#also i got spectrum burn out LMAO
rhapsoddity · 7 months
I miss my husband (Spectrum), Atlas. I miss him a lot.
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deadsetobsessions · 4 months
Sea Cryptic!Danny Phantom- pt. 8
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.9] [Pt.10]
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been to the hospital in the past three years, I’d have enough money to buy a bag of skittles from Target. Most of it wasn’t for me though lol I’ll add this onto the list in a bit, but I tend to do that from my desktop but I’m still currently attached to an IV drip. I’ve also never been this hydrated in my life lmao
Danny poked a puffed up pufferfish. The poison floated through his ghost form and did nothing but give him a little zap. Danny chuckled, wiping away a bit of oil that had gotten onto the fish from a nearby oil spill. Jesus fuck. Danny knew that bald headed, easily drawn Vlad wannabe from across the river would do something terrible to Gotham’s waters (not that it needed help being atrocious to Danny’s clean water appreciation).
The puffer fish- Danny gave up on understanding Gotham’s water ecosystem, having realized that it was a cursed mix of saltwater and freshwater and swamp- gave a fearful little wiggle and Danny let it go, turning to the oil particles floating around.
Danny took out his phone.
“Danny? Why the hell are you calling at three in the morning?”
Danny raised a hand and blasted out some ice, gathering the oil up. “Hey Sam. If I got you into contact with Poison Ivy, do you think you could team up to get rid of Lex Luthor’s new holding company in Gotham?”
“Danny, are you asking me to commit an act of ecoterrorism?”
“That’s not even the weirdest thing I’ve ever asked you to do.” Danny placed a hand on the ice mass and flew it, the oil, and himself across the river to Metropolis.
“Deal.” Sam’s voice gets further away as she pulled her phone from her ear. “I’ll text Tucker, see if he could futz with Luthor’s taxes. I heard her doesn’t even give his workers a livable wage, and that’s so not gonna fly.”
“Perfect! Thanks! We could totally meet up and hang out with my new friends!”
“Hah! That Tim guy? The one that wanted you to introduce Phantom to him?”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, goth girl.”
“Sure, dork. I’ll swing by Friday?”
“Sure! Want me to pick you up?” Danny phased through Lex Luthor’s frankly ridiculous amounts of security measures, still completely invisible and towing a giant mass of oil covered ice.
“Cool. Now hang up. I actually need sleep.”
“Ah, you must be dead tired. I get it.”
Sam hung up, and a second later, Danny got a pic of her holding up a middle finger with her signature purple nail polish.
Danny stared down at the sleeping billionaire. Gross. He let his face re enter the visible spectrum and lowered the temperature of the room drastically. Luthor groaned, waking up as he shivered like a hyped up chihuahua.
Danny bared his teeth, glowing green skin reflecting the black holes of the universe and imploding stars and burning planets as he leaned towards the frozen two bit villain.
“RESPECT THE PLANET,” Danny snarled. He unmelted the invisible ice as he simultaneously made the oil visible, the entirety of the oil spill coating every single inch of Luthor’s penthouse bedroom. Danny winked out, but not before snapping a quick picture of Lex Luthor’s absolutely covered in his company’s oil spill.
If Danny had made sure that there were fish droppings mixed in with the oil… that was his own damn business.
Danny floated over to a brooding Batman.
“Do you have two hundred dollars on you?” Danny asked in lieu of a greeting.
Batman grunted a yes.
“Two hundred dollars for a photo of Lex Luthor being hit with karma.”
Batman instantly handed over the cash and received a printed out photo of Lex Luthor (in his Lexcorp pjs) covered by fossil fuel.
"Is this..."
"The oil from his oil spill? Yes."
Batman stared at the picture.
"Why was this more expensive than ID'ing corpses?"
"Cause it's funnier. And dead people deserve more consideration than a egg looking ass polluting everything he touches."
Superman zoomed into the space in front of them, face eager.
"I heard you had something about Luthor?"
Danny figured that Batman probably contacted the hero, and confidently said, "$200 for personal use, $300 for commercial use."
Superman quickly got together three hundred dollars in cash and quickly forked it over. Danny gave him another physical copy of the photo and a usb drive with the photo in a digital format.
"I am so pinning this up." Superman muttered.
"Get out of my city." Batman said flatly. Superman waved a hand, beamed at Danny, and left.
"Did you know Gotham's waters is a mixture of freshwater, swamp, and saltwater habitats?"
Batman grunted.
"Also, please stop stalking Danny Fenton. It's odd."
Batman swiveled his head over. "What."
Danny stared him down. "Stop. Stalking. Innocent. Bystanders. Or else I will recreate the phrase "drowned rat" with you as the subject."
Batman stilled.
"I don't kill, by the way. I can, however, dunk you in the sea and lift you up like a goth version of Simba."
Batman relaxed minutely. "I can't."
"And why not?"
Batman gave him a despairing look. "Have you met my children?"
"... Point."
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Hellooo, I was wondering if you could do MCYT with an S/O who has ADHD? (Mostly hyperfixates on horror games, etc.) I personally have a bad habit of walking around till my legs are sore (my leg has been sore for the past three days please help I can't get rid of this energy ahh-) and how MCYT would react to that/stop Y/N from. Doing that lol
HELP THIS IS SO REAL BAHAHHAHABA ; thank you for the request 🫶🫶 ; sorry if anything seems a little wrong, I'm kinda looking into if I have adhd but obv idk and I'm not diagnosing myself, but I obviously am not diagnosed so I don't know the full ins and outs and I know it's a spectrum, so uh yeah 👍 hopefully I did good lol
MCYT ; ADHD shenanigans
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu & quackity
warnings ; language
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he'll walk into your stream, sit down, look at your screen, then blankly stare at you when he realizes what you're playing
"Dude. are you streaming FNAF again?"
you nod with a smile "yupppp"
he spends the rest of your stream talking to chat and trying to scare you more
you're just talking about the lore and shit and he's loosely hanging onto it LMAO
if you're just like pacing around the house he'll look up at you like "bro you okay?"
will genuinely join in as well, he's always got the energy
he doesn't mean to enable like hurting yourself to a point, but once he realizes he is kind of enabling it he'll immediately stop
"sit down, here, skip leg day for once, focus on those noodle arms of yours"
"says you! the fuck?"
let's you rant about your fixations and the lore and whatnot
I mean they won't deny that the Blair Witch Project video game is really good
they even buy you posters of the Blair Witch Project movie and video game (we don't talk about the movies after the first...)
