#also the language specifies that the cat is female...
slaviclore · 1 year
be like chopin, measure your body weight in number of cats your body could house if it were made of clay and used to build cat houses
"Moja glina teraz na ten deszcz się nie rozpuści, we środku jest 90 stop. Réaumura. Można – ach! nie, nie można – z mojej gliny chyba domek dla kotki zrobić."
-- Fryderyk Chopin, in a letter to Jan Matuszyński (November 24, 1830)
"In these rains, my clay will not dissolve since it's 90 degrees Réaumur* inside. It would be possible -- ah! no, it would not be possible -- to make maybe a little house for a cat from my clay."
*a temperature scale in which water boils at 80
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demonslayedher · 7 months
Just thinking about how Chachamaru is a male calico, at least according the Taisho Secret right before chapter 195 that calls him manly. It really doesn't surprise me that he's male, because so many references to calicos I've seen in manga, mascots, and temple architecture specify that the featured calico is male.
This is because they are rare, and therefore considered lucky.
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The figure that gets thrown around the internet is that supposedly only 1 in every 3000 calicos is male. (I'll bet the people who did the often quoted study at U. of Minn. College of Vet Med would love to tell you how it's more complicated than that.) This has long made male calicos popular not only in Japan, but in other countries as well. The thing is, though, the male calico might not always be so lucky.
To be very brief about why calicos (and some other multicolored cats) are almost always female, this is because, put very simply, one X chromosome gives us the black splotches, and one X chromosome gives us the orange splotches. That might leave you wondering where the white patches come from, and this is the part where I say that genetics is never simple and you should have fun reading about it. The important takeaway here is that in order to show this color pattern, a cat needs two X chromosomes, one from its mother and one from its father.
Typically, a male cat has an X chromosome (from its female mother, who only has two X chromosomes) and a Y chromosome (from its father, who had both an X and a Y), but because the calico coating can only occur with two X chromosomes, this male cat somehow got an X, a Y, and... hmm, another X somewhere.
So not a typical XY male, not a typical XX calico... this sterile XXY male calico has an extra chromosome, and mutations often are not ideal for the health of the animal with the extra chromosome. This particular condition is Klinefelter’s Syndrome, which can lead to a male calico having cognitive and behavior issues, weaker bones, increased risk of diabetes due to higher body fat, and perhaps a shorter lifespan.
Now, none of the fictitious lucky cats I've seen have ever been portrayed as anything less than smart and pleasant, though a lot of the maneki-neko are pretty round. For everything Chachamaru is tasked with, I have to assume he's above-average when it comes to intelligence, reasonably healthy enough to handle long-distance travel, and for a cat, he's extremely, extremely cooperative. For the record, the same Taisho Secret (as well as Yushiro's statement in Chapter 194) makes it clear that for most of canon Chachamaru was a regular cat, for he was not made into a demon until right before the final showdown with Muzan. Even with her hands full making the medicine for Muzan, she still put a lot of effort into changing Chachamaru so that Yushiro wouldn't be lonely. It's ironic that Chachamaru winds up immortal, rather than doomed to a potentially shorter lifespan due to his mark...ings. In the first place, was Tamayo perhaps moved with pity for a sickly kitten and nursed him to the health he's in now?
Or did she always keep her eye out for a male calico, wanting to put some faith in them being good luck?
Also, what sticks out to me in this Taisho Secret is that Chachamaru, not having a language in which he could communicate with Tamayo, had no choice in becoming a demon. Tamayo felt sorry about that. The word bubble over manly little Chachamaru says, with bravado, "Fine by me, if that's what the woman I'm smitten with wishes." If Chachamaru truly is that smitten with her, that perhaps accounts for what an unusually cooperative cat he is. But it also reminds me of a fan theory that I saw once (and found worthy of weight) which said that perhaps Tamayo's blood technique has an effect like makes others smitten with her, and Yushiro might had been under its influence, however strongly or subtly. If such a thing were the case, it might or might not had been something Tamayo was conscious of. If she was conscious of having some effect like that, she probably felt awful about it but found it a necessary precaution to keep any demon she made under control. If she wasn't conscious of such a thing, that means she might had subconsciously developed it out of loneliness, and had been trying to keep company at her side.
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k-looking-glass-house · 4 months
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Rook Hunt french list of endearment nicknames
As the french I am maybe that would interest some people about your dear "Le chasseur de l'amour" vocabulary!! I will not ....translate those nicknames (I mean you can still ask me of course) as there are not equivalent one sometimes!! I would say just feel and vibe if some catch your mind~ I tried to classify them by their meaning You don't have to be in a romantic relationship for using those one (blame the french behavior as we are said to be flirty around the world....)
(gn)= gender neutral
(m)= male
(f)= female
Obviously you don't have to follow any gender orientation, it's just that french vocabulary have different names for gender (beside the world itself being male or female..)! Some words are gender specified but can also be used as gender neutral on some occasions!!
Let's go:
ma biche (f)/ bichette (f)/ mon biquet (m)/ mon bichon(m)
[ma poule (f/gn)/ mon poulet (m)]/ poulette (f)/ mon poussin (gn)/ poussinou (gn)
mon chat (gn TW: don't use the female word for cat (chatte) as it turns out to be vulgar here, just to let you know)/ mon chaton (gn)/ mon minet (m)
doudouce (gn/f)/ doudou (gn/m)/ dididou (gn)/ ma douce (f/gn)/ [ma dulcinée (f)/ mon dulciné (m)]
mon amour (gn)/ mon coeur (gn)/ mon petit coeur de beurre (gn)/ mamour gn)/ ma moitié (gn)
mon canard (gn/m)/ mon canari (gn)/ ma caille (gn/f)/ mon caneton (gn)
mon lapin (gn)/ lapinou (gn)/ 'pinou (gn)
chouchou (gn)/ mon chou (gn/m)/ choupette (f/gn)/ choupinette (f)
ma puce (gn/f)/ pupuce (f/gn)
mon sucre d'orge (gn), mon biscuit (gn), ma tagada (gn), mon nounours (gn)/ mon bonbon (gn)/ ma craquotte (gn)/ ma sucrette (f/gn)/ mon macaron (gn)
mon bijou (gn/f)/ ma perle (gn/f)/ mon trésor (gn)/ mon rayon de soleil (gn)/ lumière de ma vie (gn)
ma vie (gn..... this one...omg this one is used by the youngster here.... it makes them feel so deep....so adult ha ha)
[mon joli (m)/ ma jolie (f)]/ ma beauté (f/gn)
mon bouchon (gn)/ mon roudoudou (gn/m)/ mon bisounours (gn)
loulou (gn/m)
[mon chéri (m)/ ma chérie (f)]
ma muse (f/gn)/ [ma princesse (f)/ mon prince (m)]/ [mon bien-aimé (m)/ ma bien-aimée (f)]
ma colombe (f/n)/ ma tourterelle (f/gn)/ ma gazelle (f)
ma pomme d'amour (gn) SPECIAL POMEFIORE ONE for this one ha ha or reinette (f)
bébé (gn)/ bibou (gn)/ mon ange (gn)
[ma brune (f)/ mon brun (m)]/ beauté fatale (gn/f)/ nenette (f)
poupoune (f)/ poupo(u)nette (f)
chipie (f)/ ma loute (f/gn)/ [pitchou (m/gn)/ pichounette (f)]
pépette (f)/ poupette (f)/ pipou (m)
bout de chou (-> bout d'chou) (gn)/ mon trogon d'amour (m/gn)
mon étoile (gn)/ ma grenouille (gn)/ mon soleil (gn)/ ma crevette (gn: Literally shrimp)/ mon arc-en-ciel (gn)
And so many more... just ask me if you want some explanation on some! Or even more ha ha
Also for more cuteness and love you can add before:
mon petit (for male vocabulary french word not gender (yes...it's weird or hard for non french speaker))
ma petite (for female vocabulary word not gender)
Or ptit or 'tit (the cutest way to show your love and friendship with someone or when you're speaking to children)
Mon 'tit chat
Petit bout de chou
Ma petite chipie -> verryyyy similar somehow to little trickster...well close enough for female gender oriented! It would be "fripon" for male gender oriented.
And you? In your native language?
I actually love to use "darling" with people I love around me!!
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
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Four is Better Than Two 🔥
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Oh, boy, this was a mouth full (no pun intended 😉). I have never wrote something like this and @turtlesmakemehappy you gave me a challenge. You didn't specify on which pronouns I should use, so I used female reader. Hope that's okay!
Here's your Turtle Power Martini, love! I hope you love it. ^^
🔞 Warning 🔞 NFSW 18+ Only
Cat/mouse chase, anal, sex toys, overstimulation, triple penetration, blindfold, praise, spanking, claiming/marking, and feral turtles. Literally a fivesome between the reader and four hot, ninja turtles and we're all gonna die happy. 🙃
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"Excuse me, what?" 
There was a pause from the leader in blue as he looked between his brothers. They are currently in the living room as Donnie and Raph are sitting on the sofa with Y/N next to them while Mikey sat on the floor. Leo stood awkwardly as Y/N crossed her arms over her chest. 
"Well, since we've been dating for over a year now, we are wondering if you're comfortable enough to take the next step with us." Leo repeated as he eyed his brothers for help. 
The guys have been dating Y/N for over a year and they loved every single second of it. It's quite hectic considering she's dating four guys at the same time. They all have different personalities and body language she has to watch out for. They all have their own ticks and ways to do things. The brothers were surprised when the woman agreed to date all four of them at once. 
And they were all on cloud nine. 
The brothers make sure to live up to her expectations, but also be themselves in any way because the woman requested it. The only intimacy they've done was heavy make out sessions and soft touches, only because the boys weren't confident enough to make the next step. With endless research (and masterbation), it's time to take their prize.
Raph eyed his older brother in amusement. For a leader, Leo gets flustered during certain conversations. Sex was one of them. The leader preferred to be more private with intimate stuff, same with Donnie. What's happening in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. Raph and Mikey are more adventurous. They want to take their partner everywhere in the lair, even outside. Or, at least, Mikey wants to. 
But, right now, they had to go easy.
"We've already discussed how to do it and combined our kinks and fetishes. We just need your limits and off-limits." Donnie says as he turned his body to face Y/N as he took hold of her hand, making the woman smile gently at his gesture. 
"And Sensei wouldn't be here either. So we get to have you to ourselves!" Mikey cheered as he rubbed her calves, a sigh escaped from the woman as tension slowly eased from her legs. Work has been stressful and having a massage from one of her boyfriends makes her day. 
"So what do you think, tiger?" Raph says as he leaned towards her ear. Y/N could feel him taking in her scent and her body trembled. "I promise we'll give you a good time." 
Good heavens, she's gonna die.
They are really making it difficult for her to think things over and Leo noticed. "You don't have to if you don't want to, my love. We're just asking if you're okay with it." 
