#am back home safe now and got what i was looking for (somehow). witch was a battery for my watch cause it stopped last wednesday
jesus fuck walmart is hell
i haven't been to a walmart in months and approximately two minutes after stepping through the door i feel like i'm halfway into another dimension and my brain doesn't work anymore
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Sterek Fic Rec - April & May 2023. Sorry team, I know I am late and now combining months. Been busy with other things so while I hope to keep doing rec lists, they may be less monthly overall. But I promise I am still here! :)
Orbit (yours is the only one i'd follow) by whenwordsmakesense (1/1 | 1K | Teen)
Stiles flashes back to the nights and mornings he has spent in Derek’s bed, only because he’d fallen asleep researching the latest trouble in their town and Derek hadn’t felt like waking him up, only to drive sleepily and more than likely end up on his computer again once he got home. And he thinks of this pack, his family, has tied them to each other—all of them—and he thinks of how love has filled them up where the holes of loss have taken place.
Stiles muses on what love is.
The Ink Under My Skin by rainsoakedshoes (1/1 | 10K | Mature)
Derek is looking for an Emissary. What he finds is Stiles Stilinski; resident witch.
Stiles would do whatever it takes to protect the Hale pack and his Alpha.
“I want to protect my pack as well as I can,” Derek continued. “Emissaries traditionally keep balance, having someone who wants to tip the odds in our favour may come in handy.”
Figure it Out by Gia279 (1/1 | 5K | Not Rated | Podfic by josilverdragon)
“He isn’t cursed,” Derek said suddenly, “I am.” As he spoke, no less than three lizards tumbled from his mouth. He caught them before they hit the ground, clutching them in folded fingers.
Dream Mate - Real Mate by TheyDraggedMeInNowIAintLeaving (1/1 | 4K | Teen)
Stiles is hired to put magical protection on the Hale house, Derek is incapable of making words in his presence. Somehow they still manage to get a happy ending
Derek Hale--Even in the Wind His Hair Is Perfect by literaryoblivion (1/1 | 2K | Teen)
It’s not the greatest job in the world, but someone’s gotta do it. And Stiles makes the most of it, okay?
Writing captions for the live broadcasts as well as helping run and write the copy for the online news stories can get rather tedious and boring, but Stiles tries his best to keep himself entertained. Slipping in a movie or comic book reference inside a human interest story just to see if someone comments about it, putting up a funny headline to see if someone catches it and puts it up on reddit, you know harmless things that to the casual viewer and reader will go unnoticed but to those that actually pay attention, they might get a kick out of it.
Recently though, he maybe has been… abusing his power.
(There's) no smoke without fire by Ark (1/1 | 6K | Explicit | Podfic by  pricklywhicket)
They kiss for entirely too long. If anyone found them in the woods just then they would be like, dudes, this is excessive.
“Stiles, I was talking about the lasagna” by quackquackcey (1/1 | 2K | Teen)
The time Stiles thought his dad could read minds and ended up confessing his inner most thoughts starring Derek—twice.~ 🐺💝
Couldn't find the words by Tails89 (6/6 | 21K | Teen)
John stands, holding out his hand for Melissa. “I never thought I’d be happy to see my son dating Derek Hale."
“They’re good for each other.” Melissa lets John pull her up onto her feet. “I’m happy for them.”
Five times someone thought Stiles and Derek were dating (plus one time they finally used their words and were!)
all my blossoms by WeAreTheLuckyOnes (1/1 | 7K | Mature)
Stiles has to nudge Derek over as he climbs into bed and under the quilt, but Derek goes easily, rolling onto his side and curving around Stiles's body when he settles. He puts his face into Stiles's throat, nose nudging against Stiles's jaw, arm sliding around Stiles's waist. Stiles is asleep in mere moments, comfortable and warm and safe against Derek's body.
Or the one where Stiles and Derek just get to be happy.
You Always Make A Bloody Mess by Sweetsyren (1/1 | 5K | Explicit)
Stiles is used to hiding his scars.
princecharmingwinks special mention (the found family vibes are so sweet!)
here is the deepest secret nobody knows by owlpostagain (1/1 | 22K | Teen)
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?”
See you next time team! Hopefully not as long before the next list. Remember to send all the love and kudos to our fabulous writers (and podficcers!).
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random-fandom-inserts · 9 months
Hi, could I please request prompt 25 "Is it that hard to believe I love you?" with the Pied Piper? Thanks so much!
Sure! Sorry if the plot's a little boring I had an idea from a similar story I wrote, but I hope you like it!💖
Apocalyptic Far Far Away
You wake up in a much different world than you remember, and you are horrified to find that the man you love has no recollection of you at all.
#25 “Is it that hard to believe that I love you?”
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The last thing you remember was going to bed to the sound of your lover's flute. It was a soft and peaceful harmony that the gentle man you knew would play every night for you before going to bed. His presence soft and eyes warm would make you feel safe. The place you and the Piper lived in was small and kind of run down (not to mention the rats), but it was home.
However, when you woke up, you most definitely were NOT home.
The bed was plush and very comfortable, like something for royalty. There was shades of red, gold, and white all over the room. Heavily confused and concerned (thinking you were somehow kidnapped), you slowly got out of the bed which revealed some fancy-looking clothes that were laying out. You ran a hand over them, fear beginning to set in you.
Suddenly, the door swung open to reveal a man of short stature, flanked on either side by witches.
"Look who's awake!" He said cheerfully, which made you feel uneasy for some reason. However, with more observation, you began to realize who the ginger was.
"Where am I?" You asked in concern, clutching your hands to your chest.
And thus, you were given explanation to your change of life. Apparently, a deal was made with him that made the whole world turn upside down. Every event that happened back in the old world was changed, and everything familiar was different. Rumpel was set to be the new king of Far Far Away, and you were told that you...you get to rule by his side. The way he said it was so possessive, like you were an object.
It made you sick.
Turns out those clothes were set there for you, and seeing no other option, you changed and made your way to the throne room. You felt like a prisoner. You sat beside the small man, who was talking about something along the lines of bounty hunters and ogres, you weren't really listening. All you could do was sit there in despair. Here you were in another apocalyptic world, where you were set to marry another man who was not your true love. That made you wonder something.
What happened to Pied Piper in this world without you?
"Mr. Stiltskin, he's here." You barely registered what was being said.
Just as thoughts spun around in your head, the sound of familiar flute entered your senses. However, instead of being soft and peaceful, it sent a chill down your spine. Your eyes landed on a sight that broke your heart as a bunch of rats scattered throughout the area and a pair of dark boots hit the floor. Your gaze traveled upwards to see the face of the man you knew so well.
But right now, the sight of him hurt you.
He was dressed all in dark colors which matched the look in his eyes. Pied Piper seemed devoid of emotion and full of something that you couldn't quite place. From what you gathered, he was some sort of bounty hunter, still holding that flute. That was the only thing about him that stayed the same. But this definitely wasn't the gentle man you knew. That being said, there had to be some part of him that felt the same. Right?
"Piper!" You cried before you could stop yourself. Getting to your feet (and shocking everyone), you rushed over to him and brought him into a tense embrace.
His scent, the fact your head still fit in the crook of his neck, his warmth, and the sound of his heartbeat...that was all still there.
But when you pulled away, a smile on your face and tears in your eyes, your smile vanished. Those blue eyes that once held love for you were void. It was if he was looking at a stranger, and you understood, but it still hurt because you knew another him.
"What are you doing?!" You heard Rumpel yell at you, but you paid him no mind. Instead, you just gave the Piper a sad expression, tears threatening to spill.
His gaze suavely went up and down your figure.
Then, he knelt down and gently kissed the back on your hand. It was enough to send familiar shocks through your body. As soon as he got back to his feet, he sent you a smile. It was a different kind of smile from him, yet also so comforting. It made you smile back, and for a second, you felt you had your man back.
But then Rumpel had to come and ruin things.
"This is Y/N, you know, my fiancé! We're going to get married very soon, and-" His aggressive words soon fell on deaf ears as tears came back to your eyes. Those words were a reminder that things would never be the same again.
Looking back at Pied Piper, you saw that his gaze had once again turned dark, and he began to fiddle with his flute. Then, with one last unsure glance at you, he left to go do whatever he was brought here to do.
And as for you, well, you left the room despite some protests and found a hallway to cry in.
A lot of events happened thus forth, and it was hard for you to believe that it was only one day. The chaos that ensued by the rebellion allowed to escape the confinement and flee to the forest. Even if there was no way for you to get your old life back, you refused to be married to another man. You were certain you were far enough away once the noise died down. As soon as you could, you sat down and leaned against a tree, bringing your knees up to your chest.
"Why...?" You muttered while battering your eyes to keep tears from falling.
You nearly jumped when you felt someone sit beside you.
"Piper..." You breathed, suddenly feeling more reassured. The man in dark looked downtrodden, eyes cast away and flute not even prepped for playing. His eyes cast over at you for just a second, lips in a thin line before looking away again. He seemed to be feeling just as lost and alone as you did in that very moment.
"Say...do you believe that you could have had another life...like, in another reality almost?" You asked him, glancing over with a small smile. Piper leaned up a bit, resting his back against the tree. He glanced over at you before shrugging, not too sure how to answer.
However, after a couple of moments, he had a faraway look in his eyes and nodded.
Without thinking once more, you moved to hug him. But this time, he pushed you away a little. Once away, you looked at him to see not only confusion but also resentment.
"Of course...I know you don't know who I am..." You sat back a bit, resting your hands in your lap. In this world, he was alone and without anybody to love. No wonder he was so dark and seemingly empty; without you Piper had no one. He must believe he was unlovable. After all, who could love someone as cursed as he was?
He shook his head at your words.
"In another world...I love you..." You said it presently and proudly. Your feelings have not changed despite the differences in the man before you.
But he just shook his head again, looking away. It broke your heart.
“Is it that hard to believe that I love you?” You asked him quietly, and his jaw tensed. Obviously, this Pied Piper would have no memories of any tender moments with you. In fact, he probably has none period. This whole world was depressing after all.
"Piper..." You mused, leaning closer to stroke his cheek. He tensed, but didn't shove you away.
"I just want you back." You whispered, a tear falling down your cheek as you finally accepted that you may never have him again.
But just as your tear hit the ground, the world went dark...
When you opened your eyes, you found the morning sun hitting them back, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut once more. Shifting around, you noticed the creakiness of the bed. Once your senses set in, you smelled the musk of wood, and even heard the faint squeaking of a rat or two.
But most of all, you felt a familiar warmth touching your skin.
Heart beating fast, you looked up and noticed the Piper sleeping soundly and holding you close. Even from here, you could tell that his appearance was much brighter and happier than his alternate self. He was holding you close and each rise and fall of his chest was like a breath of fresh air. You didn't know how you got back to your original life, but you were sure glad you did.
You could smother him with affection later. Right now, you rested your head back down on his chest to listen to his heartbeat. Besides his flute, it was the one sound that gave you comfort.
And you took in every second of it.
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fandomtherapy44 · 5 months
Klaus x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Marshall the younger sister of Hayley Marshall. Side note I love Hayley one of my favorite characters. Basically Y/n will be pregnant instead of Hayley and I will be changing some things up but then that it should stay pretty close to the series. I hope you enjoy the story! Also, if you like I have a Castiel x reader
Paring: Klaus x reader
Word count: 1,932
Warnings: Some language, Typical the Originals violence, Spoilers for season one of The Originals, Pregnancy
I got the divder from
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Chapter 5: Fruit of the Poison Tree
So Elijah came back. “We just came back from the bayou and Rebekah poured us some drinks. “ I don't care if we have to get you a leash, that was your last trip to the Bayou. What is it with you and those wolves, anyway? “ Rebakah downed her drink with that one. “Hayley and feel like we're connected somehow. I don't know. Maybe it's just some pipe dream that we have of finding any real family out there. But sometimes, when I feel like it's us against the world, it keeps us going.” I knew Hayley agreed with me. “Well, if you ask me, family is a pain in the behind. And as for being in it alone, how dare you? I don't ruin a perfectly fabulous pair of boots traipsing through the Bayou for just anyone.” 
In her own way, Rebekah did care. “Thanks, Bex.” Hayley thanked her and it was nice to see her trust someone else than me. When Bex was downing her second and Hayley her first Klaus walked in. “Nik, finally! What—” Elijah was behind him. Bex and him hug in a tight embrace never wanting to let go. “Elijah! You're safe! Now that you're home, is your first plan to kill Niklaus? “ “Excuse me just a moment. “ He walks to go see Hayley, which is properly good because she is pissed. Rebekah goes back to drinking and once again it’s just Klaus and I. “So did the two big bad wolves find what they were looking for today?” He said with his usual annoying but good wit. “Ha ha very funny. And no I know there is something out there I just don't know what that could be, connected to us.”
“Well, love you don’t have to go all out to the smelly Bayou to find family, it's inside of you now.” He gestured to my stomach. He was right if anything Hayley had a niece and I had a daughter waiting to meet us. “Speaking of her I wanted to show you something.” I brought out the ultrasound photos. “I managed to save these before we were almost witch stew last night.” He looked at the photos in wonder like he could actually believe that he was having a child. He had no words. “I know I had the same reaction.” I smiled. “Thank you, love.”  He tried to hand them back. 
“No these are yours, plus I have my own. I would like to eventually get a locket for it and you deserve to have a picture of our little girl.” He looked up to me and moved closer like was about to hug me when Elijah walked back in. “Ohh Elijah I am so happy you're alright.” I moved to hug him. “How are they?” “Well, they is a she, and she is doing great!” Klaus left the room with a smile but a bit of jealousy also. “A baby girl! Oh, that's Studepedus Y/n!” “Thank you Elijah really.” “It's an honor Y/n.” That's when I noticed the bit of red stinge on his cheek. “I see my sister welcomed you back with open arms.” “Yes, well I did break my promise.” “But you didn't mean to, my sister has had a lot of people let her down.” I tried to explain her behavior. “And you didn't?” “Growing up in the foster care system you get used to it pretty quick.” “Welcome back Elijah.” I bid him a goodnight.”
Since then everyone has been a little tense and that is not helping with my pregnancy. I walk into the living room and what I see makes me almost puke. “Uhh If you guys are going to have a lively breakfast can you do it not in a ten-foot radius of me.” I held my bile back while talking. I sat down next to Klaus while taking out some chips. Elijah got up and took them right as I was about to bite into them. “Hey! That’s my breakfast that doesn't have a pulse well used to.” I said looking at the body in disgust. “I will return with an actual breakfast for you.” He goes to the kitchen not only for my food but to talk to my sister. I looked over to Klaus and he had on a stupid smirk from me being mad from the chips being taken. 
“What are you reading?” “A poison tree? What’s it about?” “Nothing that would be interesting, love.” “Ahh, I don’t know Klaus. I was top of my english class and I read at my high school graduation so I'm pretty good at old books.” “Really graduation speaker! Smart and beautiful.” I turned my head and blushed. “Would you have gone on to do something with that?” I did not expect him to ask that. “Umm before Hayley and I came here I was thinking maybe something with social work I would want to make sure kids never went through what I did.” I felt some tears rise but I pushed them back down. “Well, Y/n after we cut the string between you and Sohpie you love you can do anything you want.” I stared into his eyes and I couldn't look away. But then Elijah walked back in. And we backed away. “Oh, thanks, Elijah!” I grabbed the eggs and bacon from him in awkward silence. 
A little later I went to look for Klaus again but all I found was Rebekah. “Hey where did your brother go?” “The one that always causes trouble or the one that is falling for girls with a face like your sister’s.” “Ha the first one.” “They both went to go fix this thing between you and Sophie. And I was left to babysit you and Hayley.” “Oh well might as well make the best of it. Have you ever learned how to make pie from scratch?”  “Do I look it?” “No but there is a first time for everything so let's go!” “Hayley kitchen!”
“So this is how you roll the dough.” “Can’t we like I don’t know do anything else.” Both Hayley and Bex were not stoked to be doing this. “Guys I know this is not as fun as drinking or eating seafood which I can do neither right now so I am doing something I know I have control over so I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.” I could hear their eyes rolling. “And I want to make some for Elijah to welcome him ba- OW WHAT THE FUCK!” It felt like a quick stabbing pain with lava filling my veins. Both of them drop their rolling pins. “You ok!” Hayley turned me to her in concern. I touch my neck and I see blood. “I don’t know” I turned my hand to them and they had the same expression on their faces that I did.
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I had to sit down after that and try to get it off my mind. Bex comes up with an apple for me. “Oh, thanks.” I took it not really wanting to eat it which is weird because I'm basically always hungry. “Please do me a favor, and don't die on my watch. I'll never hear the end of it.” “You know when I first met you, I thought you were a real bitch.” Hayley walked in saying that. “What changed your mind?” “Oh, I still think you're a bitch! I've just grown to like that about you.” We all laughed and it was it felt like we were starting to become friends. 
