#also god is not censored cause 'im weird'
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transgender blues
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coffeeclubbuchan · 2 years
i got stressed with essays and exams so i dont think ive used tumblr in like. a year and a half? im not too sure that any of my mutuals even post here anymore. i believe the fandom here is dead (or most are minecraft stans who sometimes post cc stuff) and ive moved on so no more posts unless i start watching everyone again :( 
occasionally ill watch a vid here and there but ive moved on to other kinds of content now (i have had a full blown obsession with daredevil/pedro pascal/The Batman/comics in general for the past year if anyones interested). i only thought this was appropriate to post cause i saw the detective AU i was writing on an old save and it reminded me about this (im so sorry i never finished it. re-read it and its not as bad as i remember but itll take much effort to clean up and finish and I Don’t Have The Time ATM.)
also should say - im so happy for james and his content/music career :D hes the only one ive been sorta in the know about (apart from fraser on twt) and he seems to be more happy now than he has been in the past few years combined. hes basically became detached from the rest of them but has grown so much on twitch. v v proud and looking forward to what he does next
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funtaleau · 2 years
This is a vent and I QUIT
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I censor some words specially the characters related not because its bad words but because no matter how right I am, MOST PEOPLE WILL ONLY HELP THE BAD GUY. I just want to work my story in peace without any IDIOTS STEALING MY IDEAS AND SLAP OVERLY SEXUAL LOOK THEN MAKE PEOPLE ATTACK ME FOR STUPID REASON. Funny because the person who steal my work once said that they will respect me better, so respectful indeed :)
I couldn't tell who is this person cause if i did, I fear that most people would turn against me. Im not dealing with some random cringe person who likes to copy other stuff but this time Im dealing with a quite well known person in the UT community, at least since early this year- But In short This person I once called friend. When we first meet they said that they found my work to be quite interesting and they wish to know "more". I was still very excited at the time because we rarely see AUs or UT stories that mostly focus on the pacifist side without much angst or skeletons that are too OP to die But
welp i fell for the oldest trick in the book and this person stole most of my ideas and design and since they are quite popular their stolen work get known much easier while for me are left rotting in the back. I tried to solve this problem In a more calm way but this person really loves to play acting saying things like "I Will respect you more", "Im sorry It wouldn't happen again" , and the worst excuse of all "You don't have to be mad, Im just an underrated artist".... Hmmmmyes 2K followers are consider to be underrated. Not to mention they are quite a pervert too And unfortunately they continue their stupidity. I tried to call for help but most people didn't want to help me "because they are better than me", or "because they help me once", and "Everyone can have that idea, its not yours to claim" . Just because someone help you that doesn't Mean you owe your whole life for them, That's just plain stupid logic. And that came from people who i consider as "friend".
When this person finally got what they deserve, those "friends" i said earlier back them up for a very stupid excuse. I know there are artist who also Made suggestive and nsfw arts and myself too are not against that (except if its about things that are wrong like weird fetishes and pedo-) but drawing nsfw content and exposing it to kids are FRICKING WRONG. Either with their Consent or not that's are so WRONG. Let alone not even care to put a single warning but instead putting even more dirty caption like "Big booba lady" or "I want to squeeze it" are just...... I don't think this is humanity anymore but cant even call it monstrocity either. Its just stupidity
Im just tired of people with 0 mind of thinking. I've been working for my story since 2019 1 while this clone exist just early this year. the person who copy me left the server and fricking blocked me on their social so I cant do .much I tried to ask for help but all I receive from my "friends" is that they are busy. but when this clone guy make something wrong they all help them... just wow.. fricking WOW I had enough.... just enough is enough now that's why I stop making UT content since weeks ago cause I just had enough with this non sense. I don't have anymore will to continue my work anymore If people just want to make STUPID comparison about what obviously plagiarism. people defending them for even more stupid reason "Because they're art style are better than you" and "everyone can have that idea, its not yours to claim" also "they're just Inspired" Inspire WHAT? they upload the overly sexual clone right in front of my eyes and say nothing about "this is inspired from" NO.. all they say is how BIG the Breast are and how much they want to sleep on/squeeze it. FRICKING CREEPS
they are so respectful that they don't need to credit the owner and yep. Im just had enough with this I think imma stop making UT contents for god who knows how long cause im TIRED. I might post some art but they are not Undertale related... Im so sorry. "Im just jealous"... OF COURSE IM JEALOUS what did you expect me to feel??? I work so hard and have to deal with already frustrating pressure from parents and college to create something new and unique but only for someone who I once consider as "friend" stab me in the back and steal my character and ideas then get all the fame and credits for it while Im left to rot with nothing but those stupid comments.
after this I will not be working on Funtale anymore but I've given this AU to a friend @thelazysense . Im so sorry but I just couldn't deal with this much pressure.
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monsterqueers · 2 years
Semi-Liveblog of Xenogears
Finally getting around to this crunchy 1998 jrpg, watching it on youtube because ive been told the UI and game mechanics are really ass in places, this will be copypasted from my carefully largely spoiler free discord ramblings to my platonic partner in batches so no spam.
I know a few spoilers for this that were specifically why I wanted to witness it- IE that I can ‘Same Neurotype!’ a character, and its Really Dark. The Mindfuck stuff goes without saying its the monolithsoft staff.
Copypaste from last night under the cut
Ohhh man the screen resolution and menu sound effects very crunchy ps1 shit The low res anime&cgi  cutscenes with 90s dub voices... -chefs kiss- Very crunchy Man I think I recognize this fucking random extras voice.
but the dubbing pool of voices in 98 was pretty small so chances are I HAVE heard it but oh man this is a tense moment and the VAs sound like they are discussing the weather this is great
-juicy Space Bullshit happening- Some dude: Im evacuating the ship (said like im ordering coffee)
The graphics are pretty impressive for the ps1 I think. The cgi is hysterical tho Im sure it looked better on a crt tv because the spacing and blurring or the lights makes the shading look less fucky on a lot of older stuff The detail on the 2d animation is really good tho for a ps1 anime custscene
oh naked lady dubiously censored naked lady yes this is a xeno game there must be boobie. Contextless boobie Oh man now I gotta read a lot of white text on black screen lol but the music is nice never heard it but it sounds nostalgic 'look at this cute village with cute music!' ok 'it is now on fire!' That sounds about right oh my fffuninkg god that screen transition windows movie maker shit ohhh yes this is good the screen is still wobbling and flashing oh lord the eyestrain lol
First thing the protagonist does is swear we are getting off to an excellent start Awwwe he paints thats cute
oh god the iu direction hud THATS AWFUL(complementary) thats very 90s 00 Weird Shit Before They Codified Whats Expected With A Hud design
Fei(Protagonist) has a sparse room with just a fuckton of art supplies in it where he seems to be only drawing self insert fanfic lol. Hes got his priorities in order. oh man that low poly cow
They did good to make a fully 3d  'move the camera around' game in 98, as low poly as it is I can see the 'sort of squeezing out everything you can out of the game engine' effort that went into xc1 in this
This girl and also this whole village totally has death flags I can smell it on them they are to happy and cosy Fei dodging conversation he doesnt wanna have like Naked Dunban
Oh what the shit you can talk to an npc while you talk to another npc??? lmao CRUNCHY gameplay that sounds like you can cause problems for the ui and fill the screen with textboxes I hope they thought of that and don let let you endlessly add more text boxes this town music really sounds like music ive heard a million times before for hours but I know ive never played this game maybe its background music for some video essayist or something very cosy tho
KITTY OMG IF YOU TALK TO THE CAT IT MEOWS??? CAT SPOTTED AND IT IS ALSO GREEN FOR SOME REASON KITTY KITTY they better not kill the cat (they will probably kill the cat) you can make him(the protagonist not the cat) jump in a well for no reason lol OH PUN "'well' done! you found an item!" "Alls well that ends well." Ok this is a good localization
'bearcows' Oh so that isnt a cow its some fucked up chimera thing oH GOD ITS MOUTH OPENS LIKE A BEAR GOT IT OK
its got canines..... This animal is almost certainly one of the most dangerous.... Bulls kill so many people every year and this one has TEETH
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'We got -list of a bunch of combo fruits and veggies- and turnips!' turnips, the universal constant I guess
no dont drink fertilizer fei apparently drinking miracle gro will heal you Dont Worry About It
The space lazer sounds for messing around in the menu lol
There is just no combat tutorial AT ALL HA oh hes got voice acted lines in battle lol!!! Thats a higher voice than I expected
completely incomprehensible battle hud fans really werent lying there it is Super Crunchy Can barely read this lol and at the speed the person playing is buzzing through it I cant tell if its turn based or not Dont know what that bar is either I THINK its turn based with a time limit? Yeah seems to be Head so hard you can kill a wolf by headbutting it I guess sorry its a two tailed jackal lol thats cool monster design tho
its a chicken in the house how cute! -talks to the chicken and it makes a horrible staticky noise- ah Fei, while pleasant bg music plays: hm wonder where the doctor is :) -explosion noise- -all music stops-
found him!
Ah yes For No Particular Reason This Is Shaped Like A Cross And Has A Winged Person Statue In It
This game is under NO CIRCUMSTANCE epilepsy or motion sickness friendly lol
Also yes the windows movie maker wobbly screen effect is EXACTLY what dissociation feels like thats right.
Knowing the special spoiler that I do about this game makes this part unintentionally funny. Dude its your alter. Crack ur plural egg. The childs VOICE ACTOR OH MY GOD LMAOOO OOF Things are already going ‘fun’ directions
Oh I think im getting whats going on with combat, you do fucking button combos in your turn??? is that whats going on? Oh GOD the platforming..... Oh thats the real content warning for this game.... Oh wow. Thats really bad. oh! Is that a conlang or another real language I cant tell its cool has anyone tried to make a language bible for it if its a conlang? conversations like Fei: If ur gonna kill me at least try to aim for the vitals attempted murderer: What The Fuck We finally get a full name for our protag! Rejoice! HAHAHAHHA OH MY GOD WHO IS THE MCS VOICE ACTOR LMAO OH MY GOD THIS IS VERY MUCH EARLY DUB HMGJFDjgh
oh hey his va was an extra in avatar the last airbender
The voice cracks in the kid version of the character ohhh my god this is excellent horrible 00s english dub
the music is really good though very nice atmosphere
Yeah it seems to be different button presses use some energy on the bar and you combo them in an attempt to puzzle that together for your turn with some combos being special and will do lots of damage or something???
