#also the “again thanks” ugh my mind he thinks he's being cool
Yuri : That was so hot, babe.
Satan : Thanks.
Yukio : I'm a little scared to ask, but what did he do?
Satan : Nothing? I literally called some filthy human who flirted with your mother a degenterate dog and told them I planned to turn them into a blood eagle if they were persistent.
Yukio : I'm sorry a blood-what?
Satan : A blood eagle, it's not too difficult to do. You just carve the back open and cut the ribs away from their spine, pull out the lungs from the gap, and inflate.
Yukio : *Disgusted*
Satan : Blood eagle, honestly, what do they teach you in school nowadays.
Yuri : Again, I'm so in love with you.
Satan : Again, thanks.
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mia-ugly · 1 year
In honour of Good Omens Season 2
HAVE A SLOW SHOW FICLET with thanks to @weatheredlaw for the amazing graphic ❤️❤️❤️ how we doing fam
It’s a kid on set that first tells him. 
Not really a kid, but anyone less than thirty seems a kid to him these days (ugh, that’s a loathsome thought.) Jiyana’s a queer and pink-haired punk type, rainbow pin on their jacket, trans-pride flag tattooed on their inner wrist. The first time he met them, the whole wirey confident glittery thing made his gut clench with - what was it - joy and gratitude but also envy? Maybe? (because what must it be like to be that young and that certain of yourself? What must it be like to have the whole world open in front of you? Not that there still isn’t a lot of shit to deal with, and in Merry Old fucking England there is More Shit than Otherwise, but. Still. It’s something Crowley thinks about. Sometimes. When he hasn’t had enough sleep or when he’s had too much of it.)
The kid came up to him Day One to mumble about “being a big fan” and once they wore a Warlock t-shirt to an afterparty (“Vintage!” they said cheerily, and Crowley wanted to swallow his own face at the thought of something from the 2010s being considered vintage, good Christ.)
Anyway, Jiyana tells him first.
“Congrats on the new season!” They’re beside him in the makeup trailer. Crowley doesn’t realise they’re talking to him, assumes they’re wearing AirPods or something, until George gives him a nudge with the powder puff.
“Er, yeah, cheers.” It’s too early to talk to anyone this perky. Then his exhausted, coffee-less brain takes a moment to catch up with his exhausted, coffee-less mouth. “Er, wait, what?”
“Warlock. Heard it’s coming back. Did I tell you I wrote a paper on it in, like, Grade 10? So cool, the GSA at my highschool used to have watch parties, I can’t wait to see what they do with your -“
“Wait -“ Warlock? It’s been bloody years. “Where’d you hear this?”
The kid starts to list off some sites or social media whatsits that Crowley has never heard of, so he just nods and pretends to understand, the same way he does when Az’s niece tries to explain some show called “Jojo’s Big Adventure” or something. Validate, validate, empathise. Just like Pepper taught him.
It’s probably nothing right? A rumour.
But it’s a rumour Az has heard too.
When Crowley gets home that night (they’ve rented a house in Buckinghamshire, even though the studio’s not two hours from their cottage) Az is on him immediately. Heard about it from his sister apparently, who got the news from one of the kids.
“Isn’t that exciting?” His face is all lit up and his hair is wet, bathrobe snugly belted around his waist. The house has an indoor pool, and there are little indents on Avery’s nose where his extremely attractive and sexy swimming-goggles must have been resting.
Crowley presses his lips to each mark.
“Not that we’ve been going hungry or wanting for work –” Az continues.
“You work too bloody much,” Crowley murmurs into his cheekbone.
“But I do love those characters. The whole thing wrapped up so nicely though – what more is there to tell?  I wonder what the arc could possibly be.”
“I wonder what you’ve got on under this robe –”
“Anthony!” Az laughs in fake protest, tilting his head back so that Crowley can get his mouth on his throat. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Az tastes like chlorine, and maybe Crowley should join him in the shower after this. After a day in the studio, he could probably use it.
“Would you really want to do a series again?” Crowley asks after he’s finally let his husband go, turned to hang up his coat and thrown his bag on the nearest chair. “Awful lot of commitment. And you’ve that whole run at the Globe coming up, don’t rehearsals start in the spring?”
“We’ll have to see if Helen can mind the goats again while we’re in London.” Az has wandered into the kitchen, turned on the kettle. Crowley looks at the back of his neck (Crowley always looks at the back of his neck. Sometimes he dreams about it.) “If she’s free. I called her this morning to check in, Elmyra’s eating, so her anxiety must be getting better.”
“Cool, yeah,” Crowley says, casual and nonchalant and no big deal. As if Elmyra isn’t his favourite of the bunch and he doesn’t have a song that he made up and no one knows that he sings just to her. As if he didn’t hand feed her all night once because she wasn’t sleeping or eating and neither was he because he was so afraid this tiny rescue goat was going to starve to death, anyway whatever, super cool, who cares. “Is it weird that no one’s reached out to us, though? Do you think?”
“About the goats? Helen has my number –”
“No love, the Warlock thing.”
Az blinks at him, flutters his pretty blond lashes in an attractive, aggrieved sort of way. “You mean you haven’t heard from Beez?”
“I haven’t heard from anyone.”
“Oh.” Az thinks it over. “Well. Neither have I, actually. Do you – is that odd?”
“Maybe they’ve recast us with younger models.”
“They wouldn’t dare.”
“Gotta up the sex appeal of the whole thing. Jawlines. Cheekbones. Sexy results.”
“I –” Az goes a bit pink. Glances at Crowley and then away. “Fail to see how they could improve upon perfection.”
Crowley looks at his husband’s bathrobe and the slight scattering of silver chest hair and his hand on his tea cup and fuck off, his neck. His neck, his neck, who gives a shit about Warlock actually?
 “Come over here and say that to my mouth.”
Avery smiles, and sighs, and he does.
Crowley opens the email from Beez.
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He fuckin' closes it.
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luimagines · 8 months
You Realize You Like Him Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 will include Legend, Sky and Four.
Content under the cut!
“And then I told him that he could fly from the top of Hyrule Castle for all I cared, I wasn’t going to buy something that only have a 40% success rate.” Legend finished his story.
You nodded along. You understood a solid...5% of what he was saying. But that’s ok. You like to hear him talk. He was nice enough and you liked his company. 
There was this energy that drew you to him. You’re not sure what it was. Sure he was cute but that couldn’t have been it.
Then again, he always had something to help save the day. He was fast on his feet and incredibly clever. He had enough experience under his belt to put most of the group to shame. There seemed that there wasn’t anything that he couldn’t do.
You respected him greatly.
Legend snorted and patted your shoulder. “I’m telling you, I know the ins and outs of most, if not, all sleezy merchants. If you want the best deal, you come with me and I’ll find it for you.”
You smiled. “Thanks Link. I might have to take you up on that.”
Legend faltered for a moment and blushed. “Hey... It’s not much. It doesn’t cost my anything.”
You chuckled at his reaction, feeling those little butterflies in your tummy. You smiled wider and felt yourself fluster a little. This was it. This is what caught you off guard time and time again. When he got soft or shy, you simply... followed suit.
It was infuriating to say the least. You wanted him to think you were cool, collected, suave. Hell, you would accept gravitas if you could reach it. 
For you to also lose your cool just because Legend was adorable was not the move for you. And Yet!
Someone called Legend for his opinion from the front of the group and Legend smiled at you again, soft and sweet and winked. He ran to catch up and ask what they needed.
It was the final nail in the coffin.
You bite your lip, feeling your blush grow over your face. Well this was hardly fair at all. You felt almost giddy with some unnamed excitement. Was this weird? Were you being weird?
You could almost feel the exact moment where your eyes turned into hearts- all the more thankful that he was no where near you at this point to see your descent. You liked him. You already knew that.
But to think you would feel like losing it over his stupid little wink and grin!! UGH!! This cannot be!! And yet!!! Here you are!!!
You covered your face with your hands, quickly putting your hood over yourself before anyone can get the impression that you were actually losing your mind. Which you were. 
You took a deep breath, then another, then another. That’s it. Breathe in. Breathe out.
So what if he was handsome and charming and smart and clever and cool? It doesn’t mean anything!
It meant everything.
Arguably, it didn’t take you long to realize that you were starting to fall for him.
You were only traveling with the group for a few months when you found yourself getting butterflies in your tummy whenever he would walk next to you or when you were staring. Period. You were staring. That should have been a dead giveaway.
But no, you were still trying to hold onto denial.
You were trying to keep pleasant but polite conversation with the young man. For some reason, you found unable to hold eye contact and you couldn’t seem to stop from blushing despite the fact that literally nothing was happening.
Still, you were giggly and happy and overall overjoyed so spend the time with him, even though you would have thought that he would have gotten annoyed with you at this point for being so out of it as you were.
That being said, when he put his hand on your shoulder, you had to bite the inside of your cheek to keep it together.
You couldn’t deny it any longer. That’s not a normal reaction. You were at least crushing on him. You had to admit at least that much.
He said some more things that you could no longer focus on before he patted your shoulder as a sign of good will before he walked on, no doubt going to talk to someone else of the group.
Once he was out of sight and hopefully out of earshot, you slowly sunk down and squealed to yourself. It was going to be a one time thing, you would have allowed yourself his much. Then you would get a grip and pretend it never happened and never do it again.
Somehow, the universe had other plans for you.
You had entered a new town and had to do some quick shopping to restock the supplies of the group. Which was all fine and dandy to be honest.
Until you ran into Sky.
Now you were blushing and flustered and giggling like a fool- even if he wasn’t even saying anything funny. The butterflies were back tenfold and they refused to leave.
Sky decided to stay by your side for the remainder of the day and help you out with the of the shopping. He even carried the bags for you. 
Your mind wanted to romanticize the entire thing and make it seem like it was a date when the more rational part of your brain wanted it to remain strictly business.
You had left for a moment to buy some things from the tailor shop for Legend and returned to Sky, who was holding onto some roasted food on a stick. He smiled, dare you say, bashfully. “I thought you’d be hungry.”
