#also yes i will be using the name aisha
susanvstorm · 1 year
i have decided i will be rambling on here, which is nice because it's kinda like yelling into nothing given no one reads this... but i was thinking about winx club my beloved and about how it never made sense to me that no one would recognize bloom. so in my improved and hced winx club universe, time moves a lot faster in the magic dimension than it does on earth. like 1 year on earth is 1000 in the magic dimension.
which means, with bloom being 16, it had been 16,000 years since the destruction of domino (or spark, but idk the name of stuff in english), which is how daphne came to be a legend, and how no one figured she was, in fact, the lost princess.
and i also like the idea that this means a year in alfea for bloom is like... a week to her parents or something, so they only relatively miss her.
edit: yes, this makes faragonda like 50.000 years old and i am DOWN for this. ig she figures out who bloom is kind of early-ish but keeps it for herself because ? she has to do ancient fairy stuff things. mysterious for no reason. that, or she doesn't remember exactly/know what happened on domino (same for every member of the... group that faced the three witches? what do u call it in english lol) because she's too old and too much time has passed and stuff turned to legends. tho i wanna say it's kind of well known that daphne used to be the princess of domino and that she fell in the battle, but no one knows exactly how. i like the idea of domino being a legend with like lots of lore but no one knows exactly what happened
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0-therw-0-rldly · 26 days
I’ll preface this by saying I’m not really a shipper. I just enjoy canon couples on TV Series/films.
Terms I’d like B*ddies to remove from their vocabulary because they don’t know how to use them correctly:
Media literacy: For a group that uses this term a lot you sure do misinterpret everything in this show.
Queerbaiting: Going to expand on this one. A show that’s already been pre established for having queer characters simply cannot queerbait.
Ship baiting: While sometimes you can argue that they could be doing that, that’s only if you look at the show in a very biased manner. You might think this is the case but the general audience doesn’t think the way you do.
Ship war: This isn’t a one tree hill situation where there was Team Brooke Vs. Team Peyton where the middle guy (Lucas Scott) had canonically been with both women. This is people not understanding fanon vs. canon and not being able to just watch the show. It’s like playing quarterback on Madden and thinking you could be better than Patrick Mahomes.
Plot device: everything’s a plot device. Move tf on.
Predator: You sound like crazy MAGA supporters calling everything regarding the LGBTQIA+ community as predatory. Sit down.
Co-parenting: I know this is a big one and discourse was brought up during the hiatus. Oliver and Ryan have loosely mentioned this years ago but it was never to be taken this seriously. Do y’all even know what co-parenting is or are you that big of a donut? Buck is someone who loves his best friend deeply and by extension, his kid too. Him taking care of him frequently does not make him a co-parent. Maybe he is a parental or uncle figure, but he isn’t a co-parent. Also, I swear y’all need to learn how a will works. He is a GODPARENT, not a GUARDIAN. Stfu.
Hag: This especially applies to women, but to say that someone 25-30+ is a hag for still being in fandoms or enjoying tv shows/films is inherently misogynistic. Men are never held to this much criticism for enjoying fictional media, but women aren’t allowed to?
Queer Coding: people of the same sex “looking at each other”, hugging, or having intimate moments all together doesn’t make them queer coded. It could mean that they just love each other that deeply platonically. While representation is amazing and just because you interpret a character as queer coded (just like my ship baiting comment) doesn’t mean others interpret it that way as well. In addition, network TV has stipulations, and also actors are allowed to decline storylines. Ryan has mentioned his character is heterosexual an abundance of times which means (at least for now) that he isn’t willing to go for this storyline.
Dead naming: Y’all construing the fact that Buck wants people like coworkers and some of his former love interests, to saying Evan is his dead name is inherently transphobic because do you even understand what a dead name is? Evan Buckley is shown as being fine with being called Evan by both Tommy and his sister. I’m pretty sure some of his love interests have called him Evan as well.
Fetishizing: You guys saw two hot guys who “looked at each other” and for 6 seasons have wanted nothing but to see those two make out with each other. Those of us who enjoy Tevan saw Buck giddy at the thought of Tommy and have wanted domestic fluff for them since.
Anything to do with racism, homophobia, and misogyny: I’ve seen the way you guys have conveniently weaponized Henren and by extension Aisha/Tracie when you didn’t get the Ryan/Oliver interview, don’t try to act like you’re morally superior. Not to mention wanting a canonically gay man to die in a show and not even holding those who use your ship name to write CSA fics accountable because you’re petty and want to throw hissy fits. Anyone looking at your comments as an outsider would think you’re homophobes and yes queer people can be homophobic.
I do hope you can expand your vocabulary. 🤍
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lemotmo · 26 days
Ahhhhhh! It really does feel real!!
Q. Hulu leaving multiple comments. The official insta account using photos of everyone's canon partner in their new post and using Eddie for Buck's. The official insta account posting a pic of that specific trio. Aisha posting more photos of that trio. I mean I feel like I'm crazy but this kinda screams pattern! Right? Am I crazy??
A. My ask box is an insane mix of pure joy and other people screaming at me like I'm the one who made those posts for 911. Hi, anon! It does feel like an intentional pattern. Again, for all of the people screaming at me, I know we don't have confirmation of anything and I'm not saying we do. But it does feel like a coordinated, strategc, purposeful campaign. It feels like a soft launch. It's not overt. It's not direct. It's just kind of a constant stream of content that is easily used for multiple purposes but also contains specific themes and patterns. That's essentially what a soft launch is. Several people dismissed the Hulu comment as an accident saying the moderator misspoke. They claimed the comment would get deleted once the higher ups found out about it. Well not only did it not get deleted they made another public comment. So it clearly was intentional and not a mistake. The insanely positive and rapid response to yesterday's picture of Aisha, Oliver and Ryan (it's already received well over 70,000 likes) was crazy. The overwhelming majority of the comments are very 'look at the LGB squad' and they're very positive. That post received by far the fastest response of any post they've made so far this off season. And none of the reaction was negative. None of the comments were negative. They were 90% LGBT focused and overwhelmingly positive. The moderators did not find those comments surprising. They knew what the comments would be like before they posted the picture. None of them were taken by surprise by the fact that people view Eddie as part of the rainbow squad. Aisha posted a collage of pics of the three of them from the previous seasons today on her Instagram account as well. Not an accident.
Today's 911 post was very interesting. Each character they used followed a specific pattern. A singular pic, a friend pic of some kind, a pic representing the real life version of their name, and a canon partner pic. Now, currently Tommy is Buck's canon partner. There were pics of them available to use. They chose to use Eddie. That was an intentional choice. A choice that they knew would be noticeable to everyone. Again, they knew that before they posted the picture. It wasn't an accident. It wasn't an oversight. They intentionally used a photo of Buck and Eddie. I already have people saying they only used that pic because the show clearly likes that pic. They pointed out that that particular photo has been used a lot for promos. Technically that's correct. But you know what other photo has been used quite a bit? Buck's first kiss with a man. That photo was readily available to use and they chose to not use it. I have other people saying they just needed to include Eddie somehow and that was the easiest way. Nope. The easiest way was the group/friend pic route. I mean with Buck it was the obvious easiest way to work Eddie in. Instead they opted to use him in the partner photo for Buck. Again, deliberate, intentional choices. Now regarding all the comments I received on the medal photo that clearly has him cropped out, I don't know what to tell you. It was a photo for Hen, and he was at the very end of the frame, it made sense to cut him out. He has nothing to do with Hen. That being said though they didn't need to use that particular pic for her so It was certainly an interesting choice. And it was another choice they knew would be noticeable. Again, this all feels very purposeful. But we shall see. I can't understand why a certain someone's cousin didn't make them aware of all of this. Oh wait yes I can because there is no cousin. Silly me.
I'm curious to see the Family Feud episode even more now. They clearly intended to hold it until the week before the premier. It's obviously meant to be used as a promo. Every time celebrities are on that show they play for a charity. I won't be surprised if the 911 charity is an LGBTQ charity. Wouldn't that be an interesting addition to the pattern.
Thank you Nonny!
😂😂😂 I had just posted about all the promo on Instagram and 15 minutes later this got dropped in my ask box. Ali's nonnies work fast. They are the best!
