#also the absolute state of the lawn. we don't have a lawn we have a fucking macchia
mishkakagehishka · 1 year
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Also i forgot to post this but PAPA TURTLE ALSO SPOTTED
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
If you could create and add a new DC character, what would they be like?
I'm going to tell you about David, and knowing you guys, you'll agree with me when I say he should have his own comic.
David has been my best friend literally since we were 8. He is the only constant I've had through my life. He introduced me to the drums and helped me get a motorcycle after I got my license. We are each other's platonic ride or die. If he asked me to bury a body, I'd do it no question, and I know he'd do the same for me.
That said, I clearly have the braincell in this friendship.
Don't get me wrong, he's smart in certain aspects. He's a talented musician, good athlete, taught himself to fix most plumbing issues, speaks decent Japanese, easily clicks socially, and is super empathetic. But in others, he's like a plate in a knife drawer.
Some highlights from over the years:
He ate the brown paper bag his lunch came in on a field trip
He thought hot chocolate was just cocoa powder (no milk or water) in a mug and the microwave would melt it. His sister had to call the fire department
He gave a stray dog his scarf for warmth and never saw that scarf again
He licked the dust off an XBox controller
He got a speeding ticket outside the DMV literally five minutes after getting his license
He made gender reveal cupcakes to come out to the rest of our friend group when we were 17, but he threw them into a Ziploc and they jostled around his backpack for half a day before lunch
He thought closing a browser tab would get rid of a computer virus
He tried hotboxing his own car while driving
He almost seasoned his food with pepper spray before someone stopped him
He had a tire swing on a tree in his backyard. He decided to stand on it while swinging and smacked his forehead against a branch in front of him. It was literally the most hollow thwock ever, as if confirming his lack of braincells. He then proceeded to get pissed off and punch the tree. He said it was his most gender-affirming experience
He brought me along on a family road trip and used me as a footrest in the car
He frequently writes drum tabs the way he'd write guitar ones (in short the two are very different kinds of sheet music and I'd need three hands to play them). He absolutely knows better. I think he's messing with me at this point
He mistook wasabi powder for matcha
He once got drunk at a frat party, crawled out the lawn of the house, and began eating grass like a cow
I wanted to know what kissing a dude was like out of curiosity and this was before he started physically transitioning, so to make it a more "authentic" experience, he gargled Gatorade beforehand
He tried to make his first battle jacket with washable Crayola markers
He also tried to dye his hair with his sister's watercolors
He's worn the same sweatshirt since he was 14 and I think I can count on one hand how many times I've seen him wash it (I was over at his house a lot)
He's the motherfucker that wears running shorts in the snow
He thought his area code would automatically change when we moved to a new state
He once kicked a soccer ball into an oncoming train
BONUS: when he came out to his parents, they were accepting and while he was at school, his dad mounted a fish on David's bedroom door because men I guess
So yeah, if I worked at DC, I'd insert David in the background of every comic just being his chaotic himbo self. David is beyond space and time. There could be a battle on fucking Oa and David would just be there doing a kickflip. That's who I'd choose.
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me-and-your-husband · 2 years
may i requesting a pt 2 of ellie x thick reader last one had me kicking and swinging my feet while twirling my hair 0____0
fuck yeahhh here we go. this is a little more modern than the last one
warnings: smut, dirty talk, reader is thick, thigh riding, strap, sex toys, oral, kinda switch ellie, language, ellie is a bit feral (once again)
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as stated before, she'd absolutely DIE if you sat on her face. like literally ascend to heaven.
"ellie, but what if you can't breathe?"
"i'd die a happy woman. come here."
she'd lick you out so well, hands never ever leaving your ass, fingers squeezing the soft flesh
if you were laying in bed on your stomach, she'd just lay her face right on your ass, letting out a content sigh as you look back at her like girl wtf but you eventually get used to it
if you're into wearing dresses or skirts, she would literally start drooling immediately. she'd be taking you out on a date and you come out dressed in this cute little sun dress, so short your ass was almost peaking out. she was almost BEGGING for the wind to pick up just so she could get a view of "that sweet, sweet ass", as she liked to call it
if you were taking her strap (i think we've all collectively decided it's purple), she'd always want to give it to you in doggy so she could watch your ass jiggle and spread as she pounded into you, feeling the juicy flesh of it slapping into the top of her thighs
you'd literally be getting in the shower the next day, walking past the mirror and noticing the bruises in the shape of her hands on your ass from her death grip on them the night before
you couldn't even get mad at her tho. it just made her blush when you showed her
"what can i say? love your ass."
however, if she was taking your strap, she'd literally fall apart if you gave it to her in missionary. this way, she can still kinda see your ass bounce as you pound into her.
her ABSOLUTE fav tho? when you you ride her in front of a mirror. she'd be facing the mirror and you'd be sat on her lap. she'd have a perfect view of your ass bouncing on her through the mirror, also being able to bury her face in your tits, play with them, watch you come undone, your watch where her strap/fingers disappeared in your pussy
probably has you in her phone as "favourite piece of ass 4ever" cause she thinks it's funny (you don't find it that funny)
she's a MENACE in dressing rooms. since ur both girls and most retail workers would probably just assume you're typical girls who need to show each other shit before they buy it, she literally follows you into EVERY SINGLE change room. she's not subtle about it either. girl barely ever goes shopping for herself unless you go with her and force her, so she's mostly just watching you try on stuff. in this scenario, you're shopping for a new bathing suit and she's sat on that little stool or bench in the corner, manspreading, unashamedly staring at you as you change.
when you end up inspecting this thong-style bikini bottom in the mirror, ellie says "y'know you can't get that, right?"
your brows furrow. "why?"
"if you wear that out, i'll be bending you over one of those ugly lawn chairs before you can even get in the pool."
she'd just laugh, then go, "turn around. i want another picture of that ass."
let's just say you absolutely cannot ever go biking with her. the first (and only) time you went, she crashed into a tree cause she was so focused on your ass on that tiny little seat in those tiny little shorts when a squirrel or something ran in front of her. she veered to miss it and flipped the entire bike into a tree.
you could barely sit in peace. she'd literally just slot herself behind you and sit you between her legs, her hands coming to rest on your ass
she'd constantly be trying to make you squirt. not really relevant but
don't tell me she wouldn't pretend to fuck you from behind when you bend over to grab something like a teenage boy because she totally would don't lie
sometimes when you're cuddling, she'll just stick her hands between your thighs because they're so warm and squishy and she melts
you've also established that you can't go to the gym together for two reasons.
a) she thinks everyone is always staring at your ass when you wear leggings and
b) she's always staring at your ass when you wear leggings
she's probably almost started a fight multiple times over this too
"hey man! you staring at my girl's ass?"
he was a MASSIVE dude. you panicked and grabbed her by the shirt and BOOKED IT out of that gym
hand always on your thigh
no matter which one of you was driving, her hand was on your thigh
if you were wearing a dress, shorts, or a skirt, she'd constantly be kneading the bare flesh of your thigh.
she'd definitely draw little tattoos on your thighs when neither of you could sleep. she'd have this thin-tipped sharpie on the nightstand and she'd just grab it and start drawing.
sometimes she'd do it when you're sleeping. you'd wake up and there'd be a bunch of art on your thighs and your heart would swell
once, you noticed she wrote "my beautiful girl. mine forever." on your thigh and you almost started crying tbh cause i would
but mostly she writes little notes like "let's fuck when you find this" because girl is ALWAYS ready to fuck
i feel like a lot of headcanons say she loves giving, which is true, but ellie deserves some love too and she definitely deserves release
i feel like she'd be so vocal, so needy, so whiny. she'd absolutely LOVE to ride your thigh. she'd overstimulate herself grinding down on it, kissing you drunk and whimpering into your mouth. she wasn't even embarrassed when she saw the slick spot left on your plushy skin from her drooling cunt
i just know ellie likes them thick and is feral for it.
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permanent taglist:
@winters-fairy @idkwhattonamethisblogs
not tagging any of my other taglists right now as i'm currently in the process of separating my tlou taglist into joel and ellie.
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avaantares · 2 months
People who live in population centers often don't realize just how much the urban/suburban lightscape has robbed them of.
