#also its so funny how in the show they focus on his stress coming from school work
an-anxious-gay-mess · 5 months
Riz is such a funny character. wore a newsie hat until his friends found out he was much hotter without it. had a glow up that mostly consisted of putting on a bunch of rings. killed and ate a dragon in his freshmen year after breaking out of prison. prevented multiple apocolypses. almost started at least 1 apocolypse. covered in tattoos. liscensed private investigator at age 15. in every club in his high school. yells at his guidance counselor/ best friend's dad. in a world of magic he's one of the few brave enough to use a gun. nepotism hire at a celestial task force. has recently taken up smoking. his mom may or may not be dating several of his friend's parents.
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f1daydreamers · 2 months
𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐬 [𝐓𝐀𝟔𝟔] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒
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gif credits: @trenty
Pairing: Trent Alexander-Arnold x Fem!Reader
Summary: Arne, in hopes to focus on his team’s mental health as much as their physical, recruits a younger but just as educated psychologist to work one-to-one with the more reserved players. Trent is one of them.
A/N: I have so many ideas for this series but I can't get too carried away otherwise its gonna end up longer than a book lmaooo, also super random but this idea came to me from rewatching Trent and Robbo’s wingmen episodes and in one of them he goes, “team bonding!” verryyy heavily in his Scouse accent lol
Warnings: fluff, mentions of being overworked but nothing too harsh, general stress, this is a cute one ok ur welcome
Word Count: 2.7k words (10 mins reading avg)
“Why you so sour for?”
You glanced up to see your sister plopping on to the sofa, grabbing the TV remote off of the glass table situated in front of you. Her expression was curious, eyebrows raised in an exaggerated arc. You’d forgotten you’d even put a movie on.
Closing your laptop, you ran your palm over the cool steel surface.
“No reason. It’s nearly time to go to bed, what are you doing?” You watched as she navigated the TV menu, opening the ITV app and clicking on Love Island.
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t tell me you like that stuff.”
She smirked, not taking her eyes off the screen as the latest episode began to play. “No one likes it, it’s just funny as fuck.”
“Hey, why do we need to swear?”
“For expression,” she replied with a shrug, as if that was a valid reason.
“Express yourself in other ways.”
“Like what?” She challenged, finally looking at you.
You paused, a little stumped. “The world is your oyster, go and find some.”
She snorted, clearly unimpressed with your wisdom. You hoisted yourself off of the couch, tucking your laptop back into your work bag and zipping it up.
Kaia paused the show, turning so her knees were on the sofa, looking over the backrest to see you better. “Fine, but that doesn’t answer why you’re in such a mood.”
“It’s just work,” you admitted, leaning against the counter. Your eyes traced the outlines of your sister’s old drawings hung on the wall. “A lot more pressure than I’m used to.”
Her eyes lit up with youthful curiosity. “How’s the job going? Met any really fit guys yet?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Is that all you care about?”
“It’s important! C’mon, spill,” she insisted, leaning forward.
You sighed, but a small smile tugged at your lips. “The job is good. Stressful, but good. As for fit guys.. there's.. I don’t know, a few? I’m there to work, not flirt.”
“Sure, sure,” she teased.
You chuckled, tossing a freshly washed blanket you’d just pulled out of the dryer at her. “Oo, thanks,” she said, catching it with a grin.
You rolled your eyes as she sprawled out on the couch, the music of the show coming to life once again.
You pulled the rest of the sheets from the dryer, shoving them into the laundry basket to fold in the morning. As you wiped down the counters and finished the dishes in the sink, your mind wandered again.
Arne, Lee, and the club had all been incredibly supportive since your arrival, but the internal pressure you’d carried from university - to be the best, to never fail - was fading. Wataru, Conor, and Curtis were all doing great.
From your reports, you were instructed to make Trent the priority, at least to gather enough information for a new evaluation.
But how could you do that with a player who seemingly wanted nothing to do with you?
“Y/N?” Your sister’s soft voice calling your name pulled you out of your trance.
“Yeah?” You replied, turning to face the back of the couch.
The show paused again. A beat of silence hung in the air.
“No one’s giving you a hard time, are they?” She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you frowned, “of course not. Why would you think that?”
“We’re pretty notorious for being hated.” Sadness poked through the tone in her voice.
“Nobody hates us, Kaia. And no one is giving me a hard time at work, I promise.” You tried to sound reassuring. She was a kid and she meant well, of course she did, but she didn’t need to know the full truth. She was your sister, not a therapist.
“Okay. Cause you do know I’ll fuck ‘em up, right?”
You scoffed, shaking your head in amusement. She picked her head up to let you sit then rested it in your lap. You pulled her hairs away from her face, combing them back with your fingers.
“With your swears?” You teased.
“I got a mean punch."
“Which I hope isn’t being put to use, thank you very much.”
“I’m an angel, really.” Which she tried to pull off in an innocent way that really didn’t suit her.
“Mhm,” you hummed, sceptical but smiling.
She chuckled, turning her head to face the TV again.
“Come on, let’s watch this shit show.” You said playfully.
“I thought you said no swearing.” She retorted matter-of-factly.
“That rule doesn't apply to 25 and above people.”
“Let me guess, when you turn 26, that rule’s gonna be extended by a year?” Kaia asked, her lips curling upwards.
“Precisely.” You smiled down at her as she rolled her eyes, playing the show.
Your smile faltered almost immediately. You subconsciously continued smoothing over Kaia’s hair, but your mind was plagued with thoughts about work, and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, about him.
The first two matches of Liverpool’s season had come and gone in a flash. But, despite in how much of a blur it passed, the level of work every day only surmounted the work of the days before.
But you could take it. If you couldn’t handle psychology, you’d probably be useless at everything else.
The new week began, and the first thing you spotted in the mountain of emails was an update. Your cabinet for the office had arrived, courtesy of the club, who were happy to cover the costs once you'd submitted your request.
You swivelled your chair to face the desk phone, dialling reception downstairs. The phone rang twice before Annika's cheerful voice answered.
"Hello," she said brightly.
"Hey, it's Y/N from upstairs. I got an email saying my cabinet had arrived. Am I okay to collect it now?" You asked, glancing around your office and imagining where the new cabinet would go.
"Oh, don't worry," Annika replied with a smile in her voice. "We'll send someone up to drop it off for you."
"Really? It's honestly no bother," you said, feeling a bit guilty about causing extra work.
"No, I insist. They’ll be up shortly," she reassured you.
"Thank you, I appreciate that," you said, a note of relief in your voice.
"No worries!" Annika chirped.
You hung up the phone, feeling a bit lighter. Come to think of it, you really didn’t fancy carrying a ton of weight up the stairs and potentially embarrassing yourself to any bystanders.
Once you’d gone through your emails, creating your to-do list for the day, you patiently waited for your cabinet to come.
But it didn’t.
You tried to put it to the back of your mind, focusing on ticking off the first two items on your list before your first session. Yet, even as you checked them off, you found yourself glancing at the door, expecting the cabinet to arrive at any moment.
An hour passed, then another, and still no sign of the delivery. The anticipation was starting to wear on you.
You glanced at the clock situated on your desk, wondering if you’d be able to make it back in time for your session with Conor.
But just as you were ready to leave, there was a knock on your door. You walked over to open it, expecting only the Irishman. There he was, but also holding a large brown box with an outline of your cabinet on the front.
“Uh-” You couldn’t register what was happening.
“Mind if we come in? Don't fancy holding this all day.”
You realised you hadn’t responded as Trent lifted his head to stare at you.
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry.” You opened the door, standing off to the side. You allowed them to come in and they placed the box upright against the wall.
"Annika mentioned she'd send someone up, I didn't think she meant the players." Conor chuckled, motioning to his trusted helper.
"Yeah, well, Brian was going to bring it up but he got busy so reception asked if we could help. We were coming up anyways," he explained.
“Oh. Thank you, I really appreciate it,” you said, your voice carrying a hint of genuine gratitude. You glanced at Trent, and a heavy silence ensued.
“Yeah, whatever,” Trent muttered, his tone dripping with indifference, leaving almost immediately. You let out a quiet sigh, your shoulders slumping ever so slightly.
Conor, who had been observing the exchange with a wry smile, exhaled through his nose in mild amusement.
“He’s warming up to you,” he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. You rolled your eyes, trying to hide a smirk.
“Aw, you really think so?”
“Sure,” he replied with a grin.
“Sit down,” you said, gesturing to the chairs. You both laughed softly as you walked over to shut the door.
Yet, an unsettling frustration gnawed at you from within. Trent had always been distant, but after weeks of being here, he still showed no signs of letting his guard down. You were no stranger to the challenges of being a psychologist, it's not like this was your first job.
But in the past few days, self-doubt had crept in. You wondered if you were even fit for it; maybe the pressures of working for one of the most prestigious football clubs in the country were finally catching up to you and kicking you in the ass.
You shook your head, feigning a smile as you returned to your desk, starting your session.
“Is this upside down?” You muttered to yourself, flipping the instructions around again.
What use were instructions if they had no text under them?
You debated calling your dad, but the lecture you’d receive about the hours of manual labour he used to put you through every time a new piece of furniture arrived at the house was not worth it.
“Okay. Wood, screws, knob, cabinet. Perfect.” It was only a small one, so you weren’t worried about the height of it per se, just worried about everything else.
You slumped onto the floor, surrounded by longer and shorter pieces of wood with a bag of screws and one handy screwdriver that you were currently twirling between your fingers.
Just as you were about to try again, a voice broke through your concentration.
“What are you doing?”
You gasped, your hand instinctively going to your chest as the paper floated to the ground.
“Oh my God,” you exclaimed, breathless and startled. “Can you knock next time?”
“I did knock,” Trent replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Did you?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to recall when you heard a knock reverberate through your office.
“No.” He admitted.
You huffed, feeling a mix of annoyance and embarrassment at falling for his joke.
“Funny.” You mumbled, shaking your head.
To your surprise, he plopped onto the sofa situated by the side of the wall, near the door. Your eyebrows raised slightly.
Trent, sitting on your sofa, in your office, willingly? This was new. Only today, you were doubting yourself if you’d ever be able to get through to him and yet here he was.
You didn’t want to overanalyse the situation but it was hard to ignore the significance of it. Maybe he was finally starting to let his guard down, even if just a little.
