#also he does not get chocolate bugs for breakfast
Me: would you like a muffin for breakfast?
BabyTea: chocolate bugs.
Me: we’re out of chocolate bugs. How about a muffin?
BabyTea: cake. Cherry cake.
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amelee23 · 5 months
My hero | Bang Chan
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Pairing: Bang Chan x female reader
Genre: Married fluff, (a tiny bit of angst)
Word count: 2.400
Requested: yes
Warnings: mention of a stomach bug (very briefly) insecurities (both), self-depricating jokes (both), some marriage difficulties, caring for a child, they're EXTREMELY in love, tooth-rotting fluff
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Both you and Chan loved to have your crazy fun, but to a certain limit. A limit you both understood so well, as if it was truly a shared items between your minds. Therefore, after your long awaited wedding ceremony, where tears were shed, dances were danced, cake ended up on the floor and someone's shirt, the bouquet throwing almost knocked someone out, and fortunately no relative started a fight - you both drove peacefully, home. No long flights to Honolulu, no rushing for any 5 star hotel reservation. Just a long, deep sleep.
You awake and instantly chuckle. You barely remember that you basically threw your wedding dress on top of the bedroom door last night instead of finding a hanger. Slept with the door open and all, but you were so exhausted you don't remember even washing your teeth. You turn around gingerly and find your newlywed husband, Chris, to be slightly salivating on the pillow. Nose half shoved inside the fluff, hair every which way and his cute ears poking through, his silver earrings still on. He was a sight to behold, and this sight was truly now yours.
You brush a few strands of hair away from his eyes, and as you accidently touch his ear he shudders. You procrastinate for a good five minutes, in which you gently pet his hair, and then lean to kiss him on the forehead before you get out of bed.
"No, don't leave." He calls out to you, his voice raspy and his accent thick. You give into the temptation and lay back down next to him.
"Good morning, my husband." You say, and it's so cheesy it makes you giggle.
"Good morning, my wife." He says with a toothy grin. You just married him, and you have a lifetime ahead of you to admire him and love him, and yet you're impatiently urging to jump on him and smother him in kisses for how adorable he looks. Cuteness agression and all.
You decide you won't be eating Chris alive one kiss at the time, and instead you lay your head on his outstretched arm and allow him to wrap the other one around your back, bringing you one breath away from his chocolate eyes admiring you sleepily.
"So, what will be our first important decision taken as husband and wife?" Chris asks you, and you furrow your brows. Does he mean something like deciding to paint the room green or getting a cactus?
"Deciding what to eat for breakfast?" He chuckles at your answer.
"The most important meal of the day! Yeah I think that's a very big decision to make. And as your husband, to showcase my deep trust in you, I allow you to have complete power over this first decision." He speaks so eloquently, you slap him on the arm and he begins to giggle.
"You're just too lazy to help me think!"
"What? Me? Neveeeerr."
"And I'm guessing you also want me to go get said breakfast if you're letting me decide what we eat." Chris pretends to gasp.
"How did you know? See, we're perfect for each other! You can read my mind." He makes that usual tutting noise as he winks at you and you go from adoring him to wanting to shove a pillow in his face. But most marriages are like this, you imagine.
"Fine, I'll do it. Under one condition."
"Anything my wife desires."
"You have to answer why you chose me. Like, as your wife. Why me and not anyone else?"
"Why not?" Chris answers with a laugh and you're reaching for the pillow and he doesn't even try to dodge.
"No but really, why did you?" You try your hardest to not show that this is a real question for you. Not just a joke to put your husband in a tough spot for fun, but an actual curiosity that makes you insecure. And Chan hates it when you're insecure.
"I chose you as my wife." You squint at him in a feeble attempt to understand his words.
"Yeah .... you did, since we just got.... married... But why me?" Chan laughs and flails his arms, probably realizing his words didn't come out very coherently.
"No, I chose you as my wife the entire time. It just took me a very long time to realize it.
When I needed an opinion on a song, for some reason I chose you instead of, y'know, the people who produce music with me. When Seungmin caught that stomach bug and I needed to get him to the hospital, I chose to call you to come with us. When I needed to have a serious conversation with someone, I'd call you up even if I'd be surrounded by 15 close friends in physical range of me. I used to choose you even if it was irrational, even if I was a burden to you-"
"You were never a burden to me, Chris."
"I hope I wasn't." He laughs awkwardly, almost as if embarrassed. "But anyways... Yeah. In the beginning I thought I was just being silly, but then I started to notice what I was doing. When my parents asked me if I've met anyone new, I chose you to talk about. Literally yapped for hours - you should have seen their faces! They knew I was in love way before I did. And when I was tasked with writing a love song...I chose you to write about. And then the next morning I chose to start sending you good morning messages every day. Then when I pictured Valentine's day... There was no other option other than spending it with you. So I chose to ask you out before Valentine's so when the holiday comes I could spoil you. And then I just... Continued to choose you. Over and over again." He finishes with a smile, in contrast to you who started crying many sentences ago. You thought you were done crying after yesterday's ceremony, but Chris is a man full of surprises.
"You even chose me over your career a few times..." You say as more tears escape you, a feeling of guilt washing over you. Although the fact that he sacrificed the thing he cares the most about in this world for your sake should prove his dedication, it also still makes you feel guilty to think about.
"And I'd do it again." He leans closer, wiping the tears off of your face, then taking your hand in his to lay tiny kisses on it. "So you see how I just... Chose you? From the get go? It's like I knew I could rely on you, trust you, love you eternally. From the day we met. So it's not... Anything you said or something specific. I just chose you. All of you. To be mine. All mine." He pulls you into a tight embrace and you feel the way your body wraps around his by instinct. Like you were molded to blend together. "You're mine." He kisses the side of your forehead and butterflies wreck your tummy. "My wife."
"But you could have chosen anyone else..." You still mutter unsurely, but Chris shushes you and pats your head.
"But I didn't. And I won't." He reassures you, rocking you left and right in a calming motion. He truly wishes he would be better at showing you and telling you just how much he loves you, how much he wants you in his life. He could never blame you for having insecurities about yourself, but at the same time he feels although he's failing as a lover if he lets those those thoughts invade your mind. He truly wishes his love could seep into your bones.
"So you don't just want me for my spicy chicken recipe?" You try to joke, to ease the atmosphere, bringing Chan out of his thoughts.
"I mean ... The spicy chicken is included in the package, right?" He continued the joke, but underneath that pearly smile he gave you, Chan was set on making you the happiest wife on earth. Whatever it took.
Even if that meant some arguments, some bumps down the road, and making you uncomfortable with affection and attention until you allowed him to love you well. That was a part of marriage no one warned you about, something you had to figure out along the way - that sometimes you have to make each other uncomfortable in order to grow. Sometimes you have to push some limits to become happier.
And so many years into the future, after the birth of you first son, you pushed a limit that wouldn't even seem humanly possible to Chris. You somehow convinced him to go on tour and leave you alone to care for your son. He was two seconds away from quitting his job and becoming a convenience store worker upon hearing just how many months he'd have to away from you and your four year old son, who needed very much to be around his dad at that age. But you convinced him, reassured him everything was going to be okay in his absence.
"Dada's out there spreading happiness into the world." You whispered to your son, who was sleeping in the same bed as you ever since Chris left on tour.
"Like a superhero?"
"Exactly like a superhero, baby. To every single city he goes, he makes people so happy he saves their lives."
"Dada's so cool." Instead of being able to calm him down to get him to sleep, it seems your son gained energy from the conversation instead. He was now flailing his tiny limbs around.
"Do you wanna watch Dada perform?" There is a video of Chris you have saved up on your phone, from a solo stage he had during a concert where he sang a lullaby. It was the most children friendly performance you had, plus it matched the melodicity of the songs Chris used to sing to you at night to soothe your pregnancy pains.
Your son always falls asleep listening to his father's voice, almost through magic.
When his breathing evened out, you thought it was finally time you kick back and relax with an episode of your favorite show while enjoying some not-so-recommended late night chocolate. As you headed into the hallway, you spotted Chan leaning on the wall and had to glue a hand over your mouth to not scream and wake up your son.
"Chris, you scared the shi- .... heck outta me! What are you doing here?"
"We have a few days off in between stops and I couldn't just sit in a hotel for three days while I was dying to see you two."
"So you're telling me you spent 10 hours on flight, to stay here for one day and then fly back to god knows where?"
"Exactly." He says, face full of dimples and his eyes sparkle in the dark shadows of the hallway.
"You're insane." You laugh quitely.
"No, I'm... a superhero...? That saves lives...? You gotta let me know what you've been telling him, or else he might be disappointed in me when he finds out I can't fly."
"You don't need to fly to be a superhero."
"Oh yeah? Then care to tell me what makes me a superhero?" He flirts with you, gently pushing your hips into the wall behind you as he leans over you. You keep an eye on the door to make sure your son doesn't wake up and walk in to see how big of a flirt his father is. He'll have decades to cringe over it later.
"Remember when I used to feel bad for all the nice things you used to do for me? All the help and the gifts?"
"Mhm." The limits Chris used to push and how they bothered you - they resulted in a lot of friction early on in the marriage.
"And you told me that I need to allow you to make me happy. And since then... I chose to. Just how you chose me to be your wife... I chose to let you make me happy. I chose to allow you to be my hero. It's tricky, because heroes need sleep too ..." You softly caress his cheeks, and even under the dim atmosphere of the hallway you can see the dark bags under his eyes. "and they can't always save the day... but I swear to God you make the world a better place. You make my world a better place. You're my hero."
Chris leans in to kiss you in the same way he did when you were young and unmarried. It's a kiss that burns you, a kiss that makes you feel like a woman. A kiss that made you want to be married. A kiss that teaches you to breathe underwater.
"You call me a superhero when you're literally managing a house, a job, a kid, a long distance relationship, a social life and yourself all at once. And somehow nothing is on fire and you're not losing you mind even when your good for nothing husband doesn't call or text for days."
"Don't talk about yourself like that!" You slap him on the chest, but unfortunately he's not in a joking mood.
"You're the superhero between the two of us, honey. If there's one thing I've learnt along the years it's... That the reason why I chose you as my wife.. the one you were asking me about all those years ago? Maybe there was actually a reason. That you were always stronger than me."
"Me? You're joking, right?"
"Not at all. You're the hero, I'm just trying to be the wind behind your wings. I'm sorry for missing your calls and not video-calling more often, and just.. being gone in general. I've missed you." You decided to drop the subject since Chris seemed too emotional to be coherent. You weren't mad at him for anything, and he surely was undermining himself by calling you the strong one.
Unfortunately, it's not like you would accept the title of hero and he wouldn't accept it either.
The one thing you didn't realize is that you were both superheroes. But it's okay, since your son was onto you a long time ago. He'll protect your secret, and hopefully, also grow into a superhero himself.
©amelee23 do not copy, translate or repost
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I'm back bby
Please comment and reblog, a feedback a day keeps a writer's dread at bay!
