#also i wonder if es will get a cover this time i doubt they will cause they just skipped straight to haruka theres no uncdercover 2
that--funny--feeling · 7 months
Like the first time
Two days ago I saw All things and I still have feelings. I liked it so much.
Here's my take on how it went in that missing moment iykyk
She didn't even remember when she actually fell asleep. One moment she was talking to Mulder about destiny and choices, the next she was feeling his arms wrap around her shoulders and her legs, lifting her off the couch.
«Mulder, what are you doing?» she whispered into his chest with her eyes still half-closed as her blanket slid off of her onto the floor. She hadn't even realized she had it on.
«I'm taking you to bed, Scully.» She heard his voice rumble in his chest. She could feel his heat through his shirt too. It was comforting.
«No… It's late, I have to go home.» she tried to reply weakly, but she didn't even believe her words.
«Don't even try it, Scully.» She imagined him shaking his head. She could have seen it with her own eyes, if only she had opened them. But she was so exhausted. She wondered how he could carry her so easily. She felt so small, wrapped up in his arms. Safe.
Mulder laid her on his bed, under the covers. The sheets must have been just changed because they smelled clean. Scully fully opened her eyes only now and realized that Mulder had already put on his pajamas. Maybe it had been longer than she'd thought since she'd dozed off on the couch.
«Mulder, I've been wearing these clothes since this morning.»
«I can help you with that.» he grinned widely, leaning down on the bed next to her. His smiles were insufferable, but also irresistible. And Scully just didn't have the strength to hold back hers right now.
«And I didn't even go to the bathroom.»
«Mi casa es tu casa.» Mulder indicated his bathroom with a broad hand gesture. «There's still the toothbrush you used the last time in the sink. If you can get past my insane way of closing the toothpaste.» Scully grimaced in response. «And I prepared one of my t-shirts for you as pajamas, if you like.»
Scully caressed his cheek and looked straight into his eyes. He was right, he had only been gone a couple of days, yet it was as if everything had changed. And at the same time as if nothing had changed.
There had always been a part of her that was afraid of making the wrong choices. First she worried about her father's opinion, then Daniel's, then Jack's. Each of them had a precise vision of what her life should have been, of what would have been the most logical path to follow. She had no doubt that Ahab was only behaving that way because he was worried about her and only wanted the best for her, yet it was something that always made her suffer. Daniel, then, had put his entire life onto her, his love for her but also his private dissatisfactions, his professional ambitions, his anxieties, his fears. He thought he knew her, but she had never been sure if he had really gotten to know the Dana of the past, he certainly couldn't have known the one of the present.
And then there was Mulder. That had respected her from the first moment, had always asked her opinion, had trusted her, had supported her in every decision she had made, had helped her save herself more than once, had seen the best and the worst of her, with whom she would even go to hell if he asked her to. With whom she had cried, laughed, discussed cannibalism in the middle of the water, spent sunday mornings in the office talking about flying saucers. With whom she had hoped to have something more and had managed to break the circle that she feared had chained them. She had tasted a passion and a light-heartedness in those months that she had never thought possible before. And with whom she had also lost so much. Even the possibility of a child.
She had always asked Mulder why he didn't stop, why he didn't want to a normal life. But maybe she was the one who didn't want a normal life. She remembered what she had thought during their first case together, as they trembled like leaves in the rain and he had convinced her of his supernatural theory: that she could do this forever.
Maybe the life with him wasn't the one she had imagined as a child. Maybe Ahab wouldn't approved, maybe if Daniel knew what her job really was now he would think she was crazy. But Melissa – God, Melissa. In that moment she missed her more than anything in the world – would have held her hand and hugged her and laughed with her, she was sure of it.
She was exactly where she needed to be. The back of Mulder's head rested against her hand as she caressed him, eyes closed, completely at the mercy of her touch.
He straightened his head and his eyes stared into hers, a faint smile on his lips. «What?» he asked softly, breaking her chain of thoughts.
She shrugged. «I love you» she smiled.
His eyes became serious and stared her for some time. Then the corners of his mouth curved up too. «Oh, brother.» he whispered.
She rolled her eyes, but they were both laughing. «Isn't that what I was supposed to say?» He took her hands in his. «I love you too.»
Scully's heart filled with warmth. She put both hands around his face and kissed him like it was their first time. She had known how Mulder felt for her for a long time, and he had known how she felt too. It wasn't a secret. They had said it silently to each other many times, they had proven it with their actions more times than she could remember at that moment. And just as many times Scully had held back on him, scared of how interconnected their lives were becoming, how much she was depending on him. She was tired of being afraid, she was tired of saying “I'm fine” when she wasn't fine. She wanted to wake up in his arms if she had a nightmare, have breakfast together at the bar, hug each other on the beach, dance with him when she heard a song she liked on the radio, make love all day like teenagers and not just for a few stolen moments.
Mulder returned the kiss and slowly they both entered under the blankets. They made love like it was their first time.
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
Hii! Just a quick thought but when I read your post about the worst outcomes for mahiru's case, I misinterpreted your point of "mahiru dosent love her boyfriend" as her resenting her boyfriend instead of being in a relationship for the sake of it.
However, I do think it's very very likely mahiru has at least subconscious resentment of him.
I saw you used the point "I guess we can just say that this feeling is happiness. I can’t stop feeling like there’s something missing- What do you think? I know it's not the type of question you want to be asked." As mahiru pestering her victim to be in a relationship, but I can't help but wonder if this mahiru asking why she dosent feel totally happy while being in a romantic relationship with her victim. He's bothered by it so she backs off and claims she said it cause he's cute confused. Even her tone while saying "I know it's not the question you want to be asked" comes off as meek and shy, like she's scared of him getting angry (her being scared of/anticipating him getting angry gets referenced again- "we both get lonely sometimes, but I wonder if you'll get angry soon?")
Mahiru seems to cover up all her distress under toxic positivity. Like the "we fought sometimes, I was happy to be hurt" line is the most obvious example to me (something something love is pain, or maybe receiving any form of attention from her partner is good attention?) Even in the voice dramas when she gets upset, she quickly changes the topic (like going from talking about her murder to es to Mahiru trying to get to know Es better and talking about love)
From the diary entries, we know that mahiru is copying her bf to try and appeal and it seems he isn't putting that much effort back into that. Day 9 she mentions him getting black out drunk in their date but covers it up by saying he was cute drunk, mahiru mentions him not ever paying attention to her efforts of beauty but just calls him dense, ect.
Also the fact Mahiru's boyfriend never shows up in the mv until he's giving her something in day 14, thats the only time he shows up at its only his hand. Mahiru's lines in undercover have her complaining about wanting to recieve instead of always give. So maybe that was one of the few times Mahiru's boyfriend went out of the way to do something for her expecting nothing in return, and that's why he appears that day.
the fact Mahiru's mind chooses to represent herself in a birdcage is interesting as well, like she feels trapped in her life.
Mahiru also barely even mentions her boyfriend at all in her voice drama, portal convos, and I think mentions him like once in interrogation. While she does say she would bring him back to life, that dosent automatically disprove Mahiru felt upset with him. It's possible she had mixed feelings and still loves him, or simply feels bad for causing someone's death.
Sorry if this is poorly worded, I wrote this in a rush!
Firstly, I think it's important to state the reason that I made that post was to go over every possible interpretation of Mahiru's actions.
TL;DR- All these theories mine included only showcase a facet of the sort of person Mahiru could be not the whole picture. Swinging between glamorization, flanderization, and vilification over and over. When the fact is there's no speculation that will ever outweigh the truth of the matter. There is no framing of the circumstance that will overshadow an objective truth.
Sadly or maybe luckily the truth of a situation is usually far more interesting than anyone expects. Honestly, that's the most exciting thing about all this.
As I have already covered what you are referring to here before, multiple times I saw no point in retreading those topics there. This framing of events while reasonable and valid to a degree gives Mahiru a lot of the benefit of the doubt. To the extent that it can appear bias in her favor to more objective observers or too simple of a case thus lacking the ambiguity that Milgram is known for.
The purpose of that post was to highlight how everything within Milgram is up to individual interpretation and that there is no definitive answer for what the prisoners have done as of now. It's simply all speculation and as such it can be as in favor or out of the character's favor as the one speculating permits.
It doesn't need to be fair, reasonable, or even heavily backed up by the source material for one to speculate what they believe to be is the case. This is why I tend to not debate other's theories and just stick to writing up my own observations on the information presented. I enjoy having facts from the source material lead me in my observations. Because I am not one to deviate from canon naturally and tend to enjoy adhering to it even if it does something I dislike. This is the only reason I back up my statements with information from the source material.
As you pointed out with your recanting of my use of lyrics in This Is How To Be In Love With You for the points of my previous post. However, to avoid a misunderstanding I will try to put this simply-
The purpose of the post you are referencing was to:
A. Analyze the idea that Mahiru was not dating her victim through as fair and objective of a framing as possible. Meaning not implying the state of her relationship with her victim made her crime more forgivable or less.
B. Highlight how the information Milgram has provided leans itself to various interpretations depending on the person, highlight why that may be the case, and examine what those interpretations were.
To my knowledge, Mahiru was voted Guilty during trial one because people believed her to be a stalker due to her first cover song. I believe that the weakest evidence was chosen to push forward this interpretation but that the concept in and of itself was not unfounded given the rest of the information surrounding her character.
This seems to be supported by the fact that she and every other prisoner outside of Kazui were given an Es cover. However, that is me working under the speculation that Kazui has yet to get an Es cover because the fans beliefs about him were o incorrect that it didn't matter if his song hit a million or not it just wasn't happening.
Something that seems to be supported by how his character has developed from trial one to two now telling Milgram to figure out his lies. However, this could be incorrect. However, if it is true that would mean that what people speculated about Mahiru was close enough to the truth to warrant an Es cover.
Outside of this reasoning I genuinely believe that it's not only important to highlight the more positive interpretations but the more negative ones as well. Because Milgram has left things vague to give space for both of those interpretations to exist.
In your ask, you point out that we only see Mahiru's boyfriend on day fourteen stating,
"So maybe that was one of the few times Mahiru's boyfriend went out of the way to do something for her expecting nothing in return, and that's why he appears that day."
This is inherently false. They had gone out drinking together previously and to the filming locations of one of the films they liked together. However, in those photos Mahiru is the only one shown.
This could be because she wanted to highlight how happy he was making her as the line shown with that image implies,
"I suck at pretending to smile- But see! I feel great because of you!"
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However, she could have purposely highlighted herself to make the outing seem more romantic than it was.
It is possible that day fourteen is the only time Mahiru could have highlighted her and her victim doing something together that appeared like a date without only focusing on herself. This would be possible if day fourteen is the only time her and her victim were alone together during an outing. If he was hanging back surrounded by others, then of course Mahiru would be incapable of highlighting him during these other instances because it would become readily apparent these other times were not dates.
Once again it all comes down to framing. Every other thing they did together, including when she was invited over to his house could have been group activities.
It's easy to use the movie date to propose that Mahiru and this individual must have been dating.
Mahiru even frames it as a date in her diary entry.
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However, this is the first and only outing between them she frames as a date throughout the entirety of her first song. You also said this is probably the first time he did something with her without expecting anything in return but Mahiru states in this day's diary entry she had to beg him to come with her. So, he probably expected her to stop asking or bringing it up at least.
In this picture we even see that there are only two chairs there. Unlike with every other picture in This Is How To Be In Love With You that heavily focuses on only where Mahiru is leaving everything else as background.
He's not even shown on the day of the confession, but we see that Mahiru is looking up at him as he's leaving first-
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This is a possibility highlighted through her, "But see! I feel great because of you!" comment.
It's there to show us that these views of Mahiru we're seeing are the expressions she showed the person she loved. How she wanted to be seen by them. That's the reason he only appears in Day 14. Because before that all of these are images taken with the concept of being observed in mind. She's trying to look her best for him and those around her.
An aspect of her that is highlighted through the styling tips she has within her diary entries.
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Mahiru states that she was invited to his house for the first time here. There's nothing inherently romantic about this- Until she adds on,
"It was my first time going to a man's house." Giving it the slightest hint of a romantic inclination. However, Mahiru is positioned at the front door after removing her outdoor shoes and putting on slippers, a nervous and confused look on her face hands placed in front of her as she takes a nervous bow in greeting.
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There's even a bead of sweat on her face to emphasize her caught off guard confusion. As though she's going, "Huh, I thought it would just be us here." Mahiru has a habit of getting overexcited and jumping to conclusions along with being notably ditzy-
Chances are she just heard him invite her to his house and without very much thought agreed under the misguided belief their relationship was advancing. We know she's an airhead Milgram has told us this multiple times.
Q.26 Has anything interesting happened in MILGRAM lately?
Yuno: – Confirmed that Mahiru-san really is a natural airhead – Futa getting looked down on by Amane.
So, it's not out of the realm of possibility for her to do this and then be surprised when she gets there just to see other people are there as well. Then go,
"Ha, ha I'm just nervous because this is my first time being invited into a man's home! It-it's such a romantic thing, exactly like the books I've read. I was so nervous with anticipation that I didn't eat anything all day. I don't remember much else about it though! Couldn't tell you if it was just us or what happened while in there it's all a blur ha, ha...nerves, huh? *starts chugging alcohol to forget the pain*"
Then regarding the trip to the movie location that was overlooked Mahiru writes this in her diary,
"We went to one of the filming locations for a movie we both like! This sort of thing can only happen in Tokyo huh! It really must be fate that even our taste in movies lines up. I feel like a totally different person to before I met him……"
Day. 11
For a date when you’re walking around you definitely want pants and low heels so as not to spoil the day! Wear fake glasses for a change of pace to give off an intelligent air♡
"We" here can refer to more than the two of them. Once again, the only thing that makes this appear to be a date is Mahiru's framing of the situation. Even her saying she feels like a totally different person than she was before she met him could be because she's been pretending to be interested in the same things he is since they first began talking.
All of the entries where her alleged boyfriend is around she highlights him being there.
So, instead of asking why didn't he show up until day fourteen the question should be why didn't Mahiru show us him until day fourteen while blatantly telling us he was there beforehand? It has been shown that the prisoners have some level of control over what is extracted into their songs in various ways at this point.
So why did she only choose to highlight his presence there? On what to her own admission would appear to be the most date-like circumstances at that. I've interrogated her alleged partners actions and mannerisms already to hell and back but it's unfair to do that for him and never her.
Especially since news flash he's dead, he can't do anything else, he can't graduate college, he can't go back to his part time job, he can't have other lovers. Mahiru can. She states that she wants to live for love now, she's taking notes on how to raise her future children. She has a life to live that she's blatantly looking forward to after taking away someone else's.
Only interrogating his behavior or just hers isn't fair to either of them or the situation.
Then there's this-
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This moment is to Mahiru's own admission, the first time they started speaking. Before this point she had only seen him around school and around town. The first thing she did was immediately lie to him about her interests in an attempt to get closer to him. This isn't inherently a bad thing, but nobody asked her for this lie and she was clearly doing it with an ulterior motive.
They are not dating at this point. If a man went up to a girl for the first time and feigned interest in one of her hobbies as a tactic to pursue them romantically that would still be creepy. Keep that energy here this is still something incredibly creepy and manipulative to do. It's literally just working to be someone's friend in the hopes that they'll chose to date you later which is super not okay and how people tend to friendzone themselves.
Then those same people have the audacity to get mad later like wait what do you mean you just want to be friends?! Like bitch exactly what I said I want to remain friends you are a friend to me- But I did all this in hopes you- Oh, oh okay well that's really fucked up I actually don't want to be friends either anymore please leave.
This is shit that really happens in adult relationships. People will pretend to be your friend and be interested in your hobbies, the movies you like, etc just in the hopes that you'll see how much you have in common and think ya know this is the individual for me I want to date this person.
However, it's manipulative, underhanded and tacky. I was being nice on Mahiru in the previous post that took into consideration the worst case scenario by not bringing this to attention. Because this is a thing that a lot of people have gone through universally. It would be so much easier to dislike her while taking into consideration she was doing something like this.
Simply because this shit is annoying, hurtful, disheartening, and can cause people to have severe trust issues where they'll go oh are you actually interested in this thing or are you trying to fuck me which is it because I'm not falling for this shit again.
Nobody asked Mahiru to feign interest in any of his hobbies. She went and did that all on her own. So, it's not up to him to be grateful to her for it in any way because at the end of the day he's the one being tricked. He didn't ask for this lie- Dude probably just said I like running I do it pretty frequently actually and then she went oh I've been interested in picking that up actually can you show me the ropes.
However, the fucking truth is- The truth that we know for certain is she wasn't interested in running she was interested in him.
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We are told this from thirty-nine seconds in. We are told this before they even speak to one another for the first time. So, how does this work with the theory that she held resentments towards him?
Well, she resented him for not doing the one thing she wants anyone she loves to do,
Q.09 What do you want from a lover?
Mahiru: For them to accept my love! That’s all I ask for!
She could resent him just as much as she loved him because she put all this effort in, she didn't ask for much, but it didn't pay off. She put up this air of the mature onee-san, she took time out of her day to partake in his hobbies, she did all this and he still didn't love her the way she wanted. Yeah, people get resentful for that all the time- But, just because someone is nice to another person, just because they're in a romantic relationship with another person, just because they've known someone a long time does not mean that person owes them fucking anything more than they are willing to give. No means no always all the time!
No matter how much you believe you deserve a thing it means no! The fact that she boasts about begging this man to go to a place with her while heavily implying he'd already declined for his own reasons, and she continued to pester him until he conceded is a red flag in and of itself.
It's easy to highlight that Mahiru says,
Q.14 If there was one person you could bring back from the dead, who would you choose?
Mahiru: The person I love.
But it ignores other things she's said,
Q.08  Is there anything more painful than death?
Shidou: The death of someone you love.
Mahiru: No longer being able to love anyone.
Something that is only emphasized more through pairing it with Shidou's answer.
Q.07  Is there anyone you’d leave behind if you died?
Shidou: Not any more.
Mahiru: Nobody yet~
The information Milgram provides can be interpreted as being bad on both parties, not just him or just her for various reasons. It's like Shidou says in Throw Down,
"There are so many truths, as there are so many lives."
What seems to be the correct answer to one person very well could be incorrect to another. It's only true because we believe it to be.
All these theories, mine included, only showcase a facet of the sort of person Mahiru could be not the whole picture. Swinging between glamorization, flanderization, and vilification over and over. When the fact is there's no speculation that will ever outweigh the truth of the matter. There is no framing of the circumstance that will overshadow an objective truth.
Sadly or maybe luckily the truth of a situation is usually far more interesting than anyone expects.
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linagram · 1 year
>:D Now you have to tell me what songs you'd assign to Eiji and Miki!
OKAY OKAY so i actually did have some t2 covers for them in mind, but i don't think they're gonna get a new profile this time because uhhh, i feel like "the end of the first trial" and the pre-t2 vds show their personality changes well and also if i tried to describe their t2 personalities more, it would be like "but you will see that in one of the future vds!" or "but i can't say much about it because spoilers!", like sure, i have to keep a lot of info about my prisoners secret too, but when it's the guards who are like, literally the protagonists, it's very hard to hide everything. and i didn't want to make a whole new profile just so for their covers (and possible voicelines) soooo yeah i'll talk about them here! also i was too lazy to draw their t2 versions.
Milgram covers.
Eiji: Yeah, he gets Bring It On this time. I had to do it to him. I also thought of giving him Harrow, but let's be honest here, I like to joke about Eiji and Kotoko's similarities, since both of them are so passionate about justice and both of them punish the guilty prisoners, but.. That's where their similarities end. Also, I don't know much about Kotoko, I'm not like, her biggest fan here (though I don't dislike/hate her), so I can't say much about her, but I feel like Eiji is more.. uh.. Basically, sure, he wants to punish all criminals and he wants to see them in pain, but it's not because he wants to make this world better or anything. He's just really obsessed with revenge and he wants to feel in control for once. Honestly, it's actually kinda scary to think about, because like.. What if Eiji went "You know what, maybe I shouldn't focus only on criminals AND I SHOULD JUST HURT EVERYONE". I feel like it really could happen if after T1 there were more guilty prisoners and not the innocent ones. Also I just think his Bring It On cover would sound really cool and that last scene with Fuuta looking anxious and staring at his phone and realizing what he had done?? LITERALLY T2 EIJI SEEING EVERYONE'S VERDICTS AND DOUBTING HIMSELF.
Miki: She gets Triage! I feel like her cover would sound really soft and pretty :) The lyrics sound a lot like her T2 version: yes, she's still blaming herself for Asahi running away from home and not protecting him enough and she also wants to help the guilty prisoners, but also now she knows how much influence she has over everyone here. She can save them. She can save both innocent and guilty prisoners. So please, give her another chance. Yes, she thinks she's worse than all the prisoners here and she thinks she's the worst older sister ever, but also, she's one of the guards. Most prisoners like her and Eiji is willing to listen to her. She's indispensable.
DECO*27 covers.
Okay, this one was hard because to be honest, I was just kinda planning to make them follow in Es's footsteps and cover Hibana together dkdksdlsl. But I tried my best to assign them separate covers.
