#also i love the familiarity of this. like oh just checking in hows dylan today
lifesupreme-if · 2 years
how is our favourite little meow meow (dylan) doing
she was doing unwell until our favourite merc walked into her life. now it's in their (read: your) hands!
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 10
Chapter title: Utinam Ne Illum Numquam Conspexissem
A/n:  My bois ™ I love them. I'm sorry this chapter took longer than usual. It was a bitch to write! I actually don't know how I feel about this one, but stuff was revealed so yay!! Ooo what are Rem and Emile discussing... Also, I just love Latin, and Latin phrases...hence the title. Anyway, leave me some comments! I would really appreciate it!
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words: 4287
summary: Virgil and Remy must save Roman from a dangerous situation
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, gun, gun mention, drug and alcohol mention, sweating, hospital, screams
Ao3 Link  
“I warned you Rem, the waiting process is the worst” Emile advises from his desk, Remy paces around the room. Emile sighs looking up from his computer, Remy huffs. “Rem come here” He gestures for the worrisome detective. He joins Emile on the other side of the desk, sitting in the chair.
“We could get married in the time it takes” Remy comments fiddling with the funky pencils in the cup. Emile chuckles taking Remy's free hand.
“Did you just propose to me Remington Nyx?” Emile asks coyly, using his other hand to type some more things on his computer. Remy drops the pencils leaving a cluttered mess, Emile rolls his eyes.
“No, that's not for another month” Remy sighs, Emile blushes biting his tongue. Remy kisses his hand jumping up. “Alright! I can't sit here wallowing! I need to do something”
“Glad to hear you saying that” Virgil slides in through the door. Emile gives him a small wave return, Remy falls back onto the couch soon joined by Virgil. “Is it bad that I don't wanna work today?” Emile shuts off his computer standing up. He makes his way to the chair across the couch, opening his notebook.
“What's wrong?” Emiles voice shifts, Remy stifles a laugh recognizing what he's doing. Virgil rubs his forehead causing a red stain of heat.
“I'm stuck! I really can't do this job, I don't know what's happening” Virgil complains. Remy's smile disappears now, he leans forward, placing a hand on his partner. Virgil shoots him a grateful glance but it doesn't do much, because he's stuck spinning. “I'm just so confused”
“Oh, I felt that” Remy mumbles spreading himself on the couch laying his head on Virgil's lap. Emile smiles sweetly at his partner. “Em, we need therapy, clearly” he gestures dramatically. Emile chuckles, Virgil nods solemnly.
“Alright fine, but you better be paying me for this” He teases, Remy wiggles his eyebrows making Emile shift. “Not like that you absolute dork” Emile chides. Virgil begins fiddling with Remy's hair, twirling and twisting it every which way. Nothing harmful and Remy doesn't mind, it helps Virge calms down. It gives him something to do. “Ok, what's your sleep schedule like?” Emile begins.
“What does th-” A hand quickly covers Virgil's mouth, he looks down at Remy expectantly.
“Dude, just answer the question. He's the professional” Virgil rolls his eyes removing Remy's hand. Emile, who at this point is used to the detective's antics, politely waits. He has to do it a lot, patients tend to take longer to start off a conversation. But once you get them going, it's like rapid fire. Sometimes Emile can't keep up, however, others are less willing.
“Uh, I sleep...I guess…” Virgil grumbles, Remy appropriately yawns. “It's pretty sporadic, never more than like...mmm four to five hours?” Remy snaps in agreement, Emile tries hard not to shake his head. Showing disapproval or disappointment is counterproductive but Remy sleeps plenty, almost too much if you ask Emile. Virgil flicks Remy's forehead causing a mock pout. “You sleep so much it's not even funny” Virgil quips, Emile chuckles. Remy looks to his boyfriend for comfort or support but is instead met with a shrug, as if saying its true.
“Ok, we’re here for Virge, let's get back to him” Remy huffs, Emile nods coyly. Remy tries his best to kick Emile from his position but it ends up looking like he's flailing.
“Right well I mean...Damian keeps me up sometimes” Virgil informs returning back to a more reserved state. A pit of shame formed in his stomach, Emile notices the detective begins to pound his fists rhythmically on his thighs. Virgil's thoughts are cluttered, Damian. How could he think that? How could he say that? How dare he blame his child, his own son. How dare he complain about his job? His life is perfect, he has everything.
Not everything
Selfish, that's what I am
“Virgil? Is everything ok?” Emiles voice somehow makes its way into his head. A fruity intrusion in his echo chamber, his thoughts make way for the question. Pausing just for a moment, so he can look the doctor in the eye. Remy sits up now, growing concern riddles his face.
“Virge, you still with us bud?” Remy waves in front of his face, he can focus on the swift movement. Virgil couldn't really see it much, but it was consistent, it wasn't changing on him. But every time even the slightest thought of something pushed its way into his mind, an uneasy feeling tugged at his stomach. He grabs the hand, setting it down.
“M’fine” He lies, his problems are his own. Obviously, Remy and Emile could see straight through this, but just as impeccable timing goes. This takes the cake. The door swings open hitting the wall quite heavily. Virgil stands soon joined by the other two. Dylan appears his radio going wild, Emile and Remy throwdown in a staring contest. Emile crowned the winner, hopes his message of ‘Do not hurt Dylan, it wasn't his fault’ gets through. “Whats up Dyl?” Virgil asks, dusting off his pants.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt-
“It's fine, what's going on?” Remy pushes, Emile frowns at him. Every hint of annoyance towards the office that Remy could muster, he would. It may seem a bit too much but he put Emile's life in Dylan's hands and was completely betrayed. Every time he sees Emile he can't help but be reminded of the barrel he found his boyfriend staring down.
“There was a break-in at…” he snaps struggling to recall the address. Virgil exhales, his own patience wearing thin. “4563 Witch Lane, I think” Virgil's brows furrow, he knows that address. “It's ongoing and officers say the perpetrator is violent” Virgil heart pounds in his head.
“Why do you need us?” Remy questions flopping back onto the couch “Sounds like they got it covered” He blows, Emile shakes his head. Why? Why do they need us? They're usually called once the crime has happened, to investigate; How, when, why, and who. And that all depends on whether or not the patrol officers catch the culprit or not. So why, on god's green earth, do they need Virgil and Remy.
“Uh...because-” It finally hits Virgil, knocking him down a peg.
“Because that's Romans address” He mutters, fear is not the word he's looking for.
One more text and Patton might scream. One more text and Patton might scream. One more text from Liam and Patton might scream. One more text about how much Liam wants to see him, or talk to him or how much he misses him and Patton might scream. One more-
“Papa! Your phone is buzzing!” Valerie claims from across the small cafe table. Patton gives her a wary smile before turning over the phone, mostly to humor the excited girl. Quickly skimming over the multiple texts from Liam and one from Logan, he turns it back over. He will respond later, the mystery of what Logans might hold does set his heart racing.
“Alright kiddos, what do you want to eat?” Patton asks looking expectantly at the twins. For the past twenty minutes, the kids have been reading through the menus, on their own per Patton's request, trying to figure out what they wanted. Obviously, Patton would help if they needed it but he wanted them to try and do it on their own. The look of pride on their faces when they understood an order was all Patton was looking for.
“Waffles!” Remus has decided, shouting it for everyone to hear. Patton smiles politely at the other patrons, turning back to his son. “With...whip cream and sprinkles!” Patton nods, the waitress, Ally, writes down his order moving onto Valerie.
“I want some eggs please” She informs, wringing her hands. The failure to meet the waitress's eyes makes Patton smile sadly. Valerie, unlike her brother, was very shy towards strangers. She was much more comfortable around people she knew, to which she would shout and scream and dance around to her heart's content.
“Would you like that with bacon dear?” The waitress asks, Valerie ponders for a moment using the menu as an escape tool. She nods. Ally smiles writing down the order before moving onto Patton. “And you sir?”
“I’ll take eggs benedict” Patton shows, she nods scribbling it down. “Oh! And to drink, can we have two fresh orange juices and a latte?” The kids bounce at the sound of juice. Ally leaves after a moment, the bustling cafe revving in energy.
Breaking how own rules, as the kids play with one another, Patton checks his phone searching for one specific message. The ‘new notification’ mark hovering by Logan's name is enough to make Patton's face red. The blush he had grown so fond and familiar with returning, his finger debating whether or not to open the message. Had he gone to open it, his morning would have been a lot different but the sound of his name being called pulled him away.
“Mister Hart?” Patton shuffles around in his chair, a smile embracing his face.
“Reeve! Hi!” Patton stands, shaking the timid intern. Logan was not wrong, in his mumblings, the lawyer had revealed how Patton's smile could light up the room. He ushers for Reeve to join him at his table, after a moment of resilience, he takes his place next to Patton. “What brings you here?”
“I'm just here to pick up mister Tolentino's order” Reeve rubs the tips of fingers together trying to remember what it was. “One black coffee, an eclair, and three palmiers” Patton and Reeve recite in unison. The intern raises a brow receiving a sweet chuckle in return.
“Almost ten years and it hasn't changed” Patton reminisces, Reeve stays quiet a secret itch to find out more about Logan. “I used to pick it up for him” Reeve smirks, Patton shakes his head playfully “He would forget a lot, he claims to hate sweet things but obviously that's not true” Patton laughs, sitting and watching the lawyer Reeve couldn't agree more. “Anyway, it's nice to see it's the same” Reeve nods, there was something truly entrancing about this man, the intern could listen for hours. Patton bites his bottom lip, fishing something out of his bag. “It's really not a healthy order, would you get him an apple or some berries?” Patton requests, holding out his hand with money.
“I-i can't accept that” Reeve stutters, how can he be so trusting? What if Reeve just took off with`1 the money, what if he spent it on drugs or alcohol? Patton chuckles only furthering his insistence.
“It's on me, really” He insists “Logan needs to eat actual food” He chides, Reeve, takes it feeling awfully guilty. Patton's affect made him want to spend it on the right thing, he was just so...sweet.
“He was not wrong” Reeve mumbles, his eyes flying open through his tired manner. Patton turns to him cocking his head.
“Wrong?” He asks, Reeve shakes his head wishing away the thought with an awkward squeak of a laugh. Patton shrugs, if it wasn't his to hear, it wasn't his to hear. And yet it was, it would honestly make Reeve’s life so much easier. Logan was...an adequate teacher but he'd be even better if some things (cough Patton cough) weren't constantly on his mind. Reeve also wouldn't mind seeing the lawyer a bit happier. Whether he would severely regret this next move was at the tip of his mind, and yet…
“Uh, Logan...talks about you… a lot” Reeve explains, Patton coughs back a smile
“Pardon?” He tries, sipping his water
“He likes to talk about you Patton” Patton’s laughter turns to a quick blush. The light dusting of pink flattering his face. Reeve swallows, he stands giving a brisk smile. “I should probably get going, you know how he is, thank you again” Reeve rushes, practically scrambling to get the order and out of the cafe.
As Patton comes to terms with the feelings he himself had been feeling for years. He's kept so hidden and down, fear of rejection overwhelming and consuming his every action. Because for the life of him, he couldn't conjure up one reason why a lawyer, no a person such as Logan would ever give Patton a second thought. And yet ten years later…he couldn't help but think of one thing.
No, thank you, Reeve
“No, fuck” Virgil repeats as they step out of the car. Cops, on cops, line the street outside of Romans house. To say Virgil's heart was racing was an understatement, it was pounding. Beating so hard and fast it almost hurt.  He walks towards the main station. “What's going on Kane?” He asks the lead officer, Kane turns to him his eyes confused.
“Break in, possible violent inside” He informs, knowing that the fire in Virgil's eyes didn't mean a lengthy explanation. However, the twitching at the detective's mouth scares him even more.
“He's still in there?!” Virgil exclaims, he huffs pushing further past, right up to the captain. “I'm going in” he declares
“Absolutely not detective Tormine” Haley warns. Remy finally catches up to his less than excited partner. Virgil clenches his fists, Remy recognizes the distinct furrowing of his brows. A little too late in his opinion. “Detecti- Virgil!” Haley calls out as Virgil races past the yellow tape. Remy sighs following after him, shooting Haley an apologetic glance. “Detective Nyx! Ugh why do I try” Haley moans
Virgil ducks in the house pulling out his gun, flashlight placed above it. He’s been here before, typically its harder to get around these situations when you don't know the layout of the house. But this one? He knew like the back of his hand. He hears small noises, he can't tell if they're just house noises or people noises.
“Virge!” Remy whispers coming up behind the detective. Virgil jumps slightly turning to his partner. He motions silently for Remy to go one way towards the kitchen, while Virgil will go upstairs. They make their separate ways, quietly walking through the house. Virgil checks the bathrooms upstairs first before slowly making his way into Romans room. Its sealed shut, he pushes carefully trying not to draw attention. He swears he can hear a silent struggle. Finally, something shimmies on the other side falling to the ground, he opens the door using his light to see. A light shuffling in the corner catches his eye, he turns practically dropping his things.
