#also like honestly bad and forever didn’t sit together on a bench to watch the sunset because they don’t trust each other
petrichormore · 1 year
(Also to be clear: I like analyzing these things. I enjoy “arguing” over these characters - it’s like enrichment to me, it’s fun, I’m never actually mad I just like writing long posts. And yeah the following is about the characters, not the CCs.)
I see a lot of people talking about how the election is tearing apart friendships - specifically the dramatrio and how Bad and Baghera don’t trust Forever anymore and yadda yadda
And to that I say: Are you sure?
(loooooong analysis below cut)
Are you sure? Because last I checked all three of them greet each other warmly. All three of them care deeply about each other and get along well. All three of them have repeatedly stated that they wouldn’t mind if one of the others became president - and that’s still true. They are at odds politically, maybe, but I think people are overestimating exactly how much they disagree. They argue about politics and they criticize each other’s points, yes, but that doesn’t mean they don’t trust each other or that they think anyone would “become a dictator.”
And I’m seeing that a lot too, on twitter and on tumblr: this idea that Bad and Baghera are convinced Forever and Cellbit will become dictators. And while I think it’s interesting… it isn’t true. I can only imagine this came from the debate where Bad and Baghera criticized insaneduo’s perceived embracing of centralized power? (So did Gegg/Slimecicle, btw) But once again, it’s not Forever and Cellbit that they distrust (well Cellbit maybe a little), it’s a position of centralized power that technically only has to listen to the Federation. Which is a valid ground on which to criticize an opponent’s platform, at least in my opinion. (I agree far more with socio-anarchy aka Bad’s position than a centralized government of any kind so I’m aware I’m biased on that.) But I’m not biased in saying that Bad and Baghera definitely don’t think Forever and Cellbit would become dictators, they’re simply wary of what the Federation could do, and also aware that absolutely power corrupts absolutely.
And before I get to how Bad and Forever are still clearly besties, I do want to hesitantly broach the idea that the position of president - as it’s presented by the federation - is not inherently democratic. In fact, I’d argue it’s kind of more similar to a dictator role, or maybe that of a monarch. The president is not required to listen to anyone, the president does not have to have the peoples’ agreement. The only force the president is actually required to answer to is that of the federation. Just because the president is called “the president” and the federation is making people vote for it doesn’t mean the position itself is democratic in nature - just the process by which the position is decided. You could call the president “king” or “ruler” and it would fit just as well.
Bad said just today that he thinks Forever would make a great president; his problem is not with Forever, his problem is with the Federation. In fact, Bad is still completely okay with Forever entering his and Dapper’s home, and if Bad really felt like Forever was a threat? I assure you that permission would be immediately revoked. And yet it hasn’t been.
Bad and Forever literally spent time with each other on stream today, and neither of them discussed politics because politics doesn’t matter in regards to their friendship. This has always been the case, and nothing has really changed. People claim Bad got more distrusting of his friends due to the election and I’d say he didn’t get more distrusting of his friends in particular - he just got more distrusting in general, because people were being secretive. He’s paranoid, and he’s right to be. Also I know Bad told Etoiles that he might (MIGHT) help Foolish kill other candidates (besides Gegg and Baghera) and I’m saying: He’s not serious. He’s not being serious. He’s a silly guy. Like try and picture Bad genuinely trying to help Foolish kill Forever. You can’t. I know you can’t. Because he’s not serious. If anything, he’d probably just want to watch Foolish get killed trying. This is the same guy who proposed a whale pit of death as a viable assassination method - he’s not actually out to kill anyone (except elquackity) he’s just messing around. He thinks it would be funny, and he’s right. If Bad actually kills a candidate (that’s not Elquackity) unprovoked I will be so so proud of him.
Because if Bad wanted Forever dead - if he truly thought he needed to kill Forever or Cellbit to save the island - they would be dead. And Bad would do it himself; he would do anything to protect the island’s inhabitants, and he’s fully capable of it (I recall Baghera getting upset with him specifically because he refused to promise not to, under any circumstances, kill her.) Bad will kill if he feels like he has to - he just honestly doesn’t really want to. It’s that shrimple.
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hezuart · 3 years
That anaversary aizen looks absolutely fabulous, he looks like a figure skater xd.
I heard along time ago the last arc of the anime was being animated finally bc they pulled a 90s sailor moon were the last season was not either animated or dubbed untill decades later.
I recall near the end of the current 366 episodes there was an episode were the creapy demon ppl woke up in hell and we're all bitter, and there was the other guy who was like, iM cOmEiNg FoR u IChIgO, but then is never mentioned again after and I'm like,why? Why is lt there just plopted randomly into a different arc that seams unrelated.
And locking aizen up underground seems ok, but It deff won't hold, and he will. Escape, and he will kill, you either need that one spell from star, dubbed, the darkest spell of moon the undaunted, a powerfull dark spell that killed immortal beings, that came from best character, eclipsa, the queen of darkness.
We need that.
Or stick him I'm crystal like eclipsa was in star. Is there no one who could trap him in ice or crystal for all eternity.
How about throw him into the centre of a volcano trapped and caged , forverr being killed by heat?
I assume there's space travel, send I'm into a black whole, were a black whole don't fuckin care if your immortal or fat, you will die
Yes, I love anniversary Aizen. His original octopus-butterfly hollow design was ugly so I'm glad he's back to being the fashion icon he is.
Locking Aizen up underground once is one thing, doing it twice after saying he got more powerful by just sitting there, and he escaped to battle the Quincy Soul King God... is another. I think he should have escaped at the end of the Quincy arc. That is the only feasibility.
I heard the anime is coming back for the Quincy arc as well, but because of COVID its probably going to be delayed. (I'm not gonna watch it until the Rain section of the arc then I'm dipping out. I'm only here for Zangetsu)
and funny that you mention that hell scene in the manga :)
-> spoilers for the new BLEACH 73 page anniversary chapter / thoughts/critique on it
So hey you had a premonition! Syazel .... returned? And his hole is outside of his body??? for some reason???
(I didn't understand the explanation or why / how that happens and what that means for the hollow)
And my friend and I were laughing because out of ALL the things. Kubo could do in this anniversary. He gave Syazel his dick back after going to hell. That is iconic. (that's where his hole was located, and now that its not on his body ... well...) This is the funniest thing Kubo has EVER pulled. Kudos to you, sir.
The entire internet is freaking out over Ukitake being in hell. Honestly Kubo has done far worse, and we've established that Soul Society is a corrupt system that hasn't changed, so I'm not surprised he would pull something like this.
At the same time, Kubo 1. cheated his audience. 2. continues to prove me right that he cannot bring himself to kill his characters
1. Hollows who have commit murder in their human life are sent to hell. Syazel and Aaorniero are two of these hollows, and yet, when they are killed, there is NO gates of hell scene. We see them there later in the hell chapter (which was more of a promotion for the fourth movie and I didn't believe it would hold any merit)
But the same goes for Ukitake. We never see the gates of hell take him. What, was hell late? Did hell's gates get lost like an uber before picking him up? It's bull. Withholding such vital information from your audience, not showing the gates of hell when they should pick up this soul IMMEDIATELY is ... I mean its a lie. Kubo lied to his audience.
2. Now we are told powerful shinigami are sent to hell when they die. First of all that sounds like a security threat. Wouldn't shinigami want revenge for that? Or attempt to escape? Why would they still hold loyalty after being sent to a prison of eternal suffering?
Also "Yhwach and Aizen" were the only ones keeping Hell's gates closed is way too convenient and doesn't really make any sense. I feel like Aizen should have deliberately gone to hell to retrieve powerful shinigami / hollows for his army instead of keeping it /closed/.
This is definitely a Kubo-doesn't-know-what-he's-doing-and-is -making- stuff-up-as-he-goes, but it might have a pinch of merit because of previous plot lines.... but either way, there's some big plot holes here, but again, its Kubo, so I expected nothing less.
Again, he can't kill off his characters. He introduced zombification, he introduced immortality through the hougyoku, he has Orihime and Hachigen's reversal / rejection abilities. He brought back Luppi, friggen.... a character who's entire upper half of his body was incinerated. Like.... come on. No. He's dead, you can't bring him back like that. That's a cop out and just weird. You're taking away consequences and grief.
(Also Yamamoto and Unohana deserve to be in hell far over Ukitake, they've done some fcked up stuff in their pasts unlike him)
Also Kubo's favorite character is Mayuri, which.... you're allowed to have a favorite problematic character. But Keeping said character alive and bared from the consequences of abusing his daughter, murdering innocents, and experimenting on your own squad members? Nah. Nope. Kill him, Kubo. Kill this dude.
(his weird attachment to Mayuri is probably why he keeps bringing Syazel back, since Syazel is Mayuri 2.0, but Syazel is the bad guy who does face consequences for his actions while Mayuri is not)
Also, I'm certain Kazui and Orihime are going to be THRILLED that their precious husband/dad is going to hell when he dies :)
(I just... Rukia teased Ichigo about leaving Orihime at home. She teased him about having a house wife who he leaves all the chores to. Orihime had two panels. She checks on her son who promised he would be at home and sleep. Kazui fcking breaks his promise like it never mattered to him and JUMPS out the window after pretending to sleep in front of his mother. ... An 8 year old... alone... in the middle of the night.)
Orihime is abandoned. She is not invited to SS, she is not informed of what is going on, her son leaves her.... I...
Orihime is a side character. She doesn't matter anymore. She hasn't mattered for a long, long time.
A part of me is glad she had little screen time, since she tends to waste it, but another part of me is embroiled with rage.
I've even see people try to defend this. "Orihime and Ichigo can't be together ALL the time, that's an unhealthy relationship!" and I'm like guys... that's not the point. The point is Orihime is not part of Ichigo's other life. Any shinigami stuff from now on is none of her business. She's going to stay at home while Kazui and Ichigo go off and save the world. Ichigo is going to be fighting by Rukia and Renji while Orihime watches from the sidelines, or worse, doesn't even know what is going on with her husband and son. Orihime is going to be uninformed and abandoned, because she has not proven she is capable of fighting by their sides(go on, @ me. I will fight this. She's a failure.), and also because she prefers a human life over a dead one. Which is ironic, because she married a dead man. Ichigo is a shinigami, and he will be one forever. god forbid she ever meets his Zanpaktou. She would tremble in fear at the monsters her husband harbors in his soul, especially when she realizes they don't care about her and would rather see her dead. (Zangetsu would absolutely kill Orihime. Not sure about Kazui, but Orihime has not accepted Zangetsu, she does not like either of them, and the feeling is assuredly mutual.) frick now I want to make a comic about this
Also still frustrated over Zangetsu's shikai / bankai regression. Kubo once again lied to his audience. Ichigo has no bankai. How ridiculous is that? The main character of BLEACH doesn't have a bankai. Insulting.
(RIP to Chad. He doesn't exist anymore. He's just gone. No mention, no cameo. Gone.)
Kazui is a demon child. That character from the novels? Hikone? They're the same character. Literally same personality, same power level. Its worse because Kazui is a liar. He constantly goes behind his parents' backs. He can summon creepy fish and creepy eyeballs and open portals like is ANYONE aware of this? How has SS not kidnapped Ichigo's son and experimented on him / locked away his powers yet? All substitute shinigami require a reiatsu controlling / spy badge to keep them in line. Where is Kazui's? Or is he just a weird fullbringer?
I was worried Kubo was gonna try and pull a knock off Boruto but luckily he kept the focus on Ichigo and the others. But that being said, Ichika and Kazui are now just... sort of there? Kazui was kinda just.... having his own adventure that doesn't matter to the plot at hand, and Ichika had some nice characterization at first but she just hid behind her dad the whole time.
I have a feeling Kazui is gonna step in at the last minute or do some major behind the scenes thing that indirectly interferes with the main plot so no one will realize how powerful and dangerous he actually is. Its sad because Ichika is the superior character in personality and likability, but she clearly is not going to have a bigger part in this.
Ichigo having a normal life after everything still feels extremely boring and uncomfortable to me. Everyone's like 'I'm still bLEACH!" but.... BLEACH just... doesn't feel like BLEACH anymore. It hasn't for a while now.
There's two new shinigami characters. Didn't care for the girl, but the Sign Language kid who talks to animals is adorable ... however... he just reminds me of Chad, and I just... it hurts knowing Chad has essentially been deleted. Chad and Orihime are officially benched. They have chosen the human world, and Orihime has given Ichigo his spawn so she has no more use/purpose to him anymore... ////sigh
Also. This is claimed to be a new "arc". So is the BLEACH manga coming back? What is happening. I thought Kubo was tired and didn't want to do BLEACH anymore. I thought Shounen Jump cut him off. People made so many excuses for Kubo and why the past two arcs have been so badly written the past 6 years and now almost everything they've attempted to defend him with has been revoked.
BLEACH is going to continue to screw up its plot lines and characters, so Its probably best for it to stay dead but I've seen a lot of Kubo stans drooling over this content, they're desperate for BLEACH's return, but its already given out all its possible revelations. There's really nothing else to top here. It's just going to make things up as it goes along ,and I'm not really here for half-assed writing like that, especially since the damage of rushing the previous manga has already been done. Kubo and Shounen Jump are riding off a money nostalgia. None of this was planned.
Honestly though.... overall feeling of this chapter, not as bad as it could have been.
Syazel stole the spotlight, and he's my friend's favorite character, so that's all that really matters.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 6: I’m Willing
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“Keikei! Ko-chan stole my dwink!” Kia tells Akaashi. Bokuto sticks his tongue out at Kia and the former setter glares at him. He pouts and gives the yogurt drink back to Kia.
“You got me this time...” Bokuto huffs, pretending to be upset. He continues to play with Kia while Akaashi helps you with the dishes.
Sakusa is standing at the hallway, staring at his living room in horror. He regrets telling Hinata and Bokuto that their friends are coming over. He should have known that those airheads would no doubt join. Worse, they tagged Atsumu along with them, because why not? The more the merrier, right? Inviting Kenma and Akaashi was out of courtesy, but his teammates are here out of boredom.
All he wanted was a peaceful dinner with you and the two quiet former setters. But his teammates really said no. “My house...” Sakusa pouts, looking at the mess that has been made in the kitchen. He sees you washing the dishes with Akaashi, relief washing over him for a moment.
“Go on. Help her,” Kenma suddenly speaks beside him. Sakusa’s hand clutches on his chest as the curly haired boy is shocked. “Just go before they finish.”
So he does. He goes to you. Akaashi leaves you as he sees Sakusa approaching. You don’t even notice that it is already him beside you and not your cousin. When you do realize though...
It’s awkward.
Very awkward.
The tension between the two of you is undeniably suffocating. The other five boys in the room, staring at the two of you scandalously, aren’t helping at all. You make eye contact with Kenma and he smiles at you teasingly. You glare at him and chuckles silently.
“What are you looking at?” Kia, confused, asks the five boys. She also looks at you and Kiyoomi but she doesn’t see anything interesting. The two of you are just washing dishes. “Let’s play!”
“What do you wanna play?” Akaashi asks her and the little girl scans her eyes through the room. The volleyball on the shelf catches her eye so she points at it. “Volleyball?”
“Yeah! Let’s play volleyball!” Hinata cheers and takes the ball from the shelf. Sakusa sighs and tells them that their is a net at the backyard. The five boys go outside with, leaving you and Kia behind.
“You should join them. There aren’t much dishes left anyways,” you tell him but he continues to wash the dishes with you. You keep quiet and do the dishes fast. You place the last plate on the rack and dry your hands.
“It’s time for Kia to wash,” he says, looking at the wall clock. You know of his crazy memory so you aren’t surprised that he remembers. He goes out to the backyard so you follow behind him, unfamiliar with the house. You note to yourself to have a tour when he’s not around.
You arrive at the backyard and there is a volleyball net in the middle. Of course, there is. On the right is a small green house and on your right, there are flowers? When did Kiyoomi get into flowers?
“Mama!” Kia runs to you, sweaty and panting. Her cheeks are flushed red and her bangs are sticking to her forever. “Can I play for a longer time?”
“5 more minutes,” you tell her and she screams in joy.
“Join us, Kyo! I wanna see you jump!” She runs around Kiyoomi excitedly before grabbing his hand and leading him to the little court. “Keikei! Kenken! Kyo can jump really high, too!”
“Of course he does! He was one of the top players of Japan when we were in high school!” Hinata brags all knowingly.
“How about Mu-chan?” Kia points at Atsumu, not paying attention to what Hinata said. Sakusa bites his inner cheek, stopping himself from hitting the blonde setter.
“He was the best setter in high school!” Bokuto does a thumbs up and Akaashi gives him a look of betrayal. “You were good, too, Akaashi!”
“Bokuto-san... after all we’ve been through,” Akaashi dramatically says, reenacting Bokuto’s emo mode.
“Looks very familiar,” Kenma chuckles. Hinata laughs along with him.
They continue to play, tossing and passing only since Kia is there. You sit at the bench where they placed their phones, wallets, and watches. Steal it and run girl. You watch them play and remember high school. You used to watch them in the bleachers, and they were wearing different jerseys back then. They’re all different people from they were in high school, but something with them playing volleyball just sparks a little happiness in you. Maybe familiarity doesn’t change.
Your eyes land on Sakusa and your heart beats faster. This is like high school all over again. You used to watch him and Komori play like this in their backyard. Who would have thought he’d have more friends he’d be comfortable playing casually with? Maybe some things changed for the better.
“Sakusa looks stunning, doesn’t he?” You don’t notice Atsumu sitting beside you. You clear your throat, not giving him a response. He chuckles, “I honestly thought Sakusa was the type not to fall in love and die old alone. But seeing you in person, I think I understand why he didn’t end up like that.”
“Thank you?” you respond unsure.
“So what was Sakusa like as a boyfriend?” He asks. You raise an eyebrow at him and he just shrugs.
“You’re asking like you’re the obsessed and jealous new girlfriend,” you rebutted.
“I might be.” You laugh at his response and look down to you feet.
You wonder about his question and all you can do is smile. “He was the perfect boyfriend. Not the one with the best social and communication skills, but he was the best for me.” Atsumu smiles due to your response.
Maybe love doesn’t change.
At the corner of Sakusa’s eyes, he can see you and Atsumu talking and laughing together. Kenma notices this so nudges Akaashi. “Do something or (y/n) might become single for the rest of her life.”
“Hey, Kenma and I bought beer before coming here. Do you wanna drink?” Akaashi asks Sakusa. The spiker can only nod, unable to say no to Kenma and Akaashi. He has developed great respect towards them for being there with you all the way. They’re good friends to you, he sees them as friends, too.
You hear Akaashi’s words so you call Kia, “Kia! Time to wash!” The toddler comes running to you. The two of you enter the house, directing to the room you decided to share with your daughter.
The boys settle at the lanai, calming down from playing. Kenma takes the cans of beers out of his trunk and brings it to them. He distributes the cans and sits on the floor like the other guys. Akaashi and Kenma stare at Sakusa, getting ready to interrogate him.
“You still have feelings for her, don’t you?” Akaashi speaks first, and Atsumu whips his head to his direction. He didn’t think Akaashi would be the blunt type of person.
“I do,” Sakusa responds nonchalantly. The rooms becomes awkward again. Even the noisy Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu couldn’t do anything. The other three’s silence is too loud. Luckily, you and Kia arrive.
“I’m going to sleep now!” Kia announces, running to Akaashi first. She gives him a kiss on the cheek, then goes to Kenma after. She kisses his cheek, too. Bokuto asks for one too, but Kia shakes her head. Bokuto pouts and she gives in. She kisses his cheek and goes to Hinata next. He greets Atsumu good night, kissing him like the other boys.
Kia stops in front of Kiyoomi. She reaches her hand for his cheeks and he lowers his head so she can. She places a kiss on his forehead before running back to you. You smile at the sight, your heart melting at how cute they look.
“He wants a kiss from you, too,” Kenma tells you and you roll his eyes at him. Kia runs back to you, waving good night to them. When you are out of sight, they continue to drink in silence. Finally, Sakusa speaks again.
“I may not have been there from the start, and have been an asshole halfway, but I’m actually willing to try. I’m willing to be Kia’s dad if it means having (y/n) back.”
Akaashi went with you to Osaka because he had to remind Bokuto about his tax.
Kenma was just bored so he went with you.
It was Hinata who invited Atsumu
Sakusa was not supposed to let them in but he couldn’t act rude around Kenma and Akaashi. He’s afraid that they’ll see him in a bad way.
Sakusa only let Atsumu in because he brought Osamu’s onigiri.
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Note: thank you for all the support! i love seeing all your replies. i just couldn’t figure out how to reply back huhuhuhu hopefully, i get to understand tumblr better soon hahahaha
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thenovelartist · 3 years
Burned Beginnings, Chapter 8
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22. Anniversary
“Happy three month, one week, and four day anniversary!”
Marinette snorted, hanging her head instead of looking up to see him. “We are not doing that, are we?”
“Yup!” Adrien said, beaming.
With a sigh, Marinette looked back up at him, an accepting smile on her face. “And why, pray tell, are we celebrating this specific anniversary?”
Adrien gave his best pout. “Because it’s been almost three weeks since we’ve been able to have a date and I miss you.” The bakery had been busy the last couple weeks, packed with longer lines than normal and more special orders. Sadly, this meant he hadn’t been able to spend time with Marinette, and their attempt last week to get together ended up with them falling asleep in the middle of Fruits Basket.
Which attested to just how tired they were, because that was really hard to do in the middle of season three!
He supposed a nap date where she’d laid huddled against his chest while he snuggled her wasn’t a bad thing. On the contrary, it had been one of the best naps he’d ever had. But still, it wasn’t quite what he’d label as a date.
“Has it been that long?” Marinette questioned, her brow furrowed. “I feel like the days have all blended together lately.”
“Yeah. Our last official date was when we went out for breakfast and then around the park before coming back and working that first chaotic night shift.”
