#also i make playlists to write these fics to and am planning on linking them when the fics are published
immortalbutterflycos · 7 months
I've come to realize something important in writing. (specifically in my personal experience)
(TLDR; I have ADHD and writing is hard even though I'm still doing it every single day. Make it make sense.)
If you have a story in your head that means a lot to you, and you need to take more time to develop and fully flesh it out before posting it, that's totally okay! In fact, in my experience, it has the potential to make the story better over time, really forming it into what you imagine it to be.
Here's an example because I just typed a lot of words and right now I can't seem to process whether they make sense or not.
I have a fanfic that I've been working on for a year now. (For the Marauders fandom if y'all are curious)
It's one that I haven't talked about much because every time I do, I end up losing the motivation to write. This is what happened to another one of my fics for the Haikyuu fandom. (well that and the Marauders.. yeah they fucked me up in the best way and Freckles and Constellations has really suffered because of it smh)
So the reason why this fic is taking so long is because it is such a specific AU that I'm out here trying to meld magic systems, and I've got like EIGHT MAIN CHARACTERS to write backstories for to fit this AU while also being true to them and even though I know the basic plot, there are just so many little details and aspects that will make this fic what I desperately need it to be.
And no one knows just how intricate it is or how important it is to me. Which is totally fine. I don't even know if people are going to read it when I finally manage to post it. This fic is purely self-indulgent.
let me just break down for you what I have prepared for this already:
countless drabbles and scenes and plans written on the backs of receipts and on bits of scrap paper
a 3" 3-ring binder that I've been trying to organize it all in
a google doc titled "TAoRfOL Doc Masterlist" that has links to every single doc I have for this one fic. (it's dated back to March of last year and as of this month has 93 total links. Only 5 of those are reference links.)
notes and ideas i have written in my phone to transfer into docs so I can add them to the masterlist
Hero Forge digital models of those 8 main characters because I wanted to see what their group would look like outside of my imagination
Multiple Spotify playlists dedicated to this fic and the characters which I listen to every single day. (currently @ 494 songs)
And you know what? I just recently, at 6 am this morning, finally figured out the solution to a fucking plot hole I could not work around.
Basically what I'm saying is that I needed all of this time. Every single day I see things and get inspiration. Every day I learn new things and fix errors in my own plans.
As much as I crave the validation and recognition for all of my hard work on this project, I know that If I had just bit the bullet and posted the first chapter without having done all of this research and all of this planning, then it would not have lived up to the story I have in my head.
I admire people who can just write without all of the added steps and in some cases, I can do that. I haven't been able to in a while (which is why that Valentine's Day microfic was actually really big for me to have posted) but that's just how my brain works.
I needed all of my experiences and all of my daily thoughts and all of my collective playlists for this fic to be able to write the story I intended and that is exactly what I'm going to do.
(though if I'm being honest, this timeline is rough. I really want to just write and post this first chapter so so so bad. ToT)
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adampage · 1 year
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-> starts Friday, July 21st, 2023 and ends Thursday, July 27th, 2023
Hello, everyone! It's me, Emi adampage here, coming to you fresh from the post-Double or Nothing high, to announce that HANGMAN PAGE BIRTHDAY WEEK will be happening again this year! I am going to make this considerably hard on myself, as I will be out of the country during the week of, but I will do my very best to reblog any creations you make!
That being said, here's what I have in mind for this year :)
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To create wonderful works [edits, gifs, writing, art, videos, etc] in the name and in the honor of our lovely cowboy, Hangman Adam Page, during the week of July 21st, 2023, to July 27th, 2023.
There are prompts/themes for each day, sometimes even two. You may choose to do either or both! You may also do multiple of each, if it strikes your heart to do so.
Do not take the prompts at face value. You may interpret them in any way you would like! (If you cannot choose one of something for a theme, feel free to talk/write/create about more than one. Multiple loves and multiple favorites are implied!)
You can use any form of post available to you through tumblr. Video, photo, gif, text, audio, etc etc. It’s ALL up to YOU! (Fics can be linked from ao3 if it’s easier for you)
If you only want to do certain days, no worries!! Do everything in any way you would like. And if you’re a bit late on some prompts than others, that’s completely fine (just don’t be early lol)! the hangman gang will want to see them either way <3
If you have ANY QUESTIONS, please don't hesitate to DM me or send me an ask!
Day 1 - July 21st - FRIDAY: Hangman + LOVE
Day 2 - July 22nd - SATURDAY: Hangman + HATE
Day 3 - July 23rd - SUNDAY: Hangman + BLOOD (or, if that's not your style, SILLY/GOOFY)
Day 4 - July 24th - MONDAY: Hangman + PLAYLIST
Day 5 - July 25th - TUESDAY: Hangman + FOIL* (or other literary device, such as 'parallel')
Day 6 - July 26th - WEDNESDAY: Hangman + FANTASY/DREAM
*it was brought to my attention that this one can seem confusing. The definition of "foil" is as follows (from literarydevices.net): Foil is a literary device designed to illustrate or reveal information, traits, values, or motivations of one character through the comparison and contrast of another character. A literary foil character serves the purpose of drawing attention to the qualities of another character, frequently the protagonist. This is effective as a means of developing a deeper understanding of a character by emphasizing their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, a literary foil allows writers to create a counterpart for the protagonist that puts their actions and choices in context. (You can use this definition, or you can get inspiration from it. Or, you can use a different literary device, if you so choose. You can also liken the word 'foil' to, I dunno, tinfoil. What I love about word prompts is that you can take a word and create something completely different than someone else. Go crazy!)
As always, thank you to @mistress-omega-majesty, @jonmoxleys, @sheslikealostflower, and @cowboyshit for the feedback on the prompts!
Please remember to mention the THEME in your post, as well as to TAG YOUR POST with the following: #HANGMANPAGEBIRTHDAYWEEK within the first five tags, and to tag ME (main @adampage​), in a reply comment under your post, or in the body of your post, whatever is easier. I will be posting my edits to @bloodycowboyclub, and likely will post any text posts/writing from my main.
PLEASE REBLOG TO SPREAD THE WORD! Even if you only plan to enjoy the creations!! I want as many people as possible to participate and it’s only possible if this ends up on their dashes! Thank you (:
Don’t forget to have fun!!
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killerandhealerqueen · 4 months
Asks time, let's go
Ask game for fic writers- 1, 3, 5, 16, 24, 28, 30, 37, 39, 44, 58, 72
Ask game for fic writers #2- 10, 15, 16, 30, 32, 38, 44
Fun meta asks - 3, 4, 7, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25
Took, my beloved!! Alright y'all, buckle the fuck up, this shit gone be long
1. do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
For some fics, yes, I do know how they're going to end when they start, but most times we're just kinda...figuring it out as we go. And sometimes that's the fun part because when just writing, you can sometimes come up with shit better than when you outlined/planned it
3. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
I enjoy it. So like...an 8-9? Most of my stories are romance anyways so it's not that hard for me
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
Nope. I don't make playlists for my fics
16. where is your favorite place to write?
Well, I write anywhere, but my bed is always a good place. Things just tend to flow there
24. on average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Depends on the fic. Sometimes I can get pages done, sometimes nothing. But on average, I'd say...1.5-2k? Sometimes more? Like I said, just depends
28. handwritten notes or typed notes?
Typed. My hands cramp after writing for too long. And it's just easier to type if there's a lot of information
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you know" ~ A.A Milne
My parents say it to me a lot whenever I have imposter syndrome/am doubting myself. It helps a lot
37. when creating characters, what comes first: appearance, backstory, motivation, personality, something else?
Now, I don't create OC's, but personality, I think would come first for me. I always like characters who have personalities that don't match their appearance (and personalities are more interesting to work with anyways because they're shaped by backstory, motivation, etc.)
39. are you an avid reader?
I am! When I'm not reading fanfiction and I want to get away from the computer, I'll pick up a book. Sometimes if I'm really into one, I can crush one in a day/couple of hours. I've always been a voracious reader
44. any writing advice you want to share?
