#also what the *fuck* did they do to Talia??? Who was this random character they had with her name & face
spacedace · 1 year
Okay, finished Death and the Maidens and uh, yeah. Everything I saw that said it was fucking terrible was right. Absolutely hated it. -10000/10.
There was exactly 3 things about all of that I liked:
The concept of Nyssa as Talia's older half sister that's been running around doing humanitarian efforts for centuries (and literally nothing else about her backstory because holy fucking shit what).
The single moment of Talia being happy and enjoying herself and briefly vulnerable and open about how she doesn't have many friends (could have truly been some great character moment stuff in something else)
Alfred's sass.
That's it. That was everything I enjoyed about that story line. What the absolute fuck did I just read?
Anyway, uh. I'm gonna take the 3 things I liked about the story, try to scrub the memory of literally everything else, and work out what I would have liked to see happen with Nyssa & Talia instead and figure out how to incorporate that into a fic.
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laufire · 9 months
it's very funny (read: not funny) how after the new 52 reboot, dc altered two of my favourite first meetings (you know how much I care about first meetings) in a very similar war.
first you have batman incorporated vol. 2 #2, that more or less reproduced the first meeting between bruce and talia in detective comics #411 in a few flashbacks (league dude fighting it off with ra's kidnaps talia, bruce is fighting it off with him and ends up wounded and in her medical care, etc. the flashback doesn't include the very best part of the first meeting, at the end of the story, so: read 'tec #411 it's great. there's a facsimile reprint coming on march if you think you'll be into it). but then... makes it as if that meeting, and talia falling for bruce during it, was all orchestrated by ra's.
then you have red hood and the outlaws vol. 1 #0. its first sin is that it changes bruce and jason's first meeting completely: instead of occurring on the anniversary of the death of bruce's parents, involving a kid showing the gumption to steal the batmobile's tires and making bruce laugh in such a momentous anniversary... it's just batman catching jason as he tries to steal some prescription drugs (not even for his now presumed dead mother) from leslie's clinic. then it commits the BIGGEST sin of saying this was all... orchestrated by the joker, who one day saw jason and decided to manipulate his whole life (taking dad away, faking mom's death, putting him outside the clinic) to make him, somehow, become batman's sidekick.
in the first case, I don't mind it as much, if only when compared to the other. it annoys me that talia's feelings are rewritten as the result of manipulation, but a.) ra's is a mastermind type, so they're not just elevating his character for no reason, and b.) given this is the very comic that made talia a rapist, I'm gonna pick my battles. plus I only recently read 'tec #411 so as much as I love it, it's not part of my Psyche the same way batman #408 is lol.
but the second one profoundly aggravates me lmfao. first, because of just how much I love their new earth meeting!! lobdell's version focuses on what a lot of writers afterwards have tried to use to smear jason's name, aka, "he's just some juvenile delinquent". he's also made jason part of a gang, when new earth!jason clearly had very clear lines about what he was willing to do (boost what he needed to survive) and what he wasn't (becoming "a crook", joining ma gunn's gang).
and like... to be blunt, in no logical universe seeing some rando steal from a clinic would make bruce up and make him robin. it's the sequence of "shameless enough to go for the batmobile" + feisty against bruce + "ready to prevent crime on his own when it looked like batman wasn't going to" that did it. of course making any random kid robin wouldn't be logical anyway lol, and bruce's own loneliness was the deep motivating factor... but one of this versions make jason distinctive, someone who WOULD trigger bruce's baby robin fever. and the other is generic and makes me feel pretty sceptical about the whole thing.
and that's not even getting into the joker's supposed role in all this because FUCK THAT. good GOD do I hate the idea that the freaking joker is some super genius mastermind playing five dimensional chess with the bats and orchestrating events years in advance. my first story really reading joker was aditf. the guy beats robin to near death (which he manages thanks to the element surprise, deceit, and having goons help him), blows him up to hide the evidence because he's scared of what batman would do to him, then immediately admits he killed robin to taunt batman the next time he sees him. I can't ever buy him as anything other than a coward dumber than a bag of rocks that just Does Random Shit to people who can't fight back because he's a sadist, and gets away with it because unlike the people he faces, he has not an ounce of sense or morals or apprehension that could stop him. I'm not gonna lie and say I've ever enjoyed the joker as a character (I think he's trite and uninventive and his utter lack of inner life bores me), but this turn has made him completely unbearable, and his continuing survival all the more inexplicable the more dangerous he gets.
tl;dr the new 52 tried to fix a lot of shit that wasn't broken but these two examples make me want to ask for financial compensation.
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Incorrect Quotes Tag Game
OK, so I was tagged by @canadjester to do this game and I’m very excited. I have too many quotes for this, so I’m gonna have to narrow it down to a few per WIP (I made quotes for about 3 of my WIPs, I think.)
[Rules: Use this site to make random quotes for your OCs.]
1: APS
I haven’t said too much about APS on this blog, so this is less about the characters and more about the quotes.
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*Pretty accurate for Michael, he’s a chaotic dude. Also, these next few are gonna be text-written.
*Iris teaching Michael how to drive and taking Talia along for the ride.* Iris: That’s a pot hole! To the left! Michael: Take it back now y’all *drives into pothole* Talia, sticking her face into the front over the center console: Cha cha real smooth. Michael: That’s not how the song goes… Iris, crying and gripping the handle: Please just take me home… Michael: Country roads. Talia: Take me home. Michael: To the place- Both: -I belong! Both: WEST VIRGINIA- Iris, crying harder: what the hell *A teeny bit OOC for one of the characters but it works
Talia: Hello, my name is Failure, and you're watching my life crumble into pieces. Talia:  *waves her finger and sings like she’s in a Disney Channel intro* 
Talia: Be right back, gonna hit the toilet for a quick power sob.
Cassian: If I stay in bed I'll be warm. If I get in the shower, I'll also be warm. But the distance between the bed and shower? No. That is not warm. 
Cassian: Dracula had it right - sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations. 
Talia, holding up her class notes: And then this doodle of a burrito because when I first read Aristotle, I thought it was pronounced like “Chipotle”.  Talia, in shock: Wait a minute, is it “Chip-o-tottle”?  Caster: *facepalms*
Marie, seeing a banana on the car seat: What the HELL??  Marie, buckling the banana up: Buckle UP, it’s the LAW! 
Alexander, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan?? Alexander: Oh. I the fuck used this pan. Kazu: It was you the fuck. Alexander: It was me the fuck... Terrence: Who cooks rice in a pan? Kazu: Him the fuck.
2: Don't Leave (current side-WIP)
I at least have one excerpt of Don't Leave (yes, that's a shameless plug) so at least you could know some of the characters this way; y'all aren't just watching random people say random quotes...
June: Jamie, what are you doing? Jamie: Making chocolate pudding. June: It is four in the morning, why must you make chocolate pudding?  Jamie: Because I've lost control of my life.  Jamie: Here's your pudding, Kaguya.  Kaguya: Oh that's fine, I'm not hungry anymore. 
Kaguya: Last night I found out Jamie is a sleep talker. June: Oh, really?  Kaguya: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right in my ear at 3 in the morning. 
3: Devil On My Shoulder
Krish: Okay happy campers! If you were a fruit what would you be and why?  Hector: I'd be a tomato because no one accepts me as part of the group.  Krish: ...  Hector: ...  Krish: OKAY HAPPY CAMPERS- 
Hector, sniffling: Calm down, I’m probably not sick. It might just be allergies.  Krish: Okay, tell me this: are you like, really tired?  Hector: I have depression, what do you think? 
Aaaand for the last one:
Hector: Krish, you're testifying in an aggravated assault case tomorrow, and the D.A. is worried about how you'll present yourself on the stand.  Krish: Why? I'm fine on the stand!  FLASHBACK to Testimony #1: Krish: Look, I'll make this real simple so even these dumdums can understand.  Krish, to the jury: MAN DID CRIME.  FLASHBACK to Testimony #2: Krish: I'm sorry, could you make her stop doing that weird thing with her face?  Defense Attorney, next to the crying defendant: ...Crying? FLASHBACK to Testimony #3: Krish: And when this is over, I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna break those little fingers.  Judge: Could the witness please stop threatening the stenographer? 
And that’s all, folks. Gently tagging @poetinprose, @hallwriteblr, and @ryns-ramblings ^ - ^
I’ve had too much fun with this
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redjaybathood · 3 years
What people expect batfam or Outlaws do you think Jason would have had an interesting team up?
Ohhh this is a good one.
Tbh I want anyone and everyone in a team-up with Jason. It could be fun to explore how his personality meshes with different type of people. Except maybe Flashes - sorry Flash fans, nothing against Flashfam but it's just hard for me to keep track of basically any storyline with a Flash. I developed an irrational anxiety about them.
But ones interesting for me in particular:
1) Jason and Rose. Canon gave us the lackluster "they're exes" and fuck this. Give me some actual team up.
2) Jason and Rose and Eddie.
I am pretty sure it's shauds' fault I am invested in this. Amazing author, superb ideas, go check out their AO3.
In particular, it's because all three are connected. Jason and Eddie are pen pal buddies (for two issues but still); Jason and Rose are exes (in this case you can not show their relationship starting and crash-and-burning, playing off the unimpressed exes dynamic is good); Rose and Eddie were on NTT both.
Also, it could be an iteration of Outlaws!
3) Jason and Gen O but only if he mentors them for real; I don't think it's going to happen but it's a real shame we don't have Jason actually being a good mentor to kids.
Look, he could be a side character in this but I want him to take care of kids in a way that is more than just getting rid of threats that kids face. I think it could be a good development for him as well. Especially in the context of leaving the Batfam and healing. It is easier to let go of certain grudges and genuine hurt inflicted to you by your parents when you're a parent yourself. Just need to make sure you won't do the same or worse mistakes.
4) Onyx, Orpheus, Spoiler and Batgirl versus, and then &, Red Hood.
