#also my mentor called me his protege
herospledge · 1 year
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Con haul!! Had a really good time met some indigenous artists in the comic industry and they were enthusiastic abt me + my work 😭💖
One wants me to go to school for professional experience stuff and wants me to work for her, and the other wants to put me in contact with like a publisher
Overwhelming but really cool! I'm so hype I'm still processing it all
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drdemonprince · 4 months
I am very very attracted to my boss and it's driving me insane. There's this amazing chemistry and tension between us and all day long we're just teasing eachother and flirting. We're always gravitating towards eachother and happy to see eachother, finding excuses to work together, etc. He is, however, a straight man twice my age who has a girlfriend and I'm a trans guy who could be completely misreading our interactions. Straight guys often banter and "flirt" with eachother so maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe he's just excited to be some sort of a mentor figure to me and he likes to be admired, and likes to see me grow and learn, and that's all there is to it. He calls me his protege which I find incredibly hot. Anyway I'm seriously contemplating whether I should confess my attraction. I'm not really anticipating him to reciprocate, but would do it more so to get rejected so I would be able to stop fantasizing about him all day long and give myself some closure. On the other hand, I don't want to humiliate myself and create a possible distance or awkwardness between us. There would be no consequences for my job so that's not an issue. I was wondering if you have any words of wisdom for me? You always have such a unique yet sobering outlook on things and I would love to hear your thoughts on this situation.
"Unique yet sobering outlook"! That's the kind of compliment I would have put in the word document alongside all my favorite feedback from English professors back in the day when I still needed that. Sincerely, thank you.
I am of several minds with regard to your question. On the one hand, I think straight people are terminally monogamous most of the time and that it would be hell on earth to get involved with this man and draw the potential ire of his girlfriend even if they weren't.
I think it's usually a self-hating maneuver to date a straight man as a trans masc (I have been there, it is terrible) but as a gay man, I support the frisson of danger that comes with seducing a heterosexual and think it would be a baller little feather in your cap to ruin this man's identity and relationship for a fling with you, even if it would be destined to end in agony.
I hear that this misadventure will not affect your job, but I don't exactly understand how that could be true. It sounds as if you work together quite closely and that his flirty banter is part of what makes the gig pleasant, and even if he doesn't have the capacity to fire you (I'm guessing) this affair could devastate the vibe enough that someone else might step in and fire you for its indirect consequences. happens sometimes.
Part of me however does believe in "fuck it we ball" and in being a bit reckless when you find yourself in a moment of raw, transfixing chemistry. chasing after fascinating moments that are destined to shatter our hearts is one of the core aspects of being alive. It keeps us growing, fills us with vigor! Who doesn't want to one day have an interesting story of a love affair like that?
One of my follow up questions would be how rare this kind of connection is for you. If it were me? Someone I truly connect with on the level you are describing is rare, and I've been willing to risk upending my life as i know it over a fleeting few weeks or months of passion before, and sometimes it's been worth it! Some mistakes are worth making, because we will become stronger and more interesting people after they happen!
But another part of me also thinks "straight men flirt with eachother sometimes" makes no sense and that what you are likely experiencing is him not seeing you as a man, or doing the thing some sensitive straight guys do of leeching attention off of queer men to feed their egos. (Which isn't evil, we all need attention sometimes, but it can be devastating.). If he lets you down because he sees you as a man and is not gay, that might relieve the pressure for you and work out fine. If he is into you because he doesn't see you as a man, you two will fuck and it will be horrible in the long term probably. But maybe hot in the short term.
I also think there are probably hotter ways to play this one (and more strategically effective ones) than a straight-up love confession, which would probably force him to bring up his girlfriend as the reason not to pursue it.
I think if you really want to SEDUCE this man you should spend time with him after work, ask him to mentor you on a labor intensive but potentially rewarding project, disclose little personal details that endear him to you, ask him lots of questions about himself, allow him to open up to you about his life... and then strike.
I think it'll be interesting if you go for it, at least. I certainly want to hear the story. But I don't want you to get fired, lose a mentorship that is important to your career, or get your ass beat by the gf.
So I will also tap my followers for their feedback.
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zorosq · 9 months
my princess ; roronoa zoro
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↻ fluff, jealous zoro, strong reader, some flirting, grammatical errors probably
↻ pairing ↬ zoro (opla) x f!reader!
anonymous asked: I hope I’m not late and this request is kinda confusing 😂but I was wondering if please a one piece live action Zoro x shyreader x exBuggy? Like she’s a princess & a powerful swordswoman who’s a former protege of Mihawk who he knows she’s ready. Like the crew are taking bets who will win but deep down the winner is shyreader because of her former mentor who train her really well. Strangely I don’t wear dresses, just black leggings and oversized t shirts or oversized long sleeves 😂just fluff?
a/n i did my best! so i hope that this was good :)) (quick apology, i cant write fight scenes) also had to make reader older since buggy is old and it bugs me to have large age gaps lmaooo
it was simple and straightforward. yet, you don't understand the scene before you. surely your eyes are playing tricks on you? "hey, princess. long time no see," the clown smirked, waving his hand that was floating mid air. "she's no one's princess," zoro interrupted, standing protectively in front of you.
buggy let out a loud cackle. "seems like you've got a new toy to play with," he taunt. "zoro's not a toy. he's my partner, my best friend, my love," you countered. "ah, love. haven't heard of it for a while now," buggy turned his body away from you. "let me fight you, sweetheart," the clown grinned.
zoro was about to unsheathe his sword until you stood in front of him. "i'll take care of him," you said. zoro only grunted before step back, standing beside nami and luffy.
luffy suddenly closes in to nami's ear. "should we bet and see who wins?" luffy smiled mischievously while nami smirked. "we both know who would win this fight,"
"you were so cool!" luffy boast. "yeah, y/n! i didn't know that you could do that," nami smiled. you waved your hand bashfully. "it was nothing, really," you rubbed your nape shyly. zoro smiled slightly and gave you a nod, agreeing with what everyone had said.
"it was not nothing! we made a bet to see who would win the fight!" luffy smiled proudly. "we were betting on you, of course," he whispered in your ear. you chuckled softly and shook your head. "no wonder you and zoro are basically glued to the hip," nami snickered. luffy nodded enthusiastically. "yeah! both of you are so good with this sword stuff!"
"it's no wonder for her since she used to trained under mihawk," zoro muttered. "who's mihawk?" luffy tilted his head slightly. "the world strongest swordsman," you answered with a quiet voice. luffy's eyes widened. "woah! he sounds like a cool guy!" the rubber-man said excitedly. you smiled slightly at his words. "yeah, he is,"
zoro pulled you aside for a bit. "so... princess, huh?"
you chuckled awkwardly. "yeah... we broke up because of how childish he is," you smiled. "and when was that?" he tilted his head. "well... last year? we didn't even last for a year..." you chuckled. "i hate that petname..." you groaned, feeling your face slightly flushed. "but what if i call you that instead?"
"my princess," he whispered.
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
Do you remember?
Fun fact, I have been writing this piece off and on for about a year now. The fact I think it's finally done and ready to be shared is insane.
Pairing: MCU! Peter Parker X Stark!Reader
Genre: Fluffy, some angst.
Word Count: 6K
Summary: You told Peter you love him, he's not sure you understand what you said. You're acting like you didn't know what you said. Do you remember what you said?
Warnings: mentions of sex while intoxicated, not hammered but tipsy. no assult here baby, not on my page! also, not really stark! reader, her dad is Tony and thats it.
Peter loved and hated working with Tony alone. 
Tony was the best mentor Peter could’ve dreamed of but ever since he started dating you time alone with Tony always felt off. Peter was his protege but when he became your boyfriend Tony wanted to test him further, that because his daughter had feelings for him, it was his fault. Not that he’s complaining because thank god you did but Tony didn’t have to ask questions about your relationship and back Peter in a corner with certain questions and take pride when he falters.
So when Tony told him about the sudden three day trip and they would have to do an entire suit reset and build it made him want to stomp in the lab with lead filled boots. To make matters worse he knew it would be an all night thing and you weren’t going to be around. 
Tony was on one side of the lab at his own station working on the new Spider-Man suit upgrade hunched over a table, he turned every so often and would grunt at Peter looking for his approval. Peter sat on the opposite side of the lab at his own station tinkering with his web shooters, he was helping Tony update the technology with each suit upgrade; the suit got taser webs so did his shooters. 
It was nearing midnight, he had been hiding in the lab for half the day with Tony. He had come over after a quick after school patrol knowing he wouldn’t be able to go out later that night. Peter showed up with a giant Delmar’s sub, the kind he could only get with a hookup. He had splurged knowing it would most likely be the last time he saw you this evening. His half of the sub had extra pickles and yours had onion, he did surrender to your request of keeping it unsmooshed. One time you gave into his claims of it being the superior way to have a sub but gagged when you told him that you “hate to break his spirits but that’s sog heaven.”
You, on the other hand, had plans with MJ to go to a small bar to watch a band play tonight. Not your style but the headliner was MJ’s favorite and she had no one else to ask. Ned promised he would have gone but bars downtown gross him out. (When MJ pointed out he had never been to a bar downtown he blinked at her and said “yeah, because they’re gross”)
When 9:30 rolled around you made your way into the lab to say goodbye to your boys. Adorned in a mid length dress to help you look a bit older than what you were, you paired it with some small heels.  
“Bye Bye, I'll miss you.” You walked to your boyfriend, when he looked up from the screwdriver and disc in his hand, eyebrows furrowed, obviously not happy with his task being more frustrating than he had hoped, had smiled when he saw your face.
 “Bye Bye, I’ll miss you more.” He leant up and puckered his lips and you met his mouth quickly. “Call me if you need me,” he mumbled when he pulled away, pressing two more pecks to your sticky lips. 
“Bye father, love you.” You called behind your shoulder already walking towards the glass door.
“Bye daughter, be safe.” Tony shot back, not even looking up. 
Then called out to you, “Heels in a bar isn’t a good idea.” 
Peter smiled and watched you pout,  you held a foot out and wiggled an ankle before leaving the room, definitely on your way to change into actual shoes. 
Then sometime around 11:40 Peter's phone rang, your contact photo popping up across his screen. A small smile involuntarily creeping unto his face 
“It hasn't even been two hours yet!” He laughed into the phone, “Peter? It's MJ.” She didn’t laugh at his joke, his heart already speeding up. “Where’s y/n? Is she okay?” His response was quick, Tony looking around his shoulder at the kid sitting straight in the office chair. 
“Yeah, sh-“ MJ couldn't even answer his question before he heard a loud voice in the background, “Is that Peter? Tell him I miss him! Where is he? Peter, where are you?” MJ pulled the phone from her ear slightly “Hold on, I'm asking him.” 
“Peter!” he heard your voice cut back in whining.
“Y/N!” MJ hissed at you so you would be silenced for a moment. 
“Is she-“ Peter began to form the question, MJ beating him to the punch 
“Drunk? Yes. Very.” She turned to make sure you were still next to her, you twisted from side to side playing with a stand of hair mumbling to the cover song that a band was blasting through the bar rattling both of your chests.
“Peter, some men kept buying me drinks and wouldn’t take no as an answer so I need you to come save me.” You shot into the phone, tired and annoyed you just wanted your boyfriend with you. 
“She kept asking for you. I gave it an hour before I called, she’s pretty drunk.” She sighed into the phone a little disappointed she wouldn’t see the last performance. 
“I'll be there in 10 minutes. Wait outside if it’s safe.” He instructed MJ before hanging up and standing on his feet. 
He looked at his mentor and girlfriend's dad who was already staring at him. “Y/N got drunk at the bar and wants me to come get her.” He filled Tony in so he wouldn’t panic like Peter had.
“Like father, like daughter.” He chuckled before turning back around to get the update time on the suit and sighed at the estimated time.
“I'm going to get her and help her to bed then we can finish, okay Mr Stark?” Peter asked his boss. 
“Get her home in one piece.” He waved him off. 
“How long is ten minutes?” You asked MJ.
You were sitting outside the small bar, vines pressing into your backs where they were growing up the wall, dust settling into your bare thighs.
“Ten minutes”. She quickly replied
“Oh. Okay.” You swept your hand over some dirt in the concrete. You were silent for less than ten seconds, “It hasn’t been ten minutes?” You scrunch your face. 
“It’s been-“ She pauses to look at your phone, “Seven minutes.” You nod. 
“You know one of the things I love about Peter is that he’s very punctual.” You gave MJ a knowing look, “when he actually shows up I mean.” She nodded knowing what you meant. 
“He's still a really good boyfriend though.” You begin plucking weeds growing between the concrete cracks. 
“I miss Peter, has it been ten minutes?” You went to look at MJ once more when you heard
“I missed you too, and it’s been nine minutes.” You gasped at the boy in front of you, surprised as if you weren't aware he’d be showing up. 
You looked at MJ next to you and slapped her arm, “See! what did I tell you, punctual!” 
You raised your hands palm up gripping at Peter so he could help pull you up. Once you were standing he pulled you into his side tightly placing you under an arm so you wouldn’t wobble when he offered his hand to MJ. 
Before all three of you could walk away from the bar you looked at Peter “I missed you. Can I have a kiss now please?” you already had your mouth in his face, not really giving him a choice but he laughed anyway and gave you three quick kisses. 
You pulled back looking at your boyfriend, a lust driven haze swallowed your eyes “Can we have sex when we get home?” You asked. Peter choked on his air and MJ busted out laughing, your eyes swept from MJ to Peter not understanding the joke until Peter said “not in front of our friends.”
Peter gave MJ the car to get home and walked you  the shortest distance home, figuring the walk would help sober you up. 
“And then I told him I was only a baby and he was still buying me drinks! I was okay with one or two but then he wouldn’t stop telling me to drink and I was wasting alcohol and then I got really scared.” You were explaining the night to Peter, talking with your hands, watching your face shift into a million emotions. 
“Is that when MJ called me?” Peter continued to learn the story 
You nodded frantically, “Yes. Thank you for saving me.” You smiled at him before interlocking your hands and swinging them. 
“I love dating Peter, don't get me wrong but I like when I get to date Spider-Man too.”
“Can I piggyback?” You huffed in the middle of the street, annoyed with walking. 
Peter knelt down in front of you and hooked his hand around your knees to help push you around his back, the perks to a super strength boyfriend- they can carry you for miles. 
Resting a chin on his shoulder you had your arms wrapped around his neck one hand loosely pointing at objects and giving them a life story, “and that lamp post Petey, imagine the things it’s seen. Imagine how long it’s been there!”
Talking to him about the things you saw on the way home from “way up here!” and a small game of i-spy you kept losing because you kept forgetting what color Peter said he saw. 
“Can we have sex?” You whispered in his ear, cautious to look around you to avoid the embarrassment he had the first time you asked. 
“Let me get you home first and ready for bed.” He replied sternly before lifting you higher on his back. 
“Okay!” You took that as a win, and settled back into his shoulder. 
“Are you hungry?” Were the first words Peter asked when you walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh my god, I was just about to say I was starving.” Your eyes widened at him, “We are seriously made for eachother.” You clapped him on the chest before asking him for a bowl of cereal. 
Two bowls of Coco Pops later, Peter had finally gotten you upstairs in your room and had helped you undress.
“What pajamas do you want?” He stood in your closet waiting for you to tell him what shirt.
“Yours!” You yipped back. 
“Mine what?” He looked down at himself, he was wearing a normal outfit. Jeans, shirt, hoodie. 
“Shirt.” You pointed at his shirt, and so did he. “The one I'm wearing?” His girlfriend nodded her head enthusiastically, taking her bra off as he shrugged his shoulders and gave her what she wanted. 
“Wash your face, brush your teeth.” He instructed her next. He watched her stand in the mirror for a minute, “do you need any help?” she shook her head. 
“I'm going to go update your dad, I’ll be right back okay?” He waited for an answer before leaving, zipping his hoodie over his bare skin. 
“Y/N‘s okay.” Peter knocked on the glass next to him so he wouldn’t sneak up on Tony. 
“Good, is she in bed?” He was ready to finish for the night, they were set back a good thirty minutes to an hour now.
He shook his head, “She’s brushing her teeth and wants me to stay with her until she falls asleep. It won’t be long though.” He promises. 
“Take care of her.” The elder Stark waved him off once more.
“Okay I read this at least four times in the mirror,” you turned when you saw your boyfriend reappear behind you. “And I still don’t understand what it means.” You were referencing the shirt you  were in. It had a science joke on it, or maybe math. 
“It says find x, and the x is circled.” 
“oooooh,” You dragged out. “I knew that.” You quickly added. 
You stepped in front of him and gave him a hug, holding on, you looked up “teeth brushed, face washed, can we have sex now?” 
