ichoric · 1 year
❊ I want to roleplay with you
✸ I want to plot with you
✢ I like your characters
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
✪ You seem like a cool person
❇ I love the way you write
☓ We should talk!
THIS IS SO MUCH HI LETS BE FRIENDS ACTUALLY... we are new mutuals but i basically glanced at ur writing and was immediately wowed o: the level of detail and how many muses u write so well, i am but a humble lil leaf. literally all this back at u, i am THROWING my muses at u.
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theghoulboysblog · 2 days
song: i know the end, by phoebe bridgers.
an edit describing buzzfeed unsolved’s end, and ghost files’ beginning :)
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homielander · 1 year
I hate that they made aegon a rapist (but in some episodes, they tried to give him depth and show how he suffers from his position). it's already not easy being team green, and we still have to pass as apologists, when that shit didn't even happen in the books and no one in that book it's a nice person. it literally is such a gratuitous scene.
me too🥲
aegon was said to get handsy with maidservants in the book but that was the extent of it (as long as we're discounting mushroom, whom i believe should almost always be discounted). i guess i can see why they would put it in there based on that, but they made the adaptational choice to whitewash pretty much every character except aegon, which would be baffling if it weren't very clear what their intention was. i think aegon may actually be the only character who is better in the book than the show. and he actually had one of the more interesting arcs in the book so it's depressing all around
if they were going to make aegon a worse guy than in the book, then they should have at least made rhaenyra book accurate, because making one of them a fundamentally better person than the other undermines the futility of the dance. but i do respect that they wanted to make rhaenyra more likable (though i would say this stretched too far with the erasure of every canonical flaw she had in 1.10 and the white hart) so the easy solution to preserve that theme was to not have aegon casually commit atrocities that are so cartoonish they're not even shown on screen. obviously then they wouldn't have been able to market a proto daenerys to audiences but maybe we'd have an interesting story idk
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and what of your love?
Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader (nsfw / 18+)
part two of the prūmia va perzys (heart on fire) series
part one: 'don't you love me?' , part three: the flames that divide , part four: the aftermath
themes: angst (obvi), smut, mention of violence/death, language, dragonrider!reader (her house is not stated)
word count: 4.6k ▪︎ masterlist
Aemond Targaryen is to be married, but his heart is not in it. In fact, he feels as if he hasn't had a heart ever since you left.
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The message sits on your desk, the words all too vivid and clear, as if mocking you.
"You are cordially requested to bear witness to the union of Prince Aemond Targaryen and his future consort, Lady Alys Rivers..."
You had rushed through the words, in utter disbelief, your heart breaking all the while. Towards the end, it also stated, “His Royal Highness, King Aegon II, wishes to extend a truce, only to the Lady y/n, for the entire duration of the royal festivities, at the behest of Prince Aemond."
Oh please.
It has been over a year since you last saw him in your field, and ever since that night, you've tried your hardest to erase him from your heart. When he played a hand in the death of Lucerys, you were sure that would be the nail in the coffin of whatever love you may have had for him. Sweet, brave Luke who grew to become a brother to you. He was too young. The pain was crippling, the rage it unravelled was immeasurable.
You tell yourself, every day, every hour, that Aemond is lost. The man you once loved, the Prince who relentlessly pursued you, the lover who promised you the world - was no more.
But even you can't fool yourself.
Every time word reaches you of his latest crime, you don't feel hate. You want to only be angry, you should be. But you just can't.
He will always be your Aemond. You may condemn his actions, but you could never cut yourself free of him. He will always have a part of you, which is why you haven't taken any other lover.
But, apparently, he has.
The Lady Alys Rivers was rumoured to be beautiful, and enchanting. The perfect match for the equally alluring young prince.
Oh, seven hells. This must be a joke. Surely, he doesn't think I would actually deign to attend this union.
When you gave word to Daemon and Rhaenyra, they were sure that Aemond is merely toying with you. They knew all too well about your past affair, and seemed assured that this invitation was just a way for Aemond to get under your skin. To get you to lower your defenses.
There was no way you would cross over into enemy territory, given the heightened scale of the ongoing war.
Besides, why the fuck would you want to?
If he truly has forgotten me, if he has truly fallen for another, then I must move on. He no longer is my Aemond. He is hers.
Resolute, you take the parchment, the confirmation of what you have lost, and throw it into the hearth.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
The revelry is in full swing, and the lords and ladies of the court are jovially partaking in the week-long festivities, customary before a grand wedding of a prince of the Seven Kingdoms. Albeit now there is an atmosphere of gloom. A sense of unease due to the war is felt by most, and tonight, ale and dancing and fucking are the thoughtless remedies.
The groom, Prince Aemond, sits stoically at the High Table. His inebriated King brother sits to his left, and his bride, Lady Alys, to his right.
She keeps one hand on him, as she does every time, as if she fears that he might run away.
He has half a mind to do just that, plotting as he sips his wine. You had not showed up. You had not even given any notice of having received the invitation.
Does she know I am to be married? Does she not care?
Aemond downs his cup of wine in one long swig, to which his brother cheers, and pats him on the back.
His soon-to-be wife, glances at him chastisingly, and says, "Slowly, my love, the feast has only just begun."
My love. Aemond whips his head to her in a flash, "I told you not to call me that. Call me whatever you wish, just not that."
Lady Alys flinches at his tone, "Careful with how you address me, Aemond. I am your wife."
Aemond takes another swig after his cup has been filled, "Not yet."
"It makes no difference. I will be, soon," his consort smiles, clearly satisfied with herself, "Dance with me, husband?"
"Hmm," he tries to remain polite, although it's taking much resolve, "you go ahead. I'll remain here for now."
She plants a heavy kiss on his cheek, giggling, and joins the dance, getting lost in the crowd.
Aemond muses about his consort, how provocative and sly she is. The reason why he chose her, after the incessant nagging from his mother Alicent that he should be married, is because she's just about the least likely prospect.
Alicent immediately wanted to marry him off to some other highborn lady, someone more proper. Not the bastard daughter of House Strong, but he disagreed. He had no personal desire to be married, anyway, and is merely performing his duty. Marrying for love was clearly out of the cards, since you...
You. Aemond takes another gulp of wine.
He chose Alys on a whim, but also because she was the most amusing out of his options. She is beautiful, brazen with her words, and didn't care much for pomp and nobility. And, well, she was the one who is the most similar to you. Although, she can never hold a candle to your hold on Aemond's heart.
Aemond didn't love her, no, but he is able to tolerate her at least. He once thought that, perhaps, if you had never been in the picture, maybe Alys might have been able to steal his heart instead.
But you are. And you had.
He wonders if you still feel longing, if you also possess that incessant emptiness in your chest. If you still... love...
Fuck. I need her. He takes another drink.
"Brother," Aegon claps him on the shoulder loudly, jeering, "I've never seen you swig ale that quickly. Don't worry about losing your bachelorhood. You're the fucking Prince! You can have any bedmate you want, and your wife can't say a single thing."
There is it again. Wife. Aemond begins to think it vile. A pang of pity also befalls him for his dear sister Helaena, that she should be saddled with an imbecile of a spouse such as Aegon.
Fortunately, in a twisted way, it may even be beneficial for Helaena that her husband sleeps around, so that she may constantly not be on the receiving end of his nightly drunken stupors.
He wonders, dread and jealousy enveloping him, if you had taken anyone to wed. If he is anything like Aegon is as a husband, then war be damned. He would take Vhagar, reach wherever you and that mongrel may be, and end him.
In truth, even if your chosen consort would be the kindest lord in all of the Seven Kingdoms, Aemond would still crush him. He would burn him to the ground.
Doesn’t she care the same? Why isn’t she here now, putting a halt to this farce of a marriage?
Perhaps, she doesn’t trust me. Of course, why would she? Given what I’ve done…
“I know why your face is so sour,” his drunken brother addresses him again, “It’s because of Lady y/n’s absence, is it not? Well, she may still be present at the actual wedding ceremony.”
“You reek of ale, brother. Drinking like a fucking Braavosi sea horse, as always.” Aemond snaps back, getting tense at the subject of you being brought up.
“Why must you be so into that bitch, Aemond?,” Aegon continues his tirade, “You have a lusty wife now, and you can have a thousand whores besides.”
In an instant, Aemond slams his fist on the table and gets off his seat, drawing everyone’s attention to him. Aegon, the King, shirks away from his brother, knowing it was unwise to get on his nerve. Despite jesting with him so often, he may have forgotten that he shouldn’t have mentioned you in that way.
The Kingsguard draw close, prepared to defend their king. Ser Criston Cole rushes over to Aemond, “Stand down, my prince. Not here.”
Aemond glares at his brother, and if looks could kill…
Until he mumbles that sinister, “Hmm.” He composes himself, and raises a hand up to the guards, and to the crowd, “Carry on.”
The feast reluctantly restarts at first, but moments after, the whole exchange was forgotten.
But Aemond can no longer just sit there. If you weren’t going to come to the feast, or to the wedding, then there may be another way to get you to him.
He stands, ignoring the questioning looks coming his way, and he stalks out of the great hall.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
It has been a long evening, mostly spent in the Black Council, analysing the current trajectory of the war. Everyone was in agreement that the Greens have not made any significant measures due to the ongoing wedding festivities of one Prince Aemond.
Half of the council wanted to strike then, while they were occupied with all that pompous nonsense, while the other half favoured a temporary truce, at least until the nuptials have been finalized, for the sake of upholding and respecting Westerosi tradition.
Daemon, being Daemon, had only this to say, “Oh, who cares if my one-eyed nephew will be wed? All our eggs will be there, drowned in booze, in one basket. We should ride and just burn everything down.”
But that was the problem. Everyone would indeed be there. Even the lords and ladies, the maesters, the children, who were simply forced to side with the Greens, out of fear for their lives. Rhaenyra didn’t want any more unnecessary bloodshed, to which you agree.
You return to your chambers, exhausted, mostly due to the sore subject of Aemond’s wedding having been mentioned often. You were grateful to Rhaenyra, who was quick to change the matter of discussion, when she noticed you were growing uncomfortable.
Walking over to your table, you notice a plain black box, one that was not there when you left. You trace your fingers over it, feeling the smooth wooden exterior, and carefully lift the lid.
Your heart stops.
A cluster of fresh gillyflower lay inside, in a bright burst of red and violet. The flower that grew so wildly in that field. Yours and Aemond’s.
This used to be your tradition. If either of you wished to meet the other there, all you had to do was surreptitiously send some gillyflower. Like your own shared secret message.
Normally, there would be have been a bit of parchment, with sweet words imprinted.
My love.
My flower.
Come to me.
Each day without you is one I cannot bear.
Now, there was none. But you are sure, this can only be from Aemond.
Should I…? What if it’s a trap?
You mind races, heart beating wildly. You want nothing more than to take the risk, but what of your allegiance? Would you be betraying them? You should be concerned for your safety, but you also knew, he would never hurt you.
You need answers. You need revenge. You need Ae…
Oh, seven hells. Grabbing your sword, and putting on your cloak, you make your way out the door.
“Going somewhere?”, Daemon stands, leaning against the wall, as if expecting you to come out at any moment.
“Daemon,” you say, surprised. The cloak and the sheathed sword surely gave you away.
“It’s my nephew, isn’t it?”
“I intercepted the messenger who brought over that box. I wondered about the contents, but then, who else could it be from?”
“Hmm,” you whisper, knowing it futile to hide anything from Daemon, “he wishes to meet me. I know not what for.”
“And you’re going.” He replies, as if stating a fact.
You nod, thinking of the right thing to say next. About how you will never betray Rhaenyra, how you only need to see him even if you’re not sure why, how you will be able to fend for yourself.
But your worries are quelled when Daemon says, “You better hurry then.”
“Daemon,” you say, not expecting him to just let this slide so easily.
“Listen, y/n, I trust you. I trust that you know what you’re doing,” he moves closer to you, “As for my nephew, he may be a bloody monster, and I may never forgive him, but I’m sure he thinks himself lucky to have someone like you to love him truly.”
You stare at him in admiration. There was a reason why Daemon drew so many people to him. He was cunning and highly dangerous, yes. But he was also intelligent and fair.
“I myself think the same way in that I have Rhaenyra to love me, as wretched as I am,” he smiles, and nudges your shoulder, “Go.”
You start to walk away, but you turn back once more, “Thank you, Daemon.”
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
The field is more or less the same, although the growth of gillyflower has become more relentless, pockets of red and violet and white spread all throughout.
You dismount from your dragon, close to Vhagar, and the great and terrifying beast only grunts in recognition. You were one of the only two people whom she was comfortable around, after your many trysts spent riding with Aemond.
“Hello again, you beauty,” you call out to her, “Where is your master, hmm?”
The field itself was empty, but there was a new fixture in the distance, close to the hills. A small, stone cabin, with faint candlelight burning inside.
Steeling yourself, you make your way over, knowing that nothing can truly prepare you for what’s to come.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
“My love.”
You hear him the moment you walk inside, and you have to stop yourself from running straight into his arms. You raise your head, and finally meet his gaze.
Aemond looks rougher, more rugged. As if the war has taken its toll. All the fighting must have strained him, as his figure is still lean and lithe but more muscular.
“Aemond,” you finally say, taking a quick glance around the room. It’s a humble space, with a large bed pushed up against the wall, candles haphazardly placed around the room. You see a bunch of gillyflower on a round table, weapons hung neatly above the fireplace, as well as…
Aemond follows your eyeline, and takes the framed image from the wall.