Your jaw dropped but you took the food anyway. “How did you know?”
“Because given the amount of things you’ve already bought and the fact that you started the second we split up, I was beginning to doubt that you had even bothered to feed yourself.” He answered quietly, scratching the back of his neck. “Is it good?”
You take a bite. “Delicious!”
“Good.” Sky smiles and takes the new bag from your hand. “Let’s continue then.”
The words suddenly sits on the edge of your tongue and you swallow it down with the next bite before it can escape. Could you love him? Could you plan to fall?
He certainly doesn’t make it difficult to do so.
Honestly, you can say without a shadow of a doubt that Four was one of your favorite people ever.
He was so smart. And kind. And the best kind of sarcastic.
You loved to go toe to toe with his wit and he never failed to make you laugh no matter how stupid the joke was or how low hanging the fruit was.
...He would hit you if he heard you say that that one.
There’s was just something effortless about hanging out with him. Conversation flowed easy and there never seemed to be anything you couldn’t talk about. Even when you weren’t talking, the silence wasn’t awkward and there no need to try and one up one another. It was just casual and pleasant coexistence.
But then you started noticing... the little you did. At first, as usual, it wasn’t something that you paid attention to much because you had already established that you cared about each other and cared about each other’s opinions and the relationship between you had.
But you wanted... more of his attention. You wanted more of his time and his energy. You found yourself looking over at him more often and wanting to get his opinion on everything even if it was next to nothing.
It wasn’t until Zelda invited you and the group to a royal ball of sorts where you realized that you were subconsciously dressing up for Four instead of just trying to look your best for the princess’s sake.
You were thinking if he’d like the color, the cut, the jewelry they gave you to wear with your outfit. You had a passing thought that Four could make something better than this if they ever gave him the chance.
It wasn’t until you nearly blurted the question out loud to yourself that you caught on to your thoughts.
It realization hit you like a charging horse.
Just why did you care so much about what Four thought about this outfit? About you? About if he would think you looked good or not? It’s not like he’s the type of person to judge you for your fashion choices. If you wanted that, you’d ask Legend of Wild for their opinion.
But you still wanted him to pay attention to you like this.
You bit your lip harshly.
It... can’t be that? Right? 
No, no, no- that would be silly.
You run your hands down your clothes and look back at the mirror. You think for a moment about your thought and break down in an instant. You’re a flustered blushing mess.
You think that Four would look very dapper tonight in his clothes for the party. And the thought gets your heart racing.
Would he want to dance with you?
Would you talk the night away?
...Would he even want to hang out with you tonight? He’s entitled to be around his other friends, of course. You don’t feel as if you have any right to demand anything of him.
...But you want it. You want it really badly. But why?
Are you crushing?
For a moment you  think you hear someone knocking at the door and you got to open it. It’s Four- looking just as dapper as you thought he would. You grin.
“As I’ll ever be!”
He’s so handsome!
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starrypen · 10 months
hello! i hope you're having a nice day 💕
also, i just fell in love w the way you write, and was wondering if i can request for an specific scenario!! you and jake are friends and have feelings for each other but no one confesses until you end up hooking up at a party 🤨 i thought abt this the whole day but i just know you're gonna write it better! please, and thank you 💗
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pairing: crush!jake x fem!reader
genre: smut
summary: a dull college party brings you and your crush closer than ever before. if you cum, you agree to be his girlfriend.
warnings: mentions of alcohol, pet names, oral (receiving), squirt, dom!jake, 2.3k words
a/n: thank u so much for your compliments and for your request <3 i don’t really go to parties so i’m not sure it’s tooooo realistic/accurate, im sorry!!
“i think i just saw jake and his friends walk up your driveway,” you frantically patted at your friends’ arms, waiting, rather impatiently, for one of them to admit that they invited him without telling you.
“it’s cool, y/n, i invited jay and you know that they can’t be separated,” raya’s hand found yours as she spoke. she gave it a tight squeeze before dropping it as three boys walked straight into her kitchen.
“hey, where’s the party at?” one of jay’s friends asked, placing a crate of beer onto the counter. “where is everyone?”
“i said 10,” raya replied, “but who actually arrives at 10?”
“true,” jay responded, continuing the conversation by asking about who he was expecting to see here.
you couldn’t make out any names, all your focus was on the boy to his right. jake. he gave you a friendly smile and a slight wave, one that beckoned you over to him. you grabbed a bottle of beer from the kitchen counter on your way over to him and extended it towards him. he took it with a “thank you,” before grabbing his keys from his jacket pocket and opening the cap. “how have you been? i haven’t seen you in so long,” he joked, knowing you’d shared a lecture together that morning.
“ugh so stressed, there’s this one guy in my class, he’s so annoying!” you snarked back, “jake, i think his name is.”
“nah, i heard he’s super smart and hot, a distraction if anything,” he took a swing of his beer. you mimicked, taking a sip of your drink too. “fuck, what is this shit, tastes rancid!” he pulls it away from his face to read the label, “0%, who brought alcohol free beer to a party?” his eyes landed on the friend of jay’s that had come in shouting, he clicked his tongue and muttered something under his breath. “i genuinely have no idea who that guy is, and i don’t think jay does either,” he laughed, whispering closely into your ear. your hand gripped his arm naturally as he spoke, you were barely able to concentrate on what he said, knowing he was so close to you right now.
“you seriously don’t know him?” you snapped your head around to get another look at the guy, “shouldn’t we like, tell him to leave?”
“nah, no point, looks like he’s already found someone to defend him,” he points over towards the guy again, whose tongue is down raya’s throat.
it’s midnight. the downstairs of raya’s house is full of people, mostly students from your college but some you don’t even recognise. over the last two hours, you realised that the guy who came in with jay and jake was actually the dj that raya had been sleeping with for the past month. he was loud and obnoxiously extroverted, and worst of all, pretty bad at djing.
a hand on the small of your back took you away from the conversation you were having with some people you knew from campus. “we’re playing truth or dare,” jay explained, guiding you to the kitchen, where, thankfully, the music was quieter.
“nah, not really for me,” you replied, turning back on yourself, when you noticed jake. “oh, are you playing?” you asked him, ready to change your mind.
“are you?” he asked back.
“no, she’s being boring!” jay answered for you, leaving you with nothing more to add than an awkward smile.
instead of barging back in on the conversation you were just having with your other friends, you headed to the bathroom upstairs. jake followed quietly. as you went to shut the door, jake slipped into the bathroom with you, only realising once he was actually in the room with you that you probably came in here to use the toilet.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t think this was the uh-” he stuttered his way through the sentence, trying to shut and cover his eyes for no reason.
“no it’s okay i didn’t come in here to,” you coughed in place of the word, “i’m just here to get away from that lot,” you pointed to the floor.
“honestly,” his hand scratched at the back of his head, “i’m kinda bored of this party.”
“me too,” you responded, a little too excitedly as if this was a groundbreaking opinion that you had in common. “shall we go to raya’s room and talk for a bit? or just sit on our phones without being pestered to play some stupid drinking game?”
“yeah, i actually need to tell you something anyway,” he agreed with a shy smile, shuffling into the smallest space possible to let you unlock the door and lead the way, “she won’t mind, right?”
“no, she’s cool with whatever,” you shrug, twisting the door handle and walking into the disaster she calls a room. “don’t mind the mess, 3 girls had to get changed in here earlier!” you explain, as if he’d understand. you propped yourself against her headboard and threw all of the random clothes into the floor. you scurried your feet under the blanket folded at the end of her bed. he joined you after taking off his jacket, resting his head on her pillow, his hands clasped together on his torso. “what did you need to tell me?” you rolled onto your side, your hand sandwiched between your cheek and a pillow.
“oh,” he rolled over to face you, “that guy, leo, he’s the dj.”
your heart sank as he told you, you were kind of hoping for more, and it was definitely clear on your face.
“and also that you look pretty tonight,” he smiled, his hand at your hip, “you always look pretty in fact, i think about how pretty you are all the time.”
you hide your face by burying it into the pillow, “i thought those beers were 0%?”
“i’m being serious y/n,” he clarifies.
you look back at him again. his eyes are filled with sincerity, but it’s hard for you to remain focused on them when your eyes keep falling to his lips. you reassured yourself that it was okay, his eyes were doing the same.
“can i kiss you?” he asks, taking his hand from your hip in favour of tucking a strand of your straightened hair behind your ear.
as he leaned closer, you felt his thumb graze over your lobe a few times. “please,” you whispered.
it seemed to take forever for your lips to finally come together, but when they did, it was everything you’d imagined it to be. he took your bottom lip between his own, enclosing his lips around it more harshly with each kiss. it wasn’t long before your tongues vied to enter the other’s mouth. in the meantime, jake had managed to steady himself on his elbow, soon on top of you, between your legs. you were experienced enough to know exactly where this was going, but that wasn’t what you wanted from this, so you pulled away for a moment.
“jake,” you started, snapping him out of the trance you’d put him in, “i really like you, you know that right?” your hands squeezed as his upper arms.
he melted under your touch. “i do now,” he laughed, “and i really like you too, don’t worry.”
“so, i don’t want this to just be,” you motioned to either side of you both, “just whatever this is.”
“it’s not,” he chuckled before leaning in to give you a small gentle kiss on your lips. another shortly followed, and then a longer one at the corner of your mouth. you played with his hair between your fingers. “baby, you’re already mine,” he commented, kissing your collarbone while tugging at the chest area of your shirt that showed a lot of cleavage. you managed to drop the straps of the top, shaking them off of your arms as jake eagerly tugged at your shirt some more, leaving it be at the middle of your tummy. his kisses trailed over your chest, down to the button on your jeans. “you’re so fucking gorgeous,” he kneels between your legs as he tussles with the denim waistband of his own jeans while you do the same. you undo yours before him and wait for him to take them off for you, which he does along with your panties before even doing his own.
it’s almost as if he forgets to take off his jeans, as he shuffles down the bed with his thumb slowly circling your clit. he replaces his thumb with his plump lips, pressing a small, light kiss against it while your legs try to close in on him. he pulls away, his middle finger lapping your pussy before he gently pushes it in. “if i make you cum tonight, will you be my girlfriend?” his smile is cheeky, but you know jake well enough to know that it’s genuine.
your lips struggle to stay shut as you nod, trying your hardest not to moan under his touch already.
his head ducks again, “good,” he smiles against your clit. his tongue fights the hood of your clit, easily finding the most sensitive part of your body in a matter of seconds. your hand pushes his head further onto you as his tongue works your clit and his fingers curl inside you. you’re not sure when he added another finger, but you’re enjoying it too much to care.
