#also it's my first time giffing ms marvel...
prettyyoungandbored · 2 months
Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight] Fourteen
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn't know is she's getting more than what she agreed to. (I am trash at summaries.)
Taglist: @dragonballluver, @disgraceful-marvel-trash, @barikawho, @claudiahxrdy , @christianbalefanatic , @librarianafterdark , @rosegxoxo , @lilizia, @tOuch-starved-h0e
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Demetria woke up greeted by the warmth of Bruce’s bare chest against the side of her face. Between the sound of his heartbeat and his fingers running through her hair, she nearly lulled herself back to sleep.
But she wasn’t sure what time it was and exactly how much time she had left before she’d lose him forever. She needed to make this moment count.
“Is it morning?” she whispered.
“We have some time before the sun rises.”
She laid her head back down as memories of the night before flashed in her mind. She had given him everything. Every inch of her belonged to him and it would for forever.
She exhaled softly. “I was looking forward to waking up next to you for the rest of my life.”
He rest his forehead against hers. “All I wanted was to spend the rest of my life with you.”
The palm of his hand cradled with cheek. He took her in, knowing he would hold onto this moment for as long as he would live.
“Is there anything else I can do to talk you out of this?”
He shook his head in response. “I have to do what’s right.”
She pursed her lips back. “What if we ran away together? Just you and me.”
“I cant say I didn’t think about that,” he sighed. He kissed the top of her head. “Let’s just enjoy this moment, ok?”
She nodded and rest her head. “Demetria.”
She looked up at him, his eyes piercing into his.
“I will never tell you I don’t love you.”
A couple hours later, Demetria found herself packing a suitcase.
“Would you like some assistance?”
She glanced up to see Alfred standing there. She gave him a small smile.
“I already tried to stop him,” she said.
“Rookie mistake, Ms. Gallagher.”
She chuckled and threw the shirt into the suitcase. She looked at the old man, amazed he could not only keep his composure but also pretend as if nothing was wrong.
As if what Bruce was about to wouldn’t turn his world upside down too.
“Alfred, are you gonna be ok?” she asked.
“Quite alright,” he reassured. “Don’t you worry about me.”
“But once this gets out, they’re going to come for you too.”
“I can handle myself perfectly well, Ms. Gallagher. Although, I do appreciate the concern.”
He took her hand in his. “I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you that I truly enjoyed our time together. For a long time I had hoped he would settle down with a nice girl and when I met you, I knew you were the one. While I wish things were different, it’s been a privilege and an honor serving you.”
Her eyes filled with tears as she wrapped her arms around him. “What am I gonna do without you?”
“You’ve managed before and you’ll manage again.”
He pulled back gently. “It will be nice to do the crosswords without unwanted help.”
For the first time that day, she smiled. “But you’ll miss it.”
He gave her a nod. “I will.”
She excused herself and went into the nightstand where she pulled out an envelope and handed it to him.
“Inside has my mother’s address on it and home phone number, ok?” she said. “If you need anything, anything at all, please do not hesitate.”
He put the letter inside his jacket pocket and gave her a nod.
Demetria opted for caramel-colored, felted trench coat with a plain tee underneath, some jeans, and some sneakers. She knew she needed to blend in as much as possible so no one would give her a second look let alone a second thought.
“Keep your head down as much as you can,” Bruce gently told her. “Stay hidden until you’re with your mother. The second I’m able to call you, I will.”
She nodded, tears falling down her cheeks. His face softened as he wiped them with her thumb.
“You’re going to be ok,” he assured gently.
She leaned her head into his chest. “Don’t do this to me.”
“Sweetheart, look at me.”
She lifted her head and the tears in her eyes nearly made Bruce give up on letting her go.
“This is for your own protection,” he told her. “I need you to know that.”
And upon realizing there was no way out and that he would not change his mind, she nodded her head.
“The car is downstairs,” Alfred announced from the kitchen.
Demetria turned around and made her way out the door, repeatedly reminding herself not to look back not matter how much it pained her not to.
As she stood in the elevator, she felt her phone vibrate. Her heart leapt, hoping for it to be Bruce calling.
It wasn’t. It was Harvey.
She pressed decline.
As “luck” would have it, her train was delayed by an hour. She sat in the terminal and scrolled through her old text messages would Bruce.
She yearned for the days where Bruce was listed as “Handsome” in her contacts, where they would send messages to each other about funny or crazy things that happened during their day. It was their way of keeping each other in their lives when they couldn’t be seen together or Demetria couldn’t hide in the penthouse.
She wasn’t sure how she was going to get through this. She could lie for him and for her and her family’s safety. But, watching him be taken down for only trying to help the city would kill her.
Just then, her phone rang and Rachel’s name appeared.
“What’s up?” she answered with a sigh.
“Please tell me you’re not on the train.” The worry in her tone made Demetria’s posture straighten.
“I’m not. My train was delayed-.”
“Meet me in front of the station. I’m picking you up.”
“What’s going on?”
“Harvey just told everyone he’s Batman.”
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buckevantommy · 1 year
Sorry do you hate marvel or not? You reblogged a gif set from moon knight, that straight up nonsense show, saying they should give a show to one of the supporting characters? You know if you hate marvel media you can just not watch it right
marvel needs to die a fiery death.
i love stucky but the studio either queerbaited or was clueless or queerphobic plus steve's endgame made no sense. i love rdj's tony stark but he deserved better. they sexualised natasha to the nth degree rather than let scarjo work her drama muscles then killed her off rather than let her retire. moon knight was a mess but it was heartwrenching and different and oscar isaac deserves an award for that portrayal and i have a crush on layla and think may would crush a solo show - an egyptian superhero! (sidenote: i watched hawkeye recently and hated it but the deaf woc who got a redemption arc is getting her own show which is great).
i can care about characters and still hate their treatment - I'm an spn fan, it's second nature for me.
one of the many problems with the mcu is they're churning out multiple shows and movies per year which means they're not giving time to flesh out characters and plots like they deserve to be but it ALSO means a lot of eyes are on them bc when you crank out that much content in this day and age you HAVE to give diverse representation so we're seeing more and more poc characters in shows and on the big screen thanks to the mcu - eternals, shang-chi, moon knight, ms marvel, echo, blue beetle - and yes the mcu's diverse rep is problematic bc they care more about flash than substance and more about algorithms than grounded characterisations but you can't deny that the mcu has helped bring diverse casting into mainstream media. the worst company you know did a good thing, or however the saying goes. think back to the first avenger movies and how whitebred supermodel cishet they were. but thanks to societal influence and the changing of times, it became a necessity to have more poc characters in the mcu. the audience expected it.
however when it comes to queer rep, we've seen a lot more racially and bodily diverse casting and poc characters than we have queer characters. the first onscreen gay kiss took 26 movies and happened in Eternals, and other queer characters have been blink and you'll miss it moments or throwaway lines many viewers don't realise signified queer characters and instead misinterpreted those comments as humour or commentary. we've had a few queer side characters (negasonic x yukio, ayo x aneka, valkyrie, korg) but we're to yet to see a main queer character - and regardless of intention or comic book canon, throwaway lines, possible flirting, and jokes do not qualify as queer rep imho. so loki, deadpool, and tony stark don't count. it has to be explicit and undeniable, not catered to queerphobes so they can easily misinterpret.
but my point is: the mcu is a powerhouse that's been dominating the superhero genre and blockbuster charts for two decades, and from their success they've bet big in planning and putting into production dozens of shows and movies set to be released over the next decade. and that is a terrifying thought. they can't predict the future but they're trying to create content to fit a world that hasn't come into being yet. they're already behind the times on queer rep so i dont have high hopes for whatever they have coming queer-rep wise. but aside from that, their storytelling has become trite and so convoluted that they trade sense for the surprise factor. they're writing characters and plots to fit algorithm parameters like someone trying to say every buzzword in their work presentation. just look at Quantumania: a mess from start to finish in plot, dialogue, characterisations, not to mention stilted acting from a cast forced to act the majority of the film on greenscreen with no physical interactions to ground their performances.
i could go on and on but this post would get long and i'm no expert I'm just your average viewer and tumblr user looking for plots that make sense in stories i want to enjoy because i care about (or want to care about) the characters. if only the mcu cared as much about their characters as they do about big budget seizure inducing interdimensional battle scenes. as for genuine queer rep: maybe in 3 years we'll see a pair of same-sex lips gentle colliding like two pale coconuts. or maybe the mcu will crash and burn (or fizzle out) long before then.
i wanna be done with their stranglehold on the genre since they can't even produce decent shit these days. i want all the strikes going on atm to see creative teams get what they're owed. i want the next dozen mcu productions to flop so they realise they're not hot shit anymore. i want the streamer service upheaval to screw over their longterm plans. i want viewers and bloggers and journalists to call them out for being like the very villains they set up for their heroes to defeat - villains who want to control the cinematic universe, kill off competition, and screw over anyone they consider beneath them.
so yes, i hate the mcu. but there are characters i care about, and plots i wish were done better. but that's why fanfiction exists.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Ok, last night I went back and rewatched 'The Long Arm of the Witness' because you suggested it at the end of SSS ch 15. At this point I had read through ch 17 of SSS. Keeping in mind what I knew from SSS, I watched the episode and holy crap it fits with canon perfectly! Not only does it fit, but I feel like canon doesn't even make sense without SSS.
Like in SSS when Carisi mentions that Rita was acting different during the Gallagher trial and didn't seem bothered at all when the prosection brought new evidence last minute. She really did look relieved. And when the judge changed the verdict, Rita wasn't even mad. She just sat there calmly and once again had a look of relief. Normally she would've been so mad if that kind of thing happened. I also noticed the comment she made to Olivia in the elevator at the end of the episode, and then you brought that up in ch 18. Like Rita said in SSS, it definitely felt like she was saying that to Olivia, almost hoping she would figure out what Rita was trying to tell her without actually having to say it.
It all makes so much sense. SSS is canon and no one can tell me otherwise. It explains everything.
THANK YOU!! Seriously. My viewings of that episode went like 1. RITA RITA IS BACK. I was so distracted I didnt notice the subtle acting/directing choices. I IMMEDIATELY watched it again and 2. “This... isnt the same rita we remember...”
And then I got to thinking about ms marvel herself. She’s TOO GOOD of a fucking actress to just drop 90% of traits that Rita had just cause it had been a few years/Barba wasnt there to bounce quips off of.
Plus her comments about Gallagher in the first scene?? And then she reps him???
Sorry for the delay cause I had to go dig up gifs LOL
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Thats the moment the judge allows the recording Holmes took in the bathroom. She doesn’t glare, she doesn’t scoff, she doesn’t even cock a brow. Her lips don’t purse. And there’s even the *slightest* curve up of them as if she’s not only relieved but HAPPY knowing he’s going down.
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Then we get Chip allocuting saying he now realizes his “advances weren’t wanted” or whatever. There’s hesitancy? Almost in her eyes, a near glare before she focusses on nothing. The tiniest little nod.
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The FACT THAT SHE CANNOT EVEN LOOK OLIVIA IN THE EYE WHEN SHE SAYS THE “lie back & take it”????!!!!!!! Her gaze is downcasted, it’s submissive. And when she leaves the elevator its not her normal power walk, she’s defeated, exhausted, trying to keep up a front.
And NOW. Let’s go back.
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The downland case. She doesn’t just send Abby & her parents into svu. She goes in herself & drags the detectives back to their house. She’s there every moment, sneaking her way into finding out the dna matched. She’s waiting outside for Barba, assuring him of Abby doing the right thing, how she “was answering his texts” how Abby was “introverted, shy, doesn’t know how to act about it cause theyre teenagers still seeing each other at school”. She’s there for the entire trial, and m’am is acting her ASS off in the background of shots that aren’t even in focus 😂 (which also makes me wonder if the rita we know is so sharp & abrasive because she was shy back as a teenager & she didnt really know how to say no kinda thing)
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Next time we see her is s18ep 1 terrorized. She takes on a client who (imo, shouldnt have even been being charged) was forced/coerced into a crime because she was being abused & raped. THIS is Rita’s expression while the girl’s telling her story. I dont think that’s “lets look extra symphathetic for brownie points for liv” i think this is a “i understand...really...”
We do see her again in Spellbound, which I’ll have to go watch again & properly analyze lol. But it’s a solid win for her & a tricky case cause the girl did vocally say yes to sex ON TAPE. (Though she was hypnotized)
I TRULY think they were setting Rita up to have the arc that Nikki Staines ended up taking in s19 because ms marvel went off & got signed on to HOC/Homeland and wasn’t available.
BUT I do think they’re revisiting it now because those tiny little subtle things ms marvel does in the s22 ep just aren’t the Rita we’re used to. (Not to mention she almost gets thrown in contempt & that has NEVER happened. She would get her “withdrawn”’s out before Barba could even object!) and ms marvel (and i quote from an article) “has more acting ability/power in her jawline than most actors do their entire career”
Thank you for coming to my ted talk & I do believe that SSS should be canon 😂😂
I knew I wanted a story to cover the s22 ep stuff, and it was when I rewatched A Misunderstanding that I froze & was all “wait... Rita went to dowland.... is... her name on that wall?” Abs BOOM plot.
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yourmcu · 4 years
Wish You Were Here (ii)
Pairings: Tony Stark x daughter!reader, Peter Parker x Stark!reader (platonic)
an Infinity War/Endgame AU where Tony Stark’s daughter (you) is one of half the population that vanishes in the snap, Tony finds out later on when he arrives back to Earth, devastated, then you come back like the others to help fight Thanos.
Word count: 3,115
A/n: (moved to the end of the fic!)
Warnings: angst, death, swearing, Morgan’s a cutie! and no seriously I miss him so much
read it on ao3!
Part 1
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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Just like the others, you were brought back when the Avengers succeeded in retrieving all the infinity stones.
You're laying on the ground at the same place you were last time: Wakanda. Once you gain consciousness you struggle to get up, your legs wobbly.
“Hello?” You call out, but you're alone, can’t even contact anyone since your suit is out of power. You have no clear memory of what happened, just that you had an anxiety attack while Natasha held you, then you blacked out and - that’s it.
You felt a strong breeze and footsteps behind you.
“[Y/N] Stark,” a man’s voice says. “Come with me.”
The man is ancient looking, had a cape and his facial hair weirdly reminds you of Tony’s. “Who are you? And how long was I out?” You look at a sparking yellow portal far behind him, “did you do that?”
“Stick together and stick with Wong,” the man calls out before the portal closes. You have no idea who he was talking to since they already got in. “Doctor Stephen Strange. We need to find Pepper Potts and... get you suited.”
“I already am suited it’s just - no juice. What’s going on?”
“It’s been five years. It’s time, your father and the others need our help to defeat Thanos,” Doctor Strange opens up another portal to an unfamiliar cabin. Your eyes light up at the mention of Tony. “Quickly. We do not have much time.”
Five years? Unbelievable. That’s just insane. You like sleeping a lot but you couldn’t imagine being asleep for five long years.
“Are - are you sure we’re in the right pla - okay, sorry, don’t have much time, yeah,” you knock on the door when Doctor Strange gives you a stern and impatient look. It gets answered right away.
“[Y/N]? Oh my god,” Pepper says breathlessly. You could feel her sobbing while she hugs you tightly.
“Hey, you guys didn’t tell me you moved,” you frown. “Is all my stuff here? Mr. Strange wants me to get ready and this isn’t the only suit I have-”
“Doctor Strange.”
“It’s upstairs, last room on the left,” Pepper smiles as she wipes her tears. You nod and went up the stairs as the magic doctor told her everything.
All your stuff were in boxes and your spare iron suit was standing in a corner. You wiped away the dust off and checked if it was in good condition. It was ready to go.
You quickly charged the weapons and blasters on the suit, and you still needed to-
You hear a small gasp from behind the door.
Confused, you turn around to see a girl with an amazed smile on her face. “Y/N!”
You cautiously walk over to the small girl, “yeah, I’m Y/N, what’s your name?”
“Morgan,” she replies, then her eyes widen as she hides something behind her back. “Daddy said I can borrow your stuff as long as I put it back. They all look really cool.”
You still aren’t sure, but you start to put the pieces together in your mind: you were ‘gone’ for five years, this girl is living with Pepper, and if you guessed right, ‘daddy’ is Tony.
She’s your sister.
“It’s okay, and thanks,” she gives you a small hug which you return slightly, you feel a smile growing on your face since you find her really precious. “It’s nice to meet you, Morgan.
“Hey, so, there’s this weirdo man downstairs and he wants me and Pep - mom to do an errand for him,” you say to her once you remember you have to go. Morgan nods understandingly, “we can play and catch up when I get back, okay? That’s a promise.”
She runs back to her room and you get suited up, power at its maximum.
“Welcome back, Ms. Stark.”
“Glad to be. I missed you - actually, how Dad’s doing? Is he alright?”
“Mr. Stark had a concussion earlier, but as of now he is waking up again.”
“Oh,” you exhale and start worrying about him a bit. “Okay. That’s fine, I guess,”
Once you go back down a portal was already open and a nanny by the door (you assumed for Morgan). You fly right in before it closed up.
“Holy shit.”
There's armies coming out of many different portals, from people to aircrafts, to mutants. You all gather at the Avengers compound, or what used to be the compound.
“I forgot to mention,” you point out and Pepper turns to you, “That’s a pretty badass suit.”
You could feel Pepper roll her eyes from inside her suit. You follow her as she flies all the way to the front.
Your eyes dart everywhere to look for Tony. And there he is, getting up from the ground and flying back to the Avengers. He looks worn out, ragged, tired; you notice before his iron head covered him up. There’s so many people that you doubt he even saw you. God, you miss him so much.
Cap, Thor, Rhodey, Clint, Peter, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Bruce - or Hulk, everyone was there, but where’s Natasha?
“Avengers!” Cap shouts, a hand extended as he catches Mjolnir without stumbling - whoa, what? - “assemble.”
That’s it. The battle begins.
It's your first time using your backup suit, you obviously didn’t have the time to test it out first. Good thing it works fine.
You're flying around, shooting enemies whenever they get in your way and helping anyone on your side who needed it.
What got you confused (not that you were complaining) was how the other Avengers were a bit too happy to see you than they normally should. You brushed it off though, they probably just love you so much like you love them.
“Aye, mind if you launch me? I need to be over there,” a raccoon holding a gun states and pointed to the direction. You recognize him immediately.
"Sure thing, bud,” you obliged, grabbing him, levitating off the ground and to thrust your iron arm forward like a cannon.
After a while the battle died down a bit and you saw Tony embracing Peter in a distance.
You smile sadly. Peter’s your best friend, but you really wish that it’s you who Tony was hugging.
Your jealousy fades when one of those giant flying Chitauri makes its way to their direction, ready to attack.
“Friday, activate the mega blaster,” you fly closer to the pair.
“Which one?” For fuck’s sake, Friday,
“The biggest one, please, now!” Once the blaster's out, you aim at the monster who's literally meters away from Tony and Peter and fire. When it crashes to the ground lifeless, you land beside them.
“Sorry, that was,” you pant, opening up your iron helmet. “It was literally going to eat you guys, so, uh, sorry for ruining the moment.”
Peter smiles, nodding and Tony looks at you as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
He hadn’t seen you in so long that your sudden presence fucking took his breath away. You're here, alive and back. If you guys weren’t in such a situation he’d go on and tell you about all the things you missed.
“I’m probably in trouble, right? I mean.. look Dad, I’m in a battlefield,” you laugh nervously, shooting a creature from the corner of your eye. “In my defense, Doctor Strange was the one who came to me, I didn’t-”
You're cut off when Tony wraps his arms around you. Right now he didn’t care about your excuses as to why you were here. But if Tony from five years ago could see you now he’d definitely ground you for life and take away your lab privileges.
“You’re doing great.” his voice slightly muffled from the hug. You let out a squeak, not expecting that from him at all. Tony smiles and plants a kiss to your forehead. “I love you, kid.”
“I love you too, Dad.”
The battle carries on and you're being swarmed by more enemies. You got really beaten up as it went on - what really knocked you out was when Thanos’ spaceship rained fire.
Unable to get shelter, you try your best to dodge everything that came out of the ship. You could barely see anymore because of the chaos and the clouds of dust everywhere.
“Ms. Stark, you need to get somewhere safe! Your heart rate is also increasing dangerously fast.”
“Not - not helping, Fri-” you get cut off when one of the blue fires hit you on the head, sending you to the ground unconscious.
“[Y/N], come on buddy, you need to get up,” Peter. He found your body a while after he handed the gauntlet to Captain Marvel. The battle's still ongoing, but he’s focusing on keeping you away from it while he waits for you to wake up.
You quickly sit up and gasp for air, looking at your best friend. “Did we win? Did we - wait, Peter, look out!” You push him out of the way when a group of monsters make their way to both of you. They turn into dust before they could lunge forward, however.
“...what the..?”
He helps you up and the both of you run to where Rhodey and Tony are at. You nearly break down when you see the state he's in.
“Mr. Stark? Hey - Mr. Stark? It’s Peter... and look, Y/N’s here- she’s okay, sir-” While Peter tries to talk to him you kneel down beside him, placing a hand on his arm while you do your best not to cry.
Then he looks at you, mouthing it’s okay.
But you know it isn’t. On your part, anyway. It seems really selfish but you don’t know what you’d do without him. Tony has always been there for you, he always kept you going.
Pepper kneels beside you, gave you a reassuring look before looking at her husband. “Friday?”
“Life functions critical.” That makes you whimper, pulling yourself closer to Tony.
“Tony, look at me. We’re going to be okay. You can rest now.”
You nod, sniffling, resting your head on his shoulder lightly. “I love you. I’ll take good care of Morgan, dad. Don’t worry.”
When the light of his arc reactor goes out, that’s when both you and Pepper break down, comforting each other around Tony’s lifeless body.
Dresses really weren’t your thing. So were skirts and shorts. But you wore a short, black dress for Tony’s funeral. You didn’t care if you weren’t comfortable, it was for him. You’d do anything for him.
You barely got any sleep since the battle, you couldn’t now that he was gone. It didn’t feel right. You had no idea how to cope, how you could move on from this.
What made things worse is when Steve and Thor told you about what happened to Natasha, that’s why you didn’t see her in the battle. She gave her own life just to get everybody else back.
You must’ve zoned out again because Rhodey and Pepper are now setting something up in the living room. An Iron Man helmet.
