#also i know why. its a kids book. and you kinda dont want to imply that your child protagonist kinda killed someone
low-budget-korra · 7 months
Comments on Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender
*spoiler alert*
First of all I'm gonna start by saying it is one of the best adaptations I've seen so far. And that's the key word, adaptation. I've seen a lot of fans and others complain about some things that honestly, doesn't make sense because some things only work in a cartoon(just as much as some things only work in a book or a video game)
And before I start to talk about some topics that I judge important, I also wanna say that the production is fantastic, from the costumes to the CGI. It all looks amazing. (A part from Yue's wig)
1. The Script
It's not easy to pick 20+ episodes and make it fit in only 8 but damn they did a hell of a good job, especially when judging what was important to show and what they could let it go. Some fans commented that since there's no fillers, the Gaang and others miss some development but I think that for the universe of the live action what we got here it worked.
I can express how much I like to see Ozai and Azula's relationship and how it is now clear that he uses the siblings against each other, manipulating them to get what he wants. But I will admit I miss the fear Azula had, since it's implied in the show and some extras that she does fear Ozai, and fears becoming like Zuko.
I hope the 41. Is just fine after the battle in the north. See all of them bowing to Zuko after discovering that Zuko was the one that saved their asses and was heavily punished by that...it was beautiful. I loved the writers did that, give names and faces to Zuko's crew and a beautiful yet sad arc when Ozai banished his son and the men who he saved.
I also loved that they put weight into things that was treated as a joke, like Katara talking about her mother. She was a little kid who saw her mom get murdered in front of her and the live action made sure to let us know that it is not okay to make jokes about something so traumatic. All of the deaths here have tons of weight in it, it's not some random person, is someone we met, someone we liked, someone who helped. The costs of the war, something the cartoon manages to show us but know in live action, with real people, the massage gets stronger.
And they didn't forget Iroh's past like the fandom does, which is great. That actor, the earthbending soldier really let it all out, that's how you use the few screentime you have.
Sokka's isn't sexist and y'all were making a storm outta a cup of water, is not like Sokka sexist didn't go away after like the 4 or 5 episode in the original show. I think the live action was able to bring more depth to him in comparison to the first season of the cartoon. We see how he feels about his father's, the absence of him and his duty as warrior who kinda doesn't want to be a warrior.
I need a Gyatso in my life, I didn't know I needed to see more of him until the live action gave us more of him. Kyoshi was the Thor coming to Wakanda from this season, WHY THE FUCK BRYKE DONT WANNA GIVE US A KYOSHI SERIES? She is absolutely a jewel of a character. Roku and Kuruk, damn poor Kuruk man, so much pain in his words but again that's what it means to be the Avatar, it's not fun and games. Zhao saying to Aang what Korra villains said to Korra😭 that the world doesn't need the Avatar anymore, it hurt.
Guys I'm gonna say it, there's no way in hell for anyone to ship Kataang here. I'm saying this because some shippers complain that the secret tunnel part was different but c'mon, look at Kiawentiio and look at Gordon, it would be so s awkward and weird and just wrong. I know they don't have a big age difference, is only like 3 years but when they filmed Gordon looked so much younger than her, maybe in the next seasons the difference won't be that big.
The pace is good, once you start you don't wanna stop.
2. The Acting
Everyone is really good at capturing the essence of it's characters and somewhat making them their own. The highlights for me were Dallas and Ian, Its like they came straight from the show. Ken Leung's Zhao was also amazing as he was way more threatening here than he was in the show.
Kiawentiio was the Katara we were looking for, she is kind yet strong, brave and caring. And Gordon was Aang, sure, he has to learn a few things since he slipped a few times in his acting but nothing that could ruin the experience, that kid is good and just needs some experience.
Elizabeth Yu was Azula. It was different but yet the same character, is like learning something new of her and I like how cleared she show emotions with her eyes. Maria Zhang had great chemistry with Ian and I can't wait to see more of Suki. Arden Cho and Yvonne Chapman as June and Avatar Kyoshi look like they came out straight from the cartoon. Daniel Dae Kim...man is Ozai, so cold, so sharp, so scary, already way better than the cartoon version. I wanna see more of Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Iroh since the character he really starts to shine in book 2.
3. The live action doesn't have the spirit of the OG?
Yes, it does have. The thing is now that we are seeing real people, things get dark one way or another but I don't think it ruined the spirit of the show. Aang is still a kid, Sokka still making sarcastic jokes, Zuko still annoying as hell, Katara still hopeful and strong... There's everything there really.
The thing is stuff like genocide, murder, war, death and suffering are, for some people, better to watch as pixels in a cartoon than real people.
I think it's a great adaptation and I would recommend it to every fan.
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i-love-susie · 2 years
i like the planet robobot novel for the most part but like. why did haltmann live at the end like. oh my god. oh my god i know i joked about "why can we save leon but not sectonia or haltmann 🙄" but like. why did he live sectonia is gone in the novels triple deluxe and planet robobot are two games that parallel each other so if sectonias gone then haltmann should be too but. haltmann lived. haltmann lived at the end and learned nothing from this terrible experience. how did he even live. he wouldve fallen from orbit and be immediately killed on impact WHY DID HE LIVE
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demadogs · 2 years
Is The Golfinch good? Looks a bit shit ngl. How would you rate the movie?
the book is amazing and i liked the movie because i had all the context from the book and i was really grateful that they didnt change any of the plot but i can see why the movie would be a little boring or confusing if you watch it without reading the book. they tell the story out of order and i do kinda understand why they chose to do that because the book literally skips ahead 8 years in a single sentence so that would be like a random jumpcut to the older actors if they wanted to tell it in order, but i still think it would have been better than jumping around the way they did. its about a kid who stole a priceless painting from a museum bombing but we dont even see him steel the painting until halfway through.
i also think it kinda skimmed over some parts that were a very large part of the book like for example theo moves to vegas as a kid and meets his best friend boris and that section was over a hundred pages and very detailed. you got to know so much about boris and and their friendship and i didnt feel like the movie made it clear how close they really were. also (and this may be a bit of a spoiler but not a major one so feel free to skip whats in pink) the movie kinda attempted to no homo their friendship but they did keep the kiss in? so there wasnt really anything to imply that they felt like more than friends so for people that didnt read the book, i completely understand if they thought that came out of nowhere.
also there were just some scenes i would have loved to see even though they werent that important to the plot. the only thing that was kinda shocking and different was the order they told it in but they still told the same story. i think it would have been better as a mini series than a movie because the book is fucking 800 pages. it could have been 8 episodes, an hour for each 100 pages. it would have perfectly told the entire story. i also wish the author was involved in the adaptation. it would have been so much better if she was.
so if you wanna indulge in a really interesting story about a kid who lost his mom at an art museum bombing and stole a priceless painting on his way out, just read the book. and then i think youd have a better appreciation for what they did get right in the movie because you have more context from the book.
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gayfrenchtoast · 3 years
Okay fine we're doing this. I havent read the books and I'm probably not going to I've only seen the movies so I'm sorry if anything I say is contradictory or has already been stated.
So! Descendants 3 was kinda shit and I dont like it but especially because of the ending because everybody was like "oh yeah island is open and we're all happy with no worries or implications about free villains or people being spiteful about being imprisoned for years!" In fact if anything they joked about those things.
The island is basically its own culture, I can't say how long it's been around, long enough for some almost adult kids to be about and to develop a kind of community.
The Isle is a place of poverty, people are dirty and on the street, eveyone steals from each other and most people don't put much effort into appearance upkeep (personal or of the sourounding area) not because of laziness or being "evil" but because they clearly don't have time or luxury to do such things or possibly even the clean water. Does the Isle have clean water?? How to they get electricity??? Someone tell me!
Another thing that I've noticed is easy to see but is not much explicitly said is the unique style of those on the Isle. As previously stated they don't have much but those who have the most "power" and such on the Isle are the best example of this As they have the most colourful outfits. However these outfits are often made out of patches and ripped things put together, even salvaged things like nets and chains as we can see on thing like Uma and Harry's outfits in D3 they make the best of what they've got and they do fantastic because their outfits are intricate and detailed and just tell you everything you need to know about them. Which is why it's a damn s h a m e when the original VK's ajust their style to be more like Auradon's. That's not an improvement! Be proud of where you came from!! It's like they forgot what it was like being on the Isle in D3!
Moving on, here's something that was touched on in D2 but not enough. Equality. On the Isle there is basically equal opportunity as in saying everything is shit and nome cares what gender and presumably what sexuality you are as long as you can work. Sexism is shown to be almost casual in aurodon from the looks of it, Chad makes sexist comments and litterally none else says anything or seems to see anything wrong with it except Jay who caves to pressure from peers and expectations. He does redeem himself because he's from the isle and he knows you shouldn't give a shit about anyone's gender or anything. If they can do something and ask to be included you give them that opportunity. The sexism is also implied in the way that the rule book has men written specifically in the first place and that it has taken until then for anyone but boys to be allowed on any kind of sports team. We never see it! It seems to be the hetronormative veiw where the boys do sport and girls do cheerleeding and other genders? What other genders? Never heard of that? BAD AURADON!! I bet there's so many trans folk on the island just living their lives, thinking Aurodon is the better place and not knowing that it's a cis het filled nightmare.
Okay no I'm headcannoning now, if their are now a bunch of Isle kids at auradon prep they find it fucking aweful the way all these preppy royals are treating them and make the first LGBT club in Auradon. There is lots of pushback and they get bullied a fuck ton for making themselves the most prominent queer folk in the school until a fight breaks out and the club demand that they should be treated better, taking all the evidence to fairy godmother who is very hesitant because COME ON she's never been that great she is biased to Auradon kids and if putting away those in the Isle is brought up she is all on it, she is jelly spined about doing anything against the royal kids. So the kids are like "Fine, if you won't help us we'll take this to the King himself!" Well mainly the queer mom's of the group (you know the ones I'm talking about) who lead the others and protect the anxious queers as they storm to Ben at his fucking locker and demand an audience because they are being harassed and bullied and none is doing anything. Ben had no idea there was even a LGBT club (too busy ig) and is gassed there is one for a moment before he's like "wait people are harassing you?" So Bisexual King Ben gets his lovely Bi wife and they start coming to club meetings and investing in the pins and stuff the club makes. Most club members are pleased but the queer mom's are apprehensive that this will help until some assholes come to the club to do their usual bullying only to find King and Queen Beast themselves siting there with rainbow bracelets and bi pins and all trying to have a nice old time eating their fucking cupcakes what the fuck are yall doing? The bullying dies down quick once they realise it ain't gonna fly, the other OG VK's that hear about this become members and very protective over their queer children. Did I mention Dizzy and Ceila are a part of the club? They're girlfriend's. Celia is one of the queer moms. Harry becomes one of the biggest protectors over the group as the pan dad. He's been going around snogging everyone and anyone wholl snog him everyone already knew he was queer they just didn't have the balls to try and bully him over it as much as they bullied the lil club members. But now Harry can often be seen in jackets and shit with pan and general queer patches and pins and running around with his gay children yelling "MOVE WE'RE GAY!!" He totally calls them his queer crew. Anyway as a result lots of queer royals start coming out of the woodwork, obvs Lonnie is one of them, and the club eventually serves to bring members of Auradon and the Isle close together.
Where was I? Yada yada auradon expects girls to be pretty princesses and boys to be brave knights or dashing princes. It's shit and should stop being portrayed as good. Moving on!
