#also probably won't call the doctor's office tomorrow then
tardis--dreams · 8 months
The amount of energy and motivation my adhd meds give me these days is truly unmatched. Would be great if it lasted longer than 2 hours but i sure write a lot of stuff on my to do list when they kick in
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bye-shou · 7 months
luca kaneshiro × gn!reader
characters : luca kaneshiro
side characters : -
warnings : character death, hurt no comfort (i think you know what's up), suicide❗❗❗, implied self harm❗
please do NOT interact if you are sensitive to the topics marked with exclamation marks (❗)
summary : your husband's asthma has been getting worse, but he's been saying that it's fine, and that he didn't need to go to the doctor. but...
i managed to cook up something!1!!11
⇚ ↺ ⇛
you are the significant other of luca kaneshiro, a boss of one of the most famous companies in the whole world.
you were doing chores, like sweeping & mopping the floors, cooking, organizing, being a responsible housekeeper.
you hear some footsteps, and are met with a hug from your dear husband.
"welcome home, dear." you greet, smiling as luca keeps you in a warm embrace.
"hey..." he greets back, still hugging you tightly. then, he coughs.
"oh, are you sick? or is your asthma acting up again..?" you ask worriedly, as luca tries holding back coughs.
"it's okay. i'm fine, don't worry about me." he says, patting your back reassuringly.
"if you say so... but please go to the doctor if the symptoms get worse..." you get worried. luca rarely got asthma attacks the past few weeks, but it seems something happened.
"you should work so hard, you know...? take a break, working without rest is harmful to your health." you advise, your voice soft, worry visible in your words.
"it's fine. the bills won't pay themselves, you know?" he jokes, however you didn't laugh.
"well... your inhaler is on the table. i'll prepare something that won't make your asthma worse, okay?" you say, before pulling away from his hug and going to the kitchen. luca just nods, letting go of you.
he goes to the bathroom to shower after a long day at work, while you prepare some chicken & rice with spinach and kale. you also cut up some fruits.
luca came to the dinner table, ready to eat. although he didn't enjoy vegetables a lot, he knew he had to eat them.
you two enjoyed dinner, and decided to do your own things. luca did his normal things like working.
it was 10pm, and you both decided to get some rest so you could wake up early for a new day tomorrow.
you two hugged and cuddled together, and eventually fell asleep.
the next few days were similar. his asthma getting worse, yet him refusing to go to the doctor and telling you not to worry.
⇚ ↺ ⇛
you both went to bed early, because you both had matters to attend to — luca needing to go to work and you needing to run a few errands.
when you woke up, you realized luca was not by your side. you thought that he probably just went to get ready.
when you went out, you saw luca.
but... he didn't give you a hug and big smile. instead, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘢𝘸 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥.
"luca!? a-answer me..! luca!" you realized tears were forming in your eyes. you immediately ran to get your phone, then called 911.
"h-hello!? 911...! my husband passed out, his asthma has been worse lately, but he saw it as nothing... but this morning, i found him passed out on the floor...!" you manage to sob out, you were so scared of what was gonna happen to him.
"calm down, where's the address? we'll send an ambulance right away!" the officer on the other side said, getting ready to dispatch an ambulance.
"i-it's xxx, b-block b xx..!" you tried calling yourself down, but you just couldn't. you started crying, breaking down.
"okay, i have dispatched an ambulance. stay on the call with me." she says, telling you reassuring words how your husband will be fine.
when the ambulance came, they immediately brought luca into the ambulance and set off to the hospital asap, as the officer on the phone hung up.
you drove the the hospital, and searched for the room luca was in.
you waited and waited outside, waiting for the news about him. your heart was racing, you were nervous.
a doctor went out of luca's room, and you hoped that he went to bring out good news. but, he seemed really sad.
"𝙬𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮. 𝙬𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜." the doctor said, "please be patient. really, we tried everything. but... 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵."
just those four words were enough to make you burst into tears. you were in denial, there's no way he's gone, right...? you two were being all lovey-dovey the other day... how...?
⇚ ↺ ⇛
ever since that day, you were in a deep depression.
you couldn't do anything, you couldn't even get out of bed.
you couldn't bear it. you couldn't bear the fact that your dear husband for five years, has passed on.
you didn't want to believe it. you tried convincing yourself that it was just a dream.
but, you have to face reality.
he's gone. and there's nothing you can do about it.
you sobbed day and night, you were so guilty. why didn't you bring him to the hospital, when you knew it was the right choice?
you felt like a horrible person.
⇚ ↺ ⇛
eventually, you got up. not positively, though.
you started hurting yourself, whether it be cutting yourself or not eating at all.
you felt horrible. you had no appetite, you didn't feel like you could ever be happy ever again.
one day, you chose a choice that will never be able to be reversed.
you chose to 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭. hoping that, maybe you'll get to see luca in heaven, and you two could meet up happily again.
you went to the beach, and made sure to go to an area where there was nobody guarding it.
you slowly walked into the water, without stopping.
you went deeper and deeper into the water, you didn't care if your clothes were soaked by now.
slowly but surely, your lungs started getting filled up with water.
you couldn't breathe, though you were holding in your coughs to make sure there wasn't any unwanted attention.
eventually, you 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. everything was dark, and you hoped no one would find you. you were nowhere near the shore, after all.
maybe luca wanted you to live a long life, but you couldn't bear to live like that when your dear husband has passed on.
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seresinsbabe · 2 years
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x oc!Kazansky
This fic is 18+! Minors DNI!
Word Count: 3k
Synopsis: She’s Admiral Kazansky’s only child. She’s beautiful, she’s smart and she’s off limits. Anastasia Kazansky is everything Jake Seresin wants and can’t have.
Warnings: alcohol, swearing, mentions of STDs, a dickbag that won't take no for an answer, eventual smut, fluff, angst.
Chapter 1 is finally here. It's 1:30 am and I just wanted to get this out to you all. So, I apologize for any typos or errors. I'm sure I'll notice them when I read it tomorrow and then I'll rush to edit it so I don't look stupid lol.
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For most people it was a normal day in Fightertown, but for Anastasia Kazansky it was a little different. Today some of her favorite people, including her childhood best friend Bradley Bradshaw, would be in town. She’d been dropping off a pair of shoes for her mom when she overheard her father talking in his office. A handful of pilots would be coming back for training for what was probably some secret mission that she knew he wouldn’t tell her about. While she knew they wouldn’t get much free time with training, she also knew what free time they did have they’d spend it at the Hard Deck or at the beach. And she definitely knew they’d be at the bar on their first night in town. It had been a long week at work and a night at her favorite bar was exactly what she needed.
While Bradley had followed in the footsteps of his father, her father and their Uncle Mav by going into the Navy and becoming a pilot, she’d gone a different direction. Her true passion had always been music. Stasia loved to sing and she had the talent, but her father had made her promise to get a degree as something to fall back on. That degree was ultimately medicine. Stasia decided to go the route to become a Physician’s Assistant. Not as glamorous as a doctor, but it still paid well and she didn’t have to take call as much if she didn’t want to. Which gave her the time to work on her music. It was a good balance, at least she felt. And she did enjoy her job. It wasn’t her passion, but she still loved it. When the time came for her to move on, if it ever did, she knew it would be hard to leave the connections she’d made there. Besides, it made it easier for her to stay close to home. Especially when her father had been diagnosed with cancer. That had been a rough year, but her dad was a fighter and he’d beat it. They were just waiting for him to go five years in remission to be officially declared cancer free.
Her white BMW pulled into an empty parking space at the hard deck, it wasn’t as busy as she knew it was going to get. Stasia had come right after work, after deciding the pink floral dress she’d worn to work wasn’t too dressy to show up in. Not that she really cared, wherever she went she wanted to be the best dressed in the place. And it had been a clinic day so instead of being stuck in the OR and in scrubs all day long, she got to dress as she wanted. The pumps she’d worn clicked against the asphalt of the parking lot as she walked up to the place. When she stepped into the bar she spotted the back of her Uncle Mav’s head. What was he doing here? It had been a long time since he’d been at North Island and Stace was convinced he never would come back. 
“Uncle Mav?” The older pilot turned to look at her, a smile curving his lips and causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle. 
Pete pulled her into a hug and she readily accepted it. “Anastasia! How are you doing sweetheart? God it’s been…” He paused trying to think when the last he’d seen her was.
“Since I graduated from PA school.” That was the last time she’d seen him. Other than that it had been the occasional phone call or text message to check up and update. “Oh, thank you Penny!” Stasia smiled at the woman who had placed the whiskey sour in front of her.
“Yeah, yeah, so you’re still working at the hospital?” He asked, taking a sip of his beer. The younger Ice nodded her head. 
“I am. No call this weekend and let me tell you I am so thankful for it. The summer months are so busy.” It felt like the emergency department was always so full and then her outpatient clinics were also always full. Penny returned and she noticed the look shared between the woman and her uncle. Stasia took that as her cue to leave to give the two of them some talking time. “I’ll talk to you later,” she left Mav with a kiss on the cheek and moved towards where she’d seen Phoenix and Coyote by the pool tables. It didn’t look like Bradley was here yet, but she knew he’d show up.
Anastasia had just been about to greet Phoenix when a familiar cocky Texan accent cut her off. 
“Anastasia Kazansky, as I live and breathe.” She rolled her eyes and turned to face the source of the voice. Jake Seresin, the only aviator that wasn’t afraid to chase after Admiral Kazansky’s daughter. She wasn’t sure if that was because he had a death wish or because he was just that cocky he thought he was untouchable. “Still just as beautiful as the day I met you.” She gave him a soft, but sarcastic smile. 
“Hello Bagman, how’s your latest bout with gonorrhea going? The antibiotics working?” As hard as he’d tried every time he was in her vicinity, Stasia never gave into him. Was he attractive? Of course, there was no denying the man looked and was built like a god, but he had the complex to go along with it. That alone made him less than desirable. She’d heard some of the worst shit come out of his mouth and seen how he treated the other pilots. His call sign was Hangman for a reason and it wasn’t a good one. For as much as she fired back at him it never seemed to deter him. If anything she was convinced it only spurred him on more. Even now he had that same smug grin on his face that he always did.
Jake’s hand came up over his heart as he feigned offense. “Careful princess, keep being so mean to me and I’ll fall in love with you.” Stasia’s face scrunched up in disgust and she finally turned back to Natasha.
The green eyes never left her. Jake Seresin had made a promise to himself the day he first saw Anastasia that he would have her. He knew his personality was a lot to handle, but he knew she could handle him. In a way no one else could or had ever been able to. She was beautiful, smart, talented, confident… He could go on and on listing all the things he loved about her, but that would take him some time. To every other man that was in the Navy and knew who’s daughter she was, Anastasia was off limits. No one was willing to risk their career on a pretty face. But Jake was. All of them were afraid that they’d screw it up and their career would be over. Jake wasn’t afraid because despite how much of an asshole he was, he knew he could give her what she deserved. He’d asked her out countless times and every time she shot him down. That only made him want to try harder.
“You ever gonna give it up, Seresin?” Coyote asked as he leaned over to take his shot at the cue ball.
“Now what kind of man would I be, Coyote, if I gave up on a woman like that?” The Texan cocked an eyebrow at his closest friend. Javy just sighed and shook his head, handing the pool cue over to Jake. 
A loud squeal caught the group's attention and they looked up to spot Stasia nearly tackling Bradshaw to the ground. If Jake didn’t know any better he would feel threatened by Bradley with how close he was to Anastasia. He wanted her to greet him with a squeal and a hug.
“Oh I missed you!” Stasia hummed as she hugged Rooster. The mustached aviator chuckled and returned her hug, squeezing her just a little. 
“Missed you too, Baby Ice.” It was a dumb nickname, but it was something he’d called her ever since he was a kid and it just stuck. Bradley was a few years older than Stace and his earliest memory of her was when Sarah Kazansky was pregnant with her the song Ice Ice Baby was popular. It was played all the time as a joke surrounding her father’s callsign. “Phoenix.” He greeted the female pilot with a soft smile and a hug when Stasia finally let go of him.
Anastasia watched the two with a knowing look. Even though Brad hadn’t told her how he felt towards Natasha Trace she knew. It was in his eyes everytime he looked at her and she knew him well enough to know what that look meant. One of these days she was going to try her luck at pushing the two of them together, but that was an issue for a different day. Not something she was going to worry about tonight. 
