highlifeboat · 10 months
Lol, if Melony looses a leg, she can gain a Baba Yaga title))
She'd be like the Baba Yaga from Bartok.
Like not actually mean just kinda lonely and bitter.
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d3adgayw1zzyr3ad3r · 1 month
Remus:*sitting on the guest bed at the Potter's, munching on a bowl of green beans*
Sirius: *knocks at the doorway, a wild James Potter behind him*
Remus: *waves, then fans them closer so they know to come in, mouth full"
Remus: "whatssup?"
Sirius: Not sure, bored I suppose. You're here all week, and James and I got tired of sneaking up on Mr. Monty
Remus: okay *takes another bite*
James: Hey moony?
Remus: Yes prongs?
James: what the fuck are you eating?
Remus: Green beans..?
James: where the fuck did you get a bowl of green beans?
Remus: Your mother, literally. She's very hospitable.
Sirius: So you're just eating green beans? Nothing else? At all?
Remus: Yes..?
Sirius: I don't even know the last time I touched one of those...
Remus: *stabs one, and gestures it towards Sirius, threatening*
Sirius: *jumps back in gay European repulsion*
James: *ignoring Padfoot* So is there a reason why or-???
Remus: they're tasty, I suppose.
Sirius: You know what else is tasty? 😏
Remus: *throws a green been at him, hitting him directly on the tip of his nose*
Sirius: *shreiks and scurries away into the corner, sort of behind a mirror*
Remus: Yes, *gets up from bed with his now empty bowl* James. *pecks James on the hand as he walks out to return the now empty bowl into the kitchen*
James: *bi confusion*
Sirius: *offended gay confusion*
Remus: *downstairs* Hey Monty, you won't believe what happened this time!!
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(Name), sniffling:" no matter what I do, no one at school wants to be friends with me."
Donnie,playing on his wrist computer:" yeah, I literally cannot relate to that problem at all but you know who know one likes... Hey Leooo"
Leo:"first of all how dare you"
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angstydiaz · 1 year
sorry but cynical and/or skeptic person x person who makes them believe will always go SO FUCKING HARD
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pretty-idol-hell · 8 months
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This coord makes we wish we could require parts other than top, since it's just not the same otherwise.
Any dress, any shoes, only jellyfish hat.
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thirdsonofeve · 4 days
"youngest Salamanca trustfund babies with a brand new mercedes and expencive suits" marco & leonel being so in love with "raised by a working single father and newly rich with terrible taste in expensive things" nacho<3
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unmarketableplushy · 1 year
French Frye? I think she’s meant to be Indian actually.
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nono-uwu · 1 year
Kinda late to the whole "ons newer art style is kinda meh" thing but I think I finally put my finger on why the newer art style feels off. (This may have been said before but eh)
So earlier on and into a good chunk of the series, let's say chapter 1 all the way to chapter 70ish, had a more stereotypical anime style. Slim, soft faces, fluffy hair and big eyes. Of course it evolved over time like any artstyle does but stayed consistent enough. Did it make certain Characters look younger than they are? Yeah, but it was cute and expressive. The more 'mature' or 'macho' characters characters like Crowley, Kureto, Guren, Rigr or even Horn had slightly sharper/blockier features and smaller eyes but they still held that anime-style charm. Plus it hit the perfect androgynous looks imo for characters like Shikama or Asuramaru.
The newer art style, so chapter 70ish onward, has a more blockier style for face shapes and more 'realistic' eye proportions. All in all more "mature". This however had the side effect of making characters look like they have a potato instead of a head. Not to mention now there's a weird empty space on some characters faces which before was taken up by their eyes. I'm not saying people irl don't have blockier chins, it's just a little jarring when Yuu all of a sudden has a square chin and a balloon for a head. Also, so many characters have undergone hairloss?? Crowley, Guren and Yuu's hair are so flat now?? They look like their hair fell our from stress (plausible but I doubt that would ever happen in universe lmao). The only characters who imo managed to survive or even benefit from the newer artstyle are Mika and Shinoa. Technically angel Mika too because the first time we saw him was in the newer artstyle iirc. Shikama almost made it but the lastest chapter gave him a blocky chin, sad.
P.S. I'm in no way hating on Yamamoto's art. Their art is beautiful and it definetly takes a lot of dedication to draw constantly for the same series for over 10 years. Major respect to them. However, I think many others agree with me that the new artstyle, while not bad on a technical level, just doesn't have the original charm of "cute teens with big 'ol weapons fight their way through obstacles with the power of family and also violence".
