#also it means that everything sinestro does
teatitty · 2 years
I think Hal and Sinestro being exes is the funniest way to write them because then you can have John Stewart giving Hal the most judgmental look of the decade and going "You dated your superior in the workplace and thought it would go well???" and Hal's only defense is "he was hot"
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OMG I have an idea
What if a villain hit reader with a love potion and the Yandere JL has to deal with reader being obsessed with one of them until it wears off🙏🙏😭(I LITERALLY LOVE YOUR YAN JL WORKDGHBJB)
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A Day in Life: Love Pollen
Synopsis: A day in your life where you get hit with love pollen, get kidnapped, and are rescued by the Justice League.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader
Tw: 18+; PDA; Dry humping; Kinda public sex bc they're in a deserted island’s beach, so it's basically out in the open but no one’s around; Dubcon/noncon bc, you know, love-and-kinda-sex pollen; Also maybe drugging bc of that; Writer is the Justice League's weakness; Hal Jordan is a little shit; Needles; English is not my 1st language.
Word count: 2,1k
Requested? Yes.
Extra notes: I imagine the League’s marketing will have a hard time after this little stunt, I mean, there's no way no one caught that on camera
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
The Legion of Doom had a plan. They invaded a political event in Metropolis, with the presence of the Justice League as the president’s security team, the League being the target. First, Poison Ivy release pollen throughout the whole city, as a distraction, making people hallucinate that they were in love with one another. Crazy in love. It would be okay, if her experiment didn't cause chaos. All over the streets, some people were having sex out in the open, some were fighting and killing because of jealousy and cheating, some were committing robberies to give their “loved ones”. It was pure chaos and only the quick reflexes, powers and gadgets from the League spared the team from getting hit.
Half the team went to deal with the distraction, saving and restraining people, giving them the antidote, etc. The other half, took care of the villains. After a few hours, the Legion of Doom was taken down and the city’s security and health workers took over the job, the chaos being a lot easier to contain since they were spreading the antidote through the air, it would take at least an hour to spread it throughout the whole city, and then the ones who somehow weren't able to breath it, but mostly, just the mess left behind was the real issue.
You were standing with the rest of the crew on the event, watching the League and the politicians discoursing for the press and TV. When the mayhem started, for the first few seconds, you got startled and froze. Looking between the League, the scared crowd, and the villains invading the place. Suddenly, you breathed some thick smoke and your eyes shot to the heroes, silently urging them to do something, when your eyes locked on Green Lantern’s, the pollen’s effect kicked in. You got dizzy, something snapped, and then everything changed.
Wait, when did Green Lantern's jaw got so sharp? And his muscles so defined? Oh, and he was so big and tall. Did he do something to his hair? Wow, his ring is glowing now and he's flying. He's so cool and powerful. A true hero. Shit, he's coming in my direction. Hehe, he's using a construct to lift me and my coworkers to a safer place as if it was nothing. Imagine flying with him every day. How does he look without the mask? Ugh, must be perfect, if his jaw and lips were anything to go by. I can't even see the color of his eyes! And- and please stop looking me in the eyes and touching my shoulders and asking me if I'm okay, of course I am, I'm with you. No. Nooo. Come back here! Let the others deal with the bad guys, I'm right hereee! Nooooo!
You were depressed and deflated the whole time your soulmate was away. A team from outside the city arrived at some point and you were able to watch the fight — Normally, Lois Lane would do the transmission, but she's too busy making out with her cameraman, she was in the crowd too. —. You started crying watching your lover fighting with Sinestro. When he won, and everything was fine, was when you finally calmed down and just started anxiously waiting while ignoring your colleagues strange antics, one of them even hitting on you. Didn't she know you and Green Lantern were in love?
When the League was back, the paramedics were starting to give the crew the antidote, you were next in line, however, as soon as you saw the heroes, you broke into a sprint.
— Green! — You yelled, catching everyone off guard. Even more so when you jumped and hooked your legs around the brunette’s waist, your arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately.
Hal was so shocked that it took him two seconds to reciprocate the kiss, ignoring completely the gasps from his friends. You moaned against his lips, mumbling a jumbled mess of “I love you”, “I missed you”, “was so worried”, “so glad you're back”.
Someone groaned.
— Batman, just give them that damn antidote before I lose it. — Batman grunted and Hal struggled but managed to separate your faces for a moment. You tried to push your face towards his again, but he grabbed your jaw. You kept forcing your face against his hand and whining. It was really cute, and your willingness and the previous sensation of your lips ignited something in his belly, yet, he looked to the side just in time to see Batman preparing the needle, the rest of the League sulking on the side and glaring at him.
His mind worked rapidly, ignoring the texture of your soft lips pampering kisses against the skin of his hand. When he felt the tip of your tongue, he made a decision.
A bad one.
— Yeah. I don't think so. — Green Lantern conjured several chain constructs, chaining the League's arms and ankles to the ground. It wouldn't hold off the ones like Superman and Wonder Woman who were strong enough to break it, and Martian Manhunter who could just invade his mind or use his intangibility, Flash was also pretty capable of taking him on, but Hal was smart and sagacious. Still holding you, he made a rocket construct around you both and took off.
Really, a terrible idea.
Superman and Wonder Woman, in a cry of rage, broke the chains. Diana unsheathed her sword, her feet not even touching the ground anymore, flying, ready to go after the traitor. Martian passed through the construct, while Superman went to break Batman and Aquaman free, Flash vibrated fast to rearrange his particles and also escaped.
— We need a plan. — Batman’s voice stopped the amazon warrior from going in a hunt for blood. He was already stressing over what the marketing team could do to fix this.
— A plan? We can defeat the enemy and retreat my darling if we go now! — Wonder Woman barked.
— Green Lantern is impulsive. If we go now we can destroy the whole state and hurt (Y/N) in the process. He won't give them up easily.
— Batman's right. — Superman agreeds. — Flash, follow them and see where they’re going. — The speedster nodded and took off.
Barry shook his head, cursing his idiot best friend the whole way.
Between the whole team, Hal was clearly the only one who would be okay with you falsely loving them. The rest wanted something more genuine for you. Some of them would settle for you not loving them as much as they loved you, some wanted you to feel exactly the same amount of what they felt. Hal still loved you just like them, but he always had that certain level of insecurity that craved to be better than anyone, to impress, making everything a competition, and the sensation of being the only one to have you could certainly cloud his judgment and accept your love, even if fake. He just thought he could compensate by treating you the right way, and not just using that opportunity to do whatever he wanted with you, just because he could and you wouldn't complain. He could make this about you both, and not just about him.
Either way, every one of them (thought) they deserved their fair chance at winning you over.
— Manhunter, can you still read his mind and tell what he is thinking? — Manhunter nodded and his eyes started glowing, there was a second of silence before he spoke.
— It's getting weaker as he gets more distant. It's purely impulsive thinking. Green Lantern isn't considering the consequences and means no harm against Earth or us. — Batman nodds.
— That's a shame. I mean harm. — Wonder Woman mutters, Batman glared and Superman side-eyed her. Batman turned his communication on.
— Flash, tell us when they stop moving.
— If he touches them, I will personally kill him. — Aquaman darkly states. Superman took a step in his direction, facing him head on.
— No, you won't. — The two stared at one another intently, until Batman broke the silence.
— Focus. We don't have time for this. — The dark knight stated.
— We need to be collected and work as a team to act smoothly on our plan. — Martian reminds them. Wonder Woman steps down again and sheats her sword. They all form a circle and start planning.
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The sky was never this blue and the sand never this warm and soft. Even with the warmth of the sun being so intense, you were laying on a palm tree's shadow, and the air was flowing just fine. What was actually making you sweat was the dry humping you and your soulmate were doing.
You don't remember ever getting so aroused in your whole life, and can't remember ever desiring someone so much. You could kill someone if they dared to try and steal him away from you.
Hal felt you carding your fingers through his hair and pull slightly, giving him shiver, and he squeezed the flesh of your hips. You moaned against his lips at a particularly stronger wave of pleasure. The clothes were a curse, stopping you from feeling the real him, so you desperately started clawing at his clothes. Green Lantern breathily chuckled.
— Relax, hot stuff, we have time… — He whispers with a smirk. The man held your hands and laid them on the ground, above your head. You just moaned, more needy, and pushed your hips against his, eliciting a hiss from his red and swollen lips.
His hands started unbottoning your shirt and freeing the fabric out of your pants. You kept your hands were they were and watched, eyes wide open, when he descended kisses from the middle of your chest, going south, only pausing at your waistband.
As much as you wanted to feel his mouth more, seeing him so covered and not being able to properly touch him was making you restless, so you sat up, surprising him, and started pulling up the fabric at the back of his neck. Hal chuckled and shook his head, humoring your needs. He helped you take it off, then pushed your own shirt down your arms, until it was off.
You paused, admiring his adonis body. Your heart raced and eyes watered, never having seen something so perfect your whole life. Even his scars were beautiful. His chest hair and happy trail looked really soft and somehow he looked even more muscled, strong and beautiful. You wonder why you rejected him before.
Hal Jordan basked in your amazed gaze, loving to show off, especially while doing nothing. He frowned weakly, and gave a reassuring grin when you pouted, slumped and frowned.
— What's this, sweetheart? I thought you were enjoying this. — To lift your mood, he started running his hands up and down your sides.
— I wanted to see your face… — Hal remained silent for a few seconds. They would tell you their identities eventually, and that fact kept being brought up on reunions. They all knew at some point, you would have to know, to really start a relationship, yet, Batman, and his paranoia, kept them all from telling you. Sometimes, it felt like a sabotage, but mostly, it made sense, since the guy had a bunch of kids, who could be in danger if the information somehow got leaked, still, you couldn't trust to let them in, if they didn't let you in. That was the only reason you didn't trust them, of course.
Also, a face was not a name. Hal wasn't famous, so how bad could it be? Especially if it would turn you on so much, and when you looked so damn cute. His own lust was also influencing his critical thinking, which was already second place to his impulsiveness.
Hal bit his lower lip and brought his face closer to yours, a few centimeters away from having your noses touching.
— Okay… Take it off… — You let out a happy squeal and reached up with both hands. Your heart pounded with anticipation, making you go slower to savor the intimacy even more. Hal closed his eyes when he felt the gentle tug, against his wishes to watch your eagerness and your lip biting in anticipation. His heart was also pounding.
You saw his right eye closed and his thick eyebrow, when suddenly, a loud noise rang out, scaring the shit out of you and prompting Hal to fix the mask again, get up and assess for danger.
He finally fell to his senses and realized something.
He just took the worst decisions ever.
Everything happened too fast. Flash was on your side, holding a needle to your arm, and Green Lantern was being thrown around by a red and blue blur. Only the feminine rageful scream gave you the hint to who it was.