Just write what you enjoy. You're not writing to please anyone else but yourself (and maybe a few loyal readers). So like...don't write what's trendy or popular, write what makes you happy. It makes the fic much more enjoyable for you and for your readers
58. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
Hmm...I think for my fic The Tiger is Out, I had to google/duckduckgo the name of the poem the fic was inspired by because I couldn't remember it
72. what do you do if a scene gets too serious?
Oh boy, take a break. There are a lot of scenes in the Killer and Healer rewrite that make me cry/make my heart hurt so I have to take a break from writing it/do something else for a little bit to get a breather. I mean, I can push through (which I've done before) but you feel a little empty afterwards. Or I'll go talk with my discord chat and tell them what just happened to get my mind off the scene
ask game for fanfic writers | send me asks
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
Ooo, great question. Most times, if a story has gripped me by the throat, I'll keep working on it till it's completed. As for multi-chapters, sometimes I fall outta hyperfixation with them and I don't wanna work on them anymore, but then I also don't wanna leave them unfinished indefinitely (which is fine, of course but not for me) so I finish them (and I tend to feel better after I finish them, sometimes because I'm genuinely happy it's finished or sometimes I've relieved that it's over)
15. OCs or no OCs?
For me, no OCs, just because I don't need them in my stories. But more the merrier for others, y'all have fun creating your little guys
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
Most of my fics started out as writing prompts, tbh. My Killer and Healer fics now are mostly my own ideas/aus...unless i'm feeling really uninspired. But I do still use sentence starters or other ideas to kind of spark something, if again, my brain can't figure out what it wants to write
30. What writing software do you use?
I use Microsoft Word and it's the only writing software I will ever use
32. Past or present tense?
Past, for the most part. Sometimes my headcanons will be in present but my fics are mainly in past
38. Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? (Big bangs, zines, NaNoWriMo, etc?)
I do not, actually. I did NaNoWriMo in like...8th grade but nothing since
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
It does! For my fic Violence Is Never the Answer...Except When It Is, @a-single-log-bridge drew Chen Yuzhi with a katana! You can see the fanart here! (With this I am giving y'all permission to draw my fics, please god, draw my fics, I beg)
ask game for fanfic writers! ⌨️🖊📓📝 | send me asks
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Honestly, have no idea
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Gonna copy my scene from my other ask that I got about this question, hang on
From my fic My One and Only (Killer and Healer mignon/vampire au)
         “Jiang Yuelou” he breathed before he quickly knelt before him and cupped his face in his hands.          “Jiang Yuelou” he whispered.  Jiang Yuelou, however, didn’t answer, causing Chen Yuzhi to whimper before he reached out and carefully pulled him into his arms, hugging him gently but tightly.          “I’m sorry.  Jiang Yuelou, I’m so sorry.  I lied…everything that I said was a lie.  I’m sorry.  I love you.  I really, really love you.  So please…please don’t leave me” he begged as he clung to him and buried his face in his neck.          “Don’t leave me.  Please don’t leave me” he pleaded.  Jiang Yuelou, however, didn’t answer again, causing Chen Yuzhi to let out another whimper before he hugged him tighter.          “Please” he whispered, just as two strong, but gentle, arms came around him and hugged him back.          “I won’t” a weak voice whispered, causing Chen Yuzhi to gasp and lift his head out of Jiang Yuelou’s neck as he looked at him with wide eyes.          “Jiang Yuelou” he breathed as Jiang Yuelou slowly lifted his head and smiled at him.          “Chen Yuzhi” he replied, causing Chen Yuzhi to let out a sob before he buried his face in his shoulder and hugged him tightly, making him smile weakly as he gave him a tight squeeze in return.          “I’m here.  I’m here.  I’m not going anywhere” he whispered. 
I just really like this scene because while Chen Yuzhi does like Jiang Yuelou throughout the fic, he's never like...expressed/reciprocated his feelings to Jiang Yuelou, who has. And now in this moment, when he's afraid Jiang Yuelou is going to die, he confesses that he loves him. And who doesn't love that trope, huh?
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
Um...someone's always gonna get whumped, I know that much. Also, descriptions/dialogue...I've always been told I'm good at those...as well as staying in character/characters feel like how they do in canon, no matter the au. So I guess that? Idk (I'm never good about answering questions about my personal writing style because I don't pay attention to that sort of thing)
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
Longfic. Always longfic, especially when it comes to Killer and Healer. I mean, look at my fucking word count on ao3. Do I look like a drabble writer to you? (No offense to anyone who does drabbles, just could not be me)
Most times, I am a pantser. I've learned that plotting kind of stifles my creativity. The only time "plotting" has worked for me is figuring out what's going to happen in each chapter of my fic The Demon and the Angel.
And no, I do not. I like writing my long fics and I like figuring stuff out on the go. That's what makes writing fun to me
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
They're each hard in their own way, but I guess personally titles. Summaries for me are easy because I just take like a line/passage out of my fic and use that as the summary. Tags can be tricky too because I wanna make sure I tag everything that I think is in my fic but sometimes I can't tag everything (though I do try)
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
At some point, I'm going to try a sci-fi fic, which I've never done before, so that'll be interesting. It's inspired by the Netflix Movie Rebel Moon and I think it'll be fun once I get around to it...and my brain stops plaguing me with other au ideas
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
My fic Monster Like Me had a completely different version before I decided I liked the current version better....but even getting to that version it took 3 rewrites, one complete deletion of the fic and original outline and a whole new rewrite to get to what it is today. And I have to say I like this version so much better than what it was originally. Did you know this fic took me almost a fucking month to write? That's the longest a oneshot has ever taken me. Ever
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Oh...I don't really have a lot of meta, at least not with the fic I'm currently working on. But with my Rebel Moon au, the idea actually came to me on my 7 hour plane ride home from Hawaii. I couldn't sleep at all nor did I play on my computer nor did I watch any movies...I just listened to music the entire time. And for most of the time, I listened to
on repeat. If you wanna read the rest of the story, I actually answered about the au over here
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Well, I write most of my stories like they're a movie/drama, so movie/drama would work, because I see my writing (or any writing for that matter) like it's a movie playing in my head
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
A Killer and Healer Howl's Moving Castle au. I've always loved Howl's Moving Castle and I think it would work great as a K&H au, but I just don't know a) which couple to use because it could work both ways and b) when I'm ever going to have time to write it (because I am plagued with other au ideas all the damn time)
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Oh man, talking about fic ideas with your friends. Just gushing about how scenes would work/play out, who characters would be (if I'm inspiring a fic off of a drama/anime/movie/manga), what certain scenes will entail...stuff like that. That shit is fun. I mean, writing is fun too because you're taking what's in your brain and putting it on paper, but like...just brainstorming with your friends is fun
Fun meta asks for writers | send me asks
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lonelyrosebindery · 6 months
What is Lonely Rose Bindery?
If you're reading this, you're probably either interested in fanbinding, or a fic writer trying to ensure I'm not some rando on the internet trying to get your personal information or a scammer planning to illegally sell something. Feel free to message me if you have any concerns that aren't answered below!
I'm TS, but you can also call me Rose. I write fanfic on AO3 here and (previously) Fanfic.net here, blog about diabetes in fandom at @type1diabetesinfandom and @yourfavisdiabetic, and flail about misc fandom stuff on my main @too-short-for-my-own-good. I'm also on Discord @ tooshortformyowngood.
I've been in various fan spaces since the early 2010s, and I'll probably keep at until the day I die! I'm multifandom and multiship. Besides writing, I also draw fan art and make podfics, moodboards, playlists, meta, and headcanons. I've attended local and online cons and been to fan meetups.
And, at the end of 2022, I started fanbinding.
Why do I bind fanfiction?
It's March 29th as I write this, and I've read approximately 2 million words of fanfiction this year. I have over 1600 bookmarks on AO3.
I bind fics primarily to preserve them. I've seen many fics be deleted or locked before I downloaded them. (I'm sure we've all been there.) Keeping a copy on my shelf means I don't have to worry as much about losing a favorite story.
