#also i will use those in group chats as reaction XD
Ben Willbond in Ask the ghosts episode 3 (reaction pic edition)
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Bonus: ...daaaaaaaaaamn congrats on your face sir-edition
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39 notes · View notes
jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
Celebrity Crush| part 1 | BTS x Reader mini series
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Pairing: BTS x Celebrity!Reader
Key words: celebrity crush, singer, idol.
Word count: around 8,000
Okay, this one is just regular fluff, but it definitely has potential to become more juicy, maybe even angsty... I had many ideas when I was writing it, but decided upon cutting it where I did. Maybe there will be part two to this story, maybe not. If there will be it will also probably be able to functionas a totaly separate one shot. Also I couldn’t decide on a ship here! Initially it was supposed to be RM, but I kept coming back to JK (my bias xd). That’s where possibility of an angst story lays... Anyway tell me what you think of this piece!
“AH!” Namjoon exclaimed, dropping his spoon down into his soup.
“Hey, watch it! You’re spilling everything!” Seokjin yelled back at him as some of his friend's soup splashed out from his bowl.
“What happened?” Hoseok asked, sipping his soup slowly and looking at Namjoon with curiosity.
“It’s-It’s (Y/N).” He stuttered out, his eyes still glued to the screen of his phone. He was scrolling through Twitter when he noticed a tweet from his favourite female artist, (Y/N), announcing her world wide tour.
“What? Did she message you?” Seokjin asked him with a chuckle, knowing well that wouldn’t happen.
“I wish.” Namjoon scoffed and clicked on a link to an article some music site posted immediately after reading (Y/N)’s tweet. “(Y/N) has announced details of her long-awaited world tour.” He read out loud to  his friends already feeling his heartbeat pick up. “The singer has continuously updated her fans on the details, promising them that she was working on the announcement. Now, via a short video on Instagram simply captioned ‘Hello world’, she has finally revealed when and where the No Limitations tour will be starting off. You can see the full dates, which she simultaneously posted on her Twitter account, below.” He quickly scrolled down to take a look at the dates and locations. His jaw dropped as he scanned down the list and noticed the Asia leg of the tour. “Soul is on the list.” He muttered. “In January. Seoul is on the list.” He repeated looking at his friends with wide eyes.
“Finally!” Hoseok exclaimed reaching across the table to pat him on the shoulder. “You can go see her then.”
“It hasn’t been announced when tickets will go on sale.” Namjoon said in panic as he frantically searched the internet for information about the tour.
“I’m sure our staff can get you in there without a ticket.” Seokjin said casually, but Namjoon took the matter very seriously. (Y/N) wasn’t just someone who’s music he liked. He also had a huge crush on her as a girl in general and he wasn’t about to pass on an opportunity to see her perform live.
“I have to talk to our PD about that.” He said in an excited tone and clicked his Messages app to draft up a passionate yet professional text saying how much he wants, no, needs to go to (Y/N)’s Seoul concert.
“Now?” Seokjin asked, taken aback a little by his fast pace.
“No time to waste. It’s (Y/N) we’re talking about.” Namjoon chuckled. “If all goes well maybe we could work on some music together.”
“Yeah and maybe something more.” Hoseok teased him, earning a loud laugh from Seokjin. Namjoon only smiled up at them from his phone, because among those who followed the news about BTS it was a well known fact that he had a thing for (Y/N).
Whenever they would get asked about their celebrity crushes in interviews he would say (Y/N)’s name. Ideal girl - someone like (Y/N). A song they could listen to on loop - (Y/N)’s latest single. Fashion inspiration at the moment - (Y/N). Favourite movie - that one (Y/N) had a cameo in for like three minutes. It would happen so much that ARMY’s started making compilations of him talking about her on YouTube called “Namjoon drooling over (Y/N) for 7 minutes straight” and so on. At first he was embarrassed about it, but after some time that awkward feeling turned into hope that maybe she’ll see it and fall for him as well. He knew it was wishful thinking, but he still liked to imagine the moment you would message him saying you would love to collab on a song.
“I’m going to go talk to our PD.” Namjoon said, as he took off the bright pink sunglasses with Happy New Year written on top of them in a silly font. He wore them for the small photoshoot they just had for BTS’s New Year’s Eve post on Twitter.
“Now?” Jimin asked him, raising his brows.  He was still wearing his party hat he put on for the session. “It’s New Year’s Eve.”
“I know. I just-” He was interrupted by Taehyung’s loud cheer. “I’ll be right back.” Jimin just shook his head at his eagerness to find out whether (Y/N)’s staff has already answered BigHit’s request for letting Namjoon go to your show with a backstage pass as a celebrity guest of sorts.
Since they were already at the BigHit headquarters for the photoshoot and a little celebration for the beginning of the new year Namjoon had to walk just a couple of doors down to get to PD’s office. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door. After hearing a faint invitation he pressed on the handle and opened it.
“Oh, it’s you. Why aren’t you with the others celebrating?” The PD asked, obviously surprised to see Namjoon.
“Ah, yes. I’ll be joining them in a minute.” He said, remembering Jimin’s words. “I just came here to ask about the No Limitations show. It’s in January and since it’s already first of the month I wondered-”
“Ah, of course.” PD cut him off with a smile. “You're going.”
“Really?” Namjoon asked in shock.
“Yes, all of you are.” Namjoon must have looked very confused for a moment there, because PD rushed with an explanation. “We got an answer saying they were going to issue a formal invitation to the concert and an after party to the whole band anyway. Go and pass on the news to the rest of the boys. We’ll have a proper meeting about this next week.” Namjoon thanked him accesively and assured he’ll let the rest of the members know about the situation. As he walked down the hall he heard their voices from the dance studio they had the photo shoot in. He was speechless.
“It’s happening.” He thought, leaning on the wall to catch a breath before coming inside. After a moment he pushed the door open and joined his group members with a bright smile.
“Guys, guys. Listen” He called. “We’re going to (Y/N)’s concert!” He exclaimed and they cheered, gathering around him, smothering him with hugs and tugging on his cheeks teasingly.
“Look at him.” Jimin chuckled pointing at Namjoon who was pacing around the room. “So excited for the concert.”
“Of course he is. He’s going to meet his crush.” Seokjin added, also laughing.
The whole group was teasing him about (Y/N) all throughout January. It was seventeenth today, the day of her Seoul show and he couldn’t wait. They already got their hair and makeup done. They were dressed to the nines. All that was left was to get to the show.
“The car is here.” Someone from the staff announced and all the boys got up from their spots. As they walked down the hall together they all took turns patting Namjoon on the shoulder for encouragement.
“Do you think we’ll have a chance to talk to her?” Jungkook asked with excitement when they were all in the car together.
“Of course!” Hoseok exclaimed.
“No, but like, for real talk. Not just: nice to meet you, let’s take a picture, goodbye.” The youngest explained quickly.
“Hopefully.” Seokjin said, patting Namjoon on the thigh as that was something he was worried about. He would definitely be happy if he got even only a second with (Y/N), but he wished for more.
After a short drive the car stopped in an underground parking lot under the venue of the concert. As they got outside they could hear the cheers of the crowds gathered outside. Their staff took them on an elevator explaining once again how the night will go. First a before party with other guests, then the concert itself and after that the after party at a hotel. Namjoon repeated the sequence of these events in his head a million times already. Technically he was prepared, but practically he was a mess. His hands were sweating and his heart was racing like crazy. He looked around the small elevator at his closest friends and the familiar faces of BigHit staff who were accompanying them. Realising he has so many people around him for support eased his nerves a little.
“I can’t believe we’re in the same building.” Namjoon muttered under his breath.
“Yeah, she was also in the same building as us at the VMA’s and AMA’s and so on.” Yoongi teased him and everyone chuckled.
“That’s true, Namjoon.” Taehyung agreed with a grin. “You shouldn’t be so worried.”
“Easy for you to say.” Namjoon added right as the elevator door opened.
“Yeah, she already saw us perform at one of the award shows. She knows who we are. It’s going to be fine.” Jimin said in a nervous tone. Namjoon just nodded to himself trying to make the anxious thoughts go away as they approached the area where the before party was held.
They were all excited to see (Y/N)’s show and attend her after party, but with the tremendous enthusiasm also came the stress of meeting an A list celebrity from overseas. 
“I can’t believe she’s still not here.” Namjoon whined to Taehyung and Jimin as the rest of the group scattered to chat with other invited idols and celebrities. “All the dancers and her band are here already.”
“It’s still early.” Taehyung tried to cheer him up. “She’ll show up any moment. I’m sure.”
“Definitely.” Jimin agreed with him energetically.
Before Namjoon could voice another concerned thought lingering in his brain everyone in the room started cheering and clapping. He looked around wondering what caused this reaction as he noticed the obvious reason.
“Thank you all so much for coming.” (Y/N) said stopping somewhere in the middle of the gathered crowd of celebrities and staff. “It means a lot. Really.” She put her hand to her chest as she spoke. “If all goes well the show will be starting in a couple of minutes. Wish me luck and have fun.” 
“That’s it?” Taehyung asked as (Y/N) was rushed away by her staff to the stage entry. “I thought she was going to chat with everyone or something.”
“Do you chat with guests before the show?” Jimin asked. “That’s what the after party is for.” He explained and Namjoon hummed in agreement. Just the quick glimpse he caught of her was enough to leave him speechless.
“Let’s go watch the show.” Hoseok said approaching the three from behind with the rest of the group following close behind.
There was a big screen in the backstage lounge and a couple of smaller TV’s located at the stage entries for those that wanted to glance at the stage during the show to see the real deal. They watched the first half of the show in the lounge and later relocated to the left entry area. Namjoon’s eyes were glued to the screen as everyone around him chatted away. He tried to pay attention to the conversation and partake from time to time, but his focus quickly went back to (Y/N). She looked stunning singing and dancing on stage.
Suddenly a group of staff dressed in all black rushed into the area they were hanging out in with some other guests.
“Wardrobe change, left.” One of the staff said as she clicked on her earpiece.
Namjoon almost jumped out of his seat when he saw (Y/N) jogging down from the stage and into the swarm of her people from her team.
“Woah, that gave me chills.” Yoongi commented as (Y/N) passed by them surrounded by her wardrobe, hair and makeup team.
“Say something.” Hoseok whispered, elbowing Namjoon’s side.
“Like what?” He asked following (Y/N) with his gaze as she disappeared behind her dressing room's door.
“Great show, looking good. Anything really.” He encouraged him with a cheeky smile.
“No.” Namjoon shook his head, already feeling the blood rushing to his head.
“Do it. Do it.” The rest of the members repeated after Hoseok, but he only shook his head once again.
“She’ll come out any second.” Seokjin added in a warning tone.
He was right. The dance number performed by her backup dancers was getting to an end and (Y/N) should be running out onto the stage soon to sing the next song.
“Great show!” Jungkook yelled out in English.
All the boys’s heads snapped in his direction and then onto (Y/N). She was walking out of her dressing room in long strides. As Jungkook yelled out his praise she turned to look his way without stopping,
“Thank you!” She answered quickly before being escorted by her staff into the understage corridors.
All the boys started shoving and pushing the youngest member teasingly.
“Namjoon was supposed to say that. You took over his part. Jungkook, you’re so eager.” They yelled with laughter.
“What time is it?” Taehyung asked the group as most of the guests gathered in the backstage lounge to watch the encore of the show.
“It’s close to eleven.” Seokjin answered, looking at his phone.
“Before we finish off the show with this last song I just wanted to take a minute to say: Thank you so much.” (Y/N)’s voice echoed from the stage and through the speakers in the lounge. She was standing in the bright lights holding the mic to her lips. “Thank you for choosing to come see the show and spending the night here with us. I really can’t even begin to express how grateful I am for all of you, here in the audience and back at home watching and streaming my music and the shows. Thank you so much.” 
“Ah, she’s so nice. Never forgetting about her fans.” People around muttered.
“I really, truly appreciate you guys. I cannot imagine how this year would’ve gone if I hadn't spent it with all of you, all of the people on the stage and behind it. We’ve been away from our homes for so long.” (Y/N) voice got higher with nerves and sadness that came over her as she spoke about her home. “We’re coming close to ten months on the road now. That’s a long time.” She said, bringing her hand to her chest to show her gratitude. “Thank you so much for putting up with me.” She chuckled and the staff cheered. “I feel so lucky and so fortunate to be working with all of you and to be able to perform in front of all of you.” She sighed deeply, undoubtedly masking a cry. “So thank you. I love you so much. Thank you.”
The audience was shouting and applauding loudly as (Y/N) walked off the stage waving to them. As soon as she was out of the view she handed her microphone to one of the sound people and took a big gulp of water from the bottle one of the staff handed her.
“Thank you.” She breathed out. “I need to get out of this hair as soon as possible.” She chuckled tiredly as she walked into her dressing room.
“We’ve got about twenty minutes to get you ready for the after party.” Her assistant, who was waiting inside, spoke calmly as the beauty and wardrobe team gathered around (Y/N) quickly taking out the bobby pins from her hair and undoing the back of her dress. “There’s quite a lot of guests your manager would like you to talk to, at least for a minute.” She said and quickly moved on to listing all the most important people attending the party.
“Have any of those people been informed that I might want to reach out to work with them later?” (Y/N) asked, getting into her oversized sweatshirt dress with the help of some staff so that she doesn’t ruin her makeup.
“No, that’ll be done after tonight. Sometime this week though.” She explained scrolling through something on her tablet.
“What time is the flight to Osaka tomorrow?” (Y/N)’s voice sounded tired as she thought of getting on another plane.
“Actually, there’s been a change of plans.” Her assistant said casually. “You got surprise booked for a daytime show tomorrow, so we’re staying in Seoul for that for the whole day and flying to Japan the next morning. The crew will be already there setting everything up for Saturday.”
“Two days in Seoul?” (Y/N) was surprised.
“What’s the show?”
“King of Masked Singer. You’re going to be the surprise opening act. I’ll fill you in on everything tomorrow morning.”
“Perfect.” She said smiling at herself in the mirror as the hairstylist was fixing up her hair.
“Heels or sneakers?” One of the wardrobe girls asked.
“Heels.” (Y/N) answered without hesitation. She wanted to look her best when surrounded with so many new faces at the after party and pairing sneakers with an oversized sweatshirt didn’t seem like the greatest combination for that.
“Ready.” The head stylist stated as one of the staff helped (Y/N) get into her thigh high booties.
From there, accompanied by security, (Y/N) and her assistant walked to the elevator that took them to the parking lot located under the venue.
As (Y/N)’s car pulled up in front of the hotel a swarm of fans and paparazzi started yelling out her name and waving to get her attention. She stopped to get her pictures taken, walked up to a couple of fans to sign their albums or pictures and walked inside to get to the after party. With her assistant following her every step and the three body guards right behind them she took yet another elevator to the hotel bar rented for the occasion. 
“Let’s do this.” (Y/N) whispered to herself as she pushed the bar door open.
When she walked deeper into the crowded room random hands touched her shoulders and unknown voices spoke words of praise directed her way. She smiled and thanked the faceless mass making her way towards the DJ’s stand.
“That’s her.” Hoseok whispered as (Y/N) passed by the group of boys.
“Woah. She’s dressed cool.” Taehyung gasped, eying down her figure.
When she stepped onto the slightly elevated stage the DJ stopped the music and handed her a microphone. A wave of cheers erupted from the gathered guests as everyone noticed the star of the night had arrived.
“Hi.” (Y/N) spoke sweetly into the microphone and let the crowd yell or whistle back at her for a moment. “It’s so nice to see all of you here.” She chuckled. “Eat, drink, have fun. It’s all on me tonight. Just tonight.” She joked and the crowd clapped and yelled in excitement. “I know you all came here after the concert, but it’s not all about my music tonight.” Her tone turned mysterious all of a sudden. “It’s actually a very special day for someone else as well. A very funny guy, an inspiration in the studio, a dance mastermind and a dear friend and coworker of mine.” With every endearment term she listed the cheers got wilder. “Johnny Campbell. Where you at?” She asked looking around the room.
“Here!” Someone called out in the front of the room.
“Johnny, this is for you.” (Y/N) said in a low voice and started singing a very sexy adaptation of the birthday song.
As she finished someone in the crowd whistled and Johnny joined her on stage.
“Happy birthday Johnny.” (Y/N) finished off her wishes and hugged him tightly. “Let’s party, everyone!” She exclaimed into the microphone earning a loud cheer from everyone gathered at the bar.
(Y/N) made her way to the bar, stopping to chat and take a picture with someone every couple of steps. More than twenty minutes had passed from the moment she got off stage to when she finally got to the counter and grabbed herself a glass of expensive champagne. She sipped on the bubbly liquid and chatted to members of her dance crew. Looking around the room she locked eyes with a guy she recognised from somewhere. It took her a minute to realise it was BTS’s Jimin she was looking at. She smiled to herself, remembering that his group was on her manager’s to-talk-to list. Being halfway done with her drink she decided to down it and get another one before walking up to the group of boys.
“Oh my god.” Jimin exclaimed. “(Y/N) just looked here.” 
“Where is she?” Namjoon asked, feeling his panic and excitement blur into one.
“At the bar.” He answered through gritted teeth.
“She’s coming here. She’s coming here.” Jungkook said quickly as (Y/N) made her way towards them.
“Hi, guys. I’m so glad you could make it.” She said in a sweet tone. “I’m (Y/N).”
“We know.” Jungkook blurted out which would normally earn him a shove to the shoulder from the older members, but the sound of (Y/N)’s chuckle at his comment made them relax and join her with nervous laughter. “I’m Jungkook.” He added extending his hand.
“I know.” (Y/N) answered with a smile and went for a hug and kiss on the cheek instead of a simple handshake.
“You know?” He asked in shock.
“Yes, I saw you guys perform at award shows, your music is everywhere. I know BTS.” The members smiled widely as she explained and started greeting the rest of them in the same way one by one. The hugs were quick, but still sincere. “I’m so happy you found time in your busy schedule to come see my show.” 
“We wouldn’t miss it.” Namjoon said, trying to sound cool and collected. He wasn’t going to mention that he practically begged their PD to get them backstage.
“Oh, thank you.” She smiled and Namjoon’s knees almost went weak at the sight.
“Yes, great show.” Jungkook added and the group laughed.
“Oh, it was you.” (Y/N) also laughed realising it was Jungkook who yelled the words of praise her way halfway through the concert.
“Yes, I… Liked your dance with… By Your Side.” Jungkook said slowly making sure he picked the right words. “Great choreography.”
“Thank you.” She answered, bringing her hand to her chest as she accepted his compliment. “It’s nothing compared to your routines though. Those look hard.”
“Ah, yes. Thank you. We work hard. A lot of practice.” They muttered with modesty.
“Honestly!” (Y/N) exclaimed. “I was trying to learn the routine for your song with Halsey with my girls… So hard.”
“Boy With Luv?” Jimin raised his eyebrows.
“Yeah, but the foot choreo was killing me.” She complained jokingly.
“Hyung, ask her which member’s part she learned.” Jungkook asked Namjoon in Korean.
“He wants to know which member’s choreography you learned.” Namjoon explained.
“Yours,” (Y/N) pointed to Jungkook.
“Me?” He asked and she nodded energetically. “Hyung, say I can teach her the choreography.” He added in Korean with a wide smile, still shocked he’s talking to such a huge star. Namjoon and the rest of the boys laughed at the youngest member’s bluntness.
“He’s saying he’ll teach you.” Namjoon hurried with an explanation as (Y/N) looked confused by what they were laughing about. 
“Watch out, ‘cause I’ll take you up on that offer.” She raised her brow at Jungkook cheekily who looked at Namjoon for a translation.
“She says she might take you up on that.” He translated to his friend and he laughed, feeling a blush creep up onto his face.
“I sang your song during soundcheck today.” (Y/N) stated and all the members raised their brows at her.
“Which one?” Jungkook asked.
“Sweet Night. V’s solo.” She said pointing to Taehyung. “It’s such a sweet song and you sound amazing in it.” She said, touching his shoulder.
“Thank you so much.” Taehyung smiled, bowing to her slightly.
Not in many moments Namjoon was glad that his members couldn’t speak English as well as he did, but right now he couldn’t be happier about it. They were all so excited to be talking to (Y/N) they forgot their tongues. The alcoholic beverages that they already consumed didn’t help either. They asked him for translations every other sentence, meaning (Y/N) needed him to translate for her as well, meaning he was talking to her more than any other member, meaning she looked at him more than at any other member. Despite the language barrier the conversation flowed so easily between them. He felt ecstatic.
“(Y/N).” Her assistant called her name and brought her to the side for a moment.” It’s showtime.”
By saying “showtime” she meant that it’s time for (Y/N) to perform a song or two to entertain the guests and keep the party going.
“I’ll be right there.” She answered her and walked back to the group of boys.
“V, could I borrow you for a moment?” She asked with a sweet voice.
Unsure of what she might want from him, but still excited Taehyung followed (Y/N) into the bar.
“You said you love Underneath and know the lyrics by heart.” She said, glancing at him as they walked side by side through the crowded room filled with chatter and music. Taehyung hummed in agreement, feeling his heartbeat grow faster and faster. “You know them well enough to sing it live with me now?”
“What?” He asked, almost tripping over his own feet.
“I’m supposed to perform a couple of songs now. Would you like to perform one with me?” She asked stopping and looked him in the eyes with hope.
“Of course.” Taehyung answered, giving her his signature box smile.
“Great!” She exclaimed and grabbed his hand to lead him backstage. “This way.”
“Where do you think she took him?” Seokjin asked as (Y/N) disappeared with Taehyung in the crowd.
“I have no idea.” Namjoon answered, also curious about the whole ordeal.
“She’s very nice.” Jungkook commented.
“Yeah, nicer than I imagined.” Yoongi added.
“We have to get a picture together.” Hoseok said and the rest of the boys agreed.
“Look, there’s (Y/N).” Jimin pointed towards the stage where the DJ’s booth was located.
“Welcome to the stage, the one and only, (Y/N) and Korea’s very own, V of BTS!” Announced the DJ and all the boys’s jaws dropped to the floor.
“What?!” They screamed in unison.
“Hi.” (Y/N) said in a low voice. “V and I have a very special cover for you tonight. Please enjoy, Underneath.”
The rest of the members sang along to the fast paced pop song as V and (Y/N) performed. The lyrics talked about hidden feelings and the tension that can build up if you don’t give them a way out. Even though (Y/N) and Taehyung never sang together before their voices blended perfectly in the duet. When they finished their performance the crowd applauded loudly. (Y/N) put her arm behind Taehyung and he did the same. Joined in this side hug they bowed to the audience.
After a minute or two Taehyung got back to his friends with the widest smile on his face.
“Can you believe this?” He was still in shock.
“Congratulations. You were so good. Woah.” All the boys chattered at the same time.
“I recorded you.” Seokjin added as he pulled out his phone from his pocket. They gathered around the small screen watching Taehyung and (Y/N)’s performance once again.
“Where is she?” Namjoon asked Taehyung as the video came to an end.
“Last I saw her she was talking to MAMAMOO.”
“Ah, so cool. She’s probably busy. We didn’t even take a picture together.” The group chimed. After a moment of sulking they went back to obsessing over the fact that they met (Y/N) and that one of their own members sang with her.
Surrounded by music, food and alcohol the time seemed to fly by very fast. Accompanied by their staff they left the party around two in the morning without having a chance to talk to (Y/N) one more time.
Mornings after concerts are usually pretty bad for both the audience members and the performing artists, but mornings after concerts combined with after parties, meeting new people and mingling with every music producer possible are even harder.
(Y/N) woke up with a headache and a bitter taste in her mouth. From her bed she walked straight to the bathroom to take a shower. When brushing her teeth she scrolled through her Twitter feed reviewing every other caption or photo on the endless string of posts from last night she was tagged in. She liked a couple of tweets posted by her friends and was about to lock her phone when she noticed a simple caption.
“Great show #정국” (Y/N) pressed on the picture to see it whole. She immediately recognised Jungkook, one of the members of BTS, a band she met last night. He was standing in front of the big monitor backstage with her tour logo on it, making hearts with his fingers and smiling at the camera. She smiled to herself remembering how easily yesterday’s conversation flowed with the group of boys.
“Ah, I wish I had his number.” (Y/N) muttered. “I could take him up on that dance lesson offer.”
