#always mime for coffee
bumbleboa · 8 months
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So @calysto1395 has been working on a ZoLaw modern!AU and I just had to draw the scene from a snippet she sent me. More snippet behind the read more:
edit: fic is also now available here!
“Laaaw-” Bepo leans into the break room, too cheerful for the early morning. He looks over witheringly while clutching his coffeecup for dear life. “Someone is asking for you.” Bepo tells him, giggling. 
“If it’s Vergo, tell him to jump into a river and drown.” Law replies. There’s a hair floating in his cup and Law stares at it for a long time, contemplating sticking his hands into the scalding liquid before he grabs a spoon instead. 
“No, it’s your friend from the train.” Law is frowning at his coffee as the hair evades his spoon.
“What friend?” He asks before his brain catches up and he realizes that Bepo can only mean one person. Law looks up just to see Marco blatantly paying attention as he pours himself his own cup.
“You know the hunk with the green hair and the big bag-“ Bepo explains, miming the vague shape of a human.
Law abandons the hair and the spoon so he can rub his eyes. 
“Ohh, resting bitch face? Scar on the left eye?” Marco asks causing both Law and Bepo to stare at him. He has the same serene crooked smirk he always has as he takes a leisurely sip from his mug.
Law squints at him. “Bepo, tell him to wait in my office and also never say the word ‘hunk’ ever again.” Bepo snickers and disappears as Law points at Marco. “You know him?” Law asks and surprises himself at the hint of jealousy that comes through (that’s his stranger damn it).
[AU and writing by @calysto1395 ]
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onceuponastory · 9 months
one single word - bucky barnes x reader
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Plot: In a world where the first thing your soulmate says to you is somewhere on your body, Y/N soon realises that hers is not what she expected... or what she wants. (Soulmate!AU). Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: Just some swearing and reader worrying she's going to end up alone. As always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know. Notes: This is my piece for @lunarbuck's Soulmate AU writing challenge! Congrats on 2k! Also can't believe it took me so long to use a pic of Seb from this day because he looked SO GOOD. Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own.
“Has your word shown up yet? Just got mine!” Wanda’s text comes in. Groaning, Y/N types back a reply.
“Yup.” Immediately, Wanda sends another.
“It’s that bad? I’ll be straight over.” She promises, and Y/N goes back to staring at herself in the mirror, unable to tear her gaze away from the word which is now on her side. From a young age, Y/N and everyone else in this world were told that when they got older, the first words their soulmate said to them would soon appear on their body somewhere, disappearing only when they met the soulmate in question. And of course, it led to a lot of excitement and nervous apprehension as people wondered what words would be there, and imagined what scenario they’d meet their soulmate in. 
None more so than Y/N. As she grew up, she became an author, which meant that writing loving words about others became her job, and something she now has a huge amount of experience in. All day every day, she writes paragraph after paragraph of people describing how beautiful their partners are, how much their heart beats whenever they’re around, and how they want to spend the rest of eternity with them. And the entire time, Y/N’s own soulmate is in the back of her mind, as well as her hope that their first meeting is as romantic as her stories. So obviously, Y/N had grown to expect that the words - her words - that her soulmate would end up having on their skin would be something beautiful, like poetry.
Unfortunately for Y/N, though, it seems her soulmate didn’t have the same consideration for her.
Because there, on her side, emblazoned in huge letters is one single word. “Fuck.” “It’s not that bad.” Wanda soothes as she studies the word. Thankfully, she showed up soon after receiving Y/N’s text for moral support. 
“Yes, it is! Today I wrote someone saying their lover’s eyes are as bright as the stars, and with them they feel whole. And do I get that? No, I get ‘Fuck!’”
“Maybe he’s saying ‘Fuck.’ but then he says ‘you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen’?”
“Or it could be ‘fuck’ because they stepped on my toes. Or maybe they dropped coffee on me? Or-” Y/N shakes her head, trying to shake herself out of her panic. Yet, it only intensifies. “And besides, it’s such a general word! What if I get confused and think someone else is my soulmate?”
“That isn’t going to happen. Personally, I think we have a strong, intense emotional bond with them, so we’ll just know it’s them when we see them.”
“You’re such a romantic, Wanda.”
“Says you.” She rolls her eyes. When Y/N freaks out a little again, Wanda shushes her with a gentle: “Calm down. You’re going to give me a headache at this rate. And besides, it could be worse! Mine is ‘Hello there’. What even is that?!” she groans, taking another sip from her drink.
“Oh please, yours is suave and sophisticated.” Y/N argues. “Maybe it’s a ‘Hello there.’” She mimes a smirk, looking Wanda up and down. “And then he says, ‘may I just say that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen?’”
“Either that or they’re doing a horrendously bad Obi-Wan Kenobi impression.” Wanda counters, making her and Y/N dissolve into fits of giggles. “But seriously. You don’t know what causes him to say that. Nobody does. That’s the beauty of soulmates.” She grins reassuringly. “And besides, I’m sure it’ll be a funny story to tell your kids one day.” 
And for a while, her reassuring words worked, and Y/N's feelings about the word permanently inked onto her side improved slightly. But the longer time went on without meeting her soulmate, Y/N started to think they don’t exist at all. And what’s worse, she’d be stuck with this single word on her side for the rest of her life, an enduring reminder of her failure to find her true love.
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A few months later,
Y/N walks down the street, preoccupied by her phone call. Her publisher has been ringing her almost every day this week, desperate to know when they can expect her next manuscript. The same manuscript that’s been sitting incomplete on her laptop for the last several months. Understandably, love hasn’t been high on the list of Y/N’s priorities ever since she realised what her soulmate’s first word to her was. 
When she catches sight of herself in a shop window, noticing the hem of her sweater has ridden up, exposing the k and most of the c of the word on her side, it makes her feel worse. Of course, she still hasn’t found her soulmate. Nothing like yet another reminder of how you’re failing in life. Quickly rolling down her sweater, covering the word that seems to be burned into her skin by this point, Y/N keeps walking. In a last-ditch attempt to find some productivity and get this fucking manuscript finished, she’s decided to visit her favourite coffee shop. That and she just really wants an iced coffee. 
“When…if I ever find my soulmate, I’m going to give them a piece of my mind.” She huffs, reaching out to grab the door handle to the coffee shop. Before she can open it, the door slams open, almost hitting her in the face. Luckily, Y/N manages to dodge the figure that almost crashes into her. This is the last fucking thing she needs right now. She rounds on the man, ready to give him a piece of her mind, to ask him, no, demand that he looks where he’s going next time, and be careful!
That’s what she wanted to say. What she should’ve said.
The beautiful pair of blue eyes she suddenly finds herself staring into stops her. As blue as the sky on a gorgeous summer's day, as blue as the ocean, inviting her into their depths. This man is gorgeous. His muscles bulge out through the blue shirt (the same colour as his eyes) he has opened over a vest top. His brunette hair is pulled into a man bun, a few loose tendrils sticking out. The man’s eyes widen as he takes her all in, realising how close he came to spilling his coffee all over her. 
And then he speaks.
“Fuck.” He murmurs, his voice just loud enough for her and only her to hear. Immediately, Y/N registers her heartbeat stop.
“What did you just say?” She gasps. Instead of repeating his words, the man’s eyes widen even more, almost bulging out of his head. He rolls down the sleeve of his shirt, displaying the slowly fading words printed on his shoulder. 
“What did you just say?”
“Does yours say ‘fuck’, by any chance?” The man chuckles, still clearly in shock, and wordlessly, Y/N nods, lifting her sweater to show him.
“Oh, my god.” They both speak at the same time. The man holds a hand out, which Y/N shakes. “I’m Bucky. It’s wonderful to finally meet you.” Nervously he rubs the back of his neck, and Y/N notices a burst of pink spreading across his cheeks. “Can I just say you look absolutely gorgeous?” He stammers a little. “Sorry, I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to say right now. It’s not everyday you meet your soulmate.”
“We have a strong, intense emotional bond with them, so we’ll just know it’s them when we see them.” Wanda’s words echo in her mind, and Y/N’s shock turns into a smile, all thoughts of giving her soulmate a piece of her mind gone as quickly as the word on her side. At first she brushed Wanda’s words aside, but she’s actually totally right. Being with Bucky, it finally feels right. Like the missing pieces she’s spent so long looking for are finally in place.
“I know.” Y/N nods. “But it’s completely understandable. To be honest, I’m still in shock too. I’m Y/N by the way.” 
"Y/N." Bucky smiles.“I am sorry for almost spilling my coffee over you.” He chuckles, and Y/N giggles. 
“Already forgotten about.”
“I, um, I need to head off, but how about we grab some dinner tonight?” Bucky grins. “We have a lifetime to catch up on.” 
“Sounds wonderful.” Y/N smiles.
It may not have been the most perfect meeting… at least, not compared to her romance novels, but Y/N doesn’t care. Because it turned out to be perfect for her.
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milqueandsugar · 2 months
🌼☕ ` Sick Day ` ☕🌼
Gen / Fluff
Includes / Alastor , Husk , Lucifer
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Alastor knows something is off immediately, maybe even the day before. He couldn't place his finger on it. You were totally normal, even got up early, the day was as close to nice as it could get in hell. Still, he bid you goodnight with unease, and it grew until morning.
If he figured something was off yesterday he knew something was wrong when you didn't show for breakfast. You were always there for breakfast, you made an effort to be sat at the table for every meal. You had an early day, he reasons, you might have just slept in. He doesn't bring a tray of food but tea or coffee instead, it isn't until he steps through his shadow into your room that the smell of sickness turns his nose.
If the smell wasn't a give away your curled up form was. Your breaths were labored, nose somehow but stuffy and running. You could taste snot and mucus on your tongue, the air was somehow sharp on your aching throat. You felt terrible. You looked terrible.
If you put up an fight to getting cared for your as delusional as he is stubborn, and Alastor isn't known for loosing a fight. He's very confident he can't get sick so that excuse is only a waste of effort.
He cares for you the best he can, the best he knows too. Caring doesn't come from his heart but rather the soft memories of his mother. He pulls out all the old wives tales. Onion on the heel, open windows, lots of tea and medicine with honey. He doesn't dote on you per se, your strong and he knows it. He does however help you take your medicine, bring you food and insist on your rest, you can't get better without rest. He doesn't sit on you night and day but his shadow dances around your room keeping you company when you're gone, usually miming sleeping. He's really adamant about the rest thing.
When you do recover he helps you catch up on work, getting out and doing something will be good for you! So don't expect to much help from him. He continues to cook you meals from home, soul food, comfort food, good food. It made sense when you were sick, he gave you an earful about how packaged foods would rot you inside out but you were back to regular health. Not that you were complaining of course, but you had a sneaking suspicion he may just like cooking for you. He calls it preventative measures, you call it cute, though not to his face.
Husk doesn't suspect anythings up when you miss breakfast, you two were up pretty late playing card and drinking games. When lunch rolls around he's a little more concerned, okay maybe you were reaaally hung over. When he gets the text at 2:45 to bring you some Tylenol and water he's more concerned. You shouldn't be THIS hung over for this long. He clocks out early, Angel's at a shoot, Alastors on air and lucifer and Charlie have fucked off for the day so he doesn't have to pretend to believe sinners are going to be visiting anytime soon. He brings leftovers too, he stands in the kitchen a moment contemplating between warming your water or putting ice in it before going room temperature as a compromise. He's halfway down the hall too your bedroom when he hears your retching. Oh you're really really hung over. He's quiet when he enters, still under false pretenses of your ailment and does his best to keep the light out of the room. Closing the blinds and even turning the hallway light off. It's when offering you your water he realizes how flushed you are, and how bundled up you are for a warm day in hell and the occasional sniffle of your nose.. "oh shit you have the flu."
Does not care if he gets sick or not, he spends his time working or with you and he hates working anyways. He sits in with you when you're bored, when your lucid enough to ask for his company and for when your eating. It makes him feel better knowing your eating something even if you end up throwing it up a few hours later. He's a terrible cook let's be honest so he just orders food in or steals leftovers for you. It how he usually eats anyways.
Husk hasn't ever really had the flu in hell or on earth, strong immune system? Luck? Maybe both. Hungover he has been however so he treats it like a very long hangover. Lots of water, lots of quiet and dark, lots of Tylenol. It works, or, your body fights it off on its own but you get better after about a week. Finally, you were going insane. You love husk, you do, but sometimes you need to see another person, or the sky, or literally anything. He doesn't treat you any different when you recover, he keeps whatever food your eating easy on the stomach (he's fallen into the habit of eating with you and enjoys it, don't say anything you'll scare him off.) But once you say your better he takes your word for it. Maybe keeps the alcohol away from you a little bit and definitely tosses whatever bottles you drank together before you got sick out. He doesn't trust them.
Lucifer hasn't dealt with sickness a day in his life what the fuck is wrong with you. He's an angel, in his defense, and Charlie was never sick growing up. So when he notices you start slowing down throughout the day, your yawning, your shivering, he thinks it's burnout. It's the closest thing to sick he's gotten alright give him some time. Some time he does take, maybe three days, before it clicks for him.
Its when your folding laundry together, classical music playing, a scented candle burning over the naturally sulfuric smell of hell. Just the two of you on a quiet evening. It was domestic, sweet, romantic even. Even chores seem like a dream when he's spending time with you. "I trust Charlie, I mean, I trust her intentions but I'm just not so sure about this Niffty character-" He looks up at you, you clear your throat. "This nif-" your voice falls flat again, your usually melodic voice rasping and phlegmy sounding. "Sorry-" you cough hard, trying to shift the mucus in your throat. Your nose is running from the pressure by time you get your voice back and continue your story. Lucifer is very concerned.
As much as you explain its just a sore throat he's very concerned it will grow into something else. He starts buying books on illnesses to try and figure out how to best help but that only stresses him out more. Tea, tea everyday for every meal, everytime he sees you he brings you tea. Medicinal, chai, cold, hot, lemon, he's spent so much money on tea and he's prepared to spend more until you get better. Refuses to let you talk, makes you go on vocal rest, gets the softest tissues available in hell when he notices how red your nose has gotten. Gets Charlie in on it of you don't get better in under a week. Charlie gets Vaggie in on it. You're surrounded by at least one angel whose never dealt with a sore throat every single day. By time you get better the angels have come together with a care schedule. It's a sore throat. Lucifer has carried you on multiple occasions. Once all your symptoms subside they get back to normal, just, try not to cough to loud in front of any of them.