You got up, ready to die for your soulmate, when the antidote kicked in.
You threw up.
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byfulcrums · 4 months
*shows up twp weeks late without Starbucks*
I would love to hear why the Lantern Corps and the Jedi would hate each other.
showing up late w/o starbucks is basically my life history lol
idk that much about gl, i'm still reading the comics, so what i say might not be 100% accurate!!
an important difference between the jedi and the corps, is that one of them has control, and the other doesn't. the jedi are all about peace, the guardians are the ones who care about control
the guardians are basically in charge of everything. almost everything. they're the all powerful and mighty ancient ones who created the corps to keep the order in the galaxy (and lowkey control it). they care about themselves more than anything. when a gl doesn't act the way they want them to, they kick them out. as hal pointed out in emerald dawn 2 --- the main difference between sinestro and the guardians is the extremes they go to. sinestro forced his planet to revere him, but the guardians did that too, so it's a little hypocrital of them to kick him out, right?
well. the guardians might be controlling, but at least they don't force the ones below them to chant their names everytime they show up!! right...?
the jedi are not in control. they are peacekeepers forced to fight a war. they care about the universe being in peace (can you really blame them for that, if they can literally feel the galaxy's pain at all times?), not about controlling them. they're the ones being oppressed, in this case. sure, they're not perfect and they mess up a LOT (see hardeen and ahsoka's trial), but the good jedi (jedi that aren't like anakin specifically) are more good than they are bad. when a jedi doesn't act the way the council wants them to, they merely show their disapproval, and maybe remove them from the battlefield if it happens during the war and the-one-they-don't-like's actions lead to others getting hurt
the guardians left oa when it was attacked and basically left the lanterns to fend off for themselves. the jedi mostly, only, retreat when it's clear that they can't win the current battle and they need to plan a counter attack. the jedi are also not that good at war and strategy, because they were never meant to fight a war in the first place
the jedi have shown "resentment" towards the ones "in control", like palpatine and the senate. they can tell that being in control of everything is quite fucking stupid, and that the goverment's need for control is only harmful for everyone else. however, they cannot do anything, because its the goddamn goverment and they can't just go and become criminals
besides, there was a war happening. so, more important things
(also,,,,, ik that in the ot they overthrow the goverment. but there is a very clear difference between a corrupt goverment and a dictatorship. the republic wasn't good, but the empire was worse, and no one doing anything about it led to billions of people dying)
and!! their views on emotion!!!!
the jedi are meant to be in control of their emotions. this does not mean they're not allowed to feel them. the thing is,, that one badly controlled, strong emotion can lead to a jedi turning dark, and one jedi-turned-dark can quite literally destroy the entire order, as we have seen with mr skywalker over there
it's hard, yes, and often unfair, but if the jedi aren't taking care of their emotions and how they feel + react to them at all times, many people may die
"no, we don't want ppl to not feel emotion we just want them to not kill over them"
they have amazing power. if one of them goes evil, it all goes to shit. we have seen that many, many times
the guardians tell their gls to just, straight up not feel and use their logical thinking in every situation. feelings are important too!!! the jedi recognize this!!!!! but the guardians want their gls to be soldiers, not people, just robots that do their bidding without second thoughts
there is also the cult mindset of the corps VS the way being a jedi means having a very, very big family. ppl are allowed, and sometimes even encouraged,, to leave the jedi. they let dooku hang out post-resigning b4 he became a sith lord!!
the guardians, meanwhile, see leaving as betraying. i think there isn't anything else i should add for this, it's pretty obvious how bad it is
basically what i'm saying is that the guardians are super controlling and all, while the jedi just want to leave in peace
they wouldn't hate each other, but their morals and ideals are wildly different, so their opinions and actions would often clash
bonus: anakin and hal, and luke and kyle. it all depends on how and when they meet, because if their first impressions on each other suck, they Will Not Get Along. the parallels, though.....
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gothamsworst · 3 years
This is a request ok so hcs w the dork squad + two face and oswald w a s/o who had joined the yellow lantern corps during the beginning of they're relationship and never told them until now. Also make sure to take breaks in between your writing and stuff :)) ,
Jonathan Crane:
He’s so mad. Like, seriously, he’s Mad mad. Why the hell wouldn’t you tell him that? You mean he’s been dating a member of the Yellow Lantern “To Instill Fear is to Instill Order” Corps this whole damn time?
Once the anger subsides, he is just--so excited. Still mad you didn’t tell him off-the-bat, but at the same time, he wants to know everything there is to know about being a part of the Corps.
Most importantly, how the hell does he become a part of it? No, seriously, there’s got to be a way for him to get in on that. The possibilities it could unlock! The potential! Get Sinestro on the Line!!!
Edward Nygma:
Yeah, he kind of guessed. The ring is really what gave it away, he recognized it instantly. He has hobbies outside of Batman, you know. He’s not mad--he actually respects that you opened up to him about it.
Still, he has to admit that he is curious. How does it work? What’s your thing with fear? (He’s not dealing with another "Scarecrow,” is he?) And is there any way he can use this to his advantage?
Speaking of, he kind of doesn’t want any of the other Rogues to find out. Because Eddie just knows that if Jonathan did, he’d immediately try to buddy-up with you, and--don’t look at him like that, he’s not jealous!
Jervis Tetch:
Oh! Of course! (He has no idea what that is.) So, what you do is a bit similar to what Jonathan does, yes? Very interesting, maybe you two have a bit to talk about then! He could make a tea party out of it!
But then it starts to...irk him. It didn’t at first! But the more you and Jon spoke--connected, really--the more Jervis realized that he felt like he was “third-wheeling” the whole thing. And that is not a good feeling.
This might actually lead to a serious fight if you don’t handle it (”it” being an issue that he refuses to acknowledge is an issue) early on. He just...doesn’t want to be left behind. That’s all.
Harvey Dent:
Yellow Lantern Corps? Sounds familiar. And the whole fear thing--feels like it’d be right up Jon’s alley. Maybe you two should talk. He’s just kidding, don’t give him that look.
It does make him wonder--if he were to get one of these...Corp rings, or whatever they’re called, how would they work for him? Would they work for one of him and not the other? Maybe he ought to try it out.
He wants to say that he’s a fan of what you do. And he is, kind of. But a part of him still looks up to the Green Lanterns. They’re a reflection of who he wanted to be...who he was, once. A beacon of hope.
Oswald Cobblepot:
Well! He’d heard tale of the infamous “Corps,” but he was most familiar with those of the Green variety. You’re not planning on joining the “heroes” side of things, are you? It’d throw quite a wrench in his plans, if you did.
Once he finds out what the Yellow Lanterns are about, his curiosity is piqued. Seems like you’d get along with Doctor Crane quite swimmingly! Careful there, or he might get a bit jealous.
He’s just kidding. (Mostly.) For real, though, is there a way you can get him in touch with the Corps. Maybe his “people” can talk to your “people,” yadda-yadda, etc etc. Business is Business, Sweetheart.
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haljordangreenjedi · 4 years
okay so somebody asked me to rank the green lanterns a couple days ago and i just did it based on the general Vibes i got off each one because i don't know enough about the lanterns and now i want to hear from an expert SO: RANK EACH OF THE GREEN LANTERNS (the human ones but if you want to include others go crazy) FROM NOT-SO-BEST TO BEST AND EXPLAIN WHY
OKAY SO, first off, i love you. you should know that. second off, there’s good and bad sides to all four human green lanterns and really this is just personal preference, and 3/4 of these are subject to change at some point, but this is where we stand as of right now:
4. Guy Gardner
first off, he was Hal’s case worker in Emerald Dawn II (1991), because Hal got in trouble for drunk driving and got sentenced to a maximum security prison for 90 days to be used as an example. And I just, I don’t like this plot in Hal’s life, it doesn’t make a ton of sense with his character or his profession (it would literally end a pilot’s career.) anyway, enough about Hal Jordan because I’m supposed to be talking about Guy here. Guy’s trying to help Hal out which, gets him points in my book, but he also ends up like hating Hal at the end of this arc and it’s just like, I’m sorry, that’s unoriginal, pls try harder. 
I also don’t understand this whole Vuldarian DNA plot that’s a thing with him, but his time owning a bar is cool. I just, I haven’t read a ton of his comics and i haven’t gotten attached to him yet, so that’s that. He’s in 4th, sorry Guy. Better luck next time. 
3. Kyle Rayner
Kyle gets third place for two reasons: he has some pretty great interactions with Hal, with some key points of believing in Hal when he needs it the most (and that panel with the stacked rings and Hal taking Kyle flying. That panel gives me life for reasons I can’t fully put into words.), and his girlfriend was literally murdered and stuffed into a fridge. I have to respect the trauma. 
Reasons I don’t like Kyle: you know how in middle school there was always that kid who would show off in gym class? or like your favorite teacher would pick some new kid to champion and you just kinda... hated them on instinct? Kyle’s an artist, but he has that vibe. He’s the kid in school that suddenly everyone has decided is the Best and it’s annoying. I get it, he’s meant to be like the “best green lantern,” the one to restore the corps when Hal and Parallax tore through it and then he’s a white lantern. I just... idk, he’s nice, he’s cute. I want to read more about when he was teamed up with Jason and some people have made it so that Hal has become his bother father figure which is also adorable, it’s just instinct to not make him my favorite. I’ve already done the whole phase of liking the ‘Chosen One,’ I don’t need to go back to my Harry Potter phase. idk, please universe don’t hate me for this.
2. John Stewart
okay, I have mad respect for John Stewart. It’s also instinctual. He’s the brains of the human Green Lantern operation. No, like, literally. If the four of them have one collective brain cell, John has it at least 89% of the time. He’s an architect and a former Marine, he punched Hal in the face in a bar before they were both Green Lanterns, which is hilarious because as far as I’m aware, it’s never touched on as being something either of them remembers. Kudos for not holding onto that rage, John. Hal has something to learn from you. 
There’s also an interesting change in his way of thinking from when he was a Marine to his duty as a Green Lantern, and I like that growth even if it’s not always acknowledged. There is a bit during the Color Spectrum War arc where they go over his guilt at the destruction of a world, and it felt remarkably deep for a DC comic, even if it was technically part of a Hal series. He’s just one of those guys that you can’t help but respect because he seems to have all of his shit in one basket, and it’s a good counterbalance.
1. Hal Jordan
you knew this was coming. if you didn’t, then you need to go look back at what my username is and think for a while. I love Hal Jordan almost more than life itself and it might be because of how well i can relate to this man. he is the most cocky, depressed, stubborn piece of shit in the galaxy, and I LOVE HIM. okay, like, there are so many different arcs about Hal and I know people have a tendency to not like him because like he’s the modern OG and he can be a piece of shit, and like, he was the bad guy but he came back from it and I just want to say: my dudes, that’s the POINT.