even gets you merch off the official game site too (if that exists? I'm not sure istg there was merch tho)
they start to get a little fixated on it too considering they love hearing about the lore and theories from you and stuff
they even play it on stream and dedicate it to you
"thanks for the content y/n"
when you're running through the house, he'll race with you for a while before finding some other ways for you to release energy without making yourself sore
at one point he just gives you coffee that way you'll crash and burn after a few hours
I mean at least you don't feel like your legs are about to pop off your body
invested in the resident evil lore because of you
"I saw this and thought of you" AND ITS A LEON KENNEDY EDIT LMFAOOO
I mean yeah
loves hearing you rant about the games and everything, he could listen to you talk for hours
when you're all strung up on energy he also enables it without realizing at first
when he can tell it's more than just being energetic he'll help you find ways to calm down
if need be, he'll read to you, instant sleep I swear
or when he starts talking you'll be fully invested in his words
"yknow, Google listed among us as a horror game and I really cannot-"
the amount of dead by daylight merch and the amount of money that you've spent on it is kinda concerning
but she loves listening to you rant about how the kill animations are so awesome and about new maps and characters and dlcs
I mean it's your current fixation, of course she'd listen to every single word you'd have to say
she even plays with you on stream a lot as well
when you're strung up on energy, she'll take you out for a run, you're like a dog on a leash though because she's not trying to lose you
"niki, come on! I wanna see the water snakes!"
"I'm coming, I can't sprint like you do, darling!"
"of all the games, why is five nights at freddy's the one you're fixated on?"
he loves hearing you rant and explain lore and theories to him tho
genuine love language
he'll even play it on stream with you
"and the purple guy basically killed all the kids, and the kids basically scared him into the springlock suit and it literally killed him so he possesses that suit now-"
he'll just joke about the amount of energy you have
like Ranboo, will serve you coffee so you can crash and burn considering you end up begging him to help you
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chynandri · 14 days
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thoughts on code:realize so far. i really love the found family/friendship in this game. it doesn't feel like these guys are all your love interests but genuine friends who are written to show so much consideration toward mc. and mc has a pretty active role in the story. overall, i feel a good sense of equality between mc and the guys. I chose van helsing’s route first (I have some sort of accidental talent for choosing the most intense characters first lmao)
while i feel the pacing is a bit slow to actually get On to a guy's route, i can appreciate that they wanted to properly flesh out the story and each character to you and how they relate to mc. it's more of a slow burn with the aim of natural relationship progression i think.
van helsing's route (junichi suwabe <3) definitely made me cry a few times lol. van's life is... utterly miserable!! lol there really is a very thin thread between him living and just killing himself cuz god I WOULD if i had to do all the horrible things he did. but i think what this route does well is highlight the cruelty and immorality of the british royal government behind its veneer of sophistication and elegance which is - not too far off from reality. delacroix II is not usually the kind of character i like but, perhaps it's because aventurine is recent in my mind you can't help but feel so bad for the 'last of my kind' characters. they really got across how this is a deeply traumatized child trying to preserve what remains of his people, and a similarly traumatized adult who was forced to commit a massacre of that child's race and lost his own family too. god. they're both victims of the government and their only reason to live is for revenge otherwise there's nothing left... except for each other, and their new found family.
i didn't expect code:realize to get so dark but, this is the best part about otome games so far. the unexpected themes and depth is what i'm here for
But… the reveal that aleister was orchestrating all of van’s misery does kinda detract from possible commentary. He’s just some really messed up guy, also traumatized which probably broke him but like in all the wrong ways. I guess he too is a victim but it’s never really explained? First he said he killed his own family after the massacre, then he cites what sounds like an earlier incident of his family dying as what made him love despair? I’m a bit confused here. While it did add even higher stakes and angst, the lack of explicit explanation/logic for aleister being the twist villain does make the story weaker to me imo.
So in the end I’m not sure how well this sensitive topic is handled? Though van’s frustrating personality and trauma seems realistic even if it makes mc and van’s interactions a bit repetitive. And to me, within the story, it feels fair and most constructive that van lives on to atone for what he did by directly helping the vampire-human relations. And I think Delacroix’s conflicting feelings of wanting him to both die and live is understandable. Considering the vampire race are peaceful in this game, that seems in line with the ideals his father probably upheld.
I’m going on impey’s route now bc the types of characters that appeal to me truly are on two ends of a intensity spectrum lol. Silly guy or extreme suffering guy I like them all. But van’s route being overall so compelling and relevant to mc I do miss him a lot already lol 😔
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bonesbuckleup · 2 months
so i’m still in love with Like a Hinge, Like a Wing, and i have 2 questions for you if you are so inclined to answer: 1) how is progress going with the sequel/would you mind sharing your writing process? you’ve talked abt it intermittently and i’m always so inteigued in authors’ writing processes. 2) did you give tim’s uncle a tesla bc so many tesla owners are Like That lmao
Hello! Thanks for the ask!
Question 1: Sequel hasn't had much progress in the last bunch of months, but it isn't abandoned. I just A. Write a lot at my real job and get burned out sometimes, B. am working on an original book and that story won't stop chewing on my brain, and C. only write fic when it's fun - when I'm not having fun, I stop, and I come back to it once it's fun again. I do understand that can be frustrating for readers! However, that's part of why Like a Hinge is very much standalone - I really want to get Dick into the 'verse and play around there more, but I'm also happy with the fic as-is. Anything else I get finished would be gravy on top, if that makes sense.
As far as my writing process, if we think of writers on spectrum of architects (intense planning, outlines, advanced research, etc) to gardeners (I'm going to plant some seeds and shape whatever grows), I'm, like, dead center. A landscaper, if you will. I have a plan, but I adapt as I go to fit what's around. I love a good outline, but I have to re-outline pretty much every other week to adapt to something I found, figured out, or stumbled upon while actually writing. The original fiction book I'm writing right now, however, is in the noir/thriller bucket, so I've had to stick to an outline pretty closely to make sure the mystery element makes logical and logistical sense, so that's been a fun challenge!
That being said, I am physically incapable of writing fanfic in particular in chronological order. Re: the Hinge sequel, I've got, like, 50-60% of it written, but only 1.5 chapters of that is at the start, and the rest is scattered bits and plans for the other 3.5-ish planned chapters.
Question 2: Yes. Absolutely. If I was writing Like a Hinge today it would be a cybertruck.
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laufire · 1 month
Thank you @redhoodinternaldialectical for tagging me!
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favourite colour: any shade of purple/lilac/violet/etc. also maroon/burgundy. also deep blues. that whole spectrum xD
last song: I was out partying last night and it was actually some techno song I couldn't name (it was good though), but the last song I actually remember and can tell you is Aloisio's "Flashbacks". Some eye-roll worthy lines but admittedly "Por ti me arrodillo y no te llamas Mary / No eres la muerte pero eres parecida" does things to me.
currently reading: I'm still going through "Burning Your Boats", a compillation of Angela Carter's short stories, and "Olvidado Rey Gudú" by Ana María Matute, both of which I'll finish this month. I also started reading my ARC of "We Will Devour The Night" by Camilla Andrews (aka @aninkwellofnectar) and caught up with the chapters she's posted of part three of the series (The Essence of the Equinox) in her ko-fi \o/
And, as usual, I'm reading through... many comics. I'm actually going to embarrass myself and list them lol. I'm completing some characters' appearances (prime earth!Jason, new earth's Cass, Steph, Talia, Leslie, Mia), almost done Green Arrow '01 and No Man's Land... + I started Devin Grayson's Catwoman's run (A++ so far!), Suicide Squad '87, and The Death of Superman.
