#also my s/i would be friends with riff!! love him
rexscanonwife · 9 months
I've had a headache today so I've very much been Girl Who Lays Down but I'm still thinking about Wamen 🥺💖💖💖
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vanfleeter · 14 days
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Ticking Time Bomb
Characters: Jake Kiszka x Reader, Josh Kiszka Warnings: 18+ || Language. Angst. Anger. Frustration. Tears. Arguing. Yelling. Stress. Self doubt. Fluff. Making up. Smut. Allusions to sex. A/N: After a stressful week last week, I decided to release some of my frustrations into this fic. So enjoy.
For the most part, Jake is able to control his emotions, wearing a mask when he needs to. He can also be a very quiet person, sometimes reserved unless he’s around good friends he knows well and his family. This past week he’s been unusually quiet to say the least and very short when it comes to his responses. Whenever you asked him how his day was, he’d simply give you a “It was fine” or “It was okay”.
He’d drop his guitar off by the door before slipping off his shoes and retreating into his study where he would be holed up for the duration of the night. He would come out that evening when dinner was ready, but still keeping to himself. He’d show a little bit of affection, a small kiss to your temple as he mumbles a quiet ‘I love you’ before sitting down at the table and quietly eating dinner.
You chalked this behavior up to just being an off week, so you made the decision to try to stay out of his way as much as possible and only interact with him when it was needed. You mostly let him come to you whenever he decided he wanted to. Giving him space to work through whatever was bothering him seemed like the best route to take. And while it worked for the majority of the week and you could see just a sliver of the sweet and caring Jake coming back, you knew in the back of your mind that he was bound to still snap at some point.
That time came quite unexpectedly.
He had just come home from work and parked his car in the garage. He found it odd that yours would be missing at this hour, but he didn’t think too much of it. Probably out running errands, that’s okay. He needed some time alone anyway to just breathe and relax. He needed it after how this week has been going. It wasn’t going well.
Everything seemed to be right, no matter how he played. Josh kept getting on his case, telling him to figure his shit out because whatever he’s playing is just not going to cut it. He’d conjure up riff after riff after riff, hoping that at least one would stick. He just needs one good one. The band was scheduled to have at least one single released by the fall to slowly ease themselves and their fans into a new era of music and nothing he played was good enough for the song that Josh was imagining.
Day after day this week he was growing frustrated with his twin, and instead of taking it out on him like he’s always done in the past, he’d just bottle up and shelf it. That is until today.
Stepping into the house, he sets his guitar down and slips off his shoes as normal. His stomach growled and he looked at his watch. 6:30. Where could you be at 6:30? He knows he assumed that you were running errands but even when you did run out, you weren’t ever out this late. He never treated you like a 1950’s housewife, but he always loved coming home from work and already smelling the beginning of dinner being made. Though this week was an off day for him and he showed you very little affection, he still appreciated it when you took the initiative to have dinner ready when he got home.
Tonight, however, he finds himself standing in the house void of your presence and any food cooking. He hums to himself, thinking maybe he’d just take it on himself this time and cook dinner. Mix it up a little bit and show you just how much he does appreciate you even though he’s been quite the shitty husband this week.
Once he got dinner started, he heads upstairs to the bedroom and starts to strip out of his clothes, wanting to rid himself of the god forsaken day that he had at work. But when he steps into the bedroom, just half way through taking off his shirt, he notices the laundry still piled up on the bed. Folded nonetheless, but still left out on the bed. Both yours and his clothes were separated.
Now what could have made you have everything folded but still leave it out on the bed? Huffing and shaking his head, he tosses his shirt into the empty hamper before starting on the mundane task of putting the clothes away. He had enough time to do so before he had to be back downstairs and in the kitchen before the pot of soup boiled over.
“All I wanted to do was come home and relax,” He grumbles to himself as he shoves his shirts into the middle drawer of his dresser. He slams it unintentionally but yet he still did and he didn’t care one bit. “She’s not even home and the laundry was left out.. I don’t want to put it away but I have to so I at least have some place to sleep tonight..”
He groans and slams the drawer closed again after tossing in folded pairs of socks. “And I have to make dinner because I at least want to be nice after being such a dick all week.”
He grumbles some more incoherent nonsense under his breath. “Always having to make someone else happy. What about me?” He scoffs and slams the last of his dresser closed before standing up and grabbing the clothes on the hangers and going into the closet.
He proceeds to slam the door closed as he leaves the closet. He repeats the process with your clothes.
And this is where the pot finally boils over. Figuratively and literally.
He’s just finished putting the last of your clothes away when he hears you yelling from downstairs. “Jake! Oh my god!” It wasn’t the excited tone either, but one of panic. “Jake?! Where the hell are you?”
Don’t yell at me. I have had it with people yelling at me this week.
Walking down into the kitchen and trying to keep his cool, he finds your things haphazardly thrown all over the floor before he looks over at the stove. He sees you struggling to turn down the burner and stirring the soup to let it simmer back down.
“Jesus..” He mutters as he quickly runs over. “Dammit, move.” He demands as he takes the wooden out of your hand and stirs the soup until it’s completely back to a low boil.
“I can’t believe you left that unattended..” He hears you say as you go to gather your things up from the floor. His body tenses and he stops stirring. “What the hell were you doing?”
“Shut up..” He mutters under his breath.
“I said, shut up!” He slams the spoon down on the countertop and whirls around to face you. “Just shut up! I have had the worst week imaginable and I’m at my wits end! I came home, hoping to find you already cooking dinner but no, you were gone! So I thought I’d be nice and start on dinner because I know that I haven’t been the best version of myself this week, I wanted to make up for it! I needed to change so I left the soup unattended, thinking that I would be back soon enough to take care of it before it did all of this! But no, I couldn’t because when I got upstairs, I found a shit ton of laundry not put away so of course, I had to do that too! I miscalculated how much time I had to get back down here, so I’m sorry that I accidentally let this boil over but none of this would have happened had you been here!”
You still stand there, staring at him in complete surprise and watching him as he practically blows steam from his ears. The air is thick with tension as you both stare at each other. Silently, not uttering a word, you finish picking up your things from the floor and leave the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” He calls after you. When he doesn’t hear you answer, he shuts off the stove and leaves the kitchen to go after you. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” He shouts up the stairs, making you stop. “I made dinner.”
You slowly turn back to face him. “I’m not hungry..”
“You’re fucking kidding me..”
“No, Jake, I’m not fucking kidding you.. Until you can stop acting like an asshole, I’m not eating with you.”
“Can’t I just have one bad day?!”
“One?” You say in disbelief. “One?! Jake, you had the whole week! And I have been keeping my distance so you can have your space to work through whatever the fuck is bothering you! But I will not let you stand there and yell at me over something so stupid!”
“Well I’m sorry for being such an asshole!”
“Wow.. So sincere..” You scoff and turn back around to continue going back up the stairs.
“If I knew this is how you’d react when shit like this happens, I never would have married you!”
You stop again at the top of the staircase and slowly turn to face him. “Definitely living up to the asshole definition, Jake. But you’re right.. Maybe you shouldn't have..” Turning back around, you inhale deeply, blinking away the tears that threaten to fall and you head off to the bedroom.
He never followed you upstairs, for you could hear him in the kitchen slamming shit. You couldn't stay here tonight. At least not while he’s acting like this. He’s finally hit his boiling point and he's just using you as the target for his aggression. Well, it stops now.
After you finish packing a bag with enough clothes and toiletries to last you a few days, you rest the strap on your shoulder and make your way downstairs. You can see him in the kitchen and taking a long drink from a bottle of whiskey as he paces back and forth. Taking in a deep breath, you make your way into the toxic air swirling around the room. Slipping the rings off your finger, you set it on the island counter. He stops his pacing and looks at you.
“Y/N.. What–”
“Since you obviously regret marrying me..”
“No..” He shakes his head. “I didn’t–”
“You’re drunk.. So maybe when you sober up again and you get your shit together, we can talk.”
He sets the whiskey bottle on the counter and tries to reach for you but you step back and adjust the bag on your shoulder. The pain in his eyes is obvious as he drops his hand back to his side. “I didn’t mean anything I said, you know that.”
“Please, don’t go. Let’s talk about this.. I-I’m sorry.. I mean that this time, I do.”
“Do you really regret marrying me?”
He vigorously shakes his head. “No, I was just..” He sighs. “I was angry and I took it all out on you, and I shouldn't have. There was no reason for me to do that. And I’m sorry.. You’ve been nothing if not supportive and I am grateful that you’ve given me space to work through my problems, and I completely disregarded all of that..” He tries to reach for you again and when you don’t step away, he holds your hand and brings it up to his lips to kiss it. “I love you and I don’t ever regret marrying you.”
“Will you tell me why this week has been so horrible?” You ask. “I want to help..”
“The pressures of being in a band,” He scoffs. “I have been slaving over this new song and no matter what I come up with, Josh just doesn't think any of it works.. I’ve just been angry with him and him being so picky and it just makes me feel like I’m not doing good enough.”
“Oh Jake..” You reach forward and raise your hand to his cheek. “That’s not true,” You tell him. “And I am very confident in you that you will find the perfect sound for the song.”
“You do?”
You smile and nod your head. “Of course I do. You are a very bright man, Jake, and you make the most beautiful music.”
“Want to know what else I’m good at making?” He asks.
“And what would that be?”
He raises his hand and rests it against yours with it still on his cheek. “That would be making you feel so good.”
He uses his other hand to draw you into him. “I know all the right ways that make you produce those beautiful sounds that only my ears have the pleasure of hearing.” He moves his other hand and pulls your face close to kiss you. “I love you and I don’t ever regret my decision to marry you. Please forgive me..”
“I forgive you..”
“Just promise me that when this happens again, that you’ll explain what’s going on. Don’t keep everything bottled in, Jake. This..” You wave your hand around the kitchen. “Can’t happen again.. Your words do hurt, whether you intend them to or not.”
“I know.. And I’m sorry..”
You reach up to kiss him and wrap your arms around him. “And next time I’m not home, just call me.”
He slightly pulls away. “Where were you anyways?” He asks.
You smile and kiss his cheek. “I knew you had been having a rough time.. Soo..” Pulling away from Jake, you go back over towards the garage door. “I wasn’t sure which one you’d be in the mood for, so I bought both.” You call from the garage, your voice echoing through the door. You come back into the house just a minute later and carrying two separate cakes. They were small individual cakes, one vanilla and one chocolate.
“You bought me cake?” He asks as you set them both on the countertop.
“I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you, and how much I support you, and that you are doing an incredible job.”
“I know this week has been rough on you so I thought I would get you something to make you feel a little better. Cake always makes someone feel better.”
He opens his mouth to say something but no words come out. Instead you see his eyes well up in tears. Immediately he pulls you back in and hugs you tightly. “I’ve been such a mess this whole week and yet you still keep being this perfect person.” You hear him sniffle over your shoulder.
“Oh Jake..” You hug him tighter, running your fingers through the ends of his hair. “I am far from perfect..”
He pulls away, revealing the fresh tears slipping down his cheeks. “Yes, you are.” He says. You reach up and swipe your thumb over his cheeks. “And I love you.. I love you for everything that you are and everything that you do.. I’ve been so shitty to you and you don’t deserve that.”
“You were never shitty to me.. You were having a bad week, that happens.” You hold his face in your hands as you look him in the eyes. “You are better than you might think of yourself. Don’t let whatever Josh says bother you. You will find that sound, you will make it work for the song, and in the end you and Josh will be better.”
The doorbell rings and you pull away from Jake to go answer it. When you open the door, you find Josh standing on the front porch with a flash drive in one hand and bag of takeout food in the other. He gives you a small smile before speaking, “Uhh.. Is Jake home?”
“Yeah, he’s in the kitchen.” You say as you let him inside. Bringing him in the kitchen, you give Jake a reassuring smile.
He quickly wipes his face and clears his throat. “Josh..”
