#always wanted to do this challenge yippee
aquacomet · 6 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like).
Tagged by: @crabsnpersimmons and @tunetourmoline (Thank you both for the tags! First time doing this, love this challenge!)
Last Art:
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Happy sea slug spotted!
A small WIP snippet of something larger I'm casually experimenting with that's a little different than my norm here, of course I had to have my little guy involved!
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Since I've been tagged twice here's a extra WIP that should be done much sooner. I've been working on some ECLIP art for the magma this week! (This is just the early sketch so far so details will look a different later but I'll be working on the clean lines soon! Looking forward to experimenting a little with this one.)
No pressure tags! (Feel free to join only if you want to!): @thatmooncake @flinxypie @nexerist @sleepykas @freakdoodles @justaduckarts @robinette-green @8um8le + anyone else who'd like to join!
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tatoda · 1 year
You v’s Me || conrad fisher x fem!reader
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summary: you’ve always been in a competition with conrad which grew both of you to hate each other…or maybe it’s love?
pairing: conrad fisher x fem!reader
warnings: angst, fluff, SMUT towards the end but it’s not much, fem receiving, conrad being cocky and hot duh CHARACTERS ARE 18
wc: 1.8k
susannah is not sick in this fic! hope y’all enjoy :)
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Ever since you were kids, you and conrad have had competitions every summer. It’s something that was never forgotten and the person who won got bragging rights the whole year until it was summer again. The tradition started when you were 10 and conrad was 11. It started sweet when your families visited the boardwalk but soon enough conrad was the competitive side to you, and he knew he needed to beat you in any game or challenge.
You both were now 18 and 19. You were starting your first year of college and conrad was going into his second year. He bragged in your face for getting into your dream college Brown last year and now this year, you get to brag and tell him you got into pre-med early for Brown during early admissions back in november but couldn’t tell him so you had to wait to see his reaction at dinner.
Everyone saw it but you and conrad. The whole family could see the tension between the two of you guys and your competition. It was declared that conrad had a crush on you the second year you visited cousins, laurel was the first to point it out to susannah, and then the whole family knew by the end of the summer but you and conrad didn’t believe any of it. But you wouldn’t lie, you had a crush on him and were just hoping to hate him to get rid of the schoolgirl crush.
“so y/n,” susannah began “what was the big news you wanted to share with everyone?”
“oh yes.” and put your fork down “i got into Brown pre-med.” you smiled and conrad’s fork froze with his mouth open and all you did was smirk at him “actually susannah, i got in early admissions in november. i’ve just been saving the news up for this very moment.” you gave conrad a tight-lipped smile
“that’s amazing news!” she cheered “we should celebrate with a late movie tonight!”
“a-actually we were gonna head to the country club, they are playing all the avengers movies in order,” jeremiah spoke up stopping his mom from getting too excited
“of course! we can do something tomorrow night.” she gasped “oh gosh connie, that means y/n will be going to school with you!”
“yep.” he moved some food around on his plate not looking up
“don’t sound too excited connie.” you mocked and he rolled his eyes without looking up at you
“yippee, what do you want? a golden star?” he huffed and pushed out his chair before leaving the table
“y/n it’s the first night, lay low.” laurel said from her spot at the table
“you know whoever gets the first point basically wins the summer, it’s guaranteed.”
“you and you’re little competition,” she muttered
After dinner, it was time to head to the country club for the movie. It was only a few people who got invited to the place so you all fit into the movie room. You brought a blanket with you because you know it gets cold there. You all filed into the room once cam arrived and sat down. You went for the top to have some space for yourself. But before you could do that conrad plopped his body in the chair next to you.
“no, absolutely not.” you groaned
“there’s nowhere else for me to sit.” you glanced down and there was a seat next to taylor and steven
“literally right there!” you gestured to the spot
“and watch them make out all night, no thanks.” he reclined the chair back and put the middle console up so there was more room for y’all
“why would you put that up?”
“because it’s a waste of space and my elbow runs into it.” you huffed and fell back into your seat “so, Brown huh?” why was he being nice?
“yeah, so what?” you looked at him but he was looking at cam who was trying to use the remote to get the movie started
“nothing, just congrats. i know you have been wanting to get in your whole life.”
“thanks,” you whispered not used to getting compliments from him
“i’ll still beat your ass at everything there though.” and he was back
“yeah right dumbass.” he flicked your forehead “ow!”
“you’re the dumbass when i get a higher gpa than you.”
“like that’s even possible! you know i’m already ahead of you.”
“you can’t process any information in that pretty little head of yours!”
“you can’t because you’re too busy drinking all the damn time!” you yelled back
“at least i can relax-“
“guys!” jeremiah yelled throughout the whole room “shut the fuck up for once! y’all have to come help with snacks.” you both sighed and got out of your seats. you passed by steven and he winked which you flipped him off
“that was your fault,” you muttered walking past him as he held the door for you—so kind—
“oh yeah, sure drama queen.”
You both followed jere to the kitchen and he opened one of the doors for all of the snacks in a closet before waving at you both and closing the door.
“five minutes to work out whatever is happening and then i’m coming back so we can start the movie!” he yelled locking the door
“fuck you jere!” conrad let out but his brother was long gone “this is all your fault.” he walked around the room. the only light was the upper one that was slowly running out of juice
“oh yeah sure it's all my fault!” you sassed back
“if you would just shut up about always being the better one then we would never be here.”
“oh and you’re so great conrad?” stopped about 10 feet away from you on the other side of the closet
“i mean i won our little contest 5 years in a row so i should get a nice pat on the back.” he shrugged
“you’re so full of yourself.” you laughed
“thank you. i appreciate that.”
“it wasn’t a compliment asshole.” you went and tried opening the door but it was in fact locked
“do you not want to be trapped in a room with me y/n?”
“no, you should have an illness that could spread to me through the air.” you turned to look at him “why can you just let me win, for one time in my life i want to have something to be proud of conrad!” he was taken back by your statement “i never get anything! i have to watch it all get ripped from me and compared to something better! i can never win anything! and you and your rude comebacks don’t help!” you ran your fingers through your hair “belly gets volleyball captain and a new fancy boyfriend, steven get taylor, jeremiah gets into a frat and has a girlfriend! i got pre-med, which is amazing but it’s nothing compared to yo-“ you mouth was shut. no, you didn’t just stop talking. there were hands on either side of your face and lips pressed against yours that were definitely not your lips but conrad’s he kissed you hard and you let your eyes close and fall into the kiss as you kissed him back softly and when he pulled back he looked into your eyes
“shut up.” he breathed out “you are amazing, okay? i’m sorry for the fucking competitions. it was the only way i got to spend time with you.” you were starstruck maybe this was a dream “you’re too good for me, you’re too smart, too beautiful, overall i feel like i should never be seen with you because you’re too good for me.”
“kiss me.” he blinked at you “kiss me again conrad.” he smiled before kissing you again backing you up into a shelf and holding your face tight. you brought one hand to run through his hair and the second one slowly lifted his shirt so you could slip your hand under and feel his skin and he shuttered under you “sorry, are my hands cold?” you didn’t stop feeling around his stomach and chest area which made him breathe out a long breath
“no it feels nice, different.” he moved back down to your lips and your hand slowly went around his body but you two were cut off my knocking on the door
“times up shitheads!” you moved away from each other and conrad fixed his shirt and hair before stepping out of the room and you followed. you made it back into your seats and cam started the movie switching the lights off. conrad’s cheeks were flushed in the darkness as he took some of your blanket from you to cover him and you
The movie went on and everyone was in their own place. Conrad slowly moved his hand to rust on your thigh and you froze as his hand moved towards the waistband of your pants. You looked at him but he was just looking at the screen. His fingers messed with the waistband before going past your shorts and underwear. You slowly moved closer to him and his hand was extremely close to your clit. Before you could say anything he took one of his fingers to rub it softly and you gasped, but no one looked back thinking you were doing it at the movie.
“you have to be quiet,” he muttered into your ear before continuing his movements over your clit faster this time making you open your legs for him
“con,” you laid your head on his shoulder not trusting your head to stay up and he moved slowly to your entrance sliding a finger up feeling the effect he has on you
“i’ve always wanted to do this.” he then slid one finger into you and his thumb rested on your clit adding pressure to the pleasure
“fuck.” he moved his finger in and out feeling the breathing from you on his neck and he was slowly getting hard under the blanket hoping no one could see “another.” you sighed digging your fingernails into his arm and he slid a second finger in moving faster in and out rubbing your clit and he also used another finger to pinch it causing you to jump
“careful.” he moved his hand faster now wanting you to finish, just from him and him alone. “come on baby.” he kissed your head “give it to me” he rubbed your clit harder and his fingers moved faster you could definitely hear the wet sounds if the movie was not at an intense moment
“cumming.” you bit down on his neck cumming on his fingers as he slid them in and out to let you go through your high before pulling them out and slowly bringing his fingers to suck on them “my gosh.” you looked up at him
“if it isn’t clear now, i’m done playing games with you.” he leaned toward you almost enough to kiss
“me too, no more games.”