Food! One of the things we'll established in all movies is that the food of the Isle is shit compared to food of Auradon. The Isle has no fresh fruit which likely means its almost impossible for things to grow there which is fair because again there doesn't seem to be much fresh water and there are always clouds overhead so no sun. Maybe there is some people trying really hard to grow stuff but the general attitude of the Isle seems to be "there is no time for that" and fruits are forgotten so much that the VK's litterally don't knownwhat they are when they come across them. That and anything containing sugar. Actually it's mention by Dizzy and Celia that they enjoy the fact that the cake dosent have dirt or flies so basically food there is terrible. We don't see much food on the Isle but what we do see seems to be beans, eggs, chips and shellfish. Basically protine and carbs that can be easily stored and produced. To be fair beans are kidna good for you but they're likely a sign that if they get any imports from the mainland it is canned stuff. Prison food. There's probably some chef villain that is trying their best to make good food out of the shit but honestly the Isle dwellers should be angry that they've been deprived of good food for so long not happy they're finally been given decency.
Moving on, music! Auradon dosent have nearly as many musical numbers it seems, the Isle songs have a distinct style, to them, the villains that basically "founded" the place were masters of the dramatic songs (with backup or solo) so banging music is basically ingrained in the music's culture, even for battle as we see with the fight between Mal and Uma in D3. Meanwhile Auradon seems to have mainly romance and "I want" songs. Even Audrey's villain song is basically an I want song.
Okay let's talk about the Villains. We've established that the VK's are not inherently bad. However not all of them can be totally good and there are legit OG Villains just kinda chillin on the Isle. They've obviously lost quite a bit of their power, motivation and sanity (isolation will do that to ya as they lost everything and the VKs know no different) but deadass? They were bad guys. You can try to rehabilitate them sure but you've basically just let them free roam, they could make a runner and you wouldn't get the chance. They were also shitty patents which is brushed over/joked about in the interaction between Carlos and...man I feel bad I forgot her name deadass their relationship seemed to come out of nowhere in the second film she didn't seem interested in them at all and friendzoned them multiple times I'm pretty sure Disney did that becaue queer kids were relating to Carlos and headcanoning them as queer (which they deffinatly are) but deadass their mom is an attempted animal murderer and has hurt her child as we can see from how they're afraid of her and her rhetoric and yet it's "haha I'm afraid to meet your ma!" "Me too cus im a dog! Lol!" Fuuuuck offfffff
I think I'm running out of thoughts so here's a last one for now; with the magical barrier down a bunch of magical Villains kids should be coming out for the woodwork. We know Mal has magic basically stored in her so it's is possible, she technically doesn't need the spellbook to do magic it is just inherent to her. So with the diverse range of people from the isle there are deffinatly magic folk in there. Actually if we're following Disney movie law I saw something mentioning Jay being half Genie and yeah! He should be half Genie! Jafar got turned into a Genie he's probably only human because of the barrier! Oh also Ben should be able to go beast on command as long as he had a better beast form than he did in the movies. And give him back the beard and fangs like fuck you he looked so much better
Okay I'm done for now
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starredfishing · 3 years
:000 just saw your hoshaido Felix au and,,, bro it’s so galaxy brain would you be willing to share more about it?
yes ofc thank u for asking!!! ^^
gonna put it under a read more bc ive got alot of thoughts
gonna kinda rehash my thoughts from scattered posts into here ig?
- so first and foremost i figure hoshido and fodlan are Around at the same time. i dont have any historical backing for this but if FEH exists I can Believe,,, anyway fodlan leaders + the church go overseas to discuss political stuff idk what i didnt think id get this far. but rodrigue and her meet and bond and when he eventually leaves hoshido he kinda doesnt want to go but they send each other letters for a few years and begin informally courting before she moves to fodlan to marry him
- she's a spitfire for sure. she strikes me as an archer idk why its just vibes but shes also an amazing swordswoman like her brother. she def challenged rodrigue to a few battles
- i wanna believe the only reason many fodlan nobles accepted her was because of her royal status, forming a mild treaty between hoshido and faerghus with the marriage. many claim it was all a set-up, but those who knew them saw they were truly in love
- her name is Homare, meaning honor or victory. rodrigue has a tendency to stress the wrong syllable and king lambert bless his heart cannot for the life of him say her name. she doesnt think its that hard but gives him a pass bc hes the king and its funny to watch him stumble.
- she is never called by her name in court, or by other nobles. she is only ever Duchess Fraldarius. there are whispers that she is as unruly as an untamed horse (a mare, they say) and that the duke must domesticate her. she ignores the whispers but they just keep getting louder and louder until she has glenn.
- rodrigue sortof implies he doesn't want his kids to have hoshidan names bc of the backlash. homare relents both times but secretly names them something else in her mind, a secret she took to her grave that felix only finds in a letter addressed to him under her bed long long after she's passed. glenn was to be hiro (generous, tolerant) and felix would be kenjirou (intelligent second son). he thinks its ironic glenn was almost named something close to 'hero' and that's who he became in his death.
- they never Talked about it. felix was pretty young when she passed (im gonna guess somewhere like 8-ish, the plague got her and the queen at the same time) and he doesnt really remember her. glenn just says 'she was really cool' as if that like, explains anything.
- after the war felix comes back to an empty mansion and starts the process of going through his father's things. he's in his parents' room and he's searching under the bed when a wood panel knocks loose. underneath it is a box of his mother's things with letters addressed to him, glenn, and rodrigue. felix reads all three and learns about her hoshidan heritage, which she was unable to ever speak about in faerghus.
- he ends up contacting the hoshidan royal family because 'whoops your aunt was my mom and i kinda didnt find out until now'. he kinda wishes he'd seen this coming but there were signs here and there. he and glenn have her sharp eyes, glenn had her nose, felix has unreasonably tan skin for faerghus weather (i can Dream pls i know hes so pale in the art). he thinks maybe he was lucky to look nothing like her. but he also wishes he looked more like her. he does have her spiky unruly hair, though. a staple of the hoshidan royal family.
- he tells sylvain and dimitri first bc of course he does. he gingerly sets a paper fan and a long hair pin on dimitris desk and is like 'i dont. know what to do with these.' and dimitris like...do you want to Keep them? and felix is like. yeah. (he tries to pin his hair back with the thing it doesnt work but for a second he feels connected to something)
- ingrid voice so i found like every book abt hoshido in the library ("there are books about hoshido in the royal library?") for you to read if you want :D
- his mom had an accent he just choked that up to her being 'from outside the kingdom' as rodrigue put it.
- I WANT FELIX AND GLENN TO HAVE THE DRAGON VEIN pls it'd be so fucking funny like all of a sudden it Activates when hes in hoshido and takumis like 'yep youre one of us for sure' as felix is like. i just terraformed the Entire garden behind me,
- glenn grew up with whispers all around him about his heritage but by the time felix is born the talk about the duchess being from hoshido has faded out because they Never Talk About It. he threw a punch at a kid at the academy once for calling him a slur and rodrigue is like aah maybe dont do that?? but homares not around anymore to back him up
- glenn does his. best to pass on the 'be proud of yourself' mentality to felix without revealing Why bc rodrigue is rlly strict abt that (he and glenn had a lot of fights abt it. felix was too young to understand)
- homare, the queen (astrid), and the margravine gautier (giselle) were besties bc i feel it in my soul its abt the heredetary besties,,,,
- bringing it full circle the blue lions go to hoshido to work out trade agreement and it gives felix a chance to Bond with his estranged family. its really REALLY awkward esp bc theres a language barrier but the family is patient with him. both of them have lost their parents so theyre really excited to have More family
- except takumi and hinoka. theyre a bit distrustful of felix at first even though he has Proof that his mother was Princess Homare of Hoshido. and then he terraforms the garden w a rogue dragon vein. and takumis like WHOA ok. and he swordfights ryoma and WINS and hinoka is like YEAH OKAY!!!
- hoshidan royal family vs the concept of crests what will they do. they see the king break smth in half by accident and theyre like damn white ppl r built different
idk if this was like ANY of what u asked for feel free to ask more specific questions if u want!!! sorry its so long i just hhhgnngh sobs felix,,,,
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bunnyinthestars · 4 years
Adrien is definitely gonna take Emilie’s place in a coma (A Theory)
Yeah so I mean the title of this is exactly what I’m pretty sure is gonna happen. This is because there has been a huge load of foreshadowing and some other subtler reasons I will be going over in this post. Of course, there’s always a chance it won’t happen, but if it didn’t I think I’d be pretty surprised considering just the amount of evidence thats going into this.
(Also sorry ahead of time for the structure of this, I tried to structure this based on my specific reasons for this theory but I kind of went off on tangents in some places and in others I use ideas that I assume come with the theory and don’t necessarily fit into any specific reason (like Emilie coming back to life and what would happen there, why Adrien and not Nathalie, and loosely how theyd get Adrien out of the coma), although I mosty stick to the structure I still want to add this disclaimer just so you’re aware that I wrote this in one go at midnight (also wait right now its 12:10am it is now ten minutes into my birthday??? ok ignoring that))
I dont know man. Just consider what I have to say. Or dont. I will be listing my reasons starting now.
1. Imagery of Adrien being in comatose state/ in a coffin-like thing.
This is surprisingly common??? Off the top of my head I can think of Style Queen and Riposte (I believe) which involve this. In Style Queen, Audrey in the form of her akumatized self had essentially kidnapped Adrien and put him in this gold/glass coffin thing that disintegrated the longer it remained untouched. The other one is Riposte, where Ladybug hides Adrien in that big sarcophogus in the Louvre (he didn’t stay in it but still the imagery is there.)
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I also just remembered in Chameleon when Lila took Adrien’s form he was asleep/in a comatose state in that locker and Plagg was like “aw man am I gonna have to kiss him.....” but then Adrien wakes up because Lila stole someone else’s form
EDIT: another instance of Adrien/Chat Noir being shoved into a sarcophagus (besides Riposte) is in Pharaoh in season 1
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So yes there is definitely a good number of foreshadowing for this. I might take this further and say if Adrien were to go comatose and be in the coffin Emilie was in then Felix might replace him for some amount of time?? Like impersonate him amd stuff?? Just because there’s lots of stuff in the show with impersonation I feel like it could work aNYWAY BACK TO THE EVIDENCE I KNOW ITS A TANGENT
2. Possible evidence foreshadowing Emilie *inadvertantly* killing (not killing but making comatose you get it) Adrien
This one is not as strong as the first but its worth considering. I was googling the word “mayura” just out of curiosity a while back and basically its a peacock in Hindu stories (like peacocks are a kinda revered animal) and I just initially found a couple websites that said that the mayura has been depicted eating a snake as a symbol of the cycle of time (you dont have to read this part in parenthesis, its just kind of a tangent: the cycle of time as known in Hinduism is another aspect of Hinduism directly referenced in the show: the horse/space miraculous kwami Kaalki’s name is a reference to the prophecied tenth avatar/reincarnation of the god Vishnu, and he is referenced in the Kalachakra tantra which is basically a Hindu book about the cycle of time. Keep in mind I got all this from wikipedia and other internet websites, I do not practice Hinduism and I dont directly know anybody who does, so if any of this is wrong pls lmk because there is surprisingly not a lot of information on the internet about it from what I could tell)
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So anyways yes peacock (mayura) eating snake representing the cycle of time. Both Luka and Adrien are represented in the show as the snake, but ultimately I think the snake here represents Adrien just because it makes more sense (Snake Noir, future Alix’s tattoo depicts a snake to be Adrien and is meant to represent Adrinette, Adrien just has some shifty stuff going on with the snake in general etc) and thus, if Gabriel manages to actually get the ladybug and black cat miraculouses and make the wish to bring Emilie to life, then this “mayura” analogy (assuming Emilie as the mayura in this scenario) would make sense if her life brought upon Adrien losing his.