Hal has flat out stated that HE doesn’t even like himself, and you think that you as a reader are supposed to like him all the time? The man's life is rife with trauma, okay. Not everything he does is going to make perfect sense if you’re not paying attention and it’s just like. Honestly I can’t explain it all. Hal runs on spite and coffee and the list of people he lives FOR is very short, but the list of people he lives IN SPITE OF is very long. 
The dude runs with his gut constantly because that’s what keeps him alive. Even Sinestro has pointed out that HAL DOESN’T MAKE SENSE. He acts on instinct, he doesn’t plan out a shitload of battle strategies, and that’s how Hal manages to keep besting these people over and over. 
Also just, he’s sad boy. He wants to protect people, even if it means staying away from them. He’s willing to take the blame and appear to go rogue MULTIPLE TIMES for things he believes in and to find the root of the problem and it’s just like... you really think a guy that was happy-go-lucky and didn’t sit awake at night because of how prominent his failings are in his mind would be willing to do that? you’re wrong. sorry. you don’t designate yourself as public enemy number one AFTER ALREADY FIGHTING TO COME BACK FROM THAT ONCE if you don’t have a part of your brain saying you deserve it.
(also i’m not sure if my answers were coherent towards the end but yeah!! send me asks about green lanterns because I have a lot of feelings. Anyway; Hal Jordan.)
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taiblogcomics · 2 years
Villains United
Hey there, pregnancy pants. Forever Evil continues, and thus so does our review!
Here's the cover:
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This might be the most generic cover of the lot. Like, it's a wild team composition, but otherwise it is just a group shot. At least the posing is rather varied and dynamic. That's really all there is to say about it! It's not bad, but I wouldn't write home about it either.
We pick up where we left off, down under Wayne Enterprises. Power Ring is fleeing in panic. Sinestro is following behind him, doing it the slow way. He is leader of the fear lanterns, after all. He would be a master of the "slow, pursued-by-a-killer" walk. Meanwhile, the rest of the groups slug it out while Lex Luthor narrates about how of course everything would come down to him. Lex saves Batman from Copperhead to get Bats on his side for the fight. Fighting the Syndicate's goons now is more important than either of them's dislike for each other.
Likewise, the other members of Luthor's squad also learn the value of teamwork. Catwoman goads Black Adam into throwing Giganta out of the building. Black Manta blasts Shadow-Thief (who I guess is a lady in the New 52?) to get her off Captain Cold's back. And while Lex and Batman actually fight over who gets to fight Copperhead, Deathstroke sneaks up and points a gun at Lex's head, snarking that Lex never included a helmet on his cool battlesuit because then no one could tell it was him. I mean, I gotta say, point goes to Deathstroke there~
While the fights go on, Power Ring ducks into a side tunnel to cry to himself for a bit. His ring persuades him to wish for more power, and Power Ring relents. He and Sinestro briefly struggle in an exchange of beams, but then Sinestro actually cuts the guy's arm off with a circular saw construct. His ring decides the host is too damaged to continue and abandons him, Power Ring crying tears of pain and happiness that he's finally free, thanking Sinestro. Sinestro says he's welcome before he incinerates him to skeletal ash.
And in a neat mirrored panel, Lex informs Deathstroke that if the Syndicate takes over the world, there'll be no need for mercinaries like him. They'll do everything themselves, and that's just bad business. And Lex knows business. So Deathstroke moves his gun from Lex to Copperhead, and shoots the snakeman in the head, mirroring the same shot of Sinestro vaporising Power Ring. It's very cinematic. Bizarro finishes up everything by plowing Blockbuster into the ground, and Lex actually tells him he did a good job. Praise and motivation are important, for both employees and pets~
We get a brief aside while Ultraman discovers Batman has taken the Kryptonite ring from the Batcave and that Power Ring is dead, putting them on edge. Afterwards, Lex offers his team-up to Batman, since they both want to take out the Crime Syndicate. Batman's refusing, since he wants them taken alive. Sinestro walks in to report that Power Ring is already dead, so it's a bit late for that. He also gives Batman some notes for the next time he feels the urge to use one of his rings. Batman would make a fantastic Yellow Lantern, after all.
Lex then persuades both Deathstroke and Sinestro to join his side. Sinestro, he appeals to his need to be in charge and the chance to rub saving the world in the Green Lanterns' face. Deathstroke, he just promises him a lot of money. He then extends the offer to Batman, who rolls low on his Intimidation check. But he agrees to join up only if they help him rescue Dick Grayson.
And the comic ends with the Crime Syndicate noting that Power Ring's ring is putting out a lot of weird subspace pulses while searching for a new host. But the new host doesn't matter. What matters is what else has head those pulses: the same mysterious entity that chased them out of their own universe has arrived now. This looks like a job for... well, frankly, I don't know who at this point~
So, pretty good issue. Mostly fight scenes, but with some heavy character stuff in the midst of it. Mostly it’s an issue to show Lex as the smartest guy in the room. He gets Deathstroke on his side with just words. Sure, the money helps, but it’s more the promise of any hope of payment that convinces him. It’s very clever. Next week, we’ll hit the climax, and it looks like we’ll finish this event before the month is out~
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kiseiakhun · 3 years
you sent this for the last ship bingo but I'm just going to pretend it's for this one
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bingo in the middle row (but I forgot to highlight it) <3 I just. I love them. I love them so much. They hit that Good older guy/younger person aesthetic, and just!! Gestures at all of their history!!! Even when Hal was trying to hurt him Kyle was still like, I'm sure you're a great guy! Let's talk this out! And like, Hal is so sad? Whenever he hurts Kyle? He's like, I've had Kyle for a day and a half and if anyone hurts him. I will kill you. They saw each other and were immediately like 👀 and it's love. It's true love, bitch. Hal and Kyle stan each other SO MUCH. People (Sinestro) can insult Hal and spit in his face as much as they want but as soon as they look at Kyle the wrong way Hal is just like WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY. I WILL FIGHT YOU. Hal's motto is "you will respect Kyle or you will respect these hands." I'm just. Screams into my hands. I LOVE THEM. Not as much as they love each other, though.
Also this cover:
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YOU. I'M. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FCUCKCKKKK. DOES THIS LOOK LIKE HAL IS TRYING TO TAKE KYLE'S RING FROM HIM? DOES IT LOOK LIKE HAL'S THE AGGRESSOR HERE? How do they publish this and expect people to see them as platonic. Literally HOW!!!! I'm losing my mind. I'm Unwell. I'm unwell over them. Kyle and Hal keep getting tossed together in lovers plots, and do I even need to mention the plane? Also my FAVOURITE, my favourite part-
Hal is the one willing to be the villain, to go to extremes. Kyle is loved by all, a shining beacon of light and hope and courage held up as the epitome of what a hero should be. And yet Kyle's the one willing to take that last step. Kyle's the one willing to go to extremes, to deal the killing blow where Hal might falter. Kyle understands sacrifice in grand gestures, but for Hal it's more small. Hal gives up a little every day, and most people don't see it. Kyle sees it, though. Kyle sees all of him. He's peered into the darkest, ugliest parts of Hal and he'll still hold out his hand and say, that's not all of you. That's not all you can be. You're a hero. You're good. Of course you're good, and I believe in the best of you.
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ANOTHER SHIP I AM GONE FOR. If Kyle always sees the best of Hal, Guy sees him for what he is, in the present. Guy draws out the ugliest parts of him and he doesn't flinch or try to turn his head away. And Hal gets Guy. He gets Guy on a visceral level, in a way that Kyle and John don't. They can spill their messy parts around each other. They can fall as low as they can and trust the other will yank them back up, fists swinging. It's that whole brothers-in-arms aesthetic, starting with fists and bruises and slowly getting to know each other in the downtime. They throw barbs at each other as often as not, but they love each other! Platonic or otherwise! They care SO MUCH about each other and it's so clear to each other, even if they don't always show it in a way other people can understand.
However, if it's just them by themselves... I can't help but feel like it's a bomb waiting to go off. I need to throw someone else in there. Hal and Guy are both, how do we put it... hard to get along with. Like, they are great at stirring the pot, and being obnoxious and annoying, and they don't get along at the best of times, and they're both vicious in a fight. They're either going to burn each other down or burn the world down. Guy's first instinct is to fight, and Hal can't help himself from responding to an attack. When there's an issue, Guy gets in your face and forces you to confront it, but Hal shuts down. He's loud, and brash, but he seems introverted with his thinking. He gets moody and sullen and mean, and I don't think Guy deals good with passive aggression. He's too direct.
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John is my weak spot when it comes to the lanterns, I need to learn more about him... I want to... This feels like a more calming combo than the other ones. Not just the other ships you sent me, but any other combo of ships when it comes to these four. The two of them really seem like the mom and dad of the Earth lanterns, tbh, even if Hal tries to shirk his responsibilities and play absentee dad every so often. However, with how often Hal tends to draw into his own head and become self-centred tbh, it does seem like it might become one-sided? John stands up for Hal a lot, but he does have the tendency to forgive him far too quickly, and also, they're both prideful bastards. If it ever comes time that they stand on opposite sides of a situation... well, I wouldn't want to stand between them. And the fallout would be catastrophic. If John or Hal become aware of their feelings for each other, I don't see either of them taking the first step. They're both too cautious, even if their caution comes in different forms, and tbh I can see both of them unconsciously sabotaging their relationship. Like, see, it won't work out, because of circumstances outside of my control. Ah well. Can't help it.
Which segues nicely into...
All four
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💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🥺 I LOVE THEM. I love them SO much. I am so gone for them, they make me so stupid, foursome or gonesome. They're just. They love each other! They've seen each other at their lowest and they love each other and they will always love each other! All of them have been through SO MUCH and after all this time they're still standing by each others sides, it's the perfect picture of a found family, the perfect picture of found love, hrngh they make me INSANE I want to smack each of their asses and make them kiss. They deserve... everything... they deserve EACH OTHER. All of the downsides I've mentioned with the previous ships can be solved! By adding other people! By adding the rest of the polycule! Include them. INCLUDE THEM. Guy and Hal being rude assholes? Bam, Kyle and John, forcing them to not kill each other and also communicate with their mouth words. Hal and John withdrawing into themselves? Oh no, here's Kyle making puppy eyes at them and Guy dragging all of their repressed issues into the light. Is Kyle annoying Hal by being too clingy? It's okay! There's two other people for him to cling to!! It all WORKS OUT. IT ALL WORKS OUT PERFECTLY.
Lies down. You know I am weak for teams who are also all dating. They just. They love... they love each other... I love them... they are everything to me. They should all kiss. It will be sexy.
[ship bingo]
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I really like this blog, your analysis and ideas for Superman and his characters was great to read! I hope you don't mind, may I ask what do you think about Hank Henshaw? Do you have any ideas for him?