A physical copy makes rereading much easier! I get eye strain easily, and some websites just have horrible formatting.
I get to show a writer that I loved their story enough to HAND BIND it. I've met some amazing people this way!
Traditionally hand-binding fanfic pushes back against the notion that fic isn't "real writing."
What to expect on this blog:
Here, I share some of the fanbinding projects I've done, which includes fic, fan studies, meta, freely-available original fiction, public domain works, comics, and zines. Each book is lovingly crafted to honor its creator/s.
As a proud member of the Renegade Bookbinding Guild @renegadeguild, I'm part of a wonderful community dedicated to celebrating fic writers and preserving fandom's dying gift economy. It's an honor to contribute to this cause, and I love getting the chance to give people a bound copy of their writing/art--it's an amazing feeling to get to hold your own work in your hands!
To Authors & Artists:
To all the talented authors and artists whose works I've bound: consider this an open invitation to reach out to me for an author's copy! It's my small way of saying thank you for the joy (and angst lol) your projects have brought me.
I usually try to contact writers/artists directly, but sometimes it doesn't work. Don't be shy! I want to give you a gift!
I don't share any personal information (I would hope that's obvious, but this IS the internet...), and I encourage people to use a PO Box or a friend's address when being offered a fanbinding. Just make sure the friend or other proxy in question is ok with being sent fanfic!
If you don't want to risk receiving a physical copy, I can share the typeset with you instead! The typeset is the formatted PDF, to make the fic itself look like a traditionally published story. These can be plain or artistic, depending on the project and the style of the typesetter.
If there's artwork that's been made for the fic, please let me know! I look for that but it can be tricky, especially when things aren't linked together.
I do NOT share typesets to anyone outside the Renegade Bookbinding Guild, except the author/artist. Even in Renegade, I only share with established members via personal requests unless the author gives me blanket permission to share with the guild as a whole.
Lonely Rose Bindery operates on a NON-PROFIT basis.
Please note that while I pour my heart and soul into each project, I DO NOT accept commissions! I am a hobbyist driven by a deep, deeeeep love for fanfic. I bind purely for the joy of crafting, and the preservation of stories that mean the world to me.
If you are not the author or artist who worked on a specific fic, do NOT request a copy! You are welcome to ask questions and talk about the craft. My askbox is open, and reblogs are turned on.
Message me if you...
are an author/artist who wants to request multiple copies (i.e. for friends or family, or different editions)
kindly want to help with shipping costs (because international shipping is fucking expensive)
have specific colors or themes in mind for your fic
I will not take requests for specific materials, nor accept payment for any materials used.
Lonely Rose Bindery is not just about preserving fanfiction; it's about celebrating the creativity and community of fandom. With each project, I try to honor the stories and art that I love and to promote a gift economy against the rise of consumerism that has recently plagued multiple fandoms.
I look forward to sharing more fanbinds and continuing to improve my bookbinding skills. I never knew how many ways you can make a book until I started this!
Remember, my askbox is always open, so feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or just to say hello. Happy reading!
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rennsdeaddoves · 2 years
HEYO!! the name's is Renn!!
In 18 use they/them pronouns make art, write things, and overall is just trying to disappoint god (its going well so far)
this is my writing blog where I will mainly post things about various fic's I'm working on (if I post em lmao)
my current hyper-fixation is changing like weather but seems to have settled on something between; spider-verse, hellsing ultimate, dragon ball, and jttw
current works in progress;
When We Make It To The Other Side - journey to the west story (this link brings you to the # on my blog) Sun Wukong x oc
The Sweetness of Rot - Lego monkie kid story/fanfic (dead dove not for the faint of heart) dad wukong
This Never Ending Nightmare We Must Call Life - little nightmares (dead dove, lots of gaslighting lmao) Thin Man x oc
Creature series - Moon Knight, four fic's total wounded dove, Khonshu x oc
Let me give the Wold to You - dragon ball super, Beerus adopts a kid (dead dove, not for the faint of heart)
The Will of Gods and Monsters - hellsing ultimate Alexander Anderson x oc and The Captain (Hans Gunsche) x oc. super dead dove, nazi's, child experimentation all the worst of the world (lol)
If You're not Made for Me, Why did We Fall in Love - demon slayer (kny) the little mermaid au with my oc Ryoka x prince Rengoku Kyojuro
Fanfic list - fanfic’s that I will eventually share on my blogs but have not just yet (this is the list to be refereed to everytime I hold a “something new” poll)
other blogs
Renn's Doves Are Dead <- this one is 18+ ONLY
Renn’s Doves Are Alive…. Apparently- <- spam account
Renns Dead Crows <- au blog (no x reader stuff)
A03 - RennsDeadoves (i have a few things posted here, please read the tags i beg you)
My ask box is open, please ask anything, send comments, or headcanons, I will almost always answer as soon as I get the ask. it makes me super happy when I can interact with you guys! (just don't be an asshole, have some decency and respect I am human too)
If you wanna ask about oc’s or another character from a story go to this link to find a list of questions you could ask!
Please also take a look at the annon list if you plan to keep coming back to my ask box as an annon so I can identify you! Thx!! if you wanna listen to the playlists i make for the fics here is my Spotify!
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
Hi Ro😌❤️
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it!
Hello, dearie! I'm still pondering the intense headcanon you wrote for me... 😅 Lloyd is an interesting character for me to go toe-to-toe with, but I love a good challenge. 🤭
Questions are from this ask list!
2. Ack...I hate to admit it because sometimes it makes me feel self-congratulatory or self-promoting (a thing I struggle not to vehemently loathe), but yes, I reread my own fics. I edit the hell out of most of them--at least there are parts which get read and rewritten a dozen times,--but every so often, usually months after posting, I'll revisit something for reference.
Mostly, I find f**king typos, but there are bits that I read and remember how I laughed thinking up that line or scenario or how I felt trying to put something into words.
Things hit differently at different times. I've reread stuff I was super proud of and thought "this is garbage" while other stuff I just posted from a hastily written draft in tumblr's app and now think "wtf that's genius, where'd that come from?"
6. All the time? No. I'm pushing myself to read more, and I'm a very slow reader. If I'm ever gonna be a good participant in the fic community, I have to spend my reading time on newer stuff/things I haven't read before (which is also why it's so rare that I reread my own fics unless it's for reference farther along in a story).
12. I don't have Spotify or a way to share playlists, but I actually tend to build lists seasonally and add things I keep listening to as rollovers. I made one (which included y'alls lovely suggestions) for Hideout--the link is in the masterlist post,-- but before that, the only fic playlist I'd made was/is for The Stark Legacy.
I often don't realize that I am writing in silence or that music went off a long time ago. I think, perhaps, my mind is very noisy when I'm imagining or planning scenes. If the wrong song/type of song is playing in that moment, I just turn the music off instead of wasting time searching for the right mood.
Thank you for asking!
What about you guys? How do you best write and/or read? Has it changed for you in recent months/years? Does it change between characters or genres?
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conceptalbon · 11 months
drop the all hunger all restraint and poised bones annotated playlist bestie
i wanted to actually link the full spotify playlist here but i don't want to doxx myself and remaking it would take ten thousand years SO i'm going to add my comments here and link it later cool cool
1. i'm a fool to want you by billie holiday
this aligns with soulbond!george so perfectly in my head. his perspective on the whole relationship is that it's doomed from the start; he knows alex is not in love with him since before they share their first kiss, he knows this relationship will end before it even starts.
he promises himself he will end it on multiple occasions and yet he can't bring himself to do it. he wants to minimize the heartbreak of losing alex by breaking it off on his own terms but every time the possibility of it becomes real (especially during the infamous George Bakery Breakdown or, as we in the business call it, the gbb) he falls apart.