The reason I dont think it would refer to Nathalie even though her official name is Mayura is for pretty much two sub-reasons. The first is that I think she is going to die before this wish happens. I know, its a kids show, whatever, but consider it. The Agreste/Graham de Vanily family has a trend of having opposite names [I am so sorry I literally first heard this from a tumblr user but I cannot remember who I just remember they had made a string of theories on why Emilie Agreste will not be who she seems to be so credit to them I did not discover that] for example the name Gabriel means hero/angel, Felix means happy/fortunate, Adrien means dark, etc, and Nathalie Sancoeur means “birthday (of Christ)” and “heartless” respectively. We already know she is not heartless but rather full of heart because she has fallen in love with Gabriel. So then,,,,,,,,,, the opposite of birth is death. She’s already shown to be pretty sick too despite the peacock miraculous having been “fixed” (as of the New York special being the most recent piece of content). I’m sorry guys I do not make the rules
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stop why his face look like that though
The second part of why I think this is a little stupid but. The original art released by Jeremy Zag for Mayura does not look like Nathalie. Plus this art was only released under the name of “the Peacock” (originally Le Paon in French) so it might not actually be the Mayura we know as of now. Now, theoretically, it could be that they had made this art before they knew they wanted Nathalie to be Mayura or just as art depicting what Emilie would have been like as the peacock miraculous holder, and it could literally just be Nathalie. When you compare the images, though, the original Mayura art looks far more like Emilie and a lot less like Nathalie. Yes I am aware this is stupid just know this is only a minor point
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I dont know man those faces do not look the same to me and the original Mayura definitely had Emilie’s eye shape and face shape in mind. They might’ve changed it after making the concept art but my point still stands
Ok next reasoning
Again not a very strong point but sometimes dialogue just implies things in Miraculous and I can think of a very specific quote that would fit this happening, and there are probably more that I just dont know to look for since I dont have this whole show memorized
So the quote is from Startrain after Gabriel loses control of the akuma then learns about the Startrain having been akumatized with Adrien on board, and he says “hoping that my enemies will save my son..... how ironic.” When I first heard this quote I really, really felt like it was foreshadowing something just based on his tone and the way this new idea was being introduced of him having to be on the same side as Ladynug and Chat Noir for once, even if it was just temporary. This quote absolutely is indicative to me of a future event in which he’ll have to work with his “enemies” to save his son. A situation in which Adrien is in comatose would perfectly align with this. At least for how I would predict the show would make it, Gabriel would have to turn away from Emilie (who represents the past for him, and this action would therefore represent moving on) and join forces with Ladybug/Marinette, his “enemy”, to save Adrien.
Onto the last reason!
Emilie is probably definitely coming back. Which means someone’s going into a coma in her place.
I mean come on it would be so anticlimactic if they just caught Gabe before he fulfilled his wish. Plus with the way they are outlining Emilie to be this perfect golden being is definitely because its going to far contrast with how she will actually turn out. This doesnt really support the Adrien thing in particular but honestly it would also be anticlimactic of the coma was for anyone else. If it was Nathalie, then yeah itd suck for Adrien I guess but like???? Doesn’t really connect the plots as much. Whereas if its Adrien, that brings Marinette into it, that gives her a powerful as heck conflict. Im guessing they would also somehow resolve his coma with “the power of love” mentioned in the theme song, just because of the foreshadowing with like waking someone up with a true love’s kiss (think Plagg in Chameleon, I guess the rose in Style Queen, maybe Alya’s story to Manom in Stormy Weather if we’re strecthing it....)
TL;DR: Adrien is probably gonna go comatose (like Emilie did) at some point because its been pretty foreshadowed (think Style Queen, Riposte, and even Chameleon), because of the legend surrounding the Hindu “mayura” peacock eating a snake representing time (wow that was not a sentence ok then), because Gabriel has previously foreshadowed having to work with his enemies to save his son, and also just because it would be super awesome and allow each character involved to have a pretty fulfilling conflict and arc.
(all images from the miraculous ladybug wiki excluding the piece of art depicting the mayura which is from murugan.org)
I hope however took the time to read this post enjoyed this theory, sometimes I have really random yet detailed theories regarding this show and I wanted to share this one because if I’m right then this will be proof I had predicted it, also you guys could possibly elaborate on it. I’m all for friendly discussions folks fr
If this doesn’t end up happening the theory is still awesome and they should have done it, and if it does my ego will probably expand and hopefully they will make it as awesome as it seems like it would be. Sorry if the structure of this post is not great, but thank you for reading. I appreciate you, have a wonderful week :)
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solarfreeze · 3 years
So ive been thinking about one of @unendingliveblogging posts, where toriel is like a super fire mage and it got me thinking. What would all the main characters class and level he in the dark world. Ok so for one we gotta establish the max level and its pretty clear that its gotta be 99 or 100. That being said we can now properly give the characters a level. The characters we are going to be looking at are Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys cus why not. Its fair to say as of now that their powers and ranking is similar to the one from undertale. Thus the rankings would be 1) sans(duh) 2) Asgore/Undyne(i think undyne is stronger but some will disagree) 3) papyrus(its implied he has more power then we know of so he goes here) 4) toriel(shes strong but she was to first boss so yea) and 5) alphys(i dont think this is a suprise but yea). The levels for each of them should look something like this: Sans(lv1 but he’s basically maxed level), Asgore(lv90), Undyne(lv90-100 based on the “D” word(determination)), papyrus(lv60-80 because idk I’m making this up on the spot and lv 80 feels a little high idk), Toriel (lv70 it makes sense as theres no way the kids in deltarune even stand a chance in the real world so shes definitely OP in the dark world), and last but not least Alphys(lv50 but probably has robots or something idk). So we know that in the dark world you kinda transform into your desire or something that could help you get what you desire(Noelle turning into a mage that could help her realize her worth and boost her confidence). Starting from Toriel as we are most definitely going to see her in the next chapter, I’m not sure what her desires would be. She seemed to have achieved her teacher dream and she has children she loves with all of her being. If this is the case then shell totally be some sort of wizard. Shell 100% be really similar to Ralsei, but she will have differences. For one she seems to have a book to help her cast spells(whether its just strong spells or all spells, it helps with spell-casting), and two shell have some sort of robe that kind of looks like what she wears in undertale but more robe-y. Shell be able to do some fire magic and maybe a healing spell cus of her kind nature. Moving on… Asgore! Yea so I’m pretty sure he wants to get back with Toriel or maybe its more like he wants a nice family thats together. Mix this with his gardening hobby and hell probably be like a druid or warden. Hell cast awesome forest or flower magic and probably have his cool trident again. I think the warden thing actually makes the most sense, as i think it matches his personality and he could have a lot of his cool stuff from undertale again(though him being a druid would be cool too). Undyne would be a gladiator, knight or some kind of barbarian. Shell have ridiculous power and would look really awesome. Maybe she could have some kind of determination attack that takes hp or a determination form that slowly drains hp, but something like that would most likely still fit her. We don’t know much of papyrus as of now for deltarune, but if we use what we know from undertale then he could easily be a knight. He’d be pretty awesome. He could also be an eldritch knight as that makes more sense but idk something with justice and knighthood would really fit him. Alphys would be an artificer… if thats a surprise then you must bot have played undertale. She makes gadgets for battle and yea shed be awesome. Finally we have sans. Based on what you believe of sans he could be one of many things. He could be a warlock(for Gaster), he could be a sorcerer, or he could be something completely made up like “reality bender” or something idk. The first two make the most sense and he’s obviously kick ass. Obviously he only deals 1 dmg but it really racks up over time. This was one big rambling that i wanted to do so i could draw them later, but tell me what you think these characters classes and levels would be. :p
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gunpowder-tim · 4 years
Do go off about your hcs I am interested 👀
okay okay okay so
ianto is trans masc nb uses he mostly n they sometimes when hes feelin less masc n stuff and hes demi romantic & demi sexual and thats why he said the 'its not men its just him'
jacks gender is *shrugs* like thats what he does if people ask him, he doesnt care what pronouns or anything like that and like its partly cause hes from 51st century but also thats just jack
owen is bi like its not 'confirmed' in the show but he literally has sex w a dude in the first ep well its implied but whatever so no one can tell me hes straight, he kinda has a lil crush on ianto and also jack but he would never say anything 1 bc theyre together 2 hes a repressed asshole 3 its not really a like *proper* crush so hes over it, that doesnt mean he still doesnt stare at them sometimes bc boys pretty
now tosh im like hell yeah bi tosh but brain also says lesbian tosh her crush on owen comphet, mary should still be alive and b w tosh
gwen and owen talk about hot ppl together bc bi bonding
gwen trans bc i love her n i want her to be and her kid also trans bc of that mention in the dw special and shes like the best most supportive mum bc she understands trans stuff, granted its like not exactly the same bc gender stuff never is but gwen gets it, rhys is a bit clueless about it all but he knows gwen is doing good and hes v supportive and Will Fight the teachers and parents if they misgender his kid now ik gwen being pregnant dowsnt make sense if shes trans but torchwood fucky shit and thats why she never expected it bc trans
like okay no one is dead everything is good so
ianto is great w gwens kid bc trans stuff and he knows about the trans masc side of things and hes just a great support for gwen
whenever owen and rhys are together rhys relentlessly flirts w owen, why? 1 bc he thinks its funny 2 owen slept w gwen he can do what he wants 3 rhys maybe does think hes kinda cute and it makes owen blush the slightest bit which rhys takes pride in
and maybe gwen is like yknow id be okay if you wanted to like make out w owen or sth and rhys is like what ha nooo its uh its a joke i dont actually like him and gwen just gives him a look like really and rhys is like well maybe i do but i dont know gwen i dont want to make things weird between us or with him and gwen is like hey its your choice if you do but just know that id be okay w it and so rhys just considers it for a while and one day he ends up just kissing owen and its p cute bc owen gets super flustered like wha bu youre married!!! anyway owen ends up being friends w benefits w gwen and rhys bc polyamory rights like they dont like always have threesomes or never interact w each other when w owen its just healthy n good n fun
ianto and jack adopt and their kid is cute and ianto would do anything for them, their kid and gwens kid become friends and its adorable and like one day gwen and ianto are just watching as gwens kid sits there a book open, reading and like teaching to iantos kid who is sat next to them and now im soft
and maybe they all live together in a nice house quite big and always full of laughter, a rule did have to be made stating no sex in the communal areas after gwen walked in on jack and ianto one too many times, rhys stays at home and is the best dad ever and looks after jack n iantos kid a lot too, sometimes one or two of the members of the team will stay home too if the mission isnt too urgent so they can spend time w the kids and each other
tosh and ianto groan about men together bc whilst yes ianto is sort of a man and yes hes dating jack who is also sort of a man, he knows men suck and tosh is a lesbian and so yeah
mary doesnt live there with tosh but she comes over pretty often, the kids love her and she sometimes brings lil trinkets to show them, owen is a bit scared of her still and she always glares at him
theres a biiig comfy sofa w loads of blankets and pillows and sometimes they all just cuddle together there, if one of them had a bad day or just any reason really, like ianto, if hes thinking of lisa or his dad or any other variety of hings that make him sad or panic, he goes nonverbal and just goes n curls up in the middle of the sofa and the others will notice and slowly all join him, they dont talk about it, they dont push anything, they just give comfort in the form of physical affection and if someone needs to talk they mnow that theyre all here for them
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violetnotez · 5 years
Shopping Trip HC- Kirishima x Reader
@fxndxmxnxce​!:Hi! i just saw your blog but you already look so good😍 could i get a request where kirishima and his s/o go out to get groceries for cook dinner for their classmates? they goof off; riding around in carts, taking random samples of food, and even recite vines while they look for ingredients🥺 just a lot of tooth rotting fluff because why not :D bonus todoroki gives them endeavor’s card (in which he stole) to let them pay for the stuff tonight LMAOO thanks i love you🥰🥰🥰
ACK MY FIRST REQUEST THANK UUU! I love getting requests ngl :) I made this into a HC hope you dont mind!
