#also that sanji is a version of him from a game where he has that fit (iwhtout the hat but im lazy so have it anyways ig)
vongulli · 1 year
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one peese...!!!
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
I've got a crackship for ya I've gotten super attached to
Ichiji/Koby (Ichiby!)
A cold-hearted killer and the kid who stepped in front of AKAINU because he couldn't stand the fighting anymore
A soft boy who joins the Marines because he wants to keep people safe, and a soldier born into this life to fight for dominance and dominance alone
They could not be any more different and YET,, they've both lived through the horrors of war and their lives were both touched by the straw hats in some way. If anyone could melt Ichiji's frozen heart, it'd be someone who understood, but still knew kindness.
Imagine them meeting on a battlefield. A revolution the Marines are intervening in stopping, and that Germa was hired to fight for, perhaps. They encounter each other, both separated from their groups, and start to fight, but an explosion leaves them trapped somewhere. Maybe a collapsed building, or underground somewhere, and there's no point in fighting until they escape. Leaving them plenty of time to get to know each other.
Also: they're pink and red. They match.
That's so fucking cute. OML okay. Should be good we call it 'ichiby'
For some reason Ichiji and Koby have separated from their battalions and are fighting in the basement of the headquarters of the rebellion because Koby was trying to be sneaky or something and then found the Red Vinsmoke and Koby has heard the rumors so he keeps his distance from the guy and dodging the lasers from his eyes. Neither of them want to play this game exactly but here they are. Then the building collapses above them and they have no way until further notice. They're stuck. Together.
Koby is looking at him when Ichiji asks what he wants and he asks if he knows Sanji because he's on his friend Luffy's crew and Ichiji blinks at him and says not anymore.
Koby says that's dumb, just because he's changed just means you know a new version of them, but they're still them. Ichiji shrugs and says that's not exactly how disownment works and that they're dead to each other. That's all there is to it. Koby laughs and says Luffy would call that dumb and Ichiji says if he runs into his brother again it will be a fight to the death based on their agreement with the Strawhat crew. Koby blinks at him and asks how they could fuck up that bad and Ichiji just stares at the audacity of this kid. He's a prince goddammit, and a deadly one at that! This pinkhaired marine brat thinks he has the right to question him? Him?! But then Koby just continues on that Luffy didn't even kill anyone at Marineford, he doesn't kill people generally or promise to so for Luffy to do that means something bad happened and Ichiji sighs.
Ichiji explains that he's coming to terms with a lot of things that are brand new to him. He's never felt anything until recently and he's figuring out what a lot of things are outside of what he's been raised with. Koby is just stares at him and asks if it's like the Sora: Warrior of the Sea comics and Ichiji sighs and asks if he's a fanboy and Koby says no, just that Germa in the comic is really fucked up and so is the king. Ichiji says it's not far from the truth and asks Koby about himself. So Koby talks about Alvida and Luffy getting him out and helping him enlist in the marines and everything. Shit's wild to Ichiji as Koby goes on about Luffy and serving in the marines and Marineford and how he thought he would go to prison but didn't.
Koby says Luffy taught him to be brave and that it's important to go after dreams because if he hadn't met Luffy he doesn't know where he would be, what he would be doing but he can't imagine doing anything else either. Ichiji says he doesn't have a dream to go after, let alone deserves one and asks what the hell is up with Luffy's dream. Koby laughing and smiling does something to Ichiji he's never really experienced before because it's not like when he sees a hot woman or something, this is like his chest has butterflies in it and he's having a heart attack at the look on this marine's face.
"Well, Luffy wants to be free, and what's freer than the King of the Pirates, but he also wants his crew to find their dreams and they're all interconnected in a way. If you think about it, my dream and his aren't all that different. I want to protect people, to give out justice that is deserved, that's why I spoke out at Marineford." Koby smiles brightly at him.
"Do, do you know Sanji's dream?" Ichiji asks more subdued.
"Huh? I think it's finding that mythical ocean, the All Blue?" Koby questions himself. "But you should probably focus on figuring out what you want first. You can start with something small, like a new food you've never had or something you've never done." Koby laughs and Ichiji is just staring at him.
"I want to take you on a date." Ichiji says without thinking and Koby blinks at him.
"Want me to tell you 'no' so you can experience rejection?" Koby grins at him.
"Only if you mean it." Ichiji grins back as the butterflies grow more intense in his chest.
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cal-writes · 7 months
it got to long on the other post so some more zoro being fired from first mate
Zoro glares at their innocuous little chore board as if he wishes to set it ablaze. The tension that has strung up his spine in that argument with Luffy still persists so Robin approaches carefully. He stands with his arms crossed, leaning back against the kitchen table.
"Any suggestions?" She asks nonchalantly, making sure her steps fall heavy. She joins him by the table to try and discern what he sees that makes him look so cross. Robin had volunteered to try her hand at assigning chores, considering she had the most freetime of anyone aboard besides perhaps their captain.
Zoro lets out an unhappy breath. "It's fine." He says in a way that makes her jaw ache with sympathy.
"Please. I am new to this, I'd be happy for any guidance." Robin tells him. In truth she wasn't even exaggerating. Back as a child chores had been assigned to her, so the concept made her a little uncomfortable from the onset, and during the most of her life she had been alone under nobody's guidance but her own. As Crocodile's right hand such trivial matters had been taken care for her and the revolutionary army had been full of people taking initiative by themselves. On board with their motley crew, she had known to appreciate the chore board. It was a quaint wooden board with nails and plaques with their names so they could be hung at the individual tasks for the week. The original one had been made of paper, hastily added to by Usopp as they had gained more members. Franky had installed a more permanent version with the Sunny.
Zoro appears to be embroiled in a battle with himself as she muses but she knew to wait for him. This wasn't an easy situation for any of them and if Robin was honest, she would very much like Zoro to return to his old duties. Not only for the selfish reason that everything ran more smoothly before but also because Zoro thrived at it.
It was amusing in hindsight. When they had met, Robin would have never guessed him to be so… Caring? Perhaps motherly applied more. Motivated?
Zoro, she had come to know, applied himself to everything he did, be it swordsmanship or something as trivial as a game. She wonders where he would have put his duties as their acting first mate on that gradient.
"Chopper's afraid of the washing machine Franky installed and he's better at inventory anyway." Zoro finally says and Robin listens intently. "Can't have Sanji, Brook or Franky on it because they'll be weird about it." He says with exasperation and a roll of his eye. "Luffy won't really do anything besides fishing if he's not supervised. And cleaning the deck needs more people if it's not you or Franky doing it or they'll take all day and night. Not everyone can grow more arms or jet boost." He trails off at the end, shrugging with one shoulder as if to give his words less weight.
Robin hums, feeling a little foolish at not having considered so before. "Ah, I forget sometimes." She says with a chuckle and Zoro snorts, bemused. She pushes off the table and adjusts her assignments. "Is there a task you feel particular about?" She asks as she does.
"I usually just do whatever's left." He says.
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mere-mortifer-writing · 9 months
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Imagine Being Loved By Me ♡ Sanji x Nami ♡ Explicit
♡ Read on Ao3 ♡ Rating: Explicit Minor/mentioned ships: Sanji/Conis; Sanji/Robin; Sanji/Vivi Wordcount: +15k; 4 chapters total Summary: A version of events where Sanji has enough game to pull a woman on every island they visit, and Nami watches from the sidelines as it becomes increasingly difficult to say no to a man everyone is else yes to—a man who would prefer her above anyone else. Main Tags: experienced!Sanji/virgin!Nami; jealous!Nami; pwp; porn with feelings; 5+1 structure
♡♡ Chapter One ♡♡ | Click to read more
I. The strangers
It comes to Nami as a surprise that Sanji’s love for women is not, in fact, a purely theoretical delusion.
She’s sure—she’s willing to bet her hard-stolen money—that back at the Baratie he was not getting laid. From what Nami observed back on the fateful day when they met, and the stories she then heard from Sanji’s own mouth, something was crystal clear: the clientele of the restaurant that Sanji called home was either too high-brow or too brazen to go for a gangly eighteen year old who was quite bad at being a waiter. Between his desperate flirting and the little baby fat left to round out his face, he might as well have had a stamp on his forehead spelling Virgin.
Then Luffy turned her existence into a whirlpool of danger and hope and fighting and success, and Nami got a little too busy rebuilding a life she was proud to call her own to worry about Sanji’s sex life, or inexistence thereof.  
It’s in Whisky Peaks that the issue is brought once again to her attention. 
Before everything goes to shit, between one beer and the next, she notices first that their group has drifted apart for the night. When living in close quarters as they all do on the Merry, spending some time away from one another is a matter of sanity, and whether or not they lose it—Nami in particular is feeling the fatigue of being the only woman in the crew, despite the luxuries that this fact provides: a private room, the assurance that no-one will barge in the bathroom when she’s showering, and Sanji’s unwavering belief that a lady should only eat her favourite food, handmade for her every day. 
It’s not a bad life. Sanji’s cooking veers on the side of excellence even on a bad day, and his advances—she would not admit to this if her own life were on the line—are a good counterpart to all the rough-housing the boys get into on a daily basis. All the flowery compliments to her “otherworldly beauty” aren’t that annoying if the other option is listening to the other three men workshop names for their attacks and fall into screeching laughter at the stupidest options they come up with.
So now, finally on dry land, they’ve all taken the opportunity to ignore their crewmates’ existence for a couple of hours. Zoro had stuck with Nami for a while, but now he’s strayed gods-know where—probably working in private on creating his next hangover. With little effort Nami also spots Luffy, somewhere to her right, eating double his body-weight in meat under the terrified stares of the pub’s owner. A glance behind her, and there’s Usopp, who has gathered a crowd that hangs from his lips as he spins whatever yarn he came up with on the spot.
And then there’s Sanji, who’s got two girls hanging off his arms and many more surrounding him. He’s got his usual lovesick expression, cheeks bright red from his flustered pleasure at the women paying him attention. One of the two plays for a moment with the lock of blond hair that falls over his eyes; Nami catches the exact second that Sanji falls in love, his lips stretching into a goofy smile. 
He’s gotten quite handsome. The group of women at his table seem to share the sentiment, since they are all acting as willing victims of his awful pick-up lines, touching his arms or giggling when he makes a joke.
Nami spends the rest of the night drinking all the locals under the table. 
II. Vivi
Vivi is beautiful beyond words. 
As soon as she reveals her true identity, her status as a princess becomes all of a sudden obvious in every detail of her persona: of course, of course she is, with her silky hair in such a rare colour, falling in gentle waves around her perfect figure—you can just picture her posing for a royal portrait. She’s got a soft voice drenched in love for her country, she’s got a radiant smile, and most of all she has an ever-present sadness in the sweet, cool grey of her eyes. It’s like she was genetically engineered to inspire both admiration and a deadly wish to protect her at all costs.
So the laws of nature command that Sanji falls in love with her at first sight. It’s such an obvious fact of life that no one thinks of warning Vivi herself that he’s going to act like a fucking idiot around her (always and forever), and that she no reason to worry because he is, at least in this context, quite harmless. 
It’s only after Nami catches the tail-end of an interaction between the two that she thinks of having a chat with her. This is the first time since she joined Luffy’s crew that she gets to spend an extended period of time with another woman, and since they both have similarly impressive body measurements, they even get to share clothes. Nami has decided days ago that they’re the bestest of friends, and best friends should talk about boys and giggle about how foolish they behave around pretty girls like them, and then cuddle and fall asleep in the same bed. The last point will not be further analysed. 
The pathetic scene Nami bears witness to is Sanji down on both knees, his shirt unbuttoned so low he’d be better off using it as a cape, kissing Vivi’s hand, possibly as a thank you for accepting the snack he prepared for her. Vivi says something with a smile, to which Sanji responds by falling back until he’s sprawled on the floor. 
Someone exits from the kitchen door behind her. “He’s so hopeless,” she hears Usopp comment, and then the loud slurp of him drinking something through a straw.
Nami turns to him with one raised brow. “I’ve seen how you blush when she so much as glances at you.”
“And I’m being so cool about it,” Usopp responds, slinking away with his long nose turned up.
Nami snorts, and when Sanji ends the theatrics by sprinting back to his feet and leaving Vivi to enjoy her food in peace, she makes her way to her.
“Hi, Nami,” Vivi greets her, leaning back on the lounge chair as Nami settles down next to her. “Want a taste?”
“No, no.” Nami waves off the offer of the dainty arrangement of melon and cured ham Sanji prepared. “I’m sure Sanji’s making something for me as well.”
“You know, I think I made one off-hand comment about loving sweet and savoury tastes together,” the princess comments. “And he remembered! Isn’t that incredible?”
Perfect, she doesn’t even need to introduce the subject. 
“Aren’t you used to this sort of treatment?” Nami asks, genuinely curious. It’s difficult to imagine Vivi having to scrap for affection in whatever beautiful castle she lives in. 
Vivi sighs, and sticks another piece of melon in her mouth, chewing slowly and with a pleased moan, going as far as sucking the juice from her fingers right after. Nami thanks every single deity that might or might not exist that Sanji is not there to witness the scene, or he might have become the first documented case of spontaneous death from nosebleed. 
“I guess,” Vivi says, like she just didn’t do something Earth-shattering or anything. “I’ve been away from Alabasta for a while, you know? Being pampered like this reminds me of home, it’s nice. Although…” Nami watches in horror as Vivi diverts her eyes and bites her bottom lip for one terrible moment. “Everyone back there still treats me like a child. To have a man treat me as a woman, instead—i-it’s different, you know?”
“I can’t believe it,” Nami whispers, her eyes sliding away from the sight of Vivi shy and flustered over a serving of cut fruit and ham to stare into the nothingness on the horizon. This doesn’t even approach the worst Sanji can do. Nami has been personally offered by him anything that goes from a full-body massage to his literal life in service of protecting her—if melon got Vivi in this state, she’s doomed. Completely past saving.