Josh drops the food and the flash drive on the counter before running around to embrace Jake in a hug. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry..” He blurts out. “I’ve been such an ass and I am sorry.. You have been busting your ass coming up with new stuff and I’ve just been so negative about it all..”
“Josh..” Jake sighs as he tries prying Josh off of him.
“No, I’m not done.” Josh says as he tightens his grip on Jake. “I loved every single one of them,” He continues. “But I was just afraid.”
“Wait, what?” This time, Jake pries Josh off of him and holds him at arm's length. “Afraid of what?”
Josh huffs a breath. “I was afraid that when we finished this song and released it that you would finally move on to your other projects and I guess I got jealous because someone else will have all your attention and I will hardly see you after this.”
“Joshua…” Jake grumbles. “You’re jealous?”
“Maybe just a little..”
“Josh, you are stuck with me no matter what.” Jake chuckles and pulls him back in for a hug. “Just because we’re going to take a break after this one song, doesn't mean we're taking a break.”
Jake nods his head. “Regardless of how much you drive me insane at times, I will always be there just like you will be there for me.”
“Can we start over?”
“Of course we can.”
“Great, because I brought the flash drive and I picked my top three riffs you played and I think we could take this song in either direction.” Josh says. “But I also brought food too as a peace offering–if you haven't eaten already.”
“No, we haven't,” You say. “And I am starving.”
“You bought cake?” Josh asks when he sees them on the counter.
“Just to show Jake how much he’s loved,” You say as you lean over to kiss him.
“Cheers to that,” Josh says. “But I’m not kissing him..”
“I would hope not,” Jake grimaces.
“So!” Josh exclaims as he claps his hands. “Food first and then we work?”
“I’ll grab some silverware,” You say.
“And I will set up in the living room,” Josh says as he grabs the stuff  and carries it into the other room.
As you begin to follow after him, Jake grabs your arm and pulls you back and presses his lips to yours. “Have I mentioned how much I love you?”
“Only in so many words,” You say.
He smiles and kisses you again. “Well I love you.. And thank you.”
“Jake! Let’s go!” Josh yells from the living room.
Apologies in advanced with this taglist, I have recently been having problems with it!
@watchingover-hypegirl @losfacedevil @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @writingcold (more tags in comments)
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luizd3ad · 5 months
Music Notes | Barty Crouch Jr x Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Rockstar!Barty x GN!Rockstar!Reader WC: 3,471 CW:  Soulmate AU, Rockstar AU, 2010's AU, use of Y/N, mentions of anxiety, swearing Author's Note: This is one of those fics where I'm my own target audience but if you read this I really hope you like it. Also I feel like Pandora get kinda out of character at the end but I just idk I felt like it was necessary. Summary: You meat your soulmate during the best summer of your life.
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Everyone is born with a symbol of something that you and your soulmate(s) will have in common along with their initials, and when you look into their eyes for the first time your soulmark is supposed to tingle. 
The symbol could be literally anything, it could be related to your career, a hobie, a passion or in your case all the above. For as long as you could remember you've had a music note and the initials BCJ on your wrist.
But for the longest time you were confused by your soulmark, you weren't really interested in music. I mean you liked listening to it as much as the next person but not enough to make it your soulmark.
That was until you were twelve and you met Jade. She was just so outgoing and bubbly, she made friends easily, she'd walk into a room and demand attention without even trying and she soon started showing you all these bands and artists you'd never heard of. Jade changed everything for you, she showed you a side of music you didn't know existed. And all of a sudden, you were hooked.
You became so inthralled by the music that the initial next to the note paled in comparison, you hardly thought about your soulmate because as far as you were concerned music was your soulmate. 
When you were fourteen Jade introduced you to Sammy. Sammy was a pretty shy, and quiet kid but once he was comfortable he'd talk your ear off for hours. That's how he continued to expand your love for music. Not only did he tell you about more bands and artists that ranged outside of the emo, pop punk scene, but he showed you shows, concerts. 
You, Jade and Sammy would go to any show you could. House shows, backyard gigs, if there was a guitar riff and a mosh pit the three of you were there. And that's how you met Pink.
Now Pink’s real name was Floyd but he liked being called Pink. Which you always thought was funny considering he was the strong, silent type, so the name completely contradicted his personality but he liked David Bowie so who were you to judge? Pink was your tipping point. He was a beast on the drums, you and Sammy would sit there and listen to him play all day. Which somehow led to Pink convincing your little group that you guys could make a band, a killer band at that.
And surprisingly he wasnt fucking wrong thus ‘Fighting Pixies’ was born.
C. Summer of 2012
It was the first day of Warped Tour and you couldn't be more excited. You were so excited that you didn't even care that you were in some random arena parking lot sweating your ass off in Utah. 
Not only was this Fighting Pixies first year playing Warped Tour but you were on a main stage you were going to be playing on the same stage as the bands you grew up listening to. To say the feeling was surreal would be an understatement. This is what you, Jade, Sammy and Pink have been working towards for years, you guys were finally playing the festival that you would go to every summer. 
Walking out of the bus you started making your way to the catering tent by yourself since the rest of the band left you behind because you were apparently in Pinks’ words ‘taking too goddamn long’. You roll your eyes at his words thinking how it's bullshit that they could just leave you like that, when all the sudden you collide with someone. 
“Oh shit I'm so sorry dude.”
“You alright mate?”
You and the mystery person that you just basically assaulted said at the same time. Finally after gaining your balance you look at your victim. 
“Siri?” You say raising your eyebrow when he finally looks your way with a big smile on his face.
“Oh shit Y/N! How are you? I havent seen you in fucking ages!” Sirius yells while bringing you into a hug, you hug him back laughing then pulling away.
“I've been good. I haven't seen you since you, Rem and James came to one of our shows. Is he here?” You ask, looking around hoping to catch sight of Remus.
“No not yet, he's back home with Reg, Lily and Harry. But they'll be joining us for the last few shows.”
You couldn't help but let out a little laugh. “Baby's first Warped Tour? I like it, gotta start them young.”
Sirius laughed at you, the two of you then continued on your way to the catering tent. Luckily with no further incidents.
You and the rest of Fighting Pixies met Sirius a few years ago when he collabed on a song with you guys, you also had gotten to meet James a few times during the recording process. You hadn't met the rest of ‘Beyond London’ yet, but James had made it very clear that you and their bassist, Pandora, would become fast friends. 
But you hadn’t heard much about their guitarist, Barty, except in passing from mutual friends. Sirius would complain about him sometimes but in typical lead singer fashion Sirius had a tendency to be dramatic so you never really took anything he said about Barty to heart.
Eventually you and Sirius got to the catering tent. You found your band, James and a girl you recognized as Pandora sitting at a table together. 
“Well if it isn't the second best drummer on Warped Tour.” You say with a teasing smile sitting across from James. James just laughs and shakes his head. While pink has a small smug look on his face. 
“What? So Pink’s the best drummer on tour?” James raises his eyebrow at you with a goofy smile still on his face. 
You laugh and shake your head. “No, not even close, Angelo is clearly the best drummer here. Have you heard Motionless in White’s breakdowns?” Pink then glared at you while scoffing. What? Someone has to bring his ego down.
After a few hours of making fun of each other, hanging out, watching a few bands sets and getting to know Pandora (who is literally the sweetest person ever) you and the rest of your band had to go back to the bus to get ready for your set in a few hours.
You got to get into the shower after Jade so after your shower and skin routine you walked out into the common area plopping down at the table so you could start to get your hair and other things done. 
“Dude when you were in the bathroom Sirius came over and brought Barty, dudes funny. You missed out.” Sammy said, sitting down next to you eating a bowl of cereal.
“Damn. Well I have a whole summer to run into him at some point.” You shrug, getting all your stuff out to get ready.
You actually really wanted to meet Barty based on what little you had heard about him over the years, the fact that he was one hell of a guitarist, and you'd never admit this to anymore but you were really attracted to him. Based purely off the pictures you've seen of him.
You had a lot of respect for him as a musician, you could recognize the emotions that he put into each riff, solo, hell just a strum and you could tell what he was feeling.
A part of you found it frustrating that after all these years of knowing Sirius and James you had always seemed to miss Barty, sometimes by literal minutes.
The rest of your band had met him in passing, never more than a ‘hi’ or ‘hey’ but still they've met him. 
So you couldn't help but be a little frustrated at the fact that for one of the only times that day where you weren't around your band they actually got to hang out with him. You don't know why it bothered you so much, I mean you couldn't even be upset with anyone in particular. It's literally no one's fault. So why did it bother you so much?
Eventually you and the rest of Fighting Pixies found yourselves waiting backstage to go on when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see your new favorite blond girl. 
“Hi Pandora. What's up?”
“Hi. I just came to watch the beginning of your set. I won't be able to stay long, by the time you lot get off we'll have just started our set.” Pandora explains with her signature tooth rotting smile. 
“Aw thanks, I was actually planning on heading to your guys' set when we're done here.”
“Yes, you should!” Pandora stood up straighter with a sense of excitement and urgency about something you didn't understand, but you just thought that it was Pandora being Pandora. 
You had heard over the years that she would do or say things that didn't make much sense to really anyone so you chose to just brush it off.
“Oh I also wanted to give you theses.” Pandora says while handing you two rocks.
You take the rocks confused with a raised eyebrow. “Thanks, but what are they?”
“The orange one is citrine and the pink one is rose quartz. They're meant to bring you good luck, just put them in your pocket and they'll do their job.” Pandora says with a knowing type of smile, that once again confused you but you just nodded and put them in your pocket choosing not to question the blond.
“Y/N come on, it's time to go.” One of the stage hands says passing you your guitar. You just nodded, putting the strap over your head.
“Well I hope you like our set and I'll see you at yours.” You chuckled a little as she just nodded.
You would think after all of these years of doing this you'd be used to it at this point. That you would be used to being on stage, that the anxiety of fucking up would be gone but it didn’t go away, lessened yeah but not gone. 
You also never really get used to people singing lyrics that you wrote or helped write, especially when the words were sentimental to you at one point, but it was kind of nice to know that those words are sentimental to others now too.
You wouldn't trade this for the world. You were lucky and you knew that, so many people would kill for this chance so you didn't take it for granted.
Thirty minutes later you and your band mates were running off stage sweaty and high off adrenaline with big smiles on your faces’ your first show at your first warped tour was beyond amazing it was fucking perfect you were convinced nothing could top this feeling.
You started to make your way to Beyond London’s set. The rest of the band had other sets or people that they wanted to see so you went your separate ways for the time being. 
Eventually you made it to the stage Beyond London was playing at. You had stopped a few times to talk to people and take pictures but luckily not too many people stopped you so you made it when they started to play their last song.
After all the years you had known Sirius and James you had never actually got the chance to see them play. To say they were amazing felt like the understatement of the century. 
James looked like he was in his element on the drums, Pandora was so focused on her bass but that didn't stop her from swinging herself around, Sirius had basically every person either swooning because of his looks or crying because of how beautiful his voice was and then there was Barty. 
Just the sight of him alone made your heart skip a beat, you had never seen such raw emotion while someone played the guitar. Once your eyes landed on him you couldn't, you wouldn't, look away. The way he moved, how he would throw his head back every so often, sometimes you could see his jaw clench, you could tell he put his all into the music. You had never seen something so amazing. So perfect.
The song ended and they all started to make their way to the side of the stage you were on, Barty sayed a little longer then his band mates throwing things like his picks and set lists into the crowd. 
You were brought into a bear hug and spun around by a very sweaty Sirius. You shrieked and tried to push yourself away from him to no avail.
“Sirius Black if you don't put me down right now I'll make sure you never play another show again!” You screamed threatened while continuing your best efforts to get away from your sweaty attacker. Suddenly you hear a gasp and you're put down very quickly, almost falling while Sirius scoffs and mutters something about ‘Some people’. 
Pandora came to your rescue making sure you’re okay. You were about to scold Sirius for almost making you fall, but he was already out of sight. Pandora turned you around to have you look at her. 
