#also the two gifs just. sum up her face through most of it
tclkrefined · 4 months
. . . / / TASK 001 interrogation : eleanor hatzfeld
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hello, can you please tell me your name, country, && what role you provide your court? 
eleanor blinks, aghast. she lets out a pang of laughter, a short-lived hysterical breath that she's quick to reel in before it goes any further. what a preposterous kingdom this is, they never should've accepted the invitation to come -- if it were up to her, they wouldn't have. "eleanor lina hatzfeld, the princess of germany. my role feels self-explanatory, is it not?" 
and who do you believe to be your closest allies, either nations or individuals? do you trust your allies?
processing the absurdity of it all, she realizes she is getting questioned, wholeheartedly, as if she were a prisoner and not a guest of these walls. her eyes grow razor sharp, and her hands twitch minutely on her lap, but she may as well be posing for a portrait otherwise -- not a hair out of place, not a vertebrae of her spine in rest. "we are well aligned with scotland, i would say." spain too, if stefan's betrothal is completed as well, though she'd rather not place her bets on it. as far as individuals go, she finds her tongue heavy with uncertainty when it comes to declaring people who must be on her side. one of her brothers is nearly an enemy, the other two are fickle. alistair's loyalty feels unyielding, at least. "i do trust my allies," is all she decides on saying. 
ah, yes, i see... how about your enemies, then. who do you not align yourself with, and why?
the thought of elias slithers into her mind like an intrusion (the feel of his head turning against her palm, the flash of wrath in his eyes as he felt the sting). her jaw sets, her eyes locked so intently on the interviewer that the scrawny young man squirms as she holds onto the silence. "whoever had my father murdered is no friend of mine. otherwise, you may proceed to the next question."
interesting. do you have a personal vendetta against any of the courts, or even individuals, here?
she holds so many vendettas that she could take them on walks, on leashes. one of her eyebrow raises, the tug of her lips completely poisonous. her father raised a quitter and a liar. "i already told you, no."
what are your thoughts on the mysterious deaths in so many royal families?
her hands twitch again, her gaze finally snapping away from the interviewer to sweep around the room, wandering deep in thought. she sees him let out a sigh of relief from the corner of her eye. "premeditated, of course. dangerous. cold." it's hard to put into words a tragedy of this magnitude, much less when trying to explain it to a stranger. "my thought is that i would like the ones responsible for this to pay for it."
how do you feel about the system of monarchy as a whole?
stupid question. "it's how we operate," she scoffs, her face breaking into a fleetingly insulted expression that cracks the ice cold stillness from before. "speaking ill of it would be speaking ill of order, of nature. the people need command, they need direction, and someone adequate must be the one chosen to lead. my family has produced several generations of rulers who have treated their people fairly, and i assure you, the people of germany live more than well under this system." ironic, to defend a crown that is not hers.
so, what would be your best theory as to what is going on, then?
of course, she's made up and lost many a theory. "perhaps..." she trails off, buying time. she doesn't like admitting things she doesn't know, but what bothers her the most is not understanding the intent behind it. to not know who the game master is, calling these shots, and what they are getting from it. what the big plan is. but she does not trust the man in front of her, or the way he violently writes down her every word (and seemingly more), and the fact that they barred alistair from standing in the room as her guard makes her uneasy to share too much. "any theories evade me now, forgive me. i am simply keen on getting justice."
thank you for your time. is there anything else you'd like to add, anything else that would be useful to the investigation?
the first words are out of his mouth and she's already jumping up, straightening her skirt with a clear of her throat. "i am dismissed, then? very well, have a good day, sir." she does not smile, and as she hurries out of the room, she silently wishes a plethora of horrid things this poor man's way. 
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selfishdoll · 9 months
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You're the queen of the superficial, And how long before you tell the truth?
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sum: being a physical therapist assistant wasn’t easy work at all, and it didn’t help that one of your patients was beginning to plague your thoughts, in more ways than one.
PURE COINCIDENCE . camboy & martial artist! kashimo hajime x physical therapist assistant! reader
cw: strangers to lovers (lowkey), kashimo & reader are 19-21, kashimo is ooc of course, modern au (no cursed techniques but he’s still strong asf), sex work, pet names, teasing, degradation & praise, shy!reader, curvy reader, kashimo is an ass man, lowkey corruption kink, slightly public sex, kashimo is reckless & dumb, dumbification, manhandling, rough sex, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, choking, cervix fucking, unprotected sex, etc.
i spent so much time on this & was winging it fr so it didn’t come out how i liked 😭😭. & it got much longer then i wanted it to be. also please excuse any typos or errors, it’s late 🙏🏾
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You always thought boxing, wrestling, and martial arts were such violent sports. You didn’t see the appeal of beating someone black and blue— or forcing them into submission. You weren’t a pacifist by any means but fighting was just something you didn’t get it. Especially, when it came to making money off it.
Truthfully, however— you didn’t need to see the point. Your only concern was massaging your patients and assuring they didn’t overextend themselves.
Which happened often.
Today would be a good day for you, a starting point actually. After two years of grueling work, several months of training, and being placed in a hospital you hated; you were finally sought out by a private practice— a gym for martial artists. From what you’ve heard they were good; winning tournaments back to back and putting on quite a show for the audience.
A name that frequently showed up was Kashimo Hajime, the proclaimed God of Lightning. A title earned given how fast he was, no one able to keep up with the amount of punches that he landed on his opponent. You were sure that was impressive in its own right, but you simply couldn’t get past the name.
It made you giggle each time you heard it.
Your eyes trailed away from the building infront of you and over to your phone hooked up to the stand in your car. You pressed your lips together, “Looks like I’m here..” You mumbled to yourself, feeling anxiety gather at the pit of your stomach. A new job always did that to you, imagining just about everything going wrong. From possibly falling or messing up a chart.
First day jitters always killed your motivation.
But, you took a small breath; eyes closed briefly as you sinked into your seat for a moment. It would be fine, this would be fine. You’re gonna do great. Such affirmations swarmed in your mind, pushing you away from delving down a deep hole of anxiety and insecurity. Once you felt your heart relax just a bit you grabbed your phone and tote bag, turning the car off and soon exiting it. Shutting the door behind you, you assured the doors were locked before approaching the large metal doors of the building. Pulling them open, your eyes scanned the large area. It looked like a relatively regular gym; punching bags hanging from the ceiling in a few places, weights, and treadmills. The most interesting thing was the boxing ring in the middle of the room.
“Hello, miss? Can I help you?” You jumped a little as the voice interrupted your train of thought, turning to face a woman who was seated behind the front desk. You flashed a false confident smile, approaching her while shifting through your bag. “H—hi, I’m [Full Name]. I’m here to start as a PTA.” Your hand finally clasped around what you needed, lifting a packet of papers from the confinements of your bag and passing them over to her awaiting hand.
Her eyes scanned the pages rather quickly, “Oh, you’ll be working with Ms. Makoto.” She mused, flashing you a small smile as she passed the papers back. “She always comes late, so for now; I’d suggest walking around to get a feel for your surroundings. Maybe even talk to your future patients.” She shrugged to which you nodded, a small thank you, escaping you.
You wish she hadn’t suggested the thing at all, given how nerve-racking it felt to you. However, you now felt obligated to do it, especially with the way she was smiling at you so sweetly. Damn her.
Situating the strap of your bag onto your shoulder correctly, you headed over towards the actual gym area; eyes on the swivel to assure you didn’t end up in anyone’s way. Like you hoped, however, the martial artists were far too focused on their training, paying you no mind as their fists slammed against some punch bag or they pumped their legs on the treadmill.
The atmosphere itself was nice, really. You didn’t mind it, maybe you would get used to it.
Once you were finished walking around the people lifting weights, your eyes traveled over to the boxing ring in the middle, noticing two forms entering it and several people surrounding it. Interest quickly invaded your mind, moving towards the crowd to get a better look. You luckily found your way to the front, staring up at the two men that were currently stretching.
One was unimpressionable; hair shaved short with tanned skin. He was shirtless showcasing his simple build. He wasn’t small but wasn’t big either, sculpted but not bulky? It was clear he wasn’t a seasoned fighter. But, as your eyes turned over to his opponent; the difference was all too clear.
Standing at an impressive six feet, cloaked in a tight black shirt and baggy white pants, bandages wrapped around his forearms. You watched as he cupped his hands together behind his back, stretching his arms and fuck, were they big. Or rather the man was big in general, enough so you pitied his opponent.
You watched as he rose his arms above his head this time, eyes zoning in on the way his shirt followed— revealing his toned stomach and the pretty blue trail that traveled down. Oh, how you wanted to see where it lead to.
“Huh!?” You gasped out of your daze, head snapping over to a woman that stood beside you. She had short black hair that illuminated her pale features perfectly, sharp dark eyes already staring at you. Her gloss stained lips curled once she had your attention, “I’m Makoto. I’m sorry for being late.”
You gave a nervous smile, “I—I don’t mind. I was just uh.. getting to know my surroundings.” The physical therapist nodded at you with a smile, eyes turning over to the ring as a small sigh escaped her.
“I’ve told Kashimo to stop entertaining these rookies.”
Makoto nodded with a soft hum, crossing her arms over her chest. “They always want to fight him for some reason, riling him up until he finally agrees to a spar. It’s ridiculous,” She mused, tapping a finger against her skin. “It’s clear whose going to win.”
You pressed your lips together, eyes turning back to the ring. To your surprise, Kashimo was standing upright while his opponent was in a fighting stance. Cocky.. Was what ran through your mind, eyes darting between the two men.
The man with a shaved head blew air from his mouth, springing towards Kashimo in a single step. Your eyes widened as you watched the cyan-haired man step out of the other’s way, bawling his fists. The sound of skin to skin contact was the only thing you could register, astonished by the pure speed of his fists, opponent trapped under the flurry of his hits. Makoto was right, he didn’t stand a chance; falling to the ring the moment the god of lightning was finished with him. The match couldn’t have been longer than five seconds.
“Kashimo, It was only supposed to be a spar— not a knockout!” Makoto called, softly complaining about unnecessary concussions. You watched as Kashimo’s bored expression fixed onto the physical therapist, a small snarl on his face. Makoto hissed at this, fussing at him not to glare at her.
He didn’t entertain her yelling long, eyes traveling away from her and fixing onto you. You didn’t hold his gaze long, or rather— you couldn’t, given its intensity. You simply turned to face Makoto waiting for her to get over her yelling so you could get started.
. . .
A few hours of work passed, the only major concern being Kashimo’s opponent and assuring he had no fractures or concussions from the match. Much to Makoto’s relief, he didn’t. Other than that you were observing and looking over charts, noticing the inconsistencies in Kashimo’s. Makoto then explained to you the man ignored injuries and she quite literally has to corner him to get him into her office. The mental image made you laugh softly.
Soon enough your shift was over, being informed you did well and to come at the same time tomorrow. It delighted you to hear such a thing. Exiting the building, you approached your car while searching for your keys in your bag, humming softly to yourself. Finally finding them, you pull them out; attention however, shifting over to the gym doors when they opened.
To your surprise Kashimo stepped out, holding a large duffel bag in his left hand while his right? Reached for the end of his shirt, lifting it up and using it to wipe his face. All under your gaze.
You felt ashamed staring at him in such a way, especially since he was technically your patient.
“You need somethin’, Miss [Name]?” His voice was muffled against the damp fabric, pulling his shirt down to reveal his sharp eyes starting at you. You jumped in surprise, nearly dropping your keys. “Oh, oh, no! No..” You breathed out, shakily pressing the button on them to unlock your car. To your horror the man gave you a small smirk;
“Safe travels then.”
“Mhm! You too!” The words escaped you meekly and far louder then you wished. Snatching the driver’s side door open, you entered the vehicle, barely even slamming the door closed before you turned the engine over. You quickly pulled out of that parking lot, attempting to forget the scene that just happened.
. . .
A soft sigh escaped you as you sat on your bed, leaning back to lay down, arms laying across your stomach. The sky was painted black, stars twinkling overhead with the moon rested aimlessly. It was getting late and you needed to get some sleep for tomorrow. You weren’t sure how work would be but you wanted to mentally prepare for the worst. However, you just.. didn’t want to sleep yet?
It was weird, really. You didn’t feel tired despite how nervous you were today. You almost felt proud of yourself.
“Still need to get some sleep though..” You mumbled to yourself, rolling over to your stomach. Pressing your face into your plush blankets for a moment, you mulled over how to force yourself to sleep. Milk, melatonin maybe? You don’t know if you had either. You spared two more minutes of thought before an idea entered your mind.
Masturbation. You were a genius.
You reached blindly for your phone while turning onto your back again, scooting up farther onto your bed as you opened the dreaded X app. Ignoring tweets from friends and celebrities you went straight to the search bar typing in something random. You just needed to get off once, it normally worked for you.
Using one hand to scroll, the other went down to your lower half, happy you previously discarded your pants as your fingers brushed across your thinly covered pussy. Warming yourself up, your fingers pressed against your covered clit, slowly rubbing it; feeling the gentle pleasure travel up your spine.
Fifteen minutes passed of this and your agitated scrolling, frustration building as nothing in particular caught your eye. Each video was either too short or too boring for something to use, or even some too much. This wasn’t supposed to be difficult anyhow. Just a quick session and then sleep. Yet, here you were; boredly scrolling.
You nearly settled for your imagination rather then a video until something caught your eye. Your thumb hovered over the video, eyes zoning in on it. It was simple, a male by himself, showcasing his lower half but nothing else. You saw the imprint of his dick through his sweats, strong hand gliding across it; teasing himself.
Pursing your lips, you clicked on the video, getting into a comfortable position. You watched as he delicately pulled the strings on his pants, watching the band loosen. His hips rose, hooking a thumb under the waistband to slowly tug down— not far, but far enough his length slowly came into view; popping out when his sweats rested on his thighs.
You sucked in a breath, watching his veined hand clasp around his pretty cock. He was pale, tip a soft red with precum spilling from the slit. He was also.. well, big; lengthy and thick— particularly around the base. You attempted to imagine it inside you, pussy pulsing at the thought of it splitting you open.
His thumb rolled on the crown of his length, collecting some precum before smoothing it down his shaft. To your surprise you heard a soft groan, feeling your stomach tighten from the sound. Most men on this annoying app were quiet in their videos, something you couldn’t stand. And while he wasn’t loud, it was loud enough your hand went straight under your panties, beginning to roll tight circles on your clit.
You moved in sync to how he fisted himself, his soft sighs and grunts escaping your phone’s speaker; envious you couldn’t hear such things right into your ear. You bit your lip as your legs shook, two fingers traveling down your slick slit to plunge inside you. Your hips rose, grinding your clit into your palm as your eyes focused on the man. You gasped out, watching as his pace quickened, hips rising to meet the thrusts of his hands.
His voice became ragged, pants desperate as he chased his release. And you, your own. You were so close, watching this stranger fuck himself. A pretty sight you couldn’t look away from.
“Oh, fuck..” Was what he hissed, nearly making your eyes roll back. You were there, right there, so close, until— you noticed something. Your eyes had unfortunately wandered from his cock to his stomach peeking out under his shirt, spotting something.
A soft tuft of cyan colored hair.
Your eyes widened for a moment, feeling your pleasure come crashing down as flashes of Kashimo in the ring and outside the building entered your mound. The way it lined below his navel so perfectly, it was all too familiar. “There’s no way..” You thought to yourself, attempting to rationalize it in your head. Kashimo Hajime, martial artist known as the god of lightning just didn’t seem like the type to do such a thing.
But then again, you knew nothing about him, so who were you to declare it wasn’t like him?
Such thoughts killed your lust filled high, pulling your hand out of your panties and quickly clicking out of the app. You turned on your side, phone rested face down on your blankets. Your eyes pinched close, attempting to calm your racing thoughts and think of solutions to this.
It was all pure coincidence. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe dying happy trails that particular color was some trend you didn’t hear about?
You seriously hoped it was.
. . .
Despite your many thoughts last night, you fell asleep shortly after that event. Though you did wake up and feel miserable, just imagining how nervous you’ll be facing Kashimo.
It’s probably not him.. right? You continued to try and convince yourself, closing your car door shut and beginning your trek over to the gym. Opening the doors and entering, you gave a brief smile to the receptionist that greeted you and made a beeline to Makoto’s office, reaching for the door.
Only for it to open, right in your face.
“[Name]! I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were there!” The physical therapist hissed softly, watching as you soothed the pain on your forehead. You only gave a small smile, shaking your head. “It’s okay. I wasn’t paying attention anyway.” The brief pain knocked Kashimo right from your thoughts, something you deeply appreciated and nearly thanked the reckless older woman for.
Makoto looked you over for a moment before sighing softly, nodding. “Alright, well. Set your things down. It’s not a lot to do today, but that could change.”
You gave a brief smile and nodded, entering her office. It was simple, resembling a hospital room with shelves lining the walls and a long black bed off against the wall. You placed your bag beside her own, turning around to spot Makoto at the door, talking to someone.
Moving closer you quickly realized it was Kashimo. His expression just like yesterday, bored with a snarl pointed towards the older woman— who was currently nagging, just like yesterday. You swallowed a breath, flashes of the previous night entering your mind, far too quick and vivid to ignore. It didn’t help that in the midst of her words his eyes traveled to you, causing you to still; wishing to fall through the floor right then and there.
The corner of his mouth twitched, “Don’t you have someone to mentor instead of wasting your time, naggin’?” Hajime questioned, finally releasing you from his gaze to stare back at Makoto. The physical therapist’s voice rose in pitch, Hajime turning on his heel and walking off much to her annoyance..
And your relief. You hoped he was too busy training to acknowledge you today.
Two hours passed with you following Makoto around, writing down a few notes on people’s charts and even tapping some people. They were nice and encouraged you even when your hands shook a little or you stumbled over your words. You really did like this job so far.
It was the afternoon now, Makoto letting you go on a thirty minute break. You entered the lounge room of the gym, hand clasped around the black container of food you had grabbed from your bag. Approaching the microwave, you opened it open and slid the container inside— shutting the door and pressing a random time. You leaned against the counter, scrolling through your phone for a moment before an idea creeped into your mind.
Assuring no one else was in the room, you clicked onto the app you used last night, going to your previous search and beginning to scroll. It took about five minutes before you finally reached where you wanted; the video you watched last night. Taking your food from the microwave, you clicked onto the account of the video, waltzing over to a chair and sitting down.
You attempted to rationalize looking at porn — or rather a porn account at work. It’s not like you were actively watching the videos, or touching yourself; you were simply searching for something, anything that signified this wasn’t Kashimo’s account.
But, you weren’t given much. Firstly, the account’s icon and header was blank while the bio was empty too. Despite this, it had quite a few tweets and followers, highlighting this account was quite popular. You bit the inside of your cheek once again, looking around you for a moment before clicking on the media section of the page. You scrolled, leaning your cheek into your palm. Most of it was solo stuff, showcasing his lower half and never his face. Your heart thumped however; when you noticed the spiky, cyan colored hair that rested behind him in a certain video. You bit the inside of your cheek, jumping when the lounge room door opened.
To your horror, Kashimo entered— giving you a brief glance before walking over to the fridge in the room. His hand reached for something, snatching it from the fridge and rising to shut the door, moving over to the microwave. While opening the door and placing his food inside, you watched his other hand fish his phone from his sweats.
And that’s when a idea popped into your head. A very, very stupid one. Your face turned back to your phone screen, biting your lip. You were still trying to convince yourself this wasn’t him, this was just some random man you’ve never met before.
And so, if you were to like a tweet of his where— your name was completely visible, you were sure he wouldn’t react at all. Your plan seemed solid, ignoring the nagging feeling in the back of your mind.
Taking a shaky breath, your thumb pressed against the hollow heart of a random tweet, slowly placing your phone back onto the table. Maybe.. maybe you were imagining it but, you could have sworn you heard the soft buzz of a phone.
One that wasn’t yours.
Fear shot up your spine, head moving slowly to the side, eyes traveling to the only other person in the room.
Who was already staring at you, cradling his black cased phone.
Your eyes locked, watching as a grin pulled his features. It was him, oh it was definitely him. Your eyes widened as the realization set in, quickly turning forward to snatch your phone and food from the table, getting up on shaky legs and heading towards the door.
“Not hungry, [Name]?” His tone was mocking, far too teasing for you to ignore. You didn’t even spare him a glance as you quickly shook your head, snatching the door open and exiting the lounge.
The realization of the situation finally dawned on you as you sped over to Makoto’s office, nearly crushing your container of food in your hand.
You had found Kashimo Hajime’s twitter, his.. special twitter. And he knew, you knew it was him.
. . .