“What? Nami, what is it?” Vivi flicks her ponytail over her shoulder and leans down closer to Nami, whispering in a conspiratorial tone, “Is Sanji, uh…off-limits?”  
Nami makes a noise akin to a mortally wounded tea kettle. 
Vivi blinks. “I don’t know how to interpret that.”
“Okay, you know what—this is a good opportunity to solve this mystery,” Nami exclaims, steam-rolling over the last five seconds of the conversation. “You’re a girl.”
“A beautiful girl, a girl who could have anyone she wanted.”
“Aww!” Clapping her hands once before pressing them on her heart, Vivi blushes in delight. “Thank you, Nami! You’re also very beautiful!”
From not too far to their left, under the mainmast, Zoro interrupts his own nap to open one single eye, and sets it first on Vivi's back before sliding his gaze to Nami, eyebrows raised. There’s no judgement nor outward signs of interest, but Nami, terrified of finding out that Zoro is also a pig and a pervert, kills the homoerotic undertone before it can fully bloom. Tragically. 
“Yep, thank you. My point was, you’re all three of those things and yet Sanji’s bullshit is having an effect on you? I need to know the how and why.”
Zoro catches Sanji’s name and goes back to sleep with a slightly disgusted grimace on his face. 
“Well…” Vivi hums, lost in thought for a moment, and starts playing with the ends of her hair. She twirls the soft locks around her fingers, and Nami sees it happen live in front of her eyes: first, a shy smile tugs at her lips; then whatever gentle blush was brought around by Nami’s compliments becomes a furious redness that spreads even down the princess’ neck. “I don’t know why you react so negatively to him, if I’m being honest,” Vivi confesses, still not looking at Nami but imagining instead something Sanji-related that is possibly turning her on. While the man isn’t even in their vicinity. “He’s very sweet and sincere, I really like that in a guy. And also—”
Nami’s eyes go wide of their own accord. Here it possibly comes, the answer to all her doubts. “And also?”
Vivi shrugs, and stuffs another piece of melon and ham in her mouth. “There aren’t many blond men in Alabasta. I find him quite exotic.”
“Oh, that’s a relief!” Nami says, collapsing onto her back on the floor, pleasantly warm from the sun beating on the wood all day. “You just have shit taste, got it.”
It’s not the universal answer she was looking for, but at least now Vivi’s weakness for Sanji in particular can be explained away with her crush on him would die if I pranked him with hair dye in his shampoo.
She has to concede—silently, in the depths of her heart, undisclosed to non-authorized personnel—that Sanji’s bright, pure blonde is, indeed, a rare and pretty sight. 
III. Conis
Conis is extremely pretty, and the first human female Sanji lays his eyes on when they arrive on Skypiea, and if that wasn’t enough, she then completes the trifecta by being so obviously, so awkwardly into him that even Nami is rooting for her.
Not that that’s strange, or worthy of note. Why shouldn’t she root for her? Nami doesn’t care. She hopes she has a grand all time with Sanji! It’s not even a shock anymore—Nami has since long understood that it doesn’t take much for random girls to take a liking to tall men who cook very well. Since Vivi shared her fundamental expertise on the matter, Nami has to also add “fair hair” to the list of positive adjectives.
If cute sweet angel Conis wants to encourage Sanji’s sluttiness, Nami is happy for them both. 
Before the Strawhats’ stay on the sky island kickstarts the end of a civil war between the inhabitants, Nami is sure that Sanji works his magic on Conis when she isn’t  looking. He has ample opportunities even during that first lunch, the one Nami doesn’t stick around for because she’s very busy discovering how phenomenal of a waver rider she is. It’s only after days of pure terror, during which the entire crew takes turns almost dying a bunch of times, that Nami sees the two interact again—and this time, not in the presence of Conis’ sweet father in front of a cup of tea. 
Interact is way too gentle of a word for what she actually stumbles on. 
It happens during the huge, days-long party that everyone still alive takes part in to celebrate that very fact. The happiness about the end of war times overrides menial factors like “decency” or “sobriety” or “not having semi-public sex”.
Nami is focusing on winning the battle against sobriety in particular, always ready to beat her own record of how many grown men she can humiliate in a drinking challenge. At one point Chopper shoots her a lethal dose of sad puppy dog eyes, which she interprets as please don’t completely destroy your liver.
“Alright, alright,” Nami acquiesces. “I’m taking a break, doctor’s orders!” 
The three Skypeians she was drinking with boo her and then break into laughter when Nami stumbles straight into one the guy’s wings, getting a mouthful of feathers—in her defence the only light comes from the huge bonfire, which surely is aesthetically pleasing, but the dancing flames make it difficult to see where you’re putting your feet. Also, she’s shitfaced drunk because she didn’t take into consideration how the altitude would fuck with her alcohol tollerance. 
“Send the other sea-dweller to replace you, the scary dude with the swords!” one of the men calls behind her. 
“Why, you want to ask him where he puts the third one?” Nami jokes. Satisfied with the wild laughter she gets, she leaves the group with Chopper in tow, holding his tiny hoof to make him feel useful. They stop where there’s more fresh hair, and less screaming people. To him, she says, “You know, if Zoro does join those guys you should keep an eye on him. He never knows when to stop.”
Chopper nods sagely, and smiles up at her. “That’s called alcoholism.”
Nami blinks a few times before she finds how to reply. That’s a dark thing to hear from someone who looks like the most popular design in a line of cute animal plushies. “Yep,” she settles on, “Good luck fixing that. I’m taking a walk to clear my head, alright?”
“And drink some water! See you later, Nami!”
As Chopper sprints away, Nami stretches her arms and gives in to a loud yawn. Four days of non-stop festivities and she’s about to hit her limit.
She walks aimlessly, with her mind mostly empty apart from the intent of keeping away from the crowd, and the fresh night air quickly helps her sober up a little. While it’s a shame that so much of the ancient city crumbled during the fight with Enel, Nami does find the ruins quite comforting and peaceful, and as she passes by them she touches the moss that has grown on the older ones, wet from the night’s humidity. The party becomes a pleasant background noise, joyful but muted by the distance, and it’s the animals’ furtive movements in the nearby trees, or the more clear bird calls that ring from high above, that fill the air.
Nami smiles, closes her eyes, and sends a message of thankfulness to whoever’s listening that all her friends are okay, in the end.
“Mmh, Sanji, aah—”
The peace is shattered. It dies painfully at her feet when Nami’s eyelids spring back open, and a truly terrified shiver runs down her spine. 
Behind what’s left of a stone column, which looked so pleasant and harmonious and lovely five fucking seconds ago, some girl just moaned Sanji’s name. In the best case scenario, Sanji is also present on the scene. 
The theory is confirmed when a low murmur, unmistakably a male voice, follows, and then both the girl and Sanji giggle and moan some more, because Nami knows what both a giggle and a moan in Sanji’s voice sound like. They come out of his mouth whenever Nami praises his food or generously accepts his jacket if it’s too cold out. 
She should walk away. Her legs don’t listen. Alright, then if not away, just not in the direction of the moaning and shuffling of clothes and whispered sweet nothings. 
Nami’s walking straight to it, because she’s still drunk and there’s no fucking way someone else is making him sound like that—wait, what? 
Before she can makes sense of her train of thought, and the mild anger simmering at a low boil in her stomach (could be the sky beer or whatever the fuck she’s been drinking all night), she’s already both approached and rounded the Godforsaken Column of Public Indecency, and she’s presented with the nightmarish vision of Sanji, his hair so wild that for once both his eyes are visible, leaning back against the rock, with fucking Conis, duh!, sitting on his legs. 
The couple hasn’t spotted her yet. Nami exists for a few seconds in a fugue state where she doesn’t move a muscle to leave, and stares instead at Sanji’s hands wrapped around Conis’ waist over the fabric of her usual white dress, spanning the circumference of it so easily his fingers meet again on either side. He has the most lovestruck look Nami’s ever seen on him—and she would know, she’s been the cause of many—while he bounces her on his lap and ohmygods they’re not making out they are having sex!
“Fuck! Shit! Sorry!” Nami practically yells, breaking out of her stupor with sudden violence. As the two lovebirds startle in unison, she slaps both hands over her eyes while trying to retreat, which is not a good strategy because not two steps later she falls back on her ass. “I didn’t know—” Liar! “—sorry, sorry, you guys keep going!” What?!   
She knows in that moment that no god is real, just like Enel wasn’t, because not one of them strikes her dead and ends her misery. She has to regain her vision if she intends on running the fuck away without cracking her skull open, although such a possibility now sounds like the optimal course of action. 
“Nami-san,” she hears Sanji say, with the tone of a man facing the choice between the death row and a terminal illness. The way it mixes with the obvious arousal due to having his cock inside another person, right now in front of her, makes for a weird combo.
“I heard—nevermind what I heard, I didn’t want to interrupt but also like maybe get an actual room,” Nami babbles, trying to stand up and turn around at the same time so she can avoid another eyeful of Sanji’s fucked-out face and pretty, tiny Conis sat on his lap. 
“There are no more rooms on the island,” Conis mumbles. Right, because everyone’s home was destroyed. Nami has the decency to feel bad for reminding Conis that her life as she knew it is over forever. She’s very clearly trying to distract herself from the fact. Sanji, meanwhile, must have fallen in a meditative silence at being caught literally with his pants down. 
Nami sprints away from the scene, possibly breaking the speed of sound. 
Chopper will have to forgive her if she’ll be aiming for an alcohol-induced coma for the rest of the night.
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shallowoak · 4 months
Design Chatter - MLP East Blue Crew!
>> Link to the art here! <<
I've seen some fellow MLP au artists talk through their design ideas, so I thought I'd share my two cents and ramble a bit! Fair warning this will be long and there will be spoilers!
I kept a few simple guidelines for myself in mind:
Keep it fun and surprising, in the spirit of the original!
I draw in the G4 style, but features from every gen and toy line are fair game
Anypony who appeared in the comics as a cameo is not immune and has been redesigned for my selfish needs
I love back card / blind bag style character blurbs. I live for crumbs of worldbuilding XD
I've purposefully not included cutie marks because I suck at drawing them and I'd never finish a piece if I had to draw them :v (maybe a post for another time?)
🌅 Luffy 🌅
"Friendship isn't so much magic but a mandate for those this pony captain likes! This joyful newbie idolises Shanks, a fellow flightless Pegasus pirate. Though rubber wings are useless for flight, his ultra-lightweight body means he is still adept at aerial combat- falling slower and flinging faster. He passes the time between islands gliding by the mast with the gulls."
I'll level with you all; I'm not huge on red and black ponies. It's nothing personal to anyone who uses the scheme; it's just not my bag. The contrast is a bit harsh on my eyes. (And that every brony in 2015 slammed ponies with the scheme, forever ingraining that bias into me)
Rather, Luffy's scheme is based on his shorts! Light blue and white evoke the shoreline and sky, two limitless places where he spends a lot of time. A softer scheme allows me to draw his vest and hat without them becoming lost on his fur, and I feel it gels better with his light n' bright attitude to life. There's no way he's edgy enough for red and black-!
The swirls on his wings (and hoof fluff) are from the G3 depiction of Pegasi. It's such a gosh darn cute way to draw wings. It's also a fun little nod to the pattern on his fruit and Gear 5 form later on. Ponies are always skirting around the idea of destiny. For him to be a Pegasus was an easy pick for me, the wings symbolising both freedom of movement and spirit!
💚 Zoro 💚
"This aloof Zebra spends all year saving for Apple cider season, where he promptly blows all his bits in under a week. He often unknowingly intimidates those he meets; a bias unaided by the three swords he wields with magnets embedded into his front hooves."
I'm weak. I couldn't resist the alliteration of Zebra Zoro. You can blame Zecora for starting that. You can also blame her for the parallel of people misunderstanding Zoro's personality based on first impressions. I Pinkie-promise he's a big softie really.
Before I'm bashed, I'm well aware Zoro is Asian. In this instance, you can view that his being a Zebra just connotes that his ancestry lies outside of the East Blue rather than drawing any real-world correlation.
It's the little things that make this version uniquely Zoro, though. His stripes are sword-shaped, come in threes and neatly avoid his back. Hoof magnets were a popular play feature of G3 ponies before kids kept eating them 😶 But I think it's a fun way for Zoro to retain that Earth Pony-adjacent strength whilst still being able to hold all three swords. His stance has always looked weird, anyway.
🍊 Nami 🍊
"A light-footed, citrus-scented Pegasus who gambles with the best in Klugetown. Nothing escapes her- not even the bits from your purse! After a decade of being on high alert, she's more in tune with the weather than even other Pegasi. The sight of rainbows stretching across the sky makes her think of home."
Honestly, it's nice that we don't know anything about Nami's birth family. When she was adopted, she was just a baby, even younger than Sanji. Belle-Mere (Mare…) and Nojiko shaped her entire life. To that end, I wanted her design to be free of speculation and to focus on what we know for sure.
Her being a Pegasus was influenced by a few things. In G4, Pegasi often have an affinity for the weather and sky. Like Luffy, her wings symbolise the emphasis on freedom in her story. Farming is traditionally an Earth Pony job, so it also shows the disconnect between her passions and current situation.
In this case, the clipping of her wings doesn't stop her from sailing away any more than it does in canon. But it adds to the feeling of control Arlong holds over her, another physical reminder of her duty and self-sacrifice.
Despite what the timeskip art style wants us to believe, Nami is pretty but also really... normal. Normal proportions, face, hair, profession. She's weird for an OP character in that way. To reflect that, I decided that her coat should reflect the colour of the maps she creates. Unique from the pastels around her, but not super stand out, much like her orange mane. The darkened ends of her fur walk the line between showing hard graft and dirtied hooves 🥲 I expanded her tattoo to be a full leg design- 'cuz why shouldn't she show off the symbol of her life truly beginning!?