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tag list:
@maybankslover @safeplaceholland @mysticalstarlightflower @stylesyourmine
join the tag list here
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nalpurey · 10 months
in honor of the 10 months anniversary of my first ever drabble i never posted, i present to you: my first ever drabble i never posted. yippee
cw: femdom, malesub, both are afab, mentions of sa, overall fluffy playful smut. it’s scrlm btw <3
also this takes place after scara’s story quest. people were headcanoning he’d join us in our travels so yeah<3
here goes nothing
As the flames danced, their shadows cast wide on the ground. Lumine yawned, feeling settled in the familiarity of the campsite. Her traveling companion was always full of surprises, and tonight was no exception. He had requested a sleeping bag in their shared tent, much to her disbelief. “What? Just because I don’t need to doesn’t mean I can’t,” he had said, grinning mischievously. Lumine had rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile at his antics.
The two had lit a bonfire and were sitting close to one another, quietly and secretly enjoying the warmth and company of each other’s presence.
Lumine subconsciously stared at her companion. She couldn’t help but notice the way the wanderer winced imperceptibly as the weight of his body pressed against an apparently sore muscle. Lumine saw the way he stood up and straightened his back, only to wince once again as he sat back down. It was clear to her that he was in pain, and it was clear that this was something he was used to, but she still frowned.
“Are you hurt?” She carefully asked, slightly tilting her head to the side.
The wanderer shook his head, not even looking at her. “It’s nothing worth mentioning.”
The traveler sighed. We’ve been traveling companions for a while now, and he still isn’t opening up. Sure, he should take his time, but he has no reason to not trust me after what we’ve done to protect each other…
“You know,” she started in a sweet voice, staring at the dancing flames, “it’s pretty normal to get hurt, or even just have a sore back, when you do nothing but wander around and fight monsters all day. Just let me help you.”
He shook his head again, but his voice had softened. “I don’t… need healing.”
Lumine decided not to ask if that was just another way to say no or he actually didn’t need any healing as a puppet.
“But you’re in pain”, Lumine insisted. “You won’t let me heal you, so at least let me cook you some food, give you a massage or something.”
“A massage?” At the wanderer’s seemingly disgusted frown, Lumine only nodded. “But why?”
“It’ll help your muscles relax”, she responded with a smile.
He rolled his eyes. Though he was doing his best to appear indifferent, he was curious about what she would do. He stared at her hands for a couple seconds, wondering if it would have been that bad to have those soft fingers touching his skin.
“Fine then. Do your worst.”
Oh, he just had to make it into a challenge, didn’t he?
She smiled a bit widely this time. She felt like this could help them get closer. She already considered him an ally, but she wanted him to acknowledge that; to see for himself what it meant to have a companion to place his trust in.
He took off his kimono and pulled down the top part of his bodysuit. His pale rosy skin looked soft, and as perfect as a doll’s. Looking a bit more carefully, Lumine couldn’t help but notice five fading rounded scars on the center of his back. The one in the middle was bigger than the others, and those were undoubtedly the marks his puppet strings had left.
“So? Are you gonna do something, or—”
He freezed upon feeling her warm hand trace up his spine.
He bit his lip. “Shut it.”
“You’re tense. Are you always like this, or…” She stopped herself, her attention being caught by something else. A small symbol on the highest part of his back. It didn’t look like a scar, it was more like a birthmark. She let her curiosity get the better of her and slid her thumb over the mark, softly. “What’s this?” She asked simultaneously.
Tingly waves of pure electricity shot through his body, running straight to his crotch, and the wanderer couldn’t prevent a soft moan of sheer pleasure from escaping his slightly parted lips.
Lumine stopped her thumb immediately. “Did I hurt you?” She asked with urgency.
“What? No. Of course not. I’m not that fragile.”
Encouraged, the traveler pressed a bit harder on the spot. Her thumb drew slow circles along the mark, until…
“Ahn… please…”
Lumine made a surprised sound, golden eyes widening.
The red-faced wanderer hastened to clarify, “That… slipped out.”
But she had already stopped. “Please what, though? Are you sure this isn’t an uncomfortable place for you to—”
“Shut up, it wasn’t a please stop.”
“Then what was it?”
“It was nothing.”
She only let out a chuckle. She really wanted to be friends (or maybe even more) with him, but right now she couldn’t resist teasing him. “Maybe you find this arousing,” she suggested with a shrug. “This one is probably a sweet spot of yours, am I right?” The wanderer parted his lips to speak, but her thumb found itself on the birthmark again and he had to close them shut to suppress the noise he felt bubbling up his throat. “It’s really pretty, though. It’s a mitsudomoe, right? Very pretty…”
The wanderer could barely focus on her praise, completely absorbed by the feeling of Lumine tracing circles around such a sensitive part of his body.
Until she realized this could probably not help his sore back. Much to the wanderer’s disappointment, she went back to massaging his back, and yes— that helped a lot, but it just didn’t feel as good.
It was pretty relaxing, though. Lumine’s touch was delicate, careful. It was completely new to him.
Maybe being in the traveler’s company wasn’t that bad.
: : :
He looked so… serene in his sleep. He looked like nothing in the world could ever disturb his slumber. Why wasn’t he always like this? The traveler could only wonder why he didn’t sleep more often, since it made him so calm and peaceful. Maybe if he had slept like this every night he wouldn’t have been so short tempered.
Most of his clothes were lying forgotten in an angle of their tent, neatly folded.
She didn’t even realize she was staring at him, his tiny, immobile sleeping figure, his pink synthetical lips that were just barely pressing against each other, his relaxed brows, his smooth and perfect skin… yes, nothing could ever disturb his slumber…
“Mmgh… hah…” The puppet’s eyebrows started to furrow, and his body began to tremble ever so slightly. The traveler let out a sigh. Oh, she should have expected him to have nightmares. The wanderer was muttering something incomprehensible, so she got a bit closer, trying to make out what he was saying.
Oh, here it comes. What will it be?
Lumine touched his shoulder, trying to wake him from his presumed nightmare.
Will it be… “don’t hurt me”? “Don’t betray me”? “Don’t abandon me”? “Don’t—”
“Don’t stop…”
Her eyes widened. If only she looked down a bit lower, a quick glance at the bottom of his tight bodysuit would have been enough to tell just how soaked wet he was.
In fact, at some point, during her attempts at waking him up, she somehow noticed the dark spot of wetness between his legs.
A subtle smirk crept onto the golden haired traveler’s face.
He looked so irresistible, and she couldn’t stop staring. She even forgot she was trying to wake him up.
The wanderer’s squirming and tossing around only increased in frequency, finally awaking him.
He blinked once. Twice.
“Were you having a dream?” Lumine enquired innocently.
“Not your business…” he replied, looking away so that she couldn’t see his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “How could you tell…?” He quickly added as soon as he realized he could have said or done something in his sleep.
“Call it intuition or whatever.” She shrugged. “It’s not hard to tell if someone’s dreaming if they keep making noise. Was it a bad dream? Or was it about what we discussed earlier?”
He shuddered, rolling onto his side. “Not. Your. Business.”
“I’m assuming it was?” The traveler challenged.
“I said it’s not your business.” The wanderer responded.
“How about you tell me—” He cut her off.
“How about you go to sleep and leave me alone?”
The traveler couldn’t help but chuckle at his defensive aggressivity. “Fine, fine. Goodnight Kuni.”
He didn’t say anything in response.
Lumine ignored him back and wrapped a warm blanket around herself, facing the other way. Not even a minute had passed when the wanderer softly called out to her.
“What is it?”
“Can we… share that?” He was pointing at the blanket.
“Are you sure? You don’t look like you’re cold.”
“Shut up.”
She was right, actually. She always was. He was feeling as hot as he didn’t recall ever feeling, but for some reason he wanted Lumine to be close to him, and sharing a blanket was the only way he considered. There was no way he would explicitly ask her to come closer.
She sat up, scooted closer and pulled the blanket onto him. “Sleep well.” No response again.
She lied back down, on her side, facing away from him.
The wanderer was glad she couldn’t see him squeezing his legs together and rubbing his thighs against each other, trying to get rid of the uncomfortable, hot wetness that was only growing and growing between his folds. As it grew, he noticed he was starting to breathe, loudly— he just couldn’t help it. This feeling was too much, he wanted it gone. He didn’t even need to breathe, why did it feel so necessary yet so difficult right now?
He pressed his forehead against the nape of the traveler’s neck, making her chuckle quietly. Feeling her warmth against himself was somehow relieving, but it also made his body shake with desire and want.
He muffled a groan of discomfort by covering his mouth with his hand.
“Fuck… Lumi—”
“I’m still awake, you know. Do you need something?” She sleepily muttered.
“Won’t you just tell me what’s wrong?” She insisted softly. “I can help you.”
The wanderer wanted it. So badly— but he still had his pride. He shook his head, even though Lumine was facing the other side and couldn’t see him.
She took his silence as a no, anyway. “… Alright. Goodnight again.”