“Do you wish to see it?” he says, but he’s already handing it to you.
Taking it in your hands, you study the image containing a likeness of you. Every detail of your face, to your neck, down to your shoulders, portrayed by an artist’s skilled hand.
You try to comprehend what the fuck exactly it is you’re looking at, and you also can’t seem to grasp how cordial Aemond is acting about everything.
As if he hadn’t played a hand in the demise of some people you truly cared for.
You slowly hand the painting back to him, the words stuck in your throat.
He hangs it back up, “Beautiful, isn’t it, my love? I had it made not too long ago. As for this place, well, I needed somewhere where I can still have you. One way or another.”
“What are you talking about?” you manage to say.
“I haven’t been able to see you in far too long, my love. Too. Long.”
“There’s a clear reason for that, Aemond,” you say firmly, growing uneasy at the unhinged look in his eye, unblinking, devouring the sight of you.
He reaches for your hands, and you instinctively flinch backwards.
“Don’t, Aemond.”
“Why not, hmm?” he circles you, pacing ever so slowly, stopping just behind you, “You came here on your own volition, pet. You wanted to come, to see me.”
“I came to talk.”
“Hmm,” he makes the low noise that he always does, and it makes you want to just capture that sound from his lips with your own. He lowers the hood of your cloak, and you just stand there, letting the situation unfold.
Aemond’s fingers brush purposefully against the back of your neck as he takes your cloak off, and leaves in it a pile by your feet.
He steps closer, and you feel his breath against your neck. Using one hand, he pulls you to his chest. You don’t want to turn around and face him, afraid you might lose control, but you also can’t find it in you to move away.
“You built this place,” you state, your voice flat.
“This is our secret place, y/n,” he whispers close to your ear, “Every corner is a tribute to you. There is your picture, your favourite flowers, the sheets are of your favourite colour, the volumes on the mantel are the stories you like the most. Through this, I have some way of being with you.”
“Aemond,” you force yourself to pull away from him, “my love.”
“You finally said it,” he smiles.
“What?” you lean against a wall.
“My love,” he says, and moves to sit on a chair opposite you, “you’ve called me by name since you arrived, until then. Even though I don’t mind the way my name rolls off of your sweet tongue.”
“Stop,” you remind yourself that you came here for answers, “why did you call me here? Aren’t you about to wed?”
“Only for the sake of my duty, to further the Targaryen line.”
“Really? Why Alys Rivers then? Why not some highborn, legitimate lady?” your voice grows cold, and Aemond smirks at your jealousy.
“Because I simply don’t care. It pisses mother off, and you as well, it seems.”
“It doesn’t matter. You’re free to wed whomever you wish, Aemond.”
“No,” he says, “I am not. Otherwise, I would have wed you a long time ago.”
“Well, your actions have forever buried that possibility,” you say too quickly, ire reflected in your words.
He flinches at your words, his lips pursing, “I only do what I have to do.”
“You didn’t have to kill Luke!” you lunge forward, your hand flying to the hilt of your sword by your waist.
Aemond notices your movement, but does nothing, “Hmm, Luke was merely a casualty in this war.”
“He was your family, Aemond. He was just a child. Why?”
He says nothing, and looks at you up and down, assessing your growing distress.
“Do you even regret it?” you ask.
A long pause passes, until he says, “I only regret that it has caused you pain.”
“Wrong answer, Aemond.” You unsheathe your sword, holding it out straight it front of you, “Fight me.”
This is the only right thing you can think of doing. The other things that have crossed your mind were completely unsavoury, unthinkable acts to do with the murderer who caused the death of your friend. You shouldn’t reach for him, you shouldn’t kiss him, you shouldn’t admire him, you shouldn’t run your fingers down his scar with reverence. Never again.
So, perhaps, you should bring him to justice.
“My love,” his tone is amused, and you grow even more frustrated.
“Get your sword.”
He stands, a sly curve on his prominent bowed lips.
My brave girl, he thinks.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re angry.”
For fuck’s sake, Aemond. No. “Your sword, Aemond.”
He backs away slowly to where his sword hangs above the fireplace, takes it, and diligently twirls it in one hand.
Your nerve starts to fail. Aemond was surely a better swordsman; he has been furiously training all his life. But, well, so have you.
Long ago, you and him even trained together. You may stand a chance.
“Your move, pet,” he says, tauntingly.
You cross the distance between the two of you, and deal the first parry, your blades connecting loudly in the air. An electric pause occurs, and Aemond smirks at you.
You dodge to the side, and lunge at him again. He easily deflects the blow.
You circle each other, and it’s unclear as to who is the predator and who is the prey.
Aemond deals a wide overhead arch, and you’re quick to block it halfway. This brings his face dangerously close to yours, and he whispers, nearly against your lips, “Surrender, my love.”
“Never,” you lunge backwards again, and Aemond twirls his sword smoothly, once, twice, and another final time.
Then, he spins in a circle, his sword a mere blur in the air, before delivering his final stroke, pushing you against the wall, the edge of his blade an inch away from your neck.
But, you were able to anticipate this, at the last second, as your sword slipped from your grasp.
“I win, pet. You’re mine.”
“Think again.” you whisper, and when he looks down, he finally notices the sharp edge of your knife poking at his ribs.
He looks at you in awe, “Well, I suppose we both have each other then, my love.”
He lunges forward, and claims your lips in a searing kiss. Wild, and passionate, as if to make up for lost time. Your respective blades remain where they are, and he muses, “Hmm, you know, we could just kill each other here. A glorious lovers’ death.”
“Aemond,” you say, out of breath from the kiss, and let your knife clatter to the floor.
He does the same with his sword, and pushes you against the wall once more, using his whole body to keep you in place.
“Tell me what you came for, my love. The truth.”
“I…” you say, deciding to let everything go, “I came for you.”
That is all he needed. And, for you, it feels freeing to allow yourself to just want Aemond. To love him. Despite what’s he has done, and how wrong this may be.
Your Aemond.
You run your fingers down the side of his face, and he shuts his eye in ecstasy. Your fingers stop at his eyepatch, asking permission, and he nods once, immediately.
His sapphire eye never fails to take your breath away. If anything, it only made him look otherworldly. Ethereal.
“Beautiful,” you whisper, and his heart swells.
He takes your face in his hand, admiration raw in his expression. Then he lifts you, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Your lips battle each other, as he strides over to the bed. He gently lowers you, and your arms naturally reach for his neck, bringing him down with you.
He chuckles deeply, flattered by your eagerness, “Patience, my love.”
“I have been patient,” you respond, as he nips at your neck, “but now I just want to take.”
“Hmm,” he muses, “I’ve missed your fire.”
“I’ve missed my dragon.”
“And,” he says, softly, pausing to kiss you, “a dragon…” another kiss, “is nothing…”, and another, “without its fire.”
“Oh, Aemond.”
He presses his forehead to yours, “I am lost without you.”
He makes swift work of untying your dress, only pausing to leave kisses down your body, until you’re left in a sheer white shift. You sit up, helping him remove his tunic, admiring every ripple of muscle, every new scar, every stretch of his glowing skin. His hair had come loose, the signature Targaryen silver like an aura surrounding him.
When he’s undressed, he takes the final piece of clothing off of you, the white shift that leaves nothing to the imagination, and throws that to the floor with the rest.
You begin a sort of dance, one that you both know so well, repeated over many sleepless nights filled with passion.
He always starts with you, lowering himself down to your heat. You almost come undone every time you see him, lips close to your entrance, before he makes the first taste. His eye gleams up at you, and then he begins.
Tongue swirling at your entrance, while his thumb masterfully plays with your folds. He keeps at it for a long moment, before he takes a second to look you right in the eye while he brings his fingers to his lips.
“Mmm,” he breathes, then he lowers his lips to your wet cunt once more.
“Aemond,” your fist bunch up at the sheets, your back arches, your toes curl.
He makes you tremble, your breath hitching at intervals.
He feels you getting close, so he licks one last strip upward, “Not yet, my love.”
“Yes, my prince.”
“Hmm, say that again,” he gets up, positioning his knees on either side of your thighs.
“My Prince Aemond,” you say, “Mine.”
“Yours,” he purrs.
He takes your lips again, an action you will never grow tired of, his fingers gripping your hair. He kisses down your cheek, your jaw, then your neck. He sucks at the flesh, marking his territory, making you press your pelvis onto his, feeling the length of his hardened shaft.
“Hmm,” he shivers, “fuck.”
You wrap your legs around his waist, urging him to position himself, and he does.
His pushes his tip to your cunt. Torturously, but only just.
“Oh, for gods’ sake,” you moan, “come inside me, Aemond.”
He laughs, “As you wish, my love.”
He stretches you wide, pushing inch by inch, and you have to grow accustomed to his size once more.
“Oh, fuck,” you moan.
“Does it hurt badly, my love?” he is quick to ask, watching your face intently.
“It’s okay,” you grip the back of his neck, “keep going.”
With one deep grunt, he fills you completely, thrusting deep.
He moans, music to your ears, and whispers your name. He rolls his hips backward, then forward again, the motion more rough this time, moving your entire body upward.
“Aemond,” you whisper, “my Aemond.”
“My love,” he looks at you in wonder, sprawled beneath him, “it’s only been you. It will only ever be you.”
You pull his face down to yours, kissing him passionately. His hips resume movement. Slow, deep thrusts at first.
Then he turns wild. He ruts into you, quicker, more frantic, the smacking sounds of flesh and sweat, and unhinged animalistic moans echoing throughout the room.
He does a surprising move, his fingers first drifting around your neck, then applying pressure, and he looks like a vengeful, hot-blooded god above you. His face hovers just inches above yours, and his grip on your neck unexpectedly excites you, the danger of Aemond only serving to make things more erotic, and reckless. Your dark prince.
You dig your nails into his wrist, returning the pressure.
“You should have married me,” he breathes, “why didn’t you run away with me?”
“Aemond,” everything throbs, the fire in your abdomen reaching its climax, from his frenzied thrusts, to his hand on your neck, to his crazed expression.
“You’re mine. They can’t have you. No one else can.” His words are punctuated with hard thrust, after hard thrust.
Almost simultaneously, gloriously, you both come apart. Aemond spasms inside you, filling you with his seed. Your hips continue to jerk against him, as you writhe uncontrollably, riding down your high.
He places one more soft kiss upon your lips, then collapses beside you.
You close your eyes in satisfaction, letting the feeling wash over you.
You feel his fingertips on your neck, and you open your eyes, finding him lying on his side, studying you.
“Was that okay?" he asks, referring to his grip on your neck.
“Mhmm,” you reassure him, turning to your side as well.
He hums in return, before smirking, “I knew you couldn’t resist.”
You laugh at his forwardness, and he looks at you lovingly.
He leans forward to kiss you, “My heart has returned.”
You feel a pang of guilt at how you left him, all that time ago, even if it may have been the right thing to do. It will never be simple between you and Aemond.
“I missed you,” you say wholeheartedly.
“And what of your love?” he says, taking your hand.
“My Aemond,” you press your forehead to his, “It will never be gone.”
taglist: @dazecrea @ladystardvsts @afro-hispwriter @dudfahsn @poohkie90 @literishdegree99 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @lilostif16 @deeeeexx @nephitis @ladymoon666 @minicikasworld @livimulati @the-orions-belt @blueskies4everxo @stillinracooncity @julieeba @lawlerek @missusnora @wickedbutlovely @camspnt @umavvitch @claudie-080102 @abcdefghi-lmnopqrstuvwxyz @puredicks @crazylokonugget @lj127 @amethystwonders11 @icarusignite @mandyki @darylandbethfanforever9 @highexpectationsgurl @narwhal-swimmingintheocean
I've decided to save most of the sadness & regret for the next part, and yes, there will be a part 3. Our boy Aemond is still to be married after all. And he is still a "bloody monster" with majestic hair.
I hope I've tagged all those who asked - I'll keep yous tagged for any upcoming Aemond fic as well.
Taglist open - just comment.
PS. Alys Rivers is apparently Aemond's lover in the books, and I fear the feral jealous monster I will become if they decide to show that old hag in the upcoming seasons of HOTD. Sorry, not sorry.
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
"When Ghana’s parliament voted to decriminalise suicide and attempted suicide in March, Prof Joseph Osafo felt a weight lift from his shoulders.
Osafo, head of psychology at the University of Ghana, had been engaged in a near 20-year battle to abolish the law – brought in by the British – which stated that anyone who attempts suicide should face imprisonment or a fine.
“It was a very good feeling. I felt like a certain burden had been removed. I was extremely elated,” he remembers. “Then the next morning, I realised we had a lot of work to do.”
Four countries decriminalised suicide in just the past year
Ghana is one of four countries to have decriminalised suicide in the past year – Malaysia, Guyana and Pakistan are the others. More could soon follow, which campaigners say is a sign of greater awareness and understanding of mental health. Kenya and Uganda have filed petitions to overturn laws and members of the UN group of Small Island Developing States have committed to decriminalise. Discussions are also being held in Nigeria and Bangladesh.
“There seems to be a domino effect taking place,” says Muhammad Ali Hasnain, a barrister from United for Global Mental Health, a group calling for decriminalisation. “As one country decriminalises suicide, others start to follow suit.”
“It is quite unusual,” adds Sarah Kline, the organisation’s chief executive. “It’s a huge sign of progress and an important step forward for the populations most at risk, as well as the countries as a whole.” ...
A large number of laws were introduced by the British during colonial rule. Suicide was decriminalised in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in the 1960s – it was never criminalised in Scotland...