Also you can really hear the music vibe being very xenoseries. Them violins set to mental break downs <3
'the lip synch in xc2 is bad' Observe Xenogears Lip Synching in the anime cutscenes Oh man its Bad Lip Synching (in a good way)
wow thats a lot more blood than theyd get away with in a t rated game today! well its 2d so probably actually thats fine but
Jesus christ Feis english VA is unintentionally hilarious Its a 14 year old anime boy voice and hes Beefy Like it would be one thing if it was a good 14 year old boy voice, but it sounds like a grown man trying(badly) to do a 14 year old boy voice for a beefy man which is why its funny good thing hes mostly crying and screaming in the cutscenes and not talking
Random t rex in a xeno game we meet again!
LMAO deus es helicopter
Dropkicking sharks in the desert... Yes. Normal activities
Ahhh yes, time for the talking about god again! This is a xenogame AND a jrpg after all. Gods are hunted for sport. I think I kinda like the 1.25 speed versions of some of these songs more than the regular version but that might be because ive now listened to them that way for 2 hours
Oh yeah this is a game that if you played high would be a very bad time. Some real mindfuck shit is happening (complementary) HIM! The dude the internet really likes! Blonde himbo spotted! BART XENOGEARS,,,
wow the doctor guy can do a full split his wife must like that
HHHEXCUSE ME???!?! Word for word quote: 'Is there anyone who is almost dead, with no arms and legs, or in need of an abdominal operation!? No one...? Well that's depressing..."
LMAOOOO We found a dude in a cave who doesnt believe in evolution and thinks space aliens brought humans to the planet and hes probably right lets be real this is a jrpg. (edited) Guy In A Cave: -proceeds to belt out straight up bible stories when asked about what ‘myth’ he believes in- Ok this is a xeno game he is almost certainly right if hes yelling about god
Just three dudes in a cave, two himbos with hair past their ass and an old man yelling about god and his skull collection. Lovely.
There is one brain cell in the party and our other guy has it who isnt in the party right now. We are talking to the old dude. We should not be talking to an old dude who collects human skulls even if he is friendly but thats just me
This customization menu is atrocious oh wow INCREDIBLE,,,
Wow Bart really is proto-Zeke from xc2 no wonder xenofans are rabid for himbos. WHY must the customization window zoom to the asscheeks of the not-gundams every time you refuel them What, are we piping fuel up the robots asshole? Is that whats happening?
Oh new himbo is kind to children no wonder people think hes husband material lol
-insert 'sand is coarse and rough and gets everywhere' star wars joke here- also new guy has pirate music and pirates are cool so like.
its a fucking prOJECTOR HEHEHEHEH LIke the ones that project light on a viewscreen from above omg you can taste the 00s
Man I can see exactly why xenogears people are so obsessed with Bart. Pretty, beefy, friendly but distinctly weird to mildly unhinged, pirate-cowboy-prince, whips. wait a minute wait a minute. Robots, mindfuckery, sad protagonist who Doesnt want To Get in The Robot.... When did NGE come out old on- I thought so it came out in ‘95 I feel this is a bit of a love letter to NGE
omg omg Bart does a little hopping animation when hes excited thats adorable
does... does this bad guy really just straight up have a giant cross tattooed on his face??? Theres heavyhanded symbolism and then theres whatever that is (edited)
ok I have to stop watching these and go to bed but thots so far: - The fandom darling is as good as advertised. Excellent man lemmie give him a headpat I want to eat him like a croissant. - Charming and Weird And Fucked Up in equal measure which is good - You can smell the crunchy 90s sci-fi emanating from this game(complementary) - The music sounds deeply nostalgic like ive heard it for hours a million times before but ive 100% never heard any of this game. Good stuff. - I am intrigued how the funny 'jump in the well' gag has progressed from funny pun hole with items in it if you jump down it a few times into using a well to sneak into some shitheads lair and unkidnap a little girl. Wonder if this is gonna keep being a thing.
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sinningtamer · 3 years
ok so basically i found this blog completely on accident and we're friends on our respective sfw accounts and i was very confused because you were certainly not the person i expected to have an nsfw account, much less a vore account, but i ALSO have an nsfw account (though it's on twitter) and i ALSO have a vore kink (though i'm more of a chew-you-up-and-kill-you type guy) so like. solidarity i guess
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okay well at least you're not like the last person this happened to where they discovered it because of something i forgot to censor tag 2 years ago and they didn't like vore but at least they were chill about it. at least you. also like vore. kinda. hard vore is also good i just don't draw it often.
also im assuming/hoping it was an accident like you were looking for actual spicy stuff and recognized my art and not. you were looking at something sfw and found me. cause if so i appreciate when ppl let me know if something got past my censors (like i talk about a ship name on here and my stuff comes up if you search the ship name, i dont want that i want my stuff to be discoverable only thru kink tags)
im also Glad i dont come off as horny and like someone who has a side acc cause thank god
but i am. still so sorry you have found this this blog is so awful. i have no idea who you are or even what fandom we share (its between like. 3) but you said friends so im assuming weve interacted thru asks and reblogs so ur probs super cool and this is embarrassing even if ur also into weird stuff.
but also i am a curious little shit and am going to be wondering who the fuck this is and ur under no pressure to reveal urself, but also, my nsfw twitter account is the username as this one, if you wanna follow and we can be mutuals and stare at each other like this whenever we see each other
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melforbes · 3 years
seaglass blue annotations
hello! i just posted the last chapter and thought i’d put together some ~fun context~ for that fic. it got way way more attention than i ever expected and for something i feel i didn’t put that much effort into i think i did in the end put a lot of effort into it so i might as well talk about it and answer some potential questions.
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my favorite book of all time is the sunlit night by rebecca dinerstein (yes, that one) and something i find really compelling about that book is how sparing the prose is, forcing the reader to fill in certain gaps, and i think having to fill in those gaps makes the book a really acquired taste with which either you love it or hate it and there’s not really an in-between
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i also really adore how in that book the natural world backdrop comes to life, something i find really challenging to write. recently i even read into thin air, the book about the 1996 mount everest disaster, and even though the writing was superb, i still had to google what the hillary step was because i couldn’t picture it on my own. i don’t know how people write nature because to me it feels damn near impossible, but this sparing approach really worked, so i thought i might try it out. i tend to be longwinded (gestures vaguely at this post) and wanted to have certain parts of this be a lot smaller and more contained without negating impact. whether or not i made it work is anyone’s guess. definitely not my normal style, so to speak
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based on the comments i’ve received i think this might be everyone’s favorite part. in my mind age of consent by new order was playing in the background. in pretty much every fic i have a scene like this one and all of them are based on the poem first base gold by rh*annon mcg*vin from her book branches (censored because she has a tumblr and i don’t want her seeing this haha)
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i absolutely can’t do the poem justice by describing what it’s about, but the simplest, most basic interpretation of the poem is that there is no better place to kiss than right here, right now, because of the past. i really like that imagery and tend to use it a lot. she as a writer has been a big inspiration for me and if you’ve read my fic true minds i should add that the nonfiction inspiration for that was directly as a result of one of her youtube videos. i particularly love how the last paragraph (stanza? im not a poet) is one big run-on sentence that’s jovial and tongue-in-cheek and colloquial and straightforward. it feels triumphant in a quiet way to me and i love how it’s done. obviously my attempts at something similar are nowhere near as insightful, but still, the most basic image of this is that there is no better place to kiss, and that’s how i felt about the two of them finding pudding in the supermarket
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this part is autobiographical; while writing this last year, i went through six months of intravenous drug treatment, a month and a half of which involved long days of doctor visits on every weekday. when you’re on stuff like that for a long time you end up with a central line for better access (potential plot hole in all of this: scully never had one) but for a month and a half i got poked almost every day and strangely enough it got harder over time. the first couple you never feel, but a week or two later you start flinching, and if the needle goes in the same vein each time, it hurts the more it gets prodded. i reached a point toward the end of the in-office visits in which i would bleed a lot every time i got poked, and i can’t watch anything like that happen to me so i was looking away each time, and when i felt that the nurse was done, i would look back over, and sometimes i would be looking down at a pool of blood that i hadn’t expected to see. it’s weird, you don’t actually feel yourself bleeding, i would’ve expected a hot bloody feeling but instead it felt like nothing. and when i say a pool i mean that it would drip down beneath my elbow, stain the sheet they’d put underneath, and i wouldn’t get all of it off until i showered. i didn’t necessarily find it scary, but it was surreal and kind of pulled me out of normalizing the experience i was having. for a very long time needing iv drugs was my greatest fear and i was surrounded by that then and fine, and then, there was blood all over my arm, and like, haha, this is actually not fine. you’d think something else would’ve been scarier, but it wasn’t. and now looking back at this paragraph i wish i’d edited it differently but hey that’s life
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i’d never really understood the purpose of religion as a self-driven part of life until i took anatomy in college. i was raised catholic and though culturally i understand having a religion and being raised with one, i’ve never really reached for religion when i wanted answers, and i haven’t personally understood why that’s someone’s first option. and i know there’s been plenty of commentary on the hypocrisy of dana scully as a catholic who believes in science, yada yada yada, i think everyone has read all of that by now. but what struck me while learning anatomy is that there is a kind of neuron we don’t know the function of. there are four kinds of neurons, and one of them is still a mystery to us. and then, there’s all of these different parts of human bodies that exist in a certain perfect way, but why do they exist like that? to support life, yes, but why is it that we can make comparisons? why were irises not the same color? and we name valves of the heart after religious figures. we are so hell-bent on meaning that something literal will never be enough. and all of that made me think that dana scully has god to fill in what science won’t answer, at least not yet. and there’s definitely a bigger conversation about science as denial of indigenous cultures that i am nowhere near qualified to start. after taking those classes, i think i would be more shocked if she wasn’t religious. you can ignore pretty much all of the paragraph above but it was important to me that at some point in this fic she willingly conceded that she didn’t know what would happen and that she didn’t have answers. with illness, there is no logic, there’s no thinking your way out of it, and i think that would plague her for a long time. to me, she only would accept her death when she could say she had no idea what would happen, she has no answers, there’s nothing filling in her gaps anymore, and she’s comfortable with that. and i put all of that in a paragraph about my thoughts on god because it made sense to me. there are times that just feel like you’re in a movie and there’s no one else you can say caused them. it’s not enough to build belief on but it’s enough to bring a certain kind of wonder. also one time my parents insisted on watching stripes because it was so funny and when watching it none of us found it funny at all and my parents grimaced and were like what were we on that made that good back in the day so that’s in here now haha
and now, the biggest question: does she die at the end? when i came up with the idea for this fic, i knew the beginning and ending but not the middle, and i posted this as a smaller project (ie: chapters below 3,000 words) while illness made my bigger projects harder to work on and essentially flew by the seat of my pants the whole time. i wrote the last line a long long time ago and have always seen the ending as written as the concrete ending. when i started writing this, i never intended for there to be a definitive answer to whether or not she dies. i like premature endings (the ending of girls burn brighter comes to mind) and i think that this works better without saying whether or not she lives. and i also have a hard time with giving a definitive answer because this fic very much is about death and having her die would, of course, be traumatic, but showing her living instead i think ruins any takeaways people could have. i’ve never had cancer but as a chronically ill person i think i can speak to how you never actually win with illness; the best you can do is tie, and sometimes, no matter how much effort you put in, you “lose” anyway, you lose spectacularly, and all of your effort was for nothing. i wholeheartedly believe that humans can’t emotionally or logically process natural disasters or illness, hence why much of the talk about illness in this is from mulder’s perspective as he experiences her terminal illness secondhand; that way, he doesn’t need to (but still likely will) find logic or reason or meaning for death from a terminal illness, so his discoveries and his coping mechanisms aren’t as urgently needed. had i written a chapter that describes how she lives, i think that the discussion of death in this would be voided altogether. and i also don’t believe the ending would be much different whether she lives or dies; there’s still the need for death acceptance and talking about dying, whether or not she lives, and none of the story in this fic would have happened had the characters known she would live. the whole point is not knowing.