“… ‘Night”, he replied this time, in a small voice. He was determined to let the overwhelming feeling go away on his own…
But a few minutes later, he couldn’t care less. He tapped her shoulder lightly, swallowed his pride and breathed out a whispery “… Help?”
The traveler sat up again, her golden eyes shining, as if she’d been waiting for that moment. She raised an eyebrow, looking at him and waiting for him to say something more.
To which the wanderer furrowed his brows and muttered something that sounded like “come on”.
“What do you want?” Lumine asked innocently, raising a brow.
“Stop talking and do something already!” He whined impatiently, forcefully grabbing one of her wrists and directing her hand to his abdomen, not daring to push it lower— maybe hoping she would do that herself. She smiled, running her fingers up to his chest instead. At her caress, his body relaxed against the thin mattress.
“Lower”, he demanded.
But she liked his chest too much to just leave it alone already. She put both of her hands to use; while one massaged his chest through his bodysuit, the other traced its way to his lower stomach, then even lower, then some more, until it was resting on his clothed sex.
As soon as he felt her touch, the wanderer inhaled sharply, his body tensing up. The hand that was caressing his upper body found a nipple and focused its attention on it, earning delicious moans from him and helping him loosen up some more. His eyes were glued to her as soon as she started moving her hand. She really was handling him with care. The combination of her touch and the embarrassment of the situation, of how she looked so serious and focused on him, was really getting to him.
The more Lumine rubbed his clit through the fabric, the more he felt the urge to strip off and expose himself for her. He struggled to remove his bodysuit, and the traveler lent him a hand as soon as she noticed. Once free of his clothing, he laid back down, putting himself on display. The traveler licked her lips.
He was completely flushed red from his face to his chest, his weakened arms resting above his head, his hardened nipples demanding more attention, his parting legs tempting her, his blue eyes silently begging her to touch him. So she did, and he whimpered imperceptibly when her hand made direct contact with his clit for the first time. Not feeling any friction, but only a somehow unsatisfying contact, he moved his hips closer to her, but much to his displeasure she withdrew her finger. He let out a soft cry. He was feeling so good, why did it have to stop already?
“Are you playing with me?” He whined, trying to sound intimidating. “If you’re only doing this to annoy me, might as well…”
He trailed off, observing her. She was giving her thumb a few licks, carefully wetting it before placing it on his engorged clit and moving in slow circles, as two fingers of her other hand held up the hood. To which the wanderer could only shut his eyes, throw his head back and let out a long “oohh…”, pleasantly surprised at just how good it felt.
He wasn’t used to this.
Her pointer finger slid down, passed his urethra and pressed against the slit. Her thumb was still working his clit, circling it at a steady pace. Feeling that she wasn’t speeding up, the wanderer complained in a breathy voice. “That’s… too slow.”
She gradually picked up the pace, lubing her finger with his juices to help it slide inside his hole. She looked at him. His eyes were tightly shut and his closed fists were grasping the blanket they were sharing earlier. She was being careful with her movements, afraid to hurt him. “Hey, Kuni. You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”, she asked, slightly tilting her head to the side.
“Not of… my own will”, he responded through clenched teeth.
That wasn’t completely unexpected.
The traveler removed her clean hand from his body to caress his cheeks.
“I’m… sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s… nothing, really.” He gave a nod of his head to signal her to keep going from where she had stopped.
She experimentally moved her finger, but he had gotten tighter. Thinking back about what happened had apparently made him tense up again. “I, uh… I don’t want to hurt you”, Lumine stated. He looked away. He knew it would hurt if she pushed inside him right now.
Sensing his anxiety, she straddled him and softly placed a kiss on his cheek. Her right hand lightly grazed the sensitive birthmark on his higher back, as she continued leaving kisses on his face. The wanderer made a little smile, and let out soft noises and hums of pleasure, while she showered him with affection by pecking his forehead, cheeks, and even the tip of his nose.
“My— my lips too.”
Complying with his request, Lumine kissed him on the lips. His lips parted, letting her tongue in as soon as he felt it prodding his mouth. She adjusted her position so that her knee was now in between his legs, and he started to roll his hips against it immediately, moaning into her mouth. The friction felt so good on his clit, and now he just wanted more, more, more.
When their lips parted, Lumine kissed his neck, softly nibbling and sucking on it, relishing in the way he tilted his head back to expose his body even further, curving himself to get her to do more, every single cell of him screaming “take me, and do whatever you want to me”. And desiring nothing more than that.
She cupped his chest with both hands and gently fondled his porcelain skin. The wanderer was breathing heavily, completely lost in the feeling of the soft skin of his neck being marked by her mouth and his sensitive nipples being stimulated this delicately. His folds started to lubricate again as he rubbed himself against her leg, hips bucking furiously. His hands feebly grasped the traveler’s golden hair, trying to push her further onto his body. He guided her where he wanted her attention, and the traveler found herself licking and suckling on a nipple. His other breast, small enough to fit in her palm, savored the traveler’s caresses. He could feel something hot churn into his lower stomach. The feeling was slowly taking over his entire body, it was like a drug, and now he needed more.
“Lumine… it feels good, ahh…”
The traveler smiled against his skin. They were making progress.
“Lumine. I think I’m ready.”
“Yes. You… won’t need to go easy on me.”
“Well, I’m still going to make this as comfortable as I can.”
He smiled imperceptibly, nothing but pure love in his eyes. He gave a slight nod of his head to encourage her. “Come inside… Lumine.”
Her finger found itself back where it was earlier, circling the hole before slowly sliding in. Her body was moving on its own, as if it was on autopilot.
She gradually pushed her finger deeper, observing his face to make sure it wasn’t too overwhelming for him. “Is this okay?”
The wanderer nodded frantically. This felt way better than he had imagined. “More… more…” he managed to squeeze out, his voice sounding broken and hoarse. “Go deeper…” He was sweating, so much so that his skin looked a bit shiny from the moisture.
“You’ve got to call me ma’am for that”, Lumine said.
“In your dreams. I’m not calling you that,” he mumbled.
She chuckled. “I wasn’t serious, dummy.” And as proof, her finger went deeper. The wanderer instantly forgot Lumine had been teasing him.
“Oohh… nnh… just like that…”
Encouraged, the traveler kept rubbing his inner walls with care, searching for that one spot that would have her Kuni crying out in pleasure.
The wanderer was lost in a trance-like state. His ocean eyes were unfocused and teary, and a bit of drool could be spotted at the corner of his mouth.
When Lumine’s skilled lips made contact with his clit, pressing a loving kiss on it, Kuni’s eyes went wide and he whimpered slightly in surprise. He lost his composure once again when she began to give it the softest kitten licks, sloppily throwing his leg over Lumine’s shoulder, making it easier to buck his pussy right into her mouth as she licked at his hardened clit.
“Haah… ma’am, feels so good…”
The traveler could feel blood rushing to her cheeks. And her crotch.
She was feeling like his pleasure was the only purpose of her life. She lapped up all the delicious juices that came out of him, her gentle licks turning into messy and frantic sucks.
And the wanderer, oh, he was long gone. Weakly holding Lumine’s free hand, occasionally squeezing it when he felt like the pleasure was too much for his body to handle, he’d never felt as good as he was feeling now. His head thrown back in heavenly bliss, resting on the blanket he had used to lie to the traveler and get this in exchange— oh, it’d been so worth it, he kept thinking. He would have done it again and again if it meant feeling the same pleasure he was feeling now.
The traveler was so gentle with him. Did he even deserve her gentleness?
“Kuni? Are you feeling alright?”
Warm juices trickled down her chin as she lifted her head from his crotch to make sure he was okay. Placing a hand on the underside of his thigh, she waited for his nod to start eating him out again.
“I’m feeling... a little more than alright.”
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kurooo-is-here · 2 months
Hop x Reader headcanons
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yippee!! i've been playing pokemon shield a LOT recently, so i'm here to give y'all some hop food. enjoy :3
he cant help but admire you to a fault. you're just so amazing, and what is he by comparison...? just the former champion's younger brother, who lost in the semifinals...
he gets caught up in his head a lot. it takes a lot to get him down, but after everything you and him have been through, he can't help it.
despite this, he tries his best to help people. as a pokemon professor, he introduces the next generation of youths to the joy of pokemon. he teaches them kindness, passion, and healthy competition. honestly, he's great at what he does-- he'll just never say it himself.
he's still smitten with you, despite having known you for so long. hop wants nothing more than to see you smile, it fulfills him beyond belief.
you're always busy being champion, but you still make time for him, and he appreciates it more than you know. the least he can do is make sure the paparazzi stays off your tail; he's practically glued to your side and watching over you like a hawk. he won't let anyone bother you without a good reason.
he's honestly such a sap when it's just you and him... he'll sweet talk you for hours, joking about calling you silly pet names while holding you close. he really does love you, so please stay by his side.
he gets flustered easily when you compliment him. he just-- doesn't expect it?? and it leaves him feeling fuzzy and warm.
he doesn't exactly flaunt his battle prowess, but i think deep down, part of him knows he's still got skills. hell, he was one of the only gym challengers to make it as far as you! that doesn't stop him from being bashful whenever he wins a battle against anyone though. bro literally congratulates the opponent and shakes their hand, he's so polite 😭
whenever you get sad or down for any reason, hop secretly beats himself up for it. he could've been there for you sooner or done something to prevent this-- why can't he be a good partner for you? please reassure him, his heart cares for you so much,,
he compliments you a LOT. tells everyone how amazing you are to the point where some might think it's embarassing... but if you don't mind, then he doesn't hold back!