Aaaand I'm keeping up with some ongoing runs. Monstress, Saga (IT'S BACK), Robin Lives, The Boy Wonder, Zatanna: Bring Down the House, Batman '89: Echoes, Batman: Dark Age, Batman: Justice Buster, WFA, Batman: Off-World, Ram V's 'Tec, Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham
currently watching: currently I'm on pause (I'm away on vacation) but when I'm back I'll continue watching old DCAU shows and FINALLY watch part 2 of The Glory. And finishing season 7 of stacked100, since I didn't even watch yesterday's episode lol.
currently craving: an hysterectomy.
coffee or tea: teaaaaaaa, always.
hobby to try: writing poetry. Attempts have been made but I want to go for it lol.
current au: "ooooohhh I got a million of these going at all times" <- same lmao. I'm just going to name the few I'm most focused on rn:
Young Justice: FÉNIX. That One Long Idea About Jason Reuniting With Everyone in the YJTV verse. It will include at least one additional (waaaay shorter, thankfully) story.
Damon & Elena, Marriage of Doom. I'm going to get so MEAN about this one <3
Mia & Jason Dollhouse AU!!
Jason Survives ADITF/No Death in the Family. What is says. Long series expanding from immediately post ADITF to the end of new earth añsdlfjasf. In my head, at least. You will see different versions of Knightfall, No Man's Land, Joker: Last Laugh, Murderer?/Fugitive, War Games/UTRH, and so on...
This ~future canon series that takes inspiration from some elements from A Lonely Place of Living and Duke's story but places them in New Earth. It includes a Damibats story with Damian and Colin as recent exes, a Jaytim story, TWO Jason & Duke stories, and another one where Chris Kent parent traps a divorced Clois. For now xD
Amnesiac Jason. Jason has suffered a psych attack and Bruce gets some creative licenses when he "fixes" him :)))
I'm gonna stop there. For all our sakes lol.
tagging (no pressure): @missbrunettebarbie @blairwaldcrf @wowthatsextra @mircallaruthven @lichfucker
@jaynotwayne @nastasyafilippovnas @danystargaryens @snowdropsandtigers
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
Hoi I love your works and stories. I would love to write boba fett but have no idea how. Any tips for first time boba fett writers ?
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ksjflfjfdksujslfj anon thank you so much 💖🥹😭
I am but an untrained, babey writer myself but I can tell you how I crafted my approach to writing Boba!
Step 1, be obsessed with Boba Fett since childhood, grow up, rediscover your love for him and Temuera Morrison as a slightly unhinged adult.
What hopefully is not just pure rambling below the cut
I watched The Mandalorian (specifically Boba's episodes in season 2) and TBOBF a concerning amount of times, and scoured Tumblr/AO3 for fics of our fav green tin can man. Got comfy with the character, figured out what drives him, what his motivations are, what his worldview and outlook are like. Essentially, my process boiled down to the following:
Immerse myself in the source content
Read, read, read & comment, comment, comment
Talking to the authors who inspired me (like you're doing now!)
Just started writing any and everything that came to me
Read some more, commented some more
Kept writing, saved everything
Got feedback
Now obviously everyone will have their own interpretations of a character, but to me, much of Boba's outlook and personality are defined by the death of his father. He is an intelligent boy raised with love by one of the galaxy's best bounty hunters, who teaches him not only about survival but also honor, respect, and personal responsibility. Jango was far from perfect (as we all are) but he did genuinely love his son and didn't hide that from Boba.
Besides the obvious trauma of seeing his father beheaded in front of him, Boba experienced a lifetime of further trauma that would have easily made him go back on what his father instilled in him. He was angry and he was alone during this time, his motivations being centered in anger and inexorable control (as seen in his drive to keep his reputation as a hunter stellar). To him, others were a liability, caring about anyone would only lead to pain. Boba burned bright and hot, but ultimately this path was not sustainable.
After the sarlacc and his time with the Tuskens, Boba was able to grow past the shadow of his father's death--there were different ways to honor his father than just being the best. He could heal himself, lead with respect and principles that harken back to his grandfather's code (whether he knows that or not), live a life that didn't have to end on some pointless job for the galaxy's scum. Boba relearned the importance of clan, that one cannot face this existence alone. Daimyo Boba now burns strong and even, fed by hearty logs rather than dry kindling.
Some posts I found helpful in characterizing Boba:
Boba's love language is acts of service by @thefact0rygirl
The spectrum of dom/general sexual behavior in Star Wars men by @rexxdjarin
Me and @rexxdjarin's comments on her Afflictions fic
Boba is funny send tweet
Boba's got a way with (written) words
Boba and words 2
Boba is the sun
Boba's relationship with being Mandalorian by @deewithani
There's obvs many more but these are the ones I could find again
I hope this was what you were looking for (and coherent lmao) and best of luck with your writing! We all can't wait to see what you come up with for our beloved Boba 💚
No pressure tags if some of these other Boba writers (and anyone else!) want to add anything to this: @rexxdjarin @thefact0rygirl @saradika @acatalystrising @thirsty-boba-fett-posts @bobathirstaccount @deewithani @writingwintermoon
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thecoppersoulbox · 8 months
Badly Explaining Every HSR Character's Type
Disclaimer: This is very dumb and some of these are stretches/I just completely gave up so don't take it seriously. Also I'm stopping at 1.6, so no Penacony. Maybe I'll make a sequel in the future.
Under a read-more bc this is a lot of people.
Trailblazer, Physical: Baseball bat hit body, ouch
Trailblazer, Fire: They wanted that really cool imagery of us helping to melt the Eternal Freeze
March 7th, Ice: Her whole thing is she was found in Six-Phased Ice
Dan Heng, Wind: Spear go woosh through the air, it's also called Cloud Piercer which sounds pretty windy to me
Asta, Fire: That spectrum beam looks like it would burn you pretty bad
Arlan, Lightning: I am fairly certain his skill is him electrocuting himself for the extra adrenaline
Natasha, Physical: Massive bullet hit body, ouch
Pela, Ice: I think it's just bc she's with the Silvermane Guards, nothing about her attacks scream "ice" to me
Hook, Fire: Diggertron produces flames (seriously who let her keep that thing)
Serval, Lightning: Music is electrifying (also that's an electric guitar)
Qingque, Quantum: Digital = quantum in HSR and celestial jade tiles are digital (...I'm pretty sure)
Herta, Ice: I guess the diamond is cold...and looks like ice...? Maybe they're linking crystals with ice bc of how they look
Tingyun, Lightning: Yeah I got nothing. Most of her animations don't even have lightning anywhere in them?
