#also rip to people who don't like season 4 and 5 but some of us have taste and know how TV production works
renthony · 11 months
The term “filler episode” is blatantly misused in fandom spaces and it's really goddamn annoying.
In the book "Manga and Anime Go to Hollywood: The Amazing Rapidly Evolving Relationship Between Hollywood and Japanese Animation, Manga, Television, and Film," by Northrop Davis, Davis explains the that concept of a “filler episode” in animation comes to us from anime adaptations of manga. Anime is frequently produced at a faster rate than manga, which means that anime adaptations of manga often have to come up with their own “filler” stories to slow down the pacing of the main narrative, because the manga isn’t finished yet.
"Filler" does not mean "low-stakes episode that doesn't progress the main plot." Filler does not mean "character moments that you did not like." "Filler" does not mean "anything that isn't breakneck-paced main plot."
It's a specific term and you are misusing it.
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kesleyjo · 10 months
I'm having some finale wine and I think I've got it. My final resolute head canon of Riverdale.
Keep in mind I have not watched the end of season 5 through the end and have absolutely no intention to, but I've seen and heard enough about *gestures vaguely* all of that to still stand by this.
Disclaimer: I do not believe this is what the writers intended whatsoever. This is all my imagination. I do however believe in this canon whole heartedly and its as true to me as whatever RAS's vision is to him. You choose who to trust.
Okay so first and foremost the entire series is written by Jughead. It's all his writings that are probably all sitting in a google docs draft folder.
I justify this due to the following:
He is the narrator
The entire series is obsessed with Betty Cooper for good or ill (I'll get to it)
Its all kind of sort of been alluded to that its all Jughead's writings anyway. At least in S1, again. I'll get to the why of that in a second.
He started writing season 1 in his junior year (so a year after the events of the S1). He read In Cold Blood (on his own, not for class, very important to him that you all know this) and was like "Hey my town had a murder and I have some trauma around it, so I should totes do this." And thus S1 is born.
This is why that season is (relatively) more grounded and far more realistic than the rest of the series because its based on a real true thing that happened and the real feelings and emotions of people involved. It has the least amount of exaggeration (but enough, because Jughead) and has the most coherent plot, which would make sense since Jughead isn't making anything up, he is recalling events.
This is also the only season that directly ties Jughead's narration and the plot to the book Jughead is writing on page, and thus tying them both together. Because again, its a thing that really happened.
So the characterizations, motivations, and actions of everyone in season 1 is the model of how and how these characters actually are and are a base for further exaggeration.
Seasons 2-4 are also based on true events but are exaggerations/interpretations of things that really happened, but are altered to make them more interesting to Jughead's readers (heh).
I don't want this post to be a novel so here is a brief listing of that I am thinking here for some of the main plots (but if you have a plot you want me to fit into this canon let me know):
The Black Hood: When Jughead showed Betty his first manuscript (S1) the positive constructive criticism she gave was that, "True crime is really popular right now, so this fits in with the zeitgeist." And Jughead ran with it. Fred also had his first heart attack at this time...we all know where I'm going with that so I'll just leave that there. RIP.
Making Hal the Black Hood: Hal leaves the family after the Polly debacle and finding some racy pics on Betty's computer (she sent them to Jug, she wasn't a camgirl) and decides to start his life over with a woman who is far more moral (and probably like 2 years older than Polly)
The Serpents/Class War with Hiram: Not a gang, just those under the boot of the rich that Hiram tries to eradicate through good ol fashioned gentrification. Archie and Veronica also start spending more time doing rich people shit and that drives a divide between the two main couples of the core four. But less about political plots and more about teenagers growing apart because of different interests
Season 3: Putting this all together because Jughead was having a hard time finding a plot here. So he focused on Alice's new weird young boyfriend who actually ended up taking off with Polly (leaving her twins), his newfound obsession with DnD (Betty was exhaustedly supportive of this) and Kevin's endless talk about the new megachurch he just joined. He and Betty also started watching a lot of horror films and Hitchcock at the time which leads us to...
Season 4: He and Betty go off to different schools but its because of college, not because Jug is the chosen one (again see why he is writing all of this himself). He meets a lot of pretentious people that challenge his relationship with Betty and he turns it into a mystery.
So now we have made it to 4.17. Ugh.
Okay so Jughead has written all of this, and reading everything back feels that Archie and Betty (who go to the same college now and are friends again after growing apart after he dated Veronica) have grown too close and Jug self destructs.
He self sabotages so hard and makes a story up in his head that Betty would be much happier with Archie who is doing perfectly mediocre at college while Jughead flunked out.
So he and Betty break up after a lot of frustrated fighting.
And he begins to write Betty differently. Wildly differently.
(You can't tell me this doesn't make more sense than whatever the hell happened in the show.)
Jughead dejected from his failure at school and his breakup Writes on and off for the next few years. His next main attempt is S5. His attempt at more realistic writing.
(Its also after Betty enters his life again, because at her core Betty is his muse)
He works through his fictional frustrations of Betty and Archie as a possible couple (They never dated. Archie is actually a aromantic pansexual who does not do commitment) and realized that he made it all up and they have nothing in common.
Jughead and Betty get back together at the end of "Season 5" but Betty tells him that writing about their real life is what tore them apart, so he needs to not use their relationship in his writing anymore.
So Jughead decided to get weird and wildly experimental with his writing. And because Jughead is not a particularly good writer S6 and S7 are born.
Betty, absolutely running out of positive things to say about his last few writing attempts tells him that maybe these exaggerated versions of their lives that bear no resemblance to the real world have run their course, and he should try something new.
So Jughead wraps up this now unrecognizable series of writings and moves onto something new.
With Betty diligently serving as his editor. She got distracted with her new job and left him unattended for those last few seasons and look what happened.
Also I realize that Archie/Veronica/Cheryl/Toni are absent in this so briefly
Archie: He always was in awe of Archie and slightly jealous of what he perceived he had over Jughead...this is why he is the quasi-hero and also why he tortures Arch and treats him like an idiot.
Veronica: I cannot stress this enough. He and Veronica have no relationship. She is his friend's girlfriend and his girlfriend's best friend. The only thing he really knows about her is she is rich and hot. So he makes that her core personality and slaps on whatever traits fit her best for whatever plot he is writing at the time.
(This is also why almost all the women Veronica, Tabitha, Jessica, and Toni all are at some time his love interest. Self instert fan fic Jug. We see you.)