Soft hours open! Send me your fluff fantasies so we can go delulu together!
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stardust-sunset · 10 days
Hey friend, it’s been a minute! School has been so busy so I haven’t been on here as much as I’d like but I’ve been slowly starting to write a Sodapop sickfic and since I know you also like hurt/comfort, I was wondering if you had any hcs about Soda with a stomach bug. My fic is gonna include him being taken care of by Steve, Darry, and Pony if you feel like including them :) have a great day ❤️🎞️
hi hi hi!! it’s nice to hear from you again!! 💜 of course i got some!! sorry i didn’t answer till now, i usually save some asks for my queue haha
for one he either 1. got it from doing some stupid shit with steve or 2. he ate bad food
regardless bro is NOT happy
he probably tries to hide it because he doesn’t want to miss work because he knows how hard he needs to be working but uh
his stomach has never heard of “subtlety” and 100% rats out his attempts at going to work
Darry and Pony both had to go to school/work but I feel like Pony would pass the message to Steve at school and Steve would literally just,,,skip school and work to be able to take care of him
Hes a very physical person and at first I feel like Steve was NOT having it because he didn’t want to get sick but he can’t say no to Soda and his puppy eyes
So Soda is curled up in Steve’s lap while Steve just pets his hair and runs his tummy a bit
He gets freaked out by how vocal poor Soda’s stomach is-like Pony and Darry are used to it but Steve is oblivious as hell lol
He feels SO terrible if Pony has a track meet that day too and tries to go but Steve is like “if you get out of that bed I won’t cuddle you” and Soda just relents
Poor boy has VICIOUS bouts of nausea. Like he can’t even keep his eyes open.
You always know when he’s gonna vomit because he kinda does that thing dogs do where they make that sound and their chests heave-he also gets real hiccupy
He hates vomiting and always ends up crying because he’s just straight up miserable
By the time Pony and Darry get home, Darry tells Pony to go shower and he gets in bed on Soda’s other side
He gets a lot more outwardly nurturing post book I think? Like he’s just down to eye level with Soda and is like “Hey, buddy…you okay..?” and Soda just whines and puts his head in Darry’s lap
Its bad enough that Pony and Darry can’t cook food because the scent of it makes Soda vomit
I think Soda also has very heightened senses when he’s sick for whatever reason so they can’t even go out to get food because he’ll just vomit when he smells it
So they just opt to not have dinner and Soda feels even WORSE because he knows Darry came from a long day at work and Pony came from a track meet but they both just tell him it’s okay and that they’ll be sure to eat a big breakfast the next day (let’s say the next day is Saturday lol)
While both of them usually get hangry as hell they just don’t in Soda’s presence because they know how tough it is on him and they don’t wanna make him feel worse
They try to make him some soup, or at least some broth and it sits pretty okay. He can’t hold down more than broth but Steve tells them it’s progress because he “couldn’t hold down the chocolate cake earlier” and they’re both like “bro what”
(Steve does not know how to care for people and it takes him a bit but he’ll try as hard as he can for Soda)
Steve stays at their house that night because he knows if he goes home he’s probably just gonna get kicked out again but he’s more than happy to stay
Darry gives the best belly rubs I think because his hands are big and warm
Pony tries rubbing his back too which actually works fairly well
Pony insists on sleeping on Darry’s other side tho because god forbid he starts kicking in his sleep and he kicks Soda he’s never forgive himself
Pony isn’t as openly affectionate with Steve around but he’s still trying
They all end up falling asleep together and Soda’s smiling for the first time that day because he’s with his best friend and his two brothers who have been getting along a lot better than normal and he’s just so happy
Hope these are good!! might make some for Darry, Pony and Johnny later cause they’re my other favs haha
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 4)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Under Age Drinking, and Swearing
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.4K
Summary: Everyone in her life is finally back on the island and she finally has her date with Wilson. But what happens when things don’t go to plan and she starts questioning her feelings. 
A/N: This was way longer than I though it was going to end up being because it was honestly supposed to just be a filler chapter but I honeslty just couldn’t stop myself. 
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Y/N and Wilson had been texting for a week before he finally asked her on a date for tomorrow night. She isn’t sure what he has planned, but he said the dress code is formal so maybe they are going to a fancy dinner. Not exactly her favourite idea, she could live with it though. Lacey returned back to the Outer Banks yesterday, so Y/N is going over to her house to cook brunch together. Even though Y/N and Mason picked Lacey up from the airport, the girls need some quality time together. Well, Lacey would do most of the cooking while Y/N snacks under the guise of quality testing and making smoothies for them. 
“I’m here,” Y/N sings as she waves the bag of smoothie mix she brought. Knocking is no longer in her vocabulary in regard to her best friend. “I missed you so much, Bitch! The men in Paris may be hot. But they got nothing on being with you,” Lacey screams as she blindsides Y/N with a hug. Y/N laughs and wraps her arms around the other girl, “I missed you too. But I literally saw you yesterday, babe.” “Yeah, but we spent so long a part for my month-long summer internship,” Lacey complains, “Let’s get cooking. Mama is hungry.”
Y/N moves toward the blender to begin mixing the smoothie blend. “So a little birdie told me that you and Rafe are actually starting to get along with each other,” Lacey teases her friend. 
“Yeah… He’s been acting like a totally different person lately. The teasing is mostly just verbal and he can actually be helpful.”
“Awwww, Y/N/N. It sounds like you have a crush on him. Should I start planning a wedding?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Plus, I met someone last weekend.” 
“Ohh, tell me about him.” 
“Well, he’s sweet, funny, likes to read, he really likes doc-”
Lacey interrupts her, “I don’t want those details. Show me a picture.” Y/N giggles and pulls up a picture on her phone to show her friend. Lacey also notices how similar Rafe and Wilson are but bites her tongue.
 “He’s totally cute, but he looks like he has a stick up his ass.” 
“LACE! He does not! Although, he doesn’t use contractions and goes to sleep at like 11 P.M., but I promise he is funny.”
 “Okay, but how is the sex?” 
"We haven’t gone on a date yet. We have our first date planned for tomorrow night.” 
Before the conversation could continue, the oven timer goes off and Lacey goes to take out the chocolate chip scones from the oven. “So what are the plans for tomorrow? Do you need help getting ready?” Y/N nods her head, “Yeah, could you help me curl my hair, please? He said to wear something fancy so I was thinking of wearing that black dress that I wore to my cousin’s wedding last year. You know the long one with a spaghetti strap kind of style.” “Ooh, you’d look so cute in that. I can definitely curl your hair. Maybe, I can braid it back like a little crown on your head,” Lacey gushes as she stirs the omelet in the pan. Y/N smiles at the girl and starts playing some music on her phone. 
Brunch is finished quickly and the girls settle in the breakfast nook to eat. “So let’s get back to the topic of Rafe Cameron because we both know you haven’t told me everything, bitch,” Lacey bugs with a shove of Y/N’s shoulder with hers. The slight blush on Y/N’s cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed by Lacey. “There isn’t much to say. I mean…” Y/N stops not wanting to admit what she felt last week after having lunch with Rafe, Mason, and Wilson. “Girl, you better continue or else I’m gonna make you cook for us next time,” Lacey warns as she knows where her friend is going. “Fine, last week, after I had lunch with the boys and Wilson, I thought maybe… Maybe Rafe and I were going to kiss.” Lacey beams with excitement at this revelation. “No way! What happened?” “Kie and I jumped into the pool to sink the guys and… when it was just Rafe and me, he teased me about always getting him wet. He took my hand and we got closer, but I got a text from Wilson before it went any further,” Y/N wouldn’t admit it but even she could hear the slight disappointment in her voice. 
“You totally should’ve let him kiss you!”
“No, it was a mistake for us to even have gotten that close. He may be sweet today, but it doesn’t mean I can just forget about him being a jackass. Plus, he is Mace’s best friend. It would be awkward.”
“That’s true, but I’ve always thought there was something between you and Rafe. And I think if you guys really like each other, Mace will accept that and be happy for you.” 
“Maybe. Let’s not talk about this anymore. I have a date with someone else tomorrow anyways.”
“So how many parties did you throw and drag your sister to, Mason?” Cassie questions while she sits in her newly claimed passenger seat. Mason groans, “I was only able to convince her to let me throw one and even that was cut short. Not that it was your fault Y/N/N.” Mr. And Mrs. Y/L/N didn’t mind their children throwing parties as long as the police didn’t show up, everyone had a designated driver and nothing was broken. They’d rather be realistic about their children’s activities and ensure they do it safely. 
“Why? What happened?” Marvin looks up at his twins through the back mirror. “Owen was being an asshole when I went out to the gazebo. Rafe and Mace found me before anything serious could happen. Although I did punch him for insulting them, so I might need your help untangling that web.” Marvin shakes his head with a light chuckle, “Like that knucklehead’s lawyers can beat the Y/L/Ns. I swear that idiot’s parents were just as bad as he was when I was in high school.” “How was Bali?” Mason asks. “Amazing. You guys would love the beaches, we’ll have to go back with you guys sometime,” Cassie gushes to her children. “That’s a great idea, my love. Just, kids, remind me to put sunscreen on. I fell asleep on the first day when your mom was at pilates, I woke up three hours later as red as a lobster,” Marvin chimes in. This causes the whole car to laugh. 
Y/N is getting ready for her date with Wilson. She does her makeup while Lacey lightly curls her hair and braids the front pieces back to create a crown. “Has he given you any hints about where you are going?” Lacey inquires, returning to sit in the bed after finishing Y/N’s hair. Y/N pauses with her makeup sponge in hand and turns towards her, “Nope. If it’s just dinner, it should be fine.” 
“It’s basic though. You hate those types of dates. You need more excitement.” 
“Yeah, but at least it’s not like dumpster diving.” 
“I mean he could still do that. Maybe he just wanted it to be fancy.”
“Oh my god, could you imagine?”
Both girls fall into hysterics at the notion, which catches the attention of a certain boy passing by the open door. Rafe pauses as he walks past the door and upon hearing the laughter, stops. He wants to go inside to investigate the reason behind it. He quickly starts to walk again toward Mason’s room, “Where are Y/N and Lace going?” “Oh, they aren’t going anywhere. Lace is just helping Y/N/N get ready for a date with Wilson. Can you believe she actually wants to go out with him?” Mason states without so much as looking away from the video game he is playing. “A date? Really?!” “Yeah. Now, dude, hop in before I get creamed by these guys.” Rafe does as he is told but he could not stop thinking about what Mason said. Y/N has been on dates before, but something about Wilson screams bad news for Rafe. All of Y/N’s other dates were obviously not serious about her. They just liked the novelty of dating a Y/L/N and were not into dating men. Wilson seemed too serious at lunch to want to date around like the other boys Y/N has dated. 
“I have to go, my dad wants to go to the country club for dinner. Bye, love you.” Rafe hears Lacey say from down the hall. The sound of her footsteps and the front door opening prompts him to say, “I actually forgot to get some snacks while I was downstairs. I’m going to go get some now.” “Okay, dude.”
