#although that's framed weird bc like I said it's not him that pushed things that fast
dirkxcaliborn · 1 year
I'd have to say one of the cutest, novel moments in a romance manga I read recently was when one of the characters noticed the other's behavior and thought it seemed like the other character had feelings for him, but then he told himself off for making assumptions about other people's feelings lol
#coyo speaks#it just felt like something you don't see very often#especially just like... where it's not a moment of him being all cool like I know you're in love with me yada yada#but that very grounded moment of like recognizing the signs but not wanting to make assumptions#I think the only thing I'd really criticize about that manga is that I don't think the sex scene was necessary#it's not that notable ig while reading it#but if you think about it for too long it happened way too early in their relationship#for context the one who caught feelings was a cat who ~wished to be human~#but like... he's been human for like a few months at MOST#He just has a lot less understanding and reference than your average virgin#and he wasn't the one who initiated and he seemed confused the whole time#idk I just feel like a character who has ZERO frame of reference for how relationships work should've properly taken things slower#although that's framed weird bc like I said it's not him that pushed things that fast#and I think it would be different if he was the one who initiated things where like maybe he doesn't really understand it#but he wants it whatever it is#I just really think he should've been setting the pace as the one with the least experience#as it stands I don't feel like he even knew enough to know what he wants#so for someone he has such strong feelings and trust in to be like 'I'm going to show you something good'#he's not very likely to contest that... if his partner says it's good and he can't really figure out his own feelings#then obviously it must be good regardless of how he feels#thinking that hard about random single volume BL manga is never going to turn up great results tho lol
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
okay idk here are my MoM takes, such as they are. I honestly found most of the film to be forgettable to the point that I don't recall a lot of what happened, but then I don't think a lot actually happened, at least plotwise. Michael W*ldron and his yt male mediocrity strike again
yes, visually it's a very stunning movie. if that's literally all you're looking for in a film then I guess this is for you. although that said, there are some weird transitions between scenes I still don't understand creatively but whatever, nitpicking.
people keep likening this to a horror because of the dark visuals and occasional jumpscares, but I'd say that's about where the parallel to the horror genre starts and stops. also, the whole 'horror' thing relies on Wanda being the slasher monster which...is cool in a way? But also a pretty misogynistic take on how a female character processes her grief, but I'd expect nothing less from Michael. anyway, it's not really horror, just a film with creepy visuals.
the pacing is awful. the writing as a whole is awful. Scenes drag on longer than they should, there's little to no build up of any character though after a certain point it's clear we're supposed to care about certain characters and their dynamics together but it's like wait when did you give me a reason? there's very little explanation for anything, things just sort of -happen- and rely on the viewer caring more about how they look then why they're happening in the first place. oddly, the writing relies a great deal on the audience having seen Wandavision beforehand despite taking very little of the show into account for anything else.
Michael's very male-centric POV, early 00's style of writing is ofc the defining tone of the script. While this is kind of a dual Wanda and Dr. Strange piece (SORT OF) all of the narrative sympathy and build up is devoted solely to Stephen. We're supposed to feel SO BAD for him as he corners his ex-gf at her wedding to talk about their past relationship even as she is visibly uncomfortable and says as much, and then later he's still pushing his feelings towards an alt-universe version of her but at least then she's just like 'ok thanks lol'. When the Illuminati tell him every Dr. Strange is evil including him the narrative frames it as an obvious lie because clearly Stephen is much more nuanced than that; Wanda though, 100% evil, no justification for anything SHe does EVER. It's the double-standard in who gets to be a sympathetic character and who doesn't for me. Very game of thrones lol. Also the fact that Wanda is given no more narrative motivation to go full evil than 'I AM A MOTHER I HAVE CHILDREN' which, yes, I understand is a big part of her character in any context but you cant tell me wandavision didn't manage to make her character and motivations more nuanced where this film didn't even try. The writing literally relies on 'sad woman = evil' and nothing else. I mean, it's pretty clear to me there was an avenue here to have Stephen and Wanda commiserate and find some comfort from each other in their shared issues maybe, but then we wouldn't have woman = bad and thus a scary monster villain
Lightspeed kill your gays happens in a scene that could be easily edited out for homophobic markets, but who is surprised?
The people who seem to watch marvel solely to make fun of fans are delighted that all the new characters who got introduced were quickly killed off bc 'lol stupid blorbo cameo' but like, that doesn't make it a good narrative choice or worth anyone's time at the end of the day. Think of how that time could've been spent giving this film an ounce of narrative depth instead
As far as I'm concerned the only good parts were Professor X's. Only he shows Wanda any kind of compassion, and the scene where he enters her mind and sees the desolation of her grief- IT IS THE ONLY TIME WANDA IS ALLOWED DEPTH OUTSIDE OF EVIL CRAZY LADY. When he tries to help her from the rubble...when he tells Stephen he believes people are more than just their past misdeeds. Idk. Wish there could have been more of that.
My main thing is, I really wish Marvel would hire writers that can put together a self-contained screenplay for these films. It's not impossible; it certainly wasn't impossible here. I'm of the opinion that these films would be stronger if they could stand on their own, if the hour and a half, two hour plot could be a self-contained, tight story that still encompasses the plot points they need to hit going forward. Something that randos not familiar with the marvel universe would still enjoy. It's not difficult, it really isn't. Because yeah, sure, as part of the big multiverse hyping everyone's into this film, and I could be wrong, but I just don't see this movie having the staying power over time that it could have. I don't see anyone, five years from now, being like "omg MoM is one of my fave films ever!!" because outside of the main overarching plot and visuals, it's pretty aimless and pointless. It's pretty aimless regardless of the main plot, tbh.
I ofc realize too that the amount of hype given to this film might be part of what makes the finished product such a disappointment, but I'm certain I would've found it boring and poorly written regardless of how much it was hyped up. It's definitely a let down after Wandavision, why on EARTH didn't they at least use some of THOSE writers??
Anyway, once again moving back into my lifelong 'Marvel probably isn't for me' position because, as per usual, the narrative focus and sympathy has to be devoted to whoever the main yt cishet male character is while everyone else is reduced to villain, sidekick or disposable POC/queer person. Makes the scope of superhero media very limiting.
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cherryyharryy · 3 years
this request went above the character limit so basically the one with 🌸 is the continuation.. my request is basically an angst to fluff where y/n and harry are together the fans know it’s not confirmed but everyone knows they’re together and she’s been getting lots of hate recently and she’s frustrated and upset harry won’t defend her and she’s pestering him why in a fight and he says something along the lines of “ i don’t want people to know i’m with you” meaning he’s scared if he confirms...
don’t from the one ending in confirms .. he’s basically scared if he confirms y/n is his gf the hate will get worse but she takes it to mean he’s embarrassed by her and essentially gives him an ultimatum kinda ( idk a better word than that) of either he sticks up for her and tells them to stop hating on her or she’s breaking up with him bc she can’t be with someone who can’t bother defending her
Thank you! I liked this idea, but I still feel like I suck at fluff lol. But I hope it’s okay
WC: 1.4K
The starchy scent of cigarettes replaces the bite of pasta you slip into your mouth. You choke down the food and subtly cover your nose, although it does no good.
“Okay?” Harry squints across the table, the spring air catching on a few curls laced together across his forehead.
You nod, but roll your eyes, angling your head to the man sitting not far enough, with a coffee and ultra lights. His face is hidden by a newspaper when you turn to catch a look, smoke escaping from behind. “I can taste it.”
“Yeah that’s kinda rude.”
You wait a moment before speaking. “Yes. It is.”
When you look again, a plump, hairy arm extends across the table to dig the bud into a tea plate. You let your irritation slip away and continue eating, only to double up on your anger when you hear the flick of a lighter once again.
“I’m gonna ask him to stop.”
“Wait.” Harry catches your hand before you stand up. “We can just go inside.”
“What? No, we shouldn’t have to move because he’s being inconsiderate.”
“We’re outside, love, not much anyone can tell him.”
“I can tell him to stop being an ass.” You push away from the table, but Harry grabs your wrist. 
“Baby, please, just let it go. Don’t start a scene.”
“A scene?” You settle back into your chair. “Are you kidding?”
You suck in a breath, regretfully, as it’s filled with smoke. “Do you have any idea how many times you’ve said something like that to me in the past month?”
“I just don’t want you to draw unwanted attention to yourself.” He shrugs and sips his coffee. The tips of his ears are red, he’s clearly uncomfortable, but you’re in no mood to let him off. “Don’t want you to have to deal with it.”
“Is that so?”
He nods, unsure if answering you is what you even want.
“I’ve had to deal with a lot of shit,” you lower your voice and lean over the table, “and no one even knows for sure that we’re dating.”
“Shhhh.” You see his brows dip down below his sunglasses, frowning behind the tinted frames. 
“Oh I’m sorry. Forgot how to act for a minute. Y’know, maybe you should write up a list of rules you want me to follow so I know how to behave.” 
You don’t wait for a reply, successfully leaving the table this time as you march off the patio and towards Harry’s car parked down the block. In an alley. Where the two of you waited until foot traffic died down before going to lunch thirty minutes ago. 
The door’s locked so you lean against it, shuffling your feet so you’re not in the sun, or in sight of any passersby. 
The car beeps before you see Harry round the corner. His head is down until you’re both inside, turning the air on and pulling out onto the street without a word. Until he can’t take it anymore.
“Listen, I know I make things harder, but it’s only for security.”
“Security of what exactly?”
“I’m not sure what security you’re referring to, because I’ve gotten more death threats in the past two weeks than I would have liked.” You roll your head to look at him, but he doesn’t take his eyes off the road. 
“Know that.” He grips the wheel and exhales through clenched teeth. “But it could be worse.”
“I doubt that.” You pull up instagram and scroll through some of the latest comments you’ve gotten, looking for one in particular. Clearing your throat, you recite the message. “I don’t know why you bother with him. It’s sad, how clingy you are and obviously using him. How does it feel to have a dollar sign as a boyfriend? Pathetic. Use that car he gave you to do something useful and run yourself over.”
“Baby, please stop—”
“No, Harry, you have no idea what kind of fucked up things are sent to me. And we haven’t even confirmed anything!”
“I do know! You think I haven’t gotten shitty messages? Like I haven’t been through all this before?”
“Then what’s the point! Why even bother hiding our relationship if none of this goes away? It really hurts when you don’t at least stick up for me when someone makes a snarky comment when we’re in public. Girlfriend or not, I’m a human being, and you just let everything slide so we don’t cause a damn scene.”
“I do too stick up for you!”
“No you don’t! You just suggest we leave. One time you walked away and left me in the middle of a store.”
“I just don’t want people to know we’re together!”
Not another word, not another sound until the gate to Harry’s private property screeches open and he pulls up to his house. You’re out of the car before it’s even parked, storming inside with no plan other than to get away from him before you say something you’ll regret.
He calls after you, your name echoing through his huge house, as you make your way up a set of stairs and into a guest room. You slam the door and fling yourself onto the bed, finally letting the tears fall.
He knocks at the door but doesn't wait for your answer, barging in with one last cry of your name. He deflates upon seeing you, crumbles upon hearing your sobs. “Baby.” His hand settles between your shoulder blades as he leans down to brush your hair from your face. “I didn’t mean it like that. Not like it sounds.”
“What the hell could you have meant?” Your words are choppy and tight, catching in your throat before you force them out. “If you’re not gonna defend me, then I can’t have this. Us. I’m not gonna be with someone who cares more about protecting the feelings of complete strangers than his own girlfriend.”
“I do care about you—”
“Like hell you do. That’s why you buy me all kinds of stuff. Make me over so I’m presentable. If you’re that embarrassed to be with me, why would you even ask me out?” A sob takes over. Harry tries rubbing your back, but you shake him off. 
“What—embarrassed? The last thing I am is embarrassed. I’m proud to be with you. I love you, and I only buy you stuff because I can afford to do so.” You turn to face him, your vision blurred with tears. “Then why can’t you stick up for me? I’m not asking you to fight with everyone who leaves a negative comment, but something, Harry. I need someone who’s on my team.”
His voice stutters. Similar words he’s used before, referring to the two of you as a team, strike a nerve. He blinks away a few tears of his own. “You’re right. I’m so sorry, baby. I’m sorry I’ve been letting you down.”
You shuffle up on your knees, encouraging him to join you on the bed, and in a hug. “You’ve never let me down. We just haven’t been on the same page with all this.” You sigh, wiping away a few remaining tears. “I understand why you haven’t wanted to say anything, but I think we’re past the point of keeping us a secret.”
“Was tryin’ to hold onto that as long as I could.”
You both climb off the bed, and Harry takes your hand, pulling you into his chest. 
“We can have privacy without secrecy.”