The results of these punishments can be “devastating” and present “a huge barrier” to addressing the problem, says Natalie Drew, a technical officer with the mental health policy and service development team at the World Health Organization. Health experts and advocates argue that suicide should be treated as a public health issue rather than a crime.
Criminalising suicide denies people the right to access health services and discriminates against them because of something they’re experiencing, Drew adds. Research shows that in countries where suicide has been decriminalised, people can seek help for mental health and rates tend to then decline.
Next Steps
In September, the WHO is due to release a guide on decriminalising suicide for policymakers, with explanations of how countries have managed it...
“[Ghana’s decision] should have an impact on the work ongoing in other countries, especially in the Africa region,” says Osafo. Within the past couple of months, he has set up a mental health working group with representatives from about 20 African countries, and one of the biggest issues on the agenda is decriminalisation of suicide, he says. “Nigeria is active, Cameroon is active … Kenya has joined and is doing fantastic work. We have Uganda. People have been asking us how we did it.”
Since suicide was decriminalised in Malaysia last month, Anita Abu Bakar, founder and president of the Mental Illness Awareness and Support Association (Miasa), has already seen things change. Crisis response teams and helplines are expanding, and money from the mental health budget is being given to organisations who work in the community. “This is the shift we’re so happy to see,” she says. “It was such an archaic law.”
She adds: “I’m a person with lived experience. What does decriminalisation mean to people like me? We feel supported, we feel this conversation can go to a different level. Obviously decriminalisation is not the only way to prevent suicide, but it’s a big one. I’m happy for this progressive move – better late than never. I’m excited to see what happens next, not just for Malaysia but for the rest of us.”"
-via The Guardian, July 20, 2023
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kanelia · 21 days
honestly the intensity and even vulgarity of the backlash ive seen to the notion that it's worthwhile to talk about moc on white women rape has made me lose my last shred of respect for the average intersectional 'radfem', as well as my willingness to take their words in good faith by default. if making your own post, no derailment from other women's own issues, is inherently unacceptable because it paints moc in a bad light for committing rape, where is the feminism at all lmfao. and by the way, doesn't this line of reasoning sound oddly familiar? like, perhaps, we've already heard it applied to some begendered demographic of men, maybe?
I have now watched for the past 7 months the tumblr radfems share antisemitic disinformation and historical revisionism, so them clutching their pearls over this latest racism drama has made me roll my eyes a bit.
Whether people would like it to be true or not, it is quite well documented that in Norway, Sweden and Finland, men immigrating from certain countries are overrepresented in sex crime statistics despite being such a small minority. Obviously, there are some natural explanations to this like that the majority of people we have taken in from those countries are young men (a major brainfart), and everyone knows men integrate worse than women and love to commit crimes. However, from what I have understood, it does not entirely explain the phenomenon. Then what does? Is our police more willing to pursue sex criminals that are not natives? Maybe. Does the culture of these men have an impact? Psychologists who have talked to these men seem to think so. However, we do not really know because it is so difficult to research or even talk about this topic without getting caught between far-right and far-left. Far-right obviously uses this to justify their racism towards people of colour. Far-left, on the other hand, gaslights and screams 'racism' at anyone who tries to touch the subject. It is almost impossible to find objective analysis. Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote a good article about this.
The thing with tumblr radfems and other lefties in general is that (no matter if they actually are American or not) they tend to have such an 'americanised' point of view when it comes to race, women's rights, social issues, and history. They seem to have this weird black-and-white (no pun intented) thinking where the whole world is a sort of extension of American society and people are monoliths based on their skin colour. All nations with the mostly white populations are some oppressor/coloniser/slaver states and non-western nations with a mostly black or brown populations are constant victims of 'whites' no matter how much they discriminate against their women, minorities and neighbouring states. And when you bring up certain subjects, they instantly think about their own Western white men versus their own Western men of colour - not men from the most gender equal countries in the world (I would like to point out the USA is only on rank 43 when it comes to gender equality while 4 out of 5 Nordic countries are on top 6) versus men who immigrate to these countries from the countries ranking the lowest when it comes to women's rights. Then they come to some pretty ridiculous conclusions like 'culture does not have an impact, it is all about class', 'you must think white men [the monolith] rapes less' and 'do you know what vikings did 1000 years ago'.
It is a little funny how everyone here seems to recognise the impact of male and female socialisation and how misogyny is largely learned, but simultanously likes to pretend an average man brought up in ultra religious conservative third-world country, where women are not even allowed to go to school or work or where rape cases are resolved by making the woman marry their rapist, has the exact same attitude towards women as an average man who has been brought up in a country with female presidents and prime ministers. Are we also supposed to pretend that if a man from the times of 'hysterical women just have wandering uteruses and should not vote' time travelled here, he would look at women from the same point of view as a modern man? If there are no cultural differences, aren't we supposed to come to the conclusion that actually it is just as bad for women everywhere? If yes, then what are the comparisons about gender equality between countries based on?
If I, as a Scandinavian woman, went ahead and claimed I face the same amount of misogyny in my everyday life as, for example, a Sudanese woman, I would be just blatantly lying and soon receiving some pretty angry anons. I have been told a few times that I am privileged compared to women living in the African countries or in the MENA region. And I agree. But what is my privilege as a Nordic woman based on? What or who makes it worse for women in these other countries? I thought we all agreed it was a 3 letter word starting with an m and ending with an n. Why are we suddenly pretending there is no connection?
This does not obviously mean men are better or worse because of their ethnicity, skin colour or what is in their blood. However, they are a product of their environment. Everyone knows that in certain countries the more extreme levels of misogyny are more common. It is one of those things that we are for some reason now supposed to pretend we do not know, but everyone knows it. Pointing this out most certainly does not mean Nordic men do not rape (they very much do) or that Nordic men are not misogynistic (they very much are), but compared to some of the worst countries for women in the world, Nordic countries are still among the best places for women to live. Not because of our men are somehow naturally 'better' or some crap, but because we have been historically lucky when it comes to our foremothers being able to advance women's rights. And, in my opinion, no matter how 'white' our women are, they still have a right to ask questions and express their worry over what kind of impact men, coming from cultures with non-existent women's right, are going to have on our societies. It is a valid question and I wish women would talk more about this from their native perspective. However, after seeing how rapid this topic gets every time, I do not think we are that far yet.
This is a difficult and sensitive subject, but there are still more than just two ways to approach it. It is not that either you are a racist, who thinks men's misogyny is based on their skin colour, or you must think an environment or culture has no impact whatsoever on how men treat women.
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flowerandblood · 8 months
The Prince and The Fox (3)
[ modern! • Aemond x friend! • female ]
[ warnings: kissing, mention of sexual abuse, violence, trauma ]
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[ description: After the events of her childhood, despite her best efforts, her neighbor and the younger brother of her friend Helaena, Aemond, does not want to know her. This state lasts until a house party organized by his older brother, Aegon, during which an incident occurs that will change their relationship forever. Slow burn, angst, toxic ex-Alys, rough Aemond. This is several anon requests combined into one fic. ]
WARNING: The main plot between the characters takes place in high school. Yes, in high school. The belief that teenagers wait with an intimacy when they are in love in high school is ridiculous to me. Aemond and the character here are the same age. Don't ask me how old they are, in my country you are of the age of consent in your first year of high school and an adult in the last year of high school, so if it is more convenient for you, think about it that way and decide for yourself. In this story, I am not following the trail that they are magically friends right away, but how they become friends and what that even means. I'm writing this fic to give the perspective of young, lost people, not adult women who want to see exactly themselves in everything they read. If that's all you expect, this isn't the fic for you.
I don't want whining about this in my comments or asks. I will delete these and block you. You have been warned. Aemond + Evans Series Moodboard
This is my first story that has its own playlist, but yes! Get in the mood! Story Music Playlist. Song used in this chapter: Don't Bring Me Down by Electric Light Orchestra.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
From that day on, they both took off their earphones when they stood together at the bus stop. Her presence had apparently stopped being awkward for him and he had become addicted to listening to Kajagoogoo, although he admitted it reluctantly.
"They have a terrible band name, but that bass is fucking awesome. They got really into my head and it's good to listen to them in the background while doing something else at the same time." He muttered, without looking at her, scrolling something on his phone.
She knew this was his way of distracting himself from the stress of the conversation, that he wasn't good at it and pretended to be indifferent, his lips tightened.
Since the whole thing reached the headmaster of the school the matter became very serious and Cregan was not laughing anymore. The headmaster became very concerned about the whole situation and even though it was not the school where the sexual abuse took place, bullying did.
On the corridor cameras, Cregan could be seen knocking her over by propping her up with his leg, as one of his buddies scratched the word 'liar' with his key on her locker.
Although these were not crimes for which you could go to jail, the principal invited her to an interview accompanied by the school psychologist. The headmaster asked her if she wanted someone to accompany her during this talk and she said without thinking: Aemond.
She surprised him when she asked him to go with her to his office, he was the only one to witness it all and she was afraid to be there alone. He just nodded and answered nothing, clicking something on his phone, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
They went there together.
The director approached the matter with understanding and quoted to her what he had heard the day before from Aemond.
"Your colleague told me that he witnessed the incident and that there is video footage of what happened. I also know that Cregan's classmates nag you a lot because they prefer to believe him. The psychologist and I thought that, if you agree, we would give his class some shock therapy and show them the part of the video that shows him hurting you.
Of course, we will only do this if you agree, however, we believe that if Mr Stark loses his credibility, you will regain your composure and be able to focus on your education rather than the unpleasant incidents you continue to face from them. We know that the footage shows nothing of which you would be ashamed, nor of course your exposed body." He concluded, glancing uncertainly at the lady psychologist.
She didn't know what to say, she could feel her heart pounding hard.
"Think it over calmly. It's just a suggestion and you don't have to do it. We want to help you and we know it's hard for you." Said the psychologist in a soft, calm voice.
She looked apprehensively at Aemond, who was staring at her out of the corner of his eye with his lips tightened, himself clearly not sure what he was thinking.
"It's your decision. You don't have to do it. But I think this bugger deserves it. He walks around the school like a king, he thinks you don't have the guts to show it. That you'll be embarrassed when he's the one who should be ashamed of himself." He said lowly, and she thought with pain that he was right.
Why should he spread rumours about her, lie that she wanted this?
"Fine." She mumbled, the headmaster sighed quietly.
"Do you want to be there when we show them this?" He asked lowly, and she shook her head quickly.
She delivered an excerpt of the video to the director that next day. He and the lady psychologist watched it to make sure that the video would not portray her in a negative light and make matters worse, but what they saw left no illusions.
She knew that the headmaster would go to Cregan's class with the psychologist at their advisory class and throughout the day she felt like she was going to die, her whole body was trembling, she hadn't eaten anything and she was cold.
As she sat during one of the breaks outside the classroom, staring dully at the floor Aemond sat down next to her and sighed, taking out of his pocket her favourite chocolate bar, Milkyway, which he must have bought from the school vending machine. She looked at him gratefully and shook her head.
"Have you eaten anything today?" He asked lowly and she shook her head again, lowering her gaze.
"I won't swallow anything. My stomach has been hurting since this morning."
They sat side by side like that, their shoulders and knees touching, not speaking until the bell rang announcing that the break was over.
They sat down to their benches, the teacher came in, but she couldn't concentrate on what he was saying, terrified.
Everyone was watching it now.
She covered her face with her hands, thinking that she had made a mistake, that it would get worse.
However, to her surprise, as she walked out of the classroom she was approached by several people from his class who had also thrown unpleasant comments at her earlier, including his buddy, who shouted to her and Aemond at the time whether they were going to go fuck.
They stood for a moment as if they didn't know what to say.
"Hi. We saw the video. I…fuck." Said the boy, scratching his brow with his thumb, pale, embarrassed, horrified. "I…I really believed him. I swear to you I would never have suspected he was capable of such a thing. When I watched you pull away from him and he wouldn't let you go…fuck, a red light should have lit up in my head earlier as he said he was going to fuck you, but I thought, I don't know, that's what you want, that you're into him, not that…"
He stammered, all red, she could see he was barely holding back tears. He shrugged his shoulders.
"And yet I acted like a stupid piece of shit to you. Then, after all of that. I believed my mate, I thought I knew him." He said without looking at her, his other colleagues nodding.
"We're ashamed. He walked around talking about it as if nothing had happened, as if it was just your imagination. He cried in class as the principal came in and said what he was going to show us. I think he realised he was going to lose a lot of friends."
She looked at them all with her heart beating hard, scared and ashamed at the same time, not knowing what she should say to them.
Most of all, however, she felt relieved.
They had finally left her alone.
If she could consider that something good had come out of all this, it was certainly her relationship with Aemond. They only talked on the bus or while waiting for him at the bus stop, usually about school, teachers, homework, or music.
He played her songs on his earphones when she asked him if he could recommend something new to her, however, he always listened to Kajagoogoo with her on the way to school.
She liked the fact that this had already become their routine, something they shared, proof that they had established a bond, this time unforced, desired from both sides.
She found to her surprise that he was actually a very sensitive, calm man.
She really liked him.
Helaena was very concerned about all that had happened, and wrote to her often to find out how she was feeling. She didn't want to impose on her and didn't visit her at home.
However, one day she asked if she would like to stay with her for the night and sleep in her room, talk about everything that was on her mind and then watch Shrek together or another cartoon they loved as children.
She thought it was a good idea.
She arrived at the appointed time in the evening, Alicent opened the door, smiling warmly and embracing her.