Rafe makes his way to Y/N’s room and leans up against her door frame to watch as she looks at herself in the mirror. “Well, don’t you look like a disaster, Y/L/N,” Rafe teases. “Haha, very funny. But seriously. Does this dress look okay?” Y/N asks timidly. Rafe wanted to say that it doesn’t just so that she would take more time looking for something else to wear and miss the date, but the look of uncertainty on her face makes him forgo that tactic. He also wanted to be honest with her; the truth is the dress she wore wouldn’t be the dress he’d want to see her in if he took her on the date. “While you looked amazing in that dress at your cousin’s wedding, I think this dress would be much better,” he answers as he walks towards her clothes and takes out her long black dress with a column skirt and halter top. He had seen her wear it last year to her dad’s 45th birthday bash. Rafe remembers having some inappropriate thoughts about the dress for a family event. Y/N nods at the suggestion and goes to try the new dress on in the bathroom. 
She comes out with a smile on her face and does a little twirl for him, “Rafe, this is perfect. Thank you!” She gives him a hug, which he returns. He was correct; she looks like an absolute vision and it kills him that he isn’t the one taking her on the date. That he was honest with her and now Wilson will get to see her in Rafe’s favourite dress for a date. Although, Rafe wouldn’t take her anywhere fancy on their first date. He knows it would make her nervous if he did, so he would take her to the bookstore first and buy any book she so much as glances at. Then he’d bring her over to his house to bake some cookies for their dessert after dinner, which would be a picnic on the beach at sunset. He would make sure to bring a sweater and an extra blanket for when the night breeze sent goosebumps up her arm. He has to shake himself out of his daydream before he stares too long, “No problem. Have fun on your date. Be safe and I’ll probably see you when you get back because I’m too lazy to go back home.” Rafe makes a quick exit back towards her brother’s room. 
Y/N notices the upset look on his face and assumes it is because of the thought of his father being home, the most likely reason why he is sleeping at her house again for the fifth night in a row. At this point, he might as well just move into their guest bedroom. Everyone in the Outer Banks knew that Ward Cameron had a favourite child and her name was Sarah Cameron. This caused Rafe to constantly try to get Ward’s approval so he could feel the same paternal love his middle sibling got, but no matter what he did it still led to arguments between the father-son duo. It didn’t matter that Rafe had continuously dominated the breaststroke events in swimming, he still wasn’t good enough in the eyes of Ward Cameron. She would be wrong though; the reason why he is upset this time is the fact that she is going on a date.  Before she knew it, a knock was at the door and she heard her father answer the door.
She walks towards the landing overlooking the front entrance. “Hello, I am Wilson Porter and I will be taking Y/N out on this fine evening. I hope you are in accordance with this idea, Mister …,” Wilson greets while holding out his hand for her father to shake. She realizes she still hasn’t told Wilson her last name yet. Her father takes Wilson’s hands and shakes it, “Hey, it’s Mr. Y/L/N. And I am fine with you taking her on a date as long as you have her home by one.” Y/N hopes Wilson doesn’t make the connection to her mom. Y/L/N is a common last name. “Of course, Mr. Y/L/N. punctuality is my specialty. Ah, there is the woman of the hour. She looks radiant.” Y/N is surprised she doesn’t blush at Wilson’s compliment; she could’ve sworn she was on fire when Rafe was raving about how she looked, “Thanks, Wilson. Are you ready to go?” “I absolutely am. Right, this way,” Wilson leads Y/N towards his car and goes to the driver's side. She thought he would open the door for her, but when he doesn’t, she quickly scrambles to get in so it isn’t awkward. 
The car ride was filled with pleasant conversation. Wilson mostly talked about Cassie’s books, which doesn’t surprise Y/N considering she knows he wants to become a writer as well and some of her mother’s earlier works are his favourite books. They arrive at La Fleur Bleue, an expensive French restaurant. She isn’t thrilled to be here considering the portion sizes are so small. They enter the restaurant and are led to their table. They look at the menu, when Wilson speaks up, “Do you think I could order for us? I think I have you figured out and can pick you something you love.” “Sure, I’m not too sure what I want to get anyways.” “Great,” Wilson waves the waiter over to order, “Hello, we are both going to have the quiche loraine with a bottle of champagne, please.” The waiter nods, takes their menu and goes off to put their order into the kitchen. “How did you get them to not check our id?” Y/N is astounded at the strings he could pull or hopes she isn’t dating someone who is 21 without her knowing. “My dad is a silent partner here, so they generally look the other way as long as the restaurant isn’t busy,” Wilson explains. 
At least, she knows he isn’t dating her for her money. While waiting for the food to come out, Wilson starts up the conversation again, “So have you had the chance to read The Wisp of Forever? Is it not a literary masterpiece? I mean hardly say this but Conan Austin’s work could rival Cassie’s”
“No, I haven’t had the chance yet because my tbr is so long. But also, it doesn’t really seem to be my type of book.”
“You should stop filling your time with Book’s Instagram and Young Adult Fiction. It’s all nonsense you will grow out of and look back on with disgust. The books I read help fill you with knowledge and enlightenment. They are also realistic.”
“Well, I like YA and Bookstagram. I actually enjoy the books I read from there. Also, it’s nice to read about people going through similar issues as me,” she says as nicely as she can. She is used to this response from most adults in the Outer Banks community, so she has the response memorized. Before Wilson could retort, the waiter comes back with their food and champagne on a tray. The first thing she notices is how tiny her quiche is. It definitely will not be enough food for her, but she doesn’t want to complain about it because of how expensive the food is. Even though her parents have generational wealth, Cassie and Marvin raised their children to be cautious of pricing and that just because they have the money now, doesn’t mean that it can’t disappear with one bad decision. She’ll just make grilled cheese when she gets home. As she eats, she notices she is shivering. The AC is on so high right now. With nothing to cover herself with, she tries to continue eating. 
Dinner went and passed with pleasant conversations about themselves. “Would you guys like to look at the dessert menu?” The waiter offers after clearing their plates. Y/N is about to speak up, but Wilson beats her to it, “No, we actually have somewhere else to be, so just the check, please.” The waiter returns with a check and places it on the table between the pair. Wilson pushes the bill close to Y/N. She isn’t one to expect the man to pay for the first date every single time, but she thinks that whoever asks the person out and chooses what to do should pay for the date. Or at least split the bill. She doesn’t want to make a scene, so she pays the bill without a word. Maybe, he just wants to reverse the unfair expectations of men always paying, which she could get on board with. Wilson gets up in a hurry and makes his way toward the entrance, leaving Y/N to run after him. He opens the door for himself and walks through. This causes the door to shut in her face. Y/N awkwardly opens the door for herself and gets into Wilson’s car. 
“So where are we going to now?” Y/N asks to break the silence. “We are going to a showing of Hamlet at Kildare Theatre. I hear it is an amazing performance.” Y/N is a little disappointed at the notion. She has nothing against Shakespeare and actually enjoys reading his comedies, but she finds watching the actually plays boring and can’t remember the last time she could stay awake through one of them. “Oh, cool. Sounds fun.” They arrive at the theatre house and settle down into their seats. As she watches the play, she has to gently pinch herself every time she nods off to keep herself awake. By the time the play finishes, Wilson takes her home and she gives him a peck goodbye before going inside. 
She enters her home and looks at the grandfather clock in the front entrance to see it is 12 A.M. At this realization, she notices how her stomach grumbles. She goes to change into Rafe’s Led Zepplin shirt and comfy shorts. She puts her hair up into a messy bun then makes her way downstairs to make a grilled cheese. “Did you have fun on your date, Y/L/N?” she hears from behind her while she is turned toward the counter wall. She jumps out of surprise, “God, Rafe. We need to tie a bell around your neck. And to answer your question. Yes, I did have fun.” She lied because although he planned a pretty boring date, she didn’t mind Wilson’s company. Rafe is wearing his light gray zip-up swim sweater on top of his salmon t-shirt with basketball shorts. His hair is all messy, he probably just woke up. She wishes she could just reach up and run her fingers through his hair. “I smell lies. If you had a good time, then why are you here making a grilled cheese in the dead of the night?” Rafe points out. “Even if the portion sizes are small, I can still have fun on a date, Rafe,” She argues. “Whatever you say, Y/L/N,” Rafe comes over and takes the pan out of her hand, “Come on, let’s go to McDonald’s instead.” 
He takes her hand and gently guides her to where he keeps his keys at the front entrance so he can pick them up. Once he has his keys, she opens the front door for them to head to his car. He jogs ahead and opens the passenger door for her. She whispers her thanks and takes the hand he offers her to help her get up into the high jeep. Wilson didn’t open the car door for her. 
Most of the car ride was spent making fun of Mason and singing along to Rafe’s playlist. She notices most of the songs are her favourites. When they get to McDonald’s, Rafe is quick to help her out of the car and open the entrance door for her. She has to admit it is nice to not have a door slam in her face. They pick a seat near the back close to the window and Y/N tries to get up to go with Rafe to order, but he stops her, “I’ve got this, Y/L/N. Just stay here.” Y/N listens to what he says and watches as he orders the food. She’ll have to remember to pay him back on the way home. A few minutes later, he returns with the food, “Ten piece chicken nuggets with fries and Sprite for you. And a BigMac with fries and a coke for me. I’ll get our ice cream after we finish,” he recites as he places her food in front of her. 
“Thanks, this is honestly exactly what I need.”
“No problem. Couldn't have you go hungry. So where did you guys go?”
“He took me to La Fleur Bleue, then we watched Hamlet at Kildare Theatre.”
Rafe chuckles at the look of slight disappointment he saw in her eyes, “I swear that place has the smallest portion sizes. It’s where Rose likes to eat when she wants to diet. However, you must’ve loved the play. You always looked so cozy taking those naps whenever we go to one for school.”
“Oh, it was so fun. I think I still have an imprint on my arm from every time I pinched my skin to wake myself up,” Y/N jokes back, showing him her arm to further the joke. The belly laugh that Rafe lets out causes heat to reach Y/N’s cheeks. She likes making him laugh like that. “I’m going to go get the ice cream now.” Rafe gets up and walks back to the counter to order. Y/N once again notices a chill overcome her tonight and sees how her arms are covered in goosebumps. She should’ve grabbed a sweater before she left. 
Rafe makes his way back to Y/N, noticing the bumps on her arms. Either she always forgets to bring sweaters with her or she is stubborn enough to not wear one to not disturb her aesthetic. He places the ice cream on the table; quick to remove his sweater for her. He hands over the sweater to her without saying anything. How come Rafe noticed she was cold and Wilson didn’t? She takes it and shrugs it on, “Thank you.” “You’re welcome,” Rafe watches as Y/N happily takes a bite out of the Oreo flurry he bought her, “Why don’t you eat any other flavours other than Oreo? Even when we get Dairy Queen, it is always an Oreo blizzard.” She is shocked he pays enough attention to her to notice it, “Oreos remind me of the one time when we were little that you, Mason and I would get along. Our moms would always bring us Oreos after soccer practice. It was the one time we could share without trying to kill each other. I loved the cookie part and you loved the filling, so I would always let you eat the filling from my Oreo and vice versa.” 