There was a strange combination of nervousness and relief running riot inside of you.
Rather than drawing attention to it, you chose to stay focused on the task at hand, wary of saying anything that might reinforce his emotional walls.
“I’m trying to build a cabinet, if you must know.” You didn’t want to sound as annoyed as you were - not necessarily by the man you were conversing with, but more so by the wooden contraption that was puzzling you to your core.
He peered over the armrest, then slowly returned to his original position. “Making a lot of progress, it seems.”
“How nice of you to state the obvious,” you replied calmly, but your mind was racing.
“It’s late, how come you’re still here?” You asked, trying to make conversation. He just shrugged, pulling out his phone from his trouser pocket.
You gave a half-smile. Even if he wasn’t in the mood for conversation, he was still here, and that’s what mattered to you.
Ten, fifteen, twenty minutes passed by, and you were officially ready to give up. Resting your head against your desk, still seated on the floor, you were on the verge of admitting defeat and calling your dad.
Your attention was diverted by a soft creak from the sofa frame. Trent stood up, and you looked up at him, squinting as the ceiling light shone brightly.
“You heading out?” You asked, your voice tinged with resignation.
He took a small step to the right, blocking the light from hitting your eyes. He glanced around, as if debating something.
His mouth parted slightly.
“Move over.”
“Huh?” you said, bewildered.
He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, motioning to the pile of wood still stacked in various directions. “Move.”
“Why do you think?” He replied blandly, yet still entertaining your conversation. A few weeks ago, he would’ve murdered you.
You glanced down at your cabinet, which was rather resembling modern art, then back up at him.
“Are you suggesting women can’t build things?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
He tilted his head downward, shoving his phone back into his pocket. “Women can. It’s just you that can’t. Wanna disagree?”
Your pressed your bottom lip up to your top, as if you were actually considering the idea. “I’d love to argue, but you’re lucky I’m too tired right now. Maybe come back tomorrow and we can pick up where we left off.”
“Move over or I’m leaving,” he said, a touch more firmly.
“Okay, okay. Sorry.” You chuckled.
You scooted over, making room for Trent to sit beside you. He settled on the floor, crossing his legs. There was a fair amount of distance between you.
You found yourself stealing glances at him as he took a look at the instructions a few times, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude for his unexpected help.
His presence was a welcome distraction.
You couldn’t deny you were entirely useless as he separated the pieces, lining them up to get a full look at everything, ensuring nothing was absent.
“Screwdriver?” He asked for quietly and you cast a quick look around, spotting it underneath a plank of wood.
“Here.” His fingers brushed yours as he took it from you, a touch that you were acutely aware of but one he didn’t seem to think twice about.
Whenever your knees brushed while adjusting the cabinet or while holding it in place, you could feel the warmth of his proximity, which only heightened your perception of him.
After some time, the cabinet stood completed. You couldn’t help but smile proudly at the result.
Trent glanced at your beaming face and quickly looked away, as if unsure how to react. The fleeting moments of physical contact had created a soft tension in the air.
You tilted your head, deciding to tease him while you still had the chance. “Does it look a bit bent or is it just me?”
He barely looked at the cabinet, already ready to fire a response back. “It’s just you.”
You scoffed, your eyes meeting as he extended the screwdriver back toward you. You swallowed as you took it, another brush of hands.
It was brief and unexpected but he too registered it this time. He briefly tensed but stood up quickly after.
You just about scrambled to your feet after him, placing your screwdriver on your desk.
Before he could leave, you called out, “thank you.”
He turned to give you a simple nod, brushing off your gratitude.
“I mean it. Not just for building this,” you gestured toward the cabinet, “but for being here. I’m always happy to see you.”
A silence befell you both, but it didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable as it had before.
“If you don’t mind my asking, how come you came here?”
He thought about his answer for a second, wanting to correctly word it.
“Saw you struggling through the door. Thought you were finally having a heart attack or something.”
You paused for a second, slowly nodding your head. “Couldn’t miss it, huh?”
At that, Trent’s lips curved into a genuine smile as he looked away from your eyes, the first smile you’d seen from him that was actually for you.
It was a subtle, upward curl, softening his usually serious expression.
You mirrored his smile, it was hard not to. Perhaps you’d leaned forward, or your shoulders had finally relaxed, but you weren’t focused on the specifics.
“See you round, psychologist.”
You hummed, afraid that even if you opened your mouth, nothing would come out.
You watched him walk away, your eyes falling to the cabinet against the wall.
Seeing him smile, just smile at you, was a moment you wouldn’t forget so soon. It was as if a dam had burst, releasing a flood of relief and hope you’d nearly given up on.
But before you could think about it further, your phone buzzed. It was Kaia, asking when you’d be home.
You hadn’t even realised what time it was.
Part 5
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Taglist: @trentwife @bluebreadenthusiast @julovesurmom @blubsberries @remmysthings @heyjudeb @keepitabuckxx @vivi-grace @hoddystark @hiireadstuff @trentione @missusstark @iamasimpingh0e @xxxstormyninixxx @lolawwww22 @myloveisforbellingham @purpleniight @bffrwme
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charmedreincarnation · 8 months
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So, I was watching ATLA and LOK for the millionth time, and there are so many elements in these shows that I have applied to my life, it's not even funny. This isn’t even really meant to be particularly educating but honestly I could have used atla and lok alone at the beginning of my journey and still come to the same conclusions as I had today. They’re both some of my fav shows since I was a child, and looking back and seeing its influence on me is very nostalgic. Also the live action is getting produced soon so I can’t think of a better time to make this post.
Anyways In Avatar: The Last Airbender," Aang learns about chakras from Guru Pathik. Chakras are like energy points in our body. Each one is linked to a different part of life, such as love, truth, or survival. When Aang clears blockages in these chakras, he can use his Avatar powers better. I had made a post about I will link here but honestly watching the scene in a kids show is more appealing 😭😭
Meditation is used a lot in the Avatar series. It helps characters like Aang to focus, feel calm, and understand themselves better. In real life, meditation does the same thing! It can obviously help reduce stress, improve focus and make us feel happier. In both shows I saw characters use meditation to induce a plethora of things.
Talk to Past Lives: Aang uses meditation to talk to his past lives for advice.
Ask for Help: Aang meditates to ask spirits for help.
Clear Minds: Characters meditate to think clearly and make good decisions.
Astral Projection: Aang and Jinora can travel as spirits, separate from their bodies, and etc
Yin and Yang
Avater uses the Moon (Yin) and Ocean (Yang) spirits to symbolize balance. Yin (Moon spirit) is like the subconscious mind, it's quiet, internal, and creative. Yang (Ocean spirit) can be seen as the conscious mind, it's active, external, and logical.
Just like in Neville Goddard's teachings, both aspects need to work together for balance. In the show, when the Moon spirit is killed, chaos ensues because the balance is disrupted. It's only when the Moon spirit is revived that harmony is restored. This is similar to how our subconscious (inner self) and conscious (outer self) minds need to work together to achieve our desires as we want to experience both of the worlds as they work in unison.
Astral realm and the sprit world
Atla and lok also talks about a spirit world. This is like another dimension filled with spirits and mystical beings. It's similar to what we call the 'astral realm' - so a space beyond the physical world where our consciousness can go. Also Jinora, a character in "The Legend of Korra," has a unique spiritual ability that allows her to astral project. So she can separate her spirit from her physical body and traverse both the physical and spiritual worlds in her spiritual form.
Jinora displays astral projection abilities multiple times. For instance, in Season 2, she uses this skill to guide Korra, who is lost in the spirit world, she also uses it to find and save Kai in seasons 3. Her astral form appears as a glowing butterfly-like spirit, and she used it multiple times to lead her friends to safety.
The Void state
In lok a character named Zaheer learns to fly. He was put in jail for trying to kidnap the Avatar. But he obviously didn't waste time while in jail. Instead, he used it to meditate and try to reach enlightenment. He does this by entering a 'void' state when he meditates. He lets go of all his earthly attachments and desires, and this makes him weightless. His ability to fly is deeply intertwined with his spiritual beliefs and his interpretation of the teachings of Guru Laghima, an ancient Air Nomad.
In the show Guru Laghima, who lived 4,000 years before Zaheer's time, was the first airbender known to have unlocked the ability to fly. According to his teachings, one could achieve flight by "entering the void" - which meant letting go of all earthly attachments and desires to attain true freedom. When his gf dies This emotional event helps him truly let go of his last earthly tether, thus allowing him to "enter the void" and unlock the ability to fly.
Reincarnation and the avatar cycle
I knew the shows were probably based of real life because I’ve seen air nomad clothing, and I know monks are very closely reflected onto the show but really every aspect rings true and is similar to beliefs in Buddhism. This is especially true when looking at the Dalai Lama, who is a spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism.
People believe that the Dalai Lama is a new version of Avalokiteśvara or Chenrezig, who is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion. When a Dalai Lama dies, it's believed he comes back to life in a new person. Then, high-ranking lamas look for signs to find this person.
This is like the cycle of the Avatar. When an Avatar dies, they come back to life in a new person from the next nation in a set order (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). The new Avatar is found using different tests, which is much like how the new Dalai Lama is found.
But there are some differences. For example, the Avatar can remember their past lives, but the Dalai Lama usually doesn't say they remember theirs. Also, the Avatar is special because they can control all four elements, which is a fantasy idea and doesn't have a real-life counterpart in Buddhism.
I was researching my a specific Lama and his story was a reflection of Korra’s character. It's interesting to note that both the Dalai Lama and Korra knew from a young age that they were special. In the show, Korra knew she was the Avatar when she was very young. Similarly, the Dalai Lama also recognized his identity at a young age.
Honestly, it's just a really good show to watch. I probably even missed some elements from the show bc I’m more concerned about watching it than learning something. But I love both ATLA and LOK and I've even shifted to LOK and will shift to ATLA as well! I really suggest watching its so good y’all. Byeee
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chiiyuuvv · 9 months
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FOR @cake1box
Sorry this took so long!! 989 • TAGLIST — @soul-is-a-strange-kid
Thinking about..