Eiji: Hmm, I don't think it sounds like something he would sing because I imagine Eiji usually covering more "loud" songs, but I decided to go with At! Now, again, as with pretty much all DECO*27 songs, this one is about a romantic relationship, but hear me out. Like, look at the lyrics. "The day after you die, I wonder what I would eat", "If I voiced it out, you would have gotten mad at me, so I'm keeping that in my head", "Why is it when I'm certain of it, I end up wanting to cry alone".. Or how about "The day after I die, I wonder who you'll rely on"? Or "And I'm surprised, you've been having the same thoughts as me"?? OR "UNTIL THE FAR, FAR FUTURE, LET'S KEEP HURTING EACH OTHER"?? OR "BECAUSE UNTIL WE GET TO UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER, I'LL NEVER LEAVE YOU"?? OR "HITTING AND SHARING THIS EXPERIENCE TOGETHER BECAUSE WE'RE WRONG, WE'RE SHINING MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE NOW, RIGHT??? Yeah, I think you know who I'm talking about. I was so shocked when I read the lyrics because?? THIS IS LITERALLY KEI AND EIJI'S RELATIONSHIP?? Like, even lyrics like "So as we feel troubled, let's tell each other "I love you"" sound a lot like them because GOD THEIR DYNAMIC IS INSANE. Eiji constantly reminding Miki how much he hates Kei for everything he did to Eiji and having understandable reasons for wanting to kill him, but instantly going "protective older brother (who is actually younger)" mode when he sees Kei suffering?? Like seriously, if he could kill Kei, he would. But he didn't. Kei is injured, but still alive. Why did Eiji hold back? Is it because he's still scared of him? Is it because he's so used to Kei's abuse that it feels weird to do the same thing to his older brother? Is it because in a very twisted and also sad way, it's too hard for him to let Kei go and he actually loves him?
Miki: I decided to go with Find the Light! (Both songs are also from the same album, so yay, they match!) The lyrics sound so much like her T2 version and they actually sound a bit scary in this context: "The light slowly vanishes here in this dark world" (her talking about Milgram in general and how there's three guilty prisoners now and the prisoners' relationships are starting to become more toxic and even her relationship with Eiji is a bit different now), "Loving yesterday but hating tomorrow" (She actually gets to hang out with some prisoners sometimes and she ends up having fun, but then she remembers about Trial 2 and Trial 3.. and yeah, those thoughts scare her), "Only a monochrome black and white is reflected in my eyes" (The whole "Innocent or Guilty" thing), "Pushing back the needle of hopes with a finger" (She really is the guilty prisoners' only hope right now and the innocent prisoners also have to ask her for help too).. Some of them are kinda wholesome though, like "So that even if this voice breaks, cry out with a voice that reaches out to recolor the darkness" or "The smiles that I want to protect are right here".. Miki is such an interesting character to me, because at the same time she's a very naive girl who genuinely wants to help others, but also, just like Eiji, she really wants to be in control. Not for the sake of revenge though, but for the sake of stability. She just wants everything to be peaceful for once. And if anyone tries to disturb the peace, well, here's another reminder that she's still one of the guards.
Non-DECO*27 covers:
Again, I wanted to give them one song as a duet and that song is Punishment Game by Kururingo! Like it describes their T2 dynamic so well, or at least that's how Eiji sees their relationship now. Miki is mostly chill about it, but Eiji is slowly starting to see her as a rival. Some moments are so fun to imagine with them too, like "You're wearing that docile expression just to hide your own nervousness, am I right?", "You look like you're enjoying yourself", "You’re trying to keep up that quiet personality, but it’s falling to pieces, I can see it on your face", "No way, could it be that I was the one struggling uselessly this whole time?" and especially "Punishment game, but I'm not laughing, the person on the other end of the strings that move this world, who is it?"/"Hmm, I wonder who it is..".
But if I had to give them separate covers..
Eiji: Hitori Yurari by Kanaria and Maretu! Again, IT'S BECAUSE OF HIS DYNAMIC WITH KEI. IT'S A BIG PART OF HIS CHARACTER PLEASE UNDERSTAND ME. (Or maybe I'm just in that mood because Kei's profile is next and I'm. I'm looking away from his VD. His album trailer voiceline is also such a huge spoiler actually.) But honestly, I'd just love to hear his cover and I think it would sound so cool! The lyrics describe his and Kei's dynamic well too, like Eiji constantly repeating "There's still just no love at all" and also some hints about Kei's past are also there ("You're reeling alone, reeling alone in your dreams, you cried under the shade of a tree in an empty corner") and also lyrics like "Complaining about this and that, you looked down on me, "I love you!", "I hate you!", such an absurd character" and "The way things have gone, I'd prefer it if you'd fall down into hell" AND THE SONG ENDING WITH "I CRIED UNDER THE SHADE OF A TREE IN AN EMPTY CORNER" AND "I WANT TO LIVE WAY LONGER THAN YOU"?? YEAH.
Miki: This one is probably a bit sudden, but.. I decided to go with And Then You Became The Moon by Kikuo. I JUST HAD TO GO WITH A KIKUO SONG FOR HER THIS TIME IDK WHY LIKE I FELT LIKE I HAVE TO DO IT. Now, why this song in particular? Well, this is a cute song about two children playing in the snow and then both of them dying in a blizzard and becoming the Moon and the Star. So, uh.. Miki and Asahi <3 LIKE. THIS SONG SOUNDS SO CUTE AND SO SOFT BUT MIKI SINGING IT MAKES ME SO SAD. She literally thought her little brother died and she blamed herself for it 😭 Honestly, I feel like this song would sound cute as their duet too. I think Andou siblings' voices would sound very soft together. And also the lyrics like "At the very bottom they are together forever" are making me go :') because.. yeah.. It literally took both of them becoming a guard and a prisoner to finally reunite.. So yes, both guards get songs about their siblings this time!
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hugepolecat3298 · 2 years
i understand haruka got android girl because it’s the sequel to two breaths walking because if deco goes 6 months without making a sequel or remaster he explodes but i dont think he will make it sound good i have the least faith in him that you could possibly imagine. sorry mr horie
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mrsnegan · 4 years
hey hun! i was wondering if you could do a fluffy smut with Negan comforting a reader caught crying because of how shy she is around him 🥺
[Thank you so much for the request 💛, this one was fun to write. I hope it turned out alright and you enjoy it! 😊]
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"Why are you crying, doll?"
You could see Negan standing in your doorway through your teary eyes. His big frame looked blurred, less intimidating than usual. Had he been following you after he had seen your nerves get the best of you? It had been difficult for you to step up to him and ask for some extra work. After all, you needed some more points and also felt quite useless if you weren't occupied the whole time. When he had dismissed you without answering whether or not you could work some shifts in the kitchen, you had run away, your shyness and self-doubts taking over your mind.
"It's nothing", you said timidly and hoped he would go away.
"Nah doll, I don't fucking believe you. You've been like this for quite some time and I'm really concerned now." He stepped into your room, closing the door behind him. His movements made you whimper and curl into yourself on your bed.
"Are you afraid of me?"
You looked at your hands and nodded absently. This was a nightmare.
"Fucking shit", he muttered.
The silence that followed made you feel trapped in a situation you would normally avoid at all cost. You felt your chest heavy with anxiety, your tears starting to fall down your cheeks.
"Fuck doll, shh, everything is fine", Negan whispered, "I won't hurt you." He took some well calculated steps towards you. "I may be the big bad wolf but I don't hurt women. I just wanna talk, doll."
You looked at him again, unsure of what to think or feel. He already was standing here, so you had no other choice than to listen.
"OK", you told him sniffling and sat up a bit.
Negan came nearer, sitting down at the edge of your bed.
"What's troubling your beautiful mind, doll?" he asked after another while.
You shrugged your shoulders.
"I don't know...I'm just...exhausted to be afraid all of the time. You're..."
"Please go on", he said in his deep voice which sounded warm and inviting.
"You're intimidating. And I feel so small. You're taking good care of all the people here, I know that but..."
As soon as you looked at him, really looked at him, you could see his concern. He wasn't the fearless leader at this very moment, he was truly interested in your well-being.
"But I don't know what happens when I make a mistake. I'm so afraid to...displease you and make you hate me, it troubles me so much and makes it hard to be in the same room with you", you confessed.
Negan was silent again, letting your words sink in. His hand reached for yours, gently grasping it within his long fingers.
"You could never displease me. You're hard-working, a real sweetheart towards everyone here and you're fucking helpful."
"Thank you, I guess."
"No need to thank me for telling the truth, doll. I know I can be a fucking hand-full sometimes, though I would never ever even think about punishing those ones who follow the rules. And you're such a good girl for following them."
Something about being called a good girl made your heart jump. And of course Negan observed your every move and noticed the tiny change in your body language.
"You want to be my good girl, don't you?"
He shifted nearer, pressing your hand gently against his lips, placing a chaste kiss against your knuckles.
"Then let me take care of you, doll, let me reward you for being such a good girl for me."
Your breath hitched at his words, the blush creeping from your cheeks to your chest. You nodded absently, fully concentrated on his lips against your hand.
"Good girl", he rasped again. His body pushed itself towards you, his face now mere inches away from yours.
The kiss, inevitable and desired, took your breath away. He was gentle and cautious not to overwhelm you too much.
It took you no time at all to melt into the kiss, to your own surprise. You weren't afraid now, only anticipating his next move. There had always been this need to be desired by him, you had felt drawn to him for a while, but his unrelenting and dangerous nature had made you insecure and fearful.
"Relax doll, I will make you feel damn appreciated", Negan spoke against your skin, dragging his lips down to your neck.
The light moan leaving yours made him smile. His fingers wound themselves into your shirt, pushing it up so he could reach underneath to fondle with your breasts. You had forgone a bra today which made it all the easier for him.
His hands seemed to be everywhere, spoiling you with his gentle treatment.
"You know, most of the time I'm into the rough stuff, but I'm a damn gentleman and this here with you just tickles my balls", he told you while stripping you down to your panties.
"Holy shit! You're fucking stunning."
The urge to cover your body was strong as Negan took you in, though you knew better.
His fingers danced along your thighs and stopped at your covered pussy.
"May I?" he asked lowly.
"Yes, please", you answered him.
He dipped past your panties and you couldn't hold in the rich moan spilling from your mouth.
"So wet for me, so good", Negan praised, moving his fingers against her wet folds. With his unoccupied hand, he kneaded your breast, soon getting impatient and helping you out of your panties as well.
Being fully naked in front of a fully clothed Negan made you shake with lust despite your shyness. You wanted him so badly and could see in his eyes he wanted you too.
Dark eyes roamed over your glistening pussy, then he took hold of your thighs to keep you nicely open for him. When his mouth closed over your center, you began to whimper in sheer pleasure.
The desire in the pit of your stomach clouded every little doubt in your mind. It was his name leaving your lips like a chant while he passionately ate you out. For once his dirty mouth kept silent, driving your need to cum into unknown heights. His tongue fucked and licked you so well, it made your legs shake and your eyes roll back. Soon his mouth was joined by his fingers which he drove into your tight channel with just the right pressure and speed. Your hands kept you anchored on the bed and when he looked up, directly into your eyes, you were done for. You came with a cry of pleasure.
He let you come down, cleaning you up, before he kissed you and collapsed beside you on the bed.
"Damn doll", he panted, "you've got the most delicious pussy. I could get addicted to you, I swear."
You smiled at him, for the first time, catching your breath as well. "Thank you, Negan."
"Fuck yes, you're more than welcome. So polite and so sweet. Got me all hard and ready to burst in my pants like a fucking boy", he told you, laughing himself.
"I can help you, if you want."
"Nah, this is about you, not me. We've got all the time in this damn world, gonna get my dick nicely wet the next time."
You were surprised by his words, but you knew not to question his statement. He motioned for you to lean against him and you did, soaking in his unique smell.
"Still afraid of me?" he asked you after a while.
You shook your head, your eyes searching for his. The kiss that followed was sweet and surprisingly intimate. There were so many questions you wanted to ask him about why he was so interested in your well-being, even if you weren't one of his wives, but you kept quiet, relaxing against his frame and drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
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kotokoharrow · 4 years
Case Study 001: Haruka Sakurai
Note that this analysis is based around my own views. I do not present my way of interpreting Haruka as fact, and I am sharing this to see if others agree with me. If you disagree, you are more than welcome to say so and we can discuss it!
Content Warning: This analysis contains discussion of: Animal abuse and death, child abuse and death, emotional abuse, child neglect, murder, flashbacks and nightmares. Please proceed with caution if you are sensitive to any of these topics!
Evidence List:
Haruka’s Profile
Haruka’s Voice Drama
Two Breaths Walking
Voice Line
Timeline Convo
Character Analysis
A young male prisoner, quiet with downcast eyes. During Es’ early interrogations, he offered only a few constrained words in response. However, he has gradually become more talkative, forming an emotional bond over the course of his interviews. Once one begins to converse with him, his gentle pre-disposition is revealed.
He has a meek temperament and, even in Milgram, does not appear to be dissatisfied. Barely manages to communicate with Es and the other prisoners. However, during conversations, as if some meaning is lost along the way, there is a disconnect.
Haruka is a teenager with a very low opinion of himself, shown in his attitude in his voice drama and the lyrics of his song. When he appears in Undercover, he is shown wringing his hands together, avoiding looking at the camera, and when he finally does shows an unhappy expression. These pieces of his body language show that he is an anxious boy.
Haruka doesn’t appear to be very bright, with his song being written in hiragana, and he struggles to follow along with everything that Es says to him in his voice drama. He even says himself that he isn’t very bright. However, this is likely a result of his mother’s treatment of him, as he hasn’t been allowed to develop as he should have.
The shot in Undercover that shows his room shows young children’s toys on the floor. This, along with his speech patterns, show that he remains in a child’s mindset, despite being 17 years old. I believe that this is due to him becoming ‘stuck’ at an age where he experienced a traumatic event as a child - the event that revolved around fireworks and the girl in his MV.
Haruka’s primary motivation is love. He was neglected and emotionally abused by his mother his whole life, and so has been deprived of the love that most people receive from their parents. Despite love being his motivation, he shows in his interrogation questions that he doesn’t really understand what it is - he just knows that he wants it.
While his primary motivation is love, Haruka’s primary fear is abandonment. He is also afraid of being deceived, which again ties into his fear of abandonment. Haruka believes that everyone will leave him when they learn what he has done, and also believes that he will bring misfortune to others. This belief of bringing misfortune to others is likely a belief that his mother gave to him.
Haruka avoids situations and things that remind him of his trauma, such as animals and small children. This, as well as imagery in his MV, his mother’s treatment of him and his general personality, lead me to believe that he experiences PTSD.
The kanji in his given name means ‘far’ or ‘distant’, which likely references his personality, and the fact that he finds it difficult to get close to and communicate with others, due to having been deprived of connections for most of his life.
MV Analysis
I believe that Weakness takes place after Haruka has committed his crimes, and that it’s showing events from his past in the form of nightmares and flashbacks, which is why they appear distorted and there is heavy symbolism. As a result of this, even what we see in the MV is ambiguous as to whether it really happened, as dreams are not always literal and even with flashback-type nightmares, key facts can appear different to what happened in reality.
At the beginning of the MV, we see Haruka sitting in front of a dressing table, looking at himself in the mirror. The table is likely his mothers, as the perfume bottles on it seem to belong to a woman. Behind Haruka, we can see a window that shows that it’s daytime, but when his reflection in the mirror changes into his younger self, we can see that it is night-time outside (with red sky and a full moon). As the image changes, I believe this is Haruka experiencing a flashback, or perhaps a sign that he is having a nightmare.
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I also believe that Haruka experiences PTSD as a result of his mother being emotionally abusive and neglectful towards him. I believe that this mistreatment when he was a young child explains a lot of his current personality - his behaviour fits in well with the behaviours of people who survive emotional abuse (doubting his own perception of things, a very strong negative opinion of himself, fear of abandonment).
There are many lyrics in Weakness that I believe point towards Haruka’s mother being emotionally abusive. The notable ones to me are: ‘Tell me, why are you drifting away from me? / Tell me, why do you say it’s my fault?’ and ‘If I tried and couldn’t say it / You would get angry at me and say “You’re hopeless”’. I believe that these lyrics are directed at Haruka’s mother.
As for imagery in the MV, when Haruka initially falls backwards from the dressing table, he falls into the liquid from his mother’s perfume, which shows how her treatment of him has surrounded him. Later, while he’s walking alongside her happily, she barely looks back down at him, and when adult Haruka pushes his younger self back, the following image is shown:
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I believe the drawing in the background is meant to be Haruka’s mother, and his cruel treatment of his younger self is meant to show that he has internalised his mother’s abuse, going on to blame and punish himself for what he believes she would blame and punish him for.
Later, it shows Haruka as a child watching the fireworks with a girl his own age, whose face is blacked out like his mother’s. While it’s not clear what exactly happened, something bad happened to the girl, and she vanished from his life.
This is pure speculation, but I don’t think that Haruka killed the girl. I think something bad happened to her - possibly she even died - and that Haruka blames himself for what happened, whether fairly or unfairly. I believe that what happened was traumatic to Haruka, and he tried to avoid thinking about the bad part by focusing on his memory of the fireworks, which is a part of his denial.
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Later, Haruka is petting a dog with his mother. Then, he goes outside to search for the dog, and comes across the dog’s body. Initially, I believed that Haruka had killed the dog, and I still think that this is a highly likely theory, as yellow roses are seen (which in flower language used to represent jealousy), and the lyrics that play during this point are ‘You praised me by saying “You’re crazy” / Thank you, I’ll do my best’ which, to me, alludes to children acting out for attention when they are being neglected, because due to the lack of positive attention they begin to see all forms of attention as a good thing, including negative attention.
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However, in the timeline conversations, there is an exchange between Haruka and Shidou where Haruka has bloodied hands, and he tells a concerned Shidou that it comes from a bad habit of his, that when he’s tense he clenches his fists and his nails dig into his palms, causing them to appear bloodied.
Shidou: Sakurai-kun...? Could you show me your hand? Haruka: Hei!? No, this isn’t... it’s n-nothing... Shidou: Lend it to me. ...Your palm is covered in blood. Let’s have it disinfected. This... has it always been like this? Haruka: A-ah... I-it’s a habit... W-When I feel tense I grip my hands really tight, and my nails...
This detail has caused me to wonder if Haruka didn’t actually kill the dog. We see child Haruka looking for the dog nervously, and then appearing horrified when he finds the dogs corpse, then he looks down at his hands and sees blood on them. We also only see adult Haruka bludgeoning the dog. It’s common for people with PTSD to re-experience trauma from different perspectives, or with details changed, so it’s possible that Haruka did not kill the dog.
However, at this point, I think either explanation could be possible, so I’ll leave both of those theories here and move on.
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Later, when it shows adult Haruka strangling child Haruka, I believe that this is when Haruka’s Milgram murder takes place. Before he begins strangling his child self, he is seen looking at a memory of himself being ignored by his mother, and becomes enraged, lashing out at his child self and strangling him, seemingly in an act of self-loathing.
However, I believe that Haruka is actually murdering his mother, having finally snapped and let out all of his repressed feelings. After the murder is over, I believe that Haruka was so horrified by what he did, he went into denial - which is something he has practice from doing his whole life - and the details of what he did became distorted.
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In conclusion, I believe the following:
The MV takes the form of Haruka’s nightmares, which is why it’s ambiguous, unreliable and distorted
Haruka was emotionally abused and neglected by his mother since childhood
Haruka didn’t kill the girl, but he does blame himself for what happened to her
EITHER: Haruka killed the dog to try and get his mother to notice him, OR Haruka didn’t kill the dog but still in some way blames himself for the dog’s death
Haruka killed his mother directly due to his repressed feelings of anger towards her for abusing and neglecting him
Haruka is horrified by what he did, and on some level is in denial of the facts of what happened
Misc Analysis
Haruka’s bedroom has toys that would be more appropriate in the bedroom of a young child. This shows that he is mentally stuck in a child-like state. Interestingly, there is also a drawing of a tree with two snakes that also appears during his MV. I don’t know what this means.
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Haruka is shown strangling Es, which backs up the idea that Haruka’s murder happened when he was shown strangling his child self. Haruka’s mouth is wide open, showing that his murder involved heightened emotion on his part. This wasn’t a cold and calculated murder, this was a spur-of-the-moment response to something.
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Interrogation Questions
I’m picking a few notable interrogation questions to analyse. In general, though, Haruka’s answers were much simpler than Yuno’s, which shows his child-like mindset and difficulty in understanding things.
Q: If one of your wishes could be granted, what would it be? A: I want to be loved.
Pretty straightforwards. This shows Haruka’s core motivation is to be loved.
Q: When was your first love? A: I don’t know.
Q: What’s the difference between romantic love and just love? A: Don’t they both mean that you like someone?
Q: What’s your ideal date plan? A: I don’t understand.
Despite his core motivation being wanting to be loved, Haruka doesn’t understand much about love, due to having been deprived of it his whole life.
Q: What kind of person is your father? A: I disappointed him.
This is the only time we hear of Haruka’s father. I’d guess that his mother blamed Haruka for his father leaving them, and that’s why he believes that he disappointed his father.
Q: Have you ever had a pet before? A: I have not.
Q: What is your favourite animal? A: I don’t like animals.
Q: What are some things you can’t deal with? A: Small children and animals.
Haruka denies any incident that was traumatic to him.
Q: What do you think of your family? A: I love them.
Despite having been deprived of love from his mother, he still says he loves them.
Q: Tell us what you enjoy doing. A: I like talking with the other prisoners.
Haruka talks about what he’s been doing since coming to Milgram, which implies that he didn’t have much he enjoyed doing beforehand.
Two Breaths Walking
A song about a boy meeting a girl. The girl tries to teach the boy about life, but due to the boy’s mother having taught him about life wrongly, he struggles to understand, and as a result ends up hurting the girl.