He kisses your head. “May not be as private as you think.”
“I know…” You step back to look up at him, letting your hands slip down his arms to rest in his palms. “But it’ll take a little pressure off.”
His brows raise in thought, and he drops your hand to pull his phone from his jacket. Without a word, he scrolls through his photos until he finds one he likes, holding it up for you to see. “My favorite.”
Next thing you know, he’s posting the picture of you two from a few weeks ago—when you’d gone out to dinner with Jeff and Glenne, all dressed up with less than sober smiles on your faces—to Instagram.
“It feels weird now,” you mumble.
“Don’t tell me you change your mind?” Harry chuckles.
“No, no—I’m happy. Proud to call you mine.”
“Never gonna let you feel like I don’t have your back,” he leans down to kiss your nose, “ever. Promise.” 
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
6 Anti LO Asks
1. i would actually get the idea people look down on the underworld gods bc like yeah theyre scary and unwelcomed, but like its undercut by rachel making them the most desirable and most powerful for?? reasons?? like she wants them to be underdogs while at the same time being the best at everything, which is her issue with persephone too, she also has to be powerless and humble but also the most unique and powerful. she wants us to root for them when they have no actual struggles.
2. i dont take reviews for anything, tbh. the "professional" reviews LO got were all by people who are also at the same printing house, so theyre literally paid to say something nice for marketing even if they dont like it (i work in publishing, we do this all the time), and amazon reviews arent regulated, so of course LO stans will flood it to fluff it up. thats what let's play fans have been doing too for years now too, despite it being wattpad markipiler fanfic.
3. I know comparing characters isn’t right but honestly LO has enough wrong going on I won’t feel bad. Persphone isn’t interesting on her own in LO. A lot of her character is having things happen to her except for flirting with Hades and killing mortals (and maybe running away as a reaction to Zeus). Persphone we are told she is smart, naive, powerful but powerless. Her character literally is whatever RS thinks fits the chapter the best. Persphone has no clear goals other than wanting Hades, what’s her major? What was the next step after college? Do the other gods go to college? Why doesn’t she know what sleeping to the top means but knows so much about flirting with a man who has a gf? What was she suppose to be doing if she never met hades?
Although the other female cast may not be likeable, they do actually do stuff that drives their own character
Minthe may have fallen into a shitty relationship with Hades, but she feels sick about the ring and treats Hades because he doesn’t listen to her. She leads Persphone to the wrong location cause she doesn’t like her. She fights hades (not a good thing but does something to the plot)
Daphne has Persphones background, grew up in the mortal realm. However she’s a lot more interesting. Demeter probably isn’t strict with Daphne, but Daphne is now and influencer with business deals and when forced to Dave Apollo bits and threatens him. And even before with Apollo wanted to find out her own opinions on the guy.
Hecate isn’t a main character but enjoys to be in the plot and leaves the plot as she pleases, she’s support but also seems like there more to her than shown. She likes chaos, gardening, and expanding her knowledge.
Aphrodite, drove the plot with the drugs and car thing, NOT A GOOD THING but actually did something. Was looking for her husband, testing her son may not be the best character but actually leaves marks on the story telling despite not showing up a lot.
Artemis, invites Persphone into her home, has always been this sliver footed hunter, was doing fine before persphone, but also has her own family issues
Demeter fought in a war, has her own morals and ethics when raising a daughter, may have messed up but again actually contributes to the plot
Hera pushes HXP together and apart, has her own interesting drama, seduced Kronos and paid for it gravely, DID have an affair with hades. Not good things but contributions.
Thetis manipulates people
Persphone just doesn’t do much herself in the comic. She didn’t want to go to the party, she didn’t want the job, a lot of the plot is having her having something happen to her. The drugging, the Apollo the offers, Meg offering her clothes even. She doesn’t drive the plot other than flirting with Hades even knowing about Minthe, killing those mortals, and turning Minthe into a plant, but none of those things are even framed as wrong. It’s like even when she does make a “mistake” it doesn’t “count”
5. Since we’re talking about self-inserts, hell, I have like 3 characters in my book that can be argued to be my self inserts. But the difference is that while I project onto them plenty, I still remember they are my CHARACTERS, not me. I give them flaws, I write them how I would any other, and I make them suffer consequences when needed. There’s a difference between that and whatever the hell RS is doing with Persephone
-----FP Spoilers-----
6. Not to beat a dead horse but even with Hades saying he misspoke in calling Persephone his wife - considering they arent dating and have only known each other for a short time period, it still sounds weird, right? Like in the newer chapters (I think) Hades and Persephone discuss going on a "first date" after the trial is over which would be fine - except A). It sounds as though even if Persephone gets a punishment (like lets say its a Prometheus treatment kinda thing) that they'll just go behind Zeus' back + authority to go on dates anyway, regardless of punishment or not, and B). Hades calling Persephone his wife indicates that despite not even being on a proper date or even knowing her all that well that he already thinks of her as such, which seems a bit presumptuous considering everything thats been happening.
Also ive seen claims far and between that months have passed if not a year since Persephone went on the run / the beginning of the comic - does anyone have a source for that? (The timeline makes everything confusing).
Also, I was told that the trial doesnt take place in the underworld - that it actually takes place in Olympus?? Anyone got a source? Pls and thanks. 
From OP, not Anon: From the episodes currently on FP, the trial does take place on Olympus. The underworld is in a constant state of darkness and the place where the trial is being held shows it's visibly daytime. Also, it hasn't been months or a time skip. Some people were confused by Hades's wording because he said 'months'. Saying weeks would've been way better and less confusing.
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seijurosempress · 4 years
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@shoichee​ I hope this meets your expectations✨ (Bc I refuse to tolerate any more bullying today. Also- Matchup under the cut)
First, I just want to say- I’m sorry. (but not really). I know our love for Hayama runs deep but the moment you choose violence with him, that’s it for you. RIP. It was nice knowing you 😔 But, remember when we first spoke and I asked you if you shipped yourself with Imayoshi and you refused to answer my question? Well- [Insert ‘Surprise shawty’ tik tok audio]
Best Match: Imayoshi Shoichi
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Your subconscious knew what it was doing when you picked out your URL. The moment you said you related to Dazai and then proceeded to talk about socioeconomic issues revolving around globalization while we simultaneously talked about dumb stuff I knew there were only a few guys that could handle your energy and Imayoshi hands down tops that list
Even though Hanamiya out of all people might say Imayoshi doesn’t have the best personality, I actually think you two can balance each other out and understand each other in a way other people may not be able to
Honestly, right off the bat, y’all will probably bond over some form of teasing. Whether it’s making some remark aimed directly at the other, or one of you takes a jab at someone else and the other happens to overhear, it will be the start of a beautiful relationship
Gemini and Leo’s have really good chemistry so it’s no surprise you’ll manage to get along, regardless of your- argumentative natures.
You two are like the two sides of the same coin. While he presents himself as a kind and easy going person, speaking politely to others- until he inevitable shows them his real personality- you, on the other hand, can come off a little cold and critical, scaring people off when you first meet them even though you’re genuinely kind and easy going once you start to talk to them
If you guys meet purely by chance, maybe you’re in the same class, you’re introduced because of a mutual friend, or because one of you overheard the other, the moment you hear how the other carries themselves in a conversation will automatically peek your interest. 
Have you ever seen that meme where they’re like “oh you wanna kiss me so bad”? yea, that’s you two. I can see you getting into the most amusing squabble, just trying to throw the other one off, Imayoshi smirking if and when one of his comments goes right over your head
You’re both pretty smart (I spent a solid hour trying to double check this and still failed but I’m like 80% sure his IQ is pretty up there) so I can see you two meeting because of that too
Imayoshi is just minding his business, checking the updated class rankings posted in the hall across your classroom. Why? He doesn’t know, if he’s being honest. It’s not like anyone could ever surpass him, he’s been at the top of his class each time since his firs- What’s this? He got bumped down? Who the hell are you? Wait no, he knows who you are. He’s heard your name before countless times, mostly followed by your voice as it traveled throughout the hallways, your laugh bubbling out of your small frame soon after in reply to whichever friend had just made a funny remark. Funny. You didn’t seem all that smart at first glance, could he have actually... made a mistake? His gaze flickers to the other side of the hall where he immediately found you, eyes wide and a small smile adorning your features as you listened to your classmate speak. A low hum escapes him as he analyzes your appearance once more. He notices the way your makeup highlighted your already attractive features, the small accessories added to your uniform making you look put together and stylish. Maybe he had underestimated you, he though as he saw you take your turn to speak, your answer leaving your classmate open mouthed with a baffled expression. He felt the slight tug on his lips, the beginning of a small smirk forming on his face as you smiled widely at the response you had gotten.  However, the amusement only lasted a split second, his features falling in disbelief when you turned around, tripping over your own feet and falling face first into the open classroom door. “What are you staring at?” Someone, probably Sato, asks as he strolls up beside him. “Nothing” he sighs, adjusting his glasses on his face. Is it really nothing though? a small voice inside him asks just as a series of curse words and noises fall from your lips, eliciting his own to quirk up into an amused, lopsided smile. Even if it is “nothing” for now, don’t be surprised when both of you “coincidentally” find yourselves bumping into each other more often from now on as he tries to figure you out.
I can see him realizing he has feelings for you while you two are hanging out. Maybe you two will be studying after you asked him to tutor you in math since it’s his best subject, or well, attempting to study at least as you’re nearing half an hour of your 5 minute snack break. He’ll probably be doodling in his notebook while you scroll through Instagram, and it’s not until he looks up to see you so focused on whatever was on the other side of the screen, your fingers quickly tapping away as a smile pulled at your lips that he asks what you’re doing. Without a second thought, you absentmindedly tell him about whatever argument you’re getting into in the comments section under a random photo you came across before you’re back to focusing on the matter at hand. 
His whole trademark is that he’s good at analyzing people, and as a Gemini, he is not an exception to his own skills. He’ll suddenly come to the realization that, while he enjoys pushing people’s buttons, he enjoys the thought of you two being a team even more. While you can be loud and social, making and laughing at jokes, you also know when to get serious and get stuff done, something that that he would appreciate considering he likes respectful and considerate girls.
The problem now is- he may be aware of his feelings...but are you?
He’ll probably try out multiple ways to hint at his feelings towards you but they’ll just go right over your head. In your mind, you can’t see anyone having any romantic feelings towards you and sure he may be acting a little weird, but you’d probably just shrug it off as it being all in your imagination.
Meanwhile the whole time Imayoshi is just standing there like- Is she serious? No one can be this oblivious???? but yet  ✨here you are✨
Now it’s his turn to be frustrated by your conversations because you’re just not getting it? So he decides to try something more straight forward. Girls like pickup lines, right?
He could literally see the moment your brain stopped working. Your face flushed red as a nervous giggle bubbled out of you. All common sense left your body as you made finger guns at him, giving him a slight nod before turning around and walking quickly out the room
it would take you a few minutes to collect yourself, strolling back in the room 30 minutes later, leaning against the same spot you left him moments prior and giving him a pickup line of your own. *queue Imayoshi’s mischievous smirk* “Oh? Is that so?” (he’s such a little shit he’ll probably pretend like he didn’t say anything first to get back at you)
I can see this going back and forth for a while until he finally asks you out on a date, but this time he’ll make sure to do it in a way that will prevent you from escaping and leaving him alone and confused again
Your PDA is most likely kept to a minimum, partly because of your Venus in Virgo and partly because he doesn’t like spontaneity. Your outward relationship will consist of hand holding and pecks but that doesn’t mean your private life remains the same, just because you’re dating now doesn’t mean you’re suddenly immune to his habits or him to yours
You say you want to spend some quality time together? “How about a movie night?” he asks, his smile deceiving you long enough to trap you in his arms as a scary movie plays in his blacked out bedroom. “I don’t like scary movies” you whine, your body pressing into his and a pout pulling at your lips as he “innocently” chuckles, “Oh really? I must have forgotten”
You say you’re a bit cynical about relationships but I think it’s because your Neptune, Pluto and Lilith are ruled by air signs. This means you enjoy spontaneity and creativity in what you do and therefore always gravitate to doing things in which your outcome depends on yourself and not other people. Imayoshi is the kind of person that respects other people’s needs as we can see when he allows Aomine to skip practice if that’s what works for him. This will help you maintain a healthy balance in your relationship, allowing you to be able to feel more at ease and not trapped or like you have to be a certain way with one another
You decide to keep pursuing dancing? He’s proud of you, and will not hesitate to show off and boast about your achievements to the rest of the team
You had a rough week and you want to spend the whole day gaming with headphones on? It’s fine he’ll take the opportunity to relax and go fishing
On the other hand, you want to go shopping? Suddenly he’ll find himself walking hand in hand with you as you and his sister stop at every single store only to leave with more bags that you can carry. 
