#also i'm starting to get really excited for s7
deathsbestgirl · 2 months
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okay @calimanc i think i can finally do this!!
first, i tend to think of their relationships in phases. like:
season one: building trust and bonding. they genuinely like each other but it's a process! it takes time to create that bond & partnership. they really create such a good foundation naturally. they don't force it.
seasons two & three: BEST FRIENDS. they trust each other, they love each other, they rely on each other. their roles are set, their bond just gets stronger. season two really sets the tone for true friendship & personal value, not just work.
seasons four & five: it's a Struggle. their relationship is shifting but they're not there yet. it makes things hard but their partnership & friendship are solid. that is not the issue. (although, bad blood is also peak best friends)
season six: tension. surrounding their feelings, trust and getting their shit together lol (genuinely the season of them figuring it out)
season seven forward: THEY ARE IN LOVE. they are all in. s7 they're putting s6 lessons into practice, their communication is improving. s8&9 are hell for them but their love is never the question. coming back to each other is also a process (season seven is them putting the lessons into practice)
iwtb: married. everything is good & terrible. they are haunted, always haunted.
revival: coming back to each other, learning they can be together again despite everything. they never let go and they never will.
i think there's been a lot written about their characters and journeys, at least somewhat related to this. i think i'm recalling some of @randomfoggytiger meta posts about their different struggles, characters, trauma, etc. (the ones i think about a lot: scully teaches mulder to hug, milagro, how the ghosts stole christmas, mulder + s5, mulder / scully family in depths, mulder / scully typing, mulder / scully fight flight freeze — highly recommend, i think foggy puts a lot of things into words that are behind my reasoning)
in the beginning, mulder believes scully is sent as a spy. he's kind but he needles her about aliens, her thesis, her science and she gives back as good as she gets. but scully is so genuine and earnest. she cares about the truth and victims and justice. i've always thought she was excited to work in the field and specifically with mulder. whatever she thought of his spooky moniker, she also knew he was a brilliant man & a good agent. she was prepared to learn from him, regardless of what their cases would be. i don't think she believed all the rumors, i think she's intimately familiar with the rumor mill. and scully always had more of an open mind than anyone gives her credit for.
SO she spends the pilot trying to solve their case and get as much information out of him as possible, she wants him to trust her and she's trying to show him that he can. scully's got him chasing after her on their second? day on the case. she shows him real vulnerability, and imo, a tendency to believe despite her skepticism. and that's when he starts to give her a real chance. mulder's smile when she runs into his arms says sooooo much. AND THEN!!! he is vulnerable with her. he tells her about samantha & it's all he cares about. and she takes him at his word.
to me, this is something that sets the tone for most of their relationship. scully follows him because of his passion and belief, because she believed him when he said the truth was out there. she accepted that work was what mattered most to him and despite her crush, she chose to stay and follow him. she makes that decision over & over again. even when he makes her crazy, even when he gets himself into insane situations. and season one is all about building their trust, radicalizing scully. already before the end of season one, they trust only each other. mulder may show that trust slowly, taking bigger chances with her as time goes on. sharing the personal, letting her know about his informants, introducing her to his friends & eventually deep throat...he listens to her advice, her skepticism, her science and he genuinely appreciates it even if it frustrates him a lot. like when he thanks her in e.b.e., he's frustrated but it's real. he was listening. he recognizes her value to the x files and himself by season two. that conversation in sleepless about 'oh yeah, it's great. i don't know how i put up with you for so long' and 'i learned that from you' and 'i still have my work, and i still have you. and i still have myself.' and this is the "safe" territory for them. they know how to work together and they understand what that means. or they think they do, until scully is abducted and the stakes are raised. (kae wrote about mulder recognizing love in loss once. that's always really stuck with me.) mulder's guilt complex runs high. it's a huge part of his reaction in never again, scully's "my life" and 'we're not even going in circles, just an endless line' and "not everything is about you" is piercing in a very specific way to him. in that moment at the end, they choose silence and it persists for a long time. as does the way they talk around their feelings, their relationship. and mulder specifically is very avoidant. he makes several comments throughout their partnership about her leaving, not wanting to ruin her record or hold her back. and it's just so crazy, because scully eventually tells him that she holds him back, he doesn't need her. scully wants to be needed, and mulder wants her to stay but he 'doesn't want to see her hurt.'
the whole point is they put the work first, their partnership. it was a conscious choice. eventually we learn they both had relationships with people they worked with. i really do think it would make both of them hesitate to get involved with a work partner. generally speaking, scully is a "rule follower" but she doesn't have a problem breaking rules when she thinks it's justified, when she believes it's the right thing to do. no matter who's instincts she's listening to. that's a pattern we see very early on.
THEN they get so comfortable in their roles, believer mulder & skeptic scully, that later on as those things start to shift, they're afraid to change. mulder tells scully her science saved him over & over and in season six she clings to that (completely misunderstanding what he ~really meant, like kae talked about). season six is all about them figuring out what a relationship between them would mean.
but by that point, they had started to figure out some of their own issues. like in never again, scully is struggling with her patterns. so she does something she doesn't do often (i don't think one night stands are ooc, but they're not necessarily her norm. it seems like a periodic thing she may do when she gets That feeling.) scully needs to know she matters, she needs to see her impact. in never again, after paper hearts & el mundo gira, i think she's really hurting in that respect. she doesn't see at this point the impact she's had on mulder or as an agent. you can't tell she works in that office -- no desk, no nameplate, barely any personal items. just some books. initially, they're having two conversations and only partially aware of it. at the end, mulder doesn't seem to understand the issue, but at the end of leonard betts, mulder validates scully. verbally!! directly to her!! he starts to get it. they're not very good at talking directly, that's why never again and the cancer arc, and after, are so difficult. they talk about everything with metaphors, or they're okay sharing little pieces of them. their trauma & pain when forced to.
and season five is ... fraught. as so many other times, but scully nearly died and mulder feels guilty. randomfoggytiger talks about mulder in season 5 here. and the thing about these two, they're traumatized over & over again and they just keep going. but they are deeply affected. i've talked about how not okay scully is, and it takes her so much time to freely lean on mulder. she relies on him & their work, but she doesn't necessarily let him in too far. she holds people at a distance, she's so aware of loss & death and the effects of it, like she talks about in emily. and it isn't really that they need to work through their trauma. it's so much more about letting someone help shoulder the burdens, see them vulnerable. they do that and they do it for each other freely & often. but...for scully, she's always the strong one. she isn't really, but she thinks she has to be. she doesn't want to be another crusade for mulder, someone else he needs to protect. but at the same time, that's what partners do. she takes that "job" very seriously and so does mulder. (but so early on, it isn't because it's part of their job. i think that's extremely clear with scully in tooms & e.b.e., mulder's reaction in lazarus, to her abduction. you can see the progression so clearly.) but they can't protect each other from everything. mulder couldn't save her from being abducted, getting cancer, emily, or being burned alive...scully can't protect him from what happened to samantha. and that's a hard truth. it's something they accept for themselves as fbi agents, but is nearly impossible for them to accept for their partner. it's why scully threatens boggs, why mulder wants revenge on the men responsible for her abduction, why they go as far as they do for each other. they are relentless. (for mulder, he's always blaming himself. often, he wants to protect scully from himself even though he isn't the danger. he isn't the one harming her and he knows how far scully would go. like in endgame 'why didn't you tell me?' 'because i knew you wouldn't let me go through with it' and he runs off on his own because he doesn't want her to risk her life for his crusade, for the answer he needs & seeks.)