Peter brushed some hair from your face, “are you okay?” He asked quietly. 
“Are you asking if I'm sober?” You kissed his palm. 
“What's the last ten letters of the alphabet backwards?” Peter asked, holding your hand with one and scratching down your back with another. 
“z,y,x,w,v,u,t,s,r,q” You replied 
“Who won the 2016 presidential election?” 
“Don’t make me say it.” You bit back. 
Peter muffled a laugh, “How many fingers am I holding up?” He lifted his hand in a peace sign, you squint your eyes and concentrated, “Twelve.” 
“Seems sober to me.” He told you. 
“Sex time?” You looked up at him. 
“Sex time.” He deadpanned. 
“Fuck yes! You’re the best boyfriend ever. I love you.” You squealed and pressed a fast kiss to his mouth before you hopped into your bed, fixing the pillows. 
Peter stood solid in the ground. He wasn’t sure if you were so sober now, his heart was suddenly red hot and he felt like he needed to lay down. Those words had never come from your mouth before and you shot them with such ease it almost unsettled him. 
He loves you. He knows that for certain, he just didn’t know you did. And he’s not even sure you understand what you just said because his ears are ringing and you're humming on your bed kicking your feet. 
“Y/N?” he cautions your name, before he goes forward with the kisses and coos he wants to be sure they’re on the same page
“Peter!” You call back. 
“Are you gonna get me naked or am I gonna get me naked?” You asked him before he was able to say anything more to you. 
Peter started to unzip his hoodie, he figured if she was playing dumb so would he. 
Drunk words sober thoughts rant in the back of his head but he pushed that to the back of his mind. He could analyze this another day, as of right now his beautiful tipsy girlfriend was begging him for sex and he wasn’t going to let her down.
Walking his way towards you he bent down to kiss you before getting on top of you, not missing the loud squeal you produced when he ran his hands under the shirt you were wearing preparing to take it off.
He pulled back slightly looking down at your wide eyes sparkling in the moonlight creeping between the cracks in the blinds. 
Your cheeks flushed and a cheek hurting smile adored your face, he’s never loved you more in this moment but instead of filling you in on his thoughts he whispered a “Shhh..” before placing his lips on yours delicately. 
Watching you sleep on Peter's chest has never felt like this before. 
He’s always thought you were beautiful, and he always thought he loved you but having your weight on him, soft snores coming from your mouth while his hands ran down your naked back he felt different. 
When you told him you loved him, intentional or not, something changed. He felt it immediately. 
Peter had always been caring and would stop at nothing to keep you safe but after tonight the feeling deepened. It went from keeping you safe to a sense of protection, he felt like it was his personal duty to harm whatever came in your path.  
He moved a piece of hair from your face as it dawned on him, he told himself “I would kill for her.” He felt his heart get loud in his chest and ears and felt his feet clam up, he hadn’t felt like this before. 
It’s never been so black and white, he knew at that moment had everyone ever tried to hurt you he would do anything in his power possible to keep you safe and protected. 
And suddenly he had to leave. He didn’t like that feeling. He's a good guy, he’s the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, he keeps the city safe. So the idea of him being so okay with hurting anyone who ever tries to touch you scares him. 
He was thinking like a villain; heros will protect the many at the cost of one but villains protect one at the cost of many, and he would destroy New York for you. 
Gently removing himself from the bed he slowly gets dressed before heading back to the lab with your dad to finish the nightly task before the early morning. 
Sliding back into the lab he threw himself down into the chair focused on his web shooters. 
“Are you okay?” Tony asked the protege already sensing something was off, standing to his full height and turning to Peter directly.
Peter didn’t look up but responded, “She said she loves me” 
Tony's eyebrows went up, “Did you say it back?” 
“No. I don't even think she realized she said it.” He twisted the screwdriver in his hand. 
“Is that why you're upset?” Tony asked back, arms crossed over his shoulders.
“No.” Peter shook his head, he didn’t want to have this conversation with his girlfriend's dad but seeing as he was also a superhero he was probably one of the only people that could truly understand it. 
“She was laying on top of me just sleeping, and this feeling came over me and sent me into a panic. I always thought I would protect my friends and May the best I could but just seeing her tonight I realized that I would die for her.” He paused, “I would kill for her.” Peter finally looked up and locked eyes with his mentor and girlfriends father hoping he would understand 
He nodded, letting him continue “I've never felt that way before. I feel responsible for keeping my city safe but I've never felt responsible for another person before.” 
“And it’s fucking terrifying.” He let out in a breath, his chest already feeling lighter. “I really love her, Mr. Stark.” His eyes started to sting, whether it was from tears or exhaustion he wasn’t sure. 
Tony nodded his head before coming closer and sitting across the bench from him.
“When Y/N was born, after I held her for the first time I told everyone I was going downstairs for coffee but I actually went into the garden and just cried because I had never had a feeling like that before in my life.” He spoke softly but sincerely. 
“When Y/N  told me how much she had liked you before she even told you I immediately felt a pressure coming off of me, because I knew no matter what she was always going to be safe and cared for with you.”  
“It’s scary to feel so strongly about someone else but seeing it recipucated makes it all worth it, and super powers or not Y/N would die for you too. Not that you’d ever let her.” He laughed at the end, but meant every word. His daughter was one of the strongest people he knew. 
Peter smiled at that. 
“I know.” 
Tony slapped his hand on the table, “Now how about you say we finish this up and get a few hours of sleep in before the trip tomorrow?”
About an hour later you woke up, groggy with a pounding headache and an empty bed. Pulling yourself to the bathroom to pee, you put Peter's shirt back on and some slippers before making your way to the lab. 
Walking in Peter's head looked up at you before clicking his tongue at you, “What are you doing up?” he joked. 
“What are you not doing in bed with me?” You asked back before sitting down on his lap, your head falling into his neck. 
He wrapped his arm around you holding his web shooter in one and screwdriver in the other still trying to piece them back together. 
“How much longer?” You asked huffing at the fluorescent lighting.
“Maybe 10 minutes.” Peter replied softly knowing you're still on the brink of sleep. 
“I have a really bad headache.” He could feel you frowning in his neck. 
Pausing his hand movements he pulled you tighter “Do you want me to get you some medicine?” 
You nodded but tightened your hold on him when he went to stand up, “you can finish first, I’ll just sleep here.” You snuggled deeper into him finally finding the perfect position that blocked all the lights out. 
Peter went back to working and sure enough felt your body get heavier and a bit more loose as you actually dropped back to sleep.
Ten minutes ended up being almost twenty five but once he was done and Tony left the lab with a “Goodnight, be ready by 7:15,” He had started to run his hand down your back trying to slowly wake you back up.
“Let's go to bed, okay?” He whispered in your ear.
Still more than half asleep, you nodded but kept your eyes closed and pressed yourself to Peter so he would keep you balanced while he walked you to your room. 
Stopping at the kitchen to get you a water bottle and some pills for your headache and then finally back to your room to cuddle for the night. 
When you finally laid back into bed with him you shoved your face into his bare chest, your legs intertwined with his, you grabbed onto his hair with one hand too tired to scratch at it. He nudged you anyways and you started to run your fingers through his curls and he gave a contempt sigh, you shuffled your hips closer to his and pressed around his body tighter. 
You broke the quiet moment with a whisper. 
“You’re not allowed to leave.” 
Peter laid his head on top of yours. 
“You know what I hate about Spider-Man?” 
No. He never talks bad about his alter ego, always going on about responsibilities and stopping bad things from happening, he has never complained or ragged on him. You shook your head into his chest, your hand still reached over your head, still dragging fingers through his own. 
“I hate we’re two people in the same body. Sometimes when I take off the suit I wish I was actually taking it off. Like, I lost all responsibilities and I was just Peter Parker. A normal 18 year old, about to graduate having a dope ass intern gig and dating Tony Stark’s daughter and not sharing that with Spider-Man. I wish it was a switch I could turn on and off, and when I'm with you, I really hate having to leave to go be, him.” 
He sighed and you tugged at his hair to show you were listening and waiting for more. 
“Sometimes, it just feels,” Peter stopped when his voice cracked. You knew that was a warning sign from Peter, he was about to cry. He laughed to hide a sob, he stayed quiet. You stayed on his chest, you turned your mouth in to press three small kisses, “Feels like what?” You whispered against his skin. 
He shook his head, if he stayed silent one more time you knew he was already crying but trying to hide it. “Petey?” Your head bounced from his chest when he let out a sob, his breathing getting loud, you sat up to face him watching him hold a hand over his mouth as another one was on his chest trying to ground his breaths. Tears were flowing down his cheeks, he choked out another sob on his hand, you tried to pull his head to your chest but he pushed you away. 
"It just feels unfair."
You’ve only seen him this bad once before, it was after a mental breakdown, similar to this one. It was just a combination of everything happening at once.
He and you had a fight, May was mad about something, he was getting his ass beat nightly and couldn’t even catch the guy and couldn’t get Tony to help because he pissed off his girlfriend, and therefore Tony was pissed at Peter.
And he was trying to study for the upcoming SAT while trying not to think of you being mad at him and how he was going to fix that, while also thinking about that guy still kicking his ass and his suit tech failing after various beatings but he was banned from the tower until he made up with Y/N, per word of her father.
And, trying not to think about May being pissed about something still, and not remembering what it was but it was probably a big fuck up on his end and reached his breaking point while in this spiral May came through his door and asked him “Why haven’t you taken the trash out? Or brought the laundry down? Or wash the dishes? Or anything I asked you?” Her tone was bitter, she sure was pissed. 
Then Peter turned his head to his desk, saw his phone resting on his PSAT workbook unlocked with your messages open but with nothing new. He snapped the pencil in his hand and sobbed. He cried so hard and suddenly May ran to him to grab him from dropping to the floor, “Peter?” He wouldn’t stop, he was babbling between not being able to breathe, his sobs were full of chokes and coughs. 
“Sorry-” “Tired” “Y/N” “Fight” “Banned” “Stressed” “Sacred” Were bits and pieces of the words May heard from him, sorry was a favorite he was using on loop. “Peter, what can I do? You need to calm down.” She was rubbing at his chest like she did when he was a baby, it would always calm him down. Sometimes she would catch you doing the same thing, “Y/N” He nearly screamed it with his cry, “I can call her, I can call her,” May fumbled for her phone in her pocket.
You looked at your phone light up with May’s contact photo, your brows furrowed. She never calls you. Texts, sure. But Calls? No. You almost thought it was Peter but you didn’t block his number or anything so there was no reason. 
She heard cries and heaving breathing in the background
“Y/N, you need to come over right now.” 
May was quick to the point. You heard a chorus of ‘Sorry’ in the background and coughing and sniffles. 
“Is he okay?” 
Your heart hurts. You’ve never heard anything like this from him. 
“I’m on my way. Can he hold the phone?” 
You heard May ask the question, a shuffling sound played, the trading of hands. 
You knew Peter was on the phone, the sobs ceased but he still couldn’t catch his breath, you heard sharp quick intakes every few seconds, no doubt tears still falling down his face. 
“Peter? Petey, listen to me. I’m on my way to come see you, okay? I need you to catch your breath, can you do that? I’m coming, Peter. I promise.” 
“M’ Sorry.” His voice was squeaky, he was forcing the words out. 
“I’m not mad. I’m not mad I promise. I just miss you and want you to be okay. I’m on my way right now.” 
“Okay? I’ll see you in a few minutes.” 
He pushed the phone back to May and she ended the call. His crying stopped, his breathing slowed. He was calm for a couple minutes. Then he remembered the fight, again. And about the SAT’s and how he’s still not done with that guy from three nights ago and started all over again. 
You remember how broken he looked then, how stress piled on him and crushed him entirely. His plate was so overloaded it cracked the glass. You sat next to him on the floor and straddled his hips, you pressed yourself to him and repeated ‘I’m here’ over and over. 
But tonight he was rejecting your help. 
“It just feels so unfair” 
He felt so shameful using these words. It was his secret, he always thought about it but there was nothing he could change about it so why complain? 
“It is unfair, Pete.” 
“It’s really unfair,” You added. “It really sucks you have to miss out on things in your life to do things in another life you didn’t ask for. It’s actually kind of shitty, I don’t know how you don’t complain more.” You were honest but you got a laugh from Peter and kept going, you were slowing his brain. 
“Seriously, babe. Could you imagine if I had powers? Do you know how much I would drag on about it? ‘Oh my god, I had to, like, save a child today. Ugh,’ Or, i’d be like, ‘bro they asked me to hold a ferry together, ME!’” You smiled at Peter’s face brightening up. “I would never shut up about it. You’re braver than the marines for never talking shit on the web man.” 
“Web man?” He gave a guttural laugh
“You’re a good person and you don’t deserve half the shit life throws at you.” 
“What’s the other half of shit I do deserve?” 
Peter sighed and laid on you this time. He kissed your temple, they didn’t need to say anything more. He was soaking up this moment, in just five hours he would be up and on a quinjet to a top secret location he would find out on the way, and be missing your warmth for three days. He would normally tell you he would never deserve you but he let you win tonight. 
“Good night, baby.” 
“Good night, Petey.” 
Peter woke to Tony pushing on his shoulder, “Get up kid, let’s go.” He lifted his head from his girlfriend's shoulder and turned towards Tony and gave him a death glare. 
He removed himself from the bed with a groan when Tony left the room. Peter watched your body lay unmoving and moved around the room silently collecting his things. He pulled on his suit and folded up his clothes on the floor and grabbed his phone and the small bag he would be taking with him on the trip. 
He moved to your side of the bed, you were still squished in as if Peter’s weight was still resting on you, soft snores billowed from your mouth, hair combed around your face and he moved his hand across your forehead to clear it. When he moved his hand across your face you lent into it, a subconscious movement that had you leaning into his touch. He sighed and felt upset to be leaving, it would only be two nights away, he could deal with that. 
“Hey baby?” He lent down to kiss across your face, trying to wake you to say goodbye always hurt him. 
You whined and pressed your cheek further into the pillow. Peter kissed the cheek facing him a few times before he tried again. 
“Baby, I’m leaving. Give me a kiss before I go.” 
Your eyes opened for a moment seeing your boyfriend sitting over you, his red and blue suit contoured to his body. It was too early for him to be Spider-Man. 
“It’s too early for Spidey.” 
“I know. It’s a good thing he can sleep on the plane.” 
You opened your eyes again, awake for now. You studied his face, he looked okay. 
“I thought we said you were staying home.” 
“Next time,” he smiled. 
He would’ve added a ‘promise’ to it but he wouldn’t make a promise to something he knew he couldn’t keep. 
You make a ‘psh’ sound, “Yeah, right.” 
“Two minutes, Underoos.” Tony’s voice belted from the hallway. 
“C’mon. One kiss, and I’ll be back before you miss me.” 
You leaned up to kiss him. It was a soft kiss, a goodbye kiss, an I’ll miss you kiss, an be safe, I need you kiss. 
He pulled away and turned to leave when you called from the bed, 
“I love you, Peter. Be safe.” 
His head never whipped around so quickly, his face with a smile you’ve never seen before. 
“You remember!” 
He wanted to tell you those words last night so badly but was terrified you said it in a moment of recklessness and wanted to make sure they counted when he said them. 
He jumped full force onto the bed barely catching himself before he flattened you. He was pressing kisses all over your face while you were giggling trying to push him off, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” was thrown with each kiss to a new spot. 
“Of course I remember! I love you and I want you to know it.” 
“I love you too, and I want you to know it.” 
Tony interrupted the moment, 
“Now. Spider.” 
He nodded at you, “Be careful when I’m gone Y/N. You need either one of us just call, we’ll be around. I’ll see you in three days, okay?” 
“Okay. Bye dad. I love you, be safe.” 
Tony looked to Peter for him to follow him out of the room. 
“I love you Petey.” 
“I love you too.” 
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aidankalenko · 20 days
dropping off my latest narumitsu here, please enjoy
title: Occurring Continuously (ao3 link)
word count: 3469
summary: Set vaguely after 5-5. Wright thinks Apollo has a crush on him and goes to Edgeworth to ask for his opinion.
notes: A getting together fic that got away from me a bit. Post time-skip Nick is too fun to write.
“I think Apollo has a crush on me.”
“I can't say I’m surprised,” Edgeworth replies without looking up from his tea.
Over the years of their friendship, tumultuous as it has been, Wright has come to find the scent of Edgeworth’s imported teas a tangible anchor for Edgeworth's heavily abstract presence. A sweet aroma of ceylon meanders through the air, a reflection of Edgeworth's indifferent demeanour.
Just the usual. At least it smells nice.
