#also yes I know there's a sneaky Johnny back there
jacksothereye · 10 months
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"Maybe I could'a had her.
Problem is I couldn't keep her."
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gremlingottoosilly · 9 months
Under the Christmas tree [dark!141 x fem!Reader] (Secret Santa fic)
Secret Santa gift for @crash-and-live 141 had a wonderful time taking their combat medic to be their captive barracks bunny instead. Now, the Sergeants have decided you will make a wonderful gift for their COs. CW and Tags: Dub-con, poly!141, inappropriate celebration of Christmas, power imbalance, bondage, slight BDSM.
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Gaz was always an expert on knots. 
Fancy little ribbons and bows – not so much. He prides himself on being suspiciously quick to adapt to the changing environment, yes, but learning how to tie bows when your little captive is acting just a tad bit dismissive towards the whole idea is…hard. Not as hard as hanging down the rope on a moving helicopter, but…
— Come, luv. Stop strugglin’ 
He smiles, all teeth and no lies, when you – his favorite medic, the best thing ever happening to this bloody team – started meowling something about the circulation and cutting off the bloodstream and how you don’t exactly like not only being held in the basement of the base but also being tied up…he looks at you and just knows he can’t resist booping you on the nose, kissing your perfect fuckin cheeks while Soap already has his hands in your hair, gently brushing it to put even more ribbons and bows. Red, just like on a Christmax gift. 
You’re a bloody gift. 
— I ken ye don’t like sittin’ like this, but Lt needs pick me up, aye? 
Soap smiles when you struggle just a bit more, your tied hands brushing against his stomach as you slowly buck your hips back. Trying to get just a tiny bit of stimulation, sneaky little lass – this is why he loves you, so smart and so adorably dumb at the same time. The best thing that ever happened to them is that you still act like you don’t enjoy being their shared chewing toy. They can agree it’s just a bit of a stretch from your previous working environment but hell, at least you’re not being shot at. Johnny’s hand gently moves from your head to your neck, adjusting the little red bow he made from the ribbons. They tried so hard to find the softest ever ribbons without a sharp edge and material that could cut off the circulation – even though Kyle was still doing his favorite knots that rendered you absolutely defenseless. You lick your lips and try to rock from side to side, making the ribbons a bit more loose – it doesn’t work, of course. Not like your team ever wanted you to have a say in their perverse desires, right? 
You fell into the Stockholm syndrome quite easily, especially since they were so stuck on always respecting your wishes(except for letting you out, of course) and never forcing anything too harsh…up until now, apparently. Making sure you’re on your best behavior because it’s Christmas, they have a small table set up – beer, whiskey, some snacks that you naively put on because you’re still not allowed to cook, and they don’t really care for home-cooked meals – and your shaking form, twisted in a somewhat sexy pose all because they needed a little Christmas present for their CO’s. 
Gaz brushes his hand on your tummy, gently pushing it down – you were prepared, of course, so much lube was out in your glossy folds, with Soap’s mouth buried deep between your legs, until you felt you’re going to pass out from the sheer amount of orgasm he was edging out of you. There is a reason why Johnny isn’t allowed to eat you out when Ghost isn’t around – his self-control is non-existent when push comes to your cunt and the tongue he can shove in. 
You feel like you’re going to burst when you finally hear the door opening. When you finally hear Captain – his tired, gruff voice, the way Ghost’s jacket silently hits the ground as they start to undress. Usually, you’re made to greet them with kisses and your soft lips on their cocks if they feel particularly tired. Usually, you’re made to wait for them in the bedroom, with their sergeants gently playing with you because, of course, you’re the property of all four of them, no matter the power dynamic. 
Nothing is usual now – you’re laying under a Christmas tree, naked and aroused, your pussy is all puffy and swollen from Soap’s tongue, your body is tied up with red ribbons Gaz was using. You want to be good for them, and so you lay here, hoping your obedience will be enough for a few more climaxes. Ghost is the first to put his hands on you. 
Kneading your breasts, gently forcing his rough fingers on your exposed nipples, you’re so sweet for him, so perfect, laid out like a beautiful gift – he can only groan in arousal as he slowly pushes the ribbons from your chest, taking in the view of your hardened buds and bite marks – evidence of Kyle taking his mark while he was tying you up. You might have been apprehensive about the whole idea, but you’re playing the role of a gift perfectly – just like you should. 
— Bloody hell, love. So pretty for us. 
— She was such a good girl for us, Lt. Didnae even resisted much. ~ — Is that right, sweetheart? 
You can only nod, your mouth stuffed with a pretty gag – you’re drooling all around it, looking fucking adorable as you try and look as harmless as possible. No reason to provoke them now when they already made it clear just how many orgasms they are going to take from you tonight. 
Ghost smiles under his mask, his hands moving to play with your lower tummy, squeezing the soft flesh and teasing your folds – you’re soft and pliable for them, spread out like a perfect toy. The most desirable thing they could ever find under a Christmas tree.
Price caresses your face with a softness you didn’t know a man of his position could have. He kisses you, and his whiskers tickle your soft skin – you aren’t sure if you can even handle him being so damn gentle about everything. He laughs as you try to wiggle out of Ghost’s grasp, their hands laying on your body – bruises and marks are scattered across your skin, making you the perfect canvas. Gosh, you’re beautiful – John doesn’t even know what they did to deserve such a little treat. — Such a pretty display for us, eh? 
— Sergeants outdid themselves this time. 
— You bet they did. Are you goin’ to behave for us, love? 
Price smiles when you whimper, spreading your legs like a pretty toy. Ghost already pushing you to the ground, forcing his way in between your thighs – you’re so open for them, vulnerable to the tip of his cock pressing in your folds already. Soap did a good job eating you out, even Simon’s cock won’t be too much – not after the way Gaz was spreading you on three of his fingers, smiling with each of your little attempts at moans. You know the night is going to be long.
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cerise-on-top · 10 months
Poly!141 x Reader
Imagining being in a happy and healthy relationship with these four has worked wonders for my mental health, it's unbelievable. So naturally, I was gonna write something about this. And I will write about this again because they bring me so much joy and I adore these lads.
Once the fighting is done and they can finally relax with each other and you, no matter how brief the respite may be, you can be absolutely certain you’ll be caught between Johnny and Kyle. John is usually too busy to come cuddle immediately and Simon needs to be coaxed into the pile. It doesn’t take a lot of coercion, though. If he’s tired enough you can simply beckon him closer and he’ll wrap himself around whoever’s nearest.
John needs to be dragged away from work, though, which is a lot harder to accomplish. Fortunately, Simon is strong enough to simply pick him up and carry him to the couch. John proceeds to tell all of you that he’ll indulge you for five minutes only, but that has been a lie every single time since he has a tendency to fall asleep when surrounded by the warmth of his beloveds.
It’s fairly domestic with the four of them, actually. Sure, they can be rowdy boys who do like to fight and spar with each other, especially Kyle, Johnny and sometimes Simon, but whoever so graciously cooks that day will receive a kiss on their temple as well as Simon’s assistance. He has a sixth sense for when someone in the household needs something and helps them out however he can. He’s not such a bad cook either, he knows quite a few recipes since he’d been alone for a long time.
Kyle spent a lot of time outside the UK, so he knows quite a bit on how to prepare exotic foods from where he had been. John, too, can cook quite well, even better than Simon. Johnny, however, never really had too much time to learn and it never interested him that much either, but the few recipes he does know he can do really well. If you’re ever in the mood for baking you should call Simon, he actually has taken a liking to it.
As mentioned before, there will be some play-fighting here and there. Most of the time nothing severe happens, but sometimes someone’s ankle gets twisted or a shoulder needs to be put back in place. No one really gets mad, it just happens, but sometimes you have to chime in and tell them to stop before someone gets hurt even worse. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they keep going in secret. They have a surprising amount of energy that needs to be let out.
If they decide to take the sneaky route that day, call John. They do respect and love you, but there’s a good chance John will be more stern with them than you will. If one of you is hurt, then the others will do what they can to keep you happy. If it’s you and you’re a civilian, you can be certain they’re taking turns staying with you and checking in on you to make sure you’re okay. That’s one of the perks of dating several people: If one of you is sick or injured then someone else will always be at home to take care of you.
Game nights happen occasionally. Simon prefers card games since he’s hard to read and they don’t always rely on luck, Johnny likes board games simply because he wants to get on Simon’s nerves from time to time. It never works, but he doesn’t mind that either. Kyle is neutral about it, but will jab at whoever is losing. In the same sentence, though, he sometimes also makes fun of whoever is winning from time to time, especially if they’ve won a few rounds that night already.
John is flexible when it comes to games, he’s just happy to be there with you. Yes, you’re bickering because you’re certain Simon cheated at UNO, but there’s something pleasant about that chaos. It’s not a war he’s fighting, it’s home. It’s his partners getting riled up about something small, such as the dice getting stuck on the table’s leg and showing two numbers at once. It reminds him that that’s what he’s fighting for.
Kyle and Johnny have a tendency to be little shits from time to time. They’re not on base, they don’t need to show proper etiquette all the time and can just let go. Sometimes they’re playing hide-and-seek with one of them lying in wait for someone unassuming to walk by and scare them, other times they drag whoever is nearby along with them for a stroll to the nearest cafe or bar for a drink or two. If that person is willing, great! If they’re not they’ll simply pick them up and force them outside.
Going drinking with the two of them is fun, though. Johnny can hold his liquor really well, Kyle has learned how to do that as well. If you’re a lightweight then you’re gonna get teased to hell and back about it. It’s not impossible to get them drunk, but Johnny’s gonna take it as a challenge to outdrink you. Once either of you is wasted, you call either John or Simon to pick you up. While they may pretend to be annoyed or disappointed in you, they do think conversing with your drunk selves is fun. Kyle gets a bit less cheeky and more affectionate and Johnny gets even more bold and handsy, but nothing more than that happens. If your drunk self is also more on the affectionate side then you’re gonna get cuddled and kissed like there’s no tomorrow.
If the five of you are proud owners of a house then you’ll find Simon getting into gardening at some point. He bought a house plant at one point because he heard taking care of one is good for your health, and so it started out with a small aloe vera branch he was able to get from an acquaintance. Watching the little plant grow brought him immense joy, so he opted for another one. A few seasons later he started his own mini garden in his backyard, planting watermelons, paprikas, tomatoes, anything that would grow. He trims the apple tree, he harvests the fruit and asks you to bake an apple pie with him.
John gets wind of that and is very proud of Simon for having such a relaxing hobby, helping out whenever he can. If Simon ever gets sick then either you or John are the ones to take care of the plants. Kyle can keep a cactus alive for some time if he tries real hard, Johnny has drowned two cacti already. Simon revoked his plant rights for that one. The plants have names, but only Simon knows them and he won’t tell anyone. The very first few he ever got are named after you, John, Kyle and Johnny.
Even off-duty, John can be rather strict at times. He means well, though. His soldiers are disciplined, most of the time, at least, but sometimes they can act a bit inappropriately, be a bit too energetic when he wants to take a nap. So, sometimes punishment is in order. It’s nothing bad, though. Someone is put on dishwashing duty, maybe having to clean out the basement in general. Small tasks that need doing anyway. He can be a bit more rough if he wants to, but that’s usually mellowed out a bit by him using a soft and kind voice.
It’s rare for either of you to stand up against him because he’s pretty much always in the right, but if you do he’s willing to hear you out. He still has an air of authority around him from time to time, so if some of you are able to change his mind he won’t hold it against you. John is well aware that miscommunication causes a lot of problems, so he will always hear you out, no matter what it is. This goes for other things as well. Had a rough day? Wanna tell someone about the cute stray you saw? He’s the last person to shoo you. In fact, it makes him happy when you tell him those things, it shows him that he’s trustworthy in your eyes and such a thing is worth more than the world’s gold reserves to him.
Johnny adores having an exercise partner, it doesn't matter whether you’re jogging in the morning or straight up lifting weights at the gym. If he can, he'll always drag one of you along, there’s no specific schedule to which one it is either. Normally he asks Kyle since he also goes to the gym from time to time and, being as competitive as they are, they motivate each other quite well to try and raise their limits. If you don’t exercise, for whatever reason, Johnny will try to get you to start doing it. You don’t have to run five kilometers straight, you don’t have to cycle for an hour, but even the smallest of steps would make him incredibly happy. You’re trying, that’s all that matters.
He’s very supportive as well but won’t go overboard. As soon as you get dizzy or your arms or legs get wobbly you will take a break. But no matter what, he’ll always reward you for doing so well. You’ll get a kiss, a hug, a piece of fruit, whatever small thing you want. Always reassures you that you’re not dragging him down either. Yes, he could most definitely run a marathon if he wanted to, but you can’t and that’s okay. Baby steps, you’ll get there eventually. Has a schedule for which exercises he does when. Even if he simply gets to stretch with you in the morning he’s more than happy to take that chance. Might make an inappropriate comment or two during yoga the first few times, though. But you’re dating, so he doesn’t mean anything bad by it. Tell him to tone it down and he will.
Kyle is the type of guy, who, in order to unwind, plays extremely stressful games. Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Sekiro. And yes, he does start swearing up a storm when he’s frustrated enough. Will refuse any and all affection until he’s beaten the boss as well. You can get him to play more relaxing games with you as well, though. Give him a Pokemon game and you’ll find him having caught each and every single one of them at some point. Because he’s a smart cookie he can probably recite some of the Pokedex entries as well. But his favorite games are still the darker games.
Won’t shy away from something along the lines of Team Fortress 2 or Portal either. In fact, he’s probably the one to make the suggestion of playing those games together. Sometimes Simon and you watch him play, with Simon giving him pointers if he’s having a hard time. Naturally, Kyle snaps back from time to time and dares Simon to beat the boss since he’s so smart. Despite being no gamer whatsoever, after a few tries, usually three to four so he can learn the game mechanics and the controls, Simon is able to beat almost any boss, as long as it’s not a rhythm game. Kyle is stumped every time, but you don’t dare to make a sound in case he makes you play next. Is grateful anyway, but a bit embarrassed because what was the last game Simon even played properly? Super Mario World? That was more than 20 years ago.
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
Nct 127 as fratboys Pt.1
I enjoyed this wayyyyyy too much lmaoo
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first off
baby he don't wanna be here lmaoooo
He don't even know how he got in a frat in the first place
he majors in one of three things
comp sci
or accounting (Yes finance and accounting are different)
Taeil wouldn't be your typical frat boy
he's definitely turning his assignments in on time
and he is never
and I mean NEVER up for a party
but allows it to happen anyway
however, if its finals season...
He is the one who shuts the party down when the clock touches 12
"Everyone get the fuck out! You have exams in a few hours"
The father of the frat honestly
He's pretty laid back and doesn't bother anyone
Some would think that he doesn't get laid either but c'mon now
he fucks around ALOT!
Don't let him fool you
Has had a threesome multiple times
but don't tell anyone I told you that
He hates the parties but always gets 4-5 BJs at each
and guess what y'all
if you fuck him
he won't brag about it and he won't tell a soulllll
If his friends are eyeing someone he's been with b4
and they ask him about her
trust and believe this man won't say a word
he'll shrug and be like "Ion know"
ughhh and he pulls easily too
Usually he beats around the bush
but always makes it clear he doesn't want anything serious
all in all he's a sneaky and quiet fratboy
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everybody knows about this bitch right here
He is a business major.
do not question the facts
doesn't give too much fucks about his grades though
as long as he gets a degree after this shit
he's good.
He would be known as the irresistible heartbreaker
cuz he WILL pull you in
and then drop you after he fucks.
I'm just being honest here y'all lmaoo
He is THE life of the party
like if a party is happening and he ain't there...
it's gonna be lame asf
He and Jaehyun are notorious for making their coma-inducing
jungle juice
Surprisingly he has a good fashion sense for a frat boy
oh and he definitely comes from a rich family
so yk he's driving his car around blasting
Drake and Tyga
Smokes hella w33d btw
like I'm not even joking
his circle clean as hell though
vibes are always through the roof
He fucks every other day
and everybody knows he does
because he posts about it on social media
i said it.
He would definitely tag your ass too
so if yk you don't like the inanet knowing
that your- in his words- "pum pum wetter than the ocean"
then leave this man alone
overall a menace and a jerk- typical fratboy (I'm sorry I wanted him to be sweet too lol)
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He's a nerd.
I'm sorry but Taeyong does not belong in a frat 😭 jk k
He 100% has his legos displayed in his room
like don't even say it's not true
His idea of a fun time is spending hours building a lego set
He's definitely a communications major
maintains a relatively good gpa
so he's ight.
And a ladies man
Oh yupp
Everyone who has his twitter sees his posts about pussy eating.
And lemme tell you something
Bitches have lined up in front of the frat to get eaten out by this man
ya hear me???
