#also to my s/o for some of the silly ones heh
Since you can do MMD stuff now I have a request!
The Fontaine gals with an S/O who likes to eat ice cream with them atop somewhere high while watching the sunset! (Inspired by Kingdom Hearts)
(Genshin Impact) Navia, Furina, and Lynette eating ice cream with their S/O
I'd throw my sea salt ice cream at Xion's head.
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Navia prefers baked treats over cold ones, but she'll have no complaints about sharing either with her S/O!
And when it comes to their choice of their scenery, Navia absolutely loves it.
Watching the sunset with her lover at her side gets her heart racing.
Though with that being said, she only goes along if that evening is not particularly windy.
The last thing she wants is her hat flying off into the wind at that height.
Mostly because she'll go after it, which S/O would have to grab Navia and make sure she won't fall.
And with how strong she is, she's taking S/O with her.
She also tries to make sure the ice cream doesn't drip down onto her dress, but other than that, sitting next to them is one of her new favorite past times!
Navia smiled as she took a bite into the frozen treat, turning to S/O and raising her sunglasses.
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S/O blushed at her bright expression, staring more at her than the sunset itself.
(S/O) "Sure thing! I'm sure you can make it taste better too!"
(Navia) "Aw, I can't make it without you, silly! Now, what did you call this again?"
(S/O) "Sea Salt Ice Cream."
(Navia) "Sea Salt, got it! There should be no shortage of that around here, I'm surprised no one's made this sooner!"
(S/O) "A friend of mine taught me the recipe. He liked sitting up here with his friends and eating the same thing."
Navia's sunglasses dropped back down as she moved closer to S/O, taking another bite from her ice cream.
(Navia) "Well...I'm glad you wanted to share this sight with me too!"
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Furina is a woman of class, only enjoying the most delectable of desserts adorned with fancy decorations.
And their taste must be nothing short of sublime!
So when it comes to ice cream, admittedly, she finds them lacking, but sweets are sweets!
And the ones S/O had chosen to share with her passed her expectations!...When it comes to the taste, anyway.
But when it came to their choice of location, Furina was more than happy to watch the sunset in silence with S/O.
It was honestly a nice change of pace than the opera houses they'd frequent. This secluded place on the wall overlooking a large part of Fontaine felt like a special place, reserved only for them.
Furina examined the treat before her under close scrutiny. Appearance-wise, it was just a block of blue. Boring!
But, S/O had made this specially for her. The taste passed her inspection but it was admittedly bland. She would have to properly inform them how to make amazing treats!
(S/O) "Do you like it?"
(Furina) "The taste is adequate. But would it have killed you to put some flair onto this ice cream?"
(S/O) "Well, my friend never really taught me to do anything special with it."
(Furina) "Your friend?"
(S/O) "Oh, did I not tell you? He's the one who taught me how to make it! We all shared the ones he made at this very spot. Heh, everytime he showed us, he'd ask if we "got it memorized" every single time!"
While Furina was listening, she became enraptured by S/O's face as they recalled their fond memory, smiling as the sun was shining on them.
They had noticed she was staring and tilted their head curiously.
(S/O) "Is something wrong?"
Furina smiled and tasted her ice cream, then leaning the treat towards S/O.
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Admittedly, Lynette did not try too many dishes that were either too hot or cold. The only exception for that being tea, and even then she had to wait for it to cool off.
Due to inheriting the cat-like traits, a very sensitive tongue was one of the things she had to learn to live with.
So, ice cream was something she did not have often, although she admittedly did enjoy it, but not to the same degree as other dessert aficionados.
But she won't say no to a free meal, especially one provided by her S/O.
And seeing how happy S/O was to give her the homemade ice cream, she couldn't refuse that smile.
Doubly so when she got to watch the sun set next to them, though feeling the heat directly made her want to take a nap more than anything.
Lynette looked at the ice cream in her hands, noticing how basic the shape was.
Shrugging, her tongue poked out from her lips as she gave the ice cream a lick, immediately recoiling.
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S/O chuckled at her cute reaction.
(S/O) "I mean, it is ice cream, Lynette. How did it taste?"
Lynette stared blankly at S/O before failing to contain a small smile from growing. She waited for a few moments before taking another lick, noting the taste.
(Lynette) "Salty, but sweet at the same time. Surprisingly not too strong in either direction."
(S/O) "Okay, good! My friend would never let me live it down if I messed up the recipe for my girlfriend."
Now it was Lynettte's turn to quietly chuckle as she looked at the setting sun, feeling the warmth on her skin.
(Lynette) "I don't think Lyney would either. Speaking of which, do you mind making more for him as well?"
(S/O) "Sure. Want me to teach you as well? It's pretty simple."
Lynette paused for a moment, her ears twitching.
(Lynette) "I don't have to use any appliances, do I?"
(S/O) "The stovetop and freezer, mostly."
(Lynette) "I...think I'll watch, so that way I don't break it."
S/O laughed, almost dropping their own ice cream.
(S/O) "Okay. You'll at least eat them when I make them, right?"
Lynette smiled at them before getting back to slowly finishing up the ice cream.
(Lynette) "I won't eat one every day, but I will when you make them."
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yuckydraws · 1 year
S/o comes home from a hard days work and yells into the house " WHERES MY MANS, I NEED CUDDLES AND KISSES "
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Not sure if you mean Underfell or one of the Swapfells but I'll go with UF :]
Red: He can work irregular hours, so he likely just got home before you. If you're lucky, he'll have had the time to shower off the smell of motor oil by the time you get home. Perhaps he's finally settled into laying down on the couch when you walk in and yell that. You'll be able to find him easily by the sounds of his laughter (you may even pull those "mweh heh's" outta him). Stars, doll, he needed that laugh. As you approach the couch, he'll peek up at you from under the arm he threw over his face in his laughing fit with a smirk, before opening his arms - a perfect invitation for you to join him in his vegging out. He'll offer a listening ear as you cuddle, but if you're less interested in ranting and more looking for a distraction... well, he's more than happy to kiss you silly.
Boss: He's likely making dinner when you walk in. He'll round the corner, apron on and everything. With his hands on his hips, he'll raise his brow and rumble out a, "WELL? HERE I AM. COME AND GET THEM." If you take him up on his offer, he's going to scoop you up in his arms and walk you back into the kitchen with him - nuzzling your cheek along the way. Once he's deemed you "smooched and cuddled enough", he'll sit you on the counter and ask you about your day as he finishes cooking. While he's focused on his task, he's also listening intently to you, which is obvious by his follow up questions and humming. After you've both ate and cleaned up, he might just back you against the counter, tilt your chin just so, and offer up some "Proper Kisses".
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blushblushbear · 3 months
How do you think the immortal guys react to realizing that their S/O is mortal?
dead ass had to back it up and remind myself who all is immortal lol XD
So I think it's safe to say all of them would try and find a work around the moment they realized
I think all of them had the same or a similar thought process of 'heh, my little mortal s/o is so cute. mortals are so silly! ........................SHIT.'
Stirling: doesn't panic but he is still taken a back a bit. realization sucker punched him out of no where. I feel like he'd spend the next month or two calling in favors and thumbing through spellbooks. He wouldn't tell you he's doing it though. He'd play it cool, then surprise you with it one day and would not take no for an answer. 'I got you a potion to turn you immortal, drink up darling'
yes I know he is a vampire and could turn you into a vampire too. Yes you will have to point that out to him as an option. yes he will feel stupid he forgot about that.
In his defense, he spent so long thinking of you as a snack in one way or another, it probably never even crossed his mind to change the dynamic
Seth: also does not panic, but is like '*narrows eyes* Satan damn it.' Probably goes through a few options like Stirling but ultimately ends up doing some form of spell or curse or blessing--- whichever he could make happen on his own or could get someone to do for him without having to owe them one. (that's a big owe and he can find other ways thanks)
Full on does not tell you he's going to do it, he's trying to do it, or when he's done it. He might not even tell you for a while. He also wants it to be a surprise but like--- a funny one. Make the moment memorable ya know?
He'd either wait till you've noticed yourself or wait till you find out the hard way. He's very proud of himself for pulling this off though. You should totally pay him back! How about starting with a kiss??
Reece: is Reece immortal?? eh, he's close enough. Reece would realize it randomly one day, probably while pointing out 'you are only human' or something like that-- then launch into quirky nerdy panic cause FUCK YOU'RE HUMAN! YOU GUYS DIE LIKE-- ALL THE TIME! OH. NO.
Also ends up digging through files/books and looking into favors but does it in a sci-fi way. It probably ends with you getting some kind of sci-fi device that's basically magic that stops time but only for you. Like a pocket watch that halts your aging and therefore your dying so long as you wear it. It's a little like a wedding ring the way he presents it.
Unlike the other two though, he really does make it a choice. And it's a choice you can back out of for any reason if you need to. (well slowly of course)
or pass it down! ....or sell it if you must. No need to waste a perfectly good age defying magic space pocket watch!
so I'm gonna say now I think all the Kitsune guys pry/ask/demand/make a deal with the gods to give you immortality. They need to be careful they don't accidentally turn you into something not human that you really don't want to be and also have to remember to include not aging in the deal, but I will say I think somehow they make it happen! I also feel like they all end up at 3 different gods who handle it somewhat differently. Also the blessing has a physical form that you have to accept. No gods will be forcing immortality on you today! As for some finer details...
Aki: when he realizes it he panics. Aki joins Reece in the panics about it crew. A LIFE TIME WITHOUT HIS BUNNY??? HAVING TO WATCH THEM GROW OLD AND DIE?! Okay the old part is fine BUT NOT THE DYING PART! I think Aki's god is a goddess who he pleads so sincerely and dramatically (this boy is big anime crying-- ghibli tears and heaving sobs) He even offers to give up all jokes and pranks in exchange for the blessing. The goddess can't help but be won over by his earnestness. She agrees to the blessing so long as he loves and treasures his Bunny with this same level of sincerity every day.