Wright shifts in his seat. The buckle of his waistcoat presses into the small of his back, wedged against the plush chair situated across from Edgeworth.
“Right,” Wright deadpans. “I forgot you lost the ability to experience surprise in your old age.”
That earns him a snort, an auditory hint of a smile.
“After spending my years with you, Wright, I had no choice. Otherwise, I couldn't have coped with your special company.”
“We're getting away from the point,” Wright complains.
“Now that's your specialty.”
“Edgeworth,” Wright whines.
Edgeworth finally looks up. His glasses reflect sunlight and obscure his dark eyes for a second.
“Like I said, I’m hardly surprised,” Edgeworth replies. “You were a role model. Then, you were a mentor. Now, you're his boss and you've got a new suit to boot.”
Wright looks down at his outfit. He smooths down the waistcoat, adjusts the chain of his locket. “The suit can't be that impressive,” he mumbles.
“Agreed,” Edgeworth says with no edge at all. It still earns him an eye-roll from Wright. “But it's a number of levels up from sweatpants and sandals. Plus, your face is completely different without the hat.”
Wright smooths a hand over his scalp. “You really think so?” he asks.
Edgeworth takes a sip of his tea and doesn't bother to hide his unimpressed expression behind his cup. “Wright,” he says, “if you came here looking for compliments, I’m afraid I’ve already hit my daily quota.”
“Is that restricted to comments on my physical features or do I get a different number for my shining personality as well?”
“Wright,” Edgeworth grunts. Wright allows himself a brief laugh.
“Okay, so I look different,” Wright acquiesces, “but, like, I always thought he saw me as a father figure.”
Wright manages a slight blush. “Okay, that's kinkier than I was expecting from either of you,” he admits.
Edgeworth shrugs. “I don't know the boy,” he says. “I’m just saying that it might not be as much of a deterrent as you might expect.”
After some more tea, Edgeworth leans an elbow on his desk. “What gave you the inclination to believe he might be infatuated?” he asks.
“Infatuated seems kind of like a strong word.”
“Wright, stay on task.”
“Sorry,” Wright mutters reflexively. He scratches the back of his neck. “Well, I don't know. I’ve caught him staring a couple of times, but I blamed that on the new look. But he also, you know—touches me more. Dusting my jacket kind of thing. Laughs at my jokes.”
“Including that mop you call hair?”
“Firstly, what kind of mop is as stiff and clean as this? And secondly, that was kind of a low blow.”
“I had a feeling your vanity could use some taming if you're receiving such attention from your young protege.”
Wright tugs at his collar. “He is young,” he comments. “Eleven years younger than me, in fact.”
Edgeworth hums. “Ah,” he says. “You're afraid you're a bad influence.”
Wright averts his eyes. “I can't say I’ve been the best,” he says. “I’m trying, but you know. This has all been done on the fly.”
“You're an expert on that by now,” Edgeworth tells him. His sincerity softens the corners of his lips and eyes. “Have more confidence.”
Sighing, Wright nods. “I guess you're right,” he says. “I should, especially if I want to be a good role model for him.”
“You're one of the best this country has ever seen in the courtroom, Wright.”
“I could stand to hear that more often.”
Edgeworth cuts the air with a sharp sigh. Wright grins.
“I’m already pushing it by exceeding my daily quota, Wright,” he says. “As I was saying, you're already a covetable mentor and role model. Any other expectations are ones of your own fabrication. You shouldn't put so much pressure on yourself.”
A small smile curves Wright's mouth. “You know,” he says, “I came to you because you're my best friend and pretty much the smartest guy I know. I wasn't expecting actual human advice. You've really embraced the soft part of you, you know?”
“Wright, I think you forget that I have an adoptive younger sister. The circumstances have their similarities.”
“Can't you just take a compliment?”
“I’ve been told that's not exactly my area.”
“Yes, by me, many, many times. Guess that's my bad.”
Edgeworth smiles in that careful, small way of his. “So,” he says, cutting the atmosphere yet again, smile dropping, “what's the next step?”
“Well, I got my badge back, so I was thinking I should go for my driver's license next—”
“Wright,” Edgeworth says severely.
Wright grins, but he does have the sense to be a tiny bit sheepish. “Wait until a confession comes or not?” he says. He shrugs.
Edgeworth drums his fingertips on his arm. The gesture does not produce sound, but Wright hears it regardless.
“You know,” Wright says, “I thought you would've advised against any sort of advance. He is my colleague, after all, and also eleven years my junior.”
“Wright, I’ve learned that there isn't much I can do to stop you once you've put your mind to something.”
For a second, Edgeworth expresses just a hint of discomfort. Wright almost misses it with all his shameless grinning, but his eyes are very familiar with Edgeworth's silhouette, every sigh and frown comprising a canvas he'd committed to memory with effortless ease ages ago.
Edgeworth fidgets in his seat as light glints off his glasses. He looks like a villain about to make a confession in one of his beloved historic cartoon series. Which is to say, his face moves muscles that slightly resemble some sort of emotion.
“Which is why,” Edgeworth says, “the next logical question is about your future plans. If you have any. Which I am not surprised that you lack.”
“You and your logic,” Wright scoffs. Edgeworth's brow furrows and Wright counts it as a victory. “Guess it's my bad, yet again, to hope for something that isn't a product of your infallible logic.”
A pause.
“You're asking for my personal opinion.”
“He's learning.”
Edgeworth rolls his eyes.
“I don't suppose I have one,” he says, but there's a note of hesitation that slows his lips.
“Uh huh. But you always have an opinion about me.”
“Remember what I said earlier about your vanity?”
Wright chuckles. “Alright, got me there. Still,” he presses, “I’m asking as a friend.”
Edgeworth's expression sours. “That's cheap, pulling the friend card,” he complains.
“It wouldn't be if you just acted without having to be prompted.”
Edgeworth leans back in his seat. Wright observes the fading scent of ceylon and the faint hints of expensive cologne hanging on Edgeworth's shirt cuffs.
“It's your life, Wright. If you think you can be happy with him, that he can be happy with you, then I don't see how it's a question.”
Silence brews between them, hot, with steam curling at the edges.
“Edgeworth,” Wright coos, “you are so damn cute.”
“Are you asking to be thrown out of my office?” Edgeworth replies hotly, brow twitching.
“That's so sweet of you,” Wright continues, “wanting the best for me and all that. I’d almost think you had a crush on me, too!”
“Wright, with the rate at which your head is ballooning, I’m starting to doubt you'll fit through the door even if I attempt to throw you out of it.”
“That's not a denial.”
“Wright,” Edgeworth says, and the sharp quality of that warning is warmed steel against Wright's throat. “I do not have a crush on you. Don't mistake me for your twenty-something-year-old protege.”
“Oh my god, you're jealous!”
Edgeworth's eyes flash behind his glasses. The thrill of his prickling energy pressing Wright into his seat is reminiscent of those poker games Wright used to play; it's a satisfying taste of nostalgia. That's Edgeworth, through and through.
“I wasn't expecting a confession in exchange for my problem, but I guess that's one way of going about it,” Wright says. His face hurts from grinning.
The name drops like a bucket of cold water atop Wright's head. Game's over.
Wright sobers his expression. Across from him is a marble statue with cracks around the eyes and mouth. Lines of age, weathering, personality. It doesn't take away from the beauty of the statue, no. In fact, it adds life, and it is there that Wright seeks out clues, truth.
He stepped out of line. He should have known. Edgeworth can be flighty, sometimes more literally than not, when it comes to his emotions. But sometimes Wright can't help himself—especially because of that flight risk.
Some of the lines on that face were carved by Wright himself. And maybe that's why Wright finds himself drawn there, searching. The statue before him is in its most permanent iteration; maybe it's habit that Wright tests that permanence.
“Alright,” Wright says. He resists the urge to put up his hands in some show of submission. “I’m sorry. I stepped out of line.”
Edgeworth's expression tightens like a canvas over its wooden frame. Were he to allow a drop of emotion to hit that pristine primer, Wright is sure he'd be marvelous.
“Perhaps,” Edgeworth allows. Tension slowly seeps out of his face. “And perhaps I should learn how to take a joke one of these days. You'd think I would have, after all this time.”
“You know what they say,” Wright replies, “old dogs and new tricks and all that.”
He finds himself surprised to feel his own body relax. He shouldn't be. More often than not, he's drawn like a bow when he's with Edgeworth.
Edgeworth adjusts his glasses on his face, replaces that mask of cool he's so fond of.
“You really are the turnabout master,” he says, and his voice is weary as he speaks, “somehow spinning this matter into a question of our friendship.”
“It was just a joke,” Wright offers. An olive branch.
Edgeworth manages a wry smile that doesn't quite breach the barrier of his glasses. “Right, and this is the part where I laugh,” he deadpans.
Wright mirrors that wry expression and pulls his phone from his pocket. “Text from Trucy,” he says. “Says she's hungry. I gave her lunch money, but I guess she just misses this newly handsome face.”
Edgeworth stares at him. Wright has an excellent poker face, practised and perfected out of Edgeworth's observant eye. Still, Wright doubts himself under that grey scrutiny.
“You'd know better than I do,” Edgeworth replies airily. He pointedly pulls out a folder from his desk drawer. “Go to her.”
“I’ll update you on the Apollo situation,” Wright promises him.
Edgeworth's expression doesn't budge. His marble is luminous in the sunlight.
“I shall wait with bated breath,” he replies in a voice that certainly does not suggest that he will.
It's an easily difficult move to step out of Edgeworth's office.
Apollo makes his move sooner than later.
They're both doing some reading from a recent conference out of state when Apollo clears his throat.
“Um, Mr… Phoenix,” he starts.
“Please,” Wright replies, “Mr. Phoenix was my father. Just call me Phoenix. Nick if you're feeling daring.”
Apollo chuckles and the sound warms Wright's belly. “I’ll just try Phoenix on for size for now,” he replies.
Wright avoids making a comment about size.
“Anyway,” Apollo powers on, the brave lad, “I just noticed the time and I was wondering if you wanted me to pick up something from the ramen cart or something. Or, uh, if you wanted to stretch your legs, we could get dinner…?”
“Not somewhere too far,” Wright replies. “These legs can only work so hard after five p.m.”
Apollo's face brightens with the brilliance of starlight. Wright doubts he could ever think of Apollo without also thinking of the galaxy, celestial beauty.
“W-Well, we have a couple of options,” Apollo says, and it's immediately clear that he's been thinking about this for a while. Prepared for several situations and possible outcomes. He can really be such a tryhard sometimes. It's incredibly endearing.
Apollo rattles off some restaurant names ranging from casual to chic. In his heart of hearts, Wright is a simple man; in his wallet, there isn't much to speak of.
“I guess it depends,” Wright says. “Are you treating me?”
Somehow the question is weighty enough to tighten Apollo’s lips.
A switch flips in Apollo’s head. He smiles, worried and weary at the same time, and replies, “Yeah, it’s on me.”
“I could use some fresh air,” Wright accepts. Apollo is the sun.
Wright hasn’t extinguished a sun before. He expects it to be an implosion, a great snuff of fire going up in smoke—he also expects that sun to burn again, a different flame for a better man.
The next time Wright ends up in Edgeworth’s office around noon, that cyclical scent of ceylon in the air, Edgeworth moves first.
“I pray you’ve come with good news?” Edgeworth asks. His tone is so flat Wright almost trips on his feet on the way in.
“God, the attitude already!” Wright accuses. “I didn’t even say hi and you’re already at my throat!”
“I haven’t had time to face you in court,” Edgeworth replies, having the gall to smile through his words, “so I’ve got to keep you sharp somehow.”
Wright feels his heart expand and deflate all at once.
“I’m not trying to sound desperate,” Wright says, “but man, I miss that.”
Edgeworth’s smile remains for a few moments longer. “Be careful what you wish for,” he says. It’s a chimera caught between promising and threatening.
“Anyway,” Edgeworth says on an inhale. His chest is stiff. Wright couldn’t be more endeared. “Have you any news regarding Apollo, or are you here simply to be a bother?”
Wright hesitates. “You’re so formal,” he begins.
“Don’t deflect,” Edgeworth presses.
Wright winces. “He… He basically asked me out,” he explains. “Like—on a date. Dinner date. He had more confidence than I was expecting, which was insanely cute.”
Edgeworth takes a cup of tea from the corner of his desk and brings it closer. He nods at Wright, prompting him to continue.
Again, Wright hesitates. “He’s cute,” he says, “don’t get me wrong. And he was such—such a gentleman, you know?”
“None of the things you’re saying have anything to do with what actually occurred that night,” Edgeworth observes. He smiles once again. There’s no time to analyze the nature of this smile.
Wright circles his thumbs around each other. “I mean,” he says, his words skipping across the surface of his tongue, “nothing happened.”
“And yet, you seem tormented by the whole thing.”
“‘Tormented’ is a strong word,” Wright comments, flinching.
Edgeworth rolls his eyes. “Regardless, it seems to be on your shoulders,” he says. “What happened? Or was it something you said to him?”
“I guess…” Wright trails off, remembering. With ease, he reels the memories of last night from his mind. The shy touches at his waist. The fluttering smiles. The vigorous blush on the boy’s face.
“I guess it was just that nothing happened,” Wright says. He swallows, and then he also says, “And—well, I told him nothing would happen.”
Edgeworth’s eyebrows fly up his forehead. “It took only one date to make you feel certain?” he asks. The incredulity from his lips is sweet.
Wright stops fidgeting his hands. He places them on Edgeworth’s desk, feeling the earth under his touch. Edgeworth observes him.
“I knew,” Wright says quietly, “that nothing would happen.”
“So,” Edgeworth says, “why did you go?”
“What was I supposed to do,” Wright sighs. He looks down at his hands. They stretch under the weight of two gazes.
There is silence in the room, bitter, aromatic. Wright’s sinuses must be inflamed.
“You know,” Wright starts, unsure of where he’s going, taking blind step after blind step forward, “this is the first time I’ve ever, in the last eight years, talked about—”
He stops. He’s afraid to continue.
Slowly, he raises his eyes to Edgeworth’s face. What meets him is pure, flawless marble—and somehow that gives Wright strength.
“This is the first time,” Wright starts again, “that I’ve mentioned anything about my love life to you, in the entirety of our friendship, and the fact that you said I should do what makes me happy…”
Wright inhales. Exhales. Spurs roll across the walls of his lungs.
“It made me—happy,” Wright says. He chokes on the word, so bulbous and contorted against his soft palate.
Edgeworth pulls forward, closer into Wright’s gravity, inclined towards his downcast eyes. “Wright,” he says softly. “Is there something the matter?”
“You really think that—that I could be happy with Apollo…?”
Wright’s question sounds so hollow, so empty, fragile porcelain that rings thinly against the blunt head of a hammer.
“Well, there’s no way I can be certain,” Edgeworth admits. “I—I could only hope for your happiness,” he adds quietly. “Above all. Indeed, this is the first time romance has ever been discussed between the two of us, and I do recognize the significance of that. And—as simple as it is, I wish only for you to be happy, my friend.”
My friend. The sound of the words vibrating against the walls of Edgeworth’s lush office feels like a succession of lashes against Wright’s spine, propelling him forward. His palms root his weight against the desk between them.
Wright stares at Edgeworth. He knows this face, this perfect, weathered, marble face. The image of that face has haunted him for decades now, in so many different iterations Wright could fill an entire library with records of Edgeworth.
He knows this face, his life’s greatest constant, his favourite everyday novelty.
Today is not a day of novelty. Today, Edgeworth looks the same as ever. He looks steady and stony.
And yet Wright takes his leap.
“You could,” Wright says haltingly, “make me happy.”
The air falls completely still.
Edgeworth inhales. Wright is certain of the ceylon aroma against Edgeworth’s senses, and that is all he is certain of.
“Pardon me?” Edgeworth asks.
“You could make me happy.”
It is an admission, and it is an admission that slides from the pit of Wright’s guts out into the ceylon air of Edgeworth’s plush and posh office.
“I don’t,” Edgeworth says with such slowness, such viscosity, “I don’t know what you mean—”
“Don’t play dumb,” Wright hisses. The noise is ugly, as is the ball of nerves knotting up his lungs and throat.
Edgeworth flushes, flustered. “I’m not—” he starts, but he can’t find the finish. His eyes begin to drown in his blush. The astonishing shade of red startles Wright into a laugh.
“I’m not playing dumb!” Edgeworth spits. His hairs are standing on end. “I genuinely have no idea what you could be insinuating!”
Wright rolls his eyes, and with it, the room spins on its axis in the second of an instant. “No, you do,” he insists. “You do. There’s no way. You’ve been around the world; you’ve met so many people. I can’t spell this out for you, Edgeworth.”