“Oh yeah,” Marinette said, eyes brightening in realization. “I totally forgot about that.”
“How could you forget me?” Adrien pouted.
“Easily,” Marinette sassed back with a wink.
He theatrically grasped at his chest above his heart. “Ouch, ice princess. You put Elsa to shame.”
She leveled a flat look at him.
“Oh? Does the princess wish I’d let it—”
“You’ve been banned. Good bye.”
“Wait, wait,” he cried, quickly catching the door before she could slam it in his face. “Come on, that was funny.”
“That joke is already dead. Don’t continue to beat the dead horse.”
“But it’s still relevant.”
“No. No, it’s not.”
He pouted, shooting her with his best pair of puppy dog eyes he could manage.
“I don’t care how cute you are.”
“Ouch,” he said, smile growing. “That was a cold one, princess.”
“Yeah, and don’t you forget it,” she said with a smirk.
“I won’t,” he assured. “Now, may the lovely royal princess of the bakery deign me worthy of entry into her humble abode?”
“You are such a dork.”
“Your dork.”
“My amusing peon.”
Giggling, she opened the door, letting him in.
Adrien happily walked in to the house that had become his second home. “So, for our anniversary, you want to go grab an ice cream on this nice day?”
Marinette frowned. “Actually, I’m really not up for going anywhere.”
“Oh? Are you not feeling we—”
He stopped, his eye catching the plastic Marinette had wrapped around her left arm. More accurately, catching sight of what was underneath the plastic.
She grinned, looking down at what looked like a fresh tattoo. “Yeah. Guess you could say that, but supposedly, that’s pretty typical.”
“Yeah, it is,” Adrien said, walking over to her so that he could examine the design better. “Mine hurt for days.”
“You have a large cat that wraps around your entire forearm. I don’t have anything that big.”
It wasn’t too big, but it was pretty. A few ladybugs sitting on some swirly flowers, a design that took up half of her inner forearm. The design was only about a quarter the size of his, but it felt very similar design-wise, each having an animal in a colorful, misty background that he believed was referred to as a watercolor affect. Hers was just pink compared to his green.
“It looks great,” he eventually said. “And really suits you.”
She grinned. “Thanks. And now, we match.”
“Yeah, look.” With that, Marinette bounced over to his right side, same side he had his tattoo on, before sliding her left hand into his right. “See? You’re the bad luck cat, and I’m the good luck ladybug. We match.”
Adrien stared at their conjoined hands, his eyes slowly drifting up to where his tattoo and hers met. “You got a tattoo… to match me?”
Marinette grinned. “Maybe it’s a little early for ‘matching couple tattoos, but I thought ‘why not?’ I’ve always liked your cat tattoo, so I planned out what I wanted to get so that we could match. I got yesterday after work, and since it’s the beginning of my ‘weekend’, I have time to just relax and let it heal.”
Adrien stared at it, his grin widening. “It suits you.”
“Thank you.”
“You know what this means, though, right?”
Marinette cocked her head. “What does it mean?”
“It means…” he drew out, leaning closer to her with a grin on his face. “You’re stuck with me forever, now that we have a couple tattoo.”
With a grin of her own, she leaned in closer, her nose just a centimeter from his. “Not until I get a ring.”
Without any hesitation, Adrien reached into his pocket. This was just intended to be a gift that he saw that made him think of her. One he impulsively bought one day going home from work. The tag said it was for the right hand.
But at the moment, he could think of no better place to put it than sliding it on her left ring finger right then and there.
“There you go. You’re mine now.”
Marinette froze, staring at the ring for a moment before chuckling awkwardly at him. “You’re kidding, right?”
Adrien knew why she felt so awkward. He did to. It had taken too long to realize for his head to catch up to his actions, and when it did, he himself had froze.
What did he just do?
It wasn’t like he didn’t want to marry her. On the contrary, he had actually already talked with her parents, gotten a blessing from her father, her ring size from her mother, and had ordered a ring last night. He’d planned out just how he was going to propose to her. It was going to be during a perfect date with dinner and candles and a chance to let her dress up. Basically, the whole shebang.
And here he was, proposing with an inexpensive cat ring.
Actually, he realized he hadn’t proposed at all. He’d just stuck the ring on her finger and called it good.
He had to fix this. He had to get his mouth to formulate words first.
“I… I mean…”
Great, his face was red, Marinette was waiting for a well-deserved answer, and he was incapable of giving it to her.
“Adrien, you are not serious.” Her words came out flatly, but Adrien knew her well enough to hear the undertone of panic in them
“Um…” he fought hard for the words that came to him next. “About marrying you? Yes. Absolutely. Without a doubt, I’d chase you to the ends of the earth to make you mine. About this ring being the engagement one, though, no. Most certainly not.”
“You are not serious,” she repeated, her voice weaker than before while her knees began to bend as though she might collapse. Tears began welling in her eyes, and Adrien was growing nervous.
“I’m sorry!” Adrien finally got out, panicked. “I had something so much better planned out, and I definitely should have thought that through—”
“I’m not talking about that, you stupid idiot!” she cried. In a flash, she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung tight. “That was so unromantic and I shouldn’t have expected anything less from you.”
By now, Adrien could hear the tears in her voice, but considering the way she clung to him, she wasn’t too mad about this poorly planned out engagement. “Yeah, it will be one for the books,” he surrendered, hugging her back tightly. “But, is that a yes?”
She nodded, clinging to him tighter. “You’re such an idiot.”
“Yeah, I know,” he said with a sigh, the tension leaving his body. “But you’re okay with that, right?”
She sniffed. “Yeah,” she admitted. “Unfortunately, I’m a little too okay with that.”
Adrien just chuckled. “I’ll take it.”
 23. Sunset
Marinette looked at the little black kitty ring on her finger. Under normal circumstances, it signaled that she was engaged.
In her case, it signaled she was engaged to an idiot.
“I still can’t believe I did that.”
Marinette chuckled at the blonde man beside her hanging his head in his hand. At the moment, they were finishing up their impromptu date of actually getting the ice cream Adrien had wanted to get last weekend before staying out the rest of the afternoon and finding a spot to grab dinner. But dinner had ended and they hadn’t wanted to hog the table at the restaurant, so Adrien was escorting her home. However, as per usual, neither wanted to part, hence why they were procrastinating their parting on a bench in the park while they watched the sunset.
“Can’t get more spontaneous of a proposal than that,” she teased. Shockingly, she didn’t mind it, though. Adrien looked like he hadn’t even realized what he’d done until after he did it. The horror on his face still shone clear in her memory, bringing a grin to her lips. It really would be one for the books.
But still, he’d made it clear that he earnestly wanted to marry her, and in the end, that’s all that mattered to her.
“You have to know I meant it!” he cried, looking up to her with a faint blush on his cheeks. “I just… did not think that through.”
“At least you’re pretty.”
“Hey, I am plenty bright!”
“Really? Because I think a few bulbs need to be changed in your attic.”
“Says the crazy woman who not only accepted that proposal but is still wearing the cat ring.”
She sniggered. He had her there. “Well, I guess I’m a sucker for honestly.”
Adrien shook his head, a bemused smile on his face. “I’m glad that part came through, at the very least.”
Looking over at the man next to her, Marinette couldn’t help but feel happy. Botched proposal and all, she didn’t mind it one bit. They would always be a little chaotic, they’d always have their back-and-forth banter, but they’d also always have each other’s backs and ultimately would always be each other’s biggest support. The proposal just felt par for their course.
Plus, it would not only make for great stories but great teasing fodder, and Marinette was always down for anything that gave her the upper hand.
“Hey,” she said, voice earnest as she reached out to grab his hand. “Just so you know, I’ll probably never let up teasing you about it.”
He huffed in amusement. “I would think there was something seriously wrong with you if you did.”
“But,” she finished, “I am still very happy.”
His smile turned soft, and Marinette thought she might as well melt right then and there. “Well, I’m glad about that,” Adrien said, raising her hand to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles. “But there is definitely one thing I have to fix.”
Marinette quirked a brow, confused for a second before realizing what he was referring to. “The ring?” she asked, wiggling her left ring finger. “Because I’m not gonna lie, I would like an actual one.”
“Yeah? Well how about this one?” That’s when Adrien slid off the park bench, getting on one knee before her and reached into his pocket. Biting her lip to withhold a girlish squeal, Marinette found that she really didn’t care what the ring looked like.
But she wasn’t going to lie, the stunning blue sapphire he presented her with was freaking gorgeous.
“I know diamonds are traditional,” he said, tugging her left hand closer to him. “But you’re not some average girl. I didn’t think something like that would suit you. Marinette, I would like to apologize for not doing this right the first time, but I’m so grateful that you accepted anyway. I’m so thankful to have you in my life, so much so that I want you to stay by my side as my life-long partner. So with this ring, I’ll ask you properly this time. Marinette, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Marinette felt the tears prickling her eyes. It was such an easy question, and yet, getting the word to roll of her tongue was difficult. She nodded fervently. “Yes!”
With a grin, Adrien took off the kitty ring and replaced it with the one glittering in his hand. Once he did that, she threw her arms around his neck, clinging tightly to him just as she had the first time he proposed.
There were a few cheers and a round of applause from the people around them, but Marinette couldn’t care less. For better or worse, she was going to marry this idiot.
She couldn’t ask for anything better than that.
 24. Balcony
Adrien stood out on his tiny balcony, looking up at the stars and purposefully ignoring his phone.
More specifically, the message his father had left him.
It’s been over a year. The message said. What are you doing with your life now?
Good question.
Adrien sighed, his eyes shutting as he hung his head. Well, he was still working at Tom and Sabine’s bakery, and honestly, he was pretty happy with that. He got to work with people he loved doing something that he did find enjoyable. He never really fancied himself to be the creative type, but finding himself in the kitchen while crafting desserts and making bread had brought more joy into his life than modeling ever had. On top of that, he was getting married. He thought that was a good accomplishment.
But he knew it wouldn’t be good enough for his father.
He heard his phone buzz again and groaned. The last thing he did was want to answer it.
What would I even say? He thought, rubbing his forehead in a vain attempt to relieve the growing stress headache.
Unfortunately, he was too curious for his own good. And that curiosity won out over his reluctance.
He walked inside to where he’d left his phone sitting on the bed side table. Bracing himself, he tapped the screen, only for all tension to instantly drain form his body upon learning it wasn’t a text from his father but rather from Marinette.
You want to go do something tomorrow?
He smiled, collapsing back onto his bed with a smile. Of course he wanted to do something tomorrow. What, he didn’t know, but didn’t really care, either. They always had fun together whatever they did.
He opened the text and started a reply before stopping and deciding to give her a call instead.
“Hey, hot stuff,” she said. He could hear the flirty grin on her face. “Missed the sound of my voice?”
He grinned. “Yeah. Guess you could say that.”
There was a pause on the other side of the line. “Something wrong?” she asked, all teasing gone from her tone.
Adrien sighed. “My father.”
“What happened?”
“Oh, you know, he kicked me out and now is wanting to know what I’m doing with my life.”
He heard her scoff over the phone. “Really?”
“Yeah, but I don’t really want to talk about that right now,” he said. “Right now, I just want to hear your voice.”
“Oh? What do you want to talk about then? My thoughts on that new anime you showed me?’
He chuckled. “You could talk about the weather and I’d be cool with it.”
“Well,” she began in a smooth voice. “Tonight’s forecast includes clear skies with no stars due to light pollution. A light breeze blows through the city tonight towards the Eiffel tower, whatever direction that is. It is an undetermined temperature, but comfortably cool enough to be outside in a short sleeve tee-shirt. How’s that?”
Adrien could feel his worries ease away at the sound of her voice, her sass, spunk, and sarcasm still coming through even through her calm tone. He really loved this woman and was the luckiest guy alive to be marrying her. “It’s perfect.”
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kats-baku1999 · 3 years
Little Lies. Part Two.
Todoroki x Fem! Reader... Warnings, angsty, smut at the end.
Part One
Part two
Part Three
Kirishima and I pulled into the school parking lot at the same time. He was quick to jump out of his car and run over to my car door. Before I could even react he was ripping it open, smiling at me like a maniac. I had avoided him the rest of the weekend, not wanting to discuss what everyone had seen. I also didn’t want to even begin to talk about what Shoto and I were. That was something I didn’t have the answer too, thanks to him not answering his texts since he left that night.
“(y/n) you have to tell me everything, and I mean every detail!” Kirishima was practically shouting in my face, I blinked a few times before shaking my head. I grabbed my book bag from the passenger seat, and flung it over my shoulder. Kirishima let out a groan, and followed close behind me.
“Honestly Kiri, it is not that big of a deal, we just got caught up in the moment,” I sighed, trying to convince myself to believe it too. The feeling I felt when he kissed me was something I would never be able to forget. Usually the only person I ever made out with was Kaminari, but we never went that far. It was always just brought on from too much drinking, and too much dancing at a party.
“How does studying lead to that moment?” Kirishima snorted, and I held up my middle finger as I walked to my locker.
What I wasn’t expecting was Todoroki to be leaning against my locker, laughing with Bakugo and Midoriya who had his arm slung around Ochako’s shoulder. The four of them all looked in mine and Kirishima’s direction. Bakugo instantly lit up at the sight of his boyfriend, and practically ran to grab Kirishima’s hand. My face was red when I met Todoroki’s eyes, and realized he was smiling softly at me. He stood up straight so he was no longer leaning against my locker, before moving to the other side to lean up against that one while I got into my locker.
“Good morning sunshine,” Todoroki teased, and I shot him a playful dirty look. When I got my locker door opened I was met with a coffee, and pastry bag sitting there. I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I think my only concern is that you know my locker combination?” I laughed, and he just smirked. Leaning past me he turned the cup around, and in black marker on the cup were the words, “Be my date this weekend?”
“It is really easy to get information out of the office ladies when you look like me,” Todoroki looked at my bright red face as I processed what was happening, “Plus when they found out I was asking you to the dance, they were not hesitant to help at all,”
“You, you’re asking me to the dance?” I laughed, my face still burning red. Finally making eye contact again, and he just smiled at me. That stupid closed mouth smirk he always had plastered across his face.
“Or just for an actual date in general, I am tired of pretending that I just wanted to get close to you for that exceptional brain of yours,” Todoroki gently tapped a finger against my temple, and it wasn’t until I heard Kirishima let out an excited noise, that I realized I had completely forgotten we weren’t the only two people in this hallway. I turned around to look at our friends, all of them still watching the scene unfold.
“Well, as much as I would love to bring down that ego of yours, I don’t want to embarrass you in front of our friends,” I smiled, looking back towards him, “So I would love to be your date to the dance,”
“Finally!” Ochako and Kirishima shouted at the same time. All of us started laughing soon after, everyone cracking up at their outburst. In that moment Todoroki casually slung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. I took a sip of my coffee, leaning into him a little bit. I looked up to see him already looking down at me. He gave the top of my head a quick kiss, before going back to bickering with Bakugo about something.
This moment was perfect.
----------Shoto POV-----------
I pulled my shirt off in the locker room, changing out of my gym uniform. Bakugo was sitting on the bench, just staring at me. I looked at him for a second, before throwing my sweaty tshirt at his face. He glared at me before throwing it back.
“What is your problem Bakugo?” I laughed, turning back towards my locker to comb my hair back out.
“I think the bet is going too far,” Bakugo sighed, “(Y/N) is actually a really cool person,”
I paused for a second, because for a little bit there I had completely forgotten about that stupid bet we had made. Up until I kissed her the other night, that’s all it was. Ever since then though, all I could think about was how I wanted to do that forever. The way her lips felt against mine, the way she felt in general. The physical connection was great, but she also calmed every thought I had. Just with that stupid smile that would spread across her face when someone said something that she thought was funny. That was all it took for my world to freeze.
“Bakugo, the bet is off,” I sighed, “I won’t lie, a few weeks ago messing with (Y/N) sounded like a great idea, but I don’t know I think there could be something there?”
“You sound like you’re still questioning that statement dude,” Bakugo laughed at the uncertainty in my voice, and I laughed along with him for a second.
“No really, the bet is done, I didn’t expect myself to get this close with-”
“What bet?” We both practically jumped out of our skin at the sound of the voice that came from behind us. I turned around to see Denki Kaminari standing there with his gym bag slung over his shoulder, “Oh don’t tell me that you’re being all lovey with (Y/N) for a bet dude?”
“Mind your own business,” Bakugo growled at Kaminari who just let out a laugh again.
“Dude, I am the last person to worry about hearing that, the other part of your little trio was standing next to me a few seconds ago, he heard everything you two said,” Kaminari laughed again, walking towards his gym locker, “I gotta say though, good choice Todoroki, (y/n) is a pretty nice piece of ass,”
I snapped my head towards him, before I could even react though Bakugo had him slammed up against his locker.
“I will handle this dickhead, go get Izuku,” Bakugo growled, and I nodded my head. Rushing out of the locker room. Luckily Izuku was standing in the hallway, a look of disappointment across his face. I walked up to him as quickly as I could, before grabbing his phone out of his hand. He instantly shot me a dirty look.
“Let me explain, please Midoriya,” I pleaded, and he just shook his head.
“I excuse you and Bakugo being assholes all the time Todoroki,” He mumbled, “I always let it the hell go, but this is too damn far!”
“Okay I know it looks bad but please let me explain before you freak out,” I stared at him frantically, “It started out as a bet, but (Y/N) is actually someone I want to spend my time with Midoriya, please I can’t lose that now,”
“So are you just not going to tell her?” He laughed dryly, his eyes filling up with tears that I was sure was coming from a place of anger, “God you are such an asshole Todoroki,”
“No, no, I can’t tell her,” I panicked slightly, “She would hate me,”
“Fine, then I will tell her,” Izuku turned on his heel, but I quickly grabbed his shirt and pushed him up against the wall, “What the fuck Todoroki!”
“You can’t tell her!” I shouted back at him, “I haven’t felt this way about anybody, ever, please Midoriya,”
“It was all started on some sick joke!” Midoriya tried shoving me off of him, “If you gave a damn about (Y/N) you will be a man and tell her yourself,”
I was pulled off of him by an out of breath Bakugo. Behind him stood both Sero and Kaminari, Kaminari who now had a black eye forming. My attention was pulled back to Midoriya, and I sent him a pleading look. The realization hit me, Kaminari and Sero knew. If they knew they would more likely open their mouths about all of this. I looked around the hallway, before finally letting out a sigh.
“I have to be the one to tell her,” I looked at all of the guys standing in the hallway, “If anyone does it before I can, I will kick your ass, I don’t care who you are,”
I looked back towards Midoriya who was still glaring at me, but he nodded his head. Before pushing past me to go into the locker room. He paused at the door for a second, turning back to look at me.
“You have until the after party at Sero’s this Saturday, or I tell her,” Midoriya pushed open the locker room door. Leaving the four of us standing in the hallway alone.
I looked at Bakugo with a bit of worry. Maybe everything would be fine, and she wouldn’t be as angry as I thought she would be. Her being angry though was the last thing I was worried about. I think I was more worried that she would be broken by my little lies.
---------- (y/n) pov ----------- this part is a little spicyyyyy
I was laying in bed, scrolling through my social media feeds. I had gotten home just a little bit ago, I had gone shopping with Ochako and Kirishima for our outfits for the dance this weekend. I had found the perfect dress, a little embarrassed at how cheesy it was for me to even wear. It was a strapless white dress, with red detailings throughout it. The moment I saw it, all I could think of was Todoroki. I looked up from my phone at the dress that was hanging on my closet door.
If you would have told me a few weeks ago that I would be going with Todoroki to this dance, I would have laughed in your face. Today though? Today all I could do was smile at the thought of us dancing together. All night. Then being a couple the entire time at the after party. If that’s what this was now? A couple? That much hasn’t been determined yet, but it was safe to say we were close enough to a couple now.
Let me in. -T
I looked at my phone, before walking down to my front door. Todoroki was standing on my porch, his face a little panicked, but he seemed to visibly relax at the sight of me. I smiled and stepped aside so he could walk in. He stepped inside and slipped off his shoes.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” I smiled at him, and he just looked at me for a second.
“Is anybody home?” Todoroki looked up the stairs, and I felt myself go red.
“Shoto Todoroki are you here for a hook up?” I blushed furiously and he just turned to look at me before smirking. Stepping closer to me, as if I was some kind of prey.
“Would you be opposed if I was?” He grinned once he had me cornered against the back of the couch. His head dipped down to the crook of my neck, as he started placing small pecks along the area. Shivers went up my spine, and I tilted my head to the side to give him more room to maneuver.
“N-no I wouldn’t be opposed,” I sighed, as his hands found their way to my hips.
—/third person pov time ;)\—
Todoroki pressed himself against (y/n)’s body. Still just placing kiss after kiss against her neck, enjoying the small sighs of enjoyment that were leaving her mouth. (Y/n) finally grew tired of the small teasing, and pulled Todoroki into a kiss. He groaned into moment, feeling himself become even more turned on by her use of force.
He deepened the kiss even further, pushing himself even more into her body. Both of them moaning at the friction. (Y/N) couldn’t help but notice how much more desperate Todoroki seemed now, this wasn’t like before. He was treating this kiss like it was going to be their last. She didn’t mind though, the way he was grabbing her like she was going to disappear was turning her on even more.
“Upstairs,” (Y/N) broke the kiss slightly, grabbing the taller boys hand and dragging him up the stairs with her. Todoroki followed behind, happily taking in the sight of her. Once they were in his bedrooms, his lips were instantly connected back against hers. He led her towards her bed and gently pushed her down. Then positioned himself on top her, never once breaking the kiss. (Y/N) snaked her hands up the back of his shirt, trying to signal she wanted it off. Todoroki pulled back, and happily obliged taking his shirt off.
