#also i made his cap purple because yes
j-ustkeepdriving · 11 months
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skamenglishsubs · 2 months
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, Season 3, Episode 3
Episode 3 picks up the day after the camping trip, and Wilhelm calls his mom to check on her. She dumps a massive guilt trip on him, maybe unintentionally, and Wilhelm is feeling a little bit down.
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Culture: These are Swedish studentmössor. They originated in the 1800's among Nordic university students and they wore them as a common marker. Later, they were adopted as graduation caps for high school students, signifying that they were now allowed to begin studying at a university.
Culture: Valborg, April 30th, is a traditional Swedish holiday where you celebrate the coming of spring with bonfires. It is also the start of graduation season for high school students, and graduates are allowed to start wearing their caps.
Cinematography: This season they started writing most on-screen social media commentary in English, despite those users being pretty obviously Swedish. I suspect it's because it saves them having to subtitle all of them, it makes it a bit easier for all the viewers to follow along.
Subtext: No, keeping up appearances is more important than mental health for the royal family, which is why this is new behaviour that Wilhelm has never seen before.
Subtext: As a reminder of the increased interest, here's a paparazzi intruding on school grounds. Also, where the hell is Malin? Isn't it her job to shoo away photographers?
Culture: Vintern Rasat is a classic Swedish song celebrating spring that's often performed by student singers at Valborg.
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Subtext: Boris cleverly offers August individual therapy, something he sorely needs.
Subtext: It's of course a bit ironic that pretty much the entire fandom hates August and has decided that he can't be forgiven or redeemed. Yes, you, dear reader. But Boris lays out a way for August to start his redemption arc. Will it work? Tune in for next week's episode!
Culture: These usernames reek of white supremacy. Norse mythology references are very popular, and 88 means H*il H*tler, so that's the kind of people we're dealing with. The show is also foreshadowing what's gonna happen at the end of the episode.
Blink and you miss it: Linda made Pabellón, a Venezuelan dish. In season 1 we didn't know where Linda was from, but in season 2 she was canonically made as being from Venezuela, just like Omar is in real life.
Subtext: I think August actually cares, Kristina is family to him too, but Wilhelm refuses to treat him as family, so he lies about how she's doing. Not very convincingly, though.
Cinematography: This is an absolutely hilarious shot with a bunch of students anxiously peering out through the windows as the dreaded enemy arrives: Skolinspektionen! Dun-dun-dun!
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Blink and you miss it: There's a rainbow flag on the board to the left.
Subtext: Vanessa totally knew she interrupted a makeout session between our boys. Oh, and there's a lot of purple in these two scenes, colour theory exploded with joy.
Subtext: Simon will be proven wrong, someone will be honest.
Subtext: It's also ironic that Simon joins the rest of the Forest Ridge boys pretending to have a great meal together that is totally not stiff and awkward at all, absolutely not.
Lost in translation: Simon Walter says that May 1st is a "röd dag" - a red day, which is how Sundays and public holidays are usually marked in a Swedish calendar. "Bank holiday" is the term used in the UK for public holidays. There are 13 public holidays in Sweden each year.
Culture: Första Maj is the name of the International Workers' Day in Sweden, because it always occurs on May 1st. In defence of Henry and Walter's shared braincell, most Swedes actually don't participate, but it's a bit weird to not even know what it is.
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Subtext: This entire sequence shows how Felice's dad tried to stick up for himself, but quickly learned to keep his head down instead and conform and roll with it. And it wasn't just the other students who were racists, the staff was in on it too. This goes for all the shit the students are doing, the partying, the booze, the alcohol, the bullying: The staff is in on it. They know. They're complicit.
And despite all of this, Poppe's immediate answer when asked how his time at Hillerska was, is that it was the best time of his life. This is why schools like this stay the way they are, why they never change, because they're very good and very bad at the same time. Trauma-bonding works, the kids will all get friends for life, they'll forget the shit and remember the good times. They'll become like him.
But when Felice learns what the school did to her dad, she decides to help shut it down, to stop the cycle of abuse. The reason she goes in alone is because she now knows she can't trust her dad, he's gonna defend the school, and she also doesn't want him to know that she snitched.
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Subtext: In official surveys, students from schools like this generally rate them very highly. Student satisfaction is very high. Maybe they're lying, maybe they're delusional, but they sure care more about their schools than public school students.
Blink and you miss it: REAL SUBTLE THERE, SHOW.
Subtext: Keeping with the school theme, this is how students defend the shit that goes on. Outsiders are kept in the dark, you don't tell them anything, because they "wouldn't understand", they're missing the "full context", etc. Oh, I don't know shit about fashion, but Fredrika's jacket smells very expensive.
Blink and you miss it: While Wilhelm pinned a polaroid of himself and Simon prominently on his wall, August keeps a similar polaroid of himself and Sara hidden.
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Subtext: Micke's redemption arc is in full swing, so why not play a song that reinforces the idea that people can change?
Subtext: August's redemption arc is in full swing, so let's cut to him nervously waiting outside Micke's place for Sara to come home, while the same song is playing. Is he gonna be a villain forever?
Blink and you miss it: Micke introduces himself as Micke af Eriksson when August introduces himself as August Horn af Årnäs. The English subtitles for some weird reason went with "Micke Eriksson of Bjärstad", but that's actually not what he says.
Subtext: Sara is pretty realistic about her expectations of her dad because she's seen this before, but this also applies to her expectations of August, because she knows that he can also slide back into his normal shitty self. Also, she's wearing a purple sweater.
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Subtext: In case you forgot, August's dad also struggled with addiction, and died from it, so he and Sara actually has that in common. Maybe there's hope for this redemption arc thing?
Cinematography: I don't fucking know why they included this baking scene. It serves no purpose, and I suspect quite a few people in the production have a serious hand fetish, because what is this? What is this? Also, why are Simon and Wilhelm joining what appears to be a Manor House thing with the rest of the girls? How? Why? This makes no sense! It's very cute, though!
Subtext: Oh ok, we got a social media pic that Sara could see and feel bad for her lost friendships. But man, those Hillerska aprons! On point!
Subtext: This is unfortunately a very common thing for people on any kind of psychoactive medication. How can you tell if you need medication if you feel good right now? Is it lasting or temporary? Can you trust your own brain? Either way, fantastic conversation between Micke and Sara, which starts her on her journey to reconcile with Felice at least.
🎵 I can change, I'm not the same, not forever. 🎵
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Culture: The official hat-on-putting ceremony where all the third-year students put on their hats, set to another traditional Swedish spring celebration song: Vårvindar Friska.
Culture: It's Valborg, so Hillerska has their own little bonfire. We saw some students with torches pretending to light it, but it's actually floating in the middle of the fountain so, uh, how did they do that? Normally, your local bonfire or Majbrasa is just a huge heap of wood that you set on fire.
Cinematography: Man, this is a pretty show. Look at that shot. The fire, the sunset, the pool reflection. The end of April is over a month after the spring equinox, so the days are getting longer, and the sun now sets at about half past nine in the evenings.
Subtext: Ok, let's do one more on-the-nose lyrics thing for when August sees Sara back at school. Yes, yes, he needs her.
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Culture: I had to post about it immediately after watching the episode, because setting a sex scene to Uti Vår Hage is hilarious. Everyone in Sweden knows it, most people have sung it at school, it's a cute little song about enjoying your garden, flowers, and giving your loved one a wreath of flowers. I can now never hear this song without thinking about this scene. Thanks a lot, show.
Blink and you miss it: Simon fucks Wilhelm. Yay! Versatile supremacy!
Subtext: Sara is still so suspicious of her dad's behaviour, she can't make herself trust that his current good period will last.
Subtext: Even though this dialogue is about how Simon and Sara are so different, it of course also applies to how Wilhelm and Erik were different, because Wilhelm struggles with not being able to handle his duty the same way Erik could.
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Culture: Alright, it's time for the actual local Första Maj event in Bjärstad. The town is probably a bit small to have a proper demonstration parade, but there's people with banners and socialist slogans, and a bunch of local organisations have joined in, including Bjärstad BK, the football club Rosh plays in.
Culture: Meanwhile, the absolutely not socialist rich kids at Hillerska are nursing their hangovers and enjoying the day off, and they're doing some yoga and playing some padel instead. As you do.
Subtext: Drugs. He looks like he's selling drugs.
Culture: These apparently confused a bunch of viewers, but they're just raffle tickets. It's one hundred numbered, rolled up, paper tickets stuck on a metal ring. When you buy a ticket you just tear it off at the perforation, and when all tickets are sold you can just break the seal on the ring and pour all the stubs in a bag or whatever so you can draw winners.
Blink and you miss it: Cute kiddo has a pride pin on his jacket.
Lost in translation: The show waited a bit with showing what it says on the banner behind them in the photo, but if you can read Swedish you immediately saw that it says KROSSA ÖVERKLASSEN - CRUSH THE UPPER CLASSES. Oh no, Simon, what have you done?
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Blink and you miss it: Like a pack of rabid wolves, the social-media starved Gen Z kids rush to their phones for an hour of glorious feeding on Instagram and TikTok.
Blink and you miss it: I love Vincent so much, he's terrible, but he's just so much fun! The little fist he makes as he says "kampen" just seals it.
Subtext: The show still hasn't revealed the banner text to the non-Swedish audience, but Wilhelm immediately sees it and knows how bad it is and why Farima tried calling him seven times. Also, Vincent is just on a roll here.
Cinematography: Man, this is a pretty show. Look at that shot. Look at how they perfectly aligned the hole in the window with Simon, the police car, and the entrance to their house, as he discovers that someone decided to vandalize it.
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shawnxstyles · 2 years
summary: the cops get called at a party you didn’t want to go to, but luckily, tom takes you to somewhere safe and sound where no one can hear you.
request: YES!!
warnings: SMUT (m- receiving [oral, deepthroating], f- receiving [hickies, hairpulling, gagging/choking, slight degrading kink], praise kink, bit of dacryphilia, and dirty talking), slight manipulation (of her innocence), alcohol, and soo much dialogue i’m sorry (not)
words: 3.7k
note: OMG YES i love this so much!! i made this into a dark tom fic?? tell me what you guys think! i kind of like dark tom... if this makes you uncomfortable, do not read.
dark/frat!tom x innocent!reader
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You were not a fan of parties. Cliche, right? You didn’t care.
You loved group hangouts and drinking with people you trust. At parties, you don’t even know most of the people there, let alone trust them with your drunken state. Your friend, Eden, begged you to go, and you couldn’t really say no this time because you said no the last five times.
School has been riding your ass lately with pop quizzes and piles of homework. You wondered why you even decided to go to college sometimes. But a secure, steady job that you like is a decent enough reason to stay.
“I will give you a hundred dollars if you wear this,” Eden delicately takes out a strapless, purple dress that was just above the knees.
“Show me the hundred.”
“Damn it, you know I don’t have it!” She groans and hangs the dress back in the closet with not-so-much delicacy. You would’ve worn it, too, but you also wanted a hundred bucks.
“Here, I’ll wear this,” You pull up an image on your phone of an outfit you already had prepared to wear. You’re almost certain she’ll approve, but you’re going to show her anyway.
“Y/N, that’s hot as fuck! If you already had an outfit, why did you make me search for something?!” She scrunches her face in confusion.
“I thought maybe you’d find something better?”
“Oh, bull!” Eden waves you off as she closes her closet door. “I’m getting some tonight if you know what I mean, so I’m going to get ready. Did you bring your outfit? Oh, of course you did. Go get ready, you bitch.”
You laugh loudly as you walk out her bedroom door. You just love your best friend. Even when she makes you go to stupid frat parties.
From the outside, you probably wouldn’t even know it was a party. As long as you were five miles down the street.
The house boomed with techno-like music, and strobe lights shined throughout the large window panes. The second you walk through the door, your face contorts at the rancid mix of alcohol, weed, and sweat. No matter how many parties you’ve gone to (four), you’ll never get used to that mixture. It’s just nasty.
Eden instantly leads you two over to the kitchen where different alcohols are scattered over the counter. You see Fireball and go straight over to the bottle. Not many people like it, but that’s one of the few alcoholic drinks that’s so good, you’ll drink it at a party. You grab the bottle and grab a solo cup. As your hand touches the tower of them, a hand rests above yours. You follow the hand up the stranger’s arm and to their face.
Tom is the “leader” of the frat, or whatever it’s called. Captain? You didn’t care for it because people put him on a pedestal for a stupid reason. What was so great about him that people praised so much? Yeah, he was attractive, but he seemed… you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“If it isn't little miss Y/N. I didn’t think you were coming tonight. What made you come?” Tom taunts as he grabs two solo cups. His eyes crinkle with a small smile. A ripped baseball cap fits perfectly backwards on his head, so that his brunette hair pokes out from the sides. “Me?”
“I just felt like going out,” You answer dryly, snatching the cup from his hands and unscrewing the bottle cap. You fight a smile just looking at his smile. It was addictingly gorgeous.
Maybe that’s what he’s so praised for.
“Fireball? You look too good to be drinking Fireball, love,” The small nickname made your heart skip a beat. His words were a bit seductive with a hint of tease. You barely caught his eyes scanning over your body with how quick he did it. You were wearing a silky black v-neck with a black leather skirt. A cheap, gold necklace dangles above your breasts, while some small hoop earrings match. You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel good with your appearance, especially because you don’t go out too often anymore.