Rafe is a tad saddened by the mention of his mother; however, the fact that one of her favourite ice cream flavours is in relation to a memory of him makes him glad. “I didn’t know you remembered that. I have to confess though, after like the second time of us doing that I was sick of eating just the cream filling. The only reason why I kept eating the filling is because you were always so sad about wasting the filling if you didn’t eat it,” he confesses. “No way! Rafe, you didn’t have to do that.” “It’s okay. It made me sick, but my mom would cuddle me after to make me feel better so it was a bonus.” At the mention of his mother again, a comfortable silence washes over the pair. If she was with Wilson, she’d probably feel the need to fill the silence in a way that would prove her intelligence. They finish eating and head back to the car. 
“How should I pay you back? Do you want me to e-transfer you or I could get you the cash when we get back home?” She offers, pulling out her phone in preparation to make the transfer. “What? You don’t need to pay me back, Y/L/N. I asked you to come out with me, so I pay.” It looks like Y/N and Rafe are on the same page about who should pay when going out. Y/N begins to protest; however, Rafe speaks up again before she could, “I’m serious, Y/L/N. I won’t accept anything you try to give me, so don’t even try.” Y/N nods and looks out the window of the car. She turns up the car radio, beginning to sing along to the music. Rafe glances over at her and starts to sing with her. Much like their drive to McDonald’s, it is filled with laughter and music. Y/N can’t help but wonder why she can’t feel this way when she is with Wilson. She is dating Wilson and is supposed to hate Rafe, but why are they making it so hard to feel the right way about each one of them? 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog    
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
We talk a lot about Steve making everyone food. Out of love, of course, and so no one goes without. He bakes treats for the kids, takes food to the Henderson's when he stays over, and makes Max's lunch when her mum is having problems. He cooks roasts for Eddie and Wayne so they have leftovers for Wayne's nightshifts. He caters to Robin's super-specific food habits and brings snacks to every gathering.
But it's Eddie who makes sure Steve doesn't go without when providing for everyone else.
He first notices Steve prioritising the others one night after he stays over (wink wonk) and Dustin, Max and Lucas practically bang the Harrington's door down far too early in the morning. It turns out Claudia had to go to work earlier than usual so Dustin hasn't had breakfast (how hard is it for the little shit to have cereal for once, Eddie thinks when he hears the lame excuse). Meanwhile, Lucas wanted to get away from Erica bugging him and Max is being evasive about what's going on with her mom.
Steve trudges into the kitchen, grumbling all the way (Eddie's sure he heard him mumble something about wanting to stay in bed and cuddle his boyfriend). But Eddie shoos him away, ordering him to go get ready for work as he ignores suspicious glares from the kids - the trio silently questioning his cooking prowess and wondering why he is wearing Steve's old gym shorts. He makes pancakes, the easiest thing to make in a vat-sized quantity. And he might also give them a lecture about their growing habit of demanding food.
He sits Steve (freshly showered and smelling oh so good) down at the kitchen island, forcing a plate and a cup of coffee upon him while the others chow down the rest. He might also wave around a spatula, flicking batter on the counter, as he tells Lucas to knock it off with the jokes about Steve's morning hair routine (yes, it does take up most of Steve's time getting ready but Eddie thinks you shouldn't rush perfection).
Following this, Eddie begins to set aside Steve's favourite crisps during DND. He always makes him breakfast any time they sleepover at each other's houses. He will quickly shove any chocolates or candies into the Beemer's glovebox before the kids hop in. He makes a habit of asking Steve what he is having for lunch and if he is vague about it, Eddie might conveniently drop in precisely during his lunch break with at least a sandwich. He pushes his leftovers onto Steve's plate during family dinners, knowing Steve served himself last and is too late to get seconds. And he certainly doesn't care that Nancy and Robin find the pair completely insufferable during double dinner dates as they share food and order too much.
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kaineillian · 2 years
Part 1.Bungo Stray Dogs as YANDERE'S.
Character(s) : Sigma, Nikolai, Poe.
Gender : Male Reader.
Warning(s) : Curse words, yandere, what yandere typically does.
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Sigma looks innocent on the outside but inside hahaha, he's worst just like those two psychopaths.
Sigma befriended you long ago so,he knows your information. Remember that his ability involve on touching other people to obtain information. And you two are always together he is bound to know everything about you.
Sigma has a bad personality he just wont show it to you knowing he knows that you see him as a 'innocent' and 'harmless' guy. He cant let you know his bad side or else your trust and respect for him will decrease.
Like any yandere would do, he stalks you , rummage to your things and steals it (mainly your underwear). Takes pictures of you and pins them on his wall. And lastly—murder people.
Sigma haves a plan for everything that may or not happen but you'll never know until it will happen . He has a guide for 'how to get rid of bodies', 'how to make him love you', 'how to be innocent' and so on.
Sigma had a short hair but you mentioned that you like people with long hair so he made his hair longer just for you.
Sigma is part of the DOA and is the informat of the organization, Fyodor makes him go to mission that are away from Yokohama. Sigma had no choice but to obey his orders. But he also dont want to leave you unsupervised so he planted little cameras on where you usually go (because your house is already planted with many bugs). In that way he can see your every move and who you are with in all times.
And of course if he's not there with you. There's always a pest that butted in and made a move to you . At first, sigma wasn't that worried since you always turn down their advantages. But, this time you didn't. Sigma saw you smile, laugh, walked with them holding their hand.
Hilarious. He just left for ONE DAY and now your with a nobody?
No. No! He cant let this happen. He haves to go back now. Screw the mission, he's gonna rip that bitch face.
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Psychopath No. 1.
Nikolai dont know whats personal space.
It irritates you that he always pops up out of nowhere because of that damn ability of his.
He is the definition of 'you can run but you cant hide'.
Nikolai likes to scare you and then give you his daily gift mainly chocolate, bouquet,poems and a disturbing photograph of a dead man that you recognize. "Nikolai what the fuck? " "He hugged you! " "He's my brother? —".
Long story short, your not faze about his actions, surprisingly. Well, you're a mafioso you murder people for a living.
Terrorist x Mafioso match made couple in hell.
Both of you live in the same house which was originally yours but then he suddenly barged in with a contract saying it was now owned by the two of you with a blood on the paper. He obviously threatened and lied to the landlord to sign the contract and killed him after.
After that, waking up the first thing you see is nikolai havering you smiling widely. At first it creeped you out but your used to it. Surprise, surprise. He knows how to cook he usually makes you breakfast because at night he's in the DOA building doing 'stuff'. But he makes sure to leave early just to make you breakfast and wake you up. He's a sweetheart ,no?
Well for you, yes. For others on the other hand is a hard NO. People passing by you, looking at you is like death waving at them. Nikolai wouldn't kill them for no reason, he kills them because they have an intention to try and court you which they fail miserably. When he goes overboard of his killing you always tie wrist together and knot it on the ceiling so he's 'hanging' around. (Get it?)
Which is a bad move. Nikolai is a freak. So he's into that kind of stuff, go on tie him up, slap him, kick him, punch him. He will welcome those hits with open arms. Kill him if you must he can still follow you around even when he's dead.
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Poe is a timid, cute looking man who enjoys writing books about you and him together, married and having sex—
What do you expect? Poe is a author. And author's are good with their imagination. Poe made two novels, one being about your future together like a fairytale. And the other is a erotic novel that he carries with all the time.
Poe trust you so much that he gives you Karl when his busy writing another novel. Karl approves you and makes you play with him, secretly — poe took pictures without you knowing. You we're still busy playing with karl.
Karl the racoon isn't stupid and he is in poe's plan. Poe talked about his plan and strategies for karl to follow in exchange for a biscuit. Karl makes sure to keep you busy while Poe is either murdering people or busy rummaging on your drawer for a new underwear collection.
Poe may look innocently sweet but never judge a book by its cover. Poe is a total pervert. He has almost every collection of your underwear (you buy your underwear before showering because it somehow 'mysteriously' disappeared) .
Trust me when i say that he has a shrine of you inside his office. You wanna know whats in the shrine?
Sure. Inside the shrine... Is a picture of you inside a picture frame, an apple that you didn't finished you can see clearly where your teeth marks are, your underwear (of course not just an underwear, this underwear is the limited edition of you. Because you always wore it. So he stole it.), a pen that is chewed, your toothbrush, a bandaid that haves a little spot of blood, a bubblegum (a chewed bubblegum by you.... And i know it sound unsanitary but he also chewed on it...), and a chunk of hair tied in a red ribbon.
........ Its not that special—
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Man, i didn't know he was listening to us the entire time...
Anyway , Poe isn't that possessive. However, if he sees you being all lovely dovey on another man he will cock out his gun.
Poe's type of torture is putting them in his book. And that book is about horror, murder, gore(y) and you get my point. The reason why poe likes to trap them there is because they cant escape. They will never escape.
Alright, thats about it. You can go now, poe looks like he'll kill me. Thats it... For now...
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telomeke · 4 months
I was tagged by @colourme-feral at this post here, @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle at this post here, and @wen-kexing-apologist at this post here. Thanks for tagging me, guys! 🥰
My schedule is usually too packed with work these days for me to spend much time on Tumblr, but I have a window of time right now and I'm definitely doing this one, especially because it was so much fun reading yours. 😍
coffee or tea – COFFEE. I am an absolute addict; two or three cups at breakfast, one at lunch, a couple more in the afternoon. But will have a cup of tea every morning as well because I heard it's good for you? | early bird or night owl – BOTH. Love starting my day when there's no one about, but my natural body clock keeps me up later and later. So some days I'm up at six, others I'm off to bed at 3AM. Is it any wonder I look tired all the time? 😂 | chocolate or vanilla – BOTH. Vanilla as a flavoring for most things (LOVE vanilla ice-cream and vanilla cake) but I'm also a chocolate FIEND and can chow down pounds of it at a time. So if I'm having chocolate I want a full-on, unadulterated, deep, dark, decadent chocolate experience. Not dulled and diluted in cake or cream form. I will make an exception for the fudgiest of brownies though. | spring or fall – FALL. Love the colors, the whiff of smoke in the air sometimes, the chance of some late sunshine that missed the boat for summer, and the chill ever-deepening in the air. It's rarely sodden the way spring can sometimes be, and I hate a wet spring with a late-winter thaw.
silver or gold – BOTH. Silver to wear, gold to buy. | pop or alternative – POP. I love a catchy hook, and some indie music can be too tuneless for me. | freckles or dimples – BOTH. Freckles (especially on red-heads) are cute, but then when I saw Fluke Jeeratch (formerly Pongsakorn) smile… well! 👀😍 | snakes or sharks – SNAKES. They're beautiful, but there's also danger humming below the surface and that just adds to the allure. As for sharks, well, I liked eating them – and not just the fins in soup – but it's not politically or environmentally correct (I've been told) so I don't anymore.
