#also i headcanon that spock just thinks hes ace
robbiedaymonds · 1 year
i find it hilarious (and vindicating) that spock has gotten The Most™ on screen in snw
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professional-termite · 6 months
What character/s from Star Trek do you see as Asexual or Aromantic or AroAce?
oohohohoho THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTION ANON!! ive got quite a few of these so buckle up
i think ive talked about this on discord before, idk if ive ever posted about it, but aroallo bi worf is so real. to me.
also data is aroace (and in a qpr with geordi but thats not what were talking about rn)
tos spock is def asexual and aromantic for the most part, ive always seen him as grey aroace gay (snw spock is a completely different thing and i dont even really consider them the same character 💀💀)
also aromantic scotty is very dear to me. he loves his ship and no one else and hes very very aro because i said so
ive always seen q as ace on some level, although i dont think hed identify as anything other than queer if he identified as anything at all
idk if ive talked about this ever actually but ive always seen deanna troi and william riker as a qpr or a fwb situation and ive headcanoned both of them as arospec and polyam for a while now
im probably gonna have more once ive watched ds9 and voy so just. be prepared for more aspec hcs
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chekovs-merkin · 1 year
a (draft) list of every time Mr. Spock had an interaction that might be construed as romantic
*this version will be deleted when (if) i fix this list up with some gifs and screenshots*
so, i have decided to compile some independent evidence on a few points that have been in (more than usual) contention lately in the fandom. my focus, as always, is tos. this one is a bit more controversial in that while i very much understand and respect that many fans see Spock as gay and/or ace, i personally feel like there's canon evidence for his being bi/pan and interested on the segs even outside of Pon Farr.
my interpretation is that both spock and kirk are bi/pan, though kirk has a marked preference towards women (see the rodenberry footnote. the love of his life just turned out not to be one. and he wouldn't have it any other way) and spock leans towards men (an interpretation not backed up statistically by the list, but who cares). again, this is my opinion, and the beauty of fandom is that it's in the eye of the beholder.
previously i made a draft list of the evidence for kirk being into men (excepting spirk evidence) in tos. the goal is to have one on all of the references to chapel's feelings for spock too, but that will be more work so maybe in a few days? never trust any promises i make on this blog
three important disclaimers before we begin: kirk, chapel and uhura will not be featured.
the reasons being, in kirk's case... *gestures vaguely at the entirety of tos*; in chapel's because i intend to go into her feelings for spock and how he reacts to them on-screen separately; and in uhura's because iirc there's only one instance of her flirting with him outside of their duets (where it can be construed as part of the performance), and it's not only in the beginning of the series, where it might be seen as Early Installment Weirdness, but also in The Naked Time, the episode where everyone goes crazy. also, uhura flirts with Everyone in this show, and i say good for her.
but enough with the preambles and on with the list:
the what the fuck?!? ones:
Leila Kalomi (This Side of Paradise) - this episode is baffling to me -- did spock and leila have something going on in the past that he ended because logic and rejection of humanity and putting starfleet first? or was it one-sided? spock says it was the first time he ever felt happy, but he acts so antithetically to who and what spock is that i personally find it hard to believe. maybe he just thought that was how happiness felt, and later on he discovers he was wrong (moments like the end of Amok Time, "this simple feeling", the beginning of WoK etc.). anyways cool motive, still drug-facilitated s.a.. big fan of sex pollen fics and that quote spock says about self-made purgatories though
T'Pring (Amok Time) - going strictly by the episode, vulcan biology... the biology of vulcans made spock want her, but he feels humiliated by the loss of logic. her reasons for not wanting him are two-fold: she simply likes stonn better (in that roundabout way vulcans admit to feelings), and she doesn't want to marry an absentee living legend, which, fair. the fact that spock's not a full vulcan must play some part in it too. but there's plenty left for interpretation. they are distant at the moment, but have they always been? how long has she been into stonn? why did they not divorce more amicably previously? i could go on forever, but i this is already too long. point being, even if it doesn't gel with my personal headcanon, there's nothing really wrong with snw's interpretation of this relationship.
the lighter ones:
Romulan Commander (The Enterprise Incident) - this woman is My Commander. I would follow her to the ends of the galaxy for the imagery she has blessed my eyes with. this being said, i think the important bit here is their conversation in the turbolift at the end. spock is not one to lie out of politeness. he could have said nothing, but he used those contorted phrases of his to imply he was a willing participant, and liked it. and she picks up what he puts down. also at some point kirk complains spock is taking too long and it cuts to them in her quarters, implying that spock got kinda into it (also, jealous, jimmy?)