'i'm a fool to want you // pity me, i need you // i know it's wrong, it can't be right // but right or wrong i can't get along without you'
like come onnnnn it was ghostwritten by sb!george
2. wish on an eyelash by mallrat
i found this when i was nearing the end of the writing process already and went insane over how well it works with sb!au. literally almost every line is about them my god. but especially 'made a wish on my birthday // talk about you to heaven // i plan my days all around ya // planets orbit around ya'. it's so short but it talks about yearning and devotion in such a specific and hard-hitting way
it also works very well with a certain space au. 'i was lost till i found ya'? yeah.
3. futile devices by sufjan stevens (original version)
ah yes the song about how words fail when your feelings are too strong. in a story about characters whose feelings are so strong they literally develop a telepathic bond because they can't use their words. i am SORRY okay i love sufjan so so so much and age of adz is an incredible album and this song specifically creates a mood like no other does. this might be at the top of my spotify wrapped this year with how much i've listened to it and i adore the word choices in it and i am insane over it forever and always.
4. the bug collector by haley heyndericks
everything i write i write to spread our 'alex cares so much' agenda. i've done a tiny bit of director's commentary about him in the ao3 comments already but i will literally talk about him for hours if anyone will listen. the thing with alex in this fic is that he has never wanted anything without reaching for it with both hands. that's his modus operandi, which george correctly identifies (and incorrectly decides that alex not fighting for him means alex does not want him). BUT alex believes that he came on too strong when it was unwanted, thinks he has hurt george by displaying affection so directly and so he tries to tone down how intense he is as not to scare or hurt him further. still, he can't just Stop Loving him and defaults to acts of care that can be interpreted as more platonic (not really but that's what he thinks). he makes george avocado toast when he can't sleep, he skips his own debrief because he feels george's fear, he kisses his temple telepathically (god) when george is having a breakdown in the bathroom. he cares so much. in the words of haley heyndericks he must make him the perfect morning. he doesn't know how to do it any other way!
note also: alex saying 'you can be angry at the way i've expressed it but not at the feeling itself, george. i know you're not cruel enough for that' which is so important to me and which i can write an essay about because outward expressions of inner processes are The main theme of this fic and i have thought about this so much while writing. good god.
honorable mentions: flight risk by tommy lefroy (thee doomed from the start anthem! 'i wanted to be something you couldn't put down but i'm already gone' pleaseeeee), waltz right in by matt maeson (the second most listened to song in this whole playlist after futile devices, i'm so so so insane about it), gregory alan isakov's whole discography (very very galex coded!! gregory what a legend you are)
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Hello all!
So, someone sent me an ask about that "Writer truth or dare" (link to the post) and I decided to do them all like I said I would in the tags, ha. I will also answer their question directly, but I mostly just wanted to do this for fun. :-)
Answers under a read more to preserve your dashboards. :-)
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats
User Subscriptions: 128 Kudos: 10,934 Comment Threads: 1,855 Bookmarks: 3,138 Subscriptions: 1,565 Word Count: 2,133,056 Hits: 291,461
This is over 28 fics, written over the span of about 10 years, since my first published AO3 work was done in 2014 when I was 16.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I honestly don’t quite remember? I know that I had an idea for a Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley fic while at lunch in like… 7th grade and I wrote about a chapter of it in my art notebook, but as for why or what got me to know what fanfic is, I honestly don’t remember.
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
I… don’t really have one? I mean, I tend to listen to my songs on one big playlist on iTunes or on YouTube, with maybe a couple of specific ones, but nothing that major. As such, I’ll just link the playlist I made for TPWP.
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
7-8 depending on the fic. If I like the chapter and it’s mostly just fine tuning that I’m doing, I like it quite a lot. But if it’s a “ugh this chapter/paragraph/sentence is awful and I don’t know how to fix it and I hate it ahhhhh” kinda thing, then I don’t like it quite as much, ha. But it is satisfying to finally realize how to fix a problem I had with a chapter, so it can be rewarding too. Thus… 7-8.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Well, first of all if I accidentally killed someone, I likely would just turn myself in because lying would help nothing and would just make me super stressed. Second of all, I wouldn’t text a mutual, I would text my brother or my dad, ha.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
This one is hard, because I love a lot of fanfics and authors. So, I’m just going to pass, oof.
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now?
35 exactly. The same number of unread emails I have had since I was 13. Why? Because I am so used to seeing a red “35” next to my gmail account on my phone or in gmail itself, and anytime I try and get rid of those emails, I get anxious and mark them as unread again. So, technically speaking, I have 0 unread emails, since to me 36 emails would indicate that I have an unread email. Yes, I am neurotic about this kind of thing, no I don’t really care.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
I don’t like tagging people… it always makes me feel awkward and anxious, so I’m gonna skip this one too. :-/
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
Original characters. I dislike reader inserts. They feel… weird to me. No shame on people who like them! Just… not for me.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
Uhhhh…… I mean, I don’t really know what I have and haven’t posted here before? I’m usually a fairly open person. Well, I guess I can share this, since I don’t think I’ve actually ever shared this here yet, even though I’ve been planning it for almost a year now… no idea if it technically counts as “lore,” but it’s something, ha. Anyway, next month my older brother and I are going to Japan! We’re going to be there for 2 weeks and are going to 3 different cities. I’m hoping to possibly find some Danganronpa things, though I know it’s not super mainstream anymore. Here’s hoping!
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
Lack of motivation or energy. Just because I have time doesn’t mean I have the will.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
This one is tricky, because I don’t tend to follow people back often? Not for any reason, just it’s not something I do often. Usually, if someone asks or if they mention in tags following me for a while I’ll check their blog out and follow if I think their stuff aligns with my interests. But otherwise… not much I guess?
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I’m going to Japan next month with my brother.
I passed my final exam that I was positive I failed, so now I’ll be able to graduate (as soon as I figure out the requirements…)
I no longer have to wake up early to do an annoying internship I didn’t like much. :-)
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
It was a response to a mutual asking a question, since it got pretty long and writing in the Tumblr app can be iffy at times.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Nope. :-)
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don’t tend to research weird things for my fics. I did look up all parts of a ship once, since I wrote a pirate AU a long time ago and was like “shoot… what’s this part of the ship actually called???” Not weird, but definitely interesting.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
If there is nothing you can do in a situation, good or bad, then it’s okay to just ignore it and move on if you can. I use this advice whenever there are big global issues that I personally can’t do anything to help. Why spend my time and energy getting needlessly angry over things I can’t change, when I could focus that energy on the things I can, you know? The way that I can change the world is by helping children and encouraging them to grow. That is my life’s goal and my biggest desire in life. I’d rather spend my time and energy on getting my degree, and then later getting a job as a school counselor. I’m not good with anger. I don’t like being angry. So… I just ignore it as best I can. Like, I’ll be informed on what is happening, but I don’t get angry or obsess over it, you know? And it doesn’t make me a bad person, and if anyone thinks it does, then I legit don’t care. It’s my life, and I know how obsessive I can get over things, and I don’t want to ruin my life over things I can’t change. I don’t have the temperament to be an activist. I’m too mild emotionally speaking. So… yeah. I hope that makes sense, ha.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I either have already written my dream themes/plots, or I’ve thought about them in enough detail to know exactly how they’ll go, which is good enough for me. And I personally think that I would write it best. I know my own tastes and I would rather write something myself than ask it of something else, you know?
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Just give it time. Don’t force it. If you force it, your work will not be your best, which will frustrate you more and add to the writer’s block. For me, inspiration and desire to write comes in waves. Some weeks/months I’m super creative and write a ton (I’ve written two 375k+ fics in a month and a half each, for example). Other weeks/months it feels like every word I write is like pulling teeth. If I try and force myself to write during the latter times, then I get frustrated and it leads me to hate writing, which leads to those times lasting longer. Every time I’ve waited it out, however, I am able to come back to writing fresh and wanting to write. So… just wait. Have patience. Unless you’re a professional writer with a professional deadline, you don’t have to rush it.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
Can’t think of one on the top of my head.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I like all comments, but my favorite are the long ones where people point out things that I wrote in chapter they liked, they theorize where things will go next, or they ask questions. Honestly, I love it when people ask questions, since I love rambling about my work, ha.  