Kirishima x reader
Genre: OVER LOAD of Fluff
Word Count:
Warnings: Choatic Energy throughout
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It was the week before exams and everyone was beginning to cram big time
Everyone was in the common room, every surface covered in textbooks and notes from the semester
Izuku, Ochaco, Iida, Froppy, Ojiro, and Toru  were on the training grounds practicing for the practical exams- Todoroki was studying on the couch
Momo was giving all of Bakusquad (including you) a huge study session that made all of your heads hurt (minus Bakugo- he wouldnt be caught dead studying with a bunch of ‘idiots’)
All of you were exhausted- you had been going at this since 9 in the morning at it was already close to dinner time
Kirishima had his head resting in your lap, you playing with his fire red hair as Momo rambled about Geometry, while Kaminari and Sero tried desperately to take notes as fast as Momo talked 
Mina had given up an hour ago and was now standing in front of the fridge
“Ughhhhh”, she whined, “we have no fooooooood.” 
“Cmon Mina we got like a hour to dinner you can wait!” Kaminari said while writing like his life depended on it (which it kinda did- he was borderline passing his classes as it was- if he failed these exams he was screwed)
“Oh be quiet Kaminari your the one who eats all the food half the time!” Mina yelled frustrated
When Mina’s hangry- she is HANGRY
“Dont blame this on me- my quirk isnt the one that depends on eating to work!”
“If your trying to imply Im the one who ate all the food then you are completely wrong!” Momo spat out at Kaminari, kinda looking hurt
“Can you all keep it down-Im trying to read,” Todoroki interjected calmly, not even looking up from his book
To be honest, all of you forgot Todorki was even in the room, so it kind of threw you all off
“Hey-why dont me and y/n just go pick up some food! The market’s not too far away” Kirishima sat up, his hair in odd angles from you combing it with your fingers
You knew what he was doing- he had zoned out too, and he just wanted a way to leave the study session, but he was too polite to actually leave it (for Momo’s sake- she got way too excited over study sessions)
You yawned, stretching from sitting for so long- “thatd be nice, Id like to stretch my legs a little.”
Kaminari shrugged, “Sure why not- not like were going anywhere, mind as well get some snacks-”
You started making a list of everything everybody wanted and it was long- Kaminari and Sero were shouting out everything fattening, from Takis to Twinkies to 2 liter sodas, Mina yelled she wanted a bunch of sweets like Pocky, Momo was a little healthier but she wanted more expensive things like sushi, and Kirishima wasnt helping since he wanted to buy everything for everybody
You two started adding up stuff in your head and you knew for sure there was no way you could pay for all this, even if everyone chipped in
You gave Kirishima a look, letting him know that this wasn't going to work- somebody had to help you two out or ask for a little less
He knew you hated to let your friends down, so he smiled, letting you know he had it under control
“Uh, guys, we cant get so much food- this is way too much and we cant buy all this- can we maybe take something off the list?” kirishima asked as Kaminari and Mina began to whine
To your surprise, Todoroki walked over and handed you something. You looked down at it seeing it was a credit card.
You gasped slightly- “No Todoroki we cant take this this is yours-”
“I dont care what you do with it or how much you charge on it,” he said calmly, “as long as it makes you all quiet.”
“Of course- thanks man, we owe you one!” Kirishima smiled, grabbing your hand, pulling you up and shuffling you out the door
“Well you were desperate to leave, huh Kiri?” you kidded as you cuddled closer to him as you both walked to the store
“Anything to spend some alone time with you princess,” he smiled, kissing the top of your head, “Also.... I think my head was starting to hurt from listening to Momo- what even is a Pythagorean theoreom?!”
Oh Kiri you poor baby
You both get to the supermarket and the cute lovey dovey Kirishima disappears
He instantly gets super excited because FOOD
And carts
“Cmon y/n they have kiddie carts!”
“Kirishima no those are for kids!” you laugh, taking the cart from him gently
“Ahhh cmon babe please!!!”
You kiss him on the cheeck- “No Kiri sorry!” (he pouts tho)
You get one of the normal carts and he instantly stands on the back and holds on to the wired basket, forcing you to push him around
You shake your head, smiling, because he looks so cute just standing there having the time of his life as you push him around
“A Thousand Miles” comes over the speakers and you both look at each other with the most shocked but happy faces ever
-30 seconds later-
Your now on the back, Kirishima is pushing your around like a maniac, has knocked you into 3 stands of food already, but you dont care because your both laughing trying to sing the lyrics
“IF I COULD FALL INTO THE SKY” Kirishima practically shouts, holding a can of whip cream like a microphone
“BECAUSE I WOULD WALK A THOUSAND MILES JUST TO SEE YOU!” you both shout out, getting some dirty looks from a pair of old ladies at the meat section (which you could care less about)
You both look at each other and just start busting up, Kirishima taking you to the next aisle
You get to the candy section, where Kirishima is still laughing over the old ladies’ glares at you two
You kinda calmed down, going back to the task at hand, picking out all the candies Mina had asked you to get her
He then sees a bag of Life Savers
“Hey y/n-” he taps your shoulder, giggles barely being contained from him
You turn around, a grinning Kiri holding a bag of Life Savers
“Le-fes Sa-ve-airs”
You roll your eyes, giggling, “Oh my gosh Please Kiri no more vines!”
“Oh calm on vines are so awesome!” he exclaims, putting the bag of candy back in its original space
“Yes but I think we’ve annoyed enough people with our vine references”
“Only two old ladies!”
“Two old ladies that will probably get us kicked out” you laughed, giving him a kiss
“Lets just get the food so we can go back to the dorms- Im getting kind of hungry seeing all this food…”
“Wait, youre hungry?!?” he asks super concerned
“Just a little,” you shrug off, “its no big deal-”
“WAIT HERE” Kirishima practically yells, seemingly not hearing what you said and runs off
You shake your head, knowing your boyfriend too well- he could get impulsive sometimes
You got all the food and was waiting in the checkout line when you spotted Kirishima trying to balance a bunch of small, clear cups in his hands
“Are those--- samples?!” you asked, shocked that he went around the WHOLE store getting all those samples
“Yep!” he says super proud, happy he was helping his girlfriend
“Oh my gosh Kiri I love you, you know that, right?” you exclaim happily, your stomach growling as you began to eat out of one of the cups
If he knew food would get you so happy he would have brought you WAY more food A LOOOOOOONG time ago
You got to the check out and the price- was- ALOT
You gulped, hoping the rumors of Todoroki being extremely rich were true
And thank the gods they were because you were able to pay for the food no problem
Then you realized- you had 10 bags full of food you had to lug back to the dorms
And it was close to a 15 minute walk
You started picking up bags, already feeling the weight of them after 3
“I got them, don't worry babe!” Kirishima gingerly took the bags from your hands and began to strap them across his arm
‘Wait Kiri no theres alot you can't hold all-”
Kirishima put a kiss on your cheek, instantly making your cheeks warm
“Its okay I can carry them!” He smiled, making your insides all fuzzy
How did you get such a cute boyfriend?
“At least let me hold 2!”
You literally had to claw two bags away from him because he refused to let you hold any because it wasnt “manly” for his girlfriend to have to hold a bunch of heavy bags by herself
The walk back was a breeze, Kirishima seemingly unbothered by the weight and you two both  enjoyed the sunset coming down against the mountains
When you finally got back, all your classmates were there, everyone in their pajamas and on the floor
All the notes and books had been replaced by pillows and blankets and everyone was in their lounge or sleep wear
“Oh hey ya two love birds, you got the food!” Kaminari yelled out happily, wearing pajamas with lightning bolts on them
“Hey Pikachu,” you laughed, “and yes, we got your food,” throwing him a bag of chips (which he devoured instantly like an animal)
“Why is everyone in their pajamas?” Kirishima asked, putting the bags on the kitchen counter
Mina came over and hugged you, so happy you got her snacks as Uraraka made a pillow float in the air
“We all decided were going to hang out and build a huge pillow fort and have a sleepover!” Uraraka exclaimed excitedly, Froppy and Momo helping her place the pillows inside the fort
“Awesome!” Kirishima shouted excitedly, “Cmon, y/n, lets go get changed!” 
He grabbed your hand, Kaminari and Sero making whistle sounds at you two as Kirishima pulled you up stairs
You shook your head, a blush coming on your cheeks
“When did they get so interested in us?” you asked, your face turning red from those dumb whistles
“Dont worry about them babe,” Kirishima said soflty, “their just jealous that i have somebody as amazing as you.”
“So,” Ochaco asked, snacking on a cookie, “how were able to pay for all this food?!”
“Yeah, you guys must have spent a fortune,” Tsuyu added
“It was Todoroki,” you explained, “he was nice enough to let us pay for it on his credit card- again Todoroki, thank you for letting us pay for all this!”
Kirishima agreed, his hand wrapped around your waist, “We totally owe you a favor- if you ever need anything, come to us!”
Todoroki nodded in thanks
“Your all welcome”, he replied calmly, “but that credit card wasnt mine-”
“It was my father’s.”
You instantly choke on the soda you were sipping on, Kirishima patting your back to keep you from choking
“WHY WOULD EVEN GIVE US THAT CARD IF IT WASN'T EVEN YOURS MAN?!” Kirishima shouts, fear evident in his voice
To say the least, the night just got 10 times more stressful as you and Kirishima were terrified that the #1 Hero was going to come and rip you to shreds for using his money to buy snacks
Requests open!!!!
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agentaace · 4 years
artemis fowl liveblog, if anyones interested (disclaimers: i was a HUGE fan of the books when i was younger but i barely remember anything, and i am pretty high right now)
its gonna be long folks! like..... really long
okay. news reporters. is that.... the digging guy??
YEAH ITS MULCH!! is he.... the narrator??? why is he the narrator???
who is this surfing child. the artemis i know has never stepped foot outside. i dont think he ever went to school either "an unusual kid" NOT UNUSUAL ENOUGH.... this kid looks to much like a cinnamon roll..... WHY IS HIS MOM DEAD
a hoverboard? a fucking hoverboard???
humans shouldnt know about the faeries
this bitch wearing jeans? also the dad looks like david from schitts creek but older
i should mention that the first time i heard this movie was approaching i looked up who was cast for Holly Short, bc i DISTINCTLY remember her explicetly canonically having brown skin bc i used to draw her!!! also butler's name wasnt revealed until like the third book and it was a BIG DEAL, youre just gonna drop it just like that?
whys artemis dressed like edmund pevensie...... fucking knock off version. edmund had more evil in his body than this wannabe supervillain and edmund was a GOOD BOY
hate this version of butler. hes too nice. hes helpful and kind. why has disney spat in my face
OH SHIT FAIRYWORLD LOOKS DOPE AF, somehow almost exactly like inused to picture it!! one good detail!! and if holly wasnt whitewashed she'd be kinda cute,,,,
this is not a compliment to the movie at all but i still absolutely love the faeries being super sci fi and tech oriented, thats incredible.... scifi fantasy DREAM HYBRID
oh god last time i saw judy dench was in the cats movie,,, she stared into my soul,,,, i cannot forget. though yeah she is a good commander root actually from what little i remember, the vibes are right
pleasebejuliapleasebejulia.... oh its juliet but SHE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!! h his twelve year old neice??? no??? she is his like 17 year old sister
oh my god foaly..... ok he looks cool as hell actually.... too bad his legs are animated weird!!! i would die for him
the l.e.p.recon suit and the wings actually look pretty close to whay i pictured too.... and the troll scene!!! holy shit i remember this!!! and thats how artemis finds her..... yess.... god those books were good.... time-freeze bubble foreshadowing omg i REMEMBER THAT and artemis figures out a way to avoid it..... holy shit im having so many flashbacks
OPAL KOBOI OH MY GOD wasnt she not until the third book??? and the dad and the aculos stuff too???? why are they mixing them up like this
okay kidnapping scene and where holly and artemis meet is sorta exactly what i remember, like i feel like its almost line for line tbh
pacing is wack, i feel like the time freeze was much later in the book and holly was captive for like, a majority.... also, now that artemis is playing villain to holly it feels a lot more natural, he is SUPPOSED to be snarky and rude and mean
"top o' the morning" very funny judy dench line, but i dont think its funny for the reasons disney intended
ARTEMIS IN A SUIT, FINALLY!!! also, Take The Shot! lmao. and see... this little good artemis doesnt make sense to have this extremely thorough and detailed and villainous plan, why couldnt disney just make him evil
"youre enjoying all this, you think it's a game!" YES! wht couldnt disney just lean into this and commit!!! i just wish this child looked like more of a bastard!!