Cheryl/Toni: He and Toni are friends and Cheryl is her girlfriend who endlessly terrifies him. That is the core of her characterization.
I already regret the fact that I am sharing this long-winded mess with the world...but I can't take it back now.
Enjoy. And if you don't that is fine. It's my head canon not yours. Go make your own.
Have fun on finale night folks.
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wheelerpilled · 5 months
OK IM SO EXCITED FOR 5x01 OPENING, I feel like it's been brushed over, like I've seen people excited that we get a 1983 flashback but I NEED to see people's theories on the further implications of this!!
Every opening scene in stranger things gives us information for a 'hook' for the season, which is why I really want to know about season 5 because it's just odd:
Season 1: something mysterious kills the scientist, leading us to wonder whats going on.
Season 2: we learn there are others like 11, and that Kali exists/escaped aswell, it's important.
Season 3: introduction of the Russian arc, and the attempted opening of the gate
Season 4: we learn about the Hawkins lab massacre and Elevens 'role' in it- revealing new backstory
Basically it's ALWAYS new information, so they wouldn't just be showing Will in the upside down and leaving it at that, because that brings nothing that we didn't already know to the table.
My point is that every one of these things is the hook for an arc within the season, we know the opening is Will in the upside down, but we don't know WHY. it has to be more than just a callback, they wouldn't waste the opening scene on something that doesn't add anything to plot, So I think this means we are finally going to get to know more of Will in the upside down (Ive read the comic but I mean what happens in the show, because I consider the stuff in the show more 'canon' and the comics are just a side thing)
we are finally going to LEARN more about his connection to the upside down, I think it'll probably confirm the theory that vecna was responsible for his kidnapping and not a demogorgan like the characters in the show assume.
Wills case is so different to the others who got killed in the upside down almost immediately and I do NOT believe it's simply because he's 'good at hiding'- like come on....those interdimensional creatures would beat his ass 💀
Also yes I 100% a demogorgan would NOT have slowly unlocked that shed door it would've ripped it apart to get inside let's bfr...something else did I and took Will 😭
I believe something had to have had sentience (probably vecna?) And doesn't kill him immediately, considering his further use, so it just leaves him alone for a WEEK?
I think he was purposely left alone, especially because we know he was singing in the upside down which would probably attract something towards the noise, Vecna definitely would've known because he can sense things through the vines and Will definitely wouldn't have known that
Even when Wills caught, he's not killed, he's taken elsewhere and is still alive, just unconscious? This is weird to me, a demogorgan wouldn't of done that, all depictions (apart from dart as a demodog) of demogorgans are shown to be immediately aggressive and attack unless locked in on a different subject (like in the S2 tunnels when the demodogs ignored them to run to the gate)
I definitely believe it was vecna, maybe making some sort of prototype for his plan to kill 4 people in season 4? I don't know, it's been awhile since I've scene S1 but I remember him kinda being like trapped vertically up in the vines with one in his mouth? I think there was definitely a plan vecna was trying to execute but it was foiled by Joyce and Hopper rescuing Will.
we know it's a hivemind, and that Will can feel the mindflayers presence, but at the end of season 4 he also states he can feel vecna hurting, which is weird because it's not like he could feel every individual in the hiveminds memories, he didn't feel the presence of every demogorgans current state and whatnot, only what the mindflayer felt, it's probably just because the mindflayer is also hurting because vecna is and he can sense that, but I thought Vecna would be smarter than to align himself into the hive Mind knowing it makes him more vulnerable, he can control them, but he isn't PART of them imo, because then if the mindflayer goes down so does he, and his 'underlings' would damage him whenever they're hurt, so I just don't think he'd do it, but Will can somehow still know how vecna feels, so I think he has some other connection to Vecna that'll be revealed in the opening scene...uh yeah sorry for rambling its dumb and I am NOT a good theorist
I just want to know people's thoughts on what they think will be revealed in the opening, because I think it'll be that vecna kidnapped him, or something that reveals their connection, it'll be cool though!!!
Sorry this post has like no grammatical structures and its UNNECESSARILY LONG + probably annoying to read thanks for sticking with me 😭💗
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ananke-xiii · 4 months
My ranking of SPN seasons (based only on their PLOT) pt. 3
In my previous posts (here and here) I've covered the following:
15: Season 14
14: Season 15
13: Season 7
12: Season 3
11: Season 6
10: Season 13
9: Season 12
8: Season 1
7: Season 10
Let's continue!
6. Season 9: The plot for this season runs on parallel tracks: on one hand we have the consequences of the spell that Metatron cast at the end of season 8 (ie: angels have fallen, chaos ensues); on the other hand, we have the heroes' quest, finding and killing Abbadon. These 2 parallel plots find their meeting point in the Mark of Cain: frustrated because he's unable to kill Abbadon AND because of his serious fallout with Sam, Dean gives in and accepts the curse. His choice will have immense consequences on the heaven-related plot: it will be revealed that Castiel, who was working to settle things out in heaven, will give up everything to save Dean. Plot-wise, this was a good season. Once again, I felt that the death of a secondary character (Kevin Tran, RIP my poor baby boy), was done for emotional sake and to aggravate the heroes' fallout. It felt unnecessary, cruel and, frankly, not well thought-out (but the writers have already made the same mistake with Bobby and will make it again with Charlie SO at this point I think that they know what they are doing, I simply don't agree with their writing choices). All in all, the season was quite good, it did its job. Can't complain.
5. Season 2: This season expands on the season 1 plot, so basically we are still dealing with the heroes' personal vendetta against the Yellow Eyes demon who killed their mother. However, this time we are presented with more allies and enemies, the Winchesters' backstory gets more complicated and we start to guess that there's more at stake for the two brothers. It's not just payback anymore: the plot starts to thicken and we glimpes that higher powers were pulling the strings all along. Mary Winchester's death was destined. It's a strong season that starts with John's death and almost ends with Sam's death but not quite: the last episode is able to keep us interested for what's to come as we find out that Dean has made a demon deal to save his brother. I didn't like some "minutiae", like the whole thing about other humans being infected with demon blood at 6 months old as a "back-up" plan in case Sam was not the One. Sorry but when Destiny enters the chat you either go all-in or not, there are no back-up plans. Also, it turns out that Sam is not exactly The One since he gets killed by the other guy whose name I forgot. Soooo, you know... this doesn't sound solid, you can tell that the whole thing is there to 1) fill in episodes; 2) give writers some space in case things don't go as planned. I don't know, I was kinda bummed about it, yeah.