And he brags about it on the dl
would be notorious for attending 2-3 parties for the semester tho
his legos.
he NEVER has a shirt on
I swearrrrrr
he also smokes w33d with Johnny sometimes
but doesn't do it often bcz it tends to fuck him up a bit too much
can't roll one to save his life lmao
in terms of fucking he only does it when he's stressed
Did a threesome with Taeil once
He's the type to stare you down from some creepy ass dark corner at a party if he finds you hot.
He's definitely not the type to just tell anyone that he ate you out or fucked you randomly
but if one of his friends were to ask him
he's telling it all and giving you a rating outta 10.
for your sake
you betta hope he don't give you anything below 6.
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Random C.o.D Headcanons✦
(Random Headcanons that I have no where else to put. Also because I can't properly wrITE WORTH SHIT, UGH)
✧Price can swing dance. And very well, mind you. ✧Johnny’s dad gripes at him for not drinking whiskey. “Bout the only Scotsman who won’t drink scotch! ‘hat’s like an Irish man not drinking Guinness!” He’ll say. But Johnny handles liquor really well. He could down three tequila sunrises without a single waver. ✧Gaz used to do ballet as a kid, gymnastics in secondary school. He’s less flexible now because he doesn’t stretch like he used to, but he could probably still manage the splits. ✧PRICE LIKES OLD WESTERNS AND COUNTRY MUSIC. TRY TO TELL ME OTHERWISE, I DARE YE- ✧Ghost’s autistic hyperfixations consist of; Birds, the chemical affects of drugs(of any kind) on the body, the process of decomposition, bones/skeletons, and how different cultures view Death. (Ex; Grin Reaper, Cu Sith, Thanatos, etc.)
✧Gaz is the one that has the most vast music taste, but admittedly he’s got a bit of a favorite spot for what I call “ass shaking music”. Things like Doja Cat to T-Pain, ya know?
✧Johnny whole heartedly believes in ghosts, and while he likes horror, he’s most scared by paranormal ones.
✧Ghost’s go to snack is apples. He is so obsessed with apples he can differentiate each kind with one bite.
✧Price hates being called Johnathan, the only one allowed to call him that is Laswell. And she only uses it to scold him. Like a mom. ✧Alejandro owns a cowboy hat. He bought Rudy a matching one, but he assumes Rodolfo got rid of it since he never wears it. It’s not true. Rudy is just really worried he’ll ruin it, so he keeps it pristine in his closet. He’ll even ensure it doesn’t collect dust. ✧König has a fear of horses. He had a Celtic mythology phase, read a spooky story with a Kelpie in it, and now they scare him. ✧Horangi used to have a gold tooth, and at one point his gambling debt got so high, he pulled it out and sold it. Also Horangi has bad teeth, lots of fillings & cavities. ✧Diabetes runs in Gaz’ family, so he constantly watches his sugar intake. But it’s really hard because he loves sweets. ✧09 Ghost is a trans man. This isn’t a Headcanon, it’s just true.
✧Johnny has oddly soft hands. He doesn’t do anything to them, and objectively, he should have tons of callouses. And yet? Nah, super smooth.
✧Gaz runs warm and prefers warm weather, Price runs warm and prefers cold, Johnny runs cold and prefers warm weather, Ghost runs cold and prefers cold weather. ✧Ghost hates being spooned cause he’s usually bigger, and the feeling of a body against his back, even if warm and alive? Reminds him too much of the feeling of a deadman pressing on his spine. He’d prefer to be the big spoon if he has to cuddle like that.
✧Rudy owns playboys & playgirl magazines. He just hides them SUPER well, because he’s kinda ashamed. He thinks people owning porn is fine, but his mother visits often and she’s a bit of a snoop. ✧Piggy backing off the last one, that’s also why Rudy is so sneaky. He wasn’t necessarily a super bad kid, and his parents weren’t necessarily unbearable. But he often got roped into trouble by others, and his parents were a bit strict, so he got good at sneaking. ✧Valeria & Alejandro are exes, and while there are many reasons they broke up? One was Valeria realizing she’s hella sapphic.
✧Valeria has a collection of naked women paintings. Like, super expensive ones? No one questions her because she’s a cartel queen, they think she just likes art. And she does. But she also is hella biased towards pretty painted ladies.
✧Gaz definitely has at least one crazy ex. Like “I’ll stalk your number, call your mom, and make a scene in public even if we broke up three years ago” crazy. ✧König was a pot smoking metalhead in high school, I will not elaborate. ✧Ghost tends to be clean shaven because the sensory feeling of stubble is uncomfortable, especially under his mask. But he likes facial hair on other people. ✧Farah is on the aroace spectrum. She’s not completely closed off to romance or sex, but like…it’s very very rare for her to experience those kinds of attractions. (Personally I think Alex is her exception, but I’m biased) ✧SPEAKING OF ALEX, man owns a cane. He decorates it, he also decorates his leg. With stickers. Some of them are kiddy/girly cause his niece gave him them. Do not question the Pinkie Pie on his prosthetic, reminds him of what he needs to come home for.
✧Nik & Price definitely have sucked each other’s dicks at least once. Look, besties bestie however they please. Also, c’mon. They’re military men.
✧Johnny somehow manages to miss something someone is telling him when they’re right by his ear. Yet! He’ll catch a random comment from across the room.
✧Also. Johnny is afraid of dogs. But he also likes dogs. It’s a very hard thing to deal with when he wants to pet what gives him heart palpitations.
✧König doesn’t talk to his mother at all. He occasionally talks to his father, but not much. But his grandma?? Every day. He will won’t miss a single day of contact.
✧Gaz writes poems or short stories sometimes as a coping mechanism. But he hides it cause he's embarassed. ✧Johnny had a full out punk phase in high school. He had spikes on a denim jacket, he had an anarchy pin on his rucksack. Full out. And though he didn't get caught, he probably did some teenage delinquent shit like graffiti. Thankfully, the more destructive stuff is more out of his system...mostly anyway. ✧Price didn't have a full hippie phase when he was younger, but he did have friends in that circle, so he picked up one or two things. ✧Ghost didn't have any aesthetic specifically growing up, but he thought Trad Goths were super cool to look at and he definitely got a lil inspiration from them in his everyday life. ✧Gaz also didn't have a particular aesthetic he fell into, but for some reason he was picked up by a group of scene kids in middle school. If you go through his oldest music playlist, EDM is in there a suspicious amount. ✧König is allergic to bees, so, anytime they're around he'll freak the fuck out and sprint away. If it weren't for the fact he had a reason to fear them, it'd look really silly. ✧Soap has ADHD, Ghost is autistic, Laswell has OCD, Rudy has AuDHD, and König is autistic.
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mayhemscorner · 2 years
Floating memories
Soap x f!reader
Warnings: Fluff overload.
Summary: soap and Y/N take some time to unwind in the water near base. Just as water flows, so do feelings.
(A/N: I don’t see many soap fics and our boy deserves some love)
Y/N let the lapping water carry her body graciously, unwinding from the mission. The same churning waters they trudged through earlier that week after jumping from the boat was now calm, almost serene. It was always odd how something so deadly could also be graceful. Low waves kiss against her face as she basks in the fruitful moonlight. Home was far away, but she could always find her home in the ocean. 
The water churns, sending Y/N to be alert and hoping the tide was just rising. Her worries were met with a gentle hand pressed on her back, guiding her in to a familiar embrace.
“Tough day Johnny?” She whispers out, raising a dripping hand to the side of his face and looking to him in wonder.
He careens in to her touch, nestling deeper in to the intimacy of a gentle hand and sighs,” sometimes I wish our jobs could be easy for once.”
“You did what you could, no one’s upset with you. The mission was still a success… So, a full mind must have you out here this late I take it?” Y/N questions towards him, dropping her feet to the ocean floor and standing to hear him better. 
Soap nods,” I also seen you come out here after hard days, figured I’d give it a go.”
She breathes a slight laugh,” Soap, I come out here because it reminds me of home. There’s no magic to it.”
“Are you sure? I feel better already.” He chuckles back, splashing at the water playfully and dousing an already wet Y/N. She smiles, maneuvering her legs under the water to trip him and send him hurtling down. 
“Right, because picking on me always makes you feel better, huh?” Y/N chides playfully when he surfaces, only to dunk his head back under. 
“You sneaky devil!” He gasps, spitting water away and tackling her, sending them both below the surface. It was almost cinematic how the moon sparkled through the water, illuminating the ethereal world below and accentuating Johnny in a heavenly glow from behind. Y/N couldn’t bring herself to close her stinging eyes, whether it be in shock or awe that she thought a man nicknamed Soap was handsome in this moment, she’d never know. But she couldn’t look away at the masterpiece painted in front of her, Soap with his eyes shut in tranquility and a tight lipped smile to prevent water from slipping through his delicate lips. Y/N takes the risk of brushing her fingertips against his chest, trailing upwards and finally pulling him back to the surface by his jaw.
“Is everything alright, Y/N?” He asks worriedly, gripping her chilled shoulders tightly and searching for an answer. She looks away bashfully, clearing her throat of her excuse,” just thought I seen something Johnny. Nothing to worry about.”
“Your ass is hanging out the window. Out with it.” Soap presses, knowing fair and well something had rattled Y/N to the core. 
“I’m not quite sure I know what you just said.” She chuckles back nervously, finally meeting his gaze once again. Soap smirks,”you’re lying. It means you’re lying and you’re bad at it.”
Y/N bites her lip, raising a brow in mock confusion before finally faltering,” you looked handsome… under the water.”
It was a weak attempt at admittance and spoke barely above a whisper and she could only hope the waves drowned out her voice.
“Well I know I’m handsome. Would you like to see it again?” Soap winks in exaggeration, hoping to lighten the situation, and also hoping she would say yes. The eye roll of reply is deepened by the smack on his chest,” don’t get too confident now, Soap. It’s not too late to drown you and claim it was a freak accident.”
“Ouch, no longer on a first name basis? I’m scorned, an arrow shot directly through my beating heart, Y/N.” He presses a hand to his chest, closing his eyes dramatically and falling against the water behind him. The anxious itch is dulled by the desire to pull him back under, and so she does, only this time being met with his open eyes. The salt water stung, but it was a price worth paying to view a true watercolor painting. Y/N closes her eyes to settle the sting and capture the image to burn in to her memories. The sensation of his lips ghosting against hers draws shocked movement and sends her ascending for air. 
Soap stayed below, disappearing from view and reach to try and sway the ass chewing that was bound to happen. She looked around frantically, only stopped by the strong arms wrapping around her from behind and the voice tickling against her ear,” you look beautiful… under the water.”
Her body relaxes in to his, breaths deepening at his touch. It no longer felt like home in the ocean as it had been outmatched by his embrace in this moment, and she would never admit it out loud. 
“Johnny-“ Y/N breathes out only to be cut off by another tickle at her ear from his laugh,” there’s the first name. Say it again for me, please?”
“Don’t push it.” She warns him before continuing,” why’d you really come out here?”
He closes his arms around her tighter, unconsciously swaying with the waves and lulling Y/N to a sense of total calm.
“Originally, I was going to dunk you under the water, I’ll be honest on that. But you looked happy… I’d be lying if I said I never dream of you looking at me in that way.” He pauses midway through to rest his head against her neck, melting at the hand she stretched back and ran through his dampened hair.
“Johnny, we shouldn’t go down this road, you know that.” Y/N warns, ultimately thinking about her job above all else.
“Are you saying that for me, or for you? I’m well aware of the risks, Y/N.” He mutters against her neck, vibrating electricity against her skin and dulling her senses.
“And if you have to watch me die, what will you do then, Johnny?” Y/N murmurs  back, dropping her hand from his head to rub some heat back in to her body. 
“The only way that’ll happen is if my death is quick to follow.” Soap reassures her, unwrapping his arms to spin her around facing him,” and it’ll be a cold day in hell if that ever happens.”
Her head smacks against his chest and she groans at the frustration of giving in. Temptation was always a threat to be indulged, but what was really going to change? They were already battle buddies, protecting each other with their lives. 
“Y/N, I let you go once… I can’t let that happen again.” Soap admits, resting his chin against the top of her head.
“You didn’t let me go when you didn’t have me in the first place. What are you getting on about?” Y/N asks in confusion as he places a kiss against her salty hair,” I let you go the day I set my eyes on you and knew we were doomed to the same fate. Dying faceless heroes, or going home with the burden of thinking we were the enemy all along.”
“Johnny, your attempt at poetic words isn’t going to win me over.” Y/N huffs a laugh, letting her arms unconsciously trace the muscles of his back as her eyes search his gaze.
The side of his mouth raises slightly, “you gotta admit, it worked a little bit.”
“And if i don’t admit that?” She questions, watching as his smile only rose even more,” well, I’ll just have to drown it out of ya.”
Soap’s arms dart down quickly, encircling around Y/N’s thighs and throwing her over his shoulder. A fit of laughs burst from Y/N as she tries to keep her head from hitting the water,” put me down you crazy man!”
“Only if you promise to give me one chance. If I don’t make you the happiest woman on this earth, then I’ll die trying.” Soap offers, tilting her lower and lower to the water. Her forehead hits the cool water, releasing a strangled shriek,” alright! One chance Mactavish! Now put me down!”
“Your wish is my command.” He replies smugly, releasing her legs and being there to accept the punch to the stomach when she resurfaced.
“That’s not a good start!” Y/N growls, inevitably throwing the gut punch he waited anxiously for with a smile,” that’s what you get for using my last name princess.”
He wipes the sopping wet mess of hair from her face and cups her chin with both hands, sighing with a dummy grin plastered on his face,” and a warning that’s the furthest I’ll ever let you fall so long as you’re mine.”
Soap pulls her forward, gently kissing her forehead, then the bridge of her nose, and finally a ghostly light kiss against her lips. Y/N replies with a needy kiss back, drunk on his promise and uncanny ability to make her legs weak with words.
“That’s a hefty promise.” She breathes out while pulling away. He sucks air back in to his aching lungs,” if it means getting kissed like that, it’s one worth making.”
“Come on love bird, it’s getting cold out here.” Y/N laughs, shivering at the cool air biting against her knees as her feet hit the shore. Just as soon as her feet met the ground, they’re just as quickly swept away as Soap hoists her in to his arms,” you look a little weak in the knees, Y/N. Let me carry you and get ya warmed up on the way.”
“You’re going to get so much shit when they see you carrying me through that door.”
“I’m prepared for it.”
“Are you really, Johnny?”
“It’s gonna hurt like hell, but holding you close is all that matters.”
“You’re such a sap.”
“Only to sweeten your bitterness my love.”
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morganlefaye79 · 1 year
Why my Cyberpunk ocs aren't "nice" persons.
Last week @pandorasaquariumm posted their take on why Kerry is not a nice person, and I agree in many points.
@jaymber answered with a few more points to which I also agree. I have a few more things that I hc for Kerry, which also puts even more gray on him as a character.
But this post will be about my ocs, who I often show from their nice and soft side, but who are, as @kharonion already stated about their oc Vikt, mostly criminals as many others in NC, maybe with a robin hood attitude sometimes, but still criminals.
I did some time back a Kiroshi-scan for my main ocs, the full template you can find here, but I will just take the interesting part of it for this subject.
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Those are only the things the NCPD knows. Valaire is my "V", some of those things are probably obvious. When he was still a merc he sometimes had problems to keep the NCPD on distance, but since he "changed" his way of operating he can more or less walk free with nearly everything he does. Who would have thought that the NCPD would be corrupt? Not me!
Val did blow up Saka tower a second time (Johnny loved watching it happen) with Alt's help, and never was made accountable for it, because he knows the right people who he will pay some money. Arasaka tried a few times to kill him after he recovered from the Relic, but at this point Arasaka's teeth were already pulled for a big part.
Or which is also often the case, when someone will get at him, he finds dirty laundry about this people. Since he has a very skilled netrunner brother, and also Nyx from the Afterlife at his service. Why would Nyx work for Val you ask? Because he owns the Afterlife, but next to no one knows. For the normal people, Rogue is still in charge there.
He maybe was born in Arroyo, where his parents pretended to be non-corpo's, but maybe it is true that some traits are in someone's genes already. He is a Corpo and he acts like one and plays the game, even if he hates that life, but it is the only way to make a difference in this city.
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Joris is similar to Valaire, but absolutely ruthless. He won't think twice about if someone deserves to die. If the question is one time answered with yes, you can be damn sure that the person will not walk long on earth anymore. But you can't kill them all! True, but he is young and has much time to try!
How will those people die?
No idea! He is at times very creative. Most of the times he will make devices malfunction. What a shame when a laptop blews up in someones face, isn't it?
Joris also provides his brother with the dirty laundry he digs up. Also are all 3 police reports you see altered by Joris. Most of the times the NCPD doesn't even notice he was in their servers.
Although he grew up as a Corpo and being able to play the game, he refuses to play nice. So tread lightly around him or you may be the next one that crashes their car against a concrete wall. It'd be a real shame.