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andy-wm · 3 days
his “coming out” should not be in any way shape or form be connected to jungkook. idk why you shippers can’t leave them tf alone when they’re not dating ffs.
Oooh I am so glad you came here to tell me this, Anon! You are clearly well informed on both Jimin’s life, and "coming out".
I didn't even know that "coming out" needs to be in inverted commas. Thank you for helping me understand.
I also didn't know what his "coming out" should or should not be! I didn't know there were rules for "coming out"! I'm so grateful to have this information now.
I hope you've also told Jimin how he should "come out"?
I hope he listens to you since obviously, you have his happiness at heart.
Because "coming out" with no significant other to support him - and facing the inevitable repercussions alone - that would DEFINITELY make things better for him, right?
Also we all know how much Jimin LOVES being alone, so naturally we should wish that for him.
Objectively, he would be happier if he was single I guess? Because having a secure and healthy long term relationship with someone who loves and supports you is known to be pretty shit. Makes sense... that's why nobody looks for love. They certainly don't write songs about love.
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People aspire to being isolated, like Jimin showed us this with his song Serendipity.
When he sang "just let me love you" he probably meant he wanted to be single and live alone forever in his bubble. That makes sense.
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And of course they aren't dating!
You're right, there's absolutely nothing special between Jimin and Jungkook. They are 100% platonic and good pals.
It would be ridiculous to look at them and see love and intimacy.
I dont know what love looks like, but this is not it...
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Definitely not this either.
Just friends here.
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So friendly!
Brothers even!
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Keeping to the bro code here too, 100%
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Absolutely no crossing of boundaries here....
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I always caress my friend's clothes when I sing their own love song back to them. Especially when my face is less than a foot from their face. It's very platonic.
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Anyway, there's no reason to think they might be dating.
Why would people even think they COULD be?
It's unimaginable.
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Society has never ignored or dismissed loving romantic relationships between same-sex couples, and that's certainly not what you're doing. Not at all. You just know they aren't dating because ... reasons.
I'm sure you don't object to Jimin being gay because that would be homophobic (you even know how he should "come out"). If that was the case you might as well just get a tattoo of an L on your forehead and throw away all your Jimin merch because our boy is gayer than a rainbow cake. Gayer even than the rainbow cake his appa has *always in stock* in his coffee shop in Busan.
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And if you generously tolerate his gayness, i imagine you will allow that one day he could date (definitely not now, because he probably has no interest in sex. He's too busy working and anyway he has ARMY to love him) yeah, but not now please.
But one day he could have a nice boyfriend who sits beside him on the sofa and smiles benignly and holds his hand like a good boy.
Definitely NOT one that sings about fucking night after night seven days a week, or watching in 3D, or DEAR GOD... the imagery... champagne confetti.
Not someone who sings Sam Smith songs on his Live, or who goes around whacking off fire hydrants in his music videos or miming blow jobs on national tv.
Not someone that demands you see him as an adult who enjoys adult things and wont accept your judgement of him. Not one who puts boundaries in place.
Not someone who (the audacity!) lies in bed naked and begs Jimin to come over.
And that brings us to the villain of our story:
I guess, since you will allow a relationship in theory, you just object to the idea of a relationship specifically with Jungkook.
And I can see why. Jungkook very obviously has no interest in Jimin’s happiness. Jungkook doesn't support him at all.
He doesn't hold jimin when he cries, he doesn't spam us with Jimin content when Jimin has a comeback, he doesn't cook Jimin’s favourite food for him, or fold his underpants while he does his own laundry.
He doesn't take him on trips to Japan, or send thirst-trap messages for his birthday, or play his songs, or sing on his albums.
He doesn't carry him, bridal style, any time Jimin jumps into his arms, and I can guarantee you that he doesn't let Jimin fuck him just the way Jimin likes it, as often as he wants it, wherever and whenever he gets the chance. And vice versa.
They didn't enlist in the military as companions, after all.
So reallly, what would Jungkook even know about Jimin's happiness?
What could he POSSIBLY know about Jimin that you don't know. Nothing, right?
What could POSSIBLY happen behind closed doors and away from the camera, that you don't see with your third eye and your vivid imagination? Again, nothing. You know ALL, right?
I think we've covered everything?
Theres only one thing left to say i guess.
Whoever you are, you'd do well to consider whose happiness you're supporting.
If you don't support what makes Jimin happy, you don't support Jimin. Period.
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justmeinadaze · 22 hours
Small Doses (Gator X Plus Size Fem Y/N)
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A/N: Some of you asked for a series so I'm providing you with this here :). It takes place before this request except for those last couple of paragraphs. That's after. ENJOY!
Warnings: Dominate/ Mean( ish) Gator Tillman/ Plus Size Fem sub reader, SMUT, LOTS of dirty talk, light smacking, light choking, public (ish) sex (no one is around but anyone could come by), degrading, edging, blindfolds and restraints, aftercare always.
Light Fluff near the end.
ANGST (because I'm me), Gator is a bit possessive (she's his!), reader discusses her annoyance with his relationship with his father, enemies to lovers, cliffhanger ending (you're welcome).
Word Count: 4289
"Oh baby, I said "just a little bit" Then I got a taste of it Now you got me falling at your feet And now we're cryin' and lovin' And now we're fightin' and touchin' Feels like I'm making love to the enemy."
You both panted heavily, your back pressed against his chest as you tried to catch your breath. His arm was still wrapped around your stomach holding your steady while your own arm circled around the back of his neck. Gator’s eyes were still squeezed shut as he basked in the feeling of your pussy still clinging to his cock inside of you. 
The deputy had come by to tell you that they still hadn’t found anything when it came to the man that robbed your bar and when he got sassy with you, you smacked him hard. You hated Gator Tillman with a passion but when he responded to your slap by grabbing your hair and bending you over one of your pool tables, you didn’t object. 
The dirty words that left his mouth had you dripping and by the time he slammed his length inside of you, you were more than ready. You hated how fucking good he felt stretching you out and the way his large palms fit perfectly around your equally large breast. You hated that even as one of the bigger girls in town, he was still strong enough to man handle you into any position and place he wanted till you were whimpering for him to make you cum. 
You hated that he filled you to the brim with his release and still you wanted more. 
Your sweaty forehead rested on his cheek and in turn he craned his neck till his lips softly found yours. It was a tender contrast to what had just transpired but you were grateful for it in your current head space. 
After a few minutes, he pulled out of you and handed you a napkin from a nearby table without meeting your eyeline. 
“Thank you.”, you whisper. 
After nodding awkwardly and buckling his pants, Gator turned and powerwalked out the front door. 
What the fuck just happened?  
For the next month, nothing changed or transpired when it came to you and Gator Tillman. He continued to be an asshole and showed up at your bar with his friends after work hooting and hollering at any woman that walked by. 
“I bet she can bend in ways no man has ever seen!”, another officer shouts after he loudly whistles at the young lady who walked past. 
“Fuck, I’d love to hear her scream my name.”, another laughed before chugging back his drink. 
“Oh, yeah. Just like that.”, Gator mimed in a high pitch voice that had you rolling your eyes. 
“Please. Like any of you idiots can handle a beautiful woman.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N! Don’t be jealous.”
“Of you idiots? Naw I’m good.”
“No, I mean of the beautiful women.”
Up until then Gator had been chuckling with his friends but at the remark his eyes darkened as he punched the other officer’s arm hard. His grumble was low but you could swear you heard him say, “Don’t be a fucking dick or I swear to God…”
When you were running errands around town, you till saw him backing up his father with this air of arrogance that bothered the hell out of you. 
“Good morning, Y/N.”
You jump slightly at the sound of the elder Tillman’s voice as he stands behind you in line at a restaurant where you were picking up some breakfast and coffee. 
“Sheriff Tillman, Gator.”, you nod as you address both men as politely as possible. 
“How’s your dad doin’? I heard he got sick last week. Caught that flu bug that’s been going around.”
“Hm. Like you care.”
“Hey! This is an officer of the law and you will show respect.”, his son growled your way but his father held up his hand to silence him and addressed you again. 
“I do care. As a member of this community—”
“You tolerate him but you don’t care. My dad is just another vote in your pocket. You don’t have to be nice to us. No one in my family votes for you, Roy.”
As your eyes flicked towards Gator, you expected to see annoyance but found what looked like confusion. No one ever stood up to his father not even him. 
How did you have the confidence to do that?
It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later, you saw that angry look in his eyes again. That look he gave you at the bar before fucking you senseless. 
It was a normal night for you at work as you served drinks and received some good tips. You felt good in your new black tank top that was tucked into your too tight jeans that hugged your curves and thick thighs just right. A gentleman you didn’t recognize sat at the end of the bar making small talk with you as you did your job running back and forth. 
You didn’t think anything of it until a familiar smell filled your nostrils and the sound of glass slamming against the counter got your attention. 
“Another beer, now.”, Gator grunted.
Glaring his way, you snatch the cup from his grasp and begin to refill it. 
“A please wouldn’t kill you, Tillman.”
“How about this, Y/L/N? How about you please put on a fucking a shirt that doesn’t flash your tits to everyone in the fucking bar.”
“Huh. Didn’t realize you and your daddy started policing what people wear now.”, you sass as your eyes meet his and pour half his drink into the sink before sliding the rest his way. “Last call.”
His fury filled eyes snapped towards the stranger as he snickered at your display. 
After walking away, the man scooted closer to you and you both giggled about the incompetence of the police in this town. He told you his name was Liam and that he was just passing through but he wanted to get to know you. After giving him your number, you closed down the bar and he walked you to your car. 
“I’ll see you on Friday?”
“That sounds like a plan.”
He grins your way before reaching out to caress your cheek making you blush as you giggle like a nervous teenager. After watching him get on his motorcycle and drive away, you climbed into your own car and began you short drive home. 
You didn’t even notice another car was behind you until the sirens on the cruiser began to wail. 
“Fuck.”, you sigh as you pull over and roll down your window. 
“License and registration.”
“Gator? What the fuck?”
“I said license and registration…please.”
You glare at his sarcastic tone as you do what he says and he snatches them roughly from your grasp like you had with his glass. 
“So are you going to tell me why you pulled me over, Officer?”
“Broken taillight.”, he replies nonchalantly as he continues to look at your license and slowly saunters backwards towards your trunk.
“What? I got that fixed a few months ago—” The sound of breaking glass cut you off as Gator bashed the end of his flashlight against your car as the taillight shatters to the ground. “What the FUCK?! You can’t fucking do that!”, you shout as you get out of your vehicle and march towards him. 
His jaw tightens as you shove his chest. 
“Get back in the car before I arrest you.”
“I’m not afraid of you Gator Tillman! You’re going to pay for that!”
As your hand flew, he caught your wrist and forcefully shoved you face first against the hood of his cruiser. Taking ahold of your other arm, he cuffed your hands behind your back and kicked your legs apart with his foot. 
“You have the right to remain silent…even though we both know you fucking wont…so I’m going to shut that mouth for you.”
You blinked as a quick rush of relief washed over you when you realized you weren’t really going to jail before a new feeling took over as his large palms ran up your legs.  When his fingers lightly grazed between your thighs a little sigh left your lips. Rising to his full height he roughly yanked you off his car and continued to run his hands along your body. 
“Face forward.” He grumbled as you craned your neck to look at him when he unbuttoned your jeans and his palm slid under the waist band of your panties. “Little girl is so wet.”, he cooed mockingly as his middle finger slid through your folds grazing your clit. “Is that because of me… or that fucker you were making fun of me with at the bar?”
“No…no, I wasn’t…”
“Don’t lie to me. Little whore couldn’t help herself could she?”
“Gator, please—ahhh—I’m sorry.”
“I bet you’re sorry. Don’t worry, baby. You’re gonna make it up to me.”
Abruptly, he pulled his hand from between your legs, spun you around, and shoved you to your knees. As he unzipped his pants and freed his cock, you couldn’t stop thinking about how degrading this was. Any car could pass by and see what was happening. You were on the side of a deserted road at 2 in the morning on your knees for Gator Tillman of all people.
But you loved it. 
As his hand rested on the top of your head and his other guided the tip of his length to your lips, you salivated at the notion. 
“That’s right, you little brat. Open wide for me.”
Flattening your tongue, you allowed him to use you as he lifted your hair into a makeshift ponytail so he could watch you struggle to take all of him. 
“Fuck, baby, that’s it. Fucking choke on my dick. Y-You can remember this when you let—shit—some other asshole touch what’s mine.” When your head shook, he gripped your hair tighter as he pulled out of your mouth and a string of your spit followed. “Something to say?”
“I didn’t let…I don’t…”
“Y-You didn’t, huh? Fucking liar.”, Gator growled as he shoved himself back into your awaiting mouth and thrust his hips. “I saw him touch your face and I saw you allow it. Some—mmm—stranger who doesn’t know you or a-appreciate you.”
Again, he pulled out and bent till his face was level with yours. 
“I’m gonna cum on these tits so whenever you show them off like you did at the bar you’ll remember who you belong to. Who’s fucking cum you begged to have on your chest.” His palm lightly slaps your cheek as his eyes continue to bore into you. “Beg me, Y/N.”
“Beg me to cum on you.”
“Gator, please. I need you to cum—”
“Cum where, little girl?”
“On my tits.”
His hand lightly smacks you again. 
“Louder! Like you mean it!”
“Please, Gator, I want you to cum on my tits!!”
“That’s better.”, he grunted as he shoved his cock back in your mouth and thrust his hips till you felt him shutter against you. 
Continuing to stroke himself rapidly, he pulled back and aimed for the valley between your breasts as his movements became sloppy and his release coated your skin. 
“Fuck.”, he panted as he fell to his knees and aggressively hugged your head to his shoulder. 
You don’t know what possessed you but your lips tenderly kissed his neck and in response he lightly tugged on your hair, tilting your head back so he could kiss your lips. It was a lot more passionate than the last time and you welcomed it. 
After a few moments, Gator rose to his feet and tucked his cock back into his pants before reaching for your bicep to help you stand. Disappearing in his cruiser, he came back with a tissue and cleaned your chest while also adjusting your outfit. Instead of turning you around, he reached over you to uncuff your wrists and as soon as you were able, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders tightly to pull him into a hug. 