Being a sm trainee, popular around the group of aspiring idols for your ability to joke around, making people laugh during very stressful times
In addition to being popular, you also knew most of everyone. You didnt have to be friends in any case, but you were able to hold friendly conversation with whoever you pleased
All but jung sungchan
Its not like you had something against him, you just felt a little flustered under his presence. The way he looks down at you with a small smile, ready to engage with any of your shenanigans
Many adored your height difference, calling the two of you cute but you always brushed it off, a little too harshly that it made sungchan frown
Did you not like him? Were you very uncomfortable or something? And the way you kinda avoided him, your sentences cut short while looking anywhere else but him. He took the hint, silently leaving you to talk to your friends
You were so busy trying to keep your heart steady that you didnt notice your actions, everyone but you in the room able to cut the tension with a knife
And when you learnt how he felt from your friends you felt awful, trying to find ways to revive the friendship, but feeling as though it was too late
The next dance practice day you find sungchan laughing with his friends, flexing his new blue shoes to anyone who passed by. Along with his shiny blue necklace.. and bracelet.. the boy sure loved the color blue. You did too, how funny
Months later and your group has debuted! The members come to cheer you on as you landed a spot to become a mc for one of the little shows
Sungchan was one too, and the members knew about your little crush on him, so they had to tease accompany you
You saw a relived smile on sungchans face when the staff announced the theme would be 'blue summer'. Since you and sungchan would be the young mcs, they wanted to spread some youth, making sure you were comfortable on the big screen
You hear sungchan mutter to himself that he loved the color blue, taking out his favorite blue shoes from his bag
And looking down, you notice you had the exact same pair on, one of your members giving you a cheeky smile
"Oh my god.. are you two.. matching??" She exaggerates, taking long dramatic pauses because of her gasps.
Sungchan eyes widen, this was probably the first time he noticed you here on the set, glancing at your shoes before taking in your shy wave
"Oh.. hey!" He smiles and it feels like your heart is about to beat out your chest, your make up doing an awful job at concealing your blush. A boyish smile on his face tells you that he wasnt mad at you in any way. He did kinda like you after all
Before sungchan could get another word you, your called to the stage, sending a little nod at him since you were slightly nervous, but very excited. 
After greeting your guests and learning that the group you were interviewing was NCT dream, recording go on smoothly. There were times where sungchan would add some jokes to lighten the mood, his smile shining bright as you felt your lips curve up too. He was contagious, yet you never wanted to leave
Sungchan makes another joke and you share a laugh, your eyes lingering onto each other for a little too long when one of the members notice, a small smirk on their faces. "You know, youre very cute together." The member, haechan begins. "And wearing matching shoes too? This much be on purpose."
A slap lands on his chest from mark as he quietly laughs, watching the two of you blank out, your cheeks red with slightly widen eyes. "Oh well-" "uhm.."
"Oh my god, you're so cute!!" He laughs again, earning another smack on his chest. "Next question!" Renjun says, taking your attention away from your beating hearts
You weren't dating sungchan, but you wouldnt mind it. Late night drives with him, his arm around your shoulder as he gives you a kiss on the cheek. Stop thinking like that, you needed to focus. As you read another line, you notice sungchan steal a small glance at you, his head dropping as he tries to hide his growing smile
"Pretty." You hear him mutter, a stutter in your line in response. He didnt call you pretty, youre just being delusional. Focus!!
But little did you know, he did mutter the word pretty, his heart thumping as he steals another glance at you. You were just so effortlessly beautiful, with or without make up. How??
The rest of the recordings happen in a flash, waving at the group of 7 goodbye before leaving the set to collect your things. "Good job out there." Sungchan says, a sideways grin on his face as he tosses his bag over his shoulder
"Yeah, you too." You smile back, letting your hair out of a ponytail
"Nice shoes." He adds, a little smirk on his face before it turns into a laugh when you roll your eyes. "Yeah, i like your shoes too." You share a laugh
"Hey i um.. i know a place where more shoes like these are made." He says, pointing at your shoe then looking up at you. "If.. you'd like to come with me." He shyly suggests
"Like a date?" You watch as sungchans eyes widen, a bashful smile on his face as he shrugs. "If you want to.."
"I'd love too." You state with a smile, sungchan returning it. "5 pm, tomorrow?" He askes.
And the next day you find a pair of shoes that was pepsi themed, and other cola themed. He still called you his pepsi to my cola to this day ♡
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vodika-vibes · 15 days
i love the love for the relatively obscure corries on this blog, personally i love stone bc the episode with him is so damn funny.... he was kicking ass and protecting jar jar but he wasn't having any of his loony tunes nonsense, he's rlly a perfect man!
It Will Be A Privilege
Summary: Stone loves you. You know this. You’ve known this since the day you first met him, and he looked at you like you hung the stars. But stress and poor health have aged you prematurely, and you can’t help but be worried.
Pairing: Commander Stone x F!Reader
Word Count: 988
Prompt: Whiskey, Grey hair, and warm hands
Warnings: Some insecurity, but mostly just fluff
A/N: Confession, I am very, very sick and have been for the last three days, but I wrote this, and the other store I wrote today, because I needed to focus on that and not how bad I feel. Anyway. I don't think this was a request, but I turned it into one anyway. Yay for the Corries! I love them so much~
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 The home you share with Stone is filled with soft music and warmth. There’s a fire crackling in the fireplace, and it is easy to forget about the snowstorm raging outside when everything is so warm and inviting inside.
You know that if you were to leave the bathroom and head into the main part of the house, you would see Stone stretched out on the couch, dressed down in lounge pants and an old tee shirt while nursing a small glass of whiskey that your father gifted him when the war ended.
In fact, if you close your eyes, you can even see the scene.
Stone stretched out, peaceful and relaxed, his shirt riding up to expose his stomach with how he’s stretched out. His foot bouncing in time to the music, while he holds a datapad in his free hand and reads the most recent draft of your latest mystery novel.
The fire in the fireplace paints him in a warm light, and, in your mind’s eye, he looks like a deity.
And, as soon as you leave the bathroom, you can see him for yourself. You can drape yourself over him, steal a sip of his drink, and tuck your head under his chin. Stone will wrap his arms around you, and kiss the top of your head…and the both of you will be happy.
You will.
And yet—
And yet, you can’t seem to bring yourself to leave the bathroom.
Your gaze darts across your face in the mirror, picking out flaws that you know Stone doesn’t see, and then your gaze moves up to your hair. There, glittering under the harsh fluorescent lights, are grey hairs.
You can’t hide them anymore.
And it makes you want to cry.
You’ve been sick for years now, and the stress of your illness and trying to make a living while also battling your health has taken its toll on you. And while a part of you is sure that Stone won’t mind, the large majority of your mind is screaming that he won’t want you anymore now that you’re showing signs of aging.
And losing him might actually kill you.
You jump when you hear a light knock on the door, “Cyare?” You press your hand over your racing heart, “Everything alright? You’ve been in there for a bit.”
“Oh, um…yeah. Everything’s fine,” You take a deep, silent, breath and then walk over and open the bathroom door, “Sorry for worrying you.”
Stone smiles down at you, his gaze warm and adoring, a look reserved for you and you alone. “I always worry about you,” He replies, his hand coming up to cup your face and then sliding into your hair. 
You smile up at him, “I know you do, and I love you for it.” His hands are warm, he’s clearly been lounging in front of the fireplace, and you don’t stop yourself from leaning into his sturdy frame. “You’re warm.”
“You could be warm too if you came to cuddle with me on the couch.” Stone points out with a quiet laugh as his free arm slides, securely, around your waist, “I have some comments on your story?”
“Good comments, I hope?”
He presses his nose into your hair, “I think you’re plucky lady detective needs a handsome partner to help her.” Stone pulls away for a moment to look you in your eyes, “In other words, she needs a me.”
You laugh softly, “Finish the story and then come back to me on that.” You tease lightly, and his arm tightens around your waist.
“Ah, there it is.”
You tilt your head, curious.
“You weren’t happy. That’s illegal, didn’t you know?”
Honestly, you don’t know why you’re surprised. He can read you better than anyone, so of course he can tell that you aren’t happy. “Well,” You start, “If Commander Stone says so, then it must be true.”
Stone lightly kisses you and then guides you from the bathroom and out of the bedroom, until you’re standing in the middle of the living room.
“What’s bothering you, cyar’ika?” Stone asks as he slides his hands to settle on your waist.
Without your permission, your lips turn down into an unhappy frown. Though the frown fades slightly when he starts swaying with you to the music. “My hair—” You start, though you don’t finish the sentence.
Stone doesn’t stop dancing with you, even as his sharp gaze moves to examine your locks, “It looks the same as ever.” He finally announces, “Perfect, just like you.”
You shake your head, “My hair is going grey, Stone. That’s not perfect.”
His smile doesn’t waver, “Is that what’s bothering you?”
You frown at him, though you’re not annoyed with him. You just don’t understand his question. Of course it’s bothering you. Your hair is what makes you…you.
“Let me be clear,” Stone murmurs, his voice warm and quiet, “I will love you no matter what. I don’t love you for your hair, I love you for you. Whether it’s black or white or you shave it all off. I’ll love you all the same.”
He stops you with a gentle finger pressed against your lips, “It will be a privilege to grow old with you.”
You stare at him, shocked at his words, “Stone,” His name is a breathy whisper on your lips.
“I will be here, for as long as you’ll have me.” He promises, and you believe him.
You smile up at him, tears in your eyes, “That almost sounds like a proposal, Stone.”
Warm hands slide up your sides to cup your face, and he leans in and kisses you, slow and deep. “Nothing would make me happier than becoming your husband.” He whispers against your lips.
And finally, a real smile crosses your face as the last of your fears vanishes as though they never existed, “Yes, Stone. I’ll definitely marry you.”
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@imabeautifulbutterfly @n0vqni
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grifff17 · 4 months
Audiodrama Sunday 5/26/2024
I mentioned this in another post here, but Tumblr has started letting people create communities, so I made an audiodrama community, and will start inviting anyone who wants to be invited once it gets approved.
I finished the first season of Skyjacks: Couriers Call. The end of that season has so much action. Cici popped off so hard with Excalibur. I love that the big bossfight was just a teenager, who could turn into a giant boar, but never did. Just a teenager was scary enough. Keryth's bone whistle was so cool, I love how this show treats magic. Also, the story of the Benedict was really good. There is so much heart in Couriers Call. I can't wait to binge the next season during my road trip in a couple of weeks.