At first, you would insist you could both take care of yourselves at the mall, but he soon found out that you two should not be left alone. She might be his sister but she’s younger and impressionable and she looks up to you? And you can be a bit scatterbrained so you lose track of her time so you always end up bringing her back really late, along with an armful of shopping bags that he’ll only have to go back and return within the week because being hasty runs in his family and his sister didn’t pay much attention to how much money she was spending
Overall- I think that what really makes you a good match is your ability to communicate with one another. Both of you are pretty honest and straightforward (although your executions are vastly different) which will help you navigate through any obstacles in your relationship
You keep each other on your toes and bring fun into your relationship while also settling down, talking about serious stuff and getting genuine advice from one another when you need it the most. The balance you maintain allowing a stable foundation for the relationship to grow and blossom. He did something hasty? It’s okay, you know exactly what to do to fix it. Someone keeps hitting on you insistently? He’s already walked over to intimidate him to go away. You want to spend quality time together but he wants to go fishing? There you are by his side, scribbling in your notebook and reciting your poetry to him as he listens carefully with a small smile on his face that you’ll definitely not tease him about later. You need help with your math again? he’ll tutor you in exchange for you making him a bento with his favorite meal. Until he learns that you somehow burned half the rice and left the other half uncooked. Perfect balance of give and take. 
Bonus: Takao Kazunari
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You are literally the girl version of Takao omg. (I literally JUST got your message about being the new Takao too smh I know I’m slow but let me finish this first)
You two are so alike and you would make the most chaotic duo but as much as I want to ship you two, I can just see you two being really good friends so I feel the need to include him in this
Midorima would be so done with your shit, he’d probably see you two together and immediately turn around and start walking the other way because he just KNOWS you’re bound to gang up and bully him
The first time you saw is lucky item you probably burst out laughing and thought he was joking until you saw his face flush red
After that, every time you ask about it he just grumbles out his answer, still salty about your initial reaction
Takao never fails to remind you either, trying to hold back his laugh whenever you try to make it up to Midorima but he ends up ignoring you, or you somehow just manage to make it worse
When it’s just you and Takao, you could be minding your business when suddenly one of you makes ONE singular little comment and that just sets off the other, adding onto it until both of you are crying with laughter
Honestly, the only time I can see you taking one another seriously is when you’re having discourse
He’s an optimistic person while you’re a realist which can set off some very interesting discussions between the two of you, your argumentative nature leading both of you to talk about anything and everything as you challenge the other’s ideologies
If you decide to try out a relationship, it’ll be filled with excitement and adrenaline, both of you needing very little persuasion to try out new things
You’ll be his partner in crime and he’ll be yours. You want to mess a bit with your younger neighbors? Why not? You want to go check out the new mall a few town’s over because they have a store you’ve been wanting to check out for months? He’s your man.
While the relationship is fun, you both can get a little ahead of yourselves, going with the flow and getting sucked into your own world; you’ll need someone to ground you
Usually, this role can be plaid by Midorima but it proves to be a bit problematic when he’s nowhere in sight
The amount of times you two have lost track of time or gotten caught up in something because you ran into some friends or even met new people and got lost in conversation, by this point Midorima has probably given up trying to keep track of your whereabouts when you’re together
I wouldn’t be surprised if you two ended up making your own language. He’s good with kids and bad at being quiet while you enjoy making new words and trying out sound effects which he would without a doubt find amusing. You’d probably go as far as to make children believe they’re actual words, could you imagine Midorima’s face when he goes over to Takao’s house and his younger sister starts talking to him in the made up words you taught her
Ultimately while your personalities are very alike, you tend to clash at the wrong points and it would take you working together to compromise to make a romantic relationship work
Both of you surround yourself by others, often finding yourself in the middle of everything, your personality constantly making other people gravitate towards you. This can prove conflicting when you’re together as now you’d have to learn how to share the spotlight, so to say
While you love fashion and makeup and shopping, the poor man just wants to enjoy his trading cards
Although you should use it to your advantage and make him drive you around in Princess Mia’s Midorima’s carriage.
Your might also find yourself more often than not at a crossroads, your realist point of view conflicting with his positivity which can lead to arguments between you two
Overall- a relationship with you would be exciting. There would never be a dull moment and you’d constantly encourage the other to have new experiences and make the most of your time. But moving into a more romantic territory would mean that you’d have to learn how to prioritize things in your life, knowing when to buckle down and get things down and how to successfully come to terms with and work out your differences. 
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Sidenote: I meant to make these a little longer but my brain cell only has so much KNB knowledge stored in her small little filing cabinet that may or may not be a single folder covered in dust and stuffed in some corner
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curious-menace · 4 years
Have I really ever requested one thing of you (the pegging telltale Riddler h/c)? Time to change that; let's see how the Eddies would respond to being told by their partner that they're a "bad boy" and "need to be punishment" (sexually, of course) - Pegging Anon.
I really enjoy these kinds of asks. honestly just give me a blank check for mayhem, unleash me upon the riddlers like a plague of locusts 
nsfw below the cut
Arkham! Riddler
please be careful with this riddler. He has problems reading peoples tone and if he thinks youre angry at him you're liable to send him into a panic.
he really doesn't like dirty talk. dont call him a slut or a whore or anything like that. Not only is it demeaning and humiliating( 2 things this riddler doesnt deal well with) its just a terrible way to get him to do what you want.
again, the idea of punishment in a sexy setting is a turn off for him. He’s afraid of being strangled or choked and he doesn't find being hit sexy.
to put it simply, this riddler reacts better to the carrot than the stick. if you want a good reaction out of him, praise and affection work better. call him a good boy, give him pets and rewards. 
IF you were to coax him into it, safeword, soft restraints and reassuring from you that everything will be ok, he’ll still probably cry. he might enjoy himself but the emotional stress will still leave him in an utter state.
i know some people use BDSM to cope with trauma but maybe dont try this on him. pitch the idea and let him mull it over. dont bring it up more than once or twice and let him decide
he always needs a lot of aftercare. he needs to be constantly reassured, not just after sex, that you love him , that he’s done well. lots of kisses and soft words and let him rest from the heavy stuff for a little while. 
Blacklight riddler
another riddler you need to tread carefully with. he’s a kinky shit but like...a soft kinky shit who bruises easily.
He wont need coaxing. its either a hell yes or a hell no and you shouldn't push that. He likes sex games but he’s got trauma, sometimes something that was fine yesterday is triggering today so please be gentle and respectful with him.
He doesnt mind being called a bad boy, just not too often. mix it up and don't patronise him all the time . you can tell him off without treating him like a kid. 
he likes edging and orgasm denial as a punishment. just dont ruin his orgasm or he wont let you do it again. 
please don't ever hit him during sex. a playful thump on the arm when he’s telling a bad joke is one thing but if you touch him roughly during the act, even if he knows its coming, he finds it triggering. 
He’s pretty exclusively a sub but don't think that means he’s into punishment all the time. mostly he just likes his dominant to take care of him.
BTAS Riddler
i feel like it would throw him for a loop. he’d be confused as all hell, even if you said it in a sexy voice he might not get the message.
 he’d probably scoff at the idea. the notion that he’s anything other than perfect is laughable. he’s certainly not some sort of bad boy. you should sit on his lap and get him on the same page as you. watch his mouth go dry and his eyes go wide as you explain all the things you're going to do to him for being bad. he’ll do his best to stay composed but we both know its you who’d be wearing the pants by the end of the conversation. 
he’d want to be tied up. he’ll be gibbering and rambling the entire time, desperately trying to stay in control of the situation.  He’ll try to do things for you but a gentle reminder that you’re in control and if he doesn't anything he’ll be punished more will have him biting his tongue. 
I think humiliation works best on this one. im imagining something with rope or his suits since he’s so fond of them. maybe try and make him cum while still clothed? maybe some shibari under his suit jacket? i’ll let you decide. 
he doesnt have a safeword bc he thinks its strictly a bdsm thing and refuses to admit he’s into that. he prefers to use the traffic light system. although you probably had to teach him that. before hand he was using some nonsense riddler made system involving humming different songs. ode to joy for fun/keep going and  vivaldi winter for slow down.  you will have to gently explain what a batshit insane idea that was. 
Original Riddler
I imagine he’d be into it, moreso initially than the others. He doesnt have so much emotional baggage and he’s game to try anything once. 
I dont know if he’d find the idea of punishment sexy but he’ll try it for you. he’d probably just prefer you to frame it as impact play or degradation or whatever “just because” you wanna try it. something about it being a meant as a punishment just seems weird to him 
he does like being called names but in a cute playful way. he’s not liable to take offence at anything you say, inside or outside the bedroom but digs at his appearance do sting a little. even if youre “in character” so to speak when you say them. just reassure him after that you dont really think those things.
He’s one of the tallest riddlers and also has zero shame so you’ll need to be inventive when thinking of punishments. tying him up could actually hurt him with his circulation, he runs around in glittery spandex all day anyway so good luck trying to humiliate him. 
Because he is so tall and strong, its hard to hurt him. you could try spanking him, ask him to count out the spanks and listen as his voice gets higher and more unsteady with each one. 
actually in that note and given his penchant for dress up maybe you could try sub/dom roleplay? pretend you're a doctor/nurse or something and you're punishing him for his bad diet? if the punishment thing doesn't work out at least you’ll both get a giggle out of it. 
Telltale Riddler
Oh he is absolutely going to fight you on this one “i think YOU'RE the one who needs punishing , love.” . if you want to punish him you’ll have to fight for that right
he’s never really subbed before he met you. He’s happy to show you how to punish a sub but he really needs practice letting someone else hold the reins.
he pretends he doesn't like dirty talk. if you get him riled up and start whispering filthy things in his ear he’s going to melt a little. 
I cant think of a specific he’d like or something he’d find egregiously offensive, so i think you've got a blank cheque for mayhem here. do what you like and he’ll tell you then and there if he’s into it or not.  
but no blinders or restraints though. he’s claustrophobic after being in that icebox. He IS an escapartist mind you. even if you put him in something he’ll have wiggled out of it before you can blink . he MIGHT tolerate something just there for aesthetics or because the fabric feels nice, like maybe his tie or your hair bow tied loosely around his arms.
in the same vein, he’s sensitive so maybe you could lightly torture him with some sensory stuff. ice cubes or wax play?
Zero year Riddler
i Cannot stress to you enough what a horny fuck this one is. at the mere MENTION of sexy punishment he’s like “oh yes punish me ive been bad “ wiggling his ass in the air like a target. will call you Daddy regardless of your gender because we all know he has  issues. 
He’s 100 percent going to lean into it, goad you and taunt you to punish him more, get angrier or hit him harder. he gets off on the pain, yes but he also just really enjoys being an insufferable shit. 
i dont think the traditional sexy punishment things will work on this one. youre going to have to get creative. like tell him you are in charge of his wardrobe and death traps for the week. 
something that MIGHT work would be forcing him to wear a toy or even just some lingerie under his suit. He’s going to be embarrassed as all hell because this riddler is a big buff cheeto puff who takes his appearance seriously. BUT he cant deny the thrill of maybe the lace poking out over his waist band when he bends or the outline of a bralette being seen under his shirt, isnt a little arousing.
please dont be surprised when he turns around a week later and pulls this exact same shit on you. 
there you go nonnie !  this one was quite a lot of fun! i have a rule of trying not to write more than 6 points for each but it was hard to compress down this time around. so much variety in personality and temperament in the one character there's a lot to write about 
got something you wana talk about? send me an ask or a dm! im always game to talk about our favorite curious menace 💚💜
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sauveteen · 6 years
Imagine where your Shawn’s gf but also his photographer bc that would make my heart actually melt 😍😩
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not my best work but i really wanted to post wksjs i'm Sorry
"I don’t think this was in my contract?”
“What contract are we talking here?” Shawn’s arms reach towards you, fingers ghosting your sides as he slips his hands under your top, “Shawn Mendes’ Official Tour Photographer Contract, or Shawn Mendes’ Girlfriend Contract?” He pulls you towards him, thighs parting to adjust your body between his legs. There’s an indescribable look on his face; soft, yet teasing. His cheeks are an unabashed shade of red, a result of the cold and the alcohol alike. Huddled between a horde of plushies, Shawn fits right in with his gentle demeanour and soft nature. Lips quirking into the faintest of smiles, he lifts a hand to boop your nose with his finger, singing Booooop to make sure you’re aware of his intentions.
“There’s a Shawn Mendes’ Girlfriend Contract too?” You tease, letting him warm his cold hands on your skin. You shudder at the contact, but the satisfied hum he lets out is reward enough to endure his freezing touch. He tips his head forward, resting it gently against your stomach. The hand that isn’t holding your camera tangles into his hair, softly scratching his scalp as he murmurs incoherently into your sweater.