Not used to this display of affection, it took him awhile to respond but when he did, he held you equally as tight. When you finally let him go, he reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet and hand you some bills.
“For the taillight.”, he mumbled.
He flashed you a small smile after you thanked him and silently headed back towards his car. 
“I have a date with him on Friday.”, you shout towards him causing him to still with his back to you. “Unless there’s something I should know about going.”
Silently, he climbs into his car and the engine comes to life.  Visibly hurt by his lack of words, you run to his open window. “I thought I belonged to you.”, you growled through clenched teeth. “But I get it. I may belong to Gator Tillman but he’s already owned by someone else…Roy Tillman.”
Angerly, his head snaps in your direction as his hands clench around the steering wheel. 
“If you go on that date, Y/N, I’ll make you regret it.”
“Wow, honey, you look fucking gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”, you beam at Liam as you twirl your dress for him to admire.
You genuinely considered skipping your date due to Gator’s warning, you really did, but you also knew that you meant what you said about him catering to his daddy. You couldn’t wait around for Gator Tillman to get his act together even if you did enjoy the couple of instances you both were intimate with each other. 
Could you really even call it intimacy? He was fucking you and using you like a whore. You were never going to be anything more to him and you were fine with that. You were never meant to be what Roy Tillman thought a wife should be so you needed to move on and find someone else who could love you for you. 
“Oh, um, I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”
“No problem. Just sit behind me here…”, he instructed as you both straddled the bike and he smirked your way as he took hold of your arms to wrap them around his waist. “…and hold on tightly. I can do the rest.”
By the time you got to the restaurant, you were already annoyed. Liam sped through every stop and weaved through traffic like a mad man, scaring the hell out of you so much that you prayed Gator was nearby to pull you over.
Unfortunately, you suggested having dinner outside of town in the hopes that you were far enough away from him and his police force to stumble on you disobeying his warning. 
Is it disobeying? We aren’t together and the Tillman’s are the worst especially Gator. I can’t lie though that the idea of him catching me here drives me crazy.
As dinner wore on, your eyes began to glaze over as your date continued to talk about himself and the many adventures he had been on that got him laid. 
At the sound of your name, you looked up meeting Gator’s calm but angry irises with both relief and slight fear. 
“Ugh, what do you want, Tillman?”
“I’m sorry to interrupt your date, but your sister was in an accident. Your mom sent me to come get you.”
It took you a second to catch on to what he was doing. You didn’t have siblings of any kind but this stranger wouldn’t know that. 
“Oh…Oh no! My sister!? Is she alright? Liam, I am so sorry but I have to go!”
The officer smirked at your display, tilting his hat towards the other man before heading out the door with you in tow. 
“Wait! Should we reschedule or—”
Not even bothering to respond, you practically ran to his cruiser and hoped in the backseat. A bit too calmly Gator got in the driver’s seat and began his destination to what you assumed would be your home. 
“Thank you…for rescuing me… He was such a fucking asshole.”
“Hm. With the way he drove, I’m not surprised.” Your eyes widened as they met his in the rearview. “What? You thought I wouldn’t follow you? You thought going to some restaurant outside of town would keep me from finding out that were going on a date with that fucker?”
“Wow. No wonder your father allows you to be a police officer in our town. Obviously there isn’t much for you to do or be responsible for.” Gator grumbled at your insult as his hands on the wheel tightened. “If you’re so jealous why didn’t you pull us over?”
“I thought about it when I saw your arms wrap around his waist and your head rest on his back but then I saw your face as he was driving, I thought it was a good karma for you disobeying me.”
“I didn’t disobey, Tillman. I’m not yours TO disobey. You made that very clear.” As he slams on his breaks, you fly forward and quickly try to brace yourself on the gate in front of you. “The FUCK, Gator!”
The car door makes a loud bang as he gets out and angrily opens the back to reach for your arm to yank you to the edge of the seat. 
“Say it again.”, he commands roughly, glaring at you as you both pant heavily. 
“I’m NOT yours.”
Snaking his hand behind your neck, he pulls your forward to his lips crash to yours. You absolutely hated the vape taste but you enjoyed the taste of him and the way his tongue massaged yours. 
“Yeah…well…we’ll see about that, won’t we? Now, sit back and shut the fuck up. Do I make myself clear?” When all you could do was nod, his hand slid further up till it was laced in your hair before tugging on it firmly. “I said do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Gator.”, you whimpered causing him to smirk down at you with a cocky smile. 
“Good girl.”
“Gator, pleeeeease…”, you whine as he pushes the vibrating toy further into your cunt. 
You had been laying in his bed, blindfolded and restrained for what felt like an eternity. His handcuffs were starting to dig into your skin where had been constantly pulling on them as he brought you to the edge before pulling away and leaving you desperate. The silk ties around your ankles were succeeding in keeping your legs open as the officer played with you, switching between utilizing his tongue and the vibrator to drive you crazy. 
You desperately wanted to look at him, imagining him sweaty and just as needy as you but the scarf around your eyes prevented you from being able. All you could do was listen to his light chuckles, moans, and the toy as he continued to edge you. 
“What’s wrong, honey? Little girl want to cum? Oh, if only you had listened to me instead of going out with that idiot. This is just a horrible night for you all around, huh, baby?”
“Please…I’m sorry…I need to…need to cum.”
“Do you know how much I hated seeing his hands on you?” Picking up his pace, you moaned loudly and a soft laugh escaped his throat. “Shhhh, Y/N. Wouldn’t want my dad to hear you and find you here in bed with me. May ruin that hardass reputation…”
“Don’t care…I just want…you…Gator, please…”
You sobbed as he once again brought you close to a release before yanking you back and you weren’t able to see but his beautiful honey eyes softened at the sound. After listening to him move around, you jerked away when you felt him cradle your head in his palm. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. I’m giving you some water. Just wrap your lips around the rim here. Good girl. Such a good girl.”, he praised making you feel giddy at the sound. “You did so good I’m going to give you what you want, baby, ok?”
“Thank you…thank you… C-Can I see you?”
As the blindfold is removed, you try to refocus your eyes right as he’s taking his place between your legs. 
“Fuck, Y/N.”, he groans as he guides himself into your sensitive entrance. “So fucking tight. Don’t worry—mmph—I got you, sweetheart.”
With reckless abandon, Gator pounded his hips into yours needing a release just as bad you did. When his headboard started to hit the wall, he quickly slammed his palm against the wood to keep it still as he thrust himself into you as hard as he could. 
“Say my name, Y/N.”
“Oh my God, Gator, just like that.”
“Is that the spot, baby? I know. No one can make me you feel as good as I do.”
“N-No one. Please, Gator, make me cum.”
“I’ll make you—mmm—make you cum. I’ll cum with you, honey. Would you l-like that?”
“Yes! Pl—”
The officer’s free palm closed around your mouth as his eyes watched yours roll back and he felt your heavy breaths warm his skin as you clenched around his cock, coming harder than you ever had in your life. 
“Oh, shit.”, Gator grunted as his rhythm faltered and you felt him warm your insides. 
After a few moments to compose himself, he diligently removed your binds and disappeared into his bathroom before returning with a rag to clean you with.
“Are you ok? Do your wrists hurt?”, he whispered making you softly smile his way.
“Why are you whispering after all the noise we probably made?”, you murmur back.
A smile you had never seen on him the entire time you had known Gator Tillman flashed across his face making your own grin grow as you both nervously chuckled. Mid-giggle, his hands cupped your face as his lips found yours. Neither of you moved, just allowed your mouths to touch as his thumb tenderly caressed your cheek. 
When he pulled away, your heart cracked when you noticed all the emotion in his eyes recede before clearing his throat. 
“Yeah so, um, take your time and whenever you’re ready I can take you back home.”
“You don’t know me, Tillman.”
“I’d like to, Y/L/N.” Your eyes met his as he continued. “I know you hate me but I’d like to prove to you I’m not the asshole everyone thinks I am.”
“Ok.” Gator’s eyes widen excitedly as your smile grows at the sight. “But I swear to God if he comes at me with ‘A woman’s place is…’—“.
“You can say whatever you want to. Just know, though, that I can keep you safe and take care of you.”
“I know, Gator. I know.”
Your conversation you had with him lingered in your brain for the next couple of days until the night of your first official date with the officer you used to hate with a passion. 
He picked you up and, like a gentleman, introduced himself formally to your father, opened your car door on the passenger side of his cruiser, and adorably gave you some flowers he had bought before heading to your house. 
“Gator, thank you but you don’t have to try so hard.”
“Pfft, who says I’m trying? I’m always this polite and sweet.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.”, you giggle. 
After arriving at the restaurant, it took you both some time to find a groove but once you did, talking to him felt almost effortless. He made you laugh constantly, neither of you caring about the patrons who were side eyeing you both the entire time. When you reached out to casually touch his hand, he felt like he was on top of the world. 
“Gator.” At the sound of his father’s voice, he promptly pulled his hand away from your own and sat up straighter in his seat. “I heard you were out here having dinner with a friend but I didn’t know you were friends with Y/N.”
Your date froze, not saying a word as his gaze shifted to the floor. 
“So how long have you two been hanging out?”
Roy’s tone was loaded with condescension as he looked between you and his son. That didn’t bother you as you were used to that kind of behavior from the eldest Tillman. What was pissing you off was that Gator wasn’t speaking up. He said you could say whatever you wanted but you didn’t expect to be saying everything.
“Oh, Roy, we’ve been hanging out on and off for a while now; at my bar, his cruiser, and even your house! Right, Gator?”
When his honey irises locked with your own eyes, you could see the conflict within them but he insisted you were safe with him and that he could take care of you. What if his dad insisted he needed to date someone who was the opposite of you. With the way he was acting, it seemed he’d agree and not defend you when the time came. 
“Hm, I see. Well, don’t worry, Sheriff, we won’t be hanging out anymore.”
“Y/N, wait—”, Gator pleads as he reaches for your arm as you grab your bag and rise to your feet. 
“Don’t fucking touch me! It seems you’re already in a committed relationship and there’s no room for me.”, you spit as your angry eyes size up his dad. “Leave me alone, Gator. I’m done dealing with your bullshit.”
“You and me both, girl.”, Roy murmurs sarcastically as he turns towards his son. 
Usually, you would say something snarky back at him referring to you that way but you didn’t have the strength. You need every ounce of energy you could muster to find the courage to turn away from the man you starting to fall for before he broke your heart. 
@ilikegirlswhoeatcarrotsblog @dashingdeb16 @nailbatanddungeon
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queen-of-reptiles · 5 months
description: in which charli meets her future girlfriend in a coffee shop in london problem however - she’s bethany england’s cousin
charli grant x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: language, cuteness
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y/n just posted
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liked by, y/f/n1, y/f/n2 and 609 others
y/n smiley :))
tagged bethanyengland4, daisy_c1 and 6 others
view all 200 comments
y/f/n1: vibe 😎
y/n: ikr 😏
y/f/n2: so many smiley faces
y/n: 🙂🙂🙂
y/f/n3: ☺️☺️
y/n: 😘😘
bethanyengland4: 💙💙
y/n: 💙💙
username1: omg who is this ?!?!??
y/f/n4: that night was a weird vibe tbf
y/f/n5: i blame y/n 🤷‍♀️
y/n: oi fucker
y/f/n6: you kiss your mother with that mouth 😏
y/n: no but i kiss yours 😏
mart.thomas: what fun!!
y/n: love you marta !!
username2: how does she know the spurs girls ?!
username3: 🧐🧐
y/f/n7: coffee, fashion, night out, wanna be aesthetic, bethany, TRAIN, daisy and the best band set up ever
daisy_c1: thanks for the info 😭
y/n: why did he just dissect my post lmao
daisy_c1: oi leave him alone - he can do whatever he wants 🖕
y/n: you wanna fight 🧐
daisy_c1: Y E S
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y/n hummed as she flipped another chair over, the morning sun slowly pushing through London, Bulls Cross road was just starting to get busy as people rushed toward the centre of London for work.
y/n flipped the sign at the door, smiling at Daisy the two workers letting out a joint sigh as they waited for the usual morning rush the coffee shop always had.
Since y/n could remember, her parents had wanted to own a coffee shop, and when y/n's father passed away when she was 18, her mum decided to do it.
The woman baked the best sweet treats and savoury paninis which people adored, she and her five kitchen staff worked out back - switching shifts and y/n with her rotated seven out front worked serving the customers.
y/n enjoyed the ability to bond with people over drinks, and the fact she and her mother mainly employed college/university kids who really enjoyed working and did so with a smile.
The bell echoed and the three shared a look before bursting into it, rushing and bustling as they worked swiftly for the next two hours, battling the morning rush, until the clock finally hit 9am.
"Oh my god!" Daisy groaned, the two slumping onto the counter in relief that the cafe was finally empty. The bell went once more and y/n sighed.
"Slacking on the job?" A voice asked, an amused tone shining through.
"Beth!" y/n grinned, rushing over to her cousin who scooped her up in a tight hug.
"Hey mini!" Bethany cheered. "Here for my morning dose of caffeine!" She adds and y/n nods as Daisy starts making Bethany's usual coffee order.
"How are you?" y/n asked her cousin as she moves back behind the counter.
"Good, we have a new signing starting today, so I'm excited." Bethany nods and y/n smiles.
"Yeah, Charlie Grant right? The Australian?" y/n asks and Bethany nods.
"You do pay attention, you do care!" Bethany says, grinning at the fact her cousin, who didn't really like football knew who their new signing was.
"Meh, a little bit." y/n laughs, holding up her pointer finger and her thumb to make a small space between them.
The two cousin's share a laugh before Daisy hands Bethany her coffe, the woman thanking her as Daisy shrugs it off, miming to y/n she was going to go outside for a minute and have a vape which y/n allows with a nod and a smile.
"I will see you tonight yeah, for dinner?" Bethany asks y/n who nods happily.
"Yeah of course." y/n smiles and Bethany grins, leaning over to press a kiss to her younger cousin's cheek.
"See you tonight! Love you." Bethany calls.
"Love you too!" y/n calls out, before the door shuts and the cafe is quiet once more.
Only twenty minutes after Bethany had got her coffee the door opened again and a blonde wondered in, eyes wide as she looked around at the menu, mouth every so often moving along with the words of the items on the menu.