You looked at her very surprised with your eyebrows raised. “What is up with the manhandling right now?” you laugh slightly awkwardly. 
“Do you still have the crystals I gave you?” Pandora asks with a serious face completely ignoring your question. 
You furrowed your brows and nodded still very confused. “Considering you gave them to me a little over an hour ago, yes. I know we don't know each other very well but have some faith in me Pandora.” You once again laughed a little trying to ease the little tension that seemed to form.
Pandora just smiled at you and hugged you and whispered. “I'm so happy for you two.”
You pulled away and looked at her once again beyond confused. “What-”
You were then interrupted by James yelling over to you. “Y/N, come meet Barty, finally.” Pandora kept smiling at you and then she just nodded at you encouragingly. For what felt like the hundredth time that day Pandora confused you and you once again just chalked it up to Pandora being Pandora.
While making your way over to the three men that stood in a little circle probably talking about the show that they just put on, you were hit with a sudden wave of anxiety. 
Why were you anxious? You had been fine (other than the major confusion you went through with Pandora)  so why does it feel like your heart is going a mile a minute.
Sirius and James are facing you while Barty’s back is towards you. As soon as you're in arms length Sirius wraps his arm around your shoulder pulling you close to him.
“Barty, this is Y/N. Y/N, Barty.” James says motioning between you two.
“Hi, it's nice to finally-” You cut yourself off when you looked into his eyes, feeling a tingle on your writs.
Your whole life you've heard stories about what meeting your soulmate felt like. How all of a sudden everything seemed less important. How you would only want to focus on that person. How you'd feel like you had a new meaning to life. Honestly you thought it was all bullshit. 
But now you knew that, that was all an understatement. 
You finally felt like you were home, like everything would be okay. It felt like breathing for the first time. 
You could play a million more shows, meet your idols, win a fucking Grammy and nothing would compare to what you were feeling when you met his eyes. And based on the look on his face, Barty felt the same way.
“Hi.” You whispered still in a shocked state.
“Hi, angel.” Barty said softly with a love sick look on his face, your heart skips a beat at the nickname and you can't help but smile. He suddenly moved his eyes to Sirius and glared at him. “You'll move your arm if you know what's good for you, Black.” 
Sirius moved his arm away from around you and put his hands up in surrender, you actually forgot Sirius and James were there let alone that Sirius had an arm wrapped around you.
You hadn't thought about your soulmate in years. You didn't ever think you'd meet them, and a part of you didn't really care if you did honestly. As long as you had your music and friends you were fine, that's what you thought at least. It was crazy how in one moment that whole mindset could change.
Now you couldn't imagine a life without Barty. You didn't want to imagine a life without him. 
For so long music was your number one priority, you didn't care about much else but now this person that you just met became your number one. It felt insane and crazy but you couldn't help it and a big part of you loved it. 
You and Barty found yourselves sitting in Beyond London's tour bus talking during the almost eight hour drive from Salt Lake City to Denver. You two just talked about your lives, childhoods, things you loved, things you hated, everything. 
He told you about his Father who you now hated almost as much as Barty. Barty had the biggest smile on his face when you told him how you felt about his father in extreme detail after the stories he told you.
Eventually you both noticed the buses pulling into a new arena parking lot while the sun was rising. Both of you knew you had to go back to your bus now, you had sets and meet and greets later that day. You needed some kind of energy. 
Barty with a cheeky smile insisted that you just join him in his bunk, you just responded with an eye roll and a ‘You wish’ which earned you a ‘You have no idea’.
Barty ended up walking you to your bus, you and him stood outside of the bus talking and stalling, not wanting to leave each other yet.
“Barty, I have to go. We need to get some sleep.” You were looking down at your hands together knowing one you needed to let go but not wanting to.
“I know angel, I know.” He gave you a sad smile as if he would never see you again. 
Barty was often scared that all of this was just a dream. That one day he would wake up back in his fathers clutches and his life as a rockstar was just a dream, it always scared him. But now in his mind it wasn't only his life as a rockstar at stake but you and that now terrified him. He had admitted this to you while you were talking that night so you didn't blame him for being hesitant. You just hugged him trying to reassure him.
“You can come over when you wake up Barty. Don't hesitate, I don't care if I'm awake or asleep. I just know that if you stay we're not gonna get any sleep.” Barty pulls away from you with a smirk and raised eyebrows, you just hit his chest and roll your eyes. “Not like that. I just mean we'll stay up talking.”
He just laughs and kisses your forehead. “I know what you meant, angel, just like teasing you is all.” He pulls you against him resting his chin on your head. “Is it bad to say I'll miss you? Even if I know it's just a few hours.”
“It's not bad because I'll miss you too.” You whisper against him. 
After a moment he pulls away again looking down at you he moves his hand to hold the side of your face, cressing you cheek with his thumb. You leaned into his touch with a small smile on your face looking up at him.
“You are now the most important thing in my life now, my angel.” He's looking deep into your eyes, not a hint of lies or regret in his words.
Barty started to lean down with a sense of hesitation, you just nodded and smiled at him letting him know it was okay. You could feel butterflies in your stomach while your heart started to race. The moment your lips touched you felt electricity run through your veins. You never experienced such an amazing feeling, you were two puzzle pieces finally coming together. You already knew Barty was your everything but that kiss solidified it. It made it real in the best way possible, you knew you couldn't ask for a better soulmate.
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st4rb3rries · 1 year
STAN MARSH and KYLE BROFLOVSKI friendship hc's!! ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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pairings; stan and kyle x fem!reader (all aged up 18+)
summary; goofy friendship head cannons!!
warnings; cussing, underage drinking
a/n; my first time writing so lmk if theres any mistakes
you guys try to start a band. stan plays the electric guitar and you play the drums. but kyle.... oh sweet kyle. this orange head plays some type of classical instrument. my boy be playing the cello during a mcr (my chemical romance) song i swear😭😭.
stan: "dude c'mon this ain't the 1700's your piano doesn't belong here."
y/n: "yeah pack it up bethoven"
you and stan just giggle
there's always sleepovers at your house 24/7. your house is a safe spot for them. like y'all always snuggle and cuddle together in your bed. its so comfy too because you have so many plushies. you guys always watch movies and take naps after for sureee.<33
baking bro. kyle is the best baker out of y'all. one time stan and you tried to bake premade cookies. hell nah the fire department came. kyle was so mad that day becuase it was his oven and his parents were out of town... you and stan had to get summer jobs to pay off his oven. you guys still owe money whoops. you guys really hope kyle forgot about this accident. (he didn't.)
you guys go stargazing!! and it's the best thing to do too. kyle would bring his telescope and. you and stan would bring the snacks, flashlights, and blankets. one time you guys went and there was a mediator shower. all of you guys were in awe as you saw the mediators flash by. lowkey wanna of the best and rememberable moment you guys all have together.
sometimes when stan is having a bad day with his parents he sneaks into your room and brings some beer to drink with you. kyle doesn't know you guys do this at all. but you guys drink A LOT whenever he comes over. it's literally a problem but #yolo😜. the conversations are worth it though. you guys talk about the meaning of life and. say some random ass shit. for example you both confessed that you had a crush on each other at some point in your guys life. nothing but laughter after that.
one time stan decided he wanted you to bleach his hair. he only wanted to dye it cause he didn't wanna look like his dad. he was having a mental breakdown about it. he never really shows this side to anyone but you, his bestie. he cries into your chest for a long time after venting. once he looks at your shirt (filled with snot and tears) he says "sorry" so much it's literally so cute. once you were done comforting him it was time to bleach his hair:D. (Y'ALL WERE STILL DRUNK) after bleaching his hair it looked good to y'all at that time... when he got sober he literally said, "y/n what the fuck happened to my hair." clearly you remembered what led to his bleached hair but he didn't. stan dyed it back to black himself ha.
he always plays his guitar to you. if he had a crush on you he'd definitely write a love song for you to listen to. definitely hasn't wrote one before. he play's all these catchy riffs for you and loves to see your face in awe. always tries to teach you to play but you get distracted cause he's so close to you😏. you listen to music with him 24/7 and share headphones!! radiohead, deftones, mcr, my bloody valentine are y'alls go to music artists. music is therapy for y'all.
THIRFTING!!! y'all go thrifting everyday bro i swear. he always finds the best stuff too. he finds all the embroidered jeans, vintage tees, and hella cool jewelry. LIKE HELLOO SHARING IS CARINGG!!! nah but you guys do be sharing clothes and accessories. since you guys have the same style. you guys also be pulling up to them yard sales. that's when your luck happens and. that's when stan gets jealous. you guys are depressed but well dressed.
you always play with his hair. since its so cute and fluffy. he often gets insecure cause of cartman. but it comforts him when you play and style his hair. when you style his hair i'm talking about pigtails, braids, space buns all that cute stuff. to go with that you add clips, headbands and bows. he looks goofy as hell but anything for his best friend. sometimes when he's so stressed he asks if he can come over to your house. you say yes ofc. he only comes just so he can get his hair played by you. once you guys start chatting away and his hair is getting played with he get's so relaxed. this is what heaven feels like to him!!
starbies and studying at the library. ok out of the 3 of y'all you and kyle are the smartest. when you go to the library you guys always go to your go to spot every time. if someone is setting there. kyle asks them to politely leave. if not his short temper comes out. once the person finally leaves you guys set up everything organized. you guys borrow fancy highlighters for notes and. big wordy text books to read to each other. you guys always go over the answers if you have tests at school. kyle usually is the first to one to passout. so you have to carry him out of the library sometimes. he looks so peaceful why would you wanna wake him up😭. stan secretly gets jealous that you guys study at the library without him. like come on guys he's smart too.
PLAYING DREIDEL WITH HIM!!! he adores when you play dreidel with him! you always loose though🙄. no one can out beat him. when he first asked you to play with him and. you asked him what it was. he was so excited to tell you. you fell asleep because he told you the whole ass history of the dreidel. like you just wanted to learn how to play😭. whenever it's getting close to hannukah you make dreidels out of clay for everyone. you decorate them and stuff. sheila is tearing up cause y'all so cute together making dreidel's. she defenitly takes a photo of you two. after you gave everyone their dreidel. the last person to receive one was cartman.... it didn't go so well.
since you guys are nerds. you guys definitely write emo poems and. it always be late at night too. this is when y'all become so sensitive and emotional. trauma, bullying, blood, sweat, and tears. go into these poems omfg. you guys also write books for ike!! he loves them!! especially the ones from you. you and kyle also write dumb ass books for each other too. they even have lil crayon drawings lmaoo. for example: kyle wrote on called, "jew on the boat". it was one page that said, "jew on the boat". with a silly drawing. HELPPP YOU GUYS LAUGHED AT THIS FOR HOURS AND. IT WASN'T EVEN THAT FUNNY.
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brights-place · 7 months
I saw your Barb x wife post (very cute), could you do a Riff x husband reader?
(I promise this will be the last time I ask for Riff stuff, probably)
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Riff X Husband! S/O
Pairings: Riff X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, mild cursing, THE GAYS ARE GAYING YAYYY!
A/N: I got so happy with this request and wrote this down so fast since I was checking my inbox!