Ok, this could be an Elseworld story as Orpheus is dead and Onyx... I am not sure about her... But. Okay, imagine an Elseworld story where Jason gets in Gotham during War Games. Of course he will plug himself right into it. And Orpheus kinda did the similar thing that Red Hood was supposed to do? Maybe Jason can go work for him! Butterfly wings, Orpheus doesn't die, nor Spoiler.
Black Mask does, for sure.
5) Talia, Damian, and Jason
We could have it all, imo, if Jason was involved in bringing down Leviathan - who he was accused of being - with them, who also are invested in it.
They all have ties between each other as well, so it's not a random team up either.
6) Jason and any magical users. He has flaming soul swords and slayed interdimensional monsters and ancient evil. He can get on JL Dark or partner with Raven or - I don't actually know a lot about magic users within DC but hey. If this team up ends up existing, I will find out.
I propose them to go against Trigon. I bet Essence could capture him in a sword - so let's add Essence to the team as well.
7) Jason and Lanterns. Give the man a ring. He can be actually any Lantern you want. Rage? He has it. Love? In abundance. Fear? Hope? Will? Yes, yes, yes.
Also, sending Jason in space would be 👨‍🍳👄
And, after BUL, I want Jason Todd, in his civilian outfit, to meet Hal Jordan, who wears exactly the same stuff. Please. Nobody is talking about it. But the shit! The jacket!!! It's very reminiscent of the classic Hal look as I (not a Hal fan so I didn't read much and watched a movie everybody hates) remember it.
8) Huntress, who also started her career with killing gangsters, Manhunter who is another underrated character who isn't a vegetarian. Maybe add Question here. Focus on detective work, mafia organization, police corruption, nitty-gritty of the Gotham's underbelly. No super-villains, just your regular scum of earth.
9) Suicide Squad. They're doing it with Get Joker. They kinda done it but not really, with RHATO (when Biz orchestrated getting captured by Batwoman and being sold into Waller's hands, if I remember it right).
10) Danny Chase and various other NTT rejects nobody wants and thus, some Dick fans (mostly Dick's) think it would make more sense for Jason to partner with than Dick's friends, or his protege, or his whatever. If it was in any way related to Dick, Jason is not allowed to have it! Like, you know, even the electrified crowbars made a controversy. (I am pretty sure Dick's bankrolling Jason si the weapons is his idea for his money and that's why it's what it is? I may be wrong)
But while I do believe this is a ridiculous reason for a team up (especially with Danny who never said a word about Jason except break the news of his death to Dick while, you know, being a 13 yo shithead about it), you can get them - oh, so Nightwing doesn't want you either, huh? And bond other it. If in the process they end up, like, fuck Nightwing, my self-worth can't be dependent on how do I measure up to him or whether he approves of me... That's even better.
11) ALL of Jason's pre-death friends. The ones I remember are his childhood buddy Chris who he watched kung fu flicks together with, in New52, and almost joined the Red Hoods together; Max Dawkins from Truth and Justice, who was his friend before he met Batman and was forced into Ma Gunn's school, and, later, adopted - retcon his death please (I was really uncomfortable with that, I am sure you could see why); Numbers (from the Ma Gunn's school of doom), of course (it's one of the best one-shots of Jason that I read); Dana Harlowe/Strike, from RHATO #51-52 (she is already a vigilante in her own right, trained by a member of the League of Shadows).
Like, Jason renovated the house on the Hills - he gave it away to Tyler and his mom, but. I think, he was considering staying there. In Gotham, in Hills, maybe. Would have been pretty good seeing him reconnecting with childhood friends and fighting for his community in ways that don't involve vigilantism. Which, with Max getting off the streets and starting a promising career - for some reason, I headcanon him as a lawyer; Dana, a very community-minded activist; Numbers, who left the life of crime behind, maybe wanting to do something good with it; Chris, who was scared straight back in the day so maybe he knows dedicates efforts to keep kids in school instead of them joining gangs, especially Joker-related gangs. All of this in the aftermath of Joker's War. Which, I don't actually know how it ended or what it was about? But I hope Joker's dead, Jason found some peace and started rebuilding his life.
12) Jason and all of Slade Wilson's kids. Rose, Joey, and Grant. Idk, some people ship them, I just want them to be friends. Lots in common re: shitty fathers, doing shitty or (self) harmful things because of shitty fathers, dying and coming back to life (for most of them).
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Omg yes.
The way people will take something completely out of context and then act like they're right.
You're right alot of people want to be angry. They want to have problems. And its so wierd. Like why? Live life. Have fun. Stop arguing with people on the internet.
Yh I don't I really argue my opinions on the internet either unless someone drags me into the argument. And even then I only argue when it’s something racist, xenophobic, etc.
Like I am a Talia fan (Pre-Morrison Talia). And as you might imagine I get alot of shit for it. Now I don't actively find people with racist takes on Talia and argue with them. But when someone comes to me and starts bullshitting her and my love of her. That's when I get defensive.
Onto the flat opinion thing. Yh that's irritating I don't mind if you have an opinion. I don't mind if you want to discuss it. But you have to be willing to Discuss your opinion not just argue and call names.
Being on the internet is so much easier when you lay back and have fun. More people should try it
There's times where I wanna argue, but then I realize, it's not a fun process at all.
And nearly every argument I've had on this site, like proper argument, not discussion, but argument--It had been powered by someone that didn't even comprehend what I was trying to say. So I have to cipher through like, 12 paragraphs or something to figure out what the fuck they're even talking about.
And my brain will try to respond to what they said, but half way through I realize "Wait, why am I even arguing about this? THAT WASN'T MY POINT", but despite the fact that they didn't even comprehend what I meant to begin with, they'll keep being so dismissive acting, and just cocky. And it's so so groan-worthy and gives me second-hand embarrassment. Like these are fictional characters, what on Earth do they think they're even proving if they can barely read without having to take the most negative interpretation out of it, even if they have to stretch all logic to get to that point?
When it comes to Talia, like holy shit. I didn't believe too much of it at first, because fandoms are typically "WE ARE LIBERAL SO VERY LIBERAL", like in the way where they're probably not as liberal as they think, but they want to use it as an excuse. So they'll overuse buzzwords and stuff. Like I'm liberal myself, but using buzzwords to get attention is just shitty, and treating someone disagreeing with you as a hate-crime is a mockery of real tragedies. So many people will say things are racist when there's no correlation.
But then I took a peak at Twitter, and saw in some random YouTube comment sections, all by happenstance, and I saw some of the most horrific takes on her, and it was incredibly strange. I knew there’d be some, because their always will be sadly, but I didn’t think to the extent I saw it. I don't know jack about Talia, honestly. I really really don't.
Yet, as someone who only really knows her because she's a character in the same world as my fav, and she was in Arkham City and Dark Knight Rises (where she did jackshit as a villain and then died). I know damn well how bad Morrison was with her. Morrison's Batman run is so weird, because people either seem to love everything, or hate everything. It's bizarre.
A lot of stuff I seen, I would know no other way of how to respond to do it, but being defensive lmao
Seeing all the different bizarre people. Like, the faux-brainiacs that are clearly grasping at straws, and stretching any logic to make a point, or the ones that are clearly only saying stuff for a bias--but yet will actively try to portray themselves as being very smart on the topic, are very annoying.
But I also think, I've learned to just let it go more often. Sometimes I'll be so baffled I have to say something, but emotionally I'm at a stage where it's like "Man, that block button is tasty" and act like it doesn't exist. Because if I acknowledged every aspect of reality I'd never know the scent of happiness for many reasons.
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OKAY, my thoughts on batman: bad blood
overall: interesting but not much depth
i'm going to break down this movie and its three acts by their plot and character development, and give my general feelings as we go through the acts and then at the end.
act 1
- i liked the kate kane introduction. we get a feel for who she is/what she's about decently well
- really wish we'd gotten more of dick!batman and robin!damian. they get like one scene together. sad. that said, i don't think i've ever seen an animated dick!batman, so it was interesting to hear how the voice actor chose to do a "dick grayson voice but as batman" ya feel?
- love how dick is batman for like two days and has already told two people who he is lmao
- also, the last movie ended by saying oh man damian need to go off and find his own sense of morality and then they don't even delve back into it until THE THIRD ACT
- dick has this line where he tells kate growing up with bruce was lonely because bruce and batman are both just a mask for bruce's pain that he never shares with anyone which like. deep.
- luke doesn't get a whole lot to do. i think mainly he's here so that instead of dick adding 1(one) person to the batfam because he specifically trusts just kate, he's willing to add two, because dick is just that sort of guy.
- dick does this whole angst thing about being batman but like he's only batman for like two acts so like why even start that
OKAY so second act
- "god won't like this" "i don't think she's been around for a while" lmao kate
- i got the impression from batman and robin that talia, like, actually cared for her son?? like why the fuck else leave damian with batman you KNOW bruce is going to impart some anti-killing mantra into him WHY DOES THIS SURPRISE YOU. THE DAMIAN CLONE ADDED NOTHING. WE CAN MAKE UP ANOTHER REASON ROBIN GETS KIDNAPPED
- talia got no nuance and depth in this film idk shes straight up like yeah dami ur fucking useless i don't love you LIKE??? BRO???
- when they get bruce home he tells dick off for telling ppl their ID's and gets mad like DAMN if i was dick i'd be pissed too.
- the fight scenes are cool
- they have a fight scene where kate fights her dad in her underwear what up sexist writing decisions.
- damian tries to save a villain pretty instinctively and SEEMS like he's more anti-killing so i guess this is the result of his himalayan school trip??
- alfred engages in fisticuffs LMAO
- nightwing vs batman fight A+
- so bruce is mind controlled and dick talks him out of it? it's really interesting bcus earlier talia told tetch that getting to the child inside of batman, i.e. his childhood trauma, would be what would break him, but it's dick recalling the trauma to bruce that is what breaks bruce out of the mind control. because even if they fight and dick thinks he doesn't really know bruce, he knows more than most people alive.