“fuck, jake,” your legs close a little more around his head as you feel a trickle, or maybe a stream, of water run out of you.
“did you just squirt for me, baby?” he looks up at you while biting his lower lip.
“i think,” you laugh awkwardly, “i’ve never done that before!”
“fuck that’s so hot,” his fingers curl inside you one last time before he pulls them out. they’re dripping wet, as you expected. “suck on them princess, make them clean,” he commands. you take the two fingers into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them and trying to take more of their length as you would his cock. while you’re sucking on his fingers, jake manages to unbutton his pants to reveal his dick. he pumps it in his hands a few times while removing his jeans before tapping it against your clit.
“do you,” you pause as he hits it against your clit one more time, causing you to shake in pleasure, “do you have a condom?”
he scrambles off the bed, reaching inside his jacket pocket which he threw to the ground and pulling out a small silver tin filled with condoms. he singled one out and opened it up, rolling it onto his dick with the most adorable concentration face. he climbs back into the bed, his hands coming to your sides to flip you over and help you onto all fours in front of him. you back up, your ass against his hard dick, which is enough for jake to know you want it just as much as he does.
with his hand at the base of his cock, he pushes it into you gently, letting you take it all and get used to his girth.
“should i move?” he asks, almost as if he feels guilty for his size.
you hum, it’s the only thing you can do while he’s inside of you, you realise.
he pulls his dick out and pushes it back in again, soon building up to a pace that suits you both. his hand has found your hair, he’s bunched it together and pulled it all back, using it to keep his balance as he fucks you. you help him keep his rhythm, throwing your ass back against him until he stops abruptly.
“turn over, baby, i miss that beautiful face of yours,” he taps your ass as he pulls out of you. a little short of breath, he relaxes back against his heels while you turn over. your hand finds your clit, rubbing it for him to watch. “is that how you like it?” he asks, mentally taking notes. he takes your hand away and places it near to your face, as if he’s asking you to suck on your fingers. he gets to his knees once again and lines himself up with your pussy. his dick misses a few times, which makes him a little mad at himself. you think it’s cute. he finally gets it in with a groan, “shit, you feel so good,” he compliments, leaning on his hand above your head. his lips find your forehead. he places a gentle kiss against it while whispering, “you look so good under me,” before allowing himself to sit upright again. his pace matches the pace he set before, but this time he added rubbing your clit into the equation, just as you showed him only moments ago.
“jake,” your hand rested on his chest while the other gripped at the sheet beneath you, “i’m cumming,” you moaned and winced, your pussy throbbing around him. you felt so vulnerable in that moment, but you knew you were safe with jake.
“you’re such a good girl,” his came close to your face again, taking your lips between his own and then pulling away as the pulsating became less intense around his dick. he began to fuck you again, but a lot sloppier and with more groans than before. he soon pulled out, pulling off the condom and wobbling and kneeling to the side of you in urgency before spraying your tits with his cum. you took your finger to your chest, scraping up what you could before dripping it into your mouth and sucking the rest off your fingers. jake pulled up his boxers and ran to the bathroom you were in earlier that night to grab a towel, the bathroom bin going with a loud clang as he disposed of the condom. he came back and patted your chest with the towel, your face too, all while laughing to himself.
“what’s funny?” you asked, searching for your own underwear with your hand.
“nothing,” he carried on, chuckling away, “you’re just really cute.” you smiled to yourself, sorting out your rolled up shirt with your other hand to cover your chest again. jake tried to help, but unfortunately the only time he can keep his lips off of yours is to kiss your neck, or mumble against it. “even cuter now that you're my girlfriend.”
“guys, why are you in my-” raya covers her eyes as soon as she notices jake is only in his boxers, “not my best sheets, y/n,” she comments with a cry, before shutting the door, leaving the pair of you to laugh about almost getting caught.
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
Hey hey Katie!! Have fun on your road trip!
So what do you think about Reader, Jack, and Aaron (reader and Aaron are married) going to a water park together since it’s the end of summer?? I can totally seeing Jack bouncing off the walls wanting to go on the slides and reader and Aaron trying to constantly catch up to him! Like they’re being all domestic and cute going to the wave pool, lazy river, etc. 🥹
Thennnn Aaron and reader have “beef” since Jack wants to ride with his Momma on the tube slides instead of Aaronnnnn but then Aaron gets him a giant ice cream and Jacks like 😃 ok daddy I love you
Meanwhileeeee Aaron and reader are trying not to jump each other cuz they’re appreciating how they look and have fight off all the other people trying to flirt!! Then maybe they go home and have pizza and watch a movie together!
i did have fun thank you!!!! and AH your mind >>>>
it's def a lil end of summer surprise for jack 🥰🥰🥰 hehe you and aaron are getting ready for bed one night, discussing how summer just flew by and the days are dwindling down until jack is back in school 😭 🥲 AND since aaron doesn't work the next day, you both agree you should take advantage of it and take jackers out to do something fun!!!!!! <3333 aaron checks the weather for the next day to narrow down ideas, sees it's gonna be a hottttt one and comes up with the genius idea of going to a waterpark!!! something so fun and a good way to beat the heat <33
AH so you wake up jack bright and early the next day - aaron wanted to get there earlier to beat the crowd/traffic - and as he's opening his eyes, still half asleep, you brush his hair away from his eyes and whisper-ask :D "wanna go to a waterpark????" and within an instant, jackers is wide awake with the biggest most excited grin on his face <3333 his swimsuit is on in record time and he's eagerly talking you and aaron out the door as quickly as possible.
and as you get him and yourself ready, aaron has the job of collecting the towels, flip flops, sunscreen, anything you may need throughout the day, putting it in a big beach bag, and has the task of loading up the car 🤭 hehe it's very Dad of him <3333
as you three are pulling into the waterpark, jack is pointing out alllll the slides he sees and needs to go on because they look "super cool!!!!!!" - he's practically out of his seat, still buckled in, and aaron keeps looking in the rearview mirror and keeps reminding jack to stay put until he's parked 🤨🫵🏻🥰 but jack being as excited as he is, doesn't listen 🤭
and once you're all in the park, sunscreen is on and your spot has been selected, sweet jack is pulling on your hand trying to drag you away to go on slides <333 hehe leaving aaron in the dust 🤭 aaron pretends to be offended, pouts, and asks "what about me??? this was my idea you know???" and jack just giggles, clutches onto your hand and insists again how he wants to go on with you <3333333 so as the day progresses, he teases jack how the two of you are having all the fun 🙄 BUT for some of the bigger slides, the ones that make jack a bit nervous 🥺 he wants aaron to go on those with him 😭
and the lazy river <33333 the three of you spend sooo much time in there. aaron is the only one trying to relax, while you and jack team up to splash him every so often 🤭 hehe aaron is lounging in the floatie, eyes closed, he looks like he's asleep lmaooo 😭 and when he gets splashed, he totally plays it up for jack 🥹 pretending the water is such a surprise and topples into the river, which causes jack to erupt in laughter 💓💞 and UGH it tugs at your heartstrings because aaron 🥹🥹 is such a good dad <33333
and when aaron sees you in your bathing suit 🤭 he totally tries to grab your ass multiple times throughout the day. in response, you just smack his hand back and then also his chest gently and whisper-yell at him amusingly, "aaron!!!!! there are children here" and he just shrugs his shoulders and gives you a smirk ;)))))
AND every time you peer at aaron to check him out in his shirtless glory <3333 he's already peering at you to check you out 🤭 hehe the two of you just stupidly grin at each other, and UGH aaron causes you to blush everyyy time
but omg the other moms are TOTALLY checking aaron out, so you keep offering to put sunscreen on him to show he's yours >:( like one glances in his direction, their gaze lingers on him and his body for a bit too long and you're turning to aaron and urgently telling him, "i need to put sunscreen on your chest now" hehe and the first few times, aaron whines a bit, says how he's already fully covered thanks to you but complies <333 and eventually aaron catches on why and is so so sweet 🥹 so he'll let you manhandle him and put sunscreen on with no complaints, and alwayssss gives you a sweet kiss and reminds you he's all and only yours <33333
and at the end of the day, jack is soooo tuckered out from all the time spent in the sun, all the fun he had, and aaron carries him back to the car 🥹🥰 and once you're back home, the ac feels so nice and welcoming, aaron lays jack in his room so he can continue napping, and then the two of you take a shower together to cool down and wash up - hehe aaron makes a comment about he has to get all the sunscreen off him LMAO which reminds you of earlier so you have to remind him again who he belongs to so 🤭 that calls for shower sex of courseeeee 🥰💞💞💕💞
and once jack is awake and showered, the three of you finish the most amazing summer day by ordering some takeout, watching a movie and cuddling on the couch <3333333
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vampiric-succulent · 1 month
Spoiler warning!!! I’m being so serious right now as this is a pretty lore heavy episode. This contains spoilers.
Also, I am losing my MIND.
When they are in the Beneath and giving their stories to the Oracle: will Torbek ever get that back???????? That’s so important, it’s the entire reason he’s here, I actually don’t think this story will go on if Torbek is unable to remember the inspiration for why he’s on this journey.
Plot-wise I am WORRIED.
Does this mean that the other is just gone??????
