#am i currently laughing at lottie?
daisyblog · 7 months
We Made It
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN and Harry's unexpected suprise.
For a week or so, Harry had noticed some changes with YN. She was crying at pretty much everything, like the other night tears were streaming down her face because they’d ran out of her favourite chocolate. 
In the last few days Harry had noticed that YN was saying she was tired a lot, almost sleeping the minute her head hit the pillow. She was complaining of having headaches and feeling nauseas. 
At first they thought it may have been a bug or something and her body needing a break. But something no one else would have noticed, but Harry knew YN’s body better than he knew his own, was that her breasts looked bigger. And that’s when the thoughts started swirling around in his head. 
At first he thought he may have been over reacting, but as the days passed and the symptoms had only gotten worse, he had a feeling he was right. 
Harry and YN had just finished packing for their weekend trip up North to watch Louis’ shows in Sheffield and Manchester. YN practically collapsed on the bed, complaining how tired she was, despite the fact that they hadn’t done much knowing how busy their weekend was about to be. 
Harry was in the en suite, and as he finished washing his hands at the sink he quickly looked to see if YN still had the tests in the cupboard. He was hesitant to say anything but it had been on his mind for a while, and he needed to know. 
“Hey babe!” Harry walked into their bedroom, with the test in his hand. “I think you need to take this.”
Harry held the test out towards her, but YN froze at the sight of a  pregnancy test. “What..why-why do-“.
“Babe, you’re feelings sick, you’re struggling to stay awake” Harry began to list the few symptoms, before adding another with a cheeky grin “And…those” he gestured towards her chest “are fucking massive”.
Even in this situation, YN couldn’t help but laugh at Harry’s cheeky comment, a loud giggle leaving her lips. “Do you really think I could be?”.
Harry shrugged his shoulders, “There’s only one way to find out”.
After peeing on the two sticks, YN sat them on the counter in front of them both. Taking YN into his arms, Harry left a soft loving peck to her temple. He had deja vu from when they had been in this situation before, waiting for the results of their future.
Breaking the silence, Harry’s timer on his phoned buzzed, letting them know that the three minutes was up. Not being able to wait any longer, they both reached for a stick each.
Both not believing what they were looking at, their eyes found each others. Eyes wide, mixed with excitement and nerves. “I’m pregnant”.
“We’re having a baby!” Harry pulled YN into his arms, holding her tight and covering her face with kisses, giggles leaving her lips as he did.
Almost like all the emotions had hit her at once, tears threatened to spill from her eyes. “I feel so overwhelmed.” YN admitted as she wiped the tear that slipped down her cheek.
“Hey, it’s okay…it’s normal to feel all these emotions.” Harry reached to wipe her cheek as another tear appeared. “I am so so happy…but I am absolutely fucking terrified”.
“You don’t need to be, you’re going to be the best Dad to this little one” YN complimented, his dimples appearing at her words. 
“And you’re going to be the best Mum.” Harry spoke, moving a loose piece of hair from her face. “Because you literally had the best.”
At his words, the tears poured. YN always knew how hard it would be if she were ever to become a Mum without her own by her side, but the reality of it had it her suddenly. She remembers Lottie feeling the same way and Phoebe, who too was currently pregnant. But now she see’s how Lottie’s light is back on and that’s all down to Lucky. 
For the rest of the night, Harry and YN laid together under the sheet, talking, crying and wondering who the little life was hiding away in her tummy. 
They had discussed wanting to keep it a secret until they had been for their scan and knew their little one was healthy and how far along YN was. But they had agreed on telling one person each about their news. It hadn’t taken them long to decide on who their person was going to be.
YN would have loved nothing more but to run to her Mum and share the news because again, her Mum would have been the best Nana. She had seen first hand how much she loved Freddie but sadly she accepted that would never be able to have that moment. She knew her Mum was by her side everyday, she could feel her and she knew she had sent her this little baby. 
So who else would YN turn to? Louis of course. Louis was not only YN’s brother, but her best friend too. They were one of a kind for siblings, growing up they bickered like any brother and sister would but as they got older they realised how important they were to each other. Louis protected her and YN worshiped the ground he walked on. Louis was the person YN looked to for advice, or to share an achievement with and the person who she wanted to go to when times were good and not so good. 
They had decided to share their news with Louis at his Sheffield show. They had travelled up the morning of the show and stopping at her grandparents house because that’s where they were staying that evening. YN found it hard not to let their little secret slip to her Nan, especially after she hugged her and the older woman said “There’s something different about you…you’re extra happy.”.