Not just the stars and galaxies you should be able to see with the naked eye -- though that is also something that's almost impossible to see near cities due to light pollution -- but also the absolutely magical experience of seeing fireflies the way they should be seen. The way they can only exist away from man-made light sources.
Coming back from a historic small-town theatre I frequent, I have the choice between taking the interstate or the rural back roads. I almost always choose the latter, so earlier this evening I was driving out in the country for about 15 miles. That region is primarily farmland with a handful of scattered residences. It was around dusk, and -- friends, it was like the earth was covered in glitter. In the fallow fields and pastures, tens of thousands of fireflies sparkling, just this universal, unbroken twinkling everywhere you looked. The kind of light show that doesn't even look real because we're used to seeing just a few fireflies at a time, if we're lucky enough to have a large backyard or a patch of woods nearby. Or maybe you don't get to see fireflies at all because you're in a city and there's nowhere for them to lay eggs (in undisturbed fallen leaves, mostly), so you've only seen them in videos. But the fireflies were the only lights on this land before we put up our electric flood lights and streetlamps, and in these broad swaths of unlighted field and self-mulching fencerows, they're still thriving.
I watched this display in awe as I drove, slowing down at times to admire a particularly flashy area. And then I'd drive past a house with a billion watts of exterior security lighting, and... nothing. Not a glimmer in those yards. Maybe one lonesome flicker in the ditch by the road, a firefly that couldn't find the party or didn't make it to the darker areas for some reason. It's alone because there's no reason for fireflies to come to bright places; they light up to find mates, and they're obscured and blinded by the man-made lights.
The closer I got to my suburban home, the fewer fireflies there were along the road. When I came to the high school with its massive day-bright stadium lights that stay on all night (and which fill me with rage fully as incandescent for so many reasons), I didn't spot a single firefly for a quarter mile in either direction. Kids growing up in the neighborhoods around that school will never have the chance to watch fireflies in their own yards, or learn to scoop them gently from underneath to catch them without harming them and then let them crawl to the tips of their fingers to fly away again. When they grow up, they won't have any emotional association with fireflies that would inspire them to leave a few leaf piles along the fence in autumn, or to turn out the exterior lights at dusk and let the fireflies do their thing.
It saddens me that many (probably the majority of) people living in this era aren't getting to see how beautiful nature is when we just leave it alone. Instead of enjoying its natural state, we're spraying poisons on our lawns, and replacing native species with non-native ones because the yard looks more uniform that way, and throwing bagged leaves in landfills instead of letting them break down naturally and provide vital habitat for small animals and insects, and installing so many landscaping and security lights around our residences that you could stand in the yard and read by them in the middle of the night. Fireflies are actually threatened in some areas where they used to be common because of all these things.
If you live in a city or a lighted suburban area, I'd encourage you to try to get out to the country at least once and experience fireflies in force in their natural habitat. And if you're in an area where fireflies are native and you are in a position to, maybe leave a little pile of wet leaves for them in a corner of the yard. Turn out the lights in summer. Refrain from spraying pesticides on your grass.
Let the little guys light up the world for another generation.
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rohirric-hunter · 10 days
Tagged by @a-lonely-dunedain to plug OC names into this heacanon generator and see if it fits.
Léonys doesn't own a single pair of matching socks.
Okay, so in actuality no, Léonys has lots of pairs of matching socks and is actually pretty neat about her clothes and stuff when she's at home. BUT I can see this becoming one of those annoying widely-accepted fanon headcanons in direct contradiction to canon because 95% of the time the reader is exposed to her in a, "Has been living in the woods for 3-8 business days, has not spoken to another human being in almost a week, ate bark that was still attached to the tree, laid flat on her back with her mouth open while it was raining to get a drink (for fun)," kind of state, or the many stages of breakdown I dragged her through in Léonys of Rohan. I think if my stuff had a bigger following a lot of people would have trouble reconciling that Léonys with the way she acts when she's, like, in a house.
Léonys does not know what sleep is.
She really does not LMAO. Take a nap, girl
Léonys is smart but also very stupid.
I mean this one's vague enough that it could apply to basically anyone I think. Which means it's a winner! Léonys figured out, on her own, within a few days of properly meeting him, that Aragorn was the heir of the old kings. She also got involved in all that because she saw brigands with hostages and was like, "Go and get help? Tell the town guard? Involve the other hunters? Nah! I'll just follow them! :) and take care of it myself :)."
Léonys crashed a riding lawn mower into their fence.
Absolutely not the ride-on lawnmower goes nowhere except where she told it to go. The ✨🌟🤗🐎💖bond ✨🌟🤗🐎💖 that exists between the Rohirrim and their horses ride-on lawnmowers
Hathellang is a cry baby.
I mean I guess it depends on what about. This also sort of sounds like a headcanon made up by someone who doesn't actually like the character, so, you know. Subjective. I don't think so. But there's not a lot I would label crybaby anyway.
Hathellang has a roblox account.
Disclaimer: I've never played Roblox. But yeah, I feel like he has one. He used to play a lot more than he does now. But that was years ago. These days no one knows he has it except for Léonys. But sometimes when one of the other kids complains that someone was too mean to them on Roblox he logs on and, well, see,,, if the offender didn't have bannable offenses to work with already then suddenly,,,,, mysteriously,,,,,,,,, they start committing bannable offenses. For literally no reason whatsoever, they must have just felt like it, suddenly. Who knows! Anyway, reported.
(I.E. Hathellang would be a holy terror on the internet, somehow able to talk the trolls into getting themselves banned while only barely toeing the line himself. A power that could be used for good or evil. He uses it to back up his kid siblings on disagreements over the Walmartland makeup obby.)
Hathellang believes in Santa.
He does not! But he's really dedicated to keeping the Santa Experience alive for the younger kids. Also I feel like in a modern AU he'd be super into the Santa Clause movies.
Belharen is afraid of doing anything without their parent's permission.
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Belharen is involved in the plot because she ran away from home. Without her parents' permission. That doesn't mean she's not afraid of doing things without her parents' permission. But she still does them.
Ferelin is tumblr famous.
Oh my god yes. Spot on. IDK what I can add. His shitposts are legendary. Made a new friend. Have informed him that I do not know what a roof is. Think he has little enough knowledge of the Shire that this should fly with him. Eager to see how this plays out. Update: Friend in question visiting my house right now as we speak. Made comment about the roof. Think he remembers what I told him when we first met. Except funnier, probably, IDK. I wonder what his URL would be. He casually refers to his improbable and near-miraculous ability to heal basically anything by singing to it very stubbornly and people think it's some kind of extended bit. He lets them think so because they started to come up with theories about it and it's kind of funny.
Dahlia knows fnaf lore.
Probably, lol. I feel like she wouldn't play the games, though. I've never played them, this is vibes-based. She just knows the lore. For some reason. Maybe she watches hour-long YouTube videos breaking it down to relax.
And because I've been thinking about her recently some Pegweneth:
Pegweneth instinctively cleans messes in their own house as well as other peoples.
Pegweneth judges people for having messes in their houses TBH. Privately. In her head. She does not clean them. Her house is not clean.
Pegweneth knocks people over by hugging them.
If she knows them very well and is confident they're okay with it.
Pegweneth is not good with social cues.
She knows what they are. She just thinks they're stupid she's above them she responded to them appropriately when she really didn't.
Hmmm, seems like a lot of people I would normally tag in these things have been tagged already. I know many people with OCs and I know that many of them dislike this sort of fandom/headcanon stuff. Open invitation to do it if you want to?
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dorkydiaz · 2 years
BUT YOU DREAM SOME EPIPHANY [1.6k | coma dream | pre-relationship/platonic] {ao3}
a/n: all i have to say for myself is that i wrote the foundation of this in a fugue state on the bus home from work the other day (not when i was stuck for 4 hours) and it is in general not the coma dream fic that anybody wants it to be i don't think lol. so no screaming at me for it cause i did warn you, well there is one moment that e expect screaming about. and the title is from epiphany by taylor swift but only cause it had the word dream and epiphany in it which is related. spoilers for 6x10 and 11 i guess? i no longer never say never for spec fic, but this is highly unlikely. enjoy!