Daisy had been sent to get some school work done in the staff area out the back, y/n telling her to come back just before quarter to eleven, which was when their lunch rush would start until 2 - Leonard would also be in by then and then once 3 hit Daisy would go home.
"Hiya, can I help?" y/n asked, a smile on her face as the girl looked at her and her cheeks reddened.
"Oh, hi. Um, what's good in here?" The woman asked and y/n smiled at her.
"Depends, what do you like the look of?" y/n asked, turning to look at the menu which was big enough to have some variety on but not stupidly big.
"I like the look of you." The girl said, seemingly without thinking and y/n's head snapped to her, the girl covered her mouth in embarrassment and y/n giggled.
"Thank you, however I am not on the menu." y/n laughed and the girl giggled slightly. "I'm y/n." She added, holding out her hand.
"Charli." The girl introduced, shaking y/n's hand.
"I'm guessing from the accent, you're not for around here?" y/n asks.
"No, I'm from the motherland of Australia." Charli smiles and y/n chuckles.
"Well Charli, welcome to London! Now what can I get for ya?" y/n asked.
Once Charlie had ordered her drink, y/n got on with making it quick and putting it in a to go cup. She then handed it to the woman opposite, ignoring the way their finger bushed as Charli took it.
"Can I get your number, maybe you could show me around London, y'know?" Charli asks and y/n smiles.
"Tell you what, come back tomorrow morning, and I'll give you my number." y/n nods and Charli grins brightly.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow chick!" Charli before she leaves the cafe and y/n smiles.
"Wasn't that Bethany's new signing?" Daisy asks, y/n jumping in shock having not heard her appear in the back doorway.
"Maybe." y/n chuckled, Daisy rolling her eyes playfully. "What?" y/n asks. "She's really really hot." She adds and Daisy chuckles, grabbing a diet coke at the fridge and going back to studying.
daisy_c1 just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on their story
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y/n huffed as she pushed through the restaurant door, moving toward the loud noise of what she was sure were the Tottenham players.
She lid off her coat, her relaxed yet classy dress being on display as she moved toward the table, Becky being the first one to notice her and get up.
"y/n!" Becky cheered, pulling the girl in for a hug.
"Hi Becks!" y/n smiles hugging her as several of the team also raised to their feet. After doing her rounds and saying hi to everyone, y/n noticed Bethany and Charli walking back from the bar, clearly having ordered some non-alcoholic drinks for everyone.
"There she is!" Bethany cheers, moving over to y/n and pulling her in for a tight hug. y/n looked over Bethany's shoulder, winking cheekily at Charli who was watching her with wide shocked eyes.
"Hi Beth, you okay?" y/n asks pulling away, her cousin nodded as she dragged Charli over.
"Charli, this is my cousin and the best coffee maker in town, y/n." Bethany smiles.
"Hi." y/n smiles offering her hand.
"Hey." Charli nods, shaking her hand as Bethany pulls y/n down to sit, Charli the other side.
"I ordered you your usual?" Bethany asks her cousin and y/n nods thanking her with a kiss on your cheek. Bethany then gets into a conversation with Marta, so y/n turns to Charli.
"So, Bethany is your cousin?" Charli asks. "My captain?" She asks again and y/n chuckles.
"Still want my number?" y/n asks hopefully.
"You are really fit." Charli sighs and y/n chuckles, the two sharing a laugh. "I guess you'll just have to see if I come in tomorrow." Charli hums.
"You better." y/n warns and Charli just giggles, before the two turn to separate people to talk.
The next morning, y/n went through the rush and the watched the door impatiently, hoping to see a familiar blonde walk through the door.
At 9.05am y/n sighed and assumed Charli had gone straight to training so started making herself a hot chocolate, and one for one of the newbies that was currently studying out back.
"Can I get some service?" A voice asks and y/n jumps, turning to see Charli waiting with a cheeky grin. y/n furrows her brows wondering how she didn't here the bell of the door.
"You came." y/n said with a small smile.
"Well you see, there's a really good offer on the table of this beautiful chicks number." Charli sighs and y/n chuckles.
"Oh yeah, want me to go get her?" y/n asks and Charli nods.
"Would ya? She's stunning and may be related to the Tottenham women captain." Charli nods.
y/n chuckles before spinning on the spot and mockingly gasping at Charli, as if she didn't know she was there, at this Charli bursts into laughter.
"Charli, lovely to see you." y/n smiles and Charli smiles softly back.
"So..." Charli says, resting against the counter.
"You looking for this?" y/n asks, holding up a napkin with her number scrawled across.
"Yes I am indeed." Charli nods, leaning over and snatching it from y/n's hand before she could blink. The blonde had the number in her phone and ringing quickly.
y/n's phone vibrated on the side and Charli nodded, happy to know that the number was correct and y/n now had her number. y/n chuckled slightly as she grabbed her phone and added Charli as a contact.
"I have to go." Charli says softly. "But do you think we could meet up, outside of Spurs dinners and coffee shop counters?" Charli asks and y/n smiles softly, texting across her answer.
to charli: tomorrow here, 7pm.
Charlie looks up back at y/n, a bright smile on her face when she realises they are going on a date and she nods her head.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Charli nods before leaning over the counter and pecking y/n's cheek. "Bye!" Charli calls before rushing out.
y/n bit her lip, smiling softly before running a hand over her cheek, she then sighs and opens her phone quickly texting Bethany, who replies far quicker than expected.
to bethyyyy <3: if I asked to date one of your team-mates, what would you say? x
from bethyyyy <3: this abt Charli?
to bethyyyy <3: wtf - what the actual fuck - how did...
from bethyyyy <3: please a lesbian always knows
to bethyyyy <3: hahahahahahahah
from bethyyyy <3: go for it btw! xx
to bethyyyy <3: love you x
from bethyyyy<3: love you too xx
y/n smiled as she looked up from her phone, before grinning at the ceiling and fist bumping herself - all she had to do was take Charli to a good first date. And she had just the place.
charli_grant just posted on her story
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katrinagorry10 just followed y/n
mackenziearnold just followed y/n
samanthakerr20 just followed y/n
maryfowlerrr just followed y/n
caitlinfoord just followed y/n
elliecarpenterr just followed y/n
kyracooneyx just followed y/n
stephcatley just followed y/n
alannakennedy just followed y/n
100, 098 others just followed y/n
y/n just posted
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liked by daisy_c1, bethanyengland4 and 108, 287 others
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y/n umm hi everyone ?
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y/f/n1: soooooo many people omg 😶😶
y/n: 🫣🫣
y/f/n2: a lotta coffeee that day ! 😝
y/n: it was quite the day ! 😅
y/f/n2: 😂😂
username1: is it me or is she so pretty ?!! 😍😍
samanthakerr20: was great to meet you pookie !! I WILL BE RETURNING FOR YOUR MOTHERS CAKES 😍😍
y/n: 🥰😘
beckyspencer91: that night was so good ‘kiss me martinis’ yummm 😌😌
y/n: 💋💋
username2: so she’s bethany’s cousin?!?!
charli_grant: i need to STOP taking selfies on your phone ! 😭
y/n: no I like them !! ☺️
cailtlinfoord: ‘no i like them’ 😶
daisy_c1: omg those flowers 😍😍
y/n: you got them for me ?!!!!
daisy_c1: i know i just wanted to make sure everyone knew what a great bff i am ☺️
charli_grant: 🚨 DAISY IS A GREAT BEST FRIEND 🚨
y/n: 😂😂😂
bethanyengland4: love you little one!!
y/n: Love you tooo!!!!!
kyracooneyx: that last photo took Charli and I wayyyyy to long to do 😅
y/n: in the rain as well
charli_grant: NO Y/N WAIT YOU HAVE TO GET THE AESTHETIC ANGLE - kyra after making us stand in the rain for five minutes 🙄
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y/n chuckled as her phone continued to go off, neither her or Charli bothered as they continued to skate around the empty roller rink, everyone having gone home.
y/n held her hand out for Charli, the blonde grasping it as they rolled over the wood, singing along to the music as they did so, Charli pulled y/n slightly, arms wrapping around her waist as she pulled the girl into her chest.
y/n breathed in shock, arms wrapping around Charli's shoulders as the blonde skates them both, y/n not attempting to skate backwards, just letting Charli bring her along.
"I really enjoyed tonight." Charli whispered quietly, pushing a strand of hair away from y/n's eyes.
"Does that mean you want another one?" y/n asks hopefully, Charli smiling as she skates them toward the exit.
"I'd love to." Charli nods, as she holds y/n's hands, letting her get from the rink.
"Yeah?" y/n asks, smiling as Charli nods.
"Yeah." Charli smiles, the two taking their skates off and thanking the workers before sliding their trainers back on and walking back outside.
"Come on, there is one more thing to do." y/n smiles, dragging Charli toward her car where the two get in, turning the heat on to keep them warm as y/n drives to a spot just outside the woods, the Tottenham training centre the other side of them.
"Have you brought me here to kill me?" Charli asks as they get out, coats zipped up.
"Shut up." y/n laughs.
"No, cause I warn ya, I'm scrappy." Charli says and y/n laughs more.
"Oh shush." y/n hums climbing onto the roof of her Volvo. "Come on." She adds as she lays back, Charli joining her with a furrowed brow.
"What are ya doing chick?" Charli asks her.
"Lie down and look up Charl." y/n says, Charli doing as she was told, a gasp falling from her lips. "Out here, the light pollution isn't as bad, so you can actually see all the stars." y/n smiles at her.
"It's beautiful." Charli says, y/n humming in agreement as she watches the scene above her. "Thank you for tonight, it's been fantastic." Charli admits softly.
"I think the company's been the best thing." y/n says, turning her head to face Charli, the blonde doing the same.
"You know, I would agree." Charli smiles softly, her hand reaching out to find y/n's, the two linking their fingers as they turn back to the stars.
charli_grant just posted on her story
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okay there will deffo be a part two to this but once I have fought my way through requests!
Queenie! x
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [46]
chapter forty-six, act six: be my mistake
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December 25th 2017
It takes Tommie forty minutes to stop staring at the front door as if he’s going to walk right back through. When she finally does leave the hallway her gaze settles onto the wrapped gift still untouched. 
She’s sitting criss crossed under her green Christmas tree with Button on one side and Allen the other.
The wrapping paper has little dinosaurs wearing cowboy hats, which upon further inspection she realises have been drawn on by hand. She tears it open, then folds it neatly and places it to her side. Her eyes tear up, her thumb traces the leather. 
It’s her book. 
Her lyric book she thought lost forever sits right there in her hands with a blue post it note on top.
‘ Don’t worry, I didn’t punch him, Ross did (again).’
She giggles to herself as she takes the post it note and slots it inside to a page in the middle of the book, the one with the first ever draft of her poem ‘show me yours’.
Beneath the old brown leather book is a very similar one. The exact same book instead this one is a dark green colour.
She flicks open the first page and finds a note has been drawn on the inside cover.
‘The day that I met you I started dreaming. Now I write them down if I remember in the morning
-Yours, Matty’
A few pages have been written on, he writes on one side of a double page then leaves the other blank so she can fill in her own thoughts or change what he has written.
They’re songs. Songs he had written in rehab. About her. For her. She’s not sure yet.
Her eyes scan the pages as she flicks through them all, taking note of the titles scribbled in red ink.
Inside your mind Love it if we made it Be my mistake Sincerity is scary If it’s not with you Mine In love Sometimes About you Playing on my mind
She reads them all. Over and over and over. She only adds to one of the songs he’s written. 
She finds inspiration, she writes. She writes a lot, poetry which turn into songs and songs which become poetry. She finds herself finishing songs from her old book that she’d begun writing years ago. Love songs she’d tried to write about Caleb seem to fall together with a new inspiration in mind.
Even in the breakup songs she finds ways to reference him in some way.
She can’t help it. There’s a piece of Matty in everything she does. Not just in her writing, she finds herself gravitating towards clothes of hers that he’d once touched. Like her old The Stone Roses shirt he wore once, or the flannel shirt he’d always ‘borrow’ when he came into her room. She buys his favourite brand of tea bags and stocks the fridge with his favourite pop. She listens to his favourite artist and hums a few tones lower to match his usual pitch. She reads books he had recommended and watches True Romance over and over because she can still picture his happy grin as he mimed the words along to the cinema scene. She finds herself stroking the freckle on her collarbone he once kissed. Touching the part of her hairline he would rest his lips against when he held her close. She finds herself thinking of him. Consumed by him. It’s Matty. It’s always been Matty.
She doesn’t stop writing. The words seem to flow out of her unlike anything she’s ever experienced before. Her hand cramps and even then she continues on with ink stained finger tips delicately turning white pages.
She shifts the book from her knee to the coffee table and as she does something falls out from the back of it. Shuffling awkwardly across the floor and raising the heads of the two dogs who watch her, she reaches for the small photograph.
A smile stretches her lips. It’s of the band a few weeks after she first met them. She was young at the time, thirteen maybe if she remembers correctly. Matty is standing directly behind her with his hand on her shoulder and his chin on her head. She’s smiling so big. She misses it. She misses the band. She misses her boys. She misses her Matty.
July 30th 2007
“You’ll be fine.’
Her cousin's words do little to help sooth her nerves as she clutches his hand. “They’re my best mates,” He continues on as he holds the door open for her, “They’ll love you as much as I do.”
“I’m not sure, Ads.”
“It’ll be fine.”
He promises as he opens the door. Three sets of eyes are on her when she enters and she pauses at the doorway.
It’s the tallest one with a buzzcut that comes to her first with a smile. “Caroline?”
“Tommie.” She says quickly.
“I’m Ross.” He tells her, then with a hand on her back he guides her further into the room to sit on the small two seater they have. 
Before he can settle beside her the space is taken by the long haired guy, he throws an arm over her shoulder and places the other in front of her for her to shake. “I’m Matty. Hann tells us you can play guitar, wanna be in the band?”
Ross shakes his head and pushes Matty away from her by his forehead, “She’s like ten leave her alone.”
“I’m not… ten.” She says quietly. 
Matty shrugs, ignoring her quiet comment, “Well, let her decide, Ross.” He turns back to her then, brown eyes looking right through her, “Would you?”