“But I want it. You worry about what you want and I’ll worry about what I want,” You nodded surely as you began to fill the cup about a fourth of the way. You wanted to drink a bit throughout the night without getting drunk. You take two sips, already feeling warmer.
“And I want you,” He says so low, you almost didn’t hear him. His words shocked you, sending electricity down your whole body. The music was so noisy and the people shouted the lyrics too loud. But he wanted you to hear him. He wanted only you to hear him.
All your movements stop and the hard bass of the speakers becomes your heartbeat. A wave of heat rushes over your skin as the tiny hairs from your body rise.
“You’re just saying that,” You deny, reaching over the liquors to grab a bottle of soda as a chaser.
“I know you want me, too–”
“How?” You question, cutting him off. He takes a step closer to you with a smirk arising on your face. Your innocence was becoming more visible to him, but you didn’t know that.
Can he really tell if you wanted him? Is that possible?
“I can see the gloss over your eyes, and I can feel the heat radiating from you. Your stomach is probably flipping so much you can’t even breathe. You’re trying to resist me, aren’t you, honey?” Tom takes a strand of hair from the front of your face and tucks it seductively behind your ear. Smoothly, his thumb runs along your jawline and gently pulls down your bottom lip. Immediate butterflies explode in your stomach from seduction overload. “Look at me. Am I wrong?”
You lift your head up slowly, eyes wide with curiosity and apparently lust. A fake, innocent expression coats his face as he slightly tilts his head. You shake your head just as slowly as before, knowing he was right. Based on what he said, you did want him. You’ve never really wanted someone the way you want him right now.
Before you could say anything else, three pounding knocks echo throughout the whole house. The music is cut and nearly everyone becomes silent and still.
“Police! Open up!” A muffled yell comes from the other side of the door. Some people scream and others mumble profanities while running all over the place. Your eyes widen in fear because you’ve never been to a party where the cops were called.
“C’mon follow me!” Tom shouts over the screams and running people. His hand laces through your fingers with a tight grip. Even though you’re scared, those butterflies flutter in your stomach again. Your thick heels weren’t very tall, so it was easy enough to move without slipping.
Tom weaves you both through the crowds strategically, going the opposite way of the wave of people. He leads you down a hallway and to a bedroom, which panics you because you don’t want to hide–you want to run away. However, when you get into the bedroom, you’re relieved to see a sliding glass door that leads into the backyard. Tom stops for a moment and snatches something off of the long dresser alongside the wall. Then you both rush through the door quickly, closing it before Tom drags you away again.
He opens the wooden fence door, pulling you through before shutting it and bringing you around the corner. Now, you were technically in the front yard, but the side of the frat house covers you. He holds you steady against the fence, your heart racing with many reasons but anticipation feels the strongest. This close you could smell his cologne and it’s delightful; something woodsy yet sensual. You spot a black car behind his shoulder and pray that’s where he’s taking you.
“Do you see that car? We’re going there. But the front door is right over there. That’s where the cops are. I’ve done this before, but I’m sure you haven’t. Once the cops break down the door and go inside, we’re running to the car. Okay?” Tom tries to explain as slowly and relaxed as possible because he’s scared for you. He doesn’t want you to be afraid and he wants you to trust him. All you do is nod. He grabs your hand again, but with less intensity, and more delicacy. He brings it up to his lips and kisses your knuckles softly. “Still with me?”
Heat rushes to your cheeks and you fight the urge to a huge smile, but you somehow nod in response. You look away nervously, as your fear begins to die down. He sees this and smirks, glad he is able to distract you from the cops. To Tom, this scene is not that big of a deal because he usually runs away by himself. But you were standing there, so innocent, so susceptible, that he could never leave you alone.
The signal of the door breaking down alerts both of your ears and you look up at Tom again in urgency. He tightly grips your hand again, hopefully not hurting you, and drags you as quickly as possible to the black car across the street. Yanking the keys from his pocket, he clicks the unlock button and swiftly opens the door for you.
“Oh, what a gentleman,” You giggle, but shut the door urgently. He jogs around to the driver’s side and immediately starts the engine.
“Only for you, love,” He winks as he drives away into the night. You don’t even ask where he’s taking you, automatically trusting him.
Your mind was racing. You couldn’t stop thinking about Tom and what he told you. You wanted him, and you wanted him bad. You… needed him. But how do you bring it up again? Can you just tell him?
You’ll try that.
“Tom?” Your soft voice fills the no longer silent air. His thumb rubs gentle circles over your thigh, giving you that flipping feeling in your stomach again. You instinctively close your legs, trapping his hand. Your heat pounds with need, but you mistaken it for pain. He opens them again and continues to rub the soft skin of your thigh nonchalantly.
“Yes, doll?” His voice is deep and knowing, but you’re oblivious. A shy smirk peeks on his lips.
“I have that feeling again.”
“What feeling? Describe it to me,” Tom’s fingers inch slowly closer to your privates, making you inhale and slightly hold your breath. You try to remember exactly how he described it, so you could put it into words.
“I have that flipping stomach feeling, and I feel kind of hot. But it’s more intense… and it hurts,” You mumble under your breath out of embarrassment.
God, how are you even talking to him right now?
“What hurts, honey?” Tom questions innocently, keeping his eyes steadily on the road.
“My…privates,” You look down shamefully, while closing your legs again. Tom hums and you can hear his smirk.
“Do you…want me to get rid of that feeling?” He asks as if he’s just as oblivious as you. Your eyes sparkle and turn to look at him hopefully.
“Yes! Please, please, please!” You plead as Tom pulls into a driveway. You don’t even question it, even though you know he lives at the frat house. But you don’t pay any mind to that because the pain between your legs is becoming even stronger now.
“Alright, alright, I got you,” He laughs, turning off the engine. It’s pitch black outside apart from a single streetlight in the distance. The houses beside Tom’s were asleep, you assumed. It was probably pretty late, but you had lost your phone somewhere along the way, most likely when running.
Tom leads you through an empty house and into a bedroom. It’s dark throughout the whole place, only spots of moonlight peek through the curtains.
“Is this yours?” You had to ask, hands waving around in the air. You didn’t think Tom would bring you to some random home that wasn’t his. You didn’t want to trespass.
“Technically, yes. It’s mine as well as my parents’ second home,” You purse your lips at the new information. You had always assumed he had come from money.
The bedroom left you entranced in the way it was mysterious. Tom’s dark silhouette caused you to ache more than before. He turned around, staring at your helpless, desperate expression.
“I will help you, but,” Tom starts as you take a seat on the edge of the soft, white bed.
“I’ll do anything, please,” You beg pathetically, crossing your legs to decrease the consistent throbbing.
“Anything? Well, let me finish,” He takes a step toward you, making you look up into his eyes. He towers over you, showing full dominance. Your chest raises up and down with the tension. “You have to be a good girl.”
“I am,” You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you peer up at him with a pouty face.
“You will be once you listen to me,” He pets the top of her head while you nod in agreement, still slightly confused. “Now, get on your knees.”
You don’t hesitate to obey Tom because you’re really desperate. The carpet is rough and scratchy, but you don’t say anything. He takes your hands and delicately places them on his belt buckle
“Take my belt off,” You nod again as you slowly begin to do so. “Now, my jeans.”
You want to complain so badly because of how slow this is going. But you want to be a good girl for Tom, so you keep your mouth closed and listen. You’re eye to eye with his boxers and without waiting for him to speak, you lower them down. Tom hums in satisfaction and runs a smooth hand through your hair. You inhale at the small touch, impatient.
“You’re so…big,” You note, eyes doe-y and wide. Tom stiffly laughs once with his mouth closed.
“Is that an issue? I thought you were a good girl?” He asks condescendingly, fingers brushing your jawline. The contrast of his rough fingertips ignite flames along your velvety skin. Your eyebrows pinch together in determination because you will be a good girl. Even if he is scarily big.
“Now what?” You gaze up at Tom through your eyelashes, innocence cascaded across your face along with a sense of challenge.
His cock sits big and stiff right in front of you, pre-cum leaking from the rosy tip. Out of instinct, you take your thumb to wipe it away, but more leaks out. You keep rubbing back and forth, trying to get the liquid to go away. Tom sighs from above you, gripping your hair tightly in a fist to halt you. You gasp and look at him again.
“Put your mouth on me, doll. But no teeth. Do you understand?” His intense hold on your hair lets you know he’s serious, so you nod again. “Words.”
“Yes, I understand,” You speak, before licking your lips and opening your mouth. The bit of liquid coats your tongue as you put his cock inside of your mouth. You get a little more than halfway before it’s touching the back of your throat. You instantly gag, wanting to spit. However, your tongue starts exploring, running along the sides and rubbing under it, which distracts you.
Tom groans, making you proud for some reason. Without a warning, Tom starts moving in and out.
“Breathe through your nose– fuck,” Tom’s voice is gravelly and rough when he moans deeply. His grip on your hair controls your head movements, so you’re forced to have his cock in your mouth the whole time. You grasp his thick thighs for support and dig your nails into his skin aggressively. You can feel his muscles tightening with immense strength. You moan on him, sending a warm feeling throughout Tom’s body.
“You like my muscles, baby? Yeah?” You hum against his cock because yes, you like his muscles. You never really cared for them on anyone else. However, you’ve always thought they were so attractive on him. When you’d see him waltzing around campus with his tight workout shirts, you always took a double-take. “Tell me how much you like them.”
His cock slips out from your mouth, coated in salvia. You gasp large breaths throughout your mouth, so you can answer him.
“I’ve always liked your arms. But I’ve always wanted to touch your stomach…” You shyly admit, looking down breathlessly. You stare back up at him with small courage. “I love when you wear your workout shirts around school because I can see how strong you are.”
Tom’s ego flies through the roof and his heart pounds heavily in his chest. The fact that you’ve noticed him around campus makes his stomach flip. He simply hums as his thumb on your jaw guides toward your bottom lip, pulling it down to open your mouth. You obey, widening as he slowly slots his cock back into your mouth like it was made to be there.
You take a deep breath as he begins moving in and out. His pace speeds up and your face gets all tingly. The carpet burns your knees, eventually numbing them.
Saliva spills on your chin and down to your chest. You can’t help but gag every time his tip tickles the back of your mouth. With every thrust, you swear he gets lower down your throat. Your jaw begins to burn and your throat begins to ache. Tears form at the brim of your eyes before they slowly fall on your cheeks.
“Choke on it, just like that. You like this, don’t you?” Tom asks while more tears stream from your face. Although you’re crying, you love it because it makes you a good girl. Pleasing Tom makes you get butterflies.
The throbbing between your legs gets more intense with every thrust and gag. You helplessly close your legs like you had in the car. Tom notices.
“Of course you do, you’re filthy. Just like me,” Tom degrades, whispering the last past, so you couldn’t hear him. Tom’s cock fits perfectly snug in your mouth; coated by your warmth. The tickles and subtle rubs of your tongue make him throw his head back in awe. Your private throbs again, pleading to be helped.
“Do you like when I talk dirty? Do you?” You muffle a moan on his cock, sending vibrations through him. He groans loudly. Your head feels light and your vision seems fuzzy. You assumed if you did this too long, you would pass out. His chiseled stomach peeks beneath his button up, tense as his orgasm nears. 
But of course, you’re oblivious to the fact that he is going to come soon.
“You want to be a good girl, right?” You look at him as best as you can while attempting to nod. You gag again, nearly spitting him out. He continues to ram into your mouth as you drool everywhere. “Then take it.”
More tears spill onto your cheeks. You learn it’s hard to breathe solely out of your nose, and moving your head backwards only slims the opening of your throat.
His pace is rough and quick, making you see stars. His stomach tenses again as he groans a variety of profanities above you.
“Fuck!” Tom yells as he yanks himself out of your mouth. Suddenly, come spurts out from his cock, coating your chin and chest beautifully. Specks of white splattered on your shirt, looking like the stars in the night sky.
Tom strokes himself until he’s breathing steady, mind still blown from you. Somehow, teaching you how to deepthroat rather than you being skilled at it turned him on more than ever. He tugs up his boxers and jeans, not caring about the mess of saliva on him.
“Stay right here, baby.”
You stay kneeled, drenched in his white liquid. Tom exits the room and comes back with a towel and a blanket. He slowly wipes the liquid away with the towel until you’re all clean. A throb still pounds between your legs and you wonder if you’ve been good enough for him to fix it.
“Tom?” Your throat is sore, so your voice comes out squeaky and breaking. Tom’s eyes follow you as you gracefully stand from the kneeling position, knees burning. “Was I a good girl?”
Tom, nearly getting hard again, smiles at your innocence and caresses your cheek lovingly.
“The best,” He says, and your eyes light up in praise. “You’re my good girl.”
A toothy smile widens on your lips before Tom delicately kisses you. The room was so dark and eerie, but the kiss felt like a rainbow and a thousand butterflies. His skillful lips kiss you mesmerizingly, while his fingers brush over your warm cheeks.
The kiss was soft and tender, completely opposite from his previous actions. A heartbeat continued to pulse between your legs the more and more he touched you. With some self-control, you slowly pushed him off of you. You just couldn’t take it anymore.
“Tom,” You whisper groggily. “It still hurts.”
He smiles devilishly, licking his bottom lip.
“Good girls ask nicely,” He raises his eyebrows as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ears.