Glad to see we seem to agree on everything. For anyone who wants to read my own, much shorter and definitely much less coherent thoughts on this specific promo, you can read it here. 😋
I'm definitely looking forward to the Family Feud episode as well. But mainly because it'll be so much fun so see them play this game. 😁
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
A Slice Of Us || Modern!Peaky Blinders
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Notes: Something for my lovely @raincoffeeandfandoms' 3k and her food theme. This blurb has also a tiny reference to @shelbydelrey’s vampire roommate idea. Also, it has been a while since I wanted to introduce Modern!Heaven so it was the perfect occasion. Congratulations again Flor 🖤
Words: 560.
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Arthur knew her.
He did not know from where nor when, but the moment their eyes met, crystal iris drowning in his steel-blue ones, he had been convinced of it. When he opened the door at midnight and found himself face to face with the most otherworldly beautiful young woman he had ever seen Arthur’s words choked in his throat. Slightly embarrassed by how late it was, the angel handed him the renting advertisement she had printed and offered him a beaming smile that showcased four pearly white and sharp fangs. Such an odd complexion was soon to be forgotten for the gangster found himself enthralled by the way her plump and glossy lips reflected the corridor’s light as if her flesh had been engraved with diamond dust.
That was how he, a troubled veteran and an assassin, became roommates with her, an aerial performer who spent years in a mental hospital for unknown reasons. It didn’t take long for Arthur to fall in love. And to fall hard. Since she had entered his life, there were things that instantly soothed his urge to take drugs or his overwhelming violence. Like watching her stretch in the living room, her face rosy and pouting because of the pinching sensation in her hamstrings. When she let out small whimpers and long sighs, he would just obliterate everything else. Often she even asked him for help: “Arthur, can you please push my foot so that it touches my head?” "Can you keep my legs open for my splits?" Or “Can you seize my hips while I invert for my Aisha trick?” And he obeyed, craving some skin-to-skin contact with her. He had lost count of how many times they ended up laughing because she had slipped from the pole and they fell together on the living room’s wooden floor. For sure, she brought joy into his life. Peace into his mind. And soon, warmth into his bed. Her presence beside him was not only required, but it was also a necessary need for him to function properly.
Their life together was filled with little rituals and demonstrations of affection such as taking baths and showers together or establishing movie nights — even if, most of the time, they stopped paying attention to it at some point to sink into each other.
But her favorite one was when she exhausted herself at the pole studio late at night and he brought pizza from her favorite local restaurant. Arthur sat on the floor and watched his angel gracefully spinning on the pole, dressed in revealing exotic dancing gear and Pleaser platform boots. And when her training was over, she sat with him, snuggled in his loving arms, and shared the pizza together.
“Arthur. Do you want the last slice?” She asked, her French accent melting on her tongue. The way she pronounced his name made his legs weak — and it changed so much from the English way that he sometimes didn’t realize she called him.
“Ye can take it angel,” He grinned, his gravel voice cooing. Pressing a kiss on her temple, his mouth trailed down her porcelain skin until it reached her ear, “But I crave s’mthing sweet so I’ll take a slice of you for dessert, hm.”
She laughed and each time she did, he found gold in her voice and heaven in her eyes.
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✞ Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
No idea what a fun name along the lines of Lady Whistledown or Gossip Girl would be so yes you can call me blue anon! Happy to have someplace to share these horrors.
Today has been interesting so far (mustache!) Once again BTs cannot tell the difference between Eddie and Tommy while also simultaneously insisting they could not be more dissimilar. They love projecting all of Tommy’s negative qualities onto Eddie and all of Eddie’s positive qualities onto Tommy. The latest in this is the whole ‘Eddie will side with Gerrard’ bullshit and the plagiarized ‘what if (character) gets out of the pool while Whatta Man is playing and Buck is horny about it’ post.
Honestly the Tommy version of that post made me laugh so hard. It would just be strange of the writers to reuse that song and sequence with Buck and Tommy. The show has only ever reused one song: Carry You by Ruelle in 3x15 Eddie Begins and 5x16 May Day. Both scenes where it played were hopeful moments of a character being saved by their family (Bobby) or fighting to survive because they wanted to get home to their family (Eddie). Plus, both scenes were also a big moment for Eddie (fighting to get out of the well in 3x15 and finding his purpose as a firefighter again in 5x16.) Point is that the show’s music cues are very intentional. Using Whatta Man with Buck and Tommy would not just be an odd choice. Despite the new context the song and the imagery would still be a callback to the first time that song played. The writers would essentially be drawing yet another parallel between Tommy and Eddie. It would never happen because it’s a stupid idea but if it did it would honestly end up supporting the Buddie agenda. BTs did not think that one through.
Yesterday some of them were theorizing that Lou is being purposefully hidden on set. I think this is their way of coping with the fact they have not gotten updates from him in a long while. According to them the PR team knows that Lou being on set will cause an uproar among Buddies on social media. So to keep the peace they are hiding the fact that Lou is already on set and one day there will be a video released where he is accidentally shown in the background.
Still sticking with that theory. Which brings us to today. Apparently when Lou liked Kenny’s video of Peter and Ryan it was his way of signalling that he is on set currently filming and he will be in season 8. He’s just ‘not allowed’ to post anything actually confirming that so this is his way of secretly showing his loyal fans the truth. At what point do we get to officially call BTs a cult?
Oh and of course they are hoping for Lou content but (much like the pool post plagarism) they cannot come up with anything original. Aisha and Oliver posted content with Oliver’s dogs? Lou should post content with Oliver’s dogs. Kenny posted a video of Peter and Ryan? Kenny should post a video of Lou. The lack of creativity is concerning actually. All they do is shove Tommy and Lou in spaces where other characters and actors have been and should be.
Hi love 💙
The whole Eddie will side with Gerrard thing is just bananas. And we've been saying they are literally replacing Eddie's name in shit and pressing post but the whatta man thing was beyond insane. If they did something like that it would be once again making people question the way Buck felt about Eddie back when he was introduced. Honestly, giving Tommy a slowmo cut to Buck looking to dumbfounded would shoutout buddie because it draws yet another direct parallel to Eddie. They definitely did not think that one through.
And the whole theorizing he's on set and being hidden, I'm not saying it's impossible, but again we are in a network procedural, this is not Sony trying to hide the fact that Andrew Garfield is coming back, the expectation is that Tommy will be back, so there would be no surprise there, they just think we will lose our minds because they somehow lose theirs every time they find out this isn't the Tommy show. And I think at this point cult is the only way to describe what's happening. But seriously, can they come up with anything original? Even the actor interactions now need to be repeated? Dear god. We need to expand Maria's meme because this is insane behavior.
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...or...or reverse adopt
Griselda: Why did the girls give me a mother's Day card?
Griffin: I got a step-mom card.
Faragonda: I got a mother's Day card too.
All three: ...
Griselda: Did the girls really just adopt us as mother figures?
Winx: We did it in first year actually!
This reminds me of a post I reblogged 😂 It said:
Yes it's sweet when your fave adopts the plucky child they've just met, but the best trope is when the child finds the tallest, gruffest old man they can find and says 'yeah, I'm gonna be his problem now'.
The Winx spend more time with Faragonda and Griselda than their parents at this point, and those girls know something is going on between them and Griffin. They’ve been calling them their Moms for years (In the beginning, The three of them always chalked it up to an accident as it wasn’t unusual for students to call them “mom.”)
After graduation, The Winx realize that this could become confusing and decide that their Birth Mothers (& Vanessa) would be “Mom”; Faragonda would be “Mama”; Griselda would be ”Mother or Ma”; Griffin would be “Step-Mom or Wicked Stepmother” (because they think it's hilarious); and that Faragonda, Griselda & Griffin would be their “Bonus-Moms”. However, when referring to All of them, the Winx call them their “Moms”. And yes, the specialists are aware.
[Most of these take place after graduation, but some can take place before]
===== Bloom =====
Person A: What’s it like having two moms?
Bloom, looking through her phone: Five.
Person A: What?
Bloom, holds up her phone and shows them a picture of Vanessa, Marion, Faragonda, Griselda & Griffin having tea: Five moms, and It’s pretty nice.