“Aw, well, that's sweet of you to say. Remember it when I'm gone.” “Bex  Gone? Where are you going?” “ I only came to town to make sure everything was okay with Elijah. He's fine, and he hasn't punished Klaus for daggering him, so... as usual, they'll be thick as thieves, and I'll be left to clean up the mess. It's time for me to fly the coop.” “Well, Rebekah if you're not here for your future favorite niece's birth lll-” Suddenly I felt awful. “What's wrong?” she felt my head. “I dunno, probably morning sickness…” It was like summer but 100 degrees more in my body. “Oh, you're burning up, actually.” 
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I had ten Ice packs on me AC full blast and I was still boiling. “Stop fussing, will you? Elijah will be here any minute.” “I feel like I've been thrown in a toaster oven.” I groaned. “Hey! Just because you're carrying a baby doesn't mean you get to act like one! I'm sure my little niece is healing you up as we speak.” I hope so. Elijah and Klaus with Sohpie run in. Sohpie sends Bex a list of herbs to help me. “Bex wait.” She kneels down next to me. “Thank you.” “Of course now you just rest.” I nodded in agreement.
While waiting the temperature kept rising. Please please to whatever is out there don’t take her before I've even met her. Klaus sits down next to me. 
“Well love, I knew I was hot but not this.” “Ha ha, that was a terrible dad joke.” “Did it work?” “A little” “Good.” “Look Klaus if I don't make it tonight-” “Don't say that you will be here tomorrow to have morning sickness again.” Sophie runs in. “Guys, let's go!” 
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We go out to the pool. Sophie gives me some herb water to drink. Klaus feels my head. “AHH!” “ She's burning up! We need to do this now.” “Get her in the water!” Klaus leads me in the middle of the pool. “Her temperature is sky-high. The water, with the help of the herbs, should cool us down. You're going to have to get her heart rate down.” She said to Klaus. “How do you bloody suggest I do that?” “Hold her. It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure.” Klaus picks me up and this is the closest we've been since that fateful night. “I can't breathe!” I screamed out, the pressure was building. “Okay, long deep breaths, Y/n! Look at me. Long deep breaths, just focus on the sound of my voice. You'll be okay. You'll be okay. Love.” He guided his hands to my face to look at him. And suddenly it's like the pressure exploded in me. 
“AHHHH! AHHHH!” Then it stopped. “I just felt it lift.” “Klaus I'll be okay!” I hugged him and he hugged back. “Yes you'll be love. Lets go.” We start to get out of the pool. “Ive got to go okay.” “Okay.” And he speeds away to kill the bitch who placed this evil curse on me. “Elijah...  he'll kill Agnes. I know you don't owe me anything, but please, don't let him kill her.nElijah! She's our only access to the power we need to survive. Promise me that you'll stop him!” “It's me, where are you? Don't hurt her. I'll be there shortly.  make you one last promise. I won't let my brother kill Agnes.” He goes. I start to walk out of the water and grab Sohpie. “Sohpie, If my baby is hurt at all or if you ever try that again I will rip you apart.” Hayley has a towel for me and we walk in.
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I was waiting outside for Klaus near the pool feeling the cold air when I heard a branch snap behind me. “Hello? Hayley? Mysterious wolfs?” I turned and I heard a swoosh and I turned back and all I saw was darkness.
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 I loved writing this it was so fun! We also are getting more into the relationship between Y/n and Klaus. Also excited for the next episode thanks for reading.
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alltid-og-for-evig · 1 year
TVDU Femslash Week - Day Two: Role Reversal
Josie is a werewolf from Mystic High, Finch is a witch at the Salvatore School
“Yeah, I’m on my way home. Or, I was until this nightmare of a storm started,” Finch says as she drives. 
“That mean you’re not coming home now?” Kaleb asks. 
“No, I am, just might take a little longer. Have you seen the roads tonight?” Finch grips the wheel tighter. 
The rain is coming down in sheets, making the roads slick. It doesn’t help that the clouds cover most of the stars out tonight, and Mystic Falls doesn’t always have street lamps in it’s back roads. 
“Alright it’s just. . . It’s a full moon tonight,” Kaleb says. 
“I know.” 
“The wolves back here should be in the transition cells, but you never know. Be careful, is all,” he says. 
“I will.” Finch says. “Sorry I’m missing movie night. Tell MG and Hope I’ll make it up to them somehow.” 
“I will. Drive safe.” Kaleb says, then hangs up. 
As the call ends, her music starts back up. Finch turns it down so she can focus more on the road. But, as she’s reaching for the dial, a woman darts into the road. Finch slams on the breaks, trying to keep control of her vehicle as it drifts. Miraculously, she doesn’t hit whoever ran into the road. She stops, looks around, and sees the person outside on the ground. Finch gets out of the car, running through the rain to her. 
“Are you okay?” Finch calls out. 
“Stop! Don’t come any closer!” She yells, holding out a hand. 
It’s hard to see in the dark, but she has long brown hair, turned nearly black by the rain. She screams, folding in on herself, and Finch takes another step toward her. 
“Are you hurt? Do you need me to call someone? I can drive you—”
“You need to run!” she jerks her head up, and looks into Finch’s eyes. 
This girls eyes flash yellow, and Finch almost stops breathing. Werewolf. 
“I can help you. I have friends who are werewolves,” Finch says carefully. 
She shakes her head, crying out again. Finch has seen wolves transition before, and this girl doesn’t look like she’s too far into it. Finch looks at the moon, looks at her watch. They’ve got time. Decided, Finch carefully grabs the girl, who thrashes against her. 
“No!” she screams. 
Finch wrestles with her until she can get her hand on her chest, then she whispers a spell. It takes a moment, but the woman stops fighting so much, calmed now. 
“I’m going to take you somewhere you can transition in peace. You won’t hurt anyone, I promise,” Finch explains. 
She doesn’t say anything, just nods, and lets Finch pull her to her car and get her in the backseat. Finch drives like hell back to the Salvatore School. She has to cast the calming spell once more on the way, but eventually they get there. Headmaster Vardemus takes the girl down to the basement, warning Finch against going down there herself. 
Finch listens, but she stays up half the night worried about the mystery girl. 
Finch goes to the basement with a spare school uniform. Most of the others have woken up and been let out. There are a few stragglers, mostly those who haven’t transitioned more than once or twice. Finch finds the girl in the last cell, near the back. She seems to have just woken up, a blanket wrapped around her. 
“Hey,” Finch says as she slides the uniform through the bars. “Figured what you had would be wet or torn. These might be a bit big, but it’ll work.” 
“. . . thanks,” she says as she takes it. 
“I’m Finch, by the way.” 
“Josie,” she says. “Where am I?”
“The Salvatore School,” Finch says. 
“The rich kid boarding school?” Josie looks around. “And you’ve got. . . a dungeon?” 
“Transitional spaces. For werewolves,” Finch explains. 
“So last night really wasn’t a dream?” Josie winces. 
“Was that your first time shifting?” Finch asks. 
She shakes her head. “Happened last month, too. I don’t know why I thought it would just. . . go away?”
“It’s a shock,” Finch says. “Are you okay?” 
Josie looks around, takes a deep breath, then nods. “I’m okay.” 
They’re silent for a moment, before Josie says, “So your school for rich kids is a secret werewolf sanctuary?” 
“It’s a school for magical students of all kinds.” Finch waves her hand, making a small lightshow of sparks and colors appear in the air. “Including witches.” 
Josie’s eyes widen. “Whoa.” 
“Get dressed. If you want, I can give you a tour of the school,” Finch says. 
“Yeah!” Josie beams. “Yeah, that sounds great!” 
“Great,” Finch smiles back.
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Title- We can be your new family
Warnings- Fluff, Elena and Co be terrible people, Overly protective Mikaelsons, A bit of angst
Summary- Being the youngest Gilbert isn't easy but You easily found people that wanted you around.
Pairing- Poly!Mikaelsons x Gilbert!Reader
You were what Damon call the weakest Gilbert, not much of a threat as you were Elena's twin sister and under her shadow. When the Mikaelsons came to town you became close friends with Rebekah somehow then got close to the older Mikaelsons and from there you became the object of their affections.
"Where are you going?" Elena asked getting the attention of Damon and Jeremy as both saw you dressed in warmer clothing. You gripped your book bag flushing as nerves settled in your belly.
"Hum....Elijah and Rebekah agreed....to help me with...my history paper...they are going to take me to some historical sites."
"I thought I told you stop hanging around them!?" Elena told you glaring as you stunk back getting more nervous.
"They are my friends." You said quietly but Elena heard you and looked to Damon for help. You opened the door feeling fear as you didn't know what Elena was going to let Damon do.
"Hello little one." You heard Elijah's comforting voice washed over you feeling his hand run over your head. Elena frowned seeing Elijah seemly showering you with affection which was something Elena hated was that the Mikaelsons were slowly stealing you away from her and Jeremy.
"Eli." You mumbled against his chest huddling closer to his warmth making Elijah smile softly as he had just adored you. You reminded Elijah of Tatia with how soft you were but a fiery spirit underneath it all.
"Elijah stop be selfish." Rebekah said as you slipped pass the older man to Rebekah letting her hug you.
"Hello Beka."
"You can't take her." Elena said glaring at Elijah as the sound of your laughter was heard as you and Rebekah were carefully walking on the icy path.
"She needed help so Rebekah and I offered. Y/N said you were too busy." Elijah says watching Elena closely as siblings affections for you grew. Both Elijah and Klaus noticed how you would be pushed away from the Scooby gang but yet pull you back when they would see you with one of the siblings.
"No need to worry we would never allow anything to happen Y/N." Elijah says turning following after you and Rebekah as you spent the day with your favorite Mikaelsons.
A week later you had been feeling fatigued and shortness of breath then times of having fainting spells. You went to Elena worried something was wrong with you.
"Not now Y/N. We are busy I sure you can deal with it by yourself."
You took yourself to see your doctor and called Rebekah who told her brothers rushing to see you.
"Y/N! What is it? Are you okay?" Rebekah asked as her and Kol fuzzing over you as you just leaned into their arms. Elijah kissed your head and Klaus rubbed your back.
"We know what is wrong." Your doctor says seeing the Mikaelsons shift closer to you.
"What is it?"
"You are anemic, don't worry it is treatable." The doctor said as Elijah pulled him aside asking questions and getting a list while the others showered you with affection.
"So no more drinking from Y/N?" Kol asked as Elijah stepped up kissing your forehead as clearly enjoying showering you with affection.
"No more feeding from our beloved." Elijah said as you flushed hiding your face in Rebekah's neck making them all chuckle. Since your diagnosis, the Mikaelsons slowly moved you into their home and Elena noticed making her every angry at the idea of you being with the Mikaelsons.
"How are you feeling, little one?" Elijah asked finding you curled up in Klaus's lap half asleep as Klaus was reading to you while running his fingers through your hair as Rebekah sat by holding your hand rubbing circles with her thumb.
"Tired....might stay in today." You mumbled as Elijah and Klaus soften kissing your head. You didn't know what happened or when it happened but you naturally got into a relationship with them. It started with Rebekah and the others just followed naturally and you had never felt loved and devotion that the Mikaelsons had showered you with.
"I'm sure Niklaus won't mind a relaxing day in." Elijah says softly cupping your cheek rubbing it with his thumb smiling seeing you lean into his hand. There was a loud knock and Elijah frowned when it startled you awake before relaxing back in Klaus's arms with Rebekah nuzzling you.
"I wonder who that could be?" Elijah questioned standing up closing his book and Kol took his spot near you. Elijah answered the door seeing Elena with Stefan and Damon.
"Where is she?!" Elena growled pushing pass Elijah making him take a deep breath as he was a bit annoyed that since becoming a vampire Elena was more brazen than before.
"What did you do to her?!" Elijah heard Elena shout as he headed for the den with the Salvatore brothers following. You were have asleep on Kol and Klaus was standing growling.
"Her new medication makes her tired. Elijah we should talk to her doctor about it."
"We should Kol." Elijah said seeing you yawn sitting up before cuddling up to Rebekah who was more than happy to have you in her arms.
"Doctor?! What. Did. You. Do?"
"Watch your tone young one." Elijah said lowly looking at Elena as Damon moved to protect Elena in case the Originals were not going to put up with her attitude.
"Your sister was sick and we have been taking care of her since you seem hellbent on ours deaths to care for her."
"I am anemic....they have been taking care of me." You tell your sister slowly falling back to sleep under Rebekah's skillful fingers that was massaging circles in your back.
"So you stole my sister?!"
"We did no such thing. We naturally gravitate towards your sister." Elijah said watching the Salvatore brothers closely not trusting them while you had fallen asleep.
"Right. More like you are using her."
"We won't never use her unlike you would have." Kol said standing as Elijah put his arm out to stopped Kol from attacking Elena.
"Yeah right you all have done nothing but try and kill us!"
"Stefan it would be best if you take Elena and leave." Elijah said noticing how both Klaus and Kol were getting angerer as now you were getting restless and if you were uncomfortable Kol and Klaus had been known to removed what made you uncomfortable. Stefan took Damon and Elena knowing that Elijah was giving them a chance to live.
"We can't let her be around them."
You had gotten better but that didn't stop the Mikaelsons from fuzzing over you and them every protective of you. You woke up to Kol peppering your neck with kisses and Elijah pulling out clothes for you to wear.
"Goodmorning, darling."
"Morning." You mumbled nuzzling Kol's chest as Elijah chuckled leaning over gently unlatch you from Kol.
"I started a bath for you. Baby, we need to know something."
"Humm? What is it?"
"Would you like to come to New Orleans with us?" Elijah asked sitting you in the bath washing your hair.
"I'll love too." You tell Elijah making him smile as he kissed you then finished washing you up. You took Rebekah with you to get some clothes from your house as they didn't trust your siblings.
"So you are leaving us?"
"I want to be with them like you wanting to be with Damon and Stefan." You tell Elena packing as Rebekah was down stairs glaring at the Salvatore brothers.
"You can't leave!"
"Elena, you're hurting me." You whimpered when she grabbed your wrist as Rebekah was pulling her off you growling as a bruise began to form on your wrist.
"You can't take her to New Orleans."
"So you hurt her?" Rebekah growled fangs flashing as Elena stepped up growling herself but felt a hand on your shoulder and saw Elijah standing there.
"Don't Elena."
New Orleans was beautiful and you found yourself enjoying the lights and sounds with Kol as the vampire watched you ran down the street. Kol had gotten Elijah and Klaus to agree to let him take you out as Rebekah was buying you new clothes.
"Kol!" You shouted and Kol was there in a flash growling seeing a witch trying to grab you.
"I am Sofie and Y/N here got my sister killed."
To say the siblings were surprised that you were pregnant was an understatement and of course they got more protective. You sat cuddling Rebekah and Kol as he read to you both while Klaus and Elijah was dealing with Marcel.
"You both are home." Kol whispered making Elijah raise an eyebrow walking over seeing you and Rebekah asleep on him. Klaus walked over gently taking the book away.
"Yes well Marcellus is proving to be a hand full." Elijah says softly placing a blanket over you and Rebekah. Klaus sat in a chair smiling listening to the baby's heartbeat.
"How is she?"
"Good. So far no problems. Oh Elena and the Salvatores are coming down." Kol says running his fingers through your hair as Elijah frowned sitting in another chair.
"How annoying. But we shall keep her safe."
"And love her Always and Forever."
"Always and Forever." They heard you mumbled back in your sleep making the men smile softly as they relaxed enjoying the peace while they still can.
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dilf-whore · 2 years
pairing: tasm!peter x scarlet witch!f!reader
genre: established relationship, angst, fluff, somehow same storyline as the last episode of wandavision, mostly focuses on the reader and her development/story
summary: you used your powers to help peter fight his enemies from afar, but this time you have to fight yours.
warnings: some violence, injuries
A/N: i made a minor change with the reader’s outfit, just a tad difference to wanda’s, up to you guys to imagine how it would look like. and this is fucking long. but anyways, i’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and i finally have an idea for the plot, i hope you guys like it. if you guys want anything for tasm!peter x scarlet witch!f!reader pairing or other stuff you may send me a request!
requested: no
requests are OPEN
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“see, you forgot to convert it. that’s why your percentage is wrong” peter explained, pointing at the teacher’s solution at the blackboard.
you look at him, eyebrows knitted together fuck chemistry you thought.
“if i wasn’t such a good person, i would cast a spell on the teacher and make me pass the subject” you joked.
peter let out a small giggle slapping your shoulder slightly. “don’t worry, i’ll teach you later at the library”.