"I've made up my mind," The woman says as the boys perk up, awaiting for the answer. "I will do it, if you follow the rules I have set."
"Oh, of course! We don't want you to be uncomfortable, dove." Donnie replied as he kissed her knuckles, feeling his heart melt when she kissed his knuckles back. If the purple terrapin was alone, he would be jumping because of the affection he was getting. 
These guys are touched-starved, whether they admit it or not. 
"So," the woman says as she eyed her four, ninja men. "When are we gonna start?" 
"Friday sounds good?"
"Friday sounds good."
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Friday was finally here and the woman will admit that she was nervous. She only slept with a man once and hasn't been intimate since, so hopefully the guys will go easy on her. But a part of her wants them to go all out, and that's what she told them. She told them her "do"s and "don't"s, and they respected her limits. 
Her body starts heating up just by thinking of what they all have planned for her. 
Y/N quickly starts packing her bag for the weekend. Packing four different pairs of clothes and added two more for underwear and socks. The boys mentioned they will have their way with her all weekend, so she had to put in extra pairs of undergarments. 
Her phone buzzed as she grabbed it from the pocket from her jeans. Four different messages from each of the guys: telling her how they are excited for tonight and how they can't wait to bring her so much pleasure. 
She bit her lip in anticipation as she replied to them back, saying, "I've finished packing my bag, about to leave the apartment." Hitting send Y/N zipped up her overnight bag, grabbed her keys, and exited her apartment while locking the door behind her. 
When she walked towards an abandoned part of an alleyway, she opened the cover from the sewers and slowly eased down, closing it behind her. 
When she dropped down, Y/N felt like she was being watched. Turning on her flashlight on her phone, there was nothing there. Sighing, she continues throughout the sewers. 
At the lair, the boys are in Donnie's lab as they watch the woman drop down from the entrance of the sewers. 
"Target required, heading south." Donnie says as he watched Y/N through the security cameras that he installed on the night they wanted to take things further. This was one of Donnie's fetishes; no matter where Y/N goes, he will always find her. Even if she cuts off communication, he's right there. Watching her. 
"Man, I could feel my shell tightening!" Mikey groaned as he waited for Leo's orders. If he had his way, he would go down to those sewers and take her right there. 
"Patience, little bro. All is well with patience." Leo says as he watches the screens. He smirked when Y/N took a turn. "All right, guys. It's go time!" 
"About time!" Raph gruffed as he rolled his shoulders. He was pacing back and forth; just the thought of his woman on her knees, begging him to stuff her with his cock just made the red terrapin growl. 
"You guys know the plan. Don't do anything to her until she gets to the nest." Leo warns, mainly towards Raph and Mikey as the leader watches three of his brothers leave the lab. He could hear Mikey's cheers as they entered the sewers. 
Leo turned towards the cameras once again, watching his woman look through the tunnels. "I hope you like games, my love. Cause we're gonna play 'cat and mouse'."
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Y/N cursed to herself as she encountered a three way. The guys told her to go this way of the sewers instead of the usual route, and Y/N questioned it but the guys didn't answer her. Instead, they gave her some directions but she could hardly remember them. 
Oh, how she wants to punch them for setting her up like this. She heard a creek from behind her and she quickly faced towards the sound, finding nothing. 
Just going with her gut, she went with the middle and she quickly jogged through the tunnel. Bunches of twists and turns later, she's in a hall with a bunch more tunnels. She groaned out in frustration. 
"If you guys can hear me, I swear I will murder you all!" She yelled throughout the tunnel but froze when a gush of air hit the nape of her neck.
"I would like to see you try, princess." 
Y/N quickly turned around and he wasn't there.
She could hear snickers and dark chuckles radiate throughout the dark pipes as her breathing increased. 
What kind of trickery is this? Y/N thought as she slowly backed away from where that voice came from, but stopped as she ran into something hard and warm. 
A deep groan came from its throat as it took a whiff of her scent. "You smell so delicious, dove. I can't wait to have you."
She turned around once again and he was no longer there. A whimper left the woman's throat as she looked everywhere through the tunnels, trying to find her four terrapin boyfriends. 
"Donnie? Raph?" Y/N says breathlessly as she reaches the end of the tunnel, a dead end. A sigh of defeat left her as she had no choice but to go back. She turned around and a choked scream left her as Mikey stood in front her. "Mikey?"
"Hey, angelcakes," he said as he slowly walked towards the woman and backed her against the metal wall. "God, I want you so bad."
"Easy, Mikey, you know what Leo says." Y/N looked behind Mikey, Raph stood behind him with Donnie next to him. 
"Guys, what's going on?" The woman questioned as she looked into Mikey's baby-blue eyes, begging for the orange terrapin to give her answers.
"What's going on is that you're not naked right now and not sucking me off." Mikey chuckled as he devoured her lips instantly and the woman melted into his arms. She could hear the others growl and Mikey turned them around, her body facing the others. 
When they pulled apart, Donnie grabbed her overnight bag and tossed it over his shoulder. He then took hold of her hair, pulled it back, and suckled on her neck. The woman's moans echoed through the tunnels as Mikey and Raph stripped the woman bare. 
Raph and Mikey suckled on her breasts as her eyes stared into Donnie's. "Look at you. Doing so good for us."
The woman whimpered as Donnie made her look down and watched as Raph and Mikey suckled on her nipples. The way the two men devoured her body has her trembling with want. She needs them to hurry up and take her already. 
Raph trailed his hand towards her rear and smacked it, the woman moans out as the red terrapin smirked. "I bet you're soaked, princess. I can smell ya." 
Mikey let out a guttural churr as her scent filled the tunnel. "I want her now, guys! Please? I bet she tastes so good, too!"
Raph growled low from his chest. "Spread 'em wide, babygirl." 
She didn't have to be told twice as she spread her legs, but gasped as Donnie held her legs up into his arms. Now her sex was exposed to the two turtles before her. 
Churrs and growls were heard as Mikey went forward and slowly dragged his tongue over her wet cavern. His eyes rolled back at the taste. "Holy crap, guys, she tastes so good!" 
Y/N whimpered as Raph slowly eased his finger inside her, but took it out and brought it to his mouth. A predatory growl escaped his throat and she could feel her legs tremble from it. She needs to let Donnie in on the fun. To their surprise, Y/N trailed her hand down to her wet sex and coated her fingers with her essence. She raised them towards her purple terrapin. The grip he had on her almost wavered as he slowly took her fingers into his mouth. The way he moaned around her digits sent tingles down her spine. 
Donnie pulled away from her fingers as he breathed deeply. "We have ten minutes until we head back to the lair. Give her the orgasm she wants and we continue with the plan Leo set up." 
"All I heard was give her an orgasm and I'm all in for it." Raph smirked as he devoured her sex. Y/N screamed as her legs trembled, his tongue worked wonders inside her and he reached spots that no man has ever reached with their tongue. 
"Raph, Donnie, Mikey, please! I want you so bad." The woman rocked her hips as she tried to get more friction from his tongue, but gasp as she felt a finger from her anal canal. She looked down as Mikey gave her a cheeky grin. 
"Relax, baby-cakes, we have to prepare you." He says as he rubbed the rim, coating it with his saliva and slowly eased it inside her. She laid her head back on Donnie's shoulder, turning her head towards him and kissed him with a passion. 
Donnie groans as his strength slowly wavered from the taste of her once again. He could hear her increased moans and whimpers through the intense session, Raph growls and Mikey slowly working her anal canal. Oh, how he wants to bury his cock down her throat. Or to feel her wet insides as he pounds into her with such ferocity until she begs him for mercy. 
She pulled away from the kiss as she wailed their names and came hard on Raph's tongue. Their growls, churrs, and moans echoed throughout the sewers as they felt their woman tremble. 
Raph and Mikey pulled away from her body as Donnie slowly eased her down, but Raph quickly caught her before she tumbled over. "Careful, princess. I've got ya." Y/N held on to him as he picked her up with one arm, carrying her through the tunnels. "How much time Donnie?" 
Trying to get out the fog of lust, Donnie starts scanning. "We have five minutes. We need to get going before Leo gets mad." 
Raph rolled his eyes but they picked up their pace. Mikey chuckled as Y/N met his blue ones. "Wait until Leo gets his hands on you. It'll be fun!" 
Oh, good heavens, she's definitely gonna die.
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When they entered the lair, Raph placed Y/N on the nest of blankets and pillows. She turned around and looked up, mouth turned dry as Leo stood in all of his glory. Oh, how he looks so powerful right now. Arms crossed, stance unmoving, blue eyes bore into her soul. She felt so small under his gaze as she tried to hide but couldn't. The female was naked and vulnerable. 
She can't escape her terrapin boyfriends even if she tried. 
"Judging by her scent, I am guessing she had an orgasm?" 
"Yep! And even prepared her like you said." Mikey smiled as he stood to her right. Raph behind her and Donnie to her left. She was completely surrounded. 
"Good. She needs it." Leo says as he slowly makes his way towards her, squatted, and grasps her chin with his thumb and forefinger. "Color?"
"Green. Very green." Breathless, her eyes dilated at his dominant pheromones. His smirk says it all. This man knows that he has her under their spell and they're going to deliver the best pleasure she has ever felt.
"Good girl," he replied as he kissed her forehead and stood to his feet. "Donnie, you have the bag?" 
Donnie placed a black duffel bag on the floor. "Everything should be in there. If I'm missing anything, let me know."
Leo nodded and looked through the contents. The woman's heart was pounding as he took out a blindfold, lube, a crop, and a butt plug. He tossed the plug and lube to Raph, the crop to Donnie, and blindfold to Mikey. 
"Since Donnie hardly gets any action, he'll go first. I will watch everything and go last. I want her completely brain dead before I come into play, you guys got that." His brothers nod their heads with affirmation as Leo grabs a chair and sits down. His devilish smirk widened as Y/N's eyes widened. "Itadakimasu."
"Itadakimasu." They said in unison as they all got to work. 
Raph applied the lube on the plug and got behind her, Mikey quickly placed the blindfold around her eyes and checked to make sure she couldn't see anything. Everything was going to be all sensory. Her senses heightened as she felt fingertips run her backside.
Y/N swallowed as she got into position, butt in the air as Raph growled in arousal. "Relax, baby girl. I've got ya." He said gently as he lubed his finger and kissed her shoulder blade. She relaxed the best she could as he entered his finger inside her anal canal. Even though Mikey stretched her, Raph's finger was much bigger. When he hiked his finger to his knuckle, he saw Y/N clutched the sheets below her. "Color?"
"G-Green." She whimpered out as he wiggled his finger inside her, moans soon came out of her mouth and she could hear churrs around her. "You're doing so good for us, princess. So, so good." 