and season six!! it's so special because scully knows she's important, he gave her a whole speech about it. they nearly kissed. but they don't talk about it, the silence is maintained in favor of their partnership. and season six is a special brand of putting them in situations. at certain points, their partnership & trust are tested and leading up to those points, they tend to show how solid they really are. like in drive, when their communication is cut off but scully can understand that mulder is avoiding the police traps for a reason and he knows she'll catch onto the clues he manages to drop & that she's working hard to figure out the science/medicine, that she's doing the legwork on their cases that she always does. scully's asking him to get out of the car, but not to abandon it and they spend most of the season slowly putting together a blueprint for a relationship between them. knowing there are feelings between them, on both sides, completely reciprocated but it's a struggle. they learn something, and it's erased. or like the lesson in the unnatural, it takes a while for them to really get it. to put it into practice more consistently. there's a new freedom after one son too, with most of the syndicate killed at the hands of their own stupidity. and literally, neither of them can actually let go because the x files is both of their lives, they both have a very significant stake in the work and that will always connect them. (no matter how they're forced away from it at different points, no matter how they hesitate sometimes.) but it's also always deeper than that. because "you made me a whole person" wasn't just true of mulder. scully is never more herself than she is with mulder. i've said it a few times, but the x files was scully's dream job lol not only does she get to use everything in her arsenal, but she cares & she can be weird & a little mean. mulder gave her a very special kind of safety. scully loved teasing him for his beliefs, she always found it endearing and i just. think that's for a reason. he believes what she can't, and she believes what he can't. (you know, my usual)
i just think about the difference between all souls & all things. mulder is terrified of scully's believe in all souls, but in all souls, he interprets her words through her faith. he wasn't afraid. it was from a distance in all things, but she's also talking about a man she considered the love her life & might have married. but scully's sitting on his couch telling him all about it.
in the revival, scully comes back to the x files for mulder. but she's the one loving the case in mulder & scully meet the weremonster. and where mulder's disbelief & cynicism in the patient x/the red and the black scare her, she's not afraid of it weremonster. she kindly tries to guide him back to it, or rather, gives him the opportunity to find it himself. like he helps her light the candles & talks to god through her in nothing lasts forever. they're not really together but they're always together. it's always about working through something, understanding themselves & each other, and accepting/embracing some truth. like in all things, "what if there was only one choice?" in a way, there is only one choice. the one they made over & over. scully in squeeze & tooms & little green men, mulder in one breath & redux & requiem. all their choices lead to the other, and they almost mourn other choices. but scully would do it all again, she wouldn't change a thing. mulder can't do it alone and there's hope. the truth they both know. the only one they know.
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nipuni · 7 months
Doctor Who status report! Writing these I'm realizing I only ever feel compelled to share my opinions on media when they are positive lmao makes for rather boring commentary probably!! but I only care to share the things I love, I would be a lousy critic 😆
We are half way through S7 and I can say now that S6 was a big improvement from S5 for us! It was really fun! we have been rating every episode and keeping season average scores and S5 was the lowest we ranked so far out of all but it was still enjoyable honestly! Someone in the comments in one of my reports mentioned that each doctor's first season is usually their worst one and I'm also noticing this! I think Ten's first season was his lowest ranked out of his three for us too even though all his run was super high. Matt seems more comfortable in his doctor's portrayal by now and he is also more goofy which I personally always love 🥰
S6's arc had us terrified and puzzled the whole time it was very engaging!! and some of the episodes were devastating like "The girl who waited" and just everything about River Song always, The Silence creatures are so unnerving and cool and it had a ton of really classic episodes with great concepts. We were kind of disappointed with "the doctor's wife" episode though I'm a bit mad about it because I feel it had some great ideas but the way some elements were handled ruined it for us (mainly the Tardis's whole characterization and the Doctor's reactions to the situation felt so flat and out of character it was weird) so much wasted potential! but overall it was a great season!
Then S7 so far we watched up to "The bells of saint john" and our favourite has been "The angels take Manhattan" we love the concept of the Weeping angels and this one was terrifying and back to their original lore! and the ending was so unexpected! We also met Clara and I love her too honestly I'm terrible at rating companions because I love them all I think they all bring something new and special to the story I end up loving everyone 😭 We have seven episodes left with Eleven ahhhh time to suffer another regeneration soon!!
About the writing I think as we watched we grew more used to the differences and they became less jarring, though when I think back to the RTD era I feel I loved it because of the writing while now I sometimes I feel that I love it despite the writing, if that makes any sense? I still do love it but it feels like wrestling with Moffat a bit! lmao. He gets a bit repetitive and too on the nose and ..weird about women and overly grandiose at times still but now we know to expect it 🤣
Also another unrelated observation but we feel that Eleven seems younger than Ten in many ways. I know their personalities are supposed to change and they are not necessarily linear but it's something curious we both noticed! And Eleven is such a clingy soft little man!! baby!! very cute!! I love him I'm excited to see how the change to Twelve is going to feel!! I have no idea what to expect from Twelve I'm so curious!!
We are consuming this series so fast and we don't want it to end!! 😭 I have such a gigantic backlog of art I want to make about it by now, I keep thinking of ideas as I go and I don't have the time to draw them yet because of work!! AAAAA the moment I meet the last of my current deadlines it's over for you all!!
Anyway that was very long I'll go make dinner and watch some more 🥰 I hope you all have a good night and a great start of the week!
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littlespoonevan · 1 month
*slips you a fiver* hi i'd like to hear about those abby/tommy parallels please
oh anon, i am Obsessed with you for asking me this question askdjf let's go!!!
okay. so rewinding to 5x04: the thing that endeared me most to buck/tommy as a pairing and the reason why i'm more on board with them than i ever was with buck/taylor or buck/natalia is mostly because of buck's reaction to tommy during the kiss. it's been over a month but i still haven't quite come to terms with just how lovely???? his reaction was???
because buck, in the immediate aftermath of the kiss, is just so in awe. and so shocked at the possibility of this thing that he never thought he could have. and it honestly really reminded me of how he was with abby??? i think i made a post about it at the time but in both instances it felt like a moment where buck was realising, "oh i can have this if i want it???"
in abby's case, the 'this' in question was romantic love. the possibility of real feelings and a real connection with somebody who wanted him back.
in tommy's case, the 'this' is obviously the idea of romantic love with a man and discovering a part of himself he never lingered too much on before.
in both scenarios, it offers us up a side of buck that's just so genuinely happy and excited and giddy almost??? most likely because of how real it feels and how much he's letting himself feel it??? like, idk if you've rewatched s1 recently but s1 buck is just so Open with his feelings for abby????? and regardless of what happened afterwards or if you ship them, seeing that side of him is just askfja it makes me giddy lmao.
and i definitely think we're seeing something similar with buck now. like, it's a little different - buck being open in s1 meant him being very charming and very upfront about his feelings whereas in s7 buck is more open in the sense that he's not shying away from his feelings for tommy even though coming to terms with his sexuality is obviously a very big thing too.
and i just don't think we've seen that from him with ali/taylor/natalia. with ali, it's understandable since she was barely in s2 and it was really just his attempt to start moving on after abby. with taylor, i think the 'buck is taylor's abby' theory still holds a Lot of weight and i think he never really knew how to be all in with her the way he was with abby. and with natalia, well, we all know that didn't really get any development. so seeing him like this now is just very refreshing, y'know???