With Haruka as the boy, the girl in his MV as the girl, and his mother as the boy’s mother, this directly parallels Haruka’s MV. There isn’t much to talk about, because the parallels are pretty direct. It backs up the idea that Haruka’s mother was abusive, teaching him wrongly through her abuse and neglect.
Voice Drama
Es: Now, let’s begin the interrogation. Prisoner Number 1, Haruka. Haruka: O-Okay… I-I’m sorry… Es: Huh? Do you have something to apologise for? Haruka: U-uh, no… I’m sorry.
This shows us Haruka’s submissive personality. This kind of apologising for any perceived fault is very common in survivors of emotional abuse, because they learnt in the abusive environment that their abuser could find fault in anything, and to lower the severity of abuse, they would apologise. However, as this level of apologising isn’t needed or expected in regular situations, when it carries over it stands out.
Haruka: Ah, uh, um… I didn’t understand whatever it was you were saying. It was difficult. Es: Huh? Haruka: Uh, um… I’m sorry. I’m not that bright. Es: Haruka. What age are you? Haruka: Um… 17 years old, I think. Es: You think? Haruka: Uh, well… I have no interest in my age… I’m sorry.
Haruka isn’t used to having to think for himself, which is also common in survivors of emotional abuse. Abusers try to make their victims dependent on them, they may try to make decisions for their victims, or in the case of abusive parents may speak for them and deprive their children of the ability to develop. Taking into account Haruka’s cover song, I think it’s likely that this was the case with his mother.
Es: The only name left that hasn’t been said is Amane. Haruka: A-Amane. Es: What’s wrong? Haruka: I-I’m not good with them. Children at that age. A-Amane is a good girl, but she brings back b-bad memories.
This is most likely referring to whatever happened with the girl in Haruka’s MV. Haruka avoids thinking about traumatic incidents, even in his nightmares he avoids the details of them. Avoiding triggers of traumatic events is a symptom of PTSD.
Haruka: It’ll happen sometime. I… I… Even though I try to be normal, everything gets ruined. You, everyone, if you knew me… If you knew everything that I did… I’m… gonna be abandoned, that’s bound to happen. Because I’m a selfish killer.
Due to his abuse, Haruka solely blames himself for everything that happens. It’s likely that his mother blames him even for things that weren’t his fault, so this thought process stuck. Haruka’s primary motivation is love, and his biggest fear is abandonment.
Glitched Voice Line
Then what should I have done instead!? Tell me! Tell me so even I can understand!
I believe that this line from Haruka is addressed to his mother who he killed. He felt that he had no way to gain her love, and he is looking to her to tell him what to do.
Other Theories
Twin Theory
A theory I’ve seen says that the child in Haruka’s MV isn’t Haruka as a child, and is actually his twin. I don’t think we have any evidence to support this. I think that, given how much of Haruka’s MV is made up with abstract imagery, we should be careful with interpreting it too literally.
Autistic Haruka Theory
I have no issue with people seeing Haruka as being autistic, however, all of the theories about him being autistic seem to come from an outdated view of autism. I am autistic myself, and while I can recognise a lot of autistic traits in Haruka’s behaviour, I don’t think autism is what they were going for. I think that Haruka’s ‘autistic traits’ are, instead, supposed to show that he’s in a child-like mentality after a trauma that took place in his childhood, and that his behaviour has been strongly influenced by his abusive mother. I believe we have evidence that points towards this specifically, but no evidence that points specifically towards Haruka being autistic.
Why does Haruka say that his hands bleed when he’s nervous and what connection does that have to the blood on his hands in the MV?
What is the significance of the necklace that Haruka wears?
What is the significance of the girl in the MV?
What happened while watching the fireworks?
Did Haruka kill the girl?
What’s the significance of the tree and the snakes?
Final Verdict
My Verdict: Innocent.
I’m very glad that the popular vote determined that Haruka was innocent! My major reasons for this are: 
1. His MV is the most abstract right now - it’s unclear exactly what happened, so any judgement based on his crime is going to be difficult. 2. For Haruka to open up more, I think he needs to be reassured that he will not be abandoned. I think that Haruka’s second MV will give us more details, because we have reassured him that he will not be abandoned.
Thank you for reading this ridiculously long thing! I hope to write these for all of the prisoners, and eventually catch up to where we currently are with the voting! If you enjoyed my analysis, please consider sharing so it can reach a wider audience!
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The Reunion - Part 4
Summary: Dealing with the aftermath of losing Omega; How Phoenix Ghost and Echo met. 
A/N: I tried my hand at Kyuzo, apparently it’s suppose to be mispronounced French, according to Wookieepedia, if that’s wrong I do apologize.  Also, FYI, there might be slight canon divergence, I'm going to try and include what happens but that might not be possible. 
Italics - Flashback
(Bold) - Translation
*Bold* - Action
Warnings: Anger, Grief, Hurt, Loss, Attacks, Explosives, Sniper shots, talks of killing, innuendos, flirting, kissing, death, feelings of not enough, if there are any I missed let me know. 
Words: 9,529 - story kind of got away from me a little
AO3 Link
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this.  I appreciate all the love you guys show, so feel free to drop a comment, show some love or do a reblog.  It’s always welcome. 
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“What do you mean you lost Omega?!” I shouted at Hunter’s image.
“I’m sorry, hun” Hunter’s eyes were full of pain and sadness.  I know it wasn’t his fault, after all they told Crosshair and me everything that happened, how the Empire somehow found them through some scavengers, nearly lost all their lives, only for a bounty hunter to show up, shoot Hunter in the chest and kidnap Omega.
I let out a sigh, “No, I’m sorry, it’s not your fault.  Are you okay, love?”
“Slightly sore”
“Huh, sore?” Wrecker pushed Hunter out of the way, “He nearly died!”
“His injury was pretty bad Medic Kambe, we could have used you” Tech finished pushing Wrecker out of the way.
“Are the rest of you okay?”
“Yes, vod’ika.  We are all fine.” Tech answered
“Tell us what the plan is?” Crosshair asked
“We need to figure out who’s after Omega, it’s the only way we’re going to find her” came a woman’s voice, I’ve never heard before.
“Who’s that?” I asked
A beautiful woman came into view, my throat tightened, who was this woman, and why was she leaning on my Hunter’s shoulder.  
“Hi, I’m Phoenix Ghost” came her smooth voice, her skin was perfect, her eyes piercing, “relax doll, I’m not interested in your man, I’m married”, she held up her finger displaying a ring.
“Oh … no … I wasn’t …”
“Ha, yes you were” Crosshair chuckled
“Can we focus on what’s important, please” Hunter cut in
“Do you guys have an idea as to who wants Omega?” Phoenix Ghost asked
“You mean besides the Empire” Crosshair answered
“The Kaminoans” I answered contemplatively.
Everyone looked at me, the silence grew, “What do you mean, cyare?” Hunter inquired.
“That actually would make sense” responded Crosshair
I simply nodded, “Somebody wants to fill us in?” Asked Echo
“The Empire, specifically Admiral Rampart, didn’t want to bring you guys in, they wanted you all eliminated except for Omega…” Crosshair began
“… but” I interjected, “if Omega is brought in by the Empire, then there would be no use for the Kaminoans, since the Empire would have all the answers once they ran a deep scan on Omega.”
“What answers are they looking for?” Phoenix Ghost inquired
“How to make an elite clone, one …” I let out a sigh, “one who is force sensitive”
“WHAT!” Came the answer not just through the comm, but from Lurwa and Crosshair.
“Excuse me, but who else is there with you?” Questioned Tech
“It’s one of my Elite Squad, they wanted to escape the Empire too”
“Yeah sorry, everyone meet Lurwa Zelga, formerly ES-03” I added
“Actually, I was formerly ES-02” Lurwa said
“Oh, sorry about that”
“Why is she tied up?” Hunter asked
“We don’t know if we can trust her” answered Crosshair
“Then why are you allowing her to listen in?” Hunter was getting annoyed, “You know what it doesn’t matter! What are we going to do about Omega?”
“Babe, it’s okay, we’ll figure it out.”
“No, it’s not okay.  I FAILED HER!”
Everyone went silent, “Crosshair, I’m going to take the comm in the back okay, can you transfer it to the other room?”
Crosshair nodded, “Hunter, can you go to a private comm?”
*sigh* “Fine”
Hunter got up and moved, and went into the bunk room of the ship, Hunter’s face popped up on the private comm, “Alright babe, talk to me”
“There’s nothing to talk about”
“Oh I think there’s plenty to talk about, just start at the beginning, from after escaping the explosion of the engine”
Hunter ran a hand over his face, “Omega and I were almost cornered by the Empire, I really thought we were done for, but then we managed to find cover and make our way to the ship.  When we entered the hangar there was nothing but stormtrooper bodies lying everywhere.  I knew at that moment something wasn’t right.  Rather than waiting for the guys to show up, Omega and I walked in.  I should’ve … I should have made her wait, made her hide until I knew it was all clear.  I was so stupid! I put her needlessly in danger.  All my training, all my ability and I failed her.”
“You keep saying you failed her, but you still haven’t told me how?  Come on babe, talk”
“As we walked further in, a bounty hunter stepped out of the Marauder.  I don’t know who he was, he was a Duros with a ridiculous hat, blue skin, some sort of tubing coming out of his face.  His voice was dark and determined.  He didn’t look that dangerous, I mean he looked dangerous, but I didn’t think he … I thought I …
Bounty Hunter: I’ve taken down so many clones over the years.  Once you figure out one, the rest are easy.
Hunter: You’re in for a surprise
Bounty Hunter: I doubt that
Omega: He’s a bounty hunter
Bounty Hunter: Ain’t you smart, kid's got it all figured out
Droid: You’re in trouble now
Hunter: Who hired you?
Bounty Hunter: Son, that's confidential information.  Now hand her over.
Hunter: She’s with us, she’s not going anywhere
Bounty Hunter: That’s unfortunate, for you.
Next thing, I know, I've woken up to Wrecker, asking where Omega is.  He’s freaking out.  Tech is wondering what happened.  They’re trying to get me to the ship.  There’s a pain in my chest, that’s making it difficult for me to breathe.  Don’t you see, I failed her!  I’m just like all those other clones that were bested by him.  I wasn’t … I wasn’t good enough.  I wasn’t … I wasn’t strong enough.  I … I failed her cyare.  S-she was like a daughter to me, and I … I couldn’t … I couldn’t protect her.”  Hunter’s tears were clearly seen through the holo, I wanted nothing more than to be by his side, reach out and wipe the tears.
“Babe, look at me”
His head was in his hands, as he shook his head.
“Look at me, right now”
Hunter dropped his hands and looked me in the eye.
“This guy, this bounty hunter, he may have been faster than you.  But that’s because he’s probably had numerous of these duels, or at the least has been doing this for a ridiculously long time.  Not to mention, you did survive a ridiculous assault from the Empire.  It’s not your fault love.  It’s the Empire’s fault.  It’s this universe’s fault.  It’s the fault of the Kaminoans who put a stupid chip in every clone, that made them turn against the Jedi.  It’s not your fault.  You did your best to save her, and protect her.  We’re going to get her back.”
“How?  We don’t even know where he took her.”
“Maybe we can get help, we can figure all this out.  We just have to breathe.  We’re going to get her back.  We’re going to get your daughter back.  Our … daughter back, Hunter.”
Hunter let out a sigh, “You know cyar’ika, I didn’t think it possible to love you anymore than I do right now”
“I love you too”
- - - - - - - -
“So… that’s the Medic?”
“What? I’m just asking a question ner riduur”
I looked over to Echo and mouth a ‘no’, he looked at me and mouthed ‘no’ back.  I shrugged.
“How are we going to find Omega?” Wrecker asked
“I have an idea on that front”
“What do you got, Phoenix?” asked Crosshair from the comm
“I have some bounty hunter contacts, I think I know who it could be that took Omega, but I got make a few calls”
“Like you need the bunk room, kind of calls?” Asked Fives
“No, vod.  Not that kind of call.  A regular good old fashioned comm call”
“Alright, well we’re almost at the rendezvous point, we’ll comm you guys when we land” Crosshair offered
“Welcome back Crosshair” Wrecker said
“Good to be back”
Crosshair was gone in an instant, “Excuse me, riduur”, I leaned over Echo, and pressed the numbers for a comm link, “You know we still haven’t had our break” Echo whispered in my ear, I couldn’t help but grin.  “I think that’s going to have to wait, ner kar’ta.”
“Fine, but I say once everyone is safe, you and I take off somewhere no one will find us.”
I just looked at him, smirking.
“Whatcha guys talking about?” Fives asked
Echo rolled his eyes at his brother, I couldn’t help but laugh, “Huh, watcha talking about?” He asked, poking Echo in the shoulder, “How we should space you, Fives?” Echo answered.
“What?! What did I do?” He asked hurt
“Okay boys, find your happy places” Tech said
Echo simply looked at me, wiggling his eyebrows.  I stood straighter, hiding the blush creeping up my face.
“Your face is getting red, Ghost” Tech noticed
“Yes, thank you Tech”
“Why is your face getting red?” He inquired
“How are you this smart, and this stupid?” Fives asked
“Fives!” I shouted “Be nice, and apologize, that was rude!”
“Ha, I like you” Wrecker said, “You know how to control these di’kut”
“Wrecker, don’t make me force you to apologize too”
“Ow!” Fives screamed, I turned to face Fives, “What happened?”
“Tech flicked me” he answered
“He deserved it” Tech defended
“Don’t make me get the get-along shirt, and force you guys to get in it.”
“Get a ‘what shirt’?” Tech asked
“It’s a big shirt, that the two of you have to wear until you get along” explained Echo
“Uh … hello?” Came Sugi’s voice
“Hi Sugi”
“Gorgeous! How are you?”
“Ki ca?” (Who that?)
“It’s Gorgeous, Embo”
“Ah, Gorgeous! Bungour.” (Hello)
“Hi Embo, nice to see you”
“Vus volez êtr ma feme?” (Want to be my wife?)
“Ha, thanks Embo, but I’m married.” I held my ring finger up to show him I noticed Echo’s hand tightening on the controls, “Besides, aren’t you with Sugi?”
“Ne fat pasde mal demande”(Doesn’t hurt ask)
I simply shake my head, “Maybe you guys can help us, my friend’s daughter was kidnapped, I’m very fond of her, she's like a niece to me.”
“Gorgeous, I’m so sorry to hear that, how can we help?” Sugi asked
“Well, you guys know a lot of bounty hunters, if I describe the guy do you think you might know who he is?”
“Neput pas fair dema” (Can’t hurt)
“My friend said he was a Duros, blue skin, had a deep voice, wore a ridiculous hat”
“Wait… you said hat?” Sugi asked
“Did he have tubes coming out of his face?”
“It could be Cad Bane”
“Cela pourat êtrun problèm” (This could be a problem)
“Why is it a problem?”
“Gorgeous …”
“What?  Tell me.”
“Il des meileur” (He’s the best)
“Kriff! How good?”
“Let’s say he takes on extremely difficult jobs.  The ones that no one in their right mind would take.”
“Ki est ton ami?” (Who’s your friend?)
“I can’t say.  Do you know where we can find him?  Or if we can intercept him?”
“Well usually … “
“Attende” (Wait)
“What is it, Embo?”
“Il est la” (He’s here)
“Jabba’s Palace” Sugi answered
“Keep him there.  We’ll be there as soon as we can.”
“What’s in it for us if we do?” Sugi asked
“I’ll owe you one?”
“Et moi?” (What about me?)
“I’ll owe you one too”
“How about I owe him one.” Echo answered
“Ki ca?” (Who that?)
“My husband”
“Ha, jalux?” (Jealous?)
“Anyways, keep him busy, and we’ll both owe you guys.”
“Not a problem, Gorgeous.”
“Thanks you guys, see you in a few”
The comm ended, “How is that you stayed single all this time?” Fives asked
I looked at him, “Fives…”
“What, I’m serious, the amount of people that hit on you, while you were working the cantina, even before you left the GAR” I looked over to Echo, his knuckles were white, I could see the veins on his hand.
“Echo, my dear, you need to relax”
“I’m changing our heading to Tatooine, I’ve relayed the message to Crosshair” Tech interrupted.
“I’m going to go tell Hunter” I looked over to Fives and mouthed ‘behave’, he just gave me a smirk.  I leaned over to Echo and whispered, “Ignore Fives.  You’re the only one for me”, I kissed him on his cheek.  His grip on the control loosened, and he let out a sigh, “I know, I just …”
“I know, Echo.  It’s okay” I kissed him once more on the cheek.
I turned to walk out, and glared at Fives again, mouthing ‘Seriously, behave’.  Fives raised his hands in surrender.
- - - - - - - -
“Hunter” I called knocking on the bunk door.
“Come in”
I walked in, the call with Kambe long ended, his hands holding his head, I could tell he was crying, “You ok?”
“I don’t want to talk about it, what do you want?”
“We found Cad Bane”
“The bounty hunter who took Omega”
He shot straight up, his eyes were full of anger and hatred, “Where?”
“How?” His anger was building, I could see his fists were clenched by his side, he looked ready to strike.
“I have some friends that know him, we were talking when he walked into the Palace”
“Who’s Palace?”
“Do you think he’s the one who wants Omega?”
“No.  More likely, it’s a layover till he meets his contact.”
He didn’t say anything, I could feel his rage boiling over, “Hunter…”
“What!” I raised my hands and backed away.  I just looked down at the ground and turned to walk away.
“Wait!” Hunter called, I stopped and turned, “I’m sorry, it’s just …”
“I know”
“How could you?”
I let out a sigh, “Have a seat” I motioned to the bunk behind him, “Echo didn’t tell you how we met, did he?”
Hunter shook his head, “It was just after he joined the 501st …
- - - - - - - -
“I can’t wait to get out there, do Hevy proud” Fives said
“I think he would be proud of us, no matter what we did” Echo responded
“Of course, you would believe that”
“Captain Rex, Sir!” They both stood and saluted the Captain, I stood behind the Captain of the 501st, looking at these two fresh faces.  Fives glanced over to me, and did a quick once over, I couldn’t help but smirk, cheeky bastard.  Echo gave me a side look, but kept his eyes on the Captain.
“At ease boys, I have a special mission for the both of you.  This is Agent Halcyon, she has been tasked with a special mission and needs two good men to go with her.  I am trusting that you both will be good soldiers and show Agent Halcyon what it means to be part of the 501st!”
“Sir, yes Sir!” They both echoed.
“Agent Halcyon” he stretched out his hand and shook mine
“Captain Rex, always a pleasure” I winked at him, he smirked and walked away.
“Alright guys, relax.”
“Thank you, Agent Halcyon” chimed Echo
“First, it’s just Halcyon, don’t use titles.  What are your boys' names?”
“I’m Fives, that’s Echo.  I’m the one whose name you'll never forget to scream out.”  Fives winked, Echo rolled his eyes at his brother.
“Oh really?” I stepped up to Fives, my face an inch from his, he took a noticeable swallow, “Tell me Fives, exactly how will I not forget you?”
“Um… I …”
“Listen here trooper! You think you’re the first one who’s tried to get into my pants?”
“Better man than you have tried, and do you know how many have succeeded?”
“None.  So take your ego, your misogyny, your desire to try to accumulate notches on your belt, and shove it! Is that understood?”
“Yes, ma’am”
“Good!” I stepped back, “Now that we have that straightened out, you both are going to follow me.  First we need to get you guys some civilian clothing, secondly I need to go over the mission with the both of you.  Now unless Echo here has any comment he would like to make?”
“No, ma’am”
“Oh one more thing, stop calling me ma’am.  It’s Halcyon.”
- - - - - - - - - -
“Is the plan clear?”
“I don’t understand, why are they trying to kidnap Senator Orn Free Taa’s daughter?” Echo asked
“He has the deciding vote on a bill in the senate, it’s not unusual for Senators and their families to be threatened.  Problem is we don’t know who exactly is threatening him, whether it’s the opposition of the bill, the separatist, or someone who has a personal vendetta against him.  It’s no secret that not all his people are happy he’s their representative.”
“Do we have to guard her in her house?  Wouldn’t it be better if we take her from there?” Fives asked
“Normally, I would say yes.  For me, I personally would rather keep her out of public view, but unfortunately that’s not possible.”
“Why’s that?” Inquired Echo
“She’s pregnant.  The stress of the constant danger of being on the move, could endanger the baby.  So while you guys maintain eyes on the perimeter I’ll be her personal bodyguard.”
“No offence Halcyon, but you’re just one person.”
“With you two, that makes three.  I think the odds are in our favour.  Plus, you don’t get to be the best, by being weak” I smirked at Fives, “If you guys want, we can spar a few rounds before we land on Ryloth, and I can prove how good I am.”
“Not necessary, Halcyon, Fives’ just an idiot.”
“Ha, spoken like a true brother.  Let me guess, you guys are batchmates.”
“Yeah we are” Fives answered, “How did you know?”
“When you're around enough clones, you can tell.  Alright you two, get all the equipment you need, once we leave the Resolute, we’ll be on our own.  I’d rather you guys take more than what we need, and have too much, then not enough.  Is that clear?”
“Yes, ma’am” they both saluted.  I just shook my head, “Sorry, Halcyon.”
“That’s okay, meet me at the ship at 0630”
- - - - - - - -
“Madam Oofatfeli” I bowed before Senator Orn Free Taa’s daughter.
“Halcyon, it’s been too long,” she stepped forward and hugged me.  Oofatfeli was one of the most beautiful women, her skin was an iridescent blue, it was a very rare and special Twi’lek colour.  Her husband passed away during Ryloth’s occupation, leaving her a widow and a child to raise on her own.