“You didn’t know?’ He pulls back, tilting his head to the side to smile at you, “My assistant probably misplaced it.”
“Probably,” You decide to humour him, letting go of your camera, the strap pulling taut against your neck as the camera hangs down to where Shawn’s head had previously been, “And what did it entail?”
“Hmm, a lot of things,” He sneaks a hand out from underneath your sweater, reaching up to curl around the back of your head. Shawn pulls you towards him, craning his neck upwards to capture your lips in a sweet, short kiss, “Like constant kisses,” He pecks you several times, nose brushing against yours, “And letting me warm my cold reptilian body with yours,” His fingers playfully squeeze your sides, a chuckle bubbling up your throat and putting a smile on his face.
“That’s it?”
“And cuddles,” Shawn falls back onto the soft toys, pulling you with him, and groans when your camera juts into his stomach. Laughing, you roll off, cradling it with one hand and letting your boyfriend grab your other, pulling it towards his lips to press kisses against your knuckles, “Loads, and loads, and loads of cuddles.”
“Sounds pretty okay,” You grin, tilting your head to catch his eyes staring at you, all the stars in the universe pooling in his hazel eyes. If there was one thing that you used to hate, it was being cheesy; and if there’s one thing that Shawn’s got you to fall in love with, it’s being cheesy, because there simply is no other way of describing what the two of you have. The way he makes you feel. Like you’re the most important person in the world, and nothing matters more than your happiness. Like your laugh is his medicine and his yours. Your fingers unconsciously tighten around his at the thought.
“Okay?” He echoes, feigning offence, “Sounds okay?” And then his fingers are poking into your sides, clawed hands sneaking under your top to relentlessly tickle your bare skin. You squirm, laughing, your head thrown back in mirth. Shawn simply sees it as an opportunity to dance his fingers under your chin, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut and try pushing his hands away.
“I lied!” You exclaim between bouts of laughter, leaning away from your childish boyfriend, “The contract sounds amazing.”
“That's what I thought,” He sounds smug, and you tip your head up to see him smirking down at you. Pursing your lips together, you swat his chest, muttering, “Ass.”
“Dick, ass, heart,” His arm over your shoulders, he pulls you into himself, “All yours, baby.”
You smile to yourself, shaking your head, and bring your camera to your face. Switching it on, you feel your grin start to grow as you click through the pictures, a sudden warmth spreading through the inside of your chest.
“Babe, look,” You say, holding your camera a little higher so he can see. You giggle, zooming in on Shawn's face. Tangled between hotel sheets, hair tousled, eyes droopy, he's midway through a yawn, slack jaw pulled tight with the movement, “You look adorable.”
“I don't think sneaking pictures like that was in your photography contact?”
“No,” You smirk, shifting to press a kiss against his chest, “But it was in my girlfriend contact.”
So the two of you lay there, flipping through the images on your camera, reminiscing on the fond memories the two of you had made together. At one point Shawn's eyes avert from the tiny screen to spare you a glance, your head tucked under his chin, chest rising and falling in sync with his breath. You're zooming in on random faces in the photos, laughing to yourself, and he's never been more in love with you. The reminder that this tour is drawing to a close, that you'll probably pack your bags and head home and so will he, has something sour burning in his mouth. He's grown so accustomed to having you around, so used to hearing your evil laugh every time you catch him doing something stupid on camera. The sound of your shutter clicking is registered in his brain now, and he perks up every time he hears it in the distance. He never knew he'd be as gone for you as he is right now, but as long as you're smiling, he's okay with whatever the future holds.
“You looked amazing that day,” Shawn comments, combing a hand through your hair, curling the tresses around his fingers. The picture on the screen is of the day of his album release, when all of his friends and staff had gathered in his condo and drunk their weight in alcohol. Shawn doesn't remember much from that night — his head feels like a woozy, dizzy mess, but he remembers you. You in your band tee and weird pants, red lipstick staining your lips, camera cradled in your hands. You a stark contrast against the dolled up beauties, you a beacon of light in the otherwise dark thoughts that he was trying to drink away. The way you had combed his hair away from his face as he had bent over the toilet seat, the way your reassuring words had fought to replace the doubts in his bloodstream.
“You’ve done amazing, Shawn, they're going to love the album,” You had muttered, helping him to a glass of water as you rubbed circles into his back, camera long forgotten on a kitchen counter. Shawn didn't know a lot about you, but he'd never seen you without a camera, and he knew you wouldn't take it off without good reason. For a reason he still can't put into words, that simple gesture had warmed his heart beyond words.
“What if they don't? What if I peaked when I was sixteen and it's only downhill from here?”
“Shawn, come on,” Your voice was calming, and although gentle, it floated atop the loud trap music, “The album is beautiful. Take it from me. It's fucking flawless, okay? It's your best work yet.”
“You have to say that,” Shawn had turned away, gulping the water in his glass and slamming it back on the counter, “You work for me. I'd probably fire you if you said it was shit.”
He remembers you wincing, him immediately regretting his words, and then expecting you to walk away. You didn't. You stayed, although silent, but a gentle reminder that he wasn't alone in this. That no matter how deep he fell into the inevitable pit that is self-doubt, there was someone to help him coax him right out. And he had never been more glad.
Now he's staring at his own face on the screen, hair a little tamer and cheeks flushed just as red, wishing someone had taken a photo of you. He'd like to frame it, signing it in bold letters, The Day I Started Falling for Her.
“I looked like a bum, Shawn.”
“Well, that you always do,” The corner of his mouth quirks up in a smirk, “But that doesn't make you any less amazing.”
“I'd be offended if I didn't love you.”
“I'd be offended if you didn't love me, honestly.”
“Shut up,” While your words indicate annoyance, your smile gives you away. Pushing yourself up, you uncap your lens, “Let's get this over with.”
“Nooo,” Shawn whines at the loss of contact, reaching out towards you with grabby hands, “I don’ wanna anymore! Come back and cuddle me.”
You place a hand on his chest, leaning down to quickly peck him, pulling away just as fast, “We've rented this entire room out for a day. We have to do this photoshoot now, though I still don't know what for.”
“Who cares?” Shawn grabs a random giraffe toy from the lot, cradling the plushie to his chest, “I can think of other things to do in this room.”
“We're not doing anything with seven thousand glass eyes staring at us, Shawn.”
“Really? Always pegged you for an exhibitionist, if I'm honest.”
You pluck a toy from the lot, playfully hurling it at your boyfriend. Hearing his laughter reverberate through the room, followed by a determined, “Okay, Ms. Official Photographer, let's do this.”
big shoutout to @shawnsmoose for helping me find this gif lmao ily
taglist: @muffinmendussy @fuckneymar @heavenly---holland @sammyrhm @sinceweremutual @fiftyshadesofeveryfandom (just ask to be added!) 
send me blurb requests!
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baekibi · 6 years
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Jaehyun | Cherry Tree
Words: 2138
Written: a while ago lol
Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader
Genre: Fluff
It was another of those boring days;
- you know those days where the only source of entertainment is drawing on your hand in black ink and conversing in sign language to your pals over at the other end of the classroom,, one of those days.
This day like any other was not passing very quickly, the heavy atmosphere of stressed and angsty teenagers was unpleasant and the temperature was above boiling, my head felt as if it was melting under the pressure of math.
I prayed the lesson would tick by swiftly, my pencil gripped tightly in my fist, my eyes swaying from the teacher to the clock, teacher to the clock, teacher to the- *brrr, brrr*
The familiar ring escaped my backpack, the sound whirring around the class making a public humiliation of myself. Eyes grasped shut, i gritted my teeth and bit my lip as silence struck through the whole room, even catching the teacher off guard completely.
I could feel the hundred eyes focused on me at this moment, including those of the piercing glare my teacher produced. "Kim Kyungha". The echo of his voice harpooned in my direction. The fear of opening my eyes now was a level I'd never felt, however I knew it was the only option I could take.
"I-I apologise, s-sir" I stuttered, trembling in my seat, my feet making rhythms as they tapped nervously on the ground below.
"Detention tonight, 5000 sentences." His sharp spoken words cut straight through me.
ugh. Second detention this week because I forgot to turn my phone off.
The first was for being two minutes late; but that was only a short 30 minutes detention now adding another... however long it will take to write that much.
I was used to detentions but never because I was particularly disruptive or a bad student~ usually just due to coincidences like my phone ringing during class or something as small as forgetting that one piece of homework. I usually used the time to continue some extra work which was handy but knowing it was detention seemed to make it more tense.
I reached inside my bag and almost crushed my phone with the rage that slowly brewed in my body, I took a peak at who had called to see it was my best friend Jaehyun.
One thing, he's in the same. Class.
And you know what's coincidental? He. Also. Has. A. Detention. Tonight.
I wanted to scream. I could see his plan from this moment, but the one question in my mind of wether or not I should snitch on him was the only thing that stopped me from letting go of my voice.
Instead I turned my back, where Jaehyun was sitting and sent him a glare of defeat and hurt to which he just giggled.
It was finally the end of the day, I walked over to my locker with Jaehyun who's was right next to my own. His arm was now bruised to a purple colour from my fist meeting his flesh at least ten times in the past thirty minutes for what he did during math.
He leant onto his locker next to mine, and faced me with a smirk. I carefully opened my locker, still eyeing on him. Once the door fully opened a few papers which I'd never saw before fell onto the floor below.
"You still haven't found out who's sending you those letters, have you?" He sighed, watching me gather them.
"What they said this time, eh?"
I mumbled to myself, flicking through the scattered sheets in my hand.
"Oh this is a new one" I hold it up to Jaehyun, displaying a really badly drawn kitten holding a piece of paper which read,
"You're perfect n cute n adorable n you mean so much to me. Don't ever let anyone tell you any different bc you're cute and deserve the world. I know you may be sick of these letters but think of it as a spark of confidence and support for your day and the challenges you decide to take. I hope you'll find out who sent you these letters one day and accept me, as I accept you. But for now I'll remain your secret admirer and as long as it doesn't scare you I'm happy to hide behind my messages to you. Have a nice day. Hope we can talk soon. xx"
I read it out clearly, Jaehyun following my finger along the paper as I drew strokes guiding me along each line.
I have to admit, the letters were cute and the badly drawn cat was even cuter. I wouldn't say they creep me out because it has never been anything scary or remarkably insane written on the papers like it's a stalker graphically describing how he or she is going to climb into my window and watch me as they order me to suck to their toes.
...like that would ever happen anyway...
"Well, does it ever weird you out?" He asked, sounding muffled in his tone.
I shook my head quickly, a smile even crossing my face as I recited the words on the note. It was quite encouraging actually.
"Well we got detention now, so hurry idiot" he straight up said beginning to walk, sliding his palms into his tailored trousers. His head turned to me as he walked, gently resting on his shoulder as he hurried me with his glances.
I ran after him willingly.
I turned my phone on silent, but not don't disturb so I would still receive calls but instead they'd be a small buzz which the teacher wouldn't be able to hear.
It was just me and Jaehyun in the After school detention which I assumed is why he got me in trouble, so I could join him.
Just after spending approximately ten minutes in the detention classroom, I could feel a vibration at my feet which were leaning against my bag. Whilst the teacher wasn't looking I faked dropping my pen so I had the perfect excuse to bend down to look at my phone.
"Sir, can I please go to the restroom?" I heard the familiar voice of Jaehyuns speak abruptly, raising his hand.
"Sure. But be quick. You have five minutes."
Jaehyun stood and walked passed me, nudging my shoulder as he walked signalling me that he was obviously up to something.
I continued for my phone, noticing a message left by him. He must have did the same thing as me, to get to his phone.
I'll get us out of here ;)
Jae I stg DONT you dare-
Seen ✔
I sighed at this moment, whatever Jaehyun was up to, I wasn't looking forward to it.
I'll be back in a minute, sir will be leaving the classroom in a second too, once he leaves I want you to run over to his desk and grab the keys.
Excuse me?
Sweetie cakes just do as you're told
Seen ✔
It had been about a minute since I'd left the chat, just as Jaehyun told me sir took a call and was immediately needed at the heads office.
"Kyungha, I'll have to leave you here alone for five minutes. Don't dare move and wait till I come back." He said as he stood nearing the door.
As he left the door slammed, I sensed whatever Jaehyun did was not good.
I could hear his screams in the hall as I assumed he ran into Jaehyun.
The muffled conversation was only just loud enough for me to make out, it's either this school has incredibly thin walls or Jaehyun is really being screamed at.
However I did what Jaehyun said to do, although my mind was hesitant my body seemed to take control.
I searched his desk and picked up the keys, as if perfect Jaehyun walked in at this exact moment.