for a little while i toyed with writing an unofficial sequel of sorts in which i spelled out what i think happens after the ending, but after realizing that that would end up being longer than the original fic and would also have some massive plot holes, i decided against it. i do have my own version and i don’t want to share that version because i never really intended for my version to be some kind of genuine sequel in which every question gets answered and everything is wrapped up and happy ever after and whatnot. it was just where my brain wandered in the same way it wanders when i watch an open-ended movie. all of that to say, if you think she lives, then she lives. if you think she dies, then she dies. it’s your decision. i’d much rather you choose than me. i never marked this as “major character” death on ao3 because, well, she doesn’t die in this fic. whether or not she dies after the fic ends, that’s for you to decide. 
thank you for taking the time to read my writing. i never expected this to blow up (it blew up for me at least, for a while it was my most popular fic ever, with i think thousands more hits than anything else i’d written) and the response has been mind-boggling and wonderful. i don’t respond to comments often because it makes me feel like a pompous jerk (”thank you for enjoying this! i, too, enjoy this thing i have written! oh ho ho!” is how it sounds to me in my head, whereas when other writers respond to comments to me it just looks like thanks man have a good day, feel free to call me a weenie) but i’ve appreciated all of them very much. THANK YOU! i hope your new year is a Whole Lot Less Shit than 2020. i don’t plan on writing more msr because i don’t really have any ideas for them. thank you for making my last time special <3
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hoodie-lover · 4 years
My Multiverse Ask Event! #4
KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - First, Second, Third Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Fourth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Eighth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Ninth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Tenth, Eleventh KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Fifteenth, Sixteenth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Seventeenth, Eighteenth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Nineteenth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Twentieth, Twenty-First Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Twenty-Second, Twenty-Third, Twenty-Fourth, Twenty-Fifth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Twenty-Sixth, Twenty-Seventh, Twenty-Eighth, Twenty-Ninth, Thirtieth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-First, Thirty-Second, Thirty-Third KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-Fourth, Thirty-Fifth Glorious_Smut - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-Sixth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-Seventh, Thirty-Eighth, Thirty-Ninth
Error managed to get into the Creator Realm, he brought the gang with him and they were looking for Maxie and her friends. Though that implied the creators wouldn’t find them first, which they did. 
“Hello, hello, hello!” Maxie said, wrapping her arms around Error as he glitched and screamed. 
“LET ME GO!” He screamed, and Maxie let him go with a pout. 
“So, as Kiki said, we will be inhibiting your quest! Trials and tribulations to test how much you have actually grown to see if you actually deserve to know. Also we’re bored and want to mess with you.” Maxie said, and Error facepalmed. 
“So, what do you want us to do?” Nightmare said, growling. 
“Please Nightmare, nowadays your bark is worse than your bite. Anyway, we have a few obstacle courses, some logic puzzles, some PTSD triggers.” Maxie said, smiling evilly. 
“What…?” Cross said, and Maxie raised an eyebrow. 
“What?” Maxie said, and Cross facepalmed. 
“Oh, no no no, I have only written a story about forest rangers. I would never torture Error. I am usually the one hissing in the comments to punish anyone who does hurt Error, I wish the hissing thing was a joke. Nightmare would kill me if I hurt Error, right? Getting killed by my second favorite Sans for hurting my first favorite Sans is not on my list pal.”
“Well, it seems we have a good noodle. Truly a rare find.” Error said, and Cross snickered. 
“One, I’m flattered that you like me. Second, I’m glad you fear me.” Nightmare said, looking around for the voice.
“You won’t see them, from here on out, you’re in a little playground my friends and I made. Good luck.” Maxie said, snicking. 
“Oh dear, guys, watch out the voices are planning to get the askers to mess with your search. They wanna draw this out so take any hints we give with a grain of salt. I'd start by looking at what Error is ẁ̵̡̼e̷̪̿à̸̩r̴̜͗i̸̛̦̗n̶͕̄ǵ̶̲, not many Sans with both a j̷͕͕̈́͂a̸̹̓ċ̵̲k̵̳͈̓̆ȇ̵̟̎ṭ̶̯̈́ ̵̨̺͋a̵̜͝n̵̠͋d̸͙͝ ̷͖̇͊s̵̢̟̑c̷̦̜̐͠a̸̦̘͗̎r̶̪̣͛f̵̰̄̾.”
“I think you guys are being censored. And I think we know who.” Error said, glaring at Maxie as she whistled. 
“So any other possible relationships in the making? come on my gloomy boys feed me gossip!”
“None over on our end. Though Swap!fell has a crush on Blue, and Red is territorial. We’re waiting for the brawl.” Killer said, chuckling at the thought. 
“sanses and the one or two AU papyruses when you try to stop the human at the judgment hall why not stop at the soul room to get near god power”
“Doesn’t matter. They would still beat us. We would have six, and the human has beat the photoshop abomination.” Sans said, and the others nodded. They had come over for a quick hang out.
“Ok my little Horror, aka my third fav, how good a cook are you? Like we talkin Gordon Ramsey of skeletons or what? Also are you aware you are a cute little bean?”
“I love Gordan Ramsey! He’s awesome! He has no qualms about yelling at people for their awful crimes against food. And I am aware, trust me, I know how to use it.” Horror said, winking. 
“May I hug all the dark sanses or would that cross a line? You all deserve all the love the megaverse can give you. I know what it feels like to be trapped, alone, and hurt in so many ways, I know what it is like to feel out of option and angry. You don't deserve that, despite everything you are all wonderful.”
“I’d love a hug!” Cross said and felt the hug, though no presence was seen. 
“Can I have a hug?” Horror asked and was given a hug.
“I’m good.” Killer said, and everyone else nodded. 
“Oh guys there are so many people who have written lyrics for your song megalovania. They can be quite good. I have only ever played the pacifist route myself and can't bring myself to watch an actual playthrough cause I can't watch my beloved monster friends get killed, but it is a catchy song. Have you guys seen any of them yet? Also I think you will like this fan song a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtCBLvAw4ZY&t=71s”
“What the fuck?” Killer said, nearly everyone had the same reaction.
“I liked it.” Cross said, humming the tune.
“papyrus how does your special attack work like if the annoying dog didn't take it”
“It’s just a blaster. Though it would be much friendlier than Sans’.” Papyrus said with a shrug.
“Can I also hug Blueberry? He is my fourth favorite.”
“Absolutely! I love hugs!” Blue said and felt the hug as he smiled. 
“You voices are weird.” Stretch said, lighting another cigarette.
“No more. That’s your third, I’ll burn the pack if you smoke another.” Blue said and Stretch groaned. 
“flowey if you really think its fun watching human kill everyone why do you beg for mercy if you act like you dont care ps if u wanna murder human kill toriel first.”
“I don’t beg! I was just scared at first and knew I couldn’t break the script! And in case you didn’t hear, I have literally done everything.” Flowey said, rolling his eyes. 
“to annoying dog sorry to papyrus in advance please follow papyrus all day while playing dogsong and steal all his bones  ps im glad ink didn't murder you”
The annoying dog yipped, he was glad he wasn’t murdered too. He kicked his stumpy legs and wagged his tail as he flew off to Papyrus, who had a feeling of foreboding and anxiety.
“YOU STUPID CANINE!” Papyrus declared as he tried to run while missing his femur. The dog smiled as the song echoed through the Underground and the dog smiled an innocent smile. 
“So here is a question to the Sans personality types, why do you lie to your brother about their food? You're not helping them, it would be far kinder to be honest and help them learn to be better. Someday they are likely to meet someone who will not let them down gently and will hurt them.”
“Implying we can. They either run out the door before we can talk or we have to try talking over them.” Sans said.
“Impossible in many AUs, plus, it’s actually good half the time.” Outer said, and Red nodded, glaring at Swapfell as he was ogling Blue from a distance. 
“Dream, what is it like being with your brother again? How is your guys brotherly bond affected by well everything that happened?”
“It’s awesome. We have fun and prank some unsuspecting Sanses every now and then. As people seem to forget for the longest time, we were mistaken for fey. And we didn’t help those accusations.” Dream said, “Though we never hurt anyone. Just harmless things like a pie going missing or flowers vanishing into thin air.” Dream snickered, he was back in the Doodlesphere by this point and reviewing paperwork. 
“Boys how do you feel about Uncle Dreamy?”
“Don’t.” Killer said. 
“No.” Cross said, eyes blank as he shook his head, everyone else was silent as they shook their heads and cringed. 
“frisk how is murdering everyone one fun after all i dont think you enjoy getting repeatedly killed plus since you reset so many times you know everything that happens underground besides there are more things to murder in surface ps you didnt answer if you got to the surface on genocide”
“I like to see the dust fall, them scream in pain, and beg for mercy. It’s cute. And yes, I can murder more things on the surface, but they don’t turn to dust or give the, for lack of a better term, high I need. And I don’t get to the surface, only if I spare everyone do I get there. And before you ask, in neutral runs I’m in a limbo state, have to RESET to leave.” Frisk said, smiling as their eyes glowed red.
“frisk what about napstablook or mad dummy you can't kill either”
“I can kill Glad Dummy, and Napstablook is worthless. I don’t wanna waste my time on them.” Frisk spat, growling as they left the ruins, stepping over Toirel’s dust. 
“You know what is cute? all the baby bones art of you guys. Awww why is every baby sans just so huggable? Ok ok but really baby Error! just picture a tiny baby Error and tell me that shit is not cute.”
“They’re very cute.” Nightmare said.
“But they didn’t show us any.” Killer said and Nightmare froze. 
