#also yes regulus is sad leave him alone
chasingthestarss · 4 months
Sirius loving Remus was very hard. Because he wanted to give Remus everything he had and it felt like betraying James, who had always been there for him. And Sirius never felt that way for James ever, but still loving another one of his friends felt like betraying James.
Regulus watching Sirius’ guilt and hating that Sirius could feel bad for loving someone more than he loved James but not feel guilty for loving James as a brother more than he loved Regulus
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Summary: Regulus wants nothing more than to be with you forever, but you know some things are just more important.
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: Angst with sad ending, established relationship, Character death, regulus is lovesick.
A/N: I love writing about regulus, he's my first ever harry potter love. and he deserved sm better (I was also listening to "two birds on a wire" while writing this, kinda made me cry)
Ever since third year, Regulus black knew he was hopelessly in love with you, ever since the day in the library…he knew by the way his heart and face burned in your presence. how his hands shook when you passed him a book, by the way your eyes imprinted into his gray ones. it was only two years into the relationship when he proposed, and obviously. you said yes.
and now, fresh in school holidays. last year at Hogwarts, you stayed at one of his parents villas’
“Regulus?” your voice was similar to angel, and Regulus is sure that if you told him you were from the heavens, he’d believe you. “Yes, my love?” his hand grazing yours under the table of the kitchen. he took you in. clothes that fit you perfectly, hair in a ponytail, glasses hung down the bridge of your nose. “Oh nothing…you just seemed, deep in thought?” you smiled, continuing to read the book you’d been ranting about. while he just watched you.
“i suppose that would be correct”
its true…Regulus Black, Loves you, and there is only one thing stopping him from running away with you forever. the cursed tattoo that he tried deeply to scrub away. not that he would ever tell you that, you knew about it of course. in fact, you decided to make ‘light’ of the ‘dark’ mark. so to speak.
you embraced it, you adored him anyway. which was all he could ask for.
But what he hadn’t been telling you, was that he planned to steal and destroy Voldemort’s, Horcrux. meaning there is a chance he would not come back to you, his biggest fear.
and when the night had finally arrived, he started to doubt everything. as he stared at you in bed, tears started to well. Regulus Black, would be leaving you all alone. in the world without him…
“Reg? come back to bed…” you whispers through sleep, arm reaching out for him. and when he did not take it, you opened your eyes. “Baby?” glancing at his outfit, he seemed he’d be going somewhere. “where are you going, reg?”
“To see my brother, ill be back soon” it was shameful lying to you, the biggest sin ever. “Okay, well…tell him I said “hi”, I love you. be safe please” then going back to sleep, as quick as possible.
"I love you...so much"
how did you trust him? maybe he’d still be here if you said something different
maybe if you just asked him to stay, he would’ve. knowing Regulus…he actually might have if you asked.
but he didn’t come back, ever. part of you had to know he was acting strangely lately, you just wanted nothing more than to grow old with him...stomach clenching at the thought, the only thing to remember him by, were a few photos and drawings of him.
Maybe if you had said something, acted differently? Regulus would be in your arms, kissing you and telling you “everything will be alright”
however, everything isn’t alright.
and it wouldn’t be for awhile…but thats ‘okay’
“It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.”- Miguel De Unamuno.
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Roadtrip (Part 1/?)
“I’m not going in the back.”
“You’re going in the back.”
“Reggie is up front with me, I need a good guide.”
Regulus smirks at Sirius, tongue out and teasing as he opens the front door. “There you go, Sirius. I’m a good guide,” he says, closing the passenger side door with a snide smile.
Sirius throws hands, opening the back door and climbing in with Remus, who’s already settled in, kindle open. He doesn’t look up as Sirius slides in. “You know you were never getting in front, sweetheart, right?”
Sirius kisses his teeth. “It’s like Reggie’s trying to steal my best friend from me.”
Remus hums, “It’s possible to have several best friends.”
“No. James is one of a kind.”
Remus turns back to his kindle, “Then date him instead,” he shrugs.
Remus’ eyes are back on Sirius, twinkling. “No?”
Turning to his right to grab the top of the security belt, Sirius mutters as he slides it on. “I don’t want to date him, I’m just saying he and Reggie have been chummy with—”
“Aannndd we’re ready to go,” James says as he slides into the driver’s side, smiling with all his teeth. “Take us away, space man,” he says, passing the map to Regulus, who opens it up.
“Tell me again why we aren’t using Google maps?” Sirius asks, and Regulus reaches back to slap the map over Sirius’ head.
“Because Google maps is turning our brains into mush, and we’ll miss all the fun,” Regulus says.
Sirius rubs at his head. “All the fun of…knowing where to go?”
Regulus kisses his teeth. “I have a map, I know where to go.”
“But you could be using Google maps,” Sirius reasons.
“Yes, I could,” Regulus starts, with the tone of someone who is about to launch— “And I could also have chosen a different breakfast, a different degree, I could have decided to wake up and pick another type of shirt, there are so many options around me, all the time, and I am picking a map on purpose.”
“It’s the adventure,” James interrupts again, pulling out of the main house.
The Black summer house is less of a house and more of a mansion, where most of them have been spending a lot of time this summer. To cap it off, the general consensus was that a road trip—wouldn’t it be fun?—would be a great way to end it. In two weeks, Remus and Sirius need to be back in England, where Remus will start teaching. James will head back to England a few days after. He’s got friends to see in Paris, so he’ll make the final leg of the drive up with Regulus before abandoning him to the clutches of City of Love while he goes back to London.
In the meantime?
Two weeks of road tripping the french countryside, from Cassis, where the Black family owns a house, all the way to Bordeaux, where the boys will take a train to Paris, leaving James and Regulus to climb up alone.
The problem Sirius has, is that Regulus and James have become friends.
The problem Sirius has, is that he is no longer the center of attention, the main tool through which everyone communicates. Over the course of the past two weeks, he has seen the blossoming friendship between his brother and his best friend, and he’s not—happy about that.
James has been remote working, and so has Regulus (who technically, is remote working from anywhere), while he and Remus have been on proper holidays. And okay, their schedules have been different. Okay, maybe James and Regulus have been left alone while Sirius took Remus out and about town, kayaking and paddle boarding to nearby islands, and maybe it would make sense for them to bond. And okay, it would have been sad for them not to get on, but they’re just… getting along too well. It’s freaking Sirius out.
“The adventure,” Regulus confirms, opening the map to its maximum before folding it back the way he prefers. “Right, Jamie, you’re going to take a left and follow the signs all the way to A50.”
Sirius is right there, once again, “Why Marseille, Reggie?”
“Because you’re going to have the best ice cream of your life there, that’s why.”
“But I hate Marseille.”
“And so you shall suffer.”
Sirius rears back, turning to look at Remus, who’s sporting a little, barely-there smirk, “He’s already bullying me!”
Remus doesn’t look up, reaching one hand to tangle it in Sirius’. “He’s not bullying you. You agreed to this road trip, you knew Reggie was going to pick the stops.”
“But Marseille?”
Regulus turns around from the passenger seat. “If I give you music rights, will you leave it?”
And that, is that.
Sirius grabs the aux cord and starts fiddling with Spotify. “Oh, there’s so much, I have so many ideas, let’s start with Chappell Roan.”
Regulus is quick to reach for the aux, “No, not Pink—”
“Pink Pony Club,” Sirius nods. “Yep. That’s the one.”
Regulus turns his head to James, please help, but James just shrugs. “I’m happy with all music.”
“No,” Regulus moans, just as Sirius fist pumps the air. “James, turn the car around.”
James doesn’t look up from the windshield. “Nope, we’re in this together now. No one is ruining this for me.”
“For you?” Regulus asks. “How has my road trip become yours?”
James sneaks a look at Regulus, “Since you sat next to me, polluting my work environment and telling me everything you wanted to do and whether everyone else would be on board.”
“That’s not how I remember it.”
James scoffs, “Sure it isn’t, Baby Black.”
“This is actually the worst thing to come out of this adventure,” Regulus says.
And Sirius is there, right away, putting his head in between the seats, pulling on his seatbelt. “Baby Black?”
“I like it,” James says right as Regulus quips, “It’s horrible.”
Sirius squints between the leather seats. “I can’t decide.”
“Sirius, the beauty of it,” James starts, taking a right, “is that there is nothing you have to decide on. It’s been decided on already. I like it, so I will use it.”
Regulus looks out the window, “I’m pretty sure that’s not how democracy works,” he pouts.
“Funny of you to think it’s a democracy. I am driving—”
“It’s my car—”
“I’m in charge of the music,” Sirius cuts in right before Remus grabs his arm and pulls him back to his seat behind Regulus, enough of that.
“Remus, they’re—”
“They are chatting. Leave them alone.”
“They’re flirting.”
“They’re not.”
Sirius turns to James. “James, are you flirting with my brother?”
“Um, not really?”
Remus turns to Sirius, “See?”, just as Regulus turns to James.
“’Um’? What a vote of confidence.”
“Well, do you want me to flirt with you?”
“No,” Sirius says, just as Regulus says nothing.
Regulus says nothing.
Regulus says.
“Sirius, don’t say anything,” Remus says.
“Just. Leave it.”
Sirius does.
For a minute.