This is so consequential like there are so many consequences for these actions YOU GUYS
also Frost’s story was SO SAD to have lost like that was so cool
Other notes: Nikkie is ofc the biggest Coalecroux shipper I love it, also there’s so much good chaos
This episode is a great mix of chaos and LORE
I. Forgot about the Speech Bubble effect that Torbek has. Holy shiiiiiiit. Andy you genius.
Frost being a proud nudist and Gricko’s legs being fused together is hilarious
THE DUKE????????? DUKE?????????
Good god this is crazy. They all forgot the the goddamn Torbek lore and now they have to catch up but they’re NOT catching up and it’s so ANNOYING
Wait how much do they still know/remember????? UGH THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING
Knowing Rich, Kremy is going to tell a really emotionally important story relating to Gideon and then Kremy’s gonna forget it. Goddamn.
Ouch. Gideon doesn’t remember his dad anymore. Yikes. Can the Feywild stop stealing memories??
A hesitation about taking this memory? What, the other ones weren’t enough to warrant hesitation?
“Get on it, fanfiction” WILD
Something coming to the Inn at the End of the Road? Or just a scene of comfort OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT HOLY FUCK OH MY GOD
Also does the fact that it’s a PUMPKIN tart mean anything????? Is the connection im making to the guy they took this quest from (Madrick Roslov, I think his name was) a valid one to make??????????
Twig is an agent of, or maybe is herself, Baba Yaga. This was foreshadowed? or shown? when they visited Morgana (the version of Zybilna that is stuck in time) and she “fixed” the Twig doll and told the party that it was made by her Grandmother, who was revealed to be Baba Yaga. I didn’t pick up on that.
Nikkie is SO GOOD at storytelling oh my LORD
Damn, Gricko. Damn.
OPERA TIME!!!!!! That’s where Burly is!!
Ohhhh. Opening Night. Mother of Puppets.
ONE MORE TO GO NO GUYS COME ON!!!!! ONE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Level 6 is death, you guys would only be at level 4!!!!
YEAH THERE WE GO MEET CUTE STORY TIME— oh. Oh no he’s. He’s gonna forget it isn’t he. Fuck. RICHIE STOP
“But yknow friends to lovers is also really good” 😏😏
Oh I thought this was gonna be Coalecroux, but wow this works too
That was perfect. Thank god that it’s not a Coalecroux thing he’s gonna forget.
They’re all so GOOD at STORYTELLING ffs I’m going to lose my MIND
PEGASUS???? THE BARN OWL??????? 13???????
Wait. Okay. So the Barn Owl is of the King of Hearts (if I remember right, that’s what he turned into after the party first met him). The unicorn became Pegasus became the barn owl. The lightning storm, which we now know was an illusion, was involved. Red and White are here again, and we know the Red and White War happened. This is probably larger Dungeons and Dragons lore that I don’t know. I am REELING.
Goddamnit I promised myself I would do things at the end of this episode!!!!! I can’t just go straight to the next one but oh god do I want to
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ghostwiththeemost · 20 days
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Hey babes~ seems ya found my blog! Welcome to my humble abode. You may be asking “who is this SEXY SEXY man?” Well I’ll tell ya! I’m Behjdbbdnf… Beejkbngd… Bug wine. 🪲🧃. Use the emojis babe. I can’t type my own fucking name apparently. How fucked up is THAT?! Ugh, anyway… Let’s get onto the real shit. I’m the boss bitch here, you should hire me to get some shitty humans out of your beloved home. Or, call me up to fuck. Either works.
Alright, alright. People put their info and shit so I’ll do just that. I’m 🪲🧃, but ya can call me “sexy” or “handsome” or “sweets” or “pretty boy” or anything ;)~ Kay, moving on! I’m the ghost with the most, the biggest dick in town babe. He/him, but I can also be your/yours~ ;) I don’t care for labels, I’m a sexual beast. You wanna talk? Talk. You wanna flirt? Flirt. Send nudes? Eeeehhhh… Probably not, sorry sweetheart. I’d totally say yes, but that’d get me banned.
Anything else? Yeah, a lot actually. Ask me about shit. I’m over 600 years old, I’ve seen a lot, done a lot, witnessed a lot, I’m the fuckin best. I mean look at me, I’m the coolest ghost in town! ;)~ Also the best dick. DEFINITELY the best dick.
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Well well well! Quite Fancy seeing you back here! Yet ANOTHER wonderful roleplay blog, and even a BETTER character?!?!??!?!1 WOAHHHHH! Wowie!
Hi! I'm the wonderful mod behind this obnoxious green ghoul of a man, and I hope you can stay a bit, have a seat, chat a bit! Learn a bit, see some tags behind this wonderful super duper cool page, yakknow how it is!
The name's Dew! Dewey if you wanna be fancy, but nah, I'm just a guy on the internet here to write for his funny bug man. No formalities needed. The pronouns are HE/SHE! I'm Genderfluid and Gay!
Kay, mini bits of info here... I'm an adult! So that being said I'm going to keep a boundary on certain aspects such as some forms of nsfw and SOME ships. Mostly I don't care? I'd just prefer if you were to tell me or have your age in bio before deciding to imply nsfw ROLEPLAYS. Flirting or nsfw anons I don't really care about, it's bound to happen, but you get it. also beetlebabes dni you all SUUUUUCKKKK.
Let's see... I have some other accounts. @candycoffinss , @photographerstanheight , @screamingqueenxoxo ... Other stuff, we'll see what I reveal.
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Right, right... Tags and extra info... |🪲| ~ 𝑴𝑶𝑫 𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑲𝑺! - This is me talking!! >:] |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑬𝑱𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑬 𝑨𝑵𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑹𝑺! - Replies to asks, you know how it is. |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑱’𝑺 𝑽𝑰𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑺! - call for interacts maybe?? |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑬𝑱𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑷𝑬𝑨𝑲𝑺! - Random yapping he does, reblogs... etc. |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑬𝑱𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑬𝑺 𝑯𝑨𝑼𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺! - Interactions Yeaaaaa
|🪲🔞| ~ 𝑺𝑼𝑮𝑮𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑬! - yea some things will be suggestive labeled just in case pleeease be cautious tyyy beetlejuice can be a menace.
ALRIGHT! FINAL BIT OF INFO!!!!! This writing of beetlejuice is a mix of everything, but I'm mainly leaning toward Justin Collette's version of Beetlejuice. He's still Beetlejuice of course, but keep in mind he won't be much like Alex Brightman if you're looking for an adaptation of him! (...There will be crumbs tho. Pathetic meow meow...) ANYWAY! Yeah, Just wanted to throw that out there, I didn't know if people would want my head for it LMAOOOO but YEAH!!! I'm free w any interactions btw. other fandoms, other blogs, movie characters, musical characters, do it !! >:] ok I think that's it... until I decide to go bonkers again. thanks for reading if you got this far! smooches ur forehead /p
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an-au-blog · 11 months
The glimpses we got of Jeff Ward in the opla blooper reel fill me with brain worms because now I am thinking about young Buggy not really being able to control his devil fruits ability for a while and Shanks doing his best to help him train. I can just see Buggy holding his own head between his legs before then faceplanting onto the floor and Shanks laughing his ass off, before offering to spot his friend doing more elaborate tricks like bouncing it from shoulder to shoulder so he can catch it before it hits the deck again when he messes up.
„ UGH! You’re supposed to CATCH me not bash my skull in!“ „Sorry.“ „God you suck. I only cant do this because you distract me so much.“ Shanks snorts and grins down at the upside down pouting clown head in his hands. „I don’t know. I just think you’re unlucky.“ „CAN IT.“ „Nah, you need all the luck you can get.“ With a swift motion Shanks raps his knuckles three times against Buggies forehead, to which his crewmate reacts with angry screams of pain and indignation „KNOCK ON WOOD!“ „FUCK YOU!!“ Buggys world twirls in a flash and for one second his body looses his balance just from the whiplash his head is experiencing. When he catches himself he’s upright and face to face with his insufferable Bunkmate who gives him a toothy grin. „Hm what else?“ „DONT“ „Fingers crossed.“ The clown let’s out yet another undignified squawk as Shanks crosses his fingers and mimes dropping him in the process for a second. Buggies body is now trying to grab at Shanks who’s easily sidestepping his friends strangling hands. „I’LL KILL-„ „Maybe it’s like one of those dice you have to blow on for good luck.“ Buggys world once again turns topsy turvy as the redhead flips him upside down once more, his chopped neck exposed upwards and any screams of protest die in his throat as he sees Shanks face getting closer to his neck just at the edge of his vision. Once again he feels thrown off balance, but not because of the sudden movement but because for a single second, he’s met with the faintest feeling of lips on his neck and a slight touch of air as Shanks exhales on the part that usually is connected to his own body. It’s almost unnoticeable and entirely too short to be on purpose, but Buggy still lets the almost kiss happen in shock and mentally thanks whatever sea deity he can think of that Shanks can’t see the look on his face right now. The room spins yet again and he moves his arm upwards almost like a reflex, his head colliding with his own wrist and rolling downwards from one shoulder to the other till it reaches the other wrist and with a flick of his elbow his head bounces off himself and reattaches itself to its neck. His mind clears mid and he realizes Shanks is cheering for him „LOOK AT YOURSELF! THAT WAS SO COOL!“ And all Buggy can do is turn away with faux annoyance and pretend his flush is from being overly embarrassed by his friends happy outburst and hope he doesn’t notice that his fingers keep ghosting over the part where his neck head usually detaches.
I cannot be more serious when I say that I have been thinking about this all day. This is so on point, like... I had a silly little smile on my face while reading this, it feels like it's ripped out of a fic I need more!
I really wanna add something but idk if I can?? it's just so perfect???
Though talking about holding bodily parts, I can imagine Shanks holding Buggy's hand for no reason, even if it's just detached. He'll just be out and about, minding his own business on the ship, and someone will ask him "Buggy, where's your other hand? Why're only with only one?"
To which he'll just make a grumpy face, which the other shipmates quickly learn mean that Shanks is just pocketing random parts for tun again. Bonus points for if he does it with also for fun, just Buggy waking up with one less leg and searching for it while Shanks giggles. Buggy would probably "beat him up" with his severed leg later, but it's too funny to him to not do it once in a while.