“thank god i have a smart, hot, strong, superhero boyfriend!” you smiled kissing his cheek.
you bring back your attention to the teacher, frowning to the new problem you have to solve.
you cover your face in frustration, not wanting to see your chemistry book any longer.
“y/n, let’s take a break. we can continue this again later” peter says, setting away your books and notes.
he pulls out his laptop and opened a file, it was filled with pictures of spiderman. he was retouching the photos he took.
“you should find a new publisher, they’re not paying you well peter. jameson is even making spiderman look bad” you tell him.
“eh well, it was the first opportunity i saw so i took it” he says looking at his laptop.
joining peter with his superhero stuff always crossed your mind, but you were afraid of what people will think of you. your powers were different, many people would be afraid, seeing someone, a woman with glowing energy coming out of your hands and eyes that light up.
but you did help him, from afar. casting spells here and there, telekinesis, and most importantly: healing his injuries.
your thoughts were interrupted when a sudden explosion happened and screams of students and teachers can be heard from outside.
you and peter stood up and look at each other. you raise your hand, and just like that, peter is now wearing his suit.
he was about to approach the commotion when you spot the one who’s causing this mess. it’s a woman, with similar powers as you. her fingertips were black, purple energy coming out of her hands, teleportation, all of it, but more powerful than you.
it’s too dangerous for peter you thought.
you hold peter’s shoulder, “no don’t do it, she’s a witch, i could tell. she’s really powerful”.
“but i have to y/n” peter looks at you.
“i-i’ll handle it, go make sure everyone is out of the building” you cup his cheeks.
“are you sure?” peter asks, worried.
“yes i am, make sure everyone’s safe. especially you, peter”
you gave him a quick peck on his masked lips and separated ways.
you run towards the woman, shaking a little, you were nervous.
“hey grandma! couldn’t find your way back home?”
“ah y/n! pleasure to finally meet you” she smiles maliciously
“how the- who the fuck are you?” you ask
“the name’s agatha, agatha harkness. i knew it was you! i could feel your power from here” she laughs manically.
without any hesitation, you blasted energy beams at her.
agatha blocked them with ease. you looked at her with fear and anxiousness.
before you could do anything, you were pushed against the wall by her.
“we don’t have to fight sweetie, just give me what i want and we’re done” she smirks.
your ears were ringing, you vision was blurry, it made you dizzy. you got up and heard a loud thwip!
you look up and see peter approaching agatha.
“peter no!”
peter was swinging towards her, but before he could even reach her, a purple ring was already around his neck, choking him.
“and who’s this? your little boyfriend?” agatha tilts her head.
“let him down! don’t include him into this, please i beg you!” you scream.
“alrightyyy” dropping peter, you catch him with your powers, settling him down slowly.
you teleport to him, he got weak from the strangling.
“oh god, are you okay? what did i just tell you pete!” you frantically say.
“i’ll come back, please stay here and don’t move a muscle” you instruct him. casting a protective spell, an energy field appeared around him.
“you want it? you can fucking have it!” you shout.
“look babe, it says something about a scarlet witch and how they can alter reality. didn’t you do something like this when you were like 7?” peter asks, pointing at the computer in front of him
“well i wouldn’t say it was altering reality, i got upset over my grandfather’s death and i just made this thing where i could see him again. i don’t know if that’s altering reality” you shrugged.
“oh wait, it also says here something about runes. it’s like a spell where only the witch who casted it can use their magic. that’s so cool! you should try that y/n” he exclaims.
“i’ll try some time” you reply.
“the thing is y/n, you’re a myth. you’re not using your full potential, you lack knowledge and confidence. you’re the scarlet witch” she says approaching you.
“i’ve been watching you, you can manipulate chaos magic. that thing with your grandfather? i saw it, that’s chaos magic darling” she fiddles her fingers at you.
“you, y/n, have no idea what you could do. let me help you before you cause any destruction. give me your powers” she adds.
“fine, take it” you exclaim.
you reach out your hands, and a cascade of red energy bursts from you.
you felt like you were draining, you look at your skin, it looked like you were decaying.
“i want it all!” agatha laughs in victory.
finally, all of the energy has left your body. you felt weak, you felt like you were dying.
“well now that’s over” agatha opens her palm, and suddenly an old book appeared.
“this, y/n, is called the darkhold also know as the book of sins, book of spells, or book of the damned. this is what will tell you, well now me about the scarlet witch” she emphasizes.
“but don’t worry, your powers won’t go to waste. i’ll make sure to use it really really well” she adds.
“so long darling, it was nice meeting you” she sarcastically waves you goodbye.
she took in a deep breath, and pushes her hands but nothing came out.
“what?” she tries again, and again.
“you forgot something, grandma” you point at the symbols surrounding you both.
agatha looks around, and saw runes around them. “runes, you know how to cast them” she comments warily.
“in a given space, only the witch who cast them can use their magic” you look at her.
“it’s called research sweetie, and now i think you have what’s mine”
“no, no, no, you d-don’t k-know what you’re doing!” agatha exclaims.
agatha falls down, weak and defeated.
you rush to peter, going inside the protective circle you casted. “peter! are you okay? here let me fix that” you put you hand over his gashed side, healing him.
“what’s with the new look? you look really hot” he smiles.
“what new look?” you scan yourself and see that your outfit did change. it was all red now, with black accents and a headpiece.
“let me change that” you point at your outfit and added blue accents instead of the black to match his.
you laugh tiredly, helping him up.
you both approach agatha, “you’ll need me” she says.
“maybe i will, so i’ll give you a role here in school. a counselor! someone who most students don’t like to talk to. oh! and i’m gonna take that” you smirk, grabbing the darkhold.
you touch her temple, and she turns into a regular guidance counselor wearing a pencil skirt and a purple blouse.
you and peter went back to your apartment. settling down, peter lets out a small giggle.
“so my girlfriend is not just hot, but is also the scarlet witch? god damn, you’re amazing” he wraps his hand around your waist.
“hmm, i guess so” you blush.
he rests his forehead on top of yours, taking the comfort silence in.
“so i guess it’ll be spiderman and scarlet witch now huh” he adds.
“well i think it’ll be spider menace and scarlet menace” you laugh, remembering daily bugle’s nickname for spiderman.
“thank you” you stare at him.
“for what?” he asks.
“for everything, for being there for me, for those research you do, for helping me all the time. you mean the world to me peter, i want to be with you. you don’t have to carry the whole city on your shoulders, i’ll be by your side. i’m not afraid anymore, especially when i have someone amazing as you” you smile lovingly.
“i love you y/n” he gives a quick kiss to your lips.
“i love you too”
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A/N: I loved doing this one guys, and I hope you love it too. Might do a part 2 not sure yet, as always commissions are still open until 3/10 message if your interested- price list is here
- Okay this is the ship guys this is it-
- This is like Hades and Persephone type of love
- Everyone thinks that Regulus is someone to be feared because of his family, and everyone knows they dabble in the dark arts
- And everyone is so caught up in his family-
- In the estate, and those dark rumors, and their dark magic-
- That no one see’s Regulus is just a boy-
- A lonely boy with no real friends, not really
- It’s worse now that Sirius has been disowned
- He’s got people around him, boys who’s parents are aquatinted with his
- But they don’t really like him
- They just hang around because they want a flicker of his power
- Of that ancient dark magic everyone’s convinced he’s got
- Everyone except you that is
- You’re this beautiful, cheerful, precious thing
- He meets you when you’re lost, looking for the bathroom
- “Sorry to bother, but do you know if it’s down the hall?” You ask, he’s seen you a few times; in class, or around the corridors
- Playing gobstones with your ever growing group of friends
- He would be jealous if he wasn’t so surprised that you’re speaking to him at all, aren’t you a muggle born?
- Shouldn’t you be afraid of him?
- Just like everyone else?
- “It’s in the next hallway, that one is moaning Myrtle’s bathroom” he says quietly
- He watches you nod enthusiastically
- Looks like you’ll be on your way now, probably for the best, he wouldn’t want his parents to know -
- “Would you mind showing me?” You ask
- And it’s awfully pushy, but somehow Regulus can’t turn down that bright smile of yours
- You talk to him so easily, like you’re not afraid of him at all
- And it irritates him a little.
- Honestly, even the professors are a little afraid of him
- Everyone is
- So why aren’t you
- “Do you-“ he stops in the middle of the corridor, and you walk a few steps forward before realizing he’s not beside you anymore
- “Do you know who I am?”
- You must not, that’s the only explanation
- When you find out you’ll go as pale as the moon, and afterward you will regale the tale for your many friends, how you barley escaped the fearsome Regulus Black, right before he was about to curse you with his dark magic.
- But you only offer a quizzical expression and a smile
- “You’re Regulus Black”
- You say it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world
- It only makes him upset, but he doesn’t know why
- In fact since the moment he met you there’s been this burning irritation lingering in the back of his mind, and he just can’t seem to pin point why
- But regardless of the reason, it seems to be boiling over right now, in an empty corridor in the middle of the night
- “Shouldn’t you be afraid? I could curse you right here if I wanted”
- But the smile on your face remains
- “Maybe, but you won’t” you muse
- He laughs
- “Why because you think I’m afraid getting expelled?”
- Honestly his parents would welcome him with a feast if he came home for attacking a muggle born
- It would be a sign he wasn’t going to become like Sirius after all
- Because that’s the worst thing a person could be according to his parents-
- A blood traitor
- But instead of quaking in your shoes you flash him a quizzical smile
- “Nah, I just don’t think you’re that kind of person” you shrug
- The words echo in his mind long after you’ve said them
- And though he’s looked at you before
- He’s only really looking at you now, the easy way your lips curl into a smile, the sparkle in your eye, the glow around you-
- Like you’re made of sunlight
- Like you breathe life into all things wherever you go
- Like an ancient witch he heard of , heralded as the goddess of spring
- Like Persephone
- Ah, so that’s it
- It’s not that he hates you
- It’s that he envies you
- Because seeing how natural it is to see you do good, makes him hope -  it makes him yearn to be like that too
- To be more than an heir to his family’s dark legacy
- “I could be wrong though” you shrug, you can count on one hand how many times you’ve been right about something
- But still, you just don’t buy that the shy kid in front of you is some evil prodigy bent on destroying the world
- “No” Regulus’s voice cracks, and it’s soft, so soft you almost don’t hear it.
- But your turn to him, eyes jumping from one of the many paintings in the corridor to his pale face
- His eyes seem glossy as they look into yours, and it’s not just because of the light from the torches
- “No, I’m not that kind of person” he says with a bit more strength this time, and you grin
- And while you feel that there’s something important about the moment, you don’t realize the monumental significance this chance meeting holds for Regulus
- “Oh, we passed the washroom” he realizes after a moment, he was so caught up in talking to you he hadn’t realized
- “Ah, that’s okay I didn’t have to use the bathroom anyway” you say with a wave of your hand
- Huh?
- Noticing his expression you get a sheepish look on your face
- “Well I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while, but you’re always with people-“
- Yeah he’s sure his “friends” would give off an especially murderous aura if you ever tried to approach them
- “So when I saw an opportunity, I just took it” you admit with a slight laugh
- “I wanted to see what everyone was talking about when they mentioned the ‘Dark Prince’ “ there’s a teasing flint in your eye, and the nickname alone is enough to make him flush red
- “And what’s your assessment?” he manages to ask, a smile stretching across his face
- “Very underwhelming, I came expecting several hexes and a duel, and all I got was a cute boy with pretty eyes”
- This time he really does flush bright red, eyes trained on his shoes
- You laugh, you were mostly teasing
- But he is quite cute isn’t he?
- What’s everyone so scared of anyway? He’s like a shy kitten
- He watches you walk to a particular portrait, whispering a word before it swings open
- “Well see ya around Mr. Dark Prince” you say, sending a teasing wink his way
- Regulus is glowing red, even when he’s tucked in bed, in his common room hours after the meeting. the mere memory of the words you said send his heart racing again
- “They said I’m cute” he’ll recall with a goofy smile spreading across his face
- After that, things are brighter for Regulus
- You pull him into your group of friends, quite literally
- “I-I don’t think this is a good idea” he manages, catching the terrified glances of passerby’s as you tug him forward by his arm 
- What a sight you must be, the literal personification of spring pulling the Dark Prince  himself by the arm through the castle
- The aforementioned Dark Prince having a rosy tinge on his cheeks, which most of the other students misplace for Fury instead of what it actually is:
- Embarrassment with a healthy dash of attraction to aforementioned personification of spring
- “Nonsense, everyone’s dying to meet you Reg”
- When you use his nickname his flush darkens
- No ones ever called him that-
- No one except Sirius and Andromeda
- He likes the way it sounds coming from you
- And you’re right, your friends accept him into their fold immediately
- “You know any curses?” One of your friends asks, it’s in a jovial manner that anyone could tell they’re just teasing but Regulus flinches
- “No, not really” he admits, not any he’s good at anyway
- He did see his parents do something akin to a sacrifice when he was younger with an alter in the full moon, but he really wouldn’t know where to start with that
- “What about gobstones, you know the rules to that?”
- Regulus nods
- “Well lets play then!”
- Before he knows it, it’s like this was always his life
- Laughing with you in class, games of gobstones with your friends and trips to Hogsmeade on the weekend
- Regulus didn’t know that he was yearning for this
- How often had he wished for something like this,
- A place that feels like it’s full of sunshine, where everyone feels accepted, and no one has to feel sad
- This is the happiest Regulus has ever been
- But all dreams must come to an end
- The end of the semester comes around, and he has to go home for Christmas vacation
- You’re standing side by side on the train platform waiting for the train, your trunk lying next to you
- “You’re not taking anything back with you?” You ask
- Regulus shrugs
- “There’s no point, everything I need is at the manse”
- You’ve always been a bit curious about what the Black manor is like
- Probably something grand, large library’s, they probably have one of those record players with the gold horn thing
- And a ballroom
- It probably makes Hogwarts look like a pile of dirt
- But the way Regulus’ face darkens when you ask him about it tells you that- yes they probably do have a ballroom, but there’s other things too, things that are far less pleasant 
- And when he starts talking about his home life, how it’s worse - lonelier- Now that Sirius is at the Potter’s all the time, and there’s no one around to stand between him and his parents
- He notices your heartbroken expression and rushes to comfort you
- “It’s not so bad, Mum’s got her tender moments every so often and-“
- “Regulus” you cut in, and the sound of his whole name leaving your mouth makes him stutter to a stop
- “You’re supposed to feel safe and loved all the time not just sometimes”
- It’s such a basic thing, but when Regulus hears this, he feels like he’s being allowed something
- He feels, for the first time, he’s allowed to be safe and happy
- He’s allowed to be good
- “Why don’t you come home with me for Christmas? It’s probably not as grand as you’re used to-“
- You fidget awkwardly, maybe it’s silly, the prince, Regulus Black, himself sitting on your worn sofa, holding yarn while one of your family member’s knits
- You can picture it though
- You can picture a big smile across his face, indulging the younger children in your extended family in their requests for piggyback rides and for him to participate in their games
- “I want to,” he says, really the fact that you’re offering is enough, more than he could ask for
- “But I can’t”
- And it’s the truth, after Sirius, he can’t make any mistakes, his family won’t stand for it
- He especially doesn’t want to think what would happen to you if they found out he had been spending all of his time with you, a muggle born
- He doesn’t want to think what curses they might inflict you with
- He doesn’t want you to ever be hurt because of him
- “You’ll write to me?” You say it with the fervor of a demand, and it makes a smile curl onto his mouth
- “Everyday” he promises
- And things are exactly as they always were at 12 Grimmauld Place, his mother is distant, only livening up when one of the other ladies shows up for tea
- His father is squirreled away in council meetings
- His cousins are no fun, not really, and Andromeda’s not around anymore since she ran off with Ted
- He likes Ted, though he would never admit it to his family
- Ted is a lot like you, someone with an infinite amount of kindness
- He wonders how they’re doing
- He wonders how Sirius is doing
- He’s probably happy, he always looked happy when he was with his friends
- And so- with a picture of you discreetly kept on his desk, he writes three sets of letters
- The first is for you, to assure you he’s fine, and live vicariously through your spring, through your lovely Christmas moments and imagine himself there too. 
- The second for Andromeda, to ask if she’s doing alright, and to tell her he misses her
- And the last, is for Sirius
- Asking how he is, and hoping he’s well.
