#also yes that means Frog is his brother
puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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echoed-evenings · 2 years
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Lobler needed a shirt
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devildomsoup · 1 year
Silly little headcanons #1
Definitely has a favourite pen and everyone dreads the day he will have to change it.
He once shrunk Cerberus and carried him around in a handbag because he had to go to the vet.
Joint pains (no, I will not elaborate)
Has a picture in his wallet of his brothers and MC. Luke is also there for some reason.
Will turn off the lights and walk out of his room. Walks back a few moments later to check if he remembered to turn the lights off.
Boops his younger brothers on the nose when he says goodnight.
Considered dying his hair piss yellow at some point.
He swears that Luke is just an annoying little chihuahua that he doesn't care about. But the pictures of him accompanying Luke to the cinema suggest otherwise.
He forgets to throw out socks with holes in them. So sometimes he will just walk around with socks that are barely holding on.
Has a controller that only MC is allowed to use. He will not even use it himself.
Can touch his nose with his tongue
Accidentally called his brothers "Ruri" on multiple occasions.
Has an album on his phone with pictures of him and Lucifer. Will deny it if you ask him.
Once cursed the entirety of Lucifer's record collection. The curse in question made it so the only song on any of the records was Baby Shark.
When he wants MC's attention he will go "pspspsps."
Satan has put on his blue jacket normally a grand total of 6 times.
Will wear heels with just about anything. Yes, that includes sweatpants.
A lesser demon once found out about MC's deepest insecurity and started using it to insult them. Asmodeus found out and sent the demon flying through a wall.
He either sneezes like a cat or like an old man. There is no in-between.
He reminds everyone in HoL to drink water and will make sure they do so one way or another.
Not allowed to be alone in RAD's art supply room. He will eat the paint if left unattended.
He only had 4 shirts until Asmodeus forced him to get more.
Takes Luke with him around RAD when Simeon can't. Also scared of any demon that looks at Luke the wrong way.
He has carried every single one of his brothers to bed more than once. Lucifer is no exception.
Follows the cat rule. If it fits I sits.
Don't tell anyone but his favourite blanket is the jackets of his older brothers.
Will sometimes force people to take a nap with him. Does someone look tired boom it's nap time.
Pops his back really loudly whenever he wakes up
Will show anyone and I mean anyone pictures of Luke like a proud father.
Got scammed once and now he's afraid of opening links.
He once accompanied Beel to a workout and ended up destroying a punching bag.
Do not under any circumstances let him be alone in the candle section of a store. Purgatory Hall already has a closet full of them.
Tried to kill a fly with one of his spears.
When asked if he wanted anything special for his birthday he requested a cake made by Solomon.
Enjoys watching butterflies flutter around. He will stand absolutely still if one lands on him and stay like that until the butterfly leaves again.
Wins every staring contest.
Has gotten lost in stores, parks and RAD so many times that he now has a bracelet with the contact info of Simeon and Barbatos. Even though he has his own D.D.D.
Mimics Simeon and Raphael to appear like a mature angel.
He will never admit it but he makes drawings for the brothers.
Luke and MC have a secret handshake.
Immune to the pain of stepping on a lego.
Once accidentally turned himself into a rat and nearly got murdered by Barbatos.
Enjoys watching romcoms with MC.
Can and will randomly appear in MC's room tell them a horrible joke and then vanish into thin air.
She has the most random things in her pocket. Watch her pull out a porcelain frog from one of her pockets.
She had a buzz cut at some point.
Will drag you out of bed in the middle of the night so you can test her new inventions.
Loves playing with people's hair. It doesn't matter what texture or length it is. Just let her play with it.
Has a rubber duck collection.
Was introduced to vocaloid and now he won't stop singing World is Mine.
Gives the best hugs. 10/10 would hug again.
Buys Barbatos flowers every week to show his appreciation.
Knows how to tap dance.
Let's MC call him Barbie.
He receives small trinkets from the Little Ds.
Will cradle MC like a little baby when he is stressed or just missed them.
He enjoys soup.
He says he hates hugs. But in reality, he might even shed a few tears if you hug him.
A master of building card houses.
Once took care of a bat until it was healthy enough to live on its own.
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b4sically-ficti0n · 6 months
Rewatched The Lost Boys again (at the theater this time, too! A theater near me is doing this six day vampire movie marathon, and I'll be going to 4 of the six).
And i noticed something else! (I'm actually going to mention more than the one thing but it's all closely related).
So, we all know about the "Max is the head vampire" double plot twist thing. And i really like that double plot twist because of some subtler details that show that whoever wrote the script really knows their vampire lore.
So, remember how Sam and the Frog brothers sort of test to see of Max is the head vampire at dinner with Lucy? That was actually when i figured out he was a vampire. The "he must not be the head vampire," "yes he is!" thing never worked on me. As soon as he asked Michael to invite him in, i was like, yep, he's a vampire. (The first time i watched the movie). That's one of those subtler details i mentioned.
Another thing I noticed the first time I watched the movie is that he does react to both the garlic and the holy water, he just plays off why. And i realize now that the holy water only hit him where he had clothes on so if his skin tore like Paul's does later in the movie, he could've hid it behind his clothes and by drawing attention to other stuff (which he did!).
Max also reacted to the garlic. Paul does say later on that garlic doesn't effect vampires which could be true but he also could have been lying.
Anyway, Max may have lied about why he reacted to both the garlic and the holy water but he definitely reacted.
The thing i only really noticed/understood earlier tonight was Max's non-reaction to the mirror. See, the reason vampire lore often says that vampires can't see their reflections is because old mirrors were backed with silver and silver is "pure" so it reacted negatively to vampires or whatever (i don't remember the exact explanation) and that's what kept them from seeing their reflections. And the mirror that Michael and Sam were standing in front of in that one scene was very obviously an antique mirror. Which means it was probably backed with silver! But not the newer, cheaper mirror they used for Max. Which is why there was no effect/reaction.
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could you do a dialogue with remus lupin where the he's dating james' twin sister who is also in gryffindor and james finds out because someone caught them sneaking out of the castle and took a picture and posted it on social media (i know they didn't have technology at hogwarts but whatever) and he gives remus permission to date his sister (as if remus needed his permission) but he gives them a bunch of rules like no kissing in front of him and they can never hangout if he's not there because he's very protective. just something very fluffy and sweet. wow i just realized how long that was. sorry!
omg yes! I changed the social media thing though but I hope you still like it 😁
"Would you care to explain to me what this is?!" James said, bursting into the Common Room and slamming a picture on the table.
"A photo of Lily, Dorcas, Marlene, and Alice that Frank took yesterday?" you asked, confused.
"Not that! In the background! Is that you kissing Remus? Why are you kissing my best friend?"
"Really? I thought Sirius was your best friend" you said, trying to sound confused.
"Well, Sirius is my oldest friend- No! Wait! Don't change the subject!" he snapped as Sirius, Remus, and Peter walked inside. "Oh, there he is! Do you have anything to say for yourself?!" James glared at you.
"Yes" you said, taking a deep breath as the other three guys looked at you confused. "Sirius, James said Remus is his best friend-"
"What?!" Sirius asked, genuinely looking heartbroken.
"No, that's not what-! Very funny!" James glared at you as you tried not to laugh.
"Jamie, what do you want me to say? I'm dating Remus" you said as if it was nothing.
"What? Since when?" James said, looking between you and Remus as Remus walked closer to you and held your hand.
"A couple of months" he said, kissing your head.
"WHAT? And you didn't tell me?!"
"We actually had a bet to see how long it would take you to figure it out" Peter laughed, handing Sirius two chocolate frogs. "I bet they could get away with it until we graduated" he informed him.
"What? No! Okay, who else knows about this?"
"Literally everyone" you informed him.
"So, you just hid it from me?" he asked, sadly.
"Prongs, it wasn't like that. We just... we weren't sure how you were going to take it" Remus said, truthfully.
"Yeah, Jamie, it was my idea. I knew you would get all big-brothery and-"
"I am your big brother-"
"You are SEVEN minutes older than me!" you glared at him. "But... I love Remus" you told him.
"You- you love him?" James asked, smiling a little.
"And I love her" Remus said pulling you closer to him.
"Alright, I have come to my decision" James informed everyone.
"What do you mean a decision-?" you asked.
"You have my permission to date my sister" he told Remus.
"I don't really... need your permision" he frowned.
"But! I do have a few rules-"
"You do know there is no way we are following any-" you started.
"No kissing in front of me! That is disgusting" he continued, ignoring you. "And no hanging out if I am not present!"
"That is definitely not going to happen" you laughed.
"I'm serious!"
"Okay, fine, Jamie" you rolled your eyes. "I'm gonna go meet Lily and tell her how I cannot hang out with my boyfriend without my brother then" you said, kissing Remus' cheek and squeezing his hand before you left the Common Room.
"Right, and I'm gonna go... to the Library" Remus said before he quickly followed you.
"Well" James said, sitting down on the sofa. "I believe I handled that pretty well" he said, smiling proudly.
Sirius and Peter looked at each other before they sat down in front of him.
"Mate, you do know they just played you, right?" Peter asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Lily is sitting right over there with Marlene" Sirius pointed out. "And Remus didn't even have his bag with him" he laughed as James widened his eyes.
"Shit! Give me the Map!"
"Moony has it" Sirius shrugged.
"That bloody prick!" he said, getting up and started to walk out of the room.
"What are you gonna do? Look around for them in the entire castle?" Peter asked.
"If I have to!" James yelled before he was gone.
"I thought you had the Map" Peter said, looking at Sirius, confused.
"I do" he said, taking it out. "Moony gives me chocolate every time I keep Prongs away from them" he laughed.
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pocket-raven · 24 hours
What's this au you speak of? Can we hear more about it? 👀
👀 You mean my radioapple murder husband au? One moment *screams into the void* YES YES
Okay, So where do I start? Well it does have a name: It's the Foresaken Lovers Au, so any further posts will refer to it as that. If I write it up however, it will have a different name. Haven't figured it out yet though. Anyways some basic details that i wish i could draw because then people might be more interested but for now you get my rambles instead.
Lucifer and Alastor grow up together in New Orleans. Think Tiana and Lottie from Princess and the Frog. But there is a few differences. Like the obvious racism from Lucifer's family/others around them.
Infact Cecelia (Alastor's mum) tells Alastor (who's like.. 5 when he and Lucifer first meet). Not to get too upset if Lucifer doesn't send him any letters.
Also Alastor and Lucifer are essentially childhood sweethearts in this tbh.
Lucifer is pretty much raised by Michael. Michael was a little shit/got into a lot of trouble so the family was like "You can look after your baby brother now" to teach him responsibility
This unfortunately leads to Lucifer actually be infantilized his entire life. Only Alastor and Cecelia treat him like a person and not some delicate Doll.
Now not spoiling the entire plot yet lol. But basically they grow up together. Kind of.
I really don't want to spoil much unless more people ask. But Lucifer is actually the first to kill someone. And doesn't bat an eye when he finds Alastor stabbing his father's body repeatedly. Infact Lucifer gets everything cleaned up and tells Alastor how to dump the body.
They have their first kiss after they dump his body in the bayou-
They don't actually start killing till Cecelia passes away and Alastor is at his breaking point.
Alastor kills, Lucifer cleans up. Thats it. Their both cannibals too
They both die within a week or two of eachother, but don't find eachother for a few months, nearly a year.
Vaggie fell to hell years before Alastor died. So she and Charlie are in a relationship and have opened the hotel already. Charlie is also just Liliths daughter. But they are the reason Alastor and Lucifer find eachother again
I can't think of anything else right now and this is already long, so I'll stop right here. And hope more people are interested lol
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thehomophobe · 2 months
More Random Human/Humanoid! AU Headcanons
Chica is an advocate of all kinds of weird food combinations, especially pineapple on pizza. The only one she hates is milk before cereal. “The cereal would get soggy faster.”(PREACH!!!)
In my AU, Sun and Moon were the same animatronic. Yes, same mechanic with one transforming into the other via light exposure. Besides the clothes changing color, Sun’s skin would turn paler and the freckles would disappear as he turned into Moon. The coolest thing was the hair would also grow longer and change color as well. Though when Moon reverts back to Sun, the excess hair would fall off, leaving Sun to clean it. Another thing was that it hurt like hell. Swapping really cause both brothers lots of pain. Every time Sun had to switch for nap time, he had to go to his room and scream into a pillow in agony while transforming into Moon to not scare the kids. And vice versa.
When you made the twins separate bodies, the two would bicker about who’s the “older” twin. Even though they were technically born the same day. 
“I’m obviously the older one.”
“Nuh uh! I woke up before you did, so that’s means I’m older.” Sun woke up during the separation process but you forced him back to sleep.
”I don’t that counts.”
I like to think that each animatronic has a lot of random facts or knowledge about some topics. Like Chica knows about what stretches and exercises help what muscles. Monty, obviously, has knowledge about golf, but also fun facts about rock bands over the years. Roxy has knowledge about mechanical engineering, cars, and fashion history. DJ has music history. Freddy, Sun and Moon all just have general knowledge that they just say randomly. 
“Did you know that your brain is constantly eating itself?”
”Freddy…of all that fun facts…” You were scarred that day.
Monty may not have a good relationship with Moon, but he does with Sun. Which is strange considering the childish behavior Sun emits sometimes would’ve steered him away. It was one day when Monty needed a place to stay since he trashed his room again. The daycare doors were opened as the lights were on. Monty kinda waltz in there before Sun properly welcomed him. After that they chatted for a bit, which made Monty surprised by how mature Sun is. He really thought he wasn’t gonna understand anything he ranted about but Sun took it in emphatically. In the end, Monty left with a new friend and an origami frog made out of a ten dollar bill. 
Chica’s great at both rollerskating and skateboarding. Idk why she just is. 
Monty was jealous of Bonnie back then. Actually, he was jealous of the whole band. When he was born (built created idk), the Glamrocks were the hottest thing in the plex. Gator golf had very little people coming in even though it was a new attraction. He really did want the attention they had. 
The thing is…Bonnie’s known to be aggressive. So him coming to Gator Golf with an aura like that, Monty had to defend himself one way or another.
To this day he’s still mad about the rumors floating around about his “murder”, how he decommissioned a beloved animatronic because of “primal rage” and “envy”. Only one of those things were true, but wasn’t the motive behind it.
Foxy and Roxy shared a father-daughter relationship when he was around. Sure the main three mourned over his decommissioning, but Roxy was incredibly hurt. Foxy made her loved children the way she does now and set her straight when those doubts kicked in. On that day, she lost the one person who motivated her to be kinder. Sometimes she recites the words Foxy used to say to her to herself silently. 