I think he needs to be radically changed in order to keep working, because as of right now his entire character is "hey remember Reign of the Supermen? That was cool amirite?"
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Henshaw was created in an era where the editorial mandate was "the only survivor of Krypton is Clark", and that meant Superman didn't have an "evil Superman" counterpart Rogue in the Post Crisis era the way Pre Crisis did. So the writers had to come up with ways to get around that, some of the workarounds I liked such as Bizarro becoming a clone that Lex makes, and some of which were just so goddamn stupid like the Pocket Universe. But all of the Post Crisis evil Superman counterparts got killed off relatively quickly, including both Bizzaro and Zod after they were used.
Henshaw though was in one of the most popular Superman stories of all time, and he was Jurgens baby, so he got to stick around. But he was a character who was created to serve a purpose in that one specific story, and outside of that what does he have to offer? Disguising himself as Clark and setting out to ruin Superman's reputation since Doomsday robbed him of killing Clark was a great motivation, but once Clark returns and exposes him as a fraud, Henshaw just doesn't really have the character potential to justify keeping him around as is.
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Henshaw wants to kill Superman. Great! That sums up the complete motivations of 90% of the rest of Superman's Rogues (which is in part why they aren't on the same level as Batman or Spider-Man's). Henshaw is really strong and tough and can hurt Superman with brute force. Again, a lot of Superman Rogues can do that too. Henshaw is an "evil Superman" design wise. Putting aside the multiple evil Supermen we get these days, most of them just variants on "real" Superman gone bad, Zod and Bizarro are better known and more popular. Henshaw can manipulate technology and rebuild himself from anything. Brainiac, Livewire, and Metallo also do that. Henshaw can't die? Well he's eclipsed in that regard by Doomsday.
He's overshadowed in the aspects that most people focus on by multiple other villains, with only his ties to Reign keeping him relevant which is why Jurgens always calls back to that storyline with him. His motivation is just generic revenge which doesn't work because if he has no goal other than killing Superman, all he can do is fail. His name "Cyborg Superman" is dumb because it only works within the context of Reign when people thought he might be the legit Superman reborn. It's just not a particular inspired name for him to keep using anymore.
If it sounds like I'm just ragging on him I totally am. He just doesn't work for me in his current role as 90s nostalgia. But I do have some ideas for how he could be reworked to be better utilized in the modern day.
What I Would Do With Hank Henshaw
So first we need to change a lot about him while still working with what came before. Right off the bat I'm having Henshaw ditch the "Cyborg Superman" name and form, and use that all too brief "data form" he had in Action Comics Rebirth.
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That looks cool! Now we need to address Hank's biggest problem: what does he want exactly beyond just killing Superman? What are some goals he can feasibly achieve that make him a compelling threat? They've tried giving him a new motive a couple times, such as making him a nihilist who only wants to die in Sinestro Corps War, but ultimately he needs a reason to keep existing. If he just wants death he can track Doomsday down or throw himself into a black hole. I've got two roads to take Henshaw down, one that's pretty simple but justifies keeping him around as a threat and allows him the ability to maybe "win", the other more complex.
The simple route is that we merge Henshaw with the Metaleks. These guys were an army of xenoforming robots who were sent out by some unknown alien race to transform planets into something that's more to that race's liking.
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Their creators are long dead, but the Metaleks continue the task they were built for. Henshaw catches wind of them, decides they'd make for an excellent army to do his bidding in the same way the Manhunters were, and attempts to seize control. Instead he gets absorbed into their collective hive mind, his hatred infecting them until it warps their programming, his malevolent mind guiding them and lending them his intellect. Now the Metaleks are a swarm of locusts, out to cleanse the entire galaxy of all life, with Henshaw as the Metalmind behind it all (yes that is his new name, shut up I'm not getting paid for this). With Clark going cosmic, this makes for a good way to keep the two foes fighting each other. Henshaw doesn't have enough control to make the Metaleks focus solely on killing Superman, but his upgrades and coordination means the Metaleks are a much greater threat to other planets than they were previously. Henshaw can now potentially "win" by cleansing a world of life, something that is going to hurt Clark bad given Clark's entire background, and because anywhere not named Earth gets wrecked all the time.
That's the simplistic route. Upgrades Henshaw as a threat while reducing his motives to "kill everything". The more complex route leans into Henshaw's origins as a Reed Richards expy, by basing him off that other evil Reed Richards:
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Jurgens had Superman imprison Henshaw within a fake life with his family and friends who died in the accident that gave him powers. I'd have that fake life knaw at Henshaw until ultimately he realizes that his feud with Superman is a pointless waste of time, and what he really wants is his family back and his status as a respected leader restored. But he's a mass murderer and there's no redemption for him at this point, so Henshaw embarks on a quest to build his own little world for him to rule over.
First he seizes control of the Metaleks as in above, but in this route he manages to bring them under his control, christening himself their Metalmind. With an army of terraforming robots on his side, Henshaw begins terraforming his own world. He also retrieves the corpses of his family who died from their mutations and begins working on resurrecting them. At this stage you can have Henshaw in any number of schemes to acquire the resources or tech he needs to build his own kingdom, or to acquire the bodies.
At the second stage once he's got what he needs, he'll start building. First he revives his family (while ensuring that they will be loyal to him above all else). Then he starts creating his "children":
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He's been around long enough to know either Superman or someone else will come after him eventually, and Hank Henshaw is prepared. He creates a race of beings who view him as both father and god, who will give him the adoration he craves and showcase his intellect. At this stage you can have stories involving Henshaw where he dispatches his "children" on missions to prove their worth and test their capabilities. Clark has to find and stop these agents while also trying to figure out where they're coming from.
The final stage is when Henshaw is confident that his forces are powerful enough to take on Superman, and then he does the unthinkable. He petitions the United Planets to join as a member. To Clark's horror they accept, and as the head of a planet Henshaw now enjoys intergalactic diplomatic immunity. His creations are now seeded inside the United Planets itself, and Henshaw can put his efforts wherever he wants. He can run twisted science experiments with his family, be the fist of the United Planets alongside Zod, helping the organization grow in ways Superman would abhor, he can try to kill Superman whenever Clark attempts to block his schemes, with his ability to still wrangle concessions from the UP as a way to keep him from just losing all the time. He can be Clark's Dr. Doom in other words, that long term opponent who is always working an angle, and has an entire nation/world behind him he rules as a god.
To me that's a much more interesting angle than him talking about that one time back in the 90s when he was cool anyway.
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soulcluster-moved · 3 years
@omuses​ : you ship what? // let me ramble abut my rp-inspired ships!
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listen... listen....... gamora romantically shipped with thaal sinestro (from DC) written with the very lovely @delamuertes​ (which means we’ve p much screamed in discord about it a lot).
and yes this guy. leader of the yellow lanterns (ahem, the sinestro corps...god he’s so egotistical...) which use the emotion of fear to wield their rings. and, in the past, he even ruled his own planet through a dictatorship. has an estranged daughter. you might be thinking, wow that sounds an awful lot like thanos! BUT HEAR ME OUT OK
it really started as kind of like a, we wonder how they would interact. I mean carol and I just like throwing muses together and seeing what comes out. but, he really does cares about his people, and it drove him to the edge to protect them. he has the capacity to do better he just kinda needs to be shoved there. and gam likes to aggressively care for those around her. and then things really start picking up after korugar (his homeworld) is destroyed, and gamora of all people can understand that kind of pain. he also uniquely understands her in that regards. they just mesh in a lot of great ways to me?? there’s so much, I could write an essay, about how they both view their emotions, how they handle them, both inwardly and to others, how their different arcs work together. gamora, once thanos’s feared assassin trying to now do better with her life but people doubt her, and sinestro, once a feared dictator trying to do good in his own way but people doubt him
it’s also one of those not 100% healthy kinda ships tho (a lot of ours arent tbh) cause they go all out fighting each other at times. sometimes it’s to relieve stress, sometimes it leads to sex.... I mean, that’s kind of just a territory with gam when you ship with her. not always, it comes out more with certain ships, but it def can be a thing with her. they’re actually a much newer ship tho so we haven’t delved into everything about them
they’re just hnnngh i never would have ever imagined shipping them but here i am. btw they do get married alksdjas 
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years
What do the JL think of Bette? Specifically Barry, Hal, Clark, Arthur, Ollie, and Diana
I very much love that you included two of my favourite characters here.
Bette spent many of her formative years in Gotham, so you can bet your ass that this girl is ACAB
Now, I don’t know if you’ve been called a bastard by a thirteen-year-old in a red dress, but Barry Allen has
Life-altering experience
He spends an hour asking Bruce what he did wrong, why does Bat-Girl hate him? He hasn’t even spoken to her yet what could he have done
And Bruce just... the fun explanation that she hates all cops. Instantly. Oh you’re a CSI that must be fun, it doesn’t matter, it’s already on sight for you
Like, okay, in Gotham? Pretty much every cop is dirty. Gordon, Montoya & Bullock are the only ones that Bette knows aren’t & she still doesn’t really trust them
So she’s not gonna be particularly nice to Barry Allen & Bruce literally has to tell her to behave
(Kathy is very amused by it all)
There’s a moment where Barry thinks she just hates speedsters, but then she & Wally seem to be getting on great. Like, Kid Flash is awesome, cool fast guy. Flash is a cop & therefore she cannot trust him
Bat-Girl: I can respect you as a hero but I do not like you as a person
So, yeah, Barry’s, uh, iffy on her. He’s sure she’s a great hero & she seems nice to the others, but he’d really rather not work with her, even when she’s Flamebird/Hawkfire. Especially when she’s Flamebird/Hawkfire, then she’s got tasers & flamethrowers
Very different from how she interacts with Barry
Mainly because she first meets Hal after Kathy’s died & she goes to Coast City as part of her whole ‘run away from her emotions’ thing
She’s always loved the beach & Coast is supposed to be so nice. Plus, they’ve got Green Lantern; they’re not gonna need her to suit up, are they?
And then there’s an incident with Manhunters & like, Hal’s got this handled, no doubt about it, but also, Bette is impulsive & has a massive hero complex & yes she does suit up & help out. She does it because it’s right, because she’s angry, just because
But Hal kinda freaks out? Because she’s a kid and yeah, that might fly in Gotham where Batman can keep an eye on her, but oh god, what if he was fighting Sinestro? That’s low key terrifying to him, he doesn’t wanna put a kid in danger
He’s still good with kids. Like, that’s canon, he’s just good with them. So he & Bette do get along & after he gets over the initial ‘please do not fight mass murdering robots you need adult supervision & idk if I qualify for that’, they do actually spend time together!