Bloom, counting on her fingers as she lists them off: When I experience culture clashes, I talk about it to my adoptive mom because she can understand my point of view. (Vanessa)
Bloom: I’m able to get to know my birth mom and learn how similar we are despite not being raised by her. (Marion)
Bloom: Mama is always willing to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on and offer advice. And when she has time for tea, she will tell all sorts of stories about my other moms, especially the embarrassing ones. She also gives the best hugs. (Faragonda)
Bloom: When I was falling asleep during my classes, the professors eventually stopped waking me up; I later learned Mother told them to let me sleep. She would then go over everything I missed one-on-one during detention or let me sleep through detention if I was in there for another reason. Now, she lets my friends and I nap in her office and will make time for us in her absurdly busy schedule if we need her. She also gives surprisingly good hugs if you’re brave enough to ask. (Griselda)
Bloom: And if the Winx and I are ever in trouble or end up in jail, our Step-mom will bail us out and not tell any of our other Moms. (Griffin)
===== Stella =====
Stella, hears someone talking shit about Faragonda: Keep my Mama’s name out of your fucking mouth.
Stella, hears someone talking shit about Griselda: Keep my Mother’s name out of your fucking mouth.
Stella, hears someone talking shit about Griffin: Keep my Step-mom’s name out of your fucking mouth.
(This one, in particular, has led several people to wonder when Griffin married one of her parents; Luna is the usual assumption)
===== Flora =====
Helia, over the Phone: The guys and I are wondering if you and the girls are free this weekend?
Flora: I’m so sorry, but we all have plans.
Helia, a little curious: Really? What are you all doing?
Flora: Well, Mama’s taking Bloom and me to that new Botanical Garden that recently opened.
Flora: Mother got tickets to a Ballet that Musa and Aisha have been talking about for months and is taking them both.
Flora: And Stella and Tecna are going to watch a Meteor Shower with our Step-mom.
Helia: That sounds incredible. I hope you all have fun!
Flora: We will!
===== Musa =====
Some Asshole to Musa: Well, at least I have a Mom!
Musa, without missing a beat: Actually, I have three, and each of them could kick your mom’s ass!
===== Tecna =====
Timmy, staring at the device on the table in disbelief: Where did you get this?
Tecna, speaking casually as she typed away on a laptop that wasn’t even available for purchase yet: Mother made some calls. It turns out a lot of people owe her favors.
===== Aisha =====
Nabu or Nex: Hey, Aisha, can I ask you some quick questions?
Aisha: Sure, what’s up?
Nabu or Nex: Why do you have a dagger strapped to your leg? Where in the Magic Dimension did you get it? Do you even know how to use it? If so, who taught you? And do your parents know?
Aisha: My Bonus-Moms firmly believe you should never go anywhere without a knife.
Aisha: It was a gift from my Step-mom.
Aisha: Yes, I do. Mother taught me, and she wouldn’t let me go anywhere with it until she was confident that I knew how to use it.
Aisha, Smirking: Mama asked, and they said No.
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Been a while since I did TLK OC stuff again, so here’s Simba and Nala’s entire litter of cubs in my AU- Imani, Kiara, Kion, Aisha, Shani, and Chaka. And no, I’m still not including Kopa as Simba’s son in any part of my AU because I hate him, end of story. Like I said before my TLK AU’s are not known for painting Kopa in a positive light, that’s why I used him for a different purpose and made him a villain (more on that in a future art piece) 
Anyway back to the picture, all the cubs here are in order from the oldest to the youngest. Imani is my personal take on “Fluffy” aka the unnamed genderless cub at the end of the first movie. Originally first in line as Simba and Nala’s heir, Imani was kidnapped by a small gang of Scar’s surviving hyenas that attempted to murder her in revenge. Simba and co defeated the hyenas, but she was unfortunately swept away by a river amidst the fight and the Pridelanders were unable to find her. Imani is now adopted by a completely different pride with amnesia, with no memory of her old life except for her name (also yes she’s a maned lioness, a real life mutation that female lions can have) 
Kiara and Kion need no further explanation. Kiara, being the second born in my AU, of course ended up being the next heir to the throne after Imani’s disappearance by default. I’ve never really 100% followed TLG’s implication that the leader of the Lion Guard HAS to be a second born sibling, so Kion’s position in the Guard is still safe even though he’d be the third born cub in my AU. 
Aisha, Shani, and Chaka are all borrowed from early versions of characters during TLK2’s production. Aisha and Shani were both working names for Kiara, so I just made them into their own characters. Back when Kiara’s name was Shani she was going to also have a brother named Chaka, so I made him the baby of the bunch. 
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awkwaamo · 1 year
So, in the process of trying to get my partner into one of my childhood favorites, Winx Club, the brain gremlins took hold of me and I am now in the process of creating a rewrite. Not the entirety of canon, but definitely the first three seasons and throwing in some extra stuff from other seasons that I really enjoyed as well as some of my own personal flair.
That being said, a rewrite obviously has to come with redesigns and I have literally just finished up everyone's first transformation
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Layla, or Aisha, is up first! I did really enjoy her original design (honestly, they're all wonderful) but it just wasn't going to work for my AU. Considering she's from a planet that is dominated by water, as well as being related to actual mermaids, I absolutely had to add in more mermaid traits. So we have wings that look and act similar to dorsal fins in the water which makes her an exceptionally fast swimmer, almost on par with her cousins. Then, of course, I had to include shells in there. The shells that function as her heels are angel wing shells and a horn snail shell.
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Musa, oh Musa. Her original was lovely but it just didn't have enough punk inspiration. Luckily I was more than happy to provide a little in the form of shorts and a half skirt on top of wonderful boots with buckles. I did keep the sheer centerpiece though because I really wanted to pay some respect to the original. Also, and this is just my personal opinion, space buns are superior. My shining glory of this design has to be the wings, though. The bass clefs are wonderful but to top it all off I had to add the CD shine. It was a necessity. Also, if you haven't noticed the fact that her arm accessories mirror Layla/Aisha's, now is the time to notice. SoundWave will be a thing in this AU.
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Flora needed more green! She deserves a little green considering she's a nature fairy and how else would I incorporate it other than vines? Especially considering she uses vine attacks all the time! Also that rose inspired skirt was a pain to do but so worth it. If anyone deserves a rose skirt, it's Flora.
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While I do love Tecna, her original always felt like it was missing something so, after some scrolling through sci-fi stuff, I added the cropped jacket to it and more green for her as well. The ear piece actually extends into a helmet with a retractable visor, I'll probably post another image with it on full display another time.
Another thing to add is that there is a criminal shortage of Flora x Tecna content to the point that I haven't even seen a fun little ship name for them. So, I'll just be using BioTech.
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Getting right into Stella's redesign, starting with the wings! I did like her original wings but with her being the fairy of the sun I kind of just spread them out similar to the way rays of light look. As for her outfit, I really wanted to add onto the ethereal kind of look with gorgeous drapery similar to what you see in depictions of goddesses but with a modern twist! Hence the underbust and other additions.
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Bloom but much more draconian. As she deserved considering she's the keeper of the dragon fire. Dragon wings. Dragon scales. Need I say more? Yes, actually. Her boots are more armor like, which was fun but not the best part. The silver chains, the necklace, the gemstones. They're made to be a mirror to Stella's because SolarFlare is absolutely iconic. They deserve each other so much and it is my mission to highlight this fact.
I have so much planned for this AU. So many ideas that I've already noted down and places I want to go with this, I can't wait to get started.
And I literally just realized that this AU needs an actual name, so I'm going to go with Psyche. The reasons why will become clear later. 💜
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saphir4373 · 3 months
Transformers Prime characters and their favorite Winx + their similarities based on how I see it
Btw, as someone who watched Winx Club more than TFP I'm aware that some of these may be inaccurate, and therefore anyone is allowed to leave any corrections or just opinions. Whether you're from the TFP fandom or the Winx Club fandom, I'd appreciate it.
Bloom being Optimus' favorite
I think because how both have become leaders of their groups with the similar backstories too. Optimus Prime was used to be just Orion Pax as an archivist before got turned to a Prime, and Bloom was also a human at first before discovering she's a fairy and the strongest one who has the dragon flame power. For their personalities, yes, they're different. I do say both are very considerate about their actions and so.
Not gonna lie I do kinda think that Bloom could be Predaking's favorite too just because Predaking also have fire powers or just fire breath or just... dragons. You know what I mean. But I do also like to imagine Bloom would likely be a Predacon and turn to her own dragon-beast form. Just imagine if she could do that in the original show itself.