Kollos (Is There No Truth in Beauty?) - this one's debatable, but i'd argue there was some attraction there, in a brainy way. smart is sexy, and all. dr. jones certainly thought so, from her reactions
Adam (The Way to Eden) - Pacifist Discount Roger Daltrey Hippie Musician In A Monokini Seduces Rebellious Vulcan was the tabloid headline
Droxine (The Cloud Minders) - insert cringey line about extreme female beauty. how the seven-year cycle became public knowledge given the drama of amok time is a mystery to me. the attraction flew out of the window real quick when the planet's situation made itself know though. anyway i shipped her with vanna.
Zarabeth (All Our Yesterdays) - i... don't get how logic can be time-locked? is the st universe secretly like a civ game? takes me out of this episode way too much. anyways he almost went full warrior vulcan and stayed in the past with her
the meme ones:
The Computer (The Ultimate Computer) - mccoy said it best.
Surak (The Savage Curtain) - spock, he's your ancestor! and at this point any intellectual crush is pretty quickly superseded by how thirsty he is for That Human Booty Intuition
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I think part of the reason Morpheus is often headcanoned as asexual in this fandom is a combination of people projecting (which is totally valid) and that there's a significant portion of the fandom who hasn't read the comics and only has the show to go off of. In my opinion, in the show he does have strong ace vibes. Much less so in the comics, but it's a lot easier to headcanon a character as ace when your first introduction to them gives you strong ace vibes. So there's probably a good number of people who still headcanon him ace even after reading the comics.
Personally, I just headcanon him as queer. My reason being that if you have a being that is basically the subconsious of all humanity averaged together, the odds of that person being straight is probably low.
As for there being discourse on his sexuality in the fandom: if there is discourse, I've missed it. Though there very well could be discourse on a side of the fandom I'm not in.
This is an interesting viewpoint bearing in mind I have been discussing the exact opposite opinion in a separate post in which we theorised that the show has played up Morpheus' sexual allure...
Without wanting to overspeak here, as someone who is not asexual and therefore cannot speak for that community, I think it is part of a wider cultural thing within fandom that people who are queer and in particular asexual and/or aromantic, tend to relate and imprint rather heavily on characters who tend to be non-human. I think there is probably an interesting psychoanalytical reason for this but its probably a bit too deep of a topic for me to tackle on a Sunday evening.
Dream is just the latest in a whole batch of non-human characters that often get depicted as asexual in their fandoms. I'm thinking characters like Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens, Castiel from Supernatural, The Doctor from Doctor Who, Spock from Star Trek, to name a few.
I can therefore understand why fandom may view Dream this way, even though canonically it isn't technically the case. I don't think there is any harm in it persay, though I think fandoms need to be careful about constantly headcanoning non human characters as ace because what does that say about real asexual humans? Asexuality is a human characteristic at the end of the day, and I wonder if this is just the latest in the trend of queer people in general being made inhuman and "monstrous" which goes all the way back to old hollywood monster movies.
I personally don't pick up any ace vibes from Morpheus in the show. I'm not really sure what I would be looking for regarding "ace vibes" anyway because its just simply a lack of sexual attraction, and I think both episode 6 and episode 11 make it quite clear he experiences sexual attraction, at least in my opinion and interpretation. If its his inhuman element that makes him appear asexual I'll be honest I find that a bit problematic, and I would ask asexual fans to also look internally as to the reasons why they associate inhuman qualities as asexual qualities. Of course if there are qualities he is presenting that can be compared to a lived asexual experience which don't relate to his inhuman nature at all then that is different, and I would like to know more about that since it is an interpretation I do not see and would like to read about.
My viewpoint is that he is quite a sexual character even in the show, and I thought this before I threw myself into the comics and audiobook. Other than episode 1, in which the show does a wonderful job of not sexualising or objectifying him outside of maybe Alex's gay awakening, even though he is completely naked throughout, once he has his clothes back on the show leans into the sexual chemistry he has with every single cast member to the point that its basically an in-fandom joke that Dream is a bit of a slut (affectionate).
Even in the cast interviews, this "Dream is a slut" viewpoint was already known about and acknowledged (thank you Kirby and Mason) so its not exactly a secret that the show is playing up the sexual elements even if currently they remain in subtext. Personally I doubt they will remain in subtext for very long and I think future episodes will quite likely lean into Dream's sexual allure and bring it more into the forefront. I am very curious about how they will adapt Tales in the Sand for instance, which is the only time in the comics that Dream has sex within the panels rather than "off the page" and since that version of Dream won't be portrayed by Tom Sturridge, I do wonder if maybe the show will decide to give us more Dream sex scenes - there is certainly an opportunity to bring Calliopes praises to life in the "show don't tell" manner, and we have yet to discover what they are gonna do with the Thessaly situation, or whether the intense sexual chemistry he had with Johanna Constantine will come to fruition.