She didn’t bother asking him if he knew Mav was here. While Stace had a loving relationship with the man, Rooster had a less than loving relationship. Not for lack of trying on Maverick’s part, but things had happened. Things that Bradley had yet to be able to forgive Maverick for. Honestly, she wasn’t sure if he would ever forgive the man for the things that had happened and she couldn’t blame him. Stace knew why Mav had pulled his application to the academy all those years ago. She heard Mav talking to her dad about it. Eavesdropping was one of her specialties. She knew he only did it because Carole asked him too, but she also knew that Bradley didn’t know that. And that Maverick never planned on telling him. 
“Bradshaw, surprised you made it here without running out of fuel.” Hangman’s cocky voice cut through the air again, ruining their little reunion. Stace tossed back the rest of her drink and moved back towards the bar for another, not wanting to be part of the bickering the boys had started. She didn’t blame Bradley for being the way he was with Jake, but today was not a day she really wanted to deal with the back and forth. 
Stace was in the midst of conversation with Penny when the jukebox cut out and she knew immediately what was happening. “I think that’s my signal.” She smiled at Penny and turned, full whiskey sour in hand, and headed towards the piano where Bradley sat. Upon her arrival at the instrument he lifted her up effortlessly and sat her on top of the piano. Right where he used to sit when his dad and Maverick would play.
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain,” she crooned out a smile on her face. This was a tradition, one that she held dear to her heart because she knew how much it meant to the man that was practically her older brother. “Too much love drives a man insane!” By now they were joined by most of the bar, singing along to the fifties song. 
From his spot at the pool table Jake watched, a slight smile on his face. He didn’t care much for Bradley. Those two had their issues and if Jake didn’t keep his head on straight Bradley could easily beat him for top pilot. If he got a kill or two under his belt. Jake was the only active aviator with a confirmed kill and that knowledge only fed his ego. Right now, the only thing being fed was his heart as he watched Stasia sing from the piano. If her voice was the last thing he heard he could die a happy man. 
It wasn’t something he would tell anyone else, but he’d daydreamed about her singing lullabies to their children. A little girl that looked like the spitting image of her mama. Jake had never admitted it to anyone because this was simply something he’d never felt for anyone else. Until he met Anastasia he was perfectly okay with his bachelor lifestyle. No attachments, no one to hurt if he died outside of his immediate family and that was enough. His first meeting with Stasia had changed all that. Originally his plan had been to love and leave her. It was his modus operandi with every woman, but then she shot him down and insulted him. And oddly enough that was when he knew she was the one. Jake had always been good at knowing what he wanted and he usually got it. This was the one time he hadn’t gotten the object of his desire and it was eating at him.
A couple more songs were belting out and then the jukebox was plugged back in. Stace was back up at the bar for another drink. Penny was preoccupied with one of her regulars at the other end of the bar, but Stasia was patient. She didn’t mind waiting for her drink. 
“Well, aren’t you as pretty as a peach?” Stace looked towards the man who spoke and gave him a soft smile in thanks before turning to look away. She was staring at her nails, inspecting the pink and gold French tips. “That’s all I get? Just a smile? Come on sweetheart.” He reached out and grabbed onto her wrist. It was clear he had no idea who she was. 
Anastasia ripped her wrist out of his grip. “Please don’t touch me. I’ll only say it once.” She snarled and turned back around to try and get Penny’s attention. Maverick was no longer at the bar, he’d long since been thrown out for breaking Penny’s rules. Everyone else around her was too distracted in their own conversations to step in, not that she needed them to. Stasia had laid a man out before and she’d do it again. Then she’d tell her daddy and have their career ruined in one phone call.
“Hey, just cause you’re pretty doesn’t mean you have to act like a bitch.” She rolled her eyes and that just seemed to piss him off more. He made a grab for her wrist again but a sturdy body in khaki was between them before he could get ahold of her.
Jake had noticed something was off the second he saw the man grab her wrist the first time. He’d thought about going up then, but he’d seen her lips move in a threat and decided to wait. As soon as he saw the prick wasn’t taking that from her he felt compelled to step in, even if he knew she wouldn’t exactly like that he was up there. Jake would have done it for any woman in distress. His momma would have his hide otherwise. Besides, it was Anastasia, the woman he was smitten with. Of course he was going to take his chance to play the hero in hopes that it would change her view on him.
“You doin’ alright up here darlin’?” It was Jake. His back was to the man as he was looking down at Stasia. A smile was on his face, but there was a look in his eyes that told her to play along. 
Her arm came up to wrap around his torso, playing along just like his eyes were telling her to. “Yeah cowboy, some people just don’t know how to take no for an answer.” There was no reason to look at the man, but she could see him sizing Jake up from her peripheral. While she wasn’t the biggest fan of Jake, she appreciated him in the moment and she knew if the guy really wanted to start something he wouldn’t win against the aviator. 
Jake leaned down, bringing his face closer to hers. “Think we should tell him about your daddy, Miss Kazansky?” He said it loud enough he knew the man would hear. This time she did push up on her tiptoes, smirking in satisfaction as she saw the color drain from the man’s face. In seconds he was up and moving away from the two of them. 
“Thank you,” she spoke once the guy was far enough from earshot. She saw that look on his face and knew exactly what his next words were going to be. “No, Hangman, you’re still a dick and I’m still way out of your league.” That last part was a lie, but he didn’t have to know she knew that. 
Before he could get a word in edgewise Penny had brought her drink over and Stasia was moving back towards their group. Jake watched to make sure dick head didn’t come back around before she could get to the friends, and he didn’t.
“You know, maybe if you tried to be just a little less arrogant and a little less of an asshole she might give you a chance.” It was Penny that spoke up, having seen the way Jake was looking at the woman. “Stasia’s a sweet girl, she’s got a strong sense of loyalty and she won’t take to someone who treats those she cares about like they’re second rate citizens. Just think about it.” Penny patted his hand before moving over to someone else. Jake let out a soft huff. He supposed Penny was right, but being a cocky asshole was part of who he was. How could he be expected to just stop that so easily?
The rest of the night went smoothly and by the time Stace curled up in bed, her dog taking up the empty half next to her, her heart felt full. She’d missed Rooster, Phoenix, and even Bob. The sweet, albeit slightly awkward, WSO that she’d met once before. The rest of them, aside from Jake and Coyote, she didn’t really know too well. And she barely knew anything about them, just that they were close and Jake was an ass. It felt like everyone that was important to her was all back in one place.
Only she didn’t realize just how important their presence in the next couple of months was going to be.
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incognito-princess · 3 months
Forever my school district, and I'm sure all school districts in the U.S. and probably just about every school system around the world, requires parents to fill out a health form when registering their student. It includes the question- "Does your student have any food allergies?" Now for some reason, around 10ish years ago, suddenly almost every kid had something on that line. I don't know why that happened, but I do know that when I had to call these parents to let them know a treat was brought in that their child's reported allergy would exclude them from I was getting this conversation A LOT-
Me: Hi, Parent of kid. One of our student brought in cupcakes to celebrate their birthday. The ingredient list has (milk, soy, wheat, sugar, dye, etc.) and you indicated that your student cannot have that. I'll be handing those treats out tomorrow, so you'll need to send in a treat that your student can have.
Parent: Oh... oh well, it's actually okay. They can have the cupcake.
Me: No, actually they can't. My medical report says that they cannot have this, because you said they were allergic. You'll need to send in an alternant treat for them.
Parent: Well just take the allergy off the form. They don't have it any more.
Me: While I'm so glad to hear that, I cannot alter their medical form. Only the nurse can do that. They'll need a doctor's documentation that the allergy no longer exists.
Because, you see, parents don't need documentation to report an allergy (as long as medication doesn't have to be given at school) but they do need it to remove the allergy. The only way to do that is to have an allergy test done at the doctor's office.
I don't want to say that parents, for some reason, thought it was cute or made their kid more special to have an 'allergy', but it happened so much out district outlaw any food that is not prepared by out district nutrition services. That means no birthday treats, no pizza parties, no edible science, literature, math, or social studies lessons. It also means a lot of classroom teachers (including me) won't do snack time, because what if kids trade?
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disdaidal · 1 year
I can't remember the last time I've cried this hard, but I guess it was time.
So my new school is pretty much now pressuring me to find a place to train at, which is not stressful at all, because the workplace I went for an interview last week hasn't returned my calls or my email, despite the principal initially seemed genuinely interested in my application.
Thing is, I wouldn't be this stressed out at all but my new teacher made it pretty clear today that next week is gotta be the deadline for that contract - otherwise my studies really aren't going anywhere.
I also missed my doctor's appointment yesterday because I missed the train. I had to wait for that appointment for 3 fucking months, and because it's related to my financial situation (I'm really trying not to get more student debt, especially with the way how I've been and how I barely managed to keep my shit together during pandemic). Luckily I was able to talk on the phone with her and the social worker, but my new appointment was rescheduled at the end of the month. I also talked to my nurse on the phone a little after that; a nurse who I haven't seen in the last six months because all our appointments have been cancelled at the last minute. So I got a new one in September.
My sleeping schedule has been pretty much fucked up all July-August, and for the last two days that I've been going to the city and attending these classes, I've slept like 6 hours in total these two days. Both days I've come home feeling extremely drained (besides those 6 hrs in total, I napped all evening yesterday). And last night I slept something like 2 hours before school and when I finally got back by train a couple of hours ago, I tried to sleep on the train but I felt so nauseated that I thought I was gonna hurl. Needless to say, my car ride back home was all but fun.
When I finally got home and laid down in my bed for a while, I started crying. Like I know it's probably because I've literally slept like 2hrs last night and it wasn't even a deep sleep, so, think I've just had it. My body and brain couldn't take it anymore.
But when I was on the train, I was going to call the school's office (the one I went to that interview for), but naturally their calling hours had already ended at 2pm. I also thought about sending another email but like I said, I felt extremely tired and anxious; making more phone calls and sending more emails when I'm feeling this way really isn't the way I want to go again. Especially since I already tried both on Monday when they were supposed to inform me last Friday, and I haven't got any response since. Which is not very nice to be honest (my new teacher did comment it's kind of unprofessional of them, and I gotta agree a little bit there).
But seriously, the only thing that's even made my last two school days tolerable, were the other students in my class. I kind of took up smoking again (bad habit I know) because of all this stress and shit that's been going on with me lately, so at least it was an easy way to get to know some of our other students, and got to spend some time with them, so at least I didn't have deal with my worries all alone. Our Moroccoan student (whom I've talked a lot with; I got along with him already on our entrance examination on May) tried to encourage me today when we were smoking, and even said I could try and apply to the same place he works at - which is working with immigrants mostly. Since I did choose international studies as one of my optional subjects, that could also work, because sooner or late I'm gonna have to work/train at a place like that anyway.
But obviously my first and foremost goal right now is try to find a place near where I live because obviously traveling isn't cheap, and I might indeed have a couple of places around here in mind that I could ask for training opportunities.
In any case, if I don't get an answer by tomorrow (we'll have another long school day so I probably won't have any time to be making extra phone calls anywhere), I think I'm just gonna ditch this thing and start calling other places on Monday.
If this is how it's gonna be and I'm on a strict deadline here, I don't suppose there's any other choice. I'm not willing to give up just yet - though I admittedly thought of that for a moment, too. Since I've become somewhat depressed lately again, clearly, and that must have something to do with my bpd. Which is fucking *nice* because right now I'm supposed to be active and efficient so I can actually get shit done and get my studies properly started - and yet right now, I'm feeling all but that.
So I guess I'll go to another class tomorrow - we have a special day anyway as we're visiting a local museum at the end of the day, so. Maybe I can try to forgive myself for being the way I am and give this whole thing a rest until weekend. And if the teacher asks about it tomorrow as she might, I'm just gonna say I'm going try again on Monday.
Cause I really don't see any other choice right now. But again, I'm really not lying about this. I'm not feeling my best right now, and this kind of pressure and stress is not doing me any favors.
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Work Ethic
It seems I was a bit too optimistic when I said that we would be going more or less back to normal this week. Still too few typists, still too many doctors (most juniors with zero clue), and I logged in this morning to find the queue 100 reports longer than it was when I logged out last night. So while I did not put in an overtime, I did work harder and faster than I probably should have just to keep at a relatively even keel. And whoever is doing the typing is also cherry-picking and leaving me with the long complicated bullshit. So apparently this is endemic now - not just something Temp does but something that's just ... okay to do to me.