@storiesfromylelmore released their first Q&A episode. And my question was in it! This made me so happy, to have my question answered in character. It literally made my day when I saw the episode come up in my feed. This show is currently crowdfunding for its next season, please check out it out here! The backer rewards look really fun, I'm excited for the in-universe teen magazine.
@worldsbeyondpod HOLY SHIT LOU. I now see exactly what @quiddie meant with that vague post about Lou few days before the episode ended. I'm now even more curious as to which position has to be eliminated along with the Worlds Heart, and why.
@midstpodcast everything about that episode was wild. boom. I want to avoid too many spoilers here, but this was possibly one of my favorite episodes. The sound design was amazing.
@re-dracula has had so little focus on Jonathan the last few days. It's funny how we go from "I have become certain that Dracula is a monster, I will die here" to "Oh Mina, I had to reject two men today, I am so sad. One of them runs his own insane asylum, he's such a catch." What's happening to Jonathan?
New @wanderersjournalpod! I've been enjoying this show, Pluto not realizing that they were being followed is kinda chilling. It would be fucking terrifying to get a call back from someone I left a voicemail to and have them tell me that I was being followed.
I listened to the Christmas special of @longcatmedia's Mockery Manor. The beginning with JJ and Parker desperately trying to run an understaffed theme park was genuinely stressful. After that part I love a Shakespeare parody, and the 4th wall break was really funny.
Spout Lore this week was fun. I love the apocalypse survivor halflings. Also, Vyng fucking up that fight with honor roll was absolutely perfect narratively. I feel like this is the first time Vyng has ever straight up failed a fight with honor roll, and it was the perfect payoff for Vyng and Tuk underestimating the boars.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 5 months
(In a medival voice)Its been less than a week without cucuhalo crumbs and your kingdom is starving, please unleash the demons inside and share some hcs of them
[I start spreading headcannons to my people like birdseed in a park] Pspspsps my people, come get your headcannons
I cannot stress enough how freakish they got in that bathtub, its so crazy
Bad isnt huge on hugging, but he likes to hold cucus hand/paw and occasionally lets him hug him... although cucurucho isnt a huge hug person either, so they work well in that way <3
Bad likes to bug the shit out of cucurucho when hes at his desk working in the same way cucurucho likes to watch bad build and talk to him/bug him occasionally, bad will sit at the desk with his head on cucus shoulder watching him work both bc its comfortable and also because its fucking up cucuruchos handwriting which bad thinks is funny
They have stupid sweet nicknames for eachother, "cucu" "rucho" "bad" "BB" "badboy" "dear" thats kinda cannon honestly but i think we could make it even sweeter. Get even sicker off it. Bad hits cucu with the "honey" and shit like that
Cucuruchos a huge Ass guy, he likes bads ass, he likes lookin at it. When bads building, cucu likes to sit back with a goddamn margarita and watch him from behind, he likes to walk behind bad when bad isnt following him somewhere, etc.
All the workers absolutely seethe when bad gets away with shit, and its so funny. One of the bunnies comes up to report that bads griefed spawn or killed someone important and cucu just sighs (dreamily) and sends them away, and days later its cleaned up or the dead persons replaced and bad just roams free, not even hearing about the repairs or replacement happening at all <3
Semi cannon, bad has described being with cucurucho as "Hes the main focus, everything just kind of.. fades into the background when im with him" and i like to imagine when cucus talking to him, bad just spaces out and just stares at him with big wet cat eyes... It usually ends with them both just staring at eachother bc also cannonically cucurucho really likes bads eyes, likes looking at them, finds them absolutely beautiful, "Your eyes are enough"
On top of that actually cucurucho finds bad very handsome/beautiful, generally appealing. This is also kinda cannon, cucurucho compliments bads eyes, his smile, his clothing, etc. Bad feels the same way about cucus but hes not a super material person, he likes bugging him for fun and all that lol. Bad also tends to show an affinity to people with pretty simple faces/expressions...
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jyushi-thoughts · 1 year
have you watch the Takoyaki Party? how do you like it? I'm kinda satisfied cause I'm surprised by the descriptions about Totoko's growth😊she's such a nice girl who loves fish as always☺️☺️
OOC: I have! Funny you send me this ask, I was just about to talk about it on my main! EXTREMELY LONG RAMBLE INCOMING!!
Ahh what a sweet little movie.. While the wacky shenanigans are my favorite part of this show, I always still love a slice of life "nothing happens" kind of plot. And it couldn't have come at a better time honestly. I've been feeling like Totoko a lot lately.
As a character, Totoko hasn't really been focused on in depth very often, but it's clear that she's always had a problem with comparing herself to others. She always wants to be better than everyone else, and feels self conscious about it. She's also always trying to force herself into feminine stereotypes that don't really fit her personality or interests. It's nice to see that explored a little more here, though it's osomatsu san so they won't get too deep into it of course.
She's anxious at the pressure to become a "real adult" like Nyaa and her brother Fighting Yowai are. Specifically the focus here seems to be on having children. I mean when you really think about it, that's the supposed "end goal" of being what society says is a "proper adult" yknow? Especially for women. She's clearly feeling kinda behind when she's seeing Nyaa chan be an independent single mother, and now with her brother coming home with his wife and new baby. Totoko is nowhere near ready to be independent like that.
Sooo it's easier to just forget about real life for a while and hang out with the Matsus! They're always the same, ever since they were kids! They're not "real adults" either, but they seem to be carefree and having lots of fun every day! So everyone in town who has to work so hard, they can just party with the matsus for as long as they can!
The matsus are sorta anxious about their lack of independence too, but that feeling kinda lessened ever since season 1. It seems like over time they accepted it to the point where they're PROUD to be NEETS now, or at least apathetic to it. So to them, they don't really understand why everyone else wants the sleepover to last forever. Time stands still for them anyway.
Plus either way, while they are pressured by society to be "proper adults", it's kinda different for them as cis men. Totoko's focus on having children is something that comes with very different social expectations and baggage. Pretty much all women are expected to be mothers someday, and it can feel incredibly stifling and stressful when you know that there's a time limit on that. A time limit on finding a partner and settling down, thats terrible! Plus then, even when that happens, the idealized version is never the reality. At the party, everyone is so happy. The old guys are full of energy, and Nyaa's toddler is behaving as a perfect cute angel. But in the split second flashbacks at the end, we can see the tedium of their day to day jobs, Matsuyo coping with aging, the struggles Nyaa goes through to raise her baby alone, ...Dayon's cat dies or something.. idk
So isn't it easier to forget about that reality and hang around with the matsus, who always go at their own pace? That's way more fun!
I've also been thinking too, on a more personal level. Gosh this show is 8 years old. ITS 8 YEARS OLD!!! ITS IN THE THIRD GRADE! What a nightmare the passage of time is. So yeah I've been feeling like Totoko. And I'm sentimental about this show! For whatever reason, my brain decided to fixate on it for all this time.
The matsus were kinda my ambassadors to adulthood really. I just graduated highschool and was starting my first semester of college when I first watched this show. And the feeling of "oh god we're supposed to be adults but we don't know what we're doing!!" that went from being funny to WAY TOO RELATABLE super quickly. And man, back then I certainly didn't think id still be feeling that way after 8 years. I'll probably be feeling it forever. Buuut reality still goes on and time is passing, and we're all older and Nyaa chan's baby is a toddler now. But the matsus are the same, and for a little while we can forget about reality and party with them for a little while~!
Even if the matsus are reeeeeeallly sick of it..
And that reminds me of another thing too. When the matsus were like sick and dying and begging for sleep when the whole town was forcing them to keep partying... That.. was meta commentary right? Like, I can't interpret that any other way. Like the show writers are just trying to tell us that they're BURNT OUT. Which, let's be fair, that's understandable I guess. (I mean not to ME because I feel like the matsus have infinite stories they could be used for but. anyway.) If that's true, and the writers are just begging to let the matsus finally go to sleep. I'm kinda fine with it! I genuinely think that this movie is a PERFECT series finale. It brushes on the anxiety of adulthood that the show is known for, it gives a spotlight to the beloved side characters, and it feels like a nice calm little summary of the whole thing. We had a fun party with these guys, and we can go back and play with them whenever we get tired of being adults for a while.
...so yea! I liked it! :3
And I'll be ready in 20-30 years when they reboot it as Osomatsu-Ojiisan where the brothers are all middle aged lmao
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hourglassfish · 1 year
On Season 1, Episode 7 : Part One : I Expect More: Syd and Carmy's Relationship
So I think this is gonna end up being in a few chunks - I think I want to talk about context leading up to the episode:
I Expect More: Syd and Carmy's relationship,
I know you'll be listening: Marcus, McDonald's and Freedom
Hiring New Fucking Broads: Syd, Richie and conflict;
"That's Not You" The Moment Syd Walks Out
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So I'm late on this obvs - and I'm sure the whole world and his dog has already said what needs to be said about this episode, but I wanted to think about it anyway. There's a post on here somewhere that says that episode 7 doesn't have a three act structure, that it captures a moment of stress and tension, and that's it - but this isn't quite how I read it, I believe that it does both. How obvious this is all depends on how you frame it.
There's a central feint to The Bear that I come back to often - that you think 'a stranger comes to town' and that that stranger is the return of Carmy, made strange by his time away. Nah! The stranger is Sydney. The show doesn't really start until she arrives, (we know that Carmy's been in Chicago for two weeks, but our story doesn’t start there. There's a reason for this!) she is a force that is shaking things up and providing dynamism. This is not to say Carmy isn't the protagonist, obvs, nor that he is passive, very much not. But it is often her presence, her drive and determination and belief in Carmy, a belief she is unafraid to unabashedly express, which moves him, and moves everyone around him. When she is around, and Carmy lets himself lean into their connection, he is able to articulate - and action - what he wants, to ‘let it rip’.
I say this in relation to episode 7, cus if your focus is Carmy, then it's one minute in time, a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. But if you focus in on Sydney, it is the story of how she came to quit. Whenever someone is like 'She's a brat! She's arrogant! it was her fault!' - I'm like OK sure - if you want to completely identify with Carmy at his worst, we can do that, and if you want to ignore how the rest of the staff respond to what happens, sure, we can do that too. We can do that. But the show is really clear on the framing of what happens.
So let's begin with the context of where this day comes from.
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There is an ambiguity to Carmy and Sydney's working relationship which very much works in his favour. Very much.