mountains or fields – MOUNTAINS. I've had a few wonderful mountain holidays. Love the cool, crisp air. | thunder or lightning – THUNDER. There's something sexy about that crack and rumble. Lightning is just scary. | egyptian mythology or greek mythology – GREEK. Greek gods and goddesses, so beautiful and always nude. LOL | ivory or scarlet – SCARLET. Some days my favorite color is a bold, bright red (not every day, though).
flute or lyre – FLUTE. Something about the brightness of the notes makes me synaesthetically see the sunlight dancing on a clear stream as it runs over polished stones. Love it whenever I get cross-sensory experiences. | opal or diamond – DIAMOND. They're this boy's best friend, LOL, because I love a bit of sparkle (though I don't dress with bling, except for my cufflinks). | butterflies or honeybees – BUTTERFLIES. They're just so pretty. | macarons or éclairs – MACARONS. Pierre Hermé my beloved! (I have a sweet tooth, can you tell? 🤣) Plus macarons are one of the traditional pastries that are naturally gluten-free. I'm partial to lychee rose ones, and rich chocolate ones (if they get the fudginess right). But vanilla is too mild for this. Another one for the vanilla v. chocolate duel!
typewritten or handwritten – HANDWRITTEN. I think handwriting does reveal personality and how your mind works, to an extent. So I love not just reading it, but also reading into it. Then again, I do love the clack-clack of a manual typewriter though. | secret garden or secret library – LIBRARY. A secret garden would be cool to discover and experience, but beyond that – the bugs would bother me too much to want to spend much time in there. Whereas I could disappear for days in a library. | rooftop or balcony – BALCONY. But not for the reasons you might think. Balconies are rarely comfortable unless the weather's good and you have a nice view. But they help shade your interior space and keep it cool when the weather's too hot. Most rooftops are service spaces so they don't actually look very good, with a fair bit of grime. (Have you SEEN the real rooftop of Tinidee? No wonder BBS filmed at Chana City Residence instead.) Plus flat roofs will eventually leak, which is a huge hassle to repair. | spicy or mild – SPICY. Prik kee noo my beloved! Also cili padi/cili api/siling labuyo. It's my way of remembering my late mom, who loved her chillis packing the most searing heat.
opera or ballet – um, BALLET? I've been moved to tears by dance before. But opera just sounds like loud wailing to me, so I've never been for a performance. I suspect I may have a Pretty Woman moment of my own when I do though, since there are some arias I like. | london or paris – PARIS! J'ai deux amours – mon pays et Paris… (Joséphine Baker is a legend for a reason.) London is a cool city though, but for sheer range of experience (from the gutter to the stars) it's still Paris by a whisker. | vincent van gogh or claude monet – MONET. I love the Impressionists, and a visit to Monet's house and garden was the highlight of my trip to Normandy. That and the cider. 🤣 | denim or leather – DENIM. Leather's uncomfortable to wear, unless it's for shoes.
potions or spells – SPELLS. I think I prefer my magic more action-packed, in the moment and with immediate results. | ocean or desert – OCEAN. I'm a Waterboyy at heart, and have many joyful memories of holidays by the sea as a kid. | mermaids or sirens – MERMAIDS, for the same reason as previous. Plus sirens are half-bird, and I am slightly ornithophobic when I get up close to any avian. | masquerade ball or cocktail party – MASQUERADE. I love fancy dress and costume parties. And I find the small talk at cocktail parties both daunting and boring.
Onward tagging:
@visualtaehyun @ruthsic @delesaria-blog @solitaryandwandering @twig-tea
@suni-sun @nihilisticcondensedmilk @neuroticbookworm @lovelyghostv @grapejuicegay
@airenyah @pandasmagorica @waitmyturtles @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @hyp-no-tic
@writerwithoutsound @hughungrybear @dreamenormous @sparklyeyedhimbo @callipigio
@pickletrip @kinyeee @breezy-bird @dribs-and-drabbles @dimplesandfierceeyes
@recentadultburnout @blmpff @bengiyo @lamonnaie @kattahj
No pressure if you don't want to play. And if I didn't tag you but you do want to play, please do so! Please tag me so I can read your responses as well!
Here's a clean version if you're going to play: 😍
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or éclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
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sentientgolfball · 7 months
Okay I’ve been thinking about this all day, and I hope you enjoy this as well.
Phantoms first Valentine’s Day with reader.
(But like imagine Swiss giving him all sorts of pep talks and hyping him up for a good date with reader on valentines 🥰🥰)
Phantom makes me blush so hard, and I hope he makes you blush too 🥰🫶
I knew exactly what I was doing with this when I got it :3 since I don’t have any Valentine’s Day plans or any real reason to celebrate I have this for you all <3
Headcanons for how each of the ghouls plus Copia would spend V Day <3
Swiss is the most enthusiastic out of the boys. He is all about showing his love and affection to those he loves, he feels so accomplished when he can make them smile. He’s also a huge fucking romantic. He gets up extra early to prepare a breakfast in bed, being sure to send a sweet little message so you have something to wake up to. He begs Mountain to let him clip some flowers from the garden, even asking him to borrow one of his books so he can make a bouquet that really express his love. He’ll spend all day with you until it gets close to dinner. He slips away to cook you your favorite and steal some of the good wine from Terzo’s personal collection. He slinks back to your room when he’s finished intent on sweeping you away to a magical candle lit dinner. Unfortunately he doesn’t get that far because you give him your own gift you prepared when while he was away and he just absolutely fucking melts.
And of course, because it’s Swiss once he regains his composure he practically jumps on you. He kisses you with adoration and worship on his tongue. Dinner is completely forgotten about.
Phantom is excited because he thinks all the human holidays are fun. When he finds out there’s on specifically for saying I love you he’s even more excited. He loves his packmates! He’s so affectionate! He takes this as an excuse to run up to the others and give them little kisses. When he learns what a valentines is, he spends all day making sweet little notes to press into the hands of any Siblings he passes. He writes the ghouls and papa personalized letters though.
He gets his hands on little heart stickers too, sticking them on anyone who looks like they’re not having a good day. It instantly earns a smile when a purring ghoul with big purple eyes just walks up and silently presses a sticker to your forehead. He also goes absolutely fucking ham with all the extra sweets lying around. He slams down multiple boxes of chocolates.
Mountain doesn’t make a big grand show out of it. He has something planned of course, but it’s small and more personal. He’s going to wait till the end of the day, silently walking with you to the greenhouse. The inside is done up with soft fairy lights and the old stereo is playing some slow song. He holds you close, swaying with you to the rhythm. He sprouts some flowers around his horns just to show off a bit.
Once all the songs are done, he’ll sit with you on the workbench and exchange gifts. He’s over the moon getting anything from you, kissing you and thanking you for thinking of him. He gives you something handmade.
Dew is completely silent about it. If asked he’ll give the usual “cooperate bullshit made up holiday” but his actions speak louder. He is an acts of service ghoul. He makes absolutely sure all of the ghouls and papa are taken care of. If anyone goes to practice they’ll find their instruments cleaned/restringed/what have you. When Phantom hands him that sappy little letter he immediately sneaks into the bug’s room and cleans it for him, but he also leaves a small box of chocolates and a singular rose on his desk when he’s finished.
He does something like that for all the ghouls. He finds out what was giving them the most stress recently and just does it. He tries to deny anything, but when they all corner him later and press I love you’s into his skin with soft hands and lips he nearly cries.
Rain has a complete disdain for the holiday. He doesn’t like it because he finds it stupid there needs to be a whole holiday to show someone love and devotion. Rain is such a devoted lover though, so he gives in when everyone else does. He absolutely refuses to buy anything, taking the Mountain approach and hand making something. Rain will either draw or paint something for you. If this stupid holiday is all about showing your love then that’s what Rain will do. He ruminates on everything he feels and creates a piece completely dedicated to that.
He will feel just a bit insulted though if you do buy something for him. However, if he’s also given something handmade he can’t help the small little smile it brings. He’ll make you tell him about the process and why you made what you did.
Aether is very simple but very effective. He dresses up, wears an expensive cologne he never touches and takes you out. You go to a very fancy dinner before you two sneak off into the woods so he can let his glamour down. Though the big sap had it all planned out. Once you arrive in the clearing there’s a blanket and a projector. He holds you close to him while you watch a movie of your choosing, but you don’t get that far.
You stare at the sky and tells you about the stars before going on some tangent about how much he loves you, comparing you to the galaxies.
Aurora loves it mostly for the aesthetic. A day where everyone is pink and heart shaped sounds absolutely amazing to her. She decorates the whole den with fun little heart lights and banners and roses. She carries around a bag of those heart shaped suckers and gives them to people. She absolutely tries to get everyone to sit with her to watch shitty little romcoms.
She makes heart shaped cookies to share. If she stumbles across anyone who’s sad that day she’ll snatch them up so fast and take them to her room where she’ll make cute little crafts with them.
Cirrus is like Mountain where she’s waiting for the very end of the day to pull out all the stops. She wants no interruptions once she starts, you’re spending all night with her. She absolutely buys one of those giant ass teddy bears and balloons and chocolates. She smothers you with affection. She even got herself a new lacy little number in your favorite color. She genuinely doesn’t expect or really want anything in return, she likes doing the loving and the gift giving. Though she doesn’t say no to a few extra kisses.
She absolutely has Swiss snatch a bottle of wine for her when he’s down in the cellar rooting through Terzo’s stash.
Cumulus is all sweet about it. She makes a handmade card with the sappy little Valentine’s Day messages on them. She bakes a cake for you two to share while watching movies together. She wears one of her favorite lipsticks just to leave little kisses all over your face. Though, when you get her gift her demeanor quickly changes. You open the box and it’s a little photo album. Inside is a Polaroid collect of her either nude or in lingerie that leaves very little to the imagination.
She giggles at your reaction before slipping out of her dress to reveal the piece in the pictures. She makes sure her lipstick stains are everywhere.
Sunshine unfortunately completely forgets about the holiday and scrambles to last minute get something so she doesn’t make you feel unloved. Because of this, she ends up going super over the top. I’m talking like big ass bear, rose petals on the bed, balloons, candies literally anything and everything she can get her hands on.
It ends up leaving you wondering how long she’s had all that stuff and where she was hiding it. Sunny does not let you find out she stole Copia’s card and raided the grocery store that morning.
Copia is so very soft and traditional with his approach. He gives you little gifts throughout the day. He has a lovely candle lit dinner made for just the two of you to share in his office. His last gift is something he knows you’ve had your eye on for a while but could never justify getting for yourself. He is a lover through and through he is going to make that night as perfect as he can. After dinner he’ll throw some records on and dance with you, humming along to the tune.
He’ll tell you how much he loves you and exactly what you mean to him. If you pull out your own gift for him he’ll become a mushy little puddle on the floor.