Stella being Knockout's favorite
Honestly both of them are iconic in their own show. They really prioritize their appearances well and get pissed off if someone just ruined their moment. At least for Knock Out in my opinion but Stella could also. Other than their personalities, I don't have much to say. But I do like how they like to use their staff/scepter. Also I don't know why but I imagine or just think Stella and Brandon having similar dynamic like Knockout and Breakdown.
Aisha/Layla being Arcee's favorite
They could relate so much to each other!! LISTEN! Both of them suffered so much with trauma and losing the people they loved and cared for, and they're willing to take revenge! They deserve a break and just hug each other, seriously. Besides that, I think they both have the same physical strength and are able enough to defend themselves from anything.
Tecna being Shockwave's favorite
No surprise at all. I could write so much about this logical duos. Literally the moment Tecna says anything about logic or saying something rationally or scientifically for the first time, Shockwave would be like:
"That's my favorite right there! It is only logical that she's so similar me!"
He would probably be really fascinated by her powers and her interests. Although I couldn't really tell what Tecna would think about him in canon. But I think both could actually get along and work together on some kind of project or something since both are also ambitious. They'll be talking so much stuff about science, technologies and Tecna could explain technomagic, and so on. The moment Tecna sacrificed herself and went gone probably caused Shockwave to have an emotional breakdown somehow. I also feel like Shockwave would dislike Timmy a little. Don't know why. Probably because I write this one AU where Shockwave and Soundwave are literally her parents/creators.
Musa being Soundwave's favorite
Now this is a tricky one. Because I feel like Soundwave's favorite would be Tecna and Musa in which he couldn't choose one between them. Also I think Soundwave and Tecna has this similar ability where they both can connect to any computer devices but it's probably not the same either.
If I am not mistaken, didn't Musa has that one spell that's name 'Soundwaves' or something similar to it? I mean, if we're talking about their abilities, I would say... not really or just not much the same?? Because when I think about Soundwave and his own abilities, I would say it's like the combination of Tecna's and Musa's powers.
Thus, the reason why I think Musa would be Soundwave's favorite is I think he would feel touched and/or at least feel sympathy or empathy regarding her past. I also feel like Soundwave would observe her most throughout including her relationship with Riven and others.
Flora being Bumblebee's favorite
This one is the hardest. For me, Bumblebee is the closest one to her. Not because I think they're both the nicest or anything. I always feel like they both have this potential that they keep to themselves or are afraid to use. Although it is towards Flora more. 
Other than that... they're trying their best.
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miyagi-hokarate · 2 months
(Shows up late with boba tea) WHAT A SEASON AMIRITE FELLAS?
Random assortment of season 6 part 1 thoughts:
(tl;dr: not a lot of satisfaction with this season for me. Lots of spoilers and sarcasm under the cut ahfksjfjdkg. )
we still haven't gotten that goddamn fun Lawrusso spar 😩
Okay jokes aside, I'm...not a fan of this season :/
A lot of things felt off, like the characters (more on that specifically later) to the plot progression
Of the things I liked, Sam and Tory's developing relationship — especially them having a dialogue together — was incredibly refreshing and felt good to see grow!
Tory's character in general surprised me and it felt much stronger than in previous seasons!!! Of all the potential flashbacks, a Tory-centered one was serendipitous
I also liked that Robby won the role of being team leader!! Much of his character had been centered on guidance, both receiving and giving it, and it makes the most sense narratively to give him that ultimate chance to prove himself as a leader, being one who is meant to be one half to represent the skill and prowess of his dojo
As FRUSTRATING as some things were; Daniel and Johnny butting heads, Devon doing everything in her power to earn her spot in the Sekai Taikai (even resorting to cheating), Tory lashing out after the loss of her mother; these were all to me understandable conflicts that didn't feel forced or like pulling teeth (especially Tory. I'm so sorry girl 🫂)
Okay...hater moment fr now...
A lot of everything else I have some problem with or feel strongly indifferent to; the Sekai Taikai (but there's no stopping that, so I'm just :/ whatever), Mr. Miyagi's secret, Daniel and Johnny butting heads (yes, I know, repeating myself...), Johnny in general, everything about the fucking baby, everything about Sensei Kim and her students. Arhagrggagrggfhgh
AS I FEARED, I'm not a fan of the contents and fallout of Mr. Miyagi's secret box. Oh great, Mr. Miyagi's dark secret was that he committed crimes and was involved with the Sekai Taikai or something. What shock. I can't believe Mr. Miyagi hurt people and hide that from Daniel. Can you hear my thick and heavy sarcasm.
I don't know if the rest of the fandom had learned to love the Big Twist or whatever, but I still don't see that box as anything more than a cheap plot twist. Its existence is practically pointless with what we, the audience, and Daniel know about Mr. Miyagi; we KNOW he's already hurt people in his dark and mysterious past, even people who may not have deserved it. He was drafted into war by the US army because the country would rather Mr. Miyagi would die as a soldier than live as an American for god's sake. Mr. Miyagi is already weighed by the horrors of his actions — actions Daniel himself had learned that didn't make Mr. Miyagi a villain, or a hero, or a tale of woe; they were all done by a man who was human, who made mistakes and who felt regret in his actions. Am I shocked that Mr. Miyagi could have committed crimes in the interim years between internment and The Karate Kid? No, but it feels transparent that the purpose of Mr. Miyagi's box has more to do with the twist of him participating in the Sekai Taikai than anything as profound as what has already been Mr. Miyagi's backstory introduced in The Karate Kid
What is there to say about Daniel and Johnny that hasn't been said already. This is like their hundredth karate divorce. Pick another method of foreplay it's getting old
There were parts that I actually commend Johnny for reacting maturely for; cooperating with Daniel and Chozen about the dojo name; keeping his temper in check when the realtor insults him; but MAN does no one fumble the ball as hard as Johnny does otherwise. Not all of it is painfully incomprehensible, but Jesus what was up with him this season. You have a baby (💀) coming your way. Act like it
Speaking of the baby 😒 I still don't like it. It just...it's still such a disappointing way to try and progress the characters of Johnny, Carmen, Miguel, Robby, etc. That opening shot of that fucking onesie was despicable. It's watching Miguel and Robby smile and laugh through this wackass development still. It's watching Johnny seemingly preparing for a growing family in spite of the countless evidence to everything that would make him ill-prepared. It's the fact Carmen is stuck being Mom of Miguel, Love Interest of Johnny, and now Mom of this new kid. Carmen ESPECIALLY gets the short end of the goddamn stick in terms of characterization regarding this, because she barely has any 😩😩 I know it's too late to be complaining about this baby but AUGH. I hate this
Another thing I hate is how WEIRD Cobra Kai is with its Asian characters — with Sensei Kim, Master Kim, their students, and (I can't believe I'm saying this) Kyler in particular. The show has always had this problem, with the double standards of Kyler stuck as a static bully character while others are allowed to grow nuance and development and abusive Dragon Lady Sensei Kim, but the introduction of Korean Fu Manchu in the form of Master Kim and a mass of intimidating and equally nameless karate students training ruthlessly in the blue-tinted woods of South Korea really hammer in the odd racial subtext
In a similar topic, did anyone else find it incredibly weird how Kyler was made to eat off the floor by those frat bros? I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but it felt uncomfortable on such a different level than any other method of bullying shown in the show. It's never said why the frat bros target Kyler so much, and the only difference I could really make of is how Kyler easily defers to follow if in the face of aggressive leadership. And that he's Asian
I fucking hate that US flag mohawk and I am so mad that Eli is allowed to represent Miyagi-Do Karate in that goddawful thing I am being so serious right now
I'm sure I have other thoughts floating in my head that I can't recall, but here these are ahfjakdhjajd. I wish I could say I'm excited for part 2 arriving this November, but in much of the same way, the strongest emotion I feel is Dread
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crescentmoon-flower · 2 years
Rewatching winx season 4 for nostalgia and realizing how wierd some things are
Why is this intro actually fire??!
Ah yes, now they're the teachers
I actually admire season 4 for allowing the protagonists to grow up
"it almost makes me miss the trix, even they were less agressive"
Grizelda, How exactly were they supposed to know that the room has been changed?