“Virge?” Roman croaks. He sits huddled in the corner, a hand over his stomach, another covering the bright light shining in his eyes. Virgil wastes no time kneeling in front of the judge. “I always thought I'd be the knight in shining armor coming to save the prince” Roman jokes, clearly delirious.
“You're bleeding” Virgil realizes, Romans hand is applying pressure on his stomach. Blood oozes through the cracks of his fingers, his eyes barely stay open. Roman laughs immediately seizing through his teeth, the pain runs through. “Ok, come on” Virgil wraps his arm carefully around Romans waist, silently apologizing. Roman tries his best to stand but relies almost entirely on Virgil for support. Virgil goes to take a step but Roman can't, collapsing with just enough space for Virgil to set him down. “So that's not going to work” He mumbles, Roman can feel Virgil's hands tremble in his own.
“You're scared” He notes, his eyes closed at this point. Virgil scoffs.
“Of course I'm fucking scared Roman! You're bleeding out, there's a violent person in your house, cops are surrounding your house!” He shouts Roman slaps him softly.
“Loud, way too loud” He chides, Virgil avoids his eyes knowing the judge is right. “M’fine, let's go” He decides, opening up his eyes grabbing onto Virgil again. Virgil fights to stay balanced as he goes again, knowing Romans not here to argue. He also knows Roman doesn't have time to argue, not with the loopy state of the judge. Once stable, lightly they make their way out of the room, checking the hall is safe.
“You doing ok?” Virgil checks as they huddle close together down the stairs, he wishes he had paid more attention to Romans answer, or lack thereof. “Ro?” Virgil asks as they reach the bottom, he turns to him noticing the limp state. He also notices he's basically carrying the man. “Dammit” He grunts rushing into the kitchen, keeping his steps light. The warm blood still flowing out of Roman is enough to make Virgil gag.
“Hey” Remy whispers joining the pair, his eyes growing wide at the sight Roman. “Oh my god… is h-” His words cut off by a violent noise as something tumbles into the kitchen. Too dark to see, both detectives ready themselves, back to back. Their guns aimed at both kitchen entrances, the patterning of tiny feet growing louder. An ‘oof’ noise coming from Roman, they both turn to exhale breaths of relief, Ollie sits atop Roman licking his face. Remy chuckles before turning to the entrance. “I'll keep watch, you make sure he's ok” Virgil nods.
“Virge, I think you're pretty nifty” Roman comments as Virgil tends to his wounds as best he can. Virgil chuckles rolling his eyes playfully. He uses a damp cloth to wipe Romans forehead, removing any soot or dried blood. “Don't laugh at me” He pouts, Ollie stands brave by the judge's side.
“Never princey, never” Virgil promises, holding a wad of towels to the stomach wound. That won't do, he thinks. “Rem, we gotta get him out of here or…” Virgil would rather not finish his sentence, Remy gives a brisk nod understanding. He takes one more look out the entrance before aiding Virgil, taking place on Romans other side. “Just to the door, that's all we need to do” Virgil licks his lips, they're unmistakably dry.
“Ready?” Remy cocks his head towards his partner.
“Set” Virgil takes a deep breath his eyes aimed at the door.
“Arf!” Ollie barks, ready to charge with the trio. Virgil and Remy share a glance before setting off. They avoid anything that might make noise, reaching the door easily. Still supporting Roman, Virgil pushes the door open, shoving Remy and Roman through first Ollie squeezing in after them. He hears Haley shouting commands towards the officers. The aching his heart resembles when the medics peel Roman away from Virgil is almost too much. But having to watch the ambulance drive away without him was worse.
“Nothing too drastic, we got him into surgery just in time” The doctor explains leading a very worried Virgil to Romans room. “He should be resting, but well…” The doctor eyes the room, Virgil releases a breath he hadn't realized he was holding at the sight of Roman flirting with the nurse. “He insisted he was fine, he's all yours” The doctor squeezes Virgil's shoulder, and it takes everything in his power not to cringe away from the man.
“Thanks” Virgil slides open the door making his way into the room. Roman finishes his latest quest to be the most loved man on the planet turning to Virgil. His smile is like no other, even though the pain is clear as his face morphs. Virgil should feel relieved but something else washes over him.
“If it isn't my favorite detective, Vigil Terrible was it?” Roman teases, as if everything is ok. Virgil slides the door closed, his hands gaining increasingly sweatier. Its not ok, the countless tubes hanging out of Roman, the IV drip attached to the man, the bruises on his face, all indicate otherwise. “Virge, I was kidding…” Roman assures seeing Virgil's blank stare.
“You almost died, you know that right?” Virgil jumps right in, approaching Romans bed. Roman shifts uncomfortably in his spot, his smile faltering. “As in, bleeding out, unconscious, death” He pushes further if it's for him or the judge Virgil isn't sure. Roman knows it's not aimed at him, or at least he hopes.
“But I didnt...you saved me” Roman gives him a sad smile, Virgil scoffs. “As cliche as that is, it's true”
“It's my job” Virgil reminds, although he wouldn't disobey Haleys orders for anyone, he wasn't telling Roman that.
“Be that as it may, you still did it, and I'm fine so…”  Roman waits for something, anything to tell him how Virgil feels. But he can't let it go, something is itching at the detective clearly. No matter how many ‘Im fines’ Roman conjures or how many doctors say otherwise, Virgil needs more.
“What about Damian” He blurts, he's not sure where it came from. Roman sits up now, his eyes wide. The feelings and thoughts running him through him are incomprehensible. No words explain the jumble of things.  
“Damian's not my kid” He claims, funny. He always assumed Virgil would be the one to set that boundary, he didn't want to but if it would calm Virgil down.
“No your right, only when it's convenient right? Not when he's scared, or lonely, or has questions I can't answer. Not then right? You only act like…” He trails off, pacing around the room.
“Virgil what is this really about? Cause right now you're not making any sense” Roman argues, ignoring the pain his side shoots through him. He waits for a retort, another fiery remark from the detective.
“I don't know! Ok? I'm just...worried” Virgil's voice, in layman's terms, sounds so defeated. Romans poise softens as he ushers Virgil to come to him. Virgil obliges, putting on an annoyed front as he sits in front of the judge. “You didn't see you ok? You were...bleeding and���” Roman tilts his head softly.
“Yeah but I'm fine now” He repeats for what seems like the millionth time that day. “Look, I've got a steady heartbeat” He points to the monitor, Virgil listens intently to the stable pattern. Waiting for some drastic change, but it stays, its constant. He stops shaking, he silently begs for Roman to continue. Roman nods picking up “My wounds stopped bleeding” He lifts his gown showing the surgical remains of his stomach cut. Virgil traces it with his fingers, the cold sending a shiver through Roman, nothing he can't handle.
“Sorry!” Virgil pulls away, Roman takes his hand.
“Its fine, but god are you a corpse V?” Roman asks squeezing different areas of Virgil's hands. “You're freezing.” Virgil grasps his hand back, swatting Roman away. They share a quick amused smile. Roman leads Virgil's hand to his own face, showing him the already healing bruises. Roman goes to say more but in true dramatic fashion, is quickly interrupted.
“Patton! I told you they would be here!” Logan calls out, appearing in the doorway. Virgil jumps out of the bed moving away from Roman. Roman shuts his eyes, wincing away from the disappointment. A smile appears on his face as Logan, followed by Patton enters the room.
“Roman, oh my gosh!” Patton cries examining the judge. He turns to Virgil then back to Roman. “What on earth happened?” He asks, sitting where Virgil once sat. Logan moves into the room sliding the door closed, Virgil eyes the pair, specifically Patton, afraid of what he might do. “May I?” He inquires softly, Roman nods. Patton checks Romans face, turning it carefully as he looks at the wounds.
“Some guy broke into his house” Virgil informs, Logan listens intently. “They searched the house after Ro left but he was nowhere to be found” Patton shakes his head disapprovingly.
“I'm so sorry you had to go through that, we got the text and we were so worried” Patton rushes, cupping Romans face lovingly. He hadn't realized how nice it felt until Patton pulled away his hand. Unlike Virgil, Patton's hands were warm, almost burning hot. As he reassesses Patton's words he shares a look with Virgil.
“We?” They recite in unison, both raising their eyebrows. Patton's blush is instantly recognizable, Roman laughs as the lawyer faces away from Logan.
“Patton and his children obviously,” Logan says not understanding the obvious teasing that takes place. Roman concurs mockingly, shoving Patton playfully. “Speaking of children” Logan mumbles as to quick feet are heard outside of the room.
“Roman!” Remus and Valerie exclaim together as they run into the room. Patton stands to scoop them up before they jump onto the judge. Roman and Virgil laugh at Pattons expectant look, clearly a common theme for the twins.
“Careful” Is all he says as he places them gently on Romans bed. Virgil feels a tug at his stomach wishing Damian was present. The little boy would be incredibly mad at Virgil for NOT bringing him. He shakes his head taking his leave, not giving Roman a second look.
The twins take turns very carefully hugging an unfortunately distracted Roman. Virgil might not have given the judge another glance but Roman was watching him the entire time.
“Did you do it?” the dark voice carries, the timid man is almost too afraid to speak. “Answer me” He wastes no time, he doesn't like waiting.
“N-no...the detective showed up b-before I could finish the job” He mutters, his words tripping over themselves. A crash can be heard through the room, vibrating into silence.
“I don't like failure” The voice seems closer now, the man clings to the door. “You failed me, twice now, and I don't do...failure” No no no no, the man begs silently. “Kill him”
The screams buried under a mountain of murder.
“The lawyer and the judge” The voice informs a new body “I want them taken out, do you understand?”
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legionofpotatoes · 5 years
My assorted musings/theories about Control in one post!! I am having a lot of fun dissecting the implications of all the information we’re getting tiny peeks at. This WILL be a thought torrent so I won’t make any literary-essay-level structuring promises; click through at your own risk of losing sanity over my tangents.
So the base axiom the lore stands on is that reality in Control is shaped by the collective human subconscious in unpredictable ways, causing altered world events, subsequently creating altered items imbued with archetypal properties in correspondence with their historic context, and generally having things go way out of whack. 
But, as seen with the whole slide projector hubbub, we also know that other realities/dimensions exist in their own right and can, by virtue of their agenda, and not that of our thought, attempt to invade our reality through resonance-based means. Their motives can run the gamut but we know that their involvement/influence can have far-reaching consequences on our reality.
(there is an argument to be made that both the Hedron and the Hiss could have been extremely potent creations/projections of Jesse and Dylan’s minds altogether, especially since Polaris exists within one of them inherently, and that the slidescapes could simply have been an extension of the slide projector’s astral power still fully fed on human perceptions. But this theory sort-of runs everything else to the ground and makes us the center of the universe, and I don’t like that too much).
This is where the Oldest House comes in! And I love its deeply rooted historic/theological implications just as much as its impression at face value. I believe that since time immemorial, the Oldest House was a stabilizing element, a kind of ward against dimensional rifts threatening our reality. And it did that by presenting itself as a guide for human thought; a house of worship, a monument to service, whichever concept happened to elicit inherent respect and trust in that period of time, allowing the House to then control (ha) our thought through belief systems. Today, it’s a brutalist office building with no windows, which is, like, so on point. But anyway.
The Board. We know that it controls the Oldest House to an extent. Whether it represents the gods and deities we once made up is hard to tell, but its influence over the House’s functions is clear. We know that it had chosen individuals in the past to possibly represent the House’s intentions (today – the Directors of the FBC), giving them access to the Service Weapon and a direct link to the astral plane. I believe these would be our Thors and King Arthurs and Greek heroes and what have you. We KNOW that the Service Weapon is, by definition, the archetypal concept of “weapon” as shaped by human thought, and that the BFC suspects its past forms may have included Mjolnir and Excalibur among others. Today, it’s a handgun. Again, the implications. Delicious.
And I think the Oldest House is the same way; constantly shifting form, shape, and even geographical location to best fit its own archetypal concept, which I conflated with place of respect and/or worship up there, but even that can change to best fit the agenda of, what I think, is stabilizing and warding our reality against foreign resonances. It does this by presenting itself as a guidebook for human thought, tapping into our inherent astral potency, and utilizing resulting constructs – the Service Weapon, the anointed Director, and certain altered items – to serve its own upkeep. As directed by The Board.