Haunches raised, Edgeworth stirs. He rises from his chair, matching Wright’s stature. His eyes are steel daggers pinning Wright to the floor, as if the weight of Edgeworth’s presence wasn’t heavy enough to incapacitate him.
“Then,” Edgeworth says, and the simple, single syllable draws Wright tight like a bowstring.
“Then?” Wright asks.
Edgeworth approaches. Wright’s breath feels crowded in his chest.
“Then you won’t mind,” Edgeworth starts, and his lips form the finish against Wright’s mouth.
Relief is the first wave to crash against Wright’s sensibilities, and with it brings clarity that lasts all of two seconds before the wave of fire crashes in after. Edgeworth is cool steel that does nothing to calm Wright’s flames—the phoenix dragged out of the ashes Wright hadn’t known had settled. Edgeworth is a beast tamer, and Wright the beast, constantly at the whims of his master.
It’s a short moment of contact, perhaps even chaste. And yet, Wright can feel fire licking at his nerves; he can feel lava pour into his joints and cool all too rapidly; and suddenly, he is a statue of stone, fixed in place as Edgeworth circles him with his eyes.
“You’re right,” Wright says. “I didn’t mind.”
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Bsd except Dazai is a good mentor to Akutugawa.
Dazai realises the person he found is now his protege and erm.. Freaks out a lil. Goes to Odasaku like "how do you look after a child?!"
Okay so he freaks out a lot. And thinks Mori's using this to try and personally spite him....which jury's still out on that one.
Oda finds it kinda sweet and is somewhat amused to see the Demon Prodigy himself scanning through Oda's parenting books.
Despite being told time and time again the kid is only 2 years younger than him.
Dazai using tips he learns from Oda, not punishing Akutugawa for his mistakes and instead giving constructive criticism.
He doesn't insult him when Akutugawa is genuinely trying.
"I feel this werid feeling in my chest when he gets hurt. Not the feeling like I wanna hurt him but... Sad? Like I don't want him to be hurt anymore."
Akutagawa becomes Dazai's right hand man. Away from the Port Mafia they start to act more like brothers than executive and subordinate.
Dazai's as calculated as ever but it's not towards making Akutugawa feel bad, it's how to make him happy.
What things elicit a positive reaction, what makes him laugh, what makes him smile.
And using positive reinforcement while they train, the results speaking for themselves.
Dazai is just trying his best and he fucks up sometimes and learns to push down his pride and apologise.
He also takes note of Akutugawa's health and had him actually checked over by a doctor and such.
He also possibly threatens a few people... Only a few to ensure Akutugawa gets the best healthcare and can manage his condition.
"You're not allowed to die before me" is his justification to it all.
Akutagawa's emergency contact is Dazai.
They bicker and they fight but it's never malicious. Akutagawa looks up to Dazai but it's not hero worship as it is genuine respect.
He knows Dazai's flaws, will call him human with a straight face and get second hand embarrassment watching him flirt.
Dazai was in the corner totally not pouting when in a game of truth and dare, Akutugawa said Chuuya was his favourite executive.
"Betrayed by my own flesh and blood!"
"We don't share flesh or blood!"
Chuuya just grinned, victorious which started another fight but they were all laughing by the end of it.
Akutugawa knows he's loved, he still has his temper and he's still a wandering dog.
But Dazai left him a trail and he'll always come back home.
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fuji-sen · 4 months
Apollo from Blood of Zeus, forgot to clarify. Based on the Song: o sol e a lua - Pequeno Cidadão lyrics translation: hwartless.mp3 in youtube!
— main character is a free slot where you can insert your oc or yourself,
— main character is depicted as the daughter of Selene, also the goddess of the moon, Artemis still exists, she is still also a goddess of the moon, however her role (as the goddess of the moon) is different and will be more minor compared to the main character.
— main character isn't related or at least closely related to Apollo
— I describe the main character as someone with dark blue hair, white-iridescent eyes, pale skin. You are free to change things and as a female character.
*changes between 2nd and 3rd person pov sometimes.
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「 The Sun proposed to the Moon
Said he's loved her for a very long time
Since the time of dinosaurs
pterodactyls, tyrannosaurus,
When there weren't even bicycles,
nor tricycles,
Nor motorcycles 」
It was the first time the God of the Sun had met her. He had just finished pulling the sun by himself on the chariot without the guidance of his mentor and predecessor.
He got off the chariot, pulled by four winged stead's. His hand went to comb his luscious golden locks as he sighed, satisfied at his progress. Soon enough he would be the new God of the Sun and it would be forever his job to herd the Sun over the lands.
He guided the horses back to their first owner, their master, Helios the Golden titan. He could see the titan from a distance and he found him chatting with someone.
Apollo stopped in his tracks, mesmerized at the Titan's companion.
The sun had long since set and the moon now ruled the skies. It's gentle rays enveloping all in a comforting embrace.
A head of cerulean hair shone under the moonlight, an iridescent halo floating behind her head. He found himself staring at the Goddess from behind who talked with the Titan of the Sun, Helios, with such familiarity.
"Helios, it's nice to see you again, how long has it been" the woman politely told the titan who laughed.
"Ah child, still stiff as ever, I told you to call me uncle." The titan responded with a jovial laugh, his large hands reaching and patting her small back (in comparison). The Goddess nearly fell at the strength of his hands, and the Titan laughed more and more.
"Oh Apollo, come here!" Helios noticed his protege from afar, bringing him back his chariot and horses. "Meet my niece, [___]" The titan gestured to the Goddess, who turned to take a look at the approaching God.
Apollo found his breath being taken away from him, his golden eyes lost in iridescent ones. It was akin to his brother's cloak. A white base with a mesh of multiple colors. He stepped closer and closer, eyes staring intently.
He could see a rainbow reflecting in his eyes, and gold. Her eyes reflected golden rays, perhaps from his own aura and eyes.
"What are you doing?" The Goddess asked with a frown, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. "oh" he stood there, mouth akin to that of a fish's. Flapping open and close. Helios stared at the God weirdly, it was unlikely him to be at a loss for words, Apollo was a smooth talker, witty even, so he was never without a response.
Apollo's cheeks turned pink, "apologies, I simply got lost in your beautiful eyes." he remarked after finding composure, he offered his hand to her and she hesitantly took it, assuming he wanted to shake it.
But to her surprise, the God brought the back of her hand to his lips, nearly kissing it if it weren't for her quick reflexes. She quickly took her hand back awkwardly, "there's no need for such.. actions."
He laughed, slightly embarrassed, but he pressed on, he wasn't one to give up. "My name is Apollo, I'm your uncle's, Helios', student. In the future, it will be my job to raise and lower the sun." He introduced himself, a hand on his chest and a warm smile.
The Goddess stared at him, lightly coughing as she put her hand at her side. "It's nice to meet you Apollo, my name is [___]." Her voice was quiet, nearly betrayed by the winds, luckily he managed to hear it.
"It's nice you two are getting along, considering you two may be working with each other everyday in the future." Helios cut in, reminding the two of his presence. Apollo's brows raised questioningly.
"Little one here is a prospective Goddess for the task of herding the Moon." The Titan said softly, putting a hand on her small back in assurance and trust.
"Oh, You will be taking after the Goddess Selene?" Apollo turned to the iridescent Goddess. She slowly nodded with a purse of her lips, "highly likely, she is my mother and she has been suggesting I take on her role." she answered "of course, if your sister doesn't mind, she too is a Goddess of the Moon."
"Artemis?" he chuckled at the thought "She prefers spending the night hunting, I think she'll be overjoyed with passing that job to you." Apollo reassured her of any worries, waving his hand to dismiss such a thought. He knew his twin quite well, and honestly, Artemis has confessed to him her worries of receiving such a.. to quote her, 'boring' and 'repetitive' job.
"I see, then I suppose we will really be seeing much of the other in the future."
Ever since then, they meet briefly nearly every twilight. Passing by each other in their own chariots whenever they herded the Sun and the Moon.
They passed by each other when the Sun set or the Moon rested. Apollo always sent a smile and a wave her way, and she in turn would nod her head respectfully towards the God.
Sometimes the task of pulling the moon was managed by Selene and the Goddess was nowhere to be found.
And tonight, was one of those nights.
Apollo couldn't help but found himself riding his chariot in the night, the stars were shining brightly and the Moon ever watching. He could not find her among the Gods at Mount Olympus, he wondered if she was asleep, resting for the night.
The Sun God couldn't help but notice how often he looked for her presence, enjoyed it, as if it was like basking in the moonlight. A comforting feeling.
"Is that?" he pulled the reins, guiding the horses near the beach. There in the water, stood a woman, bathing alone in the waters. Letting the currents hit her body.
Hearing the sound of horses, the Goddess turned her head, finding a golden chariot, driven by a golden haired God approaching her "Apollo?" she called with a raised brow.
She sank further into the waters, embarrassed, remembering her robes were on a nearby rock. Apollo got off the chariot, waving her as he made her way.
"[___]" he called, unknowingly his lips tugged to a smile. She was beautiful, a gentle type of beauty. The moonlight framed her body, and
the waters reflected the light, its wavy pattern appearing on her pale skin. Her cheeks a rosy pink, she was flustered.
"Apollo" she stammered, her hand covering the lower half of her face as she turned away "could you hand me my dress?" she asked.
"Of course."
The bundle of fabric was in his hands, but he made no move to approach her. "Apollo?" she called, worriedly. "I can't just hand it to you while you're in the waters, are you going to wear it and get it wet?" he questioned amused.
"don't worry" he reassured softly "I'll close my eyes and turn around." He did as he said and she sighed thoughtfully.
He smiled slightly, hearing the sound of water moving and a pair of footsteps approached him. The item he held was taken away from him and he could hear the rustle of clothes.
"Thank you," she said still embarrassed "I'm okay now." She took a step back as Apollo turned around, admiring her beauty.
Her hair was still wet, drops of water dripping from the ends, her hair stuck to her skin as well as her clothes. Luckily the fabric was not sheer or of light colors.
"What brings you here?" she questioned, "I would have assumed you would be resting by now or partying up there at Mount Olympus."
"I felt like exploring the area, and I found myself bewitched by a beautiful woman by the beach." He sighed in content, "However I was worried to see that she was alone, and bare. The waters are very dangerous at night, have you not heard of Poseidon's son and how he met his end by Ares'?"
The Goddess shrugged "I have, but I can defend myself. However, thank you for your words and assistance." She smiled at him.
"I only speak the truth." He told her, offering his hand to the moon eyed goddess. "Would you like to take a walk with me?"
She eyed him "I suppose.. considering you just assisted me." she took his hand, and he felt like he touched fire. A soothing warm, and something akin to lightning. His skin tingled and his body felt warmer.
They took a walk by the beach, the waters occasionally reaching their feet. Wetting it and coating Apollo's sandals with sand. "I did not think this through" he muttered, annoyed as he kicked his feet, it seemed to only make his situation worse if not sandier.
She laughed in amusement, and the two dove in a lighthearted conversation. Their hobbies, their preferred offerings, their titles.
"How have I not seen you before in Mount Olympus?" he asked and confessed to her "I wished I had met you sooner."
"oh.." she blinked, staring away from his intense gaze, opting to look at the moon's reflection in the waters "it's cause I usually sleep the day away, I'm more active at night." And as she said that, a yawn escaped her lips.
"it looks like you haven't been sleeping the day away as you claimed" he said hand reaching to brush the hair that was sticking to her forehead.
"I've been preparing with Ares and Athena" she explained, "I never got to properly tell you all my titles."
"What would a Moon Goddess have business with the War Duo?" he asked.
"I'm a Restoration Goddess, but I also represent the defensive aspects of war." She replied with a proud grin, shaking her arm away from his as her hands went to grab her waist. "I usually come after the battle, I help the victims heal and build themselves back up again."
"An honorable duty." He complimented her.
"Thank you Apollo, now I must retire, Ares told me he'll be breaking me down and up" she sighed.
"I know my thing or two around the blade, would you like my assistance as well?" he offered.
"Thanks, but aren't you supposed to be pulling the Sun?" she reminded him in amusement, his eyes widened having forgotten his role. "Right, still, I'll think of something."
She turned away, beginning to continue their walk. "It's alright, you don't have to Apollo." she said with a hum. They both had time consuming tasks. And although Helios and her mother were there to take some days off, the task of pulling either one of the heavenly bodies required half the day or so. She stared at the moon with a longing expression.
'It would be easier if the horses were tamed and could pull it on their own..'
"I want to though." Apollo stated, grabbing her hand and making her turn to meet his gaze, his eyes were filled with warmth, it had a glow akin to the light of the sun. His eyes resembled that of melted gold and ambrosia, they were absolutely stunning.
"Let me help you." he told her with an almost pleading voice.
"W-why do you treat me like this?" she questioned taking back her hand.
「 But the Moon found it so strange,
A fire ball that doesn't even bathe
Just imagine!
What a pity! 」
「 Because, my heart doesn't belong to anyone
I'm the inspiration of all couples
From the great poets to the most ordinary ones
Get off man! 」
"You love her?!" Artemis repeated, eyes wide as she nearly dropped her glass of wine. The four gods, siblings, were in Apollo's quarters.
Artemis had noticed her twin's recent moodiness and so she brought Hermes and Dionysus with her and barged into her brother's room with food and drinks.
She practically had to threaten him to tell his most embarrassing stories to the other Gods in the room to get him to talk.
Dionysus looked amused, cheeks flushed from the wine he was drinking "you just told her you love her! and she rejected you!?" the God of parties and wine laughed, nearly toppling over to the floor in his very much drunken state.
Apollo breathed in deeply, but his annoyance grew and he ended up throwing a pillow at the youngest God.
Hermes looked at the God of Sun with amusement, "I didn't think you'd be capable of falling so deeply for someone." he admitted, raising his hands seemingly in surrender "What did she say?"
"She didn't believe me." Apollo frowned as he slumped on his chair, he looked at his chalice of wine, already empty, and he could feel the alcohol's effects. "Nor does she care for love."
Artemis and Hermes shared a glance.
"Well.." Artemis turned to Hermes, as if mentally communicating with him but the Herald of Gods shrugged. "It probably has something to do with her parents." The white haired Goddess theorizes.
He raised a brow "Selene and..?"
"Endymion." Hermes answered, being fast and easily travelling around let the God hear a lot of things. And one of which was about The Titan Goddess of the Moon and her forever sleeping lover.
"And I don't think our own parents, especially Father, makes love look amazing." Artemis nonchalantly said as she looked at her nails. "[___] she probably just got turned off with love."
"Or you aren't her type." Dionysus chimed in raising his hand and waving it.
Apollo's response was to throw another pillow at the drunk.
"Brother, perhaps you should focus on drinking." Hermes suggested to avoid things escalating with the drunk God's teasing. "Will you be giving up?" Artemis questioned her brother. Apollo quickly answered "No, of course not!"
"Maybe you should, respect her boundaries, she did say no." The huntress shrugged getting some grapes from the fruit bowl.
"I'm not going to force her to like me" Apollo frowned at his sister "But I can not just simply let go of my feelings for her."
Artemis looked at her brother with a long hard stare before sighing, "alright, suit yourself, but the minute you start harassing her, my dear brother, you will find yourself as my personal archery target."
"What am I? A common thug? I have no intentions of harassing anybody!"
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
"[___]" The cerulean haired goddess turned to the source of that familiar voice, she lowered her weapon and the spar between her and Athena was paused as the trio (her, Artemis and Ares) gave their full attentions to the sun God who walked with a sword in his hands. "What is he doing here?" Ares asked in a gruff voice.
"I think he has invited himself, [___]?" Athena turned questioningly towards you.
You shrug in response, unable to answer or say that he was following you like some puppy due to some trivial and fleeting emotions and attraction.
"I simply wanted to train with the Moon Goddess. It would do us well to be able to fight well together, do you not think so?" Apollo stated seeing their questioning glances. "Ah." Ares looked unamused at his waltzing in.
"Damn Bastards.." he cursed under his breath.
"Well at least there's an even number of people" Athena said with a smile, trying to avoid any in-fighting between siblings with how Ares was looking at the God of the Sun. "Why don't we try fighting in pairs?" She suggested.
Apollo positively brightened at the idea, the aura around his form shined brighter. Ares hissed, squinting his eyes having been nearly blinded. "Okay.. considering Apollo's words, why don't you and [___] work together."
"A-against you.. and him?" You sputtered, glancing cautiously at Ares, on a good day he was a good sparring partner, but he seemed to have gotten ticked off due to Apollo's presence, you were sure he wasn't going to go easy on anyone of you now at this point. Athena seemed to understand your worries, and whispered to you that she will try to keep the other War God in line.