Sushang, Physical: Big sword hit body, ouch
Sampo, Wind: Blades go woosh through the air
Himeko, Fire: That massive laser DEFINITELY burns
Clara, Physical: Big robot punch body, ouch
Bronya, Wind: Small bullet go woosh through the air (it's straight up called Windrider Bullet)
Gepard, Ice: The shield he makes is a massive wall of ice like. My god man.
Bailu, Lightning: Resuscitation requires electricity (also water isn't a type but if it was...)
Yanqing, Ice: His swords seem to be made of ice (also he needed the Jingliu parallels)
Welt, Imaginary: If those black holes were real then...wouldn't everything just be gone...? (idk HI3 lore so I might be missing smth)
Seele, Quantum: Girl moves so fast it breaks quantum physics
Jing Yuan, Lightning: Two words. Lightning-Lord.
Silver Wolf, Quantum: Everything she does is digital, also aether editing probably breaks quantum physics too
Luocha, Imaginary: Those spirit-like things in his ultimate just seem imaginary, also he just radiates the colour yellow which doesn't explain anything but it's all I got
Yukong, Imaginary: Gonna be real idk, that bow looks pretty real, I'm kind of wondering why she isn't wind (probably the severe lack of imaginary characters at the time she came out)
Blade, Wind: They had to make it clear he's connected to Dan Heng yk? Also his swords probably go woosh through the air
Kafka, Lightning: Her strings have a similar colour to the lightning icon and so does her general design, it would be weird for her to be anything else. Also there's lightning in her animations so something is producing it
Luka, Physical: Big metal fist hit body, ouch (this boy wants to be fire so bad)
Dan Heng IL, Imaginary: He's basically controlling that water with his mind, right?
Fu Xuan, Quantum: Idk how to word it but. Quantum just makes sense here like I have no questions about it but I can't explain it. Edit: The Matrix of Prescience is a supercomputer tysm for reminding me!!!
Lynx, Quantum: Literally nothing about Lynx feels quantum like her weapon is an ice pick and her healing stuff is physical objects...do you think Lynx and Pela are such good besties that they swapped types?
Jingliu, Ice: Look at that really cool ice sword
Topaz and Numby, Fire: Numby creates so much friction spinning like that it burns the enemy lmao (also the blaster Topaz uses might use lasers? It looks like a mix of money and some sort of beam)
Guinaifen, Fire: Girlie is literally throwing firecrackers at her enemies
Huohuo, Wind: If she waves that flag fast enough she creates a little gust of wind!
Argenti, Physical: Big spear hits multiple bodies, ouch (ignore the roses)
Hanya, Physical: This is the only physical character I can't explain like she's hitting her enemies with ink and chains that didn't exist two seconds ago...I think HYV just don't wanna give siblings the same type but she could've been imaginary
Ruan Mei, Ice: ...Maybe it matches her personality? Or it's a women of the Genius Society thing?
Dr. Ratio, Imaginary: Nobody actually believes the building he's dropping is real, right?
Xueyi, Quantum: This is another one that I can't put into words but just makes sense to me, something about the chains just materialising and the colours
TL;DR - If in doubt, look at their weapon and how they use it, except sometimes that doesn't explain anything either (if that's the case...look at their hair colour maybe...?)
Feel free to offer corrections or further explanations bc obviously I don't have everyone so I'm mostly going off what I can see from their animations
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thrawns-backrest · 1 year
Welcome to the "having a bad day/week" club! As the president I'd like to welcome you personally.
As for asks I want every little thought headcannon and random facts about the chiss :D
howdy! my first question as member of the club is can we burn it down lmao. but fr tho, here's to hoping we all get a break soon
I'm dying to talk about chiss fashion but I've vowed to illustrate those headcanons first so let's talk biology. I've got quite a few about our alien blorbos, starting with the headcanon that they're generally taller than humans. their body temperature also varies more on average with the added bonus that they can tweak it at will
and let's see, skin color usually falls into three categories, indigo darker tones (for me that's Ar'alani and Thurfian), cerulean sky blues (Ba'kif, Samakro) and the more turquoise tones (Thrawn, Zistalmu, Lamiov). there are also chiss that fall somewhere in between of course. you can guess a chiss' likelihood of going gray based on their skin tone with the indigo group being most immune to it and the turqoise gang being most likely to turn grey early. not Thrawn though, he's an exception to that rule in my mind, as he is for so many things lol
the way they perceive colors differs from humans. they specialize at distinguishing shades of blue and its adjacent colors on the spectrum (purple and green). this is due to the predominant coloration of their natural habitat: even before Csilla’s shift to a cooler climate, the flora and fauna of their world had mostly blue pigmentation, the same reason their own skin is blue
they're also good at seeing shades of red because it's close to the infrared spectrum we know they can see (even though their brain filters out some of the excess red bioluminiscent glow of their eyes), leaving the orange and yellow part of the spectrum as the shades they can least differentiate between
speaking of colors, I headcanon that their culture ascribes a lot of meaning to them and they influence the way people dress and pick their outfits in their society, especially among the Aristocra. they have traditional meanings assigned to the primary colors that politicians often use to signal the values they want to project. and there's also popular meanings assigned to other shades that vary depending on fashion trends. but more on that when I pull myself together and finish my fashion illustrations!
as for politics, I think this is implied by Zahn but I believe the Stybla are much more influential than it seems at first glance. imo they never really 'stepped down' as a ruling family as much as they retreated into the shadows to puppeteer things from there. which is probably why I'm so fascinated with characters like Ba'kif and Lamiov
anyway I think that's enough for one post! as always, if anyone wants to discuss more of this I'm always open to it
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birlwrites · 10 months
I absolutely love all the lore you created around the Black family and really hope we'll get to see more interactions with the older generation (Cygnus, Alphard etc).
Though I've noticed that besides a single mention in ttdl Lucretia isn't really present. I would love to know how does the Black family actually go about her in ttdl universe since she's not disowned but also married Ignatius Prewett, so what seems to be a fairly Light and pro-Dumbledore family. Also you've mentioned how Regulus would spend time with Cygnus as a kid, so would the same be true for Lucretia? She is his father's sister so a fairly close family after all.