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Since it’s the Christmas season,do you have any headcanons about what Leon,Ada,and their children do for the holidays?
i do i do i do
without spoiling anything from my fic heheh ;)
still hc that ada's birthday is in nov/dec but i will keep it vague on the date
but they tend to celebrate the holidays because of the kiddos
even if they're homeschooled for the first while or something, they do see things like christmas and santa and want to know more about it
they both let their kids think that santa's real until leon slips up or something lmao
mommy was def kissing santa claus sjfkbdsuofehsip90d8ufjiodngkjsgsndjksdgs
ada's a HUGE GIFTER has the most gifts underneath the christmas tree for leon and the girls
but also leon makes an effort to put things in ada's stocking
but also feel like she'd want them to take a family vacation (or one with just her and leon)
leon moreso humble gifts or things that he thinks that ada or the girls will enjoy more than useful
leon and the girls wake up early to make breakfast in bed for ada for her birthday heheehehe
they decorate the tree!!! leon wants a real tree, but ada's okay with a fake one, mostly because there's no chance of bugs lmao
the girls have a sugar high from the first time they have hot chocolate and marshmallows
they also have tummy aches afterwards lmao
leon does the cooking and baking!! he makes the pancakes in the morning and christmas cookies and does the turkey and stuff!
leon's good at stuffing :)
leon gets ada a pearl necklace for christmas (yes both kinds)
i see ada in her 40s for this au so i see her liking more elegant looking attire for the holidays. but she'll be happy to wear red more also (but they also force her into red antler headbands and christmas looking cringe shit)
leon's in all of the christmas cringe
the twins force their parents to kiss under the mistletoe (they will regret this and will be subjected to their parents affection for the rest of their lives jkdbfskjf)
girls don't share their presents unless it's specifically one that can be shared at the same time. they do spoil them and get them two so they don't fight
helena comes over for the holidays every year with presents for everyone hehe. leon maybe something dumb like a sweater or a wallet. ada something fancy she's wanted. the girls get one educational toy and one fun one each.
spend christmas day in jammies!
also this is like 2014 - 2017 so they have a DS they have to share lmao
the girls go to bed early, they're so eeepy
ada lets leon unwrap his present in bed *gets shot*
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unfinshedsentec · 2 years
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a/n: it’s Inui’s birthday, so here’s a short little blues to celebrate!
Happy birthday to Inui <33
reader is gender neutral
character pairing: Inui seishu x reader
tw: cursing
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o   Inui is a special kind of guy
o   He comes of cold and concealed, and honestly the first time you met him, you were scared of him
o   Little did you know he’d end up being the best boyfriend ever
o   Seriously, Inui is super sweet
o   Not only is he caring, but he’s super gentle and always making sure you’re okay
o   Every morning he texts you a good morning text, and every night he texts you a good night text
o   He loves to cuddle too
o   It took him a while to be affectionate, and you had to initiate for a while, but once he got all the love from you, he was obsessed
o   After all, he didn’t get all that much love as a kid, so you being there for him is an absolute blessing
o   Of course, when you first started dating, Koko had to interrogate you
o   What can I say, Koko keeps Inui safe!
o   Although secretly, Koko knew he would love you. If Inui loves you, Koko loves you
o   And Inui sure does love you a lot
o   If anything, he’s wrapped around your finger!
o   He’s always putting you first, always making sure you’re happy
o   He always brings home flowers, or chocolate, or anything you love after work
o   He loves to take you out on dates, at least once a week
o   He always makes sure he has time for you—always
o   If you’re sad, he’ll do anything to make you happy again
o   Seriously, he’ll gladly beat someone up for you
o   He’s also the type to wake you up with breakfast in bed, and remind of little things throughout the day
o   If anything, he’s a big reason you get stuff done
o   Seriously, without him, you’d probably leave your head behind
o   He also helps you out with fashion!
o   Seriously, the guy knows all the best stuff. He’s always telling you what looks best, and what color fits your face
o   Then again, he’s always telling you how stunning you are
o   Of course, Inui has his downfalls
o   He can be kind of…oblivious
o   You definitely have to say things how they are in order to get him to understand
o   He won’t get it other wise
o   Because of that, flirting is especially hard
o   Seriously, flirting with him is like flirting with a brick wall
o   But hey, at least it’s funny
o   Inui is also terrified of bugs
o   I don’t know why I can see this, but I can definitely see Inui just screaming for you begging you to get the spider
o   He’s a wuss when it comes to bugs
o   But anything else, he’s pretty stone cold
o   A scary movie? He’s straight faced. A haunted house? He’s just confused. True crime documentaries? He just a little grossed out
o   He can handle a lot of things really well!
o   It’s honestly impressive
o   I feel like Inui would also be the guy to run very morning
o   If he’s staying with you, he wakes up, runs, makes breakfast, and wakes you up if you’re not already up
o   He really does everything for you
o   But to him, it’s still not enough
o   You showed him love, true love. You showed him happiness. You showed him how to genuinely smile
o   And for that, he’s thankful
o   He really does love you, and you really do love him
o   So, you better treasure that!
o   After all, love like that is not something you find often
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masterlist || reblogs are very appreciated <33
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 4 months
Ok I lied, I also desperately want more about VLTD because I'm FERAL for it... *please*?? I'll take any little snippets you're willing to offer <3 - @fieldsofview
@fieldsofview god okay so Violet is coming a bit slow. I got 6k into it and realized I was already bored with the story. It just wasn't doing it for me, so I put it back in the percolator to stew some more and NOW I think I have the right setting for it. Originally I wanted to send them to Alaska bc of Nash's little throwaway thought about being brother of the year by buying Jo a plane ticket, but that's just not working for me creatively. Tennessee is where it's at, you know?
SO INSTEAD, he's going to buy her the ticket not knowing the reason she's been down in the dumps lately is because she misses when it was just the two of them. She's going to have a bit of a breakdown bc she's feeling all that and now he's trying to send her away?? But she still doesn't want to say it's him and Teddy that are the problem bc he's literally never been this happy before and she won't be the one to ruin it. So instead she confesses she misses her friends, which she does but also there's drama between her and Bella because of her moving away so it's a bit of a nasty surprise when she finds out that instead of Alaska Nash has arranged for her friends to stay with them for a week.
So now she has to deal with even less one-on-one time with her brother and also all the drama she thought was safely sequestered in Buford Hills.
So I'm going to have to cut most of what I have written (*sob*) but the intro is good enough to keep so here you go!
Here there be spoilers for Blue, like don't forget about me!
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There’s an art to picking a hotel cheap enough that living out of it for three weeks won’t bankrupt you, but nice enough you won’t need to worry about bugs. In Jo’s opinion, it all comes down to the desk.
Hotel rooms follow a basic formula: bed (obviously), mini fridge (to store stress pudding), shitty single-brew coffee maker (always the same), a microwave (always different), an armchair in the corner (to sit in whilst eating pudding), and a desk. A good look at the desk and you’ll know whether you’ve made a mistake.
Too squat or wobbly—clearly not intended to be used—you’re in a cheap hotel meant for a single night stay and expected to be gone by breakfast. But a nice desk with a matching chair in a room that doesn’t make you feel like a dirty street urchin means you have successfully walked the line between frugality and indulgence.
Careful not to topple the precarious stack of client notes, Jo scoots the hard four-legged chair closer to the desk that’s too low to fit her thighs under despite being all of 5’4” in her derby skates. She sticks her plastic pudding spoon between her teeth and moves the stack away from the edge while creamy chocolate warms on her tongue. The sleeve of her favorite sweater, an ancient thing with a brown stain over her left breast that looks like a fatal stab wound (pudding incident of 2022), catches on the sharp corner but tears free without trouble thanks to the tattered state of the hems.
“When’re you gonna be home?”
She picks up her phone to see the familiar worry line between her brother’s eyebrows. Nash’s hair is overgrown again—beachy curls inching over his ears and peeping around the sides of his neck. He looks tired, but he always looks tired. More important is the aura of peace that he’s carried like a favorite blankie since they moved to their little mountain.
She swallows and slips the spoon from between her lips. “Thursday.” She points her spoon at the mini fridge where three pudding cups remain—one for each remaining day. “Think you can get the place baby sister proofed by then?”
The stress lines framing his mouth flex. “Yeah. ‘Course.”
She sticks her spoon into her pudding and leaves it there as she prepares to dig for whatever he isn’t saying, but, for once, he beats her to it.
He casts a surreptitious look over his shoulder then hunches forward and says, “Teddy’s got napkin swatches all over the front room.”
Ah, and they’re talking about Teddy again. It was a fun novelty for the first two months—she’s never seen her brother fall all over himself like he did for Teddy—but it’s been three years and she’s over it.
“I don’t understand why swatches. Why not just give us one of each napkin? It don’t make sense.”
“Uh, yeah I guess it’s kind of weird. Why napkins?”
His expression turns dour. “He wants me to pick one for the reception.”
“Alright, so pick.”
They were supposed to get married in February (fucked up, unnatural time for a wedding but nobody asked her), but then Teddy freaked out acting like a little backyard shindig wouldn’t be good enough and now they’re shelling out actual cash money to stand around in a swanky lodge for six hours and eat overpriced chicken.
Downright foolish, but again, nobody asked her.
“I tried but he said he could tell I was just trying to get out of it.” Steel gray eyes stare into hers. “Jo, I don’t care about napkins.”
“I don’t think anybody cares about napkins.”
“That’s what I—!” He lowers his voice. “That’s what I said.”
“But Teddy cares about—,”
“That’s the thing,” Nash interrupts, eyes wide, animated in his exasperation. “He doesn’t care either.”
“Then why—,”
“He thinks—,” He wrinkles his nose, then confesses, “He thinks it’s one of those things where maybe I do care, I just haven’t thought about it enough to know.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“I know.”
“They’re napkins.”
“I know.”
It takes another five minutes to talk Nash around into telling Teddy that he’s put in enough due thought to determine he very much doesn’t care what people wipe their hands and face on at their wedding, but he turns down Jo’s suggestion that they stick a paper towel roll on each table so he must care at least a little bit.
When they hang up the pit of missing home hasn’t filled an inch. Even worse, her pudding is room temperature.
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pedges-world · 2 days
A Very Special Episode of PB and J
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And now for a very special episode of PB and J. This one is drastically self-indulgent, though I feel there are some things Pedge and I can say to the fandom that might help. 
Sexy Disclaimer: Pedge is not a registered therapist, however therapeutic he might be. We are going to be talking about some challenging topics like SH, ideation, orientation, violence and shame…
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Pedge and I have been talking a lot about shame and allowance lately, haven’t we Pedge? I know, it’s hard to sit with uncomfortable emotions no matter how many chocolate chip cookies we have. It’s easy to feel broken or like there’s something wrong with you. Hmmm? I mean, it’s only 11:30am but…yes we can have some for breakfast.