“S’that going to be new decoration?” You force out a chuckle, sniffling afterwards, sitting down on the sofa behind them.
Iron Man’s eyes light up when Rhodey presses a button. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. Tony sitting on a chair, a hologram.
He turns it off before hologram Tony could say a word. “That’s,” he sighs, “that’s for later.”
“I can’t do this,” you get up, running a hand through your hair. “I can’t. I’ll - I’ll break down, I know I will. Can I take a walk? Please?”
“Take your time.” Steve gives you a comforting smile.
Pepper nods. “Some air would do you good. Be back when it’s time, okay?”
You take longer calming yourself down in the woods near the cabin. You cried, you mumbled to yourself, paced back and forth,
Cause a picture is all that I have, To remind me that you're never coming back  If I picture it now it just makes me sad And right now I just wish you were here.
You stop when you heard leaves crunching. Peter just arrived, along with his aunt.
“Hey,” Peter silently greets, pulling you into a hug. It's obvious he isn’t getting any sleep either. “Are you okay?”
“Of course not,” you murmur, pulling away. “I should probably head back inside.”
“I’ll see you in a bit.”
You slowly walk to the porch, stopping when you hear Tony’s voice inside. You decide to just wait outside the door, you definitely don’t want to see his face, not right now, it'd be too painful.
“If we pull this thing off, and get everyone back,” Tony pauses. “Tell [Y/N] I left something in her room, yeah?”
Then he does the secret rhythm to a clap only the both of you memorized and knew.
You assume he’s done, since you don’t hear his voice anymore after that. Everyone goes out of the house and you hold Morgan’s hand as all of you walk to the lake for one last goodbye.
After that you talked to everybody who came for a while. Bruce, Steve, Clint and Thor tried to get you to look at the bright side, which you appreciated, you met the rest of the guardians who came, Doctor Strange who gave you a sympathetic look and apologized for your loss, and the guy you remembered Tony told you about, the one who helped him when his suit powered down and got stranded years ago. You made a mental note to ask him to hang out with you and Peter sometime.
“Hey... I’m heading to bed now,” you inform Pepper, Happy and Rhodey (both men were staying at the cabin for a few days) who're in the living room staring at the fireplace.
Before you go to your own room you check up on Morgan, who’s fast asleep. She's wearing her little Iron Man glove, pressed to her chest. She doesn’t deserve this.
Your room is still unpacked and they just sort of removed your bed from the compound and moved it here. You sit on the bed, already thinking of ways to move on that you know wouldn’t work anyway.
You remember your father claimed he had something for you here, so taking a deep breath, you clap the secret rhythm,
“Dad... you’ve gotta be kidding me,” you whine, covering your face with both palms.
Another hologram.
“Hey legacy,” Tony chuckles, looking at you. You shake your head at the ridiculous nickname, also avoiding his eyes, which you’re sure would make you cry if you did look. “I... uh, this is just a little video. For you. Sure you won’t see this but... I like to pretend I could still talk to you. I miss you, a lot.”
You fiddle with your hands, still not looking at him but you listen to him talk.
“But we’ll see. We’ll figure something out. I hope to see you soon, [Y/N]. I love you.”
He has both hands in his pockets as he looked at you with a warm smile, before disappearing.
But he reappears a second after.
“We’re doing it tomorrow. The... uh, time travel thing.”
The stress in his voice make you look up at him, but this time he isn’t looking at you. It seems like he was pacing while he recorded it.
“I just finished doing one of these for, well, in case I somehow die while we attempt to do it. If you think about it, it’s highly likely. Going back in time, yada yada, possibilities are endless,” he sighs. “But I figured I owe my firstborn a final message if that happens, right?”
“Honestly I feel,” he makes motions with his hands. “Bit anxious... right now. We were the only ones helping each other out when one of us felt this way but... seeing as you’re not here, I just have to deal with it.”
“[Y/N], look at me,” Tony crouches down to be in level with you, like he knew you were actually here watching this, like he was actually there, the one talking to you. But it’s how he programmed it. “You wanna know what my best decision in life was?”
“Taking you in,” he smiles. “When we fight you always bring up that I had the choice not to, and you were right. But guess what? I have no regrets.”
You smile, blinking back tears.
“You mean the world to me, I just feel like I don’t say it enough,” Tony cocks his head slightly, still looking at you. “We both have no idea what the afterlife’s like but that won’t matter, I’ll always look after you girls.”
“Speaking of which, your sister reminded me so much of you when she was first born, god, I still wish you were around for that. I know you’ll love her, she’s just brilliant. Take care of her for me, yeah?”
“Maybe there’s a way to get you back,” Tony sighs at your words, already knowing that it’s not going to work out. “I - I just need some time. I can bring you back, Dad-”
He places a hand on your shoulder. You couldn’t feel it, but you did feel a light breeze. “The deed’s already done, honey. Don’t worry about me. Come on, don’t cry,” he kneels in front of you as you let yourself go, crying hard into your palms.
Don't say everything's meant to be, Cause you know it's not what I believe  Can't help but think that it should've been me In the end, I just wish you were here.
You open your eyes when you hear a beep, even Tony turns around. The recording had ten seconds left. “The recording’s about to end, [Y/N],”
“I love you tons,” you whisper, looking up at him.
Tony smiles, caressing your cheek. “I love you 3,000.”
Yeah, they say you're in a better place, Either way I still wish you were here ‘Cause they say you're in a better place  In the end, I just wish you were here.
so here’s part 2. I miss him y’all, it’s missing-Tony-so-much hours for me
just like the first part, I got the title from this amazing song by Neck Deep which you can listen to here.
[taglist: @creation-magician​ (which I would like to personally thank for wanting to be tagged)]
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brielarsonist · 3 years
this is so random, but do you have any recs for decent carol danvers merch or where to buy any? i think i missed the quality window by three years, bc a lot of stuff that's available seems tacky, expensive, or sold out! no pressure to answer since this is so broad, but either way, thank you for all the pretty brie gifs ❤️💙💛
you may have missed the window for brand new merch for the first movie, BUT you can honestly find a lot of stuff on Ebay and other resale sites like Mercari.
also Kohl's has a ton of graphic tees too (link here), and sometimes they have sales, so maybe check back every so often if you're patient. and of course you can always check out Etsy or Redbubble or Society6 to see what people are selling there.
I also just got this blanket for Christmas from my brother, and I think you can still find some more Captain Marvel stuff on Amazon too.
and if you still can't find anything you like, The Marvels comes out next year, so we have all that new merch to look forward to! and possibly even if Carol is in Ms Marvel this year, we might get more merch then, but who knows!
and honestly I look out for Captain Marvel merch basically anywhere I go, because marvel/disney is always trying to take our money, so sometimes new little things pop up. like around back to school time, I found a bunch of school supplies at Target with a little cartoon Carol featured on them (yeah they were tacky, but I still bought a pencil pouch lol).
good luck on your merch search! sorry if none of this was helpful, but I hope you can find something you like!
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theschuywalkers · 3 years
[BLOG 3: A New Perspective] The Wizard of Oz (1939)
DISCLAIMER: The use of media (gifs, photos, video, etc.) for this blog are for educational purposes only.
Wizard of Oz (1939) has been one of my favorite movies growing up. It’s a classic. Everyone knows about the wonderful wizard of Oz who grants everyone’s desires. But growing up, I didn’t even know it was adapted from a book by L. Frank Baum. With that, I tried to read at least an excerpt from the book.
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Now I won’t go about the book and the movie in general because reading the book would take too much time. I want to talk about the beginning part of the book and the movie. 
From the book, it started very direct to the point. Obviously, this is a children’s book. The author wants kids’ attention to be on the book and to get bored with the intricate details of one scene. It’s also very fast-paced. In chapter one, few paragraphs are about describing our characters and their setting like Dorothy, Uncle Henry, Aunt Em, and Toto in Kansas. The next thing you know, the tornado scene happened, then by the end of the chapter, Dorothy is already in Oz. I also need to mention that only 4 characters are mentioned in the first chapter. No one else.
Also when I say that the book is fast-paced and direct to the point, it literally is. And yes, narrative devices are very important in writing in general, but again, this is a children’s book. If it gets too complicated for a child’s comprehension, they wouldn’t even last reading the first few chapters. 
The movie started with additional scenes that weren’t even in the book. Heck, the starting scene wasn’t even part of the book. For this context, this is usually fine because the audience, assumingly most of them haven’t read the book, doesn’t know where it takes place. This establishes the context of the story. Although these sequences (before the tornado part) are not part of the original text, they totally worked. Otherwise, I would have NO IDEA what’s happening. 
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With that, there are also additional characters like Hunk, Zeke, and Hickory, which later, are important in the latter part of the movie. Spoiler alert: they are The Scarecrow, The Lion, and The Tin Man respectively. This subtly hints about the main content and context of the story and the characters Dorothy will meet on her journey down the yellow brick road. 
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(Zeke, Hickory, and Hunk)
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(Tin Man, The Scarecrow, and The Lion)
Additional characters include Ms. Gulch (as Wicked Witch of the West) And Professor Marvel (as The Wizard).
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(Ms. Gulch and The Wicked Witch of the West)
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(Professor Marvel and The Wizard of Oz)
Now, the heated debate of books vs. movies is still ongoing. I would like to compare both versions but not against each other, but rather, seeing the advantages of each version.
I have been mentioning it a few times. The book is very direct and is direct to the point. There are parts that set the scene; however, it’s just enough before proceeding with the story. Introducing four (4) characters is also enough for children to take in. 
The movie has a lot of advantages. The movie transitioned color from sepia (Kansas) to full technicolor (Oz). 
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One example use of this is the slippers. In the book, it is described as silver. But since this movie took the opportunity to use color, they made a bold decision to make the slippers vibrant red.
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The movie is also, a movie musical, where the famous “Over the Rainbow” came from. 
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If they didn’t add the musical element, the movie adaption would be boring as hell. The movie might end thirty minutes in.
I wouldn’t blame anyone if they prefer the movie over the book, because how are they supposed to top the book if the movie did the magic on screen? And with such elements that are too exaggerated and logic that is out of this world, a visual representation would be very helpful for people who don’t have a wild imagination when reading. But at the end of the day, it’s up to the audience to experience whichever is the better version.
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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (excerpt) by L. Frank Baum
The Wizard of Oz (1939) - Screencaps
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captain-s-rogers · 4 years
Have A Little Faith In Me
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(gif credit to the creator)
Part Three
Master List
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC // Clint Barton x OFC Word Count: 2,527 Warnings: none? A/N: Here’s the third part of the rewrite of my first ever Marvel series! Special thanks to the best bestie in the world, @arrowsandmixtapes​​ , for making sure all of my work isn’t absolute garbage! If you want to be added to my tag list please let me know! Feedback is cool :)
Sophia lost track of how many times she listened to Steve’s message over the next few days as her head and heart battled each other. Though she wanted to call him back, at least hear out his explanation, she refused to return the phone call and be the girl who caves to a guy only because he’s good-looking. 
“You could just call him back, ya know,” Lucy mentioned, as casually as possible, while the two women were having lunch.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Sophia speared a cucumber in her salad and crunched into it, pretending to be innocent of the subject at hand while also trying to convince herself that good looks was all she had seen in Steve the night of the public event. 
Lucy reached across the table and snatched Sophia’s phone. Sophia tried to stop her, but she wasn’t quite quick enough. 
“Sophia, it’s Steve. Steve Rogers. I’m so sorry about not making our date tonight. Something important came up and I couldn’t get out --” 
Sophia ignored Lucy’s knowing look, set down her fork and leaned over the table to snatch her phone back. She cut off the message and shoved the phone back in her purse. She went back to her salad as though she hadn’t practically crawled over the table in a public place. 
“I can’t call him back,” Sophia stated. “In case you forgot, Luce, he stood me up, then gave a vague, thoughtless excuse. Aren’t you the one who told me that men are only vague when they’re lying?”
Lucy rolled her eyes. “I said most guys. And anyway, is sitting here, repeatedly listening to the message and driving yourself absolutely insane, really any better than calling the guy back and going on one little date?” 
Lucy shook her head, taking a bite of her own salad. Since Sophia had apparently dug her heels in on the matter, she took the conversation in a slightly different direction. 
“You know, Colin in marketing has had his eye on you for a while. Why don’t you accept his offer?” 
“Because I’m not looking for a date,” Sophia replied. “It’s not like I’m lonely and looking for someone to save me from my misery. Steve just so happened to ask me out in a moment of weakness -- I was in the mood to go out, that’s all.”
Lucy took the last bite of her salad before wiping her mouth. “I’m not saying you have to marry Colin or even accept more than one date with him. But, Colin doesn’t seem like he’s looking for anything super serious, either. Maybe going out with him will at least get you to delete Steve’s voicemail so you can move on with your life.”
Sophia leaned back in her chair and huffed. Lucy always had her best intentions at heart, and that motivated Sophia to give what her friend was saying a moment of real consideration. Maybe Lucy was right; maybe Sophia needed to go out with someone else to get over the nothing she’d had with Steve. 
“Fine, I’ll go out with Colin,” Sophia relented, drawing a grin from Lucy across the table, “Next time he asks me out, I’ll say yes, but I am not going to seek him out.” 
“That’s fair. I do really think it will be good for you.” Lucy leaned forward and gave her friend a comforting smile. 
Sophia assured Lucy that she knew her friend had good intentions. With a plan in place, Sophia was able to finish her lunch without Lucy pressing any more on the subject of men and dating.
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Steve couldn’t think of anything or anyone else except for Sophia and the fact that she hadn’t returned his call. He threw himself into work, even going so far as to ask Director Fury for extra missions with S.H.I.E.L.D -- ones he really wasn’t needed on -- but the distraction failed. Though he knew that she had to be upset about being stood up, and rightfully so, he had been so sure that she would call back. 
Calling again crossed his mind, but he didn’t want to bother her or press the issue if she didn’t want to call him back. Their time together at the public event had been short, but Steve knew that they could be a good thing. Missing his date with her had left him missing out on a good thing, which was another thing he couldn’t stop his mind from reminding him throughout the day.
“Just like Peggy, all over again,” Steve sighed to himself. 
His work with S.H.I.E.L.D was important. Steve knew that. If he hadn’t known that from the beginning, he never would have agreed to be part of the supersoldier program in the first place. His need to serve his country, to live up to the duty he had been called to fulfill, did not escape his knowledge, either. But, he was realizing the cost of service and duty now: his personal life was being greatly affected by this work he had been called to do. 
The walls of his apartment were closing in on him, and his mind was only racing faster by the minute. He needed to clear his head, to get out and find something else to think about. After pushing his arms into the sleeves of his worn, brown leather jacket, Steve double-checked that he had his keys and his wallet, and walked out the door, making sure to lock it before he walked away. 
Present day New York City was still a sight Steve was getting used to. The buildings were far more numerous, not to mention taller. Traffic was more dense and faster and -- well, chaotic, really. Out of all the things he had to adjust to in this new time period, the city traffic was something Steve wasn’t so sure that he would ever be able to wrap his mind around. 
There was a coffee shop a few blocks down from his apartment building; Steve decided on a whim to stop there for a cup of coffee. Starbucks was all right, and maybe it was the old-timer in him, but he preferred these little local places. So that he could remember it for next time, he looked up, trying to read the name on the building as he pulled on the door handle. Still trying to commit the name to memory, he wasn’t quite paying attention when he stepped into the shop -- and abruptly bumped into someone preparing to walk out of the shop. The woman he bumped into dropped the small purse in her hand as a result of the interaction. 
“I am so sorry,” he quickly apologized, feeling a little ridiculous for not having his head on straight. He picked up the purse and handed it to her. “Sophia?”
“Steve?” She looked just as surprised to see him as he was to see her. 
Steve thought his mind had been racing before, but now it was reeling out of control. Sophia was standing right in front of him, looking more beautiful than he even remembered. He stared for a bit too long before registering that her arm was hooked through that of the man standing next to her. He was tall, with dark hair and blue eyes. Steve’s heart dropped, followed quickly by his stomach. No wonder Sophia had never called him back; for all he knew, she hadn’t shown up that night at the restaurant, either. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to knock into you,” Steve apologized. His voice was trembling a bit, so he cleared his throat. “Good to see you again, Ms. Hawkins.”
“Yeah, you too, St -- Mr. Rogers.” Sophia seemed confused, and Steve wondered if he hadn’t also imagined the tremble in her voice.  
Steve walked past her quickly and joined the line to order. So much for making sure he remembered the name of the shop. He’d never visit here again, if only to avoid the possibility of seeing Sophia with another man again. 
He ordered his coffee to go and went straight back to his apartment. As he walked, his mind slowed -- not that that meant much as it only returned to its normal racing speed from the last few days. The slow down helped him think things through. That man with Sophia wasn’t necessarily a boyfriend, he could have been someone else she was on a date with. Maybe it was serious, maybe it wasn’t. 
“You’re going to drive yourself crazy,” he muttered. 
The walk and the coffee had indeed helped to clear Steve’s mind. By the time he reached his apartment door, he had decided to give Sophia another call and ask her one more time to go out with him.
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Sophia surprised herself by enjoying her lunchtime coffee date with Colin, and quite a bit at that. 
Until she ran into Steve. 
Seeing him standing right there, within inches of her, in the coffee shop had sent her directly back to square one. Do not pass go, do not collect a fresh outlook, do not move on. Fortunately, she didn’t have time to dwell on the unexpected meeting, as swamped as she was when she returned to work. There were messages to return and vendors to secure, reservations to take for the latest benefit hosted by the firm. 
On top of all of that, her desk phone had been ringing off the hook since she had sat back down at her desk. Making a note to talk to someone about maybe hiring an assistant or receptionist, she rejoiced when things finally calmed down. The lull allowed her to finalize the seating chart for the guest list. She forwarded the chart over to Lucy for a second look, to be sure, and then, inevitably, the phone rang again. 
“Son of a bitch,” she mumbled under her breath. She allowed herself a frustrated groan and considered letting the call go to voicemail. She didn’t recognize the number anyway, and calls could always be returned. Then, she remembered that a couple of new vendors had been hired for the event. With the most upbeat voice she could manage, and even going so far as to plaster a smile on her face, Sophia picked up the receiver and greeted the caller. “Thank you for calling Rockefeller PR, Sophia Hawkins speaking.”
“Sophia? It’s Steve. Uh, Rogers. Steve Rogers.  
The phone slipped from her hand, but she caught it before her shocked reaction could be detected from the other end of the telephone line. “Steve. How did you get this number? And why are you calling me at work?”
“I looked the number up,” he replied simply, leaving out the fact that he’d had to track down a phone book to do so because the internet had been too complicated in his worked up state. “And, I’m calling you at work because I want to ask you again if you would consider having dinner with me. Before you say no or anything else, you have to understand, I know that I messed up last time. I should have called you before our scheduled meeting time. But, I swear to you, I really could not get away from the important thing that came up. I hope I can tell you about it someday, but we can’t get to know each other better and get to that point if you don’t go out with me.”
“Generally, I won’t and don’t get myself all dolled up again for a guy who stood me up, regardless of the circumstances.”
“Sophia --” He started to protest, ready to give another amazing speech, but Sophia interrupted him.  
“But for you I will consider it. Give me some time, and I promise to let you know whatever I decide. How does that sound?” 
“Much better than a flat-out no,” Steve answered, releasing a sigh of relief. “I’ll wait for your call.” 
Sophia promised Steve she wouldn’t let too much time pass before she called him with an answer, and they ended their phone call. Ironically enough, the phone call with Steve helped to calm her nerves and Sophia found the remaining hours of her work day flew by. After setting the phone to go directly to voicemail, she gathered her things and met Lucy in the hallway for the short walk to the subway. 
On the ride home, Sophia filled Lucy in on her lunch date with Colin, and then continued on into the phone call with Steve. Lucy listened intently, allowing Sophia to tell her everything before replying. For once, Lucy’s tone was rational and calm and, before Sophia knew what had happened, Lucy had managed to convince her to agree to the second-chance date with Steve. 
Sophia waited until they were in the quiet of their apartment to make the phone call. She dropped the couch, not even taking her jacket off, if only to get the phone call done with before she changed her mind. Steve answered on the second ring. 
“Hey Steve, it’s Sophia.”
The smile in his voice was evident, though it was fringed with hesitancy. “I wasn’t expecting to hear back from you so soon.” 
“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting to call so soon,” she admitted with a chuckle. “Listen, here’s the deal. I will go out with you, on one condition.” 
“And what would that condition be?” Steve asked.
“We make it a double and you find someone to set my friend Lucy up with,” Sophia replied, stifling her laughter at Lucy’s shocked expression. “This way, if some important circumstance comes up again, I won’t be all alone.” 
Sophia thought she might have sounded a little harsh and hoped Steve would understand that was not her intention -- 
“I think that’s more than fair,” he ceded, “I can find someone for Lucy, no problem.”
Shaking her head, Lucy disappeared into the kitchen while Sophia finalized the plans for the double-date with Steve. Once off the phone, Sophia went to the kitchen where Lucy was waiting at the bar with a glass of wine. 
“I didn’t know that I was going to be punished for encouraging you to go on a date with this guy,” Lucy commented through gritted teeth. 
“I need you to help me feel this situation out, Luce! You have to be there with me to do that. And, if he doesn’t show, I don’t want to sit there alone, drinking away my humiliation like last time.” Sophia took the wine glass from Lucy’s hand and drank down most of what was left. “You hungry?”
Lucy nodded. “Starving, actually.”
“Oh good,” Sophia grinned, corking the wine bottle and putting it back in its proper place on the counter. “Because we’re meeting Steve and his friend downtown in an hour.”
Lucy finished off the contents of the wine glass and set it in the sink, then headed to her room to freshen up and change her clothes for an evening she hadn’t planned on. Sophia kept grinning as she followed, but Lucy narrowed her eyes at her friend. 
“You are so lucky you’re my best friend, you know that?”
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@arrowsandmixtapes​​​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​​​ @growningupgeek​​​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​​​ @captain-rogers-beard​​​ @kitkatd7​​​ @patzammit​​​ @sagechanoafterdark​​​ @what-is-your-plan-today​​​
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rosemusic18 · 4 years
My Personal Favorite Ships:
All ships Im going through are for DC, Marvel,etc.