Honestly things go really well for Aki lol!
I think the blessing takes the form of a candy! Yum!
Haru: I think Haru tries to deny his panic. He's cool on the outside, if maybe a little bothered, but it continues to eat away at him deeply. He's never had to contemplate moving on from a real relationship cause he's low key never really had one. He's been dumped before (hard to believe I know) but he never really cared and got over it pretty quickly.
But what happens to him when he actually has to move on from the one person he could never imagine moving on from? What happens when you're gone?? I think at one point he did consider 'oh I'll find a way to move on, I'm me', but the more he thought it over and the more he looked at you and realized you wouldn't be there someday, the more he realized that not only might he not actually be able to; he really doesn't want to.
He ends up telling you all this--- I think for a while he was going to just disappear for a bit with little notice and just-- hopefully come back with this blessing from you, but I think he didn't want to leave you on a lurch. He wants you to know what he's doing, he wants you to be part of this, this is YOUR future together, and he wants to make sure it's what you really want. That HE'S what you really want.
If you agree to spend this eternity with him, I think he ends up off in the spirit realm, full on questing for a god who'd be willing to do this for him. I think he ends up with an elder god of the forest who is well aware of who Haru is and isn't buying it. 'Immortality can be as much of a curse as it is a blessing-- and you wish me to put that burden upon some poor innocent simply because the player does not wish to loose his play thing??'
It takes a lot of convincing before the god even considers Haru's legitimately this committed. Eventually the god caves on one condition-- if he ever were to kiss or lay with another, his lover with loss their immortality.
'Better they are allowed to move on, then to live with having to be forsaken by the likes of you...'
basically he puts the ball in Haru's court, and he plans to run with it straight back to you.
I think the blessing takes form of a blossom you must eat!
Fuyu: He is actually another member of the panic squad. Although it's less comedic and more like an attack.
He has a panic attack about it is what I'm saying.
I think he blazes off onto a trail (he leaves a note 'Back soon. Love you. Fuyu <3') and straight to an ancient powerful mountain god that he knows takes refuge at the snowy top of the tallest mountain. I think he's initial pitch is a mix of plea and demand.
It doesn't go down smooth at first.
'What business does a beast such as you have in shouting your demands to the heavens?' a voice booms back.
Fuyu is taken aback, both because the god is frightful but also because in his heated haste, he didn't realize how shouty he was being.
He drops to his knees, forehead to the snow covered ground as he asks again more humbly.
'Please-- I beg of you. My wretched loneliness has finally been broken-- I do not wish to ever know the sting of that curse again!'
The god turns to him, a bit more curious,
'do you really think a day of sunshine will melt the snow atop the mountain?? Or that a few months of peace will wash the blood from your hands??'
He doesn't know how to respond to that. Fuyu has spent a while making a mends, but the mountain god is right. How was he ever to truly make amends... If he is a changed man-- how does he show it??
'What must I do?' He asks, peaking shyly up from the snow. The mountain god sighs, and thinks on it a while. Fuyu is practically buried in the building snow when the booming voice finally replies.
'Such a blessing requires absolute change... only that would be worth such a gift... Here, Fox-- take this to your love,' an envelope of tea and a small dagger fall from the heavens and lands before Fuyu, 'Have them drink the tea of the heavens, and know this-- If ever draw a drop of blood from another again-- they will die.'
When he journey's back down, Fuyu finds you waiting for him. He doesn't fully realize how long he's been gone-- he kind of flew off in a hurry. He tells you of his journey, his goal, the blessing he has returned with. He actually doesn't even know if you'll accept it. If you do, be makes you the best cup of tea you've ever tasted-- the wax seal opened by his new blade, which immediately sheathed, and hidden deep away.
He is a changed man-- and he intends to stay that way. ...Especially now that your life depends on it...
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Hi!! I'm a little new in the fandom so I don't know if this has been done before ^^' but can we get some ROTTMNT x reader headcanons where the brothers (separately) learn that their crush doesn't know how to dance and is super embarrassed by it so they (the brothers I mean) try to dance with them to have fun? Or to tease? Or to genuinely teach them? WHO KNOWS
Love your work, take care! (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘) ♡
Welcome to the fandom!!!
I also don’t know if this has been done for the rottmnt boys yet, but I hope you enjoy it!
Neon Leon
He asked you to dance with him out of the blue (heh)
Was already dancing to the music trying to impress you
“Check out these sweet moves, baby!”
He’s actually kinda good when he tries???
Usually he just does it to be goofy but he genuinely wanted to show off a bit for you
“You know what would be even better? Both of us dancing together!”
It would definitely be fun-
But unfortunately you have no clue how to dance
You try to play it off as just wanting to watch him dance more or being tired
But Leo keeps trying.
Realizes from your body language and expression that you’re embarrassed
Will stop dancing immediately and ask what’s wrong
That’s when you admit that you don’t know how to dance
Leo will laugh a bit at first
Not at you ofc, he just thinks you’re cute
“Who said anything about needing to know how to dance, to dance?”
He’ll grab your hands and start moving to the beat with you
Once you’re moving he’ll let go of your hands and step back-
Only to pull out the most goofy moves he knows
Remember ‘Gangnam style’??
Leo does.
He literally does those fortnight dances like his life is depending on it
Gives you the biggest grin when you laugh at his silly moves.
“See? You don’t need to know how to “dance” to have fun dancing!”
You two end up dancing along “horribly” to music the rest of the night
Both of you have the time of your lives
His brothers can hear y’all laughing from their rooms
Later offers to teach you a few moves if you want,
But still loves to just dance goofily with you to this day.
Don Tron
This turtle can bust a move and he knows it
Does not hesitate to dance when a good beat comes on.
You walk into his lab and he has music blasting
You can literally feel the bass pumping
And there, pulling off moves like the dance star he is, is your beloved partner
He immediately turns to you and invites you to join him
“S/o! Perfect timing, I upgraded my speaker system and now we can jammy jam with ease! Join me, and we’ll dance like the stars we are!”
Uh oh.
Yeaaaah, about that-
You can’t dance to save your life.
Donnie won’t realize at first that you’re not dancing with him
But after a few moments he realizes you still haven’t moved from the labs entrance
In fact, you’ve been slowly making your way out the lab instead.
He literally slides over to you
“Ah, whatever is the matter? Is the music too loud? Or maybe it’s not your taste? I can change it to any song you’d like-“
He doesn’t pick up on your embarrassment
Instead, he’s going on and on trying to find out what’s wrong
Ironically, he’s so focused on asking what’s wrong and trying to fix whatever it may be to notice your very obvious embarrassment
You eventually blurt out that you don’t know how to dance
He’ll stop mid-sentence and look at you for a moment to make sure you’re not joking.
Lowers the music and puts one hand on your shoulder
“Well never fear- I can teach you the art of ✨dance✨.”
Are there actual sparkles around his head or is that just a trick of light???
He’ll pull you to the middle of his lab and start off with a few easy moves with you
He actually enjoys teaching you how to dance and doesn’t mind doing it again
If you’re up to it, he’s absolutely down to teach you more
You two have one day a week where you both work on dancing
After practice, Donnie will pull you in to dance together just for fun
You don’t have to be perfect or even good,
He just enjoys spending time with you
As long as you feel comfortable and are having fun-
He’s happy :3
Mystic Mike
I’m a firm believer in break dancing Mikey
He loves to spin on his shell as fast as he can
He’s also got a few smooth moves of his own
Just ask Hypno-potamus-
He also just likes to move and jump to the beat
He was dancing in the kitchen when you walked in-
Just moving to the beat happily
He noticed you after doing a spin and invited you to join him
“S/o! Wanna dance with me?”
Does this little shimmy at you
It’s adorable-
But you don’t know how to dance
You just decline and make up some excuse of being tired-
But immediately end up telling the truth after seeing Mikey’s sad puppy face
Mikey will pause for a second after you tell him before the biggest grin spreads across his face
“I have an idea!”
He grabs your hand and runs to the gaming room with you
“Don’t know how to dance? Well, we have just the game to teach you!”
He ends up bringing you to the dance arcade game
You two start off doing fun, easy levels
Whether or not you’re good at the game-
You both end up laughing and enjoying yourselves
The game actually gives you a good starting point to learn some moves
If you want, Mikey would absolutely love to teach you a few moves of his own!
He always makes sure that you enjoy learning the moves
If you ever get frustrated, he’ll stop and opt to take a break
Maybe paint or bake with you!
He loves to pull you into a slow dance while baking
Nothing fancy, just swaying together
He gets the dorkiest grin on his face
“I love you so much.”
Pure romantic at heart
His favorite place to dance with you is in the kitchen
Big Red
Raph knows how to bust a few moves
But he’s not too great with anything fancy.
Usually it’s moves he learned with his brothers
But when one of his favorite songs comes on-
He just has to move around!
And to make things even better?
You were there, leaning against the wall watching him dance with a smile
“Hey, S/O- wanna dance with me?”
He holds his hand out to you with the biggest smile on his face
You of course, panic a bit and decline
You can’t dance at all
And you don’t want Raph to know that.
Raph gets a bit hurt at your immediate decline
And slightly self conscious
Did you not like his dancing?
Well sure it’s not great, but surely it’s not that bad
Or maybe you just didn’t want to dance with him, period?
He hoped not
He really hoped not.