(i'm not saying he didn't care about those partners, he obviously did, but the sense of anticipation there now is very much something that i feel is only on a par with his pursuit of abby)
and then ofc, on a more basic level, there are parallels in them both being older and having a lived a Life outside of buck that maybe he doesn't full comprehend yet and them both being a sort of guiding hand to him as he navigates a new part of himself.
but in terms of where things'll go now and how it might affect buck? i think buck is a very different person from season 1. he's also lived a Life (several really at this point) and his current personal life is so much more full than it ever was when he was dating abby so i don't think he'll be pinning all his hopes on tommy the way he sort of did with her. i think he can definitely still get swept up in his feelings (as we've seen lol) but i also think he's willing to take this thing between him and tommy for what it is and not put pressure on it like he would've before.
tl;dr it's not necessarily about the tommy/abby parallels and more about the buck parallels when he's with both of them, y'know??? :')
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rainbowonice · 1 month
I'm barely hanging by a thread with this show.
The amount of PR that Oliver has done about Bucks storyline and Buddie has been overkill. To the point, where of Buddie doesn't happen after talking about it so much that headlines and clickbait have been created, they're going to look like they've just been shipbaiting to pull in the viewers!
Tommy and the homophobe/transphobe need to go. Lou's weird "thriving" video gives me the impression they're deffo not thriving! And the other one needs to go for obvious fucking reasons!
The whole Bi storyline would've been better coming from Eddie. They could've had Buck single and Eddie discovering himself like it was originally going to be. It would've been so much more interesting to watch!
But I do think the fact that the season only has 10 episodes has put a damper on things, too!
oh i agree with everything!!! it's definitely giving shipbait (for now) i feel like Oliver is saying unhinged Buddie stuff because, in his prospective, they can't really call him out for queerbaiting anymore, since Buck is canon bi now. But I really hope I'm wrong and that he actually knows that Buddie is endgame or something!
I'm still conflicted about Lou video to be honest, I'd rather if he wasn't there at all lmao but if he's there just to make things awkward and they are really NOT thriving then i Could be ok with it. for the Edy situation... idk how she even got in s7 to begin with, i know it's because Natalia actress wasn't available and Tim didn't want both of them to start off as single but they could have just went with a replacement and no one would have noticed 💀 big hope is that she will be bones before the season finale tho! No one likes her and the foreshadowing about them breaking up has been crazy (never date someone you met on a call, bobby convo etc)
Anon you have no idea I've been terrorizing my bestie about EddieTommy for WEEKS i still wouldn't like Tommy as a character but it would have made so much more sense and it would have been way more groundbreaking than BuckTommy! if episode 100 have zero haters I'm dead I REALLY HATE the whole execution and how they switched characters and keep making Buck and Eddie interchangeable cuz that will never be right and it will never sit well with me for various reasons (racism is the racism). And I've been wanting Buck to be single for the longest time let the man be alone and get to know himself for the love of God!
This season worst problem is that they are writing it as they go and they are really rushing things and you can really tell that they have no idea where the plot is going and the season being only 10 episodes make it so much worse :( hope season 8 will save us from this hell but if the last 5 episodes of the season don't get any better idk if i will survive to watch season 8 they are really making it hard for me and I've been watching the show since 2019!
Also i want to thank you for sending me your thoughts! I got so excited when i saw an ask in my inbox 🥰 this is a safe space for hating! I'm a yapper and a hater!!
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gffa · 8 months
As someone who grew up on the clone wars, but didn’t watch rebels—I can’t really comment on cohesiveness of continuity of the story—but in general do you think Felony (that cracks me up) could have fleshed stuff out better in terms of characterization if season was given 12 episodes instead of 8?
I think it could have helped, but ultimately, no, I don't think the runtime was the problem--because it's not just 8 episodes, it's 8 full length episodes, which would be the equivalent of 16 animated/half-length episodes. I think there would have been plenty of room in these episodes to put more content in, because some of those fight scenes were hella long and not always that interesting, and I get that he wanted to write the story of how they found Ezra, but honestly he could have included some flashbacks if he'd wanted to flesh things out more, they wouldn't have had to be more than a few minutes long, and I think he could have spared the time for that. I'm trying to have sympathy for this, because I know you can't show every little thing--think about the jump between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, that before we ever had The Clone Wars, that was a massive chunk of the story that just didn't get covered beyond showing the start of it and showing the Battle Over Coruscant! But Felony isn't in the same place as George Lucas was--this is the Disney era of Star Wars, there have been multiple animated series, multiple live action series, and the Ahsoka series seems designed to have always been at least two seasons, so he had the room for it, if the equivalent of 16 episodes wasn't enough time. Ultimately, though, I just don't get the sense that he was interested in the set-up, that it had been cooking in his brain for too long and he wanted to get to the meat of it without the ramp up for those of us outside his head. I mean, maybe I might be wrong, but I found his writing for TCW s7 to be pretty thin as well, so I think he's just kind of Like That for me these days. There's plenty that's really good in the Ahsoka series! There's a lot I loved about Ahsoka herself, especially when she's prickly and almost kind of mean to Sabine, I love that she teases Huyang and clearly loves him so much, I love when she sighs and tries not to roll her eyes because everyone just has to make her day harder, the lightsaber fights were a lot of fun, her interactions with Baylan where he was hitting all her sensitive spots were delicious, I'm glad we got the show and I have great affection for Ahsoka's character in it! But I also stand by my criticisms of how a lot of it was just very, very aggressively less than it could be and I don't think more space would net us anything but more of the same. (But I do enjoy when my dash is excited about the show because it reminds me that my experience is not universal and some people got an absolute charge out of it and I really want to read about exactly what they loved about it. And I hope that I can give that back to, say, someone who found the Obi-Wan Kenobi series kinda disappointing, but I was over the moon for it, it's okay that you don't agree, but let me tell you about my joy for it anyway, just indulge me for a minute--!)
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warsamongthestars · 2 months
Honestly you are so right. I never thought about it like that.
Having recently rewatch TBB from their introduction episode in TCW, i kept going "what the hell".
Admittingly, i did NOT like them at first. I enjoyed the other clones, but i just.. couldn't care until after s1 of TBB and even then, only S2 made me fall in love and S3 made me dwell deeper.
But rewatching TCW episodes... i can see why. Its not just that its different writing, that whole episode was INCREDIBLY cheesy, they were cheesy. And whats funny is i don't think they're too bad after their introduction episode.. but its like. They all fit into their sterotypes first episode, but TBB actually gave them personalities i feel, so when rewatching their introduction... it feels.. Not super iconic, sorry if that is an unpopular opinion.
Like their poses and first fight is really cool, but the whole conversation they have not only implies what you said, but also comes off as "edgelord 10 y/o boy who has watched way too many adventure movies". Which i get they were trying to be show offs as well as show the audience they are extreme.
But it just.. comes across as goofy to me.
and to be clear, i know star wars in general can be seen as cheesy, I'm not knocking down cheesy-ness, and i love most TCW episodes new and old, but i think thats why it bothers me ? I don't remember feeling "oh thats cheesy" in a negative light in any other episode, even with other series.
Sorry that this got long !!!!!