Oh and welcome to me giving you 10 ships that are my favorites and no these are not every ship I have loved or my favorite I just didn't want to be here forever.
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1. Steve Rogers And Peggy Carter (CA: First Avengers)
Well I have always personally liked the couple myself. They are so classy and adorable. I'm happy in the end that Steve went back to spend the rest of his life with Peggy after years of fighting and being 90 years in ice then being in the future then fighting as a hero.
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2. Artemis and Wally West (YJ)
Ok I can say out of all the ships I love these two the most. I just hate how they spoiler *had to kill Wally* but otherwise I have loved them since Season 1. And I love the scene between Wally and Kent Nelson and where Kent saying to Wally find your own spitfire I adore it.
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3. Courtney Whitmore and Cameron Mahkent (Stargirl)
One of my newest favorite ships and I adore them. I pray Stargirl doesn't take this ship away because they are so beautiful together. And they make Romeo and Juliet look not as cute and even they had a love story that ended tragic. Oh no I pray that doesn't happy to those two even through the rest of this season through season 2.
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4.Peter Petrelli and Niki Sanders (Heroes)
Ok these two deserved a better storyline but both of them were a good couple. Since Niki had her own demons facing another side of her self with Jessica. But Peter in the time in the future where he had lost almost everyone and everything in the world was bad and they both fit another and both fit the mold that they both needed at the time. He needed someone and she needed to forget all she lost also.
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5. Barry Allen and Patty Spivot (CW Flash)
Ok don't hate me but I love these two in the Flash. I always liked these two together before Barry dumped her when she was getting another job and he love Iris. I get Iris and him are in the comics together but they were cute and adorable together. I just feel bad for Patty.
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6. Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson (Comics)
Classic comic couple from Spiderman. Yes the gif is not comic related but its a animation. But they were a couple that both of the two had their strong suits like both are reporters and Mary Jane also was a tough women who didn't give a crap and would fight. And I love comic book Spiderman.
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7. Hank Hall and Dawn Granger (Titans)
Ok Titans watchers I enjoyed this couple. And the show ruined how the two could have had a nice relationship. They could have been complete opposite attract style but no they spilt them up. But hey when they did split up in Season 2 once again I'm happy that Dawn did stand up for herself against Hank. But hey at least they are still Hawk and Dove.
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8. Jack Pearson and Rebecca Pearson (This is Us)
Ok my favorite married couple. I love both actors as I have been a fan of Milo and Mandy but this just made them a married couple that have hard times but they get through it even when Jack dies. I love how it shows a couple that can stand through the good times and bad times. I 100% ship them even though in the show they are married I would either way.
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9. Dick Grayson and Zatanna Zatara (YJ)
Ok not many I feel like the two together, and I liked them together in the first season. I understand that Dick can be a playboy sorry but he can be. But they were a good couple when the where but I always wish I could have seen the 5 years between the first and second season and I wish I could have seen them as a couple.
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10. Garth and Donna Troy (Titans)
Why did they have to kill Garth? I understand for making Deathstroke the villian but hey he was only there for what two episodes and then died. Wait what is with the blonde men being with the Amazonians.
Honestly I have no idea why I'm posting this: I'm just idk anymore.
Other mentions : Conner Kent (Superboy) & M'gann M'orzz (Ms Martain), Rick Tyler & Beth Chapel, Rachel Roth & Garfield Logan, Anne Marie (Rouge) & Remey (Gambit), Logan & Jean Grey, and Daredevil and Electra. Oh and yes Dr.Midnite & His Owl Partners.
I'm questioning my thoughts when writing this. I'll be back later.
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Worth it (Part 1)
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*Not My Gif*
Post Date: 11-17-19
Paring: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 3K (whoops 😂)
A/N: New Series to add to my long list! Oh yeah, also screw timelines cause this definitely doesn’t go well with any canon timeline cause Peter and Reader are both 17 and Tony’s alive and there are more differences to come 😊
~Marvel Master~
Another day at this school that you didn’t even want to be at. Just great. Wasn’t Midtown supposed to be spectacular school filled with smart people?
Then why the hell was everyone here so dumb and rich? You didn’t have much going for you in the rich column, but as for smart, let’s just say if you weren’t at all lacking in the brain category. In fact, you were probably one of the brightest kids in the school and yet here you were sitting in a history class, learning about WWII for the millionth time. You didn’t care though, at this point you’ve learned enough about this topic and it wasn’t like you were going to be using it anytime in your life. You put in your headphones, temping your teacher to catch you and pulled out your book, burying your nose in it and blocking out the rest of the world.
Peter tapped his pencil against his desk, listening to the teachers boring lecture as he looked around the room. Ned sat next to him, scribbling a few notes down as Peter sighed and continued his glances. He saw MJ slumped on the desk looking almost as bored as Peter, Flash who sneered at Peter, mouthing the words “Penis Parker” to Peter who just rolled his eyes, and finally he saw you. You were the only person who wasn’t paying any attention to the teacher or to the school in general. It made Peter confused as to how you got into this school, you didn’t look to be making any effort but who was he to say anything. The bell rang and Peter packed up his stuff, taking a few looks back at you who still sat at your desk reading your book.
You knew that the class was over, but you didn’t feel like getting up just yet. You hadn’t taken anything out besides your book, so it wasn’t like you had a whole mess to clean up. MJ nudged your shoulder, nodding her head towards the door as you nodded back, grabbing your torn pack as you shoved your book in it and swung it over your shoulder. You pushed your way through the swarm of kids in the hallway, your music blaring in your ears as you approached your locker. You swapped out a few of your textbooks before pausing, looking at the almost empty locker with a sigh. You pulled out one of your earbuds, listening to some of the chats around you as your eyes followed. Everyone looked like they belong, wearing cute tops and laughing with friends while you stood there alone in an oversized hand-me-down hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans. You let your locker slam with a huff as a piece of paper flew out before it closed. You picked it up, closing it almost as soon as you opened it. You glanced around hoping no one saw, but of course they weren’t, no one looks at you. You opened the paper once more, letting your eyes drift over the scribbled writing inside.
They were blueprints, or as close to blueprints as you could get for one of the most important towers in New York. The Avengers tower.
You stuffed the paper in your pocket as you moved along to the last class of the day. Thankfully it was just study hall and you had the time to go over your plans.
You know, the plans to rob the Avengers. That plan.
It was a bold move to rob a bunch of superheroes, but you didn’t really have a choice. You wanted to get out of this life you had and the only way to do that was to get money, and you didn’t really have a steady income. You’ve done petty robberies before, a few houses, buildings, basically easier places but nothing compared to this.
You went over your plans so many times at this point you could probably recite that entire sheet from your head, but no one ever said to much planning was a bad thing. Actually, over planning has saved your ass more times than you’d like to admit. You were so caught up in your blueprints that you almost jumped when the bell rang throughout the classroom, but you ignored the feeling, rushing out of the school faster than you had before. The streets of New York were loud, but they were nothing compared to what you were used to as you approached the old broken-down brown building that looked like it was dropped out of the sky. Shouts and arguments could already be heard as you pushed open the door and stepped inside, a pair of almost matted hair twin boys rushing straight by you as they pushed the door closed, making you jump forward. You didn’t say anything as you watched them each tug on one half of an Iron Man toy.
“Let go! He’s mine!” The first twin, Brian, yelled as he pushed his brothers face away, trying to get him to loosen his grip.
“No! He’s mine!” the other one, Blake, said as he smacked the hand out of his face, making Brian whine as you rolled your eyes.
“Guess what? Now he’s mine.” You pulled the toy out of the two 6 year-old’s hands as they both faced you and started screaming. “No. If you can’t share it, you don’t get it.”
“Just give them back the damn toy. Their bickering was better than this.” You looked towards the raspy voice as a 40-something year old woman trudged down, a bottle of wine in her hand as she grabbed the toy and threw it on the ground in front of the boys.
“It’s 2 in the afternoon, how the hell are you already drunk? And why aren’t the twins at school?” you asked as the woman took a drink from the bottle making you scoff. “Ms. Rike.”
“What?!” she turned to you with a snarl as you stood tall.
“Why aren’t the twins at school?” you asked again as she rolled her eyes, repeating your question in a mocking tone as you followed her throughout the building.
“Didn’t take them. Slept in instead.” You bit your tongue, biting back the urge to snap at her as you left her alone. It was disgusting how she acted. She was in charge of all of you and here she was drunk, and you just got home from school. You headed down the hallway, passing a few rooms before heading into yours. It was almost bare. It didn’t look like a 17-year-old kid lived here, but really you didn’t live here. You were stuck here. You dumped the belongings of your bag on the bed, pushing aside everything that wasn’t related to your upcoming robbery. A couple scraps of dollars fell out that you found on the street earlier and you grabbed them, coming to the middle of the room. Your floorboards creaked as you stepped over them and fell to your knees. Pulling back a loose board, you reached your hand into the ground, pulling out a brown paper bag and dropping your money in. You kept every dollar you found in here, you were saving as much money as you could just to get out of this life and build your own. No one knew about this, not Brian, not Blake, not any of the other kids in the home, not even Ms. Rike knew about this stash. They didn’t even know about you sneaking out in the dead of night and robbing people blind. If they did, you’d be sitting in juvie or worse, jail instead of foster care.
You ignored the hours of homework you had as you got ready for tonight’s adventure and by the time 1 in the morning rolled around you were ready. Everyone was sleeping in the rooms next to you, Ms. Rike’s snores could be heard from across the building as you closed your door softly, pulling up the hood on your black sweatshirt and crawled out the window. You made your way down the block, always keeping an eye out for anyone around you and by the time 3 in the morning rolled around you could see the tower.
You pulled out your computer, the most expensive thing you owned and worked your way into the Avengers security system, turning off the A.I. and then the security system. Once you were sure everything that catch you entering the building was turned off and you were safe you made your way up the building. There was a door in the back that you found to use, and it was electronically accessed. You were able to open the door through your computer before sliding into your backpack and pushing the door slightly open. You waited for an alarm or something but lucky there was nothing, and you were safe.
The tower was filled with classified information that quite honestly shouldn’t have been just laying around, but you pushed past those things and went for the good things. You wound up in Tony Stark’s lab and it was bigger than you thought when you looked at the blueprints. He had tech everywhere, thousands of dollars’ worth of tech and if you weren’t currently robbing the place you would have stood in awe of the place. You grabbed a few of the nearest pieces, throwing them in your bag before moving onto the next table. Once you couldn’t put anything else in you zipped the bag up and turned to exit the lab. The only problem was the tired looking man making his way down the stairs with a cup of coffee and rubbing his eyes.
“FRIDAY? Turn the lights on?” he yawned as you ducked down behind the table, hoping Stark didn’t see you in the dark as you tried to keep your breathing steady. When the A.I. didn’t answer Tony froze, knowing something was wrong. “FRIDAY?” he repeated, hoping that the female voice will come back. You needed to get out of there once Tony picked up a tablet, turning the lights on himself as he realized all of his work as well as some of his suits upgrades where gone. You started to crawl as Tony began tapping away on his tablet, FRIDAY coming back moments later and you were screwed. You were almost at the door, a few more feet and you were home free. That was before Tony triggered an alarm on one of the pieces you stole. Your backpack sounded as Tony jumped, seeing you on the ground as you ducked your head away, ditching the backpack on the ground and making your way back to the door. But you closed it, and Tony locked it. And you were locked in Tony Starks lab after trying to rob him.
Cold steel around your wrist did not settle the nerves in you as you sat locked to the desk in front of you. Stark didn’t call the cops, instead he dragged you to another room in the tower and locked you there.
“What’s your name, kid?” he said as he pulled up a chair to the table, the back of it facing you as he sat in it, resting his hands on the backrest. You didn’t say anything and looked around the room, trying to learn anything you could about it. There was a mirror on the wall next to you which you quickly deducted to be a two-sided mirror and the only door was in front of you and behind him. Tony huffed as he watched you, he couldn’t help but be curious about the teenager who managed to break into his place, only getting caught because he had a last-minute idea. “Look, let me just talk to your parents and I'm sure we could get this all cleared up.”
"If my parents show up, let me know. I'd love to meet them. Now can I go?" He looked taken back by your comment, but he didn’t say anything else. Instead he turned and walked out of the room, leaving you handcuffed in place.
“Hey, wakey, wakey, Sunshine.” Some nudged your shoulder with their hand as you shot up, wiping your face. You must have dozed off because the clock on the wall said it was a little after 5 in the morning. Your wrist was still handcuffed, and you could see it was starting to get a little red from you tugging on it in your sleep. You glared up at Tony who just smirked at you, dropping a folder on the table in one of the most dramatic fashions you’ve ever seen before. You stared at the folder, preparing yourself for what’s inside. “You got quite the story there. Y/N.” Tony looked proud that he figured out your name, but you didn’t give him the satisfaction as you continued to stare, making him clear his throat and open the folder. “Y/N Y/L/N. 17, Attends Midtown Tech, No known parents, foster care since you were 2, in and out of” Tony paused as he counted the number of homes you’ve been in throughout the years, raising a brow at you when he was finished, “multiple homes, each one listing different reasons as to why you left. Oh, and there’s these,” Tony pulled out a few photos of you in black on security cameras breaking into a couple different stores, leaving with backpacks full of money and items. He closed the folder and looked back up at you. You held a smirk on your face you tried to hide but it was no point. “You think this is funny?”
“I think this is hilarious.” You countered as Tony chuckled lightly and took a seat.
“Look Kid. Why don’t you just tell me how a 17-year-old girl managed to hack her way into some of the most sophisticated security systems in the world.” He almost sounded angry and only fueled your fire. He leaned forward and so did you.
“It was child’s play. Next time make it a challenge, will you?” Tony let out another chuckle as he stood up, towering over you.
Tony was fuming. A girl barely older than his protégé was giving him a run for his money in his comebacks. He groaned as you pressed the palm of his hands in to his eyes before bringing it down in front of his mouth. “Okay, how about this. You tell me how you learned how to work your way through my system, and I’ll let you get back to your life of petty crimes and convenience store robberies.”
Peter didn’t know you. He never admitted he did, but right now he realized the person he saw in class, sitting in the back reading was no one compared the girl sitting in the room in front of him. He was on the other side of the mirror since he showed up this morning when Tony called. He wanted to know if Peter knew anything about you after Tony found out you attend the same school which confused Peter. He didn’t understand why Tony cared about who you were until Tony caught him up and showed him where you had been asleep.
But now he sat in his Spider-man suit and listened as Tony read through your life in a matter of 5 minutes and he watched as you bickered with him, a smirk prominent on your face and Peter found himself intrigued with how you handle yourself. He was so caught up in watching you he missed what Tony had said, but he definitely caught the way you threw your fist into Tony’s nose, making him stumble back and clutch it.
He wasted no time in rushing into the room, “Mr. Stark!” He yelled as he grabbed his mentor, making the white eyes on his suit large. You were kind of surprised, you’ve never actually seen Spiderman in the flesh, and you couldn’t help but admit how cool his was.
“Hey Spidey. Nice to meet you.” Peter turned to you and for a second he thought he saw your face soften as your eyes flickered to Tony who looked just looked pissed off. “Sorry about the nose. Just be lucky it wasn’t your balls.”
Boy that threw them. Tony looked even more shocked and you could’ve sworn that Spiderman took a step behind Stark. “Ok, that wasn’t cool.” Tony pointed a finger at you as you shrugged, sitting back down in the chair as you watched. Spiderman tried to help Stark, but Tony just slapped his hand away and glared at him. His nose didn’t look broken when he pulled it away, just bleeding majorly as he wiped away some of the blood on his T-shirt.
“yeah, well what do you expect? I am a petty thief.” You said as Tony crosses his arms and took a seat. Spiderman leaned against the wall and watch Tony, copying his pose as you laughed. Tony was confused before he followed your gaze to Peter behind him as Peter scrambled to stand straight, rubbing the back of his neck as he gave a scared laugh.
“You’re not going to talk?” Tony said as he focused on you again, watching as you shook your head. “Fine, maybe you’ll talk to the police then.” Your smirk fell completely as you watched the man get up and out of the car, pulling the door open for Spiderman to leave as you closed your eyes. Everything could depend on these next few moments. You scrunched up your face, trying to figure out what to do as you slammed your hand on the table. Tony paused, waiting in the doorway for you to make your decision with a smirk.
“Alright. What do you want to know?”
Part 2
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ticklikeabomb · 5 years
One-shot : Jealous
Pairing : Tom Holland x Reader
Warning : Language ; SMUT 18+ !!
Word Count : 1.5k
Requested by anon : hi idk if you take requests, if not i’m so sorry and please disregard this completely, but if you do can you do a tom holland x reader where the reader is part of the vlog squad and tom visits them and gets jealous of her friendship w jeff or david and ends in smut? thanks doll!
A/N : I hope you like it and sorry if the blog squad part is not accurate but have no idea how they are personality wise. :/ 
Disclaimer : I do not own Tom Holland nor the Vlog Squad people mentioned in this fic. This is only for entertainment purposes. 
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You weren't supposed to be part of the vlog squad but life plays crazy tricks on you. You were fresh out of Art school and thanks to your internship and good work, the movie company decided to put you on contract. You were a screenplay writer more to say and your first script was a comedy. More exactly the sequel to Project X. The production hired famous vloggers and along with it the vlog squad in question. That's how you got to meet David Dobrik, Josh Peck, Jeff Wittek, Natalie and all the others. You were closest to Natalie, David and Jeff nonetheless and became real fast friends. After the movie was done, David organized a huge party and invited you to officially become a member of the squad. You weren't sure it was a good idea but after a few heavy minutes of them persuading you, you agreed. It was also at that party were after a couple of drinks, you mentioned having a crush on Marvel star Tom Holland. No surprise in saying that they teased you every single day about it.
A couple months later, a funny turn of destiny led you into meeting your crush back at the movie production you worked for. Your new project was an indie movie and Tom was the lead runner for the male character. During the audition, your eyes kept looking with Tom's and you had a hard time focusing on his performance, to absorbed by his brown eyes and chiseled jawline. The casting director told him they would call him back if he got the part and he nodded before glancing a last time with a grin at you. "By Y/N's drooling state I think we found our guy", teased the casting director and chuckled at your expression. 'God this is terrible. But at least it's not David or Jeff teasing me', you thought.
That weekend, you joined the squad for Jeff's birthday party and were stunned to see so many people attending it, expecting more of a small gathering. "Hey Y/N, you made it", he chanted across the room once he saw you. Giving him a hug and wishing him the best, he smiled and led you to the main event while pushing a beer into your hands. You greeted your other friends and gasped when your eyes met Tom. You nudged on David's arm and asked him with big eyes what Tom was doing here. "It's my guest of honor", responded Jeff before David had the chance. You turned to Jeff with your eyes narrowed and declared, "What the hell are you guys planning at?". They faked hurt and declared, "What us? Nothing come on Y/N you know how we are." "Exactly my point !" They laughed at your flustered state and before you could add something more, David called after Tom. "So Tom let me introduce you to one of our newest member Y/N." The English actor smiled brightly and replied, "Hey Y/N how are you tonight?" "Tonight?", asked Jeff behind you. "Yeah, we already met during one of my auditions. You're the screenplay writer right?" You nodded to scared for your voice to reveal your emotions. "Ahhh heinnn, you met the famous Peter Parker and didn't share the news. I'm disappointed Y/N. I thought we were closer than this", teased Jeff with a smug smile. You saw Tom's jaw clench and his eyes turn slightly darker, his smile falter and his body tense.
"Do you guys want some drinks", you blurted out, needing an excuse to leave their sight. You got back inside and took a few shots (probably not the right decision) before taking another beer, fanning yourself with your hand. "What was that?", you heard David beside you. "I could ask you the same thing man. What are you guys doing?" He shook his head and exclaimed, "Can't you see the guy is head over heels for you." You laughed at his statement before taking another gulp. David looked back at Tom and Jeff who were both watching you. David smirked and leaned in, whispering in your ear, "He didn't stop looking at you since you arrived and he was totally jealous when Jeff was implying knowing each other intimately. Andddd 1…2….3". "What 1,2,3?", you asked confused. Someone cleared his throat and you turned at the source of the sound, seeing Tom standing in front of you. "Excuse me but can I talk to Y/N for a sec, for business." David smiled and replied innocently, "If it's for business", not hiding the effect of his innuendo very good. 
You and Tom went outside, where you could hear each other talk and he opened his car. "For privacy", he added when he saw your intrigued expression for him opening his car. You sat down with him next to you, the air thick. "What did you want to talk about?", you ask him nervously. "I lied back there. It's not for business." "Oh, ok. For what then?" He rubbed on his neck before stating, "God I feel stupid." You turned your body in order to face him and grabbed his hand in yours to get his attention, "Hey, whatever it is it's not stupid just tell me." "I… are you with Jeff or David? Like are you dating or something?" In that moment you knew David was right when he said that Tom was jealous and decided to tease him a little. "Why? Should I?", you asked with a smug smirk. He frowned and exclaimed louder then he intended to, "NO, no you shouldn't." "Why not?"
"Because, I-" "You what?", you whispered and closed the gap between your bodies, circling your fingertips on his neck and Adam's Apple, feeling him shiver under your touch. "Cause I want you to be with me. I want to get to kno-", he moaned when your lips kissed the side of his neck, his hands clenching your thigh. "Fuck it", he mumbled before capturing your lips with his in a hungry kiss. It was wild, passionate, sweet ; overwhelming all at once. His fingers attached around the base of your neck, pushing you closer to him, deepening the intoxicated air. You opened your shirt, revealing your lacy bra supporting God's wonders and felt shivers running all over your body when Tom's hands enveloped them. In no time, your clothes was discarded and you could feel (and see) Tom's arousal through his boxers. He moaned when you gripped the edge of his waistband, the fabric too tight around his manhood. A relieved sigh emanating from him when you let his dick out of the confins of the pleasurably road. He did the same with your matching panties and watched you with dark gaze while panting heavily. You nodded in reassurance, conforming him you wanted the same thing and he pulled you on his lap, your juices mixing with his pre-cum. He grabbed his discarded pants and took a condom out of his pocket ; a boyish smile crossing his features at your narrowed eyes. "You surely came prepared", you teased him. "Always be prepared, especially when I got confirmation you would be present." "Hmm, is that so. Spying on me?", you continued but didn't let him time to articulate a response when you began sliding down his shaft, making him groan. "Fuck", you both moaned at the same time, resulting in a breathed laugh. "You have no idea how good you feel", he said. "I do cause you feel divine dear", you teased back and well aware of his throbbing cock. You began to set a slow pace, letting you both feel the intimate connection between your bodies, your heads resting on each other, sharing the same breath, feeling the same bliss.