(I believe that is also part of the reason why the FBC ended up discovering the House when it did – The Board allowed it per the alignment of the Bureau’s motives with its own. They both wanted to identify, neutralize, and contain AWEs both external and internal in order to keep the public – and by extension their thoughts – fully under control. I believe this had happened numerous times in the past, as well)
But to circle back – why does The House need upkeep at all? My guess is, it’s an extension of the initial agenda, and we KNOW it is inherently tied to (read: contains) thresholds, or dimensional rifts, or just other worlds. Let’s call them other worlds. The Oldest House is an ever-shifting place of power that both shapes and is shaped by human thought, in order to keep that very human thought – our “resonance” – the sole dominating astral force in our dimension. It focuses all incoming “traffic” within its walls and creates the thresholds as bottlenecks – while the traffic it can’t focus on itself, it contains, and brings in anyway - and finally, it uses the Director to keep all these foreign rifts and aberrations in check.
We are the House’s assistant. Familiar word? There’s one person in Control who keeps calling us their assistant despite our formal title being a peg above that definition. It is the Janitor – another very common archetype of stabilization, maintenance, fixing things up; in this case, Ahti – The Janitor – is simply a way for the House, and not The Board, to communicate its intent. The Janitor is as much part of the place of power as are its walls and rooms. They are one and the same. And a Janitor is a role that would be chosen with very particular intent. He knows the House’s innards as intimately as he knows how to keep them functioning.
So to recap, again – The House both feeds on and forms human thought constructs in order to keep other worlds at bay and is very much willing to directly cooperate with people when that agenda is mutually expressed. What if this whole entire system then, of a dimensional hub, a place of power trying to keep our resonance separate from others, is in itself a construct, an ancient expression of a basic human need? Or rather, a basic human emotional response? To go a bit meta, as a story with thematic underpinnings, that would make a sensible endgame to Control’s ideas and messaging. 
The Oldest House exists because we needed it to exist, and by consequence, we saved OURSELVES from the Hiss. Among a lot of other things in the past, I’d reckon. And The Board is our “representative” in the astral plane. We made them, too. We cocooned ourselves in constructs that would protect us from all outside resonances – all outside worlds – all outside points of view.
So what am I saying? Is The Oldest House a staunch apotheosis of conservative thought given form? I’m not willing to bet my life on it, but again, it all oddly falls into place. Think about it.
TRENCH let the Hiss in. Why? We’re told the Director of the Oldest House grew irrationally scared of the Hedron’s (arguably benevolent) influence and opted to fight it with fire; with an otherworldy horror. My guess is the House made him do that. The Board, sorry, made him do it. As firm believers in isolating humanity’s resonance from all others, they feared the Hedron’s presence as a variable incompatible with that agenda, and brought the Hiss in AS A WAY of proving their point, of keeping the cycle of fear strong in humanity’s thought, by killing Hedron and then using a newly appointed, freshly brainwashed Director Faden to remove the Hiss from the equation, as well. 
Status quo restored, all branches clipped, everyone agrees other dimensions bad.
The emotional response I mentioned was fear. We created The Oldest House out of fear. Fear of the unknown. And it became a feedback loop that disallowed us to ever consider anything else outside of our world as anything other than a threat.
Oh and you know what’s a real swanky way to impose fear on a willing humanity? *guitar riff* religion babyyyyyy
To wit, The Board refers to the House as a Tree at one point. We can find a scribbling of a tree in the Foundation. Ahti hands us a cassette tape from “his old friends” – and the band that starts playing call themselves the Old Gods of Asgard. So a tree connecting worlds. A housekeeper who is a friend to Odin’s pantheon. A chosen hero wielding Mjolnir. Did the House parade as the Yggdrasil at one point? Followed by some other nexus of blind human faith or a system of belief? Or just as religion itself?! And since now we all worship capitalism or some other forms of financial labor/revenue funnels and shoot each other dead in the streets, our Oldest House is an office building smack dab in the middle of Manhattan, its Director carries a literal handgun, and together they keep us safe from outsiders.
It all makes sense with a big ole asterisk that spells out “Yikes” in the end. 
Except there’s a caveat here cause!!! Within Jesse lives a spark left behind by Hedron; within her lives Polaris, a remnant of the slidescape, of the outer worlds; a hope for maybe liberating human thought of the endless cycle of fear that keeps it under its own Control. Will we bring the Oldest House down in a possible sequel? Is Jesse a Trojan horse? A byproduct of the Board’s arrogance? I mean we KNOW the pyramid is a hyperfocused, almost blatantly jealous entity that downright bribed us with healthcare plans in order to steer us away from The Former, another extradimensional being that was trying to get in through altered items. So maybe the House itself can be preserved, and its agenda retrofitted, and it is the Board we will have to tear down. It still all fits.
The Board is our projection of fear, the Oldest House is the wall we built to protect ourselves, and Jesse is poised to bring it all down. That’s my theory in a nutshell!!!!
I think I’ll end here for now. I could be entirely wrong about EVERYTHING here but the JUICE in this story is too damn nourishing, dudes.
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liliisms · 5 years
i take this magnetic force of a man to be mine.
TAGGING: Lili, Cole @hqcolem
LOCATION: Raleigh, NC.
TIMEFRAME: January 4th, 2020. Mid afternoon.
NOTES: My heart’s been borrowed and yours has been bruised, all’s well that ends well to end up with you.
Lili Dressed in the wedding gown she had painstakingly detailed out with the designer months ago, Lili almost couldn't believe her eyes. The day was finally here. She was getting married and she felt (and looked) like a princess. The bridesmaids and Austyn were a flurry of activity around her but they were almost background noise to Lili as she truly soaked in this moment. In just a hour, she'd be walking down the aisle to marry Cole. It was a dream come true. She bit her lip as she smiled at her reflection and then was torn away when she heard the familiar cry of her one month old. "Uh oh," she sighed. She had hoped Charlie would be asleep throughout the wedding so she wouldn't be too fussy but it looked like the girl had risen from her nap early. "What's the matter, baby?" Lili cooed, ignoring Amy's warnings of Charlie messing up Lili's dress. Charlie wouldn't do that to her, she knew how..important it..was. Sighing, Lili looked down to see spit up and a smiling Charlie laying against the decorative lace of her gown. Great.
Cole: was mostly ready save for his blazer and he straightened his tie for a second before being satisfied that it was ready. The venue was set up with the lights and flowers just like they wanted and Cole was busy trying to make sure everything was perfect for when Lili would arrive so it could all go off without a hitch. Having jobs and things to do was nicer than just waiting around and he was pretty sure his hair stylist would kill him if he played with his hair anymore. Cole could barely believe that in just a few short hours that he and Lili would be Husband and Wife. It felt both like this day had taken a long time to get here and also had come almost too quickly. Cole was confident everything was ready so he didn't have a whole lot to worry about. Taking one of his multitude of cameras from his backpack set up in a corner, Cole slipped on his blazer and his made his way out to the garden to fill some of the last of his time with photography.
Lili was trying not to panic but she hadn't exactly planned a backup dress. Why hadn't she planned for a backup dress? She wasn't going to go down the aisle with baby throwup all over her and the smell was beginning to waft through the room. "Oh no," she moaned and exchanged wide eyed looks with Austyn. Amy, for her credit, was keeping back her "I told you so" and was trying to calm down Lili as she sank into a chair. Luckily, the two women could keep their cool better than Lili today. When Austyn suggested she wear the gown that was meant for the reception, Lili had no choice but to agree. It may not have been her first choice but she had to roll with the punches today. Handing Charlie over to Madelaine, Lili got dressed in the slimmer fit dress and smoothed it out. She loved her daughter but she was staying far away from her until at least pictures were done.
Cole: Once Cole had finished with his photography, he made his way back inside and sank down into a chair. There wasn't a whole lot left to do until the ceremony started in just under fourty minutes and he was planning on spending it by just relaxing and doing any last minute jobs. Pulling his phone out of his blazer pocket, he sent a quick text to Lili asking her if she wanted his Dad to come and get Charlie so they could watch her. Spending the night apart from Lili and Charlotte had been strange and mostly Cole just had felt bad that he hadn't been there to help out with the infant. He had good nights and bad ones with his insomnia and usually it was easier for him to watch Charlie if he was already awake. He didn't want Lili stressing herself out by trying to watch Charlotte and get herself ready for the big day.
Lili felt her phone vibrate and pulling it out, she breathed a sigh of relief at Cole's text. 'Yes please!!' she texted back hurriedly. 'She already spit up on my dress :(' The urge to cry was still real but Lili was determined to not let anything bring her down today. Just because things didn't go perfectly today didn't mean it wasn't going to be /perfect/. She pressed a kiss against Charlie's head as Matt showed up to take his granddaughter in his arms and smiled as he complimented her. She was so happy their families were becoming a joint unit because Matt was a great father-in-law to her already. Feeling like she could breathe a little easier now, Lili sat still as Austyn prepped her veil over her hair and she pulled back her phone, sending another text to Cole. 'Almost ready..you nervous? Getting cold feet? 😉 '
Cole: could sense the relief in Lili's texts and was glad that he'd offered to take the baby. At least it would be one less thing for Lili to have to worry about. Waiting for his Dad to come back, Cole felt his phone notify him of another text and he replied immediately 'No, if I did, I'd have to take you with me'. He was happy and grateful that everyone had come together to help them with this special day but it was still a lot and Cole was definitely looking forward to the reception when everyone would be free to mingle about. He heard Charlotte before he saw her and Cole was becoming less and less surprised by her crying outbursts. He pulled a bottle from the bag his dad was carrying and sat down to feed the infant. It didn't take long for Charlotte to fall back asleep and Cole walked around with her, greeting people as they came in. When it was nearly time, Cole handed his daughter back off to his Dad and took his place at the front.
Lili smiled at Cole's text, charmed that he even with prime opportune time to make plenty of jokes, was more than serious about sticking with her. They were a solid unit. 'True. I wouldn't let you get too far away from me.' Lili hit send and was immediately scolded for texting Cole, the girls teasing that she couldn't be away from him for a second. She laughed along with them and set her phone aside, knowing they'd be standing in front of each other soon enough. She was ready to go now. She had had her manicure and pedicures done, her hair carefully styled, her veil tucked over her face. They had taken plenty of photos that Lili knew she was going to cry over later and now..all they had to do was get to the barn and prepare to have her Dad walk her down the aisle. She gave a nervous but excited smile to Vanessa as they locked eyes and then they were exiting the house to make their way over.
Cole: checked his phone one last time, smiling at Lili's text before turning it on do no disturb and putting it away in his coat pocket for now. Everything was ready. All the guests were seated, everyone in the wedding party was where they were meant to be and Cole had taken his place at the front. It was nerve wracking having everyone staring at him and Cole was just hoping the ceremony would go quickly so they didn't have to be in the spotlight for too long. He was excited to marry Lili but it was still a lot. A couple minutes later, the music to "Say you won't let go" an instrumental version started playing and the doors opened. All the bridesmaids went first and soon Cole was locking eyes with Lili. Seeing her in her dress was an indescribeable feeling and Cole was just hoping Dylan couldn't see his watery eyes so he wouldn't have to endure the teasing later. Shaking Dan's hand when he and Lili had arrived, Cole took Lili's hand. "Hey"
Lili could see everyone sitting down and waiting patiently for her big entrance. Austyn and Dylan had entered first, linking arms and walking down the aisle as Say You Won't Let Go played beautifully with just an instrumental score. Lili could feel goosebumps crinkling over her arms and as soon as she saw the last bridesmaid/groomsman take their places by the pastor, and the music swelled, she knew it was her turn. Her vision was already blurry and Lili sucked in a deep breath to see her father blinking back tears as well. "If you cry, I'll definitely cry," she chuckled waterly and wiped at her face before beginning to slowly walk with him down the aisle. She could feel all eyes on her but all Lili could see was Cole, staring back at her with that look on his face he had worn when he first met her. Pure adoration and like he was the luckiest man in the world. He made /her/ feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be loved and wanted by him. "Hi," she mouthed as she made her way to him and grinned as her father lifted her veil off her face. She kissed his cheek and then clasped Cole's hand, giving a little laugh. "Hi," she repeated back to him, unable to stop smiling. "Ready to do this?"
Cole: "I guess so. Now or never right?" Cole answered Lili as they took their spot once more. It was easy being up there in front of everyone with her because it didn't really feel like there was anyone else in the room except the two of them. Like it always did whenever they were together. The talking from the side of them was just background noise now and Cole focused all his attention on Lili. It was easier to try and do that rather then worry about everything else going on around them and Cole was easily distracted in busy and overstimulating settings. "You look beautiful by the way" Cole told her, it was probably just loud enough for Lili to hear but he still wanted to tell her.
Lili ducked her head, smiling as Cole complimented her. "And you look incredibly handsome. Handsome enough to marry," she teased and the pastor gave them a smile before beginning to talk. He welcomed their guests to the wedding and remarked how happy he was to be there, and how exciting it was to celebrate the love between them. Lili squeezed Cole's hand at this, knowing just how much they had been through together. He mentioned Charlotte, still snoozing away in Matt's arms and Lili glanced over at her daughter with a soft look on her face. She was a direct result of the love between Cole and her and she would truly be what linked them forever. "Lili and Cole have been said to talk to each other like they've been together for twenty years," the pastor spoke. "Love is friendship set on fire and they are the definition of that. We are gathered here today to celebrate this love and wish for strength and happiness throughout their future together." Lili glanced at all the smiling faces, all of their friends, all of their family that had been there for them since the beginning. Her throat swelled with emotion and she swallowed, looking over at KJ and trying her hardest not to cry at how hard /he/ was trying not to cry.