Now truly, I believe Eclipse was the first daycare attendant before Sun and Moon were even theater bots. Eclipse did the standard things for the daycare; lunch time, naptime, etc. while Sun and Moon, who came later on after the company realized how many children come to the daycare, would entertain them when they would go to the theater. A little thing they had were anger issues, or rather, just little anger spurts, usually formed from abusive parents child live with or careless human attendants who really don’t care. And when they’re angry, ooo boy…they’re angry. Angry enough to snap a broom in half. Twice. 
I also believe Eclipse wanted to be decommissioned via due to knowing the horrible secrets of the missing children and not wanting to live with that. Sun and Moon didn’t know them well enough, but it was already too late...
DJ was kinda oblivious to romantic advances. The moment you told him he was hot was when he realized it. 
A bit self-indulgent, but you, reader/(y/n), have entomophobia. One day you were hanging out with DJ in the tunnels, literally hanging around, when suddenly you felt something crawl on you. Screaming and panicking, you thought it was a bug. You were right! Kinda…it was a music man. Though your fight-or-flight response was to curl up to DJ and tell him to kill it. 
“Woah relax (Y/N), he’s cool.”
And that was how DJ introduced you to the music men.
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adarkrainbow · 1 month
I was looking at this article that studied the motif of "The wizard versus the witch" in Disney movies. They listed the "Disney wizards" and alongside Merlin from the Sword in the Stone and villainous sorcerers like Jafar or Doctor Facilier they had... King Triton. I was quite surprised but he IS one of the "Disney wizards". Elderly man with a big white beard, using magical powers thanks to wielding his magical staff - I mean, his magical trident... Later takes on Disney's Little Mermaid even made him the direct brother and rival of Ursula the Sea Witch (with this whole thing that the trident is Triton's magical item opposed by Ursula's shell). So yes, he IS one of those.
Looking at this article also made me realize that, despite what the person who wrote it tried to claim, in terms of magic users, the "wizard versus witch" motif is NOT actually a prevalent or strong Disney trope... There isn't much a gendered dichotomy when it comes to magic helpers and influences. Out of my mind there are only three of those "gendered magical fights" across the Disney movies and they are set far and wide apart (The Sword in the Stone, The Little Mermaid, The Princess and the Frog).
Since its early days Disney has been favorizing a conflict between same-gender outside of influences. Cinderella has the Fairy Godmother versus the witch-like Lady Tremaine. Sleeping Beauty has Maleficent versus the three Good Fairies. Aladdin, to take a more recent example, is the Genie versus Jafar.
Exception made for the very first Disney movie where the Evil Queen's influence is countered by the seven dwarves, who are not truly "wizard", though they are still men with white beards... In fact I realize now it is quite fascinating how Disney kind of had a vague age-positivity motif in its early days? The white-bearded seven dwarves are the good guys against the fake old/obsessed with youth queen ; all their good fairy godmothers are powerful little old ladies... And while yes there are good and bad old folks, the important thing is that there is a LOT of old folks, and very often in position of power (royalty or magic). Especially when you look at more recent Disney movies where you see less and less characters with gray beards or white hair... It might be just me but I get the feeling there was much more elderly characters in old Disney movies than today. (Of course I am looking at fairytale centered movies ; Cinderella versus Frozen, Sleeping Beauty versus Tangled, all that stuff)
I don't know, this is just a post where I scrambled ideas and throw them on a wall and call it "modern art".
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syn4k · 2 years
Evil Xisuma is fascinated by lizards.
There's some in the Nether, of course, bejewled in crimson and golden and black, but those types usually hide out near the lava pools, and EX isn't fireproof, not by a long shot. They tried to catch one once, but they burnt their hands and got told off gently by X when they came home and the lizard escaped. There's some in the trees, but they're venomous and lightning fast.
The ones in the Overworld are much friendlier, so whenever they can, they walk over there and find a mangrove swamp far out, where the Overworld lizards like to hide. They're skittish, but EX has found that if you're gentle, they'll let you hold them.
Why lizards and not like, frogs or something? They don't know. They just think they're neat.
One evening, EX found themself in a particularly foggy swamp, grumbling as they picked their way through sprawling tree roots and mud that pulled at their boots much like the soul sand did. They were getting lost. They didn't care. This server had respawn enabled, anyways. But as they trod deeper and deeper in, something felt a little... off.
"Where are these lizards?" they grumbled, loudly enough to get the attention of a nearby breeze, which ruffled the leaves. Wait.
You can't be noticed by the wind.
"Hello?" they asked, looking up.
Somewhere to the front and right of them and very much on the ground, a twig snapped. A light came out of the fog, and a figure wearing a very broad hat walked into view.
"I'm telling you, Joel," they sighed, "you can't be in here. Especially not after dark. It's dangerous, the ghosts might- who are you?" They stopped and leaned closer, confusion clear on their face.
"If you're asking for a name, I won't give it," said EX. "They're powerful things."
"Fair enough," shrugged the stranger. "There have been some weird things happening around here lately. I'm the swamp witch. What are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for lizards," said EX.
"In full body armor?"
"My lungs are shit. I have to wear this. Also, it's comfortable."
"Oh, so you're the swearing type," said the stranger with a frown. "Okay."
EX sighed. "I've never met you in my life, but you've already managed to sound exactly like my brother."
"Your brother??"
"Yes, my brother. People have them, idiot. I'm not giving my name away but I'll sure as hell give you his- Xisuma. I could pr-"
"Wait, wait, hold on," said the stranger, cutting them off with a wave of their hand. "Xisuma?"
"Weird name, I know."
"No, I mean I've met him. I never knew he had a brother."
"Sibling," corrected EX. "Also, what?"
"My bad," said the witch. They sighed. "Listen, whatever, I don't know how you got here, but you should probably go. There's some dangerous stuff in here, especially at night." They looked around warily as if to prove their point.
EX laughed. "You're tripping if you think that I'm scared of your stupid swamp. It's just a slightly damp forest. What could possibly live in here that I would be scared of?"
On cue, the wind picked up. The stranger looked around frantically. "You need to go." A bunch of blue lights appeared at the edges of the lamplight. "Now."
The wind blew a myriad of leaves into EX's face and they stumbled backwards as the yellow light receded rapidly, tripping over a tree root just as one of the blue lights came into focus. The last thing they thought before their head hit the ground was that it sorta looked like a face.
When they sat up, it was morning. The fog was gone. They looked around to see where it went, but there was none.
"Weird," they said.
Three unread messages from Worm Boy.
Dude, where are you? It's getting late.
EX? I'm going to bed now but please message me if you see this.
Just woke up. If you don't respond by lunchtime, I'm calling Xisuma.
"Hey. Sorry. I fell asleep while lizard hunting," they typed, then sent it with a sigh. What a mess.
A small blue wisp floated up where they had stepped as they walked out of the forest.
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reginarubie · 1 year
Gentle Mother ~ Font of mercy
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[As always the art is not mine the pieces of art belong to their owner and if anyone is and doesn't want them used, let me know and I will take 'em down]
As sparked by this convo.
The theme of the Mother is a very profound one in the asoiaf world. And Martin shows us what the mother is supposed to be (mercy) and also the other side of the coin (vengeance). This theme is weaved intricately with the women of asoiaf.
"Mothers." The man made the word sound like a curse. "I think birthing does something to your minds. You are all mad."  — Bran II, AGOT
There are at least four big characters who embody — in different ways — the theme of the mother (Lysa and Lyanna as well as Elia will be honorable mentions at the end) and those are Catelyn, Cersei, Daenerys and Sansa. — and we'll see how the lyrics of the hymn are retold by these characters.
The point is, only one of these “mothers” actually embodies the Hymn of the Mother and the merciful mother. And that character is Sansa Stark.
Cersei Lannister ~ Mother of Lions, mother of madness — soothe the wrath
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So, Cersei, of course, embodies the mother. Even the prophecy Maggy the Frogs gives her is focused not only on her role as queen, but as her role — and her failure — as mother. It is not a chance that Maggy comments on how “her children's crowns would be golden and golden their shrouds”.
This is supposed as much as to be warning as to be a statement and Cersei instead of taking it as a warning, actually becomes the propellent force which causes most of the prophecy coming true.
Her love for her children spurns her to kill Robert, when Ned warns her he will tell the king the truth about her children, and yet it's her ambition for them (and for herself — she does dream of herself sitting atop the IT above all other lords) that puts them in jeopardy in the first place.
Cersei is a destructive mother, she's framed as a mother who will do all to keep her children safe — going to the point she's ready to kill Tommen and herself to avoid they're taken by Stannis — her greatest accomplishment is being a mother and yet to her it's both a chain keeping her on a lesser step, and her greatest weakness.
Cersei has styled herself as a protector, and as her scene with Tywin tells us, there are no lengths Cersei would not go to keep her children safe. She thinks she alone can keep her children safe, and yet she's the reason her children are doomed.
And her children are her doom, too.
To begin with it's Cersei own actions which put Joffrey, Marcella and Tommen in jeopardy; the circumstances of their birth are Cersei's own doing; her ambition pertaining them the reason for their doom.
The fact that Cersei' ambition for her children is the IT means her children are in peril, especially since Cersei is not that much beloved. She takes their birthright for granted — even though they do not have one — and she feels she's far too superior to debase herself with making alliances. Even when her marriage to Loras could ensure the Tyrell's support beyond any doubt she's against it, and we know she's ready to anything to avoid it.
Cersei — as I've discussed in another meta — takes the metaphorical stones thrown at her (for her behavior) and builds a fortress behind which she's sure the fear of her shall keep her and her children safe.
But it is not so. Yes, in the books Myrcella and Tommen are still alive, but we know that will change soon. Myrcella has lost an ear and is very probably traumatized over the whole ordeal — she being pitted against her mother and brother — whilst Tommen is being torn and ripped apart between his “advisors” (Kevan against Cersei, Cersei against Margaery) when he is yet a child.
If Cersei had worked and played good with Kevan perhaps they could've found a way to protect Tommen better, instead Cersei is waging her own personal war against whoever tries to keep her pinned to the ground, to the point she becomes blind to the effects her choices might have on her son.
It is an undisputed theory — and a very believable one — that Cersei' behavior as Queen Mother (and now only regent) to Tommen will easily provoke the ire of the people of KL, possibly causing new riots and rebellions to spark in between the streets.
As Queen, Cersei should've been not only mother to her children, but mother to the people and most importantly to the nobles. She doesn't care. [And this will come bite her in the bum when the time comes]. During the siege on KL by Stannis, Cersei does her duty, by collecting all the ladies of the court, and keep them with her, but that's as far as she goes (beyond terrorizing Sansa, who she is supposed — and does see in her own twisted way — to be mother of, as at this point Sansa is still betrothed to Joffrey), and when the things get really difficult she abandons the ladies in her charge to their fate to “choose hers”.
Children learn by example, and the example they have received is that of an absent father who couldn't care less about them, and a self-entitled mother so ambitious (but lacking real political wit) to want to put her bastards on the Iron throne. And whilst Tommen and Myrcella are too little to show it, Joffrey is the product of this kind of education and his own brand of cruelty and madness.
Cersei fancies herself as the matriarch of House Lannister, much like her father was Head of House Lannister — and for all of Tywin's cunning, his legacy is nothing but a mirror for larks, a lie he tells himself and the realm, a lie that died with him — but as Jaime considers she's neither as cunning neither as capable of Tywin, and she's not as calm. She's like wildfire, and wildfire can kill also its wielder.
In the books Cersei is becoming more and more paranoid and she's taking matters in her own hand — like disposing of Kevan and burning the Tower of the Hand in wildfire — and she feels a twisted, cruel pleasure at being in control. Which makes her dangerous not only for herself but for her children too.
And, that, makes of her a destructive mother. Her wrath makes of her the doom of her children.
“I promise you, no matter where you flee, Robert's wrath will follow you, to the back of beyond if need be." The queen stood. "And what of my wrath, Lord Stark?" she asked softly.  — Eddard XIII, AGOT
Catelyn Stark/Lady Stoneheart ~ Mother of wolves, mother of death — font of mercy
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Catelyn is an extremely particular example of mother. She's as fierce as Cersei when it comes to her children — mama wolf caught a valyrian steel knife bare-handed to defend her comatose son — and she's much more calm when she offers advice.
Whereas Cersei looses all power when Joffrey becomes king, a son who up to a point despise her for her weakness too, Catelyn is another thing for Robb. Both mothers have differences with their king-sons but Cersei' steems of her attempt to control Joffrey, whilst Catelyn's steems of her being first a mother and secondly the mother of a king.
She releases Jaime, but she doesn't do it to try and control her son, she does it to try and save her daughters. She gets relegated for it by her son, and her advice is often ignored by Robb after she realizes Jaime; and yet when the moment comes Catelyn dies convinced all her children are either dead (presumed so, Rickon, Brandon and Arya or surely so, Robb) or prisoners (Sansa).
Same as Cersei though, I must point out, Catelyn too is still young and there is talk of her new marriage to strengthen Robb; Theon is considered (which is foil to the Loras/Cersei's betrothal) though in the end another man, more of an age to Catelyn and whom she finds handsome, is chosen for her. Though she never reaches him, as she dies before she can. So, when Beric Dondarrion gives her “the kiss of life” — which, if you think of it, is not by chance that is called such, as mothers give life to their children — Catelyn rises against from death and she rises the vengeful, destructive mother who is hunting down and killing all those she thinks are guilty, one way or another, of the death of her children.
The kiss of life for Catelyn Stark was a curse, just as Maggy's prophecy was a curse for Cersei. Lady Stoneheart is the Mother without mercy, the mother who shows no mercy because she has none in her heart, but for vengeance. The mother whose only purpose is that of avenging her children.
"M'lady." The wine was making her head spin. It was hard to think. "Stoneheart. Is that who you mean?" Lord Randyll had spoken of her, back at Maidenpool. "Lady Stoneheart." "Some call her that. Some call her other things. The Silent Sister. Mother Merciless. The Hangwoman." — Brienne VIII, AFFC
Daenerys Targaryen ~ Mhysa, Mother of Dragons, Mother of monsters — tame the fury
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Daenerys is such a tragic character and as @esther-dot has said in her own reply to the ask about Daenerys as a foil to the Virgin Mary, she is the Mother of several, the mother of dragons and Mhysa and yet she does not embody the traits of the mother (and the Virgin Mary, in the details, as those are compassion and mercy and grief).