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This first writing year on Tumblr I’ve learned A LOT. I spent a full year reading ALL KINDS of fics and some of them had me feeling all sorts of things! I read fluff, I read violence, I read about threesomes, I read about orientation, I read about SH, ideation, dead dove…
Sorry, Pedge has his fingers in his ears and is singing “Purple Rain” right now, just in case. Maybe I should whisper a little…I’m just gonna give a little reminder that trigger warnings are there for a reason. You just protect yourself like Pedge does, and if you don’t like something, block it! I saw some scary pics last night I just blocked that ish straight away, no thank you! 
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But sometimes I have a tendency to “block” myself, and that’s something my REAL therapist and I have been working on. What? No Pedge, I’m sorry the time that we spend together is very therapeutic, but it’s also important to speak with a professional. No, she doesn’t make chocolate chip cookies the way you do, and yes I would like some Almond Milk.
Anyways, sometimes I feel silly or embarrassed or guilty about the things that I like. Do you ever feel that way? I worry that a playful cartoon like Pedge might appear childish or misrepresent some of the adult topics we address. I’ve started describing myself as a sexy ace, but that label doesn’t really fit. Pedge is running to get his Pride Flag from June, thank you for the support, P. I love fics that explore orientation and different types of love. Yes, Pedge I LOVED the work you did in “A Strange Way of Life”. I mean…that was hawt, and I’m not just talking about the oven right now.
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I like unpacking fics that involve violence. I’m not 100% why, but I feel safe within myself to explore those feelings, particularly in a fictional environment and not a real one. Yes Pedge, I DID watch TLOU and that hospital scene was VERY believable. No, I don’t know if Laurence Olivier liked chocolate chip cookies, but I’m sure he would have liked you. This October we’re going to explore some Halloween fics with some of your SUPER scary characters like Dave York and Max Phillips. Pedge, you know I can still see you even when you’re hiding underneath the covers, right? Okay, you just let me know if we overstimulate ourselves, okay? Maybe we’ll read those during the daytime…
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Pedge, did you know sometimes I even feel embarrassed about writing? (Ahem) alright, you don’t have to laugh about it, silly goose. I often refer to you as Pedge or P, because you’re an avatar. No, not the movie. Yes, I know it’s a classic. An avatar is an icon or figure that represents a REAL figure like Pedro Pascal.
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Oh honey, I’m sorry, no you are VERY real. How could you eat so many cookies if you weren’t real? Oh cuddle bug…okay you just nestle up in here for a hug, I’m sorry I made you cry. All I mean to say is that thoughts and feelings and desires are VERY real, and sometimes giving them a name or an image can help us sort through the complicated parts of ourselves! And it can mean whatever we want. It doesn’t mean we’re delusional, or violent or bad, it just means that we’re human. And humans use art to understand themselves and life.
Yes, and cookies. We also enjoy cookies and movies and museums and pleasure and all kinds of things that don’t need an explanation, they just get to be enjoyed, much like the fandom.
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Sigh. No we’re not broken, we’re just human. Well, some of us are human and some of us are avatars, but we both need Love. And cookies. They’re ready? Okay good, this existential and literary crisis has made me very hungry. When in doubt, try to remember that feelings and thoughts are neutral, it’s what you DO with those emotions that defines their meaning and external impact.
In closing, Pedge and I just want you to know how much we like you. You’re good. You’re not bad. Okay, you’re not PERFECT. You’re just you, and we like that. Keep doing your best! Keep exploring, keep learning, keep growing, keep wanting! And if there are some emotions that feel too big even for cookies to handle, think about getting your own therapist, like me! Pedge is currently occupied, so you’ll have to get your own. Mostly, just be good to yourself and be good to others. And remember that sometimes a cookie is just a cookie. Yes, Pedge, you’ve done an extraordinary job with this batch, I must say. Yes Pedge. I love you too.
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*thanks @thecutestgrotto for the dividers!
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years
vanillacupcakeshipping (larry/katy) headcanons
- katy likes to listen to music while baking, and often she can't resist humming and singing along and larry absolutely loves listening to her!! sometimes she tries to rope him into singing duets with her and he reluctantly joins even though he hates his singing voice.
- whenever larry has to go out shopping he's always keeping an eye out for things katy would like! things like cute little cookie cutters and other kinds of kitchen items (think a cooking timer that looks like a strawberry or a pair of oven mitts with skitty printed on them for example), plushies of her favorite bug type pokemon or her other faves like teddiursa, bath bombs in her favorite scents, and sometimes flowers. she's grateful for every single gift.
- christmas is katy's favorite holiday and she goes all out baking elaborately decorated holiday-themed treats to gift to her loved ones. larry isn't one to get very enthusiastic about the holidays, because for him having to think about gifts and decorations just adds that much more stress to his workload, but her enthusiasm is a bit infectious and every year he looks forward to eating the delicious pastries she bakes for the two of them. he also takes special care to choose out the perfect gift for her, or at least the most perfect gift he can afford on his salary.
- katy has the absolute cutest plush that larry once got her for valentine's day of a shiny ribombee holding a heart that says "i love you" on it. it was difficult to find and a little pricey--teddiursa-themed valentine's gifts are much more common, so they're usually what he gets her, but that year he wanted to get her something a little more unique and knew it was perfect as soon as he saw it.
- okay, listen, i know it's funny to imagine that larry is so extremely normal and boring that he has unbuttered toast and plain oatmeal for breakfast, but canonically he is a foodie. his gym challenge is literally to order a special dish at the restaurant he frequents and when you first speak to him he gives you cooking advice. he loves good food, he adores katy's baking (and katy herself, obviously), and she loves to give him the first try of any dessert she makes and have him sample potential additions to the soapberry patisserie's menu.
- also, he gets very exhausted from all the work he has to do and likes to spend a lot of time a lot of his free time napping, but he does have hobbies! he likes to cook for katy and himself when he has the time and they both love to read and talk about their favorite books. sometimes they just sit and read together.
- he's not really the best cook--he's decent at it, sure, but in true larry fashion, overall his cooking is pretty average. but katy loves eating whatever he cooks, and letting him know she loves it, because he took the time to make it and because it's a chance for them to just sit down and relax together.
- larry is very touch starved and katy is very physically affectionate and can't wait to shower him with love when he comes home from work each day.
- i think at some point after their relationship gets serious katy would probably let larry know she feels sad that they can't spend as much time together as she'd like due to his work hours, and insist that he doesn't need to work so much since she also works as a gym leader and runs a bakery and it's clearly making him miserable. eventually he'd give in and agree to work less and find that he's much happier for it.
- she teaches him how to do latte art!! like with his cooking, he's not amazing at it, but he does enjoy it a lot and loves showing her new designs he figured out how to do. and she genuinely thinks it's really sweet and will send her friends pictures of the simple little hearts or chocolate syrup spirals he put into her coffee, hyping him up like he's actually the most talented latte artist ever.
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spinningbagel · 2 months
This is like,, a silly post and isn't at all needed to know for the stories but I was thinking about what everyone would get for breakfast for some reason? (It's quarter to 10pm, nowhere close to breakfast so idrk where this has come from!) but anyways.
Daniel: He's a French toast dude, devours that shit. Usually has it with an absurd amount of maple syrup. ("The Canadian of the syrup cancels out the French of the toast!" "...You know French Canadians are thing...right?" "FUCK") he'd also drink lattes religiously.
Andrew: I think he'd also get dragged into eating French toast (less syrup on his) but would enjoy a good bagel (MY HEAD/j) as well, would have a coffee with a decent amount of milk & sugar
Ray: He'd have a breakfast B.L.T and black coffee. Can I explain this, no? But she's my character so whatever I say goes/lh
Jack & Mimi: Pancakes. You cannot say otherwise, they'd have pancakes, going the full nine yards with it too, syrup, berries, ice-cream, sprinkles if they beg Andrew (he's responsible for acquiring food each morning). They'd also have lil hot chocolates, nothing too big, they're hyper enough as is.
Ace: Toast and an energy drink, Andrew absolutely gets on their case about it but like. She just doesn't care 🔥 ("You can't have that. That's not breakfast." "TOO BAD OLD MANN")
Luke: They just have bacon and scrambled eggs with a black coffee (they deal with Ace, they need it.). Usually has much larger proportions to everyone else.
Lin: Toasted ham & cheese croissants with some tea 🔥🔥
Kathrine: Has really sweet coffee- much to the surprise of everyone ("yknow I didn't think you'd have a sweet tooth Kathy!!" "....We've barely talked..I'm not surprised you don't know.")
Ringmaster: ..Bugs probably.../hj idrk he'd probably eat toast and drink cappuccinos.
So yuh! That's what everyone would have for breakfast (in my humble opinion) there is..no reason for this to exist. But it does!!
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berriesandjunnie · 2 years
joshua hong as a husband
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joshua x afab!reader headcanon requested by anon i have so many fic requests i turned this one into a hc
okay this man is a love bug
we been knew that’s why he’s a gentleman
so he will treat you to things completely out of the blue
the amount of times he comes back from work holding some gift??
too many to count
pet names he’ll use: honey, darling and sometimes he’ll use baby and sweetheart 
so here he is opening the front door with a bouquet of assorted flowers that he chooses the colour of based on the season
“honey? i’m home!”
and of course he knows you’ll come rushing because you’ve missed him all day, especially during promotions when he goes away for periods of time
yet again he does these things completely out of the blue so you’re super thrown off every time he suddenly appears with a gift
you’ve complained before that you don’t deserve it but your husband is incredibly stubborn holy crap
he’s also spent too much time around jeonghan and he’d pull the guilt-tripping card if he has to
you’ve told cheol about this
he laughed
these random after work gifts could be ANYTHING
he’s brought home a custom bracelet once ???
chocolates, flowers, books that he knows you like the author of!! 
sometimes he picks up dinner on the way home too because he’s always complaining that you cook too much for him and don’t rest
okay so DATES
this man is fucking extravagant in the slightest of ways
you can bet you’re being booked into five star restaurants just so he can get you to dress pretty and show you off undercover
you tolerate wine for the free bottle usually but joshua will finish whatever you don’t drink
he usually does the expensive restaurant dates after busy promotions or tours that you didn’t go on - you usually miss out on the asia tours where they stick close to home 
but if they travel to america you’re usually with them 
he uses the expensive restaurant dates as an apology for not spoiling the fuck out of you for a long time
on the real you adore him doing these occasionally because holy fuck feeling fancy IS AMAZING? 
for regular dates he still ends up doing so much
this man will do day-dates so don’t expect to just go to something for a date and then it be over 
nah this man makes a whole ass itinerary for it from the time you wake up to the time you get home
he takes you to aquariums, coffee shops you didn’t even know existed, art galleries
he’s taken you wine tasting to try broaden your horizons from the weird taste of the wine the five star restaurants serve
and even after this, he’ll always double check how you’re feeling
not feeling well? tired but you slept all night? cramps? headaches?