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
oooh more yuu meets sebek first please!!!
Ace breaks into Ramshackle expecting NO ONE only to find a random guy, a cat, and a Diasomnia student
He faints/lh
When he wakes up Sebek and Yuu are arguing over him on whether or not they should let him stay
...both of him want him gone theyre just arguing over HOW they kick him out
"Is the collar a...weird kink thing?? Whats wrong with him" "WHAT THE HELL IS A KINK"
Ace tells them that he'll BEG them to let him stay ("Then beg :/"" - Sebek)
He ends up staying anyway. Loser
They find out WHY he got collared and both of them think "desurb"
They all head off to classes and everyone thinks thats the end of it!!!!
...Ace overhears that the housewarden's been extra pissy ever since he collared Ace, and hears that his roomie got dragged into it too
He bonded with roomie and now he feels bad but he wont admit it
Decides to ask Trey if theres a way where he can. Get the stupid collar off of him
"Bake a tart w me" "...what"
While making the tart Trey reveals why Riddle's the way he is to him. Ace calls him out for his bullshit amen
Meanwhile Sebek and Yuu are attending their own classes 🔥🔥🔥 When Yuu notices one of their classmates looks worse for wear
its Deuce!!! He's been given a lot of responsibilities for this upcoming unbirthday party. He says it might be because his roommate pissed off his housewarden because of a tart (Yuu flashbacks to Ace)
Feeling bad for the guy Yuu offers to help him and they get to Heartslabyul. Cater makes them paint roses w him 🔥🔥🔥
They figure out a way to appease Riddle by thinking of replacing the tart. Yuu asks Deuce why he's trying to a find a solution to a problem Ace caused. Deuce said he felt bad for him (You see, the Adeuce connection will always be universal. In this essay I will-)
So, TWO people are baking fucking tarts. Yippee.
Since Trey isnt available to help the gang with a tart since he's with Ace, they try to do it themselves (they fail lawl)
First, where the FUCK can they go. They dont have a kitchen. Yuu finds Sebek and asks him fi they can use Diasomnia's. Sebek says "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO USE MY DORMS OWN KITCHEN" (He lets them use his dorm's kitchen)
It makes for a funny sight. The loud, loyal freshman of Draconia ordering around a Heartslabyul guy and the Ramshackle prefect with their fire-vreathing cat.
Lilia tries to help them and Yuu, Deuce and Grim are almost fooled until literally HALF of the Diasomnia student body shout at him to NOT enter the kitchen- Sebek included
Sebek actually read through the Queen of Hearts' rules lawl. So theyre making a STRAWBERRY tart. Everyone say thank you Sebek
The whole time theyre making a tart Sebek looks...hopeful, that he'll see someone appear in the dorm. Deuce notices, but Grim is the only one who mentions it
Sebek just sighs and says that he was expecting for someone to be in the dorm. Theyre not. He looks a bit sad before screaming at Deuce that he's MESSING UP THE TART WHAT ARE YOU DOING
(They do not forget the sadness in his voice.)
Just in time to see Ace presenting the tart to Riddle, who is absolutely FURIOUS
When they enter, all eyes go on the group, meaning Riddle sees THEIR tart as well. Sebek realizes with dawning horror that having TWO tarts that are not made with the same ingredients in an unbirthday party is breaking one of the Queen of Hearts' rules
Riddle is MORE pissed. Adeuce challenging Riddle for position of housewarden doesnt happen here because Riddle acts up much faster
He says that he cant believe that its just the first week and he has TWO incompetent freshmen already, questioning how they got into Night Raven College in the first place
Ace is okay with the shit talk towards him (He's not) but to DEUCE???? Fuck no (He punches Riddle lawl)
They...do not deliver the final blow to Riddle through a powerful magic spell
Yuu and Sebek rush to the front, both holding the plate with the strawberry tart and present it to him. Originally just for a distraction so the others could pull off the powerful magic spell
Riddle flashbacks to Trey and Chenya presenting him his own strawberry tart. And bawls. (DEFEATED WITH THE POWER OF COMFORT FOOD AND NOSTALGIA LETS FUCKING GOOO) (When i said canon divergent i really meant it)
I have no fucking idea how Yuu's thing with the whole. Seeing overblotee's tragic backstories goes BUT im going to play around with that and say that if someone's touching them, they also get sucked in
Guess who's touching Yuu's hand while holding the plate
HAHA CANON DIVERGENT BABY (Sebek and Yuu see through Riddle's memories)
Blot stone UNFORTUNATELY gets eaten by Grim this time. Sebek still tries to do the Heimlich maneuver on him
Everything goes the same, Ace doesnt accept Riddles apology and says that he has to make a tart and redo the unbirthday party, etc etc
Except Yuu doesnt know Sebek got sucked into Riddle's memories as well
...and the fact Sebek is there in the first place
Ace confronts Deuce about why the FUCK he had a tart with him, and Sebek reveals what Deuce was trying to do. Adeuce bonding 🫶
All is well. Everyone goes back to their dorms
...Sebek got locked out again (Yuu lets him stay over again)
Book 2 coming MAYBE 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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valleyfthdolls · 1 month
More Gal rewrite content 🙏🙏🙏
I am a man crawling through the desert to find the oasis of the Gals /silly
I'm gonna do a bullet list for this as I tend to
I love the idea of instead of the girls being shallow bullies, they're the equivalent of that girl gang in 80s who were bullied by boys and formed a gang to protect themselves and other girls from bullying. They definitely come off much less antagonistic and outright mean than the 202X mode delinquents, because they're easier to befriend, don't berate and mock everyone who comes near them, and don't belittle you for trying to befriend them on the assumption that you're doing it because you're being bullied.
I like to imagine the girls as queer. Specifically I think that Hana is a lesbian and Kokoro is a trans woman at least, based on their color schemes. As for the others, I see them as being bi or pansexual and probably polyamorous. I think it's funny to imagine that their whole little side quest or whatever about getting Gema their affection is them deciding he's cool enough to join the polycule /hj
As for why my versions of the gals don't get along with Hosho (Horuda), I honestly think it's the simple fact that they think she's creepy, and she resents them for that because that's been the defense of the people who's bullied her all her life: "she's just creepy." Of course, she's not actually interested in being shows what their friend, she just thinks it sucks that they think she's creepy too.
I think my tidbit about my Hoshiko ripping out a bully's hair shows what kind of a person she is. I imagine that she was probably being bullied for her weight and appearance (since my redesign does have Hoshiko as plus sized) and she just snapped and started tearing into the girl, slapping the shit out of her, and just yanked an entire chunk of hair out. She struggles to not take things too far, and her responses to things are often disproportionately intense. She takes pride in this because it gets people off her back, but she knows that it's not a good thing.
Since it's planned that in the future, you should be able to join Musume's friend group, I wonder what the gals would think abt Ayano as a member of the group. Lemme cook for a sec
Kashiko would be wary of her because she's creepy, but since I imagine Kashiko is a frequent client of Info-chan to keep track of what people are saying and doing around school, Ayano could convince Info-chan to help her gain Kash's trust. After that, I think Kashiko would probably cheer her on a lot. She'd take it as a challenge to try to get Ayano to laugh, smile, etc.
Hoshiko would Get Ayano's struggles. Complain to her sometimes abt how stupid she finds it that they have to pretend to be a totally different person and whatever so other people don't think they're evil, but then people ALSO think they're evil FOR pretending, and Ayano has her face buried in her hands going "oh my god yeah. dude you get it it's HELL"
I think Kokoro would recognize the way Ayano mirrors their behaviors as her own behavior and want to help her fit in. Initially, she'd be intimidated, but once she noticed that, she'd be like ohh, I understand what's happening here and start helping Ayano, like telling her abt the basics of gyaru makeup and fashion, doing her nails, giving her tips, etc.
Hana would appreciate Ayano's ability to mask I think. She'd encourage her to loosen up in private, though. They'd talk shit in private together I think, but both of them are publicly very calm.
Musume would love Ayano, or at least the idea of her, because she feels like she's really sticking it to her dad by both making another "perfectly good girl" into a member of her little gang and befriending the Aishis' kid. She'd be kind of the overbearing type who Ayano doesn't actually need to say anything around. I think she doesn't realize that she likes the idea of Ayano more than Ayano herself, though, because Ayano is such a masker that she is always others' idea of her.
I can imagine Musume just absolutely flooding her Line account with videos and selfies of her and Ayano going out to get sodas and bubble tea and snacks to meet up with the girlfriends and having her arm around Ayano's shoulder the whole time, right up next to her in every photo and doing little kissy faces and peace signs at the camera.