Daenerys is thirteen when she gets pregnant, so she's extremely young when she miscarries her son and becomes barren. I have explained in several posts and metas how I think things went pertaining Rhaego's sacrifice and the birth of the dragons as Daenerys embracing her inner valyrian and her inner dragon (this serie).
The flames of Drogo's pyre burn away Daenerys' character as mother, and I truly believe that Martin giving her so many titles hinging on the figure of the Mother is meant to showcase how much, with each title she gains, she looses a part of the mother's thematic traits.
Daenerys herself, in her grief and fury, asks herself if she truly had not known the price for the blood magic the maegi did to save Drogo.
As highlighted by the original convo, Daenerys steels herself to not cry, to not show compassion, and to not give into mercy. She becomes the dragon each choice more.
Even though the show framed Daenerys as a merciful ruler who decided her crusade was to free the slaves, that is not the same in the books, as there lacks a scene in which Daenerys formally frees the Unsullied (as her speech during the taking of Astapor shows her telling them they are bought and paid for, that they are hers, to then make the alliteration of freedom/dracarys and you're the dragon's now all the while holding the whip). What she gathers during her campaign east is:
A reputation (Slavers Bay) — as she herself says to Jorah and Barrister, she knows what Aegon proved during his conquest, and that she has a few things she means to prove herself. It's a show of power. (Remember Aegon's formative years were spent with Balerion in the east). Troops (Astapor) — the Unsullied in Astapor, the second sons in Meereen and later the Dothraki (though how that will happen in the book remains to be seen, and how ‘inclusive of all dothraki’ that will actually be as opposed to the show) plus the other companies that compose her new army. A following/labour force (Yunkai) — as she herself thinks as she goes parlay with the masters in Astapor, she feels her following is insignificant and so is she by extention. Taking in her procession around the east the freed slaves of Yunkai gives her that, labour force (this happens in Meereen too) as well as a following which is not insignificant anymore, which makes her no longer insignificant as she felt when she was, for example, in Qart and she wasn't offered poison. Riches to fund her campaign west (Meereen)— despite staying in Meereen to rule, what Daenerys does is not making the best choice for the city, but the best choice to fill her coffers to fund her campaign west of the Narrow Sea. It was explained by better meta-writers than me, how Daenerys completely ignores the commercial importance of some goods, to chose instead coin and precious metals and gems and goods that will serve the purpose of funding her campaign west. Not only that, she reinstates slavery by taking the very same percentage from the selling that the slavers did, all because wars have costs and they're won as much with gold as they are by swords (her words, not mine — Daenerys VI, ASOS).
Why saying all of this? Because the propaganda they used to frame her as Mhysa in the show is the same the slaves of Volantis fall prey to. Her reputation makes the slaves of Volantis pray for her coming and for her to free them all, but it is pretty clear Daenerys will not go to Volantis. She will turn west and begin her campaign to take back the IT.
Daenerys had the moment of choice, to be actually mother to her people. Take her dragons and go to the dead city with her khalaasar and make it bloom again — which would be the definition of mother of her people — instead she choses the path west, the path of war, because the dragons made all the difference.
This is important and it is the second aware choice she makes after the pyre, after becoming the Mother of Dragons (her first choice is the possibly half-unaware choice to sacrifice Rhaego for Drogo, and then Drogo, the stallion, Mirri and herself to raise again with three dragons to her breast) — in fact it is told in the book that the frightened child Illyrio gave as bride to Khal Drogo, the mother of his unborn child, died and was born again as a real Targaryen in fire and blood — and in fact her own fury takes charge of charcter exactly in that moment, when Daenerys realizes what she has done, and accuses Mirri of it). From thereon is a downhill path.
She must not have tears in her eyes, but the flames of the drago's fury when she faces her allies and enemies. Slowly but surely, her fury burns all vestiges of her character as mother. The fact that Martin makes her title pile up with the common theme of motherhood is to highlight how little of a mother her character is.
Mother of dragons, Daenerys thought. Mother of monsters. What have I unleashed upon the world? A queen I am, but my throne is made of burned bones, and it rests on quicksand. Without dragons, how could she hope to hold Meereen, much less win back Westeros? I am the blood of the dragon, she thought. If they are monsters, so am I. — Daenerys II, ADWD
"None, this one grieves to confess. We beg your pardon."
Mercy, thought Dany. They will have the dragon's mercy. "Skahaz, I have changed my mind. Question the man sharply." "I could. Or I could question the daughters sharply whilst the father looks on. That will wring some names from him." "Do as you think best, but bring me names." Her fury was a fire in her belly.  — Daenerys II, ADWD
Up until now, and for every other character associated with the mother, the defense of the children is foremost. And yet Daenerys' children are the dragons, and not even her being Mhysa, saves the girls (girls who are innocent of their father's eventual misdeeds) from torture.
The woman who crucified free men, without any kind of inquiry or investigation, for the crucified children, tortures children to defend men and soldier who should be able to defend themselves. Which is the difference between the soldiers killed and the girls tortured? The girls have no purpose for her, her unsullied being killed put a stain to her reputation and weakens her resources for the campaign west. You can't get much more different from the Virgin Mary than this. Or the thematic Mother. Her song is the songs of the dragons.
Sansa Stark ~ Mother of the North — teach us all a kinder way
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Of all the big characters, Sansa is the only one who yet has not known pregnancy or the loss of a child. And yet, she is the character that best embodies the Mother and her mercy and compassion.
Cersei, Daenerys, even Catelyn have turned their mercy off due the trauma they endured. Not Sansa.
The trauma she endured taught Sansa a kinder way. Sansa shows compassion, mercy and gentleness from day one.
She begs Joffrey the stop his squabble with Arya and the butcher boy, hoping she might soothe his wrath; later she pleads for Jeyne to be reunited with her lord father, and she asks mercy for her lord father in open court — kneeling before Joffrey as the Virgin Mary knelt before the cross — she thinks, naively, that the love Joffrey bears her will ensure that her closeness will sooth his fury against her lord father and ensure Ned is pardoned and alive.
She's wrong, and Joffrey shows her so by executing Ned, showing her his head (and her septa's), by beating her for every victory Robb won and mistreating her for her sin of ‘having the blood of a wolf’.
And yet, despite all she endures at the hands of the Lannisters, Sansa still acts. She stills comforts the women during the siege (duty which should have befallen on Cersei), she still helps saving Lancel's life (even though he has taken part of her humiliation and beatings), she speaks out (when no one else did) to save Dontos, she still prays for Tyrion and the Hound, who have shown her a speck of decency (if confronted to the others, which is very below the line of decency but that doesn't figure for Sansa, what little they have done, sparks her compassion for them). Sansa's thoughts go to all, the old and the young, the mothers and the children as well as the soldiers when she prays during the siege of KL.
It's Sansa's doing that the woman with the dead babe is not killed, as she is the one who manipulates Joffrey to give her coin instead of death.
Her singing the hymn of the Mother not only reassures the women, but it also soothes the wrath and fury of the Hound, who had come to rape her. Her singing the hymn of the Mother softens him to her, and he doesn't harm her physically — though he has traumatized her to the point she resorts to romancing the entire encounter to suppress the trauma she suffered at his hands — saving her life and possibly being a pivotal momento for the Hound's future story.
Sansa has become, despite lady Lysa' betrayal, the primary caretaker of her cousin Robert, and she's being a mother to him. It is hinted at, that Sansa will possibly uncover LF' plot to have Robert poisoned and put a stop to it.
Sansa dreams of children, whereas Cersei dreams of the Iron throne, Lady Stoneheart doesn't dream but of vengeance and Daenerys dreams of the Last Dragon.
Sansa's children are foretold to become lords/ladies of Winterfell and restore the North, just as their mother. LF, Lysa and Lady Waynwood all want to use her and her claim, and her son (Ned Stark's grandson)'s claim to take Winterfell and exercise power over the North; the same thing Tywin wanted to do by marrying her to Tyrion.
For now Sansa is still a virgin too.
Even Jon, defending Sansa's claim reminds us that Winterfell is supposed to fall in Sansa's hands and later in her children's.
Another important piece for this analysis comes from this thought:
 In the sept they sing for the Mother's mercy but on the walls it's the Warrior they pray to, and all in silence. She remembered how Septa Mordane used to tell them that the Warrior and the Mother were only two faces of the same great god. But if there is only one, whose prayers will be heard? — Sansa V, ACOK
It's Sansa the one who chooses which prayer to be heard.
She silently steels herself as the Warrior, and her weapons are the compassion and mercy of the Mother.
"Unhand me. You forget yourself." "Mercy. I have been singing love songs for hours. My blood is stirred. And yours, I know . . . there's no wench half so lusty as one bastard born. Are you wet for me?" "I'm a maiden," she protested. — Sansa VI, ASOS
Sansa in her compassion is capable to feel sorry even for Marillion, who tried to rape her and stood by as Lysa attempted to kill her. She feels dirty and sorry and guilty because she has let LF convince her to frame him for Lysa' murder, even though he would not have raised a finger to save her and in the last chapters of her as Alayne we see how this is the pivotal moment which marks her completely breaking from LF' hold. She is against framing Marillion, she'd give him mercy if she could, and this moment marks her return to Sansa Stark, because it's the moment in which more starkly she feels the difference between Ned Stark, her real father, and LF, her false father.
Honorable mentions — Lyanna, Lysa and Elia ~ save our sons from war, we pray
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Lyanna Stark —› Lyanna is little more than a child when she meets Rhaegar and bears his son. While we are still in the unknown about how things have gone in the books for Lyanna dn Rhaegar and the show frames it as a romantic escape, I feel confident in saying that as such (or not only as such) it will be in the books. Lyanna only three phrases known are: “Promise me, Ned”, “That's my father's man you are kicking!” and “Love is sweet, but it cannot change a man's nature”. Given this, I would think there is much more underneath the eloping lady to Lyanna, and it will be tragic. And yet, her most important quote is Promise me, Ned. It's the phrase that saved her son, the phrase that saved Jon. Whatever else, Lyanna is a girl, and a mother. A mother who lost her life, and as she did her only thought was the protection of her son. Elia Martell —› Elia is the mother of the butchered children. Being a mother is the core fundation of her character, she risked her life to bear her children, she nursed them at her breast and potentially plotted in a capital against her to save at least her son. Elia showed same as Lyanna that often the strength of women is not in the sword that they may wield, but in their love for their children. Lysa Arryn —› Lysa undoubtedly loves her son, and yet she, if left alone to care for him, would've been his ruin. She is convinced Jon Arryn was speaking about Robert when he spoke about the seed being strong. In her paranoia and fear for her son, she stays neutral during the WO5K, and, later out of madness she attempts to kill her own niece for her jealousy over a man who never was hers to begin with.
Now, that would be enough, but it is not, since part of the whole matter was Daenerys as a foil to the Virgin Mary.
The Virgin Mary ~ Hail Mary, full of grace
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Now, we've seen the hymn of the Mother in asoiaf, but what about the prayer of the Virgin Mary? (before we delve into her figure and her traits).
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.
As you can see the hymn of the Mother shares some points with the Hail Mary. And that common trait is the compassion the Mother and the Virgin Mary are the embodiment of.
Mary prays for the sinners, even the same sinners who have crucified her son, always. And that is the cifra of her blessing, she's so pure and “holy” that the Almighty chose her to bear his son, who was born with the purpose of cleanse man of the original sin, and later didn't make her die, but rose her to the heavens, where, as per Dante's and the Church's vision she sits at the place of honor of the Heaven.
In the Divina Commedia, the structure of the heaven itself (once Dante has went through the several skies) is an embodiment of Mary's blessing, as it's a sort of rows of seat ordained in a way that forms a flower...
... wanna guess which one? You guessed it... A ROSE. The celestial rose.
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As you can see, Mary has the place of honor, (a woman, has the seat of honor above the men, let that sink in — that was the kind of veneration which surrounds the Virgin Mary). The Virgin is even put in a better seat than Peter and Adam.
Of all the women of asoiaf there is one who is given a rose — in the current timeline, obv — and two more whose' fate was decided by a rose in the past, plus one who is given flowers, but they do not bode well for her.
Yeah, it's Sansa Stark. Sansa is not only given a rose during the tourney to celebrate her father, but she's given the ONLY red rose. Also she's framed as the blue rose (so the rare flower as the blue rose is framed behind her in several instances in the show). The rose of Winterfell, whose son became king in the north.
And if you think about it, Daenerys is given flowers too, but which flowers?, she's given Dusk Rose, Lady's Lace, and Harpy's Gold.
The dusk rose which represents healing — and it connects to the plague in Meereen and the drastic measures that Daenerys is foreshadowed to take once she returns and decides that the compassion she has shown has been spat in her face — it has a purple color, that not only symbolizes royalty, but also of poison (as the poison Daenerys is given in Meereen and that possibly makes her miscarry after she flees, which is a pivotal moment which marks her turning all dragon — as I've analyzed in this post).
The Lady's Lace is possibly inspired by Queen Anne's Lace which is connected with attracting love — and we know one of Daenerys' betrayal will come from love or for of love — and whilst its bloom was believed to cure epilepsy, do you know how people in the ancient times used the seeds of this flower?, to avoid pregnancies or to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, and modern studies tell us there is merit in this ancient medicine for the flower can be dangerous for a pregnant woman. Need I say more? With Daenerys at least one miscarriage, plus probably others she has not recognized as such.
And yes, the Harpy's Gold is a poisonous plant albeit very beautiful. And can a flower symbolize Daenerys as much?, I said once, I'll say again that her names imo comes from the alliteration of Deianira and Iris (which mean in turns “destroyer of men” and “very beautiful woman”). The Harpy's Gold is purple, as Daenerys' eyes.
And obviously the two women in the past whose fate was sealed by roses are Lyanna and Elia, for Rhaegar' naming Lyanna queen of love and beauty. And it ended in tragedy, both women dead, their children either survived by chance and in hiding or killed cruelly.
Also, both sons of these women “resurrect” : Aegon metaphorically by claiming his birthright and his identity after hiding behind his false death and Jon by actually being raised from death.
And what about the Virgin's traits, you might ask?
First of all, the New Testament describes Mary as a woman of such humility and obedience to the message of God that she is chosen to carry his son.
(And I have already discussed on the matter of humility and arrogance of Sansa vs Daenerys, here and here).