About three weeks had passed since that fateful day. You were, surprisingly— okay. The day after it happened Kashimo seemed normal, not ignoring you but focused on his training. You remained on edge for the rest of the week expecting something. Maybe a big blow out or a private conversation, but you got neither.
And if you weren’t sure if you were happy, or upset by that. Either way, three weeks went by with radio silence and you growing accustomed to your job.
It was about forty minutes until you would clock out, seated at Makoto’s desk and flipping through papers. Your eyes scanned the page, assuring each chart was up to date and nothing was out of order. Luckily no one has gotten injured majorly these last few weeks, but the necessary procedures had to be done.
You heard movement beside you, eyes drifting away from the stack for a moment to spot your boss grabbing her things and placing them into her bag. Noticing your stare, she turned with an apologetic smile— “Sorry, [Name]! My daughter needs to get picked up. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nodded at her with a smile, glancing at the clock. You would have been nervous to be left alone, but it was only thirty minutes. And once you clocked out anyone that stayed back for training were on their own.
The door closed behind Makoto as she exited the office, your head turning to focus back on the papers. You hummed softly to yourself, pressing your cheek into your palm as you scribbled something on a page, flipping to the next.
Several minutes passed with this continuous routine, eyes finally shifting away from the work over to your phone. Five minutes until your shift was over. With that, you stood, collecting the papers into a neat stack before placing it back into its manila folder; placing that into your tote bag. You glanced around the area, assuring you weren’t leaving anything behind before grabbing your bag, pulling it onto your shoulder. Turning on your heel, you approached the door and opened it; letting out a soft startled noise.
“Oh, I was expecting Makoto..” Kashimo spoke, leaning against the doorframe. He was dressed in his usual attire; a black tight shirt with white sweatpants. His dark eyes traced over your form, tilting his head at you. You attempted to ignore the way his lips twitched a bit, as if holding something back.
You quickly cleared your throat, “Did you.. uh— need her for something? She left early is all.”
Kashimo hummed softly, “No..I think you’ll do.”
“Think you could get the kink out my arm? I must have.. punched the bag wrong.” Kashimo claimed, smiling down at you. You withtook a breath, clenching the strap of your bag tightly. He was lying, and he knew he was lying too. Kashimo Hajime, punching the bag wrong? You could almost laugh at the thought.
And that smile? Oh— it was far from genuine, far from pure. Every alarm in your head rung, warning you to refuse and leave. Yet, you didn’t listen to a single one. Your body instead turned, waltzing over to the desk and setting your things down. “You can sit on the bed. I’ll take a look at your arm.”
The words barely escaped you before the deafening sound of the door closed behind him, a soft thanks, escaping him as he sat down. You felt his eyes on your every move, watching as you approached the sink and began to wash your hands— shakily, you might add. You spent extra time there, afraid to face the man.
Soon enough, however, you grabbed a paper towel from beside you; drying your hands and turning the faucet off. Tossing the soiled towel in the trash, you turned and walked over to him. “Wh—which arm?” You questioned softly, watching as he lifted his right one. You nibbled on your cheek, gently grabbing his bicep, thumbs pressing against the muscle carefully.
“If it starts to hurt, tell me..” You murmured softly, room back to being silent. This was stupid really; you making such a show of things. You knew he wasn’t hurt, shown in the way he reacted little with each squeeze you gave him; even pressing harder to see if he would react.
Like you suspected, Kashimo didn’t react at all.
“I wonder..” You blinked as his words interrupted your jumbled thoughts, blinking over to him. He was already staring at you, a small smirk pulling his lips. One that caused your stomach to drop. One that he wore in the lounge room that day. “—when you connected the dots, when you found out it was me.. did still watch me?”
You breathed softly, releasing his arm. “I’m… I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean.” You played at acting dumb, a useless facade he didn’t fall for at all. Instead, Kashimo chuckled softly, turning to glance away from you.
“Oh, don’t play dumb sweetheart. You know I’m asking if you fucked yourself to my videos.” His tone was harsh, eyes turning back to you; gaze intense. You swallowed heavily, watching him slowly lift himself off the bed. You stepped back, murmuring as he met your step, backing you against the cabinets. “Bet you wished it was my cock instead of your fingers; splitting you open, fucking you until your nothing but a crying mess.”
“Kashimo..” You spoke softly, rising your hands and placing them at his waist. You needed space, air— you felt like you would suffocate with his large form covering; with his smell swarming your senses. You gasped softly as his lips moved to your ear, cool breath tickling your skin. “Please..”
“Haven’t even touched you and you’re already beggin’ for me.” His words were mocking, a breathy chuckle escaping him shortly after. “Go on.. tell me what you want, [Name].”
You could nearly moan at the way your name fell from his lips, eyes pinched closed as your hands crumbled his shirt in a tight grip. You struggled for a moment to form words, eyes pinned to the floor to avoid his gaze. Unfortunately for you, this was one of the few times Kashimo was ever patient; hands seated perfectly on the porcelain cabinets, refusing to touch you until you answer his question.
Finally, after what seemed like moments you glanced up at him, rising to lock your lips with his own. You, please. Was what you whimpered into his mouth, feeling him react immediately. A hand rose to wrap around your neck, the other coming to the underside of your thigh. Kashimo’s clenched around your throat a little, driving his tongue into your mouth and marking it as his own. You whined softly at this, gripping his shirt so much the fear of ripping it entered your mind briefly. The heavy makeout continued only his hand dropped from your neck, grasping your either thigh and lifting you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, feeling him walk backwards until he sat on the bed.
Your pussy rested just above his crotch, feeling his hardening length through the fabric of your stockings and his sweats. Your arms wrapped around his neck, murmuring against his lips as you slowly ground against him. To your dismay; the man rose his hand, slamming his palm against your ass— the sting causing you to jump, pulling back as a whine escaped your throat. “Kashimo—!” You hissed softly, glaring at the man who grinned back at you.
His fingers soothed the path, rubbing slowly circles into your covered skin, gripping every once in a while. “I suggest you fix your face or you won’t be coming at all tonight.” Kashimo breathed, slapping the same cheek once again. You lurched forward, gripping him so harshly as a soft cry escaped you. “Gonna take my time with you.. explore every inch of you under these clothes,” He hummed softly, hand reaching under your black dress, running his fingers across your thinly covered ass.
“— and i’m not gonna rush just cause your slutty pussy is desperate for my attention.”
“Kashimo…” You whined softly, pleading with your eyes. The man only smiled at you, a sinister smile; highlighting how much he enjoyed toying with you.
“It’s Hajime, princess.” The martial artist corrected, leaning to place wet kisses against your cheeks and neck. You moaned softly, feeling his fingers curl under your dress, slowly pulling it up your body. You moved uncomfortably as the cool air hit your bare skin, feeling him reach behind you; fiddling with your bra for a moment. Once he had unclipped the undergarment he tossed it aside with your dress, pulling back to glance at your exposed chest. You grew nervous under his gaze, having half a mind to cover yourself. Only, he didn’t give you enough time to do so before his large hands grabbed the soft mounds, leaning down to suck a kiss on your collarbone.
His thumbs pressed against your slowly hardening nipple, nicking your skin with his canines. You breathed softly at this, hands rising to curl your fingers into his hair, gasping as you felt his kisses lower; soft lips grazing your areola before he opened his mouth— wrapping his lips around your nipple. The unfamiliar feeling caused you to gasp, eyes pinched closed as you felt him began to suck; gently grazing his teeth across your heated skin while his tongue slid across your pretty bud. Hajime’s other hand was busy playing with your unattended breast, groping and rolling your nipple between his fingers.
Your moans grew, rising your chest into his face more; chasing after the pleasure he was giving, searching for more. All he was doing was sucking your breasts and yet, your pussy was clenching around nothing— feeling as if you were an inch away from release. You gasped out as he gently clamped down on your nipple, rolling the tender bud to hear you squeal. The ministrations continued as a hand traveled down your body, tracing the stretch marks that lined your skin— rubbing across your rolls before his fingers collected your stockings; pulling them down your body with such force they began to rip.
“Ha—hajime, they’re ripping.” You whimpered softly, words ignored as he snatched the rest of the ruined fabric from your body, tossing it to the forming pile. Your breath hitched as his hand traveled between your legs, two fingers gliding across your covered slit, feeling the wet spot forming on your panties. A soft swear escaped you as he pushed down, pressing against your clit, slowing rolling circles against it.
The added pleasure caused you to lean your head back, eyes pinched close as the feeling consumed your body. This was wrong, more than wrong actually. He was a patient and this was your boss’s office, the bed used by several others when being checked on. Yet here the two of you were, dirtying it with your own selfish desires. You should be embarrassed, maybe even ashamed.
Maybe you would feel so after he was done with you.
A soft pop escaped him as he rose away from your chest, the pretty mounds now tainted with his saliva. His eyes carried down your form, enjoying the sight; your hips moving at an attempt to find more friction in his hand, biting your bottom lip to cover the soft, pretty breaths threatening to escape your throat. Hajime hated himself for waiting to touch you like this.. to make you his. His eyelids lowered as he leaned close, pressing hot kisses against your skin again. “Using my hand to get off, huh? How pathetic..”
In any other situation you would have been offended by his choice of words, but now? It only caused you to moan softly, hips moving fast against his hand— feeling Hajime’s lips move over to your throat. You gripped him as you felt yourself grow more and more aroused, a band forming that was ready to break. Your moans grew louder as you got closer, digging your fingers into his shoulders before your eyes widened; feeling him move his hand away from between your legs.
The band slowly faded, high slipping through your fingers. You nearly sobbed— his name exiting you in a soft whine as the man did nothing but grin down at you. Hajime’s hands traveled up your form, soon tenderly wrapping his fingers around your neck, leaning close.
“Quit whinin’..” He cooed, stamping a kiss against your skin. You gasped as you felt his hood tighten a bit, hand drifting right back between your legs, breaching your panties. Without much warning he curled two fingers inside you, feeling your wet walls clench his thick digits. You swore softly, feeling his fingers reach much deeper then your own could; stretching you out and working you open.
Your pussy began to squelch with each thrust of the digits inside you, thumb rising to push against your engorged clit; hand continuing to hold you steady by the throat. Hajime enjoyed the way your pretty broken moans escaped your throat, voice vibrating against his palm. He curled his fingers once more, watching the way you jumped, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “Can’t believe I’m fucking you dumb just from my fingers..” The words came out in an astonished coo, cock twitching under the confinements of his sweats and pants. Oh he couldn’t wait.. wait to see the way you fell apart as he split you open with his length.
But he needed to be patient. Needed to warm you up properly before completely ruining you.
So the pace of his fingers quickened, sounds of your messy pussy surrounding the room; acting as background noise for the high-pitched moans that escaped you. Your hips met each thrust, gripping his wrist to ground yourself. Your thighs squeezed his forearm, head knocking back as you came all over his hand. The man’s fingers soon slowed to a complete stop, withdrawing them from your wetness.
You barely registered him sticking his fingers into his mouth, sucking your mess off them. Once they were clean he leaned forward, kissing you softly— allowing you to taste yourself. So dirty..
Your lips moved slow, his thumb tracing your throat as a soft praise pushed from his lips. Soon enough you felt his hips rise, pressing his clothed cock against your wetness, grinding slowly. Even if you were still sensitive from just a few moments ago, you wanted, no, needed him desperately. So much so it nearly physically hurt.
Hajime rose, switching your positions to slowly lay you out on the bed, pushing you up higher. You whined as he body left you for a second, the sound quickly dying down when you noticed him unclothing. First was his shirt, revealing his sculpted torso and that damned happy trail. The man smirked at you as he tossed his shirt to the side, reaching for his bottoms next. Pushing them down, you watched as his length was revealed. To have it right infront of you rather then on a screen, well.. your phone didn’t do him justice at all.
“‘S not gonna fit.” You mused softly, eyes snapping back to his face, nervous. Hajime almost felt prideful from your words if it wasn’t for your tone of voice. He leaned close, pressing a kiss to your chin. “I’ll make it fit.” He mumbled, pushing close against you, grabbing his cock with one hand while the other grasped your thigh. Rubbing the tip across your slit, he smoothed your juices down his shaft, biting the inside of his cheek. Slowly, he pushed inside you, watching the way your eyebrows twitched, how your legs began to close.
A pained sigh escaped you, Hajime smoothing his hand up and down your heated skin. “Taking me so well, baby.. Just relax.” He spoke softly, hissing when he felt your walls clench from the praise. Soon enough his hips stilled the moment he pushed all the way inside, grasping the underside of your thighs— eyes closed. It took everything not to fuck you into the bed right then and there, feeling the way you carefully moved to adjust yourself; but each clench caused his resolve to wither away more and more.
Moments passed before Hajime opened his eyes, glancing down at you and searching for any sign of pain. When he realized there was none, he experimentally pulled his hips back so only his tip was inside, pushing back in— watching in delight at the way your mouth fell open in a ring O.
Nothing else held the martial artist, soft ruts quickly changing into slams. His cock bullied it’s way inside you, filling you completely. Your legs shook in his hold, gripping the fabric underneath you as broken moans escaped you. Hajime was knocking the wind out of you; pushing your legs up higher so that your knees were touching your chest. The stretch was uncomfortable for a moment, something you would surely feel in the morning— but you didn’t care. The pleasure this man was giving you overshadowed it all.
Your walls clenched him with each drag of his hips, his dark eyes captivated by the way you hugged him so tightly. “Wanted me so fucking bad, didn’t you, princess?“ Hajime hissed, grinning as he watched your eyes attempt to focus on him. The man chuckled softly to himself, leaning over you, trapping you under his body. “Oh, you don’t have to answer sweetheart— I already know the truth.”
The man was drilling into you at this point, tip kissing your g-spot as shameless cries escaped you. Tears treaded down your warm cheeks, grasping his arms for stability. Your breaths were hurried, stomach clenching as you felt yourself get closer and closer. “H—haji.. Fuck, I’m so close!”
He relished under the nickname, slamming you into the bed as he planted hot kisses against your skin. “Go on, then. Make a mess on my cock, sweet girl.” With his permission you came, gushing around him; arousal dripping down his length to the floor. You trembled from the feeling, gasping once you realized he hadn’t stopped moving. So sensitive you were, crying out to him as you reached to grip his arm.
“I—I cant, Haji—!”
“You can..“ The man corrected, angling his hips to push deeper inside you. “Waited so long to fuck you like this, to watch you go dumb on my cock— ‘M not stopping until I repay you for those three weeks.”
And he wasn’t lying either. It was almost felt like hours passed with him putting you into different positions, driving you deeper and deeper into the bed to the point it began to creak. By now you could barely speak, could barely form a sound other then a jumbled babble of his name and a soft gasp.
In the midst of it all you were suddenly pushed against the wall, thighs wrapped around his form as he shoved himself into you; a spark of pain washing over you each time he brushed your cervix— pain that melted away rather quickly.
From the way his hips stuttered you knew he was close, his face pushed into your neck as he gripped your skin harshly. Skin on skin contact filled the room, desperate sounds of pleasure following until Hajime swore; spilling into you. The warmth alone pushed you over the edge, cumming for the upteenth time that night— walls milking his cock.
The man’s hips finally came to a halt, breathing heavily as he simply held you there up against the wall. After a few moments he walked backwards, sitting on the bed; the two of you groaning in sensitivity. He pulled your hot body against his own, cradling your lower back with his fingers tracing the dimples there.
The room was silent as the two of you caught your breath, simply enjoying holding the other.
Soon enough the man pulled back, continuing to smooth his hands across your skin. “You’ll probably have to call in sick tomorrow.” Hajime murmured, grinning at the soft chuckle that escaped you.
“Yeah.. you’re probably right.”
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madzlang · 9 months
OOOOO I GOT SUM (completely optional -- I just saw ur request post on my feed 🤪) I'm thinking ...Simon 'ghost' Riley x wife! Reader SFW / Fluff -- where both reader and Simon got twin boys in their toddler years and no one in the 141 knows about it(hell they didn't know he was even married or the fact he has kids)
both reader and Simon have known each other for years (since they were kids) and one day soap decided he wanted to pay his LT a visit along with Gaz after finding out that his LT most likely (although not true) lives in a cabin by himself as a hideout until he has to go back on missions ....thoooo they ended up finding a large house with one of the twins peeking at the window which spiraled into reader finally meeting soap and gaz . . . . Simon is not very happy about it though and just wants to spend time with his wife 🤣
Anyways that's it and I hope ur night/day is going great 🩷
thank youu so much lovely ♥️♥️ hope your day/night is going great too and I hope this is okayy
Always and Forever
simon riley x fem!reader
warnings: nothing really, Simon being possessive?
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Simon’s face buried into his wife’s neck as she cooked pancakes for their two sons who were playing in the living room.
He hummed into her neck, his large hands gripping her waist.
“Wanna go get Romeo and Sebby, please?” She asked softly, putting the two pancakes on two plates along with a few cut up berries each.
He shook his head, inhaling her scent and pressing short kisses on her neck.
“Simon.. please.” She breathed out. “The boys need to eat.”
He grumbled into her neck before hesitantly moving away and walking towards their living room, furrowing his brows as he saw his two boys looking out the window.
One of their sons turned around after hearing his father’s footsteps, a grin on his tiny face. “Spiky.” He giggled out, his blond hair messy.
“What’re you talking about Seb?” Simon asked, walking towards his boys and kneeling down behind them, looking out the window, his eyes widening and face dropping at the sight of Gaz and Soap, both of which were standing on the sidewalk, grinning at the toddlers who were waving to them, fascinated by Soap’s spiky hair.
Simon saw both men’s eyes look up at him through the window, their faces showing the same amount of fascination at the two, 2 year olds.
Soap grinned and immediately started walking up their driveway and towards their front door, Gaz following close behind.
“What’s taking so long, Si-?” She got cut off by the doorbell ringing as she walked into the living room. One of their sons ran up to her holding his arms out for her to pick him up, which she did. “Who’s at the door, Si?” She asked as he went to open the door, their other son in his arms.
He just groaned, shook his head, and opened the door, revealing Soap standing there, a smug grin on his face.
“Hey, L.T.” He grinned, Gaz standing behind him, with a small smile on his face. “Who’s this, eh?” He asked, nodding at the small boy in Simon’s arms, who was wiggling around, trying to touch Soap’s hair.
Simon groaned quietly, holding his son back. “This is Sebastian.” He grumbled.
“Si? Who is it?” His wife asked softly as she walked up to stand next to him, their other son in her arms still.
Soap’s gaze moved over to her, his eyes trailing up and down her body.
“I think the question is, who are you?” He asked, grinning.
She smiled back, bouncing one of their sons. “Hi, I’m-.”
Simon cut her off, seeing the look in Soap’s eyes. “She’s my wife.” He said lowly, glaring at Soap.
Soap raised his brows and looked at the other young boy. “And this is?”
“Romeo.” She answered softly.
Soap nodded grinning at her before Gaz spoke up from behind him.
“I’m Kyle.” He said, holding his hand out to shake hers, his eyes glancing at Simon. “We work with.. Simon.”
She raised her brows, shaking his hand.
“I’m Johnny.” Soap said, grinning at her, also holding his hand out.
“Hey. Si talks about you both lots.” She greeted them, not noticing the hostile look on her husband’s face as he continued bouncing Sebastian.
“Would you both like to come in? We have coffee or tea for you.” She spoke softly as Romeo played with her hair, tugging on it slightly.
“We’d love to.” Soap said, grinning as she stepped out of the way to let them into their home.
“Really?” Simon grumbled into her ear, his dark eyes looking into hers.
“You work with them, Si, the least we can do is invite them in. And they seem nice.” She said quietly, handing Romeo to him.
He shook his head, grumbling to himself as he held the two, 2 year olds in his arms.
“Hope you both don’t mind about me having to feed the boys first.” She said as she walked into the kitchen. “Feel free to sit down.”
They followed as she said, both of them looking around the house and at the walls, seeing the many pictures of their family and colourful drawings from the young boys.
“Not a problem.” Gaz said, looking at a picture from their wedding, staring at the unfamiliar smile and look of adoration on his Lieutenant’s face.
Simon came walking in, the two boys in his arms.
“Almost done with their breakfast, love?” He asked, leaning against the counter as he bounced both boys who played with each others hands and hair.
“Mhm.” She nodded, cutting up their pancakes on the small, colourful plates.
She put the plates on the table, sitting down in a chair and taking Sebastian off of Simon and sitting him on her lap, to assist him with eating.
Simon did the same, sitting next to his wife and across from Soap and Gaz.
“So, how long have you two been married?” Gaz asked after a few minutes of silence, apart from the two boys chewing loudly.
“Uhm, around 6 years, right, Si?” She asked him, looking up at him, her arms around one of her son’s torso.
“That’s right.” He said gruffly, one huge arm around the his young son’s body.