You could see his slowly growing panic on his face
And immediately jump to try to reassure him
Giving excuses of being tired, or your knee hurting-
Anything to reassure him that he’s not the problem
Raph quickly realizes and recognizes your own panic and increasingly odd excuses
Who says they can’t dance because a pigeon looked at them wrong earlier?
Figures out pretty fast that you’re embarrassed and trying hard not to dance
He’ll grab your hands gently and bend down to your level
“Is everything okay?”
He’s so concerned, and his voice is so soft
Does his best to comfort you
Your heart melts.
You cave in and tell him about your nonexistent dance moves
And your embarrassment over it
Raph does this little “aww” and pulls you in for a hug
“Well, I can’t really dance either so don’t worry about it, S/o!”
Instead of busting any fancy moves,
He opts to just sway with you to the music
Occasionally twirls you around
Very soft and sweet with you
He also leans down a lot to cover your face in quick kisses
Loves the smile and laugh you do when he does that
Just wants you to feel happy and relaxed with him
Kind boi
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I’m so sorry for the wait!
I hope you enjoyed ^^
Reblogs appreciated :3
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years
Can perhaps write mallek and/or lanque with a sick troll s/o who is just completely fucking miserable when sick??
So sorry I'm late anon; I wanted to finish up my last WIP before getting into another. I hope you're feeling better!! I wrote a silly little Mallek drabble FOR YOU! I am also residenting absolute evil when I'm sick, so I totally get it <3 This was a super fun lil fic to write, thanks for the prompt!! EDIT: Sorry, I missed the troll part of this ask! I really don't write that for future reference, unless it's either a headcanons only post (i.e. not fic) or canon chara x canon chara.
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Osmosis Jones Was Blue, Too | G | 1426 words | AO3 link
It's a well known fact that an object in motion stays in motion. What they don't tell you is: an object at rest is rarely allowed to stay resting.
You, however, have found your ace in the hole, your golden ticket: the word sick? Hell, even just the implication: it always brings the conversation to a grinding halt.
POLYPA: hey * me and tegs are * having movie night * POLYPA: subs * not dubs * YOU: Sorry Polypa, but I don't think that's a very good idea... POLYPA: i think it's * a great idea * POLYPA: do you know * how hard * it is to get * teg to agree * to * subs * YOU: I think I'm getting sick :(
Bam. Nipped that right in the bud.
VIKARE: ~ Heigh-ho old chum! ~ VIKARE: ~ How fares the winds your way? ~ YOU: Not great. I feel like teeth are growing in my throat and my nose is runny and dry. VIKARE: ~ Ah, yes, the dentification of the swallow collumn. We've all been there sport chin up.~ VIKARE: ~ And my word guy have I got some advice for you! ~ MSPAR: I think it's just, you know... VIKARE ~ Hey now chum why the sudden reticence? ~ YOU: The "s" word... you know... VIKARE: ~ What on Globgolyb's shifting seas man you put that word away. ~ YOU: I'm S VIKARE: ~Cease this at once. ~ YOU: i VIKARE: ~ Skies above! You don't have to do this!~ YOU: ck :( VIKARE: ~You WHAT!~ - VIKARE'S HUSKTOP HAS EXPLODED -
Second time proves the hypothesis.
Zebruh: ♦️ Good evening, my lovely, hornless friend. ♦️ Zebruh: I saw the video of you and the Grandmaster on chitter earlier this evening. Zebruh: Might I say you managed to look raidant. ♣️ Well, as radiant as one can next to the splendor that is Marvus Xoloto? ♣️ YOU: Gee, thanks for the neg. It's not just my legs that are running... Zebruh: Ahem. ♠️ Pardon? ♠️ MSPAR: Would you like a sinus infection, free of charge? Zebruh: Depends, ♦️ which sinus? ♦️ YOU: I'm sick, dunkass
Even though he seems to be feeling particularly conciliatory this evening, Zebruh hasn't responded to you in the twenty minutes that have passed since you dropped the dreaded S word.
But, ah here's the tricky part.
MALLEK: yo; MALLEK: sup; MALLEK: hey; MALLEK: i know you = there; MALLEK: i can see you through my viewfinder; you really need to update your passwords; MALLEK: wait; MALLEK: forget i said that; MALLEK: you = uh; typing a lot; MALLEK: i have a keylogger on your palmhusk; MALLEK: that = less creepy and invasive; MALLEK: right? YOU: No, not really. MALLEK: damn it; MALLEK: well i can see you through my viewfinder; MALLEK: and you look different; YOU: Yeah? Like what you see? MALLEK: did you secretly start the cyborgization process? YOU: Yes. That is definitely what's happening. MALLEK: without me :( MALLEK: actually can you ignore the frowny face; YOU: What frowny face? MALLEK: heh; MALLEK: so seriously; what = with the new look;
Ah. How do you drop the news without halting this conversation in its tracks?
YOU: Okay. YOU: Promise you won't freak out. MALLEK: "freaking out" =! in my vocabulary babe; YOU: I have noticed that trolls really do not like this word. MALLEK: uh-oh; MALLEK: = the word "intimacy" or "self-reflection?" YOU: Self-reflection is two words, Mallek. MALLEK: so; who = it exactly that you = getting intimate with; YOU: Besides you? This box of tissues is really getting a run for its money. MALLEK: heh; nice; MALLEK: i usually use a sock; YOU: OKAY?? That is not what I meant. GOD!
If you weren't flushed already from being sick, you are now.
MALLEK: okay; i = lost now; YOU: I just want to remind you that "freaking out" is not in your vocabulary. MALLEK: that = also two words; YOU: Yes. Glad we're on the same page. YOU: I am. YOU: Not. YOU: Unsick? MALLEK: what; YOU: I'm sick, okay?? And I'm miserable and nobody seems to care. MALLEK: i wish you would have told me; MALLEK: i could have spent more time with you; MALLEK: :( MALLEK: don't ignore that emoji; YOU: Sad face. Noted. MALLEK: should i get a hold of that rustie; MALLEK: you know; the one with the shovel? YOU: Unless he's the sole provider of benadryl and chicken soup on this planet, I think we can leave Fozzer out of this one.
And like that, the theory is concluded. Mallek does not text you back. You make a few silly faces into the view finder, but even that doesn't entice him to talk to you.
Frowny face. Not noted. Sigh.
You only realize you've been dozing when a knock at your door wakes you up. The fatigue is like a physical thing, a weighted blanket sewn into your body.
The knocking is mostly a formality; each strike against the wood pulp sends the door rattling forward a few centimeters. This unexpected guest must be a friend.
But, as you open the door, a scream builds up in you so intense that you just. Scream. There's nothing poetic about it. It's been a long time since you've seen ET, but you do know "aliens" and "the dominant population, now in a hazmat suit" is never a meet cute.
"Who is in here!" you shout on instinct. You grab a paper cup of water and throw it at the intruder. It splashes harmlessly against their hazmat suit.
"Whoa! Hey!" calls a muffled but distinctly masculine voice from within. It gives you pause for all of about five seconds; why do they sound so familiar? Until the six foot long forceps come out.
"Get the hell," you pause to wipe your runny nose on your sleeve, and then cough for good measure, "away from me!"
It doesn't work; the forceps are headed your way. They grab you expertly by your midsection, you you simply flail around until you flop on the ground. Like a rabid fish out of water. The intruder gets in your space. You stick your middle finger up at them.
Then you kick them square in the belly.
They makes a noise like "oooaauuugh," and then "damn, you kick hard. It's me!"
Mallek unzips the front of his ventilation hood; beneath he is wearing an n-95 mask with the zig-zag of scorist. How did he get that on such short notice?
"What are you doing here?" you ask as he zips his hood back up. If you weren't out of breath from your stuffed up nose, you certainly are now after the fucking alien escape olympics.
"If I tell you, promise not to kick me again?"
"No," you say through a wry smile.
"Well then, maybe this will explain it." He sets down a lock box of some sort, roughly the size of a six pack. He fiddles with the top for a moment before it lets out a beep, and then the lid opens with an outpouring of steam. He takes the forceps again, uses them to remove the contents, and then sends them your way.
A perfect, plastic bowl of chicken soup, a two pack of pink and green sludge that you suspect is Alternian day and nyquil respectively, and a cellophane package of spoon, salt, and pepper is thrust your way.
"I'm the sole provider of chicken soup and benadryl on this planet," Mallek says, full of lumpy pride in his ill fitting hazmat suit.
Oh, he wasn't freaking out because you're sick. He's freaking out because he isn't 100% your sole provider, and also anxiously desperate to prove how much you need him.
"Nerd," you say, throwing the cellophane wrapper at him. It sails about two inches through the air before floating pathetically to the fround.
Well, shit. You're floating pathetically down, too.
You eat your chicken soup on the group, Mallek hovering over you from six feet away. Every cough and sniffle sends him lurching for the door; you make sure to do it as often as you can.
About halfway through your soup, Mallek asks, "are you going to die?"
The only part of his face you can see are his eyes, as large and shiny as porcelain plates.
Only Mallek can out-drama you regarding your own illness.
"Yes," you say. His face crumples even as you smile.
"Is the soup helping? I made it myself."
"Hm," you slurp your way through a thought. Surely, for all the mess and nastiness in his kitchen, he must have invented some super strain of anti-sickess, alien mold by now, right?
Mallek keeps staring at you with his big ol' eyes.
You smile. "Feeling better already."
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nicothebug · 1 month
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ʙᴀꜱɪᴄ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
Name : N'ico Garo (she/her/they) Nicknames : Ico, Garou Age : 25 Occupation : Jedi Knight Current residence : Jedi Temple, Coruscant. Home planet : N'Zoth (canon planet name, but I built the rest). Independent and apolitical planet, known for their ethical raising of livestock. N'Zoth is also called Takodana's far-moon. I talk more about it in my sw archive !