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
No. :-)
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
I mean, it depends on what you mean by “lie” and by “a lot.” Because I will tell white lies or half-truths on occasion. Less now than when I was younger, but if it will get me out of trouble or if it will smooth things over, I will tell white lies. Big lies I don’t tend to do, though. It’s only things that don’t really matter one way or the other but make my life easier. Otherwise, I am fairly honest and I prefer honesty. I’ve found that people are much more likely to be forgiving if you’re like “yeah, I messed up, I’m genuinely sorry.”
This all being said, I did tell a huge, very elaborate lie to the children at work recently, ha. Basically, I went to Ireland in 2019, and when I started working at my current after school site, I mentioned to a kid offhanded that I met a leprechaun there and became friends with him. I meant it as like... a joke, you know? But the kid fully believed me and was so excited. She asked if the leprechaun would come visit for St. Patrick’s day, and I was like “uhhhhh yeah?” So, from then on, I have had to not only keep up this lie but expand it. Last year my “leprechaun friend” got married. This year, he had twins. I communicate with my leprechaun friend via letters that I translate (badly, I tell the kids) into Irish, and he replies with letters written in “ancient Irish.” The kids absolutely LOVE it. I have no idea if they all believe me, but even the fourth and fifth graders are super into it, and even if they don’t believe me, they don’t let it show.
Last year I had the children write my leprechaun friend letters, which they (badly. VERY BADLY) translated into Irish and wrote on a paper, which my “leprechaun friend” had to painstakingly translate and then write a response to over 7 different children. Then “he” had to make the paper looks old and worn, since it would be suspicious if a thousands year old creature wrote on crisp white printer paper. It was. Not fun. So, my “leprechaun friend” refused to write them letters this year, since a student last year (no, of course I don’t know who, and even if I knew I wouldn’t tell you, stop being so nosy child) showed their letter to someone they weren’t supposed to and my “leprechaun friend” was unhappy, since “he” specifically told me to tell them not to do this.
Yeah. It’s, uh. It’s getting a bit much. Every time a kid asks a new question, I have to quickly come up with a lie. And I’m like… a good liar, right? But dang is it a lot. 😅(Also I don’t feel too bad about lying, since it’s less lying and more making believe, you know? And I hope that when the kids look back, they won’t think “oh my god my after school teacher lied to me for years!!!” and they will think “Oh wow. My after school teacher spent so much time and effort creating an elaborate story for us because she genuinely cared about us.” Or something like that, ha.)
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
Nothing really? Not anything bad or major, at least. I mean, I’ve been thinking about the end of my grad program a lot, but not in a bad way.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
I mean… yeah? Lots of media? That’s what fanfic is, it’s writing inspired by various media. If you mean, like… writing style, then no. I just write how I think (as shown above with my leprechaun friend rant, ha). It’s why my work has a lot of ellipses and introspection and random details that aren’t really important, but add to the vibe of the scene, you know?
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I’m a bit weak when it comes to plot. Like, anything more advanced than “character A likes character B but is all conflicted over it” is a struggle for me. The few fics I wrote that actually have plot always go off the rails at some point, since I always go too big and get stuck. It’s one reason why all my fics are very same-y and follow similar troupes. But honestly? I don’t really care. I like writing similar fics with different environments with simple plots. I much prefer exploring the characters and their motivations and their emotions than focusing on plot.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
Depends on the surprise.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Ha, I did this last night when I first saw this post, here you go:
“That makes it easy to ignore them and just enjoy everything else.
Once the group exits the elevator, they collectively pause for a moment, taking in the sight before them. And, honestly, Mondo gets it. He’s never been one for fancy as fuck surroundings, preferring simple shit and small luxuries over anything stupidly elaborate. But this…? He’s gotta admit. /This/ is fucking nice.”
Have fun trying to figure out the context of this. :-)
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
When I was, like… thirteen or fourteen I created a Facebook page for A Very Potter Musical/Sequel, entitled Red Vines, What the Hell Can’t They Do? (A quote from one of the Potter musicals). Since I was a Draco fan, my “Admin name” was ~Draco. But once I added more admins to help me run the page, I decided to make my own Admin page, since that was very popular back in the day. I didn’t want to just be ~Draco, though. Honestly, I don’t know if I was allowed to be, since it’s not exactly a unique page name. So, I changed it to Draco the Death Eater. A couple weeks or so later I saw a Draco themed cupcake and though “!!! I WANNA BE A CUPCAKE!!!” since I was like. Twelve. And overly excitable.
I thought “Draco the Cupcake” looked weird though, so I added back the Death Eater element and settled on “Draco the Death Eating Cupcake.” Then I began using my Admin page a lot more and got over 200 likes, which back then meant you couldn’t change your page name again, so I was kinda stuck as “Draco the Death Eating Cupcake.” I didn’t mind though. I kinda liked the name. Ever since, it’s been kinda my thing, using it over various websites and whatnot. It’s “my brand” I guess you could say. Even though I’m very anti J.K. Rowling, I do harbor some nostalgic affection for Harry Potter, and I refuse to let her steal something I’ve built for myself over the past decade and a half, you know?
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Ah, this is another one I don’t really want to do. Like I said earlier, I don’t like tagging people in general, but I also don’t like singling out “biggest supporters” for the same reason I don’t like having “favorite” people. It just feels icky to me, you know? Because everyone who supports me, no matter how small, means so, so much to me. You could be here every single day, following me and screaming my praises, or you could give me a single “I like your work!” and it means the world to me. And that’s not to downplay the more vocal supporters! You all know who you are, and I hope you know how very honored I am to have your support. I don’t like singling people out, though, since A) it’s sometimes awkward for the person who is begin singled out and B) it might make other supporters who I either didn’t mention or forgot to mention or who aren’t quite as big feel bad, which I don’t want to do. It’s the same thing I say whenever the kids at work ask me who my favorite is. I always reply “no one. I don’t have a favorite student since I like you all in different ways. Yes, even the more challenging ones.”
That all being said… to everyone who has ever supported me, big or small, I really do appreciate you so, so much. When I started writing at 13, I was so incredibly critical of my work, and a lot of the comments I got back then were “con crit” that just made me feel worse, even if it was genuinely constructive. I struggled with “show, don’t tell” a lot and it frustrated the hell out of me because I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me. Even now, when I am so much better at writing and don’t feel ashamed admitting that, I still feel that anxiety of not being good enough. Of not knowing enough. So, to have people not only enjoy my work, but be so supportive? It genuinely means the world to me. So… thank you.
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
Yep! I have two little fluff buckets, Rosie and Addle (Adelaide for long). They are guinea pigs and they are very cute and very dumb. :-)
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The first two I took today, the other three on previous days. It's them chilling in their hay box we give them, ha. They love climbing in their and kicking the other one out. They... don't like each other much. They don't fight, but they also don't really interact except to try and steal the other's food (which is what's happening in the top photo, ha). Addle is the brown-ish, black, and white colored one, while Rosie is the black and white one. Rosie is five and Addle is three. Rosie used to have an original cage mate, Sara, but she sadly passed after a quick illness that started on Thanksgiving in 2021, since we couldn't get her to a vet thanks to the holiday. It was very sad and I still miss Sars. :-( She was such a little sweetie.
For reference, Sara:
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RIP little girl... :-(
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Ehhhh I’m too tired to go looking for fanart I like, so I say no for now.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
If it’s first person POV. I don’t know why, but first person POV in fanfiction always bothers me, and only in very rare instances have I read first person POV fics. More often than not I immediately back out and move on. Again, no shame to people who like first person, but it’s just never been my cup of tea.
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shyspider · 2 years
I was never really interested in transformers but after reading your fics I'm HOOKED. so I wanted to familiarize myself with the lore and did some light research and now I want to watch the shows, the problem is that I only have access to : transformers prime, transformers rescue bots, transformers robots in disguise, the transformers the movie and transformers war for cybertron(only 1 season for this one)
Idk if these are even connected or relevant lol but these are all i have 😔
could you maybe tell me in what order to watch them in? I figured you would be able to help me 🙏
(also are the movies worth watching? are they a whole another thing?)