“Don’t drool too much (Y/N),” Todoroki teased, looking down at the girl who was staring at him in awe. He took this opportunity to run his hands up her shirt, smirking at the goosebumps that instantly came up on her skin.
Todoroki let his hand trail her stomach, underneath her shirt. His hand slowly went up further, before finally landing over her bra. He gave a quick squeeze, still just smirking at her reactions. Finally he lifted her shirt up over her head, and made his way back to kissing her neck. Wet open mouth kisses were trailed from her neck, to her collar bones, til finally he was pushing her bra down. (Y/N) let out a small gasp once Todoroki finally began living kitten licks against her nipple. The stimulation was something she wasn’t entirely used to, but she knew she enjoyed it. He used his hand to begin twisting and lightly pulling at the other nipple. Soft moans escaped her mouth, and he felt himself growing even harder.
“Shoto, please I want more,” (Y/N) moaned out slightly, causing the boy to freeze what he was doing. He pulled back away from her, taking in the moment. Her breathing had picked up slightly,  not a lot but enough. Shoto smiled at the girl, letting his hand travel down to the band of her shorts she was wearing. He let out a little groan himself once he realized it was only the thin shorts that were guarding her down there.
“You just walk around like this?” He smirked, letting his hand go down even further. Finally his finger traced over her folds ever so slightly, small moans escaping both of their mouths. Todoroki let his fingers dip down, gently beginning to rub against her sensitive nub. Waves of pure bliss ripped throughout her body, as he gently rubbed his fingers in circles, every so often taking it between two fingers and rolling it around. (Y/N) could feel the tension building in her lower stomach, and she began to squirm around even more.
“I want you to let go okay?” Todoroki whispered, still just watching from above as he continued to rub against her clit. The way her face would scrunch up before each moan, the way the moans sounded once they left her mouth. All of it was enough for him to tip over the edge right there. He knew what he wanted, but he also knew that it was going to be their first times. The way it was going to feel for him and the way it was going to feel for her would two different things.
(Y/N) screwed her eyes shut, her hand reaching down to grab Shoto’s wrist desperately. The tension in her stomach was growing, and she could feel a warm sensation building up deep inside of her. The moans became more shallow, her chest rising up and down drastically. Finally, with one last rub, nothing but pure euphoria ripped through her body. Shoto watched in completely bliss as her body shook, her head leaning back, and her back arching up. He leaned down again, kissing her through her high.
What he wasn’t expecting though was for her hips to buck up against his, his clothed erection twitching at the feeling. He let a moan escape his lips into the kiss, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but smirk. She bucked her hips up again, her hands reaching down to his sweats as she tried pulling them down.
“Wait, wait,” Shoto stopped, staring down at her still. She was a panting mess, and so was he. He took a minute to stare at her, before letting out a sigh of defeat, “We can’t, not tonight,”
“What?” (Y/n) looked at him, pouting slightly. He leaned down and kissed her stuck out lip.
“I want to take this slow okay?” Todoroki sighed, coming up with the best excuse he possibly could, “You deserve more than just a hook up for your first time,”
“I really would not be complaining if we did,” (Y/N) whined, “I want you to be my first Shoto, so why-”
“Let’s wait until this weekend okay?” He forced a smile, “If you still feel the same after Sero’s party then we will, I promise,”
Guilt filled his entire body, but she nodded none the less. He kissed her again, before helping her back into her shorts, and shirt. He slid his back on over his head, and went to leave but she quickly stood up. Grabbing his hand and pulling him back to her bed. Neither of them said anything, they both just held each other. (Y/N) was in pure bliss, taking in his scent, mentally preparing herself for this weekend. Shoto was holding her a little tighter than he intended, because he knew this moment was fleeting. That after this weekend the chances of him ever talking to this girl again, were slim to none. She was going to hate him, and he knew he deserved just that.
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hybridfanfiction · 4 years
Owner Training - 8
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He knows exactly how long he’d lived on the streets. Seven hundred and fifteen days. Almost two years. Not long compared to many of the other hybrids that had roamed the area, but long enough for him. It had been cold and miserable, and he’d always had to fight for a spot under the park bridge when it rained. He’d been hungry and constantly sick, but it was still better than it had been living in any of his other previous homes.
He’d been smart when he left the last one, taking along his keyboard that a social worker had given him. Playing on that had allowed him to make enough money to keep himself fed, thanks to the guy that ran the convenience store and didn’t mind hybrids buying things for themselves. There was also the little old lady that ran a hostel nearby that let him pay for a shower and a nap, slipping him soup and sandwiches sometimes.
And then there’d been her.
The first couple of times he saw her hadn’t been some sort of love at first sight story. She’d simply been another face in the crowd that would stop by when he played, clapping and throwing some change in his bucket. It wasn’t until she’d asked if he could play Il Lamento by Liszt that he’d bothered to take a good look at her. Then once he’d looked, he couldn’t stop. Suddenly he noticed how pretty she was, how she always smelled sweet and clean with a hint of the same lemon and ginger tea every single day. How she never talked down to him. 
Before long, he’d begun to look forward to her visits. Sometimes she’d bring him breakfast and chat for a while ( meaning he’d let her ramble on while he set up his spot for the day) before she left for work. Sometimes she’d stop by after a hard day at work and simply sit on a bench with her eyes closed, listening to him play. He always made sure to play something soothing on those days. 
Occasionally she’d throw him way too much money which made him feel really awkward, so he’d offer to do something more to earn it. Usually, she just had him carry groceries or something else equally small just to humor him. 
It was every time that she was too busy to show up that he realized he was growing alarmingly attached to this human. That was not a clever thing to do, and he’d always prided himself on being a smart and realistic guy. Humans weren’t to be trusted. They would pretend to be loving and caring, then the moment no one was watching they’d turn their hybrids into slaves and sex toys. 
But then there was her, Ginger. That wasn’t her real name, of course, just what he’d taken to calling her in his head. She always smelled like the lemon and ginger tea she obviously drank often. He got so used to smelling it as soon as she arrived that he’d begun to equate that scent with...comfort? Home? He didn’t know. It’s not like she was his owner or anything, but his hind-brain was certainly attached to her. 
The point was that he trusted this woman for some reason that he couldn’t quite figure out. She seemed genuine and caring, but so had others in his past. She seemed a little ditsy sometimes, but that wasn’t a bad thing exactly. It was kinda cute, to be honest. 
So yeah, there were a few times he’d daydreamed about what life would be like if someone like her was his owner. Sure, he’d like to be able to not have to have an owner at all, but that wasn’t the reality of his life. Somehow, however, he thought if it was Ginger maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. She was nice, really pretty, and seemed to like him just as much. 
So maybe when the most horrible storm of the year had happened and he’d been shit out of luck getting a spot under the bridge, he decided to take a shot. Worst case scenario, she called Hybrid Control. Best, she’d let him stay for the night. So he’d run towards the familiar apartment building only to find that she was still at work. All the lights were off and the door was locked. He could have slept on the porch, and he’d had every intention of doing so until he’d seen the wide-open window. 
He’d sighed in exasperation at her forgetfulness. Really, anyone could just jump inside the first-floor apartment and steal her shit. He’d been racked by shivers, the cold rain firming his resolve. Better to ask for forgiveness than die of pneumonia. 
He’d climbed into the bedroom window, cringing at the muddy prints he made on the floor. He’d clean it up before she got home. He sniffed, nearly moaning in happiness. It smelled so great in her apartment. He could smell her everywhere. There were occasional scents here and there that weren’t hers, but they were so faint that they obviously belonged to visitors. 
He’d been terrified, honestly, but he’d been so desperate and lonely and just emotionally drained that he’d decided fuck it. If she freaked out and kicked him out on his ass, well, better to get it over with now before he got even more attached. 
So he’d turned on the heat, showered, and grabbed some sweat pants from her dresser. At first, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep in her bed. He’d planned on just sitting there and waiting for his doom, but then the heat was so nice and the covers looked so soft and smelled so much like her that he figured just for a minute. He’d just try it out for a minute because it had been so long since he’d slept in such a nice bed. 
When she’d woken him up after she came home, he’d been terrified. Of course, he’d long mastered the art of seeming nonchalant even while his heart was pounding so hard he was afraid it would burst. So he’d bluffed his way through, hoping that she was really as much of a bleeding heart as she’d always seemed. 
Thank fuck she was, because she simply allowed him to stay with minimal fuss. In fact, he’d even gotten her to go along with him living there instead of just for the night. Of course, she’d obviously been too confused by what was happening to protest anything, but once again her ditziness was part of her charm. 
That first night in her bed would live in his memory forever. It wasn’t like much had happened, but it was something to him. He’d felt...safe. Probably the last time he’d genuinely felt that way had been when he was a kitten and didn’t know any better. But laying next to her wrapped in warmth and her scent, their legs tangled together and his tail pulling her close...he’d been safe. 
The days that had followed were like a dream. Every time he thought it was time for her to show her true colors, she’d surprise him instead by showing that her heart was bigger than her brain. Despite the way he forced himself into her life, she made every attempt to make him feel like he belonged there. She took him shopping, tried to cook for him despite being horrible at it, bought him a cell phone so that she could text him while she was at work. She went out of her way to find his favorite foods and shows and anything else she could spoil him with. She took care of him when he was sick and always let him sleep in the bed with her. 
After a while, he began to forget that there was a time before her. There were still times where he’d call himself a fool for trusting a human, but she just had to smile at him like he was her whole world for him to think that she was the exception. She was the real deal and he wanted to be good enough for her. 
When he realized that his feelings were veering into the forbidden territory of maybe actually loving this dumb human, he’d been terrified once again. Would it be better to keep it to himself and learn to live with it when she eventually got into a relationship someday, or tell her and risk losing her completely? Because, while she’d never treated him like a pet he was still a hybrid. Hybrid and human relationships were still viewed as “kinky,” something he didn’t think she was...well, not without a bit of training in the future anyway. 
Learning that her own brother was in an actual committed relationship with his hybrid had been an eyeopener. She’d never expressed a single bit of disgust or disdain towards the relationship at all. They simply were a regular couple in her mind. Despite the small bump with the way she introduced him to people, he thought maybe that meant she would be okay starting something with him. Honestly, he sometimes got the feeling that she did have feelings for him already and just didn’t realize what that meant yet. He’d learned that Ginger needed to have things pointed out to her plainly in order to understand, so maybe even this was that sort of situation. 
So, when his heat suddenly snuck up on him after years of being completely irregular, he’d figured what could be plainer than waving your dick around? 
Truthfully, he’d been a little worried that she’d freak out, but at the same time when you’re overcome with loving someone and extreme horniness you don’t make the best decisions. Thankfully, what had followed had been the best sex of his life. And even more amazing, she’d admitted that she loved him back. Him! She actually loved him even though he was a grumpy asshole most of the time and he knew it. But luckily for her, she always brought out his softer side and he’d do anything for her. 
He wanted to stay with her forever. To love her, mate her, see her belly swell with their children. To wipe her tears when she’s sad or comfort her when she’s worried. He wants to be there when she’s old and grey to remind her every day that she’s still beautiful. 
He still had a long way to go to be worthy of her, but he’d spend his whole life trying. 
It's a little short, I apologize. I've been working like crazy, but I am working on many more chapters for this as well as my other stuff. Lots of things in store for these kids. I just felt like we needed a peek into Yoongi's brain real quick.
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armysantiny · 3 years
NCT Dream: Their s/o is passionate about working out
Tumblr media
Pairing: ot7 x gender neutral reader // NCT (Dream)
Genre: fluff, humour, headcanon
Includes: going to the gym, teasing, watching a drama, workout schedules, bribing with coffee, exhaustion, 
Word count: 1.59k
Warning: I swear like, once or twice lol, Chenle’s one talks about dieting for a moment
Rating: PG
Networks: @kwritersworld, @kdiarynet, @kpopscape, @ultkpopnetwork, @kpopcontentcreatorsclub, @k-dinernet, @lovesick-net, @whipped-kpop-creators, @kafenetwork, @ficscafe, @dreamwritersnet, @neoswitchnet, @nct-writers
Tagging: @teeztheflag, @the-rooftop-fight, @cherry-hyejin || Taglist Form
An: I had fun writing this lol. I would pay good money to watch this happen irl- members under the cut! Oh yeah - @alicanta77​ more Jeno!
마크 (Mark)
Something about Mark tells me that he’d be kinda chill about it? You know?
As long as you’re enjoying it, he’s happy
And you’re getting healthier for yourself, so nice!
Flirty (or attempts at flirting lol) comments whenever you come out of the shower
And then you suggest going to the gym together
Not that he doesn’t want to
But he’s seen your workout routine
Safe to say this boy is intimidated
“Wait, wait, wait - go with you?”
Mark doesn’t mind working out
In fact, it’s quite relaxing
But he knows you’re very strict with your sets
He will be sore in the morning if he tried to keep up with you
Tries to bribe you with coffee-
Doesn’t work and you (lightly) drag his arse to the gym
Safe to say he is tired when you two get back
You get out of the shower and you can see this guy knocked the fuck out on the sofa
Let the teasing begin~
Poking at his chest and giggling when he pulls you into his chest
“Markie~ you’re not tired already, are you?”
Doesn’t reply, but sleepily smiles and ruffles your hair
Soft :(
런쥔 (Renjun)
Oh God, this is going to be fun
Renjun doesn’t really go to the gym unless he has to, or really wants to
So he doesn’t mind that you enjoy going to the gym
Bettering yourself, good for you, you know?
But dear God when you mention that you want him to join you
Yeah...good luck with that one
Will come up with every excuse under the sun
This mf really tries pulling the ‘I’m a foreigner, I don’t know Korean that well’ card on you
Like he doesn’t know how to speak Korean- (probably better than you too lol smh)
You kinda just deadpan him and he drags himself to get ready
Whining! Every! Single! Second
From start to finish I swear, Renjun complains constantly omg
When you two get home, the sigh of relief he lets out is loud
“Come on Junnie~ it wasn’t that bad!”
“Babe, I am going to die - how will you make this up to me?”
You come out of the shower after he’s already done and find him pretending to be asleep
“Well, if you’re asleep, I guess I’ll watch the new episode on my own”
Gets up immediately
No way you’re watching it without him
“Oh? I thought you were dying? Looks like you’re fine now~” 
Rolls his eyes but he’s smiling
Hugs you and you two catch up on your drama
Cute :(
제노 (Jeno
Considering Jeno seems like the kinda guy to really enjoy working out, I think he’d really like that about you
Like, you’re his gym partner and his romantic partner, what’s there not to love?
That’s probably how you two met each other-
Loves comparing your workout schedules
This time though, Nono wanted to give your workout routine a go
“Are you sure baby?”
Not that you didn’t think he could do it, you just didn’t want him to be too sore to practice the next day
But he’s stubborn lol, and you just oblige
It’s honestly so cute
You’re not even halfway done and he’s already starting to have second thoughts
Thing is, you made it seem easier than it actually was 
Obviously you’re feeling a burn from working out, but Jeno is struggling
Takes multiple breaks before you’ve had your first break
You get home and Jeno is already feeling the effects
Laughs when you tease him about it
“How...how do you make it look so easy?”
Denies that he’ll be sore in the morning and you just shake your head
You wake up in the morning and dear God he can’t move
“Don’t say it...”
“Say what? That I told you so? Okay, I won’t~”
동혁 (Donghyuck)
Oh Imma enjoy this one
As much as Hyuck loves that you enjoy working to better yourself
Do not get that man anywhere within 10ft of a gym
Literally only goes to work out when he has a schedule
Otherwise, you’ll never see him suggest going
So to who or whatever possessed him to jokingly suggest that he should join you in the gym
This guy has some choice words - possibly some swearing involved, who knows?
His dramatic ass will literally put on some over-the-top denial when he sees the smile on your face
Hyuck knows that smile
“Come on hyuck, it won’t be that bad!”
“Oh but it will. Y/n, do you want to kill your boyfriend?”
“Oh stop whining you~, you only have to do it just this once~”
You have to bribe him with his favourite food before he even considers going
And even then, it takes him forever to get ready and go
You’re already on your way and he still tries to weasel his way out of it
Because holy shit your workout is intense
Is dying 
Remember when fullsun here had to carry Jeno and he screamed because Jeno was taking the piss out of him?
Yeah - he does that
This mf really tries asking you to carry him when you get home
You do it anyway-
When you carry him bridal-style, he wraps his arms around your neck and ‘swoons’
“My knight in shining armour~”
Cue rolling your eyes at him, but smiling because you love this man too much to be annoyed
Gosh he’s a brat child sometimes but you love him
재민 (Jaemin)
Heyy, 1/2 of my Dream biases, let’s go!
We’ve all seen Jaemin reveal his abs right?
This man is fit-
So obviously, he does work out a fair bit
If not with you, then definitely with Nono
But let’s be real-
Jaemin is literally the least competitive person ever - if not just for NCT
Cannot and will not compete for anything even if his life depended on it
So when you ask him if he wants to join you on a workout session while you’re about to sleep and he agrees-
You’re surprised
Then again, he’s just so tired (poor bby) that he’s barely registering what you’re saying
Until you remind him the following day
Sighs as he drinks his first of many coffees he’ll have
He wants to try and weasel out of it
But you’re giving him puppy eyes and oh gosh you’re adorable oh noo
He can’t say no :(
When ou two start, oh good lord his respect for your dedication increases tenfold
You do this five times a week?
His body hurts in ways he didn’t know he could hurt
Hits you with his ‘sexy~’ when you get out of the shower
Pretends to take pictures of you
“There we go! My star model show me those angles!”
Laughing fits
Even if you’re both sore (Jaemin more so), y’all are so cute
Gimme this please
천러 (Chenle)
Okay Daegal’s dad you’re up next!
I feel like Chenle really encourages you to keep up with your workout schedule
Probably helps with the dietary requirements that come along with it
Supportive boyfriend over here
We live to see it
Enough getting sidetracked, let’s continue
You’d be sitting together for breakfast and its workout day
This man’s curiosity gets the better of him and he asks if he could join you
He’s always been interested in exactly what exercises you do to stay is such great shape
When you go into detail, Lele kinda sits there wide-eyed for a moment
Granted, he works out too to stay healthy but damn your workout is intense
No wonder your body is as muscular/toned as it is
Be he would be lying to himself and you if he said that it didn’t intimidate him
You could probably throw him with little effort-
When you two do get to the gym, oh dear God is Chenle already exhausted
How do you manage to keep up with it?
Scratch that - exhausted doesn’t even begin to describe how he feels
You get home and Chenle is just...dead
Takes a shower and refuses to move once he gets in bed
Prepare to drag his ass out of bed the next day - he aint going anywhere
지성 (Jisung)
This is going to be interesting! Also 2nd Dream bias!
Of course, since Jisung hasn’t revealed his abs, we don’t know exactly how defined he is
But I think it’s safe to assume that Jisung is pretty well built
And he finds it really cool that you’re so dedicated you are to your workout routine
But dear God this kid doesn’t want to work out if he can help it
As much as he loves you, he would be a dirty liar if he said that you don’t intimidate him from time to time
You could probably bench press Jisung without thinking about it
Okay - I’m exaggerating, but you get the point
Kinda like Hyuck, whatever possessed this kid to ask you if he could join you must of had it in for him that day
You smirk, he realises what he just said and starts backing up
“Wait, wait, wait - let’s talk about this!”
“Uh uh, you suggested it JiJi. Come on, it won’t be that bad”
He kinda just goes -_-
Not bad? Not bad for you, you mean-
Does anything - and I mean literally anything - to get out of it
When you aren’t buying it, he deflates  and joins you
Is going through it by the time the two of you are halfway
Send help lol
You get home and he’s like “Yeah - never doing that again.”
Help this child lol
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maaaddiexo · 4 years
The Lost Village (The Weeping Monk)
Mainlist | Serieslist
Warnings: none
part 4/4 (4 for now; maybe more after second season release)
It felt like hours for the group of three as they waited for the tattooed woman’s answer. She stared at all of them individually, sizing them up. Assessing them. Oddly enough, she stared at Y/N the longest.
“Fine. Blye! Get some blindfolds.”
The man who’d complained stepped forward with multiple strips of cloth in his hand. He wore a smug, sinister smile on his face.
“Not happening,” Y/N insisted. “Blindfolded or not, we’ll be able to track where you take us from where we are.”
“And what’s gonna stop us from blindfolding you?” Blye sneered. “You’re outnumbered.”
“And you’re outpowered.” Y/N lifted her hand, stared at Blye, and as she drew a circle in the air, she said, “Ignis.” A circle of fire immediately appeared around Blye and he screeched. He froze in his place and stared at Y/N. “Yes, I’m a witch. No, I don’t want to hurt you nor do I plan on it. I made a promise I wouldn’t hurt you and I don’t want to break it. But the only reason we came to you was because I saw your village in visions. We need help and we would like you to trust us just as we are trusting you not to take us into a trap.”
Alba lifted her head and contemplated again. “Alright. No blindfolds.”
Y/N lowered her hand and the fire around Blye disappeared. “Thank you.”
“But we still have no reason to trust each other. How do we know you guys won’t hurt us?”
“How about a blood pact?” The Monk suggested quietly. He cleared his throat when Y/N stared at him with a raised eyebrow. “Father Carden gave me full access to the reliquary to learn about the Fey. I read all of the books they had. I remember reading a spell book about types of magic. It mentioned a blood pact.”
“Those were my books he gave you.”
Alba looked at Y/N expectantly. “Can you do it.”
Y/N sighed, “I know which spell he’s talking about. I’ve never had any reason to do it before but I can try.”
“Do it.”
The Monk handed Y/N a small knife which she cut her palm with. Alba copied her with her own blade. Blood pooled in both of their hands. Y/N reached forward and clasped Alba’s hand in her own, as if they were going to shake hands. Y/N felt the familiar tingle and watched as a white glow began to emanate from between their palms.