4. Season 5: This might sound controversial but... I didn't exactly like season 5's ending. I know that, according to the majority of articles I've read, this is considered THE perfect SPN season but.. you know, it doesn't cut it for me. The plot is very good, though, so here's why it's still high on my own personal ranking. Once we've established that Sam and Dean are the destiny's children (LOL) and that their own existence was predestined, we are now left with the big IF. A sort of "will-they-won't-they". Will Dean say YES to Michael and become his vessel? Will Sam say YES to Lucifer? I like it, this is good and the plot is well-developed throughout the whole 20+ episodes. BUT, here's the BIG but. I hated, HATED, the "Adam becomes Michael's vessel so that Dean can safely say no and the plot can still go as planned" expedient. I truly hate this kind of things with a passion. First thing first, I detest writers when they introduce "disposable" characters such as Adam (and many others in the show, tbh). This is my own personal pet peeve so I can understand why other people are not as bothered by this as I am. Aside from that, as I've said before, once you introduce DESTINY in the plot you cannot have back-up plans. If you do, the whole concept is weakened and, as a refult, the plot feels cheap. We had established that Dean and Dean only could be Michael's vessel. However, SURPRISE! Adam, being his half-brother, can be a vessel, too! Yu-hoo, Apocalipse can still happen even if Dean says NO! Ma'am, please. No. It's also very sexist since it implies the father's blood is the predominant factor in this whole charade (Adam is John's Winchester third ((maybe, who really knows at this point??) son). This is a big NO for me. Since it's an intrinsic part of the plot I can't walk away from this.
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7grandmel · 1 month
Todays rip: 03/05/2024
frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume for Wii U
Rip credited to nekolvr420
Requested by cathode-glacier! @cathode-glacier (Ask Box)
Yeah, look, it's been another long day for me, the same as yesterday with The Great Weed. And though there I found lots to write about anyway despite my weariness, I'll try to keep this post short and sweet. I mean, really - everything you need to know about frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core is evident as soon as you click on the video. Althesame, it's an incredibly funny gutpunch, the kind of surprise I don't think anyone was expecting to see so deep into the channel's life - even when you think you've got the SiIvaGunner team all figured out, they find new ways to fuck with you.
That's sort of a similar sentiment that I expressed back with Sex - Steve Harvey, come to think about it? Here, of course, we don't have as much of a gutpunch of the incomprehensible - moreso a completely unpredictable hook not even part of any larger event. In the midst of all other rips uploaded that day, frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core presents itself as a Nightcore remix of the CORE theme from Undertale, or in other words - speeding up the music. The joke goes the extra mile similar to what we'd just seen this past April Fools with super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont by also changing the video's metadata - the thumbnail having a random anime girl, the "plz support teh original artists =ω=" - parts of SiIvaGunner's typical metadata template remains, but its clearly riffing on the very specific (and once very prominent!!) subculture of nightcore remix channels.
It's kind of funny how frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core sort of foreshadowed the entire bit of the aforementioned April Fools 2024 event, actually. As you've likely already noticed, the nightcore is only half the joke - its not a sped-up version of the unaltered CORE theme, but rather of a mashup/arrangement of the track set to Skrillex's Bangarang - an absolutely natural fit both for the Nightcore jokes and to CORE in general. Thus, it's a double-joke - the nightcore part immediately registers due to the increase in tempo, and then only a second later do you realize that it's not even the original CORE theme being used. The embedded MP3 link on this post is of the "daycore remix" - in other words, the version before the speed-up was applied to it - and I'd say the rip could stand perfectly strong on its own. Granted, I do think wub-wubby Skrillex music is typically very funny in rips, a sleeper favorite of Season 7 for me is still UUN4's skrillex tribute 2023, so maybe I'm biased - but althesame, I just love the idea that someone making this rip, or someone who saw it being made, thought of this absolutely absurd way to make the rip yet more memorable, and just decided to go for it.
It seems to have worked - completely unbeknownst to me, frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core inspired a half dozen rips made in the same "nightcore" vein throughout Seasons 5 and 6. So it's not exact hit the status of a "running joke", but its clearly had an influence on the channel in some small way - and I just love that, yknow? I love that complete left-field curveballs like this always seem to stick in people's minds. Like, even though they're not the most popular in terms of views, you WILL remember them just for their novelty.
In other words, here an already great rip is made all the more memorable through having an above-and-beyond bit applied to it. Why? For seemingly no significant reason other than to have fun. I can't help but respect that.
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breath-of-void · 3 months
Korra considerations
Now, hear me out: the White Lotus are not government officials. They are traitors and spies and are some of the most cunning and powerful benders the Avatar-verse has ever seen. In light of that, I would propose that there is no way that, after Korra's attempted kidnapping, that they wouldn't have taught her any subbendings they could have.
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Korra should have been an absolute tank.
Lightningbending first of all is nearly a one-hit kill against any opponent. That should have been first on their list to teach her. That and redirection given how somewhat common lightningbending is.
Next, metalbending should have been high on the priority list. Like way up there since, like lightning, not many people have a counter to it. Less than lightning, in fact.
Controversial, but I think Katara should have also given her a crash course in bloodbending. Enough so that she can break out of it just in case it crops up and with a warning that if she ever uses it for anything other than defense, Katara herself will come kick her ass.
I'll say lavabending was too high concept even for the WL and combustionbending is near suicide to learn so not those. But sandbending, glassbending and vinebending should have been in her arsenal. They would have turned her into a weapon.
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With this, we keep to the story where Korra is the most stacked avatar in history in a world that does not need her. She can body Amon no problem, but the people don't want her to. She has to win them over before she can face him with any kind of public support.
Season 2, I'd change the lore to have both Raava and Vaatu inside the Avatar and that what Unalaq did was rip Vaatu out and left Korra comatose. Her team then have to go into the spirit world to basically reboot her, but now she's only got Raava, the spirit of pure order inside her and Raava hates the idea of Republic City. To each their own and so forth and so the team has to double back and try to get Vaatu back inside Korra else she nuke the city.
Then season 3 would have the red Lotus coming to take their shot again, but get absolutely manhandled because Korra is a beast (and one of like 5 people alive who know how to fight an airbender. Zaheer isn't special). It'd be another political intrigue as they just go underground to try and take out as many world leaders as they can before Korra catches up with them.
At this point I don't even see how season 4 can happen, but I'd like to see Korra basically trying to establish a theocracy in her own little part of the world; essentially trying to hold on to relevance and still suffering from having Raava alone run rampant in her body for like half an hour that one time. Then she sees what Kuvira is doing and has an "oh shit" moment as she realizes she's the bad guy and there's no real reason for her to be trying so hard to dominate people. Something to that effect.
