#also tacked on
robitherat · 2 years
i said as much in an end note for a chapter in "tell me what you see," but i once admitted myself to a psychiatric hospital after a major depressive episode and stayed there for several days (this was years ago and i'm fine now). there was a separate children's wing at the hospital for inpatient and outpatient kids. we never saw the kids, but one day, in the little courtyard where we'd get to take breaks and do outdoor activities, a saw the words "i don't trust anybody" written in chalk on the sidewalk in a child's scrawl. that has always stayed with me and probably always will. it haunts me; it broke my heart.
and then after watching "marble hornets" and hearing about tim's time in the hospital and reading the forms more carefully and figuring out just how young he was when admitted, that "i don't trust anybody" in chalk came back to me. and i'm just like, "tim 100% would write that on the sidewalk at his hospital."
God honestly reading that part in your fic broke me, then reading that is was based on real events broke me all over again. I've thankfully never had an experience in a psych hospital (came close in 8th grade a couple times, but, yknow, 8th grade) but ive got some friends who have, and honestly I can't even begin to imagine the kinds of things those kids must face. I mean, hearing the stories about it is heart wrenching enough, but then you get things like that chalk message and it's like. Fuck. These are real kids. There are real kids out here that feel like they have no one and it fucking breaks me.
This is obviously a bit off topic from mh, but shit man. Just from an outsiders' perspective, and as someone who's dealt with severe mental illness and episodes and similar shit to an admittedly lesser degree, the fact that Troy, Joseph, and Tim were able to so accurately portray those types of issues without even necessarily meaning to when so many other storytellers fall short when thats what they set out to do is just. It's phenomenal to me. I mean obviously I can't speak for everyone and I definitely cant speak on some of the specific issues shown (or implied) in mh, but it seriously impresses me, and I think it says a lot that so many people with things like schizophrenia, DID, and the like are drawn to the series and specifically Tim's character. Like, I know Tim Sutton didn't sit down and say "I'm portraying a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder" but fuck if he doesn't show it. Like, theyre all just such talented actors and storytellers and the subtleties in the characters and their sheer relatability show that.
Just. This fucking show, man
(on a related note, please please please please please go read kit's fic Tell me what you see because it owns me. like a little purse dog does it own me.)
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zytes · 7 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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lylahammar · 8 months
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Zorella, the centaur pop queen ✨
Thank you to everyone who helped me by voting on her final design in the poll from last week! I'm so so so happy with how she turned out 🥰
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redysetdare · 6 months
I think queer stories would be better if people stopped assuming that queer representation hinges on if two characters are romantically involved at all. Like the moment you accept characters as being queer without needing romance to prove said queerness then i think we'd find ourselves with a lot more unique, nuanced, and interesting queer stories. but by limiting queerness to only romance you are stifling queer stories.
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feedingicetothedog · 29 days
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thinking a lot about this excerpt from the vampire companion after ep 3
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ray-kitty · 4 months
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one in every one karkats suffer from RBF . sad. donate today.
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divorcedfiddleford · 5 months
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leave the door ajar
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chalkrub · 3 months
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challenging myself by engaging in the ancient art known as "dynamic poses", but making it harder on myself by ignoring the noble practice of "using references"
featuring belvedere and florawell
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meyerlansky · 1 month
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#hboww2rewatch timestamp roulette: MASTERS OF THE AIR, PART THREE ↳ what the hell is a "reserve command pilot"?
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newvegascowboy · 2 months
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mount with typical legion tack
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chickenoptyrx · 7 months
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I have moved from 'wanna draw gators.' to 'wanna draw the crusher corps guys.' ...using templates that were popular like 5+ years ago :D also gohans there cause I needed another guy ┐(‘~` )┌
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Emily: "You know what? You're right, Sera- it IS super important that the BEST angel in heaven did what she had to do for the sake of others, no matter the cost to herself."
Sera: "Thank you, Emily. I-"
Emily: "An example to us all, honestly. A good reminder of what it's actually supposed to mean to be even be an angel."
Sera: "I try my best-"
Emily: "Pity we scarred her and abandoned her in hell."
Sera: "...."
Emily: "...."
Emily: "Charlie invited me down there for dinner with them, by the way."
Sera: "You will not be going-"
Emily: "Without a housewarming gift for their rebuilt hotel? That WE destroyed? Of course I won't, Sera, don't be silly."
Sera: "Emily, for heaven's sake-"
Emily: "I was thinking about that! To help smooth things over after we attacked hell, it might be nice to bring something personal. A framed formal apology, maybe. For Vaggie. Specifically."
Sera: "Adam and Lute handled that situation without consulting me."