“Alliges duplicia sanguine.” She retracted her hand and saw that her hand was still bleeding. She fisted her hand, saw it glow again, and when she opened her hand, the wound was healed completely.
“How do we know it worked?” Blye asked. Y/N tooked back the blade the Monk had given her and used the tip to prick the pad of her right thumb.
“Shit,” Alba cursed and there, on the pad of her right thumb, was a spot of blood.
“Whatever happens to me, happens to you, and vice versa. I’ll undo it when we leave.”
“Then let’s get this over with,” Alba grumbled. She turned around and walked away from them. “Come on, now.”
The Monk was helped back onto their horse and they were led through the forest, the fireflies still buzzing overhead. Y/N didn’t even know they’d arrived at the Lost Village until Alba said so. The village was so well disguised. The village was not on ground level. A few of the Lost Villagers climbed up the trees and disappeared into the night, but most disappeared between two large boulders covered in moss.
“You live underground.”
Alba nodded as they descended the makeshift set of stairs down into the ground. “Despite being smaller than most Fey villages, our tunnels are extensive. If the Red Paladins ever found our village, they’d never be able to follow us through the tunnels. Only the Scouts are above ground during the day. Even though the Red Paladins don’t come out here, we believe it’s safer to sleep during the day and work during the night.”
“It’s really smart,” the Monk praised. “The dirt makes it harder to smell you out when you’re underground.”
Underneath the ground, the tunnels were high enough where none of them had to crouch. Every few feet, alcoves had been carved to hold torches. Alba informed them that most of the villagers were in what they called the Hive, but they still passed a few people in the tunnels.
“Not all of them are Fey,” the Monk noted.
“Yes, a few are human. Some were kicked out because they were born with the mark of the devil or dark gods while others chose to leave because they sided with the Fey.”
The single tunnel branched out into a web of tunnels and Alba took a hard left. Having had to leave the horse above ground, Y/N and the Monk were a little way behind the group, but Alba walked slowly enough for them to keep sight of her. She stopped and pointed to a long room on the right of the tunnel hallway.
“This is the infirmary. Mary is the nurse working at the moment. Find an empty cot and she’ll come find you in a moment.”
There was an empty cot not too far from the entrance and the Monk collapsed in it. Immediately, Squirrel and Y/n began removing his weapons and cloak. His clothes were stuck to his body with dried blood, and when she pulled his hood back, she saw that the right side of his hair was matted with blood too.
“How do I look?” the Monk asked in a teasing tone.
“Like shit,” Squirrel replied honestly. He didn’t even miss a beat. Y/N laughed loudly and pushed the Monk’s hair out of his face. Beside the bed was a bowl of water and a dry cloth. She wet the cloth before dabbing at his head wound. Squirrel undid the tie at the top of the Monk’s shirt but then shrugged and cut his shirt up to take it off.
“Damn, I liked that shirt.”
“You also once liked the idea of burning a cross into your head. Soon enough, you’ll renege on your appreciation for it.”
“Was that an insult?”
Y/N only smiled. “How’s your side?”
“Something tells me it ain’t pretty.” The voice was new, and in the entrance, a short round lady stood smiling. Her long, braided hair had been pulled up into a tight bun and there was blood on the white apron tied around her neck and waist. “I’m Mary. I’m a healer.”
“I’m not a healer, but I can heal him,” Y/N said. “I just need to make the poultice.”
“You need to rest first,” the lady argued politely. “You’re welcome to sleep on the empty cots, and I’ll take care of him until morning.”
Y/N didn’t feel comfortable leaving the Monk in the hands of strangers – even though it was her idea to come to them – but the Monk’s hand on hers and his weak but sure nod were enough to push Y/N to her feet and over to the empty cot beside his. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow.
Y/N had no idea what time it was or how long she’d been asleep when she finally woke up. Squirrel was still asleep in the cot across from hers. Sluggishly, Y/N turned to see the Monk sitting up in bed, picking at a stark white bandage on his wrist.
“Don’t pick at it.”
The Monk dropped his hand and smiled at her. “Mornin’.”
“How long was I asleep?” Y/N rubbed her eyes and sat up.
“A day, I think. I slept for a little bit but the medication Mary gave me wasn’t very strong.”
“Here. Let me help.” Her bag was tucked underneath her cot and on the floor between their cots, she mixed an elixir in her pestle and mortar. She held the Monk’s head as she brought the mortar to his chapped lips. “This will help with the pain. I can apply a paste that will speed up the healing, but I’m not a good enough witch to fully heal them. Sorry.”
“It’s okay, Y/N.”
It didn’t feel okay to Y/N. Silently, she washed the mortar in a bowl of clean water and sorted through her bag for the proper ingredients. Together, they were ground into powder and then a paste when she added honey.
“A binding agent,” the Monk concluded. Y/N could see the pride in his eyes as she unwound the dressing around his wrist. The wound had been cleaned and wasn’t bleeding. With a clean hand, she applied the paste to the cut and then redressed the wound. After she was done applying the paste to his other wounds, she asked,
“You think you can walk?” The Monk nodded and after Y/N helped him up, she went to wake Squirrel, not wanting to leave him behind. “Come on. Let’s explore.”
With the medication and Y/N and Mary’s healing work, the Monk could already put a little more weight on his bad leg, but still clung to Y/N. They turned down a tunnel and felt a flitting breeze. In that short moment, he got a whiff of Y/N and thought she smelt nice.
“Do you hear that?” Squirrel asked, stopping in the tunnel. “Listen.”
Echoing through the tunnel from somewhere a head of them, they heard what sounded like a drum.
“Is that…music?”
“I haven’t heard music in years,” the Monk said longingly.
“Let’s go!” Squirrel exclaimed and ran ahead, following the beat of the drum. The soon found a set of stairs that brought them above ground. Immediately, they knew they were in the Hive. Above them, tree branches had woven to create a full-proof roof, but light still managed to filter in. Around them, people danced and laughed. What they thought was a drumbeat was actually the sound of people stomping their feet.
Alba walked up to them with a wooden cup in her hand. “Glad to see you on your feet again. You’re looking much better,” she said to the Monk.
“Mary was very kind. Thank you for letting us stay.”
“It won’t be forever,” Alba warned. “I won’t put my people in danger.”
“We understand. Still, thank you for offering what you have. It means a lot.”
Alba nodded and turned to walk away, “Enjoy the party.”
Squirrel had gone off to dance and Y/N helped the Monk to an empty spot on a bench. They sat and watched the people dance for a while, and at some point had accepted fruit that had been offered to them.
“The Red Paladins never had events like this,” the Monk said randomly. “I don’t think I’ve even seen the humans this happy during jousting events and such.”
“It’s quite beautiful, isn’t it?” Y/N said and rested her chin on her palm. She watched the different Fey and marked humans dance together in perfect unison and smiled at how quickly they had accepted Squirrel. “I’ve never seen anything like it either.”
“If I wasn’t so injured, I would ask you to dance.” Y/N blushed and admitted she didn’t know how to dance. “Maybe one day I could teach you.”
The girl smiled brightly. “I would like that.”
The Monk stuck out his hand and slipped hers into his to shake and confirm the deal. But it wasn’t a confirmation handshake.
“Hello, I’m Lancelot.”
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fanfalc-616 · 3 years
The Rights Of A Nindroid
Chapter Twenty-Six
(Previous Chapter Here)
Yeah okay this took forever,,,, have fun with it! (;
Also it was too long for one post again so I’ll reblog this with the rest-
Cryptor struggles to find the solution to the latest puzzle they gave him, doing his best not to let frustration show on his face as he ignores Kyle and Martha talking in the background.
He hates this. He just… he wishes that there was some way out, some way to be free, some way to be okay again.
But there’s not. He’s stuck here, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
He feels tired. So tired. Nothing even seems to make sense anymore, so his only real choice is to just… keep going. Even if the only way he can do that is to follow their orders.
Exhausted, he takes a moment’s pause from the puzzle, absent-mindedly listening in on part of the conversation going on behind him.
Martha is the one speaking. “- and when Sentry is here, we’ll be able to-“
Hold on. Did he just hear what he thinks he did? Did she just- Sentry? She’s going to bring Sentry here?!
He whips around, turning to face them. “What did you just say?!” He demands, ignoring the voice screaming at him to just do what he’s told. He can’t sit there and do nothing, not while his friend is on the line!
Kyle seems to wince some, but Martha glares. “It’s nothing you need to be concerned with, General.” She snaps. “Do not speak out of turn again, and go back to your task.”
He completely disregards the order, only staring at the two of them. They- they’re going to bring him here?! No, no, Cryptor’s been behaving, he’s been following orders, why would they-
“General, calm down.” Kyle interrupts his train of thought. “You knew it would come to this eventually, right?”
Cryptor can only stare in sheer horror as he struggles to come to terms with the implications of what they’re saying. “I- no. No, I didn’t- I-“ He abruptly stands up, pushing the small bench he’s on backwards as the metal screeches, but he ignores the loud sound, barely even able to hear it over his racing thoughts.
“No!” He shakes his head rapidly, struggling to figure out what to say. “You- you can’t-“
“Sit down, General.” Martha orders, her expression one of annoyance.
Fear and anger take over him, leaving him trembling. “You can’t hurt him!” He shouts, trying to come up with something, anything he could do to stop this.
“General! There's nothing you can do about it!” Kyle snaps, an aura of almost unease around him. “Calm down or you'll get hurt yourself!”
Okay, there’s something going on here, usually he doesn’t get so many warnings, why would-
Oh, who cares about what’s going on with that?! Sentry is at stake here!
His words showcase his fear and anger, his voice trembling as he snarls the words out. “I- I can’t just sit here and follow orders when- when you’re going to-“
Martha’s voice is dark as she narrows her eyes at him. “That’s enough, General.” There’s a clear threat to her tone, and just that is enough to make him start shaking…
For a few moments, all he can do is stand there, fighting against the urge to cave, to do what she says, to hopefully avoid punishment-
It’s a struggle, but he manages to hold his ground. “No.” He gets out, making himself hold her gaze. “No, I can’t. It’s not.”
He forces the words out even as he feels his power source kicking into overdrive- he’d rather have it ripped out than let them do what they’ve done to him to the innocent nindroid back at Borg Tower.
Shifting on his feet, Kyle seems to want to say something- but after a moment, he minutely shakes his head, looking over at Martha- likely for instructions.
Every gear and wire inside him feels abuzz with the mechanical equivalent of adrenaline, but he can’t think of what to do or say. His mind is running so fast that he can’t catch up, leaving him only able to stand and stare as the fear floods through him.
“Take it to the training room.” Martha turns to some guards as she speaks, still seeming annoyed. “It appears it needs to relearn an old lesson.”
The words send their own kind of fear through him, the thought of a punishment leaving him shaking even more. But he does his best to shove the feeling down, letting himself be escorted back to the training room and tied down once again.
There still seems to be something off about the blond as he dismisses the guards, but in all honesty, he doesn’t have enough processing power to even try and think about what it might mean.
Kyle sighs, but it doesn’t seem to be out of annoyance. “Okay, use the usual method. Just shocks for an hour.”
Wait- what? That’s it? Well, he- he doesn’t want to be punished more, but usually he gets in more trouble for this kind of thing.
He starts to voice his confusion out loud, but the shock he gets serves as a reality check, reminding him of his situation.
He’s not allowed to speak unless spoken to.
There’s silence, for a while. Which is surprising in its own way- Kyle usually gives him a lecture about what he did wrong while he’s being punished, but this time he’s… oddly quiet.
After all this time, you’d think that Cryptor would have grown numb to the pain. With everything he’s gone through, some shocks are hardly the worst thing in the world.
But somehow, he never seems to be able to quite adjust to it. Every blast of pain is just as bad as the one before it- and sometimes worse, when they start accumulating.
Breathing deeply, he looks down at the floor, struggling to hide how much it hurts. It’s- it’s not really real, anyway. It’s just… just a digital reaction designed to warn him that his circuits might be in danger. But he’s not in any real life-threatening danger, so all it does is-
A particularly painful shock jolts him from his train of thought, and he grinds his teeth as he struggles to push the pain from his mind.
In all honesty, he’s lucky that he’s had the life he did. With all the abuse he suffered from before the facility, he had actually gotten the chance to learn how to cope with this kind of thing.
But Sentry, on the other hand…
No. No, he can’t think about that. He can’t- there’s nothing he can do at the moment, he just needs to keep breathing, needs to not think about it, needs to not imagine what Sentry’s screams would sound like, needs to not picture the way he would curl in on himself as he struggled to cope, needs to not even consider what he might look like after going through even half of what he and Zane had-
He’s pulled from his downward spiral by Kyle, the blond suddenly speaking- and loudly, at that.
“OKAY! Okay, that's enough! An hour is way too long for that small of a mistake, I- Stop!”
When the shocks die down, Cryptor still can’t figure out what’s going on. Something is going on here, but Cryptor honestly doesn’t have the energy to piece together what.
He knows that he’s shaking like a leaf, and it makes his gut churn thinking about how damn weak he is, but he doesn’t dare lift his gaze.
It takes a moment for him to remember what he’s supposed to do. Right, they finished a punishment, he- he needs to confirm that he learned from it.
“ ‘m sorry, Master.”
The words are choked out and pathetic, and just hearing his own voice like that makes him want to cringe.
For some reason, Kyle seems to look uncomfortable, almost regretful in a way. “It's okay, it's- here. Let me-“
He trails off in favor of taking off Cryptor’s restraints- and after he does, he turns away, looking at the far wall.
For a second, the door tempts him. No one is watching, it would be so easy to-
No. No, he can’t do that. He has to stay, to follow orders. He gets hurt if he doesn’t follow orders. And while this punishment wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, that just means that the next one will probably be worse.
A hand comes to clutch at where one of the chains had been pulled a little bit too tight- with the shocks, he actually hadn’t even noticed the way they were digging into his plating until now.
Once again, he remembers what he’s supposed to do. Kyle let him go- and early, at that. He’s supposed to acknowledge that.
There’s no pride left for him to ignore as he speaks. “Th- thank you, Master.”
Kyle doesn’t react, looking almost lost in thought. He brings a hand up to his face, and if Cryptor didn’t know any better, he’d say the blond was trembling.
Alright, something is definitely up here, but Cryptor isn’t going to risk getting punished again for asking. Whatever it is doesn’t seem to be causing any immediate harm, so he’d be better off leaving it alone.
With no orders or distractions, his mind begins to drift. And unfortunately, his stupid processer takes him back to Sentry.
He really, really doesn’t want him to get hurt, but no matter what he does, it won’t make a difference. They’ve proven time and time again that he’s too pathetic to stand a chance, and… it’s hopeless.
Well, he- he could try to, at the very least, minimize his suffering. There has to be something he can do for that, right?
He could try taking punishments for him, but they’d catch on pretty quick, and then they’d just start hurting Sentry to get to him more. He could do something worse after every mistake Sentry makes to make them put it in kind of perspective, but that would just prolong it.
He- he could… help them. Help them- help them break him. If Sentry’s not really there anymore, then he won’t be suffering. He-
A feeling of disgust wells up inside of him as he realizes what he was even considering. No, he can’t do that, he can’t do anything like that! He can’t help them do that to him, he- he just-
Cryptor forces himself to keep breathing, trying to get his shaking under control. He doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Sentry, but if push really does come to shove…
He’ll cross that bridge when he gets to it.
There’s an almost numb feeling spreading through him, but he’s thankfully given something else to focus on when he hears Kyle’s quiet murmur.
The blond’s voice is strained, even breaking a little as he talks. “...'m sorry, Gav…”
He seems to be trying to shove the feeling down as he clears his throat, and Cryptor could almost swear that he’s near tears.
“I'll t-take you back to your locker. You'll say you- you'll say you learned your lesson if anyone asks. This is a one-time thing, okay?” His eyes narrow as he finishes, but with how he looks, he’s hardly threatening.
The words he’s saying aren’t making any sense, but Cryptor isn’t going to turn down a break when it’s offered.
“Y- yes, Master,” he nods. The confusion is eating away at his processor, but he forces himself not to show it. If he does, he’ll be dragged right back into the training room.
Kyle starts to take him back to his locker, and Cryptor keeps his gaze on the floor as they walk, trying to keep his mind away from Sentry and what might happen to him.
He’s shaking, trembling, and he shouldn’t be- showing emotion this much isn’t a good idea, but for some reason, he’s still just being taken away from the training room.
Stepping inside the small cell, he still can’t wrench his mind away. All this time, all this sacrifice to protect Sentry…
“... all of this to protect you, and it didn’t make a difference…”
It’s something he hated before. A sign of weakness, of something that could get in the way of a task.
But now?
Cryptor wishes he was allowed to cry.
The door is abruptly slammed shut in front of him, Kyle using much more force than necessary. There’s clearly something going on with the blond…
His confusion intensifies some, but in the end, does it really matter? Kyle was right. There is nothing he can do. Sentry is going to be brought here and broken whether he likes it or not.
He can only hope that he breaks before he has to watch the one he loves do the same.
{ { { { { { { { { { ~ } } } } } } } } } }
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thejolexgroupchat · 3 years
the one where they met in med school - part nineteen
confrontations and loft spaces if you haven’t read part eighteen, you can find it here
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(July 2008 cont.)
 The next day was rough for both Jo and Alex. Neither of them got much sleep the night before and Alex realized very quickly that Jo was actively avoiding him when he walked into Meredith's hospital room and saw this disapproving look, on her face.
 "You know?" Alex made a face.
 "Izzie told me," Meredith replied. She huffed and narrowed her eyes. "I can't believe you said that to her."
 "I can't believe I said that to her either,” Alex sighed. “I was angry and when I get angry, I lash out.”
 “Yeah, I know,” Meredith shook her head at him. “Alex, you messed up. Badly. You came for her where it hurts the most. You don’t shove someone’s insecurities in their face.”
 “I know that, Mer,” Alex huffed. “I know that… I was just so—so angry that I wanted her to hurt the way I was hurting. Which now that I say it out loud it sounds stupid because the one I should be hurting is Avery. God, I just want to pummel his face.”
 “Don’t do that,” Meredith warned. “Nothing good can ever come out of that.”
 “I make no promises,” Alex excused himself and left the room. 
 He was on Torres’ service today and would be helping assist on a spinal surgery with her and Shepherd. Alex walked up to the patient room where he was supposed to meet the two attendings and prep the patient for surgery. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Avery present, standing beside Shepherd.
 The surgery would take all day, and Alex was dreading being stuck in an OR with his fellow resident. Alex scowled and glared at Jackson the entirety of the operation. 
 Jackson on the other hand, felt nervous. When he’d woken up that morning, the night before had been a blur. He’d had so much to drink that he was nursing a pretty bad hangover when he walked into the hospital that morning. He hadn’t even remembered the kiss he’d planted on Jo until he watched her skitter past him in the hallway, refusing to make eye contact. 
 He felt bad for what he’d done, because despite what Jo may have been thinking, Jackson wasn’t a bad guy. He was a guy that got a little too cocky after having a little too much to drink and went out in search of hints and clues that hadn’t been there to begin with to make him feel better about trying to make a move on Jo while she was clearly with Karev. 
 By the time the surgery ended, Jackson decided that he needed to talk to Alex once and for all, if he ever wanted the stares burning into the back of his head to stop. Jackson needed to find Alex and apologize. He also needed to apologize to Jo.
 Jackson decided that the latter would probably be easier to talk to than the former. He made his way to the peds floor where he knew Jo had been working today. Jackson maneuvered his way around the floor searching for the woman he’d hoped he hadn’t completely ruined his friendship with. Finally spotting her, Jackson reached for Jo’s arm and pulled her into an empty linen closet.
 “Jackson, listen. I don’t know what you think you saw or felt but I was not—”
 “Jo, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain anything to me,” Jackson motioned for her to stop talking. “I just wanted to apologize for last night. I’m not usually that guy. I don’t know what came over me, but I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or cause you any trouble. I like you, but I wouldn’t ever try to purposely mess up your relationship. I respect you too much for that.”
 Jo eyed him carefully, “Okay.”
 “Okay?” Jackson tilted his head in confusion.
 “I’ll accept your apology,” Jo crossed her arms in front of her. 
 “Really?” Jackson’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “I thought I was gonna have to work a little harder for that, but thank you.”
 “It’s all in the past,” Jo shrugged. “Besides, all you did was open my eyes to issues that were already present in my relationship, so I guess I should thank you.” 
 “For what it’s worth, I think you shouldn’t give up so easily. I know Karev isn’t and I know I wouldn’t if I had you,” Jackson smiled shyly. “Anyway, I’m going to go talk to your boyfriend now, so wish me luck.”
 “Be careful,” Jo warned. “Alex and I aren’t afraid to throw punches for each other.”
 “I will.”
 Jackson and Jo walked out of the linen closet and went their separate ways, each going in opposite directions. Alex—who’d come up to peds to see if he could finally get a moment alone with Jo—witnessed as the pair walked out of the room together. 
 Alex could see Jackson walking towards him. His fists balled in anger at the thought of what could’ve possibly happened in that linen closet. He clenched his teeth and watched as Jackson approached him and Jo walked out of sight. With his blood boiling in rage just like it had been over the previous hours, he tried to let it go, but failed. Swiftly and without even thinking, his fist found its way to Jackson’s jaw. 
 “What the hell, Karev?” Jackson winced while rubbing the impacted area. He felt Alex pull him by his scrub top into an on-call room and didn’t even react when he felt his body pressed against the wall. 
 “You listen here, Avery. You come here acting all snazzy and flirty with your money and your last name and your shiny pair of blue eyes, but she is mine, you hear me? Jo is the best thing to ever happen to me, and you are not going to take her away from me,” Alex twisted his hand around the newcomer’s shirt. 
 “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble,” Jackson surrendered, putting both his hands up. 