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ᴍᴇ ᴀꜱ ᴀ ᴊᴇᴅɪ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ
Weapon(s) : two lightsabers, both very pale yellow Fighting style : master of Shien & Djem So, proficient in Soresu and Makashi. Former Jedi master : Kit Fisto Current duties : i'm part of an investigation team that is looking for Sifo Dyas, I'm regularly sent on missions on other systems, and I sometimes act as a substitute teacher at the Temple.
*note : the Jedi Order in my dr has a slightly different dynamic that the canon one. The canon one raises some ethical questions that I just don't want to deal with when I shift there heh. Might make a post on the changes I made idk.*
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ᴍʏ ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴇʏ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴅʀ
My S/O : Obi Wan Kenobi (26) Trope : childhood rivals to colleagues to lovers
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Backstory : I was born on the planet N'Zoth to a Zoth farmer and a Coruscanti smuggler who had been seeking refuge on the planet.
Soon after my birth, my father, the smuggler, is contacted by an old friend of his and he is never seen again. My mother falls ill and passes away soon after (sad backstory who's surprised). The rest of the community proceeds to raise me together.
On my third birthday, a Zoth trader who suspects I may be force sensitive goes off-planet to Takodana and presents me to Maz Kanata, who is force-sensitive. Maz quickly confirms his suspicions.
There are several intense community meetings on N'Zoth after the news reach back home. It is common knowledge that force-sensitives can have a hard time in the future if they receive no training (this is specific to my dr). On top of that, the Zoth deeply respect the jedi and what they stand for, so they'd be honored if one of their members became one (I might make another post on this lol, but in my dr the Jedi are known to be fierce protectors of apolitical planets).
However, the Zoth are a very tight-knit group...and ultimately, they are unable to reach a decision. They call upon the Jedi Council to send a someone to talk to them and help the discussion.
Kit Fisto is sent and helps reach a settlement. The Zoth decide on leaving me to the Jedi Order, with the sole condition that I'd be able to visit my home planet as much as I wanted. I become a Youngling at the Temple and then Kit Fisto's Padawan.
At around 6/7, Young Obi Wan starts fueling animosity and competitiveness between us (he'd probably say it was me who started it but don't trust him guys he is a liar and a cheat). We spend our Youngling and early Padawan years trying to one-up each other constantly. The whole thing must've been so silly to watch from the pov of an older Jedi Master but to us it was life or death.
We eventually grew out of it (i'd say at around 14-15) and we each went our own way. I did do a reading about our dynamic during this time and it came out that the main reason we stopped interacting was because we realized we were developing little crushes on each other (awe) and it felt strange.
Fast forward to my early twenties, I pass my last Jedi Trials on a difficult mission with Kit Fisto. I get knighted and start going on missions alone.
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My first shift : I am currently hitching a ride inside a small commercial ship, on my way back to the Jedi Temple. A few days later, the Naboo blockade happens. I am called to go to a meeting with the Jedi Council to discuss sending reinforcements. I interact with Obi Wan for the first time in years.
He will get knighted by the end of the Naboo conflict (Qui Gon does not die in my dr).
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Following events (for now) : my dr *loosely* follows the plot of Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and a tiiiiny bit of Revenge of the Sith. I have switched some dates around and shortened the duration of the main conflict (2/3 years instead of 10+). There are far less battles and there is no actual "war".
In my dr, Sifo Dyas is still alive. Soon after my knighting I become part of the investigation team that is looking into his disappearance. A few months after my first shift and through our investigations, evidence starts piling up against Palpatine and we shift our focus on him.
Anakin had been found by Qui Gon a few years prior to the Naboo blockade and became Windu's padawan. In the future, he becomes a knight, does not turn to the dark side, and will catch Palpatine alongside his former master. Order 66 is never initiated (thank fuck).
(I haven't watched SW rebels yet so some things might change if I decide to include some parts of the show).
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That's all for now ! I'd LOVE to hear about your sw dr if you have one bc this is honestly my favorite dr of all time.
Last updated : 20/08/2024
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
Christmas Cookies
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Prompt 1: Doing some Christmas baking, Male reader who loves to bake and has a quirk that helps them measure anything (they work in fashion), hinted distant family: Closed, Fatgum|Taishiro Toyomitsu
I like the thought that Taishiro can cook but has zero patience to bake lol, so his s/o does the baking
edit: hinted smut at the end
*does a little tumblr dance*
Fatgum|Taishiro Toyomitsu (My beloved <3)
Sugar, check
Butter, check
Uhhhhhh.. Y/n stops mid reading as he tries to think over what exactly he was missing.
Everything seemed to be here. Everything he needed to make chewy sugar cookies and then some- “OH!!” Y/n shouts as it clicks, quickly putting down the unstirred bowl of raw cookie dough.
 He was forgetting molasses.
See this year, Y/n was planning to make not just gingerbread cookies but also a gingerbread house! After all it was a family tradition he enjoyed and well….It would also be his and Taishiro’s 2 year anniversary as a couple. Y/n felt his cheeks warm up at the pleasant memories and what it meant to make and decorate a gingerbread house together meant to him.
As in his family when single couples made one it showed that they were serious, a show of what could be their future together. It was silly and honestly a dated tradition. But if there was one thing he looked fondly on, it was helping his dad make one for his mother and getting the chance to make a mini dog house to match. 
Half the time both of them burnt the cookie sheet and his mom would come rushing in thinking they set something on fire.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Y/n grabbed his phone and checked the time. Most stores were closing around this time and Taishiro should be coming home in 5 minutes. 
Maybe if he could make it if he ran out now. With that plane y/n was just about to shrug on his coat and shoes when the sound of  Taishiro opening the door echoed from down the hall.
“y/n! I got your text but uh..I didn’t exactly know which king of molasses to get?”
 Taishiro calls out mumbling the last part as he makes his way further into the apartment getting hit with the smell of warm vanilla. Y/n perks and rushes to him for a hug which taishiro gladly gave with one arm. “Tai-kun you are a lifesaver! Also welcome home~” y/n sighs out
Chuckling taishiro shuffled you both further into the living room, y/n finally letting go after calming down. He loves that taishiro has that effect on him. Y/n takes the back peeking into it seeing multiple bottles of molasses. Thinking that you’re well distracted sorting through those, Taishiro creeps into the kitchen following his nose.
Taishiro took in the sort of mess that was the kitchen. Y/n wasn’t the type to just leave a mess while he was cooking, so what was there was just extra dough and used equipment on standby.  Glancing back seeing his little chef heading his way still going through the bag, taishiro quickly snags a bit of the already mixed cookie dough.
“Ah! Taishiro Toyomitsu! Get out of here if you’re gonna snack on raw cookie dough!” Y/n huffs putting the bag on the counter to go and nudge him out. This man. “Waaah but Y/n it’s not like I’ll get sick from a little~” Taishiro whines playfully while watching you like a sad puppy.  Y/n sniffs unmoved, after all this isn’t the first time he did this.
“Sweetheart this batch is for your ducklings. I have something else for us.” he explains after a few more minutes of hearing Taishiro whine as you stir and shape the cookies. Taishiro shrinks and moves to wrap his arms around him laying his head on top of y/n. “Heh , off you’re still sweaty from work.” y/n mumbles half serious, didn’t really mind.
“Oh yeah? You didn’t have too but I’m sure the boys will love it…”
Y/n nudges the now empty bowl into the since and turns around to give him a kiss. “Mm of course I do. But for us, I’m thinking of a gingerbread house?” Y/n asks, picking at Taishiro’s shirt unsure. Taishiro thinks for a second, remembering a long while back y/n mentioning this to him. He blushes at the thought of his sweetheart willing to do this with him.
Quickly Taishiro lifts y/n up and onto the counter “stay right here.” He says quickly putting the cookies into the preheated oven and swiftly coming back to you. Making himself home between y/n’s legs, who chuckles sliding his arms over his shoulders. “Mm happy that I asked?~”
Taishiro nods nuzzling y/n neck and placing soft kisses there tugging the ends of his shirt. “I just love when you want to share these types of things with me. Gets me all warm and needy.”
I love him. Anyway, I’m so hyped for christmas (quarantine really got me hopefully only another month) and this one was definitely self indulgent to kick off this whole holiday prompt thing.
I should say most will be unedited, just to keep it chill. so sorry for any mistakes lol
Edit: Lmao can you tell when in this timeline I made this?
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sainotavailable · 2 years
pairings — Venti, Kazuha, Wanderer, Xiao, Kaeya, and Al-Haitham x gn!Reader
summary — You checked your pantry and wow! You don't have shit besides spiders chillin' in the corner of the cabinet. It's time to shop, and your s/o wants to go with you (or in Al-Haitham's case, you drag him along). Would he behave himself and is he OK to bring to society?
tags / warnings — crack / fluff / HCs, almost all of them are insane. kazuha is HIGH ASF, wanderer is an asshole (canon), venti and kaeya have crippling alcoholism, PDA, established relationship, please stop taking these men outside.
A/N — this is my first post. i'm sorry you had to read it but i just write stupid crack hc's or weird shit. also i'm crying because tumblr deleted the first draft i was gonna post. absolutely in tears rn.
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Venti “Huh, you’re going to the market? Can I come, can I come!?”
