#also the whole 'how we use protection' line didn't sit right with me
pretzel-box · 7 months
The scars we share [Leon Kennedy Soulmate AU] [Part 1]
Warnings: Mentions of scars
Tags: Fluff, comfort, Leon as a protective friend!
Words: 1.3k
Summary: You and your soulmate share scars. While you worry about them, the man you met in the supermarket worries about you.
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"In this world people find their soulmate through the strangest things. Sharing a red string. Seeing the world in black and white till the right person appear or having a word written on your arm. Every pair of soulmate has an unqiue bonding."
The page ends there. The paragraph in this book alone left you annoyed and you smashed it straight against the wall, hoping it will throw away your negative feelings too. The excitment of having an own soulmate quickly disappeared, when you found out that your supposed partner and you shared scars. Every time when they get hurt, you get the same scar. Same the other way around. First it was nothing to worry about, it was simple things like a cut on the finger. This was the first scar that they gave you. A small white line on your pinky finger, like a pinky promise that your soulmate will forever be a part of you.
Over the time, the scars appeared more frequent. On your chest, shoulder, hips and legs. First it worried you, maybe your fated person was in danger? But time passed and it quickly became a bothersome issue. Yes, you're still worried for them but at the same time people thought you're the one in danger.
Thats how you met Leon, some millitary guy at the store. The man actually had trouble buying groceries, so you kindly helping him out. While taking a pack of dishwasher tabs from the higher asile shelves, the sleeve from your shirt fell down, exposing the rather nasty scars on your arm. The man definitly noticed since he started to ask in a low tone. "Are you okay?" The sudden low-voiced question caught you off guard and it took a moment for you to realize what he was talking about. "Oh, those? It's from my soulmate. Don't worry, I'm absolutely fine!" You forced yourself to laugh and hoped it reassured the worrying man. It was sweet for him to worry about you, despite knowing you for only a short moment.
Leon and you ended up becoming friends and exchanging phone numbers. He is an absolute sweetheart despite his stoic and serious face. And he ended up giving some useful tips for treating scars. Apparently even an military guy like him does a good skincare routine. He would also check up on you a lot, asking for your well-being and if you got more scars. He was like your personal male mom-friend.
Few days passed and you're sitting on the couch, caressing your elbow. Your soulmate actually managed to give you both a scar on the elbow. Exactly when you wanted to groan in frustration, a message popped up on your phone display.
'One new message from Mr.Lele'
Leon was sending you a link for a pricey skin lotion. Quite the sum for your poor budget.
"For your scars, I could give you some to try out." Sweet carrying mom-friend.
This was the reason for your first visit in his minimalistic appartment, and you could swear this man has more dust in his home than furniture at this point. He excused it by explaining that he's usually on business trips or crashing at other places. The whole appartment was just a cheap space to store the things he owned. It was hard to make out what kind of person Leon really was based on his belongings. While he fetched the lotion from the small bathroom, you walked around his bedroom and looked at the different items. Among them was a cute little postcard with a childish drawing, on it were three people presented as stickmans. A brown haired woman in a red jacket, a small blond girl and a blond man in a police uniform. Over their heads was a huge text written in a red crayon. "ThAnK yoU foR sAvIng Me YoUr SherRy." Sweet.
Next to it was a picture, it showed Leon standing in a line with other men who wore military uniform.
That was all. Everything else didn't showed any important items. Just some dusty untouched books in a bookshelf that are serving as decoration, a dead potted plant and a simple selection of clothes thrown lazily over a chair.
"Got it." His smooth voice catched your attention. In an instant you turned around and greeted him with a smile before looking at the small lotion box in his hand. "Mind if I?" He pointed to your arm that he already saw in the supermarket. You didn't turned him down and raised up your sleeve, displaying your arm to him. Leon started to hold your arm gently and traced the lines of the scars with his thumb. It was sending a tingle down the spine. Somehow it felt right to feel his touch just like that. You even missed the worried gaze he held. The man was totally focused on your arm, frowining softly as if he felt guilty for your scars.
"I know. They look bad. But I'm sure my soulmate didn't gave me those on purpose. I'm actually hoping that they are okay." A chuckle escaped your lips as you rambled about your scars and sorrows. The whole moment felt right, as if Leon always has been your friend and you know each other for ages. "Maybe they are clumpsy, or bravely spending their time saving other people." The man seemed less tense and lets out a content sigh. "They are probably sorry for hurting such a stunning person as yourself."
That caught your off guard and heat rushed into your cheeks. Did he just gave you a compliment? His thumb continued to caress the skin and you could feel the care and love he puts into his movements, it felt soothing and relaxing. You could melt right there just from the single touch he gave you. "It will be cold for a moment." He warns as he got some white lotion on his fingertips. He massaged it with care onto the scars. The steel blue eyes watched the movements of his hands closely.
"How come you know so much about scar-treatment? Is military rough to you?" You quickly came up with a topic to speak about before he was able to see the thick blush on your cheeks.
He hesitated, probably thinking about what to say next. Maybe it was embarassing for him to admit that he simply had a thing for skincare? Or he has a deep secret backstory? The thoughts made you smile to yourself. No matter what it was, it was cute that he's sharing his knowledge and experience with you.
"I got a soulmate." He starts. "They seem to live a pretty peaceful life." His eyes looked up to meet yours. The worries and guilt turned into certainty. "Or at least a violent-free one." His grip tightens around your arm, but it didn't hurt. "And they make me feel save. To know that they don't get in danger or have risky military operations like me, makes me feel happy."
The way he spoke was like a personal speech, as if he was sharing something personal and important with you.
"I wanna see them save but at the same time I hurt them."
"I'm sure you don't, Leon." You touch his cheek gently to cheer him up a bit. He sounds genuinely like a good person and there is no way he is capable of hurting someone. Especially someone that he shares a deep bond with.
"I hurt you." Leon pushes on your scar. "Multiple times." Then he lifts his arm and touches your elbow. Your hips, your leg, your shoulder... And thats the moment when the conclusion came into your mind. Your eyes widden and left your mouth agape. There are so many questions. So many words. And yet only one thing left your mouth.
"Are you hurt?"
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mysteryshoptls · 23 days
R Ace Trappola - P.E. Uniform Vignette
"All that effort for nothing!"
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[Sports Field]
Ace: Oh, Housewarden, you on your way back now?
Riddle: Ah, Ace. That's right, we've finished our equestrian club activities for the day.
Ace: Same here for the basketball club. Guess all our clubs just end around the same time.
Riddle: No, not necessarily. Whenever a match draws near, some clubs' practice may end up running longer.
Riddle: Then there are the instances in which the coach is too fired up.
Vargas: Hey, you all get on your feet! You can't build muscle just by sitting around on the field!!
Leona: Tch... Spelldrive club, line up. Time to get back to practicin'.
Spelldrive Club Members: Yessir!
Ace: Woah, they're still going at it… Hm? Isn't that lion-lookin' guy Savanaclaw's Housewarden?
Riddle: That's right. Leona-senpai is also the captain of the Spelldrive club.
Riddle: It's been some time since I've seen him actually actively participating in club practice, though.
Ace: Huh. So, what, you're saying that club's perfect to take it easy in? Didn't expect it to be that lax.
Riddle: You must be joking. Look at their training more carefully.
Spelldrive Club Member A: Huff, puff… Urgh, I can't run anymore…
Spelldrive Club Member B: I g-got no more magic…
Ace: Woah, looks like they're going crazy hard… Glad I didn't join.
Riddle: That reminds me, what club did you join, Ace? Based on what you're wearing, am I right in assuming you joined an athletics club?
Ace: The basketball club! Unlike the Spelldrive club, it's way chiller and relaxed.
Riddle: I see, you chose a team sport… That's rather surprising.
Riddle: From how I see you interact with others in the dorm, I had fully expected you to choose an individual sport.
Ace: You think? I'm actually doin' pretty good as an up-and-coming player on the team.
Ace: Like, for example, my shooting. I can pretty much sink a ball into the hoop without looking after a single glance.
Ace: And I'm pretty good at defense, too.
Ace: I look for where the other guy might try to cut in and steal the ball right from under his nose!
Riddle: I see. I suppose everyone has something they're capable of.
Riddle: You have high spatial awareness. I'll keep that in mind.
Ace: Why do I feel like I just got a backhanded compliment…?
Ace: Okay, but what do you mean by spatial awareness?
Riddle: Spatial awareness means you have the capability to accurately determine the relative condition and position of objects within the given area, and…
Ace: Uhhh~ …Somehow I'm getting more confused now…
Riddle: Sigh. To put it simply…
Riddle: You are able to instantly visualize a scene, including player positions and where the ball and basket are.
Riddle: Although, just because one has this ability doesn't necessarily mean that their body would be capable of keeping pace, so it most likely means that you have good reflexes, as well.
Ace: Huh, you praising me, Housewarden? …Did you eat something you shouldn't've?
Riddle: Don't be rude. Of course I would commend you for your talents.
Riddle: Of course, the main priority should be to behave as the rules dictate, however.
Riddle: As long as you participate well in your club activities, it will only serve to increase Heartslabyul's reputation as a whole. Continue your endeavors without cutting corners.
Ace: I'll do my best. Anyway, I'm kinda getting hungry, should we head back to the dorm?
Riddle: Is that the attitude you should be showing when your Housewarden is giving you advice? Well, no matter. Let us leave.
Ace: 'Kaaay.
Vargas: Alright, guys, you can call it quits after five more sets of passing the disc back and forth!
Spelldrive Club Member A: [gasp, wheeze] …W-We can finally be done… H-Hyah!
Spelldrive Club Member B: Ack! Hey, watch where you're throwing that―
Spelldrive Club Member B: AHH, LOOK OUT!!
Riddle: Hm…?
Ace: Housewarden, look out!
Ace: You okay, Housewarden?
Riddle: How were you able to catch the disk from behind you while trying to protect me like that…?
Riddle: I suppose you weren't fibbing when you said you were an up-and-coming player on the basketball team.
Ace: This ain't the time to analyze the situation all casually like that! Yowch, my hand hurts~~!!
Riddle: Of course it does, a Spelldrive disc is made of rather special ore.
Leona: Hey, where do you think you guys were throwing!? Fools!
Spelldrive Club Member A: Eek! S-Sorry, Captain!
Leona: Geez…
Leona: Oh, huh. If it isn't the red-haired brat.
Leona: Hey, you there, flunky number one. Hand over the disc.
Ace: Huuh? Is that really how you should ask for it back?
Ace: If I wasn't here, my Housewarden woulda gotten pummeled, y'know.
Leona: Yeah? Don't think Riddle woulda had any trouble using his magic to flick away a dumb little disk like that.
Leona: See ya. I ain't got time to chat around, unlike you two.
Ace: The hell was that? He pisses me off! He shoulda at least said sorry or something!
Riddle: Indeed. That was no way to speak, even if he were telling the truth.
Ace: Eh? You saying you woulda been able to avoid that?
Riddle: Well, yes, stopping something like that is well within my abilities.
Ace: Ehhh~ Then you shoulda said something. All that effort for nothing!
Riddle: You say that as if I had the time to say something so quickly… However, this did go to help prove how genuine your athletic ability is.
Riddle: Whether it is for a croquet game or an inter-dorm sports tournament… There may come a time in which you would be a great asset for our dormitory.
Riddle: When that time comes, I do hope you'll lend us your strength.
Ace: Ooh, really? I'm pretty good at ball sports, so you can count on me.
Ace: But man, I'd really rather not have any crazy hard training or anything… Heh.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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crystaleclipse10 · 2 months
Dragons Rising Season 2 part 2 teaser breakdown
my thoughts and feelings regarding the DR s2 part 2 trailer. I have not watched any external analysis. this is pure unfiltered me
it might be a long one especially with pictures lol
ig? spoilers below
So we start off strong with Beatrix punching someone or something. Given the red landscape, I'm thinking it's Lloyd in his vision. So that's great. Very interesting that they keep bringing her up in the visions but we haven't seen her yet. Maybe she'll show up in the Tournament?
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And may I just say that Source Dragon looks beautiful! Still in Lloyd's vision. The crown she's wearing is glowing and that might be significant. Could be showing her powers? Whatever those are. Fire or Motion would be my guess.
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Lloyd has a little close-up shot with him looking pretty worried. Could be in the vision still and I'm guessing it is given the red shading around his face. So yay another confusing/angsty Lloyd vision! That's what we're here for!
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We get a good look at the Tournament place! Idk if it's a palace or what. (again, haven't watched any other reviews.) But it's very big and colorful. The little TV in the background shows Lloyd doing something, probably fighting.
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Whoever this guy is, ringing a bell. Could be the start/stop of fights, that would be my guess. No idea who that is but he'll likely be significant and say some lines.
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KAIIII! Kai in the Netherspace! Still in his Climber Suit and I'm glad. We've seen people change outfits when they probably shouldn't have so I'm glad they didn't (yet) with Kai. He goes through an upside-door and walks into a room with at least three of the Forbidden Five! They're all facing to the right with their heads bowed. One of them is glowing and might be sitting on a chair or throne. There's no waaaaaay that'll EVER be significant (can ya hear the sarcasm??). I can't WAIT to see how they're gonna deal with him in there cause there's no way Kai won't get into a fight. I hope if he does it's to protect Bonzle. He's the big bro ever <3
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GROUP SHOT! Wyldfyre looks tamer with her new hair lol. And Cole's back with the group YAS! LLOYD IN HIS MASTER OUTFIT FINALLY! And all the suits look so cool. Riyu in the back—I wonder if he's competing or what cause idk how they're gonna deal with a dragon who apparently has a lot of potential, given the Source Dragon of Energy last season. Also Arin and Sora being excited is so wholesome cause they're just kids. Meanwhile the others (minus Wyldfyre) have already been in a tournament...
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Back in the Realm of Madness! But uhhh why is the Dragon Matriarch from Season 1 there?? And she looks injured. Reunion with her and Riyu. I hope she's okay.
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Wylfyre being Wyldfyre...she might be defending someone given her expression and the wall of fire.
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Sora killing it at the obstacle course (part of the fights maybe or training—not sure yet).
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The same guy who let the Ninja into the Tournament is on a hover device holding a phone on a selfie stick, so I'm gonna guess he's the announcer for the fights or social media watching them.
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Arin and Sora shot with the background doing that thing (idk what it's called lol) when they learn something shocking. Probably with epic music cause it's Ninjago. Without much context I have no idea what the revelation is but I sure can't wait to find out.