hehehe david bowie is a faerie (though i'm.... not really liking josh gad's comedic relief role here.... thats nothing new) FUCK ME I FORGOT ABOUT THE JAW THING I AM TOO HIGH FOR THAT SHIT THIS IS HORRIFYING
iris cam!!! vividly remember that!!! and the finger gun thing, did they use that too?? loved that, will be disapointed if its not here
eeeughfjhf i forgot about the dwarf beard hair thing too oh GOD
the aculos looks good according to my awful memory!!! nice
the cudgeon storyline was NOT in the first book, not that i can remember, amd its not even interesting?? it just clutters up this movie with some nonsense. i dont like it.
that troll fucking YEETED butler eeeeeigufjkd the jaw thing again noooooo
like okay i like that artemis looks Baby, i like that he looks 12, i just wanted a shittier twelve year old. this ones too nice!! toss him out!!!
this butler is also too cute. i needed him to be way intimidating. but this one is wholesome. fuck this
and the relationship between holly and artemis. its too good, too pure. they are so cute. in the books they were friends completely against their will.
yeah i am totally mad that they are combining the first book and the third (?) book. not everything has to be some End Of The World shit. sometimes a kid just ransoms a fairy because he wants gold and he's evil. this disney version is much more boring. like if this movie had leaned into the wholesome stuff while keeping a lower stakes plot, thatd be okay. if artemis was super evil and cool as fuck and they made the stakes a little higher.... that might have been okay? but Good People Fighting The End Of The World is every movie and it is very boring!!!!! oh my god!!!!
holly and commander root were not close. seriously cut the wholesome shit. these were the LEAST wholesome books i read as a child. the faeries have swear words and they arent afraid to use them.
ugh the weird "we're probably not going to get a sequel but we're going to imply one anyways" thing that bad book adaptations do.... like miss peregrine's, remember that?
"i'm artemis fowl. i'm a criminal mastermind." FUCK YEAH YOU ARE GO OFF KING actually a little hyped over that line. maybe twelve is too young to be fully evil. he still has time to become Bastard.
fuck the mulch narrator bullshit. hate that. "i hope you don't get squeamish" I DO PLEASE DO NOT DO WHAT YOU ARE DOING shut the fuck up. all of you shut the fuck up you are so ANNOYING
okay its over and i am free
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heres some idea’s for redesigns along with some bulletpoints on what I was thinking for story stuff involving remaking the series
Im having trouble reading off the screenshots so Im gonna write it out under the cut along with probably adding some ideas or expanding on the bullet lists (future me here: I wrote a Lot)
Sam Manson:
-Rich Activist, meaning she’s kinda blind to some troubles going on or doesnt full understand how others are doing financially, along with being raised in a house with people who arnt exactly empathetic and more focused on appearances then worker rights, sam can come off as shallow to others doing activist work.
 it could be a really interesting character arc for her to realize some of the things going on outside of her school and plants that she can help with, along with dealing with that sense of helplessness she feels at being to normal to help anyone she expresses in the show.
-Goth, but cheery? One thing i noticed in the show is how overall cheerful sam can come off while toting goth ideal’s, which may be a part of why she isnt shown to have many goth friends with them seeing her more as a poser becouse their teenagers and teenager Be like that sometimes.
 It’s not a problem in my book but it could be fun to see tucker or danny question it when in goth spaces and sam basically saying the truth that you dont have to be miserable to enjoy dark subject matter. maybe with tucker and danny getting a small interest in some of the “lesser” goth stuff sam introduces to them.
-fights everyone, becouse teenager with boundless energy and Ghosts attacking all the time. sam didnt fight much in the original series and thats a shame.
-facinated by ghost, becouse duh
-I was kinda thinking of her and tucker being introduced by them competing for class president, becouse that seem’s like a position both would be interested in and it be more interesting then having tucker face dash
Tucker Foley
-Likes to influence others is a general statment, but its true tucker likes to be involved in other peoples lives and generally have his oppinion affect people in possitive (or negative) ways. he likes seeing that his involvment matters and he suffers when people ignore him or take his oppinions for granted and id love to see stuff centered around this trait
-level 1 leader/planner, sorta connected to the influencing people thing I think tucker really would thrive in leadership roles that danny just isnt suited to handling, big mobs of people and sam on his side and he is a force to be recond with. Tucker thrives in getting big groups of people to side with him esspecially since technology profficientcy isnt a sign of weakness in this day and age. 
plus him working on his public speaking lines up with his motivation of wanting to be attactive to ladies. 
also Having him working on public speaking stuff and general people person scenario’s gives a lot of reason for the group to interact with the A listers in a less hostile scenario
-tech god I guess, becouse tucker foley
Dan Phantom
-Incarnation of discomfort being the unintentional (At least the first time) fusion of a stubborn 14 year old and his crazy 40 year old father figure with very different morals and oppinions makes existing very, very akward for dan, but great comedy fodder!
-dan is able to have legs or a ghostly tail whenever he pleases unlike vlad or danny, becouse I figured it be a good way to make fights more interesting and their fighting styles different becouse I want more vlad involvement and having  them be extra different types of ghosts makes watching either of them fight much more interesting
-wishes to not exist, esspecially in the presense of either danny or vlads love interests becouse WOW thats akward
-WAAAAY more powerful then danny and vlad, partially becouse making dan a final everything is going to hell desperate final action for danny and vlad would make dan’s appearances more interesting but also becouse of difference’s about vlad plasmius and danny phantom I will talk about when I get to them. 
Dan Discomfort Masters
-“Vlad’s nephew” becouse if you’re meeting this guy stuff has gone horrible wrong on the de-fusing front  and he needs a reason to be in either fenton on masters house hold to get whatever he needs to fix the ghost catcher 
- big ol liar pant’s, partially becouse danny and vlad are Huge Liars but also becouse of the whole, I need shit to stop existing 
-Trying to keep it together becouse he’s probably made to interact with people vlad and danny have Opinions On and honestly he cant decide if he wants to viciously prank jack at every oppertunity or punch himself for thinking of being mean to jack, among other such mixed feelings.
Vlad Masters
-Certified genius due to a number of thing’s including his obession, and becouse being smarter then jack makes him happy and if jack ever expressed interest in a subject He Must Be Better, he might not be trying to kill jack becouse he doesnt want to deal with a ghost hunter ghost for who knows how long but he wont be lesser then jack in ANYTHING.
-fruitloop, still has some backwards logic and morals such as having valarie become a ghost hunter to offer a sparring buddy to danny and whats a better motive to shoot at someone then they ruined their life right but he’s generally such a over the top bird brain trying to show off to everyone that fruitloop is the only description he can be given.
-less evil is a Big Thing, he’s still objectively not a very good man but I want him and danny working together and sharing a roof on the weekends but that means not shooting first and asking questions later on site, so a less evil vlad is needed, plus it just generally makes there interactions more fun and less dangerous which is what im going for, since walker can take over a lot of vlads antagonist role in the story plus danny and vlad making agreements to get stuff out of eachother sounds like a hell of a lot of fun, i liked eye for and eye vlad sue me.
- as a side not I want vlad to be a lot less physically fit and practiced with doing things as a human, seeing him as a man who lords his power over others when he can he prefers relaxing and working as plasmius more then masters, which affects his health and serves a purpose in story for a lesson id like made after watching phantom planet last night
Vlad Plasmius
-loving guardian in that he really, really does want to be a good father and mentor figure to danny even if their relationship is rocky due to long standing lies he’s been feeding him and how tight a grip vlad has on his familys financial health. as well as the whole snatching partial costody as soon as costudy was called into question after dannys accident (Ill get to that) vlad’s babysat in the past for the fenton which is part of it, along with his desire to be better at jack in every aspect.
-great implorer, in which he likes to get minions when he can and usually only grumbles if his minions already have plans when he calls for them, pays great by ghost zone and human standards and usually offers a full health plan, though skulkers case that full health plans is for when he gets his head up his ass and thinks he can actually get either danny or vlads pelt, one of skulkers suits is on vlads lab wall with a nice hole where its face should be as a reminder to those who cross him.
-only legs,  meaning he uses 100% more kicks and ground based attacks then danny and can kick below the bet where danny cant, this plus his fire core making him have to get creative lest he burn his surroundings to the ground has him fighting in a very different way to danny, along with his 20 years of experience. vlad tends to fight ghosts with less reason to leave the ghost zone, and invading lairs to get what he wants, leading to more serious encounters then what danny faces in the begining.
-loves dramatics, becouse vlad plasmius everybody he’s a cookyier villian here
-less evil and more ruthless and efficient to those who get in his way, that arnt who percieves as family 
-Plasmius’s obsession is teaching people lessons, in all the good and horrible ways that can imply. halfa’s have more broad and less restrictive obsessions then other ghosts which makes them more dangerous and able to ammas power.
Danny Fenton
-Fenton works heir, which is played up a lot more in this with vlad backing his family and giving them chances to disgrace themselves on public telivision and get shamed out of wherever their currently living, leading them on a series of moves throughout dannys life before amity park show off their inventions to the world! Since Jazz aggressively refused the role it fell on danny and he actually takes it pretty seriously, believing as a little bab in ghosts and being convinced of their evil from a young age by his parents which you can only imagine does great things for him when he becomes a halfa and learns unkie vlad is one as well.
-has been haunted by the creepy ghost boy title his whole like due to his situation and the fact he is usually made to assist in showing off his parents weapons publicly as a apprentice ghost hunter, one such invention was the fenton portal that had a wire loose during the presentation, when he went in and put it back the doors automatically shut him in and jack and maddie didnt notice he was in there still until the screaming started, this led to some public outcry over weather jack and maddie are fit to raise kids and vlad swooping in for partial costudy of both fenton children “to ease the masses, and besides he’s basically helped raise them anyway whats garenteed weekends at one of vlads places going to do?”  it was a sucky situation.
-bad reputation due to general protectiveness of his parents along with terrible social skills, along with his new trouble of hiding and controlling emerging ghost powers.He doesnt leave a initial good impression on sam and tucker when he first meets them as fenton, and people tend to avoid him to keep away from his parents wierdness anyhow.
-is less good in the traditional sense but wants to keep people safe and happy if he can help it, though its argueable if thats simply a manifestation of his obsession or if its just becouse he’s a sweet kid, once he gets it into his head that ghosts arnt always evil he tries really hard to be nice to ghost too and even tries to save them from his parents when he can. putting his neck out for them.
Danny Phantom
-just wants a lair is a shorthand for wanting to just experience regular ghost things when he’s going ghost, he’s less inclined to fight every ghost he see’s unless their actively hurting people and tries to talk them down, not wanting his afterlife filled with enemies when he officially keels over. 
he has big dreams for a super cool lair of his own that are explored upon the one time he’s split apart by the ghost catcher, mostly becouse phantom rips the  door to his room from its hinges and zooms into the ghost zone as soon as he’s out, found aimlessly wondering helplessly looking for the PERFECT location to start building. he tends to day dream about the lair of his dreams in class.