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As soon as you step foot into the market, expect him to dash in front of you in search for wine. If you’re in another nation or they’re sold out of his favorite booze, he will drop to his knees and BAWL (but it sounds rly pretty cuz he’s a good bard yk like a disney princess)
you urge him to stand up because he’s being embarrassing and that just makes him roll around on the dirty ass floor because he’s a fucking drama king. legit doing it to spite you even tho you didn’t do shit. however once he recovers he’ll…
put random shit into the basket (no he doesn’t need it he just thinks maybe in the future one of u might. please take it out)
will buy plastic bendy straws so he can drink his alcohol in a silly goofy way
will find a way to eat more than 1 free sample at the food stalls (has a fake mustache for this occasion)
if he finds wine that’s rly expensive he will attempt to seduce you into purchasing it for him (dont feed into his alcoholism)
will try to go into the basket (even if its handheld)
expect him to serenade you the entire time you're shopping, too
also he will hold ur hand and just be all over u. he loves u sm <3
will complain once he gets tired (its only been 10 minutes)
overall, terrible to bring. leave him at home
Kazuha “Oh, have we run out of goods? May I accompany you?”
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As you shop, you kind of forget he’s even there until he picks something up to take a closer look and makes a comment. He mostly just chills and follows you around. But…
he actually might be high
how many nakuweeds did u have before you two left? did u count???
all of a sudden he’s adding random snaccs to the basket. when did he ever eat this shit?
as you watch him stuff a dozen doughnuts into ur basket that’s when u realize he might have some crazy munchies. maybe u should ask??
actually maybe not he looks really out of it. he ated all the weeds
as you try and put away some of the shit he put in you see him staring at the local cats
he doesn't know wtf is going on
you should probably go back home now
overall, probably fine to bring with you when he’s not high as a kite
Wanderer “Where are you going? To the market? . . . I better go with you—no, not because I want to, but because you’ll get that generic store brand shit.”
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He’s mad and he doesn’t wanna be there, but bc you’re such an asshole who buys generic great value tea. anyways even tho he looks really mad, he doesn’t mind being with you (what a shit) will wander (heh) away from you and look at other stuff. if u try and contain him he’ll get pissy about it and insist he’s an independent puppet-man and he’s not gonna commit tomfoolery anymore. anyways so…
he doesn’t care if ur trying to save mora, he WILL have his namebrand inazuman tea!!!
maybe he won’t… because he understands prices are very tough right now. BUT its not because you told him to, you fucking box
gets PISSED and will become a karen if the cashier doesn’t say hi to him
our boy is toxic and i will not fluff him down this is just him and u like it
will slap your hand if you try and hold his hand. like, not hard. but like, the way a cat slaps your hand when its tired of you petting it.
will hold ur hand if u try a second time but his grip is rly tight cause bro is always tense asf
overall, don’t bring him if you like the store/market you’re going to. you might get banned
Xiao “You’re going to the market? I see . . . It’s getting dark out, so I’ll come with you.”
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You know he’s anxious about being around so many people, but he wants to protect you <3<3 so he’ll overcome this obstacle and follow you around like a lost puppy…
actually he’s really close
like holy shit back up xiao, he’s right against ur back
you dont bother to say anything bc yk he’ll say some shit like “YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE ADEPTI”
actually maybe you should grab his hand because he legit looks like a deer in headlights
will hold ur groceries for you bc he’s so strong <3
u can't hold his hand because he's holding his giant fucking polearm "just in case" and holding your bags in the other, so maybe hold his arm??
he loves that shit even if he doesnt admit it
might suddenly leave with ur groceries if he’s called or some shit, will return with torn bags but its ok he did everything he could to fix it!
by fix it i mean now he’s just holding everything and pierced it into his spear
you should just be happy he has everything. don’t comment on it
overall, 10/10. besides the anxiety, he likes being near you even if he doesnt admit it. ur groceries are safe with him just like you are <3<3
Kaeya “Groceries? Oho, well. I have some time, why don’t I go with you? You’ll need a big strong captain to carry all your bags, after all.”
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Even if you didn’t want to bring him, he’s coming with you anyways. I think the best part about Kaeya is he’ll stick by your side throughout the trip to the market and follow you around wherever you go.
Honestly, out of everyone else, it feels like he might be the best one to bring with you…
plez expect him to have an arm slung over your shoulders or snaked around your waist. he loves pda!
EXCEPT! he is the KING OF CONSENT(tm) he will only do it if you say its ok! what a sigma chad wtf
i hope you like talking because kaeya fucking loves chatting while shopping. he will not be quiet for long even if you tell him to stfu
even if you’re not the chatty type and you’re pretty quiet, he’ll talk for you. about his day, what he did that morning (even if u already know), what he’s gonna do later, he will not leave a single detail out.
hey btw remember when i said he won’t leave ur side? i lied. don’t trust anyone on the internet.
he will 100% leave your side for the booze market. he is more interested in imported wine that he can get his hands on
will return to you with 6 bottles and insist they’re for you both to share. please stop feeding into his alcoholism
he will carry your bags btw. all of them. he will have both arms packed with bags and won’t complain, might just tease you a little tho.
overall, a fantastic man to bring with you to grocery shop. can protect u cuz he’s a strong cavalry captain who will hold ur belongings without complaint. just feed him booze <3<3
Al-Haitham “. . . Fine, I’ll go with you to pick up some things. I need to pick up a new book to take to work, anyway.”
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The moment you enter the marketplace, you most likely will never find your partner again. At least, not until later in your shopping trip. He literally disappeared, where the fuck did he go?
Its only half way through that you find him and see him sitting on one of the benches, flipping through the new book he purchased. You call for him, but his soundproof earpieces are in effect. You snatch the book out of his hands to get his attention and bother him enough to follow you. He lets out a sigh, but gets up anyway…
u rly should’ve left him there cuz he’s so quiet. he might still have his earpieces on.
he’ll follow you around by your side and he’ll hold your bags, too. he’s got big strong arms for a fuckin reason!!
half way through he’ll start reading his book again, sorry but shopping is rly boring to him ok
al-haitham isn’t a pda person btw don’t touch him
might hold ur hand.
will hold ur hand if the cashier is too sus for his liking
if you run into kaveh while shopping he will leave. if ur holding hands he will leave with u even if u didnt pay for ur shit yet.
overall, um. he’s definitely an option. he’ll hold ur bags??? he just wants to go back home
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sanddusted-wisteria · 9 months
13, 15, 18, and 20 for Wisty!
Also a question directed to her: when did you realize you had feelings for our dear Director? 😳😳😳
Hi thank you so much for asking Mel 🥺 Sticking this under a Read More since as always I ramble lol
13. What’s their favourite Relic?
Wis really likes the floating galaxy! Ponder the O R B
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[Fun fact: the floating galaxy is the only space related relic Qi's only neutral towards.]
15. Preferred method of travel? Do they prefer walking, yakmel carts, horse, etc?
For work, Wis likes to use the yakmel carts for the effimciency. Whenever a new yakmel station request comes up, it's the first thing she gets done. After a while, she gets a horse (she named her Beans bc she has a pinto coat lol), and that becomes her main way of traveling for work.
Outside of work though, Wis likes taking walks! Just a nice gander around town.
18. What’s their favourite holiday?
The Winter Solstice! It's just a nice time where everyone has fun together and celebrates the accomplishments of the last year. And with good eats, of course.
(When they're dating, Wis might be able convince Qi to go out for once and watch the fireworks with her on the roof of the research center <3)
20. What’s their family like? Are they close with them?
Wis's Pa and his family are mostly farmers. All of them are known to be a bit goofy, which is absolutely where Wis got a lot of her silliness from. It's a tradition for everyone in his family to be named after plants, and also to loudly declare "That's me!!" whenever in the presence of the plant(s) they're named after.
Wis's Ma and her family don't have a 'gimmick' like her Pa's family, but they're largely based in Walnut Groove and a bunch of them are artisans of some kind. Wis's Ma was actually who first encouraged Wis to be a builder! She's a tailor, and Wis set her up as a penpal with Vivi pretty quickly.
Wis doesn't have any siblings, but she and Nia hung out so much when they were little they're practically sisters. She'd love to go back and visit sometime...but there's no rest in Sandrock.
Also a question directed to her: when did you realize you had feelings for our dear Director? 😳😳😳
Wisteria: At first I thought he was just another weird researcher. The ones from Vega 5 are always the kookiest. He wasn't really giving me a whole lot of reasons to like him. Blunt, dismissive... And he basically was giving me relic fetching errands back to back. But!
Then the bridge job happened. I handed him that power core and all of a sudden, it was like I was talking to someone else. I never thought he was even capable of grinning like that. That's when I realized there was something more to him.
And I'd find out what that was pretty soon. I found the telescope, and as soon as Qi saw it, he started gushing about it at a mile a minute. Uh, but then he kicked me off the roof and didn't let me use it, and I got mad, but... The next day, he...he apologized. Genuinely. And then I realized that we had something really big in common.
Both of us...we have so much enthusiasm for what we do and what we like that it's bursting from the seams...but we never really had anywhere to apply it back where we came from. My workshop closed down and I had to work for hire, he could never get his doctorate and nobody would let him work for their labs. But now that we were here in Sandrock, we had the chance.
That was when I started talking to him more. Whenever he started rambling, I'd always let him talk. Even if I didn't understand a single word he said, heh. In my head, I told myself that I wanted to give him opportunities to share what he was working on, since no one else in town seemed to get it. And, I mean...that's not untrue...
But, um...
Well, I...
...I also...just liked seeing him smile.
[Wisteria is covering her face and blushing.]