“Okay, but—”
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lulublack90 · 9 months
Prompt 10 - Lake
@jegulus-microfic January 10 Word count 561
cw - reference to child abuse in the form of scars
James had spent the better part of the day trying to convince Regulus to come for a swim in the lake. 
“I promise the giant squid won’t get you. It’s very docile. It loves a quick tickle, and then it leaves you alone.” He’d joked, hoping to charm Regulus into saying yes. Regulus kept refusing but wouldn’t tell him why. 
“Regulus, please tell me why you don’t want to. I promise I won’t keep pestering you if you do.” James had gotten good at reading Regulus. He could tell this wasn’t a simple case of not wanting to. Regulus was hiding something. 
Regulus sighed. He had also learnt how to read James, not that it was hard. He wore his heart on his sleeve. He knew James wouldn’t drop it until he’d told him what was wrong. 
“I can’t swim.” He refused to make eye contact with James, which was probably a good thing as James was trying very hard to hide the smile that was fighting to take over his face. 
“Didn’t Walburga send you for lessons?” He asked once he’d gotten himself under control. 
“No, she didn’t want anyone to see us not fully clothed.” Regulus grimaced. “Sirius can’t swim either.” He added as if hoping to distract James from the truth. 
“Actually, he can,” James admitted as he took the bait.
“What! When did he learn to swim?” He didn’t seem to be cross about it, so James answered him.
“He fell in the pond behind my house. He had to learn pretty quick how to stay afloat.” Regulus burst out laughing. James had to wait for him to stop, but he didn’t mind. He loved listening to Regulus laugh. 
“I can teach you to swim, you know. We can stay in the shallows. I promise I’ll keep you safe.” He could see Regulus’s resolve cracking. He watched as he chewed his lips and shuffled from foot to foot. 
“Oh, alright then. But you have to promise not to laugh at me.”
“Cross my heart.” James grinned, and took hold of Regulus’s hand as he dragged him out onto the grounds. 
James stripped down to his underwear and wadded into the cool water. The sun was still beating down, but the water felt so good. Regulus copied James and carefully took off and folded his clothes. He paused before removing his trousers, looking around for anyone watching him. 
As soon as he’d removed them, James saw why Walburga had never let her sons learn to swim. On the back of his thighs, exactly in the same spot as Sirius’s, was a collection of long, thin scars. He rearranged the sadness from his face before Regulus looked back at him. He held out his hands, and Regulus walked straight to him without any hesitation. 
The water lapped around James's waist as he held Regulus afloat. He taught him a few easy strokes. Regulus, James found, was a very fast learner and soon he was swimming unaided along the shoreline.
Too soon, the sun began to set, and the cool water dropped a few degrees. Reluctantly, they both got out. They used a drying charm before putting their clothes back on. 
“New life skill that, Reg. You never know when it might come in useful.” James said as he kissed Regulus’s cheek before they headed back up to the castle.   
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thoughts while listening to hmhas
this is mostly assigning marauder things/ships/people to the songs btw
warning: this contains spoilers for all of the songs so if you want that it's below the cut ;)
SKINNY: "fell in love for the first time, with a friend it's a good sign" okay wolfstar also "twenty-one took a lifetime time, people say I look happy, just because I got skinny" plus size Lily Evans??
favorite line, "twenty-one took a lifetime time, people say I look happy, just because i got skinny"
LUNCH: love this one so much!! it's giving Marlene and flirty her self ;) and as a general song i love this one, it's more upbeat than billie's past songs and i love that.
favorite line, the whole beginning because i can't even pick just one lmao
CHIHRO: (translation: month) this song is just so much fun to vibe and listen to, and that's just amazing lol
favorite line, "I was waitin', in the garden, contemplatin', beg your pardon, but there's a part of me that recognizes you, do you feel it too?"
BIRDS OF A FEATHER: this one is so rosekiller-coded to me. like the you die i die vibe? that's so them! "it might be long but baby I, don't wanna say goodbye" like brooo.
favorite line, "I love you, don't act so surprised"
WILDFLOWER: i've never read ATYD but based on posts i've seen this is a very Grant singing about Remus and Sirius, " 'cause she (Sirius) couldn't be, more different than me, happy and free in leather" like like do you see the vision? and when the prank and Grant and Remus become closer? idk but i think it's cute/sad.
favorite line "but every time you touch me, I just wonder how she felt, Valentines Day, crying in the hotel, I know you didn't mean to hurt me so I kept it to myself""
THE GREATEST: if this song isn't James Fleamont Potter, I don't know what is!! "I'm trying my best to keep you satisfied, let you get your rest, while I stayed up all night, and you don't wanna know how alone I've been" like wtaf?!? "all my love and patience, unappreciated," dudee
favorite line, "you said your heart was jaded, you couldn't even break it, I shouldn't have to say it, you could've been the greatest"
L'AMOUR DE MA VIE: (translation: Love Of My Life) this one is so good! like not much more to say lmao, but i absolutely love the change-up like with the autotune(i think that's what that was, not positive though) i was not expecting that lol. though i do think it might be like a sad/bitter mary or regulus watching jily from the sides. made myself sad with that idea :( lol
favorite line, "but I need to confess I told you a lie, when I said you, you were the love of my life"
THE DINER: this song is so goddamn good (yes i know i've said that for almost every other song, they're all just so good!!) this song is honestly giving the Slytherin Skittles, like the rhythm, vibe, the whole thing except for the end which i kinda see as possessive rosekiller "I saw you in the car with someone else and couldn't sleep, if somethin' happens to him, you can bet that it was me" and i honestly love that for them lol. also if you dial the number at the end of the song you can get a text? (based on a google search/reddit) i haven't gotten it yet but i'll probably update if/when i do
favorite line, "the cops around the corner stopped me when I tried to leave, they told me I was crazy and they knocked me off my feet, they came in through the kitchen lookin' for something discrete"
BITTERSUITE: honestly regulus when he first crushes on james? " 'cause I can't fall in love with you, no matter how bad I want to" and "it's so romanticized, if this is how I die, that's alright" also love the ending, it's really trippy and cool :)
favorite line, "we can be discrete, but I've been overseas, and I've been havin' dreams, l'amour de ma vie"
Blue: all these songs are so amazing i can't get over ittt!!! "you were born reaching for your mother's hands, victim of your father's plans to rule the world, too afraid to step outside, paranoid and petrified of what you've heard, but they could say the same 'bout me" that and "and I could say the same 'bout you, born blameless, grew up famous" is just so Black-family. like Narcissa, Andromeda, Bellatrix, Sirius, and Regulus, this song is about them honestly.
favorite line, "I try to live in black and white, but I'm so blue, I'd like to mean it when I say I'm over you"
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queerpumpkinnn · 2 years
Stain (Part Four)
2k words
In which Sirius realizes that he loves you in a different way than the other Marauders.
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six coming soon!
Summary: You and Sirius deal with the repercussions of Sirius' confession.
Pairing: Bestfriend!Sirius Black x reader
Warnings: none, but let me know if there needs to be!
While reading, I recommend you listen to Songs I want to have a crazy epic love to - a Spotify playlist by me!
Forty two hours.
It had been forty two hours since Sirius Black had admitted that he was in love with you. And it had been thirty six hours since you had seen his face. You never lingered in the common room, opting to sit with Lily and Mary whenever in the Great Hall, and you outright skipped Astronomy to avoid sitting next to him.
The conversation still had your head reeling, even as it played back in your mind on repeat. Pieces of dialogue came back to you in flashes, echoing in your brain and pulling you back into the whirlwind of emotions that came with it.
After you'd skipped a few classes, you retreated to the courtyard where you hoped you'd be left alone. In the span of time, you were approached by a variety of people.
First came Lily. She'd already been told the entire situation, and she was sympathetic to your lack of energy. The girl noted your wishing to be left alone, opting to give you a recap of the day's Potions class at a later time and squeezing your hand before leaving.
Next came Peter and Mary, also in your Potions class. You'd used the guise of having accidentally slept in, given it was your first of the day. They didn't seem to believe you, sharing in a skeptical look before shrugging and leaving you be.
Regulus Black was after. You weren't terribly close with him, but he was Sirius' brother and your partner in Defense Against the Dark Arts. At first he only came to provide the day's notes, but after seeing your state he didn't leave, leaning lightly against the pillar above you.
"So what has my brother done now?"
If you weren't drained of all energy you probably would have snapped your neck whipping your head around to see him. But the look in your eyes pulled a small smile to the boy's lips.
"I know the two of you are close. I also saw him in worse shape than ever at breakfast and you at the opposite end of the table. It wasn't difficult to piece together."
You clicked your tongue, leaning your head against the stone behind you. "I'm not sure, honestly. Still trying to figure that out."
Regulus hummed, turning curtly and leaving without another word.
Next came James. He was the most persistent. He plopped down next to you, surprising you a little.
"So? Why were you avoiding Sirius all day?"
"I wasn't." You tried.
"Oh, no, I think you were. I heard the two of you shouting last night, and it wasn't the good kind. Then you sat on the other end of the house table. Of course, you do sit with the girls sometimes, so that would seem normal. If Sirius didn't look like a kicked puppy, no pun intended. Then you skipped Astronomy and Potions, and only those two- the two classes you share with Sirius, and that's too big a coincidence. So yes, you were."
Well, there goes that. "We just had a tiff, that's all. It's nothing."