(Y/N) rushed to open her hotel room’s door to the room service. The hoteboy brought in the big breakfast she just ordered minutes ago and set it on the table. As she got ready to dig into the scrambled eggs her phone started vibrating. She looked at the called ID and quickly picked up as she saw it was her assistant calling. She gave her a quick rundown of the day’s events and informed her she’s free to rest and relax until three in the afternoon.
“That’s when they’ll pick us up for King of Masked Singer.” She finished explaining.
“I have one more question.” An interesting idea popped into (Y/N)’s head. “Is there a way you could get me the number of BTS’s Jungkook?” 
(Y/N)’s phone chimed as she was finishing up her breakfast. She picked it up reading the message she just recieved.
“I got it.” As she read the message from her assistant another one appeared on the screen. This time it was a string of numbers.
“Ah, what should I say?” (Y/N) pasted the number into her contacts and waited a minute before pressing the dial button. The phone beeped a couple of times before going silent. Jungkook didn’t pick up. “Hm. Let’s try again.”
Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Jungkook was hanging out with his friends in their shared apartment. He was typing something up on his phone when the screen lip up with an unfamiliar number. 
“Hyung, do you know this number?” He showed the ringing screen to Taehyung sitting beside him on the couch.
“No. Pick up.” Jungkook just shook his head at his answer.
“I don’t pick up unknown callers.” He rejected the call and went back to what he was doing. “This person is calling again.”
“Pick up.” More preoccupied with switching through TV channels, Taehyung encouraged him tiredly. Jungkook swiped right to take the call and put it on speaker.
“Hello?” He asked in Korean.
“Ah- Hello.” Jungkook and Taehyung locked eyes in surprise and curiosity as the person on the other side spoke in English. “It’s (Y/N). From yesterday.” Taehyung almost screamed in shock. Jungkook felt all his blood rush to his head.
“Ah, sorry. Hello. Sorry.” He stumbled over his words, trying to explain why he didn’t answer her call at first ring. “I don’t pick up if I don’t know the number.” (Y/N) chuckled on the other end of the line.
“It’s fine.” Her voice was sweet and calm. “Actually, I’m calling, ‘cause I’m still in Seoul-” Taehyung stood up from the couch covering his mouth with his hands, still in deep shock. “-and I was wondering- I was thinking about what you said last night, so…” Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows, trying his hardest to remember what he said that made (Y/N) call him the next morning. “If you have time we could meet and dance together.” Taehyung gasped. “You could teach me the Boy With Luv choreo and-” Jungkook couldn’t control himself and answered her before she could even finish asking the question.
“Yes.” He blurted out. Taehyung jumped back on the couch and pushed his shoulder with a huge smile.
“Yes, yes.” He assured her.
“Should I come to your-” Eager to see her he cut her off again.
“You can come to our studio. I will text you the address.”
“Great. I’m free until three in the afternoon so text me the time as well.” She added.
“Okay. I’ll see you there.” (Y/N) added after a moment of silence.
“Okay. Bye.”
“AH!” Jungkook threw his phone, which felt red hot in his hands right now, on the other side of the couch.
“What was that?!” Taehyung yelled, shaking on his shoulders. “How did she get your number?!” 
“I have no idea!” Jungkook felt his body relax as he was no longer on the phone. “Oh my god. I have to text her now!” He reached to dig his phone out from under a stack of pillows and blankets on the couch. “And I have to go see her!”
“You’re doing great.” Jungkook praised (Y/N) with laughter as she jokingly overdid the moves and gestures in the choreography. “Like that.”
“Okay, but in all seriousness how did I do?” She asked, cutting the jokes short. Jungkook raised his thumbs up with a smile and she chuckled again.
“Let’s do it again and record it so we can review. You vs me.” He set his phone up on the floor by the mirrors in the studio space at BigHit.
“Teacher vs student.” Jungkook just hummed in agreement before playing the music.
Tired after practicing Boy With Luv for an hour and freestyling for almost two more (Y/N) and Jungkook sat down on the floor of the dance studio panting. She stood up to get herself some water and immediately regretted it.
“Ah, my legs.” Jungkook smiled at her words. Although (Y/N) danced in her music videos and during live performances her routines were far more relaxed that BTS’s regular dances. Their moves were sharp and strong and her’s more sexy and slow. Chucked her emptied water bottle back into her bag and turned to face Jungkook again. “Are you hungry?” He raised his brows, knowing what will come next if he says he is in fact hungry.
“Let’s go eat something.” Her proposition was so blunt and free. He could not refuse her, but the excitement that filled his chest at that moment didn’t overshadow the fact that the rest of his group would be so bummed they didn’t get to eat with (Y/N) as well.
“Ah, can I do this to them?” He whined in Korean. (Y/N) gave him a confused look since she didn’t understand a word he just said. “My members will be jealous.” He explained with a slight smile.
“Oh, I didn’t think about that. Should we invite them?” That Jungkook wasn’t expecting.
“You want that?” He asked to make sure he didn’t just hear something wrong. (Y/N) smiled sincerely at his unsure expression.
“Yeah, why not?” Jungkook quickly got up from the ground and dug his phone up from his pocket.
“I’ll call them. Wait a second.”
“Okay.” (Y/N) answered as he walked out of the studio to call his friends.
Jungkook dialed Namjoon’s number, knowing he was at the apartment right now enjoying his day of rest. The line beeped a couple of times before he finally picked up.
“Hello?” His voice was low and sleepy in contrast with Jungkook’s, which was excited and fast paced.
“Hyung, listen. Get the rest of the guys and put me on speaker. I have something to tell all of you.” 
“What is it?”
“Are they all there?”
“Wait a second.” Some shuffling and name calling was heard on the other side of the line before Namjoon spoke up again. “Okay, go.”
“So I’m with (Y/N) right now. We just got done dancing and all that and… She’s invited us all to lunch.” 
“What? Oh, wow. Really? How cool.” The group erupted in chatter as they heard Jungkook’s news.
“Yeah. Can you come?”
“Of course. Yes. I can’t.” Another bundle of statements was heard.
“Who can’t?” Jungkook asked, saddened.
“Yoongi.” Seokjin said.
“I already have plans with our producers, but you all should go.” Yoongi explained, still encouraging the rest of the boys to go out.
“You sure?” Namjoon asked.
“Yes, go.”
“We’ll take a picture for you.” Hoseok joked.
“What are we going to eat?” Taehyung asked out of the blue.
“I don’t know.” Jungkook answered, not really having thought about that yet.
“Since we know Seoul maybe we should pick the place?” Seokjin proposed thoughtfully.
“Good idea. I’ll tell her that. When will you come here?”
“Thirty minutes? We need to get dressed.” Namjoon said and murmur of agreement was heard.
“Okay, okay. Don’t overdress though, we’re both in sweatpants.” Jungkook added with a chuckle. After exchanging goodbyes he hung up and sighed deeply, letting his shoulders relax a little before going back into the studio.
When he opened the door he saw (Y/N) stretching her legs in a sitting down position. He joined her on the floor before speaking.
As Taehyung pulled into BigHit’s parking lot Jungkook and (Y/N) were already waiting outside. Both dressed in large black puffer jackets going over their knees, they stood beside one another. Jungkook was looking over (Y/N)’s shoulder pointing to something on her phone.
“Now you can add a picture.” He said, swiping his finger on her screen. (Y/N) nodded and pressed on the camera option.
“Take a selfie with me.” She asked, raising her phone up to take a picture of the two of them.
Jungkook smiled shyly and pulled his mask down half way. (Y/N) did the same before snapping a cute picture to set as her contact photo. Jungkook quickly pulled his mask back up to cover his cheeks that started to turn bright red. He glanced over her shoulder as she manipulated the photo to fit both of their faces into the small square.
“And synchronise your contacts, so I will be there.” He added as she finally accepted the placement of the picture.
“Oh, great.”
“Yeah.” (Y/N) pressed on the ‘synch contacts’ button before looking up at Jungkook.
“Thank you.” She said sweetly and pulled her mask back over her nose.
“You’re welcome.”
Taehyung noticed the two of them standing in front of the building exit and slowly pulled up. As he got closer he rolled down his window.
“Hello!” The sudden greeting made them jump up slightly.
“Hi!” (Y/N) called back sweetly.
“Come in!” Shoulder to shoulder they walked towards the car after Taehyung's invitation.
Namjoon was already sitting in the passenger's seat making it so that Jungkook and (Y/N) had to sit together in the backseat.
“How was dance practice?” Namjoon asked them.
“What was it?” (Y/N) tapped Jungkook’s arm. He whispered something to her and she clapped her hands in realisation. “Daebak.” Namjoon and Taehyung laughed at her harsh pronunciation.
“It was good. Great.” Jungkook added after the chuckles died down. “Where are the other guys?” He asked Namjoon in Korean.
“The rest of the guys will meet us at the restaurant.” He explained in English, so (Y/N) could understand. She was still doing something on her phone when he glanced at her from the front seat.
“Jungkook.” Her shy tone echoed in the car. “I synced the contacts, but you’re not here.” She showed him her phone with a concerned expression. “Look.” 
“Maybe I will just add my number like normal and then it will be saved in the contacts.” (Y/N) hummed in agreement, giving him her phone.
“What are you doing?” Taehyung asked in Korean, eying the two in the rearview mirror. Jungkook glanced at him, thanking god that (Y/N) doesn’t speak their language.
“I made (Y/N) a Kakao account.”
“And you’re putting your number in?” Taehyung continued in a teasing tone. Jungkook smiled at (Y/N)’s screen and typed in his ID.
“It’s not like that.” 
The boys picked out a traditional korean diner with private rooms and floor level tables. They ordered mountains of meat to fry and tons of side dishes, soups and rice. At first (Y/N) widened her eyes at the amount of food concerned there will be leftovers, but within thirty or forty minutes she realised that those six boys’s stomachs can intake much more food that she can.
The conversation within the group flowed swiftly and comfortably as it did the night before. There even was some talk about possible musical collaborations. No one was looking at the clock, but at two o’clock sharp (Y/N)’s phone buzzed.
“Ah, it’s my assistant.” She announced with deep sorrow in her voice. “Unfortunately I will have to get going soon, guys. I have a TV appearance this evening.”
“TV today?” Seokjin asked in English. He seemed really shocked. When he spoke again he directed his words to Namjoon and spoke in Korean. “She shouldn't have eaten so much noodles and rice. She’ll be bloated and puffy. That’s very bad.”
“He says noodles and rice is bad for TV, ‘cause you might get puffy.” Namjoon explained to (Y/N) who just waved him off and chuckled.
“Ah, I’ll be wearing a big dress and a mask anyway.”
“What show are you on?” Namjoon asked, curiously.
“Something called King of Masked Singer.” The boys started talking over each other in Korean and patting Jungkook on the shoulders. After a moment of that Namjoon translated the jist of it to (Y/N).
“Yeah, so JK also was on that show.” (Y/N), who was sitting opposite to the youngest member of the group, looked up at him with a smile.
“Really?” She asked after swallowing another sip of hot soup. “What did they put you in? What costume?”
“I was…” He wanted to tell her everything in English, but was missing the most crucial word. “Hyung, how do you say fencer?” He asked Namjoon who looked confused for a second before answering him with a shrug. Jungkook reached to his pocket and pulled out his phone. “I’ll show you.” He typed the right words into YouTube and passed (Y/N) his phone. As soon as she looked at the moving screen she nodded in realisation.
“Ah, fencer.”
“Fencer, yes.” Namjoon agreed. (Y/N) skimmed through the video listening to Jungkook’s clear and beautiful vocals in the cover of BIGBANG’s If You.
“Woah, this is good.” She said, looking up at him.
“Thank you.” He accepted the compliment as she passed the phone back to him.
“You know what you will have?” Hoseok asked.
“What I’ll be dressed in? Yeah, I’m singing Beauty and the Beast, so I’ll be a princess.”
“Ah, cute.” Seokjin called out with a chuckle as (Y/N)’s phone buzzed once more.
“Ah, I really have to go.” She sighed deeply as the boys whined at her early leave. “I have to get myself intact before going to the studio.” She said gesturing to her laid back outfit. Since she was meeting Jungkook earlier for dance practice she was wearing a pair of branded sneakers, high waisted sweatpants and a hoodie - an outfit most of the boys in the room thought of as very pretty, but to her it was just workout gear.
“Do you need a ride?” Jungkook asked, all of a sudden realising she drove here with them and might not have a ride back to her hotel, but (Y/N) shook her head.
“No, my security is already parked outside.” The boys nodded at the professional sound of that statement. She was an A list celebrity after all and couldn’t just run around town by herself.
Everyone stood up from the table as (Y/N) slipped on her shoes and jacket.
“It was so nice to see you again.” Namjoon started as (Y/N) turned towards them before going out the door of the private dining room. She smiled sincerely and swung her backpack onto her shoulder.
“I’m so glad we got to hang out.” She looked at them with a shine in her eyes before going in for a hug with each of them. “And that we got to dance.” She added stopping in front of Jungkook. He smiled and chuckled as she hugged him goodbye.
“Yes. Me too.”
The group exchanged a couple more words of goodbye before (Y/N) walked towards the sliding door. As she was about to close it behind herself she slipped her face mask down and smiled at the group once more.
“Hopefully that’s not the last I see of you.” She added and the boys erupted with negating statements and chuckles.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
ooooh! I love the Tomari is missing Idea XD! Minific Idea: Tomari's colleagues are out for Tomari to be arrested, apparently he's once again wanted for some crime. (It does not help that he apparently went missing days before the crimes were committed)
Genpachi and his squad, alongside Kiriko and Gou, somehow found Tomari, unconscious, shirtless, and tied to a gurney attached to something that has a bag of red liquid above it.
[Bonus points if you include Tomari's reaction that he was somehow wanted for another crime he did not commit after recovering from his kidnapping]
Why do you insist on torturing the Dad Friend
Also, woe be to the one who kidnaps Kiriko's husband
Kiriko impatiently looked up at the clock, worrying her lip as she paced in the hallway, on vaguely aware of the shouting match going on in the room she was outside of. She should've been in there, pleading for her husband's innocence on his behalf, but Honganji had assured that he would take care of it himself, and that she should wait for Gou and Chase to call with news on Shinnosuke's whereabouts.
Everyone and their mother could see that something was afoot when accusations against Shinnosuke surfaced not even an hour after he went MIA. No one in the department believed it, and certainly not the former SIU, or the other Kamen Riders. No less than Himuro Gentoku, a top politician and Kamen Rider Rogue- had vouched for Shinnosuke.
Yet this other detective insisted that Shinnosuke was responsible for the crime he was investigating. Despite all the evidence pointing to Shinnosuke being merely circumstantial, he was strangely insistent on Shinnosuke's guilt.
He even had the nerve to ask other police departments to assist in the investigation. Both Terui Ryu and Daimon Rinko had warned her that if not for the jurisdictional issues that would arise if they did, they would probably had been forced to help.
Kiriko was brought out of her thoughts as her phone vibrated in her pocket, and she scrambled to answer it quickly. "Gou?"
"Nee-chan, we found him, we found Shin-nii-san." Kiriko nearly sobbed in relief. "Chase and I are on the way, and Gen-san's coming to get you."
"Okay. Be careful, Gou." She said as she grabbed her coat and walked to the elevators to go down to the lobby.
"You too, Nee-chan." Gou replied, then hesitated. "Nee-chan... you have your boots on, don't you? Those special ones...?"
"Of course I do." Kiriko practically growled as she walked out of the building. "I wanted to use them on the bastard, to be honest, but... I guess I have to settle for my husband's kidnapper."
Gou laughed awkwardly on the other side of the line. "Uh... okay..."
"Damn right you should." Kiriko said as the Tridoron pulled up in front of her. Genpachi got out of the driver's seat and Kiriko slid in as he got into the passenger's side. "Gen-san's here, Gou. See you in a bit."
Kiriko arrived at the location not even ten minutes later, along with Genpachi who looked rather dizzy as he got out of the Tridoron.
"Nee-chan, over here!"
Kiriko went to her brother's side. "Are we sure that he's in here?" she asked, looking at the rather ordinary looking warehouse that he and the other Kamen Riders were staking out. She wasn't surprised to see quite a lot of them gathered, ready to retrieve one of their own.
"Pretty sure, Nee-chan. It's quiet now, but there's Foundation X bumbling about." Gou, already transformed into Mach, explained.
"Those guys again..." Kiriko huffed.
"Do you want to take the lead, or-?" Genpachi asked, looking at the other detective with a raised brow.
"No." Gou stared at his sister in surprise. "You Riders do your thing. Gen-san and I will find Shinnosuke. And if you find whoever's responsible..."
"I'll make sure to save you a Rider Kick." Gou agreed. He turned to the other Rider at his side. "Chase..."
"I have informed the others via the group chat," Chase informed. He turned to Kiriko. "We will bring back Shinnosuke safe and sound, Kiriko."
Kiriko nodded. "Alright, let's move out."
Gou and Chase nodded to each other. Gou whistled sharply, and the Riders moved in to surround the warehouse from all sides. Shocker mooks came out to meet them, only to be quickly felled, clearing a path for the four of them to run straight into the warehouse.
The warehouse was mostly dark and empty, except for a small area set up like a hospital room and lit with dim lamps. And, lying unconscious on the medical cot, with a bag of mysterious red liquid hooked up to him was-
"Shinnosuke!" Kiriko all but screamed as she rushed for her husband's side. "Shinnosuke, wake up, it's us..." she said, shaking him to try rousing him.
"Kiriko, I think whatever this stuff is it's keeping him sedated," Genpachi said, gesturing to the IV in Shinnosuke's arm. "We need to get Hojo-sensei in here to check on him-"
Suddenly, a portal opened and someone stepped out of it. Genpachi and Kiriko drew their guns and Chase and Gou raised their own weapons as the person stepped into the light.
"What are you doing in here?!" The detective who'd been dragging Shinnosuke through the mud exclaimed in surprised.
"You!" Kiriko screamed with fury. "So you're one of them, huh..." She asked, eyeing the white Foundation X uniform he wore. "You infiltrated the TMPD, too?" She asked.
He tsked. "We would've, if this pesky one just kept his nose out of our business." The detective sighed. "Oh well. I didn't want to have to kill Detective Tomari, but I guess I have no choice-" he said, raising a Gaia Memory to use.
"Don't you fucking touch my husband, you bastard!" Before he could even activate it, Kiriko shot the Gaia Memory out of his hand. Then in one swift move, she activated her boots, and kicked the perpetrator in the ribs, sending him flying across the room, crashing through the wall for him to land outside.
"Uh... Everything okay in here?" Kamen Rider Zi-O asked, awkwardly peeking in from the hole Kiriko created with her "Rider" Kick. "Was that the guy who...?"
"Uh... yeah... Nee-chan just used her Boots of Doom on him..." Gou replied, and Sougo winced. "Uh, can you get the doc? We're gonna need help with Shin-nii-san..."
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siren-virus · 3 years
You know what? Just because you’d be able to talk my ears off with LuckyBoy!AU, I’m gonna keep asking you about it with long asks so I can get long answers (I love reading long answers since they give out so much info and speculation, while leaving room for discussion as well). So let's have a chat through asks so neither of us have anxiety(?) while talking to each other in messages.
Who would be some of the regulars when Ben is working at the cooffe shop? (I also love this au XD) Would Cooper, Rook, Gwen, Max and/or anyone else go at the same time as a group and have a casual conversation with the barista? Would Ben accidently gain confidential information about the Plumbers this way? I wonder if he would be famous between the aliens and humans near Undertown as one of the few humans that's actually chill with every alien regardless of appearances thanks to knowing Gwen with the Omnitrix from before?
I feel like Ben purposefully avoiding Cooper as his vigilante persona would start as a measure to avoid his identity being exposed (I belive it was Cooper who exposed him in UAF, right?), but later would develop into a troll play, waiting for him to finally find him and play a prank there.
Would Ben play pranks on Will Harangue for giving him bad publicity to the humans? I mean, it's not like he can just appear in front of a camera and tell his side of the story, he would be captured instantly, or interrupted at the very least; and he having his own social media wouldn't work too well since he isn't a tech genius and the Plumbers could track him down.
Also, what has Gwen done that they think they need Ben to protect them from her? Like yeah, in OV there's a lot of property damage, but they don't believe they need protection from him (at least I don't think so), so she must've done something big in order for that to happen.
And now an ask that isn't directly related to Ben XD Who would be some of the people leading an investigation against the vigilante, trying to discover his identity as well as species? Like I imagine Rook would be more of an addon to said investigation, being on the lookout but not actively investigating everything that Ben has been involved with, and Gwen has a lot on her plate, so let's not let her join said investigation.
Oh oh oh, I just thought about it, if Ben could be considered an Anodite in this AU, what happened when Verdona appeared in that one episode of AF? Did she manage to find Ben in the first place and almost but not quite take him away? Does the rest of the family know he's an Anodite and what are their thoughts about it? If they don't then how would Ben explain some of the magic things that he does and someone witness?
Ohohoh, buttering me up are ya? Well you're in for a brain dump.
Ok, first I gotta say: The alien cafe is separate to the plumbers (the plumbers have their on cafeteria, but like to indulge in other food sometimes, and non-instant coffee.)
So I was thinking, one of Ben's regular coworkers is Alan Albright. Reason for this is because Alan is not allowed to go on missions often. He's too young. I mean I know they definitely have child soldiers in OS- buuuut Max's influence has put a stop to that. He's seen how it affected Gwen. So, Alan is put on easy patrols in low crime area, in the city.
Alan, however wants in on the action, so Max had suggested the cafe. Ben and Alan have a very brotherly bond, and Ben (outside of his vigilante life) has been swaying Alan's opinion on both, the plumbers and his alter ego.
Manny, Alan, Helen and Cooper- When not busying himself with the tech lounge- (sorry, Pierce is still dead in this), will often come by the cafe, they sit in a booth and discuss things. Most occasions Ben is invited to sit with them.
When Gwen pops by their interactions are brief, Ben would try to tease her about anything and everything under the sun. "See Kevin lately?" "Oh, got beat by the walking glow stick again, huh?" "Geez, another jail break? 3rd time this week!"
Normally he gets a fiery reaction and a nasty retort.
Of course Ben would take every opportunity he can to get info. At first it wasn't intentional, he'd just eaves drop on a few conversations that interested him. As time goes by though, he's found that a lot of people, plumber, criminal and just outer space travelers, are more than happy to unload some gossip. Ben is very much delighted by that.
He's not exactly famous, he's well known for being a friendly person, yes. But not all throughout Undertown.
ain't cooper the blond dude with some kinda telekenetic power that ended up turning into an almost Kevin duplicate? (i'll fix that) NGL I forgot he grew up in UAF.
Pretty sure the one that exposed Ben was the nerd who was voiced by the VA of Robin (TeenTitans/Go). Now that you bring it up though, that guy... Jimmy, is someone to be avoided, cause he's a snoopy guy. Who also hangs out at the cafe a lot to get details. Always ends up harassing Ben cause he knows Ben has all the juicy gossip.
And yeah Ben would totally take advantage of it to mess with the poor kid.
Definitely. Ben would mess with Will Harangue as much as possible. Especially when he goes live. Ben won't confront him personally, or do anything that could possibly reveal his indentity. He's got a lot of unique mannerisms that his family could quickly pick up on, there's also his voice, although muffled by the mask, if it's recorded enough- it's another identifier.
So that leaves Ben with his sticker trail. They're very bright, almost blinding, so Ben's stickers are an annoying inconvenience. He could also use a weak spell that causes it's victims to yawn/sneeze. Maybe he'll hang in the background briefly and wave. Just some of things he does to get under Harangue's skin basically.
So, you picked up on what I've hinted at. Good.
Before I go into Gwen, I'll say this: The plumbers are stationed on Earth to protect humanity. That means the aliens who have immigrated are less of a priority. That doesn't mean that they're completely unsafe, the plumbers still patrol Undertown and look after the people- just less so.
Aliens that leave Undertown especially- Normally they're ushered back by a few Plumbers standing guard- those that pose a threat or seem to pose a threat are dealt with by the plumbers. Which isn't too bad, just a slap on the back, a fine, maybe jail time.
Unless you run into Gwen. Who is much more intimidating, much more brutish, she won't exactly hold back. So- she hasn't got the best rep with Undertown. She's still a hero. Known throughout the universe. Just not a kind one.