🎱 Usopp 🎱
"A young, apprehensive Changeling who often lives disguised as a Pony. He uses his transformations to bring stories to life and dazzle those he meets! When danger arises, he shifts into the form of a smaller animal and hides..."
The choice to make Usopp a Changeling speaks to his insecurity. Why present yourself as a village foal when you could be a great pony of the sea? Or anyone else you could dream up? It also speaks to my own insecurity as an artist, not touching the idea of drawing his nose on a horse face with a 10-foot pole. It's not happening, nuh-uh. It's a horn now for a reason, trust me!
But it also allows for some very literal metamorphosis as he grows throughout the series. His horns grow larger and change shape as the slingshots he uses evolve. (Yes, he absolutely does use his horns to fire things from!) In Pony form, his cutie mark changes to reflect which part of himself he identifies with -or has the most faith in- at any one moment. As an artist, I bet he has great fun drawing up new marks to use.
Rather than becoming a muscly bug after the skip, his wings literally break out from his shell. It isn't the end of his development, but it signifies his change in outlook and newfound faith in himself. Followers of God Usopp view his Pony form as one they, as "common folk" can easily comprehend, rather than his true nature.
He's the only one I drew as his timeskip design, just because it was the most interesting to me. Hyperfixation does strange things to a man.
🍥 Sanji 🍥
"A hot-headed Unicorn who breaks expectations, he fights rude customers with kicks that match the strength of a true Earth Pony! His unusual tail is a hot topic of speculation for off-duty chefs at the Baratie- but he won't speak a word about his past. Maybe try asking about his specials instead?"
Classic Unicorns are calm, refined and beautiful. Everything that Sanji is... on the surface. I love how Sanji constantly plays with our expectations; who says a creative can't kick ass? Further to that, Sanji's magic skills are wholly unimpressive, with a grand repertoire of two spells. It helps separate him from Robin, the actual magic scholar on board. As an Earth Pony unable to teach him, Zeff has always felt guilty.
His blue coat reflects the shirts he often wears, sure, but blue feels so appropriate for someone who loves the sea so much. It also allows for his fluffy black socks to stand out, coining his epithet. (If horse Sanji wore pants, would he wear them like this? Or like t h i s?) Not naming any names, Luffy he's the only fighter sensible enough to wear horseshoes to protect his feet and often visits Farriers when they make port.
His tail isn't hairless, but is covered in a thin layer of fur like his body until it reaches the tip. It's useful for working in the kitchen as it's easy to wrestle into a hair net. In the Baratie, he's often seen with a red bow decorating it, warning customers that he'll kick if provoked. This style of tail is a largely lost trait of old Unicorns, now most commonly seen in nobility who care a little too much about bloodlines. It's not a feature he's proud of, especially when it calls into question the nature of his relationship to Zeff- a pony he otherwise closely resembles.
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lorddarkkitty · 2 years
Op crews playing board games/card games 2
This is another long post
- They get so rowdy while playing this game, sometimes minor fights happen. They do have fun.
- They play with the giant uno version
- Luffy has a hard time following rules sometimes and often gets yelled at by Nami or Usopp
- Sometimes Robins plays and sometimes she observes.
- Zoro plays sometimes and other times he working out.
- One time while playing he was next to Sanji and Sanji will used the specials cards on zoro. Like a skip , draw 2 and so on and yea they don’t sit next to each other while playing this game lol
- Only those that can drink probably would make a drinking game but then it be a competition between who can drink more like Nami vs Zoro
- Chopper and Brook loves playing this game
<Ima copy and paste stuff from my other post too here about the game boards>
- Their monopoly board is different, it not like cities (like ex: boardwalk), it’s owning islands( 3 main versions of the board exist which one board is islands within the north, south,east and west blue, Paradise(grand line), and the New World. 4 other boards exist but are regional in terms of property like the North Blue version of the game is different than the South Blue version just like US board is different than the UK board ), community chests are treasure chests, jail is Impel down too (idk where to put things like the calm belt and what to change the utilities too cause that wouldn’t make sense and neither would the railroads) the money for the game is obviously one piece currency berries just a smaller version and colored differently too)
- They play Paradise version of Monopoly
- Player pieces are different too. So we got a pirate ship, an open treasure chest with like coins in it, pirates hat, a sword , a parrot, a barrel , an Eternal pose, a devil fruit (that is random in each box.)
- They play with the fake money and Nami is the Banker.
- There only 8 player pieces so they take turns playing
- Nami plays sometimes as the treasure chest or the eternal pose
- Luffy plays as the barrel or the the devil fruit , ship
- Sanji would play as barrel or parrot. sometimes sword if Zoro and Him are in the same game and they often fight about it
- Zoro plays as sword most of the time unless Sanji takes it, the he pick any other token available
- Chopper plays as parrot of pirate hat
- Robin picks ship or eternal pose or pirate hat
- Franky picks the ship
- Brook plays as sword
- Jimbei plays as the pirate hat, parrot, or barrel
- (I thought of this afterwards lol ) Franky has crafted more tokens for the game for people to pick from beside the tokens provided by the box. So Franky makes the following player tokens, some based on his shipmates: a mini version of their Jolly Roger flag, violin [brook], A Poneglyph with tiny writing[Robin], a syringe[Chopper], Chef Hat[Sanji], Slingshot[Usopp], Mini Straw hat[Luffy], Mini version of the Sunny, mini 3 swords that kinda joined together [Zoro], One small Berry dollar[Nami],a tiny shark whale[Jimbei]Book, mini weight bar,
- Franky went over board with making the tokens but the crew loves them so a good majority of the time they use the tokens he made. They switch them every now and then tho.
- The clue board looks different too. There a version where the board is rooms on a pirate ship and the other version is a celestial dragon mansion.
- They play the clue pirate ship one (obviously)
- And the weapon pieces are somewhat different. The six pieces on the pirate ship are A sword, a Gun, rope, the Jolly Roger flag, a cast iron pan, spyglass (I had trouble coming up with 6 weapons lol)
- Okay so the victim is the Captain lol cause this is a Mutiny XD
- The suspects are the Vice Captain[yellow], chef[white], doctor[purple], navigator[green], shipwright[Blue], Helmsman[red] (I had to look that up lol also I’m not gonna give them name cause I can’t think of any sry)
- Again Franky will make little weapons for this too they are: a syringe, a slingshot, hammer , weight bar, a THICK BOOK (XD)
- Sometimes they play with the board but sometimes they play Robins way. Robins way their entire ship is the board. Franky also went out of the way to make the weapons for this game. And even big dice to play. Brook plays the victim and only he knows who killed him cause he has the Manila folder. There still on six players and the others participant in another way like holding the cards and they use the transponder snails. Robin went into making this elaborately to make it more fun and some of the rules made have been modified or rules have been added. (I haven’t worked out every detail on how they play tho sry I just though that was a cool idea )
- They definitely play this game. Someone did have to explain to Chopper that it’s just for fun and not what you actually believe and someone had to explain the rules to Luffy. Once that was out of the way this is a fun game that they play and it really Fits Robin well XD. They also get loud with laughter
- Zoro is the worst judge. One time he choose Sanji card for being the Funniest and then when he found out it was Sanji immediately charged the card cause he didn’t want to give the round to him. This leads to a fight lol. Sanji as also done this to Zoro as well when judging.
- Robin, Nami, Franky are the best when pick funniest cards for the topic.
- Usopp has a con state “oh my gawd NOOO “ face. Like his reactions are hilarious.
- Chopper also makes a face sometimes depending on how awful it is.
- Cards that have to do with death or being dead are somehow played by Brook.
- they have the birthday edition of the game (I also have the birthday Edition of the game lol )
- Chopper love this game and he’ll take it out to play.
- Robin, Zoro , and Sanji often play with him when he asks.
- Robins suggest to play the game to Chopper knowing he likes the game. But she shows no mercy lol
- Zoro also doesn’t show mercy.
- Since there only a 4 player limit when chopper asks if anyone want to play with him sometimes other crew members will play rock paper scissor to decide who plays in the first round.
- Similar to how they play cards against humanity. this always causes the crew to burst with laughter
- Most of the time the players are Chopper, Luffy, Usopp and Brook. The three of them love to ply this game (they would definitely play the SpongeBob version too XD)
- The entire crew does play together sometimes as well
- this game is mostly played by Zoro, Franky, Nami,Robin,Usopp, Brook and Sanji. Jimbe takes part it in it.
- Chopper doesn’t play this game. Robin won’t allow it
- Luffy doesn’t understand it so he doesn’t play.
- Sometimes drinking is involved
- this is similar to the Sorry game where Chopper loves to play.
- Another game that has a 4 player limit, crew members sometimes play rock paper scissors to determine who plays with Chopper
- Another game Robin sometimes recommends to play with chopper cause she knows he loves it
- Of chopper wins he is given Candy for winning.
They have games like Trivia, ScatteGories, chess, checkers, scrabble.
- these game mostly with Robin,Franky, Nami, Jimbei, Usopp, Brook and Chopper
- Robin been teaching chopper how to play chess. But she also plays checkers with him to give him a break.
- Robins plays chess mostly with Franky,Brook, and Jimbei. Usopp every once and a while tries but never wins.
- Nami doesn’t play chess
- his favorite games to play are :what do you meme, uno, and cards against humanity
- Loves playing with his friends
- Does like card games more than board games
- he doesn’t have a preference for cards or boards games and enjoys playing with his crew
- Except with Sanji
- Enjoys cards against humanity, that what she said, uno.
- He enjoys playing a good majority of these games
- His favorites tho are: what do you meme, uno, monopoly and clue.
- Does also enjoy playing the games of trivia and scrabble
- Monopoly is her favorite at of all of them.
- Does also enjoy cards against humanity, that’s what she said, uno , clue , and scrabble
- Sometimes she try to convince some to make bets.
- Also enjoys games that been made into a drinking game
- he enjoys playing any game Robin or Nami play even if he isn’t good.
- Tho is favorite are uno and monopoly.
- He doesn’t like playing with Zoro and will compete with just him.
- Does enjoy playing with Chopper in games of Sorry and Candyland
- His favorites are Sorry, Candyland, uno and what do you meme
- He also likes playing Robins version of clue
- He likes learning how to play chess from Robin
- He also love playing Operation despite it being inaccurate (I didn’t really include the game above either. It was kinda an afterthought)
- She enjoys her version of clue, monopoly, and cards against humanity as her favorite besides games like trivia, scattegories, scrabble, and chess
- Also enjoys the similar game of Sorry and Candyland with Chopper and sometimes even suggest they play.
- She does in fact dominate games like chess, scattegories and trivia.
- She also the once to introduce them to a game called Pictionary( I only really know the concept of the game which you have to draw and that’s it so I didn’t really include it above)
- loves that what she said, cards against humanity, clue and uno
- He also enjoyed making stuff for the games as well.
- Likes Playing chess with Robin and is good enough to go against here.
- loves that what she said, uno, what do you meme, monopoly, and cards against humanity
- Enjoys playing Candyland and sorry with Chopper
- Also enjoys playing chess and trivia with Robin and Franky
- He like being the victim in the robins version of clue, but also enjoys the board game.