Again, the bespectacled boy raised a skeptical brow. "You two never have tiffs. You've been thick as thieves since first year. And even then, tiffs aren't typically shouting matches followed by almost two days of ignoring each other."
You gave a frustrated sigh at his persistence. James' gaze softened, pulling his legs closer to his body. "I heard him crying that night. I know he told you he was in love with you."
James gave a sad smile. "Yeah."
"So you know, huh?"
"As of last night, yeah." James' gaze turned from one of sympathy to realization, hands flying to his unruly mop of hair in shock. "Were you the one he was running around with?"
You nodded, shrugging.
"And he was the one you were getting all blushy about?" He pointed his thumb over his shoulder as though the boy was behind him.
You nodded again, spirits lifted a little bit at your friend's bewildered face.
"Merlin, I can't believe I didn't see it." James barked a laugh.
"Well, we were sneaking around. Remus was the only one who knew anything, really. And I think Peter, at some point, but he never told."
"You told Wormtail but not me?"
"He found out on accident!"
James groaned theatrically, grasping his heart and pretending to faint. Your soft chuckles and his laughs died down after a moment, and James rolled over to face you.
"So how do you feel about the whole thing?"
You hummed, fiddling with the hem of your robe. "I'm not sure. I miss him, though."
"Do you love him back?"
You blinked at the boy, a hollow space in your throat where words should be.
"I see. You're still mulling it over?"
You nodded slowly, the slightest of movements enough of an answer for James.
"I get it. Feelings are hard. Well, I do know that he's sorry for his outburst. He's very brazen when it comes to his feelings, you know. He's been a mess all week since your fight."
"Then why hasn't he talked to me?"
James gave you a pitying look. "Would you go talk to someone who stormed out when you confessed love?"
Again, you were at a loss for words.
"See? And I'm not saying you weren't right to be upset at his approach, but he's scared to make things worse. He's giving you your space."
"But he's the one in the wrong. He basically told me I shouldn't be with Jack and assumed I loved him back. He should apologize." You insisted, but it was a frail attempt of an argument.
James removed his glasses, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "He should. And he would if you'd stop avoiding him like the plague."
Any cutting reply you had died on your tongue. He was right. But you were stubborn.
"I'm not going to wave up the white flag for him." You finalized, crossing your arms.
James groaned. "You know what? If that's how you want to handle this, I can't force you to do any differently." The boy patted your knee before standing. "But please, be kind to him."
And so you were granted a while of silence.
You hated that it wasn't easy to be angry with him. You hated that you couldn't just say he was far out of line for assuming you loved him back. For the first half of the new day, you could. You raged. But when it dissolved, it was replaced with longing and emptiness and an ache in your chest that said you were missing a piece of your soul.
And so an hour later, you sat in the courtyard under a tree, half of your weight leaning on the trunk of a tree and the other on Jack's torso, his arm draped over your shoulders. Dorcas and Marlene were sat across from you, as well as a few friends of his who were horsing around. You weren't really listening to them.
You'd chosen not to tell your boyfriend about the argument between you and Sirius, at least for the time being. You wanted to collect your thoughts, soak in them in hopes that somehow they would compartmentalize on their own.
You were so lost in thought staring at your shoes that you hadn't processed your name being called.
Jack's brows furrowed. "Are you alright? You've been quiet lately."
You nodded, sighing. "Didn't get much sleep last night."
"McGonagall's been working you that hard?"
"Yeah, I suppose so." You pulled your robes tighter over your body when a chill swept over. The clouds had been greying while you sat. You knew the upcoming weeks were sure to be stormy.
The bubble of gloomy silence that surrounded you was popped when around the bend came a huffing and puffing James Potter, bending over when he finally reached the group.
"James? Why're you in such a-" You were interrupted by his finger up to signal he needed a moment, putting his hands on his knees and heaving a breath that was, as per usual, quite dramatic.
"Remus is in the hospital wing. Last night got real bad, I think you'll want to see him."
You knew immediately what that meant. Leaping to your feet and leaving textbooks behind, you sprinted over the grass behind James into the castle. Weaving around groups of students clustered in the middle of the corridor and even almost tripping over your own feet multiple times, the two of you reached the hospital wing in record time.
Perhaps your mind was frazzled, perhaps it was the urgency in James' voice, but it didn't occur to you that Remus had been dealing with his lycanthropy for years and never before has it become so bad- mind, hours after the fact- that you'd been called to see him so urgently.
But you suddenly became hyper-aware of the odd situation when you stormed through the great doors of the hospital wing and there were nothing but empty rows of beds clad in clean white sheets, save for one, which held a very disheveled-looking Sirius Black.
You stopped in your tracks when you saw him, the sound of the doors closing being a muted background noise amongst the sound of your heart racing in your ears.
When he stood, you couldn't move. You felt frozen in place when his eyes met yours, so weary and full of sadness and fear. The boy normally sported dark shades under his eyes, sleep seemed to evade him since his youth, but this was worse. His face was devoid of the eyeliner he normally wore, but small streaks around the corners of his eyes said that it had simply faded, that he hadn't bothered to remove it by any means other than crying or natural wear. His face was blotched with red on his cheeks and nose, a stark comparison to his pale skin. He was standing like he was closing in on himself, holding his arms around himself and his feet close together. His arm was covered in doodles from borrowed muggle pens, something he only ever did when he was in need of comfort. His lips were chapped, as you noticed when he began taking timid steps towards you. He dared not look away, searching for any signs of your discomfort, hatred, disgust, something.
"Hey." Was all you could say. You wanted to slap yourself in the face for being so awkward.
"Hey. Guess James is a better liar than I thought." What was he saying?
"Yeah. You don't look so good, have you been eating?"
Sirius shrugged, hands in his pockets. "Not much."
"Hypocrite." You smiled weakly. "You're always filling Remus' plate and scolding him for skipping meals."
"No friend of mine is going to wither away for academics." Sirius insisted, his feeble demeanor dissipating ever so slowly.
You chuckled softly, finally able to stare at him comfortably. With adoration, without fearing if he'd look back your way from across the Great Hall and scowl because you'd thrown away his heart.
"Sirius..." Your mouth hung open for a moment, searching for words. "You're my best friend. And I do care about you."
Sirius braced himself for the inevitable 'but'.
"But all I can give you is friendship right now. I don't even know how I feel, so I need you to let me figure that out."
Sirius nodded slowly, and the look on his face said that through the sinking of his heart into his stomach, he understood. Truly.
"Then friends it is. I'm sorry I didn't react properly the other night."
You gave him a feeble smile, accepting his apology. In all realness, Sirius was the reason you had standards. He'd always been the one pointing out when you were being treated sub-par, making sure you knew your worth.
Sirius held his arms open, only remnants of nervousness visible in his eyes now. You nodded, closing your eyes and drinking in his scent, the solace of his arms. You'd missed him.
But you couldn't shake the feeling that there was still something yet to be resolved.
@likeshadowsinafadedlight @ourheartsofsteel
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six coming soon!
Sirius Black Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
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loz-tearsofahomo · 1 year
List of my Regulus HCs because I am sick and bored:
Regulus black LOVES animals. He pretends not to, he's taking magical creatures for 'extra credit' but its secretly his favorite class ever
He also is the only person to properly befriend Filches cat, mrs norris.
Mrs Norris is now like,,, 35 years old because regulus found out a way to lengthen her lifespan 20-30 years or so (much to several generations of wizards dismay)
Regulus loves padfoot, he has no idea its sirius spying on him for awhile and is frankly distraught when he finds out
Regulus and Lily run a study club together which James is at every session without fail (oddly enough theyve never seen him pull out a textbook)
He absolutely flirts with Evan an inappropriate amount to make Barty jealous (violence ensues in the dorm, on a daily basis)
Regulus loves collecting flowers and pressing them into his notebooks!! It makes the pages smell nice and he likes writing sad boy poetry to accompany them
He exclusively insults James ( mentally challenged, masochist, human dungbeetle, football personified, idiot, etc etc) but once in awhile throws in 'love' to watch him absolutely lose all semblence of grace
James was sooo jealous of Pandora because her and Reg were always going on 'dates' to hogsmeade (they were 1000% gossiping)
Regulus and Dorcas sit in the corner of the library sometimes to people watch and shit talk - nobody bothers them because everyone is intimidated at their presence
Rumor has it a 4th year tried to get Regulus and Dorcas to leave but came back sweating white as a sheet (they probably mildly traumatized this poor child)
Regulus and Remus are like reluctant besties!! They give each other book recommendations, can communicate so sarcastically nobody knows what they're on about, and get really fucking high together once in awhile.
Remus was Regulus' gay awakening (though he will never admit it) (Remus would never let it go) (ever)
Regulus doesn't/can't differentiate tone so nobody knows if hes joking or not
Regulus 'I will bury you alive deep enough where when i put my ear to the ground only then your muffled screams could be heard' Black
Sirius 'He doesn't mean that, regulus leave this poor child alone' Black
Yes Sirius is the exception he can always tell
Regulus is secretly thrilled that even after their rocky relationship Sirius still understands him like no one else
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marylily-my-beloved · 5 months
Good Luck Babe! - Lily x Narcissa oneshot - based on chappell Roan's song Good Luck Babe - hope you enjoy!!
Getting ready for Narcissa’s wedding, Lily doesn’t know why she was invited, it was obvious enough that Narcissa wanted to see her once more, since she told her to come disguised as Alice’s sister. 