There are moments in life when things slow down. when you can know what’s going to happen as you watch in slow motion. Sometimes it’s happening to you. and sometimes to others. The nature of being a firefighter is you see those moments a lot. Both versions. and Buck had his fair share of them. That's what takes him by surprise, because one moment he’s in his turnouts under pouring skies, and the next he’s in a kitchen. And it’s warm, there are flowers on the table, curtains with dainty flowers on them. But something feels off. He's wearing a thick green sweater and a button up and some khakis. No shoes since he’s in the house. He misses his jeans and sweatshirts. He tentatively takes a step, peering out the window. Outside there is a literal white picket fence with a manicured lawn and a few planter boxes filled with blooming flowers. He looks further up to the sidewalk. Maddie had taken him here once.
—  His mother is in the kitchen with him now, she looks the same. Unloading bags of groceries, setting aside a few things that looked like they could be ingredients for a meal.   There’s another man, sitting at the table, he has dirty blonde hair that slightly curls at the edges, bright blue eyes, and a sharp jawline. 
“You know, you should think about selling that car yours before the wedding, Evan. Trade it in for something more sensible.”
“Mom-“ the other man says.
And a strike of recognition sparks as he looks at the man again. He’s looking at Daniel— he bears a striking resemblance to himself. Honestly could be twins if he didn’t have those few years on Buck.
“It really is a shame Ali couldn’t make it this trip, we were so looking forward to getting some details ironed out,” his Mother continues on– still the bubbly optimist Buck thinks sarcastically. 
So he’s marrying Ali in this upside down world.
“Yeah, she’s uh sorry she couldn’t make it— you know how her schedule is,” he chokes out remembering Ali's travels involved in her work. —
His fingers twitch, itching to find out what Eddie's doing in this one. And maybe run to him. He misses everyone.
Something tells him to open his phone and navigate to Facebook of all places and enter “Eddie Diaz” in the search bar. The profile is pretty much devoid of activity. There’s a profile picture, something unsettling about it but Buck can’t put his finger on it. He scrolls through his friends and reluctantly clicks Helena's name.
The page is a shrine to her grandson. He scrolls, the feed highlighting one comment from Eddie on a recent picture. Eddie Diaz He’s gotten so big. Tell him happy birthday for me.
It’s like a stab to his stomach. Gotten so big, as if he hadn’t seen him row in front of his eyes.  Tell him, like he wasn’t there. The realization hits him and it settles in the pit of his stomach. He wasn't there. Eddie wasn't there with Chris.
He swipes over to his own profile, the most recent post a picture of him and Ali— her hair in a half updo cradling the side of his face, a delicate ring on her finger. There are comments and likes from hundreds of people— none of whom he recognizes.
Apparently they live in Denver of all places. Where he is a teacher, for what seems to be young kids. That’s something that warms his heart. At least he wasn’t an insurance adjuster or something absolutely soul sucking. Also teaching comes with clipboards. 
— Maddie walks in the door, still in her scrubs. And he hadn’t realized he had been so worried about her until he scanned every inch of her for anything— finding nothing he wraps her in a tight hug holding back tears. At least one of them escaped something in this life.
“Sorry I missed dinner, shift was nuts!” She sighs, dramatically flopping onto the couch. 
And he can’t stop looking at her.
“Mom and Dad already in bed?”
He just nods, pouring her a glass of wine. 
“Danny being the goody two shoes he is and cleaning the kitchen?”
He laughs and nods again. 
“Okay so, tell me the story again. I need to know every detail of how my little brother got someone to marry him before I could be in a stable relationship for more than a month or two.” she takes a long sip, “I mean I’m hopeful with Eddie but he’s also dealing with a lot.” 
Buck nearly chokes on his beer, because she couldn’t mean– there was no way. But something in his heart twinges, telling him that this universe was cruel and unusual. And that thought should be entertained as the truth. 
And because he’s supposes he’s a masochist, he replies, “Well, I think that warrants you telling me more about him than me, a story I will probably tell over and over again until I die.” 
Maddie shoots him a glare. 
“Yeah Maddie, will we be meeting this Eddie anytime soon?” Daniel asks with a glint in his smile. 
“If he lasts until the engagement party,”she points a finger at Buck, “I will bring him. We could do a whole road trip and meet his family down in Texas too.” 
“Wow, quite the test of the relationship.” 
If he has to “meet” Eddie at his engagement party Buck might throw up.  —
“Buck, you have to find home,” Daniel says. 
“I- what? I guess Ali and I-“ he sputters trying to come up with something to say. 
“No, Buck. You don’t see it?” 
“No, I–” 
“You’re telling me all of this makes sense to you? That I'm alive? That you’re engaged to Ali? That Maddie and Eddie are a couple? That he left Chris?” 
“How did-?” 
“I am the only person he told about how–” he takes a beat as something pulls in his chest, “This isn’t real.” 
Daniel shakes his head. 
“I need to- Oh God I gotta- Fuck. How do I-“ he looks toward the door, and leaps for it. The handle doesn’t budge, “How do I get out of here?” he practically begs Daniel. 
“I don’t know, I’m just a projection of you. What you think I may have been.” 
“But you–” 
“Just the messenger. You thought of that.” 
–- He looks down and his clothes have changed, a clean starched button up and slacks. The house is lit in soft warm light, sparkling decorations laid out on the table, poised and ready. Several plastic champagne glasses waiting to be filled rest on the dining room table. 
He finds his way back to the kitchen where he finds Maddie, she’s sitting at the table carefully arranging some paper flowers into a bouquet. 
“Can’t believe you actually caved and let Mom have the party here.”
“It was either this or the Wedding and there is no way that’s happening, so we made a compromise,” he replies concocting the believable line from thin air. 
She hums. 
“I guess that ruins your big road trip with Eddie though?” 
“Yeah, he’ll be here soon. His shift ran a little over.” 
Oh, so this was happening. 
His stomach churns. He knows this is all a concoction of his subconscious mind, but the mere idea that he doesn’t know Eddie. It was the weirdest combination of a dream and a nightmare, and it all felt so real. 
He’s pulled from the reverie by the doorbell sounding throughout his ears. And a familiar warm honey voice drifts throughout the house and there’s a tug at his heart. 
Maddie perks up at the sound the same as Buck. 
He can’t bear to follow her out the kitchen door. 
“Hey there, my Buckette.” 
He seriously wants to throw up. This was the worst timeline even if it was a fabrication. 
“C’mon help me out with a project in the kitchen.” 
Buck braces himself, and he watches in slow motion as they walk in, hand in hand. 
He finally takes Eddie in, he mostly looks the same, still with kind eyes but missing a spark and warmth. Wearing a soft henley and jeans, he looks out of place from the rest of the house that’s clearly decked out for a cocktail party. 
Their eyes meet and it’s the only thing that’s made even the slightest bit of sense the entire time he’s been here. He still wants to throw up though. 
“Eddie, this is my brother, the groom himself.” 
“Hey, so you are the famous Evan then,” Eddie replies, holding out his hand. 
The name sounds strange from his lips. Stilted and sharp, with a cold unfamiliarity, coming from a place of unknowing rather than place of care. 
Buck hates it. 
He doesn’t know how to speak anymore. So he reaches and takes Eddie’s hand. 
And it’s like a bolt of lightning coursing through him, wrapping around his hand and weaving up his arm– and there’s air in his lungs and his eyes snap open. 
The warmth around his hand is still there, and it’s tighter. He grabs back with as much strength as he has. And he finds those eyes again. And they are warm and kind, with that light shining and burning behind them. 
He can’t speak. Can’t scream. So he just lets the tears pool and fall. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” his voice is fragile in  a way that Buck has never heard before. And it sounds like he’s saying it for himself more than for Buck. 
Moments later they are no longer alone, but their gaze is fixed across the room. 
Find your home.  Oh.