"What the heck are you doing?" I shouted at him, to which he quickly shushed me, placing his hand on my lips.
He swiped the keys from my hand and locked the classroom door. Continuing over to the window, as he passed, grabbing my hand to take me with him.
"Come on." He guided me over, opened the window wide enough and edged me to jump out. Throwing the keys at the floor, he insisted I got out first. Luckily the classroom was on the first floor so it wasn't a long drop. For some reason I seemed to obey him. My hands moved on their own, gripping the sides of the window frame and launching myself over quickly followed by Jaehyun who shut the window on his way back.
"Why are we doing this? Can't we just ride out the detention? What did you do? Why has-" the questions flew out of me, making Jaehyun get slightly aggressive. He pushed me to the wall and clasped my mouth completely shut as he pressed his lips onto mine. A moment of silence fell upon us.
He was quick to move after he disconnected his plump flesh from mine. He looked straight into my eyes, I was now heavily breathing, my mouth dropping.
He reconnected his hand to mine and ran quickly in a direction I'd never gone before.
"What was that about?" I question out of the blue as we finally stop under a row of cherry blossom trees.
He didn't say a word but rather pinned me gently against the tree and repeated the kiss again, this time going deeper and lasting longer. I was shocked but I didn't want it to stop, something inside me clicked, I wanted this to happen and felt it had to. I began to participate in giving, making the kiss more heated and passionate. I could feel it making him happy as he smiled in between exchanges of tongue. His hands made their way from the tree to my waist, he held me tightly as I began to play with his hair.
But my questions hadn't changed. I was still curious and confused. So I stopped.
His face was now full of shock and disappointment that I had pulled back so soon.
"I still have my questions." I smirked.
"L-look I- I'm sorry something just came over me-" Jaehyun attempted to apologise. As much as I wanted to shut him up and kiss him again I had questions to ask.
"I- I don't know."
"You were the one sending me those letters weren't you?" I smiled, my hands still resting on his shoulders.
He slowly shook his head, now looking embarrassed at the grass beneath us.
I felt something crawl up my back, assuming it was Jaehyuns hand to which I soon found was a spider which had made its way from the tree, to me.
I jumped in shock, almost screaming as it stood on my shoulder. I dead ass karate chop the little shit off my shoulder, and continue by flailing my arms all over to assure it was off of me now.
"You okay?"
I was suddenly snapped back into reality. Remembering what the heck I was doing here and why.
"No. Don't ask me questions."
My statement didn't make any sense, making Jaehyun raise a brow.
"What exactly did you tell the principal?”
I asked, puzzled.
"Remember when He lashed out on our class mate yesterday during our exam?"
I nod. "Yeah and almost broke the poor kids phone?"
"I videoed it and showed it to the principal"
He confessed, now having the biggest grin on his face.
"He deserves it, people like him shouldn't be teaching."
We spoke a little more about what was going to happen when they go to school the next week, most likely they'd get even more detentions but at this point they didn't care.
"So how was it?" Jaehyun asked as he was about to let me go to my bus stop.
I glance quizzically. "How was what?"
He answered my question by kissing me on the cheek. To which I answered with a shrug.
"I-it wasn't good?" He said, stuttering as if he'd just been heart broken completely.
"I didn't say it was bad. Just next time don't do it after we've just escaped a building and possibly ruined someone's career." I say to which he nods agreeing,
"So... next time? Jaehyun inched.
"Next time. We'll go on a date and you'll kiss me in a proper place and ask me things properly."
"So its a date? Tomorrow. 12am. Be ready. Sweetie cakes." Jaehyun declared, passing me a grin flirtatiously.
I gently slapped his shoulder and continued to my bus stop as he watched. Giggling on the way home, I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened and I assumed neither could he.
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silvertip-studio · 6 years
hi can u do a fic where theres a cute irish boy that works in a flower store and theres a rly hot muscular guy that works at a tattoo parlor with his sister next-door and they fall in love over mutual bonding over a certain flower (i like bell flowers)
Ok, this is actually Stryker bc she’s been bugging the hell out of me to finally post some of my OCs. So, here’s a random one-shot that I had written of two of my characters!!! Enjoy :)
Flowers made Ruairi happy. They were Mother Nature’s gift to the world, and were able to bring joy and life in even the darkest of places. Not only that, but there were millions of different variations of them, just like there were millions of different variations of people. It was the perfect system. His shop was brightly lit with large glass windows, and different flowers were scattered across the store. While it would appear disorganized to an outsider, he knew where every plant was and had clearly signed it so that shoppers could find what they were looking for.
Right next door to Ruairi’s shop was a very different store. It was a tattoo parlor. It had clean lines, and was perfectly organized. There was a station where two large, leather bound books of tattoo designs were clearly labeled, the walls had tattoo designs hung in cleanly cut, black frames, and there were tattoo chairs in the back or private rooms along the back wall. It was pristine, and Ruairi couldn’t help but say that he admired the organization every time he walked by to get to his car.
Of course, he had never gone in. No, he had no reason to go into a tattoo parlor, even if he admired the owners organization and the general aesthetic of the store. In fact, he had no idea who even owned the parlor, only that there was a super cute, or could he classify him as hot, tattoo artist that worked there everyday.
Ruairi was daydreaming about the brown haired, broad, muscular, blue eyed tattoo artist when his doorbell jingled, signaling the entrance of a customer. When he looked up he smiled brightly at the panicked looking man before him. He was in a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt, his black hair was messy and unbrushed, and his green eyes were wide with fear.
“Hi, how can I help you today?” Ruairi grinned, glad that he never had to worry about getting flowers for a significant other since he owned the store, and since he didn’t have a boyfriend. However, he did sympathize with all of the poor souls who had come to his store in panic over the years.
“Uh, yeah, it’s my girlfriend’s birthday and her present isn’t coming for another two days, so I need something to give her!”
“Ok, does she like flowers? A specific type of flower, maybe?”
“No, not really. When we first started dating I got her flowers and she gave them to her mother.” The man sighed, running a hand through his already messy hair.
“So, then why do you think getting her flowers is a good idea?”
“I don’t know. I’m desperate.” he ran a hand down his face. “She’s going to get home from work in a few hours, and I have nothing.”
“Lemme see what I can do.” Ruairi offered, then began wandering through the packed aisles of flowers. He scanned them, hoping to hear the customer that was trailing him make a noise of triumph when he saw one that his girlfriend might like. When he had walked the majority of his store with only one bouquet even slightly catching the customer’s eye, he turned to the man with a sigh. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I have for someone who doesn’t like flowers.”
“Fuck.” his hands found residence in his hair and pulled. Ruairi watched helplessly as the man all but sank to his knees.
“Does she like tattoos? ‘Cause, there’s a parlor right next door.”
“I mean, yeah, but that’s her brother’s…and she works there. I can’t exactly go get a gift card for her when she already gets the family and employee discount.” he sighed.
“Have you asked her brother what kind of flowers she likes?”
“No, but I’m gonna now.” he turned and left the store without another word. Ruairi shook his head and laughed. It was always crazy watching what people did out of desperation. He was returning to his little counter when he heard his doorbell jingle again. When he turned, the breath was nearly knocked out of him. Beside the black haired man was the tattoo artist that Ruairi had been fawning over for the past year.
“Fuck,” he breathed, “I-I mean hi.” Ruairi raised his hand in a half wave and felt a hot blush rise on his pale, freckled cheeks.
“Hey,” the artist smiled, glancing over at his friend hesitantly before continuing, “I’m Ryan.”
“Oh, I’m Ruairi.” he stepped forward and extended his hand to Ryan, praying that his hands weren’t sweaty. Ryan’s grip was strong, and Ruairi could see the veins of his muscular hands. It was then that Ruairi realized that the tattoo artist wasn’t wearing a sweater, or sweatshirt, or flannel which he usual wore in and out of the shop. No, he was in nothing but a tank top. A tank top that showed off the thickly corded muscles of his arms, back, and shoulders, as well as the tattoos that decorated his upper arms and shoulders. God, how had Ruairi not seen his upper body before?
“Um, yeah, so I’m Matt, by the way.”
Ruairi quickly pulled his hand back from Ryan’s, looking over to Matt who, damn him, was smirking at the two flushed men. “Yeah, so, Ryan, you’re Matt’s girlfriend’s brother, so you should know her favorite type of flower, right?” The red-headed florist scratched at the back of his neck.
“Oh, well, she’s never really been a flower person. No matter what my mother tried, Erin never quite got flower fever, or whatever. No, she always hung out with my dad and I.” Ryan chuckled, his eyes glazing over a bit as he thought back to his childhood alongside his sister.
Ruairi hated to interrupt his reminiscing, but he figured he couldn’t stay away from his shop too long, so he pushed on, “Well, do you wanna walk around with me, and maybe see if I have anything that could possibly fit the bill?”
Ryan nodded, and the two began wandering the store, Matt trailing behind them. Occasionally, Ryan would point out a bouquet with a smile, but most of the time it was about a tattoo he had done and not about Erin. Despite these anecdotes being useless, Ruairi smiled at the brown haired man. It was interesting to learn about how their, oh so different, professions overlapped.
Ruairi was about to lose hope in their mission, when something seemed to catch Ryan’s eye. When he looked at the bouquet that Ryan was reaching for, he was pleased to see that the man had chosen his favorite flowers. So, he took the bellflowers from him, ignoring the way his heart fluttered when his fingers brushed Ryan’s. He quickly rung up and wrapped the flowers, handing them off to Matt with a smile. Then, he turned to Ryan, “So, why bellflowers?”
“Oh, my dad used to always buy them for our mom, and so they were always around the house. I’m hoping they’ll remind her of Dad the same way they remind me of him.” Ryan shrugged, looking at the purple flowers with a fond expression.
“Here, why don’t I throw in an extra bouquet for you? On the house.” Ruairi wasn’t sure where the idea had come from, but it felt like the right thing to say. He definitely knew it was the right thing to say when Ryan’s face lit up with a smile and color flooded his freckled cheeks.
“I couldn’t.” he waved the offer away.
“I insist.” Ruairi was already running off to get the bellflowers, returning through the crowded store to find Matt whispering in Ryan’s ear and laughing. He had to hold back his chuckle when Ryan slapped the taller man on the arm and hissed something back, which only made Matt laugh harder. “Here you go.” Ruairi quickly wrapped the flowers and held them out towards Ryan.
“Ok, but you’ve got a free tattoo whenever you want.”
“One bouquet of flowers is hardly worth the same as a tattoo!” Ruairi protested.
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to keep giving me flowers.” Ryan smiled, then dismissed himself. After all, he couldn’t leave his shop unattended for longer than he already had.
After that, it became typical to find Ryan stopping in at Ruairi’s flower shop to pick up a bouquet of bellflowers and talk for far too long. Each bouquet was proudly displayed on the front desk of his parlor for all to see, not that Ruairi knew since he never visited the tattoo parlor. At least he never visited until one day he barged in with a grand idea.
“I’m gonna take you up on that tattoo!”
Ryan’s head popped up from where he had been studying a drawing a client had sent him. He looked at Ruairi, stunned for a second, before a grin spread across his face. “Finally. What do you want to get?”
“Ok, first lemme explain, ‘cause you’re gonna think it’s weird.” Ruairi said. “They’ve been my favorite flowers for years, and it’s just coincidental that it—“
“What flower is it, Ruairi?”
“Bellflowers.” Ruairi said, flushing red, “They’ve been my favorite flowers since I was little because my favorite color was purple and I thought they looked like bells. I mean of course they look like bells, they’re bell-flowers.” the red-head spoke so fast that Ryan had to strain to keep up, only managing it because of his years listening to Erin speak impossibly fast. Although, the lingering Irish accent put a strain on even Ryan’s skilled ears.
“Hey, dude, it’s totally fine. First of all, I’m not going to judge you for liking flowers, for fucks sake you own a flower shop. Second of all, I noticed when I chose them for Erin that first day that you got really excited about them. So, I kinda already figured they were you favorite.” Ryan soothed, chuckling slightly at the dramatics of the Irish man.
“Oh, ok cool.”
“Also, we can be tattoo buddies!” Ryan laughed, leaving Ruairi to stare at him in confusion. Of course, Ryan picked up on this confusion and explained, “Look, I have a bellflower tattoo too.” He turned his head and moved some of his messy hair out of the way to reveal a small bellflower tattoo right behind his right ear.
Ruairi blushed, staring at the tattoo with a slack jaw. How had he never noticed the tattoo during any of Ryan’s many visits to the flower shop? “I don’t know. Isn’t that weird?”