Turning herself into a brunette she asked Alice “Darling, do I look like your sister?” 
“Yeah, well pretty close to her anyways, I love the dress you picked too Lils. Very revenge at the wedding, well this is exactly what it is, correct?”
“Yeah Alice I know, I’m going to Narcissa’s wedding, my girlfriend who didn’t even break up with me before marrying fucking Lucius, I’m ready to see her.” 
“Poor you Lily honestly, you know I hate to say it but I told you so. She’s a Black, well a Malfoy now, but a Black nonetheless. Nothing like the Blacks you know, Sirius and Andromeda.” 
“You know what, I’m happy she’s getting married. Good riddance. No more girlfriend for me, now I can focus on more important things, like the war.” 
Alice replied walking towards Lily, “Ok Lily, whatever you want to believe, but it’s ok to be sad you know?”
“I know Alice, it’s just that now she’s barely worth my time.” Lily put on her dress, “Now I’m really ready, should we go?”
“Yeah Lils! We should be perfectly on time, you know how punctual Black’s are, we might as well be late.”
They apparated to the wedding venue, which was also the Malfoy Manor garden. When they arrived Lily immediately saw all the decorations and all the people. Lily and Alice walked around the venue, searching for Narcissa, but instead of her they found Lucius. Choosing to be polite, Lily went up to him. 
Lily said, “Congratulations on the marriage Lucius, Narcissa really is nice, is she not?”
Lucius replied, sounding unbothered, “Yes she is, thank you.” And walked away looking pissed. 
Lily was confused, who wouldn’t want to marry Narcissa, an idiot called Lucius apparently. Continuing to search for Narcissa on her own, yet unable to find her, she started searching for Alice.
Finding Alice, Lily went right back to her, and she was busy greeting Regulus, surprisingly. She went up to them, and Regulus didn’t even know who she was. ‘Better like that’ Lily thought, giving him a small wave before he left. 
As the wedding continued, they continued mingling, still not seeing Narcissa. Lily felt infuriated, why would Narcissa invite her if she didn’t get to see her anyways. She was preparing to leave, whether Alice wanted to or not, until Alice poked her arm.
“Lily, look! Narcissa’s right there, and now I’m not gay like you, but damn, she looks good doesn’t she?” Alice exclaimed 
Lily replied, seeming frustrated, “Yes, yes she looks pretty amazing, but let’s go up to her c’mon.” 
Lily practically dragged Narcissa by her dress sleeve, bumping into multiple people on the way to Narcissa. Finally getting to Narcissa, Lily was about to say something before Narcissa was ushered away, all fancy in her wedding dress. 
She briefly made eye contact with Narcissa before looking back to Alice, feeling defeated.
“At this rate we’ll never get to talk to her, even briefly.” Alice groaned, frustrated with their situation.
The wedding started, everybody sat down, Lily and Alice went to go sit next to Regulus, waving at him and then ignoring him to look over at where Narcissa was. 
They sat through the whole wedding together, and Lily was gasping for air when Narcissa walked towards the aisle. Lily thought ‘Holy shitty shit crap fuck, I never knew Narcissa would look so hot in a ballgown dress. Man, I wish she would kiss me instead of Lucius.’
The wedding finished and the after party started, and they both started following Narcissa.
Finally having caught up to her, and she was alone, Lily felt relieved. She walked up to Narcissa, motioning to Alice to leave them alone. 
Lily said, “Hi Narcissa, how are you doing? Are you finally gonna break up with me? Or were you waiting until after your husband goes to Azkaban?” She was obviously fed up with life at this point. 
Narcissa looked hurt, and it hurt Lily a bit too, but that wasn’t the main point, Lily was just waiting for her reply. 
Narcissa replied, “Hello Lily, I want to apologize for this, I didn’t know this would happen until I was told to send invitations to any pureblood. I really wanted to talk to you, but I didn’t have much time. I don’t want to break up with you, but you know I have to, I’m so fucking sorry.”
Lily replied, frustrated, “Let me just tell you this ok, I’m sorry too, and I love you. I’ll miss you so much, but don’t forget what I’m gonna say yeah? Just let this be the one thing you remember about me.”
Narcissa nodded, giving Lily the permission to speak to her mind. Lily said, “When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night with your head in your hands and you figure out that you’re nothing more than his wife. Don’t forget that I told you so, don’t forget your first love. Ok babe? Good luck.” Lily then left, rejoining Alice and flooring back to her flat. —
Years later, Narcissa awoke from her and Lucuis’s shared bed with a gasp. Lucuis wasn’t in bed, and she had this feeling that something had happened to Lily. All these years and she could never forget that fiery red hair, and Lily’s stare was engraved into her brain.
She thought about what Lily had said on her wedding day, and knew just how right she was. She heard Lucuis come in, telling her, “The Dark Lord is gone, this mudblood named Lily Evans managed to kill him as she died.” and everything else was static.
Lily was dead, Lily was dead, Lily was dead. Lily was dead, and Narcissa might as well have been an accomplice to her death. She apparated away, going to the graveyard near Lily’s old place, and she sat there and cried, cried and cried. Lily had told her so, what was she expecting? Lily told her so, and Lily was always right, even after her death.
@cressthebest finally wrote it!!
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limetimo · 1 year
L'Astre Noir by Calypte black bros being bros (6 years age difference)
unremarkable days. by sadgorl focus wolfstar, regulus is in sirius' custody
This Is Why I Hate Mondays by AtomicMint crack spoofs
What We Do For The Cause by piximera for greenmegsnoham regulus seduces voldy to learn his secrets. it sucks (the plan, not the fic)
Take my love as the antidote, use me to treat your pain by fairies_withspirits sirius and regulus having comfort sex
Little Star (How Could I Love You If I Stayed?) by fairies_withspirits black bros cest
Two Knights Defence by Keysie  idk man dorcas regulus and remus are all werewolves under Queenie's plotty plots
We are Malfoys and we are Blacks: Pre-Hogwarts by Kiramiel regulus reborn as draco's twin
A Boy and his Cat by aCanadianMuggle regulus spends time with sirius secretly
Draco Malfoy and The Portrait at the End of the Hall little draco finds Regulus' portrait in the Manor. it changes things
been waiting a lifetime (to be with you) by justprompts harry and draco time travel
Three's Family by darkbluedark draco and harry time travel to Wiz war 1
Moonlight Shenanigans by puddinghater26 regulus went with snape and got werewolfed
El Reyezuelo de El Dorado by AmethystHeart2421 for greenmegsnoham regulus is wanting to fuck a werewolf, specifically his brother's boyfriend. it um kinda backfires???? idk its been a while since i read it
hair dye by justice_for_rab wrong number au jegulus
you'd ruin me with a smile by Valeriesgirl wrong number au jegulus
no ones gonna love you by allforthegayz wrong number au jegulus
The Cadence of Part-time Poets by motswolo wolfstar focus band au regulus is there
black, mirror shards by puddinghater26 sirius leaves Regulus the mirror when he runs away flash forward to the cave you get the gist very angsty very powerful very beautiful
Tale As Old As Time by xojosten Regulus and James get yot forward in time to golden trio's 8th year
to the dark lord by justwhatialwayswanted  !!!!!!!!!!! good shit. not joining voldemort not joining dumbledore but a secret third thing (creating a side of your own)
A Little Bird Told Me by MidnightStargazer regulus doesnt go to the cave and claims imperius. it's a bummer when voldy comes bakk in 95
The Sounds of Us by Sniper_Jade regulus/remus, regulus' music sooths remus' werewolf pains, v cute premise
Wolfsbane of My Existence by AmethystHeart2421 ravenclaw remus, remus/regulus
**Bonus Scene** - Shower Wank by AmethystHeart2421 wolfsbane of my existence regulus wanks in the shower
Sky Full of Stars by TowardTheStars focus is sirius and child sexual abuse in hollywood, mind the tags it gets really fucked up around chapter 18ish. severus/sirius, regulus is freinds with severus and lily
Umbrella Drinks by Patriceavril for nanneramma the suit life of peter and regulus (yes i made it a zac and cody reference lol)
Crimson Rivers by bizarrestars for moonymoment  i didn't read it because i knew it'd make me sad but ppl are going bonkers over it. hunger games au
The Journal of Regulus Arcturus Black by gokioh draco finds regulus' journal. it helps him make better decisions re: voldy
Waters Run Deep by knight_bus_of_doom crying creaming throwing up. can be rad alone but you really should read the first part of the series to get the maximum emotions out of it
The Only Faith We Have (is faith in us) by orphan_account jegulily modern muggle detectives au
The Life and Death of Regina Black by Sniper_Jade trans regulus said fuck it we ball
New Year's Eve, 1981 by MidnightStargazer this was really good. reading the series The Ancient and Ever-Changing House of Black is adviced
the hold you have on me by mcplestreet for swoons james smells regulus in his amoretia and gets really stalkery about it
grow as we go by quynhorlose sirius and his hair centric
Domestic Fluff (literally) by Zoya1416 they go fabric shopping!