- talia is implied to be killed by some random henchwoman of clone!damian??? okay
- damian and bruce have a heart to heart OFF SCREEN???
- movie ends with bruce working w/ kate and luke so apparently he's cool with expanding the batfamily?? like mind you he was mind controlled when he yelled at dick about it, so apparently bruce is just. cool with it now.
so yeah the movie did some interesting stuff but i think they did too much and so nothing really had any depth. they should have cut the clone damian stuff and not made talia so cold towards her kid. i think in the third act she should have given damian a chance to join her and return and damian turns her down to stay with his family. i REALLY wanted more dick and damian scenes too. also maybe pair up kate and luke in more scenes? like maybe have kate and luke working together before kate's dad attacked them. this movie needed a more central theme and main character, so i think they should have given dick more of a character arc. the story ends pretty much exactly where it began with the exception of kate and luke, but apart from that nothing major really happens
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Yay, I’m glad you’re feeling better!  I’ve still got some time before work, so have a few more thoughts.  :D
First, re: Laura’s age, I’m pretty sure that if she was allowed to legally take Derek (16 at best at the time) with her to NY (which I assume she was or I’m sure it would have been mentioned by either Stiles or Noah), she would have had to be at least 18, possibly 21 at the time (I think that might vary state to state, I know 18 is CA legal age for sex) that they left (and she wouldn’t have been able to access their money if she was wanted for kidnapping - leather jackets and Camaros don’t grow on trees).  Also, if there’s approx. 6 years between Cora and Derek, there’s no reason there couldn’t have been as many between Laura and Derek.  And even if she was young when they left, to leave him there alone for SIX YEARS?  Yeah, she’s definitely got some explaining to do.
And maybe the wolf only physically manifests when he’s by himself?  Or later on, only with pack mates he fully trusts?
And, omg, I LOVE the idea of the other dad being Noah this time (as long as Claudia was okay with it, though lbr, she probably actively encouraged it), if only for the look on Jackson’s face when he finds out both who his other parent is and who his half-sibling is.  XD
Not sure how I feel about Theo as a lost Hale.  I haven’t really seen any episodes with him, so most of what I know is through tumblr and fanfic.  The general impression I got was that in some ways he was the most genuinely amoral NE type character on the show (most of the others skewed much more chaotic to me), which could make for some REAL interesting drama.
Oh man, I can just see them all meeting up at like a library or maybe an empty classroom because they’ve been down to the vault, and they start talking about the evidence they have so far, and Peter just starts going off on a rant explaining everything he’s learned, and in the middle of it he notices that there’s a fish tank in the room and just grabs a fish out of it and swallows it whole mid-explanation.  Everyone is mildly freaked out and doesn’t quite know how to react until finally Noah and/or Chris go over to stand in front of the tank before he passes by again to keep him from reaching in again.  XD
I think that was all for now, I need to get ready for work either way.  Enjoy your game whenever it arrives!  I hope you keep feeling better!  *Hugs!*
18 seems to be the legal age for sibling guardianship in the US from what I could find in a quick Google search. So she would have to be at least that. Which would still make her a teenager herself but she could also have been older. I’m also not saying I agree with what Laura did just that I can see why, even if I think it’s shitty and that it’s absolutely cause for what Peter did in S1.
I honestly think that the only Hale that was acting out of malicious/ less than good intent was Talia herself and that the rest of the Hales were just unfortunate results of their circumstances. Laura abandoned her uncle to protect her brother and take him away, which is inexcusable but understandable in her situation, Derek had to go along with her because he was a minor. They also just both lost most of their family including both parents and (as far as they knew) their sister. Laura’s biggest flaw in this case was not returning to Beacon Hills for her Uncle when the situation was safe for her to do so. Which could have prevented a lot of blood shed. And honestly, I feel like she should atone for that. She messed up big time on that one.
I like the idea of the wolf only physically manifesting when Peter is alone, or later only around the rest of the pack. Bonus points if no one can figure out WHY it is happening. Was it the fire? Is it Peter’s way of becoming evolved? No one knows.
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Jackson has a fucking aneurysm when he finds out. There’s a lot of yelling and bitching and whining and snapping. But eventually, when months pass and threats rise, Jackson is also the first to defend Stiles, Liam, and Noah whenever they’re threatened. Malia is far more the type of person to sit back and watch what happens and doesn’t really mind her newfound family too much. She’s still adjusting to not being a coyote.
Claudia definitely knew, actually, I like to think she was the one who pushed Noah to go ask that hot piece of ass out. And although she and Peter had no romantic feelings for one another their relationship eventually evolved into a more best friends with benefits territory where they’d keep each other warm in bed before Noah got home and took care of Stiles together after Stiles was born but they never dated or felt romantic love to one another. 
For this scenario I’m keeping Stiles’s canon birth date as April 8th and putting Jackson’s birthdate as Malia’s on Nov 28th. Because that way Peter got pregnant when Claudia was 8 months pregnant. By the time Peter found out he was pregnant six weeks would have passed, Stiles would have been born and not long after Peter would have been kept away by Talia. (How she kept him away I’m not sure yet, but I’m sure she broke Peter, Claudia, and Noah’s hearts in one fell swoop.)
I do have to admit that was more like an after thought, and I don’t have much with Theo other than; I like his visuals as in looks. So I just also might not do that and just keep it at that.
Honestly I just like writing family dramas with surprise kids, ahhahaha, idk why, it’s just my thing I guess.
And that visual is honestly *cheff’s kiss* Yes XD
The pure chaotic energy lol.
Can you imagine Stiles’s face? Can you imagine Liam’s? Or Jackson’s? Lol.
Malia is just staring at it like ‘yeah, that makes sense’ when you’re hungry you’re hungry. And they have a  hard time explaining to her that NO, You are not supposed to eat random animals like that, Malia. NO matter what Peter does.. 
Yes, he is your father, yes he gave birth to you, but that does not mean you should follow his example blindly.
Hahhahaha and now I see Peter just trying to cuddle after eating a fish or a squirrel but the others are too disturbed by him to let him. XD
poor peter
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annapostsstuff · 4 years
LITG Random Question Tag
I was tagged by @ravena-dottir, luv you boo💕
* When and what made you decide to make a LITG blog?
I didn’t choose the blog life, it chose me. Jokes aside, I don’t really know, it wasn’t a plan or anything, I remember I joined tumblr to find quotes and shit, then idk how happened that I came across the choices community and they mentioned LITG and I downloaded the game and I really liked it, it took me AGES to take active part in both communities, I would mostly look bc I was too shy to make comments or post anything, but hey, I’m thankful that I did bc I’m having a lot of fun here despite the discourses and the drama.
* Opinion on s3 art design?
Yeeeeeah I appreciate the effort made by FB but it’s not my cup of tea, it looks like the Kim Kardashian game or like the Kendall and Kylie game (don’t ask how I know this👀) but hey, if they give me the drama and the flavor that I’m craving I’m gonna try really hard to look past the art design.
* Do you watch any LITG playthroughs?
Not really, I usually follow my own game since there’s no point system or anything...
* Have you made any friends in the LITG fandom?
Not as many as I’d like bc I think I usually come across as a bitch or a weirdo (sorry about that) but yes I’ve made a couple of friends and I’m extremely thankful for that bc my real life friends don’t play this kind of game so it’s great to have other people with the same interest to share opinions and everything.
* How many routes have you played, and who’s was your favorite?
I’ve played all of the original guys routes, and from CA I’ve only played Carl bc after CA they all have the same personality, I’ve tried to get Kassam SO MANY TIMES but it hasn’t worked for me, my favorite so far is V!Lucas bc I love him💕
* Who did you vote for to win Mr. Love Island?
I usually vote for the guy who’s route im playing, and when I’m not playing any of their routes I just pick a random, if I could I’d vote for Henrik bc I’m a glitter whore😂
* Underrated friendship?
Everyone knows my favorite friendship is Lurik, but I really like the Gary/Ibrahim friendship, I think it’s sweet how Gary sheds some tears when Rahim leaves, makes me feel guilty for kicking him out but I just can’t stand Jo🤷🏻‍♀️
* Overrated friendship?
Lottie and Hannah, Lottie crying and calling her her best friend for life and whatever, bitch, you knew her for what, two days? Stfu, leave Gary alone move tf on🙄...
* Favorite Casa Amor boy?
Kassam (even if he ignores me and never likes my Mc since the beginning🤡) and Carl, I’m a sucker for nerdy awkward guys, unpopular opinion but I kinda like Graham as well 🤔
* Least favorite girl?
Fuck, it would be way easier to name my favorites bc I hated most of those bitches, so I’m going with Chelsea and Priya as my faves from S2 and Talia from S1, the rest can choke for all I care...
* Least favorite boy?
Uh, Felix, too annoying for my taste, sorry boo🤷🏻‍♀️
* Favorite story arc in the game?
I really like Gary bc the way they talk about his body image issues, boy I felt that, I wish they developed more Lucas’s story with his family bc I have the feeling there’s some good tea going on there as well👀
* Least favorite story arc in the game?
The Jo-Ibrahim-Shannon drama, OMFG it’s so dumb and exhausting, specially if you paid for the scene where Ibrahim confirms that he kissed Jo because it doesn’t change a single thing, it gets worse if you were previously romancing Rahim bc he looks like a douche, also the NOPE/MC drama, sucks if you’re flirting with Noah, now that I think about it, EVERY FUCKING STORY ARC SUCKS FOR THE MC, no matter what you do, you always get clowned in every single route.
* Who should’ve been an LI and wasn’t?
Priya, she’s too hot to just be a side character and be kicked out like that, period.
* How often did you use gems?
Yeeeeah I’m a clown that bought around 90% or the scenes and outfits🤡
* Did you win? If so, did you keep the money or split it?
I’ve won in everyone’s route except Rahim, and idk why bc I didn’t do anything wrong, didn’t cheat or anything so I blame a glitch, and I’ve always split the prize except the Noah route bc he doesn’t want a broke bitch.
* Do you have a favorite LITG related meme?