Also, ROOM singular? Are the teachers grouped too? Why don't the girls get their own rooms?
...griselda don't encourage students to be like the winx,  you don't want more girls to put themselves in mortal danger
Are the keys to the hall of enchantment custom made for each teacher? What about no fairy teachers? Do they just not get access?
Why is this hall inside a school? Actually maybe the building became a school after
Blooms picture is in the book of fairies, Why exactly?
"A level above enchantix" and here begins the contradiction
The animation here looks wierd?
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Yes bloom just walk off mid speech
Why was the wizard's painting covered?
Wait.... were they trapped in the painting? This brought up way too many questions
musa ruffling rivers hair
helia being a perfect jentleman
stella poking Brandon
Oh right He's king now. Ah plot consistency, may you rest in peace
Grizeda rocks that look though ngl
No previous planning? To shame bloom, to shame.
Yeah I honestly wouldn't be all that impressed with those tricks either
Actually good lesson here, good job techna and aisha
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Why don't bloom and Stella know the damn course plan?
Why is clarice saying this infront of several people?
How don't the teachers notice clarice just walk off?
How didn't Alice feel the box being put in her bag???
I like the original enchantix song more
What is the physics of that morphics surfboard?
Also Why did she use/make it? Feels useless to me
Why detonate it on the punching bag flora's turn?
Why did they have no protection in the first place? There was open fire?
Jeez, obviously alfea and cloud tower have very different punishments, the trix got away with so much worse, 
...actually maybe that's why the repercussions are so harsh now
Rip alfea's barrier (season 1 episode 2)
Ogron's so pale,  like did they forget to colour in his face??
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And here begins anagan x flora, with a single hello
Smh flora you naïve girl, did you learn nothing in these last three years?
Gantlos has anger issues confirmed, he's the stormy of the black circle
Why the flora abuse this episode??
How exactly does that magic work? Were the wizards invisible? Or did they teleport? And if they teleported how did they know to do it right then?
They know blooms name and not her face? Even more questions...
I like this version of duman's voice, it fits him (rai's wierd accent)
I'd actually like a musa- gantlos rivalry, being immune to each others sound based spells, sounds like a good plot point
"Well that was fun"
Ogron is a masochist confirmed
..Merlin? Did he exist in the magical universe?
...Dodging is impossible? Get Stella a basic self preservation class please
Ogrons magic is actually an interesting concept, too bad they don't use it to its full potential
Hold up are their fingers black? Why?
...but what if they last earth fairy is in alfea? Why give up on it so quick?
But why did clarice admit it?
"It's an ancient story"
Time line go brrrrr
Did faragonda give the girls an ancient important book? Why???? They didn't need the whole thing
...I'm not saying anything on faragonda's explanation mainly because of the utter confusion and amount of questions it brings up
Musas up for a fist fight
...maybe all of roxy's confusion would have been ended if she mentioned morgana's name,  the girls know she's the queen now
Again, Time line go brrrr
How does making humans belive in magic weaken the wizards? this was never actually explained? Like they still had power before humanity forgot fairies?
"Where are we even going?"
Why don't you start with,  oh I don't know... EARTH???
Drama King helia, love it
Word spread to the boy's that fast? Wow
Aaaawwwww rivusa, Riven picking up musa and lifting up her mood, even if he didn't think up of it himself
Riven king of common sense
Sky's entrance was actually adorable, and hilarious
The change of music really made my heart drop for a second
Why the secrecy though? Couldn't they just go with the winx ?
When did techna copy all the books without the others knowing?
A teacher is a teachers pet
Oh poor wizgiz
oh right the pixy plot, yeah I'm not comenting on it beyond it was stupid and pointless
What luck,  they just so happen to come across a randomly rare magic butterfly
"Light and darkness in perfect harmony"
And yet the tree shows only fairies?
Also what luck that roxy just so happen to be in......
Actually, theory time:
What if when daphne sent bloom through the portal aiming for earth, she opened it close to a strong magical source, Morgana.
That would make more sense that a huge coincidence of two of the only magical beings on earth being in the same city
A promise never fulfilled, I wish we actually saw roxy bond with a pixy
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My AU & Headcanon
In this post, I'm going to explain many details about how I see the Winx universe. This post will be updated regularly.
A few words of introduction. 🍄
Hello there, I'm Sam. I'm 25 and I live in Paris, France. I have a degree in English literature, and most precisely as a researcher in American literature. So, yes, I love reading and writing. 🧡
Kimii used to be my user name when I was twelve. I used to have a french news account on Winx club. (does it still exist? Nope... the website shut down in 2023). So when I created my account here, I just kept it. It's a sort of identity I embraced my whole teenage years, so it made sense to keep it. It's my Winx Identity.
For the language, I write in English. I may be fluent, but I can leave some mistakes here and there. If you notice any big ones, please feel free to send me a DM. Thank you very much. It can be hard sometimes to notice them.
The Winx Club I grew up with. 🌚
The first thing I think is essential to know about my writing, is that I grew up with the only french dub existing, which is based on the original one (Rai Italy). I stick a lot to the original plot while I try to make it more conherent and consistent.
Headcanon or Canon? ☀️
I'm mostly canon at first sight. Indeed, I stick to the original plot, but I also tend to modify details, timelines, or events so it makes more sense. I like to change those details enough that the story holds more realism and maturity.
One of the major things I do when I keep the original plot is that I add the details given in the comic books. For those who didn't read them, the main storyline is similar (Bloom looking for her parents, etc...) The comics feel more like filler episodes. That's why I like to add those details to my stories. For example, Bloom has a job in Magix. It is shown in the comics but not the cartoon. This detail makes sense as we see in season 4 that the specialists exchange valuables for paper money. The same goes for Bloom, she works in order to have Magix's currency.
So consider my Winx canon as a mix of both comic books and of the cartoon.
I write a lot about Bloom & Sky, (oops ?🤗) since they are my favorite. I have many, many, MANY ideas for them. So it won't be very balanced between the pairings 😶 However, I do accept prompts and requests for pretty much every character.
Most, if not all my stories are linked. I like to build a consistent timeline. So if you happen to read all the oneshots or longer ff, you will notice some ref to older ff or oneshots I posted. On my main post, always make sure to include a set timeline so it gives you an idea of where the scenes take place. After season 4, I don't acknowledge anything. Not even the second movie (I liked it a lot but it is a huge problem in my timeline since the dubs are all over the place...)
For the stories that happen in the future, those would be more headcanon. The pairings might be canon most of the time, the plots would be so advanced that I don't think they can be considered canon. Plus, I love world-building.
Information on some characters. 🌈
Musa & Tecna: not royals in my AU. They are not introduced as such in the Rai version. Plus, I much prefer them as "normal people" as it brings even more diversity to the cartoon. I would hate to have most Winx girls being princesses... For Tecna, I want to work on her as half fairy, half android. Just like she was supposed to be.
Riven: Oh Riven.... I have a sort of affection for him. Like a soft spot for who he could be if the writing of the show had given him more time to grow. I will work on that. You have my word. Not only do I want him to have a past, but also a future. I see him doing great things.
Aisha/Layla: In the french dub, she is called Layla, but I really like Aisha because we love diversity here. Plus, Aisha has a beautiful meaning!
Sky: In my AU, he stays Brandon at the beginning and then Prince Sky later on like in the original. I plan on writing a few oneshots about what if he had been "prince Sky" from the beginning, or if he had never attended Red Foutain (I really like that one hehe).
Helia: I like the idea of Helia being a bit cold and blunt, like at the beginning of season 2. (or at least he was in French). That man did not care about anybody but Flora and I loved that. So I will work with him in that way.
Diaspro: I get that most fans tend to redeem her a lot, but I think her arc in seasons 1, 2, and 3 is brilliant. Although the path of the narrative did not allow her to grow a little bit or even explain why she behaved the way she did. So, my Diaspro is still... Well Diaspro, but I want to build her more realistically. She is an interesting character. Her being a fairy and yet being manipulative and self-centered is much more realistic. It brings a lot of dimention to the magical world. Wwhat if she was forced by conventions and traditions to be a fairy, because of her nobility ? hmmm... You will have to wait and see.