“Please, please help me, Tom. I need you,” You beg breathily, feeling floaty. Tom smirks, satisfied with your plea. He guides your body toward the bed, laying you down delicately. You melt into the mattress’s comforter as Tom crawls over you.
“Anything for my good girl,” Tom hums as he hovers above your relentless body, trembling slightly with anticipation. His hum follows through the trails of kisses and love bites he discards along your neck. You moan out with each touch of his hands and lips.
“Now what,” You whimper out, wondering what he’s going to do next. You mentally pray he’s going to mend the pain.
“Now, baby, it’s all about you.”
thank you for the request ;) i hope you liked it!
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elysia-nsimp · 7 months
all of the quotes that are Jamil talking to Kalim are actually me talking to my dog Ivy! It’s a running gag with my friends and I that the stuff I say to Ivy just gets more and more out of context and someone always quotes Jamil when I share a new conversation
Tagging: @queerlordsimon @ladyzsgolla @aetherphobia @thesunshineriptide @end3rm1st (lmk if you want to be added or removed ^^)
Warnings: Cursing, lighthearted bullying, suggestive jokes made by a bunch of asexuals and their token allosexual, caps
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
Ruggie, RUNNING down the hallway screaming: I GOT A POPTAAAAAAARTTTT
Idia: Screech was put down by the CDC for being a safety hazard.
Deuce: why do you wanna go to school?? you're a fucking EGG!.... dumb bitch...
Floyd: he's a merman. thats his merass
Azul: I wish this game would let me commit tax fraud
Yuu, to Jade: can they go on little slug dates?
Floyd: It’s like depression if depression was a fish tank
Riddle: Well to me this sounds like colour 1 is a more complex colour that is made from something being added to the base of colour 2. Orange (colour 1) is just yellow (colour 2) but with red added. Similarly, green (colour 1) is just blue (colour 2) but with yellow added. Now how does this apply to purple? Thus far all colour two's have been primary colours (as the primary colours are red, yellow, and blue and so far we have yellow and blue but no red. This means that if we assume the same pattern to be true, the last colour 2 should be red. This also matches up with purple as the final colour 1 since red + blue = purple. Lastly, this enforces another pattern I have noticed. Let's look at the second set to see this pattern. In the second set we have blue (colour 2) + yellow = green (colour 1). Now something iinteresting here is that yellow is colour 2 of the previous set. This pattern continues in set 3. We have red (colour 2) + blue (colour 2 of the last set) = purple (colour 1). Finally, it even goes in a loop. In set one we have yellow (colour 2) + red = orange (colour 1). And what do we see here? That's right, red just so happens to be the colour 2 we determined to be the colour which finishes set 3. Therefore we can conclude from multiple patterns within this set that orange is to yellow as green is to blue as purple is to red.
Ace: it’s slightly NSFW, but there’s nothing explicit
Deuce: I’m allosexual, I’ll live
Ace: ok [sends picture]
Trey: Dennys is like, the place you go when you burn your dinner for the holidays
Jade: Floyd… we’ve talked about this.
Floyd: about what
Jade: Tormenting the Gods…
Azul: If you or a loved one has been attacked by Timothy--
Azul: or Screech, yes-- [dies to screech]
Azul: ...oh
Floyd: this is what i call TRAUMA KARAOKE
Epel: the femininity is dwindling and the polyamory is spreading
Floyd, to Epel: Are you sustenance?….
Kalim: I have never felt more unsafe than with your face.
OB!Jamil: What the fuck.
Lilia: one day i will get my revenge. not only on the squirrel population, but the baby population
Floyd: There’s like 4.5 trans people in this room
Idia: .5??
Azul: am I the .5
Floyd: yes
Idia: Bad and naughty Discord users get put in the PS5 controller
Floyd: I am going to UNZIP YOUR SPINE.
Azul: This is all an elaborate game of pretend to them.
Epel, behind Vil’s back on why he’s a vampire: It’s because he’s so pasty
Kalim: i love sad cheesy romance scenes :)
Jamil: I love plotting evilly
Kalim: I also love plotting evilly but I also love sad cheesy romance scenes :)!!!
Jade: Yes, hello. I've been keeping Kalim company.
Floyd: yes 😏 company. and they KISSED ON THE MOUTH GAYLY
Jade, ignoring him: He's been teaching me aaall sorts of things...
Jamil: Answer me. What did you do to Kalim
Jade: What did I...do? We were just having a pleasant conversation.
Floyd: ah yes just a pleasant conversation. DEFINITELY NOT GAYLY KISSING
Jade: Out of the benevolence of Azul’s heart, he will let Jamil practice kissing with him.
Kalim: just like Floyd
Trey: is it legal to milk clowns?
Jade: It depends on the clown… it depends on their sins…
Lilia: we dont like being milked actually
Ruggie: I wish I cried lemonade... because then I'd cry more often and then I'd have lemonade. And then I wouldn't be sad anymore... but then I'd cry happy tears because I have lemonade, which would make me cry more... and then the cycle repeats...
Floyd, in Minecraft: ooohhhHhhH Look at youUUU so KIND and GENEROUS HOUSEWARDEN--
Floyd, getting punched off the mineshaft by Azul: aH FUCK FUCK FUCK
Ortho, after Idia showed him many cursed furbys: You owe me a new pair of eyes.
Idia: can they be furby eyes 😀
Jack: Maybe the real booty is the friends we made along the way yknow
Prof. Trein: Talk amongst yourselves, do not speak in Welsh.
Cater: That's how Im gonna start commenting on things now. Just, person adjective
Deuce: Cater uh- nice
Cater, WITHOUT HESITATION: Deuce depressed
Che’nya: My emotionally identifying with cats has nothing to do with me being a furry and EVERYTHING to do with me being autistic
Yuu, about Grim: Your heart is bigger than your little body!!
Ace: so is his ego
Yuu, laughing: that’s true
Silver: you look very intimidating right now
Sebek: Wh- Silver- I am sitting here eating my pocket muffin Silver
Deuce: If you poke my eyes I won’t be able to breathe- wait
Trey with a slinky over his eyes: New technology makes it more difficult to see! Mobility disaids
Cater: You reenter the VC. I turn around in a swivel chair, filing my nails. “I've been expecting you,” I say.
Idia: ...... [disconnects]
Jamil, to Kalim: I was wondering about the dust bunny too.. nO, NO, DONT EAT THE DUST BUNNY—
Ace: What are we SUPPOSED to do? Hold each other by the toes and sing a friendship song???
Lilia: mmmm bacon soap….
Malleus: …did you just say “bacon soap”?
Silver: You DO look intimidating, eating your pocket muffin like an APPLE, staring into the middle distance dramatically
Jamil: I really don’t want to touch your… gooey… wet… ball, Kalim.
Leona: There’s weed in this tea… Hm. [takes another sip]
Jamil: Kalim, stop putting your balls under the greenhouse. I don’t want to keep fishing them out.
Floyd: Shrimpy, I want you to know that i am going to shit in your bathroom. just wanted to make sure you knew.
Azul: that is NOT how i expected you to end that sentence
Jade: Whatcha doing?
Floyd: Your m—
Jade: Go on.
Jade: Finish the sentence, Floyd.
Jade: Floyd finish the sentence.
Jade: sex 2
Lilia: Reminiscing from the glory days to the whore-y days
Silver: I got off the plane, saw someone who was my friend, got hugged, then you TOOK OFF YOUR SHIRT, BIT INTO AN APPLE LIKE A MUFFIN, SAT AGAINST THE WINDOW LIKE A WALL SIT AND STARED AT ME
Jamil: why do you have to pick the balls to kick that hurt the most, kalim
Floyd: I like my men like I like my SCPs… keter class.
Jamil: Don’t EAT your tie, Kalim-
Jamil: Don’t steal any more frogs Kalim
Idia: The heart wants what the heart wants… the heart wants autism. 🤷
Rook: maybe you can domesticate beastmen
Jack: I don’t like the implications of domesticated beastmen
Rook: I don’t think you appreciate my artistic interpretation here
Floyd: I can’t believe Azul is a sugar daddy
Ace: if each day is a gift then can i return mondays?!
Cater: Ace is dead?? Crab rave???
Vil: I can’t believe you
Rook: I feel like you don’t appreciate my artistic expression
Jamil: You need to go to the hospital
Floyd: personally speaking, mood. professionally speaking, yeah.
Anyway that’s all this time, much longer than usual because I had a lot saved up
Lots of Floyd because he haunts my every thought my bad
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kustovshik · 3 months
What exactly is Cesp? Is he some sort of Alien or Animal-like reptile? (Also if he is the snail guy with the purple cap the same size as a normal snail? Because if so I want him as a friend <3)
Oh it's a long one. If we talking species-wise. Cesp is an alien from my personal species. His kind named 'Ditore'.
And let me tell you this, not the one you'd rather meet.
Their basic decription is often found as 'parasites'. But in full it's:
A highly adaptive and advanced form of alien life that represents both cat and reptile. They specialize in military technology and the conduct of long-term protracted wars.
The whole species is famous for seizing entire planets for its colonies with extreme cruelty. They also destroy any natural habitat of their colonies in order to remake it in their own way. In particular, some species are abandoned and then bred on an industrial scale, sometimes as labor, but mainly as live feed. Yes, even other intelligent species get here.
They are difficult to kill, because of their durable skin and natural armor(not to speak that they have technologies and armour). And due to the fact that representatives of each colony adapt to the environment, they acquire different traits.
So, for example, Cesp is from a colony on a volcanic planet and is able not only to tolerate high temperatures, but also to raise the temperature of its own body (but this does not pass without consequences).
I'll stop my rambling here.
Have a size comparison between average ditore, Cesp and normal human.
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Oop u made her angy
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jussst-lurking · 8 months
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In honour of Max sealing his third championship I made this celebratory art piece inspired by tarot cards ✨
Copic markers, metallic gold pen and brush pen, A3 (for better quality click on the picture)
Explanation of symbolism under the cut (yes, I actually thought this through)
Alright, colours first:
Gold: represents victory and success (feel like that one’s pretty obvious)
Purple: represents power, strength and royalty (this goes back to antiquity, where rulers often wore purple robes, the Roman emperors among others)
Grey-scale: I won’t lie, this is partially an aesthetic choice because I didn’t want any other colours to compete with purple and gold, but it also reminded me of marble/stone statues of gods and rulers and other figures deemed important so I thought it fits
Now onto the symbols themselves:
The 3 stars: rather obviously, they represent Max’s 3 championships, the one in his hands being his third and the newest addition, which is also why I gave it golden rays
The clouds: clinging to the lower edges of the picture they’re supposed to represent achievement, kind of like the clouds parting once you reach the summit of a mountain
The number 1: as champion he’s obviously entitled to claim it as his racing number, so making the ‘champion card’ in this imaginary tarot deck number 1 is again meant to show victory, achievement, being the best
The laurels: a popular and traditional (thanks Roman Empire) symbol of victory, success and power (it’s also on the Pirelli caps, so)
Chrysanthemums (upper border): so, according to this website chrysanthemums are often given as gifts for congratulations and recognition for achievements
Dahlias (lower border): according to that same website (yes, I got all my research from there) Dahlias represent achieving great things through hard work and determination, which I thought was very fitting. It’s apparently also often included in congratulatory flower arrangements
Peonies (left border): peonies are associated with success, prosperity and good fortune. They also represent perseverance and determination because apparently it’s difficult to grow peonies but when they do grow they have a long blooming season and can withstand adverse conditions
Sunflowers (right border): a symbol of vitality, growth, success and happiness. Sunflowers can also grow in poor conditions and withstand heat and drought, making them quite hardy, which I think you have to be to win a championship, let alone three
Yup, that’s it, thank you for coming to my ted talk, I hope you liked it!
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tinkabelle24 · 3 months
To Build a Home
Chapter 12: Into The Light
A/N: I'd like to thank the amazing @android-cap-007 for the first of many drawings for this story. Love you, girl! 🥰🫂
TW! Sexual Assault, Blood and Injury, Death.
Masterlist / Chapter 11
(One week earlier...)
Alright, which one was it again? First, second... third? Yes! Thank God...
Val heaved a relieved sigh as she watched the brickwork slide open, revealing one of many secret entrances into the Lair. One would think, given the numerous times she'd already used this entrance, she'd know by heart which pipe to pull. But no. That wasn't how her brain worked.
Donnie was already halfway up the steps by the time she shuffled inside. Her face immediately flushed with embarrassment as she imagined him laughing his ass off at the sight of her fumbling around outside. Had this been the case, he never let it show.
“Oh! Hi, Dudette!” Mikey, who'd been trailing behind his older brother, greeted cheerfully. His baby blues nearly popped out their sockets once they finally laid upon the load she was carrying. “How’d you manage to get all that down here by yourself?”
Finally relinquishing the two heavy insulated shopping bags and backpack into Donnie’s eager hands, Val groaned softly as she stretched out her stiff back and upper limbs; her fingers ached something fierce. “Thank you... It wasn’t too bad; the hardest part’s lifting that heavy-ass manhole cover.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” The purple-banded terrapin eyed her quizzically as he pushed one of the bags into Mikey’s arms. “We would’ve picked you up.”
Val waved him off with a smile. “Don’t stress,” she reassured. “I’m stronger than I look. The crowbar helped, too, heh... Plus, it was meant to be a surprise.”