Also I LOVE LOVE your fics they're the only thing keeping me alive and entertained so far. adore your writing it's so well structured!!you're an amazing writer 🤍
Let me just yell to anyone scrolling by to REBLOG with any streaming sites you may know that would have more Transformer content.
Never in my life have I ever expected to get an ask like this. I am absolutely SHOOK. Like, I would have never thought anyone who wasn't deep into Transformers would bother to read my work, but here you are, in my inbox, asking for my opinion on what to watch.
Before I get into it, Thank you so much! This is quite the compliment and I'm getting all bashful in my own home. Reccs below cut...
I am just, hands on my face staring at the screen, trying to figure out what to recommend first. You sound like you have all the same stuff I do. I'll try my best not to overwhelm you.
First thing I'm going to recommend, that you haven't mentioned, is COMICS. My fic is based in the IDW universe. The stories are geared for an older audience, and the Lost Light series will make you cry. Get yourself an ad blocker, and check out readcomiconline.li/. You may be overwhelmed at first, but IDW published 'The IDW Collection' for your reading ease. I linked the name if you want to check it out.
As for what to watch... everyone will have different opinions, so don't let what I say stop you from checking out what you want or skipping. I listed them in the order I personally would watch them in.
Transformers Prime: Watched it. Highly recommend. Has some dark themes, battles gritty, things get tense. Well placed humor. Good story.
TF: RID: Watched it. Less cute and chill, but still wholesome. Tries to be funny, but most of the story is great to follow, and it actually ties in with Prime and Rescue Bots.
TF Rescue bots: Watched it. Cute, chill, wholesome. Recommend if you just want something nice to watch, especially with little ones around. That island has sure seen some shit.
War For Cybertron: Watched it. It wasn't terrible. Its good if you want a version of the story of the war BEFORE they come to Earth. It's dark, gritty, and dystopian. It doesn't really tie into the others previously mentioned.
Transformers (Bayverse): Watched it. I know a lot of people shit on bayverse but I'll watch anything with Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, any day. Its good in some aspects and bad in many others. The movies are their own universe.
One thing I've noticed you didn't mention is a lot of the shows available on youtube: - You've got season 1 of the original G1 series - animation mistakes and all. - There's the very awesome, very retro, 80s transformer movie. I have the music on my playlist. - There's the Combiner Wars. Haven't seen it. Its in my watchlist - Cyberverse is a favorite with many. I haven't seen much of it, but plan to. Very short episodes, so if you want to consume content in short doses, this could be the one for you. I think it gets a little dark, but I'm not sure.
I hoped I answered well enough <3 Have fun and enjoy!
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unrelated but how do you as a writer like REALLY get in ur element and focus, because im pretty sure i have adhd and it makes it hard to focus and everything i try besides classical music (sometimes) doesnt work
and my second question how do you get people to view your work/participate in it, i've been writing for 3 years in the fandom and a few people notice, and i know im supposed 2 be writing just for myself and i am, but i wanted it to kind of be a whole family thing like everyone being excited for updates and its a whole thing... idk if maybe no one cares anymore or no one really knows me
anyways sorry for my REALLY long winded ask, tysm if you read it
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also here's this larry gif for you're troubles
all the love, louiscarrotsxoxo
thank you for reaching out and asking me this! I'm going to try my hardest to answer the best that I can (I thought I'd answer it before I left so I could help <3)
Getting focused and into the element
So I have ADHD as well and I know that getting focused can be tricky. Things that I do/have to help keep me focused are:
Writing Sprints - I sprint in Discord Servers with my friends and we all keep each other motivated and encourage each other
Discord Servers - So I'm in some really wonderful servers where we're all happy to cheer each other on writing wise (I'm going to link them in another part)
Inspiration- So, for most of my fics, I have a playlist that suits the theme and I try my hardest to make moodboards for them to get the feel of the fic. I'll also plan dialogue or even the layouts of flats/houses so I feel inspired to write about them.
I asked some friends in my Discord Server for help as well and this was their responss:
@chai-hat-tea said:
I don’t know about others, but usually having a deadline freaks me out enough to make me wanna complete my fic, even if it’s on the day of posting. And for that, I join fic fests. How that also helps me is because I also tend to tell myself that I owe it to the mod to complete the fic or else they’ll feel disappointed (and not tell me), so for their sake I need to complete fics. Joining fic fests also helps in the viewership of your fic, so once you have participated in a few fests, you might find it easier to build a somewhat decent enough crowd that enjoy your writing and want to read your stories. So once that happens, you can plan a long chaptered fic and then post chapters as and when you’re done and ready. So then you can guilt trip yourself by saying that now you have those people who are waiting for your story and you delaying is just making them wait longer and feel more disappointed lol
@loveislarryislove added:
Yeah I think a lot of it is building community, to pump you up or keep you accountable or help circulate things etc.
Getting people to view your work/participate in it
The first thing I'd like to say here is that you shouldn't define your work by statistics/interactions (a bit like what you said). Having said that, there are a few ways to try and increase your circle:
Make mutuals - There are some amazing people on this site who go out of their way to support each other. Try and get to know new people and interact with them.
Join Discord Servers - The servers I am currently in are amazing servers. My two main ones are @1d-library (ran by @larrysballetslippers and @larry-hiatus ) and @new-writers-discord (ran by me, @red-pandaaa @larrysballetslippers @hellolovers13 @babyhoneyheslt and @rockstarlwt28 ). 1D Library is a place for readers and writers to hangout, discuss fics, writing or day to day life. The New Writers Discord is a recent Discord server where we have New Writers, Writers and Mentors who write all types of stories (fics, original works, etc.). We have sprinting parties, workshops and are always there to help if need be.
Tagging Systems - this post contains all the tracked 1D tags where certain accounts will reblog posts with those tags. This is extremely useful for people who make things in the fandom.
Have fun - Try and enjoy yourself in the process. Interact with new people and make friends, create things for yourself as well as others.
I really hope this helps! I am not going to be online after today, but if you do have any more questions, feel free to email me on [email protected].
(and I love that gif 💕)
Ash <3
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vinjaryou · 1 year
29. What songs would be (or are) on a playlist for most if not all of your OG FFVII story material? Explain your choices if you want! (Also, I'm personally curious as to how your music choice may differ between AUs, if it does. See if the characters may have different "theme music" depending on the AU and how it plays - all pun intended - into who they are.) 💕
Questions for Fic Writers Meme
Oh good lord, this might be a lengthy, link-filled ramble, please settle in and don't mind the abundance of '80s music *cracks knuckles* Once again, putting under a cut to save everyone's dashes!!
I have certain songs for scenarios I have planned/written, if that makes sense. For the general more canon goings-on, I tend to harken to the game's soundtracks - for example, if I'm writing Aerith and Reilena walking home from the Sector 5 train station, I'll have Hollow Skies playing to get me in the mindset, with it flowing into a soft variation of Aerith's Theme, or if it's a scene set in the 7th Heaven, then it's a mix of Tifa's Theme melding into general bar ambience.
And then there's times in which the song and the scenario just. make. sense. to me. Like... this specific version of The Nightmare Begins is what I'm using for when I write his and Reilena's confessions to each other, before they sleep together for the first time. Does that make sense? In general, probably not!, because it's sad as hell and this song legit made me sob the first time I heard it on its own and not in the background of a Machinabridged episode. It still does at times, because it's so gorgeous and tragic (and I am biased, for this is Vincent we're talking about, lol).
BUT. Listening to it again, I can see them both sitting together quietly in the flowers at Sector 5, Meteor still overhead, with her softly telling her life's story to him, and the first swell is when she confesses; when the song restarts in a sense, I see him trying to gather his thoughts while responding to her as best he can, because he knows how he feels, but he still can't SAY it, and when the music swells again, that's when he murmurs her name, and when she looks over, he leans in and kisses her, letting that speak for him; she returns the kiss, they deepen it, with them leaning into each other, holding each other, and the song ends as they part and she asks him in a whisper if he'll stay the night with her.