The praise made her knees weak and wiggled her hips side-to-side, wanting more friction. Then she felt it, the smack of the crop. The moan that left her throat was completely sinful. It would make any pornstar blush. A whistle was heard as a palm rubbed where Donnie hit her rear with the crop. "Dang, Donnie. You're really getting into this."
"I-I'm sorry, was I too hard, dove?" Donnie asked sheepishly. The woman couldn't tell what he was doing but she would know that he was nervous that he had done something wrong. 
"Donnie, please, do it again." Was all she said and she moaned as Raph moved his finger in and out of her canal. "Oh, gods, please don't stop!" 
Raph removed his finger and slowly eased the butt plug inside of her, whimpering as he pulled away from her body - leaving the woman wanting more. But it didn't last long when another smack from the crop hit her rear, a moan of ecstasy made itself known and a chorus of groans came with it. The purple clad turtle slowly trailed the crop from her bottom to her back, then over over shoulders. The leather was feather like to the touch and she can't help but tremble when he perked her face up, probably to look up at him. 
"Look at you," Donnie's voice went deeper than the usual high pitched tone. Y/N could drool from that. "You look so beautiful, sweetheart. I can't wait to shove my cock deep down your throat."
"Then do it." Y/N challenged. She could hear chuckles from the other brothers as Donnie snickered. 
"Be careful on what you wish for, darling. You don't know what's coming to you."
"Literally." Mikey countered and a sea of groans, not from pleasure but frustration. "Sorry, I had to."
"You're fine, Mikey-baby." Y/N says but soon gasped as her hair was being pulled back. She could feel Donnie's lips hovering over hers and he chuckled when she tried to connect them.
"So desperate." She could hear the devilish smirk on Donnie's face. "I wanna hear you beg, but my time is running out before the others take over. So, I want you do something for me."
He pulled away from her but she could hear a button and zipper come undone. Oh, how she wants to see what his cock looks like. What he taste like? When Donnie discarded his pants, he groaned. "Open your mouth, darling, and make it wide." 
She opened her mouth to him, even stuck her tongue out, and the growl that came out of him made her even wetter. And that's when she felt it. His tip. Donnie's scent was all male. Musky and prominent. The woman has her hands on his thighs as she slowly teased his cock, licking and sucking on his tip. She could hear her men panting as they took off their pants as well, preparing what's next. 
When she slowly took Donnie into her mouth, however, she gasped as the males hand pushed his cock deeper into her throat. Deep throating, she tried her best not to gag. Groans and churrs escaped from Donnie as he moved her head. "Told you I will shove my cock down your throat. You should know I always keep my promises."
She could feel pleasurable tears forming in her eyes as she accompanied his size, and he was nowhere near the normal size. She knew that she couldn't take all of him, but she tried her best. Sucking sounds echoed throughout the living room and Donnie growled deep within his throat. 
"Gods, your mouth feel so good." He praised as he moved his hips, thrusting into her mouth as he felt her gag a little. "You can take me, right, darling?" He challenged, just like she did to him. And the response she gave him was a whimper. 
And the woman never backs down from a challenge. His tip hit the back of throat as Donnie laid his head back. She could have sworn she heard him say, "That's my girl."
She could feel Donnie's thrust stutter as his breathing increased and his churrs of ecstasy was louder than the earlier ones. He was close and Y/N will make sure he gets there. 
Saliva around her lips, slowly dripping on her chin, she put in more effort into her sucking and Donnie could have sworn he felt his soul left his body as he came into Y/N's mouth. She swallowed his essence and moaned at the taste. She expected him to taste bitter but no, he taste so sweet. His groans filled the room as his thrusts faltered and was gonna pull away, but he hunched over with a groan as Y/N sucked him off one last time. 
Y/N giggled as she felt Donnie laying on the sheets. "Did I satisfy you?" 
A sigh of contentment was her response and she laughed, but soon yelped when her legs have been dragged and her lips were being devoured. Her arms around his shoulders and his hands grasped her rear, the man's growls rumbled the woman's insides and he could smell her. Not that he hasn't the whole time. He could just drown in her scent. 
The blindfold was off and the woman squinted due to the bright light. When she was accustomed to the brightness, she looked up and there's Raphael. A cocky smirk on his face as he licked his lips seductively. He pinned her down with his broad arms and she felt so small under him. The red clad turtle has her legs spread and she could feel the tip of his cock at her entrance. 
"You think Donnie has it bad? Baby, he has nothin' on me." He chuckled as he pinned her hands above her head and leaned towards her neck. "I wanna hear you screamin' my name, princess. And I'm not stopping until you do."
"Raph, please," she begged as she lifted her hips, moaning as she felt his cock slide between her folds and made contact with her aching clit. "I want you inside me, please!"
"Already begging me, hm? Look at you, desperate for my dick." He growled as he positioned his shaft to her entrance and her eyes widened at the size of him. 
Holy guacamole.
She's gonna be ripped in half!
He could see the fear in her eyes and he kissed her forehead. "I won't do anythin' that will hurt you, tiger. I love you too much for that." He says as he trailed one of his hands to her entrance, the other still pined her wrists, and eased it inside. Even though he already worked her up earlier, he still wants to make sure. Her moans encourage him to continue, so he pulled his hands and stroked his cock. It was already covered in lubed and she can't help but to spread her legs wider. Raph chuckled. "Beg for it, baby."
Y/N whimpered. "Raph, c'mon! I want you inside me."
"Please what?" He smirked.
"Please, Daddy?" 
The groan came out of him was the last string of sanity as he slowly eased inside of her. "That's a good girl, taking Daddy's dick so well." He praised as he finally hilted inside her. Oh, how her legs trembled. Pain, yes, but mainly pleasure. Raph just feel so good. 
She wrapped her legs around his waist as they moaned. It's like he went even deeper, if that's even possible when he's literally hitting her cervix. 
"Raph, baby, don't hold back on me." Y/N says as she tries to lean forward to give her man a kiss. Raph took pity on her and released her wrists, growled as she pulled him in. Their passionate kisses grew heavy and Raph moved his hips back, then the woman beneath him wailed as he rammed inside her. 
"That's it, baby. Show my brothers how good I make ya feel." Raph took hold of her hips and went hard and fast; her body being used as a cock-sleeve and Y/N was drowning in ecstasy. Her hands placed on his shoulders, nails digging into his scale-like skin. She could see a bulge where his tip hitting her womb. 
She could see the others looking at her, too. Donnie, out of cloud nine, stroking his cock once again. Mikey was doing the same thing, looks like he's growing impatient and desperately wanting a piece of his girl. She leaned her head back and saw Leo. . .she could have sworn that she grew wetter. 
Leo has his arms crossed as he watched his brother taking her like a beast that's out of the cage. His legs spread and a prominent bulge in his underwear makes the woman's mouth water. She wants a taste of him. It's like Leo knew what she's eyeing because he trailed a hand down to his underwear - palming it with a groan. 
Surprising the woman she was being lifted as her legs were spread wide, her arms incasing around his neck. She turned and saw Mikey walked towards her from behind. The orange clad terrapin spread her cheeks wide, exposing her back end. A moan of satisfaction came from the youngest throat and he smacked her butt, getting a moan from the woman in front of him. 
"Dang, girl, you're wet from both ends. Bet you I can get you even wetter." He chuckled as he slowly took out the butt plug and sat it somewhere on the sheets. He watched as her hole puckered at him, making him whistle. "Oh, I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby-cakes." 
"Then do it." She challenged again, winking at Donnie that was behind Mikey. The genius shook his head. 
Mikey chuckled as he grabbed the lube, put some in his hand, and stroked his cock until it's fully covered in the slick essence. Then he used the rest to tease the rim, making the woman moan. 
He spread her cheeks once again and teased her hole with the tip of his cock. "All right, angelcakes. I'll go slow, tell me when you need to stop." When the woman nods, he slowly eased in. Every hiss that she makes he stops, pulls out, then add in more until she's moaning out from the stretch. Now, having two cocks inside both holes, she feels so full. Y/N reached out for Mikey with one hand and held Raph with the other. She moved her hips and that gave them the cue to move. They took it slow and she wailed at the overwhelming pleasure she's receiving. 
"Raph, Mikey, harder! Please!" She cried out as they went to town on her. They increased their thrusts and she could feel them everywhere in her insides, hitting all the right spots. Her eyes were rolled back as she hit her climax, but they weren't done. Far from it. 
Raph leaned down to her neck, left hickeys and bite marks while Mikey pulled her hair back as Y/N's wails crescendoed. One of the orange terrapins hands trailed to her breasts, tweaking a nipple between his fingertips. 
Y/N opened her eyes when she felt a hand caressing her cheek, turning to her right, there was Donnie. He's on his knees as he stroked his cock, a smirk evident on his face. The turtle went forward as she opened her mouth, tongue out, and eyes begging for his cum in her mouth. 
"Can't help yourself, Don?" Raph gruffed as he watched his woman's dilated eyes, completely screwed out as moans fell out of her open mouth. "Gods, look at her. I won't last long with a view like this."
"Neither can I, bro. She just feels so good!" Mikey whimpered as his thrusts became sloppy. Raph and Mikey looked at each other, then they both bit down on her neck. The woman cried out once again at the feel of her men claiming her as theirs.
Sweat trickled down on all three of the guys as they came with a roar. Both Raph and Mikey coated her insides with their essence while Donnie covered her face with his, soon trailing down her neck and breasts. Y/N came with them again and she could have sworn that the woman saw stars. Her brain didn't register that they pulled away from her and laid her down gently, she could feel their essence leaving both of her holes. 
That was when Leo stood and made his way to her, squatting down and made her look up to him. Underwear completely discarded, a devilish chuckle left him when he saw her screwed out expression. "Good job, guys. Now, let's do the main event."
That's when she's being manhandled into a position like before, but Donnie in the front and Leo in the back. Mikey and Raph stood next to her on their knees. Even though she's completely coated from the inside, they still used lube especially for Leo. 
The leader knew he wouldn't last long, but it's a challenge he was willing to take on. The whole session was such a turn on. The leader will admit that it gave him blue balls and his love will take care of that. 
"Tell us, my love," Leo leaned towards her ear as he felt a shiver go down her spine. "How do you feel about four men taking you like this? Stuffed full of cock that you can't get enough of. I better hear you scream, cry and beg for us to give you our cum. Do you understand?" 
"Y-Yes, Master! Anything for Master!" Y/N doesn't know what she was saying, all she knew was that she wants Donnie and Leo inside her right now. To fill her up with their essence like Raph and Mikey did. 
She could hear Leo groan, and could feel him starting to break his composure. "Good girl." With that, Donnie eased inside of her and her eyes widened at the length of him. He's not Raph's girth, but he's definitely got the length down pat. She could feel him so deep within her and she almost cried either from pain or pleasure, she doesn't know. 
"Color, darling?" Donnie growled, taking deep breaths to help take back whatever control he had left. He doesn't want to hurt her, that's the last thing he wants. 