It's taking its toll, because I haven't had a chance to reasonably recover from the previous two weeks. The pain, the fatigue, the dizzy spells ... I am just so fed up. If I get a call tomorrow morning telling me I'm needed in the office I am going to start screaming and just not stop.
I have two more days of this before I can have my week off, and that's just going to be spent trying to get on something remotely like an even keel. I wanted to actually do things with this upcoming week but because of "unexpected absences" and overtime and basically being a mess, I guess that's just going to have to be put aside. Again.
We can't keep on like this. At one point we were slightly overstaffed and we didn't have these problems. I guess when Sunshine and Sid left they went, "Well, we're still good staffing wise because I guess we were overstaffed before". Except now we have more junior doctors and they come in earlier and stay later than we do, and we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now if we'd replaced at least one of the two leavers. They did tell us like a year and a half ago that they were looking at a replacement for Sunshine but that never materialised and now we don't have remotely enough staff to manage when shit gets fucky. I know it's not usual to lose at least three staffers for several weeks at a time, but this wouldn't have been an acceptable situation for three days, let alone three weeks.
I wish I knew how to tell them all of this so that they actually listen. They can't increase the workload without increasing the staff available to handle that workload. This is pretty much the exact same situation I had at the radiology reporting place, thinking about it - too few staff for the reports we're being asked to handle, the staff that exist making my life more difficult - and if I didn't work from home I would be in serious medical strife right now. Not that I'm doing well as is, but if the queue gets back up around the 200 range tomorrow I'm probably going to end up having to do overtime again, even working at the pace I've been working the last couple of days. Temp and I think Goblin are supposed to be back on Friday so I'd love to say "Let them handle it", but they won't. Hell, they probably won't even when I'm on my much needed recovery holiday. I expect to come back to a hot mess. Because I feel like I'm the only one taking this job seriously.
I hate having a work ethic. It is constantly taken advantage of and is slowly killing me. But at least I get a vacation. Just two more days...
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squadron-goals · 1 year
Wartime conditions
At 10 a.m., Hauptmann Bökelmann summoned us to Bohain for a meeting. He explained our task to us. It consists largely of establishing connections and obtaining news quickly. First we should orient ourselves on the battlefield. We have to check the connection, ask the combat troops for news and requests, see which areas are particularly under fire, check strengths and weaknesses, and request reinforcements on our own in the event of an attack. We have carrier pigeons, telephones, signallers and light signals at our disposal. If there are urgent calls, our messages go first. In any case, I am becoming more and more comfortable with my task; it is interesting, independent, dangerous and perhaps also grateful. As personal support I have two non-commissioned officers and four men, all of whom have bicycles. As news, he told us that barrage requests would be communicated by yellow floating bullets, "advance fire" by red bullets. In the evening the gentlemen of the 1st battalion met at the place of the assistant doctor Köppen. There were so few that everything fit around a round table. As always before battles, the mood was extremely cheerful.
Today I had a beautiful example of the unity of the French civil society. My host came to me and showed me some wounds that his neighbor had inflicted on him. He also grabbed him by the throat and shouted “Demande pardon”. I wrote the good monsieur Lemaire a letter of complaint in French to Captain Sesselberg. For lunch today we had pancakes and then played Doppelkopf.
In the evening we played a Doppelkopf and celebrated Heilmann's birthday with champagne, cognac and an excellent dinner. We became very cheerful as the evening progressed and went to the ensign's quarters, where we said a lot of stupid things to the landlady.
In the evening we drank a lot of wine with Lieutenant Dreckmann, the leader of our big baggage. On the way home, Lieutenant Wiese wanted to visit a madam and was led to a house in front of which there was a huge racket. Suddenly Wiese realized that he was standing in front of his own quarters. Amid the angry shout: "I won't live in the regimental brothel" and the roaring laughter of those around him, he left to look for new quarters that same night. Boje knocked on the door of a certain Madame "la poule" and of course made such a noise that the door was not opened for him. With an angry "je vous laisserai punir (I will punish you)" he left the inhospitable place and conspired to put at least 20 men in the Madame's quarters the next morning. These are wartime conditions.
Today there was another scout troop meeting with Hauptmann Bökelmann. I got 3 very good maps, including one from Combles with every bit of the trench noted. The cannons were booming particularly loudly on the Somme front today, it sounds as if a huge number of heavy trucks were rolling along in the distance. In the evening we witnessed a wild scene. In the 2nd company, a wild corps seems to have come together, from the company commander to the ensign. I am writing from house number 26. Boje en Chemise. A nice pit of sin this Brancourt. Heilmann knocked continuously on house 6 until a human voice came from a bed: "Well, go away soon, this will soon become too annoying for me!"
The next morning general community activities. "There is order here." Here the comb is with the butter. Appetizing thing! In the evening we drank a huge punch with a whole bottle of rum. I only had the strength to throw myself into the ensign's bed, where I woke up at 7:30 with a pounding head. I went to my quarters. When I woke up I had a very unpleasant sensation. This time it would be even less pleasant "Malborough is not in the war. Malheur! Malheur!" [Jünger feared that he had gotten syphilis]
Last night we received news that we will probably be leaving tomorrow morning. At 9 o'clock we left in automobiles. I made several crosses at the exit of the village. Before we left, the chief medical officer came and made a lot of crude jokes. I rode in the staff car with Hauptmann Sesselberg and the adjutant and was therefore very soon at our destination, Gonelieu, 25 km from Brancourt. We officers from the 2nd have a room with a fireplace, into which we put the furniture. We had our first casualty while chopping wood. Ahrberg hacked with his hatchet when Lieutenant Schlösser called out to him, "Careful, not in the foot." The accident had already happened and Ahrberg had split his right big toe deeply. He was immediately bandaged, which we did with our chewing mouths. In peacetime, one would certainly not have continued to eat breakfast if one had seen such a sight. Tomorrow evening 76 and 164 will take over from our predecessors at Sailly. Our regiment remains at the rear as an army reserve for the time being. I will ask Bökelmann tomorrow about my special orders.
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workintobebetter · 8 months
I was looking forward to a good day but I got a letter from the government.
They had me sign up for an alternate disability welfare program probably six months ago and now they tell me I didn't give them enough info for the application. The letter says I got a couple weeks to get them what they want or they'll cancel the application. Should be no problem... Except my general practitioner quit a couple months ago and has yet to be replaced... The clinic doesn't even expect they get a replacement any time soon. The other doctor I was seeing regularly, head of mental health department at the hospital, also left. She won't be back until roughly December... No one has even specifically said what info is needed. I've spoken with three people already and no one has had a clue what to do or what's needed. I have two weeks to give them... Something. Or I lose my only source of income.
I was gonna do some shopping. My Jean's need replacing cause they're worn through in the crotch for starters, needed some odds and ends for the cupboard and fridge, and was planning on a nice treat. After that and a little meal, go and socialize for a few hours. Instead I got anxiety and dread.
My day became a panic about what to do and who to ask about this and what did it amount to? Zero support, zero answers, zero clues. After that any place I might find help closed doors for the day so I did what any other anxious, depressed wreck of a person would. I bought myself an icecream and something to entertain (distracted) myself with until I hopefully calm down or go to bed.
I do not feel good today. But I'm okay... Uh, enough. Tomorrow, I'll have to go out again and try another office, hope for a call back. If I'm lucky get things resolved. If not, I might need more icecream.
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sapphosvioletts · 3 years
life update no one asked for ✨
i had a pretty bad flare up and i'm out of nebulizer treatment so my mom took me to the uc for a breathing treatment and after waiting for two hours, we finally got in only to be told they won't give me a breathing treatment lol (after another hour waiting in the room)
i'm not mad about the wait time, i completely understand with covid how overwhelmed all health care places are, but i don't understand why they wouldn't tell me when we checked in that they can't do breathing treatments. my mom specifically asked for a breathing treatment and they didn't tell say anythingggg then, only when we saw an actual doctor (but also a nurse checked us in?? like the nurse would know if they don't do certain treatments, so i don't understand why she didn't say anything because she knows what they can and can't provide)
i'm just so thankful that i didn't go into a full on asthma attack or that it wasn't a more severe flare up because those two hours of waiting (and then another hour actually in the room but still waiting between doctors) could have literally risked my life
we got sent home with a prescription for another medication but the affects aren't noticeable until about two days of taking it, which is useless now because i need treatment tonight, but hopefully it'll keep it from getting too bad the next couple of days
again i'm not mad about the wait times, i understand everything is overwhelmed with covid. i just don't understand why they couldn't have told me they don't do breathing treatments before? like they knew i was there because of my asthma and specifically came for a breathing treatment. them not telling us and still having us wait that long seriously could have risked my life
but i'm alive y'all so we're good. it's probably going to be a rough night but i'm doing everything i can with at home solutions and tomorrow morning my moms going to call my primary doctor as soon as they open to get a prescription for more nebulizer treatment. so just gotta make it through the night, probably by watching the office or marvel movies lol
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter two
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1726
I'm bad at writing descriptions, so this is basically a reader insert into The First Avenger and then we'll see how it goes from there.
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Early the next morning, before the sun was even out, I was awoken by something gently stroking the side of my face. Then Bucky's gruff morning voice greeted me.
"Hello Doll, I've been waiting for you to wake up," he whispered, breath tickling my ear. I replied with a short, soft grunt and buried my head between us. I felt his chest jerk ever so slightly from him chuckling at me. I felt him try and scoot my body away from himself so he could get up, but I wrapped my arms tighter around him.
"Doll, let me go, I've got to get up. You don't want me to be late shipping out do you," he questioned while trying to pry my arms off him.
I shook my head saying, "No I'm not letting you leave, you have to stay right here."
"I know, but I've got to go, not even you can get me out of this one. I'll be back here in your arms before you know it." He lifted my head up so we could look at each other. I saw the traces of sadness in his eyes as he looked at me. "Will you come to see me off?"
"Of course I will. I wouldn't miss that for the world,” I paused, “Steve will want to come too." I slowly let go of Bucky and watched as he slipped out from under the covers and threw his legs off the side. He fumbled with his shoes for a minute and then stood up. Then he turned around and looked at me.
"I'll need a proper goodbye kiss before I leave," he smirked. I huffed out a laugh and inched my way over the bed to where he stood. I got up onto my knees, snaked my arms around his neck, and pulled him down into a sweet but firm kiss. I felt his hands grab at my hips and a second later he was pulling me closer. The kiss lasted a moment longer and then I gently pushed him away.
"Go, before Steve catches you here or I change my mind on letting you leave." He gave me a quick peck on the lips before he made his way to the window and opened it. He slipped out quickly and quietly, soon after it was like he'd never been in my room at all.
Two hours later at seven I had woken Steve up and gotten breakfast ready.
"Hey Steve, I'm going to the docks to see Bucky off, do you want to come with me," I asked while putting the plate of bacon and eggs in front of him.
"Yeah, that would be great. What time does the boat set sail?"
"Boarding starts at eight so I'd say the ship sets off at about 8:30. We'll need to leave in a little bit, it's a twenty-minute walk and you need to get dressed.
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When Steve and I had made it to the pier it was so crowded you could barely move two feet without bumping into someone. We looked around for a good ten minutes before I heard someone calling out mine and Steve's names.
"Hey, I'm over here! Steve!"
"I see him over by the rope fence, let's go," Steve declared while grabbing onto my hand, to lead up to where he had seen Bucky. Pretty soon we were both scooped up into a group hug. We all three laughed and pulled away.
"I’m glad you both could make it,” Bucky smiled.
“You’re family, we wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Steve grinned.
“Now don't go do anything stupid until I get back, that applies to both of you," Bucky says while pointing at Steve and me back and forth. I gasped and feigned offense.
"How could we, you're taking all the stupid with you," Steve retorts jokingly.
Bucky shakes his head, "You're a punk, you know that right?"
"And you're a jerk, so I guess we're even. Stay safe Buck," Steve sighed and gave Bucky a hug.
Then Bucky turned to me and teased, "Now I mean it when I say stay out of trouble. You're a handful and then some.”
“I make no promises Barnes,” I countered, playfully shoving him. He then grabbed me and brought me into a tight embrace, placing a peck atop my head. I could feel the tears coming when we pulled away from one another. “Please be careful Bucky and write to us when you can.”
He wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled sadly, “ I will kid, I will.” He turned away and gathered up his bags and then turned back to Steve and me. “Well, I guess I’m off. I'll see you two again in no time.” he started to walk away and I moved closer to Steve, grabbing hold of his hand.