He takes mostly gigs where he can steal and/or destroy corpo property. It's kind of a hobby, especially if it is Arasaka property. You should choose jobs which bring you joy.
He does sound like a mad man and lunatic, doesn't he? Well he is the mentally most stable out of my mains. Whoops!
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Vicco is somewhat special in a way, they survived long enough on the streets of NC to reach adulthood. Not many can accomplish that. They know Vicco on the streets and they know what Vicco did. You surely not manage this by being nice. They learned very early to take what they want and if it belongs to someone else then that someone has to part with it one way or another.
They are a chameleon, becoming everything you want. They paid a little fortune for it, well Valaire, more likely. Their Kiroshi's are used by corpo spec ops, and were taken from the previous owners dead body, because he certainly didn't need them anymore, they're able to slighly look through walls, or find safe's in them which is quite handy for a sneaky thief. Slipping in as a woman with long legs and round hips, and walking out as a man.
Before becoming a merc, they were as most of the youngsters drugdealers. They themselves always stayed clean except for cigarettes and alcohol. Only in adulthood as a joytoy they started taking drugs and boosters.
They specialized very soon on attracting corpo's because they knew that it is the place where the money is, and where's money, there's much to steal.
Killing Tiger Claws and Maelstrom scop is kind of a hobby for them, they had many run ins with them and they will never get friends for many reasons.
Although they would never stick it to others noses, they're proud to be a Mox. The Moxes saved them several times when they couldn't save themself. They now often return the favor when they're aware of a Mox in need.
You could ask Jotaro Shoba... nah, no one ever found that piece of shit after Vicco was done with him.
And then there was that scumbag... what was his name again? Blake something... Crow? Crowls? AH! Croyce! Didn't saw that one in a while either!
Vicco loves a good hunt!
And this my friends is the not that nice side of my ocs, I didn't go too much into details, because some of those things I will put into fics. At least that's the plan. But if you're curious I might answer questions x)
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ramrage · 2 years
fic concept: "dear simon"
ive been playing with the idea of writing a fic but it's told entirely through the pages of soap's journal, which have at some point become a collection of letters to ghost. of course he's never going to give them to ghost. he just needs a way to puzzle out their interactions because ghost is a cryptic pain in the ass and does he hate me or like me what's going on?
it definitely is chock full of limitations, but were i able to work around them and somehow make it benefit the narrative, it would be electric. the "truth" wouldn't matter or exist at all. it would be limited to soap's perception, colored by overthinking and shame/embarrassment despite trying to write something completely honest and for his eyes only.
shit i wrote at 3am below the cut. any suggestions/crit/feedback would be GREAT (plsplspls)
Dear Simon,
Yer never gonna read this. I’ll probably take a match to it when I’m done because yer a sneaky bastard and writing all this makes me feel like a cunt. I take to my journal, have been forever, to make my thoughts more real, yknow? not sure why i’m explaining myself to ye like yer ever gonna read it…
You’ve been getting on my last bleeding nerve, is the thing. Not like yer doin anything out of the ordinary for yerself. just the normal mysterious, aloof, fucken terrifying thing you do. with the stupid mask. fucken. i just didn’t know that /your thing/ also involved making fucken shite jokes bein endearing not as terrifying as i took ye fer. and that’s grand, except when you’re not being that way and i’m left to wonder how things went tits up.
i remember meeting you. they told me ye were some big scary fucker, and ye were, jesus, but i wanted to crack ye. after graves turned and left us to claw outta las almas, i thought i was. i didnae think ye’d wait for me, didnae think ye’d be in my ear with some of the most shite jokes i’d ever heard, but ye were. made me wanna push ye. see yer limits. i’ll be honest, i was full on with callin ye a good ol boy and tellin ye to take yer mask off. sorry bout that. but ye coulda shut me up and i know ye wouldnae struggle to. so i thought i found a boundary.
but you’ve been short with me all week. today, ye fucking head case, i do nothin more than nudge ye in the gym, tell ye yer liftin light + ye come at me like ye got a stick up yer arse. not even a quip back. whatdye say? some bullshite about respecting your superiors, /mactavish/. ye didnae strike me as a man who gave a quarter shite about vanity lifting and ye still don’t. im probably making somethin outta nothin and i dinnae ken why i even give a damn, give a damn enough to write it out like a wee fucken lovesick school girl, but here i am. i’ve not cared about people liking me for bleedin ages. and people tend to like me, no? charming and handsome bastard that i am.
maybe i don like thinking i can’t figure you out. yer rank pulling stunt has me wanting to punch the head clean off ye, but i still think i can crack ye. it’d do ye some good, lt. i told ye as much in las almas, and i meant it. not sure if ye got it, though.
well. i’ve not got anything left to tell ye, not today, and my hands are cramping somethin awful so i’ll sign off. until next time, ye jackarse.
notes to the readers that might exist:
in addition to literally any feedback you have, i have some specific questions about bits im particularly unhappy with/insecure about. but dw bout being too harsh or honest, i was in writing workshops (you wouldnt be able to tell smh) with liberal arts students with something to prove so my skin has been thickened yk. if by the grace of god you wanna beta pls lmk and ill have a child just so i can give you my firstborn xx
how do we feel about the strikethroughs? personally i think they can help me say shit that i want the reader to know but dont think johnny completely means or is ready to say
should i push details like that which reinforce that this is written by hand? like shorthand, writing + instead of "and"
i put slashes around things that i would otherwise italicize bc that's what i do when i journal. does it work? what would work better?
should the entries include dates?
how severely does it sound like an american trying to sound scottish lol? lmk what works/doesn't work im dying out here
i have an idea for the last chapter (despite not having a plot) and tbh it's predictable as hell but it could be zesty (;
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
Episode 34 - Script (Part 1 of 2)
Snog, Marry Pie part 1
NARRATOR: Previously on Love Island, {0} was accused by Nicolas of being a manipulative game player!
NARRATOR: But who will the other Islanders choose to believe? Nicolas or {0}?
NARRATOR: Previously on Love Island, {0} was accused by Johnny of being a manipulative game player!
NARRATOR: But who will the other Islanders choose to believe? Johnny or {0}?
NARRATOR: And what will this mean for them as a couple?
NARRATOR: Let’s get back to the drama and find out!
You are standing by the pool while your fellow Islanders look at you in shock.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: It was all {0}’s idea. I just went along with it.
Nicolas looks directly at you.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Well, it wasn’t me who wanted to go behind everybody’s back.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Are you serious?!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: You came up with the plan. You said it would be fun.
DANA_SERIOUS: You said it would be fun?
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
PLAYER_ANGRY: I said I didn’t want to play games!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: No, that’s what I said.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: You said it would be a fun mission. I said it would be too sneaky.
DANA_SERIOUS: You said it would be a fun mission?
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: You said you wanted to think about how sneaky you could get.
DANA_SERIOUS: You wanted to get sneaky?!
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: I’m not trying to twist your words, I’m trying to be honest with our friends.
LULU_SAD: Come on, guys, let’s try and calm things down. Let it go, Nicolas.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I think we should find out the truth here first, Lulu.
MEERA_SERIOUS: We need to know the full story.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Yeah, Nicolas, what exactly is the full story?
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Maybe you should ask {0}?
DANA_SAD: {0}? Do you want to tell us something?
Yes, I was being sneaky
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Fine. I’ll admit it, I was being sneaky in order to not get dumped.
MEERA_ANGRY: Wow! You just outright said it.
KAT_ANGRY: I don’t know what to think after all this.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: It was supposed to just be a bit of fun, nothing serious.
DANA_SAD: I don’t know what to believe right now.
This was all Nicolas
PLAYER_ANGRY: No! Nicolas is making out I’m the bad guy, when it was all his idea.
KAT_ANGRY: It seems like you might have been hiding more than you’ve been letting on.
FINN_SAD: Kat, please.
KAT_ANGRY: And you, Finn. I’ve not even started with you.
I want no part of this
PLAYER_ANGRY: I don’t need to defend myself right now. I’m above this.
MEERA_ANGRY: It seems like now is the perfect time.
MEERA_ANGRY: You can’t get away with doing this sort of thing.
KAT_SERIOUS: I can’t believe this, {0}!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: I know it looks like I’m to blame too, but seriously guys, this isn’t on me.
NICOLAS_IDLE: I’m in the same position as the rest of you. I feel the same as you do.
NICOLAS_SAD: I, too, feel completely… betrayed.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Do you even know what you are saying?
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Of course I do.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Let him explain himself, {0}.
PLAYER_ANGRY: This doesn’t really concern you, Meera.
MEERA_ANGRY: Excuse me, it sounds like this concerns all of us.
FINN_SAD: Come on, guys, let’s calm down shall we?
GABI_SERIOUS: Carry on, Nicolas, tell us what’s going on?
NICOLAS_SAD: Well, {0} approached me with a proposition.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Are you serious?!
NICOLAS_SAD: She said that me and her should play up how compatible we are.
NICOLAS_SAD: So that we had a better chance of winning the prize money.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: She said that we could even play you guys against each other.
PLAYER_ANGRY: You’re the one who said that!
NICOLAS_SURPRISED: That isn’t true.
NICOLAS_SAD: Come to think of it, I don’t think she would even share the money with me!
KAT_SURPRISED: I don’t know what to make of all this.
FINN_SAD: This is getting out of hand.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: This is too much.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Too much? There’s more, too. Things were also said while you guys were at Casa Amor.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: {0} was slagging you all off!
SURESH_SERIOUS: What was she saying?
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Oh, you don’t want to know the details.
SURESH_SERIOUS: We do actually.
Nicolas seems to be getting a little flustered.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Well, I can’t remember the exact words, but yeah, something about cheaters.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Wow, now you’re making all this up completely!
NICOLAS_EMBARRASSED: Something about Finn being flaky and Alfie being a wet noodle.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: A wet noodle?
NICOLAS_SURPRISED: I know, terrible isn’t it?
DANA_SAD: I need a breather from this. I can’t even.
GABI_SAD: Wait up, Dana, I’ll come too.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: It can be hard to handle the truth, I know.
FINN_SERIOUS: I’m going to get a drink, I can’t listen to this.
KAT_ANGRY: Well, you’re gonna have to listen to me for a bit still.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: You said something was off about him before.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I want to trust you.
ALFIE_SAD: We can trust you, can’t we, {0}?
You can trust me
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Of course, you guys can trust me. We can move past this.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I wouldn’t be too sure about that, {0}.
Maybe you shouldn’t trust me
PLAYER_SAD: Maybe you guys shouldn’t trust me.
MEERA_SERIOUS: State the obvious, {0}.
I don’t care
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Trust me or not. I don’t care. I don’t need to waste my time explaining anymore.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Everyone deserves an explanation after all this.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Yeah from Nicolas! Not me!
MEERA_SAD: I still can’t believe Arlo got dumped over {0}.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I hate situations like this. This is so unnecessary.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Come on, Alfie.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I think we should leave {0} to think about what she has done.
Alfie looks at you awkwardly.
SURESH_IDLE: Nice not to be involved in the drama for once.
LULU_EMBARRASSED: It’s a real shame this had to happen.
SURESH_IDLE: I can’t believe that you admitted to being sneaky.
LULU_IDLE: Always good to be honest, right?
NICOLAS_IDLE: Couldn’t agree more.
LULU_SERIOUS: Well, I’m here for you, {0}.
Lulu looks at Nicolas with suspicion.
NICOLAS_IDLE: Would you two mind leaving me and {0} alone for a moment?
NICOLAS_IDLE: I think we need to work things out in private.
SURESH_IDLE: Sure. I’m exhausted after all that.
LULU_SAD: Good night, {0}.
PLAYER_ANGRY: I can’t believe you’ve done this!
NICOLAS_IDLE: I think it’s probably best if I sleep on the daybeds tonight.
NICOLAS_SAD: I need time to think.
You should stay on the daybeds
PLAYER_ANGRY: You should absolutely sleep on the daybeds! I don’t want to be anywhere near you.
NICOLAS_IDLE: I completely understand that, {0}.
NICOLAS_SAD: Mistakes have been made.
You can still stay in my bed
PLAYER_IDLE: You should still sleep inside, Nicolas, this might all blow over by the morning.
NICOLAS_SAD: No thanks, {0}. I think I should be alone right now.
I really don’t care what you do
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I really couldn’t care less what you do, Nicolas.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: I wouldn’t expect you to.
NICOLAS_IDLE: Anyway, I should be alone right now.
NICOLAS_IDLE: Good night, {0}.
Nicolas walks away from you and heads to the daybeds.
You head to the bedroom alone.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: It was all {0}’s idea. I just went along with it.
Johnny looks directly at you.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Well, it wasn’t me who wanted to go behind everybody’s back.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Are you serious?!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: You came up with the plan. You said it would be fun.
DANA_SERIOUS: You said it would be fun?
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
PLAYER_ANGRY: I said I didn’t want to play games!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: No, that’s what I said.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: You said it would be a fun mission. I said it would be too sneaky.
DANA_SERIOUS: You said it would be a fun mission?
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: You said you wanted to think about how sneaky you could get.
DANA_SERIOUS: You wanted to get sneaky?!
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: I’m not trying to twist your words.
JOHNNY_SAD: I’m trying to be honest with our friends.
LULU_SAD: Come on, guys, let’s try and calm things down. Let it go, Johnny.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I think we should find out the truth here first, Lulu.
MEERA_ANGRY: We need to know the full story.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Yeah, Johnny, what exactly is the full story?
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Maybe you should ask {0}?
DANA_SAD: {0}? Do you want to tell us something?
Yes, I was being sneaky
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Fine. I’ll admit it, I was being sneaky in order to not get dumped.
MEERA_ANGRY: Wow! You just outright said it.
KAT_ANGRY: I don’t know what to think after all this.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: It was supposed to just be a bit of fun, nothing serious.
DANA_SAD: I don’t know what to believe right now.
This was all Johnny
PLAYER_ANGRY: No! Johnny is making out I’m the bad guy, when it was all his idea.
KAT_ANGRY: It seems like you might have been hiding more than you’ve been letting on.
FINN_SAD: Kat, please.
KAT_ANGRY: And you, Finn. I’ve not even started with you.
I want no part of this
PLAYER_ANGRY: I don’t need to defend myself right now. I’m above this.
MEERA_ANGRY: It seems like now is the perfect time.
MEERA_ANGRY: You can’t get away with doing this sort of thing.
KAT_SERIOUS: I can’t believe this, {0}!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: I know it looks like I’m to blame too, but seriously guys, this isn’t on me.
JOHNNY_SAD: I’m in the same position as the rest of you. I feel the same as you do.
JOHNNY_SAD: I too feel completely… betrayed.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Do you even know what you are saying?
JOHNNY_ANGRY: Of course I do.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Let him explain himself, {0}.
PLAYER_ANGRY: This doesn’t really concern you, Meera.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Excuse me, it sounds like this concerns all of us.
FINN_SAD: Come on, guys, let’s calm down shall we?
SURESH_SERIOUS: Tell us what’s going on then, Johnny?
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Well, {0} approached me with a proposition.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Are you serious?!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: She said that me and her should play up how compatible we are.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: So that we had a better chance of winning the prize money.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: She said that we could even play you guys against each other.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: It was you who said that! Not me!
JOHNNY_SAD: That’s not true, {0}.
JOHNNY_SAD: Come to think of it, I don’t think she would even share the money with me!
KAT_SERIOUS: I don’t know what to make of all this.
FINN_SAD: This is getting out of hand.
ALFIE_SAD: This is too much.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Too much? There’s more.
JOHNNY_SAD: Things were also said while you guys were at Casa Amor.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: {0} was slagging you all off!
SURESH_SERIOUS: What was she saying?
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Oh, you don’t want to know the details.
SURESH_SERIOUS: We do, actually.
Johnny seems to be getting a little flustered.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Well, I can’t remember the exact words, but yeah, something about cheaters.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Wow, now you’re making all this up completely!
JOHNNY_EMBARRASSED: Something about Finn being flaky and Alfie being a wet noodle.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: A wet noodle?
JOHNNY_SURPRISED: I know, terrible isn’t it?
DANA_SAD: I need a breather from this. I can’t even.
GABI_SAD: Wait up, Dana. I’ll come too.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: It can be hard to handle the truth, I know.
FINN_SERIOUS: I’m going to get a drink, I can’t listen to this.
KAT_ANGRY: Well, you’re gonna have to listen to me for a bit still.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: You said something was off about him before.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I want to trust you.
ALFIE_SAD: We can trust you, can’t we, {0}?
You can trust me
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Of course, you guys can trust me. We can move past this.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I wouldn’t be too sure about that, {0}.
Maybe you shouldn’t trust me
PLAYER_SAD: Maybe you guys shouldn’t trust me.
MEERA_SERIOUS: State the obvious, {0}.