Damn, first ask. XD
Thank you for that! But uh...
... The irony here is that I have to disagree. I liked them in TCWs over TBB, and I wanted to see more of what the TCWshow's BBs had to offer.
I went the old fashioned way of watching TCWs (For the clones, I don't care that much about Jedi stories), and by the time I reached S7, they were announcing TBBshow. I had the build up from that, to reach the momentum and when I made it to the Bad Batch Arc, it was like falling in love with clones all over again.
Cliche in function, yes, by all viewing they fullfill their cliches.
But let me point out something that occurs in character writing--How the character acts to their friends, will be different with how the character acts to their coworkers, and how they act to their own families, to how they act to strangers. This is part of how you create a 3-Dimensional Character.
So my interpretation is different. Here's how my thought process went.
What we saw in TCWs, was merely how the BBs act when acting under officers (Coworkers) they didn't know (Strangers).
( Wrecker starts enthusiastic but "dumb" muscle, but as the Arc went on, he actually mellowed out. Showing that while he's excitable, he's not actually as excitable as what he introduced himself as. He's clever not "dumb muscle", he's multi-capable (he's the second pilot of the Marauder), he's in more control of himself than anyone on the team (hence that when he lifts Jesse up, Jesse is fine afterwards, when by that point we've seen that he lifts ships--he could've easily hurt Jesse but he didn't))
Given they don't look or act like clones, and looking and acting like clones is expected in their position or risk removal, they were effectively playing themselves up as their "cliches" in order to sell their skills and avoid unnecessary or even dangerous questions.
( Hunter is constantly snarky and never directly answers anything about "who you report to" or "how many missions you were on". But at the start, he was promoting the hell out of his unit's capabilities. )
The Bad Batch were a series of characters that bounced off each other beautifully. Its something everyone noticed about them.
(From Crosshair using Tech's shoulder as a mount, to Wrecker tossing Hunter up, to Hunter and Crosshair's subtle backing each other up, to Wrecker quoting Tech. )
Their group dynamics are part of their greatest strength as a set of characters.
With the introduction of Echo, who unlike in TBB, Echo was enthusiastic and clever and crafty, with a playful sense of humor (not unlike how he started as a character in TCWs).
You've got an excellent addition to a group that already has strong character dynamics.
Echo, having been an Audience Surrogate Character for Clones in TCWs, would've easily been the main POV of whatever BB show came out of TCWs. Because he can ask the questions the audience would ask, and Echo is a familiar character with years of backing that the audience would be familiar with.
So you're right, in my book, about TCWshow. Though how I view how right you are is different because of my subtext.
The Bad Batch Arc of TCWs was a Good, if a bit trippy, Start, and not a finisher for the team. After all, all introductions tend to be rather clumsy (just ask TCWs' pilot film).
Which laid in the implication that we're going to Get that Finisher. And the journey.
But when we hit TBB... Then turned the nuance surface of TCWs Bad Batch, and either cut it out, or dumbed it down, or in two cases, changed it entirely.
( TCWs Hunter was a snarky worrywort who let his brothers do the actions while he stays in the corner, but he's dragged out because he's the "Sergeant". TBB Hunter is a stoic quiet type who wants order and control. TCWs Hunter and TBB Hunter are two entirely different characters. In fact, if I may speculate fan wise, TBB Hunter would be the kind of person that would cause TCWs Hunter to Shutdown... and we have evidence of this from TCWs; where Rex gets into Hunter's face, and Hunter shutsdown entirely until after the scene change. )
( Wrecker got dumbed down. That Explosive Enthusiasm he played up, became his defining feature (They effectively pulled a misfandom on their own original creation). While they did show he does have vulnerabilities and some of that TCWs cleverness... it often got overshadowed. )
( They removed Crosshair and broke the group dynamic, destroying the strongest part of their characters, which was their interactions with each other. )
( Echo went from Enthusiastic, Clever and Humor, to Just Bitchy. They didn't bring back his other facet at all. And mid way through TBB, they removed his character--effectively making anything about him a moot point. It nullified his introduction into the BBs )
( And I'm not going to go into a tyraid here about Omega. )
And suddenly, there wasn't any nuance anymore, because the BBs acted the same everywhere they went. There wasn't any developments, because the BBs didn't discuss anything for the audience to know.
Maybe a dramatic glance in the distance--but that's more Cliche than their character archetypes. Character Archetypes, no matter how obvious, can shift and change as they Develop.
But there's no character developing in TBB that doesn't involve how the show broke what made them strong characters to begin with.
Its like trying to make a house, but the foundation is the ceiling and attic, and the "ceiling" is the 3000 tons of solid fucking concrete.
The story, which was about how the Empire rose from the Republic, was literally elsewhere, so there was nothing that spurred the characters to do anything that involved the plot.
Now as you can prolly guess by this point, I'm very very keen on Character Driven stories, and I pay attention to character. While I treat all things as a "fan-fiction" (Given that fan-fiction shows the effort it takes to create a story or create anything), when it comes to officially published stuffed--so with teams, and a budget, and hired people to do the work--I expect the "fan-fiction" to go up in quality, to follow the format and standard set up and simply either stick to it or surpass it.
I think TBBshow was too clumsy, too fragmented, and far too shiny, for what it had. Having a small part of the metaphorical quilt work, doesn't subtract from the fact that the rest of the quilt is full of holes.
Have small good points, I'm afraid, doesn't make up for the fact that it was overall, a poorly written show that bites its prior series' hand.
It just means that, now, you have to steal the good points to add to whatever BBsquad exists in one's mind.
You take the part of the quilt that works... and make your own Quilt, and damn whoever fucked up the first job.
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exhuastedpigeon · 1 month
eh i'm still of the belief that at the very least one of them will have a feelings realization by the end of the season. Dragging Buddie getting together to S8 is fine, but they need to start setting up the train tracks to get there. I don't just want the show to end with Buddie getting together, we deserve to see what happens after they do.
I really don't think they're 'dragging' buddie getting together into s 8 though. It's a slow burn, they aren't dragging it out they're doing it right. Where the characters ended up at the end of s6 doesn't lend well to them getting together right now. Where the characters are now doesn't lend well to them getting together right now (and that relationship lasting).
Eddie literally just said the words Catholic Guilt™ last episode. He still hasn't said anything about his own sexuality. For buddie to work they BOTH need to be at least comfortable with being queer and while we can see the path for that happening for Eddie, it would do him a disservice to just brush over it and have him and Buck get together before Eddie has figured that part of himself out.
It wouldn't shock me if one of them had their oh moment at the end of s7, but with what we've seen so far in s7, I find it extremely unlikely that they'll do anything more than longing looks.
And I'm so okay with that! Because s8 is guaranteed. It's been renewed and it was renewed long enough ago that they can be laying down breadcrumbs for buddie right now (and they seem like they are to me!)
But again, none of this feels like 'dragging it out'. If Buck and Eddie were still in the same place that they were in s5 and they were doing this I'd agree that if felt like it was being dragged out, but they aren't.
I'm really excited for whatever the writers have in store for us because (as crazy as I feel saying it), I really think we're on the path to getting buddie. But I don't want to rush to get there just because I can see the possible finish line. I want a fully fleshed out coming out arc for Eddie too. I want them to have the slow burn.
And if 911 keeps performing like it is now in s8, I think there will also be a s9 (hell, it could even decline in viewership and they'd still be one of the top rated shows). I don't think it'll be a situation where Buddie gets together and then the show ends.