Since the situation with Cregan it seemed that their families had become closer, her parents were extremely grateful to Aemond for what he had done and always greeted him when they saw him on the street or in the shop, embarrassing him.
She saw Helaena run out from over her shoulder and wave to her, holding two bags of their favourite Chips and a carton of orange juice.
Walking towards the stairs she swallowed loudly as she saw the exit to the garden, feeling an unpleasant tightening in her pit and a cold sweat on her back.
She squealed when suddenly Vhagar ran out at them from upstairs, wagging her tail and barking, happy that they had a visitor, almost knocking her over.
"Vhagar!" She heard his impatient, low voice. "Come back here! Immediately."
Vhagar ran up to him, looking at him with her big, pleading black eyes, and he sighed as he stroked her fur. She smiled at him as she passed him, they threw each other a brief, shy 'hi' before she disappeared with Helaena into her room.
Although she didn't want to at first, she felt she had to get it out of her, that she couldn't take it anymore, that it was poisoning her from the inside.
They were both sitting in their pyjamas, T-shirts and shorts on her carpet, a bowl full of crisps and two glasses full of juice between them.
"At first when he touched my thigh I thought − gee, maybe he really likes me that much that he can't stop, I don't know. I felt, I sensed something was wrong and I'm mad that I didn't push him away then! I went outside with him because I thought maybe I don't know, he wants to sit with me in an embrace, stroke me, hold my hand, kiss me. And when he slipped his hand under my dress, when he squeezed me, when he wouldn't let me move or pull away I felt…" She stammered, feeling her voice break, her throat tighten, tears gather in her eyes.
"…God, I just felt that I was very afraid of him, that it was very bad and terrible, that I didn't want it, that he was hurting me, that it was such a bad touch, I don't know how to describe it." She mumbled, Helaena looking at her with her lips slightly parted, her eyebrows arched in pain, her light hair tied up in a bun.
"It felt like I couldn't breathe, it felt like I wanted to scream, like someone was skinning me, it's this feeling of sudden panic, but also something else, like deep in your lower abdomen, this all-consuming fear and terror, like the air is stuck in your throat and you can't catch your breath." She muttered quickly, shaking her head, refusing to let the tears flow, her lips tightening.
"I don't know how he can think it's nothing. To live with the fact that I asked him to stop and he didn't." She shrugged her shoulders, Helaena got up and sat beside her, embracing her, letting her lie on her thighs.
She burst into tears when she started to stroke her head, when she told her that it wasn't her fault and that no one blamed her, that just because she hadn't pushed him away at first didn't mean he had the right to do what he did, that he had done it deliberately and premeditatedly, that no meant no.
She shuddered and lifted her gaze when she heard movement near her room, as if someone had moved out of place, and then the quiet sound of a door opening and closing.
Was he listening to what she was talking about? Was he eavesdropping on them?
She pressed her lips together, lowering her head, feeling ashamed.
She said she would go to the toilet to bring herself to order, but in fact she went to his door, hearing from it the song he had shown her a few days before, 'Don't Bring Me Down' played by the Electric Light Orchestra.
She knocked loudly and heard that after a moment the music quieted, someone's footsteps on the other side.
He opened the door and looked at her in surprise, involuntarily glancing down at her bare legs and then at her face again, swallowing loudly.
"Were you eavesdropping?" She asked reproachfully.
He pressed his lips together, looking away.
"Yeah. I'm sorry." He said low with sincere regret. "I wanted to know how you were feeling. How you're coping with it."
"Can't you just ask me?" She said regretfully, looking at him with her eyebrows arched in pain, feeling the tears under her eyelids again, emotionally unhinged from what she had recounted.
He looked at her surprised, she could see that he was uncomfortable. He let out a loud breath.
"I'm not good at this. At talking. I didn't know if I should ask. Whether it was the right thing to do. I don't know what more I could say." He muttered, shrugging his shoulders, looking everywhere but at her.
"You can ask me anything you want. I trust you." She said softly, and he swallowed loudly, as if for some reason her words caused him pain, as if he wanted to say something more, as if he had something on the tip of his tongue.
She waited patiently for him to pull himself together, for him to think through what he wanted to say. He looked at her.
"I hated you all these years. I hated you because I saw you as a person who does everything for show. For show you baked me cakes to make you feel good about yourself, for show you came here and apologised to me, always loud, always first everywhere, you always had to have your opinion about everything." He said low and fast, and she felt the cold sweat on her back and the frighteningly strong pounding of her heart as she looked at him in disbelief.
"When I heard what Cregan said to his mates I thought I should warn you. To say: be careful, he's planning something more, he's talking about you to his mates as if you were an object. But I didn't. Because I didn't like you." He muttered and she saw his lower lip tremble, his healthy eye red, his breath hitched.
"If I told you, it wouldn't have happened. Do you know how I have you saved on my phone?" He asked in a trembling voice, a single tear running down his cheek.
She felt tear after tear begin to run down her face, she drew in air loudly feeling tightness in her throat, she felt like someone was tearing her heart from the inside out, a strange, broken sound came from her chest.
"Please, hug me." She mumbled so pitifully that his face contorted in a grimace of pain and regret, he pulled her to him instantly and she clamped her hands on the material of his Tshirt, sobbing loudly, his arms wrapped around her tightly on each side.
"− I'm sorry −" He muttered in a low, hoarse, breaking voice. "− I'm sorry −"
She lifted her gaze to him, trying to catch her breath, and he lowered his head to look at her, their faces almost touching, their hot breaths surrounding their skin.
She felt something strange looking at him so closely, she thought he had a lovely eye colour, that he had fine cheekbones, a pleasing nose and forehead. Something changed in his gaze when he noticed that she glanced at his lips and found them surprisingly full, they looked soft, slightly parted in his accelerated breathing.
She felt his body tense up, felt his fingers clench tighter on her back. All she could hear was the loud pounding of her heart and their breaths, nothing more.
"− wanna kiss? −" She heard him whisper, as if it was a kind of casual proposal, as if he was asking her if she felt like eating something or going for a walk.
She swallowed loudly, glancing at him again, and simply nodded.
She didn't have time to take another breath and his warm, soft lips were already on hers, she felt his hand on the back of her neck which drew her close, making his job easier, he sighed as if with some kind of relief.
She had never suspected that kisses were so wet and sticky, so noisy, but she didn't want him to stop, so she stroked his scarred cheek with her hand, closing her eyes, mimicking his movements, brushing her lips against his with a loud click.
She tightened her second hand in his short, light hair, feeling the heat in her lower abdomen, feeling the pulsation between her thighs, his lips wonderfully soft, moist and firm, he brushed and sucked her fleshy skin, their breaths loud and drawn out.
"− fuck −" He growled out between one loud click of saliva and the next, panting along with her, their kisses increasingly deep, intimate, passionate and wet.
They pulled away from each other suddenly, breathing as if they had run a marathon, looking at each other in disbelief.
"− I − are you all right? −" He mumbled, his healthy eye wide open in panic.
She just nodded, feeling that she looked just like him. She moved away from him and he let her go immediately, running his hand over his mouth and chin in a gesture of disbelief.
"− I − fuck −" He muttered and they both gasped when they heard the sound of the door opening, Helaena leaned her head out, clearly worried that she hadn't been back for so long.
"− are you okay? −" She asked loudly, surprised, and she nodded, looking up at him with her heart pounding like mad, swallowing hard.
"− y-yes − I − I am coming −" She muttered and ran towards her, Helaena smiled at her and closed the door behind her.
She said she had already found Shrek online on her laptop and everything was ready to watch. She smiled and sat down on her bed next to her, trying to focus on what she was seeing, but her thoughts, as well as her heart, were with someone else, a few rooms away.
They kissed.
Good God.
An excellent start to a friendly relationship indeed.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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a0random0gal · 8 months
"Alicent should have killed Aegon for what he did to Dyana. Is this how she defends SA victims?"
Has to be one of the shittiest takes I've ever had the displeasure of reading in the hotd fandom.
I genuinely cannot believe that a lot of people think this, like, are you guys insane??? Lmao casually saying this as if they aren't demanding a mother to execute her child.
I get it blacks, you are mad that Aegon raped Dyana, trust me, it upsets me too. It's horrible and unexcusable, I don't condone at all. It would be very concerning if I did.
With that said, what exactly were you expecting Alicent to do?
Tell all of Westeros that because the prince assaulted a servant ( I would like to remind you, a generous chunk of nobles has certainly done it as well to some degree.) he has to face justice and be executed.
Whaaat? Westeros is not in the 21st century, it doesn't work like that, by their standards it probably wasn't even considered rape! They would just think the prince had honored her with his attention and she had showed ungratefulness.
She would be punished instead for attempting to taint his image and have her tounge cut out or something. We're in the middle ages!!
Rape in Westeros is unfortunately super normalized, his execution would cause a shit show. Oh and sorry, how are you demanding a mother to have her firstborn killed?
Ali is veery disappointed with her son for many reasons, obviously including this one, and she's not shy to say it to his face, slap him and tell him he's no son of hers. But he is still her son, and she will always love him no matter what. There is no way in hell she would ever kill one of her kids.
Lmao if one of the strong boys did the same thing would you demand Rhaenyra to kill her sons as well?
Oh and also kinslaying. The circumstances of it are irrelevant, kinslaying is always considered one of the worst crime one can commit in Westeros. Hell even people who unwillingly kill their kin are cursed and ostracized, imagine what the realm would think of a mother, the fucking queen, killing her son.
Team black will really find any excuse to shit on Alicent, even if said reason is dumb as hell and devoid of any logic.
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western left cares so much about social justice that they will alienate and demonize ex muslims for their suffering and criticism against islam and the culture it perpetuates, every fucking time an ex muslim talks about their pain there will be some stupid mf who is gonna call them “racist” and “islamophobe”, they just care about white women’s tears and christianity, never a women of color’s suffering and islam, every single time one of these “social justice” people have called ex muslims and people critical of islam “racists” and so forth, they want to battle racism so bad that they end up being racist themselves. maryam namazie, sarah harder, ayaan hirsi ali and so many more, tell me one instance where ex muslims have been celebrated and have not been called “racists” or “islamophobe”
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our voices are always censored, just goes to show how hypocritical a lot of people are in a space that says that they are here for those who are suffering are,
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it’s a punishable crime to be an ex muslim in 23 countries and is a capital offense in 13 countries
our fear and suffering is always put under “islamophobia”, phobias are irrational fear, how can one not be fearful that just leaving a religion and becoming atheist can land you in jail or worse get you killed
or being homosexual can also get you a death penalty in many islamic countries
or the fact that ever since you’re a kid you are brainwashed, threatened and physically and mentally abused to cover yourself, cause your body is inherently shameful, and not covering your hair or wearing a scarf is also a punishable offense in countries following sharia law not only that but also in countries that isn’t, you are ostracized, beaten, threatened and immensely pressurized to obey it.
us ex muslims especially women are called whores,woke,never was a true muslim, traitor, so much more by muslims
and on the other hand are called racists, bigots,islamophobe etc by the first world privileged liberals
the right wing is not our ally but we have too few allie’s on the left as well
we don’t really have a place to belong we are left hanging and isolated in a our own despair and suffering, in an attempt to prevent that from letting it happen to others, we are crushed from all sides, the suicides rates and depression rates is quite high in the ex muslim community, every now and then i’ll come across a suicidal post from an ex muslim, and will constantly think about it, that there is not much i can do either rather than just provide some comfort online,we don’t have a place to belong or many of us will probably will not receive a support group, we are discarded to the side by everyone, we are all alone, stranded and left to bear the pain and trauma of our suffering all alone.
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motherofdragonflies · 10 months
The Elevator Game: A Choose Your Own Adventure Fic
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Written by: @motherofdragonflies / bexgowen
Art by: @xfancyfranart
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 95,000
Tags/Warnings: Major Character Death, Choose Your Own Adventure Style, Psychological Horror, Canon Divergent, Post 15x03, Case Fic
The game is simple.
Get in an elevator, alone, and follow the rules. If you follow them correctly, the elevator will rise and when the doors open, they will open onto a world that is not your own.
When his brother goes missing after investigating the death of a teenage girl in a hotel in St. Louis, Dean Winchester is dismayed to discover it involved an internet legend called “the Elevator Game”.
He’s even more dismayed when Castiel—who walked away weeks ago and hasn’t been returning Dean’s calls—shows up, also looking for Sam.
Dean doesn’t want to work with Castiel, and Castiel doesn’t seem thrilled about working with him, either. Can they put their differences aside when  they discover that Sam disappeared after playing the Elevator Game? Will Dean and Castiel play the elevator game and travel to the Other World themselves? Will they find Sam before it's too late? 
The choice, dear reader, is yours. You are in control of the story.
But choose wisely, for once you play the Elevator Game, things may never be the same again.
“Where did Ali hear about the game?” Sam’s voice asked. 
“She, uh, she loved scary stuff. Horror movies, urban legends, that kinda thing. I think she found it on reddit, in one of those scary story subreddits? I don’t know, I don’t…I don’t like that kind of thing. But, um, she was always talking about wanting to try it but you need a tall building and we’d never been anywhere anyway tall enough until…”
“Until that night. Did you tell the police?”
Lilah scoffed. “I told them. They didn’t believe me.”
“Lilah…what do you think happened?”
“I... I think…I think it worked.”
The audio file ended, and Dean sorted through the rest of the papers from the envelope Lilah had given him. The first page was a print out from a true crime subreddit: Dean recognised it as one that Sam checked constantly. His brother had highlighted a post on the page, one consisting of a single line that was posted four days after Alison and the others had disappeared:
Ali Bleaker played the elevator game.