- And to say that he understands what Sirius was saying all those years, in their childhood and then into adolescence, Regulus understands now- 
- And he wants to be good too
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pupandangelscoffee · 3 years
Three makes a family
Eddie Diaz x Evan "Buck" Buckley x Female reader
Genre: mostly fluff, slight angst in the middle
TW: mentions of alcohol, arguing
Word count: slightly over 3K
Taglist: @enterprise-medical
Buck really loved Carla and he knew that Eddie did too, especially since Chris always seemed to happy around her. That is why he did not understand why Eddie chose to hire a babysitter for Chris, clearly Carla could do the babysitting. Eddie tried explaining that he wanted Carla to be able to have some days off, too. After all, it can be exhausting to babysit a very energetic kid all day.
Even if Buck does not understand Eddie’s motivations, he is now sitting in the older male’s living room and waiting for the doorbell to ring, already painting a picture of the babysitter in his head. She probably looks like an evil witch with gray hair and lots of wrinkles on her face, making her seem friendly despite her secretly scaring children by telling them she would eat them. Though as soon as the doorbell rings, Chris starts racing his dad to the door, leaving a very confused Buck behind. “Why did his little buddy seem so excited to see the new babysitter? Why was his little buddy more excited to see his babysitter than he was when Buck came over earlier?? This just feels unfair!” Buck concludes in his head, getting up and walking to the kitchen to grab himself a drink. From his place he can hear the excited yells from Chris, a small smile immediately creeping on his face though dropping almost instantly when he remembers that he wasn’t the one making Chris that happy.
After taking another deep breath, he makes his way over to the living room very steadily, ready to assess you. However, as soon as he lays eyes on you, he chokes up and trips over his own feet, crashing into the small table on the side and dropping his glass. Startled by the sound, Chris, Eddie and you turn around to face him, you immediately jumping up and helping the young firefighter with the broken glass. “You didn’t tell me that I have to babysit two kids, Eds” you state, earning laughter from Chris and Eddie and an embarrassed look from Buck. “You must be Buck, right? Chris has told me a lot about you” you tell the embarrassed man, who is still in shock from seeing your beauty up close. Chuckling softly, you grab the shards of broken glass from his hands before heading to the kitchen to get a towel and throw the shards away.
“So, what do you think?” Eddie asks Buck softly while you are out of the room, however, he does not get a response as Buck simply continues staring at the spot you were sitting a moment ago. Chris slowly gets up and hugs Buck, thinking that the firefighter got hurt when he tripped, though Eddie quickly understood what was going on and shakes his head. Seems like Buck 1.0 still existed somewhere in his younger friend, despite everyone telling him that Buck was no longer like that. Perhaps he should talk to Maddie about this, needing someone’s opinion, that actually knew Buck as well as he did. Though before he has the chance to excuse himself, you are back in the living room and making your way over to Chris. “Ready for a fun day, Chris?” you ask him with a smile playing on your lips to which Chris eagerly nods and allows you to pick him up. “I will bring him home at 8 tonight, alright Eds?” you state, turning to look at the older male. “Yeah, 8 sounds perfect. I will see you tonight.” He replies, smiling at you and walking over to press a kiss goodbye onto Chris’s forehead.
As soon as you and Chris are gone, he gets another cup of water and pours it over Buck’s head, successfully pulling him out of his trance. “Do not even think about sleeping with Y/N, Evan.” He states lowly, giving the younger firefighter a glare while Buck just looks up at him sheepishly. “In my defense, you forgot to mention that the new babysitter was smoking hot. A warning would have been nice.” He grumbles as he shakes his head, sending water droplets flying everywhere before getting up and dropping on to the couch with a small groan. The response left Eddie frowning, sure, he was aware that you were attractive and he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t attracted to you, especially after seeing how much Chris adores you. However, that did not lessen the blow of Buck’s blunt response. Perhaps that was why he was fearing that Buck 1.0 was back, he didn’t want you to be scared off purely because his best friend was incapable of keeping his dick in his pants. “Just try not to fuck her immediately when you get her alone, please. Chris really likes her.” Eddie nearly begs, deciding it was better that he doesn’t add that he likes you too. Buck sighs and nods, pouting a bit. Though for his little buddy, he would definitely try not to get into her pants. After all, he didn’t want Chris to hate him, especially if it was because he couldn’t control himself around you. However, this wasn’t going to stop him from teasing Eddie by flirting with you, because despite the older man trying to hide it, he could tell that Eddie had a thing for you as well.
8 comes quicker than the two males expect and they are slightly startled from their cuddled position when they hear the door opening. Glancing out into the hallway, they spot you carrying a sleeping Chris into his room, unknowingly causing both of the males to smile. Soon enough, you walk into the living room and whisper “he is asleep now and probably won’t be waking up any time soon. We had a lot of fun” before grabbing your bag that you placed on the table in the hallway on your way in. It was clear that you were about to leave, so Buck jumps up and grabs your hand, putting on his best kicked puppy expression. “Why don’t you stay for a bit longer? We have some wine in the fridge and I will drop you off at your place later, I wouldn’t feel right letting a pretty lady like yourself be outside all by yourself.” He states softly, pouting a bit in hopes that it would convince you to stay. You glance between him and his friend, who was eagerly nodding, before sighing and setting down your bag. “Fine, I’ll stay for a bit. But only if you have anything to eat that isn’t almost pure sugar.” You agree, your request causing the older male to jump into motion and quickly rushing into the kitchen to put a pizza in the oven for you. Meanwhile, Buck leads you back to the couch, not letting go of your hand until you pull it away.
Somehow you end up being squished between the two men, a glass of wine in your hand and the pizza on the table. After some small arguing, they decided to just let you choose the movie, so now they had to suffer through one of your favorite horror movies. While you sit there not even flinching, Buck is absolutely terrified and unsure whether he should feel impressed by the fact that you do not mind horror movies or scared that you clearly do not cringe at the big amounts of blood spattering all over the screen. On the other side, Eddie has managed to wrap his arm around your shoulder, with the excuse that he feels safer if he knows that you and Buck are safe and within his reach. He is definitely impressed by your ability to keep a straight face at the movie, though definitely not as surprised as Buck, especially because he knew about your background.
Soon enough the first movie is finished, then a second one, then a third and the next thing you know, you wake up to the smell of bacon in a bed that was most certainly not yours. Looking down at yourself, you realize that the shirt you are wearing is also not yours, leaving you confused for a moment because you do not recall getting changed the previous night. Sighing, you quickly come to the conclusion that one of the two men must have changed you. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you make your way into the kitchen, where you are greeted by the sight of a small family breakfast with Buck, Eddie and Chris. Deep inside your heart, you wish to wake up to that small family every morning, though that wish quickly gets locked up and hidden from the world as you make your way to the coffee machine to get a cup. Chris is the first of the three to react to your presence, calling out your nickname before grinning brightly at you. “Good morning, little one. Did you help make breakfast?” You ask, sitting down on the counter to smile at the nodding boy. “Yeah!! Daddy gave me instructions!” He explains with an excited tone before glancing at the clock and frowning. “Can you convince dad to let me stay at home today?” He asks you with a hushed tone, causing you to giggle and shake your head, whispering back “sorry, but I am sure that the captain would not enjoy you missing your big day in school. Or how else is your group supposed to present the fantastic poem you wrote?”. Chris tilts his head before thinking for a moment. “Fair after school?” he tries to negotiate, causing you to giggle again before nodding. “Sure thing, buddy. Now go brush your teeth and I will drive you to school, okay?” “Okay, mommy!” Chris replies before rushing off to brush his teeth, leaving an uncomfortable silence behind as his words sink into all of you.
Eddie and Buck are watching your interaction with Chris, the sound of your giggles making the smile without realizing it. Surely, you must have noticed that they changed you into something more comfortable last night after you had fallen asleep on Eddie’s chest. However, it just felt natural to the two males to take care of you and make you breakfast, Chris being a bit help. Though when Chris calls you mommy, they freeze and Buck even chokes on his piece of the pancake. They certainly did not expect that Chris was that fond of you, though Eddie is slightly less surprised than Buck, thinking about the countless times that Chris had asked for you to come over. Still, the sudden name caused his movement to halt as well, his brain going haywire, trying to figure out if Chris had somehow found out about his attraction for you and that is why he felt so comfortable with calling you mommy. Or perhaps it was simply because the men had decided to pull one of Eddie’s shirt on you yesterday and that is what made it seem like you two were dating. Or was it the couple of times he had invited you out with Chris and him for dinner? His train of thought is quickly broken though, when Chris appears in the kitchen and says goodbye to the two men, calling Buck dad and Eddie daddy before rushing off to your car. Once again you three are left alone in the kitchen, the silence deafening. “Drive safely, okay?” Buck manages to mutter out, making you nod. Glancing between the two men, you decide to peck their cheeks before rushing out after Chris, grabbing your bag in the process to drive him to the school.
When you return to Eddie’s house, you can already hear the yelling from the outside. Slowly making your way into the house, you can finally understand what the two were arguing about. You. From what you gathered, Eddie was upset with Buck for flirting with you while Buck was countering that obviously Eddie was too chicken to do something about his feelings for you. Avoiding nearly being hit by a vase that comes flying your way, you clear your throat causing the fight to die down and both men to turn to you. “I- uh…” Eddie starts, though you raise your hand to silence him before grabbing the stuff you had left on the couch. “Once you two grow up and handle this like actual adults, then you can call me.” You state before walking out of the house and slamming the door shut behind you, leaving the two men dumbfounded and broken.
Two months. It takes two months of Chris sulking, Bobby scolding them and roughly 5 meetings with Maddie before they can finally face each other again. Yet whenever they stare at your number, they chicken out, too afraid to call you. You had been right, they were acting like two children throwing tantrums, build on the unspoken feelings between them. But now that they were dating steadily and currently curled up together on the couch, they finally decide to call you up. However, much to their distaste, a man answers your phone and for a moment they believe they lost any chance with you, if there even was one to begin with. “Hello? Are you still there?” The man on the phone asks, causing Eddie to nod and reply with a small “yeah”. A hum is heard from the other side of the line before they hear “what do you want from my sister?”. Never in their life did the duo think that hearing such a question would be such a relief. Buck reacts quicker than Eddie and explains the situation, what has happened and why they were calling now. Another hum is audible before some commotion can be heard and then they hear your voice, a sense of happiness washing over them. For whatever reason, you actually agree to meet with them after your work, giving them the address of your workplace.
Your shift ends in 10 minutes when Buck and Eddie walk into the club where you were working, quickly spotting you behind the bar, deciding that your outfit was definitely too short for their liking. Holding on to Eddie’s hand tightly, Buck weasels his way through the crowd and stops right before you at the bar, smiling softly as you smile back. Though he can’t help but look you over once more, the small shirt definitely compliments your chest yet does not leave a lot to the imagination and your shorts are barely allowed to be titled shorts by how short they are. Eddie notices what the younger firefighter is doing and quickly elbows his ribs, earning a grunt and a displeased look from the other before smiling at you. “Three of your favorites, nena.” Eddie yells over the music to you and watches as you get to work, mixing three shot glasses filled with some purpelish looking liquor before sliding them over to him. “What would you like, Evan?” You ask softly before adding “a blowjob?” with a smirk, causing the young male to choke on his own spit, believing he did not hear you correctly. “I am talking about the drink, dumbass.” You explain with a small laugh, preparing one before setting it down before Buck, who still looks like a puppy which just got caught destroying your favorite pair of shoes. “T-Thanks,” he finally mutters out, grabbing the drink and mentally kicking himself for sounding like a schoolgirl that was talking to her first crush. You three fall into an easy conversation, barely paying attention to the time, not noticing that your shift was over until your coworker walks up behind you and tells you to start leaving. You nod and lead the two firefighters to the back room that usually only employees are allowed to enter before grabbing a shirt from your bag and pulling it on before looking at the two men. “Before you ask, yes, it is your shirt, Eds. It is just very comfy.” You state, grabbing the rest of your belongings before smiling at the boys and leading them out of the back door.
A warm ball of cuddles and limbs, that is how you would describe the three of you on Eddie’s bed right now. After you left your workplace, the boys started bombarding you with questions and you answered them all honestly, about how you chose this job in hopes that you would forget the two men that made your days so much brighter, about how you missed Chris and a bunch of other things that they wanted to know. On the way back to Eddie’s place, they stopped at some restaurant that was still open and grabbed the food. Once you were all at his place, you ate and then proceeded to talk about the three of you, about the feelings the duo had for each other and for you and how they wished for you to be a part of the small family they had created. First you jokingly denied them, teasing them that you did not have any feelings for them, but after seeing the hurt flash on their faces, you quickly explained how you returned their feelings and that you missed them a lot within the past two months, even if Carla had kept you up to date with their wellbeing. So now you were all cuddling and just enjoying the presence, because even if tomorrow was not given, if tomorrow everything could fall apart, right now you three were a happy family and you would not change that for anything in this world.
Chris’s reaction the next morning when he walks into the kitchen and sees you sitting on the counter, sipping your coffee while Buck is standing between your legs is priceless. You did not know that the kid could even hit such a high note, but he manages to do so when he screams your name and scrambles over to you, pouting at Buck standing in his way. That was most definitely not what he had in his mind when his dad told him that there was a surprise waiting for him in the kitchen. Though you quickly push Buck to the side, earning a whine from the male about how mean you are, before jumping off the counter and hugging Chris tightly, excited to spend the rest of your mornings with those three.
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
You’re Important to Me
Warnings: thoughts and ideations of the un-aliving variety
Genre: Angst but it gets a lil fluffy at the end
Pairing: Mammon x oc
Summary: The way the witches and his brothers treat him leaves Mammon feeling replaceable and unimportant. His human takes it upon herself to try and make him feel better after finding out something heartbreaking.
A/N: since I hit 150 followers either last night or the day before, I figured I would do something a little different for tonight’s post and give y’all a little 2 part fic instead of art. I haven’t written in a long time and this is not proofread so please excuse any typos. I’m a little rusty.
Part 2| Part 3| Part 4
Another day full of studying for upcoming exams at RAD completed and Arella couldn’t be more greatful to finally shut her texts books. Sure, she technically didn’t have to meet the same standards as her demon classmates this time around, but if only one thing could be said about Arella, it was that she was a perfectionist at heart. She’d put in the hard work to get the best possible score- seeing the look of surprise on Satan’s face as she scored better than him would be worth it too, as much as a pipe dream that that would be.
With a soft yawn, Arella pushed away from her desk before grabbing a nightshirt she had stolen borrowed from her boyfriend and stumbled to her bathroom for a quick shower. As she brushed her teeth, she could feel a presence enter her room- well more like she could hear him. Mammon was never all that quiet or stealthy to begin with as much as he’d like to claim otherwise.
Peeking out from the small ensuite, she saw the demon sprawled out on her bed, his face buried in her pillows. Something didn’t feel right. Deciding the shower could wait, Arella made her way across the room to where the bed was located.
“Hey,” She started, gently placing a hand on his back to let him know she was there, “I thought you said you’d be out late with the Witches. Did something happen?”
“Not really….” Mammon starts, his voice muffled by the pillows before he turned to face her. “They got all they could get out of me so they jus’ let me go and I wasn’t havin’ a good time anyway so I jus’ came home….”
Arella frowned at his tone. He sounded upset, depressed almost.
“An’ then the moment I walk in the door, Lucifer’s on my ass ‘bout some stupid fuckin’ bill that came in…. So I got to sit there ‘n listen to him go on an’ on about how I’m such a fuck up and what worthless scum I am, not to mention the rest of my brothers took the first chance they could to hop on the bandwagon and I’m….. I’m just so tired.” At this, Mammon flops over onto his back, throwing an arm over his face.
“Mammon…” Her voice is soft, full of concern as tries unsuccessfully to pull his arm away so she could look him in the eyes.
“Arella, Am I important….?” Mammon asks as he tries -but fails- to hide the way his voice cracks. “Would everyone just be happier if I was….. gone?”
Its that question that shatters her heart to tiny fragments.
“Wha- Of course you are, Love. Why would you say that? I know your brothers take things too far sometimes but they’d be devastated if something happened to you. I would be heartbroken if anything happened to you. We all love you so much, Honey….”
“It doesn’t feel like it,” Mammon barked out a laugh that sounded bitter. “Not with the way they rag on me like they do…. Actually, they’d probly be jumpin’ for joy if I were to off myself- don’t know why I ain’t done it already….”
“Mammon, don’t talk like that. You’re scaring me.”
“Its true though. If I take myself out, then they won’t ever have to deal with the consequences when I fuck up. Won’t have to worry ‘bout me stealin’ their shit to get my hands on some extra grimm.
“Stop it right now, please.”
“It’s not like they’d miss me much anyway. You probly would but let’s face it, ya could do so much better than me anyway... Ya know, I got this pills that I swiped the other day, plannin’ ta sell ‘em an’ all but I think-“
“Mammon, stop!” Arella pressed her hands over his mouth to keep him from finishing his sentence “Please. No more….. No…. More.”