“Oh.” Error said, and Nightmare turned into a puddle out of shame.
“And payback time, Nightmare, any stories about Dream?”
Springing back to life Nightmare donned a wicked and demonic grin. “Dream didn’t know what a bed was until he was 100. And it took three people to pry him off of it.” Nightmare said. 
“That’s actually sad. How long did you sleep in a tree?” Cross asked and Nightmare whistled. 
“Our whole lives before the apple incident. Up until then we only slept in a bed seven times each.” Nightmare said, and Cross gave him a teary hug.  
“dust how come your a bad guy you were forced to kill everyone your not a bad person if someones a bad person its the human and chara”
“First of all, Chara is only a problem because of Frisk, so they aren’t as guilty as you think. Though they are not innocent. And no one wanted to befriend a killer, sure they like Red, but it’s the culture. And Ink played his cards right so I couldn’t make things worse for him, there’s a reason he didn’t stop Nightmare from helping me.” Dust said, “Same goes for everyone else.” He finished and everyone nodded. 
“Hold on a sec, contacts? How do contacts work with eyelights? I don't understand...”
“Magic.” Error said, and Maxie snickered. 
“So, let’s begin the challenges!” She said and they were separated and thrown into a version of Snowdin.
“Where are we?!” they cried out, looking around but Maxie laughed. 
“Welcome to your first challenge! Can you handle the Star Sanses all by yourself? Only one of you has to win for all of you to proceed, and the battles will be scaled so you are evenly matched.” Maxie’s voice echoed through the area, but she was not seen. 
“Maxie. What are you doing?” Jana asked, accompanied by Beatrice. 
“Having a bit of fun. What are you doing?” Maxie said, smiling innocently. 
“Are you seriously messing with them?” Jana said, shaking her head in disapproval. 
“You didn’t raise any concern when Jack, Zack, and I were talking about our plan. So why are you looking at me like that?” Maxie said, and the two sighed. 
“Because we want to help. But only to an extent.” Jana said, and Maxie was intrigued.
“To what extent I may ask?” Maxie wondered, smiling. 
“If you trigger their PTSD or do anything relating to Ink, we’re out and we will tell them who Error was.” Beatrice said, and Maxie shrugged. 
“Sure. It’s a deal.” She said, holding out her hand as Beatrice shook it. 
“We’re still going to Jack’s for pizza right?” Maxie asked, changing the subject.
“Hell ya. I’m bringing garlic knots.” Beatrice said and Maxie's eyes lit up. 
“Garlic knots!” She held her hands up in joy. 
“Blue most of us saw that Christmas party webcomic already. We know you spiked the eggnog. Why do you always pretend to be so innocent? not that I have much room to talk on that front...”
“I have long admitted to spiking the eggnog at that party. And I haven’t spiked anything since. No one seems to believe me!” Blue said, grumbling as his eyes turned to small broken hearts as tears filled his eyes. 
“Sure.” Stretch said, and Blue glared, some glitches popping up. 
“to sci and alphys is it possible to turn flowey back into asriel.”
“Without 7 human souls, I don’t think we can. We’ve looked into it, just to see if it was possible. He may be ok with staying as Flowey, with the exception of the pacifist run, but others in his situation aren’t. So we looked at his code to see if it was hypothetically possible, and it isn’t.” Sci said, sipping coffee. 
“Yeah, h-honestly, I was h-hoping that we could. I-I regret i-it so much. I-I wanted to see i-if I could help others. B-but this is i-irreversible.” Alphys said, ringing her hands. 
“It broke Toriel and Asgore’s hearts. Though, they would respect Flowey’s wishes if he didn’t want to, he is still a person whose opinions should be listened to. Even if he is a jackass.” Sci said and Alphys nodded. 
“sanses how do you guys stop genocide routes from starting since you said there were very few”
“We don’t. They just stop, and then they start up again. Like wet and dry seasons, only more sporadic.” Classic said.
“Some worlds, like mine, don’t have as many, the way the world works kinda discourages it.” Red said, and Swapfell nodded. 
“frisk what was the strangest interaction you have had with someone in the underground”
“Gaster. He is so mysterious and strange. I wonder what his deal was, but I never can find out. I’ve met his followers and such, but I’ve never heard him speak, and I’m assuming the person I saw was Gaster!” Frisk said, they were somewhere in Snowdin forest, marking down words on their arm. 
☝☜❄ 💧✌☠💧 ❄⚐ ❄✌☹😐 ✌👌⚐🕆❄ 💣🕆☹❄✋✞☜☼💧☜. 
 ❄☟☼☜✌❄☜☠ 🏱✌🏱✡☼🕆💧. 
“so what has been the most dangerous mission the dark sanses have been sent on”
“There was HorrorLustFell.” Nightmare said, “Unaware of what was going to happen, I had Cross deal with it.” 
He was waiting for Maxie to start up her game, and he hoped his boys were doing well.  
“HorrorLustFell.” Cross said, “I took a month-and-a-half break after that to recover.” Cross said, raiding Grillby’s and the shops for armor, supplies, and food.
Everyone gave similar responses.
“Who all is helping with the search? everyone or just the gang?”
“Just us. Everyone knows what we’re doing and they’re willing to help if we need it.” Error said, shrugging as he made himself a swing and began to swing.
“Okay here is one for the classic undertale gang, since they know about the resets and multiverse now. thoughts on this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8hGMFQPBDw”
“Sans, do you want to talk?” Papyrus asked, and Sans was gone.
“I knew he had problems, but if someone can deduce that? Wow.” Toriel said, holding her hand over her mouth. 
“We have several therapists available.” Outer said, “The hard part is getting him to see one. And I know I’m a hypocrite.” Outer said, shrugging. 
“You are correct, space Sans.” Papyrus said, “I just wish he could talk about it.” Papyrus said. 
“I mostly wanna see what paps has to say about his brother hiding his mental health problems.”
“I knew he had issues, but I want him to talk to me, I know it’s hard to talk about your mental health problems, but it’s been five years. Though he has suffered far worse than any of us, if the Dark Sanses are anything.” Papyrus said.
“I’m going to stall Frisk, Toriel, you need to get out of here. Frisk will be getting here soon.” Papyrus said and everyone dashed out of the house.
“Have the sans ever had to have an intervention for any of the other sans, like Blueberries alcohol problem?”
“I have no problem first of all. And secondly, we have had to have interventions.” Blue said, “Black had a drug addiction a while back, and we are trying to get Papy to stop or reduce his smoking habits.” Blue said and Stretch sighed. 
“At least I’m working on it.” Stretch said, and Blue nodded. 
“oh i'm just teasing him, cause I love him.”
“Thank you!” Blue said, smiling. 
“frisk has there ever been a timeline in which the annoying dog didn't take the legendary artifact and if it wasn't taken what does the artifact do”
“I have never gotten the artifact.” Frisk said, Papyrus and Sans coming into view.
“to error how much exp did ink get you?”
“Quite a bit. The number escapes me, but it was in the hundreds.” Error said, swinging. 
“flowey at the end of the pacifist timeline you decide to give up the souls and break barrier once the barrier was broken you could have easily murdered more humans and get to be a goat again so why kill a few for their souls?”
“Timelines never last that long, and when I turn back, it leaves an impact on me that makes it hard to be a jerk for a while. Residual effects of being that whiny crybaby.” Flowey said, “And it wouldn’t change anything.” Flowey said, wilting a bit.
“Fresh, tell me about your furby collection? I miss mine. I had 3, they always said they were hungry last at night when I was falling asleep... it was kinda creepy.”
“I have a version of every Furby ever made. 3 is pathetic yo. Though they are demanding and creepy sometimes, I’ll give ya that brah.” Fresh said, looking around as snow fell around him.
“What are you guys doing to find Error's origin anyway?”
“We were going to ask the creators what they knew, since none of Killer, Dust, or Horror’s code could help us and Error’s code is a mess on account of him being a glitch, then we’d go from there, asking questions and making guesses based on what we knew.” Nightmare said, “For all we know Error could be from one of the many neutral timelines, and that wouldn’t pin anything down at all.” Nightmare said. 
“Blue, how do you hide your glitches? That seems like a very hard thing to explain to people you don't want knowing about the multiverse.”
“Dream made a small illusion charm with Sci and Alt’s help that makes me look normal. It’s also pretty!” Blue said as he held up a golden charm in the shape of a blueberry, it was attached to a gold chain that was hidden by his battle body.
“Have the rest of the Sans seen Error in his glasses? I need to see them all squirm at how cute he is!”
“Only Blue and Classic have seen him in his glasses. Other than us of course.” Killer said, “I helped make the frames, and the way his eyes lit up when he could clearly see for the first time, it was the best feeling in the world. I remember taking care of Pap, it felt like that.” Killer said, and he smiled at the memory. 
“How does Dream feel about being an uncle now? Is he a FUN Uncle?”
“I’m not really considered an uncle per say, but I do try to be fun. And it is fun to say that I am technically the Dark Sanses’ uncle, they have the funniest reactions.” Dream said, laughing.
“Error am I embarrassing you too much?”
“Yes.” Error said, still swinging.
(Tumblr, I need asks from you guys too.)