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Cinder with...fire??? It looks like Wyldfyre's Heat. Idk. Is that was smoke is supposed to look like?? I don't remember that at all from last season. If he can use Heat then Fy is in trouble.
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Sora racing through the undergrounds with a little dragon coming up beside her. I have to say it looks very cute. Not sure who it is or why Sora is down there but they could be helping each other escape or smth (idk if you all have a better idea lmk).
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Master Lloyd (hehe) fighting someone at night. I'm hoping it's not part of the normal Tournament but it's getting caught doing smth at night cause that's more fun imo. In that whole sequence he's only playing defense—just blocking attacks—and not trying to land a hit of his own. It would be crazy if he's fighting Jay. That would give a reason for no offense. Also the attacker's outfit is new.
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Jiro and Zanth fighting Imperium guards! They could be with Beatrix since Imperium stopped fighting dragons. I wouldn't be surprised if there were still guards loyal to the ex-empress.
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We've been here before... Hopefully Fy has a better time (though she gets blasted back by Cinder using Shatterspin in the video soooo idk). If Cinder is using Shatterspin, the Gong of Shattering and a wolf mask are readily available for him.
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Sora gets trapped by spears. She's got a new weapon too, more like a staff, glowing with her color. Did she make it? I hope so.
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Lloyd gets snatched by a dragon. Still in his Climber Suit so probably ep 11 or 12. He's falling but it doesn't rly look like he's worried about it? More like a controlled glide. Also yeah that's Heatwave. So happy he's finally getting more screentime.
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The Source Dragon of Motion! She looks awesome! ... That's the Monastery of Spinjitzu below. Holy Creation she is HUGE! I'm guessing this happens at the end of the season.
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Sooo that's the teaser. I am so very normal about this.
I'm curious why they didn't add more of Kai in the Netherspace. It could be more of a secret thing like how they hid Jay so far in the series by not putting him in ANY trailers or promo clips. Lots of mystery surrounding him. PLEASE let him fight the Forbidden Five at some point!!
If anyone reading this has more information, please don't share it because I don't want spoilers other than what has been officially released by LEGO.
Ik it's not too in-depth for an analysis but hey it's all based purely on what's in the video so spoiler-free! Hopefully the paused moments help. It's so fast I had to rewatch at 0.25x speed TWICE.
Season 2 part 2 coming in October!
I should add a link. https://youtu.be/D494MQMV34k?feature=shared
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mama-qwerty · 9 months
Prime S3 Thoughts - Renegade
In previous seasons, Renegade (to me) was one of those characters who was just . . . there. He was the most like og Knux out of the variants, and was quite subdued in comparison to Nine's complete 180 to Tails, or Dread's difference to, well, Knuckles. I never really gave him much thought, as he simply seemed to be Knuckles' urge to protect cranked up to 11.
He was probably the best Knux variant to meet first, because he wasn't all that different from the Knuckles Sonic knew, and allowed us to focus more on how different Nine was from Tails.
He was just . . . Knux with a hat and a lot of scars. Rebel doesn't seem to be as beaten up as Ren is, so it would stand to reason that Ren really threw himself into the brunt of battle to keep her (and others) safe. He didn't really strike me as someone who was careless--he was pretty cautious and wary of traps. But he does strike me as someone who'd sacrifice himself and put himself in harm's way to protect everyone else.
So I never really gave him all that much thought.
But then season 3 rolled around, and OMG, Ren really jumped forward to make me love him.
He's snarky. He's sarcastic. He's not afraid to say what he's thinking and is ready to throw hands with the Eggs at the slightest poke from them.
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This scene made me laugh, specifically his face at the end. He's just so damn adorable.
His interactions with Dr. Deep were also hilarious.
But he's still protective, and is right there by Sonic's side to keep him safe, or help him take down Nine.
Lookit his face. He enjoyed that punch.
Ren loves a good fight. We didn't have much insight into og Knux's mindset or personality--he had what, a total of 3-4 lines in the whole series?--but Ren enjoys fighting for a cause. Yeah, maybe he's a bit hotheaded, maybe he's a little too eager to jump into a fight, but he also recognizes the bigger picture. He knows when to fall back.
Ren didn't go through any character arc, but that's okay, because his character was pretty well grounded from the beginning. We saw more of his personality in season 3, which made him the Knux to watch that season. (Season 2 belonged to Dread.)
Still love my Dread, but Ren has raced up to sit in my 'fave Knux' section.
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artzychic27 · 3 months
Mirroverse Crossover- Max
"Ah, so we finally meet."
Maxiro tilts his head as he walks into the room. "I guess so. Now then, I suppose this is the part where one of us shares something about ourselves and you decide to critique me for no reason other than to get a rise out of me and see if I'll retaliate in a violent way so that you and your acquaintances can have a good laugh and mock the heroic ideals my friends and I hold."
Maxdrome tents his fingers and his grin widens. "Excellent. I see my astuteness remains the same."
"Yeah, it looks like it-"
"250 IQ says 'what?'"
Maxiro rolls his eyes. "Please, that's one of the oldest gags in the book. Also, my IQ is 300, or so they say. The test wasn't made to go any higher. Also, I was ten at the time when I took it, so now might be the time to see if anything has changed."
Across the room, Maxdrome sharply inhales through his teeth. "Moving on... I'll go first." The other tech genius takes his seat across from his villainous self. "It all starts years back. I was seven and a half, and had just built my first pair of rocket boots-"
"That's impressive. I was seven when I made my first arm cannon," Maxiro eagerly chirps, not noticing his counterpart's eye twitching. "I was also in the midst of creating a visor that could shoot lasers. See, I got the inspiration from-"
"AHEM!" Maxdrome loudly says. "As I was saying... My rocket boots were the key to my debut in the world of heroics- And yes, before you say anything, I was obsessed with becoming a hero," he quickly adds, seeing Maxiro about to say something. "They were my idols, my inspiration, but... I lacked one thing... Powers. So, what do I do? I created my rocket boots and became Incredi-boy, sidekick to Mr. Incredible, the greatest superhero of the generation. I tried to prove myself to him, help him stop several big-name villains, but how does he repay me?" Maxiro flinches when he slams his fist down on the table. "He humiliates me!"
With an almost crazed laugh, he smoothes back his pale dreadlocks. "And that's when I realized, heroes are just glory hounds. Think about it." He stands and approaches Maxiro, circling around him like a shark. "The superheroes- male and female want only the glory, the attention, the huge bonuses that no one should just expect to receive after saving a dozen lives. And those costumes, ugh! Please don't get me started at all. Skin tight, revealing, and doing nothing to protect their vital organs all just to be marketable to adult audiences. They don't care about saving lives- No. No, they just want to be celebrities without any of the talent and gods without any of the immortality. Meanwhile, I wanted to save lives, but it would seem as though I didn't make the cut not only because of my lack of power but because my ideals didn't line up with countless other heroes."
Maxdrome sighs and slams a hand down on Maxiro's shoulder, gripping it before whispering to him. "It's like they say... Never meet your heroes." Patting his shoulder, the villain heads back to his seat, inhaling deeply as he tilts his head back.
"Oh, Dios mío," Demolition Denise whispers, horror across their face that mirrors the other heroes in the room.
Marilan slumps in a nearby seat. "I'm just gonna sit for a while."
Kimules stares at the villainous version of his friend through the bubble for a while. "He wanted to be a hero?"
"Yeah, until your fellow heroes ruined his dream," Alix Khan snarks, earning a glare from the demigod. "Well, it's true. It was a hero who humiliated Max, and it was heroes who helped him to realize that the world of heroics is nothing but a whole damn popularity contest. You people just do it all for the glory."
"That's not true!" Kimules retorts, but deep down, he can't help but wonder if she's right while looking back and remembering how he gained instant fame after putting his training to use so he could defeat the hydra. He got dozens of sponsorship deals, fan clubs were formed, and people are still sending fan mail. As if sensing his thoughts, AriOndine takes his hand, and with a reassuring smile, kisses him on the cheek
"Oh, you're one to talk Mr. Big Shot of Olympus," Kimton smirks.
"I think we've established at this point, that the words you say have no value," Sabrinocchio says unapologetically, earning a somewhat impressed look from Madame Sabrina.
"HUSH!" Madam Aurore hisses, bouncing on her toes as she watches the bubble. "I wanna watch robot boy blow his lid!"
Jeanatoa grins, his tooth gap on full display. "Bet he'll cry when Maxdrome shows off his Omnidroid? Oh, I bet he'll cry!"
"I'm sorry, his what now?" TiAlysa questions, cocking her hip to the side.
"You sly dog," Maxdrome chuckles dryly. "You got me monologuing"
"Did I, though?"
"Yes, you did," the villain quickly retorts. "Now that I've shared my backstory..." He leans forward, his chin resting in his hand. "Tell me about yours'. What makes you tick?"
Maxiro blinks. "Well, my life is fairly normal. I mean, I'm a child prodigy, so there's that. I was bored one day and decided to graduate high school when I was ten, then with all that time to myself, I..." His voice trails off as he rubs the back of his neck. Maxdrome looks intrigued.
"Go on..."
"I'm not too proud of it, but I got into bot fights-"
"Ah, so the hero boy isn't as innocent as I thought," Maxdrome smirks.
Ignoring that, Maxiro continues. "I just wanted some extra money; I was a minor with a high school diploma; who'd hire me? I actually fought using what I call a megabot- Meant to be deceptive in appearance so no one would suspect a thing. Its body is comprised of magnetic joints, which allow it to split into smaller parts and attach to opponents, taking them apart and utterly defeating them with their own weapons. I uh, I even fitted it with laser eyes, which was not entirely easy, I'll tell you that. It got the job done. until one of my competitors destroyed it after I swindled him out of his winnings by pretending to be inexperienced. Thankfully, Terrance- my cousin- got me out of there in time. I mean, we got arrested, but then bailed out." He looks up in thought. "That's about it for me. Now, this is the part where you mock me for something, perhaps my megabot getting destroyed by some angry sore loser."
Maxdrome sputters for a moment. "That- that's exactly right! How do you call yourself a genius when your creation was beaten by mere human strength?!" Tapping several buttons on his high-tech wristlet, he pulls up a green-colored hologram showing a spherical robot with five tentacle-like attachments ending with four claws. "Behold, Omnidroid v.8! Merely the eighth prototype for what I have in store, this baby and all those who came before are designed to learn as it fights its' opponents and take out any and all threats to its existence."
Maxiro adjusts his glasses as he looks over the hologram, his eyes growing with horror when he notices the X's crossed out over the faces of superheroes. "This thing... Killed superheroes?"
"... I mean, you've gotta break a few eggs, right?"
"You're sick!"
"Sick? Maybe. A young man with a vision? Yes! I can't have any threats interfering with my plans. Besides, it's their own fault. Superheroes were banned by the public, and forced to go into retirement after Mr. Incredible destroyed a monorail! We don't need destructive idiots like that! We need real people with some ounce of awareness!" Maxdrome expands the hologram, showing several other prototypes along with the crossed-out images of superheroes. "Once the people see a normal, everyday person defeat my masterpiece with nothing but intelligence, the word "super," will be a thing of the past! I'll make millions selling my inventions, unlike you making a measly hundred with your pathetic bot fights!" He barks out a laugh. "Why have a genius intellect if you're not going to use it right?"
For a moment, Maxiro is silent. Maxdrome leans back in his seat with a smug expression, believing he's won, but then all of a sudden, his hologram glitches out. "What the-"
"Basic hacking," Maxiro finally says. "Kid stuff. Learned it when I was three. Now, I'll admit, you've got a good plan going on here. Create evil robots, kill heroes, show up to defeat your creation, and look like the hero to gain fame and fortune. In spite of your brilliant mind, you have many fatal flaws as a result of your megalomania, cynicism, vindictiveness, desire to make superheroes obsolete, your pathological desire for attention, and your ego."
"Oh, snap," Kimules chuckles.
"Chief among these, you are so obsessed with becoming a hero that you failed to account for the fact superheroes are banned by society, according to you."
"Even if you had succeeded," Maxiro continues, "you would have endured constant scrutiny from the government, and it is possible that the government could have eventually discovered your crooked dealings with weapons and your murder of various superheroes. In addition, your use of technology would have resulted in your eventual destruction if it was hacked or malfunctioned. And, in the event that you had succeeded in your goals, your technology would eventually become obsolete."
Maxiro stands and taps something on his phone, pulling up Maxdrome's hologram again, only blue, and illustrating Maxiro's words with images of the Omnidroids and the villain.
"Lemme. break it down for you. Your Omnidroids are artificial intelligence, designed to learn, evolve, adapt- Stop me if I'm going too fast- You clearly lack contingency plans for when your robot eventually turns against you, and it will. Your Omnidroid will take out anything it deems a threat. Your control over it is a threat to its existence."
The hologram shows the Omnidroid crushing Maxdrome in its metal claws, much to the villain's growing horror.
"Now, if your plan had succeeded, your weapons and inventions would have possibly also resulted in more terrible wars and arms races, making the world far more dangerous." Maxiro sits back down and cuts off the hologram using his phone. He tilts up his glasses with his middle finger and looks his alternate self right in the eye. "Suffice to say, for all your genius, you are very short-sighted and have no thought about the consequences of what you will unleash if you achieve your goals. Now, if you fail because any living superheroes decided to get off their asses and defeat that thing, well, who knows? They'll probably become legal again, and it will all be because of you. So, if you fail, congrats. You'll finally be a hero."
With that, Maxiro pulls a small pack of gummy bears out of his jacket pocket and pops one in his mouth while Maxdrome stares off into space. "On the topic of bots, I've been working on these ones called microbots."
Everyone, even the villains is left in stunned silence. King Nath, shakily, gets down on the floor and lies there with his knees tucked to his chest, Queen Rose Candy walks to a corner of the room and just stands there with her face toward the wall, and Kimton looks very pale as LeOndine tries to snap him out of his shocked daze.
"I don't feel safe now," Honest Nino murmurs.
Cosettewether opens and closes their mouth. "... He's... He's right... About everything. There is no way to spin that around! No matter what, Max... He loses! Even if we win, he still loses in the end!" They murmur a bunch of political jargon the others don't understand as they try to figure out a way for Maxdrome to go through with his plan and come out on top.
"Yeah, that's our Max," Kimules says with a proud smile. "He's scary smart, but he's good at calling out bullshit."
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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eyesandtentacles · 2 years
People only like Toji because he's attractive
I saw a comment on Tik Tok saying something along those lines and honestly it didn't sit right with me.