She collapsed down to his chest as violent sobs erupted from her. She had lost someone to suicide before, she couldn’t and wouldn’t go through that again- especially not with the person who was most important to her.
“I’m here for you. I will always be here fir you.,” Arella tightened her hold on the demon beneath her, her body still shuddering with each breath she took in a miserable attempt to compose herself. “So please. Please just don’t do it.”
At her tears, the demon could only react with silence. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting when letting his feelings out but it wasn’t a reaction like this.
Maybe part of him was hoping for her to agree with him and let her words feed into his terrible mood, or maybe part of him wanted Arella to scold him for daring to even think about taking his own life but there wasn’t any part of him that wanted her to react with sobs and wails, with her begging him not to go through with it.
Slowly, Mammon brought his arms to wrap around her, holding her tight against his chest. They were quiet for a long while as they just held each other.
“I’m….. I’m sorry….” Mammon was the first to speak, to break the silence that had suddenly become suffocating. “I don’t know what I was talking about….”
Arella didn’t reply right away, choosing instead to hold him just a little tighter a bit long.
“Do you feel better now that you’ve talked about what’s going through your mind?” She lifted her head from its place on his chest to look him in the eyes for the first time that night.
She smiled softly as he nodded, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re so important both to your brothers and to me. There’s no one like you in the all of the three realms. If you weren’t here our lives would be so much darker and so much more boring, do you know that?”
“Yeah, I doubt that.”
“No it’s true,” Arella hums, as she pushes his hair back and places a peck to his forehead. “You want to know something else?”
“What?” Mammon arches a brow, “if it’s something cheesy, I’m leaving.”
Arella laughs at that. “I love you more than anything in this life or the next, and, no, you’re staying in here where I can see you.”
“What? C’mon, babe, I won’t do anything stupid, so don’t worry ‘bout me. And the last thing I need is Lucifer gettin’ at me because I spent the night in here when I shoulda been in my room.”
“Then I won’t give you a choice.” She starts matter of factly, “I’m invoking our pact. You’re sleeping in my room tonight where I can keep you close and pamper you all night. Also you’re going to tell me where you’ve hidden those pills you were talking about earlier and if their in one of your safes, you’re going to tell me the combination to it.”
“Arella, I-“ he groaned starting to complain
“No. This is important, Baby. I’m doing this because I care. Not to mention if Lucifer were to somehow find you in possession of those pills….. his rage would be so great that not even I would be able to stand between you two.”
Another moment of silence happened between them as Arella’s orders went into effect. Mammon let out a soft, discontented growl before finally breaking the silence.
“Fiiiiine. They’re in the safe that’s hidden in my pool table. The combination it 0127. Happy?”
“Very.” She replies cheerily. “Now, you’d better get comfortable, sir, because I’m going to remind The Great Mammon just how amazing, how wonderful , how special, and how loved he is.”
“Whatever, you dork, jus’ get off a me so I can move to a better spot.” He huffed as he shifted around under her, trying to hide the faint blush was already threatening to make itself at home of his cheeks.
Masterlist 2
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izaswritings · 3 years
Title: who we are in the aftermath
Fandom: The Owl House
Synopsis: Belos falls and the Golden Guard survives. It’s a new world and a new day, and sooner or later Hunter has to figure out where he fits in it. 
Or: in which Hunter stays at the Owl House, becomes a (very, very reluctant) apprentice, continues to have accidental sibling shenanigans with the annoying human, and finally finds a place where he belongs. Probably.  
AO3 link is here.
[Next chapter is here!]
chapter one: battling birds
They give him a room near the east side of the house, stuffed full of broken things and a miscellaneous number of random items. It’s not the human’s old room, and not Lilith’s, either—there’s too much dust and too much stuff for either option. Hunter can’t tell if he’s grateful for this or not. He’s still deciding on whether he’s grateful for the room at all.
There’s no time to set up a bed. He spends his first night here on a blanket, restless and half-awake and lying so still he’s half-convinced he’s shaking from the strain of not moving at all, not making a single sound. He can practically taste the dust on every inhale—does the Owl Lady ever clean, Titan help him—and by some godawful midnight hour Hunter gives up on sleep entirely and sits up, carefully, to whisper to his palisman. 
Nothing important. None of the real questions that are swirling around in his head, like what am I even doing here and why am I still here and what am I supposed to do now, do you know? Instead he just says nonsense things, useless things, like “If I shine a flashlight in that little demon’s face do you think I could get him to chase the dot?”
The palisman coos and chirps and sings nonsense back. Red is a pretty color. I like tulips. If we iced over the Boiling Sea could we make human rain? 
“None of those answers make sense,” Hunter tells it, and then writes a small note about the sea and rain connection on the dusty floor, if only because that’s actually kind of interesting and he wants to check it out again later. 
Red tulips are tasty, replies the palisman, and nuzzles his fingers when he goes to pet it. Its feathers are soft and its eyes are luminous in the moonlight. Nonsense, all of it, but the nonsense helps—familiar as a friend, safe and easy. Better than thinking of Belos. Better than wondering what he’s doing here, sleeping on the floor in the Owl Lady’s house.
The human has left. He could walk out right now and she’d never know, not that her disappointment has any bearing on if he chooses to stay or go. She’s vanished back to the human world, probably gone forever. This house means nothing to Hunter—the Owl Lady is annoying and dislikes him about as much as Hunter dislikes her, and as endearing as the weird little demon is, that isn’t enough to make Hunter want to stay. 
He could leave easily. He could go anywhere. He has nowhere to go.
“I don’t know what to do,” Hunter tells the palisman, at last, hours later. It is almost morning. The sunrise has only just begun, the peace of this dusty attic room wavering thin and fragile in the light of early dawn. It is a quiet admission. He says it very soft. “I don’t know if I know anything.”
I love you, says the palisman.
“That’s not an answer either.” 
Oh, well.
Twenty minutes later, the Owl Lady’s weird bird-worm security creature bursts through the window and sings good morning loud enough to shatter eardrums. Hunter grabs his staff, throws a blast at the thing on instinct, teleports to the kitchen in a panic, and smacks the Owl Lady in the face with his palisman first thing in the morning.
The easy explanation is this: the castle falls and Belos dies and the Golden Guard somehow survives it all: portal collapse and half-realm merge and everything, which means when the dust settles, ultimately Hunter is left with absolutely no idea of what to do with himself. 
“You should work with Eda!” says the human, in the aftermath. Given she says this in the ruin of what was once the Emperor’s castle, barely a half hour after—everything—Hunter feels pretty justified in his response. Which is to say he strangles his broken mechanical staff in his hands, takes a deep breath, and says in a very tight voice: “No.”
“No. No, no, no. I can’t even believe I did this, I don’t… it’s not happening. No.”
The human—he does actually know her name by now, after all they’ve been through, but also given all of This Nonsense she has lost name privileges—does not take that well. Of course she doesn’t. She’s so fourteen it makes Hunter want to die inside.  
“Why not?” the human says, petulant. She has her hands on her hips and everything. 
Hunter is kneeling in the rubble of a castle he’s called home for almost all his life. Somewhere down there is the throne where Belos used to sit; somewhere down there is a body. It’s not a surprise, really. It’s not a shock. From the moment the palisman fluttered into his life and Hunter let it stay, he always knew, deep down, that one day he was going to have to choose. 
It does not make breathing any easier. “I don’t want to,” he says. 
“You can learn wild magic! And, and glyphs! Eda knows a lot—”
“Does the Owl Lady know you’re offering up her house to an old enemy?” 
“Eda won’t mind. Well, okay, maybe she’ll mind a little, but— she’ll let you stay if I ask her!” Yeah. The Owl Lady probably would. The human has that witch wrapped around her little finger; Hunter almost snorts. “Please, just hear me out. I’m sure we can—”
“Don’t talk like we’re friends,” Hunter hisses. He drops the broken remains of the mechanical staff and stands, his hands curled to fists. “Don’t talk like you know me. You don’t know anything. You don’t—” He can’t breathe. He drops back to his knees in the rubble and rubs a hand over his eyes. “Just stop. Please.”
The human doesn’t say anything for a long time. On his shoulder, the palisman, thus far staying silent, flutters its wings and hops down to his knee, nudging his hand with its beak. It sings nothing. Just stays there.
After a moment, the human kneels next to him. There is blood on her face and dirt staining her leggings. “I know,” she says, and she suddenly sounds very tired. “I’m sorry.” 
Hunter doesn’t say anything.
“I just—” the human starts, and then she stops. “I don’t know how else to help you.”
She looks small and weirdly sad, which makes no sense at all, because she hated Belos and never really understood why Hunter did not. (Hunter is not sure why either. If that is still something he can say. If you can betray your uncle and fight against your uncle and—and— and do these things, do everything Hunter has done, and still say that this feeling isn’t hatred.)
They aren’t friends, Hunter and the human. They have barely been allies. He doesn’t need her help, and she probably knows that as well as he does. But Hunter looks at her then, and despite the rubble and the ash and the blood on his tongue, for some reason instead of digging himself a makeshift grave he says—
Which still doesn’t really explain anything, but then, that’s just how it goes.
“Okay!” says the Owl Lady, smacking down her second cup of apple blood on the table. She does it too hard—a good splash of blood escapes the confines of the cup and adds yet another stain to her already-stained dining table. Hunter raises an eyebrow. The Owl Lady glares back. “House rules.”
There’s a red mark on her cheek, still, from where Hunter had hit her with his staff, and a stain all down her side from when, upon being hit with the staff, the Owl Lady spluttered and cursed and accidentally spilt the first cup of apple blood all over herself and the floor. She looks… barely awake. 
“House rules,” Hunter echoes, dryly.
“Your scorn is noted and not appreciated.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” His palisman pecks his hand lightly. “Ow.”
“Luz, you owe me one,” mutters the Owl Lady, and takes a really deep drink of her apple blood. Hunter rubs at his hand, peeved, and eyes the palisman in case it gets any more hand-pecking ideas. The palisman blinks innocently back. Hmm.
“So. First of all.” The Owl Lady raises a finger. “Break any of my stuff and I end you.”
So just like the castle, then. Hunter sees where this is going. He settles gingerly back against the chair—why, why is all of her furniture stained—and rests his cheek against one fist, already bored. “Noted.”
The Owl Lady puts up a second finger. There’s a long silence.
“…Seriously?” says Hunter.
“Quiet, you.” She snaps her fingers. “Hah! Got one! Hurt King or Luz or Hooty or anyone I like in any way and I’ll destroy you. Yeah, that works.”
Hunter gets the sneaking suspicion these house rules are being made up on the spot, and are also only for him. He knows better than to say that aloud. “Fine.” Wait. “How am I supposed to know which random people you like or dislike?”
The Owl Lady grins. Her gold fang glints. “That sounds like a you problem, don’t you think?” She cackles a little. “Guess you’ll just have to find out! Or, you know. Maybe don’t attack anyone? That’s a start.” 
Her owl palisman coos a little. Her nose wrinkles. “What? What do you mean that’s hypocritical? Stay out of this, Owlbert, I’m teaching life lessons or something.” Her eyes turn to him. “Anyway. You get the gist.”
Hunter’s hand is curled white-knuckled around his knee. His palisman flutters from the table to his shoulder, singing nonsense again. Red tulips, so tasty. Its feathers brush against his cheek. 
He pries his grip off his knee one finger at a time. “…Understood.”
“Good.” The Owl Lady stands and stretches, yawning wide into one hand. “Anyway, I’ll give you a pass for this morning, because Hooty can be…” She trails off. Outside, muffled by the front door, the bird-worm creature shouts “HOOT” at full volume and then smacks into a tree.
“…a lot,” decides the Owl Lady. “But seriously, keep the windows locked. I don’t want you trying to blast him and burning my house down. I just got it back.”
Hunter says nothing. The Owl Lady squints at him and then picks her mug back up. “Riiiight… well, good talk, I guess. Get some more sleep, kid, you look worse than Luz after an all-nighter.” She waits. Hunter raises an eyebrow at her. “Ugh. I don’t know why I agreed to this.”
At least Hunter isn’t the only one second-guessing everything. Still, that reminds him. “The human.”
“Luz,” says the Owl Lady, unimpressed. 
“Yeah, whatever.” He links his fingers. The palisman flies down from his shoulder to his cupped hands, and hops a determined circle in his palm for no apparent reason. Hunter watches it play. “…Is she coming back?”
“What, tired of our company already?” 
“Yes,” Hunter says, because obviously.
“Rude. Well, can’t say the feeling isn’t mutual.” There’s a long silence. The Owl Lady sighs. “Luz… she promised she’d come back. You were there, weren’t you?”
Yeah, he had been. Standing in the back of the group, on the fringes of the goodbye. Two hours after the end, and the human had already roped the Owl Lady into letting Hunter live in her stupid owl house, and also somehow run around hugging pretty much everyone. And then she’d stepped through the mirrors that were all that remained of the realm-merge between her world and theirs, and not come back since. 
She had, indeed, promised to return. But that was hours ago; that was yesterday. The mirrors are gone and no doors remain. And Hunter does not put much faith in promises. 
“And when,” he asks the Owl Lady, a little lofty, a little snide. “When, exactly, do you think she’s coming back?”
The Owl Lady’s eyes narrow. Her lips press thin. For a moment he thinks she might snap at him, but then her shoulders slump, and in the end she just looks away.
“I don’t know,” the Owl Lady admits. 
Useless, Hunter thinks. But he doesn’t say it. Just nods and turns away to head back upstairs and make that stupid dusty storage room somewhat presentable, because if he’s going to be staying here for—for—for whatever amount of time he ends up staying here, he’s going to breathe actual air instead of dust, thanks.
“Remember, kid! House rules!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Hunter says, and teleports back up the stairs without a single glance back.
Hunter manages to shove all the junk into one corner and make the start of a fairly presentable bed in the other corner by the time the human re-arrives in the Boiling Isles and throws open his door hard enough to smack it against the wall.
“You took my advice!” shouts the human, at the top of her lungs.
“Hiiiiii,” says Hunter, hands over his ears. The human takes a deep breath. Hunter closes the door in her face. “Byeeee.”
“Why are you yelling.”
“I can’t believe you’re here!”
It’s just nonsensical enough to get him to open the door. Why does this always happen to him? Why is the human like this? “You said I should come here! You said—”
“Psh,” says the human and flaps a hand in his face. Hunter stops mid-word, gritting his teeth, practically feeling his whole face turn bright red with rage. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way! I just— I didn’t think you would actually listen! But you’re here!” She’s beaming. Hunter looks away. Her smile fades. “…Are you okay?”
He can’t sleep. His eyes are hot and burning like he wants to cry and he has no idea why. His uncle is dead. 
“No,” he tells her. “No one in this house dusts. I’ve forgotten what air tastes like.”
“Psh-haw! I’m sure it's not that…” The human steps inside, inhales, and chokes. “Oh. Ay Dios mío. Wow, this room has not been dusted.”
“I noticed!”
“Oh, man.” She hides her nose in her elbow and sidles outside again. She’s wearing her weird human clothes and her palisman staff strapped to her back. She looks tired, and a little like she has no idea what she’s doing here either. She lingers in the door almost awkwardly, rolling back and forth from her heels to her toes. 
Hunter watches her for a long moment. “You came back.”
“Haha. What gave it away?” But the smile she gives is small and blinding, brighter than the sun. “Watch this.”
“Watch wha—” The human lifts her hand and trails it through the air, dragging her fingers down in a straight line. Golden light follows her fingers. It breaks the air like a fractured mirror, a rift sparking to life in the hallway, the dark greens and blues of a galaxy intertwined with a burning glow. Hunter’s voice dies in his throat. 
“If I push at it, it opens. Like a door. It leads me right home.” She’s smiling so wide it must hurt. The portal almost seems to whisper; the golden glow of the rift shines in her eyes and catches on her face, still tear-streaked. The human’s cried over this. She’s right to. The human world and the Boiling Isles—she has found a way to keep both.
Presumably he thinks he should be jealous. Instead he finds himself smiling too. “I’m glad,” Hunter tells her. “That’s… pretty cool.”
“Right!?” She bounces on her heels and waves a hand through the rift, dismissing it into nothing. “I can’t wait to show Amity. And Eda. And King. And you! The human world is—it’s amazing. The rain doesn’t kill you even a little bit!”
It takes sudden effort to keep up the smile. “…I’ve heard.” 
“Anyway, I just came by to say hi. Eda said you were here, and—” She stops, visibly hesitating. Her head lowers. “I know… I know this must be hard. And that we aren’t really friends. But… if you need anyone to talk to… I’m here.” She peeks up her head a little, grinning. “After all, we’re house buddies now!”