I also can't not bring up Dreamling fandom here, because if my experience in Dreamling fandom has taught me anything about the general fandom opinion of Dream, its that the show has clearly encouraged an interpretation of Dream where he wants to climb Hob Gadling like a tree. Fandom hasn't giffed that particular smoldering heated gaze from 1789 20million times for no reason. They giffed it 20million times because it is fucking HOT and sexual and arousing and is the first indication we have in the entire show that Dream himself experiences sexual arousal - because he sure as hell looks aroused in that scene.
As always YMMV and everyone is gonna have different opinions and interpretations and they are all valid in their own ways. I dunno if there is actual discourse I just saw a few comments and wondered if there was. If it helps I also headcanon him as queer, because I think heterosexual is a much smaller limited box to try to shove such a grand and unknowable concept into. I doubt a creature such as Dream would ever limit himself to only one specific type of being, even if that is all the comics were willing to show us of his sexual and romantic history.
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negative-speedforce · 8 months
Spock and Iris for the headcanons ask thing :)
1: sexuality headcanon
Spock is an asexual gay man. He's too gay with Kirk to be anything but, and I say he's ace because I'm ace and I like Spock
I'd say Iris is like... heteroflexible? Like she's pretty much straight, but she's played around with girls before.
2: otp
Spirk is definitely one of my OTPs of all time, not just for Star Trek.
Westhallen Westhallen Westhallen-
3: brotp
Spock and McCoy. They're so horrible I love them.
I love how Iris and Kamilla bounce off each other so perfectly they're awesome.
4: notp
Spock/La'an. Idk, I think it's mostly because I headcanon Spock as gay and La'an as a lesbian, I just don't really like it.
EoIris isn't a ship I'll ever ship, but I think the concept of it is fascinating. I might read a fic for it if it's like a character study thing or something, but it's not my personal cup of tea.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Spock has the Vulcan equivalent of autism. Like, he's not just "like that" because he's Vulcan, he's also hella autistic.
Iris, being Barry's childhood best friend, was probably pretty sad when Nora Allen died bc that was her friend's mom who she probably grew up around
6: favorite line from this character
"I have been, and always shall be your friend"
"No, Barry, you're not The Flash- we are."
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Iris and me both have an inquisitive spirit and a serious case of "curiosity killed the cat"
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The way Spock it portrayed in some forms of nuTrek. Some writers just don't get him. He's not different because he's half human, he's different because he was treated different as a kid.
Low key the fandom racism and misogyny towards Iris? Not a good look. Ew.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Both of them are cinnamon rolls. Yes, even Spock.
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hummiscellanea · 1 year
My Unpopular Opinion(s)
putting my life into my hands and talking about my opinion on the Shipping Discourse in star trek. (specifically SNW) man i wish that means "which ship is the coolest" and not what it actually is about
I don't ship Kirk and Spock. (K/S, spirk, whatever you want to call it)
Hey, I love TOS more than the next guy! And yes I know and respect the ship's history. It was groundbreaking. It invented slash. I completely understand why people ship it, and why it's so important to so many people. I get the appeal; I'm definitely not saying that it's wrong to ship it. But I am a bit annoyed with the lack of other readings on here.
Like guys, Kirk has relationships with women. That doesn't preclude being attracted to men, mind you! But let's not forget that. Here's some examples: Edith Keeler, Miramanee, Carol Marcus. He had a child with two of those! (This isn't an argument against the K/S ship. It's just that I see people say that it's wrong for SNW Kirk to be attracted to women, which bothers me.) Also I happen to like La'an and Kirk in SNW; it's a rare romantic relationship that I found myself invested in. (La'an my beloved <3) I don't think it should be a long-term endgame thing, I just think it's cute.
Anyway. Spock. Spock, Spock, Spock. It seems that everyone (or at least every TOS girlie) has very charged, very personal feelings about Spock. Including me. (the blorbo of all time <3 <3 <3) He's a rare ace icon (with an asterisk of course). And that's canon (see TMP novelization, the famous Roddenberry Footnote). I also see him as an aro icon, though that one is definitely up for debate. My aro headcanon is the main reason I don't ship K/S, and it's not an uncommon take! I'll leave it at that for my Spock Opinions for now.
Kirk and Spock's dynamic is so so important to me. They are so (imagine a page full of heart emojis)!! It can be hard to put it into words. They're soulmates, besties for the ages. A bond that transcends space and time. Then your first best destiny is to be by my side! Let me help!! The Motion Picture, which is literally about the power of love!!! How could I ever be normal about them? And if you say that a romantic relationship is the only explanation for their closeness then I will vaporize you with my laser eyes.