OH! Bonus bonus points for when they meet again and Shanks is one arm lighter than Buggy remembers, he accidentally sadly murmurs "You can't hold me like you used to..." under his breath. When Shanks asks him to repeat, he panics and goes "It's like karma from when you used to tease me" or something like that.
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spiritedscorpio · 1 year
The BSD characters as gym partners
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Warning: Slightly suggestive content
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Honestly he's up to do anything with you if it means you get to spend more time together so when you ask him to join you at the gym, he's up for it
When you tell him you have to stretch first he's a bit confused but still follows along, being able to do several poses with a little difficulty
He's never actually been to a gym before so he just goes around to all the different machines to see what they do
He sees you doing a proper workout on one of the machines and starts to seriously think about what he should do
Since agility is a large part of his ability, he first focuses on leg machines, fiddling with the weight to see what would work for him
When he gets tired he stops to admire you running on a treadmill. Your muscles clearly show that this was something you were committed to and he respected that
He later moves on to arm machines to increase his attack power
When you leave he praises you for your efforts and says he wants to go again with you
"You were awesome y/n, you're so strong! I'd love to go with you again if you don't mind"
Later on he even buys matching gym outfits for you to wear <3
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When you ask him to come with you to the gym tomorrow he's really open to the idea
He thinks extra strength training for your line of work is always a beneficial thing so when he plans out his next day, he makes sure to pencil in an hour for the gym
Before you go he ensures you bring towels and lots of water, going on about how important proper hydration is
He knows how important it is to stretch as well however he has quite a hard time doing the poses
Since he's all about hand-held weapons, he prioritizes arm machines however he also spends a good amount of time on a treadmill for the overall benefits
When you're done he insists you rehydrate and do a proper cool-down as well to prevent injuries
He thinks this was a great idea and immediately makes a gym schedule for you two when you get back home
"Thank you for suggesting this y/n, I'm sure this will help us both. I should suggest this to the whole agency, it would be a wonderful addition to our training"
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As soon as you suggest him coming along with you to the gym he's completely against it because it both sounds boring and would be no use to him since he doesn't fight
He only comes along with you when you say you'll get crepes afterwards, somewhat defeating the purpose of working out
He agrees to do the stretching however it's more just siting and laying around in various positions when he does it
You go on with your usual routine while he just sits on a nearby machine, prepared to bide the time on his phone
When you tell him to at least try to do something, he goes to a leg machine and sets the weight to the lowest setting, carelessly swinging his legs back and forth with ease
In order to do something useful he holds onto your water and towel for you
When you've been on the treadmill a while he comes up to you, not for the first time, and asks if you can leave yet
Since he was clearly extremely bored, and you were just about done anyways you decide to leave since he made the effort to actually join you
When he's happily munching away on his crepes he says there's no way he's going back there
At the most the next time you go he'll stay in a nearby café or store until you're done so you can at least go home together
"Sorry y/n but that was the most boring hour of my life and there's noo way I'm doing this again. What? I didn't do anything? I know and don't expect me to. Ugh fine if you really want me to I'll actually try on one of those dumb machines if you get me my favorite snacks first"
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When you ask him to accompany you to the gym he's somewhat surprised, he didn't take you for the type that religiously works out but he agrees to go at least once with you
He compliments your appearance as you go
"My don't you look gorgeous, I like what you did with your hair and you're not wearing any makeup either are you? No of course I don't mind, you know I think you look good either way"
While you're stretching you do the splits and he smirks at you, saying your flexibility would be useful in... other situations
At most he stretches his arms and tries to touch his toes, just barely being out of reach of them
If you’re doing some kind of squat exercise, he stands nearby, checking you out until you shoo him away
When he finally leaves you alone he sits at some arm machine, setting the weight to an amount that wasn't too challenging or too easy as he waits for you. The idea of actually doing a serious workout isn't appealing to him
If you ask him to spot you he makes many comments, preventing you from focusing. "Well don't you look all pretty under me like this"
When he stops this he silently admires the fact that you're putting so much effort into something that isn't mandatory
He seems like the type to flex and go on about how much stronger he is now despite not really doing anything
Doesn't regularly go with you but if he's bored at work and knows you're at the gym he'll stop by
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I'd imagine that her body is pretty toned as a result of the work at the agency and the occasional workouts she gets in between her busy schedule
When you ask her to go with you she's surprised initially but makes sure to clear an afternoon for you
She makes sure you've eaten and drank enough beforehand
She asks what kinds of exercises you're planning on doing so she can recommend the proper stretches you should do
Does a full body workout but does more arm exercises
If she sees you doing an exercise incorrectly, she corrects your form in a loving way, not wanting you to get injured
Is really motivating but never pushes you too hard
Also makes sure you do a cool-down and rehydrate
Offers to give you a massage if you're ever sore but slightly scolds you for over-working yourself
Loves seeing your progress and running her hands over your arms and legs, feeling your muscles, noticing how they develop over time
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He does enough training on his own so going to an actual gym has never crossed his mind and he dismisses the idea at first but finally agrees if you bug him enough about it
You have to force him to wear less layers because he would've gone in his usual attire
Finds the idea of stretching first dumb but agrees to do it, having a decent amount of difficulty doing the various poses
You don't focus as much as you usually do on your workout as you're regularly checking to make sure he's okay
Because of his lung issues he doesn't do anything too intense and takes frequent breaks
You regularly check back with him and make sure he stays hydrated and doesn't unnecessarily push himself too hard
Normally he would find this kind of treatment insulting and see it as the person thinking he's weak but since he knows you, he knows it's because you care so he actually kind of likes it, not that he'd ever say so out loud
If you notice he's getting really tired, you make up an excuse to leave early, not wanting him to feel even more inadequate, especially about something he didn't want to do in the first place
He doesn't go to workout again but if he's free and knows you're there he'll stop by, claiming it's just part of a mission
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He actually seems like he works out, not doing anything formal, but still working out the various parts of his body so when you ask him to join you he has no complaints
Stretching is no problem for him and he shows off his flexibility, effortlessly doing the splits and smirking at your shocked expression
He's quite competitive and competes with you to see who's made the most progress from your last visit however he's never condescending about it, he just teases you in a good natured way
You both pick on each other by critiquing your form
Although he can be competitive, he's also pretty motivating and will encourage you if he sees you in the middle of a set when he's just gotten off a machine
As he sees your arms slightly trembling, words of praise leave his lips: "C'mon y/n, push it you can do it! Hell yeah you did it!"
Afterwards he compliments any progress you've made
Makes sure you eat all the right foods when you get home
It becomes as regular thing for you and he really looks forward to it
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She worries about not being capable for her line of work so when you ask her to go with you, she doesn't hesitate. Partially so she can get stronger and also because it'd be a great opportunity to spend time with you
She makes sure you've eaten and drank enough beforehand and that you're wearing the proper clothes and footwear
She also worries that you may get injured so she sets many timers on her phone, ensuring you wait enough time after eating before exercising and stretch long enough
Stretching isn't too difficult for her however she reminds you not to try too hard if you can't do one of the poses
She does a full body workout, wanting every part of her to be stronger
Insists to spot you just in case and although she motivates you, she says you shouldn't push yourself too hard
She happily goes with you again assuming she has the time
Ensures you drink enough water afterwards and insists that she makes dinner that night as she wants to make sure you have all the right things to eat
While she worries herself to make sure you're taken care of, she hasn't given herself the same treatment as she was on the machines as long as possible and went right back to work after cooking
You reassure her, telling her she does more than enough and she can't say no to you when she sees the worriedness in your eyes
"Hm? I'm just going to finish some paper work but you go ahead and eat. Aw, don't look at me like that... fine I'll eat, you know I can't say no to you"
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shostakobitchh · 6 months
finally admitted to myself that ok maybe i doooo ship snily 🙄 the thing is that i cannot find fics… i mean i *can* but there’s too many and i don’t know where to start……. so this is me asking for recommendations from the only jily shipper i know of (i’m not in the fandom a lot lol). i think it would be cool to read about them getting together as adults or something where snape is a little bi (turns out i also ship snape and sirius…. whatever ok!!!) but truly anything you have i’m accepting hehe i trust you! thank you bye!!! ps; i miss a&i aka the fic that i love so much and that i shamelessly recommend to literally everyone i know xxxxx
I'm gonna be real with you; there is very little Snily and even fewer stories I've found that do them both justice. I find that many make Lily a damsel in distress with like, her only driving motive to be a mother, and James is ALWAYS a POS. And Snape becomes an alpha male who is too controlling and it just skeeves me out. Lily loses all autonomy the second they do the deed and it's just not my thing. Even with the few Snape/OC fics I've read; if Snape is not like feral and nasty and with someone who can match that energy, I have no interest in it.
I have two major stories that come to mind with A+++ Snily. I have discovered recently that I am somewhat of a Snape Snob when it comes to fics where I only enjoy it if he is an unhinged, bitter little asshole who is a little nuts and Lily is like, the only one who can stomach him and keep him somewhat calm, but she can absolutely match his level of crazy if/when she needs to.
Come Once Again and Love Me - laventadorn
I read this nearly a decade ago and I haven't picked it up again because it just breaks my heart and puts it back together. It's a "Snape gets a do-over" but he does NOT want the do-over - he doesn't want anything to do with Lily at all at first - but the author does such a beautiful job of showing Snape as a bitter 30-something-year-old back as a teen just as his life took a dark turn. And Lily is AMAZING - her grief over losing her life old life (when she thinks of Harry it's gutting) but finding Snape again is just - UGH. She doesn't put up with his shit. She matches him and doesn't back down. She's awesome. A true queen.
A Dream Carved in Stone - diadelphous
I forgot about this one for a long time and recently reread it - I think I accidentally took inspiration from it with a certain potion LOL so I am giving full credit here - BUT - THIS is the best Snily I have ever read. It's during the first war where Lily and James never got together and Dumbledore approaches Lily and asks her to get Snape to confess he's a Death Eater. Their love story is - SO. FUCKING. GOOD.