“You’re positively glowing”
“Oh! Feel! The baby just kicked.  Kid’s going to be just as strong as Mirtilo was.”
I placed my hand on her bump, as she guided me to where the child was kicking, I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face.  “Mirtilo would have been such a proud father.  I have no doubt about that.”
Fives and Echo seemed uncomfortable, quietly I asked “Oofatfeli, would you mind if they…” I motioned my head to them.  She smiled that radiating beautiful smile, “Not at all” she whispered back.
“Fives, Echo, come here”
They stepped closer, I guided their hands to where the baby had been kicking, “I don’t understand” Echo said.  
“Just wait” Oofatfeli answered, and just like that, the baby started kicking again.
“What was that?” Fives asked confused
“That’s the baby, it’s kicking” I answered
“That … that’s the baby?” Fives was mesmerized, “I never …”
“It’s amazing! Right?  To know that life has been created, and being cared for, by an amazingly, devoted mother.”
“See this is why you and I are friends, Halcyon.  You offer up praises like their nothing.”
“Hey if I’m the aunt and godmother of this child, trust me, I’ll offer up all the praises I can muster” I chuckled, “Alright boys, enough lollygagging, time to get to work.  I want every exit checked, examine the perimeter and tell me what areas, we’re vulnerable.  I want a backup hiding place.  I want a handful of weapons and explosives stored in the two hiding places.  I also want some explosives armed in the areas we won’t be able to cover.  Nothing too damaging, just enough to knock a perpetrator out.  Finally I want weapons hidden throughout the house, under tables, couches, maybe in some of the cabinets.  I want to fortify our last resort position.  If we need to hold them off, I want to know we can do it until backup arrives.  Understood?”
“Yes, Halcyon” answered Echo
“Great.  Any questions?”
“Just one?”
“What is it, Echo?”
“Can I feel the baby kick one more time?” I just looked at this man, this handsome man, so different from his brother, and at that moment he captured my heart.  He was so sweet, tender and caring, a soldier through and through, but went weak in the knees for a baby.
“Ha, sure, give me your hand Echo” Oofatfeli said, after a few moments, Echo’s smile radiated pure joy.  I couldn’t hide the smirk on my face, or the adoration in my eyes watching him, he glanced over to me, and smiled sweetly.  A blush started to form on his face.
“Ahem!” Fives cleared his throat
“Right, time to go” Echo said
Both boys left, “So… Echo?” Oofatfeli quirked an eyebrow at me.
“What about him?” I asked while grabbing my bag and beginning to set up my equipment, my trusty DC-15LE rifle, nicknamed Peacekeeper, it was an inside joke with myself, how far I went from being a Jedi Knight, an actual keeper of the peace.  She was my partner in crime.
“You know what?  I saw that look between you two.”
“He was being sweet with the baby, that’s the only look you saw.”
The rifle now strapped to my back, I began placing all my other DC-17 hand blasters, in strategic easy to grab locations.  “Yeah, but that’s not what I felt” Oofatfeli continued following me around.
“There was nothing to feel”
“Come on, just because you may have trained as a Jedi, doesn’t mean you can’t connect with someone.  It might even be good for you.”
“Oofatfeli, I love you like a sister, but you are way off base.  There is nothing between Echo and me, especially since I just met him, what, a few days, like three days ago.”
“When Mirtilo and I first met, in the span of an hour we knew we were meant to be.”
“That’s different”
“How is that different?”
“You look like you, and I …” I motioned to my whole body, I let out a sigh, “… I’m not the kind of girl, guys go for.  A one-night stand, sure they’re quick to try to get in my pants, but a relationship…” I shook my head.
“Is that why you still haven’t been with anyone?  You want a relationship and not a one-night stand?”
“I don’t know what I want, and until I do, it’s better if I’m alone.”
“Maybe you need to stop listening with your head, and listen to your heart.  Cause from what I saw, there was more there in that look, then just a one-night stand.”
“Alright, we’re done with this conversation.”
“Ha, that’s what you think.  But we can be done for now.  I need to use the fresher, I swear this kid thinks my bladder is a bouncy ball.”
I laughed, “Halcyon” came Echo’s voice, “Yes, Echo?”
“The perimeter is secure, we’re coming back in.”
“Okay.” I turned to put away my bag, when I heard, “Dude you got it bad for her” came Fives voice.
“No, I don’t.”
“Listen, I don’t blame you, she’s hot.”
“We all know what you think of her”
“Did I come across a bit too aggressive? Maybe.  Do I regret it? Not at all.”
“You're impossible.”
“Just admit, you like her.”
“Fives, shut up!”
“Hey I wasn’t imagining the look you gave her, or that smile vod.”
“I … uh…”
“You do like her!”
“Fives, she’s going to hear you?”
“She already has” I answered, “Next time, make sure to turn off your comm.”
I heard a beep and that was the end of that conversation.
- - - - - - -
Oofatfeli was sleeping in her room, the two boys were resting in the guest room, while I kept watch.  I noticed a shadow on the floor, walking along the roof.   I chimed the boys, and walked to Oofatfeli’s room.
Fives and Echo emerged in no time, “What’s the problem?” Fives asked.
“There’s someone on the roof.  You two guard Oofatfeli, I’m gonna wake her up, I want you both to take her to room A, while I check it out.”
“This isn’t up for discussion, Echo.  You guys are here as the last line of defence if I fail, get it!”
I opened the door quietly, thank goodness we made sure to cover the windows with a heavy curtain.  I nudged her awake. I put my finger to my lips, and escorted her into the hallways, into Fives and Echos waiting arms, “Go with them.”  She looked scared, “Sis?” Her eyes were wide and kept darting everywhere,
“Hey, look at me.  I’m not going to let anything happen to you, okay?  I’m going to take care of it.  Fives and Echo are the best, they’ll protect you, okay.”
She simply nodded, I motioned with my head for Fives and Echo to take her to the room.  Once I knew they were locked and secure, I went to the window to see if I could see where the shadow was, it was just on the roof, closest to the east window.  I climbed up the ladder to the attic, when I heard a shift on the roof, they headed towards Oofatfeli’s room.  I climbed back down the ladder quietly, and heard them walking along the wall of the house.  I waited in her room, with my DC-17 blaster in hand.  I closed my eyes, allowing the force to calm me, steadying my hand.  
I heard a slight scrape on the window, and then a hand pushed aside the curtain. I grabbed the hand, dragging the person through the window, glass erupting everywhere and flung them in the room, throwing them against the wall.  I stunned the man lying on the ground looking at me, he was out in a matter of seconds.  I looked outside to see another shadow, however knowing the jig was up, they ran to the south side of the house.  I didn’t hesitate and exited the house, through the kitchen door on the west, I heard the perpetrator land on the gravel outside the house, and ran after them, within seconds, they were in front of me.  I hurled myself at their feet, knocking them down.
I stood grabbing Peacekeeper off my back, and aimed my rifle at the man’s head while he laid on the ground, “Go ahead, make a move”.  The man before me raised his hand. “On your knees” once he was kneeling before me, I threw the cuffs I had in my back pocket at him.
Cuffed, I brought him back to the house.  I had him sit in the dining room, tying him to the chair, separating his hands and tying each arm to the arm of the chair.  I then tied his legs to the leg chair.  Once I knew he was secure, I walked back to Oofatfeli’s room and dragged the man over to the dining room, tying him up the same way.  I double checked all their pockets, removing any weapons I could find.  
“Fives, Echo?” I yelled.
I heard Fives yell back, “We clear?”
“So far, I only found these two”, I answered, hearing Fives coming up behind me in the dining room.  He looked from me to the two men sitting before me.  One unconscious and the other tied and gagged.
“Okay, so I’m never getting on your bad side”
I laughed, “Glad to hear it.”
I stepped up beside him, keeping my voice low, “Take Oofatfeli to the guest room, there’s glass everywhere in her room, I also want you to call the Senator’s guard, find out how they let these two threw.”
Fives nodded and walked away.  
“Now, you’re going to tell me who hired you and why you’re here.”
- - - - - - -
“I don’t understand?”
“It appears Mirtilo didn’t die in the occupation, as everyone thought.”
“No.  He died.  I know he died.”
“Did you see a body?”
“It was the occupation, people disappeared, we were lucky if we found a body.”
“Well, I have to go with what they told me.”
“Maybe he’s lying” offered Echo
“It’s possible, but he would have to be quite strong to resist my interrogations.”
“What does that mean?” Fives asked
“Not the time” I offered, “Oofatfeli, can you think of any reason why Mirtilo would be doing this?”
She shook her head, tears welling up.  I looked at Fives and Echo, “Could you guys give us a minute?”  They both nodded, I put my arms around her as she leaned into my shoulder crying, I rubbed soothing circles on her back, when I felt eyes watching us, I looked up to see Echo watching me.  My heart was breaking for her, to know the man she loved was the one behind the threat on her life, I couldn’t help but have tears well up in my eyes.  Echo looked into my eyes with determination, and closed the door.  I don’t know why, I didn’t yell at him to leave, but that look of determination filled me with a sense of purpose.  I wasn’t going to let Mirtilo hurt her, or the baby.
“Sweetie, do you think you can talk now? We’re alone.”
“I know why.”
“Why is he doing this?”
“He never agreed with my father’s political views, he believed Ryloth should be completely free, not belonging to any system.  The bill on the floor is to increase the Republic’s presence on Ryloth, to make sure the Separatist do not come back.  If Mirtilo was alive, he would have fought my father tooth and nail against the bill.  Mirtilo was afraid the Republic could be corrupted and become a dictatorship, ruling with an iron fist over the people of Ryloth.  But to go so far as to threaten me or our unborn child…” She raised herself and shook her head.
“Does he feel that your father would back down if something happened to either of you?”
“My father prides himself on his people and family.  If he couldn’t protect his family, he would lose the support of the people on Ryloth, and with it his wealth and status.”
I nodded, “What do you want to do?”
Oofatfeli looked at me shocked, “What do you mean?”
“My dear, this is your husband.  If you want to stay, I will defend you till my last dying breath, but that could mean the end of your husband’s life too.  If you want to leave, we can go to Coruscant and bring the matter to your father fully, maybe get him to back off from the bill.  At least that will guarantee the safety of you and your baby.  But this is your life and your baby’s, I will not tell you what to do.”
She nodded, “I think we should stay.  If I flee, I’m caving into his demands, he may be my husband, but he’s wrong.  Every action he has taken has been the wrong one.  Why did he hide from me?  Why didn’t he return home?  I will not cower from him.”
I nodded, she was right, I knew Mirtilo, regardless of his views, he would never harm them.  There had to be another explanation.
“Okay, then, we’re going to reinforce everything.  I want you to stay in Room A at night.  That way it can be a stronger defence point.  We won’t have to worry about getting to you to bring you to the safety of the room.  I’m also going to get you to carry a blaster the entire time, in case we’re incapacitated.  Finally, we’re going to get a midwife here, just in case you go into labour.  I want you to think of one that you trust, that you know will defend you and protect the little one.”
Oofatfeli nodded, “For now though, my dear sister” I patted her shoulder, “I want you to get some rest, while I deal with those two men out there. Just lay back down.  I’ll have Fives sit here with you, keeping watch, is that okay?”
“Yeah, but instead of Fives, can I have Echo”
I looked at her quizzically, “Sure, any specific reason?”
“I feel he’ll be calmer if something happens with the baby.”
I nodded, “Yeah, I think so too.  Not a problem.” I helped her lay down on the bed, and approached Echo, who was standing outside the door.
“Are you okay Halcyon?”
I ran my hand over my face, “Honestly, Echo, I don’t know.  Mirtilo was like a brother to me, when we thought we lost him, it … it was hard, you know.”
“Yeah, when we lost Hevy, Droidbait, and Cutup, it was … it’s still hard, I miss them.”
I nodded, “Listen, can you stay in the room with her?”
“Sure, but why me?”
“She thinks you’ll be calmer should something happen with the baby”
Echo nodded, “I don’t blame her” he chuckled, looking over at Fives.
“Thanks” I patted his upper arm, I was about to walk away, when Echo grabbed my hand, “Halcyon?”
I turned to look at him, “Yeah, Echo?”
“I’m sorry about earlier, the comm issue.  It was unprofessional and disrespectful of you.  I …” he looked to the floor, still holding my hand against his arm, “… I hope you can forgive me.”
“Echo, there’s nothing to forgive.  If anything I’m the one who should be apologizing” Echo looked into my eyes, questioning, “I should have told you right away, that I could hear Fives asking you the question.  But I guess…” I looked away, the blush rising, maker! I hate it when Oofatfeli’s right.
“You guess?” He stepped closer, moving my hand to hold in his left hand, while his right forefinger and thumb purchased on my chin, turning my head so he could look into my eyes, “I guess I just wanted to know the answer.”
Now he was the one blushing, “Oh!”
“Yeah” I leaned forward, he inched his face forward, less than a hair’s breadth away.  
Realizing how close we were, the fact his hand was still holding my face, at some point my left hand rested on his right wrist, I don't remember when that happened, while our other hand was holding each other.  I pulled back quite quickly, I don’t know what happened.  
“Sorry” I muttered
“No.. it was my fault” Echo sighed.
“I have to…” I motioned towards the other way.
“Yeah, I need to …” Echo motioned to the guest room.  We looked at each other one last time and walked away as quickly as our feet could carry us, with Fives standing there smirking, watching us move away from each other as fast as possible.  
“Not interested, my ass!” I heard Fives mumble.
“Hey Halcyon”
“Yes, Fives” I answered as I made my way to the dining room, “I’m sure if you ask Echo out, he’ll say yes.”
“Not the time Fives”
“Ha, yeah right!”
“Did the Senator’s guards show up?”
“Yeah they did, they’re with the men in the dining room.”
- - - - - -
“Care to explain how these men breached your security?” I questioned the head guard, with my arms crossed under my chest.
“Agent, I apologize.  I don’t know what happened.”
“Well let me tell you what is going to happen, from now on, I want double the guards, no, triple.  I want ID checks on all the guards stationed.  I want background checks done.  No visitors in or out of this place.”
“Agent that’s not necessary”
“Oh really?” I questioned motioning to the two men tied to the chairs in the dining room.
“Point taken.”
“Finally, I want an investigative team to search for Mirtilo, I want an answer, a lead, or even a suggestion by the time the sun rises, in the next 6 hours.  If I don’t have any of that, I will contact the Chancellor and the Senator myself, and we’ll see how things turn out for you.” I leaned forward, anger dripping from each word.  
“Did I stutter?”
The head guard didn’t answer, “Fives, did I stutter or make myself unclear in any way?”
“No, Agent.  You were very clear.”
“Then I see no reason why you four men should be standing in front of me still, remove these men, arrest them and bring me a lead by the time the sun is up, or you will see a side of me, you wish never to see!  Do I make myself clear!”
“Yes, Agent” the head guard seethed, “very clear”.
“Good.  Get out of my face.”
The men untied the two intruders, and departed from the house.  The house was quiet now, all the lights were on.  I turned to face Fives.
“I’m going to contact the Chancellor and the Senator now.  I don’t trust that man.”
“I agree, there’s something off about him.”
“Can you contact Rex, while I’m talking to the Chancellor and see if he can lend us a few more men.  I have a feeling this was a trial run.”
“Not a problem, I’ll do it right now.”
- - - - - -
“This is troubling Agent” the Chancellor’s concern was clearly evident.
“You really believe Mirtilo is alive?” Asked the Senator
“I don’t know, it could be they are using his name as a martyr for the cause.  For him to try and endanger the life of his wife and unborn child, I can’t see him doing that, no matter his political view.”
“I agree” concurred the Senator
“Tell us what you need, Agent,” the Chancellor inquired.
“I would like some extra men, I have a feeling they’ll be back in stronger numbers.  I also would like to request a Jedi to investigate this so-called rumour.  I do not believe the Head Guard is to be trusted.”
“Very well, since the 501st are already aware of the situation, we will redeploy General Skywalker to you, along with a garrison of his men.”
“Thank you, Chancellor” I bowed before the man, “Senator, believe me when I say I will protect Oofatfeli till my dying breath.”
“I know my dear, I never doubted that.”
I bowed to both men, and ended the transmission.
“Rex said he’s getting his men together, and they’ll be here by the morning, they were on their way back from a mission.”
“Remind me to buy Rex a drink at 79’s when we’re back on Coruscant.”
“I think you’ll have to buy everyone a drink”
“That’s fine, my credits are good” I smirked
“And, I’m sure Echo, would be all too happy to have a drink with you” I looked at him trying to hide the blush creeping up, as my lips tried to hide the smile appearing.
“You’re the worst, you know that!”
“Hey, I want to see you two get together, is that so terrible?”
“Really, because not that long ago, you were trying to get into my pants.”
“Yeah, but you know that was all talk.”
“You’re like the brother I never wanted, you know that.”
Fives beamed from ear to ear, “You know what we call brothers and sisters in Mando’a?”
I shook my head ‘no’, “Vod, so vod’ika, I will be happy to be your vod.”
“What does that word mean, v-vod’ika?”
“Little sister”
“Ha, I think I’m older than you.”
“It’s the sentiment more than anything else”
“Alright, vod.  I’m gonna check on Oofatfeli”
“Don’t you mean Echo?”
“Shut up!”
- - - - - - -
I opened the door slightly, to peer in, and noticed Echo had his blaster resting on his lap, his feet up on the other bed, his eyes closed.  Oofatfeli rested peacefully, I came up and placed a hand on his shoulder, he startled himself awake, thankfully quiet enough that Oofatfeli didn’t hear.  I motioned for him to follow me out.  
I kept my voice low “We contacted the Chancellor and the Senator, they’re sending backup.  General Skywalker and a garrison of your unit, will be coming to investigate and protect.”
“Do you think we’re in trouble?”
“I think Mirtilo is dead, and they’re using his name as a way to justify their actions.  I think they don’t care about her or the baby, they just want to hurt the Senator.”
“You’re worried”
“Yeah I am.  I don’t have family, they’re my family” I motioned my head to where Oofatfeli lay sleeping.  
“Well you have us now too” Echo grabbed my hand, rubbing circles on the back.
“Ha, yeah, I sort of adopted Fives as my brother” I chuckled, holding his hand tighter.
“What about me?”
“What about you?” I asked looking into his eyes
He stepped forward, moving my hair off my face, “What am I to you?”
“I … um…” I moved closer, my free hand resting on his chest, “Echo, I’m not good at this… I’ve never … I haven’t felt this way before.”
“Neither have I” he leaned in and closed the distance, his kiss was sweet, just like him.  His hand moved to the back of my neck pulling me in, deepening the kiss, while his other hand moved to my lower back pressing me flush against him.  The kiss lasted for what felt like eons, in that moment we said everything we needed to say.  We pulled back eventually when we needed to breathe again, his forehead resting against mine, “She’s your family, and I’ll protect her like she’s mine.  We won’t let anything happen to them.  I promise.”
“Echo, you can’t promise what the future hasn’t written”, I pulled back to look at him, “However, I appreciate the sentiment.”  I smiled and pecked his lips.
“I could get use to this”
“Yeah, me too.  Alright, we gotta focus.  I have no doubt they'll be back tonight.  I may have forced their hand.”
“What do you mean?”
“I told them if they didn’t provide me with answers in the morning I was going to call the Chancellor.”
“But you already called the Chancellor”
“Yeah, because I don’t trust them.  Something’s going on.  The 501st should be here in a matter of hours, if not sooner.”
“You’re amazing, mesh’la. I’ll follow you anywhere.”
“You’ll have to tell me later what that means.  Get to your position, I’ll stay with her.”
He nodded and walked away, I knew at that moment he was my future, whatever may happen, he was it, for me.
- - - - - - -
I looked down at the ring on my finger, moving it back and forth.  After everything Echo and I have been through, I had no doubt the Force brought us back together.
“What happened next?” Asked Hunter.
“Oh, right!”
- - - - - - - -
*Beep, beep* I pressed the button on my comm, “Fives, what is it?”
“We got movement.”
“South-west side of the house”
“How many?”
“Hard to say, maybe about 20”
“Language” came Oofatfeli’s sleepy voice,  I looked up to see her sleepiness ebb, when she the look on my face, “They’re back aren’t they?”
I nodded, “Time to get you to Room A”
“What about the midwife?” She asked, rising from the bed, I held her hand and guided her to Room A, “No time for that now, I’m afraid.  I have an idea.”
“Do either of you guys know how to deliver a baby?”
“Echo does” Fives answered
“It was basic med training.”
“Wait, you're a medic?” I asked
“No, but at least one trooper in each squad needed to know basic med until the medics arrived.”
“Okay, then you’re going to stay with Oofatfeli in Room A”
“Halcyon …”
“Echo, please! She’s my sister.”
“Alright, I’ll meet you at Room A”
The comm turned off, I made sure my comm was off as well.  
“So… what did I miss?”
“Not the time”
“Come on? Humour me, get my mind off of what’s happening.”
“Fine, we kissed”
“You’re hopeless”
“Actually I’m hopeful.”
I rolled my eyes at her. Echo was waiting for us in the room by the time we showed up.  We situated her on the cot in the room.  I leaned down and kissed her forehead.
“Be careful, sis”
“I will, Oofatfeli” I placed my hand on her shoulder, she grasped it, as I pulled away.
“Look after her” I whispered to Echo
“I will” he grabbed my hand, “You better come back in one piece.”
“I promise, Echo.  If they take a shot at me, they better aim true, or I’m coming for them.”
He chuckled, “My badass Agent”, he leaned and pecked my cheek, I cupped his cheek, and pecked his lips.  I squeezed his hand once, and walked out.  Echo locked the door behind me.  