Korra shouldn't be losing fights!
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tmnt-tear-polls · 9 months
who are you placing your bets on?
And which do you think are the most interesting?
Oh that's a tough question
I don't have any bets. I haven't actually read everything and besides we don't know which stories are gonna be in the competition (stuff submitted by other people)
Cass apocalypse series by @somerandomdudelmao has been submitted by other people (not the creator themself) so like if they do want to participate that's a BIG candidate
Ghost in ronin's DMs and basically the whole ghost on the server au (home,ghost on the server, DMs, how to save a ghost) by @amevello-blue , @melonpalooza and then @just-a-lil-turtle-with-knives for the final has also been submitted and GOSH THAT HURTS MY SOUL
I'm currently reading post hoc by @posthocpaganda and it's hurting my soul /pos
But get emotional with everything. Just give me pure happy fluff and I'll find something to get emotional about.
But I'm not saying other stuff don't have a chance to win. If i learned ONE thing with the crossover polls was that there are sooooo many factors in who goes to the next round.
And i know the authors of some of the stuff and they hurt my soul (/pos) enough to get the winning prize
So I honestly don't have a bet
I will use this moment to tell you to definitely go read post hoc if you've watched house MD. I'm only on season one but that's enough. This is hurting my soul so much
A reminder that as the poll master I'd treat every competitor equally and that is very obvious.
Just like with the crossover polls i obviously have some favorites (wedding bells my beloved) that I would've personally made propaganda for if i wasn't the poll master.
I care about keeping things fair and equal and never want anyone to feel like i show any favoritism. Ever
These AUs i picked were only because the names caught my attention because i already know/cry over the AUs. They don't mean I'd show any favoritism and you can bet on that.
Besides the submissions are still open so yayyyy so many more AUs to cry over. And who knows maybe the winner isn't even submitted yet.
The point of this competition isn't that which story is the best or saddest. Treat is an archive with a list of AUs with loads of propaganda and excitement. The results of polls will NOT determine your story's worth. There are so many factors like popularity and community and the number of friends you've made in the fandom, if you want to go for a tie or not. And many other things. And having or not having those things are NOT a criteria of how good your work actually is.
(Def coming from someone who has an au lost on the first round of the @turtle-tot-tournament so i have the first hand experience of feeling like my au sucks because it lost even tho that's obviously not the case)
On another note. The submissions aren't that many yet (rip) and i know that's mostly on me not actually making a lot of posts about this and making sure authors/artists see it (sorry about that) but it'd be super appreciated if you submit your stuff/stuff you like or send these to people who'd be interested in it.
I know I haven't given a date for when the submissions are gonna be closed. Mostly because my life is pretty hectic at this moment and I'd like to start the competition after it's over (probably in a week or two I'll know if i got accepted to uni or not and that will determine my next 4-5 years so...)
But if you'd like to know more about the polls and talk to me directly
We have a discord server you can join
It's already an active server with the crossover polls fam. Welcoming both competitors and anyone else who just wants to vibe with us. We got movie nights and games and silly funny qotd
Annnnnd i got super off topic didn't i
Wellp i think i answered the ask a long time ago... So yeah have fun submitting
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irradiate-space · 11 months
Tuesday Typings
I came back from the North American Science Fiction Convention with so many books. Notes on costume stuff, one giant costume todo list, and recent reads/watches as well.
Books acquired recently
The Archive Undying, Emma Mieko Candon, 2023, bought
This is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, 2020, bought — finished and enjoyed
The Sng of Achilles, Madeline Miller, 2012, bought
Translation State,, Ann Leckie, 2023, bought
Francis: The People's Pope, Ted Rall, allegedly autographed, 2018, bought
The Stars Like Dust, Isaac Asimov, 1996 paperback printing, gifted
The Courier, Gerald Brandt, 2016, free pile
Alliance Rising, C. J. Cherryh and Jane S. Fancher, 2019, free pile
Foundryside, Robert Jackson Bennett, 2019 Broadway promo printing, free pile
Mica, fille de Transyl, Michèle Laframboise, 2012, free pile — I do not read the French; this is going on a gift pile for a Francophone friend
To Climb a Flat Mountain, G. David Nordley, 2009?, bought after the author gave me an answer to a worldbuilding problem
Burning Days, Glenn Grant, 2011, free
This Virtual Night, C.S. Friedman, 2021, free
To Each This World, Julie Czerneda, 2022, free and signed
The Complete Smoke Trilogy, Tanya Huff, 2019, free
She Who Became The Sun, Shelley Parker-Chan, 2021, free
All of the free books are from Pemmi-Con; half are from DAW Publishers who were really, really generous.
Recent Reading and Watching
This is How You Lose the Time War surprised me with the identity of the Seeker; mid-book I thought there might be another operative tailing them, or a Purple child, or a third side to this war. That last prediction was quite close!
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - Bande Dessinee Episode: 0 wasn't particularly thrilling, but I value it because it fills out the characters of Full Frontal and Angelo Sauper, and how the Zeonist public sees things before the initiation of the Third Neo Zeon War, aka The Laplace Incident.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars has been good through season 7; I ned to track down season 8 to see if they later appearance of Ashoka in Star Wars Rebels makes any sense.
Legend of Galactic Heroes: I have finally finished this. RIP to a legend, but we all knew that the death flag for the last person to die was waved at the end of the third season. Rubinsky's end was also fitting: reflecting of how he was no longer part of the plot, he was also no longer part of politics. His last gasp felt irrelevant, and really was.
Pacific Rim: The Black is a 3dcg film that's reminiscent of RWBY and Dragon Prince in style, but with the same Ramin Djiwadi soundtrack, and some neat twists that really delve into the fridge horror of the setting. But this is a kids' show, so there's little blood, the decapitations happen out of frame, and the heads don't roll too far. Episode 7 has a nice "it's dangerous to go alone; take this" moment.
A 2.1A powerbank is not enough to stably power a Pi 1 B+ with a 4.0" square Hyperpixel Touch display and a wireless keyboard. Big Sad. Next question is if a PiSugar 3 battery controller will work with a Pi 1 B+ or if I should splurge $75 on a Pi 4 for this device.
I'd like to have a mobile compute terminal that's smaller than a 13" laptop, but still has USB ports. Scrollwheel and a button to toggle the OSK would also be nice.