Nabu: Don't talk to me, he will live on forever on this Tumblr. While I love him, and I adore his sacrifice, I can't let go of him. He is just sleeping, Okay. Now move along. 💨
Samara and Erendor: I have read @gins-potter fanfic (go read it! ) and she made me remember one of my childhood frustration. Why in the world does Sky look nothing like his parents??! Erendor looks like... Brandon? She actually changed their appearance, which I loved. I want to keep Samara as she is, but maybe Erendor will have to suffer a rendez-vous at the hairstylist. And @gins-potter agreed to let me use her depiction of Erendor since it feats perfeclty the way I imagined him.
Domino/Sparx: I will only use Domino as it is the name I always knew. Same for Melody.
When it comes to the Winx and their life after Alfea, I have a very detailed idea of their jobs and position etc... I will either do a post abour it, or just let you guys discover more about it in the stories.
Last Update: 17/06/24.
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pulpitude · 7 months
meet my mcs ✦ a small introduction
bigger introductions coming soon <3
spoiler alert: i'm immune to cis male, gender conforming, he/him using mcs 😭
spoiler alert: yes i prefer all the pretty female non li side characters to any actually available (either male or female) li. all day any day. live laugh love michelle nguyen, diana, ingrid, and briar daly. also dee dee but she's mc's family so i'll have to make a different character for her, sorry andre.
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1. bachelorette party
full name: leanne gahan
age: 30
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: greysexual, panromantic, ambiamorous
love interests: diana (formerly), ash tanaka (currently)
occupation: lawyer, former model
more: yes, she's a gyaru, and even in professional lawyer mode she'll still at the very least wear light gal makeup. she's been one since the "glam queens" — her, court, di, and aisha — first formed, and she even modeled as one before she took on her current job as a lawyer. she started a fwb (but with actual friendship) type relationship with diana in college that ended once diana established herself as straight and fell for skip, and again on the trip to vegas after her poor friend started to reconsider not only her supposed love for skip but also her sexuality.
2. bloodbound
full name: raida pearce
age: 23 (physically)
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual w/ male preference, polyamorous
love interests: jax matsuo, adrian raines
occupation: pa, former club dancer
more: she, jax and adrian are in a polyfidelity relationship, they're all in love with each other and no one else. she's an amateur dancer and has been since age 15. after the world discovered vampires, she's been dressing almost impossibly bright and poppy, partly to defy the stereotype that all vampires are goth and partly in memory of her best friend lily and the contrast she'd have with her. she's the oldest of seven — her mother really wanted a boy but only after the birth of her youngest she got told that, as the bloodkeeper, she's unable to bear biological sons. fortunately one of raida's many siblings came out as a trans boy, to their mother's glee.
3. crimes of passion
full name: ashley rose
age: 28
gender: non binary transmasc
pronouns: they/them
sexuality: nblm, exact sexuality unclear/unlabeled
love interest: m!trystan thorne
occupation: private investigator
more: before realizing one can be attracted to men and assume a masculine role in a relationship, ashley frequently asked themself "do i want to be the prince or be with him?" at one point, they were secretly in love with luke, but since he's straight and ruby also likes him, they kept it a secret from everyone. their mother, carolina varela, is argentine, and ever since they learned that they've felt a desire to connect more with the culture — especially with the food, you'll frequently find them eating a choripan, empanada or milanesa de pollo.
4. getaway girls
full name: mirah thompson
age: 27
gender: trans female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
love interest: m!jordan paudwal
occupation: chef
more: growing up with feminine interests in an almost female-only family with maia, anita and dee dee means mirah has always seen herself as "one of the girls" even before realizing she really is one. her parents try their best to support her but are still quite behind, and so they thought that as a woman, she has to marry a man. she's had to prove multiple times that she likes women and wants to marry (f!)kamali... a woman that ended up cheating on her due to wanting "a real woman" and inadvertently leading her back into the arms of her ex boyfriend from college, the only person she's ever loved that truly loves her for all of her.
5. murder at homecoming
full name: valentine mandy stone
age: 17
gender: trans male / boyflux
pronouns: they/he
sexuality: demisexual biromantic
love interest: tyler woods
occupation: amateur detective
more: despite no longer identifying as female, mandy still likes wearing dresses and full glam, partly to blend in with the crowd and partly in memory of perdita (yes, they frequently steal from her). at least that's what he always says. they're always lamenting that perdita never got to meet their true self, since she went missing before mandy realized they weren't cis, but part of him thinks she must know anyway. they're frequently described as "having the soul of a divorced wine mom" by classmates due to their personality and style, and he likes to disagree with them, but deep down he knows they're all right.
6. high school story (au?, more of an oc than a mc, i only remember i created her alongside an alternate mc from the one i usually play as)
full name: darlene murphy
age: 16
gender: afab demigirl
pronouns: they/she
sexuality: lesbian, questioning aspec
love interest: giselle zhou (au — trans!f!aiden zhou)
occupation: n/a
more: for a girl that looks and dresses like elle woods' daughter, darlene sure has a secret geeky side and is frequently found discussing one piece with myra and the rest of the gamer clique. they've also got a passion for fashion, having helped giselle find her style at the same time koh helped her medically transition and later working on costumes for the theatre club. she, giselle and koh (and cameron, as of spring quarter) might be quite the odd squad at first glance, but the four have grown to be inseparable, and darlene finds herself spending more time with her girlfriend and their "third wheels" than with her classmates.
7. distant shores
name: elias bellamy
age: 25
gender: gnc cis male
pronouns: she/he. it'd be just she/her, but she knows people from the golden age of piracy won't understand the concept of pronouns not equaling gender so she just lets them call her he/him. so far the only person she's tried to explain it to (the pronouns, not the gender non conformity - that's an open secret among the crew) is edward, who still doesn't quite fully understand it yet but tries the hardest he possibly can to support her.
sexuality: questioning if gay or bi
love interest: edward mortemer
occupation: pirate, sailor
more: fortunately for elias, being a relatively experienced actor means she's far less likely to accidentally reveal her time traveling secret. unfortunately for her, having time traveled to a far less progressive era means she's also forced to change the way she dresses and acts. early in her stay at the poseidon's revenge, charlie spotted her rifling in the former's closet to see if there were any dresses and came very close to disciplining her, until elias admitted she prefers men and had no perverted intentions at all... and that's the first time she ever confided in her sexuality and identity to a member of the crew that isn't edward.
8. desire and decorum
full name: pamela harper, née pamela foredale, née née pamela liu
age: 23
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: it's not something she dwells on or likes to. even before annabelle introduced her to the concept of not being straight, she's known she's what the modern world would label as pan. she feels her heart has no boundaries on things like birth sex or gender identity, she loves everyone and can be w anyone, but she's too in love with luke to think like that about anyone that isn't him.
love interests: briar daly (formerly), luke harper (currently)
occupation: countess of edgewater
more: before traveling to edgewater, pamela wanted to become either a singer like her mother or a baker like briar's mother. she used to have a relationship with briar that one can only describe as "practicing to become wives" in every aspect, with briar of all people being pamela's first time. unfortunately briar really saw it as just practicing, but fortunately they stayed best friends after their failed relationship. her mother gave her the name "劉瑷菡" (liu aihan) but deep down she's always preferred pamela (or pam), even before she knew her father gave her that name.
9. ride or die
full name: maya minobe (美濃部魔夜)
age: 18
gender: trans female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: lesbian
love interest: ingrid (yes, ingrid. it's technically colt since that's whose romance route i played, but i'd love for her to be a li and so maya dates her in my verse. in between prom and graduation they form a friendship that quickly turns into romantic feelings, but there's definitely been mutual pining and lesbian panic from both sides even before ingrid swallowed her pride and became actual friends with maya)
occupation: n/a
more: she started transitioning at age 15 and originally picked the nickname "kokoro" from a kanji in her deadname (健心), but eventually landed on maya, meaning "magical night". she used to dress in between dark academia and gloomy coquette, but almost as soon as she met the mercy park crew she changed her style to a mix of romanba gyaru and 2000s party girl, dying her hair blonde, learning to do her makeup and acting a lot more bubbly and fun. thanks to her new style, personality and pink ride, she's earned the epithet "racing barbie" by members of the racing scene and rival gangs tracking down the mpc.
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tritannus · 2 days
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Magix Christmas and Trix Tricks are pretty much filler.
Test of Courage... How do I even begin...?