“Alright Fives, where are they? Echo, can you hear us?”
“Halcyon, they’re by the hedges, edge of the property.”
“Explosives ready?”
“Just say the word.”
I sat in the hallway upstairs, with the window that faced west, all the lights had remained off, after the Senator’s Guard left the house with the two men.  I propped Peacekeeper against the windowsill, thankfully the moon wasn’t out, so there wouldn’t be any reflection.  I looked through my scope.
“Alright Fives, on my count of four, ready?”
I breathed out, steadying my breaths, “Four … three … two … one … now!”
The explosives went off, in the chaos, I took out six men all head shots, five of the men died in the explosives being thrown clear.  Two of the men lost a limb and were unable to fight.  Leaving seven for Fives and I to engage.  I took down two more that came closer to the house.  Fives was able to get two as well.  Leaving three.  I heard a window break on the opposite side of the house.
“Fives we got intruders on the East, you handle the remaining three on the West, and I’ll head to the east.”
I shouldered Peacekeeper and flew down the stairs to the dining room, where I heard the windows breaking.  As I was heading down the stairs, I saw flashes of red bolts flying towards me, I grabbed my DC-17s and double barrelled it.  I took down three of the intruders in a matter of seconds as I slid down the banister.   I tucked and rolled once my feet hit the floor, taking out two more, when I righted up again.  
I crouched down behind the dining table, hearing the three remaining men that had entered the house.  
“Where is she?” The first assailant asked
“I don’t know” answered another
“Find her!”
I launched over the table shooting at two of the assailants in the opposite room.  The leader took off heading to the kitchen, “Fives, I think the leader is heading back towards you”
I heard another window breaking this time upstairs, “Fives there are more intruders, they just broke the windows upstairs, I’m going back up.”
“Where the hell are they coming from?”
I heard a blaster shot coming from the kitchen, “Fives!”
“I’m good, the leader is down.”
“Guys, I think I got company”
“Coming, Echo. Hold on” I raced back up the stairs as fast as my legs could carry, but the blaster bolts raining down were preventing me from going up, I was pinned by the banister.  Fives came up beside me, but he couldn’t get an angle either.  I put away my blasters, “Halcyon, what do you think you’re doing!”  I closed my eyes, raised my hands, sensing the five men on the upstairs banister, I heard shouting and screaming, but I couldn’t pay attention.  I felt as my force grabbed each of those men around the throat, I squeezed and pulled them down over the banister.  Each with a broken neck as they landed on the floor below.
Fives was shocked, “How… how …”
“Not now!” I grabbed my blasters and ran up the stairs, I turned the corner and the men had broken down the door.  Echo was on his knees with a blaster to his head.  Oofatfeli was being held by the Head Guard, a blaster pointed at her belly, tears were streaming down her face.
“Stop, Jedi!”
I raised my hands, “I’m no Jedi!”
“Yeah right, and anyone can just grab people invisibly, choke them and pull them over the banister.”
“I’m not here to talk about what I am or not, let them go.”
“No! We need to make a point.  The Republic doesn’t belong on Ryloth.  Ryloth deserves to be free!”
“I agree” Oofatfeli’s face was shocked, Echo, didn’t know what to make of it.  Fives was stuttering behind me.
“You do?” The Head Guard asked.
“I do” I put my blasters in my holder
“This is some sort of Jedi trick!”
“Ugh! For the last time I’m no Jedi.”  Returning my hands back to a surrender position.
“Then what are you?”
“We’re not talking about me, we’re talking about the people of Ryloth and what's best for them, and you seem to think you know what’s best for them?”
“I do… we do” he motioned to the other two men remaining, the one holding Echo at gunpoint, and the third one pointing his gun at Fives.  
“So you want to free Ryloth, want to have the Republic leave?”
“Then what?”
“Then Ryloth would be free”
“Yes but then what?  You say Ryloth would be free, but then … what?  What would happen if the Separatist came back to occupy Ryloth?”
“We would fight them off”
“Really like you did when they first occupied Ryloth?  How did that work out for you?”
I could see in the other two men’s eyes their doubt beginning to form, I could also sense it through the force.
“What do you know about it?”
“I was here.  I fought on the front lines alongside Mirtilo.  We spent many nights around the campfire as soldiers talking about a free Ryloth, but you know what else we talked about?”
“How without the Republic, Ryloth would truly be lost.  We barely held the front lines for weeks and months, but without the constant relief supplies from the Republic, from Alderaan, we wouldn’t have survived.  By the way, where were you during the occupation?”
I took a step forward, as I sensed the other two men’s doubt growing even more.
“Where were you?  I met all the Twi’leks who were fighting during the occupation, many of them respected me for being one of the few GAR Agents who stood beside them, fighting for supplies and relief.  Do you know what they called me?  What Mirtilo called me?”
“Your Halcyon” the man who had his gun pointed at Fives said.
“Yes, I’m Halcyon.  You’ve heard of me?”
“Every Twi’lek has heard of you, you never gave up, you fought beside our leaders day in, day out.  Oftentimes giving up your food and sleep to those who needed it more.  You saved my sister, when she was pinned down by droids.”
“What’s your sister’s name?”
“Don’t tell her!” Yelled the Guard.
“Aola, Aola’kopi”
“I remember her.  She’s a very brave girl.  Is that why you joined this man?  To honour your sister?”
“Do you think you’re honouring her now? Holding a pregnant woman hostage, the life of her unborn child in the balance?”
The man lowered his weapon, dropping it on the floor.
“What are you doing?!” The man holding Oofatfeli screamed.
“The right thing.  For my sister.”
He kneeled on the ground, hands behind his head.  Fives raised his gun to hold the man captive.  
“What about you?  Do you think you’re doing the right thing?”
“I … I …”
Echo didn’t let him finish; he grabbed his arm and flipped him over, pinning him to the ground with the man’s own blaster.
“Looks like it’s just you and me, now” I took another step towards the Head Guard holding my sister.
“Freeze, or I’ll shoot”
“You’ve seen what I can do with the Force, do you really want to test my patience?”
“No, Ryloth needs to be free!”
“I agree.  Free from tyranny, free from terrorists, free from a war that plagues the universe.  However, these are trying times, do you really think your lives will be better, right now during a war?”
“It’s not fair!”
“No, it’s not.  Now…” I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, I focused on the man, the anger boiling over, he still held her, I noticed how the grip he had on her throat tightened, she was struggling, I had to act or the baby could be hurt, “Let. Her. Go.”
He took another step down the hallway, I took a step forward, Fives close behind me.  “I won’t repeat myself again.  Considering that’s my sister, I’ve been extremely patient.  Let. Her. Go.”
I moved till I was directly in front of him, he loosened his grip on her, Oofatfeli, didn’t wait she ran straight into my arms.  I held her for a second before the blaster went off.
- - - - - - -
“She didn’t wait for me to disarm the man, she felt the grip loosen and she just went for it. I tried to scream to tell her to wait, but she took off before I had a chance to tell her no.  He saw it as his only way out to inflict pain on the Senator, on the Republic.  I held her in my arms, as I watched the life flow out of her.  The baby didn’t survive either, despite my best efforts.  I lost my family that day.  I failed them.  Despite everything, my connection to the force, my training, I wasn’t good enough, fast enough, or strong enough.  The only remaining survivors of the terrorist cell were the two that gave themselves up.  But in the end it didn’t matter.  I lost my sister and the baby.  Having to face the Senator was one of the hardest things I had to do.”
Hunter looked at me with a new understanding, “I’m so sorry, Phoenix”
I nodded, wiping a tear, “I know what it’s like to fail, to feel like you weren’t enough, that if you did one thing different, the whole outcome would have changed.  I keep thinking what if I just pushed him with the force, what if I choked him with the force, what if we didn’t stay in that house and left without giving her an option.  However, it doesn’t matter about the what-ifs.”
“Why not?”
“Can’t change the past.  No matter how much we wish things could have been different, wishing doesn’t make it so.  We have to face our actions, and do better.”
Hunter nodded.
“Hunter, what happened wasn’t your fault.  You did everything you could.  You protected Omega to the best of your ability, Cad Bane is the best bounty hunter ever.  Do you realize he only takes the jobs no one in their right mind would touch with a ten foot pole?  Do you understand, you walked away from a duel with the best in the universe!  That’s nothing to scoff at.  I watched the recording from your HUD, you were 0.1 seconds slower then him.  That’s all the difference.  0.1 second.  That’s incredible!  We know where he is.  We’re going to get Omega back.  I’m not letting another niece slip through my fingers.”
“Oofatfeli, was going to have a daughter?”
I nodded looking at the ground, “Yeah, she was going to name her after me”
“No, my real name.  Tala, Tala Ilian.  She was going to call her Tala”
“That’s a beautiful name”
“Hence, why I don’t go by it anymore, it only reminds me of what I lost.”
*Knock, knock*
Hunter and I both wiped our eyes, “Come in” answered Hunter.
Fives walks in, noticing our faces, but not saying anything “We’ll be landing on Tatooine soon”
“Thanks, Fives”
I get up to head to the door, I nod to Hunter, an understanding passing between us that many could never understand.  In that moment, he reacted with all the emotion that had been building, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.  A tight brotherly hug, “Thanks Phoenix.  It means a lot”
I pat his back returning the strength of his hug as much as possible “You’re welcome, Hunter.”
I pulled back, once his arms loosened and his hands rested on my arms, giving him a sisterly smile, “Come on, vod.  Wouldn’t want your medic to think something’s going on or my husband for that matter.”
Hunter chuckled nodding in agreement, “Or your ori’vod” added Fives.
I looked at him and rolled my eyes, “I regret ever adopting you, you know that” I answered as I walked by him, “Too late, there are no refunds or returns on this purchase” he motions to his whole body.
I walk up beside Echo, placing my hands on his shoulder, I lean forward and kiss his cheek, “I love you” I whisper in his ear.  He turns his head and pecks me on the lips, “Love you too, rid’ika.”
“Alright, Tatooine in five … four … three … two … one” Tech’s voice echoes through the cockpit, tension rising not knowing what we could possibly be facing.  
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@liadamerondjarin​ @lady-ren​
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imbeccablee · 3 years
Snippet of Separated ch 8. - Just Dot
Hi! It’s been forever! and the chapter isn’t even halfway done! life is going great /s :)
Anyway, here is the first two pages or so of the chapter. They’re more or less complete, though when the chapter itself is finally released, there might be minor edits to it. I thought I’d give you this to try and tide you over while I try to get my motivation to come back. Enjoy!
Mommy didn't stop talking a single time during their ride to her house. Dot mostly tuned it all out, still quite exhausted and floaty from her surgery, but the little she did catch painted Mommy and her husband as good Samaritans who were looking out for the city. It seemed, according to Mommy, that she and her husband were the epitome of angelic humans. And, again, somehow Dot doubted that.
She also mentioned stuff like parties and etiquette and proper grooming, but Dot just could not focus for the life of her. She hoped it would all come up again, when she was less drugged.
(There was also a recurring name that dropped, one that Dot didn’t catch the meaning of. Mommy’s tone was always proud when she said that name—Angelica—but it also had an air of wistfulness to it, or melancholy. Dot didn’t know the significance of it, because she caught every fifth word and none of it made sense. She hoped this would come up again too.)
Dot was shaken from her half-conscious state when Mommy exclaimed and tilted her toward the window. "Look, darling! We're home!"
Dot blinked blearily through the glass and gazed upon a huge house that sat on a hill, surrounded by a big stone wall and intricate metal gate. The building was two-stories high and absolutely gargantuan, made of stone and dark wood with huge glass windows. The driveway was lined with immaculate cut trees that somehow still looked pretty even when they were half-dead.
Dot couldn't help gaping at the sight.
It was just… so big! So beautiful! She couldn't even begin to imagine what it would be like to live in a place like that! And it was only occupied by Mommy and her husband? Why on earth did they need that much room?
The orphanage had had two stories too, but only because if it didn't then everything they needed wouldn't have fit. This building, on the other hand, looked so large for a two-story that it probably could have held the orphanage building in it three times and still have space.
"Incredible, isn't it?" Mommy asked.
Dot could only numbly nod in agreement.
(She couldn't help but think how many people this house could have held, and how many people were currently freezing to death on the streets.)
Soon, they made it all the way up the driveway, which ended (or began, depending how you looked at it) with looping around a small patch of flora onto itself, and stopped before the porch steps. Mommy secured her arms around Dot and the bag of painkillers, and the door opened from the outside.
Mommy stepped down the fancy folding step and walked toward the staircase leading to the house without a glance at the person tending to her. Over her shoulder, Dot saw the coachman fold the step back up before returning to the driver seat.
She wondered if he worked for Mommy and her husband, or if he was just giving them a ride?
She caught his eye before he went off and gave him a little wave. He smiled and tipped his hat to her, before ushering the horses forward. Mommy carried her through the front door before she could see where he was going.
Dot faced forward again and took in the foyer. It was quite pretty, with immaculate wood flooring and a red and gold rug covering most of it. A few paces in front of and to the side of the door was a large staircase that led to the second story, carpeted in red. There was a huge candle chandelier hanging over them, and there were archways in the walls to the left and right of them, leading to the next rooms over. A long hallway was in front of them, leading further into the house. On the walls down the hallway hung paintings of inanimate objects and people Dot didn’t recognize.
The door shut behind them, and Dot turned her head towards the sound. Pushing it shut was a man dressed in all black except for a white shirt underneath the jacket. There were gold buttons going up one side of his jacket. Once the door was fully shut, he stepped off to the side with his hands clasped behind him and his back straight, as if waiting for more orders.
Dot’s brow creased a little, and she tried to catch his attention by waving a little. His eyes flickered over to hers and she mouthed thank you.
The man seemed a bit stunned before he let a small smile grace his face and he nodded to her once, before returning to his stiff posture.
“Welcome home, miss,” someone said. 
Dot turned back forward and saw a woman in a simple black dress with a white apron over it standing a few paces in front of them, by the staircase. She must’ve sneaked in when Dot was distracted by the footman.
Her gaze flickered toward Dot. Her eyes flashed with surprise for a moment before dulling again.
“Pardon me,” she said. “Misses.”
Dot giggled a little, and the housekeeper’s lip quirked.
Mommy hummed, a proud little smile on her face. “Yes, we have a new member of the family. Make sure to treat her as you treat my husband and I.” 
The housekeeper nodded. The mirth drained from Dot. For some reason, the thought of being treated the same as her new… parents left a bad taste in Dot’s mouth. 
Mommy nodded. “Alright. Now, be a dear and bring…” She trailed off like she lost her train of thought. Dot looked to her curiously and found Mommy’s eyes on her, like she was looking for something. Then she giggled a little. “Darling, it appears I’ve forgotten to ask your name.”
Dot startled a little and realized she was right. What kind of person adopts a kid without knowing their name? Dot supposed she just assumed Mommy had gotten her details from Dr. Madream and—actually, had the doctor known her name either? She’d never been taken to one before despite the fact that she probably should’ve. Did she even have medical records?
Wait. If Mommy didn’t know her name, then that meant she didn’t have any of Dot’s papers. That meant she didn’t know Dot’s legal name was Angelina, which meant—
“It’s Dot,” she said, feeling the slightest bit giddy that she could finally be called by the name she preferred.
“Oh, what an adorable name for an adorable girl!” Mommy said and nuzzled Dot’s nose.
Dot couldn’t help a small giggle as Mommy turned back to the housekeeper.
“Take Dot up to her room, will you? And get her into some proper clothes.” Dot was handed over. She wondered what the difference between proper clothes and what she was wearing right then was. “I’ll see you later, darling. Mommy has some work to take care of.”
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with Obispo ‘Bishop’ Losa.
Request: Hey!! ❤❤❤ Can I please request for our Bishop prompt #9? Something angsty with happy ending? Thank you so much love!! 💕💕💕
9. "I'll find her/him and bring her/him home, I promise."
BY @supervalcsi
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 1.1k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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Your little sister has always been a good girl, responsible, kind and well-mannered. Until she met a wannabe gangster from Santa Madre.
She altered into a mess. She began to skip classes, come back home late at night drunk, and started to shout at you for whatever shit.
You couldn't stop her from sleeping out of your house some nights. Because she was used to escaping after losing sight of her just for a second.
Until you noticed that she hadn't appeared for the last two days.
You were worried. She is the only family you have and you have been trying to protect her, since your parents died.
Not knowing where to look for her, you decided to call the only person who could help you.
Obispo Losa.
And the Mayans.
The prospect has prepared you an infusion, to make the wait less anxious. The other men are coming, leaving in the background whatever business they were taking care of, to attend you. Having a long sip from the mug between your trembling fingers, the noisy engines become louder as they get closer. Putting the drink on the coffee table while the door is getting opened, you can see Bishop taking off his glasses. You are about to cry, collapsing in tears when his arms surround you.
“Come with us, querida”.
Tranq, Taza and Riz follow you into the Templo, sitting at the large table by his side. The older one offers you a hanky to clean your tears. El Presidente holds your free hand, urging you to look at him.
“Tell me everything you know”.
“I ju—just… know they're call—called something like… guards, guardians… or maybe keepers. I do—I don't know, Bishop”.
The man raises his eyes to the Vice.
“Yeah, guardians. They're from a hood of Santa Madre. I heard about them. Illegal parties, alcohol to minors… Nothing to really worry about”.
“Until now”. Tranq puts it on the table, being irrefutable.
“I will find her, and bring her home. I promise”.
Bishop caresses the back of your hand with his thumb, leaning forward to press his lips on your temple with a gentle gesture.
While the Mayans made some calls and went to search her out, you stayed at the clubhouse, waiting for some good news.
You didn't doubt that they would find her, but you were truly desperate.
Tranq is the first one in having some information, leading the crew to the tunnel to cross the border without being seen for prying eyes.
Two cars are waiting for them in the desert, escorted by another club. Friends who were going to help them.
When the Mayans reached the hood, they were ready to do whatever they should do.
With the guns kept behind they're kuttes, the men step out from the cars parked in front of the house. Some guys are sitting on the porch, looking at them somewhat confused, standing up over his feet. One of them comes into the house.
“We're looking for a kid”. Taza says, stopping at some inches from the stairs.
“There's no kid here, viejo. Go with your kinks pal' carajo”. He makes his friends laugh, until who seems the guy they are looking for appears on the scene.
“Carlos, right?” Bishop says taking some steps closer. “Where is Ana?”
“¿Quién es Ana?” The mexican asks, raising his chin.
El Presidente chuckles bowing his head. Grabbing his loaded gun and placing his fingers around the other's throat, he tucks it into his mouth.
“No me hagas perder mi tiempo, chamaco”. He grunts, pushing him against the wall, keeping the gun inside the cavity. “You fucked up with the wrong girl”.
Angel found her. Carrying your sister unconscious between his arms, Coco covered her with his kutte. She was cold, high, with a deplorable look.
“Take her to Grace”. That was everything that Bishop said.
Ezekiel rode you from the clubhouse to Grace's place.
Two hours later, Obispo was riding to Grace's place, with his shirt covered by blood and his knuckles reddened.
The woman stopped you before coming to the zone habilitated for people who want to kick the habit.
“Listen. She's okay, (Y/N). I helped her to take a shower and gave her clean clothes, but I need her to stay for three days”.
You just nod, crying inconsolable and anxious to see your sister. And your heart breaks into pieces when you find her lying inside a cage. Her body curled in a fetal position. The tears running through her cheek, shaking and scared. Kneeling close to the door, you tuck a hand in, trying to reach here.
“Ana…” You mumble calling her attention.
Your sister raises her face. You can notice some bruises on her bottom lip and another darker covering his right eye. She jumps to you, holding your hand with her while her cry becomes louder between apologizes.
“Shh… It's oka—It's okay… We will be okay”. You sob caressing her cheek with your other hand into the cage.
“A friend of mine will come to check her. He's a doctor”. Grace narrows your shoulder, showing you a soft smile.
You were outside sitting on a bench, smoking a cig and trying to calm yourself, when you heard some motorcycles coming closer. On the horizon, you distinguished them.
As soon as Bishop stands up from his bike, you run towards him, welcoming you into his arms. You can't help but break in tears again, tightening his grip around you with your fingers getting tangled on his shirt.
“They will not bother her anymore”. He whispers into your ear, pulling himself away some inches.
Noticing the drops of blood on his neck, you tour them with your fingertips and a disgusting sensation inside your chest.
“Are you hurt?”
“No, sweetheart. I'm okay”. Shaking his head, he cups your face onto his hands to kiss your forehead. “We will be okay”.
Even so, the guys insisted on keeping Ana in the clubhouse, after the three days in the dog kennel, to watch her out while you were working.
Bishop had a talk with her, just like your father would have had, making her see the efforts you have been doing since that tragic day.
She told you how sorry she was, how wrong, how stupid she behaved. She promised you a change. A come back to the good times.
But she also asked you to talk with Bishop about you two, about your feelings.
El Presidente is inside the Templo, alone and seeming thoughtful, immersed in some Mayans business. He doesn't notice your presence, until you close the door, raising his confused gaze watching you walking so secure towards him. Talk about feelings? You probably would end up running away before saying a single word. Narrowing his eyes, Bishop gets up from the front chair at the table, waiting for something.
Your lips crashing against his, for example. Your fingers getting tangled on the back of his head. And all the love you feel for him being shown with that simple gesture.