Of course, people are free to have their own opinion and you don't have to like Toji, but I believe that there is much more to his character.
So this is a post where I talk about the things that I personally appreciate about Toji Fushiguro. We'll start simple and get deeper as we go on. So strap yourselves in because this is going to be a long one.
Spoilers for the upcoming season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
First let me start by saying that yes,
Toji is indeed very attractive
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Look at this fine specimen of a man. No wonder the fandom goes crazy for him.
His design is certainly aesthetically pleasing. The worm curling around his body and the tight shirt and baggy pants he's wearing emphasize his muscles and tiny waist making your eyes run all over him. His black hair falls on his handsome face nicely and the scar on his lips draws attention to it and adds a little bit of spice, just enough to tie this whole meal together.
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He is built like a snack and boy am I hungry!
But enough about his looks. Looks isn't the only thing he has to offer.
Toji has a superhuman body
Similarly to Maki, Toji is affected by Heavenly Restriction. His body is incredibly strong and fast and in exchange he possesses no cursed energy. But he doesn't even need cursed energy to see curses, because his senses are just that sharp and enhanced! He truly is an anomaly and if the jujutsu society recognised his potential instead of abusing him for being different, he would definitely be classified as a special grade sorcerer.
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Dude's a beast so he makes any battle that he takes part in fun and exciting to watch. He also had some interesting matchups allowing him to show off how skilled he is as a fighter.
We got to see him battle with Gojo,Geto and a disaster curse, all of them considered special grade and he won all but one of his encounters with them. However, that one loss was from the second battle with Gojo AKA the strongest sorcerer alive, who he almost killed on their first one, so that shows how superior his combat skills can really be.
But Toji doesn't only depend on his body to do the work.
Toji is smart
When tasked with the mission to kill Riko Amanai, instead of charging in right away, he simply sits and waits while others try their hand on the assassination.
But why is Toji waiting?
It's because he knows that Gojo is protecting this girl and he knows what he is capable off, so he chose to take things slow. By putting the money reward for the job on the internet and offering it to anyone who was successful in killing the target, he ensured that the protection squad would be constantly on edge. He even put a time limit on the offer to deceive them into believing that they only needed to be careful for a certain amount of time. As a result, when the time limit had passed and the group let their guard down Toji striked by putting a sword through Gojo's chest, an attack that would be lethal if it weren't faced with such a strong opponent.
He also took advantage of the fact that his lack of cursed energy makes him invisible to the security system of Jujutsu High and to the sorcerers around him. He made sure that his first strike against Gojo was with a normal sword and switched to a cursed tool when the surprise attack didn't work.
But where did that tool come from? And if it has cursed energy wouldn't it be detected?
Well that's where the worm comes in....
So basically, in order to keep the advantage of being invisible due to the lack of cursed energy and to always have weapons available, Toji keeps this cursed spirit on his stomach and whenever he needs something he simply vomits it out and does his thing. Kinda gross but very effective.
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Honestly it's terrifying how this man can use his body and anything else that is available to quickly come up with a strategy to kick your ass. Being his opponent must be a total nightmare since Toji is brutal and cares only about one thing and that is money.
Or maybe there is something more........
Toji cares about his family
Now I know what you're going to say and I agree.
Toji is a terrible father.
Not only did he abandon his son but he also sold him to the Zenins. That ain't exactly father of the year material. Despite this, there are moments that show that he loves his family.
One of those moments is when he recalls Megumi and that he was the one who named him. I refuse to believe that Toji woke up and chose a random name for his son, especially since Megumi means Blessing so he must have put some thought into it.
Additionally, in his dying moments he thought about his son and his wife and it was obvious that it's a memory that's dear to him. At first he chose to not say anything when asked about his last words, but changed his mind when he remembered Megumi, informing Gojo that he will be sold in the Zenin family and to do with that as he pleases. That ensured Gojo taking Megumi under his care and protection.
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Another moment is when Toji is back as a mindless puppet in Shibuya, fighting purely on instinct the strongest person in the room and when that person happened to be Megumi he froze, his eyes literally softening at the sight of his boy and he regained control long enough to ask a question and then kill himself to ensure that he won't bring him any more harm.
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But wait, you may ask, if he cares this much about Megumi why did he abandon and sell him?
Well the answer to that is a simple but sad one.
Toji is a broken man
Toji is a Zenin, a member of one of the most important clans in jujutsu society. But because he was born with no cursed energy he was abused by the family and left it completely unstable.
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Look at this panel. His eyes look so empty and tired. This was before he left from the clan and started to work as an assassin.
However, even while he was away from this toxic environment, the damage had been done. Toji definitely had issues regarding his self-worth. He kept trying to prove that someone like him can be strong and defeat sorcerers. He referred to himself as a ''useless monkey who can't even use jujutsu''. He kept saying while selling his son that unlike him, his son had potential since he had a cursed technique.
And in the end, in the battle that led to his death, instead of fleeing, he chose to stay and fight because he was facing Gojo and being able to crush him, the strongest sorcerer alive, would discredit the society that deemed him worthless.
His trauma caused him to ignore his survival instincts and led to his demise.
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This trauma was also the reason why he abandoned and sold Megumi. When he met his wife, Toji was able to calm down and become a bit more stable. He loved and really cared about this woman. But she died soon after Megumi was born, leaving Toji once again unstable but with a baby in his care.
At this point, his issues about his worth once again kicked in and he probably felt that he wouldn't be able to raise his son properly. So he sold him to the Zenin family, promising them that the kid would develop a good cursed technique and asking them to take care of him. In his mind, the place that he grew up would be better for Megumi since he had potential.
I'm guessing that before dying he realised that that environment would still be bad even for Megumi so he told Gojo about the deal maybe because he was hopeful that Gojo would help the kid. And of course that's exactly what happened.
So when Toji appears once again in Shibuya and comes face to face with Megumi he asks him a simple question.
What's your name?
And when Megumi replied with Fushiguro instead of Zenin I'm sure that that made Toji feel happy and relieved.
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All of this of course doesn't excuse any of his actions but it certainly explains them.
And all of his actions had some effect on the story.
Toji is an important part of the plot
Before he even appears in the anime, Toji has already made his impact. He was considered an anomaly and his mere existence was bound to affect the story in some way.
There were so many moments where we see how he affected it.
By almost killing Gojo, he made him realise his full potential and become the strongest.
By killing Riko Amanai, he caused Geto's spiral and existential crisis leading him to leave Jujutsu High and become a villain, only to later die and have his body used by Kenjaku for his big plan.
By killing Riko Amanai, he also stopped the merging with Master Tengen, something that had massive consequences and would be taken advantage of by Kenjaku in the future.
By telling Gojo about Megumi, he caused Gojo to take him under his protection, training him and raising him with much more care that the Zenin family ever would.
All of these moments are vital.
All of them caused by him.
Toji was an important piece to the whole puzzle of this story and without him Jujutsu Kaisen would not be complete.
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And just like that, we have reached the end.
Once again I'd like to say that you can believe whatever you want about Toji but simply reducing him to just an attractive character is a bit of a disservice to him, no?
Apologies for the chaotic writing I have way too many thoughts and can't articulate them properly.
Thank you to anyone who has read this far <3
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biggerbetterbat · 1 year
Daryl Dixon x OC(Charlie Reed)
Summary: Charlie is left alone in the camp. Hard situation makes her to stop distancing herself.
Warnings: language
Song: Riptide Vance Joy
A/N: Hi guys :) There's a chance that today I will post another chapter, but I'm not sure. Also I'm currently on season 10 of the walking dead and I'm a wreck after season 9. Like...what the hell? Anyways, enjoy! And I PROMISE there will be more Daryl here.
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She was sitting on the grass, playing with one blade between her fingers. She felt her skin getting warmer under the hot rays of Georgia's sun. She could still see Atlanta in the distance, some of the highest skyscrapers, that she used to pass by. Charlie wasn't sure how long passed since Glenn was gone since she didn't have a watch.
She sighed heavily at the thought of him and threw a blade away. She tangled her fingers into her hair nervously and pulled, to somehow stop the anxiety.
Carl left his car long forgotten and sat down next to her on the grass. His presence made her uncomfortable as she had a feeling that she should talk to him about something because the silence was making her uncomfortable. He was making her uncomfortable.
"I know you are worried about Glenn." he said. "But everything's going to be okay."
She scoffed.
Carl was living in a bubble created by his mother to protect him. She was feeding him with words like everything's going to be alright, we will be just fine or...
"You should just have faith." he added.
Charlie didn't want to open her mouth, because she didn't want to say something painful to the boy. She didn't like him, but she wasn't heartless. After all, he lost a father not so long ago.
"Maybe you can teach us something fun?" Carl asked.
"Fun?" she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him.
"Yeah." he nodded with a small smile."Like origami. It was fun last time"
Her patience for this kid was out now. Two weeks was enough and actually, Charlie didn't know if she was angry at this kid or at his mother.
"This isn't a summer camp, Carl."
A small smile faded from his face.
"There's people that are dying right now. If you won't stop being a boy, then you will die as one." she said.
Carl got up and walked away. Remorse washed through her because Carl was the one who knew how it was to lose someone. At the same time, she didn't need his pointless words and being comforted by a kid.
She didn't have to wait long until Lori appeared in her line of sight, clearly angry. Her eyes were throwing lightnings and blush covered her cheeks.
"Don't you ever dare to come close to Carl." she said. "Do you hear me?"
Charlie stood up on her feet and looked her in the eyes.
"Every day since I came here I've been sitting with your kid, taking care of him because you're not around." she said.
"You told him he will die!"
"Everyone will die. And if you're going to treat him like a little boy, he will just die sooner than later."
"How dare you?! Do you have any idea how to raise a kid?"
Charlie looked her in the eyes.
"I guess I know as much as you do."
Lori opened her mouth to say something, but apparently, Shane heard the whole conversation and stepped between two women.
"Woah. Let's calm down and..." he said and raised his arms in a calming manner. "I know there are emotions, but let's not fight inside our group, okay?"
Lori looked at him with anger that he didn't have her back and Charlie just rolled her eyes.
"Listen." he said. "Lori is his mother and you shouldn't talk to him like that. He's just a kid. And Charlie also has some right in her words. We shouldn't treat him as a baby." said Shane looking at them.
Further conversation was broken by a CB radio hum and a familiar voice could be heard.
"Hello, Base Camp?"
Everyone turned their attention towards the RV and the voice coming out of it.
"Can anybody hear me? Base Camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?"
"Hello? Hello?" asked Dale who was the closest. "Reception's bad on this end. Repeat, repeat."
"Shane, is that you?" asked T-Dog.
"Is that them?" asked Lori.
They all heard hum and broken speech. It was hard to understand what the person was saying, but she did hear a word trapped and store.
"There are geeks all over the place." T-Dog said. "We're surrounded."
"T-Dog repeat the last." said Dale. "Repeat."
"Oh my God." Charlie breathed and anxiety hit her hard again. "We have to help them." she said.
"No, absolutely not." Shane replied."No."
"We have to do something." said Charlie, walking up to Shane. She touched his bicep and looked him in the eye.
"He said the department store." said Lori, looking at a cop too.
"I heard it too." confirmed Dale.
Walsh looked her in the eyes as if searching for what he should do.
"Shane." Charlie repeated, her eyes pleading him to do something.
"Charlie." he looked at her. "We don't go after them. We do not risk the rest of the group. Y'all know that."
"So we're just gonna leave her there?" asked Amy.
"Look, Amy, I know that this is not easy."
"She volunteered to go to help the rest of us." she argued.
"I know, and she knew the risks, right? See, if she's trapped, she's gone. So we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do." he said in a calm voice.
"She's my sister, you son of a bitch." Amy spat and passed him by.
Charlie raised her eyes at him, desperately trying to convince him with her worried expression.
"What if it was Lori that was stuck there?" Charlie asked. "Or Carl?"
"The rules are rules." said Shane through the clenched teeth.
Fury ignited within Charlie as Shane refused to let her join Glenn and the scavenging group. Her fists clenched at her sides, her jaw tightened, and her eyes blazed with frustration. Without another word, Charlie turned on her heel and stormed away into the woods, her steps heavy with resentment and defiance. She needed to cool off, to clear her head before she did or said something she'd regret.
"I can't just sit here while they're trapped in Atlanta. We have to do something," Charlie said as soon as she heard heavy steps behind her.
Shane placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder as a sign of compassion, and to a bit release her anger at him. "I know it's tough, but we have to think strategically. Running in there guns blazing won't help anyone."
"I just feel so helpless, Shane," Charlie confessed. "They're our friends, our family."
"I get it," he said and nodded, when the girl looked him in the eyes. "I do. Just trust me."
"Okay, I'll try."
"Listen," Shane said once the atmosphere softened. "If you have any problem. If there's anything you struggle with...I'm here for you."
"I'll keep that in mind," she nodded.
"They say I'm quite good with distracting people from their worries."
As Shane subtly flirted with Charlie, she couldn't help but feel taken aback by his sudden shift in tone. She saw Shane as a leader. And she saw on her eyes how good of a distraction he was, especially to Lori. Even though, she tried to maintain her composure, a faint blush crept up her cheeks, betraying her inner turmoil. She forced a small, awkward smile, attempting to brush off Shane's flirtation and steer the conversation back to the matter at hand. That's why she only said: "We'll see about that, Shane."
After the CB radio call, the day seemed pretty normal, just like every other before. Daryl was still gone, Amy didn't want to talk with anyone and Dale was just standing on the RV, looking for something. That's how she stuck with Lori and whining Carl.
"I didn't mean what I said about you."
Lori looked at her and smiled slightly. Her eyes showed that she wasn't mad anymore and she didn't hold any grudge towards the younger girl. "It's okay." she smiled. "I know you didn't mean any of those words. We're all just nervous."
Charlie tried to crack a smile.
"Baby, the more you fidget, the longer this is gonna take, so don't, okay?" said Lori, changing the subject, when her son whined louder.
"I'm trying."
"Then try harder." both Lori and Charlie said at the same time.
"Why don't you cut your hair?" asked Carl, looking at Charlie.
"No one is getting close to me with scissors."
"Why?" he asked.
"Because..." she tried to think about the answer. Charlie was thinking if she should just shrug him off or open up to him. "I was the only girl in the family, besides my mom. I had four brothers. I was wearing clothes after them, that weren't that used, and my whole childhood I looked like a boy with short hair." she shared.