Barb introduced you two to each other 7 in an half years and you and riff had been together for longer about 9 years running he proposed to you 3 years ago. You knew how Riff wad awkward sometimes and how he does little drum stick tricks to impress you or would play drum versions of your favorite songs and ask you to guess the beat. When he was gonna propose to you he played the 'here comes the bride' but in drums and you didn't guess what it was but said it was cool yet you didn't know what it was at all. You two were at the rooftop staring out at the night sky as the candle is warm light shined where you both laid as Riff got up and stold you t turn around which he did and you gasped seeing him on an knee with an Silver engagement ring with your birth gemstone on it which made you smiled as Riff spoke in an shaky voice "Okay I know we have been dating for so long but... I've been planning on how to do this and it's very hard!" riff said chuckling hiding deeper into his beanie "(name) You have been by my side through the toughest of storms, shining like a beacon in the darkest night. You have shown me that true beauty lies beyond the stars, and I want to share that with you for all eternity. Will you spend every night gazing into my eyes for as long as we shall live? Will you stay with me as we journey through the unknown with a never ending spark of love? (Name)" Riff took an sharp inhale as you teared up slightly "Will you marry me and be my husband (name)?" Riff said looking away as you smiled nodding quickly tackling him to the floor and kissing him deeply
You pulled away as he held you close tearing up “Knarly dude…” You giggled “damn right” You said kissing riffs face as he blushed. Once you two came back inside you were met by King Thrash and barb ho were smirking and congratulating you two for getting engaged and soon planned together an wedding sitting side by side as you two talked about different things for the weddings.
Currently you two where wondering where exactly it would be hosted “It could be hosted on where we first met?” Riff suggested as you hummed thinking to yourself “We met at an pub plus I wanted to invite our friends from outside of volcano rock city our temperature here is much different were use to it but they might not be” “Oh good idea!” you giggled cupping riffs face taking off his beanie which made his hetochromia eyes stare at you lovingly as kiss you back as he pulled away "I Love you" "Love you too"
The day of your wedding you were freaking out fanning your face as you were in the dressing room wearing your suit. It was a black leather jacket with a white shirt and black tie featuring silver embroidered roses, lightning bolts, and music notes. The jacket has a few rips and tears, revealing a layer of white lining beneat it. The shoulders were padded with cotton foam, filling it out slightly. The suit itself is somewhat worn, the edges darkened with shadows and dirt. The pants are made of black leather, with a few creases lining the seams. The shoes are black leather, but scuffed around the heels. You were panicking as Barb slapped your back making you yelp as she laughs "Don't worry Riff is also scared since its the first time he will be showing his eyes infront of an crowd and well He's marrying you" Barb laughed when you blushed "Your right!" After barb eft you checked yourself in the mirror before heading to the Altar. The wedding ceremony was a perfect mesh of elegance and rock 'n roll theme. The rock 'n roll themed wedding was a perfect mix of elegance and rock 'n roll vibes.
It decorated with edgy yet classy rock 'n roll accents. The venue was decorated with dramatic black walls, featuring white accents and gold details. The venue was completely transformed into a vibrant and fun rock 'n roll theme, featuring colorful stage lighting, edgy punk rock decorations, and musical elements such as vintage rock instruments and neon lights. The tables were adorned with dramatic black table cloths and edgy black tablescape decorations, making for a perfect venue for rock 'n roll lovers.
An altar had an mix of your favourite flowers and riffs favourite wilted flowers together as you stood at the altar while Riff stood at the other end staring down the aisle with a nervous look. You saw riffs suit The suit was a dark and faded black in coloring, as the fabric had been dyed to achieve that specific faded look. It was fitted snugly to the man's body, revealing his fit and toned physique that looked as if it had been sculpted by the gods themselves. The collars was high and round, reminiscent of an old, punk-rock style that had been done before. A few buttons were left undone, revealing his slightly ripped shirt. While his beanie had an black ripped veil in front of it as he walked to the Alter “Your beautiful” you two say in sync before giggling at each other as the pastor spoke telling the basics as as always before motioning for You to start with Your vows as you gulped and spoke nervously "Riff, as I stand here, with my heart overflowing with love, I am reminded of the beauty and uniqueness of our journey together. From this moment forward I promise you this..." You took an sharp inhale before staring at Riff You couldn't help but smile and look to teh crowd and back to Riff "I promise to love you in a way that is as unique and beautiful as the love we've built together. Our love is a master piece in my eyes unlike your drums." Riff gasped dramatically jokingly as you two laughed "but yes our love is a master piece in my eyes painted with the brushstrokes of our laughter. our shared dreams and the countless moments that have brought us here. I vow to be your wavering support and your safe harbor. In your presence I've found the courage to be the best version of myself and I will forever be the wind beneath your wings propelling you to reach new heights. With you, I've found a love that is both unique and beautiful, a love that is intricately woven into the fabric of my soul. I choose you, not just as my partner, but as my muse, my best friend, and the one who makes my world rocking! I Today and forever I give you my heart and my soul, and the promise of a unique and beautiful love story that will continue to unfold chapter by chapter I love you, in ways that word can only begin to describe is amazing" Riff smiled at you as you smiled back as Riff spoke up “Well damn it’s just like when I propose to you I’m so nervous… I can’t even believe I’m saying it out loud cause I know I’m gonna be made fun of by Barb” Barb shouted from the front row seat "FUCK YEAH I AM! GET SOME RIFF!" Riff sighed softly "(name) I promise to always be there for you, to listen and understand you, and to love and accept you as you are. I commit myself to our relationship and to growing and building a strong foundation together, with trust, respect and communication. I vow to honor your wishes and strive to meet your needs, and to always support and respect you. We will face challenges together as a team, and work to always overcome them, hand in hand... even though you annoy the shit out of me aswell I love you" You both soon started to tear up “How do straight people do this without crying?!” You complained as Riff laughed in agreement. The pastor smiled handing you two your drumsticks and your rings which you traded and gave eachother
You both were wearing a skeleton ring with you having a Obsidian that was cracked and contained inside your birth stone and and Riff having an obsidian that was cracked and inside held ruby as the pastor soon spoke “You may now kiss the groom!” You may or may not have grabbed riff by the waist dipping him to the floor and kissing him happily with an large smirk as others cheered while rock n roll trolls screamed doing the rock symbol with you and riff doing the same while kissing each other happily as riff eyes opened showing his hetochromica eyes that stared at you lovingly "I Love you" "Love you too" you both say smiling
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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insanityclause · 9 months
Whats If head writer talk about Tom and Shakespeare Loki in this interview: https://twitter.com/TaraDBennett/status/1741501747963801863?t=YQyNQ_HGO6HmUkvDD8piKA&s=19
"What If... the Avengers Assembled in 1602?"
Writers: A. C. Bradley & Ryan Little
Many Marvel comics readers will know the Neil Gaiman 1602 story arc from 2003, but this episode is more of a riff than an adaptation. “1602 became a game of me and Ryan brainstorming fun things we wanted to write,” Bradley explains. “One of my hobbies is adapting Shakespeare, so part of the impetus for this episode was to see if I could get Tom Hiddleston to do his famous Hamlet soliloquy and he did!” she laughs.
“Then, weirdly enough, me and Ryan are both big fans of the original Robin Hood story,” she continues. “We both studied it in college, so this is us wanting to take the Robin Hood myths and play with them. It’s a loose adaptation of [the comic] 1602 because we would never be able to do the whole story in one episode, and the original does go more into the history, where we do not.”
It’s also the continuation of the Captain Carter cliffhanger that closed the “Hydra Stomper” episode. “I just love this friendship between Peggy and The Watcher (Jeffrey Wright),” Bradley explains. “He sees her as a friend. She's the one human that he has formed a bond with, because she never backs down from him. She's able to see the bigger picture — not quite as big as he's able to see — but she does. And she always tries to do the right thing and will intervene in places that he can't.”
And for those wondering about The Freak’s return in 1602, Bradley says that it was a “happy, joyous accident” that gave them the chance to bring Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk back. “We were storyboarding the Happy Hogan episode, which was so much fun, that we decided to throw him into this episode too, to have a Freak versus Hulk fight.”
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adultswim2021 · 4 months
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force #96: “Juggalo” | April 5th, 2010 - 12:00AM | S08E08
Hey, this one’s pretty memorable, and actually has a decent amount of context on which I can heap. I love heaping things, so let’s go to it: 
Shake is attempting to create a simple diversion for some comedy reason, and he does this by causing a massive pile-up by throwing a concrete slab off an overpass. One of the lives he cut short is Paul F. Tompkins, sorta playing his dapper-ass self. By that I mean he’s got the same personality and they drew him in a relatively accurate manner (I think his head is too small, personally). The man’s spirit haunts Shake and forces him to do good. He has the ability to send Shake to hell when he mouths off. He makes him be nice to Carl, which is the final straw. 
When the angel has a bout of “angel diarrhea” and has to excuse himself, Shake makes a break for it and quickly finds a demonic force to help him vanquish his heavenly pest. But he only has a few minutes on craigslist and the best he can dig up is a teenage juggalo. He’s voiced by Paul “once told me he liked my online comic strip and I am pretty sure he actually meant it” Rust. Shake’s plan doesn’t work, because the kid just dresses shake up like a Denny’s goth and makes him give him and his friends rides. Shake eventually can’t take the torment and blows his own head off with a shotgun. 
The final scene takes place in court. ICP, voicing they (whatever the opposite of “dapper” is)-ass selves, are being sued for their lyrics causing Shake's suicide. George Lowe is the lawyer representing Shake’s household, now in mourning. ICP lightly defends their lyrics, and then reveal they can spit literal fire, and set the court ablaze. That’s it, aside from a brief over the credits scene where Shake is in hell, washing Carl’s car, which I guess also died and went to hell. 
Back around this time, Paul F. Tompkins was very regular on The Best Show on WFMU with Tom Scharpling. Tom Scharpling was on the show way back in 2003’s “The Shaving”. Paul would call the Best Show most weeks and occupy a huge chunk of time. Their most remembered riff was them talking about the then-viral Gathering of the Juggalos in 2009. There’s even a trading card commemorating it. I have it somewhere! I can’t find it in my home, or online. Sorry. PFT and Tom had a falling out shortly after this. What a couple of weirdos!
One last bit: Paul is credited, probably to skirt union rules, as “Mr. Hutchinson”. This is a particularly arcane inside joke based on a story where Paul was recognized in public by fan. At the time, Paul was the host of Best Week Ever, and this fan, who loved the show, misidentified Paul as “Mr. Hutchinson”, believing that to be his name. I actually remember there being one episode of Best Week Ever where Paul came back from a commercial by saying “welcome back to Best Week Ever hosted by Paul F. Tompkins. I’m Mr. Hutchinson”. 
I liked this one fine. I think sometimes going heavy on the guest star can be a mistake, but this one works for me. I haven’t really kept up with PFT, but when this aired I genuinely thought he was one of the funniest guys out there. He might still be for all I know. I respect him, and I should respect him. I am going about this the exact correct way.
You wear a disguise to look like SNL guys, but you're not Will Ferrell, you're in Chickenfoot
Mr. Hutchinson? Now that reference I get. What the fuck is this? Some kind of disrespectful music parody? Answer me at once
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popculturebuffet · 1 month
Next up for Disney TVA, who is your favorite character from the cartoons in the first wave of the Disney Channel original cartoons from 2001-06: The Proud Family, Kim Possible, Lilo & Stitch The Series, Dave the Barbarian, Brandy & Mr. Whiskers, The Buzz on Maggie, American Dragon Jake Long, The Emperor's New School, and The Replacements?
I thought i'd almost finished this one but for some reason lost it. okay STARTING AGAIN
The Proud Family: HE'S SO... DIS..FUNKTOINAL.. CAN YOU FEEL IT.. LIKE HE FEELS IT. It's bobby proud ya'll! Look in the times i've covered this series I haven't been shy about how much I love this guy, funny, a hilaroiusly on point rick james impression, and he has the best musical number in the series and tha'ts in a series where Lou Rawls also sings.
The series itself.. is okay. I respect it's representation, animation style and a lot... but I just can't vibe with the mean spirit of it's comedy. It's something I HOPED louder and prouder would tinker with but barely did. It's just not for me. I still consider it a classic just not my classic.
Kim Possible: DOOP DOOP DOO DOO OH YEAHHHH YEAHHH YEAHH. It's Ron. While the series cast is stacked (It also has patrick fucking warburton in one of his best roles), I gotta give it to ron the perfect sidekick: he's panicky and sarcastic.. but genuinely good emotinal help most of the time. Plus ron x kim is easily the best friends to lovers scenario in western animation.