On several occassions, Ben(vigilante) has had to step in to get her to back down from dealing with criminals.
The plumbers don't have a lot to go on with the investigating. Ben doesn't leave any DNA trails, cause anodites have no DNA. No hair strands, no finger prints, no blood. Even his stickers. They got nothing, nada.
That doesn't mean it's completely hopeless. A clean hit to Ben has on more than one occasion shocked him out of his anodite form, reverting him back to human (which is why he has the glasses and face mask, as a just incase scenario.) Sometimes even spooking/shocking him can make him human again. If his focus is messed with he's human, kinda deal.
So the plumbers are aware of this. They do their best to be as violent and destructive when they see Ben. They're attempts usually fail unless they have someone competent enough with them, Ie; Gwen, Rook.
Villains are also aware of this. So risky buiz am I right?
In regards to Verdona; honestly, I feel like having her know about Ben's existence as an anodite would kinda nerf this whole thing completely. Verdona, I bet, would be a massive gossip. Although her contact with Max is limited, he'd hear about it eventually. Game over. There's also Sunny, who would take advantage of this information and spread it across the universe.
So instead maybe Verdona pays a visit later rather than now.
She'd also be less inclined to take Ben back home, I like how Verdona is indifferent to Ben but loves Gwen, I wanna keep that aspect.
To explain any magic happenings that his family or friends have spotted, he just says he's practicing to be an illusionist. Or he broke a glow stick, or his has glitter in his pocket. (He always has something retaining to magenta hidden up his sleeve.)
Hopefully that got all your questions answered for now!
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kationella · 3 years
Are you also writing Persona scenarios/imagine? If yes can I request Naoya reacting to first kiss with their S/O and first date scenario? Thanks a lot!
Oh, I just do those for fun though I have never written one officially. I would love to give your scenario a try! (I accidentally expanded to their adventures previous to dating, but whatever XD)
- Naoya's S/O is most probably a fellow St. Hermelin student. Otherwise, I seriously doubt he would have had enough interest and energy to engage with unknown people. Whether they're in the same grade, one above or one below doesn't matter.
- That said, their "outings" previous to formally dating would have consisted mostly of eating together during lunch breaks or hanging out after-school to go to an arcade or to some event in the city. Naoya even would have started to bring a normal lunch to eat with them instead of, say, an apple or something like that.
- What started as group outings turned into "Uh... actually, I was wondering- I mean, I wanted to go only with S/O? We had already planned it, so..."
- Bless his soul. He doesn't want to be rude to his friends but he really, *really* wants some alone time with his S/O. Not that they're dating or anything, but it's just that Naoya likes to see their reactions and opinions to things and they both like this thing, so... sorry???
- Maki, come help your idiot friend.
- Sure, Yukki, Kei and Yuka are suspicious, but it's actually, Maki and (surprisingly) Brown the ones who pick up on Naoya's dilemma.
- Mark and Elly only catch up once everyone implies what's happening. Reiji had to be told outright.
- All of them wanted to spy from across the corner as Naoya asked his S/O out, but Yukki managed to convince them it would be rude, not to mention they would make Naoya nervous.
- Naoya catches his S/O before they go home for the day. His S/O can swear Naoya looked everywhere except them.
- "Wait! Wait a sec. Ahm... so... I was wondering if you would like to go see this movie with me. They- they say it's pretty good."
- He finally looked at his S/O in the eyes.
- "Just the two of us... inaromanticway."
- If a third party witnessed this exchange, they would have snickered at how flustered Naoya looked saying the last part. His S/O better answer quickly or Naoya will start to sputter apologies having already resigned himself to rejection.
- After his S/O accepted, his smile became the brightest one his S/O had ever seen. The both of them immediatly make plans for the weekend. Naoya is still smiling until he exits the school gates and finds his friends waiting for him.
- Brown: "Naoya, that was the lamest asking out I have ever seen."
- Naoya: "Shut up."
- Elly: "Well, I thought it was charming. In it's own way."
- Yuka: "Oh, yeah. Naoya definetly got points in the cute department."
- Naoya: "Shut. Up."
- Mark: "Naorin, do you even know what to do on a date?"
- Naoya: "Uhh..."
- Not to worry, Naoya, your good pals who have never dated anyone before will help you get ready for your first date. Kei insists he doesn't want to get involved but gets involved anyways.
- Man, now I want to write about "let's help Naoya get ready for his date", but you're all here for the date part.
- When Naoya went to his S/O's home to pick them up, he was still nervous, but eventually got more confident as he realized that "hey, just because this is a date doesn't mean his S/O is a different person." By the time they're walking into the cinema, their chat has picked up fluidity.
- His S/O may want to make it clear that Naoya doesn't need to agree on almost everything they say for them to like him. Now the talk got more spirited.
- Ok, Naoya. Just like you praticed, put your arm around them... yeah, no. Naoya doesn't feel entirely comfortable with the the arm-around-in-the-cinema move. Oh, well.
- Naoya thinks he was subtle when he made an excuse to hold his S/O's hand. He wasn't. Mr. "Holding-hands-will-help-to-keep-them-warm" can't do subtlety for shit. Other than that, it feels like another outing with one of his closest friends, and he doesn't mind one bit.
- Naoya didn't plan for the two of them to go to the park after the movie ended, still holding hands, but the park was near and the sunset gave everything a kinda romantic feeling, so that's where they're at.
- After buying some ice cream (Naoya remembered to pay for them from his "training") Naoya and his S/O sat down in a bench to admire the quiet view for a bit. Suddenly, Naoya turned to his S/O with a smile.
- "I guess you're my boy/girlfriend now."
- What did I say? No subtlety for shit.
- If his S/O doesn't start the kiss NOW, this pair won't kiss until their fifth date.
- First, they hold hands again, now more sure of what they want. S/O leans in, Naoya realizes what's about to happen and follows suit. Naoya's nerves from earlier come back but this is one situation he won't back down from. Not that he wants to.
- Their first kiss with Naoya is soft and a bit unsure, but one can feel the love behind it. Naoya is the kind that grips his S/O hands tightly when they kiss, no matter how soft it is. As time goes on, the kisses will become more surer and passionate, but for now they're two teenagers in unknown territory. When the two break apart Naoya is blushing more than his S/O thought him capable.
- His face will turn completely red once the both of them hear wolf whistles behind them only to find a handful of Naoya's friends hiding in the bushes.
- And by handful I mean his entire class. Chisato, Yosuke and Kenta don't even know why they're here.
- Blame Brown.
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System intros:
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Sup, I'm Navi and I'm the host of the system. I'm a teen and I'm non-binary (Nav/navself - I coined those myself. I'll also take it/itself pronouns if you *have to*) I'm also bi and aromantic so that's cool I guess. I'm not the original host but I'm the bitch in charge now so I guess that makes me... something idk lol. I'm really sarcastic sometimes but I'm not mad at you, I just have a resting bitch face/voice/everything. Uh I like reading, movies and shit like that. Yeah that's it I'll let the others go next:
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Hey hey girlbosses it's me nyx! I'm 17 and I'm a fictive, although I'll let y'all guess from where XD. I'm gay and kind of non-binary (He-they-she whatever tbh), and I also regress sometimes XD I'm basically your local cryptid and I like anime (duh) and music (I play the guitar lmao) lemme think for a minute...oh I also love science ahahah, especially chemistry cuz cool reactions lmao!!! I think I'm also the System protector, since I'm always hyper and looking to cut a bitch ahahahaha, so yeah Mx chaos that's me!!!!
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Hey! I'm Saki and I'm the system mom! I'm a caretaker and I'm kind of the mom friend in real life. I'm a fictive from the manga blackbird (I know...) but I don't use the same name as my...source? I like cottagecore, lovecore and stuff like that and I'm the one girl with cookies in my bag for friends haha :) If anyone is being mean, me and Nyx pop out to help deal with it! I also really like kpop and 90's jpop, and I enjoy some films as well I guess. I'm also kind of in charge of parts of school, especially group projects and stuff xoxo
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Er, hey. I'm Tommy and I'm the System caretaker as well I guess. I'm in charge of school and mostly everything else, but academics is my strong point. I'm not very confident irl, I'm actually nonverbal a lot of the time. I like films, and I read books when I get the time, but I don't really have the same taste as the rest of the system. I don't honestly understand a lot of the system, but hey, that's life huh
Oh yea also we all love video games, just diff genres so feel free to come chat with us abt that - 👽☕
So yeah bitches that's it!!!
Navi's tag - 👽☕
Nyx's tag - 💢🍥
Saki's tag - 🍭💌
Tommy's tag - 🎮💀
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shibalen · 3 years
Hi! I’m so sorry about the earlier request! I misread the rules (._. ) I’d like to request from Akatsuki No Yona and Haikyuu. I prefer a romantic type of matchup. I’m a Capricorn and infp. I have a fairly large social circle and quite talkative with others. But there are times I prefer my own time and silence. I trust people easily and am loyal to my friends. I’m a left hander. My hobbies are writing, reading and watching anime. I listen to various types of music. It depends on my mood. (😁)
I’m a literature student and love to learn about technology. I have three cats and one dog. I adore animals, even insects but not spiders XD. I like dark colours and dark themed movies and stories. My ideal type of date is chilling inside a cafe or walking along a forest or a silent place talking with each other. I’m into carefree guys who get serious in the time of need. (😁)
The type of a guy who would dance around with me in the kitchen and jam to songs with me in the car and also be there when I have a breakdown. I’m an impatient fellow and tend to lose my focus easily. I’d like to request music box and dark box uwu. That’s it! Thanks! And sorry again for the earlier request! Love your blog! (😁)
♡︎ matchup for 😁anon
heya howdy doodle doo! how're you? i hope you didn't get too tired of waiting and actually see this. hehe. i gave these results lots of thought so i'm happy if you like them too!
akatsuki no yona: i match you with . . .
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jae-ha !!
• you guys match so well i can't— your zodiacs, mbti, personality and your type of person are simply pointing at Jae-ha with a big red arrow!
• Jae-ha is chill and social by nature. that paired with your love for talking with people makes you a really social couple. i can easily picture the two of you being the life of most conversations.
• also when there's a crisis or any more serious situation going on you're both usually the ones to calm others down. your presence makes them feel at ease and honestly Jae-ha admires that so much in you ♡︎
• he knows he can trust you with his burdens and count on you to be there for him. he may not always voice them out loud but you know he needs your comfort when he silently lays his head on your shoulder.
• of course this goes both ways and he will never let you be alone during a breakdown. somehow he always finds the right things to say or do to help you find yourself again. his voice is deep and soothing and he will happily put it to use if it makes you feel at ease.
• though he does have a sharper intuition when it comes to strangers and therefore makes sure nobody takes advantage of you. however there was definitely one time where he let you buy something extremely overpriced just to tease you about it later
• the worse the scam the more poisonous the words he speaks to them with that lazy smile. then he escorts you away while waving a hand.
• "you have to be more careful, flower. i don't want some guy eventually making you give your heart away too, " he flirts
• "too late," you respond. "this one green-haired guy with stupid jokes already has it."
• ahem.
• at first you thought he was the worst case of a womanizer, and you preferred your possible partner to reciprocate your loyalty. unfortunately otherwise he was just your type so you couldn't help but be drawn to him.
• Jae-ha was attracted to you too from your smart and fun personality to your hobbies and taste in music. he loved how you stood your ground yet how flexible you were with your likes.
• obviously he didn't give up on you despite your little façade. he proved his loyalty runs deeper than most when he's fallen for the right person. you're his special, dear person and won't let anything or anyone come between that.
• will wear matching dark outfits with you! claims it's not his style but likes it surprisingly a lot. you might do ridiculous poses just to embarrass Hak.
• can be heckin annoying when it comes to your writing though. "are you going to write me into your story? of course you are ;)" "is the main character me?" don't get him wrong, he adores your writing and that's why he gets so excited about it. other times he does it on purpose to get your attention smh
• overall, light-headed teasing is something he will always do just to see you flustered. it's so adorable he can't help it. leaning in extra close to you while you're cooking together, highkey boasting about you to his friends, starting and winking at you, plus all sorts of cheesy one-liners.
• but Jae-ha is smart and knows when to give you space. when you're ready to interact again he's already prepared for a date!
• Jae-ha is romantic even on daily basis, bringing you flowers or small trinkets that he knows you like. just seeing you smile at his loving gestures makes his cheeks warm and heart beat fast (though he tries not to show it)
• please listen to him playing the erhu, he does it especially for you. when you're out on a rooftop on a moonlit night he'll serenade you with his songs.
• your dates include: walks around the outskirts of towns, moongazing, him leaping through the sky with you securely in his arms, dinner at different inns and travens with music and parties or by a bonfine and you two just being silly. also creative activities like pottery and sketching ♡︎
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❦︎ ink box
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— this happened before your relationship even started, back when Jae-ha first realised his feelings for you.
— you wouldn't expect it, but he struggled with these emotions a lot. this was the first time he had ever felt this way towards anybody, after all. his natural reaction was to distance himself from you because he was scared, whether he admitted it to himself or not.
— he was afraid of being tied down and tying you down. he knew love required commitment and you valued loyalty. he dreaded he wouldn't be good enough for you, instead becoming the source of your pain. you deserved much more than he was, and he was a coward.
— there was also the problem of putting you in danger because of the group's mission. any injury you'd get would be his fault and that was too much a thought to bare.
— he thought he was being smooth avoiding you, preparing for his leave without hurting you. he thought. but you were smarter, you knew Jae-ha was kind. he wouldn't do this to hurt you—not after all those fun memories you'd made together!
— refusing to beat around the bush, you tried confronting him. however, by that time he'd already set out to the next destination. he had left, without a word of goodbye.
— thankfully, Zeno was the quickest to notice Jae-ha's broken demeanor. it was heartbreak which he himself knew too well. he pulled the green dragon aside the next evening as they were gathering wood and stubly hinted Jae-ha shouldn't do anything he would regret for the rest of his life.
— the rest of the gang was quick to join after Kija happened to overhear the conversation. they all (even Ao) swore to take care of you if Jae-ha wouldn't be able to.
— you were halfway up the mountain chasing after him when Jae-ha landed directly in front of you. he was out of breath and dishevelled but the desperate glint in his eye shone brighter than any star in the sky.
— you embraced and shared a sweet kiss under the night sky. he apologised more times than you could count but after almost shattering your heart you didn't let him off the hook that easily. well, he had the rest of his life with you to make it up to you ♡︎
♡︎ runner up: Hak
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
haikyuu: i match you with . . .
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rintaro suna !!
• Suna is a little different from the previous match but my instincts told me to put you together regardless! i think your personalities balance each other out while sharing the same core basics.
• you're both laid-back and have no problems interacting with people but still like your alone time. as in infp you seek new knowledge and Suna, being the smartass he is, will never bore you. he can be both silent and talkative, whichever you prefer.
• will definitely join you in being social but in a subtle way. he'll stand/sit next to you with an arm around you while you're talking to your friends. really chill but also knows how to hold a conversation and chime in with a clever comment.
• once he notices you becoming tired he casually steers you away from the rest, saying you two have to go now. how is this guy so smooth? really though he just wants to be alone together with you.
• you guys met when your social groups came together. it's that 'friend of a friend of a friend' chain and thus somehow you ended up going to one of his games because a person you knew didn't want to go alone.
• they knew Kita so y'all went to congratulate him on the win later. he then introduced you the team and therefore, of course, Suna.
• you thought he was pretty and you chatted a bit but nothing much happened. it was through these continuous meetings afterward that eventually pshed you two together ♡︎
• you had so much to talk about! stories, technology, hobbies, music, a little gossip. he liked how opinionated you were and how much you knew, then found it amusing how easily distracted you got.
• his advances were really subtle yet continuous and efficient! though some of them were kind of teasing. made sure you were comfortable with your friendship first before stating his exact feelings for you.
• Suna isn't afraid of pda and if you are too, he'll be holding your hand, having you sit on his lap, giving you kisses on your face and hand. yet although others mifht see, it feels as though every touch is a secret language meant for bust the two of you.
• his advice is quite blunt but he does it out of love, plus his actions are much softer and really patient when you're at rock-bottom. i assure you anyone neglecting your feelings is not safe.
• you're both into dark-themed stuff! y'all go to movies, festivals, bookshops and alike looking so hella aesthetic, i swear. what a beautiful couple (☆ω☆)
• your pets love Suna after they've gotten used to him. sometimes when he comes over the cats will come chill around him. it's like he's one of them and it's hilarious. you have a bunch of pictures on your phone of him and your dog.
• you like showing those photos off to his teammates because they're just that good, but instead of getting embarrassed Suna will either just agree or jokingly ask why haven't you made it your background yet.
• overtime he's learnt how to keep your focus from going too astray, though you can't say he's always vigilant himself. he slacks off during boring lectures and would much rather talk to you. the teacher had to seperate you pfft—
• can and will jam to all times of music with you in the kitchen, even if just ironically. one time his little sister caught the two of you vibing to an opera preformance and homeboy just shrugged it off and continued because you both thought it was funny.
• your dates include: going on hikes especially after a stressful period (Suna most definitely did not look up the best places near your home and prepared your favorite snacks), cat cafés, staying at home and cooking a meal cause this boy probably only knows how to pour water over noodles, and long drives and blasting music ♡︎
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♫︎ music box
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— I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys
— Caroline by Crash Adams
— Blinding Lights by The Weekend
— Your Dog Loves You by Colde
— Hey Boy by Sia (what you'd jokingly lip-sync to for him)
♡︎ runner up: Atsumu Miya
thank you so much for requesting and i apologise for the huge delay (ಥ﹏ಥ) still, i hope you enjoyed! have a lovely day and please stay safe ♡︎
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starstress · 4 years
MCC Aqua Axolotls Live Commentary!
Hello, as said, I will attempt to write down my thoughts and reactions during the MCC. 
Stream links!!
False: https://www.twitch.tv/falsesymmetry
Ren: https://www.twitch.tv/rendogtv
Grian (yes, he’s streaming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjkgnEi4t9g
Pearl: https://www.twitch.tv/pearlescentmoon
Updates will come as edits, so be sure to check this again every once in a while if you’re interested or just curious! 
To all fans, please be kind to everyone, no matter the team or who you wish would win. You will only embarrass yourself if you harass others or act immaturely and will gain no brownie points with those you follow and watch.
For now, may the games begin and the best team win!
Edit 1: Peeps are running a bit late, apparently, Ren is the only one on the team with no aqua colour XD Grian recoloured the headband that Smajor had made for him last stream XD
Andddd, we’re kicking off!!
Edit 2: The gong makes an appearance!! Also, the story of the gong!! Grian had bought it as a gag for whenever he and Mumbo record! The team loves it!
Countdown has finally started!
Edit 3: The first game is Skyblockle(?)!! Team ain’t feeling too confident about it, but we’ll see! I think they’ll be okay at this. Gri is reading the instructions and getting nervous XD
From now, everything will be under the cut. Warning, it’s really long.
Oof, wood fell in the lava. They still have more :)) They’re sharing tasks pretty nicely, I have to say, but they keep changing plans. Things will heat up quickly, tho, and I’m glad this game is gonna be out of the way soon.
First death in Skyblockle for the Aqua Axolotls: False! Second: Grian!
Doom is on the horizon XD
Rip, Ren has died too, and Pearl has gotten a couple of kills!! 
And the Axolotls are out!
First gong after a game. Rn we’re all watching the other teams. Dream team is holding up well. Techno’s team is out too. Last bid!
Endgame: Pearl has won the most coins, team is a bit disappointing by last place.
Edit 4: They have the Uno Reserve card as they were the worst team. 
Game: Bingo but Fast!
Gri is reading the instructions again. Someone in Pearl’s stream is watching 25 streams holy dandelions.
The team is again sharing tasks. This is pretty speedy!
Hearing Gri lament how speedy it all is is so funny. Also, they’re all like headless chickens and a lot more disorganized now. Poor team.
Endgame: Ren’s sweating in unspeakable places lol, but they’re not last anymore!
Pearl’s game just crashed, oh goodness.She’s back in, wooo!
Edit 5: Game: Battle box!
Gri is going for the middle. Pearl got so many kills!
First round won!!
Second round lost!
Third round won!!
Ren’s having a hard time breathing, and I gotta say same! 4th place rn.
Game was paused to stop the animations of the NPCs and we got another gong! we chilling for a few mins lol.
WE’RE ON AGAINST THE DREAM TEAM. Aww, the game needs to be reset or smt. 
Oh wow, draw for every team. Fourth round was skipped.
Fifth round - uh SERVER CRASHED
Wowie, the map looks really strange without the resource pack.
First hiccup in 7 event, dang. 
Starting again. Resource pack might no re-appear again. And now I’m laggy, lol
Round 1: lost!
Round 2: won! Gri with the tnt :D
Round 3: lost! tnt did not work this time
Round 4: unknown due to lag, oof.
Round 5: lost
Round 6: unknown 
Round 7: unknown
Round 8: unknown
Round 9: unknown (prob lost)
Place: Last.
Everyone’s laggy, including me lol.
The viewers are being encouraging, which is really great and wholesome!
Edit 6: Game: Big Sales at Build Market!
Team is confident about this one, wooo!!
Grian ended up in plants lol. Ughhh, diorate. Communication is key, and it’s very well done!!
They’re building fast and getting resources pretty fast, that’s good.
Grian listing what they need is *chef kiss* False being alert is *hearteyes* and the chats are the real mvps 
Endgame: Place 7. It was pretty intense indeed.
Break time!
Edit 7: Audience takeover!! Pearl wants Rocket Spleef, so does Techno. Dream wants Hole in the Wall.
Game: Rocket Spleef!!
Grian’s reading instructions :))) 
This will be intense as all heck. Countdown has stopped, huh.
Oof, apparently it was supposed to be Hole in the Wall, but can’t change. Gri’s prob not gonna have as great of a time as I’d hopped :P
Round 1: Rainbow map, False is out! :o The very first time! Team’s out right before tnt time! Place 6, nice.
Round 2: Uhh, Atoms map?? Grian and Pearl are struggling. Pearl’s out! Gri’s out! Ren’s out! False’s still going.
Round 3: Grian’s finally got the rocket jump. Jump and then launch :D Or maybe not XD Tnt time! Pearl is waiting down at the bottom. She fell, oof. Grian’s having cramps in his hand and, in his words, he’s ‘a goner.’
Endgame: False’s the master of Rocket Spleef! And place 6! Team really enjoyed it, I’m so glad :D
Edit 8: Team’s hoping for Ace Race, and it looks like it might be!
Game: Ace Race!
Grian is narrating for all of us, nice! “This is totally Sonic!” he says!
“’Your first time will probably suck’. Yeah, that’s been happening about the entire time!” lmao
Omg, the map is so cool!! Def a fan favourite!! The entire team is having so much fun yesss
All of them are really doing good, Grian and False are placing good.
“Techno, get outta my way!!” -  Gri, and I have to say, mood.
Grian got place 15! Right behind Techno, nice!!
Pearl is 32!
Ren is 35?
False is somewhere behind Gri, but way before Pearl.
Endgame: Everyone had one heck of a time and now they’re trying to find out how to make it in Vanilla Minecraft XD
Place: 9 
Edit 9: They dunked the Lime Llamas XDD
Game: Sands of Time
Oof, this one’s gonna be a maker or a breaker.
Oh goodness, they have no one watching the time D:
They’re banking coins, thankfully. 
Oh no, Pearl!! Sand is needed. Grian to the rescue!
Phew, three sand left, thank you Pearl for topping up!!
Intense, gosh, i’m really nervous about the sand!!
Oof, Pearl’s stream froze. It ended, oh no. Actually, it might just be me that has enormous lag (not smt new lol). 
There we go, slow but it’s something.
The sand!! Aww man, right as Pearl got the sand!! They’re out! At least they banked a lot of their coins.
Endgame: We got a nice gong. Place: 5! Overall place: 9!
Edit 10: My wi-fi is beating me up with a stick, and it’s unrelenting. Lag is my life now.
Last game: Hole in the Wall
Ren’s gonna have a bad time XD
Round 1: Pearl’s fallen, from what my laggy video will show me. Gri as well. They’re out!
Round 2: Pearl’s still alive, woo!! Glitched right through one, so cool XD
Round 3: lag.
Endgame: Ren’s raging, Grian is really amused by that XD Nice game!! 