In the week that she staged, Syd quickly finds herself as sous, because she has to. The kitchen is not functioning, and Carmy does not have the emotional skills, or at least the emotional bandwidth, to navigate the grief and anger and dysfunction they are all engaged in, to get the kitchen to a place where it can work. There was a reason Kitchen Nightmares made such compelling TV, and it was because behind bad food, ugly decor and terrible profit margins were almost always a bunch of people that were hurting. Carmy may be Gordon Ramsay here, but its Syd who's the hard working, behind the scenes producer, doing the actual graft that pulls it all back together.
She then spent her time away from work essentially formulating a business plan (she proposes first! way before 1:8) to make the restaurant profitable. We know Carmy is bad at this. Richie articulates as much ; 'you've been here two weeks and we've had money problems for two weeks'. Sydney's able to not only see the problems in a week but also suggest practical fixes. This is where they overspend i.e. its the delivery on the flour, not the material itself - and this is how to fix it - Marcus drives to pick it up. Instantly actionable. She has skills from Sheridan that are better suited to running a business like the Beef than the skills and tastes that Carm has from being Chef De Carmy* at Eleven Madison Park or Noma. It will never not be funny to me that she presents this to him in episode 2, and that in episode 3 he says 'I'll dial business, you do everything else' - my guy she has already done it!!! You are not slick!
She's does a lot of the emotional labour of getting the brigade into shape: the shitty, endless nagging, being the bad (or at least annoying) guy over and over again, despite clearly being one of the youngest there, and the newest member of staff. She does this without the authority of being an owner, or a member of the family. I'm gonna try and avoid referring to gender and race explicitly here - like the show does, LOL - but like... it's there. We all know it's there.
We know she is brilliant in a crisis: in Sheridan Carmy tells her they can't afford to lose a single service, so when the electricity goes and the gas goes, she sets up a fucking BBQ from found building materials outside. It's kind of incredible, and they all know and acknowledge it. (Sheridan, Review and The Bear are three different stories of crisis management, and thinking about them that way is really useful)
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She is in! 100%. All of her energy and creativity and care and patience have gone into The Bear, it flourishes under the love that is still looking for a home following Sheridan Road’s demise. They are fucking so lucky to have her, and to have her at this specific moment in time.
What exactly does she get back from Carmy for that? There's her wage, of course. She's working well beyond what she's being paid, but you know, it's her job. There's a bunch of stuff we could say about the satisfaction of doing a job well - but that's not what she gets from him.
She supposedly gets a boss that listens to her, she gets to not have some psycho stood behind her pushing and screaming. But this is conditional. He may not scream at her (up until episode 7) but he'll 'cut her down to size' if he needs to - the conversation about stock/jus/demi-glace in episode 3, mentioning that he sought out references and slapping her with a bunch of unanticipated feedback from all her former employers when he essentially wants her to shut up about the risotto/short rib, lots of co-ercive 'are we good chef?' business (straight out of the Donna playbook, I am not, and I cannot emphasise this enough, a fan).
The main thing she gets is to be close to him and learn from him, which we know was really important for her. I think he knows it too. JAW plays it as though he knows she lied about coming to the Beef every Sunday. She’s up front on knowing who he is, so it’s not a stretch to believe that he also knows that she's there for him. She plays her cards close to her chest on all this for a reason: that same admiration has the potential to set up a very specific power dynamic, one where she simply wants to be in the presence of his 'greatness'. ***
That's the exchange, for so, so, so much labour. It's not really equitable, and I think this is a tension throughout the show**, and why I'm never fully on board with sydcarmy stuff, even whilst being able to see the vision. Like... you should be staring at her with adoration, fam, and you should be fucking terrified that she’ll leave! She's carrying a lot of this shit! Carmy knows that, even if you don’t! You don’t make an offer like the one at the end of S1 unless you really want to hold on to that person - be that romantic, platonic, or purely pragmatic (she’s a good worker). In Hands he explicitly tells her that it’s much more work than he can pay her for.
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(I'm still quietly horrified by the fact that Syd is deferring her wages for six months... but not getting a profit share? fam. FAM! Looked at through a race and gender lens? In Chicago? It is no coincidence that the people that most explicitly tells her to be cautious are her father and another Black woman)
I want to make sure I've clearly said that none of this is intended as a blistering criticism of Carmy. I feel immense sympathy for him. He is grieving, and having arrived late*****, he has missed much of the communal grieving processes, like funerals, and sorting through people's stuff, that people really need to do together. He's absolutely burnt out and the role he is in requires a skill set he does not yet have (it is poignant that Syd is like ‘why are you buying farmer’s market produce?’ - Tina is right to point out that it’s not Noma, Richie and Michael’s system will have had its strengths). I'm not sure if anyone at The Beef truly knows the extent of his panic/anxiety, nor do I think he is getting treatment. I imagine he must be in flight/fight mode 24 hours a day, which, as anyone who has experienced this knows, feels like you're literally about to die. Always. Always. We are not designed to feel like that for so long.
I don't think he's some machiavellian mastermind extracting her labour from her. I think she is a lifeline and he clings. She offers, and he takes. We know from 2:9 's panic attack, that her seeing him, really, truly, *seeing* him was a deeply meaningful moment for him, that her making the choice to be at the Beef with him before she truly knew him was affirmative and transformative, and her staying, even after watching Richie bully and undermine him, even more so. I rewatched Hands today, and when she hands him the portfolio and tells him he needs help… his little face! Carmy is moving from crisis to crisis, but Syd’s head is just a little bit above the parapet, and she can think differently. He needs that, and no one deserves to feel alone with all the problems he is carrying with The Beef.
That said, I also think he can buy into his own hype, (it’s a good thing, that your sister doesn’t think you’re a genius fam), enjoys when Syd buys into it too and struggles when she does not. This is understandable. The only other person who really understands his success is Pete, who is bottom of the pecking order. He got very successful, very young. He worked hard for that but he also has the expected ego (we’ll return to this!) regardless of the fact that he is a decent guy. Syd is often negotiating this ego. He listens to her, depends on her and needs her, but he also gets to hold her to his unspecific 'higher standard',**** and 'expect more' when they clash or disagree, to wield small mistakes over her like a thunderstorm, to remind her that they both come from a cooking world where abuse is casual and accepted in pursuit of excellence.
This lack of clarity is such a fertile breeding ground for abuse. When you live in a society that is built on abusive dynamics, abuse isn't something that only evil monsters do, it's a clear and constant danger that anyone can slip into at any moment in time. That is why clear, well communicated boundaries are so important.
Everything that happens in episode 7 is a result of this messiness that has been coalescing around The Beef from the start of the series. The ambiguity of this specific dynamic, so central to the restaurant and the show itself, is one of the cornerstones of that.
Carmy can change up the dynamic of their relationship at any moment. He can be her 'mentor' when he wants to cut her down to size, he can be her 'partner' when he needs work from her, he can be a romantic and sensitive 'friend' (that looks like Jeremy Allen White) when he needs her to stay. She can never quite find her feet.
In episode 7, their dynamic changes multiple times. Are they going to be partners that solve this problem together? She tries for that, but she is swiftly, and brutally, ejected from the expo, a role that she has been in pretty much consistently, since the moment she gets the job. The team defers to her, as they've become used to, right up until the moment he screams at her to move. As in Brigade, with the stock, she is being humiliated again.
Will he be her friend, with their connection being the motor for everything else? Ehhhhn, she tries twice to talk about his clear frustration about the risotto review, he is it not having it!
Perhaps he will be her mentor here, who will model best practice in the face of a crisis they deal with together? Well… he certainly models something.
The pre order option being left on is a small mistake. Easily done, a box was ticked or unticked. Small, like leaving a packet of cigarettes near a burner while you scrub the floor, or spilling a bottle of Xanax in a children’s drinks cooler. Much less dangerous too. An easy mistake to make, and the show as a whole is very permissive about mistake making. A huge part of Uncle Jimmy’s narrative role is to make it so that mistakes don’t really stick! The show does not punish fucking up.
Maybe if they had gotten Richie set up on the tablet earlier, they'd have noticed it then. Maybe if Carmy, who was ‘dialling business’ while Syd did everything else had been training Richie, he would have clocked it instead. We’ll never know. What we do know is that there is no perspective around this, Syd’s mistake, and that when the time comes to solve it, both men ignores the skills that they know she has, and dismiss the good faith she should have accrued from months of dedication. Any warmth, respect, gratitude and care that Carmy has had for Syd up until this point dissipates, almost instantly. It's a deeply destabilising moment for the whole kitchen, but for their relationship especially.
It's hard to say much more without referring to the next sections. So...
More next time!
*I know it's Chef De Cuisine, but Chef De Carmy or Carmy De Cusine is more fun to say
**and in a bunch of work places, tbh, where a white male 'genius' is surrounded by a group of POC and women working their arses off while him and his mates dip in and out... OH NO I WENT THERE
*** I think this drives a lot of Carmy's absenteeism as well. It's weird to watch season one post season two, and see how often the team is split, for good and bad reasons. In Hands, Syd and Richie are both doing Carmy's head in, and he jumps at the chance to send them to get caulk. There’s the infamous Al Anon run in Brigade, followed by him sort of lolling about in the office (I know he’s bookkeeping), in Sheridan he does the meat run to Nat/Pete's, in Dogs they're doing the kids bday party, in Ceres for a large chunk of the day he's in the office... it's not the same as his abandoning of Syd with the menu, but you can see how scattered he is from day one, between the demands of the Beef and the demands of his family. I dunno how Michael did it, tbh. Well he couldn't, could he. That's the tragedy.
**** truly cringe to listen to a white man tell a Black woman he holds her to a different standard, as though the world is not already doing that to her. I remain, a sydcarmy safe space but ooooof. I dunno. Like I don’t need or want the Shonda ‘twice as hard, half as much’ speech to be in the show, but the women, especially the WOC, in this show don’t half put up with some shit.
***** convinced this will be a plot point next season, btw. There will be a reason why he wasn’t there and it’ll come up around Marcus’s mom’s funeral, or palliative care.
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
okay first of all im not convinced that rudy didn't buy tickets only bcuz louise annoyed him about it and he vaguely recognized the bands name from one of his dads old records FJDMDNSMSMSJ
why doesn't tina get to go to the old man concert w/ gene louise and their friends 😭
love how both concerts that tina mentioned going to were boyz 4 now concerts and that BOTH of them were actual episodes in the show. this is why catching up on bob's burgers lore is so important. these are the things you'd miss!!!!