“Don’t win the war until I get there,” Steve called to Bucky’s retreating figure.
“Sir, yes sir,” Bucky called back, turning to give us one last salute. We watched him as he boarded the ship. I kept my eyes on him the whole time, waving to him whenever he looked our way. The ship finally left port and a few minutes later the crowd started to disperse.
Steve and I stood together watching as the ship grew smaller and smaller on the horizon. He squeezed my hand and looked over at me. “We’ll see him again, he’s too hard-headed to leave us alone,” he laughed.
“You’re right, he’s been a constant pain in my side for the last thirteen years. Come on let's go home, I've got the day off.” I turned around to start heading back to the apartment. After walking a few feet I noticed that Steve wasn’t following. I looked back at him, he was standing with his head hung low and hands in his pockets. I slowly walked back over to him and poked his arm. “Penny for your thoughts,” I asked.
“I don’t want you to freak out but I have something really important to tell you,” he started. “Yesterday night before you and Bucky found me, I went to another recruitment office.”
“God Steve, we talked about this already, if they find out that you’re lying on your form you’ll be arrested. You need to stop doing this, I won't be able to get you out of legal trouble.”
“Well you see,” he started, but I was quick to interrupt him.
“Oh my God, Steve, how are you not in jail. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this last night,” I chastised.
“I told you not to overreact, let me explain. I did get caught but there was a doctor there who represents this group called the Strategic Scientific Reserve. He was interested in why I have tried enlisting five times. When I explained my reasoning, he decided to give me a chance.”
I stood quietly beside him for a while, processing what he had said. Working for the SSR I already knew he was talking about Dr. Erskine. “What do you mean chance? Like you've been recruited,” I speculated.
“Yes, he's given me the chance to do something, to be more than the little guy at home not doing anything. I can’t just sit here and let others go fight for our country without even trying to join them. Even you’re closer to this war than I am. I just want to do what’s right,” he said with conviction.
“I know you do, but I’ve already got one person I care about going to the front, I don’t think I can handle you going also," I sighed. "I won’t try and stop you, but I don’t know how I feel about you doing this.” I grab hold of his hand again and tug him along. “Let's go, we’ll have to start getting your things ready for basic training.”
“Alright, but stop tugging on my arm, I’m right behind you.”
“Sorry, just making sure you’re following.”
“Anyways, thanks for understanding. You know your support means everything to me, Shortie,” he said lightly nudging me with his shoulder.
“You’re welcome and stop calling me shortie. I've been taller than you since I was 13,” I shook my head laughing. “Now can we get going, I want to be home before lunch.”
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After lunch had passed I got to doing chores around the house as Steve packed up his trunk in preparation to go to Camp Lehigh. We were both running around the small Brooklyn apartment doing our own little things.
“When do you have to be at Lehigh,” I called out to Steve who was walking back and forth from his room to the bookshelf in the small living area.
“I have to be there tomorrow. We’re jumping right into training, but I'm ready, I’m excited,” he answered while carrying a handful of books to his room.
“Steve, sweetie, I don’t think you’ll be needing that many books at boot camp. I doubt you'll have time to even pick one of those up,” I giggled, putting the laundry basket of folded clothes onto the kitchen table.
“‘I know I probably won’t but if I do have the time, I’ll want some form of entertainment. Anyways, it's better to be over-prepared than not prepared at all,” he quipped back.
“I guess you’re right. Here, they’ll give you your uniform when you get there but it’s good to bring some of your regular clothes.” I grabbed a stack of Steve's clothes and walked over to hand them to him.
“Thank you,” he said softly. I watched as he neatly placed the stack into the trunk at the foot of the bed.
Sighing I sat next to the trunk. “Are you sure this is what you want to do,” I questioned?
“Yes I’m one hundred percent sure this is what I want to do,” Steve confirmed. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, I just want to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. It won’t be easy. All of it will be harder than anything you have ever faced before.”
“I expect it to be. If it wasn’t a challenge they would let anyone join if they wanted.” He looked up from the trunk and gave me a small smile then went back to what he was doing.
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chromium7sky · 4 years
The Devil Wears Armani| chapter 11
A/n: amg, finally updated this one 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖 you guys can follow this story with #damirae , #devilwearsarmani and #fashionistaau tag
2 weeks. It's been two weeks since the last video call. Raven have been pouring her attention on working the suit that she has planned for Damian Wayne to wear for the Gala.
She had done the cutting, the sewing and all, and what's left is doing the embroidery. She chosen the gold thread selectively which give the vivid glow and bring out the majestic value to the wearer.
The embroidery are complete within 95% thanks to a specified sewing machine which she bought with the price money she won before during the her first fashion competition. It helps alot.
The date of Gala approaching like crawling on the thread of time and for the final touch, she combined all the pieces into a handsome looking suit.
As she put the wardrobe on the mannequin, she took a step back and see it as a whole picture. With her both hands, she makes the photograph gesture to capture the feels of how Damian would look like if he wears them.
Contemplating and satisfied she felt after she iron the suit and store in special cover suit. She looked at the calendar and looks like she has extra two weeks before Gala.
Speaking of Gala, she wondered what would the dress look like since it was Damian who made for her? Would it be shoulder bare? Would it be one piece dress? Raven rubbed her chin as she wonder then she noticed herself on standing mirror. Slowly she spin to the left then to right as she look her body shape contour. If she was designing her own dress she probably went with thick fabric drape style. Simple, elegant and exclusive.
Her eyes glanced at the clock that's shows 10.30pm.
She blink her eyes. How come she didn't thought of it. What would his design for herself? She did shown her sketches to Damian but won't he shown his? Curious, curious.
Raven imagine what if she asked, Damian would probably say, ' you don't trust me? Tsk tsk.' Raven sighed as her hand run down her face thinking about that. "Maybe I'll try to ask tomorrow."
Suddenly, a bleep sound indicate a message comes in. Raven blink then looked at her phone screen.
"Girl, You busy today?"
- Karen
It's been a while. Raven smiled then diligently answered the question.
"Not quite. Just finished designing a suit. What's up?"
She hit send.
Then came up another message on her inbox.
"We got party tomorrow at Viva La coast at Riverside. Wanna come?"
Raven narrowed her eyes then humming. Should she go or not? Perhaps she need a time off after that intense week. A little entertainment doesn't hurt.
"Sure. You pick me up?"
" For course, sis. 😘 See you at 8pm, tomorrow."
"On it.👌"
Raven smiled then landed on her bed. As she let out her relief sigh she put her phone at table nearby.
As she sleep, she dreamt of something pleasant. She's at fountain garden where surrounded by fragrance flowers and palm-like trees.
She notice her dress has gold accent along with silky texture clothes. Slowly her hands touched the dress she wear, felt it's smooth surface.
Her heart stop as she felt a hand holding her waist. Slowly she turn her head over her shoulder and -
Her eyes wide open as soon as she heard her phone alarm. She blink once then twice, trying to process her thoughts. When a sprinkle of dream remembrance filled in her her head, her cheeks start to blushed. Her hand quickly grab her pillow beside her and buried her face beneath it.
"O dear, don't tell me it's him that I'm dreaming about last night." She let out her sighed. She had fallen for him.
A message bleep chiming in her phone makes her peek under the pillow and quickly she reached for her phone.
A message from him.
'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG' Raven's heart start racing. "Wh-Wha...H-How...." She tried to question reality, how on earth he's messaging her. Right now?
"You're awake?"
Raven bit her bottom lips as she look at her phone screen. Her finger diligently working on touch screen pad.
"Just awake. Can't sleep?"
She hit send button. Then for a few second she received his reply.
"I just had dream about you...
You look beautiful."
A dream? She blinked. Then another message comes in.
"Still busy working on the suit?"
Raven biting her lips to keep it as a secret but it's almost 25th like in 5 days away, so....why not? Her finger tapping the keyword on screen replying him.
"Actually I've finish the suit."
She replied. Another thought hit her and she quickly tapped it on the phone.
"I did promise making for dinner right? Maybe tomorrow?"
Again she send the text.
Interval in 2-3 second, her phone bleep it back.
"That would be great. I'll bring something as surprise."
Surprise? Raven mind start racing, mostly to that forbidden thoughts. What kind of surprise? She bit her lips and start typing.
"Well uh, I hope it's not a refrigerator you're bringing."
She shaked off those thought and try keep the conversation as innocent as possible.
"No. It's not. It's something, you probably would like it. 😏"
Raven looked at the emoji face he send. Did he send an emoji? Damian Wayne doesn't use emoji while texting or emailing.
"Well, alright then. See you tomorrow?"
She hit the send button.
Then a message came in.
"Can't wait to see you.♥️"
Raven flopped to her bed and her face now are red tinted. What is this? Why is this feeling so intense? She closed her eyes retracing her memory between them. Those bickering and end up with hot make out along intimate session in his office.
"I guess we should discuss about this terms of relationship." She talked in her pillow.
She has complete all the order that has been request by some local boutique and some are from online website. She's quite amazed with things that happens after the talk show incident where Damian said about Raven going to Wayne Gala this week.
People start to shift their attention to her especially her design clothes. Does Damian intend to promote her? She rubbed her chin then sudden, Mona, her assistant knock her door.
"Come in."
Mona peek behind the door, she smiled and slowly walk to her boss. " You have received a gift!" The assistant handled to her a parcel.
"A gift?" Raven whisper under her breath. Could it be Damian? Her eyebrows furrowed. She took out knife letter and slowly cut , unwrapped the parcel and she saw an apparel, black with velvet felt. There is the tag at the collar says Draco.
Her eyes widen. Draco? You mean Melchior Draco?
"Who is it? Your lover?" Mona feeling excited.
"No. This is from my competitor." Raven cover the box and push it away. Her head suddenly filled with painful memories about her and Melchior encounter. The way he flirt her before her first joining competition, the betrayal, and stolen her design to built his empire.
Her heart boiled with anger which in result she crumpled her paper nearby which made Mona a bit fall back by her intimidation.
"I'm sorry about that, Miss." Mona bow her head quickly apologize for not realise what is going on.
Raven snapped back from those memory and quickly look at the paper . " Oh!" She's surprise and quickly she try to straighten up the paper she crumbled. " No, no, it's okay, Mona. It's nothing." She smiled. " You can go now."
" Ah, alright then." She nod and walked to the door and-
" By the way, boss, there's a caller said he's from metropolis daily planet wanted to interview you about being guest at the gala." Mona turned to her as she spite out another appointment.
" Well, set it tomorrow then." Raven tidy up her table and throw the parcel to the bin nearby.
"Uh, you threw that?" Mona pointed at the parcel inside the dustbin.
"You want it?"
"Ummm...it looks beautiful." Her assistant fidgeting.
Raven smiled and took the parcel. She dust a bit. "Take it and wear where I don't see it. Or else I end up burn them with hellfire." Raven eyes shown deep hatred and anger.
"Ok boss." She smiled, quickly snatched the parcel and run to the exit.
As she was alone in her office, she slump in her chair and sigh heavily. "I guess he's also in town too." Her finger tapping on her table creating random melodies.
Its 7.55pm, Raven now waiti g for Karen to pick her up as she lingers in her living room. She's wearing a one piece black dress decorated with golden and black labuci make it more fabulous looks.
She look at her phone to kill her waiting time until she stumbled on a post by E fashion news.
"Top trending designer DRACO are in town for launching their latest collection 'BLAK MAJIK' "
As raven read the article, she felt upset as she remember Melchior stole her ideas in doing a line fashion about magic before she presented the ideas at her first fashion show competition.
As she read the article, the sound of the car honking makes her jolt and quickly look at the window. It seems Karen has reached at her apartment block, quickly she goes out and greet Karen who parked at the entrance.
"I heard that bastard Melchior are in town." Karen slowly stirred her cocktail as her and Raven where sitting on a table outside of the Viva La Coast restaurant.
"Yeah, I did read the article about it." said Raven as she drink her pina colada. " So, who are we waiting for again?"
"I forgot to tell you, Kory won't be able to join us. She has to come with her boyfriend meet with his family at Wayne Mansion."
"Wayne Mansion?" Raven's eyes jump out. Wayne, wasn't Damian last name is Wayne too?
" Yeah, but she's dating with Wayne's older adopted son, Richard Grayson. A high profile detective , probably will be promoted as soon. " Karen updating the status of their friend.
"I see." Raven looked at her drink. It's been a long time she hasn't talk to Kori because of her business setting up her small company.
"How about you then? You and Mal?" Raven raised her eyebrows.