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floweranarchist · 5 years
hey do u have any decent visual novels to reccommend.. would prefer free ones but eh if theyre cheap that's fine 2
i can def do some free visual novel recs for you!!! first, i’d recommend checking out some otome games i’ve recced, and some GL games i also rec. there’s freebies on both lists!! 
but in OTHER free visual novels......
autumn’s journey - it’s TECH an otome game, but it’s very much more friendship focused. you play an aspiring knight travelling with two dragons - you can romance both of them, or you can have the third, friendship ending! it’s not a very long game, but it’s really solid and feel good.
yearning: a gay story - this game is 18+!!! if ur a minor DON’T play this game, even censored it’s p explicit. anyway you play a gay freshman in college dealing with his first college year! there’s lots of romance options and a TON of different ways you can play and it’s rlly interesting! it’s not entirely my cup of tea (more sexual than i prefer my games, especially given ur only playing a freshman.... like thats still a baby adult), but definitely worth a mention. you can get a lot of hours out of this one, trust me.
elven relations - this one’s a galge vn! i’ll be real i haven’t played this in... a LONG time but i remember i rlly enjoyed it! you play a knight trying to set up diplomatic relations with the elves n possibly fall in love along the way... i’ve played the creator’s other vn’s as well and remember liking them even if i don’t remember jack shit so prob worth trying out as well!!
lake of voices - DID YOU MEAN LITERALLY MY FAVORITE VISUAL NOVEL OF ALL TIME? NO LIE. I FUCKING ADORE IT. it’s a horror game where you play a woman named kikka who has to travel across a lake filled with monsters. if you like horror please PLEASE play this one. no matter what someone will die. you can die! it’s GREAT. i recommend starting with bemelle/margaret as ur first routes, and lu/the guide as secondary. but tbh you’ll prob end up twisting and turning ur way through and being unable to truly identify what path ur going on so like... yeah... ANYWAY THERE’S LEGIT TIMED CHOICES TOO IT’S JUST. GREAT.
nekojishi - it’s a gay furry vn about taiwanese folklore. it’s GRAND. i’m not done with it yet (the fucking car.... You Will Understand), but like. do u want to play a gay furry? and kiss big buff gay cat spirits? great! this is The Game For You. one of the romance options is uhhhh weird tbh but the other two are solid from what ive played and it’s just rlly fun! AND SO MUCH SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT OH MY GOD. idk shit abt the nsfw version, tho, i just play the censored steam one
christine love’s vn’s! - she has three free ones, digital: a love story, don’t take it personally babe it just ain’t your story, and cell phone love letter. they’re all connected like... spiritually - that’s prob the order i’d recommend playing them in? there’s definitely. uh. some not great stuff in them espesh the second (you can uhhh be a teach and romance a student PLEASE don’t do that) but they’re rlly solid experiences. so yeah! worth checking out.
finally, last but not least, these two deserve more than a bullet point. while i do have my favorites, true remembrance and narcissu are, imho, some of the BEST visual novels. like, period. they deal with very heavy topics - depression, suicide, etc. don’t read them if you can’t handle that, because they are absolutely heavy and ABSOLUTELY depressing and absolutely good. kay? so!
descriptions of these two under the cut, bc they’re long and contain those heavy topics. i HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend both of them - true remembrance changed my life, and that’s not hyperbole in the slightest.
true remembrance is a visual novel set in a crapsack of a world. i’ll copy tv tropes excellent description:  20 Minutes into the Future, the world has fallen to a pandemic of super-depression known as the Dolor, which eats away the affected's mind in a process called Psyche Corrosion, eventually leading to suicide. The only known cure is difficult and scarce; the only way to cure situational depression, after all, is to help those who suffer it past the memories causing it, or to destroy those memories completely. 
The government has decided that the latter option is faster, and cultivated a group of people called Mnemonicides ("memory killers") who can induce amnesia in their patients through a long treatment process, thus removing the Dolor and ending the Psyche Corrosion.Mnemonicides are scarce, and they work in one sleepy, snowy town, where their patients ("Guests") are sent. The waiting list to get into this town is long, but the town itself is so cut off from the outside world that all that seems to matter is what happens inside it. True Remembrance is the everyday yet remarkable story of a Mnemonicide named Blackiris and his Guest, an extraordinary young girl named La.”
narcissu is a visual novel where you play a terminally ill young man. at the hospital he lives in, he meets a young girl with a terminal illness as well - as she says, it’s where they’re left to die. you either die there, or at home. and since neither of them want to do that... they steal a car, driving away to see the flowers... the Narcissus flowers...
both narcissu and true remembrance are VERY good. please don’t play them without expecting to cry (tho tbf im a crybaby). i hope u enjoy some of these!!!
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Plance au where it hurt
I warned you . I really warned you .
Also , the ending is rushed . Sorry , my patience is low . I truly am a failure .
Edit : maybe it wont hurt so bad
Plaance god tier au where pidge and lance hooked up in the club and pidge got preggers . Unfortunately , the child died under mysterious circumstances during the third trimester . Lance had been with her the whole time , so he tried his best to comfort her even when she pushed him away .
The next year , lance left to pursue his career in the garrison in hopes to forget his pain . Pidge had left to recooperate , unsucessfully . She ended up avoiding meds and fell into anxiety and depression . They avoided each others interactions because they felt like they were the reason the child died .
The following year , lance and pidge had met in the same club again . This time , they were drunk enough to hook up again for real sad sex . A lot of tears and love , but in the end it was a one night stand . The next morning , lance left the motel without telling her . He didnt want to hurt her any more than he already did .
After realizing she was pregnant after a month , pidge hit the road with little to nothing . All she had was ten thousand dollars from stashing money for her baby , most of which her parents and brother had given. Pidge decided to get a cheap van from the scrapyard , got a liscence for the car , ditched everything she had inside and with her little driving skills , went off to somewhere she didnt know . All she really had was a driving liscence to prove her identity . She hid it away .
In the end , she only had a five thousand left . Yes , this was a time where everything wasnt real . This is a fic . Do not take things too seriously .
She literally disappeared overnight - nobody really knew where she went . All they had was a bought cheap van to go off on . How far couldve she went , people asked . Shes just a child , everyone said , unable to find her within a twenty mile radius the next day .
Pidge had driven for days , trying to get to the rural countryside as fast as possible . She found a little village after being lost for hours on end on a obscure forest path - and decided she was going to stay .
The villagers immediately noticed her van . Soon , a crowd formed and when she stepped out of the van , they crowded around her like scavengers looking for prey . They spoke in french , oddly enough - a mix of it . Italian , french , spanish was what she heard all at once .
A red hair girl put up her fist , silencing the villagers . " Hello , " she spoke in french . " Can i have a house ? " " No , " the red haired girl said . " The only house left are in the fields . It is dilapitated . " " Then can i have it ? " The villagers thought about it , buzzing even louder for a while . " Yes . We can help you fix it , " pidge heard from a few people at the front . It seemed to be agreed .
The villagers buzzed around for a bit , discussing their next move . Eventually , they asked a old lady to take her in while they went to look for items to fix up the house with . The red haired girl , with a thick french accent , told her in english : " We will help you . Come with her , she will feed you . "
And oddly enough , it felt like home . Their hospitality - it mustve come from a lack of visitors and her odd way of entering , their curiousity - but pidge was too tired and hungry to be cautious . It was the best human interaction she had for days . The red haired girl proceeded to bring out her items for two guys to take int othe home of the old woman .
The old woman , she was called " old rosa , " had no name . So she took in the name old rosa . She could speak english fluently , although she tripped over her words a bit . " My dear , come and eat , the villagers will help bring in your items . I suppose theyll make your van a bit more hospitable for you . " " Where are you from ? You speak english quite well , " pidge had asked . " Britain , my dear . Although i dont know where . But i do have a postcard with a picture - me and my parents . Everyone says it is a place in Britain , the english folks did . It was a baby me . But now , i cannot remember for the life of me where i am from , my name , my everything . The villagers , they took me in . Incredibly kind of them , " old rosa told pidge fondly .
" Why have you come ? " she had asked pidge . " Because i am pregnant , and to run away , because my relatives will speak to me unkindly if they knew , and i did not want to disappoint my parents and everyone around me again , " pidge sighed . She crossed her arms , unsure if she made a good decision or not telling her . Old rosa simply smiled , wrinkles becoming even more prominent . " I have a child myself - she has a baby boy . She can help you , if you want . The doctor is her husband . They can help you , but they might get a bit too excited about a new baby , " old rosa laughed . Pidge giggled , despairingly remembering what lance said about her giggles and laughs . How cute and bell-tinkly they were .
Oh , how she wished he was here to help her , but only the crevices of her mind said . She had long pushed him away , for the sake of her sanity . Her eyes welled up a bit nonetheless , and she gently thumbed over her stomach . That day , she had woke up alone and cold - perhaos it was for the best . At least you didnt pay for the motel room , a tiny thought sparked . It didnt help much , but a shimmer of hope tugged at her heart . Maybe she could pull through , with or without lance .
Old rosa present a bowl of rice and two poached eggs inside . " I really couldnt do much - i just wanted to make something quick for you my dear . Besides , the resources man hasnt arrived yet . On sunday he will , and on sunday we can go visit him for food . Yes , we are self-sufficient , but the doctor needs items . The resources man is very kind . He gives us what we need for free . I think the government set aside money for us - very kind of them . "
Pidge quickly came to realize her chatter as she ate . She smiled , breaking the poached egg and deciding to mix it with her rice . Old rosa just kept smiling , talking on and on about everything . It felt so nice - like her brother and mother fussing over every little thing that happened to pidge every day .
Another flicker of sadness - how lonely she was . If only she had her family , her lance - no , not her lance . He was just a little crush . That is all . But homesickness struck - how far away was she from her family ? It was selfish of her to leave .
The red haired girl came back in . She spoke in their mixed language - " The van , we tried to make it more homely , rearranged items but kept in sight . You do not have much , so we gave you some blankets and a mattress and pillows and clothes . "
Yes , this wasnt home , but pidge could deal with it .
As the year went by , pidge quickly upholstered her van-home into a much homier place . She made a few good friends . Connor , the fabrics person , he was incredibly kind and sweet , came over often to check on her and drown her in soft wools and cashmeres of all colours . He felt oddly motherlike , perhaps because of his feminine preferances . Old rosa became increasingly motherlike too , taking more and more care of her . The red haired girl , osara , she made sure pidge had priority to make sire the baby would be safe , along with her .
Old rosas daughter , maybellina [ yes , maybelline the makeup brand however you spelled it played a part in this ] , was very kind and loving , like her mother . Her husband , tom , made sure she had checkups every now and then , sometimes popping over randomly to check on her .
Sometimes she would visit connor - he had a huge old castle as a house , his family hadi t for generations . Although he was lonely as the only one , it was fine by him . They were walking up a whole lot of stairs to his sewing and looming room thing , when he had abruptly asked : " Pidge , i was wondering , do you know someone called katie holt ? You come from somewhere else , right ? I have told you before , i study at the garrison . Someone called katie holt , she had disappeared . I heard her parents , her brother and his boyfriend , they have been searching endlessly . They do not know where to find her anymore , " connor said . Oops , yikers ! Haha , no good . Thats all pidges mind provided before shutting off .
So she just stared at him blankly , before connor being the huge softie he is , started blushing and buried his face into her hair , murmuring something along the lines of " im too soft for this . "
And that , my friends , is how the start of something more than a friendship begin . Perhaps pidges mind shutting off helped .
Lance had firstly , freaked out after pidge went missing and secondly , spent his weekends trying to find clues of her anywhere . So when connor , the nice guy [ actually nice ] asked him what he was doing in the middle of class , he decided to just spill the beans for the sake of his sanity and his already sad heart . " She used to go by the name of pidge . Pidge gunderson . Shes the fu-ing cutest girl youll ever see , " lance had ended . Yes , he self censored himself . Connor was still pure .
Oddly enough , connors eyes seem to be interest at the name of pidge . And even more weirder , he asked lance to be his teammate for this science project on fabric tendancies . The garrison is weird , dont question it . So connor invited him to his home , which worked out well cause all weekend lance just went pidge mode . And he decided to pry more cause he seemed to know a bit .