I don’t care
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Trust me or not. I don’t care. I don’t need to waste my time explaining anymore.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Everyone deserves an explanation after all this.
MEERA_SAD: I still can’t believe Arlo got dumped over {0}.
ALFIE_SAD: I hate situations like this. This is so unnecessary.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Come on, Alfie.
MEERA_IDLE: I think we should leave {0} to think about what she has done.
Alfie looks at you awkwardly.
SURESH_IDLE: Nice not to be involved in the drama for once.
LULU_EMBARRASSED: It’s a real shame this had to happen.
SURESH_IDLE: I can’t believe that you admitted to being sneaky.
LULU_IDLE: Always good to be honest, right?
JOHNNY_IDLE: Couldn’t agree more.
LULU_SERIOUS: I’m here for you, whatever happened, {0}.
Lulu looks at Johnny with suspicion.
JOHNNY_IDLE: Would you two mind leaving me and {0} alone for a moment?
JOHNNY_IDLE: I think we need to work things out in private.
SURESH_IDLE: Sure. I’m exhausted after all that anyway.
LULU_IDLE: Good night, {0}.
PLAYER_ANGRY: I can’t believe you’ve done this!
JOHNNY_SAD: I think it’s probably best if I sleep on the daybeds tonight.
JOHNNY_IDLE: I need time to think.
JOHNNY_SAD: I don’t think I should be around you at the moment. What do you think?
You should stay on the daybeds
PLAYER_ANGRY: You should absolutely sleep on the daybeds! I don’t want to be anywhere near you.
JOHNNY_IDLE: I completely understand that, {0}.
JOHNNY_SAD: Mistakes have been made.
You can still stay in my bed
PLAYER_SAD: You should still sleep inside, Johnny.
PLAYER_SAD: This might all blow over by the morning.
JOHNNY_SAD: No thanks, {0}. I think I should be alone right now.
I really don’t care what you do
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I really couldn’t care less what you do, Johnny.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: I wouldn’t expect you to.
JOHNNY_IDLE: Anyway, I should be alone right now.
JOHNNY_IDLE: Good night, {0}.
Johnny walks away from you and heads to the daybeds.
You head to the bedroom alone.
There is a frosty atmosphere as you step into the bedroom.
It seems like the rest of the Islanders are asleep, or at least pretending to be.
You’ll have to wait until tomorrow before you can sort things out.
You climb into bed, your mind racing about everything that just happened.
Until eventually tiredness creeps in and you drift off to sleep.
You wake up alone in your bed the following morning. The other Islanders begin to stir, and you can still sense tension in the air.
You hear whispers coming from Finn and Kat’s bed.
FINN_SAD: This is just wrong. How is {0} in this position?
KAT_SERIOUS: She admitted she was being sneaky.
FINN_SAD: I know. I can’t believe she said that.
KAT_SAD: Maybe she isn’t the person we think she is?
The rest of the Islanders emerge from their beds.
GABI_HAPPY: Another dramatic night in the villa.
DANA_SAD: I’d expect nothing less at this point.
LULU_IDLE: Morning, {0}. Are you okay?
Yes, I’m fine
PLAYER_IDLE: Yeah, I’m ok. It’s a new day. I’m sure I can get things sorted out quick enough.
LULU_IDLE: Yeah, hopefully this will all be resolved soon.
No, I’m not fine
PLAYER_SAD: I’m not great, to be honest.
LULU_SAD: Yeah, I understand. This is a bit of a tough situation to be in.
I don’t know how I feel
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m not sure. I’m a bit all over the place at this point.
LULU_IDLE: Well, hopefully today you can repair any damage that’s been caused.
SURESH_IDLE: This all seems unnecessary to me, {0}.
SURESH_IDLE: Whatever has happened, we should all just try and move on.
SURESH_IDLE: Clinging to stuff like that is never a good idea. I know that better than anyone.
GABI_SAD: Suresh might be right, guys. We should squash this beef.
FINN_SAD: Kat, come on. Let’s play nice.
KAT_SERIOUS: Play nice? I could be playing much rougher if I wanted.
KAT_SERIOUS: You still haven’t told me everything about how much {0} means to you.
FINN_EMBARRASSED: Kat, please, we can talk about that later.
KAT_SERIOUS: Yeah, and we defo will.
MEERA_HAPPY: Sounds like things aren’t ready to calm down just yet then?
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Meera, can we just...?
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: I don’t know, just, like, not make things worse.
MEERA_IDLE: Okay, if that’s what you want. Anything for you, Alfie.
GABI_IDLE: Where’s Nicolas?
GABI_IDLE: Where’s Johnny?
PLAYER_IDLE: He slept outside.
DANA_SAD: Probably for the best.
LULU_IDLE: So, while he isn’t here, why don’t you tell us what’s going on?
FINN_SAD: Yeah, {0}. Get it all out.
SURESH_IDLE: There’s no point waiting.
LULU_IDLE: So, what’s your side of the story, {0}?
Nicolas is a liar
PLAYER_ANGRY: Nicolas is lying. It was all his idea.
PLAYER_SAD: And even though I went along with it, I didn’t really want to cause any harm.
PLAYER_SAD: It was just a spur of the moment thing.
PLAYER_SAD: I didn’t expect things to be taken this far.
Nicolas believes he’s speaking the truth
PLAYER_SAD: Nicolas is just telling it how he saw it, I guess.
PLAYER_SAD: Maybe we just misunderstood each other?
PLAYER_IDLE: If he thinks he’s right, there’s not much I can do to change that.
PLAYER_SAD: Things have just gotten out of hand I suppose.
I just want to move on
PLAYER_SERIOUS: It doesn’t matter what my side of the story is. I want to move forward.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t want to spend my remaining time in the villa dealing with this nonsense.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t need to defend myself against a snake like Nicolas.
Johnny is a liar
PLAYER_ANGRY: Johnny is lying. It was all his idea.
PLAYER_SAD: And even though I went along with it, I didn’t really want to cause any harm.
PLAYER_SAD: It was just a spur of the moment thing.
PLAYER_SAD: I didn’t expect things to be taken this far.
Johnny believes he’s speaking the truth
PLAYER_SAD: Johnny is just telling it how he saw it, I guess.
PLAYER_SAD: Maybe we just misunderstood each other?
PLAYER_IDLE: If he thinks he’s right, there’s not much I can do to change that.
PLAYER_SAD: Things have just gotten out of hand I suppose.
I just want to move on
PLAYER_SERIOUS: It doesn’t matter what my side of the story is. I want to move forward.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t want to spend my remaining time in the villa dealing with this nonsense.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t need to defend myself against a snake like Johnny.
LULU_HAPPY: Well, I’m on your side anyway, {0}.
GABI_IDLE: Well, I don’t know about anybody else, but I need some coffee after all this.
The rest of the Islanders go to follow Gabi towards the door.
GABI_IDLE: Dana, you coming?
DANA_IDLE: I’ll meet you outside. I just need a quick chat with {0}.
GABI_SAD: Okay, see you in a bit.
Dana turns to you.
DANA_SAD: I can’t pretend that I’m not upset.
DANA_SAD: You know me better than anyone, and you know I take things to heart.
DANA_SAD: So, I’m not gonna be able to just pretend like nothing’s wrong.
DANA_SAD: It’s really hard seeing a close friend get involved in shady stuff.
DANA_SAD: It’s really thrown me off balance.
DANA_SERIOUS: Even though you've explained that he was lying.
DANA_SAD: Last night was a mess.
DANA_SAD: And I couldn't get my head around it all.
DANA_IDLE: But I’d really like to clear the air with you, before it’s too late.
DANA_IDLE: Will you come and have a proper chat with me about this mess?
*Yeah, let’s go and clear the air
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sure thing, Dana. Let’s talk this out.
DANA_IDLE: Great, let’s go out to the terrace.
No, I’ve got nothing to say
PLAYER_IDLE: No thanks, Dana. Let’s just move on.
DANA_IDLE: Are you sure? I feel like our friendship might need a bit of repairing.
*Okay, let’s talk this through
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Sure thing, Dana. Let’s talk this out.
DANA_IDLE: Great, let’s go out to the terrace.
I really don’t want to chat
PLAYER_IDLE: Seriously, Dana, I don’t feel the need to discuss this anymore.
DANA_SAD: Okay, no probs. I’m sure me and you will get back on track sooner or later.
Suddenly, Nicolas excitedly enters the bedroom.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Nicolas reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
NICOLAS_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Especially after all that hassle {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The hassle I caused?
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}, no time to talk.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Gotta practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
Suddenly, Johnny excitedly enters the bedroom.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are chatting about, but I got a text.
Johnny reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
JOHNNY_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Especially after all that drama {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The drama <i>I</i> caused?
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}, no time to talk.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Gotta go practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
DANA_IDLE: Well, {0}, we should probably get ready.
DANA_SAD: Hopefully our outfits won’t get ruined by too many pies.
DANA_IDLE: Besides, getting dressed up and being positive is always a good way to get past things.
DANA_IDLE: Who knows, maybe a bit of fun will bring the villa back together?
You and Dana head into the dressing room.
MEERA_IDLE: Well, I don’t know about anybody else, but I need some coffee after all this.
The other Islanders follow Meera out of the bedroom.
MEERA_IDLE: Alfie, you coming?
ALFIE_IDLE: I’ll meet you outside. I just need a quick chat with {0}.
MEERA_SURPRISED: Really? After everything last night?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Yes! We need to talk.
MEERA_SAD: Okay, see you in a bit then I guess.
Meera leaves the room.
ALFIE_SAD: I can’t pretend that I’m not upset.
ALFIE_SAD: You know me better than anyone, and you know I can be sensitive.
ALFIE_SAD: So, I’m not gonna be able to just pretend like nothing’s wrong.
ALFIE_SAD: It’s really hard seeing a close friend get involved in shady stuff.
ALFIE_SAD: It’s really thrown me off balance.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Even though you've explained that he was lying.
ALFIE_SAD: Last night was a mess.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: And I couldn't get my head around it all.
ALFIE_IDLE: But I’d really like to clear the air with you, before it’s too late.
ALFIE_IDLE: Will you come and have a proper chat with me about this mess?
*Yeah, let’s go and clear the air
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sure thing, Alfie. Let’s talk this out.
ALFIE_IDLE: Cool, let’s go out to the terrace.
No, I’ve got nothing to say
PLAYER_IDLE: No thanks, Alfie. Let’s just move on.
ALFIE_IDLE: Are you sure? I feel like our friendship might need a bit of repairing.
*Okay, let’s talk this through
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Sure thing, Alfie. Let’s talk this out.
ALFIE_IDLE: Cool, let’s go out to the terrace.
I really don’t want to chat
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t feel the need to discuss this anymore.
ALFIE_SAD: Okay, no probs. I’m sure me and you will get back on track sooner or later.
Suddenly, Nicolas excitedly enters the bedroom.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Nicolas reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
NICOLAS_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Especially after all that hassle {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The hassle <i>I</i> caused?
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Sorry, {0}, no time to talk.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Gotta go practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
Suddenly, Johnny excitedly enters the bedroom.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are chatting about, but I got a text.
Johnny reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
JOHNNY_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Especially after all that drama {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The drama <i>I</i> caused?
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Sorry, {0}, no time to talk.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Gotta go tell the others about this text.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: And practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way.
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, {0}, we should probably get dressed.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Hopefully our outfits won’t get ruined by too many pies.
ALFIE_IDLE: Besides, getting dressed up is always a good way to get past things.
ALFIE_IDLE: Who knows, maybe a bit of fun will bring the villa back together?
ALFIE_HAPPY: I’ll see you at the challenge area, {0}.
Alfie leaves the bedroom, and you make your way to the dressing room.
You step out onto the terrace with Dana. You both stand in slightly awkward silence for a moment.
DANA_SERIOUS: So, I guess we had to expect drama like this at some point.
DANA_SURPRISED: I’m just surprised that it involves you and not Kat!
DANA_SAD: I know a game of Never Have I Ever can be risky, but this is something else.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: I think I’d have preferred next level embarrassment to this.
DANA_SAD: Maybe it’s just me, I’m not great with conflict.
DANA_IDLE: What about you, {0}, are you bothered by all this?
Yeah, it’s bothered me
PLAYER_SAD: Of course I’m bothered. This is massively affecting my time here.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Nicolas has gone out of his way to try and mess with me.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Johnny has gone out of his way to try and mess with me.
DANA_ANGRY: Yeah, you explained he lied about all of this!
DANA_ANGRY: Makes my blood boil he'd do you dirty like this!
PLAYER_ANGRY: Yeah, mine too!
DANA_IDLE: Well, we both feel the same.
DANA_HAPPY: That means there’s some common ground between us at least.
No, I’m not bothered by any of this
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m really not fazed by any of this.
DANA_SAD: Really? I must be more sensitive than you then.
I’m not sure how I feel about it
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m unsure how I should feel about all of this.
DANA_HAPPY: Never have you ever been so confused.
PLAYER_IDLE: Something like that.
Dana looks out at the garden, it’s quiet. The others must be scattered separately around the villa.
DANA_SERIOUS: We shouldn’t let this affect our friendship.
DANA_IDLE: We’ve been through too much together already.
DANA_SAD: I don’t want to look back at this experience with regret.
DANA_SAD: Or think there’s any bad blood between us.
DANA_SERIOUS: I want us to always be on the same team.
DANA_SAD: What do you think, {0}?
DANA_SAD: Do you wanna settle all of this right now?
Yes, let’s settle this
PLAYER_HAPPY: I feel the same as you, Dana. We should always have each other’s backs.
DANA_HAPPY: I’m so glad you think that, {0}.
DANA_SERIOUS: First things first though, I think Nicolas deserves some of his own medicine.
DANA_SERIOUS: First things first though, I think Johnny deserves some of his own medicine.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Absolutely!
No, I’m fine leaving it as is
PLAYER_ANGRY: I don’t feel any real need to settle anything.
DANA_IDLE: Well, you must have a much harder heart than me.
DANA_SAD: I have to get all my emotions out in order to move on.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Seriously, Dana, it’s no biggie.
I can’t make up my mind right now
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m still not sure about my feelings.
DANA_SAD: Well, even if you’re not, I am.
DANA_IDLE: So, to be clear, as much as this whole thing upset me, I’ve still got your back.
PLAYER_IDLE: Okay, Dana.
You hear a distant text ping from somewhere inside the villa.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Somebody just got a text!
DANA_SAD: Oh no, not more drama.
You move to leave.
DANA_SAD: {0}? Before whatever happens next, I need to tell you something.
PLAYER_IDLE: What do you need to tell me, Dana?
Dana composes herself, fiddles with her hair, and takes a deep breath.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: I wasn’t going to ask you this.
DANA_SERIOUS: But that chat we had before the recoupling got me thinking again.
DANA_IDLE: I just want you to know.
DANA_HAPPY: If you ever feel like me and you could be more than friends…
DANA_EMBARRASSED: Well, I’d be up for that. The summer isn’t gonna last forever.
DANA_IDLE: And finishing my journey here with you would be a sweet way to end it.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What about Gabi?
DANA_EMBARRASSED: Gabi’s cool and things are going well.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: But I think she might have feelings for someone else.
DANA_IDLE: So, {0}, do you feel the same about me?
Yeah, I could be interested in you
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Sure thing, Dana. A lot of great relationships go from friends to something more.
DANA_HAPPY: Okay, wow. Maybe me and you are just a pair of late bloomers.
No, me and you isn’t a thing
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Dana, me and you, that just isn't gonna happen.
DANA_SAD: No worries, {0}, I understand.
DANA_IDLE: Hopefully I meet the right person before I leave then.
I still don’t know about us in that way
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m not sure, Dana, that’s a big ask.
DANA_IDLE: Well, at least I’ve told you now.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Let me think about it some more.
DANA_HAPPY: Take all the time you need.
You pause for a moment.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: There was one other thing.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Eddie spoke to me about you.
DANA_SERIOUS: What did Eddie have to say about me?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you were upset about how things were going with me and Suresh.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you didn’t know where your head was at.
DANA_ANGRY: Why was Eddie chatting about me behind my back?
DANA_ANGRY: How I’m feeling is nobody else’s business.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: But he also said that when you were coupled up with him, all you spoke about was me.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: Well, that’s an exaggeration.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: But there’s some truth to it, I guess.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He also said you were never that into Suresh too.
DANA_SURPRISED: He said that?
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: And also that you only wanted to get to know him to try to move away from me.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: I guess there’s some truth to that too.
Suddenly, Nicolas excitedly enters from the bedroom.
DANA_ANGRY: We’re having a private chat here.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Well, sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Nicolas reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
NICOLAS_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Especially after all that hassle {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The hassle I caused?
DANA_ANGRY: {0} explained that you're the one who caused all this.
NICOLAS_SURPRISED: I wouldn't believe everything she tells you, Dana.
DANA_SERIOUS: I believe her over you!