"Green!" She wailed as she moved her hips, wanting Donnie to freaking move. "Hurry up and move!"
A gasp came out of her throat as Leo spanked her rear, hard. That shut her up. "I don't tolerate brats, love. You know that." He looked up to Donnie. "Pull out. We need to teach her who's in charge here."
Even though Donnie doesn't want to, he did as he was told. The woman below him whimpered and it's like she was crying, little crocodile tears filled her eyes as she looked up to her purple terrapin boyfriend. 
"Donnie, please. I need you." She begged. Oh, how he wants to fulfill her desires. He finally has a feel of her insides. Her mouth doesn't compete with her wet, hot and aching sex. It's was so warm and she was holding him inside of her. A guttural groan rumbled in his throat. 
He's cracking. 
"Don't do it, Donnie. Not yet." Leo commanded. He could see his brother starting to crack. Donnie was deprived, starving for this woman. 
"How long do I have to wait, Leo?" Donnie's eyes looked darker than the usual hazel and it turned the woman on so much. "I finally had the feeling of her wrapped around me and when she's practically begging, I am going to satisfy her every desire. You may be the leader but, in the end, she'll be begging me to fill her insides."
Oh, goodness gracious. 
Donnie was actually standing up! 
And it's so freaking hot!
She could feel Leo growl, his grip on her legs tightened and she moaned from it. "All right, Donnie. Since you want to call the shots, go right ahead." He challenged. 
"Freaking finally." Donnie growled and the woman screamed out as he slammed inside of her. Her legs trembled at the force he was taking her, arms clutching on to his neck as she felt Leo slowly slide inside of her. 
"Gods," Leo growled as he sheathed inside of her anal canal. "So freakin tight!" Wails and cries came from her as both Donnie and Leo completely lost it. Their patience and gentle persona left the door as they let their animal instincts kicked in. Pounding away her insides as slapping sounds of skin to skin echoed throughout the living room. 
"Gosh, dude, this is so hot." Mikey commented as he stroked his cock. Raph groaned in agreement, wanting to chuckle at his brother's lack of control. This went on for what feels like hours but it's only minutes; tears of pleasure came down her cheeks, the feeling of her men inside her was beyond what her imagination came up with. 
Donnie soon devoured her mouth, tongues clashed as their sounds of pleasure drove the others on. Y/N pulled away as she wailed. "I'm cumming!" 
And that's when their thrusts grew sloppy, they could feel that edge of release. Leo reached around and rubbed her clit, and it made the woman's legs tremble even more. It didn't take long for her to release, overstimulation overtook her body. 
Donnie came with a groan and he bit down on her shoulder blade, claiming her as his. Leo came after, claiming her as his as well. Raph and Mikey came on her chest, coating her with their essence. Everything else was a blur. Her body is hot. She could feel her body going slack as she leaned in Leo's plastron. A kiss was left on her forehead. 
"Good job, love. You've done so good for us. Now, let's take her to the bath." Was all Leo said as her eyes fell shut, sleep overtook her worn out body.
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Here's my Master List!
@turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @thelaundrybitch @sharpwindow @scholastic-dragon
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tinywitchgoblin · 2 months
So, I saw my brother made a ship request for The Bad Batch (this is my first time doing one, so I'm a bit nervous), and I decided to do one, too. So, I'm 5'6 with blue eyes and blonde hair in a ponytail. I love reading, and making art and writing. I love fantasy and science-fiction stuff. I love having shirts that the sleeves go over my fingers, and I'm autistic. I hyperfixate ALOT (especially with Star Wars, specifically The Bad Batch) and I have three cats. Can't wait to see the results! ^^
(also requested SFW, and specified cisgender straight female)
I'm glad to be your first ship request facilitator (if that's what it is... idk). Also, tell your cats I say hi!
I ship you with...
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Tech is a very logic-oriented person. His mind is very organized, and does very well with structure. On the other hand, art is something he's never really understood, tried or, frankly, even liked. That changed when he met you. When he saw not only your art, but the way you interact with it, he became mesmerized. He wanted to know all about your creative process, and asks how he can be helpful. Tech loves getting you new supplies and doing research on which brands/types of supplies work best with your art styles. When you make a piece of art inspired by him, Tech doesn't have much of an outward reaction, but inside, he's bursting with emotion. He doesn't really understand what emotions he's feeling, but he is beyond grateful that you love him so much to put your time and energy into making something about him.
When growing up on Kamino, Tech and his brothers didn't have access to stories, especially not fantasy stories, so he was fascinated when you introduced him to the fantasy genre. It's well known that Tech ingests information about as well as Wrecker ingests food, so when you hand him one of your favorite fantasy novels, he becomes engrossed in it. Sometimes when he's reading, you'll hear him mutter to himself about what he thinks the characters' thought processes are in order to predict what they might do next, and it can be quite entertaining to listen to.
When Tech finds out you like to hyperfixate on The Bad Batch, he's initially a bit confused, partly because he had no idea that their stories were told here. He asks to watch the series, which you happily pull up. The two of you end up binge-watching the series in less than a week, and you love every second of it. Tech is a bit miffed that the animators don't accurately portray how he and his brothers look, but he keeps his remarks to a minimum while the show is actually playing. However, Tech does like to provide commentary about how certain events actually played out, as well as discussing his own thought processes from while he was in the moment. Ultimately, he's happy that you wanted to share one of your favorite fixations with him, because to him, sharing in one's obsessions is one of the best love languages.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog <3 it may take a little bit, but I'll get to it eventually!
Also, I haven't seen anything about #unwhitewashtbb recently, but on my page we support Temuera Morrison-accurate clone protrayals
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hello, i notice that your request were open and was wondering you could do a matchup for me? preferably for demon slayer, jujutsu kaisen, and one piece.
i'm 20 years old, hispanic, a virgo, and use she/her pronouns.
appearance: 4'11. pear body shape. shoulder length hair. dark brown eyes. sometimes wears glasses.
personality: i'm a little awkward and distant at first. mostly wanting to know if your intentions are good or not. but once i get to know you and feel comfortable around you... i can be quite sarcastic, honest (to the point where it has gotten me in trouble), very curious, mischievous, stubborn, a little odd, calm, and patient. talking is depending, i guess? i mostly talk out of necessity or, if asked, unless i wholeheartedly love and trust you so much. i also tend to ramble a lot when a subject that i know and/or love is brought up. i can be prideful to the point where i don't want to apologize, but i am learning that it's okay to make mistakes and that i am not always right or know all.
hobbies: listening to music. playing games. reading. stargazing. watching [anime, documentaries, movies, series, etc].
likes: art, cats & dogs, dr. pepper, fashion, music, reading, stargazing, webtoon/manhwas.
dislikes: coffee, heights, hot temperature/weather, insects, overcrowded places, when people make fun of me for being a picky eater
love language(s): gift giving and acts of service.
extra: i really want to have tattoos. my favorite colors are pink and green. physical touch kind of scares me. and i always want to look good even if i'm just going grocery shopping.
sorry for the request being so long ^^' and i hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long.
You didn't specify whether you would prefer a male or female matchup (or if you didn't have a preference) so I've given you a male and female matchup for each fandom. As a result, the headcanons for each character are a bit shorter than normal. If you'd like more headcanons for any of the characters, please let me know and I'll happily write some up for you.
I hope you like your matchups!
In Demon Slayer, I match you with...
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Modern au Tanjiro is definitely a fan of webtoons. I can’t explain that, it’s just a feeling. He’d love to get some suggestions from you so you can talk about your favourite comics together.
More than willing to get rid of bugs for you. He’ll move them so they’re not bothering you and let them go somewhere they’ll be happy so they don’t come back.
You and Kanao are certainly a quiet couple but you get each other in ways others can’t. She might not say much but she’s very empathetic and understands you well.
She’s not a big fan of crowded places either so is more than happy to avoid those with you. If you do have to go somewhere crowded, Kanao will stay as close to you as possible without touching you so you’re both comfortable.
In Jujutsu Kaisen, I match you with...
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I don’t see Megumi as a huge fan of physical touch himself so he’s more than happy to have his personal space. If you’re comfortable with linking pinkies while you walk or even just occasionally touching ankles while sitting together, he’s happy with that as well.
Enjoys watching documentaries with you. He finds them interesting and enjoys hearing you add any extra facts throughout. He’s always paying really close attention too so expect him to remember those details even months down the track.
Nobara is the outgoing sass to your quiet mischief. You’re actually a super chaotic and unstoppable due when put together so it’s great for you two and terrible for everyone else.
Oh, she’s so happy you like fashion. She might not be the most girly-girl out there but she’s still a teenage girl and can appreciate some good outfits when the mood strikes her.
In One Piece, I match you with...
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You and Usopp would definitely be the art due of the crew. You’ve both got that creative spark in you and are more than happy to give each other feedback and advice when the other is stuck on something.
Since you’re both mischievous as well, I can see the two of you being the pranksters of the crew. No one is safe from your pranks. Hopefully you can run fast though, otherwise you might not always escape scott-free…
Vivi loves stargazing with you. She finds it super relaxing. Bonus points if you’re rambling about the stars. Vivi loves listening to you talk about your passions so it’s a win-win in her book.
Definitely not someone to tease you for being a picky eater. In fact, since she’s got access to private chefs, she’ll be able to ensure all of your meals are designed so you enjoy every bite.
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yourunholyeditor · 1 month
Can I have Bg3 male romancible companion matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Class: I usually play magic based classes (wizard, sorcerer, warlock, bard) but i also think it would be fun if you assigned me a class :)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
What I would like in a partner: just someone to love and respect me im not too picky
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you
Thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy this!
Class: Cleric
Explanation: You’re protective over those you care about and like to be a part of something bigger than yourself. I can see you worshipping Lathander given your creativity and empathetic nature. Plus, I think you’d look gorgeous in gold from your description of yourself!
Match: Gale
Explanation: I think your moral alignment pairs well with Gale’s, but you’d keep him grounded from ascending to godhood and that’s a good thing. He’s definitely a talker, but he also loves physical (and incorporeal) affections. Your tendency to put others’ needs above your own would have you at odds with him, as he tends to do the same thing. Having a partner willing to give as much as you do might cause some problems at times, but I think you two will just end up constantly doing the most for one another. His knowledge complements your own, so you don’t need to worry about stepping on one another’s toes much when discussing each other’s interests. I think he would fall for you during one of your protective moments, just in awe of your gave turning from one of caring towards your party members to malice towards your enemies. In short, your strong moral compass and devotion to a cause complement his ambitious nature and pursuit of power. Together, you two are a powerhouse of magic!
Fic below the cut
You didn’t specify what rating you wanted for a short fic, so I decided to write a fic with a T rating. I took some liberties with BG3/DND rules for the sake of keeping this a short drabble.