Frowning, Dean turned to the next page and found that it was an article from a website called “The Ghost In My Machine”, titled “The Most Dangerous Games: The Elevator Game Revisited.”
Dean snorted at the title but read on:
"Some people know it as ‘Elevator To Another World’. For others, it’s the ‘Elevator to Hell’... But no matter the name, this peculiar…game, I suppose—although there’s nothing playful about it—it always said to have the same outcome, as long as you follow its rules to a T: By riding an elevator alone, visiting a handful of floors in a particular order as you go, you can transport yourself to another world entirely."
Dean stared at the words on the page.
Another world.
“Jesus, Sam, tell me you didn’t.”
Once upon a time, Dean might have dismissed the claim of ‘another world’ as something out of a science fiction story. But having visited several other worlds, Dean knew that alternate realities, multiverses—whatever you wanted to call them— were real. He doubted that something as simple as riding an elevator could take you to another world, but the idea wasn’t as far-fetched as he once would have believed it to be.
Snatching up his computer, Dean quickly pulled up the phone tracking site that he’d bookmarked and searched for the location of Sam’s phone. 
He was not at all surprised when the map showed Sam’s phone was at The Millennium Hotel, where Alison Bleaker had died.
Going up at @deancashorrorfest this October!
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toms-cherry-trees · 9 months
Fires of Harrenhal || AemondxReader/AlysxReader
Summary: Secrets and deceive always find their way through the stone halls
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: Angst I think? Betrayal. Character death. Very mild NSFW. Canon divergene from both book and show. Mention of war crimes and murder. Idk how else to do this without spoiling. No beta reading I have no one to beta for me
Author's note: Never. EVER in my life had I written something so long. And it has me very anxious. Also I don't know what this is exactly. It is not angst, nor fluff. I don't know. Enjoy!
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A gentle drizzle fell from the overcast skies. Fine droplets of water collected on the braids in her hair, beading in her eyelashes, rolling down the curve of her neck to the swell of her breasts. The fabric of the green gown slowly soaked, and the air around her chilled, but she did not feel the cold. The measly mizzle could do little to match the frost spreading through her bones, born from the very depths of her soul, turning her to ice from the inside out.
His emblazoned cloak still hung loosely from her shoulders, heavy and comforting, even though the warmth of his body had been long lost to the rain. His scent lingered, smoke and leather, a faint hint of spiced wine; and something else which is entirely his own, indescribable and unexplainable, but it evoked danger. And death.
Words befitting to the place she stood. Harrenhal had been long cursed, ever since Harren the Black mixed blood in the mortar which kept the bricks together. Ever since the Black Dread torched down the fortress with the King and his sons inside. The passing of the years only added to the jinx. Death and misfortune followed whoever dared to settle within the crumbled and slagged walls. Entire houses and lineages exterminated, most recently house Strong; from the eldest man to the babes in the cradle, put to death by Aemond’s command. All of them but one.
A Strong bastard, from all people. 
Aemond’s infatuation with the wetnurse stunned those who bore witness to the affair, and speculation soon arose that the so called witch of Harrenhal had laid an incantation on the Prince, for otherwise it could not be explained that such proper and devoted man, always guided by rules and correctitude, devoted of the Faith, could so brazenly take a lover, an unworthy one at that, while his beautiful, perfect, dutiful wife awaited for his return at King’s Landing. No, Aemond could never.
But he could and he had.
Alys hadn’t been the first one. Others had been fleeting affairs or pleasures of one night, both before and after their wedding. Ladies from the court, his mother companions, town girls, even the occasional maidservant that caught his eye. But unlike with Aegon, they all came willingly, ensnared by the mystery of the one eyed prince. All of them forgotten as soon as dawn broke through, their silence bought with gold or jewels, and a cup of herbal tea drank under the watchful gaze of a maester.
She didn’t let their existence bother her too much. Always keeping her head held high and her gaze ahead, haughty, beautiful and proud. Aemond took great care to not leave a trail of bastards in his wake, unlike brother dearest, and never flaunted them in the open. No, before the court he only had eyes -eye- for his wife. A gentle hand on the waist, glances across the table, a kiss on the hand when they parted, and one in the forehead when they reunited. A most perfect and devoted husband, whose mask fell as soon as the doors closed behind him.
Some days she wished he would openly hate her, because at least it would prove him capable of any feeling towards her. Instead, he only offered her an impenetrable barrier of indifference bordering cruelty. Aemond would walk the Godswood with her, barely rewarding her with a hum of acknowledgement when she tried to engage conversation of any sort. She tried to show interest in his heritage, but he said she would never understand the history without carrying Valyrian blood. When she suggested meeting his dragon, he retorted that Vhagar didn’t take kindly to strangers, citing false concerns for her safety. 
Even the bedding he treated like a chore to be dealt with. Methodical, efficient, and dreadfully boring. He laid with his wife as little as possible, just enough to avoid any whispers or bad talking. He would send a servant to inform her in advance that he would visit her bed so she could be “prepared”. A quick affair, his body always on top, not a sound heard other than the occasional creaking of the bed, done. He rolled over and fell asleep before she had finished cleaning herself. Hells, she didn’t hold great expectations of the act, but for a man who took so many lovers she hoped for a bit more effort. 
When he became Regent, the weight of the borrowed crown awoke something deep within him, something that had always been there, dormant and expecting for its moment of glory. An obsession with control and power. He became possessive. He had to have her in sight at all times. If he sat the throne, she stood right next to him. When he held council, she acted as cupbearer, but only to serve his cup and his cup alone. If Aemond decided to sit in the library until the hour of ghosts going over scrolls and maps, she had to be there, dutifully waiting by his side until he decided to retire for the night.
They no longer slept separately, since he simply had the maids move all her belongings to his own chambers, while also disposing of things he decided she no longer required, like her childhood dolls, books of fantasy or any gown not made in green and gold. He also kept her diary in the drawer of his desk; it had to be back there every night without fail. She did not know if he read her entries, but decided to not risk it and write only about things he would like. The hours became long, since he allowed her to speak only with people he approved of; very few had earned that trust; and those who did she would rather not speak to. Even her servants had been swapped, her maids and guards replaced with former attendants of the Queen, more loyal to the Dowager than they would ever be to her.
Aemond’s departure for Harrenhal came as a relief, his presence having slowly grown into a suffocating weight on her chest and lurking shadow on her back. As soon as Aegon could rise from bed again, he sent his brother to retake the dilapidated fortress from their uncle, although she suspected it more to be a cock show off; to remind the people that even though the Greens had less dragons, they still had the biggest one.
Aemond requested his wife to accompany him, but Aegon swiftly refused. A warzone is no place for a lady, he said. She did not trust his intentions, but given he could barely do anything other than speak and drink, she felt confidently safe in the newfound solitude, dividing her time between accompanying Helaena, prayers with her good mother in the sept and her own recreations, in which she could now indulge fully, free of her husband’s criticism.
Bliss, however, proved to be fleeting. One day Aegon summoned her while she broke her fast, to his bedchamber of all places. The alcove smelled stale, a combination of souring wine and the sickly scent of various medicines and tinctures, all mixed with the pungent stench of something unidentifiable decomposing somewhere. Perhaps the putrefaction within finally caught up to the surface, and Aegon himself had begun to rot from the inside out. Which wouldn’t surprise anyone, given his current state.
The open letter in his scarred hand and the knavish smirk on his lips gave her a bad feeling. He sat unabashedly naked in his bed, his immodesties hidden only by a sheet soiled with something indescribable. She tried and failed not to look at the ruggish and reddened skin marring his left side, the movements of his arm clumsy and stiff as if Aegon had been coated with tar. Although that probably would have been a kinder fate than his armour melting into his flesh.
When her eyes met his own, she saw a twinkle of delight sparkle on them. A sick pleasure earned from her evident discomfort at the sight of himself.
“Your dearest husband summons you to his side, now that Harrenhal is back under our command. And I, ever the benevolent brother, will allow it”
Suspicion gnawed at her insides. More so when she tried to take the letter from Aegon’s hand, and he kept waving it teasingly out of her reach, displaying surprising agility despite his wounds. Right before she could snatch it away he tucked the paper under the sheets, in a place where he knew she’d never reach out, even under threat of death by dragonfire. His smile reached his eyes for the first time in months as he dismissed her, pleased like a child who got away with a prank.
Sleep refused to come to her that night, forcing her to toss and turn as she went over the day. She didn’t trust Aegon more than she’d trust a dog guarding a roasted pig. Aemond summoning his wife at his side would not be inconceivable; the brother who fulfilled his duty to the Crown and now demanded his prize. But Aegon’s willingness to let her go told a different story. Nothing entertained him more than toying with his little brother, and what better way to do it than denying him access to his wife only because he could.
An ulterior motive had to be there for the King to grant such freedom. Something she could not yet see.
Aegon even arranged her departure himself. A messenger went ahead so everything would be arranged for a proper welcome. The retinue, albeit reduced, included fine soldiers and swordmasters, all dressed in plain cloth and without pomp. Ser Criston himself joined in on the journey, wishing to also meet up with Aemond to discuss war strategies and their next moves. 
Green and gold banners and soldiers in formation awaited them in the immense courtyard upon arrival. The whistling of the icy wind through the cracks in the masonry made sounds like the fortress wept and howled, the souls of those who died within the walls using the wind to disguise their lamentations. 
The steward and a knight led them inside, up the Kingspyre tower and towards where she assumed her husband awaited. Large double doors of blackened wood stood slightly ajar, allowing a sliver of light into the hallway. The steward pushed the door open and announced Criston and herself. Both stepped into a large dining room, a table laid out with a feast to feed a dozen. Yet only two sat at the table. 
Aemond presided over the supper, at the spot of honour in what could only be described as a throne. In his lap sat a woman of milky skin and raven curls, cherry lips pulled into a seductive smirk, her elegant fingers carding through Aemond’s silky tresses. The bodice of the woman’s silk gown had been unlaced, one breast out of the garment and firmly captured in Aemond’s mouth.
She didn’t have time to see Aemond’s face before Criston pulled her away by the arm, his broad form standing between the disconcerted woman and the indecorous scene. But she made eye contact with the black haired woman, the woman who sat her husband’s lap, the woman whose fucking tit he suckled like an indefence infant. Green eyes bore into her own, resplendent and alluring like emeralds. The last thing she saw before the door slammed shut was the woman winking at her, as if they shared a secret.
Everything made sense now; the scattered pieces falling into place perfectly. Aemond had never written. Why would he, when he had a woman keeping his bed warm and his needs fulfilled, a woman whom he craved like a drunk craves a drink. Someone, no doubt a carefully placed spy, had surely written to Aegon to report the affair. And the King, in pain, scarred and woefully bored, allowed himself some entertainment. Soon enough he would be doubling over in laughter at the picture of his perfect brother caught with the Strong bastard’s tit in the mouth.
The tension in the air could be cut with a knife in the days that came. In order to preserve her own dignity, she had to act as if nothing had occurred. She broke her fast every morning with Aemond and Criston, not a single word spoken besides the usual morning greetings. Aemond could not look any of them in the eye, especially not his fatherly figure, who had never gazed upon the prince with such disappointment before. The silent treatment hurt Aemond more than the cut of a sword, that much was evident upon his face. But his wife didn’t feel an ounce of pity for him; in fact, she rejoiced in his shame. She wanted Aemond to feel at least a fraction of the silent disgrace she carried with herself. She wanted him to be the one who had to keep his head down and his mouth shut.
He hadn’t even tried to come to her chambers, aware of the reaction that would await him if the thought so much as crossed his mind. Which is why the knock on her door, late on the seventh night, came as a surprise. On the other side stood no other than Alys, the so-called witch, wearing the same gown of that first day. The wife tried to slam the door shut, but not fast enough to keep the woman out. Alys entered the chamber and sat near the fire, her skirts spread around her as she stared into the dancing flames. 
Before she could hurl insults and perhaps something more tangible at the whore, her voice echoed through the alcove. She had never heard Alys talk. Sweet and velvety, every word slipping past her plush lips in a mellow murmur. Even though they stood away from one another, the witch’s words resounded in her ear like a close whisper.
“You are unhappy”
Not a question. An affirmation.
“Unhappy because your husband doesn’t love you like he loves others. Because he refuses to show you care and adoration like you always dreamed of. He doesn't know how to cherish you, and you think you deserve better. You know you do”
Every fibre of her being urged her to scream insults at that brazen whore, to drag her by those perfect curls of hers and push her out the window. Yet she found herself unable to move or speak. Because, deep down, Alys had only said the truth. As if with just one look, she had been able to read her deepest thoughts and laid them out plainly in a way she never could. Tears pooled in her eyes, but her prideful nature kept her from letting them out. Crying in front of her husband’s mistress was a disgrace she would never recover from.
Alys stood, eyebrows knit together and features contorted in what could only be described as pity. Her soft, motherly hands cupped the younger woman’s cheeks, dabbing at the corners of her eyes with her thumbs. They stood like that for a moment, the tension dissolving into a comfortable silence as they assessed one another. At last, it was the wetnurse who broke the spell.
“I have seen your life in the flames. Not even diamonds shine as bright as your future”
The witch gave her a brief kiss on the lips and walked out silently, her steps silent in the flagstone, leaving behind a flabbergasted woman. 