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daz4i · 1 year
Hi hi my love!! ^^ So you asked for asks right? :3 I realize a lot of the times when I send you these I tend to ask you to rank stuff lol so I guess I'll lean into it? How about top 5 (or 10 if you have enough) anime series or top 5 (or 10) animated movies? :3 It's pretty general but I figure it should give you a lot of room to go over some of your favorites ^^ Sending love and good wishes!!! ❤️
ehehe thank you my love 🥺👉👈🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
i wanted to do both but then i did the top 5 anime and i got very carried away with my explanations so i kept it as just that. anyway:
1. haikyuu!! probably my favorite show ever tbh. i think hq has a perfect story, like it uses its genre to do everything right, and its impact on the outside world is amazing as well. as for the series itself, it's just beautiful (ignoring that one episode in season 4) and has a very unique style, stellar voice acting, awesome soundtrack, delicious symbolism, and it really gets you hyped for volleyball :P it's very easy to get attached even to the most minor character bc the story is written in a way that lets almost everyone in this HUGE cast (well over a 100 or even 150 named characters, i'm pretty sure) shine, and you're guaranteed to find someone you like. the only downside is you'll probably end up rooting for every team so eventually a team you like will lose a game (likely to another team you like) and that hurts every time fr. and still!!!!! it manages to be so feel-good and optimistic and really gets you pumped and inspired!!!! i think anyone who is even just open to try sports anime should check it out, it's def one of the most accessible I've seen in that genre (in a sense that it doesn't expect you to already be familiar with the sport to understand the story)
2. honestly?? osomatsu-san. probably bc it's very dear to me like emotionally, season 2 was still releasing when i was stuck in the hospital for a few months, and it was like a light i held onto every week (i was also following a few mangas back then but those were harder to follow. due to oso-san's skit nature it was always a good time) and i mean, ichi was my first f/o before i even knew that term existed hehe. it's one of these shows i wouldn't actually recommend to anyone unless i know they're ok with gross or edgy humor but i do think it's really good, i love how meta it is, and i think it uses its premise to deliver maximum entertainment!
(oh my god that was so much gushing abt a silly skit show i am so sorry <- guy who wrote most of the hq gushing after typing this part up. he was not aware)
3. ok so this one's really niche, idk if any of you have even heard of it heh. it's called bungou stray dogs-
ajdkflhlh while i have my gripes with how they adapt the manga, i do still think it's a very good anime as is. it was good enough to get me hooked on the story and characters and want to learn more and follow the story further, yknow? it's beautiful and i love its use of colors for symbolism, it has really great voice acting, and the energy is kept up throughout it enough to remain engaging. it's honestly a show I'd recommend everyone to at least try 🤔!
4. persona 4!!!! from one mediocre adaptation to a GREAT adaptation. i think p4's anime is really really well made - it manages to translate a game this long into a coherent and interesting story, gives its characters time to shine, and maintains a perfect balance between fun and emotions. also it has probably the best dub I've ever heard. naoto's anime voice dni. also i think episode 26 is a true masterpiece i think everyone should watch it
5. ngl. it's a three way tie for me. between shows i only watched once and don't have a lot of attachment to beyond that, but i think they're really good for very different reasons. gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun / great pretender / blue period. i won't go into details on why i love them all bc this post is already long enough. but if you're reading this you should check them out 🫡
also if this post convinces you to check out any show mentioned here you legally have to tell me ok? esp if you end up liking it 🧐🔥🔥
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dethbug · 1 year
FOR THE AMV ASK GAME 😏😏😏 Hot Mess, Everytime We Touch (can be either lickles or loffdensen OR BOTH 😁), and All The Things She Said? :)) 💗💗
HIII MIA ILY HELLO :-] erhh im in a loffdensen mindset today so i will go w him AHH heres a gif of the both of them though ^_^
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🍷 HOT MESS :: Excluding your main f/o(s) you already ship with your s/i, is there any other characters from the source that would have a crush/romantic feelings for your s/i? Or, alternately, has your s/i been with anyone else before your f/o(s)?
uhhhh ... mia you already know all about this but uh.......... in my canon magnus and i dated and he just ... is forever obsessed.... just destiny/the prophecy never being in his favor things !!! but in all serious there is so much lore there...like... so. so much. DHFSJH i have a handful of drawings abt it its just none of them are finished...
but yes we met right after he was kicked out of dethklok and he never lets go >_>
🍷 EVERYTIME WE TOUCH :: How would your s/i describe your f/o? How would your f/o describe your s/i?
me describing charles > "Oh lord, where do I begin with that fool. He's silly! Sillier than he'd like to admit, that's one thing I really love about him. You think he's this uptight, business dude, but man. He's got some good impressions under his belt! Like... Facebones. Heh heh. I love that side of him, I love that he can make me laugh so easily. I love everything about him, honestly. The way he insists on doing skincare every morning and night with me, the way he always asks what I'm drawing when he sees me working on something new, the way his hands look. I've got it bad, don't know if it was obvious or anything. Dude's just okay I guess, heh heh."
charles describing me > "There was always something about her, you know...? Ah, the way she looks when she's focused. When she, ah, plays with her lip piercing when she's lost in thought. The way she lights up when she looks at me. I, ah, could... go on. The list is quite endless if I had to name everything I adore about her; But, ah, her fashion and the way she carries herself is a big one. To say she has a knack for enchanting me with every small mannerism would be an embarrassing understatement. I really love her... I love her a lot."
🍷 ALL THE THINGS SHE SAID :: If your character was a part of the original media they’re an insert for, how would the fandom treat them? How would they treat the ship?
in all honesty i think if i was canon in the mtl universe id be hit or miss with fans HDSFHJ unsure how to pinpoint why id think that -- i just think my writing is wayyy too dramatic and self indulgent BUT MAYBE IM WRONG im overly critical maybe people would think im girlboss idk HAJHDS BUT UHH i think people would like loffdensen :-] perhaps !! idk!!! i think its silly and i love a long ass slowburn the tropes like OHH BUT THE ODDS ARE AGAINST THEMMM...OHH ITS UNPROFESSIONAL.... but also like... destiny/the prophecy plays a big factor in it too so its like OOO AAA HDSHJ I DONT KNOW im a crazy person man
........ bonus magnus gif ........ he sucks [i am incredibly emotionally attached to my own fanon version of him]
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peepingtoad · 4 years
@minaa-munch​​ said: Do you have any headcannons with regards to Jiraiya and fuuinjutsu? The Sannin are part of the few shinobi who exhibit sealing prowess after all. | headcanon asks | always accepting! |
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Hello again! First off, great question because it’s always been vexing to me that the Sannin are all so skilled in this area, and yet fūinjutsu overall is such an underexplored, underexplained discipline in general. On the other hand, this gives us a lot of room to have fun with it (which I think I’ve yet to really make any specific headcanon for) so here we go!
What I’ll say first is that I’ve been waiting (I dunno why, because nothing was stopping me) for a reason to post this particular thing for so long now, but in regards to the origin of Jiraiya’s skill in fūinjutsu, I see Danzō being the one to introduce him to it and initially mentor him in his youth—I’d say from perhaps age 13 or 14, for a couple of years. And for this I’ve thought of a few main reasons it’d come about:
Plain and simple, Danzō is keen to piss off Hiruzen by snagging his students because he’s a salty and bitter old goat—and at this point Orochimaru isn’t quite on the cards, what with still comfortably being Hiruzen’s favourite. Meanwhile Jiraiya is underestimated and somehow, despite being the way he is, manages to fly under the radar a lot. The raw potential is there too, and it’s intriguing to him.
To expand on Jiraiya going unnoticed, he is also basically an orphan, with no parent present enough to ever interfere. This is an important factor that Danzō no doubt values in the early stages of building ROOT—and whatever its intentions were at the time, Danzō was not particularly a shady guy at this stage. He could scope out the talent relatively unbothered.
But young Jiraiya’s talents are definitely something he’s seeking out, knowing he eventually wishes to operate from the shadows, to have people who can blend in seamlessly—and Jiraiya, being so personable and capable of ‘acting natural’ to the most human degree, is a great candidate for such a job. Sometimes he barely even seems like a shinobi at all, and that’s a strength for a spy.
Of course, after a few infuriating years he learns that basically everything about Jiraiya as a person is fundamentally unsuited to the type of work he wishes to do through ROOT. What a waste of time, huh?
So with some degree of general mentorship and information-digging going on, Danzō offers some training across various specialties and thus discovers that Jiraiya has a natural flair for fūinjutsu. In fact, despite being a slow and steady learner in many other areas of shinobi discipline, he takes to this like a fish to water. Book-learned basic principles aside, I imagine it’s a very hands-on, intuitive skill that requires great creativity to expand on the knowledge already possessed—which is probably minimal, besides Danzō’s own and the previous Hokage’s contributions, based on how relatively early Konoha is in the whole ‘document everything’ game (relatively).
Needless to say, Jiraiya has the creativity down pat. He designed the seal to suppress the Kyūbi chakra, after all, and was even proficient enough to seal Amaterasu. Hell, his toad-themed jutsu in themselves are quite the exercise in creativity, so even though Jiraiya turned out to be no good for ROOT, he would use that brilliant(!) mind to go on to play a part in developing many seals commonly used among Konoha shinobi today.
His main forte, or at least the area of fūinjutsu where he really went wild, is the design of numerous paper/scroll/tag-based seals, lending to the general convenience of use for shinobi of all ranks. They’re easy to pack, carry and replicate which helped to ensure that units were more prepared than ever. Chiefly, sealing elemental jutsu (exemplified by sealing Itachi’s Amaterasu fire) and weapons within scrolls, along with chakra suppression, vocal silencing, paralyzing and tracking seals. He didn’t invent these manners of sealing by any stretch, but made the designs more... streamlined? Accessible? More simple to draw and execute, I imagine, being generally simpler himself and not so constrained by the rigid teachings of any given clan. 