"My dad wanted to save money, I guess." she shrugged. "Or another son. I don't know."
"When did you stop looking like one?" asked Lori with a smile.
"I was fifteen. I confessed to a boy and he said that he liked girls." she answered. "Yeah."
"Hard to believe." said Shane, who was keeping quiet.
When he caught her eyes and furrowed brows he added: "That someone could mistake your pretty face."
"Ow, mom!" Carl winced in pain as Lori pulled his hair in an accident.
"You think this is bad, wait til you start shaving," Shane said. "That stings. Days come you will be wishing for one of your mama's haircuts."
"I will believe it when I see it." replied Carl.
"Tell you what, you get through this with some manly dignity, and tomorrow I will teach you something special. I will teach you how to catch frogs." Shane said, looking up from cleaning his gun.
"I've caught a frog before." Carl said proudly.
"I said frogs. Plural." Shane smiled. "And it is an art, my friend. It is not to be taken lightly. There are ways and means few people know about and I'm going to share my secrets."
"Oh, I'm a girl. You talk to him." Lori said as her son looked at her.
"Have you ever caught frogs, plural?" asked Carl.
Charlie smiled lightly.
"Yeah. I did." she said.
"But you're a girl."
"Like I said, four brothers. I did a lot of nonlady-like things." Charlie smiled at the shocked expression on a boy's face."And military freak dad."
"It's a one-time offer, bud." he said. "Not to be repeated."
"Why do we need frogs, plural?" Carl asked.
"You ever eat a frog's leg? Shane asked.
'No, yum."
"No, he's right ew." Lori chuckled.
"When we get down to that last can of beans, you're gonna be loving those frog legs, lady." Shane said to Lori. " I can see it now: Shane, do you think I could have a second helping, please? Please? Just one?"
"Yeah, I doubt that."
"Have you eaten frogs, Charlie?" Carl looked at her again.
"No. My dad always made sure to have just enough cans with beans." she answered and looked at Shane.
"Don't listen to her man." a cop rolled his eyes. "You and me, we'll be heroes. We'll feed these folks cajun-style Kermit's legs."
"I would rather eat Miss Piggy." confessed Lori. "Yes, that came out wrong." she smiled.
"Heroes, son." Shane said. "Spoken of in song and legend. You and me. Carl and Shane.
Boy hummed, still not convinced.
"Military freak father, huh?" asked Shane once Carl was calmed and Lori could cut his hair. "Was he in an army?"
"No." she answered. "My brothers were. That doesn't change the fact that he made all of us do survival shit. He sent us all each summer, three weeks in the middle of nowhere."
Shane smiled.
"So you know a lot."
"I know how to cry in the woods, yeah." she replied and caught Shane's smile. "I hated those things. I absolutely loathed sleeping in a tent, mosquitoes, no running water." she told them as past memories were coming back to her. "I was crying every day. I was hiding anywhere I could, so I wouldn't have to do stupid activities."
She remembered those camps, three weeks of hell. Waking up at five, running God knows how many miles. Eating something that looked like food, but to this day she wasn't sure what exactly that was. There was no running water, no beds, no walls- just them and the forest. And mosquitoes. At the end of the camp, she didn't have a place on her body that wasn't bitten, and was really surprised that she had any blood left in her veins.
The only one who enjoyed those three weeks was Will. He loved all the activities, he loved the feeling of him against nature and his own limits. Her oldest brother- Finn was there with them just two times before he was too old. He said that thanks to that experience he found out he wanted to be a doctor. Finn was practicing his skills on boys or girls there that were too clumsy. Luke - her second oldest brother - didn't mind those. For him those three weeks were nothing special, he was going and he was back, done. That simple. Even her youngest brother, little Pete was enjoying those things. He wanted to toughen up and finally earn their father's approval.But in the end, he was always the one back at home first with some sprains, broken leg or arm, or concussion.
Shane chuckled under his nose."Your dad went hardcore."
"You have no idea."
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I officially have to announce:
First things first I'm a Greek woman and right now in Greece if you haven't heard, there have been terrible floods for two days, many people are left without food or water and some of them are even homeless! I'm just someone who had enough of the government
Right now I'm sitting on my salon, watching TV. First thing i saw was the shitty face of the motherfucker called Kyriakos MITSOTAKIS talking about how "all farmers and breeders will be supported". First mister Mitsotakis
This was YOUR fault! By government decision, destroy a nearby dam so that the crops are not destroyed. Didn't you knew that after that the ones that would be in danger would be humans? Is the land more important than human life? If you really are going to help farmers, why didn't you just let the crops and help farmers without having their houses destroyed? Was it so important for them to lose their everything for you to decide to give help? And are you actually going to help them? Cause I can bet my life to it, you actually, f*cking won't
People didn't even knew nor were prepared for the destruction that was coming and it was YOUR job to keep them safe and away from floods but you didn't
Why didn't you done anything before all the floods happen to protect people? You promised anyways more protection against nature's disasters, yet nothing changed!
Opening TV is only watching news of poor people who hardly could even afford food, losing their everything, yelling out of frustration but are they going to be heard?
And aside floods. We also had a lot of fires during summer too! You promised for protection against fires too yet a whole f*cking island is completely burnt down! But no! It's not over in here. Firefighters were putting their lives to line to save us, being all tired and burned, without sleep, without food and water, without a rest and you and some others on the government, were out there enjoying your vacations and summer parties like nothing ever happened!
Or wait no! Let's talk about Tempi and the accident with the train crush! Because this at some point was YOUR fault too! Hundreds of people died in there! The less survivors made it out badly traumatized and even amputated! The were getting inside the trains to get the corpses out but all they found is legs and arms separately and ashes. And while all that you were just enjoying your lives
Look! This is the situation to many towns and villages in Greece
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Looking down the waters you only see destroyed houses or even dead bodies! I hate the government, they are nothing but f*cking serial killers
But many people will say the same about their presidents. I've been hearing this for many years that "it's same here" but trust me, IT IS NOT! Especially, if you are from USA, UK or other Europe country just SHUT UP! Reaching the level that you are in, is only a dream that will never come true. Our own government is KILLING us! Do you even know what this means?
They literally are doing the one crime after the other but they never receive the punishment the deserve
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ivypost · 6 months
!!spoiler alert!!
I just finished reading the book "as long as the lemon trees grow" by Zoulfa Katouh AND GUYS.
To begin with, I'm not much of a reader, I do read, but very occasionally. AND I FINISHED THE BOOK IN TWO SITTINGS.
SOLID 9/10!!!
Firstly, I love the way the whole book was crafted, the words, the language, the characters, some specific lines tore into my flesh and touched my bones.
here's one of my faves
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The words were so well crafted to the point were you could actually see everything happen, the words so well woven together your brain creates imagery!
I recommend reading this book if you want to empathize more with what's going on in Palestine, it gives you this sort of individualistic look into what's going on there.
The only part I wished to see was more of them working through their differences and disagreements and I feel like that would have explained their chemistry better rather than just giving off "made for each other" vibes.
And Layla, Layla sounds like a beautiful person inside out and i wish she and Hamza had a happy ending too my heart aches for them.
and another part that didn't sit right with me which is the MAJORRR reason I gave the book a 9 and not a 10 was because of the part where when Salamah comes home with Kenan and she realizes Layla for the past six months was a Hallucination, I felt like she got over it too quick and the writing didn't really capture the depth of the situation or what she was feeling. because guys according to Salamah she just relived Layla's death but we don't see enough of her processing that.
But the part that also struck me from the whole Layla hallucination thing was how people literally live with us through our memories of them. being physically close to someone is just one aspect of being close with someone. People are remembered by us by the things they say, things they love, the scents they wear, and the things they create and I just love the idea of it. I love the Idea of how strong of an Impact these things about us can leave on someone.
And although Khawf isn't depicted to be the best character I think she really needed Khawf to protect her and keep her safe and I mean, Khawf is a part of her afterall so it makes sense i guess?
Thank you for reading and I apologize if none of what i said made sense because my thoughts are very scattered and I often find it hard to weave It and streamline into one Coherent sentence LMAO.
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godsofhumanity · 11 months
OVERVIEW: An Ancient Egyptian charioteer, Thut, now a mummy in the afterlife, is unwillingly engaged to fellow mummy, Princess Nefer, after Ra's phoenix bird chooses him. On pain of losing his eyes and tongue, Thut must protect the engagement ring until the wedding, until British archeologists find the ring in a burial site and put it up in a museum. Desparate to not face punishment, Thut, his little brother Sekhem and his pet crocodile Croc, and Princess Nefer venture out into the world of the living, now in the 21st Century to get the ring back.
RATING: 6/10. i thought it was funny personally, but i wish there was more egyptian mythology references... -2 points for bad music, and a further -2 points for not providing better explanatory scenes that would have helped an unfamiliar audience become more familiar with the beauty that is Ancient Egyptian mythology.
AVAILABLE: netflix
loved the whole concept of "21st centuries guys open up the tomb and unleash mummies" except they're not monsters, they're literally just people.. i loved the idea of the underworld being connected to the world of the living; i think it was in line with egyptian mythology the idea of the next life..
the mummies looking liking skeletons when caught on camera or in the light lmfao... cute idea i think!!
i might be reading to much into it, but i think the film did a good job of exploring the morality of archeology; like, for the 21st century people in the film, they were all very excited to find an item from Ancient Egypt intact, which of course, is essential for learning from history, but when they removed the item and sent it all the way to England, it was like-- for these people who believed in life after death and the importance of being buried with their possessions, their afterlife kind of just got shattered because you took their possession... so idk, it was a simple plot but a good conversation to have.
mythology references; Nefer's wedding ring was Hathor's sun disk with the cow horns which we all know is Hathor's symbol.. and it made perfect sense for Hathor to be the symbol on the ring since she's the goddess of love.
there was a phoenix that was meant to choose Nefer's husband... there are phoenixes in Egyptian mythology, and they were associated with Ra.. i THINK the movie called it the Phoenix of Ra, which i think is awesome (yay Ra reference!!!), and since Ra is associated with Hathor, i think he was the right reference to use.
Sekhem is also depicted in the beginning of the film with a boomerang-- boomerangs were found in ancient tombs, so there's that idea of the possessions moving with the deceased into the next life again!
the mummies trying to start a car by sitting on the roof and kicking it like a horse lmfaooo-- they had no idea what the hell a car was or how it ran, and i think that was perfect.
a lot of the plot concerned Nefer finding "freedom" in the 21st century that she didn't have in the after life, particularly, in the after life, she wasn't allowed to sing... but music, as it is for many cultures, was very important in Ancient Egypt as demonstrated by wall engravings... and both men and women could play music/sing.. the highest musical status you could have was to be a temple musician.. so, i'm not an expert, but i find it very hard to believe that an Egyptian princess would be told "stop singing, it's not ladylike"...
i wish there had been MORE myth references T-T so much of the film was set in the modern world, and i guess it had to be, but it felt like the film only borrowed a few minor Ancient Egyptian elements and then made up the rest to suit their agenda :((
also, i couldn't find much about what actually happened in the Duat, but i would assume that you might be reunited with loved ones or something like that... but the fact that Nefer had to get married confused me because they're already dead... it's not as though one day her father would die and she'd become Pharaoh or something.. i think? idk. the film didn't really explain the Duat at all which i think sucks especially if you're not familiar with Ancient Egypt.
i feel like there were probably more things but i watched this film sometime ago and i can't remember anymore T-T
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dirtyoldmanhole · 11 months
time for analyzing the absolute most freak-ass set of supports i have ever seen nintendo handle (affectionately)
A-support first since this got overly long, and i also touch on the JP versions as well.
half meta analysis, half lengthy shitpost because.
well ~
Last time in the Gunter/Corrin support train, we learned that Gunter used a little toy ball to coax Corrin out from her shell post the mind wipes when she was as skittish as a kitten, and then in the B support, Gunter/Corrin played catch again for the first time.
A little odd, but fairly tame. Here though ..... :')
(pardon me for the different "Corrin" look -- i ripped these screenshots off of a youtube version b/c i was lazy about not getting into the game proper) god do you know how many random ass files i have as reference for gunter JP/EN voicelines, JP/EN my room bits, transcripts, sprites, etc ... after this fic is done i'm totally making that fanshrine if only to stick all this shit in one place lol
anyway, corrin starts this bright and peppy and eager for more.
eyebrow waggle-/shot
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cute. :D
(the stretching's cute, too. like, more seriously, this isn't just wind-down/playtime, you can tell he's always incorporated this subtly as part of her training, likely modifying some soldier's training in a manner a little bit more befitting of her.)
they keep going...
Corrin: Ready as I'll ever be! There's no way I'm missing one of your throws! Gunter: All right, then. Here we go. Corrin: And easily caught. I have to say, Gunter, you have excellent form and follow-through. You know, I just remembered… Wasn't this ball made from a whip? Gunter: It was indeed. A pretty odd choice for material, I know… Corrin: Gunter… Would you be willing to tell me a few stories from when I was growing up? I still have a lot of holes in my memory from when I was little. Gunter: Of course. But you'll have to pay attention to the ball at the same time!
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i do find it interesting garon was keeping tabs enough on corrin to have opinions on how she was being raised, but not close enough that she has any recollection of him.
now for an absolutely wtf level of fridge horror: there's a part of the same JP lines above that made me sit way the fuck up.
Gunther: Of course. Then, as we’re playing… On that day, King Garon was in an incredibly terrible mood… He handed me this whip. He told me that until you were obedient, I was to continue whipping you.
"continue whipping" [record scratch] wait what the fuck
... i think that implies that garon was whipping corrin before she was she was sent to the tower?? man what the hell kind of life did corrin have between being kidnapped out of hoshido and before ending up in the northern fortress under gunter's aegis.
gunter's no saint, not in the least bit (i have sooooooo many issues with the side of fandom who thinks he's just a sweet wholesome old grandpa lmao lol looooooooooooool no), but damn did he sure protect her from the worst of krakenburg.