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Sorry, no time to talk.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Gotta practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
Suddenly, Johnny excitedly enters from the bedroom.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are chatting about, but I got a text.
Johnny reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
JOHNNY_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Especially after all that drama {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The drama I caused?
DANA_ANGRY: {0} explained that you're the one who caused all this.
JOHNNY_SURPRISED: I wouldn't believe everything she tells you, Dana.
DANA_SERIOUS: I believe her over you!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Sorry, no time to talk!
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Gotta go practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
DANA_IDLE: Well, {0}, we should probably get ready.
DANA_SAD: Hopefully our outfits won’t get ruined by too many pies.
DANA_IDLE: Besides, getting all dressed up is always a good way to get past things.
DANA_IDLE: Who knows, maybe a bit of fun will bring the villa back together?
You and Dana head into the dressing room.
You step out onto the terrace with Alfie. You both stand in a slightly awkward silence for a moment.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: So, I guess we had to expect drama like this at some point.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: I’m just surprised that it involves you and not Kat!
ALFIE_SAD: I know a game of Never Have I Ever can cause trouble, but, my days!
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: I think I’d have preferred next level embarrassment to this.
ALFIE_SAD: Maybe it’s just me, I’m not great with conflict.
ALFIE_IDLE: What about you, {0}, are you bothered by all this?
Yeah, it’s bothered me
PLAYER_SAD: Of course I’m bothered. This is massively affecting my time here.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Nicolas has gone out of his way to try and mess with me.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Johnny has gone out of his way to try and mess with me.
ALFIE_ANGRY: Yeah, you explained he lied about all of this!
ALFIE_ANGRY: Makes my blood boil he'd do you dirty like this!
PLAYER_ANGRY: Yeah, mine too!
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, we both feel the same.
ALFIE_IDLE: That means there’s some common ground between us at least.
No, I’m not bothered by any of this
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m really not fazed by any of this.
ALFIE_SAD: Well, I suppose I am more sensitive than you.
I’m not sure how I feel about it
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m unsure how I should feel about all of this.
ALFIE_IDLE: Never have you ever been so confused.
PLAYER_IDLE: Something like that.
Alfie looks out at the garden, it’s quiet. The other Islanders must be scattered separately around the villa.
ALFIE_IDLE: We shouldn’t let this affect our friendship.
ALFIE_IDLE: We’ve been through too much together already.
ALFIE_IDLE: I don’t want to look back at this experience with regret.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Or think that there’s any bad blood between us.
ALFIE_IDLE: I want us to always be on the same team.
ALFIE_IDLE: And, I know that me and Meera have been a big thing in here.
ALFIE_IDLE: But, that doesn’t mean that me and you can’t be close still.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: What do you think, {0}?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Do you wanna settle all of this right now?
Yes, let’s settle this
PLAYER_HAPPY: I feel the same as you, Alfie. We should always have each other’s backs.
ALFIE_HAPPY: I’m so glad you think that, {0}.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: First things first though, I think Nicolas deserves some of his own medicine.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: First things first though, I think Johnny deserves some of his own medicine.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Absolutely!
No, I’m fine leaving it as is
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t feel any real need to settle anything.
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, you must have a much harder heart than me.
ALFIE_SAD: I have to get all my emotions out in order to move on.
PLAYER_IDLE: Seriously, Alfie, it’s no biggie.
I can’t make up my mind right now
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m still not sure about my feelings.
ALFIE_SAD: Well, even if you’re not, I am.
ALFIE_IDLE: So, to be clear, as much as this whole thing upset me, I’ve still got your back.
PLAYER_IDLE: Okay, Alfie.
You hear a distant text ping from somewhere inside the villa.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Somebody just got a text!
ALFIE_SURPRISED: Oh no, there might be more drama heading our way.
You move to leave.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: {0}? Before whatever happens next, I need to tell you something.
PLAYER_IDLE: What do you need to tell me, Alfie?
Alfie composes himself, scratches the top of his head, and takes a deep breath.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Well, when I came back with Meera and you’d decided to stick with me…
ALFIE_SAD: Well, I felt awful. I still do. Especially now you’re in all this drama.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I understand if you feel different now, since I came back with Meera and all.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: But if you still feel the same, and, you know, erm…
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Say what you’ve got to say, Alfie.
ALFIE_IDLE: If you ever feel like me and you could be more than friends…
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Well, I could be up for that. The summer isn’t gonna last forever.
ALFIE_IDLE: And finishing my journey here with you could be a sweet way to end it.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What about Meera?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Meera’s great and it’s going well between us.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: But there’s something that feels a bit deeper between me and you.
ALFIE_IDLE: So, {0}, do you feel the same maybe?
Yeah, I could be interested in you
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Sure thing, Alfie. A lot of great relationships go from friends to something more.
ALFIE_HAPPY: Okay, wow. Maybe me and you are just a pair of late bloomers.
No, me and you isn’t a thing
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Alfie, me and you, that just isn't gonna happen.
ALFIE_SAD: No worries, {0}, maybe Meera is the right girl for me anyway.
I still don’t know about us in that way
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not sure, Alfie, that’s a big ask.
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, at least I’ve told you now.
You pause for a moment.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: There was one other thing.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Eddie spoke to me about you.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: What did he say about me?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: When he was saying his goodbyes, he mentioned something about you.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: What did he say?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you and Finn were secretly talking about me.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that he overheard you chatting about my baggage.
ALFIE_ANGRY: Baggage? Why was Eddie chatting about me behind my back?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: How I’m feeling is nobody else’s business.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you were talking about the engagement ring that came up during Excess Baggage.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you were chatting about a big question.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: A big question?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He also said that you told him not to mention things to Meera.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Well, he’s obviously talking nonsense.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said you still have feelings for me.
Alfie takes a breath, like he wants to say more.
Suddenly, Nicolas excitedly enters from the bedroom.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Nicolas reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
NICOLAS_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Especially after all that hassle {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The hassle I caused?
ALFIE_ANGRY: {0} explained that you're the one who caused all this.
NICOLAS_SURPRISED: I wouldn't believe everything she tells you, Alfie mate.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I believe her over you!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Sorry, no time to talk.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Gotta go practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
Suddenly, Johnny excitedly enters from the bedroom.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Johnny reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
JOHNNY_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Especially after all that drama {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The drama I caused?
ALFIE_ANGRY: {0} explained that you're the one who caused all this.
JOHNNY_SURPRISED: I wouldn't believe everything she tells you, Alfie.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I believe her over you!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Sorry, no time to talk, gotta go tell the others about this text.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: And practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way.
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, {0}, we should probably get dressed.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Hopefully our outfits won’t get ruined by too many pies.
ALFIE_IDLE: Besides, getting all dressed up is always a good way to get past things.
ALFIE_IDLE: Who knows, maybe a bit of fun will bring the villa back together?
ALFIE_HAPPY: I’ll see you at the challenge area, {0}.
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Daniel the difference between Mr. Miyagi teaching you all these things and you teaching Robby is that it was also just those two and no money involved. To Robby, you're employee in a big staff, you're micromanaging the heck out of him.
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Like I dunno, I'd legit hate that if he didn't explain what it was first, especially after the workplace bullying from Louie and Anoush. It'd feel super targeted that everything I did was wrong and the boss was correcting only me.
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Like the stapler one in Amanda's office is just...hilarious. Robby's the only one to get sneaky Miyagi training at LaRusso Auto and probably because Amanda said omg no you're micromanaging the kid and we're going to get complaints.
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Daniel's waited 30 years to get a chance to trick a kid into learning karate via chores. But also Robby is right.
I do love Robby's surprised woah
I also truly love Johnny sort of talking to himself and his students going "yes sensei!" on the worst things. Like it's maybe my favorite running joke of we've got a room full of flincers, yes sensei. are you losers, yes sensei. Like guys no.
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I thought the all-valley was missing. I forgot they moved the date from December to May. Because I was like we've already hit the subtle Christmas decorations at the Diaz house.
Eli lost a tooth when Aisha hit him. He was the only student to go down and get a whole bunch of worried groans from the group.
Robby's friend shaved off his mustache after Johnny teased him about it.
I wonder how much Robby is making. He's not going to school so he's going to be held back a year right? And his mom isn't...working right? So is Robby the only one paying the bills? Surely he's making enough to keep the lights on? Even though it's not his job or responsibility to do so.
His 'friends' threaten to hurt him the way they did some kid in Ventura....some friends of his.
Hawk's tatoo...14 hours, it's new but doesn't look pink at all or...new.
Sam likes chocolates and astronomy.
The life time ban...Johnny...did you ever think that maybe that meant someone saw what Kreese did to you and banned the dojo? That it's not due to current issues? (I mean it's fully because of Terry and Kreese and Mike Barnes, but the fact he didn't jump to hey how long is that ban enacted and why? But instead just assumed it was his current issue I suppose because of Daniel...)
Miguel giving Johnny a pep talk and then being like oops I wound him up too much he's going to go fight the all-valley committee not talk to them.
Daniel keeps a pair of bonsai scissors in his suit pocket.
They should've had Sam help Miguel with minigolf like Ali did for Daniel in TKK1.
last year the people who came to the all-valley got food poisoning from corn dogs.
The all-valley committee is talking about the 1985 fight from Tkk3 but they're passing around photos from Johnny's fight with Daniel.
From an outside perspective Daniel was being rude. The committee doesn't know that Kreese previously faked his death. Which I feel like Daniel should've mentioned.
Johnny is out here speaking the truth again and not being believed...
The adults are in Pride and Prejudice the kids are in Romeo and Juliet.
I love "sensei sam" having a good date after all the awful things Kyler and the kids put her through.
Miguel and Johnny's whose the man is so sweet.
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hansensgirl · 2 years
‧₊˚. ʚɞ 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
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summary! — ‘he looked out the window, only to be greeted by the sight of you on your knees and your dear friend, Jake, bobbing your head up and down.’— he can be my mister—yum!
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warnings! — smut, friends-with-benefits relationship, oral (male receiving), Daddy kink, dirty talk, praise, degradation, public sex (in a backyard), exhibitionism, it’s all consented don’t worry, voyeurism, begging, size kink (cock), pet name (princess, baby), cock worship, teabagging/balls x mouth stuff, allusions/mentions to oral (f receiving) + male masturbation, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
pairings! — friend-with-benefits!Jake Jensen x friend-with-benefits!fem!reader, silver-fox!Johnny Storm x fem!reader
word count! — 1.5k
author’s note! — set in the he can be my mister—yum! universe. please read it to have a better understanding of this one. this is a prequel. yes, jake consented to this. johnny just watches in this fic. this is also a gift for the lovely @jakeysangel! thank you so so so much for everything baby!! ilysm!! happy birthday!! have the most adorabubble day ever!! i know jake would want you to. not beta'd, therefore all mistakes are mine. MINORS DNI! 18+ ONLY!
taglist — @hansensfics
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“Whatcha doin’ there, princess? You’re gonna hurt your knees,” Jake coos, gaze following you to the ground. You smile at him, but it’s more naughty than endearing. 
When the realisation hits the blond, his face turns a pink colour. His ears are rosy, too. 
Your hands grip the waistband of his brown shorts. “Don’t care, Daddy. Just want you…” you whisper, and you lean back against the half-opened sliding door. Jake reaches down and gently grabs you, checking for any harsh imprints on your skin before nudging you further outside. “Well, you’ve got me.”
He pulls you towards a chair he bought you a few months ago. Jake loves spending time in your backyard, and when he discovered you didn’t have a proper chair out there, he took matters into his own hands. 
The black chair is woven with a material that is soft once enough weight is put on it. The texture is satisfying when you run your hands against the arms and your heels on the bottom. 
You spin him around, gently nudging him into the chair, and he smirks up at you when he sits. Jake’s eyes twinkle in the dark from the lamps he set up for you. “You’re so pretty, Daddy,” you hum, sinking back down to your knees again. When you feel cotton, you gasp.
Looking down, you see the towel you had used earlier today and left it out to dry. Sneaky. “And you’re too good to me.” Jake smiles bashfully before sucking in a sharp when you run your hands up to his thighs. “Such a sweet thing, aren’t you? You gonna make Daddy feel good, baby?” he questions, unbuttoning his shorts for you.
“Uh-huh… I’m gonna make you feel so good, Daddy,” you tell him, your cunt clenching at the thought of what you’re about to do. You love Jake’s cock. It’s flawless—and so is he. “Yeah, you are. C’mon, come and get it, princess,” he urges, voice lower than it usually is.
He pulls down his boxers and pants simultaneously, leaving them tangled at his feet before you tug at them. He chuckles at your insistence, though he does what you demand. You move his clothes to the side and then look back up.
Jake has his hard cock gripped in his right hand. He holds himself in a fist and curses at the tiny bit of touch. He’s aching, and you’re at fault. You’ve been teasing him nonstop, wearing a short dress and sitting on his lap, grinding and pretending you’re not doing anything. 
At his full glory, Jake is as intimidating as he is impressive. His length is enough to frighten you, while his girth isn’t all that bad. His balls are heavy, and he’s a reddish-tan colour, with a patch of trimmed hair at the base. His mushroom tip leaks with pre-cum, and you’re eager to lap it up.
Without warning, you drag your tongue and catch the beads, making Jake groan. Your mouth envelopes the crown, and your wet muscle digs into the sensitive slit. “Fucking hell, princess. That mouth of yours is perfect, isn’t it? Just like the rest of you,” he husks, his other hand finding a home on the back of your head. 
Your best friend moves his fist and places it underneath his left thigh, spreading his legs further. Slowly, and when you give him the cue, he pushes you further down his cock. Your warm mouth welcomes him without hesitation until he hits the back of your throat, making you gag.  
“Breathe through your nose, baby. You’re okay. You can do it,” he soothes, keeping you there until you give him a thumbs up. Jake begins to bob your head up and down, treating you gently yet as if you’re a fleshlight. “There you go. Good girl,” he hums, cursing under his breath.
Saliva causes his cock to glisten, making your movements much smoother. You hollow your cheeks out, and he moans loudly, adoring the sensation of your skin gliding on his. His musky taste fills your senses, and you realize how much you’ve missed it. 
Once you cheer yourself on in your head, you make the jump. You take more of Jake’s cock into your mouth, pushing past your reflex and letting him claim your throat. Eventually, your nose nuzzles the faded pubes at his pelvis, and Jake is loud enough for a curious neighbour to hear.
He holds you there for a few seconds, revelling in how good your mouth feels wrapped around his cock. The veins on the side of his lengthiness throb against your tongue.
Suddenly, he lets go, and you slide him out of your mouth to catch your breath.
“Are you alright, princess? You’re doing so good for me. You’re such a good girl,” Jake coos, taking note of your teary eyes and tired expression. You smile at his praise and are eager to continue pleasing him. Jake lets you, guiding you back towards his cock and easing you down his girth.
Your mouth stretches around him, and you begin to move your head back and forth, gliding your wet warmth along his member. “Holy fuck, princess… You’re such a good little cocksucker, hm? I bet those panties are soaked by now,” Jake says, and your flit your eyes to look at him.
A gleam of mischievousness sparkles, and he nods his head. “Dirty girl. You’re not wearing any panties, hm? You’re such a needy little slut, baby. You’re just begging to be stuffed full of this dick all the time,” he spews, becoming more talkative and filthy. 
Layers of a shy, sweet Jakey peel back, and a mildly darker, more sadistic version is revealed. He’s always like this when he’s in that mood around little ole you. 
You hum around his cock, sending vibrations that make him moan loudly. Your friend takes a moment to compose himself before he places both hands on each side of your head. His reign of control resumes as he bobs your head up and down for you, using your mouth to please himself—just as you like.
Tears sting your eyes, but you don’t mind. The intrusion is something your cunt has gotten used to, but your throat still hasn’t. Gags and moans fill the air, and the pace picks up before Jake slows to a stop.
“Fuck– Wait, baby, suck my balls—I know how much you love them,” he tells you, and you pull your mouth off his cock almost immediately. Jake lowers your head to his heavy balls and urges you to play with them. 
As soon as you run your tongue on his sacks and toy with him as he likes, he swears louder than ever. “Shit! You’re such a nasty little whore, hm? Doing whatever I tell you to just because you wanna please me. Yeah, get it there. Makin’ Daddy feel so damn good…” Jake grunts. 
You grow more eager with your actions. With your mouth, you pull at his balls gently and lick at them, too. Your dominant hand comes up and cups the one you aren’t entirely occupied with before switching. Jake slowly strokes his cock above you, Adam’s apple bobbing and his skin covered in sweat. 
Looking up, you make eye contact with your dearest fun. His jaw is slacked just a bit, and his eyebrows are pinched slightly. “Princess, ‘m gonna come,” he quietly warns, and you lick from his balls to his mushroom crown almost teasingly. You wrap your lips around his tip and sink down, returning to your original ministrations.