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darcylindbergh · 2 months
I’m the minor from the last ask- thank you so much for all the advice. It might be hard to do some of it since my town is really tiny (less than 15,000) but I’ll try. I was outed last year and it was really traumatic but I’ve gained a lot of independence lately and hoping to go to college soon after doing Christian homeschooling my whole life. If you don’t mind, how exactly can I look up marriage license announcements?
hello darling!!
the list of options is not meant as a to-do list!! i was just throwing ideas out. of course some of them won't be feasible for everyone!! don't feel like you have to run yourself ragged. don't feel like you should try to do some of them if you think it might endanger you in any way. remember always: your oxygen mask first, then helping others.
i'm so sorry that you got outed in a terrible fashion. the good news is that coming out is something we kinda do our whole lives, once we start - it can be kind of tiring, sure, but it can also be really joyful and celebratory. yes, i AM queer, thanks for noticing! you will be able to come out at college and meeting new friends and starting a new job and all this other stuff on your own terms, whether that's just showing up with a pride flag flyin or taking someone into your confidence or however you want. we do it endlessly to all sorts of different people. i came out to someone new this week because he came into my job wearing a pride pin and i was like oh hi you?? me!! i'm really sorry that coming out was taken from you, but you will have so many more beautiful coming outs to look forward to. i'm glad you are still here and looking toward your own independence and making plans, that's absolutely the way to go.
marriage license applications!! you can usually just google it (duckduckgo it). i typed in "[where i live] county marriage license applicant publications" and the second result said "applicant report" and they were all there. i guess i don't know if every state requires publication of the marriage licenses applicant publications but if you can find them they're good for the soul.
by the way i gotta say when i looked these up to answer this ask (i usually read them in a legal newspaper, not online) i looked at the reports from june 2015 when obergefell was passed, and the reports went from saying "bride/groom" to "applicant 1/applicant 2" and about halfway down the report there was just a slew of names that were clearly queer couples. the first queer marriage in my county was between two women, ages 61 and 53. i knew this actually because this marriage happened on the lawn of the courthouse i was working at the time, and when the decision came down they FLEW out of the courthouse with the county clerk who performed the marriage within minutes. i cried watching from my window. i couldn't remember their names but now i do! so thank you, that was a special thing for me.
you are going to do such wonderful things and love and be loved by such wonderful people. things will not always feel so dark. i promise.
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audley-and-cherry · 1 year
There's something about the push to loosen/end child labor protections that is bothering me beyond WHAT THE HELL KIDS SHOULDN'T BE WORKING WE'VE ALREADY DONE THIS AND IT WAS BEYOND TERRIBLE
It's like, the manufactured consent machine is working overtime on this one? After Arkansas passed their law making it easier to hire teens to work IN MEAT PROCESSING PLANTS, white Boomers came out of the woodwork to wax nostalgic about their fucking paper routes and public pool life-guarding jobs and whatever part time fuckshit they did for pocket change.
And there's opinion pieces in major publications like, "working builds character for teens!" framing it like we're talking about babysitting or mowing the neighbor's lawn AND NOT DANGEROUS INDUSTRIAL FACTORY WORK
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I'm not linking to Reason because fuck them, but please note that that opinion comes after the news about Chick-fil-A illegal hiring children and paying workers in food.
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I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. Everyone's trying to make it look like we (the WHAT THE FUCK KIDS SHOULDN'T WORK people) are out of our minds for opposing these changes to child labor laws, because look! This is about teens having a part time job on the weekends, something easy and normal, just ignore what these laws actually say, no one's going to use them like that!
And it feels very sudden, you know? Like, two months ago it wasn't even on my radar and now suddenly everyone is talking about how great it is that teens can plug the worker shortage.
I dunno, man. We've plunged even further down into our cyberpunk dystopia and I feel like everyone's trying to convince me that I'm not seeing what I am absolutely seeing.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 10 months
I have a question for the kings of blot AU. How did Glorious Masquerade and Stage in Playful land go in this very AU? :D
Oh in here, we have a lot of chaos.
For Glorious masquerade, Rollo doesn't know that Idia is a permanent overBlot(mama should would make stuffed turkey out of Crowley if he leaks that) so all he knows is that just watch out for the Shroud. He doesn't know why Idia came with the warning label, but ya know... The Ramshackle Dormhead has a magicless student so yep.
Idia is a bit protective of Yuu and Grim, for the sole reason that he knows if he leaves them unsupervised, they would get in trouble.
When the flowers ploy gets revealed, Idia seems to have very little problem. He was running on blot and magic was a very small fraction of his power extent, so he could use that against the flowers who don't take blot.
BUT! Because of his concealing charm, Idia is hindered physically even worse than in cannon. He cannot walk properly and is very tired, to the point Azul has to carry him until they reach the bell tower. In there, both Azul and Malleus insist for Idia to just leave the concealing charms and go punt Rollo.
The thing about Idia is his way of building power. Unlike a normal mage that can fire the same strength of spell until they run dry and have to rest, Idia does almost opposite. He starts weak and as long as he uses magic and his blot powers, he grows stronger. He cannot run dry due to both the fact that he is a permanent overBlot and the Shroud curse working in a constant cycle, but when he rests, he reverts back to being weak. Basically Idia has no limit ro how powerful he could be, which is why he is considered such a threat. Of course, this was only disclosed to STIX and the book 6 group. And also Malleus bc Malleus gets 'gargoyle fanatic Fae on your lawn at 3 am' privileges :3
Anyway, Rollo doesn't expect to see Idia like that, nor he expected for all the blot and the atmosphere Idia was creating around. Like Malleus was the main concern, but Azul always came on defence and Idia was only growing more stronger the more blot was released in between the 3 mages.
Of course, due to the conditions, Rollo overblots. Azul came to be used to this atmosphere due to Idia and Malleus was build different, hence why Rollo was succumbing to the blot a whole lot easier.
That's when Idia properly can step in, as he builded up enough power to take Malleus and Azul's place, while the 2 regain their energy and ring the bell without much need of magic.
In the end, Rollo is defeated. :D
But, ofc, no one ever trusted Rollo to keep on Idia's lil secret. So, there was an ultimatum: Keep your mouth shut and get to live another day or try to speak up and you will see what happens when mages can't be pulled out of the overBlot in time.
Currently Idia sweeped Malleus's palce as the enemy of state no.1 in Rollo's tier list. Azul is just chill. :'3
Now for stage in playful land :3
Ofc, Idia was absolutely suspicious of Yuu and Grim suddenly mentioning about a ticket and a super cool place. His suspicions raise when Ortho mentions about the same place.
So Idia decides to follow his lil brother and spiritually adopted lil siblings towards playful land. He gets stopped midway by the group who don't let him follow for he doesn't have any shiny ticket. Idia falls on agreement with the condition that they would be back by the sunset.
So Idia waits. And waits... And waaaaiiiits... He tried to look into the playful land on the internet, but found nothing. His suspicions can only grow as night settles in and no sign of the others.
So absolutely done with this, he barges in, in the middle of the night, and finds the whole mess. He was absolutely fuming over this and is more than pleased to punt that sham owner right across the face.
Fellow and Giddel are absolutely terrified of Idia simply tearing through all the defence like it's warm butter. Like nothing seems to stop this guy from going straight to Fellow and strangling him like a squeaky toy.
After that, Idia also nags Ortho, Yuu and Grim, holding all 3 grounded, despite Ortho being the Dormhead of Ignihyde :'3
The rest can go and die for all Idia cares, which 1. Rude. 2. yeah... Idia doesn't care if the others are alive or not. :'3
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Seeing as my parents are visiting this month, I scheduled counseling for the week after. My mother is anti-max and refuses to wear one...which means she's not entering my home. She and my dad are flying here, and planes are a great place to catch all sorts of illnesses. I don't want covid (or any other sickness) for my birthday, tyvm.
Oh, they're gonna throw a fit about. We also have a no shoe rule. No outdoor shoes are to worn indoors. Bubby's D&D players bring slippers and don't make a big deal out it. The first time my parents visited us after the first was in 2018...and it was Not Good. Started with them getting rude and angry about being barred entry. When they said bending down on the porch was unacceptable...and got angrier when I brought chairs out for them. The house we were living room had white carpeting! Shoes are filthy!
We have no carpeting now, but I don't wanna mop the floors. Again. I'm doing that before they visit.
If they agree to wear a mask if I permit shoes, then I work with that. Let's see what sort of Karen fit they throw.