His hands grabbing your waist, he began to thrust up, joining your ministrations. The pleasure making you throw your head back, a moaning mess when hitting that special place. "Don't stop" "Fuck, so warm darling", he joined your moans. "I'm not gonna last long", he warned you and reached down, circling your clit. "I'm close too." Reaching behind, you massaged his balls and that made him lost it, his euphoria spilling in the condom, and yours following just behind. Heavy pants was the only sound heard in the car ; his head between your breast and your fingers massaging his skull. He kissed you deeply again before sliding off you, knotting the condom to put it on the trash and putting his clothes back. "You wanna go back to the party?", he asked intrigued. You grabbed your phone and texted Jeff, wishing him once more a happy birthday but that had to leave. "Yeah yeah, get that spider girl", was his response to which you chuckled. "What about we get to know each other again? Back to my place?", you asked him and saw his eyes glowing and that beautiful smile of his illuminating his face. "It sounds great to me", he responded joyfully. You ended the night talking about your mutual lives, your dreams and favorite things beside of course, getting to know each other deeply a second, and a third and all the others times when you became boyfriend and girlfriend.
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* gifs not mine, credit to owners*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221  @robertconradjr @francezka10  @titty-teetee @breezy1415 @lunarprincess3977 @thelostallycat @introvertedsin
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boywizardscanbecute · 5 years
A Slow Burn- part 1
Hey guys! Here’s a loooong theseus x reader fic, part 1 of 2. Sorry to leave you with a cliffhanger :) Hope you enjoy and as always my requests are open! 
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*Not my gif*
taglist: @bowtrucklescamander, @clockworkherondale
word count: 17,000
Summary: Post CoG by about 9 months. Newt reluctantly lets Bunty go when he figures out how in love with him she is. You’re Newt’s new assistant and illustrator of the new editions of his book. Him and Tina are in an established relationship and you’re close friends with both of them. Newt made you come to ministry events because if him and Tina had to go, then so did you. Newt’s primary purpose was the new edition of his book, but he helped out the ministry in regards to Grindelwald, sort of a volunteer auror. You had only met Newt after the events of CoG, when Dumbledore recommended you. Slowly, you begin to fall in love with Newt’s older brother Theseus. 
Two weeks after you started working for Newt. 
“Accio niffler!” you call, pulling Einstein the baby niffler into your arms and returning him to his locked habitat. “Well done,” Newt pats you on the back. Feeding the nifflers you ask, “Where’s Tina?” Newt immediately smiles and says, “She’s at the ministry, working on her transfer paperwork. Should be back soon.” You nod and continue your rounds around the case, feeding the animals. “Who do you need me to sketch next?” you ask Newt. He replies, “The illustrated edition isn’t due to come out for a year so you don’t have to go in order y/n. Sketch whoever you’d like.” So you grab your sketchbook and immediately head for the mooncalves, a personal favorite of yours. Losing yourself in the illustration, you jump when Tina and Newt come up behind you. “Merlin’s beard you scared me! What’s going on?” Newt replies, “There’s a ministry event tonight. Travers’s 20th anniversary of the head of the department.” “What does that have to do with me?” you ask him. He tells you, “Tina and I want you to come with!” You immediately blush saying, “Newt I’m just your assistant. It wouldn’t be appropriate.” He shrugs your comment off, “Nonsense. You’re my friend, and you’re the illustrator of the new edition of my book. People will want to meet you.” “An illustrator isn’t nearly as important as the author,” you counter. Tina interjects, “Y/n, you are terribly talented. You should come and meet everyone. Besides, Newt is constantly being pulled away by important ministry employees and I could use someone to keep me from getting bored.” You laugh, “Me at a ministry event? Does that sound like me at all?” Newt chuckles, “No it doesn’t. But it doesn’t sound like me either. If we have to go you do too.” You groan, “Fine. Now just how fancy is this thing?” Newt returns your frown and says, “It’s a banquet, so pretty fancy.” “And when is this event?” you ask. “In 2 hours,” Tina returns. “Bloody hell that’s barely enough time to get ready,” you say, jumping up and turning to run upstairs. Tina follows you.  
“What are you wearing?” you ask Tina, the woman notorious for pantsuits. “I’m not sure. I was thinking just a beaded dress with capped sleeves. I’ve got this real nice navy blue one,” she comments. “That will look fantastic on you,” you tell her. “What will you wear?” she asks, changing into her dress. Pulling out one of the only fancy dresses in your wardrobe, you show it to Tina. It was a tea length dress that had wide straps that covered your shoulders, made of satin material and colored black. The material plunged to a somewhat appropriate depth on your chest. Pairing it with matching black, open toed high heels, you wore your hair in a soft, low bun and added dangly, tear drop shaped diamond earrings. Wisps of your hair fell out and framed your face but you didn’t care. On your face you only wore a light gold eyeshadow and red lipstick. You finished off the look by extending your eyelashes. “You look gorgeous. I’m jealous,” Tina tells you. Laughing, you reply, “Tina. You’re with a man who only has eyes for you. Trust me.” Newt appeared in the doorway and just as you had predicted, Newt’s eyes immediately went to Tina. He stepped over to her and lightly kissed her on the cheek. “You look beautiful,” he tells her. Tina blushes and says, “Thanks.” After gazing at her one last time Newt asks, “Ready to go?” You reluctantly nod. So Newt takes Tina’s hand and you take Tina’s as well. 
Arriving at what you can only assume is Travers’s house, you’re shocked at how big it is. Releasing Tina’s hand, you walk behind the happy couple feeling oddly out of place. Everyone was with someone. Everyone except you. It bothered you to be seen without a companion. It wasn’t completely outrageous, you were only 26, but nevertheless it still embarrassed you. 
The first person to approach the three of you is one of the publishers at Obscurus Books, someone you recognized as Mr. Ethan Virgil. “Ah Mr. Scamander, Ms. Goldstein, Ms. l/n, how are you all this evening?” “Just fine,” Newt replies. Turning to you, the executive asks, “And how are the illustrations coming?” You eagerly jump into detail about your artwork, something you were extremely passionate about along with magical creatures. “They sound marvelous. Would you mind sending me over a small sample? No particular reason, I’m just quite eager to see more of your work. Your reputation precedes you,” he tells you. Blushing, you reply, “Of course Mr. Virgil. I’ll send them over as quickly as possible.” He turns back to Newt and says, “Where is that brother of yours?” You’d heard of Newt’s brother Theseus, everyone had. He fought alongside the muggles in the war, he was considered a war hero and was head auror. He was also a man who, almost a year ago, lost his fiance. You’d never met him. Newt answers, “I’m not sure where Theseus has gone off to. I know that he was gone, sent to try and follow a trail that's gone cold.” Mr. Virgil replies, “Yes, everyone does seem to be on edge with the fact that Grindelwald cannot be found.” More people arrived and soon the publisher announced that he had to leave. 
Lingering around the refreshments table, you watched as Newt was dragged away by a ministry official. Even nearly 10 months later, people still wanted to hear Newt recalling the events of Paris. He, however, was able to talk about it, because even though Leta died, he had Tina. “This is extremely boring,” you say to Tina through bites of food. “I agree. But what are you gonna do? Newt and I were apart of the events that happened that night. And since Grindelwald hasn’t been spotted since, everyone is extremely on edge,” Tina says. You sigh, “It’s not only that. Newt’s book is becoming more and more famous and people want to know about him. I’ve already had people interested in me anyways.” “Why?” Tina asks curiously. You bite your lip, considering if you should tell her or not. “Well?” Tina implores you. You huff, “I’ve done more illustrations for the public before.” “Like what?” she asks eagerly. “Like….  Maybe the illustrations of the reprint of The Tales of Beedle the Bard.” Her jaw drops. She babbles, “Okay I know that that book isn’t really famous in America but even I have heard of it. That’s amazing!” You blush and look down, “It’s not a super big deal.” She scoffs, “Yeah okay.” After a beat she adds, “But that edition came out like three years ago. You mean to tell me that you became a published illustrator at age 23?” “I guess, yeah,” you whisper. “So why are you working as Newt’s assistant?” she questions. “Because. I like illustrating but I also am passionate about magical creatures. Combining them brings me the most happiness,” you comment. Tina just hugs you and breathes, “You’re brilliant.” 
Newt soon walks back over, a tall man in tow behind him. Studying the man, you realize just how similar he looks to Newt. He had dark auburn hair with the same curls as Newt. Freckles covered his face, but instead of Newt’s green, this man had stunningly blue eyes. He walks with his head down. Gracing Tina’s cheek with a swift kiss, Newt says, “Y/n, I’d like to introduce you to my older brother, Theseus Scamander, head auror for the Ministry of Magic.” You smiled at the tall man and held your hand out for him to shake. His eyes studied your face closely, and you felt yourself blush under his gaze. Shaking his hand you tell him, “I’m y/n l/n, Newt’s new assistant.” He gives you a soft smile, his hand lingering briefly in yours. Then he shoves his hands in his pockets. Turning to Newt he asks, “What happened to Bunty?” Newt awkwardly rubs his neck and replies, “Bunty was…. Infatuated with me. It didn’t seem fair to her especially now that I’m with Tina. Besides, y/n is not just my assistant. She’s illustrating the next version of my book.” At the last comment, Theseus looks back at you and studies you again. You return his gaze and say, “It’s really an honor to meet you Theseus. You’ve done so many great things.” Theseus, a man who has never once blushed in public, blushes and mumbled, “Thanks.” Tina speaks up, “Y/n also illustrated the new edition of the Tales of Beedle the Bard that came out three years ago.” Theseus’s eyes widen in surprise. “You’re really talented,” he compliments you. “Thank you Mr. Scamander,” you answer. “Please call me Theseus,” he tells you. Theseus then includes his brother in the conversation once again and claps him on the back, saying, “Hopefully my baby brother doesn’t work you too hard.” You look at Newt, someone who hated being called a baby brother. Smiling you say, “No he doesn’t. Besides, I love the work.” “Are you a magizoologist then as well?” Theseus asks you. Considering the thought you say, “Aspiring. Maybe.” 
Dinner is served and you can’t ignore the pleasant feeling in your stomach at the fact that your name card sits next to one that’s labeled T. Scamander. You quickly find yourself lost when you sit down and look at what must be at least 12 different utensils. “Merlin’s beard what are these all for?” you hiss under your breath to Tina. She just shook her head, “You think I would know?” Theseus gracefully sits down next to you. It’s then that you look and appreciate just how great he looks in his tux. The first course is served, a salad, and you reach for one of the various forks in front of you. Theseus leans over to you and whispers, “That’s not the salad fork.” Setting the larger fork back down you turn, looking into his big blue eyes, and ask, “What’s a salad fork.” Theseus struggles to not burst out laughing as he takes a sip of water. It results in him coughing profusely, trying to cover up his laugh. Your face turns beet red and you ask, “Are you okay?” Recovering, he says politely, “Yes I’m fine, thank you.” Leaning closer again he whispers, “Just follow my lead and you’ll survive.” His breath tickles your ear and you force out a reply, “Thank you.” Tina and Newt are unaware of this interaction, lost in their own little world of new love. Following Theseus’s lead, you pick up a rather small fork and eat your salad. 
After dinner, the dancing begins, much to your distress. Newt asks Tina to dance right away. Before she’s swept onto the dance floor Tina tells you, “Don’t worry, I’m sure someone will ask you to dance. I’ve seen so many sets of eyes on you tonight. Just try to relax.” You give Tina a pouty look. “Oh come on don’t look at me like that,” she stomps her foot. Rolling your eyes you huff, “Oh just go dance.” She smiles and walks away, towards Newt. You slowly saunter over to the refreshment table, picking up a glass of champagne. Sipping on it slowly, you watch the couples around you swirl on the dance floor. A tall figure gradually walks over, and stands beside you. Turning and looking up at him, you realize it’s Theseus. Immediately you gush, “Thank you again for helping me at dinner Theseus.” He smiles, “I haven’t truly laughed like that in a long time. I should be thanking you.” “Well in that case I’m glad I could help,” you respond. Theseus picks up a glass of champagne and drinks half of it in one gulp. Your eyes travel back to the couples on the dancefloor. Unbeknownst to you, Theseus watches you carefully. His eyes take in the figure you cut in your black satin dress and he took in the fact that even though you wore heels, you were still at least 6 inches shorter than him. You stand in an awkward silence. 
Not much later, a young girl with a perky attitude approaches Theseus. “Would you like to dance Mr. Scamander?” she asks hopefully. Theseus looks at her with pity and sighs, “I’m sorry Cynthia, I don’t dance. Not anymore.” The phrase Not anymore, pulled you back from your daze. You recalled that Theseus was engaged, and that his fiance died in Paris. The young girl walks away, looking crushed. Theseus finishes his drink and automatically reaches for another.  Your eyes travel back to Newt and Tina spinning across the room. You couldn’t help but feel a pang in your heart for wanting what they had. You’d never went on more than three dates with someone. Taking another sip of champagne you tell Theseus, “I’m sorry about your fiance.” You have the good grace to not look at Theseus as he struggles to compose himself. “Thank you,” he manages to say. Trying to distract him you ask, “Do you like working for Travers?” Theseus lightly chuckles, “I don’t think anyone likes working for Travers. But he’s got such a hold on the department you’ve got no choice but to pretend to like him.” You agree, “He doesn’t seem like a very nice man.” Theseus finally turns to you and says, “Oh, he's not.” Theseus looks down at you with a small smile on his face. Looking up at him with a rather large grin you tell him, “Well I’m sorry you have to work for him then. Seems like you should be running the department.” For the second time that night, Theseus blushes. “That’s really too kind of you,” Theseus says properly. “Maybe it’s the truth,” you offer the statement to him. There’s a grateful look on his face, as he graciously accepts your compliment. 
A tall man approaches the two of you and clears his throat, which pulls your gaze away from Theseus. “Pardon me for interrupting, but I couldn’t help but notice a beautiful lady such as yourself standing on the side and not on the dance floor. Would you care to dance?” he asks you. You’re not sure why, but you look to Theseus first, wondering if he knew the man. Turning back to the man you ask, “And you are?” He’s immediately embarrassed and says, “Merlin’s beard I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Colin Clarke, I work in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office.” “That must be terribly interesting,” you reply, somewhat intrigued. Holding out a hand again, he says, “I’d love to tell you about it over a dance.” “Well okay then,” you take his hand and let him lead you out onto the center of the floor. Theseus watches as your pulled away from him. A slow pulling feeling forms in his chest, and for a moment he wishes he had asked you to dance. Because maybe he could dance with you. You made him laugh, a real laugh. And he couldn’t ignore the fact that you were the only person that night that didn’t look at him with complete and utter pity. In fact, you hadn’t even asked him about the night, instead you form new memories with him, making him feel alive again, if only for a moment. 
The man called Colin twirled you delicately in a proper waltz. He gushes, “Your illustrations in The Tales of Beedle the Bard were quite lovely. I’m so excited to see the work you’ve done on Mr. Scamander’s book.” You blush at his compliment. “Well thank you Mr. Clarke that’s very kind of you,” you tell him. He says nervously, “And I must tell you that you look extremely beautiful tonight.” “Thank you again,” you say, looking down at your feet. The dance continues and he proceeds to tell you about the craziest cases of misuse of muggle artifacts. “I’m sure you’re never bored,” you tell him. He chuckles, “Never. I never catch a break either.” “That’s unfortunate,” you reply, “But as long as you enjoy the work.” He nods at the comment. 
Across the room a pair of piercing dark blue eyes stare at your form dancing around. Theseus watches as your dress twirls gracefully around you. Newt and Tina stop at the refreshment table. “Enjoying yourself Theseus?” Newt asks, somehow miraculously not noticing his brother’s longing gaze as his assistant. “I suppose so. And you?” Theseus responds. Newt smiles, “For once I can actually say I did enjoy this night. Having someone with you makes the event much more enjoyable.” He squeezes Tina’s hand. Theseus finally looks at his brother, holding the young American auror’s hand. Tina speaks up, “I’m still sorry about how our first meeting went Theseus.” Theseus laughs, “Think nothing of it. You were doing what you thought was right.” That answer surprises both Tina and Newt. Continuing Theseus says, “I never congratulated the two of you on your courtship. Newt, you’re lucky to have someone as strong as Tina. And Tina, I’m so happy you’ve decided to work as an auror with me.” Theseus says these words, and while he is happy for his brother, he feels a pang of jealousy for what him and Tina have. Even when he was with Leta, he could admit that they were never head over heels in love like Newt and Tina were. The couple begins conversing again and Theseus indulges himself in watching your delicate form dance again. When the song ends, Theseus watches as the young man Colin presses a lingering kiss to your small hand. Then you walk back over. 
“There you are,” Tina squeals at you, “Told you someone would ask you to dance.” You sigh, “Yes I suppose you were right.” Tina continues, “Was it a love connection?” You splutter, “Gods no Tina! Just because you dance with someone doesn’t mean you’re interested in them. Besides he’s just a kid.” Tina argues, “What is he? 23, 24?” You sigh, “23.” “That’s only 3 years younger than you!” Tina urges. Before he can stop himself Theseus gasps, “You’re 26?” Turning to the tall auror you laugh, “Yes Theseus I’m 26. But don’t start treating me like a baby.” Theseus gives you a small smile, “I won’t.” Newt glances at his watch and says, “It’s getting really late. We should probably go.” “Goodbye Theseus, good to see you as always,” Newt hugs his brother briefly. Theseus nods, “Goodbye Newt, Tina.” Then he turns to you. “It was really quite a pleasure meeting you, Theseus,” you confess, holding out your hand for him to shake. He takes your hand in his and bites back a gasp at how tiny and delicate it felt on your skin. Blood pumping in his ears, he replies, “I hope to see you again soon y/n.” Gazing into his eyes you say, “And I you.” You let yourself briefly get lost in the big blue beneath his eyelashes before dropping your hand from his. Tearing your gaze away from him, you turn and depart with Newt and Tina. Theseus Scamander stands, watching you go, feeling his chest pumped full with emotions he hadn’t felt in a long while. Helpless to it, he lets himself begin to think about you, every delicate detail of the new woman that just took his breath away. 
Later that night, you worked at your desk in Newt’s basement, pouring over some of your illustrations. You’re interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind you. Newt walks into view. “Hello Newt,” you greet him. Yawning, he smiles at you, “Awfully late for you to be up isn’t it?” You shrug, “I couldn’t sleep.” Newt sits across from you and asks, “Did you at least enjoy yourself tonight?” A knowing smile plays across your lips as you say, “Perhaps.” “Meet anyone interesting?” Newt implores you. You sigh, “Gods, no. The only person remotely interesting was your brother.” Newt laughs, “I wouldn’t exactly call Theseus interesting.” “To each his own,” you reply vaguely. Newt studies you for a moment, wondering why you would respond that way. Changing the subject you ask, “What illustrations do you think I should send Mr. Virgil to preview?” Newt scoots his stool closer to you and pours over the drawings with you. Thoughtfully he comments, “Well this drawing of the mooncalves is quite perceptive. You capture their eyes perfectly. And of course you have dozens of sketches of the nifflers so I’m sure you could spare one or two of those.” You nod along. Newt yawns, “I am much too tired, however, to continue sitting here and I suggest that we both get some rest. Day after next we have to be photographed for the Daily Prophet, for the announcement of the second edition.” “I suppose you’re right,” you reply, following him up the stairs and back to your room. 
The Daily Prophet photographer wanted to photograph you and Newt working together and as a result, decided to visit the home you shared with him and Tina. She particularly focused on photos of you and Newt dealing with the kelpie, while Tina looked on. “These pictures are great. Now I’ll just need a single head shot of each of you and we should be good,” the photographer asks. Pulling you to the side, she asks you to stand against the wall and takes your headshot. Your smile was small, nerves evident. You wore your hair down, tucked behind one ear. Tina’s style had rubbed off on you and you wore a pair of wide-legged black slacks and a long sleeve white button up blouse, no makeup. “Thank you Mr. Scamander, Ms. l/n, that’s it!” she announces, dismissing herself. You eat lunch silently with Tina and Newt when there’s a knock on the door. “Are you expecting anyone?” Tina asks Newt. He shakes his head. “Are you?” Tina asks you in turn. “Not at all. But let’s not leave them waiting,” you reply. Standing up, you walk over to the door and open it to see Theseus Scamander standing there. 
Theseus’s blue eyes widen when you swing the door open. “Theseus what a surprise,” you say, instinctively brushing your hair out of your face. He stands, still in the doorway, staring at you. “What is there something on my face?” you ask, suddenly beet red under Theseus’s stare. He’s pulled from his daze and says, “No, your face is fine, sorry. I got a little distracted, can I come in?” “Of course,” you stand aside, leaving him an opening. He walks into the kitchen. 
“Theseus, this is quite the surprise,” Newt stands, offering his brother a small hug. “What brings you by?” Newt asks. Theseus says, “I’m not sure what you did Newt, but you were the hit of Travers’s banquet. Everyone expects you to be at the minister’s dinner on Saturday. Will you be attending?” Newt groans, “As much as I want to say no, the executives at Obscurus Books are requiring that I attend as many ministry events as possible. That way the book is promoted.” This catches your attention. “Does that mean I have to go too?” you moan in frustration. Newt laughs, “If I have to go, so do you.” You shoot him a glare before taking another bite of your sandwich. Theseus casually slips in, “Well at least if y/n’s there I won’t be bored out of my mind.” You immediately blush and look down, responding, “Happy to help.” Theseus watches you pick at your lunch and he suppressed his thoughts of how cute you are flustered, a thought completely and uncharacteristically not like him. Newt interrupts Theseus thoughts saying, “Is that all you came to tell us Thes?” Theseus clears his throat, “What? Oh yes, I suppose that’s it. How did that interview for the Daily Prophet go?” Newt responds, “It was alright I suppose. Was a bit distracting from work though.” You immediately agree, “Yes. She wanted to get pictures of the kelpie which I thought was outrageous. The kelpie takes two people to handle and is much too fast to capture an image of.” Theseus nods like he knows what you were talking about. Then he glances at his watch and mutters, “Bloody hell, better get back to the ministry. So I’ll see you all on Saturday then. Goodbye.” His eyes linger on you. 