She shrugs, “I don’t know.”
“Leave her alone.”
The third guy who she hasn’t learnt the name of yet drags him to stand and pushes him away, Ross takes Matty’s spot while the guy in the beanie offers a shy smile. “I’m George.”
She nods back to him and lets her eyes go back to Matty who’s rocking back and forth on his feet, “I’ve always said having a girl in the band will do us better.”
“Better how?”
He sighs dramatically and Adam shoots a sharp look to George, “Really? You want him to give his whole speech again?”
George shrugs innocently as Matty clears his throat, “First of all, a girl can hit different notes than me, having one to harmonise-”
“Matty.” Ross interrupts, “The girl’s just got here. Let’s leave her alone, eh?”
He rolls his eyes then turns them back to Tommie, “Favourite song?”
She looks back to Adam, already hating her cousin for forcing her to meet his friends, “I don’t know, um.” She looks around at the walls of the little pool house they’re hidden away in. There’s posters and instruments all lying around, the floor is covered in wires and through a barely covered glass window she can see the pool. “I like that one of the new Arctic Monkey album.”
“Which one?”
He nods in thought, “Alright. Sit back, relax and enjoy, Thomas. We’re gonna blow you away.”
He ushers the guys up and Ross leans towards her, “This is him trying to convince you. Don’t give in, he’s pushy but he’ll give up eventually.”
Looking back, Tommie’s glad he didn’t give up.
She clutches the photo to her chest and leans back against her settee with a sob of solitude. 
With tears in her eyes she crawls across the floor to her sofa and grips her phone. With shaky hands she lifts it to her ear as the phone starts ringing. 
“Can you come over? Please. I just-” She niffles and rubs the back of her wrist against her nose, “I really need you right now.”
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora, @procrastinatinglikeapro, @beatr2x, @byyourside28, @plantinghobbies, @sinarainbows
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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notmaverick · 6 months
MORTAL KOMBAT 1: Stranger!Johnny Cage x F!Reader “Sweater Weather”
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Warnings: Fluff, Some kissing, flirting, reader doesn't know that johnny is famous, stranger to lovers.
Author's Note: It's cold right now! I decided to do a fic for johnny about sweater Weather, there's a lot more coming up for other characters! Rushed fic
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You work in a coffee shop and it's closing time, you're just finishing some work, cleaning the tables then you heard the door open, “Hello, Sorry but we're closed-” you said as you look from the door and seeing a guy wearing a black pants, black button up shirt and a long black coat on top of it, he's also wearing a shades and had a cocky grin on his face, “Oh, sorry love, I'll pay for your extra time I just need something to drink, I heard that the coffee here is great.” He smiled at you, hands in his pocket, “Yeah we do make great coffee, just sit there for a moment I'll finish this up and I'll get your order right away.” You said as you smiled back at him, “Perfect, thank you love.” He sat down at the table that you've been cleaning, setting his phone down In Front of him as he looked up at you, “So, what's your name?” “Y/N.” You replied back to him, “Y/N, That's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady.” He teased you, smiling and admiring how beautiful you are, “Thank you…that's-” you can't seem to say anything after he just said that, “I'm sorry if that made you a little blush, I'm being rude-” he extended his hands at you, offering a handshake, “Johnny Cage.” “Nice to meet you, Mr. Cage-” you shake his hand smiling as you do, He frowned thinking what makes you not surprised or not excited, “Don't you know who I am? Thee Johnny Cage, Ninja mime?? Does that ring a bell to you?” “I beg your pardon?” He chuckled, “I'm a Hollywood superstar, dear.” He said smiling at you, surprised that there's people who don't know or recognize him, “Oh- shit. Uhm- I'm sorry! I didn't know you're an actor-” you apologize to him as you went to the counter to get his order, “Don't sweat it, Y/N,” he said as he followed you to the counter, “You working alone tonight?” “Yes, I always work alone at night-” you said as you looked up at him, still embarrassed. “So about your order, what would that be again?” You said smiling at him, “One Caffé Americano and hmm- no make that two caffé Americano, Thank you.” He said grabbing his wallet, “Right got it, two caffé Americano for Johnny Cage.” You teased him, “Thank you, Y/N, Here-” he said giving you an extra bill, “This is too much Mr. Cage, your total is only $30-” “Keep the rest, Y/N, You deserve it for working this late.” He said, winking at you, “And also Call me Johnny.” you smiled at him, “Ok, Thank you, Johnny.” You replied to him, taking the $200 that he gave to you, you put the tip to your pocket as you made your way to make Johnny's coffee.
Johnny went back to his table, patiently waiting for you and his coffee. He likes the way you smile at him, the way you say his name, He likes how cute you are when you're feeling embarrassed, He's starting to like you even though he just met you a couple of minutes ago.
You finished preparing Johnny's coffee as you bring the coffee to him, “Here you go, Johnny-” you said as you set the coffees in his table, “Enjoy your coffee, I'll clean up-” you were about to go then he grabbed your hands, stopping you from walking away, “Sit down, worry about cleaning this place later, you deserve some rest.” He said as he gave the other coffee to you, “That's for you, no need to be shy or embarrassed, Y/N.” He chuckled, “You're too kind for me Johnny.” You said as you hesitate to take the coffee, you sat down with him, “Thank you, Really..” “Not a problem Y/N.” He said smiling at you, “I'll tell you what, after we finish this, I'll help you clean, how's that?” He said, giving you a cocky grin, “What- that's I'll get fired if you do that-” “Don't sweat it, love. I'll take care of it if that ever happens.” He winked at you as he sipped his drink, “Damn, You make a good coffee, a perfect one.” you blushed from his words, you tried to hide your face, “I- thank you- Thank you Johnny I appreciate that.” You said smiling then you took a sip from your coffee, the warm coffee makes you shiver a bit.
You two talked for a while, laughed and teased each other, you asked about how Johnny's life is, and he does the same, you noticed how handsome he is, the way he makes flirty comments about you that leaving you blushing and smiling like a kid, the way his big brown eyes look at you, You're starting to like him, But you know that He's an actor, a famous one, You're afraid that he might not like you back.
“I should clean up, it's getting really late and it's also snowing. I didn't bring any sweater with me-” you were about to stand up but he stopped you again, “You're forgetting that I told you that I'm helping you, right?” “oh- yeah right, sorry” You chuckled, “Ok, let's go?” He said as he stood up with you, “I'll clean up here. Can you clean up the dishes if there's any?” He said as he Removes his black coat, revealing his veiny hands that goes all the way up to his biceps that's been covered by the sleeve of his clothes, “Never mind that, I'll help you with everything-” he said grabbing your hand and going to the kitchen to clean up.
He washed the remaining dishes as you help to dry it, after that he mopped the floors as you arrange everything in the shelves, with that a few cleanings later, you and Johnny rest up at the table.
“Whew, that was fun-” he chuckled looking at you, “You ok, Y/N?” He asked as he saw you yawning, “Yeah- I'm just really tired..” you rubbed your eyes, “We should go” you managed to smile at him, “I'll drop you off, it's freezing out there, you'll catch a cold.” “Ok- I'll get my stuff, you can wait outside” you smiled at him, “Ok,” You went to grab your things and change clothes, you retouch your makeup and sprayed some perfume on.
You went outside as you got done, seeing Johnny leaning back against his sports car, “Jeez, Y/N-” he said as he removed his coat, “Here put this on, you'll freeze-” he said chuckling helping you to put his coat on, “You can stay in my place tonight, the snow is to annoying to deal with-” he said opening the passenger seat for you, “If that's ok?” He looked at you, “Yeah- i- that's ok.” “Perfect.” He said as you went inside, closing the door for you, he went to the other side of the car and opened the door to get it, “You alright?” He asked, looking at you in concern, “Yeah, I'm ok- just a little cold..” “ok hang on-” he said as he grabbed a sweater from the back of the car, “Wear this then the coat, if you're still cold I'll turn the car heater on” You took the sweater at him and he helps you wear the sweater, you shivered as you felt warm enough, “Thank you, Johnny I feel better now- Really you've done so much for me-” he cuts you off with a kiss, a sincere and gentle kiss, he pulls away looking directly in to your eyes, “Sometimes you need to accept the fact that I like you and that I'm happy to help you-” he chuckled when he saw you blushing, “Johnny- wha- what's that for?!” You blushed, Johnny grins, “A kiss to keep you more warm?” He teased, “Can I just be honest, Y/N?” “What is it?” He sighs, “I know we just met like a few hours ago and I probably don't know if you like me back or wh-” “I like you too-” You almost shouted, “What?” Johnny's eyes widened, “I said I like you too..well I don't know- it's just when I saw you being kind to me and all flirty I just found you so different, you're not like the other guys I've met nor dated you know? It's just you'll get it!” You felt so embarrassed as you said those words feeling like you're going to explode, he held your hands, “Hey, it's ok, Y/N I understand that's this is all of a sudden, we just met and- I'm just willing to take everything slow and just like how you wanted it.” He assured you by rubbing your hands with his thumb, “Johnny-” “I know love, it's ok.” he smiled at you and you smiled back to him, “So am I your girlfriend right now or-” “Your decision love, I'll serenade you if that's what it takes-” he chuckled, “if that's what you want.” you smiled at him as he started the car and drives away going to his place.
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Sorry if this is a very rushed fic:(( I'll try to make a better one for other characters!🖤🖤
Likes and reblogs are appreciated! We're so close at 100 followers! Thank you guys so so much!
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
This interaction popped into my head fully-formed today and I knew no peace until I wrote it out. They're friends, your honor 😭
“Getting long, huh?”
Trent froze in the act of putting up his hair, a few tendrils slipping to fall in his eyes, obscuring Roy. It was still instinctual to flinch back, his father’s acidic voice ringing in his ears as he said again and again and again how it was past time for Trent to see a barber, each reminder casual like his judgment was a given. Well, it always had been. Trent never found the courage to admit that he was a regular of salons and that each product they sold there cost more than his father’s first rent. His lip had curled, barb-like, when Trent had last visited, the shoulder-length cut exacerbating the news of his firing. He could only imagine what his father would say if he saw it now, curls licking at the small of his back.
Trent’s mind processed all of this in a matter of seconds, journalistic instincts finally overriding the fear to focus on reality: the neutral tone of Roy’s voice. His appreciative glance. Their normal coffee hand-off that Trent had to resurrect numb fingers to complete.
Roy was not his father. No one at Richmond was.
“Yeah,” Trent agreed, voice scratchy. He took a hasty gulp of his drink. “It’s never been this long before.”
Non-committal grunt from the other side of the office. That was the Roy equivalent of dragging his chair over, propping his chin on his hands, and begging for all the juicy details.
“I’m... thinking of cutting it again?”
That got a reaction. Roy’s head whipped around in a gesture that screamed ‘ABSOLUTELY NOT’ but his response, when it came, was just another measured hum. No pressure; plenty of space to accept a statement, or engage with the question. Trent had to bite his lip to keep from laughing outright. But god, Roy was trying so hard and that felt so good.
Though he was likewise trying to be kinder to his past self, Trent hated that he’d caved and cut his hair a day before approaching Richmond, that snide voice in his head insisting that he’d be lucky to make it into the building -- they certainly wouldn’t hire a slovenly poof, as his father might say. Ah, but then that voice did have a hint of his Scouse accent, didn't it? Really, Trent hadn’t given it much thought until Ted mentioned having a bag full of hair-ties and suddenly he was desperate for the length back, if only to make use of something that Ted had held.
Embolden by caffeine and the mellow mood, Trent decided to gift Roy some truth.
“I grew it this long for him,” he said, head nodding towards the closed door. Behind the glass Ted was pecking at his keyboard in a manner that was not adorable, not at all, because describing a middle-aged American as ‘adorable’ was too much, even for Trent’s purple prose. So Ted was merely whatever word instilled the desire to kick one’s feet and doodle connecting hearts around the edges of a journal.
Trent’s crush was no secret -- to no one but Ted, anyway -- but speaking about it now, openly, mere feet from the man himself... that was thrilling. Ridiculously so for a Tuesday morning spent with Roy Kent.
“I missed a couple of appointments back when the book was going through proofs and then we had that week-long storm, remember?" Trent mimed the sheets of rain that had flooded their streets and turned flower beds into dirt soup. "I came in drenched one day, just sopping, with my shoes squelching and my blazer ruined. I’m pretty sure I scarred one of the security guards when I threatened to get him fired if he didn’t find me a towel in the next thirty seconds. I was a bitch, no two ways about it. Meanwhile, Ted took one look at me, gasped, and said I was a mermaid.” Trent grinned at the memory, fingers fluttering. “Then he lent me a shirt and I spent the rest of the day wondering if the purple made me look like Ariel.”
“...Did you keep the shirt?”
“Of course not. It was lost--” air quotes, “--at the cleaners.”
Roy snorted in amusement. Trent was surprised though when his expression grew tight and when he spoke, so quiet Trent almost didn’t catch it, there was an undertone of hesitance; like Roy feared overstepping some line.
“Grew it long for him,” he said, “but are you keeping it long for him? I mean, what the fuck do you want?”
Trent blinked, considering. Oh. Well. If you’d asked him point blank he would have said categorically that he wasn’t someone who changed himself to appease others... but then, forty years pretending to be straight didn’t really support that, now did it? The truth was that he wanted strangers to stop staring on the street whenever he went out with his curls and a skirt. He wanted to teach Amelia how to braid his hair, just like he braided hers each weekend. He wanted a fucking buzz-cut to combat the summer heat. He wanted to make the flower crowns he’d never even dared to imagine in his youth. He wanted to spend less of his salary on products -- or at least feel less guilty about the indulgence. He wanted to borrow Keeley’s scrunchies. He wanted to donate it all to Locks of Love. He wanted hair long enough to impulsively dye it red, just to see Ted laugh.
Trent wanted to go back in time and find the courage to change his own body without riding the coattails of a crush’s compliment. He wanted to accept that there was no version of himself he liked without the influence of Ted Lasso and kiss him, kiss him, kiss him in gratitude.
“I don’t know,” Trent admitted, “but for now I want this.”
Roy gave a short nod, his shoulders relaxing. He glanced towards the window where Ted still sat, huffing in a manner that a brave man might have called fond, and returned to his work.
Once they’d settled into their daily silence, Trent couldn’t resist:
“I do want it long enough for him to pull.”