Mainly because Hal isn’t too comfortable letting a teenage vigilante who just experienced a massive lost be alone & honestly? He’s right. Like, Kathy has just died & Bette threw herself into an extremely dangerous fight... red flags all around, my dudes
So they do work together while she’s in Coast. She only stays a few weeks before she moves on, but she does kinda like Green Lantern?
And the feeling’s mutual. They don’t really keep in contact but Hal keeps an eye on the news to make sure she’s okay & not, uh, dead
They don’t actually meet face to face until a dumb Justice League party years later & then they discover that Bruce finds Hal annoying... he finds the concept of Bette & Hal even being acquaintances annoying... he’s given them the ultimate weapon. Bruce Wayne goes grey earlier and it’s because Hal & Bette spend an entire night pretending that they went on a massive space adventure, full of danger & peril, solely to drive up his blood pressure
Hal doesn’t look into her identity all that much, but thinks she’s fun. Anyone who annoys Bruce for fun is cool in his book
(And I know this is supposed to focus on his feelings about her but consider: Bette meets the Green Lantern of Coast City & he lets her stay in his shitty rundown apartment. Everything that can go wrong for him seems to, but he’s still there, making jokes and saving people and doing the right thing. His willpower keeps him going, even on the darkest of nights and maybe, just maybe, Bette’s stubbornness picked up a little bit of inspiration for somebody along the way)
(And maybe, maybe, she joins the fight against Parallax and realizes just how far her heroes can fall)
Um, well, I absolutely headcanon that Clark gave Bette the name Flamebird. Like, told her the story, made a series of not-so-subtle mentions that she should take up the name...
So, yes, Clark knows Bette
She’s Bruce’s cousin, after all, and he’s his best friend. Of course, their paths would cross, especially with how often Clark seemed to work with Batman & Robin when they first started out
He’s worked with her a lot when she’s Bat-Girl & every single time, Bette is starstruck because oh my god, that’s Superman, she’s talking to Superman, she’s working with Superman
He tells her the legend of Nightwing & Flamebird when she’s a kid & she loves the concept of Flamebird. She’s only twelve at the time, but something about it clicks with her
And when she gives up on being Bat-Girl, but is still determined to be a hero, he suggests Flamebird
(Bette absolutely tears up at this)
They don’t really work together when she gets older, except on big, world ending disasters that require the entire Justice League’s attention, but he still sends her one of Ma Kent’s apple pies for the holidays
Clark’s just the cool uncle from when was younger
She stills freaks out a little every time he talks to her, though
She’s never gonna get over knowing Superman
It took me a while to think about this but, yes, Arthur likes Bette
Mainly because Bette is a friend of La’gaan’s. That’s pretty much how he knows her
He doesn’t even know she’s a part of the Batfamily for years, because she’s always seen with the Titans
So, like, he doesn’t really know her that much, but she’s a good friend to one of his sidekicks & La’gaan’s already made passing mentions to crashing at her & Gar’s place, so. Yeah. She got Aquaman’s seal of approval
Though Arthur is always gonna be entertained by how much teasing Flamebird is allowed to get away with. Most of the League may not be aware of her Special Cousin Privilages, he isn’t either, but it’s absolutely hilarious to see her tear into Batman at random
11/10, good friend to La’gaan, very entertaining. Would be better if she could keep a goldfish alive
Okay, so, Ollie is, like, shown to be nicer to the younger heroes, Kyle excluded because he’s dating his son, so she’s gonna be nice to her. Or, at least, Ollie nice. Hm.
He thinks she’s way too small when she first starts out because even when she’s eleven, Bette still looks like she’s nine, but she’s got two heroes looking out for her & with a kid sidekick of his own, he’s not in a place to judge
Aside from one poor team-up between Green Arrow & Speedy and Batwoman & Bat-Girl, where Ollie & Kathy absolutely butted heads, oh my god, they’d hate each other, he didn’t see much of her. He works in Star, she works in Gotham, when are their paths gonna cross
While she works less with most Leaguers the older she gets, she actually ends up working more with Ollie when she’s older
Mainly ‘cause she’s friends with Roy & Cass may be friends with Connor, but that doesn’t mean she can drive so sometimes she’ll get Bette to bring her to Star
Which is honestly what Ollie knows her most as: Batgirl’s older sister who’ll lend a hand whenever she’s in Star
She’s good with kids, efficient & a little showy, but he really can’t judge that last part. Got Roy & Dinah’s stamp of approval, though, & that goes a long way with him
They never, like, exclusively work together, but she’s good to call on in an emergency
He did do a double take when she called Deathstroke ‘uncle’ though because... well, look, at Flamebird. Now look at Deathstroke. Do you see his confusion? It only grows when Slade lets out the most exasperated sigh, mutters something about how he wishes he could kill her without Addie getting mad, and then Bette sticks her tongue out to him & makes some joke about the shitshow he married into
Well. At least his family will never involve Deathstroke
Diana gave Bette the shovel talk
This is when DonnaBette is happening & close to figuring out each other’s identities & probably the biggest hint for Bette is Wonder Woman flying down to tell her that if she breaks Wonder Girl’s heart, she’ll have her to answer to
So. Diana’s first impression of Bette is Flamebird having an anerysm on a rooftop in Gotham because she just realized she’s dating Wonder Girl
The absolute dumbassary of DonnaBette, unparalled
Diana likes Bette, thinks she’s probably a great person, but it is her legal job as Donna’s big sister to make it clear that if anything happens to her baby sister, it means war
They end up meeting later, after Donna & Bette have had their mutual break-up, when Diana is working with Kate & Bette is still unable to form a full sentence. Wonder Woman oh my god, oh my god, her brain doesn’t work that’s actual literal Wonder Woman oh my go-
Bruce did later let it slip that after the Maxwell Lord incident, Bette was 100% on Wonder Woman’s side, which she honestly didn’t expect, but eh. Bette’s not as big on the whole no killing as her cousin
Diana mainly knows Bette in the capacity of her being Donna’s girlfriend
Definitely prefers her to some of Donna’s other partners ie Terry because I don’t csre what anyone says, that relationship was trash & I will not pretend that miss Diana Prince was okay with her nineteen-year-old sister dating a divorcee in his thirties that was also her professor
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
This is a weird question but how do you feel about Simon Baz, it's no secret he gets beans in storytelling since they introduced Jess but I feel like his fanon/meta character has a lot of parallels with Kyle and Dick. Plus he's one of the only Lanterns B likes and while I didn't love that arc I like that (I pretend he likes him because he's so similar to Dick in a lot of ways)
There are no weird questions here, just long, rambly answers that don’t really address anything actually asked of me!
I mean, sometimes you guys get lucky, I guess, but that has very little to do with me.
LOL anyway. To be totally honest, I don’t actually know Simon or Jessica all that well. I’m open to learning more about them, if anyone has specific story arc recommendations, but its been a long time since I trusted or liked DC’s stories in general enough to go actively seeking out new characters to enjoy....as I’m usually more likely to end up being frustrated by everything DC does with them, lmfao. 
Its usually only when new characters cross paths with the stories of other faves I do keep up with, that I start investing in them and seeking out more about them. Like with Duke, once I started catching up on the Batfam’s Rebirth stuff and read him in their stories in general, that was when I started seeking out more about him. Like, I only read Batman & The Signal once I caught up with back issues of Robin War and read Duke in those....because lol, as I might’ve said before, I’m not really a Batman fan so much as a Batfam fan. I don’t even actually read Batman books that don’t have other members of the Batfam in them as well. LOL. I like Bruce well enough when he’s not being written like an ass, but I’m here for his kids, and always have been.
Anyway, its a little different with the GL franchise because while with Bat books, its not just Dick but a bunch of the Batfam that I like and follow their stories across the board....I pretty much ONLY ever read GL books when I hear Kyle makes an appearance. And for the most part he hasn’t really interacted that much with Simon and Jessica that I know of, since he’s so rarely written as being on Earth these days and they’re a lot more Earth focused in their stories I think? That’s just my impression, but please let me know if I’m missing significant interactions between them and Kyle (as it also means there’s more Kyle appearances I’m missing, lol).
Also, I tend to wait for a lot of Kyle appearances to build up and then binge read them all in one go, because for as long as Johns has been directing the GL franchise, like....its not just his side-lining of Kyle’s character I dislike, its that I pretty much always hate his takes on ALL characters, lmao. And its weird, I like a lot of his big picture ideas, like the emotional spectrum as a whole I really like and think added a lot to the GL mythos, but...I just hate his writing. LOL. Something about the way he writes people just bugs the crap out of me in general. I guess maybe its just the traits he prioritizes and focuses on the most while neglecting the traits and characteristics I like to see prioritized? I don’t even know dude, but its definitely a thing with me. And its not limited to just the GL franchise, but all his stuff. I did NOT like his Teen Titans stuff either, lmao.
(The fact that now Morrison is more steering the GL franchise has not changed that situation much for me personally since I may not like a lot about Johns’ writing, but I have nothing good to say about anything Morrison does, lolol.)
So I just let GL stuff pile up until I have a good stockpile of Kyle stories to dive into, and then like....get it over with all at once like ripping the band-aid off, lol. That way, as much as specific story stuff might bug me, hey, at least there’s a lot of Kyle to get me through it, y’know? So if there are stories with Kyle interacting with Simon and Jessica in the past year or two in specific, they’re on my TBR list and I just haven’t done that binge read yet. Other than Kyle’s brief period with the last Titans book before it was canceled, I haven’t read any GL stuff at all since they....had him kill his son from the future and then had Soranik brand the Sinestro Corps symbol into his chest as punishment. Because. Yeah. I pretty much finished that story, looked at the wall and was like....its gonna be a little while til I calm down enough to see what DC does with Kyle next. LMAO.
Anyway, both Simon and Jessica very much strike me as characters I’d like if I read more of, and I know because of how they’re used in general, there’s probably a lot of Justice League stories out there with them and other non GL-franchise focused stuff....its just that thing where I don’t actively go seeking out stuff with new Marvel or DC characters until I’ve read and enjoyed enough of them in other books that I’m like, okay, there’s gonna be a lot of bullshit to wade through, but they’re worth it. LOL.
SO! If anyone has any recommendations for Simon or Jessica-centric stories that highlight them well and think are must-reads for grasping their core characterizations.....by all means, hop on this post or leave them in the notes or in asks. I’m very open to reading more about them, in recommended arcs.
Incidentally, anon, the fact that Bruce specified that he liked Simon once bodes well, especially if you think its because Simon maybe reminds him of Dick in a lot of ways. I say that because one of the things I enjoyed about Kyle’s time on the JLA was that Bruce gruffly stated on a couple of occasions that Kyle was one of the few GL’s he’d ever respected - and I think Kyle and Dick are a lot alike in a lot of ways, and have always thought that had a lot to do with Kyle reminding Bruce of Dick too, lmao. So if Bruce likes all three because of similar character traits, chances are it’ll hold true with Simon for me too.