Cole: choosing not to answer Lili's next words, Cole shot her a smile and tried to listen to the pastors words as he started speaking. It was quiet save for the words he was saying and Cole was happy to use to the time to just relax and take in Lili. Her dress was stunning and Cole could barely keep his eyes off her. He always found it easy to get lost in her eyes and Cole was trying to concentrate on what the pastor was saying and also on Lili. Eventually there was a call for the rings so they could say their vows and Cole held Lili's ring in his hand as the pastor nodded that he could start. He took a breath before starting to speak Lil, I don’t believe in soulmates but as the saying goes that there is plenty of fish in the sea, then you are definitely my fish. Throughout our life together and beyond, I promise to smile with you, cry with you, and grow with you. I promise to laugh with you in good times and struggle alongside you in bad times. There is little to say that you haven’t already heard, and little to give that is not already freely given. I am blessed to have found a life partner with whom I already feel is my equal and my only hope is that I can make you as happy as you make me because you have made me the luckiest and happiest man on earth." As he'd spoken, Cole had slid the ring onto Lili's hand.
Lili bit her lip, tears already swimming in her eyes as he began to speak. Cole always had such a beautiful way with words and she was always mesmerized with the sonnets he could spin her. "You're the fish," she repeated back to him, remembering his Instagram caption from so long ago. She believed in everything he was saying and there was such passion and promise behind his words. She reached up to wipe away a falling tear but she couldn't help herself, the waterworks were beginning to start. It was a good thing her makeup artist had insisted on waterproof mascara. Staring down at the ring that was slid onto her finger, the fresh polish made it glint in the lights in the barn and she sucked in a shuddering breath. It was now her turn. "When I met you, I wasn't ready for you," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I was entering this new chapter of my life and everything was changing for me. I moved away from home to a new country, I was surrounded by people I didn't know, and I had lost who I thought was my great love in life. But then, there you were. Sitting across from me and all I could see was the back of your head. That was it. There was no meet cute, just..two people catching quick glimpses of each other and then slowly, throughout the days and months, you became more than just a very attractive head." Lili smiled as a few people laughed in their chairs. "You became my shoulder to cry on. My warm hand to hold. My lap to place my feet on. My reassuring blue eyes. My best friend and then without warning, slowly and quietly, you became my everything. I fell in love with you because you unashamedly fall in love with everything. You taught me how to look at life with wider eyes and have more faith in the universe. You never made me feel anything but safe and okay to be myself. I feel like I've known you in different worlds and different times, and I'm never going to stop looking at you with the stars in my eyes because you are my favorite constellation. I'm going to love you until my lungs give you," she smiled at him and taking the ring from Austyn, slid it onto Cole's finger as well.
Cole: listened to Lili talk. He and Lili had always been very open and honest about their feelings towards one another but it was different saying these things in front of their friends and family. Lili had always had a way with words that just made you feel what she was saying was true and it was emotional listening to everything that was being said. Especially thinking about everything they had been through together. It had only been four years but what an adventurous four years they'd had. It was surreal to look down and see a wedding band on his hand as well. He tore his face away from Lili's for a second to try and concentrate on what the pastor was now saying "Do you Cole Mitchell Sprouse take Lili Pauline Reinhart, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God's holy law, as your solemn vow?" "I do"
Lili really listened to every part of the vows. For better and for worse - done. She had seen Cole in his best moods and had dealt with him in his worst. In sickness and in health - done. Nobody took care of her better than Cole, he was constantly on the lookout for her and always making sure she was taking care of herself, and she for him. She did her best to help him sleep and take care of not only his physical health, but his mental health too. To love and to cherish - forever and always if she had anything to do with it. He was a work of art to her, the best treasure she touched, and she was never going to stop letting him know she appreciated him. Till death do you part - "I do," Lili spoke clearly, looking into Cole's eyes. Her parents had been married for years and were still happy and in love. They could do it. She was never going to stop fighting for them. "Since Cole and Lili have grown in knowledge and love of one another, and because they have agreed in their desire to go forward in life together, seeking an even richer, deepening relationship, and because they have pledged to meet sorrow and joy as one family..we rejoice to recognize them as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" Lili beamed, wrapping her arms around Cole's neck and meeting his lips in a deep kiss.
Cole: grinned when Lili answered back with the same 'I do' and listened once again for the pastor to announce them husband and wife. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist as their lips met as applause went up in the barn. As much as Cole wanted the moment to go on forever, it was soon over and he had to pull back for air. Soon it was quiet again and Cole and Lili were being directed towards signing the marriage certificate. This didn't take too long and soon Cole was holding a hand out for Lili so they could walk back down the aisle together. "Now presenting Lili Pauline and Cole Mitchell Sprouse!"
Lili didn't want to let go of Cole, enjoying their first kiss as a married couple. She grinned at him as she finally pulled back and teasingly wiped some lipstick away from his mouth, lifting their joint hands up in the air to be met with cheers. She could even hear KJ whistling in the background and Lili was completely overwhelmed by the love that was there for them. After signing their marriage certificate, Lili held onto Cole's hand tightly as they walked back down the aisle and laughed as Addy threw some flowers at her that hadn't been littered onto the floor already. Austyn had fixed her train and Lili held onto her bouquet tightly, making sure to smile for the cameras that were aiming her and Cole's way as they led their wedding parties back out the entrance of the barn. She pulled Cole aside, knowing they'd have to step away for photos soon but she wanted one quiet moment with him. "Hi, husband," she grinned at him and twined her fingers with his, their matching wedding bands glinting in the sun. Amy brought Charlie over to them and Lili held her in between them, giving her soft kiss a cheek. "The best result of our love. I'm so happy she was here for this. I guess we've just been waiting for her, huh?"
Cole: was smiling from ear to ear as they made their way back down the aisle. It had felt like planning for this wedding had taken a long time and now in the blink of an eye they were already married. It was overwhelming in the best way and Cole never wanted how he felt about Lili to go away. Especially in the moment. "Hi Wife" He echoed back when they finally had a small moment to themselves. "I can't believe that just happened" He spoke, smiling down at Charlie once she had been brought over and stroking her cheek gently with his finger. "Yeah. We needed a witness" Cole joked, happy that Charlotte had stayed asleep throughout the ceremony. She liked to pick and choose her moments to be fussy and thankfully had slept when they needed her to. "I love you" He spoke "Both of you"
Lili "We love you too," Lili spoke tenderly, leaning over to press a kiss against her husband's lips. Her husband. Lili was now officially Lili Sprouse, the wife of Cole. If only she could go back in time and tell her teenage self this now..she'd be cackling at the craziness of it. Charlie was quiet, still sleepy from waking up from her nap, and just peered up at both Cole and Lili. The little family of three stayed quiet and present in this special moment before Lili could hear everyone beckoning them over for photos. They'd do that, get a hour to just sit and talk and take their own photos, and then the reception would begin. Lili was so excited. "Let's go do this," she squeezed Cole's hand. "We've got the rest of our life to start."
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tpwk-dolan · 5 years
hi! you’re thinking of starting writing right? if so, could you do a small piece of harry maybe meeting a girl at the gym and maybe she’s a little too hot for him to handle at first? lmao
A/N: Sooooo, first, I’m sorry for taking so long to post this, I was really insecure and everything I wrote was way to bad for me, but, here it is, finally. And second, I get a little too excited and this has 1.7K words, I’m sorry but not really. Hope you guys enjoy it. Please if you have any suggestion or any tips for how not no suck writing, I’ll be glad to talk to you. Be nice, lots of love, xx.
Pants - Harry Styles x reader
Harry was very much used to pretty girls, after all, when you travel de world, you end up knowing a lot of different types of beauty. So his was cool when he sees a gorgeous woman walking around, or when a pretty girl comes to him and asks for a picture. It was alright.
But her, that girl at his gym, she was something else. Maybe it was the way she was always kind to others, she was always smiling and talking to everyone, or maybe it’s just because she was a little too hot.
Her body catches his attention at the moment she walked into the room, 3 weeks ago, in one of the boxing class. Her hair was in a ponytail, exposing all her neck and her nape; she was wearing a sweatshirt and shorts that should be considered a crime in a body like that.
After that day, everything he could think was her, the most part of the times included no clothes on. But despite all his naughty thoughts and wishes, he never makes a move on her. Not because he was afraid to get a no, but because she looked so tired of guys hitting on her, that he respects her space.
But the thoughts keep coming for him, in most of the time in the wrongness moments, one time, she decided to wear a legging to the class, and the only thing that could think off was how good it would be to rip off that pants and fuck her right there.
Today was a boxing class day, and Harry couldn’t be more excited. He always gets up a little happier everything he knows for sure that he is going to see her.
When he arrived, he sees her sitting on the first step of the building, she was wearing those damn pants.
-Hi there - he says, catching her attention
-Oh, Hi - she smiles a little - Apparently I wasn’t the only one that doesn’t get the note
-What do you mean? What note? - he almost never checks his emails, he was used to people doing that for him
-No boxing class today, Dylan is sick
-Oh man, hope he gets better
-Me too - the silence after that was a little embarrassing, she wasn’t looking at him, and he couldn’t stop looking at her. After cleaning his throat, he says:
-So, if there’s no class, what are you still doing here?
-I’m waiting for my bus, I still have 30 minutes to go - she says checking her phone
-You know, I could give you a ride home, if you want to - just be cool Harry, be cool
-It’s really kind of you, but we don’t know each other, you don’t have to
-Well, my name it’s Harry, I’m a singer - and I really want to take that pants off of you - and I’m originally from a little city in England
-Nice to meet you Harry - she smiles - I’m Y/N, I’m a designer and I’m from this big city
-Does that mean that you will accept my ride? - He reaches out his hand for her, after a minute of hesitant, she accepts and gets in her feet
-Why not?
When Harry parkers his car in front of her house, he had to admit that she wasn’t just hot, she was so smart and funny, and he wanted her so bad.
-Thanks for the ride, Harry - she said, but she didn’t leave the car, actually she looks a little hesitant - So, ah, if you want to, you can come inside, I have a lot of pizza from last night – she gives him a little smile
-That’s very kind of you - he smiles, turning off the car - I’m actually very hungry.
They got off the car and which out for the door, she missed the lock a couple of times, when they finally get inside her house, Harry was caught by surprise when her lips hit his.
But didn’t take much until Harry takes the control of the situation, his hands go to her waist, putting her more close to his body, her hands messed up his hair, not that he cares.
The temperature was getting a little warmer by the second, and Harry needs to get those stupid clothes off.
-Where is your bedroom? - he asks leaving her mouth and starting to kiss her jaw and neck, a small moan leaves her.
-Way too far, my sofa it’s over there - she says trying to take off his jacket.
Harry pick her up and gets closer to the sofa, with his jacket lost in the middle of the way, her attention goes to his t-shirt. Putting her down a little roughness, he gets in his knees and opens her legs.
-I have a question - he says - How much do you little those pants?
-I hate them - she gives him a smirk - But I noticed that you like them.
A low growl comes out of him while he captured her lips again, a kiss was way rough than before, the desperation was on both sides.
His hands quickly take off her top, she wasn’t wearing any bra, which makes his day so much happier. Leaving her lips, he started his work down, first her neck, leaving some bruises in the way, then her shoulders, and at last, her boobs.
When his hot mouth gets in touch with her cold skin, she lets out a loud moan, pulling his hair even harder.
-Harry… - her mouth wasn’t obeyed her brain anymore, so was kinda of hard form a phase.
-Talk to me, gorgeous – his gaze finds hers – Tell me what you want
-I want you further down – he smiles
-Where? – he says, kissing her lower belly – Here? – then he kisses her hip – Or here? – with a smirk, he kisses her inner thigh – Not here? Maybe a little left, uh?
-Harry, please – her eyes shut down when he finally kisses her in her center, even with her pants on, the touch makes her tremble, thanks God she was sitting because her legs were like jelly.
With a little urgency, Harry found the damn seam of those pants, and without hesitation, he did what he was wishing for the last 2 weeks, and ripped the thing off.
-You’re so wet baby – he says after putting her panties aside – Is this just because of me? – he starts teasing her folders, taking his time of licking and kissing. Then he started to tickle her clit with his tongue, enjoying the moans coming out of her. Finally, he puts a little more pressure on her, using his mouth and genteelly rubbing his thumb on her entrance.  
-Jesus Christ Harry! – her hands leave his hair and look for something to keep her in place, she honestly thinks that she was going to fly away – God, just like that.