You bounce your head up and down, even when you feel Jake’s cock twitch against your tongue. You still watch him, or at least he thinks.
Past his head and higher up, you see a silhouette in a window. The large stature is one you recognize all too well. Your thighs press together as your core thrums with your realisation. Johnny—Mr. Storm—is watching you. 
A hint of brattiness comes to the surface, and without thinking, you wink at him.
Only a few seconds later, Jake tells you he’s coming. You return your gaze to him and give your friend those pleading eyes he adores. “Fucking hell…” he groans, holding your head still as he hits his climax. 
Ropes of cum shoot down your throat, a salty taste coating your tongue, and you drink it all up. “Good girl, such a good fucking girl for Daddy,” Jake says through his pants, and you smile while sucking lightly until he hisses from overstimulation. 
When you pull off and wipe your wet lips, you look back to Johnny’s home. The lights are off, but the curtain is still parted. You assume he left in urgency, and the potential reason is utterly debauched. 
One of Jake’s large hands cups your face, bringing you close to him before kissing you gently. He eventually pulls away and looks at you with darkened eyes. 
“How about I return the favour, princess? It’s been too long since I tasted that sweet pussy of yours.” 
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Robby Keene X Reader *SMUT*
Warnings: FILTHY SMUT! Choking! Rope! Just FILTHY! Season 3 Robby!
Here’s a edit to go with the one-shot pretty much! Made by me!
Birthday Wish
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  Your birthday was coming soon, well in less than a couple hours. You weren't to happy to say the least, for some reason you never liked your birthday. You didn't know why but it was just I guess a normal thing for you.
  Not many people knew when your birthday, the only people that knew were Miguel which is your best friend since birth, Johnny, and you're parents.
  Even Robby your lovely boyfriend didn't know, you just didn't feel it were to important. Johnny found out when your birthday was by accident from Miguel as he had slipped it out.
  You obviously couldn't stay mad at Miguel so when he apologized you let it go. Anyways, it was just another day at school with boring students and boring teachers. But thankfully it was lunchtime so no annoying work or teachers for 45 minutes.
  You sat at a table with Miguel, Hawk, Demetri, and your boyfriend Robby. Both Hawk and Demetri left for some project due that Hawk kept complaining about; saying it was nerd sh*t.
  You picked at your dry frys on your plate until Miguel struck up a conversation "hey Y/n what are you planning on doing for your birthday in a few hours?" He questions interested.
  You look towards Miguel "nothing, I'm pro happy just going to sleep and eat" You say bluntly until Robby buts in.
  "Wait, babe it's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me?" He questions confused, as he furrows his brows together.
  You look at Robby "what? It's not a big deal. I don't worry with it anyways" you say honestly.
  "Baby it's your birthday, it's a big deal, at least to me... well now anyways" Robby states honestly.
  He looks around for a bit before biting his bottom lip and pressing his lips to your in a quick kiss before getting up "where are you going?" You question as he walks to the exit discreetly.
  "You'll see when I pick you up later!" He says as he walks out of the exit back door.
  You turn back confused to Miguel "did he just leave in the middle of lunch?" You question awestruck.
  "I think so..." Miguel says also awestruck.
  You giggle to yourself slightly as you continue lunch. The time went to pretty slowly, without Robby here it wasn't interesting nor was it fun.
  Soon after what felt like a life time the bell ring indicating for the students to leave, you happily leaped out of your seat and headed towards your car only to be greeted with Robby holding a huge bear that sat on the hood of your car as you walked towards him.
  "What's this for?" You question.
  Robby smirks "this is part of your preset for today" he says as he picks it up and hands it to you.
  "He's all yours" He says crossing his arms with the same smirk on his face as he watched your facial expressions.
  You smile brightly "Robby I love him! Can we name him Snuffles?" You question excitedly.
  Robby chuckles "he's yours princess, you can name him whatever you wish. But Snuffles is cute" He puts in.
  "Thank you baby" You smile bashfully as you sit the bear back on the hood of the car to press a kiss against Robby's lips.
  He smiles at the gesture as he leads you to the passengers side with your bear of course, he opens the door for you and closes it once you enter.
  He runs to the passenger side and slides in, he pulls your keys out of his pocket showing them to you with a smirk on his lips you gasp "you sneaky b*tch" you giggle.
  He chuckles and cranks the car up, arriving at your destination a few moments later.
  Robby gets out of the car, walks over to your side and opens the door for you as you hold the bear in one hand getting out.
  "Alright so I want you to put this on" He says taking a blind fold out of the back of his pocket before gently tying it around your head, covering your eyes.
  He grabs your waist and leads you into your house, up the stairs and to your room. Your parents weren't home and seeing as you told them you didn't like your birthday they accepted your wishes and let it go: plus they were working late which really worked out.
  Robby closed the door behind him and runs over to the curtains dimming them a little with a red blanket to illuminate the color red.
  He grabs the bear from your hands and sets it in your office chair at your desk, he places one hand on your neck and one hand on your cheek pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
  Slowly he pulls away, letting your lips linger slightly. He moves one hand from your cheek, keeping the other on your neck gently and wraps his hand in a piece of your hair before pulling it gently and placing another heated kiss to your lips causing you to let out a breathy but desperate moan.
  "What's all of this?" You question breathlessly as he pulls away from the kiss.
  "This is your birthday present silly" He smirks as he tugs the blind fold off letting you see the room.
  The bed being covers in roses, a small bag on the side of the bed and the light from the sun illuminating off of the red blanket making a red effect setting the mood more.
  Robby lifts your chin up with his pointer finger "now be a good girl and lay on the bed for me" He says sweetly, but dominating at the same time causing your breath to hitch.
  You kick your shoes off and climb onto the bed, Robby walks over to you and climbs onto the bed pushing some roses out of the way as you lay down completely.
  "You're so beautiful" He smiles, running a finger down your face stopping at your bottom lip tugging it down a little.
  He presses small kisses to your neck making sure to breathe on your neck a little causing goosebumps to arise on your skin.
  He trails kissed along your neck, the middle of your breasts, until he reaches your stomach lifting your shirt slightly.
  He trails his eyes back up to meet your turned on ones, "can I remove these?" Robby asks tugging on your jeans.
  You nod your head to in the moment "yes please" You mumble slightly causing him to smile as he unbuttons the buttons and starts tugging them down.
  He pulls them all the way off and throws them on the ground, placing both of his hands on your hips he places a kiss on your covered core.
  You moan slightly at the little amount friction causing Robby to smirk as he tugs on your underwear pulling them all the way off.
  You felt your skin getting hot and started to pant so you pull off your shirt and tank top to reveal your black bra.
  "So beautiful" Robby hums as he places a kiss on your clit slightly.
  Finally he decides to stop the torture and flick his tongue against your clit a few times while maintaining eye contact.
  "Oh my-" You moan obviously aroused by his actions.
  Robby swirls his tongue against your clit a few times before sucking slowly causing you to arch your back.
  You run your hands through his now shortish but still long hair as he continues to suck and nibble gently at your clit.
  Your hips start rocking back and forth against his mouth causing him to smirk as he hooks one arm around your waist while he runs his middle finger teasing your pussy as he slowly enters his middle finger causing you to moan.
  "Robby..." You whine out as he continues to flick his tongue against your clit not holding back on the assault.
  He maintains eyes contact as he pulls at your clit sucking firmer causing your high to spark. "Oh~" You whimper as your hips rock faster against his mouth indicating that you were getting closer.
  He slips in his ring finger which actually had a ring on it, the cold metal causing your to jump but moan as well, he had no idea how hot he could be.
  "F*ck!" You yell as both of your hands go to gripping the sheets as you rock your hips more against his tongue that laps circles around your clit not missing a spot.
  "I'm gonna cu-" You barley have time to make out as your high over flows you causing you to cum on Robbys lips and tongue.
  He rides out your high but doesn't stop causing your hips to jerk, being overstimulated "Robby I-I" You try to get out but overstimulation stops you from doing so.
  He replaces his mouth with his thumb finger rubbing circles viciously "I'm not stopping until you cum on my tongue again" He moans replacing his thumb with his lips.
  "Oahu~" you whimper out as you were sensitive.
  He pushes his fingers in your core hitting your G-spot causing you to moan "you're so wet for me Y/n, look at you got my fingers all drenched in your cum-" Robby says seductively as he continues to suck on your clit.
  You throw your head back at the dirty talk which always made you cave, "you're doing so good- does that feel good princess?" He hums keeping eye contact as he thrusts his fingers in and out harder while sucking on your clit.
  "Oh my yes! Robby amazing!" You try to form a correct sentence.
  You felt every lick, nibble and suck aware of every touch as your body was on high alert it didn't take long for you to cum again seeing as he didn't stop once after your first.
  Once you came for the second time Robby licked and swallowed every bit moaning at your taste "you taste delightful" He smirks as he sucks off his two fingers.
  He crawls back to you pressing his lips against yours and wrapping his hand gently around your throat, kissing you with full passion as you taste yourself on his tongue.
  He parts the kiss only to press more into your neck sucking slightly, creating small hickeys all over your neck and breasts.
  You flip Robby over which surprisingly he lets you do as you tug off his shirt to reveal his toned body, you press small kisses all over his neck moving down to his stomach as you go to unbuckle his pants, ready to go down on him but he stops you.
  You look up at him with doe eyes as he grabbed your hand "no princess today is all about you" Robby says as he flips you back over.
  You nod gently as he gets on his knees and tugs off his pants along with his boxers throwing them off the bed.
  His hard on slaps against his stomach causing your eyes to widen, for you to have not gotten to give him any friction he sure was hard-.
  Robby grabs your thighs parting them as he sets himself in the middle rubbing his cock along your swollen clit causing you to moan.
  He places the tip of his cock at your entrance but looks at you for confrontation, you nod your head fast "please- I want your cock" You whimper, being turned on completely changed your care button.
  Robby smirks slightly at this as he slowly slides his cock into your pussy, whimper slightly as he feels your tight walls caving in on his cock.
  "F*ck you're so tight-" He praises as he rubs your thighs staying still but moving slightly so he wouldn't hurt you.
  "Oh my-" Your eyes roll back into your head at the pleasure of how his cock stretches you out.
  Robby continues with a slow and sweet pace, you rock your hips against his cock tired of the slow pace "faster please" You whimper out.
  Robby smirks and grabs the bag that was on your table opening it and pulling out a rope, your eyes widen as he tilts his head asking if it was okay to which you nod, your eyes shinning as you were excited.
  He grabs both of your hands and ties them together before tying them to the bed post, Robby grips your hips and slams his cock into your pussy causing you to moan loudly as you tug on the rope it not even budging.
  Your mouth opens wide as your eyes roll back as he lifts up your hips and repeatedly slams his cock into your pussy hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
"Robby!-" you moan you as his cock continues to hit all the right angles.
His pace never slows, in fact he goes even faster and deeper with each thrust that you didn’t even know was possible. The bed post hitting the wall furiously as he continues to hit your sweet spot.
"Yeah? Does that feel good~?" He asks breathlessly as sweat starts running down your body’s.
You nod your head furiously not being able to speak, adding more pleasure Robby rubs your clit with the pads of his thumb: his thumb ring rubbing against your clit causing you to arch your back.
You felt even more overstimulated as you tried to squirm your way out, but it was nearly impossible with both his tight grip and the rope holding you back.
Robby grabs the top of your bra and flips it over as he continues his vigorous thrusts, both your breasts being exposed causing you to moan as Robby flicks the perky bud with his other thumb.
His cock continues to stretch you out as he hits your g-spot repeatedly, his left hand wraps around your throat slightly as he continues to pound you into another dimension.
Robby’s cock begins to twitch inside you indicating that he was close, as your walls continue to pulsate around him indicating that you were also close.
"Robby~ I’m so close~" You whimper simultaneously rolling your hips against his cock that continues to f*ck you until your shaking.
"Yeah?~ be a good girl and cum on my cock for me yeah~" Robby says seductively as his cock thrusts into you faster which you thought was impossible by now.
Robby’s hips started to burn as his cock started to twitch, the tip burning with anticipation as you finally cum around his cock at his words, your eyes closed shut as your mouth falls open small moans falling out.
Robby thrusts slow as he lets you ride out your high as much as he could before pulling out and cumming on your pussy slowly rubbing his cock against your sensitive bud initiating his high more.
Both of you take a breather as he sucks off his thumb that was soaked with your juices keeping eye contact as he moans against his finger- addicted to your intoxicating taste.
You practically melt at that action, as Robby gently undoes the knot releasing your hands. He throws it to the side and bends down connecting his lips onto yours.
His cock resting on your numb pussy as he does so, you moan into the kiss running your hand through his soft locks. Soon you both pull away catching your breaths.
"Gosh Robby that was amazing" You simp.
Robby smirks as he rests his head on your chest pressing a small kiss to your breasts "I’m glad you liked it"
"Liked it? Robby I loved it~" You chuckle slightly.
"Good because I bought us dinner as well" He smiles softly.
Don’t you just love a man that can blow your back out and feed you after?
This requested by @peachymelon69 for her birthday! Happy birthday!!!
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clownsgobeepbeep · 3 years
What strengths do you feel your finalists have?
Mary: Is annoying! She's fantastic at juking and looping, she makes slashers break their freaking ankles. She's speedy and can be sneaky. She's also great at technology, so she is a bit good when it comes to hacking and such(but not as great as Johnny). Her charimas also seems to help, it's contagious and she tries to remain positive and help others. A bit of a fighter but it's mainly running around for her.
Sato: She's strong, a fighter and is smart when it comes to technology. She may not be the best at speed but she can put up a fight. When it's not fighting she's doing, she can build or repair things really well, the girl does have her own mechanic shop after all.
Cora: Not the best at being chased, but she is extremely sneaky; it's blending in the shadows for her. Not a fighter really but if she has a weapon, she could easily sneak up behind a killer. She can maintain her composure really well so she can escape being caught. When not doing that, she's great at healing. She studied botany and biology in college so she's fantastic at healing. Also, she does some witchy stuff hehe.
Felix: Big ol survivor grandpa...he's great at fighting. I wouldn't doubt it if he knocked out a slasher with a punch to the face. But yes he's a fighter and since he's in great shape, he's really good at running the killers around(so he's also a good distraction I guess). Felix also does have some witchcraft knowledge so there's a bit of that too.
Joey: The B a b y s i t t e r . Joey is very altruistic, he's great when it comes to looping and juking killers. I guess you could say he and Mary are similar to each other. However, Joey is also a fighter. He takes care of everybody whether it be taking the killer's attention away or healing them up(he's not as good as Cora but he's an eldest sibling). He's very resilient, can take several beatings.
Diana: Hippokrates! Her kitty is her special ability I guess. She's not the best at running or fighting, but she is resourceful I think. I still have to develop her some more. But back to Hippo, the cat is undead and takes hits for her as well as other finalists(I feel that the nine lives is the typical amount but it could increase if the numbere of finalisst increases). Hippokrates finds items for her and others of course, will hold onto things. I feel an ability she has is communication, and it's especially thanks to Hippo.
Danny: I have yet to develop her some more but I am basing them off of Sara Connor just a bit, in the second Terminator movie. They've dealt with a lot of shit and after the events with Audrey they developed a rough exterior, so I know that they are at least a fighter. Not super strong but does not go down easily, they are very resilient.
Ron: Need to develop him more too but I can say the man is an ex-cop, so you know that he's had some training at least. He's a big guy too like Felix and he fights. That's what I got for him at the moment.
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soniabigcheese · 3 years
Ooo now that i know how this works, can i request 'Tears of fear' wee john? 💌
Thank you for the ask and here you go
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Fanbase: Thunderbirds Are Go Characters: John Tracy, Lucille Tracy Genre: a LOT of whump and bullying
Hero and Villain Puzzle Box
Sorry if it takes a while to get to the point but I promise you I will get there
John had always been a shy kid, preferring to bury his nose into his beloved books than draw attention to himself, unlike his big brother Scott. However, because of his bright copper hair, that was always the first thing everyone noticed.
And because of his quiet, reserved nature, he was also a target for bullies. They were sneaky and always waited until Scott was otherwise distracted before pouncing.
Their favourite tactic was to cause a fight and have the hot headed, overly protective big brother sent to the principal's office. Once there, there was nothing Scott could do, as he waited for his undeserved punishment.
So, for the umpteenth time, Lucy was faced with a tearful John, clothes torn and pages ripped out of his books, sometimes sporting a black eye. More often than not, a haunted, defeated expression on his face.
And each time, she gave him a gentle hug, dabbed his face with a cold towel and helped to repair his books.
"You know Johnny," she said one day, "you really need to stick up for yourself. Scott won't be there to defend you all the time. He'll be moving up to the big school soon."
"I know mom," he whispered, his eyes downcast, "I'm sorry."
This went on for a while and Lucy became increasingly worried that her beautiful son would lose that sparkle he once had. In between dealing with feisty Gordon suffering from croup and Alan almost due, she was at her wits end.