SO THERE'S THAT, TOO. It's very vivid in my mind, and it fits for me.
Another song for them - well, for Vincent in particular, when he's trying to figure out his feelings for Reilena - is Whitesnake's Is This Love. I even used it as a title for one of the pieces I wrote... dealing with this very thing, lol.
(Still of the Night is another Whitesnake song that makes me think of them, but this is when they're having a spicier, more Chaotic time~)
You might have seen my mini-ramble on the bird app about a feral Aerith telling a summon to tear a monster to shreds for hurting her friends? In This Moment's Big Bad Wolf is what gave me that imagery, and it's also a song I'm using as the backdrop for a miniseries I'd like to write of each member of the VII family going absolutely feral at some point during battle (if you click the link, there's a lot of flickering in the music video, so just listen to the song if that's better for you).
And then there's another miniseries I'd like to write titled "Good Night," and it would be about five (maybe six; five for certain) parts, each involving Vincent with someone, with the arc words in each piece being "good night," and just how good of a night it is... varies a lot (I'm sorry Vincent, I love you, I promise the final part is Very Good to you). Each piece has its own soundtrack, and fingers crossed I can get it started soon, as I have it outlined already, with each piece and song decided:
Part 1 is Come Undone, by Duran Duran. Part 2 is I Can't Make You Love Me, by Bonnie Raitt. Part 3 is both MONSTERS by Shinedown, and Mein Teil by Rammstein. Part 4 is Close My Eyes Forever by Lita Ford & Ozzy Osbourne. Part 5 is both Is This Love, and Listen to Your Heart by Roxette.
...I don't think I answered this correctly, as I kinda just went on a ramble about music and writing and hi. Let me know if there's specifics you'd like, and I'll answer them as best as I can... and try not to ramble too much! ♥
(I really need to sit and make an ACTUAL playlist for my writings and the AUs, yeesh)
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captaingondolin · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
The tumblr inbox doesn’t do dates, but my email notifications do and this ask has been sitting here since June 2022. This is just who I am as a fandom person.
I’m limiting myself to English fics because some of my faves are niche stuff and if we throw Italian into the mix no one can even open the link to go ponder what’s wrong with me.
Now that the gods are gone. When I go feral over Ben Kenobi (and the mere suggestion of older Cody with a hint of white in his hair and- ok, back on track) and say I love old men, it’s serious, I mean it. Do you know Death Note? Okay, so the dad of mr serial killer boy, and the father-figure/butler of mr detective boy, right, what if they both survived the blood bath with a shitton of trauma to deal with, and while healing they fell a little bit in love? This fic is thick like a milkshake, every single sentence takes a bit of canon and unravels it to my liking.
Nothing but Gold. Thrawn/Padmé I wrote for a rarepair exchange. It’s the power couple we need more of. It’s canon divergence from the end of Thrawn: Alliances, with Anakin prisoner and Padmé taking Thrawn to the Republic... and severely fucking with Palpatine’s plans in doing so. Thrawn doesn’t even understand Basic, but he damn well sees Palps is a shady bitch. Padmé gets really angry. Pals, when I tell you I plotted this fic. This never happens. It was hard work and I enjoyed every minute of it. I remember going to the library to write at one point. There’s a kickass playlist to go with it, too. 
with your scars and your lonely heart. you ever fall head over heels for two minor villains in an 80s shonen anime and they take over your life? No? Well. These two have been to hell and back together, and I mean literally, hell. And their relationship just. it does things to my poor heart. They are terrible people (right until they stop and get some actual redemption going in the background), but they are always, always in each other’s corner. And I have loved them for, uuuh, numbers are hard, but coming up on half my life at this point. Anyway, this is a fic in which one of them is the reincarnation of a Greek god(dess) - and their canon already has plenty of Greek gods.
Hated You from Hello. The Force works in mysterious ways and I fell in love with Corran Horn, and also fell into shipping him with Tycho Celchu (heroic, emotionally scarred, total Gondolin Catnip). They would totally hatefuck in canon, but I decided to make them hatefuck in a canon divergence, because why the hell not.
a Certain Fic We Shan’t Name with too much of my ID to be on my main account. iykyk
a friend of the devil is a friend of mine. what if you’re like a Padawan and your Master is an evil sack of dicks, but he’s good to you. And then he dies doing a single heroic thing, and you’re left adrift and without a role since you never completed your training? Except this is Saint Seiya, so it’s not called Padawan, but like. what if. Master-Learner bond and complex feelings and child soldiers (in that “media for kids that has kid protagonists fighting” way, but then you take the concept for a spin and write fics trying to reconcile them to their actual ages) (and this is cheating my own damn parameters a bit but the Italian version of this is better)
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2, 5, 20, 84 for the fic writer meme?
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
oh that would definitely be the time in Just Because I'm Moving Doesn't Mean I'm Not a Corpse when I said "Yes, Davesprite is going to feel very sad and suicidal in a mopey teenage angst-y kind of way that WON'T hit me too close to home, and then John is going to come in and shout at him a bit about how he is the Real Dave and then they will kiss about it and be in love" and Tendo looked me in the eye and said "Actually, I'm going to spend an entire chapter actively making plans for suicide in a way that feels WAY too goddamn real and then make an attempt while John is in the room with me." (and also June said "It would be incredibly out of character for me to kiss Jade's boyfriend immediately after he broke up with her hello??? excuse me???")
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
it's not a fic, but here, have my Sweeping Epic Fantasy Comic Mood Playlist
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
oh hurt/comfort, 1000%. love them emotionally traumatized babies taking care of each other.
84. said: overused or underused?
in my writing probably underused? i would like to say neither, i use "said" a perfectly normal amount but i am not honestly sure.
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quickspinner · 2 years
May the road trip be peaceful and have good scenery.
For the fanfic ask game how about 5 (in general), 7 & 8 for Indelible, and a non list question, which WIP have you enjoyed writing for the most recently?
Ask me about a WIP!
Thank you for the road wishes friend! 
5. How do you feel about posting chapters before the fic is finished (with this one and/or in general)?
I usually can't make it to the end of a multichap fic without posting. When deadlines are not an issue, I try not to post until I'm at least halfway done and have a reasonable expectation of being able to finish. For exchanges or birthday gifts I get myself into trouble usually have less finished. Usually somewhere after the halfway point I stall a bit and flounder, so posting helps me get some encouragement and feedback and accountability for finishing. I have had a couple of occasions (Beautiful Dreams) (Indelible) where a fic turned out to be bigger than I initially planned and it turned out it wasn't as much at the halfway done point as I thought. 😂 
7. Do you listen to music while writing your WIP? If so, what? Do you have a playlist?
I do listen to music, but I don’t have a playlist for this WIP. Sorry I know I’m really boring. 😂 I listen mostly to Pandora stations, and I pick which one based on what kind of scene I’m working on. I think the last chapter was the Pink (the artist, not the color) station, and I had another one seeded with What if I Was Nothing I think. Sometimes I make playlists for WIPs, I just haven’t felt moved to do so for this fic. 
8. Does your WIP have a Pinterest board or anything similar? If it does and you want to, link it!
This isn’t really part of my process, I don’t usually make a visual reference. Making a playlist is about all I do, and I don’t even always do that. Occasionally I look up dress ideas or something like that, and when I do I generally link them in the individual chapters, but it just doesn’t occur to me to make a board for it. I had a couple for Indelible, because hair and clothes descriptions are hard for me so I did some image searches for inspiration.
Here’s the qipao wedding dress Marinette’s New Year’s dress was based on.
Here’s the hair and dress I used as inspiration for her New York look.
That’s all the visual references I have for Indelible at the moment!
Which WIP have you enjoyed writing for the most recently?
