now) and idk, I get the feeling that she doesn’t necessarily want to be so strict - this is Ava, who wants to live and chat up customers and swim and run and do all the things. But Beatrice’s mission is to train Ava so she wins, so she stays alive, so if Bea has to endure some teasing, so be it.
And that leads into that third and last point: I really think that this wasn’t the first time Ava’s surprised Beatrice with a kiss. I mean, look (1:26) how Ava doesn’t hesitate in leaning in, doesn’t even think about it afterward, doesn’t say anything about Beatrice’s wide-eyed, frozen expression. Just skips away without a care in the world.
And Beatrice, for all her shock, recovers well - too well, I think. She just kinda … accepts it. If this was the first time, my thought would be that she’d go into some kind of panic or guilt mode, yknow?
But she doesn’t here - sure she needs a second, but then she blinks, remembers to breathe, straightens to her usual posture. And again, awards to KTY because there’s so much in that look she has at the end:
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It’s almost like resignation - perhaps this thought that that’s all things will ever amount to be between them, yknow? That it won’t go further; they can’t.
Okay as usual, I have written more than I thought I would lol. I’m going to try to get through the rest the episode this weekend but don’t be surprised if I don’t. Lmk what y’all think!
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