“Nah, people have matching tattoos by accident all the time. So, what’s the difference?” Ryan waved him off, already standing from the desk and walking over to the leather-bound tattoo design books. “C’mon, I have a few bellflower designs in here from when I got this. Plus my sister, Erin, has one too, so there are a lot of different versions in here from our brainstorming sessions. Trust me, she just couldn’t quite ‘vibe’ with one.”
As he said this, a girl appeared from the back room. Her shoulder length brown hair was braided back, and she was wearing a barely buttoned red flannel and ripped skinny jeans, and her ears were decorated with glinting piercings. “Are you slandering me?”
“What!? Of course not.”
“I totally believe you.” she threw the towel she was holding at his head. Ryan caught it and glowered at her. Watching the sibling’s squabble reminded Ruairi of his sister, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the fond memories.
“What?” Ryan turned back to him.
“Nothing, you two just remind me of my sister and me.”
“Ah, so you know my struggle as well!” Ryan laughed, throwing the towel back at his sister.
“Struggle my ass!” Erin tossed the towel onto the desk, before joining them at the design books, “Since my loser big bro isn’t going to introduce me, I’m Erin,” she stuck her hand out for him to shake, and he couldn’t help but notice the vast array of rings decorating her fingers. He shook it, noting that she also had a firm grip.
“Ah, flower shop dude, nice.”
“You know me?”
“Of course I know the guy who saved my boyfriend’s dumb ass.” Erin laughed, “Plus Ryan hasn’t—” she was cut off when Ryan jumped up and covered her mouth with his hand. The rest of her words were muffled into his hands. Ruairi looked between the siblings in confusion, positive that he was missing some key part of the conversation. When Ryan removed his hand from Erin’s mouth he hoped to be enlightened, but he was almost cast further into the darkness. “Fuck, ok. So, sensitive.” she poked her brother in the ribs with a teasing smile.
“What?” Ruairi finally asked.
“Oh, nothing, just that I of course know the guy who keeps giving my brother his favorite flowers!” Erin waved her hand at the bellflowers on the desk. Up until that point Ruairi hadn’t noticed the familiar flowers, and when he turned to see them proudly displayed, he gaped. He had never expected Ryan to actually put the flowers anywhere in his store, let alone front and center.
Ryan smacked his sister in the arm, but then turned to Ruairi with a smile. “I mean I told you they’re my favorite flower, and they give the shop a bit of color, so, yeah.” he said, turning away from the florist and scratching the back of his neck. When he turned back he said, “Anyway, let’s get back to your tattoo.”
“Ooh, he’s getting a tattoo?”
“Yeah, Erin, that’s why he’s here. What else would he be doing?”
“Well, he could’ve been visiting his—"
“Don’t you have a client to talk through tattoo care?” Ryan cut her off as he flushed red.  Erin shrugged, but retreated back to the private room nonetheless. Both men stared after Erin, too scared to look back at each other considering the implications of Erin’s comments.
Finally, Ryan broke the silence. “So, bellflower designs. Of course, I’ve got my favorite design behind my ear, but my second favorite, is this one.” he flipped open one of the heavy books to a page that was covered in various pictures of bellflowers. For a second, he scanned the page, then pointed to one of them. It was two bellflowers with their stems overlapping and twisting together to form a heart. “I mean, we can change what the stems do if you want, but yeah.”
“No, no, I love it.”
“Ok, cool.” Ryan noted the design’s number in a notebook, “When do you want to get it done?”
“Oh, um, when are you free?”
“I could do it tomorrow evening, after closing, that way you don’t have to close early.”
“You-You’d do that for me?”
“Yeah of course,” Ryan hesitated, “you’re my friend.”
Ruairi didn’t quite know why, but his spirits drooped a little. However, when Ryan smiled at him, he felt them lift again.
“One, final, but really important question.”
“Where do you want it?” Ryan laughed when Ruairi’s mouth fell open. The florist hadn’t thought about that. So, he made a split second decision, and tried his best to pass it off as having been planned.
“On the inside of my forearm, I’m not totally sure which one though,” Ruairi extended his arms and turned them over so that he was baring the area to Ryan. He watched as Ryan shifted into artist mode, studying each arm and then thinking.
“I think I’d go with left arm.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Once they had discussed some of the details of Ruairi getting his first tattoo, Ruairi returned to his flower shop. However, he found it ridiculously hard to focus on caring for both his plants and his customers, instead daydreaming about the man who was going to give him his first tattoo tomorrow.
Ruairi closed down the flower shop in a hurry. He’d spent the whole day in excited anticipation of the evening. When he walked into the tattoo parlor, he was grinning so hard that his cheeks were aching. However, the tattoo artist was nowhere in sight. “Ryan?” It took a few seconds, but Ryan suddenly emerged from a back room that Ruairi had never realized was there.
“Ah! My favorite client!” Ryan smiled brightly at the Irishman, and waved him over to one of the chairs in the back of the shop. It was already set up for Ryan to give him the tattoo. Ruairi seated himself in the chair and discarded his sweater so that he was in nothing but his t-shirt, arm resting on the armrest.  Ryan cleaned off the inside of his forearm with disinfectant. “You ready?”
“Hell yeah.”
“Good to hear.” Ryan brought the needle to Ruairi’s skin and started the long, painful process. Immediately, Ruairi had to grit his teeth against the searing pain lacing through his arm. When he glanced up at Ryan’s face he was immediately comforted. His tongue was sticking through his teeth and his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. Ruairi couldn’t help but find it endearing. “We can talk if that makes it easier. A lot of people like to talk.”
“Ok, yeah.” Ruairi agreed. However, what he didn’t expect was for them to end up playing twenty questions. He didn’t expect to learn that Ryan’s first kiss was a boy named Alex in freshman year of high school, nor did he expect to tell Ryan that his first kiss was with a boy named Derek in his sophomore year of high school.
When Ryan finished the tattoo, Ruairi still had one question that he was dying to ask. So, once Ryan walked him through taking care of the fresh tattoo, he asked. “Can I see your tattoos?” As soon as the words were out of his mouth he wished he could take them back.  
“Yeah, sure.” Ryan said with a smile, and Ruairi was immediately comforted. “Can I ask why?”
“Oh,” Ruairi blanched, “I don’t know, I was just curious. Just, I don’t know, I’ve never really seen them all and I’m…I don’t know.”
“Whoa, hey, don’t worry, I totally get it. When I got my first tattoo I was super curious about other people’s tattoos too.” Ryan gave him a reassuring smile then pulled his t-shirt over his head. Now, Ruairi could see so much more of Ryan than he had been able to see when he wore the tank top, and Ruairi knew he’d made a mistake in asking. Especially as he stared at the wolf head on Ryan’s left shoulder, then the mountain range on his back, and then the three patterned bands circling his right bicep.
“You like?” Ryan looked over his shoulder at Ruairi, who was still staring at his tattoos. He smiled, proud to see the awestruck look on Ruairi’s face. When Ruairi saw Ryan smiling at him he nodded, bottom lip caught between his teeth. “Do you want to see some of my other ones?”
“You have more?”
“Hell yeah.” Ryan laughed, turning to face Ruairi and lifting up his left arm to reveal four hearts forming a four leaf clover on his ribs. Then, he lowered his arm and turned it over to reveal a tree that appeared to grow from the inside of his wrist up his forearm. Ruairi couldn’t hold back any longer and reached out his hand, lightly touching the tree. His fingers traced up the trunk and then the branches of the tree. He realized what he was doing and was about to pull his hand away when he felt Ryan’s fingers wrap around his wrist.
“I-I’m sorry, I got distracted and—“
“No, no, it’s perfectly ok, Ruairi,” Ryan whispered, keeping Ruairi’s fingers pressed to his tattoo. Ruairi instinctually stepped closer, head still bent down to look at where his fingers were tracing the tattoo. Suddenly, Ryan’s hand was no longer holding his wrist, but tilting his head up to look at him. Then, Ryan’s lips were pressed to his and Ryan’s hand was in his hair, pulling Ruairi down into the kiss. Ryan pulled away from him, eyes still closed and breaths coming in pants. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.“
“No, Ryan, I’m—it’s…fuck it,” Ruairi surged forward, one hand on Ryan’s cheek as he bent back down to kiss the tattoo artist. His other hand moved up Ryan’s arm to his bare back, pulling him flush against his chest and deepening the kiss. With the reassurance that Ruairi shared his feelings, Ryan pushed Ruairi against the wall of the parlor. Ryan’s hands shifted from Ruairi’s hair to his shoulders, holding him against the wall as his mouth shifted to Ruairi’s jaw, then neck. “Mm, Ryan, fuck,” his hand had moved into Ryan’s hair and he tugged on the strands when Ryan nipped at the sensitive skin of his pulse point, “Not here.”
Ryan finally pulled away from Ruairi just enough to speak, “What?” he asked, resting his head against Ruairi’s collarbone and nuzzling his nose against the base of Ruairi’s throat.
“Come over to my place. We can have dinner, and continue this more comfortably.” Ruairi breathed, pressing a gentle kiss to Ryan’s cheek and trailing his hand down to rest loosely against the side of Ryan’s neck. After a few seconds, Ryan nodded.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Ryan pulled away, then went up on his tiptoes to place a quick, chaste kiss on Ruairi’s lips. Then, he grabbed Ruairi’s hand and dragged him out of the tattoo parlor to Ruairi’s waiting car.
“Somebody got laid!” Erin sung leaning over the front desk of the parlor as Ryan walked in, fifteen minutes late.
“What are you talking about?” Ryan scowled at her.
“Oh, c’mon, you guys weren’t even subtle.” Erin came around to the front of the desk, standing in her brother’s path, “The shirt you forgot in the heat of the moment,” she held up the shirt he had abandoned the night before, “And, oh, what’s this?” she pushed the hood of what she guessed was Ruairi’s sweatshirt off of his head, “Hickeys! You and Ruairi sure had a fun night.”
“Shut the fuck up, Erin.”
“Seriously? Ryan, if you’re going to have a make-out session in the shop at least have the decency to own up to it, or delete the security footage!” she cackled, dancing away from his attempt to smack her.
“Shut up, it’s none of your business.” Ryan grumbled. At that moment Ruairi walked into the parlor, a fresh bouquet of bellflowers in his hand. Erin hid a smirk behind her hand as Ruairi came up behind Ryan, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I got you fresh flowers, love.”
Ryan blushed, shooting a glare at Erin before turning to face his new boyfriend. “Thanks, babe.” he took the flowers and swapped them out for the old ones that had still been in the vase. When he turned back around, he found that Erin had approached Ruairi.
“So,” Erin started, and Ryan dreaded whatever she was about to ask, “can I see the tattoo?” Ryan sighed with relief and Erin was already looking excitedly at the part of Ruairi’s arm that was covered in a bandage.
“Oh, yeah. Ryan did an amazing job!” Ruairi grinned, peeling away the bandage to expose the fresh looking tattoo to Erin. She smiled, taking in every aspect of the tattoo, from the intricate petals all the way to the heart that the stems formed.
“I love it! And look, we’re tattoo buddies!” She pulled off her purple flannel to show him the ring of bellflowers that circled her bicep. Ruairi noted that, like her brother, she was cut. Erin also had tattoos decorating her arms and shoulders, and he saw the edge of a tattoo peeking out from the back of her racerback. “Ryan, you’re the odd one out!”
“What? But he has a bellflower tattoo too.” Ruairi protested.
“Yeah, but not one on his arm like us!”
“Wow, if it means so much to you, Erin, I can get one on my arm.” Ryan sighed, leaning back against the front desk. “Where would you like me to get it?”
“Ooh, you’re letting me do this!” Erin was shocked, but she quickly transitioned into smiling with glee at her brother, “Sit down! I’m doing this now.”
“Erin, what about actual clients?”
“We don’t have any appointments for a couple of hours!” she argued, “Don’t worry, Ryan, it’s gonna be great!” Erin tugged on his arm, attempting to drag him back to one of the chairs. He resisted, raising his eyebrows at her.
“I think I’ll leave you two to it.” Ruairi began to back away towards the exit, “I have to actually open up my own shop.” he smiled and gave them a half wave.
“Wait!” Ryan broke away from Erin and raced after Ruairi, grabbing his hand and pulling him into his chest. He pressed a quick kiss to Ruairi’s lips, then mumbled against them, “Have lunch with me?”
“Of course.” Ruairi smiled, gave Ryan one last kiss, then left the parlor.
“I ship it.” Erin cooed as soon as the door shut behind Ruairi.
“Fuck off.”
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mysweetestcreature · 6 years
blurb where one of the bubs is misbehaving and does something naughty and harry has to tell them off bc omg stern & responsible parent harry is a dream of mine 😍 imagine them making up after, having sweet cuddles and being all sorry and lovey
I feel like I’ve just written an episode of Full House 😂
With his wife heavily pregnant with their third baby, Harry’s doing all he can to make sure she’s as comfortable as she can be. Stress is a big no-no, especially when her due date is in just a few short weeks.