To be able to see Louis before everyone arrived, Harry and YN headed to the arena before the rest of her family as they were still waiting for Lottie, Lewis and Lucky to arrive. 
They had found Louis in his dressing room enjoying a few moments of silence, before the busy night ahead. The sound of the door opening caused Louis head to turn and his smile immediately showed.
“Oh here they are, c’mere” Louis stood from his place and motioned for YN to him. Wrapping his arms around her, swaying slightly, telling her how much he’d missed her. “Well someone’s chirpy today.”
“Fook off Lou” YN laughed as she sat down in the seat that Louis was just using. Louis and Harry sitting down on the sofa opposite.
“Excited for tonight?” Harry asked Louis, knowing exactly how he was feeling. But it was a nice feeling knowing Harry got to be apart of the crowd tonight and a fan, instead of the one entertaining. 
“I’m fookin’ buzzin’ man…just can’t wait to get out there.” Louis spoke quickly, the excitement surrounding him and evident in his tone.
“I have the best idea!” YN announced, emphasising the word best. Both boys turning their heads with unimpressed expressions, wondering what she was going to suggest. “You should both sing a One Direction so-“.
Louis interrupted her idea before she could finish. “And this is the reason why I kicked you out of the group chat you made for us”.
“Yeh that was fookin’ rude.” YN bit back, Harry shaking his head knowing that this could go back and forth all day. Instead picking up the gift bag that they had brought with them. “Babe, why don’t you give this to Louis?” He suggested, trying to change the topic. 
Taking the bag from Harry, she passed it to Louis with no further explanation. Louis looked between the pair, a frown written all over his face because he didn’t understand why they were giving him a gift. “Whot’s this for?”.
“Just open it!” YN smiled, encouraging her brother to open the box. She was excited for Louis’ reaction, but at the same time nervous because his opinion meant the most to her.
Louis reached in the bag and lifted out a plain white box, still looking at his sister and Harry with a frown. As he opened the box, he was met with a card and what he knew was a plain beige baby grow. Louis stared at the words, YN and Harry eager for his reaction. 
“No fookin’ way!” Louis eyes found YN. “You’re not!”. 
YN nodded softly, “I am”.
“I can’t believe it…fookin’ ‘ell Nan and Grandad need a bigger house for Christmas’ don’t they?” Louis joked at the realisation that their house was already full, and now two of his sisters were pregnant. 
“Are you happy?” YN asked, a spot of nervousness in her voice. Something Harry or Louis didn’t see often. 
“Happy…I’m fookin’ buzzin’ Tiny!” Louis was quick to wrap his arms around his sister once more. “You’re gonna be the best Mum and you deserve this more than anyone!”.
At his words, YN hugged Louis tighter as the tears ran down her cheeks. Those words meant the most coming from Louis because she knew it was from the heart. 
“And you c’mere man.” Louis gestures towards Harry, both pulling each other in for a brotherly hug. “Congratulations man…it’s the best feeling in the world and you’re gonna be the best Dad”.
“Thanks mate” Harry squeezed Louis and tapped his hand on his back, again appreciating the kind words.
It was no secret that Harry was a mama’s boy. Anne absolutely adored her children and vice versa. She always showed so much love, thought and kindness to everyone around her. Anne was the person that Harry turned to for everything, from happy times to sad times, she was his go to person. Since the passing of her Mum, she had taken YN under her arms like she was one of her own, giving her the motherly love she dearly missed. So obviously Harry wanted to tell his Mum the exciting news.
After watching Louis show last night, they had all hung out backstage eating pizza and very much enjoying some family time. But the next morning, Harry and YN travelled to Anne’s to spend the day with her, and to tell her the news, before they headed to Manchester to Louis’ show, Anne included. 
Anne greeted them both with a warm cuddle, as she opened the front door, welcoming them in. Like every time Harry came home, he went straight to the fridge to see what he could find. Anne made them all a cup of tea whilst they chatted. 
As they all sat in the cosy living room, the fire burning in the background. Anne looked at YN with a soft smile. “Are you alright my love, you look exhausted?” Noticing the dark circles that sat beneath her eyes.
YN glanced at Harry, knowing that this would probably the best time to tell her the news. Harry coughed into his hand, clearing his throat as a smile threatened to appear. “Uh, Mum, we’re…we have some news”.
Anne looked worried, especially because for once she couldn’t read Harry or YN’s expressions. “You’re scaring me”.