Because of Ayano's social chameleon traits, I think she'd fit in fine and the girls would probably be equally flirty with her as they are with each other, ask her opinions on things and people, etc, but it would also be so funny if she was like that one meme that's like "apparently the reason I've felt so outcast in my friend group is that they're all in a polyamorous relationship and didn't tell me????"
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screamingay · 8 months
9 people you want to know better challenge
tagged by @orallech tysm!! i this and said out loud Yippee! bc i love these things
last song: cocteau twins- suckling the mender 😏
favorite color: gotta be green. that's nature babey!
last movie/tv show: just watched the jake's birth episode of adventure time (last movie was flatland: the film from 2007 and i gotta say it was a doozy)
sweet/spicy/savory: it's always been sweet for me.. ive gotten better with variety & complexity over the years but i'll always have a major sweet tooth
relationship status: i've been very in lesbians with harper @girl-prototype for a year and a half <33333 and we live together also hehe
last thing i googled:
Tumblr media
(spoiler: you can and i will)
current obsession: started playing chants of sennaar a couple days ago and im having a LOT of fun with it, the mechanics and story are so simple but still challenging enough to keep me interested, plus it's so pretty in a way that only indie games can do.. idk how to explain it but it has a lot of thought put into it and i appreciate it
last book: well i just started brando sando's warbreaker. and everything before that was him also lol (hero of ages and then a short story, the emperor's soul)
looking forward to: hopefully getting started on hrt in the not too distant future, but more realistically the concert i'm going to next week (pinkshift and jhariah!!!! go check them out if u haven't they're so good)
tagging @kordate @spicebowl @billspreston-esq @akotofu @cirrusin @sc0rbuddy @scorpiobabylon @toadsrbutch @fourturtlez and as always anyone can say i tagged them if they wanna do this!!
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cadaverre · 8 months
okay so @catholickedd here is your (simplified) celtic cross!!
the card in the centre of the cross is the Significator. it is a representative card picked out by the reader that represents the Querent (the person who is being read) the best. for you based on my (unfortunately very little) knowledge of you i picked Judgement, or The Last Judgement. the divinatory meanings include: change of position, renewal, outcome. while this may not represent you i think it represents your situation?? if you want i can do another reading for you based on a card you think is more representative :D
(usually there is a card pulled that is placed on top of the Significator that is like a general understanding of your situation but i skipped that one bc i always forget about it help-)
the first card i pulled was placed horizontally across the Significator, and it represents what challenges you may face with this issue. the card i pulled was the seven of Pentacles, which seemingly can be interpreted in many ways. one way is a business offer/money, another innocence/ingenuity, and another a quarrel/fight/altercation. i think this is where tarot gets really interesting because while it may give us some guidance it still leaves a lot to be wondered!! so i would say interpret that card however best suits your current situation
the second card i pulled (technically the third card in the cross but thats fine) is placed above the Significator, and represents either the best possible situation or what the Querent wants to own. i pulled the three of pentacles, which can represent trade, skill, or nobility, aristocracy or glory. this may mean that your ideal situation is to become someone that people at your new school respect, someone with skill in their area of expertise, someone who may be at the top of a social setting. personally i think this is a really good thing if your goal is to be well liked, so well done!!!
the third card i pulled is placed below the Significator and represents what you may already have, which you can work with to achieve your goal. this card was the seven of Swords, which represents design, hope, confidence, wish, attempt. it can also represent fighting, which may mean you possess qualities good for debating maybe?? these things will be helpful in the future though!
the fourth card is placed to the left of the Significator and is what is in the past, or what has ended. luckily enough you pulled Death for that one!! this means that an era of loss and corruption has ended and you are moving on!! yippee!!!!!!
and the final card for my shortened iteration of the celtic cross is placed to the right of the significator and shows what will happen in the future, or what your future may contain. this was the King of Cups (reversed)! unfourtunatly, this card in a reversed position means dishonesty, injustice, vice and scandal so....
tl;dr is that you may be faced with an altercation that will get in your way, but you possess the strength to overcome it. you may be put in a position of respect and almost royalty at your new school, and you are moving on from a period of mourning and loss. sadly, your future does involve corruption and deception, but i believe you will be able to overcome it!!!
omfg this is way too long im so sorry 😭😭 but i hope you learned something and enjoy!! lmk if you want to talk more about tarot id love to help <33
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retphienix · 5 months
Oh nice!
So I had planned on breeding a new team before tackling them again, but I also decided to do my grinding IN their castle for a little bit before doing the breeding (and then after, obviously) and when I got to the boss room I noticed it retained the second form.
So I figured "Oh, I can probably just beat the second form, I'm in a much better position now. Let's try." and I got it pretty cleanly :P
The fight itself is pretty good; Definitely one of the best I can remember in this game but I won't sugarcoat it- my mind wasn't so focused on boss encounter design in a DQM game where you basically zerg your stats up to a billion by breeding :P
That said- heavy melee attacks, a couple debuffs, and every few rounds they toss an AOE that can be dangerous- that's something to counter! Pretty nice!
After we knocked out the boss everything is happy go lucky~
There were a couple lines of dialogue I rather enjoyed- like the framing of the orbs of Loto as being a title granted to the brave who will save/lead this world (a repeat of DQ stuff around Loto) but following that more specifically with "That is why it targets children since they are the future" was pretty cool- I liked that- especially in the context of the DQ spinoff that's always been far more focused on the younger group of DQ fans, I like that :)
Everything's good and great and we're heading home and then we see a spooky image of eyes in the darkness where the spirits are, yippee!
Also I really enjoyed the little credit sequence showing some of the little "scenes" we've had on this adventure. I have mixed feelings on the efficacy of those scenes but I like it! Also smiled at the caravan camp scene but it also just made me wish there wasn't a limit on the camp because GIVE ME MY SUIKODEN STYLE BIG CAMP!!
So. Here is where I am at an impasse. I need to summarize my thoughts on the game (got a good amount of them) and I need to confront that ending scene since I've already admitted I know what comes next.
So here's what I'm going to do. I am going to explain my thoughts on the game As Of First Credits Sequence (now). Then, I am going to ATTEMPT the "second quest" orb collection part of the game.
I say ATTEMPT because I don't know how.... invested, I am.
From the sounds of it it's the "Do you want to grind nearly forever to get level 3 caravan members and max out your monster stats" mode. It SOUNDS like that- and *I* don't *want* to do that in this particular DQM title. But it also has a definitive goal- you're aiming to get the orbs, fight the thing, you get a second credits scene- then you can fight the dragonlord from DQ as a victory lap. I also think there are boss fights against each of the spirits and I do not know if those are challenging or bonus or required or anything about them.
I will ATTEMPT the orb quest, and if it feels too tedious- if it feels like I HAVE to seek out a level 3 sage for teleport just to keep my sanity with all the back tracking (it sounds like a LOT without teleport)- basically if I don't enjoy it after a few hours of trying, I'll cut it there, I'll admit my defeat, celebrate having beaten the main game because this is objectively the main game, the orbs are post game "Max your team!" stuff, and that will be it!
So then, my thoughts on Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart.
Altogether. It's alright.
This feels experimental as all hell. It's trying to mash a lot of ideas from main DQ titles in a way that I feel is... not altogether working here.
Mainly for me it comes down to two things.
The Caravan aspect is under-utilized, it's a weight around your ankle for the first few hours of gameplay and then it's just kind of "there" for the rest of the game with no real relevance.
Caravan members DO matter, except they kept the basic DQM monster aspect and arguably even buffed monsters to be better than before since their stats seem to explode MUCH faster than in prior titles- so it's??? Kind of just another layer to the gameplay that doesn't feel like it needs to be there and doesn't feel like it adequately adds to anything I'm doing... Kinda.
Early on you're struggling to breath and are excited to find new members that can alleviate your various caravan needs, then you learn better skills and get a decent income and all of a sudden caravan members are just "Here's some bonus damage, here's some bonus healing, here's a map"
Perhaps in the post game where you get stronger variants of each job they will begin to be much more impactful on play, but in base game eeeeeeh.
I do not hate it though. I think it's a failure because the primary impact it had on my gameplay experience was making the beginning hours worse, but, I think the strength of DQM titles is in team building prior to fighting rather than the fight itself- and the caravan is explicitly an expansion of that idea. You have no (real) control over the caravan in combat- so pre-planning is essential to getting the most out of them- this aspect I don't just like- I LOVE.
It's just I pretty much ended up with just "Here's some warriors to hit, and uh... the rest of my caravans sure do have members." because my options weren't too interesting and my monsters far out-performed anything they could do.
The reforming / breeding system is just fucking god awful compared to previous entries, and it does NOT make up for it in any meaningful way on its own merits.
The core issue comes down to the frequency at which you're allowed to interact with the system. Breeding in DQM games is one of the coolest parts of the entire experience- mashing skill sets together to make a new one, mashing monsters together to constantly get new mons you've never seen before- it's THE most fun part.
Not here.