When she tough that there was nothing he could do to make that moment better, he puts two of his fingers inside of her, all the way in, and all the way out. His fingers were fast in his movements, and his tongue follows the rhythm, getting faster until she hits the first orgasm of the night. Her legs were shaking, her eyes where shut and her breath was irregular.
When she was able to control herself, Harry speak:
-You’re ok? –sitting side to side with her, he also was breathless
-I’m great – she giggles, and then she puts herself up into his lap – Actually, I think I will show you how great I’m – with the best innocent look she could come up with, she gives him a small kiss on the lips, and work her way to his jaw, biting him the same way he did before. In the meanwhile, her hands start pulling his shirt off.
A little moan gets out of his throat, making her even more excited. With a final kiss, she puts her focus on taking his pants and underwear off. Harry was big, and this jus turn Y/N more on.
Taking his cock in her hand, she started slow, base to top, keeping her gaze on his face, watching every trait of pleasure, getting more faster by the minute, teasing him. Then, she started licking it, also slow, moving her hands to his ball, she takes him on her mouth, putting in as much as she can’t. This time, his moan is much louder.
His hands go to her hair, leading her.
-Good Lord Y/N – he says, under his breath – You look so good sucking my cock like that.
Pulling herself out to take a breath, she replaced her mouth with her hand, moving quicker. When she felt he was close, she takes one of his balls in her mouth, sucking a little hard. She watches when he reaches the orgasm, his leg muscles contracted, his head falling back, and her name leaving his mouth a couple times. She licked him up, swallowing every drop.  
Harry didn’t waste too much time after, pulling her up, he lay her down on the sofa. Spread her legs and put himself inside of her, all the way in. Making both moan loud. Waiting a second until she adapted with his side, he started a slow rhythm, dropping his head on her shoulder, her hands hold strong on his shoulders, scratching a little bit.
-Faster – she said almost like a whisper
Doing as she says, he was getting faster, taking the care of not hurting her.
-Look at you, taking my cock so well – he whisper in her ear – Such a good girl
The moan she let it out probably was heard by the entire neighborhood, not that any of them care. The familiar pressure on the stomach started to make a presence in both of them, the sweat making both hairs wet.
-Harry, I’m going…
-I know babe, me too – reaching out for her clit, his finger put a little pressure there, setting her to the limit.
With a loud moan, the orgasm hit her, Harry didn’t take much longer too. Both of their bodies fell off in the couch. And they stay there, waiting for they breathe to go back to normal. After a couple of minutes, Harry takes himself out of her, adjusting his body in her side, making both feel more comfortable.
-This was amazing – she says, keeping her eyes closed, but smiling lazily – You must really like those pants, uh?
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 90: Prelude to the Storm
"Mmm...wow, you have to try that," Neal said, as he took another bite of his meal. Emma speared a shrimp and ate it, finding it to be as delicious as he said.
"Wow...that's really good," she agreed.
"And how is everything?" Tiana asked, as she and Naveen visited the table.
"Really good," Neal complimented.
"Culinary genius," Emma added, making the couple almost giddy at the praise.
"I'm totally making my parents come here on their next date night," she praised.
"Thank you...we're glad you enjoyed it and we will not turn down the buzz that semi-famous customers like you two and your parents will create," Naveen replied.
"I think famous is a little strong, but hey if us coming here gets you more business, then that's a good thing," she agreed.
"Well, thank you. How are they doing anyway? We heard about what those people did," Tiana said gently. Emma smiled at their concern.
"They're okay...I worry about them, but love always seems like it's enough to get them through anything," she replied. The other couple smiled.
"Your parent's true love is an inspiration and I hope these outsiders find their way out of town for good," Tiana mentioned.
"You and me both," Emma agreed, as they settled the check and then started walking through town.
"So...not bad for a first date that's not a first date," he joked, as he nudged her playfully. She smiled at him.
"Yeah...it beats the old days when we were knocking off convenience stores and holing up in other people's motel rooms," she agreed. He chuckled.
"Yeah...I miss the kid though," he said. She smiled.
"Me too...guess that's the sign we've made it, huh?" she asked. He nodded.
"So...does that mean I can ask you out again?" he inquired.
"You know...I thought tonight was going to be awkward and weird, but it wasn't. It was new, but it was also familiar and comfortable...I'm not sure I expected that," she mentioned.
"So...is that good?" he asked. She smiled and answered him by pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Does that spell it out for you?" she asked coyly.
"I don't know...maybe you could spell it out some more?" he asked. She chuckled and shoved him playfully, before they kissed again, this time with a lot more heat.
"Yeah...that spelled it pretty good," he agreed, as they shared another smile, just as they saw his father's car pull up, with Belle in the passenger seat and Eli in the backseat. Which was weird. But even stranger was the truck and trailer following them. In the cab was her parents and Persephone.
"Hey guys...what's going on?" Emma asked, as they all got out.
"We found it...the magic," David said, as he hugged her.
"Uh...that's great. Where though? I thought they would have left Storybrooke with it," Emma replied.
"They did," Belle confirmed and her eyes widened.
"You two left Storybrooke without me?" she questioned in concerned.
"Yes...and that's not all that happened. But first, we need to hide the cube for now," Persephone interjected.
"Okay...let's do that first and you two can talk while we do," Emma said.
"You're not going to like any of it," Snow warned.
"Clearly," Emma responded.
"Wait...you and Belle went to?" Neal asked his father, who looked guilty.
"Bae…" he started to say, but Neal put his hand up.
"Save it...let's just hide the magic for now. I actually like the fact that Cronus and everyone else have no magic right now and I think we should keep it that way," he
agreed, as he and Emma got in the car and they proceeded to the library.
Circe angrily slammed the car door, as she arrived at the cabin. She had been called by one of her top operatives, the former soldier, and saw him wince as she stormed up to him. He was an imposing figure and his background in the marines had led her to choose him to lead her followers. But in reality, he was just the head sheep, leading her other sheep. He had once been Captain Dylan Channing in the United States Marines. He had served two tours in Afghanistan, but his experiences there had only amplified character flaws he had suffered with all his life. His anger had led him to outbursts and the determination by his superiors that he was a danger to the innocent locals that they were there to try and protect.
After several infractions, Channing was dishonorably discharged and became homeless when he returned to the states. He had undiagnosed post traumatic stress syndrome, was chronically paranoid, and had been ripe for Circe's picking. His experience as a marine made him an excellent enforcer in her operation and his weak mind allowed Circe to control him completely.
"What the hell happened?" she demanded to know.
"I got a text earlier from Kevin, requesting that I come here to help bury bodies. I'm not sure who he planned to have me help bury, but the bodies we have found are Kevin and Jessica instead," he reported, as he swallowed thickly.
"And the cube?" she asked in a measured tone.
"It's gone," he answered.
"Dammit...I ordered them to take this to the base in New York!" she screamed.
"We can use this with the other followers though. If it was Snow White and her husband that killed Jessica and Kevin, it can further our narrative that they are evil. We can get our people to riot against them," he projected.
"They have the magic! It will not matter what we do without that magic!" she ranted, as she examined the bodies that he and the others had gathered.
Kevin had clearly been stabbed through the heart, probably by the Prince if she had to guess and that would make sense if he was threatening Charming's precious Snow White. But Jessica was horribly and badly burned, almost beyond recognition. And that was a curious thing to her. Obviously there hadn't been a fire of any sort. There was no evidence or damage to indicate that. And there was only one other way she knew of that would cause burning like this. Lightning. And as far as she was aware, there had been no thunderstorms in the area, though the wet soil was indicative that there had been a weather event here. An unnatural one. One that had been created by a God...or Goddess. Whether or not it was deliberate or inadvertent, she didn't know. But it was definitely cause for concern. Even with all her advanced tech that she had created to combat magic, going against a God head on was very risky.
"Take care of the bodies and then join me back in Storybrooke. We have a ball to attend tomorrow night," she announced, as she went back to her car. If the heroes wanted to play that way, then she'd continue to be a thorn in their side.
"What?!" Emma exclaimed, as Snow and David winced in response.
"Princess…" David started to say.
"Oh no...don't Princess me, Dad. I can't believe you guys were so reckless!" she cried.
"We're really sorry honey. We had no idea it was going to escalate like that," Snow pleaded.
"She's right. You know that if I had an inkling that it would that I would have never let your mother near it, especially in her condition," David added. Emma sighed.
"I know you two don't mean to get into trouble like this, but you always do. I can't lose you guys!" she exclaimed.
"I just got you," she added and with that, they melted and hugged her between them, with David cradling her head.
"We're sorry...scaring you was the last thing we wanted to do," Snow said.
"Just promise me that you won't leave Storybrooke again without me, even if it's only a few miles away," she pleaded.
"We promise," David agreed. Neal sighed and looked at his father.
"Bae…" he started to say.
"You know I should yell at you for being so reckless, right?" he asked.
"And you would have every right," Rumple started to say, but was surprised when Neal simply hugged him fiercely, making Belle smile.
"You do something idiotic like that again and I'm going to go off on you like a bomb," he warned. Rumple eventually got over his shock and hugged him back.
"Fair enough," he choked out. With that, they opened the trailer, while Neal and David did the heavy lifting, carrying the containment cube into the library. They waited for the elevator and Emma operated it, as they took the cube down below to hide it. Once they did, she brought them back up and Snow was ready to help her mother search for Hades.
"Let's go…" Snow suggested, but Persephone did not move.
"It's too dark and we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. We can search in the morning, but we should all be well rested for the ball," she suggested instead.
"I can have the dwarves do a night patrol," David offered.
"If you think it might help," Persephone replied.
"Can't hurt," David said, as he made the call.
"Are you sure, mother?" Snow asked. She nodded.
"Daylight is going to yield more results. All of you...go on home," she urged.
"Aren't you coming?" Snow asked.
"No...I need to tell Mother what happened out there today," Persephone replied.
"You mean with the lightning?" Snow asked. She nodded.
"I'll be fine, snowdrop and with the assistance of the other Gods, we'll find Hades in the morning," she assured, as David returned and put his arm around Snow.
"Leroy and Happy are going to run patrol and look tonight," he said. She smiled at her son-in-law.
"Thank you David," she said, as they all left the library for the night. In addition to locking the library doors, they had padlocked the elevator. James was also going to be getting there soon to guard the elevator on the night shift, while Robert would be taking the day shift. And for now, they had to hope it would be enough to hide the magic until they figured out if returning it to the town would be for the best.
When they arrived home, they bid their daughter goodnight and it was less than two seconds after Emma's door shut that they were peeling clothing away with desperate need. But they also both needed a shower after all the mud and rain, so that's where they ended up.
Steam billowed around them and hot water beaded on their naked bodies, as they quite literally fucked each other. Slow, languid lovemaking would likely come later in bed, but what they were doing now could only be described as fucking, as he pounded his hard cock into her trembling body, which he had pinned against the shower wall. And to accompany that were Snow's wanton screams and his husky growls.
"Charming…" she cried desperately, as her legs remained folded around him and she grazed her teeth along his neck, until she felt herself being pushed closer and closer.
"Baby…" she whimpered, as her back arched in an erotic bow and her head lolled back. She shuddered and writhed around him, before crying out loudly as she orgasmed like a storm. Her coming was as powerful as ever and he plunged deeply inside her, searching for his own until he could hold back no longer and found completion. They managed to finish their sensual shower, as they enjoyed washing each other, and took great pleasure in making out the rest of the time, until the water went cold.
They toweled off and made their way to the bed behind the curtain. Then it came as no surprise, as their towels were discarded and an entirely new bout of sexual euphoria began. She backed herself onto the bed, allowing him a full view of her naked body and her a view of his. Her eyes locked on the considerable length between his legs that was quickly getting hard again, as he stared at her with a mix of love and lust in his eyes. He climbed onto the bed with her, hovering above her and love and lust was mirrored in her eyes. She climbed into his lap and locked her arms around his neck, as he slid her onto his hard cock. She mewled pleasurably at him finally being inside her again and they began to rock together. He gripped her hips and helped her to ride him in an undulating rhythm. Their lips met in short pecks in between impassioned gasps, as they made love again, desperately needing each other. Climaxes raged between them again, as they fell to the bed after, boneless and sated, entwined thoroughly in each other's arms, limbs tangled beneath the sheets, and eternally in love.
Circe arrived back at camp with Captain Channing, who with the assistance of his operatives, were bringing Kevin and Jessica's bodies back.
"Followers!" she called their attention.
"A great blow has been dealt to us today!" she announced, as they revealed Jessica and Kevin's bodies to them. There were gasps of horror and shouts of outrage.
"Snow White and her Prince have killed them!" she told them. There were more cries of outrage.
"As if we needed more evidence that the Princess of the Underworld is an abomination and her husband is as evil as she is. They killed our people, while they seek to bring another demon child into this world!" Captain Channing added, further riling them up.