Edit 11:
Overall place: 9
Time for the final battle!! Gong! Ren wants the gong as stream sound effect :D
Green Guardians vs Orange Ocelots! 
Grian supports Techno bc Techno said he liked him lmao!! The others are Green. 
Also fun fact: Grian could coach a match of dodge ball!
Round 1: Green wins!
Round 2: Orange wins!! Techno’s taking them out!
Round 3: Orange wins!
Round 4: Orange wins!
Grian: “It’s like one of those anime moments!”
Round 5: Green wins!
(Gri went off holy heck)
Congrats to the Green Guardians!!  
Last edit of the night!
That was extremely fun to watch!! The lag and my own wi-fi made it a bit irritating at times, esp since I had to split my focus, but it was pretty good nonetheless.
It’s really sad that the Championship itself lagged so much, I have a feeling it left both a lot of viewers and players feeling frustrated as well. 
However, the new mini game was lots of fun and I have a feeling we’ll be seeing it a lot in the future. I really hope we will.
The team was really good, they managed to coordinate very well, but like many groups who’ve just started working together for the first time, there were times where they could’ve slowed down a bit and reconsidered their plans. Still, the important bit was that they all had a great time together.
Overall, I really hope Grian and Pearl will participate again, even if not on the same teams. I also hope that there will be more Hermitcraft members joining in, even if only for one Championship. I had tons of fun writing this as well, but I think I’ll switch back to occasional posts about amusing things that happen during the games, as it really took a lot of my attention from the mcc itself.
Hope whoever kept up with me or reads this later enjoyed/enjoys this. I’m off to bed now, I’m sleepy and I’ll prob wake up, read through this, and find 10 million little mistakes that I’ll die over. Future me, I deeply apologize, but, uhhhh, no regrets!!
Starstress out!
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larissaloki · 4 years
Walking Avengers: Undead Soldiers 1
*yeets this at you all before disappearing* 
soooo XD it’s been a while, but I kinda got into a new fandom and that overtook my life for a good while, then i started uni and then it was a battle to find time to do this as i ended up rewriting most of this as i couldnt get Tony right! so i hope people are still reading this and are looking forward to this! comment what you think and come scream at me! Thank @starsofyggdrasil as you all nearly ended up with pure angst XD enjoy!! 
tw: mentions of abuse and torture!!
“Red sky at night, shepherds delight. Red sky in the morning, shepherds take warning”
“Glad to see that you got my present, Tony. I was beginning to think it got crushed or kicked by biters,” A smooth British voice comes over the radio.
Looking around at everyone’s reaction, it’s clear that no one immediately recognises the voice coming over the radio. Mentally steeling himself for what he knows is going to be a hard and long conversation, Tony brings up his radio again.
“Who are you?” Straight to the point, Tony’s tone making it known that he had very little tolerance for games right now. Every second counted if they wanted to get Steve back alive.
“Straight to the point, I like that.” The voice takes a slight jaunty but mocking tone, already Tony could feel his teeth grinding irritably. “My name is Francis, as I’m sure the other group told you-” eyes widening in surprise, Tony gaze snaps to Charles, whose face has become slightly pale but contemplative at that, “-my men told me they helped your group out earlier,”
God! Tony already hated this man, gritting his teeth harder to try and keep himself from spitting out something he will end up regretting; this asshole’s calm, almost conversational tone, was grating on his nerves already.
“Your men took one of ours, where is he?” Tony spoke slowly, each word carefully pronounced as he works to keep control on his rising temper. Slowly, he was going mad with worry over what was happening to Steve, and Tony hated the feeling of being helpless most. To try and keep his mind focused, Tony went through the various bombs he could make to utterly destroy Francis with.
“Ah yes, Captain America- or rather Steve Rogers now, right?” Francis huffs out a laugh. Feeling his temper soaring to near impossible heights, Bucky’s hand on his knee helped Tony to keep himself calm when imagining this pricks death fails, Tony tries asking again.
“Where is he, Francis? What do you want?”
“Oh, he’s enjoying the welcoming committee right now-“ A scream, a very horrifyingly familiar pained scream that cracks, a sure sign of having screamed and yelled for a long time, comes over the radio. Everyone tenses as they realise who that was, Tony’s knuckles going white as he grips the radio hard as he can, the actual radio creaking from how hard he’s holding it.  Beside him, Bucky snarls out a quiet but vicious line of curses, biting at his own knuckles to stop himself from snatching the radio. Bruce quickly stands and leaves the room, unable to stay and listen to this, without hulking out. “-so, he’s in good hands! Now that other question? That’s what I wanted to really talk to you about,”
Breathing deeply, Tony tries to gain control of his trembling body. Frustrated, angry tears gather at the corners of his eyes, though he stubbornly refuses to let them fall. His body shakes in terror as he thinks about what could possibly be happening to Steve. All sorts of thoughts fly through his head as he wonders which torture tactics they must be using to get a scream like that out of Steve.
Some days, Tony truly hates his overactive imagination.  
It takes several counts to 10 for Tony to be able to bring the radio up again, though he’s unable to hide the tremor in his voice, he still vainly hopes that the breaking of his voice can’t be heard over the crackling of the radio.
“What do you want Francis, stop playing games and tell me…”
The radio falls silent for a few moments, Tony almost fears that Francis has left them hanging, while simultaneously grateful for the reprieve from hearing Steve’s screams of pain. He hopes that Francis is just simply changing rooms or dropped the radio. He even, optimistically, briefly, hopes that Steve had broken free. That his sweet, familiar voice would soon come over the radio, instead of the awful, joyful tone that Francis has.  
Tony’s budding hope was soon dashed when Francis answered.
“I actually only want one thing, Tony. You see, my guys overheard a very interesting conversation the other day. Your oh so lovable Super Soldiers are such gossips I must say”
Bucky freezes beside Tony, his eyes widening slightly as he recalls that day. They had gone to the medi-centre, in the middle of town where he and Steve chatted in the middle of the road. Where they discussed Wade.
Bucky could feel eyes on him, no doubt wondering what Francis is talking about.
“What exactly did your guys overhear?”
“That a boy in your group, Wade was it? Is immune to the biters. Now that is truly something huh? We want the kid, Tony. That’s it. I’ll give you till morning to think it over”
The radio line goes silent before Tony could even think of a reply.
“I’m so sorry Tony…”
Jolting at the sound of Bucky’s voice knocks him out of his own shocked state. When Tony drags his eyes up to look at him, he sees the pure guilt on Bucky’s face, His shoulders hunched as if trying to make himself smaller, both his face and eyes downcast and glued to the floor, creating a curtain somewhat with his loose hair. A stone sits heavily in Bucky’s stomach, making him feel violently sick that this is all happening because he and Steve talked about Wade out in the open. They should have had more sense than that!
Realising and recognising the spiralling that Bucky’s thoughts must be going through as something Tony himself had experienced many times in the past. Particularly just after he was kicked from the Avengers all those years ago, those where some of his hardest and darkest times. Tony can’t let Bucky blame himself for all this.
“Hey, no babe look at me- don’t blame yourself for this ok? James, look at me,” intertwining his hand with Bucky’s, Tony shuffles as close as he can to Bucky without actually sitting in his lap. Momentarily tuning out the others in the room who have started to murmur amongst themselves in hushed whispers. His own voice hushed in an urgent plea for Bucky to listen to him.
“This is not your fault OK? This asshole had all the chances to just leave us be or join us in search for a cure for this mess. He chose to attack us. He chose to take Steve and to target Wade. Not you ok?”
Tony gently cups Bucky’s cheek to urge him to face Tony, eyes are alight and fierce with anger, but not aimed at him, Bucky realises. No, aimed at those that would dare try and hurt the ones they care about. Still Bucky weakly speaks, his mind not completely convinced yet.
“But he wouldn’t have targeted us if we had just kept our mouths shut-“
“Nope! Don’t do that to yourself OK? You had no idea they were listening in, you can’t blame yourself for this James, OK? If we are to blame anyone, it is Francis we will blame for all this”
“Tony is right my friend, it is not your fault” Charles calming voice draws their attention, the room quiets as he speaks. “Francis had a choice to not do all this, he has the choice to peacefully reach out to us even. However, if you feel you must do something, help us think of a way to get back your friend Steve and to keep young Wade safe.”
Nodding, taking in what both Tony and Charles are trying to say to him, Bucky rubs at his face, suddenly feeling physically and mentally exhausted. Grateful to the subs trying to help him even when they themselves -- especially Tony -- must be struggling to deal with the situation that’s fallen into their laps.
Picking up on the signs of Bucky’s exhaustion, Sam stands as his own body starts to feel sluggish and sleep becomes a pressing need. They all need to sleep and gather themselves for what promises to be a rough road ahead.  
“We should all sleep. We’re all exhausted and especially after that conversation we need to clear our heads. There’s not much we can do right now, and we are all too drained to properly plan anything”
“Shouldn’t we talk about what he wants? This kid- Wade, that he mentioned?” Pyro pipes up from his place, he’s one of the few that actually looks fairly awake out of all of them. A snarl seems to rip itself from Tony’s throat as he jumps to his feet, an almost feral look on his face as he stares Pyro down.
“We are not handing Wade over to that monster, there is nothing to discuss about that! We will just have to stall or try and draw them out, but they are not getting that poor kid!”
Quickly standing in between the furious sub and their idiot of a teammate, Logan raises a hand in peace while the other one reaches back to smack Pyro around the head. Ignoring the indignant yelp from Pyro, Logan tries to keep his usually rough and gruff voice, as soothing as possible.
“I’m sure Pyro didn’t mean it like that, no one is thinking of handing the kid over.” Taking a step back to give Tony some more room as the sub still looks agitated and likely to lash out, Logan looks to Charles for help here.
Placing a hand on Tony’s shoulder to try and calm him, but also partly to keep him still, Thor glances at Logan and his group members.
“I think it’s best we all split ways for now…”
Inclining his head in agreement, Charles softly orders his people to leave the room. “We shall see you all in the morning, James? Take care of him and yourself tonight”
Leaving the Avengers to themselves, Tony finally started to relax when Pyro left the room, though his body still shook and trembled from the accumulated stress of the last few weeks. Everything that had happened was starting to fully catch up to him and was becoming a bit too much. For a small while, Tony wishes he could just relax fully and forget the world outside and all of its troubles. Wishes that he could go to sleep without wondering if a walker will get inside.
Bucky felt his heart break as he gathers Tony into his arms, trying to pull him as close as possible, wanting desperately to shield Tony from all of this. Though they all know, Tony would kick their collective asses and then some, if they tried such a thing.
Regarding them quietly from the side, Loki had been passively silent and observing until now. Detaching himself from the room in order to analyse everything without letting his emotions rule his judgements like his brother was prone to do.
“Thor and I shall keep watch tonight, swapping with Nat and Sam during the night.” Shaking his head and raising a hand to halt Bucky’s protests, half-hearted as they are, Loki continues on, “You two need the most time to calm yourselves. Sleep and we shall continue this on the morn”
Murmuring his thanks, Bucky picked up Tony bridal style, thankful that Tony wasn’t fighting him on it now either. Tony simply buries his face closer into Bucky’s neck, eyes squeezed shut as Bucky heads to the door.
At the door exiting the room is Bruce, waiting for them and no doubt having heard all of that. Though to Bucky’s relief, not a hint of green in sight. Falling into step with Bucky, Bruce walks with them up to the second floor and down to the room Bucky, Steve and Tony had been sharing. Both glancing at the door to the kid’s room as they listen out for any sounds of the kids being awake. Satisfied when they both hear soft snores, Bruce finally speaks softly.
“I will spend the night in the room with the kids, just in case. As much as I didn’t want to, I caught pretty much the entire conversation exchange. You two are exhausted and need to rest” Bruce gives Bucky a lopsided reluctant grin, “Plus, not many would be willing to break into the same room as the hulk”
Lifting his head finally to peek out at his friend, Tony mumbles out a soft thank-you. Tony had been planning on sleeping in the kids’ room tonight but knows he’s in no state to keep watch properly.
His mind is going numb and hazy with the desire to go down into subspace, unable to focus properly on anything but how soft and warm Bucky’s body feels right then under his itchy skin. It’s been so long since Tony had been able to go under. Since before all this had started. The stress and constant need to keep running had done wonders at keeping this itch under his skin at bay, but now it’s come back harder than ever, yet still he fought it. Not wanting, or able, to fall into that space when so much danger was about. Despite this, he knows that the longer he pushes it back, the worse the drop will be when it eventually happens.
Seeing his friend’s hazy, muzzy look, Bruce glances up at Bucky and indicates at Tony while mouthing the words ‘sub drop’. Not entirely surprised by this, Bucky nods and quickly heads into their shared bedroom, muttering a quick goodbye to Bruce.
Carrying Tony to the large bed, a bit alarmed at how quick this change had come about, though everyone had been expecting it to happen sooner or later, Bucky slips off Tony’s shoes before running his hands gently through Tony’s thick locks.
“Baby doll, you’re dropping really fast, are you ok with me helping you through this? We won’t do anything, just cuddle yeah? Maybe a foot or back rub?”
Blinking slowly, Tony tries to think as his mind becomes more sluggish, his resistance against the drop falling away as everything practically screams at him to let go, that he’s safe. A small part of Tony knows that, with Bucky or Steve, there’s no safer place really to be. Shaking his fuzzy mind to try and clear it enough to respond, Tony tugs weakly at Bucky’s sleeve.
“Off…too scratchy”
Bucky frowns a little bit as he tries to comprehend what Tony is referring to.
“You mean the clothes, doll?” Getting a small nod in return, Bucky releases a small breath and smiles fondly, the earlier spiralling thoughts shoved to the back of his mind as he focuses on Tony right in front of him. His worry for Steve still lurks, but both know there’s nothing they can currently do to help, so Bucky will focus on the one thing he can do. Help Tony regain balance.
“Ok, doll, I’ll take off the clothes but I’m leaving the underwear on ok?”
Ignoring the huff from Tony, Bucky quickly and efficiently strips both himself and Tony of their clothes, kicking them away from the edge of the bed so that no one trips over them when they get up. Before going to the bathroom to look for some oil, Bucky makes sure to tuck Tony into the bed as snuggly as possible, murmuring softly to the already drowsy sub.
“I’ll be right back sweetheart ok? Want me to rub you down or you just want to cuddle, hmm?” Placing a soft kiss on Tony’s warm and slightly sweaty forehead, pretty much the only bit of skin Bucky can currently see. As he gently plays with the soft, brown locks of hair, Bucky mentally makes a note that they are in need of a cut.
“Mmmkay.” Mumbling, Tony noses into the blankets that are pulled tight around him, each inch of fluff is a soothing balm for his itchy skin, though he is infinitely glad that Bucky isn’t making him kneel on a cushion right then. Tony’s not sure he could handle that right then.
In almost no time at all, Bucky is back to the bed with a bottle of lotion in his hands which he places on the table, next to the bed, but within easy reach.
“Come on doll, let’s get you on your front so I can rub you down before you sleep hmm?” cooing and cajoling the fuzzy sub, Bucky eventually gets Tony to relinquish his death grip on most of the blankets and roll onto his stomach, leaving his back and shoulders free for Bucky to work.
Grabbing the bottle of lotion, Bucky pours a generous amount onto his flesh hand and lets it sit in his hand a bit to try and warm it up before lowering his hand to start rubbing it into Tony’s flushed and warm skin.
Moaning softly at the firm but gently movements of Bucky’s hands, which rub and dig into each and every tense muscle, slowly working out the knots until each muscle becomes lax and loose, Tony fights the urge to squirm and fidget. Even now his body is unable to stay still, sub drop or not Tony is unable to sit still for more than a minute before the urge to move grows.
Chuckling at the squirming body beneath him, Bucky uses his knees that’s either side of Tony, to pin him in place as much as possible. Tutting as he gently chides Tony.
“Hold still babydoll, can’t make sure I get every spot if you keep squirming huh?”
With a whine, but now visibly trying to keep still, Tony buried his face into his arms as Bucky kneeded at the small of Tony’s back. Loosening the muscles and cracking Tony’s spine, making Tony grunt but moaning in relief when tension he didn’t know he had, suddenly melts away.
“Feel better, doll?” Bucky leans down to softly whisper into Tony’s ear, grinning a bit when he sees a shiver go down Tony’s back. Pulling back when Tony nods quickly in response, Bucky makes sure that all of the lotion is properly rubbed in, leaving Tony with soft and smooth skin.
Slurring a protest when Bucky gets up again, leaving Tony cold, only for the half-formed protest to quickly die in his throat when he feels Bucky slipping in behind him, pulling the blankets up to cover them both. Dragging Tony back against his chest, Bucky spoons up behind Tony, holding him tighter than usual.
Humming contently when he’s delightfully warm again, Tony pays no mind to the tight hold as he snuggles further into Bucky’s arms and blankets, slowly starting to drift asleep as his body goes practically boneless.
Behind him, Bucky presses soft, chaste kisses into the back of Tony’s head, thumb stroking slowly in feather-light touches over Tony’s arms and chest. Lulling the sleepy Sub into a deep and restful sleep for the first time in days.
Nuzzling softly into Tony’s hair, it takes another hour of assuring himself that they will save Steve, they will take out Francis and keep Wade and Peter safe, before Bucky can finally fall asleep.
A few hours later, the sun rises into a red sky.
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toujoursmiraculous · 6 years
Mayura Over-Analysis! (Heroes Day - Part 2)
We start off with Ladybug worrying that Hawk Moth’s clearly had time to come up with such an elaborate plan, yet they’re completely unprepared. And Chat Noir does what he does best and reassures her that they can do it. Both Marinette and Ladybug have doubts and fears that they express, and Adrien and Chat Noir are always there to remind her of how amazing she is and she can do whatever it is that’s troubling or worrying her.  Hawk Moth seriously had Guitar Villain and Frightningale perform some pretty bad-ass music for the fight. What a mood. Carapace saving Chat Noir makes me so happy. Neither knew that the other’s their best friend. Please let these two become closer in S3! Rena Rouge calling Queen Bee “Chloe” and her remark of wanting to be called Queen Bee amuses me. Using Chloe’s identity as a weak spot to start dismantling Team Miraculous was smart. And it’s really nice to see the consequences of an identity being revealed. To those that think the reveal should happen just for the sake of a reveal, this is why it hasn’t come yet. Chat Noir launching Queen Bee, idk why, but I love it. Using Dark Cupid as fuel for akumas was so brilliant! To utilize him in such a way was something that I’m sure most, if not all of us, ever thought to do. Imagine all the possibilities with fics now. Team Miraculous working together is honestly the coolest thing ever. They work so well despite it being their first time as a group. RENA ROUGE TAKING AN ARROW FOR CARAPACE AND HIS REACTION ;-; Queen Bee jumping in to protect them is just beautiful. No hesitation. no words other than to say she wasn’t going to break... Carapace’s scream when Rena Rouge got akumatized. MY HEART CAN’T HANDLE THIS. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Just the fact that Nino gets akumatized because he’s upset over things that happen to people he cares about says all you really need to know about Nino Lahiffe. The fact Prime Queen thinks Ladybug and Chat Noir ultimately killed themselves to escape the akumas is hilarious. YES THEY TOTALLY DESTROYED THEMSELVES AND GAVE UP. /sarcasm Plagg sharing his cheese <3 Plagg loves that Camembert more than anything we’ve seen, but he actually loves Adrien more. x3 Now we see Adrien comforting Marinette (though no identity reveal!) again and reminding her of her words of hope. As they’re on opposite sides of a wall. The parallels in this show are truly one of my favorite things. “Well it’s the return of the working formula, a duo. You and I against the whole world!” TOTALLY NOT CRYING AT THIS Also remembered Tikki and Plagg know the identity of LB and CN. I wonder what they thought during this scene. ADRIEN AND MARINETTE JUMP OFF A SEVERAL DOZEN FEET/METER DROP. TOGETHER. WITH THEIR EYES SHUT. AND TRANSFORM MID-AIR. TOGETHER. WITHOUT A DOUBT THE MOST EPIC SCENE IN THE SHOW SO FAR. They said “detransformation” and I gasped. For that split second, even though I knew deep down they wouldn’t actually reveal themselves, I got scared. Even akumatized, Rena Rouge and Carapace stuck together. Awwwwww x3 VIVE LA FRANCE ! Citizens taking charge and being heroes for a day and helping Ladybug and Chat Noir! How beautiful is that? Leading the front line: Marc, Luka x3, Nora, Alya’s mother, Luka and Juleka’s mother, Marinette’s parents and grandmother. YES. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL LINEUP. OMG Manon is there too. She’s fighting to save her mother! Gina helping Ladybug up is so aww. And Alya’s mom telling her they’re so glad to see them again, and will fight to slow them down to give Ladybug and Chat Noir time save the day. These citizens are proving you don’t have to have superpowers to be a hero is such a wonderful message. The pilots circling Gorizilla like that are seriously sacrificing themselves. How easy it must be to make a mistake and crash. “Are you sure you’re not making a huge mistake? That the wish I want to make won’t be a huge benefit?” Wait, hold up. I remember seeing a picture taken in a studio of Gabriel and Ladybug in the room that holds Emilie, before we ever saw the room in Gorizilla so it was certainly not edited. What if somehow there’s some kind of truth to what he’s saying here? What if things aren’t quite as black and white as they appear? Hmmm..... “Whatever may be your wish, it must be evil seeing the chaos you’re creating.” Chat Noir being the one to say it. Wow, if only you knew you precious boy. When you think that it’s Marinette and Adrien fighting Gabriel. These two look up to Gabriel so much, and Gabriel genuinely cares about both of them. Ahhh the drama that’ll arise from this someday. Lila being stuck on the Eiffel Tower again XD Hawk Moth saying he’s a man that has nothing left to lose doesn’t sit well with me. Especially as he BEATS UP HIS SON. “Unable to stay in your form after using your powers.” So Hawk Moth clearly can, but they can’t. Yet.
CARAPACE TO THE RESCUE! Their poses together. So cool. I wonder if after all of this, Alya and Nino will start to see Chloe even slightly differently. Whoa, Hawk Moth’s actually worried about Nathalie’s well-being to beg her not to do what she’s about to do? Still unsure about her powers. Clearly they were used to protect and distract but who knows what they’re capable of. Nathalie risking her life to save him, and being appreciative of it? We’ve now learned the Miraculous is damaged, and causes harm to the holder if they wield it. I’m now thinking that happened to Emilie, and that’s why she’s in the state she’s in. He seemed to know very well how dangerous it is. But this bodes the question: What were Gabriel and Emilie doing in Tibet to try to find the grimoire and Miraculous? Did they simply crave power, or did they have another motive? Did this motive have to do with Adrien, and is that really the reason why he’s always been so sheltered? I’m not sure I understand Lila’s anger here. She sees her class together, eating and enjoying each other’s company. She could’ve had that if she didn’t mess everything up for herself. I also feel bad for Sabrina that Chloe hurt her feelings, but you’d think by now she’d know Chloe won’t eat anything homemade and is especially picky. Chloe could’ve handled it a lot better, but also Chloe handled it better than she normally would have so I’m not sure what to think. Alya’s “Nope, can’t sit here, Adrien. Nope, not here either. But why don’t you sit over there next to Marinette?” scene was awesome, and Mylene warning Marinette that he was coming was such a small thing, but very appreciated! The fact Adrien remembers EVERYTHING MARINETTE’S DONE FOR PEOPLE, and then calls her their everyday Ladybug was the best compliment Adrien could have ever given her. The love and respect he has for Ladybug, to compare Marinette to her means so much. I know Adrien said “You get to be my Ladybug” to her in Evillustrator, and that was significant as well, calling someone else “his Ladybug” but this really shows where he stands when it comes to her. Then calling her “Super Marinette”. YES MARINETTE, YOU GO GET HIM, GIRL! And of course, gotta be your clumsy self but the fact that the entire class was like in shock that Marinette was actually going to do something AND THEN SHE DID. Finally kissed Adrien! On the cheek. But it was amazing! The boy’s in shock, but he’s happy about it so this is a lovely start! The entire class is still just sitting there in shock like “Did she really just do that?” *cheers erupt* Max is still like “What?” and Kim’s the most ecstatic, it would seem, about Marinette kissing Adrien. Maybe he’s secretly a hopeless romantic. Or he really cares about Marinette’s happiness. Or both. Either way, that was sweet. And Chloe doesn’t even seem upset or anything, so that’s a bonus. Then she realizes she stepped in the pie, and pretends like she hadn’t as she watches Adrien leave and the class continues to cheer, while fireworks begin going off and the season comes to an end. This episode was way more than I ever expected it to be. I loved being shocked and surprised, seeing the different kinds of relationships and bonds, and watching the team finally work together. This episode made me genuinely happy, looking forward to more, but not leaving off on a cliffhanger that has me frustrated to know what happens next like S1 did. Instead of a direct continuation from the same day from the end of S1 to the beginning of S2, there could be a small amount of time in between S2 and S3, making them distinct, and I like that. Also, I know we live in a time where people are encouraged to be independent, not to need to rely on anyone, and not to need anyone for any reason. Ladybug and Chat Noir show that separately they can do great things, but together, they’re a force. They are at their most powerful when together, and they provide each other with what the other lacks. Mayura really showcased that, and it’s certainly going to lead into S3.