Some of the SNW K/S discourse is just odd to me. Why do you want them to be together anyway (besides as a nod to the pairing's historical importance both in and out of Star Trek)? It's famously a slow burn! It takes many years and movies to develop it, which is part of what makes it so great in my opinion. Why would you want to undermine that to do a love-at-first-sight type story? That would only cheapen the characters. Do we really want a The Motion Picture type plot, but years earlier and not as good? (TMP my beloved <3)
As for the Spapel and T'pring discourse? yeeeeeeeah, still not touching that. I do have opinions, though.
One thing the K/S shippers are saying a lot about SNW is that not acknowledging K/S is queerbaiting, or at least being painfully straight. I'm not sure I'm qualified to decide if it is or not. I guess I can see that criticism, especially when compared to Discovery. Eh, but it could also be worse?
Man I hate shipping discourse. And shipping culture. To quote Sonic:
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...besides, we all know who's the real love of James T. Kirk's life. She's a tall lady named Enterprise.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Spock Amok SNW Speculation
I’ve seen previews clips for the next episode of SNW, Spock Amok.
Something tells me they’re going to imply or make it about (not really retcon, the dialogue dances around the whole concept in TOS) the fact that Amok Time was not Spock’s first Pon Farr.
Inevitably this will involve Spock’s chemistry/history with T’Pring, and Chapel’s thing for Spock. Just like Amok Time does.
I also feel, inevitably, this fandom is going to absolutely shit themselves with the obsession with Spock being gay and/or ace and no other possible queer identity. I’m not talking about people who acknowledge their projecting, I’m talking about people who enforce their headcanon’s as fact). I also understand if you recognize you’re projecting but are upset that you have less grounds in the text to do so because new story elements “disprove” or reduce the affirmation you felt when you initially connected with a character. Y’all are fine, and that’s not what I’m referring to.
I also, unfortunately, expect a lot of vitriol toward T’Pring and Chapel’s actresses considering what happened previously. I’m emotionally preparing for biphobia as well.
I’m bracing myself for fans to act as though the relationships he has with those female characters are inconvenient, narratively worthless, even gross, and somehow detract from the relationship he has with Kirk later. Despite the fact that Kirk’s promiscuity or previous marriage to Carol Danvers doesn’t have anybody screaming about the sullying of Kirk’s identity or the legitimacy of his queerness, canon or subtextual.
I stand by what I said when people were being rude about T’Pring and her actress when her casting and the amount of SNW episodes she’d be in were announced.
Spock has no confirmed or denied sexuality in this current iteration of Trek. He could be bi or pan, it would not detract from his character arc lending itself well to a struggle with queerness.
Spock having relationships prior to the transcendent bond he has with James Kirk does not lessen the subtextual queerness and their relationship TOS and it’s subsequent films. If Kirk can be a bi icon and have exes but currently be in an mlm romance, so can Spock.
I hope I am wrong about the fan reaction. Now here’s an opinion that might be unpopular.
Honestly, given what shots we’ve seen, the sacred grounds where Kalifee takes place, and Chapel giving Spock a hug. I can think of one thing that would lessen the qualms I have with Chapel in the original series. As well as enrich Spock’s struggle with identity and the relationship he ends up forging with Kirk.
If she and Spock had any kind of previous relationship beyond just flirting, even if it was circumstantial and fleeting. It would obviously be over as far as Spock was concerned by TOS, and it would explain her obvious longing and struggle with boundaries had they been together in any way before then.
Because she’s certainly in love with him and he clearly has a mixed reaction to it, pushing her away, apologizing to her, confiding in her in Amok Time. It would make it less creepy stalker chasing a disinterested prospect on Chapel’s part, and more like someone who has to work with a person they love but can’t have (whether anymore is an addendum remains to be seen) and struggling to keep themselves from disrespecting that. Now THAT, I feel, would make things interesting and give more relationship depth to what we see on screen in TOS.
But that’s just me *shrugs*
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uss-genderprise · 3 years
hello im gay im trans and i love star trek time for some fucking headcanon drawings lets goooo
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first, bi kirk. i am not the first to say this. i will not be the last. this is not an original thought. Let Jim Kirk Be Bi.
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enby spock, brought on mostly by the amount of times that spock says something along the lines of "nor am i a man. im a vulcan." also gender isn't logical fuck you
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ace bones. bones Does Not fuck. also he's demiromantic. i will die on this hill.