-no leg’s leading to more air combat and trying to immobalize people with his tail, usually fighting fairly though with his moments of cheap shots in partiicularly deadly battles,, he usually fights people like johnny 13 who mess with people then he does generally harmless ghosts like box ghost in the begining, plus with his in development abilities that include a versatile ice core his fights are more strategy  then sheer beat down or creative weapon making (or heating whatever metal the ghost is wearing to the point of insanity) 
Danny also has this little problem where he “died” in a anti ghost hazmat suit made of stuff to weaken and harm a ghost who comes in contact with jack and maddies little boy and it means its harder on him to access his powers, taking more energy to do things that most ghost would find easy like intangibilty and invisibility, which is a major problem for him esspecially at first, danny’s only made aware of this though vlads help and their working on a way to trick the hazmat suit into changing material with what danny was wearing under the suit, since its being difficult with changing on dannys command, he can put stuff over and under the suit but the suit itself is hard to make budge.  the outfit shown above is after danny learns how to at least add stuff over it with vlads help.
dan does not have problem’s with the material of his costume making him have access to all dannys abilities easily, along with vlads experience and power and dannys creative thinking dan gets the nickname of the ultimate enemy with good reason
- Loves exploring, esspecially the ghost zone its so interesting and full of enteraining characters and the food is Amazing at least in ghost form and vlad’s show him some pretty incredible places in the zone when they agree to work together in the sense of vlad stealing madde and jacks thermoses at the end of fenton fights and danny helping him spelunk in the ghost zone,  its a guilty pleasure to be able to show sam and tucker around when they become friends, natural portals are a tempation danny has a hard time ignoring when he see’s one, much to his loved ones annoyance.  wolf is a terrible enablr of a friend.
- due to his obession with proving himself (its the wording i go with now i might change it to something like control or being loved) danny tends to want people to like him and seeing a opertunity to get them to like him sorta throws him off balance and out of fight mode, usually leading to him cuddling up to them, in phantom form dannys a great cuddler. take caution though he’s been known to trick enemys into thinking he’s gone out of fight mode and either shove them into the nearest portal/thurmos or later freezing them where they stand.  dannys terrible with crowds, esspecially crowds of people who dont like him he freezeses up.
Danny to-tired-to-function (school and not working with parents danny)
-cant wait to to graduate, with no plans to go to college becouse he’s not paying for more hell
-is really in a bad place socially and mentally in the begining, but will become a lot happier once he befriends sam and tucker, though before that he tends to do some pretty desperate and embarrasing things to get attention and has a problem with letting people drag him into trouble on the promise of friendship.
Danny’s Chore’s list:
-deadly laundry with ectoplasm contaminated laundry machines to content with
-helping whoever wants to cook, cook, or being in charge of dinner most nights unless someone else wants to cook (breakfast is jazz’s job, maddie and jack are gently discouraged from cooking, jazz and danny usually or use to just grab take out for lunch if they had time)
-cleaning the lab
-dishes with ecto contaminated dishwasher are always a little dangerous damn appliances and their wills to reak havoc, jazz likes to help make sure it doesnt hurt anyone since its more dangerous then the laundry machines
-assembling weapons with parents for the vault, or incase of a huge ghost invasion so everyone has a chance at a weapon, danny usually just assembles the less dangerous stuff that doesnt require a lot of welding
-general house maintense, vacuuming and window cleaning while jazz mops and dusts 
-jazz cleans the weapons vault after learning dannys secret becouse its a lot less dangerous for her then for him and hes infinitly grateful
AND DONE thats some of my thoughts on what could be done with a re design of the characters and story beats listed, im tired of writing now but enjoyed getting this out
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notafightr · 5 years
i dont have any specific questions but id really love to hear any thoughts on It that youd like to share!!!
okay so i have a big note in my phone of all the things i thought to point out or write down from the most recent time I read the book (the past month or so) because the time I read it before this one I annotated the whole thing and I was just gonna chillax with this time but I realized I was still finding new things that I even didn't find when I annotated it and I wanted to remember them so yeah a lot of it isn't coherent bc I figured I'd be the only one to ever see it and I'm not gonna transcribe it so enjoy what makes sense
I think the first chapter is told by Georgie. at the very beginning of the chapter, the pronoun "I" is used for the first time, "so far as I know" and then again at the end of the chapter, for the LAST time in the book, "I do not know where [the boat] finally fetched up", where the rest of the book doesn't once use this first person kind of syntax. the entire book as I've analyzed before uses third person POV, in which it is third person but not limited to one character, following the emotions/thoughts/etc of several different characters at different points. the first chapter is the first, last, the ONLY chapter that takes the third person point of view of Georgie, as he dies so we do not see from him again. since this chapter is the only one we see as Georgie's point of view, and it's the only chapter that uses I as a pronoun, making it first person, it's not really third person, but more of Georgie's first chronological look back on the beginning of the story, starting with his first experience of the events of It. it's even further proven to be less of an omniscient narrator than that of an unknowing one, such as Georgie, when the story begins saying "The terror, which would not end for another twenty-eight years—if it ever did end—began, so far as I know or can tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain.". This quote contradicts everything we know and come to find out through the course of the story, which is that It has been an ever present being in Derry since the beginning of time. It did not begin in 1957, like this narrator believes, which makes it clear that this is not the same narrator we read from for the rest of the book. So all in all I think this is some spiritual version of Georgie, any amount of years after the story, perhaps 27 years, perhaps a hundred, telling what he knows to us, the reader.
"Arms can be symbols of strength and power. We use our arms to carry and lift and move things, but we also use them to protect ourselves and others. “Arms” may also be used to refer to weapons that attack, or as “armour” to defend."
eddie lost his arm protecting the others
some sort of parallel with Stephen and Adrian.. both writers, s straight a gay, s ditches things that take longer than a few months to write, a 12 years on one book
richie49 251 Richardsalley485
eddiec 251 901
I just realized no kid was killed in their home I think? no Frederick Cowan was
IGMMS on nightmare on elm Street in chapter one
possible reshoots: one from book one from not
Audra bike ride
photo album
eddie corcoran
the bird
dead boys
photo album dos
final flood
I'm caught
literally refers to Eddie as queerboy
a phantom appeared in the form of an old man.
Stan "looked like the world's tiniest adult" Stan was said to have the soul of an old man. tragic when you think about his fate. phantom in the form of an old man could refer to stan
427 ocd
14 430 parallel
584 Richie adhd
all losers only child
maybe in the end it's the voice that tells the stories more than the stories themselves that matter
Bowers HELPED them defeat it by bringing them all together
"'The victim was a gay and rather childlike man name Adrian Mellon. He had a bad case of asthma.'
Eddie's hand stole out and touched the side of his aspirator." (see page 507)
I need not cite anywhere that Eddie is asthmatic, this is common knowledge. But if we go back a few pages, specifically page 493;
"[Eddie's] face was prematurely lined (although in his movements he seemed somehow younger than either Richie or Ben),"
What do these descriptions of Adrian and Eddie have in common? Descriptive of how they are childlike, compared to those around them, and that they are both asthmatic. Not shown above but also common knowledge to anyone who's read the book, they both have other parallels including their death (killed by pennwise/It in which one of their arms is torn off) as well as the fact that the only use of the phrase "my love" is from Don to Adrian and Richie to Eddie.
I know we all know their deaths and the fact that they're asthmatic sets up parallels between them, but I really wanted to acknowledge the fact that within just 14 pages of each other, Eddie and Adrian are BOTH labeled as childlike (in Eddie's case, at least in comparison to those around him) which I think is VERY purposeful. This makes Adrian's only significant trait not explicitly mentioned about Eddie, that he's GAY. Therefore, heavily implying Eddie is as well.
jesus christ
so you're telling me. when Eddie goes down the street Greta and the Tracker Brothers both live on when the seven split up after the chinese food meet up, that he reminisces both on Belch and Greta, two people who bullied him, looking back on when they would play a sport (Greta croquet in her backyard, and Belch baseball in the tracker Brothers field), and then sees Belch as the leper offer him a blowjob? like the original leper? and so you're telling me, a little after that he sees It taunt him again as Greta but in a non sexual way? so basically you're telling me, Eddie sees It as Belch and Greta back to back, who both serve essentially the same character type, paralleling themselves in Eddie's point of view, only difference being their gender, and you're telling me, It chooses to taunt him as the leper offering a blowjob in BELCH'S form? not Greta's? you're telling me all that? that It sexually taunted him as a boy instead of a girl? so basically you're telling me Eddie is gay and It knows it
singer/reddie parallel Richard Penniman Eddie Cochran
"the two up cards were both the ace of spades"
"most spiritual card in the deck"
preconditions 526 619
624 foreshadows Eddie's death when It taunts Henry as the losers but not Stan or Eddie
bruh eddies sexuality is so repressed he don't even know it but Richie he knows something. he knows he likes Eddie. that world of it book says paul Bunyan represents the masculinity Richie is attracted to... literally though... like Richie doesn't tell anyone about it ONCE not even once he never tells ANYONE he only tells his first experience as the one with bill!!! wtf!
check page 959 of annotated copy
ok i think the fact that henry deliberately chose Eddie first to kill is absolutely foreshadowing his being the next death of the losers club, he could have gone to the closest one being Richie on floor two but he for some reason chose the one furthest up? ok worm
973 did kaspbrak have a wife? maybe that was a stupid thing to say.
huh I wonder why Henry would have any doubt that Eddie has a wife
982 Henry literally calls Eddie a fag i
all the slurs henry uses are specifically geared toward a fact based trait of each loser
rocks symbolise strength and stability
very repeated through the book since the apocalyptic rock fight
I kinda don't like that Eddie's ability to navigate was so lately introduced seemingly as a plot device
thank god for small favors... he slapped eddies can....... z z. xxnejsm
spiders symbolize fear turtle symbolizes creator, persistence, endurance, longevity
1098 Eddie goes to Bev first because he's the most "frightened" he goes to her as he would go to a mother. he does this sexual act with a GIRL in a maternal context
send more questions and headcanons to my inbox!
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, Ep. 6 (Cont.)
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Hibiki, having seen a horror upon horrors, immediately asks Tsubasa if she’s okay. Tsubasa points out she’s a hospital patient, why would you ask this question, you insensitive prick. Hibiki points to the following scene:
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Now, you may be asking yourself. “How does a formerly comatose person who is now bedridden on an IV drip manage to do this much damage?” Simply put, Tsubasa has a very chaotic aura. She doesn’t even have to take stuff out of her room; the places she goes to just naturally wind up like this. It’s a metaphor for how much of an absolute mess this person is simply by existing.
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“l-look i just- its hard to organize things and- im more of a visual person and-”
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Hibiki unwittingly gets her revenge on Tsubasa. She doesn’t realize it, but her lecturing Tsubasa on what an absolute mess every facet of her life is could possibly be heralded as her lowest point in the entire series.
No, wait. Thinking about it now, this is her second lowest. We won’t see her lowest until GX comes along.
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“hibiki, every single bone in my body is broken, you dont have to break my pride too”
Hibiki, being an absolute darling, actually picks up Tsubasa’s mess. This is more than she can say about her own messes.
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“haha, miku usually does this for me! wait- wait a minute.”
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“i dont get it. i tried to kill you. i tormented and ignored you. i refused to help you for months. i failed to train you on any facet of combat as your senior. i nearly let you get kidnapped and, failing that, nearly killed myself while making you watch, which ALSO didnt help you not get kidnapped aside from scaring the shit out of that weird lady. why are you... helping me?”
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“because either we’re going to be very good friends or im going to toss you out the window personally!”
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“oh god, that aggression screams kanade. i cant not like her.”
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Absolutely annihilated. Just kick her while she’s down in her Taco Bell spiral of humiliation and self-discovery, Hibiki.
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“it’s okay, tsubasa! you may be a terminal dumbass, but im sure if we all work together, we can share our braincells and become collectively smarter, for each other!”
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“interesting theory. how many ya got?”
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They trade the kind of banter two people with 0 brain cells would have and then Tsubasa points out Hibiki is doing a great job in her place.
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Meanwhile, in the library, Miku is looking at books, as she does what she says she’s gonna do, unlike a certain other person cavorting with cute idols.