“Human,” Hunter says. Her nose wrinkles. He sighs. “Luz.”
There’s so much he could say that for a moment he has no idea where to start. Why did you think this was a good idea. Please stop talking. Why are you so insistent that we could be friends. I didn’t say I was staying here for long. I’m very tired. You’re bizarrely forgiving. My uncle is dead because of you. 
“…Thanks,” he says. “And— I’m sorry.”
Luz blinks at him. Then she grins. “Noooo problem, ol’ buddy ol’ pal!”
Hunter shoves her stupid smiling face away and closes the door on her toes. Luz yelps and swears and kicks at the door, and yells rude things in that other human language of hers. “Byeeeee,” Hunter says, and behind the closed door, Luz makes a muffled noise of rage and shouts, “Would you stop saying that!?”
And it doesn’t make things better but it doesn’t make things any worse, either, and when Hunter turns away he is almost smiling—so maybe it’s okay. 
The sun sets. The dusty room has been aired out to its best ability, and Hunter has made a somewhat functional and comfy-looking bed in the corner. A sticky note with the boiling sea + ice = human rain idea has been ceremoniously pinned to the empty wall space. In addition to the sticky notes, Luz has donated his “sad, bad boy room” what looks to be a dying houseplant. Hunter suspects she gave it to him purely because she has despaired of trying to keep it alive herself.  
He puts the plant on the windowsill. The palisman apparently loves it. Maybe he should find red tulips for it to eat. Whatever a red tulip is.
He settles next to the palisman on the windowsill, and strokes its head with his finger. He feels strangled and small and the sunset looks alien to him. Everything has changed. Everything is over. He is a powerless witch with a wild magic staff, and he will never be the Golden Guard again.
His eyes burn. He blinks fast. Far down below, he can hear the Owl Lady and Luz arguing over dinner.
“I still don’t know what I’m doing here,” Hunter tells the palisman. The sunset makes all the trees look shadow-like and sharp, outlined in red. It reminds him of his palisman, a little bit. “I don’t even like these people. What do you think? Is it too late to head back and dig myself a grave in the rubble?”
I’m happy I know you, chirps the palisman. It hops from the dying houseplant to the top of his head.  I love you, I love you.
His throat feels tight. “…That still isn’t a real answer.”
I want apple blood for breakfast tomorrow. The palisman nibbles at his hair. It looks tasty.
He’s quiet for a long moment. Then he closes his eyes. “Okay. If— if you say so.” 
The sun is setting, and the light is warm on his face. The Boiling Isles feels, for once, almost something like peaceful. It probably won’t last.
“We’ll stay.” 
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
This Love - Prologue
Quick Note: There was a deleted scene in Age of Ultron where Thor visits the Norns in a cave in order to know how to defeat Ultron. This is where I am introducing you, reader. Enjoy!
Norns are fortune tellers who can only speak by possessing people's body, and could precisely read someone’s fate and future when they are in the pool of water inside the cave – the very one you’ve been calling home.
Your own mother, an elemental witch, took you with her in the cave a long time ago to know about her own fate. When she was told of the doom that was to end her in a month’s time, she made the brave decision to leave you under the care of the Norns to spare you the heartbreak and dangers of the world.  
Despite being in their company for over a century, they were being selfish when it came to you wanting to know about your own fate. All they’d tell you is that when one of the most powerful gods were to visit the cave, you were to leave with him and only then would you get to start fulfilling your destiny.
All your life, the only visitors that have gone in and out of the cave were those who were either power hungry, or foolish.  
That was until that one fateful day. Two men entered the cave – one a bit older in appearance, and one with longer golden hair and a towering form. The witches need not tell you that this was the god you were to leave with. You somehow already felt it.  
You stood back as he was possessed by the witches. His eyes were glowing, and lightning was occasionally hitting the cave. The old man with him was asking all the questions. He was asking about how to defeat an enemy named Ultron, and witches were telling him that human sacrifice had to be made.  
Was your destiny to fight alongside him? Or to be an enemy?
You did not realize that you were spacing out until the god’s booming voice in harmony with the witches called your attention.  
“Our child, this is the god that would lead you to your destiny. Never forget you were raised by powerful witches. A new life and family await you.” They stated, until the god’s voice was the only one left grunting, and his eyes went back to their natural state.  You gave a moment to catch his breath while still in the pool, before scooting down on the ground to somehow be on his level.
“So you’re like my father now.” You gave him an innocent smile. “I’ve never had one.”
He looked at you as if he’s still processing what just happened. “And I never thought I'd leave this cave with a daughter.”
Having accepted the responsibility the Norns had given him in exchange for answers, he took you back to Midgard, into a towering cave? It was so tall and it appeared to have a lot of layers. He took you up with him to a layer where Midgardians were seemingly fighting while a body was laying down on a table in the middle of the room. And before you knew it, he barged in through the glass and the fight immediately stopped as he struck the body on the table with lightning.  
Everything around you were strange. You’ve never heard of Midgardians having powers, yet here you were, being introduced to the people who have been fighting just a minute ago. The thing that was just given consciousness was called vision. And despite being alive for centuries, you felt like you were just born like him.  
“Y/N is in my ward now. She’s an elemental witch.” Thor explained to them. They all gave you a curt nod. You noted that the man with a star on his chest offered you a kind smile, almost embarrassed that you had to see them fight with each other just now.
“So, you basically adopted an avatar.” The man wearing a red hard suit replied with an incredulous expression.
“Uh- yes. Whatever that means.” Thor replied.  
“Well, I also didn’t think we have enough aliens. I’m Tony, sweetheart.” He offered his hand for you to shake. 
When Vision started talking to everyone about Ultron, it was only then that you were finally able to grasp a little on the situation. The people you were with call themselves Avengers, and as far as you’ve heard, they’re good people.  
“... so there may be no way for you to trust me, but we need to go.” Your thoughts were halted when Vision handed Thor his hammer to him as if it were nothing.
And everything just got even more confusing for you.
The Norns were right. Human sacrifice had to happen in order to defeat Ultron. You did the best you could to help everybody, especially making sure the Midgardians were to safely get into a floating “ship” as you heard them call it.
You were now standing in a large room surrounded by glass. It was overlooking the city you were just told the name of but couldn’t quite recall.  
The young girl who you now know as Wanda, was grieving for her twin brother. He had died shielding a young boy from getting hurt. You couldn’t help but wonder if the same fate were to greet anyone else in the tower one day, and if they have already come into terms with the possibility.  
“I’m going back to Asgard, Y/N.” Thor greeted you when he reached your side. You didn’t even realize he was approaching. “Would you like to come?”
“I’m not quite sure I want to leave this place just yet. Midgards are quite fascinating.”  
“What made you say that?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“One proposed marriage to me while I was in the middle of blocking Ultron’s army with the rocks. And just this morning when Steve was showing me around the city, a lady whom I’ve never met came up to tell me she could tell my lips were fake. What did that even mean?” You both chuckled, shaking your heads.  
“So I just got a daughter a few days ago, and now I’m having to let her leave my nest.” He turned you gently by your shoulders so you could face each other. “I know we’ve only met a few days ago, Y/N. But I am a man of my word.” He took your hand and laid a small coin bag on your palm. “What’s inside there would make you half as rich as Tony once sold here.” He explained.
“You’re gonna be okay, kid. Reach out to me whenever you want.”
“May I know how, father?” you gave him a sheepish smile. You still couldn’t believe he actually lets you acknowledge him as such.
“You can do it through this thing they have... an electronic letter called an e-mail.”  
Your confused face made him chuckle. “You’ll learn their ways, Y/N.” He assured you with a pat on the shoulder.  
“We’re gonna take care of her.” A voice interrupted you both. It was Steve. And walking with him was Natasha. You grinned from recalling how she promised earlier to help you live like a normal civilian, and train like them.  
“She’s an Avenger now.”
Hey there! This is the first installment for a Bucky fic. I just needed to get the reader (you) a semi-back story. The next part would be set on Civil War, and finally meeting Bucky.
Have a great day!
Main Masterlist   Marvel Masterlist
Part 2 is up Here
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comehomeducklings · 3 years
Present [Part 1] (Obsession)
A/N: Please don't copy, redistribute, and/or post my work on this site or any others. This has taken my time and creativity to come up with the story's characters and plot.
Also, I swear my writing gets better. It's a little rough right now but I'm planning on rewriting them.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Tom Riddle's Moodboard
Main Character's Moodboard
1943 ~ 6th year
No sound above whispers could be heard throughout the great hall. The food on the table hasn't been touched by a single hand. The very thought of eating churning all our stomachs. Not during these times. Our heads turn every now and then, afraid of what might sneak up behind us. The death of Myrtle and others has shaken the entire school. A murderer is among us, trust is such a foreign concept now.
Dark purple eye-bags lay beneath every single student's eyes. No one is allowed to go home for the holidays. They aren't allowing us to leave, we are stuck in this cloud of darkness and uncertainty. No owls are supposed to be sent out. As the head girl, I'm responsible for every student's life and responsibilities. I have to know where everyone is at all times. It gets tiring at times, but necessary nonetheless.
A nightly routine consisted of all my dormmates huddling around each other. No sleep would come to us all night. We wouldn't move from the same spot until light shown from the windows. Our beds are all pressed together in the farthest corner of the room from the door. Our wands never leaving our hands in case of danger. Every little sound made from the outside provoking us. Even to the point of going mad. Potions used to stay awake, slowly wearing off as the morning arose. No sleep, we can't afford that luxury anymore.
I would leave the dorm to wait at the portrait for our assigned house professor to come. They would tell me it was safe for everyone to head to the great hall to get breakfast. As soon as they were done I quickly went to everyone's dormitory to wake them up, if they even slept at all. I would then inform them that it was safe to step out of their dorms. After everyone got situated I would have the students form a line and lead them towards the great hall. 1st-3rd years would occasionally hold the folds of my robes. Fearing that when they blink I would be gone. Leaving them alone to deal with the dangers that lurk in the school.
Not once have I lied about how they are going to be all right. That would be cruel. These students don't seek pathetic nurturing words, they want a protective force watching over them. So many clubs and activities have been canceled. Hogsmede and quidditch proving as a prime example. No one complained though, quidditch players too afraid to even step out of the castle's walls even if they were allowed.
Back to the present, I hold my good friend's hand as she slightly shakes from anxiety. I can see it in her eyes, the doubt of making it alive eating away at her brain. The spark once present in her shiny green eyes being blown out. Amelia, her name being. She's been biting her nails again, to the point where it had bled. This can be backed by the dried-up blood that is present at the tip of her finger's nail.
A booming voice can be heard, "You are now being dismissed to head to class, your houses head girl and boy will be assigning the group you'll be heading off with."
First period has been removed from every perfect and head's schedule. During this time we search the whole castle for any wanders. We make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be. If someone got lost or went to the wrong class we escort them to where they need to be.
After every class, students have a limited amount of time to get to their next lesson. Although, perfects and heads get more time to make sure everyone is where they are needed quickly. Then we hurry to our class after scanning the halls swiftly.
The once safest school of the wizarding world giving birth to the dark ages. More bodies have been found littering the schools. Most of them not found until their ghosts appear before us. Every single one not knowing how they died. Like the murderer is invisible upon meeting the victim. I originally suggested it could have been done by poison. When the bodies were checked, no traces of poison had been traced.
Professors have been waiting for the person who is responsible to slip up, to give us a clue. I don't think that will happen though. The process of these killings has been too thought out and well planned. I wouldn't be surprised if these mass killings have been planned months before, even maybe years. I've been talking to the ghosts to try and gather all details, even the potentially useless ones. When our headmaster made us heads keep tabs on everyone, the killings stopped for a short amount of time. It was like the mastermind was creating a way to best us, to get past the "little inconvenience." It didn't take long for them to find the weak parts in the plan.
What we have got though, is that every single student killed has been a muggle-born. A classic case of an unfair stigma around the poor wizards and witches. They never were able to catch a break. Amelia, one of my close friends in the friend group. She's a muggle-born, hence the shaking of her hands. I've been keeping a closer eye on her, she doesn't leave my side. She comes on my patrols so I can keep her in my sights, with of course the permission of the teachers. There are only two times that I can not watch over her. Those two times are covered by my other friend Devyn, a pure-blood. She also helps keep her safe, not letting her go anywhere by herself. The two times are because she's in two different classes than I am. One of them being a study hall.
"Professor, how will this class help us now? Reading teacups for predictions should be the least of our worries right now," a student at the back of the room exclaims.
"The said predictions could lead us to the future before it happens. Our worries lay exactly what will happen in the future. If anything, this is one of the most important classes we'll take this year," I say, continuing to read the teacup.
"Precisely, thank you. Now go back to studying, I'll be coming around to view your interpretations."
My tea leaves look more like a blob with a cross going through them. A weirdly shaped blob. I already know there is a cross, but what about the blob? I tried shaking it a little, looking at the leaves from different angles. I already crossed off a club, falcon, and the sun. It could be an acorn, but I see a slight hole in the blob.
Could it be...
"A skull that is." I jump at the sudden voice near my ear. My teacup almost falling from my grasp.
"Pardon, a what?"
She points towards two holes in the blob, one of them I just mentioned, "I saw you already found one hole, there's the other. How it's shaped could be a little difficult to see since the cross is through it, but it's there."
The professor takes the cup from my hand and lays it on her desk. Some of my classmates look at me in curiosity, but they soon lose interest and go back to their own tea leaves.
A cross and a skull, that sounds about right to how my school year is going so far. I scan my book to see exactly what they mean.
A skull, danger in your path.
A cross, trials and suffering.
"What d-did you find?" A Hufflepuff boy to my right asks.
I don't want to scare the poor boy, he's already frightened enough as it is. If my future got around to the school, everyone would start being concerned about me. I'll barely get any of my duties done if I didn't already get it taken away for my safety. Last thing I need right now is even more panic.
"Nothing much, the future is still a little foggy."
"That's, um, good. I couldn't really read mine either," he chuckles lightly, almost seemingly forced.
Our professor claps her hands together, "Class is dismissed, read up about your predictions if you haven't already. No homework today."
I gather my books and push in my chair. Right before I could reach the door where other students are waiting, the teacher stops me.
"I'll have to tell the headmaster about this, I shouldn't keep it a secret."
"No, please don't. If you must, only tell Albus. I can't have this messing anything up, I'll become vulnerable."
The professor looks around the room, her eyes wandering franticly. I'm sure I am asking a lot from her. I really need her to keep this a secret.
"Oh alright, you're my best student. I just would hate to see anything happen to you. I'm informing only Albus to see if he can keep an eye on you."
"Thank you so much, I swear I'll be careful." A huge weight is lifted off my shoulders. I can't be worrying about my future when I have to worry about everyone else's.
I leave the classroom and start heading to my next class. Potions have always been one of my favorite classes. Mixing a bunch of toxins into a pot is a specialty of mine. I'm quickly scanning the halls for any wanderers, making sure everyone is at class. My feet take me to Potions in a hurry. I don't want to miss much, trying to make the class as informational as possible.
"You shouldn't be running, you still have 3 minutes of checking the school."
It's always him, I even tried changing routes to avoid him. His idiotic smirk, thinking he actually did something. All he did is waste my time and train of thought.
"I'm allowed to run Riddle, it's not a rule. I already checked the halls I was assigned, did you?" I really have no energy for this.
Tom peers down at me, somehow still wearing that infamous smile. Eyes bright, filled with mischief and knowledge.
"I have, double-checked as well. I'm sure you only checked once. Such irresponsible actions, I still wonder how you nabbed the head-girl spot."
I choose not to answer, not giving in to his baiting. Does he think I'm that stupid? That easily bothered by a simple test of my patience.
"You could have just said you wanted to walk me to class Riddle. No need to be shy with me."
"Shy, a concept I would not know of. Might as well bring you to class, since I'm heading there myself. Wouldn't want you to be in danger, since you consistently prove you can't handle a simple check of the hallways."
"I told you Tom-"
"Once is not enough, you should know that by now," he interrupts me, feigning a sudden serious facade on.
We start heading towards Slughorn's room. I'm a little behind his figure. Mostly looking down to make sure I don't step over his feet and fall. He sometimes walks with me, very confusing if I may say. Hating my skills, probably still hates me. You can often find us arguing if we are ever partners in class together. The usual game we play, how many questions can we get right by the end of class. Last time he won by one point, my sour mood not helping the atmosphere.
"You look rested, more than me at least," I smile tiredly. My whole body slightly sagging forward from exhaustion. He looks as proper as someone could be. His skin is a little pale though, brighter than usual. Almost like he was sick, his eyes look darker too. More sunken in, the shape of his skull more prominent. His looks still annoyingly well presented.