After that, Alys came to her chambers every night. And for some reason, she didn’t turn her away, not even once. Maybe because she knew, deep down, that the woman could not be blamed for Aemond’s weakness of mind. Because her words had struck a chord inside her. Because if not her, she had no one to turn to at the moment, alone and isolated in a place where everyone bowed to Aemond’s bidding.
Maybe because she found herself enjoying Alys’ company more than she ever did his.
She found in the witch a friend she never had in the Red Keep. They strolled through Harrenhal together, Alys narrating the story behind those walls, and the lives born and lost there. She taught her about medicinal herbs and plants, knowledge forbidden to them as women. Alys had a voice suited for melancholic songs, and she would sing to the lady as she brushed her hair at night before bed, and before returning to the Prince’s rooms. Shared between two spouses who refused to look at one another, and whose only thing in common was their infatuation with the Rivers woman.
The arrangement felt ideal for her, having found in this odd circumstance the closest thing to happiness she had experienced since the day she recited her vows in the Sept. But Alys kept pushing for reconciliation between her and Aemond, urging her to salvage the feeble bridge of their marriage before it sank into the abyss. She felt unwilling, finding great comfort in not being forced to endure his presence. But Alys brought forth a greater problem, a problem which grew by the day under her dress.
“It is only you who can help me, my girl. One day he will tire of me, and me and my babe will be put to death, just as he did my entire House. He had the infants smothered in their cribs before the eyes of their mothers, and the women bury their children with their own hands before their heads rolled. What do you think he will do to a bastard born of another bastard?”
Panic and rage bubbled in her stomach at the thought of losing Alys. She had been witness to her husband’s cruelty during his time as Regent, which only grew after being given free will at Harrenhal. Servants lashed at the faintest of errors, maids with their heads shaved and fingers broken. Executions on the daily, followed by new servants being forcibly dragged from their homes to Harrenhal to maintain the cycle. Anyone who tried to flee ended with their head on a spike and their body fed to Vhagar. It seemed like the curse of Harrenhal had slipped into Aemond’s mind, filling him with blackness and slowly pushing him to the brink of destruction like many before him. And it disgusted her to no end.
No, she could not allow herself to lose Alys. She needed her like she needed to breathe. She needed those motherly hands braiding her hair, that sweet voice entoning the saddest melodies ever written, the scent of her skin embedded in her pillows to soothe her into sleep as nimble fingers caressed her hair. 
For her, she would try.
That night Alys came to her chamber as usual, Aemond with her. Husband and wife stood face to face at last, infelicitous and tense like their first night, their unspoken words lingering heavy in the air. Alys moved to stand behind her, hands on the younger woman’s shoulders. Soft fingertips tracing the curve of the neck, up to the crown of the head and then down to the collarbones; calmness spread through her veins like a salve, warming her to the tips of her toes. Alys’ lips caressed her ear, her words seeping into her brain like smoke and clouding her thoughts.
“Trust me”
Trusting Alys came as easy as breathing. Even as she undressed the lady slowly, taking her time to undo the laces of the bodice and the clasps in her skirts. Peeling away silk, lace and linen, baring soft skin and feminine curves. Aemond’s pupil widened with lust as he stood spectator, witnessing his mistress caress his wife with the greatest love and care. Kisses brushing down the neck and collarbone, gentle hands tracing the curve of the hips and the descent of the thighs, moving over forbidden places as warm lips met into a shy and delicate kiss; tongue against tongue, small sounds of delight escaping through. 
When Alys finally passed her into Aemond’s embrace, she whined in protest. Aemond didn’t know how to touch her. His coarse hands were clumsy on her flesh, too harsh where she wanted featherlight, and not enough effort where she wanted more action. When her husband laid her on the bed, nestled between her thighs, Alys sat at the head, kissing, teasing and fondling while Aemond chased his own pleasure amidst grunts and pants. Alys’ hand snaked down her body slowly, between the breasts and past the navel. She screamed her climax into the woman’s neck, legs instinctively wrapping around Aemond’s hips as he too found his release.
The routine repeated night after night, for weeks on end.
And the more they did it, the more she found herself wishing it was just her and Alys; Aemond’s presence having gone from a necessity to a nuisance. His wife no longer wanted him to touch her, and only withstood on the promise that it would be her favourite witch the one to rip the highest throes of ecstasy from her body. This no longer was just about securing Alys’ safety; she wanted her safe and sound, by her side. Forever. And as she said, one night long after Aemond had left them, only one way they could secure such idyllic future for themselves.
The news of the fall of King’s Landing had reached them not long ago. The relief of Aegon’s disappearance alongside his children could not placate the terror Aemond felt at knowing his mother and sister remained at the Keep, now prisoners of Rhaenyra and her mad husband. Aemond wished for nothing more than to climb Vhagar and torch down the Crownlands, burning the last leaf on every tree to retrieve his family. But he stood put, on Alys’ command.
“You do not need to chase the war, my Prince. It shall come to your door through clouds of storm”
So they sat and waited, as day after day passed with sunny and clear skies, the God’s eye reflecting the blueness, waters calm and inviting. A fortnight after Alys’ vision, the night chilled and the wind picked up. She stood behind the lady, a silver comb in hand as she untangled her hair before bed. Her scent filled her nostrils and eased her fears. Picking up her uneasiness, she brewed her tea, which she fed her slowly, one spoonful at a time.
“All will be well, my child. Our troubles will vanish and our futures will be clearer than the waters in the God’s Eye”
That night Aemond didn’t come. That night belonged only to Alys’ and her little lady. To taste in the seclusion of the chamber what would be theirs for the rest of their lives.
The next morning, grey clouds hovered over Harrenhal, the breeze carrying the smell of rain mixed with sulphur. The high pitched dragon cries echoed in the mountains around the keep, alerting of the approaching danger. Aemond emerged from the tower, a vision of black and gold in his armour, his sword hanging from his belt and a cloak with the three headed golden dragon in his back.
First he bid Alys farewell. She whispered secret words in his ear; whatever she said, it made him set his jaw and tighten his fist around the hilt of the sword. Then he moved onto his wife. He had shown himself warmer and more loving since Alys’ intervention, blissfully unaware of his wife’s feelings. He cupped her cheek in one hand and kissed her like never before, humming against the softness of her sweet lips. She fitted his helmet over his head, tucking the silvery white braid away. The first drops fell from the clouds, and he unfastened his cloak to wrap around her shoulders, providing warmth and safety.
“I shall see you at the end” He murmured the words against her hairline, placing a tender kiss upon her brow.
And with that Vhagar rose to the skies with a deafening screech, the flapping of her leathery wings sending gushes of warm wind around Harrenhal’s dilapidated towers, the empty halls and vast chambers echoing with eerie wails that forewarned the battle to unfold. On the opposite side of the God’s Eye, Caraxes appeared as well, high pitched roars and puffs of smoke sent as a warning, his misshapen body cut over the greying clouds. Once more, dragon against dragon would clash in the sky, and tears would be shed in the wake of their fire. 
Any witness would assume Aemond had the upper hand, the deformed and younger Blood Wyrm being no match for the considerably larger and more experienced war dragon. But dear Alys’ visions had never failed her, and they wouldn’t betray them now. Nor would the gentle poison she had concocted for the occasion, spread across the wife’s lips just moments before she kissed Aemond farewell, not strong enough to kill, but the right dosage to ensnare the senses and befuddle the mind. 
Calm, deliberate steps took her to the top of Kingspyre tower, her path illuminated by the blazing glow of the fire coming in through the windows, the skies tinted in bright hues of red and orange. The wind blew warm and strong as she approached the ledge, ground trembling beneath her feet, reverberated by the clashing of colossal bodies. For a brief moment she feared for her own life when they flew too close to Harrenhal, but the vision had been precise and showed no threat to her life. 
Her hands rested on the stone, ancient dust sticking to the sweat of her palms; heartbeat quickened in anticipation. As predicted, in perfect synchronisation, both dragons widened their jaws. Caraxes pierced Vhagar’s throat, while she tore his wing to shreds and slashed his belly open. Both beasts spiralled downwards, locked onto one another. From afar she couldn’t tell, but it seemed as if a small, black blur fell from Caraxes’ back. Whatever it was, it was soon obscured by the spray of water that rose from the Eye as both dragons sank, the gout as tall as the tower she stood in. When the lake finally settled, all that marked the spot of such a great battle were bubbles and steam rising to the surface, and then silence. A silence like never before had existed.
She remained rooted, hands on the stone, eyes fixed on the middle of the lake until the last bubbles popped under the raindrops. She did not move from her lookout post. Not even as the rain fell stronger, droplets hitting her skin like icicles, aiding into the ruined shell of the freshly grieving widow she pretended to be. 
A knight came to her, nervous and apologetic, calling her attention with a sharp clearing of the throat. She looked up, rapidly blinking away unexisting tears, and dabbing at her cheeks with the back of her hand. Composed but frail. Dignified even in the face of loss. He waited for any sort of acknowledgement, and when none came, decided to speak.
“We share your sorrow, my Lady, and our thoughts are with you. This has washed ashore, and we thought you may want it” The soldier’s voice did little to sway her, and she didn't even grace him with a look. 
The heavy, loaded silence between them was broken by the soft tapping of female slippers and the rustle of stiffened skirts. A brief exchange of hushed words later, the knight left the rooftop; she remained silent and still until she could no longer hear the metallic clanking of his armour. 
Alys stood by her side, dark curls fluttering freely in the wind. In her pale hands, resting lightly atop the curve of her swollen belly, was Aemond’s helmet, still in pristine condition, not a scratch upon its surface. The older woman stared at it for a few moments before placing it in her hands. It felt final. Like closing a tedious book, or awakening from a bothersome nightmare. The last word in another chapter of history. A chapter written by their own hands.
Alys called her name, moving to stand behind her. A soft kiss pressed at the nape of the neck, slender fingers running down the length of her spine soothingly, making her shiver pleasantly. The smell of sandalwood, lemongrass and honeysuckle engulfed the girl. 
“It’s over” Her words tickled her ear “His name will not be called again, and no good thoughts will be evoked upon his memory”
Another kiss behind the ear, hands on her breasts, pulling her flush against her body “I know your thoughts are troubled, my child, but the right thing has been done. His fire burned too strong, and he would have brought the realm to ashes, including you and me”
Her words were soothing. She was right; Alys was always right. Aemond would have been their demise. They did what they had to protect themselves, and protect the realm. A kinslayer could not be trusted; it had been his nephews before, and any day would be his brother and anyone else who stood between the sapphire Prince and the Iron Throne. He had to be stopped.
“My only regret is that he died not knowing it was me. The one he would have never suspected. I would gladly give all my family’s gold for the chance to tell him, even if it meant paying him visit in the Seven Hells where he belongs”
The neckline of her gown was pushed aside, plush lips leaving a trail of kisses down her neck towards the collarbone, hands sliding down from her bosom to the hips, digging into her flesh.
“Worry not your little head, my girl. That does not matter anymore. His bones will rest forever at the bottom of the God’s Eye. And whatever you wished to tell him, you will soon be able to pass the message along”
Alys and her cryptic words. She loved to speak in riddles and rhymes, unnerving those who heard them and didn’t know better. She only smiled and nodded. 
And then the helmet rolled down.
Her hands remained mid aid, fingers curled around nothing, every muscle tense and trembling. She looked down past them towards the crimson stain growing upon the fabric of her bodice, and the sharp length of blade protruding from between her hips, coated in a red so deep it seemed black, viscous drops falling from the tip onto her husband’s last possession.
The scream died in her lips as the dagger was twisted and dragged upwards, effectively slicing her open like a squeaking boar. But she had not made sound, nothing aside a choked cry of agony as the weapon was brought down again, ensuring the cut along to be neat and thorough
“I truly didn’t want things to end like this, my sweet flower” Same gentle voice and soothing tone, words dripping venom and malice mixed with honey and sugar. Her index traced a slow line from her neck down to the point where the hilt of the dagger was pressed against her back, the carved handle still firmly grasped in her hand
“I truly enjoyed our time together, and you could have been so much more. You have the guile and the guts to match, and your mind is a most resourceful place. You could have achieved greatness, and with my nurturing, no one would have been able to stop you”
Both of her tender, motherly hands placed upon her lower belly, right under the fatal wound. The blood soaked her hands, red on white, and she gasped almost excitedly, basking on the feeling of life spilling on the stone. She did not know how her body was still standing. Perhaps it was the witch’s doing. Dragging on her demise, enjoying the wicked pleasure that came along with having power over someone else’s life. 
She made a shushing sound against her ear, tenderly rubbing her abdomen in circles as the first tears finally poured from her eyes.
“I see it all, you see. Everything and more. I have seen what lies ahead of you. Trust me, I am sparing you from a lot of pain and grief”
The edges of the world faded to black, vision narrowing until all she could see was the dagger. That and  the puddle of her own blood growing at her feet. 
“His blood cannot carry on beyond the confines of Harrenhal. Only this cursed place can halt the strength born of his offspring. But there can be only one”
Her voice sounded distant. The last thing the lady saw was the courtyard, far down but growing closer as her body felt weightless in the air.
“Only one son can be born”
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hylialeia · 8 months
thoughts on the Daevabad Trilogy, short version: holy shit that was good
longer version:
holy shit that was good.