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AAA battery scotty, because the only one scotty loves in the enterprise
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gay man sulu. this is canon i don't even have to explain myself with this
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lesbian uhura my beloved. she's so cool. she's just so cool. i'd say it's cause she kissed chapel that one time but honestly it's just cause she's cool and i love her
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pangender chekov. chekov collects genders and uses any and all pronouns. whenever someone asks chekov what zir gender is xe gives a different answer. my favourite chekov gender is none pizza with left beef
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pan chapel. idk why honestly, can't really explain it. i just think she gets it, y'know? chapel gets it. she's pan.
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lithosexual rand. basically no one knows of this sexuality but this is it. this is the one. this is rand and she's valid for it
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and of course, last but definitely not least, the enterprise is a beautiful trans woman and i would die for her
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gayboymint · 2 years
for the character ask: 1) harry stone and 2) choose any star trek character
First impression: harry anderson character unlocked brain go brrrr. goofy, funny, very deep and wise.
Impression now: HARRY STONE BRAIN GO BRRRR. he's my best friend, he's my homeboy, my rotten little soldier, my sweet cheese, etc etc. fr though like!!! thisguy! we both love the 40s vibes. we both don't get romantic cues. we both want low drama but lots of fun in everything. we're besties.
Favorite moment: no there's too many. all of them. ('mac can i have a pony ride')
Idea for a story: ok so 1) harry fully adopts leon instead of just fostering until the couple adopts him. 2) these ones could go either way, like if harry had adopted him or not. i AM very fond of leon still coming to harry for stuff after he's been adopted. so either way, take it as you like BUT ANYWAY harry teaching leon how to drive and leon coming out to harry and through that, harry realizes he is also queer. like he's a GOOD judge and obvi not homophobic, but he realizes through this wonderful young person he has a deep connection to, that he has a lot of internalized queerphobia and he also is queer! and then he tells leon and they like happy cry together and get ice-cream or something.
Unpopular opinion: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh idk i don't think i have one
Favorite relationship: how am i supposed to chose. how. no. ok wait i forget the lady's name, but the episode where he dates a witch!!! that was cute and i think it would have been great if they had been able to work it out and he still dated a witch. like. that just seems fun, i like the potential of that.
Favorite headcanon: he's bi. he's ace. he's aro.
First impression: oh gender?
Impression now: ok i just rewatched the 2009 reboot and ok chris pine bi awakening GOODNIGHT. THAT SAID. I adore this compassionate, loving, slut for everything but like in a kind, nuturing, loving way, slutty man. he (especially tos jim) is actually such a good masculine role model!!! i hate the toxic masculine rep Jim Kirk has in society bc it is so far from the truth!!! I hate the patriarchy. Jim Kirk hates the patriarchy. fuck. anyway i wanna be like him. him good.
Favorite moment: every time he rips his shirt, i fucking. god. again, role model, bi awakening, it's also funny. i know there's some like Moments tm but i need to get my grubby little gay hands on a streaming service, pirate service, dvd, SMTH to rewatch.
Idea for a story: ummmmm the doctor from dw takes me on an adventure and we land on the enterprise and jim kirk and i fall in love *tucks hair behind my ear in cringe* *peace sign* jk that would be fun but tbh i want a cute story about uhura teaching kirk some kind of specific dance before he takes spock on a date on a planet. uhura is also teaching spock the same dance. it's specifically from that planet and both are trying to impress each other but neither of them are very good at the dance so when they're actually on the date they keep tripping over each other until spock falls on top of kirk and spock pulls some romantic bullshit like 'clearly neither of us are accustomed to this culture but...' [ he looks at jim's lips, then back to his eyes, jim's heart is beating out of his chest. they're so close that spock CAN in fact feel it] 'i am familiar with... earth customs' AND BOOM SPOCK KISSES JIM. IT'S TENDER AND SOFT AND FULL OF LOVE AND JIM IS SO OVERWHELMED AND GETS SO LIGHTHEADED THAT HE ACTUALLY FAINTS BC HE'S A FUCKING NERD AND SPOCK PANICKS AND BONES IS LIKE 'oh my god u fucking dumb asses' and jim explains to spock that he fainted bc he was so overwhelmed and he loves spock so much more than anything or anyone and it meant so much that spock feels the same way sakjdhdguahslifdkuyfjshdkusgfsjkhfsljdhf;kausgldf
Unpopular opinion: he's not a womanizer, but that's not too unpopular here on tumblr
Favorite relationship: girl help there's TOO MANY! i feel like bones and spock are too easy an answer, so like. my favorite non-mcspirk relationship is probably with scotty? like they are Besties and i love to see it.