"Yes, you do look rather tired. I see other things have prioritized above your looks."
This man, the audacity of this man. The only reason I'm not at the top of every class. Our number 1 student count being evenly split. I have to bite down on my tongue forcefully to not say anything back. I'm too tired to truly come back with anything witty, so I choose to save myself from the embarrassment. Instead, I slightly step on his robe on the ground causing him to trip up a little.
He quickly sends a warning glare my way and then continues walking. I smile slightly, knowing even if it was petty, it was worth it.
Riddle doesn't even hold the door for me when we walk in. Causing it to slam dangerously close to my face.
"There you two are, I was afraid you weren't going to make it," Slughorn exclaims excitedly. "Turn your textbooks to page 246, we are going to learn how to make a Polyjuice potion!"
I glance at Tom, his eyes only focus on the words before him not realizing my gaze is on him. I wonder if he'll make this a competition as well. Knowing him, as well as me, anything but competition is out of our character. He looks up catching my eyes, I tilt my head. Trying to silently communicate from afar.
His head turns to Slughorn, then back to me. He nods his head and that's all it takes for both of us to come to an understanding. Whoever can answer the most questions, and create the best potion gets bragging rights.
I don't intend to lose.
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fumingspice · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Reader
Prompt: oK so how about like?? Delia x reader and they're both in love af but they think the other has no feelings for them so they're both tripping over themselves to make the other love them and then madison comes in and she's just like 'stop being dumb' and they finally realise how much the other loves them.
I’m sorry but my ed crept back in and im not horny enough to put more thought into writing so just ignore the massive time skip at “---”. enjoy, you strange people xo
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*(*❦ω❦)*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It's crazy. Falling. You see? We don't say "rising into love". There is in it, the idea of the fall. And it goes back to extremely fundamental things. That there is always a curious tie at some point between the fall and the creation. Taking this ghastly risk is the condition of there being life. You see, for all life is an act of faith and an act of gamble...
Between Cordelia Goode's ears were pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts. Brown eyes were never really your favourite until you saw them on her. You knew yourself that somehow, over the years you got to know Cordelia; working with her, befriending her, carrying her home from the bar one night when she got far too drunk, letting her cry into your shoulder when her job became too real and she could feel her mother's words hanging over her head.
When you started falling for the woman with those beautiful brown eyes.
Somehow, her eyes were now your favourite colour.
Not brown- brown wasn't simply the word for the colour. Cordelia's eyes were the colour of aged whiskey. Sometimes they were the only two safe shots of tequila that you could see. Sometimes they were a beautiful milk chocolate dotted with exposed honeycomb. Once when she had asked you to help her decorate the garden for the Summer Equinox- she had given Zoe enough money to take the girls on a field trip for the day so she could give the girls a little party. You stood watching her in her denim shorts and her white button up. When she had stepped back and put her arm around you to admire both of your handy work you could have sworn her eyes were glowing like fresh magma.
Her hand lay on your waist a split second too long.
You had fallen in love with the Supreme.
"Yo, bitch!" Madison Montgomery's usual entrance phrase disturbed you from your imagination. You raised your brow and smirked.
"Yes, Madison?"
The blonde took her sunglasses off her face and closed them with a slight snap. "The girls want to know if you wanna come to play Pysch! with us," she said. Her lips were curled in what could almost be described as a friendly smile. You were one of the few honoured to know that under Madison's bitchy white girl facade there was actually a very sweet someone lurking under there.
You thought for a moment and put your pen down. "I won't be long- I just have to log these last few names and I'll be there," you tell her. Madison rolled her eyes and waved her hand, the pen lifted itself and wrote the last thirteen names within seconds. "You're done. Let's go, Y/N."
Madison didn't even give you a minute to say anything before she walked out of the room. "Come on, bitch. Don't make me use my powers!" she called from the hallway, finally motivating you to move.
The girls sat in a circle in Zoe's bedroom. Lights off. Candles lit.
Zoe, Queenie, Mallory, and Coco were indulged in their phones for the game. Madison turned to you and held up her phone to show you the question. "What is Zoe's deepest, darkest secret?" she read. "You gotta answer it and the person with the most votes wins. It lasts for ten rounds and it can be fucking hilarious."
Zoe's face was red with laughter at the answers. "She's not actually a witch- that's not even funny," she gasped through cackles. She then sobered slightly. "She likes to watch Danny Devito movies while masturbating and screaming 'I am a dirty man'."
Madison was the only one who chortled at that.
You joined the game and got your best answers ready in your head. "If Madison got arrested tomorrow what would it be for?"
Madison rolled her eyes and muttered something about knowing exactly what everyone was about to answer. You smirked slightly, sensing her slight apprehension.
Murder. Third-degree.
Fucking up the brakes on a bus full of frat boys.
Public Nudity.
"Gosh, you're so original," she muttered, glaring right at Zoe, who just shrugged.
"It's the rules of the game, bitch. Go all in, don't get offended," she replied.
The game pinged for the next question.
"What is on Y/N's mind right now?"
Coco gave a loud "Ha!" and typed quickly, along with the other girls who were all typing as quickly as possible to get their answers in first.
A quiet knock came from the other side of the door and Cordelia poked her head around. "Sorry to interrupt, girls. Y/N, could I borrow you for a moment?" she asked, voice sweet and angelic. You bounced up as soon as she finished the sentence and obliged straight away. You were met with a sweet smile.
Madison flicked her brows. "Speak of the devil," she muttered, winking at Delia's slightly confused face. As you left, your phone pinged to announce the results just before you left the game.
Cordelia 🥵🥵🥵
Delia. I ship it <3
Getting knuckle deep finger fucked by the HWIC
French fries
You quickly shut off your phone screen before Cordelia could see.
"What's the matter, Delia?" You asked, practically skipping alongside her. There was a vibrant air of satisfaction between you.
Cordelia shook her head, her blonde hair bobbing with her movements. “I just wanted to know if you’d like to go out.”
You felt your heart stop. “Go out?”
Cordelia looked hurt by the confusion on your face.
“Yes. Would you like to join me in the garden?”
“Oh,” you realised, slightly disappointed. “I would love to.”
"For the love of Hades. Right, I don’t mean to sound rude or anything because I have some understanding that lesbians are fucking useless because of the fear of appearing to be predatory because the media is an asshole,” Madison continued. “But I don’t really think any of us can eat at this table anymore without choking on the fucking sexual tension between the both of you.”
Cordelia looked shocked. “It’s not that-”
“I’m a fucking mindreader! You do get that I can fucking hear the things that you say in your head about what you want to do to Y/N? I’m one gutter minded bitch and not even I’m creative enough to come up with that shit while I’m eating my fucking apple turnover!”
You blushed hard and chuckled.
Madison’s neck snapped towards you. “Oh, and don’t getting me fucking started on you! Do you know how fucking unsanitary it would be to carry out your little fantasies of fucking Cordy on the kitchen counter? Not even for us but the amount of fucking crumbs that would work into your nooks and crannies would be like trying to spring clean Myrtle's fucking hair! "
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Cordelia chuckled nervously. Her face turning a shade of red. “I’m sure Y/N’s got plenty of better options.”
Madison dropped her face in her hands and rubbed her temples. “God, you bitches are going to put fucking years on my skin.”
“Oh, give me a break, Madison.”
Cordelia stumbled foward slightly, having been tripped up by some unseeable force and sending her tumbling into you. Her hands lay against your chest for that split second too long once more.
Your lips parted for a moment and your breath hitched as you both watched Madison smirk and leave the room. It felt like your heart was beating at a thousand miles an hour. You surroundings were unnoticable to you now; replaced by unidentifiable whirls of colour and light. Your hand rested flat on Cordelia’s cheek. It was different this time. Not the spark, that had been there every time you touched. It was the fact that you were both too slow to ignore the ignition that started in your chests. 
You saw her eyebrows falter from their previously confident expression, like all of her preparation and barriers and walls had fallen down and she was too slow to replace them. Cordelia pursed her lips, presumably trying to figure out what she should say to you. Again, she was too slow as you inhaled sharply and thrust yourself forward to catch her lips.
Delia was quick to mould herself to the curves of your front, hands falling to the small of your back on a collision course as she backed you into the dining room table. You smoothed your hands over the contours of her jaw, her collar bones, breasts, hips like you were a master pianist playing a brilliant concerto. Her body was the only instrument you longed to play; her moans the only melody that you longed to draw from her.
As her lips glided across your own, everything came together like pieces into place. You thought back one of those late nights in the kitchen. The way Delia’s fingers had so enthusiastically laced through yours during the late night in the kitchen when you had both stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking about life. How the witch had turned the radio on and taken your hand while you danced to some song by REO Speedwagon. Twirling you through the night. “Can’t fight this feeling” was the song. Ironic, now that you thought about it. It seemed as though fighting her feelings was what she had been doing the entire time.
She twirled you around in the light of the dim television and the refrigerator when the songs were upbeat, even going as far as dipping you and pulling you up again. Bare thighs against your own in her shorts and oversized shirt. When the songs that were played were slower, she was more gentle. Until eventually you swayed in a slow two-step, your head against her chest, and hers against yours. The air was thick with something pure. Something untouched. 
You had no idea why you ever just thought this was something two best friends did. More so, you had no idea why you didn’t lean back and dip into her lips and allow your souls to dance the waltz that they were so clearly destined for. 
Cordelia’s thumb and finger lay on either side of your jaw as she continued to kiss you as if her soul depended on it. Her fingers interlocked with yours against the table.
She broke away, tears had fallen down her cheeks and made your heart melt. “Oh-ho,” you chuckled, mouth agape at her sight. “Why the tears, my love?”
Cordelia laughed, wiping away her tears. “I’ve longed to do that for so long,” she replied. “So, so long.”
You chuckled at her sweetness and the display of pure love that you were so unaccustomed to.
“I fell in love with you, Y/N. I don’t think I will ever stop falling in love with you. You’ve created this storm of beautiful chaos in me,” she continued. “Do you remember that night where I was really sleepy, so you let me just stay in your room? How I had fallen asleep on top of you by accident and you wrapped your arms around me and hummed a lullaby?”
You nodded, remember the feeling of waking up with the Supreme in your arms.
“I was wide awake,” she told you. A delicate smile arose.
You chuckled into her touch.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you replied, drawing her closer, her blonde hair twirled in your fingers. “I know you were.”
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼Baby's Got Trouble. Don't Know How To Live. Don't Want To Die. (Cordelia Goode)👼
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Cordelia Goode x fem!reader
👼Part 6 of SP getting reader pregnant👼
👼Slice 1👼
Co-authored with @billiedeannovak
Somewhat au but more so later xx
👼Wordcount: 3422👼
👼Posted on AO3: Read Here👼
👼Content: Your mum sucks, slow-burn, fluff, angst, alcohol, more to be added later👼
👼“No, ma’am. It isn’t crazy hippie rubbish. As I said, your daughter has a place here at the academy. She will start classes upon arrival. It is best she bring all the clothing she has and any other personal items she might wan-“👼
“Hello? Is this the Robichaux or whatever place?”
“Robichaux Academy, yes it is. My name is Cordelia Goode, I’m the Headmistress of Robichaux Academy. How may I help?”
“Brilliant. My daughter, Yn, has somehow managed to break our wine glasses while we were- my husband, son, and I were sitting eating at the dining table. She then managed to fix them once the initial shock wore off but this can’t go on. She’s a disgrace to the family. We heard tales from her great grandmother about witches in Salem but we just thought she was going batty in her old age. Regardless, can you fix our daughter?”
“I- Ma’am, I understand that to people like you- er, I mean, people without magical abilities, that it is scary when these abilities show themselves, but it doesn’t mean your daughter needs to be- to be fixed. Yes, she can come to the academy, there should have been a letter in the-“
“Oh. That place. We got the letter and threw it out thinking it was some crazy hippie rubbish.”
“No, ma’am. It isn’t crazy hippie rubbish. As I said, your daughter has a place here at the academy. She will start classes upon arrival. It is best she bring all the clothing she has and any other personal items she might wan-“
“She will take what she can fit into that stupid bag of hers before we kick her out. We don’t want her in the house any longer. She’s a disgrace and is putting us in danger.”
“I think- I think she’s the one in danger, not you. People still- There are people out there that still want us dead. She will be safer surrounded by her sisters. Someone will come by to make sure she makes it here safely.”
“Good. I suggest someone come quick because after I hang up, she’s no longer welcome.”
“I- Okay ma’am. Very well then. Someone will be there shortly. Have a pleasant evening.”
You have always hated the dark ever since you were a little kid, it’s not the darkness itself that scares you but rather the inability to see what could see you. The lights that lined the streets offered little to no visibility, they were as useful as soldiers would be standing in their place, in fact, they were probably what made you most unnerved about sitting outside on the curb at night, they had this uneven yellow glow to them that only managed to give off light in a very small orb around them. The only thing that would make your current situation more unpleasant than it already was, would be if a thick fog rolled in, trapping the light in an even smaller radius, and making the darkness around you all that more ceaseless.
It was a relatively quiet part of New Orleans, and at the moment you couldn’t tell whether this was a blessing or a curse. Sure, there weren’t random people approaching you and asking if you have money or if you need help, but there was also no one around if something were to happen to you. Yes, your scream could be heard but no one would come running to see where it had come from or why it had been made.
Your parents hadn’t really explained much about where you were going, they said “gather your shit in that bag of yours and get out” followed by a “someone from that hippie academy will pick you up” but that was all they had said before the door hit your ass on the way out of the house.
There weren’t any hippie academies that you could think of, you doubted they were even a thing. Wouldn’t a hippie academy be counterintuitive to the whole hippie thing? Why were you even being sent away? It wasn’t your fault that the glasses broke, it was an accident! And you had fixed them so why were you suddenly sitting on your ass on the curb?
The low hum of a car draws your attention from your phone and makes you jump up and back from the curb so you don’t get hit by it. It’s a fancy car so surely it wouldn’t be here for you. Why would a black Mercedes A-Class Sedan pull up in front of you?
Maybe it was one of those gross rich people that wanted to give you a nice place to stay and anything you could desire in exchange for sex. No Bueno. One of the doors swing open and a young blonde woman steps out, brushing down the front of her knee-length black skirt before smiling shyly at you. “Are you Yn?”
You narrow your eyes and tighten your grip on the straps of your backpack “Who’s asking?” Despite current circumstances, the woman doesn’t come across like she would do anything to hurt you, she seems kind and has a certain air of innocence about her.
“Oh! My apologies, I’m Cordelia Goode. I’m the Headmistress of Robichaux Academy. I’m here to take you there. Have- Did your parents explain where you’re going and why?”
You shook your head and looked down briefly, toeing the dirt with your shoe before glancing back at her. “No. They pretty much told me to get my shit and leave, and that some ���hippie academy’ person would come get me. Are- are you that person? Not- not a hippie person but- not- not that there’s anything wrong with if you are.”
Cordelia laughs softly and moves closer to you, offering her hand to carry your bag “Let me take that for you.” You hand her your bag, quietly apologising for it being heavy but she seems to hold it with ease. “So they told you none of what I discussed with them on the phone? That’s- that’s to be expected I guess. We can discuss this in the car on the way, okay?”
You nod and follow her back to the car, climbing in after her and closing the door. She whispers something to the driver before the car sets off, turning her attention back to you. “Do you know anything about witches and covens?”
“A little? My great grandma use to talk a lot about what happened to family in Salem but mom and dad always said she was just getting batty in her old age. She said that witch hunters would tear people from their homes and slaughter them, sometimes whole villages of people that were believed to be witches or- or even harboring them.
She use to show me magic tricks as a kid, making her purse disappear then reappear in my school bag. I never knew how she did it but- but it fascinated me. I talked to mum and dad about it, how amazing it was but they just told me to stop talking and never talk about it again. Other than that… I have no idea.”
“Your- your parents- mother- did briefly mention that your great grandmother use to talk about it but she, as you said, put it down to her being batty in old age. Unfortunately for your grandmother- great grandmother, sorry- what she talked to you about was- in some cases, still is, true. Witches, all though now have safer places and are more widely accepted, they- we, are still at danger of being killed by witch hunters.
At the academy, Robichaux, we are safe, the Supreme is incredibly strong and capable of protecting us, and there are a number of other older witches who help too. But like most covens, we are stronger together than we are divided. We are here to protect and help new witches grow. With us you will have a new family who will never turn their back on you when you are in a time of need.”