Drabble word count: 424
Dawn's Embrace
As the sun rose, you could feel the gentle touch of Lathander’s grace upon your face. The tieflings had all set off for Moonrise Towers as your party slept by the dim flickering campfire. You gazed upon Gale’s peaceful face, admiring his relaxed expression that graced his features as he slept. You began to wonder what he might be dreaming about, if anything at all. 
Glancing around at your companions, you ensured they were still asleep before laying back down on your bedroll, making sure to face Gale. Before you were able to weigh the ethics of what you were about to do, you whispered a short incantation and entered Gale’s mind. It took a moment to adjust to the image that replaced the campfire; a tower by the sea, enveloped in the scent of old tomes, fresh bread, and flickering candles.
There, amidst the comforting embrace of literature and magic, you found an unexpected scene. Gale lay behind you, a book resting in his hand, his other nestled over the midsection of your dream-self. As he spoke softly to your dream counterpart, a golden light emanated from her fingertips: a mending spell. Though a torn page had just been fixed before him, his attention seemed not fixated on the book, but on your dream self. She caught his eye and gently brought a hand up to cup his cheek before kissing him. He immediately set the book down on the table next to him and gave her his full attention, allowing her just enough room to fully turn and straddle his waist and deepen the kiss. 
Your concentration quickly broke at the unexpected turn of events and you were back at the campfire, staring at a blushing Gale. Sensing the warmth creeping into your own cheeks, you hastily rose, seeking solace in the cool embrace of the nearby river. Just as you were about to leave, you noticed Astarion watching you from his tent, a knowing smirk directed towards you. You mentally cursed at yourself, you completely forgot about the pale vampire’s latenight hunting activities when you checked the camp earlier.
 “My, my, someone’s being naughty, aren’t they?” He teased. You looked away from him, knowing he could probably hear your heartbeat. “Just need to get some air,” you managed to say. “Lathander’s little servant, all flushed. I’d say it was cute if you weren’t blushing over Gale” he said, making his distaste evident. You ignored him as you passed his tent, hoping to cool off your heated feelings in the cold river. You'd contemplate your feelings about the wizard later, hopefully with a much clearer head.
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(a) cat = ginki /ɡˈɪŋki/
Agent, singular. Non-gendered.
Definition Furry mammals of varying sizes, sometimes cute and other times plots to take over the world.
Example ↪ Romanised: 'Ginki, pobvas'aikajtyox ce nirag.' 'Fo. Hahahaha. Ei'hepus'eo. Meow.' ↪ English: 'Cat, stop scratching the carpet.' 'No. Hahahaha. I own you. Meow.' ↪ Audio:
↪ Sollifreyan (font v1):
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Etymological and Morphological Breakdown:
Gin- (Root): The root 'gin' in 'ginki' is derived from 'gin-seng', a term referring to a humanoid cat species native to Gallifrey. In the context of 'ginki', 'gin' conveys the quintessential features of cats.
-ki (Suffix): The suffix '-ki', stemming from 'kito' which means mammal, is a common morphological element used in Gallifreyan to denote mammalian species. Its inclusion in 'ginki' classifies the word within the broader category of mammals.
Usage and Additional Notes:
General Reference: 'Ginki' is used in Gallifreyan to refer to any cat, irrespective of its breed, type, or origin. It's a broad classification used in everyday language to encompass all varieties of the feline species.
With Planetary Prefixes: To specify cats from particular planets, Gallifreyan employs planetary prefixes. For instance, an Earth cat might be referred to as 'solginki'. This system of prefixes helps in categorizing the same species according to their planetary origins, which is particularly useful in a context where interplanetary travel and species diversity are common.
Cultural Significance: The term 'ginki' also carries cultural significance in Gallifreyan society, reflecting special status and roles that cats hold.
Modifiers: ↪ Plural: ginki-ua = cats ↪ Gender: poginki = male cat | moginki = female cat ↪ Negative: ginki-o = not a cat
(GIL Gallifreyan Conlang Guide (coming soon))
Gallifreyan Word for Wednesday by GIL 》 need a translation? / see more Gallifreyan words If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee to sustain our tired human writer with enough caffeine to continue this madness and help make future projects.
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First off, hello!! I’m so excited to read your book!!
Secondly, do you have any recs for other historical queer books? Especially mlm or with trans characters? I’m in desperate need and struggling to parse out good ones 😭
Ahh thank you so much!
So to start - these are all straight-up historical books, not alt-hist or fantasy.
My go-to writers for queer historical romances (gonna specify romances here as that's what I read most) are Cat Sebastian and KJ Charles. Both of them are really great writers and their books are *chefs kiss*.
I really like It Takes Two to Tumble (Sebastian), which is a regency era m/m Sound of Music retelling (basically), and The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting (Charles), which is a m/m fortune hunter/grump. But I'd recommend all of their books, really!
Also, Unmasked by the Marquess by Sebastian features a nb MC, as does An Unsuitable Heir by Charles. Because they're historical books, be aware that the language and understanding of nb identities isn't what you'd expect in a contemp romance, but of course everyone is very supportive - these are romances, after all. Band Sinister, by Charles, also has a trans side character.
I've not read them, but I've also heard good things about Alexis Hall's A Lady for a Duke and Something Fabulous - and A Lady for a Duke's female lead is trans.
Also! I am SUPER excited to read Lex Croucher's Infamous (I think I'm getting it for my birthday) which is basically Bridgerton with lesbians. Again, not read it yet, but it's on my tbr.
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sxcret-garden · 11 months
ღ About the writer ღ
ღ salty ღ she/they ღ 98-liner ღ infp ღ austria ღ my main is @dive-into-u !! ღ my bg stan list for anyone who's interested hehe
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ღ i'm kinda shy and socially awkward, so if i come across as cold i'm just not sure how to express myself... i actually wanna make more friends on here but it takes me a while to warm up to people and to become comfortable!
ღ some of the things i like (other than kpop hehe) are cats, good food, warm hearted people, music, and i'm also very interested in languages, psychology and japanese culture!
ღ i also love talking about fics and writing, and everything that has to do with it~
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ღ What I write ღ
drabbles, reactions, scenarios,...
i also do mtl's & you guys can send me hard hours!
fem!reader/fem-bodied!reader/gn!reader x idol
i also write about poly-relationships
threesomes are cool too, but I find them challenging to write so you won't see full fics about them on here very often
i write for 03-liners and older!!
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ღ What I don't write ღ
idol x idol (unless a reader is involved too)
dubcon, noncon, yandere scenarios (dubcon is okay if it's a demon!AU or smth)
extremely sadistic doms
certain kinks i don't vibe with (daddy/mommy kink (slowly becoming okay with those so it's case by case), anything about feet, piss, spit, etc...) but otherwise I'm pretty open to most things^^
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ღ Request rules ღ
i will answer most asks i get as hard hours
you can send me your thoughts or ask me about my thoughts on something!!
i also do reactions, mtl's,...
if i feel particularly inspired by an idea i'll turn it into a full drabble~
please only send in requests through my ask box & check my masterlist to see whether they're currently open or not
when i do a drabble game i will obviously try to write all requests in a full fic - but i can't guarantee that i can do every single request i get for those
please only send me one request at a time!
if you want, you can specify whether you want a female, fem-bodied (anatomy is described as female but the reader will be referred to in a gender neutral way) or a gn reader - otherwise i tend to write fem-bodied readers the most
requests that do not follow my rules or are sent in while requests are closed will be deleted!
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ღ Some more stuff about this blog ღ
ღ My askbox is always open, so even aside from requests, etc. you can always feel free to come talk to me!! 💕
ღ I try to split my warnings into potential trigger warnings & inclusivity - though I try to be as accurate as I can, it's always possible that I missed a warning. If you feel that that's the case, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll see what I can do^^
ღ As for inclusivity warnings I try to focus on the aspects that I have seen people saying they're upset about the most - like stating if the reader visibly blushes, if they're picked up in the fic, if they're explicitly stated to be smaller or taller than the idol, any specific descriptions about the reader's hair, etc... once again, I might sometimes miss a warning - in that case feel free to let me know and I'll add it! 💕
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Let's not talk about the patchy af shading...
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This is accurate i think but idk what my body looks like because i have bad body dysmorphia
I normally wear glasses but i can't draw them
And i actually do have hair heterochromia
(I slapped the shirt on last minute bc i actually drew myself in a bra for anatomy study purposes <3)
Hi this me:
I'm Leo
I'm Agender (Afab) and use She/They/It pronouns
I feel kinda female but also not???
Hard to explain
I'm AroAce but biromantic (under the bi umbrella)
And i don't feel the need to further specify my identity unless you want to know more
I'm a cat person but also love my dog
I graduated this year
I'm learning French, English, Italian and Greek right now
In the future i want to learn Spanish and Russian
I terribly failed in learning Latin
I am trying to learn ASL but i'm not good at hand coordination so it's tough
My mother language is german
I'm good at math but can't use my calculator for shit bc it's confusing
My favourite song is:
I like myself - K. Flay
Soo yes
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I tried with the glasses
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kanekoii · 8 months
hi, i dont know if u do matchups but if you do, do you mind doing mine? you obviously dont have to! this is for niji en :)
hi, my name is Hannah. I’m from USA, however ive always wanted to visit London, Australia, and Tokyo! I’m currently majoring in music, i hope to release my own music for the world to hear about. I am 5’2” (157cm) anf my favorite colors are purple and light pink! I’m a mix of both golden retriever and black cat, depends on the day. my love languages are quality time and physical touch 1000% but im not super clingy, if i get to hand hold or just something simple for at least five minutes im happy (preferable longer, though) im pescatarian, i only eat fish and no other meats because i find it cruel but i would never force it on anyone!! its their decision, not mine!! ive done competitive dance since i was two years old, and i have a 20 min jog every morning.
thank you if you do this, and thank you if you dont! i understand if not!
and another dancer??! (i’ve also done dance since i was two)
you didn’t specify wether you wanted a male or female match, so i gave you both!
i’ve matched you with…
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this little cyborg is always SO happy to have you around in any way he possibly can! fulgur would be more than happy to travel with you to all the places you want to visit! if you still do dance, he’s going to be on standby for all of your practices to cheer you on! and as for your dietary restrictions, it’s not a problem in the slightest for him! (i only eat kosher so i get you-)
as for a female match…
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the fairy girl is absolutely SMITTEN with you! she will absolutely bully anyone who talks bad about your dancing and make sure they know you’re the best at what you do! she’ll gladly go on your morning jog with you too and make a healthy breakfast for you! pomu loves you to death and she just wants to see you happy
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cherub-silence · 10 months
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Rules˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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18+! No exceptions! This character and the lore are derived from 18+ materials. If your age is not listed on your blog or in any of your information I will ask just that you’re 18+ and you don’t have to give any more detail than that.