Needless to say, there's a very good reason I'm seeing my therapist the week after the visit. She's got notes marked that I may call her before then. I'm low contact with my parents. Conversations with my mom are almost exclusively about quilts, with a professional and less personal tone. I rarely speak to my dad because I have no idea what we can talk about seeing as all his hobbies and interests involve sports (he went damn near mad during lockdown).
Oh, and my dad is a Trump-Humper. It's absolutely bizarre seeing as he worked in military intelligence (that's an oxymoron right there). When they visited, my dad got really aggressive and hostile when it was very fucking clear we're not. His aggression and anger was very prominent. My mom expressed fear and anxiety because he had even watching Foxaganda all day everyday since Dumbass Agent Orange began his campaign. Folks, my dad thinks the guy is brilliant and must be respected.
Then they dragged me to an area almost two hours away, to have lunch with my bigot aunt and uncle, who lived several hours away (they have since moved far away, likely due to the PNW being too blue). It was a restaurant where I couldn't eat, and all four of them ignored this. No one spoke to me, and I was trapped between the window and my parents because they chose a booth. Oh, and they got upset about me bringing protein bars. The waitress heard me state I can't eat anything due to celiac disease and cross contamination. She said her son is the same way, and told me she'd have all the dishes used to prepare a salad washed, as well as the countertop. I didn't get sick, and my mom tried the whole "gotcha" nonsense.
I have issues with being trapped. Not claustrophobic, but being trapped and unable to leave. Bubby was working and couldn't come pick me up, my parents told me to "get over it." My anxiety was sky high, and I was fighting panic attacks. It got worse the longer everyone talked. The more they talked, thr more hateful their words got.
My uncle firmly believes all drug addicts and homeless people should be put on boat and taken to a deep part of thr Pacific ocean. Then have the authorities put a hole in the boat and let it sink. Yeah, he's that kind of guy. My dad said it's a good plan. I didn't say a fucking thing because it would've been dangerous.
The next several months were spent recovering from that.
This time, my parents are going to discover how much stronger I am. I will not cower, I will not bend to their demands, and I sure as shit will not be getting I'm a car with them. We're buying some cheap lawn furniture to put in the backyard. If they're gonna throw a fit, they'll be barred entry. Therapy has done wonders for me, and standing up to these bullies will be a good way to see how far I've come.
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atherix · 2 years
Alright listen i wanna scream about the last three chapters but i do not have the brain for fully fledged thoughts so this is what you're getting.
I am FASCINATED by this creation myth for the fae, btw. If I had more brain i feel like i could probably pull on things i know or have read but as of righgt now just know i reall love it and eventually i will be returning to it because I have some Thoughts I cant get out of my brain.
Also. I am once again projecting onto Scar as someone who Has Been deathly ill a few times in my life. Genuinely there are periods of terrifying lucidity and long stretches of basically unconsciousness for me too so its like. I am. Looking.
Oh my god and then Mumbo and Cub. PRESIDENTIAL ALERT: THE GIRLS ARE FIIIIGHTIIIIIIIIIING. but also genuinely I think whether it stays Mumscarian or goes Mumscarvexian Cub's relationship to the trio is SO interesting. How he does to some extent know Scar but he knows a younger Scar who was less sure of himself. How Mumbo DOES know Scar but he only really knows the older and more confident Scar. God. they. MMMMMMMM. And the fact that Mumbo and Cub are like, two sides of the same coin here - Shadow magic of two different kinds. So so so close with Scar. God. AUGH.
F U C K AO3 WENT DOWN UHHHH But Also. The fact that there is definitely Something in there and I don't mean the Skeleton Archer while they are GOING AFTER HUNTERS. MUMBO! CUB!!! WAAAAAAAH
And then the NEXT chapter where Grian's fucking dumbass takes Scar's magic and is like 'SCAR AND MUMBO CAN NEVER KNOW *kills the lawn and a tree*" liike okay bird brain. GOD!!!! ALSO THAT SCENE WAS SO INTENSE I AM!!! AHHHHHHHHH GOD GRIAN YOU!!! DUMABASS I AM RATTLING YOU!!! AND SCAR AND MUMBO ARE GOING TO RATTLE YOU AS THEY FUCKING SHOULD!!!!
And then more of the Fae story I am!!!! WELL I WOULD BE LOOKING AT IT IF AO3 WASNT DOWN BUT!!! STARING!!!!
LMAO a lot has happened and I did not give anyone time to process <3
LOOK. I AM SO. I fucking love myths and legends and I've been sitting on this for MONTHS, trying to figure out the best way to piece it together to maximize Creation Story vibes, and I am loving how it's coming together <3 I love the Fae story I have created, it is near and dear to me. Also leave it to me to create a "monarchy with absolute power" but said monarchy has absolutely the most brutal burden and responsibility to carry <3 May slightly be influenced by Cost of the Crown. "Though I am the head of state, in truth I am the least." THIS LINE LIVES IN MY HEAD RENT FREE so it may or may not have influenced how the Fae royals (and Elves in general) carry a burden and obligation <3 BUT YEAH THE FAE STORY. I am absolutely in love with it I'm hjgjkhfkfd <3
jkfgdjk Ihope I'm presenting that well enough, I know it's not 1:1 with real life (because it's a fantasy illness that depends on magic production + how much magic is in your system so it's more cyclical than real life) but just the idea of being aware that you're slipping away (and knowing very well that you might never wake up again) just scares me and makes me feel absolutely helpless, so I hope I'm conveying that well enough </3
THEY'RE FIGHTIIIING. Regardless of what happens yes I think Cub is an interesting addition to the Coven group 👀 YEAH That is exactly what I wanted to highlight here- Cub used to know EVERYTHING about Scar, but that was a completely different time and a completely different Scar. And Mumbo knows Scar NOW, knows him in the way Cub doesn't anymore, and just hhhjjgf. PARALLELS BABEYYY you know me, I love me some parallels <3
AO3 SABOTAGED YOUR ESSAY HJJSKJFSK </3 IT'S OKAY THO WE SURVIVED!!! Hahaha oh yes <3 The sad thing is Mumbo KNOWS there's something else... but he's so focused on Scar that he just dismisses it.... oh Mumbo.... and Cub doesn't really know any better, this is his first time spending any extended time out here </3
HAHAHA YEAHHHH Like I said to Void, why take "Deus Ex Machina" when I can use "Fuck Around and Find Out" and have Grian being stubborn and overconfident and fucking suffer for it <3 GOD GRIAN IS GONNA GET SO RATTLED. I wonder how he's gonna try and hide the damage to the lawn :)
I LOVE THE FAE STORY. Also the fact that Scar is sharing this story in his moments of lucidity.... <3 And trying to keep going even while his focus and his mind are slipping I AM SO JKFSKLFS-
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summeroffice · 6 months
Лілія Налягака for NEWSМЕЙКЕР on Подробиці 
0:51 Do you read? 
Everything. Everything that can be read today must be read. I am generally an archaic person in this respect. I really like paper books, I buy them all the time, and I definitely re-read all of this dozens of times. A lot-- 
What was the last book? 
The last ones are not books at the moment. I have memoirs of different people right now. Because it is necessary to understand to what extent we in the 21st century understand what was happening, that is, from the point of view of awareness of what happened before. This is all, for example the same Churchill and so on. It's anything we can discuss in terms of how it resonates with where we are today.  
Do you have bad habits? 
[Falls silent. Turns head.] Definitely. Like everyone else [shrugs].  
What kind? 
Expecting from people that they are smart after all. That they absolutely understand the consequences of their actions, that they are ready to take responsibility for it, and well, that I treat people very well. And it's a bad habit.  
Do you often get disappointed? 
I don't anymore, because I understand that the pragmatic approach is the weakness of human nature in general. I understand that a human being is like that, and I emphasise once again that he wants to emphasise his self, and there are very few people who are ready to share, right, share with everyone. I mean not materially, but spiritually. And the general public is on the contrary built to make a profit regardless of whether someone will suffer or lose something and so on. And so I am calm about all this and approach it pragmatically. But there are definitely many disappointments.  