She looked at his face and could tell he was annoyed, her brows furrowing as she made a mental note to ask him about it later.
After a few minutes of casual small talk, Sebastian started wiggling around again.
“You okay, sweetie?” She asked her son as he reached his hands out towards Soap.
“Spiky.” He whined, gripping the table with his tiny fingers.
She laughed softly, rubbing his tummy. “You want to touch his spiky hair, huh?”
The young boy nodded enthusiastically, making grabby hands towards Soap.
“You okay with that?” She asked the man, looking up at him.
“No problem. Little laddie can touch my hair all he wants.” He grinned, leaning down so Sebastian could touch his Mohawk.
Romeo then started whining too about wanting to touch his hair because his brother got to.
She looked at Simon expectantly, making his grumble and release his grip on his son slightly so he could lean forward and touch Soap’s hair.
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“Hey, you okay, Si?” She asked as he washed the dishes later that night as Gaz and Soap had finally left and the two young boys finally went to bed.
“Hm? Why wouldn’t I be, love?” He asked, turning around and wrapping his arms around her waist.
“You weren’t yourself today.” Her tone was soft as her hands raised up and ran through his messy blond hair.
He shrugged his shoulders, looking down. “‘M fine.”
“Si, don’t lie to me. Tell me what’s up. Why weren’t you yourself today? Was it because of Johnny and Kyle?” She asked, stroking his cheekbone with her thumb.
His face pushed into her palm, his eyes fluttering shut. “Just want to keep you to myself, lovie.”
That was a good thing about their relationship, they always communicated and even if they tried, they could never lie to the other.
“What do you mean, Si?” She asked, her brows furrowed.
He sighed, his dark eyes opening and looking down at her. “I just- I want you and the boys seperate from my work. When I come home from being away for work, I want to come home, not somewhere where we’re talking about work. And that includes people from work. Just want to spend time with my family. I’ve spent far too long with all of them for a lifetime.” He spoke lowly, leaning down and nuzzling his nose against hers.
She closed her eyes, smiling as he spoke and his words make her heart flutter. “Love you, Si. Love you so much.” She mumbled, brushing her lips against his.
“Love you too, sweetheart. Always and forever.” He mumbled back, pressing his lips to hers, sealing their everlasting love with a kiss.
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northoftheroad · 2 years
Ten-ish panels to sum up Dick Grayson
@roma107 challenged me some time back: “10 Nightwing Panels That Perfectly Sum Up His Character. Your turn. Go.” It’s been hard to even get close, and in the end I couldn't quite keep it to ten panels... But, enjoy disagreeing with me all the same. 😉
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1. Robin vol 2 # 13 (1995)
Dick has issues with Bruce – they have had occasional problems with communication since the early 1940s – but he is loyal to a fault.
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2. Teen Titans vol 3 # 6 (2004)
Just about every one of DC’s heroes respects, trusts and is prepared to listen to Dick. Obviously, that's not because he's a nice guy – which he is, don't get me wrong – or because he puts in the work with relationships – which he does. That may make people like you, but it's not enough to get them to follow you into battle...
No, that's because he's smart, professional and competent. As you see here, he can also be intense and knows how to make a dramatic entrance...
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3. World's Finest Comics vol 1 # 200 (1971)
Dick is (often, but not always) ready with a smile and a joke. He loved being Robin as a kid, he wanted to do it forever (see, for instance, Nightwing vol 2 # 75). As Batman after Final Crisis, he smiled enough to convince Two-Face it wasn't the old Batman.
To what extent Dick jokes because he's in a good mood, he’s trying to keep his spirits up or he wants to annoy criminals enough to gaude them into sloppy mistakes – it varies between creators and Dick’s mood at the time😉
However, there have certainly been periods when Dick has not put on his best behaviour. He snaps at Alfred, he's unpleasant to close friends in the Titans, etc. I'd argue this is a sign he's not in a good place, mentally. Most of the panels of short fuse/asshole Dick Grayson you will find floating around are either from when he was leading The Outsiders (vol 3), and was struggling after the death of Donna Troy. Or from the almost five years' worth of New Teen Titans comics where his behaviour is influenced by being tortured and brainwashed by Brother Blood (New Teen Titans vol 1 # 22, August 1982, to New Teen Titans # 31, May 1987).
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Alternate panel: Teen Titans vol 2 # 12 (1997)
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4. Battle for the Cowl # 3 (2009)
Dick is prepared to change. Whether it's about a new mantle, getting a new job to pay the bills, or moving to a new city.
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5. The New Teen Titans vol 2 # 6 (1985)
Dick might drop everything when somebody asks for help, and he is open to asking for help and working with teams better than Batman. But he does have his own set of control issues. He wants to have a job instead of living on Bruce’s money; he wants to know how to cook etc so he can take care of himself. You could argue it's a response to being orphaned and losing his home at a young age, and then having several episodes when he doesn't feel secure about his place with Bruce Wayne (see, for instance Robin Year One, Batman plays a lone hand in Batman vol 1 # 13, Partner to Batman in Batman vol 1 # 65)
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6. Action comics weekly # 613 (1988)
Dick is uncomfortable with casual relationships/sex. When he had a fling with Huntress (Nightwing/Huntress, 1988–1989), he tried to start a relationship. It took him a long time to accept that he could live with Kory after she had gone through with a marriage of state on her home planet, and he felt strange living with her because they weren't married (see NTT vol 2 #48).
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7. Detective Comics vol 1 # 881 (2011)
Dick is a nice guy who chooses to be kind, optimistic and to give people the benefit of a doubt – but he's still sneaky and definitely not stupid.
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8. Titans vol 1 # 3 (1999)
Yes, Dick jokes a lot, and he enjoys hanging out with his friends. But he's also a workaholic and holds himself to a very high standard.
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Alternate panel: New Teen Titans vol 1 # 29 (1983)
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9. Nightwing vol 4 # 41 (2018)
He has a tendency to self-blame - and he is also very stubborn! Presumably, the tendency to feel guilty over things outside his control is partly survivor's guilt, but also related to the very high standards he holds himself to, and the very high expectations others have on him. And, I would argue, this tendency is a reason he sometimes lets friends an family punish him without fighting back.
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Bonus panel: sometimes, he can admit he has a problem with self-blame. The New Titans vol 1 # 57 (1989)
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10. Nightwing vol 3 # 29 (2014)
He wants to be a safety net for everyone. That's a good summary of Nightwing as a character, in my opinion.
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And... Nightwing vol 4 # 43 (2018)
Bonus. This one-shot is a good Nightwing story, but very unfair on Roy Harper/Arsenal. It touches on several things – how Dick is always ready to help, that he does not want to be like Batman, his tendency to blame himself...
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milkmily · 2 months
Hey I love your Nancy fics!!! Could you please write a short fic of reader and Nancy cuddling and just being cute and soft 🥺
I hope you're having an amazing day <3
Missed You [Nancy]
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Sum: After being away from Hawkins for 6 months, you finally come back to your girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler.
A/n: thank you sm!! And yes of course i can! Sorry it's so short :( also sorry it took me a while as well I hope you like it! Also a reminder I have a second account in where i post about Balders Gate 3 :) it's @teaffrogy
Nancy Wheeler X Fem! Reader
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California was fun!
You get to go to a lot of places with your family. Meet up with your cousins, aunts, and uncles. Yet, you still miss being in Hawkins. You grew up in Hawkins your whole life.
The only reason why you are in California is because your mom wanted to come to meet up with your family. At first it was going to be a month, then it went to two, the three, and finally six months! You love your family, really, but you also miss your friends and your girlfriend.
Nancy Wheeler. She's the most beautiful girl you have ever been with. Her touch just has you melting in her hands like pudding. You send her letters, polaroid pictures of California, and of course, yourself. She sends them back, and you are more than happy to see Polaroid pictures of her. But God, you just miss her so much. You wanted more than anything then, so see her again.
“You got a latter [Name]!” Your mom yells from downstairs. You hurry down and grab the letter from your mom. “Thank you.” You say and open it, a picture of her and Mike. You smiled and read the letter.
“Oh yeah and pack your things we are leaving.” your mom says as she holds out a luggage.
“What?” You turn to look at your mom. “We are going back to Hawkins. Go and pack!” You drop the letter on the table and hurry back to your room.
Nancy looks at a picture of you. She smiles at it and places it back on her mirror. She really missed you. Even if it was for vacation, it was too long for her. She sighs and stands up from her vanity and turns on her radio. Today was her day off from work, but there was nothing to do, really. Usually, on her days off, you two would go out to the mall, but that mall doesn't exist anymore. She lays on her bed and hugs a pillow.
She wondered if they would put one back up again soon. She really missed shopping with you. But mostly you. She groans and looks up at the ceiling.
“Nancy! Come down stairs!” She hears Mike yell. She gets up and runs down stairs. “What?” She says and Mike points at The door. She nods And Mike's goes to his room. Nancy opens the door and is met with flowers to her face. “What the-”
“Hi.” She knows that voice. She moves the flowers away, and it's you! “Oh my god!” She brings you into a tight hug, almost dropping the flowers. She then cups your face “God's! How did you get here? How are you?” She asks. You smile at her and say, “Well, I got here by car. Second, I am okay.” You say, and Nancy smiles. “Let's go to my room. I just wanna smother you with kisses.”
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Your mom let you spend the day at Nancy's. Nancy's mom said that it was alright as well and made you so many snacks and meals for you two. She just loved seeing her Nancy back with so much energy again.
“So, how was California?” Nancy asks as she eats the beaked cookies her mom made. “It was, eh? I mean, I like it there. It's just that I grew up here and well, I missed you. “ You say as you take a bite of the cookie. She smiles and brings you in tk a hug. You hug her back tightly and bury your face in her neck. “I missed you so much.” You say as you two lay down on the bed. “I missed you too.” She says as she kisses your forehead. “I missed your hair.” Nancy says as she runs her fingers through it. “I missed your ears.” She says as her hand then goes to Your ears.
You were starting to blush. “I missed how I could hold your face.” She says as she cups your face and presses her forehead on to yours. “I missed your kisses.” She whispers as she presses her lips on to yours, and you kiss her back. Every time you kissed her, it felt like the first time you kissed her. You two pull away, and Nancy kisses your nose. “I missed all of you.” She whispers.
“I missed you too. I missed all of you. I missed your touch I missed your laugh and the dumb gossipe that happens at work, I miss you having me pick your outfits and then you pick the other I said not to wear, I missed how you smell, I missed your currly hair, I missed your hands, I missed everything about you and you.” You say, and Nancy smiles. She holds you close to her. “I want us to stay like this forever.” She says.
“Me too.”
“Nancy I have a question.” You say as you play with her hair. “Yes?”
“Would you still love me if I was a warm.” You say, and Nancy nods. “Yes I would, I'd take good care of you as well.” She says and kisses your cheek, making you giggle.
“What if you kissed Me as a warm-”
“Ew no. [Name], that's gross.” She says, and you laugh. You two hold each other, feeling warm and in love. "Can I stay here for another day?" You ask. "Stay here forever." She whispers.
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I’m Going To Defend A Headcanon
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More specifically, a headcanon that literally no one has criticized or judged me for. To be honest, I just want to delve further into it. 
So, there was a post I made a while ago about the other riders getting to know the twins better by observing their quirks and such, and I included a personal HC where Tuffnut has ADHD while Ruffnut is on the autistic spectrum. I think it’s fitting that the two closest people in the whole franchise are both neurodivergent, but with different types. As someone who’s neurodivergent herself, it’s the greatest sense of irony. 
But while they both get easily distracted or hyper, Tuffnut seems to struggle more with paying attention and remembering things, especially plans. Ruffnut, on the other hand, tends to exhibit her emotions differently from the rest of the characters, even her twin. I found this GIF above to be a good example, where she’s happy Heather is here, but doesn’t register the tension in the air as she welcomes her back in a way that can be interpreted as threatening. Hand on the wall and face up close, like she may have difficulty with personal space. 
Tuffnut is probably the most physically expressive character, if not second to Snotlout (the drama king we all love). He literally communicates with his body as much as he talks with his mouth, his hands move constantly and he likes to pace a lot when he has an idea. Speaking of ideas, he shows an impulse to share his own before they’re fleshed out, which while it adds to the comedy, also gives us insight that he has a hard time thinking things through when he’s excited. 
And Ruffnut has sensory issues, you can’t convince me otherwise. She stims with her braids by tugging on them or stroking them, and she’s been shown to enjoy pain more than Tuffnut, which may elude to harmful stimming. And even though she’s claimed to be allergic to fish, I don’t really believe her. I think that because sensory issues weren’t ever commonly discussed or studied in the era of the movies, her reaction to the texture could’ve been summed up as just a food allergy. Because, come on, if Ruffnut was actually allergic to seafood like fish on an island whose main agricultural resource is fish, uhhhh she’d be dead. Coincidentally, she admitted to not liking the idea of chewing her own food when she was twelve. It has to be a texture issue. 
This post is nothing short of a mess, but I had to type out these thoughts somewhere. If there’s anything else I didn’t mention, I’m totally open to hearing others’ opinions on this. The twins are just super interesting to me, is all.
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hermionegalathynius · 2 years
Sweet Sixteen (2/11)
Second chapter, lets go!
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: not any that I can think of.
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The library was even quieter on Saturdays. 
  Y/n suspected it was because no one ever felt like doing school work on the weekends, even though it was statistically the most efficient time to get stuff done. That was why she was getting stuff done. The past week had been... busy, to say the least. She had five essays due on Monday, two of which had to be a maximum of ten inches. Along with that she also had to draw up two charts for Astronomy and learn how to do Expelliarmus non-verbally by Tuesday. It was a lot, but she was used to it. In fact, she welcomed it. Academics had always been her strong point, and she intended to keep it that way.
  "How would you describe Golpalotte's Third Law?" she mused to Remus, her usual study partner when he wasn't off galavanting with his friends.
  He looked up from his own Potions paper, brown hair unusually messy from running his hands through it, "Well, Golpalotte said that the antidote to a blended poison isn't simply the antidotes to all the separate poisons in the blend mixed together. Instead you must find that one ingredient that will transform the poisons in to a combined whole, which will counteract the entire blended potion. As the textbook states, the true antidote to a blended poison is more than the sum of its parts."
  Y/n smiled at him bemused, "I was trying to find a way to put it quote-unquote 'in my own words', but you've just recited the textbook."
  Remus's cheeks went a little pink as he glared playfully at her, "Doesn't knowing that what I said is how it's written in the textbook also a sign that you know that paragraph as well as I do?"
  Y/n narrowed her eyes at him, "Well done Sherlock. 10/10 detective work, I must say." 
  He chuckled softly and the two of you went back to work. 
  Sirius yawned contently as he trudged up the stairs to the boys dormitory with James still chatting on excitedly behind him. 
  "... didn't even glare at me today, Pads! Not once! Maybe she's starting to fall for my Potter charm?" That last sentence he said with a cocky smirk on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows. Of course, Sirius wasn't looking at the time, but he knew his friend well enough to be able to guess. 
  He snorted, "Yeah right, Prongs. That's as likely as Dumbledore getting a girlfriend."
  James punched him in the shoulder playfully, "Oi! Don't knock my hopes down! Especially when you might be in the same position as me very soon."
  Sirius paused in front of the door into their dorm, "What's that supposed to mean?"
  James strode past him, patting him on the shoulder, "I mean, your soulmate is the one girl in this school who doesn't swoon at your mere presence. She is also the one girl who you've never dared to try to charm because she makes you nervous."
  Sirius glared at him, "Thanks for the reminder."
  "Hey, I'm only stating it as I see it. You gotta admit it's a little ironic, mate. I mean, she's Y/n L/n, top of our year and the most Ravenclaw Ravenclaw I've ever seen. And you... well, do you get my point?"
  Sirius sighed and flopped onto his bed, throwing an arm over his face, "Yes, I get your bloody point Prongs. Did it not occur to you that I've probably been thinking the same thing ever since I got her bloody name on my bloody wrist?" 
  James chuckled, "Alright, relax. I get it. You don't want to be reminded of the irony of your situation. I'll just sit here looking pretty then."
  Sirius rolled his eyes even though James couldn't see them. His friend really was the most dramatic person he knew. 
  Then, as if to break Sirius out of his spiralling thoughts, an owl tapped on the window.
  Sirius took his arm off of his eyes and sat up as James walked over to the window to let the bird in. 
  "That's odd," he said as he twisted the latch on the window, "We've never received post in our dorm before."
  The owl flew straight to Sirius and perched on his bedside table, sticking out it's leg. Sirius quickly untied the letter from the bird's leg and gave it a little scratch behind the head as a thanks before it flew off again. 
  "Who's it from?" James asked.
  "How am I supposed to know? I haven't opened it yet!"
  "Then open it!"
  "What do you think I'm doing?" 
  Sirius shook his head in exasperation as he broke the seal and pulled the piece of parchment out. The writing was small and neat, looking as if one of those muggle pinter things had made it. 
  Dear Mr Black
  I would like to inform you that due to our conversation being cut short, I have taken your silence as agreement to go ahead with the tutoring sessions. Miss L/n has also been contacted and will be expecting you in the Library every Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock to dinner and every Sunday morning from 10 o'clock to 1pm. If you have any problem with the times of your sessions, please send me a letter explaining when you are free. 
  Sincerely, Professor Sikander
  Sirius swallowed, his gut clenching. Not only was Y/n L/n his soulmate, but she was also supposed to be his tutor?
  It was going to be a long year...
  "Why do I have to tutor him, Sienna? The last time I spoke to him was in first year when I apologised for bumping into him on the train and he tried to flirt with me." Y/n complained as she got ready for bed that evening. 
  She had left the library at closing time after having spent the whole day there finishing all five essays and two charts, so she was knackered and in no mood for the letter she received upon arrival back in Ravenclaw Tower. 
  Sienna shrugged, "I don't know. But what I do know is he's cute and every single girl in this school would kill to trade places with you."
  She wiggled her eyebrows at Y/n who grumbled, "They don’t need to kill anyone, I'd trade places with them in a heart beat if I could."
  Her friend rolled her eyes, "Come on, Y/n. It can't be that bad? It's not like you have to socialise with him. You only have to teach him."
  Y/n climbed into bed and gave her friend a small smile, "You're right, as usual. I'll survive. Goodnight."
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medea10 · 1 year
My Review of My Hero Academia
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It’s done. It’s taken me 10 whole years, but I finished Gintama. My long-running comedic/drama nightmare has come to an end until they decide to come out with another damn sequel. But for now, it is DONE. And now, I can finally sit down and make good on a promise I made with one of my best friends. I will now watch Hunter x Hunter.
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No. I said Hunter x Hunter.
Tough shit, loser. You’re watching this shit!
Sorry, Marcus.
Yeah, My Hero Academia has been around for a couple of years now. It’ll emerge every couple of years in the anime world and the manga has been a massive hit. Not as big as Demon Slayer, but then again, no one can be as awesome as Demon Slayer. I had my chance to pick this series up, but I picked Black Clover instead. I made my decision and I stand by it. But once I noticed this series had several films and over 100 episodes to its name, I thought it be best to save this anime for after finishing my long-numbered series. Once I was able to get through Gintama, we can set this up.
Quirks or super powers are in about 80% of humanity. These quirks can vary from being super flashy, awesomely strong…or it could be like the Crest Man.
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I was going to make this joke one way or another.
(He’s living in his car)
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Many of these people decide to become heroes, especially those with potential. Now what about those 20% of humans that don’t have a quirk? Can they one day become a hero even though they have no power to their name? I guess we’ll find out with a young lad named Izuku Midoriya (or Deku). He has no quirk, no chance of developing one in his later years, and yet still wants to attend an academy that’s specifically for those with quirks.
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It wasn’t until he was given a chance by Japan’s #1 hero All Might who sees potential in the young Deku to pass down his powers to him. Due to an ugly fight a few years ago, All Might can only stay in hero form for 3 hours at the most a day. In the span of two episodes, Deku was able to go through 10 months of All Might’s training, inherit his power, and get accepted to UA, the academy for potential students with amazing quirks who want to become heroes. Let’s enter UA to meet all the special students and administration with amazing powers and see who’s going to be a smashing hero one day.
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Do keep in mind that I’m only summing up the first couple of episodes from the first season here. Each season has much more going on as Deku and his classmates learn what it means to become a great hero.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: You know, the five years of me not picking this anime up, I would take a look at these characters and say to myself, “Yeah, you’re totally voiced by this person”. Look at All Might, if that guy isn’t voiced by Chris Sabat this world doesn’t make sense. Oh look, it really is Chris Sabat! Hey, it’s a main girl and loved by majority of fans. Gotta be voiced by Luci Christian! It’s like I’m fucking psychic! Sexy big girl, gotta be Jamie Marchi! Wow! Strait-laced megane boy! My lady-loins are on fire so that could only mean a role by J. Michael Tatum. Okay, let me give it a try in the Japanese.