Primary nonwork laptop's keyboard continues to degrade; It's becoming a desk item. Its degradation is the primary driver of the new palmtop development.
Actually, wait, I have a spare CM4 from a StereoPi 2 device. I could use that, with a compatible breakout board maybe. Or I could test the Hyperpixel screen on the Stereopi board directly. Then I'd have a 4" touchscreen mated to a … 5" wide board? Well, it'll at least let me test some things, like whether the CM4 works for this use case. Bonus dual cameras is a questionable bonus.
KInda burnt out on crafting, tbh. Last two weeks were full of crunch before Pemmi-Con/NASFiC, which netted me a "Judge's Choice in Novice Class" award and "Best Use of Modern Tech" in the Masquerade competition.
Next up, over @glowingskull, I plan to post rundowns of the stuff I made, and maybe some shapefiles, but there's a lot of work left in this costume and I plan to redo large parts of the headgear.
Because, let's be honest, the post-con todo list for that costume is basically:
Better photographs?
Write up the project
Print off a holder for these parts, because I'm retiring them to mount on the wall
Redesign snout, again, to remove grilles and double-thicken all the parts
Resculpt temples and ears of skull
Put a visor in the eye holes
Eye-lights in visor?
Enclose head: back of skull, ventilation, neck sock
Redo the flame staff's camera monopod mount attachment point for durability (may require welding?)
Sculpt a model for the chestpiece, so it's plastic instead of foam
Sculpt a model for arm bracers
And then on top of that I also want to:
Document the Servicer outfit
Sew on a Masonic patch for the Servicer outfit
Build some DIY NVGs for use in costume projects like this one
Write up the Baba Yaga's Hut costume which won Best In Show
I think my next costume goal, after the revised Turaga Vakama, will be an Earth Federation Space Forces officer uniform, so I can give the planned "WTF is Zeon" lectures in character.
The next head goal will be a Deinonychus head with articulated jaw, which requires advancements in augmented reality. Need to get the StereoPi working, or ditch/sell it and switch to paired NVG monocles.
I think it's time for Pacific Rim soundtracks. Pacific Rim: The Black sounds somewhere between the Pacific Rim movies' soundtracks and the tense violin work from the 2009 Sherlock Holmes movie with RDJ and Jude Law, soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. Not particularly Australian, unfortunately.
Lego Stuff
Gotta merge the two submarine kits, and build the Emperor's Throne Room that I won at pinball at Pemmi-Con.
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ladybessyboo · 1 year
Brendan Hunt’s Post-Finale Reddit AMA (Part 1)
Because I have seen a lot of one-off screenshots and vagueblogging about this, but no compilation post, I figured I would compile all the canon-important questions Brendan Hunt answered in his Reddit AMA this afternoon, along with some light commentary. (If you want to look through the entire thing yourself, you can find it here:)
Let’s start with a big clarification a lot of people asked for and he answered twice: was the end montage a dream?
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Tl;dr according to the writers, none of it was a dream. (Also RIP that book list, I’ve been curious about this before and tried to pull a full list from screenshots but I think we only see 3-4 of the books 😩)
On Beard & Jane.
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So this is all very… YIKES 😬😬😬 (Except for the bit about Roy & Keeley, which honestly mostly feels like a non-answer other than “Roy needs to go to therapy” which: lol no kidding.)
On Ted & Rebecca.
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Although I don't particularly ship Ted & Rebecca (tho I'm not against it either, I'm neutral in that ship war!) I understand why y'all are mad about these answers. The last one in particular feels like a retcon-y denial of some deliberate writing choices they made, whether or not they ever seriously considered having them actually end up together.
On Ted's Ending.
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As someone whose largest problem with the finale (aside from the glaring Beard & Jane Of It All) can be summarized as "Major Issues With Ted's Everything," I'm gonna go ahead and chalk this up to just a major writing fumble, essentially. If people are asking this many questions about it, you needed to spell more of this out onscreen. Half of these questions could've been answered by having Ted actually have a real conversation with Rebecca in the stands instead of fucking SILENCE.
On Ted & Beard.
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I mean, other than the drugs question (which is a very valid answer)...I guess?? Feels unsatisfyingly realistic to Actual Adulthood to me, personally, but sure, I guess.
On Dr. Jacob.
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I am nothing but a disabled paralegal with Google, and it took me less than five minutes to locate KAR 102-5-12. Unprofessional conduct for Marriage & Family Therapists in Kansas:
(26) making sexual advances toward, engaging in physical intimacies or sexual activities with, or exercising undue influence over any person who, within the past 24 months, has been one's client; (27) exercising undue influence over any client, student, or supervisee, including promoting sales of services or goods, in a manner that will exploit the client, student, or supervisee for the financial gain, personal gratification, or advantage of oneself or a third party;
(All emphasis mine.) So... we'll fall back on that "suspension of disbelief" for fiction, I guess?? Because he clearly violated (26) with Michelle and (27) with Ted.
On Roy, Keeley, & Jamie.
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That fight and Roy doing "work on himself" absolutely could have happened earlier in the season, but... sure! I guess! (If I'm being charitable, I might say that he misunderstood the poly triad question since the OP worded it as a "triangle relationship" rather than actually using the words "polyamory" or "non-monogamy" but. He very well may have understood but just ignored that part of it! Who knows.)
1000% everyone should support the writers strike though, obvs.
(Continued in Part 2 since this is so fuckin long!)
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robbierants · 19 days
Todays Rant: Transgender Representation In Modern Anime
Hello Yall! I was reading fanfics pn A03 and that got me thinking about modern representation in anime of Transgender, Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual people. Specifically Trans Rep.
Alright, so I did some research on what everybody else thinks about this topic. A lot of people who were not trans thought that representation in anime was complete bullshit. As a person who identifys under the trans umbrella, I've actually been quite pleased by my representation in media. Everyone knows about Ouran High School Host Club, the story of Haruhi, who goes to a high school for the rich and bored. They (I see them as nonbinary) makes friends and explores their identity, and everyone looks like they were drawn in Ibis Paint, I found the anime amazing and have seen it many times (ive read the manga 5 times in. Row man) . If you want an intro into LGBT in anime though, this is your go to.
Now if we want to talk about something very cerebral and powerful, Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji's Ciel Phantomhive is our guy. I see him personally as nonbinary (He/they respective)
Alot of people see his romp through gender in the first few episodes as a reflection of drag, or an excuse for man-in-drag humor. Well, there's a lot more to it than that. When I was coming out to myself, I was incredibly transphobic (being raised by catholic parents also doesny help) to myself, saying that "I can't be anything but a girl. It's not allowed". This mindset kept me from my own truth, up until a few months ago.