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bytheangell · 5 years
what does writing means to you? I see that you are so passionate about it and are constantly doing it even in small doses, almost everyday, etc. What does it means to you? Do you ever get stressed about it? How can you juggle that and alongside life in general? I'm curious about you, Elle. Where do you get all this motivation, inspiration? Do you consider yourself disciplined about it?
Alright, so to start, I love that you sent this in, Anon! I can’t imagine I’m interesting enough for anyone to be genuinely curious about?! But I appreciate that you are and I love getting personal asks as much as I love rambling about Shadowhunters, especially when they’re about writing!
Writing means everything to me, at the risk of sounding dramatic. It’s always been that One Thing I knew I was pretty good at. I love to read and write from a young age, always writing little stories or keeping a journal, and I guess it’s been a constant in my life for as long as I could remember. I joined fandom forum RPs and wrote there even when I wasn’t doing original short stories, but I wrote those on and off growing up, too. It’s always been an escape, cheap and easy to turn to whenever I need it, or a way to vent, or a way to sort through thoughts muddled in my head. I love writing. It is, by far, my favorite thing to do in my free time. 
That said, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t ever get stressed about it. I write for fun, yes, and I write the things I want to write because I love them. But sometimes the words just won’t come, or I’ll let myself get distracted and not write as much as I want to that day, or not finish things as quickly as I’d like after I start them, and sometimes I let that get to me no matter how much I try not to. I just hit the one year mark of writing fanfiction. I’m still getting used to the idea that there are people actively following what I put out there, or waiting for the next bit of a series. That anyone might specifically like my writing. Sometimes I let the prompts sit too long and I feel super guilty about it. Or have more ideas than I could ever reasonably get to, but feel unreasonably upset over not just having unlimited writing time. Sometimes I have to remind myself I’m allowed to do other things like watch tv or nap after work, that I don’t have to be writing every free second, even though there’s always something I could be working on. And OOF the stress of something not going over well. Is it me? Is it my writing? Or a poorly executed concept? Or bad characterization that’s missing the mark and failing? What am I doing wrong? 
Thankfully, those sorts of moments are definitely in the minority for me, and far less common now than they were when I first started. I’m more confident in my writing now, but more than that, I’ve stopped focusing so much on writing what I think other people want to read and just started writing what I want to write, even if it’s not a popular character or expected pov. And honestly? I think that shift has made all the difference throughout the past year. (Of course, that doesn’t apply to prompts, which is obviously writing exactly what someone else wants to read xD Which I LOVE getting, because someone out there specifically wants me to write a thing they’re interested in? What?! That’s like the ultimate compliment
I’m glad you called it ‘juggling’ writing with life in general, because it sure isn’t ‘balancing’ fhdas;fj;askl. There’s a lot of sleep deprivation. I never end up having a job with normal hours, so I’m either working weird swing shifts or tons of overtime, but to fit in the spurts of writing I’ve gotten used to lately I pretty much average 4-5 hours of sleep a night. #Priorities. I’m not the most social, so coming home and writing for an hour or two a day after work is a great way for me to unwind. I wish I was more disciplined about it, but really it just comes and goes in spurts. I try to write every day when I can but sometimes I’ll go for days without writing anything new, and others I’ll end up with a few thousand words in a couple of hours. I keep meaning to get into more of an proper habit of it, but I’ve never been good with things like ‘I’ll write from 6-7 am every day’ sorts of writing schedules. It always just happens when it happens  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As far as inspiration, obviously right now a lot of the coda and scene fill/povs I’m writing are taken directly from the show. I can’t help but hit the end of an episode and immediately think, ‘what would I want to happen next?’ or ‘I have a lot of feels about that one particular moment let’s elaborate on that’ or ‘what can I picture -insert character here- doing next’, and playing with things from there. A lot of it is also things I wish I saw more of in canon and willing them into existence. As far as AUs, a lot of it comes from bouncing random ideas off of friends, off of discussions on twitter or tumblr, or seeing something in a show or movie and going ‘THIS DYNAMIC, YES’.  I pull some stuff from real life, too. I did a Malec oneshot recently set with a literary magazine that stopped allowing anonymous submissions, totally a thing my lit mag did in high school. Most of it just sort of… happens. It’ll just be a random idea out of nowhere. I wish I had a better explanation. I’ve always been good at making up stories on the spot, taking one small idea, or sentence, or feeling, and turning it into something more. It almost never ends the way I meant at the start because I have a very fluid writing style and almost always just have the vaguest concept to start with and no solid ending, leaving the things I work on entirely adaptable or changeable along the way. 
And last but not least, the motivation. A lot of it is just the desire to get the ideas in my head down on paper (or, you know, google docs). I like to share ideas I have with friends because their excitement over them is a huge motivator. The positive reactions I get on the writing I post time and time again is always amazing, and while I don’t write for the kudos or likes, knowing that what I’m doing is something others enjoy is always a great motivator to create more. I’ve also come across some amazing writer friends in the fandom since I joined. Chatting with them about the ups and downs of writing fanfic, seeing the amazing content they create and being inspired not just by their writing and ideas but also their attitudes and encouragement has made all the difference over the course of this year. The Shadowhunter Fanfic Nexus is an amazing group of talented writers that was kind enough to take a chance on adopting me pretty early on. They’re always willing to help with details or to run ideas by or listen to me keysmash in frustration when things aren’t working. There’s nothing like a group of writer friends to listen to you go ‘WHAT ARE WORDS WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER I’VE NEVER HAD A CREATIVE THOUGHT IN MY LIFE’ and meet you with both understanding and the reassurance that you’re always your own worst critic and you’ll get there in the end. 
And there you have it! A little glimpse into my writing mindsets, I guess? That got more than a little rambly, sorry! I hope it was even remotely the sort of things you wanted to know and that you aren’t full of total regret for ever asking in the first place now that I wrote a small novella about myself here, xD. But you’re definitely right, I’m very passionate about writing, and I never imagined it’d be something so well received by others and I’m thankful for the opportunity to share it with so many other people!
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abeautifulblog · 5 years
hi! thank you again for writing such a lovely fic. what do you think about amanda and val bonding times (have they texted each other, joking about their dads? is amanda in total awe of her?) and/or robert and amanda in general-- i feel like it'd take robert a lot to get to that point because he's definitely doesn't want to fuck it up and he doesn't know how to act around amanda, but he wants to try? have they hung out since thanksgiving, would they? (i really enjoyed that moment w betsy btw)
Thank you! I really enjoy the drunk-with-Betsy-in-the-woods sequence too, it’s one of my favorite scenes in the whole fic. XD
So this turned out to be interesting, because apparently I hadn't fully worked out in my head the evolving dynamic between Robert and Amanda (and Amanda and Val), and in the rambling act of writing this, Robert's position became a lot more clear to me. This is not as well organized as a lot of my meta, because I was figuring it out as I went along.
First off: Amanda and Val (and Naomi) -- my headcanon is that they got some quality time in on Thanksgiving (I talked about how Thanksgiving went here), and the three of them were getting along so well that when it came time for Val and Naomi to head out (they stayed in a hotel in Maple Bay, because of the weather), Amanda went with them, for a sleepover where they all stayed up late chatting and doing girly stuff, and then went shopping with them the next day.
My original idea had been that Val, with her mature & sophisticated fashion sense (that Amanda obviously admires), would take Amanda shopping and help her start building her grown-up/professional wardrobe -- and then I remembered that the day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday, and hell if any casual clothes shopping happens on Black Friday. Shopping on Black Friday is more like observing the results of a sociology experiment, like pacing yourself through a marathon, you must resign yourself to very slow progress and be prepared to face adversity. So it wasn't actually about the shopping, they went out just for the Black Friday Experience, bought maybe one thing for Amanda, and then got coffee and hung out until it was time for lunch with the dads.
Thanksgiving + Black Friday was when their friendship became an actual friendship, that they got to know each other and really hit it off, not just "this is someone I'm going to be running into sometimes because our dads are dating." Obviously Amanda's got a bit of hero-worship for Val going on, and I think Val and Naomi really get a kick out of having a protege to spoil & mentor. Neither of them ever got to have a younger sister, but Amanda is charming and a treasure and I think they would embrace suddenly having one now. So they start sister-bonding even when it’s still a little premature, since Robert-n-Gene are dating and doing well, but not to the level of WE ARE FAMILY yet.
Meanwhile, Robert is... way less comfortable around Amanda than Val is. Val clicks into the "sister" slot for Amanda pretty easily, but Robert doesn't click into the "father" slot -- he knows he's not her dad, not even in the running to become one--
(And indeed, I don't think he ever does. She likes him well enough, and they do grow comfortable with each other eventually, but I don't think he ever steps into a parental role for her -- partly because of his own insecurities, and partly because he just arrived too late on the scene. Gene is her dad, and Robert is her dad's boyfriend, and that's how they stay.)
--so how is he supposed to interact with her? Robert knows how to talk to kids (see: the episode with Ernest), and knows how to talk to fellow adults, but Amanda's at the liminal age between childhood and adulthood, and I think it would be unclear to Robert whether he's supposed to have any sort of authority there, whether he's supposed to be approaching her as a friend, or whether he's supposed to just keep his distance and leave her to Gene.
(The more normy dads like Mat and Hugo (and the rest, I guess, but those are the two that jump out at me) would have a much easier time of it, because (1) they're bringing their own kids, not just themselves, so it's more like a merging of families, putting them on equal footing, rather than being "dad's boyfriend," outnumbered, and (2) they are much more secure in their identity as fathers and would be comfortable stepping into that role for Amanda. They know how to treat their kids with affection and respect, how to be an authority figure while still respecting their kids' autonomy, and it would be easy for them to extend that to Amanda as well. (And I think Amanda would accept them as father figures, if not quite on par with her actual dad.) Robert, on the other hand, never seems to have gotten the hang of dadding, so he doesn't have any of those instincts/habits to fall back on.)
Robert assimilating with Gene and Amanda is also kind of like the problem with mixing friends-groups -- that the way you behave around Person A isn't the way you behave around Person B, so it gets really awkward when you're trying to hang out with both of them at once, because it highlights that gap and makes you feel like you're being insincere, or like you're showing the wrong side to someone. In Robert's case, he's aware that the way he behaves as Gene's boyfriend (taking up 100% of Gene's attention; often overtly sexual; modeling bad behavior, ex: alcohol) is inappropriate around Gene's daughter, but he's not sure what would be appropriate -- what level of PDA is okay, what conversation topics are off-limits, what percentage of Gene's attention he's entitled to. (I expect he errs on the side of fading into the background and letting Amanda have 100% of it, and Gene has to actively work to include him, at least initially.)
And lastly, Robert is very much the outsider coming in to their family, being assimilated into their household and their life; he's the one encroaching on other people's territory, out of his comfort zone and having to do way more adjusting and adapting than Gene and Amanda are. How much space is he allowed/supposed to take up in their home? He spends a lot of time there, but it's not really HIS home -- is it? When does it become his home?
(When he officially moves in, I suppose, which is going to take a while. From Thanksgiving onward he (and Betsy) are virtually living with Gene, he's got clothes in Gene's closet and kibbles in Gene's pantry, but he still keeps his own house and retreats to it sometimes when Gene's busy, or when Robert hits a bad patch and wants to be alone. And Robert's mostly past waiting for the other shoe to drop, he trusts that their relationship is solid, but moving in FOR REALZ, FOR PERMANENT is a big deal, and it takes about a year before he's willing to take that plunge. Not just "Oh hey, we're actually doing this, we're saying that this is going to be our lives FOR EVER AND EVER now," but also cutting off any escape route behind him.)
Gene's on more familiar ground, not only because it's his house and his daughter, but also because he had Alex, he's accustomed to dividing his attention between Amanda and a spouse, of balancing both the role of a father and the role of a lover.
(In fact, that's kind of what he's talking about in the conversation with Craig when he says that he has things he needs to figure out too, before he pursues a relationship with Robert. I have trouble articulating this, but: Gene wants to make sure that he's not thoughtlessly falling back into the same relationship behavior/patterns he's used to. He wants to make sure that he's responding to Robert as Robert, not just picking up the entire template from his previous relationship and dropping it on top of Robert. By "template," I mean everything -- for example, knowing how your partner likes to give and receive attention/affection, how to communicate with them, what roles and responsibilities they want to fill in the relationship, knowing what causes them stress and when to step up your support -- in short, how to treat your partner.
Obviously the template for Gene's relationship with Alex was a very good one, loving and healthy, but it was specifically FOR ALEX, it had evolved over the years to fit ALEX perfectly, it's not necessarily going to be what Robert wants or needs. A new relationship needs a new template -- it needs Gene to pay attention to Robert as an individual and see how he wants to do this thing. And Gene's got a solid model to work from, it just needs tweaking. Robert, for his part, is on such unfamiliar ground in this relationship that he's in no danger of treating Gene like one of his hookups -- until it comes to sex, where he's having a hell of time keeping himself from going onto autopilot.)
Anyway, both Robert and Amanda are trying to get along (because both of them want to make Gene happy), and I kind of regret that I couldn't work in a snapshot of Life At The Woods Household after Thanksgiving, because that's when that process started. She and Robert spent slightly less than a week living under the same roof before she went back to Chicago, and there was a degree of... acclimating on both their parts. (The first time they had interactions that took place in pajamas.) Suddenly Robert's AROUND, in her HOUSE, she'll walk into a room and he's just THERE, sans Gene sometimes, and the polite thing to do is acknowledge each other and exchange some words -- interactions that gradually become less stilted as they get more practice and it becomes less unfamiliar.
It’s going to be a bit jarring for Amanda to be confronted with the visuals of Robert stepping into what is coded in her head as Alex's space -- that is, to turn the corner and find him kissing her Pops. (And it's going to be a while before the knee-jerk, "That's where DAD is supposed to be" reaction fades, despite the fact that she's absolutely rooting for Robert and Gene to be together and happy.)
I suppose what Robert settles into eventually is more like the renegade uncle role -- that he's not exactly an authority figure, but he is someone who's older and been around the block a few times, and can weigh in with genuinely good advice from his own lived experience. (Even if that advice is "don't make this mistake that I did. srsly, it sucks.") Moreover, his life history is very different from Gene's, a lot of it spent fucking up and hanging out in low places, and so there's a lot of perspective he can offer that Gene simply can't. If Amanda finds herself embroiled in something Bad, where she feels like she made a shameful-bad mistake, I can see her actually being more comfortable telling Robert about it than Gene -- that she feels like Robert's more likely to understand (unlike her shining wholesome pops who would NEVER have made such a mistake), that she can get grown-up help without having to disappoint her dad.
(I believe I once saw a Robert/dadsona fic summary where Amanda -- underage drunk at a party and suddenly wanting/needing to get out of there -- calls Robert for a rescue instead of her dad, and I was like, Yes, that is the relationship I see developing between them, that is Robert's niche in their family dynamic.)
Anyway, the last chapter has a pretty long Amanda-POV section of the first Christmas they all spend together, that shows how she and Robert are settling into their places in the new-and-improved Smallwood family. I enjoy it a lot. 👍
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: Chaos Akuma
An RP me and @pika-ace did relating to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU where an Akuma (that’s basically Discord but his chaos powers are amped to an 11) distorts the city and the Armada into whatever he desires.
(An Akuma flies through the sky and finds someone to possess, a couple of seconds later, there was a mini-sonic boom and slowly, the city and everything in it, starts
to distort into strange and surreal things, even logic itself was being distorted.)
(Everyone starts to warp and change)
(Jordan suddenly feels a stinging pain inside of him and winces)
Eric: You okay...? (Eric feels a headache coming on and winces)
Jordan: *winces* N-No...not really...! *curls up from the pain and he notices claws were forming out of his fingers*
Eric: Jordan! What- (Eric falls to his knees, clutching his head)
Jordan: Will...!! *winces in pain as ears and a tail start growing on his body*
Eric: J...Jordan... (Eric can feel his concern melting away, even thought deep down he still feels it, and metal start to climb his skin)
(Fangs started to grow on Jordan's teeth and parts of his body had fur growing)
Jordan: *internally* What the fuck...?! I thought...Joe fixed this... *curls over in pain*
(Eventually, the pain stopped and Jordan looked at himself, he transformed into a half man half wolf. having the senses of a wolf but keeping his intelligence as a
Jordan: Wha...What the hell?!
(Jordan looks and sees that Eric is transforming into an android)
Jordan: Oh my god Will! *he holds him* Eric: J...Jordan...!!
(Eric slowly reaches out towards Jordan)
(His hand becomes metal and his eyes glow blue)
Jordan: Will...?
Eric: *voice becoming stiff* Jordan...
Jordan: *his wolf ears drooping* Uh...Will...?
Eric: *robot voice* Analyzing symptoms of Jordan Ellis, designated spouse or partner.
(Jordan looks at Eric, confused and a little bit scared)
Eric: Analysis complete. Energy readings signify an akuma.
Jordan: Well no shit, Peach, why else would we turn into this?! *gestures his body and Eric's body*
Eric: Analysis also confirms that others are having similar effects, some more drastic than others
(Jordan tenses up at the thought of Michael or others he cares about, going through similar or more drastic transformations)
(Jordan pulls out his phone to the group chat where the chat is already blowing up with reactions and screaming)
Jordan: Oh god...
(The chat is pure chaos)
Jeremy: *text* H E L P, S M A L L  A S  A  K I T T E N DX
Anton: *sends of photo of his scarred eye open but it has TV static, while the rest of body has wires in his body* I have NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL I TURNED INTO!!!
(Amongst the chaos, Jane sent a video in the chat, in the video, “Eric” was holding the camera in from of “him”)
Jordan: The fuck?!
(In the video, "Eric" explains that "he's" Jane, but the magic of the chaos akuma turned her into a shapeshifter, allowing her to turn into whatever she desires. Then,
near the end of the video, she shows what the chaos magic did to Joe, she turns the camera to the table, there a book lays on the table. And Jane says that the magic
made a magic book and now Joe is sealed within it, with his only way of communication is to write words on the blank pages.)
Jordan: Jesus, what a shit show...
Lin: *text* Everybody turned into some kind of freak show, thanks to that Akuma! XS
Kirsty: *text* You can say that again! (She sends a video of the trinity showing that she’s about three inches tall and the trinity have become living representations of ‘see no evil, hear no evil, and
speak no evil’. Philip has no eyes, Sebastian has no ears, and Max has no mouth)
Jane: *text* Holy shit! O_O
Kirsty: *text* I KNOW!! And do you know how hard it is to use a touch screen when you’re this tiny??? >:(
Jeremy: *text* I'm kinda having the same problem cause, ya know, I'M THE SIZE OF A KITTEN RIGHT NOW?!
Jane: *text* Dad says we should all meet up and asses the damage before going after the akuma
Jordan: *text* Alright, see you all there!
Jordan: C'mon Will!
Jordan: Let’s go! Eric: Affirmative.
(They transform and head out and meet with the others in less than graceful fashions due to their deformities) Dasher: *runs backwards to where they are and slams into the wall as a result* OW FUCK!!
Timber: Woah! You okay Speedy?!
Dasher: No! My running is completely fucked up!
(Dasher slowly backs up, wincing at the hard blow) Dasher: *softly* Ow ow ow ow ow...
Stag: At least you can fucking SEE!!! (Gestures to Cloudy who is literally a walking ball of wool)
Cloudy: Help :^(
Atlantic: *points to Stag* Mmmmph mmm mmm mmmph. (You're not much better off) (Stag's horns are huge, weighing down his head so much that he has to drag them along)
Stag: Oh Maxie, these *gestures the horns* may be bad, but trust me, "down below" i had it the worse. :/
Atlantic: Mmmph mmmph mm mmm mmmmm mmmmmph!!! >:((((( Scarlet: WHAT?! Jade: Please, you don't have to shout....although *puts hands where his eyes used to be* it gives me a better idea of where you are...but who am I kidding you're not
hearing any of this... Scarlet: WHAT?!
Inferno: Why even complain about this?! We all *suddenly his voice turns into a female's voice* have some kind of problem thanks to the *turns back into a male voice*
Akuma fucking us up! >:(
Leo: Whoa that's weird... Ace: Honestly I think he has it the best. (Ace is now part pigeon and the size of one too, carrying Swan in his feet who is now a plushie)
Leo: ...At least Post can be the one thing he loves. :/
(Hound whines as he's now a dog but with his human head) Hound: I want my apposable thumbs back! D'X
Volph: Same here! I think? (Volph is now an anthro fox, her fox tail sticking out with her nine tails of her costume)
Maiden: *who has a legit unicorn head but a human body* Let's just find this asshole and be done with this...
Draco: Let's just be careful of how we traverse this chaos driven terrain...especially me... *parts of Draco's body is covered in stained glass, not only that, he's a
bit fragile, a simple fall would shatter him into pieces*
Striker: I second that... *Striker has become part stone like a griffon statue*
Jane: *who's taken the form of Makoto from Danganronpa* Yeah, everybody got a little form change thanks to him... *she looks at the magic book that she's holding*
...At least you guys can move around, unlike Dad who's...probably gonna be immobile until this is over... :/
Kirsty: *climbs on Jane's shoulder* I can't even move without fear of being stepped on. Christine at least has wings. *points to Papillion who's now the size of a
Papillion: Well yeah, the world does seem a bit more dangerous if you're SUPER tiny. :/
Tiger: DOES NO ONE REMEMBER THAT I'M PERMANENTLY ON FIRE?!?!?!?!?! *his whole body is up in flames*
Jane: ...Oh yeah, forgot about that. :/
Pacific: *mouth is full of giant shark teeth expanding his mouth and his lips* My dentist is gonna KILL ME!!!
Ursa: *body was buffed up and generally he looked like a bear man* Now i know how it feels to be the strongest man in the whole armada... *glares at Timber*
Timber: Oh fuck you too, Matt >:(
(Ursa and Timber glare at each other)
Natura: Guys cmon not now! (Natura has turned into the deer god from Princess Mononoke)
Aqua: Yeah, you can do it later AFTER we’re back to normal! XS (Aqua’s hair is now multi-colored, SUPER long, and are thin like spaghetti)
Karma: Yeah... (Karma’s physical body is gone, but his costume and mask are still visible)
Timber: *huffs* Fine...
(They head off the best they can to look for the akuma)
(Jane taken the form of Wise Owl to catch up with the group. Seeing everyone struggling to look for the Akuma in their current state, Joe’s written words in the magic
book were filled with distress and worry for the Armada)
Jane: Awww don’t worry dad, they’ll be okay
Joe: *written down* Are you sure my dear?
(Jane looks up as Jade trips and falls due to blindness and Tiger sets a nearby object on fire) Jane: ...Yeah...they'll be fine O_O
Joe: *written down* I hope so...with these deformities this akuma has bestowed upon them...i just pray to god that they'll be okay by the end of this...
(After a good while of struggling, they hear laughing) Akuma: Oh this is just priceless XD
Timber: *ears twitch* I hear him!