Dark and NSFW themes may be present! I will do my best to tag trigger warnings but this is my general warning for the blog. I have a full list of the tags that I do track on this post, just ask if you need anything added.
Absolutely non-selective, any and all interactions are encouraged! No prior messaging is required whatsoever but it’s always appreciated! I’m very friendly :) 
Non-private, all threads will be shared via Tumblr posts, I do not rp through DMs or any other platforms. Please understand that it’s what I'm comfortable with and not something I see changing anytime soon.
If you’re interested in interacting please check out the Verses! All writing, threads, and plots will take place in Verse 1 unless otherwise specified.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Info ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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I go by a couple nicknames and my blog URLs, I'm comfortable being called Art, Apidae, Api, or Cherub. I’m 21+ NB (They/Them), in CDT/CST time zone. My main blog is @eternal-apidae
Native English speaker, but I will probably make some grammar/spelling mistakes. I keep most posts formatted, abusing the read-more and post-cutting features, because I prefer how it looks and to keep dashes from getting overly clogged. I cut all posts after 10 reblogs. I also post all starters and NSFW under read more. Replies are medium to long, but I don’t require anyone to match my length, just please don’t reply with one-word replies, it doesn’t give me a lot to work with.
I will not hesitate to ship our muses if you’re interested but it will never be required. With all the themes and plots I'm interested in for my muse, there are plenty of options.
I absolutely love plotting, and I am always willing to hear how you’d be interested in our muses interacting. My DMs are always open. In the event that we have started a thread, plotted, or rp meme, that I lose interest in I will reach out to you to see if there’s anything else we’re both interested in.
Highly active and typically quick to respond. I’m mostly active during the day and tend to get busier in the evenings but my sleep schedule is wonky enough that if I have time you may get a reply in the middle of the night.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Bio˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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Name: Opal, she doesn’t remember her birth name Gender: Female Face: (tw link is for an artbreeder render) [🪻] Age: 18-25, usually 22 Zodiac: Cancer Height: 5’0 Body type: Pear [🪻] Skin Color: Pale  Eye Color: Silver [🪻] Hair Color: White Voice: Light and musical, with a Swedish accent [🪻] Scars: Several all over her body the most prominent are the ones on her knuckles and fingers from working in the kitchen, the ones on her back from a cat of nine tails, and discoloration on her wrist and ankles from shackles  Sexuality: Omnisexual Biology: She has gemstones embedded into her skin, attached to her nervous system. She has two on her chest above her breast and two on her rib cage below, there are six going down her spine, one on her tongue, and one on her clitoris. She has also had a full hysterectomy, so she does not menstruate and is unable to get pregnant [🪻] Occupation: Sex worker / Housekeeper  Hobbies: Playing music, writing poetry, reading, partying/clubbing, doing makeup/painting her nails, flower arranging, songwriting/singing, butterfly taxidermy  Characteristics: Creative, Diplomatic, Introverted, Friendly, Nervous, Polite, Quiet, Sensitive, Shy Hogwarts House (we do not support jkr in this household but I think they’re good character identifiers): Hufflepuff and Slytherin [🪻] (Divergent) Faction: Raised Abnegation, but would choose Amity Languages: Raised speaking English and Swedish, was later taught German, French, Japanese, and Russian Instruments: Violin, Harp, Kalimba, Flute and Piano Skills and Training: Housekeeping, Culinary arts, Secretarial duties, Translation, and Entertainment  Scent: Illicit by Jimmy Choo [🪻] Favorite Color: Purple Favorite Food: Italian, specifically Alfredo  Favorite Drink: Tea, her favorites are Oolong, Chamomile, English Breakfast, and Chai
Style: Conservative/Professional, but just a little bit slutty. Typically keeping her stones covered unless she wants the attention
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What’s in Opal’s purse? (just a thought experiment that got a graphic so I decided to add it)
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Verses˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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・❥・{Verse 1}・❥・
As a Jembax Opal has an Owner/Master, they are sometimes cruel and don’t particularly care for Opal other than making sure she performs her duties well. They are powerful, they can have political or business connections. They are rich and upper class. With this verse, Opal is used to the finer things in life simply for upkeep, name-brand clothing, manicured nails, and simple but expensive jewelry. She is something to show off, a glorified housekeeper, entertainment, and a sexual object. This life has made her very unhappy so she turns heavily to alcohol and drugs to numb herself. Since her Master doesn’t care much once her daily duties are taken care of she tends to sneak out to bars or to party. With this verse, Opal tends to meet people through her sneaking out or through her Master’s grand parties to show off.
・❥・{Verse 2}・❥・
With this verse, your muse may be Opal’s Master by purchasing her from a previous Master. She can be traded for money, favors, belongings, or whatever her previous Master was willing to negotiate with. For whatever reason your muse has decided against creating a new Jembax and simply wants to bargain for her. Being a pre-existing Jembax she’s not as valuable as a custom-made Jembax, but her considerable appeal is how trained and educated she is. Her biggest downside is that she has been a Jembax for many years and had many cruel Masters before your muse and is quite depressed and may even go through withdrawal due to her previous lifestyle. With this verse, your muse owns Opal and can use and set any expectations for her that they see fit.
・❥・{Verse 3}・❥・
As a Jembax Opal is not considered a free person, after many years of obedience she has finally snapped, whether your muse had any influence in that decision or not. She is considered a fugitive and anyone helping her will be as well. Being on the run is not something Opal ever wanted so it’s not a decision she takes lightly, she’s moody and regretful about whatever has caused her to take this path. The only work she can find is a brothel willing to turn a blind eye but they will not do anymore to help her and will turn her in if she causes too much trouble.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Tags˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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[OOC] - everything on the blog that isn’t an rp thread
[~Opal Blogging~] - everything that Opal would post
[~Thoughts~] - text posts that Opal would like
[~Aesthetic~] - pictures Opal would find appealing or that relate to her 
[~Music~] music Opal would play or sing
[~Poetry~] - poems that Opal would write
[~Wardrobe~] - items that would be in Opal's wardrobe 
[~Portrait~] - a tentative face claim of Elle Fanning, because she’s the actress I’d pick for Opal but I don’t think she looks exactly right
[~Open Prompt~] - any and all open rp memes, plots, or wanted threads
[~RP Prompt~] - rp memes I reblog
[~Wishlist~] - plots I’d be interested in
[~Character Prompt~] - character questions or writing prompts
~AUs~/~Fandom thread~ - the au or fandom that best suits the thread’s content 
~Thread name~ - the prompt name, name of your starter, or a random name I come up with
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Content warnings
tw alcohol mention - these threads mention alcohol but it may or may not be being used at the time 
tw alcohol - these threads contain alcohol use
tw drug mention - these threads mention drugs, prescription or otherwise, but they may or may not be being used at the time
tw drugs - these threads contain drug use, prescription or otherwise 
NSFW - these threads will contain smut, including noncon and dubcon 
tw violence - these threads will contain violence, including anything from assault to physical abuse 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Links˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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Since you’ve made it this far! Here! Have some links!
(You don’t have to check these out, but AO3 has the original author’s information on Jembax and Refsheet has a full gallery of all the commissioned art of Opal)
🫧📝💟 AO3 💟📝🫧
🪻☔️📝 Refsheet.net 📝☔️🪻
🫧🍾💟 Pinterest 💟🍾🫧
🪻📝💿 Spotify 💿📝🪻
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A Longer, More Serious Response to Thirteen's Pronouns
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[Image ID: a reply from not-a-cat-lawyer regarding Thirteen's partial design reveal (see post linked below). They say, "I mean, I use She/Her/They/Them so maybe they identify as both?" End ID.]
(This is a reply from this post about Thirteen's reveal)
Fuck it, let's have an Actual Discussion about this! This is gonna be a long one, so it's going under the cut (also sorry not-a-cat-lawyer if you never see this but i can't seem to tag you)
@gayforbelphie I'm tagging you as well bc you might be interested in seeing this too
*Disclaimer: I do not speak Japanese, nor do I know fuck all about the trans scene in Japan. I'm speaking about this as a white Canadian nonbinary person. Please keep that in mind. And as always, don't send anyone, including the devs, hate for this.*
The switch in Thirteen's pronouns likely stems from a quirk in translating Japanese - which doesn't use gendered third person pronouns - to English
This does not let the devs off the hook entirely for the effect this has had on their (Western) trans and nonbinary audience
Obey Me's use of they/them pronouns for the MC is likely not meant to include nonbinary people explicitly, but rather to broaden their possible audience.
The inclusion of both male and female love interests shouldn't be discounted despite this implicit invalidation of nonbinary people
Death of the author, Thirteen can still be whatever you'd like her/them to be
@not-a-cat-lawyer So if Thirteen was a real person, obviously their pronouns would be their business, and a person using she/her or she/they pronouns is totally valid
But Thirteen is a fictional character that was marketed as a step towards inclusion on the part of the devs, who before this design reveal used exclusively they/them pronouns. Because of this, many fans got excited at the prospect of the devs including an explicitly nonbinary character other than the gender-neutral/ambiguous MC.
But then Thirteen's partial design reveal dropped and the devs referred to her exclusively with she/her pronouns, and when asked about this, said (source is the screenshot from the linked post above, emphasis mine):
Hello, we do our best to avoid using "they/them" for characters, but sometimes this cannot be avoided when we do not wish to specify the gender. We also sometimes refer to the main character as "them" to avoid using the "he/she" pronouns, to this is similar to when we used "they/them" for Thirteen in the past. We did not wish to specify the gender, but as you can see in our new SNS posts, we now use pronouns for the new characters.
There's a couple things here that are bothersome, dare I say, problematic.
1. The equivocation of pronouns to gender: anyone can use any pronouns, obviously, but granted pronouns do have gendered connotations. The issue is more:
2. The invalidation of they/them as personal pronouns for a specific person. As much as I appreciate the devs' choice to have MC be gender neutral, they did not do this to be inclusive of trans and nonbinary people. It's a marketing tactic, plain and simple. MC is supposed to be a stand-in for the player, so they could be anyone, and therefore of any gender. And accordingly, the game can appeal to a wider audience.
But here we see the devs are against using they/them pronouns as a character's "actual" pronouns. I joked about it in the post linked above, but they even go so far as to say that only now they've started referring to Thirteen with pronouns -- as though they/them are not "proper" pronouns in their own right, but placeholders for "real" pronouns (he or she).
The devs do not see "they/them" as valid, permanent pronouns to refer to a particular person.
Now, why?
If I had to guess I'd say part of it is a language issue. Japanese pronouns work pretty differently from English in a few ways.
For one, in many sentences where an English speaker would include personal pronouns, they're straight up not used. I don't know Japanese, but I do know Spanish, and in Spanish you often leave out the pronouns because the verbs are conjugated in such a way that it's generally obvious who you're talking about, so maybe it's a similar thing.