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okay this is interesting
a) she doesn't trust her memory like, at all. it's wild to think that gunter's literally likely the one dude that remembers her early lived life the best considering her other retainers (jakob/flora/felicia) were kids even slightly younger than she was, the hoshidan siblings were really young as well, and no other playable nohrian character was around much other than the occasional visit, post her kidnapping.
it's a little terrifying to think about how (i guess, if you interpret the game that way?) anankos was possessing him way back when and had free reign around corrin. that's kind of why i'm not totally in love with that interpretation (that'd be the perfect time for anankos to take out/corrupt corrin. why didn't he?).
b) that 'closed off' line says a lot from him, considering Gunter's hardly a socialite, either. in fact their whole support chain was framed around corrin seeking him out because he starkly seeks out alone time so much that it's a little ... isolating.
so like, if mister 'nah i don't need to be around people' is saying that, sheesh. i dabble in it with this slowburn fic, but i could almost see corrin being selectively mute at times, and hiding from people days at a time.
their dynamic ain't normal by any means but you can see how that kind of early-stage trauma bonding on both of their sides would influence [gestures at] everything, you know?
gunter's not just a father("figure"). or just a combat instructor. or just a mentor, or later, just a lover -- he's something that's more, even all combined. there's a hardwired sense of trust and codependency that's seared into them from the get-go.
(it's fucked up! god it's fun to write though.)
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so i ambled away from my computer at this line while screenshotting these and only afterwards realized that this out of context sounds like a goddamn porno LMAO
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[whispers] what in the fuckity fuck nintendo
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corrin, sweetie.....
...................how in the fuck are we supposed to read that with a straight face sjkhshajhjhjjh
lol. lmao.
okay [drags hands down face and cackles]
so this is right about where i really have to say i genuinely cannot see their (romantic) relationship being anything but a kink relationship. (and i say this in the fic notes but it's not the 'bdsm acronym pasta garbage' sense, and it's not in the 50 shades of grey cliche 24/7 M/s sense either, god i cannot fucking stand the cliche version of that shit. shoot me if i ever write that.)
and i say that for several reasons.
one - if you're shipping them, their mutual power dynamics are so hopelessly tangled between them and it's the one language -- in a way -- that they both "speak" later on that is uniquely equipped to handle a lot of that and the trauma junk from both of them in a private, loving, dignifying way. i genuinely mean that, too. rev's possession arc with him, corrin recovering from the mind wipes, etc. they're gonna have to face a lot of unpleasant shit together, and actively grappling at and mutually playing with those realities is, in a complex way, hell of a lot healthier than simply pretending it doesn't exist in the first place.
(two - metatextually i think nintendo intentionally encouraged a kink flavor to gunter/corrin because this ship does squick the fuck out of most other people and i'm not totally unsympathetic to that, so i think it's a way of quickly weeding out everyone except the folks who are genuinely here for this in an unironic sense. )
three - i already wrote up kink analysis re: gunter here lol (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚
four - and sorta on this note, what's interesting is... with a lot of kinksters i know, they knew they vibed differently in that way really early on, even as kids. like even in stupid silly make believe play games they'll tie up barbies in random ass ways or discover in a genuinely innocent way that they like specific sensations of pain they can control. later on as adults, a lot of times the brain wires go [bzzt] and suddenly the world of power or sensation play makes a hell of a lot more sense, and frankly, is a lot more fun in certian sexy arenas of life. sometimes it comes along with trauma junk, sometimes it doesn't, it's not a binary thing (as basically everything isn't).
THAT IS A LOT OF WORDS TO SAY corrin also inadvertently being wired that way and having these little semi-accidental lines doesn't actually surprise me that much. (i can also see this specific line being a little bit of a 'hrmm' flag for gunter in that she's not going to run away instantly screaming at the idea of playing these specific kinds of games, later on once when/if they're romantic)
am i projecting a little? fuck yes, that's what we're here for
Gunter: Indeed. I knew that striking you wouldn't ever get you to open up to anyone. So I came up with a different method - one that used this ball. I returned to your room sometime later, and I rolled the ball over to you. Corrin: Which I immediately picked up, examined, and threw back to you. Gunter: Oh, you remember this part? Good.
that actually is incredibly wholesome she remembers this part. ;a; you know gunter was always probably lowkey sad at her not remembering key parts of her childhood, regardless or not if it was moments between them or not.
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so did you know, treehouse actually neutered this down from the JP version which was straight up, i shit you not:
Gunther: ���It’s nostalgic… It really is. Kamui: …How long has it been since? I’ve always considered you like my real father, Gunther-san.
l u l "real father"""""
i'm dying man
every single goddamn time i think this ship can't possibly get more fucked up IT DOES
it would be hilarious enough just knowing the whole existence of a (married) S-support coming up but coming right after the heels of that THE BALL WAS A WHAT realization.... hee
anyway here's the last chunk:
Gunter: You… You are much too kind. Ah, now look at what you've made me do. Corrin: Gunter! It's rare that you miss a catch. Gunter: My sincerest apologies. There was… something in my eye. Corrin: Getting sentimental in your old age? Hang on, I'll get you a handkerchief.
damn girl, 'sentimental in your old age'. you vicious! :D
it is horrible of me but every time i think about the end of this support i bust out HYSTERICALLY LAUGHING for a completely different reason since if you headcanon Gunter as always holding a flame for/romantically harboring feelings for Corrin-
on one hand: 'i'm special to her :'))))'
on the other: [ O H K O ]
anyway half of what makes the A-support peak fridge-[everything] is the S-support right after ~ coming soon!
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acourtofthought · 2 years
The (Negative) Hidden Messages of E/riel
It's interesting when you really break down the E/riel moments in the book and read between the lines. It's easy to confuse what's between them but when you think about what kind of author SJM is, you realize E/riel is not the kind of romance she writes about and you realize why the wording she chose for them points to their demise.
A faint smile bloomed upon Azriel’s mouth as he noticed Elain’s fingers white-knuckled on that fork,
Az finds her amusing but not he's not laughing with her, it's at her expense. Almost like one would chuckle at the naivete of a young child.
Though she’d probably cling to Azriel, just to have some peace and quiet.” I smiled at the thought—at how handsome they would be together.
Feyre is basing her opinion of Elain and Az on how they'd look together physically 🤦. Can we say shallow? She also thinks the other big draw for the two of them is that Elain could sit with Az in peace and quiet. Because nothing says exciting, passionate romance like two characters who sit in silence 😂. She's also reducing Elain's entire personality to the quiet side of her which does not make up the whole of who Elain is.
Azriel arrived first, no shadows to be seen,
My sister a pale, golden mass in his arms.
She seemed so small before him, so fragile
We have Feyre viewing the differences between Elain and Az. He's not fully himself as he's without his shadows and she sees Elain as weak and small, almost like she needs the big strong Illyrians protection. Early on, she's drawing attention to the fact that they aren't a match. And it's not just about height or body mass. It's deeper than that. With Nesta, she stood toe to toe with Cassian regardless of his physical size.
He set her down gently (<- will come back to this later)
Azriel smiled faintly. “Would you like me to show you the garden?”
“Azriel knows you’re watching,”
Everything about this interaction seems to be based around Azriel performing a duty for his High Lord and Lady. Rhys and Feyre asked Cassian and Az to move the sisters (and Lucien) and Az is following those orders. He knows how important her sisters are to Feyre and he's on his best behavior. He does not seem like he's doing it because he cares for Elain or is remotely interested in her.
the brutal, beautiful armor so at odds with the lovely garden. And my sister sitting within it
What's brutal and beautiful, just like the armor? Azriel himself. And what's a "lovely" often likened to flowers thing? Elain. And what do you have when they're together? Opposites, at odds with one another. They don't mesh well because they are too different, they seem out of place together. Sure it might make a pretty picture but there's nothing connecting the two.
“I won’t be using it today—so I want you to.”
Still not strong enough, Madja had warned him, to fly today.
The argument with Rhys this morning had been swift and brutal: Azriel insisted he could fly—fight with the legions, as they’d planned. Rhys refused. Cassian refused. Azriel threatened to slip into shadow and fight anyway. Rhys merely said that if he so much as tried, he’d chain Azriel to a tree. And Azriel … It was only when Mor had entered the tent and begged him—begged him with tears in her eyes—that he relented. Agreed to be eyes and ears and nothing else.
Az lending Elain TT is such a big deal to E/riels because Az has never given to anyone else but, has Az ever sat out of a battle? Had someone he could have lent it to when (if) he sat out of battle? Would he have still given it to Elain if Mor hadn't begged him not to rejoin the fight? This is only a big moment if we know the answers to those questions. And even if it were still a big moment, it doesn't mean anything in regards to endgame. Aelin said Chaol felt like home yet they still didn't end together. For a moment in time, he was right for her but not after she started becoming who she was always meant to be.
the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife.
Remember how at odds the "brutal armor" was with the "lovely garden"? Once again, we're being shown how completely opposite Az and Elain are. How there's really not much holding them together. Just this moment in time, this single connection, something not lasting. Which I think is proven when Feyre later says:
But Elain had given it back—had pressed it into Azriel’s hands after the battle, just as he had pressed it into hers before. And then walked away without looking back.
Az offered an extension of himself and Elain walked away. This is foreshadowing for SF where they nearly kiss but both realize it's not meant to be. There's no denying they developed an attraction for one another but it that doesn't mean it was ever meant to last or go further than it did.
I glanced at the others. Rhys was frowning, Cassian and Mor were both grimacing, and Azriel … It was pity on his beautiful face. Pity and sorrow as he watched my sister.
😬😬😬. A male looking at a female love interest with Pity is NOT a good thing. If you look back over her different books, FMC get pissed when anyone tries to look at them with Pity.
"While pity involves the belief in the inferiority of the object, compassion assumes equality in a common humanity.".
Pity makes the person doing the pitying seem superior to the poor, inferior pitied.
This once again contributes to the repeated narrative that Az views Elain as helpless and naive.
But Elain did not balk from him, did not shy away
Elain glanced between us, but did not tremble. Did not cringe.
who pulled back long enough to survey Elain’s clean face, her clear eyes.
E/riels like to use those excerpts as proof that Elain wouldn't be afraid of Az's darkness and that she's not weak. And I think they're right to an extent. Elain wouldn't be afraid of him. Just like she isn't afraid of Rhys, Nesta, Feyre, Amren, etc. Characters who also have a darkness to them. Those examples don't really support E/riel so much as build up who Elain is as an individual.
Especially when you consider:
“You do not decide what I can and cannot do, Nesta.”
“I am not a child to be fought over.”
Though just because she's not afraid of darkness doesn't mean she prefers to live her life that way. And regardless of who Elain is and what she's capable of handling, it doesn't seem to matter much to Azriel.
He set her down gently
Azriel gently removed the gag
He gently took her hand
Especially as he gently said to my sister, “Happy Solstice.”
his voice soft as night as he said, “Sit. I’ll take care of it.”
“There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.”
I helped rescue Elain, after all.”
He knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things that sullied his hands far beyond their scars.
For all the times Elain has demonstrated her internal strength in his presence, Az still treats her like she's not capable. Like she needs protecting and handled with kid gloves. He does not see her.
I'm not going to really get into the Az POV Chapter because it's pretty obvious how negative the language surrounding E/riel is. He's too "bad" and she's too "pure". He hates himself and wonders how his brother got a bond with two sisters and he didn't get the third. Rhys thinks Az only wants to F* Elain and Az doesn't correct him. He refuses to address his past with Mor and is willing to destroy an alliance with Lucien over someone he doesn't even admit to loving. It's pretty self explanatory.
There's no denying E/riel share a mutual attraction but their language is not SJM endgame language. I mean really, nothing about E/riel has ever been SJM endgame wording. If anything, the words she uses pretty much guarantees they won't end up together. Chaol and Aelin were a "secret" romance and we know how that turned out. Elain is Az's secret. He doesn't think she's capable of all that much (NOT SJM endgame couple behavior). He hides a huge part of who he is around her. They don't talk about their actual problems and have actually gotten to the point where he avoids her for literally no reason at all. Azriel distanced himself from Elain because .......?? He was worried about doing something he regretted? What does that even mean? If she wants him and he wants her as E/riels claim than what exactly is he going to do that he regrets? All it would take is for Elain and Az to have an actual conversation and they could be together if they desired. There was nothing standing in their way.
I think SJM has been building E/riel..... But only for what we saw in SF. They were always meant to share a moment, a bridge between their pasts and their futures. Something to help them move forward. But it was never meant to last and only served as a stepping stone to them ending up with the person who is right for them.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I am having a nice day.
I slept alright last night. I woke up in a pretty good mood. James had already gone to work. And I took my time getting together. I got washed up and dressed. My hair is still bothering me but it's now mostly because I think I want a hair cut. But also maybe I want to grow it out?? I'm going to leave it alone for now. Even if it's driving me crazy.
I brought my knitting today to get caught up. And I stopped for breakfast. I was still a little early so I ate in the parking lot before I went in.
I held hands with James for a minute before I went to get ready for my group. I had an assembly line and then a tour. Easy peasy day.
And they were excellent kids. Just super sweet. My real issue was the teacher was a little miserable. When the school got there James accidentally called over the intercom for the other school that was coming. But I was right there and called for Adam to come out to get the other bus.
But when I got on the bus there wasn't a teacher. Sometimes they already head in, to pay or whatever, so I figured that was just that so I spoke to the kids. Gave them instructions and started to take them in. And when I did that their teacher like. Panicked? I am not sure but she was like "were going in now???" But like. Mad at me? And I was like. Huh?? Is this bus one group? Everything okay?? And she was like yeah but she (meaning Jessica) said ridgeway and not to come in. Frowning and scowling the whole time. And I called to Jessica and she said it's all good bring them in, oh they are one group! Excellent.
So I just ignored the weird energy. And got the kids in and dropped things off. I gave them some instructions and we went back to the assembly line.
And they did so good. I had a few children with special needs. So I checked with their adults on what they would be comfortable doing. And got them situated.
And it was a really fun time. They did a great job with my questions. A few of them were honestly to excited! So many questions. So much to tell me. But it was fun.
We finished up the cars. Watched a video. And got to go and chill in the car and play for a little until lunch.
During lunch I enjoyed a conversation about prepping with Cindy and Jordan. Cindy told us about the bunkers her neighbors growing up had and Jordan told us about a dream he had where he was the "keeper of the culture" and protecting artifacts in a bunker during the end of the world.
My tour was great. It started. A little late because even though I gave them a 5 minute warning. But like. Then they didn't start cleaning their tables and lining up in groups until we came to get them. Annoying but whatever.
The tour was going really well. Until we started running into other groups. Because when I had made the tour route this morning I messed it up again!!! And so we lapped over each other and so I had to go out of order and then do the hallway with the umbrellas. Which was fine but man. Annoying. And then I felt bad for messing up. Everyone said it was okay but still made me feel dumb.
Once the day was done I got some hugs from the kids. Sweet babies. And then they were heading out. And I was heading to the front desk to cover for James.