Reborn from the Ashes by MidnightStargazer regulus teaches ancient runes and hunts horcruxes and also sirius escapes azkaban
I was enchanted to meet you by coincidences vernon dies and petunia starts dancing the new mysterious bachelor from number 6 (regulus) very neat i loved it
daisy chain lovers by Beyond_the_Grace petunia/regulus this is such a tiny ship but omg
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sniperjade · 6 months
Dubious Duties - Chapter 4 of Bad Professor
Regulus felt conflicted. Damn that stupid wolf for getting in his head. They were nothing. He meant nothing to Regulus but the look of hurt on his face, when he found Lily cradled in Regulus’ arms, refused to leave his head. In desperation, when he got to dinner that night he sat at the far end of the table so that he didn’t have to look at him. Of course, this meant that he had ended up next to Hagrid, who was apparently also trying to hide from Dumbledore.
“I warned em’,” Hagrid muttered despondently into his tankard of ale, “I said not t’ insult em’ I said it’d be tha’ las’ thing ye ever do. I shoulda’ known he wouldn’t listen.”
Regulus turned to the morose giant and tried to figure out what the hell he was talking about.
“Who didn’t listen?”
“Tha’ Malfoy boy. I told him. I said don’t insult the Hippogriffs.” He gestured emphatically with his tankard, sending foam slopping over the edges. “Well, he ignored me, didn’ he? Called ole Bucky a great ugly brute. He didn’ like that.”
Regulus looked over at the Slytherin table. The spot where the blond boy was usually holding court was decidedly empty and the rest of his cohorts looked very dour indeed. In contrast, the kids at the Griffindor table seemed to be in absurdly high spirits.
“What happened to him?”
“Well, Bucky cut up his arm. Hippogriff talons are very sharp. I had to cancel my class! T’was their firs’ day too. Dumbledore mus’ be so disappointed.”
Hagrid slammed his tankard back onto the table and looked into it as though it held all the meaning in the world. Regulus sighed.
“You let a group of thirteen years olds, the most difficult and disrespectful age group of teenagers, near a creature that will attack if you offend it?”
Hagrid made a sad sort of noise. “I thought they’d think Hippogryphs were cool.”
“I can’t imagine Lucius took that very well.”
Hagrid’s thick lips drew into a hard line.
“No, he did not. I had to formally apologise. I wouldn’ mind so much if he wasn’ such a massive git.”
Regulus spat out his wine as he laughed out loud. “Did you just call Lucius Malfoy a massive git?”
“I did,” Hagrid nodded with a furtive glance around to see if anyone was listening. “An’ I’d do it again. He’s a right twat, that one.”
Regulus giggled delightedly at that. He had only been at Hogwarts at the same time as Lucius for one year. A year of utter turmoil as he had to navigate Sirius’ disappointment that he wasn’t a Gryffindor, as well as the attention of his insane cousins. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Andromeda had still been around, but Bellatrix was so pleased to have her little cousin Reggie with her that she wouldn’t leave him alone. Unfortunately, it meant that he had been pulled into Lucius Malfoy's orbit on more than one occasion. Lucius was a decidedly pretentious individual, and he did not get better after he was under the thumb of a maniacal megalomaniac.
“I suppose that means my cousin is also in the building.” Regulus mused.
Hagrid looked up blearily. “You mean Mrs Malfoy. She’s right terrifying tha’ one.”
Regulus sighed. “They all are.”
Hagrid’s eyes narrowed in on Regulus as though seeing him for the very first time.
“You’re not bad, Black. Not like tha’ rest of em are ya? Tell ya what, I have a bottle of firewhisky that I was going to use to drown my sorrows in for the rest of the night. What say you join me?”
Regulus risked a glance up the table to find the amber eyes of Remus Lupin looking straight at him.
“That sounds great!” Regulus hurriedly agreed. “How about I drop into the medical wing and check up on the Malfoy boy? Give you a bit of an update?”
“Thas’ awful kind of ya.” Hagrid replied giving Regulus a huge slap on the back that nearly knocked him smack-bang into the table.
He laughed gingerly and got up from the table, exiting the hall before the wolf could follow. He made his way over to the medical wing, furtively looking behind him for any sign of a tail. He had been able to hear Lucius’ voice the entire way down the hall, but it was only as he was about to step inside that he heard Albus.
“He needs to be fired, Dumbledore!”
“Now Lucius. Whilst it is awful that this happened, we are dealing with magical creatures here. Surely you understand the risks involved with this course of study. Hippogriffs are only rated XXX’s.”
“And out of all the possible XXX creatures to study that one was chosen for a group of thirteen-year-olds?”
“This is the first year that Hagrid is running this program and there are bound to be teething issues. Be assured that we will be reviewing the data from this incident and will make necessary changes. I hope the young Mr Malfoy makes a full recovery.”
Regulus almost ran into Albus as he exited the room.
“Professor Black,” he greeted as he stepped beside him. “You must be here to check in on your family. I will assure you that young Mr Malfoy is in good hands.”
He dodged round Regulus and went to leave.
“Wait! Albus!” Regulus exclaimed as he jogged over. “I was wondering if you’re free to have a meeting with me tomorrow if possible.”
Albus raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Of course, Regulus, I’ve been meaning to meet with all my new teachers to see how they’re going with their lesson planning and course instruction. You have a free period just before lunch tomorrow, don’t you? Come see me in my office and we can talk.”
Regulus nodded and gave him a brilliant smile.
“Excellent. I look forward to it.”
Regulus was conscious of the fact that you should always keep an employer onside, even if you did have severe doubts about their sanity. Albus had been an enigma, from the first moment he had owled Regulus at Grimmauld Place, and every instance after. Whenever they spoke, Regulus had got the distinct impression, that Albus was almost always talking about something entirely different to what Regulus thought they were talking about. It made every conversation very disconcerting.
As Albus disappeared down the corridor Regulus turned back to the medical wing. He sighed. He could still hear Lucius loudly complaining about the situation from the other side of the door. This was possibly a very stupid idea. He hadn’t exactly made an effort to reconnect with his family after Voldemort's death. He had been busy trying to exonerate Sirius and that had required that he associate with a lot of people that his family would not necessarily agree with. Of course, after that colossal failure, he ran away to the continent again.
The image of Sirius stumbling about in the rain, his eyes unfocused, wild insane laughter spilling from his lips, flashed across his mind. He shook his head, willing the image to fuck off. He refused to let it rule his life. He refused to run this time. Sirius had to live with his fucked-up choices.
He pushed open the door and the two people standing on either side of the bed froze.
It was Narcissa who spoke first. A tiny sound, as though she had not meant for it to leave her lips. She was still stunning after all these years; Blacks always were after all. She had changed her hair colour. The straight dark brown locks that she had in her youth were now a pale blond. Her eyes of course were still the same silver. Though they held none of the hatred he had expected, a begrudging sort of respect shone out instead.
The word was a warning. Regulus braced for what he would find, when he faced Lucius Malfoy for the first time in fourteen years. Lucius stood tall and straight, his face like marble, as though it were chiselled out of stone. Whilst his expression was severe, he was a handsome man and when he was younger, Regulus had envied Narcissa. Lucius had wooed her with charm and passion and Regulus had wished for something similar. A love so easily found that fit within the constraints that they were allowed.
Instead, he was sold to a madman. Easy fodder to be dashed upon the foundation blocks of their new world order. The inevitable fate of a second son. In a way, it was the only sure sign that his parents had never given up on Sirius, that it had always only been Sirius. It had never mattered what Regulus did. He would always only be the spare.
“Lucius,” Regulus greeted formally, “I came to check up on my student. I apologise if I am intruding.”
“Your student?” Lucius sneered, “Oh, how low you have fallen, Regulus. Teaching?”
Regulus tilted his head and stuck his tongue into the side of his cheek. Right, so this was how he was going to play it.
“Yes. I’ve been following in the footsteps of Altair Black the second. Truly a remarkable member of my family. I believe he married Francesca Malfoy back at the turn of the century. Don’t you agree that moulding the minds of the younger generation is truly a worthy pursuit?”
Lucius scowled, “So you’ve gotten bored with whoring yourself out to every Tom, Diane and or Harriet who will pay your way?”
Regulus shrugged and then lowered his eyes so that he peered through his lashes at the much taller man.
“For now. Why? Are you interested?”
Read more on Ao3
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craw-dacious · 10 months
Review of made weak by time and fate, but strong in will by dialux
Summary: I really really enjoyed this fic, the characterizations made me actually like the characters like A LOT. Some characters were underdeveloped, but thats alright because it’s such a lily/James focused fic. Ending was good but a little unfulfilling. I do think some of the dramatics and action became more confusing than true plot devices, but it would have gotten very very long with full transitional throughout the book. Criticisms aside, incredibly well written, amazing prose, and truly beautiful symbolism. I read this in about 24 hours.
Chapter by chapter review, from someone brand spanking new to marauders fics (not harry potter)
Chapter one
Wait why is lily calling him Jimmy is that a thing
This chapter is long asf
I need to read up on how magic works, I know Lily is a super good witch but this seems unrealistic even for her
But also the hurt comfort is going to go crazy I already know
Just leaving your baby and almost dead husband alone in the woods is wild
I sincerely hope Snape still sucks complete ass, I hate him and his little monologue does nothing to help
Overall: I am currently crying. That poor girls mom is dead. Am I confused about pacing? Yes. Am I cringing at the little “I am Thanatos” line to end it? Yes. But, overall the vibes are fantastic and I’m loving it.