*laughs awkwardly in 'sometimes filling in everything i don't remember with headcanons means the blacks are related to each other in slightly different ways from whatever the hell is canon'*
i feel the need to state that i read the harry potter series like, 14-15 times in elementary school, with a few rereads later on, and have read a lot of fanfiction, but i've never in my life consulted a wiki or really engaged with extra content/canon. so very specific things are burned into my brain, but don't expect full accuracy to canon, between that and the fact that i do just change things sometimes if i think something will work better for my story
ok now that we've gotten that over with, lucretia is regulus's great-aunt in atfhv! this is very important to contextualize her marriage to ignatius prewett because it was not long after her brother arcturus married melania macmillan, in the mid-1930s. (arcturus and melania got married in 1936 and i haven't come up with a specific year for lucretia and ignatius)
this was a high point for house black's friendliness with non-dark families, in which the weasleys were mainly looked down upon for being poor and not so much for being accepting of muggleborns (although, to be clear, house black never reached that point, and house macmillan was and is really socially moderate, as opposed to progressive. house prewett is a little further down that spectrum, but was still in house black's acceptable range, especially as lucretia was marrying out instead of bringing a new person in
ignatius is lord prewett, but in the BCU (this is why the phrase 'birl's cinematic universe' exists LMAO), he and lucretia never have kids. the lordship passes to ignatius's brother after his death, who is molly and fabian and gideon's father
(timeline on that - ignatius is born mid-late 1910s, his brother early 1920s. molly, the eldest, is born in 1956, and fabian and gideon 3 years later. i have most of house black getting married and having kids very young - walburga's actually one of the older ones when she gets married, at 22 - so someone not having kids until their 30s is how house prewett kind of skips a generation compared to the blacks)
all that means that lucretia, as lady prewett, has all the social affairs of house prewett to manage, so she's not as around as most of regulus's family is (cassiopeia, having never married, is around more)
it also means that once either ignatius or lucretia dies, but especially once they both die, the black-prewett alliance is dead in the water, b/c there are no kids and also house black is pulling away from families like the prewetts so they're not going to want to keep up relations
so regulus certainly knows lucretia, and lucretia and walburga will meet up for tea and such, but lucretia wasn't at black manor over the summers, which is where regulus really spent time with and got to know most of his extended family. that being said, she is still accepted among them, she's just not there a lot. kind of like if most of your family lives in roughly the same area and then you have one family member who lives a plane flight away, but emotionally instead of physically
oh also agjhkghlsjkdf i just remembered a conversation i had w my friend about regulus and lucretia that i'm going to make ttdl canon now because i think it's amusing - so, regulus picks up other people's mannerisms like a crow picking up shiny objects, right? he ESPECIALLY did this when he was little. like it was something he did (and does) on purpose, watching people for cool/clever things they do and then copying them
at one point when he was 5 or so, they were having dinner and lucretia was there, and she like. spun her spoon in her hand at one point, and regulus (like, all the way at the other side of the table) tried it, couldn't do it, dropped his spoon, and was mad at her for months. how dare she do something regulus couldn't copy. clearly it was a Cruel Trick (lucretia didn't even know he was watching)
but yeah lucretia isn't very present compared to most of regulus's family, and she never has been in regulus's lifetime, so even though she's as closely related to him as cassiopeia and alphard are, cassiopeia and alphard Feel more closely related
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sunburnacoustic · 2 years
Just rambling here so ignore this completely…
Especially within the last few years, quite a few people have been talking about Muse not being political enough, especially given their (and Matt’s) fondness for revolution and bold themes. It’s not a new complaint, I remember an interview where the interviewer mentioned it to Matt, saying people were criticising Muse for not being political enough… this was in 2000. But it has come from everywhere, like from fans, from people in the press, from people that urm, know Matt’s past. From Justin Hawkins lmao (frontman of the Darkness, remember them? They released a proper weird album last year so they aren’t gone… anyway, that’s besides the point. He’s become a sort of music industry journalist? He’s got a YouTube channel, and he reviewed Won’t Stand Down when it came out and said something along the lines of, if Muse were specific in their political messaging, no one could touch them. It’d be so powerful they’d blow everyone else out of the water. I think, no doubt they already do… it’s something to think about, I’m neither agreeing nor disagreeing with him. He’s right that if Matt properly let loose I don’t think anyone could touch him, and we got a taste of that on We Are Fucking Fucked. An uncensored Matt would burn so bright we couldn’t look. But also, the tempered and considered broadness of their music does make Muse Muse. I won’t say). People pushed Matt in interviews on his political leanings in the 2009 days, they did it post-Brexit (someone started shit about him being a leaver for a bit and then he had to clarify that he was pro-reform, not pro-Brexit), and now with the whole thing about Matt’s past, and Compliance, and Ghosts even and everything. And his answer has always remained the same, it hasn’t changed in years.
But I wonder, is it in some ways America-centric, the way people keep needing him to clarify further when he’s said what he’s said multiple times? He often says he’s roughly ‘left-of-centre’, and it’s occurring to me that it’s possible a lot of us read that as left of the American centre. When he, as a Brit, is far more likely to have been talking about being left-leaning from the POV of… most other places in the world.
The NME interview from last June comes to mind.
“We want a new type of revolution,” Matt argues […]. “I think everyone knows we want a revolution, but we definitely don’t want a bunch of authoritarian lunatics from the right. That’s the last thing we want.
“And also we don’t want a total communist situation on the hard left either. I think what we want is something completely new. I don’t think it exists out there at the moment, but I think there’s a new type of politics that could emerge. I would call it Meta-Centrism. It’s an oscillation between liberal, libertarian values for individuals – your social life, the ability to be whatever gender you are, all that kind of stuff – but then more socialist on things like land ownership, nature and energy distribution. It’s oscillation between the two poles.”
It’s not what you’d associate with the American center, god no. But that’s closer to the centre of the political spectrum in most other places, in fact, as far as economic centricity goes, that’s pushing left.
And I mean, language can be tricky sometimes. In the very next sentence, Matt also says, “I think there’s a way of doing that but there’s no language that enables people to think that way. You’re either hard left or you’re hard right… I’m not with any of these; I feel like there’s a third way. There’s no existing side that describes what I’m looking for yet…I’m fundamentally anti-authoritarian – that’s just my nature.” I don’t think the wrong language should preclude the right intentions, and also you can see he’s talking about polarisation and the eradication of nuance (which is like, hmmm, who could it possibly benefit if people can’t meet in the middle, agree to concede even a little, or see their opposers as basically human. Who, I wonder).
It also strikes me that the ‘left’ Matt is talking about is most certainly not the American left either. It’s proper, radical anarchy. It’s a complete overhaul of democratic systems, and certainly far from even a pipe dream in mainstream American politics.
So maybe it’s just a very American reading of political beliefs of people not from America? And in the wave of everything that’s been happening, all of the rest of us have also forgotten how to read global politics. Somehow, all of us but Matt apparently. Makes me want to zoom out a bit; idk, I’ve just thought about this before and wanted to write it down somewhere. This seemed the blog to do it.
Anyway, if you haven’t, I do recommend reading that NME interview, it allows Matt to elaborate a lot more than an Instagram caption or a Twitter post would, and elaborate he did.