The boys are usually so sweet and understanding when it comes to taking care of their mumma, but for some reason, Declan has been feeling antsy today. He’s still at the age where he doesn’t quite get what’s happening. And although he’s aware that his baby sister is growing inside her tummy, he hasn’t been able to digest consequences of it just yet, especially when it comes to wanting one of his parents’ undivided attention. 
“Daddy, can we go play?” he asks as he tugs on Harry’s shirt. His father, however, is preoccupied with his wife’s bump rubbing some weird cream all over her. 
“Later, bub,” Harry responds, “Mumma needs my help right now.” 
“But, Daddy!” He jumps on the couch where his parents sit. 
“Hey, I said later, alright?” he berates. 
Declan continues his whining. All he wants is for his daddy to play with him, but recently it feels like they’ve only been paying attention to the baby. His brows scrunch over his eyes and he crosses his arms over his chest to exude his distaste for the situation. A grimace on full display.
Harry shoots the boy a warning look. Declan mutters something under is breath, but it’s just loud enough for Harry to hear. And he doesn’t like it. “Excuse me, would you care to repeat that?” Harry orders, his voice dripping with a sudden sternness.
Declan’s lower lip extends outwards, “No…”
“No. No. Go on, say it. I want you to tell your Mum and I what you said,” he orders. 
“Harry-” Y/n intervenes. She’d heard it as well, but she understands that her son just wants some of his attention. This is a big adjustment for him. Luca was only two when her youngest son was born, so he didn’t realize the outcomes of suddenly getting a new sibling. 
He disregards her advances, “I don’t want you ever saying anything like that, you hear me?” When the boy doesn’t respond, Harry raises his voice, both in volume and hardness, but it plays out as a harsh bark. “Do you understand?” 
His father looks at him with a protruding stare, and the tears abruptly flow from the corners of his eyes. He squeezes himself into his mummy’s side, hiding his face behind her shoulder.. 
“Harry, that’s enough,” Y/n warns, reaching behind her the back of Declan’s head. “C’mon, let’s go upstairs.” She takes his hand and leads him out of the room, making sure to send her husband a disapproving look before she completely disappears. 
Harry leans against the wall by Declan’s room, listening to his son cry in Y/n’s arms. The sound of it makes his heart ache.
“I didn’t mean to,” he cries. Harry can hear his wife’s hums as she tries to soothe him.
“I know, love. Daddy just lost his temper.”
“Is Daddy not going to love me anymore?” he asks, and Harry can feel a large lump in his throat. 
“Of course he’ll still love you! Why would you ever think such a thing?” Y/n wipes the tears from his eyes. Her baby boy’s shoulders slump as he wipes his nose with his sleeve. 
“Because when the baby gets here he won’t want to be with me as much.”
When he sees Harry enter through the door, he cowers further into his mummy’s embrace. His whimpers fill Harry’s ears. “Let me talk to him, love,” Harry says. Y/n nods and does her best to peel herself from her son’s death grip around her ribs. 
“No, Mumma!” he yells, clinging to her fiercely. “Don’t go!” Y/n cups his cheeks and whispers something to him that Harry can’t quite make out. With timid movements, Declan lets his arms fall to his side. He crawls underneath his now wrinkled covers and pulls it over his head. 
Y/n places a hand on her husband’s shoulder before making her exit. Harry takes gentle steps over to the bed before slowly sitting on its edge. “Dec…” he starts, and he peels back the blanket. Declan turns to face the other way, hugging his knees to his chest. “Daddy didn’t mean to yell at you back there.”
He lays on his side and wraps an arm around the smaller body, kissing the top of him through his hair. “I’m sorry, bub.” He orients Declan’s body to face him and lifts his little chin up to meet his eyes. “I don’t want you ever thinking that I don’t love you,” his voice gentle, much unlike before. “I love you so much.”
Declan quirks his mouth to the side. “How much?” he asks, genuinely curious. This puts a smile on his daddy’s face. And Harry falls on his back and stretches his arms out to full wingspan. “Really?” his son gapes at him. “That much?” The little boy climbs on his chest and extends his arms out to compare the difference in length. “Mine don’t even go that far!”
Harry wraps his envelops him in a tight hug, and turns them over to place multiple kisses on his face. Declan giggles, trying to push him away, but Harry then starts to tickle him all over. 
“Daddy!” he squeals. 
By the time his fingers cease their assault, his son is gasping for air, but the smile never leaving his face. “Remember what I said, okay?” He runs a hand through his hair. “I’ll always love you, no matter how many of you little buggers are running around here.”
“Okay, Daddy,” and he’s cuddling in closer into his dad’s embrace. Harry turns his head towards the door to see the missus leaning against the frame. He nods at her, signing that all is well again. Y/n blows him a kiss and goes to attend to a barking pup that’s chasing her other boy just down the hall. “Be careful with the-” 
Harry turns to his youngest and sweeps back the hair that covers over his eyes. “Do you love Daddy too?” he asks. Declan pretends to think about it, tapping his finger on his chin to make it apparent. 
Harry is quick to continue his previous tickling attacks. 
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lonelybreakfasts · 6 years
hi this is an untitled fanfic
I’ve never written fanfiction before but I felt ~inspired~ and wanted to try. The boys don’t come in until the end just bc I feel like every fanfic rushed into introducing them, I just wanted to set up my characters on their own too :) It’s also on wattpad (do people still use that site?) if you want to give it some love on there. any updates will also be on there sooo x
A small smile spreads across my face as the lens meets my eye. This is when I feel the most myself; behind the camera. The ability to capture the complete essence of a person in a single shot has always been something I pride myself on.
I guess that’s why I was so eager to join yearbook this year. After seeing my photography social media accounts, Mr. Meers, my former English teacher, approached me about it. At first I was hesitant, not wanting my passion to become homework, but I decided to join anyways. If I can get an A doing something I already do, why not?
Pulling the camera away from my face, I continue down the hall. Being the first day of school, the halls are bustling with students. Some looking excited for this new year, others looking like they would rather be anywhere else.
“Audrey!” At the sound of my name, I turn around to be met with familiar green eyes and short dark hair; my best friend.
“Hey, Cara,” I reply, a smile on my face and she pulls me into a hug. We just saw each other a few days ago, gushing about what this year would bring for us, but it’s still good to see her. We continue down the hall after quickly realizing we had become a bit of a road block.
“I can’t believe it’s junior year,” she sighs to me, linking our arms together.
“I know, I can’t decide if I’m excited for what’s to come or dreading it,” I laugh. Although this school has been our “home” for the past two years, it’s hard to be excited for another year of hard work, plus the added stress of knowing this is the year to impress colleges.
“Yeah, today is like the beginning of the end. Junior year is supposed to be hell, I’m not sure I can do it...” she trails off, seeming as if her thoughts had taken over.
“Com’mon, don’t get all sentimental on me now.”
“I know, I know, it’s just… weird, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, I guess it is.”
We reach our lockers, grab our things for the first half of the day, and then continue towards homeroom. Sadly, we only have two classes together this year, homeroom and calculus. How I’m going to survive this first semester barely seeing my best friend, I’m not sure. We continue to the room and find two seats next to each other. We quietly talk more about the upcoming year until we’re interrupted by Ms. Striklan.
“Alright, alright, settle down. Now, I know you must all be anxious to start your junior year, congratulations for making it this far by the way, but we have to get through the technicalities first.” After her little intro, I tune out. First day of homeroom is the same every year: don’t do this, don’t do that, get involved, stay out of trouble, blah blah blah. After a few years, you think they would trust us to know this stuff.
I glance out the window at the courtyard I now know well, the trees slowly shifting in the wind. My eyes are then caught by a figure running from the parking lot, their long legs quickly carrying them closer to the door. Finding the scenario humorous, I attempt to quietly sneak my camera out of my bag and take a picture. After an obnoxiously loud click of the lens, I realize eyes are on me. Luckily, though, those eyes do not include Ms. Striklan’s.
After about another minute of zoning out, I hear quick footsteps running down the hall. I glance at the door and see a figure flash by, the same one I saw outside. It’s the first day, it’s not that hard to be on time. Makes me wonder what happened, did they wake up late? Lose track of time?
“Audrey!” Cara harshly says to me.
“What?” I reply, confused by her tone.
“Geez, I’ve said your name like five times! Are you coming?” I look around and soon realize nearly everyone else is gone. I guess my thoughts consumed me a little bit too much.
“Sorry,” I say, quickly gathering my things and following her towards the door.
“Nice to have you back, Ms. Taylor,” Ms. Striklan smiles without looking up from the papers on her desk. She glances up, her position unchanged but her eyes now visible from behind the glasses on her nose. I give her a small smile and make my way out of the room, thoroughly embarrassed that she noticed I wasn’t paying attention all class.
The day continues on, syllabus after syllabus, plus a handful of ‘get to know you’ games that everyone dreads. Finally lunch rolls around, also known as the best part of any day. I meet Cara at my locker and we head into the cafeteria.
“So… where should we sit?” Cara asks as she looks around the room, watching teens hustle to buy their lunch and find a table with their friends. It seems as though every table is full until I hear someone call over Cara. We turn towards the sound and see someone I barely recognize. I think he was in my American history class last year, maybe? Cara smiles back at him and makes her way towards the table, ushering me along with her.
The table has two people at it. The one I recognize, Caleb maybe? He has dark hair and tan skin and his smile seems to get bigger the closer Cara and I get. I don’t really remember a lot about him, I think he kinda goofed off a lot but he seemed nice enough.
The other seems to not even notice us, his eyes focused on whatever mush they served for lunch today as he pushes it around his plate. His dark blond fringe covers the side of his face that I would be able to see, so the only defining characteristic I notice is his broad shoulders clad in black and white stripes.
“Calum, hey!” Cara exclaims, taking a seat across from the boys. Calum, I mentally smack my forehead. I guess Caleb was pretty close? “We sit next to each other in my English class,” Cara mentions to me, explaining how they know each other.
“Hey, you were in my US history class, right?” he says, looking at me.
“Uh, yeah. Audrey,” I reintroduce myself, subconsciously giving an awkward wave that I immediately regret. The blond glances up at me and snickers at my movements, quickly looking back down as his eyes meet mine.
“This is my friend, Luke,” Calum introduces, obviously noticing that the boy wouldn’t do it himself. And, once again, he seems to ignore us. Calum, annoyed by his behaviour, smacks his arm. Luke looks up and gives us the fakest smile I’ve ever seen and goes back to pushing his food around. I guess he isn’t really interested in meeting new people.
“Anyways…” Calum continues, “Cara and I had to do one of those ‘get to know you’ games and it turns out she’s not the actual worst,” he jokes, receiving an eye roll from my best friend.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” she shrugs, pretending to be annoyed but the smile on her face contradicts her tone.
“Cal, how’d you get girls to sit at your table,” a new voice teases as he takes a seat next to me. “Ashton, Ashton Irwin.” He holds out his hand for me to shake, a strangely formal form of introduction considering the setting. He smirks at me as I take his hand, his eyes lighting up.
“Shut up, Ash,” Calum scoffs, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks as he looks down into his sandwich.
“Well are you going to introduce these beautiful girls to me or are you going to make them do it themselves?” Ashton flashes a smile at us and I can’t help but wonder how someone can have so much confidence.
“I’m Cara, that’s Audrey,” Cara replies, her cheeks heating up at the flirty compliment. Luke scoffs at the exchange. I look at him, puzzled. What is up with him? He stands up with his tray and exits the cafeteria, throwing away his barely eaten lunch.
“What was that about?” Cara asks, vocalizing my own internal thoughts.
“He’s not the best around people, but don’t worry. He’ll warm up if he has to,” Calum shrugs. I guess this situation is relatively normal for him.
“Yeah it took him three weeks to get used to me, but he still seems to hate me,” Ashton jokes, dimples appearing on the sides of his smile.
“Huh,” is all I could manage to reply as I watch the tall, uh, really tall, blond walk outside and slump against the brick. He pulls out a small cardboard box and grabs a cigarette from it, putting it to his lips and lighting it.
“I didn’t know anyone still smoked,” Cara mentions, following my gaze.
“We’ve tried to make him quit but all of the threats of lung cancer seem to mean nothing to him,” Calum replies, not even looking up from his sandwich that is now 80% gone.
My gaze falls back to Luke through the window. Something about this moment, a full cafeteria, filled with loud, rowdy teens framing a boy clad in black in white, excluded from the festivities of the first day of school, smoking. Without looking away, I take my camera out of my bag and snap a few shots before the moment is gone. I look down at the few pictures I captured before looking back up to him. His eyes meet mine and he quickly looks away, throwing his cigarette on the ground, stomping on it. The short interaction pulls me back into reality, tuning back into the conversation at the table.