 “Yeah, but you did. And from what I remember from med school, you’re not a bad guy, so I have a feeling that you’re going to measure your words and actions from now on,” Alex said, pushing him away and letting go of the taller man. “Now, I hear you got stuff to do, so get going,” he added, eyeing Jackson as he made his way out the door and closed it just to open it again after a few moments. 
 “Karev,” Jackson called his attention. “Sorry about your girl,” he said before closing the door one last time and walking away. 
 Alex, now feeling a lot calmer than a few minutes before, decided to act mature. Running towards the door, he opened it and chased the other man. 
 “Avery,” Alex called out, making him turn around. “Sorry about your jaw.”
 The next few days, Jo and Alex hardly ever saw each other. Partially because Jo was purposely avoiding him and partially because ever since Izzie, Lexie, and Cristina caught wind of Alex’s major screw-up, they’d been intercepting Alex’s every move. They wouldn’t allow him to get more than a hundred feet within Jo’s presence. 
 “Come on, you can’t do this forever. You can’t keep me from talking to her. She’s my girlfriend,” Alex argued with Cristina as she held up a hand in front of him so that he couldn’t walk out of the residents’ lounge to follow Jo. “Look, I know I was an ass, but we share a bedroom and I haven’t seen her in the past three days. She sleeps in Izzie’s room, she comes in to grab her clothes while I’m in the shower, she even took her damn pillow with her. ”
 “No you listen right here, Evil Spawn. Jo has never, ever given you a reason not to trust her and now all of a sudden you assume the worst of her? Because what? You feel threatened by pretty-boy’s presence? Because he kissed your girl? What the hell is wrong with you?” Cristina slapped the side of his head. “Is it so horrifying to think that someone else might want her? Jo is hot and smart and funny and way too good to be putting up with your bullshit.”
 “You think I don’t know that?” Alex exclaimed. “You think I don’t know that Jo could do so much better than me?” Alex let out a sigh of frustration. “I’m an ass, I’ve always been an ass. Jo saw that side of me and still loved me. She wanted me. Which is great and I’m thankful for it because I think she’s perfect. I think she’s amazing and everything any guy could ever want. So yeah, I feel threatened and I get defensive and mean and I lash out because I’m so freaking terrified she’s gonna realize that she could do so much better than me and leave me. Avery is better than me. He’s got the name and the looks and the money. And he’s a good, decent guy. He’s what she deserves. The years we’ve spent together will mean nothing if she finally realizes that there is someone out there that could offer her more than I ever could.”
 “Are you dumb or stupid?” Cristina asked, prompting a scowl from Alex. “No, it’s a serious question. Are you an idiot? Because that might just be the dumbest thing I have ever heard come out of your mouth.” 
 “Oh shut up,” Alex glared at Cristina, walking away from her to sit on the bench behind them. “This is why people don’t tell you things.”
 “Alex, I’m not making fun of you. I’m being serious,” Cristina sat next to Alex, eyeing him for a moment before speaking again. “You may be right, Avery might be everything you’re not but Jo doesn't care about that. There could be a million guys better than you lining up at her door begging her to be with them and she’s always going to choose you. She loves you, idiot. I don’t know why honestly, but that’s the only thing she cares about. She doesn’t care about the money or the name or how much that asswipe tries to butter her up with compliments, she’s only got eyes for your dumb ass. Get over your own insecurities before you push her away.”
 “You make it sound so easy,” Alex sighed. “I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve never loved someone so much that I’m constantly worried that I’ll lose them. I’m used to losing people. I’m used to things being temporary and people turning their back on you or getting sick and being unable to help you or themselves. I’m used to all of that crap. But Jo… Jo’s the first person that I’ve ever had that I really can’t lose. I tell her all the time that I want forever with her, I tell her that I want to grow old with her, have kids with her, marry her one day. I tell her those things on a daily basis, but I hardly ever hear her say them in return. Sure she shows it, but it would be nice to hear it sometimes. It would be nice to know that she feels the same way too.”
 Unbeknownst to Alex or Cristina, Jo had been listening in on the conversation from outside the lounge. She had left her ID badge in her locker so she’d made her way back down to retrieve it when she stumbled across the conversation going on between the pair of friends. Jo's heart sunk as she heard Alex's words of worry. She had no idea Alex felt that way. It was true, she didn't say it often, but Jo thought she'd made it clear that all she was waiting for was for Alex to ask and she'd marry him in a heartbeat. She didn't know that he was constantly terrified that she'd find someone better for her--as if that person existed--and leave him behind. She had to do something, say something that left him with no doubts about himself and the love she held for him.
The next morning, Jo walked up to Alex and pulled him into a nearby on-call room, interrupting the conversation he was having with Meredith who'd just returned to work. Alex raised his eyebrows in question when she locked the door behind them, "Oh, now you want to see me? After having Lexie, Izzie, and Cristina block me from getting within a hundred feet of you and switching with you so that you’re not stuck on a case with me all week?”
 “Just shut up,” Jo leaned up and grabbed Alex’s face with both hands and leaned in to kiss him. Jo pulled away when she felt him tense up. “Alex, please. Relax.”
 “Is this what you want from me? Sex? Because if that’s all you want, might as well go ask Avery. He’s more than willing to give it to you,” Alex pulled away and crossed his arms. 
 “Stop being an asshole,” Jo shoved him slightly. “God, I brought you in here because I miss you and I wanted to talk to you. Not because I want to use you for sex. I miss your voice and your hugs and your laugh and notes you slip into the pocket of my lab coat when I’m having a bad day and the way you wrap your arms around me when we sleep. But for some reason you think that I don’t care about those things. That I’m just using you to keep my bed warm until someone else comes along. I thought you knew me better than that.”
 Alex had the decency to look a little ashamed of himself as he took a seat on one of the beds, “I’m sorry. I really am, Jo. I was… projecting my worries and fears onto you and that’s not fair to you. Not when all you’ve shown me is love and commitment.”
 “I know,” Jo sighed. “Which is why I’m being much more gracious and forgiving than many people who advised me otherwise.” She sat down beside him. “This doesn’t mean that I’m excusing your behavior. Missing you and forgiving you doesn’t mean that what you did wasn’t wrong. It means that I love you enough to know that we are worth getting through this. After everything, what we have is too precious to just throw away.” 
 Alex spared a glance at Jo, “You’re not mad?”
 “Oh, of course I’m mad. I’m livid and I’m hurt,” Jo replied, causing Alex to wince. “You are my best friend. You know me better than anyone has ever known me. You love me more than anyone has ever loved me. And still, you thought I was capable of betraying you? Of being unfaithful to you?” She blinked away a couple tears. “The fact that you don’t trust me hurt me more than anything. Because I trust you with everything, Alex. Even though it terrifies the crap out of me, I have given you all that I am and trusted you with it. I trust you with my medical decisions, my life, my body, my heart. So yeah, I’m hurt and upset, and I have every right to be. But you also have a right to be scared, because all your life you’ve been told that you aren’t good enough. And I get that, truly. Because for the longest time, I thought the same thing about myself. You know who showed me that I was good enough and worthy of love, though? You. You showed me that. So, now it’s time for me to show that you are too.” 
 Jo placed her hands back on Alex’s face, forcing him to look at her, “You are good enough. You are loved and worthy of every single bit of affection and care. You have the best, most kind, and gentle heart, even though you cover it up and I’m the only one who ever really gets to see it. Not everyone’s like you. Not everyone is good. There is no one who could ever replace you. Not when you take up every single one of my spare thoughts and when you practically hold my heart in your hands.”
 Alex pressed his forehead against Jo’s, “God. I’m a jerk, aren’t I?”
 “Sometimes,” Jo chuckled. “But it doesn’t take away from how good you are.”
 “I don’t wanna fight anymore,” Alex released a breath. “I know I’ve still got things I need to work on and fix, but I don’t want to fight with you. This whole thing started because I was blinded with jealousy and scared I was gonna lose you. The most ironic thing is that for a minute there, I thought it was over. I thought I had really screwed it up this time. And it would’ve been my fault, because my behavior drove you away.”
 “We’re not over,” Jo assured him. “I don’t ever want us to end. I want to die holding your hand like in the super cheesy rom-coms that Izzie and Lexie can watch for hours and sob over.”
 “I do too,” Alex kissed Jo soundly. “Come back to our room. I hate sleeping without you. I can’t sleep without you.”
 “Me neither,” Jo responded. She stood up and extended her hand. “Come on, we have to get to work. But I’ll see you tonight after our shifts?”
“Would you mind taking a detour?” Jo said as soon as Alex got inside the car later that evening when they walked out of the hospital. 
 “Why? Do you need me to drive you somewhere?” he looked at her. She could see the tiredness all over his eyes, but was too excited and nervous to back out. 
 “I want to take you somewhere. I know you’re tired, but this is really important to me,” she grabbed his hand. 
 “Okay, then. Wherever it is, here we go,” Alex shot a smile at her. 
 “What are we doing here? What is this place?” Alex frowned as they walked inside the empty space. 
 “It’s a loft space,” Jo followed him across the room. 
 “Jo, it’s a crime scene,” he turned around, facing her. 
 If he was honest, the place looked worse than a crime scene. It had clearly been occupied by wildlife and probably some of the homeless people he had seen outside, the whole room smelling of urine. He couldn’t really understand why Jo had been so insistent on bringing him here. 
 “Stop. You’re ruining it,” Jo complained, a frown playing onto her lips. 
 “Someone beat me to that,” he chuckled. 
 “Shut up. It’s all I can afford,” Jo stopped right in front of him, arms crossed as she avoided meeting his eyes. 
 “What?” Alex shook his head in confusion, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. 
 “I took everything. All my savings, everything that I had, and it was almost enough to cover the whole thing,” Jo said. 
 “Wait. You’re buying this? Alex stared at her incredulously. 
 “Well, we are, if you want to pitch in. I put in an offer,” Jo looked at Alex nervously, sounding almost doubtful about the words coming out of her mouth. 
 Alex looked around one more time. The space that had previously looked so useless to him suddenly gained a lot more meaning and potential. Still, he didn’t really know how to respond to what she was saying. 
 “This is what I want, Alex. I am very thankful for Meredith. She has been such a good friend, allowing all of us to live with her, but this is what I want. Our own place, for us. I saw this place, and I know it’s not much, and it’s obvious that we won’t be able to live here forever, especially if we ever decide to have a family of our own, but we can make it anything, whatever we want. Because I love you. And I love living with you, but I think it’s time for us to have our own place, just us. If you want that, if that’s what you want too. And, you know, it would make me the happiest person in the world if you did, because there isn’t anyone in the world I’d want to do this with. Hell, there isn’t anyone in the world that makes me safe enough to do this,” Jo paused. “I know I’d don’t say it very often, but I want it on record that I said it twice in one day. I want to be with you until I die. This is a step towards that. I want to build a life and a home with you. So, what do you say?” Jo asked. She was scared, but hopeful he would want to do that with her. 
 Alex pulled her close to his chest and closed the space between their lips. “I love you so much, Josephine,” he said, their foreheads touching while they smiled. 
 “So, is this a yes?” she asked. 
 “This is a hell yes. Let’s make this place our home.”
Did you ever doubt that we would fix it ? let us know what you thought about this chapter and what you'd hope to see later on in the comments below!
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itsmelaurel · 4 years
Begin Again
Summary: When your best friends move away for college, you think life is officially over. However, you find yourself making new friends including the blonde surfer from the other side of the island.
After your first full week of school, you were drained. Thankfully it was Friday and you were ready for your last official kegger. Friday night football games start up next week which meant you could no longer attend the weekly boneyard parties. 
You felt like you deserved a fun night out with your friends especially after the disaster that was last weekend. The boys blew up your phone Sunday until you finally answered. Topper explained that they were going through rush which meant that all personal pictures were archived on their pages. Kelce said the older members would rag them even harder if they saw your picture. 
“They can be pretty rude when it comes to girls especially if it’s a girl friend or best friend.” Kelce said. 
“And the last thing I need to do is beat the fuck out of a member because they said something crude about you just to get under my skin.” Rafe explained honestly. 
“So y’all are sure you want to join a group that says offensive things about women just to get you riled up?” 
It was silent on the other end of the phone as if it was the first time they ever considered that. Not that it would change their mind. All of them were legacies and their families expected them to be members by the end of the semester. 
The whole situation made an already long week feel even longer. So when Sarah told you to come to the chateau to pregame before the kegger, you couldn't say yes fast enough. You were ready to get drunk with your friends and even more ready to see a certain blue eyed, blonde surfer again.  
The sun was starting to set by the time you got there. No one was in their usual spot outside and the house was pitch black inside. You double checked Sarah’s text to make sure you read it correctly. Yup, she definitely said meet here. 
The porch steps creaked as you made your way up to the older home. It was so dark when you opened the door that you hesitated before entering. 
“Guys?” You call out hoping they were in one of the rooms or maybe on the other porch. 
All the sudden, the lights flicker on and everyone shouts a medley of surprises. Confetti bombs are going off as your friends step out from their hiding spots. 
“I- I’m a little confused.” Your eyebrows furrow and you press your palm to your chest hoping it causes your heartbeat to slow down. It’s not your birthday and nothing spectacular happened lately. 
“It’s your gotcha day!” Pope shouts and you notice he’s holding a cake. A small, round hand made cake with light pink frosting. 
“My what?” 
“It’s your adoption day babe! Us pogues took a vote and decided it was time we officially added you to the group.” Kie explains before throwing her arms around you. Everyone crowds around as they all spout their congratulations. 
“You guys-” you begin but stop when your throat feels tight and bite down on your lip as hard as you can to prevent yourself from crying like a little baby. It doesn’t work because a few tears spill down your cheeks. 
“Fuck, that was less than three minutes.” Pope says while looking down at his watch. He, Kie and John B all pass Sarah twenty dollars each. You're about to call them out for betting on your emotions, but it’s completely forgotten when JJ wraps you up in a hug. 
“I didn’t bet on you.” He whispers against your ear while holding you tightly. You let your head rest in the crook of his neck. 
“Thanks, J.” You whisper quietly into his shirt before pulling away. “Thank you guys. This means the world to me.” 
“We love you bub!” Kie says as she flings herself at you again and the rest follow in a group hug. 
“So do I get a T-shirt or something?” You question after a moment of silence making everyone laugh. 
After eating cake and pregaming at the chateau, you find yourself sitting around the bonfire at the boneyard. The kegger is in full swing and it seems like there are more teens than usual. Sarah had convinced you to tell your mom you were staying at her house so you could both get shitfaced. She was already on the brink of black out, but you were only tipsy. 
“Let's take a picture!” She shouts, causing everyone around the fire to look at her. You put both of your cups down in the sand before leaning in for a picture. 
A hand lands on top of your head before it runs through your hair then cupping the back of your neck. You turn to see JJ standing next to you. The smile on your face was blinding as your eyes made contact. Blue to y/e/c.
He crouches down next to you on the sand “Wanna go for a walk down the beach?” 
When you nod, he reaches out a hand and helps you up off the log bench. His large hands engulf your small ones and unconsciously linking your fingers together. 
“Fuck” Sarah shouts out in frustrastion but your too wrapped up in the boy leading you away from the fire to notice. 
“What’s wrong?” John B questions as he sits next to her on the log. She’s staring down at her phone, typing furiously and bouncing her leg. A sign she is nervous as hell. 
“I accidentally sent the wrong picture.” She mumbles as she reads whatever response she just got back. 
“Fuck, I really messed up.” 
“Tell me what happened.” He grabs her face turning her towards him. Her eyes are glossy as she pushes the phone into his hands. He scrolls up a little, not sure what he’s looking for. It’s a text message with Kelce. The first picture she sent she’s looking at the camera, but y/n isn’t. Her head is turned to the side and a hand is sitting on her head. The second picture looks just like the one before except y/n is smiling brightly at someone outside the camera frame and he can tell the hand is now cupping her neck. The last picture is one of just her and y/n smiling. 
He scrolls through the messages to see what she said. 
Sarah: your fav bitches miss you
Kelce: whose hand is that
Sarah: fuck, I didn’t mean to send that picture
Sarah: this is the one I meant to send 
Kelce: that didn’t answer my question
Kelce: who is that
Sarah: shit THIS is actually the picture I meant to send 
Kelce: sarah, so help me god. answer the question
“This is so fucking bad. Y/n is going to be so pissed at me.” Sarah looks around for you, but you are nowhere in sight. 
“It’s not that bad. Who cares if someone’s hand is on her head-” John B tries but she cuts him off. 
“Rafe and Topper care.” 
“Because it’s JJ?” 
“Because they’ve both been in love with her since forever. I’m surprised they don’t jerk off together while thinking about her.” 
“Ew, I- I really didn’t need to hear that.” He scrunches up his nose and she finally cracks a smile. It’s small, but there nonetheless. 
“Sorry” she shrugs and lets out a loud sigh. “I guess they would also care that it’s JJ. You know they live for that kook versus pogue shit.”
He goes back through the pictures on her phone, zooming in on each to see if anything gives away that the hand and arm belong to JJ. He doesn’t find anything and passes the phone back off to her as it starts ringing. 
“You can’t tell that’s JJ at all.” He says as he watches her send Rafe straight to voicemail. 
“I bet her phone is blowing up- oh wait!” She picks up her purse, rifling through it before pulling out another iPhone. “She asked if she could put her phone and id in my purse.” 
“Then there’s nothing to worry about tonight. She has no idea that the picture has even been sent. Let her enjoy her last kegger and we’ll tell her tomorrow.” He pulls her into his side and she silently prays that he’s right. She can feel your phone going off in her purse and knows tomorrow is going to be rough. 
The moonlight was guiding you and JJ as you strolled down the beach. He had a tight grip on your hand as you walked in comfortable silence. 
“You look beautiful tonight.” He says while coming to a stop. 
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” You wink at him. 
He pulls you into his chest, letting his head rest on yours for a few seconds before leaning back. The moonlight was the only thing lighting up both your faces as you stared into each other’s eyes. 
He leans down, letting his lips hover over yours briefly before you close the small gap between the two of you. His lips press into yours softly at first, but it doesn’t take long for his tongue to swipe your bottom lip begging for entry. You let him in, his tongue dancing with yours as your hands wrap around his neck and move up into his hair, tugging gently as the kiss deepens. 
He reluctantly pulls back, attempting to catch his breath and leans his forehead against yours. 
“Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do that forever.” He breathes out. 
“You kissed me the other night.” You point out. 
“I meant like really kiss you. Taste you.” The double meaning of his words isn’t lost on you. 
“So why haven’t you?” 
“Well, you had three puppy dogs following you around for a while.” You roll your eyes at him calling your best friends dogs, but then his words finally register. 
“Wait, you wanted to kiss me before we hung out?” Your teeth sink into your lip at the thought. Of course you had seen the pogues around since you were younger, but you never thought they noticed you because they hated people from your side of the island. 
He steps back a little, taking his body heat with him and rubs a hand through his hair. 
“Baby, I’ve wanted to kiss you since I saw you win the marshmallow eating contest at the fall carnival in middle school.” He admits shyly and your jaw goes slack. 
You're not sure if it’s the fact he’s wanted to kiss you for over five years or that he remembers such an intimate detail about you, but his words have you jumping on him. His hands thankfully catch you as your lips mold to his. You pour everything into the kiss, hoping it shows him how much his words mean to you. 
How much he means to you. 
After a while, he pulls away and asks if you want to get out of here. You slide down his body as your feet meet the ground and you run like teenagers up the beach to John B's house. 
Never once does he let your hand go now that he has it. 
The sun is particularly bright the next morning and you find yourself rolling over to avoid it. The warm body next to you pulls you closer as you lay your head on his chest, his legs tangling with yours. 
Memories from last night play like a movie in your head. JJ peeling your clothes off, his large hands gripping your thighs when you rode him and the way he said your name when he came. Like it was a sacred prayer on his lips. 
The memories bring a blush up your neck and to your face. You're about to let your hand roam down his body, but a soft knock at the door stops you. 
“Y/n” Sarah whispers your name through the old wooden door. 
“Go away” JJ shouts half asleep, pulling you tighter against him. 
“I really need to talk to y/n” Sarah's voice sounds panicked causing you to sit up immediately, wrapping the bed sheet around your front. 
“No, don’t go. Just five more minutes.” JJs hands reach for you, but you playfully swat him away. 
“Somethings up, let me go see.” You get up and start to look for your clothes. 
“My boxers and t-shirt’s are in the top drawer.” JJ says casually, causing your blush to darken. 
After you're dressed, you step outside to see John B sitting in one of the chairs and Sarah pacing nervously. 
“What’s wrong?” Dread fills your stomach at the look on her face. 
“Maybe you should sit down.” John B suggests before throwing a head nod behind you. JJ wraps his arms around you from behind and places a tender kiss on your neck. 
“You look spooked.” He says to Sarah before sitting down on the couch, pulling you with him. 
“Remember how we took a picture by the fire last night?” Sarah questions and you nod. It’s not the brightest memory, but you do remember leaning into her side. 
“Well, I wanted to send it to Kelce. Kinda of like a we miss you but also look at us living life without you assholes. Last weekend still pisses me off.” 
“I immediately got a text back from him asking whose hand was in the picture.” She says and it only confuses you more. 
“Let me see the picture.” She hands you the phone, scrolling to where all of this starts. Your eyes widen as you scroll through the rest of the texts and pictures. 
“Shit” you mutter under your breath but JJ hears. He grabs the phone from you to see for himself. 
“I don’t see what the big deal is.” JJ tosses the phone back to Sarah and leans back against the couch. Your eyes find hers, both wide at her screwup. 
“Where’s my phone?” It dawns on you that you don’t remember having it last night. Sarah reaches into her purse and hands it to you. The home screen lets you know you have over 80 missed messages, calls and voicemails. Your heart sinks knowing what you're going to have to deal with today. 
JJ and John B both look like they want to say more, but you stand up before they can. 