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freeuselandonorris · 8 months
for the ask game: 1, 19, 20!
heyyyy thank you for asking! 🫶
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
ooooh bloody hell. let's see. 1. being an only child in a single parent household. it's made me very happy with my own company (sometimes to a fault) and very close with my mum. also probably contributed to why my inner fantasy life is so active lmao 2. having a period of very poor mental health through my teenage years/early 20s. i basically lost the years between 13-23. it's made me very careful about looking after myself now i'm older and it forced me to have to understand myself more. it's also made me more keenly aware of not wasting more time. 3. art school. i went to a fairly prestigious art school in london and it really opened my eyes to class (i'm northern and working class) - it was the first time i'd really come across PROPERLY priveleged people (a close friend was the daughter of a tory mp and i was later a bridesmaid at her wedding at westminster palace lmao, weirdest day of my life) and realised just how much the world was skewed to their success. also made me realise i like making art but i hate the art world and most art people. still wanna write an art school AU one day.
19. favourite thing about the day?
when i'm having a good head period and can manage it, my morning routine is the best. i get up and make my lil coffee (V60 4 lyf) and then sit down and write for an hour - i like writing first thing before my brain is knackered from Life - and listen to lauren laverne's 6music show, then i read for however long i have left before work. sometimes i'll burn incense or a nice candle. for a while i was doing morning pages too although i find them a drain long-term. it's just my time, yknow? i try not to look at my phone or anything.
i'm going to be moving to a partly office-based job again and not being able to do my morning routine on those days is the thing i'm most upset about.
20. favourite things about the night?
i'm the kind of person who has a brain that is constantly chewing on to-do lists and anxiety spiralling about All The Things I Must Do and i like feeling like i am mostly done with the day's tasks by evening (even though i find it hard to stop percolating them or adding more sometimes). recently i've got into the habit of listening to shaun keaveny's daily grind podcast on my headphones while i cook my dinner which is a rly nice way to mark the end of the workday, although i guess that's evening more than night.
i like that the night can be either end of the spectrum - it can be the time for extreme cosiness, feeling safe and protected and sleepy, or it can be the time for excess and sleaze. when all the hidden things come out to play!
from questions i think it would be fun to be asked!
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vastayan--vigilante · 2 years
Writing a background canon character - filling the gaps
Now, obviously, we know very little about Scar from the canon material - he only has two lines ("Hey," and "Firelights!') and has less than 3 minutes of screen time. As far as canon characters go, he's a pretty blank slate.
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(Very cool design though. Definite blorbo material.)
Writing characters like this can be challenging, but it can also be fun, because it gives you significantly more creative license. Especially when you take into account all the little details from the show you can build off of. So, here's a list of a few little headcanons I've developed for my portrayal of Scar from Arcane.
Headcanon #1: Scar is an ex-addict
The basis for this is, essentially, that I got a little bug in my brain about when Ekko says to Vi:
"Everyone here was either an addict or a victim - they needed somewhere safe to start again."
Because when he says that line, the camera pans to Scar.
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We see what Shimmer does to people in the show. We see how it can destroy them - whether it makes them monstrous supersoldiers for Silco, or deformed, desperate shells of their former selves. But we also see people using it casually in The Last Drop. We see strong, cunning warriors like Sevika using it as a combat enhancer. We see even it used as a medicine ingredient, when Caitlyn trades in her gun for a Shimmer-infused potion to save Vi's life.
So the effects of Shimmer use is clearly on a spectrum. We know the extreme end of Shimmer addiction looks like this:
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This is what Silco has done to The Lanes. This is what Ekko is trying to stop - to save people from.
So, what about addicts who've managed to break their deadly Shimmer habit before it was too late, who managed to get clean? Well, technically, we've seen them too. Because by Ekko's own admission, there are ex-addicts in the Firelights. Ekko is doing more than just destroying Shimmer shipments; he is taking in addicts off the street, and helping them clean their act up, giving them a chance to start over anew.
Now, addiction is a very dangerous condition with a very high relapse/failure rate. Having a strong support system to help you is integral to maintaining sobriety - but so is seeing other people who have gone through the same struggle with relapsing as you, fought that battle, and won. And what better example to inspire people and show that it's possible, than the Firelights' own second in command?
Willpower and self-discipline is key to successful addiction recovery, and many recovered addicts have turned their lives around through making healthier lifestyle changes. We see Scar is physically very active and in amazing shape; he clearly works out regularly and at a high intensity. Also, we see him get back up to fight time and time again after taking a beating. That takes tremendous willpower and discipline.
As well as making healthier lifestyle changes, recovered addicts also commonly immerse themselves in community outreach to try and support fellow addicts, to provide support and awareness and help others in their recovery. As a Firelight, Scar is clearly actively invested in helping other Fissurefolk who've been harmed by Silco's operations, and in getting Shimmer off the streets by destroying shipments.
When sabotaging Silco's shimmer shipment, Ekko and Eve both have speaking lines, but Scar is silent as he surveys all the barrels of Shimmer. He also notably keeps his distance - sending other Firelights down into the hold to destroy any Shimmer below, taking up a vantage point in the rafters to cover his comrades while they deal with preparing to burn the barrels. He also chooses to attack Jinx head on without hesitation, in an effort to buy the other Firelights more time to do this. (Coincidence? Probably lmao. But it also works for my headcanon, as it could be interpreted that Scar is wary of handling Shimmer himself/still occasionally experiences temptation)
Ekko and Scar are tight. They are bros. There is a clear bond of mutual trust and respect there. We see them both save each other's life; we see Scar set Ekko's leg with care. What was it that garnered Scar's loyalty and established such a strong working relationship? We don't know. Could it be that Ekko saved Scar's life by helping him get clean and giving him a cause to fight for, to live for? Well, that's what I'm rolling with for my portrayal, since no one can tell me otherwise ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
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NOTE: I write my version of Scar as someone who's in advanced stage of recovery during the events of Act II/Act III in canon - meaning, he has been clean for years, and while he still occasionally experiences temptation, he is stable and has well-established coping mechanisms in place to avoid relapsing.