Ciel is very opposed to many things he defines as feminine and un-manly. When he has to infiltrate the party of a perverted count (I love his design tho!) he dresses in a frilly dress and pigtails. We can see how uncomfortable with it he is at first, squirming and complaining. Later in the series however, he comes to embrace parts of it. He wears clothes that could be considered androgynous, embraces a feminine side, and becomes quite the diva (I love Ciel Guys)
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I like to think of the first season as a reflection of Ciel's mental state. He lives the first couple episodes blissfully, as a Cisgender male. In episode 4, he "dons an evening gown", and allows the possibility of this other sex.
I remember doing this very briefly when I was 10 with a suit. To be perfectly honest? It freaked me the fuck out. I was terrified of being who I was, so I ripped the idea from my mind. This is exactly what happens to Ciel. The only difference is that when I thought I might be man, I wasn't almost sold on the black market like Ciel.
Later in the season Ciel allows the possibility again, through subtle remarks at his butler, servants, and peers. He realizes that there are deeper levels to his psyche, and without spoiling anything, he confronts his traumatic past in a number of ways. One major piece of evidence is when the theme song changes midseason. Originally, the opening lines of the song say, "The monochrome blows Through our colorless encounter. I shall entrust each of my pains to you." Later in the series, the opening lines change to, "Since then, I've actually come to like the night. In a sea of dependence I forgot even to breath." If that doesn't convince you, nothing will. Ciel is nonbinary (He/They) who likes to wear femanine clothing some times. Don't @ me
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Another awesome example of a Trans female in anime is Chihiro Fujisaki of the Danganronpa franchise. This is a slightly more to the point story of Transgender psychology. Chihiro Fujisaki is one of the many students trapped in the hellish prison school of Hope's Peak. Chihiro is "the ultimate programmer", having created game changing software and programs. Chihiro is also biologically male. We don't know this until she turns up dead, and the only reasonable cause of this was someone in the Boy's locker room murdered her. Chihiro got into the locker room using her birth sex as an excuse.
Chihiro is also known for being very socially awkward, depressed, and kind. These are all characteristics very common of teenage Trans females. I know a couple of my trans femme friends fall under these categories. Chihiro is a perfect example of a passable Trans woman flying perfectly under the radar until being looked into further. If you knew how many Trans people would kill for this, you'd realize how truly rare Chihiro is as a character.
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Chihiro notably built herself what is known in the programming world as a "Construct".
For those of you unaware, a construct is a direct copy of the users brain, rewritten via computer code. "Alter Ego", as she is called, is a version of Chihiro built to protect and inform the other students.
Now, if only I had an artificial intelligence to answer peoples stupid questions about being Trans!
Of course, on the subject of Trans anime, there's enough transmisogyny to go around. Let me show you some iconic anime clips you may not have known were transphobic;
Naruto's "Sexy Transformation"? Transphobic
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Ouran High School Host Club's Over-explanatory Lines? Transphobic.
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Black Butler's Pronoun Butchering of Grell? Transphobic.
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I hope this has informed you on the potential of Trans people in anime. I highly suggest you check out shows like Black Butler, Ouran Host Club, and Danganronpa.
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
IT/TUA Crossover
Okay I've been bouncing this idea around in my head for a while and I want to share my thoughts. I also kinda want to write this into a oneshot but we will see. Also this is only a crossover in the sense that the Losers are in the place of the TUA fam. So like what would happen if the Losers were the ones born with the marigold and adopted by Reginal Hargreeves. I mean....both TUA and IT have seven main characters so how could I not try to merge the two?
Anyways moving on to who get's what marigold (powers) and I have some maybe controversial opinions
I'm not basing this on the TUA character's personalities, just their powers btw
AAAA also for those not familiar with TUA, the numbers don't really matter, like just because someone is "Number 1" doesn't necessarily make them the leader
Number 1 with the power of strength should be Mike and my reasoning for this is because Mike has a strong heart and he would love his adopted siblings (the Losers) and would use his strength to protect them- also Mike staying at the academy the longest, hoping his family would come back
Number 2 who's power is uhhhh how do you word that? Super Aim? Basically he never misses AND he can stop something in motion in it's tracks, like bullets fired from a gun- Anywho I think this should be Ben. I feel bad bc this is my least favorite power (but I LOVE Deigo) but I like the idea of Ben being a knife guy, it's outta pocket and no one would expect it
Number 3- Mind control- Miss little "I heard a rumor" is definitely Bev. I don't have to say much about this, but Bev using her rumor power to get ahead and be one of the most successful people in Hollywood- not that she needs much help. But also like how Luther and Allison have that weird relationship, her and Ben would have that too
Number 4, the power to commune with the dead and *Spoilers for TUA season 3* the power to come back to life after dying. This is where I get a little controversial but hear me out...I feel like this should be Bill. Unlike his TUA counterpart Klaus, Bill would channel his fear of ghosts into writing and he becomes a bestselling authors selling stories that the ghosts tell him. In an interview he gets asked how he comes up with these ideas and he just shrugs "They just come to me" and meanwhile the ghost who told him the story is yelling at him. I do think that LIKE Klaus he would distance himself from his family
Number 5 who can teleport and time travel is obviously Stan. Stan is literally an 85 year old man in a 13 year olds body. Stan is already a little unhinged but getting lost in time, seeing THREE apocalypses and constantly trying to save his hairbrained family. Five in TUA IS Stan. An old soul who loves his family but also wants to murder them because they somehow keep causing the world to end. Also Stan would be so mad at himself that he hasn't mastered time travel since teleporting came so naturally to him
Number 6, the ability to summon tentacles out of his chest is Richie. Which also means Richie is dead. RIP. He's dead for everyone else but Bill can NOT get rid of him. Remember Bill talks to the dead? Richie would be following him around and aggravating Bill every chance he gets. Bill acts annoyed but he is happy he gets to talk to his technically dead brother while the rest of his adopted siblings had to mourn him. Just imagine all of the BICHIE friendship moments I could write if I wrote this ship. Richie would make so many dead jokes
Number 7, the power to turn sound waves into energy is Eddie. Poor Eddie who was constantly told he didn't have any powers bc Reggie was terrified of them. Jokes on Reggie. Eddie ended the world. Twice. And he's the strongest one of the bunch. I feel like that would be a strong character moment for him
I want write parts of this AU, I love it. Who knows if I'll ever find the time. Also yes ik there's spelling/grammar errors. I am tired
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 years
Kit, i miss the boys so much today, so maybe your 5 buddie predictions for season 6?