And now you find yourself paired up with your supposed 'other half,' Apollo. "Don't look too worried, I'm not all talk." Apollo said with a smile, noticing her reluctance in partnering with him. "It's not that, it just seems.. Ares isn't quite fond of you." you pointed out, careful with your words.
Apollo laughed, "you must have been sleeping under a rock, of course he doesn't like me, his mother, Hera hates us. She hates us illegitimate children and our mothers." You found yourself frowning at that and found yourself muttering "but it's not your fault you were born in such circumstances.." 
The golden eyes God looked at you softly, "your kindness warms my heart, but you do not need to worry about me, I am quite used to such hatred."
You looked at him in silent, he looked at you with a smile albeit a sad one that seemed to try to reassure her and himself deep down. You turn your eyes to Ares who was stretching, the God noticing your stare, turned to you.
And you both meet eyes.
He raised a brow at you, and you cocked your head to the side, mentally communicating with him. He rolled his eyes but nonetheless nodded, understanding you wanted to talk to him later.
Apollo looked at the interaction between you two, and found himself to feel an ugly sort of feeling in his stomach. It was a feeling that made his gut twist, he felt a bit angry at the interaction, and he found himself wondering if you were close to Ares?
"Let us begin." Athena announced.
. . . . .
"We lost horribly" you sighed, you and Apollo sat at a bench together, injured and bruised from the spar. "Apologies, I left you to fend for yourself against Athena" Apollo chuckled but winced, his ribs needed to be healed, despite his strange ways of love, pain was not one of his methods. He disliked pain.
"Here" you softly murmur, hand extending towards his chest, there was a hideous purple bruise on it and you suspect a few bones have been broken. "Thank you" Apollo said, watching you as you focused on his wounds. He sighed in relief feeling the pain melt away, and with that, he could focus on the feeling of your hand on his skin.
Soft and cool skin, that left goosebumps on his body with each trace. "I.. I didn't know you could heal." he uttered. "Just like the Sun, the moon is known for its healing." you simply say, your mother Selene could heal, and she was the original Goddess of the moon, and Helios could as well, although his healing works in the way of purification, purifying the body from poison sort of way.
You took back your hand but Apollo caught it with his own much bigger hand, his hand was calloused and could easily cover your own. The God simply smiled at you, cherishing the feeling of holding hands, his thumb brushed your knuckles as he hummed.
You felt chills from his touch, nearly taking your hand away until you felt it. It was warm, soothing and comforting, you watched as his energy and aura extended to you, covering your body and found that the pain from your injuries were becoming numb.
"Thank you." You'd say, and looked away with an unreadable face.
「the sun proposed to the moon,
and the moon said
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'give me a break' 」
"[___]" he suddenly called your name and you turned to look at him, there was a hopeful look on the God of the Sun's face. "Would you like to spend some time together with me? Tonight?" he offered.
You raised a brow, and found yourself looking at him with amusement. "I'm afraid I cannot, I did not hand my duties to my mother, so I will be reining the Moon." he frowned at that, looking thoughtful as he then beamed, having an idea.
"Then perhaps, would you let me join you?"
"Join me? in my chariot?" you asked bewildered, and found yourself quickly denying him "I'm afraid there wouldn't be enough space." "Then I will be on my own chariot, we can race." he suggested.
"Apollo, I would prefer to spend my night alone for today." You told him softly as you took back your hand and stood up, it was about time for you to talk to Ares.
"Wait!" he called after you, and luckily for him, you stopped and looked at him patiently.
"I'm sorry if I was being too much but.." He placed a hand on his chest, "my feelings for you are genuine and sincere, please do not brush me off so coldly." "But Apollo, your feelings will quickly melt away, and you will realize that what you felt was simple attraction." you countered with a smile, he didn't like how you talked down on his feelings, he knew what he felt, he was sure of it, it wasn't some simple thing as attraction, nor was it lust.
"I really do love you." he confessed "Will you not let me court you at least?"
"I.. I don't know" you rubbed your hands to seek comfort, as you felt your heart heavy with burden.
"[___]" Apollo frowned as you were approached by Ares who gave you a silent look, "is he bothering you?" "..."  you didn't know how to answer, and Ares then asked something else "what do you want to talk about?"
"wait" you told him as you turned to Apollo, finding him to have a scowl on his pretty face. "I have to go now.." you say and turned around, you and Ares began to walk away. You felt a stare piercing your back so you sighed and turned to Apollo "I won't stop you from whatever you feel for me,,, just don't expect an answer."
Apollo smiled at that, at least you were acknowledging his feelings. And the Sun God had realized he was a victim of the ugly feeling called jealousy.
Since then Apollo had joined you, Ares and Athena for your spars. It ended up with him having to ask Helios to manage the job of pulling the sun to him for a few days. Luckily for him the Titan did not mind. However, ever since the first practice, he found himself usually partnered with either Athena or Ares.
He couldn't help but wonder if you didn't want to partner with him due to your first practice ending with a humiliating defeat. He bit his lip, until he found himself rolling on the ground, "Don't get distracted." Athena told him and offered her hand to him, helping him stand up.
"Your counterpart is fairing better than you." She told him, as they turned to watch you spar with Ares, you were slowly but surely keeping up with him. "They seem to work quite well with and against each other." Apollo couldn't help but say through gritted teeth.
Athena looked at him weirdly, "Apollo, perhaps you should cool down, less you want your jealousy to be your downfall." The Goddess of War and Wisdom told him. Apollo released a sigh of frustration as he calmed his feelings down, "you're right." he conceded "I just can't help but wonder what type of relationship those two have."
"Clearly nothing romantic." Athena scoffed as they watched you smack Ares with your weapon and letting a yell of victory as you stood on the male's back. "How are you sure?" He asked, and winced as Ares grab your foot and threw you towards the wall. Fighting against Ares wasn't easy, but at least you weren't losing too badly.
"Well, Ares' interest has been piqued by Aphrodite and they banter and act more like siblings, it's like seeing you and Artemis." Athena chuckled in amusement, considering you and Ares resulted into throwing insults at each other childishly. "Other than that, [___] has been inquiring me how I became an official virgin Goddess."
He swallowed thickly, "she is interested in becoming a virgin Goddess?"
"Perhaps, she has been deflecting my questions of why she was asking." Athena simply said and grabbed her weapon once again, "now, let's try this again, I believe your head has become clearer?" Apollo laughed hollowly "I'm afraid not, but I shall try my best dear sister."
"I said Yield!"
Apollo didn't know why he was worried about you and Ares, you two bicker like actual siblings!
It was amusing honestly but.. he wondered if you truly planned to stay a virgin.
You were walking to your chariot, the sun was slowly setting and you can see Helios from afar going back to Mount Olympus with the chariot. Your body ached but you knew it was too late to ask your mother to handle your shift.
So she got on the chariot only to find it having a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a basket of fruits for the road. A piece of parchment could be seen sticking out between the blossoming flowers.
My dear moon, please take these flowers for I hope they brighten up your night just like how you brighten up my days. And do not forget to take care of your bodies, we may be mortals but we too experience the feeling of hunger and thirst.
Your Sun.
You found yourself chuckling, folding the piece of paper carefully. "My sun?" you recited, before shaking your head "No, no, no.."
"damn it all.."
"Such lovely flowers, it seems Apollo is quite taken with you." You jumped, finding your uncle approach you, the chariot was parked on the ground. He had finished his duty.
"How do you know?"
"Why I see you two getting closer and closer, I see a lot of things, even when I no longer pull the sun." He told her and smiled. "He picked those for you personally."
"I see.."
"My dear, little one, why do you refuse yourself of what you want?"
"I don't" you swallowed the lump in your throat, your voice shook "I don't think this.. love, is for me."
Helios looked at you softly, understanding painted on his face "I understand that your mother's love for your father has.. made you question a lot of things but.. there are many ways to love someone, many types of love other than what you know from your parents."
"I know but.."
"Is it not only that?" he questioned, "is there something else holding you back?"
"Mhmm.." you bobbed your head.
"I see, well, I cannot give you all the answers to your questions, because there are some things you must find out for yourself." He patted your head gently, and you nodded in understand and soon you set off, pulling the moon across the night.
Your head was heavy with thoughts. Thoughts about love, thoughts about your role and of course, thoughts about a certain God. And you reach to cover your flustered cheeks.
★₊˚⊹✧˖°. ᯓ★
「the sun proposed to the moon,
and the moon said
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'give me a break' 」
And things were like that between the Iridescent eyed Goddess of healing and the soft light of the moon and the God of music and blazing light of the sun. Two opposite yet complementary beings, with one chasing the other who rejects, and rejects him.
Apollo found ways to court the resilient Goddess, be it simply leaving flowers or poems he had picked or wrote himself, or simply leaving food and drinks for her whenever she had a long night ahead. The God of the Sun didn't bother to hide his feelings, why would he be ashamed of it even?
The other Gods would always find him looking fondly at the Goddess as if she were his everything.
Maybe she was, with the way he acted for her. It almost made the Gods feel ashamed at how putty he'd become. And a bit bad for the God who could only be at the receiving end of rejections.
"[___]," he'd say softly with a bouquet of fresh flowers, her favorites, "my day was horrid until I saw you, you always did make everything better." he'd said handing her the bouquet, she'd sneeze from the pollen and he'd be over her saying how cute her sneeze was much to the embarrassment of Ares who was misfortunate enough to witness it.
"[___], I heard Zeus tasked you with overseeing his latest champion, mind if I join you?" Apollo loved in many ways, be it small sentimental gifts to more extravagant one, or acts of service like accompanying and helping her with tasks, and so on- it was almost embarrassing. Luckily he was courting a fellow God instead of a mortal.
And yet despite the rejections and the shenanigans, the residents of mount Olympus couldn't help but look at the two fondly. Well, most of them. Hera had different opinions, she found the idea of one of Zeus' children courting someone pure and unlike him was offending, she would try matching you up with other men she deemed more befitting of your standards.
One morning, you and Hera were walking together, having recently finished one of the many tea sessions the Queen of the Gods would host. She'd namely invite those she didn't personally hate which wasn't a lot, like Demeter, Hestia, you, and Aphrodite who was ran  a bit late.
Anyways- the two of you beautiful and radiant Goddesses were engaged in a small conversation over love. "Although admittedly your roles compliment one another, but you deserved more than someone like Apollo, perhaps my sons would be a better match for you." The Queen said with a thoughtful look, referring to Olympus' resident Sun God.
"A-actually, I was thinking about becoming a Virgin Goddess.." you told her slowly, hoping she wouldn't be as upset as Aphrodite. "A virgin goddess?" the aubergine haired goddess repeated looking thoughtful "I suppose that would be better than marrying a man." You sighed in relief, luckily you caught Hera in one of her 'i hate men' moods.
"In the end it's quite good that you're rejecting him, perhaps it is about time me or Aphrodite match you with someone more.. befitting of your status, not another one of Zeus' bastards."
"Is that so?" you questioned, frowning, Hera didn't quite understand you if she thought you were rejecting him because of his blood or illegitimacy.
There was a rustle of leaves, and you find yourself turning, you saw a blond haired god walking away, a bouquet of flowers in one hand, shoulder and back slumped in what you thought to be defeat.
That day the Sun didn't rise above the skies, and Helios had to be rushed in to pull the ball of fire, lighting the land with its blazing glory. You looked at the sky, despite the Sun finally being in the sky, everything felt.. off. Almost gloomy, which was weird.
"I wonder what's up with Apollo?" Ares frowned as he lowered his hammer to his shoulder "Oi Where are you going?" he called for you as you began to run off to somewhere. "Don't mind them" Athena said inspecting her lance, "she probably made her mind up of something."
Apollo laid on his bed, unable to move, the weight of his heart was heavy, heavy enough to pin him down at the comforting nest he had built for himself. Numerous pillows and blankets were there, from the corner of his eye, he could see the cloud covered skies. And then there was a knock on his door.
He didn't answer, hoping the person would go away.
And after a few more knocks and silence as response, the person went away. He sighed, placing a hand on his face, massaging it as he was unable to find it in himself to smile. His thoughts were plagued by you and only you, and he found himself hurting, mulling over Hera's words and the constant rejections.
"I find myself enjoying your presence, and when I do not see you, I look for it. I enjoy what little moments we have, those short greetings as we meet at twilight but I know I want something more with you." Apollo desperately said staring at the sky. "What do I do with these feelings when you do not reciprocate them, and Hera is right, you deserve far better things, far better than me." His hand gripped his chest as his heart felt constricted.
"Oh beloved and golden child, why do you cry?" He nearly screamed and fell when he heard your voice, seeing you jump down to his terrace to enter his room.
"[___]!" he yelled "What are you doing here!"
You looked hesitant, wondering if you should really be comforting him? To comfort him would send signals to him and make him think you like him, but you do- the problem was however, if you were willing to let yourself fall.
"I came to check on you, I heard you missed your duties." You said and he looked disappointed, "ah yes, I just wasn't feeling it today." he simple brushed off, sitting back down on his bed. To his surprise you did not leave, instead you sat beside him.
"You probably heard Hera and me while we were walking.." you started and he silently nodded.
Apollo tried to smile, if not for him, but for you, "you do not need to feel guilty, it is your right to reject my advances for your own reasons-" "I did not reject you because you are an illegitimate child!" you corrected him fiercely, "I do not care whether you are an illegitimate child or not, whether you a god or human!"
"i-" you realized your outburst and meekly closed your lips after apologizing. "then why?" he exhaled deeply, hand moving to comb his hair, he looked tired, you wondered if he was tired of you "why do you reject me so? you haven't told me your real reasons."
You averted your eyes away from his "You deserve better."
"But all I want is you." he countered, leaning towards you.
"I am afraid to love." you admitted.
He took your hand "then allow me to show you that there is nothing to be afraid of!"
You turned away from him, taking your hand back "it would never work!"
"You say that when you haven't tried." He cried out to you "[___]!" he yelled, brows furrowing as his frown deepened "Please be honest with me."
"I am honest" you turned to him with a conflicted expression, "you are brilliant and loving, but I am me, I am unable to reciprocate your advances, I fear the love that I grew up knowing, I fear those tender touches and intimacy that I see with my parents."
"My beloved" his hands cups your cheeks, they were warm and big, but very gentle, he was always gentle with you, and because of that, your heart wavered, it wavered for him and it made you cry "it hurts me to hear you talk of yourself like that."
"you say that I am brilliant, but you are as well, I may shine like the sun, but you glow like the moon, gentle and lovely. You do not have to force yourself to reciprocate my advances, you are you, you are beautiful and precious, you are all that I wanted, so do not speak yourself in such way." he murmured, staring deeply into the eyes he had grown to love, and dream in his sleep.
He felt lose in them, and he had no complaints.
"We could never work.." you whispered closing your eyes as tears slipped down your face.
"Because you are the Sun and I am the moon, we cannot collide, we are destined to forever part from each other." You'd say, and he'd refute proudly "My moon, we are not the heavenly bodies themselves, we are simply their shepherds." he'd laugh, tucking your hair behind your ear as his thumbs would wipe the tears away from your face.
"I know, but think of our jobs. You would be busy at the day, and I at night. Where will we find the time to let our love grow?" you questioned, opening your eyes.
"You think too much.." he whispered, letting his forehead rest against yours, noses brushing and lips slightly apart "you think too much that it stops you from doing what you want. If our love is true and meant to be, which I believe it is, we will be able to find ways. My dear, look at our uncle and aunt, Hades and Persephone are able to continue to love each other despite parting every year when winter is gone."
Yours hands grabbed his wrist, but instead of pulling away just like he feared, you remained in his hold, and your thumbs would simply caress his wrists, until they rested just above a vein, you could feel his pulse, it was beating rapidly.
Your lips part to let out a shaky eye as you stared back into his eyes, overwhelmingly filled with love and care.
"I think too much because I want to prepare myself, I do not want to hurt." you told him. "I would never willingly hurt you, but [___], to love is to let yourself get open to hurt because you trust your partner not to. Do you trust me?" he questioned her.
His breath fanned your face, and so your cheeks became quite red. "I do trust you.." you admitted "and I have honestly felt feelings for you but.."
"Can we take it slow?"
"We can take it at your pace.." he smiled, a tear escaping his eye.
"Why do you cry?" you fretted "Did my words hurt you?" "No" he shook his head, "your words have greatly lifted the burden in my heart."
Soon you'd find yourself on his bed, limbs tangled with each other. His arms were hooked around your waist, and yours around his neck. You spent the whole day talking or simply being in each others' embrace.