"Well we've been planning for a wedding maybe in next year. " Karen smiled.
"Wait, I thought you're still in doctorate?" Raven eyes wide open as she remember Karen used to be a student in mechanical and atomic engineering.
"Will be graduated in two months." Karen smiled widely as she let out the fantastic news.
Raven goes all tears as she heard the good news. "Oh my god, Karen! I'm so happy!" She tried to hug Karen across the table.
Karen laughed with Raven's sudden behaviour. "That's why we celebrate it!"
"We should buy a cake. Wait, I know! Waiter!" Raven call up the waiter to get some dessert as celebration.
Raven turns her head to Karen.
"I wanted you to design our wedding dress and suits." Karen faces flushes as she speak her request. " I really, really adore your work , Rachel. I wanted you to design it."
"Damn it , Karen. You make me all teary." Raven wiped her tears as she smiled sheepishly. " Of course I will."
"Karen, do you know anything about the youngest Wayne?"
"You mean Damian Wayne?"
"I heard that he just back from middle east after doing charity project between the Wayne Enterprise and Leviathan Industries."
"I think everyone knows about that, Karen." Raven smiled as she drink up.
"I am very speculate that both of you have met." Karen with her mischievous smile now painted on her lips. " Is that the same guy who become your muse in your long lost sketch book?"
Raven clutches her hand on her drink, almost breaking it but she keep with her calm face. " I don't think so." She tried to denied it following with Karen's giggle.
"Plus, when he said there will be Raven in Wayne's Gala, I was like 'Raven?!' to the tv screen and I swear there's something going on between both of you." Karen crossed her armed with one eyebrow raised as she looked as Raven like she's a suspect.
"Well..." Raven averted her sight to the table and nervously tug her hair behind her ears. " There is."
Raven jolted as Karen slammed the table with her drink. "TELL ME."
She swallowed her saliva as she seen Karen being over eager. She sighed as she adjust her seating, leaning towards the table.
"It start with that day, the day when he show up out of nowhere with that deal." Raven start to spilled what happen recently.
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kinglivv · 4 years
13th Doctor x Reader
Summary: You wear a halloween costume and the Doctor can't take her eyes off you.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption/drunkeness
A/N: I'm very sorry for the belated halloween fic!! I had something very angsty ready in my drafts, but I thought that wouldn't be very helpful in the current political climate, so I decided to do this instead. I did something simmilar with this for w!master, and I couldn't resist writing it for 13 too.
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"You're sure you want to go to an Earth halloween party?" The Doctor asks as she flicks a lever. "I know a planet made for halloween parties! Everyday is halloween there, and they never stop partying and trick or treating. I took Audery Hepburn there once - she could really carve a good pumpkin."
This is what you enter the console room to - Yaz sat on the steps and the Doctor rambling away, her back to you as she leant over the console. It was a familiar sight, except for the fact that Yaz was wearing a cat costume, with a tail, whiskers drawn on her cheeks and cat ears buried in her dark hair.
"Doc, we just want to see our mates - nothing beats a party with them, even an alien one." Yaz says.
"Besides, we haven't been home properly for months." You chime in, and the Doctor finally realises your standing there, turning around to look to you. When her eyes land you, her mouth instantly goes dry.
A dark part of you had hoped your costume would provoke this reaction. You were dressed as a police officer - except real police officers didn't wear tiny shorts and have necklines that dipped far to low. Yaz had suggested it to you when she'd found the costume online, stating "That's definitely going to get the Doctor's attention. And I bet she's into handcuffs."
Subsequently, you had bought it and had borrowed Yaz's real police handcuffs. There was even had a little police hat pinned on over your curls.
"If I could wear that on the job, I bet I'd have a much better time dealing with disturbance calls." Yaz snorts.
"Nah, you probably wouldn't look as good as me." You quip back. You step forward and give a twirl. "What do you think, Doc?"
She's still staring at you, wide eyed and mouth slightly parted. "You, uh... you're gonna freeze."
"Not at the bar I won't. It's always boiling in there."
The Doctor's cheeks flush slightly and she doesn't reply, instead turning back to console and hastily pulling the lever. The TARDIS lands and Yaz stands up, grabbing her purse as you make your way to the door.
"See you later, Doctor!" You wave as you open the door and Yaz hops out.
"See ya." She replies weakly, and the door swings shut.
She picks you up again at 1AM as agreed, and when you stumble back onto the TARDIS you're both very obviously drunk. Yaz's leaning against you, and you're laughing at things that aren't really that funny while trying to keep her upright. You're also still wearing that god damn outfit, and the Doctor tries to ignore the streak of heat that runs through her.
"I'm going to bed. If I stay up any longer, I'll be sick." Announced Yaz.
"Lightweight." You sniggered after her as she disappeared down the hall, and the Doctor realised that to her horror, it was now just you and her alone in the console room.
"So," You say, saundering over and sitting on the console next to the Doctor. "What'd you get up to when we were away?"
"Not much," The Doctor managed to sound semi-cool, even though you were right beside her. "Fixed the time rotors. Good party?"
"S'alright. Pretty boring actually," You reply. Your lipstick's smudged, and the Doctor vaguely wonders if you've been kissing someone. "Think I would have preferred the halloween planet in the end."
"Really?" The Doctor's face brighten. "I can take you there tomorrow!"
You face twists. "Maybe not tomorrow - Yaz's gonna have a horrible hangover. You know what she's like."
"Well..." The Doctor considers this. "Maybe just me and you then?"
"I'd love that." You grin, and your eyes shine. The Doctor begins to wonder if you're as drunk as you initially thought. "We need to find you a costume!"
"A costume? Oh right..." Her nose scrunches and tries to keep the grin on her face.
"It's fine if you don't want one, Doc." You tell her warmly, and she smiles sheepishly.
"I might just wear my tux."
"I'll need to find a different costume! I can't wear the same one two times."
"Why can't you wear that one?" The Doctor asks before she can stop herself, and it almost sounds like a whine.
"What?" You ask, a slight tease in your voice. "D'you like it?"
The Doctor gulps. She hadn't flirted much in this body. She hadn't really flirted much in any of her bodies, it wasn't a very Doctor-y thing to do.
Well, she supposed. No better time to start than now.
"Yes." She manages, and mentally curses herself. That was not flirting.
"The way you looked at me earlier made me think you hated it."
"No, I... it's just... not what I'd expected," She replies. "It's not what you usually wear."
"Of course it's not," You laugh. "If I wore this all the time, I'd be..."
"Distracting?" You quirk an eyebrow. "You find me distracting in this?"
You hop of the console, standing so your face her and your hand lands on her waist.
"I'm fine with being distracting then," You say, a slight slur to your words and then your voice drops a few octaves, making the Doctor shiver. "If you're the one being distracted."
It takes a moment to register the fact that your lips are on hers, kissing her softly. It also takes her a minute to realise that by instinct, she's deepening the kiss and her hands have gone to your hip and hair, pulling you closer. You taste like acohol and something sweet which she can't put her finger on. When you finally part, she wants to chase your lips and beg you for more.
There's a glimmer in your eyes that despite your drunkeness, seems real and very much sober. You're looking at her like she was the universe, and like you were completely and madly in love with her.
"I've been waiting a long time to do that." You tell her with the brutal honesty that comes with being intoxicated. "If I'd known a bit of skin could provoke that reaction, I'd have worn this ages ago."
"It was slightly more than 'a bit' of skin." The Doctor points out, looking you up and down.
"You can see more if you like," You flirt, leaning in again, but the Doctor stops you with a hand to your chest.
"Y/N, you're drunk," The Doctor tells you. "And I know you wouldn't be doing this if you were sober, so we're not taking it any further." She's using the voice she uses when she negotiates with cybermen or daleks or weeping angels, but you just grin.
"I know I wouldn't have done that sober," You reply. "But I'm still glad I did it."
"Me too." The Doctor replies softly. You lean in and press one last kiss to her lips, before pulling away and making for the corridor.
"Goodnight." You call as you disappear down it.
"Night." The Doctor calls back. She hopes you'll remember this in the morning.
Taglist: @truthbehindthemysteries @queerconfusionthings @xenteaart @actuallyanita @ateliefloresdaprimavera @persephonehemingway @fabulous-jj-style @anteroom-of-death
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echo-three-one · 3 years
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Chapter 27
Who's still reading this? Have fun!
CW : character death (This spoils a lot I'm sorry but I have to put it.)
Previous Chapter : What's behind door number two?
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Staying in Shape
John Price
MacTavish Residence, Glasgow, Scotland
It has been almost three days since the culmination of the New York Attack and most of his contacts regarding Nero and Shepherd's movements were quiet. He was getting anxious to step back into the fight, but without sufficient intel, or even better weapons, they couldn't do anything.
Price scanned the room, everyone else started to pair up with each other, a dynamic he expected to happen anytime soon. With all the challenges they've been through, finding love within each other was inevitable. And Price was fine by that. Heck, when he was younger, he had his fair share of romance during missions.
With the thought of Nero and Shepherd resurfacing any moment soon, Price devised a plan, to keep his crew in shape and always prepared to deploy as soon as sufficient intel is presented.
With the help of Jack, they created a training and endurance exercise schedule, where the soldiers, including Price himself, would follow to still continue to stay in shape and prepared for battle. They asked permission from Soap who was more than willing to help, an excited grin all over his face.
"I'll help you set up." he said, gaining a nod from the old man.
"France will train at the basement gym." He added and Soap nodded.
From that moment, the team started training, improving their physical abilities and endurance. Weapons training wasn't possible at the moment as they left it all in Brazil.
Jack overlooked the team from afar, Samantha and Maxine were at the gym helping out France's version of the training. They did the regular set of training from standard 141 protocol, using everyday materials in exchange for some of the equipment Soap didn't own. Price also instructed a specific dietary plan for the soldiers instead of just eating whatever they liked.
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While on break, the two girls, Samantha and Maxine approached Price with an excited look in their eyes. Priced raised an eyebrow and asked what they were up to.
"Everyone's doing their best and We both wanted to offer our help." Samantha explained as Maxine inserted.
"We'd like to apply as the team's dietician and health consultant. My resumé is that I have vast knowledge in cooking along with their nutritional information." She grinned.
"And Samantha here has little background on tending to physical wounds and pain. You could see how fast Alex's face healed!" Maxine added. Price was more than happy to accept their offer, it goes to show that they were willing to give whatever it takes for the people and cause they cared about.
"Alright. Guess you're both hired." he chuckled as the two cheered and made their way to their respective 'partners', probably out to share the good news.
Wiping his sweaty forehead with a towel, he looked around the main room where everybody was. Jack was by the office, looking up something on the laptop or probably just playing solitaire. Soap and France were at the gazebo, he could barely see them by the angle he's at but he couldn't miss that flashy mohawk.
To his left, he saw Samantha sitting on Alex's lap as she carefully cleaned Alex's bruise, Roach sat on the other end of the sofa, chugging a bottle of Gatorade while Maxine stood behind him, he could barely hear it, but it looked like the newly hired dietician was already lecturing him about the benefits of said drink, saying the word 'electrolytes' somewhere in the sentence.
He felt proud that this team stood by him ever since he made that choice. He was very grateful that he had someone whom he shared common goals with.
"Price. It's for you." Jack called from the office, causing him to immediately get up and answer the call.
"Aye, this is Price. Got anything for me?" he muttered.
"John. Looks like your friend is on the move." Kate Laswell spoke on the other end of the line, her voice was authoritative as always.
"Which one?" he chuckled, it was about time he received some news.
"Shadow Company. Looks like they're brave using the same car again. Same plate and all." she informed, giving Price the last route they went before going cold once again. It led them to an empty warehouse just by the docks.
"Just what are these bastards up to…" he muttered.
"I have no idea. Think you'll do recon? It doesn't strike as a threat to warrant an official team, this leads really calling your name, John."
Laswell hinted. Despite him being out of the force and one of Fbi's most wanted, Kate insisted to use such perk for further trapping the suspicious Shepherd.
"I worked hard forming the 141 and he easily disbands it like it's nothing…" she added, her voice sounded very bitter.
"Now now, Kate. Take it easy. We'll get him. He's bound to fuck up anytime soon. Keep in touch, mkay?" he said as they both said their goodbyes and ended the call.
"A little recon mission won't hurt, right?" he nudged to Jack who grinned proudly at the solitaire victory screen, cards bounced all around the edges of the screen.