Favorite headcanon: i don't remember any i've seen but personally, I headcanon that he likes dirt cups. like the cups of pudding, crushed up cookies, and gummy worms.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 4 years
Can I say as an aroace that I need more arospec and acespec representation. And I found Star Trek. So here are my arospec and acespec headcanons!
Jim is demiromantic or quoiromantic- 1. Because I say so and 2. People say he falls in love too easily but what he portrays on screen is more sexual attraction and platonic attraction combined with some of those good ol' ethics that make him help the person
Spock is greysexual or demisexual- Just because of both S1 Ep7 "Mudd's Women", S2 Ep 8 "I, Mudd," and S2 Ep14 "Wolf in the Fold," where he shows no sign of any sexual attraction to anyone! I'm also open to asexual Spock but I think that Jim is the exception for him
Bones is demisexual- Look, this may conflict with my previous idea of him and Jim having a casual thing (sex) in the Academy but I consulted my demisexual friend @tophatcat459 and she said that if they had a close enough bond them maybe he would. So I know that demisexuality needs a strong bond to experience sexual attraction and for most it's a strong romantic attraction but maybe Bones is different? Also he has a crush on Jim in the Academy so that could help?
Scotty is Asexual- It's simple, he cares too much about engines to care about sex
Sulu is Asexual- He goes to a planet where anything he wants can he realised, where people get love interests and he gets a gun. That's a mood so he's ace.
Chekov is Aromantic- Simon Pegg said in an interview when he was writing Beyond (I think) that Chekov is just horny, so he's aro
Uhura and Christine are both allo but they're very understanding
Also amatronormativity is no longer a thing and most of the crew who are friends hug and cuddle and have platonic intimacy with no one asking if they're a couple okay?
As you can see this is just my own needs projected onto Star Trek so I hope you enjoyed this look into my brain!
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lenievi · 3 years
re: this post, or rather the scene (I don’t want to reblog it because I don’t like this episode and I prefer not to have episodes I don’t like on my blog lol)
as someone who occasionally headcanons spock as aroace (but I don’t like to use the label for Vulcans because 1. it’s complicated 2. there are specifics that are only relevant to Spock and not to Sarek for example, but as a whole I hc that Vulcans experience attraction differently from allosexual humans), I’m always a bit miffed when people insists that spock can’t be aroace (for whatever reasons; aro or ace, not necessarily both, I’m just smashing it together because it’s easier for this post) because that scene exists (so thx op, who will never see this, for pointing it out)
(I don’t care what your headcanons are, but I care if you become dismissive of other people’s headcanons because that’s not cool, especially since people act dismissive of aroace hcs all the time in all fandoms, but it’s especially frustrating in the trek fandom and with spock)
to be clear, I don’t dislike mccoy’s monologue, I dislike the episode as a whole and I’m like WTF at Spock’s highly dubious use of his telepathy that people for some reason tend to romanticize (while making McCoy into some bad guy)
(the fact that another reading of this scene is mccoy kind of subtly manipulating spock with his speech into making kirk forget is also a bit uhm but... i do not dislike this reading in its entirety. "If only I could forget.” -> “I do wish he could forget her.” -> “Forget.” But I prefer to pretend this episode doesn’t exist lol)
Anyway, my point is that in addition to that scene that could be a basis for ‘look this is why I hc spock as aroace’ (or just aro, whichever floats your boat), there’s also this from The Conscience of the King
SPOCK: It was illogical for him to bring those players aboard. MCCOY: Illogical? Did you get a look at that Juliet? That's a pretty exciting creature. Of course, your personal chemistry would prevent you from seeing that. Did it ever occur to you that he simply might like the girl? SPOCK: It occurred. I dismissed it. MCCOY: You would.
which is another strong point towards a possible aroace hc for spock
1. mccoy’s comment about spock’s personal chemistry (i.e. he does not experience attraction, therefore he wouldn’t notice)
2. mccoy’s ‘you would’ - of course he would dismiss it if he didn’t experience (sexual) attraction/love
(obviously the most ‘correct’ (whatever that even means because everyone can interpret scenes however they want) for spock’s “It occurred. I dismissed it.” is basically the fact that spock knows that kirk is by the book guy and would never just do something like inviting a group of actors to their ship IF he didn’t have a good reason. he just doesn’t understand the reason yet. and going against regulations just because “he might simply like the girl” isn’t in character for james kirk [no matter what the fandom thinks these days])
this post is a mess (i literally just wrote stuff without thinking so i’m sorry about that), but i’ve been a bit miffed about people saying aphobic stuff in relation to spock for over a year now (and people acting as if the notion was absolutely out of nowhere just because they think spock f*cks (and other reasons) - I have news, being aroace doesn’t mean you can’t or don’t)
anyway I love The Conscience of the King and I love this scene between Spock and McCoy, it’s one of the scenes I rewatch when I need to remind myself how they act around each other
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doppelnatur · 3 years
18 & 11? 😊
💜 what fictional characters do you headcanon as asexual?