Looking out the window it was just a blur of colours from the lights and neon signs that lit up the streets signalling that New Orleans night life was just waking up. “What do you do when you grow up licking poison off knives and now that you’re finally going to be in a situation where you're fed on milk and honey, all you can think about is running because something that sweet can’t be anything other than poison? What is that quote…
I don’t know how to stay tender-“
“with this blood in my mouth? Ophelia, act 4, scene 5. It is… appropriate considering your situation but… if I’m going off my impression of you, you are going to find it easy to continue being kind, even if you feel like you’re only good at hurting people. I can see that you have a good heart, Yn. Although my mother does tell me I’m not good at judging people.”
You smile shyly, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly “Thank you, Cordelia. I hope I can prove your mother wrong and be the good person that you think I am.” You return your gaze to look out the window, admiring the different colour lights you can see and how busy this part of the city was. “It’ll be nice finally having someone that believes in me. That believes I am good.”
“You will find that there will be others out there who will see goodness in you too. But- but even if there aren’t… Know that I see it.”
The rest of the drive was filled with light-hearted banter, the kind you would hear good friends throw back and forth. You wouldn’t consider you and Cordelia to be friends seeing as you two have only just met but you felt as though it wouldn’t take long until you were.
By the time you made it to the academy it was around midnight, the building was grand and imposing, it had this energy to it that gave off the distinct impression that if you tried damaging it in anyway you would be the one that came away worse off. There were lights that lit the pathway and entryway up which somehow managed to make the building all the more intimidating despite feeling perfectly safe.
You went to grab your backpack but Cordelia bet you to it. “I can carry my bag, you know that right? I don’t mind taking my own shit- stuff in. You’ve already saved me from whatever hell my parents were going to impose on me, the least I can do is take my own things inside.”
She shakes her head, a small smile tugging at her lips as she leads the way up the path “I’m sure you can, but you’re new here and you’ve also had a long day, it’s the least I can do for a new coven member.” You let out a dramatic groan as you follow after her, she opens the door and steps to the side to let you in before coming in after you and closing the door behind you both.
“It’s so quiet. Is it always this quiet? I can’t- Nevermind” You shove your hands in your jacket pockets, waiting for Cordelia to take you to where you can hopefully get some sleep.
“It’s only this quiet when the girls aren’t creating mischief and partying, as well as when my mother hasn’t been drinking, mind you, I haven’t seen her since she left to travel the world... You’ll grow to appreciate this rare moment of silence.” She gestures for you to follow her as she leads you up a grand staircase, leading you down a hall before opening a door to your left.
“It’s a small room but I doubt you’d want the girls harassing you with questions at this hour so we’ll move you into their room tomorrow if you would like? There’s drawers for your clothes, a small desk, and of course a bed. The bathroom is next door and if you want hot water I suggest waking up before 7 or else Madison will use it all up when she takes her hour long shower.”
You nod your head and thank her quietly, taking your backpack from her you step in the room, dumping your bag on the desk before moving to close the curtains. “Is- Is there anything else I can do for you before I let you get some rest?” You turn around to look at her before looking at the floor “Is- Is it okay if I turn some music on? I’ll have it quiet so it doesn’t disturb anyone. I just- I can’t sleep when it’s silent.”
Cordelia smiles softly, she finds it rather adorable that you can’t sleep unless there’s noise of some sort but she doesn’t want to embarrass you or herself by admitting this. “Of course you can. I will make sure- or try to get you a radio so you don’t have to play it through your phone. I’m sure it will be nice to hear music rather than the girls screaming at each other over who stole whose makeup. I- I wouldn’t mind hearing what you like listening to” your eyes shoot up to look at her, a blush settling on both your faces.
“I- uhm… I- Good- Good night, Yn. I’ll come see you in the morning so I can introduce you to the others at breakfast. Uhm… Let- let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help you settle in. Good night.” She rushes out, hoping that you don’t notice how flustered she got but also has a gut feeling that you did notice. She gives you a small wave before leaving quickly, the door closing behind her.
You let out a slow breath, feeling the exhaustion from the day hit you like a bat out of hell. You knew this made no sense seeing as you did nothing physical but apparently being kicked out of home for being a witch had the same effect as running a marathon, it left you broken and tired.
You remove most of your clothing, leaving just your shirt and underwear on before climbing into bed, taking one last glance at your phone to see if you have any messages or calls from anyone but unsurprisingly there weren’t any. You turn the volume up a bit so you can hear your music then put it on your small side-table before turning over and trying to sleep.
No matter where you stayed or how exhausted you were, the first night sleeping somewhere new was always the hardest night sleep you had. Nevertheless, you managed to get to sleep relatively quickly but staying asleep was where it became difficult; the days events were playing in this off-kilter manner, like they were somehow glitching and just playing that awful moment where your powers revealed themselves and you saw the look of fear then disgust in your parent’s eyes on loop. No matter how hard you tried to change what you were dreaming about, your dreams would always end up looping back to this.
“We can never have a fucking normal dinner when you’re involved, can we? There is always something going on with you. Last night it was because you wanted to have a glass of wine and ended up polishing the bottle off yourself. And now!? Now it’s because you’re some freak.”
“Honey, that’s not- you can’t call our daughter that. This time it isn’t her fault this happened. Yes last night was unpleasant but you certainly weren’t helping and now you’re berating the poor girl.”
“Oh? It’s my fault? So what, you’re defending our freak of a daughter?”
“No- No that’s not- I’m not defending her. Tonight was- is just- this is out of her control and ours.”
“Exactly. Out of our control. She’s always been like this. I’m going to go make a call to that academy place. See if they can fix her.”
“I don’t need fixing! I’m not broken!”
“You’re right, you’re not broken. Just defective.”
“Mom? Don’t make her leave. She helps me with my homework when you’re not home. Please. I’ll miss her if you make her-“
“Shut up. This isn’t for little children to discuss. Take your dinner to your room and eat there. This is the last time you’ll be seeing your sister.”
“No. Say your goodbyes now then go to your room.”
Your little brother gets out of his seat and walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your legs before hugging you tight, mumbling “I’ll miss you. Sorry mom and dad are making you leave. If- if it counts for something I- I don’t think you’re defective.”
You hug him back, giving his hair a ruffle before letting him go, a sad smile on both your faces. “I’ll see you again someday, kiddo. Be good.”
“Unlike you, your brother isn’t a disappointment to this family.”
You wake with a start upon a knocking on your door, you feel panic surge through you thinking it was your mother about to verbally berate you but then you hear a soft voice. “Yn? May I come in? I thought it best to discuss with you what happens in the morning before lessons start.” You feel your cheeks heat up and pull the duvet up to cover you as you sit up, “uhm yeah- yeah you can come in.”
The doorhandle turns and the door swings open, revealing a youthful Cordelia, her long blonde locks tied back in a ponytail; if you hadn’t known who she was, you would have thought an angel had lost its way, she was beautiful. You look away not wanting to get caught staring, suddenly finding the ceiling to be the most fascinating thing you’ve ever seen.
“Hey! Is that the new girl!? It’s the new girl! Co-“ Cordelia closes the door, shaking her head and letting out a quiet sigh before turning back to face you. “And here I was trying to make sure you would have a relatively peaceful morning, but it seems that the girls have other things in mind.”
You laugh lightly and shrug, “I’ll have to get use to it sooner or later so it’s alright.” She hums a bit, clasping her hands together at her waist. “So… We usually have breakfast together. Some mornings it’s a pleasant affair but then there are mornings where Madison decides to start drama…”
Cordelia trails off, a light blush colouring her cheeks “I- I probably shouldn’t talk like that but… there isn’t much point trying to sugar coat things. It was a lot worse when mother was staying here, as soon as she had some alcohol in her there is no stopping her. But that’s in the past anyway. She’s off traveling” she gestures vaguely with her hands “somewhere.”
You cover your mouth with your hand to stifle laughter, it seems like you’re not the only one who has a tempestuous relationship with their mother. “You’re not laughing at me, are you? It’s not a good look for a new student to laugh at her Headmistress.”
You bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing, it’s not that you were laughing at her but the situation in itself was pretty funny. “I- I’m not I swear” you manage to get out through little fits of laughter “It’s just funny that’s all.” She rolls her eyes but smiles “I doubt you’ll be laughing when mother has a fit and tosses you across the room. God… I really need her to stop doing that.”
Cordelia walks over to your curtains and opens them, flooding the small room with natural light, the golden and bubble-gum hues of the sunrise bringing life to the otherwise dull walls. “You’ll be fine. I doubt she’s returning home any time soon.”
She turns to look at you, a small smile on her face. “I should let you get dressed so you can get downstairs to have something to eat. I try getting breakfast over and done with before 10am but there are usually a few stragglers that appear later and pick at what’s left in the fridge. I’ll talk to the girls and try to get them to not hound you.”
You thank her and she makes her way over to the door, she rests her hand on the doorhandle, looking down before looking back at you. “I’m sorry that you came here because you had no other choice. I promise you that I won’t give up on you, regardless of what path you take in life.” She gives you a sad smile before leaving, the door closing quietly behind her.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Welcomed Distraction
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Word count: 1.7K
Warnings: Mentions of plotting murder but nothing else?
Author’s note: Welcome to fluff week! And here is how we're gonna start the week off. With a very Anti-Valentines day fic. What other way is there to start this holiday? XD I swear this is the only anti vday fic I have for this week. It is kinda Vday centered, so it's not like ya'll are missing out. Plus I needed this scenario. And I could only picture Damon for this so, here you go!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things
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Flires covered the halls with posters for the dance this weekend. The Bitter Ball was meant for all of those that were heartbroken could get together and express how much they hated Valentine's Day. Of course those that celebrated were going to be out on their dates, spending their time with their loved ones.
Y/N wouldn’t be going out on a fancy date. Nor would she be spending her time at the Bitter Ball. It wasn’t like she had recently experienced heartbreak that would make her want to attend the dance. She was just single.
She had tried proving several times that there was nothing wrong with it. But of course her friends had tried setting her up with someone days before, but it didn’t end up working out. And Y/N actually preferred that. Why spend the money to show off how much you love someone on one specific day.
This way she could stay home for the night. It meant she could stay in her pajamas and binge watch whatever was on Netflix that caught her interest. There was no need to get dressed up for anyone and that was how she wanted it. All that was needed was an assortment of junk food and a drink of her choice.
And it was as Y/N was getting ready to plop into her bed and begin watching a serial killer documentary when there was a knock at her door. For a brief moment, she thought of just ignoring it and climbing into bed. But the other part of her believed that if it was anyone had to come find her, it must have been important and left her room to go answer the door.
Her eyebrow raised as she took in Damon Salvatore standing on the opposite side. She could see he had obviously been dressed for the Bitter Ball. The all black outfit had given that away seeing as it was a requirement for it.
“You know, when I was told everyone was heading to the Bitter Ball, I was surprised not to see you there.” Damon said as he leaned against the doorframe.
“I’m not bitter.” Y/N said as she took a step back to allow him to enter her home. “I’m single. There’s a difference.”
“I doubt everyone that’s there isn’t exactly bitter.” He said as he walked in.
Y/N chuckled and shook her head. “Caroline is bitter.” She noted. “You on the other hand, I can't exactly figure out why you’d want to go to the anti-valentines day ball.”
It was his turn to chuckle. “A bitter heart tends to lead to nights of very entertaining activities.” A smirk pulled at his lips, causing her to roll her eyes. “I mostly went because I thought my partner in crime would be there to be miserable with me. But she wasn’t there and when I found her, she’s ready to veg out without so much as giving me an invite.”
Her eyebrow raised. “I never took you for wanting to stay in and just eat junk food while watching serial killer documentaries.”
“Not with just anyone.” He said with a shrug. “But with you, I’d do it.”
Y/N eyed him a moment. For as long as she had known the man standing in front of her, she had never just been content to just sit there and watch documentaries. After a few seconds she nodded her head. “100 says you’ll get bored and start complaining about some of the cases.”
Damon laughed and shook his head. “That’s a bet I’ll take and even win.”
“Somehow I doubt that.” She said with a shake of her head as she began making her way back towards her room with him in tow.
As they both had settled into Y/N’s bed, Damon had every intention of winning the bet. If it meant he could spend some time with Y/N, he was going to do so. At least that was until they got some details wrong about a case that he had personally had a part in and that seemed to irk him.
A smirk had pulled at Y/N’s lips as she watched him from the corner of her eye. She could see the way his face either scrunched up in disbelief at the facts that had been pouring out of the narrator. Or even the way he sat up straighter and crossed his arms over his chest. It was in complete contrast to how laidback and comfortable Y/N had been.
“Just admit it, you’re ready to complain.” Y/N said as she never took her eyes off the tv.
Damon shook his head. “Never. Just really getting into this amazing documentary with all the wrong facts.”
Y/N laughed and stuck out her hand towards him. “That was a complaint. And I’ll take my money now.”
“That was not a complaint.” He said shaking his head as he looked over at her. “That was merely an observation.”
“An observation, my ass.” She chuckled. “That was a complaint on how they have the wrong information.”
“One would say that’s an observation that they gave credit to a serial killer, when in fact it was a Vampire.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“What other observations do you have to voice?” She asked with a raised brow knowing she was about to win the bet.
“For one, they managed to say this guy had over 50 victims when, let’s be honest is more like 10 and was given credit for some that were not in fact his.” Damon continued on with every ‘observation’ he noticed during the first hour of what they’ve seen.
It was as Y/N rolled over on her stomach and propped her head on her fist, and a small smirk pulled at her lips that Damon realized he had gone into a full blown tangent on just how wrong the documentary had been. He had stopped mid sentence and took in her position and shook his head.
“Fine, you win.” He said with a roll of his eyes.
She began laughing away at his reaction and her laughter grew at seeing the slightest pout form on his lips. Damon was the one that usually won bets against a lot of people. But when it came to Y/N, she somehow won them. Even when her odds were against her.
The group used to say that was her supernatural ability. To be able to make bets go in her favor. But Y/N was as ordinary as they came. She wasn’t a relative of anyone special, she wasn’t descended from any kind of witch coven or royalty. She was as human as they came and she preferred that.
The moment the laughter died down, Damon watched her for a moment. “Want to talk about it?” He asked, keeping his attention on her.
His words hadn’t caught her off guard. She had been expecting them from the moment he had shown up at her door. But even then, her face fell and she looked away from him as she thought about it.
She may not have been bitter, but Y/N had gone through a bad heartbreak almost a year ago. One that left her broken in a way she’d never believed she would ever feel. That had been before she met the Salvatores and found out about the world she now lived in. While her friends had known about it, they always tried to get her back on the horse. But she never had been ready to do it.
“I don’t think I am.” She said with a shake of her head. “One day I’ll be able to talk about it without reliving it.” Even as she spoke of it now, she felt an emotion bubbling within her. “That time is just not right now.”
Damon laid back on the bed so that he was leveled with her. “You know I could always make him some serial killer’s next victim.”
Y/N chuckled and shook her head. “I think that would complete your previous offers of compelling, eating him and ripping his heart out.”
He smirked. “Just say the word, point me in the right direction and it’s done. No questions asked.”
“I’m surprised someone hasn’t done it already.” Knowing her friends, she was expecting it. Especially with the way everyone went behind each other’s backs from time to time to make sure they were safe.
“Oh, we’ve been tempted.” He said with a nod. “Okay, mostly me, but that’s because I'm impulsive and usually don’t care what other people say.”
“What stopped you this time?” She asked, curious. As Damon had said, he did things without thinking. And the fact that he had thought about doing so from time to time and not actually doing it had surprised Y/N.
“Because, believe it or not, while I’m impulsive and do things behind the backs of the people I care about, I don’t think I’d be able to handle your reaction afterwards.” He nodded his head. “I can handle everyone else being angry with me, or even hating me for a period of time, but I don’t think I could handle it coming from you.”
Y/n nodded her head as she took in his words. “I don’t think I could hate you, Damon. You could go out there and kill him tonight without me knowing and I still wouldn’t hate you for it. I’d probably thank you in the morning once I found out.”
“Well,” He said with a smirk pulling at his lips. “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard someone be okay with murder.”
She chuckled as she pointed towards the still playing documentary. “It would be interesting to see what details they’d get wrong when you’re the culprit.”
While she may have been only slightly joking, the whole conversation had distracted her from the hurt that she had been secretly hiding from the others. Planning out a revenge with a vampire was the last thing she had been expecting to do tonight. But the way it happened showed she was getting better.
Because creating a hypothetical murder scene with a vampire is just the next step of the healing process.
Always and Forever Tags:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @mrs-jackson-kenner @hellotvshowtrash @dpaccione @dumble-daddy @theactressstaringinyourbaddream @maldita-world @nikmikaelsonswife @mikaelson-emma @elijahs-wife @moon-child-writer @xoxo-nikki-xoxo @njeancastro316
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