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Nobuhiko Okamoto! I only need the word “screaming”. I didn’t need to look at any character profiles to know this. Thank God Bakugo’s screaming didn’t get on my nerves the entire time. I sometimes have a problem with characters who scream so much that you just want to rip their mouths off their faces. Bakugo…he makes me laugh. He’s a tsundere with a short fuse, what’s not to like?!
As you can tell, I watched the majority of this series dubbed. The cast had a wide variety of seasoned veterans and modern favorite voice actors. Juli Erickson was also in the cast for a short time before retiring from voice acting. I’m glad I got to hear her one more time. There was another replacement in the dub. Alex Organ voiced Mr. Aizawa for the first season. After that however, Christopher Wehkamp took over and has remained since then. Scheduling conflicts, I suppose. I wasn’t even aware of the change until I read about it.
Oof. Both the sub and the dub have some great people behind these heroes and aspiring heroes. Let’s just say I give a gold star to everyone here. Even Tomokazu Seki was in this series as the spotted seal hero Selkie. Love it. Love everything about it! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Deku is played by Daiki Yamashita (known for Goh on Pokemon Journeys, Yushirou on Demon Slayer, Joro on Oresuki, Umino on Sailor Moon Crystal, and Shion on UtaPri)
*Bakugo is played by Nobuhiko Okamoto (known for Gladion on Pokemon SM, Accelerator on Railgun/Index, Rin on Blue Exorcist, Garfiel on Re:Zero, Usui on Maid-sama, Ryou on Food Wars, and Liebe on Black Clover)
*All Might is played by Kenta Miyake (known for Giovanni on Pokemon, Scar on FMA: Brotherhood, Avdol on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 3, Cocytus on Overlord, Zodd on Berserk 2016, and Takaoka on Assassination Classroom)
*Uraraka is played by Ayane Sakura (known for Nero on Black Clover, Tomori on Charlotte, Gasper on High School DxD, Tsubaki on Your Lie in April, Haru on Nisekoi, and Shimotsuki on Psycho Pass)
*Todoroki is played by Yuki Kaji (known for Clemont on Pokemon XY, Eren on Attack on Titan, Koichi on Jojo’s Pt. 4, Finn on Black Butler, Issei on High School DxD, Kuga on Food Wars, and Kenma on Haikyuu)
*Aizawa is played by Junichi Suwabe (known for Greed on FMA, Yami on Black Clover, Victor on Yuri on Ice, Archer on Fate/Stay Night, Hayama on Food Wars, Undertaker on Black Butler, and Grimmjow on Bleach)
*Shigaraki is played by Kouki Uchiyama (known for Soul on Soul Eater, Rui on Demon Slayer, Yurio on Yuri on Ice, Benedict on Violet Evergarden, Ikuya on Free!, Yuuki on Shiki, and Ichijou on Nisekoi)
ENGLISH CAST: *Deku is played by Justin Briner (known for Shou on Fire Force, Luck on Black Clover, Yukito on Cardcaptor Sakura: CC, and Mitarai on Danganronpa 3)
*Bakugo is played by Clifford Chapin (known for Connie on Attack on Titan, Touya on Cardcaptor Sakura: CC, Cabba on DB Super, Langris on Black Clover, Kamui on Psycho Pass 2, and Hamazura on Railgun/Index)
*All Might is played by Chris Sabat (known for Armstrong on FMA, Vegeta & Piccolo on DBZ, Kurabara on Yu Yu Hakusho, Zoro on One Piece, Yami on Black Clover, Ayame on Fruits Basket, and Christophe on Yuri on Ice)
*Uraraka is played by Luci Christian (known for Wrath on FMA, Nagisa on Clannad, Yukari on Azumanga Daioh, Medusa on Soul Eater, Nami on One Piece, Huni on Ouran HSHC, and Alois on Black Butler)
*Todoroki is played by David Matranga (known for Tomoya on Clannad, Bertolt on Attack on Titan, Ookami on Wolf Children, Hinata on Angel Beats, Usui on Maid-sama, and Himura on ef – a tale of memories)
*Aizawa is played by Christopher Wehkamp (known for Ruijerd on Mushoku Tensei, Nyanko-Sensei on Natsume’s Book of Friends, Sylvester on Ascendance of a Bookworm, Hinawa on Fire Force, and Miles on Ace Attorney)
*Shigaraki is played by Eric Vale (known for Kimblee on FMA, Trunks on DBZ, Yuki on Fruits Basket, Sanji on One Piece, Tamaki on Deadman Wonderland, Kisumi on Free!, Arthur on Fire Force, and Nishiki on Tokyo Ghoul)
FAVORITE CHARACTER: I’ve gone through this over and over in my mind. There were a lot of characters I’ve grown to admire and ones I think are pretty nifty. I still can’t believe I was able to keep track of so many characters in this one series, but I think I did a pretty good job. Yes, I have a guilty pleasure for Bakugo. But that’s just it, he’s a guilty pleasure. I like him and am amused by him, but at the same time I can get annoyed with him. But if there was one character who I enjoyed the most out of all the characters that have appeared so far, it would be her.
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Tsuyu Asui (a.k.a. Froppy; Tsu)
I love Tsu. She’s best girl. And that’s all there is to it!
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: Ooh boy, you all knew I was going to discuss papa of the year over here! Long before I started this series, I was well aware of the existence of a shitty parent by the name of Endeavor. I thought if I sat through this long enough, I would switch my hatred from Endeavor to Overhaul. It didn’t happen. I’m still on this hate-train. Endeavor has had this unhealthy obsession and rivalry with All Might and wanting to surpass him. Thinking he could never reach that position of #1 hero, he stuck to the next generation by making it with another powerful quirk user and have babies.
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He had a total of four kids. One of his son’s is presumed dead due to trying to impress his father (wait until season six for the truth). One of his son’s hates Endeavor for what he’s done to the family. His daughter tries her best to keep things together, but you can tell she’s feeling uber stressed. And (Shoto) Todoroki still has daddy issues. I guess you can chalk all of this up to these kids upbringing. Todoroki witnessed his father’s physical abuse first-hand as he was rough with trainings. Not only that, but the abuse of his own wife that led to her mental breakdown giving Todoroki his trademark scar. And somehow Todoroki’s eldest had the worst of it all. All he wanted was his daddy’s approval and was just left for dead. Again, season six has the answers there. Bottom line, Endeavor was a very bad father. But, he is trying.
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You cannot expect your fully grown children to pretend that everything is okay now that you’re going to change and be father of the year. Natsuo was partially saved by his father and was unable to give him any satisfaction. And it seems like Todoroki is just using his father to further his quirk and can easily get into work study programs because of him. As for his wife, you know Rei may never forgive him for all that has happened to this family. That’s just my two cents on the matter. I think every one of the Todoroki’s might eventually forgive Endeavor…not the older two sons.
SHIPPING: Guys, seriously. There are more important things to discuss here than which characters should shack up. Japan has a severe problem with villains and these kids specifically signed up to be in an academy focused on serving the public as heroes.
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I support Uraraka x Deku
And aside from a few dropped hints by Uraraka, I seriously find no other ship that could…
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I also support Kirishima x Ashido
But aside from those two, this show is strictly about kids wanting to be heroes and let’s keep it that way.
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Mineta x his hand tonight
Yeah, I had to add that silly ship.
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ENDING TO SEASON ONE: It’s been well established since the beginning that All Might was one of the greatest heroes, if not THE greatest. A symbol of peace and justice! And now, he’s a teacher at UA. So, everyone pretty much wants a piece of him. During a field trip to a simulated area filled with terrains and weather patterns, Deku and his classmates were bombarded by villains. This is not a drill, these guys mean business and they also want All Might. While their teacher Mr. Aizawa was busy taking care of some of the bigger villains, the students were being separated so the enemies can learn about what quirks these kids have. Some of the more powerful classmates like Bakugo and Todoroki were able to get rid of their batch of baddies with little-to-no problem. Others, it was a little more challenging. Even Aizawa found himself in dire-straits. Meanwhile, where is All Might?
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We all know about All Might’s injury. It’s just that everyone else isn’t aware of it and All Might goes to great lengths to keep it a secret. Rightly so! If it’s learned by the wrong people that All Might has at most 3 hours a day in hero form, villains will swarm the area to cause havoc. Thankfully, dude shows up in the knick of time before these bad guys could do damage to Deku and the rest. Unfortunately, All Might already saved the day in another area and is at his max of what he’s capable of handling. Now these villains don’t know the specifics of All Might’s power, but someone controlling them from the shadows dropped hints about All Might being weaker than in his heyday.
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Bad guys Shigaraki, Nomu, and Kurogiri definitely put a dent in All Might, but All Might didn’t let up his bluff in front of the bad guys. But that steam coming from his body is not a good sign. And yeah, the only one who knows about All Might is Deku and Deku was worried about All Might dying on his feet or someone about to find out his big secret. Thankfully, Iida was able to escape and call for backup. The administration at UA came and they were able to put an end to the situation. It’s unknown how much extra damage was done to All Might and it seems like his time where he can spend in hero form has been cut drastically to only 90 minutes at the most. But for now, All Might and Deku can relax for a second knowing their actions saved a whole class of freshmen from being harmed or worse.
Now as for those bad guys like Shigaraki, who is filling his head with ideas that there might be something wrong with All Might? I guess that’s an answer to be filled in another season. Because now we’re about to head into a tournament arc!
Okay, good introduction to the students of UA. Get our feet wet with all the quirks the students have. Even though Deku isn’t a full zero to hero quite yet, he’s certainly one hell of a strategian when it comes to problem solving. And from here on out, the series gains more episodes. This season is the only one with 13 episodes. Every season from here on out will have 25. Just how many chapters are there for My Hero Academia?
SEASON TWO: One recap episode and one Anime Festa OVA later…
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The entire school is about to hold their annual sports festival. This sports festival is a big freakin’ deal. Hell, it’s even a bigger deal than the Olympics! Okay, I wouldn’t go that far. The students have opportunities of being discovered by a hero agency and might even become a sidekick for a famous hero. Other opportunities also include having kids from the lower-level classes get nudged up to a higher-level class. After the events of season one, Deku and the kids of class 1-A were getting a lot of fame and news coverage as the students who took out the league of villains that infiltrated a highly secured building of UA. As for the sports festival, Bakugo took home the gold.
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Pfft. Watching him bound and getting forced with the gold medal is truly a laughable moment.
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This season, we learn about what’s driving these students to excel at UA. Uraraka wants to earn money to help her struggling family. Todoroki wants to escape the grasp of his legendary father, the #2 hero Endeavor. Iida tries following in his big brother’s footsteps in a bit of revenge after someone injured him. And Deku wants to make a name for himself as All Might’s power has weakened significantly. Again, Deku’s the only one who knows.
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After the sports festival, the students end up as apprentices for either hero agencies or heroes themselves. This part of the story focuses on Deku learning to control his power and Iida finding the hero killer (Stain) who severely injured his older brother. Dealing with Stain was a very difficult task. Deku, along with Todoroki and Iida were all caught up in that fight. They beat the dude, but couldn’t get any credit due to bureaucratic issues with the police and certified heroes. As a repercussion, Iida ended up doing permanent damage to his hand and it might be the end of his career as a hero (unless the surgery is a miracle). They make this a big deal here, but I don’t recall hearing any more on that subject from season 3-6. Moving on!
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The end of this season consists of Deku learning the truth about his power One For All and the originator All For One. This guy is still out there, he’s a dick, and guess what, he’s the head of that league of villains that was behind the attack at the end of season one. Other than that, it’s exam time for class 1-A. Let’s have them fight against the teachers! Aside from two teams failing, everyone did pretty well considering they were up against UA’s greatest. And this was to be especially difficult for Deku as he had to be partnered with Bakugo and fight against All Might.
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The final episode consisted of Deku being cornered by Shigaraki. Yes, the guy behind the Nomus and the attack from season one’s finale. We finally see his face and we get a bit of foreshadowing of things to come from the League of Villains. The heinous group has recruited several new villains who we will see more of come season three. Speaking of…
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SEASON THREE: It’s time for summer training camp. And for funsies, let’s add class 1-B too. These kids will be pushed to their limits to enhance their quirks. Because while everyone has improved in other departments, their quirk powers haven’t moved much since the beginning of the semester! Gee, wouldn’t it suck if a bunch of villains come in and ruin everything? The League of Villains has arrived with new powerful members including Dabi and Toga. Their target this time is Bakugo! Their attack on the UA students kinda broke a lot of morale with not just the students, but the faculty as well. The end result was that many of the students and the faculty watching over them wound up injured and Bakugo was kidnapped.
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Saving face didn’t go as smoothly as anyone would hope. Deku got four of his classmates to defy orders to try and infiltrate the League of Villains to save Bakugo. At that very same time, several ranked heroes did their own rescue mission. It did not go well for either side! On the plus side, Deku and friends were able to save Bakugo without breaking the law by fighting crime without a license. But then All For One wrecked the whole place. He took out so many villains and heroes in his way. I think he might have killed one of them. Didn’t matter to him anyways because he was after All Might! This fight took everything from All Might.
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All For One exposed All Might to the entire world his ugly secret. Not only that, but dropped an unfortunate fact bomb involving All Might’s sensei and Shigaraki. And to top it all off, injured him so bad that All Might will never fight crime again. After all of that, the students of class 1-A were highly requested by the school to live in the school dorms from now on. Most parents agreed to it, though Deku’s mother was the most worried. Long story short, he’s living in the dorms now. Not before seeing this poor woman cry again.
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The next big arc after the fall of All Might was the provisional hero license exam. We meet a lot of brand-new soon-to-be heroes much like the students of UA from other schools across the land. The end result of that exam, everyone except two students from class 1-A got their provisional license. And surprisingly those two were Todoroki and Bakugo! Bakugo is so obvious that I don’t even need to waste the time explaining why he flunked. Todoroki on the other hand had someone from another school get under his skin with a comment likening him to his father Endeavor.
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While Bakugo was angry about not passing his provisional license exam, something else has been grinding his gears and for some time at that. Bakugo’s anger hits fever pitch when he confronts Deku alone after the exam about his relationship with All Might. And throwing punches! Despite that thick layer of anger he puts up, Bakugo is a sad boy who loves his favorite hero All Might. He was of course jealous that Deku got to be his protégé but guilty because Bakugo thought it was because of him being kidnapped that caused All Might to lose his powers permanently. All Might reassured the boys of everything. And then the boys were on lockdown for breaking curfew to fight. In the meantime, the League of Villains is still at it despite All For One being in a maximum security prison. Toga infiltrated the hero provisional license exam by posing as another student. Shigaraki is growing more menacing. And then there’s Overhaul…ooh boy, I can’t wait to talk about this guy in the following season.
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And class 1-A got to meet the top students of the third-year class (a.k.a. The Big Three). The strongest of the three (Mirio) wiped out the entire class by himself. Big difference between the power of the first years and this pant-less wonder!
Okay, this season had its ups and downs. But the ups were definitely worth it and we had a big payoff when it came to scenes involving All Might and All For One. Now let’s see what’s going on with that movie that came out around the same time.
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TWO HEROES: We got a glimpse of what to expect with this movie in an episode during the third season. Meaning, they gave us a filler in the middle of a tournament arc and are introduced to a movie character for five seconds. Let me guess how this movie goes; this in no way connects to any villain currently in the series, there is no character growth, serves no purpose to the main plot, and the new character introduced is the bad guy.
Most of what I said was pretty true! Deku gets invited by All Might to go with him to a special island that is full of people who manufacture AI technology. Most of the class ends up there under some special circumstances and yes, it’s just the popular ones fans like most. All Might’s friend from his younger days David wanted to help All Might regain his strength (he just doesn’t know the true story of why he’s losing his strength). And David ends up in cahoots with terrorists that took a whole island hostage. And these terrorists are also connected to All For One. Okay, I was wrong, All For One is somehow connected (or at least mentioned by the leader of the terrorists).
SEASON FOUR: So, it’s not just Bakugo that caught onto Deku and All Might’s relationship. It leaked to the press! One reporter knows there’s a protégé out there. And thankfully he has the right mind to shut up about it! Onto the main stuff! Deku and the rest of class-A are about to go through work study programs. And the League of Villains are ready for their next move. But right now, we gotta watch out for a lone Mafioso causing mischief.
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Deku winds up doing a work study with All Might’s previous side-kick Sir Nighteye. Several other characters like Kirishima, Tsu, and Uraraka also got a chance for a work study program. Deku unfortunately got a lot thrown at him in the drama department. He learned that Nighteye had a falling out with All Might due to the fatal injury All Might acquired and made worse once he decided to give Deku is One for All power.
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Next, all of these students I mentioned, plus their mentors, and the three 3rd years are all caught up trying to take down a lone Mafioso and some of the League of Villains in order to save one little girl. Overhaul was trying to use this young girl (Eri) and her power in order to suppress and end hero powers permanently. Eri has a quirk that can rewind a person’s body. But due to her age, she’s unable to control it properly and that has caused a lot of mental damage to her. Overhaul is quite the disgusting little shit abusing this poor girl. Thank goodness after this long, hard-fought battle, the heroes were able to prevail and save Eri.
But at what cost?
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Deku was able to survive with not so many injuries to his person. Some of the other heroes and classmates involved in the giant raid were not so lucky. Kirishima and Fat Gum sustained heavy injuries. Mirio’s power might have been altered permanently due to Overhaul and his gang having these serums that can erase quirks. And Eri (the girl they all saved) is forever haunted by the psychological horror she’s endured. But worst of all was Sir Nighteye. During the fight between the heroes and Overhaul, Nighteye literally got impaled and was at death’s door when All Might, Deku, and Mirio spoke to him. Up to this point, we really never saw death strike any of these characters. This was a heart tugger! Shit is getting real now for Deku. All I can say is…wait until season six. Meanwhile, Overhaul not only got his ass kicked by Deku, but was left powerless and crippled by Shigaraki.
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The last half of season four revolved around UA putting together a culture festival. This is both a wise and stupid decision. Wise because these students deserve a little fun after everything the students of UA (especially class 1-A) have gone through. Stupid because UA has been a giant target for villains since All Might became a teacher. And if one little thing happens with a villain coming near the area, the festival is going to be called off. At that exact same time, a new villain emerges and wants to break into the festival. Of course, he does!
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This guy is a tea-drinking gentleman with a side-kick I’m so not comfortable seeing together with him. I’m sorry, but this combination makes me feel a little ill inside and confused. Thankfully, Deku happened to be in the area and prevented the festival from getting shut down. Not only does he want to give his school this moment of peace, but because Eri is coming, he wants to make sure she has a great time. Thankfully, Deku was able to break through to this confused villain and he turns himself in with no more damage done. But most important for Deku, the festival went off perfectly. Class 1-A was commended for their performance on stage and Eri was able to smile and enjoy herself.
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We end the season off with some severe changes. First of all, Eri is going to attend UA. She’s stable enough to stay out of the psych ward and is all healed up. Deku and Mirio must protect this girl’s smile! And then my question was answered. I thought to myself, will there be another #1 hero now that All Might is retired? Yep, there’s a new top 10 and a new #1 with Endeavor taking the top spot. Will the world see him as the new symbol of peace? Endeavor is put to the test when he and #2 hero Hawkes got attacked by an overpowered Nomu. This was a tough fight as Endeavor was tossed around a lot. Thankfully, he won. He went beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
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Also, is anybody else thrown off by the Endeavor fanboy? It doesn’t help that he looks like Natsu from Fairy Tail, but did the English version REALLY have to get Haberkorn to play this guy too?
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HEROES RISING: In the second movie, it almost looked like we were getting some action between the UA students and the League of Villlains. In actuality, the villains of this movie get into an alliance with Shigaraki. These new villains end up attacking a lone island that Deku and his classmates just happen to be on as part of hero work. The villains want this one kid on the island because of this special quirk he possesses. We get some pretty primo fight scenes where Deku and Bakugo are actually working together to beat the villains. I’m going to be legit and ask, did anyone fall for that shit about Deku giving his One For All power to Bakugo? Yeah, me neither. There are two seasons after this movie. No way in hell Deku is losing his power this early in the game.
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SEASON FIVE: Endeavor’s fight with the superpowered Nomu came with a lot of baggage. His popularity as the new #1 hero is steadily rising. It’s just that people really saw him get his ass kicked pretty badly. And now, dude has a pretty gnarly scar on his face. Just like his son! I almost want to say something here, but…nah, bad taste. On top of that, Endeavor is now going to start acting like a real father instead of the bastard he’s been up to this point. Meanwhile, Deku has been getting visions during his sleep of the past One For All users and kinda using his power while sleeping. It got worse when his powers decided to go haywire during a class competition with class 1-B.