The show itself is not only one of my faviorite disney shows (it as on the list I keep bringing up), but the kind of spy fiction I like: the goofy over the top parodic kind. I"m just not really into the hardcore cloak and dagger stuff (With few exceptions) but this.. basically a superhero show, that's more my speed. An excellent rogues gallery, whip smart comedy and truly amazing design and voice work make this one of the best things disney's ever made and while certainly as 2000's as fuck, still holds up REALLY well. Still need to review so the drama. maybe this prom season. Note to self review so the drama this prom season
Lilo and Stitch The Series: 625. He's hilarous (Rob Paulsen everybody), fun to watch and makes the perfect buddy pairing with gantu, and while I didn't see all of the finale movie, he gets a proper happy ending. I also admit part of this is 625 actually PREDATES the series: he appeared in the disney adventures tie in comics which I read in the build up to the movie and serve as a prequel so I was already attached, so having him become full canon, let alone one of the best parts (the only change being his fur became yellow, which honestly is a better look) The show itself was excellent. It was an easy sell for young me as I deeply loved the movie and said comics, and loved monster taming shows which this defintely was. In typical disney fashion they didn't really captalize on this far as I can tell, but I love that despite being one of these gotta catch em all shows, it finds a unique hook: instead of just capturing the experiments fitting the original Lilo is finding each one a home. Granted there's way more focus on the first part, but it provides some fun monster of the week shenanigans and is a neat way to build on the original: We never got to SEE the other experiments outside of disney adventures, so this built out the world a bit and even got a proper finale. Leeroy and stitch sounds pretty by the numbers but hey, at least they finished their big overarching quest and gave ruben a proper home. Good stuff.
Dave the Barbairan: Dave the buh buh buh barbarian himself. One of Daniel Cooksys best roles. Hilarious, adorable and a coward without being obnoxious.
The show itself was a fun meta as hell riff on Conan, a character I didn't know existed as a kid and care about only in parody. Funny, excellent and NOT ON DISNEY PLUS ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS
Brandy and Mr Whiskers: I dont' really have a favoirite. I remember being.. eh on this one. It feels like a lesser version of mike lu and og, and this fish out of water story is super common. The art direction and voice acting is top notch and I like brandy as a character, but it just wasn't for me.
The Buzz on Maggie: Great theme song, don't have a faviorite character again (I know it's part why these descriptions), and I remember liking it but don't remember it well enough to comment. Also not on disney+. It's.. ti's piling up.
American Dragon Jake Long: HE'S COOL HE'S HOT LIKE A FROZEN SUN, HE'S YOUNG AND FAST HE'S THE CHOSEN ONE PEOPLE WE'RE NOT BRAGGIN HE'S THE AMERICAN DRAGON. God theme songs in this era fucking slapped. And that' snot exageration. Every theme song in this block is a banger. Barring lilo and stitch which I geninely forget but isn't bad.
Anyways faviorite character is Rose. Mae whitman gives a great performance taking what could've been another sotck love intrest.. and flipping it as both rose as huntsgirl and rose as herself feel like simply two sides of her and her and jake's romance and the drama involved was fucking cake to me. It especially sticks out as i've been working on a project with superheroes and what not from this era and most romance plots.. weren't great (Kimron is also an exception) and are easy to chuck out.. but this one. This is the core of the series. Th eheart of it. And rose herself is compelling. While Disney would later get a real taste for this sort of story, see lena, sasha and amity, this was the first.
The show itself is one I badly need to rewatch, I know common refrain but while it has a few iffy parts, the whole just works: the magical setting is fun and unique, as while there were other shows with a mystic bent in the genre (Jackie Chan Adventures and Xiaolin Showdown) both were globe trotting adventure shows (and the best, i'd gladly do kids wb) while Jake long is a teen superhero show and urban fantasy. It has a great core, a great main antagonist at first in the huntsclan, and is a lot of fun. The only problem I really remember is the rogues gallery was kinda thin, with it mostly being the hutnsclan and the dark dragon, while kinda neat, very thin in comparison. The huntsmaster wasn't super deep, but the fantastic racisim and sense of threat compesnated. Still a very excellent show well wroth a reboot or revivial. Actually on disney+ this time.
The Emperor's New School: HE'S GOING TO KUZCO ACADEMY WHERE HE'S ABOUT TO LEARN HIS ABC'S! Kronk. Always Kronk. patrick warburton only didn't win the kim possible one because ron exists and only by a hair.
Anyways this show's decent. Not amazing, but I remember liking it. Does it go back on the ending of the film a bit? yes. Is it entirely plausabile Kuzco would backslide a little? entirely. He's still part of pacha's family, he's not nearly AS bad, he's just still egotistical and a tad arrogant. Also a bit of a sexual harasser. It was solid fun and while the premise is a bit forced KUZCO HAS TO GO TO SCHOOL OR ELSE YIZMA GETS THE THRONE, it somehow works.
The Replacements: Tasumi I like her design and while I didn't get to see her unmasking the premise sounds intresting
As for the series itself pretty good. I heard it got even better later on, as early on it's pretty stuck to the formula: call for a replacement, it dosen't work out, see why the original wasn't that bad or reason with them. That said the mere concept of calling a company to replace people and two orphans finding family with a super spy and daredevil is so creative it gets a pass. It may have a formula at first, but the concept is so unique and intresting you can't help but enjoy it. It also had a great style. Woudl gladly give it another go
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MY hot take about Vriska that no one asked for is that she's just disappointing. Like she gets So Much Time And Focus and she does So Many Things that are crucial to the plot and the progression of various characters, but it is so disproportionate in comparison to every other troll and even some of the human kids. Therefore the time spent on her had better be justified. You better make us enjoy our time while she's onscreen. Either we're interested in how fucked up she is, we yell raucously about how much we hate her, or we cradle her in our arms like a poor little meow meow, and Vriska Serket inspires None Of This in me.
She gets just enough development and we are given just enough opportunities to sympathize with her that we understand her and we get what her fucking deal is, but the shit she does and says is way too awful for me to ever like her, so it becomes this Net 0 Emotional Investment because I don't enjoy hating her either because she's not some glorious cackling center of villainy and hubris that I wish to see fall, that's Caliborn. I LOVED Caliborn everytime he was on page, he's a phenomenal villain I want to squeeze him until his stupid glass doll eyes pop. I want to write an AU where he and Callie are a silly little cherry limeade duo who somehow fucking Actually Made Things Work fully in spite of their fated animosity. He's AWFUL and I love watching Hussie smack talk him to his face through an arbitrarily frustrating computer modem radio tower thing.
Vriska is an intentionally bad protagonist because That's The Irony; she's a light player and she's shaped her entire personality around being the coolest and the best and the center of everything, but in doing so she's made herself an awful friend and a bad person who's Very Un-Protagonist-Like. But she's a bad *antagonist* because she's never actually framed as An Antagonist, she is simply antagonistic by a cruel stroke of bad luck that her life was set out to be lived on Alternia where she must blah blah blah EVERYONE is on alternia bitch, Get Over Yourself you are SO pretentious and not even in a fun way!!! In an annoyingly realistic way!!!!!
She's written as a real person in contrast to all these cartoonish personalities literally everyone else on the cast has. Everyone but Vriska in Homestuck is SO much more entertaining than her because she's written to be a normal girl in a fucked up situation while John is written to be a riff on The 90's Everykid who's encountering some truly absurd bullshit for the first time in his life. It's no secret Vriska's Hussie's favorite, and because of that, she gets so much focus and fleshing out and narrative weight that she Does Not Need.
Vriska would be better if there was less of her just Point Blank, because then we'd have a lot of potent moments where we see how monumentally messed up this kid who's constantly trying to keep all the randomness and peril in her life under her control is. Vriska being this awful person who everyone agrees is awful but who they keep around 'cause she's not awful ALL of the time and some of the group has unfortunately formed a deep attachment to her meanwhile she's constantly doing her 'All according to keikakku' shit would be WAY less disappointing as a central character. Also give other people who Aren't Her some of her consequential shit, the distribution is WAY too disproportionate.
(did not expect this to go on as long as it has whoops)
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West Side Story is set in the mid-1950s in the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City, then a multiracial, blue-collar neighborhood. The musical explores the rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks, two teenage street gangs of different ethnic backgrounds. The Sharks, who are recent migrants from Puerto Rico, and the Jets, who are white, vie for dominance of the neighborhood. The young protagonist, Tony, a former member of the Jets and best friend of the gang's leader, Riff, falls in love with Maria, the sister of Bernardo, the leader of the Sharks.
it is a musical. it is wonderful. it is relevant still today. Shakespeare and Bernstein, Soundheim, and Laurents. iconic
PRINCE OF CATS is the B side to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, played at an eighties block party in an NY where underground sword dueling blossomed alongside hip-hop, punk, disco, and no wave. It's the story of the minor players with Tybalt at the center.
ITS SO GOOD IM OBSESSED WITH IT first of all the art is gorgeous, literally every page is bursting with color and really active/immersive panels. basically anytime I’m drawing an action (comic) scene, I reference this book for how to do it. besides this, it’s one of my favorite adaptations of Romeo and Juliet because of how it interacts with the text. I was vehemently opposed to changing the plot or characters in R&J adaptations before this (because to be fair. it gets so annoying) BUT!!!! this book showed me it can be done well. it feels like it was made in conversation with the original text, playing on Tybalt’s widely-known death as him being “doomed by the narrative” (oooh Tumblr buzzword vote for this book please) to show how the Montague/Capulet kids are trapped in a similarly destructive and deadly system, which in turn represents the cycles of violence a lot of (especially black, as Tybalt’s story focuses on) teenagers are forced into. Also, unlike a lot of R&J adaptations, it feels like it was made with soooooo much passion instead of just because they knew it would sell. (I looked it up and it turns out it was a long-term passion project of the author!! so I suppose I was right) ALSO!!!!!!! ITS WRITTEN ENTIRELY IN ELIZABETHAN ENGLISH AND LARGELY IN IAMBIC PENTAMETER???? AND REALLY WELL???? WHILE ALSO INTEGRATING MODERN AND 80’S SLANG ???? I don’t know if this was coherent and I’m SURE I didn’t do this gorgeous gorgeous book justice but I would recommend that everybody ever reads it. and then votes for it in this poll. it is soooo good
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myraelvira · 3 months
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Glenn Rambo
Glenn Marshall Rambo was born on December 4th, 1970 in Alice, Jim Wells County, Texas. His father was Gary W Rambo, and mother, Rebecca Anne Roark. Though he had siblings on his mother’s side, I’m unsure if there are any on his father’s side.
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There wasn’t a whole lot that I could find about Glenn’s life, other than some old forum posts that talked of him posthumously. On my death space, there was a post from the user “Puke”, who copied and pasted a letter/description about Glenn Rambo, and the life that he lived.
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Glenn was raised by his mother and grandmother in Violet, Louisiana, St. Bernard Parish, the New Orleans area. He was “blessed/cursed’ with a unique appearance “which some found strange or evil”, and would lead him to be harassed on a daily basis, by closed-minded law enforcement and those who called him and his family “witches”. Others in St. Bernard would always see Glenn walking everywhere, with a big boombox on his shoulder, taking his time and listening to his music. He soon acquired the affectionate nickname “Lilac Ozzy”, finding a safe haven connecting with “freaks” like himself in the growing underground Hardcore/punk/metal scene in New Orleans.
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Eventually starting a band called Nuclear Crucifixion in the mid 80’s with friends Donovan Punch, Brian Patton, Dave Moran, and Darren Shallenberg. This band would eventually morph into the early iterations of Soilent Green. Their shows would be memorable not only for their “ahead-of-their-time” fusion style, but also Glenn’s outrageous stage persona. He was a true performance artist, as recalled, and would eventually end up singing with bands like “Nun Molesters”, “GM Pussy Bitch”, and “Swarm”. Glenn is remembered as the guy that, “knew every lyric, every riff, and who had such an extensive knowledge (of) music in general, that you could talk for hours and hours with him, and he’d just keep recommending new bands, or pulling out obscure and arcane types of music you may not have heard of”.