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John Price found himself unable to sleep. It was either he's actually excited to do some missions or he's too worried about what they're about to discover, what would Shadow Company be up to and what is the quiet Nero planning behind the scenes? His thoughts raced to a dozen possibilities, all calling for drastic measures and sacrifices. He knew he had allies by his side, allies that are always ready to do whatever it takes to fix this mess.
He lazily dragged his feet to get a glass of water in the kitchen, despite being huge, the house was awfully quiet. Too quiet that he could hear every soft rustling from the halls.
He wasn't one to eavesdrop but he couldn't help but hear soft murmuring near MacTavish's bedroom.
"So.. um.. same time tomorrow?" said a low Scottish voice a chuckle followed. It was obviously Soap and Price thought only enemies were doing something behind the scenes.
"You wish.." a female voice giggled.
"But seriously… Thanks for tonight John." she added.
"No problem, Francine. So.. what's stopping you from staying overnight?" he chuckled. Price knew this was wrong but his glass of water was still half full.
"You know that I'd love to… but Maxine also needs me right now. Especially that she's slowly recovering bits and pieces of the past." she reasoned and Price knew it was time to head back to his room quietly.
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Maxine Winters
MacTavish Residence, Glasgow, Scotland
It felt real. She looked around and felt that this was more than just an ordinary dream. The vision was too dark with a small ray of light peeking from the slightly ajar door.
She knew where this was. She liked hiding here, her parent's closet.
She was waiting for Francine to find her, Francine always knew where she hid. But in this certain memory, she wasn't there.
She giggled quietly and hushed herself as soon as the door opened, France was going to find her. But instead, what she heard was her Dad saying words of assurance followed by heavy breathing. She was curious enough to peek through the small opening.
Her dad carried her Mom to the bed, his hands held hers tight, wiping the sweat off her forehead as her chest rose and fell quickly, her breath was labored and her eyes looked tired.
"Hang in there, love. The doctor's on the way." his father assured, making his wife comfortable as they wait for help to arrive.
"I don't think I can make it anymore…" She whispered.
"No no no. Don't do this to me Coraline, don't you want to see our angels grow up?" he sobbed, tears fell on her hands as he kissed it. Maxine remained still, she wanted to cry but she just sat inside the closet, peeking, frozen in a mix of fear and worry.
"I do , Love … but it looks like my body can't make it to that day… I'm sorry…"
"Don't! Please Coraline, stay strong, for me… for the kids…"
"I am… and I know that you know it." she exhaled, panting heavily after the last sentence. Her Dad hugged her until her breathing stabilized, while Coraline weakly raised her hand and hugged him back.
"Promise me you'll see the kids grow up…
Promise me to tell them how much I love them every single day…
And promise me that you'll never forget how much I loved you… Francis Maximus Winters." tears fell from her tired eyes. Her dad held her cheek and wiped it off, sobbing as she slowly closed them.
"I'm not sure if I could keep all of those promises… but I will try… I love you Coraline Winters, I always have and I always will, until the time we'll meet again." he muttered. Maxine witnessed it all, the way her father's face frowned when he realized he just lost his wife. It was one of her saddest memories.
Maxine gasped and opened her eyes, touching her face as soon as they opened. Tears. She was crying while asleep. She flicked the lamp and looked around her, France wasn't around. Just as she pulled the sheets so she could leave the bed, the door knob slowly turned and a soft creak was heard. It was Francine.
"France!" Maxine gasped and immediately ran to her side, hugging her tight as she began crying. France smelled different, almost masculine, but she didn't mind.
"Max! What happened? Are you okay?" France quickly hugged her, rubbing her back as she quietly bawled out her emotions.
"I saw… " She panted.
"I saw… Mom…"
"Mom died…" She exhaled as Francine escorted her downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water to calm her heart.
"You were in the closet. We were supposed to be playing hide and seek." France muttered as Maxine turned to her.
"Francis… Maximus Winters." she recalled.
"That's dad's name. It's quite long, right? Mom actually liked him because of it." France enlightened, trying to make Max calm down.
"Yeah… is he ?" Max asked.
"Yeah… but he's kinda forgot about us now. Every time we visit he just looks for Coraline."
"He kept his promise." Max said.
"Huh?" France tilted her head.
"Mom's last words. Promise me you'll see the kids grow up…
Promise me to tell them how much I love them every single day…
And promise me that you'll never forget how much I loved you…" Max recalled from her dream and as more words were added, France's sobs were louder.
"He… he did them all…" France cried as they both hugged each other. And it was the moment that Maxine remembered what France looked like when they first met, her smile… It was the smile of someone who was finally reunited with her only family, and it was painful how the only ones she could cling to couldn't remember her.
"What's that smell?" Maxine asked as she killed the mood of the sisterly hug. France's face turned red, even in the dimly lit room, Max could tell that she was blushing.
"N-Nothing… I don't smell anything." She laughed nervously.
"I swear I passed by that scent somewhere…" she looked at her suspiciously and laughed, shrugging it off which actually made France relax her shoulders.
"Let's go back to sleep." Maxine invited her sister and they both got back to their room.
Next Chapter : Docked and Loaded
Notification Squad my Beloved
@beemybee @enderio @smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach
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stefciastark · 3 years
Metal Arm ~ Webpril Day 7
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A/N: Here is Part 1 of what will be a 2 part mini-story. Doombots threaten Manhattan, but with a significantly reduced team and some bad luck, things don't go so smoothly for Peter. It only briefly touches on the 'metal arm' prompt, but this is also inspired by a request from Hannah on AO3 to write a bit of 'post-battle injured Peter hides his injury and won't admit anything is wrong.' I'm really excited to write Part 2 tomorrow, had a lot of fun writing this first part!
~Read on AO3
~Read on FFN
Peter had never really been strangled, yet today it had happened not twice, not thrice, but it was bordering on his fourth time being on the receiving end of a chokehold. The Doombot cutting off his air circulation ended up being at the wrong place at the wrong time however, as three out of its four limbs were obliterated and sent to mecha-heaven. All except the one heavily bicep-ed metal arm that clung to his throat like shit to a shovel.
“Get. OFF,” he gritted through his teeth, tearing the appendage off of his throat and tossing what was now just a torso, head and forelimb onto the growing pile of Doom scrap metal.
He had to take a breather for a moment and remind himself that these were robots and not real people. Despite how convinced their A.Is were that they were in fact the real Doctor Doom, their suicide missions were nothing more than a result of malevolent - albeit skilled - programming.
“You good, kid?” The Ironman suit hovered a few feet away from Peter, appearing to dance slightly in the air as Peter’s brain started playing ‘catchup’ with oxygen. He felt himself nodding in response, muting his comms momentarily so that what was present of the Avengers wouldn’t hear his breathing; he was pretty sure the exhaust pipe on the old Vauxhall Cavalier his uncle used to own sounded healthier.
The team was small today; Thor was offworld, Bruce didn’t feel like having another near miss after almost levelling another city during an incident the week prior near Seattle, and Clint was - as Tony put it - too busy ‘playing house’ in the country. That left Tony, Peter, and Natasha Romanoff on the mission. Peter was unsure whether to call her Nat, Romanoff, or use her Black Widow alias, and instead anxiously settled for using none of the above and simply avoided using any moniker to address her whatsoever. It had worked out for him well so far.
While it was by no means a three person job, they would have to make do, and so far, they were making...something happen. The showdown had initially begun in Hell’s Kitchen and was progressively and concerningly migrating towards the Lower East Side. The closer the action got to the east side of Manhattan, the closer it got to Brooklyn, and the closer it got to Brooklyn, the more there was a chance of the threat moving to Queens, and Peter wanted to keep the rough and tumble away from his neck of the woods if he could. So far they had left in their wake twelve office buildings turned to rubble, eleven burst sewer pipes, and at least ten separate fires that he was pretty sure were still burning. All they needed now were nine civilian casualties and they were almost halfway to rewriting ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’.
Tony didn’t have time to follow up with Peter’s uncharacteristic lack of a verbal response as two Doombots that had split from the herd attached themselves to the red and gold armour, their green capes combining with the suit to make a metallic caricature of a Christmas tree. Tony had a whole three seconds of warning before their self-destruct protocols were activated, and everything within a 300-foot radius erupted in a shower of rubble, flames, and smoke.
The suit - for the most part - diminished Tony’s impact with the building adjacent to the Tenement Museum. Peter didn’t quite have the luxury of inches-thick armour, and as he sailed diagonally across Delancey St through the glass window of Double Chicken Please, he made a personal vow to make them his new go-to fried chicken joint as a form of apology.
“Stark, was that you?” Nat (Peter decided that was the name he felt most comfortable with) queried over the comms, the distant sound of shots being fired and the purring motorcycle beneath her leaking into the background.
A stream of expletives from the man in question poured in through his suit’s speakers. Peter found it funny that if it were anyone but Tony in any other situation other than their current predicament, the frankly obscene amounts of swearing would be concerning.
“How many left on your end, Rushman?” There was a groan and the uncomfortably familiar sound of shifting rubble. “I think we’ve just about wrapped up here.”
Peter had been working on gently extricating himself from where he lay in a supine position behind the bar, struggling to hold onto consciousness through a haze of pain. The wall between Double Chicken Please and Subway had collapsed, half of it inconsiderately laying across his chest. He noted wryly that he didn’t expect himself to be battling unconsciousness behind a bar until he was at least twenty-one, yet here he was, five years too early.
A large bang went off from what sounded like only a block away, which was then followed by a moment of complete and utter stillness.
“I think our last guests just left the party,” offered as an explanation from Nat, finally breaking the silence.
“Don’t you hate it when you have company and they don’t even offer to help clean up? I am sickened by the youth of today.” Tony had managed to disentangle himself from what could now barely be called a building. The engineer was able to identify the date of manufacture on the most recent wave of Doombots - they were only three months old. “Speaking of, Spiderling, let’s get this cleaned up. I have a date with takeaway and my favourite sweatpants waiting for me at home.”
“Try not to wreck any more buildings while I’m gone, boys,” Nat said, immediately beginning her commute to the Avengers facility.
Natasha had become the face of the Avengers during the inevitable PR followups that seemed to accompany any and every brush with threat since the Chitauri attack on New York. She was level-headed and presented well, and so far had the least amount of tallies on the “PR Fuck-ups” chart that hung in the communal kitchen in place of a calendar. It was the team’s personal inside joke that S.H.I.E.L.D didn’t approve of, which of course made them double down their efforts if it meant ruffling Nick Fury’s feathers.
“Try not to wreck my public image, it’s what funds those luxury bath bombs you keep ordering,” Tony shot back, no venom in his teasing words.
Peter was otherwise occupied during his teammates’ little exchange. He had his arms arranged in an upside down tricep pushup position, palms pressing against the sizable concrete slab that occupied the space from his waist to his sternum. As he lifted the offending cement off of him, he very nearly dropped it back down as the air rushed out of his lungs. Something in his chest shifted sickeningly, followed by a stabbing pain that burned everything from his ribs to his airways. Failure never an option, he persevered, relieved when the hunk of wall finally slid gracelessly down the pile of debris.
He thought having a literal chunk of concrete off his chest would feel better.
“Pete?” His name was said with such a mixture of impatience, exhaustion, and concern that Peter found his nerves standing on red alert. This would be the first hour of many on cleanup duties
Taking a wavering breath, afraid to breathe too deeply, he steadied his voice and activated his comms. “Sure thing Mr Stark, on my way!”
Peter winced; he definitely overdid it on the enthusiasm. With every step he took his discomfort grew until the pain from his chest radiated down to his hips and he had to stop himself from hunching over and limping his way back to the Delancey St intersection. There were only two of them now, a whole lot of city to tidy up, and not a whole lot of time to spend fussing over what was probably just some deep tissue bruising. Plus, this was his first call to action since July, and it was now approaching the end of November.
Bracing himself for the amount of suckthe next few hours would entail, he gritted his teeth against the throbbing that rolled like waves from deep within his chest, and prepared to put on his best Oscar-worthy performance he’d titled: “I’m Fine - A Teenager’s Pledge”.
There was no way he was going to let Tony down.
A/N: There we have it! Things didn't go so smoothly for Peter, and I know he has superior healing and all but this poor boy needs some more safety built into his suit. Tomorrow will be the Part 2 fill for this mini-story, so check back in for the concluding part :) Thank you for all your continued support, kudos, and comments. Please feel free to send any fic requests into my Asks! Sending hugs to you all <3
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: who do you love? (11/?)