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ressyfaerie · 3 years
Fic suggestion; 2/3 years post canon where they're in their respective colleges/universities. Kai happens to be passing through & finds out that Tyson is struggling to fit in due to relentless bullying. Kai decides to confront the bully(es). Afterwards Tyson wonders what made Kai be so protective & out slips an accidental because I love you? hehehe
This sounds CUTE! And Also reminds me of when I wrote something similar in my long slow burn fic (its a bit of a long story)... but this sounds SUPER FUN. Big fan, here we gooo
“So I hear the world champion still can’t integrate into society?”
“Shut up, Kai.”
The phone connection crackled as Tyson put Kai on speakerphone.
“Where are you right now?”
“Walking in the park to get back to the dojo, how about you?”
“Studying back at my apartment, is it dark? Be careful.”
“I know how to walk, Kai. It’s not that dark, there's lots of streetlamps. So why are you phoning me?”
“I need a reason to phone my best friend?”
“You always have a reason.”
“Alright, you caught me.”
“I knew it, you know you’re not that sneaky, Kai.”
“Whatever. Ray told me you were having troubles at school—”
“I’m fine, Kai.”
“Is it studying? I can help again—”
“No it’s not that, everything’s fine, okay? Can you drop it?”
“It doesn’t sound like everything’s fine.”
He heard Tyson sigh on the other end of the line.
“Bye, Kai.”
“Tyson? Tyson!?”
Kai threw the phone down on his open textbook.
That bastard hung up on me!?
Kai had just finished texting Ray about Tyson’s troubles at school. This time it wasn’t the studying, girl or boy problems, friend problems, family problems… The list of Tyson’s issues that Kai was forced to deal with since he started university was overwhelming. Not that he was forced to deal with them… They kept getting shuffled down until Kai was the closest person to deal with it. Tyson didn’t accept help easily, but Kai could tell when he needed it.
Kai found he was worried about Tyson constantly.
And he had every reason to be.
Kai attended a prestigious university, while Tyson decided to enroll in one closer to the dojo. Kai got used to university life fast, Tyson lagged behind. Tyson was hit with a brick wall. University wasn’t highschool, or a tournament, it wasn’t traveling the world. It was a whole other realm that really didn’t suit Tyson at all. Kai watched from afar as Tyson struggled through the everyday, he made friends easily but everything else was ten times harder.
And now, it seemed that Tyson had yet another problem he wasn’t sharing.
The tip of Kai’s mechanical pencil broke.
He decided he’d go to Tyson’s school tomorrow to check up on him.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
Kai mimicked Tyson’s anger.
“Checking up on you.”
Kai leaned on the hood of his Mercedes, wearing casual clothes and a hand in his pocket.
“If you show up looking like that talking to me like this, people are going to think you're my boyfriend.”
Kai laughed, “what’s wrong with that?”
Tyson stuttered but didn’t manage to answer.
“What’s wrong?”
Kai’s words cut through the world, forcing it to stop moving and stay stationary for just a moment.
“Nothing is wrong.” Tyson turned on his heel, but Kai was too fast.
He grasped his arm pulling him back.
“Kai, what the hell!?”
Tyson angrily twirled backwards, trying to push him off.
“What’s wrong with your face?” Kai felt his heart rise in his chest when he saw the purple bruise on his cheek.
“Hurt it doing kendo, can you stop? Get off me!”
With force Kai pulled Tyson into him, observing his face.
“Stop looking at me!” Tyson used both his arms to push him away.
Kai had slipped off the curb he was on and fell into his car, leaving a small dent near the hood.
Tyson’s face read pure panic, “I’m sorry! I never meant to push you that hard!”
“Well you did.” Kai rubbed his forehead with his forearm, “clearly something is going on, you wanna share with the class?” A dangerous scowl grew on Kai’s face.
“I’ll tell you, but I don’t want your help okay?”
Kai nodded.
“Some guy has been picking on me—we got in a fight, but it's under control.”
Tyson sent him a broken smile and Kai felt a burning rage in his chest.
“What’s this guy’s name?” Kai wore the same scowl from before.
“You don’t need to know, because I don’t need your help.” Tyson stated matter-of-factly.
“Did you at least beat the shit out of him?”
Tyson bit his lip while looking in the opposite direction.
“Don’t you know a shit ton of martial arts? You’re telling me you didn’t kick his ass?”
Kai kept his voice from rising, but it was shaking. The rage was hard to keep under control the more he imagined someone hurting Tyson.
“There… might have been more than one guy.” Tyson trailed off.
“They ganged up on you?” Kai’s mind was now filled with a murderous rage, “why?”
“Dunno, jealous maybe? World champion, bluh bluh bluh…” Tyson yawned “well, time to get back home, huh?”
Kai locked his eye’s on Tyson’s.
“Call me if they try anything.”
“They won’t. I’m sure it was a one time thing. Plus I was stronger than they thought I’d be…”
“I don’t care.” Kai’s voice was serious. “Call me.”
Days later Tyson wasn’t returning Kai’s calls. He texted him asking why he wasn’t answering, he got simple short messages, busy or sorry can’t talk right now. It pissed Kai off. He hoped their interaction hadn’t damaged their friendship. He valued any relationship with Tyson, any excuse to be close to him really. He really hoped he hadn’t screwed this up.
Almost two weeks later Kai was at his desk studying. His regular nightly routine. His phone buzzed, a phone call.
From Tyson?
He dropped his pencil and reached for his phone so fast he became worried how obsessed he was with this boy.
He dropped the phone.
No doubt it was Tyson missing him, apologizing and begging to talk to Kai again.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
Maybe I should give it a few minutes.
He put the phone on silent. And left it by his side for less than a minute. When he looked back he had a text as well. He rolled his eyes.
1 missed call.
2 texts.
He opened the text box.
Before Kai could process what was happening he was in his car speeding down the highway.
He almost sped past the park, slamming on the breaks he just managed to make out a dark group of boys huddled away from the streetlamps by a tree. He had no time to observe, only to assume.
He accelerated, jumping the curb into the grass and tearing up dirt.
He kicked open his car door and slammed it closed.
“Where is Tyson?” He said in the boy's direction.
A member of the group broke away, advancing on Kai, he mumbled something about ‘minding your business’ before launching a fist towards Kai’s face.
He expertly dodged with an instinct he forgot he had.
He grabbed the boy’s fist in midair and landed his elbow in the boy’s forearm sending him crumbling to the ground screaming.
Two more from the group branched off towards Kai.
Kai clenched his teeth. It had been years since he actually fought, he forgot how it felt. One of the boys tried to punch him identical to how the last one tried. Kai bent his knees landing a punch to the boy's gut, knocking the air out of him. Now he could focus on the other one, who was trying to land a kick by his ear.
Kai fell on his back, feeling the air brush past his face, the boy now had the advantage, but kai was fast. Using his knees and all the momentum he had he launched himself off the ground to his feet.
“The fuc!?—”
The boy didn’t have the time to finish his sentence before Kai jabbed the edge of his palm into his throat.
Kai turned around directing his attention to the center of the group, one boy standing over a black mass.
Kai cracked his knuckles, “if that’s Tyson, you understand I will kill you?”
The boy wore a devious smirk. Kai shook his head.
The black mass on the ground managed to mumble, “Kai…”
That was Tyson’s voice.
Kai slowly blinked. His face showed only pure white anger.
“I’ll kill you.”
The boy held his ground as Kai threw his body full force towards him. He was bigger than Kai, he blocked his first hit, throwing Kai back.
This guy is a tank… I have to be careful.
I need to finish this fast. I need to help Tyson.
Kai fixed his stance, grounding himself expertely. The boy grabbed for his shirt, he used both his palms to push him away. The boy kept trying again and again, Kai finally attempted to land a punch, but this guy was strong. He pushed Kai’s fist away and grasped the collar of his shirt, then threw him to the ground.
Kai felt the ground quake under him as he lost the ability to breathe.
The boy punched him, and then again.
He felt no pain, only fear for what had happened to Tyson before this. The world around him flung side to side, then suddenly, the boy stopped.
Above him the boy was motionless, and fell to the side near Kai limply.
Tyson took the boy’s place. He was holding a heavy stick. He dropped it on the ground.
They were both covered in blood and bruises.
“I told you I'd be just fine.” Tyson grinned.
Kai tried to laugh but still didn’t have his breath back. He managed to groan, then inhale sharply.
“Why didn’t you call somebody to come help? Is your car okay?”
“Because…” Kai managed to moan weakly.
“Cause?” Tyson asked in a hoarse voice.
“I love you.”
Kai held his side, unaware of the words he whispered to the dark.
Tyson held his hand out to his best friend.
“Come on sourpuss, let's get to a hospital.”
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“My Fairy Abogado” *Part 10*
Dammit I usually like to keep my stories around 10 chapters, but the whole ice cream banter was too good and the crescendo I want is way too long to not have it’s own chapter. Also, some Barisi thrown in there for ya. LoL. 
I suppose it’ll be one more chapter and an epilogue? Maybe? 
Tag List:
Master List
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
After stitching you up, and after a long conversation convincing the nurse that Rafael had not done the number on your body, you two were finally leaving the ER.
“Alright buddy, you promised me ice cream,” You hung on Rafael’s arm as you walked out to the awaiting SUV.
“You really wanna get ice cream without the kids?” Rafael asked as he helped you into the backseat once again.
“Uh are you kidding? I don’t have to fight with them over what flavors they want, or if it’s too expensive and they have to share, and not worrying about Chloe getting it all over herself, doing ANYTHING in public without the kids is a luxury I miss the most,” You felt guilty about rambling about your siblings, but it was awesome being able to just vent.
“Alright Alright, I get it-- having kids sucks,” Rafael laughed.
“I mean don’t get me wrong; I love my brother and sisters. I’m just not...cut out to be a mother. Not right now, anyway,” You looked around the car awkwardly, kicking yourself for bringing up kids so soon.
“Yeah, I never really saw the point in kids,” Rafael chuckled. 
“So you don’t want them, ever?” You were a bit taken aback. It shouldn’t be shocking to you really; Rafael was getting up there, and he seemed to like his things nice and tidy. He must’ve seen the look on your face because he quickly added--
“I mean….” He gulped. “I guess, with the right person…” 
“You know for a lawyer, lying is not your strong suit,” You snickered.
You finally arrived at a nearby ice cream place; Rafael helped you out and you both walked inside while your copper stood outside.
“Doesn’t he want anything?” You nodded to the man.
“He’s fine,” Rafael replied, not even looking back at him. 
“Hey guy, what’s your name?” You turned to talk to him. 
“Carisi ma’am, Sonny Carisi,” He nodded at you. 
“Sonny do you really not want any ice cream, or is Big Bad Barba being a tyrant?” 
“I could go for a scoop,” 
“See?” You smiled triumphantly. 
“He’s like a puppy baby, you feed him once he’ll just keep coming around,” He nodded at Sonny. “Trust me, I know,” He rolled his eyes. 
“You can get ice cream but you wait in the car Carisi,” He looked at him sternly.
“Copy that, counselor,” Sonny replied very seriously.
“Jesus Rafael, what is this guy your bitch or what?” You hit him softly. 
“Oh no ma’am, I wanna be a lawyer just like Mr. Barba so I spend as much time with him as I can,” He looked at Barba with puppy dog eyes. “As a mentor,” He quickly added, looking at the ground. 
“Oh um-- yeah okay, cool?” You smiled awkwardly at him, then noticed Rafael was getting very uncomfortable the more he talked.
“....Wait… feed him once...Rafael!” You whispered so Sonny wouldn’t hear you.
“ONE night, ONE time,” He rubbed the back of his neck looking around the place awkwardly.
“Mmmm...both sides, noted,” You winked. 
“Sonny go ahead,” Barba nodded to the woman at the counter.
“What can I get you?” She smiled at the three of you. 
“Two scoops of Rocky Road, please,” Sonny beamed. 
“Um I’ll have a scoop of chocolate mint,” You decided.
“A scoop of vanilla for me,” Rafael added.
“Why is that not surprising to me?” You rolled your eyes.
“What? I have simple tastes,”
“Uh huh,”  
Rafael paid and the three of you waited for your ice cream at the other end of the counter. Soon enough the woman handed out your ice creams and bid you a good day.
“Thanks Mr. Barba, I’m gonna go call Amanda and see what’s up at the station,” Sonny smiled and headed back outside with his ice cream.
“See? Now he has a new master,” Rafael chuckled. 
“Yeah I doubt that-- you’re kind of hard to top, counselor,” You nudged him.
“He didn’t have any problem,” He smirked. 
“OKAY, I think we’re good in the ghosts of sexual past portion of the evening,” You declared rather loudly as you sat in a booth near the door.
“Sorry Y/N, I didn’t know you were such a prude,” He smirked.
“I’m sorry if I don’t want to picture mi novio  being topped by a dude,” You rolled your eyes.
“Your boyfriend?” He asked in amusement.
“I mean...I did save your life, twice,” You pointed out.
“Mmmm true-- I suppose that’s girlfriend material,” Rafael nodded with a smile.
“Damn straight,” You nodded back, as you both continued to eat your ice cream in snarky matrimony. 
“So, no kids, no pets?” 
“I don’t have any currently, but I could see maybe getting a cat, or a small dog,” 
“Oh my god could you be any more of an old lady?” You giggled.
“Hey! I live in an apartment in New York City, I don’t want some huge dog cooped up in it all day!” He defended. “That’s just cruel,” 
“Fair point,” You licked your ice cream. “No kids I can live with, no pets is a deal breaker though,” 
“Really now?” He raised his eyebrow as he ate his own ice cream. “Noted,”
“So do you have any?” You nibbled on your cone.
“Deal breakers,” You replied in a “duh” tone.
“Just one,” He replied nonchalantly.
“What’s that?” 
“If they’re not you,” He grinned.
“Oh gaaaaaaggggg,” You made gagging noises with a giggle. “Be more cheesy, please,” 
“Okay okay, one deal breaker--”
“Go on,” You were on the edge of your seat.
“Wearing socks during sex,” 
“Are you serious?” You cackled as you swallowed the rest of your cone.
“Yes! I am very serious,” Rafael nodded as he finished his cone. “Ask Carisi,” 
“Oh God,” You shook your head with a laugh as you both walked back out to the car.
“Hey uh, Mr. Barba Amanda says they might need you down at the station,” 
“Really? Now?” Rafael ask, annoyed.
“It’s what she said…” Sonny replied with a shrug.
“It’s fine, baby I need to go check on the kids anyway, they’re probably freaking out by now,” 
“Yeah alright,” He sighed sadly.
Soon enough you were pulling back up behind your back door. Rafael helped you out of the car and just held you in his arms for a moment.
“You sure you’re ok?”
“Are you kidding? The Diablo’s are gone for good, I got a boyfriend AND ice cream!” you giggled, pulling him into a kiss. 
“Boyfriend?” Beto’s voice bellowed.
“Ice cream?!” Chloe’s high voice chimed in.
You both turned suddenly to see all three kids standing at the back door slack jawed.
“Are the Diablo’s really gone?” Yaz asked, being the only one who hadn’t joined in yet.
“Yes, they are gone-- THANKS to Rafael,” You eyed Beto while Chloe took off for Rafael’s arms.
“¡Gracias, Rafael!!!” She squealed.
“De nada, princesa,” He kissed her cheek.
“...Did you really get ice cream without us?” Chloe looked at him with the saddest eyes.
“Blame your sister,” Rafael nodded at you.
“Y/N!!!!!” She yelled angrily.
“Gee thanks,” 
“You insisted!” 
“I got sh---a boo boo!!” You covered your tracks, causing your siblings to finally notice the shape you were in.
“Oh my God what happened to you?!”
“Diablo’s” You said softly.
“Because of HIM?” Beto clenched his fists.
“NO, Rafael saved me Beto,” 
“Actually, to be honest Beto” He put a shoulder on Beto’s shoulder “She saved me.” 
“We saved each other,” You laid your head on his shoulder.
“Gag,” Yaz made gagging noises behind you.
“Anyway, Rafael is leaving now BUT-- maybe if you guys do all your homework and eat all your dinner AND go to bed early, we’ll see if you can convince him to take you to get some tomorrow,”
“Really?!” Chloe exclaimed excitedly. “I’m gonna go do all of it RIGHT NOW,” She gave Rafael one more hug and ran inside.
“Chloe’s easy to buy off vato-- me, not so much,” Beto approached Rafael.
“I’d be careful Beto, he used to be a Chico Grande,” You warned with a sly smile.
“Wha-- seriously?” Beto’s eyes widened. “No way….tu suaves,” 
“Oh really, too soft? You wanna go, ese?” Rafael licked his lips, playing into Beto’s game.
“BOYS,” You stepped in between them.
“You, go do your homework,” You looked at Beto, then turned to Rafael, “And you-- stop picking on my little brother,” 
“He started it!” 
“esto no ha terminado, vato,” Beto warned, making the “I’m watching you” sign as he walked back inside with Yaz who just rolled her eyes. As soon as they were gone you turned and slapped Rafael across the chest.
“What?! What did I do?” He threw his hands up innocently. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” You wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“And you love it,” He smirked.
“God help me, I do,” You shook your head as he pulled you into a deep kiss. 
“Te amo, mi angel,” He whispered as he stroked your hair. 
“Yo también te quiero, Rafa,” You stared lovingly into his beautiful green eyes. He gave you one last kiss and hopped in the front of the SUV. Sonny waved goodbye to you as they drove off and you headed inside.
The next few weeks went by pretty uneventful. You decided to rip out the booths that had the bullet holes behind them and put in a stage, starting Karaoke Nights every Friday night. It was a great money maker to your surprise, since it had been Ash’s idea. She was a pretty good business woman, you wondered how much Rafael had rubbed off on her over the years. 
One Friday night, Ash was getting ready to host the usual Karaoke Party, when Rafael came through the front door. He was casually dressed, in his jeans and t-shirt with the leather jacket. He had learned very quickly that you much preferred him in paisano, plus he didn’t look like he had taken a wrong turn at 5th avenue. This was the first Friday he was able to make, and when he had come and seen you over the past few weeks Ash had found ways to avoid him. Tonight though, she was right up front when he walked in. 
“Ash...can we talk?” He gestured to the side.
“Go ahead, start talking,” She gestured, indicating she wasn’t going anywhere.
“Ash I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the whole story behind the money I gave you,” He put his hand out. “I should have been honest with you right up front but, you were SO young,” 
“Yeah….I get it,” She reluctantly took his hand in return. “You did get rid of the Diablo’s, I guess that gets you some points,” 
“Well I brought you something,” He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Ashtawnja. She took it and unfolded the paper, her eyes grew wide. 
“Really? You still want me to have this? Even after I yelled at you?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not guilt money anymore,” He nodded at the check. “Look at the ‘reason’ line,” 
“Creo en ti” She read with tears in her eyes. “Do you really? Believe in me?” 
“Si, Claro,” He smiled, pulling her into a hug. “Of course I do,”. Pulling back from the hug, Rafael felt his phone going off in his pocket. 
“Barba,” He answered, listening to the other person. He nodded as they went on, then his eyes began to brighten. “Really?! Are you sure? What time?” He looked over at Ash who just looked at him in confusion, the more excited he became the more she was confused. 
“Right right, yeah I’m on my way!” He hung up the phone and hugged Ash. 
“Whoa whoa whoa there abogado, you know I hate mushy gushy,” She pushed him off with a laugh.
“Right,” He smiled.
“So who was that?”
“Oh right--- tell Y/N I had to go, I’ll call her later I swear!!” He told her as he ran out the door, just as you were walking up. 
“Was that Rafael?” You asked.
“Yeah, he got a phone call and ran out of here, said he’d call you later,” 
“Wha--Why?” You looked out the window but Rafael was long gone. 
“I don’t know, but he was pretty happy,” She shrugged, putting her check into her pocket. 
Who had called him and why was he so happy about it??5
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izlaria · 4 years
Someone you like (part 1)
This work is inspired by the animatic called Someone you like by honestlyprettychill. I don’t know if I’ll have the energy to do all of the povs showcased in the video, but I just really loved the idea that Lance would eventually come to like Pidge, a romance born from  years of friendship. Friends to lovers is my jam.
I’m posting this on tumblr in case I never finish it, because I just wanted to share what I’ve written so far. I might upload the whole thing to AO3 later.
I made some changes to the video’s initial idea, because I wanted to follow canon ages and I didn’t want a 14-year-old to fall for a 12-year-old. At that time, it’s a pretty big difference in development. So I wanted to establish the basis for Lance to eventually romanticize their first encounter, despite not having been attracted to young Katie.
Spanish to English translations at the end.
14 years old
The truth was that Lance went to Space Camp because Veronica could be a little pest. She knew their parents wouldn’t let her go alone and so had enticed her younger brother with the promise of travel and foreign girls and no parental supervision.
Veronica had obviously left out the fact that they were essentially going to school on steroids for a month, smack in the middle of their summer break. Cool as Miami might seem, Lance wasn’t exactly excited for all the extra work the camp would entail.
“No es un acampamiento,” his sister repeated for what felt like the thousandth time. He wasn’t listening anymore. “Tú sabes que el campo de explotación espacial no está muy desenvuelto en Cuba. Si realmente quieres trabajar con eso, entonces simplemente cállate y no insultes a nadie.”
“¿Cuando he insultado a alguien?” he shot back, defensive. Veronica didn’t dignify that with an answer.
As much as Lance might like to think himself very smooth, there were still times when he stumbled over his words, especially in English. More than once he’d meant to pay someone a compliment and had accidentally started an argument of some kind.
Veronica looked impatiently at her watch. “Mira, tengo una reunión con mi orientador. Y tú tienes por lo menos dos artículos para leer para las clases de mañana, ¿por qué no vas a la biblioteca para trabajar un poco? Prometo comprarte una hamburguesa después.”