Kirsty: Well duh, he's right above you. *points to the akuma laughing above them*
Akuma: *laughs* Oh god, you all look HILARIOUS!! XD
Atlantic: *muffled ranting* Akuma: What? I can't quite...you got something... *points to his mouth* Oh wait, you have NOTHING XD
(The akuma laughs at Atlantic, while Atlantic fumes with rage)
Timber: You're going down, I think is what he means to say >:(
Akuma: Oh really? You deformed weirdos are gonna take ME down? HA! You guys couldn't even crush a cockroach with these new forms of yours! XD *keeps laughing* Joe: *angrily writes* HEY!! Do NOT insult my children!! >:(
Jane: Sheesh Dad... O_O (Leo hisses and yowls quite pitifully, only fueling the akuma's laughter)
Dasher: You think THIS is FUCKING FUNNY?! >:(
Cyber: Affirmative; analysis confirms that these transfigurations to our bodies are only intended for enterntainment
Draco: So he turned EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US into some kind of JOKE?! >:(
Cyber: Affirmative. Hound: Quit acting so calm about this!!!
Cyber: *looks at Hound, curiously* What do you mean? This is my default voice.
Kirsty: Hey! Are you guys gonna kick his ass or what?!
Akuma: *laughs* There's no WAY these fools are gonna beat me! There's NO way they can smack me around with those silly forms of theirs! XD
(Cyber wordlessly raises his hand and shoots a lightning blast and it hits) Cyber: Target acquired. Akuma object termination in progress
Akuma: GAH!! Why you...!! *his arm morphs into a giant arm made out of vines and he grabs Cyber with the large fist made out of vines*
Timber: WILL!!
(The Akuma lifts Cyber up and starts throwing him around, slamming him into nearby buildings)
(Cyber keeps a straight face almost throughout the whole thing) Tiger: My GOD man, you’re being pummeled!! DONT YOU CARE?!?!
(The Akuma keeps throwing him around until he stops, his vine arm detaching from his body, a new arm immediately grows in its place, and the vines tie around Cyber’s
body. The vines slowly tighten their grip on him and spikes start to pop out in some places)
Timber: LET GO OF MY PEACH!!! (Timber leaps up with his claws and slices through the vines and catches Cyber, landing safely)
Timber: *to Cyber* You Okay, Peach?
Cyber: *stares at Timber in slight shock* A...Affirmative...
Timber: Good... (The Akuma looks at the Armada in slight amusement) Akuma: So ya weaklings think you can stand up against me? >:3
Dasher: Hell yeah we can!!
Akuma: Well I hope you have a little plan to do so, cause I’m gonna make this world turn against ya! >:3 (The Akuma snaps his fingers and suddenly, the ground below them turned into thick chocolate sauce)
Leo: Oh COME ON!!
(They struggle through the chocolate to get out of it, but the fact that Tiger is on fire, causes the chocolate to get a bit hotter)
Pacific: Dude, get OUT of the chocolate!! Tiger: I'm TRYING! >:(((
(They keep struggling until they manage to get out.) (But then the Akuma made the ground below them turn into slippery soap)
(The holders all slip and slide) Jane: It's okay! Just pretend you're ice skating!
Dasher: But-AH! *he slips and falls on the ground* some of us CAN'T skate! XS
Kirsty: Then now's a good time to learn! (Meanwhile, any flying holders who are able, start fighting the akuma)
(However, the akuma had a wide grin on his face, fighting back with such great force. He even takes advantage of their new forms, by landing a hard hit on Draco and a
piece of his glass like body breaking off of him)
(Draco screams) Timber: NO!!! (Cyber stares as emotion tries to break through his eyes)
Akuma: Oh ho, why would a fragile one, such as yourself, would want to fight me? Especially if *grabs Draco's arm and with great force, he snaps it off of him* THIS
happens to ya? >:3
Jane and Kirsty: HOLY SHIT!!! (Cyber blasts the akuma as hard as he can with lightning)
(The akuma smirks and hides Draco behind him, then with his chaos magic, turns the arm into a copy of Draco and uses it as a shield, letting the lightning hit the
Draco clone)
Hound: HEY!!! Leo: No one hurts Dragon Dad on OUR watch!!! (The kids all attack, knocking the clone away)
(The Akuma smiles wickedly and pulls out a large cage, then he swoops all the kids up in it, and then he spins it around quickly)
Stag: KIDS!!!
(The kids scream as they are being spun around. Until the akuma throws the cage and it flies over the adult Holders and through the city) Akuma: Homerun!! >:3
Dasher: I'll get them! *starts running backwards after them as best he can* Atlantic: *muffled yelling and screaming* Scarlet: YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!
Akuma: I'm not going down, you are >;3 *he snaps his fingers and suddenly gravity pushes the Adult Holders down, making it a bit hard for them to move*
(A bird visor then appears on his face) Raven: Well done my akuma! You've done beautifully! >:3
Akuma: Thank you Master! >:3
Akuma: Shall I bring them to you? Raven: Oh please do. >:3
Akuma: I will, and trust me, you'll LAUGH once you seen what i've done to them! >:3
Raven: I look forward to it.
(The Raven Visor disappears and the Akuma looks at the Holders)
Akuma: Well, time to go! (He waves his hand and a giant sentient bag appears and scoops up all the adult holders; he then makes a separate bag) Akuma: Get those kids and that weasel, we want to please Master >:3 *the bag flies off*
(A couple of seconds later, the bag comes back with the kids Holders and Dasher in it)
(The akuma grins and flies towards Raven's tower, which has a kind of shield around it made by the akuma so the reality warping won't affect him; Raven comes out of
the tower, stopping right at the edge of the shield) Raven: I'm sorry to say all your hard work will be undone once they come in here, but please, show them to me, I must see this with my own eyes! >:3 *he gestures to a
spot right in front of the shield*
(The akuma empties the bags out while keeping gravity on them so Raven can see their conditions)
(Upon seeing their conditions, Raven bursts out into laughter)
Raven: Oh! This is incredible! XD
(Raven keeps laughing at them, while the Holders, Jane, and Kirsty, all glare at him)
(He laughs for a while until he finally calms down) Raven: Okay...well done...ten out of ten, darling; throw the bags into my tower and you can keep doing your thing... XD
Akuma: Okay! >:3
(He puts them all back into one bag and throws them into the tower and flies off; meanwhile, while the holders are still helpless, the moment they enter the field,
they return to normal) Raven: *enters the tower* Oh it was fun while it lasted...
(Raven takes the bags up the tower)
(Once he gets to the tower...) Raven: First, let's deal with the extra baggage... *he reaches in and grabs Jane and Kirsty out of the bag*
Jane: AHH! Kirsty: HEY!!
(He ties them up back to back and puts tape on their mouths and holds them up by a length of rope) Raven: Now I can guarantee a little more cooperation from the animal patrol >:3
Kirsty and Jane: MMMPH!!
(Raven unties the bag) Raven: Alright, c'mon out. Enjoy your normality *softly* for now...
(He empties out the bag, letting the Holders fall out)
(Everyone looks around and deflates in relief at seeing they're normal again)
Timber: Thank god...
Cyber: Jordan! *hugs him* I've been wanting to do that all day!!
Timber: *hugs back* Finally, my Peach is speaking normally! :)
Atlantic: I can talk!! Scarlet: I can hear!! Jade: I can see!!
Owl: *looks at himself* I-I'm not in a book anymore...! Oh thank god...!! *hugs any nearby Holders as tightly as possible* Oh my dear children, you're all okay...!!
Hound: Oof! Missed you too, Owl Dad
(Raven rolls his eyes as he sees the Holders all relieved to have their normal bodies back)
Kirsty: MMMPH!! (Hey, don't ignore us!! >:((( )
Jane: MMPH!!! (Yeah, we matter too! >:((( )
Raven: *clears this throat and gets their attention* I get that you're happy but - *he holds his scythe up to Kirsty and Jane* Let's get back to business, shall we?
(The Holders' eyes widen upon seeing the scythe near Jane and Kirsty)
Raven: Your Miraculous, if you please. I would tie you all up and take them by force, but I'm not really feeling it today, soooo... (He pushes the scythe closer, making the two girls whimper)
(The Holders tense up)
Raven: What's it gonna be, holders? The easy way or the hard way?
(The Holders glare at Raven, not wanting to hand their Miraculous over, but they don't want Jane and Kirsty's lives to be taken by Raven Claw)
(After a while, Raven sighs) Raven: Alright, if you're going to be dramatic about it, you can at least be entertaining (He drops a portion of the shield so only he, Jane, and Kirsty are shielded from the warping)
Leo: Oh no, not again! XS (Everyone starts to transform)
Timber: No..! WILL!! (Cyber starts becoming metal again)
(Timber winces in pain as he starts transforming again)
(Cyber hugs him) Cyber: I...I love you...!
Timber: I...I love you...too...!!
Jane and Kirsty: *struggle* MMMMPH!! (The transformations finish)
Tiger: AHHH!!! I'M ON FIRE AGAIN!!!!!
(The holders descend into chaos once more and Raven laughs while Jane and Kirsty watch in horror)
Leo: Oh god, i'm tiny again!!! DX
Hound: *looks at his dog body* Nooooooooo! Atlantic: MMMMMMMPH!!!
Jade: I can't see!!! Scarlet: WHAT?!
Kirsty: *glares at Raven* MMMMMPH!! (YOU ASSHOLE!!)
Jane: *looks at Owl's distorted form, just laying on the ground* MMPH!! (DAD!!)
Raven: *to Owl* Not so tough now are you? XD
Owl: *written down* Shut your mouth! >:(
(Raven floats around them in his shield with Jane and Kirsty)
(Jane and Kirsty watch in horror as they see the Holders freaking out and panicking over their distorted forms)
(Kirsty growls at Raven and gives him a kick in the shins and Jane follows suit, both of them kicking at him)
Raven: Ow! Hey! >:(
Jane and Kirsty: >:(((((((( *keep kicking at him*
Raven: Ow Ow Ow Quit it!! >:((
(They keep kicking at him when Raven suddenly loses his balance; he flails and topples right out of his shield, leaving only Jane and Kirsty sitting inside it)
Raven: Ow... *glares at Jane and Kirsty* Why you- (Suddenly, Raven freezes and then he starts to transform, screaming in pain)
Jane: Mmph! (Whoa!) (Raven grows a bird head and his arms become wings but his body remains) Kirsty: Mmmph? (Did we do that? O_O )
Jane: Mmph! (Apparently! O_O)
(Raven’s transformation completes and he looks at  himself in horror)
(Raven screams in horror upon seeing his distorted form)
Arctic: *who has a similar appearance to Raven but as a Polar bear* HA!! Sucks to be you, asshole!! >:D
(Raven still screams in horror of his new form)
(Owl writes something down and Timber reads it and calls up to Jane and Kirsty) Timber: You two just stay put up there!! We’ll get ya down as soon as we get rid of this akuma!!
Jane: Mmph! (Okay!) *internally* Though I miss being a shapeshifter :/
Kirsty: Mmph! (Got it!) *internally* Man, if I was still small we could get out of these ropes... :/ (The holders get a hold of themselves and look out the window where they see the akuma in the distance)
(The Akuma looks at Raven’s tower, looking a kinda bored) Akuma: The whole city is distorted by me...except this. (He stares at it for a few seconds) Akuma: ...Fuck it, Master’s joining the fun! (He snaps his fingers and Raven’s tower starts to distort and the shield disappears)
(Kirsty instantly shrinks making the ropes fall away from Jane and they pull the tape off)
Jane: *shiftshapes into Sci-Twi* Yes! We're free! And i can shift shape again! :D
Kirsty: *climbs on Jane’s shoulder* Don’t get TOO attached to the crazy akuma magic...
Jane: *gets up* Hey, having the power to shiftshape is the one ability i wish i can have 24/7, so don't blame me for getting TOO attached to this new ability! X3
Kirsty: Just don’t drop me please...
Jane: I won't!
Jane: And besides, we’re already together, no need to FALL for me ;) Kirsty: ........why....? -_-
(Suddenly, everyone feels the tower shaking for a couple of seconds. When it stopped, the window transformed into a large eye and it looked at everyone)
Coral: Huh...at least we don’t have to walk
(Then they feel the lair shake again. Outside, the lair rises and four legs burst out from under it. Then it starts to move around the city mindlessly)
(Everyone topples around from the movement, Jane holding Kirsty in her hands for safety)
(Jane spots Owl's distorted form being thrown around from the movement, but her heart sank when he was getting a bit too close to Tiger)
(Timber quickly yanked Owl away from Tiger)
Hound: Now what?!
(At this point, Raven eventually calms down and glares at the Holders)
Raven: This- Dasher: If you say this our fault you’re fucking DEAD >:(
Jane: Really, it's actually OUR fault ya turned into a raven man! *she shiftshapes into Raven Claw* Then again, you underestimated what two girls can do to you! :P
(Raven lets out a screech of anger and charges towards Jane and Kirsty)
Jane: Oh shit O_O *spreads out her wings and flies off*
Kirsty: *clinging to Jane* FLY FLY FLY!!!!
(Jane flaps her wings as fast as she can)
(Raven chases them out of the tower) Leo: ...I guess we’ll just have to check on them once we take out that akuma
Cyber: Affirmative.
(The holders manage to safely get out of the tower and head towards the akuma)
(As soon as they were getting near the Akuma, a large boxing ring emerges out of the ground below them and rises above the city with them on it)
Atlantic: *muffled annoyed sounds*
(It stops when the boxing ring was way above the city, then the akuma shows up with a big smirk on his face)
Akuma: Ready for the REAL fight? >:3
Akuma: Cause the fight i'm gonna give you, is FINAL BOSS worthy! >:3 *he smiles wickedly then he swoops down. A few seconds later, the ground started to shake and a HUGE dark figure started to rise*
(The kids’ eyes all widen in recognition to the reference) Kids: O_O .......fuck
(Once the dark figure towers over the Armada, the dark figure was revealed to be the akuma transformed into a being of madness and chaos.The Akuma maniacally laughs at them with a wide smile)
Everyone: O_O Timber: .....Welp....let’s get him guys
Dasher: Let's bring our A-Game into this one...i hope... O~O
(They start fighting)
(The Armada do all that they can to fight the Akuma, but at some points during the fight, the Akuma sends out powerful attacks that almost knocked some of the members
of the Armada out of the boxing ring)
Akuma: That’s a few down!
(Draco holds onto the ropes as best as he can) Draco: Boys...Help me...!!
(Timber and Cyber run over and carefully helps him over)
Draco: Thank you...
Timber: We gotcha
(They keep fighting the Akuma)
(Leo and Swan, vein the smallest, sneak around the massive akuma and look for the object they need) (Papillion helps too)
(But then, three hands emerge out of the Akuma's body, grabbing Leo, Swan, and Papillion.)
Timber: KIDS!!
Akuma: Nuh uh uh! If you all want to beat me, then you'll have to do it without taking the easy way! Or else... *the hands' grip on Leo, Swan, and Papillion get
tighter, the three of them scream in pain*
Dasher: Okay okay! (They keep fighting)
(The Akuma keeps holding onto Leo, Papillion, and Swan during the fight)
(The fight goes on for a while until Cyber spots the akuma)
(Cyber was about to shoot at it, but the Akuma noticed that he was taking "the easy way", so another hand emerges out of his body and grabs Cyber tightly) Akuma: NO EASY WAY!!
Hound: You’re a sore loser! >:((((
Akuma: Oh am I? Well, i won’t let ANY of you taking the easy route of beating me, you gotta beat me like you would with a REGULAR final boss! >:) (The Akuma lifts Cyber up and tightens his hold on him, resulting in some sparks flying out of Cyber’s metal body)
(Timber quickly jumps up and latches onto the hand holding Cyber) Timber: Hang on Will!!
(His grip on Cyber gets tighter, more sparks are flying and his eyes start to flicker)
Timber: Silver Claws!! (Timber shoves his claws into the hand and slowly pries the giant fingers away from Cyber so he can grab him and hold him to his chest)
(Cyber had a lot of dents and cracks, even his robot arm was disconnected)
Timber: Jesus...! Timber: Come on Will, stay with me!
Cyber: Energy low. 99% functions are shut down or damaged. *looks at Timber* Jordan...
Timber: Will...!
Cyber: Able...to function...for 5 minutes maximum...after dead line...will shutdown...permanently... (He looks at Timber directly) Cyber: Jordan...beloved spouse... *a smile cracks on his face* I...love...you... :)
(Timber tears up) Timber: I...I love you too...
(Timber gives a quick peck on Cyber’s lips)
Akuma: *laughs* Some hero you are! Can’t even protect one of his friends! Timber: ...I wouldn’t say that... Akuma: Huh? Timber: I just had to keep you still for a few minutes >:3 (At that moment, Stag jumps off one of the poles of the ring and drops the full weight of his giant horns onto the akuma’s head)
Akuma: GAH!!
Stag: TAKE THAT SCUMBAG!!! Timber: GET HIM EVERYONE!! (The holders all charge and take advantage, attacking with everything they have all at once)
(As all the attacks hit the Akuma, he flails around and the city below them starts to twist and turn, becoming a chaotic version of the city)
(The holders keep going and keep attacking, pinning him down under all their attacks)
(They keep going until Timber gives the Akuma the final blow. Then, streams of light poke out from the Akuma’s body, he screams and he explodes into an explosion of
(The akuma object appears and Timber catches it) Timber: Time to end this...
(With all of his strength, he crushes the Akuma into pieces and a black bird flies out)
(he directs the bird to Cyber who is moments away from shutting down; with the last of his strength, Cyber puries the akuma and restores the damage, returning the
world and themselves to normal)
(They all return to the ground and everything and everyone turned back to normal)
Timber: WILL!! (He runs over to Cyber who's body is human and completely healed as he sits up)
Cyber: *looks up* Jordan...!
(Timber scoops him up and spins him around, peppering him with kisses) Timber: Thank god...!
(Cyber giggles and smiles as Timber peppers his face with kisses)
Cyber: It's good to see you too...! X3
(Then Timber kisses Cyber fully in the mouth and they hold that kiss for a few seconds. Then they break the kiss)
Timber: God I missed the real you...
Cyber: Same here...
(Cyber kisses Timber again, quite roughly) Cyber: I've been wanting to do that all day...
(Timber smiles and kisses him back)
(Dasher makes a joking gagging noise as all the other couples embrace and kiss when Scarlet blinks) Scarlet: Um...what happened to my baby sister and her girlfriend? O_O
Everyone: O_O
(Meanwhile, Raven, now back to normal, has just entered his tower with a squirming bag in his possession with a tied and taped Jane and Kirsty inside) Raven: *panting slightly* Well...that was an ordeal...but I finally got you little pests!
Jane and Kirsty: MMMMMPHHHHH!!!!!!!
Raven: *looks around* You know what? We're gonna switch this up a bit, since I'm now quite exhausted. (He takes the bag out of the tower and into another room in his lair)
(Once he got into the other room in his lair, he throws the bag onto the ground)
Jane and Kirsty: MMPH! (OW!!!) (Raven collapses onto a chair that's in the room) Raven: Let's see how long it takes them
(Raven sits there, waiting for the Armada to come)
(After a while he hears them burst into the tower above them) Raven: God, did they break my windows again? -_-
(The Armada race through the tower, looking for Raven, Jane, and Kirsty)
Leo: They're not here!! Atlantic: But that's impossible!!
Owl: Where the hell did he take my daughter and her girlfriend?!
Scarlet: Where's my baby sister?! >:((((
Timber: They have to be here somewhere!
Hound: STORM THE LAIR!! (Raven hears from a distance)
Raven: What?!
(Raven grabs the bag and moves from the room)
(The Armada storm through the lair, looking at every inch, every room, everything Raven's lair has)
(Owl eventually makes it to the front room just in time to see Raven exit the front door and fly away with the bag)
Raven: ...Shit. O_O
(The Armada charge towards Raven while he quickly tries to fly away)
Raven: Dammit...as if I didn't use up enough energy chasing these two before!!
(Raven tries all that he can to fly away from the Armada, but then Owl tackles Raven out of the sky)
(They fall onto a roof and tumble, the bag flying away from both of them)
(Owl pins Raven to the ground, glaring at him)
Owl: Give them back!! Raven: Oh, you want them? Better go get them! >:3 (He points to the bag just as its rolling off the edge of the building)
Owl: *eyes widen in horror* NO!!! *quickly flies towards the bag*
(He reaches out for it but just misses it; when suddenly, Jade appears and catches it as it falls with Nature Leap)
Jade: Got it!
(Jade lands and Scarlet appears and opens the bag, he and Atlantic pulling out the tied up girls) Kirsty: Mmmmph! :D
(Owl quickly takes the tape off their mouths, unties them, and immediately hugs Jane tightly, relieved that she's okay) Owl: Oh my sweet daughter...! You're okay...! You're okay...!!
(The trinity do the same with Kirsty and Scarlet hugs her) Scarlet: Baby sis...! You're okay!! Jade: Thank god...!
Jane: Dad...! *hugs him back*
Kirsty: Guys...! *hugs the trinity*
(The Trinity and Owl keep hugging Kirsty and Jane, even Owl gives a little kiss on Jane's cheek)
(The other holders decide to leave them be and head on their own way) Timber: *takes Cyber's hand* Shall we? :3
Cyber: We shall! :3
(They head off together)
(As they head off, Raven gets up, rolls his eyes and growls, and leaves the Armada without saying a word)
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 6 years
Missing You
Summary: A night of fun and relaxation just isn’t in the cards for Ashley right now. Mainly, because she can’t seem to get him off her mind. Good thing she has wonderful friends to help take her mind off of things and help her realize the importance of expressing her problems.
W: self-insert x canon, fluff, angst
((Note: Kind of a continuation from the last angsty fic that I did. It’s been on my mind for a while and I finally got the inspiration to do it. Just a lot of missing and situational stuff. It’s really cute seeing my side of things too because Shiroe’s mood change happens around here and I kind of see it but don’t really know the reason for it. But I mean, we all know it XD also this fic takes place after they capture the pker. also im shitty at summaries XD))
The sound of laughter and conversation was a relief after the several days that we had experienced. It was a nice change of pace, now that everything seemed somewhat at peace. For the moment, at least. Catching this killer, while it was a terrible situation for all of us, wasn’t the only thing on my mind. This whole time, I had felt a dozen emotions all at once. First, I was upset and lonely from having to deal with being apart from Shiroe. Then, I was anxious for a close friend, watching her go through something that seemed impossible for me to fully grasp. And finally, hearing about someone possibly killing adventurers.
It all seemed to be a crazy situation.
But tonight wasn’t about any of that. Now that he was captured, a whole bunch of us were gathered together and spending the night sort of celebrating. It all seemed fine for the moment, and I still couldn’t seem to find myself getting into the spirit.
I wanted to. I tried desperately to smile when Marielle sat beside me, asking if she could braid my hair and we could chat. The last thing I wanted was for her to know I was feeling this way, but there wasn’t anything I could keep from her. As my older sister, she is entirely aware of my ticks. But I’ve been with all of them so long that everyone knows when my emotions are all over the place.
The room was alive with chatter, the other girls laughing and I couldn’t find myself joining them. But because I have the best group of friends, they were immediately there to comfort me. I felt like a child, but right now I couldn’t pretend to be happy when I wasn’t. Henrietta tugged on my shoulders, letting me lay my head on her lap, that she rested a pillow on. Her fingers softly brushed through my hair, unraveling the braid Marielle had made almost an hour ago now.
Akatsuki sat in front of us, her legs folded as she stared at the ground. The look of understanding she gave me before told me that she was already aware of my feelings. I heard Marielle’s voice as she plopped down beside Henrietta, giggling about something she heard on her way over. The familiar feeling of anxiousness started to spread once again. I was afraid that letting my emotions show was going to ruin their good time. That was the last thing that I wanted to do.
I swallowed, feeling Henrietta tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
“You haven’t been yourself these passed few days,” She spoke up, “I suppose it has something to do with Shiroe.”
I lifted my eyebrows and barked a small laugh, which caused her to chuckle.
“It’s alright. I understand that you’re not used to being apart from him for this long. Besides…” She let out a small sigh, “Things haven’t been at all easy…”
I nodded.
“You know that we’re always here for you, Ashley. What kind of big sister would I be if I didn’t help you through this!” Marielle said, smiling a bit.
“Same here. You know things have been tough for me too.”
Sayeko sat down on the opposite side of Akatsuki, coming back from her short bathroom break to join us. She smiled a bit, and I gave her a small smile back. The two of us probably felt the exact same in this situation, and a part of me felt a bit selfish to act this way. I also felt like a child, being upset and almost crying over this. It was pathetic. I can’t be apart from him, and that made me pathetic.