I trust the writing team, espeically now that they're on ABC and clearly have a little more leash when it comes to making creative decisions that they didn't get on fox.
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
my personal prediction is that buddie won’t go canon in s7, especially not in a really short season on a new network. i just HOPE that we have one of them confirmed queer or even just suggested to be queer (my money is on buck due to previous ‘hints’). if that happens, then maybe also a hint at feelings for the other (again, money’s on buck, mostly because eddie is presumably gonna be in a relationship with marisol). guess we’ll find out very soon!! i’m buzzing with anticipation and fear and excitement haha
Okay, so when I say I think they're going canon, it's more on the sense that they'll explicitly be put on the path of getting together, not actually getting together, cuz they are not ready yet. That something will happen that will make them undeniable. I mean, I treat buddie the same way I treated Kate and Castle, or Jane and Lisbon, or Donna and Harvey, Booth and Brennan, yk network couples that you just know are gonna get there eventually, but I'm starting to think we will get something, not like a kiss or a love confession, but something. And I'm on the other side, I think it's easier to make Eddie have the revelation than Buck, unless the "self discovery" and "getting off the hamster wheel" Oliver mentioned is about Buck's sexuality, something I'm absolutely on board with, I want them to move, I don't care what makes it happen kspakaokaa. And we don't know how many episodes Marisol is gonna be in, she could very much be there for one and be gone, but we will have to wait and see how it goes. I know I am vibrating in frequencies unknown to men lol
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matan4il · 1 year
Although I know we are looking forward to Buddie becoming canon I just read a disturbing comment that Kristen has always stated Buck and Eddie are platonic friends only, have you read anything about this?
Hi lovely! How are you doing? Excited for the last two eps? :D
Thank you for the ask. Here's the exact quote from Kristen that the commenter you read was probably thinking of (and please take into account that this was said in March 2022):
I personally have always seen [Buck and Eddie] as a great friendship. But I think the struggle with the Buck and Eddie relationship is, we write a thing and we have an idea in our head of what the scene means and what those lines mean and an intention behind it, and then it goes out into the world. People may receive it in a way that we had not expected or that we had not planned on, and I'm not gonna tell people that they're watching the show wrong because people see what they see. But I think that they're very good friends, and in a lot of ways, they are family, and I think that's where they are right now.
To me, this quote really isn't that definitive. Beyond the fact that sometimes show runners explicitly lie (i.e, they will say whatever is best for the "sales" of their show), in this case the whole quote feels like it's trying to have the Buddie cake and eat it, too. Reassure those who want a romantic version of Buck and Eddie, as well as those who want a platonic one. It's telling you that either interpretation is okay. And yes, Kristen says she herself sees them as very good friends, but then she also veers into "family" and then she ends with "and I think that's where they are right now." Right now? Oh, so as in, this might change in the future?
And like I said, this is from an interview given over a year ago. The story is not in the same place, 911 is very much not in the same place, and this quote does indicate Kristen understands that if there wasn't a huge following for the idea of canon Buddie, she wouldn't be asked about this. Many shows have found the audience reaction different to what they expected and had changed course accordingly. One example is Monica and Chandler on Friends. They were only supposed to date for a couple of eps, for the sake of a few funny situations, but the audience went wild for them and they became an endgame couple. I personally believe 911 always wanted to play along the line of, "Will they, won't they?" with Buddie and reserve the right to decide on the answer at a later stage in the game, quite possibly near the end of the show. With the move from Fox to ABC, this could signal for the show runners (especially coupled with the strike) that 911 might be getting close to that end. So if you wanna use your secret weapon, this might be it. Either end of s6 or start of s7 could prove crucial for where 911 will go next.
I hope this helps? Have a great day, hon! And thank you again! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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sisterofficerlucychen · 2 months
Hi bestie!! I have a couple questions for you. 1) Do you think we are going to get a season 7 renewal? 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞Waiting for a renewal announcement is always the worst part (such anxiety) followed by waiting the next episode to air. 2)If we do get a season 7 renewal what would like you like to see happen between Chenford? Also other characters on the show?
hello ♡ oooh, great questions! thank u ♡
for your first question, 100%. i don't think it's a matter of if at this point but when. from what's been discussed in the fandom so far, it's likely they're still renegotiating contracts and that's why. i genuinely hope cast and crew get raises because of how the shows popularity has skyrocketed which i would imagine if they do, then that might take a little longer to negotiate? the earliest we've gotten a renewal was end of march (season 5) then mid-april (season 6) with the rest of the announcements being mid-may. i really do think they'll announce s7 within the next few weeks but if not, likely by mid-may we'll get that announcement. it's one of abc's most successful tv's shows currently on air, every episode for season 6 on hulu has placed within the top 15 most watched for the day, every episode since 5x10 has trended on tumblr, and they continue to have a steady social media growth — and this is all aside from actual viewership numbers because idk where to find those or understand them lmao.
for your second question, aksdlfsalf i wanna say so many things??? ngl i got v excited by the question and blanked out a little but i think —
for chenford:
chenford proposal toward the end of season 7. i think if we get a full 22 episodes, having that happen next season would be a good amount of time in between them starting to date to a proposal but if not, at the very least have them move in together.
i will always want to throw hands at vanessa and patrick chen but i need a scene with them meeting tim because i imagine that being a shit show and the angst to come out of it speaks to my soul like can you imagine tim also standing up for lucy like jackson did??? or lucy just being done with them and realizing she is enough because she now knows what it's like to be supported and loved unconditionally?????
i want chenford to baby sit the wopez little ones 😭😭😭 let me set the scene real quick: they're babysitting and jack wants to play hide and seek and begrudgingly tim agrees and when it's lucy and jack's turn to hide, tim finds lucy but they lose jack because imagine how funny this would be as a running gag? like they lost jordy at the station, then they lost celina at the hospital (she was their boot for the day, i'm counting it lol), and then if they lost jack in his house? 😂
DOUBLE DATE, DOUBLE DATE — wait, correction — TRIPLE DATE, TRIPLE DATE! gimme chenford, wopez, and jyla date night. we already saw chenford on a double date not as a couple ... how would it change now that they are one? 😉
lucy going feral over tim being hurt pls and thank u. now that we've gotten 2 hospital scenes with lucy, i say we need to get another one with tim so they're even again haha.
for everyone else:
i want to preface that the timeline is a mess so i don't know what year in school she's in but tamara graduating college and the mid-wildshire gang showing up at her graduation/celebrating her (so really whatever season this happens at).
BABY GIRL WOPEZ NAME???? i saw somewhere that it may be unlikely that we get her name this season??? which is so funny to me but yeah, eventually would love to know what to actually call her if we don't get it by the end of s6.
i know i'm in the small percentage that wants this to happen but i'm still lowkey shipping the besties. i'm a sucker for the friends to lover trope and wouldn't mind having another slow burn to squeal over.
nolan to become an actual good training officer and stop letting his ego get in the way. he's not a good to and i hate how he's been painted as "the best" when he's done it for like five seconds lmao.
IF celina is still in her rookie year, more of celina with tim as her training officer plus lucy. that trio was fun.