Nope, bc i have an idiotic sense of humor and I laugh at everything and anything which is why I love this fandom, you guys have some really good memes and I love it 💕😂
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bobbymckenzie · 4 years
litg random question tag:
i was tagged by the lovely @spiltrice ! thank you so much for the tag!
when and what made you decide to make a litg blog?
well i’ve had a choices blog for months, and it originally started as a choices/litg blog, but choices updates year round, so i strayed away from litg. and after a lot of choices books went on hiatus/new updating books weren’t really my favorite, i made a litg sideblog solely so that i could shitpost my replay of s2 and also create a space that i could freely post ab s3 without annoying people who followed me for only choices content! plus i want to write more fics and there’s a great community of writers in the litg fandom so :)
opinion on s3 art design?
i like it personally. i think with the way fb releases their games (not year round, just annually for a couple of months), we’re always going to see the art and character design evolve over time. people can be as shallow as they want ab it, but im going to give the characters the benefit of the doubt bc i know they could make ugly characters that i could fall in love with because of their personalities 
do you watch any litg playthroughs?
only cody ko and noel miller ! that’s how i downloaded the game and started playing sometime between season 1 and 2 
have you made any friends in the litg fandom?
yes ! i’ve made friends with people that are both casual players and people with dedicated blogs and everyone’s so sweet !
how many routes have you played, and who’s was your favorite?
in s1 i romanced talia and jake. then ofc i stole my king tim at the christmas special. but in s2 i’ve only been able to finish w bobby. i’ve done like half routes with lucas/carl/gary, but i just can’t finish it bc bobby. hope that doesn’t invalidate me since i have zero self control when it comes to bobby
who did you vote for to win mr. love island?
underrated friendship?
priya and bobby and i think it’s so cute?? i know they’re romantically interested in each other at some point if u romance bobby, but like. bobby’s soft and goofy and priya is such a bad bitch, so to see them be besties just warms my heart (bc i love priya sm) 
overrated friendship?
erikah and mc in s1 bc it wasn’t a good friendship imo ! it’s been a while since i’ve played, and idk if anyone thinks they’re a good match as friends, but personally i think it was forced to be bffs with her
favorite casa amor boy?
graham for personality, and elijah for looks.
least favorite girl?
jo. she just rubs me the wrong way in everything she does, and plays victim when she could easily own up to what she’s done and move on. stretching out drama over the span of days in the villa??? it probably feels like weeks of the same shit. also talia’s ex from season 1. could not stand that mean bitch
least favorite boy?
jakub or levi 
favorite story arc in the game?
okay idk if this is considered a story arc or not, but stealing tim from jen during the christmas special was just poetic justice.
least favorite story arc in the game?
judge bobby / girls day / casa amor / rocco’s cheating. bruh a lot of it was so unnecessary and i just wanted to move THE FUCK on and spend time with my li
who should’ve been an li and wasn’t?
priya, shannon, chelsea ! i know chelsea is def more of a friend character, but a friends to lovers troupe with her would be so soft and cute. also including TIM in this bc having one episode w him is bullshit
how often did you use gems?
i think i’ve bought the gem/ticket pack a bunch of times. i def spend my money on gems and use them frequently
did you win? If so, did you keep the money or split it?
i always win w bobby and split the money !
do you have a favorite LITG related meme?
this one makes me cackle every time ! and this one my friend made thats so underrated !
tag someone to take part after you’ve finished:
i know it’s a cop out but if you haven’t been tagged, this is ur initiative to do it !
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peggy-faces · 6 years
Mad Men rewatch: Season 1, episode 2: Ladies Room
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We didn’t get much at all of Betty in the first episode. In fact, she allegedly didn’t have any lines at all in the first draft of the script. So this is the first time we really get to meet her. Betty’s mother has recently died and she clearly isn’t coping well. To the point that she’s starting to experience stiff and shaky hands, and ends up crashing her car with the kids inside.
Don and Betty have a new neighbor who is *gasp* D I V O R C E D. I don’t know if it was the intention but I got the feeling that this didn’t help Betty’s anxiety. It’s implied that Betty does know about Don’s philandering and doesn’t want to admit it. The arrival of Helen Bishop makes her consider, perhaps subconsciously, that she too could one day be in the situation and it terrifies her.
From a modern perspective(and as someone who suffers from severe anxiety myself), it really is cringeworthy to watch Don’s dismissal of Betty’s mental health issues, but I guess that was par for the course for the early 1960s.
There is a sweet side to Don and Betty’s relationship. It gets lost in the wayside, but it’s there. The scene at the end where they’re having dinner at a fancy restaurant in the city is actually pretty cute. You can see why they got married.
At Sterling Cooper, Don and the dudebro brigade are having trouble with coming up with an idea for Gillette's new spray on deodorant as Roger and Cooper are trying to persuade Don to work on Nixon’s election campaign. I probably missed something but are they pitching directly to the Nixon campaign? Are they forming a PAC? Did they have PACs back then? It’s been a while since I’ve watched Season 1, don’t judge me.
Meanwhile, Peggy is having trouble fitting in at her work. Pete(who, as you’ll recall, she just had sex with last week) is off on his honeymoon and literally every man in the office is being a weird creep. She thinks she finds an ally in Kinsey, but then it turns out he’s just as much a creep as the rest of them. I love Peggy(obviously), but I generally prefer later series Peggy to early Peggy, but I have so much sympathy for her here, which is why the scene where she goes into the bathroom to cry but then decides that she’s not getting to let those bastards get to her is so satisfying.
The seeds of Peggy’s copywriting career are planted in this episode. While it’s clear he’s just hitting on rather than actually having faith in her abilities, Kinsey is the first person to tell Peggy that there are female copywriters. Then, after rejecting Sal and Kinsey’s astronaut idea(“who is this moron flying around space? He pees in his pants!”), Don says they should be targeting women who buy deodorant for men. Shame they don’t have any female copywriters on staff!
Random Observations
Peggy takes Pete’s postcard and hides it in her desk. NGL Pegs, that’s a tad stalkery.
I have problems with feeling in my hands/arms due to anxiety myself and it is truly terrifying so the scene where Betty’s hand start shaking and she crashes the car brought back some not great memories.
I don’t care how fancy that restaurant is, you couldn’t pay me to eat a raw egg.
We get our first glimpse of the legend that is Creepy Glen Bishop sitting on the steps as his mother struggles to lift a giant cardboard box with a pitchfork sticking out of it.
Francine is simultaneously the best and worst character on the show.
I love Mona. She and Roger have the most incredible chemistry, even when it’s clear that their marriage is unhappy. They are married in real life so of course they’d be great on-screen together.
Roger is apparently young enough to have had a nanny during the Lindbergh Baby debacle in the 1930s, which actually makes him only 2 or 3 years older than Don at the very most. That’s… weird to think about. The show makes him seem so much older. And I believe later events on the show actually contradict this claim so ???.
Don calling Betty “Birdie” is really cute, but hearing him call her “Bets” drives me up the fucking wall.
Peggy earns $35($294.48) minus $6.75($56.79) for FICA. Just a few years later she would be making the equivalent of a six figure salary.
Who is this guy? No really, who is he? Do we ever see him again?
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The banana Peggy brings for lunch is the nastiest banana I’ve ever seen holy shit.
I always get a kick out of the scene where Don is doing push ups: “seven, eight, nine, ten *sees Betty get into bed* ninety-nine, a hundred.” Same, Don.
Audio commentary
There are two commentary tracks for this episode. The first is with January Jones and Rosemarie Dewitt and the second is with Michael Gladis and Elisabeth Moss. Jones and Dewitt do their commentary together and have some pretty amusing banter, but Moss and Gladis do theirs separately and the tracks are edited together. This is something that happens a lot on the Season 1 sets(but not on any other season, so at least they learned their lesson). I get that scheduling issues are a problem and there’s a limited amount of space on the DVDs, but it sounds awkward and weird tbh.
Harry Crane was supposed to kill himself, but Weiner ended up liking the character so he lived. I’ve heard this before and I vaguely remember there being more info in future commentaries but I believe this is the first it’s been mentioned so I’ll put it here.
Jones and Dewitt agree with me on the raw egg thing. Ewww.
The restaurant scene was shot in a restaurant/bar called The Prince in Koreatown in Los Angeles.
Despite being married IRL, this is the first time that John Slattery and Talia Balsam have acted together and they were nervous.
January Jones originally auditioned for Peggy and she got pretty close to landing the role, but Matthew Weiner told that she didn’t come across as “innocent” enough whatever the hell that means. Betty was originally supposed to be a very minor character but Jones made Weiner decide to expand her role in the series.
Jones complains that she never gets to see any of the actors besides Don and kids.
Dewitt didn’t want to cut her hair, so they made her wear a wig. But the wig looked so fake that they wrote it into the show.
This episode was shot a full year after they shot the pilot. The actors had no idea whether or not the show was going to be picked up. They also didn’t know if they were going to shoot in New York or Los Angeles(the pilot was shot in New York, but the series of the series in LA). Ultimately it came down to Matthew Weiner not wanting to move his family across the country. Moss argues that it’s actually more practical to shoot in Los Angeles because it’s not like they can make modern day New York look like the New York of 1960 and in LA, they have easier access to sets and such, there are a lot of restaurants and other businesses in Los Angeles(“there are a lot of places that look like they were abandoned in the 60s”) that are very reminiscent of that 1960s aesthetic, and the architecture in LA is apparently more period-appropriate than the architecture in New York.
Weiner told Moss that in every ladies room in every office, at some point you’ll see a female employee in there crying(???). How Matthew Weiner knows so much about what goes on in women’s bathrooms is unexplained.
Gladis says the character he played in the pilot(“Dick”) and Paul are considered to be different characters and he had to re-audition for Paul when the show got picked up. The main difference, he says, is that Dick smokes cigarettes and Paul smokes a pipe.
Moss has extremely high praise for Christina Hendricks, her most frequent scene partner in the earliest episodes, and calls her one of the most wonderful actresses she’s ever seen.