NOOO NOT THE KING BREAKING HIS PAW this is a code red emergency
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT QUINCE BURGER BANGER NAME‼️‼️ have the bobs burgers writers seen the hawk and chick bb/eeaao comparison gifsets. do they even know that they made me cry. i want you to know how much i love and support you even if you stop fighting monsters with me someday and do taxes instead. okay sorry i got distracted
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okay MAYBE i missed them saying that the concert had paid entrance or something but this is a block party?? could they not just go downstairs and watch the band outside. like it might not be premium seats but at least they'd be going to their first concert ?
most normal louise and rudy interaction
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why is tina being the voice of reason here LMAO like at least google how to capture an injured raccoon or something
OH ITS NOT THAT HARD. GOOD WHEELS ON THIS THING obsessed w/ teddy in this subplot(??) i missed him
i feel like this episode has the same problem as the st patrick's day episode where despite the episode's title and description trying to make the subplot the main focus of the episode its also Clearly the subplot to a more important storyline. which is fine bcuz they're both entertaining in this episode but its gonna be confusing as hell in the future trying to find this episode 😭
"maybe it would be easier to watch the concert from the street" IM SAYING LIKE?? literally what was louise's plan here. im obsessed with her
girl. all this for like six pieces of candy
THIS HAS NO REASON TO BE SO STRESSFUL im shaking im so worried about little king trashmouth... if anything bad happens to him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. that would literally be bury your gays. to me
not bob having another burger related existential crisis ☹️☹️
bob has failed to realize he could cook literally ANY other food if he really wanted to. but i will admit he likes cooking the burgers. and tbh?? what he described sounded like an autistic dream so maybe he simply does not understand the vision like me and u bob. maybe he just doesn't get it
"is that magic marker?" "what makes you say that??" "my.... eyes?"
actually where the HELL did they get those shirts they're too big to be louise's but wayy too small to gene's this is the actual mystery in the episode. possibly maybe tina's old shirts or something??
today we learned that linda buys her wine from the liquor store on their block which was Probably obvious but cool to see it confirmed
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also kinda funny to say this when big bob is Literally in next weeks episode and seems happy enough running his diner.... like bob have you considered maybe you LIKE cooking for people and thats okay?? your dad does too. some people are happy to do one thing forever and thats not like a Problem unless you're unhappy
awww they're such cuties dancing together
"Well there are moments, you know... when the band locks in, the crowd is with them and everything they ever loved about playing music comes flooding back in a rush of pure heavenly emotion. All that crap."
"But... all these decades later, they still have them? The moments?"
"You tell me."
😭😭 WHY DID THIS PART OF THE EPISODE MAKE ME WANNA CRY I HAVE TO GET A VIDEO OF IT OR SOMETHING. WHAT THE HELL too real for creative people..... omg. this season has a lot of moments like that about the creative process like gene's song etc
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THIS EPISODE WAS VERY CUTE?? very silly subplot w/ linda and the raccoons and then louise and gene and their friends. bob's little crisis in the middle there got to me harder than anticipated (i think they could have easily made that into its own episode but considering they've done similar concepts in the past i dont hate that they didn't flesh that out as much as they could have. we already KINDA know where bob is coming from here) and the ending clip with bob singing was soo silly im gonna need to post that too. fun episode!
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fnaf-imagines · 2 years
could i request some headcanons of the glamrocks woth an s/o whos just small and sensitive? Like emotions wise?
I shall try my best anon!!! Honestly though, imagining them with such a small an sensitive s/o is kind of cute 🥺👉👈
Glamrock Freddy:
Super worried papa bear but x1000
He’d be constantly worried about them and check up on them every few minutes.
If anything, he doesn’t even like being away from them for too long since he’s worried that they’ll start panicking while he’s not there which will lead to them getting hurt
But, if he has to go somewhere without them then he might at the very least give them a Fazwatch, that way he can still talk to them just to make sure nothing bad happened.
He’s super observant when it comes to emotions too. If it even LOOKS like they’re about to start tearing up and crying then he’ll instantly take them away from whatever is stressing them out and go somewhere much more quiet and comfortable for them
He’d be the most supportive too, he might try and help them practice being alone and being more brave so he wouldn’t have to worry about them too much!
Glamrock Chica:
Very concerned but tries to remain optimistic
I imagine Glamrock Chica is the overly optimistic type where anyone negative could be happening and she’d still try to remain happy and as joyful as ever.
She’s like the complete opposite of her s/o and it shows too with how quiet they are when standing next to her.
She’s hyper and cheerful, thus she’s super loud as she’s rambling about the amazing party she performed earlier, meanwhile I imagine her s/o simply sits there in silence and listens to every word she says, smiling as they do so
She rambles so much that in all honesty listening to her tends to help calm her s/o down. They’re too busy listening to her story to really focus on their surroundings and panic about the smallest things
She might not even notice how quiet they are either, but she wouldn’t care!! She’d just be happy that her s/o is okay and doing good
Probably leans more towards being a teaser than a supportive partner
Don’t get me wrong, if anyone ELSE decided to pick on them then Monty would growl and throw a fit, threatening them to never ever talk to his s/o like that ever again or else...
BUT, when HE’S the one doing the teasing he can’t help but smirk and laugh at how his s/o reacts. He thinks its funny and amusing, but he wouldn’t go too far
In the end he’d still let them know he was simply joking around and didn’t mean any of it to heart
Of course, sometimes instead of teasing them altogether he might just try to make them laugh by telling a joke or pulling a funny little prank on someone.
He’d do so just to help them ease up and relax a little so they weren’t so tense and focused on all the noise and whatnot
If anyone made them uncomfortable then he’d definitely remove that person from the pizza plex altogether
He doesn’t care if HE gets yelled at, he’d just want his s/o to be safe and okay
Roxanne Wolf:
Overprotective to the core but she constantly tries to play it off as nothing
Roxy has an image to keep up! She has to remain cool and everyone’s favorite
But if her partner was being picked on and hassled then she’d throw away her WHOLE reputation just to make sure they were okay
She’s easily jealous in the first place, add that to the fact that her s/o is sensitive and is a target for being picked on by other rude and idiotic people and it doesn’t mix too well
She doesn’t want to seem overbearing though so in all honesty she might stay back and simply watch her s/o from afar, just to make sure they’re okay while also not getting caught following them around.
It works for the most part but as soon as she sees someone walking up to her s/o she’s instantly running over at super speed and growling and snarling while glaring at them. It doesn’t matter to her if she’s overreacting or if the person was simply asking for directions.
She makes a big deal out of it only because she knows how uncomfortable her s/o can easily get and she wants to prevent that from happening if she can
As soon as the person is gone Roxy is instantly calmed back down and back to her usual self, however you might see her blush while she asks if they’re okay
If anything, Roxy might even teach her s/o how to stick up for themselves and fight back if they have to. Its something that helps Roxy feel at ease knowing that she doesn’t have to worry too much if her partner already knows how to handle themselves
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avelera · 2 years
Hi hi it's given sanctuary anon again I've been busy with life and I come back to 3!! New chapters?? I feel so spoiled. I haven't entirely caught up yet but im just about tearing up over dreams talk with Lucienne. I have a soft spot for "Character realizes they've hurt those they care about, feels horrible about it, and tries to do better" and you write it so well! I read a lot of hob/dream fics so of course they are the focus, but theres so much to explore with Lucienne too! She probably bears the brunt of dreams moods and she still stands by him with nearly love and loyalty, (though it was so satisfying to see her actually be upset with him in the show) it's very mirrored to hobs situation i feel?
Aaah, my favorite Anon is back!! :D :D :D
It's funny, I was talking with my amazing beta @thornfield13713 a little about Dream's growth arc in the story. "Giving Sanctuary" really is about giving Dream an alternate redemption/growth arc from the canon storyline of "getting captured and tortured and forced to face his own flaws against the backdrop of losing everything" which sort of hampers his realization and growth because he's so wrapped up in rebuilding his realm and getting his tools back that the fact he's decided to change and be better towards people like Lucienne and Hob is sort of one change of many that's happening.
Because yes, as you say, Lucienne absolutely is a saint for bearing the brunt of Dream's acerbickness over the years.
(Cut for some "Giving Sanctuary" behind the scenes rambling)
Giving Sanctuary also bears at its heart the thesis that Dream's cruelty and callousness had strong roots in the loss of Orpheus. He could be spiteful and full of rage before that, as a capricious god, but the being who is exhausted of this world, contemplating ending his existence, and delights at the prospect of making Hob hate living as much as he does with the curse of immortality is a result of Orpheus's death. And thus, what breaks that shell and allows him to see what he has become is Hob reaching out a hand and commiserating with him over this shared pain.
And I admit, I agonize a bit over whether Dream is changing too quickly, but there is a Doylist element of "Maybe, but this is self-indulgent so he'll change as quickly as I damn well please, so long as I've earned it within the story" and a Watsonian "Well, the events of the show take place over a similarly short time so far, and Dream is super distracted from his own growth post-fishbowl with all the other stressful events. Maybe he would be apologizing, checking himself, trying to do better and be better with those who love him sooner if he had the space and will to do so."
Furthermore, GS takes place so far in very private, interior spaces, where Dream is, for the most part, only ever dealing with the few people who love him most and who most respect his privacy, and all of these interactions are happening in the kind of solitude Dream would want and need to begin to tentatively work towards making these overtures of improvement. Hob won't laugh at Dream for trying to be better with him, neither will Lucienne, and while Death might tease, she at least can pull rank if Dream gets bitchy about his pride with her.
But Dream of the Endless, Morpheus, the Lord of the Dreams and King of Nightmares is still there. We just don't see him as much in GS because we mostly see him through Hob's eyes and around those he's most motivated to make amends to, like Lucienne. But, in theory, if an enemy crossed his path, if a dream or nightmare challenged him, if a stranger mocked him for going soft, we would see just how much the Dream everyone knew is still very much there. He's only decided to be better with those closest to him. The tragedy of Dream's depression up to the point of GS is that it robbed him of even interacting with those who care for him in a positive manner, like Hob and Lucienne.