On the top of that, Daenerys knows that there are Gods, but she annoverates herself between them:
“Up here in her garden Dany sometimes felt like a god, living atop the highest mountain in the world. Do all Gods feel so lonely?” (— Daenerys VI, ASOS);
whilst, Sansa, despite all the trauma and tragedy she has endured thinks:
“There are gods, she told herself, and there are true knights too. All the stories can't be lies.” (— Sansa IV, ACOK).
Mary has royal blood, and through her blood Jesus descends from royalty too. And, since infancy she has been known for her piety, beauty, gentleness and her devotion.
She's determined in her faith, and she never once turns her fury against the Lord for the tragedy that strikes her life (her son's death), she instead closes herself in prayer and guide others who follow her example.
“Was he mocking her? It wasn't the gods who'd been cruel, it was Joffrey.” — Sansa I, ACOK
“What had she ever done to make the gods so cruel?” — Daenerys VII, AGOT
And whilst the Magi (the three kings who bear gifts for Jesus under a comet) reminds me of Maegi (Mirri who calls herself godswife. With the consequent death of Rhaego, Daenerys' blood sacrifice and the red comet in the sky) here it defines even more the foils:
Daenerys receives “gifts” from her misadventure with Mirri, three dragons as three were the gifts borne by the Magi to Jesus. The point is this:
No. You are the blood of the dragon. The whispering was growing fainter, as if Ser Jorah were falling farther behind. Dragons plant no trees. Remember that. Remember who you are, what you were made to be. Remember your words. "Fire and Blood," Daenerys told the swaying grass.— Daenerys X, ADWD
There is in Egypt, near Cairo, the Virgin Mary's Tree, where the Holy Family took at first respite whilst they escaped Herod's fury. Which speaks of Mary's nurture.
Instead the gifts the Magi gives Jesus are supposed to show for his status, whilst Daenerys receives three dragons she uses to subjugate three cities in Slavers Bay.
On the other hand, Sansa is given three gifts as well, in a way, when the comet pass. Her “betrothed — the dragon's heir” (yes this is Jonsa, because Aegon is meant for Arianne, fight me on this and Jon is already defending her birthright which is attacked on all sides); the support of the Knights of the Vale (which will help her from her exile back in her homeland) and I think it's foreshadowed also the help of the Mountain Clans&the Riverlands. As Ned and Catelyn's daughter.
(paraphrasing, she receives three gifts: her compassion, her political cleverness and her honor as well; which will grant her the three above).
Another important aspect I am reminded of, in the books and show, is that, before showing for the first time his miracles, Jesus looks at Mary and awaits for her approval.
Before changing the water in wine, Jesus — who had mostly hidden his miracles for his own safety — looks at Mary and asks her approval, approval she gives by nodding and giving him way for it is time.
Which reminds me of the way Jon (resurrected one) works in tandem with Sansa, he doesn't do everything with her approval, but damn if her approval and her way of thinking doesn't shape him as a king and as a man. Look at the times Sansa nods to him, and approves of him when he is named king.
Haven't seen that in Daenerys, as she is the woman who takes her son's place (she wanted to put Rhaego on the throne even before Viserys died, and then with his death she assumes that role; as well as that of the Stallion who mounts the world, or so she thinks) instead of the woman who is foreshadowed to bring back her son to his homeland or giving her homeland the heir needed, her and later her child.
"Balon Greyjoy thinks in terms of plunder, not rule. Let him enjoy an autumn crown and suffer a northern winter. He will give his subjects no cause to love him. Come spring, the northmen will have had a bellyful of krakens. When you bring Eddard Stark's grandson home to claim his birthright, lords and little folk alike will rise as one to place him on the high seat of his ancestors. — Tyrion III, ASOS
On the top of that Daenerys is barren, so she has no virtual, nor real, heir to her throne; instead Sansa is foreshadowed not only to become queen, but to birth kings/queens. It's the core of her character, restoring the North and rebuilding House Stark.
Mary is the first believer, and she is considered embodiment of the Woman (the perfect example of woman all women should strive to replicate) and the Church itself.
In the same way as Sansa is the epitome of the princess of a song, but she's also the North, she's House Stark — she's the one building Winterfell back from snow — and did you know there is in Italy the Holy Mary Lady of the Snows?, and do you know where is her primary sanctuary? In the city of Sanza. I'm not even joking, look it up!: city of Sanza, 5th of august, Madonna delle Nevi.
Mindblowing, isn't it?
Instead, as the flames are epitome of the Hells, there is not, to my knowledge a Holy Mary associated with the flames, though there is another Holy Mary who is associated with stopping the flames. You know which one is her name?, Holy Mary of the riverbank (yeah I am not joking, again — in the city of Cuneo, there is the Madonna della Riva) who apparently appeared and stopped the flames that were burning the city and had sparked from the sanctuary, saving the people from the fires.
I mean... it doesn't get clearer than that, doesn't it?
And that's it (for now, I've long since learned that no serie of metas is ever done with)
I mean, I knew this one would turn monstrously long (totally blame @esther-dot and @minitafan for this one, which is half classical theme of the Mother and half biblical), but I hope you enjoyed!
As always, if there is someone who is an expert and wants to adds their two cents, be my guests!
Sending all my love~G.
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angel-of-the-moons · 2 months
Blood Moon
Marc Spector/Moon Knight (Vengeance of Venom) x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Mentions of child death, trauma related to that, some coping, Marc being an emotionally constipated idiot as usual; Also you can't convince me that after the symbiote invasion, Marc and May Parker didn't become like, catty bff's
A/N: After a million years, I have returned to this particular incarnation of Moon Knight! I've been trying to consume various forms of media to help get me in the zone for him, and yes that includes watching the only two episodes in that Spider-Man cartoon he's actually in on repeat...
Taglist: @badbishsblog @patchesofwork
Divider done by the ever so lovely @/saradika-graphics!
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PT. 6
It had been a few days since you and Marc had discussed his past.
And you were... angry for him. What had happened to your family was bad, but it wasn't as bad as Marc coming home to his dead child.
Marc had his whole family ripped away from him because his little brother literally went insane with jealousy? Honestly, if the bastard wanted superpowers so fucking badly, he could gone to play in a pool at a nuclear power plant!
Marc's lot in life truly wasn't fair. You understood his prickly, walled-off personality a bit more, but moreover you just felt... saddened. You almost didn't push through the loss of your family. Being a combative young girl, violent and opposing to your guardians as you frog-hopped your way through foster homes; many parents simply didn't bother with you after the first month of constant disobedience and violent outbursts.
And couple all of that with the running away... it had gotten to the point nobody had wanted you, so you were forced to live in a roughened group home for the duration of your dwindling childhood.
But none of that felt as horrible and gut-wrenching compared to coming home to your own child brutally murdered out of petty jealousy and perceived rivalry.
Your heart broke for him; he had suffered horrible situations all because of someone he should have been able to love and trust with his life. Someone--
"You're spacing again."
You jumped, almost dropping your gauntlet as Marc's voice cuts through your thoughts.
You cleared your throat awkwardly, "Yeah, just... Got a bit on my plate, so to speak."
His chair squeaks as he turns back to sharpening his darts; after pointing out he needed new ones, Marc actually took your advice and put in a request with Fury for the materials to manufacture new ones. And provide a few modifications to your own equipment as well. It was the least he could do for being such an ass to you before.
The grindstone whirred, soft sparks falling onto the worktable as he meticulously honed the edges of the blades down to their fine edges; his warm chocolate eyes focusing with intensity on his task.
You tucked one leg beneath yourself from where you hunched over on the couch, staring at him for a moment before returning to your own work, hoping to distract you from your morbid and depressing train of thought.
"Have anything to do with Strange?" He asked, the question short and clipped.
"Eh?" You blinked, almost dropping your tool at the suddenness of his question. It was... weirdly out of nowhere. You hadn't really interacted with Stephen much since your hospitalization, and maybe once or twice when dealing with things at Avengers Tower.
"He's been hovering." He muttered, frowning as he began working on a new dart, setting the completed one off to the side with the others.
"You mean like... at meetings?" You blinked dumbly, your jaw slacking slightly.
"Well, I mean... kinda?" You rubbed the back of your neck.
"Any particular reason?" He hummed, his mouth twisting as he scowled through the magnifier.
You furrowed your brow and squinted at him, blinking a few times. He seemed... Stiff. Prickly, almost. He almost looked like he...
You grinned widely, a lightbulb blipping to life inside of your head.
"Oh my god."
You lean forward, grasping your gauntlet in one hand and still grinning, staring at his posture. Marc seemed to go even stiffer than before, his movements not as precise as before, almost as if he was trying to distract himself from the current subject.
"Marc, are you jealous?"
The silence was your best answer, and you laughed, leaning back on the couch, and kicking your feet as your giddiness overtook you. "Marc!"
Marc spun around and slammed his fist on the table, barking, "I was only wondering if there are any distractions that might screw you up on patrol!"
You finally dropped your gauntlet, clutching your belly as it ached from laughing, his absurd reaction to your observation just ratting him out more, "Oh my god!" You gasped, rolling onto your side.
"Shut the hell up!" He snapped.
"Marc!" You sputtered, snorting at him.
"Ugh!" He grunted, jerking his chair back around to look at the task he'd dropped on the worktable.
"Stephen has been like, nosey because I was thinking about asking Fury to transfer me as his partner."
His shoulders twitched, "What?"
You sit up again a bit, resting your weight on your elbow as you let your leg sling over the side of the couch; "When we split our little dynamic duo; before I got hurt, I requested I work with Stephen because... Well? We have decent chemistry and ideally that's what you want in a partnership."
Marc scowled, keeping his back to you as you spoke; why was he so defensive over this? Why did that hot, simmering feeling return to the pit of his gut? He thought he buried it the day he saw you in the medical ward back in the Tower when you agreed to be his partner again.
"And as for the weird ass flowers? Gamora and Groot gave those to me. She popped in to say hi, and Groot happened to sprout some while we were talking. They gave them to me as a get-well present."
He looked at you out of the corner of his eyes, over his shoulder, "You certainly enjoyed his attention, though."
You coughed awkwardly into your hand, and cleared your throat; "Well, a woman appreciates chivalry every now and again, Marc. And Stephen can be really chivalrous when he wants to be."
You crossed your arms, and huffed out a puff of air. "And your manners certainly match the sewers you were living in... But it's no reason to get friggin' jealous or anything."
"I'm not jealous for the last damn time!" He snapped again, glaring at you.
"Oh... so you're protective, then? Are you that worried about me?"
He growled, grinding his teeth together as he pushed himself up from the table, the wheels on his chair squeaking audibly as he muttered under his breath.
"Hey! Where are you going?" You asked, climbing to your feet as he yanked on his hoodie.
"Out for a drink. I need one after dealing with you." He scoffed, walking up the basement stairs.
"But it's 11 in the morning!" You retort.
Even though he seemed pissed, you couldn't help but smile to yourself, your fingers touching your chin as you heard the front door slam.
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"She's insufferable!" Marc growled, scowling deeply out of the window, his brown eyes watching as children played outside and cars drove by. The muffled barking of a dog could be heard from somewhere through the window.
"I swear, dealing with her has me wanting to shave my head and jump in the Hudson in the middle of winter!"
May smiled into her tea, her green eyes twinkling with mischief as the wrinkles at the corners became more obvious the more Marc ranted about you.
"Your tea is getting cold." She reminded him with a hum.
The former Marine slumped his shoulders with a hefty sigh and dropped onto the cushioned chair on the other side of the tea table next to her, taking the chipped mug in his hands before taking a big swig of it; swirling the slightly bitter liquid around in his mouth before swallowing.
"You've been talking about your partner for a while, Marc. And while you seem agitated about her," May set her mug down on a saucer to look at him with a patient smile.
"Has she really done anything to make you this angry? Or is there some other underlying issue?"
His brows furrowed and he rubbed his hand along his stubble, looking at her quizzically, "I don't follow."
"Marc, you're not used to having to rely on someone in such a hefty capacity like this," May said gently.
"You've been working alone for so long you've boxed yourself into a little corner and get mad when people don't act the way you want them to, or if they don't see things the way you do, at first. It's why you acted the way that you did when all those symbiotes invaded."
"Okay, I have my reasons for..." Marc noticed her silvery brow quirk up, her lips tipping into a smirk. He brought his tea to his lips and drank again. "...continue."
"You were concerned with your own survival. You had been alone for so long you felt like, even with your hero work as Moon Knight, you were still in it by yourself."
"...Someone helped convince me." He sighed softly, looking into the tea a bit, swirling it in the mug.
"Oh yeah, someone did all right." May said haughtily, "And I bet she was so smart and amazing at it, too."
"And a little full of herself. And preachy..." Marc slowly smiled at her.
"Okay, well, aside from that--" May giggled. "It's nice to know that I had a hand in you opening up more. Spider-Man being that other hand."
Marc pursed his lips. May Parker may know that Marc Spector is actually Moon Knight... But she did not know her beloved nephew was the Spider-Man. He didn't like lying to her, it left a foul taste in his mouth. She was one of the few--the very few--friends he had left in the world and it felt wrong to mislead her.
But he swore to Peter he wouldn't tell May until the youth decided he was ready.
"So, I think your apparent "frustration" with her might just be the fact that you're not used to having someone inhabit your personal bubble so easily. Your personalities are very different, but... You like her. It angers you because you try not to like her--or people in general--but it just happened."
"That's not..." Marc started to say; but, instead he rubbed the back of his neck. "...Entirely untrue."
"And you seem to be unreasonably annoyed that this girl had been looking for a new partner... And seemed to enjoy whatever flattery he was putting on for her."
He raised an eyebrow, "And?"
"Marc, did you stop to analyze your feelings on a slightly more... intimate manner?" May sighed hopelessly, shaking her head before taking another sip of her tea.
"Uh--hey, wait! What's that supposed to mean!" He sputtered, turning in the chair to look at her fully, feeling an uncomfortable sweat in his palms.
"Do you think you might be so protective of her because you're interested in her on a more personal level? You know, romantically. Or... otherwise."
Ugh, he hated how sagely this woman could be sometimes. She was wonderful at giving advice, but torture when she got to the core of the issues discussed.
And he knew, deep down, that she wasn't far off from the truth.
"Marc." She put her hand on his arm, giving him a gentle squeeze, "Would it be so bad to let somebody in like that? To let her get close to you?"
He squeezed his eyes shut and determinedly sucked the rest of his tea down before speaking;
"Yes. May, I'm taking a big risk just even being friends with you. Being around your nephew."
"Is it... because of your hero work?" May asked, her eyes shining with concern.