I would have some great conversations with a few guests of the museum and I had lots of time to knit and almost am caught up. People also wanted to know about how my loom works and it was fun showing it off and encouraging others to try it!
Soon after 2 James would take the desk back over and I would head out.
I had a 40 minute drive out to camp. And I was happy to be there. It was beautiful out. Tomorrow is not going to be as nice weather wise. But that's alright. I was still happy to be there.
I checked in with Elizabeth and Heather. We talked about the possible full time a little. Made a plan to actually sit down sometime soon. And then I went to start pulling everything out. The gator was being fixed so I would have to do it by myself.
I was not looking forward to this. So I started with the art building. I put things out. Started checking the walkies. Things were alright. I didn't have enough outlets so I would ehsd over to the lodge to try to find some there.
Which is where I ran into Joe. Who said there was one gator that was mostly working! So I would head over to the tool shed and got the gator and it was a little jumpy and hard to turn but it drove just fine.
I was proud of my k turns. I got turned around in a tight space and that is like. Wildly difficult. But I did it! And got everything packed on and then delivered it all to the locations. Took a while. I would work from 3 until about 430. I enjoyed driving around.
Once I was done there I checked in with Heather and Elizabeth again. And got some stuff printed. And then it was time to go home.
There was a lot of traffic so I took a back route to 83. And while I was not happy about driving directly into the sun, it was a nice drive and I would get home by 515. And James was making corn on the cob and vegan fried shrimp.
I would finish ironing my sweatshirt for camp. And I decided to embroider a line to be the ground and I love how it came out. I might add more stuff later. Like stars or something. But I'm happy.
Dinner was good. And I was feeling good. I am tired. But I have been enjoying watching judge Judy on TikTok with James.
We had some packages to open. The stickers I designed came!! They are smaller then I expected so next time I'll order the next size up. I also got my new sandals!! And they are so cute!! I can't wait until I can wear them.
Now though I am ready to take a shower. I think I will wait to wash my hair until tomorrow because I'll be out in the rain a bunch. I hope the day goes smoothly and is fun.
I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well my friends. Be safe!
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Hazbin Hotel Theory: The Overlords Hold Lilith's Sins (It Allowed Her To Go Stay In Heaven) Part 1
[Note: Don't Reblog This Without My Permission.....if you are a fan of Hazbin Hotel, please make sure to have watched all the episodes of Season 1 before reading this, because of spoilers that will be mentioned..only read this fan theory if you want to...also I'm going to have this theory broken up into two parts, this one will be put as 'Mature' instead of just 'For Everyone', the part 2 of this will of course give a heads up of saying 'for Mature Audience Only' but will have it will be visible for everyone, but the mature audiences only will still be for those who are old enough to view it...also some parts of the theories in this, will be a bit dark...]
okay, we all know Lilith well as much as we can know about her so far...of course RL-Lilith ain't exactly my favorite Gran-Gran right now, I mean yeah there is that whole possibility that one of her surviving daughters had ended up surviving what those three angels were doing, and the said daughter may have met Cain and fell in love, and had children together...
and the said daughter of RL-Lilith, would also be biologically Adam's daughter, and their descendants would end up meeting Grandpa Seth's descendants and have children of their own, and then it would lead up to their curtain descendants that is me and everyone else...
and yeah, some darker and evil versions of Lilith of Hazbin Hotel, in some fanfics, will be based on what she did to Adam...
which the certain reasons being is why Gran-Gran Lilith, the first wife of the Adam from our universe, isn't exactly my favorite right now...
like I could like some alternate versions of her, that haven't done the Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Eggs move that she had did...
(I will get to the topic that will talk about my theory about reasons why Lilith was able to go to and stay in Heaven that has to do with her Sins being held by Overlords, there is just some stuff I need to say first...)
and well, even if the Lilith from Hazbin Hotel might of not did what Gran-Gran Lilith did in RL...but she could of still did some bad stuff to Adam in that series...
and it is pretty obvious that if Gran-Gran Lilith did give birth in a cave, when she had ran off after her and Grandpa Adam's fight...
she was obviously having human babies, and maybe if those three angels didn't threaten her the way they did and didn't cross lines that were NEVER meant to cross, she wouldn't of ended up trying to replace the ones that didn't survive, like if Gran-Gran Lilith had other children with Adam, before she had the ones in a cave...
then it could be possible they, the eldest of her and Adam's children, were left with Adam...and they ended up losing their lives...
it is disgusting, because maybe she wouldn't of got so bad and way worse and ended up hurting Adam, if those three angels were a bit more in touch to the Positive Feminine side, and didn't do those disgusting threats on her...
those three protecting children and babies, I can see as their repenting for the damage they were a part of...
Gran-Gran Lilith didn't become a Monster on her own, just like how Grandpa Cain didn't become a Monster on his own either...
Adam and Eve need to own up to their own parts that they played on what happen with Cain and Abel, if they saw the signs a bit more clearly that Cain was hurting and he was only gonna get worse and let it out in a very bad way, maybe they wouldn't of played favorites and possibly gave Abel too much of a ego trip...
because once again, both Cain and Abel are are at fault for what happen and they both were victims...
and yeah as weird as it might be, I would want to have both Grandpa Cain and Grunkle Abel go stand in the corner of shame, well they could sit in the corner of shame as well, if they get tired standing.
and yeah, one of the reasons Grunkle Abel goes to the corner of shame, has to do with the animal he would use as a offering...
if certain info is correct on how he does it, either it be a sheep or lamb...I would grab him by his ear, don't care if he is more taller than me, and I would have him go stand in the corner of shame...
there can be a right and wrong way of like spiritually sharing your food with like The Heavenly-Father/God and Earthly-Mother/Goddess...
like if you do still eat the food, but spiritually share it with the Heavenly-Father and Earthly-Mother, without BLOOD being spilled...then that's fine...
like even if you do have to get some meat, either by hunting for the animal in the woods but maybe if you have the license to hunt...
or you get the meat at some market, along with some fruits and vegetables...
but what Abel was doing, I can't help but view it as...not right.
both him and Cain were in the wrong, and both of them were victims on what happen...and maybe if things weren't so out of balance back then, maybe the Goddess could of stop Cain from crossing the line he had ended up crossing...I don't know.
animals are living creatures as well, and even though they still play a part in either being food or clothes, and some ended up being animal companions that become like your best friend and being there for you when you feel sad and act as emotional support...
there have been some humans in this world don't respect the balance, and yeah apparently some Vegans have crossed those lines as well, well not all of them, because there might still be some people who are Vegan who wouldn't disturb the balance...
because no matter if one is Vegan or not, there is some stuff you do NOT mess with, cause it might ended up hurting everyone, not just humans but also other animals...
there can be a right and wrong way to fight for animals, there needs to be perfect balance...and I'm going to hope someday a animal doesn't get hurt when no one adopts them right away, at least not all shelters do that disgusting thing, but there should be better ways to care for those animals, like dogs and cats and any other pet type animals, than to do that disgusting thing...
anyway, I might still view Abel as still having a good heart, but he might of still had a bit of a ego that blinded him to the full truth and he couldn't see that his brother Cain, was in both emotional and spiritual pain, and he might of been showing jealously to his brother, but it has to be more to it than that...
Adam and Eve, should of saw the signs that Cain was hurting, but if they did, they may have chosen to ignore it or saw it as something that wasn't a big thing to worry about.
well excuse me if it has to be Adam and Eve's Defective Earth Angel Granddaughter that has to reprimand them for being part of the reason why Grandpa Cain ended up the way he did...
I can still go by 'daughter' cause I am the Nonbinary type that still uses she/her pronouns of course, and there are different types of Nonbinary...
anyway, as for the whole theory as to why Lilith may have gotten into Heaven besides the possible deal she made with Adam....
she likely was able to stay, because she placed all her sins into the Overlords she owns the souls of.
some fans already theorized she owns Alastor's soul, but he might not be the only one...
I believe she also owns Vox and Valentino's souls, and she may have also owned Adam's soul as well, possibly...
she didn't just place her sins into them, so she could get into heaven...even though the essence of the sins could still be part of her, but could be hidden, who knows...
Vox could hold Lilith's Dark Obsessive Hate to Adam, which Vox ended up feeling a Dark Obsessive Hate to Alastor...
Valentino could possibly hold Lilith's Dark Obsessive Love to Adam, which Valentino ends up feeling to Angel.
so what I'm going at with the whole Lilith having a Dark Obsessive Love to Adam, is well certain actions that Valentino has done to Angel, could be the same as what Lilith may have done in the past before Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden...
certain info on what Gran-Gran Lilith did to Grandpa Adam, is one of the reasons why I can't fully be on her side...
only the parts where I know she was wronged, and she was hurt by those three angels, who might not of understood at the time but learned later on, that threatening her and k*lling her children, wasn't the best call...and it only caused her to become a even worse version of herself...
we can only hope that the Lilith from the Hazbin Hotel series, doesn't take the darker path in the canon, I mean fans will still have it happen in the fanon...but who knows how Lilith will be in the canon.
the story that Charlie reads, is likely full of half-truths and half-lies.
it could be possible that Lilith didn't take kindly to being replaced by Eve, and it could of been before Lilith and Lucifer fell in love at the part of the story that Charlie read...
Lilith could of left out a lot of stuff in the story, that has to do with her past and how she had became so obsessive with twisted love and lust for Adam...even if she did leave him before after the fight and she refused to submit to his will...
but married couples can try to talk things out, plus Adam was likely not as bad before as Charlie's Mom made him out to be...
plus we can only hope that Charlie's Mom, didn't do what Gran-Gran Lilith had possibly did...
and it having to do with the info about Lilith having r*ped Adam when he was sleeping...
in most fanon timelines so far, Lilith is either fully good, neutral or full on evil...in some fan fic works of the Hazbin Hotel version of her.
we do not know if Charlie's Mom will have done what her counterpart Gran-Gran Lilith had possibly done to Adam...
which has to do with the s*xual abuse that Gran-Gran Lilith had possibly had physically done to the Adam from our universe...like the info saying she had s*x with him when he was sleeping, and other info saying she took the form of Eve to take advantage of him.
until there is some form of evidence that proves her innocence, like if it turns out it was the Fallen Angel Lilith but maybe it wasn't her...even if I believe both the two Lilith had their stories mixed together and being mistaken as being one and the same...
well there is Fallen Angel Lilith (which I had found out about from the video by Melinda The Mystic Witch), Lilith the First Wife Of Adam, then there is Lesser-Lilith who is the younger Lilith who apparently the mate/wife of Asmodeus...but I like the idea of calling Lesser-Lilith by the nickname Lilly...so not to confuse her for the Matron Lilith that may either the Fallen Angel one or the one that was Adam's first wife.
Small Lilith isn't as important and isn't well known but she is a Earth Angel and Human, but the Fallen Angel Lilith, Adam's First Wife Lilith and Lesser-Lilith/Lilly, ain't the Boss of Small Lilith...and Small Lilith doesn't fully trust some Eon-Boomers...
anyway, even though Vox and Valentino ended up in Hell for a reason...but they could of been not as bad before they got involved with Lilith...
also for all we know, the 'Lilith' that we see in the painting where Lilith's eyes and smile are gentle and open along with Lucifer and the younger child version of Charlie, might not be really her...
the Lilith that has her face hidden in the flashback during the song that Charlie and Lucifer sing together, is likely not Lilith...
for all we know, it could be Eve...or Eve's Older Sister.
I mean yeah, even if Eve is suppose to be Adam's second bride, but if some info is true, then it would mean Eve was the second attempt but would be the third bride, not the second bride...
some info I had read, has to do that Adam was awake during the whole creation of his Nameless Second Bride, who was also made from one of his ribs but he wanted nothing to do with her or even name her because he was disgusted and scared of her...
and apparently he had to be sleep during Eve's creation.
the hair style of the woman in the flashback when Charlie was small, she seems different from Lilith, which could mean that is either Eve or someone else, and the Lilith we know that made a deal to get into Heaven, is not Charlie's Mother...even if Lucifer was the one who possibly gave birth to Charlie.
there is a possibility a soul wouldn't of got into Heaven, if their sins are too corrupted, like the moment Lilith steps foot on Heaven, she would likely be kicked out, like a portal would open up and send her back to where she was before she left, that would be in Hell.
she could of found a loophole to keep Heaven from kicking her out, like she may have tried it before, but was always met with being forced out...she could of used a spell book to take her to Heaven, without Lucifer's knowledge, or even Charlie's knowledge.
like for centuries she may have been trying to leave her kingdom, her husband and later her own daughter, for a perfect and better life in Heaven...
she may have found out the reasons why she wasn't granted full passage and stay in Heaven, and it may have to do with her very sins she may have committed before she was forced to live in Hell.
truly terrible and corrupted things that she has done, that she left out of the story book that was left for Charlie...
things that would make Charlie herself view her differently, and not as the hero that she had grown up viewing as someone she looked up to...
Lucifer's Ex-Wife that is Charlie's Mom, Lilith...
maybe have found a way to transfer her strong worse parts of herself as well as her sins into the Overlords Alastor, Vox and Valentino...
part of the deal she made with Adam, was likely that if he helped her into Heaven and tells her how, she would stay as far away from him as possible and not go near him.
it would be nice if Adam came back as a Sinner, but the chances of that happening in the canon is very small and might not happen at all, which is fine and plus there is always the fanon when that happens.
Adam could of been threaten into helping Lilith, which could of happen when he was possibly 7 years ago when he last went down to Hell for Extermination day, and Lute could of been there to witness the deal take place...
Adam may have already knew a way for Heaven not to kick Lilith out, and it involved her finding vessels of souls she must own and that are very powerful, to be hosts to her most corrupted sins she had done in her life when she was still living in Eden.
Valentino may have been a bit different before he became a host for Lilith's most corrupted sin, and Angel may have been treated a bit better but Valentino could of still been strict with him but didn't get too violent, Angel may have notice the sudden change to Valentino around 7 years ago, which the change happen because of Lilith.
Alastor was likely very aware of being made to host Lilith's sins so she could get into Heaven, and stay there...
Alastor and Vox's broken friendship, may have involved Lilith who owned their souls through some kind of unknown deal.
Alastor could of went into hiding for reasons that are unknown, but for all we know, it could have to do with trying to plan on how to undo the power that Lilith has on himself as well on Vox and Valentino.
Lilith could of used them to transfer her sins into them, so she could stay in Heaven, and she may have learned this from Adam who could of been threaten into revealing it, and Adam could of learned it from a library in Heaven...which could of been in a very old library.