And at risk of spoilers, I will say that Dream (and Hob) still has a ways to go. We're going to see some emotional beats besides Dream and Hob being sweet and perfect to each other all the time, very soon. Doesn't mean they're not good for each other. Just means they're still human (sort of) and not all progress is made at once.
Lucienne is perfect, though. That's of course a given ;)
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taee · 1 year
All power to you for loving it but I fucking hate it. What are they even trying to say in the chorus? For real please explain.
Oh wow. I've never had someone demand something in such a rude way before but today's your good day, I'll humor you.
Funny how you decided to only focus and pick on the english lyrics in the chorus among the other korean lyrics in the entire song by a korean singer but you do you I guess. I'm not saying you can't have your own opinion, you can. And I know it reads awkwardly in english but I believe its fair to look at the entire song and the message it is trying to put across carefully before making your judgement and sending this in literally right after listening to the song.
Before I start, please know that these are just MY own interpretation of the song, from MY own perspective. More under the cut.
Yoongi said the song conveys the message he wanted to tell himself, and that it was written when he couldn't do anything during Covid-19, when he thought he 'lost' everything.
"So time is yet now Right here to go"
I'd assume what he meant here is that the sense of time is lost. Time is flowing by so readily that now doesn't feel like now anymore. Notice how so many of the scenes in the mv have different lightings to show different times of the day? In a blink of an eye its sunset, another sip of his coffee and its day time again. I'm sure I don't need to talk about how the pandemic has distorted the sense of time for some of us.
"I know you know Anything does know"
I believe this refers to the fact that he knows he needs to face up to something or to break out from a certain cycle. Perhaps regarding coming to terms with the fact that something is lost or gone? Since he does also sing: "So far away, you’re gone Getting far away Too far away, you’re gone I know I have to know"
And then in the next one:
"Nobody doesn't know anymore"
Its a double negative so it basically means everyone knows now. Maybe at the end of everything he does come to a conclusion. On why he is feeling a certain way or why things turn out to be what they are.
Again I need to stress that these are just MY own views. They may or may not reflect Yoongi's own thoughts. I only said so much because you asked me to explain, and so I did. If you still hate the song, that's okay! I love it and I will continue to rave about it, just so you know you can block me if you're following me so you won't have to witness me filling your dash with content about the song you hate. Have a great day ahead!
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bowtiesnmusicals · 1 year
Here is my recap of the Birth Of A Show (Ian Brennan Part 2) episode of the podcast.
There is always more to be talked about.
Jenna said she hoped everyone enjoyed part 1.
Jenna asked if I he read articles and reviews. Ian said yes. It was awful and is like a self harm but he was careful about it. The first two seasons were written identically. Ryan would come in with an idea, songs, and architecture. He more or less and a good idea of the structure of the show. Brad and Ian would go and write it. Ian would write if it was funny and Brad would write if it was heart warming. A writer named Emily had a great theory about the show. She said each of the three writers have a different view of the show. Ryan is about ambition and flash and getting out to the stage and singing to please. Brad is the soapy heartfelt but mostly the romances of high school and youth. Ian was just making fun of all of it. I and said this was true. They has a synergy working together. They brought these three different views together.
They talked about Funk and all the crazy happening in the episode but they also fit in some heartfelt moments.
Ian said he was aware of how the show was received. He thinks show choir is stupid. The show later on started to comment on itself. Some people didn’t like the show was self parody and the show would parody itself. It’s all kind of dumb but also brilliant. It drove him crazy that people didn’t get that the writers understood it was a parody and satirical.
It’s a campy guilty pleasure and the get it. As the show got crazier it got winkier. As it went on people would say they wished it was more like the pilot. The show grew and couldn’t go back to that because it was special and small.
Ian said they were kind of trolling everyone. It’s very weird to talk about and very meta. He thinks about the show all the time but never talks about it. He sees Jayma a lot because of their kids.
Jenna asked what it was like for Ian to have to keep pumping out hits week after week. Kevin wanted to know if Ryan prepped Ian and Brad like he prepped the cast. Ian said sort of but it wasn’t the same. He asked them how do they think he did. He said the actor in him was annoyed about always being behind the camera. He said the switch from acting to writing is such an empowering thing that he can hardly complain. It was an unusual thing to see the cast become household names but no one knew who he was and that was the trade off. It wasn’t a bad trade off. He said it’s as a lot of fun. It wasn’t a big trauma experience for him. He got through it fine. A lot of the stress is the industry wanting more. He always get jealous of his screenwriter friends because a movie script is written and done. In television you are rewarded but also exhausted because you are continually asked for more.
Ian said even at its biggest the agents are always like what’s next. He said he just wanted to focus on Glee.
It was mostly a complete and total dream. It went by so fast. It was a weird Shangri-La.
Every time he talks about it it seems like a weird fantasy but it’s not.
Jenna said when Glee ended she was asked to write a piece about the finale. She said the first line of it was something like it felt like she was on a runaway train and just got to the station. It flew by so fast. The thing about the podcast is they get to look back at everything and they are grateful for it. They all lost their minds a little bit. At least for Ian their was a bit of anonymity. Jenna felt expendable at times. Without Ian it couldn’t keep running. Ian joked he was the true soul of the show. Ian said this show would not exist today without someone on set to take care of people’s mental health.
There are intimacy coordinators now and Hollywood is being reminded that actors are people with feelings.
Jenna said by the end of there was light at the end of the tunnel. They were able to have fun but also knew they would miss each other. In the middle of the show everyone was a bit adrift and lost to the sea of glee. They were all feeling it but didn’t know how to deal with those feelings or even vocalize them.
Ian said it might have felt like checking out to them but they were always there. They knew their characters and knew their jobs. He said it might have been survival mode but they got the job done. There were moments of people checking out but he was impressed how everyone handled their jobs. He said Chris showed up with a smile 99% of the time. He said he was pretty good about being good on these guys.
Jenna visited Ian in Barcelona.
Ian said don’t go on a vacation by yourself if you are man. No one talked to him.
Kevin was going to go by himself to Barcelona last year. He said thank god that didn’t work out.
Ian said the cast had so much work to do but the crew did even more work. He would get on to anyone that complained because yes they worked but the crew would be there long after the actors finished their work.
Kevin said there were a couple of times towards the end he would text or pull Ian aside to run things by him. Kevin said he was always o nice to them and he was always comfortable talking to Ian even though he was technically their boss. He said he would text him that the wheels have fallen off and someone is being mean to the crew or someone from the crew would tell Kevins something. He said people that are rude to the crew can fuck off. He said there was no difference between the cast and crew. Jenna said their was a guest star that came in later in the series and cut himself during a take and was very nice to a cameraman. Jenna literally got up and walked out of the room.
Jenna asked if Ian had directed before, how did he get to direct his first episode, and what brought him back? Ian said no he had never directed before glee but the best way to start directing is on your show because you can’t really get into trouble. He was super nervous and he was glad it was an episode that featured Tina. When they were shooting the pilot and he leaned back and told Ian he wanted him to direct one of episode of the first 13 and then when didn’t that happen he siad he wanted him to do one in the back 9. That got pushed to season 2 then season 3. Ian said he started to see a pattern. When you are directing it is very hard to write. Writing was a 6 day a week job. He hadn’t directed anything since a play in college. There is always one moment every day of directing where he had a moment of panic. Ian said he should describe directing as adding your own taste to things and being clear about what you want from the actors. He said the first DP gave him the best photography advice which was to know how you get in to a scene, how you get out of it, and have a weird camera angle in the middle. Brad’s advice was to just tell a story. He aid he had to learn to not be to precious and get it to the best you can and then in the editing room the first pas is always disappointing. Then you just have to do the same thing with them and walk through the scene. Constant communication is key. Good directors can make and actor do something and make them think it was their idea. Instead of giving line readings he would paraphrase to help find where to put the emphasis on the lines.
He said there was one time he was directing Jamie Lee Curtis and she said he is very specific.
Directing episodes gave Ian an extra sense of ownership of an episode.
The crew on glee is an example of why unions are good.
Ian was the narrator for the and that’s what you missed on glee recaps. Kevin said sorry for stealing that and Ian said oh it’s great. Ian said it came about because Kevin Reilly an executive at Fox said they were blowing through a lot of story. He hated the fact Finn and Rachel kissed in episode 2. He said that should have been the finale. He said you are blowing through a lot of story and are going to regret it. It was either him or Ryan that needed to do a recap. They did the recaps on Soap because they were carrying a lot of story. Ryan locked away the information that Ian told him he did voice overs int he past. Ryan told him to do one and they just stuck. He was the announcer for the completions as well. He was also Svengoobles the late night hose vampire character that announced the winner for one of the competitors. It was in season 3.
The New Directions was an actual show choir name. Ian wrote into the script and no one ever got the joke. He had to explain it to Ryan and Brad. New Directions = nude erections.
Jenna asked what Ian’s take was on the music aspect of the show. Ian said his beef was actually with the episodes dedicated to artist or albums. He said they should have been doing ELO. He was screaming into a tornado about that. His tastes are very not top 40 or R&B. He felt less connected to much of the music because he felt like they should be reinventing stuff.
Kevin asked if there was anything he wanted that they never did. Brad said he could say something but they probably did it. He said more yacht rock. They could have sold it. He said all the music he listened to wasn’t about the singing. He said there are like 50 covers they did that were amazing. He mentioned Teenage Dream makes him cry every time he hears it.
Ian said the Madonna episode wasn’t necessarily the DNA of the show. Even Ryan said he wishes they hadn’t done it. There is no coming back from that. Kevins aid in a million years would have expected Ryan to say something like that.
Ian said there is a version of the show that he vouched for early on. He said they shouldn’t honor time. The problem is they would watch them get older and still be in high school. The second you put in a story element that has a clock to it then you are tied to time.
Regionals, sectionals, and nationals was from Ian being in speech. It is not an actual show choir thing.
There is a version of the show that would have been more contained and more situational. Kevin said keep going you are giving Ryan ideas for the reboot. Ian said the show works really well it does the small stakes big stakes of things in high school. It’s not is Rachel getting the role on Broadway but more like winning a coupon for Breadstix for a competition. It is a little bit more if Glee was like the Simpsons. The show was an hour long which is not normal for a comedy. The show Ian is describing was the show he was writing.
Jenna said this interview is crazy.