Emily: "Oh no, I meant an apology for sending them to try killing her, her girlfriend, and their friends... but now you mention it- putting people like Adam and Lute in charge of her in the first place? That's probably good 'I'm sorry Vaggie' material too."
Sera: "Necessary actions do not require an apology."
Emily: "True. This is more of a groveling situation, isn't it?"
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siren-of-agony · 5 months
Answers to "please stop"
I can't.
I won't.
I don't want to.
I don't know how.
I will soon.
But then how will you learn?
We're almost done.
It's almost over.
Ask me again!
Oh well, if you're asking that politely…
Fine. For now.
Only once I've come up with something more fun.
Only once you've come up with something more fun.
Or what?
I know you can go a little bit longer.
You know I won't.
I love it when you beg.
I hate it when you beg.
I'm so bored by your begging.
Not until you're too weak to ask me to.
But I don't have anything better to do.
I wish I could.
Alright! See? All you had to do was ask nicely.
I'm not doing anything.
What, exactly?
Just once more, I promise!
Just once more, I promise! (🤞)
You're doing this to yourself.
You wanted this.
You want this.
You know you made me do this.
Are you ready to give me what I want, then?
I will once you give in.
What will you give me in return?
Why should I?
You know there is only one way to end this.
You know there is only one way this will end.
(Answers to "it hurts")
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ganondoodle · 7 months
so guess what they released more interviews and i think given what a writing shitshow totk was and what they have been saying in all these interviews is actually painting a really bad picture; i dont have the time, nor the energy to go over every detail
but they were commenting on people wanting the more linear format back and aonuma himself basically said that he thinks people who feel like that do so only bc of nostalgia and "Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?"
what .. the fuck, more freedom DOESNT automatically mean better??? like ... restriction can be a GOOD thing just as tooo much freedom can be BAD?? like in totk??? are you fukcing shitting me- what the hell are games even for then, has he had an awakening to the fact that he actually just loves sandbox games without realizing it???? im not playing fucking zelda for a sandbox, especially not when its advertised as a somethign else
its pretty clear that they want to keep this format going with everything they say there, ... maybe it really is over huh
also i hate how they kept talking around answering anything about story/lore; they go asked how ganondorf even connects to ganon since theres nothign about it in game, and all they got out was welllll we dont wanna say anything bc its up to the player; about every question you got the answer of "make somethign up yourself" which is just ... its really clear they dont actually care but dont want to say everything is meaningless actually, so they try to be vague about it and with doing that really just confirm they didnt think about it and they dont care- so no lore actually matters, nothing thats been said or established has any meaning bc they will get rid of it the second it crosses paths with their new -more freedom equals better- philosophy, they say its bc they want you to be "free" to think up anything but apparently dont realize that when there are no rules, no consistent lore or anything that it ROBS it, it stops having meaning, its fun to connect dots only when there are rules you need to work with and dots to connect in the first place, when you have an established world with its restrictions it drives you to think more creatively about things- but when there are no rules?? its fucking boring!! thats what it is!!
when you discard all rules i wont care to get invested into anything bc i know it will not be considered again, be done away with without any reason and wont have influence on coming or previous games ... bc there are no rules, anything is possible and everything can be changed any second, so nothing matters
(they also talked about the many viral videos of those very few dedicated people that make godzilla mechs in totk and how happy they are about that- i get that to some extent, but the way they kept talkign about it really just felt like it confirmed my suspicion that that whole mechanic was mainly implemented to let people do that since that gets shared around en masse making it seem like that is why people enjoy it while neither the game nor the narrative are build around it in any way ..)
it just makes all the time i spend thinking, feeling and theorizing about zelda like a true waste of time, bc nothing matters and there are no rules-
i am someone who greatly enjoys working with and around established lore/rules, its fun to me to recontextulize things by being smart or creative with it all without breaking anything or as little as possible of the established things!
if i wanted to do just do anything i want I COULD HAVE ALREADY DONE THAT bc theres nothing actually stopping anyone to just make up what they want! i DONT need canon to lose all rules for that??!!
maybe ill have to make myself believe the franchise ended with botw on a good note ... ono
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biracy · 11 months
While of course "yo Mr. White I just bought my first binder. bitchhhh"posting is "inaccurate" to the content of Breaking Bad (I put "inaccurate" in quotes because it's obviously inaccurate, it's intentionally inaccurate, the disconnect between the content of "I need a penny for the souvenir penny presser yo" posts and the show is literally the joke), I don't find "Tumblrinas when Walt and Jesse KILL PEOPLE instead of BEING TRANS (CRINGE, NO MEDIA LITERACY)" posts to be really accurate representations of the fine nuances of the show either (and they're usually posted without the same level of self-awareness)
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columboscreens · 7 months
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