- Enjoys uno, clue, monopoly, cards against humanity the most
- Playing chess with Robin is also fun
- Trivia is fun cause he learns things too
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fully-caulked-wagon · 2 years
Some of my favourite lines/passages from my shitty Aidungeon Zosan fanfics Part 4
Fic 4: ‘Bartender's outfit, although you wouldn't quite think it, given he refuses to wear it like an actual human being: his bandana is tied around his forehead for once, masking that veritable tenhead.’ - Sanji about Zoro (This is an excerpt, mind you. I realise a sentence starting with ‘bartender’s outfit,’ is grammatically incorrect. I swear I do-) ‘After a moment, a man who looks to be the sheriff appears,‘ (...) "Welcome to our neck'a the woods, good sirs. Mah names Adam Bronson,” - Straight up just Starlight Glimmer if she were Southern and also Sheriff Sheriff Bronson Stone from Mystery Inc. (Cause, fun fact: this fic is literally just a modified one piece version of the mlp season 5 premiere. Initially it was just meant to be an excuse to have cowboy Sanji and it just devolved from there.) "Alright then, we're Usopp - that's me, Zoro - the green one," "Oi." "And Sanji, the blonde one.” - Usopp (And Zoro) to Adam Bronson. ‘Weight training reps as he swung the weight... stick... thing, whatever the fuck it's called.‘ - Sanji about that giant fucking weight thing Zoro uses. (I project in my writing sometimes, don’t worry about it-) ‘Usopp and the Shitty Swordsman take the lead of their walk - or rather, Usopp takes the lead and the Marimo constantly veers off to the left or backwards and Sanji has to tug him by the collar back to the right direction.’ - Sanji about Usopp and Zoro. (I essentially just write Zoro getting lost the same way I play car arcade games.) ‘The female whips out a notepad and pen, speaking in an all too drone-like voice, sounding more static than simply rehearsed, "May ah take your order, sirs? We have buttered toast...." ‘ - ‘She trails off and it's then that Sanji realises, not only is a bakery of all places serving buttered toast - which isn't incredibly out of place but still feels weird - but it is their ONLY item. Jesus Christ.’ - Bootleg Sugarbelle to Zoro, Sanji and Usopp + Sanji about Bootleg Sugarbelle "Enjoy, sirs!" (...) ‘Sanji feels an eery shiver down his spine before he looks down at their plate and freezes. He almost snorts when he hears Usopp mutter, "How are we meant to ENJOY the carcass of a volcano..." - Bootleg Sugarbelle serves them the toast + Sanji and Usopp about the toast. ‘Rather than buttered toast, it's more like crumbled ashes in the shape of toast, slathered in what honest-to-god looks like congealed piss. And there's a full plate of it.’ - ‘Ugh, it's times like this where Sanji has to question whether his never wasting food rule applied to cases like these if he wasn't sure it even was food.’ - Sanji about the toast. ‘He puts on a fake smile, "Ah~ Tastes better than it looks." - ‘He then whispers under his breath,’ - "It tastes exactly how Franky's balls look - but after they were set on fire and drowned in a toilet." - Usopp about the toast. ‘Since Usopp obviously won't want to eat anymore of this and the Mossball is a dick, Sanji'll be the one who has to eat the rest of it.’ - ‘Gagging slightly at just the smell, Sanji glances at the twins. He startles as they approach them, still smiling until the cows come home apparently, with a dark look around their eyes.’ - Sanji about Zoro, Usopp, the toast, knockoff Sugarbelle and uh... knockoff... no fucking clue yet, honestly. Maybe Party Favor, idfk. ‘Around half an hour later, Sanji gags, covering his mouth as he finishes, a grim look taking over his face as he feels very fit to throw up directly on whoever was responsible for training these two in the kitchen.’ - Sanji after eating the toast + about the bootleg twins. ‘Usopp and the Mossball stand up as well, the Marimo stiffly stating in the worst acting voice Sanji has ever heard, "Oh no. It seems the perverted, horny, swirly, curly, dartboard brow, annoying, terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, shitty--" "Alright, get a move on, asshole." "-Cook has eaten ALL of our food! Can we order some more?" - Sanji about Zoro not being able to act. This also contains a reference to a book I think maybe one other person on this site has read. (Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.) ‘Sanji glances behind him and sees Usopp and Zoro sharing a look before Usopp mouths to him, 'Are we gonna be killed or what? They sure are taking the scenic route if we are.' Sanji mouths back hastily, 'How the fuck am I supposed to know? Give it a minute!' The Marimo simply yawns and mouths lazily, 'Who cares? There isn't enough sake in this entire town to get me to care even a second before they're actually waving their weapons in our faces.' ‘ - Sanji about the second instance of non verbal communication in this fic because apparently I was feeling that when I was writing it. ‘The female one continues, "Ah. Ahm sure y'all've noticed the citizens here come off a lil..." ‘Sanji offers, "Strong?" Usopp and Zoro in tandem, for once, follow up, "Hysterical?" - Sanji grins over his shoulder teasingly, "Wow~ Didn't realise you had four syllable words in your vocabulary, Marimo~" - The Mosshead apparently also has human blood cells in his body, - another surprise, if you ask Sanji, considering how much he has to have lost by now over the last 3 years or so - given that his cheeks turn a light pink and he mutters, "Shut up, Shitty Cook. Didn't realise you had.... shut up." - Sanji, Zoro and Usopp’s recurring shared braincell moment I keep writing. ‘While the Marimo has his eyes narrowed and Sanji can almost hear the smoke coming from his tiny brain as he, Sanji can only hope, formulates some kind of plan.‘ - Sanji about Zoro.
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years
chapter 1014—spoilers
Okay, I’m super busy, so not much to say this week except it made me tear up.
But first, the cover!
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I love this! Law’s nickname being the Japanese word for tiger (tora), the o part just means man. And it just kind adds to that itch to write that Law-wandering-monk thing. I think that Oda has allusions to religion all over One Piece, cos’ it’s pretty everyday in Japanese life too, even though Japanese will tell you that they are not religious.
But Law is the guy who has so far had the vague Christian background, and who adopted the wandering monk disguise while in Wano. (written about here).
[More below the cut]
The scans had this really neat bit of information too (below). I got this from mangasee. I usually go to ... I can’t remember, I went down a bit of a rabbit hole today, the site seemed dodgy, but I think they’re (forgotten name) the original scanners. But, anyway, thanks very much to them. They often colour panels as well.
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I think the LawZo, ZoLaw shippers can run with this one too! (Zoro’s animal being a tiger, I think).
Okay, the chapter. I won’t cover it in depth, just things that struck me. It doesn’t mean the rest wasn’t important, but you know that someone will cover it all.
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Flashbacks can be lazy writing, and maybe it is lazy writing—Oda trying to figure out how he can boost Chopper’s power cos it’s needed now, but the flashback with Caesar is not out of the realm of imagination (panel above).
It’s also why I think  it’s a good idea not to take announcements and pronouncements as (G)oda’s word. Cos, especially those coming from World Government sources, or that are hearsay, have a likelihood of being a different story in flashback. Like, Oda never fully shows his hand.
Regarding the panels, Caesar’s ego would let him design something for Chopper, even though Chopper is his enemy. Maybe Chopper designed his own enhanced rumble balls using Caesar’s knowhow.
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The Marys are super cool (and Perospero is still in the game). 
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And look!! Law and Kid are sharing a panel! Or a strip (and so are Sanji and Zoro, and a speech bubble! I guess Zoro must have woken up). 
These guys won’t be so easily fooled by Kaidou’s words of Luffy’s demise, but the idea of the Polar Tang popping up from somewhere to rescue Luffy maybe has more credence this week.
Law’s got his, I’m so upset with this news I must grit my teeth face on. His captain’s coat is still stylishly draped. He did have that second to rest on blackleg’s shoulder in 1012, was it? He must have fixed himself up then. Ooh, and tatt. Did we see his tatt when he landed on the shoulder? I must do some serious research.
We only get a blob of Kid, unfortunately.
Robin’s looking kick-ass while she kicks some ass. And Brook’s in the background doing his own version of Zigfield follies. (Panels above).
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So, Kanjuro sure plays dirty (above). I do like the scans’ translation of “Even the sharpest of swords becomes dull when pointed at a friend”. Ashura’s line to Kiku when she hadn’t done such a good job of eliminating Kanjuro the first time around.
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And man, if she couldn’t finish of a traitorous friend, she sure can’t eliminate a father figure. But fake-Oden/Kanjuro has no hesitation in finishing her. 
Of course the words that Oden-Kanjuro says, “How could you raise a sword against me?!”  can be read on so many levels and applied to so many characters. And of course are also what Kiku should be saying, and the scabbards as a whole to Kanjuro.
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Ah. Not Kiku. She and Izou have had like five minutes of reunion. Oh, man. That exchange a few chapters back. Ahhh. And that’s a very poetic translation. I wonder what the official will be? But Kanjuro was a friend. Is a friend. And that’s what cuts the deepest.
Yes, he was damaged. Orochi too. But was it that mindset where the pain was just too deeply embedded to ever trust the good, or feel it? But I think he felt it. Just couldn’t trust it. Such a complex character. 
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And Kaidou and Kanjuro, the only two characters that I remember (there are probably more) who have an expressed death wish. That being a main aim of their lives.
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What a betrayal, huh? Oof. And Kin’emon’s tears are evident. Is Kanjuro’s crying? Seems he was never able to feel or see that emptiness and form were the same thing. Ah.
Shinobu too. Big chapter for her. She did not suspect Kanjuro at all in Ebisu town where she accused Law’s crewmates of betrayal. 
Both she and Kanjuro didn’t recognise Tonoyasu (Yasuie) and shared a moment of camaraderie in their embarrassment at not knowing his name. I know her role was to deflect reader suspicion from Kanjuro, but putting that aside. Oof.
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And Momonosuke? Thinking he saw his father again? (And what did he read in the log book?).  Man, once that kid is shogun I hope he hires a good psychologist / healer.
And what does he want Kin’emon to tell everyone? And whose voice did he hear?
And Shinobu, I reckon you could have taken out the frog.
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Although he’s looking worse for wear. C’mon Chopper. You and Marco can do it!
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crybabylisa · 2 years
And to check it off Sanji sfw + nsfw
the sfw selfship ask game
-> send me a character out of my selfships and i'll answer these questions <3 please clarify if you want me to do the sfw or nsfw version!
network: @tokyo-ballroom
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who is the grumpiest in the morning?
me.... but he always makes me some nice breakfast to bring me to bed and that makes my mood a lot better🤧 always showers me in kisses too!!
who worries more when the other is sick/hurt?
sanji worries so much about me all the time!!! this man would kill everyone that hurts me lmao but even if i'm only sick he worries a lot. he always cooks me soups and brings me a nice tea and he does everything to make me feel better🥺
who plays pranks on the other?
we both don't really prank eachother. i try it sometimes though but nothing too mean because he always falls for it and that makes me feel bad...
who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa?
mhhh we both love cuddling! but i think i ask for it a little more because i'm touch starved lmao and he's a lot in the kitchen or spends time with his crew so he doesn't have as much time as me. but he always makes time for me if i ask him for attention and cuddles.
who insists on creating nicknames for the other?
sanji absolutely loves them but we both call eachother pet names and nicknames all the time!! he comes up with the most embarrassing names but it's so cute how happily he says them, so i can't even be mad :(
who says "i love you" first?
you know him... sanji said it the first time he saw me💀 but the first one who said it and actually meant it, was me. that poor guy almost fainted and didn't believe me.. but when he realized that i'm not joking, he was so happy and hugged me tightly :(( he didn't let go of me for the next hours.
who's the messiest one?
me😔 but sanji is so adorable and always helps me if i need it.
who feels the most uncomfortable about pda?
oh definitely not sanji lmao he loves to kiss me or hold me close and he doesn't care where we are. he loves to show me off and let others know that i'm his and that he's mine.
who's the funniest drunk?
who texts the most?
we both text each other all the time lmao but i think i do it a little more than him. i send him all kinds of stuff on tiktok and instagram and when he opens his phone there are 20+ notifications from me... but he responds to everything🤧
who has the most embarrassing taste in music?
mhhhhh me? sanji has a great taste in music! we always dance together to the music he listens to, it's really nice <3
who reads the most?
i do, but he always listens to me when i talk about it and even remembers everything🥺
who's better with kids?
sanji is great with kids!!
who's the one that fixes things around the house?
franky or usopp do that for us lmao
who cooks and who cleans up?
sanji cooks because he's just the best and he loves to do it for me. i always help him to clean up and sometimes he even lets me help him to cook.
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the nsfw selfship ask game
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who is the loudest?
that really depends on who's the submissive one on that day, but we're both really loud. his groans and whines are so hot, i love them😩
who is the more submissive?
we're both a switch but he tends to be a little more submissive. he's such a good boy when he's a sub, always taking what i give him and his whines are so adorable. sanji loves it when i peg him and/or edge him for hours. but i also love to be submissive for him, he's just so good and knows exactly how to make me cum and make me go crazy.
who is the most experimental?
mhhh probably sanji, he just loves finding new things to try out with me.
do they fuck or make love?
always make love!! we might be perverts but we love eachother and need to show the other one🤧
lights on or lights off?
lights on!
who likes sexting the most?
mhhh i love to tease him like that but he enjoys it too, especially when i'm sending him some pics. he gets hard so fast and always cums pretty fast aswell.
who is more likely to be caught masturbating?
sanji!! he's always so embarrassed when i catch him but his timing is just so bad every time💀 when i'm taking too long with coming back he always start to masturbate because he's too desperate too wait and i somehow always come back when he's about to cum. (he's really cute when he's a blushing mess, mumbling out apologies and asking me for help)
who is better at oral and who prefers it?
HE IS SO GOOD!!!!! it's almost unfair how good he is... sanji makes me cum on his mouth so fast and he absolutely loves it. he's the type of guy who says that i'm his "dessert"💀 if he had to choose between me sucking him off or him eating me out, he would always choose the second option.
who usually initiates things?
we're both horny idiots but he's even worse than me and initiates it more than me.
who has the most/weirdest kinks?
mhhh sanji and he wants to try everything with me ...i can't say no to that.
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
so I was doing some research after watching movie 6...
...and apparently it was originally written as a comedy
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Yeah, I was surprised, too
Baron Omatsuri is not my favorite One Piece movie—Film Z has too many of my favorite tropes to be usurped from that position—but I do think it is the most daring. Of all the supplemental material I’ve seen and read, it feels the least...One Piece-ish. 
Yes, that includes the noodle commercials. 
If you haven’t seen the movie and can stomach a little spookiness, do yourself a favor and give it a watch. Unlike movies like Strong World or Z that have the look and feel of a manga arc, Movie 6 transplants the Straw Hat Pirates into a world that doesn’t feel like a One Piece story, taking risks and exploring themes that would never fit in the manga proper. 
In addition to the obvious changes in art and animation style, there are supernatural elements that don’t make sense within the One Piece world. None of the Straw Hats win a fight—Luffy included, although he is heavily implied to have killed the big bad at the end. The moral of the movie, if it can be said to have a moral, is if you lose the people closest to you, the answer is to forget about them and make new friends. The story ends with many questions left unanswered and the main drama between the crew unresolved.
And, if you allow me to get philosophical for a moment, I wish there were more movies like it. As I wrote in my review of Novel A, I don’t go to supplemental material or side stories looking for a repeat of what’s in the manga. Oda has written 1000 chapters of One Piece—why not spice things up a little and try something different for a change?
I know the answer isn’t that simple, and by their very nature not all risks will pan out. There will be people who don’t like this movie because it’s different, both in look and tone. But there’s something to be said about a creator putting their heart and soul into a work and having it show in the final product. 
Which brings us back to the original premise. How does a movie go from a light-hearted comedy based on a variety show theme to...this
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Baron Omatsuri was directed by Mamoru Hosoda and came out in 2005. To put that into perspective, the movie was in production when the Luffy vs Usopp fight was first seen in the manga. Manga!Luffy had not yet faced the challenge of an inter-crew disputes when the story was being written and boarded, nor did the creative team have the events of Sabaody and Marineford to see how Luffy would react to the loss of his loved ones. They were working without a full understanding of Luffy’s character, and to a lessor extent the character of the Straw Hat Pirates, and it seems like Oda was much less involved In production than has been in movies since Strong World and beyond. 