Jenna asked him what they ask everyone. What is the word, feeling, tone that Glee has left you with. Ian said an unbelievable sense of pride. It feels like a child. It’s like a creative achievement that can never be taken away. This is like a really good book. He feels like he contributed to the culture a bit. It’s like required reading. I did that. Kevin said you definitely did. Since people don’t generally recognize Ian he said it is a fun thing to drop on people that have no idea he is a creator of Glee. Ian said it is a dick thing to do. Jenna and Kevin said not that’s good. It was very very impactful. It was really cool when Netflix picked it up. Now it’s on Disney+. The first time it came up on his banner and Kevin said he was like what. It was weirdly not cued up to the pilot for Ian. It had cued up to Showmance for some reason. He said he doesn’t know how they did that. He says Showmance might be even better the the pilot. The first 40 or 50 were a slam dunk with a few bombs. Even throughout the rest of the show the show was great. There was nothing else like it on tv. Jenna said Glee would not exist without Ian. Ian said thank you. He said it’s so weird. He said in every other shard of the spiderverse it doesn’t exist. Musicals had never worked.
Kevin I said it was the cutest watching Ian’s parents come to the concerts. He could cry because they were so proud of Ian. Anytime they came around it was like this was what your son did. This is your fault. Kevin said they are the sweetest people on the planet.
Ian said he is fortunate they found the cast.
Kevin said Ian has an insane past year. Ian has a couple of huge shows on Netflix.
Kevin said we’ve got you anytime you need a boost of confidence.
Ian said You Got It would have been a good song for Glee.
Jenna said they will text him when they can’t remember things. They said Ryan will probably be relieved that they stop asking him everything.
Kevin said he loves Ian. Jenna said she could talk to him for years. Kevin said he texted as soon as he got of the zoom and thanked them.
Kevin said because this was so unique to their group of people its hard to talk about it at length with anyone that wasn’tt there. It’s a treat for them because they are learning with us. Kevin said he was glad Ian felt comfortable to open up and let it spill.
That’s it for this episode. See you next week.
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TMM New 10 - 12 (FINAL) | Kami Kuzu Idol 7 - 10 (FINAL) | Kekkai Sensen 1 - 12 (REWATCH, not including recap ep.) (FINAL)
TMM New 10
Shirogane’s dialogue reminds me vaguely of Mamoru from Sailor Moon. *thonk* (SPOILERS!) Also, the only thing I remember of the original Tokyo Mew Mew is that Ichigo turns into a cat properly at a critical moment and Shirogane does too IIRC.
“…gigantic cocoon…”
Fighting like cats and dogs…literally.
TMM New 11
Now, if only they talked about platonic love in its own terms… *sighs, but realises the anime is trying its best to communicate its own feelings*
TMM New 12 (FINAL)
I know there’s a s2 coming soon. Hold on to your horses!
This is why you don’t check your phone while fighting, kids. /half-sarcastic
Anyways, that was fun. See you for s2…if I can.
Kami Kuzu Idol 7
To be honest, occasionally I do so much of other things, I forget to watch anime. Lately I’ve felt really stressed for no reason…that must be it. (Then again, The Amazing Race has been on lately and I love that as much as I love anime – so much I make sure to know what happened in the episode on streaming services as quickly as I can after it’s aired - which may explain where time has disappeared to.)
WWAD: What Would Asahi Do? *sweatdrops*
…wow. Yuya just kicked all the hardcore single idol oshis in the guts with this talk, haha…
Kami Kuzu Idol 8
There’s a bunch of stars that just keep adding on as the episode count goes higher…cool!
The kanji says “whole body, whole soul” to go with the devotion talk.
One month ago…at Pig Lord [Bar]…
That appears to be a book on royalty and dogs that Yoshino has…
Asahi: How am I? How am I? Fufu~…
…I don’t remember if I noticed this previously, but…that’s Sho Hayami as narrator, yeah??? That was his Jakurai voice!!! *faints like Kasenjiki, /hj* Update: Yes.
…does being a professional model count as a job where you do nothing…(?)
So this is Hallelujah…? I never thought we’d get to hear it! Hooray!
Kami Kuzu Idol 9/10
Now that I’ve pinned Hayami down as the narrator, I wanna see Jakurai as an idol fan. That would be so funny!
The CGrass friend (I forgot her name) is such a nice supportive friend…
I like the zodiac flourishes on the stage. Gemini – the sign known for being two-faced – is the perfect aesthetic for an anime like this.
“Tired and unmotivated,” says Niyodo (Asahi version). *sweatdrops, but also grins*
Update: It appears “Mogami” is made of characters that read “the best”!
Welp, that was fun. It didn’t reinvent the wheel, but it sure did remind me how I got to be a translator, since Hikaru looks a heck of a lot like a character in a manga I was scanlating when I started out. Anyways, see you next time! *waves*
Kekkai Sensen 1 (REWATCH)
I keep recommending this show to other people, so it’s good that I can revisit this as well.
(I did have another note, but I was in the middle of doing chores at the same time…so I forgot what it was…)
Kekkai Sensen 2 (REWATCH)
*sigh* The ep with Zapp again…
[There were no other notes, except for apology after apology until the end. It probably didn’t help I kept doing chores while doing the “rewatch”, so I didn’t focus on the screen much, because I took my time...so much time that I ran out of time after the Sony merger and me deciding to cut my Funimation subscription as a direct result of that. I did move on to Kekkai Sensen and Beyond (dub on Crunchyroll) after this though.]
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jade-parcels · 3 years
omg! could u do a part 2 of “how u turn them on” but w more genshin boys like kazuha, thoma, gorou, etc? :))
How you turn them on! Pt 2
With Kazuha, Gorou, Tohma, Dottore and Dainsleif
Part one here!
- NOTSFW!! Minors don’t interact with this post! -
Kazuha has a way with words, he can paint a picture in your mind with pretty words alone, his hot breath traveling across your cheek as he whispers to you
So it’s no surprise that if you can dirty talk well, like…really well, that’ll immediately get him in the mood. Especially if you two can get some dirty back-and-forth going on, each of you getting more vulgar in your descriptions as you converse
Pulling him aside while you travel, whispering in his ear and pushing your knee between his legs…He could never refuse a quickie in a bush or under a beautiful sakura tree
Sex with him is never quiet, he wants you to narrate how you feel as he pleasures you or the other way around. If you were to describe, in great detail, how you love him as you pleasure him…he dissolved into a blushing, moaning mess. For once, he’s at a loss for words as he listens to you and loses himself in your touch and warm mouth
It’s either just your voice or the way you speak that gets him going, he loves when your voices takes on that low, sultry tone….
Obviously he’s into master and pet/servant play… He’s totally devoted to you and he wants you to own him, to use him how you want. Gorou gets pleasure from giving. He’s your sweet puppy who’d do anything go make you happy!
He wants your praise constantly, he’s happy to help with commissions, with cooking, with anything you need!! And when you call him to bed and spread your legs for him, he’s eager to satisfy you with his skillful tongue
“You’re so good for me, Go~” you moan, running your fingers through his hair, his ears twitching at the contact “Anything for you master~” he murmurs against your skin
Turning him on is so easy…Poor guy. You could just look at him a certain way and he’d have a tent in his pants. Gorou is energetic and very responsive, using that to your advantage would truly ruin him. In a good way!
Back to praise and rewards, he doesn’t expect you to reward him for being good but when you do, he is sooo appreciative. He’s so vocal and his expressions are the cutest ;) he loves you so much!! He’ll tell you that ten thousand times as you reward him by riding him or edging him for hours
Your hands, he loves them. He watches how you wield your weapon, how you use chopsticks, how you lick your fingers when you eat…he’s a goner
Tohma usually ignores it in public but you’ve caught him many times looking you over, he isn’t as slick as he thinks he is lmao
He wants those hands on him, tying him up, cupping his cheeks, running over his thighs…He wants to watch as you pleasure yourself and lick your cum off your fingers
Another fantasy if his is you tying him up and blindfolding him so all he can focus on is you, where you’re touching, how you sound, how you smell, he’s ultra tuned into your actions and desire. He loves the thrill of the unexpected!
He’s a simple man! He wants 3 things! Your hands, your ass and your thighs! That’s it!! He is so easy to please!!! Tohma can’t keep his hands to himself ever, he loves touching you and wants you to touch him too
Dottore: (tw for….Dottore things)
One word: fear
First, Dottore is a madman. He’s legitimately insane so when he’s having a bad day and comes to harass you and you’re genuinely afraid of what he might do to you? It starts off as funny, he laughs his terrible, unhinged laugh…But then it’s arousing. The way you tremble before him on your knees, begging him not to sink his scalpel into your skin…Well, seeing you so vulnerable really gets him going
He’ll position himself so you’re on the floor beneath his feet, one foot on the ground and one on your chest to keep you on the floor. He’ll brace his hand against the wall and use the other to jerk himself off, grinning at you, telling you how gorgeous you look with that scared look on your face! Then he cums on your pretty face, spits on you and walks away laughing again
He doesn’t want you to be afraid of him all the time, it kinda gets old after awhile then he’s just annoyed with you but when he’s lost in his own blood lust and fumes from his lab, he finds he has the most satisfying orgasms in the world
Dottore also loves seeing you devote yourself to him, seeing you stay at his side no matter what and offer your body to him when he’s especially stressed or in a bad mood. He may even be gentle with you if he’s feeling generous but even that has its limits “That’s right~ You’re mine, doll~” he marks you up and makes you wear your hair up so everyone can see his sharp teeth marks all over your skin
Dain is an abyss knight with no one to serve, he feels that emptiness inside him, a hole he desperately wants to fill so he can feel whole again
When you rely on him, seek him out for help or even just invite him to dinner, he’s overjoyed (not that he shows it) it’s been so long since he’s had friends let alone someone to love
Therefore he is beyond touch starved. The littlest touches from you self electricity though his body. He’s had a couple flings here and there over his centuries of life but nothing has ever stood out. Not before you
What gets him hot under the collar is the thought of the two of you taking it slow, having a romantic night together. That’s kinda cheesy but after he met you, he found himself jacking off to this fantasy
He imagines the two of you in your room, dimly lit by candles. He’s deep inside your warm, welcoming body, gazing down into your eyes as you make love. Dain wants this so desperately, he always feels lonely and ashamed after these nights alone with his hand
He craves emotional and physical intimacy so badly man…
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