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I will say this. The stuff with Deku and controlling the powers of One For All was the only interesting part of the first part of season 5. I checked out when there were many episodes dedicated to class 1-A and 1-B fighting each other. I know several class 1-B classmates showcase their quirks in a big way in the following season, I just wasn’t a fan of this arc of the story. In the second part, work studies seem to be back in effect. And now that Bakugo and Todoroki finally obtained their licenses, they can finally catch up to the rest of their classmates. Geez, you only now realize that we’re halfway into season five with 100 episodes in and these kids are still only first years. Deku ends up joining Todoroki and Bakugo to work study under the world’s #1 hero…the current one.
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Okay Endeavor, let’s see if you can redeem yourself a little more. Actually, we only got a few episodes dedicated to Endeavor, his family, Deku, and Bakugo. There was an altercation between some rando villain and Endeavor’s son Natsuo. It happened, Natsuo’s safe, we moved on. Okay, now it’s time for My Hero Academia to turn into My Villain Academia. The League of Villains found themselves in severe trouble as another group of baddies ambush them. This was an ugly showdown as it pushed many of the league members to their breaking points. Himeko almost died and Shigaraki was pushed to remembering his own past.
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Yeah, we got the typical backstory for a villain of Shigaraki’s caliber. Misunderstood child, abusive father, enabling family members to abusive father, accidentally murders the entire family, yep, it’s all here on the checklist. Several seasons prior to this moment, we learned that Shigaraki’s paternal grandmother was Nana Shimura. Yes, the same Nana Shimura who was All Might’s mentor and previous carrier to the One For All quirk. Well, Shigaraki’s father was really resentful about his mother because he felt as though he was abandoned by her. That birthed a hatred for heroes and he would get angry if his children mention heroes or wanting to be one. So, there’s that. Shigaraki wound up gaining a quirk and much like Eri in season 4, his quirk went haywire and it took out his entire family. After being a sudden orphan, no one came to Shigaraki’s aid. Not one single hero! All For One did however. He took the boy in, gave him hands of his family members, and gave him a new name and purpose in life.
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Shigaraki, while almost broken to the point of no return, he took out Re-Destro and his gang of baddies. This led to an alliance. Shigaraki’s League of Villains and Re-Destro’s Meta Liberation Front have joined together under a new name, the Paranormal Liberation Front. We end the season with class 1-A showing off what they’ve learned from their work studies. Oh, and Hawkes is still infiltrating the newly formed league. Okay, I’m going to say it. This season was pretty lousy. Don’t get me wrong, I liked several moments in this season including Endeavor trying to atone for his sins, Deku’s new ability, and the My Villain Academia arc. But that class 1-A vs. class 1-B crap was for the birds.
There’s a third movie sometime after this. I really don’t feel like talking about it since I felt so disinterested with it. Blah, blah, Deku is wanted by the police, blah, blah, big fight, blah, blah, no one’s going to die here!
SEASON SIX: Hey, I caught up when it was airing!
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Shit’s about to go down! There’s a heavier tone in this anime everywhere you look. Even in the eye-catches halfway through an episode. The professional heroes, teachers from U.A., class 1-A of U.A. and even a few other students are all part of this sting operation to take down the newly united villain squad, the Paranormal Liberation Front. Besides going after that group, some of this sting is to get this doctor who was behind the creation of the Nomus and is also shielding Shigaraki until he’s 100% and then some. Shigaraki was in rough shape near the end of the fifth season, so he's being constantly monitored. But during the sting, Shigaraki awakened.
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The awakening of Shigaraki led to a domino effect of destruction everywhere. One of the giant villains couldn’t be controlled and ended up wrecking a lot of pro-heroes. Shigaraki’s decay power went berserk and took out the entire area. Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Endeavor went toe-to-toe with Shigaraki and ended up putting a dent in him. Shigaraki is terrifying now, but because he wasn’t finished with the doctor’s experiment yet, his power isn’t what it could be. That’s when All For One took over Shigaraki’s body for his own…even though he’s in super jail. Yeah, I know that doesn’t make a lick of sense, but just roll with it because Shigaraki is going to be a puppet for a while. Moving on!
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And now for the moment I’ve been anticipating! League of Villain alumni Dabi comes in to drop a bomb on the Todoroki family. After Shigaraki ended his rampage, Dabi came in to break the news to not just Endeavor and Todoroki, but to the entire world. He put out a video prior to the current chaos to announce that Endeavor, the #1 hero is his father and went into detail about what a horrible father he was. Dabi (or Touya Todoroki) was Endeavor’s eldest son who was thought to be dead. This broke Endeavor inside causing him to look upon both of his sons fighting. Yes, I’ve been looking forward to this story. The Todoroki family story intrigues me.
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This giant fight that lasted several episodes (if not half of the season) is finally coming to an end without a happy ending. It’s much worse than anyone jumping into the anime without reading spoilers could have imagined. Many characters got messed up badly. Worse than in any other season. Deku winds up in a coma. Bakugo was impaled, but survived. Mr. Aizawa sliced off his own leg to prevent losing his quirk from one of those quirk deleters that got Mirio the other season. Midnight and several prominent ranked heroes are dead. On the antagonist side, Twice ends up dying by Hawkes after he admits to betraying the front. Many of the villains were arrested including the doctor, Re-Destro, Mr. Compress, and Machia. Himiko is on the loose. Shigaraki ended up torching several prisons releasing many convicts with powerful quirks on the public along with All For One. This leaves the public to wonder if they can ever trust heroes again. If it took all of these heroes to take down all of these villains and they still couldn’t complete the mission, what good are they?
That’s not my take, that’s just public opinion…except the public was a lot crueler when it came to the heroes.
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AND NOW THE START OF THE FINAL ARC: With All For One taking over Shigaraki’s weakened state, he can get what he truly wants. The quirk, One For All. Shigaraki mentions it during the giant battle during this season and it catches the attention of Endeavor, Hawks, and even the angry media demanding answers about everything that has happened. Deku decided to make some pretty big decisions once he got out of his coma. Up to this point, Deku’s quirk was only known to All Might and later on Bakugo. Now, he decides to let the rest of his classmates know before he leaves U.A. Deku teams up with All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, and Jeanist to take down the rampant crime going on everywhere. Since season 5, Deku has been seeing past wielders of One For All and slowly unlocking their powers. A lot is riding on Deku with this ultimate power as he can’t pass the power down like All Might did. His life expectancy might be cut short. Kinda like Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan. And he’s getting prepped to take down Shigaraki with no regrets.
I make the Eren Yeager reference here because this is the part of the story that things take a harsher, somber-er tone compared to previous seasons. This includes the opening theme, ending themes, eye-catches, the preview, the background, the music, and Deku.
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Endeavor also made a promise to his family that he will take down Dabi (Touya). But for now, we are focusing on Deku teaming up with the top 3 heroes and All Might to take down every kind of crime from small stuff, misplaced anger, and anything involving the escaped convicts from the several jail breaks. With all of the other One For All quirks unleashed, Deku is able to make use of every one of them with his mission. It came in handy when going up against a former hero and present-day convict Lady Nagant. She is one of the escaped convicts. While All For One told nearly all convicts to do as they please, he had other plans for some special ones. He used Nagant to try and take down Deku. But Deku got through to her near the end of their match and it looked like she was going to see life for more than what she was used to. Unfortunately, things have a funny way of working out when All For One is involved.
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He planted explosives on Nagant. I’m pretty sure she’s a goner. This did not sit well with Deku. And neither did All For One’s taunt where he copied All Might’s infamous line, “now it’s your turn”. Rogue Deku is in quite the state. And now, let’s add his classmates to the mix. They’re going to bring him back to the academy by any means necessary. One Deku with 7 quirks vs. 19 classmates of his. With many flashbacks and a lot of push and pull, the class was able to subdue Deku and bring him back to U.A. which is currently being used as a refuge area. However, the people are not liking the idea of having Deku in the same place as them because Shigaraki’s looking for him and he has One For All. Thankfully, some kind words from Uraraka and a few supporters, the angry crowd came together to let Deku in.
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All For One and Shigaraki’s big threat seems to be looming closer. It’s hard to nail down how long the heroes have. All Might wound up getting this information from the hero-killer Stain. Yeah, you remember him, right? The guy that wrecked Iida and his brother back in season two. I remember Stain always wanting to kill All Might. But seeing All Might the way he is now, either he doesn’t know it’s really him or refuses to believe that’s really All Might. Well, rest up class 1-A because season 7 is gonna be a doozy from what I’ve heard. At least it will be for Bakugo from what I’ve heard. Oh, and we meet America’s #1 hero for a sec, Star and Stripe (voiced by Romi Park).
Wowee-wow-wow-wow! I did not expect to like this series the way I did. I mean, I really do love My Hero Academia. I know I had the opportunity to watch this but chose to watch Black Clover instead. I don’t regret that decision; I just wish I got to watch this a lot sooner and maybe start on the manga. Now that doesn’t mean this entire series is flawless, far from it. There were some seasons that fell flat on its face. I think we all can get on the same page of which season was the one that is the flat can of soda out of this six-pack.
The answer is season five. It’s always going to be season five. No amount of My Villain Academia you throw at the audience is going to undo that. But I suppose that’s where that arc landed and call it bad timing. Long-running manga series have really awesome arcs and really slumpy arcs. Case and point, the anime Food Wars is a good example to bring up here. Their first 2 seasons were really good, but after that is when things started falling by the waist-side. When it comes to My Hero Academia, I had several hits of highs and lows watching. The field trip at the beginning season three, the culture festival at the end of season four, and the majority of season five were my lows. I only put that moment in season three up as, I have to be honest in this review. That arc actually got really good faster than I thought. The other two I mentioned just dragged on. Especially the class competition! I love watching class 1-A in action, but this was just so exhausting to sit through.
I think I’ve beat that dead horse enough. Let’s talk about the characters. I’ve always had the hardest time keeping up with the many characters an anime might have. Especially animes that are set in school and we focus on one particular class. Despite my love for the series Assassination Classroom, I could not remember every single person from that class. With My Hero Academia, I think I was able to recall every classmate. Just class 1-A though. Maybe it’s because of their quirks, some of their looks, or their quirky behavior. The same can be said about characters outside class 1-A like the professional heroes, the villains, the townspeople, Bakugo’s mother…yeah, you have to see the woman who gave birth to a feral, screaming grenade of loud noises.
I do have a legit question for manga readers. Do these kids finally become second years at U.A.? You don’t notice that these kids are in the same grade until it’s season five and you see a Christmas episode and you’re like, “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me, they’re still in their first year”. Don’t answer that. I know they’re probably going to age soon. Okay, enough of my dumbassary here. If you have a lot of time on your hands, I give this a full recommendation. If you’re able to sit through 100+ episodes of this, yes definitely give it a watch. And also keep in mind that Studio Bones animates this and they’re the ones who did Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Mob Psycho 100, and Soul Eater. So, that’s a pretty big incentive.
I know I said some pretty rough things about several moments of this series. But here’s how I would break it down. Season one was a nice start as we get an introduction to Deku and what he’s going to go through to become a hero. Season two was wonderful with more of a build-up to the antagonists of the story. Plus, a tournament arc! Season three had a bit of a slow start, but once you get to Bakugo’s kidnapping and All Might vs. All For One, this season was a sure-fire hit. Season four starts great, but it hits a lull spot. Okay, I guess I can accept that as these kids do deserve some time off. Season five had some good moments with Deku learning a little more about the previous users of One For All and the My Villain Academia arc. Other than that, this season was nothing to write home about. Season six will rock you like a hurricane. It’s almost a little overwhelming in the first half with all of these heroes and villains going up against each other. But never a dull moment.
If you would like to watch My Hero Academia, several sites have the series streaming including FUNimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. It is also a staple on Adult Swim’s Toonami, so if it’s on, check it out.
Okay, now that I finished this long series, I think it’s high-time I watch Hunter x Hunter Urusei Yatsura! Huh? Okay, guess we’re doing something else instead.
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do ALL the tgm asks <3
Haha. Okay *cracks knuckles* here we go.
1. Favorite dagger duckling
B.O.B and Phoenix - I’m cheating and having two because it’s my ask and I can. 
Phoenix: I’m dead dickhead.
Bob: See you in the afterlife Bagman.
How could you not love them?
2. Favorite line
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To take that line, which is so prevalent in pop culture, and turn it into a moment that shows how grief changes over time, how it becomes a lasting connection to a loved one, and a reminder that we love and miss them is beautiful. 
3. Favorite scene
The entire Darkstar sequence is not only stunning to look at, surprisingly emotional and thrilling, but it also does a pitch-perfect job of introducing who Mav is as a character to a new audience, as well as showing the existing audience how Mav is still Mav.
"Just a little push" 
4. Scene that made you cry the most
My cry count at this film is 7
The Darkstar “Talk to me Goose”
Mav watching Rooster through the bar window
Ice/Mav meeting. “It’s time to let go.”
Iceman’s funeral
The moment Mav enters the bar to say goodbye to Penny, until the mission launch and his goodbye to Hondo
“Dagger one is hit”
Mav: Thank you for saving my life. Rooster: It’s what my dad would have done
Out of those, I think the one that really gets me every time and that I can cry about just thinking about is,
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Gif by @ethanhunt
And the reason for that, as I have said elsewhere and I will be a broken record about, is that Rooster is, of course, talking about Goose... but he’s also talking about Mav. Plus, it’s tears of happiness because they’re family again.
5. Scene that made you laugh the most
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Gif by @ethanhunt
You’re not expecting it on the first viewing, and it was such a fantastic way of breaking the tension because you’re relieved Rooster is okay, and they’re finally talking.
6. Underrated moment
So I want to highlight this moment between Hondo and Admiral Cain because it shows why Mav and Hondo are friends.
My other underrated moment is when Mav is in the bar watching Penny and Amelia. He’s on the outside looking in and you can see how much he craves to have that kind of life.
7. Favorite song from the soundtrack
The Man, The Legend/Touchdown 
8. Favorite character
Let's take Mav being a favorite as a given. So my non-MAV favorite is Penny. God, she’s fabulous and every time I watch the movie I love her more and more. That Oprah Winfrey gif probably sums up my feelings about her best: "She is … the mother I never had. She is … the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don't know a better person. "
Jennifer Connelly does such an excellent job hinting at how Penny is feeling internally and the things she wants to say but can’t, the conflict that comes with loving someone like Pete.
9. Favorite flying sequence
Maverick completing the course in 2:15. It’s thrilling every single time. And to see Mav from behind in the F-18 as he’s flying is such a small detail, but it gives it so much more intensity and puts you right in there. The supporting cast do a fantastic job of reacting in character. The more I watch the movie, the more I start to well up as Mav reaches the target, with the swell of the music and the look on Cyclone’s face. And Rooster too, watching with some pride and wondering how Mav is able to fly like that and how he can to.
10. Favorite hug
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No dialogue needed, the hug says everything. Tom and Jennifer do a fantastic job of imbuing that relationship with so much love, respect and unspoken history.    
11. A fan theory, that you maybe don’t subscribe to, but you find neat.
Shipping wise, Hangman and Rooster are ex-lovers. I don’t ship them personally, but I can totally see why people read there relationship that way.
A fan theory I can see, but don’t subscribe to is that the movie is a death dream, as mentioned in this article, “I’m sure you’ve heard the popular theory that Maverick died in the opening Darkstar sequence, making the rest of the movie a death dream.”
Which fits with an observation from this article. “There’s a ghostlike quality to Maverick in that scene and others — in that early bar scene, where the kids almost see past him, and then later, when he shows up in his Navy whites to say bye to Jennifer Connelly. He feels like a ghost.”
Personally, if any part were to be a death dream I think it would be after dagger one is hit.
12. Favorite shot
Gif by @indifferentvincent
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And this from @rochc93 is why I love Tumblr because it’s as if you can all read my mind
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Solaris reviews The Great Zoo of China, by Matthew Reilly (2015)
Content: Oh my gods was this book a trainwreck. Shoddy science, bland characterisation, poor writing - this book's got it all, folks.
Who I think would like it: I guess if you don't care about the science (or don't know it - no judgment there), and if you enjoy the author's writing style - many people apparently do, as he's an international best-seller - then go for it. You could also potentially get a bit of a laugh out of it.
Things it does well: The action was easy to follow, and I will say this: the book was memorable. I remembered actions and events pretty well. I also found I got through it surprisingly quickly (when I dedicated time to read it) - I'd go back to refer to an earlier bit I'd read and found I'd gotten through several pages at a time. Not gonna lie folks I had to think hard to come up with something for this section
Things that could be improved: I mean... -gestures vaguely at four posts worth of excerpts I shared- This book thinks italicised text and exclamation points are substitutes for good writing and as a result, every action scene - which make up a good 70% of the book - fell flat for me. I forgot who everyone was, except for CJ and her brother Hamish, the moment they were introduced. The writing is weak, shoddy, borderline insulting in places (seriously, if you're going to define something as forty feet deep, you do not also need to tell us it is four storeys deep, or vice versa). The science is a mess. Even if you're not educated in palaeontology or evolution, the notion that eggs could survive 65 million years is a slap in the face to clever writing and audience intelligence. Furthermore, the notion that dragons the world over just so happen to look similar to how Tolkein envisioned them is so patently false that it's utterly ridiculous. Everything, from the science to basic facts about the various dialects of Chinese to various dragon myths around the world, is so wrong, so off-base, that I wonder how terribly sheltered Reilly must be to have zero exposure to anything outside his little sphere.
My review: What can I say about this book that I haven't already? If you want a well-researched, action-packed story that also serves as a meditative treatise on the wisdom of resurrecting prehistoric creatures and then containing them in a zoo, this book is not for you. However, if you want a light read where you can turn your brain off and read about some action and death at the hands of impressive giant monsters...this is also not the book for you. I've referenced Jurassic Park quite a bit when talking about this book, but Ian Malcolm summed up my thoughts on it best:
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[GIF ID: Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park standing next to a huge dung pile, saying "That is one big pile of shit." /end]
Does this book have…: ✅= yes ❓= not sure ⭕= possibly/mixed ❌= no Romance? ❌ At the very end, one character kisses CJ's cheek and asks if they can go to coffee. A paragraph on the final page mentions that they visit occasionally. You could easily miss it entirely. Sex? ❌ No on-screen sex or masturbation or implied off-screen sex or masturbation. There's maybe one or two references to clubs where stripping or sexy dancing might happen, but it's confined to a line or so. Racism? ✅ It's more startlingly ignorant than actively malicious (at least for the most part), but there's a lot of sinophobia in this book. While there are many valid criticisms to be made of the Chinese government, Reilly goes far beyond any of them. One of my friends pointed out that the way Lucky the dragon speaks is uncomfortably close to racist stereotypes of East Asian people speaking English, and when the book isn't being outright contemptuous or ignorant of China and its people, it's heavily exoticising it in a way that's odd and almost uncomfortable to read (think of that passage about how amazing it was that Chinese people built a city, no really, it's absolutely stunning that they put together a collection of buildings when it was needed folks). It also drops the term "Chinaman" at one point, which I'm leery of given how the author treats Chinese characters in the rest of the book. Sexism? ✅ CJ is Not Like The Other Girls, folks. The best I can say is that no character, including CJ, is well-defined enough to fall into many of the typical #MenWritingWomen problems, but it's still not good. LGBTQIA-phobia? ❌ Ableism? ✅ ⭕ A character gets called a "sociopath" (or maybe psychopath, tbh I don't fully remember as most people use the terms as interchangable insults) early on. The descriptions of CJ's scars, and the negative attention laid on them, can be read as ableist in places. Swearing? ✅ Constantly. Even when my brother was an edgy teenager he didn't swear as much as this book did. Drug/Alcohol references? ❓ I think there's some references to alcohol sprinkled throughout, but it's more references to bars and bartenders. I don't recall any characters actually drinking in the book. References to or actual violence or suicide? ✅ Lotsa violence, lotsa gore. You'll read gross descriptions of organs outside the body and people dying in brutal ways. References to or actual animal death or cruelty? ✅ Oh yes. So much animal abuse happens in this book. Plus it ends with almost all the dragons dying.
Recommended: No
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doll-in-the-walls · 2 years
Strangely Charming - Chapter 6
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Chapter Sum: Maeve joins Eddie and the Hellfire Club after school leaving Calcifer without a ride home.
A/N: For the first time in a long time I’ve done so much writing for a fic. I have up to like 50+ chapters planned for this thing so far (mind you some are just outlines or what I want for the chapter and most are under 2k words, but like I said in the previous A/N I’m already writing stuff for season 3. My total word count is 57k+ right now which is longer than my other fic with these two OCs)
Warnings:  None
Words: 1629
(Previous Chapter)
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Outfits for this chapter/day: (Realized I didn’t include Cal’s backpack before.)