Likewise, Hosoda had just left a tumultuous situation at Studio Ghibli while working on Howl’s Moving Castle, and if this interview is anything to go by (https://instrangeaeonsblog.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/mamoru-hosoda-on-omatsuri-danshaku-animestyle-interview-part-1/) was going through a lot of personal shit when he was brought on as director. The script he was given was originally written like a variety show—something that was carried over into the various trials seen in the final movie—and meant to be a lighthearted affair after the relatively serious Movie 5 (which I have not seen am thus unable to compare tone). 
With that backstory in mind, it’s easy to see how the bickering and backbiting between the Straw Hats early in the movie is a metaphor for Hosoda’s time at Ghibli, which is something he admits to in the interview. Movie 6 feels different than any other One Piece movie because it’s the project of a man who has had to endure the loss of those who he was close with, at least in a professional capacity. 
There are moments in Movie 6 where Luffy doesn’t feel like Luffy. More than once a member of the Straw Hats ask him to intervene during arguments, moments Luffy either ignores or doesn’t notice. It’s a version of Water 7 where instead of fighting Usopp, Luffy ignores the underlying differences within his crew, and as a result loses everybody. 
The structure of the three trials follows a clear path of deterioration within the crew, the initial goldfish scooping game showing the Straw Hats at their best and inciting the jealousy of the Baron, the ring toss sowing discord among the crew even as they snatch a narrow victory, only for them to be utterly crushed in the third and final challenge as they’re unable help one another survive. 
It is somewhat implied that the Breaking of the Fellowship(TM) is magical in nature—that like the One Ring, the Lily Carnation was able to influence the Straw Hat’s thoughts and actions, but this is never stated outright and I prefer the more mundane interpretation: That without strong leadership the Straw Hats fell victim to the manipulative machinations of the Baron, and simply self-destructed as a result.  In the end, it’s up to the interpretation of the viewer. 
And speaking of things up to interpretation, I love how the Lily Carnation isn’t explained in the slightest. The plant that initially absorbs the Straw Hats looks more like the stem of a devil fruit than a flower, it for some reason rings like a gong when hit, and somehow is able to turn pieces of itself into facsimile of the Baron’s old crew who can somehow move around despite being plans. It’s weird, it’s wonderful, and the element of the unknown works so well in the horror-lite setting. 
My personal theory is the island somehow managed to eat a devil fruit which manifests itself as the Lily Carnation (which due to the L/R conflation in Japanese, is pronounced ‘reincarnation’, which I think is a nice touch of foreshadowing that may or may not have been intentional).
(Also, I can’t decide if little chewing animation it makes when it’s eating people or the weird bullseyes it makes when shit gets real are the most terrifying thing in the movie.)
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Hmmm, tasty.
Anyway, this is getting long, so here are some final thoughts:
1) This movie has some low key fantastic outfits. The Straw Hats all look very cool without being over designed like a lot of recent movies. Big hat Robin is of course a fave, and makes me really want to see her in a Carmen Sandiego getup.
2) Screenshots do not do the animation of the movie justice. It’s very fluid and has a lot of excellent expressions/poses, although I admit the 3D is jarring at times. Do not let the art put you off if you haven’t seen it 
3) Also, I don’t think there’s any shading? Like at all? The movie does a lot of cool stuff with color instead. For example, the scene where Luffy initially loses to the Baron his skin goes all grey, and I thought it was because he was fighting at night, but it stays grey even in the better lighting of the underground tunnels and stays that way until he finds out the Straw Hats are still alive, where it returns to his normal color
4) There’s an extended Benny Hill-type gag when Luffy first chases after the little mustache pirate that’s perfectly timed to the music, and ends when Luffy just uses his power to grab him. The comedic timing is amazing and it’s probably my favorite funny moment in the movie, of which there are several despite the overall darker tone
5) The extended jungle shot from Nami’s POV? Very cool
6) I love how from the earliest scenes nothing is as it seems. The opening text is Robin reading the map, but the storm that’s seen on screen is the one that sank the Baron’s crew. Likewise the whole fancy city is shown to be fake panels early on, the goldfish catching game is a trap, etc., etc. It does a good job clueing the viewer in early that’s something’s very wrong on the island, even if they don’t realize it at first
7) I don’t think this type of movie would work in modern One Piece without somehow nerfing Luffy. Horror works best when the protagonist is weak and vulnerable, and that fits best with a pre-Gear 2/3 Luffy (same with the rest of the crew, tbh. I was waiting for Nami to use her lightning stick during the games, forgetting it hadn’t been boosted yet). 
8) I like how there are four captains on the island representing different levels of loss—the Baron has lost his crew and wants to destroy all others because of it, mustache pirate lost his crew and is willing to put it behind him to make new friends, Luffy has freshly lost his crew and hasn’t decided what path he will go, and coward dad hasn’t lost his crew yet but is at risk if he doesn’t change his cowardly ways
9) I think the reason why Chopper was the first Straw Hat to disappear is he’s the most likely to play the part of peacemaker. He’s also the only crew member needing rescuing at the end of the goldfish scoop game, when Luffy foolishly puts his life at risk trying to save him from drowning, just like he recklessly charges the Baron at the end of the movie. Except that time there was no Sanji to save him, leaving Luffy to get his ass thoroughly kicked
10) This is a very good Halloween movie, and I’m glad I watched it in October
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supernovaken · 4 years
Why I don’t like Sanji - One Piece Discussion
Sanji used to be one of my favourite characters up there with the other two-thirds of the monster trio, mostly because of his calm attitude, debonair persona and strategic thinking. A lot of people enjoy the swagger he brings to the Straw-Hat crew’s dynamic, and the way his personality compares and contrasts with everyone's favourite swordsman Roronoa Zoro.
Don’t get me wrong, this post isn’t a Sanji bash, and it certainly isn’t the Sanji vs Zoro toxic rant that we have in the fan base, so if that’s what you came here looking for it may be best to click away now. Hopefully I still get the click bait credit hahahaha [laughs in evil].
All I'm trying to do here is delve into Sanji as a character; from his introduction into the storyline through to his current state of characterisation, along with how my impression of Sanji has changed over the course of the so far 1000 One Piece chapters GOda has blessed the world with.
I work on the rule that once a chapter is animated it is no longer considered spoiler territory and my main focus will be on the Whole Cake Island Arc and the character nuances presented leading up to that. I’ll be avoiding discussing anything happening in Wano mainly due to the fact that I haven’t seen much in terms of new characterisation for Sanji - so before anyone jumps down the comments with the argument that it all makes sense during Wano, i’d say just give that one a miss.
Anyone who isn’t caught up with the anime, here’s your fair warning…
Let me tell you Why I Don’t Like Sanji
Throughout the story Sanji has always been the more aloof, somewhat guarded character in the crew - at least on a surface level. His introduction was as the charming pirate restaurant chef that had a way with words and a ferocity when it came to his food. The Baratie Arc is where we were introduced to the rough and tumble fighting chef and most importantly where we were shown his passion; for women, family, life and of course food. Skip forward an odd 800 chapters and although we are shown moments that may have seemed slightly off putting for the character (don’t even get me started)... where I really lost touch with Sanji was during the Whole Cake Island Arc (WCI).
Now I've had a few back and forths over this online so I want to make a few things clear from the offset. The issues that I will be delving into are all from a character and characterization point of view.
I have no issues with the plot of WCI but I did feel that Sanji wasn’t being himself (or at least the version of Sanji as a character that I along with many other fans had gotten to know up til this point).
I’ll be breaking down my understanding of the plot as best I can going off all the information we have on it and I'll be evidencing what I say with Manga panels to reduce the amount of dispute I'm likely to get from this.
Saying that, I will ask that as you run through this you allow a little room for perspective. I will be commenting on Sanji and the decisions he made at the point in time that he was making them, this means that we’ll need to come from a perspective of understanding all the information that was available to Sanji at the time, not just what the audience knew or what other characters were planning or doing. In order to comment on Sanji's behaviour we have to go off what he knows in the moments he takes action.
Whole Cake Island
Before I go into Sanji's character throughout the story here's a quick synopsis of everything that happens in the WCI
After arriving at Zou and dealing with a few Beast Pirate stragglers, Sanji was essentially taken hostage; physically through the Power of Bege’s Castle-Castle Fruit, then later with the use of the exploding cuffs, and taken hostage emotionally through the threat made on Zeffs life and the immediate threat Bege posed on the members of the Straw-Hat crew that were there at the time.
The plan was to use Sanji in a political wedding to unite the Charlotte Family/Big Mom Pirates with the Vinsmoke Family. Being a political wedding there were motivations on boths sides to attain the power offered by the other; and thanks to an underlying conspiracy plot led by Big Mom, the plan was to kill Sanji along with the Vinsmoke family and take their technology.
Fortunately the plan was ruined by non-other than our very own Straw-Hat Luffy and his pals (after an initial skirmish with Sanji's Black leg), and Sanji returned to the crew as they escaped a rampaging Big Mom.
My issues with Sanji that crept up over the course of the arc:-
Sanji left the crew (albeit to protect Zeff but more on this later)
Sanji attacked his Captain
The timing for when Sanji returned to the crew (AFTER he discovered pudding was gonna betray him)
For that third point I'd like to put heavy emphasis on ‘timing’. I don’t have any issue with the fact that he returned, I love Sanji as a member of the Straw-Hat Pirates and it’s clear the dynamic is not the same without him. I also don’t have an issue with how he returned to the crew as the way he broke down in front of Luffy was one of the most heart-string pulling, tear-jerking scenes of WCI (although I will be getting into his apology/ lack of one in that scene). But the timing of his decision to return to the crew really irritated me as a long time fan of the character, all I could ask was, after everything that’s happened, why now?
Leaving the Crew
Pre timeskip the story addresses a lot of themes surrounding the topic of what it meant to be a Straw-Hat pirate. All the way back in East blue where the story of the Straw-Hat crew was born we were given storylines around the value of friendship (NAKAMA!!), the important roles each member had, their individual struggles against adversity up to the point Luffy came to save their spirits and ignite their dreams. And we had all that both for Sanji and with Sanji as he experienced the emotional battles every member of the crew faced when they came into contact with their soon to be Captain, (including Usopp's turmoil at Water 7).
He knew what it meant for each member to join Luffy and he knew what it meant to leave the crew. He experienced first hand with Nami, Luffy didn’t believe Nami would steal from them and kill Usopp even though she had only been with him for a short time. And he waited for her response to challenge Arlong.
When Usopp clashed with Luffy at Water 7, Sanji was there knowing what it meant for a crewmate to clash with his captain and the weight of leaving the crew. He lashed out at Luffy when he was about to say something reckless,
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Sanji lashes out at Luffy's reckless speaking, Chapter 331 page 15]
and after showing he understood Usopp's feelings of inadequacy within the crew he made it clear that everyone has something they can do best when supporting Luffy and the crew. Even still he later agreed with Zoro's reasoning in the epic speech given to Luffy about the importance of respecting your Captain as these are not Pirate games they are playing.
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Sanji agrees with Zoro, Chapter 438 page 5]
When Robin left the crew Sanji saw how Luffy responded and without hesitating he was there to challenge an entity as great as the World Government (WG) just to bring her back. He wasn’t even patient enough to wait for the crew on the Sea Train because as Luffy said to Zoro, would any of them have been able to sit back and wait.
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Sanji impatient to challenge the World Government, Chapter 367 page 12]
These moments, for me, shaped a character trait in Sanji showing how much he values his crewmates but also shows how relentless both he and Luffy are when it comes to getting someone back. So I couldn’t reconcile this character that we’ve been shown across the story with the one in Zou who thinks it's ok to leave the crew on a false promise to return and think no one in the crew would challenge that decision. A lot of people say that he was planning to come back but even in the moment it was clear to the crew that Sanji was lying.
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Sanji’s lie, Chapter 813 page 17]
Nico Robin
I want to compare Sanji’s plan to leave and save the crew against Robin's plan during the Water 7 arc. My aim is to show how similar their reasoning is but why the decision only makes sense from Robin's perspective as a character at the time of her decision and not for Sanji during WCI.
When Robin left the crew it really was to protect a group of people she only just became acquainted with so understandably would not want them facing a power as huge as the World Government or alternatively resenting her for staying with the crew as she’s experienced in the past. Her sacrifice was to protect a crew of 6 people from the full power of the World Government. She had seen their power destroy her home ISLAND in the past so it is very understandable to assume the crew wouldn’t have a chance in hell of surviving an attack.
Robin didn’t know the capability of the Straw-Hats and their willingness to challenge a huge organisation like the World Government. What she did know was the power of the WG and that a normal crew would not survive the immediate threat of a Buster Call along with the power of the CP9 at Water 7.
Robin's wish was for them to be able to leave Water 7 safely which is why Lucci spared them during their battle in Icebergs mansion. Some fans question if the WG would have actioned a Buster Call on Water 7 because without it there was still an option to escape, plus the CP9 were on the island undercover. Why would the government destroy it? Why wouldn’t Robin just run from Water 7 and let the Straw-Hats escape?.
Enies Lobby is a much more important location to the WG than Water 7 due to its position in the world as the Judiciary island. It’s a symbol of the World Governments power. CP-9 were in Ohara when a buster call was actioned which goes to show the lack of hesitation the government had during these attacks, even when its own personnel are on the Island. Also CP-9 as well as a number of government officials, and their families that lived on the island, were on Enies Lobby at the time and in both cases they still attacked without hesitation, they still attacked the island indiscriminately. They had no reason not to attack Water 7 if a buster call was issued, so I don’t see how calling one on Water 7 would have been impossible.
At that time Robin was already aware of that scary power and it had haunted her her entire life, so if it were called on Water 7 assuming the Straw-Hats didn’t chase her (she wouldn’t have accounted for this at the time) it makes sense for her to want to save them from it. Let’s not forget that they really only escaped the Buster Call thanks to a massive Deux Ex Machina. I can suspend disbelief long enough to say a worn down ship was able to traverse ‘Aqua Laguna storm level waves’ and reach another island with no crew or navigator thanks to the power of friendship but damn, lets just call it what it is, Shonen Magic.