Chapter Two
OMG lightning scar!!1
Thor as a wizard is funny bc im imagining like the marvel actor with a big fat wand
Literally how did they forget about Sirius bruh
Calling him Jimmy is getting on my nervesss like I guess its cute but it just does not fit his vibe
Why am I crying again
“Courage dear heart” my mommy captioned an insta pic of me chopping my hair off with that when i was like 9
Recap: the lightning is throwing me big time, like im so confused by what it means. Seems very symbolic and shit but also cool as fuck for James
Im excited for Sirius to be involved
Chapter 3
Crying again bruh Sirius never found out abt regulus in canon so sad
Recap is just that the fic is fire, I like all the dynamics other than thinking remus is a little underdeveloped and I dont understand the earth magic stuff. Excited to see baby harry again
Chapter 4
Crying AGAIN this regulus bullshit is so sad
Wtf are remus and James up to bruh
Lily is so convincing like she’s a genius
I really want to understand lily more as a character. Had a dream we were friends during my sick nap today and she was just Gracie and I called her a mudblood :/
This ritual magic shit is cool as fuck, im sure its not as prevalent in other marauders fic but its slaying
Remus and Sirius being so gay but not enough brother
Huge plot shit,, how could this possibly get wackier sillier love it. (I know it’s like scary I just like the creativeness a lot) worried about Narcissa and craving some redemption/mention of Draco bc Im me. Need to see harry. Need to see harry baby harry
Chapter 5
Threatening to raise Malfoy as not racist and it working is insane
James is actually so dumb racism is always bruh
But Severus is stupider how does he think his poetic shit is going down in Lily’s head??
No baby harry is criminal. Like actually criminal. Im losing it.
I really really enjoyed this fic, the characterizations made me actually like the characters like A LOT. Still feel like Remus was underdeveloped, but thats alright because it’s such a lily/James focused fic. I do wish we’d had some sort of epilogue, I want baby Harry so badly. I do think some of the dramatics and action became more confusing than true plot devices, but it would have gotten very very long with full transitional throughout the book. Also Lily definitely told Petunia shed leave Harry for a couple days and then was gone for weeks. Like its insane.
Numerical: 8.2/10, lost one full point for "Jimmy"
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reeshyz · 2 years
Tumblr media
Title: Just keep me where the light is Pairing: Christoph Schneider / Till Lindemann  Presentee: @tom-regulus-antares Prompt: Fairy Lights Warnings/Tags:  just fluff | Richard and Paul as matchmaker | getting together Word Count: 2.318 Summary: Till is in love with Christoph but he has no idea how to admit that to him. Paul and Richard have ideas, but they are stupid. Or are they? Read on AO3: here
“Why can’t you just go over to him and tell him, you've been in love with him for 11 years.” Richard says and even Paul nods his head in agreement. Till huffs quietly and then coughs slightly.
“11 years and 4 months if you really wanna know it,” Till answers and they both groan. Till wants to roll his eyes, but Richard does it first.
“Just another reason to just talk to him. I assure you, he’s loving you back. I would even bet for 11 years and 6 months or something,” Paul says and Till squints at him. He is not sure, that’s true.
Yeah okay, lately he had seen how Christoph looks at him sometimes, but that doesn’t mean anything, right?
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” Till says quietly and Richard carefully sits down next to him and then cuddles against his side. Till is glad that he can always talk to these two idiots about his hopeless pinning.
He had known as a teenager already that he likes boys, but for some reason he had fallen so hard for Christoph. It had started as a good friendship and Till is glad that they are so close, but he really yearns for so much more.
“Christoph was kinda in a bad mood this morning,” Paul says and he shrugs. Till hums, he had realized that too. Christoph hadn’t even eaten anything, he had just drunk a bit of his coffee.
“Yeah and maybe you could cheer him up,” Richard says and he snips his fingers, as if he had an amazing idea. Till never trusts any of Richard’s ideas. He had learned that a long time ago.
“Good idea! I know Chris is kinda sad about Christmas, maybe we could celebrate it for a bit here together. You two could get all cuddly together,” Paul says and Richard nods. Them like the two idiots are now talking to each other without speaking, because Richard hastily agrees.
“I don’t think that is a good idea,” Till tries but he knows it’s already a lost cause.
“Yeah it’s a perfect idea! We could decorate the whole studio. Didn’t Ollie find some Christmas boxes yesterday?” Richard says and he is already getting up. Till wishes he could stop them.
“True! That means we will make it all cozy here and then you can finally admit to Schneider that you love him,” Paul says, clapping his hands. 
Till shakes his head.
“How does decorating the house help me with flirting? You know that I can’t just tell him that I’m in love,” Till says, quietly, because he’s scared that Christoph could walk in on them any time.
“Hmm, oh! You could pretend to get tangled up in some lights and need Christoph to help you,” Richard says and Till smacks his hand against his forehead. He hates the idea.
“Oh yeah that would be so cute. Christoph could be your savior,” Paul agrees again and Till just gives up. 
“You think he would fall for such a dumb trick?” Till asks and the guitarists speak up at the same time.
“Okay whatever. And where would you all be in your perfect plan?” Till asks and Richard thinks about that for a moment, before he looks back to Paul.
“We could leave you two alone for a bit. Maybe we’ll go out and eat something nice. I’m kinda hungry,” Paul admits and Richard smiles. Seems like those two could come up with an idea for everything.
“That also means we need to get Schneider out of the house first,” Richard says, he takes a paper and writes something on it before he walks over to the door, opens it and peeks his head out. Loudly calling out for Schneider.
It doesn’t take long for Christoph to walk into the living room. Till tries not to look at him, but his heartbeat is so loudly in his own ears, that he also has trouble listening to them talk.
“What do you want?” Christoph asks, still in a bad mood. Maybe today is the worst day to declare his feelings. Till thinks about climbing out of the window, just so he could leave this conversation. 
“Could you buy some groceries for us?” Richard asks and he even does try his puppy dog eyes. Of course they don’t work on Christoph. Till chuckles at that and Richard promptly glares at him.
“Why would I?” Christoph asks, same authority in his voice as if he was Frau Schneider again. Till hopes that he’s not blushing.
“Uh uhm, because Till is hungry and he’d love some stuff. Richard and I have a lot to do and Till said, he’s not feeling so well,” Paul lies as good as he can (and sadly he’s very good at it).
Christoph frowns and then looks at Till, who’s hastily nodding.
“Oh. I mean yeah sure, I can buy you something,” Christoph says and his voice turns so much softer. Till blushes badly this time, maybe Richard and Paul were really onto something here. 
He can’t help but get his hopes up.
“Thank you,” Till whispers, so embarrassed.
“Anything for you,” Christoph says and he takes the list Richard is holding out. Richard even walks him to the door, while Paul gives Till a thumbs up and mouths the words ‘anything for you’ at Till with a wink.
Till cuddles into his blanket, feeling so much better.
Christoph has a bit of a headache, when he comes back to the studio. Richard had given him such a long list for groceries, that it had taken him a while. He doesn’t know why they wanted so much food, but he knows something is up. He knows not to trust anyone when Paul and Richard are giggling all day.
“Oh what the hell!”
Christoph is sure that he is hallucinating or at least dreaming. The whole studio looks like Santa himself came in and made this his new home. There are Christmas decorations everywhere. Even the mall hadn’t looked like this.
“Paul? Richard?” Christoph yells, but of course there is no answer. Damn his stupid bandmembers. Sometimes he thinks about returning Frau just to make them behave. They all know that Christoph is not really in the mood for Christmas. He had told them.
Christoph carefully steps down the stairs and looks around. He is sure that he can hear some Christmas music and he decides to follow that.
(He ignores that their bathroom door is open and he can even see some decorations in there as well.)
Maybe this is a joke? Could be that they are all laughing their asses off right now. For a second he thinks about just putting the food down and leaving again. He had just wanted to take a nap after getting all these groceries. 
Just as Christoph rounds the next corner on the way to their living room, when he finds Till.
“Oh hey Till,” Christoph says and Till waves all cutely at him. He’s wearing a soft red jumper and is holding some stars in his hands. Christoph can’t see Paul and Richard anywhere. Same with Flake and Ollie.
“Are you feeling better?” Christoph asks and Till nods.
“Yeah, took you a bit huh? I know the list was a bit long,” Till says and he points at the bags. Christoph nods, still a bit confused. 
“What are you doing?” Christoph asks and looks around. Till is smiling and even though Christoph kinda wants to be angry - nobody needs this much Christmas - that smile makes him weak in the knees. Always.
Christophs puts the food on the table and looks around. Everything is basically sparkling here.
“Decorating the studio,” Till says and even his eyes crinkle. Christoph almost reaches out to stroke over Till’s cheek, before he remembers that he isn’t allowed to do that. Still he admires the view.
“But why?” Christoph asks and Till just starts to put more stars on the wall. They are beautiful but also very glittery. Christoph isn’t sure if he likes that.
“The others thought it could be fun. We haven't seen each other for the last ten years nearly often enough, so we can spend some time together before Christmas.” Till says and Christoph nods.
Okay. He’s right.
They had seen each other of course, but often enough it had only been two or three of them. That they all sat together like they had here in the last days, hadn’t happened in ages. Till is right.
“We never… celebrate Christmas together before,” Christoph tries to mention it casually, but of course Till looks actually sad at that. Christoph feels bad.