“Fuck off!”
Across the way Ted jumped, wondering what had Trent laughing like that and Roy slamming through the door, yelling something about "TM-fucking-I."
Watching Trent tip his head back so his hair flew, danced, caressed his cheek as it passed, Ted decided he’d just have to ask him about it over dinner.
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dougtheintern · 1 year
LONG. ASS. POST. do not click more or whatevs if u dont wanna see autistic ramblings of a mad man
darryl - scratches his scalp— he has like KILLER scabs on his head bcuz of this— but theyre so fun to pick at. he keeps his nails slightly longer than most so it’s easier to pick. it drives carol crazy. very subconscious but also does it consciously when his head itches.
after faerun he develops a habit of twisting his ring around his finger when he’s nervous or worried— usually when thinking about the future or his family.
this is only when he’s alone, but he shakes his hands around really fast to get his energy out.
ron - shuffles his business cards around— in a really cool way. like those people who can shuffle playing cards really well. he does this when he doesn’t have anything else to do and is understimulated
tugs on his mustache either very gently— subconsciously and just out of habit— or very harshly— when he needs to ground himself
rocks on his feet, or when sitting. usually to create a steady pace for his thoughts to follow.
shakes his head very violently— like a dog— when he needs to get energy out
henry - always has tree sap (?) or natural gum on hand to chew— it makes it so he doesn’t hear overstimulating noises and only hears the movement of his jaw and the gum.
has a ton of bracelets— loosens them, tightens them, spins them around, stretches them out, everything. usually when he feels sick/anxious. you know when he’s feeling under the weather when he spins around his bracelets.
bounces around when he’s very excited and hyper— to get out his energy
glenn - this man mimes playing the guitar ALL THE TIME. i just know it. usually its when he’s getting a bit excited and need to get his nerves/excitement out so he just goes ‘BAWOWOWOOOOWW’ with his air guitar
usually has 2 guitar picks with him— one for chewing on, flipping, etc— and one for actually playing. chews on the pick when he’s nervous and understimulated. flips it when he needs to distract himself from smthin
jodie - spins his keys around his fingers when he needs something to look at and is understimulated
after morgan left him, he was constantly tired, so he claps his hands often to stay awake— it’s cheaper than coffee. plus, caffeine doesn’t work on him.
rubs his temples to soothe himself when overstimulated— especially from bright lights. (the flames of hell suck! too bright 0/10)
grant - takes after his dad when he’s older, and picks at his scalp. but, marko always gently corrects it, and gives him some picking toy instead. only subconsciously, he doesn’t do it on purpose.
when younger, he used to jump around and flail his hands when overstimulated and full of energy— after becoming a ‘man’ he stopped.
matches his breathing to the nearest person’s breathing— even if he doesn’t know them. it grounds him and keeps him stable— especially when he’s older and has to be present for his husband and kid.
terry jr. - since Samantha is a therapist, he actually has many fidget toys that he knows work for him. probably the luckiest kid in that retrospect.
specifically; he enjoys fidget cubes, slime (only fluffy and non-sticky.), and watching a newton’s cradle.
he also very freely rocks and flails his hands— if anyone insults him for it, he knows that his mother would be proud of him for letting him express himself— despite what people say.
as an adult, he twists his hair a bit, but usually catches it and uses a fidget cube instead.
lark - very violent to himself with his stims.
hits himself in the head when overstimulated and upset— especially when on the verge of crying. usually does this when no one is around to worry about him.
picks at stuff with the structure/texture of saran wrap? like soft plastic? chews on it and pulls it apart— he likes being aggressive and just clawing into it. it soothes him.
sparrow - when she wears dresses, she twirls a lot to watch the dress flow. it calms her down and makes her giggle a bit.
when overstimulated, she paces really fast. wears footprints into carpet because of how long she does it.
kinetic sand is her favorite thing to play with— but it’s embarrassing for her to do it around other people. she feels like she has to be mature— not playing with stuff for kids.
nick/narc/nicky - chews on literally everything— nick chewed on a stainless steel necklace, narc chewed on an actual chewy necklace, and now nicky just chews on his hand, his arm, his nails, whatever he can.
taps things 3 times— one for nick. one for narcolas. one for him. it grounds him and reminds him of who he is— technically 3 people— just compiled into one person. he does this when nervous— or questioning his identity.
linc - if he has a soccer ball with him, he WILL do sick tricks with it— balancing it on his foot, shoulders, head, or whatever is cool to do with soccer balls?? idk im a theater kid i dont do sports
twists his hair— his hair is voluminous so you dont really see it, but he has some spots where his hair is thinner because of him twisting and pulling it. usually when hes nervous and not feeling well.
kicks at rocks and dirt when overstimulated— to get energy and anger out. sometimes stomps— but immediately gets embarrassed.
scary - twists her lip piercings with her tongue when she’s bored and understimulated— or her nose piercing with her hands. it kind of irritates her nose piercing, so she has to not do it for like a week if she does twist it around.
picks at the fishnet stuff she wears— claims that the holes that are caused by it are SICK AS HELL, THANK YOU. usually she does this when she’s mad— so when you see her picking at her fishnet stuff, BACK OFF (terry. )
never uses any of the fidget toys terry gives her out of pure spite— but did enjoy the slime he got her. she pretended she threw it away but actually kept it— currently in her backpack for when she’s upset and needs something to beat the shit out of (she likes punching it.)
normal - clicks his tongue to the beat of the songs that the marching band usually plays— also does little finger drumming to go along with it. this is subconscious and not necessarily for anything— it just calms him
cracks his knuckles, pops his shoulders, rolls his ankles and wrists until they pop, and cracks his neck. all because he likes the sound it makes and the way it feels afterwards. usually this is saved for when hes understimulated and needs something to listen to/focus on
hums when he’s overstimulated— usually some random song thats on the radio.
taylor - when he doesn’t need his cane (usually on a good day) he’ll swing it around and twirl it and shit. for funsies. also because he just. he likes swinging stuff like swords!!! can you blame him!!
chews on necklaces like his dad, cassandra gets VERY emotional when he does that but pretends she doesn’t. me when people stim the same way that theyve seen their friends/parents do: 😭😭
he also yanks on his own horns alot to ground himself when he’s overstimulated and upset. his horns are often red bcuz of that .
bites his lip and eats the dead skin off of it. gross little man . (i say, actively doing the same thing.) hates the feeling of lipgloss and chapstick so i suppose he’ll just have gross disgusting chapped flaking lips forever… 💔
hermie - he likes messing with his hair— usually has a couple of hairties on his wrist just so he can tie it up and out of the way. the gayass shaggy hair is cute until you’re overstimulated by how the bangs are touching your face.
bro itches his burn scars way too much. i have a burn scar on my ankle and i itch it so much so i think if that’s on half of his body its. its gotta itch a bunch. he probably does it absent mindedly and doesn’t notice ever until someone points it out.
clacks his teeth together when overstimulated and angry. he likes tha sounds. clickclack bitch
scam likely/well actually - stretches like a cat constantly. hermie when his dad gets on all fours and does a ‘big stretch’: ☹️ . also he purrs :3 meowmeowmeow
literally pops his limbs out of his sockets idk what to tell u. he just. CLICK. hahahah hahahah spinspinspinspin like propeller. its horrifying. its terrible.
randomly turns himself into animals. just for funsies. especially when hes overstimulated. oh ur overstimulated? just turn into NAKED MOLE RAT ( look it up theyre mostly deaf)
hero - oh she has glasses chains FOR SURE and she fumbles with them constantly. like always fiddlin. always diddlin. ok maybe not like that but like. yea.
has a ring with like.. a spinny thing. like its silver with a little planet charm that can be spun. she adores it. will not let anyone touch it. only took it off for. yknow. killin deer with her bare hands.
+ i reached 30 fucking tags with this stupid post. hate this
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cherrybunniesposts · 3 months
Cup O' Coffee
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Hi lovelies! This is a soap×ghost×roach× reader fluff mini story. I know Captain Mactavish would probably make more sense in the context of these characters specifically- but truthfully I'm more familiar with our seargent Johnny boy from MWll so I went along with that personality instead. Thank you to @codsimp4life for the idea!!
Content Warning: swearing, mentions of drinking, immature behavior, reader is very sarcastic/enjoys teasing soap and ghost for being so close. Roach uses sign language to communicate, and reader is hard of hearing! Reader wears hearing aids, but also can communicate in and understand sign language (think that's it)
"Watch your mouth, johnny"
Simon's large hand gripped the back of Johnny's neck, pushing him through the front door of the small little coffee shop while Johnny whined and grumbled something that sounded like 'yer always so demanding, L.T.' under his breath.
You trail behind the two brutes, arm intertwined with roach's arm. You all were part of the same task force and had an unbreakable bond.While you had a love for both the brooding lieutenant and the chipper scott always two steps behind him, roach was always your other half. Roach was good company,and often a nice break from the chaos that seems to follow every room Johnny walks into (must be why he's so good at demolition) or the old man grunts of acknowledgement you got from ghost when talking to him.
All four of you walk up to the counter, a sweet barista with a warm smile greeting the group of misfits that just entered. You glance over in time to see that familiar cheeky grin forming on Johnny's face and an exasperated sigh falls from your lips- already knowing exactly what was on his mind.
You and Roach sign complaints back and forth while Johnny attempts (key word: attempts) to flirt with the barista for a few minutes until your patience wears thin, signaling for ghost to step up and order instead while you turn your attention to Johnny.
You give Johnny a pointed look before wrapping a hand around his bicep, grumbling in his ear as you lead him away from the counter (this poor barista)
"Johnny, how about we try and practice not flirting with every woman within a 15 mile radius, yeah?"
Johnny allows himself to be lead over to an empty table, lips turning down into a pout as he shakes his head.
"I dnnae what yer talking about, lass. Hardly ever flirt with the pretty birds 'round here"
You hum alittle in agreement, one hand pushing his shoulder down to force his body into a seat. You sigh and slump into the seat across from Johnny, roach settling into the seat next to you.
"Probably because you're too busy flirting with the lieutenant, Johnny. You're already halfway up his ass at this point-"
Johnny is quick to flick your arm in rebuttal at the implication and Simon simply leans closer in his seat once he returns with everyone's orders, arm brushing against Johnny's as he looks into your eyes.
"Your poor mum, hope you don't kiss her with that mouth o' yours"
You scoff slightly before shaking your head in amusement- shooting Simon a sickly sweet smile before taking a sip of your coffee.
"Nah, only mum that I kiss with my mouth is Johnny's"
Your cheeky comment earns a small rumble from Simon's chest in amusement, and Johnny shoots you a quick glare- one that only gets more aggravated when he sees roach miming a..."childish" gesture with his fingers slipping into a hole he makes with his other hand.
"You two cut yer horseshite, that's my mam you're talking 'bout"
Roach simply shrugs and signs a quick 'I didn't say a word' which promptly results in groans from all around the table. You roll your eyes at Roach but passively allow him to take your coffee from your hand and take a sip for himself.
"Do you always have to make that joke? it's getting old-"
Roach decides signing was too much work when a simple gesture would get his point across far easier- and promptly flips you the bird with his free hand while sipping on your coffee. You flick the side of his head when you see how quickly he was draining your fresh cup of coffee and duck when he tries to tug at your hearing aids. (dirty move roach, dirty move)
"You already drank half of my coffee, don't drink the rest-"
Simon watches the whole interaction with a raised brow under his mask, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair- the usual condescending tone falling from his lips again.
"Settle down, settle down. You two bicker worse than a married couple, need to learn how to have fun"
His comment results in a temporary truce between you and roach, both of you turning to exchange a look. You reach over and sip Simon's coffee instead before recoiling away at the bitter taste and sliding it back over to him.
"Because you of all people know how to have fun, lieutenant?"
Simon simply stares you down in response, looking you up and down slowly before responding in a defensive gruff.
"I know how to have fun."
You raise a brow at his response, sharing a look with the other two sergeants at the table with you. All of you were well aware of the fact it took Johnny two hours of pleading and whining before Simon finally agreed to come out with you all today for coffee, grumbling about how he would go if it would get Johnny to stop begging at his feet like a dog.
"Lieutenant, your definition of fun is filling out a crossword puzzle in the newspaper over a morning cup of tea. You don't know how to have fun, and that's okay. Acceptance is the last step-"
Your arm moves with the shaking from roach's silent laughter jostling his body at your comment, while Simon is far less amused. You meet his glare with a cheeky grin of your own and Johnny perks up when he gets an idea on how to enjoy the day off with you three.
"how 'bout we go out tonight to the pub? Drinks on me?"
that's it lovelies! I hope you all enjoy ♡ should I make a part 2 to this? Maybe with them out getting drinks, or just how they interact together during missions?
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heygerald · 15 days
Hello! I have a question how would Parker react if tom was having a breakdown or a panic attack before going to film a scene ?
"One, two, babe, one, two."
"What?" he wheezed, and blearily blinked at her wide-eyed stare.
Tom didn't know what was going on. He just knew that he couldn't breathe, he wasn't prepared for the interview, and he was going to fire someone real goddamn soon if he didn't get his coffee and a cigarette.
"You got to calm down your breathing," she instructed, without an ounce of worry or fear in her tone. It cut through the buzzing in his ears and Tom felt her take one of his hands and press it against his chest, before moving the other to press against his lower stomach. She didn't mention how much they were shaking, but Tom knew she must have felt it. "It's okay, just breathe with me."
"Can't you just fuck off?" he scoffed, mean and hoarse.
Parker didn't so much as blink beneath his harsh tone. Instead, her mouth quirked into an encouraging smile.
"Take a deep breath in through the nose, here," she guided him, and he did as asked if only because listening to her was easier than anything else. Her tone never broke soothing, and Tom could feel the coolness of her skin wash over his flushed skin. "And then expel the breath through your stomach; it should push your hand—here."
Tom mimed the action, following what she was showing him, before repeating it on his own.
"There, see?" she asked. And, well, Tom didn't see much other than her blinking down at him, smiling, with a familiar messiness about her hair and clothes that was as endearing as it was her. "Easy, peasey, yeah? Just keep breathing."
Tom followed her instructions, and the more he breathed the more he became of the cramped bathroom they were inside, the crumpled rug beneath him, the way she was practically sitting in his lap, limbs entangled with one another, breathing each other's air, knees into bones and elbows into ribs.