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Friday afternoon Max was, again, already waiting when Calcifer rode through the parking lot towards Maeve’s car. She nodded to him and he nodded back. Calcifer stopped his board and swung his backpack off his shoulder, setting it on the ground to open it. He crouched and dug through it for a moment before bringing out a large chemistry textbook. Max raised an eyebrow as she watched him; from inside the book he took out a few packets of large stickers. 
“Here ya go,” he said as he held them out to her. Max looked towards the high school before she walked over to take them. 
“Thanks,” she said, not taking the time to look at them before quickly putting them in her own bag. Max looked up to see Calcifer pushing his backpack in through the open back window of the Jeep. He let out a sigh as he turned back to her.
“Well, see ya. Mae’s at some after school club thing with her new boyfriend or whatever, so I’m skating home.” He rolled his eyes with a sigh.
“Really? That was fast,” Max said bluntly.
“Well, they’re not really dating, I just say that to give her a hard time. He’s also our neighbor so we see him all the time.” Calcifer shrugged. He hesitated as he saw something by the middle school. “Uh… Now since I’m pretty sure they’re not looking at me, I think your friends are over there?” He nodded in their direction and Max turned to see the three boys just before they ducked out of sight. “Or not.” Calcifer raised an eyebrow.
“Not,” Max confirmed as she rolled her eyes.
“Eh, boys are weird at that age,” Calcifer said with a shrug. “I mean they’re weird in general but more so at their age.”
“Aren’t you a boy?” Max asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah… and I’m weird. We’ve established this,” he said with a chuckle that made Max let out her own chuckle. “One of them, or all of them, probably have a little crush or something. Gross.” He made a face.
“Hey!” She held up an arm with a frown before putting it on her hip.
“No, no, no, I wasn’t saying gross at you,” he clarified quickly. “I was saying gross at… all…” He gestured around. “Relationship… stuff.”
“I take it you’re not looking for a girlfriend then?” Max asked with an amused look.
“No.” He shook his head. “Even if I didn’t just move here, no. I’m not looking for a boyfriend either. Let’s be clear about that.” He held up a hand. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that; I don’t judge.” He shrugged. “Just never been my cuppa tea. Not a big fan of tea really,” he mused as he looked up. “Actual tea, I mean, not the metaphorical tea. ‘M more of a coffee person.”
“Got it.” She nodded with an amused look, one eyebrow raised again.
“Alright. I can feel you judging me,” he said with a smile to assure her that he wasn’t actually offended and moved to put down his skateboard. 
“Hang on,” Max stopped him. “Where do you live?”
“Uh… why?” he asked slowly as his brow furrowed slightly at her.
“Billy… really doesn’t like you, I wouldn’t put it past him to try and scare you or hit you with his car if he sees you on the road,” she muttered.
“If he thinks I’m worth damaging his car… well, I honestly don’t know if I should be scared or flattered.” He blinked before shaking his head. “You drive by or in the direction of the trailer park?”
“No.” She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”
“Then I’ll be fine. Thanks though,” he said and turned to leave but kept turning so he faced her again. “Actually, before I go, you seem like someone to give me a brutally honest opinion.” 
“Yep.” She nodded. 
“Do I look too old to go trick-or-treating?” he asked. 
“What?” She raised an eyebrow with a scoff of a laugh. 
“Mae, says I don’t look young enough cause I'm six feet tall… and she’s sending me to the store tomorrow so I figured I might pick up something for a costume…” He shrugged. “Hey, think you could save me a few pieces of candy you get? I’ll eat anything.”
“Just go trick-or-treating,” Max said with a shrug. “No one says you can’t just because you’re older.”
“Ah, you just don’t wanna share.” He waved a hand dismissively. “All the high schoolers are going to that stupid party, I’d probably be the only one walking around a bunch of kids asking for candy. Not a good look unless I want people to actively call me a loser.”
“You care how you look?”
“Oh-ho-ho, that one hurt,” he said, putting his hand to his chest, but laughed so she knew he wasn’t actually bothered by it. “Well, I better get going before blondie shows up. See ya.”
“See ya.”
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“Everyone!” Eddie exclaimed, clapping four times, as he stood from the throne at the head of the table. “Your attention please!” The boys sitting around the table looked up to him and watched as he slowly made his way around the table and over to the door as he spoke, “I know most of you had your doubts, but it is my great honor and pleasure…” He put a hand to his chest dramatically. “to introduce to you all… your new sorceress, specializing in all things dark and dead…” He bowed as he pulled open the door, arm sweeping outward, allowing Maeve to walk in and give a mock curtsy. “Grimora Doomweaver!”
“Alright!” The boys clapped. “Yeah!”
“See, knew she’d show up,” Dan said as he elbowed Jeff.
“Cal’s not coming?” Grant asked. 
“Nah. Nothing against you guys or the game; he’s just not really a people person,” Maeve said. Eddie came to stand in front of his throne as Maeve walked up to the table.
“Well? Gentlemen, make some space for the lady,” Eddie said as he waved his hands for Gareth to move over. Instead of moving down and allowing a space to Eddie’s left, Gareth moved to the right to allow a space between him and Grant. Maeve slid an extra chair in and sat down.
“You better not go easy on her just cause she’s pretty,” Dan said, giving Eddie a look. 
“Aw, you think I’m pretty? Thank you,” Maeve said with a smile and little bounce in her seat. Dan gave her a grin and looked at Eddie. 
“Uh oh… I sense pain in my future,” Dan muttered, leaning towards Jeff. Eddie didn’t say anything, but the look he gave the boy as he sat down made the other boys wince. Maeve pulled out a folder from her bag and a small black pouch.
“You even got your own dice,” Jeff noted, pleasantly surprised. 
“Well, Eddie gave me one of his old sets,” she said with a small shrug as she took out her character sheet. Eddie cleared his throat as the others gave him looks. 
“Now, we haven’t gotten an official mini for her yet, but until then…” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a skeleton hand ring. “I figured we could just use this for the day.” He leaned forward to place the ring amongst the miniatures on the board. “Matches the whole necromancy theme.”
“Eddie said he’d help me get one over the weekend so I can have it painted by next session.”
“Does this mean you’re officially joining Hellfire?” Gareth asked. Maeve looked at Eddie with a smile before looking around at the others.
“If that’s okay with all of you?” she asked.
“Of course!”
“Oh yeah!”
“Hell yeah!”
“Welcome to Hellfire,” Eddie said as he stood and bowed. 
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“Did ya have fun?” Eddie asked as he gathered his things. The others had already left, leaving him and Maeve to clean up.
“A lot,” Maeve said with a grin. “Not that I didn’t enjoy our one-on-ones, but playing with everyone was so much fun.”
“Yeah, the guys are great,” he said, nodding, with a chuckle. 
“Oh, don’t forget your ring.” She picked it up and held it out to him.
“Hey, why don’t you keep it?” he suggested with a small smile. “Your one ring looks lonely and your left hand is a little bare.” He wiggled his fingers letting his rings click together.
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged with a grin. “Definitely your style.”
“Alright. Thanks.” She smiled as she figured out which finger it fit on. He started chuckling when he saw it fit on her ring finger. 
“Please wear that during lunch on Monday.”
“Want the boys to see you’ve called dibs?” she teased. His eyes widened.
“Wh-? No-! No, no, I swear that’s not what I-!”
“I’m just teasing!” she said quickly with a light laugh.
“Just… wanted to see what the guys would say,” he said with a shrug. “I would never call dibs on someone. You don’t call dibs on people.” He shook his head. Maeve smiled.
“Yeah, I know you’re not like that.” He chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. 
“So, uh, tomorrow we’ll… get you a mini. I’ve got a bunch of paints you can borrow. I can bring them over or you could, ya know, come over.”
“Sounds like fun. Maybe we could get lunch after,” she suggested.
“Yeah?” he asked, his face lighting up. She nodded as she tried not to smile too much. “Yeah! Alright.” 
“So… I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said as she picked up her bag and slowly moved to the door.
“Yeah, see ya,” he said with a grin and a small wave. 
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A/N: So if it hasn’t already been said in a note before now, Calcifer is asexual/Ace BUT he’s not aromatic/Aro. On AO3 this fic has the tag for Steve / OMC which isn’t really a spoiler since it’s a tag.
(Next Chapter)
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elivanah-writes · 3 years
The Pull - Paul Lahote
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Pairing: Paul Lahote x reader
Sum: Y/n, does her best to keep her friend Bella from doing stupid things, even if that means she has to get into a fight of her own with the big cocky hothead Paul. But what if that very man she dislikes imprints on her? Can they lay their difference behind them?
Warnings: slight angst, protective reader, smut 18+ only! semi public s*x, rough s*x, unprotected s*x..
This was requested by @georgesbee​ 
This is not read over by a beta so sorry for any mistakes
Y/n was the total opposite of Bella Swan. Y/n was down to earth, enthusiastic and most of the time pretty positive but the one thing they had in common was that they both were stubborn to a t. People didn't really understand how the two of them could stand each other or let alone be friends. But Y/n and Bella were best friends ever since Bella moved to Forks.
The day she met Bella was one she clearly remembered. She had just left her friend Jermey's house and was walking along the trail with an angry scowl on her face when she suddenly walked into someone, Bella. Bella could see how upset she had been. Y/n doesn't really know how but Bella got her to talk about what happened when she was at her friend's place, how much of an asshole Jermey's best friend Paul had been to her. She just ranted to her like they knew each other for years. And ever since that day the two of them kept in touch and soon became fast friends. 
Bella had made her forget all about that asshole Paul who she actually felt attracted to. Bella understood her inner conflict and reassured her that it was okay to think he was hot but at the same time hate his guts.
Almost a year later it was y/n who comforted Bella and gave her some good advice. Bella had her heart shattered by her now ex-boyfriend Edward. Y/n actually stayed with her for the first week after the break-up. Y/n had never liked Edward Cullen and she hadn’t hidden it from Bella. That’s why Bella was surprised to see her standing next to Jacob when Sam had found her in the woods and brought her home. Y/n might have disliked Edward, but she hated seeing her friend going through this heartbreak, so she helped her as much as possible. 
She made sure Bella didn’t lock herself up in her room all day to sulk. Y/n actually tried to take Bella’s mind off things, yes they still talked about it when Bella felt the need to get things off her chest. But y/n just didn’t want her friend to fall into a negative spiral and get stuck at the bottom like she knew Bella would if she didn’t have someone to pull her up. So that’s what she did. 
After some time Bella started to go outdoors again without her being there. And when she told her that she started to spend more and more time with Jacob y/n was happy for her. Y/n only wanted the best for her friend, and she thought that if Bella would let him, Jacob could make her even happier. 
Weeks went by and Bella got better every day, she spends most of her time with Jake in La Push but never made y/n feel like she was being left out. Bella dragged her with her when she met up with Jake and even then it was more like the three of them spending time together rather than just Bella and Jake. Y/n never felt bored when they did things even if it was just sitting in Jake’s shed while the two of them watched him work on his car and just talk about everything and nothing. It actually felt like the three of them had been friends for ages. But she could also see that Jacob fell for Bella, it was there right on his face in the way he smiled and looked at her. But when she looked at Bella she wasn’t really sure if she felt the same for him, yes she liked him to some extend but she wasn’t sure if that was in a romantic way. She did believe that Bella could love him if she opened her heart for it, they’d be good together. 
One day some time ago Bella had asked her to accompany her and some of her other friends to the movies but sadly she couldn’t. Y/n had promised to help her grandmother’s friend on the rez. The woman named Tayen was like family to her so she wouldn’t tell no to her just to go to a movie. A day spent with Tayen was always a special and happy day, she was like a second grandmother that kept asking if she found her one already. She’d just laugh the question away or just ask the woman a question of her own. But even tho they laughed a lot, y/n would always make sure the work that needed to be done was done. She picked up groceries, did some cleaning but they also cooked together, Tayen always taught her a new recipe every time she came over. She always felt like a new person when she closed the front door behind her after they had dinner and the dishes were done. 
That night when she drove home she couldn’t help but feel like something was about to go wrong.
It was two days later when her feeling got confirmed, Bella told her everything that had gone down at the movies from Mike getting sick to Jacob making his move on her and her turning him down to Jacob exploding in anger towards Mike. Bella was worried about Jacob, it seemed that he got sick too, his dad told Bella that he had mono. Y/n had never seen her this worried about someone, but then again she did admit to her that she had started to feel like her friendship with Jacob could become something more but she just wasn’t ready for a new relationship. 
After a lot of unanswered phone calls later, Bella started to think that there was going on more than just Jacob being sick, he was ignoring her for some reason and Bella was so mad that she just went down to La push. But that ended up in Bella knocking on her front door in tears. She had seen Jacob and that conversation hadn’t been the best, in Bella’s words he had broken up with her and told her that it was for the best if they didn’t see each other again. 
Y/n had feared that Bella would fall in a downward spiral again but that didn’t seem to happen. 
A week later, Bella almost dragged her with her when she went to talk to Jacob a second time. She didn’t really want to go with her, but she feared that Bella would make a bigger scene than necessary if she didn’t. So she quickly stepped into her shoes and got into her car where Bella was already waiting for her. During the drive, y/n tried her best to calm down her raging best friend and for a minute she even succeeded but the moment they arrived and saw a group of buff men walking towards Jacob’s house Bella flipped again. Bella didn’t even wait before the engine was turned off of her car before she leaped out of the car and ran yelling at the men. 
“What did you do?! What did you do to him?!” she yells before giving the man she recognized as Sam a hard push. 
That was her cue to turn off the car and run after Bella but when she noticed the man standing beside Sam she almost tripped over her feet. ‘damn he even got hotter over time’ she thought to herself when she saw Paul standing there clearly being held back by Sam. But then she heard him fire back at Bella.
“What did we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?” he almost growled back at her friend making her even run faster at then. Just when she arrived next to Bella, Bella had already opened her mouth to make another remark when y/n’s eyes met those of Paul. But what she had never expected was how Paul’s angry face fell into a soft almost surprised look like he had forgotten everything in the world besides her. His face quickly changed again when Bella’s voice sounded over the sound of her heart beating loudly in her chest.
“He didn’t tell me anything, because he’s scared of you. So tell me what did you do?!”
The only reaction Bella got was the whole group laughing in her face as if she had just told the best joke. Y/n could see the confusion and hurt with a mix of embracement clearly on her face. How dare they, laughing at a woman who was clearly in distress just because she wanted to protect the man she cared for. Y/n could clearly feel her own anger growing with every second until it was too much for her and before she even realized it she had lifted her hand and slapped Paul across his face. Everybody stopped laughing as soon as her hand had made contact with his face, Paul stared at her in shock for what seemed a whole minute before his face turned even more angry than before.
He started to shake uncontrollably while a soft growl came from deep inside his throat seemed to grow. 
“Stay back,” Sam says to the two girls as he tries to let Paul take a few steps further away from them but that seemed to make things even worse as Paul started to shake even more. ‘This is all too strange’ Y/n thought to herself, ‘was Paul that angry about the slap that he’d attack her?’ ‘What an asshole, he deserved the slap, he has no right to be angry at her’. But then everything escalated when suddenly Jacob ran from his house towards the two friends and placed himself between the girls and a raging Paul. But that act alone made Paul explode out of his skin, literally. The place where Paul used to stand now stood a big wolf-like animal growling, showing its teeth to Jacob ready to jump him. Less than a second later Jake jumped at the animal, changing mid-jump in a similar form, and attack it making Bella stumble over her feet out of surprise and fall down on her ass. 
‘What the hell is this, what kind of freakshow is this, this must be a dream’ Y/n thought as she stood there frozen in her spot. 
It was like time stopped, she didn’t notice everything going on around her, she just blacked out like a zombie. Even Bella took it better than her. The last thing she clearly remembers was Bella leading her back towards her car and helping her take a seat on the backseat while two boys of the group got behind the wheel and in the passenger seat.
The next thing she knew she sat at a kitchen table with a steaming cup of tea in her hands and a big muffin in front of her. Bella had chosen to stay near the door as long as Jacob wasn’t there. The woman who owned the house they were at, named Emily, had made the two boys give them a short explanation. Embry, one of the boys, had enthusiastically started talking under a lot of commentary from Jared, the other boy.
All the boys of their group were shapeshifters and changed into giant wolves to protect humans from their natural enemies. She didn’t ask what or their enemies were. Somewhere she felt like they were pulling one hell of a prank on her but the way Bella acted and responded to it all made her feel like she somehow already knew about the supernatural, like it didn’t shock her at all.
In the end, she had to believe that what they just told her had to be true, she had even seen it with her own eyes. But that didn’t mean that she should act like nothing big had happened like this was just like a normal thing. She wondered why Bella never felt the need to inform her about this before. She clearly needed to let everything sink in, she was really overwhelmed by it all and it seemed like Emily could see it because she sat down next to her and placed her hand on top of hers. Not a second later Jacob and Paul walked into the kitchen playfully shoving each other. But when his eyes landed on hers he just smirked while dropping down on one of the chairs and said “sorry” casually before grabbing a muffin of his own making her huff in response. 
‘Who did he think he was? Walking in like nothing had happened like he wasn’t about to attack her and Bella and then just give her a lame-ass sorry’.
Instead of giving him more attention, even tho she had the urge to keep staring at him she looked at where Bella stood whispering to Jacob and stood up from her seat. 
“Thank you, Emily, for the tea and muffin but I need to get going,” she said to the woman before turning to Bella. “Will you be able to get home or are you coming with me now?”
“Oh, Jake can drive me home” Bella responded, and soon after Embry spoke up “You can stay if you want, we were just getting to know you.” 
“I know, but I really need to go, I still have things to do at home.” 
When she walked towards her car she felt like a feeling of loneliness in her heart became bigger with every step she took, like she left a part of herself in that kitchen. 
Days passed in what felt like a blurry haze, that feeling of loneliness she started to feel when she left Emily’s place only seemed to grow. What made things worse was that Paul never left her thoughts or even her dreams. She had always thought he was hot and had a small crush on him when she first met him, but how he treated her back then made her crush disappear as fast as it came. But now she felt so confused, if her crush on him was gone why did she dream about being in a relationship with him, doing romantic things together, she sometimes even had downright wet dreams about him. It frustrated her even more, she couldn’t understand her feelings, not while she thought he was a big arrogant asshole at the same time. She tried to ignore it as much as she could, she’d get over it soon enough, that was what she hoped at least.
Bella hadn’t spoken to her about the incident, not even one word and y/n didn’t bother to ask either. Y/n just wanted to forget it even happened. So when Bella asked her to hang out with Jake she accepted, wanting to go back to their normal as soon as possible. First, it really seemed like everything was like before but then suddenly more boys from the pack started to join them when they hung out and one of them was Paul. She hated it. Paul made her confusion only grow, he still acted like a cocky asshole most of the time but sometimes he looked at her with this strange look in his eyes that she couldn’t place. 
She tried to just ignore him, his stupid and cocky remarks and weird looks as best as she could, but that got harder every day especially when he tried to talk to her. It was like something made her to focus on him, pulled her to him because every time he was near her that feeling of loneliness disappeared. It was so frustrating. She knew her crush wasn’t disappearing, instead, it was growing but she still kept acting like she couldn’t stand him. What else could she do? It wasn’t like she would date him, she could never date an asshole who thought he was better than everyone else. 
It was a Friday evening and Jacob had picked her and Bella up for a small bonfire on the beach with a few guys of the pack with the promise of alcohol and Emily’s cooking. 
She was munching on some food and listening only with half an ear to the story Embry was telling her. She was once again distracted by Paul watching her over the fire. He was unusually quiet, he hadn’t made one single remark since she had arrived at the beach. It was like something bothered him, like he wanted to say something.
“You know, you should give him a chance,” Embry says giving her shoulder a soft push with his own to grab her attention. 
“A chance to what? Embarrass me even more?” she says with a shrug
“A chance to explain things. You’d be surprised to know that he’s not an asshole at all.”
“I don’t know, he hasn’t given many signs that say that he isn’t”
“That might be true but just hear him out. What do you have to lose? It’s not like you can keep ignoring his existence, he’s our friend, our brother.” Embry points out and y/n only groans in response because he really had a good point. She would never be able to keep ignoring him, it would be for the best if the two of them could be at least civil around each other. 
Embry only laughed at her reaction when she dropped her forehead against his shoulder in a fake dramatic way. But just at that moment, they heard someone clear their throat behind them. Paul stood there towering over them. 
“Can we talk? It’s important” He says and before she can react he turns around and walks towards the woods where some of the cars were parked. And after a soft nudge from Embry y/n walked in the direction Paul had walked off until she found him leaning against his truck. 