In DQM:CH they retained the level 10 minimum requirement, but then limited your max amount of monsters PERIOD for the entire experience. You get 3 monsters, TOTAL, in the main game, 1 monster in a side quest, and apparently 1 more monster (I think that's it?) in the post game.
I had 4 monsters TOTAL to do breeding with.
Now for proper context, you don't breed the 4 monsters you have together- you collect hearts from random encounters and loot (the random encounter part is "pretty much" how it worked in previous games) and mash 2 hearts into your 1 monster to make that monster become a different monster.
The thing is, the monster limit matters, a lot. Your backup monster does NOT level up, so they can't be bred at all unless you swap to them which you're given practically no reason to ever do that, and you breed, I repeat, by mashing 2 hearts into 1 of your monsters.
This means you HAVE to level up your core 3 party members to 10+ to breed and you can only breed in ways that include your 3 party members.
The problem is hard to describe without an example from a prior game; In previous games "hearts" were just monsters- you had a farm full of monsters. Monsters on the farm leveled up as you leveled up your party (at a reduced rate). And every time you wanted to breed you just mashed ANY 2 monsters (party or not) together.
This meant in previous titles you could go to the starry area and breed 10+ new monsters all at once, having fun exploring the combinations and deciding who you wanted to make your new team out of.
In DQM:CH you breed your main 3 and that's it. There is no way to combine hearts to see new combinations for fun, you preview it on top of your current monster and then decline until you find the 1-3 breeding combinations you'll be doing today.
The severe limitations put on the quantity of breeding you get to do SEVERELY hampers the fun, like entirely- I had no fun breeding in this game. That sucks.
Now the system in place Works. They made the stats you retain more apparent and they made it so when you breed you don't start from "0" and instead you get to keep your skills from level 1 instead of re-learning them. Those are "nice" adjustments, but then where's the fun part? I had no fun.
Moving on though.
DQM:CH overall felt, interesting. The caravan aspect is something I think has potential but it doesn't really do much with it, and the breeding system is revamped in a way that entices you to explore it- only to find you're not really allowed to play with it much to explore it much so it falls flat too.
The game beyond those two features is kind of a "bland" DQM story. While DQM1 was all randomly generated zones, it had 2 things to keep it grounded a bit- each zone ended in a beautifully designed reference location to previous Dragon Quest games which gave each zone a little memorable scene- and Great Tree itself was a fantastic hub world that evolved as you progressed and gave the entire game a lot of identity.
DQM2 repeated the hub world sense of "life" with Great Log, but also gave each of the zones you explore a little mini narrative to solve along with their unique aesthetics like the desert world and ice world etc.
DQM:CH on the other hand is like.... a really low budget retreat of Dragon Quest's hub. No place feels like it has any real life going on, no place feels real, the whole game /feels/ like "overworld walking" with nothing going on. Perhaps part of this is how towns were handled, but in general the feeling was omnipresent. You get a basic goal at the very start and then just sorta walk forward until it says you won, I don't know, maybe I'm being a hater but I didn't really get the same charm I see in the prior 2. No place to consider my caravan's home*, no location that evolves over time in meaningful ways and gives you a reason to talk to anyone, nothing beyond "Walk forward until you finish" pretty much. :/
*Speaking of home, the camp just felt like a missed opportunity. I keep bringing up Suikoden but I mean it, what a missed chance to let us make a big dragon quest home base with tons of classes! On top of that, the camp isn't a fun place to be. Great Tree and Great Log are fun- they have tons to explore and they have interesting changes over time. The camp can get a couple buildings added if you recruit specific jobs. That's it. No one has anything interesting to say, and you're forced to return A LOT despite that.
And every time you return you do the same few things. Save the game through a ton of dialogue at the church tent. Talk to old lady or merchant to restock rations through a TON of dialogue. Sometimes talk to the camp dude to reorganize your caravan through a TON of dialogue. Sometimes breed your monsters through a reasonable amount of dialogue. And then when you want to leave you just go- wait- wait no you don't. You can't just go. You HAVE to go talk to Luin who will ramble for a calendar year about hints of your current quest EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Before asking if you want to leave, or leave and bring the camp along.
Going to the camp sucks eggs.
Anyways, positive stuff, the gameplay kinda hits the mark. You do get "too strong really quickly" but that's okay! It's fun leveling your guys and forming your party around roles and (when it lets you) breeding some new monsters, and the quest is straight forward the whole time- almost always "Hey, there's a dungeon to tackle and it's kinda tough, go do that" or "Hey, can you collect these 5 things? Go find em" and that's chill since every quest is located in a relatively small zone.
The biggest zone is the end game where you suddenly get the whole world to explore.... except it's for nothing because the end game is just "Go to one of the spirit's homes, come back, okay there's the castle" so- a little weird- but alright.
The straight forward-ness is a bit lacking for excitement, but I was invested the whole time. I was enjoying playing with my monsters and completing each spirit's task, I'd say it worked out!
Anyways I typed too much. My take on DQM:CH is that it's......
It's experimental and I am giving it some slack for that purpose. It's really slow to start, it's not very charming compared to the previous, it messes some stuff up, but it gives you reasonable tasks and some toys to play with and then you win. It's Alright.
I wouldn't play it again, beyond the bit I plan to try of the Orb Quest. So I GUESS that makes it my least favorite DQM title so far, Joker 1 was more interesting than this one I think.
But being the worst of the series (so far) doesn't make it a terrible game I don't think. Especially considering what sounds to be a pretty meaty amount of post-game stuff to do. Definitely not bad.
Not a fan. 💜
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helpleas · 4 months
Today was the most lovely of them all
Ok. ok it was crazy. first of all. the weather..... ohhh my god. beautiful. sunny. lovely. there was so much driving and cool breezes and giggling with glee and cute dogs and adventures and yummy snacks.
second of all. i had 2 first period spares which would usually mean i start class at 1:00pm BUT i accepted a slot to tour a family at 8:45 so i was there for that. this was my last tour of the year and i really put my all into it (it lasted AN HOUR) and i think the family actually liked me
while i was doing my tour my friend was sitting in the library and when i stopped in she lifted up her phone which read "do you want to go to tim's after this". im never one to decline a drive anywhere or coffee when i havent had breakfast. i got an apple fritter and a black iced coffee (bliss). BUT while we were there. who did i spot. but people doing fucking geomatics (the program i didnt apply to but got accepted to at waterloo) so we took a silly photo with them. then she drove me back to school and had to go to english :(
BUT she left me with our other friend who had a spare like i did. so since it was such a lovely day we skipped/ran all the way to the beltline and to the tree we discovered a couple weeks ago. sat and listened to music :)
then it was time to help our friends with their promposals. BUT there wasn't enough room in the car for everyone we needed so i climbed in the trunk. turns out i love the trunk. like a rollercoaster ride and fun and cozy and i loved it. also one of the dates hadn't ever been seen in person and was 10x hotter than photos. so amazing.
then when we got back the rest of my friends had spares and went to get boba soo i was totally bummed because i had to go to 3rd period. but when i got to 4th there was a bubble tea waiting for me (eeeeeeeek)
then i had to stay out of the house until after 5. so my friends and i went to sushi (i didnt get any bc im SKINT) so while we were sitting around waiting for a friend to get out of her ap bio exam. this rlly cute guy walked by. and 2/4 of us found him cute... but i was totally not there for that. so blah blah she tried to work up the courage to ask him out and stuff. when she finally did he had JUST walked away. but still cute good times.
so then our ap bio friend was starving and our other friend left so we all went to chipotle so me and ap bio friend could eat (used order ahead with family uber eats... very sneaky) absolutely scrumptious and i love that area of the city
+ the friend driving always rolls the windows down and my friend on aux has sublime music taste so it was just. so much fun
on the way to chipotle the 2 friends in front got the idea to go see challengers. 1 friend had already seen it but was determined to see it 3 times... so that comes up later
here i called my friend and had the funniest fucking conversation because everyone around me could only hear one half (you just woke up... oh no the dogs... chicken sandwiches... well tampon is #1..... no you don't have school tomorrow.... yeah no its next week now.... lucky i called you... the new season is out?!)
then after chipotle we drove down to the theatre and dropped one of us off along the way. and on the way there i rolled down my window to rest my head on it and look out and the wind was just so perfect and i felt so nice and i loved the song that was playing and it was just... yeahhhhhhh
also my friend called me asking to hang out on the way there and i just felt really loved
then we listened to inhaler on the drive back to my place for some water (specifically these are the days which felt SO fitting). my friend was shuffling her favourite songs and one i showed her came up so. almost cried there. (She's a Jar- Wilco). We had been seeing really cute dogs all day because it was finally nice out enough and we saw the ultimate fluffiest friendliest dog on the drive back.
my step mom happened to arrive at the EXACT. SAME. TIME. and creepily followed us making spooky noises just to freak us out.
after a bit everyone went home but just. ugh. the day was so perfect and wonderful im like high on it. and i had to transcribe the entire thing.