It is filled with holes... So much plot holes! First of all, where were the selkies? Where are they?! Are they on Earth? Are they on Andros? Why is Serena not on Domino?! The rest of the selkies are in their own realms respectively. Why is Serena not on Domino? Why are they all on Earth?
Why in the world is the gates to Domino on Earth? Shouldn't it be somewhere on Andros? Aren't the gates connecting to all other oceans supposed to be on Andros?
I have so many questions!
Why... Why do we do this...? Yes, Tritannus is most likely on Earth for the toxins, but the rest of the selkies? They have no reason to be there! Honestly, they all should've been on Andros, where the gates literally exist and connects every ocean? Have we forgotten about that already?
Also, Desiryee finding the pendant is just so... meh... It's not that it's bad, it's just not good. It doesn't give the audience something to cheer about when she finds it.
Just stop... stop it already... This is all just too predictable...
Okay, so we can fix the pendant of Eraklyon. But how do we go about that? We don't let the selkies find it. Roy wasn't with the Winx for some time now, so why not let him shine for a moment. He does seem to be able to breathe underwater like Aisha can.
Since Aisha can sail the boat(?) on her own, she made it clear she doesn't need Roy's help. Roy respects that and leaves her be, tracking down anything he can find to help her. Aisha stopped Roy and apologised for being rude towards him. Roy told her that it was fine, he was used to it. He dove into the water before Aisha could ask what he meant.
Have Roy try and track down Tritannus, following one of the mutants discreetly. The mutants don't seem to be aware of their surroundings most of the time anyway. He sees the pendant and brings it along with him. No, he doesn't show it to Flora.
Instead, he loses track of Tritannus and surfaces. Yes, he is on Earth. He followed the mutants from ocean to ocean and he loses sight of them in Earth's ocean.
Roy surfaces and heads to the beach to take a closer look at the pendant. The thing is, the specialists are there. They went back on Earth to help with the pollution problem. Brandon sees what Roy is holding. Brandon, being the protective friend Sky has, grabs Roy by the collar(?) and demands to know why he has the pendant.
Roy is confused and doesn't understand what Brandon is talking about and the two argue for a moment before Riven steps in, well, more like knocks them both on the head.
Roy clears things up and says where he found the pendant. Brandon tells Roy what the pendant was, with a little input from Riven about how stupid it sounds. Brandon ignores him.
No, Sky does not get the pendant then and there. He does not have his memories restored. He does tell Bloom about "They have someone named Daphne in their hands. Do you know her? She seems to know your parents."
Bloom didn't tell Sky about Daphne prior to the Trix freezing Oritel and Marion, so he doesn't know who Daphne is.
I'm trying to fit this in with previous rewrites I did. If something doesn't match up, please tell me and I'll try to fix it.
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 8 months
Sky long v1
Name: Sky Evian Dion
Looks: Fair skinned with blond hair and blue eyes. Short king, him and Brandon are built the same.
Personality: Sky has a strong sense of duty that sometimes puts him at odds with Bloom or Riven. Despite this, he is generally seen as a great leader to his peers. He is kind towards others and seems to have no problem making friends. He is also quick to spring into action whenever someone needs help. Sky also has a strong loyalty towards his kingdom, Eraklyon. Even though he does not enjoy having to endure royal training, Sky knows that he must go through with it all in order to become a proper king to his people when the time comes.
Sky has a tendency to become jealous, overprotective, and even possessive of Bloom whenever he believes that their relationship is threatened in any way he is shown trying to keep his past relationships in the past, but his jealousy can cause him to question Bloom's loyalty to him whenever he feels as if their relationship is in jeopardy. this is because he is actually kind of insecure as he grew up around yes men and he never really knew how other people think of him truthfully. because of that he actually quite likes riven because he is so blunt so he always knows he isnt lying. he also likes stella because she can also be very true toher emotions and before they grew apart, she was the only person who truly got him and he was thankful for her being in his circle. (for aisha he did know her and talk to her a little but her parents kept her under such tight watch all the time they only rarely spoke past introductions)
History: Sky was born as a Single child to king Erendor and queen Samra, he also has an older cousin, Thoren (his father's older sister's son HAHAH i know confusing). He's known stella, riven, brandon, diaspro, timmy and aisha because they run in the same circles as children (all being high status people), he grew apart from the girls as they split for schools, except for diaspro because his family wanted him to marry her. His father wanted him to study and train at the Eraklyon Regal Institute, but he went to red fountain because he wanted to be able to live his own life before he became king. His father is mildly verbally aboosive n places a lot of expectations on him and his mom is a very passive, neglectful parent. she is also rarely seen with his father as they had an arranged marriage and dont actually like each other very much. (they each have their own lovers, scandalous!) Sky Wants to be a good king, but if it were not for that he really wanted to be an architect or even a teacher back at red fountain. 
Weapons: he uses blue phantom weapons, the steryotypical shortsword and shield.
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lifeofresulullah · 3 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah
The Prophet Receives Permission For Migration
The Qurayshi polytheists had decided to kill the Messenger of Allah and started to do things to this end. Meanwhile, God Almighty gave the Messenger of Allah the order to migrate.
The Prophet used to visit Hazrat Abu Bakr in the morning or in the evening every day. However, when he received the order to migrate, he went to Abu Bakr’s house at noon, when it was very hot, by wrapping his head. When Abu Bakr was informed that the Prophet arrived, he was surprised and said, “By Allah, the Messenger of Allah never used to come at this time. There is something very unusual!” Then, he invited the Prophet inside and let him sit on the mattress and said, May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah! What is the matter?”
The Prophet said, “Allah gave me the permission to leave Makkah and to migrate to Madinah.”
Hazrat Abu Bakr asked excitedly, “Will I be honored to accompany you, O Messenger of Allah?”
When the Prophet said “Yes…”, he became very happy and started to weep for joy.
Hazrat Aisha said, “Up to that time, I had never seen anyone to weep so much for joy!”, expressing the joy of her father at that time.
The Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr made an agreement with Abdullah b. Urayqit, who was a polytheist then but who was well-known as a trustable person who always kept his promise, to guide them to Madinah. They gave him two camels and agreed to meet at the foot of the Thawr Mountain.
Then the Prophet left the house of Abu Bakr and returned home. 
Information Given by Hazrat Jibril
Meanwhile, Jibril (pbuh), the angel of revelation, came to the Prophet, informed him about the decision of the polytheists and instructed him what to do:
“Tonight, do not sleep in the bed that you used to sleep up to now!”
Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah called Hazrat Ali and said to him, “Sleep in my bed tonight! Take this green cardigan of mine and cover yourself in it! Do not fear! Nothing will happen to you!”
He also told Hazrat Ali to stay in Makkah until he returned the goods trusted to the Prophet to their owners.
Makkans trusted the Prophet, whom they named “Muhammadu’l-Amin” very much and they entrusted their valuable goods, which they feared losing, to him. When the Qurayshi notables decided to kill him, there were many valuable goods entrusted to him. Despite this decision, he ordered Hazrat Ali to return the goods to their owners, showing his dignity and trustability.
The House of the Prophet is Surrounded
In accordance with the plan that had been made, about two hundred polytheists with their swords chosen from all of the tribes gathered in front of the house of the Prophet after one third of the night passed. Among them were protagonists and brutal people like Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab and Umayya b. Khalaf. The murderers were waiting for the night to end, the sun to rise and the Prophet to leave his house. According to their customs, it was a mean and cowardly act to kill someone in his house.
The Prophet leaves his House
The Messenger of Allah left his house while the murderers with swords were around his house. He picked a handful of soil and threw it toward their heads, reading the first eight verses of the chapter of Yasin. None of them could see him and he passed through them.
After a while, some of their fellow citizens went over them and asked them, “Why are you waiting here?”
When polytheists said, “We are waiting for Muhammad”, they said, “Muhammad threw some soil toward your heads and left a long time ago. Look at your heads and clothes!”, virtually mocking the murderers!
They looked at one another. They were covered with dust and dirt. They were surprised. They entered the house at once. They saw someone lying covered with a cardigan. They said, “There he is; Muhammad is sleeping!” and continued waiting until it started to dawn.
When they saw that Hazrat Ali got up from the bed instead of the Messenger of Allah, they were astonished and said, “By Allah, what was said to us was true!”