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“The Gay Way: How to Get Your Same Sex Relationship Back On Track, by Dr. Lesbe Honest. wow, this one is right up my alley.”
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Okay, I’m gonna be honest with you. I literally forgot they show you the title in this. Imagine my face when I made up that title on the spot only to be hit with this little number. Holy shit, Symphogear. There’s this thing called subtlety. I’m begging you. We get it.
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Okay. Okay. Let’s get that out of our system. The worst is over. This is the, uh, crescendo of the bad side plot as it inevitably sets itself on the road to resolution. I’m not going to have an aneurysm. My brain is not going to split itself in half. We’re good. I swear, we’re good.
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Tsubasa, meanwhile, wants to understand why Hibiki fights, wrestling with the Da Vinci code that is her own emotions. She points out the fight against the Noise isn’t a game, and it ain’t no comic book bullshit either. It’s real, it’s out there, and it’s not pretty yet easily marketable as cute mascots. And what does our protagonist say? No making it up, she literally says:
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“i dunno”
Not a damn brain cell in her body, but props for keeping it real. I’d likely say the same thing.
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This is the face of someone currently sucking air through their teeth at the raw frustration that someone would be dumb enough to risk their life for the sake of only helping others.
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“listen. im gonna keep it real here. i suck at literally everything. math. social studies. writing. helping people is all i have, because its not a competition. you just... you do it. you dont get better at helping people, you just help. like, thats it. i dunno what else to tell you.”
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Then Hibiki points out that she feels it all started with Kanade saving her, and the speech implies its a ‘pay it forward’ sort of affair. She was saved, and so she should save others. Unfortunately, it comes off more as a guilt complex. “I lived, and I feel bad about that, so I gotta save everyone else” kind of stuff.
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“its my coping mechanism for my countless traumas!”
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“i get it now. you’re just as much of a mess as i am. you just dont show it as much. that kinda thinking’s gonna get you killed.”
Tsubasa then correctly points out that it is a kind of survivor’s guilt, where she wants to be released from the pain of old wounds, completely unaware of the irony of her statement.
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“yeah. i get ya. we’re both wrecks. but... we can be wrecks working together.”
This would be the part where she says I’M SORRY but apparently we just don’t fucking do apologies in Symphogear, huh? Too good for ‘em, eh?! God.
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Then they go outside and talk more about stuff and Durandal. The summation:
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“do you have the capacity to live a life forever kicking ass?”
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Hibiki, coming to terms with how she wants to deal with shit, manages to sharpen (haw) her resolve as to who she is and how she uses her abilities.
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“i cant believe hibiki is having an affair with an attractive idol popstar. especially my favorite one from their old band. not only is she cheating on me, but she’s cheating on me from one of the five people on my lists id immediately get with if i had the chance. it feels like a double betrayal. a real life one, and a fantasy one... why do i find this weirdly hot...?”
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“ive come to take my throne. i’ll take the ‘one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” and have the three eggs over easy with the ‘easy sleazy pancakes’”
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“make it an extra lonely helping. this is gonna be a long afternoon.”
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“ahhh. a freshly cucked newcomer coming to the cuck and buck to duck amongst their bad luck run amok, huh?”
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“listen dont sass me about my busy girlfriend with your dr. seuss antics just gimmie the food and lets get this over with”
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“no problem! sorry, they just come easy. it’s hard to buck at the cuck and buck when rhymes you huck make you wanna fu-”
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Miku then ponders about how her feelings may have spiraled from a process of over thinking, or possibly hunger. Maybe both. Maybe Hibiki isn’t cheating on her. Maybe the reasons are more complicated than she knows. She briefly contemplates communication; a futile gesture when it is Hibiki safeguarding a secret she is forced to keep for incredibly stupid reasons.
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“thanks for the food, miss. it really helped sort my feelings out.”
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“no probs, kid. here at the cuck and buck, the only thing we cuck here is... our hearts.”
Meanwhile, Hibiki is still hanging with Tsubasa. Hey, if you’re gonna hang out with a critically acclaimed popstar, might as well squeeze every minute out of it, right?
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“so... taco bell, huh? im surprised you actually like taco bell now. maybe you just like fast food styled psuedo-mexican restraunts? have you tried chipotle?”
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“i... maybe you’re right, actually. i’ve grown to love taco bell, but... maybe i should expand my horizons. kanade did say... singing makes you hungry. maybe thats what she meant. i should take to new life experiences...”
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“yeah! i can take you to all the good fast food places i know!”
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“dont you have a girlfriend?”
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“she can join us! she’s a big fan of you after all!”
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“hey- hey wait! m- more friends? more... more friends... more friends.....”
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“more friends...”
Meanwhile, a crisis develops.
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Chris, having heard the f-word (friendship), is heading immediately to do the exact opposite of this.
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She’s taken some pointers from Tsubasa, t-posing to assert dominance.
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“how the fuck is she even flying”
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“i cant wait to tell hibiki how much i love and appreciate her despite the weird NTR aura surrounding this whole situation”
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“yeah, that’s right! i’m meeting the Gremlin in the park for an asskicking, don’t worry!”
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“oh, speak of the devil! hibiki! i love and appreciate you despite the weird ntr auras!”
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“miku- wait. oh no. i saw this happen in sam reimi’s spiderman 3. im fucked.”
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I know I’ve joked about homewrecking, but this is ridiculous.
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Chris realizes there’s someone else around she may have potentially hurt. This is surprising, given murder is not something she has shyed away from, but she’s slowly climbing that ladder of morality, so cut her some slack for taking it one rung at a time.
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“im losing my girl. losing my grip. now im about to lose my life. this NTR business truly is the worst.”
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Chris has accidentally employed the Dio Brando style of disposing of people, which consists of throwing a vehicle and smashing them until dead.
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“you’ve taken one step too close to my heartstrings, Gremlin, and for that you’re about to understand the full definition of an ass kicking.”
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Hibiki fucking punches the car. Everything is forgiven in this episode for now.
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“i... hibiki... are you... a street fighter character? holy shit. oh my god. hibiki oh my god you’re a street fighter character. thats been the true problem here. you’re a street fighter character now. oh my god. cheating? how could i have thought cheating was involved? you were literally just becoming a straight up superhero! oh my god. the abs! the washboard abs! the signs were all around me! the only thing you went to do behind my back was kick ass!”
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“i’m sorry. i need to go kick ass now.”
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The good news is all that tension just got evaporated. Miku sorta gets the truth now: her girlfriend hasn’t been cheating on her, she’s just been trying to save the local tri-county area from the grips of inter-dimensional alien eldritch entities controlled by a Gremlin and her Mistress. It’s a lot to take in, though.
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These two are about to fight head to head. Last time, Hibiki was but the pupil. Now, she is the Master.
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“can’t touch me, goldie locks. lemme do you a favor and CRACK THAT WHIP!”
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“oh my god hibiki’s gonna fight that weird looking person”
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“naruto running deeper into the woods isn’t gonna stop me from beating your ass senseless, fists for brains”
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“thats because i wanna talk, asshole”
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“wait. wait, what? you... you want to talk? to me?”
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Hibiki proceeds to aggressively describe herself to her. Name, identity, blood type, age, the works. This is because she’s trying to befriend her, because Hibiki feels fighting people is bad, and that talking is more useful than fighting. This is a recipe for suicide, normally, but in this instance...
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“what in the goddamn hell... i... um... nice.. to meet you...?”
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Hibiki deploys a counter-T-Pose to show kinship, feeling that they don’t have to fight like this since they’re not Noise.
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“talk may be cheap but it’ll make kicking your ass all the more easier, nerd”
Chris learns this, in fact, does not make the ass kicking all the more easier. Hibiki’s fresh new moves manage to dodge whip after whip of Chris’s attacks, and it’s really starting to annoy her a lot.
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“pain in the ass. so you learned how to fight, huh? fine. you’ll tire out eventually.”
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“let’s just talk, seriously! or maybe we can bond over board games-”
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“i FUCKING hate board games. the fuck are you, a grandma? just fight already! people cant understand each other anyway!”
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“i was told to kidnap you. but im exerting a loophole today; no one told me to do it alive”
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“the only kidnapping going down is me, sleeping in on a thursday afternoon forgetting class exists, you neon porcupine. so come at me. can’t kick me ass if you dont come any closer, right?”
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“ive watched the entirety of dragonball z, i know exactly how this fight’s gonna go down”
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“finally. looks like i got y- hey, wait, what?”
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“ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY JANKING MY LEG? THIS BITCH IS LITERALLY GOKU? PULLING KAMEHAMEHAS AND SHIT? WHY? god. its me. yukine chris. why do you hate me. why do you drag me through all this shit only to be hit in the head with some real anime baloney. why. please. have some mercy.”
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“i dont know what a goku is but sure, yeah, why not”
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“im going to kill her. oh my god. she doesnt even know who goku is.”
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“get that tentacle shit away from me. im not fucking around anymore. we’re going to have a heart to heart whether you like it or not!”
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“oh shit she found my weakness. really close melee combat.”
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Hibiki punched her so hard that she physically destroyed the entire armor Chris was wearing in a single blow.
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“she... she doesnt punch ME like that... i mean, probably because she loves me, but..”
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“did... did she just kill that person...? hibiki...? you, uh... you alright...?”
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detectivehole · 5 years
Go comic feral, i followed this blog for a rEASOn and it's bc i like to hear your random vents and rants and also you reblog cool stuff. But i digress, go comic feral i am hERE for it
PETER PARKER BEING RICH IS STUPID  he didnt even ern what he has himself it was nt even himn he wasnt in his body maybe if i had got to see him start fron nothing to being a cool ceo or whatever id be able to stand it but nooooooo he just GOT is for nothing so it feels stupid like “ha ha what if like tony stark haha” its DUMB and i haven’t read a spider man comic for a long time
deadpool/spiderman crossover comic bad. feels out of character a lot. funny concept and full of funny jokes but as far as characterization its bad in my opinion- was made to capitalize off the hype of the ship and we all know it
don cates should be banned from writing comics bc he fucking sucks and ill never forgive him for what he did/tried to do to venom
deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good dea
the venom movie was a lot of fun but it was very ooc a lot HOWEVER seeing some of the cut scenes and scripts you can see that it used to be actually fairly in character for the comics but a lot of scenes with eddie establishing himself as not actually the most nicest of guys (not that eddie isnt a nice guy deep down but he is a good amount fucked up with a big ol hero complex and a problem with ‘i can do no wrong” mentality sometimes) were cut and considering how the fandom for the movie treats him i can see why the cut those bits out bc i dont think movie goers would have liked him as much wich is a shame bc he is a good guy at the end of the day just fucked up
straight white male comic fans are the worst people in the world and breaking their fingers is a daydream i indulge in 
matt murdock is a himbo
foggy nelson is a good man who deserves better friends
i can tell what deadpool comics someone has read based on how they characterize wade in their fan works and i have a 80% success rate with it. the most common was the daniel way run but now its the spider-man/deadpool crossover series
soulda used miles for the mcu spidey instead of cannibalizing his story for parts like they did. dick move, Disney
mcu bad
i think just the idea of dc’s Red Tool is fucking hilarious but i dont like his character at all
batman and superman should fuck but they wont :/
matt and foggy should to but the comic industry is afraid of making long running characters lgbt bc theyre WEAK
deadpool need a canon bf they cant keep telling us hes pan and not showing us for reals- hell he could just go on one date or be shown having a one night stand or something- something beyond a damn joke
cable gay. no i will not listen to any other opinions.