As soon as Theseus leaves, you fall into a tizzy. “I barely have any fancy attire is this going to become a regular occurence?” you babble. Tina groans, “This means we’ll have to go shopping.” “God I hadn’t even thought about that,” you moan in displeasure. Newt laughs, “Has anyone ever told the two of you that you’re women?” He immediately shuts up when you and Tina glare daggers at him. “I’ll be downstairs,” he mumbled, clearing his plate. 
You and Tina did your reluctant shopping, finding appropriate attire for every sort of ministry event imaginable. The next day the Daily Prophet comes out with an article about you and Newt. It focused on the new talents you brought to the table, as well as the fact that you now worked as his assistant. You hated the headshot the photographer took of you. You looked timid, almost scared, and you had no makeup on. “I want to burn this picture,” you complain, sitting down at Newt’s workstation. He chuckles, “Y/n, it’s not a bad picture of you at all.” You roll your eyes at him. “I wish I had more time to prepare. This is sure to push away any men in my future,” you laugh sarcastically. Newt shrugs, “The eyes see what they want to see,” and dives back into his work, picking up a bucket of feed and walking off. 
Theseus Scamander sits on his desk, mindlessly flipping through the Daily Prophet. His eyes stop on an article entitled, “Youngest Scamander and Illustrator Turned Assistant Magizoologist To Release Second Edition of Book.” He immediately flips to the page of the article and his gaze freezes on the headshot of you. Your eyes briefly glanced at the camera and then looked down shyly. Your hair was down and you wore a white button up dress shirt with no makeup on. A small hand, your own hand, briefly entered the frame, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Theseus studied the way your lips turned up at the corners of your mouth. Before he even knew what he was doing, Theseus reaches in his desk drawer and pulls out scissors. Cutting hastily, Theseus takes your picture from the newspaper. Setting the rest of the paper back down, he smiles at the picture of you, to which the picture of you immediately blushes. There’s a knock on the door and someone enters. Theseus immediately shoves the picture of you in his desk drawer, a guilty look on his face. 
Saturday came around and you reluctantly got ready with Tina, putting on one of your new dresses. It being the minister’s dinner, you felt you had to dress fancier. So you wore a mermaid style ball gown, with wide straps that covered your shoulders. The material was silk and it was a beautiful maroon color. “I don’t know about this Tina,” you tell her, suddenly nervous about your dress choice. Tina wore a gown with similar straps, though it was A-line and didn’t hug her curves as much as your dress did. “Y/n you look amazing. You have to wear it,” Tina replies. “Fine,” you groan, putting on a pair of nude heels. You finished the look with simple makeup, just some light gold eyeshadow and nude lipstick. Tina learned to have a knack for hair in Queenie’s absence, and she curled yours gently. She pinned the side strands of your hair back, securing them with a beautiful ivory hair pin. The dress was extremely fancy so the only jewelry you wore was a dangly, silver charm bracelet. Newt tells you and Tina, “You both look amazing.” “Thanks Newt,” you casually reply. Tina is blushing profusely under Newt’s lingering eyes. “Shall we go?” you ask them. Newt reluctantly tears his gaze from Tina’s and says, “Yes.” Taking each of their arms, you depart for the minister’s mansion. 
You’re immediately swept away by random ministry employees that you don’t recognize. They eagerly questioned you and Newt about the new edition of the book. Mr. Virgil quickly approaches, planting a kiss to your cheek. “Y/n darling I got your preview of drawings and I must say they were marvelous! I look forward to seeing more of your work in Newt’s book,” he gushes admirably. “Well thank you Mr. Virgil, you’re too kind,” you tell him. People then begin to focus on Newt and Tina again, which you’re very okay with. Excusing yourself, you go looking for a glass of champagne. Standing at the table of drinks, you sip your champagne slowly, studying the people around you. The minister’s house was gigantic, his dinner’s a regular event that grew more extravagant each week it got closer to Christmas. 
Theseus was bored out of his mind. He searched for you, but he couldn’t find you amongst the party guests. Cursing himself, he walks over to the refreshment table. His breathing stops when he sees you. Your silk dress hugged your body in all the right places, the purple-ish material accentuating everything that made you a woman. Theseus couldn’t help but study you closely, your back to him. Your perfume gradually floated over to him and he immediately felt intoxicated. Theseus audibly gulps, mentally preparing himself to trip over his words and make a fool of himself. He gently taps you on the shoulder, his fingers softly brushing against your h/c curled hair. 
There was a soft tap on your shoulder and you turned around to see the older Scamander brother, red in the face, looking down at you. “Theseus there you are! I was looking for you,” you let slip. “You were?” he asks, surprised. Blushing, you look down at your feet and say, “Yeah.” He laughs at your shyness. You tease, “I was hoping you would sit next to me at dinner again. I don’t think I remembered completely how to use all of those utensils.”He laughs, “I’d be happy to help you again.” “You’re a lifesaver,” you breathe a sigh of relief. Theseus smiles down at you, a smile that crinkled the corner of his big blue eyes. Instinctively, he felt a pang of guilt for letting himself admire you so openly in public, when it had barely been a full year since Leta passed. Nevertheless, he was helpless to admiring everything about you. Your beauty, your grace, and everything in between. The eager Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office employee, Colin, makes his way to you and once again presses an eager kiss to your hand. “How are you Colin?” you ask him kindly. He responds, “Better now that I am seeing you. You look so beautiful tonight.” You laugh at his flirtiness but inside you hope that he backs off. “Would you allow me to steal you for a dance once more later in the evening?” he asks. You smile politely, “Perhaps, though I felt quite bad leaving Theseus alone to be bored the other night. It’d be quite rude of me to do it again.” Colin looks between the two of you, appearing slightly confused. He bids you goodnight and leaves to talk to someone else. “Sorry about that,” you hastily apologize to Theseus. Theseus shakes off your apology, replying softly, “You know you really do look beautiful tonight.” Your eyes shoot up to his and meet an intense starry blue gaze. “Thank you,” you whisper, managing to hold his eye contact. Dinner is announced and Theseus says, “Shall we?” Properly offering his arm to you like a perfect gentleman. You smile and hook your arm in his, letting him lead you to the table. Theseus felt like a sleeze, the way he was gushing over someone 13 years younger than him. You felt the opposite, like a dooey eyed school girl pining over a teacher. You felt the situation you wanted to unfold would never happen. Theseus found himself wanting the same thing. 
You followed Theseus’s lead again as you made your way through yet another fancy dinner. “Theseus, how is the department doing now with smaller numbers?” the minister asks Theseus thoughtfully. Theseus replies politely, “I won’t lie minister, it’s not easy. But we’ll manage. We’ve got every man working over time and every new face that comes into the department is triple checked for any ties with Grindelwald or his followers.” The minister compliments, “You do great work my boy, you’re doing the ministry proud.” Theseus gushes, “Thank you minister.” To your complete and utter horror the minister then turns to you and comments, “And what a lucky man Theseus is to be sat next to such a talented woman.” Theseus says quietly, “Very lucky.” Not hearing Theseus’s comment, you turn to the minister and blush, “Thank you minister you’re too kind.” He replies, “Nonsense. I’ve seen your work. My children love The Tales of Beedle the Bard and your illustrations in the new edition fascinated them.” “Well thank you,” you say politely. The minister then turns to Newt and asks him more about Paris. Theseus’s reaction is to immediately look down at his plate and push his food around, not eating it. You whisper to him, “How much are they  going to ask about that night before it becomes old news?” Theseus shrugs, “Dunno. You’d think they’d get the picture by now. That and the hundreds of reports they have on it.” You nod. Whispering softly you tell him, “I’m sorry they keep making you relive that night.” “Thanks,” Theseus gulps. 
There’s dancing once again and Newt asks you, “Tina’s getting her ear talked off by the minister. He’s very interested in President Piquery and her policies. In the meantime, would you like to dance?” You grin widely, “Now that sounds like a fantastic idea.” Newt takes your hand and leads you to the dance floor, leaving Theseus to stand alone and watch. As Newt twirls you around you ask, “Do you think the ministry will ever stop asking about Paris?” Newt responds, “I don’t know. It does seem to get quite irritating though doesn’t it?” You shake your head, “It’s not that. It’s the toll it’s clearly taking on Theseus.” Newt’s eyes widen and he looks over at his older brother, who in turn, is already staring at the two of you. “You think it does?” Newt asks. You immediately respond, “Yes. It clearly does Newt. And I feel bad. I mean imagine if you’d lost Tina, and then everyone kept making you relive the night it happened.” Newt looks thoughtful. “I didn’t think about it that way,” he admits. When the song ends you make your way back over to Theseus. “Sorry to leave you fending for yourself,” you tease him. He laughs, “I managed.” Newt comments, “Brother I watched at least three women approach you during that song alone, surely you could indulge one of them?” Theseus looks at his brother, a sadness lingering in his eyes. “Not tonight Newt. Maybe some other time,” he responds. Newt picks up on the somber mood and leaves you to cheer his brother up, announcing, “I better go find Tina.” 
You stood with Theseus nearly the whole night, the fast friendship between the two of you continuing to form. “I saw the article about you and Newt in the paper,” Theseus says. “Oh geez. That was probably my worst interview. And my first, so there’s that,” you reply. Theseus eyes you, “That was your first interview? But what about when you illustrated The Tales of Beedle the Bard?” Shrugging, you reply, “I declined to be interviewed. I was only 23, I didn’t want all the attention. Even now all the attention makes me really uncomfortable.” “Really?” Theseus is surprised. “Really,” you pause, your eyes spying Colin who was searching the room for you. Downing your drink, you toss it aside and hide behind Theseus, who is frozen in surprise. “Colin is looking for me. God, I hate letting people down, just hide me. That way he can’t find me,” you plead, shrinking behind his tall form. Theseus laughs wholeheartedly at your reaction, all the while standing taller to block you from sight. “I’m sorry. I just can’t deal with this right now,” you breathe against Theseus’s shoulder, pressed close to his back, your hands absentmindedly gripping his suit jacket tightly. Theseus feels a chill run down his spine as your warm body is pressed against the back of his. For a moment he closes his eyes, inhaling your scent and your presence. Leaning his head back, Theseus whispers, “Don’t worry. He can’t see you.” You cautiously place a hand on Theseus’s broad shoulder and stand on your tiptoes, peering over him. You breathe a sigh of relief when you don’t see Colin, the rush of air from your mouth washing over Theseus’s neck. The hair on his skin stands straight up. Theseus now visibly shivers, the breath you left on his skin making him squirm, his mind wandering to a dark place full of inappropriate thoughts. Theseus turns around to face you. You stare up at him sheepishly, embarrassed at your reaction. “Sorry, you must think me pathetic,” you mumble. He stares down at you, perplexed by your comment. “Not at all,” he reassures you, “I think it just makes me appreciate your kindness more.” You play with a strand of your hair and mutter, “Thanks, I guess.” Theseus says reluctantly, “Now I hate to leave your side but I have to go to the restroom. I’ll be back shortly.” He departs. No sooner does he depart then does one eager young ministry employee approach you; Colin. 
Plastering the biggest fake smile you could muster you say, “Hello Colin.” He’s nearly hopping on his feet as he says, “Y/n. Can I have that dance now?” It was just your luck that the moment Theseus left your side, Colin showed up to ask you to dance. You sigh, “Sure Colin,” rather unenthusiastically. He doesn’t seem to notice your tone and practically drags you to the dance floor. Colin tried to hold you as close to him as possible, and you let him while your mind wandered to Theseus, praying for him to appear in front of you. 
Theseus emerges from one of the minister’s mansions various bathrooms and is stopped by a fellow auror; Yaxley. “Spending an awful lot of time with your brother’s new assistant I see,” he smirks at Theseus. Theseus tries to keep a straight face as he says, “She’s pleasant company.” “Yes and easy on the eyes too,” Yaxley comments. Theseus struggles to keep his composure as he lies, “I hadn’t thought about her that way.” Yaxley grossly smiles, “Well you should. I hear talks of aurors wanting to lock her down before anyone else.” This catches Theseus’s attention. Before Yaxley can turn to go he asks urgently, “What?” Yaxley responds, “Oh yes, she’s quite a beautiful woman who many men want on their arm. She’d make the perfect companion.” “Oh,” is all Theseus can manage to say. “Enjoy the rest of your night, Theseus,” Yaxley says, departing. Theseus stands briefly frozen, considering the words that Yaxley said. A new feeling filled his chest. A feeling he had never experienced with Leta, Theseus lets the newfound jealousy course through his veins. Then he remembers he left you alone, and he had no doubt that Colin had found you. He was right. 
Before he could figure out what he was doing, Theseus marched straight back into the Minister’s ballroom, his eyes searching for you. He spies an eager Colin spinning you around rather frantically on the dancefloor. And while the fear in Theseus’s chest made him want to stay put, his feet had a mind of their own and they carried him swiftly over to you. 
Your eyes traveled up to Theseus’s tall form that sauntered quickly over to you. Frozen in complete shock, you watched as Theseus tapped Colin on the shoulder. Colin turned around and jumped at the sight of the tall, fearsome head auror. “May I cut in?” Theseus’s voice comes out smooth. Colin looks to you and sees as you stare up at Theseus, a gigantic grin on your face. “Of course,” Colin’s voice falls, and he releases your hands, slowly walking away. Then Theseus’s eyes fall to you and you gaze into the familiar deep blue. “Thank you,” you whisper softly. Theseus holds his large hand out to you. Your mouth suddenly goes completely dry. Theseus was going to dance with you. So you laid your hand in his, and took in how tiny your hand looked cradled in his own. A new boldness moved through the eldest Scamander when he felt you take his hand. And as a new waltz started, he places his hand on your waist and pulls you into him, knocking all your breath away. “Your other hand is supposed to go on my shoulder, or do I have to teach you this as well?” Theseus teases. You gulp audibly and place your hand on his shoulder. And when the music begins, Theseus whisks you smoothly across the floor, managing to hold you a little too close than deemed necessary for a waltz. “You’re so light on your feet,” you breathe into Theseus’s chest. He chuckles, “I’ve had practice, you know with all the ministry events we have to attend.” You laugh, “I’ve had less practice. I wouldn’t want to make a fool of your good dancing reputation.” Theseus lets slip, “Nonsense. I like dancing with you.” You look up into his eyes and gasp, “Oh.” Theseus blushes, mumbling, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” You smile thoughtfully, “No, you didn’t. I just was surprised to hear you say that is all.” Theseus continues, “How are you surprised? Have you not seen all the men eyeing you tonight?” You turn beet red, saying, “That’s not true.” Theseus shakes his head, “Of course it’s true. Even just now Yaxley was telling me about how the other aurors talk about you and how perfect you are. You could have anyone of them you want, they’re all dying for a shot at you. Take your pick.” You decisively say, “None of them really appeal to me. They’re all really immature and I don’t think they see me as someone you’d want to spend time with. I’m not stupid, I know they only think of me as arm candy.” Theseus comments, “Well they’re idiots.” Your eyes widen and you manage to continue to hold his gaze, the blush traveling to your nose and ears. “Thanks Theseus,” you manage to get out. He merely nods. 
A slower ballad begins and while you’re hoping for the dance to continue you offer, “Theseus, we can stop dancing if you want.” His face falls and he asks, “Is that what you want?” You look down, avoiding his eyes as you whisper, “No. I’d like to keep dancing.” And while you can’t see his look, Theseus’s face breaks out into a massive grin. “Me too,” he agrees. Theseus removes his one hand from yours only to place it on your waist, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. His large hands wrapped around your waist, his fingers nearly meeting. You reach up your arms and wrap them around his neck. Theseus mercifully dips his head slightly, so you don’t have to stand on your tiptoes. His face is extremely close to your own and you let yourself get lost in the ocean blue of his pupils. You felt your torso pressed close to him and couldn’t help but smile at the warmth that spread through you. No matter what was going on around you, your eyes stayed glued to Theseus’s. Across the room, Newt and Tina studied the two of you. 
Inside his chest, Theseus felt a turmoil of emotion. His heart felt as if it were on fire, a new passion for the woman in front of him forming faster than he could keep up with. Theseus’s arms subconsciously tightened around your waist as he gazed affectionately at you. Then, a biting feeling came back in his chest, this one a familiar one. The familiar sense of self loathing and disgust developing inside of him. Theseus tried to combat the feeling, praying that his heart would just let him enjoy your presence for once, without thinking about how this would look. Theseus’s mind taunted him with images of you slipping out of his grasp, being pulled away by one of your admirer’s asking for your hand. In the meantime you let out a beautifully soft sigh, resting your head on his chest. Theseus’s heart was racing, and he tried desperately to get it to slow down, worried you would feel his heart beating wildly against your cheek resting there. Gently, he rested his head on top of your own, swaying in time with the music, your body held tightly against his. Dark thoughts loomed in his head as he thought about desperately kissing you, holding you all night and showing you just how special you were. 
The song ended and switched to a fast paced Charleston, which neither you or Theseus were prepared to dance. Reluctantly, you dropped your hands from Theseus’s neck. His grip on your waist lingered, before he dropped his hands. Realizing you were still standing in the middle of the dancefloor you say, “Maybe we should…..” Theseus answers the question for you, “Yeah. We should get out of the way.” To your delight, Theseus takes your hand in his and leads you back towards the refreshment table. Handing you a glass of champagne, he takes one himself. You sip the bubbly happily, elated with the fact that you just danced with Theseus for two songs. You giggle, “You should have seen the looks of death I was getting from some other girls.” Theseus replies, “I got equally malicious looks from all your potential suitors.” You scoffed, “Please, potential suitors? I couldn’t see myself with any of them. They’re all too young, too immature.” Theseus replies, “But they’re your age.” You shoot back, “What does age have to do with anything?” Theseus is intrigued by your train of thoughts and adds, “Don’t you think it would be inappropriate to be with someone much older or much younger than you?” You look at Theseus and the realization dawns on you; Theseus was implying that whatever was between the two of you, was inappropriate. A brief look of emotional pain flashes across your features. Summoning the last bit of courage you had, you looked into Theseus’s great blue eyes and tell him intently, “Age is not a factor that matters to me. Whenever and whoever I decide to spend my life with, age is never something that crosses my mind.” Theseus watches you with sadness. He easily saw your face fall and your eyes grow somber. More than anything he wanted to tilt your chin up and kiss you and tell you that of course you were right, age is just a number, and he wanted to be with you more than anything. Before he got a chance to articulate his thoughts, you briefly looked up at him and said, “I should go Theseus. It’s getting late.” “Y/n, wait,” he struggles to form what he wants to say to you. “Till the next ministry event. Bye Theseus,” you offer him a small smile and turn to find Newt and Tina. Theseus watches you go, his heart filled with sadness as your form grew farther and farther away. A voice speaks beside him, “You know I’ve never seen her look at anyone like that before.” Theseus looks over to see his younger brother Newt, looking at him concerned. “Newt, I-” Theseus begins but is cut off by his sibling. “Listen, Thes, I know y/n. Sure I haven’t known her for long but she’s a lot like me. Besides Tina, she’s my closest companion. And Theseus I will not lie to you, you didn’t even look at Leta like that when you were together. Don’t let something as trivial as age get between you at least having a close companion. Now I’m going to take her home.” Newt walks away from his brother, finds you and Tina, and takes you back to the house. 
The rest of the weekend you stayed in the basement, pouring yourself into various illustrations and treating creatures. Tina and Newt tried to talk to you, to get you to open up about whatever you were feeling, but you wouldn’t budge. On Sunday night Newt walks downstairs, a plate in hand. “Brought you some dinner. You need to eat,” Newt tells you. “I’m busy,” you reply, concentrating on a new sketch. Newt sets the plate on your desk and sits down beside you. “Y/n what happened?” he asks quietly. “What do you mean?” you respond, not taking your eyes from the paper in front of you. Newt rests a hand on your shoulder, causing you to look up. He sighs, “I saw the way you looked at Theseus. The way you danced with him. He hasn’t dance with anyone, something he loves, since Leta. I’m not gonna ignore that.” You shake your head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Newt groans, “Well I can’t help you if you won’t admit it to yourself that something’s there.” Turning to your friend, you say, “Newt. Even if there was something there, your brother clearly has an issue with my age and how young I am. So case closed.” Newt grumbles, “Theseus always did have a problem with letting himself be happy.” “Newt can I get back to work please?” you ask him. He sighs, “Fine, I’ll leave you to it. But before I forget, Mr. Virgil wants some more illustrations and in exchange for this preview, he’s agreed to pay for us to travel to eastern Asia, to search for more undiscovered creatures.” You jump up from your stool, “What? Are you serious?” Newt laughs at your excitement, “Deadly serious. Three week expedition, not sure when it’s happening. But I agree it’s very exciting. Anyways he’s having lunch with Yaxley tomorrow and I was hoping you could deliver him some copies?” It slipped your mind that Yaxley was an auror who worked with Theseus, so naturally you reply, “Of course I can do that. I’ll bring them to the ministry tomorrow.” “Thanks y/n, that is a huge help. Not sure how I got along before you,” Newt grins, offering you a hug. “I’m not sure how you did either,” you joke. 
The next morning, you meticulously pick out your best sketches, putting them into a file. Donned in your usual black, wide legged trousers, and white button up shirt, you slipped on nude flats and left for the ministry. Stopping at the information desk you say, “Hello, I’m looking for Mr. Virgil, I’m told he’s meeting with Yaxley.” The secretary smiles at you and responds, “Yes, he’s eagerly awaiting your arrival. He’s in a meeting but he asked that you bring them to him directly so you can go to Yaxley’s office. Down the corridor and to the left.” “Are you sure?” you ask her. “Positive. Go ahead,” she responds brightly. Gulping, you follow her directions and knock on the door. “Come in,” a deep male voice calls. So you enter the room, finding Yaxley and Mr. Virgil chatting over a meal. “Hello, I just came to drop off the drawings you requested,” you stand awkwardly in the doorway. Mr. Virgil pipes up, “Y/n my dear thank you very much. I just had to get my hands on some more of your work. Thank you for coming to the ministry.” Handing the file over you respond, “Of course Mr. Virgil. Thank you for providing the funds for Newt and I to continue our research.” He smiles, “I look forward to more of your work. You seem quite the aspiring magizoologist. Together, I’m sure you and Newt will do great things.” “Thank you,” you respond graciously. Yaxley eyes you hungrily throughout this entire conversation and leaves you with an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
Theseus walks back into the auror department after lunch and asks his secretary, “Any messages, anything important?” She answers, “Nothing important sir. Only y/n l/n, stopped in Yaxley’s office to deliver her new sketches to Mr. Virgil.” His heart stops at the mention of her name. “Very well, thank you,” he says in passing, racing down the hallway. He had no idea what he was going to say, all he knew was that he was dying to see you. He skidded to a stop in front of Yaxley’s doorway, looking at the back of you standing there. There was a slight smile that grew on his face, as he took in the same outfit you wore in the cut out headshot he had of you in his desk drawer. It was the first time he’d ever seen you in non-ministry event attire. He tried to suppress the urge to study you, but failed as his eyes poured over the way your shirt clung tightly to your shoulder blades and your pants fitted so well to your hips. 