"Yes and no... it's..." His eyes cast down to the floor, the bitter memories of what happened to his wife and daughter, his friends, associates... all at the hands of his brother.
"There's someone. A criminal who--who has it out for me. He's been targeting people close to me for years, May. I... don't want him to hurt anybody else."
She squeezed his arm again, smiling kindly, "Tell me. Please. You know you can."
"It's... not pretty, May. It's horrific, what he's done. She found out about it and I'm pretty sure she's started letting it fester in her brain." He sighed, slumping his shoulders a bit.
"I've seen a lot, Marc." May says softly. "After losing Ben, how he was taken from us... it wasn't easy. You know how I felt, I've already told you. So... Please."
Marc lifted his eyes and took a deep breath.
And began to speak.
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PT. 7: No idea, with fall around the corner I may come back to this just for the spooky vibes and to hopefully be able to wrap this up!
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btsarmymoonmoon · 27 days
What happens when you cover for your best friend in front of her family? Eventually smut, +18 please proceed with caution. Can be found on my AO3 as well. 10k words. Hope you enjoy. 48 days till sunshine is back!
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Min Jee and you. Two best friends since the both of you remember. You started hanging out probably around primary school, went to the same secondary school. For the past two years you were both attending the same Uni, doing different courses. Most of the days your classes started and ended around the same time so it wasn’t a problem for you to continue being inseparable. You didn’t have any other close friends, it was always just the two of you.
Your families were on somewhat friendly terms. Each side knew that their child will be fed and safe and taken care of and that kind of trust continued over the years between the two families. You were really friendly with Min Jee’s parents, especially with her mum. They were both so similar, you found it really easy to discuss things with her or ask for advice. You were also quite friendly with Min Jee’s older brother, Hoseok. He was few years older than you and was always on your side. Both of your sides. He was the best older brother you could ever ask for, even though you were an only child. He would always cover for the two of you, he would pick you up from places, parties, dates when they didn’t go as planned. He would drive you to places and even take you shopping at times. He was kind. Very kind and very warm. You were always jealous that Min Jee could count on him so much. So could you actually. There were numerous occasions  were you were picked up by Hoseok in his car from a shitty date or a party on which Min Jee didn’t wasn’t allowed to go. He would drive you home if you needed to go back after staying up late In his sister room. It wasn’t unusual for him to help you and take care of you like that.
Hoseok had a friend group, and together they made seven. You met them on some occasions but they rarely hung out at Min Jees house anyway. Although it must have been often enough because now that the two of you were at university and attended a lot of different parties one of her brothers friends started being interested in Min Jee. Kim Seokjin, the oldest of the group. If he ever was on the party that the two of you went, he would always mingle around came to say hi and sometimes you would catch them on a balcony, completely on their own, chatting the night away. There was absolutely no way that Hoseok could find out. He was extremely overprotective over his sister, especially in the dating department. None of his friends met his stupid standards and weren’t good enough to date his little sister. Well at least that’s what he thought because it seemed like both Min Jee and Seokjin were slowly falling for each other. They never went on an official date because of that reason but they did meet quite frequently and at the start you believed that they were coincidences but after a while you realised it was pre planned to look like a coincidence.
‘Please, please! Do this for me. All you have to do is come here and hang out for a bit and then I will text you, or won’t doesn’t matter and you will say you’re joining me at this party. But in reality you will just go back home’ Min Jees had genius plan on how to stay the night at Seokjins, without raising any suspicions.
‘And what if your brother will want to give me a ride? Where will he drive me, to mine?!’ you chuckled at the entire idea. ‘You know he will sniff my lie right away, he’s not your parents’ you added.
‘What if I will have Seokjin call him and you will be able to just leave?’ she wouldn’t give up. This girl was evil.
‘Okay okay, I will try! Will the key by under the frog as usually?’ you asked and she nodded.
‘Does that mean you’re saying yes?’ Min Jee got up from your bed and started running across the room to you.
‘Yes, I’m saying yes. Who else will do this for you? Just use condoms I beg you, I am too young to be an aunt’ you rolled your eyes and opened your arms to hug her.
‘Yes mum!’ she pretended to salute you, smiling brightly.
‘Right, when is the d-day?’ you asked and pulled her away from yourself.
‘Tomorrow night! Speaking of I need to go and pick up few things from the shop on the way home, I better get going..’ she picked up her backpack from your rooms floor and shoved books that you were using only few minutes ago back inside.
‘What time do you need me to come around to yours to make it believable then?’ you wanted to make sure all the details of you evil plan were discussed ahead of time.
‘I want to say about 5? You can say that I still have classes and promised to meet you at mine to get ready for a party. That should do it’ she nodded, waved at you and disappeared behind your door. ‘I will text you’ she shouted from the distance and was gone.
You finished your classes and as promised you have started going towards the Jungs house. You weren’t in the hurry, at the end of the day you were literally about to sit in their kitchen for few hours to then be stood up by their daughter and leave to meet her at a party. So you decided to walk, at least from the station to their home. Sometimes you would get ride from Hoseok, but today was definitely not the time to ask him for a lift to HIS house.
It took you about thirty minutes to get there, however about half way there it started raining. Very lightly at first but the rain got heavier as you kept walking. By the time you reached your best friends house, you were half soaked. Only half though, only the top layer of your clothes were actually wet. You gotten to the house and climbed the three steps to their porch. Roofless porch. You grabbed the statue of the frog, lifted it up and there was no key. Fuck. Now what? You thought to yourself. The whole plan goes to shit with this stupid frog. You couldn’t let her down and because you were already wet, it was way past 5 someone should be home soon. You sat on the top stair and just accepted your fate and the rain. You hair was now completely wet and you started feeling water going inside your shoes. Luckily not that long after you hear the sound of an engine and Hoseoks car shows up on the driveway. He looked out of the window and saw you sitting there soaked through so he rushed out and went to the door.
‘What are you doing here? Why aren’t you inside?’ he asked like it was a natural course of the day, that you would use the key from under the frog and let yourself in.
‘Because the fucking frog didn’t have my key’ you pointed at the poor statue like it was it’s fault that some took the key.
‘Ah, I completely forgot. Mum took the key to cut a new one and actually give you your own one’ he said looking at that frog and slapped his forehead when he remember where the key went. ‘Anyway, lets get you inside. You are all soaked!’ he was so warm, so caring. He let you go ahead. You walked inside and left your backpack at the door and your soaked shoes. Your socks had some water inside as well so you were hoping you won’t make too much of a mess. And then you sneezed. Hoseok was on his way to the kitchen but as you made noise he froze and turned around with a drilling look on his face.
‘Excuse me’ you added looking at him with an apologetic expression.
‘Oh you’re totally going to be ill aren’t you? Let’s get you a hot bath’ he turned around and run upstairs right away. How thoughtful. He closed the drain in the tub and started running hot water. You slowly made your way upstairs and poked your head at the bathrooms door.
‘Come in, towel is on this hanger here for you’ he pointed with his finger ‘And em, when you get undressed please leave the clothes by the door so I can run them in a tumble dryer for you okay?’ you could tell he was maturing so fast. He was so thoughtful and welcoming.
‘Sure, thanks a lot’ you answered with a really apologetic look on your face. You really didn’t want to bother him that much but all of this didn’t have him ask you about his sister so at least he plan was going well.
‘I will make some ramyeon, it will be waiting downstairs’ he added and closed the door behind him. It wasn’t unusual. None of this. Maybe apart from the part that you were actually have a warm bath in their house but you stayed over night multiple times before, you had hundreds of dinners and breakfasts downstairs.
You slowly lowered yourself into the bath and left your soaked clothes at the door just as he instructed. The water was so warm and welcoming and you already started feeling better. Not long after you finally got yourself fully immersed into the water, a quiet knock on the door.
‘I will just grab the clothes okay? I won’t look’ he added and literally only reached with his arm through the tiniest gap in the door and shut it behind him again. You chuckled as it wasn’t that big of a deal for you but he was so polite and respectful. And warm. Hold on, since when did you not care that he might see you naked?
You sat in the bath for a while and when the water started getting colder, you got out and wrapped yourself in the towel that Hoseok kindly left for you. Now, your clothes were gone and you were definitely not going out in just the towel, it was way too short. Then on the hook right next to the one you just took your towel off was a pair of jogging bottoms and a stretched white t-shirt. You thought it might be Min Jees but when you put it on you realised it was Hobis. Well better than the towel. You have cleaned the bathroom after yourself and opened the door to let the steam out. Holding the towel in one of you hands you made your way downstairs, trying to dry your hair.
Hoseok was done making ramyeon and left it with his mums made sides on the table and was about to go upstairs to his room. He looked up to the staircase and then he saw you. In his clothes. Puffy red cheeks, wet hair falling down on his white t-shirt, his jogging bottoms slightly sliding down from your hips and the look in your eyes. He stopped breathing for a second. What the hell is this shit show? Why is his little sisters best friend turned hot in the span of few minutes? He felt a tingle in his trousers and he felt like his ears started turning red. He realised he was staring for a second so he coughed loudly and you realised how close he was.
‘Thanks for that. Oh, this. I’m sorry, you didn’t really bring my clothes back and the towel was really short so I just grabbed what was at hand. I hope you don’t mind? I will take it home and clean it’ you quickly explained yourself wearing his clothes but he seemed absent. ‘Hoseok?’ you waved at his face and then he started blinking again, like his brain needed a restart.
‘Ah yeah that, don’t worry about it. Your food is on the table’ he pointed back at the dining room, which you knew where it was anyway. He moved swiftly next to you and went upstairs and loudly shut door to his room. That was odd. He would always sit with you and ask you about yours classes and parties planned for the weekend. But now? Nothing?
He walked into his room, shut the door and held his head. Walking there and back for a while he couldn’t control himself all of a sudden. You drove him mad with this one picture of yourself. With this very one sight and him laying his eyes on you he couldn’t think of anything else. He took his phone out and furiously texted his best friend ‘Joon I lost my mind, please help me come back to my senses’ he sent the text and his phone chimed very soon after he sent the message ‘What do you mean?’ was the response he received. ‘Min Jees best friend is in my house’ he sent it back. So? Nothing new right? It wasn’t anything out of ordinary and that’s why Namjoon was really confused. ‘What do you mean, she stays like 5 times a week anyway’ he answered. ‘She’s hot’ Hoseok responded without playing around the bush anymore. He typed another messaged before Namjoon was able to respond ‘And we are all alone here’. He popped his phone on his bed and sat at his desk.
In the meantime you were slurping on the ramyeon made by Hobi good few minutes before. Your hair started drying and you realised your phone is still in your backpack. You stopped eating and went to the door to grab your phone. Pulled it out and walked back to the table, grabbed the plastic bowl and sat yourself on the sofa.
‘Since when do you think she’s hot?’ Namjoon answered the text and then decided to just call Hoseok instead of playing chase.
‘What the fuck man?’ Hoseok picked up and that was the first question that Joon had on top of his tongue.
‘She is wearing my clothes, wet hair, all pink cheeks. I don’t know what to do!’ he was going crazy, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, couldn’t take that picture from infront of his eyes.
‘You better do nothing. You treated the girl like your sister for years, you can’t just change and use her trust like this’ it was a good advice. He couldn’t. he shouldn’t. You felt comfortable enough to come around on your own and stay because of your relationship with him and his sister. He couldn’t betray that. ‘Now go downstairs and act civil’ and he hung up on him. He threw his phone his bed and shut the door behind him. Took the stairs down and found you on the sofa. Slight less wet but still messy hair, still rosy cheeks and his clothes on you as you were slurping noodles from the bowl on the sofa. He sat next to you and just observed and every time you would look at him, he would smile wider and wider. You were beautiful. He never noticed, but you were just so pretty. Maybe because he knew you for so long since you were kids and you never looked at you this way but today. Today you were perfect in his eyes. Gorgeous eyes, pretty nose and the cute smile he would kill for. But he couldn’t do anything about it so the first thing that came to mind was the very thing that was connecting the two of you. Min Jee.
‘Where is my sister?’ he finally asked you after the staring contest the two of you had.
‘She had few more classes than I did today and wanted me to come hang before we leave for the evening’ you were trying to sound super casual, like there wasn’t any hidden agenda or lie behind all of this. After you said that it didn’t really sit with you right though. You didn’t like lying to him. He was the only guy who you always told the full truth and he could handle it and take care of the consequences of your actions.
‘Were are you guys going?’ he continued with the questions to distract himself from the fact that his t-shirt on you started slowly falling down one of your shoulders. He wasn’t looking, he was really trying his best no to look at what appeared to be very soft patch of your skin, exposed right in front of him.
‘There is this party, Min Jee really wanted to go to. She promised to meet me here and get ready before we go’ you added. It sounded very convincing.
‘Ah I see, need a ride?’ of course he did. You knew this is going to happen. He always offered and you never declined. Neither you or Min Jee every declined a lift from him, this will be so unnatural for you to say no to.
‘No I think we will be fine today you know?’ you rolled your eyes and continued picking the noodles from the bowl. That sentence is what fucked it.
‘Right, so where is she really?’ he repeated his initial question. You couldn’t fool him. You lied and he knew you too well to not find out. Besides you were just looking at him with your big doe like eyes, looking all spooked and emotional.
‘She em, I told you’ you tried to fight it but you knew you were busted. Now how were you planning on save the situation was the question.
‘Spare me the lies. What happened? You never lie to me. Neither of you’ he looked worried. He turned his head to the side and his face changed. He looked disappointed. Why did he look disappointed? And why did you feel horrible for lying to him. Not a big deal, just a your best friends older brother.
‘She’s been seeing someone and they are uhm have a date’ you smiled with your teeth covered in sauce from the food. He shook his head and got up from the sofa. You could tell his pressure raised a slightly as he started pacing around the room.
‘Is she planning on spending the night?’ he turned dramatically to you and you couldn’t lie to that face. You nodded and you knew the second you did he will explode. ‘Fuck, you better tell me where and we will go and get her’ he sat back next to you.
‘Cmon Hoseok…’ you used your softest voice you could imitate ‘We aren’t kids anymore and I think she really likes the guy. Just let her be. I know shes safe and he won’t hurt her’ you reassured him but he wouldn’t buy it.
‘Nobody will lay hands on my sister’ he started getting red on his face and was ready to jump out and go to the car.
‘How about we watch a film together?’ you changed the subject. Just finished your food and it seemed like a good idea to just try and distract him for as long as you could, before you could text Min Jee and let her know she is busted. At least in front of her brother she was.