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metanarrates · 1 year
Ah man i was thinking about the genshin ask you got the other day because it reminded me of my experience playing it for maybe a year? Definitely less + only played regularly for a portion of that duration + never managed to catch up with the main story. Long ask coming up ahead 😭
Anyway this is related because while i haven't played a hoyoverse game since then, i have been somewhat familiar with the lore surrounding their little multiverse and it is insane the disparity in quality between the Honkai titles and Genshin. Better writing, better game design, better art, the whole shebang (i believe honkai impact is centered around the story of a bunch of of tragic subtextual lesbians who in attempting to defy fate beome gods of destruction or whatever. Yippee). Interestingly, or perhaps not so interestingly depending on who you talk to, ive found that genshin's developmemt has an extreme emphasis on commercialism where the Honkai games do not. And of course with that commercial emphasis you end up with what's essentially a glorified vehicle for escapism, as you have to appeal to as broad of an audience as possible and that means advertising to concepts they find palatable and comforting. But even within the genre, hoyoverse is a unique outlier for the narrative precedent of escapism that it sets. There is an overarching theme concerning the nature of destiny and defiance of it, and this clashes with the end of the writing necessarily needing to refuse to challenge audience expectations. If you want to tell a story of how a lone hero transcends the clause of narrative inevitability as a stand-in for self discovery or triumph over inequitabilities, then you sort of. Have to??? Make complex multidimensional characters with their own agency and fleshed out internal conflict. However, the story then must serve itself, prioritize itself, over the quandary of status quo. This clashing of creative goals and economic means results in a product that at its core feels incredibly confused, like it cant decide what it wants to be. Honkai titles, by contrast, arent intended to be a mild fantasy for the player to lose themselves in. It's still ultimately just a chess piece in the corporate game Hoyo is playing, but at the very least, it chooses a direction and sticks with it, framing marketing decisions around an established narrative appeal. Something to chew on, i suppose. Definitely fuel to consider the relationship between capitalism and fiction
that's so interesting! I always find it fascinating when the need for wide audience appeal clashes with the seeming goal of a story. I'm interested in the conditions around the development of a work in general (ive read a LOT of stuff about rgu's development, for example) but in works like this I'm always very curious about what happened in those game studios. was it a case where the writers wanted to do something but the studio shot it down? or was it literally the writers having to deal with those conflicting needs without consciously acknowledging it and created a work that shoots itself in the foot? doesn't matter either way, I guess, but I would like to know.
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ruinaimagines · 2 years
YIPPEE WELCOME BACK AGAIN wishing u luck on those new requests!! hope u dont mind me sending what i think id sent back then, which was a request for a scenario on zena and an s/o who doesnt realize shes an arbiter :] thank u....
Funnily enough I actually was working on this a while back before I wiped my ask box. So now I have a use for the unfinished writing I had. Thank you for the welcome back.
Oblivious S/O and Zena Headcanons:
She is absolutely baffled on how you just seem to be completely ignorant of anything pointing to her status. It’s not like you’re arrogant, or aren’t observant.. It just won’t click??
When the two of you are together you will comment on how people seem to be staring at you weirdly, but it just doesn’t really cross your mind on why. In fact, you’ll even check how you look or what you’re wearing, completely disregarding the fact it might be because of her.
So it becomes a little bit of a challenge for her and turns into probably the funnest part of her week. See just how far she can push the limits until you finally come to the realization. This is the main motivator between her continuing to meet with you.
Zena doesn’t really try to hide the fact she’s an arbiter either. She’ll wear her uniform or similar outfits with that signature hexagonal pattern that seem to be a clear giveaway.. To everyone but you that is.
There was actually a time you wanted to take her to this restaurant that was really nice. Unfortunately, it was in a pretty nasty part of the backstreets, so you had to tread carefully. But surprisingly, it was a completely peaceful walk.
In fact the staff must’ve felt super nice on that day because they discounted the price of your food! That’s never happened before. You were happy though that it did when you had a friend along with you, hopefully that made a good impression!
They did seem a bit nervous though when serving, and it was more quiet than usual.. Maybe there was some suspicious activity going around? You weren’t too sure, but mainly you tried to focus on your conversation with Zena.
She finds you so fascinating even when you tell the most mundane stories. You could be talking about your laundry and she would be extremely immersed. She’s just never had someone be so.. Uninfluenced by her before, and she wants to learn more about you.
Unsurprisingly, Zena can be pretty confident and egotistical some of the time. She is aware of the power she is capable of and has no issue using it to get what she wants. Hardly ever has someone of sane mind opposed her. 
But you don’t really have a problem with disagreeing when you think it’s fit to do so. Perhaps you’re a bit more compassionate than she is (the bar isn’t really set high) and you aren’t really fond of her ways with going about certain things. Murder and blackmail are some of her go-to’s which can be pretty problematic.
At first I can see her being a bit irritated, but after taking an actual moment, she’s more appreciative. Now it’s a 50/50 on whether or not she’ll really change what she’s doing based on what you say, but once you get past her pride it’s almost refreshing to have someone feel comfortable enough to say what’s on their mind.
And say what’s on your mind you do. Honestly, in the nicest way possible, she’s heard some of the stupidest things come out of your mouth. It greatly contrasts with her very in depth, thorough way of speaking.
It’s really funny to hear you bring up news and things that she had a direct hand in without even realizing. For example, a workshop had recently been shut down for blatantly violating strictly enforced laws. It wasn’t specified what exactly was inside, but it was enough to get it transported to the outskirts.
You’d discuss it with her, ‘Man the Head is wild, wonder what was bad enough inside that it made them that pissed.’ And she would only smile and nod. Because she was there, and she knows exactly why. 
Very frequently she will have a gift for you when you meet, and it’s always of such high quality that you feel bad she spent so much on it. Though she assures you it was no big deal (cause it wasn’t).
Sometimes though she gets gifts of things you wanted that you didn’t recall telling her about. It’s a bit weird at times, but hey who’s gonna complain about free stuff? Most of her time her reasoning is that you forgot you told her about it.
One time you happened to be in the same time and place that she had some business in (Whether or not that was a coincidence is still to be determined). All you knew is that there was some form of havoc leading to people being afraid and fleeing. 
You, however, did not know what was said cause of chaos, you only knew to get out of there. So of course you’re going to panic when you see Zena casually resting on a bench, wide out in the open, filing her nails. After all, you don’t want her to get caught up in whatever is happening.
Well, you just keep being bold don’t you? Honestly it’s to the point it’s self-endangering, but maybe that’s what makes you so amusing to her.
Unsurprisingly to the audience, she is very casual about the whole situation. You, on the other hand, are freaking out because hey.. There’s people screaming and running and dying and you don’t want her to get mauled by something.
She just keeps smiling at you with this funny look on her face. You’re grateful she’s calm and not panicking but she just seems a little too amused by this whole situation. Better than being horrified.. Right???
Eventually she lets you grab onto her arm and drag her along to wherever you deemed would be a safe spot for you two. One person even yelled at you to ‘Get out of there unless you had a death wish’. Kind of rude but probably had good intentions. You weren’t really sure what ‘there’ was, but the general message was that where you were standing wasn’t really safe.
So the two of you are huddling in cover within the ruins of a building as you repeatedly stare past some blinds on a window out into the street. Weirdly enough, nothing really seemed to be happening.
A person did happen to emerge, one that you were ready to tackle if it was needed. A strange figure with a large metal-plated looking claw and a similar mask with strange vats of liquids attached to them.
Zena claimed that it was a work partner of hers who happened to be in the same area, and told you to remain there and that she would return soon after talking to him. 
When she did return, she smiled and commented on “Well, aren’t you rather thick-headed?” only for your utterly baffled response. You weren’t sure whether you should be offended or not. She only chuckled and the two of you departed from the location.
You’d have to figure it out someday, but until then Zena was willing to push the limits to see just what she could get away with.
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thetantiger · 3 months
You reblogged an ask me game for writing and I straight up forgor to ask LMAO, not sure how many I’m aloud to put so here :)
2. Do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? If so, what do you like about them?
3. Do you write fics from start to finish, or jump around?
14. If you were stuck on a desert island with only two of your ocs, who would you pick?
17. What fic are you most proud of?
You’re allowed to put down as many questions as you want! Also YIPPEE QUESTIONS
2. Unfortunately no, lmao. I can barely keep up with annual art events, let alone writing.
3. I would like to say that I always write from start to finish but occasionally I do jump around. Sometimes the hyperfixation takes over; I definitely wrote Mytho x Sanlas stuff while I was supposed to be writing that Veronica and Obsydia scene, LMAO.
14. Probably Blue and Graysmite. Blue has a lot of wilderness survival experience, great aim and at least her pets are great company. Graysmite is an absolutely excellent healer and her certification as a therapist on top of that will at least help keep us sane. And maybe she could use some time away on an island anyway.