Secondly, other than two 19th century additions specifically made to accommodate European languages (kare and kanojo)*, Japanese doesn't really have gendered third person pronouns. The pronoun system overall prioritizes age and authority over gender (hence all those honorifics white anime fans like to butcher).
So while it's totally possible in Japanese to avoid using someone's personal pronouns, English doesn't really have an equivalent. There's only so many times you can refer to someone by name or an epithet (eg. the reaper) before it gets weird to our ears.
Which brings us back to Thirteen, and the temporary use of they/them pronouns. What initially reads as a transphobic dick move on the devs' part becomes an instance of culture clash and linguistic quirks in translation. Possibly. Again, I can't read Japanese, so I'm not sure how Thirteen was referred as, and I don't know what the Japanese reception of their initial introduction was.
However, that doesn't invalidate the feelings of those who were excited at the prospect of having a nonbinary love interest in the game. Again, the devs' choice to use they/them pronouns for the MC has certain politicized connotations in the West (the acceptance/inclusion of nonbinary people, in this case). And with their talk of inclusion, it's pretty clear that they're at least somewhat aware of this.
I don't really have a big unifying statement to make here, I mostly just wanted to add some nuance to this discussion, since I know a lot of Obey Me fans on here are a) not Japanese, and b) LGBT+ or allies who care about good rep
The inclusion of Thirteen as a fem-presenting nonbinary love interest who uses they/them would have been a radical addition to the cast of Obey Me, and as a nonbinary person I'd have loved to see that. But that's not what we got.
And while this doesn't minimize the impact this decision has had on some fans, I think it's worth noting that a female LI in a game that previously only had all-male LIs and a gender-neutral-- But Hey! All the LIs are Dudes So You Can Totally Read This As Straight! -- MC is still a pretty big deal in terms of representation. MC is now fully capable of being bi, and the ambiguity of the LIs' sexualities is also more solid now that a female LI has been added.**
Even if Thirteen is never referred to with they/them pronouns ever again, nothing is stopping you from choosing to interpret this pronoun whoopsie-daisy as them being nonbinary and/or a she/they! This is fandom, for crying out loud: when the Fuck have we ever needed canon support for gender/sexuality headcanons?
*Kare and kanojo apparently also mean boyfriend and girlfriend respectively, another difference in Japanese pronouns vs English (their words for pronouns have multiple meanings, which is pretty neat imo).
**Because while MC is technically referred to as they/them, Obey Me is still an otome game, and "otome" literally means "girl", so with all male love interests plus some Heteronormativity, the primary target audience of this game is still mostly women who like men. However, adding a female LI opens up several options: MC could be female (and thus bi/lesbian with Thirteen), or MC could be male (and thus be bi/gay, the male characters are gay/bi as well).
(Of course MC could also be nonbinary and by the power of association make Everyone at least a little queer but that's beside the point lol)
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
MultiVillains x Reader || Drabble Set
Part 2 to this post.
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Plot/s and Includes: Basically, your relationship with each horror villain has changed (Developed to friendship/platonic love) since your sister/friend + their S/O died, independent of both your relations to them.
Jason Voorhees x DeadS/O'sStepSibling!Reader- Set during the events of FVSJ; Jason saves you from Freddy. You're his person. And no one will touch you.
Which totally works for you.
Mayor Buckman x DeadS/O'sSister!Reader- Some dudes at Pleasant Valley wont leave you alone no matter how many times you ask/tell them to go away until the mayor comes to the rescue (Their rescue) + Some nice fluffy 'coming out' and acceptance by the old fashioned coot. Reader is a lesbian, and unrelatedly... a badass.
Warnings: ATTEMPTED RAPE, Sexual harassment, blood, and crude language (Respectively by drabble except the crude language- that's throughout)
Yep, no Hoyt, sorry ): I really cant write for him at the moment.
Yayyyyy, more non-romantic drabbles! ^^ I really should do more of these. There's also this one though if you haven't read it and want more platonic love immediately XD: Slashers x Reader(Mostly Chucky and Michael) || Oneshot)
Also Jason's genders are not specified but Buckman's is a female.
Jason Voorhees:
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One minute you were mistakenly trudging through the forest towards Jason's cabin, unknowing of the shit that is currently going on in his life, and the next there's rough, hard tree bark digging unpleasantly into your back and you're winded.
Slowly opening your eyes from the shock of being grabbed and rammed into a big tree (Luckily your head didn't clonk back into it, lest you would feel dizzy, too.) you find the unfamiliar burnt face of a man in a horrible brown fedora practically licking his chops at you.
Oh, boy.
"U-ummmm... " Awkwardly straightening up against the tree, hands still in your pockets but now balled into tight fists, your gaze flickers around the forest of what you can see behind the guy. No signs of Jason. No signs of anyone, actually. Its deadly quiet except the sound of trees rustling overhead and leaves floating to the floor. When the man doesn't say anything, you feel compelled to do so yourself. "Hello? I'm- I'm Y/N... "
Perhaps spending so much time with a machete wielding forest maniac has destroyed your sense of self preservation, a little bit.
This does not, though, prevent the stutters from appearing in your voice, and the high tone you speak in. Because the way this man is looking at you chills you to the core.
Where did he even come from?? The burn ward!? How has strayed so far from the hospita- wHAT is THAT on his HAND!?
Your eyes widen to the size of dinner plates and your body stiffens up even more, as a hand comes up into view and theirs knives instead of a fingers. Or- maybe there are still fingers. You don't know. You're a little focused on the knives that are nearing your throat to really care about the mechanics of this thing.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck-
"Y/N... " Oh jesus, his voice sounds like someone took a cheese grater to his lungs. Jason where are you?? "Now... this, is God... " Is this man seriously referring to the finger knives as G o d? You would honestly roll your eyes but ah... not in this kind of prickly situation. His lips suddenly stretch into a bright smile. "Say hi!"
Great, a loon.
But you are not one to argue with the knife-fingered man, so... "Hi... hi, God... " I'm still looking around and hoping, praying that Jason appears out of nowhere like he tends to do, like he isn't the behemoth that he is but Easy-Bake-Oven-Gone-Wrong doesn't seem to like that, and you flinch sharply when the blades suddenly slam haphazardly, hard against the tree right by your head- one catching your cheek on the way and causing a long, luckily not-too-deep cut, there. Like a cat scratch. Still, a hiss escapes you and you look down, catching your baring's again.
This is really happening. This is really happening.
You're stuck in the middle of the forest, where no one will find your body for days, and no one can hear you screaming, with a man possessing a weapon... your heart starts to finally speed up, and you start freaking out appropriately. Breathing becomes harder, heavier as you glance back up at the man.
... He's smirking. Undoubtedly pleased with your new, panicked state. You flinch again when a hand, not the one with knives, holds the side of your head in a mocking gesture of 'comfort'. Your eyes snap closed, too. "Tut... scared? Oh, don't be... I'm only going to turn you inside-out!"
He's gotten so close now and you can tell without even opening your eyes, which squeeze even tighter closed, as you feel his breath on your hair. "Hmm, but first thing... "
A knife digs in between your skin and the waistband of your pants and your eyes suddenly snap open, fists coming out of your pockets and trying to push him back by the shoulders. "No- No no. Let me go, let me go- JASON! Jason, help me!!" With a knee to a side of his hips you force him to stay back and off you and with a forearm you keep him from moving closer- but then you see the knives, wriggling nearing your soft, fleshy side and gasp- Oh no.
Breath catches in your throat, no longer screaming for Jason, and your mind's just racing - what can you do, what can you do, what can you do, - when heavy footfalls appear out of nowhere and suddenly, to your utter relief, the burnt man is ripped away from you- and lands, groaning in pain a good couple metres away on the forest floor.
Jason is in front of you now instead, and as you both breath heavy - you calming down from your blind panic earlier, and him trying to level his fury at seeing you in trouble, hearing your fearful screams, -, Jason just looks at you. Assessing you thoroughly with his eyes. Are you hurt? Any marks!?-
You can tell when he sees the scratch on your cheek because he stiffens up, and rights his shoulders, and intensifies his search. Grabbing your wrist firmly - but not painfully, - he yanks it up so he can see under it and look for any tears in your clothes or signs of blood, and you just sigh- tired from being scared and not super energised enough to call him off. "Jason... - I'm fine. Just shaken- ah!- " You nearly trip when he twirls you around to see your back and roughly bush off bark and dirt from the back of your jacket. Luckily you manage to fix your footing before you faceplanted into the ground and got a mouthful of dirt like the man Jason flung off you, holding the arm that Jason has not got hold of, out for balance.
When he's assured that, visibly, you're okay, he lets you go and looks at your face. If you didn't know any better, you'd say that he was scowling at the cut on your cheek, before his dark eyes flicker to yours and you manage to give a soft smile, despite the uncomfortable way your heart and stomach are still flipped. You do feel safer though... as long as Jason's here. He wont let anything happen to you.
He does not seem entirely convinced of that smile, which is fair, as it doesn't totally reach your eyes; But he manages to step back from you. You cross your arms and sniff, feeling a dull throb as wind screams across your cheek and look to the ground for a moment- catching your baring's once again.
When you look up this time, Jason's pointing in the direction of his cabin. You open your mouth to object, say you kinda want to go home now, but the man reads your mind and turns you around gently by the shoulders, and pats you on your back till you get moving.
Like, off you pop.
See you soon.
Just gotta rake up up some crap off the forest floor.
Mayor Buckman:
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These three assholes have been following you around on and off since lunchtime today at the bar. Goddamn you just wanted to enjoy some whiskey with Boone, but no- No, evidently that was no in the cards.
Because these three douches, decided that their desire to harass you was more important then your decision to do what you felt like. Jesus christ. You are fricken furious.
Every other week, especially during spring break, a group of kids including at least 2 boys like this turn up, heading for beer pong and body shots and decide, because they're held up here by choice, that they can spread the party animal lifestyle with everyone here.
And generally that's okay because the residents of this town are more then happy to humour them until their deaths- but you, have never, offered any inclination that you are part of this.
My god, are you pissed off. Totally, and utterly, furious.
What the fuck is wrong with these people!?
And yes, you do acknowledge the irony in that statement coming from someone who hangs around a group of cannibalistic, confederate ghosts but alas- you're too mad right now to see sense.
You! Are not! Here! To Entertain! Stupid sex-obsessed college boys!!
Not to mention the fact that you are a motherfucking lesbian. A fact these 'gentlemen' have not even considered. Of course.
Doesn't matter.
A large hand suddenly comes down to connect and caress the bare skin of your upper arm suddenly and you immediately whip around- knocking the bastard in the face with your elbow. He goes 'oof' and his head snaps back satisfyingly swiftly and you smirk in triumph before scowling, again. "Do not touch me."