TL;DR: Older ons artstyle -> more anime-like, cuter, floofy hair, mostly consistent; newer ons artstyle -> more 'mature', faces and heads look a lil weird with smaller eyes and flatter hair, why are their chins so square
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villageidiotwitch · 1 year
I feel like algorithmic content ironically makes it harder for me to find the things I want. Like on youtube I've been trying to find certain types of videos that used to be easy to find but now regardless of the search terms I use the results are almost exclusively influencer type content? Like I'm trying to find room-cleaning videos (for motivation) and home decor videos from ppl with more out there styles but regardless I just get... some teen / early 20-something with led lights in their bedroom cleaning the (1) sock on their floor or adding some pink pillows to their grey couch before monologuing to the camera for 20 minutes about their life and somehow working in a better help ad...
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mackmp3 · 4 months
time for a world enough and time / the doctor falls rewatch do you think cos i don't have to be at school until like 1pm tommorow
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highlifeboat · 8 months
Since I'm fixated on Matilda now, I thought of RE AU.
With Eveline as Matilda, Mia as Ms. Honey and Miranda as ms. Trunchbull :p
I dig it.
Keeping in mind I'm thinking of the older Matilda movie, but the idea of Mia being Miranda's niece (? I'm pretty sure Ms. Honey was her niece) is really funny.
Though I think Rose should be Matilda. Eveline gives the vibe more of Matilda's older brother.
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thehypnokitty · 7 months
No i didn't spell that wrong silly~ imagen having a pair of perfect tits infront of you. Not able to keep your eyes of them as they sway infront.of you. Nothing really matters anymore other then the amazing pair taking all your toughts and attention~
Having your own hypnotits~ the more you play with them the deeper you sink into pleasure and trance. Untill you just can't stop anymore going deeper and deeper playing more and more~
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astronomoney · 6 months
Pairing + WC: Jason Grace x mortal!reader, 2.1k Warnings: NOT canon compliant, this takes place in my world where Piper and Jason realized they were best as friends right after lost hero and Leo never got with Caylpso. also TOA never happened because it makes me sad. Also somewhat not proof read Summary: Jason has been sneaking off for weeks and Leo is detirmened to find out why. Or alternativly: Leo, Piper, Annabeth, and Percy go snooping in Jasons buisness Authers note: Hey hey! first fic in what feels like a million years! I definitely have to shake the rust off a bit but this was a fun one to get back into it! I was listening to Waitress at work and got this idea so i ran with it. Honestly not much of the actual relationship, theres a lot of set up and other characters but I think I may do a part two if this does well :)
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Jason Grace was a busy man. Going between camps, building shrines to all the minor gods, serving as Pontifex Maximus, taking trips to Olympus to meet deities, and head counselor duties. Everyone knew he had no time on his schedule. His friends were lucky if they could get him to spare an hour to catch up, much less get him to a bonfire. So why on earth is it that Jason Grace would take upwards of two hours out of his day, three days a week, to walk out of camp and go to who knows where?
Leo was determined to find out. He’d watched Jason sneak off for the past month, and he was sick of wondering. He tried to bring it up but just got a red-faced muttered excuse about it’s just a walk in the woods and I have to finish my work before he'd disappeared into his cabin.
“I think we’re lost,” Percy said, stopping suddenly and causing Piper to almost slam into his back.
“We are not lost!” Leo exclaimed, “I swear he went this way,” 
“We’re miles from camp,” Piper butt in, “he could be anywhere,” she crossed her arms and glared at Leo. 
“We should turn back before someone notices we’re gone,” Annabeth added, looking up and down the road they were on. Leo had seen Jason sneaking off just before lunch and had convinced his friends to follow him. Now, here they were, on some back road heading through the woods surrounding the camp a mile and a half away from the border.
“Guys, c'mon! Don’t you want to know where he’s been going!” Leo turned back to the group. “He can’t have gotten far.” He kept walking backward in the same direction they’d been heading for the past 10 minutes. For a little while, they could see Jason walking along the side of the road, far ahead, but they’d kept their distance so he wouldn’t notice them. Then he made a turn at an intersection, and they’d lost sight of him. 
“Maybe he really is just out for a walk?” Piper offered.
Leo hualted now, “For two hours? No way, he’s definitely up to something out here.” He stared at the group, waiting for someone to disagree. No one did. It was definitely unusual behavior from the son of Jupiter to take so much time away from his work.
“We’ve been walking for 25 minutes. I say we go 5 more and then head back,” Annabeth spoke up, sending Leo a you owe me glance. 
“Perfect, 5 minutes!” Leo returned an appreciative smile before turning on his heel and continuing down the road with his friends in tow.
They rounded a corner a minute later, and Leo couldn’t help the I told you so grin that came across his face. In front of them, just a few more meters down the road was a genuine 1950s-style roadside diner with the name The Doo-Wop Diner plastered over the door. “See!” Leo pointed triumphantly, “Now imagine if we had turned back when you quitters had wanted to,” 
The group walked up to the diner, rolling their eyes at Leo’s antics. They peered in through the windows that lined the front. It was cute, with pastel blue on the walls, 50s-style booths, a jukebox in the corner, and a countertop bar.