Harry and YN smiled at each other, knowing that once the words are spoken, Anne was going to be ecstatic. “Well… you know how Gemma’s pregnant?” Harry spoke the words casually, a smile threatening to show.
“Yes?” Anne’s eyes flicked between Harry and YN. “Wait…are you?”. At the realisation, her hands covered her mouth, hiding her shocked expression. YN and Harry laughing and smiling at her reaction, already knowing how much love Anne was going to give to their baby. “Are you…you’re pregnant?”.
With a smile on her lips, her cheeks hurting from the action, YN nodded. Anne got up from her seat and pulled YN into her arms, as tears ran down both their cheeks at the special moment. After hugging Harry and getting emotional again at the thought of her own baby with his own baby, Anne sat down in her seat as she rubbed underneath her eyes. 
“Oh I’m so happy, I can’t believe it” Anne repeated throughout the day, still in shock that she was not only going to be a Grandmother, but a Grandma to two little babies. Although she had agreed to keep the news to herself, she knew it was going to be difficult not to shout it from the roof tops.
Harry had always been protective over YN since they began dating, especially when it came to being out in public. But Anne doesn’t miss the way he’s right behind her on her every move, as they walk through the back entrance of the arena. The way he hold her hand a little tighter or how tense his shoulders get when someone hugs YN a light too tight. Anne can only put that down to the precious cargo YN is currently carrying. 
But what brought a tear to Anne’s eye was when she saw Harry’s hand discreetly on YN’s tummy, as he hugged her from behind whilst Louis sang “‘cause we made it”. 
They really had made it, and now it was their turn for a little happiness. It was a bittersweet time for Anne because she wished a special person was standing by her side to share this special moment with. 
Tag List: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl @buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream
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abibliophobiaa · 9 months
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Chapter Seven Preview: Tumble
chapter coming 9/12 @ 7:00pm EST —
The movie, fortunately enough, ended soon thereafter, the room descending into silence as the instructor pushed the television away and settled down onto her own mat, her hands clasped together in her lap, a too-wide smile on her face for someone who just watched the miracle of life in all its fullness seconds ago.
“Well, now. Wasn’t that beautiful? The strength and tenacity of the women in our lives, so fully displayed through the blessed agony of childbirth.”
“Blessed…agony?” Eddie asked, chuckling from behind you, making you snort.
“Is there something funny about that?” Heidi asked, blue eyes flashing up to Eddie’s face. The other couples about the room shifted to look as he lifted a hand and rubbed it against the back of his neck. “Your lovely partner here — I am assuming she is your partner — will be enduring that same process in a few months. Will it be funny then?”
“I…uh…well…no?” Eddie stammered, hear burning red at the tops of his cheeks.
“I didn’t think so,” she said, tipping her head back and resuming, “Now, for this next portion of the class I would like for us to start on our hands and knees, with our partners behind us.”
“What the fuck did Chrissy sign us up for?” you whisper hissed up at Eddie, getting into proper positioning, earning a shrug. “Blessed agony of childbirth? Does she not realize my downstairs is about to be ripped wide open like the Red Sea?”
“Sweetheart,” he chuckled a little nervously, knees carrying him across the mat until his hips settled behind you, the heat of him making you bite your bottom lip, stifling a tiny moan. He gave an experimental roll against your backside at your reaction, the rest of the room still busying themselves with getting settled. Eddie’s smug grin when you looked over your shoulder made you grimace. “Are you seriously horny right now?”
“I will kill you,” you barked out, though there was no anger there, only pure want.
“In early labor, I like this position for alleviating back pain. And it’s here we are going to focus on belly breathing. Partners, you can assist by counting, as well as running your hand along their back, lower spine. Anywhere that will bring comfort to your partner as they breathe through their contractions.”
“Pretty sure my partner will be within an inch of punching me in the dick for knocking her up, but okay, Heidi,” Eddie whispered near your ear as Heidi began counting you through your first long inhale and exhale, your body rising and falling with the deep breath.
You broke off into a fit of giggles, earning a harsh glare from the woman. “You two seem to be having an awfully good time back there.”