“so, what did you want to talk about?” she shrugged 
“Isn’t that obvious? About us. Things can’t go on like this, I know you hate me but there are things you need to know.” he said making her shrug. 
“It’s not like you care but you’re right we need to learn to get along.” 
“I do care about you, even if I can’t stand you at times,” Paul says as he takes a few steps closer to her.
“Oh wow that’s a great joke Paul” she sarcastically says
“it’s not a joke. Did Jake or one of the others tell you about imprinting?”
“Whatever, I don’t believe you. Yes, Jake might have mentioned something about it but what has that to do with us?”
“I imprinted on you” he states like it was nothing like he just said that the sky is blue.
“omg, really Paul? That’s really low even for you”
“I’m serious y/n. You can’t deny that you don’t feel it, that you don’t feel the pull between us.”
“So what if I do? That doesn’t have to mean anything, you just happen to like me just because they made you like me. Hell, you have hated me ever since you were Jermey’s best friend.” Y/n spat at Paul, she was more confused than ever. The guy she thought hated her just confessed that he had imprinted on her and that she was actually his soulmate but still acted like that was nothing like it didn’t mean a thing.
“Don’t fool yourself, I still think that you’re a brat but at least you’re hot” he smirks
“Oh fuck you mister ‘I’m better than anyone and I’ll fight everyone who comes too close.’ you’re a fucking asshole you know” y/n snarks at him while giving his chest a push so he’d take a few steps away from her. But when did he ever do something she’d ask him. Instead of moving away he stepped closer to her and held her hand to his chest. He clearly knew that she wanted to slap the smirk right off his face. 
“Oh come on sweetheart, you like it, all girls like a bad boy.”
“Well I don’t, in fact, I despise ‘bad boys like you. Now let me go Paul” she says as she tries to pull her hand from his.
“Never, I’ll never let you go,” he says in the sweetest and softest voice she has ever heard before pulling her in his embrace. She was so surprised by the sudden change in him that before she even knew what was happening she felt his lips claiming hers in a passionate kiss. Normally she would have pulled back but the moment his lips touched hers sparks flew all through her body. She finally felt complete and strangely she felt loved. Everything just made sense to her, he made sense, you’d never kiss someone you truly hated like this right? So she just followed her feelings and kissed him back. It was like the two of them melted in each other while Paul moved one of his hands that held her waist to hold her face. 
Y/n only pulled back when she was starting to get out of breath, but as soon as she did she saw Paul smirking down at her. Which was such a big contrast of his thumb sweetly stroking her cheek. 
“Told you you liked it.” 
“You can drop the bad boy act Paul, you’re not really like this aren’t you?”
“Of course not, I just thought that girls like guys acting like assholes. I know I have some anger issues but I’m not a real asshole,” he admitted
“So what you’re saying is that you really like me and you thought that I’d like you back if you were an asshole to me?”
“Yes?” he says a bit sheepish before continuing “ Look, I have liked you ever since Jermey introduced us, he told me that was what you liked in a guy. And then when I first saw you again after I shifted and imprinted on you I was so happy that it was you. So no I don’t like you just because they made me like you. I guess I just suck in showing you how I really feel.”
“Fucking Jermey, that guy lied to you. That’s what I hate in a guy, I actually thought you hated me while I had a crush on you,” she said which made Paul’s smirk return.
“You have a crush on me huh? Does that mean I can kiss you again?”
“Hold your horses, we still have a lot to work through. We can’t go from disliking each other to being boyfriend and girlfriend, I bet we both still feel leftover frustration and anger. We should go step by step.” she chuckles, she wouldn’t mind Paul kissing her again. In fact, she wanted nothing less than to kiss him but she wanted to try to go slow in building a relationship with him.
“Well I know a very good way to get rid of frustration sweetheart.” he smiled while he pulled up his eyebrows a few times making y/n laugh and slap his chest.
“I’m not sleeping with you before we even had our first date Paul” she chuckled but she wasn’t really sure if she really meant that, that first kiss had already done things to her.
“Okay,” he shrugged “we’ll take it as slow as you want, you can set the pace but at least let me kiss you one last time,” he said with a cheeky little smile. 
How could she deny him that when she wanted to kiss him just as much? So she just let out a small giggle before she pulled him down by his neck to meet her lips halfway. Yes, she could definitely get addicted to his kiss. If she wasn’t already. She didn’t even realize that this kiss wasn’t just a simple kiss anymore, no at that point it had turned into a full make-out session as Paul’s tongue slipped between her lips. Instead of pulling away Y/n just moaned into the kiss and pushed herself closer into Paul’s touch. ‘Fuck it’ she thought to herself, she wouldn’t mind one bit if they didn’t go slow right now. It was just the two of them at that moment and the rest around them didn’t matter, they had every time in the world to take things slowly later. It was like he knew what she was thinking because he softly pulled his lips away from her just as her hands started to slide down from their place on his neck to the edge of his pants.
“Sweetheart, not that I’m complaining but I thought you wanted to take things slow?”
“Fuck taking things slow. We can start with going slow tomorrow. Now let’s get rid of some frustrations” she smiles innocently at him.
“Are you sure? You know that I was partly joking when I hinted at us fucking the frustrations away? And I don’t have a condom with me” He said and she knew that he’d never force her to do something that she wasn’t ready for and she only liked him even more because of it.
“I know. But it’s a good way, I’m sure and I’m on the pill anyway. It’s not like we’re going anywhere Paul, I’m your imprint.”
It wasn’t long before Paul pulled her back in and kissed her hungrily for a few seconds and then stepped away from her to walk towards his car leaving y/n standing there in confusion.
“Just getting a blanket from my truck, don’t want you getting cold” he chuckled as he quickly got the blanket, ran back to her, and dropped the blanket at her feet.
“where were we?” he smirked as he cupped her face between his warm palms.
“You were going to fuck me,” she speaks against his lips.
“Don’t you want me to make love to you for our first time together?” he asked her to be sure that they were on the same page.
“No, you can do that after we go on our first date. I want you to fuck me as if you hate me.”
That was all that he needed to hear before he was on her, kissing her with everything he had. He picked her up and took a few steps until her back was against a tree so it took part of her wait, not that he thought that she was heavy. But that way he had his hands free for what was to come. 
Y/n just moaned into his kiss, loving every part of how he manhandled her until she was trapped between the tree and his body with her legs wrapped around his waist. 
“Fuck, you have no idea how long I wanted to do that,” Paul growled when he traded her lips in for her throat softly nipping at the skin.
She was sure that he’d leave some marks on her skin but she didn’t care one bit. Every mark upon her skin would be carried with pride.
Paul’s touch lighted a fire inside her, something she had never felt before. Yes she had sex before but this was nothing she could describe, it was like an animal inside her awoke that she’d gladly let out.
It wasn’t long before his hands started to work on the button of her pants and as soon as it was open he slipped one of his hands inside while the other gripped her hip. 
“Fuck, you’re already so wet for me” he growled against her throat as he moved a finger between her folds collecting some of her wetness around her opening before teasing her clit. In response, she grips his soft black hair at the nape of his neck and softly pulls on it, and moans loudly at the feeling of his finger playing with her. It felt amazing, it never had felt this good before when she masturbated, this felt like a fire blooming deep inside her belly. Soon she wasn’t able to keep her hips still and started to move her hips at the rhythm of his movements. 
“More, please, Paul” y/n moaned while she tried to slip her free hand between their bodies so she could reach the front of his pants but because of the position they were in that wasn’t easy.
Paul only chuckled at her attempt and pushed two fingers inside of her to which she threw her head back with closed eyes.
“You got to be patient sweetheart, I got to get you ready or you won’t be able to take me,” he said in a warning tone before he softly bit down on the skin where her shoulder met her throat. 
“I don’t care, I can take it. Just fuck me, I need you to fuck me Paul” She pleaded not caring if she sounded like a needy little thing. She could feel herself soaking his fingers and knew she was already close to an orgasm but she wanted to cum on his cock so she did her best to hold it off. It was like she’d go crazy if he didn’t fuck her right away.
Paul didn’t laugh or call her out on her being needy for him but instead, he placed her on her feet before he quickly unfolded the blanket and spread it out over the cold ground. As soon as he was done he grabbed her by her hips, give her one last passionate kiss, and pulled her pants down before getting rid of his own pants. 
Y/n quickly stepped out of her pants and underwear, threw them aside while she watched Paul do the same. 
“Fuck you’re big,” she let out in wonder when she saw his erect cock once his pants had joined hers. He hadn’t been joking when he hinted at being big. 
“Still sure you can take it?” he smirked at her when she made her way closer to him. Y/n only smirked back at him and took his cock into her hand and started to softly stroke him to which he groaned in pleasure. 
“You gonna use that big cock now and fuck me senseless Paulyboy?”  
“I’m going to fuck that brat out of you,” he growled and before she knew it he had pushed her down onto the blanket and moved her until she sat on her hands and knees before him with his cock already lined up at her entrance. 
“Tell me if you want me to stop,” Paul whispers in her ear, giving her an out at any time possible if she wasn’t comfortable anymore with what they were doing.
“I’m sure baby, please fuck me, make me feel goof Paul” she softly spoke while pushing her hips back into his and moaning when she could feel the tip of his cock almost slip into her and moaned. 
Paul wasn’t doing much better than her, he tried his best to not go all too wild on her but she really made it hard. Hearing her plead for him didn’t make it easier on him. So he took a few deep breaths to calm himself a bit down and then pushed his cock inside of her slowly making them both moan out at the feeling. Y/n tried to breathe through the feeling of being stretched, she had never had someone as big as him, but it was a pleasurable feeling. Paul stilled all movements once he was fully inside of her, giving her time to adjust to him. But y/n seemed just too eager and despite the little bit of discomfort she felt by the stretch she started to move on his cock slowly. Her movements resulted in a mix of soft groans, moans, and growls from Paul as he tried to get a grip of himself so it wouldn’t end way too soon. He might have much bigger stamina and would easily go a few more rounds but this would just be embarrassing he thought to himself. He grabbed her hips to still her movements making her whine at the action but not much later he felt like he had control back over himself and starts to slowly move his hips against her. The slow pace that he had set only made her whine even more and soon she was begging him to go faster. It didn’t take long before he complied and started to build up his pace, pounding harder and faster into her while his grip on her hips got tighter too. She was sure that his fingers would leave their mark on her skin once they were done but she didn’t really care, this was what she had asked for, she wanted it rough and he just gave her what she wanted. She was on fire, every nerve ending was alive and screaming in pleasure. She had to even remind herself to keep breathing, it was like he was literally fucking her brains out as nothing seemed to work anymore. Even her arms started to get weak and she was struggling to hold herself up and Paul seemed to notice because suddenly he moved one of his hands under her, between her two breasts, and found its place on her throat. Paul moved to sit back on his knees and pulled her up with him so she mostly leaned on him. He maneuvered her head so that the back of her head rested upon his shoulder and he could claim her lips. The kiss was all teeth and tongue but still full of passion while he kept his pace fucking her. His other hand found its place on top of her clit, rubbing big circles on the already sensitive nub. 
Y/n saw stars, was close and this time there was no stopping it so she let it go and moaned loudly, almost screamed into Paul’s mouth as she came hard on his cock. 
When he felt Y/n’s walls squeezing the hell out of him he knew that he’d follow soon after her. Both were lost in the pleasure they gave each other and not a second later Paul spilled deep inside of her. 
Then everything went quiet except for the sound of their hearts beating like crazy and their rapid breaths. But Paul didn’t pull back, he just held her close and laid down with her and wrapped the blanket around her so she wouldn’t get cold. 
“Yeah, all my frustrations are definitely gone now. That was amazing baby” Y/n chuckled softly once she had caught her breath. Paul laughed in response, “That was indeed amazing sweetheart. Let me take you home, it’s getting late and it might start to rain, I don’t want you getting sick.”
Before he was even done speaking Paul had already untangled himself from her and started to gather their clothes. 
After they both had gotten cleaned up and dressed Paul had driven her home with the intent of just dropping her off like a gentleman but instead she had asked him inside, just to watch a movie because she didn’t want to say goodbye yet. But instead of watching the movie, they had sat on the couch talking and connecting in a not physical way but on an emotional level. It wasn’t a typical way to start their relationship but they both knew that they’d make it work.
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@alwayshave-faith​   @georgesbee​    @since02fanficrecs​    @wordsandsstuff​    @pawfect-melody​
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novaglenn · 3 years
a little more than strangers [jinx x reader]
ok so this is like my first time writing an x reader type thing but this idea popped up in my head when i was rewatching john wick and i needed to get it out plus my motivation decided to make an appearance for once so this was written just don’t expect anything amazing because my writing is just… yeah…. 😭
prompt: you’re a well known doctor, who’ll patch anybody up for some money when the person you least expects enters your clinic late at night. 
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It was late into the night, your last patient had just left and you revelled in the fact that your shift was over and that you could finally get your well-deserved lie in. Maybe working four nights in a row wasn’t your best idea but it couldn’t be helped when the only other employee that worked at your clinic just up and left out of nowhere, with you left struggling to keep up with not just the regular patients but the unofficial ones that you also had.
You begin to tidy up the clinic, moving quickly despite your growing fatigue, the quicker you finished, then the quicker you could return home. However, the sounds of heavy footsteps had caught your attention, which only get louder as the person slowly makes their way down the stairs before eventually reaching the entrance. For a moment you consider declining them, but you already start to have an idea as to who the unexpected guest was, if the nearby explosion from earlier was any indication. The jangling of the bell causes you to look up, but before the blue haired girl can even make two steps inside, you’re already raising your hand to stop her.
“Weapon on the table,” you point to the side of the door and judging by the look that most of your first-time patients give you, she’s not fond of the idea of parting with her beloved gun. “That’s the rule if you want to get patched up,” you add. There’s a look of hesitation on her face before she finally gives in and places her pistol down, she slowly makes her way over to where you are. Now that she’s closer, you can finally get a better look at her. Jinx looks pretty banged up, but at least it’s not as bad as what you’ve had other patients come in with.
She seems to have noticed your wandering eyes, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. “Like what you see, darling?” Her voice is teasing. She had heard the occasional whispers about the young doctor who would patch anybody up if they were willing to pay a small sum. Yet the one thing those whispers were missing were the ones about how attractive you were. Jinx had seen her fair share of beautiful women, but she’s amazed at the fact that you had somehow managed to slip under her radar.
There’s a look of surprise on your face, if this was any other scenario you would have probably indulged in the thought and returned the favour by flirting back, but Jinx is starting to look like she’s struggling to hold herself up, so you decide to give her your most charming smile. “How about I patch you up first, and you can flirt all you want later, darling.” Jinx only rolls her eyes at your words, but through her bangs that start to cover her face, you notice a hint of a smile. That catches you off guard, and for a moment you think that you wouldn’t mind seeing her smile like that again.
As soon as Jinx lays herself on the bed, you immediately get to work on the injuries that cover her body. They’re not as bad as they look, and you just assume that most of the blood covering her belongs to somebody else, but you don’t think too much into it and focus on stitching her injuries up as well as you can. With every cut that you fix up, there’s always a scar or two near it. Jinx doesn’t react much other than the occasional wince, so you start to wonder if she’s used to this. You’re about the same age as her, yet the scars that cover your body could only be counted on one hand
The moment you’re done, Jinx is already making her way off the bed and eyeing the injuries that were visible to her. She nods in approval at your work, and just when you’re about to scold her for potentially breaking the stitching, she’s already standing by the door with her weapon already holstered. “You did a real good job darling. I have no money, but I’ll be sure to pay you next time,” Jinx gives you a wink and before you can even reply she’s already gone. 
You’re standing there stunned, you can only shake your head in disbelief, yet you’re not surprised at her actions. Jinx mentioned a ‘next time’ and you start to hope that her promise of payback isn’t for your medical services but for something else instead.
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wandaromanova · 3 years
hi! id like to req sth i saw somewhere about nat x r, where reader is doing an online class and nat wakes up and casually kisses reader’s cheek and everyone who saw it is freaking out because the black widow has a gf and just generally fluff
Zoom Meetings
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: a few cuss words, very brief sexual suggestion
A/N: hello! i believe i’ve seen this idea on here as well! credits to @starsvck for the original idea! also, totally didn’t take inspo from a class i took. not proofread. <3
Summary: Y/N’s zoom meeting was interrupted by her famous girlfriend; Natasha Romanoff
Word Count: 1.6K | masterlist
(gif is not mine)
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You were a college student. When the pandemic hit, you were ecstatic to hear that you would no longer have to physically attend your classes, but now you wanted nothing more than to go back to school.
Sitting through zoom meeting after zoom meeting seemed more exhausting than actually attending classes. You’d constantly complain about how hard online school was to your girlfriend; Natasha Romanoff.
Nat would listen intently as you rambled off about how your teachers were assholes who assigned you work without actually teaching the lesson. They really were the worst, and you made sure Natasha knew too. You shared everything with her, she was your girlfriend after all. Nat would laugh as you talked about how shitty your teacher’s Internet connections would be; causing them to come in all choppy and making their screens freeze on a funny face.
No one knew that you were dating the famous Avenger. She was the infamous Black Widow. Your decision to keep your relationship quiet was a mutual decision between you and Natasha. You were both rather private people and enjoyed keeping your relationship well… yours. It wasn’t that you or Nat were embarrassed by the other, it was just easier with people not knowing.
People would put their opinions everywhere in regards to your relationship if they found out. That was something you and Natasha wanted to avoid as long as possible. Of course, you both had known it was only a matter of time before the world found out about the two of you. You just didn’t expect your relationship to be exposed in the way that it had.
It was another day of classes. You had situated yourself at your little desk in yours and Nat’s living room. You guys had bought this desk so you guys could work on any work the two of you needed to get done. You shoved your AirPods into your ears and connected them to your laptop before you tapped on the zoom link for your AP Calculus class.
Yeah.. AP Calulus. It’s as boring and challenging as it sounds. You honestly had no idea what was going on in the class at this point in the semester, you had given up. You just showed up for attendance and cheated on the tests using online calculators. Hey! It’s not like the teacher would know, you were just trying to graduate.
As your teacher did her opening remarks, you began to doze off. Your mind drifted to your sleeping girlfriend in the other room. She had the day off after months of nonstop work. You guys had a whole day planned today that would begin as soon as you finished your classes. God, you couldn’t wait for the school day to end so you could spend time with Nat.
Your teacher began to go on about something called Riemann Sums. If anyone were to ask you what the hell that was, you wouldn’t have a damn clue. Your teacher drew on her screen as you observed your classmates. They all looked bored out of their minds.
Most teachers didn’t require your cameras to be turned on during lessons, but there’s always that one teacher who makes a big deal out of cameras being turned off. This teacher was one of those. You would get lectured if your camera wasn’t on, so the entire class’ faces were on display in small square boxes.
You had known a few of your classmates from your previous years in college, having a few of them for classes. You never got the chance to get to know any of them beyond borrowing a pencil from some of them. College meant you were always busy and so were they.
As you attempted to pay attention to your teachers boring lesson, you failed to hear your girlfriend calling out for you. Natasha had forgotten that you had classes today. She had awoken and reached out to your side of the bed, expecting to feel your warm body breathing steadily beside her, but she was met with empty bedsheets. They were still warm, which meant you got out of bed not too long ago.
Natasha called out for you, but she didn’t get a reply. Nat, still in her very sleepy state, walked out of your bedroom and caught sight of you sitting at the desk. She didn’t even question why you were sitting there with your AirPods tucked firmly into your ears. All she wanted was for you to come back to bed with her.
So, Natasha made her way to you as she adorably rubbed her puffy eyes. She walked up behind your seat and hugged you tightly, causing you to jump in surprise. You whipped your head around to face the redhead with panic settling on your face.
“Nat! What are you doing?” You asked, completely freaked out. Natasha frowned at your reaction to her affection. “I woke up and you weren’t there. I miss you. Come back to bed.” Nat mumbled sleepily as she placed a kiss on your lips.
You kissed her back to not upset her before you quickly pulled away. “Nat. I’m in class right now.” You winced as you turned back around to face the camera as your teacher’s voice filled your ears.
“Ms. L/N, I’m sorry am I interrupting your love fest with my lesson?” Your teacher asked you sarcastically. God, she was a bitch. You were muted, but your camera was on so she, along with the rest of the class, could see you and Natasha. At your words, Natasha’s eyes widened as she looked towards your laptop. She was met with a ton of shocked faces and one angry one. Your teacher was obviously not happy with her interruption.
“No, Ms. Y/T/N. I apologize for the distraction.” You let out nervously and offered an awkward smile before the teacher returned to the lesson. Natasha quickly moved out of the frame and sent you an apologetic look before she made her way to the kitchen to make you guys breakfast.