Headcanon #2: Scar is not his birth name
I personally reckon that "Scar" is a nickname that stemmed from the distinctive scar across his lip
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I'm rolling with the idea that he prefers to go by Scar because:
a) It's a cool-sounding nickname, that I imagine he earned as an accolade after he split his lip open in a particularly nasty fight to protect his younger street kid friends
b) He carried shame about the person he used to be, and taking on this new name was one of the changes he chose to make in his effort to become someone better - someone stronger, who could fight and take hits to keep others safe, owning the fact that he had survived horrible things and not been broken by them (this also makes him an interesting narrative foil to contrast with someone like Jinx, who took on her moniker to embrace the worst parts of herself)
For my own personal reference I'm gonna jot down here that I headcanon his birth name to be Valkos (this may or may not ever come up)
Headcanon #3: Scar has a family
Okay, obviously it has been confirmed that he has a baby daughter
For the sake of my portrayal, his daughter is gonna be called Ahri
His daughter is very young, and I don’t see him being a single dad given that he very actively goes out on jobs with his fellow Firelights, putting himself on the frontline, and is likely kept busy with the duties that come with being Ekko's second in command - that's the behaviour of someone set on securing a safer world for his family even if it costs his life, not someone who is solo parent of a baby who needs caring for around the clock. I believe he has a living partner (who is probably also Vastaya/has Vastayan heritage, given just how much his daughter takes after him)
For the sake of my portrayal, I'll be calling that partner Zihnah (or "Zee")
Headcanon #4: Scar, Eve and Ekko were the Founding Members of the Firelights
This really just comes down to my observation of how the three of them operated as a tightly knit unit during the hit on Silco's shipment, implying that they've been working together for a long time and interacting as equals. They were clearly the ringleaders of the operation, while the other four Firelights simply stood by, awaiting orders:
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(Look at them. They look like they're about to drop their latest album I love them)
Eve also gets a place of honour up on the memorial wall, right with Vander, Benzo, Powder, Vi etc - her portrait is just as large and detailed as those core faces, which speaks volumes about how important she was to the Firelights (and to Ekko.) I 100% buy that she and Scar were two of the core Firelight members, who helped Ekko build the community into what we see in the show
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This also explains why Scar is not just Ekko's second in command, but why they have a significantly stronger bond than just a superior and his lieutenant - why they can communicate so easily without words, why they look out for each other so closely, and why Ekko trusts Scar to set his leg without batting an eyelid (likely because they have patched each other up before and are comfortable being vulnerable around each other)
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(I'll probably add more headcanons to this thread as I think of them, but these are the core ones I'm starting out with, to give some more depth + context to how I write the character.)
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baahsu · 1 year
there are two wolves inside of me. one wants to ask you a cute ass fluffy question about 1234ji/vinsmokecest and the other has a smutty one. i am letting both wolves win lol (if you're comfy with answering either, ofc)
fluffy one!! so. who do you think would be the first out of 124ji to reach out to sanji on their birthday after wci?? via any method like.. denden mushi call, maybe a seagull sent gift, or idk one of em just actually suddenly showing up on the sunny lmaoo. just curious as to who you think would be taking the first step into oh so slowly crawling their way towards a better relationship with snooj :))
aaand the smutty one, if youre okay w it :]. okay. so. we all know 1234ji are bi as fuck or on the spectrum at least lmao. now. hypothetically speaking- one of the 4 gets momentarily turned into a girl because of devil fruit shenanigans or smthn and is *awooga, wolf whistle, heart-eyes-popping-out-of-sockets, jaw on the floor, various other cartoon sound effects* levels of hot. who's the girl and who out of the other 3 are on their KNEES wanting to fuck her? (*cough* ofc i wanna hear your thoughts too but ps i think itd be hot as hell if ichiji was turned because then he could ride/dom them all into oblivion *cough*)
Letting both wolves win was the right choice because I'm ok with both questions 😌
For the fluffy one, I didn't even finish reading it and my mind went straight to yonji lmao I can't even explain why other than to say I see him as the more friendly one out of the three?
Also I just found this gif and I didn't even remember this scene but is yonji helping someone?? Is he giving food to someone?????? Basically sanji 2.0 if you ask me. They have potential to get along so well, specially because yonji was also impressed at how strong sanji's become
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He could pull the younger brother card too and act all annoying until he got what he wanted, which in this case would be to see sanji. And I think he'd actually want to go to the sunny, just to make things even more dramatic and drive judge completely insane. 12ji would get on board with it just to see the world burn (aka to see judge fume even more) (and because they want to see sanji too)
(I'd love any of the three reaching out to sanji tbh, but like I said my mind went to yonji first)
Now for the smutty one I was gonna be completely biased because at first I read it as 124ji only, but I reread it and saw you included sanji as well, so I'll continue being biased and say sanji 😅 for two reasons, 1. he's the ultimate bottom for me and if presented with the chance of anyone fucking him in any form I'll take it, and 2. he'd look great as a girl
Excluding sanji tho I'd have picked niji, again for the reason I love him as a bottom and if presented with the chance of his brothers fucking him I'll take it lol
I do like the idea of femdom ichiji tho, it'd work so perfectly, he'd have all the others kneeling and drooling at his feet, obeying every single one of his orders without any complaints (quite the opposite, really)
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For the WIP Tag Game, tell us about that XY/JC AU you got going? 🙏
hiya, thanks for the ask 💜💜 this AU is my baby it’s about 8 months old I’m obsessed w it and that’s partly why it’s so unfinished lmao
so it’s a modern AU that follows the beats of canon plot, and every cultivation sect is now a company. Shit happens and JC decides to make questionable decisions and sleep with XY. To make it extra fun for me personally, JC in this verse is on the aroace spectrum, but hasn’t really figured this out about himself yet, so he’s like “maybe casual sex isn’t for me”, “maybe if it’s someone I like it’d be better”, etc. So this continues on and escalates, because XY is a) mostly here to see how far he can push JC and b) also has ulterior, benefactor flavoured motives. Fast forward to the present day of the fic, which is about ~3 years after the Jiang parents die, and WWX returns but so does XY 😌
so the fic is like. 3/4 business intrigue 1/4 dub-con smut 🤣 I just really wanted to see JC in a relationship that's unhealthy for him while projecting my aroace questioning onto him, so he’s going to suffer nicely if I ever get this thing written
Mini snippet:
He’d snapped tonight, and had grabbed a jacket and decided to stroll downtown instead of taking a car. He hadn’t planned on doing anything except just get out of the house, forget who he was and everything that depended on him. He hadn’t wanted to think about the upcoming launch of the Golden Core project, which the entire company is relying upon. This bar isn’t the sort that even Nie Huaisang had taken them to. Jiang Cheng doesn’t know why he chose this one, of all the bars and clubs on the way here, but he doesn’t particularly care where he is as long as he doesn’t have to sit in the quiet. He doesn’t know how long he’s been there when someone flings themselves into the seat right beside him. Jiang Cheng barely glances their way, but when his eyes fall on the other man, his heart stops in his chest. Long hair pulled back in a ponytail, tied off with a maroon ribbon. He almost goes to say Wei Ying? before his mind takes in the rest of him. Black leather jacket, biker gloves on the hand he can see. And when he turns a little, to call over the bartender, Jiang Cheng can see that his face isn’t quite like Wei Ying’s, cheekbones placed differently, jawline softer and face rounder. The moment of hope costs him, and he takes a hearty gulp of his drink, holding on to the way it burns going down. The man next to him sees it and laughs. “Hope that wasn’t because of me,” he says, and his tone is exactly the same as how Wei Ying used to sound trying teasing Jiang Cheng out of his black moods.