Then she had an idea that found her digging through dusty boxes in the attic and Jeff wondering if this latest pregnancy had finally driven her around the bend.
Triumphantly, she held aloft a small item that she'd had in her possession from when she was a small child herself. It was a silly old puzzle box that had seen better days.
Sitting at the table, she waited for John's return, holding her breath for whatever state he would arrive in.
Thankfully there wasn't much bodily damage, just more torn clothes and ripped up books. His bag was dripping, where they'd squeezed a bottle of detergent into it, thus destroying all his schoolwork.
At least she'd arranged to have his schoolwork advanced to their computer so that it wasn't completely lost.
He dropped into his seat and scowled.
"I hate this school," he announced, tipping the ruined contents of his bag onto the floor.
"Oh honey," she exclaimed, cringing at the mess he was making but deciding that he was more important than a messy floor, "you're doing so well with your studies. Moving might set you back a little bit."
Yes, she realised that this was the wrong approach and it would be so much easier to have him transferred. But the nearest school was too far away and that meant a good hour or so drive, even with the school bus.
Oh sure, they could home school him, but where would that leave them? Home schooling the rest. And they needed that social aspect in their lives. Hiding away would only give the bullies the upper hand.
Anyways, she pulled this trinket from her pocket and handed it to him.
"You know what this is?"
He took it ever so gently and turned it around in his fingers, inspecting every inch of it.
"It's an old puzzle box." "That's right, I called it my Hero and Villain box."
He looked confused, so she took it from him and showed him the tiny little clip that opened it.
"You see," she began, "I was shy like you."
His eyebrows shot up.
"Oh yes," she continued, "I was also bullied too. Had my hair pulled, called names, books destroyed etc. They never found out who they were nor were they caught. But ... my grandpa gave me this box and told me what I'm telling you now."
She pushed the clip and a lid slid back.
"When I got too scared, I would sneakily pop this open," she winked and nudged him with her elbow, "we weren't supposed to have anything in class but I had it hidden in my pocket. Anyways, I'd open this and pretend that it was a cage to trap the villains in ... and let the hero out."
Eyes wide as saucers, John was astonished and intrigued at this revelation from his mom.
"Did it work?"
"Sometimes it did. It takes a little getting used to. But yeah, it helped me out. Just make sure that you keep it safe."
She handed it back, folding his fingers over it and planting a watery kiss on his cheek.
"Now, how about helping me with dinner okay? You can peel the potatoes, whilst we figure out how to keep this trinket hidden, right?"
She took the old bag and inspected it with a frown. It had definitely seen better days and, not only were the pockets torn, there were holes big enough for this puzzle to fall out.
So, after dinner and whilst helping John with his homework, she took one of Scott's old sports bag and started to stitch a hidden pocket inside. There, she slipped the puzzle inside and winked at John.
"There ... " she whispered, "... its nicely hidden away now. Just remember to keep it safe and think of me and Heroes and Villains.
The next day, in a lighter mood than usual, John headed to school, where most of the day went really well - for a change. But his euphoria was short lived towards the end of the day.
An overnight storm and flash flooding had caused the creek just outside the school grounds to swell and become thick with mud.
That's where the bullies .. three of them ... had managed to catch John and pushed him to the ground. They systematically started to kick him as he struggled to find his Villain Box.
It fell from his fingers and rolled over a couple of slippery rocks ... right in front of the biggest thug. Who eyed it beadily and watched as John's face turned from panic to sheer horror.
Oh please please don't
His heart thudded in his chest, and tears tracked down his dirty face as he could only watch helplessly as a heavy boot nudged at the box, before stomping down on it. The pieces shattered. At the same time, so did John's heart.
He'd promised to keep it safe. And now he had failed miserably.
Pleased that they'd succeeded in making John finally cry, they turned to walk away. But he wasn't finished just yet. Fists clenched and face turning puce with anger, John struck out, punching as hard as he could. His fist slammed into the ear of one boy, the eye of the other and as for the biggest and nastiest one....
... he saved his hardest punch to break his nose.
And whilst they were still reeling from the vicious little red tornado, John scooped up most of the pieces of the puzzle, grabbed his bag and fled.
Needless to say, he was never bothered again.
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kindness-bliss · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 8
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Maya got ready at her shoot as she looked at herself in the mirror and scrolled through her instagram feed to let time pass, searching Tim’s name in the search bar as she looked through as raised a brow at how many fans adored him and posted pictures with him and events   “Well damn, he’s wanted” she nodded impressed as she continued to read captions, not understanding most of them since they were in German, raising a brow as she saw heart emojis on captions “Too bad he’s mine”. She grinned as she saw more and more from men she assumed were his friends always talking about how respectful and hardworking he was in the business   She sat up startled from her lurking when she heard a familiar voice and sighed “Are you kidding me ? What the hell are you doing here ? This is a private shoot”    Marcel sighed as he stepped through and thanked the security guard “I saw you on the same company’s page who works hair and makeup for NXT, I put 2 and 2 together when I saw their stories and you happened to be tagged. I know, it’s very stalker of me”    “Extremely” she answered sternly as she covered herself in her robe “who does that ? This is my job you psycho. Once again, head empty no thoughts in that pretty big ass head of yours”    “I don’t even know what that means” He admitted quietly as he stood in shame in front of her “are-are you calling me stupid ?” Maya let out a breath as she shook her head “Kind of, now tell me why you’re here ?” she asked as she got touched up “and make it quick preferably, this is my work remember”     “What’s this I heard about Tim insulting you ? Why didn’t you tell me when it happened ? I’m gonna assume that’s why you were crying the other day at the store ?” he asked, giving a small nod when he saw her face look down at the floor “and yes, Walter told me everything so don’t worry you don’t need to go into details I just wanna know if you’re okay”   “I am fine, we’re all good” she nodded “I’m going to see him tomorrow, he has a match and he invited me”
  “What ?” he whispered as he looked up at her “y-you’re gonna go see him ? After what he did ?”. Marcel knew how much wrestling meant to him, how much he prided himself in his work. He knew Tim inviting Maya over was a big step for him in how he felt about her.
  “Absolutely I am, I wanna see him wrestle and how he is in that environment. I’m gonna assume you’re gonna be there too ?” Maya asked as they got her ready 
  “Yeah, we have a match too and well chances are Tim’s gonna introduce you to me so what are we gonna do ?”
She stiffened at his question and fixed her curls as she looked in the mirror as she slid off her robe revealing a one piece bathing suit with a deep plunge as she turned to look at him “If you think I’m gonna tell Tim that you and I had a 3 year long relationship then you’re dead wrong. No way I would ever tell him something like that at his workplace, so let’s get this straight alright ? Tomorrow you keep your mouth shut and you tell your little friends or whomever to not say a thing or I’ll have my other model friends put a word out that you guys like screwing around when you’re on the clock”
     Marcel widened his eyes at her look and tone as he clenched his jaw “Maya I-”
“Maya nothing” she snapped back “You really think I didn’t know ? You really think Walter also wouldn’t tell me that you tried to get Alex and Fabio or whatever the fuck his name is to tell Tim for you ? To do your...our dirty work ? He texted me everything just before I got here, how you wanted to tell Tim abruptly and then I’d have to deal with the rest. Alex ? Yeah did you forget I also helped his wife out with her bridesmaid dresses and got to know the both of them really well ? He sent me an instagram DM telling me everything too, basically apologizing for your shitty actions. You’re a spineless little coward Marcel, 3 years and you haven’t changed one damn bit”
  “I-I...it w-wasn’t like that” he stuttered out nervously stepping forward
“Bull shit !” she exclaimed as she slapped him across the face and breathed heavily
Marcel stood back as he rubbed his cheek and gave a frown as his blue eyes stared at hers “I’m sorry, I just….I still love you” he whispered as he left hastily
  Maya sighed as she rubbed the feeling back in her hand and let the makeup artist fix her eyes “Mickey, did you tell him I was here ?”
 “You try saying no to that piece of German goodness” Mickey shook his head “His accent came out and I melted, then he did the whole pleading puppy dog thing with his blue eyes and well, I was sold. I’m sorry Maya, I didn’t realize how big of an issue it would be. You really gave it to him good though, he walked away as if you stomped on his heart”  
“Yeah well I didn’t wanna do that exactly” she admitted “He’s just being sneaky and I hate it, it reminds me of what happened when we were in a bad spot”   
“Well I’ll tell you this girl, Timothy Thatcher is all man and would never do that shit to you” he giggled Maya raised a brow as she let out a chuckled “and how do you know I’m seeing Tim, what’s going on here that I’m not aware of ?”   Mickey smirked as he dabbed some gloss on her lips “Tim from what I’ve seen and heard is quiet but apparently he told some of the guys that you’re gonna go see him and he’s a little...giddy. Now I’ve been working hair and makeup there a while and I’ve been there since he got there and nothing has made that man do a complete 180 like you have”   She blushed as she listened and looked around the room “So you think he...likes me likes me ? Like he wants me to be his...you know ?”   “Girlfriend ?” he chuckled “oh yeah, I heard from Candice, who heard from her husband Johnny who heard from his friend Oney that Tim told him tomorrow was pivotal”  “Oh” she whispered softly as she walked with him “I’m not gonna expect anything though, especially after this whole fiasco. I’m gonna have a nice day with him tomorrow and focus on that. Now let’s get this thing done so I can call him”   “You’re just as whipped as he is” Mickey chuckled as he helped set her up ______________________________________________________________ “What’s with that face ?” Tim asked Oney “You’re red and you’ve been on your phone for like 5 minutes, Oney ?” he sighed as he walked over and took his phone and let out a tight cough “this-this from today ?”   “Yeah” Oney nodded as he took his phone back and put it in his pocket 
“Um all I can and want to say is….you are one very very lucky man Tim, very lucky”
  “I like her for other things besides her looks” Tim rolled his eyes as he grabbed his gym bag “she’s a good person, she’s understanding, she’s really smart and funny. She’s a great cook, she’s super funny” he chuckled “and she-what ? why are you looking at me like that ?”
  Oney grinned as he walked with him to the showers “You really like this girl, it’s not just a little rendezvous like you had thought it’d be. I’ve known you for a while and never have I seen you act this way towards a girl”
  “Don’t” Tim warned as he took off his shirt “It’s just that I like her and I feel she feels the same about me and you know that’s it”
  “So it’s okay if she dates other guys while talking to you ?”
“I never said that” he said almost immediately as he turned around “Why ? Is she ? Have you heard anything ?”
 “Chill out, I was just joking but point proven” Oney chuckled “I say you ask her out, officially like to be your girlfriend”
  Tim nodded as grabbed his things “I was thinking about that after tomorrow”
“I think you should” Oney nods as he looked around “oh look it’s Marcel, shit look at his face” he grimaced
  “What the hell happened to you ?” Tim asked concerned “Your cheek is red as can be, are you okay ?”
“We need to talk” Marcel said sternly “Alone, and it has to be now”
Tim nodded as he changed and followed him outside
   Maya arrived at her apartment as she exited her elevator and saw Tim standing against her door “hey” she grinned “what are you doing here ?”
  “So when were you gonna tell me you were engaged to one of my closest friends ? Or did you plan on keeping that a secret forever ?” he asked wasting no time as he crossed his arms trying his best to stay calm
  Her stomach turned as she blinked trying her best to catch her breath “I-I…. Tim listen, I wanted to tell you I did, I promise I did but things happened and then the Walter thing and I just couldn’t find the appropriate chance to do so but I promise I was. I promise, you have to believe me” Maya pleaded as she reached for his hand flinching when he yanked it back
  “I don’t believe a word you said, I don’t. I don’t even trust anything you’ve told me in the past, probably more lies from you. I’m not gonna insult you or demean you like I did last time because quite frankly...you’re not worth it” he said coldly as he stepped back “Have a nice life and don’t contact me again”    
 “Tim, please don’t do this” she whispered tearfully as she grabbed his arm lightly
“Don’t touch me” he responded quietly as he carefully lifted her hand and placed it by her side “Goodbye Maya”
  He left her apartment quickly, and didn't look back knowing if he saw her face he wouldn’t be able to leave. Once in his car, he wiped his eyes quickly as he turned on the radio and sped off back to his place where he knew he could release his emotions freely and privately
  “What did you do !” she practically screamed into her phone “You fucking told him !”
“It needed to be said” Marcel said quietly “I’m sorry, I am but we both know you were gonna wait it out too long and it would only make things worse. I did this for the both of us”
  “I fucking hate you” she spat out “and I will never ever speak to you again in my life, ever. You’re dead to me” she hung up
  Marcel rubbed his face as he threw his phone across his room and laid down in bed as he looked up at the ceiling and drifted to sleep, trying his hardest to forget about the chaos he selfishly created
  All eyes were on Tim as he entered the Capitol wrestling center the next morning, he heard and saw it all as he walked into the locker room. The looks of pity people gave him, the mumbles and whispers they gave each other as rumours about what had happened at the gym went around. None of it mattered, at least not to him. The damage had been done and if there was one thing that was hurting him other than his heart it was his pride. He knew deep down it had been kept for him for a reason, but the lying and deceiving still hurt.
  “Hey” Marcel said quietly as he opened his locker “Listen I won’t bother you but I just want to say I’m sorry about what happened and it's my fault entirely. Maya wanted to tell you after today” he finally admits “After your match, she wanted you to have a good match and then break it down to you on he own time and I selfishly told you because I still love her and in my stupid head I thought that once you knew and let her know she would somehow want me but instead she told me I’m dead to her”
   Tim nodded as he laced up his boots and didn’t bother to look at him “yeah well, that makes two of us. I don’t want her around me, I don’t wanna hear from her again or anything like that. It’s done and over with and we should just not speak of her again. She’s something of the past and well I’m not gonna hold your past against you”
  Marcel furrowed his brow “Y-you’re not going to attempt to talk to her ? She’s pretty sad Tim….”
“Nope” he shook his head “She’s the one who started this so it ends, I don’t like things like that and I can’t just let it slide by. Her choice was made to lie, so now we leave it at that please. I don’t care nor do I wish to hear about her again”
  “I understand” Marcel nodded as he put on his tracksuit and headed down seeing everyone glare at him as he sped down the hallway to catering sitting down by himself in a table and beckoning over Fabian and Alex “Over here guys”
    “No thanks” Alex muttered as he looked at him and turned around “I prefer not to deal with you unless it’s necessary for tv”
“Agreed” Fabian nodded
“I know it was a mistake okay, you can stop with the harsh punishment.I should have never tried to involve you two either and I’m sorry I did. I regretted this whole thing as soon as I opened my mouth and saw his face. I was selfish and it was wrong, can we just stop now ? Please” he pleaded “I hurt Tim, I hurt Maya, Walter isn’t answering any of my messages or calls. I get it now, I do” Marcel rambled “Please just sit with me, you don’t have to talk to me but just sit with me so I can at least have some company while everyone stares at me”
    “No” they both answered in unison as they shook their heads and left him alone
Marcel looked down as he played with his plate of food feeling all eyes on him as he tried his hardest to ignore the stares and whispers and took out his phone seeing still no messages or calls from Walter and sent one last message   “Hasst du mich jetzt ?” (do you hate me now ?) “Nein, nur sehr enttäuscht” (no, just very disappointed)
He sighed and put his phone away as he shook his head, upset at himself for what he had done but knowing deep down he didn’t regret it. Maya was his one true love, the one person who understood him and helped him cope with the loss of his father and deal with the emotions rather than ignore them and hold them in.
  “Are you gonna go after her ?” Tim asked nonchalantly as he sat with him “because you can, I don’t care”
  “What ?” Marcel asked his head shot up quickly
“Don’t act stupid Marcel, you still love her and I know you did this in a way to get me to be mad at her so I”d leave her alone and therefor you could go after her”
   He knew him so well, so well it truly fucked with him “Yeah” Marcel nodded “I let her go once and it ruined me and now she’s here and right now she wants nothing to do with me but I’ll give her that space and then I’ll fight, I’ll fight like I should’ve fought for her 3 years ago and this time, she’ll end with me” he looked in his older friends eyes “We’ll get that happy ending we both wanted”
  Tim simply give a short nod as he sipped his water “Then go ahead”
Marcel looked around as he got up and left back to the locker room, not wanting to cause anymore awkwardness between them and sat by himself as he listened to music
  “Well if it isn’t the life ruiner” Oney rolled his eyes as he stood in front of him “Are you happy with your actions ? With ruining the one thing giving Tim genuine happiness ?”