“I’m going to head home to deal with this.” You say, heading back to JJs room to get your things. He follows behind you, closing the door and pulling you to him. You rest your head in the crook of his neck and breath him in. It’s comforting. 
“It’s going to be okay, ya know?” 
“I know, I just hate that I have to even deal with this.” Your voice is muffled against his skin. 
“Me too. I was really looking forward to taking my time with you this morning.” He wiggles his eyebrows and a giggle escapes your lips at his honesty. 
“But seriously, they can’t tell who it is in the picture. Just say it was a touron and be done with it.”
“You don’t want me to tell them it was you?” You question not expecting his solution especially after the other day at your house. 
“Oh, I do. Trust me. But I also don’t want you stressing over it.” He leans down letting his lips cover your ear. “I’ll still be your dirty little secret for a little while longer.” 
He tells you to not worry about changing, secretly liking the fact you were wearing his clothes. Sarah is waiting for you at the front door, deciding it’s best if she goes with you. 
JJ lays a sweet kiss on your lips before you climb into the car, making you promise you’ll call him later. 
After dropping Sarah off and convincing her you were fine, you made your way through your front door. You shout a hello to your parents before darting up to your room to shower and change out of JJs clothes. The last thing you need to be wearing when you FaceTime your overprotective friends is a guy's clothes. Especially if it’s not theirs. 
In the shower, the warm water rushing over you brings a little clarity. You’ve never been a liar, always opting for the truth even if it was painful. Plus, the anxiety that came from lying was not something you wanted to deal with. 
When you're done, you settle on the window seat and decide you should call Kelce. It rings once before he picks up. 
“Hello?” His voice is groggy and you have no doubt he was still asleep. 
“Someone must have had a rough night.” You joke.
“Y/n?” His voice is more alert and there’s rustling in the background. You can hear hushed voices before he speaks again. 
“It was a rough night. Looked like you had a pretty good night though.” His voice echoes slightly, alerting you to the fact you’ve been put on speakerphone. 
“Did you just put me on speakerphone?” 
He hesitates for a second “Uh, no. Why would I do that?” 
His obvious lie hurts. The four of you never lie to each other especially not for the sake of one of the others and especially over the smallest things. 
“Okay, do you want to facetime then?” You press seeing just how far he will take it. It’s quiet for a moment, but you can hear him mouthing something to the other boys. 
“I can’t, my phone battery is low. My phone would probably die-”
“So plug it into the charger while we talk.” 
“I have no idea where that’s at.” 
“Then call me back later when it’s just you and I’m not on speakerphone.” 
“It is just me, I’m the only one in the room.” The lie rolls off his tongue quickly this time, like he’s finally got the hang of it. 
“We don’t lie to each other, right?” It’s quiet and you think he’s going to admit to lying but he doesn’t. 
“Right.” Is all he responds with and it makes your stomach sink. You never thought you would see the day one of your best friends would outright lie to you like this. Not only lying, but doing it to benefit your other two best friends that are standing next to him.
“So, did you see our texts?” He questions no doubt being coached by dumb and dumber. 
All the resolve you had not to lie to them leaves your body and is replaced by anger. Why be honest with them when they can’t even be honest about the smallest things with you? 
“Nope, I haven’t. Sarah did fill me in on the obnoxious obsession over someone touching my hair though.” Absolute annoyance drips from every word. 
“Uh- who was it again?” His voice falters, no doubt caught off guard by your tone. 
“A touron, not that it’s any of your business.” You lie and it immediately makes your stomach hurt. 
“Did any-” he begins to question but you can’t take it anymore. 
“Look, I have to go.” Is all you say before hanging up the phone, powering it off and tossing it across the room. 
It’s silent for a moment as a heartbreaking thought hits you swiftly. 
Is this the end of our friendship? 
Author Notes: I know, I know.  I left out all the smut.  I think I will add it as an outtake at some point, but not sure when yet.  Also, if I missed your tag please let me know!
taglist: @dreamsndior @rafej-cambanks @prejudic3 @katiaw2 @sometimesicryintheshower @bibliophilewednesday  @edgymuffin @stargazingandmoon @rae131415 @httpstarkey @k-k0129 @sunshineitsfine44
88 notes · View notes
r6sblitz · 3 years
Happy Valentines day! I don’t have an AO3 but I am debating on making one. Nevertheless, I haven’t written anything fictional since middle school so if it’s bad...at least I have an excuse.
It’s Valentines week, and Montagne needs a date to get entry to the fabled Valentines party. I wonder who it’ll be? (This fic is mild, just some kissing, a little less than 5k words, Montagne/Blitz)
Montagne turned the paper over, inspecting both sides. Valentines was coming up once again, and as per tradition Rainbow threw a huge Valentine's party at whatever hotel ballroom would let them. He's heard the stories of past years--like the one year someone made a "punch" that was nothing more than a concoction of pepto bismol and fruit punch. Or how every year would end in someone finding a couple making out in numerous secluded areas. The Frenchman himself had never been to any of the outings, as the big bold print at the end of the rose colored flier always barred his entrance.
    ‘Must have a date!’ it read in it's silky letters, mocking him. 
It was no secret Gilles loved a good party, especially one where he could engage with his fellow peers. Sadly though, he's yet to find a date. He's thought about just taking a friend and lying, but his poor communication skills also factor into his inability to lie.
    With a sigh, he places the flier next to his plate, eating his lunch in peace. That was, until two familiar faces joined him at the table.
    "Hey Gilles!" Emmanuelle's warm voice brought a smile to his face as he watched her and Rook sit across from him.
    The two very much reminded him of his siblings when they were younger--bright and protective, but they could be mischievous at times. Montagne hasn't even had a chance to greet her back before the flier is snatched from across the table by Julien.
    "Planning on attending this year?" he asks with a smirk. Emmanuelle's smile brightens, "Oh it's so much fun Gilles! Please tell me your coming."
    Gilles gives a waning smile, "I haven't got a date."
    Julien let out an amused huff, "As if that's ever stopped Bandit from sneaking in and stealing the snacks."
    Twitch gives him a fake slap to the shoulder, "Don't be mean!" she turns to Monty, "What he means to say is don't feel bad for not having a 'date'," she says with air quotes, "you could just bring a friend. I'm sure everyone would be happy to see you there."
    Montagne rubs the back of his neck, "I'm not so sure. I feel it is...out of the spirit?" The two across the table share a confused look unbeknownst to Monty, Julien simply shrugging his shoulders in response. A few moments of silent eating pass before Julien speaks up.
    "Well...is there anyone you're close to? Maybe you could use this chance to get to know them a little bit better?" he asks before sticking another forkful of food into his mouth and winking.
    Montagne chews the inside of his cheek a moment, cogs in his head turning. He honestly hadn't had a romantic relationship in decades, deeming his job too important to have something take more of his focus away. But if it was a fellow operator...No. That was equally as bad. Job relationships were known to crash and burn when they went south, and with this job they needed exactly the opposite of that. However his mind wanders to the relationships of Rainbow--how despite so many disliking and downright hating each other, it hasn't caused catastrophic issues.
    "I think you might have broken him." he faintly hears Emmanuelle giggle, causing him to snap out of his thoughts.
    "Well, Valentine's isn't for another week, so there's plenty of time to think it over." Julien says, standing with his empty plate and bidding farewell.
    Emmanuelle searches her empty plate a moment, trying to find the right words for the older man. 
Eventually, she picks up her plate, "Try not to think too hard, I say just go with a friend. Who knows what might happen!" and with that he is left alone once again. He peers down at the pink flier and it's swirling text, pocketing it as he too exits from the cafeteria.
The note has burned a hole into both his pocket and his mind. Every time he casually puts his hands in his pockets, or reaches for his wallet or phone, he is reminded of it and it's connotations. The past few days he's been taking Julien's advice, thinking about who he would want to bring given the chance.
    When he's practicing his shooting, he thinks of Thatcher, has to admit the elder man is rather handsome. Though he highly doubts he's gay or bi or whatever sort of things people call themselves these days.
    A technology session with Dokkaebi has him wondering about her, but quickly stuffs the idea--she's much too young, he'd feel like a creep asking her.
    After training, a few cuts bring him to Gustave. He too admires him, both for his looks and for his dedication. The two made small talk as Doc inspected the cuts, seeing if they needed stitches or if a heart covered bandaid would do. Montagne laughs at the bandages, oddly cute for a man like him to have, to which Doc sighs and explains someone must have replaced the regular ones with these--the name of the culprit not explicitly said but known anyways.
    "Are you attending the Valentines party?" Montagne asks as he pulls the sleeves of his coat back over his now Valentine themed arms.
    "I do actually," Doc replies offhandedly, busily putting away the peroxide and bandages, "do you?"
    Montagne shakes his head, pushing himself off the gurney.
    Doc hums in response, “Well if you can’t find one, don’t feel bad for bringing someone more platonic.”
“Emmanuelle told you didn’t she” Montagne sighs, rubbing his face. The younger GIGN members had good intentions but, sometimes they were a bit too much for the old man. 
Doc chuckles, “My lips are sealed. Take it easy friend.”
Montagne leaves, spending the rest of his free time pondering a potential partner and wondering who the hell Doc is bringing as a date. His pacing has led him to the upper floor balconies of the base, one of the many enhancements from their old station at Hereford. He sits on a relatively new cushioned bench, watching wistfully as the setting sun stains the sky a deep orange and the clouds purple. It seems he is destined to not have any time to himself as the glass door facing out onto the balcony opens with a quiet squeak. A familiar figure in a puffy white jacket steps out.
    The younger man strides toward him, "Hey, mind some company?" he asks.
        Montagne shuffles a bit, making room for the german to sit down. He does, with a long winded sigh.
    "Hope I'm not interrupting anything." he chuckles. Montagne smiles back at him and shakes his head. The two enjoy the sunset in peace, though Montagne's mind is elsewhere once again.
    Why hadn't he thought of Elias earlier? The german was one of the first people he ever met when Rainbow was conceived. He remembered back to when he was first working with everyone, how he enjoyed Blitz but first thought him naive, or a thrill seeker like Smoke. However as time went on, he found it was the total opposite. Occasionally the german would regale an enthralled younger operator about his time in Kosovo, or in India, or wherever he was stationed in between. Oftentimes the story would horrify them, sometimes along with any older ops within earshot, but he'd lighten the mood by bringing in a happy ending, or following it up with a lighter story. The two also shared morals--the need to protect and make sure everyone was safe regardless of their own situation.
    The more Gilles looked at Blitz, the more he began to see. He was kind and pleasant to be around, and had even been helping Montagne improve his english skills. And yet it seemed he was spending less and less time with the german, whether due to more responsibilities or more operators to deal with or a combination of the two. The fact really saddened him, just as they were becoming good friends, they were beginning to drift away.  
    With his mind lost, he failed to notice Blitz had turned and was now staring at him.
    "Er...is there something on my face? Please don't tell me it's marker again, it took me weeks to get that doodle of my neck." he groans, beginning to pull out his phone to check. Montagne shakes himself of his thoughts.
    "Ah no, I was just wondering-are you attending the party this weekend?" he asks, unusually nervous.
        Blitz tilted his head, "No I'm not, though I have been curious as to how Dominic manages to sneak in every year." he says, putting his chin on his fist in thought.
Before Montagne could reply, the man interjects, "I have an idea, do you have a date?"
Montagne nods his head no.
    "Great! We could go together!" he says as if it's just a casual everyday line. Montagne gawks at him, unable to process what's happening until Elias explains further.
    "I've always wanted to know how Dom gets in, and I assume you want to go cause well," he vaguely gestures at the frenchman, "it's your type of thing. It's a win win! Unless, you didn't want to go?"
    Montagne blinks, waving his hands in front of him, "Oh yes, yes I do." He says, and is surprised he sounds slightly disappointed.
    Blitz hops up from his seat, "Great, this will work out perfectly. See you on Saturday?"
    "8:30 sharp" Gilles hears himself mumble with a smile. With a lazy salute, the younger man leaves Montagne alone with the rising moon and an odd feeling in his stomach.
 It had been a long time since Gilles had gone shopping for clothes. Typically he’d wear whatever was supplied, and rarely dress up in an old tuxedo that forever sat in his closet. But with a little egging from a certain two GIGN members, they convinced him to go out and buy some nice clothes for once. So now Gilles was inspecting a large map of the mall along with Julien and Oliver, the latter coming along in place of Twitch who claimed she wanted the three of them to have some “guy time”. After a few moments of inspection, Oliver points to the shop.
    “Looks like it’s downstairs, toward the east entrance.”
    Julien groans, “Should’ve parked at the other lot.”
    The three set out, passing by various clothing boutiques, kiosks of toys and gadgets, and sickly sweet dessert stands. Their leisurely walk leads them to a large outlet at the other end of the mall. As soon as they enter, they’re immediately bombarded by the staff, who manage to wring out of them that Montagne was buying an outfit for his “date”. He’s corralled into a changing room and given several different dress shirts, jackets, and chinos before Julien and Olivier manage to drive them off. 
    He takes his time, putting on the matching sets before coming out and asking the two’s opinions. Gilles almost instantly regrets bringing the two along--both of them manage to find something or other to downvote an outfit. His latest attempt is simple, a peach colored dress shirt with tan brown dress pants. His hands are folded on his chest, exhaustedly listening to his two countrymen.
    “Hmm I don’t know Gilles, I think the shirt is too close to your skin tone.” Julien tuts.
        “Why did they think that was a good color to make pants out of, it looks like they're made of—” Gilles stomps back into the dressing room before he can hear the rest of Olivier’s sentence.
 It wasn’t an easy feat to make Montagne frustrated, but after nearly an hour, he found himself at the end of his rope. The hangers clatter as he inspects what he’s worn and what’s been tossed to the wayside. A pair of black pants and black shirt are the last two items.
 He disrobes before shouldering the shirt on, mumbling to himself that if they didn’t like this one, he was just going to wear his old tuxedo. After putting on the outfit, he takes a moment to inspect it in the thin mirror at the back of the changing room. At first he thought the shirt was just a plain black, however the sleeves bare an intricate lacework of swirling gold vines and roses. The pants have a similar, smaller pattern along the seams going down the outside of the legs. 
It’s probably one of the more risque things he’s worn, though nothing will top his April fools butterfly armor, but he takes a deep breath and walks out. To his surprise, the two of them are stunned into silence.
“That looks...amazing!” Julien beams. Olivier nods his head in approval. A nearby store attendant comes by and gushes about the outfit, doing their best to flatter Gilles who takes the compliments with a fake smile.
Montagne lets out a relieved sigh, quickly zipping into the changing room and paying for the clothes before he’s hounded anymore. The three of them merrily made their way back to the other side of the mall, finally getting to the car and heading back to base.
The day of Valentines was like any other day. Training, training, and more training. Though the regiments didn’t seem as intense, the day ending earlier than usual and Montagne found his muscles weren’t as sore as they normally would be. He showers at his dorm, taking his time. Personal bathrooms were among many of the luxuries afforded to them at his base, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t appreciate some privacy every once in a while. After he’s done, he dresses in his new attire, and stands in the mirror. He fiddles with his shirt collar, adjusting it this way and that. He’s oddly anxious, a feeling that’s rare for the older man. He couldn’t help but chuckle at himself, years of firefights and hostage situations and he’s scared over a date. Not even--it’s just a friendly outing to get in. Despite his initial excitement for the party, it’s turned into mild disappointment. With a deep sigh, he hopes to at least spend a little time with the german.
Gilles stuffs his wallet and phone into his pocket, and opens the door, and heads toward the parking lot.
    Upon arrival at the hotel, he’s surprised to see just how many operators were milling outside the ballroom, waiting to get in. He’s toward the back of the line and is still nearly half an hour early, but he isn’t alone for long. 
    “You’re early! And it looks like everyone else is to.” Elias says as he makes his way next to him in line, “You look amazing by the way!” he beams. Despite the low light Gilles swears the younger man is blushing.
    “Thank you. You look nice as well.” he says, scanning his partner’s outfit. He’s cleaned up nicely, though his hair is a bit tousled, likely the work of Lera. His skin tone contrasts perfectly with his wine red dress shirt and black pants. The two wait in line patiently, which can’t be said for some of the others. A tug at Montagne’s sleeve gets his attention. He looks down to see Blitz discreetly pointing at someone further up the line, follows his direction and spots the person in question.
    “Dominic?” Montagne whispers.
    “He’s alone, you think Ash is going to let him in?”
    Montagne shrugs, “We’ll have to wait and see.”
The booming voice of Clash from the front silenced all the chatter. She announces the beginning of festivities and the door opens, allowing the guests to file in one couple at a time. Slowly but surely the two make their way to the front, watching in awe as Ash and Clash let Dominic go in sans date. 
    They were about to enter the crowded ballroom when Blitz stopped him.
    “I have to ask,” he says, addressing Morowa, “why’d you let Dom in?”
    Clash snorts, “About time someone asked me about that. I owed him a huge favor--he fixed my shield during a firefight and probably saved my life. When I asked him what I could do to return the favor, he said he just wanted to get in here every year.”
    Elias quirks an eyebrow, “Seriously?”
    “Seriously, now off you go, have some fun.” she ushers the two in, who slow down to take in the sights and sounds. Outside of rumors, Montagne didn’t actually know what the Valentine’s party actually looked like. The ballroom was extremely long, ending with an empty stage except for a small table and something under a cloth. Scattered around the room were large round tables fit with white lace table skirts. The dim lights, in addition with the added pink and red lights casting small bubbles of light, shower everything in a soft glow. To the left of the entrance, a row of long tables, nearly stretching to the end of the ballroom, house seemingly every dessert and cocktail in existence. Montagne is sure if he ate one of everything from there, he wouldn’t survive the night.
    His hand is still in Elias’s as the younger man guides him away from the entrance toward the center of the room. Montagne takes a moment to appreciate just how warm he is, his hand heating Gilles’s forever cold ones. Through the sea of people he manages to spot Emmanuelle and Gustave. He must have slowed down a bit to see them clearly, as Elias turns around, before he too manages to spot the pair.
    “Why don’t you go over and chat, want anything to drink?” he asks.
    “Just a bit of champagne, thank you.”
    “You got it.” Elias replies, and soon he is lost amidst the waves of couples. The mountain of a man manages to squeeze his way over to Emmanuelle, who’s arm in arm with Caveira, chatting with Gustave. The two women are in wildly different dresses--Emmanuelle in a short strapless navy blue dress that fringes as it goes down, while Taina confidently sports a bit longer obsidian color dress, the long sleeves and low cut accentuating her long jet black hair. Twitch perks up upon seeing Gilles, waving him over.
    “You made it! I knew you’d find someone.” she says with a grin, which soon turns devious, “so, who’s your date?”
    Montagne scans the room, pointing out Elias at the opposite end holding two drinks and engaging in small chatter with Dominic, the other german’s hands holding as many desserts as humanly possible. It takes a few attempts for Emma to see, until Taina helps guide her vision.
    “Oh, Elias! Good choice.” she says playfully. Both her and Taina giggle, striding off to mingle elsewhere. 
    “I’m glad you could make it Gilles.” Doc says, looking comfortable in a barely blue dress shirt, hands stuffed in the pockets of his dark grey slacks.
    “Glad to be here, though I do have to ask-”
    Doc tilts his head.
    “-who in the world did you bring as a date? I never found out.”
    The medic barks with laughter, shaking his head, “You were really concerned about that? I brought Mister Baker,” he points to a gaggle of men nearby consisting of mostly SAS with the exception of Adriano and Aria. Lo and behold Thatcher was among them, waving his hand at a comment Seamus made. 
    “Ah. I didn’t realize you two were together.” he states bluntly.
    “It’s only been a few months, we wanted to keep it relatively low.” he states, “So, how long have you been with Elias?”
Montagne rubs the back of his neck, “In all honesty, he just wanted to see how Dominic got in.”
    Doc hums in acknowledgement, “I see. Well, you two enjoy the party, try not to drink too much.” he says, splitting off to join his partner. Thatcher takes to him casually, looping an arm around his back and resting his hand on the doctor’s hip. The little gaggle are surprised at first, that is until Smoke undoubtedly says something raunchy, which earns him the stink eye of both men. Montagne can’t help but chuckle at the site of it all.
    “Gustave and Mike huh, can’t say I saw that one coming,” Elias says. Montagne turns to find he’s returned, drinks masterfully held in one arm while the other teeters two plates of dessert foods. Gilles quickly grabs his drink and food, relieving the other man of his juggling duties, which he thanks him for. 
    “You could have asked for help.” Montagne jokes, taking a sip of the sparkling champagne. It’s a lot sweeter than normal, but he has no doubt everything at that table is more sugary than it should be. 
    “It’s ok, didn’t want to interrupt your conversation.” he replies softly. There’s an unplaceable look in his eyes as he stares at the liquid in his glass, before taking a chug. Montagne still swears there’s a blush to his cheeks, but the lighting still obscures the colors of his face.
    The two chat, occasionally accompanied by another couple, but mostly they talk amongst themselves. Montagne learns a lot in their chatter--like how Elias is pretty good at a lot of sports, but can’t shoot a hoop to save his life. Or that he was in a choir when he was younger, but never pursued music because he’d choke up on stage, though he can’t help but sing while doing the dishes. In turn, Gilles tells him tidbits about himself. Tells him his love of old country guitars, tells him he hates the winter because he gets so cold, tells him he of the times he and his brothers would sneak into their sisters’ room and hide their dolls in odd places around the house. The last one getting a good laugh out of the younger man.
    After what seemed like hours of talking, Ash walked up on stage and addressed them all.
    “I hope everyone’s been having fun! Now it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for!” she announces, lifting the cloth off both the table and large obelisk on stage. They reveal a turntable and huge speaker accordingly. The lights somehow dim even further, leaving most of the ballroom in shadow. A large portion of the dance hall lights up under a disco ball, its tiny mirrors casting orbs of light that twirl on the floor. Anyone who was sitting down immediately jumps to their feet, grabbing their partners and guiding, or in some cases dragging, them to the dance floor.