Despite people thinking that he was sinister, he was actually “one of the most genuine, loving, intelligent people you’d ever meet.”. He’s remembered for his dark and piercing appearance, while also having an absolutely hypnotic speaking voice. Low, modulated, and subtle; a true Southern gentleman. Glenn loved reading, obtaining information, and devoured books. He was always thirsty for knowledge, and a deeper understanding of spirituality. “No garden variety Satanist”, Glenn was more interested in human nature and all its darkness. Wise beyond his years, he was also very sensitive. You could talk to him seriously about any number of topics. He also had a keen sense of humor, and a sense of absurdity. Glenn was a lover of animals, who he adopted a whole flock, and called them his babies. He’d walk around the French Quarter with his beloved ferrets stuffed in his pockets, sneaking up his jacket, curled around his neck.
Glenn had epilepsy, which caused him to be on meds his whole life; the condition gave him seizures, but he considered it a blessing in disguise, because it “gave him visions that other people couldn’t see.”. His mother had epilepsy too.
He would take something potentially tragic, and turn it into something unique and magical. When he’d see you, he’d come over to give you a hug and a kiss. Glenn is recalled as a healing presence, a truly enchanting soul.
Glenn stayed in Voilet, Louisiana because he and his mother didn’t have a car, his leg was broken, and he didn’t have anywhere to evacuate to. He thought that they could just bear down, and ride out the storm. They may not have wanted to leave the comfort of their home, when they didn’t have anywhere to go to. But, “when the levees broke, they didn’t stand a chance.”.
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One of his favorite quotes was, “Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the house of God.” Liber al vel Legis 1:57, Aleister Crowley.
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♦♦♦ [Music History] ♦♦♦
On the metal archives, Glenn’s musical history is still rather vague. It lists that he sang for the bands mentioned before, though the only ones with dates or links seems to be Soilent Green and Nuclear Crucifixion, as of June 2023. I’m not sure what the exact time frame was for the other bands.
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Nuclear Crucifixion is listed as having been from New Orleans, Louisiana; one source states Metairie in particular. They formed in 1987, and lasted through 1988, though the archive also states 1989. I don’t know the info about that specifically. This iteration of the band had 2 demos, the first being “Killing Ourselves To Live”, in 1987, and the second, “Torture of Humanity”, in 1988. The former starts with a song titled, “Nuclear Vomit”, which was later reworked into some Soilent Green songs, like “Numb Around The Heart”. Both demo releases were on cassette, no label. The band was also listed as being spelled “Crucifixtion”, with a T, and at some point it was called “Seveth”.
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The band’s music was very underground, with this general old school Death Metal feel, which is right on par with the nearby Florida Death Metal scene that exploded around that time period. Though it may be obvious to those my age and older, for the younger audience, it seems that the band’s name was inspired by the idea of nuclear fallout. During this time period in the US, with the cold war, many pieces of media reflect this fear; the first to come to mind for me, is ‘Retaliation’ by Carnivore.
The first NC demo was spelled “Nuclear Crucifixtion”. The band photo that is found on the metal archives was taken by Al Hodge of Tungsten, in what was Donovan Punch’s grandmother’s garage. The garage was where they practiced, the area previously having been used as a dance studio by his grandma. Soilent Green also practiced there when they formed, and in the early 90’s Jason Pizzolato’s band Apostasy would play shows with Soilent Green.
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Sammy Duet, second to the left, wearing a ‘Nun Molesters’ shirt.
While “Nun Molesters” isn’t listed as its own page on the metal archives or discogs, a few videos from Jason Pizzalato dates the band at having played from 1989-1991. I assume that this was virtually a name change for the band Nuclear Crucifixion, since it had similar members. The band had a man named Joey Hall who was on vocals for the demos and shows, but it should be noted that the band would switch instruments, and invite friends and audience members to join them on stage. Glenn is actually listed as having played drums here.
Glenn would include their Nun Molester recordings at the end of some demo tapes for Soilent Green that he dubbed and sold. As Pizzolato said, “Classic Nun Molester songs include, ‘We Like Smoking Weed’ and ‘Big Pussy’.”. Joey Hall is listed as having later become a cop.
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Nun Molesters seemed like a hilarious band to see live, as the demos were quite silly. Though musically great, the eloquence of “I like to eat vagina” cannot be understated. Or maybe that was Nuclear Crucifixion? :p
A video from the amazing ‘Acid Bath Archive’ actually shows a small snippet in time of Nuclear Crucifixion’s life, where Glenn Rambo and Brian Patton were interviewed. The interview was from Pagan Fest, July 22nd, 1988, which took place in Dallas, Texas.
A cassette of the first NC demo is shown, with some footage of the band playing. Glenn stated that they decided to play at Pagan Fest because they really like Dallas, and how the people would listen to music and “accept it for what it is, instead of denying it for it ain’t.”. When asked if he’d still help underground bands if they got famous, Glenn said that he absolutely would.
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In 1988, Soilent Green was formed. Also having Rambo, of course, the band’s first iteration seemed to consist of him, Brian Patton, Donovan Punch, Marcel Trenchard, and Tommy Buckley. Some of the earliest demos, as posted by Jason Pizzolato, state that Soilent formed after the ashes of Nuclear Crucifixion. Once again, the time frame is a little confusing, and I don’t know if Nun Molesters was its own separate entity from Soilent. The metal archives states that Soilent was formed after Rambo, Punch, and Patton left Nuclear Crucifixion, though I am unsure what their reasons are, for why they left that band.
The early iteration of Soilent Green is vastly different from the records we know today. A 1989 demo provides a thrashy feel, and the ones from 1990 have that underground early Death Metal feel. The tracks posted by Pizzolato remind me a lot of Macabre’s album “Dahmer”, which actually came out 10 years after those! Early Soilent had this fantastic Death Metal feel which could have really turned them into a major forerunner of the genre, at least, in my eyes. Or ears. It feels like the sound that they achieved in 1990 seemed to be somewhere that Glenn wanted to achieve, as his vocals settled in the Death range, and to me, were great! I’m reminded a lot of bands like ‘Ripping Corpse’, ‘Death’, and ‘Baphomet’. It almost makes me sad that this iteration of the band didn’t continue on.
In 1989, the band released their first demo, which was on cassette. According to videos of the demo by Pizzolato, the demo was recorded at Protech Productions, in Marrero, Louisiana.
In 1991, a demo was released called ‘Satanic Drug Fog’ which was recorded in 1990 in Baytown, Texas. This was recorded the same time as their other demo, ‘Squiggly’. Squiggly is also known as ‘Squiggly Demons’ and ‘Soilent Green’. Both were on cassette. Ten songs were recorded total, with 2 being left off the tapes. I am unsure why, let alone whatever happened to those songs.
In 1991, a 7” vinyl was released that had 4 songs, one being from Soilent Green. The song was “Circle of Death”, which was on side B. The other songs included were, “Waiting in Silence” by Slugs (also on Side B), “World View” by S.I.K., and “Brainwashed Society” by the Detrimentz. Interesting to note, Slugs was the band that Kirk Windstein and Todd Strange were in, before it turned into Crowbar.
In 1992, Soilent Green released a demo, though there is no official art or title for the project. An interesting note about this demo though, is that Donovan Punch had broken his arm the night before, at an Exhorder concert, and couldn’t play guitar. As such, he is only backing vocals. Pizzolato was friends with the guys, and he and his brother listened to a cassette that Punch brought of the recordings, so that they could record the guitar parts from him. This demo was to be released in 7” format by Relapse Records, but it never happened. Years later, the band ended up putting out a handful of releases on the label. This demo would be the last to feature Glenn Rambo, and as far as I know, might have been the last piece of music that he’d ever record.
I’m not sure why, or how, Glenn Rambo ended up leaving Soilent Green, but in 1993, he was replaced with Ben Falgoust. In an interview with Richard Metal Fan, in may of 2023, Ben stated that he’d help Soilent when they’d play shows in the Texas area. He said that there was some kind of situation with their singer at the time, and they parted ways; which later, Ben was offered to join the band.
But I’m not sure what that reason was, let alone what happened to Glenn after that. Between the years of 1992-2005, I have no idea what might have happened in his life, though it doesn’t seem like he created anything musically.
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On August 29th, 2005, Glenn passed away, having been found dead in his mother’s home. His ex-girlfriend Stacy, and some National Guardsmen went to his mother’s house, because they hadn’t heard from them since Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. The bodies of Glenn and his mother were still in the house. A friend named Melissa posted on the (now defunct, not archived site) nola underground:
“Glenn had a broken leg, and he and his Mom had no car to evacuate. If you know them, you probably know that his family didn’t have much money. I’m not sure where they are going to bury them, or if there are any next-of-kin that could help. Maybe we can all take up a collection to make sure that they are buried properly and have grave markers. I don’t even know how to go about doing something like that. It just makes me sad to think that after we have all lost so much, we are now finding out that we have lost good friends as well. Glenn was an important part of the NOLA scene, and a good friend to many of us. He will be dearly missed, and fondly remembered. -With Love and Sadness, Melissa October 2nd, 2005”
Glenn M. Rambo was buried at Saint Bernard Memorial Gardens, in Chalmette, Louisiana. He was 34.
His mother, Rebecca Anne Roark, was buried in the same location, she was 61 (June 8th, 1944-August 29, 2005). They were survived by family, as listed in their obituaries, which was published by the Time-Picayune, on January 3rd, 2006. Their funerals were on January 4th, 2006.
Glenn’s death was a shock to many, as there are still accounts online which have blogged, or commented about their sadness. One in particular is Paranoize, who was friends with Glenn, and played shows with him in the past.
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While Glenn may not have spent that much time on Earth, I believe that it is still important to acknowledge his influence on the music scene. Going through the history of Soilent Green, and the music before that point, it’s clear that his musical endeavors helped form the eventual NOLA sludge scene, which grew to prominence in the ‘90’s. My heart goes out to his friends and family. I can only pay my respects, and say thank you, for everything he made.
Thank you Glenn, may you rest in peace.
My video on him:
♠♠♠ [Sources] ♠♠♠
This write up would not be possible without the Metal Archives, The Acid Bath Archive, and most importantly, Jason Pizzolato. Thank you so much.
[Web Sources]
https://youtu.be/68nQOuxqkiI https://youtu.be/tAmuZAv-U-w https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GDJM-1NJ https://youtu.be/icx0adFemoU https://youtu.be/nI8DXC1h9b0 https://youtu.be/q97egKqJDqc https://myspace.com/glennrambofest http://mydeathspace.com/vb/showthread.php?3358-Glenn-Rambo-(35)-victim-of-hurricane-katrina https://youtu.be/Z7GU0jwL8gU https://youtu.be/eGJ3uJ1D7pM https://youtu.be/pI9VgyJKuiU https://youtu.be/HCOwGIgUoUo https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Nuclear_Crucifixion/Killing_Ourselves_to_Live/141704 https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Nuclear_Crucifixion/28688 https://paranoize.livejournal.com/23230.html?utm_medium=endless_scroll# https://youtu.be/cAvKzqemxYk https://youtu.be/bfCEN2xpBBg https://youtu.be/eGJ3uJ1D7pM https://youtu.be/etR5jf7nP90 https://www.youtube.com/@JasonPizzolato https://youtu.be/oHFSXVt3tWA abt 5 min https://bravewords.com/news/ex-soilent-green-singer-glenn-rambo-found-dead-in-mothers-home https://blabbermouth.net/news/former-soilent-green-vocalist-glenn-rambo-found-dead https://www.discogs.com/release/11231697-Various-Housecore-Records-Compilation-Volume-1
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tiptapricot · 1 year
Happy 1000 followers! That's definitely a number worth celebrating :D. Here are some asks for your Ask Game; don't worry about answering them all, these are just some questions I thought of, free free to answer whichever ones you want to. :3
What got you into writing?