As an aside—the reason he was so focused on sealing objects at all was so that he could bring Items He Should Not Have into Places They Weren’t Welcome, while being more difficult to notice doing so. Make of that what you will. (It’s booze-related because isn’t it always? Hell, maybe even some of that dank Myōbokuzan kush that the toads are blatantly always smoking in those fancy kiseru... am I joking? Who knows)
Anyway. His weapon seal would go on to inspire Tenten’s technique of sealing many weapons at once. Again by no means did he invent this technique, because this is Tenten’s baby (plus he’s no bukijutsu specialist!), but the theory had its basis within the seals he designed for simple and chakra-efficient storage of weaponry.
Again being very much geared towards paper and tag seals, much of Jiraiya’s training that was unique to Konan, along with combining toad oil/fire and paper, was teaching her fūinjutsu and brainstorming ideas to make her paper jutsu even more formidable and unpredictable than before. We of course see her using all those explosive tags in the fight with Obito, but I think Konan + paper seals doing all sorts of shit, releasing sealed jutsu and who knows what else... was a missed trick!
While I believe Mito definitely had influence on Jiraiya’s fūinjutsu, I think it was indirect, and any learnings of Uzumaki sealing will have been passed to Jiraiya through Kushina and/or what Minato learned through Kushina (who in turn learned most heavily from Mito). My reasoning for this is that as the first jinchūriki, Mito seemed to be far more isolated than later hosts would be, particularly in her older years—and I don’t see there being much inclination to share Uzumaki sealing secrets with someone with no ties to the clan. Kushina and Tsunade? Yes. Random little ragamuffin? Perhaps not.
... I’ve already rambled on a fair bit and think I’m out of proper ideas for now, so I’m just gonna take a moment to list some short/stupid fūinjutsu-related headcanon ideas now:
When he calls Orochimaru’s work sloppy that one time, it’s a big ol’ front. But he does still think this is one area where he’s better than Oro. Nyehhh.
Why yes, of course he has seals for sexual use! Climax-blocking, stamina refreshing, instant shibari (chakra or actual rope), all over stimulation via the mildest raiton contained in a seal? You bet!
Released a book of ‘prank seals’ including ‘poof the object into nonexistence’ and ‘release deluge of oil’ and ‘suddenly frog’ amongst many others. This book is illegal in most countries.
He once sealed (and I guess, technically stealed bwahahaha) a hotel jacuzzi when he was drunk, forgetting that there was no such thing as plumbing on the road, and its not exactly the same experience having to make all that hot water yourself
Once heroically sealed an entire town’s vermin infestation, forgot about it, then accidentally released it later. Is now barred from that ryokan, forever.
Has an entire scroll devoted to condoms
And another devoted to flavoured lube.
Not so stupid, but the need for rapid seal-drawing helped him to develop his ambidexterity to the point where you can barely tell what his dominant hand originally was (however he places down his left hand to summon in all early manga panels I remember at least, which indicates that as a child he signed it with his left hand).
He’s able to store Gerotora easily with a seal concealed in his throat. That’s why it’s so easy for him, not because of some other gutter-brained reason, honest.
He got really good at kanji through learning fūinjutsu. It arguably helped him along in his writing career—especially when writing more traditional style poetry.
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
Hello~! I would like to request a romantic scenario in which Riddle Rosehearts plans to propose to his fem! s/o, asking her to be his future wife. Takes place after the events of Ghost Marriage. Make it super fluffy, please? Thanks!
A/N: he's so damn cute man like dang
reqs open!
I hope I did the prompt justice! Also if you spot a reference to something... iykyk
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Riddle sighs, crossing his arms as he walks with you, his wedding suit battered. Fighting the ghosts was no easy feat, and it showed on his suit. Even the rose Malleus fashioned for him was crumpled into bits. 
"How exhausting." He mumbles, casually intertwining his hands with yours. "To think that Ace would be the one to solve the debacle."
You hum in agreement. "At least Eliza gets her happy ending. She looked pretty happy with Chubby, don't you think?"
"It would be better if she didn't call me short..." Riddle murmurs, getting angry just thinking about it. "I still have 2 more years to grow!"
"Yes, yes." You agree nonchalantly. "Who knows, you might just beat Floyd one day- Ow-!"
You laugh out loud when Riddle hits you on the shoulder, but you know he means no harm. "...but that proposal Chubby made was pretty cute, don't you think?"
"It is quite cute." Riddle agrees, falling into silence. You take notice and do the same, letting the sounds of the night fill in the silence instead and the warmth of his palm envelope yours.
He accompanies you to ramshackle and drops you off. "i'll see you tomorrow, my rose."
"Goodnight, Riddle. Sweet dreams." You give him a chaste kiss on his forehead, and grin when he blushes. 
"Don't just suddenly--!"
"Heh." You grin smugly, eyes squinting at his reaction.
"Don't look so smug." Riddle retorts, determined to fluster you. You can see the small smirk on his face as he leans down to kiss your hand, letting his eyes meet yours before letting go, his smirk growing when he sees you flush.
"...that's not fair, come on!" You groan, covering your face with one hand as you push him out of Ramshackle. "You're such a tease sometimes!"
Riddle smiles at your reaction. "I believe you started this, yes?"
"Oh, you- urgh- just... goodnight." You huff, gently shut the door to Ramshackle as Grim ‘Ewwwww!!!’’s out a reply. How did you score such a cute boyfriend, seriously?
On the other side of the door, Riddle's blush appears in full swing as he recalls your cheeky grin. The grin you often show when you manage to surprise him, either through your actions or your words. It makes his heart race stupidly face, but he can't bring himself to tell you to stop.
His thoughts lead into the happenings of today- fighting with ghosts, racing with his classmates to get through Eliza, donning on suits- he smiles softly when he remembers your enthusiastic reaction to his suit and wonders... Will you react the same if you both got married?
Surprising himself with the question, Riddle attempts to shake it off, but he can't get it out of his head. Now, his head is filled with visions of you in a wedding gown, looking oh so radiant under your natural glow, with Grim as the ring bearer, trying miserably not to cry. Perhaps Trey as his best man, who dons a green suit.
The wedding is filled with red roses, decorated just the way the two of you wanted, and he can (for some reason) imagine Floyd shrieking about how he never thought a shrimp and a goldfish could ever get married.
Finally, it leaves him as your groom. Older, wiser, more mature and hopefully, the happiest he'll ever be. Happy to be by your side for now, for later, and for forever.
Its only after this thought does he realize that he's been standing outside Ramshackle this whole time, probably looking a little silly, because he feels his cheeks pull at a smile he can't stop.
Maybe he should write this all down. For precautionary measures. Just in case something happens. Or something. It's better to be safe than sorry, is what he reasons with himself as his pace quickens to his dorm, but he knows he can't fool himself with this one.
One day, far into the future, he'll pluck up the courage to propose to you but for now, he'll settle on imagining it all pan out in his room, scribbled nonsensically on a notebook.
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uf, ut, us skellies with an s/o who, for Halloween, literally just wears the skellies clothes please? ^v^
Aw man, I missed Halloween :(
I'm real sorry. Forgive me T^T
I uh have no idea why this one was so hard for me? I had to rewrite a few of them like five times! I couldn’t think for some reason but hey, it was fun. 
Sans- Do you want to do this? For real? Okay fine, you kill him. You killed the skelly boy. He woke up a bit earlier than he normally would, only because he wanted to get ready to go for Halloween. He was going to wear his normal clothes then a piece of paper that said "error 404. Costume not found" he thought it would be a funny costume, because it is a costume while he's also allowed to be lazy! Yet when he tried to find his clothes, mostly his jacket, he couldn't find it? He found pants, his shirt, but not his jacket? Also his slippers were gone too... he looks around, rubbing his hand on his skull feeling a little confused. "Huh..." he mumbles to himself and starts to walk downstairs, covering his mouth with his hand yawning "Hey Paps, hope not to bug ya, but I think someone is tryna jacket my clothes" he tried to joke, even if he was a little nervous. Did someone break in or... oh wait. He stops seeing S/o sitting on the couch getting their makeup done by Frisk who was also dressed as a skeleton but S/o was wearing his clothes. The clothes were a little baggy on them and he smiles, much bigger than before, his cheeks tinting a blue color. God they looked adorable... then he heard a shout from behind him "Brother!" He yelps jumping away staring at his brother, then over at the others, seeing Frisk start to giggle. Oh that's so not fair.
Papyrus- Well Halloween was going to be a holiday that he was very excited about! Why? Because he saw many skeletons sure... they were naked skeletons but still skeletons! That must mean that this holiday is for them, right? When he asked Sans, Sans agreed so that must be true! His brother would never lie to him, right? Yeah... yeah of course not. When he got out of the shower to get ready in his costume, he heard some slight sounds coming from his bedroom making him hum looking at the door "Hmmm I wonder what that must be?" he finished getting dressed first. He was going as a knight! He did want to be part of the royal guards, but this was different. When he came out of the bathroom he tried to find his scarf but he couldn't find it in his room! Or the rest of his battle body! Gasp! Someone has stolen from the great Papyrus! He huffs at the thought and runs downstairs holding up his hand as he did so. "Brother! Datemate! Frisk! Somebody has stolen the Great Papyrusus battle body!" Frisk looks over from where they were laying on top of Sans who was asleep. Little baby child. The other person was his datemate, who was wearing his clothes! He blinks once then twice, and points at them "It is you!" they giggle turning their head away. He squints at them but smiles not being able to help it well... he was always smiling but he smiled more than he did! They held up their hands, the gloves were much too big, and they say "The great S/o would never steal anything!" he walks over, putting his hands on their cheeks, laughing a soft nyeh heh heh. This was so silly.