Ok.. it took me longer to get this done than I liked but here it is... A second paternity test, and the guys lay it on thr table. What will Ellie do now? Catch up HERE, also if you would like to be added to the tags, drop a line.
Pairings: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Raiting: Mature. Ccontains nsfw situations.
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“Seriously, you're fucking with me right?” Ellie snapped.  “I wish I was Ellie, but we have to retest.” Logan sighed. “Shit, my phone.  I need to go get my phone.” she shot up running for the door. Of course something like this would happen, that was just her luck. Her thoughts now on Colt, who she was sure was flipping out. She got to her purse grabbing her phone.  17 missed calls she thought, all from Colt, except 1 that was the Drs office. As if on cue her phone started buzzing in her hand. It was Colt.
E: Colt? Whats going on?
C: Where the hell have you been ellie? I've been calling you non stop.
E: we're at the track with Logan.
C: Did you get the call from the Dr? He says we can be re tested today but we have to be there by 4.
Ellie looks down at her phone
E: 4? Its 3:30 Colt. And  that's all the way across town in traffic.  How are we supposed to get there by then?
C: Looks like you or Logan are going to have to channel your criminal driving.  I'm on my way to the office, I'll see you there.
Logan and Stacie ran up, her dad, sally and Luca joining them. “Whats going on?” Logan questioned. “That was Colt. The Doctor said we can be re tested today, but we have to be there by 4.” Logans eyes went wide as he took note of the time.  “I can get us there.” Logan stated confidently “lets go.”
Ellie asked Stacie to take her car and meet them at the office, her dad and Sallie heading home.  Ellie hooked Lucas car seat in Logan's car quickly and they set out for the office. 20 minutes to go, the panic starting to set in.
Logan grabbed her hand, trying to calm her down.  “You ok back there Luca?” he shouted back checking on Luca.
“This is fun!” Luca squealed, Ellie shook her head, Logan just chuckled. She definitely had speed in her blood, that's for sure.
They pulled up to the office with five minutes to spare. Colt stood next to his bike. “I was afraid you weren't going to make it.” he gave Logan a cocky smirk.  “Come on Kaneko, you know better than that.”
Ellie grabbed Luca from her car seat, she immediately ran to Colt throwing her arms out. “Hey princess, I missed you.” he wrapped her in a hug as he lifted her off the ground.
They walked into the building, being taken right into the back. Logan and Colt going first. Colt held Luca while they swabbed her mouth. The doctor told them they would be sending it off for testing right away, the new lab turnaround was 2 to 4 weeks for dna testing,  however with the amount of labs that would be flooding in it could take longer.
They walked out of the office finding Stacie waiting for them with Ellies car. Luca was complaining she was hungry so they decided to get something to eat.  Colt had a customer picking up a car who had a custom job done that he had to be there for, so Ellie said she would catch up with him later that week. Ellie dropped stacie off at work and headed to meet Logan at the restaurant. He already had a table waiting for them when they arrived.
After ordering and finally eating, Luca was content playing on Ellies phone. “Ellie I need to talk to you about something important.” She could sense the seriousness in his tone.
“Ok, but quietly please.” she nodded towards Luca.
“Ellie, i'm pretty sure you know how I feel about you. You were the first and only girl I ever loved. But being with you and luca these past few weeks, well it made me realize that I want a family. I'm ready to settle down.” She took a deep breath, she wasn't expecting that. “Logan” She let out a long sigh. “I dont think thats a good idea right now.”
“I know, with the divorce and all. But really Ellie, I'm not getting any younger. I'm willing to wait, but.” He hesitated. Ellie reached out giving his hand a squeeze “I understand Logan. I do not want you to put your life on pause because I'm indecisive. If someone comes along that you think could lead somewhere, see how it goes.”
Logan sat there contemplating her words. “Thanks Ellie.” he finally spoke.
After they paid for their meal, Ellie took Luca home. She walked through the front door holding her sleeping child. Her dad and sally were sitting on the couch watching a movie, laughing and enjoying each other.  “Hey kiddo. Someone passed out huh?” Frank looked up from the tv screen. “Hey guys. Yep long day. I'm gonna put her in bed and crash myself. Back to work tomorrow.” She said goodnight, put Luca to bed and headed there herself.  
She put on her pajamas, and climbed into bed. She thought of her dad and Sally sitting on the couch, just enjoying being with each other. Her dad was happy, it was written all over his face and it made her happy for him. She thought about what Logan said at dinner, he was ready to settle down, but was she? She was divorcing Colt, was it fair to jump into something with Logan? Did she want to be with Logan or did she want Colt? She wasn't sure what she wanted that much was obvious, the thought of settling down, expanding her family and spending the rest of her life with someone who loved her and treated her well was all she ever dreamed of. She closed her eyes trying to escape her thoughts, after tossing and turning for a few hours she finally fell asleep.  
A a few days had gone by, she had just got off work when he phone rang, Darnells name flashed across the screen.
“Hello.” she answered. “Hey Ellie, its Darnell. I just wanted to let you know that Judge Mitchell scheduled a date for the hearing.” Ellies blood ran cold, it was one thing to file but another that it was actually happening. “oh, ok. Um when is it?
“The Thursday before labor day.” Ellie went silent, her heart pounding in her chest. “Thats. That's two weeks away.”
“Yes. She wanted to get it in before the holiday. It'll be done soon. Have a good weekend Ellie.”
“Yeah, you too Darrell.” Ellie hung up the phone, tears now falling. The Realization that Colt would be served soon hitting her like a ton of bricks. She calmed herself down enough to call her dad and make sure Luca was ok a little longer with him.
She started her car and made that all to familiar drive. She pulled up, trying her best to calm her nerves as she exited the car and walked through the open bay door.
“Were closed.” She heard a voice shout from under a car. “I'm not her for that.” she spoke, her voice carrying throughout the shop. Colt rolled out from under the car, standing up quickly.  “Hey. What are you doing her? Is Luca ok?” he wiped his greasy hands off, tossing the rag down on a nearby table.
“She fine. I came because I need to tell you something.” Colt arched his brow “Those words are never good.”
“Darnell called, the divorce has been scheduled.” she watched the expression on Colts face change to curiosity to a mixture  between hurt and anger. “When.” His tone colt and flat.
“Two weeks.” She looked to the floor. This was what she wanted, so why was it so damn hard to tell him?
“Two weeks?!” he shouted. He turned grabbing a tool and chucking it across the room. “Fuck!” He screamed, Ellie flinching. “I'm sorry Colt.” she squeaked out. His eyes widening as he turned to face her. “Oh you're sorry? You don't seem sorry to me Ellie. You didn't even give me a fucking chance. All I wanted was to be a family. You, me and Luca,” he ran his hands through his hair. “You just don't understand do you? I love you Ellie, I never stopped. Everything I did, was for you. The house, this garage, everything!”
“Colt I, I don't know what to say.” She was at a loss for words.
“I didn't want to be my dad. I wanted Luca to have both parents, together.  Now that will never happen.”
“Colt, we don't know that she's yours.” She regretted saying as soon as it left her mouth. It was like adding salt to the wound.
“Shes mine. I know in my heart she's mine, and even if she wasn't..” He shook his head. “You know what. You can have it all, everything. The house, the garage, all the money. All I want in this life is to be able to take care of you, and Luca. And if you won't let me do it at your side,  take everything.” he threw his hands up in the air, walking away.
“Colt.” she hollered after “Colt!” she followed him into to small apartment that used to be logan's loft.  “I can't see you right now Ellie. I think we probably should keep our distance until i cool down.” Colt had his back to her. Hands splayed out on the counter,  his breathing heavy. He was upset, very upset. “But the zoo, and Lucas first day of school.” She whimpered, holding back tears.
“I'll be there, I wouldn't miss that for her. I  will be cordial to you. But I won't be ok with it, I never will.”
Ellie hung her head in defeat, walking down the steps and then to her car. Colts words ringing in her ears. She grasped the steering wheel with a white knuckle grip, the tears streaming down her cheeks. She knew telling him was going to be rough, but she wasn't expecting the overload of emotions that came with it. She thought back to the day they took the brotherhood down.
She walked up to her house,  Colt had a loose end to tie up with Toby and ximena. The crew skipping town, laying low from the FBI. She crossed the front yard when Logan slid out of the shadows. “Logan? What are you doing here? I thought you left town.” her eyes darted around, assessing her surroundings. “I am, but I needed to see you first.” he came closer, closing the distance between them. “Look Ellie, I had every intention to apologize for dragging you into this. But now that I'm here, i'm not sorry.”
“You're not?” She looked at him confused.  
“No,” He shook his head. “If I didn't seek you out, I would have never met you. And though I may not have been the guy for you, I couldn't live in a world where I never knew you. You changed my life for the better Ellie.” he softly brushed the bruises on her face.
Ellie threw her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. “I don't want you to go, please don't go.” she sniffled. “Believe me Ellie, I don't want to, but I have to.  Go off to college, kick some ass. And remember I'll always be thinking of you.” She lifted her face, looking in his eyes. She pressed her lips against his, savoring the feeling one last time. “I hope this isn't goodbye forever. Promise me you'll stay safe.” she pulled back resting her head against his chest. “He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “I promise. Goodbye Ellie.” he took one last look at her before disappearing into the night.
She turned heading toward the house spotting colt standing there. “You kissed him.” He clenched his jaw. “You were spying on me? How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough. And no, I wasn't spying on you. I finished what I needed to and came back for you.”
Ellie hesitated at the door. Could she really give up everything she had worked for? Could she really skip out on her dream school for a life on the run with Colt?
“Colt. I don't think we should do this. We rushed into this, its crazy. We. We need to get an annulment.”
Colt stumbled back. “What? Ellie come on, We love each other.”
“I know, and i do love you Colt. I do but.”
“Its Logan isn't it? You wanted to be with him, I was a mistake.” he retorted.  
“No. Colt that's not-”
“Save it Ellie. Go live your life, I'll get an annulment.” he climbed on his bike.
Ellie felt sick to her stomach, what did she do? She was scared, she didn't want to lose him. “colt.” she called after him, he put his helmet on kicking his bike to life. “Colt. Colt, come back. Please.” it was to late, she watched his tail lights fade out of view. She was alone, truly and completely alone.
She pulled into the driveway of her house,  she pulled her compact from her purse attempting to cover the evidence of her crying. She walked into the house to hear laughter.  Frank, sally and Luca sat around the table eating ice cream, having a good time. “Hey guys.” She peaked her head into the room. “Hey kiddo. Everything ok.” She gave her dad a half hearted smile.  “Yeah, everything's fine.”
“Will you give me a bath mommy? I'm all sticky.” Luca held her ice cream covered hands up. “Sure thing sweetpea.”
After bathing and getting Luca to bed, Ellie walked over to a box that was left unpacked. She pulled out a medium sized shoe box, removing the lid she pulled a few items out. A ticket stub from the drive in, a small cactus, a bullet necklace, some photos of the crew and the last two. A picture of Logan and her, taken after the pool game, the other of her and Colt at Prom. She laid the two in front of her, her eyes burning into the paper. What was she going to do?
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quokkalatte · 6 years
Affinity pt.2
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Part 2
Category: Series
Pairing: Street Racer!Hoseok x Cat Hybrid! Reader
Warnings for this chapter: slight tiny mentions of blood and past abuse, slight language
Author's Note: Honestly this is mostly a filler chapter so it's just not that.....good? idk but I hope you enjoy ♡ as far as posting goes, it may be a bit before I get the next chapter out out I go back to school tomorrow and I'm working too so yeah XP
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Hoseok waited patiently for you to finish your shower, sitting in the living room to get his heart rate down. He assessed the situation, he was now the owner of a hybrid, not only a hybrid, but one that has been through a lot and still manages to be completely innocent. He also assessed that he had absolutely no clue how to care for one. We're there regulations? Special diets? Oh no did he have to take you to get fixed? The actual thought of taking you to a vet had him experiencing waves of anxiety. He was so worked up that when you walked into the living room he didn't even notice.
"I'm finished" you say, and he jumps and looks up at you. You were clean, ears still slightly damp but had a small shine in the black and grey. Your tail, sticking through the baggy grey sweats, flickered nervously. Now that it was clean, be could see where the clumps had been pulled out. Some pink patches poked through and Hoseok's heart clenched uncomfortably at the sight, and he has reminded of your hands. He licked his lips, a nervous habit, and stood up and walked over to you. You watched him curiously,  and he hands came to your own, and you flinched slightly, but he turned them over.