Lance pouted at her, arms crossed over his chest. “Me debes más que una hamburguesa y lo sabes, Ronie.”
His sister snickered, but it was as much of an acknowledgement as he was going to get. Veronica pressed a quick kiss to his hair, already turning to go into the main building.
“¡Gracias, hermanito! ¡No te arrepentirás!”
In all honesty, Lance wasn’t as irritated as he made Veronica believe. He knew that a summer program in Miami was a really good opportunity, especially if he wanted to get into the Garrison in the following years. It was just difficult.
He was diligent and studious, but not as naturally gifted as some of the other kids. Besides, he hadn’t been to the US in a couple years, since his parents had mostly settled down in the family farm, which meant he still had to fall back into his English, a task made even more frustrating by the xenophobic comments from one of the boys in his AP geometry class.
The teacher had put an end to it right away, but the words stuck with Lance, for some reason.
With how much humanity had progressed in terms of technology, one would think they would be able to get past petty rivalry between nationalities and usually that was true, but the influx of foreigners following the establishment of the Galaxy Garrison in the US desert still annoyed some people, despite its existence as a multinational center for space exploration. It irritated Lance to no end, especially when so many of these scientific advances came from international collaboration.
If only he could shrug off the inadequacy that now grew in his chest.
Straight ahead, there was a path that led to a green area in the middle of the campus. The other students had taken to calling it the Woods, though it was more of a middle-sized park, with benches and picnic tables where anyone from the Institute could go to relax. That’s where Lance went, mind too full to really focus on homework.
He wondered if people would react that same way if he ever made it into the Garrison. He didn’t know how Veronica dealt with it all, especially when she was alone in Arizona most of the time. Barely a week had passed and Lance already missed his parents, the tenderness of home-cooked food and well-intended lectures.
No, he had to believe that Billy Underwood was an exception. The other kids hadn’t joined in on his taunts, even if no one had moved to defend Lance. It was still too early to make conclusions on his colleagues, especially when everyone had seemed so charmed by him before then.
Lance was so lost in thought that he didn’t realize he had been standing in front of one of the benches until a new voice broke through the peace of the park.
“Are you just gonna stand there?”
The words were somewhat harsh, but when Lance lowered his eyes to their source the girl winced, grimacing. She seemed to have spoken impulsively.
“Hmm, yeah.” Lance blinked at her for a moment, before finally sitting down on the bench. He made sure to leave space between him and the girl, not wanting to make the situation even more awkward.
“I didn’t mean to snap at you,” the girl said after a moment of silence. She looked at him sideways and her brown eyes seemed almost golden in the sunlight. There were freckles spread across the bridge of her nose and across her cheeks, and the green ribbon in her hair swayed in the wind. It was a soft sight, a contrast to the steeliness of her posture and gaze.
“It’s fine,” Lance hurried to assure her. She looked young, but so did he, and talking to complete strangers never failed to make him nervous. “Nothing like a little girl yelling at me to bring me back to earth.”
He gave her his best grin, the one reserved for first impressions and fancy parties. It was supposed to project confidence and kindness, even though Luis said he ended up looking a bit smug.
“I didn’t yell,” the girl pointed out with a light frown. Then her eyes shifted into a more calculating look. “You’re a bit of a goofball, aren’t you?”
“I prefer the term good-humored,” he replied jokingly.
She continued to stare. Lance got the feeling that the girl did this a lot. She had an untamed intelligence to her that Lance couldn’t completely understand. It was the sort of air that teachers sometimes carried, as if they could see something deeper in you if they looked long enough.
“It didn’t seem like you were feeling all that good-humored just now.” She tilted her head to the side, letting the words hang between them.
“Yeah, I suppose that’s true,” Lance found himself saying.
“Do you… want to talk about it?” She looked so doubtful that it almost made Lance laugh. The feeling, however, was overcome by the relief of finally having someone who would listen.
He had spent the week trying and failing to explain to Veronica what was truly making him feel down. She was too busy or too happy for Lance to tell her the truth, especially when it left him so vulnerable. After all, Veronica had taken to her work on the Institute like a fish to water. Lance was supposed to be more adaptable than this.
With the rest of his family away in Cuba, he felt unbearably lonely.
“Yes! Thank you!” Lance shifted in the bench to face the girl. She was taken aback by his enthusiasm, but didn’t move away. “There’s this cabrón in my class, who thought it was a good idea to mess with me, just ‘cause I said fábrica instead of factory in our first day here. He hasn’t really left me alone since…” he whined. “I speak two languages but somehow I’m the uneducated ass here!”
The girl nodded, eyes downcast. “I know what you mean.”
“You do?” He eyed the fairness of her skin and the almost ginger of her hair. “Sorry, but you look white.”
Lance’s comment must have taken her by surprise, because she actually laughed.
“I am white. I’m also Italian.” She rolled her eyes, but there was amusement in the tug of her lips. “I can be both.”
“That’s true.” Lance grinned sheepishly. It was good that she wasn’t offended by his lack of filter. “You don’t have much of an accent, though.”
“Neither do you,” the girl bit back, no real animosity in her tone.
He shrugged. “My family spent a lot of time in the US when I was younger. It used to be second nature to me. Now, I keep feeling like I have to hold back the instinct to roll my R’s.”
“I get that. My parents moved here right after I was born, but we used to speak Italian in the house.” There was a pause here, something that she couldn’t bring herself to say. “I think it’s cool that you can speak Spanish. It’s useful.”
“Yeah?” Lance sat up straight, feeling suddenly boastful.
“Sure!” she continued, encouraged by his interest. “The Bouman Aeronautics Research Institute really values multiculturalism! It is a hob of different nationalities and perspectives, created to foster new minds from around the world! Or that’s what my brother says, at least, and he is rarely wrong.” She gave him a smirk that quickly shifted into a grimace. “Don’t tell him I said that or he will never let me forget it.”
“Older brother?” At her nod, Lance smiled. “I got older siblings too. Sort of the reason I’m here in the first place, actually. One of them was accepted as a researcher and she tricked me into applying too.”
“Same, actually.” She seemed startled for a moment, pulling out her cellphone. “Freak, I have to go! I completely lost track of time while reading.” She got up to go, collecting the book she’d apparently put down to talk to him. It was a thick volume with numbers on the cover, but it didn’t look like math.
Another green ribbon fluttered to the ground, having escaped the pages of the book. Lance bent down to pick it up.
“Here.” He stretched it out to the girl. “Wouldn’t want to lose its pair,” he said with a wink.
“Thanks for reminding me!” She grabbed the ribbon hurriedly, then paused, turning back to Lance. “And for the conversation, I guess.”
Lance grinned at her. She was a little awkward but in an endearing way, like she wasn’t used to having the attention of others on her. Given she empathized with his circumstances in the Institute, it wasn’t that big of a leap to assume that she had trouble making friends.
“Bye bye, Italian girl.” He waved, glad that he could spend these few minutes with her.
“Farewell, Spanish boy.”
Lance meant to correct her about his nationality, but she took out running, clearly late for something. He laughed at the way she stumbled across the uneven ground, careless like a little kid. It was a strange juxtaposition: the thoughtfulness of her earlier words and the childishness of her smile now.
He settled back into the bench, feeling much more content than he’d been earlier. It was nice to talk to people outside of class, for a change.
And, well, Italian girl was pretty. A bit young-looking for him, but he thought guys her age should be tripping over their feet for a chance to talk to her.
“Hey, you’re Lance, right?” A boy had approached while Lance observed the girl disappear from sight. He was tall and robust, with shortly cropped hair, but his expression was friendly. “You’re in my Analytics class.”
It took Lance a second to place him. Analytics was one of the classes Lance struggled with the most, so he hadn’t had as much opportunity to joke around there.
“And you’re Hunk!” Lance snapped his fingers, smiling. “Sit down, man! What can I do for ya?”
“No es un acampamiento.Tú sabes que el campo de explotación espacial no está muy desenvuelto en Cuba. Si realmente quieres trabajar con eso, entonces simplemente cállate y no insultes a nadie.” - “It’s not a camp. You know that the field of space exploration is not very well developped in Cuba. If you really do want to work in this area, then simply shut up and don’t insult anyone.”
“¿Cuando he insultado a alguien?” - “When have I insulted anyone?”
“Mira, tengo una reunión con mi orientador. Y tú tienes por lo menos dos artículos para leer para las clases de mañana, ¿por qué no vas a la biblioteca para trabajar un poco? Prometo comprarte una hamburguesa después.” - “Look, I have a meeting with my coordinator. And you have at least two articles to read for tomorrow’s classes. Why don’t you go work for a bit in the library? I promise to buy you a burger later.”
“Me debes más que una hamburguesa y lo sabes, Ronie.” - “You owe me more than a burger and you know it, Ronie.”
“¡Gracias, hermanito! ¡No te arrepentirás!” - “Thank you, little brother! You won’t regret it!”
Cabrón - Bastard
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sapphirewolf1122 · 4 years
¡¿Por Qué Eres tan Flaco?! (Why Are You So Skinny)
Request/Summary: Fatgum/Reader fic where Reader owns a Latin restaurant that Fatgum frequents and reader sees him in skinny form and pretty much yanks him into her restaurant and holds him captive at a table that she fills with food for him and she pretty much mother hens him and by the end of it he's just like "marry me"
Word Count: 1,268
A/N: So this was a request by @gemstoneconstellations that I finally got around to; sorry for the long wait, hermana. Thank you to @crazythypoon for helping me with the translation, as well as your patience and encouragement. Also, this takes place in the Vigilante timeline; idk why I chose to do that, it just felt right. 
Propping open your restaurant door, you started setting up the sign that listed your special of the day. Today, you were offering pernil relleno con mofongo with a choice of either maduros or arroz con gandules for a side. 
When you’d first decided to move to Japan and open a borinquen restaurant, most of your family had had their doubts and strongly discouraged you. Even you half-expected to be returning home after barely a year with your tail between your legs. But the response had been a lot better than anybody thought it could be; it helped that you had no problems learning the language. You had to admit though, your success wouldn’t have been half as great if it weren’t for your star customer. 
Right now, you were working on getting your liquor license. When it came time for the holidays this year, you wanted to be able to sell some coquito. You were even looking into getting some moonshine from home...God, you missed Puerto Rican moonshine. 
You also had some recipes you wanted to try out, but those you would run by your favorite customer. He’s been your biggest supporter since coming here and you liked to test dishes on him. But you hadn’t seen him in a while…
As a hero, it wasn’t abnormal for Fat Gum to seemingly disappear for days at a time. But you still worry, him being the brawler that he is. Last you heard, he was helping with some sort of investigation. Something about the instant-villain drug that had been circulating recently.
Sighing, you stood outside your shop, hands on your hips. Scanning the crowd, you started wondering whether to send out the cart today. The weather was good for it. Plus, it might be a good way to check up on Fat...ugh, perhaps you were obsessing too much. It’s not like you were his girlfriend…
Shaking your head at yourself, you turned to go back inside and tell your employees to prep the cart but the sight of someone stopped you.
Walking towards the shop was a man covered in bandages in a yellow hoodie, reminiscent of Fat Gum’s; it even had the signature black F and G on the bottom. In fact, with the mask, hair color, and the fact that he was currently munching on takoyaki, you almost thought it was Fat. 
Except he was too skinny. Everyone knew that Fat Gum’s quirk was fat absorption, so he had to keep his body fat percentage high. This also meant he had a pretty big appetite. The amount of times he had caused you to sell out from just a single visit…
Yes, there was no way this was Fat...he would have had to expel a great deal of energy in order to reveal his skinny form...but he was known to be a brawler…
The man had caught sight of you and, with a large smile, waved at you. Your eyes widened in horror.
Before you knew what was happening, you were running towards the hero, yelling at the top of your lungs.
"¡¿Que carajaro le paso a tu goldura bello! ¡¿Quien te hizo esto?! ¡Estas tan desperdiciado! Como pudiste ser tan inconsiderado de ti mismo. Tenias que venir directo a donde mi, te hubiera volvido a tu ser usual en menos nada! Esto es lo que te pasa cuando te pones a peliar en vez de defender, idiota. Ven te voy a dar tanta comida que nunca mas vas a poder volver flaco otra vez! Como pudiste dejar que esto pasara... " 
As you approached, Fat froze, out of shock or fear, you weren’t sure. “___, you okay? I can’t understand you, you’re not speaking Japanese. What’s wrong? Why aren’t you using your quirk?”
Your quirk was languages. After listening to a native speaker only a few times, you were able to speak the language perfectly yourself. It’s how you managed to get by in a whole new country. But when you got angry, you lost control and reverted to your own native language.
Once you’d reached the hero, you started inspecting him, poking at the large hoodie. Not a bit of fat left...in fact it was all muscle...shaking your head, you glared up at Fat Gum, momentarily regaining control of your quirk. “What happened?”
He shrugged, which only infuriated you more. “I told you I had a mission and the situation called for the full extent of my quirk. And before you say anything about brawling, there was a bomb; I had to absorb the explosion before people got hurt.”
The next part came out with a chuckle. “Y’know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard your accent so thickly before…your quirk normally masks it so well.”
Scowling, you replied, “That’s because you’ve never seen me angry before. ¡Vamos!”
With that, you grabbed him and started dragging him into your restaurant, grumbling the whole time.
"Idiota, te tienes que cuidar mas. ¡¿Y si un villano te encuentra asi! AHH!?, estarias indefenso ."
You ignored the bystanders gaping at you; they seemed to know better than to interfere though. There was something about an angry boricua that made others cringe in fear. Even Fat Gum accepted what was happening and stopped struggling. 
Once inside, you started barking orders at your employees. 
“Start preparing everything on the menu. And I mean everything! I want alcapurrias, todas las empanadas, sorullitos, emparedados, bacalaitos, tostones, las entradas y postres también! ¡Ahora!”
Knowing better than to argue with you, your staff got to it. Placing Fat Gum at a table in the back, you told him to stay, whether in Japanese or Spanish, you weren’t sure. But he seemed to get the message. With a stern nod, you waved one of your waiters over to get his drink order. While they did that, you went and closed the door, locking it. No one was coming in until you got this sorted. 
With that, you rushed into the kitchen, putting up your hair and grabbing your apron. You were going to make sure your gordo precioso was going to get the best there was out of this restaurant. 
You served him all of his favorites and more. You started with the aperitivos, then onto las entradas. You swelled with pride at the look on his face when you brought out the pernil relleno con mofongo. This wasn’t a special you served normally. You also went all out with arroz con gandules and arroz amarillo con habichuelas. 
After that, you moved onto desserts. Guava cakes, bizcocho de batata borinquen, flan in almost every flavor, tembleque, arroz con coco; even guava empanadas. 
It was hours before you finally stopped bringing out food. Watching as he finished the last of the desserts, you nodded in approval. He was finally looking like his proper self. 
“Feeling better, Fat Gum?” Though still kind of thick, your accent had lessened considerably now that you’d managed to regain full control of your quirk.
The BMI hero looked up at you, his usual large grin back on his face. “Greatly. And please ___, call me Taishiro, even Toshi.”
Your mouth dropped open. “B-but I thought first names were reserved for those close to you in Japanese culture. Forget nicknames.”
“Yes. And you have definitely earned that right. In fact, ___,  I have a very important question to ask you.” The grin suddenly disappeared from his face as he stood up, towering over you. But you didn’t have time to process the look before he suddenly dropped to one knee, his big hands grabbing hold of one of yours, practically making it disappear. .
“Will you marry me?”
A/N2: Please note that I though I was able to do the foods and such on my own, I had help with the large translations. Here are the English translations as I originally wrote them; the foods you can either ask me or Google. 
-  What the hell happened to your beautiful fat? Who did this to you?! You look wasted away! How could you be so reckless?! You should have come straight to me, I would have gotten you back to your normal self in no time...this is what you get for being a brawler...you’re coming with me, you idiot. I’m going to feed you and make it so you’ll never be skinny again. That you could let such a thing happen…
-  Idiot, you need to take care of yourself. What if a villain caught you like this, huh? You’d be defenseless…
Thank you for reading!
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girlsgonemildblog · 3 years
Seriously, What the Fuck Did I Just Watch? - Emily in Paris, Episode 8 Recap
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Poster from IMDB
I literally cannot believe everything that happens in this episode happens. I honestly may not be able to even write this blog; that's how insane it all was. The episode begins with Emily leaving her apartment at the same time that Gabriel and Camille are leaving theirs, but Emily hides to avoid running into them, meaning we don't get to start our drinking game just yet. Camille then texts her asking if they can meet for lunch and talk about "something important."
At breakfast with Mindy, Emily is sure Camille knows that she and Gabriel kissed (for the second time). Mindy gives Emily some pretty good advice, "just don't kiss Gabriel," but Emily insists that "it's not that easy." It literally is, though? Like, just don't put your lips on his? It's really not that hard? You see tons of other people every day, and you don't kiss any of them, right? Or is Emily just going around and kissing literally every person she sees? I highly doubt it. The conversation moves on to Mindy, who has friends from her old life in China visiting because one of them, Li, is getting married. Mindy is nervous about seeing them again because they don't know that she's a nanny now.
For lunch (did she go to work at all or just out to eat?), she meets Camille at a sushi restaurant, clearly following Mindy's advice to avoid anywhere with steak knives. It turns out that Camille doesn't know about her kiss(es) with Gabriel and just wants Savoir to represent her family's champagne company. Emily says she will pitch it to her coworkers, and Camille invites her to her family's chateau for the weekend to learn more about the company. Gabriel will not be coming because he has to work and is still upset with Camille for asking her mother for a loan to help him buy the restaurant.
When she finally does go to the office, her coworkers are not very interested in the champagne company since it's so small. They then begin to roast Emily about the love triangle she's in with Gabriel and Camille. Without Sylvie, Luc, and Julien, this show would be completely unwatchable.
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In the morning, while loading her belongings into Camille's tiny car, Gabriel shows up, and it's revealed that he is coming because he got the weekend off work. Emily is less than happy since she is still trying to avoid him. In addition, due to their bags, the three of them all have to squeeze in the front row, making Emily sit on Gabriel's lap. As they're driving, Camille asks, "everyone okay?" in a weirdly suggestive manner, and I again have to wonder if there's going to be a threesome at some point. It almost feels inevitable. But then, Camille also says she wants to set Emily up with her brother, so who knows.
At the "chateau", Emily meets Camille's mother, Louise, who is extremely cold to her and speaks French despite being fluent in English, and Camille's father, Gerard, who is naked by the pool, his genitalia covered by a very well placed champagne bottle. Louise sends Gabriel to the market, and he tries to get Emily to join him on the bike ride. Emily says no, as a bike ride on the French countryside to a farmer's market is way too romantic to do with someone who you are trying to avoid kissing, and then Emily and Gabriel get into a fight on whether they can be friends, Gabriel saying it's no big deal and Emily insisting it's best if they keep their distance.
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Emily decides to go on a tour of the winery instead, where she chugs champagne like it's a natty light and she's an 18-year-old named Brad pledging Kappa Sig. She hits it off with the hot tour guide and discovers that he is Camille's brother, Timothée. Every Timothée is hot; this is only the second I've ever seen, but my point still stands. I also must point out how much he looks like Gabriel. But they're from France, not Alabama, so I won't say what I am thinking.
Gabriel cooks dinner for the group, and I have to say that making your girlfriend's chef boyfriend cook you dinner, in your home, on his weekend off, is rude. Let the boy have one night where he's not working. Gerard makes a lot of uncomfortable comments about the taste of Gabriel's coq and eggplant, and Louise lectures Emily that women aren't supposed to touch the champagne bottle at the dinner table, and you shouldn't talk business there either. Then Camille's parents start telling Gabriel that he should accept the money they've offered him, and it gets even more awkward than when Gerard was implying he sucked off his daughter's boyfriend. Emily posts a photo of her and Camille to Instagram, and we learn that her account has grown to 21.7k followers, which is only a 1.6k increase in 3 episodes, so it seems her meteoric rise is beginning to fizzle out.
Mindy texts Emily that they look very "cozy" and then tells her to check out her friend's livestream because she's about to surprise the rest of the bachelorette party. We then cut to Mindy in a jazz club with her friends, who announce that they're there so she can sing again. They reveal that they know that she's a nanny and don't care; they just don't understand why she's given up on her dream of being a singer. They finally convince her to get on stage. She insists she can't and tries to give the microphone back to the MC, but when he tells her no, she starts belting immediately.
Emily watches through her phone, and when the livestream ends, she can hear through the wall that Camille and Louise are fighting in French over the loan to Gabriel. To get away from it, she goes outside to sit by the pool. Timothée comes out to join her with a bottle of champagne. They have a heart to heart, and Emily says she left the US because "there were no decisions left to make, not even wrong ones."
Just when I was thinking this show is actually pretty good, the craziest thing that's ever occurred in the history of television happened. Emily asks Timothée about the difference between a Champagne flute and a coupe glass, and he tells her the coupe was designed using the shape of Marie Antoinette's breasts. Emily then takes the coupe glass and puts it up to her own boob. Timothée, without moving any closer or saying even a single word, reaches out and grabs Emily's other boob. Emily then guides his second hand to her tit that originally had the glassware on it. Seriously. This happened:
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There's then a jump cut to Emily and Timothée having sex, and Timothée is bad at it. I mean, rapid jackhammering and weirdly intense concentration bad. Emily actually tells him to stop and repeats his own advice about drinking champagne back to him, "slow down. You're supposed to savor it." I threw up a little in my mouth.