Bidding Yaxley and Mr. Virgil goodbye, you shut the door and turn around to see Theseus Scamander staring at you. “Bloody hell Theseus you scared me!” you jump at his presence. He laughs profusely. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he wheezes in between laughs. You frown at him and say, “Yes, well, I have to get back to work. Goodbye Theseus.” The eldest Scamander reaches out a desperate hand to find yours, gently pulling you back. “Y/n, please wait!” he begs, his hand still pulling you back in his direction. You turn around to face him, looking down. Theseus drops your hand and says, “I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean to make things weird between us or insult you with my age comment. I’m lucky to have you as a friend and it doesn’t matter how young you are, I wouldn’t trade your friendship for anything. Truthfully, you’ve been great company at these ministry events and I’m lucky that you even spend the night standing with me.” His confession brought tears to your eyes for so many reasons. You were glad to be Theseus’s friend, but what you wanted in your heart was so much more than that.Fighting back your emotion you looked up into his familiar gaze. “It’s fine Theseus, really. I’m glad that you’re my,” you pause, “Friend too. I really enjoy your company.” He visibly relaxes, then says, “Did Yaxley stare you down?” You chuckle, “How did you know?” Theseus responds, “They all talk about how they’d love to make you there permanent piece of arm candy.” A darkness, a fury clouds his face as he continues, “Personally I’d love nothing more than to put them all in their place. If they can’t appreciate you for your talent, intelligence, and grace along with your beauty, then they don’t deserve you.” Your jaw drops at the clear jealousy and protectiveness displayed on Theseus’s face. You manage to croak out, “Theseus that was… very sweet. You’re very sweet.” He blushes and rubs his neck awkwardly. “It’s the truth. Anyone can see that,” he admits. And when asked about it in the future, you’re not sure you could ever say what compelled you to do this, but nevertheless you’re glad you did. 
Instinctively, you rush forward into Theseus’s arms, hugging him. Your face was pressed against his chest as you deeply inhaled his cologne. Your fingers intertwined around his neck, standing on your tiptoes you took in everything about the wonderful man in front of you. Theseus is shocked. But as the shock fades, he gracefully dips his head down so you don’t have to keep standing on your tiptoes. His hands meet behind your back and he holds you close to him once more, just like he did last week at the Minister’s dinner. His lips brushed against the top of your head as he cradles you close to your body, so many things being said unspoken between the two of you. You’re not sure how long you stand there, but eventually you lift your head from his chest remove your hands from around his neck, placing them to rest on his arms that were still around your waist. “Theseus I….” your voice falters. He gulps, “I am a coward sometimes. I should have said something earlier.” There’s a noise coming from inside the office and Theseus scrambles to put a phrase together. “What do you mean?” you ask hopefully. You both hear footsteps grow closer. Theseus says quickly, “Look, there’s not enough time right now. Can I stop by Newt’s when I’m done with work and come see you? There’s something we need to talk about.” Your voice shakes, responding, “Of course you can come over. I… I guess I’ll see you tonight.” Theseus beams brightly. He very reluctantly removes his hands from your waist and says, “I look forward to it.” With a new confidence leaping from your heart, you rise up on your toes and plant a lingering kiss on his cheek. Theseus gasps, his eyes fluttering closed as he relishes in the feeling of your lips on his skin, thinking about all the other places you could kiss him. “Until then. Bye Theseus,” you smile at him, turning around and walking away. “Bye y/n,” his voice comes out raspy, a hunger coursing through him. He watches you walk away and gulps, trying to decide just how much he should convey to you the deep feelings he harbored inside for you. Running his hands through his auburn curls, Theseus sighs, falling back against the wall behind him. He resembled a lovestruck teenage boy, but nevertheless he gave in and let his thoughts wander to the way it felt to hold you in his arms. 
Arriving back home, you rushed to the menagerie and busied yourself with treating various creatures, a lovesick smile plastered to your face. “Y/n what’s got you smiling like that?” It’s Newt who asks this, wandering up to you. Still dazed, you respond, “I’m not sure what you mean.” Newt laughs, “I know that look. Did you happen to run into Theseus or Tina at the ministry?” You playfully shrugged, “Maybe.” Newt smiles, “Well, I’m glad to see something that makes you smile.” You continue feeding the baby nifflers in your arms and say, “Newt, how do you let Tina go to work everyday? Don’t you miss her terribly?” He responds, “Of course I do. Given a choice I’d much rather spend everyday with Tina doing no work. But Tina does what she loves for a living and I love Tina. I could never take that away from her.” You immediately stand up from your stool, nearly shouting, “Did you just say you love Tina?” Newt turns beet red as he backtracks, “No, I didn’t, I didn’t say that.” Returning the baby nifflers to their cage you laugh, “No! You said you love her! You love Tina!” Newt responds, “So I love her. What’s wrong with that?” You walk up to your friend, taking his hands and respond, “There’s nothing wrong with that Newt, that’s wonderful!” Have you told her yet?” Newt mumbles, “No, I haven’t had the courage.” A plan formulates in your head and you tell him, “Newt, tell Tina. Tonight.” He trips over his words, “Y/n, that’s so soon. These things take time.” You stop him, “No, Newt. Just say how you feel. We’re in times of war okay? You watched your brother’s fiance die in Paris almost a year ago. You can’t let these things linger. You need to tell her. It’s obvious she’s loves you too.” He gulps, “Maybe you’re right. I suppose I could take her for a walk and try to tell her.” You say excitedly, “Yes of course! Newt I’m so happy for you, you and Tina are my best friends.” Newt grins, “You’re my best friend too. Now I’m gonna go check on the baby Occamys. Thanks y/n, you’re the best.” You tease, “I know.” 
    Later that night, at around 6, there’s a knock on the door and you and Newt exit the basement, going to answer the front door. Opening the door, Newt looks surprised to see Tina and his brother staring back at him. “Theseus, what brings you by?” Newt asks him confused. Theseus looks at you briefly before trying to put together a sentence, “I came to talk to y/n.” Before Newt can continue you butt in, “Newt, didn’t you want to take Tina for a walk?” Newt looks at you and responds, “Oh yes. Tina darling, I’d love to go for a walk with you, let me just grab my coat.” And as he grabs his grey overcoat, Newt shoots you a lingering look before walking out the door with Tina. Theseus stands awkwardly in the doorway. 
    “Well don’t just stand there silly, come in,” you joke. Theseus whispers, “Okay,” and steps in the door. You make your way towards the basement and a confused Theseus follows. “Where are we going?” he asks you. Looking back, you smile, “I have to finish feeding everyone. I figured you wouldn’t mind, do you?” Theseus beams back at you, “Of course not. I did grow up with Newt after all.” Descending the staircase, you make your way over to the mooncalves and hand a bucket of feed for Theseus to hold. Theseus watches in awe as you’re surrounded by mooncalves, the lot of them nipping at your heels. Theseus chuckles, “These guys were always one of my favorites.” You look back at his comment and smile. The moon of the habitat creates an angelic glow around your figure. “Do you want to help me feed them?” you ask tentatively. Theseus cracks the largest smile at you and says, “I’d love to.” You take his hand and help him reach into the feed bucket, pulling out some beetles to give the mooncalves. He throws them into the air, where they’re happily lapped up by the babies. When he’s done Theseus returns his hand to yours. “Theseus,” you begin, trying to piece together your thoughts. Lucky for you Theseus does the work for you, saying, “I’m sorry we didn’t get enough time to chat in the ministry. What I wanted to say was, well, I’m not really sure how to say it.” Theseus looks at you sheepishly. You smile encouragingly at him and take his hand, leading him to a quieter area of the basement. Stopping in a lush green pasture besides the Kelpie’s habitat, you sit down and motion for Theseus to follow. Theseus sprawls out awkwardly beside you. “I think I know what you’re gonna say,” you encourage. Theseus sighs, “I’m not very good at articulating my thoughts. Here’s the thing though, for the life of me I cannot understand why a beautiful, young, talented woman like you would want to spend her time with me.” You immediately blurted out, “Because I like you Theseus.” His cheeks flush and he looks to you, a longing in his eyes. You continue, “There’s no denying it now, it’s true. I do have feelings for you, but I wasn’t prepared to act on them because I know you need time to heal. And I know the ministry doesn’t make it any easier on you with recalling the events of that night. So I’m happy to just spend time with you.” Theseus beams, “I like you too y/n, quite a lot actually. But I’m torn. I don’t want people thinking the worst of you if you’re with a man 13 years your senior. And it’s not only that I just…. I feel guilty.” You study him thoughtfully and replied softly, “I understand why you feel guilty. But you shouldn’t. You deserve to feel happy. To truly be happy.” Theseus groans, “But it’s not fair for me to make you wait for when I’m ready for that to happen. You could turn around and be engaged within the week at this rate, with all the other ministry men after you.” Taking his hands, you scoot closer to Theseus and say strongly, “Theseus, I don’t care about any of those men. The only person I have feelings for is you. And if you want to take things slow and just see what happens, that sounds great to me. And if you’re not ready for that, that’s okay too. I’m not going to go and run off with someone else just because you’re still grieving.” A single tear falls from his perfect blue starea as he says, “I want to see where this goes. Everything I feel with you is different…. Stronger than before. But my guilt won’t go away overnight.” 
    You decisively moved closer to Theseus, sitting between his legs. “I will help you through it,” you whisper to him, your breath hitting his lips softly. Suddenly aware of how close you were, Theseus looks down and traces his fingers along the material that covered your knees. “I,” his voice falters, “Thank you, y/n.” “You’ve been through a lot Thes. I just want you to be happy,” you reply, watching as he fiddled nervously with your pant leg. This nervousness was completely out of character for him. Laughing, you leaned forward and went to press a kiss to his cheek. At the same time Theseus made to look up at you, resulting in your lips brushing ever so slightly against his. You immediately jerk back, “I’m sorry, I was just trying to kiss your cheek god I’ve really made a mess of things.” You watch as Theseus stares at your lips, transfixed. Blushing, you look down and mutter more apologies. It’s Theseus who reaches a hand out and lifts your chin up, to look at you in your e/c eyes. Wordlessly he brushes his thumb against your bottom lip. His blue orbs full of unsung emotion, you stare back into them helplessly. “Theseus please-” your voice is cut off by Theseus holding his pointer finger against your lips, silencing you. Inside he feels a somersaulting of emotions, all wrapped in an overwhelmingly desperate need to kiss your lips again. “So beautiful,” he whispers, barely audible, as he leans closer to you. You feel the breath in your chest stop as his lips loom over your own. Closing your eyes, you let the inevitable happen. Theseus’s lips hit yours and you kiss him softly, for real, for the first time. Moving softly against yours, you relish just how soft and smooth Theseus’s lips are. Theseus subconsciously wraps his legs around your form in his lap, pulling you closer to him. 
    Inside, what Theseus felt was indescribable. In one word; heaven. Theseus tried to fight the hunger, the building lust in his chest, but failed miserably. With a low growl, he places his hands to your waist and pulls you fully into his lap. His hands trailed across your back, aching to feel your bare skin. Your hands found their way to Theseus’s curls and you yanked on them, causing Theseus to open his mouth more to your kisses. Slipping your tongue in his mouth, you let out a slight moan of pleasure as you feel Theseus’s hands squeezing your waist tightly. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you press your body into Theseus’s, aching for more of his touch. From behind the two of you, you hear a loud cough. 
    Theseus instinctively removes his hands from you and straightens his tie. Turning your head you see Newt and Tina, hand in hand, standing with wide eyes and reddened cheeks as they caught your intimate moment. Turning around in Theseus’s lap, you gracefully sit in front of him on the grass, blocking his arousal. Newt clears his throat, “Sorry to interrupt. I didn’t realize there would be something going on.” Theseus is frozen in embarrassment, leaving you to speak for the both of you. “I didn’t think you’d be back yet. Sorry Newt,” you mumble. He awkwardly laughs, “It’s okay. Tina and I are going to get started on dinner. Theseus you’re welcome to join us.” The couple depart the basement, ascending the stairs. 
    As soon as they leave you burst out laughing. “That was mortifying,” you breathe in between chuckles. Theseus, the hunger inside him now gone, looks at you laughing, and smiles. “I don’t think I’m ever going to live that down,” he admits. Your laughter slows and you spin around in the grass, facing Theseus. “I’m sorry Thes. I got a bit carried away,” you say sheepishly. Theseus looks at you astounded. Brushing the hair from your face he says softly, “This is not your fault. I couldn’t help myself. Anytime I’m around you, I lose control.” “Well you cover it surprisingly well,” you tease. Theseus stands, and offers you a hand. Taking it, Theseus pulls you up so strongly, your feet momentarily leave the ground. You laugh, stumbling into his arms as he catches your fall. Theseus looks down at you brightly. “I’m so glad Newt hired you,” Theseus gushes. You giggle, “Me too. I wouldn’t have a job otherwise.” Theseus says more seriously, “No. I mean because otherwise I wouldn’t have met you.” You smile, “Theseus I’m equally just as lucky to have met you.” Sighing, you stroll hand in hand back towards the staircase. “I’m sorry for kissing you. Don’t get me wrong I wanted to. But without being in an established relationship, I feel like it’s not fair to you,” Theseus confesses. You briefly brush a finger against his cheek before replying, “Thes. I wanted it just as much, if not more. I’m a big girl. Okay sure I’m only 26, I’m a lot younger than you. But I can take care of myself. And all I care about right now is spending time with you.” Theseus grins like a young school boy and  wraps you in a tight hug. “You’re so great,” he says against your hair. “So are you going to stay for dinner?” you ask him. Theseus sighs, “I don’t think so. I’m not going to be able to live it down. Not at least until we are in a relationship. Raincheck it for another time.” Grinning foolishly you say, “Until we’re in a relationship? Theseus Scamander is there something you’ve forgotten to ask me?” He lightly laughs, “Soon darling, soon.” The word darling rolled off his tongue with ease; it felt right. Walking up the stairs, hand in hand, you lead Theseus to the front door. “See you soon?” you phrase the question. “How could I keep myself away,” Theseus chuckles. He looks down at you, pining evident in his gaze. “You can kiss me whenever you know. I promise I won’t mind,” you say softly. That’s all the permission he needs and Theseus leans down, pressing his lips to yours. He reluctantly pulls away after a few lingering seconds and says, “Bye y/n.” Turning he disapparates. “Bye Thes,” you let his name hang in the air. 
    When you return to the kitchen Tina nearly shouts, “Mercy Lewis what is going on with you two?!” Laughing you say, “I’m not sure yet Tina. I’ll be sure to let you know when I find out.” Newt looks at you curiously. “Are you two dating?” he asks you. You sigh, “Not yet Newt. Theseus needs time, he feels guilty, which I understand. But if I’m honest I’d wait my whole life for someone like your brother. There’s no one else like him.” Newt grins widely at you, “Well next time you’re… preoccupied, give me a warning.”  You immediately defend yourself, “I didn’t expect for that to happen, it just did!” Newt and Tina burst out laughing and you realize they’re joking. “We’re happy for you, really,” Tina speaks for both of them. “Well, thanks,” you reply. 
    The next time you saw Theseus was two days later, on a Wednesday when he stopped by on his lunch break. “Coming!” you call at the sound of the doorbell, bounding up the stairs. Wiping your hands on your navy blue slacks, you swing the door open. Theseus stands in the doorway, a bouquet of wildflowers in his hand. “Thes what’s this?” you breathe, surprised. He grins and asks, “Can I come in?” “Of course,” you reply, stepping aside to let him in. Theseus walks into the kitchen and you follow. “These are for you,” he hands you the beautiful batch of flowers. “Oh they’re gorgeous Theseus. Thank you,” you kiss him on the cheek. Busying yourself with cutting the flowers and summoning a vase, you’re oblivious to Theseus watching you intently. Theseus chuckles, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything but wide-legged trousers and a white button up.” You turn to him and reply, “Dresses are overrated.” Theseus steps closer and says, “Yes but you always cut quite a figure in one.” His hands find their way to your waist and he kisses you swiftly, a touch too fleeting for your like. He turns away, but you catch his tie. “I wasn’t done,” you tease, pulling his lips back on your own. 
    Theseus’s heart thumps wildly against his chest. And as he watches you make lunch for the two of you to share, he finds his mind wandering, envisioning a future with you by his side. Bringing him a grilled cheese you ask, “What’s got you daydreaming handsome?” Pulled from his daze he answers, “You.” Your face turns beet red as you exclaim, “Theseus Scamander you sure know how to make a girl blush!” He laughs, “You’re cute when you blush.” Finishing lunch, Theseus prepares to return to the ministry. Theseus asks, “Will I see you at the minister’s dinner tomorrow night?” “Of course, I wouldn’t leave you alone there,” you reply. Theseus looks at you in awe. “You’re so great,” he gushes. You playfully roll your eyes and push him towards the door. “See you tomorrow darling,” Theseus plants a chaste kiss to your forehead. “Until then,” you reply, watching him go. 
    The next night you get ready for the minister’s dinner and find yourself excited for a ministry event for the first time in your life. “Tina, I’m nervous,” you admit as the two of you get ready. Tina rubs your shoulders comfortingly and reassures you, “Y/n, it’s clear Theseus adores you. You couldn’t do anything wrong, I promise.” “Right, sure,” you reply. Tina laughs, “I mean it. You can see how he looks at you. It was clear to everyone except apparently you two for a while.” You playfully swatted her arm. Emerging from the closet, you ask anxiously, “Do I look okay?” You wore yet another mermaid style evening gown, with wide straps that covered your shoulder blades. The back of the dress plunged dangerously low. The bottom of the skirt was made of a tulle material, the rest of it was satin. This dress was a beautiful shimmering aquamarine color, something surprisingly bright. “You look amazing,” Tina replies immediately. “You look great too Teeny,” you tell her, taking in her own, very similar dress, that was instead a shimmering gold. You had told Theseus you would meet him there, he wasn’t ready to arrive with you yet and be swarmed with questions about the nature of your relationship. “You two look stunning as ever,” Newt comes in, complimenting you both. “Thank you Newt,” you grin at your friend, whose eyes are now glued to Tina, drinking her in. “Alright love birds, let’s go,” you joke, taking one of each of their hands and disapparating. 
    You were now familiar with the minister’s mansion, and told Newt and Tina that you were going to look for Theseus. You made your way through throngs of people, managing to stumble only twice in your brand new nude pumps. Tonight your hair was pulled up high on your head, nestled in a wispy bun. Wearing the same teardrop earrings you did the first time you met Theseus, you kept your makeup simple, just gold eyeshadow with bronzer and a nude lip. You managed to spy him across the room, talking to Yaxley. Striding over, you tap him on the arm. 
    Theseus turns at your touch, his jaw visibly dropping. “I think that’s my new favorite color,” he breathes, gesturing to your dress. You planted a quick kiss on his cheek and replied, “So you like it?” All he could manage to do was nod fervently. Finally, he says huskily, “You look ravishing darling.” He eyes you hungrily and you warn, “Watch yourself Theseus. We’re in public.” Taking in your comment, Theseus turns and says to Yaxley, “You remember y/n l/n, my brother’s assistant don’t you?” Yaxley’s eyes are full of lust as he kisses your hand and says, “Of course I do. Y/n is quite unforgettable.” Theseus watches Yaxley’s lips linger on your hand and you see Theseus’s fists tighten by his side. “Mr. Yaxley, how are you this evening?” you ask politely, drawing your hand away. He smiles, “Lovely Ms. l/n and may I say you look beautiful this evening. The belle of the ball.” Blushing, you thank him as you try to ignore his eyes that study your figure in your dress. Theseus interjects, “I’m quite parched. Anyone care for a drink?” Yaxley politely declines but you pipe up, “I’d love one. I’ll come with you.” Theseus grins, satisfied that you caught on, and offers you his arm as he leads you towards the refreshments. You casually sip on champagne and shiver when Theseus whispers in your ear, “Meet me in the study in five minutes. I need to feel your lips.” Wordlessly, you nod. Then Theseus is gone. 
    The five minutes pass by agonizingly slow and Mr. Yaxley immediately comes back up to you when Theseus leaves. Throughout his monologue, you finally manage to interject, “Mr. Yaxley I must go and use the powder room. It was lovely to see you.” He watches as you race off down the hallway. As you grow farther away from the crowds, you hiss into the air, “Theseus? Where are you?” No answer. Rounding a corner, you go to peek into a room, hoping it’s the study. When you open the door, a hand comes out to meet yours, yanking you through the doorway and into the room, the door shutting behind you. 