17. DEFINITELY The Tishamaat, the most recent one about Blue. I would be as bold to say I think it’s my best piece of writing so far. There are many moments in there that have double meanings, many scenes that just really hit home for me personally as some things Blue went through, I have as well, and also it was simply really fun to write her and Fel together because they’re so fucking cute and supportive of one another. I had a lot of fun writing it and I’m very proud of it :D
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koffing-time · 10 months
wowowow another poison type specialist who works in the hospitality industry!!!! yippee!!!
what's cafe culture like out in Unova? i used to own a cafe in Kalos just outside of Coumarine City. place was always packed with tourists akjsdhig
Hi! Wow damn, there's new people popping up left and right, that's so cool! Uh.. I'm not really sure what you mean with café culture tho? People come in, and they order a drink or buy a poffin and leave? Or sometimes they sit down and eat it at my place.
Now that i think of it, way more people were sitting at the cafés when i was in lumiose than they do over here? I'm not sure if that's like, the café culture or just bc i was visiting lumiose and there are like a thousand times more people lol.
Yeah, there's not so much a lot of tourists here, striaton is kinda off the beaten path, i mostly have my regulars and travelling trainers who want to challenge the triplets. Uh, yeah, striaton city has a gym that's led by three gymleaders.
And fuck yes i love poison types! Look at them! So amazing!
[there are two pictures attached.
The first shows a Koffing floating above a patch of berry bushes, though most of them look ready for winter. Between the bushes are a few other Pokémon peeking out, there's a bellsprout and a pumpkaboo among them.
The second picture shows a close up of a scolipede, on her head sits a tiny little grimer between her horns]
Anyways, nice to meet you! If you're ever close to striaton city, come by and say hello!
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Denji is sillygoofy as always (he makes me so ILL get my son OUTTA THERE). I still have beef with that WOMAN who was coming onto denji I don’t remember her name.
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This shit scared me!! Got flashbacks to the first katana man fight. Using a real gun would kinda force denji to transform to survive, which he doesn’t really wanna do right now. Glad the gun was fake tho 🙏 gave me a SPOOK
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Me every time Yoshida apparate like atp he must be following denji around 😭 leave him ALONE goddamn!
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New reaction img just dropped. Also when denji becomes the one saying this you know there’s a fucking PROBLEM!!!
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Grown women leave denji ALONE challenge (impossible). First Himeno now THIS! Unreal. I stay a hater.
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HE ENJOYED THE FIGHT!! I really hope Denji wisens up and realizes he enjoys being chainsaw man soon, or like tells Yoshida to leave him alone and let him do what he wants. Chainsaw man is a part of him, and a part of his life. No one is normal, and “normal” for denji means fighting and killing devils as chainsaw man.
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YIPPEE ASA TIME!! I love her so much it’s unreal. She’s so ill. Watching herself on the news, then saying she hates it because it’s too “invasive.” Then smiling at seeing herself on the news 😭. As always she’s my contradictory queen who doesn’t know what she wants! Also her and Yoru were very silly this chapter, always bickering. Their little “we’re doing this to save/kill chainsaw man” made me chuckle. I love them so much my skrunkles I wanna shrink them up and put them in my pocket.
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Denji isn’t as big a fan of Asa as me 😭 she’s taking all his hoes!! I think it’s also a general distaste of the chainsaw man church, because yeah like what the hell. Imagine being a teenager who is also chainsaws sometimes and people making a church for YOU except you’re not a part of it and also it makes people like you less anyways. Insane.
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he’s so real he’s so silly he’s so TIRED. My son he needs a nap. I can tell as part 2 continues denji is just so exhausted compared to part 1, he seems to enjoy his life less and less. I think it’s in part everything that happened in part 1 (he misses his family :() and everything happening now, he has new responsibilities and is still trying to please other people, as much as he tries not to. Seeing him actually enjoy his fight last chapter made me happy, I hope he gets more moments to really enjoy living as himself soon, no matter how decidedly NOT normal his life ends up being.
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RETURN OF THE KING!! Not rly he was in like 2 chapters. It makes sense denji doesn’t recognize/remember him since he wasn’t really himself when they fought, iirc. I do wonder what he’s up to since, last we saw him, he was completely under makima’s control. It’s nice to see minor characters like him return from part 1, though I worry for his intentions. ALSO if he can come back. Maybe. Maybe reze can too. Maybe quanxi can too. (COPING). I hope for once this new person actually wants to help denji.
Also YIPPEE only a one week wait this time! I love you chainsaw man Tuesdays.
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deepslumbrrr · 1 year
(Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Queue System)
Ah, commissions. Commissions!
According to my backlog, the first commission I ever took—and completed—was back in March 2022. I've been doing this for over a year already. I can't believe it. That's fucking bananas.
Before March 2022, people would often ask me why I didn't have commissions open. To them, it made perfect sense. Not only did I love writing, I was evidently really good at it. In their eyes, the logical progression was monetization—making money doing the thing I love.
Fast forward a year and some change. I've only ever turned down one, maybe two commissions—only because I didn't think I could do a very good job with what the clients asked of me. I always want to be honest with people, especially when said people are throwing dollar bills in my direction. If I don't think I can do something to the ability the client requests of me, I make a point to mention it always.
Other than that, however, I tried to take every commission that came my way. Usually, it was for one or both of these reasons:
I think it's a great challenge to hone my writing skills.
I like making people happy.
Ah, that second one, though. That's where I get into trouble. That's where I ended up in the situation I'm in right now. Approximately 100,000 more words to go until I clear my commission queue, and I have no one to blame but myself.
Okay, let me rewind a little bit.
From March 2022 until about July of the same year, I had a slot system. This meant that up to eight people could commission me at any one time until slots were CLOSED and no one else could reach out to make a request. I'm sure you're aware of how it works. I know you're smart like that, baby.
But here's a secret: I'm not very smart myself.
Somewhere along the way, I made an absolutely stunning realization: if I don't use a slot-based system, then MORE people could commission me. That way, I could make MORE people happy with my work!
So I tried it out. Instead of a slot-based system, I went with a "word count" system. That meant, for example, that my budget for writing commissions per month was somewhere around 70,000 words. Once I reached that amount—whether two people wanted 35,000 word stories each, or seven people wanted 10,000 word stories each—I would be closed for business until the queue's completion.
This didn't really pan out. I was unable to say No to a few last-minute commissioners, because I like making people happy. As a result, I went over my 70,000 word budget to around 90,000 words in one and a half months.
Horrifying, right? Don't worry, it gets worse.
Because one year after I first opened commissions, in March 2023, I had another genius idea. My best one yet. It sounded like this: commissions are always open! Yippee! Wow! Great job!
The logic made sense at the time. Altogether, it looked like this:
Commissions are ALWAYS open,
No more than 15,000 words per person,
Because of the above, please allow UP TO two months for delivery.
In my head, this was something of a "writing rolodex." I would always have something to write and work on, because I would ALWAYS have a commission, and I would ALWAYS have a commission, because slots were ALWAYS open, and because slots were ALWAYS open, I had two months maximum from the date of payment (a rule I insisted UPON MYSELF!) to get 'er done.
Well let me tell you, dear reader, I am the biggest damn fool on dog's green earth.
Not only did I end up with almost 150,000 words to write within two months, I could finally detect the strain and toil that I had managed to keep away for so long. I was getting tired and people could see it.
I love writing, and I love making people happy. I love both things a little too much. I thought if I always said Yes, then everyone would be satisfied with me. Everything would be just fine.
Well! Things! Are! Not! Fine!
I'm not collapsing or anything, but the strain is there. I will complete every last commission, of course, and I'll do my utmost to ensure a (relatively) speedy delivery. But by God, my commissioners are patient people. I'm truly thankful for them, and my readerbase. You inspire me every day of my life.
I like putting smiles on people's faces, especially with my writing! But this always-open-commission-thing is gonna have to... not be a thing anymore. It's unsustainable. I see that now.
It's difficult to sound modest when the reality is that my writing is in high demand. If it wasn't, I would be in this mess—up to my eyebrows in vowels and consonants. Once again, I'm truly grateful to all my readers and the people who pay me to put words in front of them. I'd love to continue writing for a long, long time.
This unfortunately means that some people won't get commissions each month. There will be less smiling faces. I'm picturing a line of people waiting outside a lemonade stand. Only some of you will get lemonade, because I only have so many lemons. Sorry in advance, but maybe the guy down the road has fruit punch or something.
Unlimited Comm Works is taking its toll, so once this queue is done and dusted, I'll return to using a proper slot system—maybe with a bit of a spin on it. I'll definitely need a bit of a break, nothing too long.
As I wrote out this long post, someone messaged me asking when commissions are opening again. Commissions WILL ONLY OPEN AGAIN once I've cleared my present queue, which you can always find on my public Trello board linked here.
It would be irresponsible of me to take on more work when the saintly commissioners I have now have been immensely patient with me.
One more thing: commission prices will be increasing...somewhat.
I'd like to point out that I still charge below the average of two cents per word. I myself, at present, am only comfortable charging 1.75 cents per word, because I'm, like, y'know, umm, quirky like that :3
Here is a tabled breakdown of how much commissions will cost when they properly open again.
Once again, everyone, thank you for your kindness, patience, and attention. It's silly to think this all started when I wrote some very naughty words in an—apparently—pretty swell manner. What isn't silly is just how blown away I am by your support.
Love ya. ✨
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