"Apologies, that I have not realized you were hesitant because of your own dilemmas." Apollo said, hugging you close. You gasped, "It is alright, I believed that my dilemmas were mine to bear, but.. Apollo.. this is a bit too much." you told him "it feels overwhelming.." you admitted.
He chuckled, apologizing as he loosened his hold around your frame. "you do not have to be guilty" he assured her "may I bury my head atop of yours?" he asked. You looked at him weirdly, but agreed to at least let him try.
"did you just smell me?" you asked with narrowed eyes.
"My love smells heavenly, it is a sin I do not smell her." He said proudly, you giggled, finding him to be strange. "Thank you" you said smiling at him "for being patient and loving me."
"I'm the one who should be thanking you.." he said parting for your head, "thank you for letting me love you."
༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚
      ☀︎ I referenced how Apollo loves with that one greek story of him being exiled and doting on a king so much the other Gods were embarrassed by the way he was acting.
     ִֶָ࣪☾. Main character or [___], if you haven't picked up on the small details, is hesitant to fall in love because of mainly three things.
a. the Gods don't make love look exactly good with the constant cheating, affairs, jealousy.
b. Her Mother, Selene and Endymion, Selene basically had 50 daughters with Endymion who was in a magical coma that rendered him immortal but still human, that's a whole lot of red flags imho. So yeah, I think [___] would be at least put off if she grew up, thinking that was real love.
c. specifically to Apollo, she doesn't know if it would work out, considering he'd pull the sun on days and she'd do the same with the moon at night, and when ever they weren't they would have other jobs or plans or were too tired from pulling heavenly bodies, that made her question, when would they have the time to actually love each other and spend time with each other?
      ☀︎ Ares and Apollo, I'll be giving more details to that when I continue this oneshot into a small series.
Forgive me if this wasn't very A or S grade quality, I'm just writing this whenever I have the time.
      ִֶָ࣪☾. I lowkey displayed the mc to have a minor fear of being touched, specifically intimately, so she's also easily overwhelmed with affectionate touches.
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levi-venn · 4 months
The First Toothpick
Chapter Nine: A Couple of Unbreakable Toothpicks
Characters: Cad Bane, Crosshair, Hunter, Omega, Cadet Tech (flashback)
Gen Fic - Mentor/Protege
Summary: Cad Bane teaches Crosshair how to be a sniper. The kid picks up some other habits as a result.
Chapter Summary: Years later, Crosshair is drowning in guilt after the events at Mount Tantiss. Bane shows up to shake some sense into him.
Read the previous chapters here:
Chapters: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 (Final Chapter) |
Also Available on AO3
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Shadows of various sizes periodically approached the door to Crosshair’s Pabu hut for the last week. 
The small shadow with the strong knock was Omega inviting him to meditate with her. 
The large shadow with an aggressive knock was Wrecker begging him to go deep sea fishing.
The quiet shadow with an impatient, rapid knock was Hunter threatening to break the door down if Crosshair didn’t come out and eat something.
Crosshair had plenty of rations. He wasn’t going anywhere.
Through the thick, mud walls, Crosshair could hear the calm ocean waves. Through the parchment taped over the windows he could still see the relentlessly cheerful sunshine. There was no hiding from the scents of mouth-watering barbecue and sweet summer blossoms.
Pabu was undeniably a paradise.
And Crosshair didn’t deserve any part of it. 
Days went by. 
The same three shadows approached and left with various threats and pleas and plates of food that drew only the attention of ants. 
Crosshair remained unmoved.
Until one day…
Crosshair was curled up on the floor in the darkest corner of the room, fingers digging into the scar on his scalp, reliving the past few years obsessively. 
“Aim for the kid.”
“I’ve made my choice.”
“You…you could have saved him…”
Hunter’s voice came through the door like the low growl of an injured bear. Resentful and broken. 
“I called Cad Bane.”
Those four words pulled Crosshair upright and he hissed at a stray beam of light blinding him through a crack in the shrouded window. He retreated further into the shadows, heart pounded, lungs seizing.
“Did you hear me?”
“H-how?,” Crosshair rasped. “Only Tech knew the frequency.”
Hunter’s heightened senses would pick up the sound when no one else in the galaxy could. 
“And Tech gave it to me. He wanted a back-up in case…” Hunter’s voice cracked. “Anyway, all he gave me was the frequency and said it was from the bounty hunter who trained you when we were kids. He left out the important detail that I’d be calling the damn bounty hunter who kidnapped Omega and kriffing shot me.” Hunter paused for a moment, then added. “I did this for you.”
“You…had no right.”
“You didn’t leave me with any choice, Crosshair,” Hunter continued. “Truth is, I don’t know what you need or how to help you. Maybe you’ll open the door for him. Maybe you won’t. In any case…he’s coming.”
Crosshair snarled at the door, but the shadow was already gone.
Cad Bane…
He hadn't thought of the bounty hunter in years. 
He couldn't bear to.
Bane had promised they'd see each other again, but as Crosshair grew older, he became more and more entrenched in the Clone Army, in Clone Force 99. He had joined the Establishment Bane hated and what was worse, Crosshair was enjoying it. Bane would’ve been disappointed.
By the time Crosshair joined the Empire, he was convinced he'd ever see Bane again. Maybe Bane would’ve been disappointed in Crosshair joining the Republic, but the Empire? He couldn’t bear to think of the resentment. Not from him.
Crosshair thought of Bane now and all he could see was a child-like, awestruck vision of a legendary Duros with a confident sneer and glowing red eyes that saw right through Crosshair's fears…and found potential in him.
Crosshair felt his heart break all over again.
“Listen, kiddo, people like you n’ me are survivors. We’re too damn stubborn to let this galaxy swallow us whole. Just keep your head up, keep those boots moving forward, and follow your gut n’ your gut alone. Got it?”
And look where my “gut” got me, Crosshair thought, drawing his knees to his chest.
He hated how much Bane’s opinion mattered to him. He hated Bane seeing him like this, a rotting husk in a paradise island, an untreated stump for a shooting hand, and an Imperial service record staining his past.
Crosshair thought about sending a comm to Bane. Tell him not to come. Tell him he was fine and it was a mistake.
“Tech…what if I never see him again?” Crosshair asked, tears streaming down his face as he watched the Justifier leave Kamino forever. 
“If you don’t, you will still have the combat skills he gave you, and apparently those toothpicks. What’s their purpose?” 
For the first time in weeks, Crosshair took a shower. He  cleaned his hut of ration wrappers and empty beer bottles. He managed to choke down half a protein bar before his stomach began to churn from nerves. With his remaining hand, he dragged the chairs and the dresser away from the entrance of his hut. 
Then he returned to the dark corner of his room, curled up, and waited, listening to the gentle hush of ocean waves until…
Thud, clink, thud, clink, thud, clink.
Those spurred boots were unmistakable. 
Crosshair’s heart lurched. 
He was a cadet again, filled with boyish excitement, newly augmented rifle in hand ready to face whatever Bane threw at him! 
And then he was an Imperial deserter again, filled with dread and despair, alone in a cell knowing he deserves everything Hemlock threw at him.
A bony knuckle rapped hard against the wooden door.
Fear froze the words in Crosshair’s throat. 
The door creaked open. An imposing figure filled the doorway, the harsh sunlight turning the bounty hunter’s form into a dramatic silhouette. Those glowing red eyes turned into narrow slits as he scanned the room, until he was looking right at Crosshair. 
Rows of jagged teeth and fangs gleamed as Cad Bane sneered.
“Well, ain’t this a cheery reunion,” Bane drawled, entering the hut. “Howdy, kid.”
Time hadn’t changed Bane a bit, still tall and willowy, long duster and wide-brim hat. A clever smirk and a cool ease that Crosshair used to feel when he was still part of Clone Force 99. And he had felt confident because Bane had given him that confidence. 
“I’m not a child,” Crosshair mumbled, drawing his knees up tighter, hand clutching the side of his head as his fingers pressed punishingly against the mangled scar.
“Aintcha though? Been that long time n’ I’m still a helluva lot older than you.” 
Bane walked around the hut casually like he was touring a Coruscant museum, picking up clay bowls and examining the handcrafted furnishing that came with the home. 
“So you got yourself your own little slice o’ paradise here, uh? Place where any self-respectin’ soldier would wanna retire.”
Bane leaned against the wall across from Crosshair, crossing his ankles and folding his arms. “Except I ain’t seein’ ya out there on a boat in a Niamos shirt. You’re in here, like some kinda prisoner.”
Crosshair recoiled at the word.
Prisoner…isn’t it what I deserve?
“Go away,” Crosshair snarled. 
“Nah,” Bane said, slipping a toothpick between his fangs. “I’m stayin’. I’m paid for the day.”
Crosshair glanced up. “He paid you?”
“That’s between me n’ my client.” Bane sneered. It was the same sneer Crosshair used to antagonize the Regs. “He’s a real shit liar, by the way. Didn’t take much to figure out this was his request, not yours. What’s his name again?”
“Hunter…right. He tells me ya haven’t left this lil shack in weeks n’ won’t talk to nobody.”
“So he hired you to get me to speak? Fine, I’m speaking. You can leave, now.”
“Like I said,” Bane said. “I’m paid up for the day.”
Maybe it should’ve angered Crosshair that Hunter had to pay Bane to show up, but he felt relief. Bane was a bounty hunter and Pabu was in the middle of nowhere. A long way to come for an ex-Imperial he once spent a summer training three lifetimes ago.
“So…did big brother tell ya about how we met?” Bane asked.
“You shot him and kidnapped Omega.”
Bane snorted. “Kidnap? That’s a lil dramatic. I was hired to collect a bounty, so I did. Hunter got in my way.” The toothpick wiggled in Bane’s fangs. “Does it rankle ya?”
“You were on a job. You’re also not the only one in this room who's tried to kill him.”
Bane’s brow ridge raised with interest. “No kiddin’? Your brother’s a real forgivin’ type, huh?”
Crosshair shrugged. 
“Well, I figured you’d give my frequency to at least one of your brothers, but I’m surprised it wasn’t that lil’un with the goggles. Tech, right?”
Crosshair tried to shoot Bane with his signature deadly glare, but the tears blurring his eyes washed away the venom. “Tech’s gone.”
The toothpick in Bane’s mouth lowered, as if wilting. “Aw, hell, kiddo…” 
“I ain't callin' ya Misfire. You're 'Kid'.”
“I like…Kiddo, too.”
Crosshair pushed the memory away. He didn’t deserve sympathy. He didn’t deserve to feel…comforted.
“It was my fault,” Crosshair snarled. “They tried to save me from a prison I deserved to be in. They should’ve left me to rot. ”
Bane tilted his head. “How’d ya figure that’s your fault? You weren’t exactly there to force their hand. You were in prison, they came to spring ya. Seems simple enough to me.”
“It’s not simple,” Crosshair hissed. “None of this is simple. None of it makes sense. ”
Bane let out an incredulous laugh. “Make sense ? When the fuck does life ever make sense, kid? Tryin’ to figure this galaxy out is like tryin’ to understand a chargin’ mudhorn. The galaxy don’t care about ‘the why’, it’ll gore ya either way.”
Crosshair didn’t know what to say. 
He looked down at the half-eaten protein bar beside him, listening to Bane’s spurs clink as he crossed the room to sit on the floor beside him. 
They didn’t talk for a long time. Bane stretched out his long legs, one spurred ankle hooked over the other. 
Crosshair gradually unfurling, his equally long legs stretching out. He pulled a toothpick from his pouch and popped it into his mouth. 
Bane tilted his head. “You still got my pouch.”
Crosshair took the leather pouch off his belt. “This is the real reason you came here, huh?”
Bane sneered, taking the pouch and flipping it open revealing the mythosaur skull branded on the inside. “It’s a nice pouch.”
“Jango gave it to you.”
“He sure did.” Bane’s drawl felt longer, and Crosshair wondered if there was a painful memory to it.
“What was he to you?”
Bane snickered. “Ohhh, so now you’re all bold with the questions, huh? How long have you been waiting to ask that one?”
“Since I met you,” Crosshair said, dryly.
Bane went quiet. He was quiet for so long Crosshair was sure he’d never get an answer to that burning question.
“Jango was the center of my whole damn galaxy,” Bane said, his tone low and graveled. “I was an orphan, stuck in some kraytshit indentured servitude on Duros just to survive. He saved me. He toughened me up, taught me to fight, and showed me the galaxy. He carved me into a merc that was his equal, and hell I know I surpassed him in more ways than one, and technically speaking I’m older than him, but he was always my boss. I respected him too much to feel superior.
“...And he broke my fuckin’ heart when he left for Kamino. He dropped me like I was nothing and I resented him for a long time for it.” Bane sighed. “Satisfied?”
Crosshair studied Bane for a moment. “So he was a brother to you?”
"No..." Bane shifted uncomfortably. “It’s…more…complicated than that.”
“Were you in love with him?”
Bane shot Crosshair a dangerous look. "I ain't talkin' about that." 
Crosshair put his hands up. He had his answer. “Roger that.”
Bane handed the pouch back to Crosshair. “Keep it.”
“Jango gave it to you ,” Crosshair insisted. 
“And I’m givin’ it to you,” Bane said, stubbornly, shoving the pouch back into Crosshair’s hands. 
Crosshair looked at the pouch for a moment before clipping it to his belt. “I’m sorry about Jango.”
Bane sighed. “Yeah…me too. Were you there on Geonosis?”
Crosshair nodded. “My brothers and I were there, but not in the arena. I didn’t see it happen, just heard about it later. I know it was quick.”
“Thanks, kid. I’m sorry about Tech.”
Crosshair let out a sigh too similar to his former mentor. “Me too.”
“I gotta ask,” Bane said. “Why didn’t ya comm me when ya got arrested? Prison breaks are a damn hobby of mine.”
“I didn’t think you’d come.”
“Kraytshit. I told you if things fell to shit I’d come getcha. It don’t take a genius to figure out things went real wrong after the war ended.”
“It did, but not for me.” Crosshair’s heart sank. “Bane…I joined the Empire.”
Bane paused.
Then snorted a laugh. “Yeah, no shit. You don’t think I wander an Empire-infected galaxy without a few eyes on the inside? CT-9904, the last deviant clone in the Empire. A real star of the show until ya killed a lieutenant on Barton IV. I figured they executed ya after that.”
“You’re…not angry.”
“‘ Course I'm angry. Ya joined the Establishment you fuckin’ di'kut .”
Crosshair huffed a laugh. Quiet as the laugh was, it was a sound he hadn’t made in years. 
It felt…not terrible.
“But you ain’t the only di’kut here,” Bane added.
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s just say it all started with a lucrative anti-Jedi contract durin’ the Clone Wars that trapped me in an Imperial contract the moment the Republic fell. I was deliverin’ holocrons n’ Force-sensitive kids to some crazy rich geezer only to find out I was workin’ for the damn Emperor himself. By the time I figured out whose credits I was takin’ it was too late. Not that I was exactly protestin’ it. I made a lot of credits.”
“I didn't join the Empire voluntarily either…not at first,” Crosshair rubbed his scarred head. “By the time I removed the inhibitor chip, I stayed with Empire because I thought it was the right thing to do. I gave my loyalty to them and they threw it away.”
“Some things don’t change, huh?” Bane nudged Crosshair with his shoulder. “Ya always did have a bent sense of loyalty.”
Crosshair cracked a smile. “Worked out for you. I saved your ass during that fight with Skatter.”
“Ohhh, I don’t remember it like that, ” Bane drawled with a sideways grin. “Think I was puttin’ up a real good fight n’ you were runnin’ around like a headless tip-yip.”
“Would you have come? Even after I joined the Empire?”
“Gave ya my word, Crosshair. It ain’t somethin’ I give lightly. I would’ve found a way to getcha outta there.”
Some of the broken pieces in Crosshair’s chest began to mend, and he took a deep, healing breath. “I almost comm’d you the day you left. Hell, I almost comm’d you before you took off from the landing platform. Tech talked me out of it.”
“I could comm him right now,” Crosshair said, clutching his communication device and Bane’s chit in his shaky hands. “Maybe I can convince him to take all of us.”
Tech tugged uncomfortably at his new goggle straps. “Even if he did take us all, Crosshair, have you considered the ramifications?” 
“The what?”
“The consequences.”
Crosshair couldn't think of a downside, but he tried. “I guess…Hunter would be pissed if we left Kamino. I think he likes being a soldier.”
“I mean consequences for Cad Bane. He would be stealing four assets that are Kamino property. We, our squad specifically, are a top secret project. Kamino would stop at nothing to get us back. And they have access to the best bounty hunter in the galaxy.”
“Cad Bane is the best bounty Hunter in the galaxy,” Crosshair argued.
“If that were the case, we would be clones of him, instead.”