"Tonight we mourn our fallen and cremate them in a ceremony of honor," she announced.
"Then tomorrow, we rally and show them our wrath!" she added, as they rallied around with cries of righteous indignation.
Yesterday had started out normal, devolved into another harrowing experience for them, and ended thankfully with their incredible love winning out again. So it came as no surprise to Snow that her morning sickness was plaguing her with a vengeance that morning. She finished and flushed the contents away, as she started brushing her teeth.
"Will you please let me have your mother call Artemis?" David asked from the door.
"Charming...I'm fine," she mumbled through the toothpaste in her mouth, before spitting and rinsing.
"It's just morning sickness...completely normal," she insisted, as she padded back to their makeshift bedroom. He sighed.
"Yes, but we went through hell yesterday and stress that was really bad for you and the baby," he reminded. She sighed.
"Please…" he pleaded and she rolled her eyes.
"Fine...we can go see Artemis, but only because it's on the way to the warehouse where we need to pick out our attire for tonight," she agreed. He smiled and kissed her cheek.
"Good...let me make you breakfast," he suggested.
"Baby, I just puked my guts out," she reminded.
"So pancakes?" he asked, as she felt her stomach growl. Damn pregnancy. And his innate ability to know everything she needed or wanted, even before she did.
"With strawberries, chocolate whipped cream, and bacon," she agreed, causing him to laugh all the way to the kitchen. If there was ever a definition of domestic bliss, it was definitely them.
"What do you think?" Zelena asked, as she modeled the black gown with green embroidery in the mirror.
"The green accents suit you. Since there's always green bleeding just beneath your skin," Hades quipped, as he stared at the ceiling in the cage. She smirked.
"Good to know that captivity hasn't stolen your wit," she responded.
"Envy will be your undoing, my dear," he warned and she scoffed.
"And you going soft has already been yours," she retorted, as Hermes descended into the cellar.
"Oh look...your scum sucking worm has returned," Hades deadpanned.
"Your betrayal of me won't go unpunished when I sit upon Zeus' Throne," Hermes shot back.
"Funny you throw the word betrayal around," Hades quipped.
"I prefer to see myself as an opportunist," Hermes replied.
"Opportunist….diseased maggot...it's hard to tell from here," Hades retorted. Hermes snapped and reached for Hades through the bars, grabbing him by the collar. But the former God of the Underworld was un-bothered by Hermes' attempt at a show of intimidation.
"This is who you are choosing to help you succeed?" Hades questioned her.
"When I sit upon the Throne, I shall make you regret tossing me away like trash when I force Persephone to marry me," he threatened.
"You're not fit to shine her shoes, let alone be in her presence. She'll never marry you," he hissed. But Hermes smirked.
"If I dangle the life of her precious little Snow in front of her...she'll do anything," he taunted. Hades clenched his teeth.
"When we go back in time...there is no way for any of us to control what may happen once time is reset. But I assure you...I will remember you and I will squish you like the worm you are," he promised.
"Enough!" Zelena growled. Hermes released him and shoved him back.
"Well...why are you here? I assume you have news or else you'd be stupid to come," she demanded.
"Persephone and her precious Charmings have the containment cube. They hid it beneath the library. The elevator is padlocked and they have a round the clock patrol on that elevator," he reported.
"Tricky...but not impossible to get around," Zelena replied.
"Though it is quite curious that they did not release the magic inside the containment cube and return magic to the town," she added.
"Cronus' ball is tonight. I believe they fear his intentions and have decided that taking magic out of the equation is in everyone's best interest until they know more about his motives," Hermes reported.
"Yes...they fear Cronus. But it is me they shall soon fear," she said, as she opened up a jewelry box and took out her green pendant that had once been gifted to her by the other witches of Oz. It was all she needed to absorb all the magic in that cube.
"It's time to enact my spell...and Cronus' ball is the perfect stage for my rise to power and the fall of the heroes…" she said.
"Zelena...don't do this…" he pleaded, but she ignored him and hung up an outfit beside his cage. It was male formal wear, a black tunic, black leather pants, and boots. The black was accented with sky blue accents and embroidery.
"Time to get you dressed for the ball as well, my dear Hades. You'll be part of my...captive audience," she hissed, as he glowered at her with daggers in his eyes.
"Everything looks good," Artemis reported, as she finished Snow's exam.
"Told you," Snow said to her husband. He smiled and kissed her hair.
"Be that as it may, my darling...you know I'll never stop worrying about your safety and well-being," he replied. She smiled and kissed him.
"I know," she said affectionately.
"It's a little early, but I got a lot of the equipment working. We could do an ultrasound if you want," Artemis said. Snow and David looked at her and then at Persephone. The Goddess smiled.
"I think we'd all love that," Snow agreed. Artemis nodded and prepared everything for the test. Snow lay back, while David and Persephone each held one of her hands, as Artemis rubbed the solution on her belly.
The machine whirred to life, as Artemis operated it and an image appeared on the screen.
"It's a bit too early to tell sex...but there he or she is," she said, as she pointed out the fetus on the screen. Snow and David were stunned to speechlessness, as they stared at the screen.
"Oh Snow…" he uttered, as they stared at their tiny baby. Snow looked at him, as tears streamed down her cheeks and he pressed a kiss to her lips. As their lips parted, their faces were full of pure joy.
"I love you so much…" he said, as a few tears slipped down his cheeks.
"I love you…" she replied, as they kissed again. Artemis and Persephone smiled, as the former operated the equipment and printed copies of the sonogram.
"By the next one in a few weeks, we'll be able to tell the sex of the baby. But for now, these are for you," she said, handing them the photos. Persephone hugged them both.
"We'll give you a few minutes alone and to get dressed," she said, as the two women stepped out.
"Oh David…" Snow gushed, as she was unable to tear her eyes away from the photo in her hand. His face was a contagious grin and he pressed his forehead against hers.
"Is this real?" she asked wistfully.
"Yes...this is real, my darling. This is our baby…" he replied, as they kissed again.
"What if it happens again, Charming?" she feared.
"It won't...we won't let it. There is no way that me or your mother are going to let anyone rip this baby away from us this time," he promised.
"The Swans are dead...and Circe's followers won't succeed. I don't want to, but if I have to do to them what I did to Kevin Swan...I will," he confessed. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him tenderly.
"Now...let's get you dressed and get ready for this ball tonight, so I can make it clear to everyone in this town that they will not hurt this family," he said. She smiled and got dressed, as they left the makeshift hospital with Persephone in tow. There was still no sign of Hades and Persephone was now deeply worried. She would have resumed searching, but at this point she thought it was going to the ball might yield more clues to Hades' whereabouts. She didn't know if Cronus was involved, but she wasn't going to be surprised if he was.
In the past, she might have found his sudden disappearance suspicious and might even think he was doing something deceitful. But that definitely was not what this was. He had changed too much and as skeptical of those changes as she had been at first, she now knew the changes were sincere. She felt the changes in him in his presence and his aura. She had, for the very first time in their very long marriage, felt love in his kiss. Add to that, he had now saved Snow and David's lives numerous times and she was no longer convinced that he might have ulterior motives behind that. He was a changed man and she somehow wondered if that now had something to do with his disappearance. Despite having changed, the list of enemies her husband had was very long and some were right here in Storybrooke. She was, against all odds and past history, in love with him. She knew that now and was able to admit that now that he was missing, which made her even more anxious about everything. She felt that there was something big on the cusp, but for the life of her, she couldn't discern what exactly it was. All she could do for now was go to this ball tonight, in order to safeguard her family, and hopefully uncover clues as to what had happened to Hades.
Cronus stood on his balcony of his palace, overlooking the quaint, mystical town of Storybrooke. He had mostly kept to himself since his arrival and was more than a little perturbed when magic was stolen by Circe's interference. He fully expected her to show up tonight with her sheep and fully expected her to come to him to make some kind of deal with him. But he wanted no deals that involved her band of sheep that followed her. If he found that she could be of use to him, then he would use her.
But the real prize was keeping one little family in his sights and convincing them that he was not the enemy. In his past, he had feared magic and power. He had devoured his own children out of fear of their power. But he would not make that mistake this time.
With Zeus gone, he believed he could once again become the supreme God and ruler. But he needed the favor of the people to get that and that was the reason for all this, especially now with no magic was present.
Persephone had favor with the other Gods and the Charmings had favor with the people. Courting them was important to his ultimate plan and for once, he was playing the long game. His path to ultimate power would be a long one and when he finally did achieve what he wanted, they would have long ago labeled him a non-threat.
Without magic though the last few days, he had been at a serious disadvantage to all that had been going on and that is why he sent Phobos out to gather Intel.
"What do you have to report?" he asked, as his new loyal right hand returned.
"Much," Phobos stated.
"Snow White and her husband were nearly killed by Circe's idiotic followers, but thankfully, they survived, while two of the perpetrators did not," he reported.
"How were they killed?" he asked curiously.
"It appears the man was killed by being stabbed, most likely by a sword. I'd venture a guess that the Prince killed him in protecting his beloved. But the woman...is what concerns me," Phobos responded.
"How so?" Cronus asked.
"She died after being struck by lightning. There was a storm up on that mountain...and I do not believe it was natural," Phobos answered.
"What are you saying?" Cronus requested.
"I fear that Zeus' ultimate power has already chosen a new host," Phobos stated.
"That's...unfortunate. Do you believe you know who?" he asked.
"I believe it's Persephone," Phobos replied.
"Then that makes things far more complicated," Cronus said, obviously troubled by this.
"I think we can still use this to our advantage," Phobos responded.
"How so?" he asked.
"Let me endear myself the Persephone and the Charmings. I am the brother that was sacrificed to bring Deimos back. Whatever relationship Persephone has now with Hades cannot escape that fact, even if she has forgiven him and he has changed," Phobos replied.
"You think they will not be threatened by you?" he asked. Phobos smirked.
"I am the God of fear...which is different that terror. My brother is the embodiment of terror, but fear works very differently. I am almost positive that my idiotic, brute of a brother will approach Snow White this evening. He won't be able to help himself. Let me step in and defend the Charmings against him," he said.
"Are you going to actually goad your brother into attacking you?" Cronus asked. Phobos smirked.
"I am not thrilled about that prospect, but it would provide me an in with them and on your behalf," he offered.
"That is very loyal of you, Phobos, but I am no fool. Tell me what you get from this?" he questioned.
"Your rule means my prosperity, my Lord. And if that leads to me being my brother's ultimate demise, after I torment him for my own amusement, then that will be icing on the cake," Phobos responded.
"All right...I will allow this. But Persephone having the power that is rightfully mine is still a glaring problem," Cronus reminded.
"And when the time is right, we will force her to relinquish the power to you. There are ways. Trust in me, My Lord, and you will eventually be the supreme God," Phobos promised.
"Then we will both have our revenge," Cronus agreed, as they witnessed the people of Storybrooke begin to flock to his palace, dressed for that evening's Grand Ball...
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matsbarzal · 7 years
O Mama Don't You Cry - Zach Werenski
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Notes: look its not a smut for once (and ima wait on a few smuts, write a few non-smuts for you all then post bc :) ) but yeah, here’s a sUPER cute Zach Werenski one and its a lil fluffy with a bit of a grumpy zach so be excited!! also i feel like my titles have nothing to do with the story and im sorry
Warnings: Mentions of underage drinking
Mentions: Dylan Larkin, Jack Eichel, Auston Matthews, Noah Hanifin, Charlie McAvoy, a few more
Requested By @werenzki (also check out her imagines bc if you have time to binge-read, would definitely recommend!!): I'd love who when the reader is at some party or something and she's interested in zach werenski but he thinks she's into Dylan Larkin so he gets sort of awkward and jealous but by the end of the night she turns her attention to Zach and it's all cute and stuff..
Up Next: idk its a surprise y’all
“You take advantage of me and my semi-attractive friends and I don’t appreciate it, (Y/N).”
“Oh shut up, Dyl.”
Growing up with Dylan Larkin meant two things specifically. One, his parents basically thought you hung the moon, dealing with their son on an everyday, almost twenty-four-seven basis. Two, you always managed to secure yourself an invite to the best possible USA hockey parties, and thankfully, those parties were always littered with free booze, free food and very very good looking boys.
“So, what are we gonna do tonight (Y/N)?” Dylan looked over at you, a sarcastic look evident in his eyes. “We’re gonna drink all the booze we can find and flirt with the cutest guys. Then we’re going to embarrass Jack about how much he loves McDav-”
“Or we’re gonna take you home and then you can see the party from Snapchat?”
You loved the kid like a brother, but Dylan Larkin was the epitome of a party pooper. D-boss himself always found a way to put a damper on your fun, especially when it came to your terrorizing of the Sabres player.
“Also, there’s gonna be a bunch of new kids there tonight, some you haven’t met, so don’t offend anyone.” Turning another corner, the cooler in the back making a loud bang as the alcohol inside rolled around. “Like?”