“Oh… I just wanted to do something nice for you,” Till says and behind him falls a star from the wall. Christoph winces.
“It is nice! I mean, maybe it is a good idea. It sounds like a lot of fun, don’t you think? Maybe Richard will cook us something nice and I could help you here,” Christoph smiles and picks up some of the stuff that is in a huge cardboard box next to the singer.
“Really?” Till asks and he seems happy again. Christoph sighs relieved. While Till continues to decorate the hall, Christoph excuses himself to put the groceries away first. He knows how bitchy Richard can get about that. 
Christoph can’t help but smile to himself though. He had always (secretly) dreamed about a Christmas like this, even if they’d all leave before the 24th, it could still be a lot of fun and maybe he could get closer to the singer as well.
At this point Christoph isn’t even sure how many years he’s already in love with their singer, but his heartbeat still speeds up each time he sees him.
Half an hour later, Christoph goes back to searching Till. He finds him still in their living room, trying to decorate a Christmas tree. Christoph chuckles, when he sees how much Till struggles with the fairy lights.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Christoph asks and he grins widely, when Till turns to him.
The singer looks grumpy but he also seems to be pouting. Christoph blushes because he actually likes that look a lot. He just wishes he could kiss those sinful lips. Shit. Christoph hopes that he isn’t blushing. 
“I don’t understand how this works, it seems like I’m kinda tangled in the lights,” Till says slowly and turns around, only to get more tangled up in the lights. Christoph laughs loudly.
“Well normally you put it around the tree and not yourself.”
When Till glares at him, Christoph finally comes closer, but not really to help. Instead he just looks at Till, because he looks adorable like this and Christoph wishes he could take a picture. He is pretty sure that the singer wouldn’t like that though.
“I mean I have to say you look gorgeous in it. Even more gorgeous than normally,” Christoph says and he nearly bites on his own tongue. Holy shit. Why did he say that?
Christoph is really afraid of Till’s reaction, but then he sees that Till actually blushes. Christoph is sure his own face is red as well, but he can clearly see Till’s smile again. Maybe…?
Of course they just stare at each other again. They did that right from the start and Christoph always liked it. Not only because Till’s eyes are beautiful, but he always feels so connected to Till like this.
“So you want to help me?” Till asks, still wrapped in all the lights and Christoph shakes his head. Maybe he should make Till his tree this year. Christoph nods and then tries to help Till out of the fairy lights.
Somehow this is harder than it looks, and before Christophs knows it, he’s tangled in them as well. He frowns and this time it’s Till who’s laughing loudly. Christoph fell in love with that laugh so many years ago, but right now he sticks his tongue out at him.
“You know… normally the lights are for the tree and not for…,” Till starts and Christoph huffs. Haha very funny, great joke. 
“Shut up,” Christoph mumbles and of course that only serves to make Till laugh even more.
Ten minutes later, it’s somehow even worse. They’re very close now, Till’s chest against his own and Christoph tries to get his own heartbeat under control. Till frowns at him, when Christoph tries to struggle himself free.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Till says, sounding so unsure of himself. Christoph sighs. This is basically torture for him. He’s so close and still not allowed to touch Till in the way he wants.
“We will stay tangled like this forever,” Christoph says and Till laughs again. Christoph watches him. It shouldn’t be allowed to look this beautiful in every situation.
“I wouldn’t mind that,” Till whispers suddenly and Christoph gasps. Could that mean that maybe Richard was right and Till really likes him as well?
“We probably look stupid or  like a present,” Christoph whispers, his hand still somewheres in Till’s hair and the singer opens his mouth. Christoph wants to kiss him. Wants that now.
Till smiles at him, his eyes crinkling again. Christoph takes another step closer, feeling the fairy lights against his arms.
“What if I want to be your present?” Till whispers and Christoph doesn’t have to think about it. There is only one answer and he knows he finally has to say it now.
He doesn’t have the words, but he knows what to do.
He just leans in and kisses Till. For a second he is afraid that he read it all wrong, but Till puts his hands against Christoph’s warm cheeks and kisses back.
Best present ever.
And he doesn’t even care that he’s not sure if they will ever get out of these damn lights. 
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
Giving Up On Your World
Regulus x Dead!Y/n
Warnings: Angst, slight mentions of su!cide nothing explicit but metaphorical mentions.
I wrote this like a year ago, Its probably very out of character but I was sad when I wrote this! I love Regulus so very much 😭. And this is short!
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Perhaps the sky above couldnt really save him from the fact. Y/n, his best friend, his lover, the funniest person he'd ever known, was gone. Forever. And to his own ideas, it was his fault.
His head ached, the room spinning, his fists clenched against his slacks. Y/n used to always tease him about his constant need to dress 'fancy'. In a way he wish he'd taken Y/n's advice and dressed like an 80s virgin. That's what Y/n would've called it, anyway.
"Are you sure?" He was sure this was at least the 3rd time he'd asked his older brother this. It broke his brother all the same, "Yes. You need rest, Regulus. Please." But it wasn't enough for him, he didn't want to rest without Y/n, he didn't want to laugh without Y/n, he didn't want to walk the same Earth Y/n did without Y/n.
Lily, James, Sirius, anyone remotely close to Y/n or himself attended the funeral. That's how Y/n was. Y/n was someone no one could forget, no matter what conversation you'd had with Y/n you remembered. He also knew Y/n's irrational fear of death, the poor thing had been terrified, cried everytime a new year passed, and here he was alive without Y/n.
The thing he hated the most was what had happened, Y/n held his hand and cooed him through death, even though he had never been close to dying in that moment. Y/n always put him on the front burner, it was one thing that made him feel so guilty yet so loved.
As the night faded, and the sun came up it was just him, his brother, and a gravestone. "Regulus, we should go..Y/n needs rest." Sirius knew the man in front of him would never take that as a good reason, obviously the dead aren't sleeping, but he still had to try. He was his big brother after all.
Regulus put a finger up, a finger that said a million words without a noise. Sirius left him, giving him the second alone he'd requested, but he stayed near by out of pure need to keep Regulus safe.
"I suppose this is a second good bye." He cleared his throat, keeping his voice from breaking, "Even now you choke me up, Y/n. I'm sorry. I promised you'd live forever, I promised myself I'd go first to show you it wasn't all that bad. And yet here I am, and there you are." He paused once more, pulling out a singular Pansy from his pocket, "I know you never liked flowers, you said they weren't worth the money, but I think this is a special occasion."
Regulus stood up, looking down on his partner's grave, and sighed. "I love you. I'm sorry I never got the chance to say it back in person." He took one last shakey breath, and set the flower down, "If there ever was a heaven I know you'd be there. I'll see you someday, soon hopefully, my love."
And he set off towards Sirius. They went home in silence, Hogwarts was over for them, it was a journey they'd never thought they'd be in together. Everything they'd planned, Regulus and Y/n, ending with Sirius and Regulus driving no where in particular.
The worse part for Regulus was watching James and Lily from there. They were so in love. Y/n's brother, happy and healthy with someone he loved, and Y/n dead with him left alone. He'd never hate the two, but he'd always envy them.
He began his work for the ministry until his own death came. Perhaps he had never been happier to go, he'd always wanted to go, since Y/n had, but he had never wanted to do it himself, he didn't want Y/n to feel worse about dying than Y/n already would have.
Now it was Sirius crying at his grave. Life has one cruel sense of humor and Sirius had now been dealt this hand twice. Y/n had been his best friend as well, James and Lilly long gone, and now, his baby brother.
"I've never been happier to have the world leave you behind, my love. " Regulus looked at the one who he'd been searching for, for years, the voice of reason to the chaos of himself, Y/n.
Maybe death wasn't all that scary.
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writeluna · 3 years
fluff A-M – Regulus Black
boyfriend!regulus [part 1]
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A ctivities - what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them??
regulus loves spending time with you in astronomy tower, where there's no one and just them, on occasions when there's a class in astronomy tower, he takes you near the black lake.
B eauty - what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
their hands, he loves having his pinky linked with yours. how his hands just fits perfect in yours, like a puzzle pieces fitting together.
C omfort - how would they help their s/o when they feel down/having a panic attack etc.?
he will definately let you have some alone time, but would wait for you to talk to him. If you want him to stay with you, he'll stay with you, silently hugging you.
if you are having a panic attack in public, he would hold you hand and will take you somewhere private, and hug you while making you do the breathing exercise
D reams - how do they picture their future with their s/o?
reg is scared and unsure of his future, but one thing which is clear and gives him a little hope for his future is you. he wants to spend and write his future with you and you only
E qual - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
he is more of a passive, he doesn't like making decisions alone when it comes to your relationship or anything in general, he likes to know what you think about it and what is your opinion.
F ight - would they be easy to forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
regulus is more of a quiet guy, if there's an argument going on he won't lose his temper but will become more cold and logical, but he won't like to stay mad for long, he is sacred that if you guys doesn't get your fight/argument over in 24 hr you will leave him just like sirius. he's more likely to apologise first
G ratitude - how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
he's an observant guy, he notices every little thing you do for him. he really appreciates that you like him even though there are chances that his parents would kill you lol jkjk. he notices the way you always makes him feel deserved, loved and wanted as him and not just as the heir of the black family. he's so grateful that he met you, you bring light to his dark life, and he couldn't be more thankful for that
H onestly - do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything
regulus isn't really an open guy, he doesn't want to make you feel sad because of his dark family. most of the times he doesn't tells you what is going on at his house because he thinks it will keep you away from his family
I nspiration - did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
yes, you helped him alot from getting him out of his sad colourless life, you are the reason why he wants to get up in the morning. when sirius left him, he was really devasted, but you held him together, and he couldn’t be more grateful of that.
J ealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
he does get jealous easily, more in a insecure way. but he won't get jealous over small things like having a male best friend. he mostly keep all these in more silent way, if you blink you won't even notice. a silent jealousy. but he'll get a little gloomy around you, so best clear it out soon. some late night conversation and cuddles can solve anything.
K iss - are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
must say both the black brothers are great kisser. reg was probably nervous about kissing first. your first kiss was more in a heat of moment type. you both were probably to happy or too drunk, and the moment just felt right. his kisses are soft and feathery but also can be passionate and needy.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
i feel like, Regulus' love confession would be later in relationship. after he realises how much you mean to him, it would be hard to tell you. he would try to show you how much he loves you through act of service, but later on when he just can't keep it inside of him, he just blurted it out on one of your astronomy tower date late at night.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
after all the things you have been through, he knows that you're the one for him. he wants to spend all his life with you and have family. but there are a lots of bad thoughts that are that are hunting him, like would you like to spend your life with him, or how would his family (sirius) would say if they knew, and many other. but in the end, the way you make him feel and those the love you give him, he decided to ask your hand for marriage.
he would want to make the proposal memorable but also private, maybe proposal on a beach just before sunset. he would be more emotional than anytime you've ever seen.
like I've said before, private wedding, might not even tell his parents. not many, just some really close friends, your family if you want. wedding decor would be simple but elegant. he would have teary eyes by the end of the night.
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fieldofdaisiies · 3 years
Regulus Black x Reader | I am here for you
type: sad
warning(s): none actually
word count: 750
summary: you find Regulus crying in a corridor after Sirius ran away from home
I wrote a similar chapter for my Sirius story on wattpad, but in that story the oc was Sirius‘ love interest…
*all rights reserved*
Slowly waddling through the corridor you tried to make out from where the sobbing noises were coming. Actually you had planned on going to bed early, but that might change now. Just when you were on your way back from the library you had heard those sobbing noises and your heart immediately clenched. You actually wanted to just ignore it, but some part of you told you that you should look.
Your feet drifted over the ground, trying to be as quite as possible as you did not want to scare the crying person. Were you too intrusive and should just leave?
Before you could give it any further thought you spotted him—
Behind a corner, looking like a picture of misery Regulus sat on the ground crying into his arms which he had folded on his knees. His face was buried in his arms, shoulders shaking with sobs.
After a few seconds of deliberating between going there or rather just going back to your dorm room, you made the decision that you did not want to leave him alone and should check in on him.
You carefully took a seat next to him and placed my hand on his shoulder to which he flinched, staring at you with big, red eyes.
“Sorry, I did not mean to scare you. I just saw you sitting here and thought you might like some company or someone to talk to.“ you told him while trying to hold back your own tears. Godrick, seeing someone cry was just painful.
A single tears ran down his cheek and he pouted.
“This is embarrassing. You should not see me like that. I-I—“ he started but the sobs interrupted him.
“Don‘t worry. I can leave if you want me to, I don‘t have to—“
“NO,“ he nearly shouted, giving you a pained expression. “He left us. He left me. He left our family to live with a new family. How could he? He just ran away. How dare he leave me alone like this? ‘Regulus you should leave too‘ was what he told me. But I am not like him. I don‘t just leave my family because I do not agree with some of their views. They are still family, right?“ Swallowing a sob, he gave you a questioning look.
You were shocked, pain rumbling through your body.
He did not say a name but you assumed this was about his older brother Sirius. He had left the family? Wow, that was a huge step.
You somehow struggled to answer Regulus — yes, you felt really sorry for him and understood what he was saying but on the other hand you also understood somehow why Sirius left. The Black family and their blood supremacy was quite well known among other wizarding families. The Nobel House of Black, which values blood purity more than anything and who are disgusted by muggles and muggleborns.
“Right?“ he said one more time, snapping you back to reality.
“I am so sorry to hear that…but, I believe, yes. Yes, they are still family.“ you said, although you weren’t really so sure about it. Obviously you did not want to tell him that he might be wrong, not in the state he was in.
You quickly hugged his shoulder, trying to comfort him other than with words.
The sobs slowly became less, when he snuggled his face into your shoulder, his body still shaking.
“You will see, it will be fine at some point. Maybe there even is a chance for you to make up and maybe he even comes back,” you tried to assure him after a few minutes. It was all you could do.
“And hey, I heard you struggle with Divination, would you like to do the homework together with me tomorrow? Let’s say three in the Study Hall?” It was all you could offer him, maybe he would appreciate the help?
Slowly lifting his head, he nodded, a small, sad smile tugging on his lips. “That is very kind. Thank you. I mean it. Thanks for being there for me.“
“Every time, Regulus. If you want to talk again, just let me know! And if you again need a shoulder to cry into I am also here, just let me know!“ you gave him a sympathetic smile, squeezing his shoulder before leaning your head back against the wall. The two of you stayed there a little longer, sitting there in peaceful silence until his sobs fully vanished.
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anordinarymuse · 3 years
Regulus Black x Reader
Summary : Sad Regulus moment.
Warnings : unedited.
Word Count : 736
A/N : I don't know why I keep writing sad things. Side note Timothee or Regulus can rail me any day of the week. ALSO I don't know why some of the tags won't work and it's very frustrating so if you can help me, please help.
Thank you so much for 28 follower :3
the masterlist.
request here.
It had been a long day, it was late, and you were tired. You had spent basically the whole day at the library studying for your OWL's. Reg had promised you he'd walk with you back to the Common Room with you since you didn't want to talk alone in the dark, but he still hadn't arrived.
After playing with the strings of your hoodie for about five minutes you give up and walk alone. The loud echoing of your footsteps makes you paranoid, but you focus on your breathing and continue.
As you pass your least favorite hall you hear sniffling coming from afar. Intrigued you investigate, quietly following the noise. For some reason your gut feeling told you that you knew from who the sound was coming from.
The stifling sniffles and whimpers come from the abandoned boys bathroom. You aren't sure whether or not to continue, but you choose to trust your instinct. You take a peek inside, looking over the cornered wall just for a quick glance just to see who it is.
Your heart drops when you see him seated on the ground against the wall next to the line of broken sinks. One of the spouts' water runs without stopping, nobody ever bothered to fix it. Even though there was noise other than Regulus' cries, the other sounds seemed to only make his louder.
His head snaps up, and he looks right at you. At first, he's angry. You know this because his jaw clenches at the first sight of you. But he must've given up with attempting to suppress his cries because he goes right back to crying.
You walk over, sitting beside him, placing your books to the side so they won't interfere.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You ask quietly, leaning your head against his shoulder in comfort.
He doesn't reply, he just keeps crying. He hides his face in his palms and you can feel his small motions with the two of you connected. The shifting, the wiping of tears, and his back hitting the wall from shaking.
"You know you can-"
"I know, I know I can talk to you Y/N," he snaps, and you blink taken aback. He realizes what he's done and he closes his eyes, tears slipping down out of his eyelids to his cheeks. His hair falls in front of his face, sticking there. His lip quivers as he stammers out, "I'm sorry- just- just not right now, please."
You make a small nod 'yes' leaving that conversation where it ended. You had a feeling you knew what it was about. You had seen the letters his parents sent him. Not on purpose, just when you went to his dorm, your eyes skimmed the cursive writing. Regulus realized the letters as soon as you laid your eyes on them and before you could say anything he quickly tucked them away in the drawers of his desk.
From what you could put together they weren't bad letters. Not as bad as the very few Sirius had been sent, but they weren't good.
Empathetically you take Reg's hand in yours, squeezing it gently. He shivers in your grasp, and his hand is freezing. When you lift your head off of his shoulder, he really is shivering. You know for sure that he's cold when you notice his hand, on the side that's away from you, is on his neck, feeling for the heat.
Swiftly, you let go of Reg's hand, slipping off your warm hoodie and placing it over the top of his head. You crack a small smile at the sight while pulling the strings so that they're even.
Regulus pulls his arm through the sleeves before looking at you eyes still filled to the brim with tears, almost making you want to cry with him. You fight the urge by blinking your eyes and biting the inside of your cheek, hard.
"Come here," you soothe, gently placing your hands on his shoulders and leading him to lay in your lap.
He doesn't argue or fight back, only falls ceaselessly. You stroke his soft hair, untangling the knots, doing your best to make him feel better. Even though you had tried so hard not to cry, you give in. Feeling Regulus' tears soak through your leggings distracts you from realizing the salty drops that slip down your cheek.
taglist : @marimorena06 @missryerye @agirlwholovescoffee @nicole198205 @blackpinkdolan @gabitanaka47 @psychowanarchist @siriuspvdfoot @hufflepuffflowers @thatguppienamedbae @peachykeen3502 @missryerye @kaslupin @legendarynaturalhairretrowagon @ayla-1605 @chazzyb73 @youngblood199456 @wallsweets @ferretboy-lupin @oranee
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