“...and then he runs into the class, out of breath, and sits down like none of it ever happened. Mr. Walt just stopped. Like, mid sentence, eyes wide, confused at the sudden interruption that was gone as soon as it came,” Ashton laughs. “Not quite like Luke to make such an entrance.” The rest of the table cracks up, and I chuckle to hide that I hadn’t been listening. I look back at the window and notice Luke isn’t there. I can’t help but wonder where he went.
“Hello? Anyone in there?” Cara asks, poking my arm to get my attention.
“Uh, yeah, I’m here,” I smile back at her, but my thoughts are still on the tall blond that seems to have disappeared.
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dawnofspeed · 7 years
so i went and saw ‘justice league’ with my li’l bro and bestie tonight.
spoilers ahead.
i want to preface my entire thing with saying that lately i’ve felt conflicted about joss wheedon’s work (and even unrelated with the deadpool 2 movie) because of joss’ whole ‘i’m a feminist but the reason i’ve been horrible to women is the patriarchy’ (and with deadpool 2 the whole... forcing a stunt person to do a stunt they weren’t ready for and got them killed).  But also as a filmmaker i know that there are tons of people who work on these films that have nothing to do with those things, so i’ve decided to keep them at the back of my mind and just focus on these slightly problematic films on their own merit. (no i won’t talk about dp2 in this. it’s just been on my mind bc i saw the new trailer and spoke to my bestie, another film graduate, about the issues with stuff tonight and yeah. soz.) ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING ARE OPINIONS. if you like something i don’t, that’s great. all the power to you. i am literally just writing thoughts and opinions and i only just finished a film degree so... y’know. not an expert.
moving on.
i loved a lot of this movie. as a whole it was a great ensemble piece. the cast was solid, the acting was solid, the script was solid. the plot worked well. i think it accomplished setting up the justice league, introducing us to characters and their backstories while driving the story forward. i also liked that it really seemed to know its source material and kept to the actual point- superhero movies shouldn’t be completely dark. they can be fun, they can be funny, they can be hopeful. whatever problems i have with joss wheedon as a person and the things he’s said and done, i think he can write and direct well. and he knows what he’s doing. the few women in the film he also balanced well. i didn’t feel like he was ‘buffy’ing any of them (something he sorta did with kitty pryde in his astonishing x-men, as much as i loved it. although that could also be because buffy was sorta based off kitty, joss’ fave x-men character). 
i enjoyed all most of the characters. the whole justice league was great (alfred included, c’mon, he’s totally a team member at this point). i do think that diana was different in this film than her wonder woman one, there was just a different tone but you can also kinda just explain that away as this is post-steve trevor, it’s been a while since the events of ww, and that’s just what it is now. towards the end of the movie it felt more tonally in sync with her in ww, so that may be it. also bats pushing diana to lead the team? i loved that.  i’ve never known much about victor but i found his story intriguing in this, he was fun, and my reservations about him being in the flash film are totally squashed now. i maintain that batfleck is my favourite of all batmen. this movie sealed it for me and i definitely enjoy his performance more than any that came before him. i mean. i enjoyed michael keaton but he was just never totally batman for me. clark was SO much better in this movie. he was light, and funny, and 100% the superman i actually love. i didn’t want him brought back to life and then afterwards?? i was like?? nah, you’re right, clark IS a good guy. how have i never seen this before? i just hated dceu superman before this film. arthur curry is cool. i have never been a massive aquaman fan. i didn’t hate atlantis. but i just... didn’t really care? then. they made him cool, and fun, and so much potential. i’m intrigued about his backstory. i wanna know more. i wanna unpack his personality. just. wow.  but the standout? barry all the way. i was a bit anxious about how they were going to do it. i love ezra, but we’ve seen so many iterations of barry at this point that i was just really worried about what aspects they’d keep and how they’d navigate his background and his powers. but they did an amazing job. they kept his sense of humour while also maintaining his kindness, his intelligence, his zest for life and i love how even when he’s terrified he goes out of his way to do the right thing. added to his ‘i assume he’s an attractive jewish guy’ when he’s talking about his security footage. i just. love him. i do think some of his qualities are wally west?? like??? but my brother kept insisting that in the early comics barry was very playful and jokey, not just puns and dad jokes, so i’m inclined to believe him.  also alfred was a+++ i love him. alfred forever. so that clears up most of the mains. plot? well i’m gonna be honest. i know... very little about darkseid and any of that stuff in the comics. i did think it was a great way to bring in both atlantians and amazons. and that cheeky green lantern reference at the beginning. and my brother swears he saw hercules but i only know marvel’s hercules so?? i??? dunno???? i also think it had high stakes, a ticking time frame, gave them the ability to bring superman back AND create a justice league. all while never trying to cram more than one actual plotline into a film. (like. a LOT of other dc movies.) i was happy with it. i never felt like it ran too long or i got bored or any of that so i’m. yeah. great.  also loved that no one was forced into a freakin’ love interest or hampered from saving the world or anything by romance. did think that clark waited way too long to meet up with them for the end battle. like. did he spend all that time making a new goddamn suit? what? got a hair cut? like. why did it take you so long? you’re SUPERMAN. lois told you ages ago to get moving and help out. did you spend all that time like chatting with your mum? also, sidenote: thank you trailers for not spoiling this film. i didn’t expect the superman rebirth. i went in just knowing the jl was gonna kick butt somewhere and we were gonna get introduced to them all. the marketing on this film was spot on, and i loved that surprise and being pulled through the whole movie trying to guess what the hell was gonna happen. double thumbs up. ok. i will go over the things i didn’t like. which were very few. but first i kinda wanna talk about a few other cast/character things. i’m gonna be honest. not a massive fan of amy adams as lois lane. besides the fact that to me she doesn’t look like lois lane, and doesn’t embody (TO ME) anything that lois does... she also (TO ME) doesn’t have any chemistry with henry cavill. i don’t feel a thing. sometimes i might be like awwwww, cute. but that’s more of the situation rather than any emotions i get off of them. but that’s kinda nitpicky here as she was already cast as that character and no one was going to change that for the justice league. i will admit i felt more for her in this film than any of the others, and i enjoyed her more than in the others. but she was still... not lois.  now... amber heard as mera. i will admit that amber looks like mera. and i enjoyed her limited performance and i’m sure she’ll do a great job in the aquaman film and i hold nothing against her. but. if arthur curry doesn’t need to look like comic arthur curry than. why does mera? we only had three women in the whole movie, really. two had limited parts. mera could have been a woc. she could have been not supermodel gorgeous as amber is. (i love amber i do but... who looks that goddamn gorgeous?) already the entire film felt like impossible standards of women. the amazons are varied in body shapes yes, but those costumes. then mera is AMBER. and gal is. gal. i just. there are so many races on earth. asian and hispanic women (and people) exist. not that the movie... shows that... at all.  in fact, between the dceu and the mcu there’s one hispanic character on the movie screen. and he isn’t even a superhero (yeah, the friend of antman’s. and no i’m not counting netflix. that’s not a movie screen. yes rosario dawson is awesome.) heck the cw only added a hispanic woman in the last year. before that cisco was pretty much on his lonesome. wait. that might not be right. i’m sure arrow had a guest star that moved to lot... meh. i don’t keep up anymore.  all i’m saying is... if mera had been cast woc then that would have continued right on through to aquaman too.  but i have nothing against both amber and amy. they’re doing their jobs and i wish them all the best and i will try and enjoy it as much as possible.  my few criticisms:
- ... not a big fan of the costume design. i was so confused about wonder woman’s until i remembered it was probably the one from bvs which i hated. i have no idea what was happening with superman’s. batman’s was fine. flash was fine. cyborg’s was fine. loved aquaman’s (and mera’s). the amazonians? what? why???? you could tell it was a male designer. every vital organ was pretty much on show and it was all sexy, just like how wonder woman’s skirt was shortened and the front was like almost a loincloth. just. no. 
- production design was ok? like there were very few standouts to me. batcave was pretty good, the flash cave, and anything with aquaman’s fishing village. pretty sure that was filmed in new zealand tho and those guys are on point with their pd. studying their stuff over there, man. pd orgasm tbh. ever since lord of the rings those guys are just amazing.
- camera work was great at times and then just weird in others. i think that had a lot to do with cgi demands, which i’ll get to in a minute. 
- the lighting? i mean yes, each scene requires different lighting depending on the place, time of day, people and props... but. there’s this one scene in the field with clark and lois and i was like. confused because it felt like they got first year film students to light it. it was off. and if they were trying to reproduce a field at sunset in a studio with green screen that might make sense but to me it didn’t feel like a gs scene. 
- which brings me to my next point. cgi and green screen. there felt like a lot of it in the movie. pretty sure the fight after clark is revived is green screen. the entire last battle has so much cgi that i felt like it was avengers on steroids. also kinda felt like i was watching a video game with like real people pasted in. and while i get WHY it was like that i also felt like. there could have been ways to do it differently. when i watch stranger things i know there’s cgi. but i never get that feeling, that i’m watching a video game. which is important. because i want to stay sunk into the film. not be thrown out and feel like a different medium has taken over. my challenge for jl2? keep me in the film. find a way to make the sfx stay real. possibly a nitpick but like i said, this is my opinion. so that’s it. that’s my long ass dissection and feels and thoughts. i am so looking forward to every solo movie and also being introduced to iris west and atlantis more. im me or d/cord if you wanna chat about anything or if we’re not pals you can send me a q via askbox.
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allhallows-art · 8 years
heres a silly little terribly written story about leather jackets. ( edit: forgot to fukin mention its about dirk gently’s holistic detective agency )
for @quingigillion bc my snickerdoodle is great
warnings: hint of curse words. watch yo profanity
Broken glass was scattered across the hardwood floor, pictures that once hung on the walls either only slightly askew or smashed against surfaces. The couch looked in worse condition than when they first moved in, throw cushions literally thrown across the room. Two of the coffee table legs were splintered and causing it to slope meaning the coffee that was earlier sat on it was now on the dirt-covered rug. Todd glanced around at the mess, Amanda’s hand attempting to offer comfort on his shoulder. “My home…” he whispered, his eyes unable to take themselves away from the destruction. “Everything gone.” Dirk suddenly burst out of the bedroom he'd claimed as his, the door slamming against the wall as it opened. "This is an outrage!" He yelled, Todd slowly letting his eyes move from his destroyed apartment to the British man now stood in the middle of the mess. "Yeah, it's a fucking outrage. Some bastards broke in and wrecked the place," he mumbled, Dirk looking at him with shock before shaking his head. "No, Todd. There's a much more important problem. All my leather jackets are gone." Todd's face somehow managed to drop even more and Amanda stood, blinking a few times. "Your jackets?" Dirk nodded at her words. "Yes. All of them gone. My yellow one, green one, blue one, red one," he listed, Amanda raising an eyebrow. "Red one?" Dirk became a little flustered, too caught up in listing to pay attention to what he was listing. "Uh...yes... the red one. It's for...special occasions,” he stammered out. Todd was still staring at Dirk was a face that was unreadable. For a while now, Dirk had been trying to learn all of Todd’s different expressions so that, in situations like this, he knew how his friend was feeling. However, he couldn’t decide whether this was his oh my gosh all your jackets are gone face or his there’s a more important matter face. Dirk went with the latter. “Well, I guess we have three cases now,” Todd mumbled, not even wanting to waste his energy on Dirk. As if he had energy left. They’d spent the whole day running around after leads that were now pointless. With a defeated sigh, Todd dropped his body on to the couch, flinching as one of the legs snapped and a corner of the couch dropped noticeably lower than the others. Todd simply groaned and Amanda quickly joined his side, pushing past Dirk. “Look, things will be okay, Todd. I mean, your apartment has character now. It was kinda boring before,” she said although her convincing tone dwindled under the glare of her older brother. “ “What about my jackets?” Dirk pressed, although reminded himself not to ask again as the glare was now focused on him. It had been three weeks. Three weeks since Todd’s apartment was messed up. Three weeks since dirk’s jackets went missing. But finally, after three weeks, they’d solved their three cases. Turns out the cat they were looking for was in a bin behind the older woman’s house all along. God knows how it lasted three weeks but Todd didn’t question it. The apartment was looking a bit more normal now. To make up for whatever he’d previously done to annoy Todd, Dirk cleaned up the place and even replaced most of the photo frames. Whilst he was cleaning up, Dirk solved the final case. It turns out that Todd hides a lot of things at the back of his closet. Leather jackets, collections of musical records, weird looking rings. the list could go on. However, one case was still left unsolved. Amanda still had no fucking clue what the red jacket was for.
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