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Hi, I was wondering if I could get classpected? I really love your analysis and I’m struggling with my own.
*I most often get heart, space, and void as quiz results (I have taken most existing aspect quizzes at least twice). I usually get mage, knight, and page on quizzes.
**this is essay length I’m really sorry about that
I really like my creative hobbies. More often than not I'm sewing, sculpting, drawing, etc. I also really enjoy those really long video essays on video games and such but I also listen to more political stuff when I can handle it. When my anxiety is less obnoxious I like to take walks in the middle of the night- I can go outside and be completely alone with my thoughts (and my maladaptive daydreaming lol). I do a lot of writing about fiction and only actually write fiction sometimes. Ideas are always more complete in my head and I can’t do them justice in meatspace. I do a lot of armchair philosophy but it’s all probably just something I regurgitate forgetting somebody else said it first and better. You will literally never see me without my earbuds in regardless if anything is playing in them. On that note I can’t play an instrument or compose or anything but I want music to swallow me whole like a snake.
Me about myself:
I think I’m weird but I don’t particularly care that I’m weird. I hate that other people think I'm weird and guilt me for having genuine interests? My self esteem isn’t great but as I’m getting better at being an adult I feel less like a fish flopping around on the floor. I feel like I’m never going to have a proper self concept because something is always changing and I can’t keep up with that. The self hatred is mental subtext instead of text, ya feel? I want to say something in a way only I can say it, like perfect a message in a way only my art could portray it. It would be a cool thing to have a legacy even though it’s totally meaningless. Like, if somebody thought about me the way I think about Toby Fox I’d feel like I succeeded. Local strider kinnie. All of the striders. Every iteration. In middle school I was obsessed with Dave and now (college) I'm obsessed with Dirk. It’s The Existentialism. Spice that with a little Jake English style social awkwardness. My problematic trait is thinking empathy is a conspiracy (I’m ((probably)) just on the spectrum). I have serious self-control issues and will eat a whole cake by myself. I reread homestuck in less than a month and barely managed to get my assignments in because I hyper fixated so hard.
Others about me:
When I was younger I was the scapegoat of my friend group, like the Tavros to someone else’s Vriska. Classic page behavior. Now that I’m older I’m mostly just super reserved because I got burned so bad I can’t take positive feedback. I have one friend who tells me that I’m super talented and cool and shit and I feel so weird about it. He’s not flirting with me or anything, he's just a genuinely good dude. I feel dirty and evil existing in his presence. I’ve also been described as a cryptid in the past. “Quiet and kind of scary until you open up then you’re unhinged” “Mad scientist” “Introverted artisan” (this person then called me out on “looking for that passing validation” and he was right but I hate it lmao) (the conversation has gone on and I am now realizing he is. Talking about trans shit,,,, which is also right and I hate it) (I’m literally going to copy paste this next one it’s too good) “You’re the type of dude that gets dragged on for the ride tho… the one that’s like ‘maybe we shouldn’t be breaking into a haunted house’ in the movies” “You’re not the Lame little piss baby that they drag around , you’re the one that’s there cuz someone wants to hand the white boy a blunt and see you take a large chuff” (oh my god he’s such a gem lol) “You’re still also a dork and I’ll probably still label you as gay boy mentally tho”
How I interact with people:
I keep forgetting I can’t just rely on my imaginary friends to meet my social needs so I go bug one or two people for a few weeks before I start feeling like it’s too risky because if I go too hard I'll burn out and hate them or something. If you know someone too well it’ll break any infatuation (platonic) you have with them. The thing with characters is that they learn and grow with you in your mind, like a family member that will only hate you if you’re having an off day. Tldr I’m scared of other people because intimacy and honesty about things is Not My Style. All of my secrets keep spilling out whenever somebody gives me crumbs and then I regret it and like. Soft ghost them? I recently ditched a group of friends and while I feel guilty about it I was in a kind of codependent relationship with one of them and I needed out. I tried to force myself to be more open and loving and shit but I was totally repulsed by myself and them by the end of it. Anyway if I could just like, have a good friend and feel comfortable with them and Mean It that would be pretty sweet. Unsure if I’m aromantic or just scared of vulnerability and commitment of any kind. I want to be helpful and cool and reciprocal to the people I care about but I feel like I’m lacking in anything I could use to help them- they always need something I can’t give them. When I help it starts coming off as patronizing.
What do i value:
My inner world is what’s keeping me alive. See in there I'm not really obligated to bend to expectations (which are usually pretty reasonable I think, I just don’t like them) and I can live out the fantasy of Being Loved without needing to be vulnerable. They’re in my head of course they know me I don’t need to tell them anything. Politics are important but I mostly listen to other people talk about it. I'm really burnt out with the state of the world. I think finding some kind of reason to live and love in the meaninglessness of it all is really really important, I'm just bad at it. I just kinda wanna live in the abstract and undefinable because everything is like that, but people have to put things into categories and words to understand them. Having a body to take care of and whatnot is a curse. I honestly forget I have one because i’m so zoned into whatever it is that I'm thinking about.
Ideal self:
In an ideal world I get over all of my pseudo intellectual bs and just like. Feel my feelings. Enjoy being with people and making little trinkets. I might actually be less aware of what other people think of me and I could just say things without feeling like every bit of it was silly or pointless. I would be able to accept positive feedback instead of thinking everybody was lying to me. I’d also understand on a fundamental level that other people are real, actual, intelligent beings and we just communicate very differently. If I could be comfortable in my place in the world and not panic because it doesn’t matter I’d celebrate that instead. Nothing matters but with sunglasses this time. In theory every little thing means something, but sometimes I don’t need to know what it means, Y’know? Knowing just puts more weight on my shoulders and makes me an anxious goddamn wreck. I would be able to take action without other people nagging me to do something with myself.
Bonus stuff that I think is relevant:
I’m scared shitless of most “voidy” stuff, like the dark and just like, the concept of oblivion. My worst fear is my mind completely slipping off into nothing. Caves, oceans, etc- they all scare me. I considered space for a long time because of my creativity but I literally have sensory processing disorder and while I think a space player who lacks spatial awareness is funny I don't think that’s all that viable. I think I have a lot of knight hallmarks but really I'm way too outwardly cowardly and self serving to think I deserve that title? Idk im just spitballing now i'm so sorry for ranting.
Thanks for reading my doomer bs - 🏳️‍⚧️🎃♊️
Hello! No need to apologize for the length, the more you tell me the more accurate I'll (hopefully) be :)
Aspects: Mind, Heart, Doom
Classes: Prince, Knight, Page, Mage
Out of these I think either Prince of Mind or Knight of Heart suits you best! But Page of Doom and Mage of Mind might be ones to consider too
I hope this was helpful! And I hope you're doing well :)
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