Gladis had bronchitis and was “drugged to the gills” during filming.
Gladis worked on the impersonation of the Rod Serling and watched a lot of the Twilight Zone. He loves that Paul is a sci-fi nerd.
Moss says that the closest thing Peggy has to a friend is Don because he’s only one not trying to fool her or take advantage of her.
Gladis says that his kiss with Peggy was his first on-screen kiss and he was very nervous.
“No one worries about the bomb anymore” says Michael Gladis. Man, I miss 2007 sometimes.
Anyway, pretty good episode. Six and a half bad wigs out of ten.
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
hey. do the gotham squad kids for the character ask meme
adslkfjnsdlkfsndfsf ; ; ok three in one post im gonna put this under the cut to spare my dash
send me a character and ill tell you...
What made me like them in the first place
you try reading his robin comics and not falling absolutely in love with him. hes just like... he was so genuine and caring and saw the magic in everything, but he also had such a strong sense of justice and maybe it didnt align perfectly with batmans but i LOVED it, i loved his anger because it came from such a place of compassion!! i feel like thats a fraught thing to say but id never seen any of the stuff online or anything, and i just loved him bc he could be kind of a shit but he was just such a cute kid. he was a KID kids are supposed to be shits. and then he came back as red hood and i was like YEAHHHH BOYYYYY and ive never been the same since
Who I ship them with
i think jason is aro but if hes not going to be i say roy bc. i mean. what was all that fr
Random headcanon I have about them
im a desperate believer in commie crimeboss jason who uses the enemies tactics to get inside and get people out again, supporting people safely until they dont have to rely on crime anymore and can find their feet
My favorite moment of theirs
theres so many. i love that comic where batman tells him to distract someone and he pelts them w snowballs its such peak little shit baby jay. i love his comic w two face and the "its too much". i love his appearance in outsiders its so small but i feel like it has such potential. WHEN HE TURNS DOWN RED ROBIN IN COUNTDOWN,, when he fights all the batkids in tfz fr and then his little moment w steph right after,, crying sobbing i love him i love everything abt him
Plotline/story I want to happen
bring back crimeboss jason im not asking. also. fucking. make him a team of actual antiheroes ffs wasted potential
Any issues or insecurities I think they have
i think jason has heavily internalized the bats constant messaging of "you were always going to end up this way you were always a bad egg" and has made his home in this mentality of "im not good and no one wants me here so ill make myself impossible to get rid of and thatll have to be okay" and he really just. he treats himself like a weapon instead of a person because he thinks itll make it hurt less
Favorite quote
i can post quotes from him all day long and i have claimed many as favorites but the truth is that i love everything he says. anyway heres one i like from ep 44 of wayne family adventures
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Kiss, marry, hug, or kill
hug i love him
Random thing that reminds me of them
my old emo phase playlist
Any talents I think they might have
i think hes very good at a lot of things but also first aid
On a rate from 1 to 10 how much I love them
10 billion he is my favorite of all time
What I think about their family
i could make an entire post about jasons family. i love them. but specifically in relation to jason its a lot of delusional wishing and a lot of oof. i dont think jason and bruce repairing their relationship completely is realistic w the way comics are now, but i think he still places a lot of trust in dick, maybe more than dick deserves, just bc dick really was his hero growing up and he cares about him so much. i love jason and damian being brothers thru talia. but also, realistically, i think jason probably has the best relationship w duke rn bc duke didnt get all the failed robin stories that the others did nor was he around for jasons death so its like a clean slate type of deal. in general, though, i wish his relationship w everyone was better and i wish there was more elaboration on all of it
Who I think should be their bff
i think its a crime that dc never revisited his relationship w eddie, but also, theres definitely something to be said for the potential of him partnering up w rose. i like his and roys nonsense but it really doesnt make any sense. i also wish dc didnt ignore countdown (even tho i understand why they do) and gave him some kind of relationship w donna and kyle. i have complicated feelings abt this bc functionally jason has no friends outside of some extremely nonsense stuff post reboot
What animal they would be
sorry but im not team catboy jason at all the boy is a dog person. that said, wolf, bc he thinks hes a lone wolf even tho thats not how wolves work at all and hes frequently characterized as a feral angry monster when hes much more complicated than that but also sometimes people think hes a harmless puppy when the boy has very much killed people
Three songs that remind me of them
ive made jokes about me against the world before as well as kryptonite (art in links :') )
but i think better and what you make it by with confidence are pretty good. wish i had examples of metal songs but i just dont rlly listen to metal ever
Favorite episode/issue/thing centered around them
TASK FORCE Z!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its SO GOOD TT^TT i dont want it to end
How badly they need hugs
so badly. so badly. he has so many problems.
Favorite thing about their personality
his determination and the way he just keeps pushing forward even though everything seems to be telling him to just lay down and die all the time
Favorite thing about their appearance
youll pry those precious little curls out of my cold dead hands you know what im talking about
Why I love them so much
i feel like this whole post has been about why i love him so much. it sjust a statistical fact that i have a thing for characters who have died honestly so this was fully inevitable
What made me like them in the first place
i honestly cant remember but reading through her comics i just love her fucking wit. shes genuinely hilarious and shes also like!!! her independence and determination?? and the way she just constantly defies peoples expectations of her and keeps pushing i just. ugh. its hard not to love her she deserves so much better
Who I ship them with
i havent read all of stephs comics yet or anything, buuuut ngl her and kara are adorable ; ; and ofc cass is a classic
Random headcanon I have about them
i have Opinions about steph being the third robin instead of tim. many of them. also, she fucking deserves it
My favorite moment of theirs
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from batgirl (2009) #4. cryign sobbing losing my mind i love her so much. i feel like you know a supers rlly made it when a kid looks up to them and it is never not fucking heartbreaking
Plotline/story I want to happen
give me robin steph or give me death. i dont know how. but i will change tides to give her the time she RIGHTFULLY FUCKING DESERVED. ohhhh im so mad about what they did to her im always mad about what they did to her
i also think she deserves significantly more bonding time w the batfamily than she gets. maybe i havent read enough comics yet (im still working through them, and i desperately hope that its just that), but it seems like she only rlly spends time w damian, cass, babs, and tim in any memorable capacity, and thats unacceptable to me. gotham squad when. not to have brainrot on main but her and jason have so many similarities in their background and treatment at batmans hands and stuff i just think they should fucking bond
Any issues or insecurities I think they have
steph is CONSTANTLY, CONSISTENTLY told that she isnt good enough, by the people she admires and loves the most. she tries so fucking hard to be good, to be perfect, and people still find fault in the smallest damn things. its devastating. i dont imagine she has a lot of self worth
Favorite quote
steph has endless great quoteable moments. her quips are fucking hysterical. but HONESTLY. honestly. my absolute favorite steph panel in the world? this one right here, from the secret origins 80 page grant
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Kiss, marry, hug, or kill
hug i love her so much
Random thing that reminds me of them
can i say jason? lol
Any talents I think they might have
i think steph has a lot of random surprising talents. i think itd be fun if she did some random niche crafting thing, like pottery
On a rate from 1 to 10 how much I love them
gonna say a tentative 8 bc im still reading her comics but i adore her shes vastly underrated
What I think about their family
her dynamic w her mom is genuinely so interesting. her mom starts off extremely neglectful, but its still clear that she cares, and that she is trying, in her own way. and she gets better, and shes there for steph in some moments where it really fucking counts. i really like their moments
Who I think should be their bff
kara and cass
What animal they would be
im not really sure tbh
Three songs that remind me of them
lol skip associating characters w songs is a rare thing for me
Favorite episode/issue/thing centered around them
theres,,, not a lot of substantial stuff about her, honestly. she exists as a side character for a long time. but im rlly enjoying batgirl so far!!
How badly they need hugs
soooo bad and she deserves it she deserves someone who will tell her that shes good enough and that she matters
Favorite thing about their personality
shes so unwaveringly kind, even when people are so fucking cruel to her all the time. its astounding.
Favorite thing about their appearance
i love the spoiler mask it is so creature
Why I love them so much
again i feel like ive jsut been tlaking about this the whole time. its hard to put into words concisely why i love her but reading her comics its hard not to feel for her, to root for her, to feel angry at the sheer amount of injustice she faces. shes just so,,,
What made me like them in the first place
i feel like when it really clicked into place like oh. im obsessed with him. was like. duke, to me, is symbolic of the future. hes a step away from everything that batmans been and towards claiming hope for the city, firmly his own person and not dependent on batman in the way everyone before him has been. and its just. GOD. we love a man who believes in community organizing his comics make gotham feel like a home in a way a lot of them dont, really underlining his connection to the people who live there and what happens to them in a way i feel like bruce himself has grown distant from
Who I ship them with
n/a he needs to int w more people dc give him more fucking comics challenge or ill bite you
Random headcanon I have about them
you know how i love a good meta with powers tied to their emotions
My favorite moment of theirs
his ints w batman like this make me cry every goddamn time. from all star batman
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batman secret files: the signal #1
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Plotline/story I want to happen
also i want more stuff about duke learning to control his powers. and i want him to team up with other supers outsiders was great now give me more and people his own fucking age
Any issues or insecurities I think they have
he has batman daddy issues, the way they all do, and is constantly worried about disappointing him. obviously has trauma out the ass. but idk again he needs more comics. i also need to catch up on his comics probably its been a hot minute ive been distracted with other people
Favorite quote
this one from all star batman #3 is pretty fucking good, but he has a lot of good content really
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Kiss, marry, hug, or kill
Random thing that reminds me of them
arkham jasons helmet and dukes helmet look similar to me. catboys who r actually dogboys
Any talents I think they might have
i think he should work lighting in theater tech bc itd be funny
On a rate from 1 to 10 how much I love them
solid 8 i would love him even more if he had 50 years worth of content but alas
What I think about their family
its one of those things that i wish dc would elaborate on bc you know they could just. drive the angst in so hard dc stop holding back. give it to us. let us write the angst fics come on stop being lame
but w the batfamily i think hes in a weird space where he doesnt want to give up on his birth family and is trying to find the balance between holding them in his heart and learning how to lean into his new siblings and learning how to have them both
Who I think should be their bff
cass but i think dc should spend more time on his friend group (which it hink. theyre doing rn and im just behind on comics) and give him more super friends
What animal they would be
dog not elaborating ive been doing this meme for too long
Three songs that remind me of them
you are my sunshine n/a
Favorite episode/issue/thing centered around them
all star batman had a lot of rlly fun duke moments honestly but batman and the signal and new talent showcase were also (kisses fingers)
How badly they need hugs
he does need one but i think more than that everyone around him is just compelled to hug him bc hes just soooo baby
Favorite thing about their personality
hes so optimistic and vaguely fucking insane which is such a fun combo when paired against batman. he seems approachable in a way that a lot of the batfam isnt, too, and i appreciate that about him. hes their little ray of sunshine fr
Favorite thing about their appearance
love his stupid little helmet ears so much theyre so dumb they dont look anything like the bat ears and everything like little cat ears
Why I love them so much
again. see all of the above. ultimately i love duke for what i think he brings to batman comics and the potential for a new direction hes a vastly underrated (and underwritten) character no more tim comics only duke comics now
0 notes
larksinging · 6 years
okay maybe try doing that morality scale thing for your characters, as best you can?