“Is he even in there?” Percy asked, huddled next to Annabeth and scanning the restaurant.
“He’s got to be,” Leo squinted from Annabeth's other side.
“There he is!” Annabeth pointed to the far end of the bar where Jason was sitting. He had a cup of coffee and an open book in front of him.
“What’s he doing in there?” Leo asked as if any of them knew. “He walks all the way out here for ‘New York's best black coffee’?” He read off the sign in the window. 
The group looked at him for another minute in deliberation before Piper let out a quiet gasp. “It’s not the coffee he’s here for,” she was staring at something on the other end of the restaurant with wide, knowing eyes. “Look,”
When the three others looked back at Jason, they saw a soft, almost nervous smile on his face while he gave a slight wave. When they followed his gazeto the other side of the resturant, they all came to the same conclusion that Piper had. Jason Grace had walked nearly thirty minutes away from camp to a rinky-dink old diner on the side of the road to see you.
You were dressed in a 1950s waitress uniform and serving some of that aforementioned black coffee to an old couple. When you caught sight of Jason, your face lit up, and you waved back. As soon as you finished pouring the coffee, you brought the pot over to where Jason was sitting, even though he still had a full cup in front of him. The four standing outside were frozen in place as they watched the two inside interact. 
“Hey!” You said as you approached. The smile you had on now was so much more genuine than your usual customer service smile. “I missed you last week,”
Jason’s smile mirrored your own as he put a napkin between the pages of his book to mark his place. “Hey. Yeah, sorry, I had a last minute thing, uh, out of town, I had to do,” he had been called back to Camp Jupiter to resolve a minor god conflict and hadn’t been able to come in at his usual time. 
“Ooo, more of your mystery out-of-town work?” He’d mentioned it several times but, for obvious reasons, couldn’t tell you the whole story, and being the golden boy he was, he couldn’t bring himself to flat-out lie. “Is it something illegal?” You asked.
Jason let out a laugh at that. “It’s definitely not illegal.” He pushed his glasses back into place. 
“Are you sure? Because based on what you’ve told me, it’s out of town, it’s odd hours, it’s highly secretive, and it’s hard work.” You listed things out, counting them on your fingers. “You’re either selling drugs or possibly a secret agent.” You finished with wide, questioning eyes.
He laughed again at your list. You always had a way of putting his mind at ease. When it was swimming in work, and he couldn’t think straight, you always managed to bring him back to sanity. “It’s all boring, I promise. I’d much rather be here.” 
Your grin returned. “Oh really? I didn’t know you held our fine establishment in such high regard.” While you spoke, the cook rang a harsh bell and shouted, "Order up!”
“Thanks, Cal,” You called while you grabbed the two burger plates from the kitchen and walked them around the counter to deposit them at a table nearby. Jason watched you while you worked, the soft smile never once leaving his face as you handed out napkins and refilled some water. 
Once you were back, the conversation picked up exactly where it had left off. “It has its selling points,” he mused. The other half of that sentence, mostly about cute waitresses with the brightest smiles and the prettiest eyes, stayed caught in his throat. The pair slipped into an easy routine they’d established long ago. Jason would sit and drink his coffee while you bustled around, taking orders, running food, cleaning the occasional spill, all the while keeping up a steady stream of small talk. 
It was a mutually beneficial relationship. You got a bit of conversation to distract from the monotony of your work, and his blue eyes always seemed to make your day go smoother. Jason got a much-needed break from everything Greco-Roman. At camp, he always had so much responsibility, and so many expectations were weighing him down. Here, he didn’t have to worry about all that. You didn’t know who his dad was or what quests he’d been on, and you didn’t care. You liked him for him and not for the hero he was supposed to be. 
You returned to your spot across from him and picked up a rag to look like you were still doing something. “Have you told anyone at that camp of yours about this place?” You knew Camp Half-Blood existed. You also knew it wasn't anywhere close to normal based on the folks that came through, but they had the best strawberries even in the off-season, so you didn’t ask many questions.
“No way. Trust me, you do not want them coming here,” Jason had told you about his friends, minus a few details, but he had always emphasized that they were trouble.
“Uh huh, so then, who's staring at us from the window?” You asked with a sideways grin on your face.
“What?” Jason wiped his head around in time to see four panicked faces duck below the window sill outside. “Oh, by all the gods!” He muttered angrily under his breath and made a beeline for the door. “I’ll be right back,” he called to you, knowing you’d watch his book and half cup of coffee.
“Take your time,” you called back as he pushed open the door and stepped outside. 