Lilith may have still had a dark obsessive love for Adam, and one of the reasons why Adam help her, was so she wont try to go after him...either from her hate or twisted love and lust to him...
the deal they possibly made, could of involved keeping Adam safe from Lilith's physical abuse as well as verbal abuse that Adam may have had to suffer through during his life in Eden...
Lucifer may of not known the darker and twisted side to Lilith, because he wasn't there during those moments when she possibly was physically and verbally abusive to Adam, and possibly only became even worse with physical abuse once Eve was made...
Charlie's Mom didn't take kindly to being replaced, and ended up becoming a lot more violent to Adam to the point she had to be forced to leave Eden, and at some point Lucifer found her, which shows in the story book that Charlie was reading...
but it doesn't say that Lilith was forced to leave the garden, I mean yes it does tell that Lilith did leave Adam because she didn't want to submit to his will, but a lot of other stuff may have happen after that, some info that Lilith left out so not to let Charlie know the full truth...
like Lilith did go back at some point, but Adam was given a new bride already who was named Eve...
Lilith may of hated the thought and feeling of being replaced by a new woman, so she ended up becoming abusive, so much so that when she was caught by one of the Angels (before Lucifer found her and fell in love with her, and not knowing the monster she had became during that time in the past in Eden...) may have forced her to leave and never to go near Adam in the garden, ever again...
Lilith likely found a loophole around that, and she likely used the fruit of knowledge and Lucifer, to take Adam's happiness away...
like the Angels who were guardians of Eden and the humans, plants and animals there, may have told Lilith to stay away from Adam in the garden, but they said nothing about Eve...
we don't know if Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, is way darker and really bad as we theorize, but we will have to wait and see.
but it could be possible she may have had to do something to keep herself from being kicked out of Heaven...
the reason why Sir Pentious was able to get into Heaven and possibly stay, is because he was both redeemed and his sins were purified from his soul, Lilith's own sins might not be able to be purified as easy as Sir Pentious's own past sins.
which is why she needed vessels of souls that she owned, to act as hosts for not just her sins but the worse parts of herself...
from her obsessive love for Adam, that Valentino is the host of as well as the sin that is linked to...and instead of being obsessive love for Adam, Valentino ends up being obsessive with Angel...
Lilith's obsessive hate for Adam, that Vox is the host of, but instead of hating Adam, it ends up focusing on Alastor.
Lilith's dark and twisted obsessive love and hate for Adam, as well as the sins she had done in the past when still in Eden, was possibly one of the reasons why she failed in her attempt in staying in Heaven...
the corruption in her soul and the really bad stuff she had possibly done, that had involved her love, lust and hate to Adam, could of played a part in Heaven kicking her out so many times.
I'm not sure if this theory will be proven true or not, or there was other reasons on how Lilith was able to get herself into Heaven...
and we can only hope that Charlie's Mom, didn't do the whole certain physical abuse to Adam, that some info about the other version of Lilith had possibly done...
we just need to be prepared for anything that has to do with Charlie's Mom, even finding out she may have been both physically and verbally abusive to Adam, and may have been triggered by Eve.
Adam wanting to k*ll Charlie, despite her being a Hellborn...
might come from his deep hate and resentment to Lilith, and the harm she had done to him in the past as well as her possibly threatening him into telling her how to stay in Heaven and keep Heaven from opening a portal and forcing her out...
Charlie is innocent, as she did nothing wrong and shouldn't be made a scapegoat for whatever her Mom had done to Adam in the past.
what may have went on in Adam and Lilith's past relationship, may have been domestic violence, which is why one of the tags 'domestic violent relationships' is being used for this...
Charlie's Mom might also be manipulative, and she likely was able to keep Charlie's Dad from finding out the full truth of what she had been doing before they met and fell in love.
Lilith likely didn't want Charlie to find out the full truth, and if Adam kept the same story book but with the full truth in it...
Emily could be the one to find it, and find out the terrible actions that Lilith had did when she found out she was being replaced by Eve.
she could end up showing it to Charlie, who might have a hard time believing her own mother would be capable of such actions and would keep that out of the book that she had read before.
finding out that your parent isn't as innocent as they seem, can't be easy for anyone...and if it turns out there is a darker and terrible side to Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, then it could end up hurting Charlie even more than when Vaggie's secret was revealed...
Lucifer likely found out much later on about his ex-wife's true colors, but he hides it from Charlie...
and in theory, Lilith becoming physically and verbally abusive may have been thanks to Roo's influence.
like Roo may have spoken with Lilith before she went back to find that Adam had a new bride, and Roo could of corrupted Lilith and it caused her to become violent to Adam...
Lilith may have had true innocence before when she and Adam first had a disagreement and she left the garden...
but Lucifer was not the first to find her alone in a disheartening state, it may have been Roo that found her first and used her darker feelings that were hidden away in Lilith's heart and soul, parts of herself that she would of never act on before until Roo used her powers to make them surface and manipulated Lilith into acting on them when Lilith found out she was being replaced by Eve.
and once she did find out about Eve, she ended up physically abusing Adam, possibly by punching, clawing and pulling his hair.
one of the Angels likely saw this, and made her leave and not to go near Adam in the garden ever again...
and at some point, Lucifer found Lilith and she didn't tell him the full truth on what happen or that she was the one that attacked Adam.
and Lilith became that way likely because of Roo's manipulation.
and over time, Lilith became more manipulative herself, as she may have manipulated Vox, Valentino and Alastor to hold on to the worse parts of herself as well as her sins...
those three Overlords, are possibly being used by her to act as hosts for the worse sides to herself as well as the sins that are linked to those worse sides to Lilith.
Alastor possible holds Lilith's resentment to Adam, which Alastor may have already held not a good view on Charlie's Dad, but it could end up being mixed with Lilith's resentment that would normally be for Adam...
Alastor had likely found out what Lilith was doing, so his resentment didn't fully go to another person, so he could end up feeling resentment to Adam as well, he still is himself, because he was aware of Lilith's plan to use him and the other souls she owns as hosts for her most corrupted sides as well as the sins she had.
Alastor could of found out her plans by accident, but it was too late for him to keep her from using him as a host.
Vox and Valentino weren't aware, so they were able to be fully changed with only having some of their personalities stay the same, but like become even worse versions of themselves thanks to Lilith.
this would mean that the worse sides to Lilith as well as her sins, have more influence on Valentino and Vox, because they are not fully aware that they are being used as hosts so Lilith can get into and stay in Heaven.
not everyone has to agree about this theory possibly being true, and it's okay it gets debunked.
but if it turns out to be true, then maybe it could mean that Lilith became corrupted by having met Roo first before she met Charlie's Dad.
and Lilith meeting Roo, could of been left out of that story book that Charlie was reading that tells the story about Angels, Heaven and even about Adam and Lilith.
Sera who is still going to remind me a bit of White Diamond from Steven Universe, and maybe a bit of Blue Diamond...
she could of known about Roo corrupting Lilith, as well as bringing out some dark parts of Lilith and causing Lilith to become violent to Adam after she learned she was being replaced by Eve.
Sera could of not known any way to truly help Lilith to return to how she was before Roo corrupted her, and over time Lilith became too far gone and corrupted with her dark obsessive twisted love and lust to Adam, as well as her hate for him.
it may have been by accident that Adam found the info that has to do with transferring the most corrupted sides of a person and their sins into a host either it be a living soul or object.
and once he did learn of this, it was bad luck for him that Lilith cornered him and possibly threaten him into telling her how she could get into Heaven and stay there without Heaven forcing her back into the Pride Ring.
part of the reason why Adam helped her, is that while she is able to finally live in Heaven, she is not to go near him.
Adam would only help Lilith get into Heaven, by telling her how to transfer the worse corrupted sides to herself as well as her sins, if she promised to never come near him ever again.
we don't fully know why Lilith is in Heaven or what deal she made to get herself to stay there and why she never told Charlie...
fans can only make theories as to why she never told Charlie and why she left her family.
a part of me hopes that Lilith didn't hurt Adam physically in the canon, and she only does that in the fanon...where it is non-canon.
one of my fan theories on how she was able to get into Heaven and stay there without being forced back into the Pride Ring...
might have to do with her placing the worse and corrupted sides to herself as well as her sins into host vessels of souls she had owned, and those being Alastor, Vox and Valentino.
Lilith likely doesn't own Velvette's soul, but she has the Female Overlord watch the other two and keep a eye on them.
Velvette may have known that Lilith placed the worse parts of herself as well as her sins into Vox and Valentino, but she was likely threaten by Lilith into never telling those two or else she will have her powers and rank of a Overlord taken away from her and she would have to start all over again, meaning she would have to earn her way back into the rank of Overlord and the power that comes with it.
even if Lilith is a possible villain of the series, but she could be a mini-boss compared to Roo, who could be the true villain and antagonist as well as the true boss fight in the future.
and in theory, if Charlie had to fight Lilith in the future, it could be possible the next villain she would have to fight might be Roo, the very woman that had started Lilith's corruption in the first place.
I will make part 2 of this in a little while, after talking about a Helluva Boss theory...the part 2 of this will talk a bit more about Roo and her involvement on how Lilith was able to get into and stay in Heaven.
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sacred-stanning · 5 months
Chapter 16 Part 8: Dance party, and then...
I end turns a bunch more and knock out some more supports.
Gerik and Tethys's B picks up where they left off in C.
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Gerik had asked something about Tethys's background in dancing, and at the time she had avoided answering, but now she tells him, "Ewan and I were abandoned by our parents."
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She learned to dance by imitating dancers she saw while she and Ewan were living on the streets. She tells Gerik about how hard it was since she didn't have a natural knack for it, but that she always kept a brave face because she knew that if she cried, then Ewan would cry too.
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I also unlocked Moulder and Vanessa's B support. This is another continuation one. In the C conversation, Moulder had told Vanessa that he would tell her a story about Innes as a kid another time, and now the time has come.
He relates this story about Innes as a kid challenging a traveling archer to a competition, and how Innes won in the end with a hail-mary curved shot into the target.
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(I'll be honest, I'm kind of *eh* about this whole support chain since I'd rather learn more about Moulder and Vanessa's history together since my interpretation has always been that Moulder is like an uncle figure or something to her. This is mostly based on the one line he has when they're introduced where he defends her as "being a bit overly serious, but a very dependable knight" or something like that. There's something sweet and protective about that line, I think.
It's too bad Vanessa and Moulder's whole chain is about Innes, a character I don't even really care that much for. Uh, also, I may be biased since Vanessa's barely hidden unrequited love for Innes doesn't sit right with me since CLEARLY OBVIOUSLY LOGICALLY FACTUALLY she and Lute are the best partners ever. And while I buy it that she looks up to Innes as an amazing archer, the whole romantic attraction part of it always felt shoehorned in to me.)
The last support conversation I unlocked was L'Arachel and Rennac.
It starts with L'Arachel calling Rennac, and him yelping in response, to which she takes great offense.
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"What do you mean by saying "geh" in response to me calling you!?"
(I guess "geh" here would be more appropriate as something like, "yipes" maybe.)
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Rennac points out that his particular line of work becomes more difficult with "noisy people like you around".
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"Noisy!? How rude! At the very least you should use a word like 'extravagant'!"
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"You don't have the slightest clue how to properly treat a lady!"
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Somehow, in defending himself, Rennac brings up that he used to be known as a good dancer. (So I guess he knows how to treat a lady on the dance floor?) He challenges L'Arachel to see by dancing with him right then and there.
"For me, to dance with a mere commoner...Such a thing!"
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Rennac sees his opening and eggs her on by saying that she's probably just refusing because she can't dance.
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L'Arachel takes the bait and agrees to dance with him soon. Then she reminds him that having the opportunity to dance with a high born woman of her station is an "extremely rare, special, unbelievable opportunity that you must be thankful for! Understood?"
lmao, seriously, how did this conversation turn into a dance off?
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At any rate, I've grown bored of hitting end turn, so I take the throne and end the map.
Seth guides Ephraim to the room where Orson had holed himself up.
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Ephraim and Eirika enter the room, and someone speaks.
The word used here is literally is one of the words in Japanese for "you", but this word in particular is often used by wives to call their husbands, so it's more like "dear" or "honey" or something in this context.
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"Dear dear dear dear dear dear dear"
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Ephraim realizes what we the player could already guess was coming. "This is the same type of magic that animated the emperor..."
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"She's dead already. I'll take care of the corpse."
"Eirika, it's better if you don't watch. Wait outside."
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Seth offers to take care of it, but Ephraim insists that he will do it himself.
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"Orson and this thing spent every day living here..."
"Orson was crazy, but I think he must have been happy..."
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This scene gets me every time. It's genuinely one the creepiest, most skin-crawly scenes in any Fire Emblem game.
Just the thought that Orson sacrificed everything he had lived for in order to bring back his wife, but what he actually got was just an animated corpse, but he was so desperate to see his wife again that he holed himself away with this animated corpse and spent all his time with it, barely eating, sleeping, or taking care of any responsibilities...
It actually kind of reminds me of a Japanese folk tale I remember reading (and there are probably multiple examples like this) where a man started disappearing every night, all night, and no one knew where he was going, but they could see he was slowly wasting away. Then when someone followed him, they discovered that the "lover" that he thought he was visiting was actually a giant snake that was slowly draining his life force.
(I searched online a bit, but I couldn't find an example of the story I am talking about above. I don't remember where I read it, or what it was called. It's not the white snake Chinese story that you will probably find if you search for it. That one came up a lot in my results, but I'm thinking of a different story.)
For that matter, this situation has shades of the story of Izanagi and Izanami, the creator gods of Japan. They were a brother and sister, and also a husband and wife, but the wife, Izanami, died while giving birth to fire, understandably. When Izanagi goes to the underworld, he finds her, but when he finally gets a good look at her, he is revolted to discover that she has become a rotting corpse (still moving and stuff, but a corpse, and indisputably a resident of the world of the dead).
Back in the main throne room, Eirika says that the broken down castle can be repaired, and stolen treasure can be replaced, but she is still upset about what has been done to the people of Renais.
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Ephraim wonders if the people of Renais will accept him, a prince who disappeared right as the war began and wasn't there to protect them.
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But upon stepping outside onto a balcony, they hear the people chanting their names.
"Ephraim! Eirika! Our king has returned!"
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And then in a moment that's very real, Seth warns that it's less that the people are celebrating Ephraim than it is that they are celebrating their release from Grado and Orson.