MORE LUNA GREY, MORE LUNA GREY!!!!! she's so underrated and i love how she's been popping up a little bit more this season. i hope they keep including her in different plots
i feel like i could go on but it feels like it's starting to become a lengthy list haha. but those are some things that come to mind ♡
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend, hoping your in the mood for some incoherent Friday rambling because that's where I'm at right now and have been for days. First off, i think we should both thank and curse the new intern 911 hired, who apparently switched out the promo team's decaf for some Columbian dark roast. Seriously after spending the first half of the season practically catatonic between episodes suddenly we can't catch a break for even 24 hours before the next unhinged thing comes out. Next, let's
thank Mr. Ryan Guzman for looking at his character's scene notes, apparently rolling his eyes, and deciding to take matters into his own hands. Look, I'm not trying to say the rest of the 118 doesn't look devastated, but Eddie looks like he's about to start bawling on the floor and that's the real reason he grabbed Chim. I'll come back to this but his moments sure don't hit like pure platonic concern, there is some real desperation there. Also not to bring up KR rambling but lady if you were so surprised by Ryan's performance and didn't want it to come across like THAT, aren't you in charge? Couldn't you make the call and say "I need you to give me less"?? Anyway, the parallels between this and Eddie's shooting are ridiculous, so I also gave to think if this isn't going somewhere what the fuck is the point?? Why go through all this trouble to make it so obvious and heartfelt and hurt so much if it just goes back to business as usual?? That more than anything would piss me off. Yes, let Buck learn a thing or two about his own worth (we've only been waiting SEASONS for it), but also can we stop pretending putting these two specific characters in these life and death scenarios where they have to watch the other dying and their whole world looks like it's coming apart doesn't mean anything?? Finally (for now) here's what I'd like to see next episode. We know Buck is going to see the people he loves but not in the way he knows he knows them. So I'd love to be what prompts him to wake is seeing Chris. But not just any version of him. This Chris is an orphan, his mom died and there wasn't anyone to save his Dad from getting shot. He lives with his grandparents (pre Ramon reckoning), he had to go to them since there was no other parent in Eddie's life to take care of him. So this bright, brave kid is now sad and scared of the world, and Buck knows its wrong. I'll leave you with this mess of thoughts 😭.
Hello friend! We had people over this evening so I'm trying to get this done before I get to bed because I really do need to clear out my inbox (RIP to everyone who came to be salty with me and KR's interviews because we immediately got sneak peeks and poker stills and DO MORE, and my brain went offline).
Seriously, I don't know who started slipping the promo team cocaine but damn. Let us REST for a second! Between them and the fandom coming out in FORCE to wreck us or be horny on main, it's A Lot and I need sleep!
Ryan is out here giving us The Most and KR acting *shocked pikachu* about it just shows how much she sleeps on Ryan as an actor and Eddie as a character.I rewatched 6x10 and like, I know he's got a lot next episode but for a premier maybe we could have checked in with him and Chris since we checked in with literally everyone else at their homes? I'm trying not to be too negative because after s5 and 6a, this is THEE most excited I've been in awhile and I really do think the show is at least trying to course correct after....whatever TF 6a was and the weirdness of s5.
And the stuff with Eddie, it's like, you're right they COULD tell him to do less! They could say "this is what we're looking for" or at least "this is what we're NOT looking for" but clearly his actions were signed off on and made it to air knowing full well what people would see when they watched it. And what you see is a man desperately broken by the possibility of losing his partner. Which is GREAT if the show is working on a s7 Buddie reveal plan (I'm with @outrunningthedark I don't think they want to overshadow the Madney moment coming up which is fine), but it's....disappointing when there is so much good stuff going on right now and all KR wants to talk about is how much fun they had forcing Eddie "they're not really my type" Diaz to casually date randos because that's something he's ever been interested in doing. He really seems like a guy that enjoys wasting his limited free time meeting lots of new people only interested in getting into his pants instead of taking care of his partner who literally died for several minutes, and doing things with his son. Sure Jan. FFS, read the room! Or read the character profile before you start throwing storylines at the wall to see what sticks (lookin' at you sperm donor plot that is apparently giving Nothing). Yeah, yeah, managing expectations with a showrunner like her is good, but it's also a lot of whiplash right now between what we're seeing on our screens and what she's trying to TELL us we're seeing on our screens. I'm just so sick of them giving what should be THEE moment for Buddie only to follow it up by shoving some woman between them like "oh, nothing to see here!" Give me a break. And then what are they going to do for the actual reveal? How are they going to raise the stakes AGAIN? How are they going to be like, "yeah this is the 5th time one of us has almost died, but THIS time it's allowed to be an "Oh" moment for us because TPTB finally signed off on it!" 🙄🙄🙄 On the bright side, the Buddie of it all has kept the show trending off an on for almost two weeks and will certainly continue through next week so at least whoever is paying attention to that stuff and saw how dead everything was after the finale has some comparison to work with!
Sad an lonely Chris would be HEARTBREAKING and my heart couldn't take it! 😭😭😭 That boy deserves ONLY good things! I will say I am a little...not mad but I am certainly side-eyeing this coma storyline seeming to be about how Buck's work as a firefighter is what changed everyone's lives because like, YES him being at the 118 changed everything for everyone, but also this is the guy who panic-sued the department to get back to work because he felt worthless if he wasn't doing his job. Which we then found out stemmed from childhood trauma and neglect, but right now, for where he's at, he's not questioning his choice of job so he doesn't need a push like Eddie to come back to where he belongs. And he's already wrapped up in a storyline that SHOULD be about him giving up parts and pieces of himself to make other's happy at cost to his own happiness (though right now we don't know WHAT it's suppose to be about since he's not going to struggle with walking away per Oliver and he's not learning anything so what's the point?). So how is better for him to be facing a life where Daniel lived and he's loved and happy (which is what they've been making it sound like) but everyone at the 118 is a mess without him, proving that it's better for everyone ELSE if he sacrifices everything and doesn't get the happy life he always dreamed of? Like I'm not trying to be negative and I'm still REALLY excited about the episode (as you can see from my unhinged posting this week) and I just KNOW everyone's performances are going to slay us, and this storyline might go differently than I'm expecting and be something really great! But I'm just...getting my side-eyes out because if KR has proved anything it's that she can't plan a fucking arc for shit, and she lacks a basic understanding of the trauma and driving forces behind the characters.
Final note because I didn't want to end on that one, I think everyone in the firefam deserves an Emmy for what they're going to give us and I am READY for their reactions to rip my heart out and stomp on it. It is TIME Buck wakes up with his REAL family around his bed and knows how very much he is loved for just being Buck and how hard they fought to bring him back to them, because he's their family and they CHOOSE him. Buck is always the one being left, but he's going to wake up and hear how everyone he loves begged him to stay with them. It's going to be *delicious*
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ssilentcharlie · 1 year
my thoughts on episode 18 as a whole, because i have SO MANY thoughts.
(btw none of this will be coherent because it's 08:30 in the morning and i'm a little pissed off)
the emergency:
10/10. that was SO fucking good. Athena finding Bobby made me tear up because that's what i wanted to happen. having the heart of a champion kid (well, adult now) help save Bobby was amazing. Maddie being all the call and being a massive help despite practically her entire family being the 118, Buck taking charge. it was just all around a good emergency.
the characters storylines i need a moment for because... hmm
fucking adore it. the fostering thing is going well, Denny seems happy, both Hen and Karen are also happy with the little people running around their house. AND A BABY GIRL, you don't understand how happy i am for them. their storyline is just incredibly wholesome and i have no bad things to say about it.
they're so excited to get married, i love them so much. a wedding at home is the cutest idea, i love it soo much. i have nothing bad to say about my beloveds this episode or season, they had a really good season.