  “Oney, please” he rubbed his face “This is something you don’t understand, don’t get involved”
“You ruined the one thing my friend wanted, I’m sure as hell gonna get involved you traitor” he shoved him 
  Marcel sighed “Don’t do this, I don’t have the energy to-” he stumbled back as he held his eye and groaned
“You deserve that and way fucking more” Oney spat out as he left ______________________________________________________________    Maya wiped her eyes for what seemed like the 500th time as she once again got sent to voicemail and let out a frustrated cry getting up when she assumed her takeout was delivered “I said to just leave it at the door” she whined putting on her hoodie “stop knocking !” she finally yelled as she opened the door ready to rage “I clearly said-” her eyes widened at the scene in front of her “what the hell happened to you ?” she asked   
“Oney punched me” Marcel said quietly as he removed the ice bag he had and revealed a bruised and bloodied eye
  “Oney ? That’s Tim’s friend” she said as he remembered his face from the gym
“Yes him, he punched me in the locker room for….for what happened” he said quietly “I needed to get out of there and the only place I could think of was here. I know you hate me and wish I was better off dead but I just had to come. I’ll leave though if you want me to”
  Maya looked up at him as she opened her door and stepped aside “come in”
He stepped inside and sat down on her couch “I’m sorry, I am so so sorry” he whispered “I acted so selfishly”
    “What’s done is done” she whispered “You unfortunately can’t take it back, and truth be told you were right” she admitted “I would’ve just kept waiting and waiting to tell him and let time pass by, in a way what you did benefited me more than anyone Marcel, you did the hardest part and all I had to do was explain myself”
  He shrugged as he bit the inside of his cheek and looked up
“Don’t cry” Maya chuckled weakly “I’ve been crying since last night, and I’m positive I can cry for the both of us and this whole fiasco
  “I’m not” he blinked away tears quickly
“You’re doing the thing, the cheek thing and looking up. You really think I wouldn’t forget how you try to hide emotions after all this time ? she scooted over as she gently patted his hand “You’re the ugliest crier too” she joked trying her best to lighten him up
Marcel gave a light laugh as he sniffled “You’re really good that you know ?”
  Maya gave him a small grin as she dabbed his cheek with a tissue and got the alert of her food delivery “stay for dinner ?”
“Absolutely” he answered as he nodded. Sometimes life truly does work in weird weird ways.
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Doppelgänger (10/?)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Life Lessons, Part 2}
“Regretting your life choices yet?” Sam asked as Danny scowled down at the still crying sack of flour.
“I've been a parent all of one day and I’m probably already down to a C-.”
“Life could be worse. You could be that guy,” Sam said, pointing to where the Nasty Burger’s mascot was being terrorized by a bunch of kids.
“Oooh! Nasty Nat! Let's get a family photo with him.”
“You're taking this way too seriously,” Sam said as Tucker pushed her and Danny towards the mascot.
Sam glared off the kids while Tucker asked for a photo, which Danny took for them.
“You want me to take one of you? Family photos help boost your grade.”
“Not without Val here,” Danny said, passing Sam the camera and rocking his still crying sack. “I don’t want to give Tetslaff the wrong idea.”
“The wrong idea being the fact Valerie stuck you with all the work?” Sam asked.
“We talked about it. She has a job, Sam.”
“So she says.” When Danny shot her a look, she said, “Right, sorry. Giving her a chance.”
Danny sighed and looked down at the sack. “I don’t think I’m cut out to be a dad.”
“Try supporting its top more.” Danny looked up at the muffled voice to see Nasty Nat standing near him. He gestured awkwardly at Danny’s arms.
Danny shifted his arms so its head was held up by his elbow and it started to quiet down. “Wow, uh, thanks, dude.”
The mascot nodded and waddled off.
Just in time as the trio’s ghost senses went off.
As one, they groaned and shouted, “Not it!”
“We should really learn that that’s not going to work anymore,” Tucker chuckled.
“I’ll go,” Sam sighed and headed towards the back of the restaurant. “You two can manage the sacks.”
“You sure you’re not sticking Tucker with all the work?”
She turned around to walk backward and pointed at Tucker. “That’d be a good burn if it wasn’t for the fact he actually likes this stupid assignment.”
Danny chuckled and rocked the baby, smiling as she finally quieted down.
Then the explosions started. They looked up to see Sam fighting Valerie.
“Oh no,” Danny said. “Tuck, can you watch the kid for me?”
“Only because I don’t want Sam to get killed. Go stop your baby mama.”
“Sam’s right, you are taking this too seriously,” Danny said, handing over his sack.
He started to run off, but an explosion in front of him threw him back.
He looked up with wide eyes to see the Nasty Burger sign falling.
Valerie grabbed him and pulled him out of the way just as Sam swooped down to hide Tucker’s intangibility.
“You okay?” the ghost hunter asked.
“Yeah, maybe be a little more careful with the missiles next time,” he said, shifting so he could kneel on her board.
“Sorry. The ghost kid was in one of their slow moods so I wanted to try and take them out before they could pick up speed. Besides, I’m only on a five-minute break.” Val set down behind the Nasty Burger and Danny hopped down so she could fold up her board. She pulled down her mask and looked him over. “Where’s the baby?”
“Tucker has her. I was, uh, about to go to the bathroom so I asked him to watch her.”
“Alright. You sure you’re okay?”
He smiled and set his hand on her shoulder. “I’m fine, really.”
She smiled back.
“Oh crud, that’s my boss,” she whispered and retracted her suit.
He glanced at her uniform. “You work at the Nasty Burger?”
“Tell anyone and I end you,” she hissed as she stuffed her guns into her backpack.
“I won’t. But why the secrecy? What do you do?”
“None of your business,” she said, elbowing him playfully. She looked down at him as she stood up straight and there was mischief in her eyes. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Have fun with the kid, honey. I’m headed off to work.”
He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth.
“Well now, this is unexpected.”
The two spun around to see Skulker floating behind them, a gun charging. Neither could react before it fired.
Danny groaned and sat up. “What hit me?”
“That would be me.”
The half-ghost scowled and turned to see Skulker standing over him. His breath caught as he noticed the cage bars between him and Skulker. He looked around to see he was in a steel cage that was glowing dark blue. And he wasn’t alone.
“What’s with the cage? I thought you wanted our pelts. And why’s Valerie here?” Danny growled, getting to his feet and marching towards him.
“There’s been a change of plans. You should be grateful. I had planned to have one of you fight to the death with the huntress, but knowing she is your mate makes you far more appealing for my collection. The pelts of your other sides will have to do.”
Danny gaped at the hunter ghost. “Okay, first of all, no one is ever going to be grateful to be in a cage, you creep. Second, Val is my friend, none of us would have killed her. Third, please tell me you mean mate in the British sense, because if Johnny and Kitty have been telling people I’m dating Val I’m going to kick their butts. Forth, gross dude.”
Skulker just smirked at him. “You cannot hide your relationship from me, ghost child. I heard you speaking about your child with your mate.”
Danny hit his head on the bars. “We’re fifteen. We don’t have a kid. Our school just makes sophomores partner up to take care of a flour sack. Teach us responsibility and stuff. We were joking about the assignment because we got paired up. Val and I are just friends.”
Skulker eyed him for a moment, then frowned. “Really?”
“Teenagers,” Skulker growled, running a hand over his face.
“Sorry to inconvenience you. Now if you could just let us go.”
Skulker snorted and turned to leave. “Welcome to your new home.”
Danny glared at his back and tried to push his hands through the bars.
“And before you get any ideas, that cage was made with you halfas in mind. No phasing through it for humans or ghosts.”
“You know Sam and Tucker are going to come to get us!” Danny yelled as the ghost moved out of sight.
Skulker didn’t respond.
“Stupid frog.” Danny turned to the bars and tried to summon the energy for an ectoblast, to no avail.
After trying and failing to use the rest of his powers, he sat down next to Valerie.
“I’m going to tear that stupid ghost apart, then put him back together so I can take him apart a second time!”
Danny stared at the ceiling, not bothering to respond as it was the one hundred and thirty-seventh time Valerie had said those words, or at least that’s how many times she’d said it since he’d decided that counting would at least give him something to do.
And Sam thought zoos were bad. At least they gave the animals something to do.
They also gave them food.
“Hey Frogger, you do realize humans need food and stuff to survive right?” Danny yelled, cutting over Valerie’s one hundred and thirty-eighth rendition of her threats. “Also, do the words animal enrichment mean anything to you?”
“Don’t call us animals,” she huffed.
“Technically humans are still a type of animal. And I’ll call us whatever I have to to get something to eat. I know you feel the same.” If Danny -- who could partially sustain himself on the zone’s ambient ectoplasm even while in human form and had just eaten when he’d been grabbed -- was hungry, then Valerie -- who was fully human and likely didn’t have a chance to grab something after school with her job -- had to be starving.
“I won’t give in to a ghost.”
“Meh, I prefer to show rebellion through stupid nicknames and punny taunts rather than by denying myself the basic necessities.”
“You’re being far too calm about this,” she huffed, moving to stand over him.
He shrugged. “Panicking never helps and I already did the anger thing before you woke up so I’m mostly just bored now.”
“So you’re content to spend the rest of your life here?”
“You say that like it will be a long time, which it won’t because Skulker doesn’t seem inclined to feed or water us.” When she met his joke with a glare, he sat up. “We’ve already established neither of us has the skills or equipment to pick the lock or bend the bars, so escape’s not happening. Skulker wants to keep us, which is very creepy, but at least means we aren’t going to die. So all we can do is wait out our rescue.”
“You think someone will rescue us?” Valerie asked, sitting next to him.
Danny pulled out his phone. “It’s been fifteen hours since we were grabbed. Skulker can be sneaky, but someone still might have seen him bringing us to the portal. And even if no one human saw us, invisibility doesn’t work in the zone. We were definitely seen and gossip is crazy in the zone. Doppelgänger will hear about this soon enough.”
“So?” she snorted. “We’re Red Huntress and a Fenton. Why would they help us?”
“The ghosts might not know that,” Danny said, thinking quickly. “All Doppelgänger would probably hear is that two humans from their territory got taken.”
“I guess that makes sense.” She laid down and Danny followed suit.
He stared up at the ceiling, then his lips twitched up. “Want to know what I’m really worried about?”
She hummed.
“Is getting kidnapped by a ghost a good enough excuse in Tetslaff’s book for not taking care of the baby?”
There was a beat of silence then she laughed. “Oh my god! She’ll probably make us redo it from the very start!”
“I mean, I left her with a responsible sitter. That should count for something.”
“Tucker, responsible?”
“I mean, he’s working with Sam. She’ll kick his butt if he goes off the rails.”
“That makes more sense.”
Valerie eyed the food the ghost had thrown into their cage suspiciously. Her stomach felt like it was eating itself, but…
“How do you even know it's safe?” she asked, looking over at Danny, who was halfway through his own Mighty Meaty Cheesy Melt.
“Like I said, he doesn’t want us dead, so it’s not poisoned. And there’s no ectoplasm in it. Even if there was, that whole eat of the dead, become of the dead thing only applies to specific ghost fruits, which aren’t on here because he clearly stole it from the Nasty Burger and, again, no ectoplasm.”
“How do you know there’s no ectoplasm?”
“Ectoplasm has this strong citrusy taste that can’t be covered up with anything but mounds of relish, and there’s no relish on the burger.”
“Ho-How do you know that?”
“My parents aren’t as careful with pure ectoplasm as they probably should be.”
“I know. Sam and Tucker refuse to eat over anymore unless it’s takeout and we bring it straight to my room. Really though, the food’s fine. Nothing weird in it, promise.”
“I don’t know if I can trust you to know what’s weird anymore,” Valerie said, but grabbed her burger anyways.
Val closed her eyes as she sunk further into the water. “I don’t know if I should be impressed or concerned that you literally annoyed a ghost into giving us a bathroom.”
“Grateful?” Danny suggested from the other side of the curtain that hid the toilet and bath from the rest of the cage. “It’s a gift, really.”
Danny snickered at Valerie’s glare.
“If I had my weapons…”
“Calm down, Val. They’re not doing any harm.”
“They won’t GET OFF!”
“They like you,” he chuckled and plucked off one of the blob ghosts.
He wasn’t sure how, but his usual swarm had found them and were now drifting about the cage. Some had attached themselves to the top like bats. Others had burrowed into their blanket nest. A few had made a home inside his jacket or atop his hair. A lot had decided Valerie was a very nice spot to sleep and had latched onto her.
The ghost in his hand vibrated, almost like it was purring except it sounded more musical.
“I’m going to smash them!”
“How does your phone even still have power?” Valerie asked as they watched Thor cut Thanos’s head off.
They were cuddled close in their nest of blankets with Valerie’s head on his shoulder so they could both see the small screen.
“Tucker upgraded it so it would run on ectoplasm for convenience’s sake.”
“Ectoplasm is convenient?” she chuckled, idly scratching one of the blobs curled up in her lap.
“It is in my house.”
Valerie gave the beast sitting on the other side of the cage a death glare.
“You are so lucky I don’t have any weapons.”
Cujo rolled over onto his back and wagged his tail.
“Danny, make him leave with your annoying powers!”
The boy just reached over and rubbed the dog’s belly.
Valerie was tossing the rubber ball Skulker had given Danny -- and by given, she meant the ghost had thrown it at his head after four hours of constant complaining of being bored -- for Blobert to fetch when a soft sound reached her, almost like someone was shushing someone else.
There was quiet for a moment, then a blue-purple flash came from around the corner. A second later Doppelgänger poked their two heads out, smiling. “Valerie!”
“Yep. You here for the show or are you actually going to help us?”
They scowled and looked at each other. “Can’t we just leave her here? We’d never hear the end of it if we did. She’s the ghost hunter, let her figure her own way out.”
“I can hear you, you know.”
“We know,” they chirped.
Valerie sat up. “Listen here, you little -”
She cut off as she was reminded that Danny had been laying with his head on her stomach by a soft whine. She looked down to see him blinking up at her, his head now in her lap.
“Wha’s goin’ on?” he yawned.
“Ghost kid’s here. They’re arguing with themself about if they’re going to help us or not.”
Danny stared at her, processing, then sat up and glared at the ghost kid, who raised their hands with guilty smiles.
“We were only kidding.” They flew over to the cage and looked it over.
“It’s ghost and human-proof,” Danny told them.
“How’re we supposed to open it then? It’s got a manual lock. We need to stop living in the digital age for once. Shut up.”
“They’re always like this,” Valerie whispered to Danny as he chuckled at their antics. “I don’t know if it's a ghost thing or if they’re just messed up in the head.”
“We think aloud, jerk,” they snapped as one came forward and pulled a pair of bobby pins out.
Danny moved closer as they knelt next to the cage’s door. “You know how to pick a lock?”
They smiled at him and pushed up their goggles to give him a wink before they squinted down at the lock and started fiddling with it.
Valerie was surprised their eyes were yellow. She’d assumed they’d be green like their goggles.
“That’s a lot of blobs,” they said, the one not picking the lock looking over the cage.
“Just over three dozen and they all have names,” Danny said cheerfully.
“They’re just random pun names based around the word blob,” Valerie chuckled.
“Blobbington. Blobby. Blobin. Blo-”
“We get it,” the ghosts snorted, cutting Danny off.
It took a few moments, but then the ghost kid was floating back and the door swung open.
“Freedom!” Danny cheered as they left the cage. He turned to the blobs and made shooing motions. “Alright, you lot, back home with you.”
The swarm made sad ringing sounds, but flew off in various directions.
Meanwhile, the ghost kid that had picked the lock fixed their goggles back into place and put away the pins as the other passed Valerie her backpack and pointed at the wall across from them. “Go straight that way. We’ll meet you on the other side.”
“You want us to go through the wall.”
“Humans can be intangible in the ghost zone. Just try, you’ll see,” they said before heading back the way they came.
Danny walked up to the wall and stuck his arm through. “They’re right.”
“I guess that’s what Skulker meant by human proof,” she said as she followed him over and tried it for herself. “He must have done something to the cage so we wouldn’t slip right through.”
“Guess so. Ladies first?”
She rolled her eyes and stuck her head through to make sure no one was on the other side. They continued like that until they reached a wall that only had a void on the other side. She put on her suit and they jumped through. She summoned her board before they could fall too far, then looked around.
“We should leave now while we have the chance.”
“Great idea. Which way do you think the portal is?” Doppelgänger asked with a snort as they flew up.
She sent them a glare.
“Thanks for the help,” Danny said, setting his hand on her shoulder. “Can you show us the way out?”
They turned to her, crossing their arms.
She crossed her own arms and stared back.
“Can we please save this for after we’re far away from the ghost who locked us in a cage for eight days?”
“We’re not the ones who got locked up,” Doppelgänger reminded them.
“Maybe so, but you are the ones who are going to be stuck in a thermos for an hour if you don’t knock it off,” he said. “Can we just agree to a truce until we get out of here? Please?”
“Fine,” they said and one held out their hand.
Valerie shook it. “For now. Get us out of this ghost zone, and we'll see how long it lasts.”
I'm sorry this has been a while. Hyperfixations are a B. I'm going to post what I have and hopefully, that will rekindle enough for me to finish this.
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