Basically: "This is your opportunity to prove yourself, Ephraim. Don't fuck it up!"
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Ephraim resolves to become king and dedicate himself to improving the lives of his people.
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And then they use their bracelets and prepare to go find Renais's sacred stone.
(Look at this Zelda-ass throne with stairs under it!)
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"Ephraim and I will be going with Seth to find the scared stone of Renais. Our patrols have cleared the castle and it looks like there are no remaining soldiers, so you can all rest now, but please keep an eye out just in case there's something we missed."
Eirika had addressed the generals in place of Ephraim. Vanessa wasn't entirely sure why, but the rumor was that Ephraim was overcome with emotion after the greeting the people of Renais had just given him.
Vanessa understood the feeling. She didn't like to show too much emotion in front of the soldiers under her command, so she could imagine how Ephraim would want to do the same.
"He's got a lot riding on his shoulders..." she thought. While she knew that acting as a general under Ephraim was temporary and that she would be returning to Frelia's army once this war was done, she had become very fond of Ephraim and his sister in the time that she had known them.
She started walking in no particular direction, just to move and clear her head. "There's going to be a lot of rebuilding to do in Renais after this war. Since we're allied together, I suppose Frelia's military will probably assist in that. Maybe I can continue to do work in Renais even after the war." She smiled at the thought. "I could visit Lute then!" She had of course invited Lute to visit her in Frelia, but she imagined that Lute would probably want to go home see to her family and village, so it was hard to say when that visit would be.
Vanessa turned a corner and almost bumped into Ross.
"Oh, hey, Vaness...I mean, uh, General Vanessa!" Ross stammered.
Vanessa wanted to laugh. He was such a goofy boy, but he was also a good fighter with a lot of potential, so her instincts as a knight told her to be strict with him. She adopted a stern look and stood straight. "Ross."
Vanessa's tone and posture sent a signal to Ross. He immediately stood up straighter, and then, as if an afterthought, brought his left hand up to his forehead in a salute.
"Right hand, soldier. How many times do I have to tell you?"
Ross's eyes opened wide and he quickly switched his salute from his left hand to his right. "Sorry, general!"
Vanessa stared at him wordlessly and let him sweat for a moment. But in truth, she was tired. They all were. So she decided not to push him too much right at this moment.
"At ease. We have a little time to rest now while the prince and princess look into the sacred stone in the castle." To drive home that she really meant for him to relax, Vanessa smiled and stressed to him, "Make sure you get some rest while you can, ok?"
"I will!" Ross said, his natural exuberance coming back into his voice now that he no longer was trying to soldier. "I'm just off to find my dad to see how he's doing!"
Ross then hesitated, and then he continued speaking, "Um, I don't want to offend you or anything, but I was just talking to your friend, Lute, before, and I was telling her about how you look like my Aunty R..."
"Aunty R?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow. What does this have to do with anything?
"Yeah, she was one of my aunts, and she was tall and strong like you are!"
"Um, anyway, that's not my point."
Vanessa bit her lip slightly to keep from laughing. In her experience talking to Ross, she had found his conversations often flitted from one thing to another. It was frustrating when she was trying to get a actual report out of him, but it was amusing when they were having a more casual conversation like this.
"I guess, I just noticed that Lute looked really pale, like she was about to collapse, but I guess she's always been pale, and I didn't want to pry too much, but, uh, I just thought I'd let you know since you two seem to get along well... I'm not...uh, out of place, am I?" Ross swallowed nervously.
"No, no. Not at all. Thanks for looking out for your fellow soldiers, Ross. I wouldn't want you to do otherwise. And I meant it when I said to get some rest now while you have the chance. I'll go check on Lute and make sure she's ok."
"Alright, thanks Vanessa!" Ross smiled and waved, "I'll see ya around!"
Vanessa rolled her eyes. "He has a lot of potential, but no formal training as an actual soldier. If we weren't stretched so thin already, I'd make him run laps for that 'I'll see ya around' he just threw at me!"
But there were more pressing concerns. Vanessa was slightly worried to hear what Ross said about Lute. She had been by Lute's side for much of the invasion of the castle, and she had also noticed that Lute seemed a bit off. It had been a long campaign. Hopefully, she was just tired...but still...
"Now, where would Lute have gotten off to..." Vanessa started to think, and then it hit her. "This is a royal castle! I bet she's found the library already."
And with that thought, Vanessa starting walking--quickly--to find where the library was.
Next time: We get more nifty stuff
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 11 months
Sugar Punch - Chapter 43
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Theo -
The moment Maddox stepped out, the room shifted and the crowd went wild shouting his name at the top of their lungs.
The arena was so loud I felt my chair shake as everyone stood up and started yelling and screaming, it was too loud to hear what everyone was saying but I got the gist of why they were so excited.
Tonight, was going to be the best fight ever recorded live on TV and not only was so much money at stake, the two fighters, Zane and Geoff were heavily requested for years, since Maddox won his first big fight as a professional fighter.
From where I sat, I could see everything, the shape of each muscle to the lining on his face, it made my heart pound loudly against my chest as I watched Maddox look around the room, like nothing could touch him.
"He's hot," Arthur whispers in my ear as the crowd started to die down, I choose to just ignore him and try not to let his comment bother me.
It felt strange seeing him, back when we dated, I desperately wanted to watch him fight live like this, who would've thought that I'd be watching him now, two years later with my boyfriend sitting beside me, crushing on my ex.
It didn't bother me, if anything I agreed with Arthur, Maddox has gotten two years older but if anything, he had gotten even more irresistible, his body was a piece of art and I noticed a few new tattoos on his neck as he waved to the crowd.
Part of me hoped he didn't notice me in the crowd but then the other part of me also wish he did, just to know I was here cheering him on and that I still admired him.
Not long after Maddox entered the ring and after some talking which, I couldn't understand from being so close to the ring, the fight started and Maddox and Victor started throwing punches.
It was the first round but the moment the bell rung, Victor was on Maddox like a wild tiger, hungry to tear him to shreds, I was on the edge of my seat as I couldn't tear my eyes away from Maddox as he dodged a punch.
As the fight went on and minutes past, the fight had gotten brutal and it was starting to show on both of their faces, as they rested in their corners, faces swollen and covered in blood, sweat and cuts.
"It doesn't look too good, is it normal to bleed that much?" Arthur whispers in my ear as I looked at him from the corner of my eye to see him looking at Maddox.
"He'll be fine," I said, believing it from knowing Maddox first hand.
Maddox had a particular fighting style, he was a professional in every way and learned his opponent's down to every single detail, from the time I did speak to him about his training, he told me he studied how they fought like a religion of sorts.
The final round was starting and they both looked like they met their match as Maddox threw a jab at Victor and hitting him in the face, making him stumble back, Maddox didn't stop there though as he kept coming for him, blow after blow.
It was like something changed in him, Victor couldn't get out to hit him back as he kept his gloves up, protecting upper half and with another blow, Maddox broke through his defence and used that moment to land the finishing blow.
It all happened so fast as Maddox threw a powerful right hook so quick that I was sure everyone missed it as it landed directly on Victor's face, making his whole-body jerk before he fell to the ground, the bell ringing not long after he hit the ground.
Cheers erupted as the referee started the ten second countdown, the crowd joined in as the arena filled with cheers so loud, I felt my ears pop as I kept my eyes on Maddox, his chest rising and lowering as he kept his eyes on Victor.
Then it was announced, Maddox had won by knockout and the crowd went wild.
"YES," I shouted, along with everyone around me as I got up from my seat, feeling the adrenaline of the crowd as I watched Maddox cover his face with his gloves, then rising them to the air as he looked out at the crowd, almost like he was searching for someone.
I felt my stomach drop when his eyes got to my section and almost like he knew I was here, his eyes found mine and he never tore them away from mine as his team started crowding the ring to wrap their arms around him in celebration.
After what felt like an eternity, he looked away with a growing smile on his bloodied mouth as he hugged Jordan back, his trainer and best friend as I stared at him in complete shock at what had just happened.
He looked right at me.
Maddox was looking directly at me, in the eye.
Nobody else, just me.
'How? Why? Did I miss something?'
There's no way he knew I was here, unless someone told him, there were thousands of people inside the arena, to find me in a crowd was almost impossible.
Tony... he must've told him... he was the only one who knew I was coming tonight, I should be mad, I should be anything other than what I was feeling right now, like nothing had changed between us.
"That was so amazing," Arthur excitably grabbed me, turning my head to kiss me on the lips. "Did you see him look over here? Oh my god, so hot."
My head was spinning and everything was starting to make me feel nauseous, I needed air... I needed to get out of here before I threw up in front of all these people.
Whilst everyone around me celebrated, I grabbed hold of Arthur's hand and pulled him along with me as I moved past people in my row, as I made my way towards the exit, not looking back at the ring as I kept my head down.
"Theo?" I heard Arthur but I couldn't stop, I had to get out of here and I had to get out of here now.
Once I pushed past the mountains of people, I finally made it outside with Arthur and it felt like I could finally breathe again as I crouched down and grabbed my head in my shaking hands, taking deep breathes as my heart felt like it was seconds from leaping out of my chest.
'He saw me.'
Maddox looked directly at me, I thought he'd be upset I showed up not alone but he almost looked glad, amused even...
I can't get his face out of my mind, as he smiled at me whilst he kept his dark eyes on me.
"You're shaking Theo..." Arthur's panicked voice came out as he bent down to rub my back. "Should I go and get somebody? You're starting to scare me."
"N-No," I grab his arm as I released a shaky breath and forced a smile. "I just needed some fresh air, it got a little much...sorry, I didn't mean to drag you out here," I apologized, as I stood up.
What the hell was I doing?
If Arthur didn't find me suspicious then, he sure as hell did now, I knew he was looking at me the moment Maddox looked our way but in that moment, I didn't care, I couldn't think.
"Okay... should we go back in? Or do you want to go home?"
Dammit, I didn't come here for this, this was supposed to be a date and right now I was ruining it by my freak out but I couldn't deny that I felt my heart skip a beat when his eyes locked on mine, I had forgotten all about Arthur and everyone else for that matter.
This feeling... it didn't go away and I knew what I was doing to Arthur wasn't fair, not when I was still so much in love with Maddox.
I was still in love with him, so much that it was impossible to forget about him and move on, I had to be miserable, as long as he wasn't with me, I felt like I would never be happy.
I had to stop being selfish, I had to break up with Arthur.
"I'm sorry... Arthur, I don't think..."
"Theo, is that you?" a voice startled me, as I turned around to see who it was as my heartrate spiked.
Once I laid my eyes on him and to my surprise, I never thought I'd run into him again, especially not outside when the fun was happening inside.
He walked closer and it really was him, he had longer hair but it was definitely him, it was Aiden, Maddox's cousin.
"Shit, I thought it was you."
He came closer and wrapped his arm around me in a 'bro hug' before moving back, a grin on his face as he checked me out.
"How are you? I haven't seen you in what... two years?" he asked, as I smiled and nodded my head.
"Yeah, almost two years... and I'm fine, uh."
I looked at Arthur standing there awkwardly looking between me and Aiden, already knowing what's he's thinking.
"This is my boyfriend, Arthur Jones... uh Arthur this is Aiden," I said, not missing the way Aiden's eyes widened like they were going to pop out.
"Hi... how do you know each other?" Arthur asked, as he shook Aiden's hand, who was looking at me with now sad eyes as he looked between us.
From his face alone, I could see that he knew what happened between Maddox and I only hoped he didn't say more than that, as I haven't told Arthur about my relationship with Maddox and didn't plan too anytime soon.
"Oh, it's not what you're thinking," he quickly noted, before cringing. "Not that I have anything against gays," he added, making Arthur laugh. "I met Theo through... a friend, we go way back," he smiled at me, then Arthur.
More people were coming outside now from the venue and soon outside would be overflowing with hundreds of people, high on adrenaline from tonight's fight.
"I'll uh see you around Theo, Mads is expecting me and if you haven't noticed, I'm a little late too for the fight," he laughed nervously, before smiling weakly at me.
"Oh, sure, yeah," I stuttered out, as I accept his hug once again, before he we both pulled away.
"See you Theo and nice to meet you, Arthur," he said, looking at Arthur before he walked away and went inside the venue as people came out.
Arthur interlocked his hand in mine and stared at me in awe as he connected the dots from what just happened.
"Babe... what the hell... Did he just say 'Mads was expecting' him?" he gaped. "Does that mean he knows Maddox Zane? The fighter?"
I swallowed hard and nodded my head slowly as I looked away from him to where people were coming out of the venue, the music and the cheers inside still loud and going strong, as I heard people still celebrating Maddox's win.
"Aiden is Maddox's cousin."
Arthur started to freak out as he started asking me questions after questions but all I could think about was how crazy tonight has been and how it's been so long since I've felt like the old Theo again, just from seeing his face.
Once Arthur finished asking questions, I didn't feel like answering seriously, I decided I needed a drink, a really strong drink, which Arthur didn't mind as I dragged him along with me to the nearest bar to us.
Tonight, had been wild and totally unexpected but one thing that I was sure of is that whatever was running through Maddox's head when he saw me, was the exact same thought as mine.
Something was still there between us and it was far from over.
It confused me, excited me and made me feel as though I was cheating on Arthur, so I wasn't going to drag this false hope I had on any longer, I had to stop these thoughts of Maddox and I somehow getting back together.
Maddox had broken my heart and then stomped on the pieces two years ago, and left me a complete wreck, I wasn't fine for months after he cut all contact with me, no matter how hard I tried to talk to him.
His smile tonight reminded me just now of the last time I saw him, when he opened his mouth and said 'but the sex was good' I felt the same sickening, heartbreaking feeling, despite my heart beating like crazy.
Arthur wasn't Maddox, Arthur isn't going to hurt me, I should try and be the best boyfriend I could to him and stop this obsession with Maddox...
Maybe moving in together is what I needed to fully move on?
"Move in with me," I blurt out, as Arthur and I walked hand in hand down the street, towards my apartment.
Arthur stopped and gaped at me, before tears filled his eyes and his mouth turned into a smile.
"Are you being serious right now, babe?" he squealed, as I smiled and nodded my head, ignoring my gut clenching hard.
Arthur instantly wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips, you'd think I just purposed to him as he pressed his lips roughly against mine, pecking me on the lips, over and over again.
"You're not going to regret this," he said excitably, his arms still around my neck. "I love you, Theo."
I'm not going to regret this... I'm not... but then why do I feel so unhappy?
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