Hoseoks head turned back at you. This whole story with his sister distracted him enough to not think about you this way for a second but now you wanted to hang out? Just the two of you? Oh lord, there is no way he will be able to control himself.
‘What film?’ he asked and looked at your face.
‘I don’t know, just fancy a film. It’s really cosy here and it’s raining outside and it feels like a perfect time for a film, don’t you think?’ of course you had an agenda. He just thought it was completely different than what it actually was. You were stalling. I mean nothing you have said was a lie, you did feel cosy and a film felt like a good idea. You had no other plans for that day and uni work could always wait for another day. He looked outside the window and the rain got even heavier.
‘Tea?’ he asked and passed the remote controller towards you.
‘Sure, make it nice and steamy please’ you added. Again, not intention behind your words. You weren’t really thinking anything but every word you said felt like an ache to him. Steamy? Was she out of her mind? He thought to himself but decided to play along whatever silly game you had in mind. He went to the kitchen and put the kettle on. His phone was still upstairs so he decided to run quickly upstairs and see if anyone wanted anything from him. He run back with his phone in his pocket.
‘Aren’t your parents coming home soon? Maybe we should go to Min Jees room or yours in case they want to rest after work?’ you were so thoughtful. He looked at you with the biggest adoration in his eyes. You cared for his parents so much and he really appreciated it. As much as he was currently struggling with his own feelings, you loved how considered you were to his family, which he always put first.
‘Not a bad shout, they should be home soon’ he smiled at you. Anytime he did smile at you this way you felt so warm inside. Like the rain outside didn’t really exist at all. He finished making the tea and handed you your cup and the both of you headed upstairs. You looked at each other for a second as you automatically headed to the right, where Min Jees room was and he went to the left where his room was.
‘Lets go to mine, I don’t feel like snooping around her room when she’s not here’ he pointed at the door of his room and you nodded with agreement. Only fair. Even thought you have spent hours in that room on your room previously, waiting for your best friend to come home from school, part time job or a date.
His room was spotless as always. You have been there before a few times but never for longer than few minutes at the time. His bed neatly made, curtains open widely, books stacked on the shelf and no sight of clothes, dirty underwear or anything else you were used to seeing Min Jees room. You thought of her then and you smiled to yourself, hoping she was having good time with Seokjin and she wasn’t crossing any of the lines she didn’t want to. You liked Seokjin and you didn’t think he wasn’t going to cause any trouble but of course you were worried. She was your best friend, on her own with an older man.
‘You okay?’ Hoseok put his tea down on a coaster of his desk and walked up to you. Touched your shoulder seeing you smiling and staring into the abyss. His fingers were so soft and the second he touched you, you looked up and saw his stare.
‘Sorry, I was just hoping Min Jee is having a good time’ you didn’t want to lie to him anymore. You were two (three with Min Jee) adults and there was no reason to be silly.
‘I hope I won’t have to call my friends and go and find this guy’ he said slightly worrying and smiled. Fuck. I hope he really won’t hurt her because if Hoseok will find out HIS best friend is currently doing his sister and you knew about it, he won’t forgive you.
‘Right, what are we going to watch?’ you looked at the tv mounted on the wall and grabbed a sip from the steaming hot tea that you were still holding.
‘I don’t know, just put whatever. I really don’t mind’ he grabbed his tea from the desk and saw you slowly making your way to his bed. You sat on top of it and slowly shimmied yourself to the wall making room for him. Messy hair, his clothes that were so oversized on you, rosy cheeks, hot tea in your hand in his bed. He turned around for a second and held his own forehead. What the fuck is he suppose to do, when he can’t really help it anymore how his body was reacting to this sight. He took a deep breath and smiled widely as he always did to mask any emotions that were currently running around the inside of his body. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he put his cup on the bed side table and opened the phone before sitting. Based on his last text, he really couldn’t have you reading any messages right now.
‘If I were you, I would make my move’ he was expected the text from Joon but it was Jimin. How did he already know? This fuck already told him, didn’t he? He bet he already posted it in their group chat. He swooped to the group chat conversation and there it was, his screenshot of the text that he sent to Joon ‘She’s hot’ and all his friends reacting and commenting. Ah he thought he will kill him but for now he couldn’t do anything. He just locked his phone when it buzzed again. He only read the message on the screen ‘Ask her out, but be respectful’ this text came from Yoongi. What was he supposed to do now? Half of his friends were now plotting behind his back. He locked the phone back and left it on his desk. He got himself onto the bed next to you. The bed wasn’t very big, so he scooched next to you, slightly touching your shoulder. His fresh scent started lingering around you. He smelled so nice. You never really noticed before. You looked up on his face and saw his gorgeous features from the profile, sharp jawline and pointy small nose. He was looking for a film to watch and you were looking at him. You felt really safe and cosy and you already started feeling tired, expecting to actually fall asleep when the film will start. He felt that you were watching him so he turned his face to you and smiled widely. His eyes turned into half moons, beautiful straight white set of teeth filled his smile.
‘Ready?’ he asked and you nodded, smiling back at him. You tried to give him a softer smile, not one of your silly goof ones. It’s like you all of a sudden started caring what he thought of you. He put the film on. You never seen it before, neither you remember the title but it was supposed to be funny. Great, not the film you pictured on this really nice cosy day when it’s pouring outside but you didn��t mind. You were on a mission.
In the meantime Min Jee was hanging out with Seokjin in his flat. They started cooking together, playfully make a mess and overall enjoyed the quality time they finally planned together. Seokjins phone buzzed few times and he checked the messages.
‘Min Jee, didn’t you say your best friend is currently trying to occupy your brother whilst you’re here?’ he gulped staring at the messages. She was a little bit confused because that was exactly what was planned but why was he asking this again all of a sudden?
‘Yeah, we had the entire plan…’ she looked over his shoulder and saw the screenshot in the group chat, where Hoseok said ‘she’s hot’ and then the rest cheering him on, mentioning your name few times.
‘Holy fuck, Min Jee. Your brother…’ Seokjin started giggling reading all of those messages and couldn’t believe this.
‘She was supposed to sit there for a bit and go home, not sleep with him?!’ this was the very first time Min Jee lost the trust in your friendship. She appreciated the gesture but she thought you betrayed her. You used the situation to get to her brother. Which was absolutely not the case.
‘Well, not sure what she is doing but just so you know your brother never talks about anyone this way. He does talk about her a lot though, overall. But I just thought it was because the two of you hung out a lot’ Jin wasn’t helping. He was adding to the spiral Min Jee was currently going into.
‘She used me to get to him?’ she didn’t really believe the words she was saying. Because you were friends for years. If you liked her brother surely you would of told her that, even after years. It didn’t really make sense but Min Jee always acted on her emotions. She sent you a text ‘I can’t believe you have done this to me’ but decided to stay the night with the man she was seeing. She didn’t really want to go home now.
The film was funny but you really started feeling how heavy your head felt. You finished your tea and let Hobi took the cup away from you. Eventually you slowly slid down, from sitting to more laying like position. You put your head more towards his shoulder and he didn’t even think twice and put his arm up and you wrapped it around yourself. He didn’t even blink, he didn’t think. It was so cosy and warm and he loved cuddling. You closed your eyes and fell asleep. He looked at you when a funny moment in the film came up and saw you dozed off. He smiled to himself and moved pieces of hair from your face. He heard a quiet knock on the door and saw his mum poking her head through the door. When she saw you were asleep and Hoseok was showing that you fell asleep she smiled at you and nodded, almost like allowing you to keep sleeping and close the door behind her. None of this seemed out of ordinary with the relationship you had with the family but it was. You never slept in his room, you never been around him. You never hugged him. Yet somehow on this rainy day, you were wrapped with his arm around you, in his bed sound asleep. He thought it was the sweetest thing and decided to take a picture. Not of you, not in a weird way. He framed the picture that it was showing a little bit of your hair and your hand holding his wrapped arm. It was very artistic but also very cute. And that was the moment he promised himself to actually ask you out. He didn’t know why all of those emotions took over him but it definitely made sense. You both knew each other for years, you were close, he thought you were really good looking but never had occasion to look at you looking like that. Adorable and sweet and so hot at the same time. He sent the picture to the group chat. He was too excited.
Namjoon: Ah I told you to be respectful
Yoongi: I swear you were supposed to ask her out first
Taehyung: LET’S GO BRO2
Seokijn *seen*
Jungkookie: Hyung, this looks so cute.
You opened your eyes and realised it was really late. It turned dark outside and Hoseok was no where to found. You sat up and wiped your face. You took your phone out of the pocket and saw the text from Min Jee ‘I can’t belive you’ve done this to me’. You were so confused and your first thought was that when you fell asleep Hoseok went to find her and found out about her and Seokjin. You got up from the bed really fast and started walking towards the door. That’s when the door opened and you heard his soft voice again.
‘You’re up! I brought you dinner…’ he looked down at the tray he was carrying in his hand.
‘I thought you left..’ you said and started panting. You were now really worried and stressed and didn’t really know what to do. You started being worried about Min Jee but you didn’t know if breaking the promise and spoiling her date was the best idea because of one text. And the text didn’t say help or anything like that.
You smiled apologetically for just standing there for a second staring into nothing.
‘Thank you. I will eat fast and then I will go home. I’m so sorry I was waiting for Min Jee and the time went by so fast..’ you were trying to explain yourself but he just smiled. His face changed. Something about the way he was looking at you was different. His smile was still warm but he looked with just so much patience and love. Love? You must be crazy, he is your best friends older brother.
‘I will drop you off. Let’s be honest, she isn’t coming home and you aren’t going to a party’ he answered and walked inside and closed the door behind him. You didn’t say anything else but ate the dinner his mum prepared for you and started grabbing your things.
‘My clothes, did you manage to get them dry? I will change…’you started looking around like your clothes were to be in his room.
‘I did but you can keep this for now, I will just get a bag for you so you can take your things with’ he answered. He was always polite and nice and helpful but this felt different. Almost domestic like? He wanted you to keep those clothes, his clothes. You didn’t protest because you were really comfortable the past few hours wearing them so you nodded and went downstairs to grab your shoes and backpack. You saw Mr and Mrs Jung on the sofa, drinking tea and bowed to them.
‘Thank you so much for the dinner and letting me stay, again…’ you were a little bit ashamed but they waived at you and nodded. His mum did double take looked at you seeing his sons clothes on you but she didn’t question anything. She got up from the sofa and came to give you a hug before you leave.
‘I would love for you to see my son more than my daughter’ she whispered into your ear and your expression changed. From warm and smiling to just completely frozen. Did she just? What does she mean? You didn’t really know what to say so you hugged her back and you went outside. Nervously panting there and back waiting for Hobi to come out. He finally did with a bag filled with your now dry clothes and his car keys in his hand.
‘Why did your mum just offered me to date you?’ you asked him, staring him deep into his eyes. His ears turned red and he looked away for a second.
‘Ah, you know she just wants to get me married fast’ he laughed and tried brushing it off. What the fuck was she thinking? Why would she say something like that? He didn’t tell her anything, of course yes she saw you sleeping in his bed on his shoulder but there was just no need for this.
‘Right, I don’t think I would be the right fit for that’ you chuckled and moved towards the car. You lied. Because it did now cross your mind. He was always around but you never though of him not being there. He was always in your memories and any big events of your life. He was always there, right next to Min Jee.
‘Let’s get you home’ he handed you the bag with your clothes and you put it with your backpack at the back seat and got yourself at the front. The entire way to your house neither of you said anything. And this was probably one of the only times this happened. Even when you were drunk out of your mind he always managed to have a conversation with you. Even then but today. You smiled politely when he pulled up to your house and just left. Grabbed your things from the back seat and went towards the door of your house. He sat there for a second banging his fingers on the steering wheel and watched you walk to the door. ‘Ahh I need to do something don’t i?’ he thought to himself and got out of the car. The engine still going, the door shut loudly and you turned around.
You saw him walking towards you, slightly wobbly and shy not really looking at your face at all.
‘Please go out with me’ is the only thing that came out of his mouth. He nervously looked up from his shoes to your face and finally found your eyes and locked them with his.
Holy fucking shit. Jung Hoseok, the older brother of my best friend that I know for years asked you out? You didn’t know what to think, but you instantly blushed and millions of butterflies just hatched in your stomach.
‘I..’ your voice shaky, eyes still locked with his. He was getting more and more nervous. ‘Why?’ was the only thing that you could say. And just like that he lost the control he had over himself, the anxiety took over him and he looked away from you.
‘Never mind’ he mumbled under his breath and started walking to the car. Rejected. Already upset. Already playing scenarios in his head how you will now avoid his sister and their house because of his awakening.
‘Hoseok’ you shouted after him and he stopped and turned around.
‘Yes?’ there was no hope in his eyes, just sad puppy face pouting at you.
‘I didn’t say no. I just got scared’ you added and he smiled and nodded.
‘I will pick you up tomorrow’ he answered and went back to his car and didn’t even wait for you to get in, got into his car and left. You couldn’t believe this actually happened. You span around yourself few times before you walked inside. Then it hit you, that you still didn’t know what Min Jee’s text meant. You pulled your phone out and dialled her number but she didn’t pick up. You tired again but still nothing. You decided to leave it for the next day.
The next day there was still no word from Min Jee, at least you didn’t hear anything because she did sneak into the house early in the morning. You woke up and checked your phone, still nothing. What is going on? You were sure that she would call you, text you or something. She spend the first night at Seokjins and there was nothing to share with you? That was not like her at all. You send her a text ‘All fine?’ because you really started to get worried and the response you received was shocking. The message she texted you back was something you have never heard your best friend calling anyone. ‘WHORE’. You? Whore? What? What part did you miss? What happened. You send her question marks back but nothing came back. You tried calling but you couldn’t get through, it was like she blocked you. What the hell Min Jee?
You couldn’t just leave it like this, she was your only and your best friend. You were inseparable. What possible could have happened for her to act like this. You did sleep in Hoseoks clothes from the day before, because you were so excited about the prospect of maybe going on a date with him. But you couldn’t show up to their house like that. You showered and put your favourite dungarees on with a thick jumper underneath. You knew you might bump into Hobi so you made sure to look cute, little bit of make up but nothing crazy. You walked all the way to Jungs house and knocked on the main door. No response so you knocked again and then before you managed to put your arm down Min Jee sprung out of the door right at you.
‘How could you do this to me!? I trusted you?!’ she shouted and started flying her arms at you.
‘What have I done? I have covered for you like you asked! I don’t know whats going on!’ you answered trying to defend yourself. You looked up and saw Hoseok looking through his window what is going on outside and when he saw Min Jee furious he started running downstairs.