CP-9 weren’t on Water 7 to get Robin, they were there on an undercover mission to get the Pluton blueprints from Iceberg, so I’m guessing rather than snatching her and potentially blowing their cover too soon, they met with her to explain the threat they could be to the Straw-Hats and pressure her into coming with them peacefully which was an added benefit of their mission. A well calculated move from Lucci. Also remember that they had recently just lost to Aokiji, who was the shadow behind the threat since a buster call can only be issued on his authority as an Admiral (he gave permission to Spandam after encountering the Straw-Hats). In the end they had to escalate the plan and force Iceburg to give them the blueprints rather than wait for him to hand it over to an apprentice, they assumed if they threatened his life he would hand it over sooner to Paulie, then in the middle of their attack deduced that he had already handed it to Franky years beforehand. (Off topic but basically they had a plan and Robin landing on Water 7 was just a perk they took advantage of).
The bond she got with Luffy and the crew came from having nowhere else to go after Luffy saved her from killing herself at Alabasta, then was reinforced when she realised her dreams weren’t dead in Skypiea with the revelation that the true history of the void century does exist and she only needs to follow the log to the end of the grand line to find it. Even though it was a small timeframe she was able to build that bond with them, but even still it was clear that not enough had happened for her to ever think the Straw-Hats were any match for the WG.
In-world no one would believe that, this is why the Straw-Hats are the only pirates to ever attack Enies Lobby. Even Yonko crews don’t attack the WG without reason or backup of more than a 6 person crew. Even though they survived in the end, at the time it was a deal to protect the crew at the cost of her life so it made sense.
We can see afterwards that she’s grown out of not believing in them as when they got to Zou, Neko and Duke said she’d be a target for being able to read the Poneglyphs - to which she replied it’ll be fine because she had her crew to protect her.
Her deal made all the sense in the world.
Sanji on the other hand benefitted from a much longer, much deeper experience with Luffy and the crew by the time it came to his ‘ultimate sacrifice’. He was there at Water 7 when the entire crew rejected Robin's reasoning (even Usopp) for leaving the crew. He chased her onto the Government filled Train with no guarantees, no background and no hesitation with the greatest takeaway from that arc being to believe in Luffy. That belief in the captain wasn't there when it came to facing off against a member of the Yonko and protecting his extended family - a huge character step back I think.
Sanji's downfall here was not believing in his crew even after experiencing the other side of things with Robin. Why wouldn’t Luffy come for him? He’s never experienced Big Moms power (not that he needed to) in the same way Robin was traumatised by the WG’s display of power in her childhood. He knows enough about his captain to know Luffy would still challenge Big Mom as Luffy had already said he was planning to challenge each member of the Yonko. He had already challenged Big Mom on Fishman Island and the plan to challenge Kaido was already in motion. I understand challenging both at the same time might make him think it’s a bit much, but I disagree with him not bringing the issue to his crew considering all they had been through. It shows the biggest problem of Sanji not believing in Luffy and the crew.
His Faith Wavered
Protecting Zeff
At the time Sanji made the decision to leave the crew he thought Zeff was in danger, a threat delivered by Big Mom. He also believes Big Mom herself would be an added threat too difficult for the Straw-Hats at this time.
I don’t want us to get bogged down in the details of Big Moms plan. I very much agree with the point that she truly didn’t care about Zeff at the Baratie, she only threatened Zeff to get Sanji to the wedding (A Big Mom Tea Party Invitation Standard) in order to lay the trap for Germa.
But character moments all come from the decisions they make based on the information they have at the time. At the time Sanji made the decision to leave the crew, the threat on Zeff was real enough to him so in Sanji’s mind if he ran from the wedding or challenged Bege and Big Mom she probably would have actioned the threat. To Sanji, his only option here was to go along with the wedding.
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Vito informing Sanji about the threat on Zeff, Chapter 813 page 9]
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Baron Tamago of the Big Mom pirates giving Judge the leverage they have over Sanji, Chapter 839 page 12]
Battling Luffy
Sanji understood that by getting married he’d automatically force the Straw-Hats into being subordinates of the Big Mom crew. Initially he thought saying he’d handle it himself would be enough to stop Luffy from coming and by officially leaving the crew he’d absolve them from a fate as underlings similar to the portrayal of Bege at the time. (Going back to my initial point I think this reasoning doesn’t make sense as we all know Luffy's character). This is why after Luffy came after him he tried to make it clearer that he'd left the crew and Sanji did this by fighting Luffy and telling him to leave.
When he battled Luffy (who didn’t fight back) it wasn’t over a huge disagreement and insecurity in his own strength like Usopp's battle with Luffy. In fact if we compare this to Usopp's moment when both he and Luffy got heated and ended in a similar battle of pride/ clashing views I see no reason why Sanjis isn’t as bad.
The Luffy vs Sanji clash came about due to a lack of understanding which came about because Sanji had not been clear in explaining his position and why he made this choice to leave the crew, instead he kicked sand in the face of his crew and captain.
I believe he went too far here, although he deep down had good intentions, I see it as a clear showing disrespect. It was all an act with a brave face from Sanji's point of view and Luffy could tell straight away.
Comparatively, Usopp also put on a brave face with an understandable battle for him to establish his place as a pirate, but it was the challenge of Luffy’s authority in itself that was a showing of disrespect to the captain.
In essence it was a clash of pride where Sanji challenged his captain’s abilities, with the belief that his method of dealing with the issue was right and Luffy’s was wrong.
His Respect Wavered.
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Sanji vs Luffy, Chapter 843 page 19]
Returning to the Crew
Redemption is a huge part of character development and usually always comes from a lie the character has told to themselves they battle to make a reality. Any story worth its ink will give us characters with strong traits and equally strong flaws that they later resolve within themselves and grow from.
Sanji had a lot of character development during the WCI arc including accepting his past/background, dealing with the trauma caused by his father, his siblings and the death of his mother, and probably quite importantly, believing in himself, his crew and his captain. But there was one character moment that I feel was flawed enough to reduce the impact of his redemption moment and therefore reduce his standing as a character for me… His reconciliation with Luffy.
During the Arlong Park arc Nami lied about her feelings toward the crew and her village. Her redemption came in the form of saving Usopp from death at the hands of Arlong by stabbing through her hand and facilitating his escape, this showed how much she cared about the crew. And her lie towards the villagers was resolved when her backstory was established and showed her intentions to protect them, the redemption here came the moment she asked Luffy for help and also established her belief in her new Captain.
At Enies Lobby Robin lied about her desire to die so as to not live in a world where no one cares for her and see her as a burden. Her redemption came when she acknowledged she does have a place in the world and had finally found people who care about her. She immediately screamed from the top of her lungs that she wanted to live and in doing so established her new found belief in her crew and Captain.
The segmented parts of Water 7 displayed Usopp's lie about being too weak to be part of a crew of ‘monsters’ along with his fear of being discarded due to his lack of belief in his own abilities and the strength of his friendship/place in the crew. His redemption came when he acknowledged that everyone has something they can do that makes them strong even if it's not physically, and his unyielding resolve to save his crew mates when he tagged along for the mission to rescue Robin. Notice that Usopp's flaws never included losing faith in Luffy, his flaw was always pride and the redemption note for his pride was different to Nami and Robins. Usopp had to apologise, direct and on his knees before he could be fully redeemed as a character.
Sanji's storyline in WCI came with a double whammy. Not only did he show a lack of faith in his captain, he also allowed his pride get in the way of showing respect to his captain. A pirate no go area.
Before overhearing Pudding he was resolved to getting married and living his life with her, but when he found out it was a lie why did this change his resolve of protecting the crew and Zeff. I’d say all other factors *at this point* are exactly the same for Sanji and he had already accepted his death (or a version of it through his freedom and his cooking being taken away).
First, technically Zeff was still in danger as far as he knew. ReijI didn’t say Zeff was safe, she asked him to escape, let Germa die and figure it out [what to do about Zeff] afterwards, her reasoning was Big Mom had no interest in Zeff as long as she got Germa, but Sanji wanted to save both. So in Sanji's mind Zeff is still in danger, but now he has an added problem as he wants to save Germa.
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Reiju explains the threat on Zeff still exist unless Big Mom gets Germa, Chapter 852 page 16]
Secondly the crew still can’t challenge Big Mom head on. If he had continued with his plan to go through with the wedding, whether they got married or he was killed, his plan still would have worked. Zeff and the Straw-Hats would be safe. The same way Robin would have died at Enies Lobby and Nami would have given her freedom to forever be part of Arlong's crew. At the cost of Sanji’s life his plan would have worked and made sense.
So should I now take this to mean that he really wasn’t resolved to dying for his ideals. (I’m not saying he should have, the entire point of Luffy’s character is a challenge to this statement, believe in Luffy and he’ll fix it)
But for some reason, the moment he discovers the wedding is a sham and Germa is doomed he decides out of desperation that now is the time to return to the crew and ask Luffy for help. It’s not only hypocritical but it’s shameful and damaged Sanji as a character for me.
During his reconciliation with Luffy I’m sure Sanji acknowledges these points when discussing why he can’t go back but he isn’t held accountable for it.
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Sanji 3 reasons Chapter 856 page 12]
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[Eiichiro Oda 'One Piece' (1997) Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump - Sanji 3 reasons Chapter 856 page 13]
Sanji’s redemption, like Nami and Robin, included a moment where he had to re-establish his belief in Luffy and the rest of the crew. But I argue that his cause for losing faith in Luffy was, in the first place, unwarranted and a step backwards for the character.
And unlike Usopps, his redemption did not include a moment of humility where he would need to swallow his pride and apologise to Luffy for putting his own ideals before his captains.
I know in the end everything worked out but at the time Sanji’s actions didn’t make sense for the character I had come to know throughout the story and there was not enough impact in his redeeming moment to allow me to see the character as he once was. Now he’s just that badass monster fighter on the crew and he’ll forever be removed from my list of favourite Straw-Hats. Black Leg Sanji.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Ranking All 49 One Piece Anime Arcs (Yes, Even The Filler)
  On July 7th, the long-awaited Wano arc of One Piece begins, and because we're about to jump into an arc that's been building up for eleven years, I think it's as good a time as any to rank all 49 of the arcs that we have already. And I'm going to include the filler arcs, too, because even though many of them can't really hold a candle to the main narrative, I think a few of them are quite underrated. 
  49. Buggy's Crew Adventures
    This isn't really an arc so much as a sigh of relief after the runaway train of emotion of the last few episodes of Arlong Park. You can laugh at Buggy for a bit after watching Nami's soul get ripped apart (and then put back together again).
48. Post Alabasta
    You know video game sidequests that are basically around to level up your specific partner characters so that they don't get immediately wiped out in boss fights? This is the anime filler arc version of that. It's fun, though.
47. Foxy's Return
    I loooooove Foxy and I looooove the Davy Back Fight arc. But Foxy's Return doesn't quite hit home. It might be because we last saw Foxy six episodes ago, but it truly speaks to Foxy's character that he'd try to make a grand, dramatic return after he got the crap kicked out of him so recently.  
46. Spa Island
    Foxy returns again in Spa Island, though this filler arc is mostly notable for the fact that Luffy uses Gear Third to split an artificial island in half. That alone wins this arc points.
45. Warship Island
    Warship Island isn't a bad filler arc, just a victim of poor placement. It comes right after Loguetown and right after the Straw Hats have each declared their dreams. So it becomes a pit stop arc, like the Straw Hat crew getting gas and snacks before they head out on the Grand Line.
44. Little East Blue
    I like to think of Little East Blue as a celebration of pre time skip One Piece, where the Straw Hats get (deservedly) celebrated for a bit. It's cute and it's a nice prologue to the Strong World movie. 
43. Z's Ambition
    The filler arcs that precede the movies are an odd bunch, as they tend to end with the main villain of the movie showing up in the last five minutes and declaring their plans. So it's hard to enjoy them on their own. That said, Z's Ambition has enough action that even if you don't watch Film Z (but you should, as it's great), you won't really mind the cliffhanger finale.
42. Straw Hat Separation
    After Kuma wiped out the crew, this batch of episodes shows where they all ended up. And it's mainly a montage of Straw Hats being confused. And don't get me wrong—the Straw Hats do confusion like nobody's business. But you get more out of their separation in the Post War arc when they finally get around to business. 
41. Diary of Koby-Meppo
    Koby is a character that has always deserved more time, so getting a few episodes devoted to him and Helmeppo training to be Marines is welcome. Also, my dude Garp shows up for the first time, which means that I've rewatched these two episodes FAR more than I should. 
40. Goat Island
    Goat Island doesn't feel as "classic" as G-8, nor is it as entertaining as Ocean's Dream. In fact, it's about as fluffy as the goats that appear in it. But a three episode arc where Chopper talks to goats and Luffy doesn't beat up a villain but rather causes him to get shipwrecked? I'm FOR it. 
  39. Chopper Man Special
    Chopper Man has Chopper in a cape. It's worth it for that. Please @ me. Chopper Man, you're my hero, and I hope you one day get a Chopper Man & Sogeking Save The Grand Line special.
  38. Romance Dawn
    Romance Dawn establishes a lot of things that will become classic tropes in One Piece: Going to a new island, meeting new crew members, helping out little kids, taking out a power hungry warlord, etc. It's a blueprint arc, and it works well as that. Sadly, the anime would not continue the "introduce a Straw Hat character with rad guitar" idea like they do with Zoro here. 
37. Orange Town
    The East Blue saga only gets better as it goes along, and Orange Town provides a nice counter to Romance Dawn. For example, if Axe-Hand Morgan represented the seriousness of the Marine threat in the last arc, then Buggy represents the other side of the villains that the Straw Hat Crew will encounter: cartoonish, loud, and beaten in a really fun way. 