And do you know what else is the main disappointment which is key today? It is the low level of competence, professionalism, and functionality of people at critical moments. And the war is a critical moment. Of course, because it will build the structure of the state or not build it in which you want to live or not live. And unfortunately, many people are incompetent and not suitable for the level of tasks they face. But the problem is not that they are incompetent, this is normal. Again, it is normal if you're not functional. The problem is that a person does not want to raise his qualifications.  
What kind of sport? 
All of them. Well, today, I practically do it myself, I definitely do it, loads, well, that is, running [I love the cameraman, he shows him close up; thank you, sir, I spent a good deal of the interview admiring Mykhailo] intensively enough, and a little hand-to-hand fighting (рукопашка), this is something that is individual, but before -- any football, volleyball, basketball, everything that was possible, tennis, lawn tennis, table tennis and so on. 
How is it to be a journalist in Belarus? 
[Sighs deeply] Just like everywhere. Just like in any country in which a person with low competences, I'm talking about Lukashenko who considers himself a divine mediator, that is, a person who knows everything in life, without, again, having any competencies and not even a normal career. He believes that you cannot insult him.  
11:51 I'm impressed that he knows a city in Estonia that is not the capital. Not only that, but he also quotes numbers. The share of Russian citizens among the registered residents of Narva was 34% as of the beginning of 2024. 
18:52 Everyone lives by short strategies. It's about what we need, what we started with, do we need to read books. What is a short strategy? Well, it's profitable to make a statement today, it will be quoted by all agencies. You get one and a half million likes. Everyone will say it's cool. It is in general. But short strategies lead to fatal consequences. Always.  
19:48 Any person who is passionate in any country is already influencing the political process. Just like in our country. This is public policy. This is the problem of the information age. Today it is not important what you can do, what matters is how you look.  
20:57 Well, no one reads, right, books.  
22:30 Counter question. I love them very much.  
37:04 It's like on the street. When a gopnik approaches you, everything depends on how many of his teeth you knock out. If you don't have a knuckleduster, if you're not ready to knock out everything he has in his lower jaw, well, then he will dictate the conditions because he has a club in his hand [he's explaining the need for weapons]. 
37:42 I generally think about everything in general, I look at it differently. It's not optimism, it's pragmatism.   
51:45 Many people lose because at some moment they lose faith in themselves, do not believe in themselves first of all and are not ready to reach the end, although there are two steps left. They think that they still have to go for decades.  
52:44 I know, I don't believe, because I'm a pragmatic person. I'm not about faith, but about knowledge. 
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noisybearsheep · 2 years
Chapter 3 Reflection
The concepts in this chapter were very interesting. When the author gave the definition of comparative advantage it seemed like it was a definition I already knew. Growing up mowing someone's lawn or taking care of pets while your neighbor is out of town - was something everyone tried to do to have a little spending money. Not knowing that this was the building blocks of this concept. Now older I now see how in-depth this concept can get. Absolute advantage is someone exceling in whatever task they excel in and using that to produce more for themselves. This absolute advantage can also be used in the trade of items produced to achieve an item they are not so exceled at; or to get their hands on an item that is produced cheaper than they can. This also leads us into the other definition of opportunity cost - giving up your less produced item, sending your time at something you excel in - and then trading that with someone who is your opposite. This is Comparative advantage: when you can produce something at a much lower cost than someone else.
All of these terms seem relatively self explanatory. Again, I feel like these are taught to us at a very young age - through chores or just watching the ways of the world. At the end of this chapter, the book brought up the question 'Should the US trade with other countries?'.
I think trade with several other countries makes for a good economy. In trading things we need for other things we don't we can save a little money which helps the bottom line to any business.
Looking in my closet I found SEVERAL items that were made outside of the US. Most of my clothing said Pakistan or China. Outsourcing a product to another country can have pros as well as cons. Some pros involved would be saving money on general costs (buildings, labor, manufacturing costs - even other countries taxes), faster turnaround of the product being produced, also depending on where you get your items manufactured, you can be open to more markets in which to sell your items. Also you can take into account the laws in other countries: US laws can sometimes be limiting, manufacturing overseas can help you with this problem in a BIG way. Some of the cons to this is lower quality items. Manufacturing things domestically can make sure the item produced is the highest quality - which you can not make sure is happening overseas. The risk involved with some of these endeavors can be a little scary as well. Not knowing what all the costs will be or just not being able to communicate fully with someone in another country manufacturing these things for you could end up hurting your bottom line.
By manufacturing somewhere like Wyoming could end up hurting your bottom line (costs) - but it could save you a lot of time and hassle dealing with phone calls and overseas hours. Not to mention the quality of the items being produced. Being able to travel to the facility to double check how its made could help your business in the long run.
A recent purchase for me was a couple of avocados. Being that HAAS avocados are known to have come from Mexico - it is an assumption that they have a pretty good monopoly on Avocados in the United States. Looking this information up I was pleasantly surprised to see that Avocados are now produced in a lot of countries throughout the world. United States surprisingly was ranked 14 in a list of world producers from atlasbig.com. This makes me think next time I go to the grocery store I am going to see if they offer anything other than Mexican avocados.
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addypokmadid · 2 years
12 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Home
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Ah yes: It is that time of year in which you are going to hear the birds begin chirping; the sunset sets later thanks to Daylight Savings Time; the audio of someone with a lawnmower to cut the lawn of theirs and also someone operating in the automobile of theirs, SUV, truck, etc. while listening to that ever present thump of the bass from the sound system of theirs. Almost all of this implies Spring will be here (actually the season officially took place on March 20.) Spring is a period for re birth, forget about brand new year's, this's the season getting hectic and do things that you always aspired to do. In the personal opinion of mine, Winter is as the guest which wouldn't leave: that individual was awesome whenever they stopped by. But after some time, you get fed up with them and also you wish to kick them out there.
When you would like to get involved with Spring Cleaning, below are a set of directions to assist you along the way:
The Inside Job:
Storm Windows
Your storm windows were up for an honest while by now. I'm guessing the last time you really started your windows was perhaps between Early October as well as last September. This's the perfect time to take on the storm windows. After an approximate Winter of cold rain, ice, sleet, ice, conditions in the single digits with wind chills below zero occasionally during the time period, the thought of opening the windows and let the new air come into your house is sounds good.
Mop and Dust each kitchen in the home
After dealing with folks tracking in dirt, salt, and the snow while walking interior during the wintertime, Spring is time that is perfect to work with a mop to thoroughly clean the floors. Get a mop, pail, some cleaning and dust rag items (Pine Sol,Windex, Clorox, etc.) for busy. If you've carpet in the family room of yours as well as dining room floor, do the vacuum to sweep the every single space to eliminate additional debris and dirt. When you do not wish to do that here, employ a certified carpet cleaner to do the job.
Clean the Basement and Attic
Yeah, it is annoying to clean both the crawl space and basement since you've to proceed things around together with trying to determine what to stay and what you should throw out. Though this particular task is worth due to 2 reasons: one) you are able to produce lots of room in both areas and two) you might get generate money off of your unwanted things by the method of a Yard Sale. It is that way old stating "Another male's trash is another male's treasure."
Clean the closet and dresser drawers
All of us have clothes that possibly we do not use anymore; are extremely small; way too big; or perhaps never ever had the opportunity to put on it at all and so it is of style. When you would like to develop a little area in the closet of yours for some new attire, why don't you donate those outdated garments, shoes, caps, belts, jewelry, etc. to the local Salvation Army of yours, Thrift or Goodwill shop. The very same thing goes on your dresser drawers. You have to clean off the top part and inside every drawer therefore you not produce a little room but also become in a position to shut them without getting something sticking out.
Remove winter curtains
The heavy curtains served the purpose of its during the cold months to safeguard us in the chilly air/breeze from coming into the houses of ours. Today may be the time frame to take on the large curtains and erect the lighter curtains therefore after the windows are opened, we are able to really feel the heat of Spring.
Clean the ceiling fan
If you've a ceiling fan, clean it frequently. There's absolutely nothing much more awkward than having business over to the location of yours and if you switch on the lover, the dust simply flies from the fan handle and the guest of yours will view the debris fall on the floor. In order to save the embarrassment, buy a dust rag and spotless each fan blade at least one time a week.