Buck and Eddie, apparently a part for the first time in all of 6b:
Buck helping deliver the baby and get Connor and Kameron back was something i actually liked and wanted so that was good. Natalia being there wasn't but i guess she helped so thanks babes.
Christopher telling Eddie to ask out Marisol... bullshit. i call fucking bullshit. not for Buddie either, for Eddie. does Christopher not remember the last time his Dad tried to date a woman? because i highly doubt that's something you can forget (btw i like Marisol, she seems really sweet, but i want her to end up being what Stevie was to David in Schitts Creek, if that makes any sense)
Buck and Natalia... nope. just nope. again, not even for Buddie, FOR BUCK. he deserves better than someone who only took interest in him because he died. literally give him someone who loves Buck for Buck and will always love Buck for Buck.
also the couch theory, and the Buckley-Diaz family being a focal point this season... you just threw that away... i'm not even going to get angry about that right now because i want to collect coherent thoughts about it.
it felt lazy AGAIN and Buck and Eddie don't deserve that. once again, they don't deserve it SEPARATELY.
ending with my Mum and Dad, Bathena:
LOVED IT. Athena saving Bobby, being there for him, it made me cry.
THEY GOT THEIR HONEYMOON! FINALLY! Mum and Dad deserve the break (i am terrified that's how they'll start s7 but that's s7's problem)
overall it was a solid episode, as always. not one of my favourites but definitely one of my favourite season finale big rescues (nothing is topping the shooting at this point)
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tuiyla · 1 year
Thoughts on Faith in BtVS S4/AtS S1, Tara and Anya?
Oh good timing! I was just thinking about how I'm yet to note how much I enjoy Anya's character. So let's start with her. I don't have a ton to say apart form really enjoying her bluntness and the refreshing presence she brings to scenes. It felt a little strange when they started humanizing her and making her part of the group but she's charming, and though I don't think the Xander relationships bodes well for her I want good things for Anya. I vaguely remembered references to her as one of the Scoobies but then she appeared and I was like, surely this isn't the same character? It's an interesting route but I can see why they kept her on. Anya really is a delightful presence and I'm glad she's a series main now and in the opening credits.
Then, Tara. I don't think enough has happened with her so far for me to really have much to say. I like her and look forward to whatever reveal is coming about her backstory, based on the deliberate sabotage of a spell earlier on and whatnot. She might be a tiiiiny bit too bland so far but Oz wasn't the most exciting ch either. I can take or leave shy characters, now that Willow is more assertive than her high school self the balance works out. I do wish she had, just, more, but hopefully we'll get to see more of her before, well, you know. Because it would feel especially cheap if they just buried her without properly flashing her out first. I know she's a fan favourite and I understand, I just hope she gets more in the series, possibly outside of Willow. Her scene with Dawn in s5ep2 was sweet, maybe more of that.
And Faith, oh Faith. The bodyswap episode was great but I have a bit of the same problem with Faith's heel-face turn as I did with her face-heel turn. As in, the spiral there felt a little too fast and too intense with no going back, and here she descends into darkness once again when appearing on Angel before coming right back up. And look, her scene with Angel is great, the breakdown is effective, the following ep good at showing how it's gonna be a process. I do think her, sigh, sexual assault of both Riley and Buffy, coupled with her previous aggression towards Xander is very unfortunate, to say the least. I still like her and want to see her fight on the side of the good guys but it was impossible to support women's wrongs there. Still, she was hot as always and had some great scenes in Buffy s4, and finally peaked and turned back in Angel s1. I guess my main gripe is now she barely has any eps left, as IMDb might have told me, and this is just when we'd need her on Angel. The scene with her and Angel at the end of s2ep1 was very, VERY sweet and it's cruel that they're giving me that only for, what? For Faith not to return until season 4, is it? Or Buffy s7? That's just cruel.
Sigh, okay, I have more thoughts and feelings on Faith than what could be expressed here but I'll try in subsequent posts. Everyone knows I went into Buffy wanting to be obsessed with Faith and I am, I'm just also a little frustrated with how her ch was handled at times. And now that we're at the real juicy bits where she could become who she was meant to be, she'll barely have a few episodes to do so. We need a full season of Angel where Faith is an on and off presence, being sponsored by Angel and all. Goddamn. I guess I'll just have to read the comics.
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lorenlily · 1 year
What are your thoughts on doctor who? Never seen the show but all I know is time travel
well since you haven't seen the show I can't really elaborate on all my thoughts because spoilers but it's a good show it's good sometimes it's GREAT sometimes it's just no don't do that then it's good again and I'm very very excited for the new special and series
i've watched it since nuwho started back when the first episode rose aired in 2005 so there have been many times where it's just been an event the kind you had to be there the feeling of certain moments have always stuck with me so i'm always gonna watch it always looking forward for it just a massive constant in my life and its really enjoyable (definitely not sad or heartbreaking it's definitely not traumatised me at all hahahahahahahaha)
since you haven't seen it and incase you do want to watch it i'll just give you a rundown of it below (although something's aren't necessarily the full truth because spoilers)
so it's a BBC show originally from the 90s then it stopped and they decided to revive it back in 2005 and it's been going strong ever since (there's been 13 seasons and many many specials) this year in november it's the 60th anniversary since the first episode aired!!
so it's about the doctor, who is a timelord from a planet called gallifrey and he steals a tardis to go travel in time and space, he generally travels with a companion who's human and wherever he goes there's always some kind of danger
as a timelord he doesn't die he regenerates into a new version and that was the appeal really and why its gone on for so long because you could change actors and still be doctor who
(but a timelord has only 13 regeneration cycles before he actually does die die)
so when they revived the show in 2005 they made the premise that it's still the same doctor just a new regeneration (it was the 9th one) but what had happened was a great time war in which gallifrey and the timelords were all destroyed so now the doctor is the last of the timelords
so with doctor who you have the seasons and then christmas special which is generally when the regeneration happens (sometimes there's other specials too)
I would say you have to watch in order but you can categorise the show into different eras based on the actor playing the doctor and the showrunner at the time
Christopher Eccleston = S1
David Tennant = christmas special, S2, christmas special, S3, christmas special, S4, christmas, few other specials, then christmas and new years 2 part special
^ this is the rtd era (russell t davies) who was the showrunner and oversaw the story
Matt Smith = S5, christmas special, S6, christmas special, S7, ‼️, christmas special
Peter Capaldi = S8, christmas special, S9, christmas special, S10, christmas special
‼️ is the 50th anniversary special which was a crossover of david tennant and matt smith
Jodie Whittaker = s11, new year's special, s12, new year's special, s13, 2022 specials
^this is the steven moffat era as he was the showrunner
and now rtd is back as showrunner so for 2023 we're gonna have the 60th anniversary special which brings back david tennant and then in 2024 there a new series with ncuti gatwa as the doctor it's very exciting!!