Like, you’ve definitely piqued my interest now, because I’ve never actually heard someone describe Simon as being similar to Dick in specific....but there is literally NO quicker way to sell me on a character than by saying “I think this character is a lot like Scott McCall, Dick Grayson and/or Kyle Rayner.”
(Sadly, that trick does not work with my other Big Four fave characters, Bobby Drake. As he is a Glorified Dumbass, and that is not a character archetype that guarantees instant fondness. Only Specific Glorified Dumbasses need apply).
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emeraldfiire · 5 years
What’s Aimee’s relationship like with some of the other Lanterns? What is it like with Hal?
So you want to know more about the lantern|Give me more!
Oh boy. My favorites. 
John Stewart: She’s actually not that close to John? (partly because I haven’t gotten to rp with a John in so long and would love to) But she repsects him  A LOT. And will happily follow where he tells them to go and trusts him as a leader and as another uncle. 
Guy Gardner: Tagging @loyaltyunbroken Guy is basically her second father and she sees him as such. She trusts him with her life and she is loyal to him. Like you insult Guy? Expect a punch to the face. He trained her how to punch when she was little and then later one trained her as a lantern and she ends up going on missions with him. He’s literally one of her favorite people. 
Kyle Rayner: So like John, I haven’t got to do much with Kyle. But I can definitely see them having that sibling type of relationship and bickering all of the damn time and have each other’s back. They’d kick ass together and bicker so much. 
Simon Baz: You mean, Aimee’s friend she likes to tease and enjoy messing around with? You bet. They’re friends and work really well together. 
Jessica Cruz: BFFs. That’s it. Girls nights. They kick ass. They have fun. It’s a good relationship. Aimee also sort of mentors Jessica and Simon since she gets the ring before them and it’s great. 
Kilowag: The best and most favorite space uncle who calls her ‘little poozer’ and ‘little jordan’ Literally. Her favorite. 
Sinestro: MAN. LISTEN. Y’ALL. I wish Siris was still on tumblr because hell. Sinestro was her Uncle. She still sees him as that but he betrayed the corps. He broke her heart doing so because she looked up to him like she does her dad and Guy and Kilowag. Then boom. He betrays them. But he still looks out for her not like he’d ever admit it but he does. It’s a very rocky relationship. 
Hal Jordan: Her old man. The numero uno. Aimee loves her dad. They have a good relationship... Most of the time. This also depends on my rp partner and what we’ve decided. But Hal is a good dad. He tries his best and Aimee adores her father. She always wanted to be like both of her parents but she’s a daddy’s girl. Honestly. But it’s rocky too because hell, her dad has come back to life a couple of times in her 23 years, he’s been possessed by Parallax a couple of times and it’s a mess. But they’re working on it. She trusts him with everything in her. She adores her father and is always quick to defend him too. And he loves her. That’s his pride and joy. 
Carol Ferris: We did the dad. Let’s do the momma. Cause she is the best lantern. But Aimee? Her mom is her hero. Like a badass woman raising her? When her dad was gone alot? You bet. She respects her mom so much and just, she’s the person she goes to when she has a problem, a heartbreak, needs advice, anything, Carol is there and always has been there for her daughter and will always be there. Aimee wouldn’t know what to do without her mom. Carol is such a good mom too? Like. Her daughter is her world and she’d do anything for her.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
The Riddler: DC Redefines Famous Batman Villain
Does Year of the Villain mean a big change for Batman’s puzzling nemesis?
Event comics usually come with a passel of one-off tie ins. Sometimes they’re very good. Sometimes they’re a way of giving someone a try out. Sometimes they’re a way of getting somebody work. These are all good things! But very rarely are they ever impactful on a character or the direction of a line. That may change this week, as Mark Russell and Scott Godlewski bring the Riddler into Year of the Villain with one of the most introspective superhero comics in a while, one that potentially foreshadows a big status quo change for one of Batman’s oldest villains.
The premise of the entire Year of the Villain arc has Apex Lex, a powered-up Lex Luthor, gone full evil again after years spent straddling the line of “dick” and “dick but helping the good guys”, running around the DC Universe offering power ups to the bad guys from every rogue’s gallery. In the pages of Justice League, he cranked up folks like Sinestro, while he’s been popping into other books for help like closing Gotham to the outside world and giving free rein to Bane (Batman), or a substantially boosted cold suit for Captain Cold (The Flash). In The Riddler: Year of the Villain, he gives Edward Nygma something completely different: perspective.
The story is framed by the Riddler’s friendship with King Tut. They start the issue kvetching about their persistent failures to top Batman in any meaningful way. They move to complaining that they haven’t been approached by Luthor yet, then head their separate ways. When Riddler gets home, he finds Luthor in his living room, and Luthor is pretty merciless in his criticism. The next morning, Tut calls Riddler to loop him in on his own profound realization: that they persistently fail because they never work with each other, and the true solution to both their problems is to do a half-baked death trap together.
The Luthor conversation is the crux of the issue. Luthor hands the Riddler nothing - no hyper-powered question staff, no bowler hat that will increase his cleverness tenfold, no giant question mark-shaped bomb planted under Wayne Manor. He just talks to him about Nygma’s own rigidity. The inflexibility of his mind, being lashed to his schtick, is what Luthor hints has been holding the Riddler back. And that inflexibility is preventing the Riddler from growing as a person. It’s kept him from accepting any changes since he was a child fixated on revenge against the bullies tormenting him. He ends the story by telling Nygma “Life is the process of saying goodbye to ourselves.” And the Riddler ends the issue by walking out on King Tut’s death trap.
read more: Justice League, Crisis, and the Future of the DC Universe
This is...not what I think anyone expected from a Year of the Villain book. The best you can usually hope for is a thoughtful one-off. Something akin to what Russell already gave us in Year of the Villain: Sinestro - a clever character piece that leaves the character exactly where he started when the issue picked up. Here, we get smart character work, but we also get more character development than the Riddler has had since...what, Paul Dini on Detective Comics back around Infinite Crisis? The Riddler is iconic, but the character owes almost everything to Frank Gorshin’s portrayal of him on the old television show. He hasn’t had more than a handful of deep dives or status quo shifts in an age.
A literal age - I can count four stories since the Bronze Age ended that really matter, that made a big impact on the Riddler as a character, and that’s a stretch a little bit - one of them came out on the cusp between the Bronze Age and the modern age of comics and could be argued into either category. But for almost every one of them, the impact on other characters was greater.
“Dark Night, Dark City” was Peter Milligan and Kieron Dwyer’s 1990 tale in Batman that had a suddenly very bloodthirsty Riddler pulling jobs around Gotham. It’s a really good Riddler story, but overshadowed by the fact that it’s also where Barbatos, the dark Bat-god who dominated Grant Morrison’s Batman mythology and later spawned Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s dark multiverse, first appeared. Snyder and Capullo also featured the Riddler as the main villain of "Zero Year," their big, 13 issue story about Batman’s first run in with Nygma. It is also the first time we really got to look at the way Batman managed his own mental health, and ends with him almost getting shock therapy. And the War of Jokes and Riddles was a long story that wrapped up Tom King’s first year on Batman by giving Kite Man a heartbreaking origin story and having the Joker (of all people) stop Bruce from killing the Riddler.
read more - Batman: Damned is a Trip Through the Darkest Corners of the DC Universe
The unifying force in all of these stories is that they’re not about Edward Nygma. They’re about someone else reacting to Nygma. And, in the case of “Zero Year” and the “War of Jokes and Riddles,” they both happen in the distant-by-comic-book-time past of Batman.
Really, the only story in the last 30 years worth of comics that really changed what we know about the Riddler was Paul Dini turning him into Sherlock Holmes in Detective Comics. In the wake of the wretched “Hush” and the not-great Infinite Crisis, Dini has Nygma go straight and begin selling his services as a consulting detective to Gotham’s wealthy. It takes the Riddler, keeps his main schtick (proving that he’s smarter and more clever than Batman), but points it in a different direction so we can see it work from another angle and take a little bit more out of it. Edward Nygma, Consulting Detective is the one time before this Year of the Villain issue that anybody really tried to twist the Riddler’s core concept around and peer at it from a different angle in modern comics. For perspective, in those same 30 years that it took to get four meaningful Riddler stories, Gotham City has been destroyed or quarantined from the rest of the country in four stories.
read more: The Secrets of DC's New Superman/Batman Team
Gorshin’s portrayal and the Riddler’s iconic look have been enough to keep him top tier in the popular consciousness, though. That a character can largely survive Jim Carrey and the Question Mark Guy who wanted to give us all free government money sullying his rep and look, respectively, is a testament to his fundamental appeal. The beauty of this issue is that even if it were a fluffy one-off with no potential wider impact, it would still be terrific. How many times do you get to open a comic and yell “OH MY GOD IS THAT KING TUT?” It’s not like he’s the Fluoronic Man or something. A King Tut sighting is a rare blessing, friends! Also, Tom King Batman aside, there’s been a subtle creep of a lighter Batman into comics lately that continues here. We’ve got a Batman happy to toss riddles back at Nygma along with his boots. Batman gets noticeably exasperated by King Tut’s incompetence and even almost jokes with the Gotham PD about how long it’ll take him to beat Tut. “Lair” Magazine is something I hope DC one day manages to publish, even if it’s just a joke. Profound character development aside, this issue was just really fun.
The brilliance of this issue is how it directly interacts with one of the fundamental tenets of modern superhero comics: the illusion of change. Stan Lee said the secret to Marvel storytelling (a theory that has come to apply to the superhero industry as a whole) is “the illusion of change.” The idea that comic book superheroes change over time is actually far truer than it seems on first glance, it’s just the under the radar ones, the characters keeping one arm out of limbo, who are capable of doing the most changing.
It’s possible that this issue is setting the Riddler up for a big change. It shows a willingness to strip Edward Nygma back to his bare, raw, core concept, and it’s one that makes him stand out as a Batman rogue. For years now, we’ve been watching Batman matched against the inexplicable chaos of the Joker, or match power and forethought with Bane, or have really bad anxiety attacks and bone Catwoman. What we’ve seen far less often is Batman be the best detective in comics. We get plenty of Batman pounding the shit out of a parade of bad guys. We don’t see him sussing out motive or means as much. All of the good writers have found a way to make that happen here and there over the last few years, but it always takes a backseat to saving hypertime by throwing three pearls at Rip Hunter. The Riddler gives them an excuse to lead with the detective work.
read more: The Batman Who Laughs and the Culmination of 10 Years of DC Stories
Maybe the Riddler has fallen far enough for this to stick. We know from tweets hoping for an ongoing that Russell thinks so. The Riddler: Year of the Villain works because it forces Nygma to think his way out of his rut and choose to do something different. Hopefully we get to see more of that change play out on the page.