So that weekend , he saw a girl with long hair that vaguely looked like katie holt . " This is a pidge i know , " connor said . And oh fuck , it clicked in his head - connor's brain shut off after realizing what he did .
Pidge had changed - her hair became longer , more fluffy . Lighter coloured too , from spending time outside . And the most prominent change - she had a baby . With curly blonde hair . And blue eyes .
In lances mind , he couldnt fathom why he had ever decided to leave the motel room anymore . And neither did pidge .
In the end , everything ended with a flurry of kisses and love , before night struck , and the next morning lance had left again . He had to go to school , which was logical of him . So she didnt put it against him , just helped him get ready and said bye at the door , albeit sadly .
The years went by . Her little dilapitated house was finally put together . What little she had , pidge tried to make the best of it . She slept with her two children to keep them warm .
Yep , child uno numbero two . I dont know spanish , sorry . I am trying my best on duolingo , though .
Connor still checked up on her , lance still asked about her . He was like the middleman . Poor guy had a affinity for both of them .
One day , lance showed up randomly with a nice suit and a sexy , sleek black car . " Pidge , your parents . They are trying to pry anything about you from me and connors cold , dead hands . Just go back to them , please . Im sorry i didnt have the heart to come visit . "
For whatever reason , it sounded so halfhearted for both of them . Maybe because lance didnt want to make her leave her home and talk to her about it . And they both knew it .
Pidge , she felt hostile .
So she made sure her children never spoke to him if he came .
The next time , he tried to coax her to leave with him to go home . Not happening .
The third time , lance got hella pissed , and started packing up their things . " Lance , why are you doing this ? I dont want to go back . "
And lance softened . " Because i want to take care of you . I finally found you , finally get to see my children , and i finally have money to take care of my family . "
Pidge dragged him out . " Ill consider it . "
The next time he visited , pidge was ready to leave . " Ive said my goodbyes , said ill come visit . Dont let me down . "
The first thing they did was pack up her items . Put it in her old refurbished van , and while pidge drove his car , and lance drove her old van .
They went to the village , said one last goodbye , and with heavy hearts left . But something inside of pidge lightened . She was finally going home .
Osara , old rosa , maybellina , tom , connor , they all came to visit pidge and lance when they got married . Their children - samantha for the older curly blonde and girasol for the younger straight black haired - were the little bridesmaids . How cute .
When matt and shiro got married , everyone came back again to celebrate .
Years went by . The village finally got internet , so lance and pidge got the occasional call , and called here and there . Connor and pidge and lance were still as close and cutesy as ever . They visited the village , watched it grow and expand . Helped pidges old friends out . They dragged connor out of a abusive marriage that firstly , left him with seven children , and secondly , a lot of freedom .
And life was nice . Even though pidges family were heavy pissed , they got over it within minutes and only had love left . Even when times got rough with connor when his family was slowly falling apart because of his wife , he managed to kick her out . Very nice .
And a lot nice things happened that lead them to a nice little marriage again , with a epic threesome . Yay for me wanting fluff ! Yay for connor , poor guy !
I warned you , the ending was rushed .
Heres the original draft [ read for loss of braincells ] :
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justiceforbandstand · 5 years
Some notes on Rent: Live
Out of order, just my scattered thoughts on the show
First of all, was it perfect? No. Did I still have a fantastic time watching it? Oh absolutely
To all the people complaining about the audio: this was the final test run. It wasn’t supposed to be aired like this. They made do with what they had and I’m so happy we still got to see it with all the complications (I really hope Brennin is doing okay).
On the other hand, they should’ve learned their lesson about live audiences like this from Grease Live. They’re annoying. That’s that. Theatre etiquette should be a mandatory class for huge events such as this
Now for the show
I was so worried about any Mark other than Anthony Rapp, but Jordan Fisher continues to impress me, and I thought he brought a new vibe to the character while staying true to Mark
Also, while I’ve always loved Halloween, it’s never been my favorite, but damn he went there. I was freakin backhanded across the face by that song
PERHAPS ITS BECAUSE IM THE ONE OF US TO SURVIVE (this line hurts every time, but his dELIVERY)
Why why why why why why would they change “fuckin weird” that’s one of my favorite moments
But otherwise Tango: Maureen was one of my favorite performances
Vanessa Hudgens over here KILLIN IT as Maureen. Like damn I’m over the moon for her dedication to that weird ass song and that NOTE
They can’t just censor La Vie Bohème. I know they technically have to cause cable or whatever but god damn don’t take it to some butcher who sets up shop in the back of a liquor store, that’s some sketchy territory
Personally didn’t think Valentina was a good fit for Angel. Much of the charm of that character seemed to be traded for a diva vibe. Also, not big on the voice?
Contact was... different? But I dug it?
I’ll Cover You (Reprise) never fails to fuck me up
While I missed Will I? being staged at the life support, I was in awe at the way they did do it. This was one of the changes that I accepted because Jesus it was stunning. This song continues to remain one of my favorites
Maureen makin me smile over here with that little kiss of Joanne’s hand
Yeah I’d probably break my ankle dancing to What You Own
Great interlude for laughter during that super tense moment, thanks for that face that monotone “noooo,” Roger
Ahh nothing like the sound of live tech
Oh damn. Oh damn. That Jonathan Larson tribute. I cried so much. More than during I’ll Cover You (Reprise).
Y’all they’re all HERE. Jesse is KILLING IT like ALWAYS. It’s always so nice to see them together they looked so happy to be there!!!
How could I forget Mark’s sweater??
Really peeved that “for someone who longs for a community of his own, who’s with his camera, alone” exchange was cut. Like that scenes so important because tHATS WHAT MARK FEARS, ROGER
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gammija · 6 years
The Hollow review/summary/rant/explanation of why i hate the ending I wasn’t sure whether I should post this, but I did enjoy reading others experiences watching this show, so here’s mine under the cut. Edited from a convo with a friend.
(Obviously, spoilers!)
Me: Okay so to properly express my disappointment i gotta take you through the major beats
The show starts with three teens waking up in an almost empty room, finding out they all have amnesia. They quickly solve a puzzle to escape the room, and just as quickly Adam and Mira realize they have superpowers (superstrength/agility and some weird 'speak to animals/know all languages' hybrid, respectively. also she can breathe underwater and swim really fast. its kind of vague)
Kai is already clearly a comic relief, discount Ron (from HP, the movies, no idea about the books) so me and sister correctly predict he'll get jealous of adam and miras relationship (even if there is none), gets pissy and jealous that he has no powers, but then finds out he has powers anyway he does, hes a fire bender. cant say im not bitter about that cause id put my money on invulnerability but eh its alright he has red hair after all hes still fun
Friend: Of course he is
I just feel bad is all aldjs
Me: adam gets a throwaway line of 'maybe were dead' and kai never lets it go
this food might be poisoned but im starving and hey were dead anyway! right, adam
Friend: I love him??
Me: i loved him as soon as he spoke his first dumb words also he puns but basically hes the only interesting char; adam and mira are just cookie cutter 'male lead 1' and 'female lead 1' i mean, he’s cookie cutter ‘jealous 3rd wheel’ but that has more going on than the first two still servicable though
anyway so the jokes are sometimes fun, and superpowers are always my jam. but the REAL reason to keep watching is just, whats going on? ARE they dead? or in some kind of weird gvnmt experiment? some weird magical vampire guide (dont ask) hints they wanted this themselves ooh, intrigue. and the world is very very quirky they start in a gravity falls-y woods and then get teleported to a desert with minotaurs and witches, then get invited for tea by the Grim Reaper and the rest of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
tbh Grim is the best part of the show but thats neither here nor there
anyway they have a magic map that updates once theyve been somewhere, and it shows them that the hot dry desert and the swampy wood bunker are like right next to each other
so you start thinking, how are they gonna explain that? this is too weird to be handwaved away. theyve gotta be going somewhere
they visit some other exotic locals, like what appears to be the set of Alien (complete with alien) and an abandoned old fair and a floating island with japanese inspired evildoers on it
the weird magic guide keeps showing up and being vague, dropping hints that there are other kids there etc
at some point Mira says "This is no time for games!" Weirdy: "Thats where youd be wrong~" me and sister: Aha! videogame! that connects all the dots, and also makes the tropes clear: small world with all kinds of different areas, quests, fights, superpowers, an updating map, fast travel Adam, a few eps later: guis i think we might be in a videogame me and sister: [high five]
Anyway in the meantime also the second predictable Kai (discount Ron) plot happens: they meet three other kids (boy boy girl) and they act shady but the girl takes an immediate and obvious interest in Kai so obviously theyre gonna manipulate him and have him betray his friends but in the end he'll see through their facade and kick their ass that more or less happens. The other teens also confirm that this is a game, and theyre trying to win. winning is done by bringing the MacGuffin to a tree fights over macguffin ensue situations are dire but our characters persevere
(also Mira kisses Adam and he acts very weird about it, almost as if hes gay and the only reason they didnt make it canon is censors) (no lingering gaze, just him going 'hehe yeah no thanks, its not you, its me', but in a very... he doesnt seem to be saying it with shall we say burning desire in his soul. hes literally just like 'eh youre a good friend.' Cool move, cartoon that made the two main boys have arguments over nothing cause of course the two main guys have constant dick measuring matches)
this all is not the offensive part btw it was all fun and games, its just a flash cartoon i wasnt expecting Shakespeare
anyway so theyre in a videogame, and apparently thats the answer to all the weirdness. A bit of a cop-out, cause thats a very easy answer, but eh, it works. it wasnt immediately obvious.
also something i hadnt mentioned yet: thisd be ideal for making (self-insert) OCs. Unique powers for each person, there are clearly more characters than shown, the world is your playground
and maybe the video game thing could be interesting on its own in the last few eps the game seems to be glitching out a lot they say its breaking apart so they really gotta hurry now maybe they were beta testers for a vr game gone wrong maybe this is part of it but its like a huge experience that you tell all your friends about anyway there are ways it could be cool, could be expanded to a season 2 despite having solved the mystery
but. last episode. our heroes get the MacGuffin, go to a final stage, and fight the Boss Battle (its a dragon). they enter the Castle....