I think Skully and Mulder are both aro ace but Skully is like sad about her aromanticism while Mulder is sometimes overcompensating with sex jokes he also thinks are uncomfortable. I think Sisko is technically asexual but doesn't really claim it as an identity. Ezri is an ace lesbian❤️ Garrak isn't ace but sometimes says it when he thinks it will do to explain his utilitarian spy relationship to sex. Also data and spock! I also think the entire WOLF359 crew is ace. Hera had a choice about it.
What's your favorite part about being asexual?
I think it's reconsidering what makes relationships important, as well as what raises a relationship's status in the eyes of the ppl around you, what I want from a partner, the boundaries I'm allowed to set, not feeling like I'll ever have to do anything I don't want to just because it's the norm. That kind of thing. ❤️
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blackcat2907 · 3 years
for your "send me a character" ask:
bruce wayne/batman
your fave from star trek (ik nothing about the show and i wanna know more about it lol)
blake belladonna (i vaguely remember her being my fave when i watched rwby. few to no major spoilers [like major plot twists] pls, i plan on rewatching it soon; more minor spoilers are chill tho)
you don't have to do all of these but i wanna hear/read you infodump! :)
Yay! Thank you so much for asking!
Bruce Wayne
Favorite Thing About Him: He is a badass who has zero powers and still is one of the most feared heroes and one of the most respected heroes. Not to mention even he fears Alfred.
Least Favorite Thing About Him: The way he treated Dick Grayson and Jason Todd. He would literally hit Dick, killed him at one point, drove him to insanity, and forced him to dig his own grave. (All are from different comic runs) I hate how he treats Jason. I mean, he best Jason to near death in RHATO #25 because he shot a blank at Penguin. Seriously, if Roy hadn't shown up, Jason could have actually died. Not to mention the fact Bruce slit his throat.
My Favorite Canon Ship: This is a close call, but I have to say Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. I love their relationship, and they almost got married. I would've said Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul, but we all know why I didn't. Talia drugged Bruce.
Favorite Non-Canon Ship: I really liked Bruce and Diana (Wonder Woman). They would make a cute couple. Plus, Diana is Jason's favorite League member.
Sexuality I Headcanon Him As: Probably Pansexual. I'm not sure why, but I think it would be cool to have him Pansexual.
What I'd do if I could Spend a Day With Him: I would definitely help Jason steal the Batmobile and just annoy Bruce with his kids.
Random Fact I like about Him: He is a "work alone" hero, yet he has the Robins, Nightwing, Red Hood, Outsiders, Birds of Prey, Gotham Sirens, Azrael, Blue Bird, Batgirl, Oracle, and so many more.
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Pavel Chekov (AOS)
My Favorite Thing About Him: He is so adorable! I love him. He's insanely smart, and he is the incarnation of a puppy.
My Least Favorite Thing About Him: It's not technically his character, but he got so little screentime! My boi deserves more!
Favorite Canon Ship: I don't think he has one...
Favorite Non-Canon Ship: The AOS Chekov is around 17 in the first movie. I really don't ship him with anyone. However, I love his platonic relationships with Scotty, Sulu, Kirk, Spock, Bones, and Uhura.
Sexuality I headcanon Him As: I honestly see him as either Ace or Bisexual. Probably both.
What I'd do if I could Spend a Day with him: Explore the Enterprise and just have fun with him. I'd ask him questions about how he felt about being the Youngest Starfleet member, and I'd give him a hug.
Random Fact I like About Him: He is Russian and I love his accent.
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Blake Belladonna
My Favorite Thing About Her: She is the quiet one, and also a voice of reason. She is a Faunus, and in RWBY, Faunus are majorly discriminated against. At first, she hid her Faunus ears, but she embraced her Faunus traits and is now trying to help other Faunus.
My Least Favorite Thing About Her: I hate how the show is pushing her from being a quiet, badass girl, to a badass girl who blushes at everything her crush does.
Favorite Canon Ship: Black Sun. Shoot me, I don't care. I'm not a huge fan of Bumbleby. Sorry.
Favorite Non-Canon Ship: Blake and Ilia. It's sort of canon, but my quite, and I think they could be a cute couple.
Sexuality I Headcanon Her As: Lesbian all the way.
What I'd Do if I Could Spend a Day with Her: I would hug her and tell her everything is going to be okay. I'd also love to just go on an adventure with her.