“Nuh uh, because Bane would never work here. He says…uh…Fuck the…it…shit…Tech, what's a word for a big…place that starts with an E.”
“Edifice,” Tech said confidently.
“Fuck the Edifice,” Crosshair said, though it didn’t sound right. Frustrated tears blur his vision. “I just miss him. I want us all to be together.”
“I know, but it wouldn't be as you imagine. We would be fugitives. They wouldn't give bounties to a hunter with a price on his head, would they?”
“I don't want to ruin his life.”
“Maybe when we're adults and deployed in whatever war they have in store for us, you can contact him.”
“That’s so long from now. Do you think he'll remember me?”
“Crosshair, it is impossible to forget you. To quote your own terrible lexicon: ‘You are fucking wizard’.”
“I tried to buy ya, son.”
“What? What do you mean?”
Bane’s toothpick moved from one side of his lips to the other with a faint click. “I told Jango to name a price for you n’ your brothers.”
Crosshair’s toothpick fell from mouth onto his lap. “All of us?”
“The whole litter.”
It was like a door had cracked open allowing Crosshair a view of the life he almost had. A life of a free bounty hunter away from the Republic and the Empire. He and his brothers would’ve honed their skills with Bane to train them. They’d take bounties they wanted instead of following orders blindly. The five of them would’ve been unstoppable. And rich , though credits never interested Crosshair.
And the fabools would’ve loved Wrecker.
They would’ve been happy.
Crosshair would’ve been happy.
But that door slammed shut long before Crosshair knew it existed. 
Crosshair drifted his gaze up to the ceiling, letting tired tears fall uncaringly down his cheeks. “Fuck Jango,” he said.
“My sentiment exactly,” Bane said, dryly. “But, it wasn’t his decision. Hell, maybe if it was he’d let me take y’all away. Save ya a whole lotta heartache after that war.”
“Did you know about what they did to us?” Crosshair asked. “The inhibitor chips?”
Bane tilted his hat back, gazing up at that ceiling too. “Not in time for it to matter. In the end, everyone connected to that cloning project were just pieces in the biggest dejarik board in history. You n’ your brothers were caught right in the middle. If I’d known about the chips, I would’ve just stolen you right then and there. How did Tech talk you outta calling me?” 
“We would have ruined your life. You’d be on the run with four top secret projects. No one would give you work if you had a bounty on your head.”
“Aw, shit, kiddo…That ain’t how it works. You know how many bounty hunters have prices on their heads? The guild don’t matter so long as it don’t interfere with their contracts. Besides, Kamino would’ve wanted it kept real quiet. Maybe Jango would’ve come himself, but there was a chance he wouldn’t. Guess we’ll never know.”
“Hey.” Bane elbowed Crosshair hard in the ribs. “Don’t you mope over it. What’s done is done, no use regrettin’ any of it.”
Crosshair hissed and squirmed away. “I’m not.
“Good,” Bane said, suddenly hopping to his feet. “Now get your shit together, we’re gettin’ outta here.”
Crosshair blinked dumbly up at the bounty hunter. “What?”
Bane flicked his toothpick away. “You need to reset n’ you ain’t doin’ it here in this island paradise. You need a distraction and fabools need feedin’.”
“You still have that ranch?”
Bane snorted. “Hasn’t been that long, kiddo. Fabools live a long time n’ they never forget a face that gives ‘em food.” He extended a hand to Crosshair. “So, you comin’ or not?”
“What do you mean you’re leaving?” Hunter asked, arms folded standing in front of the Justifier ’s ramp as if a stern look would stop Crosshair from boarding.
And…well…Crosshair did pause. “I need to clear my head, Hunter.”
“But you’ll come back, right?” Omega asked. She stood beside Hunter, hands clutched, her tone closer to Crosshair’s the day Bane left him on Kamino. “This isn’t forever?”
“It isn’t,” Crosshair said, he tried to think of something reassuring to say. Hunter was better at this that he ever was. What would Hunter do.
Crosshair knelt down and before he could extend his arms, Omega lunged towards him, clutching his neck tightly. This time Crosshair didn’t freeze like he did on that rainy bridge on Mount Tantiss. This time Crosshair hugged back without hesitation. 
“Be back before you know it, kiddo.”
Hunter sighed. “Alright, take care of yourself.” 
Crosshair started to walk past him, but Hunter grabbed his arm pulled him into a rough hug. 
Crosshair snorted a laugh. “Couldn’t let me go without a hug?”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up,” Hunter released Crosshair. “You do whatever you need to do to sort yourself out. We’ll be here when you’re ready to come back.”
Crosshair nodded. “Whatever you paid Bane to get him here, I’ll pay you back.”
Hunter cocked an eyebrow. “He…didn’t ask for payment.”
“C’mon, kiddo,” Bane called, suddenly appearing at the top of the ramp. “Let’s ship out.”
Crosshair stuck a toothpick between his teeth and headed up the ramp.
The Justifier felt a lot smaller than it did on his first trip. Smelled cleaner too. He went to the four chairs in the common area, finding them not as alien as he once had. Aurra Sing’s chair was completely new, her carved up seat replaced. Crosshair guessed Bane and her must have had a falling out. Bossk’s chair though…
… No…it’s still my chair, Crosshair thought, running a finger over his name carefully carved into the back of the chair. “You kept my name,” Crosshair sneered through the emotions welling in his chest. “How touching .”
“Ain’t it though?” Bane sneered back. 
“I thought Bossk would have carved this out by now.”
“Oh, he tried to. I told him if he so much as scratched it, I’d toss him out the airlock. That’s your chair too. Always will be.” Bane patted Crosshair on the back and started to head up the ladder. 
Bane paused on the first ladder rung. 
There was a lot Crosshair wanted to say. A lot more that maybe didn’t need saying. 
A ‘thank you’ felt hollow. A ‘sorry’ felt…well Bane hated apologies.
“Know any good prosthesis guys?”
“We’ll make a pitstop at Tatooine. Got a guy that can give ya five fingers, a scomp, hell a flamethrower if that's your style now. Comes in all colors too.”
“Just a hand. In black.”
Bane nodded and, as he climbed up the ladder, he mumbled something before disappearing into the cockpit. 
It sounded like “Missed ya, kiddo.”
“I missed you, too,” he said to the empty common area.
And with that Crosshair settled into his chair, curling up as best he could with his long form, and soon felt the pull of hyperspace take him back to where he needed to be.
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Time to be a bitter bitch and roast some iterator ships, i AM the fun police /jjJJJ
Sunstone, SRS/FP: the only one that makes a lot of sense in my opinion, but somehow their portrayal in fanon is absolute garbage so 2/10 (i personally consider them to be a 10 but i am judging the fanon versions). Pebbles is made into a helpless spineless baby and Suns just takes care of him idk what else to say. Their dynamic is heavily misunderstood often portraying them straight up as mentor/protege when in reality they're just not that
Trafficlights, NSH/SRS: very boring and plain, NSH is either a daddy dom or a cutesy little clown guy, both interpretations suck, while Suns is left with zero of their traits displayed in canon other than being anxious i guess, they're weirdly regal and arrogant in a lot of interpretations. Also largely yaoi-ified 0/10
Ragequit, NSH/FP: NSH doesn't like Pebbles and seemingly has little to no interest talking to him, on top of that likely based his entire perception of him on what Moon had to say about Pebbles. Pebbles is made into some tsundere tiny twink that blushes constantly and this is very common problem with his interpretations in general you guys can't understand him to save your life 0/10
Triple divorce or whatever the fuck SRS/FP/NSH is called: one heck of a dysfunctional polycule, considering that Sig and Pebbles straight up just don't like each other 0/10 Ragequit, trafficlights and sustone made shittier basically
Lilypad, NSH/LTTM: might be idk, i personally don't view their relationship as particularly romantic. Since I think they're good friends i give it a 6/10 even though them not being romantically involved with each other is much more appealing to me
Milkshake, UI/FP: how do you even come up with this did you play the game. Innocence was not helping Pebbles in the slightest by blackmailing the guy and the fact that Wind mentions that its likely an attempt to be mean says plenty. Although not much is known about Innocence it's safe to assume they do not like Pebbles or have any intentions to help him out. The yandere UI fandom stuff is ridiculous 0/10
Moonstone, LTTM/FP: im not into incest 0/10
Eclipse, SRS/LTTM: only exists because of a somewhat cool name
Pebbles/Straw: another nothing burger ship entirely dependant on one's characterization of Straw, not ranking it
Conclusion: 90% of the tumblr rw community needs to play the game
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mostlikelytofangirl · 6 months
Oh I LOVE codependant ruoyao, it's such a crunchy dynamic it makes me very insane!
MY already with his BAD relationship with sex and intimacy, WRH who just lost his sons
MY being a bit afraid later on of having sex with anyone else (LXC/NMJ/QS) because he got used to the daddy kink and he likes to be treated like a son and call his partenr dad!!!
WRH just wants a kid to spoil, esp after WX and WC die, also he's the most powerfuk fucker so I'm sure that in his head is something like "Who says I can't be a father and a lover"
Them kinking on dadson
Now you got me thinking that the reason why MY tried so hard to get close to NMJ again when the guy wasn't that on that anymore is bc he was the closest MY to a daddy substitute given the age and power difference, and the semi-protege status he had when he worked for the Nie :'))))
As I see it, you do mention the very important issue of MY's relationship with sex and intimacy, so it was either getting a partner with whom he felt he had all the control and safety, or that would shower him in almost paternal adoration. He couldn't get his daddy fix from QS for example, but he could get the former... but ultimately that one he could give up when the whole actual incest thing got discovered lol.
On the other hand, I can see WRH just enjoying the ride of one hella interesting kink he didn't know he had at first, but once his boys got killed, it all escalated to actually deciding that MY was his acting son now, and he wasn't going to not show him how much he cared for in every, and he meant EVERY way one can love another person.
I had thoughts before of WRH going out of his way to kill JGS to present MY with his head. At first I saw it as a sort of reward for being such a good aide and whatnots, but now I'm considering WRH, grieving and looking for a way to tie MY to him, going after JGS so he can truly be mentor, lover and father to the boy.
Whether that would snap MY out of the whole ordeal bc now his plans are gone, or he would embrace the change and therefor doom them all as he offiacially becomes Wen Yao remains to be seen in my delusions :'D
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Hey there. Sorry for bringing up an old post of yours since I was scrolling through tumblr on Chase & Omi mentor/protege relationship stuff. I saw your ask replies on favorite scene of Chase and Omi way back, and I could think for me at least why Chase has something personal against Raimundo. During Saving Omi, Raimundo's breakdown in his fight with Heylin!Omi, crying in both desperation and plea for the other to snap out. This short moment was that pivotal moment in making Heylin!Omi hesitating in dealing the finishing blow to Raimundo. And also, Raimundo rashly yet boldly charged towards Chase when the latter insisted Omi would remain here with him, declaring Omi would come home with them... Somehow seems to angered Chase enough to go into his draconic form to bite him off in half. So, there's still a bit of strong animosity hatred between them for what I've seen.
Hey there! My sincere apologies for taking so long! Life called and life takes priority.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Chase had animosity for Raimundo in particular.
In my own opinion, Raimundo isn't a particularly honorable person. That's not to say he has no honor, of course. I have no doubt he'd die to save his loved ones, and he'd die for what's right if that was the only option left.
But beyond that? I think Rai is a deeply flawed young man, just as all the other Xioalin Dragons are, it's part of what makes them interesting. But his flaws lean him more towards morally grey areas. I think it comes naturally for him to put his own interests first, then his loved ones and then what's right.
Him fighting against those instincts is an interesting character plot.
But I think his flaws are what make him both uninteresting and infuriating to Chase.
Raimundo has talent, he's willing to put in the work, he's underhanded and sneaky and a liar and a hypocrite. And he is consistently favored over Omi.
Omi has his own flaws which I won't get into for this post, but he's also a genuinely honorable person. He has a strong work ethic, he is talented and works hard to level his raw talent into unparalleled skill. His loyalty is unquestionable, unlike Raimundo.
And it extends to Raimundo. Even as Raimundo is favored over Omi, unfairly so. (I include the other monks in this as well, because they're all given more priority by Fung than Omi is.)
Omi is neglected and overlooked and passed over by the very people who raised him. Who should care for him more than anything. They put Rai in the spotlight, consistently downplaying Omi and lifting up Rai.
And yet, it's Rai who makes Omi hesitate. It's Rai Omi looks up to the most even as they're rivals. It's Rai that Omi gives his loyalty to, even when not following Rai might actually be better for Omi.
I think that there is a dynamic between Rai and Omi that Chase probably finds very bitter to witness.
So yeah no, I would agree. I think Chase would blatantly be pleased with Raimundo's death, and maybe he even hates Rai as well.
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stirringwinds · 2 years
When it comes to personifications, what do you think are the factors that cause a nation to have a “modern” form derived from an “ancient” personification (i.e. Greece and Ancient Greece, Egypt and ancient Egypt)? I mean, I get that it may be an inconsistentency or creative choice done by Himaruya, but how is it possible for other older nations to manage to live for so long without producing a “modern heir” to replace them in the present day (i.e. China, Japan, Korea, India, Mongolia, etc.)?
interesting question! i definitely agree this is something inherently subjective.  there isn’t really a singular way of interpreting the complexity of history, let alone how we’d transpose that history onto the helltalias and their lifespan. at least for me, i rationalise some of it in relation to historiography and dynamics of political-cultural contiguity, such as with how Himaruya takes opposing approaches for China and Rome (whom i will focus on in this ask). 
for China (aka my great-grandpa): in terms of history, i want to first emphasise that all cultures change; it isn’t a perfectly continuous, unbroken 4,000 year old civilisation, even if we often like to trace Chinese history right back to the ostensible Xia dynasty. there are some elements that have endured for a very long time (like the writing system)—but there were also periods of political disruption very similar to the fall of Rome (and one can argue Rome endured in many ways). however, in terms of melding it to hetalia canon—Yao being old as balls fits quite nicely with the ‘dynastic cycle’ historiography of China—that Chinese history is an unbroken succession of dynasties. Which is flawed actually, but which has tended to dominate perceptions of Chinese history all the same. ergo—‘the empire long divided must unite’, or the thought of the first emperor ‘uniting China’ (as opposed to ‘conquering a vast empire stretching from the north all the way down South to Vietnam and other non-Han ‘Baiyue’ tribes, and Sinicising dozens of different nations that had some similarities with how conquered European and Middle Eastern/North African regions ‘became Roman’). 
to me, Yao being extremely old also fits with the way Chinese cultural influence has dominated in the region in terms of influence on material culture, philosophy and language. Like, in the Confucian hierarchy, age = prestige. He sees himself as the great empire and well spring of civilisation (humble? nah, he’s rather arrogant). He’s older than Kiku and Yong-soo, and likes to assert he is older than Lien (Vietnam) which she contests lol. With Kiku especially, I see a very long-running mentor/protege dynamic between them that has at times turned into an ‘ambitious apprentice backstabs his master’ relationship even before the modern era (i.e Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s attempted invasion of Ming China). There are also certain cyclical elements in Chinese culture; like China was historically influenced by Buddhism that came via India and its concepts of reincarnation. So, he dies but he comes back all the same, no matter if it’s in a different form (kingdom to empire to republic). as i headcanon him, there’s a mix of calm (i will endure and wait for spring to come again) but also sometimes spitefulness lol (i’m not dead yet, fuckers). 
for Rome: i do headcanon that the Italybros are his sons not grandsons. when it comes to the historiography and cultural perceptions of it, there’s a lot of thought about ‘the fall of the (western) roman empire’ and in terms of political continuity, yes it is fairly clear that the roman empire is no more. historiographically, there’s a sort of linearity to how people have perceived it too: a dramatic rise and fall, beginning and ends. you have people like Petrarch calling the medieval period the “dark ages”, in contrast to the “light” of Rome and the rest of classical antiquity. this is something that most medieval historians today won’t agree with (incl my old professor haha who was a specialist in women’s medieval history)—the parts of Europe (and MENA) that made up the old Roman Empire sure as hell didn’t stand still for a thousand years until the Renaissance; it was a period of cultural developments and not simply darkness and ignorance. but, in terms of transposing it to hetalia—i kind of think Roma being dead fits nicely with 1) the way people have perceived the history of Rome (rise and fall) 2) the medieval developments— all the new European states (and some older ones) emerging from the shattered remnants of the empire, all of them changed by Rome in some ways (Latin --> different Romance languages.) in contrast to China, i guess reincarnation is less of a concept in the Roman pantheon or in Christianity. 
i think there’s also a sort of ironic poetry to it, when the fall of Rome is put in context of larger imperial and global history. Rome becomes this mythical figure who haunts the imagination of the European personifications precisely because he’s dead— the towering patriarch who is the model of a grand maritime empire that all of them that used to be Roman colonies/provinces strive for in the 15th century onwards. Like, the Spanish empire had a motto of “further beyond” (plus ultra). In the Aeneid, Jupiter is said to grant the Romans “empire without limit” (imperium sine fine). Even England, where there was this duelling narrative of lionising Boudica (the Iceni queen who fought the Roman conquerors and burned Roman London the ground) and longing to be as great as Rome (there’s a caption on a Victorian-era statue of Boudica in London saying “regions Caesar never knew / thy posterity shall sway”. “Britannia” itself as a name for the UK is ofc from Roman rule. so when it comes down to it, i guess it really is a creative choice by Himaruya (and ourselves). and for me, it’s not just about Rome and China (or any other nation’s) own history but also thinking about historiography (i.e how that history is understood, in terms of dynastic cycles or rise and fall) + relationship with other characters. 