I’ll be honest with you, everything feels like a bit of a slog right now. 😆 Time has been so limited, I’ve been really focusing on Indelible because I feel like I can taste the end at this point--even though when I sit down and think about what I have to write, it seems like a lot, I am comparatively close to the end, and I’m both eager to write the reconciliation and fluff and makeouts, and worried that I won’t get the complicated relationship dynamics across properly and people will be disappointed or unsatisfied. 
But before I can get there I have to do the really depressing stuff and that’s difficult. 😂 And as usual I’ve made things more difficult on myself by sticking to one single POV, so I can’t put the reader inside Marinette’s head and explain right now what is going on in there, it all has to wait until Luka figures it out and/or they talk through it. Min ( @mintaka14 ) has been my cheerleader and sounding board and really helped me keep perspective. Having writing 
I love the story, and I love seeing the readers react to it, and I’m really excited to get to the emotional stuff at the end, and I am still absolutely getting joy out of this fic, but the process of writing it feels a little painful right now. 
I’m also working on my LBSC sprint secret santa fic, and while it’s fun and the prompt is right up my alley, I’m sweating the deadline a bit and fighting my overthinking brain about how to fit it all together. 😆 
I’m kind of eyeing the library meet cute fic and thinking I might work on that a bit in the next couple weeks as a treat, so even though I’m not actively working on it at the moment, can I count that? 😂 This month has been really hectic with doctors (all good news!) and gatherings and family birthdays and all, so I think I’m just tired all around. I will not be sorry to see 2022 out the door, I must say. 
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You Didn't Ask And I Answered: A Long Ass Post, Part 1
Questions are from this post. It is an ask game. I answered every single one unprompted. If anyone actually reads this post I will be impressed.
do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road? It depends on the story. For all of my fics, I know the ending. For a lot of my books, I know the ending. For one particular project I am thinking of right now, I'm making that shit up as I go.
talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.” SPIDERSILK SAMURAI. FUCKING SPIDERSILK SAMURAI. Pulled out so much hair over that fic. I'm proud of it but none of the characters stuck to the outline I had.
on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story? 10, but it's a very specific kind of romance. They need lots of time, they have to have lots of banter going on, and some other stuff I can't put a name to. Read my shit, there's a very specific way I write romance.
what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread? I don't know what a "plot bunny" is.
have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son Crossfire's playlist
do you have any kind of consistent writing schedule or just hoping for the best? I write every day.
tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote Immortal being reflects on life and death.
what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it? Don't like it.
in an ideal world where you’re already super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work? why or why not? TV show. Animated.
at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you? Early. Fairly easy.
what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general? I look things up as needed.
do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that?  No.
talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you. No idea what this question means.
what’s your worst writing habit?  Can't proofread.
where do you share your writing? AO3.
where is your favorite place to write? Library.
what is your favorite line you’ve ever written? "It won’t be the same, but I’ll keep you close forever, and we can run along the river in our memories, hearts and souls entwined."
what is your most and least favorite part of writing? Like writing fights. Hate proofreading.
what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most? Masashi Kishimoto, Akira Toriyama, Hideaki Sorachi, Hirohiko Araki, Chris Bradford, Chris d'Lacey, Jeff Kinney, others I am forgetting.
what is your favorite trope to write? Found family.
pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about. @mecha-milkers and I would write about unspeakable cosmic horrors.
describe your writing process from scratch to finish. Hallucinate, fight god, black out, stare at the finished product, hit post.
how do you deal with writers block? Change the last sentence and move on.
on average, how much writing do you get done in a day? Several pages if not many. Not counting.
what’s your revision or rewriting process like? You guys revise? The first draft is the only draft. I have been reworking some of my older stuff (books) but don't have a process for it.
do you like to write one-shots or series, and why? Series, more time to develop stuff.
do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished? 28. And who do you share them with? I share them with friends.
handwritten notes or typed notes? Keep notes in brain.
give us a spoiler for one of your stories. Bad guy helps good guy.
most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you. "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are--it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done."
tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write Kusunoki Masashi from Our Samurai Souls--he's been through it all but still keeps his head up.
do characters influence your writing style? Yeah they running the whole thing.
do you start with the characters or the plot when writing? They come together, they tell me what to write. Half the time they're the ones writing it.
how do you name characters and places? They tell me their names, they tell me their world.
tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot Yuki from Our Samurai Souls. Despite what he's been through it's very peaceful in his head.
do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one. I have a character in one of my old books (not a fanfic) that is based on someone I've heard a lot about but never met. I drew a lot of inspiration from the descriptions and stories I've heard to create this guy.
when creating characters, what comes first: appearance, backstory, motivation, personality, something else? They come in as whole people, I don't know how to explain it. Aside from a few cases (see above) I've never sat down and thought about making a character. They come to me.
how many stories do you work on at one time? Five to ten.
are you an avid reader? I try, it is hard for me.
best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. See earlier about "I don't like feedback."
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stayxlix · 1 year
hellooooo!!! how are you?? i hope well🩵
i have a small question, so, as anyone on this earth should i obviously love off the deep end! I've been looking for a long and really good felix fic for so long (i feel there's a high chance that i already read all of them pls help) and this like exactly what ive been looking for!! It had me hooked the moment i saw the masterlist! Your writing is exceptionally amazing, i really cant put into words just how much and i genuinely enjoy reading this story a, like so mich so that i reread it quite often.
Kinda went off the rail, but the question is, how many chapters do you presume there'll be? It doesn't have to be an exact number, just how much you expect! And my other question is, when do you think a new chapter will come out? Obviously, you don't have to be exact, just what you think! I hope it doesn't sound invasive or something, I'm just really really REALLY excited for what's to come and honestly can't wait so i just wanted to know how long we're approx gonna wait for!! I definitely don't mind waiting as much because I know the next chap will be absolutely breathtaking like the rest! 💗
A little side note, i feel like Decode by paramore and sacrifice (eat me up) by enhypen fits this story so much (maybe not neccessarily all of the lyrics but they just give me the same vibe like decode IS this story) !! I'm even considering making a playlist specifically for this story because I just LOVE IT so so much and wanna be in the right mood when i read it, if yk what i mean??
This is super long, so I hope it's not that bad but have an amazing day, week and year, you definitely deserve that and more! 💓 ily, take care and stay safe, love🩵🩵
hiii anon🩵🩵i've been doing pretty well these days thank you for asking, i hope you can say the same :)
(i apologize in advance for how long this response is lmao)
"as anyone on this earth should" this made me smile so hard omg the entire EARTH lol i truly admire the ambition.😂💕thank you so much for such kind words and high praise, it makes my heart so happy to know you feel this way about my little story💕 tbh im pretty sure ive read all of the felix fics on here too so you're not alone there lol (someone pls help us both)
to answer your questions, i'm not quite sure how many chapters otde will end up with....tbh (much like how i go about my life in general) i have been writing this story without much of a plan in mind aside from like a general outline of how i want it to go/end.😂 maybe the chapter number will end up somewhere in the teens? of course i dont want to drag it out indefinitely..but its also my only project right now so i dont want to rush anything either ya know? :)
as for your second question...well i dont have much of an answer for you here either (im horrible im so sorry lol) my life seems to go in periods of either being super busy or so bored that i dont know what to do with myself and right now things are starting to slow down a bit again, so i'm hoping to have the next chapter out in the next couple of weeks??? (if i can manage to keep a few of my weekends free). so with that being said...i guess i kind of failed to answer both of your questions (again i am so sorry lol i wish i could give you more😭) but either way i do hope you'll stay along for the ride. 💕💕
"I'm even considering making a playlist specifically for this story" ah you have no idea how much this means to me.🥹🥹 i love both of the songs you included here and i think they would be perfect additions to an otde playlist. to be honest i have a little playlist i listen to get into the right mood when i write it (only like 30 songs or so) but im always always looking for more to add. if you might be interested in the link let me know and i'd be more than happy to share, and if you do end up making a playlist i would absolutely love to give it a listen🤭🤭 thank you so much for taking the time to read and provide your feedback anon, i truly appreciate it so very much. i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/evening/night whatever it may be :) much love🩵🩵🩵
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