‘You slept with my brother you bitch!’ Min Jee screamed and tears started rolling down her eyes.
‘Are you insane?! DO YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS?’ you couldn’t believe what she was saying and more importantly where did she take this from.
‘I SAW THE TEXT, I SAW THE PICTURE’ Min Jee answered slowly stopping her arms and sobbing.
‘WHAT PICTURE AND WHAT TEXT? I have done nothing but protected you Min Jee’ you were out of breath from trying to run away from her and shouting at her at the same time.
‘I don’t ever want to see you again…’ she said and just like that you had enough. She wouldn’t listen to you, she wouldn’t explain and she was just ending things like this, fine. You had no intentions of ever going back, if she didn’t trust you. You run out of the gate and on the street towards your house.
Hobi just managed to get downstairs and looked at Min Jee sobbing on her knees.
‘What the fuck? Where did she go? What happened?’ he was really confused but slowly picked up Min Jee from the ground and wrapped his arms around her.
‘I can’t believe you slept with my best friend’ she whispered crying into his shoulder.
‘What? We didn’t? What are you saying?’ Hoseok was as confused as you.
‘I saw the picture you have sent to the group chat’ she admitted not realising that this will blow her cover up completely.
‘We were just watching a film and she fell asleep… nothin. Hold on? How did you send a message I have sent to the group chat with MY friends?’ he stopped himself for a second and got instantly really angry. ‘Who's the guy who you stayed at yesterday?’ fuck Min Jee, you just blew up the entire cover.
‘Nobody you know’ she thought she can somehow lie herself out of this situation, but at this stage you were already back home, sobbing into your pillow.
‘Well clearly someone I know, since you had access to the group chat’ Hoseok let go of her and got really annoyed.
‘I’ve been seeing…please don’t be mad. I really like him, it’s been months now and I was really afraid to tell you’ but he wasn’t letting her just avoid telling the truth. ‘It’s Seokjin’ she finally admitted and Hobi swore out loud.
‘And why did you think me and Y/N slept together? She came here and worked her ass off to cover for you all day and majority of the evening, she spent time with me to make sure I won’t go and get you, and you just assumed?’ he was really upset with his sister so he left her outside and went upstairs.
You were sobbing into your pillow. You were so angry with Min Jee because she didn’t believe you after all of the work you put and effort making sure she will have a nice time with Seokjin. And a photo? He took a photo of you? All of a sudden both of the Jungs weren’t trustworthy to you anymore. It’s like in few seconds all of those years got erased. You felt really alone so you crawled into your bed and put your headphones on. Listening to music slowly calmed you down and you managed to fall asleep.
You woke up to your phone buzzing few times. You looked and saw SEVERAL messages from people.
14:34 Min Jee: We need to talk. I’m really sorry.
14:35 Min Jee: Please don’t ignore me, I really fucked up. Hobi know about me and Seokjin.
14:50 Min Jee: I’m sorry that was selfish, please answer we need to talk.
15:45 Min Jee: I don’t want to force myself onto you, please let me know when you are ready
16:13 Min Jee: I swear, I have never fucked up like that in my life. Please let’s talk
16:53 Min Jee: I will come by in the evening, hope we can talk
10 missed calls from Min Jee
14:14 Hoseok: I hope we can talk
15:23 Hoseok: I have taken a picture but it’s literally just a piece of your hair and our arms
16:20 Hoseok: I was really excited to see you today
1 missed call from Hoseok
15:30 Namjoon: Hey, I know I probably am the last person you might want to talk to but let me know if you want to chat.
16:21 Jungkookie: It’s Jungkookie, call me when you get this
Holy fucking shit. You were asleep for one few hours but it looked like shit hit the fan. You didn’t really know what to do or who to speak to so you rang Jungkook.
‘Hey, are you okay?’ you heard his sweet voice on the other side of the phone.
‘I just woke up, I would assume you know what happened. Can you please tell me what did he send to that fucking group chat?’ your voice was quite cold, even though you were always fond of the guy, you weren’t close enough and right know you needed someone further away from this shit to tell you what actually happened.
‘Hoseok hyung was really surprised you to see you in his clothes and he was texting Namjoon hyung about it when you were staying at his. But Namjoon hyung told him to be respectful and not betray your trust since you knew each other for so long. But then Namjoon hyung posted the text from Hoseok hyung to the group chat. Because Min Jee was with Seokjin at the time, which I only found out about few hours ago – she saw the text Hoseok hyung sent to Namjoon hyung. She saw him saying you are hot and probably assumed that you two you know. But then Yoongi hyung told Hoseok hyung to be good and ask you out first at least. So that’s kind of what happened. Oh and yeah we all know now that Min Jee was seeing Seokjin hyung and she was with him that night and Hoseok hyung lost his mind over it but then he said something about ‘we aren’t kids anymore’. When Jungkook said the last words you knew it was something you told Hoseok earlier that day. You told him to pipe down a little bit and let Min Jee breathe.
‘Right. So where does the picture come from?’ you tried to gather all of the information given to you.
‘I assume the picture Hoseok hyung posted in the group chat was when you were just hanging out? It was just a little piece of your hair and you leaning on his shoulder, you could mainly just see how you hold hands. Cute if you ask me’ so Hoseok wasn’t lying. The picture was really innocent. There wasn’t anything incriminating there, you didn’t forget half of the evening.
‘Is Hoseok really mad at Min Jee?’ you asked Jungkook.
‘I don’t think so, he was for a bit but then he called Seokjin hyung and they talked for like an hour or so and it all got somehow sorted out. You were the only one not answering and everyone got really worried’ Jungkook finished the story.
‘Thanks. Is it okay if I hang up now? I need to put this all back together in my head’ you asked politely, grateful that he offered to talk when you didn’t really know what to do.
‘Please take care’ you’ve heard and you finished the call.
You decided to call Min Jee first. Then you hung up and realised she said she will come and see you. You didn’t really know whether you should or shouldn’t answer to Hobis texts so you just left him on read just like Min Jee. You went to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat in the meantime. What should you do? You were waiting for the water to boil in the kettle the door bell went off. You didn’t think twice and went to the door to open it. And there she was. Min Jee standing there with a pout on her face, looking all sad and sorry for herself.
‘What do you want?’ you answered and let the door open as you walked towards your boiling now kettle.
‘Apologise…’ she said still pouting walking behind you. She closed the door and followed you to the kitchen where she observed you making yourself ramyeon.
‘For what exactly? The fact that I always defended you and you just believed what your stupid head was telling you not my words? Or for the fact your brother took a picture of me without me know? Or maybe for not thanking me when I defended you and tried so hard to keep your secret protected?’ You laid it all out on the table in front of her.
‘All I guess. I am really sorry. I really am! I got really jealous all of a sudden, you know my brother didn’t really date a lot and I don’t really know what possessed me. Because at the end of the day you were there for me and… I am really sorry.’ She explained herself and you accepted her apology because it was honest. That was always the only requirement whenever shit hit the fan between the two of you. Honesty.
‘It’s fine Min Jee. I don’t know what is like to have a sibling so I understand you can be overprotective over each other. I will remember though how quickly you lost your faith in me though’ you teased her and pour water into another bowl to give to your best friend.
‘About Hoseok…’ she started shyly. Here we go. You didn’t know if you had enough strength to discuss this part of the drama.
‘Here we go…’ you moaned and turned around from her to face the other way.
‘I suspected he liked you for a while. I saw the way he was treating you and how sometimes he looked at you. I know he didn’t mean any harm with the picture. You know him. You know he just likes collecting memories. Not that is it an excuse but I would be really happy for the two of you if you will decide to see him’ she admitted and poked your arm that was resting at the kitchen table.
‘I never really thought of him like that, until yesterday. Being around him and just with him just changed everything I knew. I’m sorry I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or anything like that. You know I would of come to you first if I did fancy someone, especially your own brother’ you answered and turned your head back at her and smiled at her.
‘Does that mean you don’t want to see him?’ Min Jee nervously looked you in the eye.
‘I’m afraid I do’ you chuckled and mixed your food with the spoon that was nearby.
‘Great! Because he is here! Okay see you, love you’ she pecked you on the cheek and literally run out of the house shutting the door behind her. You went towards the window and saw Hoseoks car in front of your house and Min Jee happily jumping towards it shouting for him to go and see you.
You heard a knock on the door and said ‘Come in’ loud enough for him to hear it. You were still in the kitchen, leaning on the kitchen counter.
‘I wanted to give you space but Min Jee begged me to come along with her just in case..’ he started with his soft voice, slowly making his way through the room to the kitchen.
‘I’m glad you decided to come along’ you answered and smiled softly at him. You could tell he was acting really slow, almost like he was trying to not scare the doe away.
‘Listen I am really sorry about the picture, I know you were asleep and it was so wrong of me. You just.. not to justify if but you looked so cute and I just wanted to remember the first time we held hands. You see. That day I decided, I made the pack with myself that after all these years I will finally tell you how I feel. I liked you on and off for so long and you were there wearing my t-shirt looking so homey. I promised myself that evening that I will do everything in my power everyday to make your days better, to spoil you until maybe you will notice that all I can see is you, I just wanted it to be subtle and sweet. But it came so so wrong. I’m really sorry’ he finally finished, standing in front of you propped on the kitchen island. You couldn’t believe all the words he just said. He liked you on and off for a while. You just melted into the counter that you were standing at. He was just the sweetest, kindest loving boy you ever met and you couldn’t believe all he wanted was you.
‘I mean, based on our long term relationship because of your sister it wasn’t crazy of you to take that picture…’ you gave him a warm smile, trying to say that you accept his apology but he kept sulking to himself ‘Hoseok!’ it’s almost like you had to take him out of his trans but when he heard you calling him by his name, his eyes turned from sorry to big dark filled with completely different feeling.
‘You never call me by my name. You always call me Hobi’ he was really threw off but also he couldn’t get his eyes off you.
You pointed your finger at him and made a ‘come here’ sign and he followed. You put your bowl down after you had few bites and you wiped your mouth with a kitchen towel. He took another step, now getting really close to you.
‘Kiss me Hoseok, please’ you said out loud, not fully believing the audacity that you had in you to say something like that. He turned around almost like checking if there was anyone behind him and then he leaned in, grabbed your waist with one of his arms and cupped his face with the other. Closed his eyes, slowly lingered around your face and finally softly kissed your lips. You smiled as he kissed you, and pulled you closer and closer to himself. But the more he kissed your lips, the more aggressive your and his moves were. You broke the kiss and everything felt like it slowed down. You locked your eyes with his and saw the crazy lust growing in his eyes. You just nodded and he picked you up and sat you up on that counter, leaned forward and positioned himself between your legs. You wrapped them around his hips and pulled him closer. His kisses became inpatient, like was waiting for this for years and so was your breath. Short and shallow, trying to keep up with him.
‘Are you sure?’ he muttered under his breath when he gasped for air. But you didn’t answer, just pulled him closer and unzipped the hoodie he was currently wearing. You threw it behind him and he unbuckled your dungarees. Took your jumper off and followed up with taking your t-shirt too. Your oversized dungarees fell down lower onto the kitchen counter around your hips and he slowly lifted you so they would fall down to your ankles and as let go of him with your legs they fell down on the floor. You took his t-shirt off, whilst staring at his abs. God he was divine. He was gorgeous and he was right in front of you. You almost wanted to stop and just stare at admire him but the lust has already taken over the two of you. He continuously attacked your lips, dancing with his tongue inside your mouth and around your neck. He stopped himself for a second and took a step back. You were sitting on the kitchen counter with just your underwear, red cheeks and out of breath. And he needed to see this. Take a picture with his mind, to always treasure and remember the moment. He admired you for a few seconds, looking at you from afar. So beautiful, so pretty, so hot and sexy and so gorgeous and so his. He wanted to savour every moment with you but he currently couldn’t stop fighting with the huge bulge in his jeans that was poking at you, whilst he admired your almost naked body.
‘Please Hoseok, fuck me’ you pouted at him, not really knowing where those words came from but he was too far away from you for too long. His face from cute and dreamy turned into a huge question mark and then into a really naughty smirk. You didn’t have to ask him twice. He walked back to the counter and moved your underwear to the side, lowered himself slightly bending his back down and nuzzled your slit with his nose. You shook. You shook from his touch, from the fact that it was so open. You thought in your head ‘if my parent will decide to come home now, we will be screwed forever’ but you pushed that thought out of your mind. He felt you shake and smirked even more, slowly sticked his tongue out and started playing around with your clit, delicately and with love running in circles around it. You purred feeling his tongue on your skin. You wrapped one of your legs around him, the other you laid on his shoulder. You could hear him slurping the juice out of you, whist staring deep into your eyes with the most evil stare, telling you he will devour every piece of you. You moved on your legs back and slowly put it on top of his crotch and started rubbing it with your foot as he kept licking you out. That pushed him over some kind of edge because he stopped and slipped two of his slender fingers inside you and came back to your lips. You could tase yourself at the same time you couldn’t ignore how amazing it felt to have some part of him inside you. You were however growing impatient and as nice as this felt,  you really needed him. The full of him. The entirety of him. He kept picking up the pace as you moaned into his mouth.
‘Please’ you whined when he kept playing with you and you couldn’t wait to be filled up with him. He chuckled when he heard you beg and nodded taking his fingers out of you. He licked his fingers and that drove you to insanity. You unzipped his jeans and unbuckled his belt, the trousers fell down onto his knees and ankles. You put your hand inside his underwear and without needing to look for it you popped his nearly twitching, hard dick out. He couldn’t get enough of the sight of you taking the initiative and smirked to himself observing. But inside he couldn’t wait anymore either. He bend over for a second and looked for something in his jeans. Took out his wallet and managed to open the packet of a condom with just his teeth and two fingers and handed it to you. Your hands were shaking, because you were so excited and horny, you managed to slip the condom onto him and give it a few strokes up and down. He moaned and threw his head back feeling your hand on him. He started kissing you again, but now all of his kisses felt like he filled them with pure love. And as he was kissing you he lined himself up, slowly went inside you letting you adjust to him. But you couldn’t maintain the kiss, feeling him inside you, you moaned into his mouth and he smirked proud of himself that it was him you were feeling this way about. After a minute you nodded at him and he started thrusting into you. Very slow and almost lovingly at first and then he picked up the pace. And he wouldn’t stop, he kept going faster and faster and your head started spinning. It wasn’t your first time, but it was definitely your first time with Jung Hoseok who was currently ramming his dick inside and out of you with an insane pace, crazy hair and the angry almost stare. You kept moaning and whining at him as he kept going like crazy, kissing your neck and chin whilst holding your hips with his hands. His hands were so beautiful. Especially around your hips. And as he kept the pace up, he noticed you started to slowly flow away so he put his finger back at your clit and started circulating around it. You couldn’t handle any of this, and as he added the finger you moaned into his mouth seeing stars that he pained in front of your eyes and you clenched around him, and he kept going trying to prolong your high. Not long after, hearing you moan so sweetly and clenching around him, he got really close to his edge. And when he did you bit his ear and that has sent him to his high, from pumping in and out of you now buried deep inside you, paining the inside of the condom white. And he stayed there for a second, he picked your head up holding you by your chin and he looked into your eyes, almost checking you are okay. And you were more than okay. You were in heaven. Heaven called Jung Hoseok. Both panting trying to catch your breath, finally starting to realised where you are. He kissed you softly and put your legs down, slipped from inside you and helped you off the counter. He tied the condom and buried it in the bin among other rubbish. You started collecting your and his clothes but then you saw him a little bit worried and in desperate need for after care.