The skin was a pale red color, the skin still freshly aggravated and probably caused pain. There were slight droplets of blood, but nothing to serious. "Does it hurt?" He asks gently, and you avert your eyes, staring down at your hands.
"No, it doesn't" it was a lie, that was obvious. Hoseok frowned, how many times had you had to keep your pain from Yeonsoo, afraid of being punished further.  
"It does kitten, and if you're hurt you should tell me. You won't get in trouble I promise" He says, and you nod. He let's go of your hands, and goes into the bathroom, rummaging under the sink and pulled out a med kit. When he returned to the living room, you were still standing  where he had left you. He gestured to the couch, taking a seat. You hesitantly sat next to him, your tail curling around your waist securely. He opens the med kit and sets it on the coffee table.  He takes the opened box of gauze and antibiotic cream, and a couple of alcohol patches. You frown, seeing that everything had been used before.  
"Do you get hurt too?" You ask, looking up at him. Hoseok shrugs, ripping open the paper of the patches and pulling out the potent cloth, the smell making you wrinkle your nose as it stung your nose.
"I get scratched a lot when I work with tools. I work as a mechanic and I'm bound to get cuts and bruises. This'll sting a bit, but it'll help" he says and presses the pad to your skin. You hiss, ears pressing flat against your head and tail clenching tightly. A small whimper followed as he wiped the other. Hoseok whispered out a couple of 'sorry' and 'it's okay you're doing great' and applied some antibiotic cream to them, which soothed the burn instantly. "I also used to race motorcycles, and I got road rash a couple of times" he added. You listened intently, your eyes looking up to his concentrated face. He wrapped your hands in the gauze, and when he finished, he gave you a small smile, which made you let out a small purr in thanks.
"Thank you master- I mean Hoseok" you correct yourself quickly and he laughs.
"No problem kitten. Now, there isn't much I can do for your tail, it's already healed" he says, and you glance down at your abused tail, and it flicks self-consciously. "But I'll ask Namjoon what I could put on it. His cat hybrid Jimin used to scratch his as a nervous habit before he was adopted, and Namjoon put something on it to heal the bare patches" he babbles.
"He would pull it when I wasn't paying attention" you told him, and he frowned
"Yes. I would daydream, and if I wasn't listening or answer him, he'd pull it to get my attention. Or he did it if I messed up or did something wrong" your voice was quiet, and Hoseok wanted to comfort you, but he feared you'd flinch away if he tried to pet you.
"You don't have to worry about that anymore Y/n. Yeonsoo won't get his filthy hands on you ever again, not if I have anything to say about it" Hoseok says firmly, and a spark of warmth crept up his spine when you smiled radiantly at him. He returned a small one back."Let's get you to bed"
You had instantly curled up as soon as you fell on the bed, pulling the blanket over yourself and closed your eyes. Hoseok stood in the doorway for a moment. You looked so small, and the baggy clothes didn't help either. You just looked so fragile and he had the same urge to protect you like he did the first time he saw you. A lot has happened in in the past few hours. He made sure you were firmly asleep before walking down the hall and into his own bed to sleep.
There was a dilemma when he dressed for work in the morning. You'd be left alone, and he wasn't sure if he liked the thought of that. You laid out on the couch, stretching out in a cat-like way as you watched him throw on his uniform and pour coffee into a thermos as he rambled on about leaving you at home alone. He was a very interesting human, one that could keep his cool and act nonchalant one moment, and completely be flustered and inadequate the next.
"I don't mind staying at home alone Hoseok, honest" you peer at him from fallen on your face. Hoseok glanced at you, buttoning the navy shirt of his uniform and a piece of bacon dangling from his mouth. You giggled at the sight, and he quickly chewed the rest of the bacon.
"Are you sure? I feel guilty, I could take you in with me" he says, a bit to himself. You wrinkle your nose in distaste.
"No offense Hoseok, but the thought of spending the day in a shop that reeks of motor oil and sweat isn't my idea of a fun time." He laughed and you sat up, taking a piece of bacon and chewed it happily.
"Alright alright, I'm just nervous"
"Really? Couldn't tell. I'll be okay, I've been left alone plenty of times" you say, and Hoseok sighs, and nods
 "Okay kitten." He nods, and walks towards the front door, but freezes and turn back around.
"What do you eat?" He asks suddenly. You cock your head at him, confused.
"Uh, food?"
"What kind? What do you like? Is there a certain thing I should he feeding you?" He asks
"Lots of kinds. I like fish, but not crabs. I can't have regular milk, the fat content makes me break out into hives and I get a belly ache. Ma- He always complained I was expensive and cost him money to feed. I like almond milk even though it has a weird after taste." You say. "And they have supplements for hybrids, like vitamins but I don't need themas long as I get plenty of meat and liquids" you say. Hoseok repeats this under his breath, and nods.
"I don't have any almond milk, but I have fish sticks somewhere in the freezer. But help yourself to the fridge kitten what's mine is yours" he smiles at the way you grin. "I should be home around 5 okay?"
"Okay Hoseok" You yawn, already prepared to take a cat nap in the patch of sun that peeked through his blinds. Hoseok chewed his lip, still unsure of leaving you alone, but you looked content enough, so he grabbed his car keys and headed out to the garage.
 "I'm telling you Hobi, it's a piece of shit. I don't know why you continue to drive it" Kim Taehyung scrunches his nose when Hoseok pulled into the shop. "And it's hideous as well" Hoseok rolled his eyes, stepping out and running a hand through his hair.
"Tae, your specialty is muscle cars, not race cars.  So shut up about my baby she's doing fine" Hoseok pats the hood of his beloved car. No, it wasn't the one he raced with, but it was an older car, and he was attached to it, he better be he fixed it from the ground up. Sure it likes to stall when turning on and the paint needs a new coat, but it was his child. Taehyung chuckles at Hoseok's words, taking a drink of his Pepsi.
"If you call two seconds away from falling apart 'okay' then sure, it's just peachy"
"Don't you have someone's oil to change" Hoseok says hauntily, and Taehyung huffs and slinks back to the back of the garage. Hoseok pulled the buliten down from his desk, checking the recent repos and bring-ins of the week. There had been at least 20 cars repoed for missing payments, which meant 20 angry phone calls he wasn't ready to deal with.
He worked diligently, the garage kept busy with fixing cars and getting them out to their respectable owners, and Hoseok was busy trying to negotiate with angry customers about getting their cars back.
"All you need to do is go to the Repo office off of Dowchien Street and file some paperwork, and pay the fee to get your car back" Hoseok sighed as the old woman cursed him about how she was missing several doctor's appointments and having to take the bus to go to the store. "Ma'am I just take and hold the cars, you need to go to the head office to get it back" Hoseok pressed his knuckles against his skull, rubbing the area as he was cursed out more before the lady finally realized that he wasn't going to give her car back without visiting the office.
"She sounded delightful" Namjoon grinned at Hoseok in the doorway of his office. Hoseok glared up at him, standing and stretching.
"Oh yeah, if you like hearing about irritatable bowel syndrome and bunions needing to be removed" Hoseok shivered and Namjoon laughed. "Put me in a car and on a road any day this day job shit is killing me" He groans.
 "You're the one who wanted to use the shop as a cover Hobi" Namjoon so wisely pointed out. "And you don't hate it either so quit your whining"
"No but I do hate angry people yelling at me for them not making car payments" Hoseok walked past Namjoon and entered the back of the garage. Taehyung and a couple of other employees bustled around repairing different aspects of the cars.
"Hmm if only everyone could see Seoul's Drift King now" Namjoon teases and Hoseok flipped him off as he reached into the mini fridge and pulled out a water bottle, taking a long drink. "So how's your kitty doing?" Namjoon asks
"Okay, I think. She's really jumpy, but she let me dress her hands, does that mean something?"
"Means she trusts you. Took me 3 months before Jimin would be in the same room as me. "
"She still flinches when I touch her though" he frowns
"Can you blame her? I'm not sure she's had a kind touch in awhile.  Give her time Hobi"
"You're right" Hoseok sighs.  "Do you still have that stuff you used on Jimin's tail?"
"Sure, I always keep some in case his anxiety acts up again. Why?"
"Yeonsoo did a number on Y/n's poor tail, she's missing clumps of fur"
"Asshole." Namjoon mutters darkly. "You should have seen him when you left. He got out of his car and vowed to exact revenge or some site evil villains say in the movies. But I'll bring a bottle over for you"
"Thanks, and I'm not too worried about him. I can handle him" Hoseok says.
"If you say so. We've got a new, ah, 'shipment' coming in on Tuesday, are to ready?"
"Aren't I always?"
Hoseok was relieved when he went home that night. He wondered if you were okay. Sure you've been left home before but it didn't feel right just leaving you to your own devices for the whole day in a new place. He stopped by and grabbed take out, not in the mood to cook anything for dinner. He parked in the garage and grabbed the take out, unlocking the door and entering the house. When he stepped in he sensed immediately something was off. It was too quiet. He frowned, glancing around the dimly lit hallway "Y/n?" He called out, inching into the living room. A creak had him on edge and tense. He grabbed a the baseball bat that leaned against the garage door, gripping it tightly as he entered the living room.
You were standing there, wide eyed and chest heaving with breath. Your fur was fluffed out to the max, and your eyes laid on the baseball bat. You wailed, throwing yourself to the floor in front of his feet and grabbed his legs. Hoseok yelped in shock, staring down at you.
"I'm sorry master I'm so so sorry! I w-was just walking and my tail hit it and it fell over! Please forgive me I know I'm a bad cat" you cried, pawing at his shirt and burying your head into his hip.
W-What? Y/n what are you talking about" he frowned, still confused. Your body wracked with sobs, your words incomprehensible. Hoseok set the take out on the counter and dropped the bat to the floor, the crash making you jump and squeak. He pried your hands from his shirt, and knelt down so you were face to face.  
"Calm down Kitten, just tell me what happened" he says slowly, and you whimpered.
"The vase. I broke it. I'm sorry" you say, cheeks puffy and tear tracks down your face.  Hoseok looks over your head and sees the vase that had been sitting on his TV Stand was smashed on the floor in a thousand pieces.  His eyes widened and he immediately began searching your body.
"Are you hurt? You didn't cut yourself did you?" He asks. You hiccup, frowning
"Did you cut yourself on the glass?" He demands,  checking for any sign of blood.
"N-no I- you aren't mad?" You sputter, frowning. You were sure you'd face punishment for breaking his possession. You hadn't even been here long and caused an accident, and you thought for sure Hoseok would be angry and throw you out.
"No I'm not mad Y/n" Hoseok sighs in relief. "I'm just happy you aren't hurt."
"But....but I broke your vase" you frown at him.
"To be honest, you saved me a terrible story to explain to my sister why I got rid of the ugly vase she'd gotten me for Christmas. Now I can say my hybrid accidentally knocked it over" he smiles and you frown
"So I'm not being punished?"
"No it was an accident Y/n" Hoseok frowns and you nod your head in understanding. "Are you hungry?'
"A bit" you admit.
"Good. I brought home take out" he says, standing up and grabbing a broom and dustpan before sweeping up the broken vase, careful not to miss any pieces that could imbed themselves into any soft fleshed feet. You watch him as he worked, still slightly expecting to get yelled at, but after a few minutes you relaxed when it appeared it wouldn't come. Hoseok pulled down two plates, piling on steamed rice and chicken and vegetables and a bunch of assorted foods he always got when he ate take out. He pushed the bigger plate towards you, and you eye it doubtfully.
"Why did you give me your plate Hoseok?" You ask, pushing it back to him. Hoseok shakes his head, pushing it back.
"I didn't. It's yours."
But there's more food on it" you frown
"Yes, I'm not too hungry tonight, and I got extra for you"
"All of it?"
"All of it" He says firmly. You nod, still unsure but when you began eating, it was difficult to stop with all the tasty things he had gotten you, but you didn't touch the gross smelling stuff on the side of the plate. Hoseok noticed this, as he ate the very thing you wouldn't. "You don't like Kim Chi?"
"No. It's gross and vile" you say firmly and Hoseok pouted.
"I'm not sure how we'll get along from now on, I love Kim Chi" he says, and affronted look on his face, but a glimmer in his eye showed that he was kidding,  and you giggled.
"I don't know, guess you'll just have to stop then" you smile mischievously at him and he laugh
"I don't think so kitten" he snorts and continues to eat. Oh god, he thinks, I think I can probably handle her.
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