    “Theseus I-” you’re immediately cut off by his lips on yours, the hunger and lust in the kiss evident. Theseus’s hands grip your waist tightly and your palms rest against his chest. In a thirst for more, Theseus pushes you up against the wall, planting his palms against the wall on either side of your head. You helplessly pulled at his tie, small moans escaping your lips. “Thes,” you breathe heavily as his lips fall to your collarbone. In between his sloppy, hunger filled kisses, Theseus sighs, “My god y/n, you’re so sexy.” Too overwhelmed to respond, you simply run your hands through his auburn hair as his lips move to your earlobe. You whimper as he nibbles on your sensitive skin, sending fiery pleasure shooting through your veins. Theseus raises his lips back up to your own and kisses you once more. Outside of the room there’s a sudden scraping of chairs against the ground and dinner was being prepared. Theseus moves his lips against your own, and it takes everything in you to push against his shoulders. “Easy tiger, we’ve got a dinner to attend,” you whisper. Your breathes intermingle with his own as he stands against you, heavily exhaling, trying to pull himself together. Finally Theseus raises his hands to his hair, readjusting his curls back to normal. He has a lingering irritated look on his face so you ask, “Theseus what’s wrong?” Turning to you, Theseus looks at you lovingly before saying, “Next event you’re coming as my date. I couldn’t stand to watch Yaxley shamelessly flirt with you. It’s torture.” You grin stupidly and reply, “I’d love that. To come as your date.” Theseus stares at you in awe and decides right then that he’s going to make the jump. “No, not as my date. My girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend, please?” he asks decisively. Theseus barely has a chance to catch you in his arms as you squeak, “Yes! Yes! Of course I’ll be your girlfriend!” Theseus lets you pepper him with kisses, laughing at your overload of affection. Reluctantly he says, “They’ll notice us missing at dinner.” You nod. “You first,” Theseus pushes you out the door. 
    Sitting at the dinner table, you notice Theseus’s name tag next to your spot. Playing dumb you ask a ministry employee seated near you , “Where is Theseus?” “I’m not sure, I haven’t seen him yet,” the man replies. Tina coughs loudly and you look at her, raising your eyebrows. She makes a move, readjusting the strap of her gown, hinting that you should do the same. Looking down, you bite back a gasp as you cover up one of Theseus’s bite marks on your shoulder blade. “Thanks,” you mouth to her. She nods, suppressing a giggle. Newt looks at you with bug eyes in disbelief that you would be so careless. Before you can attempt to mouth an explanation, Theseus enters and sits down next to you. Throughout dinner he is quiet, overcompensating to try to cover up the fact that he just groped you in the minister’s house. 
    After dinner is long over, Theseus asks you to dance. Smiling, you let him lead you to the dance floor. Your feelings for each other now clear, he doesn’t hesitate to hold you close to him, cradling you against his chest. “I could dance with you forever,” you sigh into his chest. Theseus murmurs into your hair, “I could too. I’d love nothing more than to hold you in my arms forever.” You smile into his chest at his confession. After a moment you look up into those familiar blue eyes and ask, “Thes, when we do come out as a couple, what will people say? I don’t want to ruin your reputation.” Theseus chuckles, “They’ll say lots of things. Probably that I’m a cradle robbing pervert. But for once I don’t care. I don’t think I could imagine my life without you.” You struggle to hold back tears at his sweet statement. Theseus went from worrying about what people would say about the two of you being friends, to wanting you on his arm at the next party as his partner, regardless of how it would look. 
    The night is soon over and you timedly ask, “Want to come over for some tea?” Theseus nods. Grabbing your coat, you smile at the eldest Scamander brother and take his hand, holding it for a moment .Sighing, you lean against his shoulder as Theseus presses a kiss to the top of your head. Then you disapparate. In your absence stands a seething Yaxley, muttering dozens of curses under his breath at the affection that you and Theseus seemed to share for each other. “Son of a bitch,” he grist through clenched teeth, soon leaving the party himself. 
    Newt and Tina are almost all too eager to leave the two of you alone, rushing down to the basement for some fun of their own. Theseus hangs up his coat and sits on the couch, patting the spot next to him. You tell him, “Theseus I know you love this dress, but I’ve got to get out of it and into something comfier. I’ll be back in a moment.” He gives you a fake pout as you walk away to your bedroom. You hiss in pain as you take off your tight heels, kicking them under your bed. Shimmying out of your dress, you put your striped pajamas on. Finally, you remove your earrings and let your hair down, the only remnants of the night being your makeup. 
    You smile at Theseus on the couch and curl up under his arm. “I had a great time,” you whisper. “Me too,” you can hear the grin in his voice. Laughing, you recall, “You left a bite mark on my shoulder.” Theseus stutters, “I may have gotten a little carried away.” Laying your head in his lap, you look up at Theseus, admiring all his features. “You’re so handsome,” you state, running a finger along his jawline. He laughs, leaning into your touch. You yawn sleepily, and you gradually fall asleep gazing at Theseus. 
    Waking up the next morning, you feel a rush of confusion as you found yourself on the couch, not in your bed. Blinking your eyes open, you see Theseus’s arms around you and realize the two of you were curled up on Newt’s couch. You sit up on your elbows, looking around at the clock. It was 11 am. “Theseus wake up,” you hissed in his ear. He groans, slowly opening his eyes. “What time is it?” he asks groggily. “11 am,” you answer, waiting for his inevitable shock. “I’m late for work!” he shouts, jumping up immediately. You laugh at his reaction. He rushes to the door and then stops when he realizes he hasn’t said goodbye to you. “See you later silly,” you giggle, kissing him sweetly. He smiles, “Goodbye beautiful,” as he rushes out the door and to the ministry. 
    Not long after Theseus leaves Newt comes traipsing up the stairs and over to you. “What is it Newt?” you ask at the curious look on his face. He responds, “Mr. Virgil wants to meet with us about our upcoming journey. I think he knows when he wants us to go.” “Oh,” is all you can manage. After everything with Theseus, the last thing you wanted to do was leave England. “He wants to meet at 11:30,” Newt adds. “Oh let me go change, be right back,” you respond, rushing off to change out of your pajamas. 
    Ten minutes later you depart with Newt, clad in a navy blue pantsuit with your white button up underneath your blazer. Entering Obscurus Books, you go to Mr. Virgil’s office. Before you enter, you grab Newt’s hand nervously and ask, “Do you know when he wants us to leave?” Newt gulps, “I have a hunch.” You groan sarcastically, “Great.” Knocking on the door, Mr. Virgil calls for you to enter. “Ahhh my two favorite Magizoologists, please have a seat,” he says. You and Newt sit across from him at his desk. Mr. Virgil begins, “Now I know I’ve gouged you for as many sketches as I can. I want some new material now, so I won’t beat around the bush. I want the two of you to leave right away for your Eastern Asia expedition!” Newt smiles broadly as you ask, “What do you mean right away?” Mr. Virgil responds, “Yes with the holidays coming up I realize the timing is rather inconvenient. I also the impact the two of you are making at ministry events, so of course you must attend the Christmas ball. But you’ll leave on the 1st of the new year!” You nod and manage a small, “Of course.” “Well kids that’s all I have for you. Enjoy your holidays and I’ll see you at the Minister’s Christmas eve ball next week!” he shoos you out of his office. The whole way home you’re silent, your mind floods with worries. 
    Later that night in the case Newt breaks the silence, “What gives?” You nearly sob out your answer, “Newt! Theseus just asked me to be his girlfriend, he’s finally letting himself be happy and now we have to leave!” “It’s only for three months,” Newt sets a reassuring hand on your back. “Three months,” you choke on your words, “But at the worst time imaginable. I don’t want to leave him.” Newt hugs you, rubbing comforting circles across your back. “I know how you feel,” Newt whispers, “I don’t want to leave Tina either. But this is the opportunity we’ve been looking for.” “I know,” you croak. You stand in Newt’s arms, letting him comfort you. Eventually you ask, “How am I supposed to tell him?” Newt walks over to his desk, and you follow. “I don’t know,” Newt confesses. “Don’t know what?” Tina walks in. You immediately panic and turn to Newt, wordlessly asking him what you should do. Apparently Tina caught on and breathes softly, “You’re leaving aren’t you?” Slowly, you nod. “When?” her voice cracks. “January 1st,” Newt whispers. “Oh god,” Tina gasps. Newt looks at his girlfriend and says, “Tina I’m sorry. I didn’t expect it to be this soon.” She says nothing, but rather she falls into Newt’s arms, softly whimpering. You let them be and walk back up the stairs, giving them a moment. 
    The next three days you avoid Theseus completely, which he doesn’t appreciate. So one day, around 9 pm, you sat in the basement, pouring over sketches, when you hear footsteps bounding down the stairs. “Newt don’t worry I ate,” you stop your sentence when you look up and see Theseus standing in front of you, breathless. “Thes, I….” your voice trails off, you’re not sure what to say. “Why are you avoiding me?” he asks, the pain evident in his voice. Your voice trembles, “I’m sorry Thes, I really am. I just, I didn’t know how to tell you.” Immediately concerned, Theseus grabs your hands and searches your gaze. “Tell me what y/n?” he asks hurriedly. You avoid his gaze, sputtering, “Newt and I are supposed to leave for our new set of research on January 1st.” “Oh,” he says pained. You look up into his emotional blue eyes, and brushed a hand against his soft cheek. He covers your hand with his own and asks, “How long?” You sigh, “Three months.” Theseus’s face falls, tears threatening to spill over his eyelids. “We can do this,” you try to reassure him. He agrees, “I know we can. But I really don’t like being away from you. You’re kind of special to me.” Instead of replying, you stand on your tiptoes, grabbing Theseus’s cheeks and kiss him passionately, pouring all your emotion into the kiss. The kiss soon grows salty, the tears from both of you mixing on the surface of your lips. 
    The kiss deepens, and Theseus lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Theseus carries you over to the green pasture where you first kissed and lays you down gently. Theseus looks to you for permission to continue. You nod, letting out a fluttering sigh as Theseus begins to worship every inch of your skin with his lips. Your mind empties of all thought as Theseus makes love to you. And afterwards, you lay in his arms, overcome with love for this man. Turning to face him you whisper, “Theseus, I want to tell you something.” “What’s that?” he mumbled tiredly. “I don’t want you to feel pressure to say it back, but I want you to know this,” you continue. Theseus raises his eyebrows in question at you. “Theseus, I love you,” you tell him, brushing a curl away from his forehead. He sucks in a sharp breath, his eyes combing over you wildly. “I love you too,” he blurts out. Your face breaks out into a huge grin, “Really?” Theseus kisses you briefly, replying, “Really. Really I do.” “It’s gonna be so hard to leave,” you groan in frustration. Theseus nods, kissing you on the nose. “I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back,” Theseus tells you. “Good,” you reply, kissing him again. 
    The rest of the week before the ball, Theseus was over constantly whenever he wasn’t at work. The four of you lived in harmony, Theseus and Tina suppressing their sadness of you and Newt leaving. The day of the ball was here and you and Tina pushed Newt and Theseus out. “You can’t watch us get ready!” you laugh, pushing the two men from your bedroom. Theseus pouts at you. “Don’t give me that puppy dog look,” you playfully frown at Theseus. “Fine,” he groans, turning away and shutting the door. 
    You helped Tina with her hair, delicately pinning it to the side near her shoulder in a low bun. You put gold eyeshadow on her, as well as blush and a deep red lipstick. The dresses you wore were a surprise, they were matching. Each dress had a sweetheart neckline with off the shoulder long sleeves that flowed down in drips of sheer fabric. The rest of the dresses were made of elegant satin with large skirts that billowed around you, the various tulle layers underneath the satin propping the skirts up. Tina’s was navy blue, yours was emerald green. You did your makeup the same way as Tina’s and pinned your hair into a low side bun as well. Putting in your pearl earrings, you slipped into your nude heels, and declared yourself ready. 
    When the two of you walked out of your bedroom, Newt and Theseus had no words. “Say something won’t you?” you asked Theseus anxiously. Theseus manages to put a phrase together, “My god you look beautiful.” Newt plants an adoring kiss on Tina’s cheek. “Ready?” Theseus offers you his arm. “For anything,” you respond brightly, hooking your arm in his. The four of you depart for the Christmas eve ball. 
    When you entered the ball on Theseus’s arm, all eyes are on you. “Thes I’m nervous,” you whisper to your boyfriend. He chuckles lightly before he presses a kiss to the side of your head saying, “You can do this.” The first man to approach is none other than the minister himself. “Theseus my boy, I saw you arrive with Ms. l/n, I must say the two of you look quite good together,” he smiles. Theseus responds politely, “Thank you minister. I’ve actually brought y/n as my date tonight.” The minister’s eyes light up as he responds, “Does this mean you’ve struck up a courtship?” Laughing, you answer, “Yes Minister. Theseus and I are dating.” The minister claps Theseus on the back and exclaims, “Well done my boy! Well done! You two look marvelous together I do hope to see her at more auror events!” You smile, “Of course minister.” He soon departs. Across the room, Yaxley approaches, fuming. Plastering a fake smile to his face, Yaxley asks, “Can the rumors be true? Has the older Scamander brother begun dating his younger brother’s assistant?” Before you can respond, Theseus does for you, “Yes, it’s true. I’m quite happy with my y/n, she’s a marvel.” Your brow furrows at hearing Theseus call you ‘his’. Then you notice how Yaxley is looking at you and immediately understand why. Yaxley was mentally undressing you with his eyes and you swallowed your disgust. Turning to look at your beloved, you smile up at him and say, “I’m quite happy to be with Theseus as well. He’s the kindest man I know.” Yaxley manages a, “How nice for you,” and storms off. Now facing Theseus, you grin broadly at him and say, “It could have gone worse.” He nods, agreeing with you. “It feels so nice to be able to kiss you in public,” Theseus adds, planting a small kiss on your lips. Grinning at him you reply, “Yes that’s always nice.” 
    You and Theseus were questioned throughout dinner, about your relationship. Theseus graciously fielded all the questions for you as you sat next to him smiling. And when dinner was over, Theseus sweeps you onto the dance floor, showing you off like a beautiful flower. During a tender ballad he holds you tightly against him, fighting back his emotions. “I love you,” you murmur into his chest. “I love you too beautiful,” Theseus responds, tilting your chin up and kissing you deeply. Staring into the blue eyes of the only man you’d ever love, you sigh, “I wish I didn’t have to go.” Theseus looks at you thoughtfully, before brushing a strand of hair that got loose behind your ear. “This is a great opportunity for you and Newt, y/n. You have to go. I’ll still be here when you get back, waiting with open arms,” he tells you firmly. “But what if… what if something happens to you?” you let slip your worst fear. Theseus looks at you sadly, realizing just how scared you were. He reassures you, “Hey, hey, I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to be right here when you get back. Nothing’s gonna happen to me.” A tear spills onto your cheek and Theseus wipes it gently away. “When I come back,” your voice falters, “When I come back from Newt and I’s trip, I want to spend the rest of my days with you, by your side.” Theseus audibly gulps, “I want that too.” You gently smile at him and ask, “Is that something you’re ready for Thes?” In that moment, in his heart, Theseus had never been more sure of anything in his life. “I don’t want a life without you in it. I want you by my side always,” he replies firmly. You stare at Theseus, longing in your eyes. “Can we go now?” your voice is barely audible. Theseus nods, saying, “I’ll get your coat.” When he leaves, you go to find Newt. Tapping him on the shoulder you say, “Newt, I think I’m going to spend the night at Theseus’s. I just need some time with him. I’ll be home before we’re supposed to leave.” Newt smiles and replies, “Of course. Try to be excited y/n. It’s not everyday you get to go on an all expenses paid research trip with your best friend.” You smile softly, “Okay Newt, I’ll try. See you later.” Returning to Theseus, you let him envelope you in his arms and disapparate you to his home. 
    What was meant to be one night at Theseus’s ended up being nearly a week. Surprisingly, Theseus took the whole week off of work, instead choosing to spend his days laughing with you, crying with you, and making love to you. Theseus returned to Newt’s with you the day of your departure for your trip. Waiting in the living room for Newt to finish explaining to Tina all the treatment his creatures in the basement needed, you looked at Theseus sadly. He sees you studying with him and walks over, wrapping his arms around you. “It’ll be okay y/n. I told you, I’m gonna be here waiting for you when you get back. I’m already counting the days until you return.” Brushing an auburn coil of hair from his forehead you tell him, “I love you Theseus Scamander.” Theseus smiles down at you and responds, “I love you too y/n l/n.” Newt and Tina emerge from the basement, and noticeably, a tearful goodbye. “I love you Newt,” Tina whispers to him. “And I love you Tina Goldstein,” Newt kisses her on the forehead. Newt approaches you and his brother and says, “We’ll try to write when we can.” Tina and Theseus nod. In a last moment of weakness, you throw yourself into Theseus’s arms, kissing him with everything in you. He returns the kiss just as desperately, his insides falling apart at the idea of you leaving for three months. “I love you,” the two of you breathe together. Separating from your love, you take your spot beside Newt and take your friend’s hand. “Be safe,” Tina advises, the worry in her voice clear. You and Newt nod wordlessly. “See you in April,” Newt says, looking at his brother and his girlfriend. Before you disapparate, you let yourself take one last look at Theseus, drinking him in. Then you and Newt are gone. 
7 weeks later, Somewhere in the East Asian rainforest 
Sitting in Newt’s shed in the case, you smiled, rereading the letter Theseus sent you a few days ago. 
My dearest y/n, 
I miss you more than words can convey. In your absence, I feel how empty my life is without you. I can’t let another day go by without knowing that you’ll spend your life by my side. Assuming you feel as strongly, y/n, I intend to marry you the day you come back to London. I can’t wait anymore. I want you to be my wife. Take this ring so you remember what we’re fighting for. Hope the research is going well. Stay safe. I love you. 
Your fiance, 
    Glancing away from the letter, you smiled at the glittering sapphire ring that sparkled on your finger. It was risky, sure, but Theseus sent the ring with the letter, wanting it on your finger right away. It was perfect and you couldn’t wait to finish up your research with Newt and return to your waiting fiance. Speaking of Newt, he entered the shed, a grave look on his face. “Newt what is it?” you ask immediately, stepping up to him. He looked like a ghost. He gulps and looks up at you, pausing before saying, “It’s Theseus. He’s gone missing.” Blood rushes in your ears and you’re sure you heard him wrong. “What?” you ask, your heart suddenly pumping very loudly. “Theseus is gone,” Newt repeats. The letter in your hand flutters to the ground and your blood curdling scream fills the night air. 
To be continued 
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lesbian-deadpool · 5 years
Pride Parade Challenge
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(Not my GIF)
Hello, it me. I guessed this would be a good time to do one of these things.
Happy pride month motherfuckers! I thought in celebration, I would make my very first writing challenge. A pride-ing challenge if you will... this is for the MCU only. Any Marvel character is allowed. I will be accepting takers from now up until the 23rd of June. Deadlines are the 1st of July (But if you post it months after the deadline, it’s okay. I do it the same thing)
Only one Prompt/AU/Song per person.
If this gets ‘popular’/people want to use the same prompt. You can use the same prompt, as long as it’s for a different character. So it doesn't get repetitive, y’know?
Sharing is caring. So please reblog this, so more people can join in.
Follow me if you want? Idk.
Send me a message anon or not with what prompt and character you want to write.
Fluff, angst, smut, etc. Whatever you want.
No paedophilia/underage, incest, non-con, or anything like these. (I can’t believe I have to say this shit)
Only mlm and wlw only.
All of the LGBTQ+ is welcome. ALL.
X Reader only.
Please tag your fics, add word count, and use ‘read more’ when necessary.
Tag me @lesbiandeadpool and use the hashtag #ppchallenge (haha pp) and #prideparadechallenge.
Also, bc Tumblr’s an ass. Please shoot me a message once you’ve posted the fic.
That’s it. Happy writing!
A/N: All but the first prompt is my creation. Any resemblance is not my fault. Crazy minds think alike. There’s a lot of prompts, but if or when I make another challenge, I will most likely be reusing them.
(These can be any AU) ((Name) can be either the reader or the character)
1. “Your love is like a giant pigeon, crapping on my heart.”
2. “I’m pregnant.” “... how?”
3. “I woke up this morning and all I wanted to do was kiss you.”
4. “Where did you get that cat from?” (@a-simple-imagine - Pepperony)
5. “How many times have you done this today?”
6. “I want to dye my hair.”
7. “You’re a complete idiot.” “Right?” (@saltybaltic - Ms Romanoff)
8. “I want a divorce.” “... but we’re not even married.” “And whose fault is that?”
9. “You do know they’re an alien, right?”
10. “Did you have to break my nose?” “Yes.”
11. “How do I look?” “Do you have time to go change?” “No.” “Then you look great!”
12. “How many fingers am I holding up?” “I swear to, God, if I turn around and you’re flipping me off, I will kill you.”
13. “Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?... oh, it’s a gun.”
14. “Hey (Name), have you seen my glasses?” *Crunch* “Oops.”
15. “What was that sound?” “Maybe it was a ghost.” “... why do you have to do that?”
16. “I want a baby.”
17. “Care to take a shower with me?”
18. (Over the phone) “Heeeeeyyyyyyy. So, guess what?” “What?” “I’m in jail, again.” *Hangs up*
19. “Do you love me?”
20. “What do I remind you of?” “An idiot.”
21. “In another life, I would be president.” “In this life, I’m annoyed by you.”
22. “Hey, (Name), I’ve got a song for you.” “If you sing ‘Baby Got Back’ to me, one more time.”
23. “Wanna get married?”
24. “You make me wanna scream.” “Oh, I’m that good?” (@aikroa - Lady Loki)
25. “I asked you two hours ago if you could wash the dishes.”
26. “Wanna work out with me?” “I am never stepping foot inside of a gym, with you again.”
27. “Please don’t threaten me with a knife. I’ll get horny.” (@peachyteabuck - Buckynat)
28. “This is my David bowie knife.”
29. “Oh my, God. I’m so gay.”
30.  ”I thought you loved me.”
31. “Was everything a lie?”
32. “Hey, babe, guess what-” “I think we should break up.”
33. “You were the one who broke up with me!”
34. “You are so hot right now.”
35. “I am so in love with you.”
36. “Is this relationship going anywhere?”
37. “Are you cheating on me?”
38. “I swear, I’m gonna kill them.” “Okay. Call me if you need help hiding the body.”
39. “Let’s have sex.”
40. “Why don’t you just move in with me?”
41. “Can I paint your nails?” “... sure.”
42. “Can I cut your hair?” “What?”
43. “I love you. And you make me horny. So it’s a win-win.”
44. “I never loved you.”
45. “This was just a fling.”
46. “I want a dog.” “I’m a mad dog!”
47. “You’re lucky I love you.” “Why?” “Because, I just ate all of the olives off the pizza, before you came into the room.” (They both hate olives)
48. “I love cheese.” “Do you love anything else?” “... nope.”
49. “Happy pride! No homo.” “(Name), we’re dating.”
50. “Please do not quote Jim Carrey.” “Alllllllllll righty then!”