Sundays were their lazy days, where most of the group congregated in the common area to enjoy either a video game or movie (usually a comedy; a certain someone *cough* Mikey *cough* wasn't fond of horror).
Checco’s was their go-to on these nights. No, scratch that – most nights. Something told Val it was their favourite, so she decided to bring her own this time... among a few other goodies.
“Pizza? Yes!” Mikey did a little dance, holding the three firmly wrapped pies above his head like Rafiki did baby Simba.
“Supreme... pepperoni... and my personal favourite – margherita. I sincerely hope you guys like garlic, because the last one’s got a shit-tonne of it.” Val then reached into one of the bags, retrieving a foil-wrapped baguette. “I also made garlic bread - cheesy garlic bread.”
At that, Mikey swooned. “I love you!”
A giggle escaped the brunette’s lips as she playfully rolled her eyes, then turned her attention to the second bag. “For you.” She handed Donnie a container of double chocolate chip muffins. “Payment for the courgettes. Don’t worry, I didn’t put any in there.”
“Perfect, thank you- ah-ah! Get your mitts off it.” He swatted Mikey’s hand away.
“Aw, what?! No fair!”
“Worry not, my friend.” Val nudged the youngest brother as she produced a larger container of what looked to be chocolate pudding.
By that point, she'd finally spotted Raph across the common area, exiting the weights room. His hands were clean but his arms and thighs were peppered with chalk smears, presumably from using the deadlift bar. Had she blinked, she would've missed the wince as he rolled his shoulders; favouring the recently healed one.
She frowned.
He'd been overdoing it, again.
“Oh, hey!” Raph exclaimed, gaze finally falling on her. “You’re early. I was gonna text after my shower to see if you were ready. I’d hug ya, but...” He gestured to himself as he approached.
“Yeah, I’ll pass.” Val agreed; she'd rather not get sweat and chalk all over her favourite outfit.
With a sheepish smile, she raised her container to his eye level; Mikey, still holding the pizzas, eagerly presented them as well. “I brought goodies... I made your avocado mousse for dessert – that okay?” In her excitement – organising and preparing this spread - she totally forgot to ask the chef’s permission to recreate his recipe.
Bad Valerie - that’s poor recipe sharing etiquette!
Noticing her apprehension, a mischievous smirk crept across Raph’s scarred features. “Ahh, so that’s why ya wanted the recipe.”
“Yeah, heh...” She tittered, avoiding eye contact. “You never got to try it properly, so... a-and I wanted it to be a surprise-”
“-Val.” The terrapin chuckled, expression softening. “Relax - it’s fine. I’m lookin’ forward to it.”
“Wait...” Mikey pointed to the mousse container, eyeing his older brother suspiciously. “Isn’t that the same stuff you spent all afternoon preparing, just to toss in the trash?”
“Sounds about right.” The brunette quipped with renewed confidence; Raph sent her a dead-panned look.
The orange-banded terrapin tutted at him, shaking his head. “Sacrilege.”
“Hey, where’s Leo?” Val quickly changed the subject, just as Raph opened his mouth to protest. Leo was usually the first to greet her whenever she visited. Then again, he wasn't expecting her until later.
“He finished his Kata just before you arrived.” Donnie answered. “He’s in the shower.”
“Speakin’ of showers...” Raph turned in the direction of the bathroom. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
“Multiplied by forty-five...”
The red-banded terrapin paused to side-eye Val, who was grinning slyly at him from behind her lashes. Her eyes bugged out when he suddenly snapped toward her, arms outstretched. “I’ll take that hug now-”
“Don’t you dare!” She immediately fled round the dining table, desperate to put some distance between herself and the incoming terrapin. “Get away! Stop! Raph, no... I mean it- ah!”
Donnie and Mikey leapt back, cackling as their brother proceeded chasing the squealing woman around the kitchen. He cornered her almost immediately, leaning into her palm pressed against his plastron.
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“I’m dead serious.” Val warned, playfully staring him down. “Come any closer and I’ll smack you.”
“Please do.” The group turned toward the common area to find Leo, finally making an appearance. He nodded to the brunette politely as he approached. “Hey. Sorry I wasn’t here to greet you when you came in... what’s all this?”
Val returned the gesture. “Hey. It's all good," she reassured, eyeing Raph warily as he slunk away. “I brought dinner, and dessert.”
“Oh... thank you. You didn’t need to do that-”
“I wanted to.” She insisted gently.
They shared a brief smile, before Mikey piped up with a “Let’s get this show on the road!”, pulling out several pizza trays and firing up the oven. Raph left for his shower, while the rest of the group finished organising dinner.
“Aw, c’mon! I thought you liked zombies.”
“Watching them – sure. Fighting them – fff- hell no. No way.”
“Hell?” Raph folded his muscular arms as he relaxed in his chair, brow ridge quirked in amusement. “Val, I’ve heard ya say worse shit than that-”
“Raph.” Leo hissed. Had Val not been paying attention, she would've missed the leader’s subtle eye gesture in her direction, then the near inaudible “not in front of the lady”. She smiled into her wine glass as she took another sip, flattered by the chivalrousness.
Raph side-eyed his brother, before letting out a short snort.
Val narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you trying to say, Raph?” She questioned, feigning offence. “Am I not a lady?”
The terrapin’s hands immediately shot up in defence. “I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t need to – I saw it on your face.”
“I’m just tryna figure out how you can say – Leo, cover ya ears - ‘fuck’ - the second most vulgar curse word in the English language - and not get into trouble; while I say ‘shit’ and get my head bitten off for it.”
“Sounds like a you problem,” the brunette smirked.
Raph laughed incredulously. “Red hot, you are-”
“-Guys, can you not?” Donnie interrupted, staring pointedly at the pair. “Some of us wanna enjoy their dessert in peace.”
“Right. Sorry...”
"Stop...!” Val mouthed, struggling to keep the ear-to-ear grin off her face.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys...” Mikey finally sat back, petting his distended ‘belly’. “...But those pizzas, and this mousse – mwah! Chef’s kiss! Speaking of chefs...” He gently nudged the brunette’s leg with his. “You should be one – you're really good.”
“Thanks...” She blushed, shifting awkwardly in her chair. “I’ve thought about it, but I don’t think I’d enjoy cooking as a career – it's my hobby.”
“What would you do instead, then?” An intrigued Leo leaned forward slightly.
“I’ve actually been looking at EMT courses.”
“Emergency Medical Technician?” Donnie clarified, scraping the very last of the mousse from his bowl then spooning it into his mouth.
“Sorry. Yeah, that’s it.”
“Like a paramedic?” Raph asked.
“Sort of. Paramedics get more training. The EMT program is nowhere near as long and I can branch out later if I want to... only problem is I need a high school diploma or GED to be considered – I have exactly neither, heh...”
“Did you not finish school?” Mikey frowned at his brothers, who all shared knowing looks.
“No, I didn’t...” A sudden buzzing sound momentarily drew the brunette’s attention to her purse at her feet; inside, the screen of her first phone illuminated with a recent text message.
[I don’t like this...]
“What’s his surname?”
Val looked up from the inch-long piece of varnish she just peeled from her well-worn timber tabletop. “Sorry, what?”
Molly looked over her phone at her, brows raised. “Raph, obviously.” She sarcastically replied. “Unless you have another boyfriend I don’t know about.”
“I told you - he’s not my boyfriend.” Val groaned. “He’s just a guy I served at work who said I looked pretty.”
“Do you have his number?” Molly enquired, with an expectant look. “I’m trying to find his social media profile.”
“He doesn’t have social media.”
“How do you know? Have you tried looking for him?”
“Yes - he doesn’t have one.”
“Not even Facebook?”
“No - not even Facebook.”
“What weirdo isn’t on any form of social media?”
“You’re being very judgemental right now, Mol.” Val meant it as a joke, but she couldn't help the frustration in her tone. “Just cos he doesn’t have social media, doesn’t mean he’s weird; it just means he doesn’t have social media.”
“I’m just curious as to who this guy is, and why you’ve been hiding him from me – your best friend, supposedly...”
Val stifled an eye roll at that last part. Drama llama...
Molly leant on her folded arms atop Val’s dining table, staring her dead in the eyes.
“Seriously, though – what's going on? And don’t say ‘nothing’ cos that’s bullshit. You’ve been seeing him. Wanna know how I know? Your face – yeah, just like that. I haven’t seen you smile this much, or look this good, in... well, ever. Whatever’s going on for you right now – it's good. I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t want me to be a part of that... I mean, I know next to nothing about this guy. Fuck, I don’t even know what he looks like! Please, please, please, Val. I’m begging you, for God's sake – let me in!”
“Trust me, Mol, I’d tell you everything if I could, but I can’t... I-I made a promise.”
Molly frowned. “Why is he making you keep him a secret? That doesn’t seem fair, to me.”
Cos he’s a six-foot talking turtle man...
“His job is... high-risk.” It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth, either.
“What does that mean, exactly? Is he like a mafia boss, or something?”
Val had to bite back what would've been an inappropriately placed laugh. “No,” she replied, clearing her throat. “He’s uh... he’s a special kind of cop; one who’s gotta deal with some pretty nasty people. I really can’t say anything more than that. I’m sorry...”
Molly compressed her lips and sighed. “Fine. Okay...” She murmured, nodding slowly.
Val lowered her gaze, the familiar feeling of guilt settling in the pit of her stomach. She could tell her friend was becoming frustrated, but what could she do? Not much, unless she wanted to betray her other friends’ trust.
After a moment or two of silence, the raven-haired woman reached across the table to squeeze Val’s hand. “But I’m gonna be keeping an eye on you. I’m glad you’re happier but, Val, I’m seeing some red flags. For your sake, this secret-keeping nonsense better be temporary.”
I doubt it very much, but I hope so, too...
Raph's voice snapped her out of her reverie. “Hm...? I’m sorry – what?”
“Do ya need to get that?” Raph asked, nodding to her phone.
Val shook her head. “No - it can wait.”
“Ya sure?”
“Yes, Raph.” She reassured, chuckling softly. “It’s fine. Really.”
The terrapin frowned, unconvinced, but didn't press further.
“Right. Well...” Leo slowly rose to his feet, setting his empty glass inside his bowl. “Let’s get these dishes done, so we can settle in for the night- not you.” He gently pushed a stunned Val back into her chair by her shoulder, then took her dishes from her. “Those who cook don’t have to wash up – you should know that by now.”
“Why dontcha go pick a game for us to play?” Raph suggested, noticing her restless thumb-twiddling; he knew she hated being idle.
The brunette nodded stiffly as she slid out of her chair. “Okay, sure.”
“What about-”
“No, we’re not playing COD zombies - forget it.”
“We’ve got a Wii?” Mikey offered as he watched the sink fill with hot, soapy water. “We could play Wii Sports?”
“Sounds like fun!” Raph rubbed his hands together, flashing Val a wicked smile. “Feel like boxin’?”
“Don’t fall for it, Val,” Donnie warned, side-eyeing the red-banded terrapin. “He’s an absolute menace.”
“Is that a compliment or insult?”
“You’re a sore winner.”
“Sounds like somethin' a loser would say-”
“I’ll play.” Val giggled at Donnie's 'see what I mean?' look. “So long as you agree to face me at bowling – that's my turf.”
“You're goin' down,” Raph growled playfully.
The brunette smugly chuckled. “We’ll see.”
“Leo’s good at bowling, too.” Donnie offered, nudging the terrapin in question. “Seven strikes in a single round was his best, if I’m remembering correctly. It was a while ago.”
“Impressive.” Val turned to Leo with a hopeful smile. “Does that mean you’ll be joining us tonight? I’ll make sure to go easy on you.”
Leo cracked a smile, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. “Not tonight, sorry...” Watching her face fall, he quickly followed with a “Next time, I promise.”
“Okay, then.” The brunette nodded, smile returning. “I’m holding you to that.”
Val's blood ran cold when she finally caught his shadowy figure descending on her in her periphery. She risked a glance to his balled fists. He looked unarmed. Luckily for her, she was not.
Steeling herself, the brunette whipped around to face him, brandishing her pocketknife. "Not one more fucking step, asshole!" Her heart was pounding so loudly in her ears that it effectively drowned out her scream.
Buddy's eyes widened as he skidded to a stop, an arm's length away. Once he registered the threat, his dark gaze finally returned to hers. "I oughta cut out that filthy tongue of yours-"
"Fuck you!" Val shot back defiantly. She retreated slowly to put some distance between them, not daring to break eye contact. He stepped forward and she jabbed the blade in his direction. "I said BACK OFF!"
"My money," Buddy snarled, watching the weapon like a hawk. "I want it back."
"I don't have your money-"
The abrupt screeching of tyres rang through the dark and otherwise empty street. Panic momentarily taking over, she turned to find her cab leaving - without her.
With his victim distracted, Buddy lunged forward and snatched her knife hand, attempting to disarm her. Tightening her grip on her keys, the brunette proceeded slashing wildly in his direction; praying to hit something important. Apparently, she had, as the next thing to come out of his mouth was a blood-curdling scream.
Val didn't hang around to assess the resulting damage. She yanked herself and her knife free and booked it down the street, hiking her pencil skirt to her thighs to lengthen her stride; purse flailing behind her. She found herself momentarily matching the speed of her would-have-been getaway car, before the (understandably) terrified driver stomped on the gas and careened down a side street.
Val had no clue where she was running to, just away. She couldn't risk going home. Should he follow her, he'd then not only know where she worked but where she lived.