Is there any books or piece of media that inspired your style of writing, or did it develop in some other way?
What character(s) do you enjoy writing the most and why?
Are there any character(s) or fandom(s) you love that you'd love to write for but never have?
Are there any hobbies or interests you have that you find leak into and/or influence your stories?
When did you embrace the ways of the apricot? (That is to say, when and why did you commit to the bit and start creating your marvellous collection of apricot icons?).
Hope you're doing well :). Enjoy your fame, my friend! 🧡🧡🧡
I will answer 🔥 ☠️ ALL OF THEM 🎸🔥 *sick riff*
What got you into writing?
I don’t really remember a specific point of Getting Into It, because (and this def plays a part) my dad is a writer! He’s written for some video games and has some short stories published, so I grew up with him reading me books and writing his own manuscripts/engaging us in that way. He never like Guided me into writing but it was always a natural presence and I was exposed to a lot of stories early on.
We did nanowrimo in elementary school, and I also made comics when I was younger that were my own narratives and things, and I did a few small stories for other classes along the way, but when I started Really doing it more intentionally was when I got into fic writing. Which… what got me into that was I think like… danganronpa self insert things? That’s my ultimate lost fic. I wrote it in the notes app in middle school and it was super long and then I hated it and deleted it all and I’m SO MAD ABOUT IT because IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY TO LOOK BACK ON NOW! It was kind of just a natural progression though I guess? When I started reading fic more and being online more and getting into more media, I wanted to create for it since I’d already been doing that sort of thing (most comics I did were inspired by superhero shows I watched or DND games I played) so I stated posting. And then I did more original stories for school and started making ocs and it just sorta settled into being part of what I do.
Is there any books or piece of media that inspired your style of writing, or did it develop in some other way?
None consciously? And I can’t really trace my style to anything in specific, but there’s def got to be some input from the books I grew up on. Stuff like series of unfortunate events, larklight, the leviathan trilogy, the keys to the kingdom series, the Roman mysteries series, the Lockwood and co series, Harry Potter to an extent, etc. all were things that I was exposed to growing up. I don’t think I’ve really picked up the quippy narration a lot of those have, but I know they shaped some ideas of description and imagery I do now, at least in inspo. But I guess on a whole it just sort of developed naturally? I really don’t have a very conscious writing process half the time 😭
What character(s) do you enjoy writing the most and why?
At the moment and also in general I like characters that have strong voices. They make the prose pop for me, make it easy to find fun descriptions and forms of speech. Bill and Ted and Steven Grant definitely come to mind immediately as like. When I get to write them stuff just goes fast because I know how they’d talk and narrate and react and it feels like something very solid to shape and work with. So accents? I guess? But on a larger sense of just characters I Like Writing… MK system are all very fun and I really enjoy getting to explore their dynamics and reactions. If I ever get my hands on Din Djarin for a fic (finally) I think I’ll have a good time with him, but idk. I think it’s very dependent on the interests I’m into at the time, as those will be the characters I’m the most excited to engage with and create for, so it varies!
Are there any character(s) or fandom(s) you love that you'd love to write for but never have?
THE ZETA PROJECTTTT!!! AND ALSO MORE OF LEGION 2006 ANDDD THE DCAU ANDDDD MORE LUKE N DIN N ORIGINAL TRILOGY CAST AND THE DAREDEVIL NETFLIX CAST AND MISS FISHERS MURDER MYSTERIES AND TIGER AND BUNNY AND— Ahem. Yes there are and they torment me every day wanting to get to create for them but having finite brain space and time space makes writing everything all the time… a bit hard. I kind of want to do a like niche interest power hour week or somth where I take fandoms I haven’t written for and make a small piece for them—WOLF 359 ALSO GOOD GOD!!!!!!!! But I don’t know when that will be.
Are there any hobbies or interests you have that you find leak into and/or influence your stories?
Not generally, but whenever I’m writing a character as having an interest in something or really liking something in depth it often has to be something I’m also into for me to be able to do research on it. This can mean I sometimes have to find middle grounds between what a character might find fascinating and what I find fascinating, so sometimes my interests are directly or indirectly in stories. Lost media I know has made it in a few times, and so has sci fi and superheroes and action figures. I don’t really have a whole ton of hobbies that are easy to slot in or draw from on a large scale otherwise, as niche toy collecting, a love for stickers and earrings and clown paraphernalia, and performing arts are only applicable under certain circumstances.
INTERESTS is a whole diff thing. My monster/inhuman character love, my love for certain genres or aesthetics, etc. influences ALLLLL of my OCs and a lot of my fics. Stuff that focuses on loving the strange, or the inanimate, or the weird crossover between the two is in a lot of my work (and will be in more haha) but definitely colors the types of stories I want to do, and the original content I end up making outside of fic.
When did you embrace the ways of the apricot? (That is to say, when and why did you commit to the bit and start creating your marvellous collection of apricot icons?).
The username Tiptapricot was what I came up with when I made my Minecraft account in elementary school. I liked apricots and peaches and plums and stuff (still do) so that was part of it, but I was also into semi-tap dancing (AKA being a young kid with some cheap tap shoes from somewhere and doing performances) so tip-tap and apricot combined and… there we were. It became my standard name on sites when I had to make accounts (bar like animal jam I think because it was maybe made earlier), since it was never taken and it was unique enough to slot in.
I guess as I was maybe making an Instagram account or going into highschool or just… for some reason, my sister @dimidarling wanted to make me a cute icon and, based off my username, drew me a little apricot with a face for one! This created what I now call… Prototip on July 14th, 2019
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This icon was very cute and I loved it a lot, but it wasn’t quite the vibe I was wanting for myself, so I ended up getting a PNG of an apricot, slapping it on a blue background from looking up “light blue” on Google, and drawing a little face on it. That became the Default Base Tip as is seen in my icon most places, in December of 2019
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FUN FACT you will never unsee after I say it: I think at some point I resized or re-edited the image or something, and I wanted to carry over the original face I had drawn on it, so I ended up cutting it out and pasting it over a face I didn’t like as much, and on the left side of Tip’s face (our right) u can see this tinyyy little black mark showing the edge of the main face cut out because I didn’t get it perfectly covered or aligned. I’m sorry in advance.
ANYWAY! So base Tip was made. I don’t remember the following order of events, but still being in my kpop phase in late 2019 I got Twitter briefly and made a Tiptapricot account there. And having an apricot with a face I thought: wouldn’t it be so funny if I was a gimmick account that pretended to be a real life apricot tweeting? So I did that for like a little bit. And then I went: wouldn’t it make the bit even better if this apricot was appropriately apricot aged? And long story short I changed my age to be a year old, then realized that would probably be bad legally, but when changing it back to my actual birthday, Twitter freaked out and banned me for messing around with my age and not being old enough when I made an account (even though I was at the time) so I got booted off Twitter. (And I’m glad about that can you imagine if I had settled in there instead oh lord) But the seed for apricot jokes was planted!
From there it happened somewhat naturally as a way to either make reaction images for friends online without sending my face, or to change my icon to play along with a funny joke. I made edits for friends in the DC fandom and for jokes we had running about each other going to jail or like “I’m gonna beat you up” or whatever, and joined along with a growing bit of giving me Tip related names, it became something I Did.
Now my Tip folder is 200 images strong and my mascot/sona/little guy is somth I actually care a lot about and have a lot of fondness for as a way to express goofy stuff and emotions in a way that’s simple to draw and feels rly truly me.
And there you have it :-D The Ti(nfodum)p
Ty for the questions Charlie, they were super fun to answer!!
(IDs in ALT)
1000 follower celebration
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thisworldisablackhole · 7 months
This week in listening 02/23/24
Okay, wow. Today was a massive day for new releases, so let's get a few of those out of the way first. Starting with...
Job For A Cowboy was like... not on my radar AT ALL this year. I listened to this band a bit around 2010, but they were always a little too extreme for me. I'll be honest, the album cover is what sold me on this. The art is giving me huge Born of Osiris vibes, which is another band I used to listen to in the 2010s and have actually been getting back into lately (The Discovery is a fucking incredible record). So, inspired by amazing psychedelic alien artwork, vague nostalgia, and a healthy dose of morbid curiosity, I decided to jump in to this as soon as I woke up. I am actually blown away by how good this is. I'm not a huge metalhead, so I struggle to describe the intricacies of this type of music, but I know for certain it's activating some disgusting primal neurons in my brain. It's heavy, technical, colourful, thoughtful. The guitars whip around with the sharpness of wire torture devices as the bass paints terrifying rhythms into the background of every song. The drums don't just keep up, they hold the leash to maintain control over the chaos and do so flawlessly. The vocals? They add a nice flavouring to the sound but I'm honestly so intrigued by what's going on underneath the surface of these songs that I keep forgetting to listen to him. It's not really a bad thing.
When I was just starting to get back into metalcore a few years ago, I spent a night swapping the aux and drinking beers with my best friend, and he threw on Darkest Hour's song DEMON(S). I was blown away by their ability to inject melody into their sound in a very subtle and nuanced way. They had a much heavier melodeath influence and didn't rely on huge soaring pop choruses like every other -core band of the 2000s. A lot of the melody in their songs comes from the riffs themselves and I love that about them. Even when clean vocals are present, they are mellow in pitch and are used almost more like a texture to enrich the riffing instead of being the main show. When Darkest Hour started dropping singles for this new album my ears perked up right away. Societal Bile showcased a more straight forward thrash influence and I was a little worried that this album would be lacking in melody, but I'm relieved to find that isn't the case. This song in particular is a perfect showcase of the band ability to be heavy and also execute insanely beautiful choruses without being corny about it. Another absolute standout track from this album is Mausoleum, which sounds almost like if Elliot Smith wrote a melodeath song. Trust me, check it out and you’ll know what I mean. I also want to take a second to appreciate that the artwork for this is clearly a nod to The Black Dahlia Murder (rest in peace Trevor Strnad).
Okay, massive diversion away from metal for a second. MGMT is a band that I have always reserved a spot in my heart for despite not being interested in... well... anything they've put out since their debut. Like many other people my age, Electric Feel is more than just a song, it's a core memory. I've listened to few tracks here and there from their other albums out of curiosity but nothing clicked. Not because they weren't good, but because I just wasn't at a place in my life where I was willing to let the magic of MGMT back into my heart. Loss Of Life may very well be the album to change that. When Bubblegum Dog dropped in 2023 I was immediately captivated by the strange, off kilter folkiness of it. Weird, and catchy? Wait a minute, that's the same reason I fell in love with Oracular Spectacular! I haven't listened to this full album yet so we'll see how much of it delivers on those qualities, but I have been jamming this single a lot over the past few days so I had to include it in the list.
I posted a full review for this album here, but I'll do a quick summary. I've racked up about 270 scrobbles out of this album over the past week since it was released, that's like listening to it about 24 times in full (or 3.4 times a day). I absolutely adore this album because it brings back to life everything I loved about music growing up. It's passionate, catchy, emotional, and heavy. Seriously, if you are a fan of My Chemical Romance, early Escape the Fate, AFI, The Used etc etc.. I can not beg you enough to give this album a chance. It's a very well written love letter to that era of 2000s post hardcore and emo bands and you will find it immediately familiar and comforting.
Okay, we are moving away from new releases now. I mentioned in a previous post how I was getting back into prog by listening to bands like TesseracT, Aviations and Artificial Language. The Contortionist is the newest addition to that roster and they bring something very unique to the table. Their instrumentals are heavy but methodical and hypnotic, much like the image on the album art. The thing that stuck out to about this band the most is their singer. I can't get over how much I love his mellow, folky approach to singing on a metal album. I've never heard anything like it. Seriously, take out the metal instrumentation and replace them with Nick Drake's Pink Moon and his voice wouldn't feel out of place at all. The result is a progressive metal album that feels extremely down to earth. If this album had a scent it would be of bark and dirt. Again, somehow the album art has done an immaculate job at representing the sound of the record. I'm obsessed. This is their last album (released in 2017) and is far from their most popular, but I'm curious to go backward and see how their sound progressed to this point.