"Fucking christ, bitch!" The blondes nose starts to bleed down over his lips and onto his stupid beach boy's tank top as he covers his nose, looking horrified that you would do such a thing- even after you told him, quite firmly, more then once to not touch you. "The hell was that for!?"
Ughhhhh, what a goddamn moron.
His two friends are kinda chuckling at the side over this; Covering their mouth and sniggering to each other. Your poisonous gaze connects with theirs, slowly, and they quickly try to stop laughing...
before just collapsing into total, uproarious laughter- bending over and holding their stomachs and knees. Your eyes narrow at the display.
"Oh- my god, man! Haha." One of them fights to speak, glancing up at you but only beginning to laugh harder. "You're trying to look scary, haha b-but hahaha... ohhh my god... " He wipes away a tear. "haha, you just look, ha ha... cute... "
At that, you roll your eyes deeply and turn away. Jesus christ, you need to get out of here. You hate them; that's it. Total dickwads.
But once again,
they mother
touch you.
One of the funny boys, who's still sighing and lightly giggling, drops a heavy, sweaty, stinky arm over your shoulder and pulls you close to him. "Oookay, baby. I'm sorry- we, we're sorry. We wont do anything to you again. Just come on back and have another drink with us! We'll even pay- right boys?"
"Fucking bitch, I think she broke my nose. Probably a dyke- "
A slapping sound reverberates around the area, and oddly enough- it didn't come from you as you stiffen up slightly under your skin. "Dude! Don't say that."
"Yeah!" The guy still fucking holding you, leans his face in closer to you, and smirks. "We still have a chance, I think."
Where in the world did he get an idea like that!?- OH-
You've had enough, and take hold of the part of his sticky, floppy arm that's hanging over your breasts and pull him taught against your back- then bend over and fling over and onto the damn ground.
He lands with a groan - hopefully on some pointy rocks, - and his hair spreads out around his head like a grotty, poopy halo as his face twists in pain. "Ohhh... "
Yeah, 'oh'.
"Christ, whore!! Uncalled for!!" The guy, the ginger, who slapped the other guy moments ago exclaims accusingly at you- fury in his eyes. Oh good, even playing ground.
You're about to rush at him next, but you barely lift off before an arm - a familiar, beige suit clad one this time, - curls around your waist and yanks you back, behind them. Buckman approaches the men carefully, hands up in a gesture of surrender as you just stand back, arms crossed tightly and seeth.
Honestly, you're probably steaming.
"Woah, there. Now, what seems to be the problem, here?" Buckman glances back at you shortly, before offering ear mostly to the two standing, boys. The ne on the ground is still by your feet whining and you consider stepping on him. You are so mad. You don't remember the last time you were this mad. "I'm sure we can talk it out."
"That chick just went crazy, dude." At that, you let out a puff of laughter. 'Dude'- Buckman must just be loving, that. We were just offering to buy her a drink! But the stupid lesbo punched me in the face! And took down Trent- look! Bitches insane."
Rolling your eye, you slowly release a sigh- calming down. Buckman turns to raise his eyebrows at you like is this trueee?, and you avoid his eyes. "I elbowed him- I did not punch him." The mayor sighs, evidently exhausted, before gathering his wits again.
"Ach- technicality, slut!"
What is with these boys? Calling you a slut and whore. Isn't the problem that you aren't either of those things???
"Okay, okay, okay," Buckman turns back to the boys, raising his hands in a 'stop' gesture this time. "First of all, we don't need ta' be usin' language like that. You sure ain't gonna get anywhere with a lady like that, especially this lady." With a thumb he points back at me, getting eye rolls from the two boys he's standing before. "Second of all, allow me to apologise genuinely for her behaviour- "
"What!?" You squeak out, totally shocked. He didn't even ask you for your side of the story! The true version- He but waives you off.
The ginger smirks at you like a weasel and you struggle against the urge to jump on his back and rip out his hair; He seems to recognise the look in your eye, and averts his gaze back to the mayor.
You cross your arms again and look off to Granny Boone and some of the other women, to distract yourself. "Stupid fucking canary man, with the deeply offensive fucking eyepatch, and little dismissive waive!? Do I look like Y/S/N to you?!-"
"- and offer a free meal for each of you at Boones infamous, hotel bar. Just tell 'em that Mayor Buckman sent ya, and they'll bring you on out some of the yummiest gruel you ever did taste. Sound good? Can we put this whole mess behind us, hm?"
Uh, no-
"Oh, sure!"
"No?!- " Another slapping sound. Again, from the red head to the bleeding blonde.
"Dan! F r e e f o o d !! Shut the fuck up."
Trent just groans on the floor, sitting up suddenly and dealing with the headrush that comes with recovering from that particular attack.
You're just enjoying the view of him holding his head and moving suuuuper slowly, when Buckman trudges over to you and links his arm with yours as he passes- effectively dragging you promptly along with him. "Yeek- "
"Now, What. Happened? You know we aren't supposed to bother the guests," A small, devious smirk stretches one corner of his mouth at the word 'guests', but quickly he moves on as you roll your eyes. "And there you were- bothering them."
For a moment you consider explaining yourself as you turn your head to look at Buckman, but ultimately decide you're too tired and make 'pfft' sound, looking away again.
He slows to a stop and rounds on you now, gripping your arms so you don't walk off. "Don't you 'pfft' me, young lady." You peek up him from under one eyelid, as you have now closed them and turned your head away stubbornly and see the man giving you a stern look if you've ever seen one. It honestly cracks a little smile out of you- Who does he think you are? His wayward child??
Then you close your eyes tight again and cross your arms more cured around your chest, looking down to the ground uncomfortably. Taking a deep breath, you look up again and open both your eyes. "The bastards wouldn't leave me alone. Kept touching me when I asked them not to."
At this, both yours and Buckman's eyes snap to his hands on you but you just give a shrug.
Quickly he moves on- "Well that's understandable. Don't you worry- they'll be all yours soon enough." He winks, conspiratorial about the whole thing. You roll your eyes, but sigh.
"Right... hah... "
"Also, pumpkin," He slips an arm over your shoulder this time and the two of you start walking again. "What was that I heard about them callin' you a... errr... I think the term was 'lesbo'? Any idea what that one is is?"
Your chest cavity, and everything inside it, goes cold all of a sudden.
"Iii... uh... it means.. lesbian... "
Glancing at him to see his reaction, you see that he just blinks. In 0.2 seconds, he's going to get awkward and you're going to feel uncomfortable, and you desperately want to avoid that but you don't know what to say so your mind absolutely races- but- he speaks up first.
"Oh- well I get it, then. Reprobates were callin' you that just cuz you didn't reciprocate their disgusting feelings??" You double take at the freezing cold, hard look in his one eye as he says that, and honestly start to feel a little bit chilly under the hot Georgia sun.
"I- I guess, yeah... "
He shakes his head, looking away. "... wastin' perfectly good food and whiskey on good-for-nothin's like that... "
As he mutters to himself some more, language becoming darker and more foul as he disappears deeper into his own little world, you start to feel quite awkward. And waive a hand in front of his face. No no no, none of this right now. No thank you, sir-
Good grief, how did Y/S/N deal with this all the time, I am at the end of my tether with this man...
He wakes up with a jolt, glancing around then at you, flashing a pleasant smile. "Sorry, pumpkin, my bad. Just burning thunderwood." Clearly. You start moving again, and you realise with frustration that you're headed towards the bar. "Anyway, even if you did like women- who could blame ya? Certainly not me." He taps the side of your head with fingers on the arm laid out over your shoulders to get your full attention, and lowers his voice. "Granny Boone, either."
Then he winks, and lets go of you- your eyes wide at him.
You slowly let out the breath you were holding back anxiously before, shoulder dropping. What... really?? Is he saying what you think he's saying??? He nods, and smiles brightly. Ohhhh, that's why she dealt with him, you think, sighing with utter relief.
Then you glomp him.
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sassgardarchive · 3 years
romantic headcanons.
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name: selina marie kyle alias: catwoman, the cat gender: cis-female sexual orientation: demisexual romantic orientation: demiromantic
preferred pet names: babe ( not baby ), darling, selina also really enjoys pet names in other languages. ( petit chaton AHHH ) relationship status: verse dependent
opinion on true love: true romantic love probably exists, and it’s probably within reach for everyone at least once. but that’s the thing. once. if you let it pass you up, that’s it. opinion on love at first sight: childish. romantic love, at least. that has to be specified because love at first sight is absolutely real when it comes to helena, or any other children she might have. but romantic love at first sight is a pretty way of defining lust or infatuation. you cannot possibly love someone the first moment you saw them. how ‘romantic’ are they?: selina can be romantic, but most of the time it’s just an act. she likes being wined and dined at first, and she can reciprocate, but real love to her is the comfort of being yourself. not everyone is romantic all the time in every way. and that should be okay.
ideal physical traits: selina likes men with a little meat on their bones. men who have muscle and thickness. that sounds weird but that’s what it is. boney men, while still attractive!, just don’t do it for her. like crane - he could be described as attractive in the face ( in certain adaptations ) but he’s just too scrawny. selina is thick, she has meat on her bones and round hips and a big ass and she likes to be picked up and held. if he can’t do that.. eh. less likely to get her attention. she also prefers dark features but that doesn’t mean she won’t go for someone with lighter hair and all smiles. as for women, the first thing selina notices is their eyes. she likes eye contact and pretty eyes are a big deal for her. 
ideal personality traits: selina enjoys a partner who can dish just as much sass as she can. this goes for men and women. someone who is easily offended by her sarcasm or sass isn’t going to be around for very long because she’s not changing any time soon. she also prefers someone who can have a conversation or disagreement without trying to force her to change. respect is a big big thing for selina. 
unattractive physical traits: as i said above, scrawny and boney people just kinda aren’t it. it sounds bad, and there are sometimes exceptions but it’s just not what she usually goes for. also poor hygiene, especially dental care.
unattractive personality traits: unwilling to listen, unwilling to compromise even a little. someone who is easily offended, someone who has zero empathy at all. someone who has never been modest or humble in their entire life. 
do they have a type?: most of the time - yes. sometimes selina will purposely date someone who doesn’t fit her type, but by date three ( sometimes before ) she realizes why she sticks to a certain type. also : something that is a recurring theme for her, men who are off limits. if she shouldn’t be dating them / seeing them / sleeping with them, that’s where she will be
opinion of public affection: if it serves a purpose, sure. if not, why?
favourite canon ship: there is a very extremely soft spot in my heart for batcat.  favourite non-canon ship: once upon a time i wrote with a jason todd who ruined me for the rest of my life, so cathood will always be my favorite favorite ship for selina no matter what. i have also been known to ship selina with remy lebeau, charles xavier, and frank castle. don’t judge the charles thing until you’ve read it 🥵
tagged by: @laughter-in-white <3  tagging: @iiingenious @mareuder @tesstingyou @impaviidus @rivalinfect @escalaregalia @deliciousfear​
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