Anon, wouldn't you know, I am also missing the boys today. Idk if my predictions can be isolated from my wishes/wants/desires so we'll consider all of it the same.
1. ✨BUDDIE HUG✨—i mean hello????? It's been like *rips calendar off the wall* 84 years since these boys last wrapped their arms around each other. I can feel this one it's def happening, and that shit better be tender as fuck, better bring a tear to my eye, better make me believe in love again.
2. Conversation about the will — some people think this is a talk that is not going to happen, but I have faith, and I don't see how it doesn't come up again! I think it's a high-impact emotional bullet in their gun for a future scene. I'm waiting.
3. Family trip— all this teasing about Buck taking Chris to the zoo all the freaking time, SHOW US YOU COWARDS! I think we're getting Buckley-Diaz family trip and it's gonna be wholesome as FUCK and there WILL be some photo booth action.
4. Roommates Era—idk I just feel like they need to make it happen already. Literally give me the flimsiest excuse idc. Gas leak, a tree blew through Buck's window, his tub fell through the floor. The details are inconsequential we're all about endgame here (buddie roommates).
5. Bottle Episode—my greatest desire, actually, is a bottle episode mainly featuring just the two of them in some way, where they're forced to hash out everything and put it all on the table, one of those relationship-defining episodes that you can't come back from. Mmmm and make it angsty.
Will these happen? Who's to say. Everything with them is up in the air and unknown and uncertain and that is just the way I like it <3
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twpsyn-who · 1 year
I was daydreaming while walking towards work and my mind went "brrrr Stiles doing the fancy jump through time Five does that gets him stuck in an Apocalyptic Future" and yk my mind went straight to Teen Wolf but is TUA. And obvious Stiles is Five because yk
× Too defiant to listen to adults
× No one listens to his shits and/or blames him for everything when all he wants is to fix shit
× Could see him become some serial killer to protect his loved ones so yk it does check.
And after that my mind went like… what next? Scott. 100% Scott. I don't know what number is he, but he's dating the handler daughter at some point aka Allison (and the handler is Kate because fuck that bitch. Rip the rest of the Argents tho). And Lydia. And yeah number 3 Lydia? Heard a Rumor Lydia? Yeah, yeah, I can see it. BUT number 7 Lydia???? A work of art. Wonderful. Splendid. But she doesn't use her violin, she screams- because she's an opera singer. I could also see her trashing everyone in a book cuz she's that petty. But also Number 5 & Viktor friendship 🤝🏻 Stiles & Lydia friendship
AND KIRA. She's number 2, but likes using that katana of hers God knows why. Or she finds that katana in the 60'. I don't know. But that makes Scott number 1, which also checks out.
While thinking of number 3, I came to the conclusion that it would be Jackson only because his character is rich coded enough to make it work. Also he totally says "I heard a rumor you punched yourself in the face" during an argument with someone, then proceeds to laugh his ass off. He's a jerk.
With no question my mind assigned Danny as number 6, because if they can kill the Asian guy then I can kill the Hawaiian guy and not get canceled. But that leaves me with no number 4. Who's number 4?
It can't be the Hales, because I'm making them all members of season 3 Sparrow team. Yeah, that's right bitches. Laura and Cora and Derek and Peter (because he's their brother here ups.) and Malia. Peter is number 1, only because he gives the vibes & I wanna see him get threatened by Lydia then find the thingy in the basement and go poof. No hate on the guy tho. But it would be funny.
At first I wanted Liam to be number 4, team him up with Cora (number 6) but, like, keep his power the wolf shift cuz I don't like Alphonso's power in the show (is not even about how he looks, I just find it stupid) BUT that would make Derek the floating cube with anger issues- and while it would work, I came to the conclusion that Liam should be the floating cube and hit people in the head when he's angry. Which is a lot. We love a King with Anger Issues. So Derek's number 4, his power is the wolf shift, and he's besties with Cora aka number 6. Wonderful. 
Laura is number 5 because she deserves nice things. Malia is number 3 because she's a badass and can kick your ass without seeing. Which is cool. But also if anyone wanna keep the whole Sparrow/Umbrella ship going on, they can do it with Stiles and any other goddamn Hale. You're welcome.
So, conclusion : Number 1 Scott / Peter
Number 2 Kira / Danny
Number 3 Jackson / Malia
Number 4 ?? / Derek
Number 5 Stiles / Laura
Number 6 Danny / Cora
Number 7 Lydia / Liam
And while writing this my mind remembered Issac existed SO. My boy is number 4 by the process of elimination (but it works, so #strughs)
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flamingbluepanda · 11 months
Cam watches Shameless UK (so you don't have to)
Oh yeah it's happening. There's 11 seasons. 10 episodes each. Gonna tag them all with CWSUK so if you're not interested blacklist that.
I'm also gonna do some tldr stats because these are gonna get long every time I think and I doubt people will want to read all my ramblings.
Similarity to shameless US: 97%
Did we see Mickey in this episode? No
McAvoy count: 5
Who was the main Gallagher this episode? Fiona
Who was MY favorite character this episode? Liam
Frank speeches: 2
Anyway, ONWARD!
Season 1 Episode 1
They warn you so many times about the mature content on channel 4 lmao
They keep Carl bald so his hair doesnt stand on end. He looks like a demon sorry Carl.
I wouldn't trust this version of Ian with a single thing.
You need subtitles with this show. Need em.
I've heard that a lot of the plot is the same, but we're starting strong with Karen Jackson lmao
Oh Veronica is here!!! Can't wait to see her
Vee is blonde. And white. Liam is also white. This is like a fascinating science experiment
I love this version of jimmy Steve more than American jimmy Steve
Okay I still don't trust this version of Ian but he has HUGE eyes
Awww no okay he's just a beby I trust him I take it back baby I'm sorry he's crying lip look what you did
Carl STILL looks like a demon
No Kevin yet .....
There's Kev!! He has a gold chain and short hair.
Instead of the infamous fridge calender, they have a big ole pinboard.
Oh damn jimmy Steve is a smooth talker
I was gonna make a joke about all those graphic scene warnings being just for kissing but then they cut to the sezys
LIL BABEY LIAM IS REALLY CUTE and he told Jimmy Steve to go away as his first line. Im obsessed with him favorite character.