"What book did you read that in?" he asked, a bit breathless, a bit more like himself.
She flushed. "You probably don't want to know."
Tom noticed her flush, and arched a brow at her. "I think I do."
"It's not important."
He narrowed his eyes, chest slowing in its rise and falls, muscles relaxing as if she were a drug that he couldn't get enough of. "Park," he needled through a hoarse voice. "Where did you read that?"
She hedged, avoiding his eyes. "Er... you know. Just, a, um, birthing manual."
Tom stared at her, watching as he continued to guide his breathing, a red blush stretching across her face as she avoided his eyes.
And then, as if there was too much air in the room, he laughed.
"Hey!" she narrowed her eyes at him, failing to swat him when her elbow wacked painfully into the sink behind her. She cursed, which only prompted him to laugh harder, before giving in. A small smile curled her lips. "Jesus! Sorry for trying to help."
"Seriously, a birthing manual?"
"It was a slow week."
"First the physics manual—"
"Physiology," she corrected in a huff, only to be ignored.
"—now a fucking birthing manual," he finished with the shake of his head. Hair that had previously been perfectly gel cast was now ruffled at the back, and Tom was certain that he would get some hell for messing up the look. "You really need to read something normal."
"Like sci-fi."
Parker rolled her eyes at him. "He's in one movie and suddenly he's the expert," she joked with a blithe look. But they both knew she was only teasing, and Tom relaxed against the wall behind him with a bemused smirk. "Are you feeling better?"
He took a deep breath, eyes grazing over the delicate curve of her nose, the quirk of her mouth, a half-imprinted dimple that only came out in moments like this, the unkempt frizz of her hair—never smooth, always falling out of a braid or a ponytail or a bun—before catching the softness of her eyes.
"Yeah," Tom nodded, and despite the tiny bathroom they were in, he never failed to feel like he was on top of the world when she was around. "Better."
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ghostrockband · 1 year
Aw hell, my place is overrun with baby clowns!!
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Seriously i have sacks of these fools and they just keep comin!! Well theres not enough roasted penuts and cotton candy to keep em from gettin too rowdy so im practically givin these little jokesters away!!
I've got pierrots and jesters, ive got mimes and harlequins, little rodeo clowns in the barrels and jacks in the boxes! Please take one off my hands for the low low price of $3 dollars!! Or if you kick me an extra buck (or 2!!) I can dig around in this zany bag-o-buffoons for a specific clown with a specified characteristic (or 2!!) if youre lookin for a friend with a little extra somethin special.
Go to kofi.com/ghostrockband , buy a coffee there, send your reciept to me and you will find yourself with a digitized, bonafide merrymaker right in your inbox!! You can get a randomly selected one for 3 dollars or you can add up to 2 more dollars for up to 2 characteristics that you want to see in your clown!! I cant reach in the bag more than 20 times a day or I'll seriously bust a gut from the awesome jokes and gags these dudes are always pullin but every clown helps, my landlord is starting to get reeeeally sick of the constant japery :oP
Everyones a winner when they buy a baby clown off me, reputable clown seller Rafael Ghostrockband. Lets all have fun getting these fools a forever home :o)
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Lights Out
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Fluffy, and Smexy. First time writing descriptive smut. 18+, NO MINORS! Fingering(a little), Oral (F! Receiving) Billy accidentally scaring Reader.
Word Count: 3.2k-ish
Summary: The power goes out during a really bad thunderstorm and you’re all alone at home while Billy is off doing field exercises.
A/N: So this is my first time writing smut, its not a lot, just a little taste (taste, hehe) Anyway, I hope it doesn’t suck. I’m really nervous so please be gentle. I have dipped a pinky toe into the smut world before so this I’d say it’s one legs worth this time. 🤣 I also used a couple of lines from Pet Sematary by Stephen King. And I know I said I was taking the month off but…I guess I lied 😆
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The day started out as overcast, the sun peeked in and out from behind the clouds during the early morning hours. Would you need your umbrella today? The forecast said yes but it may not do you any good considering the amount of rain that was supposed to arrive by late afternoon and continue throughout the night.
During the late morning, the sun completely disappeared and the silvery clouds from that morning became smoky, murky, and then it started to sprinkle. Bleak, dark gray clouds rolled in after lunch while you were at work and a deep rumble of thunder sang a continuous melody on your way home.
You didn’t want to get caught in what you heard would be “torrential downpours” so you decided to take an uber back to your apartment after work, plus your boyfriend Billy hated the idea of you walking home alone in the dark and in the rain which is understandable. He texted to make sure you were getting a ride home instead of walking.
Thankfully, you arrived home just in time to watch the sky open up and the rain pour down. With the rain beating down against the glass, you stood close to the window to behold the gloomy city skyline, carefully sipping your hot earl grey tea, and listening to the low rolls of thunder.
Between the rain pattering against the building and hearing the menacing thunder as it got closer and closer, the thunderstorm was very relaxing for you. The ominous early evening sky was suddenly lit up from a bolt of lightning, a deafening boom of thunder shook the building and immediately the apartment went dark.
At dinner the previous night, Billy was telling you about the field exercises he had planned for his team for the next night. He was very excited for it, wide eyed and very vocal, telling you he and Frank were going to teach the new recruits a “thing or two.” He couldn’t contain his excitement, miming with his hands, smiling from ear to ear which in turn made you smile.
Nothing made you happier than when Billy would talk about what he loved and he loved being a marine. The fact that he was able to start his own company to continue what he loved doing meant everything to him.
As CEO of Anvil, Billy Russo worked way too hard but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Most of the time he was the last person to leave the office and then continued to work at home if he needed to. He reminded you that morning he was going to be doing field exercises with his team at a nearby college campus so he would be home late or maybe not at all.
“Remember my love, I have training tonight so I’ll be home really late or I’ll stay with Frankie until the morning.” He said.
You frowned a little as you asked him “We’re supposed to get some severe thunderstorms later, baby. You sure you’re still going to hold your training session?”
You were standing near the coffee maker when he pulled you in close and kissed the top of your head. “Protection details don’t postpone because the weather is bad, love. Besides, it’s good for them to gain experience in all kinds of weather.”
Billy was right so you nodded while continuing to look at the floor. You brought your gaze up to meet his, stared into his dark chocolate like eyes while he cupped your cheeks to bring you in for a kiss.
His freshly sprayed cologne conquered your sense of smell over the coffee aroma that hung in the air. He always smelled so good and knew that particular cologne was your favorite.
“I understand, handsome. Can you blame me for wanting you to come home at a reasonable hour though?” You smiled warmly at him while brushing your thumbs over his beard.
He smiled back and kissed the heel of your hand. “I’ll try, baby. But you know I can’t promise anything.”
“As long as you try, Mr. Russo—that’s all I ask.” You brought him in closer for another kiss, his lips were firm and his tongue begged to dance with yours.
You couldn’t tell which was harder, the kitchen counter Billy had you pinned against or him. His long, steady fingers roamed from your shoulders down to your hips and he reached for the zipper on the back of your skirt.
“Is this a new skirt, sweet girl?” His voice was smooth and sexy. “Can I see what it looks like crumpled up on the kitchen floor?” Billy whispered in your ear then gently nibbled on your ear lobe and peppered kisses down your neck. Pulling down the zipper of your skirt, you felt his cock twitch in his suit pants as he let your skirt fall to the floor, your black silk dress shirt dropped to cover your ass and the tops of your legs.
He licked his bottom lip as he eyed you up and down, looking at your bare legs sticking out of the bottom of your shirt. The look he had in his eyes was primal, you felt the warmth rise to your cheeks and the ache between your thighs was growing hungry for him.
”Billy…” you softly moaned as he continued to kiss your neck. “We’re both going to be late for work if you keep this up.”
He slowly pulled away from you and with all of his Billy Russo charm said “Well it looks like you’re going to be late, baby. I own my company and I can go in whenever I want.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. He knew that as soon as he smiled at you there was no turning away, there was no just going about your day like nothing happened, there was no denying him. You always succumbed to his charms, you always gave in—Billy just had that effect on you, every single time.
You never told him “no,” you never wanted to tell him “no,” and you didn’t tell him “no” when he started to unbutton your blouse. After undoing the last button, he unhurriedly pushed your shirt off of your shoulders, it fell to the floor landing on top of your skirt, and you were standing before him in nothing but a black lace bra and panties set.
“Is this new too?” Billy asked, with a sly smirk, lightly rubbing the lace on the cup in between his fingers, and grazing the top of your breast.
“Do you like it?” You asked while looking up at him through your long lashes. “Oh you DO like it, don’t you my love.” You said, palming him through his pants.
You didn’t know it was possible but at that very moment, Billy’s eyes were the darkest you’ve ever seen them. They were full of desire as his hands migrated from your shoulders to the wet spot on your panties, still never taking his gaze off of you.
“This all for me, sweet girl?” He asked as his smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He knows exactly what his smile does to you.
“It’s always for you, Billy.” You purred in his ear.
Suddenly, his hands were under your ass as he lifted you off of the floor and laid you on your back on the kitchen counter, placing kisses on your stomach down to your inner thighs. Countless goosebumps spread across your skin as you bit down on your bottom lip while watching him hungrily attack your body like a wild animal, nipping the skin as he made his way down to your core.
Billy firmly gripped the front of your panties to move them to the side, you’ve lost count of how many pairs he’s ripped during your relationship. “Billy Russo, don’t you DARE rip my new underwear!”
Your tone quickly changed as he parted your folds, one finger then two slipped inside, he moved them almost rhythmically, causing you to arch your back off of the counter. Soft moans escaped your lips and now every cell in your body was awake and turned on.
“You’re dripping, baby.” He said as his thumb moved in circles when he found your clit, your moans a little louder, whispers of his name from your mouth turned him on more, they were music to his ears, and suddenly he was on his knees in front of you, one of your legs draped over his shoulder.
The flutters inside your body began to build like small waves crashing against the shore, as his tongue moved in and out of you with long, eager strokes, his other hand on your stomach to try to keep you flush with the counter.
“Billy…” You whimpered.
You could feel him smile against your thighs as he said “You’re close aren’t you, love. Just cum for me, baby.” The tone of his voice was hypnotic and smooth like honey.
The waves within your body were moving faster now, getting bigger and bigger as your orgasm approached, you shuttered and cried out his name as he hummed against your core and lapped up every drop of your release. Surely, your neighbors must have heard, you weren’t exactly trying to be quiet.
“Well, I’m definitely going to be late for work now.” You said softly with a shy smile on your face, your eyes were still closed as you slowly came down from your high.
As you opened your eyes, Billy stood up slowly and hovered over you, his beard glistened in the dim kitchen lights, his perfectly styled hair wasn’t so perfect anymore after tugging on it while he pulled moan after moan out of you, and you sat up on your elbows with your legs still quaking from the tongue fucking he just gave you.
You watched Billy wipe what was left of you off of his chin and he leaned down to kiss you. Clasping your hands around his neck, he pulled you up to a sitting position, still kissing you, and running his fingers through your hair. This man couldn’t get enough of you.
“Was it worth it, sweet girl?” Billy asked while pressing his forehead to yours.
You raked your fingers through his hair, trying to fix what you messed up and said to him “You’re always worth it, handsome. I love you.”
“I love you too, baby. Get dressed and I’ll drive you to work.” He said with a wink and a smile.
Billy pulled up to the curb, and he lightly grabbed your hand to kiss it as you were trying to get out of the car. “Have a great day, beautiful. Thank you for breakfast.” He flashed you a wicked smile and immediately you rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but smile back.
“Have fun with your training session tonight, my love. And be careful, there is supposed to be lightning.” You leaned over, kissed him on the cheek, and exited the car. He waved as you watched him drive away. No one would be able to wipe the smile off your face today.
Sitting in the dark, you’d catch yourself daydreaming about earlier that morning but you were suddenly snapped back to reality when heard the rumbles of thunder that continued to sound like they were right on top of the building.
You realized the power probably wasn’t coming back any time soon because the entire block was out so you pulled out the candles and the flashlights but noticed that your phone battery was very low and of course when you need it most, your portable charger was dead because you had used it a few days before.
But what if Billy needed to get in touch with you? You reminded yourself that he was busy with work and more than likely you wouldn’t see him until tomorrow.
Since your stove used gas, you were able to cook up a little something for dinner by candlelight. A romantic dinner for one of bacon and eggs. Candles burned bright in every room of the apartment and after cleaning up dinner, you decided to change into comfortable clothes and try to read your book.
You smiled a little when you attached your book light to the book you were reading. You remembered when Billy came home from work one day with it among his papers. As you were clearing the table for dinner, you noticed it resting on top of the pile of paper work.
“Billy, do you mind if I move your papers to the counter? Dinner is almost ready.” You said.
He looked over at you and pointed at the light. “Sure baby—actually, that light on top of all that work shit is for you. I know you like to read sometimes when you can’t sleep but you’re afraid of waking me up with the light on the night stand so I saw that and thought you might like it. Now you don’t have to worry about the light waking me up.”
That was the first time in a long time someone had said to you “I saw this and thought you might like it.” It almost brought tears to your eyes and you felt the butterflies in your stomach while looking at him, speechless. You walked over to where Billy was sitting and bent down to kiss him passionately.
“Not that I’m complaining but what was that for?” He asked.
Warmth spread across your face and your cheeks were flushed as you replied. “Just for…thinking of me.”
Without missing a beat, he told you “I’m always thinking of you, beautiful.”
Another clap of thunder erupted over head followed by a bright flash of lightning as you set your book and the light on the bed while you went to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.
You thought you might as well read in bed since Billy wasn’t home and there wasn’t really anything to do with the power being out, so you snuffed out all the candles and brought the flashlight into the bedroom with you for a little extra light.
Maybe Pet Sematary was the wrong book choice for tonight.
“Don’t go beyond, no matter how much you feel you need to, Doctor. The barrier was not made to be broken. Remember this: there is more power here than you know. It is old and always restless. Remember.”
Rain continued to tap against the windows loudly with vigor and force, the thunder felt like it was inside the room, it was exceptionally loud as the walls continued to shake each time the sky expressed its anger.
The rain and thunder were loud enough to drown out any noises inside the apartment and you were so involved with your book that you didn’t even hear Billy come home.