The thudding of Buddy's dress shoes against the pavement grew louder as he rapidly gained on her. She felt his hand brush her upper back, and a terrified yelp forced its way out.
Desperate to escape his clutches, Val practically dove into the nearest alleyway; unfortunately, clipping her right arm and losing her keys in the process. They clattered to the ground as he finally reached her, grasping the back of her neck and slamming her into a brick wall.
Val gasped for air, but the impact had forced it all out of her lungs. She coughed and a searing pain shot through her chest, causing her to whimper. A warm sensation bloomed at her brow-line, trickling down her temple and chin before dripping steadily onto the collar of her blouse.
Why oh why did you not call for help? Because you're a fucking idiot, that's why.
With one hand fixing her head in place, Buddy reached for her knife hand with the other, all the while applying an immense amount of pressure on her back with his short but stocky frame; erect manhood pressing into her backside through his slacks. What little oxygen leftover was promptly expelled. She was officially suffocating.
"I'll take that." He attempted prying her fingers from the hilt; Val responded by further tightening her grip, to the point where her knuckles fully discoloured.
This pissed him off.
Gripping her closed fist, Buddy proceeded grinding it up and down against the brickwork. The brunette bit back a scream as she felt the skin of her knuckles being torn away. She fought to distract herself from the pain with levelled breaths; determined not to let him take her last mode of defence.
"Let go, fuck ya!" After not receiving the desired outcome for several long and torturous moments, Buddy finally relented. He released her neck to resume prying her fingers away - with both hands.
Her head now free, Val proceeded thrusting it back with as much force as she could muster, clocking Buddy in the face.
She heard a stomach-turning crunch and he staggered back, finally allowing her starved lungs to reinflate. Whipping around, she found him clutching his nose, blood dripping from his hands.
If looks could kill, she would be dead already.
Val lunged forward, striking him in the groin with her shin, causing him to yell out and hunch over in pain. Something inside her snapped. Years' worth of repressed anger and resentment had finally boiled over into her conscious mind, forming a singular uncontrollable emotion - rage.
Snatching a portion of sandy blonde hair close to his scalp, Val held his head firmly whilst she kneed his face, before yanking him up and backward so he fell against the wall.
The brunette felt a desperate urge to hurt him again; to make him suffer, as she suffered. She imagined digging her nails into the cuts on his face, gauging his eyes out, castrating him then finally kicking his head in. Somehow, she managed to restrain herself.
"Get up and I'll fucking end you!" She screeched down at him, flourishing her pocketknife; the hilt bloodied and sticky from the gaping wounds on her hand.
Val suddenly froze, sensing a second presence with them. Stealing a glance further down the alley, she immediately recognised his unique silhouette - Leo.
The terrapin abruptly whipped out a palm-sized, four-pointed object from one of the pouches on his utility belt, launching it in their direction. She watched, transfixed, as it spun wildly through the air, blew past her face then, to her horror, buried itself in Buddy's temple.
He'd crept up on her; nearly succeeding in using her own hand to plunge her knife into her body.
Val made the horrifying mistake of looking into his eyes as life promptly left him, before dropping to the ground. At least she had the presence of mind to extract herself from his grasp, so he couldn't drag her down with him.
A hand touched her arm, and she damn near jumped out of her skin. "Hey, hey- it's me - you're safe, now." Leo soothed. "I'm gonna take this knife from you, okay? I'm putting it right here."
After helping her locate the nearest wall to lean on, the terrapin proceeded carefully inspecting her injuries. "This’ll need to be glued," he informed her, referring to her split brow. "And this..." He cupped her mangled hand. "...God, Val - what happened?"
"He's d-dead..." Val murmured, staring at the lifeless body lying face-down on the pavement, blood pooling around his head. She felt a hundred miles away, trapped before a screen playing an endless loop of him dying in front of her. She couldn't help fixating on his eyes; how one moment, they were full of hatred, then the next - nothing...
"I know," Leo replied gently. "I'm sorry you had to see that..."
Finally returning to earth, Val turned to the terrapin in a panic. "I'm sorry..." She fervently shook her head, eyes brimming with tears. Had she just done the smart thing and called for help, this whole situation could've been avoided. Her attacker could've been dealt with in a non-lethal way, and Leo wouldn't have his blood on his hands. "I'm so, so, so s-sorry...!"
"Hey, no. Absolutely not." Grasping her shoulder, Leo stared her straight in the eyes. "None of this is your fault, you hear me? None of it."
"You don't understand-"
"-Val," the terrapin pleaded. "I promise I'll hear you out on everything you need to say but, right now, I need to get you home so we can treat these. So, I need you to breathe. In through your nose... out through your mouth - that's it. Good. Okay... can you walk?"
Turning Point (ONE-SHOT)
Masterlist / Chapter 13
@happymoonangel @miss-andromeda
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electromignion · 1 year
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Bridgewater fanart! (Who is surprised? /lh /j)
This fanart has been inspired by Lauren Shippen herself, from the # she put on the reblog she did of my Jeremy Bradshaw sleeping fanart “also: new headcanon I now have vipin started TAing for Jeremy when he was still in undergrad soJeremy also has one photo of the two of them at Vipin's graduation in his office”. So I had to draw it of course, I’m so thankful for Lauren’s support, feeling truly so honoured so this is the least I can do 🤧
This is to me, what Vipin asked to do to Jeremy, and so he did because he has always appreciated Vipin (a beginning of friendship there?? They both cherish that pic for sure and yes I plan on drawing Jeremy’s office, and yeah I only drew this to put it in a small frame in Jeremy’s office, that’s my dedication 😭🤌 I’m putting a read more for a further explanation of my headcanon and also the outfit (regalia, cords, medallions wise) because yeah there is a whole day of research behind this and also finger cramps because my Apple Pencil decided to slowly d word on me as I was trying to finish this fanart so I used my fingers jejdjd)
So: please know that I’m French, so it was very hard to find information about graduation ceremonies: we do not have that in France, so I’m sorry if something is off!
First of all, professors and whole faculty members must wear their regalia at graduation ceremonies hence Jeremy having his academic regalia. And it made me learn that the velvet colour on some parts of it + the hood colour differ depending on the field they had their phd in, Jeremy’s is white because to me he has his phd in history (at least from what I understood, as even in S1 EP01 he talks in his lecture room about getting credits in history) which counts in the “art, social and humanities” section because history counts as humanities which is white. (Which also explains why Vipin’s tassel on his cap is white because to me he also went in that field) Jeremy’s hat is a velvet tam with a gold tassel which is the formal hat for the doctorate level.
Then… come Vipin’s cords and medallions. I headcanon Vipin as a really high achieving student, I might be wrong though, but he is too great of a TA to not be. So as a disclaimer: all the information I gathered there come from things linked to the Bridgewater State University because I really wanted to be accurate as much as I possibly could (Yes I truly spent a day for that and I might have drunk one or two Monsters).
For the medallions: the one with the black neck ribbon is “the Diversity Champion medallion recognizes and honors those students who have worked tirelessly for the advancement of diversity and inclusion during their time at Bridgewater College.” I really see Vipin trying to really be actively trying to make it go for the best in clubs and such at BSU and the second one with the blue/green neck ribbon is “The Alpha Chi medallion symbolizes the honor and distinction of being a member of the national academic honor society.
The supporting neck ribbon is in the colors of Alpha Chi.”
Which brings us to the cords he has on his regalia: the green and blue cords represent Alpha Chi as well.
The gold cord represent his level of achievement it’s for “summa cum laude” (“meaning "with highest praise", typically awarded to graduates in the top 1%, 2%, or 5% of their class, depending on the institution.” Which is the highest distinction one can have when you get a diploma at uni in the US).
Then the red and blue cords “Graduates wearing blue and red cords with mixed tassels are members of the national history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta.” (Which for me also was a good idea as Vipin is truly going through so many documents linked to history for Jeremy, our guy is that interested into academic stuff)
Then for the purple rainbow scarf… it’s a real thing I’ve seen on graduating pictures from BSU!! And I gotta admit… I’m quite fond of the idea of Vipin being pan 🫣 (just my own hc always)
I’m sorry for the extra lengthy explanation but I feel like it was needed (maybe it is to flex my research /j) as I think it was really interesting in the development of the hcs around Vipin and even Jeremy!
And to me needless to say but Jeremy has been greatly moved that Vipin asked him to do a picture together where they throw the cap in the air because to Jeremy, Vipin could’ve done it with his fellow classmates. And Jeremy is fully aware of how much it was important for Vipin. (And maybe own little headcanon: I’m sure Jeremy doesn’t even have much pics from his own graduations)
I truly imagine that during the whole graduation ceremony Jeremy was feeling uncomfy in his academic faculty regalia because it’s way too formal (although it’s quite mandatory to wear it) so he is just 🧍🏻 standing being no thoughts head full of folklore only (he is of course very proud of his students nonetheless) therefore, Vipin asking him to do that picture must have been THE highlight he had during the ceremony (even counting all the ceremonies he ever had to attend to)
And to finish in case you missed it, here’s the fanart Lauren reblogged and where she talked about her new headcanon (saying this like that sounds surreal to me, I’m so honoured once again 🥹): https://www.tumblr.com/electromignion/716771521320878080/i-finally-finished-my-bridgewater-fanart-this
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zodarii-dae · 1 year
we all know the winners are represented by celestial bodies, and i talked about the second placers as plants and the third placers as stones (which you can find here), but what about everyone else? i think everyone else should get cool symbols too.
i decided that everyone else should be symbolized by animals, except for last place, who are fungi. this post is just on last place, everyone else will be a separate post.
fungi are often associated with death, which i found fitting. i'm only really using mushrooms, because it's a bit difficult to romanticize yeast. and yes, i'm posting about timmy again. it's not my fault this time.
in third life, he's the sickener mushroom. on his red life, his skin was sickly and fading away. i like to imagine his final death was an arrow to the throat, which works with the vomiting. plus, the red caps reminded me of poppies.
in last life, he's the lilac bonnet. they're commonly a purple color, reminiscent of the crystals needed for spyglasses. also, the scientific name can be made into mycenAHA purAHA, which is neat. gonna be honest i was struggling with this one.
in double life, he's chicken of the woods. obviously chicken like the chickens on the ranch. it's edible, and eating was especially important this game, to help your soulmate. also, this was the game where people started associating him with a canary, and chicken is another bird that starts with c. (is that too much of a stretch? i'm really proud of this one but i feel like i'm not explaining it well).
and in limited life, he's the destroying angel. i chose this one mostly for the name; angels are often known for falling. it's also extremely poisonous, which fits the bad boy vibe (wouldn't want to eat bread with any of these lads, boys). and it doesn't take effect until 5 to 24 hours after consumption, you say?
i'm just kinda word vomiting here. if you have any other ideas i'd love to hear them!
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ejfurbish · 1 year
hi! i was scrolling your blog and obvs your customizing is amazing. i was also checking out your art blog before i'm asking this, but i didn't see anything regarding my question, but do you draw all your furby designs first? or do you just go with your gut as you go? if you do draw them out, do you just not like sharing them? i'm genuinely curious about your brainstorming process and curious to know how much things change from your initial starting point to end result (i've seen it with doll customizers on youtube, etc).
anyway, if you answer this, thanks! if not, that's okay, have a good day anyway :)
Hello! This is a really interesting and cool question haha! I didn't expect to ever be asked something like this.
I do draw out most of my designs! I think I didn't draw out Tele the static furby but most of them I have! I drew out a base furby outline awhile back and I just draw/color over that base- I think the reason I don't share it is because its the same base/pose and I thought it would be boring- (Because I draw as a career I dont have time to draw out new bases so I just re-use the blank one)
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As you can see they're very similar! But I do draw out ideas and make adjustments as I go, sometimes it's indentical sometimes I have to veto some parts.
So I guess both? I come up with a concept; "Hmmm what if I made a furby that was a clown bunny?" And I draw out the design, then once I have a furby I get started but sometimes I decide against eye caps or shape of the eyelids and what not, so I just kinda get a feel with it. Sometimes when a design is 2D you add those extra details but when it's in your hands it can look busy, so for example with Crash the Candy Crash Furby above I vetoed the pink sugar goo because I couldnt find a material that worked with it AND It looked way too busy. And I added purple eyes instead to compliment some candy pieces on them. So to answer your question, yes I most of the time draw out my designs, I just didn't think they were worth showing :0 but maybe I should if people are interested in my designs!
I also have a lot of designs I either decided against or just haven't made yet, so there are a lot I ahven't shown either.
I hope this answered your questions!
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A Jane Eyre fancast
(Because I have enablers that let me rant about these things)
Bella Ramsey as Jane Eyre
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I sometimes regretted that I was not handsomer; I sometimes wished to have rosy cheeks, a straight nose, and small cherry mouth; I desired to be tall, stately, and finely developed in figure; I felt it a misfortune that I was so little, so pale, and had features so irregular and so marked.
Sam Riley as Mr Rochester
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I knew my traveller with his broad and jetty eyebrows; his square forehead, made squarer by the horizontal sweep of his black hair. I recognised his decisive nose, more remarkable for character than beauty; his full nostrils, denoting, I thought, choler; his grim mouth, chin, and jaw—yes, all three were very grim, and no mistake. His shape, now divested of cloak, I perceived harmonised in squareness with his physiognomy: I suppose it was a good figure in the athletic sense of the term—broad chested and thin flanked, though neither tall nor graceful.