For a second, all the demigods stared at each other without moving. Four crouched on the ground, wishing he hadn’t seen them, and one glaring at the group from above. Jason grabbed the front of Leo’s shirt and hoisted him up so he stood with his hands raised in surrender. “What are you doing here,” he hissed.
“Hey! Calm down, calm down,” Leo tried a friendly smile but was met with a glare. “We just, uh went for a walk?” He offered an explanation that sounded more like a question
“Wrong answer,” Jason sent his glare at the other three. “Did you all follow me?” He let Leo go and took a step back so he could glare at everyone all at once instead of having to shift his gaze.
“Leo made us come,” Piper threw him under the bus.
“Oh gee, thanks, beauty queen. It's nice to know where your loyalties lie.” Leo shot back, adjusting his shirt front.
Percy gave Jason a sly grin. “We were curious, but we never would have come if we knew you had a secret girlfriend out here,”
“She is not my girlfriend!” Jason cut him off. 
Percy put up his own hands, “Sorry, secret crush,” he corrected.
“She isn't! I don't-” Jason was full-on flustered now.
“Does that mean she’s up for grabs?” Leo asked. He looked back inside before getting smacked upside the back of the head by Annabeth. “What? She cute!”
When Jason looked back through the window he caught your eye and you sent him a questioning, yet very amused, glace. Jason had a bit of panic at that and quickly moved to usher the four away from the window and back towards the road. “Absolutely not! First of all, she’s a person; she can’t be up for grabs, and secondly, you can’t meet her!”
“What? Why not, she seems nice,” Annabeth asked.
“She is nice! And she's normal, and she doesn’t need to know any of you,” Jason managed to get them all about 10 feet from the front door. “Go back to camp. Just follow this road east for a mile, turn right at the second intersection, go straight for another half-mile, and you’ll see the border.” Jason gave the hurried directions and prayed to whichever god would listen that they’d all just leave.
“Whoa, man, we walked all the way out here, and now you're just gonna send us away?” Leo asked, putting a hand over his chest in fake offense.
“Yes,” Jason shot back flatly.
Piper spoke up next, “Wait, what’s her name? How long have you been coming here? How’d you even find this place? Does she like you back? It looked like she did.”
“Really?” Jason asked before shaking his head and focusing again. “I mean, I am not answering that,” he was still trying to shew the group away, but clearly, it wasn’t working. 
“Well, do they have good food here?” Percy added
“I saw ‘Breakfast all day’ on one of the signs,” Annabeth walked around Jason and back towards the door.
“And that burger meal she brought out looked really good,” Leo added. The four demigods went right past Jason and headed for the front door. 
“No, no, no, no, no,” Jason muttered as his friends ignored him and went in. “This is not good,” he said to himself, following the group back inside. They obviously had no intention of leaving, and he figured the next best course of action would be to simply die of shame. He knew this day would come; someone would catch him sneaking off, and his best-kept secret would become his worst nightmare. He just didn’t think it’d be so soon.
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Ahhhh first fic in a long ass time, its not my best work but personally I liked the plot so I got a little carried away and might have to make a part 2
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dirksawesomesprites · 6 months
Gay karkat
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a-whispering-echo · 1 year
If you Kill a Killer...
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Dust and Killer: haha, i'm in danger
Dust and Horror's lines were going to be the other way around, originally, cus the victim line fit Dust's ideology better, but on the other hand, Horrors the only one who didnt go full genocide, and Dusts a sassy little shit, so...
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dullgecko · 9 days
The coffee-liquor incident.
The bad kids were doing one of those challenges where you just pour random stuff in the blender and make people drink it.
Unfortunately, Riz landed on the combination coffee and vodka. The moment his mouth touched that glass, his pupils dilated and he couldn’t stop drinking, he tried to grab the blender and chug it but someone tried to stop him. He doesn’t remember who, all he knows is that he clawed the shit out them.
He then proceeded to drink the entire blender, and started doing laps around Seacaster manor. He was jumping off of walls and casually doing backflips. Eventually they gave up trying to chase him and just watched, occasionally picking up after his destruction.
After about 30 minutes he passed out for 5 hours, woke up, vomited on himself and passed out again.
— 🐞
Heheheh, i like this answer.
Alternativly, someone left coffee liqour out on the bench and he thought it was some kind of fancy pre-made coffee (he didnt read the label) and spent the next several hours absoloutly blasted because he kept making himself coffee with it througout the party. Gets very chatty and flirty because he relaxes and drunk-caffeinated-Riz takes over. Drunk-caffeinated-Riz can be downright obscene and very touchy. His friends thought he was straight up possessed. Kristen banished the bottle when they found out what was causing it. Riz does not remember that night at all (some people remember that night very fondly).
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