The next morning, Emily wakes up with a hickey and then joins Camille's family for breakfast. There is a new man there, and Camille introduces him as the brother she wanted Emily to meet. Confused, Emily asks about Timothée, and Camille says Timothée is her younger brother and is 17. Just then, Timothée joins them, kissing Emily and apologizing for her hickey before sitting down. Everyone at the table realizes what happened, and Gabriel has to get up and leave to keep from laughing. Emily repeatedly insists she "didn't know," but I'm not sure how well that would hold up in a court of law. (For those curious, as I was, France currently does not have an age of consent but has a bill waiting to be passed that would set it at 15.)
Louise asks Emily to speak privately in her office. Emily immediately begins to apologize profusely, thinking Louise is going to yell at her over the whole accidental-statutory-rape thing, but Louise says she "doesn't care about all that" and just asks if her son is a good lover. I think Emily's face says it all:
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Emily lies to Louise and says Timothée was sweet and gentle. She then uses the opportunity of having Louise alone to finally talk business since Louise had been dodging her all weekend. Emily comes up with an idea to get rid of their excess inventory, based on an Instagram that Mindy posted of her friends spraying a bottle of champagne over themselves in a club. She pitches the idea of "a bottle to sip, a bottle to spray," and says their champagne could be "the official 'spray' of Paris." I have to say; this is actually genius. Maybe Emily isn't completely terrible at marketing after all? Louise is worried about the legacy of her family's company since it's a little tacky of a pitch, so Emily proposes they create a second label and name it after Louise's husband's nickname, "Champére". Louise agrees, and the episode ends with Gabriel, Camille, and Emily piling into Camille's car to head back to Paris and Gabriel mocking Emily for being a cougar.
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my-oh-my · 4 years
silver bullets and red roses: chapter four
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hi! here's chapter four and all my love <3
Warnings: PTSD, weaponry, death, murder, dirty straight white men again, framed suicide
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Alex finally returns home and Rose has been bit by the love bug
previous chapter
Night fell hastily upon Cherrywood Lane, the Sun eager to hide whilst the moon watched over the neighbours who began to settle down for the night, tucking their children and then themselves into bed. It was the stars that shone the most that night in June, sparkling and dancing along with each other in celebration and love.
After docking Pegasus, the men marched onto a train bound to Surrey, apart from Alex. Joseph insisted on driving him home with himself and Rose, who also encouraged the exhausted, downcast young man. The drive home was silent, Alex being asleep – his head rested on his shoulder as he breathed steady breaths, at peace. Rose caught a glance of him in the back from the passenger seat and grinned at the sight. It was not until they had made the turn into Cherrywood Lane that Rose had noticed from the corner of her eye Alex had awaken – his eyes blinking rapidly trying to remember what had happened, where he was.
The slow squeak of the breaks indicated that they were indeed home, much to Alex’s astonishment. Rose opened her door, stepping delicately onto the paved foot path before walking over to Alex’s side – who had now shakily got out of the car.
When Rose had returned home, the most daunting thing for her was if she was ever going to be the same again. She wondered if stepping through the doors of home would be the same as coming home after a day at the library or maybe a stay at a friend’s house, or if it would be like walking into a strangers home – of someone she had known lifetimes ago.
“Are you ok?” Rose asked quietly to Alex, looking at him through her long eyelashes. He had dried off now, hair no longer a wet mess of curls, his skin no longer soaked with water, but rather just stained with oil. The stitch was still apparent on his cheekbone, along with the cut – it would be for a few days.
“’m not really sure how to answer that question” he replied, expressionless, staring at his home, where his parents were. “You don’t need to, all you need to do is walk through that door” she encouraged, pointing her pointer finger towards his front door. “Why is this so difficult?” he questioned himself, eyebrows furrowing but his eyes never leaving the white door with the numbers ’34’ plated in gold, nailed to the centre. “Because its what you’ve wanted for so long, and now you have it – it doesn’t feel real” Rose studied his face, noticing all his freckles and slight wrinkles by his eyes. “But it is. Your home is here, your family is too.” she continued, Alex’s gaze averting to her eyes, to gain sense of what she is saying. “All you have to do is walk through that bloody door” she smiled softly, Alex taking a deep breath before turning towards his home and walking up to the door.
Rose laced her fingers together in front of her, watching as he brought the back of his hand up to the door, his knuckles tapping it. Knock, knock, kn-. The third knock was cut off by the door opening abruptly. Alex’s fist was still in the air as it opened, his mother staring at him from the other side of that bloody door. She brought her hands up to her mouth in shock as Alex brought his hand down – unsure of how to comfort his mother who was now crying. Before he could do anything else, Mrs Harrington had wrapped him in a tight hug, not fussed about getting her good dressing gown ruined by the grime on his uniform. “My boy! My boy is home!” she shouted, Alex now hugging her back with just as much strength. Rose watched on with a smile as Mr Harrington came into view, Mrs Harrington standing back as he hugged Alex too – hitting him on the back a few times.
Rose glanced over at the hugging family once more before making her way into her own home, heels clicking on the pavement. “Rose! Rose my dear!” Rose stopped in her tracks looking over at the house next door. Mrs Harrington was running over to her, the slippers on her feet almost falling off on the pavement before engulfing Rose in a kind, grateful hug to which Rose returned almost immediately. “Thank you. Thank you for bringing my boy back. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She spoke into Rose’s ear, her tears dampening Rose’s blouse, “Don’t thank me, Mrs Harrington, thank Alex for surviving” Rose replied, pulling away from the hug with a sympathetic smile. Mrs Harrington placed a hand on Rose’s cheek, smiling greatly, before running back over to her house and engulfing Alex in another hug.
Rose looked on once more, watching as Alex looked up at her whilst still hugging his hysterical mother. She watched as he smiled at her – a real smile. It complimented his face beautifully, dimples pointing into both cheeks and wrinkles gathering slightly by his eyes. Rose smiled back before turning back gracefully to her home, walking up the porch and opening her door, to her home. “Oh Rose, oh dear, I thank the Lord you’re home in one piece, my goodness” It was now Rose’s turn to be suffocated with her mother’s love, Rose wrapping her mum in a tight hug as she smelled the scent of her perfume – home.
Doreen Edwards was the perfect woman. She was independent, yes, but she was also the ideal 1940s housewife. She cooked, she cleaned, she looked after the children, but she was also one of the only female doctors in World War I. There were no two doubts about her, before you could even think of a question she answered it, she had wits – wits which Rose had adopted from her genes. Joseph often said that they had the “same brain, just in different bodies”, the two being so alike.
“Goodness, you’re freezing” Doreen said worriedly, breaking out of the hug and rubbing Rose’s clothed arms to warm her up, “Do you want a cup of tea to warm you up?” Doreen asked, rushing over to the kitchen, placing the kettle under the tap and letting water fill it up. “I’m fine as I am Mum, I’m just going to have a shower and head to sleep.” Rose politely called out, slipping her shoes off her aching feet at the entrance. She walked over to her father, who was sitting at his armchair, drinking a bourbon to wind down after the day’s events. Rose delicately placed a kiss on his cheek – cautious as to whether or not he had recovered from the trauma the day had brought up. “Goodnight Dad” she whispered, pulling away from the arm chair, “Goodnight my girl” he farewelled with a small forced grin, which Rose returned.
She then made her way to the kitchen, where her mother was making herself a cup of tea. “Goodnight Mum” she said, placing a kiss on her cheek as well as Doreen stirred her tea. “Goodnight Rose,” she replied, turning around to face her daughter, “call out to me if you need me, ok?” Doreen grabbed onto Rose’s hand comfortingly, wanting to know that she was here for her and that she knew how today may have affected her psyche. Rose smiled softly and nodded, placing another delicate kiss on her mother’s cheek out of gratitude.
It had almost felt heavenly to have a shower after a long day. Rose was certain that there was nothing better than rinsing out the smell of oil, grime, saltwater and the touch of a man down off and replacing it with the smell of rose and lavender soap which made her skin soft to the touch.
The day’s events she wished to forget seemed to leave with the dirty water and down the drain, though she knew she would be tossing and turning all night in her bed about them.
Though the ones she wished to keep in her mind did so, much like the fragrance of her soap. She replayed the way that Alex’s face had looked in the sun on the lower deck as he stood up for her, how soft his skin felt against her own as she touched his cheek, how peaceful he seemed in his sleep and his heart-warming smile he had given her only moments ago. She wished to remember Alex, though it seemed foolish. She had spent years living next to him, rarely acknowledging his existence, she didn’t understand why she felt this way. She shook her head, turning off the water.
Rose sat in front of her vanity, brushing her clean and dry hair as she looked in the mirror – the way that her hair had looked as she brushed it. It had certainly grown over the past few months, the shiny luscious blonde strands just reaching past her rounded breasts which were covered by her long, pink silk nightgown. Her eyes flickered from her hair to her face. Her pale, clear skin adorned a light blush over her cheeks, she had strong brown eyebrows, an upturned nose and full lips. She knew that she conformed to the ideal woman, so many men had told her, so many women told them how jealous they were of her. But to her beauty wasn’t was what mattered, it was what was hidden within the outer – the soul, the heart and the mind. That didn’t change the views of the rest of the world, beauty becoming her greatest weapon.
Rose strutted slowly, her dress swaying with each step against her legs. She made her way into a large enclosed tent which had been set up as a makeshift office for the commander, Arnold Schober. She knew that he was a key player in the battle of Dunkirk, but not the most important – which was a crucial detail for what she needed to do. He would have the information, yes, but it would not be detrimental for the Nazis if he was gone, she thought to herself, fixing her hair to make her seem more enticing.
“Hallo?” she called out innocently, “Kommandant? (Commander?)” she questioned, walking into the room which was thick with the scent of cigars – the scent choking her nostrils slightly. “Was ist es (What is it?)” Rose stood in front of his desk – her hands intertwined her back – pushing her breasts out slightly. He sat writing on a piece of paper, scribbles which Rose could not read from upside down. She stared at the back of his bald and greying head and sighed slightly.
The commander looked up – opening his eyes a little wider before straightening himself up before clearing his throat slightly. “Was kann ich für dich tun, junge Dame? (What can I do for you, young lady?)” He asked, a slight smirk toying grossly at his lips. Rose began to walk slowly – approaching his desk. “Ich habe einen schrecklichen Tag (I am having a dreadful day)” she spoke – putting a pout on her lips. She placed her hands on his desk – making sure he could see her cleavage to entice him further. “Mein Mann schrieb in einem Brief, dass er mich nicht mehr liebte (my husband wrote in a letter that he does not love me anymore)” she sighed, her fingers running along a groove in the wood.
“Wie konnte ein Mann dich nicht lieben? (How could a man not love you?)” The commander choked out – his fat cheeks turning slightly red. Rose looked up at him with a grin, before walking around his desk slowly and sitting on his side. “Findest du mich schön, Commander? (Do you think I’m beautiful, Commander?)” she asked to which he nodded his head greatly, “Ja, eine der schönsten jungen Frauen, die ich je gesehen habe (Yes, one of the most beautiful young women I have ever seen)” He spoke quickly – desperation in his voice as he leaned back in his chair, placing a dirty hand on Rose’s thigh.
“Kannst du mir zeigen, wie schön ich bin? (Can you show me how beautiful I am?)” Rose whispered innocently, drawing her white dress up her legs slightly. The Commander looked on in lust, his eyes never straying from the tempting skin.
Rose felt her heart thud in her heart, knowing what was going to happen next. She continued to bring up her dress, smiling flirtatiously at the man. He began to trace his finger up her thigh, “ich kann dir zeigen (I can show you)” He agreed, sitting further in his chair. Just as he was about to reach her garter, Rose pulled her revolver out of her garter from the other thigh hastily. He sat back into his chair in shock.
Before Rose could give any second thought, before she could give any mercy, before the Nazis would come in from the alerts given to them by the Commander’s mouth – she loaded the gun and pulled the trigger into the side of the fat German man’s head. The bang from the gun rung in her ears for a while – it was much louder than the gunshots just outside the tent.
Blood began to pour out of the man’s head, dripping onto the grassy floor – his forehead now on the desk. Rose breathed quickly, placing the gun into the man’s limp hand and placing that too on the desk. She had been armed with the pistols which the Nazis had used to cover her tracks as a Brit. Her heart began to speed up – adrenaline coursing through her veins as she gathered all the notes which had been scattered along his desk. She manages to grab an armful of pieces of paper, maps and photographs which she tucked into the secret pocket she had fashioned in the back of her apron.
Rose glanced at the dead Nazi once more, not feeling an ounce of regret – which made her hate herself. She quickly rushed out of the tent – cautiously looking around before running. The S.O.E had told her of a safe house only a kilometre away from the Nazi trenches – where she could sit in fear – feeling anything but safe until they could get her on a boat and send her back to home. Home she thought, her feet still moving quickly against the ground, Oh how I want to be home.
She placed her brush on her vanity surface before standing up, walking over to her window. She shut her casement window, the long white curtains halting their flow with the breeze. Rose looked over at the window opposite her, noticing that a figure was standing behind their own window. Rose tilted her head so she could see clearly through a pane in the window, she needed only to see the eyes dazzle in the moonlight to know that it was Alex.
Alex quickly averted his gaze, noticing that she had caught him looking at her. Rose looked back at him with a small smile perched upon her lips as he glanced back up at her. Alex smiled along with her, as they stared at each other for a moment or two. He had cleaned himself up, his skin completely clean of oil and dirt, his hair once again a beautiful wet mess. My oh my, I don’t think I have ever seen such a handsome man, Rose thought to herself – making herself blush at the thought. “Goodnight Alex” Rose mouthed through the window, smiling a little wider. “Goodnight Rose” he had mouthed back, making Rose’s blush deepen into a darker pink as she stared at his smile. She forced herself to close her curtains, not taking her gaze off him until they were completely shut.
Rose’s smile became a much larger toothy one as she turned around to face her bed, Please Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream of Alex.
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dolldirector · 4 years
Fallen Realm Playlist Masterpost
Big infodump under the read more, if you like my OCs and/or agree with my flawless music taste this should be interdasting
1. MUSE - Thought Contagion
Vampire stuff, punk vibes, a nod to thriller, all of the above fit the mood of a FR show + the song is genuinely very good and I could see it being used on stage easily.
2. PAIN - Call Me
Absolute banger. But that's besides the point. I see this as being the bassist Jez/Jamie's song (with a side of Deuce as the second vocalist). Jez is a fairly quiet lad who generally keeps to himself but I always imagined that he’d be secretly very flirty and cheeky, but would mostly only really express it via music. I actually wrote a lil short story where most of FR's band (minus Rex and Isabella) find themselves in some dive bar after a show, and end up performing in the place of the no-show band that was meant to be there that night. That band ends up being the very same one that kicked Jez out, so it’s a bit of a revenge story for him. This short is on my discord by the by.
3. Emigrate - Eat You Alive
Oh boy, this is a strong one. Basically, just watch this video but pretend that Axl is Richard (the frontman). That’s it. That’s the explanation.
Being serious though, RZK is and always has been a huge influence for Axl's visual design, mannerisms and on-stage behaviours. On top of that, this is 100% the type of music he'd listen to, and the lyrics may as well just be plucked right outta his brain. Are the words meant to be aimed at Valeriya in a threatening way? Or is it a cheeky flirt with Trinity? Both? Neither? We’ll never know.
Also, completely unrelated I’m sure, here’s a wip you may or may not be able to force me to finish on stream via channel points soon...
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4. Axel One - Out of the Dark
Can't exactly say much about this one cause it's spoilers, but I will say it's less about the song itself and more about the video, and that it does concern the one FR character who is already dead when the story begins.
5. Lord of the Lost - Raining Stars
Just seems to me like a real good song to perform to. I can imagine seeing acrobatic stunts in slow-mo to this track. That’s it for this one, just “I just think they’re neat”. Gorgeous song and video by an amazing band anyway though.
6. Oomph! - Supernova
Kinda the same deal as the Emigrate song, you can just insert Axl into this one in Dero’s place, along with Jez, Vlad, and Thatch. Once again the style and lyrics fit him perfectly, and this one earns bonus points since Dero is actually Axl's canon voiceclaim - specifically in this era of Oomph!’s music too.
7. Die Kreatur - Kälter als der Tod
At the risk of this thread becoming Oops All Axl TM - AH YES. This one is perfect for the point where Axl finally gets the fuck over himself, and stops being horrible to Vlad because of guitar jealousy, and they become bros.
Realistically, I doubt that Vlad - the clueless human vampire fanatic - will ever realise that Axl is a real actual vampire, but he'd be so glad that they seem to have this ~shared interest~ in them, and he'd by hyped as heck to do a performance like this with his guitar buddy. By the way, Vlad wonders to himself, isn’t it odd that he’s never seen Axl putting his fake fangs in?? Weird
As for the girl on the altar, there are a couple ideas I’ve toyed with. Random audience member for fun. Trinity but Axl gets mad jealous even though he thought and said he wouldn't. (No sharing!! Not even for jokes.) Valeriya but the poor thing is scared to the point of tears because this is just a little too close to a real experience for her and Vlad just can't figure out why. Axl insists she’s just being dramatic. Rex has to rescue her because she’s too shy to put her foot down.
Or perhaps Isabella would wanna join in, but she can't take it seriously and keeps laughing which just causes a chain reaction every time with even Axl cracking a smile. There are like a million cut takes now. Send help.
All in all a fun crossover to think about.
8. Adelitas Way - Still Hungry
This one is just Diesel’s anthem. This is the story of a young punk who can’t stop, won’t stop, never gives up and needs more. Right kinda music for him too.
9. MONO INC. - Shining Light
100% a full-cast song. I feel like the lyrics apply to a number of different things about various members of the circus' backstories, and their found family vibe together - if you think about them in super vague terms, at least. I liked to consider the vocals a duet between Rex and Isabella, being the two singers, but there are a couple lines that are kinda too adult for Bella and would make the duet sorta odd so ehhh 90% of it can be that, let’s say. (This is baring in mind that Isabella is an orphaned minor and Rex is like a father figure for her - as he kinda is for many of the members of the circus)
I also did a doodle of this. This one will also be on the force-me-to-work-on-this-WIP-live pile.
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9.5. Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalt a.k.a the original version of Shining Light
Same song, just German and carrying a much darker, creepier tone. It fits in new, fun ways.
10. Oomph! - Viel zu Tief
Lyrics are very important for this one. Once again, music is the right style, Dero is still his voiceclaim, and Axl actually speaks German in canon (and NO I didn’t do that just so Oomph! songs fit him better, shUT UP)
11. Pet Shop Boys - It’s a Sin
Bit out of left field for this playlist, sure, but with all the controversy and extremely shakey morals in FR's world and with its characters, this one just seems fitting. Plus I'd want em to cover it for a show. Banger.
Honorable mention goes to Ghost’s cover of this song. I don’t even listen to Ghost but my reaction upon finding out this exists was like “lmao yes, of course, why wouldn’t they”.
This song in general I associate instinctively with Vlad, purely because its 80s and campy and I feel like he’d be the type to listen to Ghost.
12. Destiny Potato - Lunatic
Very strongly feel this is a performance song featuring Isabella. This song fits the character - and in particular her tragic backstoryTM pretty well. I’d even go so far as to say the singer would be a pretty good voiceclaim for her if her voice wasn’t meant to be more robotic in canon. This is pretty close to what I imagine, though. Strong n sweet.
13. Nightwish - I Want My Tears Back
One of the first songs I imagined to go well with stage performances. This one for sure would be a duet between Rex and Isabella.
Plus at about 3:10 there's a long solo with a bit of back-and-forth between the guitar and hurdy gurdy (I think?) that I could 100% see Axl and Vlad doing on guitar and keytar respectively.
14. Lord of the Lost - Drag Me To Hell
Yeah this one is just Axl @ his ex
15. Lindemann - Steh Auf!
Bleib nicht liegen, es wär schade - Zirkus ist heut in der Stadt
So, this would be from Isabella’s perspective. Did I mention she was orphaned? Yeah. I guess this one is a little dark.
16. Otetsu & GUMI - Disordered Self-Restraint Girl
The song itself seems to be the story of a child who is trying to coax their parent/guardian into getting up and doing things, not realising that parent had passed away from a drug overdose. Drugs isn’t the way Isabella’s parents died, but the rest of the song fits that part of her backstory imo. Plus, it’s German, and Isabella is German, so yay!
Uh oh, vocaloid.
For a long time I've associated this one with Valeria, and her feelings towards the circus in the early days. After she's accidentally turned by Axl, Val gets effectively kidnapped by FR, taken in before she can even regain consciousness and completely against her will, since it would be incredibly irresponsible of them to just leave a fresh new vampire out in the world so they kinda don't have a choice. While she eventually finds her place and elects to stay after some time has passed, there was a period of time where she definitely would have felt trapped.
This is without even going into the fact that she's now stuck travelling and living with her would-be murderer, and - due to the fact that half of the circus don't even know non-humans exist, let alone what actually happened to Valeria - many of the people around her don't seem to care, or simply do not understand why she's so scared and stressed. It leaves her, at times, feeling like she could be killed tomorrow and nobody would give a shit.
Showtime, katanamochi bunbun furimawashi kubi kara ue hanetobashite mo - ashita ni nareba minna motodoori, waratte yurushite
Translation: Showtime, even if a sword wielder slices my head and makes it fly off, tomorrow everything continues as usual, smiling, forgiving
(Don't worry, in reality Rex, Diesel, and Thatch are there for her & understand the shit she's going through. I promise the folks in the circus do actually care. It's just hard for her to see it in this period of time.)
(There will almost definitely be more songs and doodles added here in the future, but for now that’s all folks!)
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