“Um, Matthews, McAvoy, Werenski, a few others I think.”
“Werenski’s the one that finished the season with the cute little purple bruise on his eye right?” You could almost remember the game vividly, the American teen taking a puck off the face from Phil Kessel had everyone around you scrunching up in sympathetic pain.
Raising an eyebrow at you, Dylan nodded his head, “Yeah… the little purple bruise.”
Pulling up outside a house, the two of you looked at your surroundings. There were a few cars, not that many, and it didn’t look like a lot of people had arrived yet. “Pretty dead for a 4th of July party, Larks.”
“Boys told me to come early, said if I wanted a parking spot it’d be the best option. Also said they wanted you there early so they could get early dibs.”
“Oh fuck you, Dylan.”
It didn’t take long for the place to fill up. Plenty of familiar and unfamiliar faces were sat all around you. You were basically glued to Dylan’s side, though, due to his ‘worry’ that you would end up terrorizing someone and getting kicked out for being rude.
“I literally just wanna tell Jack his hair looks extra ugly and Philadelphia-like today.”
“And I literally just want you to not do that so we both don’t get kicked out for offending the actual host of the party.”
Just as you were about to retort, a few semi-familiar faces appeared in front of the two of you. You had met Auston a few times, the Leafs player often frequented these parties, and you were pretty sure you recognized the guy beside him and your thoughts were confirmed when Dylan screeched his name into your ear.
“Werenski! Look at that ugly mug. Plastic surgery in the future to fix the beauty of a save you made?”
“Still better looking than you, D-boss.”
They did their bro-hug thing, while Auston turned towards you, a smirk on his face. “So who called dibs today, (Y/N)? Heard Hanifin may’ve gotten the first call.”
“I’ve actually decided to call dibs on Dylan over here, thought it’d be best if we just appeased our parents wishes and I popped out a few Larkin babies. I’m hoping for twins, right dear?” Dylan looked at you in mild disgust at the thought of procreating with you.
“Anyways, (Y/N), this is Zach. Zach, (Y/N).”
The man in questioned leaned forward to shake your hand, right as you moved in for a hug, leaving the two of you at an awkward stance. It took a beat before he opened his arms for an awkward hug. “It’s uh… nice to meet you, (Y/N). I’ve heard a lot of things.”
“Trashy things, I’m sure.”
The Blue Jacket looked embarrassed as he stumbled over his words, his two USA teammates looking on in mild amusement. “No I uh… just that you’re a cool chick and stuff.”
His stumbling of words and awkward demeanour made you internally swoon, he was seriously a cutie. Even if he couldn’t form full sentences in one try.
“Yo, I want you to meet a few more people.” Dylan tugged on your hand, as you gave an awkward wave to Auston and Zach while allowing your best friend to pull you away from the conversation.
“So Werenski’s a real cutie.”
Dylan shook his head, a silent laugh etched on his face, “You’d destroy the poor guy, but I think he thinks the same, man couldn’t even keep up one full sentence near ya. I’ve never seen him like that.”
“So, (Y/N), huh?”
Auston Matthews looked at the Jackets defensemen in confusion, “Yeah, what about her?”
“Are her and Larkin… like a thing?” He was seriously hoping the answer was an affirmative no, but the look on Auston’s face told him otherwise.
“No ones really sure. She never goes home with any of the guys here, and she only ever comes with Dylan and leaves with Dylan. Some people think they’re secretly a thing, others think she’s secretly fucking some baseball player from Las Vegas. No one knows. Don’t worry about it dude, she’ll never go for you anyways.”
Thanks for the encouragement, Matts.
He secretly glowered at the couple in question, as you threw your head back in laughter at something Dylan had said. He wasn’t allowed to be jealous, he had just met you for fuck sakes! It didn’t help that you looked gorgeous and your hair was perfect and the shorts you were wearing showed off all your curves and your long as fuck legs and he really needed to get over this before things got awkward.
“Your crush is glaring over at us.” Dylan stated, pressing the cold beer into your hand which you greedily accepted.
“My crush?”
You turned in the direction Dylan was looking, only to make eye contact with the man. He quickly diverted his attention to something else, a small tint of rosy red going up his neck. “I think he likes you. Go talk to him.”
“He thinks y'all are a thing.” Auston stated from behind you, a small grin on his face. “And why does he think that?”
“Cause I told him that you’re basically a thing, fun to fuck with him sometimes.”
Silently shaking your head in laughter, you stood up and handed the beer back to Dylan, walking over to the empty seat beside Zach. “Is this seat taken?”
Looking up at you in shock, he awkwardly shook his head and gestured for you to take it.
“You look pretty lonely over here. Very grumpy an’ all. I know you got a puck to the eye a few months ago, but come on, smile a little.” You nudged him jokingly, pumping your fists internally when it did bring a smile to his face.
“Did the happy posse send you over here to make me look like I secretly don’t wanna kill Matts for dragging me here?” He questioned, a small tint in his eye that you couldn’t place.
“What, you don’t like these fun as fuck parties, hosted by our favourite ginger, Jack Eichel?”
Shrugging his shoulders, he looking around the room with a raised eyebrow, “There’s so many puck bunnies here, I think my bank accounts already draining. I hate the people he invites, sometimes. But seriously, did they send you over here?”
Immediately shaking your head, “Nah, couldn’t leave a cute guy like you to sit all by yourself. Especially with all these girls around, I wanted to be the first to call dibs, ya know? Girls gotta let her inner bunny out every now and then.”
Laughing at your own joke, Zach looked at you in confusion. “Dibs?”
“It’s a running joke between all of us. Every time I get invited to one of these parties, they always tell Larks to bring me early so whoever comes early can call dibs. This time, I get to be the one to call it.”
Nudging his side with a wink, you moved back into the cushions, getting yourself comfier. “Oh, so you and Larks… like… aren’t like… actually gonna have twins and stuff?”
A large bust of laughter burst from your throat. You tried to contain it as quickly as possible, which only had you gripping your sides in silent pain. “Oh my god, no! Ew, never! Dylan’s literally the brother I never wanted. Ew.”
You saw Zach let whatever chip was on his shoulder fall off, as his body let the tension roll off and a larger smile appear on his face. “Oh.”
“It’s just that I like thought you were super cute and um… I didn’t really wanna like um… make you uncomfortable and piss Larks off and uh… yeah.” He subconsciously scratched at his chin, an awkward grin plastered across his face.
“Oh my god, were you glaring because you were jealous?”
“No! I uh… I wasn’t glaring. My eye makes it look like I’m glaring but-”
“Your eyesight wasn’t fucked up dumbass, this is pathetic. Just tell her you think she’s hot and ask her to have twins with you instead. Or on a date. Both work. You’ll end up practicing for the twins after the date anyways.” The host of the party interrupted your conversation, his ginger hair clashing with his red and blue outfit, his outburst also attracting half the party to your conversation.
“Jack! Just who I’ve been wanting to see! Your hairs ugly, and it’s such a shame you couldn’t wait out in your draft year, you already lost to McDavid so you should’ve given the world some justice and let Philly take you so you could’ve matched their jerseys with that ugly mop of hair on your head, sweetie.”
Glowering at you, Jack ignored your words and raised an eyebrow at the man beside you. “Well, you gonna ask her out or not?”
“Yeah, ask her out Werenski!” Dylan yelled from the other side of the room, which induced the multiple repetitions from a bunch of other surrounding people.
Ignoring them, Zach gestured to the currently half-empty backyard. “Wanna go out back?”
Nodding your head, he stood up and lent his hand out for you to take to pull yourself up with. He followed closely behind you as you stepped around people to the back door, pulling the sliding glass open and holding it so he could come through too.
“For a Fourth of July party, shouldn’t everyone be outside?” You questioned, looking at the few people who were sitting at the edge of Jack’s pool.
“It’s Eichel, man’s probably trying to get his own damn party shut down. Man’s a freak.”
Nodding your head in silent agreement, you watched the couples in the backyard, “These couples are precious. They all have matching Fourth of July outfits and I love it.”
“I want matching Fourth of July outfits with you.”
You looked at Zach in shock, and he seemed shocked about what he said aloud, obviously it was supposed to be an internal statement. The blood that was currently rushing to his cheeks made you squeeze his arm with a silent smile. “It’s cool, we can match for Halloween or some shit. Ketchup and mustard maybe?”
“Don’t be basic. I’m thinking more like Captain America and Black Widow?”
Squinting at him, you let out a small laugh, “I know you’ve got huge biceps and washboard abs to match but I really don’t think you could pull off the Captain America look. Only Chris Evans can do that.”
Pouting toward you, Zach solemnly nodded his head, “I guess you’re right. Maybe I’ll just dye my hair before then. Just kidding, could you imagine me as a blonde? That’s a nightmare waiting to happen.”
Agreeing with his statement, you surveyed the yard, before turning to him. “Well?”
“Well what?”
“Are you gonna ask me out or do I have to do it for you?”
Groaning could be heard from behind the two of you, “Why does she have to ruin everything?”
“Fuck you, Larks.”
Turning to you with a half grin, have grimace, Zach gestured to the rally of hockey players behind you. “So?”
“So what?”
Rolling his eyes, “Go on a date with me? Columbus has some nice restaurants, plenty to give you a reason to get all dolled up and looking extra gorgeous.”
“Well if you put it that way, I’d love to, Werenski.”
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minimin1993 · 5 years
S/M 28
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Warning: A Punch XD.
“Princess, you need to eat.” Sebastian said getting another tray for her before filling it with food. 
“I am not hungry though.” She pouting but still holds onto the tray as he slowly puts small amounts of different food on it. 
“Baby girl, don’t test me.” He whispered darkly with a smirk on his face sending chills down her spine. 
“Fine, but not too much.” She said before walking over to the group, sat down and slowly eating.
“Hey we going clubbing tonight before we go to Germany tomorrow you should come it will be fun.” Elizabeth said to Min.
“Uh sure, sounds like fun.” Min said looking at her shocking the crew. 
“Cool if you want you can come over to my room and we can get ready together.” Elizabeth said with a hopeful look on her face. 
“Sure, but I am going to have to buy a new outfit first then I will come over.” Min said standing up throwing her food away. 
“Can I come? I need to buy a new outfit as well.” Sebastian said standing up with her. 
“If you want, lets go.” Min said walking away. 
“How about this one?” Min said holding up a nice dark grey jeans with a few rips on them. 
“I like that, he will go well with the black button up.” He said inspecting the pants. 
“Good, lets go check out.” Min said holding the clothes walking over to the cashier. 
“I find it unfair how you can see my outfit but you won’t let me see yours.” Sebastian said taking out his wallet but she swats his hand away.
“Don’t you dare, I am paying. Plus you can see it later when I get dressed.” She said 
“Baby girl you are going to get punished.” He whispered into her ear. “And you think that scares me, did you forget?” Min said handing her card to the cashier making him scoff shaking his head at her. 
“You are something else you know that?” 
“Yes sir.” She answered with a wink before latching her arm on his walking back to the car. 
 “Holy fuck babe, you coming back with a vengence.” Scarlett said admiring Min outfit. 
“It highlights your tattoo beautifully.” Elizabeth said looking at the angel wing tattoo on her back. 
“Thanks, I am glad you guys think so.” Min said doing a once over on her outfit. 
“Come on, let's go. The guys are already waiting for us there.” Scarlett said pulling the girls out the trailer where the uber was already waiting. Once they arrive in the club they went straight in to find the guys sitting in the VIP section.
“Dam shawty you looking fine tonight.” Mackie said eyeing Min’s outfit making her smirk as she sits next to Sebastian who can’t seem to take his eyes off her.
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“Princess you trying to give people heart attacks tonight?” Sebastian said quietly in her ear. 
“Kind of the point of clubbing isn’t it?” She said grabbing one of the shots that is sitting on the table. “I am going to dance.” She said after 5 shots and starts to head over to the dance floor where the girls were already dancing. 
 “So what happened last night Seb?” Chris asked as the guys down their drinks.
“Nothing really, she had a breakdown in the gym but we talked it out.” He said 
“Whatever you did, you made her happy. You know you guys make a cute couple.” Chris said smirking making Sebastian choke on his drink. 
"Of course they do, they BuckLin, they have millions of fans rooting them together." Mackie said making the boys laugh.
“Naw you know we’re just really close friends.” 
"Close friends who also happens to have each other houses key." Mackie said with a smirk. 
“We're just saying, she deserves to be happy.” RDJ said looking over at the girls. 
“Yeah I know.” Sebastian said taking another shot looking over at Min who was dancing with a smile on her face. 
Min and the girl was dancing and having a good time, occasionally looking over at Sebastian who was always watching her so she decided to put on a show. She grabs Scarlett and starts to grind on her. 
“Babe you are being so naughty today. What has gotten into you?” Scarlett said into her ear. 