no worries, day-date switched to at home date
he’ll mound the couch with all of your fluffy blankets for comfort, letting you choose which one you felt like using today since he knows you’re emotionally attached to them all
he’ll make breakfast, your favourite dish from whichever culture you’re from! or he’ll opt for just a korean dish if you don’t particularly have a favourite from your own
you’ll eat breakfast together maybe just watching some programme on tv to fill the time but once you’re done it gets competitive
joshua will turn on his playstation - like an utter kid - and the two of you will play monopoly
when you get tired of it he starts a movie marathon, or a drama that you really like or have on your watch list
maybe even anime
he’ll order takeaway for dinner and always ask what you’re craving
if you don’t know, he’ll give options but if you still don’t know he’ll surprise you
he knows all of your orders off by heart, he claims its his best aspect as your husband - you deny it
you’ll be eating and he’ll be casually watching until you ask what he’s looking at
“my wife”
he’ll say it all the fucking time
“that’s my wife” “this is my wife” “what’s my wife doing today”
even if hes on a tv show with seventeen or being interviewed he’ll manage somehow to bring you up
“oh yeah my wife has a job interview today”
if you struggle with mental illness or other things that affect your sleep, he’ll stay awake even if he’s drained and he’ll play guitar for you
you’ll jokingly ask him to do sunday morning but he’ll give you a death glare
he knows he overplayed that joke
when you’re ill he’ll actually take days off work even mid-promotion
he’s a very devoted man and he makes sure you are very aware
this man is an absolute angel of a husband and his unforgettable-ness gets bonus points for the fact you landed with a celebrity??
imagine how telling your family you’re dating an international idol went wowee
oh and he is also the best man to meet your family out of all of svt i said it here first folks
i think seungcheol would actually be second best to meet your family but that’s for another time
i’d also like to state that joshua is a walking reminder. whether it’s something embarrassing you did years ago or your meds! he’ll remind you
he likes to say you have a brain like a sieve 
all of the kisses
man is nervously into pda
like he’s scared of the paparazzi or fans being too much for you? so he’s very cautious even after all the years you’d been with him
you reassure him every time but most of the time he’ll still only hold your hand and kiss your head when he gets a chance
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
Hiiiiii could I request a Marauders x reader… platonic. Where they are just coaxing her through a bad day/migraine?
Hii! there isn't that much comforting other then them being clingy and sorta protective, but I still hope you like!!
The Marauders When You Have A Migraine
Word count; 1.8k
[ Warning: fem reader, doodles, eating, migraines/description of headaches, swearing, Sirius refers to you as “their baby” ]
Quick note, there’s a scene where the boys draw on the reader with a marker. I didn’t specify what colour the marker was, so depending on your skin colour you can interrupt the colour as you wish.
You slumped at the Gryffindor dining table, hair matted in a low messy hairstyle. You didn't even try and brush it out, you woke up and left it how it was. You couldn't even bring yourself to dress in new fresh clothing, you wore what you slept in.
Eyeing the breakfast options, you felt a pain tingle through your head. The nerves bunching and squeezing together to make it unbearable to concentrate.
" [ name ]! We have class in 15 minutes and you're not even dressed!" James bellowed from across the table, you pushed your shoes against the floor and slumped. Remus gave a confused look, his eyes narrowing as he glanced between Peter and Sirius.
"Come on, we have time to get some food in 'ya," Sirius declared, pushing toast onto your plate. The curly raven haired male even buttered your toast just the way you liked, even filling your glass with fresh squeezed orange juice.
"How 'ya feel-in?" Peter pronounced through mouthfuls of food, James swatting the blonds head in retaliation. "Wormy, don't speak with your mouth full,"
Sirius cackled from beside you, Peter stomped his foot onto Sirius in response. Sirius made a dramatic scene, falling towards the cold stone floor as he held his foot with forced shaky breaths. "My foot! My foot! I've been assaulted!" He whined, rolling from side to side.
Remus lets out a loud sigh from beside you, your head buzzing from the noise of ongoing chatter. You could hear James laugh loudly, like he always does. Usually his laugh was contagious, but it was incredibly annoying at the moment. Along with snickers and loud whines, you gripped your cup and brought it to your lips. Peter swallowed, reaching for another pancake as he watched you take long sips.
" ya never answered my question," Peter rambled before taking a gracious bite. You shrugged, Sirius sliding back into his seat. The boys all looked towards you, your fork picking at the blueberries Sirius pushed onto your plate moments prior.
"Another headache?" James asked, cleaning his pants from crumbs as he pushed his finished plate aside. You nodded briefly, a plain expression adorned on your features. Another hot buzz dangled in your mind, your forehead throbbing along with it.
"Maybe we should take you to madam Pomfry, you shouldn't be getting them this often," Remus responded. Sirius made a pouting face, before he took you into his arms.
"Our baby is hurt!" Sirius exaggerated loudly, causing staring eyes to look towards the group of friends. You flushed a bit, embarrassed by Sirius nature. You pushed him away, going back to picking at your food.
"I ain't nobody's baby," you said while pushing Sirius further away, James and Peter sniggered as Sirius made puppy dog eyes. You rolled your eyes, a bit grumpy from the constant throbbing.
"Bloody hell, it fucking hurts. It's not even bad, it's just the constant throbbing is pissing me off," you complained, shoving the piece of toast in your mouth. You watched as students finished eating, occasionally leaving for their first class of the day.
The boys all exchanged looks, Remus placing a hand on your back to give it a gentle rub. You push your plate back, your arms coming on the table as you rest in them.
As more students leave, professor Mcgonagall makes her way over to your rambunctious group. She softens at the scene, seeing the four boys rub your shoulder or arms to try and give their sympathy.
You sigh as you hear her shoes click with the ground, professor Mcgonagall stands a few inches away from you all. She clears her throat, all eyes directing towards her except for you.
"Class is about to start... is there a problem with miss [ last name ]?" The older woman asked, trying to mask her worry. Remus had explained earlier to her that you had been having numerous migraines.
"She's having another headache Minnie, our baby is dying!" Sirius exclaimed, Remus reaching over to swat him away from you with an annoyed look plastered on his face. Even though you couldn't see Sirius, you laughed as you thought about his whining face.
Professor Mcgonagall clasped her tongue, about to tell off Sirius for the nickname he'd given her. But instead, she placed her attention on you.
"I'll take her to the infirmary, surely madam Pomfrey has a potion to help," she explained, the boys all standing together in the same motion. You still kept your head pressed into your forehead.
"Can we go with her?" James whispered, hoping that they could be with you. They all hated when you were in pain, it felt like they had to protect you. You were their bestfriend, they surely couldn't let a thing ever bug you unless it was them.
"I'm sorry Potter, but you have class," Professor McGonagall frowned, the boys were about to protest to stay with you. But Minnie quickly shut them down, her hand raising as all the boys shut their jaws closed.
"It's alright, I'll see you later," you told them, raising with a throb as you walked with them all towards the doors. You parted way painfully, Sirius almost crying as he clung onto your leg. The rest of the boys watched, even James tearing up. He took his round spectacles off, dabbing his eyes with a spare cloth he had in his pocket.
"You can't be serious," you retorted at them, an annoyed look on your face as Minnie checked her watch with frowned eyes.
"Well... technically," Sirius began, but he couldn't finish his sentence as you kicked him off of you. You were upset, tired, and in pain. As much as you loved them, they were too much sometimes.
"Just go, I'll see you later," you tried to cover up your annoyed state, but the boys picked up on it. Sirius straightened up, fixing his shirt as they left with their heads down casted towards the ground.
"Idiots they are," you told Professor McGonagall, she only laughed and led you towards the infirmary.
After a few missed classes, it was finally lunch. All the boys scrambled to the dining hall, shoving foods on plates. They ignored the stares, jogging up to the infirmary where you slept.
With the creak of the door, Sirius and James peaked inside. They saw no one, only a lump on the farthest bed. They all skipped over to you with slow whispers, trying to make sure you won’t wake up. Sirius pushed the blanket of your face, all of them relieved to see you still asleep.
“Prongs, do you have a spare marker on you?” Sirius asked, a growing smirk on his face. James put down the plate on a nearby table, fishing through his pockets to try and find a marker.
“Pads, no,” Remus said sternly, knowing what the raven haired male would do. Peter looked between the three boys, a bit unsure of what Sirius was going to do. The blonde boy put his plate near James, picking up half a sandwich as he sat near your feet.
“Pads yes,” Sirius smiled widely, James passing him the thick inked marker. Remus rolled his eyes, not stopping Sirius from his antics. Sirius crawled on the bed, an evil smile on his features as he unclasped the marker. He wrote “baby” with big thick letters on your forehead, giggling when you twitched and tried to swat his hand away in your sleeping state.
“Give me the marker,” James whispers, not waiting for Sirius to pass him it as he snatched it for himself. The bispecticle male drew 4 happy stick figures and a rat on your cheek, his tongue poked out in concentration.
“Why am I the only one in my amingi form?” Peter asked, frowning as James passed him the marker. He began to draw a small smiley face in your open palm, writing a messy “Peter was here” on your arm.
“Because, there wasn’t enough room and plus, you’re cuter in rat form,” James teased, but his words sounded very sweet so Peter took it as a compliment. Sirius and Remus cackled loudly, making you stir awake. Your eyes fluttered open, looking around between the boys above you.
“Uh… hello?” You greeted, stretching slightly as you looked around the empty room. Sirius pushed Peter and James away from the bed, sprawling his limbs out to hog you from their affection.
“Hi!” They all chanted at once, Remus moving closer as he pushed at Sirius to make room. The tall male sat down, rummaging through his bag for a minute before pulling out a chocolate bar.
“Eat,” Remus said, even opening the wrapper for you. He broke off a piece, swatting Sirius's wandering hand when he tried to take a piece for himself. You sat up on the bed, unaware of the markings on your skin. You chewed the gooey chocolate, resting against the bed frame with a satisfied hum.
“Did you bring me food?” You asked, a smile on your face as you realized all the plates. The boys nodded, bringing the plates over for you all to feast upon.
“What’s so funny?” You asked when Sirius started to laugh, James also chuckling. You irked slightly, touching over your face to try and see if there were crumbs. This made the boys laugh harder, making you feel embarrassed as you choke out a “what? Is there something on my face?”
You notice the little doodle Peter left you, realizing what had happened. You pushed Sirius's head, making him bump into James. You laughed at the scene, both boys rubbing their forehead with a pouty face.
“Does it come off?” You asked Remus, a sigh on your lips as you ran off towards the bathroom.
“Nope,” he called out, a small smile on his face. You looked in the mirror, seeing the obvious doodles drawn by your boys. You knew exactly who the culprit was for the big letters written on your forehead.
“Sirius! What the hell is this?” You called, stomping back to the bed where they all sat. Sirius raises his hands, pointing to James and Peter. “It’s not just me! They did it as well!”
“You bitch,” James gasped, a hand on his heart as he held a dramatic glint in his eyes. Peter dropped his head, muttering his apologies. All the boys start to bicker at Sirius, calling him a tattletale. You smile and lean back against the bed, bringing a biscuit to your mouth as you watch the quarrel unfold, this was definitely the entertainment you needed on this shitty day.
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