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Feature Jim Dandy
Sep 11, 2019
DC Entertainment
Mark Russell
from Books https://ift.tt/2Lp4Kyc
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
The Green Lantern #12
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I don't know why I'm writing a review of this comic book when I know I won't understand it at all.
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Spoken like a ring that has been shoved up Hal's ass as punishment for talking back previously.
That's all you need to know about Hal Jordan's characterization: nobody tells Hal Jordan what to do! Oh wait! Maybe you need a little bit more: sometimes somebody does tell Hal Jordan what to do and then they get punched in the face. Then Hal's ring probably says, "Nobody tells Hal Jordan what to do!" Hal Jordan's anti-matter universe counterpart (who is the Qwa-man, right? No? Maybe?) has been beating the shit out of some second-rate Green Lanterns. One of them can't feel emotions so he's all, "I am dying but super coolly and logically. This is a real matter-of-fact death here. Don't care because I can't. Are these good last words? I can't tell because nothing moves my emotional meter." But Hal Jordan descends on the fight to save the day and not be thanked if he saves the unemotional Green Lantern. "I guess I'm still living. Who cares? I see the world through cold eyes which reveal none of the majesty nor the mystery of the multiverse. It is a compliment when my people yawn in your presence because it means we feel about you the same as we feel about every mote of dust disturbed into motion by every other mote of dust in the universe. In our eyes, you are equal to the most majestic star. Because we couldn't give two fucks about either of you."
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More Green Lanterns that don't matter being dispatched to save the other Green Lanterns that don't matter.
I do recognize one of those Green Lanterns as Medphyl although I know nothing about him except he's plant-like. The Guardians of the Universe are discussing the plan to save the universe from Controller Mu and his Qwa-matter Man. That plan is this: "For the first time in your life, we need you to do exactly as you are told. The rest, Lantern Jordan, the rest will be up to you." Based on what Hal's ring said earlier, I think I sense a flaw in their plan! Sinestro arrives to help Jordan defeat the Qwa-man. Being that I have no idea where in DC Continuity this story takes place, I don't know the specifics of Hal and Sinestro's current relationship. I guess they're reluctant allies? Or Hal is reluctant and Sinestro just gets off on making Hal Jordan need him. It turns out this Sinestro is from the anti-matter universe which means he's the Ace Rimmer of the Sinestro set. And the Qwa-man is the negative Hal Jordan. Everybody tells him what to do and he's pissed. Anti-Sinestro gets wounded giving Hal enough time to get a plan together: punch the Qwa-man in the face over and over and over again. It's the old Hal Jordan special! Before Hal's shield runs out and he and his opposite explode due to anti-matter/matter contact, the Green Lantern cavalry arrives. The Superwatch cavalry also arrives. Plus some creature from the anti-matter universe who's supposed to take the Qwa-man back. But Hal Jordan is as sufficiently confused as I am about how everything is coming together. Maybe he's less confused because he hasn't read dozens of other comic books between each issue of this story, obfuscating the plot because my brain can't keep all the separate threads of all the different comic books separate. Whatever is about to go down, Hal Jordan finds it suspicious. Nobody is getting punched in the face to end the story so something must be wrong! It's totally a trap! But before Hal can save everybody with a bunch of punches, he's caught in a zeta-beam taking him back to Blackstar headquarters. I think that means Grant Morrison was confused by his own story as well and wasn't sure how to end it. Whatever else happened up until this point, it was mostly a scavenger hunt. Hal Jordan helped the Blackstars and Controller Mu collect a bunch of items to create the Miracle Machine. By inserting Hal Jordan into it, he just needs to make one wish to change the universe. And he's supposed to make Controller Mu's wish. I don't remember what that wish was, if it was even ever said. But whatever it is, Hal needs to make it soon or he'll die from injuries sustained battling the Qwa-man. Maybe he's wishing the Green Lanterns away so that the Blackstars can rule the universe? I don't know! Will I continue to read this story in Blackstars #1? Fuck it. Probably. The epilogue shows that the Qwa-man leads a corps of Weaponeers that are the opposite of the Green Lanterns in the anti-matter universe. They're gearing up for war. I guess that's supposed to make me excited for the next chapter of Hal Jordan. It might but I'm a lot like that Green Lantern from earlier that can't feel emotion. I just want to read comic books to pass the time. It's not like I get emotionally invested in them! Unless they star elves and wolves. The Green Lantern #12: If I could sacrifice some extra time I don't really have, I'd reread this entire series until it made sense. Because if I had to bet money on it, I'm sure it makes sense. If my opinion doesn't cost me anything except maybe my reputation, I'd say it doesn't make sense and Grant Morrison is a fucking hack and because of this series, I now believe everything he's ever written was complete nonsense and I fucking fell for it! I'm so fucking gullible and stupid! I bet Alan Moore's writing was just verbal vomit too! And Ellis! Heck, why limit my newfound understanding of the nihilism of writers to just comic books? I bet Danielewski's work has been utter nonsense garbed in profundity! And fucking Steinbeck, that clown! If I read things merely to pass the time and don't give a shit if I get anything out of it, I bet writers write the exact same way! I've been duped my entire life into believing shit mattered! Ugh! I'm such a jerk.
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vozpit · 6 years
The 10 Best Cartoon Bad Guys of All Time
10. Boris Badenov - The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show
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Shaddup you mouth!Never in the history of cartoons has there been a character so happy to be evil than Boris Badenov. Along with his sidekick, the almost as evil (and somehow strangely sexy), Natasha Fatale, Boris did everything he could to make Moose & Squirrel's life a living hell. He obviously hated America & everything to do with it. But, he also hated his own country of Pottsylvania & did his best to avoid going there whenever possible. 9. Berg Katse - Gatchaman
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The original sex change artistAlso known as Zoltar in "Battle of the Planets" & Galactor in "G-Force". Berg Katse is the leader of Galactor (that was the name of the organization in the original version), an evil alien race, determined to rule the Earth. What set Berg apart from the other alien bad guys, is he was a shape-shifting sex-changer. Yes, sometimes he was a man & sometimes he was a woman! The English versions explain this by saying it was two different people, Zoltar & his sister. Although, even as I kid, I figured out they were one & the same. Although I thought he was just a woman, dressed like a man. Little did I know what screwy heads the Japanese had with their characters. Considering Berg had to deal with the fact that sometimes he had a cock & sometimes not, I have to give him credit that he was able to do as well as he did running the whole show. 8. Cobra Commander - G.I. Joe
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COBRA!Cobra Commander is leader of Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization, determined to rule the world! Kind of like Galactor, but Earthbound. And Cobra's ideas to take over the world were so crazy, that aliens from another world were like, "That's some crazy shit, Cobra!" He always hid his face, either behind a hood, with eye holes, or a helmet with a mirrored front. Somehow, this mirrored face didn't reflect anything. It was Cobra Commander's voice that was the star of the show though. It was raspy & lispy & when he spoke, you listened. Cobra Commander was such a great character, that he even appeared in another cartoon, "The Transformers", which obviously took place years after Cobra was disbanded, as he was pretty much alone. As far as we know, Cobra Commander is still out there, biding his time. Mwahaha! COBRA! 7. General Grievous - Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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Kick ass cyborg!Appearing in the 2nd "season" of the animated Star Wars tale, that takes place between Episodes 2 & 3, Grievous stood out as one mean mother fucker. He killed almost all the Jedi, BY HIMSELF! He stood taller than the Jedis & had 4 arms, which meant, 4 fucking light sabers! He was so cool, that George Lucas said, "He's cooler than any character I ever came up with. Let's put him in the next movie!" Of course, Lucas turned him into a smaller Cyborg with an exposed heart, which was easily shot by a blaster. But, for a small shining moment, in the animated series, Grievous kicked so much alien ass, that Galactor was looking to hire him. 6. The Legion of Doom - Superfriends
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It's almost like they know the camera is in the room!Yes, I know this is a team of Super-villains, but they moved as one. Actually, they pretty much never moved as one. But, that didn't matter either. The LoD had a much cooler HQ than the Superfriends ever had. Their HQ would rise up out of a swamp. And inside, it was just a table that fit all members of the LoD. Their leader was Lex Luthor, the mastermind. They also had Bizarro, Black Manta, Riddler, Giganta, Sinestro, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, the Scarecrow, Brainiac, Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, & the Toyman. Alone, these bad guys kind of sucked, but together....Watch out!!! Actually, they kind of sucked together too. But the name, the name!!! Legion of DOOOOOOM!!! 5. Dishonest John - Beany & Cecil
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NYA HA HA!You know why Dishonest John deserves to be on this list? Because his name was Dishonest John & he was still able to con people (and sea serpents). He had the word "dishonest" sitting there for all to see. But it didn't matter! Nya Ha Ha!! 4. Megatron - The Transformers
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Hey Starscream! Wax my ass!If you could put evil into a robot & then boost up the evil to 11, that was Megatron. He could give two shits about human life. He was all about getting energy & didn't care who or what was in his way. He even treated his own soldiers like shit. He also transformed into the stupidest form, a gun, that only worked if someone shot it for him. It didn't matter. They were all scared of him, the good, the bad, didn't matter. Megatron was Megacool! 3. Bluto - Popeye cartoons
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This big mumbling fool was all muscle. It seemed Bluto was only there for one reason, to cock-block Popeye into nailing Olive. And it worked too, because Popeye & Olive never did it. Bluto didn't need any spinach to kick the shit out of Popeye either. He could walk through walls, bend steel bars with his teeth, & toss Popeye a block away. He shaved with a razor so nicked, that a normal man would have bled to death using it on his face. And when he shaved, he had a full beard. The only questionable thing was why was he such a prick to Popeye? Bah, no matter! Bluto is one mean sumamabitch! 2. Joker - Batman: The Animated Series
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!The Clown Prince of Crime! Never mind the Calypso Joker from the 60s, or even the smeary faced dude from the new Batman movie, the Joker from Batman: TAS has them all beat. He is truly maniacal & crazy. Just see him interact with his one true "love" Harley Quinn. He could care less about her, or does he? His plans are diabolical & over-the-top! He's scary, funny, & evil to the core. 1. Venger - Dungeons & Dragons
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The Force of Evil!Talk about evil. This guy wants to kill kids! His father is Dungeon Master, the creator of the Realm of Dungeons & Dragons. Does Venger care? Fuck no! Dungeon Master protects the kids. Does Venger care? Fuck no! The only thing Venger is scared of is a 3 headed dragon, that is about 90 feet tall. It's the only thing that scares him! And I bet even that never made Venger shit his pants. All the kids wanted to do was get back home, but Venger said, "No way little fucks!" and ruined their chances time & time again. Fucking with kids is evil to the core & that's all Venger did. He is truly the champ of cartoon bad guys.