“Just having fun love. Come here Elizabeth.” She said pulling her in front and starts to body roll onto her making the girls bust out laughing. 
“I am going to go get a drink.” Min said after 3 more songs to the girls before walking away to the bar. 
“A Paloma please.” Min said to the bartender. 
“Wow love never expect to see you here.” A familiar voice said making her turn with a smile on her face. 
“Tyler, I miss you. What are you doing here?” Min asked giving him a hug. 
“I was visiting a.. friend and we decided to come here.” Tyler said.  
“Yeah, I am guessing its Daniel right?” She said getting a little angry. 
“Yeah, he’s dancing with Maddie right now.” He said sadly. 
“Figured they would be together.” Min said drinking her drink. 
“Well how have you been lately?” 
“Been better actually, yourself?” Min said while Tyler sits down next to her. 
“Couldn't be better. You look really great Min, we honestly miss having you around set. It hasn’t been the same since.” He said after ordering his drink.
“Meh, I guess something just isn’t meant to be.” She said taking another sip of her drink. 
“You know when we found out, Ian gave him such an earful you should have heard it. God Jr and Dylan had to pull him off Daniel before things escalated further.” 
“Dam I wish I was there to see that.” Min said with a smirk on her face. “Anyways it was nice seeing you again. Text me love, we could catch up sometime before the premiere. I am going to head back to my friends before they start looking for me.” She said giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking back to the group. Once she got there everyone figured something wrong from the look on Min face. 
“Princess what’s wrong?” Chris asked as she sat in between Sebastian and him. 
“Someone is here right now and I am not in the mood to dance at the moment.” She said before pouring herself a drink. 
“Do you want to leave then?” Chris said.
“Naw, we’re having fun here. You guys can go I am just going to sit here.” She said with a smile on her face after taking another shot. 
The guys slowly started to leave to the dance floor leaving Sebastian and Min sitting there. 
“You should go dance.” Min told Sebastian. 
“Its cool, I enjoy sitting here with you.” 
“No, let’s go dance then.” She said standing up grabbing his hand walking to the dance floor making Sebastian chuckle. She pulled him into the middle of the dance floor enjoying herself lost in the music until someone bumps into her.
“Hey watch it!” The girl said in a bitchy way before turning around.
“Oh fuck me…” Min said rolling her eyes after getting a clear look of Maddie and of course Daniel right next to her before grabbing Sebastian to walk away. “And just like that, the night is ruined.” 
“Min we should talk.” Daniel said following her.
“Back away dude.” Sebastian said pushing him away from Min not without attracting a crowd. 
“This doesn’t concern you, I suggest you leave and let me talk to her.” Daniel said getting into Sebastian's face. 
“Back the fuck up. Anything that involves Min concerns me, you should have figured that out when you got with her.” Sebastian said shoving Daniel away. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Daniel who looks slightly drunk started to push Sebastian now. 
“Boy I swear do that again and you are going to get it.” Sebastian said trying to stay calm.
“Get what? Huh?” Daniel said pushing Sebastian one more time and in a blink of an eye Sebastian punched Daniel in the face so quick knocking him down on the ground while Maddie screams crouching down next to Daniel. 
“Sebastian please. He’s not worth you going to jail.” Min said holding Sebastian back as he was about to punch him again. Sebastian then bends down and stares Daniel in the eye.
“I will repeat myself one more time. Leave her alone, she is no longer yours.  You’re lucky she is here to stop me if I ever see you again, I swear I will not let this go.” Sebastian said before standing up and wrapping his hand around Min waist and they both walked out the club. 
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teafaellana · 8 years
Sanvers prompt: Maggie and Alex go out on a date and Maggie gets way too jealous because ppl are hitting on alex, they have an argument and in the end she is like "you don't have to worry about anything" pure fluff
“What led you to choose this place, babe?” Maggie asked, grinning, as she walked with Alex into the hole-in-the-wall pizza place with just a few tables and peeling wallpaper. She didn’t mind the general run-down nature, but she was definitely curious about how Alex found it and why. It was also only their second date and to be honest, Maggie was a bit surprised that Alex would choose something so grungy. It didn’t seem to be her style at all.
Alex just smiled and waved at the man behind the counter and slid into a chair. “I found it in college, and I kept coming because it was never crowded, open late, cheap, and everyone who works here is so friendly.” 
The late-twenties blonde guy behind the cash register looked a bit too happy to see Alex as he was walking over to their table. Maggie felt herself beginning to grow jealous, but told herself she was overreacting. The poor guy hadn’t even said anything yet.
“Hey beautiful,” he greeted her, casually. “You brought a friend today?”
Before Maggie could get over it to respond Alex had already answered. “Yeah, we had a long day at work and I thought I could use some good food in a familiar atmosphere.”
“A friend?” Maggie thought, squinting her eyes at this guy. She cleared her throat and read his name tag, looking back up at him and making firm eye contact. “Look,” she paused for dramatic effect. “Dylan. The lady and I are pretty famished, so if you could just get us a large chicken barbecue pizza and some garlic knots that would be awesome.”
Dylan laughed to Alex, “Your friend is just as sassy and intense as you used to be, babe,” and he turned to walk away.
Maggie, quietly steaming, shouted after him. “And two cokes, please!”
“Who does that guy think he is?” She asked Alex as soon as he was far enough away. “Calling me your friend…”
“Oh, Dylan is great!”
“Great? He’s an asshole.”
“He is not! He’s always been great to me, like everyone else who works here.”
“Whatever,” Maggie said. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
At that moment the bell on the door jingled as it opened and a rather tall, and very attractive man walked through the door. Alex grinned and stood up from her chair, laughing as she waved and walked toward him. 
“Lowell, what are you doing here tonight? I thought you had the night off.” She hugged him as he struggled to fetch his wallet with his free hand.
“Alex,” he rolled his eyes. “It’s Friday, and also pay day. I’m coming for my check.” He patted her on the head as if she was a puppy and she walked him over to the table, her arm still around his waist.
“Maggie,” Alex said, gesturing to the vaguely annoyed woman sitting at her table. “This is Lowell, another one of my favorites.”
“I better be your only favorite, love,” Lowell said, giving Alex a flirtatious and playful pinch at the ribs. Alex shrieked and backed away quickly, arms up at the ready but a smile spread across her face.
“Excuse me, I can’t,” Maggie said, standing up. “I am Alex’s only favorite. This is a date. I am on a date with Alex, and I really don’t appreciate the way you’re flirting with her.”
Alex’s smile went away, and Lowell just looked like he watched a train crash into the building. “He’s not flirting with me, Mags, he’s just being friendly.”
Lowell cleared his throat. “I actually was flirting with you, Alex.”
Alex’s eyes grew two times their size in shock. “Oh.”
Maggie’s hands were on her hips.
Alex looked from Lowell to Maggie, and Maggie to Lowell, unsure what to do in this situation. “I…”
“So you’re gay?” Lowell asked, frowning.
Alex looked at Maggie and her heart swelled, causing her to smile without quite meaning to. “Yes. And I am really into this woman.”
Maggie eased back into the chair. “So go get your pay check and leave Alex to me, now,” she scrunched her nose. “Lowell.”
“Sure, yeah,” he seemed sad, but also smiled at Alex. “I’ll see you later, I guess.”
Alex waved and looked at Maggie. “You do know that you have nothing to worry about, right? Even if the hottest woman in the world started flirting with me right now, you would have nothing to worry about because that woman would be you. I’m into you.”
Maggie sighed, “I guess I’m not used to incredible women like you seeing much value in me, and putting up with my work.”
“Um, but you put up with my work, and that can get really weird.” Alex responded, looking for some kind of truce coming from Maggie.
“Touché, Nerd.”
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RO] Connected Through a Dream
I'm sitting in my first period class, half dead, half asleep. My teacher was running late, so most people are just on their phones or chatting. I receive a text message during this time. I assume it's my mom reminding me that I got to school safely, but it's not. This is the first text I have received in months that wasn't from my mom. It's from an unknown number, and it reads "Hey cutie <3".
I'm both shocked and puzzled at the same time. Did I just get a text from a girl? No, it can't be. I hastily reply, "Sorry, but I think you have the wrong number". He responds with "Oh, sorry". A minute later, I get another text. "Wait no... Are you Dylan?" This perks my interest. I respond with, "Yeah, what do you want?" I've got nothing to lose at this point. My teacher had showed up by now, so I spend the rest of the period waiting in suspense. I could not focus whatsoever. We're supposed to be reading a long, boring book, but I just can't stop thinking about that text for the life of me.
As the period reaches a close, I pull out my phone and see a couple more flirty texts. This has to be a girl. I look around, seeing if any girls in my class are laughing or immediately look away. Nothing. The only other option left is it being a prank by my friends, which I would consider rather unlikely. I don't give my number out to many people, so it can't be a random prank either, because she used my name. But how did she get my number in the first place? Regardless, there's a 10% chance it's a girl that's into me, so I'm not going to fuck it up by questioning it.
As I walk into second period, she asks me to come to room 109 during lunch. I immediately take a screenshot and post it to Reddit just before the bell rings. Once again, I cannot stop thinking about this. Third and fourth period roll around, same story. I check my Reddit post throughout the day, and while I don't remember specifics, it did amass a couple hundred updoots by lunch time.
The bell rings for lunch time. I head straight for room 109 like it owes me money. As I approach, my anxiety increases. Is it a trap? Is it a prank? Does she actually like me? I approach the door. My heart is flying out of my chest. My mind is spinning in 88 different directions. Full of confusion, fear, anxiety, and excitement, I breathe in, open the door, and am engulfed by an overwhelming darkness.
My bedroom ceiling lies in front of me. I look around, and see the all familiar four walls in which I spend the majority of my life. I look over to my left. 3:59 am, the clock says. And then it hits me. I leap out of bed and check my text messages. Sure enough, my most recent text (besides my mom) is from four months ago. I check my Reddit. My most recent post is a meme with 14 updoots. I scream at the top of my lungs. My scream is so loud that it sets off nearby car alarms, yet so quiet that nobody in my house, including myself, can hear it.
I crawl back in bed completely defeated. My best and perhaps only chance to find love had been thwarted by my own mind. I desperately cling to hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a gltich in the matrix, a lapse in reality, or some weird ass quantum time shit had happened. After thrashing around for a surprisingly short amount of time, I drift off to sleep.
I wake up, throw on some clothes, and drive to school, just like usual. I can't stop thinking about that dream I had had. It felt so real, realer than any dream I had ever had. Yet it still had a dreamlike quality to it. The dream had slightly faded from memory, but not as much as usual, and still had that dreamlike storyline to it.
I walk into my first period, and sure enough, the teacher is late. I eagerly await that text message, but it does not come. Once again, I cannot focus on my work. Second, third, and fourth periods roll around. No random texts, no posts on Reddit, no strange looks, no nothing. At this point, I am convinced that it was just a hyperrealistic dream. For the hell of it, I decide to go to room 109 during lunch anyway.
The bell rings for lunch time. I head straight for room 109 like it owes me money. As I approach, my anxiety increases. Is it a trap? Is it a prank? Does she actually like me? I approach the door. My heart is flying out of my chest. My mind is spinning in 88 different directions. Full of confusion, fear, anxiety, and excitement, I breathe in, open the door, and am greeted by an empty classroom, with a girl sitting in the middle of the back row.
This is the girl that I had been crushing on for quite some time now, yet never had the courage to even speak a word to her. And there she is. She nervously waves to me and says "Hello."
My body freezes in place. I couldn't move or speak. My mind is racing faster than light. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!!!
Eventually, i manage to reach for the door, and begin to leave. However, a cute laugh interrupts my escape. "Hey, you remind me of a dream I had last night."
I once again freeze in place. "Are you just gonna stand there all day? Come on, take a seat. I think you're pretty cool."
With that sentence, the tension instantly falls out of the air, and you could hear it hit the floor. I begin my walk towards this girl, and take the seat to her left.
She begins telling me about this dream she had, where her friends convinced her to text her crush, and gave her his number. At first, he thought she had the wrong number, but after confirming with her friends, she continued the conversation. After a while of fliritng, she told him to meet her in room 109 during lunch. However, when he arrived, he froze in place in the doorway. Suddenly, she was awoken by a car alarm around 4 in the morning.
I panicked out as she described her dream to me. I couldn't believe this had happened. I would have been skeptical, but there's no way she would have known. I've told nobody about this dream, nor have I ever spoken a word to her prior to today. I then shared my dream with her, and she reacted the same way. I asked her to describe the guy. She didn't remember him too well, but what she could piece together fit my description pretty well. She even reacted similarly to me when she woke up, minus the silent scream of doom. When she got to school, her friends told her to text her crush, except they didn't have his number, so she couldn't do so.
We talked for the rest of lunch, and it turns out that she was also crushing on me as well and was about to make the first move.
submitted by /u/TheTerrorByte [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2XMHoJL
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