this is gonna be long, and complicated
e-1 laurel goes at the top tbfh but shes not on denny so she doesn’t get a writeup but, cmon
i guess i would probably put veronica here? she’s a good person, but specifically because she feels compelled to try and help out other people and help fix problems when she sees them. granted, for the most part, those problems are on a much smaller scale than a lot of my other muses, but… also she gets away with some of the stuff she did because she was an unwilling accomplice so as awful as they were, it wasn’t of her own agency. what puts her on the top is that she has the strictest no-kill policy along with heroic tendencies. a lot of my characters have one or the other, or shades of both, but veronica’s ranking in both those categories is the highest. so. 
next would be… maive, probably. she also is pretty aggressively helpful and doing good (at least, she’s very openly critical of societal injustice and people using their power against others). she gives people advice and reassurance more than you’d expect, actually. and legends is helping keep the timeline in tact, so that’s a good thing. the problem is that she has a much more flexible rule on killing. where she came from was super harsh and while she’s not into her old pack’s killing for funsies method, she won’t really hesitate on killing someone really awful. like at this point, having jack killed is totally okay in her books. plus she’s very influenced by sara, who has a similar “kill if really necessary” outlook, so 
i debated whether winter or maive would go higher, but i think maive ranks above winter. winter will occasionally do heroic stuff and try to help people, or at least stop people causing problems, but i think he’s a bit less determined to do good and does so less frequently. he’s probably a little less willing to kill than maive, but wof in general is pretty brutal and killing people when only necessary is almost tame by pyrrhian standards. 
mothpaw probably goes next. fight cats are… difficult, and its mostly the way in which warrior morality is so different from everything else that she ranks here. because on the one hand, the system she upholds allows for fighting and driving off people outside of the clan and even killing on occasion. but on the other hand, mothpaw herself is a doctor. she doesn’t participate in that, and she’s pretty peace-oriented in general. as far as fight cats go shes probably one of the best, because she is so aggressively a sweet med cat
this is really where it gets complicated. i’m… gonna put maria here, yeah. maria is a pretty solid neutral on the morality scale. she’s not a bad person by any means, and can be nice enough. but she’s also not really inclined to go out of her way to help people. or… most of it is just the scale of her experiences and actions doesn’t really work in a morality system that involves intense heroics and villainous deeds. she’s just kind of a normal person, morally? she can be nice and has a soft spot for kids. she’s Decent. 
the last three i had to rank by using a scenario one of them was in and figuring out what all of their reactions would’ve been. the litmus test is based on nyssa and talia’s s5 interaction where someone who wronged the character (but not extremely, like not “killing loved ones” level) is at the character’s mercy and taunts the character to kill them.
nyssa goes at the top of the bottom rung. yeah. her moral code is a mixup of the league’s moral code (which is very lawful evil) and some more standard morality that she probably picked up from… well, the lances. so while she has no real qualms about killing people, she doesn’t do so unnecessarily. she’s backed off of her more extreme league-y tendencies and, on denny especially, generally doesn’t kill, but she’s still extreme by a lot of people’s standards. on a personal level she can be pretty supportive and helpful, but she can also be petty and spiteful. she was the basis for the litmus test, in which case she just knocked talia out. technically that was s5, but eeh s4 nyssa is basically the same as s5 nyssa
next is actually laurel! hey good job, laurel. you aren’t the bottom. so laurel can do some pretty awful things, but she’s also highly pragmatic and just oriented around survival and self-preservation. so those awful things are rarely as extreme as someone bound by an evil code or for funsies (unless she’s doing things FOR someone like that, like zoom). even at her worst she doesn’t like torture and doesn’t really kill willy nilly (she may be able to justify killing a guard, because that seems “necessary”, but not someone random or acting on an old grudge). left to her own devices, she generally doesn’t even like to kill. and on denny especially, where she hangs out with a good crowd, she’s reigned back to the legends “kill bad people if necessary” place. and she does help people! she can even be self-sacrificial if it’s someone she cares about. she’s still pragmatic deep down and has a tendency to compartmentalize and dehumanize people who aren’t… directly interacting with her, but. as for the litmus test, she might be veeerry tempted to kill them, but she could be talked down from murdering without too much effort, so. 
and last is ivypool. this was hard, since, cat morality! since yeah she may be very loyal but the code and clans itself is kind of tricky morally. plus ivypool herself is… willing to do some intense stuff for the sake of the clans. the difference between her and most dark forest cats like tigerstar is she is interested in preserving the clans as they are, and not seeking power for herself or reshaping the clans somehow. but she would kill or lie to get what she wants. mostly this was picked because given the litmus test, i think she would kill them. the closest example is probably her telling thistleclaw and snowfur to run or she’d fucking murder them. so. congrats, ivypool, you’re my edgiest character!
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noretreatnancy · 4 years
January Reading Wrap-Up
Okay so I want to start typing up a little summary/review for each of the books I read this year, so that maybe some of my followers can find some new titles! This month I read 5 romances, 2 fantasies, 2 non-fiction (a memoir and a recounting of some supposedly true paranormal events), and 1 mystery/thriller. If you’re interested in any of those genres, maybe check out the reviews under the cut :)
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager
Rating: 2.5/5
This book was a mega disappointment for me. The concept was really intriguing. Jules has just recently been through some life turmoil, losing her job, boyfriend, and home in the same day. She takes a job apartment sitting in a very prestigious historical building with a dark history. Weird occurrences ensue, including strict rules and missing apartment sitters. If you don’t read/watch a lot of mystery/thriller/(even true crime) content and are interested in dabbling, this could be a good choice for you. Unfortunately, I found the hints started dropping a little too early, and the answers were a little too obvious for me to be properly intrigued. I wanted a really slow burn mystery, and this just felt overly rushed for me. 
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado (memoir)
Rating: 5/5
I don’t usually rate non-fiction, especially memoirs, because it’s hard for me to but a grade on someone’s account of their own life. But holy shit this book blew me out of the water. This is the story of Carmen Maria Machado’s abusive same-sex relationship, and the unique struggles faced by victims of f/f relationship violence. First of all, Machado’s writing is unparralled. Absolutely gorgeous. The way she structures this, all the history and pop culture she ties in keeps it feeling fresh and engaging. The content is of course very heavy, dealing with themes of abuse in many different forms. However, imo these issues are handled with honesty and grace, in a way that never felt gratuitous. 
The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel (paranormal account)
Rating: N/A
Uhm... I hated every second of reading this. I love Mothman. I love reading/watching/listening to content around weird/spooky/paranormal occurrences. I did not love this book. It was so boring. Total slog to read. There was no narrative structure/order of events. I assumed the story would track the beginning of weird reports in Point Pleasant, then follow Keel’s own arrival and investigation of these reports, with his own experiences and background being used to create a coherent story. That’s not what this is. This is a random arrangement of ufo/men in black/strange encounter stories that all fit a similar theme. Not to say no one would enjoy this, or that it doesn’t present interesting theories (it certainly does), just didn’t work for me. If you want a more easily digestible (and by FAR more enjoyable) version of this, check out the Astonishing Legends podcast and their episodes covering this book. 
Black Sun (Book 1, Between Earth and Sky) by Rebecca Roanhorse
Ratung: 4/5
Finally some good fucking food. if you’re looking for some adult fantasy with a new and interesting world, have I got a book for you. This is a multiple POV story following four main characters and two main plotlines. Xiala, a Teek (siren-esque) ship captain hired to transport Serapio (who may or may not be the vessel of an apocalypse god) to the city of Tova, where Naranpa (the Sun Priestess) is trying to navigate a city on the brink of political upheaval. The world is inspired by Pre-Columbian civilizations in the Americas, and the lore/magic/politics are all totally unlike any other fantasy I’ve read. 
Come Tumbling Down (Book 5, Wayward Children) by Seanan McGuire
Rating: 3
This was definitely a solid addition to this series, if not my favorite. The Wayward Children series follows the adventures of children who were able to enter magical worlds, but for a variety of reasons had to leave those worlds. This book most closely aligns with books one and two, almost feeling like a direct sequel to book two with the addition of characters from book three. It didn’t have the emotional impact for me that earlier books did, but there was nothing glaringly bad or wrong here. I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who enjoyed portal/doorway/wardrobe to a magical world stories as a kid. 