im excited to read moon knight i have a book waiting i just have to finish my current one
SCUD the disposable assassin is the most underrated comic EVER and i LOVE IT however i think it ended stupid and bad however it went on fucking hiatus for like a decade and then was rapped up really fast so any ending is a godsend
i desperately want a long-form stand alone series abt wanda wilson bc shes the perfect foil for a good Feral Dumbass Woman comic. think abt it; shell sell immediately bc of recognizable brand, and then she can just go on violent stupid adventures without any of the other dp corps. it doenst have to line up with any canon i just want insane lady dp adventure comic. this is an unreasonable dream but mine none the less
i though that agent venom was stupid
tank girl is fucking amazing and i love it i never understand whats going on and i enjoy the confusion
reading early hulk comics feels like watching a weird, poorly produced old black and white sci-fi soap
there needs to be better, more easily accessed, official reading-order guides published and posted on the walls of comic shops everywhere
the 80s and 90s were the best time for marvel comics and no one can tell me otherwise. that was peak comic time
the worst time for comics was the 2000s and early 2010s
sometimes i am shocked by the art that gets the editors pass in comics. some of it is so bad and im not even talking about the disproportionate ladies
the lego marvel and dc movies are way better than the live action movies and im not even being sarcastic
seriously the 2000s made some horrible comics
i feel like committing acts of mass violence every time someone says comics arnt real reading/stories/implies theyre worth less of any value than a novel
i read the first deadpool comic i got so much that the art itself is so ingrained in my mind that people have shown my just the corners of panels and ive identified them correctly
i distinctly remember the first time the woman at the book store stopped asking me for parental permission to buy the comics i was getting (12yos) because i went there so often that she just remembered who i was and that the adult would say its fine
i refuse to talk about comics with people at cons because i am gatekept or flirted with every single time no matter what and there is no in between. and yea its because i have tits. youd think that eventually theyd learn but gross comic men never do and all the others have adopted the same policy as me so the closest i come to positive comic interaction at cons is standing in the same vicinity as another chick, looking at the same section, and the kinda smiling at each other
i think the avengers are boring. really really boring. the x-men are way better
i related to gwenpool too much when she first started and it scared/offended me so i stopped reading for a while until her character developed more and we stooped being so similar
i have spider-man bedding. i picked it out only a few months ago. its good it makes me feel cool in a very uncool way
watching spider-man as a kid made me wanna be a scientist. watching batman as a kid made me want to do martial arts. i ended up failing chemistry and falling on my face a lot instead.
i had a huge venom toy and a huge spiderman toy as a kid and while i did make them fight a lot i also made them hug just as much. i wanted them to be friends
on that note PETER IS MEAN TO THE SYMBIOTE NOW AND HE DONT EVEN HAVE A REASON NO MORE hes just such a dick about criminal reform eddie and the symbiote aint special with this- he says he believes people can be better but he really doesnt show it. he tends to think people are set in their ways and while this makes sense forthe most part considering how much hewas bullied as a kid/adult (that also contributes to his mild “i protect my own” mentality  tho at least he consciously fights that one) it stil pisses me off
i can think way more but i need to sleep i think
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colleendoran · 6 years
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No NASA Engineers were exploited in the creation of this image.
Weird rumor department.
As many of you know, I worked on the graphic novel ORBITER with Warren Ellis, a science fiction tale about a mystery involving the space shuttle. It was published 15 years ago.
It’s recently come to my attention that someone has been spreading a harmless but kinda weird rumor, so I thought I would address it.
A fanzine/book collector named Ned Brooks with whom I was tangentially acquainted many years ago, was also a NASA engineer. He worked on developing the space shuttle tiles.
A third party has been spreading the rumor that Ned Brooks worked as an “unpaid” consultant on the graphic novel ORBITER. This is simply not true. In fact, I barely spoke to Ned during the time I was working on the book. I’m not sure I spoke to him at all during that time, really.
And…what the heck would I consult him about? I wasn’t the writer, I know for a fact that Warren Ellis never consulted with him, and there was simply no need on my part to ask Ned how to draw the space shuttle. I can look at a picture and draw what I see. Why consult a tiles engineer? What for?
What really happened was a third party suggested that since Ned was a good friend of his, it would be nice for the guy and for local fandom to make a reference to Ned in the book and give him some of the art as a remembrance of his time at NASA (it was 2-3 pages, not one as this person claimed).  Think Ned had retired by then, or was about to, or something. I really don’t recall. I was happy to do it, I sometimes put easter eggs in my art for the giggles, it’s not like it’s a stretch. This third party often got art from me for his friends as favors. I did some editing on his books, wrote articles, did art for fanzines, etc, almost always gratis.
Not that big a deal, but you shouldn't do this, fellow pros, it will nickle and dime you to death.
Just say no.
Anyway, I have had nothing to do with this third party in the 15-ish years since, and as near as I can tell, the art that was supposed to go to Ned as a gift never actually got to Ned. I’d cut contact with the third party and asked that stuff he had of mine in his office be returned. When it came to me in dribs and drabs over/around 2006/2007, two pages of art Ned was supposed to get were in there with it Maybe Ned got a third one? Dunno.
Regardless, my original art is worth considerably more than the term “unpaid” would imply. I mean, seriously. But it doesn’t matter. Ned Brooks wasn’t a “consultant” on ORBITER. I think there was some discussion about how the third party suggested I could call Ned if I ever needed to ask a question. But I never did. I've never called Ned in my life.
I mean, think about it; "Gosh, Mr Tiles Engineer, does this angle make my space shuttle look fat?"
Anyway, ORBITER had been published over two years prior. Since I didn’t even know Ned for reelz, and had no way to contact him, had cut off contact with the third party and didn’t have a clue where Ned lived, I ended up selling the pages. I took a big swath of ink and blacked out the dedication and didn't give it another thought.
Except, when I first got the art back, I assumed that since I’d had a falling out with the third party, Ned had rejected my friendly gift. But as near as I can tell, Ned never got it in the first place. So whatevs.
I’d have loved to have super duper smart talks with Ned, but I think I really only had one substantive conversation with the guy in my life, and that was about his book collection and how he didn’t really like most women authors except for Tanith Lee, and I was also a fan of Lee. That’s the only thing I can remember that this guy ever said to me.
This fandom stuff can get really telephone game, but the "consultation" did not happen.
What I do recall getting from a few people at NASA when I was a kid was help with my computer programming homework. But if memory serves, that was mostly help from Ivan Clarke. I could be wrong, it was 30 years ago.
But there you go, “unpaid” consultant work for a kid in school.
There was no “consult”, “consultation”, or anything else re: Ned Brooks and ORBITER. Just an old buddy of his who wanted Ned to have a momento, and apparently, someone has been spinning the story to make it more than that.
The little I know about Ned is that he was incredibly intelligent, and he was kind enough to let me see his book collection. But I'm afraid that's all there was to it.
Not the end of the world or anything, but file under Fannish Gossip and discard.
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androdragynous · 5 years
twitter anon here is your reply post, im putting it under a break bc i dont want ppl to reblog it like a discourse post. preventative measure. also bc its a long post
[ link to my tweets for context ]
Anonymous said to canonkiller: June 2nd 2019, 4:05:40 pm · 12 minutes ago yee haw, u asked something about why sharing an ace identity to strangers is necessary? being ace is something not accepted by others 100% of the time, and it is still an oppressed group which is why it’s part of the lgbtq community bla bla, especially when being horny/making sexual jokes can be the norm, and especially when you want to have open convos about attraction and sexuality. that’s. Kinda why.
Anonymous said to canonkiller: June 2nd 2019, 4:06:57 pm · 11 minutes ago I’d also like to add that! Sexual attraction is weird so that maybe you’re not comfortable with some things as an ace person as others are,, and being ace is seen as negative pretty often. It’s nice to say Hey I Exist
im going to try to phrase this in a way that makes sense but my feelings on the whole thing are a lil nebulous so bear with me on that front; none of this is meant to come across as accusatory or hostile, it’s a genuine confusion when present 
i guess where i’m coming from is like. telling strangers that you’re ace is still telling strangers about your sex life, where telling people that you’re gay / lesbian / bi / pan / trans / nb isn’t. nothing about that prior list reveals anything about your sex life, and all of them can be present alongside being ace. whereas ‘ace pride’ is just like... the opposite of a hentai / ahegao shirt or whatever. it’s non-sexual, but in a sexual way, if that makes sense? its like. it’s still information about your sex life that i, as a complete stranger, do not need or want to see.
it also, unintentionally or not, feels like it’s implying everyone else at pride is sexual. as if by specifying, it’s marking the others as others. ‘here are the gay people, here are the lesbians, and here are the ones who aren’t sexual deviants’, kind of. and i know it’s probably unintentional! again, i don’t mean to be like Ace People Are Evil or anything, but it’s just... it feels uncomfortable, as someone who is treated as being inherently sexual for not being straight. and uh not gonna lie but your addition of being horny / making sexual jokes as being the norm for the lgbt community is uhhhhhh not helping with that one, actually, it’s kind of proving it. which is less than ideal.
also - again, genuine, honest question - what is the oppression ace ppl face for being ace? because practically every form of oppression i can think of - being denied housing, jobs, adoption, rights - simply won’t apply in the day to day life of an ace person. from my perspective - which i admit is limited, which is again why i’m asking - the only time you could, for example, be fired for being ace, would be if you routinely brought up that you were ace and your coworkers got uncomfortable about the fact you continued to talk about your sex life or lack thereof. and i don’t think that’s the same as being fired for having a same-gender partner who just exists, because that’s not mentioning your sex life, or transitioning, which also has nothing to do with your sex life.
i... really don’t think that discomfort is tied just to being ace, though? like, a lot of non-ace people are uncomfortable, as an example, kink / bdsm at pride. or horny / sexual jokes (you’ll notice, for example, that i don’t post those despite not identifying as ace). or being uncomfortable with people who make their sex lives or lack thereof a major focus of their identity. there’s no reason for that to be the common ground for ace experience when that’s something... a lot of people don’t like. it’s not like gay people go over to some dude in a hentai shit and start congratulating him. we all think its fucking weird, because that’s being sexual in a place where people aren’t giving consent to seeing it. you know, basic human decency standard.
it’s also... the description of seeing other ace ppl and relating to them is all fine and good, but it’s in the context that like... everyone who doesn’t give you intimate details about their sex life is then automatically not ace. you have no idea! you have no idea about most of the people you see! is a lot of media sexualized? yeah! and a lot of people - ace or not - have a lot of issues with that! it’s not like people who feel sexual attraction are 110% comfortable with some sex scene in a crowded theater, it’s fuckin weird for everyone.
i do also have to bring up my experience w the identity in fandom spaces, which is important, because to me it is PROFOUNDLY uncomfortable when people are like “this child character from this children’s series is asexual and this character is gay!” because it’s like. they’re 12. this is a book series written for twelve year olds. none of them are sexual. pointing out that one character is Very Not Sexual and the other is gay has some aforementioned unfortunate implications about how people view being gay! i have the same concern seeing ace pride flag stamps on a minor’s deviantart profile as i do when i see a fetish stamp there; the simple dread that children are being exposed to sexual content - or being told they are abnormal for not experiencing it when they’re children - and it’s expected to be a point of pride. that concerns me. i fear for kids who are ‘proudly ace’ because, from my experience, the ace people i have met bring up sex far more often than those who aren’t ace or haven’t made it a focal point of their identity. at the end of the day, i don’t want to know about how much or how little anyone, ESPECIALLY A CHILD, wants to have sex! and i think thats a pretty normal thing to not want! 
it’s not anywhere near my business unless they are my partner, in which case we can talk about it, like people in healthy relationships do. and if we break up because we can’t reach a compromise, that’s... normal? like, wanting different things from a relationship is generally why things don’t work out. that’s not ace oppression or anything. thats just normal dating.
my question still doesn’t feel answered! it still feels like it boils down to lgbt people aren’t telling people about their sex lives, ace people are, and i don’t need to know why i need to know the details about ANYONE’S sex life without my consent - which i’m not giving when im looking at pride merch on etsy or people’s profiles on deviantart. especially when the meaning of ‘asexual’ has been diluted to the point where it means ‘someone who isn’t wanting sex 24/7′ which is. how most people are.
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