36. Ruluka Island
    Ruluka Island feels like condensed One Piece, like you'd just add some water to turn this four episode arc into a twenty episode one. It's a nice arc to stretch your legs in before you go to the big themes of Jaya.
35. Ice Hunter
    Ice Hunter is neat because it gives every member of the Straw Hat crew a little time to shine in a story that is action-packed and intriguing. If you miss pre timeskip One Piece and haven't watched the Ice Hunter arc, give it a shot.
34. Marine Rookie
    I know that we're all eager to see the Straw Hats reunite in Wano, but if you want to see more of Whole Cake's Sanji Retrieval Team, the Marine Rookie arc makes for a solid bonus round. Also, the only reason it starts is because Luffy eats all of the Straw Hats' supplies, which, logically, should be the beginning of waaaaay more One Piece arcs.
33. Silver Mine
    If you didn't get enough Bartolomeo in Dressrosa, then surprise! They made a filler arc just for you. 
  32. Boss Luffy Specials
    You know when you fall asleep watching a show, and then you wake back up and, in your grogginess, suddenly whatever is on TV looks insane? That's what happened to me with Boss Luffy. I had just finished watching Ace's fight with Blackbeard and then, boom. I was out. Then I wake up and see the Straw Hats in 19th century Japan. The Boss Luffy stuff is fun, but I think it's best viewed when you're in a delirious half sleep. That's just my personal preference, though.
31. Caesar Retrieval
    Caesar made for a fine antagonist on Punk Hazard, but he's even better as shreiking deadweight that the Straw Hat Crew and Company have to keep alive. 
30. Little Garden
    Little Garden isn't as cool as Whisky Peak, nor does it provide the emotional gut punch of Drum Island. Instead, it's mainly here to further the theme of what it means to be a true warrior and introduce giants (and dinosaurs!) in the One Piece universe. It gives Usopp some of the character development that he needs and Zoro almost cuts off his own feet in an effort to keep fighting. Any arc that illustrates how hard Zoro goes gets at least one thumb up from me.
29. Loguetown
      Loguetown is a fun arc when you consider just how much it expands the scope of the world. Smoker and Tashigi truly begin the Navy's quest to stop the Straw Hats, Dragon gets introduced in a big, mysterious way, and Luffy takes a massive step in establishing himself in the realm of pirating. However, the Straw Hat side stories in the middle (aside from Zoro's awesome bit in the sword shop) slow it down a little. 
28. Zou
    Zou might be one of the most visually rich arcs in the series. From the massive elephant to the Mink tribe to the terror of Jack to more lessons about the poneglyphs, there's a lot shoved into this short span. And between the intense epics of Dressrosa and Whole Cake Island, it's fits nicely as 10 cc's of wonder and fantasy injected into the New World.  
27. Fishman Island
    Fishman Island occupies a weird spot. It's thematically heavy, but also serves as the action-packed Straw Hat Crew comeback tour. It needs to stand on its own, but it also caps off with a declaration of war against Big Mom, a villain that won't be encountered for years. In all, I feel that the importance of the Fishman Island arc is yet to be truly realized. 
26. Ocean's Dream
    One of the final two filler arcs on this list, Ocean's Dream seems like One Piece fan fiction in the best way. If you were dissatisfied with Luffy's fight with Zoro on Whisky Peak, you get another round of it here while Zoro is being mind controlled. 
25. Syrup Village
    If Romance Dawn and Orange Town were warm up laps, Syrup Village is when One Piece begins to break out in a sprint. The introduction of Usopp and the Going Merry make for some great moments and it's this arc that got me hooked on One Piece when I first started watching it. 
24. Dressrosa
    Dressrosa, for better (and sometimes for worse) is massive. Doflamingo is a threat that had been popping up since the Jaya arc, but because of Dressrosa's scope, his defeat can feel a little lackluster, especially when you consider that he's a pitstop on the road to Kaido. But Dressrosa introduces the endlessly cool Fujitora and the Straw Hats' big pirate alliance, and also gives us the dual backstories to Law and Doflamingo, neither of which disappoint. Also, Doflamingo's abilities lead to some of the coolest action scenes in the series. 
23. Return to Sabaody
    The post-timeskip starts with a bang, as the Return to Sabaody arc is both hilarious and thrilling. The Straw Hats get to show off their newfound strength as they do what they definitely couldn't do in the first Sabaody arc (easily knock out a Pacifista). And we also get to meet the Fake Straw Hat crew, which does a nice job of illuminating just how much the legend of the Straw Hats has grown since they were last together. 
22. Reverse Mountain
    One of the major strengths of One Piece is that it can accomplish three kinds of storytelling at once—giving us a narrative that is immediately satisying, giving us a narrative that will be satisfying in the near future, and giving us a narrative that will be satisfying in the long term. In the Reverse Mountain arc, we not only get a nice story about Laboon, but we also get introduced to Baroque Works (who will be the main antagonists of the saga), and also, we get hints that will only pay off when Brook is introduced years later. Reverse Mountain is short, but it also displays Eiichiro Oda's wonderful talent as a writer. 
21. Long Ring Long Land
    I've seen people on the internet say stuff like "WHEN I REACHED THE DAVY BACK FIGHT ARC, I NEARLY STOPPED READING!" and man, why? Quitting a series that you love because it slightly diverts from the hero fighting god-like enemies in order to participate in some fun games? Everyone has their own opinions, but your opinion of what fiction should be is wrong. That said, this arc is hilarious and great. 
20. Whisky Peak
    Whisky Peak is so cool. It's an anime arc with swagger, the kind that steps into a bar and buys everyone a round. I want to be friends with Whisky Peak but I know, deep down, that Whisky Peak is far too rad to be friends with me.
  19. Reverie
    The best thing about the Reverie arc is that it makes the world of One Piece a little more conveniently manageable (Oh neat. All of the major side characters get to hang out for a while), while also opening a can of worms (What's with the giant straw hat? WHAT'S WITH THE GIANT STRAW HAT?). Because this is the most recent arc, I don't know if we've seen the ripples that it will create across the One Piece world, but I sure am excited to.
  18. Post Enies Lobby
    This isn't the first time the Straw Hats have been forced to flee a place. However, this is the first time that it's felt like they'd be wiped out if they didn't. The return of Garp (and the spectre of the Yonko) throw the Straw Hats into all new territory, one where maybe being the plucky underdog team isn't enough to save them from the threats that come. Also, goofy Franky joins the team, which provides a nice counter-balance to the hints of oblivion. 
17. Punk Hazard
    Punk Hazard is home to one of my top 10 One Piece fights (Vergo vs Law & Smoker), features one of my favorite locations (an island that is half fire/magma and half ice/snow and home to an evil science base), and introduces a character that has only grown on me with time (Here's a hint on who he is: He laughs like "SHERURURURURURU SHERURURURURURU). It's kind of a prequel to Dressrosa, but in that spot, does a great job at furthering the menace of Doflamingo. 
16. Post War
      The introduction of Sabo aka Steampunk Ace aka I'm Just Kidding Sabo Is Kinda Cool and Luffy realizing that he has his crew to keep him going make the Post-War arc into a short but powerful cap to the pre-timeskip era. 
15. Amazon Lily
    Boa Hancock is a supremely underrated One Piece character, with a terribly sad backstory, amazing powers, and a hilarious crush on Luffy. And Amazon Lily helps further the major trend that will reach fever pitch in Dressrosa of Luffy amassing supporters because he's just such a dang ol' nice guy. Hopefully Hancock will one day meet Bartolomeo and together they will start a Luffy fan club and then argue over who gets to be President. 
14. Jaya
    If you were in the dark as to what the themes of One Piece are, here comes Jaya with a flashlight. This is basically a montage of the things that are important to the Straw Hat crew, and it introduces Blackbeard, a guy that will go from "Oh he seems interesting" to "OH I HATE HIM" over the next few hundred chapters. Luffy saying "Do I know how to throw a punch, you ask?" before absolutely walloping Bellamy still gives me goose bumps.
13. Thriller Bark
      There's so much good to Thriller Bark—the spooky atmosphere, the introduction of Brook, the underrated Gekko Moriah, the Binks' Sake song, the Straw Hats teaming up to face a giant zombie, etc. And just when you think it can't get any better, Kuma shows up and rocks the One Piece world. 
12. Impel Down
    Hey! It's Buggy! And Mr. 3! And Mr. 2! And Crocodile! And our new best boy Jinbe! And Ivankov! As both a launching point for new protagonists and a comeback for old foes (along with introducing Magellan, one of the best villains in the series, and Shiryu, one of the scariest villains in the series), Impel Down succeeds. I love it more and more with time.
11. Drum Island
    I've written an entire article about why the arc where we first meet Tony Tony Chopper makes me weep, so I'll try to be brief here. Drum Island is beautiful. It's the story of a little deer guy that couldn't find a place in the world and the loud rubber bro that gave him one. It's an arc about the price of dreams and the power of having someone stand up for you when you need it most. It's about love and respect and kindess. And now I'm about to cry again. THANKS A LOT, ONE PIECE.
10. Baratie
    The Baratie arc is the first hint that we'll get about how hectic the One Piece world is. We meet Sanji, we meet Don Krieg, and we meet Mihawk (and is stronger than the whole cast of the show combined at this point). Syrup Village is about leaving your comfort zones and Baratie is about finding a home in the chaos that follows. 
9. G-8
    The best One Piece filler arc and the One Piece arc that I most revisit (it's only 11 episodes, can you blame me?), G-8 is a One Piece Greatest Hits collection and possibly the first thing you should show someone if they want to get into One Piece but don't have long to do so. 
8. Alabasta
    Are the Straw Hats ready for the Grand Line? Are they ready to topple evil villains and protect those that need help? That's what Alabasta asks and the answer is "Oh yeah." Luffy punching Crocodile up through the center of the city is an iconic moment, showing us that the Straw Hats, whether they mean to be or not, are forces of good in the world. 
7. Marineford
    Marineford is loud and chaotic and powerful, forcing Luffy into a situation where he is simply an especially energetic pawn on the chessboard of battle. It's just as much of a rescue mission as it is a quest for survival for him, but in the midst of Whitebeard and the three admirals and the Shichibukai, Luffy makes his mark. However, he doesn't do it through displays of awe-inspiring force, but through his willpower. Aokiji is right when he says that Luffy isn't "ready for this stage yet," but the thing that scares the Navy most is that one day, he will be. 
6. Sabaody Archipelago
    This is not a happy arc. It's a satisfying one (Luffy punching the Celestial Dragon will never get old), and it's an illuminating one (Silver Rayleigh, y'all!), but it's not one that will end with cheering. Kizaru shows up to put an entire generation of pirates in their place and Kuma wipes out the Straw Hats. That said, even if it concludes with the most uncertain moment in the series, it's still a fun ride. 
5. Arlong Park
      Nami is the soul of the Straw Hat Crew, and learning what she's been through at the hands of the despicable Arlong is heart-breaking. But Luffy doesn't need to know every detail to know that he needs to help and the Straw Hats walking to Arlong Park is another one of those "One Piece is literally the best thing ever" moments. And by the end, every Straw Hat bro gets a victory, Luffy gets a bounty, and Nami gets her freedom. And what does she do with this freedom? She joins a ship full of dummies as their navigator. And I'm so happy about that. 
4. Enies Lobby
    For many, Enies Lobby is THE arc and I'm not disagreeing with them. It's such a display of raw emotion and exciting battles, a nonstop rollercoaster of everything that makes One Piece great. And it ends with a Viking funeral for the Going Merry, a scene that reveals Oda's true power as a writer: He makes you sob about a ship. 
3. Whole Cake Island
    If Enies Lobby is about being a hero, then Whole Cake Island is about letting that idea go. The Straw Hats can't beat Big Mom or her crew and will have to settle with getting Sanji and getting out. And Katakuri, the protective brother of the Charlotte family, learns that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time. It's a beautiful arc that shows that Oda is willing to play around with some of the pre-established ideas of One Piece.
2. Water 7
    Robin leaves. Usopp defects, Luffy is forced to do things that no captain wants to, and a villainous team shows up that seems unstoppable. Water 7 may be the first half of a story that continues with Enies Lobby, but I find it to be the better one (though not by much). It's an arc that constantly leaves you saying "Well, what else could go wrong?" and then something else does. And it's just so good.
1. Skypiea
    This is it. Everything good about One Piece, from the powerful villain (with a great weakness), to the touching themes, to enchanting locations, to the gripping adventures, is wrapped up in Skypiea. And while I have no problems with arcs being connected, there's just something about the standalone nature of Skypiea that leads me to regularly revisit it. It's an arc that makes me glad that I started this nearly 900 episode adventure in the first place. And that's the highest compliment that I can give.
  Want to make your own ranking? Then watch One Piece on Crunchyroll! It's literally the only way.
  What is your favorite One Piece arc? How do you feel about this ranking? Let us know in the comments!
  Daniel Dockery is a writer and editor for Crunchyroll. He has a Twitter, where you can disagree with him. 