I adored the writing style, the imagery, the worldbuilding, the characters, the character dynamics, and the pacing all the way through. I first picked up this series because of how Global Medievalism talked about it as a stepping stone away from Eurocentric medieval fantasy and it definitely delivered. this is tied with Spinning Silver for my favorite recent reads--which is even more impressive since SS was a standalone, meanwhile this series kept up a consistently high quality across three separate books.
after Fourth Wing masquerading as a rich, complex adult fantasy and then being What It Actually Was, this was an immensely satisfying series to pick up. it skirts the fantasy staple of the Inherently Evil Race/Species that so many works fall into (even asoiaf with the Others) and instead opts to explore in-depth religious and racial prejudices, revolutions, bigotry, power, and privilege in ways that can be frightening for a lot of authors (and readers). I can see why this series would frustrated a large swath of fantasy fans and not just because it steps completely away from the Europe-but-slightly-to-the-left settings that they're so familiar with; people looking for escapism and a palatable black-and-white conflict definitely wouldn't find it here.
that said, I also think the narrative did a fantastic job of showcasing the brutality of oppression, as well as cycles of revenge and violence, without turning into a sermon about how anyone who fights back is Just As Bad as the oppressor. you can sympathize with any faction within the trilogy while still seeing that there's a clear hierarchy. this is a series that asks the reader to be open minded and to sympathize with a variety of people's suffering while still condemning heinous actions, crimes, and ways of thinking. portrayals of violence, swearing, and sex aside, this is where I believe the adult label is earned. the Daevabad Trilogy outshines Fourth Wing in its entirety, actually following through on promises of depth, complexity, and exploration.
I don't think the series reaches into absolutely flawless territory; on reflection, there are a lot of scenes I wish we'd seen happening in the moment rather than summarized or briefly flashed back to. this goes especially for the end of the last book, Empire of Gold, which would have enhanced the pacing quite a bit. there's a bit of rushing through the final battle, and though it's still quite fantastic and follows through on a deal of foreshadowing and character build-up, it definitely feels over too soon. there are also a few loose ends and potential conflicts when it comes to the characters themselves that the series felt too tired to actually flesh out by the end. I can forgive that chiefly because of just how well-rounded and consistent the characters themselves are, even despite those instances.
and holy shit did I adore these characters. I've only seen the barest tip of the iceberg of discourse this series caused (which I'm sure was insane when it first came out), but thankfully the 10 million+ Way More Problematic Characters (that I also love) in asoiaf has made me immune to whatever the hell was going on over there. I also couldn't get involved in a ship war if you paid me.
I think the first book made a good call only having Nahri and Ali's POVs not just from a technical standpoint (Dara's POV wouldn't have added much, and may have even spoiled some meaningful twists) but also in priming the reader for what is the heart of the entire trilogy: their dynamic. Nahri and Ali carry the series whether they're young, platonic best friends who should be enemies, awkward ex-friends who still get a long way too well, or best friends who are deeply in love which each other but too traumatized to admit it. they both stand incredibly well as individuals (evidenced by the fact that they don't even meet until over the halfway mark in the first book), with Ali being a particular favorite of mine from the very beginning. their opposite upbringings yet similar interests made them a fantastic duo, one where it made sense the impact each one would have on the other's journey. there's something so incredibly endearing about their inability to legitimately dislike each other despite their circumstances, one that makes sense based on their already established personalities; they propel the series' most meaningful moments.
for the elephant in the room: as frustrating as Dara's POV could be I found it a worthy and fascinating addition in the later books, one that I think a lot of people missed the weight of if they were too busy excusing him/hating him. his perspective, biased and misguided as it often was, provided so much rich exploration of the trilogy's overall themes: militarism, religious fanaticism, prejudice, free will, just war, revolution, cycles of violence, conditioning and abuse, etc. that so much of this seemed to fall to the wayside in a strive to decide if he was excusable or not (and thus a viable love interest or not) is a huge shame. his ending was, to me, profoundly satisfying; not redeemed but finally allowed to act of his own free will, no longer bound by outside magic or internalized religious obligation. I never violently disliked Dara and Nahri's romantic entanglement so much as I knew it was doomed from the moment Ali had a POV chapter.
the secondary characters were no less engaging for me, especially as their prominence grew throughout the books, antagonists or otherwise. it was refreshing to see Muntadhir and Jamshid's individual characters (and thus their relationship) become a more prominent aspect of the story--again, especially after the tokenism in Fourth Wing. side characters always seemed to have deeper personalities and roles to play, with even early character deaths like Anas having lasting impacts for our main POVs. their presence was as vital to the immersion and depth of the world as much as the setting and imagery--which are also aspects that completely blew me away. from character, technical, to thematic standpoints, the Daevabad Trilogy absolutely amazed me.
final thoughts and rating: if you give me a book where two married characters are in love with the other's brother and expect me not to give it a high rating you're insane. 8/10. maybe even 9/10. go read these books.
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onthecusk · 2 days
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hi, you can call me maia! i'm 25 and i work full-time in fashion marketing. this is a secondary tumblr account created mainly for me to post my fanfics and oneshots/drabbles (mostly about gojo and jjk). i also follow from this blog. i love reading and writing, among other things.
mostly +18 content. mdni.
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current ongoing work/s:
nine-to-five (gojo satoru x fem!oc) (office au) — masterlist soon!
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current reads:
good morning, midnight, by jean rhys
crime and punishment, by fyodor dostoevsky
not in love, by ali hazelwood
the unabridged journals of sylvia plath
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© onthecusk. all rights reserved. please do not reproduce, copy, republish, or translate any portion of my work without my permission. thank you!
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nrilliree · 17 days
TG's favourite retort: Bbbbut what about Daemon? Daemon this. Daemon that.
It's excruciatingly boring to see how they act Daemon can be used as a 'gotcha' for TB and is proof that both sides are 'equally bad'. Or that Daemon is as bad as Aegon and Aemond or even worse.
To put it in simple words because anything else won't be understood by them, Daemon falls in the category of GRRM's antiheroes which also includes Jaime Lannister and Oberyn Martell, both of whom are highly romanticized by the fandom. Jaime's deeds need no introduction. It should also be taken to note that Oberyn - the fandom's darling - besides being a known whoremonger - has also used physical violence on Obara's mother in canon and was indirectly responsible for her death by separating her from her daughter.
Anyway, it is obvious that all three of the abovementioned characters are far from morally upstanding human beings. They are not without their shortcomings, some of which have no justification. Yet, to many, they are fascinating because besides being capable of cruelty, they are also able to act within the bounds of reason many a times and possess a capacity for love. Such characters provide ample scope for one's imagination to run wild.
On the other hand, Aegon and Aemond are, in plain and clear words, villains and two of their actions stand as proof.
a) Aegon's brutal murder of Gerardys which is described in detail in the book. That man was an innocent maester who was trying to do his duty by helping Aegon. His only perceived offence was that he had served Rhaenyra.
b) Aemond's massacre of House Strong which is also detailed in which no member including children - trueborn or bastard - was spared save for Alys who was taken as a war prize.
The reason for singling out these two acts in specific, out of all other heinous ones committed by Alicent's sons in the book, is that they are often swept under the rug by the same lot who can't stop crying about B&C which was a reaction to yet another of the Greens' crimes. Aegon and Aemond acted unprovoked without any rhyme or reason and their actions are more in line with those of Joffrey and Ramsay. Or, if we have to pick from their own contemporaries, Hugh and Ulf. Not morally gray or antiheroic like the fics attempt to reimagine them as but plain evil. Even the greenpilled maesters couldn't conceal it despite trying their best.
Now, people can like whatever character they wish to for whatever reason. That's none of my business. But blatant denial of canon while propagating all kinds of fanon is another matter altogether. The fact remains that Daemon ,even at his worst, pales before the Greens' villainy and no amount of whataboutery and denial is going to change that.
Daemon committed one crime throughout the entire Dance - B&C. Yes, it was a cruel crime. But why should the death of one high-born child be treated as a greater tragedy than the death of hundreds of children from the cities that the TG plundered and burned? Why is he considered a "villain" by TG and the TG boys are considered "misunderstood"? This is truly unimaginable to me. Especially when such accusations are made to the book.
Daemon is not good. Daemon is not evil. He is something in the middle and it is the fact that for some he can be considered a hero and for others a villain that makes him such an interesting character. And it really hurts me that the series ruined it so much.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 19 days
An Indecent Affair: The First Encounter
Sheriff Hassan x reader
Summary: On a rainy night after a town meeting at the school, the island's sheriff and English teacher act on mutual feelings.
Author's note: Look at me, back with a terrible title.
Warning: SMUT/NSFW, unprotected sex, a smidge of dom/sub dynamics, itty bitty bit of breeding kink.
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Hassan chose Crockett because it's quiet; a sleepy little island four hours off the coast of the mainland, where the most serious crime was disorderly conduct by the town drunk. After his lengthy stint at NYPD came to a messy end and his wife's passing, it seemed like the perfect place to start afresh. He could reconnect with Ali and hopefully not face the same discrimination that he had in New York.
Of course, it only took a few months for Hassan to determine that he was wrong about both of those things. Ali is still upset about his life being uprooted and the people of Crockett have been less than welcoming.
Well, most of them.
He's managed to make one friend – sort of. Hassan doesn't actually know if Y/n would call herself his friend, but she's the closest thing he has to one.
She's also his son's English teacher, which is probably why she tries to make small talk when they bump into each other around town or waves at him when she passes him while he's making his morning rounds and she's jogging.
Jogging in a pair of tiny shorts and a tank top that usually seems a little too tight on her breasts, from her arsenal of skimpy workout clothes. Those moments usually make him extra grateful for the lessons of undercover work; being able to hide her effect on him with stoicism has been more of a blessing than he'd ever imagined it could be.
Because he sees the most exciting part of that boring little island when he's doing foot patrol at seven am.
If only Y/n knew what goes on in his head when he gets to his office with the image of her like that fresh in his mind. The light sheen of exertion making her skin shine, those tiny shorts hugging her ass while the top of breasts remain visible. She'd probably slap him in the face and call him a pervert – sometimes, Hassan wants to do it to himself.
But most times, he wants to bend her over his desk and –
“God,” he hears her huff as she stops to stand beside him just as after they've stepped out of the school, “It looks like it's gonna rain.”
Turning to look at her, Hassan furrows his brows. He heard what she said, but it takes another handful of seconds for him to process her words. Because of course his mind had been run amuck with lewd thoughts when it was her turn to speak at the meeting. She'd been saying something about wanting to encourage the children to read more by starting a book club, but she was saying it while dressed in tight, light wash jeans and a green, knitted sweater that doesn't make any effort to hide her curves.
“Oh,” he glances up at the grayish, milky sky, “yeah.” He wants to say more, but nothing else comes out.
“Figures tonight's the night I decided to walk.” And then, as if on cue, a drizzle starts up, “Great, great,” Y/n hastily adds.
“I can give you a ride,” Hassan hastily offers, the words leaving his mouth before he can fully think them through.
Caught off guard by his offer, Y/n stutters, “Uh…you don't have you – I wouldn't want to put you out –”
“You wouldn't be,” he threads his fingers through his beard and adds, “just…..doin’ my duty.”
Y/n huffs a quiet chuckle, just as the drizzle grows a little heavier. Thankfully, they're both still standing on the school’s front steps, where the roof extends far enough for them to stay covered. “The sheriff doubles as a taxi service?”
Cocking his lips into a half smirk, “protect and serve.”
Licking her lips, Y/n shakes her head. “Protect me from a head cold?” She giggles and his heart leaps a little. Though it isn't really the sound that rouses that effect, even if she does have quite a melodic laugh, its more knowing that she's laughing because of him.
“Pretty serious crime in my book,” he determines softly. She turns just in time for their eyes to meet; Y/n's laughter settles with a gentle hum and her smile softens. There's a glimmer in them that he doesn't think he's ever noticed before and it takes the sudden sound of thunder, like a whip cracking before a microphone, to snap them out of their little moment.
Shaking his head a little, Hassan swallows thickly and lifts his denim jacket over his head, leaving some room for Y/n to duck under it as well. “Shall we?”
“Yeah.” He thinks that's what she says, but it doesn't matter anyway because her stepping under the cover of his coat is enough of a response. That's probably the closest they've ever been, and it takes that proximity for him to realize that she's at least a foot shorter than him – which does nothing but fuel his dirty thoughts.
It would be so easy for him to back her up against a wall. Box her in, lift her off the floor and –
“It's locked.”
“What?” Despite his jacket over their heads, they're drenched by the time they get to his car.
“The door,” she grins, pulling on the handle for emphasis, “still locked.”
“Oh, shit. Yeah,” Hassan scoffs, using his free hand to rummage through the pockets of his jeans until he finds his keys. It doesn't take long for him to help her in and then get into his car after that. “Kinda defeats the purpose of offering you a ride, huh?” He jokes, tugging the door shut after clambering into the driver's side.
Y/n doesn't offer anything above a breathy laugh as Hassan gets the car started, and when he looks her way that time, Y/n hastily shifts her gaze to the road straight ahead.
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She doesn't trust herself to keep looking at him, god knows she almost let impulse overrule better sense when they were standing outside of the school and then again when they'd just reached his car.
He's the sheriff. She teaches his son Shakespeare. It's wildly inappropriate and they are decent, professional people.
Which, arguably, makes the thought of it that much hotter. The tall, hunky, jaded sheriff and the young English teacher – the raunchy story writes itself.
And that's why she turns away when Hassan fixes his dark eyes on her while starting the car. Because she'll give in that time, and they're still in the school parking lot. Because the last thing she needs is the mayor, principal, a slew of parents and some of the other teachers witnessing her lunging for the sheriff.