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2011) Part III
This year I think has the most characters ranked so far, and all from movies introducing brand new characters. X-Men franchise gets a reboot with X-Men: First Class; The MCU welcomes the additions of Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger; DC Comics introduces Green Lantern, and we also get The Adventures of Tintin, Cowboys & Aliens, The Green Hornet, and Priest. Here’s #40-21!
40. Erik Selvig (Thor)
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"Anyone who's ever going to find his way in this world, has to start by admitting he doesn't know."
Erik is a wise man of science who helps Jane work on her projects. Despite not believing Thor's story one bit when the god arrives to Earth, he still helps Jane rescue him and even leaves some words of advice to Thor that helps him understand what it means to be a king. He's a good guy so it sucks to see that by the post-credits scene, when he's talking to Nick Fury, he's been possessed by Loki himself.
39. Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine (The Adventures of Tintin)
"Nothing I do is an accident!"
A villain on a quest for revenge in his great ancestor's name. Sakharine had every move and action planned out to find the lost treasure of the unicorn but didn't quite predict Tintin's involvement. Despite all his efforts, he's unable to complete his mission and loses to Haddock just like his ancestor did.
38. Benjamin Chudnofsky (The Green Hornet)
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"My gun has two barrels. That's not boring."
The big bad villain of the film, Chudnofsky is just a crime boss who is going through a mid-life crisis. Turns out that being scary means a lot more than just killing everyone who crosses you. He learned the younger generations want something a little more flashy. He tries but it's kinda like when a father tries to hang out with his teenage son at a party. It just doesn't work. However, he's still a violent being who takes out a lot of people but in all honesty, he can't be that impressive when he couldn't even kill Britt on his own. Sure, Britt had Kato, who managed to deliver the killing blow to the crime lord, but if he was as bad as wanted to be, he would've had no issues.
37. Lenore Case (The Green Hornet)
"If you even look at my ass again I'll sue you for sexual harassment."
Geez how did this girl even want to work as Britt's assistant after finding out what a complete douche he was? His attempts at flirty were so pervy you just couldn't help but feel bad for Case. Kato didn't really help either and if I were in her shoes I'd let the cops take them both down. But for some reason she helps them and decides to continue to help them keep the city safe by the end of the film.
36. Azazel (X-Men: First Class)
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"Damn it."
In my opinion, Azazel is Shaw's most dangerous assassin in the Hellfire Club. Not only can he teleport but he's also a master at wielding a long blade. The combination of the two really shows when he kills most of the government agents protecting the X-Men by himself. His combat skills are so impressive that he's able to take on Beast and Havok at the same time. He apparently can't take a punch though, as it only takes one from Beast to knock him out. When everything's said and done, Azazel joins Magneto's Brotherhood.
35. Thaal Sinestro (Green Lantern)
"Are you afraid?"
With his mentor dead, Sinestro seems to be the strongest member of the Corps alive, but he's faced with a lot. Even with his skill he can't seem to defeat Parralax, who keeps destroying planets with his powers of fear. Worse, he strongly feels like Hal isn't fit to be a Lantern so in an act of desperation turns to the Guardians to find another source of power to defeat his foe. The source is fear, the opposite force of willpower, the very essence of what it means to be a Green Lantern. Despite Hal proving willpower can overcome fear, at the end of the film, Sinestro still puts on the yellow ring, becoming the first member of the Yellow Lanter Corps.
34. Black Hat (Priest)
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"After all, if you're not committing sin then you're not having fun."
Black Hat used to be a priest who was taken down during an attack on a vampire hive that went wrong. Instead of killing him, the vampire queen feeds him her blood instead and turns him into the first vampire-human hybrid, containing the skills of a priest and power of a vampire. This makes him dangerous as he leads an overwhelming army of vampire to kidnap Lucy, Priest's daughter, and destroy towns full of humans. He also proved his power by killing three priests on his own as well as nearly taking out Priest towards the films climax. However, Priest had help in the form of Hicks and Priestess and was able to see Black Hat burn up in flames at the last second.
33. Laufey (Thor)
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"Go now, while I still allow it."
Man was this guy a huge let down. I truly thought Laufey was going to be the big bad villain of the movie, but turns out he was just another pawn in Loki's ultimate plan to rule Asgard. King of the Frost Giants, he's definitely not to be messed with, but he puts his faith in his son and when he goes to kill Odin in his sleep, Loki betrays him and blasts him to dust.
32. Hector Hammond (Green Lantern)
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"How wonderful that all it took for you to grow up was the end of the world."
I almost did want to feel bad for all the crap Hector seemed to be getting from his dad his entire life, but all of that went out the window when the first thing he does when he sees Carol is sniff her hair. The dude is weird, jealous, and entitled so of course he ends up getting possessed by Parralax and granted these psychic powers that comes with a disturbing physical appearance. He gets his revenge on his students, his dad, even Hal for a bit before the other male manages to trick him into wearing the ring. The ring doesn't recognize him and backfires on him and when Parralax shows up and sees him wearing the weapon of his sworn enemy? Yeah Hector died real quick after that.
31. Thomson and Thompson (The Adventures of Tintin)
"To be precise, you are under arrest!"
These two are pure comedy. Not only for how they exchanged words with each other, but because they were absolutely horrible at doing their jobs yet, oddly enough, seemed to be at the right place at the right time to help Tintin save the day. I mean the two were literally at the house of the kleptomaniac they were after and were arguing AGAIST him on how he wasn't their suspect. If that isn't what you call a pure comedic mess I don't know what is.
30. Britt Reid/The Green Hornet (The Green Hornet)
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"Everyone knows, you corner a hornet, you get stung."
I hated Britt. He's almost exactly like Bruce Wayne when it comes to being rich, having dead parents, and then deciding to become a superhero, but his arrogance, rudeness, and in-capabilities with mental and physical prowess proved this dude could never be on Batman's level. There was just so many times that he would screw everything up that you just wanted him to fail because it was frustrating to see someone as annoying as him save the day.
29. Parralax (Green Lantern)
"Once I have devoured your world I will have all the strength I need to defeat the Corps and destroy the Guardians."
A former Guardian, Parralax wanted to use the power of fear instead of willpower, making him an easy enemy of the Green Lantern Corps. After his first defeat, he returns stronger than ever, devouring planets through their inhabitant's fear. He nearly destroys Earth as well until Hal manages to fight him off, tricking him into being pulled in into the sun and burns away. His legacy in fear lives on though, once Sinestro slips on the yellow ring that is fused with his powers.
28. Woodrow Dolarhyde (Cowboys & Aliens)
"Get off my plains!"
At first Dolarhyde seemed like a huge asshole that let his son terrorize a town just because he was rich and that he was actually going to be an obstacle Jake would have to face during his war with the aliens, but the latter never happened. Dolarhyde was quick to band together with the others, only really showing disobedience when it came to working with the Native Americans which, granted, was only because they had just taken him prisoner. He proves to be a good shot during the final fight and even saves Jake's life at the last moment inside the ship. I would have preferred Percy dying instead of Colorado and then Dolarhyde officially adopting Colorado to be his son but instead he gives Percy exactly what he wants again but at least Percy kinda stopped being a dick.
27. Alex Summers/Havok (X-Men: First Class)
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Havok seemed to be the member shrouded in the most mystery when he first joined the group. He was very hesitant about being around everyone and they quickly knew why, his energy blasts are out of control. After the death of his good friend Darwin, he decides to focus on his destructive blasts but still can't manage to do it. Even though he mocks Hank to no end, the brilliant scientist helps create a device that helps him control the blasts. He holds his own when the X-Men go up against the Hellfire Club and he officially stays with Xavier after Magneto kills Shaw.
26. Carol Ferris (Green Lantern)
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"You don't think I would recognize you because I can't see your cheekbones?"
Carol Ferris is a strong fighter pilot, a smart businesswoman, and Hal Jordan's ex-girlfriend. While it's clear she still cares about him, she just can't take him seriously. She's even smart enough to realize the Green Lanter is Hal, but I mean she makes a good point on him not really having a big disguise. Her bravery matches her brain power too, when she saves Hal from death by blasting some missiles at Parralax and giving him the opportunity he needs to save the day.
25. Johann Schmidt/Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"Hail, HYDRA."
This guy takes having a God complex to a whole other level. He wants the world at his feet and in order to do so he needs power. So he creates HYDRA and joins Hitler and the German Nazis to find it. He becomes the infamours Red Skull when he tries to take the super soldier serum and his body rejects it. Even though he's really intimidating at times, he never really accomplishes anything. When his plan fails and Captain America defeats him, he grabs the tesseract and it seems to kill him with it's sheer power alone.
24. Ella Swenson (Cowboys & Aliens)
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"I won't be around for very long."
Yeah Ella's true identity as another alien being was definitely a plot twist I didn't see coming but after learning who she really is you really got to admire her selflessness. She literally lost her entire race of aliens like her yet still went out of her way to warn and later help the humans before they were wiped out as well. She manages to help rescue all the kidnapped humans from the alien's captivity but her real shining moment comes when she sacrifices herself to detonate a huge bomb that destroys the entire alien ship, killing every single one of them. We did see her come back to life earlier so who knows if she actually stays dead this time.
23. Moira MacTaggert (X-Men: First Class)
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"You're your own team now. You're X-Men."
Moira is a great CSI agent. As soon as she discovers that the Hellfire Club is full of mutants, she goes and finds herself an expert on one. She holds no prejudice like most humans in her era which is probably why Charles starts developing feelings for her. Despite being the only human on the team, she does her best to fight Shaw and even Magneto when he proves to be a huge threat, firing several bullets at him, one of which ends up paralyzing Charles from the waist down. Afterwards, for the safety of him and his students, her memory is wiped clean for when she's interrogated by the CSI.
22. Sif, Vostagg, Hogun, Fandral (Thor)
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"We must find Thor."
Sif and the Warriors Three are some of Asgard's greatest warriors and Thor's best friends. They're loyalty is shown all throughout the film when they travel with Thor to confront the Frost Giants and when they disobey Loki and travel to Earth to bring Thor back to Asgard after his banishment. They each have their own unique qualities and abilities that brings something good to the table, but it's only when they all work together that they really become a strong force of Asgardian warriors.
21. James 'Bucky' Barnes (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"This isn't a back alley, Steve. It's war!"
Steve's best friend who's looked out for him his entire life before he joins the army. He reunites with Steve after he becomes Captain America and rescues him from a HYDRA facility. Bucky really becomes that sense of home for Steve, but I couldn't help but feel a little hint of jealousy in him? I mean I think he was so used to being the better man and then all of a sudden Steve is the face of the US army. Don't get me wrong, I think he cared about Steve one hundred percent but I think it was a hurt ego that made him try to rush that giant machine with Steve's shield before he gets blasted away and falls to his apparent death.
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