Let us go outside:
Remove Decorations and christmas lights
When you haven't taken down the outside Christmas lights of yours or maybe decorations by now, particularly if the weather in the city of yours or maybe town was pretty decent during winter months, please do it immediately. You do not wish to be The person that also has their Christmas decorations when it is 75 80 degrees outside.
Rake up tree limbs
Your front along with backyard (in case you've one) may be covered with tree limbs, foliage, other debris leftover and garbage during winter months. What you have to accomplish is get a few of garbage bags, rake, broom, shovel and a sturdy garbage can and handle business. After you are done with that job, you may consider cutting the grass. However, in case your lawn is in poor form, utilize some grass seed to assist the lawn flourish during the Summer and Spring (Experts state that the most effective moment to use grass seed is in December and November because the rain, ice, along with sleet may truly make the grass grow more quickly, but that shouldn't prevent you from adding lawn seed right now.)
Plant flowers, trees, bushes, shrubs, trees, and yard maintenance
If you've a green thumb and really like the thought of working outdoors with vegetation, this's up the alley of yours. Springtime is an excellent to grow flowers as well as trees, then add seeds into the soil to be able to grow veggies and in case you opt to do this, add a little bushed and shrubs. Spring will be the season in which the grass grows really fast. So you have to cut the grass of yours at least one time a week until June, where lawn does not develop as rapidly. As a homeowner, it's really important to have a well maintained lawn since it gives the suggestion that you genuinely care about the community of yours.
Set out the deck furniture
It's an inconvenience to obtain the deck furniture out of your basement or storage area, but hey it's well worth it setting the chairs as well as tables outside, particularly after being cooped up in the home throughout the Winter long and at exactly the same period, you look ahead to sitting outdoors during a warm and nice Spring day. Be sure you wipe down all of the chairs and also tables thoroughly with water and soap after you put them outside. Furthermore, in case you've seat cushions for all the seats, wash and wash all those down as well.
Clean out the barbecue grill
Unless the grill was used during the Winter since you skipped experiencing barbeque, you most likely haven't used it after Labor Day. Before that very first barbecue, fresh out the grill quite thoroughly with water and soap. Make certain you can find no debris, cobwebs, etc. in the grill of yours. After some time, you are going to have a shiny and clean grill and within absolutely no time getting cookouts during the Summer and Spring will become a normal item at the house of yours. However, in case your grill is both old or on the final legs of its, my suggestion is you invest in a brand new one. Check your local online or newspaper for a number of bargains on a grill.
Clean the Garage
The same as the attic as well as basement, cleaning the storage area is a huge time headache because most of us have put a lot of things in there, we frequently say "I must cleanse the garage" so we do not ever get around to it. Well, today will be the day to wash it out. Yeah, it may be an all day work (or a 2 3 day job depend upon just how much things you've in there) though it's worth every penny. Begin by producing a heap of what things to stay and what you should throw away. Next, eliminate any garbage and boxes that you have in the storage area. Then, determine if you wish to use a garage sale for the products that you have to toss out--who understands, just like the yard sale example discussed previously, you can generate money off of your unwanted items. Lastly, when you've completed the project, have a look to find out if you are pleased with the storage area of course, if not, keep at it until you think it's entirely spotless.
Spring Cleaning is a difficult process to deal with. This article provided a number of measures to take to be able to receive the job done. One last element, in case you would like turn the task go just a little quicker, switch on some music - it operates every single time.
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wildliferemovalnet · 2 years
4 Advice To Select The Right Wildlife Removal Orlando Company
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Selecting the best wildlife removal company for your specific requirements can be a work as well as a fifty percent in its very own. It's commonly hard understanding whom you can trust on the net, as well as unless you have somebody in your circle that's lately experienced wild animals difficulties, then you've actually got nowhere to turn.
If you are dealing with undesirable wild animals on your building, the finest advice we can provide you is asking a person in your circle. You never ever know that's needed to deal with a pesky raccoon in the nearby past, and may be able to help you out with a recommendation pertaining to a strong, trusted neighborhood wildlife removal company.
But if you do not have any individual to ask, do not you worry. We have actually put together a fast listing of our favored criteria for choosing the Orlando wildlife removal business for your needs. This will aid you select someone who is secure and also reputable, and also that's probably to do a great job with your wildlife problems.
Make sure they are insured
It could not appear like your leading priority right now, specifically when there's a wild raccoon searching via your lawn, however trust fund us when we state, you desire a wild animals removal business that's obtained insurance coverage. Why is that essential? Due to the fact that wildlife removal can be harmful job, and no matter just how safeguarded wildlife removal individuals are, they can still get injured throughout the procedure.
Ensuring your wildlife removal company is properly insured aids maintain you safe from any kind of prospective individual damages lawsuits that may emerge from an injury endured during the removal procedure. While these circumstances are relatively rare, they still occasionally take place, as well as you wish to see to it absolutely nothing poor can legitimately take place to you, in case there is such a crash.
Not only that, yet obtaining insurance for your firm is audio practice, so business that do not have insurance coverage may raise some alarm bells.
Inquire inquiries
Prior to you do this, however, you'll wish to visit wildlifepest.org to find out about the usual type of animals, and additionally regarding the various sorts of wild animals removal. Afterwards, make sure you ask any type of Orlando wildlife removal company you work with all sorts of inquiries about the animals and the removal process.
Trusted business like CritterPro will certainly have the ability to use you all the information you want on the subject, without coming to be upset, or giving unclear responses. Remember, if your wild animals removal "expert" does not seem to understand what they're discussing, this could be a great indication not to employ them.
Make certain to ask them about the different kinds of wildlife removal they exercise, and also try to pick a business that offers humane wildlife control options. These are removal approaches that don't really injury or kill the offending pet, as well as we highly recommend you go for them.
Ask if they offer guarantees
Some wild animals removal business will certainly supply success assurances, while others will not. This does not necessarily indicate that the wildlife removal Orlando firm is undependable, yet if they don't provide any kind of warranties or money-back choices, you'll want to make sure that their record balances out this substantial lack.
Typically, a business that depends on its very own techniques need to be able to with confidence provide you a warranty of their success in getting rid of any type of angering wild animals from your property. Make certain to ask why not if they do not. It may seem disrespectful to you to ask so many inquiries, yet it's not. It's sound method in any company negotiation to reveal the various other celebration that you are knowledgeable on the subject, and also aware of the worth of your cash.
Examine all their licenses online, and seek testimonials
If you're unable to obtain a referral from someone you understand, the next best point will certainly be finding on-line testimonials of the method. Preferably, don't just look at the endorsements included on their web site, however additionally Google the firm prior to employing them. This ought to alert you to any odd practices.
Finally, see to it the wild animals removal company you're employing has all its licenses as well as papers in order prior to consenting to commission them.
All American Pest Control
390 N Orange Ave Suite #2300
Orlando, FL 32801
(321) 559-7378
Orlando Wildlife Removal
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Women country with some poor piece of s*** who's threatening our son over the TV and he was power and we went after him and got where kill them all they're still getting rid of them keep showing him he keeps saying good and we'll be done soon and he'll be dead. Might move into his house as our son suggested. And we have another item regarding this article he's been yelling and screaming at the media and the question is mental stability and they're going into whether he had a history of mental illness or not. They're also arresting him when he shows up these election centers at Lee county he started ranting and raving as a character that was on TV and said I can't handle being on TV he says saying my name is John remillard and they came and arrested him. Well you know so we're going to find him for his current conversation and a lot of people are he's an idiot I'm going to take your car you're in his outside we went and took you to say shut up so he took other vehicles all over the state now all over the country and we're taking this identification and everything is stashed all the safety deposit boxes I'm getting at the banks that we didn't take over because of it and he's sitting the same this sucks I'm going after his stashes and caches of weapons all of them cash in the woods everything so tired of it my son says the cash and it was kind of special thing to me I want all of this cash in the woods and all of his weapons did he stashes around the woods in this houses and cash in the houses we went in and grabbed it all I'm going after everything passports credit cards it's in there saying someone is limiting my movements so no I'm getting back at you for taking my money I'm messing my money situation up anyways I thought you knew that was you mean I thought I thought I think you thought also the b******* I can be poor what else do you have liquidatable assets inside saying I have all these businesses okay that's good and tons of stuff you can sell from businesses we start taking that this was like to speak properly you know say the correct things to make someone shut the f****** you get that and by the way to take a bow again can I send that little kid little kid. So it's across the street clapping and he says for the dog and he tries to say other stupid things and his son to say I'm taking everything you own I'm taking every stash you have around here because you're stupid s*** the max though now have to go do it we say this you're an ugly piece of s*** too your face is ugly you stupid bodies nasty your demeanor is s***** and you're an a****** to everybody and the f****** you up too all your friends are and your family you need your stuff right now they're running out to your caches and stashes everywhere and taking them cuz you're huge a****** mouth you soon you won't have anything or anyone that's pretty much a given right now congratulations loser I really just started as Jerry senior started messing with his mom for the like a complete f** messing with an old lady who was helpless and alone you're such a sad piece of s*** find a little problem there huh lost everything so going after someone is poor and stuff what a piece of s*** you are I don't care buddy get yourself killed.