Besides, she won't be able to bear the embarrassment of rejection. And she'd like to not have to walk through a storm.
The drive to her house, which is just one block over from Hassan and his son's, is racked with silence and a tension that Y/n figures is concentrated to her side of the car; every time she looks over at him, Hassan seems as cool and unaffected as ever. Wet hair matted to his brow, flannel shirt clinging to his broad frame and one hand firmly gripping the wheel while his other arm is casually draped along the edge of his door.
How dare he make something as mundane as driving look like foreplay?
“All good?” Hassan quips when he catches her eyes lingering.
“What?” She swallows thickly, feeling her cheeks heat up, “yeah. Totally. Good.”
“Good,” Hassan hums, returning his gaze to the road ahead as he turns onto her street. It's coming down in buckets by then, and Y/n is actually a little taken aback by how quickly the weather has deteriorated. It's been a little overcast all day, but that's hardly unusual for October and they haven't had rain in almost a month.
Y/n keeps her eyes trained outside the passenger window for the rest of the drive, which doesn't even last for very long after his last turn. When he stops at the curb in front of her house, a simple affair with exposed brick, a Dutch gable roof arched windows, Y/n doesn't get out immediately.
“Thanks for the ride,” she finally turns to him again.
Hassan nods stiffly, fingers absently tapping the bottom of the steering wheel, “no problem.”
“I owe you….like a coffee, or something,” Y/n offers, impulsively adding, “unless you'd rather I returned the favor right now.”
Immediately, she wants to kick herself for saying it, or even better yet have the ground open up below her.
“What?” Hassan rasps, head snapping up as he shifts in his seat.
“I….” Unable to gauge his reaction under his stoicism, Y/n tries to do some damage control. “I don't know why I said that,” she shakes her head hastily, “sometimes I just say….”
“Things you don't mean?”
“Really stupid things,” she huffs.
Hassan emits a slow hum. “What exactly does that mean?” He knits his brows, as if he's thinking really hard on the matter, “return the favor.”
Dragging her lower lip through her teeth, Y/n shrugs. She's already opened the can, best just let the worms out – or whatever would be a proper reconstruction of that phrase. “Whatever you want it to mean.”
He reaches over the consoul, the warmth of his large palm permeating the wet fabric of her jeans. “I've got some ideas,” his hand glides upwards, only stopping when his fingers are close enough to brush the area right under the zipper of her jeans.
“This is very inappropriate, Sheriff,” Y/n looks down at his hand on her thigh before panning her gaze back up to meet his.
“Then you could just say no,” he suggests.
Y/n means it; it is incredibly inappropriate. She'd never slept with a parent, but then again, a parent has never looked as good as Hassan el Shabazz.
“Oh fuck it.” Hastily unbuckling her seatbelt, Y/n leans over and grabs his face. As she presses her lips to Hassan’s in a heady kiss, he grips her hips and practically drags her into his lap.
“Shit,” he mumbles when her back hits the horn, “We can't –”
“What?” She breathes, words tumbling into his mouth.
“Well,” his words are barely making it out as their lips work hungrily, and when Y/n grinds against his crotch, Hassan groans loudly and squeezes her waist. “Not in here. I can…. barely…..fucking move.”
Snorting a chuckle, Y/n finally pulls away. Her chest is racked with heavy breaths and she's still gripping a fistful of dark blue flannel on one hand. “Fair. Wanna come in?”
“Do you even have to ask?” He shoots back, kissing Y/n hard one more time before she clumsily stubbles out. She leaves the door open for him and jogs up the short, paved path to the front steps.
Under the protection of the porch, and with the aid of the light she'd left on before leaving home, Y/n rummages through her small purse, finding them right as Hassan starts taking long strides towards her. She gets the door open just as he reaches her. Not waiting for them to get inside, Hassan snatches her hips again and crushes his mouth to hers.
Y/n stumbles backwards into the house, blindly discarding her purse as Hassan kicks the door shut. When he shoves her against the closest wall, she elicits a quiet oof that he eagerly muffles.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He probs, trapping her between his firm body and the cool wall.
Smiling through slower kisses, Y/n's lithe fingers travel down his front to grab his crotch, the size of the bulge there making moisture pool in her center. “I think I've got a pretty good idea.”
“Yeah?” The word is a hoarse whisper as Y/n undoes the button and zipper of his jeans, “that's not even half of it, babygirl.”
Dipping her hand into his boxers, she gasps as she closes her hand in around his impressive girth. “What else?” She croons, using her thumb to spread around a bead of precum.
Lowering his head to lay his lips on her neck, Hassan alternates between pressing feverish kisses to her soft skin and nibbling on the area around her pulse. Simultaneously, his rough hands dip under the hem of her sweater, first flattening to rove the dip of her waist before journeying upwards to knead her breasts through her bra.
“Better if I show you,” he declares after tugging his teeth away from her neck. Making short work of pulling the sweater over her head, Hassan reaches for the button on her jeans, handling it so roughly that it pops right off, the soft sound of it hitting the floor drowned out by their heavy breathing.
“You're wearing a skirt the next time we see each other,” he warns while peeling off her pants and underwear. When they reach her ankles, Y/n can't seem to kick them off fast enough, her shoes getting lost in the hurry.
Hassan's jeans and boxers don't make it past his knees before he's grabbing the back of her thighs and hoisting her up. Y/n’s legs immediately hook to his hips and he barely lets a second go to waste before sliding into her.
Their unison exclamations are accompanied by his vice grip on her hip tightening enough to leave bruises and her nails sinking into his shoulder blades. He fills her so completely that it burns and Y/n swears she can feel him in the lower part of her stomach.
But she wants more.
“Move. Please,” she whines desperately.
Eager to comply, Hassan stirs a steady pace of rough, controlled thrusts. With each roll of his hips, he removes himself almost completely before driving back into her. Every time their hips connect, Y/n swears he's hit something no one else has ever touched and she can't help the pitched yelp that breaks her lips, combating the sound pouring rain and rolling thunder.
Gripping the back of his neck, she cups his cheek with her other hand, urging his face closer. His tongue swirls around hers and she completely relinquishes any remaining semblance of control.
Reaching between them, Hassan presses his thumb to the bundle of nerves between her thighs, rubbing it in vigorous circles and effectively adding to the growing pressure in her stomach.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Hassan encourages when her legs start stiffening. “That's it babygirl,” he praises when her hips buck enthusiastically, “I wanna feel…..just like that,” he grunts through clenched teeth when Y/n finally pulses around his length. “Fuck!”
Hassan's release is on the heel of her, generous ribbons of his hot product drenching her walls. There's a stutter in the drilling motion of his hips, but he still manages to ride out their highs with an almost assaulting pace.
And then, when they're done, he slumps forward, his weight pinning her to the wall.
Despite the coolness provided by the storm raging outside, their both sweaty and there's a stifling heat surrounding them. Her legs are as good as jelly, and when Hassan gingerly detaches himself from her, the only thing keeping Y/n upright is his steadying, one handed grip. With his free hand, he reaches between her sore thighs; collecting the bits of silky moisture in curled fingers before slipping them between her folds.
“Shit,” Y/n hisses, leaning her head to his chest, which is somehow still guarded by his wet shirt.
“What?” Hassan prompts.
“I'm not on…..anything,” she admits. In the moment, it was the furthest thing from her mind, and even now, she's more concerned about his reaction than what it might mean for herself.
In fact, there's an odd sense of satisfaction that accompanies the thought of risking it all for the sheriff – knowing that of all the women he could chose from the island, the mainland or wherever the fuck he wants to, she's the one that he fucked brainless, and there won't be any denying it.
But that's something that she doesn't want to think about right now.
“Really?” She can practically hear his smirk and it forces her to loll her head back so she can try to make out his expression in the dimess, only illuminated by the occasional flash of lightning. “Then maybe we should see what happens if we do that again.”
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ghosthunterbuck · 2 years
sofa, so good
(buddie) (1k words) (6x01 spoilers) of course I can't resist a coda for the first ep of the season who do you think I am
Buck lasts five minutes in the damn armchair before he’s up and pacing again. 
Because it’s stupid right? He gets it. It’s a metaphor. Whoop-de-doo. But it’s also an actual literal fucking couch, and he’s been without one for months now. 
Which is – yeah, Chris was right, it’s weird. 
But also, he’s kind of barely noticed. It’s not like he spends much time at his place. He’s at the firehouse, or Eddie’s, or Maddie’s, and they’ve all got couches. So maybe he doesn’t even really need one. 
Maybe he should just get more chairs. Or a chaise. Beanbag chairs! Chris would probably get a kick out of those. Hell, maybe he could find some of that inflatable furniture he begged his parents for in the nineties. 
Buck stares at the armchair. 
He really needs a fucking couch. 
Eddie shows up at 9 AM on Saturday, and Buck tries to convince himself this isn’t a bad idea. Not Eddie showing up – as far as Buck’s concerned, any idea involving Eddie is an automatic plus five on the good idea scale. No, the issue is the couch/girlfriend/getting-his-shit-together metaphor has sunk its claws in deep, and now Buck’s pretty sure he’s going to take one step into the furniture store and spin around and walk back out. 
For the first time in as long as he can remember, Buck isn’t even sure he wants a couch. He says as much to Eddie. 
“Then why am I driving you to the furniture store?” Eddie raises an eyebrow. 
“It’s not—it’s what the couch represents, man,” Buck says. 
“Don’t look at me like that!”
Eddie holds his hands up. “I’m not looking at you like anything,” he placates, although the grin tugging at the corners of his lips begs to differ.
Buck can’t help but laugh. “Come on, aren’t you supposed to tell me to, I don’t know, suck it up and get a new couch?”
Eddie smiles, ducks his head, and looks up at Buck. “Is that what you want?”
“Therapy made you way too smart, Diaz.”
That makes Eddie laugh, and that in turn makes Buck feel warm. It wasn’t so long ago that it felt like he might never hear that sound again. 
“Get in the damn truck, Buckley,” Eddie snorts. “We’re getting you a couch.”
Buck’s never been to a furniture store. 
It’s absurd, actually, because he’s a thirty-something-year-old man, but he’s never had cause to. Like, Ali furnished most of the loft, and every piece of furniture he owned before he got off Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. 
It’s absurd, and it means that he’s entirely unprepared when Candace, the Senior Sales Associate with a shark-like grin and sensible shoes, clocks them both as soon as they’re through the door. 
“How can I help you today?” She asks. “What are you looking for? May I take you around our showroom? We’ve got several new pieces in that I’m sure you’ll love.”
“I—uh,” Buck stammers. 
“We’ve also got an extensive sale inventory I can walk you through, if you’re looking to score a bargain! The same excellent quality we’re known for, with prices we’re sure will fit any budget.”
Yep, Buck’s going to leave. He’s going to turn around and leave, and he’s never going to get a new couch, because this place is huge and anxiety inducing and he’s pretty sure he saw Candace on a true crime documentary once and—
Eddie takes a smooth step forward. He matches Candace’s overly wide smile with one of his own and tells her, “No thank you, we’re just browsing for now. We’ll come find you if we have any questions.”
It’s like he knows the magic words, because no sooner than he’s said them, Candace disappears into the mattress section. 
Buck turns to him, wide-eyed. “How did you do that?”
Eddie laughs. “You’ve just got to speak the language, Buckley.”
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Buck mumbles. 
Eddie claps him on the shoulder. “Let’s find you a couch.”
In the end, after Buck’s sat on so many different pieces of furniture his butt is sore, they find one. It’s a dark buttery leather that Eddie says will complement his hardwood floors, and that Buck is pretty sure he could fall asleep on, if necessary. 
Eddie, somehow, manages to knock twenty percent off the asking with a flash of his teeth and a slow blink at Candace, which Buck mostly appreciates but is also kind of afraid of. He also insists that they throw in a couple of accent pillows, which Buck supposes is probably nice. 
With the help of a few associates, they load the couch into Eddie’s truck and strap it down with more bungee cords than Buck thought any one person had the right to own. 
Eddie catches his raised eyebrow and grins. “You remember that accident on the one-oh-one?” he asks. 
The image of a four-poster bed sticking out of the windshield of a Corolla flashes across Buck’s mind, and he shudders. “Good call,” he says with a tight nod. 
Eddie throws his head back and laughs, then motions to the truck. “Come on, I have to pick Chris up at three. Let’s get this show on the road.”
Buck deposits himself in the passenger seat and watches as Eddie starts up the truck and puts it in gear. 
Eddie looks up and catches his eye. “What?”
Buck shakes his head. “Nothing, just—thanks. I’m pretty sure Candace would’ve eaten me alive if it weren’t for you.”
“Women and couches,” Eddie says with a shrug, “maybe they’re just not for you.”
Buck snorts. “Who needs ‘em,” he says. “That’s what I’ve got you for, right?”
Eddie’s thumb brushes against his forearm. “Yeah,” he says. 
Buck sits on his new couch. 
It’s soft, and comfortable, and the color complements the room’s existing palette, just like Eddie said it would. It’s long enough that Buck can lay down, and deep enough that he won’t accidentally roll off if he falls asleep. It’s exactly what he needs in a couch. 
He lasts all of five minutes before he’s up and pacing again. 
The color is too dark. Leather is the wrong material. All three of the couch cushions are plump and firm, without a single weird divot from being slept on too many nights in a row. 
The couch fits perfectly in his apartment, Buck thinks, and at the end of the day, maybe that’s the problem. 
Buck doesn’t want a new couch. 
He wants one that’s familiar. 
He texts Eddie. 
Dinner at yours tonight?
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