Robbie Kay as St John Rivers
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Had he been a statue instead of a man, he could not have been easier. He was young—perhaps from twenty-eight to thirty—tall, slender; his face riveted the eye; it was like a Greek face, very pure in outline: quite a straight, classic nose; quite an Athenian mouth and chin. It is seldom, indeed, an English face comes so near the antique models as did his. He might well be a little shocked at the irregularity of my lineaments, his own being so harmonious. His eyes were large and blue, with brown lashes; his high forehead, colourless as ivory, was partially streaked over by careless locks of fair hair.
Synnove Karlsen as Blanche Ingram
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“Tall, fine bust, sloping shoulders; long, graceful neck: olive complexion, dark and clear; noble features; eyes rather like Mr. Rochester��s: large and black, and as brilliant as her jewels. And then she had such a fine head of hair; raven-black and so becomingly arranged: a crown of thick plaits behind, and in front the longest, the glossiest curls I ever saw. She was dressed in pure white; an amber-coloured scarf was passed over her shoulder and across her breast, tied at the side, and descending in long, fringed ends below her knee. She wore an amber-coloured flower, too, in her hair: it contrasted well with the jetty mass of her curls.”
Olivia Cooke as Miss Temple
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she looked tall, fair, and shapely; brown eyes with a benignant light in their irids, and a fine pencilling of long lashes round, relieved the whiteness of her large front; on each of her temples her hair, of a very dark brown, was clustered in round curls, according to the fashion of those times, when neither smooth bands nor long ringlets were in vogue; her dress, also in the mode of the day, was of purple cloth, relieved by a sort of Spanish trimming of black velvet; a gold watch (watches were not so common then as now) shone at her girdle. Let the reader add, to complete the picture, refined features; a complexion, if pale, clear; and a stately air and carriage, and he will have, at least, as clearly as words can give it, a correct idea of the exterior of Miss Temple—Maria Temple, as I afterwards saw the name written in a prayer-book intrusted to me to carry to church.
Emily Watson as Mrs Fairfax
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A snug small room; a round table by a cheerful fire; an arm-chair high-backed and old-fashioned, wherein sat the neatest imaginable little elderly lady, in widow’s cap, black silk gown, and snowy muslin apron; exactly like what I had fancied Mrs. Fairfax, only less stately and milder looking. She was occupied in knitting; a large cat sat demurely at her feet; nothing in short was wanting to complete the beau-ideal of domestic comfort.
Kate Winslet as Mrs Reed
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Mrs. Reed might be at that time some six or seven and thirty; she was a woman of robust frame, square-shouldered and strong-limbed, not tall, and, though stout, not obese: she had a somewhat large face, the under jaw being much developed and very solid; her brow was low, her chin large and prominent, mouth and nose sufficiently regular; under her light eyebrows glimmered an eye devoid of ruth; her skin was dark and opaque, her hair nearly flaxen; her constitution was sound as a bell—illness never came near her; she was an exact, clever manager; her household and tenantry were thoroughly under her control; her children only at times defied her authority and laughed it to scorn; she dressed well, and had a presence and port calculated to set off handsome attire.
Dakota and Elle Fanning as Eliza and Georgiana Reed
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Two young ladies appeared before me; one very tall, almost as tall as Miss Ingram—very thin too, with a sallow face and severe mien. There was something ascetic in her look, which was augmented by the extreme plainness of a straight-skirted, black, stuff dress, a starched linen collar, hair combed away from the temples, and the nun-like ornament of a string of ebony beads and a crucifix. This I felt sure was Eliza, though I could trace little resemblance to her former self in that elongated and colourless visage.
The other was as certainly Georgiana: but not the Georgiana I remembered—the slim and fairy-like girl of eleven. This was a full-blown, very plump damsel, fair as waxwork, with handsome and regular features, languishing blue eyes, and ringleted yellow hair. The hue of her dress was black too; but its fashion was so different from her sister’s—so much more flowing and becoming—it looked as stylish as the other’s looked puritanical.
Emma Mackie and Margot Robbie as Diana and Mary Rivers
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I thought them so similar I could not tell where the old servant (for such I now concluded her to be) saw the difference. Both were fair complexioned and slenderly made; both possessed faces full of distinction and intelligence. One, to be sure, had hair a shade darker than the other, and there was a difference in their style of wearing it; Mary’s pale brown locks were parted and braided smooth: Diana’s duskier tresses covered her neck with thick curls.
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rjalker · 2 years
Since Martha Wells decided to confuse everyone, I made a chart.
Feel free to save and share this chart wherever you want, I don't need credit.
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[ID: A chart showing the differences between an android and a cyborg.
The Left side is pale blue, and is labeled, "Android", with the explanation: "A robot or other artificial creation designed to mimic the appearance of a human. Can be made of mechanical parts, synthetic, or a mix of the two."
Below is a picture of Nick Valentine, from Fallout 4. Nick is an android with grey skin that is damaged in some sections, showing the mechanical parts of his skull and part of his neck. His eyes glow yellow.
More text beneath the image of Nick reads "Other notable androids in popular fiction…"
And lists: "Murderbot from The Murderbot Diaries book series, Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation show, C3PO, from Star Wars."
The right side of the chart is pale orange, and titled, "Cyborg", with the explanation: "Any biological organism given cybernetic enhancenements, usually in the form of prosthetic limbs, but can include synthetic organs or sensory aids. Literally cybernetic + oragnism", with "CYB" in cybernetic, and "org" in organism in all caps, underlined, and purple for emphasis.
Below this is a picture of Cyborg, or Victor Stone, from the DC Comics. Cyborg is a Black man with many parts of his body, including half his face, replaced by cybernetic prosthetics of blue and grey metal.
Below him is a list: "Other notable cyborgs in popular fiction…" listing, "Luke and Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars, Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes from the MCU, the Cybermen from Doctor Who, and the Borg from Star Trek", with "(literally, their name is just 'cyborg' without the cy)" in parenthesis for the Borg.
End ID.]
Murderbot is an android, specifically an androgynoid since it's designed to look like a genderless human. It would only be a cyborg if it started out fully human and was then later given mechanical parts. It was created from the getgo as a combination of mechanical parts, cloned human tissue, and artificial intelligence. It's not a cyborg, it's an androgynoid.
Gurathin is a cyborg, because he is a human who was then augmented using technology.
In general, cyborgs are born. Androids are created.
Anything, including an alien or an animal can be a cyborg. Anything can also be an android, but the term android specifically means "robot designed to look like a man" as in a male, not just a general human, hence why Murderbot's an androgynoid. A robot designed to look specifically like a woman would be a gynoid, and so on and so forth. There are pretty much infinite options here.
(Edit 5/9/23: I created the term "anthroid" as a catchall term for any robot designed to look like a human, without having to specify gender each time. Go. Be free from male default language.)
So if you really wanted to do good worldbuilding for an alien species, they'd have their own specific term for robots they build to look like themselves.
a robot designed to look like a spider, for an example, could be called an arachnoid. You may also notice the similarity to the word "humanoid".
Anthroid = robot (or other artificial construct if your universe has magic) that is humanoid. Android = robot designed to look like a human man. Gynoid = robot designed to look like a human woman.
Cyborg = any biological organism given any mechanical enhancements or augmentations. Yes, including something as "not dramatic enough" as a prosthetic eye with a high tech camera in it.
(The Daleks and also Geordi la Forge are also cyborgs, I knew I was forgetting obvious examples)
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typingtess · 2 months
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:  “Glory of the Sea”
The basics:  The team hunts (see what I did there) for an Admiral abducted from his home.
Written by:  Faythallegra Claude wrote season 13’s “Perception”.
Directed by:  Terence Nightingall directed "Expiration Date", "Old Tricks", "Warrior of Peace", "The Sound of Silence", “A Bloody Brilliant Plan” (which he co-wrote) and “Divided We Fall”.
Guest stars of note: Duncan Campbell returns from “Of Value” as NCIS Special Agent Castor, John O'Hurley as Navy Rear Admiral Ted Gordon, Bryan Lillis as Jessie Fiore, Audrey Wasilewski as Meredith Huxley, Charles Kohut as Jim Bones, Brent McGregor as Long John and Tre Hall as Marcus Moore.
Our heroes:  Go on a treasure hunt.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  Not so sure about the treasure. Sam:  Totally doesn’t believe in the treasure. Kensi:  Working well with Rountree today. Deeks:  Looking at places where Bertie can live. Fatima:  Solving puzzles with the Admiral. Rountree: Figures out the lock number by thinking like Gordon. Kilbride:  See Kensi.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:   No bachelor party. Sam:  Fire at the Hanna household was contained with more embarrassment than damage. Kensi:  Thinking she’s not the fun parent. Deeks:  Possibly the fun parents because of the blonde surfer look and skydiving. Fatima:   Helping Kensi achieve fun parent status. Rountree:  Thinks life is about the journey, not the treasure at the end. Kilbride:  Enjoyed Michael Mann’s “Heat 2” novel.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Earns a mention about Callen’s wedding gear.
Who's down with OTP:  One half was apartment shopping with his mother.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Great Callen and Sam episode – lots of banter, wedding talk, bachelor parties and treasure.
Fashion review:  Callen has on a long-sleeve dark blue tee-shirt.  Sam is in a charcoal grey long-sleeve tee-shirt.  Kensi is wearing a dark purple cap sleeve top.  A white turtleneck with chocolate brown pants for Fatima.  A black short-sleeve tee for Rountree.  The Admiral wears a darker blue suit than usual, white shirt, blue tie.
Music:  John O’Hurley sings “Weigh, Hey and Up She Rises” to open the episode.  “Sloop John B” by The Merrymen ends the episode.
Any notable cut scene:   Yes.  Kensi and Rountree talk in the boatshed before Marcus Moore arrives.  She has a question for him – how did he bring up his sister alone?  Rountree said he didn’t really have much of a choice.  Kensi just doesn’t understand - Rountree was a kid.  Kensi and Deeks are adults.  That gets a laugh from Rountree.  Kensi agrees, “Rosa’s easy.  Deeks is like having a baby chimp.”  She asks him seriously how did he get through it all.  There were lots of tears, lots of mornings where he was scared.  But he had to go on for Jordyn’s sake.   And they had each other which made it easier.
Kensi thinks Rountree did an amazing job.  Jordyn is so accomplished.  Rountree said all he did was keep her clothed and fed, Jordyn did all the amazing stuff.  Kensi doesn’t believe that.  Rountree tells her he really wouldn’t want to do that again.  Kensi is confused – raising Jordyn or rasing a child of his own.  Either one is Rountree’s answer.  He isn’t sure about bringing another kid into the world.  He’s also not sure about wanting to do it again.  Kensi tells him that when he meets the person he’s supposed to be with, “and you fall madly in love”, things change.  Rountree thinks it might.
What a terrible scene to cut.  Find this one a home in another episode because it was a great look at Rountree.
Quote:  Sam:  “You know what treasure is to me?” Callen:  “A 50-pound kettlebell and some baby oil?” Sam (laughing):  “Family and friends, a good day's work.”
Anything else:  In a small Los Angeles home, a gentleman is making himself a smoothie for breakfast where the main ingredient is alcohol.  Singing “Whey, Hey and Up She Rises” as the man works on his smoothie, the power goes out in the house.  There are kids outside causing trouble outside – “oh, those damn kids!”  The man grabs a spear (as one does when the neighborhood kids are full of mischief) and goes to his door.  When the man opens the door, he met by a group of men wearing ski-masks, looking for a fight.  The man puts up a decent defense of himself but is subdued.  A hood is thrown over his head as he’s taken from his home.
While Deeks is using a personal day to help Bertie find a new place to live, Kensi is working on a list of fun places to take Rosa.  Fatima is interested until she hears Kensi’s suggestions – a production at the Geffen, visiting museums like the Getty, LACMA and MOLAA.  The MOLAA, Kensi notes, is the only museum in the entire country dedicated to Latin American art. 
Fatima thinks a play and four museums aren’t exactly young girl fun stuff.  She thinks shopping at the Grove, being part of an audience when a TV show is filmed, celebrity house tour around LA or visiting an escape room could be fun.  Kensi is all about art and theater.  Fatima is all about Kensi “ushering Deeks into the role of fun parent.”  Kensi talks about not being the fun parent and Fatima gets it – surfer Deeks is the default fun parent unless Kensi really wants it.
In the driveway, Sam gets a phone call – the fire department was by the house.  Alone in the house, Raymond forgot he was making steak and eggs.  Small fire, no real damage according to the fire captain.  Callen is sympathetic – how does a man like Raymond go from commanding a battalion to suddenly need a caretaker?  “Kicking and screaming,” according to Sam.
Changing the subject, Sam wants to know if Callen has been fitted for his wedding suit.  He hasn’t.  In fact, he’s been thinking about grabbing a suit from wardrobe – they’re all really good.  Sam is horrified.  The suits have gunpowder and blood in them.  Besides, Hetty would kill him if he took the suit for an unauthorized event.  Callen laments that Hetty would have to come out hiding to do that.  Sam pushes his tailor again, even promises to pay for the suit.  Callen and Sam are called to Ops.  Kensi and Fatima are already there.