    Montagne watches wistfully as the operators sway slowly with the beat of the music. Castle picked a good song, an old one he recognizes from the many times it’s played while someone’s cooking or cleaning on base. There’s a pressure on his shoulder. When he looks it turns out to be Elias’s hand.
    “Do you...want to dance?” he asks, and this time Montagne is certain the man’s face has gone red. He smiles, takes his hand and the two of them go to the outskirts of the dance area. 
    “Sorry if I step on your shoes, I have two left feet.” the german chuckles. 
        They waltz and step to the music, making small movements so as to not step on each other, but soon they get into a rhythm. Elias has rested his head on Gilles’s shoulder, while the older man feels like he’s having a revelation. Everything felt just so right. Like god has molded Elias to fit perfectly in his arms, and that Gilles was sculpted to perfectly hold Elias. It felt so good, Montagne never wanted to let go.
    They danced. And danced and danced, until the music stopped. Gilles wasn’t even aware that most of the operators left, save for a few stragglers trying to get their drunk dates to a hotel room for some sleep and water. Elias still had his head buried in the space between Gilles’s neck and shoulder.
    “What time is it?” he heard him mumble.
    Montagne reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone.
    “It’s almost one in the morning.” he said as Elias pulled away. The older man felt himself missing the contact, the cool air of the ballroom almost immediately replacing the younger man’s warmth. 
    “Can’t believe you made me dance past midnight.” he joked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a forefinger and thumb. 
    “Someone mentioned free hotel rooms…” Gilles murmured.
    “At this point, I don’t mind paying. I don’t want to drive home.” Elias yawned.
Everyone he had talked to about the party seemingly forgot to leave out that the hotel booked one room per two guests. One room with one bed. How cliche. But at this point Montagne didn’t really care, snagging to key from the receptionist. He met up with Elias, who was sitting on a chair nearby, looking ready to pass out.
“We get a room?”
“Yes, I hope you don’t mind sharing the bed.” Gilles replied. 
Elias just shook his head, stretching his arms above his head with a yawn. The two made their way out of the brightly lit lobby to a nearby hallway. Thankfully they didn’t need to go far--their room was on the first floor. 
“Oh hey,” Elias perked up, stopping Gilles, “do you mind if I get a water real fast?” the younger man pointed to a closed door, the sign tacked on it read ‘Ice and Vending Machines’. Gilles let him go, waiting only a few seconds before Elias popped back out, face a lot redder than before.
    “Is everything...alright?” Gilles asked, eyebrows furrowed.
    Elias cleared his throat, “Ah yep! Just uh, well. Now I know just how intimate Taina and Emma are.” he stuttered.
Montagne couldn’t help but chuckle. 
The room appeared before them after a minute of walking. Gilles swiped the card, clicking open the door and flicking on the nearest light. The room itself was cozy, the walls a warm tan color against a navy blue carpet. Though small, it still had a countertop with a coffee machine and mini fridge stuffed underneath. Popping it open, Gilles took out two water bottles, handing one to Elias. With a small thanks the younger man chugged it down, sighing when finished. 
The two stood in the room. The tension in the air was tangible, like a static buildup. But Montagne let the feeling pass over him, and didn't want to impose on the younger man. Elias took a step forward.
“I, uh, had a really fun time tonight.” finally meeting Gilles’s eyes. 
“I’m glad.” he hummed back. Elias took another step forward.
“If you wanted to do this next year, I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” he said gently, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. They were close now, barely inches away. Gilles leaned down a bit, taking in everything he could. From the wrinkles shirt, to his reddening ears and messy hair.
“And I…” he begins, but cuts himself off. Their faces are inches away, perfect for kissing.
And so they do.
It’s a step beyond incredible. Montagne hasn’t felt this elated in years. Elias’s lips are surprisingly soft and as warm as the rest of him. He tastes like champagne and chocolate, fitting for someone as sweet as him. They stay there a moment, simply enjoying the touch as they continue to kiss, Montagne winding his arms around him. After what seems like hours, they eventually part, breaths still close enough to intermingle.
Elias laughs, embracing Gilles back, “So now that we got that out of the way, can we sleep now?” he jokes tiredly.
Montagne pecks the top of his head, “Of course mon amour.”
It takes an enormous amount of effort to get to bed, neither of them wanting to move, to let go. Gilles makes the first move, taking a hand and guiding Blitz to the bed. They kick off their shoes and climb into the bed, which was thankfully big enough for the two of them. Not like it mattered--as soon as both were in bed they huddled close, Montagne wrapping an arm around Blitz’s waist, and Blitz slipping his feet between Montagne calves. They sit in silence for a moment. Gilles can feel the younger man sigh against his neck as he rubs circles in his shoulders.
“Goodnight Elias, I love you.” Montagne hums. He’s not sure if Elias hears him at first, the shorter man’s head is stuffed under his chin, until he hears him squeak a reply.
“I love you too.” 
Montagne grins, letting the warmth of the other man overtake him, helping him drift to sleep. 
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gottlem · 3 years
pancakes for dinner. (taywhora)
HI i wrote pancake day taywhora fluff while listening to captital fm waiting for them to come on which never ended up happening. but i decided we still deserved some taywhora content after being promised some, so while i can’t give u a radio interview, i can give u some lesbian au fluff. i hope u like it and i hope u had a lovely pancake day !!!
ao3 link
Tayce liked when she didn’t have to wake up to an alarm. She liked staying in bed on a cold February morning as she watched the bitter wind blow the trees around outside from the comfort under her warm duvet, tangled up with her beautiful girlfriend. Except on this specific February morning, despite the fact that she hadn’t set an alarm, she ended up waking up to one anyway. The alarm of course, was in the form of Awhora. While she would never complain about getting to see her girlfriend so often, especially since they moved in together, she couldn't help but let out a pitiful groan of annoyance.
“Let me sleep, bitch” Her voice was monotone, groggy and muffled by the pillow she had dug her head into as Awhora lightly shook her shoulders in an attempt to get her up. This girl was fucking relentless. 
“Please, it’s pancake day! Are we not gonna make pancakes? It’s like, the law. I promise I’ll do all the work” Tayce just chuckled, she was being an annoying little shit, but at least she was being cute about it. But no amount of cuteness was going to get Tayce out of bed. She knew for a fact she would end up doing the work anyways, Awhora would find a way to get Tayce to do the majority of the whisking, and the flipping, and everything else. She rolled back onto her side to face her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around her whispering a “let’s have five more minutes” but not really meaning it. She wanted more than five minutes. 
Tayce managed to fall back asleep within a couple of minutes, and surprisingly, she was not woken up again until she found her eyes fluttering open again completely by themselves. When her senses caught up to her, she realised she was alone in her bed, and she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty even if she knew Awhora wouldn’t actually be mad at her over some pancakes. She pulled herself together with a stretch and hopped out of the comfort of her bed, though it didn’t feel just as comfy without her other half there with her, to actually find who she was looking for. It wasn’t hard. She heard the TV in the living room playing mindless programmes while Awhora sat on the couch contentedly scrolling through her phone. Tayce stood in the door frame for a second, and some people might have called it a bit creepy, but she liked the way her girlfriends lips were ever so slightly upturned at the ends and how she let herself chuckle when she came across a funny tiktok. Besides, she was allowed to look, to admire. 
However, when Tayce took herself out of her trance and stepped into the living room, Awhora’s face instantly fell a little bit, playing into the faux-annoyance she was trying to sway Tayce with. She could tell by just looking at her that the fight wasn’t over yet, and she was going to whine and whine until she finally got her way, but Tayce at least was stubborn, so she would have quite the battle ahead of her. 
“I promise we will make your pancakes later, will you just let me wake up properly first? I feel like I’m still half asleep.” Awhora huffed at that, but muttered a small ‘fine’ anyway, cosying up next to Tayce.
“I’ll tell you what - I’ll go make myself a cup of tea, and we can make pancakes when I’m done, yeah?” That seemed to do the trick. Tayce stood up and left for the kitchen after placing a quick kiss on her girlfriend's forehead, for good measure, and also because she wanted to anyway. She got to making her tea, fully intending to sip it as slowly as possible, and probably avoid actually making the pancakes until way later. But Awhora didn’t need to know that. She returned after a few minutes with a steaming mug and a smug smile. They watched whatever they could find on the TV that wasn’t completely mind-numbing for the twenty minutes it took Tayce to finish her tea and pop it in the sink. When she returned from the kitchen a second time, Awhora stared at her with wide, pleading eyes. She had not forgotten what Tayce had promised her, and by the look on her face she was not about to give up.
Despite her stubborn-ness, Tayce ended up giving in to Awhora after 5 minutes of bickering, deciding on the fact that being this animated about pancakes is honestly not a good look for her. She allowed Awhora to pull her up from the couch and grab her hand to drag her into the kitchen, where she made a beeline for the fridge. Tayce pulled the flour from out the cupboard, and expected an eager Awhora to be standing next to her with milk and eggs from the fridge on the bench, but instead she just heard a frustrated groan from across the room, followed by a “we don’t have any fucking eggs”
The walk to the nearest co-op was quick, but not too easy. The wind bit at Awhora’s face and made it red, but she didn’t care much because she knew she would get pancakes out of it. Tayce shivered when a particularly cold gust passed by them, and it made her walk the smallest bit closer to Awhora, in an attempt to feed off of her body heat. It didn’t work, but she also stayed just as close, purely because she liked it there. They found the eggs easily, and walked back home as quick as they could, desperate to get out of the cold. The heating had been left on before they left, and they both knew it was just waiting for them to return.
When they did get back, Tayce had decided she was finally in a better mood, the cold having woken her up a little from her lazy Tuesday morning. Awhora put their newly purchased eggs on the bench and fetched the milk from the fridge as Tayce took out a pan, some oil and a bowl and started to heat up their electric hob. 
“Should we just eyeball it?” Awhora’s hopeless optimism when it came to pancakes seemingly came out of nowhere, but Tayce decided to entertain it anyway. It couldn’t do any harm and it made her girlfriend happy, so there wasn’t a reason not to. Eyeballing the mixture probably wasn’t the smartest decision in the world, but they had made enough pancakes in their life to know how much flour was too much flour and just how runny the mixture should be. Mixing it took forever, and Awhora insisted on starting, because she had promised that morning that she would do the work, but it took her about a minute to start complaining that her arm was hurting, and she ended up asking Tayce to take over, which she did.
Tayce poured the first pancake into the pan (Awhora had said she was scared of the hot oil jumping up at her) and let herself smile when it sizzled as it touched the pan. As grumpy as she was this morning, it pulled at her heartstrings a little to be celebrating pancake day with Awhora. She was special to her, and this weirdly domestic holiday made her heart flutter a little if she thought about it too much.
After a couple minutes, the time came for the pancake to be flipped. Tayce insisted she could just use the spatula to turn it over. It would be safer and definitely more successful. But alas, Awhora was insistent on flipping it, because “You aren’t celebrating pancake day right if you aren’t flipping the pancakes, Tayce. That’s half the fun!” So she gave in, because of course she did. The ceremonious flipping of the pancakes came with only a small amount of squealing, some defeated groans when the pancake creased up as it landed back in the pan, but thankfully, there were mostly accomplished exclamations of ‘yes!’ and ‘oh thank fuck’. Surprisingly, not one pancake ended up being burned or, worse, on the floor, and for that Tayce was eternally grateful because she knew she would have to be the one to clean it up. 
Awhora adorned her pancakes with fruit and sugar while Tayce opted for the simple but classic option of nutella. They brought their full plates to the living room and sat on opposite ends of the couch, facing each other (because sitting on chairs properly is completely overrated) and a cosy playlist from Awhora’s spotify played from their communal Alexa, filling in the dips of their conversation as the pair nibbled on their pancakes.
“I’m happy we did this. Sorry if I annoyed you this morning, I just, I don’t know, I thought it would be something nice to do together” Tayce felt a little bad for her mood this morning, and she hated that Awhora thought she had annoyed her, even if it did ring true a little bit. 
“Don’t be sorry, hun. I could never be annoyed at you. Well. Not over pancakes at least, could you believe? Besides, these pancakes are so fucking good. I love this holiday” Awhora laughed loudly at Tayce’s change of heart since the morning. She looked up at her girlfriend from behind her almost empty plate with a softness in her eyes.
“Mhm, well I love you”
“I love you too, Aurora.”
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thedeliverygod · 3 years
surprise~ I wrote sokai. actually not a surprise I mentioned writing it after I beat melody of memory, I’ve just been working on it forever since my writing process has been a STRUGGLE lately. my AO3 and fanfiction accounts are linked on my profile if you’d prefer to read there [or just look up thedeliverygod]
Sora blinked his eyes open to see his bedroom, a bright ray of sunlight running through the middle of the floor from where the curtains met. Grunting, he turned over and closed his eyes as he sunk his head down into the pillow again to go back to sleep.
‘Wait… my room?’
The realization clicked and his eyes shot open. As he gazed upon the ship hanging from the ceiling and other odds and ends collected around the room, he knew it had to be his.
“When did I get home?” He sat up and held his head, trying to remember what had happened last.
He had been in Quadratum for some time, but he had eventually met up with Riku and later the rest of their friends. Sora wasn’t used to being the one who had to be saved, but it took everyone’s strength and willpower to bring him back to their reality and the realm of light.
He remembered Kairi comforting him, talking to him softly but he couldn’t remember what she said.
He also remembered being at Yen Sid’s tower and something being mentioned about him needing rest. After that, nothing. Except for waking up here.
He shot upward and immediately felt the muscle aches all over his body as well as a multitude of bruises forming under his skin. Curative spells were amazing, but there was only so much they could do. He sucked in a breath before putting his feet to the floor and forcing himself to stand up despite the pain.
He clung to the banister of the stairs as he made his way down the stairs, but he wasn’t even halfway down before his mom appeared at the foot of them.
“Sora! I’m really glad you’re awake, but do you really think you should be out of bed?” She reached out a hand and took a few steps upward.
“I’m just a little sore, it’s fine.” He waved her off before giving a wide grin, “It’s good to see you, Mom.”
She shook her head but just stared at him with watering eyes as he continued to make his way down the stairs. Once he had reached her, she enveloped him in a tight hug, “I can’t believe how grown up you are.”
“Yeah, me neither.” He answered in a laugh.
“I’ve missed you so much.”
He hugged her tighter, “Me too.”
Hesitantly letting him go, she waved towards the living room, “Let’s go sit down.”
Sora nodded and followed after her, “Okay.” While she took the couch, he took the worn-out arm chair as he always had.
“Kairi filled me on somewhat of all you’ve been through over the past few years. I can’t even begin to imagine…”
“Speaking of Kairi, is she still here?” He asked automatically. After a beat and his cheeks starting to warm, he added, “Or Riku, or anyone else?”
Giving a confused look to his question at first, she realized what he meant and answered, “Oh, you mean on the islands. Yes, Kairi is still here. I believe Riku is still with the others that Kairi mentioned, though I’m not sure where they are.”
He let out a breath and nodded, “Ah, okay.”
His mom looked at him knowingly and smirked, commenting, “Still got it bad for Kairi after all these years, huh?”
Though he made a yelping noise in response to her blunt questioning, he looked away and answered, “Is that surprising?”
“Not at all. And the way she talked about you seemed to be quite different too, so I figured something must have happened. Are you finally dating?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Well, no, not really…” He answered honestly, “It’s hard to really ‘date’ with the life we’ve had.”
“Oh,” She parted her lips and let out a disappointed sigh, “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
“But,” He started again and she looked back up, intrigued, “Do you remember when we came back to the islands before a big fight before?”
She nodded, “Of course. I was so happy to see you then, too.”
“Well, we shared a paopu fruit when we went out to the play island to watch the sunset like we did as kids. Kairi’s idea, of course.” He flushed again, quickly adding, “N-not that I didn’t want to!”
His mom laughed loudly, “Of course.”
“But it was perfect. I think the paopu helped bring us together again despite the almost impossible odds, just like the legend says.” He gave another soft grin.
“Maybe it did help, but I think a lot of it was just… you two just being who you are, you know?” She gave her own smile in return. Sora didn’t really have the chance to respond before she changed the subject, “So, I suppose you asked about Kairi because you want to go see her, right?”
His face quickly reddening again, he admitted, “Well, yeah. But—”
“You can go.” His mom waved towards the front door, “Just be back before dinner.”
He stared breathlessly for a moment before smiling, “Thanks, Mom.”
“You’re welcome.” She answered as he got up from the chair and slowly made his way to the door.
Once he was outside and off the porch steps, he reached into his pocket for his gummi phone. Unsurprisingly, he had several messages from various people asking for him to call once he had woken up and was feeling better. ‘Well, I still kinda feel awful, honestly.’ He thought to himself, both as a truth and as an excuse to wait to call them later.
He moved to Kairi’s name and hit dial. After a few chirps, he heard her voice ring out through the speaker, “Sora?”
“Kairi!” He answered, grinning widely.
She gave a small laugh, “So you’re finally awake, lazy bum.”
“Yeah. Can’t say the same about my arms and legs, though. They kinda feel like jelly.” He tried to stretch his free arm again and found much of the same feeling as he had when he woken up earlier.
“I’m not surprised, I’m pretty sore too.”
“So… where are you? You’re still on the islands, right?” He bit his lip, hoping he hadn’t missed her.
“Of course. Riku wanted to stay too, but I guess there were some last-minute things King Mickey wanted his help with. Oh, and I’m at my house but I’ll come to yours. You really shouldn’t be pushing yourself so soon.”
He rolled his eyes, “I’m not that out of it. How about we meet halfway? Like around the park, I guess.”
Kairi hummed, “Okay, if you say so.”
“Great. See you soon.” He tapped the red button to end the call and set out on his way.
Pushing himself beyond his limits was nothing new with all of the things he had done on his adventures in the past few years, but he was still bent over in pain by the time he made it to the park.
“I would laugh because I knew you would do this, but you look awful.” Kairi commented as she approached him.
Straightening out and standing up straight, he smiled apologetically, “Yeah, you were right.”
“What a surprise.” She lightly grabbed his hand and tugged him towards a picnic table, “Let’s sit down.”
“Thank you.” He let out, unable to hold it in any longer as he sat down and faced her.
She blinked, “For what?”
“For everything.” He answered automatically. After a moment, he clarified, “For saving me.”
Kairi smiled and shook her head, “It’s like I told you years ago. I couldn’t just let you stay that way and forget about you. That’s the same reason you came after me, right?”
“To be honest, I didn’t really think about it. I just acted. But yeah, I guess that’s the best way to put it.” He admitted with a small laugh.
“That’s such a Sora thing to say.” She reached over to intertwine her hand with his.
He quirked an eyebrow, “I hope that’s a compliment.”
“Of course.” She smiled brightly as she nodded.
“So what’s going on with everyone else?” Sora shifted the topic of conversation, curious, “I know you said Riku stayed behind to do a few last-minute things but honestly my memory is kinda fuzzy about what all happened right before coming home.”
Kairi’s expression dampened somewhat, but she still kept a smile, “Just making sure everything is the way it’s supposed to be. And then we’re supposed to be able to take a break for a little while. Just hang out here on the islands; you, me, and Riku.”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, “That sounds nice.”
“I’m sure. You’ve been through a lot.”
He opened his eyes and looked at her seriously, answering, “So have you, you know.”
Quietly, she nodded and held his hand a little tighter.
And suddenly, he knew what he had to do.
“Kairi.” He called her name and she looked up curiously.
“This isn’t really how I ever imagined doing it, but I think this feels right.” He slipped down from the bench and knelt on one knee, with Kairi quickly clasping her hands over her mouth in surprise. “I don’t even know how old I was when I started dreaming about wanting to spend my life with you. And for a long time, it always seemed out of reach; both because I didn’t know how you feel and because of all of the things we’ve been through. But I want to make it real now. No matter what happens next, I want to be by your side, always.”
Kairi nodded vigorously, tears starting to overflow from the corners of her eyes, “That’s what I want too.”
Sora reached out and motioned for her hand, only to pull it towards him and kiss her knuckles. “I’m sorry I don’t have a ring yet. But like I said before, this wasn’t exactly planned so…” They both shared a quick laugh before he smiled widely and asked, “Kairi, will you marry me?”
“Yes.” She slid closer to him and pressed a kiss against him eagerly, “Yes, yes, yes.”
He cupped both sides of her face and grinned against her, “So… when do we let everyone else know?”
“Maybe keep it a secret for a few days or else everyone’s hugs may crush what little solid bones you have left in your body right now.” She gave a gentle squeeze of his arm which he had to admit hurt much more than he expected.
“Ow.” He rubbed the spot she had squeezed, “But that’s a very solid point.”
“Do you need me to carry you back to your house?” Kairi teased with a tilt of her head.
He shook his head, “I dunno, I think it’s poor form to have your new fiancée carry you.”
“Fiancée, huh.” She beamed, humming, “I think I like the sound of that.”
“So do I.” He kissed her again.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
It’s Good Luck - Jumin Han
This is the last part (maybe? Idk) of my Jumin wedding series bc all of a sudden I have baby fever and want to write a pregnant series oop. In fact, I had to FORCE myself to write this ceremony. I might write a reception chapter later, who knows. Reminder: this is part of a mini-series but everything can be read and interpreted as one shots if you’re like me and dislike series haha also idk if this even makes sense but I hope you maybe like it?
Summary: they say rain on your wedding day is good luck. Jumin takes that to a new level and proposes you go outside in the rain before you’re due at the reception.
You had returned to your dressing room, watching as the men in the sharp suits carried your flowers and chairs from the tent outside to the building. Why did it have to rain? Sure, they said it was good luck, and you didn’t truly care so long as you were marrying Jumin, but you had looked forward to the outdoor wedding. You had planned for an outdoor wedding, not one inside.