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ahungeringknife · 11 months
365: May 24
The H.E.L.M. was occupied when Alex came out of his room in it. He and Alshain were still technically banished and because they weren't Osiris they didn't have the same permissions to take up residence in the Wall. So they had their own rooms in the H.E.L.M. just like Crow but unlike the kid they'd decorated.
Alex leaned against the wall listening to Osiris talking to Crow. The New Light nodded along with everything he said but Alex's mechanical yellow eyes narrowed. If he had a mouth he'd frown. Instead the lights along his jaw just slowly pulsed dark orange.
It walked like the boss. It talked like the boss. It acted like the boss. But it wasn't the first time Alex felt like he wasn't looking at Osiris.
It was the weird way he'd lectured Crow about his Ghost and the way the first time he'd seen Alex and Alshain he clearly hadn't recognized them. Been surprised to see them. As if he hadn't summoned them before he'd gone to the Moon. Even Osiris knew when he wasn't the best at scouting and would rather pull out his own teeth than ask Xander to help him on a personal vendetta. But Alex and his brother? That was what their lives were.
He looked over when Alshain came up beside him and knocked against his shoulder. He nodded at Osiris talking to Crow and Alshain turned to them, listening. Osiris was talking to Crow about plans for the next op they were doing with the Young Wolf. But Osiris talked all wrong about Wolf. It was too... glowing. Alex knew the only person Osiris even thought about like that was Saint.
Alshain touched his arm, pulling his eyes away. 'Boss seem weird to you?' he asked Alex in sign.
'Should we bring it to Ikora you think?'
'You think she trusts us?'
There was a short pause, 'No. Probably not,' and he sighed. She'd been Osiris' protege back in the day but the twins were about as Hunter as you could get and back then Ikora hadn't really warmed up to that sort of personality. Might have been different now but she'd also voted on them to be banished during the Consensus' trial along with any other followers of Osiris.
'It's probably just trauma,' Alex signed. 'Also he was alone for centuries in the Forest. Probably made him extra weird.'
Alshain shrugged, Arc blue eyes going to the two still talking. Crow had noticed them and kept glancing at them down the hallway. 'Don't like how he talks to Crow sometimes.'
'Jealous?' Alex snickered.
'As if.'
'Yeah it's weird. Osiris is just weird.'
'Always like this?'
'Probably and we were just close to notice. There was a reason he was banished.'
'Even though he was right?'
"What are you two talking about down there?" Crow called. "Isn't it rude to do that?"
"Not our fault you haven't picked up any sign," Alex scoffed.
"Not like you've offered to show me," Crow rolled his eyes.
"Not our rookie not our problem. That's your mentor's job."
Crow got a confused look on his face. They couldn't hear him but Alex read his lips as he asked, "What's that mean?" Osiris' mouth was, of course, covered so he missed the answer. "So they're just saying shit?" Had Osiris said something like he didn't know what they were talking about?
'Worrying,' Alshain signed next to him.
'Maybe we should tell Saint,' Alex signed back.
"Didn't we just go over that's rude?" Crow asked them, amused.
The two EXOs looked down the H.E.L.M. at him and Osiris. Osiris looked at them not for the first time like he didn't know who they were. How many months was he going to act like they were strangers? He'd called them here. He'd needed help. And since then all he'd done was tell them to watch over Crow. This wasn't why he'd called them here so why were they still babysitting this guy?
"You trust us, lil boss?" Alex asked.
"Considering you've saved my life a few times, yeah," Crow said, confused on where this was going.
"Then don't worry about it. We'll see you later," and he turned and left, Alshain following.
"No one's going to believe us," Alshain said in a whisper as they left the H.E.L.M.
"I know."
"But we gotta tell someone."
"I know."
"So who are we telling?"
"... I don't know."
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cryo-lily · 2 years
Behold! The newest members of the Shir Legacy!
Since I finally got Legendary Status this past week I figured it was time to update the OC list for the Shir Legacy with some of the newest OCs to come out of my grind of getting all the class stories done.
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First up we have Orla Cevrus.
She was/is the character I made for my trooper run but quickly ran with the concept for her as a whole.
She is Isadola & Lana’s second child but their oldest. As a force-sensitive Chiss Orla was orphaned and shunned at a young age. She was a runaway stowing away on ships until she eventually ended up on Odessen before she was even 5 years old. She was formally adopted by Issie & Lana before their own firstborn daughter could even sleep through the night.
Despite being the oldest of Isadola & Lana’s daughters she is also the tallest, and doesn’t let her younger sisters forget it. Not as graceful on her feet as the rest of her sisters, but can still hold her own when a fight amongst them eventually breaks out.
Orla or Ori as her sisters call her, was trained just like the rest of her sisters to at least control their force abilities and trained with lightsabers. But was given the freedom to choose her own path in that regard by her mothers. Given the choice they didn’t get when in regards to using her force talents. Now she chooses to fight using assault cannons and lots and lots of plasma cell caused fires.
Orla eventually went on to command Havoc Squad later down the line under the command of General Elara Dorne. It took Orla a good bit of time to earn Elara’s trust after she learned who her parents were. Elara certainly didn’t forget what happened on Iokath after Isadola sided with the empire during that moment in time.
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Next up we have Kelsa Tilera.
The character I made for my Smuggler class story, Which I also decided to run with for her own story.
She is Isadola & Lana’s firstborn daughter and their second oldest child. Half-human/half-Miraluka. Named after both of her grandmothers.
She has pale green eyes (if the game let me have that option) but is physically blind; bright side though she inherited Isadola’s miraluka ability to see with the force.
Strong with the force like her mothers, but chose to use her abilities differently than her sisters. Kelsa had a talent for disappearing at a young age which she managed to turn into a career down the line thanks to the encouragement of her Uncle Taskar, who later took her under his wing as a protege. Under his guidance she managed to make a decent name for herself as a smuggler.
Unlike her younger sisters, Kelsa wasn’t born on Odessen, but was raised there for most of her life along with her 3 sisters. Chances are if some trouble went down when they were younger, Kelsa was the mastermind of it all between the 4 Beniko children.
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And (for now) finally we have Anira Candora.
The character I made for my Bounty Hunter playthrough but decided to run with that story for as well.
Anira is the youngest of Isadola & Lana’s 3 biological children. You wouldn’t know it by looking at her but like her 2 older sisters she is also half-human/half-miraluka. Anira was a tad luckier than Kelsa as she wasn’t born physically blind, but still inherited Isadola’s Miraluka ability to also see with the force if she focuses enough or is briefly blinded. Anira like her one older sister (sadly not in this bunch as I still yet to make her) doesn’t need to rely on that ability to see. Anira got her red hair from her grandmother Tilera, and like the rest of her sisters got her green eyes from Lana.
Anira fell into the bounty hunter profession after she learned to apply her own force talents in her own way. Deadly with a blaster and lightsaber, but also armed with enough fire to set a planet a blaze. Anira was mentored for a time by Shae Vizla at Isadola’s request when Anira became set on becoming a Bounty Hunter.
Anira may be the youngest of Isadola & Lana’s 4 children, but is easily the fiercest, and the one to start most of the physical fights between the 4 sisters. Underneath the surface though she is also the most empathetic, a trait she got from Isadola.
Lana would never outright admit it, as she loves all her daughters equally, but Anira is her favorite.
I have so many ideas for the 4 Beniko children. Yes despite the legacy name, they were all given Lana’s last name to avoid the stigma that still follows the Shir name around.
The 4 girls were the rowdiest bunch of kids on Odessen, but also ironically the most disciplined. The girls could go from causing utter chaos to “Yes Ma’am” standing properly at attention and working like a well oiled machine with one one word or stern glance from Lana. Theron still isn’t sure how Lana & Isadola managed that.
I could go on about them, even the missing sister not pictured here yet. But I still have so much to write about before even any of them came into the picture (so to speak). I love them all your honor.
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darthkvznblogs · 11 months
Are there any elements or character variations from the Spider-Man games that you'd consider introducing into the Kverse?
Definitely! I’ve mentioned before that Peter’s portrayal in the Insomniac games is quite possibly my favorite incarnation of his, and you know I like to cherry pick when it comes to the Kverse (which is basically Victor and Reed’s MO in-universe haha)
The idea is that MCU!Pete is supposed to grow into something like Insomniac’s eventual seasoned Spidey, with a similar personality and approach to crime-fighting (though obviously with a larger support network, from NY’s vigilantes to the Avengers themselves). Obviously, Insomniac!Pete remains a separate character out in the Multiverse, but of the various adult Spideys, he’s the one he’ll most take after eventually.
I also like a lot of the designs, especially with the villains - Scorpion and Rhino immediately come to mind, I know some people aren’t fans of the more tech-y looking Insomniac-verse looks but I think they strike a good balance of the comic book-y accuracy I want and the MCU-esque aesthetic the Kverse mostly calls for. I like the look of Roxxon’s forces, I have a pretty neat idea for a visually similar but functionally pretty different version of the Underground, etc.
I absolutely looove the mentor-protege relationship between Peter and Miles, so I would lean towards that too (though Miles is like, a child in the Kverse rn, so any content with him would be future stuff).
I like Pete’s history with Harry and MJ a lot, so the idea is that they grew up together but Pete is currently a bit out of contact with them since enrolling in Midtown Science, with Gwen and Ned sort of filling that void at the moment. And yes, I do mean Mary Jane, but that doesn’t mean I’m getting rid of Michelle - I like them both, sue me. They’ll be separate characters, and I have some fairly crazy stuff planned for MJ that I don’t think anyone could predict!
There’s definitely a few things I’d avoid, too. Some of the alternate origins or motivations are cool, and work for the Insomniac universe, but aren’t my preferred ones for the Kverse - Venom immediately comes to mind, for example. I also don’t want Kverse!Spider-Man to be anywhere near as tech-y; I’m fine with Pete developing a few different kinds of webbing, and I’m cool with his Starktech suit being the “Avengers business” one, but I would prefer him in spandex and having to navigate crime-fighting with not much more than his web shooters and his wits most of the time. There’ll be no, like, gravity well projectors or Spider Arms for Kverse!Pete anytime soon.
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lnsfawwi · 2 years
Hossi Fanfic cuz ao3 doesn't have fonts!
newsletter format
AU where Aaron never left the FBI
not my first language
Quantico Tea Party
Insider gossip from one of the most important American Operation Centers
Recent News>FBI>Official
Sorry ladies, your prince charming is gay (so is your sugar daddy)
Edgar J. Hover
Last weekend, a bombshell dropped from the FBI headquarters in Quantico that the Section Chief of Critical Incidence Response Team, SSA Aaron Hotchner, openly admitted that he has been married to his former team member and mentor, SSA David Rossi, for almost 5 years. Hotchner announced it at the bureau’s first of its kind One Love fundraiser, which was aimed to elevate LGBTQ awareness in the justice system. SSA Hotchner’s public announcement might indicate a more inclusive, LGBTQ friendly environment, but also raises questions about fraternization rules.
As more than 60,000 Americans across the country go out on the streets celebrating pride month in just one week, the FBI, which had always been 3 steps behind sociopolitical trend, hosted it’s first ever LGBTQ focused fundraiser. The event was close door, with no video recording or outside reporters. Fortunately, the Quantico Tea Party is no outsider.
Beside fundraising, the bureau also invited well-known LGBTQ activists, advocates and two openly LGBTQ members of the congress, to raise voices for the community and gave the agents a lecture on sensitivity and equality. But the star of the night was without a doubt, the newly promoted section chief for the Critical Incidence Response Team (CIRT), SSA Aaron Hotchner. In his short speech, Hotchner confessed that he was married to his old teammate SSA David Rossi while they were still serving in the same unit.
Hotchner started with a reflexion of his impression at the beginning of his career of the bureau, describing the bureau in the 90s as a “powerful institution with a lot of powerful men,” pointing out the rampant discrimination that harmed numerous people:
Men, who were more than comfortable to make jokes, to bully those who they decided were unmanly, and worst, disregard victims of heinous crimes who were of sexual minorities. Sadly, those behaviors are not so uncommon even today.
Hotchner then called for his fellow colleagues to speak out against discrimination if we wished trust and faith from the people we swore to protect. In addition, he claimed that masculinity and patriarchy “the very foundation(s) the bureau and the justice system built upon” and fear of repercussions made people silent even when they do not subscribe to those believes.
But silence only fuels hate. Said Hotchner, leading up to his big revelation, So I decided not to be silent anymore. I am bisexual. I’m married to a man, a man who was my mentor, my teammate, who is and forever will be my best friend. It took us years to accumulate the courage to stand here today and show our love in front all of you, so trust me when I say I know how terrifying it feels. But to all of our colleagues who are afraid, I also want to tell you that there is nothing we should be terrified about because you have a firm, unwavering backup in us. Together, we’ll tear down the walls and ceilings, and build a better, safer place for all of us.
The section chief went on to an brief introduction about the new regulations and programs the bureau put forward, which are too boring for this newsletter, if anyone wants to know the details they are available on the bureau’s official website.
Although Hotchner didn’t name his partner, people all know it is the recently retired David Rossi, one of the founders of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, the unit which both men served for a long time.
Rossi recruited young special agent Hotchner in 1997, personally mentored him until his first retirement. When he returned to the bureau in 2008, he worked under his protege as ASAC, as far as we know, there was no dispute over authority. An anonymous source tells us that the two worked together seamlessly. “They are like mom and dad.” the agent describes them as such. To the outside world, Rossi is most famous for his best selling novels based on his experience as an FBI profiler. He is perhaps the most affluent field agent, he once received a warning for supplying 50,000 USD to a poker tournament in order to locate a suspect. Of course, none of us could forget the final blast we had at the marine bar before it closed. It was Rossi who paid for the whole night. He is thus dubbed our favorite sugar daddy.
Hotchner, on the other hand, has long been the prince charming for many of the ladies and fellas here at Quantico. The unofficial story for his absence from the Academy since 2003 was that he received too many love letters from overly ebullient cadets. With his sharp features, strong stature and solid, calming presence, Hotchner was thrice awarded the hottest man by the Quantico Tea Party team.
Our neighbor, the US Military officially repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t tell in 2010, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage legal in 2015, polls have repeatedly showed that the American public support LGBTQ right. But as we, the people of Quantico, can tell, the law moved faster than culture. Last year, the Quantico Tea Party did a follow up on after the 9 then closeted persons who voiced their cautious optimism after the Obergefell ruling. The result was heart wrenching - only two of them were out.
Anti LGBTQ sentiment is still very much prevalent in the justice system. The FBI is the first institution in the Virginia region to hold such event, a signal for the whole justice community that the most conservative, masculine section of the government system is striving for a more equal future. Hotchner hoisted the rainbow flag for which other LGBTQ persons have always longed. It is a beacon for hope and bravery and inclusion, and we have reasons to be optimistic about the transition into a better era for the bureau.
In the meantime, some have expressed concern over Hotchner and Rossi’s violation of the bureau’s fraternization rules.
In 1994, the bureau set forth its first fraternization rules that forbid all romantic relationships between a superior and their subordinate. The rules has since been more restrict, and words are that Rossi is the reason for these rules. Apparently the rules work well. For years people have debated over fraternization rules. Some, citing studies and cases, saying that allowing inter-team relationship will open doors for all kinds of problems - harassment, bias, inefficiency - but others, especially field agents, argue that not getting attached to the person you go through hell and heaven with is against human nature.
Hotchner did not address this problem in his speech, but one thing we can be sure of is that this blemish, if you can call it such, in Hotchner’s relationship with Rossi, will not diminish its significance for LGBTQ equality, nor does it taint the beauty of their love. According to our eyewitness, Rossi kissed his husband after he got off stage. Later that evening, the two men left the event together, hands locking.
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