Red- To be honest, to him, he thought that Halloween was stupid and a waste of time but his S/o seemed weirdly excited for it so he guessed he could agree to try it? His brother most likely wasn't going to do anything or if he did, it would most likely be because of Noodle. Ugh that other stupid Papyrus was annoying... whatever. He wakes up and slowly sits up, stretching his arms above his head letting out a yawn. His eyes scan around looking for his jacket that he most likely left on the chair beside the bed but... it wasn't there? What the? He frowns pushing himself to get up "ugh come on, what the fuck?" Did Edge take it again to try to clean? That fur on the collar needs to be cleaned in a certain way damn it! He grabs his shirt, slipping it on over his head then starts to stomp downstairs grumbling under his breath in annoyance. He hated it when Edge tried to do things with his stuff, always yelling at him ughhhh... oh wait. He stops walking, staring forward his eye shines disappearing. He saw S/o wearing his clothes sitting on the couch, painting Frisk's face humming under their breath while Flowey was eyeing them from where he was. He slowly looks back at his S/o feeling his face start to grow hot. Oh damn... okay... fuck shit. He teleports away covering his hands with his face. This so wasn't fair...
Edge- If Edge was to be fully honest, he didn't know how to feel about the whole Halloween thing. So for a few days before, he started to study it, what was the reasoning behind Halloween? Why was it called that? Given what he read, Halloween goes all the way back to a festival that was called Samhain, and the word comes from All Hallows' Eve... Long ago the humans believed the boundary between this world and the next became thin, allowing them to connect with the dead and other creatures. They wore costumes to hide away and disguise themselves away from being seen by ghosts and monsters. Ugh to be honest, Edge didn't think that that was the best holiday, just because it seems all people care about now is candy and getting drunk or trying to look 'sexy' which is just gross. Guess he could deal with it though... for his Datemate, because they seemed excited about it. On the day he woke up feeling groggy, as he was still not too used to sleeping much. With a mumble he rubs at his eye sockets wondering just how long it's been since he fell asleep? He wasn't too used to sleeping but he's been trying to get better with that. He reaches over to grab his scarf off the bedside table but he didn’t feel it making him pause and he looks around where the hell was his scarf?! He huffs in annoyance and stands up stomping downstairs still in his pajamas, which were evil pajamas, and shouts “You useless bag of trash! Where is my scarf?!" S/o who was painting Frisk's face looks over with big eyes. They were wearing his clothes and his scarf, they sink down and frown starting to unravel it "I-I'm real sorry Edge, I thought you'd like seeing this" Oh shit. Edge quickly shakes his head, moving closer and fixes the scarf around their throat "No, I do, I thought my lazybones of a brother took it" he looks them up and down and smiles, tracing his fingers along their leg "you look nice in my clothes" Frisk covers their eyes as Edge pecks at their lips for a kiss. Oh yeah, totally worth it now. 
Blueberry- It took forever for Blueberry to fall asleep, and he's a very light sleeper, and waking him up would get him pretty annoyed, to be honest. That's one reason why he didn't sleep that often, and normally only did when he fully had to and even then he would sneak away to sleep. Nobody knew about that! Funnily enough. When he woke up that day he climbs out of his bed but flops down onto the ground letting out a small groan, just laying on the ground for a little while. Ughhhh... he was still so sleepy. He just needed to get up and move around and he'll wake up. He pushes himself to get up off the ground holding the blanket around his shoulders, walking downstairs feeling the coldness under his bones... he walks into the kitchen ignoring the world around him and takes out the orange juice, pouring himself a glass of orange juice and grabs an egg cracking it into the cup, his skull resting against the cabinet. Stretch looks over from where he was drinking his honey and makes a tsh sound since that was gross "So... bro, did ya see what your datemate was dressed as?" Blueberry reaches up taking the cup up and drinks it, tilting his head back then looks over and shakes his head so he walks back into the living room and perks up quickly when he saw his S/o wearing his clothes, fixing up their clothes. He grins and tackles them excitedly "You're wearing my clothes!" He laughs. He found it so cute!
Stretch- Halloween was one of Stretch's favorite holidays after getting above ground. People give you candy just for coming to their house dressed up? How cool is that? S/o told him that they had something planned for the holiday! They didn't tell him what it was though, which was just a little annoying to him. He only disliked it because he was excited to see it! Not fair. Now it was finally the day of hollows, his alarm going off which he literally set! He almost never does that, but he wanted to get up a little early to make sure things were set up. While he set up the holiday stuff his bro said "I wish you'd take your job this serious" Stretch just laughed. Now that he was awake though, he was a tad confused. Where did his hoodie go? Did Blueberry take it to be washed? He looks around his room, but shakes his head yawning and goes downstairs. Chara seemed excited playing with plastic bats and his S/o was there too, how cute... He walks into the kitchen but does a double take. Wait was... He smiles and walks over leaning onto the couch "hey hunbun... You tryna steal my job or something?" They were wearing his hoodie and pants it seemed. They look up and grin explaining that this was their costume! Going as the best datemate ever. Stretch nearly damn cried y'all.
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Ecstasy [04]
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[Prologue] [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [Epilogue]
ー The scene starts on the balcony
Yui: So this is where you’ve been, Carla-san.
Carla: ...It’s you. What’s the matter? Having trouble falling asleep?
Yui: ...Yes. Besides, I was worried because you seemed to be feeling unwell...
Carla: Do not underestimate me. Worried about me?
That’s not nece...Ugh.
Yui: ...! Are you alright!? 
Carla: ...Yes. I will call it a day after I’ve gazed at the moon for just a bit longer. 
Yui: A bit longer, you say..?
( I wonder why he won’t take better care of his own health? )
( Am I just too paranoid? ...I don’t think so though. )
Then, why won’t you sit down at least? By standing, you’ll only demand more of your body...
Carla: Good idea...
You should...hurry back to your room. 
Yui: N-No...! I’ll stay here with you!
( I took a seat next to him without thinking. Being this close is kind of making me nervous... )
( B-But...! )
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ーー !! C-Carla-san...!
Carla: What?
Yui: U-Um...! If you won’t lie down just yet, then please...Rest your head against my shoulder at least...!!
Carla: You...What on earth are you doing?
Yui: ( I-I actually did it...! B-But! If this will help him feel at least a bit better... )
Carla: Heh...You have quite the nerve, acting in such a way towards me. 
Yui: I-I’m sorry...
( Am I going to get scolded...? )
Carla: I suppose I shall borrow your shoulder for a bit then. 
Yui: ( Eh...? )
Carla: What’s wrong? Your face appears to be flushed. 
Yui: ...! T-That’s not true!
Carla: Heh...You silly girl. Did you already forget that you were the one who boldly invited me? 
Yet you’re growing flustered now? 
Yui: W-Well...
→ Deny it (S)
Yui: I-I’m not flustered! I’m perfectly calm...
I’m sure you were only imagining things when you thought my cheeks looked red...
Carla: Then, when I move this close, I surely will not make the same mistake. 
Yui: ーーー!!
Carla: What’s the matter? Should I move even closer? 
Yui: I-I’m sorry...! I actually got nervous because you were so close to me...
→ Admit it (M)
Yui: U-Um...I was actually nervous. 
Carla: ...Is that all? 
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Ah...!!
Carla: How does it make you feel...when I move this close? 
Yui: I-I was actually flustered...A-Also...I can’t explain very well, but...
When your face gets close to mine...It makes my heart race...
Carla: ...Heh.
Yui: ( When he makes this kind of expression, I can only assume that he’s being a tease and making fun of me...!! )
( Still...I guess he must be feeling better if he has the energy to tease me. )
Carla: ...
Yui: ( Wait...! His breath just hit my neck...! )
Carla: This is your penalty for being so disrespectful towards me. ...Now close your eyes for a bit. 
Yui: ...I-I can’t.
Carla: Close your eyes. 
Yui: O-Okay.
ー She closes her eyes
Yui: ...
Carla: ...
Yui: ( ...! He...kissed my neck? )
ー She opens her eyes again
*Rustle rustle*
Carla: Heh, enough games for today. ...I should go rest up soon. I believe it is time you return to your room as well. 
Yui: Y-Yes. 
ー Carla goes back inside
Yui: He left...I guess that means he’s fine now...? 
( I feel as if my attempts to help him simply ended with me getting toyed with... )
( Also, the kiss on my neck from earlier. That was also just him...messing with me, right? )
( Still...For some reason, it made me really happy somehow )
ー Yui heads inside as well
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ihatebnha · 2 years
the gomez adams thingy SCREAMS todoroki to me lol he’s just such a “my love” kinda guy to me if that makes sense… i could see his entire camera roll just being pics of his s/o 🥺 (maybe some cats heh) also hi!!!!!! i love you & i hope you’ve been doing well <3
-oc anon
(link to Gomez post!)
OC ANON I SAY THIS EVERY SINGLE TIME BUT I WAS JUST THINKING OF YOU!!! Maybe it's cuz I'm always thinking of you, but... HI! I MISSED U!!!
LMAO though, you are SO right! That is definitely one of Todoroki's go to pet names and also probably how he would act drunk... formal yet unintentionally loving and silly. Plus, I'm sure someone would be around to take photos of him passed out too hee hee hoo hoo (and part of me wants to say it's Ochaco)...
I'm also kinda laughing though because you know his photos of you range from extremely good to extremely... candid, so to say... so the likelihood of him staring at a photo of you, I don't know, just eating chips on the couch in your underwear is VERY likely ajsdnjlkasdj. It's totally embarrassing... but also so sweet that he likes photos even like that🥺
Ehniwhey... I've been SOOO busy but, what about you??? I hope you're well and love you so berry mucho, too!!!💖💖💖
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