The man kidnapped from his home is Rear Admiral Ted Gordon.  Neighbors heard the struggle and a security camera picks up Gordon and his abductors leaving the house.  The security video is from behind – no clear faces, no visible license plate.  Gordon has no family – no wife, no siblings, no kids.  He has been on leave from the Navy in advance of his pending retirement.  His prior assignment was working with a civilian tech contractor Nautical Robotics.  They specialize in robotics – mostly underwater gliders than can travel unmanned through the ocean.
Sam is familiar with the Navy’s gliders – they can do scientific research, catch drug smugglers, deploy weapons.  The Russians and the Chinese have both captured these gliders in the past, claiming they are “spy boats”.   Sam doesn’t disagree with the term.  The team thinks instead of trying to recreate one based on the captured “spy boats”, a hostile actor grabbed Gordon so he could make a glider for them.  Castor picked up Jessie Fiore, Nautical Robotics chief engineer.  Kensi and Rountree will interview him in the boat shed.  Callen and Sam are off to Gordon’s home.
In the boat shed, Fiore isn’t sure why he’s been brought in.  Kensi mentions Gordon, who Fiore calls “the Navy arm of our project.”   The two were close.  Operating the glider requires two people.  Fiore is shocked to learn Gordon was kidnapped.  Kensi asks if Gordon mentioned threats.  Fiore says no but didn’t think Gordon would say anything it he was threatened.  “Ted’s not scared of anything, just like my Dad.”  Fiore invited Gordon to family barbeques until the two had a falling out after Gordon appeared on the Marcus Moore tech podcast.  With 12-million subscribers, Moore’s interview of Gordon never mentioned all the people working at Nautical Robotics.  “A tiny shoutout could have catapulted my career.”  There are questions if Gordon even had permission to appear on the podcast.
A flashback of the podcast has Gordon chatting up the gliders and their capability.  He talks about “my gliders” in a Navy authorized interview.  Fatima learns that after the interview, Moore flew to China and met with a groups of hackers.
Callen and Sam arrive at Gordon’s home talking about robots, thinking at some point RoboCop will be real.  Sam jokes about replacing Callen with RoboCop before wondering how his father would deal with an electronic home health aide.  Inside the house, Sam thinks the place looks like a maritime museum.  Antique compasses and cannon balls, the place looks like a museum to Sam (maybe Kensi can take Rosa there).  The bookshelves have been tossed, same with several drawers with papers.  Callen picks up the one of the model boats.  It reads “SOS” on the back.  Sam notices the sails all have a morse code on them.  The sails spell “Inside”.
In the boat shed, Kensi and Rountree question Marcus Moore.  The trip to China was to expand the reach of his show – he met with some tech firms with money to spend.  Kensi asks Moore about a meeting with some black-hat hackers who have caused trouble for a number of big hospitals.  Moore denies knowing the people he met were hackers.   Moore thought he was meeting with people who work in green energy.  Rountree mentions the Gordon interview which Moore thinks is irrelevant – the Navy approved the interview.  The kidnapping comes up and Moore is worried.  Gordon was a difficult interview – always interrupting the flow to make calls away from Moore in the recording booth.  Moore could see that Gordon was angry.
Callen breaks up the wood boat and finds a leather journal inside.  Gordon went to a lot of trouble to hid the journal but also went to a lot of trouble to make sure it could be found.
From the boat shed, Kensi and Rountree get a debrief from Fatima in Ops.  Gordon’s calls were to a librarian in the LA Public Library system, Meredith Huxley.  She works in the maps department.  Gordon called Huxley five times in a short time span.  Kensi and Rountree are off to interview Huxley.
Returning to the office, Callen and Sam run into Admiral.  Callen is reading Gordon’s journal.  The Admiral recommends “Heat 2” instead.  The kidnappers were looking for something – probably the journal.  The journal is about buried treasure – a Spanish galleon sunk somewhere off the California coast with the crew burying the ship’s riches nearby.  The Admiral now knows why Gordon never married.  A SEAL buddy of Sam does some deep sea treasure hunting in Florida – no luck.  The Admiral wants to why Gordon kept such a specific diary – there are drawings of the ocean throughout the book.  One drawing is missing a big section.  The team is either looking for people stealing robotic technology or they’re going on a treasure hunt.
At the library, Kensi introduces herself and Rountree to Meredith Huxley in what looks like a map room in an LA library.  Huxley is unhappy to have Navy cops sent after she returned Gordon’s antique map.  The map, Gordon believes, leads to buried treasure.  Huxley isn’t so sure.  She did, however, verify the map was legit – 17th century Spain.  But with her planned visit to her daughter in Sacramento, Huxley locked it into a secure drawer in the library. Gordon picked it up as soon as Huxley returned.  The map may not lead to treasure but it is true antique and worth a good deal of money.  In his rush to retrieve the map, Gordon left behind some notes he took.  Huxley offers them  to Kensi and Rountree.
The journal is full of information, including a manifest for the Spanish galleon, the stars in the sky the night of ship wreck – incredible details.  Gordon has a riddle for the location of map - "The Lone Sailor can't see the treasure, but he looks to the map at his parallel dove."  Sam is good at riddles – thinks the Lone Sailor Statue in Long Beach.  Callen and Sam are on their way to check things out.
Gordon’s notes were mostly about the symbols on map.  To find the treasure on-shore, Gordon first had to find the ship.  If he find the ship and deciphers the symbols on the map, he should be able to find the treasure.  About a month ago, Gordon told Huxley he found the ship using glider technology.  Kensi remembers Fiore saying the glider needed two people to operate it.  Fiore likely knows about the shipwreck and the treasure hunt.  Kensi asks Fatima to bring Fiore in again.
Callen and Sam arrive at the Lone Sailor Statue and with Fatima, start working through the riddle.  The statue of the Lone Sailor is looking at the ocean, which is south.  The statue is on Paloma Avenue – paloma means dove in Spanish.   With the latitude of the statue being 3376, Callen and Sam are off to 3376 Paloma Avenue – Antique Mariner Bookstore. 
While the bookstore is closed for business that day, the door is opened.  Callen and Sam enter the store and hear noises in the back.  Two men in ski masks are taking in the back.  Callen and Sam say “federal agents” which causes both men to run.  Sam captures the man who jumped into a storage room while Callen’s guy escaped in a white van that looked like the vehicle used to kidnap Gordon.   No license plates.  Back in the store, Sam takes off his guy’s ski mask – it is Jessie Fiore. 
Callen and Sam question Fiore, who isn’t cooperating.  He’s afraid for his life.  After being convinced that Callen and Sam want to find Gordon and keep both Gordon and Fiore safe, Fiore opens up.  Gordon was still in the van that got away.  The plan was to go to the Channel Islands and find the treasure.  Sam asks which one of the Channel Islands – there are five – but Fiore doesn’t know.  The map was drawn before the different islands had names.  Gordon wouldn’t tell anyone which island.  Sam asks Fatima to track a boat Gordon had and where it is located.  It is probably near the treasure.
Kensi and Rountree finish with Meredith Huxley.  As they are about to leave, Huxley pulls out a briefcase belonging to Gordon.  It is very heavy – makes a loud noise when she places it on a library desk.  Kensi asks to look through the bag.  It is empty but weighs a lot.  With Kensi finding a false bottom, Rountree breaks out his knife to see what’s there. 
The man with the van is Jim Bones, a name earning a chuckle from Sam.  Fiore explains that he helped Gordon find the shipwreck with the glider.  Once they found the shipwreck, Gordon wouldn’t share the location of the treasure but promised to give Fiore his share once it was discovered.  An angry Fiore didn’t trust Gordon to do that so he joined an online forum of treasure hunters.  Jim Bones and a guy name Long John promised to help Fiore.  Fiore promises he didn’t know the two would kidnap Gordon.  Calling Gordon “amazing”, Fiore says Gordon didn’t give up the map even after the was roughed up by Bones and Long John.  Only after they put a gun to Fiore’s head and promised to kill him did Gordon give up the bookstore’s location.  Fiore feels guilty – Gordon took a beating and gave up the bookstore location after Fiore betrayed him.
Kensi opens the false bottom.  There is a small key safe.  Opening the key safe using the year of the shipwreck, Kensi and Rountree find part of the missing piece of Gordon’s journal.
In the book store, one of the file cabinets is opened.  It was a locked drawer, now opened with a key.  Gordon said that is where the map was held.  Opening the other drawers to see what’s inside, Sam finds one is jammed.  Finally getting it opened after a struggle, Sam finds and cypher decoder wheel and an encrypted manuscript written in Latin.  There is another piece of paper cut from Gordon’s journal. 
The Admiral walks into Ops and asks Fatima about narrowing down the island.  She hasn’t – Gordon visited all five with his small boat.  Callen and Sam send their missing drawing piece and Fatima is able to put them all together.  Looking at the drawing on the big screen, the Admiral notices a letter in one of the waves, a U.  They also find a Q, N, A and T.  Fatima can’t make that into a word while the Admiral isn’t going to even try to pronounce it. 
Noting the letters are in different waves coming closer to the shore, ordering the letters as they make their way to the beach, it spells Tuqan.  Tuqan is a Palestinian poet according to Fatima.  It is also the Chumash word for San Miguel Island.  The Chumash were indigenous to the area and treasure hunters would us that in their maps.  Callen and Sam are going to be sent there on a chopper but San Miguel Island is a Navy test site for missiles and other unexploded ordinance.
Arriving at San Miguel Island, Callen and Sam in their vests with the big guns find Gordon with his kidnappers.  They are being very careful.  The island is full of places where one misstep means “kaboom” according to Sam. 
The kidnappers want Gordon to dig up the treasure.  They have a metal detector and weapons pointed at Gordon.  Gordon mentions Juan Cabrillo, a Portuguese explorer who died on the island.  Before his death he cursed the island – people of ill-will are cursed if the come to the island.  The unimpressed kidnappers threaten Gordon but he tells them his destiny will not be controlled by men like them. 
Callen and Sam creep up.  They yell “federal agents”.  This gives Gordon the chance to take his shovel and knock out one of the kidnappers.  The other kidnapper makes a run for it and hits some of the unexploded ordinance.  Kaboom.
The area was cleared by the Navy’s bomb squad and medics took away the kidnappers.  Gordon admits he’s stunned Callen and Sam found him.  Callen mentioned that Gordon didn’t make it easy.  Saying that he was looking for the treasure for decades, Gordon says he realized that if he was ever lost at sea, all of his work “would have been for naught.”  He set up the journal and the puzzle to leave his discoveries to a person with the same spirit he has.  It never dawned on Gordon that his passion would put him or anyone else in danger.  They mention Jessie Fiore.  “Gold and silver are worth a fortune but a human life is priceless, even a scoundrelous traitor like Jessie.”
Gordon thanks Callen and Sam who are ready to fly him back to the mainland.  Gordon isn’t going anywhere, instead he wants Callen and Sam to join him on his adventure.  Callen declines.  Gordon says the two don’t believe the treasure is there.  Callen is evasive, Sam’s a hard no.  Gordon promises to report to the SecNav about anything he finds.  He tells Callen and Sam that when ships were made of wood, men were made of steel.  Callen and Sam like that.
As they walk away, Callen thinks about a beach wedding.   Sam thinks Callen would like a beach bar wedding instead.  The two talk about sharks – Callen doesn’t like a beach with sharks.  Sam suggests the Great Lakes.  All the while, Gordon is studying his map and getting ready to dig.  Sam is down on beach weddings – weather is always an issue.  Sam’s suggestion is to let Anna plan the wedding with Callen using the magic groom words – “whatever you want, honey.”  Sam is looking more for another wedding event – the bachelor party.  Callen doesn’t want any part of the bachelor party.  Even though Deeks has booked the flights.  Cage diving with sharks in Mexico.
Fatima meets with Kensi in the bullpen.  She has an idea of turning the cultural/educational places as part of a scavenger hunt.  This way it is fun - Rosa can learn some things and get a feel for Los Angeles.  Fatima will even help.  Kensi thinks it is a great idea but thinks it is asking a lot of Fatima.  Fatima is all in – it will be fun, put some brain teasers to keep the mind sharp.  Kensi wonders if this makes her the fun parent.  It would unless Deeks takes Rosa skydiving – which he totally would do.
Rountree joins Kensi and Fatima.  He wonders if Gordon will find the treasure.  They admire how he loves the hunt – it is about the journey, not the outcome.
Callen and Sam are sharing some beers on the back deck of the boatshed.  Sam is talking about hiring the nurse from the hospital in “Dead Stick” to take care of Raymond.  Callen thinks they should have put Gordon on the chopper with them back to LA.  Sam disagrees – Gordon is right where he wants to be, looking for the treasure. 
The Admiral arrives.  He’s pro-treasure hunting, it started capitalism.  Sam isn’t – treasure is family, friends and a good day’s work.  The Admiral hands Callen and Sam a gift from Gordon before he leaves.  Sam opens the little pouch and pours the contents into Callen’s hand.  It is a little bit of the treasure.  Callen is stunned.  Sam isn’t. 
What head canon can be formed from here:  Again, I really think the cut scene was a huge loss not only for the episode but for the series.  It was a great look at Rountree.
I’m sorry they didn’t use John O’Hurley more.  The man is a great comic actor and he could have really filled out that role instead of being in the very beginning and the end.  This episode could have been the final season’s “A Bloody Brilliant Plan” – played for laughs with a good case of the week – but played it a little too straight.  A funny hour once a season is always a good thing.  A funny episode without Deeks – often the source or the butt of the humor in the show – is a fine effort. 