They are both a little broken and a little crazy, but when people ask me how it would've gone down if Snape had known about Lily being pregnant, THIS story is how it would've gone down. When he's Soft with Lily it's so natural, it's so tender and raw and I die a little. Also, his reaction when Lily says she's pregnant is 10/10. It makes me laugh and cry every time.
I'm sorry I don't have more but I genuinely don't know of any others (at least that I like). I love this pairing so much LOL it makes me so sad there's nothing out there.
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starsurface · 7 months
Hcs for Stryker CG (Mk9-MK1 version it don’t matter :3) looking after a baby regressor?- ✨ Thanks again
Of course!! It's kinda both MK1 and MK9?? Mostly 'cause, uh, there's not much of him on either timeline . . .
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Stryker Hcs
🧸 Papa Bear!!!!!
🧸 @autismoplayden got it into my mind that he's a Papa Bear with her Stryker post, so he's a Papa Bear :3 (also why I used this emoji)
🧸 Very protective Papa
🧸 Your his baby!!! He's gotta protect you 🥺
🧸 Not overbearing when it comes to babysitting or playdates, but can be overbearing when you wanna play alone
🧸 He wants to make sure your safe, your his baby, you need to be safe
🧸 You are not allowed to get hurt, not even the littlest scratch or papercut
🧸 He gets bad memories of Kabal getting hurt, and he couldn't dare imagine you getting hurt
🧸 He'll patch you up, kissing your boo-boo when your done
🧸 But your also required to have a thirty minute cuddle afterwards, very protective Papa
🧸 Loves carrying you!!!!
🧸 It's not even to show off his strength, he just really likes holding you <3
🧸 Got you a fake badge so you could play cop with him
🧸 Playing cop with him making fake little scenarios with your stuffies
🧸 He'll roll and army crawl on the ground, making you giggle cause Papa was being funny
🧸 Since your tiny, he'll prop you against some pillows and do more of the work
🧸 Or pick you up and crawl around with you, gotta defeat those bad guys!! >:D
🧸 He'd do the silliest things just to make you laugh
🧸 It's actually very nice to see, since normally he's kinda serious
🧸 He'd find it funny if you stole his hat
🧸 And let you keep it for a bit, you look adorable 🥺
🧸 Favorite CG nicknames are Papa and Bubba
🧸 Ugh, babbling 🥺
🧸 Thinks you're adorable when you babble
🧸 Is really good with nonverbal communication, even if it's just grabby hands
🧸 I feel like he'd know a small bit of asl and would encourage you to use some (like water or hungry)
🧸 Your main babysitters would probably be (good/redeemed) Kabal, Sonya, and Kitana (I can see them as friends)
🧸 Did you know Sonya and Stryker are decent friends, even if it's never really spoken about in the games? (It was really quick in Rebirth, but I love her <3)
🧸 Really good with diaper regressors
🧸 Very patient when you get fussy or upset
🧸 He'll wait for you to calm down before cradling you
🧸 Telling you that there's no reason to get all fussy but your not in any trouble
🧸 But if being naughty, he won't hesitate to sit on the naughty step with you
🧸 Do the crime, serve the time >:(
🧸 A bit strict when it comes to rules (he doesn't want you to get hurt) but will be a bit softer because of how tiny you are
🧸 You can get out of punishment very easily though, a few tears and no pease Papa will make him easily bend
🧸 You get many, many compliments
🧸 He adores praising you, thinks you look adorable when you say a tiny thank you or give him a giggly paci kiss in response
🧸 I can see him really liking to play with slime with you
🧸 I dunno why, but I think he'd really enjoy playing with slime
🧸 Or even playdough!!
🧸 Making playdough food, or buying those old 2000 playdough ice cream machines!!
🧸 . . . You're not allowed to eat either of these, don't even think about it >:(
🧸 Will help you color by guiding your hand, but only if you want
🧸 Ugh, any picture of you and Papa WILL get framed 🥺
🧸 ^ Even if it's a stick figure of you in your favorite color, and him a blue figure
🧸 Absolutely adores baby regressor, but more just adores you
🧸 Your his baby, he's so happy to come home from his long scary days to his sweet little baby
🧸 Favorite nicknames for you are Baby Bear, Little One, Baby Girl/Boy, Sweetheart
🧸 “My Baby” is another one of his favorites <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ngl, Stryker seems so cool, but I know almost nothing of him cause he kinda left in MK9. 👀
Also ngl, kinda like the ship of him and Kabal or him, Kabal, and Kano. (I REALLY LIKE REDEEMED KABAL)
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richardsletters · 2 years
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“Dear Jodi, 
Hi thank you for the photos. They were cool. Good to hear from you again! Is that you in the pictures? Getting a job as a teacher shouldn't be too bad. When do you go back to school? Say hi to Troy for me. I did get a few letter's from him which I'll answer soon. Hope you can read my writing ok. It's 1 AM. I don't have a desk and my pen is less than stellar. I did visit some cities in Mexico. Never did go to the pyramids. Wish I had though. I wonder if you could climb the pyramids in Egypt. You think? Have you ever been to Israel or do you intend to go someday? What do you think about what is going over there? Your last name is Jewish? Thanx for telling me about the Jewish faith and whether they believe in the devil. I was kinda right then cause I had a jewish lawyer (-> They are some of the best lawyer's around) back in 85 and he told me they didn't believe in the devil. Me + him parted ways cause we couldn't get along the following year. You say that in christianity, the devil punishes the sinner, you think? Maybe there's something to that rolling stones song "Sympathy for the devil" after all. ha The part where it says "what busted you is the nature of my game". ha I alwayas thought that in religions, god was the punisher. You know when god gets pissed (according to the bible) it's bad news. ha Noah's ark, Saddam + Gomora + all that. Ah you an atheist then? I do remember (I think) you telling me this in one of your past letters. You + Troy seem to make a perfect couple. You both very smart. How did you guys meet? Whats a " Bris for the child (?)" mean? Is that like circumcision? Foreskin being cut off? Ouch. :) Yes indeed I know what you mean when you write that your different views on religion from the ones your family has can create problems. Same here. My family is catholic and I'm a satanist :) And also with all the different idologies and mind sets in the world I'm suprised the world isn't a more chaotic place. Have you been watching the news re: The catholics and protestants going at it in Ireland? I've created my own religion.:) Its called "I believe in what I want to believe in." ha I don't follow any one satanic groups preachings. I believe in God- and Satan as being a spirit. a spirit who rebelled against God and has legions of demons all over the worl. Pretty weird concept huh? ha I do know alot of Satanists don't believe in Satan as an actual being or spirit. Nope I don't remember meeting Lavey. It's possible though but I doubt it. Rumor has it he was a big fibber. ha I did meet his daughter Zeena though who had a falling out with him. I did hear about that Ed Gein movie. I doubt I'll ever see it. You gonna go check out From Hell with Johnny Depp? 13 Ghosts looks pretty good. I know Texas Chainsaw Massacre was done with Ed Gein's crimes in mind. You're seen that one? I do have pics on my wall yup here's a drawing of my cell for you. Pretty gruesome huh? ha I've been living in these cells for 16 years now. Ugh! ha Yeah the WTC attack in NY was something else. I saw it happen live on TV. Looked like something straight out of a movie. Your bible story of Ishmael and Isaac was interesting maybe that really is where the feud started eh? I can see them on that game show "The Family Feud". ha That drawing you sent me from the internet was really cool. Thanx. Now if you'll excuse me my love (hope you don't mind me calling you that :) ) I have to retire for the night. Jeeves, Bring me my glass of warm milk. :) I'll end here, hope to hear from you again soon. All my best <3 Own the day, Richard.” 
“PS Don't send polaroids”
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snailmail444 · 7 days
Foaming at the mouth over the recent DTTW update. Snail. Hon. Bestie. Sebastian and Irie getting locked in the closet and almost being found out was SO good (Sam definitely suspects them there's no way he doesn't), and I love how transparent Sam and Abby are even though they think they're being so sneaky lmfao
And Sebastian being kind of civil with Alex had me fucking shouting!!!! I love it!! Never mind his very awkward attempts at aftercare, he's trying so hard n I love it!! His growth is awesome to read through, him and Irie are taking up all of my brain space right now bro.
ALSO using the abandoned community center as the haunted house was fucking brilliant, I've never considered that but it's so good!
I am so ready. I love this fic so much. I love these characters.
Also while I'm on the topic, I have to commend you for how you write all of these relationships. I know I told you forever ago that your work with Aspen and Sebastian was what got me into writing for this fandom in the first place, but I have to point out how cool it is that you've explored so many different character aspects for Sebastian simply by switching his relationship dynamic with both of your OCs.
Where he was nervous and cute and so pathetically head over heels and SWEET with Aspen, his relationship with Irie and the way they butt heads is just as interesting to read. How are you so good at writing four-dimensional characters that actually feel like people, it's genuinely so impressive.
I feel like it reflects real relationships so well, because depending on where or under what circumstances you meet a person, your entire perspective and opinion of them is liable to change, you know? If Sebastian hadn't known Aspen and already been so attached to her, it could've changed their whole relationship, right? AND THE SAME CAN BE SAID FOR IRIE.
Ugh. It's so good. I love your fics, I love your characters, your brain is beautiful. Much love, moot, I can't wait to see where you take all of this. <3333
(also just gotta let you know that your casual fic with Alex is going to kill me. I am so excited and cannot wait to see where that goes, and obviously I hope you take your time and never pressure yourself for our sakes, but bestie. I am going. To. Die.)
The way that. That I. That I’m. AWAAAGH. Me opening tumblr and finding a whole DISSERTATION from my beloved moot when I had a really stressful day really made it sooo much better. So thank you. I fucking love you. I want to print this out and eat it that’s how much I love this.
I LOOOOVE writing character dynamics and digging my fingers into the inner workings of how people act. One of the most interesting things for me is to ask myself how a person might deal with an issue and why. Just putting guys in situations. Nothing gives me a better case of the teehee’s than writing a character making a bad decision on purpose.