“And the most terrifying question of all may be just how much horror the human mind can stand and still maintain a wakeful, staring, unrelenting sanity.”
He assumed you were just sleeping so he was trying to be as quiet as possible, Billy was very light on his feet. He managed to remove his boots, his jacket, and put down a full bag of gear without making a sound and then headed for the bedroom.
It almost felt like you were inside the book, completely hypnotized by its contents, you continued to read until you heard the door creak open, you screamed and threw the flashlight in the direction of the door. The figure dressed in black dodged the flashlight and it hit the wall with a crash.
“Y/N!! Whoa!! What the hell?!! Baby, it’s just me!!” Billy said slightly terrified you might throw something else at him.
Your stomach dropped and the hair on the back of your neck was standing straight up. “BILLY?! I’m so, so sorry—I just…I wasn’t expecting you.”
“I can see that! I thought you’d be sleeping. You scared the shit outta me.” He stated through shallow breaths.
“Oh I scared the shit outta YOU?!!” You said sarcastically. “What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were going to stay at Frank’s tonight?” You said with a confused tone.
He had a sarcastic response of his own. “Thank you baby, I feel so loved right now.”
You rolled your eyes. There was something wrong with your relationship if a day went by that wasn’t filled with sarcasm and eye rolling. “You know what I mean, Russo.” You narrowed your eyes at him and folded your arms across your chest.
“Well I was going to stay at Frankie’s but when you didn’t answer my texts, I thought something was wrong and then I found out the power was out so I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” He said calmly after finally catching his breath.
You unfolded your arms and sank back down onto the bed as your expression softened. “Oh Billy, I’m sorry. My phone died, my portable charger was drained from the other day and since I thought you were staying at Frank’s, I figured I would just talk to you in the morning.”
The flashlight that you hurled across the room was still on and the light from the floor was just bright enough for you to be able to see the smile on Billy’s face. That charming Billy Russo smile that made your knees weak and your heart skip a beat, that smile that you just couldn’t say no to.
“So you’re happy to see me, sweet girl?” His eyes, dark as the night sky, staring at you like he hasn’t seen you in a week.
“You know the answer to that, handsome.” You said as a smile spread across your face. “Can you come over here and kiss me now?”
“I thought you’d never ask, baby.” And just as fast as you asked him, his lips were on yours. They were cold from being outside, his hair was still wet, as well as his clothes, but it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was he was home with you tonight.
Billy pulled away to pick up the book you were reading. “Pet Sematary—shit, no wonder you freaked the fuck out when I opened the door. You probably woke the neighbors.” He rested his forehead against yours then kissed the tip of your nose.
You snaked your arms around his neck. “Ya know—I can think of another way we can wake the neighbors.” You said biting down on your lower lip, staring at his handsome face. “You have to get out of those wet clothes anyway.”
He slowly moved his hand from your waist, to the front of your sleep shorts. From the wet spot on the front, clearly you weren’t wearing any panties. “Looks like I’m not the only one who has wet clothes to take off.” He whispered.
His light touch sent shivers down your spine as he started to untie your shorts, kissing you, while you started to lean back against the pillows. Billy always made you feel wanted and loved, he showered you with affection like no one ever has before and you did the same for him.
Every storm eventually runs out of rain and the storm that had been Billy Russo’s life had finally stopped beating down on him the day you walked into it. You were his sunshine behind the clouds, his shelter from the rain and he would do anything and everything to make sure he was never caught out in the storm without his umbrella again.
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @xdervyxccgh @mattmurdocksscars @fakehappy27 @munsonownsmyass
If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my tag list for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 11 days
Rules of the Harem (Rule 3)
The days to day life in the mansion makes one appreciate even the briefest moment of tranquility, even something as simple as a dinner together.
Johnny Knoxville X Fem!Reader
1.3k Words
Warnings: Highly suggestive content, nudity, crude humor, shit, fingering mention (see: crude humor), use of pet names (good boy), drug use, alcohol, makeouts
An: Thank you so much for your love for this series! I had a great time writing this chapter even though it’s more numerous than romantic :) Still, I think you’ll really enjoy it. Thank you for all the requests and please keep sending them in!
Dinner was always a special thing at your place. Since the guys slept through breakfast and, due to the previous night’s drinking, were too hung over for lunch, it was the one meal everyone ate together. Hell, it sure beat the gas station coffee and snacks they were living off during filming before they met you, so they couldn’t really complain. However, this arrangement led to the one rule of the house that was universally hated- collared shirts at dinner. See, due to the fact you were dining off of silver in this huge room with marble floors, it was a principle of the place to dress up a little because you thought that it would feel wrong to be shirtless while you ate nice steaks (except for a Chris, who was vegetarian). This was the only rule everyone tried to skirt around in one way or another, to varying degrees of success.
By virtue of the proximity of the living room to the kitchen, Johnny was the first to arrive to eat, and since the loungey linen shirts he wore while he sat around all day by the stone fireplace like some playboy technically had a sort of collar, he was good. Then came Chris with Steve in tow after he fished the latter’s half awake body out of your closet or wherever he was. Steve was the only exception to this rule because it was a miracle that he showed up in the first place, so you could excuse his usual attire of oversized sweatshirts and baggy jeans. Chris, on the other hand, found an interesting loophole: though technically not a shirt, the party boy outfit did feature a collar and cuffs, and you didn’t mind staring at him like that while you ate, so you let it slide. Ryan was the only one who’d actually go along with it, usually showing up in a nice polo or something else relaxed, leaving Bam. Getting that man to dress nice was like getting a cat into a bathtub, an apt metaphor given that it might as well have taken two people grabbing him under the arms to get him to the table.
The smug look on Bam’s face told you he really thought he was beating the system tonight. He sat down at the table in a white dress shirt, a pair of sneakers, and…that’s it. You couldn’t deny that he certainly had confidence, not even batting an eye when Ryan shot a glance down at his lap and snickered as he sat down. Johnny cleared his throat, muttering under his breath, “Attention whore…” But Bam just grinned, looking so damn proud at himself, “Hey, she likes it!” Well, you couldn’t deny that.
Any conversation held in the dining room sounded grandiose as it echoed off of the thirty foot, vaulted ceilings, no matter how…crass the subject matter, “So today,” Johnny swallowed the bite of food he had in this mouth, “the boys came up with this real fun trick to pull in the van- s’called the rusty hook.” Steve, who was rarely a man of any words, piped up, “I’ll take it from here. See, what you do is-“ Given his usual silence and the nature of what he was detailing, nobody minded that he butted in and instead just sat, intently listening to him as he mimed his words, “you start by stickin’ a finger in your ass, right?” Chris interrupted Steve’s interrupting, “As all good things start.” “And then, you lean over and hook it into the other guy’s cheek- like a fish hook!” As he regaled this genius trick, out of the corner of your eye, you caught Ryan mimicking Steve’s instructions, before leaning over to Bam and, taking advantage of his distraction, spearing his hooked finger into his open mouth. Bam was so startled that he tipped backwards and fell out of his chair, landing with his ankles in the air and his back against the marble floors. As he scrambled to his feet, Ryan had to play damage control, “Dude- dude! I didn’t do it! I was just joking, man!” Bam spat, “I don’t care! When’s the last time you washed your hands- when’s the last time you showered?”
Speaking of Bam, there was this little song and dance the two of you did once a night when it came to dinner, and as things settled down and he got back in his seat, call time was nearing. “So…I see you haven’t touched your asperges hollandaise?” Squinting down into the steam billowing from his plate, Bam scoffed, “That’s what it’s called?” Nobody really questioned what you served them because they were thankful for the free food- well, nobody except Bam. “Fuck no. I don't eat any of that weird shit.” Sighing, you tried to ignore the very inappropriate way Chris was eating his asparagus as you reasoned with Bam, “Come on, it’s good for you!” This was the same argument you had when you insisted for him to drink water instead of living off of the cases of energy drinks his sponsors sent him. “‘Good for me’? I’m a grown ass man! What’re you, my mom?” Ryan, who was eating his pommes parisienne like a sailor, gestured at him with his fork and suggested he just be a good boy and do what you say because, “Who knows? Maybe you’ll gain a few inches.” Though it was a jab at his height, Johnny took it as something else, snickering from the far end of the table. It didn’t help that Chris’ fellating of the vegetable course was getting pretty heated (especially with the way the cream sauce was getting on his mouth) and, in an act of perfect timing, whatever pills Steve scrounged around for in his pocket and threw back with a mouthful of wine were starting to kick in, and he promptly fell face first into his food, asleep.
Sitting back in his chair like he’s the man of the house and the other guys were mere boys, Johnny chuckled, gesturing to one side, “Can someone get Steve?” Grabbing him by the hood of his jacket, Chris easily lifted him up his limp body as he moved his plate, before dropping him and letting his head hit the table with a loud thunk. Steve let out a pained groan as he blinked awake for a moment before quickly drifting back off to sleep again. Ryan just held out his wine glass for the fifth time to the man who was standing at his side with the bottle. While he was distracted, Bam nudged his untouched asperges hollandaise onto his plate.
Rum custard charlotte russe- that’s what was for dessert. The waiters whisked away the bowls of tomato bisque and the salmon timbale as they placed the serving plate on the table. And while the guys were chatting and laughing at the fact that the only thing that could wake Steve up was the smell of alcohol as they enjoyed their desserts, you and Johnny snuck off to the kitchen for a different kinda dessert. Giggling, you were hoisted onto the granite kitchen counter by Johnny’s strong hands as he pressed his lips against yours, deepening the kiss. Sure, he was discreet, but he had no qualms about whisking you away in the middle of something if the two of you were in the mood.
But it was long after everybody had finished eating, and the two of you were still going at it. “You think we should step in?” Ryan just shrugged at Chris’ question, taking another sip of his wine, “Ah, forget it. Let the lovebirds have their fun.”
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captainlynxx · 1 month
And we’re done with consequences :D, I like my highlight format so let’s go with that again:
The baby farmers
> ‘What’s the matter?’ he asked. ‘Is our pet freak misbehaving again?’
‘Pet freak? Said Jack, in a tone of mild outrage. ‘Who’re you calling a pet freak?’
> ‘I’m not really a fan of musical theatre’
‘Sure about that?’ asked Jack.
‘Yes, Jack,’ Gaskell replied, wearily. No matter how hard you try to convince me otherwise.’
> Emily thought this over for a moment before smiling. ‘Not really,’ she replied, gently brushing Alice’s cheek with one finger. (I know what you are)
> ‘Mr Gaskell,’ he said. ‘How do you do? Please, take a seat. Would you care for tea,’ (never beating the British allegations)
> ‘You know, we could have tried knocking at the door,’
>’Cyanide…’ said Gaskell (yummy)
> ‘Do you see, Mr Gaskell?’ said Emily. These things can be done quietly, you know.’
> ‘And,’ Emily continued, ‘I am sure there are far more enjoyable things with which we can occupy ourselves this evening.’
‘Why, Miss Holroyd,’ said Alice, raising one eyebrow. ‘Whatever do you mean?’
Emily leaned across the desk and kissed her gently on the lips.
‘I shall leave that to your imagination, Miss Guppy,’ she replied.
> ‘I think I’ve found something.’
‘Jack?’ Gwen raised an eyebrow. ‘Finding Jack might solve our problem.’
> Owen Harper could truly be a bastard sometimes
> ‘Voilà’
‘Smart arse.’
> ‘Oh gosh,’ Toshiko Sato whispered.
‘If you’ve got a swearword in you,’ Gwen said ‘then maybe this is the time for it. Whether you like it or not, you’re in charge.’
> There were just too many personal ghosts in the quiet spaces around him. His eyes snagged on Jack’s office door. That space especially.
> Under all the angst in their relationship, Gwen felt for him. (I forgot angst wasn’t just an ao3 tag)
The wrong hands
> ‘Always a godfather and never a god.’ (Boygenius starts playing)
> Nobody knows I’m a lesbian (I don’t have that problem the closet is glass)
> ‘That’s right,’ said Jack, grinning. ‘You know, you’d make a very good police officer. Has anyone ever told you that? Or maybe a very good drug dealer.’
> ‘You’d be surprised what you can get up to on a rocking horse’ (Jack bloody Harkness)
> ‘Always looking on the bright side. Are you Welsh by any chance?’
> ‘Torchwood kills babies’
> ‘And you’re taken,’ said Ianto. ‘Both of you are. Nothing wrong with window shopping, just try not to lick the glass too much.’
> ‘I do my best,’ he said. ‘Which is usually pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. Which I do.’
> ‘The rest of the team?’
Gwen and Ianto frantically mimed at him to say that they weren’t there, shaking their heads and waving their arms around. Jack grinned. Why let them miss out on all the fun?
‘Yes we’re all here, hang on.’
> An emergency stash of instant coffee, hidden under several folders so that Ianto wouldn’t find it.
> Gwen looked at Jack, dismayed, as if he had asked her to shoot a small kitten in the head. ‘Jack, Jack, Jack. He’d go bananas. He’d kill us. And he knows what the coffee from all the local places smells like.’
> ‘And I’m not the tea-boy. I’m the coffee boy.’
> He removed his hand and kissed him, quickly, keeping his expression optimistic.
> ‘Well, if I’m talking to you, then I’m not talking to myself, which makes it perfectly normal and not weird…’
> Ianto took a sip of the coffee, and winced. To say it wasn’t up to his standards would be like saying a light bulb emitted slightly less light and heat than the sun.
> ‘Jack, you know how I feel. I think I know how you feel. You brought me back from the brink, so many times, and made me feel so alive. I didn’t think I’d ever feel like that again. So thank you. In all the madness, you’re the one person I know I can rely on. And that counts for a hell of a lot.’
> Before he left, he gave Jack one last kiss. And he made sure it was a good one.
> ‘Don’t make fun of the suit,’
> ‘How about the time when—‘
He stopped, and looked at Gwen and Rhys. He didn’t want them to hear this. He leaned in closely to Jack, and whispered the rest into his ear. (What did he whisper? WHAT DID HE WHISPER???)
> Jack nodded. Took Ianto’s hand. And for the rest of the evening, there were no more words.
So uhm I kinda forgot to highlight in this one and slight problem is I have to return it to the library tomorrow morning so I will update this post after a re-read :D
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