The Bride Test (Book 2, The Kiss Quotient) by Helen Hoang
Rating: 5/5
I love this series. I love these characters. As far as I’m concerned, Helen Hoang cannot fucking miss. This is an excellent sequel to The Kiss Quotient, but can be read on it’s own no problem. This story follows Esme, a Vietnamese woman who is enlisted to travel to the US to woo and marry Khai, an autistic man who isn’t interested in dating (much to the concern of his mother). They’re both dealing with their own issues in this book. Khai is convinced that he can’t feel love, because he’s spent his entire life being told he’s demonstrating it in the wrong way. Esme is dealing with the struggles of a new immigrant, who wants to be able to support her family back in Vietnam (including her young daughter), while also dealing with the pressure to seduce Khai. Shenanigans ensue. These books have the perfect balance of sweetness/sexy appeal/angst. There is a good deal of miscommunication/misunderstanding/secret keeping in here, but it’d ultimately a minor issue in an overall really supportive relationship full of mutual admiration. I will absolutely be reading the third book, and I highly recommend the series overall. 
She Tempts the Duke (Book 1, Lost Lords of Pembrook) by Lorraine Heath
Rating: 3/5
This was fine. I’ve read better historical romance, but I have certainly read worse. This book follows Mary and Sebastian, childhood friends separated by a tragedy. When they were children, Sebastian and his brothers were forced to flee for their lives based on the actions of their power hungry uncle. Now, as adults, they have returned to reclaim their father’s title. Mary, who helped them escape, has just been allowed back into society after a childhood in a convent, and she must work extra hard to maintain her reputation in order to maintain her engagement. I’m sure you can imagine where it goes from there. The story itself is very simple, there were no twists or unexpected turns. The childhood friends aspect could’ve been played up more imo, but I did enjoy the care between the two leads. They really want what’s best for each other. The most interesting aspect for me was the relationship between the brothers, and how they’ve all been changed and hardened by their pasts.
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade
Rating: 3.5/5
This was cute! The book follows Marcus (a major actor in a GOT-esque blockbuster fantasy TV show on the rocks) and April (fan of the show). April and Marcus both write fanfiction for the same ship (half of which is Marcus’s own character), and have developed a strong online friendship, both keeping their identities secret. If anyone were to find out that Marcus writes show critical fanfic, he would be in serious legal trouble, not to mention what it would do to his reputation. April has been keeping her fandom life separate from her real life, in order to maintain credibility in her career. However, a new work environment gives her the confidence to be more open about her passions. April posts a cosplay of herself as one of the characters from the show (the other half of their ship). April is plus-size, and her cosplay gets a lot of attention, some of which being internet typical negativity. Marcus sees this hate online, and is so upset by it that he publicly praises her and asks her on a date (not knowing April is his fanfic buddy). Shenanigans ensue. I liked this book a lot, I thought the concept was cute and I loved how sweet Marcus was at all times. The relationship felt really grounded in the friendship/common interests of the characters. There is a lot of misunderstanding/miscommunication in this book, to the point where I did become frustrated, even if it is understandable based on the insecurities of the characters. 
Take A Hint, Dani Brown (Book 2, The Brown Sisters) by Talia Hibbert
Rating: 4/5
Zaf I am in love with you. This is the second book in the series but you can totally read it on its own without the context of the first book. This is the story of Dani (a bi phd student with a no relationship rule) and Zaf (an ex-pro rugby player turned security guard who loves romance novels and deals with extreme anxiety). Zaf and Dani work in the same building on a college campus, and have developed a casual friendship. During a fire drill gone wrong, a video of Zaf rescuing Dani goes viral, with everyone thinking they are a couple. Zaf wants to use the publicity to help his charity organization (helping teen boys learn emotional maturity), Dani wants a no-strings sex arrangement with Zaf, fake-dating ensues. This series is the blueprint for healthy relationships built on mutual respect and admiration, with two characters learning to deal with their own issues with the help and support of their potential romantic partner. If you don’t usually read romance bc of the genre-typical problematic content, consider checking this series out. 
One Foot in the Grave (Book 2, Night Huntress) by Jeaniene Frost
Rating: 3/5
This series follows Cat, a half human/half vampire hybrid who hunts vampires. In this book, set four years after the first, she is the leader of a vampire hunting secret government kill squad. Her ex-lover, the vampire Bones, who trained her and is basically the love of her life, reappears after four years of separation. They are very, very obviously Buffy and Spike (if Spike was a good guy). It was better than the first one. More/better humor, Cat is much less annoying. I liked the relationship dynamics, particularly with Cat and her team. It really kind of negates the big conflict set up at the end of the first book, so that all the relationship drama there feels very pointless. There is a TON of woman/woman hate in this series and it’s so cringey. I try to be lenient bc the books are old and I know that kind of attitude was common back then, but oh my god is it gross and weird. There is literally ONE female character Cat views in a positive lights, and she literally disappears into thin air 1/4 of the through the book. I wish the romance wasn’t so rushed (a complaint I had in the first book as well). If you like paranormal romance and don’t mind a pretty dated read, this series could be fun for you. 
Rooms by Lauren Oliver
Rating: 3/5
I have no idea what genre to call this (literary fiction?? kind of??). It’s a ghost story and the story of a pretty messed up family dealing with their issues. The writing is really pretty, but the story feels kind of without substance. Like there are multiple POVs (the two ghosts haunting the house, the mother of the family, the sister and the brother, the niece), but none of them really struck any cords with me. I never felt emotionally connected to anyone. It was a really easy read, I enjoyed the writing. The concept was interesting. It just felt a little hollow and pointless to me, which sounds really harsh considering I by no means hated it. 
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More Teen Wolf Plot Holes!
Part 2 to this post:
Derek’s “evolution”: As soon as Derek re-ages his wolf has yellow eyes instead of blue, and then he slowly starts losing his wolf abilities (Because apparently now your eyes being blue is tied to your strength, not having killed or your level of guilt?) Also, did de-aging trigger the evolution somehow? Why? We know various other people who could do a full wolf-shift, supposedly without going through this bizarre process.
Then Derek spends a period of time losing his powers, thinking it’s something Kate had done to him… (and again, we know other characters who could full shift: Talia and most notably Laura. If losing your wolf was part of the “evolving” process, how would Derek not have known about it?) And then somehow dying triggers the final state of his evolution? Did Laura and Talia (and Malia, etc) die as well? Or was the timing a coincidence? And somehow evolving cures the fact that he spent at least a few minutes being dead from blood loss?
Actually nothing about his evolution makes sense, and none of it was explained.
Healing: The amount that a werewolf can heal changes a lot depending on the needs of the script. Ex: Derek’s impaled in s1 by Peter (as a beta) and is completely fine an episode later. The tips of Derek’s claws go into Boyd’s chest in 3A and he’s done.
Braeden: In 3A Braeden has magic –(she touches Lydia and Allison’s arms and brands an image of the Nematon onto them) and when she comes back later it’s never mentioned again (The writers really should think about writing down card for each character about whatever special powers they are giving them so they don’t forget about it). Braeden also has scars up her throat from an alpha’s claws, which apparently didn’t turn or kill her. Kate has her throat clawed by an alpha, and it did.
Malia: I already talked about it but her being able to be in high school with a nine year old education really bothers me. Even forgetting that she spent 8 years in the wild, she should literally be in fourth grade and there’s no way a couple months’ worth of offscreen studying would have caught her up sufficiently. Seriously, whyyyyyyyyy? Howwwww?
Also, Malia’s age, as shown on her birth certificate, makes her 13 years old when we’re introduced to her. However, she’s apparently supposed to be 17 or so, the same as the rest of the characters.
Ages and time in general (nobody knows how time or calendars work in the writing room, do they?): There’s a discontinuity between birthdays given in the show and external materials, such as the TW calendars (which are said to be the real-life ones, ya know, the ones everyone uses). The ages listed also suggest that basically everyone will be graduating at 19 years old, which is incredibly uncommon, and especially odd considering Allison made a big deal about being “older” than everyone else in s1, which wouldn’t be true according to what we’ve been shown.
Important detail: Allison is freaking out at turning 17 years old during her sophomore year in s1, because she hates being “so much older” than everyone else. Lydia turns 17 only several weeks later during s2, in March of their sophomore year.
Meredith is the Benefactor: So many issues and just… how does a banshee magically control computers and printers?
Stiles & the pack after the Nogitsune: Everything he did while possessed… How have they not delved deeper? How has nobody shown the nightmares, the panic attacks, the trauma of the entire pack, the grieving process?
The pack is a bunch of kids, god dammit! And when you’re a kid, a goddamn breakup almost kills you, let alone watching your best friend/close friend being possessed and killing people and watching your ex-girlfriend/girlfriend/best-friend/close friend die in front of you!
Like, this makes me so mad! Like… NO! I don’t care about gory scenes and epic fights if you’re not giving me the aftermath of all that. If you’re trying to be realistic, if you’re trying to put all these supernatural creatures in real life, then give me real reactions and consequences! Don’t just give me a time jump and tell me they forgot about it and moved on. (arghhhhhh)
Paige: Ok, a serious question now: WTF happened after Paige’s death? ‘Cuz like, bites and scratch marks from giant wolves are hard to hide and miss… So… What did her parents thought when they saw her body?
I’m assuming that, ya know, someone found her body, called the police, took her to a morgue so they could find out what the hell happened… Did they just told her parents it was a “mountain lion”? Did they buy it? Didn’t they… I don’t know… questioned Derek, her at-the-time boyfriend? Didn’t they questioned why was she, an apparently perfect student and perfect kid, at the school in the middle of the night? Alone? Like???? Does anyone knows? Do the writers care?
Other important details that we won’t ever have answers for:
Why was Danny writing a paper about telluric currents for a chemistry class? Wouldn’t this topic be more adequate for a physics or geography or geology class?
Also, why was Lydia’s mom subbing a biology class for Harris when he taught chemistry?
How does Ms. Morrell works at echo house and beacon hills high yet no one has brought her up on child endangerment?
Why did Jennifer needed to poison Danny, considering he doesn’t interact with Scott that much and his paper on telluric currents wasn’t being taken seriously?
The overwhelming lack of funerals and wakes and memorials (teen wolf is on a very short timeline, where the fck are all the funerals?).