‘Lets go and get a bath?’ you murmured into his ear and kissed his cheek. He immediately picked up his clothes and smiled widely at you. He run upstairs laughing like a maniac and prepared the bath for the two of you. You grabbed your clothes from the floor and as you were walking by the dining table you saw a message on your phone.
17:45 Min Jee: You whore ;)
You walked upstairs and left your clothes in your room. You entered the bathroom and there he was in the bath, covered with bubbles with an inviting smile.
‘Come here’ he stretched his arms to you in a hug like gesture and you closed the door behind you and stepped into the warm water. He slowly poured water over you, kissing your back and your neck until you sat between his legs and melted into him. You didn’t really need to label what this was but you knew he would love that. You knew him well over the years and you knew exactly what he liked and how he was.
‘Babe?’ you whispered looking up, searching for his eyes.
‘Me?’ he instantly brightened up and smiled back at you, locking his eyes with yours.
‘Are we official then or do you still have to take me out on that date?’ you giggled and you saw his smile widen. He couldn’t ask for more. He grabbed your arm from under the water and he intertwined the two hands together.
‘I will still take you out officially, but lets mark today in the calendars’ cheesy cute Hobi, was already making plans and marking your official date in the calendar.
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Making a pinned post for clarity.
This is a fanblog for The-Muppet-Joker. If you are not aware of who that is, I recommend you check his blog out. There is also a blog archiving the history of The-Muppet-Joker and our Brotherhood. You may find links to both blogs below:
To answer any questions you all may have:
Who are you? Are you a real person?
Yes, there is in fact a real person behind this blog.
Do you kin a Muppet (or any other character)?
No, I do not kin any specific characters. I do think Muppets are cool, and I look forward to the day I enter the Muppet Transformation Caves.
I am now a furbykin. I may have fur instead of felt, but my dedication to the Brotherhood is undying.
Why are you fan number sixty nine? Why not a different number?
At the time of making this blog, there were a number of numbered fanblogs, but they were (if I recall correctly) still in the single digits. Surely I would want a lower number since being someone's number one fan is a point of pride, and conversely a higher number would mean I am ranked behind many other adoring fans, no? Well, there were several ideas behind choosing the number sixty nine. First, I was unaware how many fans there were and how many there would be in the future. Though I hope the Brotherhood's ranks will far surpass sixty nine, choosing a higher number felt right, to allow others to claim those names. Second, on that point, I am but a humble servant to our leader. I do not need nor want a lower number to represent how dedicated I am. I am no less dedicated to the cause than any others. Third, it is the sex number. I take pride in embracing the sexual, the things other people would call you a freak for.
Thank you for reading. And thank you, all my brothers. Together we are strong.
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beansmakesthings · 2 months
You 🫵
Yes you
Give me your Penny Lamb headcanons (legoland)
Boy, what happened to 'hello' and 'please'. I have a name, you know /lh
I will preface this one by saying I think it's very funny if Legoland Penny and RTC Penny exist in the same universe as separate people and all my hcs are approached from that perspective. Cool? Cool.
This one is also just random general stuff and will feature some vague references to parental abuse and mental health issues. Cause you know, it's Legoland.
- RTC Penny started calling her 'PB' when she found out she had a crush on Constance. As in, she's the future Penny Blackwood. (I will refer to her as PB for the rest of this for clarity)
- Yes this means there's a Penny Lamb dating Ocean and a Penny Lamb dating Constance. I just think it's funny.
- PB and Ezra'a parents were neglectful at best days and cruel at worst. PB did everything in her power to keep their attention off of Ezra and took care of him as best as she could. As a result, she's a lot more affected by their childhood than Ezra is.
- She has a bad habit of getting into fights as she has pretty poor emotional regulation due to her childhood trauma (see biting Johnny Moon in the face) and the internal anger over being unable to stop it. She's going to therapy and has improved considerably, but she still sometimes has a tendency to lash out at people who bother her.
- PB and Penny absolutely hated each other at first. It was just plain creepy. Both from somewhere a little outside Uranium City, have the same name, both have parental problems, both subject to bullying, both autistic, it just rubbed them the wrong way. They eventually grew to like each other though.
- PB still has a legally enforced curfew she has to follow as part of the court order after the Johnny Moon incident. This is a great travesty as it means she can't join any choir sleepovers.
- When Constance finally cracked and told PB all about the warehouse after the Cyclone accident and coming back to life (she felt guilty lying and hiding it from her), PB took it rather well. She once used her brother's money from selling his ADHD meds to cross the boarder into the States, snuck into a bar, and attacked a celebrity once, so who is she to decide whether or not 6 people collectively remembering God in the form of a fortune machine making them perform a musical for a rat was a real event or just mass hysteria? Weird things happen all the time. She's just glad they're all alive either way.
- PB loves going into the woods and finding little bugs and frogs and things. She takes pictures of everything and gives them all names
- She has no idea where the whole 'PB' thing came from, but literally everyone except Ezra calls her that at this point and she DOESN'T GET IT
- Constance usually shortens the PB nickname even further and just calls her Peebs. It's so far from her own name at this point that it's kind of frustrating, but she can't convince anyone to stop (Constance is also in on where it comes from and thinks it's adorable)
- PB has no idea how most teenagers dress and has never been in on a trend in her life (aside from Seven Up and we all know how that turned out) so she usually dresses like a 70s hippie
- She has a tendency to bring home wild animals and try to sneak them into her room. She once hid a family of raccoons in her closet
- PB formed a weird friendship with Ocean that almost entirely relies on comparing their shitty drug addict parents
- PB absolutely loves music. It's so stimmy. Once she's out in the world and becomes friends with the Saint Cassian Chamber Choir, she's being introduced to more music than she ever knew existed. She loves watching the choir perform and loves being in a car with any one of them and cranking their music until she can feel the bass in her chest.
- Constance keeps telling PB she could join the choir if she wants. They have plenty of room for her. PB declines because, while she can hold a tune and play ukulele, she doesn't like singing nearly enough to get in front of so many people and open herself up to judgement. She prefers to listen, so she'll just sit in the front row, thanks.
- PB does not like eye contact and will never look anyone in the eye ever unless she has no choice
- PB and Ezra were featured in one of Mischa's rap songs on YouTube
- Elysium didn't have a lot of modern technology so PB is terrible with most of it. She can barely use her phone without getting trapped in the notes app and panicking and needing someone to fix it
- Since she was homeschooled and kind of got to pick whatever she found most interesting to learn about, PB is incredibly knowledgeable about a lot of history and biology, but is god awful at math. She's pretty convinced she'll fail grade 12 math because what the hell is a parabola?
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sam wilson x teen!reader headcanons
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 634
request: yes / no
original request: omg hi!! i absolutely adore your writing 💕 would you be open to doing some headcanons for sam wilson and a teen!reader? have a wonderful day, love <;33
dynamic: sam wilson x teen!reader
characters: sam wilson, reader
a/n: heh inspiration struck so two in one day it is 😈😈 i LOVED writing this request omg. i'm totally obsessed w/ sam wilson so i was sooo happy this was requested!! ty anon :D
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
sam gives such older brother vibes to me
like no matter how old u are he’ll always treat you like a little sibling
well he and bucky both
at this point they’re a package deal
a lot of ur time is spent settling their argument
“hey, y/n. who pulls off this hat the best?”
“y/n!!! pancakes or waffles??”
“y/n tell bucky he’s wrong.”
theres a lot of that LMAO
anyways i feel like he would make u do stuff with him
like fun little adventures
y’all learned to crochet together
and u were pretty good ngl
but poor sam kept missing stiches
you made little frogs and his looked not rly like a frog
but u loved it anyway ofc
the two of you usually do grocery runs together
that’s like high time for ur gossip 😏
i mean guys this is sam wilson
he def knows a LOT of stuff
but he’s really engaged with like ur school & home life
he always makes sure ur ok
he is totally the type to text and call regularly
he would go to ur parent teacher conferences if u needed him to
and then he’d tell u all his thoughts about the teacher after 😭 
he’s rly perceptive with emotions
i mean he was a therapist like what do u expect
but whenever he senses ur down he’ll do something really nice
and like cook u something
bc sam can COOK
like COOK
and he’ll try to make you laugh
which always works because he’s actually hilarious
speaking of he’s so funny on missions too
he’s always talking on the earpieces and like he’ll just say the funniest stuff
and he swears like a sailor JUST SAYING 🤪
he’s so the type to swear in front of you all the time but then the moment u swear he’s like “what did you say 🤨🤨”
also he always is asking u fashion advice
“ok y/n. blue shirt red pants? or red shirt blue pants?”
“sam do you really want to look like one fish two fish red fish blue fish”
“yeah i guess you’re right 😞”
he always acts sad and then the moment you feel bad he’s like “GOTCHA 😜”
also whenever he’s away he’ll send you a ton of pictures
a lot of them are selfies of him and bucky and steve 
and they’re so funny
like he’s not trying to be funny but he literally is like a facebook minion meme mom
oh also no offense to him but he’s an AWFUL driver 😭 
like he goes way too fast and his music is so loud
but he lets u choose it so u don’t mind 🤩
it’s always kind of fun going in the car with him
you always text natasha a picture of u with him in the driver’s seat in the background and you say “if i die u know why”
and she just goes “have fun”
you and him go on runs together
and that’s rly fun
well ok ik running is hard
but as a runner its sooo much more fun suffering through it with someone else 🥳
whenever u run u do that like shareplay thing on spotify
and he always judges ur music like 😑
ok mr “i listen to the same album for like five months in a row”
oh he is so the type to take u on like one on one lunches and stuff
i think that’s smth the avengers would do with their younger members to make sure they’re alright
and he always does it with u bc ur best friends ofc ‼️
y’all are so petty to each other
but u do really think the world of him
and he thinks the world of you too 🫶
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david-powers-simp · 1 year
Headcancon: how the lost boys keep clean
Alright so this is probably the most crack head fic I've ever written, but you know I've had this thought on my mind and i couldn't stop thinking about it so here we have its. Let's hope I don't suck at writing
So first let's talk hygiene. I swear on my life that despite what is said by the frog brothers. The boys are moderately clean. I know good and well they aren't filthy but they might not be the cleanest all the time,they are vampires for crying out loud.
However sensibly speaking the boys have to bath at least once a night do to them feeding. As we see they boys are exactly the most clean after feeding. They are covered in blood, looking awfully disheveled. Clothes torn,hair all messy.
Under no circumstances could they stroll down the boardwalk looking like that, even if, let's just say they return to the cave after feeding which I sort of doubt considering the amount of darkness they still have to prowl around. Driving home looking like that wouldn't be ideal.
So I feel strongly that the boys bathe after feeding. Which Paul and Marko absolutely love! Those two really enjoy getting clean.
But how do they get clean?
Im so glad you asked my friend. There are a few options really. First and for most, the boys could easily find a secluded part of the beach and jump in the water and wash up, this in particularly is Marko and Paul's favorite way of getting clean they really like the big open water and how fast and efficiently they can get clean, they also definitely get into a splashing fight. Dwayne absolutely destroys them both and 100% wins the splashing game. Even if there really is no way of "winning" Dwayne wins. Its safe to say Dwayne does enjoy the ocean as well he likes all the space and all the cool shells he finds is a plus too ( yes. Dwayne has a shell collection don't judge him). david on the other hand...he doesn't hate it but its his least favorite way of getting clean. For one david hates the cold he's also not the biggest fan of sand either. He will tolerate it especially since his brothers do enjoy it sm but if david had to pick it were they got cleaned it would not be the ocean. He does however like to join in on the splash fights he just acts like he doesn't.
if david did get his way his favorite way to get clean is a nice hot shower. And I know what you're saying. How does he shower? Now while the boy's cave doesn't have a shower, max's house does. So a good bit of the time especially in the winter. When the boys are dirty aka coverd in blood, they use max's shower at his house. Since max works at the video store at night its a breeze for the boys to get into his house and use his stuff.
Now David enjoys himself a hot shower. He can properly get clean while staying warm. He doesn't mind the fact he smells good after either. A shower gives him enough time to wash his hair thoroughly. So after words he can style it back. I feel like david rummages through max's medicine cabinet and steals his cologne. What can I say david likes smelling good.
Although david doesn't wash his hair everyday, he just doesn't like too. However he will do it at least twice a week.
Now that leaves dwyane. His favorite way of cleaning up is definitely a good warm bath. I don't want to hear it from any of you. I feel in my soul that dwayne loves baths, I mean its relaxing.  The water has to be just right tho.  dwayne is picking about the temperature and who can blame him.
He likes bubbles too. dwayne loves good smells so naturally he likes the sent of the soap and bodywash being a vampire and having enhanced senses makes bathes all the more delightful for him. While he's soaking in the tube he likes to have a good shave. This however is sometimes damn near impossible.
Since he can't see himself in a mirror he relies a lot on feeling his face and the stubble thats there and when he's managed to very carefully shave it off, once he believes he's gotten it all he'll run his hand all across his face to make sure its all smooth. Once his face is all shaved and smooth. Dwayne begins rinsing off and getting out.
There you have it my lovelies. 💖💫 :) I hope you guys enjoyed it. I think it honestly is a dumpster fire. Let me know what you think and how I can improve my writing id really appreciate it. :) But i hope you guys did like it. This is how I will be writing my headcanons I have for the boys. If you have any requests just send them too me. I want to try and write an even mix of headcanons, preferences and imagines but we shall see.
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