Then they asked Hazrat Ali, “Where is Muhammad?”
When Hazrat Ali said, “I do not know!”, they were astonished and did not know what to do.
God almighty stated the following in the verse that He sent down upon this event:
“Remember how the unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out, (of thy home). They plot and plan and Allah too plans but the best of planners is Allah.” 
After leaving his house, the Messenger of Allah went straight to the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr. They prepared some things for the expedition and put some food in a leather bag.
Then, the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr left the house through the small door at the back of the house. They set off to Thawr Mountain, which is down in the southeast of Makkah, three miles (about an hour) away from the city.
Hazrat Abu Bakr walked sometimes in front of and sometimes at the back of the Prophet. The Prophet asked him, “O Abu Bakr! Why do you do so?” Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “In order to watch and protect you, O Messenger of Allah!” 
A Snake Bites Hazrat Abu Bakr
They arrived at the Cave of Thawr on Thursday night.
The cave was desolate. First, Hazrat Abu Bakr entered the cave. He cleaned the ground and leveled it. He blocked the holes in the cave with pieces of fabric torn off his garment. When the pieces were not enough, he blocked the last hole by putting his foot on it. Then, he called the Prophet inside the cave. The Messenger of Allah put his head on the knees of Abu Bakr and fell asleep.
After a while, Hazrat Abu Bakr felt a great pain in his foot that he had put on the hole. He realized that a snake had bitten him. However, he did not remove his foot. He did not even move lest the Messenger of Allah should wake up. He was in so much pain that tears fell down her face. When a few tears hit the face of the Messenger of Allah, he woke up and asked, “What is the matter, O Abu Bakr?”
Hazrat Abu Bakr, the symbol of loyalty, said, “O Messenger of Allah! Something bit my foot but it does not matter. May my father and mother be sacrificed for you!”
The Messenger of Allah rubbed the place that the snake bit with his spit. By the grace of Allah, the pain was eliminated and Hazrat Abu Bakr recovered.
A Spider Weaves a Web; Pigeons Build a Nest
Meanwhile, upon the command of Allah, a spider came to the entrance of the cave and weaved a web; and two pigeons came and built a nest. Those animals started to keep guard in order to protect the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr against Quraysh!
Makkah is searched thoroughly
When the polytheists could not find the Prophet in his house, they got very distressed and sad. They started to search Makkah thoroughly at once. They went to the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr. When they could not find them there, they got furious.
When they could not find the Messenger of Allah in Makkah, they hired a town crier, who shouted, “We will give one hundred camels to anyone who fetches or kills Muhammad or Abu Bakr!”
When the announcement was heard, all of the thieves, murderers and criminals took their swords and sticks; they went out of Makkah and started to run around.  
Some searchers hired two trackers from Banu Mudlij. They found the footprints of the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr. They reached the foot of the Thawr Mountain by tracking.
One of the trackers said, “By Allah, they did not go beyond that cave. The footprints cease here!”
Some of them went to the entrance of the cave together with Umayya b. Khalaf.
Hazrat Abu Bakr’s Sorrow
Meanwhile, the Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakr could see the polytheists but the polytheists could not see them.
Hazrat Abu Bakr was in panic and sorrowful. He said, “O Messenger of Allah! I would not feel sorry at all if they killed me. I am only an individual. However, if they harmed you, it would cause the destruction of your ummah!”
The Messenger of Allah said securely, “Have no Fear, for Allah is with us”, consoling him.
Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “O Messenger of Allah! If one of them bends down and looks, he will see us!”
The Messenger of Allah said in a safe and trusting voice, “O Abu Bakr! What do you think will happen if the third person who is present here along with two of us is Allah? Do you think you will be caught?” Then, he prayed Allah to make Hazrat Abu Bakr relieved. 
Allah indicates the incident in the Quran as follows:
”If ye help not (your Leader) (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him; when the unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion: they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion “Have no Fear, for Allah is with us”: then Allah sent down His peace upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in might, Wise.”
The Spider and the Pigeons Keeping Guard
The polytheists who came close the Cave of Thawr said, “Let us search this cave.”
The Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr could hear what they were talking.
One of them approached the entrance of the cave but he returned without looking inside the cave.
The others asked, “Why did you not look inside?”
He said, “I saw two wild pigeons had built a nest on the entrance of the cave. I never think they can be inside!”
Umayya b. Khalaf, a ferocious polytheist, shouted at his friends furiously,
“Why do you still walk around that cave? Do you not see that a spider had woven a web? By Allah, I think that web had been woven before Muhammad was born!”
Thereupon, they moved away from the cave.
Thus, God Almighty protected His Messenger against Quraysh through the spider and the wild pigeons He appointed!
Days in the Cave
Our beloved Prophet, who entered the cave of Thawr on Thursday night with Hazrat Abu Bakr, stayed in the cave on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. They stayed in the cave for three days and nights as a precaution. During this period, the polytheists would think that they had left Makkah and would loosen the search. And it happened like that.
During the period when they hid in the cave, upon the instruction of the Prophet, Abdullah, the son of Hazrat Abu Bakr, walked among the Qurayshis during the day and found out what they were talking and thinking about; at night, he went to the cave and told the Messenger of Allah what he had heard. He stayed in the cave and returned to Makkah at dawn.
Meanwhile, Amir b. Fuhayra, the slave of Hazrat Abu Bakr, were herding sheep nearby and erasing the tracks of Abdullah; he also took some milk to them.
Thus, three days and nights passed. The search of the Qurayshis for the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr had loosened. That was the news brought by Hazrat Abdullah.
Meanwhile, as they had agreed beforehand, Abdullah b. Urayqit arrived at the foot of the Thawr Mount with the two camels delivered to him beforehand and his own camel on Monday morning at dawn.
Hazrat Asma Brings Food for the Journey!
A sheep was slaughtered and cooked for the Prophet and the people on the journey. Asma (may Allah be pleased with her), the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr, put the meat in a leather bag and took it to the cave along with a leather bottle full of water.
Hazrat Asma had forgotten to bring a band or rope to tie the mouth of the leather bag and bottle. She looked around but could not find anything to tie the bags. Then, she took off her waistband and divided it into two. She tied up the leather bag with one piece and the leather bottle with the other. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah said, “There are two bands for Asma in Paradise!”
Therefore, Hazrat Asma is called “Dhat an-Nitaqayn [The One with two Waistbands]”.
It was the fourth Monday of the month of Rabiulawwal.
It was time to leave the cave.
Hazrat Abu Bakr presented the better one of his two camels to the Prophet and said, “May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah! Get on it!”
The Messenger of Allah said, “I will not get on a camel that I do not own!”
Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “It is yours! May my father and mother be sacrificed for you. Get on it!”
The Messenger of Allah said, “No, I won’t” “I will not get on it unless you tell me the price you have paid for it!”
Hazrat Abu Bakr had to tell the price of the camel and the Prophet accepted to pay for it.
The Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr got on the camels. Hazrat Abu Bakr also let his freed black slave Amir b. Furayha get on the back of his camel so that he will serve them on the way.
Abdullah b. Urayqit, who was very good at leading the way, was in front of them. They left the Cave of Thawr.
The Prophet Calls out to Makkah
The Prophet was about to leave the holy city he was born in and grew up. He stopped his camel near the place called Hazrawa. He looked at the holy city sadly and said, “By Allah, you are the best place that Allah created. You are the most beloved one in the sight of Allah. There is no city more beloved and beautiful than you for me. If I were not forced, I would never leave you and would not settle anywhere else.” , expressing his love toward Makkah. 
Thereupon, God Almighty sent down the following verse to console His Prophet:
“Verily He Who ordained the Qur'an for thee, will bring thee back to the Place of Return.” 
They followed an unusual way toward Madinah in order to make it difficult for the enemies to follow them and to deceive them. First, they rode south, toward Tihama, which is near the Red Sea. Then, they turned north. They proceeded on the way parallel to the coast. They rode the camels until Tuesday noon without stopping. They stopped to have a rest on Tuesday in a shade. The Prophet started to sleep. Hazrat Abu Bakr was waiting like a guard next to him. He also watched around. He saw a shepherd at a distance. He went over to him. He took some milk from the shepherd and brought it to the Prophet. He gave it to the Messenger of Allah when he woke up. The Prophet drank it thirstily. 
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