...and the screen zooms out, into a sudden live action stage, where we see the cartoon (literally what you were just watching) on screen. there are 6 chairs, 3 with our heroes, 3 with the other teens, presumably. theres a host and hes dressed exactly like the weird guy (and that was already kind of a clashy outfit in the cartoon). it was all just a game show. but. the worst part is the live action
you. dont. go. from. animated. to. live. action.
other way around? fine, can work. But now? WHY itd still be dumb and dissapointing but if itd been animated too itd at least have been.... nice to look at but the acting.. oh god they didnt even say anything and it was all wrong clearly theyd just picked the first random teens that vaguely looked like the chars and put them in there cause they had no lines so who needs acting?!
the enemy teams girl had, in the cartoon, pink hair. Purple with pink highlights instead of stylizing that into something more realistic or painting the actual hair, they gave some 30-year old woman a wig and called it a day
keep in mind i binged this show in one go
purposely stayed up late to watch the last ep with my sis even tho we shouldve gone to bed and were disobeying our dad cause we Had to Know
and theres more i said they had no lines but i was lying. Kai did have a line. well, his voice actor did they dubbed him also the line was about him having to pee which is already not the most hilarious in animated version but a live action kid whose supposed to be this character you spent 3 hours with but looks nothing like him saying that in a voice that doesnt belong to his throat, as he stands bashfully in front of a live audience, the only words spoken by your main characters in the last moments...
*its actual hell*
oh oh one more thing at the end the six kids stand in a line and kai is next to other girl they glance at each other and as the eyes of this teen and 30 year old in wig cross, her eye glitches for a moment
dun dun duuun
bUT i dont care anymore, The Hollow. You overestimated your own premise. this wont be forgiven. your most interesting part was the mystery, and the answer  to that was "just a normal game show" (which also doesnt make sense on another level smh) soo if you think that im interested in what these two-dimensional (ha) characters will do now about the glitch in the eye of a bitch then i have news for u
i dont
...if they get a second season ill probably check it out though as long as its animated
Friend: Gammi I'm getting the real sinking suspicious feeling that what you saw isn't the real end but bad on purpose because there's more to it
Me: the show didnt seem good enough to be bad on purpose
and yet im still not done, if youll still hear me out
i mean, im an animation fan so ill still watch but if theyd wanted to be bad on purpose they really shouldve done a better job fleshing out the characters thats what people come back for that was a bit of a sidetrack BUT so i said why the live action itself was just terrible in overal quality
but the resolution that 'oh it was all in a game show' doesnt work on multiple levels
first of all, they show a short flashback of "About 5 hours earlier". The kids stand on the stage and are instructed to take their seats in the vr-chairs, and pick their superpower
2 things i dislike about that
1) there goes all the self-insert/oc potential. they werent teens in over their heads, they werent gvnmt experiments, or just some kids who wanted to play a game -they were in it to win it, from the start. thats very specific and not the most appealing to all kinds of characters (goodbye, all the 'im just an average girl whod never step into the spotlight like that' characters).
Also, all the expansion on lore is gone. maybe there were other games simultaneously? eh, maybe, but theyd be all gameshows. Maybe someone ended uo trapped there for way longer? nah its just a gameshow theyre not gonna let anything actually bad happen. Maybe there are other worlds, other areas, other weird creatures? unlikely, they finished the map and familiarity seemed to be a thing for the audience. Now every new idea has to be put not through a 'whats interesting for a player' but a 'whats interesting for a viewer' lens, and whats a selfinsert if not a player in another universe
who the hell watches a game show for 5 consecutive hours, some of which mustve been just them walking. also, we zoom out of the screen were watching, so implication is that everything up until then has been what the audience has seen. but... we only followed the one team. there were two? why didnt the audience want to see what they were up to? ~reality tv usually thrives on showinf the worst assholes so realistically they wouldve been the focus~
There are also way too many times *both* teams couldve failed, from early on till late in the game. Not a single game i can think of thats played for an audience is set up like that, and especially not a televised one (okay tbf idk if this was televised, i dont remember if i saw cameras, but. it mustve. monetary reasons.)
What r u gonna do if they all 'died' from the monsters in the first ep? Call it a day? boring for the audience. let them restart from scratch? boring for the audience. the existence of an audience messes with everything
AND THEN ANOTHER THING what do you mean, "5 hours ago?" you never get a time stamp to show how long theyve been in there but there are some cuts, when they travel and such. The actual show is a lil over 3 hours runtime. You mean to tell me you sat through 2 hours of the characters just walking?
okay last thing. so. they were clearly second season teasing with the glitching eye thing. i already said this but. theres nowhere to go from here that isnt worse that the first season. your mystery is dead. you clearly know your live action teens cant act so youd have to go back into the game - but why would they do that? how would that be in any way interesting? you explored all there was to explore.
The other, more out there option, is that as you said the 'real world' was a fake-out and theyre still in a game. but. how would- how would you even make that remotely convincing? if youd just left the 'real world' gameshow as animated too this wouldnt have been a problem. but there is absolutely no conceivable reason to justify, in universe, why another meta-level up is 2D animation again unless they were in a game, in a game, in a game. and thats just dumb. yall aint inception
Friend: HONESTLY if they just kept the whole deal animated it'd probably be okay. Not good, but better,
Me: ye me and my sister came to the same conclusion
i couldve lived with that. at least, i couldve just acknowledged the finales existence but chose to ignore it. now however im full phantom planet levels of denial. in fact i dont even know how the show ended anymore, suddenly
Friend: what finale? what show?
Me: also at least now we know why its called The Hollow
it leaves you feeling empty inside
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sweetnestor · 6 years
12 Days | Chapter 11
Two guys that lowkey hate each other are forced to walk in each other’s shoes in order to learn a lesson.
***in collaboration with @themarkiplierexperience
lmao soz its not actually x reader we’re just desperate for attention haaaa
“Hewwo?” Ethan spoke into the phone.
“You need to stop fucking answering like that, mate,” Tom replied.
“Hey man, don’t tell me how to live my life,” Ethan chuckled to himself as he threw himself onto the bed, exhausted from the long day he’d just had.
“Well, your life is my life now,” Tom sighed, placing his elbows on the desk. He had been unbearably tense all day. “Or… my life is yours. Just never say that again, alright?”
“Fair enough,” Ethan paused. It’d been days since they’d last spoken on the phone, he’d forgotten how odd it was to hear his own voice over the phone. “So uh… how was your day?”
“Ah, you know, made some videos… or a video,” Tom said, rubbing his eye. “Spent some time with my girlfriend. I don’t know what’s making me more tired, Bella or YouTube.” His filter had been disappearing lately, and his patience was running thin, he didn’t realize how he was sounding.
“What do you mean, is Bella stressing you out?” Ethan tried to keep the irritation out of his voice. It was true that Bella could be a lot, but Tom’s not allowed to say that. “And she’s not your girlfriend.”
Tom sat up, quickly retracting. “Right, sorry. You get used to saying ‘my girlfriend…’ I just didn’t realize how much baggage she came with. Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” he quickly added. “I tried to be with her today, but she keeps asking why I’m acting so strange. I don’t know how long more we can keep this up.”
“I hear ya’. If I have to be on a movie set one more day I think my head will explode. Guess acting’s not what as easy as I thought it’d be,” he let out a small sigh. “And don’t worry about it, I only snapped at you because I’ve been really irritable lately. Shooting a movie is no joke.”
“Definitely. And I’m getting really tired of YouTube. How long more do you think we have to be like this?”
“I honestly don’t know dude. What did she say? That she was trying to teach us a lesson? All I’ve learned is that I really don’t want to be an actor. Shit’s a pain in the ass.” Ethan huffed as he walked into his walk in closet. Despite it being almost 1 in the morning and the guys being completely knocked out, he still felt like they might hear him.
“I’ve learned how bloody boring your job is, no offense.” Tom spun in his chair from side to side. “Do you think we could switch back without that woman’s help?”
“Honestly who knows. She’s the one who switched us so I doubt we could switch back on our own.” Ethan paused, choosing his next words wisely, ”But... do you think we could force her?”
Tom’s eyes widened. “Uh… define ‘force.’”
“Like, confront her? I don’t know, just try and convince her that we’ve learned whatever fucking lesson she’s trying to teach us,” Ethan could feel his heart racing. The very prospect of possibly switching back was exciting to him. Being back in his own body would be a dream come true.
“Huh…” Tom put his phone on speaker and set it on the desk. “Let me try something.” He brought the computer to life and opened up Google. Then, he clicked on the search option and typed: ‘sonjisonjisonjisonjisonjisonjisonjisonjisonjiSONJISONJISONJISONJI!!’
Suddenly his words disappeared and were replaced by someone else’s. The message, ‘WHT DO U WANT’ stared back at Tom.
“Aha!” he said in satisfaction. “Have you ever tried Googling her?” he asked Ethan on the other line.
“Like her business? No,” Ethan responded making his way back into his room and grabbing the laptop lying on the ground.
“I mean like, connecting with her in weird ways,” Tom explained. “I tried to research on body switching - or ‘soul swapping’ as it’s called - but it wouldn’t work. Coincidence? She also sent me an email when I spoke about her out loud. She’s got a trail on us.”
“You know, now that you mention it, the same thing happened to me. I was trying to google pictures of your signature for that one day in London that I had to do all those poster signings and I typed something stupid like ‘sonji why have you done this’ or something, and she responded to me in the google search box! She said something like ‘because you haven’t learned your lesson yet’ and then called us twats,” Ethan couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory. It’d only been a few days ago but it felt like it’d been ages since he’d been in London.
“See what I mean? And I just typed to her on Google again and she replied!” Tom said like it was the greatest news ever. “Get online, let’s see if we can persuade her!” He looked at the computer screen again, only to find a new message. ‘Are you wasting my time again or what?’
“Yeah, yeah, I’m on Google right now,” Ethan looked back down at the laptop screen on his lap, “uh, what should I say?”
“I don’t know, just annoy her.”
“Ah yes,” Ethan chuckled as he popped his knuckles, “my best quality.” ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘So-’
‘Hey psychic lady person,’ Tom typed. ‘We need help. Please. We know we’re annoying, but seriously.’
Ethan watched as his laptop opened a new tab and opened up a Google doc. He would’ve been freaked out if he didn’t know who he was dealing with. But this is Sonji, psychic lady who has nothing better to do than to fuck with two guys’ lives, so he’ll allow it.
This wasn’t the weirdest thing to happen, watching the computer immediately open up a blank doc. Still, Tom felt a little nervous as he placed his fingers on the keys and typed again.
“OH SO YOU CAN SAY IT BUT I CAN’T?” Ethan shouted into the phone, a big smile on his face. Tom’s scream (in his own voice) was worth possibly getting caught by Harrison and Harry, though he can’t imagine they’ll hear him. Once they’re asleep they’re passed out cold.
Tom clutched his chest, his heart pounding. He tried to catch his breath as he looked down at the phone screen. “Shut up… you twat…” He had forgotten that he was on the phone with the man himself. Thank god he was home alone.
‘So what do you guys want’
Ethan read Sonji’s words over a few times, trying to decide how to type what he wanted to say in the nicest way possible. Actually, fuck that, she doesn’t censor herself, why should he?