Thursday is probably going to keep popping up on these roundups because they are my favourite fucking band right now and I never want to stop listening to them. I initially glossed over WATT as a “good but stagnant” entry to their discog, but after hearing lots of people say this is their favourite Thursday album, I knew there had to be something about it that I was missing. Don’t get me wrong, I always enjoyed it, but I felt it lacked the hooks and the gut wrenching punches of Full Collapse, and it also did nothing to push their sound forward like ACBTLD did. Well, I’ve spent the last two weeks listening to it non stop in honour of their WATT tour, and I have to say it’s grown on me so much to the point where it’s become my go to choice when I need a kick in the teeth. I think this album has some of Thursday's heaviest material both sonically and thematically, and it's also a bit more nuanced in the way it shows it's colours. It has a tough shell that takes multiple listens to crack, but it's so worth the time. “Signals Over the Air” was always my fav song from this, but recently “Steps Ascending” and the closer “Tomorrow I’ll Be You” have started to stand out as serious highlights to me. The ending of this song when Geoff yells “I’M CALLING FROM YOUR HOUSE, IN YOUR ROOM, IN YOUR NAME. LAYING IN YOUR BED, FOLLOWING YOUR DREAMS” sends chills up my spine.
Last but not least, I’ve been jamming this album again for pure nostalgia purposes. This album came out when I was 11 and was one of the first/most life changing CD's I ever owned. I was actually inspired to spin this again because of The Requiem’s song “Less Than Zero” has riffs that remind me soo much of some of the songs here. This album just never gets old though, despite it turning 20 next years (I want to cry thinking about that). In fact, I think the older I get, the better these songs sound. I was listening to this while on a long walk the other day and kept finding myself being wildly impressed by the songwriting and guitar riffing. There are so many subtle switch ups happening underneath the surface, and the way the two guitars play around each other is just incredible. The closer you listen the more depth there seems to be. "Under The Knife" and "Injection" are straight up two of the best melodic punk songs ever written. Pure genius.
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feelssogoodinmyarms · 10 months
Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
(By @winter-asleepening )
Doing this bc i miss springy wakening😔
1. how were you introduced to the show?
when i was really into hamilton in like 2016 jonathan groff was white boy of the month for a while and i was consuming all the groff content that i could and i came across that video of him talking about when he fucked up left behind. and then i listened to left behind and cried and read the wiki page and watched the obc boot and then i woke up here
2. Seen a production live?
yus i've seen 3
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
i've been in love with wendla since i laid eyes on her and i would die to play her. im obsessed with her, she's got so much more depth than people realize and that was cut during the transition from play to musical fuck you s*ter and i would love to bring that to my rendition of her. and i was also assaulted when i was her age, i was also suicidal, i was also confused af and my mom was not helpful, i also wanted to be loved so badly, i just see a lot of my teenage self in wendla. i related to her so much when i first saw the show and that's a big reason i got so obsessed with it.
4. Favorite male character
prob moritz or hanschen. they are 2 sides of the same dramatic ass coin. they also have daddy issues and are gay like girl me too.
5. Favorite female character
all of them? wendla holds a special place in my heart but like. there is so much to love about all of them even anna and thea who we know almost nothing about have the building blocks of great characters. i've always loved combining what we know about the characters from both the musical and the play to make more complete characters especially because s*ter cut so much of the girls characterization bc he's a sexist pos fuck you and i def do that with anna and thea.
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
dwsa for life but obc walked so they could fly
7. Favorite song
AAAAAA probably touch me just cuz it's soooooo pretty
8. Least favorite song
probably woyb bc im heterophobic and melchiorphobic
9. Favorite quote/line
musical: "giving yourself over to someone else? defending yourself endlessly until finally you surrender and let heaven break over you? i just put myself in her place. and imagine"
play: "won't you come visit me in my dreams now and then? i'll welcome you with outstretched arms and kiss your breath away"
10. Favorite TV performance
dwsa touch me on seth meyers i have to watch it daily or i get 1 level of exhaustion
11. Favorite cast member(s)
i can vouch that kathryn gallagher is cool as fuck cuz i met her at a ben platt concert but j groff and jgj seem pretty cool. alex wyse and jbw seem unhinged i think i could hang with them. smf and katie whoever are so talented i wish she wasnt an anti vaxxer. andy mientus attacked me with a candelabra just like riff raff did to rocky😔
12. Favorite cast member moment
when josh castille followed me back on instagram when andy mientus, kathryn gallagher, and josh castille covered sex by the 1975 and all the videos the cast made on various social media platforms
13. Do you write fan fiction?
14. Do you make fan art?
i have made 3 fan arts that i don't think i have anymore
15. Do you cosplay?
i am too poor
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
both bitch
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
reprise cuz i love gay ppl
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
19. Explain the song of purple summer
vague hope ig? like "the adults have failed everyone but we're all 15 and will be adults soon so maybe we'll be ok" with flowery language
20. Explain the song of purple summer (wrong answers only)
ilse and mulchy took acid to see their dead friends
im tagging @dwsavideos and anyone else who sees this and is into spring awakening cuz idk if any of my sa mutuals are still active😭
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magicalgirlagency · 1 year
Someone PLEASE ask me about Barbie trivia; I am SO normal about her and her brand, I promise.
EDIT: The beast has been unleashed.
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Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Meanwhile in real life, the doll was named after Ruth Handler's daughter, Barbara (while Ken was named after Kenneth);
Ruth was Mattel's co-founder, alongside her husband Elliot and their friend Harold "Matt" Matson (the company's name is a junction of the names Matt and Elliot). Of course, the Barbie brand is the most profitable one;
The doll was based on another doll, Bild Lilli, from Germany. It was originally intended for adults, but it became mostly popular with children. When Mattel acquired Lili's rights after a legal fight, the german doll's productions ceased in favor of Barbie;
According to Mattel, Barbie has had over 200 careers, recently including more STEM fields. Each career is created to give the child an option to explore new things and motivate them in pursuing a future passion;
There were several controversies about Barbie's body. Not because of her impossibly curvy silhouette, but also because of her mature looks. Many parents would be unhappy about the fact that the doll had breasts and such;
Other controversy would be the Teen Talk Barbie doll, a toy that would say superficial and vapid "dumb-blonde" phrases such as "Math class is tough!". The Simpsons had an episode referencing this fiasco (Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy, in 1994);
As an addendum, there was a group known as the Barbie Liberation Organization, which its members have secretly modified Barbie dolls' voice boxes into G.I. Joe dolls;
Barbie debuted in 1959, while her boyfriend Ken debuted in 1961. As much as we love to riff on him being Barbie's Trophy Husband/Himbo, he's also got the extensive list of careers, ranging from Olympic Athlete to Doctor;
Barbie has a cousin named Francie, who was marketed as "her modern cousin". She had a "colored" variant, which would later prompt the creation of Christie, the first black doll ever created to not be a derivate of a white doll. Francie also had other two friends, named Casey and Becky;
Speaking of black dolls, there is another one named Brooklyn. Actually, that's her nickname, as her real name is Barbie. She's nicknamed after her birthplace, Brooklyn, NY, to make things less confusing;
Midge was introduced in 1963, and had less makeup than Barbie, after the doll was considered "sexually intimidating", and would be often be discontinued and brought back constantly. Her Happy Family series was the most controversial, as it was the target of many accusations of promoting teen pregnancy;
Midge's boyfriend/husband, Allan, was initially marketed as Ken's best friend in the 60's, but he was also discontinued after rumors of two of them being boyfriends began to spread;
MyScene (unironically, my favourite Barbie doll line) was created to compete with MGA's Bratz, and had many controversies surrounding it that have led into another legal fight, which have caused the Bratz line to be temporarily discontinued;
There was an attempt in a virtual world à la Club Penguin called BarbieGirls.com, and while it was ambitious for its time period (it had a customizable MP3 player!), it has suffered several issues such as a lack of diversity and discrepancies and inaccessibilities per country;
Another addendum to this story, is that there is an actual group of people working on ressurrecting BarbieGirls (known as BarbieGirls Rewritten), making it more diverse and with less microtransactions;
The BCU (Barbie Cinematic Universe) so far has 42 movies, starting with Barbie in The Nutcracker in 2001. Fairytopia was the first movie to not be based on an existent storyline, and spawned its own trilogy (Fairytopia ➡️ Mermadia ➡️ Magic of the Rainbow);
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vauxxy · 1 year
songs i think the marauders era characters would EAT THE FUCK UP!!
james potter
‘say yes’ by elliott smith
i feel like james doesn’t really listen to music that much, more so just pick out a few songs that sirius and remus like and just go with it. remus loves elliott smith (despite his more ‘grunge’ music taste) so he would play a lot of his songs when he’s alone or just chilling out.
james would hear this song and be like “UMMM THIS IS SO ME CORE” and he’d listen to it on repeat for WEEKS.
remus lupin
‘my iron lung’ by radiohead
this mother fucker is a radiohead stan. remus is the radiohead bf sirius is his blur gf.
he loves a little guitar riff and then absolutely nonsensical breakdowns in the middle of the chorus 👍
also i feel like he just relates to the teen angst vibe of it. he listens to it when he’s upset that he’s a queer werewolf from care home. so HIS ‘iron lung’ in that sense would be he queerness and his upbringing, or maybe even sirius at some points.
sirius black
‘beetlebum’ by blur
one thing abt sirius is that he only listens to brit-rock or 2000’s pop punk bangers with explicit sexual innuendos. they just hit!
he’s an early p!atd stan btw. soz.
and a deftones boy. cringe!
but he really likes blur!! he listens to it for hours at a time. he just LOVES the chorus soooo much. it’s a bit basic but he likes it.
lily evans
‘velvet ring’ by big thief
i feel like lily is a folk fan above all other genres of music. obviously she loves fleetwood mac, taylor swift, etc… but her loyalties lie with the cluttered, wordy and intimate lyricism of artists like big thief, clario and sidney gish.
lily listens to this specific song whenever she feel nostalgic or when she’s got growing pains. it kinda grounds her. she’s the type of person who gets so fixated on the past or what her futures gonna look like, so she channels those feelings into reflection instead. she finds a lot big thief’s songs do just that :)
marlene mckinnon
‘debris’ by lowertown
marlene loves indie girl music!! she loves messy vocals and melancholic chord progressions, so she lovesss lowertown.
this song is basically the verbalisation of how she feels other people would treat her if she finally opened up. she feels deeply attacked by the lyrics lol xx
mary mcdonald
‘this is what makes us girls’ by lana del rey
this mf loves lana del rey more than anything. she is a dark feminine born to die giant falsies dark pink french tips and ices mocha latte typa girlie.
this song just makes her feel so powerful and so connected to her friends!! she thinks it’s just so her. she also feels like her attractiveness is one of her best qualities (which isn’t true she’s literally the funniest and kindest girl at hogwarts) and one of her only strengths and she HATES FEELING THAT WAY… so when she listens to lana she’s like ‘mmm she’s so mother! she gets me!!!’
she knows she’s a pretty girl with a group of pretty girl friends and she loves it!!!!
regulus black
‘you’re on your own kid’ by taylor swift
ok regulus is not a tswizzle fan by any means.
but pandora likes her and forced him to listen to a few of her favourite songs. when this song came on he was like “… ok wtf 😧 she’s so me”
all of the lyrics just ATE in his mind. he relates to every lyric PAINFULLY SO.
‘whatever’ by elliott smith
pandora listens to literally every type of music ever.
she likes phoebe bridgers and found out about elliott smith though her, and heard this song and was like “elliott smith wrote this song about reggie and i xx”
they’re best friends! they are literally the bestest of friends. such a pure friendship.
all of them :)
‘spring’ by angel olsen
bro you’ve gotta listen to this song. it’s like evil crack.
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