Random Fact I Like About Her: I love how when we first met her she was a huge reader. I, myself, am a huge fan of books, and I love how CRWBY made her a book lover.
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fictionandtheatre · 4 years
for the character ask meme: spock or kirk!
I’ll do Kirk, since I think I scream my thoughts about Spock every other day on here.
1: sexuality headcanon: pansexual, although u know me, I love a good ace headcanon where I can get ‘em. 2: otp: Spirk, the original, the undefeated, the owner of my ass 3: brotp: Kirk/McCoy is great, and I really love in fanfics when we get a good Kirk/Uhura dynamic too! 4: notp: obviously all the comp-het nonsense from canon. I really hate Kirk/Rand together, and whoever made that post suggesting Kirk and Harry Mudd might have hooked up, I’m filing a formal complaint with my lawyers /j. 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: I still love the fact that there’s canonically a bowling alley on the ship, so I bet Kirk really enjoys going bowling in his free time. I think he’s probably bad at it, but he just enjoys the company. He always invites new crewmembers to the senior staff bowling night. (I also think that Spock is hilariously good at bowling, but that’s another conversation).  6: favorite line from this character: In Charlie X: “You go slow. You be gentle. I mean, it’s not a one-way street, you know, how you feel and that’s all. It’s how the girl feels too. Don’t press, Charlie. If the girl feels anything for you at all, you’ll know it.” first episode i watched, and moment i fell in love with kirk’s character. 7: one way in which I relate to this character: i would also probably fight as wildly and inefficiently as kirk does tbh 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: he’s just such a fucking goof. all that jumping over things. putting his hands on his hips like a disgruntled dad. when he’s like hey mister you...stop that. such a dork. 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: lovely buttery cinnamon roll of a man.
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scaredandbored · 4 years
no one asked but here are my sexuality hc for the star treks i’ve watched so far ok here we go (also obviously just my own headcanons feel free to ignore em please dont yell at me lmao)
kirk - bi, baby!
spock - gay gay gay gay
bones - bi, but like, he uses it as a sort of ‘if i tell you about this you are now my closest friend’ kind of way (no i’m not projecting stfu)
sulu - ,,,,gay
chekov - pan
uhura - emmmm,, most days i’m like “that’s a Lesbian right there” but every now and again i’m like “nah she’s pan”
chapel - LESBIAN (suffering for compulsive heterosexuality and Bad Writing)
m’benga - Tired Pansexual
scotty - ,,,,,aro ace
kirk - pan
spock - pan
bones - pan
uhura - pan
chekov - pan
carol - pan
scotty - panromantic asexual
sulu - gay
picard - bi
beverly - bi
riker - bi
deanna - bi
geordie - pan
data - gay
ogawa - pan
q - attracted to picard. that’s the only non-omnipotent being he’s been attracted to ever.
worf - pan, but like,,, Disaster Pan
o brien - ok so he THINKS he’s straight (because i hc him as straight while watching tng, but watching ds9 he’s definitely a Bi In Denial)
keiko - pan
ds9 (ive seen like six episodes so cut me some slack)
sisko - pan. he has the vibes. 
kira - lesbian. lil lesbean. smol angry lesbob.
dax - pan 
o’brien - bi. he has realised he is bi now. 
keiko - still pan and still laughing at her husband’s obliviousness
odo - he’s attracted to quark, but fuck if he knows in what way. probably aro ace, but who fucking knows? not him
quark - pan, no i will not explain
julian - bi bi bi
garek (idk if thats his name ive met him once. im talking about the fashion lizard) - gay
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gender-snatched · 4 years
I remember that you made a post on Star Trek sexuality headcanons but I'm too lazy to scroll through your blog to find them but I want to know them
Yea my phone glitches if I scroll to too far so I'm just gonna recreate it (someone go like all my first Star Trek memes so I can see them again)
Jim - pan, and while I enjoy trans ftm, it isnt my major headcanon
Spock - TOS is gay, and probably acespec. AOS is either bi or gay with internalized homophobia.
Bones - I dont know, but he isnt straight. Bi, maybe? I think I put bi on that post, but I cant make up my mind with him.
Nyota - pan
Scotty - aroace or demiromantic ace
Pavel - bi, and also trans with the same terms as trans Jim.
Hikaru - gay.
Christine - bi
T'Pring - lesbian
Jaylah - wlw asexual
Pike - pan
Amanda - bi
And I've watched some TNG and Enterprise so have some headcanon from there!
Data - gay
Tasha - gay
Geordi - bi
Dr Crusher - bi
Deanna - pan
T'Pol - pan
Reed - gay
Trip - bi
Travis - IDK but not straight
Hoshi - lesbian
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