(Superhero/modern are a given. These are more specific)
1. Road trip
2. Mafia
3. Teachers
4. NASA (Astronauts/Space)
5. Soulmate
6. The one that got away
7. Neighbours
8. Coffee shop
9. Only one bed
10. Fake dating
11. “Just friends”
12. Enemies to lovers
13. Pride march
14. Sick
15. Medieval
16. Modern royalty
17. High school
18. Summer vacation
19. College
20. 80′s
21. Hospital/Doctors
22. Firefighters
23. One night stand (@topcaroldanvers - Natasha)
24. Actors
25. Wrong number
(Once again any AU)
1. Bad Guy - Billie Eilish
2. Jealous - Labrinth
3. Here - Alessia Cara (@ithoughtiwasflying - Natasha)
4. Serotonia - Highly Suspect
5. I Want to Break Free - Queen
6. What I Need - Hayley Kiyoko
7. Crazy=Genious - Panic! At The Disco
8. Arabella - Arctic Monkeys
9. We Are Golden - Mika
10. You Can Drive My Car - The Beatles
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fictionjay · 5 years
Beau and the Beast [6]
Summary: Bucky Barnes x Reader gender bent Beauty and Beast AU
Word Count: 1,965
Author’s Note:  I AM BACK AGAIN! Thank you for reading my story I am forever grateful, and inspiring me to resume this story, I promise I will try to be more diligent with it!
Also, I don’t own any marvel characters or the story of Beauty and Beast, only my original ideas that I’ve spun into it :) GIF not mine either!
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Previous [X]
Without Finn Bucky soon felt the strain of running through the expansive grounds. He was however thankful for the cloak that combatted the wintery air. His lungs felt on fire as he pushed himself nearer to the gates and into the freedom of the forest. Periodically he looked behind him seeing that he was not being tailed. She had really meant it, he thought. The gates creaked from neglect and age at being pushed open. Seeing no need to rush anymore he brought himself to a brisk walk. Breathing heavily, he couldn’t recall the last time he had needed to run like that since the war.
Footsteps molded into the snow as he padded on. Cursing his adrenaline for running out, he was left winded, aching and cold. Wrapping the cloak tighter around himself he hadn’t anticipated how dark the woods would be during the night. Limited moonlight forced its way through the trees in sporadic patches guiding him closer to what he hoped was the direction of home. Nothing looked familiar in the dark not that it would have made a difference in the light, he had no idea where he was or where he was going. “What am I doing?” He stopped as he rubbed his frozen digits together after a mile of traveling. He couldn’t go back to the castle and deal with that monster but he would also catch his death of cold before he made it to civilization.
Growls interrupted his thoughts and he only had a second to make his decision. He took off to run in the opposite of the snowy wolf he had failed to spot stalking him.  “Shit.” His tracks were stopped another wolf who had blended right into the snowy scenery. Bucky could have smacked himself out of stupidity. It was like all of his military training had left his mind and now he was in trouble. One wolf even with the highest of optimism, he thought he could take on, but two? There was no way, not unarmed. They were toying with him as they each stalked closer each one matching the other’s steps. They stopped to howl spreading word that their pack would have some food this night before the wolf to his right sprang into action. Bucky squared himself in defense ready to fight back somehow but the occasion never came. Falling from the air at his feet Bucky saw the arrow that ran through the wolf’s fur piercing it directly through the heart.
It only took him a second to spot you, his savior, before the second wolf spotted you as well and took a moment to decide who to pursue. Choosing the closer option bolting for Bucky, but you had prepared for this and dropped the second wolf through a well-placed shot to the neck. Sliding down the bank staying upright you jogged until you reached his side in the small clearing. “Don’t move yet.” You nocked another arrow and stared into the distance between a patch of closely planted trees. “And be quiet!” You chided softly hearing him about to say something. They were trapping you. The sound of crunching snow met your ears and they perked slightly to the sound. There was at least a dozen and as luck would have it you only had a handful of arrows left. You inhaled and held your breath before releasing the arrow and hearing the squeal of an injured animal before all hell broke loose.
They were coordinated as they thundered towards you flanking from each side so there was no efficient escape route. Arrows flew as they hit their canine targets some enough to down the animal others only hindered. Bucky felt useless as he stood there watching you handle the situation at hand. He was suddenly on the ground seeing that you were the culprit with a wolf gliding mid jump over his head. It was only milliseconds later you shot him dead. “Run.” He was slightly terrified at the tone of your voice, composed and hardly louder than a whisper he was afraid he was imagining it. “Leave.”
He hadn’t wasted another second as the sound of his retreating footsteps sounded away. There were still three wolves to deal with, one of which was on its last limb and fighting for revenge and leaving it unpredictable. None of them had even cared about Bucky as he fled their attention set on you. Your last arrow was nocked and aimed ready for whichever wolf was brave enough to attack first. It was sudden as all three rushed at once. Having an opening you were able to hit on directly through the heart before it fell on top of you pinning it beneath its furry mass. You let out a pained yelp as one of the wolves sank teeth directly through the fur and flesh of your thigh. Pushing the dead wolf forcefully off you it bashed into your attacker stunning it for a moment before it struggled underneath the carcass. Arrow in hand you scrambled to reach your bow but the injured wolf had sensed your actions and pounced clawing your arms deep. Bringing the arrow into its paw you stopped it from harming you further. It growled barring its teeth. You pushed yourself along the ground trailing a stain of crimson across the snow. Hobbling after you with only three legs the other wolf had managed to free itself. You were close to grasping an arrow that was just out of reach on the ground when they both bounded at you.
“Hey!” Both wolves skid to a halt at the masculine voice that commanded their attention. Seizing the moment, you stretched for the arrow. Pain rang through you as you stood sprinting to the creature and ending its misery. That left only one wolf who was no longer distracted as you now held two arrows but your bow was still a distance away. Your leg shook as you stood there, both you and the wolf calculating your next move. Everything was silent for another minute more before the wolf turned and dashed into the woods howling as it left. Blood ran thick from your leg as it collapsed sending you to the ground. Your head was fuzzy and vision became blurred. “Hey!” His voice was close. “Jesus, umm hang on. You’ll be alright just hang on.”
Bucky felt you go limp as he scooped you into his arms as delicately as he could given your sprawled out position. His metallic arm hesitated. It had been a few days since he had oiled it and now it was showing. With a little more movement he was able to finally have it cooperate. Your flesh was covered in a layer of goosebumps and he watched the blood soaking onto his cloak as he covered you best he could while also keeping himself protected. He was surprised that you were still light enough he could carry you with little struggle. As the castle got closer Bucky’s arm and shoulders burned from the exertion. Only the stairs and you would both be safe in the castle.
The doors swung open and Bucky tumbled inside and rushed to the couch near the fireplace where he dropped you. “Oh thank heavens.” Ms. Pott’s rolled to his side taking in your disheveled and frigid person.
“She’s injured pretty badly.” He was shaking from what he couldn’t say.
“We’ll tend to that dear, why don’t you have a seat near the fire and have a nice cup of tea.” She pushed him into the arm chair that sat closer to the fire. “Peter, please give our guest some tea.”
“On it!” His voice was enthusiastic and happy to help as he tittered carefully across the floor trying to keep his liquid contents from spilling.  
"T-thank you." Bucky chattered feeling uneasy as he shook.
"Sit down dear you're in shock. I'm afraid you'll pass out if you don't relax." The man nodded lowering himself into the armchair as his mind wandered to darker places at the sight of your heavily stained dress. "Deep breaths dear, that's it." Ms. Pott's soothed him as she tried to take inventory of your wounds.
Bucky's head throbbed with unwanted flashbacks of his time in the war. His friends, and enemies alike sprawled along the battleground. Red tinged the stark-white snow as far as the eye could see. The horror of looking down and seeing a bloody mutated stump where his left arm should be. He couldn't even recall when it had happened no mattered how many times he thought back on it. He remembered the fighting, slashing through his enemies one by one until the hill sounded with the bugle of retreat from the enemies side. Having passed out at some point he awoke to the sound of agonized screams. The wounded yelling for aid. His own voice failed him at the sight before succumbing to the darkness again.
"I brought you tea." Peter's chipper voice broke his hallucination. He was sweating heavily and could feel his racing heart. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Bucky wiped his brow before taking a steaming mug.
"If you're feeling well enough I could use your help, I'm not built for handling things of this nature anymore." Ms. Pott's looked concerned but said nothing further.
"I can try, don't have any medical experience though." He lifted himself slowly coming to your side beside Ms. Pott's.
"Anything you can do is helpful dear." She was so maternal Bucky couldn't help but be calm in her presence. "Could you lift her skirt there please."
"E-excuse me?" His face burned red and warm.
"I can't access the large wound that seems to be on her thigh, I need you to lift her skirt."
"O-okay." Bucky moved the material gently revealing the large gash on your thigh. "Is she going to be okay?"
"All things considered, yes."
"That doesn't look good, there's a lot of blood."
"Yes there is, but she's tough." Ms. Pott's sighed, "with the proper care and rest she will make a quick recovery." Ms. Pott's rolled away from a moment leaving him alone. He grabbed your hand gently feeling the smooth fur. Ms. Pott's return a few moments later startled him into dropping your hand indelicately, which he rectified quickly by placing it to your side.
"What's that?" Bucky looked to the large basin with a steaming liquid which let of a herbal smell.
"Something to aid in the healing process, keep infections away." He nodded giving the pungent concoction another whiff. "I have rags here, if you could please soak them in the liquid then place them on the wound I would be grateful." Nodding again he set to work doing as instructed. Twenty minutes later you were cleaned and bandaged but had yet to waken, or even made a noise.
"Should I take her to her room?" Bucky was exhausted but felt you would be much more comfortable there.
"That's fine dear." Ms. Pott's smiled to him, she too was tired, he could see it in her face. "Make sure to get some rest."
"I will thank you, sleep well." You groaned softly as he lifted you. "Alright off to bed." He was gentle and moved slowly as he walked the halls and up the stairs to where he originally stumbled upon you. The air was cold as he layered blankets over you tucking them in.
"Thank you." Your voice was soft and weak. He looked at your face and saw a faint smile but your eyes remained closed. He listened to you sigh once more before you began to snore.
"You're welcome." Bucky whispered to your sleeping form before heading to his own room for some well needed rest.
Taglist @irelandsfinestpotatoedealer
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
Yessss, that is what happened no questions asked!!!! It works as well, Rita defo saw her and was like bebe needs some help 😂
OMG, Spicy Keane!!!!!! I started watching Homeland the other day, because of you (surprise surprise!!!) and omfg Ms Marvel kills; the suits, the glasses, the authority, it’s all just sooo 🥵🥵🥵
But when she starts crying over her son 🥺 I was all bby let me hold you 🥺🥺.
I currently have a fully formed relationship with Elizabeth Keane (in my head, along with my 1,000 other pretend relationships 😂😂😂😂)
I seriously need to get out more!!!!!!
LEGIT!!! Like, be it romantic, sexual or just friends, they definitely have some kind of positive relationship 😂😂
UGH RIGHT??? The POWER!!! Woof. Ms Marvel really gets to show a TON of her range in one role & that’s not usual! Like, she has the power, the soft side, the fake soft side, THE SWEARING??????? (Lord, the first time I heard her say “fuck” i LOST IT, and promptly replayed it like 8 times)
There’s a ton of other brilliant acting from her but I dont wanna spoil things for you lolololol. She’s incredible.
OOF I KNOW IT PAAAAINS ME WOOF! (Also have a mini series coming for that scene) ugh. Like, i just wanna hold you bebe, its gonna be okay 😭😭
BAHAHAHAHAHA fucking same.....
Have some gifs.....
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wonderswritings · 6 years
How To Save a Life...Or Love Prologue
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Summary: It was supposed to be a routine mission, so how did everything go so wrong so fast? The heroes are broken, along with the entire world. One mishap, and everything goes to hell.  With a race against time, the doctors are forced to work quick and do their best before they lose a world renowned Avenger, and an American hero. It’s a race against the clock, for both life, and for a blossoming love. It’s unfair, when one of the heroes takes a fall that wasn’t even supposed to happen in the first place. Y/N is forced with a difficult choice, accept what her heart is telling her, or do what she has always done her entire life.
Pairings: Derek Shepherd x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader Characters: The Avengers, Bucky, Wanda, Derek Shepherd, Owen Hunt, Miranda Bailey, Mark Sloan, Teddy Altman, Richard Webber, Callie Torrez Powers: Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed,  X-Ray Vision, Super Hearing, Shadow Manipulation, Energy Manipulation
AN: So if you can’t tell from the gif, this is a Grey’s Anatomy and Avengers AU. This is set when Seattle Grace merges with Mercy West, becoming Seattle Grace Mercy West. This is also set before the shooting episode. This is also set where Civil War never happened, but kindaish did. Your superhero name is Ms. Marvel, but it has nothing to do with Captain Marvel or her comic book persona. Also they might be a lot of time jumps since I’ve never written for the Grey’s Anatomy people.
There will be a separate tag list for this series!
Tony wrapped his arms under her body, ignoring how she didn't even move or open her eyes when he did. He turned, facing the group of bystanders who were watching, some covered in dirt and dust, others with tears in their eyes as they watched him.
“Where's the nearest hospital?”
An elderly man stepped forward, and Tony recognized him as the man Ms. Marvel had saved before she took the hit.
“You'll want to take her to Seattle Grace Mercy West. They're most equipped to help her.”
Tony nodded, thanking him as he closed his face mask, firing the repulsors and flying off. He found the hospital with ease, landing at the entrance. He opened his face mask, looking around when a group of doctors started to run towards him.
“Help her, please.”
The doctors nodded, one calling a nurse over with a gurney, and Tony stepped forward, placing her on the gurney. He stepped back, watching as the doctors ran off, pushing the gurney beside them. An older doctor came forward, almost skittish as he stopped in front if Tony.
“My name is Richard Webber, I'm the chief of surgery here.”
Tony nodded, shaking his hand.
“Uh.. Tony Stark. I hate to do this but I- the team they still need me.”
Webber nodded, offering Tony an easy smile.
“Of course. When you have everything settled and you come back here just find a nurse and tell them to page the chief. I'll be able to help you all and give you information on Ms. Marvel's condition.”
Tony nodded, stepped back as he closed his face mask.
“Thank you.”
Webber nodded, watching as Tony walked back out, flying off as soon as he was a foot out the door. Webber nodded, before he ran off, heading for the OR. He grabbed a mask, putting it on as the doors opened.
“How is she?”
Owen looked up, sparing Webber a quick glance before he returned to what he was doing.
“Its bad chief, really bad.”
Webber sighed, nodding his head.
“Alright, keep my updated.”
Owen nodded, and every doctor stopped working on her when the heart monitor started to beep faster before it slowed, the heart line turning flat.
“We’re losing her!” “Charge the paddles to two hundred!”
Webber cast a look at the table, seeing Ms. Marvel with her eyes closed, paler than what she looked when she first came in.
“Hunt, do whatever you have to do to keep her alive.”
Owen nodded, and Webber turned on his heel leaving the O.R room. 
****If you want to be added to my tags please go to @capstags and reblog or comment what you want to be tagged in. Likes will be ignored*** 
Marvel Tags:
@sfreeborn @patzammit @capsofwinchesters @smoothdogsgirl @fir3flies-light-up-my-sky @andiyholly @emoryhemsworth @embersofstardust @toastmaster94 @5aftermidnight @crystlblu @sergeantwhitewolf @tienna-laufeyson16 @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @hista-girl @supernaturaldean67 @textbookbabe @iwanttomeetnewpeople @kurlyafro @killsandchills @andiyholly @lucywinchester67 @wowza-2 @badsongwinchester @agent-valkyrie-romanoff @jedi-of-221bbakerst @katykyll @exodarkwolf16 @liberty01 @jdawgzzz @his-paradox @elwenia @carrietoddrick @quotemeow @karanliginkizilovato @idkavengersgirl @peterfromtheavengers @imjustakilljoybaby @thisismysecrethappyplace @aloneanddesperate @overly-excited-fangirl  @sydthekid1518 @snail-gardens @lovemesomepietro @coffeebooksandfandom @the-sun-the-moon-the-truth24 @team-marvel13 @coffeebooksandfandom
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bloodiedskirtts · 6 years
Love & War | Part 12: The Hardest Goodbye
‘Summary: After losing both Steve and Bucky, Y/N gets some shocking news
Pairing: Bucky x Reader x Steve
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: ANGST! ANGST! ANGST! Cliffhanger
A/N: It’s the last chapter. If there’s enough want for it, I will do a sequel! Because, well you’ll see!
Feedback is always appreciated! Thanks for reading. I hope you guys like it! Gif is not mine, credit to creator x
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‘Steve, you can’t do this!’
‘I have to. I have to do this for him!’ he retorted.
‘Steve!’ she snapped.
‘Y/N! I’ve made up my mind. If I don’t this, if I don’t bring down Hydra, who knows what they could do? You saw the weapons! You saw...’
‘I can’t lose you too,’ her voice barely a whisper.
‘You won’t.’
He gripped her tightly in his arms, her face buried into his chest as she breathed in his scent. His lips brushed the top of her hair as he held her one last time before he left.
‘Does it have to be you?’ she whispered.
He looked down at her, giving her a weak smile.
‘You know it does,’ he replied giving her a soft kiss.
She knew that Steve wouldn’t stop until Hydra was destroyed. And after Bucky had fallen from the train his conviction to do it had just grown stronger. When he returned from the mission, they spent the night curled up in each other’s arms sobbing. He had finally managed to explain to her what happened, that he had slipped from the roof of the train and Steve wasn’t able to grab him. Steve wasn’t able to save him. Her heart broke thinking about his final moments. She reassured herself and Steve that he died a hero. And that no matter what Steve thought it wasn’t his fault.
But when Steve got his mission, what he said would be the final mission, her heart sank. Extracting Zola was dangerous but attacking the final Hydra base? That was suicide. She hated to admit it but she wasn’t stupid enough to believe Steve when he said he would make it out unscathed.
It could be the only place Schmidt, the leader of Hydra could be. It was the only place left for him to be holing out, waiting for the war to finally finish. She knew the cruelty of the man they called the Red Skull from the messages she had intercepted from Hydra. How could Steve face him? She shuddered at the thought as Steve kissed her lips one last time.
‘I love you,’ he whispered softly, cupping her face in his calloused hands.
‘And I love you, Steve,’ she breathed out not wanting this moment to end.
But it did, like every good moment she had treasured since the war broke out, Steve promised to return to her as he walked away from her. Neither of them knowing that it would be the last time he walked away from her.
‘There's not enough time. This thing's moving too fast and it's heading for New York. I gotta put her in the water.’
‘Steve don’t do this,’ Y/N whispered back, Peggy gripped her shoulder as tears filled her eyes.
‘Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die. Y/N, this is my choice.’
‘Come back to me, Steve,’ she breathed out. ‘You don’t have to do this. We can figure something out.’
He knew she was crying, he could hear her voice crack the way it did as she sobbed.
‘Hey, I promised you I’d come back,’ he told her, trying to reassure her.
‘I love you, Steve.’
‘I lo-’
‘Steve? Steve?’
Peggy held her tightly as she sobbed into her blouse, neither one caring if it was professional or not, in that moment. The room was empty as the two women held each other. The immense loss hitting her like a tonne of bricks. She wanted to scream and tear down every Hydra stronghold. She would do it with her bare hands if she had to. She promised she would get revenge for both her boys. Both Steve and Bucky.
It had been almost a month since the plane went down in the ice. So far there was no sight nor sound of it. Howard had promised Y/N that they were working around the clock to find him. She had made her way to work earlier than usual that morning, as Howard had requested a meeting for her. The Allies were moving out of Europe after the Nazis fell, things were slowly beginning to wrap up. So she knew she would be returning to Brooklyn soon and the thought of being alone in their apartment made her heart ache. She had never been in that apartment without Steve and she didn’t know how she would deal with the silence for the first time in her life.
But it also meant that she would be relocated to a new area in Stark Industries. She knew that is why Howard wanted to speak to her. She had half presumed that she would return to her role as a secretary. However just the thought made Howard laugh.
She took her seat in front of Howard’s desk, and he began to explain that he and Peggy wanted her to work with them on a new team.  Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, he called it. 
‘It’s a bit wordy, ain’t it?’ she asked, fixing her black wide legged pants as she crossed her legs.
He chuckled down at her, ‘We’re trying to figure something out.’
‘But both of us would love you to be on board from the beginning. We need a mind like yours and you’d even be an Agent.’
She quirked an eyebrow at him, a smirk pulling at her lips.
But before she could get her answer out, she had to race to the side of the room and vomit into his waste paper basket. 
‘Howard, I am so sorry,’ she gasped, hands on her knees as she leaned over the basket.
‘It’s fine,’ he smiled, placing a hand on her back. ‘I’ll have someone clean it up. Why don’t you head over to the infirmary. I’m sure the army doctors are bored out of their minds here. And a pretty dame like you might cheer them up.’
She gave him a weak smile before following his advice.
‘Ms Y/L/N, when was the last time you menstruated?’ the doctor asked as she sat on his table.
She fixed her white blouse as she redressed following her examination, her head cocking to the side with confusion. Her eyes squinted slightly as she began to do the maths in her head. 
‘When was the last -’
‘No, I know what you’re asking but...I...It’s been almost two months. But the stress of the war and...I just thought...’
‘And when was the last time you engaged in any sexual activity?’ he deadpanned, an eyebrow cocked.
She knew exactly when the last time she had engaged in sexual activity. It was the last time she had been with her two boys. They spent the entire weekend tangled together in her bed - only leaving to eat and when they were interrupted by Howard.
‘...I...well...It would have been about six or seven weeks ago. Before The Commandos went to take in Zola.’
‘Well, Miss Y/L/N. From what I can see, you’re pregnant.’
Please let me know if you want a sequel x
@xjustanotherlonelygirlx , @itzmegaaaaaaan @projectxhappiness @7minutes-tomidnight, @mrs-marvel-addict, @vxidnik, @justmesadgirl @sophiatomlinson23, @bloodyvalentine93,  @schilj79​, @myrabbitholetoneverland, @javapeach,  @whooolemilk, @lookclosernow, @marsnothere,  @rainbowkisses31,  @spideydaddyboy, @marvhellove, @aactuaaltraash, @a--1--1--3, @abigailwatson
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