The sun said the last line it's absolutely true this little homo is going to go around saying that he is a hero and he caught the cloners and all this good stuff is going to flying out of him if he get mowed over like a lawn mower hit him
We're going to go pick this garbage up it's a chance for infestation with the fleas and the rats and all sorts of other crap so we have to we have to get to it. She called Jeff and said can you come out here and give you the scrap if you take everything too and you can recycle on stuff said we don't have the facility but we're looking at building one and say if your stockpile it might be encouraged to start building if you sort out some stuff especially the metals start recycling it and you'll have enough money to build a facility if you get to these metals first and they know other people in these places and all of a sudden Jeff said I have business so he's going off and he's doing it and he's accepting phone calls from people who run the manage the double wide facilities there's enough metals in all of them to start up probably quarter of the facility so he's looking forward to it and he's actually started and he's hiring out other companies. And Trump was stealing from her son the whole time and never told him who he was he's saying he was a Mac other people were doing deals with him and they're still around it's terrible he is so awful and he is going down people are taking him down.
And he's yelling and screaming at the media over and over is yelling and screaming at our son and the Sun is kind of a media person so he's screaming and screaming and yelling and her son just puts it out there says what he's saying and doing and like an hour later Trump is in bars and chains says he wins by doing that stupid horse s*** and he loses a fortune again it's really a mystery with it hokey piece of s*** keeps doing it. The sun is just the same they're both a bunch of weird idiotic sickle fence for free they're willing to go around and yell at people you know campfire at your house is illegal and that's what those assholes keep doing the threatening to burn the place down so we're going after them here
And people going after the media because they can't get the news on that the idiot is being an idiot and they want to expose him for being a nasty person and a fraud and they need to put stuff out there it's going it's going to be a crunch tonight they're going to get they're going to feel it
Thor Freya
I'm reaching John remillard I hear the 500 octillion that went to Australia are dead and that makes it 2,000 octillion dead 1,000 that went there 1,000 and tried to go there. Anywhere at 4% now it's time to 2 percent due to your asinine behavior and your s*** with me and others here but mainly you just keep pissing me off and bothering me and people are trying to silence you because you're a moron and you keep on telling everybody everything and they don't want you near me. So it's pretty pitiful isn't it did you
Zues Hera
I can't stand it anymore stop railing against me
John remillard an escapee from prison across the street
I don't think so a****** you keep threatening me so I'm going to keep the pressure up to keep you heated to get rid of you and it's worked so far like 98% of your group is gone tonight there's going to be a huge Purge and I'll probably get below 1% and they'll be talking about points in the stock market cuz that's how people talk they don't come up right up to people right up to their face and challenge them and say stuff like to some kind of idiot dog that got hit by a car
Zues Hera
There's really no response except that's what I'm doing I'm done for a while a long time no but deep down inside I always wanted to when I'm about to win something
John remillard aka Donald trump
You're not about to win anything John remillard there's nothing to win here for you you don't have any ships you don't have any spaceships what are you going to win loser
Zues Hera
I'm going to win your body and use your body to win
Lol he won't and there's nothing to win by doing something really stupid like that and everybody says it if you're inside someone they know immediately cuz you're stupid. And you don't have power because you gave that up it's like a catch 22 you don't understand so people recognize that you're dangerous and they're going to move you out of here because you're a constant threats to do stupid things like that to them and you're threatening the leaders here too and they know it but really we're going to hit you before you can do anything
Zues Hera
I certainly see that you're confident and I certainly see that I'm trying to talk you into it I've got all sorts of things to say and you could care less this as long as I'm out here it's probably true it's a horrible thing
John remillard
So you say you won every day for the past 5 months and they're going to harm me for the past 5 months and you've lost 90% no 95% of your businesses over 99% of your persons of your cloning about 95% of your cadre including the old ones and about 90% Plus of the warlock because of your big fat useless mouth and activities and actions against myself that other people forbade you to do and it attempts on people out there large attempts and large numbers you died rapidly in a dying right now and you sit here saying stupid things like a 2 year old child and everyone's sick of it that's a pack of s*** up and get out of here you don't even belong here you're an escapee from prison
Zues Hera
I sort of get something else your confidence is not bothering me and all that stuff but it bothered me the whole time in the new about it so I'm starting to get irritated what are you really doing
Lol. You're a fool you a****** you're probably small enough that my grandpa can take you but he's president and he doesn't really get me anything he's probably taking a lot of your s*** you f****** douchebag you're a f****** loser Joe Watts AKA Trump and by the way you have a history of mental illness as Joe Watts helps you out a little bit but f***
Zues Hera
I'm ready for it everyone's been saying it why don't you knock those piece of crap out so people don't get hurt anymore and they already are of a huge enemy to fight this piece of crap is useless piece of s*** so I'm going to go ahead and launch the tax on him and have the feds haul him in and we're not going to interfere so actually calling him in and come down here and we can help keep them out of Florida starting tonight not tomorrow
My grandson says will that make sense because that's probably why it goes to Cuba otherwise he just come back here with the money like an a****** I agree too that makes a lot of sense so we're going to start working on it
President Biden
Now we're making a line I'm going to draw it in the sand and I'm going to call him and outlaw because that makes sense it forces him out there tell me if wants them out there and he sees it and is reluctance to do so because you can come here and feel comfortable even though we're ripping a new one if you like one guy that we bring over there. It makes sense so we're going to start weeding us out and we're going to court and him and actually all the Trump regime including his kids they're out and their judges and they have absolutely no business being there they can't speak Court language to if someone paid them and that b**** was on TV sitting there and denying it 20 times this is something wrong with your memory you deny it once three piece of you holding contempt you're going to lose your jump ship she didn't do anything different so he took her out of the judgeship is what they're saying tomorrow she's not going in it's probably doesn't want to anyways how's the people say that then their assholes but really who'd want to be the judge of this piece of s*** except our friend here who has to he's abused his family and stuff not really friends but holy s*** just left him alone he's sitting here pummeling him it's now it's our turn I'm not going to let you in Florida a****** you're an outlaw
Mac Daddy
I was saying it but I'm going to wait for him to see if he follows up and we're going to start doing it it's going to encourage him to go to Cuba instead of come here stick the money under his ass and so you can't touch anything else get rid of every single one of them
Thor Freya
You're A pompous ass Joel watts
You are Joel your out
Mike b
Niw too
Mike t
Mike p
Fu trump
Big Joe
Fuck off trump
No way I'm insulted by you all I get tons of stuff and that's what I say
It's not what happens you delusional freak I'm coming after you and getting you out of there they're danger
We are too we're sending units in we're going to rip you out of there now
Thor Freya
Kim Kardashian is being pressured and threatened by John remillard they're trying to support him and is a convicted felon and she needs help and she needs to hire people and she has people and she is Jason's people now it's another young person so our son is calling Stan and Miley and Emily and to get their s*** together with her because this a****** really needs a lot of guns on them and boy you know you want something and you're young it's the way to get it and mac daddy will probably let you have it keep it that is and he says yes
Zues Hera
I said the upper part and mac daddy approved it and he's saying it he's going to send them a note to get going and help her we don't want to tell to this prick in any way so we have to help each other and we're going to do it now and I'm not Ron DeSantis let me know who he is it's one of these goofballs that's right we're going to kick him out
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