Lmao all her siblings watching jimmy Steve get in his car and judging
Hi Frank. You scare me more than William Macy does.
I appreciate channel 4 using different subtitle colors for different characters talking. Makes it easy to track whos talking and I love it
There has been no k*sh so far and I am hoping and praying he never shows up
At least lip told Ian he was taking him to see Karen in this version.
rip Ian he looks so unhappy.
Everyone is so freckled in this show.
"HES GONNA KILL HIM!" *Music pauses, thump* "he's killed him 0-0" Karen sounds horrified
Okay I'm coming around to Ian and lip they're such dumbasses.
Other than his infamous opening speech Frank hasn't spoken yet
Apparently instead of clowns Eddie Jackson collects owls
Ugh noooooo please no kash nooooooooooooooooooo please just let him be a dick don't make them fuck pleaseeeeee
Frank STiLL hasn't talked and it's creepy as shit
Nvm he talked
I miss joan cusack
Ugh nooooo dammit where's Mickey do I have to wait I'll episode 3 to see him
At least Ian's not doing army shit ig
Debbie has had a single line telling Liam to go to bed.
Okay seriously jimmy Steve needs to stop winning my heart when I know he's gonna be a turd again.
Nvm Debbies had two lines
Three lines for Debbie!!
They show us a lil snippy of bloopers after the credits lmao.
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potatoes-are-magic · 1 year
Tacos de Lengua
One of my favorites, and yet so hard to find since I left California. So, I learned to make my own! Lengua, for those who don't know, is beef tongue.
Tongue is one of my favorite cuts of meat. It's aromatic. It's tender and juicy. Some people think it has a bit of a spongy texture, but I love it. If you can get a hold of it, I recommend at least giving it a try.
Tongue also requires a long cook over low heat. The first time I tried making this, I did the traditional "boil it in a pot for 3 hours" and it did not work. But if you can put it in a slow cooker, it comes out beautifully, so let's go!
Ingredients (for the tongue):
1 beef tongue, usually 3-4 pounds
1 onion, roughly chopped
5-7 (or more) garlic cloves, smashed
Oregano, fresh sprigs or dried
black peppercorns
1-2 bay leaves
salt, uh... maybe a couple teaspoons? a small pile in your palm
4-7 Juniper berries, smashed (optional)
water to cover
Ingredients (for the tacos)
corn tortillas
maybe some taco seasoning
cooking fat of your choice
your preferred taco toppings, traditionally served topped with diced onions, cilantro and a squeeze of fresh lime
Take all your ingredients, and throw them in a slow cooker. We believe in seasoning in this house!
Cover your tongue and aromatics in enough water to cover. If your slow cooker is on the smaller side like mine, fill it about 3/4 full, and we'll flip the tongue later
Cook on low for 8 hours. If your slow cooker was small, flip the tongue over at about the 6 hour mark
Once the tongue is fully cooked, pull it out and onto a cutting board. Let it cool for a few minutes, and, while still warm, skin the tongue! The outer skin has likely already started to crack and pull apart, so grab it and start ripping it off. It should come off very easily.
Now, cut your tongue up into slices about 1/2 inch thick. The bottom, rough area of the tongue where it attached in the mouth, can either be cut off or trimmed and used.
Heat up a pan with the cooking fat of your choice (I used lard for this step) and fry up the slices of tongue with some salt, pepper and whatever other seasonings you'd like to use. You're looking to give up some nice browning crisp edges
Once it's all fried up, cut it into cubes. It's now ready for your tacos
To Make the Tacos:
Take your corn tortillas and warm them up for a few seconds on each side in a dry pan. This makes them a lot more pliable and stops them from cracking. I suppose you could heat them up in a microwave instead, but I don't have one
Top your tortillas with the lengua
Top with whatever other toppings you like
Chow down on some tasty tacos!
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beevean · 1 year
Fuck it. Proship ask meme. All of them.
Man 😂 ripping off the bandaid, huh
I answered 9 and 15 here, and 10, 11, 12 and 14 here.
1.) What is your favorite problematic theme/trope that appears in a lot of your ships?
Age gap and power imbalance abuse :) the power imbalance creates interesting dynamics and conflicts, and the age gap... well it's just sexy :P
2.) Are there any problematic tropes that squick you out?
Incest, especially if depicted as wholesome or hot. This kind of alienates me from the proship community because incest is super popular (obviously, this is where the shippers flock) and I'm here like, good for you, but no thank you get it out of my sight 😂
3.) First problematic ship since you joined the proship community?
Sonegg? I don't consider myself a member of the proship community, but it was my very first "what is wrong with me" ship lol
4.) First ever problematic ship? (you didn't have to know it was problematic then)
See above. I knew it was "wrong", but hey, I've always been a weirdo.
5.) Ship you don't think it all that problematic, but the rest of your fandom hates?
... see above 😂 Sonegg is super tame compared to some of the other stuff I'm into, and I don't even feel the age gap in their case.
Oh, and Baroryuu, of course. I mean, it has some problematic aspects (Barok's very offensive comments towards Ryuu for a good chunk of his screentime), but I still think the character development of the two is strong enough to make them cute by the end.
6.) Cutest, most vanilla ship you are into.
Sonamy. They're adorable, and that's all they need to be. Even if I disagree with some of the popular takes :P Knuxamy to a lesser extent, I don't know if people have a problem with it... if only because it's a rarepair fhdufhdskj. but they cute too. power duo :D
And of course, Hectaly, who are 100% canon and wholesome and 💖
7.) Ship the antis in your fandom like, but you think is hella problematic?
uhhhhhh well I have many fandoms. I haven't bitched about fan-favorite Lapidot in years, so I might as well now: I relate too much with Peridot having to bend herself backwards to not upset Lapis, only to see herself abandoned by her best friend in a traumatic way, to think of them as wholesome when Lapis didn't even apologize for fleeing like she did.
8.) Ship that is (presented as) cute in canon/fanon, but you think is problematic anyway.
Lenector, as I have extensively explained by now :) and Lapidot as above. Catradora too, even if I'm not super into She-Ra - Catra's abuse of Adora is too extensive to be brushed aside in the last season alone.
13.) Rec a dead dove fic!
I mentioned a dark Lenector fic in the second ask I linked. Here it is <3 It's Hector suffering from severe PTSD and disassociation as Lenore keeps using him as a sex slave. This is the stuff I love, a mind scarred by trauma, even if the ending is not what I hoped for. (also "evil Lenore"? please this is her canon behavior)
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