^this is the chris chibnall era as he was the showrunner
OH there have also been spin offs so there's:
the sarah jane adventures 😭 its about sarah jane and her son and she's a companion from the 90s (same actress) they did a crossover during david tennant era but she sadly passed away so the show stopped
there's also torchwood which is based in cardiff and it features a team by captain jack harkness (companion from season 1) it was good then it wasn't but it might be getting a revival
and there was class it was one season I forgot what it was about lol but I remember liking it
making a list of the companions is even longer so I'm gonna stop here but if I've confused you I'm sorry pls come back and I'll answer anything I can or if you want any trivia lol that too :)
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sylvies-chen · 2 years
The show has never been as good as it was in s1 and 2, those two seasons were very good procedural fun ensemble cop show but I'm gonna need them to get to s7 I'm begging because I need a chenford wedding, logically we might get it at the end of 6 and then them with kids or pregnant( something they both want) in s7 because I need crime procedurals which are basically the ONLY form of television still doing slowburns and relationships that actually develop over the years to stop f*cking me over( especially Chicago fire which has burned me so badly I have no words) bc they're almost entirely my only source of good ship material, every other show has 8 episodes every 2 years so there is no actual development of anything whatsoever and so I'm tired
Wow ok so uh a lot to unpack here lol, wild from start to finish let’s get into it:
I actually really like this season so far. Is it anywhere close to what the show started out? No, not really. But different doesn’t mean bad. I’ve actually quite enjoyed the darker, more intense tones to this season. The Rookie did the “good procedural fun ensemble cop” thing really well, and it still does. But just because The Rookie is a show that knows it’s place and doesn’t act like more than it is, doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to tinker around and toy with new things, new ideas, new motifs, new levels of intensity. I think this is a show that knows how fun experimenting can be and how sometimes it’s just necessary in order to play the long game and have many, many seasons. I also feel like, if you’ve seen anything on my blog over the past few weeks, you might have seen that I actually am enjoying this season?? So I don’t know if you thought I was going to agree with you on this, but I am most definitely (yet respectfully) disagreeing.
I definitely feel your pain from Chicago Fire. That show has fucked up one too many times now, relying too much on their fans to keep coming back for more no matter what. I’ll say it now and forever.
But your take on other television??? On there not being slowburns or any development in fictional ships??? STONE COLD TAKE. We are in a golden age of television, anon!! I don’t know what television you watch but I personally find there is still a lot of good slowburn ships out there. Obviously, procedurals and cable television is a format better suited for slowburns because the for-profit motive is stronger. They want to tell a story, but it’s more about taking a set of characters and a premise and playing with them for as long as possible. They stretch it out, which breeds a perfect environment for those insanely long and fantastically torturous slowburns (Suits, Bones, etc.), whereas shows in the newer format you’re describing have a very specific story to tell and want to tell it in a certain way. It’s why The Good Place, like other shows, actively chose not to be renewed for another season: because they know where they want to end.
Just think of how many fucking AMAZING tv shows follow that format!!! Succession, The Morning Show, Outer Banks, Our Flag Means Death, Euphoria, Barry, Ted Lasso, Heartstopper, Normal People. The list is ENDLESS. And these shows gets awards. Just because you see the development differently over 8 episodes doesn’t mean there isn’t still some really solid development of fictional couples. If you’re really against this format, I encourage you to dig deeper and question that feeling a bit.
But anyway, circling back to Chenford and The Rookie: I don’t know what Chenford’s development is going to look like moving forward. I don’t know how many seasons there will be or what’s going to happen. But I like where this show is at right now and I personally am happy and excited to see Lucy and Tim fall in love!
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headbucket · 2 years
Ask game answers nobody asked for
Hermitcraft ask game by @cryptid-crw
🐶 What hermits do you watch?
Lots! Bdubs, Cub, Etho, False, Gem, Grian, Impulse, Iskall, Keralis, Mumbo, Pearl, Ren, Scar, Tango, Beef, xB, Zedaph, and Cleo.
🐱 Who was your first hermit?
This gets a little complicated but... as a hermit, Grian. As just a MCYT, Bdubs.
🐰 Who is your favourite hermit?
This is a hard question but... I have to say Etho (yes I admit it I'm an Ethogirl)
🐼 Who is one hermit you haven't watched yet but want to?
Joe - everything I see about him is so unique and hilarious but so far I haven't really gotten into his videos. Maybe someday, though!
🐸 What year did you start watching hermitcraft?
Okay, let's do the story now. In early 2019 I was watching some of Grian's building videos and stumbled onto his Hermitcraft series, which I started watching, got hooked on, and gradually started watching more and more hermits. I was really excited when Bdubs came back towards the end of S6 because I had watched him way back in Attack of the B-Team days, and at some point I learned that he had been in S5 so I went back and watched that. The videos were so familiar and I realized I had seen them before... I had watched his S5... so basically I was watching Hermitcraft before I knew it was Hermitcraft! I only watched Bdubs then, though, and had no idea what was going on on the rest of the server so I consider S6 to be when I started watching Hermitcraft.
🐵 What season did you watch first?
Season 6! I watched Grian's series from the beginning and caught up to episodes being currently released right around the time of the Civil War.
🐧 What is your favourite season?
Season 7! The Head Games, Hermit challenges, HWF, the Button, Boomers, Shade-E-E's, the mayoral race, Turf War, Decked Out, the Upside Down, HCBBS, Sewer Cats, Aque Town... so much good stuff!
🐝 What is your favourite hermitcraft moment?
Man, it's hard to choose, but I think my favorite moment(s) were Etho's meetings with Llama Dad in S7. They were so funny and the Etho and Beef vibes are impeccable.
🦝 Do you watch any streams?
A few! Mostly I watch Tango's Phasmo and stabby streams, and MCC (usually False).
🍂 How many hermits are you subscribed to on YouTube?
18 (70% of them!)
🍄 Do you only watch hermitcraft content, or do you watch their other videos too?
I watch other videos too! I watch just about all the videos of the hermits I'm subscribed to: Traffic series, Empires, Building with Bdoubleo, Naked and Scared, and Etho's singleplayer and modded series are all amazing!
🌻 Are you also in the life series fandom?
You bet! All three of them have been some of my favorite series ever.
🌕 What is your favourite hermitcraft build?
Scar's magical village in S7: the amount of detail was incredible and it truly felt magical. Plus it was only his starter base?!
🌗 Do you have a favourite quote/favourite quotes?
A few of my favorites: "Oh, you declared war! Oh perfect, wonderful - dude, your mayorship is working out fantastic! We've declared war!" -Bdubs, S7. "HCBBS, which I assume stands for How Can Butter Be Solid? Yes, I too ask that question, great almighty countdown clock." -Cub, S7. "In terms of salvation, Cleo, is this one of those six to eight weeks for deliverance deals?" -Joe, S8.
🌑 Do you have a favourite shop?
Hmmm... probably Scar's chest monster shop in S7.
🌙 If you could join hermitcraft, would you?
No, I would be too scared! I'm a perfectly average Minecraft player and I would be very intimidated by all the talented Hermits.
🪐 If you joined hermitcraft, who would you team with?
I would love to team with Pearl! She could teach me some building skills and we could do some shenanigans together, plus she seems super nice.
💫 Have you met any hermits?
⭐️ If you could meet your favourite hermit, what would you say to them? / If you've met your favourite hermit, what did you say?
"I... ah... thank you!" (I'm not sure I could say much more than that honestly)
🌟 Have you been to any conventions?
✨ Do you have any merch?
Yes! I have a Gem hoodie and a Doc beanie (both very comfy)
🌈 Are you immune to the good times? (no, no you are not)
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