Me when I make them reap AND sow: 🤭
Seriously again so so so much love back at you moot you have no fucking IDEA. Genuinely. And trust me, the casual Alex piece?? I’m WORKIN I told myself I had to finish DTTW 19 first lol but chapter three? She’s in Progress hehehe.
Love you so so much xoxo 💞💞💞
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ivory-lamps · 3 months
A05: The Vanished Brother's Memorial
Characters: Toi, Daniel & Ryui Location: Hama Summary: Toi agrees to help the protagonist if they help him find his brother. The protagonist decides to do so as they cannot ignore his request.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍 Location: Angel Eye
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Momiji / Kaede: …Fate?
Toi: Yes.
Daniel: T–This sounds real fishy…
Toi: Pardon my rudeness, but you two are here because you have a request to ask me… right?
Momiji / Kaede: Yes.
Toi: And I also have a favour to ask of you two… Don’t you think that feels predestined…?
Momiji / Kaede: I–I suppose…
Toi: If you’ll agree to help me in my search for my brother, then I'll do everything I can for your request. That, I promise.
Momiji / Kaede: Um, did you find that out through your divination?
Toi: Yes. I don’t know the specifics of your request, though.
Momiji / Kaede: (I can’t believe that’s also achievable through divination. Or is it because being the head of a noble family allows you to do special divinations too…?)
Toi: Please… I beg of you.
Momiji / Kaede: (Toi-kun, he’s pretty serious… I can’t just ignore the request of someone who needs help…)
Daniel: Ugh, don’t make me make the decisions. Just do whatever you want. I bet it doesn’t even matter what I say – you’ve already made up your mind, right?
Momiji / Kaede: Thank you.
Toi-kun, please allow us to search for your brother with you!
Toi: Y–You mean it!?
T–Thank you! I’m so happy…! Thank you so much…!
Mashiro, I actually did it – I asked them!
Mashiro: I was watching from the other side! I’m happy for you!
Daniel: Anyway, tell us what he looks like or give us some clues.
Toi: Right! I have special episodes that will tell you about my coolest brother in the world – I carefully selected them just for this moment!
Momiji / Kaede: Hm? Special episodes…?
Toi: Sigh… they’re all perfect and would fit right in a video game. Here is the first one…
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Toi: (Ani-sama… he’s not here yet… This is where we’re supposed to meet, right?)
Ryui: Oh, you’re here… I just had some minor stuff to take care of. Sorry for being late.
Toi: No, it’s okay – I didn’t wait much!
Ryui: Yeah? …By the way, Toi, those clothes.
Toi: Huh? What about my clothes?
Ryui: They look great on you. Enough to make angels run away in bare feet. Oh wait, I guess they’re always barefoot, huh. Haha.
Daniel: I–I’m getting the chills…
Momiji / Kaede: Looks like his intimacy level’s already at max, huh…
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Ryui: Hey, Toi, you’re wandering off again… I already told you to follow behind me, didn’t I?
Toi: Sorry. The smell of the castella cakes was too enticing…
Ryui: Geez, alright… You’re always so clumsy, so I can’t take my eyes off you for a second.
…Here, we’ll hold hands. Don’t get lost now.
Momiji / Kaede: Clumsy, huh. That’s a pretty standard line.
Daniel: They can just call each other if they get lost, right…?
Momiji / Kaede: (Actually, it’d be better to get some information about him, like his height or where he’s likely to go…)
Mashiro: Toi, you didn’t explain the important part!
Toi: Ah, you’re right! Oh, no!
Toi: Ani-sama… can I come closer to you?
Ryui: …Yeah.
Toi: …
Ryui: …
Toi: (Hold his hand…)
Ryui: ……! You…
Toi: (Oh, he tightly squeezed back… I want to touch him more!)
Ryui: W–What’s wrong with you? You’re really aggressive today… Hey, where are you touching…!? Damn it, I’m not gonna let you do whatever you want…!
…I can touch you back, right?
Daniel: This is definitely seen through rose-coloured glasses or something…! If there was a sandbag here, I would’ve punched the living daylights outta it while yelling at the top of my lungs.
Ryui: …Oh, uhh, have you been having some nice dreams lately?
You’re the one… I’m most worried about in this world.
If you’re not, then I’ll stay with you until morning.
…You know what that means, right?
Daniel: ……
Momiji / Kaede: (There’s a dead look in Daniel-san’s eyes…)
Toi: That Ani-sama was soooo cool! You think so too, right, Mashiro?
Mashiro: Of course – I have the image saved in my mind! It was the best Ani-sama for sure~!
Toi: Right~? I think so, too!
Momiji / Kaede: R–Right… Anyway, I guess he’s a really nice brother…?
Toi: And… oh, no – it’s already this late!
Momiji / Kaede: What’s wrong?
Toi: Actually… There's one more person who will lead me to my brother.
All three of you have to be together at a certain place by 11PM.
Momiji / Kaede: (There’s only an hour left…!)
Let’s hurry and get ready! Do you know where that place is?
Toi: Yes. It’s in Hama and it won’t take us that long to get there.
Sorry for being so flustered. I’ll go change so please wait in front of the store.
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Daniel: Man… to think there’s supposed to be another person involved. And there’s all this fate stuff too.
Momiji / Kaede: Yeah. But don’t you feel a bit excited?
Daniel: You think this is exciting? I don’t believe in divination – it’s all just a big pain in the neck.
Toi: Thank you for waiting!
Momiji / Kaede: Oh, Toi-kun… wait.
Toi-kun… didn’t you attend Ev3ns’ Omotenashi Concert?
Toi: Huh?
Daniel: What? Did you two actually know each other?
Momiji / Kaede: No, I didn’t directly speak to him. I just noticed him in the crowd.
I think I was patrolling the venue then, but I remember since he really stood out.
Toi: I did attend their concert. D–Don’t tell me…
Are you part of… Chii-sama’s… Ev3ns’ management…!?
Momiji / Kaede: Yeah.
Toi: I–I–Is that true!? Oh, my god! I can’t believe I got to meet someone who works closely with Chii-sama!
Momiji / Kaede: (Woah… Toi-kun’s eyes are sparkling…!)
Toi: Chii-sama is a gifted person who only exists once every one thousand years! His fan-service is amazing and his dance is the best!
Chii-sama is someone who was born to be an idol! I’ve always been such a huge fan!
Mashiro: Stop right there, Toi. Things will get troublesome if your grandfather learns of this.
You should head off quietly.
Toi: Oh… you’re right. Sorry.
Momiji / Kaede: It’s fine, I don’t mind.
Daniel: Ugh… we’re doing overtime into midnight tonight…? What a drag. I can come to work late tomorrow, right? Like eight hours late?
Momiji / Kaede: No, you can’t.
Toi: Alright, Mashiro, look after the place while I’m gone.
Mashiro: Leave it to me!
Momiji / Kaede: (Still… to think that Toi-kun is Chihiro-kun’s fan and even came to the concert.)
(Tonight’s all about fate, huh… The place we’re about to head to is in ward no.18, too.)
(I have a feeling the encounters we’ll have next will be connected to the formation of the Night Group… Yeah, I can definitely feel it.)
(After all, it’s a fateful night…)
Daniel: Hey, what’re doin’ just standing there. It’s this way.
Momiji / Kaede: Right!
(I’m starting to get excited…!)
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lunarsun12 · 4 months
Freaky Friday Dream
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The night before Mingi was upset with Seonghwa, as he didn’t believe that San was the one. Who planted the flour bomb and he got the blamed and he wished Seonghwa never existed.
When Mingi woke up, he noticed his family is acting very strange. He ignored it the for the whole day until it gets worse and worse. Mingi decided to text his family, questioning their strange behaviour….
Is this Mingi reality or is just a dream?
Back At Ateez Family Chat
Today 18:00
Yeosang🐩: Eomma Mingi? Let have a talk and I baked some cookies with some love
Wooyoung🦊: Eomma Mingi…you should keep your voice down. I don’t want to be San target again
Mingi🦄: Wooyoung? You scared of San? That NEVER HAPPENS! You have no fear!!
Wooyoung🦊: STOP YELLING! It’s making me scared!!
Mingi🦄: Where is Eomma and Appa? They need to fix this!!
Jongho👶: Eomma Mingi I Lub wou!
Mingi🦄: Jongho…? What with the attitude…? You being cute..? Eomma..?
Yunho😎: Ugh Eomma Mingi still yapping…? Tell him to shut up! Like I did with Wooyoung
Wooyoung🦊: P-please be quiet Eomma! Before you know gets me
Hongjong🐿️: Food is ready! San and Yunho stop intimidating wooyoung and Jongho. They are a fragile!
Mingi🦄: Hold up! hold up! San and Yunho being mean…NAHHHH that not like them. Appa you must be mistaken
Hongjong🐿️: Mingi jagi, I hope you have nice day at work! Also stop calling me Appa! The kids will get the wrong idea!
Yeosang🐩: Mingi you our Eomma! Remember? It must have been all the stress. Let me give you hug!
Mingi🦄: Where is Eomma ah I mean Seonghwa?
There was a long pause…it like it was a taboo to say his name.
Hongjong🐿️: Hah hah Mingi-ah is so funny! Why would the mafia boss be here!
Mingi🦄: Say what…now…?
Yeosang🐩: Yeah he has been over the news! We in hiding, remember you the one who sent him to prison!
Mingi🦄: What..? I ain’t no detective and I am not even qualified to be one!!
San👹: About the mafia boss, I told him you were here. Sooo he is coming you….
Yunho😎: My man I love you bro!
San👹: This is why we are the perfect duo
Yunho😎: Vengence! If that Mingi haven’t shown up! We would have ruled this house!!
Hongjong🐿️: RUN!SEONGHWA IS HERE! He has his men with guns! See ya mingi you on your own!
Mingi🦄: Wait what? I’m not gonna die! Someone help help help
End of Mingi Dream…
It was early in the morning in the Ateez household, it was interrupted by Mingi scream by yelling for help.