‘Switch us back cunt’
Tom couldn’t help but laugh.
‘Don’t fucking laugh at me Tom,’ Sonji typed, silencing him immediately. ‘Lmao yeah i hear your phone conversations, i read your text messages to check your progress. I know everything you fucking twinks.’
‘TWINKS?’ Ethan typed feeling more than a little violated.
“Okay, better step in,” Tom mumbled as he typed. ‘We just want our lives back, sonji! We’re losing our fucking minds here!’
Ethan looked down at his keyboard and hesitated. She can read their texts, but can she read minds too? ‘Yes.’
‘Of course we have,’ Tom added, ‘there’s really no point for us to stay like this. We’ll go to your shop in San Diego again if we have to.’
‘Why do I, a psychic lady, get the feeling you’re lying?’
Just play it off Ethan, confidence is key. ‘Because you’re a paranoid psychic lady?’
‘Yeah, maybe all the voices and things you hear are mixing together…’
For a moment, Sonji didn’t type anything more. Tom didn’t dare speak to Ethan, now knowing that they were being watched.
‘And how are yall going to get over here?’ she asked. ‘You were in serious trouble when you dropped everything to come find me. If you’re willing to cause more trouble for each other then have you really learned?’
‘Yeah, and that’s why I’ve already talked to the people here about taking a few days off for ‘mental health’ and I’m already cleared.’ There’s no way Sonji can know that Ethan plans to just leave after filming tomorrow, right?
‘I’m taking time off work already,’ Tom wrote. ‘I have the freetime. And honestly, I’m speaking for both of us when I say that I’ll go through all the trouble to get my life back.’
‘I second that,’ Ethan typed back.
‘...........you two have been through quite a bit… it’s been what? Eleven days now?’
Tom nearly hopped out of his seat at the lenience. He frantically sent back, ‘Yeah!! And we’ve learned the woes of each other’s lives, and the longer i stay like this the longer im going to think i’m actually ethan!! Please switch us back, sonji??’
‘Please :(’ Ethan didn’t really know what to reply. How much longer would they have to beg before she gave in?
Sonji finally answered. ‘I’m not promising anything, but if you guys turn up to my shop tomorrow… and maybe actually buy something this time… i may or may not be able to help you…’ She quickly added “twinks” one more time at the end before deleting it immediately after.
‘You mean we just had to buy something the first time aND WE COULD’VE GOTTEN SWITCHED BACK???’ Ethan groaned in frustration as he hoped that her answer was no. She wouldn’t make them suffer all this just because they didn’t buy anything, would she?
“😘” And then the doc closed on itself.
“What the fuck,” Ethan grumbled as he fell back onto the pillow behind him and brought the phone up to his face. “She’s messing with us right?”
Tom sat back and opened his mouth to say something. But now he had to mind his words whenever he talked to Ethan. “I… She’s always messing with us! She’s made us live like this, hasn’t she?”
“Good point.” Ethan opened up another tab and searched through the flights available from Montreal to Los Angeles on the Southwest website. “So, you’ll pick me up from the airport right?”
“Yeah,” Tom replied as he got up and started to pace. “I’ll be driving your car this time.” He chuckled at the memory of them being in the same car for the first time. It felt like years ago.
“Owner of the car gets to pick the music, your rules,” Ethan laughed as he booked a flight. “I was planning on getting a flight towards the end of the day, but then we wouldn’t make it to San Diego in time so I got a flight that lands at 4pm.”
“Alright, mate, sounds good. Hopefully Sonji will wait up for us.”
“Well she’s listening to this conversation isn’t she? She knows so she’ll hopefully wait up for us since she’s so nice and thoughtful,” Ethan did his best to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. Hopefully Sonji won’t notice it.
Tom was hoping in the back of his head that Sonji was overhearing, but at the same time he wasn’t sure if she would approve of them taking matters into their own hands. Actually, he knew she wouldn’t approve of this.
“How easy will it be to switch back?” he wondered. “Like, we’ll be back in our bodies, but are we just going to pretend this never happened?” It had been on his mind, given that he had moments where he was almost convinced that Ethan’s life was actually his the whole time.
“I… don’t know? Are we… friends now?” Ethan wasn’t quite sure what to say. On one hand, he’d probably go insane if Tom wasn’t there to confirm that yes, he did in fact switch bodies with Tom Holland for almost two weeks. On the other hand he’d definitely go insane if he had to pretend that none of this ever happened.
“Well, we’re not strangers,” Tom said with a chuckle. “It would be absolutely horrible to talk about this with anyone else when it’s over, but at least we know how the other feels.”
“Yeah, not to mention we’d definitely get thrown into a hospital,” Ethan replied, already imagining the headlines “Newest Addition to Marvel Cinematic Universe Tom Holland Absolutely Fucking Loses His Mind!!!”
“Hey, if we’re next door to each other on the psych ward, then there won’t be much to complain about,” Tom said. Was he hamming this up for Sonji, or did he actually mean it? Who knows?
“Yeah, true! Though we’ll probably never get released at that point,” Ethan laughed. He glanced down at the time on his phone and sighed. “It’s getting late and I gotta hit the hay for filming tomorrow…”
Tom checked the time on the computer. Time had slipped away. “Yeah, Bella’s been texting me, gotta see what she wants. I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Click. Just one more day, he could handle one more day.
tag list: @beardedsteveslut @ohsnapitzmoony @marie-is-in-the-dark
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Imagine if I went back in time and told the confused young man holding his sixth Avengers movie ticket that in nearly 10 years time there will be an entire Loki television series but he will be too busy having a seven month breakdown over the third part of the cringe fangirl trifecta he promised he would never get into. On the cringe Tumblr fangirl platform itself.
#personal#this is brought to you by me watching ep1 of loki and not feeling very much at all#not to rain on anyone elses parade who liked it but i think the version of loki that exists in my head is just not the one that#exists on the tv and its been like that forever#conceptually i adore it and then the execution always just feels like they hate him#and its not... its not how it is with spn where everythings a battlefield and the characters are fighting the writers are fighting god and#everythings a misplaced bisexual inspiration from a censored book and a writers strike causing an angel to raise dean from hell its just#this is a story thats being told about a character and i wish it was different#also just to be clear i was literally in that movie theatre for loki and loki alone#i used to seethe with rage when everyone laughed at the hulk scene#which is what half of the show feels like and now im 13 again and ive never escaped that seat#and thats the POINT i know thats the point theyre making becahse he never grew into his own this loki IS still hours away from that scene#but i dont like it im not compelled by it i dont want to see that over and over#watching my original evil toxic gay rights awakening get bashed repeatedly into 'acceptable hero' submission#i liked where loki ended up in the movies but only because that was the only way theyd let him live#its the whole villain to weird uncle downgrade#and i know narratively it just doesnt work or w/e but i wanted him as a villain and i wanted him to WIN#give me the unresolved family trauma fuck#dont keep playing it for cheap laughs and 'character development' literally give me the tragedy of god he doesnt realise and he never will#why does there have to be a moral to the story#why cant the bad guys win for the wrong reasons and nothing ever gets fixed because its all up in flames now and its over#oh i think my first tag was a lie i do feel things#big apologies if you expected these monster tags to contain a funny anecdote or something but were instead confronted with my#oh i dont even know#chronic attracted to villains as actual villains syndrome#evil lokis probs gonna be fun for the 2-3 eps hes allowed to be though
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so I figured it out - the whole roommate situation - after finally just respectfully asking through text as I sat in a cafe eating a salad and my heart was pounding cause I was finally gonna get an answer. lol.
basically what I've learned is that I'm somewhat expected to not have any privacy in this apartment so it’s “my fault”. I'll explain more in a sec.
I CAN view this situation objectively and say that what really happened was probably one person (me) got wronged, never had the opportunity to talk about it to clean it up/move on properly like I wanted to and asked to, tension/anger/resentment/sadness/EMOTIONS built up toxically inside of me, on top of that I walked into the apartment while my roommates were talking about me and then I was rudely treated on a night out with friends in which I cut her some compassion so then I went home and ranted about it over FaceTime to another person in another city who doesn’t know anyone else involved in this situation and no one involved knows said person.
whilst ranting, my roommates were listening in. is that my fault? no. absolutely not. I just spent 45 minutes thinking that over in my head on the walk home. the firm answer is no, it is absolutely NOT my fault.
she hears me, she CLAIMS I made fun of her self harm (I am 99% sure I did NOT say ANYTHING she claims I said regarding self harm because I know myself and I know that I would never say those things whether I was acting in my rational mind or my emotional mind).  I can imagine what I said (which was misremembered by her) was that “I walk on egg shells around here because I can't say anything without double, triple, quadruple thinking it over in my head out of fear something will be misconstrued and you’ll go ham on your wrists”.  which is true.  I DO self monitor myself to the *T* and then, even after interactions with her, I still self monitor and overthink what I said and how I acted out of fear she’d take it personally and hurt herself - 2 things I definitely do not want her to do cause I care about her. 
then she tells me over text that those things I said (in private, to a stranger, in an emotional state after being repeatedly provoked by mistreatment. and I am DEFINITELY not trying to portray myself as a victim here!) are what I “truly” think about her and she was already super suicidal that week, etc. I have sympathy for suicidal emotions because been there, done that.  but also understand that I - like literally every human being on this planet ever - was/am going through my OWN mental health struggle so the world doesn’t not stop turning because of one person’s vulnerable emotional state.
I repeatedly explained to her that I apologize for what I said out of an emotional rant about self harm because I definitely do NOT find it a laughing matter in reality. but those things WERE said in the privacy of my own room to a stranger that I KNOW doesn’t know and will never know u because I am not one to air my dirty laundry for others and get others involved in drama that don’t have any business. and if one blip of a “mistake” (a mistake in one person’s eyes) outweighs all the other great memories, times I've cared for her and dropped everything I was doing to help her calm down during panic attacks and taken FaceTime calls at all times, etc., then I don’t know what to tell you.
~btw, if ur reading this, well hi. this is me ranting again in a diary and I don’t feel sorry about it cause im allowed to have a diary. I love u, ur my friend, but im still valid in the way I feel and I am still allowed to rant emotionally in a diary. thats all this is. moving on...~
but yeah, I mean that was kind of the gist of it. idk if we’ll be roommates next year or not.  I mean, right now it’s kind of up to me but we’ll see. idk.
weird, man.
in my opinion, I think she lets a lot of her own insecurity get in the way of her interpersonal relationships. god, writing that last sentence, I found myself almost censoring myself out of what I can and can’t say. dammit, this is my diary and im gonna say whatever the fuck I want lol :) no harm, no foul.
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