“Thanks guys,” I said, “I’m okay… just having a hard time tonight. I’m sorry you have to deal with me sulking…”
“Hush. We’re all friends here to help. You don’t have to be ashamed of your feelings. It’s normal for you to be feelings this way. Being distant from those that you lose isn’t easy.”
Henrietta touched my forehead, continuing to brush back my hair. She hates whenever I call her mom, but she really does act that way. It seems more towards me, but I’ve seen her act similar to others as well. It’s not a bad thing at all. I enjoy her motherly interactions with em a lot. It helps in situations of sadness, especially being in a world that is completely different than your own. Trying to make things work, even though sometimes I can still feel homesick.
Though, I’m lucky to have my sister with me.
“Thanks guys… I really appreciate it… I’m sorry that you have to-”
“What did I just say?”
Henrietta gently tapped my head, causing me to wince and chuckle a bit. She rolled her eyes, but was laughing under her breath.
“Stop apologizing, Ashie! We’re here for you because we want to be!”
“Yeah! And besides, don’t you think Shiroe would want you to be having fun? He wouldn’t like you being down like this at all.”
Marielle smiled, patting my leg for reassurance. I gave a small nod to her, slowly sitting up and allowing Henrietta to sit more comfortably. Slowly wiping away the tears under my eyes, I gave a bigger smile to my friends. I was lucky to have them around me, here to save the day whenever I was feeling down. It was a tough time, but Marielle was right.
She threw her arms around my neck and squeezed, knocking the wind out of my lungs. Though, it was exactly what I needed. I wasn’t going to deny the hug at all. Everyone laughed at the woman’s reaction, and I let her squeeze me until she finally let me go.
“Now, why don’t we get you something to drink? We can play a few games! Or maybe we can tell ghost stories!”
“I don’t know about that one, but I’ll take the games.”
“Oh, come on! It’ll be fun to get a little spooked!”
I rolled my eyes at Sayeko and Marielle. Anything to me sounded like a good idea, though before I could choose anything, I heard a familiar sound. Furrowing my brows, I saw the name flashing in front of my eyes and realized I was receiving a call. My heart jumped in my chest, and I could feel the eyes around me in full curiosity.
“I’m sorry guys, but… I have to go outside for a minute,” I said.
“What is it?”
“Is everything okay?”
I nodded, immediately dashing out of the room.
It was a little stupid of me to go outside, given that my pjs weren’t like the other girls. Mine were literally a shirt and shorts even though it wasn’t appropriate. I couldn’t help it, considering I get hot easily if I’m wearing something longer. The cold air didn’t bother me, though. In fact, I barely even noticed it. The warmth running through my blood right now kept me from noticing, and I felt my face heating up the faster my heart beated in my chest.
Biting my lip, I couldn’t even get a word in before I heard the familiar voice.
“Ashley, are you there?”
I could almost cry, hearing that voice like he was standing in front of me.
It had been a while since we last talked. He didn’t want to communicate unless it was completely necessary, keeping calls to importance only. Though, there was that one time that he had to call me. He said it was because he needed a second to breathe, and it helped me feel better knowing that I was that comfort for him.
Though, the lack of communication was definitely hurting my heart. It was the main reason why I felt so lost and alone. Not being able to hear his voice that often was almost as if he was gone. I didn’t like it, at all. I hated having to be apart from him, and not being able to hear his voice. And it hurt even more when I found out that Naotsugu was breaking that rule calling Sayeko a couple of times more. Not that I wasn't happy for them. I was glad that he was calling her, knowing that she was in the same position I was. It just made me wish I didn’t have a boyfriend that was so… by the book.
“Yeah, I’m here… it’s so good to hear your voice,” I said, not caring that my voice broke a bit.
There was a soft pause, before Shiroe spoke up again. I could hear the smile in his voice, and it made me grin.
“It is… I miss you so much… but I have good news.”
“You do?”
“Yep. It’s over… finally…”
When he said those words, I felt like I could cry. Even more. It almost felt like a dream, hearing his voice and feeling the coolness of the air around me. A part of me thought that I’d wake up and this would all be a crazy dream. But it wasn’t… Shiroe was talking to me, and I was standing out in the cold hearing him say it.
My heart leapt in my chest, and I couldn’t stop smiling. My cheeks already hurt from all the smiling, but I was extremely happy. It made up for the hard time I was having just a moment ago. It felt like I was finally getting a break, after the days of emotional shit I had to deal with.
“That’s… that’s so great, babe. Did everything go okay? According to plan… I guess…” I giggled a bit.
“Yeah, well, you could say that. We should be home in a couple of days. There’s so much that I want to tell you.”
I smiled, leaning against my palm and closing my eyes.
In my head I could see him smiling, and I could almost feel him near me. It reminded me just how thankful I was. To be completely in love with this amazing and adorable man. I couldn’t wait for him to be standing in front of me for real. To be able to hold him and kiss him and never let him go. He was never going to leave my side again. I was going to make sure of that.
“I can’t wait, baby… I want you to tell me everything, and don’t leave everything out. There’s so much that we need to make up for… things have been difficult without you.”
“I know… and I can’t wait to see you. I’m sorry it’s been hard for you. Trust me… it hasn’t been easy for me either,” Shiroe mumbled, and a part of me wondered if he took that harder than I intended, “But I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“I know you will. I just want you to be home… that’s all I want.”
I smiled, biting my lip.
Shiroe and I talked for a little bit longer, mainly just discussing plans for when he returned. He sent me a message from Naotsugu to Sayeko, which I gladly said that I would give. Although, I knew that she’d want to hear from him personally. It was nice to have a long conversation with him, and I could sense something different from the last time we spoke. It was a good thing, but I couldn’t quite grasp the reason.
Not that it was ever easy with Shiroe.
Eventually, I started crying, tears streaming down my face. I was just so happy. Shiroe was telling me just how much he loved me and missed me and I lost it. I didn’t want him to know, but he knew me better than that. He knows whenever I’m crying, and I could hear him stumble on his words a bit.
“I need to go,” Shiroe said, “I don’t want to, but… there’s a lot we need to prepare for.”
“Okay, baby. Thank you for calling me…”
“Of course… I’ll see you soon. And Ashley… I love you.”
“I love you too. So much.”
I smiled, feeling my voice breaking once again.
Shiroe and I said our goodbyes, quickly hanging up before we decided to stay on for longer. My heart felt heavy, but it was fine. I felt fine. For the first time in a month, I felt okay. Excited even. Knowing that he was coming home brightened my mood, and I knew that I would be able to finish the night on a good note.
It almost made me feel like this was meant to be. It had to be. The phone call just after I was feeling down, and now I felt on top of the world. It was the best way to end the night. And I couldn’t wait for the next couple of days when Shiroe finally returned home.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
June 14th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on June 14th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Obelisk by Ashley McCammon.
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Featured Comment:
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Obelisk by Ashley McCammon~! (http://www.obeliskcomic.com/) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
🌟Draco Plato🌟
The story has flowed so smoothly so far that it'd be hard for me to pick a certain scene as a favorite. I've really enjoyed the fluidity of the art, with it's beautiful backgrounds and very human seeming characters. Evie has been quite interesting to get to know so far and I'm looking forward to learning more about her as the story goes on.
Her hair has been particularly fascinating to me, I adore how it's drawn.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i appreciate how shes been drawn with a variety of hair styles and clothing. its one of those unnecessary details that can add a lot of life and make everything feel less like a video game.
but man the backgrounds. those are some heavily detailed backgrounds with a lot of love and care put into them and they really express the world so well
if i had to pick a favorite scene id pick when we meet margot. i really like the slight additions of red because something about the wispy way its drawn expressives a hint of...something sinister
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I really enjoyed that too, it also I think was the point where the real feel of the story came into play
and I think we really got a much better grasp on evie(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes though for eve's character i enjoyed the current page aftermath a bit more. if only cause i like that she kind of had a really human reaction to being told to butt out of things that weren't her business XD
🌟Draco Plato🌟
oh yeah, for sure!
I'm really looking forward to seeing where the current story arc is heading(edited)
I love the whole comic so far but I gotta say the way the party scene was drawn is so memorable for me, the panel variation is so creatively done and makes each page feel so energetic
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I liked the scene where Eve was partly hung over and came into the kitchen and her brother regaled her with all the info off a casual remark. I think part of what made that stick too was realizing in the post-script how it was based on REAL history.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
the party scene was especially well done I thought too! Really captured the feeling of what being there would be like
The comic also has so many small details in the sidelines that make the world feel incredibly well rounded and rich like I can tell a ton of research was put into this and that makes me so much more excited about where it's going
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Speaking of how things are drawn, fascinating plan to really only have red be the outsider colour. Definitely makes certain things pop.
Yeah, I have no idea how much research was put into fashions and trends of the time period, but I have to imagine a ton.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah i've researched that time quite a bit and you can really tell that the creator put a lot of work into accuracy
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Speaking as someone who has almost zero knowledge of the time period, I find I can still appreciate it.
In modern day, they'd be all over that concussion issue from falling off a stool.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i liked eve being hung over too just because how it was draw i think had subtle details other comics dont really capture when its depicted. like just the way her face is like "what is life i hate this damn sun why am i awake."
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Interesting how it led into the flashback memories too.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh hey there
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hey super~!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Glad to be here!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i thought it was interesting how the flashback memories were juxtaposed with that scene.
and how it transitioned to it
i also enjoy the hangover scene just cause i can relate to eve being partly aware of a thing but having no interest while the other person just rambles on passionately
and youre just like yeah okay
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That may also be part of why I liked it. ^.-
I wonder if we'll meet this Alice.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I really liked her hair and nightgown in the hang over scene
I agree the story flows so well it’s hard to pick a favorite scene- it’s also so early! But, if I’m honest? Margot’s introduction b/c dayyuuum
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
She did have a commanding presence.
my gay heart can’t handle her
I so appreciate all the research into costume and setting design as well! I simply adore period pieces so I appreciate the effort on that front
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 2. Throughout the comic we meet an interesting cast of side characters, from Eve’s friends to the seemingly criminal Peter Murphy to Agostino. Was there any side character that caught your eye, and if so why? When it comes to Peter and Agostino, do you think we will be seeing more of them? If so, in what way? Will Agostino’s interaction with Margot affect him in some dire way? What do you think will happen if Eve meets Peter? Why do you think Eve isn’t fond of her brother’s new fiancée? Are there any other character details you think the comic might explore?
I really liked Agostino’s reaction to Margot, it’s so foreboding. I most definitely feel we’ll be seeing all the characters that have introduced so far, again. I must say the story so far has so seamlessly and entertainingly set up many relationships, varied characters, and intrigue to delve into that it’s exciting waiting for what comes next!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I admit, I'm curious about seeing Eve and Alice... wondering what it is she's not fond of, whether it's something about personality or just the way she dresses and talks to her brother...
I just feel like they’ve set up a lot of questions we want answered all wrapped up in a varied and entertaining cast
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Agostino may be all hypnotized now.
yeah it’s possible- going a sort of Renfield on us?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i do think weve got an interesting plate of characters going on here who are gonna have some future interesting and interactions with eve thatll take the story to unexpected places.
i really loved the way whatever happened to agostino was depicted
i can see why he freaked
though im really curious why only he was effected
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I do want to add in this story looks like it could be fun as a live action flick, seems like it could work
especially for it's early 1900's setting
I could see it adapted fairly well!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm pretty sure he was affected because it was his blood left behind when he moved the crate into the place initially. They've already got a sample of him.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Glad you agree, Saetje.
But the comic as the media for the story itself here is still done really well. I like how the author plays with visual narrative and panel flow
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yea, it's done extremely well
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Interesting that the owners (possible vampires?) are into antiques. I'd figure it'd be something that they could collect more blood samples from.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
especially all the markerwork
Oh yeah. That was my take too, they already have some blood from him. But time will tell
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Though I guess if you've got all those children's toys left over from 300 years ago... ^.^
...Then again, they came overseas with only the one box. So idk.
Do you think all the sites being investigated are owned by the same group?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
To tie it back in, maybe that Peter guy is their broker.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
http://www.obeliskcomic.com/comic/chapter-1/p43/ OMG CUTE KID
Some quality family time. I hope everyone celebrating has a lovely holiday, and if not, I hope you have a lovely day anyway. I’ll see you all next week!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe it wasnt so much that it was a blood connection thing but in that the blood told margot hed been to the shop before and therefore wanted him to gtfo. since he helped with delivery.
on a different note i do want to say im in math's corner and super want to know why eve doesnt care for alice O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm pretty sure she was gtfo-ing him, but I still feel like it was through the blood somehow.
Related to what SJ posted, maybe it's because Eve helped to raise her brother, and doesn't like that the status quo is being messed with? Though Alice could also be real shallow, who knows.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe Alice is also a vampire!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that could be. and again could just be personality. maybe alice just tried to get eve to do lots of thing eve wasnt comfortable with in an attempt to bond. or maybe alice aggressively tries to set eve up with ppl
the mystery increases!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The town is going to be completely taken over by vampires. Eve will be the only real woman left.
It's like that old tv show about the pod people.
(I will confirm or deny nothing but I love seeing everyone's thoughts and theories so far )
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey there!
Pleased to see ya!
Welcome! Thanks for the lovely comic
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
And thank you as well~
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Hihi draculing! I like tossing out crazy theories, don't worry about me.
Hi~ I'm in and out a bit but it's good to be here
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
also omg Marghot looks so handsome~
The comic is still so early on its cool to see that people are already guessing at stuff
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thanks for being here draculing~!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Eve will win Margot's heart by teaching her to ride a bicycle.
And yes Margot is the Most handsome
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
She is and I love her (edited)
Everything about her looks and personality(edited)
she's so(edited)
She's a lady ;D
Yeah Margot is actually I was under the impression Margot is female? Or they-them?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Well that's not the first time I'vewgotten my genders confused
Margot is a butch woman, dw i definitely get that a lot
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Heh. Probably the pants, I don't think ladies wore them much, but I know little to nothing of the time period.
Ok well I love Margot as I’ve said throughout this chat UM I can’t wait for vampire intrigue romance adventures
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
And I made it to the end of the story so far
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I get the vibe that Eve is into the ladies. The way she blushes sometimes, and is upset about not being married herself yet.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It sure has come a long way since it first started~
I... completely read Eve as queer? She also hangs out with a cast of LGBT folks yes?
They wore pants (or bloomers like eve's bike pants) if they were doing sports or being tomboyish but it was still pretty rare and not looked on fondly
Actual men's clothing was not a thing for women yet except for in theater/music halls
Er- that being what her friend circle is/the party scene as about
Or yknow... gay circles
Yeah pretty much!
I appreciate all the research you’ve done into period clothing and setting!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh really?
I really love horror/romance time periods and I love seeing all the different props and outfits
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Cool about the info. I'd ship Eve and Alice, just to be contrary, except we know they don't get along. Unless... that's just what they want others to think. (edited)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I was actually about to ask how much you researched 1900's/1910's society and such
I wanted to establish that Eve has a social circle of other queer people and they aren't miserable or self hating
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I really appreciated the party scene tbh
Cuz thats all we ever get from historical settings usually
With lgbt characters
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
LGBT characters are always welcome
As a queer person it meant a lot to me
Yeah its really personal to me and I'm glad it resonates!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'm pro-LGBT to the end.
Because I love time period pieces but so many gay romances or lgbt characters are so depressing in that setting. I enjoyed that Eve has a friend group that celebrated themselves and seemed happy
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. As Eve hunts down a lost property, she runs into the mysterious shop owner Margot who somehow bought one of her father’s properties. Who exactly is Margot do you think? Why do you think Margot has moved into the property now of all times, and why do you think Margot chose to run an antiques store? Why do you think Margot was so defensive about Eve’s questions (despite there being simpler, more polite answers as Eve points out)? Do you think Eve will continue to interrogate Margot for information, and do you think she will succeed? Do you think it’s even safe for Eve to interact with Margot given what happened to Agostino? Do you have any other theories about Margot?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Margot is secretly a werewolf.
And I think it (the party scene) was a nice way to set up Eve as queer, it was, to me, obvious her preferences after the party scene without being voyeuristic or over the top of that makes sense? Just enough.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Seriously though, she must be part of some syndicate or something. To get that shop set up in so little time.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I have a feeling it may have something to do with that ring.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Or the djinn/genie inside it.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
If it's not her well-sculpted legs
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Or those of the djinn/genie.
So, actually, it's probably a bloodstone or something. I wonder if Eve will research.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I never thought "bloodstone"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Actually.... is it possible that Margot or her syndicate killed Eve's father in the first place?
I get the feeling there’s going to be some romantic Margot/Eve back and forth and I look forward to that, but I think ultimately Margot will be dangerous- or at least as it’s set up now, every storytelling sign points foreboding when it comes to Margot(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"Sign over this property. Good, excellent. Oh no, you fell down a flight of stairs."
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i feel like if they were responsible theyd know he was dead and not have the reaction that was had over it.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Thankfully he lived
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Well, we only know Margot's reaction.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i definitely forsee eve pestering margot more. cause im willing to bet shes either 1) going to run into a dead end making margot her only option for answers or 2) shes gonna find peter and peter is going to make her super duper suspicious by saying things like "you dont want to know nun ya business."
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"I'm not a nun!"
Eve strikes me as the type who might lurk outside the place to see if other leads show up. That could make Margot decide to just tell her stuff to get rid of her, since "just go away" failed.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
oh i hope eve comes back and is like "im here to buy something you cant kick me out."
but yeah. margot is....isnt doing a good job of making her go away. there were so many better answers then the shifty eye nun ya business XD
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That would be a clever way of doing things too. "The customer is always right." To be fair, Margot was pretty nice up front too, remarking on how she should have heard someone come in... it's only the details of how they got the place that seems to have vexed her.
Maybe she WANTS Eve to come back I feel like Margot knows how to throw a line and reel em in with intrigue and mystery
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also, did Margot arrive in the box? Or was she simply hired to deal with some other dude who now lives upstairs who is a vampire? Maybe SHE'S under control, thanks to the ring. And Eve frees her from the evil spell.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
The personality seems to hit at it
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"Only a kiss can save me from this vampire ring."
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i assume margot was in the box. i think margot is too commanding of a presence to be someone elses mindslave.
and thats true
it could be margot wants eve to come back
alternatively maybe margot hires peter and peter tells eve its in her best interest to stay away or something might happen to her brothers fiancee O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
There is that, or at least not be taken in quite as quickly as seems to have been the case.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
and eve will be like "great good thing i dont like alice"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"You don't want to kiss me? Oh, I guess I'll simply have to get Alice to do it..." "You wouldn't dare."
Eve's brother walks in and is all, uhhhhhh....
I get the feeling it’s going to be Hattie/Eve
I felt like that was hinted at too in the party scene?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That's possible. I admit I'm bad for the names, as usual.
Also, I like going for the improbable ships.
Hattie is the blond friend who took her to the party and there was a panel where it was like their hands almost touched/had been holding and left etc. just feels like it’s possible we might have a romance starting with Eve and Hattie with Margot in there messing it up. But again- so early rn hard to make predictions!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Makes sense... was she the one who opened the old wine?
Yes I think so!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i would like to see more of hattie before i put my eggs in that basket. i feel of all the friends she was the one i feel most distant from sadly :"D even though i thought her design was snazzy
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, it could be a one way relationship there.
Maybe that's why Eve hasn't been hanging with them as much...? I think that was implied.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe although i assumed its cause shes still not quite over her father's death
grief does take time
QUESTION 4. As we learn from Eve, some documents on her father’s properties seem to be missing. Further, he seemed to know possible criminal Peter Murphy and mysterious Margot. Why and how do you think Eve’s father got involved with such people? Was it blackmail, some sort of under the table charity, or something else? Do you think his co-worker Alex knew about the dealings, or was it something private to Eve’s father? If it’s the latter, why do you believe he’d keep it a secret? Do you think Margot’s shop is the only missing property, or do you suspect Eve might find even more? Even if Eve finds the answers to all these questions, do you think she can or would do anything about the situation? Lastly, do these missing properties have anything to do with her father being dead?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Right, that's a good point too. Though you'd think that you'd want others to help console you.
Her father was apparently really good with records and bookkeeping. Maybe he was doing some work on the side that turned out to be shadier than he thought... the flashback seemed to imply that they might have had money troubles. What with Dad not being able to pay the nanny enough wages to keep her on.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
could be. it was implied in that scene that he was also a single father too at that point right?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It was, yes. Maybe the mother died in childbirth?
So Dad took on shady business deals to help make ends meet. Probably why he sold off properties and kept it all locked in that box.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that seems very plausible for how he got involved. albeit alternatively, maybe thats why they have money troubles
is that he was secret selling properties for a low cost and had to cover it up so it wouldnt be discovered
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
True, hard to say which came first. Oh, that's a good theory.
Maybe Peter knows him... just went into business for himself after the death...
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Maybe so.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
peter and the dad were clearly best friends from primary O_O
im curious about his death cause i feel like it must have been unexpected? cause he certainly didnt clean up his affairs. in the sense that ya know he never said "eve by the way i sold some properties to vampires. surprise."
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, that's a good point. Things were left in something of a disarray at the business too.
Interesting how his daughter has been able to take over.
"She has a ... STAKE, in the business."
(Re: research question way earlier, I have a lot of 1900s fashion catalogue reprints and PDFs of 1890s-1900s sears catalogues!! I love.. clothing as personality.. so details are important to me)
Lmao niceee
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh wow, nifty. Is that part of why it's been set in the States, like that's where the catalogues are from?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh nice!
That sounds like a good way to get research, all those old catalogues~
Make sure you keep em safe! I bet they'd be considered collectables in this day and age.
Nah I'm just from New Jersey ;; i grew up going into NYC and went to school there so I have a big attachment to the history and feel of it
Aw i dont have anything original sadly, it would be real cool if i did
I own a few Edwardian sears catalogues too and it’s such a treasure trove tbh. As I’ve said, I appreciate all the detail you’ve put into your costume and setting design. Every character’s clothing choices really does say something strong about them
Its also a good setting for like.. the immigration/othering themes often attached to vampire stories
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and yea that's understandable
Ohh that’s a cool take
It's not at the forefront of the narrative but each character's sort of.. class and life situation is involved in their design and that plays into it
Hopefully I'm not derailing the convo too much by jumping back to that!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That makes sense. Nope, just thinking theories over here.
Alice is secretly behind everything.
yeah we’re mostly just speculating based off what we have so far, it’s nice to get insight into the creation a bit!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
nah your fine.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Seconding saetje
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I was also trying to think about when the New York World's Fair was, but it was like, 1939, so never mind. I don't know historical details.
I've had a lot of stuff where I've realized "wait this hasn't happened yet how weird"
Like... the titanic sinking
If my comic hits 1910 will it address that? We just don't know
is there anything like prop wise you’ve wanted to put in and then had to go “oh wait. Not invented yet”
Ohhh yeah for sure
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Sliced bread?
Because I imagine there’s so many little things we take for granted now that they didn’t have back then
Or like.. finding references for very specific things??
Haha the bread point was too powerful
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Napples likes the historical bread.
Like "what does a cereal box in 1908 look like"
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'm curious now too lol
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Gotta watch out for cereal killers.
Its little stuff that gets you
A lot of finding the closest approximation and then winging it like "hopefully some big history expert won't swoop in and yell at me"
The historical fiction police
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Gotta keep all your facts 100% authentic
(and accurate)
It's a worry even though probably no one minds at all
Because vampires sure are real ha but I get it! You really want that authentic feel
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yea All that matters is your readers have a good time and enjoy the story(edited)
But yeah unless someone is just being pedantic I don’t think you’re going to get mobbed for a small historical mistake
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Anyways seems like we're heading into the final minute of the CTP
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbf tho does happen. historical fiction police do tear things apart but theyre in the minority. i think you do a really great job and pay more attention to detail than a lot of other historical fiction ive seen.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I don't notice such things at least. I enjoyed it.
Including the hairstyle, just to circle us all the way back. Nice crazy hair.
it's very cool and encouraging to see all your ideas about what's going on
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Anyways, thanks for the comic, Drac~! It was a fun read and I hope it grows nice and strong.
Fair fair. I just think people who call out details like that on indie creators are lame
Thank you for reading it!