The next morning…
Back At Ateez Family Chat
Today 7:00
Jongho🍎: Mingi! That is some strange dream! Seriously me being a baby that is unheard off!!
Yunho🐶: Me and San duo nahhh! That is unheard off…Wooyoung won’t let me have him if I wanted to
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Also! What with me being lame! I want to be cool one like San and Yunho
San🗻: Mingi our mother, then we probably lost Yeosang by now….
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: I still think Appa marrying Mingi was the worst part. Cause that is gross!!
Yeosang🍗: Mingi did you watch Freaky Friday with Jongho before bed? That sounded like freaky Friday
Jongho🍎: That what sounded familiar! Oh man if I had freaky Friday. I will be king heh heh
Yunho🐶: Jongho stop with the goblin noise. I can hear it from the living room
Mingi🦄: I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU ALL AND PLEASE NEVER CHANGE!!
30mins later…
Mingi was minding his own business, feeling relieved he is back to reality. Until he heard knock at the front door and revealed Seonghwa dressed in black and immediately ran away.
Seonghwa🌸: Mingi!! Don’t runaway! I’m not scary, that my deep cleaning suit
Seonghwa🌸: What? Mafia?
Yeosang🍗: Even in Mingi dream, Appa ended up running away. Like he does in real life
Seonghwa🌸: Some dream that kid has..
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toestalucia · 4 months
massive eternalsposting time yaaaayyy, seofon & feower 1st step transcendence, tien 5* & first step transcendence & seox 5*. cuz i ran into a small problem called i am lacking halos and also i need one more fist. how did it come to this
first of all ill 5ever rly like the lil '(name) has called upon the power of the stars' during the battles when u fight an eternal cuz i think its neat
Six-Ruin First: Your power is what isolates you. It makes you different from the skyfarer you search for and everyone on this crew. Deny it as you might—running here will make no difference. I guarantee you will eventually succumb to the darkness once again.
Six-Ruin Fist: Complete and utter destruction of the skies won't be a long time coming once I get Captain on my side.
Six-Ruin Fist: But why not? Surely you'd feel lonely falling into the darkness all by yourself?
things that makes me kermit looking out the window. the last one especially is so..heelllooooo
Seofon: I'd prefer not to get too caught up in whatever you have going on with the crew over there… But I've got responsibilities to uphold as leader of the Eternals.
interesting wording <-only one who thinks so
Threo: You're too strong! What are you—some kind of monster? Seox: … Threo: Hm? What's wrong? You look like you ate some funky meat or something. Seox: It's nothing…
pained smile. thinks about twewyen. i will return to this
Feower: You see? That's exactly the sorta crap I can't stand about you! Seox: Come again? Feower: You're so ridiculously strong, yet you're always pissing on that strength! Just how many people in this world do you think crave power—the very power that you look down upon! And yet you always— Seox: I'll admit it… Deep down I've never thought highly of my strength. Feower: You son of a… Seox! Seox: But I see things differently now… I'm in your debt, Feower. Feower: Shut up and get on with whatever it is you're doing. Like I give a damn what happens to you! And leave my sister alone or you'll be hearing from me again!
one) we need feower in more events NOW two) i think this is interesting regarding seox vs some of the others skill ep overall, but feower&tien wants power to protect stardust town (even at the expense of their twin), tiens also has some interesting lines but feower just str8up talks about his strength (big essay about feower) do u get me. seox feels a lot more coming to terms with his own strength. man feower.............
Tweyen: You might be strong, but I always got the impression you didn't really like fighting. I'm not sure how to put it, but it's as if you hesitated to use your power. Tweyen: But I think I sort of get why you'd hesitate. Tweyen: Yes… It can be suffocating to be so different from everyone else. Tweyen: But you look like you're beyond all that now.
this sectionT_T tweyen who also react(ed) to being called a monster...
Niyon: I used to hear a majestic yet terrifying fugue from you. But not now. It's still a very profound composition, but so much more harmonic with all the depressingly low notes blown away. Niyon: As long as you keep in mind who to thank for that, I don't think you'll strike any false notes.
i lov hearing niyon speak about melodies, i think overall her power is soooooo cool, definitely among my favorites.
Anre: But Seofon… I guess he really wanted to get you out of the darkness. Let's not forget he is the one who enlisted you in the Eternals to begin with.
Anre: Just keep in mind that there are people you need to tell why it is you seek power.
seofonposting. but also aughhh seox....
Seox: I suppose you're angry at me for leaving with the Six-Ruin Fist… Vyrn: That's not it! Lyria: Do you know how worried we were? Seox: Worried? About the Six-Ruin Fist? Vyrn: Ugh, do I have to spell it out for you? Lyria: We were worried about you of course! We know how strong you are, Seox. But if something was bothering you, you should've told us. Vyrn: I figured you had your reasons, but playing the waiting game can be pretty painful, you know?
Seox: Power enough to tear the heavens and pierce the stars… I craved the strength to protect you all from such a threat. That's right—I sought the power to protect, not to destroy.
Feower: it was you who snapped me out of it, Captain. And I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Captain: Lighten up.
filed under captain responses i think r funny
Feower: Sorry, I know it sounds lame… Captain: Was that so hard to ask for help? The grin on Captain's face causes Feower's cheeks to redden ever so slightly.
The mood is cheerful, with the whole gang in great spirits, but the fun is interrupted when a sudden burst of displeasure hits Captain. It came from the dagger gripped in Feower's hand.
pained smile. what the hell
overall i think continuing of feower learning to ask for help is great thumbs up emoji
Seofon: Wait, wait, wait! I'm also doing this for Captain though! No foolin'! Eternal's honor! Captain: Forget it. Seofon: Ack! Are you still steamed about what happened back then? Vyrn: Hehe, that's just Captain's idea of a joke. Seofon: Is that a fact? Boy, I was this close to bawling my eyes out!
in desperate need of more ppl than rosetta to learn captains jokes i think itll be funny. but also im so pleased when captain can tease ppl LOL i know it happens a lot with seofon especially but. ykno
Watching Seofon defeat the powerful foe as if he were scratching an itch gives Captain an idea. Dialogue choice 1: I want you to train me. Seofon: Oh? Are you sure about that? Dialogue choice 2: I have a favor to ask too. Vyrn: Oh, are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? It's only fair since we're in this Seven-Star Sword thing together!
Captain and a grinning Seofon bump fists.
;_; (always loves it whenever ppl train captain. like theyre selftrained & i know in the monk quest its said theyre good at copying poses (cuz thats what they did...), so ofc their fighting-style is gonna be messy.....so learning Proper sword-fighting from ppl hhhhhhhhh + even picking up what others does and incorporating it into their own stuff in general ??? + seofon IS the strongest so like....... i think all the fistbumping is so cute LOL it happened a lot in relink too.....
Tien points a gun at Feower, and his eyes widen with shock. Feower: Sis, what are you— Tien: Feower. Follow me outside. I have to defeat you. I have to attain the title of strongest in the skies. Feower: Have you lost your mind, Sis? Tien: If I have to do away with you in order to protect all my other siblings in Stardust Town, then so be it.
so what i mentioned earlier......the twins of all time
Tweyen appears before Tien, whose eyes are now hollow and devoid of all emotion.
Threo: You're super duper strong, but you still worry about crap getting stolen from you? That is just sad, girl! Tien: …! I'm far from strong… I have to get stronger… or else! Threo: O-or else what? What's going on with you? Tien pays no heed to Threo and rushes away toward the underbrush. On her face is an expression of deep anguish.
Seofon: And what's with that weird look on your face? That's not the Tien I know. Reminds me of Feower from way back when though.
lil bits i rly like......feower........
Anre: I'd be lying if I told you I didn't foresee the Eternals breaking apart from the inside. But I never imagined someone as kindhearted as you being the one to make it a reality. Tien: I only wish to provide a life of peace for my brothers and sisters… If that requires bloodying my hands… then I will happily do so.
Tien: Mm… Just goes to show how weak I am… How can I protect my siblings like this?
Merchant Jack: So let's live. It might not be pretty, we might get hurt, but we'll be alive… together.
tien and feower are so...................they both have me SO concerned for them (long rant about their past)
Captain glances at Tien, noticing the hint of gloom in her face. The captain remembers a conversation from a few days earlier.
yknow i mention this time, but i rly do like how captain notices stuff but 1) doesnt always know how to act on them 2) doesnt always know how to speak on them 3) is therefore more likely to take action without explaining. s2 of the anime when they notice katalina isnt doing too well, but they dont approach her about it. ofc in this case they were told ahead of time whats up but....
(copypaste of her entire transcendence) i think it might be my favorite so far tbh...like all of them are sweet? i like feower asking for help, i like how all captain lyria vyrn noticed & mentioned how seofon was holding back during the monster-fight (& how he then baits the monster into attacking him and kills it in one blow like hes SO cool), but tien & how it addresses how she always puts others first and struggles to do & accept things for herself....T___T i rmbr when it released my friend sent me some screenshots cuz we were both so relieved to see it talked about, cuz tien has had me SO concerned for the longest time due to how she acts. so seeing her accept love makes meeeee
Lyria: Tien, we know how much you care about us and everyone in Stardust Town. But you do know we feel exactly the same way about you, right? Why can't we be the ones who give you something nice, or treat you to a nice meal for a change? It seems like you've been thinking about everyone but yourself on this shopping trip. The children of Stardust Town said they want to do things with you. Tough times can be hard on everyone, but they can also bring happiness as long as you get through them together.
Reeling from their well-intentioned exuberance, Tien tries to take cover behind a menu.
Tien sacrificed her own wants and needs in order to protect the ones she loves. The crew recognizes that she needs to love herself and presents her with another option she hadn't considered. It's still too early for her to fully commit to this new alternative, but she's beginning to view the world in a different light.
T_^this part............tien who accepted the ribbon (was kind of forced upon her in order to actually have her accept it).....i think shes so great i need her in more events too
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