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (gocha!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Howdy dandy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone is doing well. Spring is near, and cherry blossoms are blossoming like darling dears. Be sure to be safe from those awful pollen. Getting the sniffles is no fun. Well, with that said, let’s this show on the road, we got loads to tell so you know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter is getting intense. We first meet another Kaido’s goons who’s a head jailer name Solitaire that ate some monkey type zoan fruit. Anyway, she’s all getting upset after the guards are failing to capture an intruder that stole the keys to the cuffs. It was none other than Raizo who is on the mission. Meanwhile, Luffy took out another head jailer name Daifugo who is some type of scorpion zoan type. Everyone is in shocked to see that Luffy broke the iron rule of attacking any of Kaido’s goons. The prisoners can’t help but stay away from the situation. Old man Hyou gives gratitude to Luffy for sticking up for him. Hearing the commotion made another head jailer name Babanuki who ate some elephant type zoan fruit that turns his stomach into a canon. He got angry for Luffy’s defiance and shot him straight on. Poor Luffy took a hit. Suddenly, the All-Star Beast member, Queen, shows up doing his dance show and settle the situation. Seems he has crush on Komurasaki, and wasn’t aware of the news of her death. Anyway, he asked Babanuki to rank the terrible situations. So he ranks no.3: Eustass Kid escaped, no.2: keys to the cuffs are gone, and no.1: Luffy is on the run. All three situations made him go nuts about it and demanded them to get the situation fixed. Back at Ebisu town, Law, Ussop, and Franky are hiding out at Tonoyasu’s humble home as he welcomed them with a kind smile knowing that they are friends with Zoro. Apparently Zoro was chasing someone and ran off far who knows where. Sanji is elsewhere looking for the bathhouse to check out the girls. Meanwhile, Nami, Shinobu, and Robin are enjoying a relaxing time at a unisex bathhouse with men giving the old perverted look. Anyway, Shinobu explains that it will be difficult to gather 5000 members for the rebellion looks at a possibility of gather only 500 members. She goes one further saying that gathering more members would be easy if they had help from Hyogoro of the flowers. Apparently, she says that 20 years ago, Hyogoro was a big time yakuza gangster that ran the underworld of Wano and influence many yakuza leaders and villagers. People admired his chivalry attitude that even Lord Oden admired him as well. However, when Orochi took over Wano, he refused to serve him and disappeared. The leader of the Oniwaban, Fukurokujuu, was loyal to the Kozuki clan, but decided to serve Orochi instead. A traitor that Shinobu could not forgive and left the Oniwaban group. Now these days, Hyogoro is now a myth. At the end, back in prison, old man Hyou and Luffy are face to face with Queen. He makes a deal with Luffy that he would ask Kaido forgiveness and to join his crew, but good ol’ stubborn Luffy refused. Queen then tells old man Hyou that it’s a shame that back then Kaido and Orochi tried many times to convinced him to join their cause due to his reputation back. Old man Hyou is none other than the legendary Hyougoro of the flowers. Poor old man Hyou begs to forgive Luffy and instead punish him. Queen says came up with an idea to settle the situation. While Raizo is in a pinch to try to help Luffy, a voice from behind the cage calls out to him claiming to be a man name Kawamatsu. An old friend perhaps? Who is this Kawamatsu? What has Queen decide to punish both Luffy and Hyougoro? SO MUCH INTENSE! Don’t miss this week’s chapter! Episode will resume this week so don’t miss it. Now on with the goods. First, Tongari-san is a bit busy cuz this week is the anniversary so we’ll do the announcing in his place. First, on March 31st, it’s free entry day. You must some accompany of a friend, or group, or family. Single is not allowed to enter the park free if you don’t have a buddy to join you. Next, the tower are giving out free anniversary stickers. Sanji’s restaurant and Cafe Muigwara are giving stickers of Sanji and Robin if you dine there. Ticket and Tongari store are giving out stickers of Luffy and Nami. On the 4th floor, the Tongari carnival are giving out sticker of Zoro, the original medal coin maker will give out sticker of Ussop, Chopper’s Sunny tour will give Chopper’s sticker, if you dine at Franky’s cola bar, you’ll get Franky’s sticker, and if you play another mini game, you will receive Brook’s sticker. If you collect all the stickers, take your sticker to the ticket counter, you’ll get a sticker of Tongari-san himself. Speaking of Tongari-san, his birthday is this Wednesday. To celebrate, if you follow his Twitter page and leave a bday message, you’ll get a special anniversary bromide card. This is only on Wed. Also, these two medal coins are the new anniversary coins that has Luffy and Tongari-san. It’s 600 yen to have it customized. Next, all arcades will stock the new World Figure Colosseum of Sanji in Diable Jamble attack. It will be in color and b&w version. Wanna this prize? You have the power in your hands. Beat that devilish crane. Moving on, here are the new bday goods of Franky and Sabo. For Franky, stores are selling his artboard, letter cup, and bromide card set. For Sabo, stores will be selling his birthday button, art board, yummy sweet treat, and a wanted poster folder. Next, starting this Friday, Jump Shop will be holding a stamp rally. If you collect stamps from Straw Hat stores and Jump Shop, you’ll get a free prize. If you visit 3 or 12 Jump Stores, apparently, you’ll get an even more amazing prize. Details will be explained more. You can follow their Twitter page. Event will go on until Sept.30th. Next, Animate stores will be holding a special Jump event. From March 15th to April 4th, if you shop for goods, you’ll receive a free random bromide card of any anime. For OP, they’ll give out bromide cards of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji from Wano chapter. Next, check out the cover of vol.20 of WCI that has the awesome Carrot in sulong mode. It will be released on April 3rd. Next, this summer, Log Collection will released new DVD package of Zou. On July 26th, Zou will be released. ON Aug.30th, Mink will be released. And on Sept.27th, will be released. Last, but not least, here are more designs of the Straw Hats in the upcoming movie, STAMPEDE. Phew! I think that’s everything. Also, we’ll leave upcoming episode titles. That’s all we got! Tune in next week for more news and goods. All righty, boys, let’s call it a night.
 Episode titles:
Ep.876: “The Man of Humanity and Justice! Jimbei, a Desperate Massive Ocean Current”-March 17th.
Ep.877: “Time for Farewell! Pudding’s One Last Request!”-March 24th.
Ep.878: “The World in Shock! The Fifth Emperor of the Sea Arrives!”-March 31st.
Ep.879: “To the Reverie! Gathering of the Straw Hat Allies!”-April 7th.
 Stamp rally event: https://twitter.com/OP_stamp_rally
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Let The Many Turtles As Well As Belli Investing Begin!
Allow The Numerous Turtles And Belli Investing Begin!
Bigmom Will quickly reach Cacao Island too complying with Nami as well as others as their primary destination is Sanji as well as others and also she has actually likewise informed Luffy to meet her there after he combats with Dogtooth. Sanji isn't really dead and Brook is either tracking him down or is someplace on the island. Brook, nicknamed "Dead Bones Brook", is the 88-year old musician of the Straw Hat Pirates. By just clicking a couple of buttons, players can develop a team of pirates to sail the world. You could play Ultraman Or Onepiece in your web browser free of cost. Onepiece Matching Video Game is a Timeless video game to play complimentary online. Ultraman or Onepiece description: After defeating all beasts in the world, Ultraman declares himself to be the greatest in the cosmos. If you similar to this free app, feel totally free to share it with your close friends or leave a remark. Like lots of various other series it starts solid but after every arc you really feel like bleach could pertain to an end anytime. The Companions are the not likely as well as usually crazy bad guys that gamers are able to hire right into their team, by seeing the Tavern as well as examining out the Bounty board they can see the most wanted Partners in the globe.
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Pressing https://xpmailapi.bnent.eu/api/init can conserve 2.7 KiB (82% decrease). New.png might conserve 1.2 KiB (36% decrease). Thanks For Visiting Anime RP R Us! New characters constantly welcome! See a brand-new streaming simulcast anime episode every Saturday at 9 pm Central. Love One piece Anime Collection? See something you love? Ape D. Luffy nicknamed Straw Hat Luffy is the 17 year-old captain of the Straw Hat Pirates as well as main lead character of the One Item collection. The protagonists of the One Piece series become part of the Straw Hat Pirates, or Straw Hats, a staff of pirates started and also captained by Monkey D. Luffy. Eiichiro Oda has discussed that Luffy primarily appears like a monkey (he in some cases also makes a monkey face). Luffy vs Vander Decken HD. I think Luffy has an "different" version of Life Return. I believe this is a solid jumping off point for making feeling of Luffy. The incredibly popular manga collection got to the four million mark with the 64th volume in November 2011, then had actually kept the number in 13 quantities straight. If he utilizes a 3rd Rumble Sphere within 6 hrs of the first, he transforms right into a monstrous version of himself as well as loses all self-constraint. Roronoa Zoro called after nicknamed Pirate Seeker Zoro is a competent swordsman who consumes to three swords simultaneously, gripping the 3rd in his mouth.
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0 notes
How Luffy As Well As Others Will Certainly Retreat BigMom Phase 883+.
Just how Luffy And Also Others Will Retreat BigMom Phase 883+.
Distribution time is estimated utilizing our proprietary method which is based on the customer's distance to the item location, the shipping solution picked, the seller's shipping history, as well as various other factors. However am I freaking out or does this remind you of the time when Robin left the staff. I am Specific that Germa army will certainly likewise come in the Aid of Luffy and his crew. There are a variety of Formations that gamers could choose, which will organize their Partners in various placements as well as are opened as players level up or full details quests. However I'm presuming you do not like manga's all way too much considering you are requesting for anime. Watched and also review both manga and anime for that. See a new streaming simulcast anime episode every Saturday at 9 pm Central. Watch on the internet One Piece episodes with SideReel! See One Item Online. In conclusion, please do not see the Dragon Round film made in 2010, since it is so dreadful. If he makes use of a third Rumble Round within six hours of the initial, he transforms right into an impressive version of himself as well as sheds all self-discipline. His key tool is a slingshot, which he utilizes to discharge different type of ammunition, ranging from rotten eggs and shuriken to warm sauce, flaming, and also exploding projectiles.
Opening up Song/Theme. Streaming Episodes. Luffy Jr. asked him to start, simply like his father Ape D. Luffy did, a company. Swiping the loan like a pirate on the video game or arresting various other pirates. SERIOUSLY. Do you assume they will certainly battle making a game so MR DEEJAY or MR LosKnoggos bets free. 6 hot open a circus mode, Chopper, Sanji, Usopp and various other large Baltic thief awaiting you to take, the a lot more authentic way OP fly youth edition hand to do free distribution, you do not move it? A young boy called Monkey D. Luffy, inspired by his childhood years hero "Red-Haired" Shanks, sets out on a trip to find One Piece, the legendary prize of the King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger. http://onepiecerainbowgems.com/ A super knockout bros duplicate, however with everything being One Piece relevant. If you really think you could do something after that absolutely nothing will certainly ever obtain in your method; this is the power of will certainly that I discovered from one item.
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crybabylisa · 2 years
Okie I have come to the rescue and we’re both whores for one piece character now
Do Zoro sfw + nsfw
the sfw selfship ask game
-> send me a character out of my selfships and i'll answer these questions <3 please clarify if you want me to do the sfw or nsfw version!!
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who is the grumpiest in the morning?
definitely zoro🥲 this man gets even more sleep than me and still is grumpy as fuck when he needs to wake up
who worries more when the other is sick/hurt?
he worries about me a lot but HE IS ALWAYS IN TROUBLE... i need to worry about him every second day because he an idiot and you never know what he's gonna do next >:(
who plays pranks on the other?
usopp and i always prank him and if he falls for it (which happens rarely😔) it's the funniest thing ever!!
who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa?
mhhh probably me? i just lay myself on top of him when he's sleeping and he always wraps his big arms around me and won't let me go anymore. he would never admit it, but he loves cuddling almost as much as i do.
who insists on creating nicknames for the other?
me💀 he claims to hate them but when i don't use them, he's offended.
who says "i love you" first?
surprisingly zoro said it first. he was getting jealous because i spend so much time with the "pervert cook" when i could also just spend time with him instead. he was blushing so hard when he dragged me out of the kitchen to yell at me and tell me that he loves me🤧 let's just say usopp and my plan to make zoro jealous by spending more time with sanji worked >:)
who's the messiest one?
we both are but it's me ig😔
who feels the most uncomfortable about pda?
zoro! he just likes everything a little more private (also to keep me safe). but when someone tries to hit on me, he gets jealous and immediately shows that person that i'm his.
who's the funniest drunk?
ohh definitely zoro!!!
who texts the most?
me.. he almost never texts me and his answers are always so short :')
who has the most embarrassing taste in music?
definitely zoro!! he listens to some weird shit sometimes when he's training...
who reads the most?
i don't think zoro ever held a book in his hand🧍🏻
who's better with kids?
did you guys see that one filler episode where he helped that mother with the children? or how he treats chopper? it's zoro.
who's the one that fixes things around the house?
zoro could fix it, but he's too tired to do so. franky or usopp do it for us lmao
who cooks and who cleans up?
sanji cooks..... zoro and i eat :) but we help to clean everything up!
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the nsfw selfship ask game
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who is the loudest?
oh me!!! there's no way i can stay quiet with him..... he barley makes any sounds though, only some deep and super hot groans :(
who is the more submissive?
100% me.... listen, i'm a switch normally, but with this man? i want and need zoro to manhandle me, mark me up, breed me, choke me, overstimulate me and fuck me stupid until i'm a crying mess :)
who is the most experimental?
i bring up new things sometimes and we always try them out but it doesn't happen too much. we love the things we're used to.
do they fuck or make love?
both, it really depends on the mood ..but i would say rather make love. he's a softie for me🤧
lights on or lights off?
lights on most of the times. i need to see his perfect body and his mommy milkers😩
who likes sexting the most?
me but he sucks at it so i barley try it :')
who is more likely to be caught masturbating?
me😔 when he's training for 637846282 hours and i'm needy, i don't want to wait that long and he caught me a few times when he finally came back home from all the training. but zoro always makes it up for me!! he doesn't masturbate that much and always asks for my help if he needs it. if i don't want to, he does it himself but he couldn't care less if i watch him.
who is better at oral and who prefers it?
i think it's pretty equal? we both love to give and receive it, he's just a little better than me. (not my fault that he has a horse cock that can't completely fit in my mouth....)
who usually initiates things?
i do because i'm a needy whore for him and get horny super fast :( but he never says no to me lmao
who has the most/weirdest kinks?
probably me. i want to peg him for one time but he won't let me🥺
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