And yeah! It’s a gorgeous comic!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Me neither~(edited)
Can't believe we already spoiled that Margot is definitely a werewolf, the whole time
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Ashley McCammon, as well, for making Obelisk and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Ashley McCammon’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Fate by Anthea West. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on June 21st from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://www.fatecomic.com/
1 note · View note
Four Seasons of Love
Author’s Note: This was supposed to be written for Sorina Week Day 4: Seasons, but as you can see it was really really REALLY late.
Disclaimer: Titles were not mine. These were taken from the album of someone named Donna Summer.  I don’t really know her and I haven’t listened to the songs but thought that it would be perfect for this fanfic.
Also, all characters belong to Yūto Tsukuda, shoutout to Gordon Ramsay for the cameo xD
Fandom: Shokugeki no Soma
Pairing: Yukihira Soma, Nakiri Erina
Word Count: 5k
You can also read it here.
- Spring Affairs -
“Just a moment Soma-kun!”
He stopped and turned towards the direction of the voice. He didn’t notice that he walked quite a distance from the others. He smiled when the girl caught up, clutching her knees as she struggled to catch her breath.
“You okay, Tadokoro?” he asked guiltily as the blunette took a huge breath and greedily took a gulp from her water bottle.
Not long after, the rest of the Polar Star residents came to view, though not as much as exhausted as Tadokoro.
“Well, this is a first. Who knew Soma-kun could wake up early on a school day?”
“I know right? I was shocked when I saw him humming on the kitchen. For a moment, I thought he was having a Shokugeki this morning but then I remembered that it was only the opening ceremony.”
“I haven’t seen him this excited to go to school.”
“Except maybe if there was a cooking battle.”
“Or a new recipe was being introduced in class.”
“True. I couldn’t believe that there would come a time where Soma would wake up earlier than 6 AM for a regular class, and on an opening ceremony no less.”
He couldn’t believe it either. He woke up this morning feeling energized and itching to get back to Totsuki Academy.
‘We’re going to become second years together, okay?’
He was probably grinning from ear to ear. The others joked about his sudden enthusiasm but he didn’t care. Heck, all he cares about is the fact that starting today they’ll be second years. All of the rebels had made it. They’ve fulfilled their unspoken promise to each other.
He has fulfilled his promise to her.
“You guys. Aren’t you excited that we’ve finally advanced for another year?”
“I would’ve preferred it more if they’ve given us at least a month of vacation.” Shoji muttered sullenly. “At least long enough to recover to the physical and emotional stress that we’ve undergone these past few months.”
“You shouldn’t have expected less.” Marui said as he adjusted his glasses. “This is Totsuki, after all.”
There wasn’t anything interesting that happened at the opening ceremony. Unlike last year.
So when it was done, they all went to get their schedules and proceeded to their respective classrooms.
There we’re only nine of them in his first class so he took the first station that was closest to the exit. A minute before the class officially started, someone hurriedly entered the room and slipped by his side, claiming the station beside his.
“Oh, Erina!” He beamed, causing her to jump before abruptly turning to him.
“I see we’re neighbors again.” He added and before the blonde could formulate a reply, their teacher entered the room and ceased the conversation around them.
“This is ‘World Cuisine’ and throughout the semester you’ll be working in pairs. Those who are in the same station would be partners. No questions asked. ”
Most of their classmates groaned at this but Soma just grinned and turned to his side.  
“I guess you’re stuck with me for the whole semester.”
Erina just rolled her eyes then organized her things.
If this was the case one year ago, he had no doubt that she would be throwing profanities at him and would be listing reasons on why she should be allowed to work by herself and why he should be expelled.
The fact that she was doing neither of the two, well, he’d like to think that she’s already warming up to him.
- Summer Fever -
Summer wouldn’t be complete without a trip on the beach. At least, that was what Alice had said as she dragged Erina to the nearest beach at Totsuki.
She frowned when she saw so many tourists on their bathing suit. She didn’t understand why people would willingly display that much skin in a crowded place. She would’ve preferred it if they went to a private villa but she knew that there was no stopping Alice when she made up her mind.
“Is that Yukihira?”
Hearing his name, Erina’s head swiftly scanned her surroundings before setting her sight to direction Alice was pointing. And indeed, Yukihira Soma was sitting atop the lifeguard post wearing nothing but red shorts and a whistle hanging on his neck.
“I didn’t know that he works as a life guard.”
Erina didn’t know either. She had thought that he’ll be going back to his diner and reopen Yukihira’s for the summer. Apparently her assumption was wrong.
They watched him long enough for Erina to witness a group of girls headed to his direction. There were only two of them, one with light brown hair and the other with short black hair—both wearing their swim suits, she observed. As soon as they’ve caught Soma’s attention, he climbed down from his seat and conversed with the two. One of them laughed at something the redhead had said, while the latter was sporting a pleased and easy smile.
Erina wondered what they were talking about. She discretely squinted her eyes trying to read the movements of their mouths, but of course they were too far away for that to be possible.
Then all of a sudden, the short haired girl grabbed Soma’s hand and pulled him away from his post as the other girl pushed him from his back.
Alice didn’t miss the way her cousin’s face contorted and decided to have a little fun.
“Well, at least he was popular with the tourists.” She commented lightly.
“See if I care,” Erina replied impassively, her mouth set in a firm line. She flipped her hair and turned her back from the scene and briskly walked towards the direction of their cottage.
This highly amused her cousin, who was already thinking of ways on how she can use this little incident to mess with the blonde. That, until she remembered that the only one who knew where their cottage is was Ryo since he was the one that reserved it for them.
“Mou! Hurry up Ryo-kun. We don’t want Erina stealing someone else’s cottage. Gosh. That would be embarrassing.”
As they were headed towards the changing rooms, Alice knew that something was bothering Erina. She can tell, what with her scrunched eyebrows and the way she bit the insides of her cheeks. She would bet a thousand that her cousin was doing it unconsciously.
It doesn’t really take a genius to figure out the reason why her cousin was making such a sour face. If looks could kill then the brown haired lady who had touched Yukihira’s bare back would have been dead 10 times over.
“You know Erina, if you’re jealous then you should have said so. We could’ve both marched in front of them. We both know that he can be oblivious at times.”
“I don’t know what you’re taking about.” Erina replied in instinct. A smirk slowly made its way to Alice’ mouth. She knew first-hand how often that phrase have gone out of her cousin’s mouth that it’s almost reflex by now.
“Oh, please. Like you and Yukihira haven’t been all chummy chummy with each other this past semester,” she said teasingly, eagerly awaiting her companion’s reaction. And to her delight, Erina abruptly turned to face her with a slight blush on her face.
“We did nothing inappropriate!”
“Ooh. So you admit that at least you have done something?” Alice asked feigning interest and innocence at the same time.
“Wha—that’s not what I—we didn’t—ugh. Not another one of these, Alice.” She chided as she hurriedly walked towards their destination.
“Well, you don’t have to leave me behind.” She shouted as she hurried her pace to catch up to Erina.
“Anyway! Don’t let it bother you. For all we know, they were just asking for help with setting up their umbrellas.”
“It doesn’t bother me at all.” She snapped as she entered one of the cubicle and slammed the door on her cousin’s face.
“Suuure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Incidentally, they bumped into Yukihira on their way back. Like, Erina literally bumped into him since she was focusing more on ignoring her cousin than on her surroundings.
Yukihira’s face visibly brightened as he saw the two.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were here.” He said cheerfully, Alice replying in the same manner.
They chatted for a while but eventually, golden eyes settled on the other Nakiri who was being too quiet. He sent a confused look at Alice who only shrugged in response.
He folded his arms on his chest and squatted until he was on Erina’s eye level then schooled his face in a serious expression, his mouth pouting exaggeratedly which ruined the look. He stared directly at her purple eyes and waited for any reaction.
Erina rolled her eyes with his antics before returning her gaze to the golden ones, her expression betraying nothing.
They indulged in a staring contest and when Erina remained quiet, Soma frowned and examined her face.
“Are you seriously ignoring me right now?” Soma asked as he poked Erina’s cheek, an action which caused Alice to raise an eyebrow.
“Stop it Yukihira.” The blonde said as she swatted the red head’s hand.
“Oh no, not the last name basis,” he gasped jokingly as he continued to poke her cheeks, then her hips causing her to squirm.
Alice watched their interaction, no doubt in her mind that she was forgotten but not being able to leave since the scene was more amusing.
When he didn’t draw a laugh from her, Soma suddenly scooped up the blond and thrown her over his shoulder. This earned him a gasp.
“Put me down, Yukihira!”
“I don’t know who you’re taking to.”
He started to walk towards the water and Erina squirms on his hold.
“Put me down!”
“Nope, not gonna happen.”
“Soma!” The moment the words left her mouth, Soma had submerged on the water taking her with him.
When they finally resurfaced, Erina smacked Yukihira while the latter just laughed. And even though it seemed like the man was getting an earful, Alice could still make out the curve on her cousins mouth.
“Gosh. Can they be more obvious?”
- Autumn Changes -
Two days before the Autumn Leaf Viewing, Soma decided that it was a good time to challenge Erina for her 4th seat.
The two of them arrived together on the day of the event, one of them irritated while the other sporting a smug face.
“I just got a new assistant for the Moon Banquet Festival. And a personal bodyguard. Plus my workload have been greatly reduced!” Erina said cheerfully, as a way of explanation to the questioning gazes coming from the rest of the Elite Ten.
“This is slavery, I tell you. This girl has no mercy.” Soma informed them dramatically while pointing a finger at the girl by his side.
She rolled her eyes at him as she sat down at her assigned seat, Soma following suit.
“It's not my fault that someone arrogantly thought that he could beat me at a Shokugeki.” She eyed Soma as she added, “It's too early for you to even think you could beat me.”
Soma crossed his arms and was about to rebut her when Satoshi interjected.
“Now, now children,” he said, clapping his hands in front of him to catch the attention of everyone.
“I think it’s time to meet our precious first years, no?”
With a sigh coming from the others, all the members of the New Elite Ten stood from their seats and walked towards the place where the promising first years of the 93rd Generation await.
The Moon Banquet Festival was bustling as ever. Soma handled everything regarding their booth, from reserving their place at the Yamanote Area, talking to the contractors, to directing the placement of the tables, just so Erina could focus more on the menus.
It was hectic but he discovered that he enjoyed working beside the blonde. She would often let him try one of her creations and he would tell her what he thought of it, even though she would always say the she didn’t ask for his opinion.
The fact that she hadn’t kicked him out yet gave him confidence. She was starting to acknowledge him, he knew it. And even though she was denying it verbally, he knew that it was only a matter of time before she’ll recognize his cooking.
They came in 2nd for the overall ranking, with the Trattoria Aldini taking in the 1st place at the Uptown Area. If it weren’t for the nature of their booth, he had no doubt that they would’ve taken the top. Hisako had a hard time managing the reservations on day one alone. No doubt that the presence of the two seated members in one booth had attracted the attention of most of the patrons.
It was past midnight when they finished cleaning up and went back to the dorm. She had been staying there for the duration of the Moon Banquet Festival for convenience purpose since she and Soma were working together.
It was maybe around two when Soma woke for whatever reason. He sat up on his bed and reached for the water bottle in his night stand. He laid down and was about to go back to sleep when he heard it.
It was faint and he wasn't even sure if it was real or just his ears deceiving him but then he head it again.
He sat up abruptly and when he heard the soft whimper for the third time, he was already up and running out of his bedroom before he even realized what he was doing. His feet automatically brought him on her door and entered the room without bothering to knock.
Everything looks normal at first that he almost thought he was just hearing things. But then Erina jerked on her sleep and Soma was instantly at her side.
Her face was scrunched up and she was sweating like crazy even though the AC was on. He found a face towel at the corner and started dabbing on her face.
“No! Please no!” She squirmed.
“Father please. I’ll do anything. ” Tears started to flow from her closed eyes and the mention of her father almost sent him to find the man so that he could beat his face for ever causing her these pains.
“No more. Please.”
“Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It’s okay.” He said as he caressed her face. “It’s just me, Erina.”  He set aside the hair that was sticking on her forehead, wiping her face in the process.
Her eyes snapped open and what used to be clear purple eyes stared up at him. Her eyes were unfocused and confused as she stared up at him. It took her a moment to clear up before recognition dawned on her.
“S-Soma…kun?” she whispered.
“I’m here,” He said as he took hold of her hand. He helped her sit up and offered her glass of water that she greedily drank. She was still breathing heavily and he was rubbing circles on her back to help herself calm down.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked softly.
She hesitated for a moment, then took a shaky breath before opening herself up to him.
She started crying in the middle of her story and Soma couldn’t help it any longer. He hugged her.
“It was t-terrible. He w-was b-back and I w-was a child again. B-but this t-time, g-grandfather wasn’t there to s-stop him. A-and I d-didn’t enter T-totsuki. A-and I d-didn’t had a c-chance to m-meet any of y-you.”
She cried and cried, baring all her vulnerabilities to the man that she had claimed to hate in the past. He cradled her fragile body, murmuring comforting things as she cried on his chest.
“I-I’m sorry.” She said afterwards. “I’m r-ruining your s-shirt.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
He tightened his hold on her. “You don’t have to worry about anything else, as long as I’m here. I’m going to protect you, don’t worry.”
She snuggled closer to him, her arms thrown on over his shoulder and her face nestled on his neck.
It took quite a while for her sniffles to die down and her breathing to even out.
Seeing her so helpless and broken, something akin to a glass breaking seemed to be happening inside his chest.
At that moment he knew, no he swears that he was going to protect her. He would do anything in his power to never let her experience that kind of hurt, ever again.
If he had to be her personal clown, then so be it.
- Winter Melody -
From: Yukihira Soma
I need a favor Hishoko! (8:02 AM)
I know this is a selfish request… (8:02 AM)
And of course you can tell me no… (8:02 AM)
But…(8:03 AM)
Could you free Erina's schedule on the night of the 25th? (8:03 AM)
“So aside from the client that Mr. Ramsay referred to us, you’re basically free the whole day and the days after that,” Hisako finished as she summarized Erina’s schedule for the duration of her time outside of class.
“Thank you Hisako. You can email me all the details later so I can go over them this evening.” She said over her laptop before dismissing the pinkette.
Even though it was their winter vacation, her schedule just wouldn’t allow her to take a break. There were Elite Ten matters, taste tests to a couple of restaurants, and she even had to fly to New York for a consultation just before Christmas.
Not to mention that she had to shop for gifts for Hisako, Alice, Megumi and some of the rebels that she had gotten close to. And although she had already decided what to give to them, she still had no idea what to give him.
She told herself not to worry. Besides she wouldn’t see any of them until after New Year, when they get back to school, so she still had a couple of weeks.
Her trip to New York was uneventful. Mr. Ramsay introduced her to the winner of some cooking show. The man cooked a dish, presented it to her, she tasted it, said her assessment, gave a bit of advice and business was done. She said the customary ‘You had a lot of potential’ line but of course, it wouldn’t be Erina if she didn’t say some unkind words. Though, she had to commend the man for listening to her little speech without a flinch. She guess he was used it—Mr. Ramsay is an expert at profane words, especially when he’s talking to the chefs under his care.
“We have a few hours before out flight to Japan, Erina-sama. Do you want to go back to the hotel, or maybe you want to go sight-seeing?”
She was about to reply that she wanted to catch a few hours of sleep when her cell phone rang.
“I think I’ll go sight-seeing for a while. You can go ahead, Hisako. Make sure that all of my things were packed. I’ll see you later!” She said as she clicked the answer button and held the cell on her ear. She was out before Hisako can reply.
“Did you know that Santa Claus has eight reindeers to pull on his sleigh? And one of them has red nose! His name’s Ralph, I think.”
Erina rolled her eyes as she listened to the other line. This man really had no manners. He didn’t even bothered to say ‘hello’. But still, just hearing his voice and the nonsense he was spouting put a smile on her face.
“It’s Rudolph.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s the one. Hey, how do you think I’ll look like if I wear a red nose, like Rudolph? They have got to have that on the store, right?”
“You’ll probably still be ugly.”
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I would assume that you meant what you said.”
“Who’s to say that I didn’t mean it?”
“Har, har! Anyways, how was your meeting with Chef Ramsay?”
“It goes the same as my other meetings.”
“Please tell me you at least asked for his autograph?”
“And why would I do that?” Why would she care about Ramsay’s autograph? He may be popular but so was she (this was her pride talking). Both he and she belong to the same circle in the culinary world. Besides, her client wasn’t him but his apprentice.
“Well, he’s Gordon Ramsay. I would say that he’s your male equivalent when it comes to insulting a dish.”
She was about to reply indignantly when she saw it, displayed over a glass window from across the street.
“I’m gonna have to call you back.”
“What? Wait, I was just kid—”
She hanged up the phone before he can finish what he was saying and didn’t waste any time running towards the shop.
The belled chimed as she opened the door and the shopkeeper greeted her as she entered inside. “Welcome, ma’am. Can I help you with something?”
“Oh, umm. I would like to purchase that one on the display.”
“We have quite an assortment of colors for that one.” He said as she led her towards the counter. “We have that in red, blue, plaid—”
“The one on the display will do.” She said, cutting him off.
“Of course, ma’am. Do you want it wrapped?”
“Yes, that would be great.”
“Right away.”
Is it weird to be asleep on Christmas day? Because that’s the state she was in when she received the message. The vibration of her phone from under the pillow rose her from her much needed sleep.
Soma: Meet you at the park later? (11:57 AM)
She frowned as she read the text message. Not even a ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’ or ‘how was the flight’ or ‘please’.
         Me: You can’t tell me what to do. (12:01 PM)
Soma: So that means….? (12:01 PM)
         Me: Meet me by the fountain at 7. (12:02 PM)
Soma: Great! Sleep well. :D (12:02 PM)
And she did just that. She slept until 4 when her stomach was begging for some food. And by 5, she proceeded to scrounge her closet for something to wear.
She wasn’t trying to look good. She wasn’t.
It was just Soma, after all. But why can’t she decide what to wear?
After an hour of wearing then undressing different outfits (yes, an hour), she settled for pants, sweater, boots, winter coat and a beanie.
Just as she was about to leave, Alice’s head poked from the staircase and called in a teasing voice, “Off to see Yukihira, I see?”
She didn’t bothered to reply and just slammed the door.
Soma was leaning in the clock’s pole when she arrived at the park. He was wearing headphones that he slipped off when he finally noticed her arrival. 
He gave her a smile that she swears made her heart race a hundred times per second.
He was bad for her health, she had decided long ago and yet she couldn’t get herself away from him. It’s like he had a magnet that always pulls her in no matter how hard she resisted.
He grabbed her hand when they started walking, and although she was quite surprised, she didn’t take it back or commented on it.
They admired the Christmas lights and the giant Christmas Tree at the central area. They also visited a few booths and Soma even convinced her to try the customary fried chicken at a fast-food chain. When he suggested to eat some strawberry fruitcake, she demanded that they buy it at her favorite bakeshop or ‘so help me, Soma, I will ditch you right here. I’m eating cake from that store and that store only. Give or take.’
They were sitting at a bench while eating their cake when the term ‘present’ was mentioned and she thought that it was as good time as ever to give him his present.
When he opened the box, however, instead of a thank you that she was expecting, he burst out laughing.
To say that she was shocked was an understatement.
“If you don’t like it then just give it back!” She said, snatching the box from his grasp. He cried in protest but she was already walking away.
To think that she had a hard time choosing for his gift. She wanted it to be valuable and not just something that he would appreciate on one day and forget on the next, like a figurine for example. Her first chose would have been an accessory but that would only hinder him while cooking so she settled for the next best thing. And when she saw that neckerchief she thought it was perfect! It matched perfectly with his precious white cloth and she thought he would appreciate it. Too bad it was only in her head, she thought bitterly.
“Hey give it back. You can’t take back what you’ve already given.” He said as he tried to close the distance and match her strides.
“I can.” She snapped.
He grabbed both of her arms when he caught up to her and spun her around so that she was facing him.
“Give it back or else you’ll regret it.”
She scoffed. “Please. Like you could do something that would—”
She didn’t finish her sentence. She couldn’t even if she wanted to.
Not when his lips was pressed on hers. She was so caught off guard that her mind went blank. She couldn’t think of anything else except for the warm and soft lips that was gently pressed on her mouth.
It might have been only for a few seconds before his face moved away but she swore that it almost felt like an hour.
When she finally cleared out of her daze, the first thing that she noticed was that the box wasn’t in her grasp.
That man. He only meant the kiss as a distraction!
She was about to yell at him but she stopped short when she finally saw his expression. Instead of the smug grin that she expected he was wearing, Soma wasn’t even looking at her. He would peak at her from time to time but he would always divert his attention.
And was he blushing?
The thought that he would blush also heated her cheeks. She never would’ve dreamed that she would witness a blush on his face. It was her job, after all, not the other way around.
She flushed when he finally looked directly at her eyes.
“I know that I said that you’d probably regret it, but I sure hope not. “ He gave an uneasy chuckle.
“And besides, I didn’t say that I didn’t like it. You could’ve given me a food wrapper and I would still love it. I’ll always love the things that you do. Or give, for this matter.”
Now it was her who couldn’t look at him.
“And the reason I was laughing earlier because of these.” He hands her a wrapped box and urged her to open it.
What she got inside was a grey knitted scarf. Almost the same as what she had given him.
“May I?” He asked and she silently handed him the scarf. He carefully put it around her neck and she couldn’t calm her heartbeat as much as she tried.
“I don’t know about you, Erina, but I like you.” He confessed softly. “I don’t know if it’s love. Not yet. But I like you Erina. I have been for a while. I like to hear your voice, your laugh, I wanna see you smile and also the different kinds of expression that you can make but wouldn’t make in front of strangers. I wanted to know everything about you, how creepy it may sound.”
Soma continued on but she couldn’t hear it anymore. All she can hear was the sound of her heartbeat that was beating faster and faster. It felt like her chest was going to burst from all the emotions that he was causing her to feel. She couldn’t take it anymore so she did the only thing that she could think of.
She stood on her toes and kissed him, cutting off his monologue.
She looked him in the eye and with as much bravery as she could muster, she muttered her reply, “I-I like you too.”
Soma’s answering smile made her embarrassment worth it.
“So, will you go out with me?”
- Spring Reprise -
“Just a moment Soma-kun!”
He stopped and turned towards the direction of the voice. He didn’t notice that he walked quite a distance from her. He smiled when the girl caught up, clutching her knees as she struggled to catch her breath.
“Tired already? It’s okay to back down.” He teased.
The blonde scoffed and flipped her hair, standing straight and folding her arms on her chest.
“You can dream on. I just thought that it would’ve been better if you’ve waited ‘till the end of the program, not when the program was about to start.”
“Oh, c’mon.” He said as he grabbed and intertwined their hand and led her to the biggest building on the school ground. “The opening ceremony was only for the first years. We aren’t needed in there. Besides, this is more important.”
He dragged her inside the room with the name “Administration Office” and presented the written letter that he have prepared, with both their signatures on. The staffs, despite being surprised, nodded their affirmation and sprang into action.
Nodding to each other, Soma and Erina both walked toward the opposite direction.
“Is it true? About Yukihira Soma and Nakiri Erina?”
“I think so.”
“Oh my god. This is so exciting!”
“The first and second seat, huh?”
What he thought to be an exclusive event turned into a wide scale one. News traveled fast, he thought with grin as he closed his case and got ready to go out.
The first to appear is the current 2nd Seat, dubbed as the “Jack of all trades”, Yukihira Soma!
And next comes our current 1st Seat, the Bearer of God’s Tongue herself, Nakiri Erina!”
The cheers were loud on both sides as the two of them stood face to face at the center of the hall. Erina raised an eyebrow at him with the number of their audience.
“And now the program is ruined.”
He just shrugged. “This is more interesting, I guess.”
“All right, both contestants at your station!”
Before Erina could turn and head towards her station, Soma leaned in and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.
In front of the whole Totsuki body.
“Good luck, princess.” He whispered. “I’m going to be the First Seat before this school year starts.”
“Huh. I’m going to make you eat your words.” And then Erina flipped her hair and finally left the stage, Soma doing the same with a huge grin on his face.
The hall finally stilled, the audience confused on what was more shocking—the impromptu Shokugeki on the day of the Opening Ceremony, or the kiss that they had just witnessed, solidifying the two’s relationship.
Author’s note: Hi! So you finished it ‘till the end, huh? :D Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. 
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