Why some werewolves can survive impalement multiple times and others get killed by things even a human could conceivably survive for at least a while (see: Boyd’s death vs Peter surviving getting his throat slashed).
How the hell did Peter pass a credit check to rent an apartment after being either comatose or dead for the past 6+ years? And, because I’m talking about Peter, how the heck nobody cares that, you know, a comatose patient with little to no chances of getting better simply got up and started walking and talking? Like… he just left! No questions asked. A freaking patient disappeared from the hospital, his nurse got killed and nobody comes asking for answers?
Where is Isaac’s CPS case manager? Who was he living with? Derek? Ms. McCall? Some random people? How did Chris got away with taking him to France (and leaving him there)? Did he adopted/fostered him? Why didn’t Isaac, Chris or Derek ever mentioned this?
Where did those japanese internment camp messages on Allison’s phone come from and why was Allison’s phone turned off for that entire episode?
Seriously, what the hell is up with Deaton?
Why aren’t there any security checks and security guards posted at Beacon Hills High? With the amount of missing, dead, hurt (and much more) students, that school should have police at the door, police patrolling the hallways, cameras everywhere and a very strict policy of no backpacks/bags and sharp objects within the school perimeters!
How could Malia just walk out of Eichen House all by herself. Was she just like, “lol, I’m a minor and checking myself out ‘cause that’s how it works”?!? Also, if there’s no key to that cellar door in Eichen House, how does everyone but Stiles get in so easily?
How is the Beacon Hills hospital still open, it should have been sued to hell and back by now, with all the people disappearing from it, being murdered in the hallways, and bodybags plus bodies going missing from the morgue!!!
Do Boyd and Erica’s families know their children are dead? Are they still “missing”? Like, after all this time, they are probably presumed dead, right?
How have any of the kids not failed all their classes yet? I mean, between not dying, lacrosse, dramatic + romantic moments and fighting the bad guys, how do this kids have time to do homework, study and go to school? And why the heck the school doesn’t call their parents about their kids constantly leaving the classroom, just like that? Without any permission or anything?
Why does Derek not know ANYTHING about what werewolves can do? We know he was born one but he didn’t know how to train a bitten wolf, or if it was even possible; he never showed them how to do the healing trick, which leads me to suspect he didn’t even know anything about it until Scott or Isaac showed him; he didn’t know Peter was the Alpha; didn’t know Paige could die from the bite; didn’t know some humans might not WANT the fucking bite; or that burying Peter wasn’t enough to keep him from coming back from the dead. Basically, DEREK DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING, EVER!
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princesspraxina · 8 years
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ok since my queue just popped out my pre-season 2 ship chart, here’s my post-season 2 ship chart and explanations below:
otp status:
nathaniel/iris - still an absolutely angelic ship, adorable. healthy but not perfect, interracial, adorable, i love them, i want them to be happy
praxina/iris - forget you! is such a good fucking episode and praxina just wanted to be happy and good and iris just wanted her to have what she wanted and felt was right and iris letting praxina choose her own path was so good and pure and i love them
mephisto/auriana - i still love them and am holding out for them when mephisto comes back. idk the status of lolirock currently but if theres a season 3 i expect mephisto’s return and i expect tension!
love status:
iris/auriana - did yall see the finale? did yall see that hug? that hug was so good. auriana loves iris so much. theyre so cute and good to each other and i love them
iris/talia - i also really love how these two are dedicated to each other. it’s wholesome and good and i love them a lot
like status:
auriana/talia - i love these two a lot but sometimes it feels like they wouldnt be friends if not for the mission, so its moved from love to like. i still enjoy them plenty and appreciate fanstuff for them, i just like them better with iris lol
talia/praxina - i still enjoy the potential for this ship a lot, i liked how talia was suspicious of praxina in forget you! but then at the end she wanted praxina to stay good, and i loved her saying wow! when praxina smiled her first genuinely happy smile
talia/kyle - i didnt like them initially because i was annoyed that kyle never came back, but now that he did, i find them way better! talia acknowledged her crush as such, kyle wasnt a pushy dumbass like in his first ep, they were more like an actual shippable couple this time! im glad he came back tbh
praxina/auriana - remember when auriana was like “nooo, you look great!” and praxina blushed like a fool? yes. i love them. i love that auriana can make praxina blush like that
matt/auriana - i still really liked them even if matt has disappeared and will likely never return
don’t mind status:
nathaniel/doug - doug has become irrelevant but theyre still buddies so its fine
iris/mephisto - i still dont get why more people dont ship this. nat/iris is obviously better but meph/iris is pretty good. they have lots of really sweet moments. the “id be happy to serve you as queen of ephedia” line? forreal? good shit
carissa/mephisto - ive seen this a few times and its not bad. i prefer carissa as a lesbian but she and mephisto worked together well and i like how she beats the shit out of him
doug/praxina - i thought this was gonna be praxina’s “canon het ship” in case of redemption but then in forget you! they had an opportunity to interact that just...didnt happen! so i guess it was my misinterpretation. so i still like it but its pointless to me
carrisa/lyna - i thought these two would be more shippable but in the end i find them more annoying as a pair than cute. they dont seem to like each other much or share any interests, but are mature enough to work together for a just cause. so im good with the ship but it doesnt appeal to me
dislike status:
doug/auriana - i dont reeaaally have a problem with this ship its just, yknow, boring! theyre really cute bffs, i love them taking that selfie together. also doug kind of is barely in the show anymore so who cares
lev/lyna - ive only seen this once and its super boring. thats it. its just boring. whys it exist? because for some reason this fandom thinks we need more het ships
hate status:
iris/lev - lev is boring and pointless, but it’s not a notp cuz i DO see the appeal. but really, iris/nat is way better and i dont think lev was a necessary character esp considering the small number of episodes he was in
notp status:
talia/mephisto - this ship sucks it was made up by homophobes who are obsessed with mephisto and draw nsfw art of teenagers! whats the appeal? there IS no appeal! i used to think id ship any interracial ship that was thrown my way but sometimes life proves ya wrong. anyway this ship is Bad and im tired of seeing it
praxina/that one guy whose name i dont know because he’s completely irrelevant and uninteresting and she deserves better than being paired with a random ass guy just for the sake of unnecessary heterosexuality - oh i accidentally said it already cuz i dont know his name cuz he’s pointless, yeah, so. who is he? who cares. he’s pointless. if youre gonna ship praxina with a random dude why did it have to be such a boring ass white boy ohhhh my god. im tired of seeing praxina/this guy shit when i search her on google! google doesnt include my tumblr blacklist. oh wait i cant even blacklist this shit cuz idk his name cuz hes pointless!! anyway i love praxina and she deserves better than this bullshit. another ship made up by homophobes, btw, so, extra annoying
ot3 status:
auriana/iris/talia - in that order! i love polyrock. polyrock is good, its golden, its beautiful. girls loving girls. these girls loving each other. its wonderful
mephisto/auriana/praxina - i guess, obviously, not with all three of them, but more like auriana with each twin on one arm? i love how she makes both their hearts race, it’s adorable. i love it
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isaacathom · 6 years
oh yea, i had some weird dreams today! theres like, 4 weird segments, its whack.
first was particularly odd. i was Rey, and i was with a guy called Ethan, who either looked like kylo ren or my paternal grandfather depending on what the fuck was happening. we were trying to cross this green river, but couldnt properly reach the next rock. another person, i think called Tia, managed to break something that was blocking the way allowing me to use my big staff to get across. i then rounded a lil corner (i guess it was like a moat?) and held out my hand to help ethan across. but he had too much momentum, so we had to just sorta. speedily jump down the river on the rocks, tightly holding hands.
we made it out and emerged in a sort of hotel foyer, still holding hands (which i, the observer, noticed, but neither character did, because thats how it goes). and we were awestruck, like Wow..... what the fuck. and as we’re sorta wandering baffled, some old folk call us out. so we mosie over, and one old lady tells us that she had been told that two strangers were coming here to rescue to the king, but that they would lose him and then find him again. another said she would be our ’employer’, so the one escorting us around the hotel. and that lady then starts asking ‘Cedrick’ about his mother, where she’d been from. and i turn around, and well a) Ethan had become my grandfather, which was Very Weird and Bad, andb) turns out Ethan was actually Cedrick, the prince. or something. that was wild.
then there was a different dream, where me and a group of randoms were trying to navigate these walkways suspended under a city, to try and get into specific locations. a character, which i THINK was chihiro fujisaki (cant believe i actually remembered his name lmaooo wow), had gone ahead of us and marked the location of each of the doors that would let us into the city. but other characters had sabotaged it by marking doors that would lead us to bad locations, ie the police station, or dump water on us, etc. the weird thing was that each of the doorsChihiro had marked was marked as ‘packman 1′, regardless of location or order. im not sure what we were trying to do, but thats what it was!
THEN there was another dream, wherein me and 3 friends (caleb, talia, and i THINK the other caleb?) were being all detective-y. it started from a room at my university, titled A235, where i think there was something to do ith a window. but we go around, finding keys, opening doors.but in this timeline, i have some sort of yoga class? we all do. but we’re trying to avoid it. so we all go to the corridor bathrooms, which in the dream had a right hand turn at the end that we could use to escape. my friends all managed to get out, but i was caught by a person with a Lot of resemblance to Moira from overwatch, and she forced me back to class. this apparently also included a minor conversation with my friends previously where we tried to figure out where we could do the yoga in our free time to catch up, and coming tothe conclusion there wasnt really anywhere on campus where it’d be acceptable to do it. which was a shame for us. because we wanted to go to the class, but we were also like, solving a murder, or something.
this dream actually was sort of re-dreamed (probably because my alarm went off) wherein this same group with me in tow kept sneaking off to fight mario enemies. mostly koopas, bobombs, and bullet bills i think. we were just mario-ing it up. the 4th guy was by far the strongest, but on one mission i insisted on doing something, and we fucked up as a result. but, yknow, play it like a game, redo, its fine, the building that we blew up got fixed, easy.
that was about it, honestly. it was very weird.
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