“Don’t worry about it,” your wedding planner comforted you, noticing your mournful expression as you looked at the heavy raindrops running down the window, “We’re going to do everything in our power to bring the outdoors in. Do you want to give it a look-over before we start everything?”
Honestly? It would make you feel better. You nodded, standing up and straightening out your wedding dress. You followed behind her, taking the back way to avoid any guests, and made your way into their indoor venue.
They did a really good job for such a short amount of time. The wall of flowers was up behind the altar, large flower arrangements were set by each row of seats, and gigantic mounds of flowers lined each side of the aisle. It was pretty. Yes, outside would have been ideal, but whatever. This was lovely as well!
“Is it to your liking?” The wedding planner asked, nervously toying with her watch.
You nodded. “It’s very nice. Would it be possible, maybe, to get a different color table cover for the altar? The cream worked well for the outdoors but now it’s a little too... casual.” You had learned a thing or two from planning the RFA parties after all.
“Would you prefer white then?”
“How about an antique white? You cringed internally; you sounded so uptight. But you knew antique white would look best with the color tones of the room. “Oh! If you don’t have it just normal white will do as well.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll get it set up right now. Any other changes you’d like to make?”
“Is there any way to dim the lights? They’re a little bright... it’s giving me a hospital feel.” You added awkwardly. Your wedding planner walked over to a panel and immediately dimmed the lights. “Perfect. It’s lovely. Thank you for doing all this,” you turned to her, smiling.
“If that’s all you need, I’ll get somebody to switch out the cloth and then we can start seating guests,” she offered. You smiled and nodded.
When you arrived at your room you were greeted with even more surprises: this time there was a masseuse, table set up and everything. “Hi, are you MC? Mr. Han called for me,” she greeted, holding out a hand for you to shake, which you took.
“Oh! What a nice surprise.”
“Yes, he said it was quite urgent. I understand this all must be pretty stressful. My wedding got rained out too, but the good thing is my husband and I have been married for over thirty years now.” The lady seemed very warm; her presence was comforting. You allowed yourself to sit down on the edge of her table.
“I’m not sure how much time we have, but would you mind doing my shoulders and back? I’ve got a lot of tension in there from everything going on.” You still felt awkward being accomadated so well, but it was something you had to get used to, especially because you were marrying Jumin.
“Of course,” you felt her push your veil to the side, fingers gently working around your upper back. “You weren’t kidding: you are tense. Did you have trouble sleeping last night?”
You let out a laugh. “That tradition that the groom can’t see the bride on the wedding day. I’ve been sleeping next to my fiancée for months now. It was hard not to, and the pre-wedding jitters didn’t help.”
“Well,” she commented, her hands hitting a knot by your shoulders and gently trying to work it out. “I can tell it’ll all be worth it. He seems like a very nice man, and he definitely cares about you.”
“Yes, I’m not sure how many other brides get masseuses in minutes before their wedding,” you joked, a fond smile on your face. A knock at the door. The wedding planner peeked in. “You’ve got about five minutes until it’s go time.”
You thanked the lady and went to take your spot, waiting for your entrance. As you heard the bridal march start playing, you anxiously stepped into the room, heavy bouquet in hand. The antique white looked quite nice, you thought to yourself. It was a good choice. In front of the tablecloth though.
How could he possibly be even more handsome than usual? Maybe it was the light gray suit, a stark contrast to his typical black attire. Maybe it was the glisten in his eyes as they watered with tears. Maybe it was the smile that he couldn’t hide- no, he didn’t want to hide. Walking to him felt like running a marathon; it took forever.
Finally your hands were in his. Him mouthing how beautiful you looked, wiping away a stray tear that leaked down his cheek. You didn’t realize you had such a death grip on his hands until he started gently running his thumb over your hands, easing the tension.
“You and me only, remember?” He whispered softly. You wanted to hug him. No, that would be weird. The priest was quite literally in the middle of his speech. You but your lip and looked down at your shoes.
A hand on your cheek brought your attention up. Was this allowed? Why did you never go through this wedding etiquette?
The words spoken were a blur. Jumin recited his vows perfectly, not straying from the traditional vows. The two of you had agreed that you would rather share those thoughts, those emotions, in private. You stumbled over the words when it was your turn. For richer or for poorer? Not only was the statement comical considering the Hans’ wealth, but why was it so hard to say? Jumin’s lips quirked into a smile upon hearing you fumble, and it made you feel better to see him smile like that.
Finally, finally the moment had come. “You may now kiss the bride.” Swept up in the moment, Jumin pulled you close in one swift motion for a kiss. You had agreed to keep it chaste and sweet, but he hadn’t seemed to remember that part of it!!!!! You pulled away before it got too PG-13, planting a kiss on his cheek and promising him more later.
“How soon is later?” He asked, pouting for what was likely one of the first times in his life. “I just want to embrace my wife. We still have a reception after this?” He groaned.
“You’re so needy today Honey,” you teased, the two of you sharing your own moment at the front of the room while the guests filed out.
“We don’t have to do anything. It’s just... I had trouble sleeping last night without you. You can’t blame a man for wanting to hold his wife in his arms and never let go.” He flushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
The guests had finally filed out and it was your turn to leave, greeting them at the exit. “I’ve noticed you saying wife a lot,” you teased, holding his hand tight, your cathedral-length veil wrapped around his free arm so that you wouldn’t trip or get caught up by it.
“Well, I like it.” It was such a simple statement, but it made your heart race. The two of you finished thanking your guests, and it was time for the cocktail hour to start. You and Jumin had planned about ten minutes together without a photographer or anything just so you could take in the events of the day and reflect together. You had been looking forward to it for hours.
“You know all those things you vowed to me?” You asked, staring out the window as he helped you remove your veil. The rain hadn’t slowed; it was wise of you to move it inside.
“Sickness and health, better or worse, rich or poor, those things?” He listed them off as if they were so simple. It made you laugh.
“How about in grace and in stupidity?”
He plopped your veil down on a bench. “What? My love you’re not stu-“
“You wanna go out into the rain with me? It’ll be fun... and we have about eight minutes after to dry off before pictures,” you proposed. It was an AWFUL idea. It was pouring. You had your hair and makeup done. This dress was designer.
“Truly?” He asked, looking skeptically.
“Yeah in retrospect it’s a bad idea. I don’t know, I thought it was good luck or something.”
Out of nowhere, he swept you into his arms, barreling towards the exit to the building. “Jumin!” You shrieked. “I take it back! I said it was a bad idea!”
“But it’s good luck,” he shouted as he swung open the door, trying to be heard over the rain. He looked cautiously at the puddles forming on the sidewalks, then took a deep breath. “In grace and in stupidity?”
“Of course, my husband.”
It was out of a movie. The dramatic kiss in the rain. All the passion Jumin had wanted to put into your kiss when you were standing in front of all your family and friends. The rain dribbling down your back. It made you squeal. He couldn’t stop laughing. He held his hand above your head, attempting to shield your makeup from the rain. It didn’t help.
What felt like eons later, he carried you back inside, setting you on a bench. He tried to keep a serious face, but burst out laughing. You had never heard him laugh so hard.
“Honey? Why are you laughing? Is it my makeup? Jumin!” Nothing could get his attention.
“We may need more than just eight minutes to dry off,” he chuckled, pushing back soaked strands of hair that were hanging on his face. “I’ll call Assistant Kang and let her know.”
“Was it worth it though?” You asked, trying to wipe your face (and failing).
“Oh absolutely,” he pulled you close to him. “I feel luckier already.”
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
The Comeback
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Idol! Wonho x Reader 
Warning: Smut 
Commissioned by: @blueblondewonhoishot​
Word Count: 3.4k 
A/N: hope you enjoy!! 
*Monsta X vocalist Shin Wonho leaves group pending rumors* You stare at the headline that had just popped up on your phone. You knew you needed to call Wonho immediately, but you couldn't stop staring in disbelief at the headline. You had known Wonho for years, before he even joined Monsta X and you knew how bad he wanted to become an idol and how much he loved it. This made no sense to you. You were in complete shock. You and Wonho had met in elementary school. He had stuck up for you when some bullies had been harassing you. The two of you had become inseparable, Wonho always looking out for you. He very quickly became your best friend, the one you would go too with any problem, exciting news, anything. Even boy troubles. When the two of you began dating other people in high school, both your partners always became insecure about your friendship, even when you explained multiple times you two were just friends. Wonho's girlfriends would glare at you and do anything in their power to somehow get rid of you. They would whine to him about you, make up lies, the works. It never worked, he always chose you. Your boyfriends on the other hand always felt threatened by him, and accused you of cheating with him. That was never the case, everything was completely platonic between you too, all through high school, you were only friends. Once the two of you graduated you began to see him differently. You remember the day perfectly. You two had gone out to get ice cream the summer after graduation. You sat across from him on a park bench, laughing at him that his ice cream was melting all over the place. You smiled as you watched him try to lick it all up as it spilled all over his hands, That made your heart flutter, even when you didn't want it too. You weren't sure how to handle your new found lust and love for him. In high school he had always told you it would be weird if you two ever did anything, especially when other people asked about your relationship.  He always was adamant that you were nothing more than friends. Just friends. Always just friends. It broke your heart that he would never see you like that. However, little did you know, he had been harboring feelings for you since your senior year of highschool but was terrified you wouldn't feel the same, or that he ruined his chances by always saying you two were only friends. It wasn't until one summer night, the two of you drinking to celebrate his news of passing all his auditions at Starship Ent. You were so proud of him.  For years he had wanted to become an idol and you were honestly so happy that his dreams were finally coming true. But that would mean he would be leaving you in Daegu. Although the commute wasn't far, you both knew he would be far too busy for regular visits. It was the night of your celebration that you had decided to tell Wonho how you felt. You couldn't have him leave without knowing the truth, regardless of the outcome. "I have to confess something." You say, turning to face him. "I'm all ears." He smiles. "I love you." You blurt out. "I'm in love with you." Wonho stares at you with wide eyes. He quickly chugs the rest of his drink, still not saying a word. "I'm sorry. I should have just kept it inside." You whisper, putting your face in your hands. "No no." He begins, lifting your chin."I love you too, I have been in love with you since our senior year." He whispers. Hesitantly he leans in, pausing to make sure it was okay. You smile, grabbing his face to press your lips to his. Within seconds it went from gentle to passionate and needy. Wonho pulls you forward, closer to him. You lift your leg over him, placing yourself in his lap to straddle him. Wonho slips his hands under your shirt, gliding them across your back. Soon after he begins to tug at the hem of your shirt, wanting to take it off. You happily oblige, breaking the kiss with a smile and lifting your arms so he could lift it over your head, throwing it somewhere in the room. He reaches behind you again, this time to unclasp your bra, slowly sliding it down your arms, also throwing it somewhere in the living room. "God you're beautiful." He groans, cupping your breasts before leaning forward to latch his lips around your nipple, gently sucks. You throw your head back, letting out a loud moan as he moves his mouth over to your other nipple. As he continued to suck, you began moving your hips, grinding yourself on his already hard cock. Fuck you were so glad you were wearing shorts. "Baby that feels so good." He moans. You smirk at him as you slide yourself off his lap, getting onto your knees. You unbuckle his belt and then undo the button of his pants. He lifts his ass off the couch, helping you to be able to slide his pants and boxers down. You lick your lips as you look at his large, veiny cock standing straight up. You grip his cock with your hand before leaning forward and opening your mouth. First you tease him, onl gently sucking his tip. "Please baby." He begs. You happily take more of him into your mouth, he automatically bucks his hips, shoving his cock down your throat. Uou gag as he begins fycking your mouth, thrusting his cock harshly. A few minutes later, he stops all movement. "I'm going to end up cumming." He groans, sitting up on the couch. "Come ride my cock." He smirks. "Now." You stand up quickly, sliding off your shorts before straddling him again. You grab his cock to line him up with your entrance before you sink down onto him, slowly. You sit for a minute, adjusting to his size as he stretches you out. You begin rocking your hips, getting used to it. Once you do, you begin to bounce yourself on his cock. "Fuck baby, you ride my cock so well." He groans. Wonho leans forward, taking your nipple into his mouth again, sucking harder while pinching your other nipple. The way his cock hit your G-spot, the way your clit was rubbing against him and the way he played with your nippled had your orgasm coming fast. Your eyes rolled back into your head, your hands gripped his shoulders, your nails dragging down his chest, leaving scratches. Your body shook as your orgasm took over your body, pulsating through you. It had lasted longer than any other orgasm you had. "Fuck." You cry out, your body shuddering and exhausted. Wonho sat up, never taking himself out of you and laid you on your back on the couch before quickly thrusting himself in and out of you. "Shit I'm close." he groans, his thrusts becoming sloppier. "Where do I cum?" He asks, a little panicked. "Cum in my pussy." You moan. "I'm on the pill." You tell him to clarify. "Jesus, fucking shit." He cries out, his warm cum spills inside you. He lays there for a second, still inside you as he catches his breath. He pulls out of you, cum begins to drip out of you, making him moan and become semi hard again. "Fuck that's hot." He groans before getting up to grab a cloth to clean you up with. You both lay in his bed, not saying a word, but you're the one to break the ice a few minutes later. Turning to him, you ask "what does this mean? What are we now?" "I mean I want to be with you, of course. But would you be willing to do long distance, especially during tours and what not?" He asks. "I'm in." You smile. "Im all in."   And you were. You stayed with Wonho through the stressful time on No Mercy, through losses and wins at award shows, interviews  - everything. You consoled him when he called you in the middle of the night, crying because he just wanted to come home and see you. You surprised him when you could and he was around. You never complained about your lack of communication or how long he was away for, you supported him in his dream 100%. The long distance between the two of you became annoying and hard after a year. Phone calls, Skype and the occasional visit just wasn't enough anymore. Eventually you asked to transfer to Seoul, not telling Wonho in case you didn't get it. But you did. The second you were off the phone with your boss, you called him. "Guess what!" You yell the moment he answers. "You love me?" He guesses. "True, but not what I was going to say. "Tell me what then." He chuckles. "I got transferred to Seoul!" You yell. He says nothing. "Babe?" Again nothing but some sniffling. "I'm so excited baby, I miss you so much." He says. "I love you." "Forever and always." You smile. "I'll be there at the end of the month." ** The next few weeks the two of you text back and forth all the dirty things you wanted to do to each other when you were finally together again. You both made a pact that neither of you were going to get off and cum until you were together again, no matter how much you both wanted to. One week before you were set to move, Wonho called you on Skype. Upon were wearing a low cut tanks top with short shorts to bed and you knew it was going to destroy him not to have you. "Hi babe." You say, seeing him on the screen. "Oh baby, why?" He groans, his head in his hands. "What?" You ask innocently, knowing full well what he was talking about. "I'm already so hard baby, this is torture." He whines. You had to admit, you were dying for his cock and a release. "Let me see your pussy baby." He asks. You couldn't say no to that, you needed this as much as he did. You angle the camera down a little, letting him watch you slide down your shorts. "Tell me what you want me to do." You whisper. "Spread your legs." He demands. You do as you're told. "Now spread your lips baby, lemme see." He moans. You do as he asks, giving him an excellent view of your soaking pussy. "Fuck how I wish I could ram my cock into you." He breathes. You see him on your screen, watching him slide down his sweatpants, his cock springing free. "Now what?" You ask. "Stick your fingers inside yourself." He tells you. You slowly slide three fingers in your pussy, pulling them out and pushing them back in. "Good girl." He groans, stroking his cock. "How does it feel?" He asks. "So good, but not as good as your fingers baby." You moan. "That's right baby." He huffs. "Now rub your clit." He tells you. You move your other hand in between your lips, gently rubbing yourself while your fingers continue to move in and out of you. "I don't think I'm going to last long." You cry out, your pace quickening. "Fuck yourself faster." He demands. You move your fingers on your clit and inside you quicker, your orgasm coming fast. "I'm going to cum." You scream, your orgasm hitting you hard. "Fuck." Wonho cries, slowly pumping his cock as his cum squirts onto his hand and stomach. You sit up, watching him clean himself up and you pout. "I wish I could lick it up." You groan. "Soon baby, one more week." He smiles. "I love you." "Forever and always." You say. "See you soon." "Yes you will, sleep tight baby." He smiles before disconnecting. The last week was the longest week ever, but it finally came to an end after what felt like an eternity. It was finally moving day, you happily packed your things into your car, ready to make the trip to your love and best friend. It had been a hard year with only seeing him on occasion, and you knew this would be so much better. ** It was years later and Monsta X was thriving in the US, and everything seemed perfect. You and Wonho were still as in love with each other as the day you both confessed. You had taken the day off work, just needing a day to yourself, sitting in bed and scrolling through your phone, and Wonho was at dance practice, despite having only gotten home a few days ago from promotions. And that's when it popped up. The headline announcing Wonho's decision to leave the group. You didn't understand, you were shocked. You opened the article, and it had said someone had revealed that years ago he had smoked pot. Are you fucking kidding? That's the lamest fucking reason for this shit. You couldn't believe this bitch had the audacity to try and ruin his career and for what? That morning Wonho had spent hours with his manager, the CEO of Starship, his publicist and everyone else who could try to help him. "I think I should leave. Take a break." Wonho sighs. "That might be for the best." Everyone agrees. "We need this to blow over and then get you back with your group. Just be patient and wait it out." His publicist tells him. Leaving was the last thing he wanted to do, but he figured that it was the best for his group. He didn't want them to attract any negative attention. He left the building around lunch time, wandering around unsure of what to do with himself. He didn't want to go home, he didn't want to answer or deal with your questions. He turned off his phone, just needing time to think. Eventually, hours later he went home. You were just about to call him when you heard the front door unlock and then slam. You crawled out of bed and headed for the living room where you saw Wonho sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "Babe.." you begin. "What happened?" ** You spent the next few hours trying to discuss what had happened and you could tell that he was becoming more and more irate about the entire situation, refusing to tell you anything. You just didn't understand. "I don't get it. Why won't you tell me?" You sigh. "You don't have to fucking get it Y/N. Just fucking drop it." He snaps. "I'm not going to drop it. You need to tell me what happened." You protest. "Back the fuck off. I'm not talking about this anymore!" He yells, grabbing his coat before slamming the door, leaving you wondering what just happened. For the next few weeks Wonho avoided you like you were some kind of virus. If you walked into the apartment, he left. If you went to bed, he went to the couch. You tried texting him, calling him and even facetime. He ignored you. Finally one night you lost it on him. You managed to corner him in the kitchen and this time he didn't try to walk away. He could see the hurt and the pain on your face, the sadness in your eye's and he felt like the worst person in the world for treating you like this. He knew he had to tell you the secret he had been harboring, but he was worried even though he shouldn't be. You were understanding, but with the way he had treated you lately, you may not be. "You need to talk to me! You can't keep ignoring me and keeping me in the dark!" You cry. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to handle it myself, and I knew if I talked to you you'd try to get me to talk about it and get involved, but this was something i needed to do by myself and handle her by myself." He tells you. "Who was she?" You ask nervously. You never thought he would be one to cheat, but then again do you ever truly know someone? "She was just someone who ended up backstage alot. She flirted with me, and tried to get me to go back to her hotel room. The last time was a few days before the story leaked. After practice she managed to slip in the room while I was alone, working on choreography." He tells you. He looks nervous for the next part, he sighs while avoiding eye contact. "She showed up in a trench coat, and when she took it off she was in lingerie." He whispers. Tears slip down your cheeks as you assume the worst, it starts to get harder to breathe. "Did you cheat?" You whisper. "No baby, no no I didn't I promise." He assures you. "So why did you hide it?" You ask. "Because I thought I handled it. I was mean the last time, I assumed it worked and she would just leave me alone now. But instead she dug into my past, exposing shit." He says. "Is it true?" You question. "It doesn't matter. What matters is moving forward and figuring out what I'm going to do next." He sighs, his hand rubbing his forehead. You could tell this was destroying him. Being in Monsta X was a dream come true. He loved the other members. He loved all their fans. That was his life and he needed it back. Wonho and his team worked everyday in an attempt to bring him back into the group. Back to performances, promotions, interviews, but they all knew it would take time. Day after day, week after week, month after month, Wonho hoped that today would be the day. Today he would be able to rejoin the group. But it was never that day. He appreciated you trying to distract him, keeping his spirits up and just being there for him but he was still heartbroken. Wonho regularly went live to talk to his fans, and he couldn't believe the outpour of support he had. He spent time reading comments, checking twitter to see all the love. The billboards, the signs, the banners. Everything he saw fueled him more and more to get back to what he loved to do. He made a promise to never leave his fans, and he wasn't one to break promises. He fought tooth and nail, and finally he succeeded. ** 7 months after Wonho had announced his departure from the group, a new headline appeared. *Wonho rejoins Monsta X and fans couldn't be happier.* You look at him with a surprised face. You had known nothing about it, but you couldn't be happier for him. You jump on him, causing him to fall back on the bed as you tackled him, now straddling his lap. Leaning down, you place a small kiss on his lips. "Why didn't you tell me!?" You ask, lightly smacking his chest. "I wanted it to be a surprise." He laughs. "I'm so happy for you." You whisper, giving him another small kiss. Wonho wraps his arm around you, pulling your body against his more, deepening the kiss. He quickly rolls hou both over, making you now lay on your back, with him between your legs. "How happy are you?" You smirk, as he presses his already hard cock against your pussy. "I'm very happy." He says in a low growly whisper. "Mhm, I can tell." You laugh, bucking your hips to grind yourself on him. "Don't tease me baby, you don't know what I'll do to you." He warns you. "You can do whatever you want to me." You breathe. "Don't mind if I do." He smirks, wiggling his body down yours, pulling your pants down with him, his face between your thighs. You finally had your boyfriend back, and he was finally getting his comeback.
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