You turned your attention to the zoom meeting once more and took notice of the zoom chat box blowing up. You opened it up, and as you expected, your entire class was freaking the hell out privately messaging you.
“Oh my god, was that THE Natasha Romanoff? You’re dating her?”
“Dude, there’s no way you’re hitting that. You’re so lucky.”
You rolled your eyes at your annoying classmates before you closed the messages and pretended to pay attention to the lecture. After another 45 minutes, your teacher finally ended the meeting. You shut your laptop with a sigh, your next class wasn’t for another hour, so you could take a break.
You stood up from the chair and stretched your body. Sitting in the same position for so long had your back hurting. You felt a pair of soft, but strong hands rub your back and you let out a soft moan at the relief.
“I’m so sorry for what happened moya lyubov (my love). I didn’t mean to get you in trouble and out us like that. I’m sorry I embarrassed you, I understand if you’re ups-“ Natasha’s words halted as you abruptly turned around to face the red-headed woman.
“Upset? Why would I be upset? It’s okay, Natty. We were bound to come out anyway.” You gave Nat a reassuring smile as you wrapped your hands around her waist, Nat’s arms reflexively going around your neck.
“I’d never ever be embarrassed of you. You’re the hottest woman to ever walk the planet and you’re all mine. I’ll show you off proudly.” You winked, prompting Natasha to roll her eyes at you.
“Hey, maybe my teacher will back off of me now that she knows my girlfriend could find her and kick her ass.” You joked, causing Nat to throw her head back in laughter. Her laugh made you laugh, it was extremely contagious. Natasha never laughed around other people, maybe a small chuckle, but never a genuine laugh. She only let you hear it and it was a god damn honor.
“You’re such a dork. I love you.” Natasha smiled at you as she nuzzled her nose against yours. Your nose scrunched up as hers wiggled against your own. You let out a little laugh. “I love you. And I’m not just any dork, I’m your dork.” You rubbed your thumb lightly against Nat’s waist as she played with the baby hairs on the back of your neck.
“Yeah, my dork. I’m excited to have the day to ourselves, so we could do whatever we want…” Natasha pulled away as she spoke with a suggestive tone. You raised your eyebrows at your girlfriend as she got away from your embrace.
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?” You asked your girlfriend as she backed away from you. “You’ll just have to find out, but you have to eat breakfast and get school done first. So, hurry the fuck up.” Natasha spoke as she turned around as she teasingly swayed her hips as she walked away from you. You eyed her up, checking out her ass with a shit-eating grin.
Yeah, you would never ever be embarrassed of being with her. If anything, you were glad that people knew about the two of you now. That meant that everyone would know she belonged to you, and you only. Yeah, that sounds possessive as hell, but she’s the love of your life. She was yours to love and you were hers.
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
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fandomlit · 3 years
neutral, chap. 4 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary after waking from a taunting nightmare, tommy expels some late night energy on some wandering mobs. you give him another lesson about taking care of himself, even when working hard, and tommy asks if you’ll teach him archery, which, of course, doesn’t go without entertainment.
warnings nightmares, mob killing
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gif cred belongs to @halcyoncraft
he was running again. he didn’t know where or from what, but his legs carried him far and strongly, weaving him through trees and grass and other obstacles along the way. he didn’t know how in danger he was, but he wasn’t going to stop and find out.
then he tripped.
when he flipped onto his back, it was that goddamn mask staring down at him, the lips just under it laughing, “you’re so weak, tommy! did you do anything while you were in neutral?” then his axe came down and tommy braced himself for the pain and release of death.
he woke up instead.
sweating under his covers, tommy sucked in a harsh breath as he sat up. he threw the soft cotton off of him, running a warm hand down his face. it was just a dream; he was safe in neutral.
looking out of the window next to him, he saw the moon still high in the sky, casting a cool light into his bedroom. dream’s words rang through his head like a bell, and he rubbed at his temples with a sigh. was he actually getting weak? was relaxing such a bad thing? at the very least, some part of him must have thought so to conjure a nightmare like that..
with another sigh, tommy lifted himself out of bed and flipped open the ender chest. he drew out his sword before heading to the main floor of the house.
when he reached the bottom of the stairs, a voice called out to him, “tommy?” his heart nearly stopped for a moment, before peeking into the kitchen and realizing it was just y/n. she sat in candlelight, writing in a small journal with a slice of half-eaten pumpkin pie next to her. “are you alright?”
“yeah,” he breathed, his voice still heavy with sleep. “just gonna go kill some mobs.”
she nodded. she looked tired, and a part of tommy felt bad knowing that she was most definitely going to wait for him to return. “okay. have at it, kid.”
he nodded, turning to leave the kitchen. before he did so, he pursed his lips and looked over his shoulder to y/n. “you should go to bed.”
she gave him a smile, scribbling something down in the small journal. “i will, tommy. just gotta finish this up..” his natural curiosity was drawn to the small book, and he almost asked y/n what she was writing. but then dream’s voice rang through his mind again, and tommy silently headed for the doors of the house.
the night air was refreshing on his warm skin, cool and still as the moon illuminated the frontal beauty of neutral territory. he took a deep, calming breath of that crisp air before focusing on the task at hand: proving to himself that dream was wrong. that dream is always wrong.
after about twenty zombies, ten spiders, countless creepers, and a few endermen, tommy finally felt the burn in his arms become nearly too much to bear. he panted as he struck down one last spider, turning and finally deciding to return back to the comfort of y/n’s home.
he sheathed his sword when he finally entered the house, going straight to the kitchen to see that y/n was still awake and writing in her small journal.
“ready to go to bed?” he asked gruffly.
she looked up slowly before nodding, placing her quill down and capping her ink. “any trouble out there?”
“no,” he spoke, shaking his head. “wrote everything you needed to?” y/n blew out her candle and went to join the boy in the doorway to the kitchen.
“as much as i could, anyway,” she shrugged, smiling lazily as they began to walk toward the stairs. “what was your nightmare about?”
tommy was slightly startled, but a little too tired to react drastically to y/n’s deduction. “how’d you know i had a nightmare?”
“i’ve had them before,” she said simply. “and it seemed natural that you’d expel some energy onto mobs after such a thing.”
“you’re smart,” tommy credited.
“thank you,” y/n yawned.
they continued to climb the stairs in silence as tommy considered his words. “i was being hunted by dream again, but this time you weren’t there to save me. he called me weak and killed me.”
“so you wanted to prove to yourself that despite allowing yourself peace, you didn’t have to sacrifice your strength to get there,” y/n summed.
the boy half-smiled. she was spot on, as always. “exactly,” tommy breathed. 
y/n was silent for a moment as she thought. they stopped at the hallway to tommy’s room and it then occurred to tommy’s tired mind that her room was downstairs; she was walking with him because she cared about him. 
“honestly, tommy, if this is a real concern for you, then there is no harm in taking time out of your day to work out and train,” y/n spoke. “but the most important thing is to recognize when enough is enough, and when enough becomes too much. you’ve allowed yourself peace and care for the last two weeks, and achieving such a state doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice fighting or training; it just means that you need to be more aware and in tune with yourself as you’re doing it.” tommy nodded.
“don’t overwork yourself, is the summary here,” she said, picking a cobweb off of his shirt. “let yourself do the things you want, but make sure it’s not wearing you down. that’s taking care of yourself.”
“alright,” tommy spoke quietly. “thank you, y/n.”
“of course, kid,” she smiled. “get some sleep, alright? if you have another nightmare you’re free to bother me.” tommy nodded again. “good night, tommy.”
“good night, y/n,” he yawned as she turned to head down to her room. he made sure he heard her door shut before finally heading to his own room.
“can you teach me archery?” tommy questioned the next morning at breakfast. it was a question that had bugged him since y/n had first revealed her skills just a few days prior, and since he was going to start training, he figured that might be a good place to start.
“sure,” she chuckled as she scooped some more fruit onto his nearly half-eaten plate of french toast.
“why the laugh?” he questioned through a mouthful of berries.
she shrugged to herself. “your curiosity is showing.”
“i’ve been wondering about it since you took out the mob,” tommy admitted. “if i want to get stronger.. i think this is a good way to.”
“perfecting a skill is the perfect way to get stronger,” y/n voiced. “of course i’ll teach you, kid.” she smiled and he turned back to his breakfast with his own grin. “finish up your food and meet me in the basement; we gotta get you a bow first.”
tommy hadn’t been in the basement of the house yet. he opened the heavy, dusty trapdoor and assumed y/n didn’t go down their often either. he slid down the ladder easily and was immediately hit with heat.
y/n had a welding station upstairs in her shop area, but the basement had a more broad and intense version of that area. several anvils, all cracked and rusted and adorned with different materials were scattered in a sort of pattern amongst the space, a fire burning high in a fireplace at the far side of the room. seeing no sign of y/n, tommy moved to the room to his left.
the next room held a large nether portal, as well as a small farm for netherwart. the dark room felt empty to him, and he had to remind himself that he was in fact in y/n’s house still. he remembered she had said that she didn’t like going to the nether.
“i’m in here, tommy!” she called out. he took another left into a small storage room, where y/n was rustling through a chest. “how tall are you, kid?”
“6’1”,” he answered.
y/n smiled. “you’re a lot taller than i’ll ever be.” she took out a pretty oak bow, slightly scratched and obviously old. “you’ll have to use this for now, until i can make you one that’s your size.” he took the bow from her hands, shrugging.
“it’s fine.”
“good,” she hummed, still shuffling through the chest as tommy took the time to look around the small room.
“what’re the dispensers for?” tommy asked, staring at the wall that held the three stone tools.
“im nothing if not prepared, tommy,” y/n spoke as she took out a quiver and began to fill it with arrows for him. “in case of emergency, those dispensers will set off flares to let others know that im in trouble or that neutral is in danger.”
tommy nodded, still looking at the obviously unused dispensers. “smart.”
“i hope so,” she sighed, handing him the quiver of arrows. he strapped it around himself as she continued, “let’s just hope i never have to use them, yeah?”
“yeah,” he chuckled. she gave him a smile, hoisting her bow higher in her grip.
“you ready to shoot some things?”
“relax your shoulders,” y/n reminded. tommy did so, his fingers still white with effort against the taut string of the bow. “don’t pull so hard, tommy. you’re shaking.” he sighed as he let the string and arrow go limp, lowering his bow as y/n approached him closer.
it was his second day of archery training, and he was still missing nearly every target. y/n was a calm and collected teacher, offering him advice that was pointed directly for him and reassured him that there was no rush in the learning process. but after missing fifteen or so shots in a row, tommy was getting frustrated.
and it didn’t help with sapnap and george staring at him through the kitchen windows.
“doin’ great, kid,” sapnap encouraged weakly, taking a drink of the lemonade y/n had lovingly prepared for the boys. just watching the older man sip made tommy’s mouth dry, but he was determined to make five shots in a row before taking a break.
tommy glared at the man before turning his gaze back to his mentor. “ignore him, tommy,” y/n spoke gently. “nick couldn’t hit a target if it was three paces away.”
“that’s a lie!”
“im kidding,” y/n laughed, placing a hand on tommy’s shoulder and turning him away from the distraction that was sapnap. “but seriously, there’s almost always going to be someone watching when you shoot. the more you can tune them out, the better. just focus on your aim--and make sure your grip is looser. you’re gonna snap that string in no time otherwise.”
“loose grip, focus on aim,” tommy breathed and she patted his shoulder as he turned back to the target ahead of him. he hoisted the bow up slowly and pulled the string back just enough that it wasn’t fully taut. he made sure his aim was a little higher than his target, and released the whizzing arrow. the arrow pierced just outside of the center ring.
“perfect,” y/n smiled. “now, do it again.” and he did, taking another deep breath and allowing himself to focus in on the feel of the rough wood on his fingertips, and the tight string he was pulling. the arrow hit just beside his last. she nodded encouragingly. “keep going.”
tommy could feel his heart start to thump in his chest from the excitement of his accurate aim. he took another calming breath and watched as the arrow lodged closer to the center.
“great aim,” she complimented and he grinned as he pulled another one back, trying to contain his shaking as he aimed. the arrow shot lower than his previous, but on the target nonetheless. “still a good shot. one more?”
“yeah,” tommy nodded, licking his dry lips as he retrieved another arrow from his quiver. heart still thumping with utter excitement and pride at y/n complimentary words, he quickly released the arrow and his smile dropped as the arrow lodged into the ground before the target.
“hey, that’s fine!” y/n assured as tommy groaned and dropped his head. “four in a row is an amazing improvement, tommy. you should take a break and reward yourself.”
tommy sighed, looking to the shameful arrow. “yeah. alright.” he dropped the bow to the ground along with his quiver. he looked to his slightly splintered fingers. “im gonna go.. wash up.”
“alright,” y/n smiled as tommy scampered away. she entered into the open kitchen, smiling at her guests. “you boys doing alright?”
they nodded. “when did you take up parenting, y/n?” george giggled. she rolled her eyes as she went to pour her and tommy their own glasses of lemonade. “no, seriously! you care for that kid a lot, it-it’s not a bad thing!”
she sighed, leaning against her counter as she sipped at her lemonade. “i know you two haven’t always agreed with him in the past, but i think tommy’s a good kid. i like his ethic, and i think he has a lot of potential. but that being said..” she shook her head. “he’s so young.” the boys nodded. “he’s been thrown into such a life of chaos and destruction, and im not saying he’s at all innocent, but.. i think it’s good for him to learn that there’s more to this world than just war and enemies. there’s...”
“neutral,” sapnap finished for her. she let out a laugh.
“yeah, neutral,” she agreed, tapping her fingers against her cold glass. “but, yeah, if teaching him peace and self care is motherly of me..” she shrugged. “then i guess im alright with being a parent.”
“that’s sweet,” sapnap nodded. “i hate it.” the three of them laughed, y/n laying a light slap on the man’s arm before tommy’s voice called out to her.
“y/n! can i have some help?”
“im coming!” she called back, setting down her glass of lemonade.
“go help your poor son,” george teased, resting his head in his hand as he gazed at y/n amusedly. she rolled her eyes.
“behave, you two,” she laughed before leaving the kitchen.
there was a moment of silence before george spoke, “i do think it’s quite sweet how y/n’s taken tommy in. i think it’s good for both of them.”
“you say that now,” sapnap sighed, leaning back in his chair. “but just wait until tommy’s back to feeling 100% and y/n’s going around saying “pog” all the time.”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch @amibismexy @keiarma @akaichi-blog @runningoffofcaffeine @nonetookind @aquilla-favonia @feverish-dove @izuruamme @weeb-bb @bialin @justachillbisexual @kiritokunuwu @natalie-is-a-wall comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
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a/n: i never watched avengers: endgame so i have no idea how people returned from the blip. I'm using the idea of people returning to the same spot they disappeared from with no memory of what happened. so if this doesn't fit, just pretend it does.
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request: Can we pls get Torres reuniting with his girlfriend after the blip?
sum: joaquin remembers the last moment he saw you. the kiss and "i love you" he didn't get as he stalked out of the apartment. a pointless argument induced by lack of sleep and stress from work. each morning he wakes, wishing he could take it back.
pairing: joaquin torres x black!reader | words: 980 | rating: 💙
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“She’s my best friend.” The soft smile on Joaquín’s lips brought one to his grandmother’s lips.
That is how Joaquín introduced you to the most important woman in his life. The look in his eyes, as he watched you step forward for a hug, was one Mariana had never seen on her grandson.
Joaquín truly believed the words--so did you. He often found himself wondering how the two of you clicked instantly.
How can you feel at home with someone you haven't known your whole life?
Joaquín also often found himself wondering, what if he’d hadn’t been running late the morning he met you?
Would his fate had diverged, creating a new chance for the two of you to meet? Or would you both have gone about your days unaware of the missed opportunity?
“She’s my best friend.”
It was a phrase Joaquín told everyone eager to meet the woman who left the young man grinning. It translated to, “she knows me better than anyone.” She can sense when I’m anxious, overthinking, and stressed. She always knows what to say to help me calm down when an argument is brewing.
Maybe that’s why fighting was rare in your relationship. Being a rarity meant when fights do happen, they are bad.
The morning life changed for the world Joaquín's kitchen is filled with raised voices and hurtful words. Neither of you can pinpoint the reason you had gone to bed angry, and neither of you stops to try. The anger is left to ferment during the sleepless night, bleeding into the morning.
Joaquin left you crying, standing alone in the kitchen, the slamming of the front door echoing.
The heat of his skin and racing pulse curbs by the time Joaquin starts the engine of his truck. Both drowned out by the need to apologize. When Joaquín makes it back upstairs, you're already gone.
Years passed, and Joaquín's mind still drifts to the last words he said to you that morning. Each time he steps into the kitchen, pausing to get a cup of coffee, they echo in his mind. The look on your face, lingering as he shuts the front door behind him.
It has been his first thought the last five years--except this morning.
Joaquin is in the process of turning off the shower when the sound of clattering pots drifts down the hallway.
The sound is unexpected and unexplainable. It prompts Joaquín to grab the nearest weapon he can find--the aluminum baseball bat propped up against the corner of his bedroom.
Joaquin isn’t sure what he expects to find when he rounds the corner, but what he finds is nowhere on the list of possibilities rushing through his mind.
What he finds leaves Joaquin frozen in mid-swing, bat over his shoulder, in the center of his kitchen doorway.
His faded orange Arizona t-shirt is oversized on you. It is the same you wore the last time he saw you. Your back is to him as you stand before the stove. The countertop is littered with half the contents of the refrigerator. The Keurig sputtering out the final drops of coffee into a mug.
Joaquin blinks, his eyes gripping shut.
The image of you will be gone once his eyes open. Joaquín has learned not to fall for the simple tricks of the mind.
He waits.
The seconds seem to trickle past as he attempts to steady the uneven beating of his heart. Strangely, part of Joaquín wishes he'll open his eyes to find he's still in the shower daydreaming of you.
But, when he opens his eyes, Joaquin finds his surroundings have not changed. He's still standing in his kitchen doorway, and you're still making breakfast.
Headphones in, you hum quietly to the song playing. Your focus is on the bowl of cracked eggs in your hand.
Joaquin opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. His mind shorts, struggling beneath the emotions flooding his system.
“Do you want eggs?” Reaching up to remove your headphones, you listen for a response.
When one does not come, you turn to discover Joaquin in the doorway. Towel wrapped around his waist, baseball bat hanging at his side. His brown eyes are wide and focused on you. They pass over the features of your face, moving to take in your entire appearance, his expression a mixture of confusion and shock.
“Nice to see you finally made it out," the soft smile on your lips does nothing to change your boyfriend’s demeanor. "I was about to come to check on you."
Joaquin's eyes only meet yours once you say his name.
“Joaquín...you’re leaking...” You motion towards the puddle accumulating beneath his feet. Your eyes pass over the water droplets clinging to the ends of his damp hair. Joaquin pays your observation no mind as he takes a step in your direction. “Are you okay?”
His voice comes out faint, barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry.”
The look in his wide brown eyes causes your brow to furrow.
“It’s just water, Joaquin--”
Your voice trails off as the warmth of his palms find your cheek.
Joaquín waits until your eyes lift to meet his to continue. They are words he’s spent the past five years repeating himself.
“No--I’m sorry for what I said--”
“Yesterday?” You lightly roll your eyes, hoping to ease the look on his face. “It’s okay. I said some pretty stupid things too.”
Standing on your toes, you bring your lips to his. You leave a second kiss, a pout forming once he doesn’t return it.
“Actually, I take that back,” you leave the third kiss, this one lingering. A soft smile finds yours lips as his touch drifts to back of your neck keeping his lips against yours. Your nose brushes against his before you give Joaquín a final kiss. He finds a playful glint in your eyes as you pull back to meet his gaze. “I’m still upset...You’re gonna have to kiss me until I forgive you.”
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Joaquín Torres: @1940sbuckybarnes
All Stories: @wabi-sabi1090 @jad3djay @crowngold @cant-decide-at-this-moment @wiccanmetallicrose @themarkblues @gemini0410 @binooo98 @the-jer-bear @abbiesthings @trhett21 @trulysuccubus @leahnicole1219 @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @cocotheclown @oscars-wifeyyy @jennisdirtyimagines @ughdontbeboring @myakai13 @linziland13 @sadeyesgf @brattyfics @pearlkitten33 @tian-monique @megapeacelovemusic-blog @rosieposie0624 @appropriate-writers-name @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @beiroviski @chaneajoyyy @frostingguru @seize-the-droid @cutiebubbleboo @siempremamita @awkwardtayler @relaxing-najee @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @toni9 @cynderbelle @peoniarose @sincerelykas @making-starsdance @thesandbeneathmytoes @amberritonicole
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