Callen and Deeks as an anti-bachelor party grooms.  Did not see that coming.      
Episode number:     Season 14, episode six.  It is the 308th episode overall.
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mymanyfandomramblings · 9 months
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 for Dipper and Pacifica
🎶💝 for Pacifica
👗🥇for your OCs
Okay, let's go:
Up first we have gender and sexuality headcanons for Dipper and Pacifica. I don't actually have too many headcanons on this general topic, as it's just not something I frequently headcanon about tbh. I do headcanon that Dipper and Pacifica have a running joke that she's not allowed to date Mabel if they ever break up, but whether that's a possibility is unknown to me (yes, I will occasionally write things that are ambiguous even to me). That is all I have to say on the subject, unfortunately.
Next, for Pacifica, we have music and also love languages. Good questions for Pacifica actually. She's an extremely talented pianist and has had classical vocal training, however for her there's very little passion in either of these things, as (like many of her other talents), she is very technically skilled, but her primary association is rigorous training purely for the purpose of winning competitions. Once leaving her parents, she rarely uses her musical abilities, although she does every now and again practice piano as to not lose her ability to do so.
On the topic of her love language, it's quality time. It is not merely enough to tell her that you care about her, because if you don't follow through and spend time with her, and show her you care that way, she'll naturally begin to doubt. This is, of course, a result of her upbringing, and the fact her parents very rarely made an ongoing effort to show that they care for her.
Then for the OC's we have headcanons about clothes, and also about what they're best at. I'll break it down:
First up, clothes:
Maisie likes outfits that are good for running around in the woods in, and she loves to accessorise with homemade pins. She also wears a fair bit of pink.
Violet doesn't care that much about fashion, however, she does like her clothes to match, and she likes to look put together. She almost always incorporates a bit of purple into her outfit.
Alexander's favourite outfit is a Mystery Shack T-Shirt and board shorts, with a flannel over the top, and the very old, dishevelled and tired pine tree cap (he has been offered a brand new cap, and even gifted one, by Soos, however Alexander insists on the old, tired and dishevelled one)
Ariel loves any outfit that attracts the eye. Bright colours, loud patterns, bold cuts, sparkles, and lots of accessories are her thing, although she's a little more conscious about cohesion that Mabel (Mabel's tendency is ALL the colours and patterns ALL of the time). Ariel also has a wonderful collection of sweaters.
Now, what they're best at:
Maisie is good at talking to people. She's very friendly, enthusiastic and very protective over her loved ones. She's also got an excellent attitude, and is a valued part of her soccer team.
Violet is the 'traditionally talented' one in the family. She gets excellent marks at school, particularly for maths, and is also a formidable minigolfer, very good tennis player (with Maisie) and a talented gymnast.
Alexander has excellent recall for slight turns of phrase, little details and weird facts, as well as a good deal of what Dipper calls 'Trembley wisdom', which in Gravity Falls is always useful. Alexander also, thanks to his somewhat unconventional outlook on the world, is very good at identifying codes and ciphers, and is better than his siblings at that specific field.
Ariel's talent is musical theatre. She's a good singer and dancer, and a very good actress. Her acting abilities have leaked over into her life, and she's also a natural show-woman, as well as a very natural liar (which is a less desirable talent, but it comes in handy). She's also a good mechanic.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
Ever since finding out a Kirby cafe song compared him to a king(the king and witch’s rendezvous) I’ve been analyzing differences between magolors first phase(where he’s more restrained and elegant) vs his second phase(where he’s more desperate and doing more physical attacks) since he juggles in his second phase I think he goes from a “regal king” to a “desperate jester” ok this was mostly me liking magolors juggling attack he’s so cool I wish they added it in another game
Like, first off, I love self-made king Magolor so much. I love the ambition in him, and how it plays into his design, HIS MUSIC and just...!
But yes! He's all blues and golds (!!) to start, but then he adds this really strong, really deep red into his outfit after the transformation? This is half-remembered info from old books about medieval history when I used to be really into it, but colors like red and purple were often associated with royalty just because the expenses involved/the challenge of dyeing it. (And he even has a teensy bit of purple in his regular outfit!) 
Also, the shape of his hood changes slightly! As tiny Magolor, it is literally a hood, but when he shifts into his 1st phase, it becomes more like a hat/cap, and the gear motif now circles around his head... JUST LIKE A CROWN. (Or coronet/circlet.) So he's doubly crowned. Him doing that to his hood (a personal crown, as opposed to a stolen crown) really gives you the feeling he's trying to transform himself and his image entirely.
...And then everything changes for his second form. Something I was planning on bringing up in my upcoming music post was how much I love the irony of the opening notes of "CROWNED." Like, I'm not great at describing music much more coherently than “I LIKE it!”, but the way the song starts out...it has this feel of an imperial procession/reveal, almost? Like you’ve got trumpets playing and the curtain pulls back and Behold! Here's your king!! Only...
...He's a MONSTER.
Or in this case, a clown.
A sad clown. A twisted marionette. A parody of a jester.
And...okay, I hope you know that by bringing this question up to me in specific, I was going to involve Marx in this discussion somehow, right? XD But I've been doing some thinking about elements of Marx in Magolor's second form.
Magolor’s more rounded now, instead of egg-shaped. The Crown gives him these ethereal, non-standard wings too.
The golden arms of the crown could be a call back to Marx's most unusual arms. And the horns, too. They look like a lot like a jester hat. (Actually, he looks like the character NiGHTS, who is also based around jester imagery.)
...The rest of the Marx imagery goes into HC territory so I’ll cut it here.
While everything Magolor does in his 1st form feels very purposeful (the intricate hand movements) he acts more slow and confused in his 2nd form.
I end up defaulting to Magolor Soul a lot when talking about Magolor, so I want to take a moment here to look at the differences between Magolor Phase 2 and Magolor Soul.
There’s the zombified look of his Soul body, the crown’s constricting tendrils turning into thorns (that’s another Marx parallel, btw, as Marx uses roses) and the color of the gem, but one of the more subtle changes, yet one of the most telling, is that his magic sigil differs between the two forms. Soul has a unique magic sigil, polygonal and static (indicating Magolor’s kinda...GONE) but Phase 2 still uses Magolor's personal magic sigil!
You get the feeling that maybe...Magolor may still be in partial control during Phase 2...? That while Soul is absolutely the Master Crown taking him over from the inside out, Phase 2 was more like...a baleful polymorph?
I think back to that blink he gives in particular. When he opens his eyes right as the form shift happens? It's definitely haunting in Soul form, but in Phase 2, it really does feel like for a second, Magolor may be thinking: 
"Oh, phew! The fight's not over! Man, I was sure worried when the Crown started to get all explodey and...Uh...Hello...? What's going on? Why do I look like this? What the...? Uh... What's going on with me...?"
Like, he is likely still being controlled to some degree, but I feel he has a bit more of his consciousness involved in the process in Phase 2? Ever so slightly more comical (comedy-horror) even... only it’s at Magolor’s EXPENSE. 
(...Whereas I tend to imagine Magolor’s thoughts in soul form boil down to incoherent and wordless screaming, crying, and pleading for help/mercy/or someone to end it all. Err....A-ahem! I-I said nothing...)
So yes, Magolor is kind of turned into a “fool” which makes the juggling really TWISTED when you think that he may be trying to do anything else with his hands (say, kill Kirby and co.) and the Crown is like "Wheeeee! Fun with host body!"
Alternatively, since Magolor never had any friends (not confirmed but one of those generally accepted HC things) the Crown is either playing WITH HIM like a toy or "using" him to play with Kirby and the others. (The “playing with him” thing could work well with “the Crown possesses part of/a Void’s consciousness” theory, since Void also has these “playful” attacks.)
The Soul fight is horrifying for lots of reasons (rotting/hurt imagery, the dying scream, etc) but Phase 2 may be horrifying in a completely different way. Magolor is being MOCKED by the Master Crown. Literally made a fool of.
And since he's still implied to have some consciousness there, you can bet that the self-conscience Magolor probably is feeling like a “desperate” jester!
Which is probably why he doesn't reuse the juggling attack later on! The twin Ultra Swords? Very cool. Everyone can respect that. 
That time the Master Crown made him embarrass himself by juggling in front of Kirby and crew when he just wanted to be king of several dimensions...? 
...No. We don't talk about the juggling...
BTW, I still don't know anything about music, but I ran across this song by chance and my brain said "...potential Magolor song...?" so I’m sharing it with everyone. (There’s self-made kings, mountains, doubtful survival, and eyes involved! That's at least some Magolor imagery!)
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steve0discusses · 1 year
S5 Ep 42 Pt 2: We are All Warhammer Minis
Last we left off, Bakura just reminded Yami that he did, in fact, invite him to play a Shadow game, and then Yami just kinda never realized the game had started. Yami was warned, Bakura explains, It’s not like he wasn’t told exactly what would happen.
Which is a weird ass thing to say, when it like involved Bakura crashing Yami’s funeral.
Like Yami was supposed to DIE in that tomb, right? Like he was gonna find peace and happiness and then peace the hell out of Yugi’s haunted bean. But instead of perma-dying, he’s freakin stuck here. With Bakura. For the end of his days. His very worst frenemy. The ultimate trap. What a weird way to hang out with Bakura, getting trapped like this.
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It is interesting how the Alexander the Great arc actually does play into this arc. Shada did make a model of the past for them to fight in, and now Bakura’s doing the same except way more dramatic because unfortunately it alters history.
(read more under the cut)
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Don’t think too much about what would even happen to Yugi and friends if you damage or move anything from 5000 years ago. Like I’m pretty sure you can knock over a few cans of ancient Egyptian paint and just Greece would have ceased to exist. That’s how tenuous changing the past seems to me, if I have learned anything from Twilight Zone.
The fact that without Yugi existing in the future, would mean Yami would not have been able to alter the past: don’t think about that. Shadow Realm means we don’t think about that. Shadow Realm does what it pleases.
That or this show is going to split off into hundreds of multiverses just like Marvel and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.
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Also, we are informed that the rainbow filter is not so much of a Aknadin technique as it is a Bakura’s busted hourglasses technique.
Also it took me 2 watches of this episode, making the caps, editing this out, to realize that he has the hourglass sideways. The three hourglasses are just hourglasses in three directions, sand going down, sand going up, or sand staying still. Holy crap, y’all, long covid: my brain took way too long to realize that.
But we got there!
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Did I go “wtf” when Joey was like “ah, I could get used to this!” Yes, yes I did.
At that point, Zorc shows up to give Aknadin a wish, I guess. Like a genie.
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And then he was immediately doused in purple gatorade.
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You may be wondering “hey, but I thought you can’t make Zorc because Yami locked Zorc away when he lost his own damn name” and don’t worry, Bakura already thought about that.
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I guess the function of the last hourglass is “I put a gun to the plot and told it to step forward or I swear to Gods, I will shoot.” He can bend future time one single time at his will, and waited this long to use it. Probably because youknow, it’s Bakura, he’s not going to choose any time to do this but the very rudest time to do so.
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Back at Casa Pharaoh, Tristan has made it to the chamber of legs. Notice how Yami’s Dad is the only guy who was like “Hell no, I’m not shaving for my portrait, just draw me in a robe.” Just like me every time I decide to wear tights with a skirt.
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Turns out that yes, Yami deleted his own name just everywhere. The curse he got cursed with was very effective.
And back at Aknadin and his awkward family reunion, Seto is kind of over having a family and it’s only been like less than a minute of having one.
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No, they did not have a moment of “Wait! Yami is my cousin???” which like, asking your Son to kill his cousin sure is moment. Also the moment of realizing your cousin is 2 feet shorter than you and trying to figure out how that works.
And now, Seto’s Dad looks like this guy:
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It’s a look. It’s a card somewhere.
So, in a moment that was hard to cap, Aknadin decided to blast everyone in the face with a plasma beam, and out of the clouds comes Hassad, here to block to blows and take a fireball the chest, like a trooper.
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Now if you don’t remember Hassad, he was a hallucination that Pharaoh had in the cave before he saw himself as a literal baby and was like “yikes” and left the cave. Turns out, Hassad is the protector of the Pharaohs, and is finally here to do his damn job.
After Yami, uh, already died once, but youknow what? Better late than never, Hassad!
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But unfortunately, this means we’re back at square one, that’s right, it’s time to duel again!
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But like, next episode. don’t worry. It’s next episode.
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Like seriously Yugi has done more damage to planet earth than most anime children. Power to him.
And then as I was capping I realized something about Dartz, and I said “I’ll find a way to organically fit this into the commentary” and maybe if I had a better brain I would have done that. Instead, an aside about Dartz’s season that I keep thinking about this season with Bakura.
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Because never forget Dartz walked into Cairo, saw Yami, and was like “neat, I’m gonna steal his power” and then saw Bakura and then immediately turned around. When like, this is all that Bakura does.
This leaves so many questions about Bakura and who he was before he was possessed by the spirit of the ring, and when he got possessed by the ring, since he was supposed to be in prison right? So...that was one pissed off prisoner to just have VIBES that were enough to throw off Dartz.
Anyway, that’s all for now, as per usual, here is the link to read these from the beginning, if you so desire. I know my update schedule is so slow atm, but my backlog is pretty freakin strong at this point so there’s more, if you’re new here:
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