You swallowed, paused in your current breath as Eddie’s hand playfully swatted your backside. You nearly elbowed him, cheeks hurting from your grin. “I’ve heard laughing is good during labor?” You shrugged in explanation.
tag list: @aurora-austen @lottie-90 @rustboxstarr @daisyridleyyyy @eggo-segual @corrodedseraphine @kjcmama @trixyvixx @lezzy-bennet @aysheashea @siriuslysmoking @micheledawn1975 @ali-r3n @ilovetaquitosmmmm @vintagehellfire @hideoutside @pbs-theundeadmaggot @smells-like-teenwolf @squidscottjeans @royale1803 @marcysbear @josephquinnsfreckles @definitionwanderlust @plk-18 @lma-1986
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beaker1636 · 4 months
P is for Pearl Necklace - Vinny
AN: What's that? Double update today! Happy Smutty Saturday!
The next day at band practice the guys are all laughing at Chris, finding it hilarious that it was an accidental thing that made him lose his round.  Rick cracking a joke about how you’d think that Chris was the youngest member, the one who still lacks self control, earning him a water bottle thrown at him by Chris.
Vinny laughs watching the scene unfold, but refuses to pitch in with making fun of his singer, not wanting to make the man upset with him because it’s his turn to get a letter and he doesn’t want to make him go any harder on himself than he already could be.  He knows that sometimes it's better to shut his mouth, to keep quiet and that right now is one of those moments. Plus he’s focused on everything that is happening right now, the practice they are supposed to be having despite the fact that half the group is goofing around.  They haven’t played together in a couple weeks and need this before their performance at the festival tomorrow.
He is so glad when he hears Chris say something about focusing on practice, getting everyone back on track so that they can continue to work through things before tomorrow, luckily the festival is in PA so they don’t have to travel far for it, and can all spend the night in their beds.  In fact it has become a little thing, all of the girls have decided they are going to go as well so that it can be a fun little trip for everyone together.  
And now they are practicing again, Vinny in his element as he focuses on what he is currently doing, something that makes him comfortable.  He honestly just wants to get this done so he can go home, rest before they are stuck on the road tomorrow.  Luckily they finish running through the set list and feel comfortable enough to end it for the day, helping the crew load up everything on the trailer and now they’re just sitting around, having something to eat before they all leave.  
Chris stops after taking a sip of his water before glancing towards Vin.  “I’m in a decent mood right now so I’ll go easy on you, Pearl Necklace. Nothing that crazy or hard… mostly so you are well rested tomorrow.”
“Why does everything I get always have to do with oral? I swear to god, altoids, face sitting, now this…. “ Vin grumbles, looking down at his box of chinese food with a grimace. “I mean I guess it could be worse, it’s not like she’s never blown me but”
“You’re complaining all you have to do is get head.. Are you fucking nuts?” Ryan asks with a grumble, unable to believe it.  Why would Vinny complain he got something easy, what the actual hell is wrong with him?
“No, I’m just… I am glad I haven’t gotten anything crazy but I feel like I am missing out on some of the fun I guess..” Vinny answers honestly.
“Be glad….” Chris says with a grumble, thinking about last night again as he takes another bite of his food with a sigh.  “Okay, anyway, tomorrow just show me a photo of her necklace, yeah? You can hide her face and shit like just a close up but I want to see it to know you did it.” 
“Of course that is how you want me to prove it you pervert,” Vinny says with a groan, moving to throw his empty containers away before walking out for the night, ready to just head home.
“Hey Lot,” Vin says as he makes his way into the house towards you, glad that you may not have officially moved in but you are pretty much living with him regardless.  He loves getting to come home to you at night whether it be your apartment or his.
He gives you a kiss, one of his hands resting on your cheek for a moment before he looks at you with a smile.  You still have your makeup on from work, look so pretty right now to him.  You always do but right now more than usual, maybe it's because you look so happy right now compared to how you have been lately, he isn’t sure but he loves it.
“You look beautiful tonight Lottie, I-I’m not sure what’s different about you today but you do look great tonight,” he says, leaving a kiss on your forehead while he pulls you into a hug for a moment, wanting to be close to you. 
“You sure you’re not just sucking up for your next letter?” You tease, knowing that isn’t what this is.  Here lately the two of you are closer than ever and it is honestly nice, the little trip has seemed to help and allowed both of you to express your true thoughts and feelings, brought you even closer together. 
“Well that too, but no, you genuinely look wonderful today.  I like it when you look happy, you always look beautiful but more so when you are happy.” He says with a smile before pulling away from you, leaving a slight squeeze on your ass through your jeans with a chuckle when you look annoyed.
“Go take a shower sweaty, then you can tell me your letter and we can get started yeah? Considering we all have a long drive tomorrow it’s probably better than waiting okay?” You ask, glancing at him for a moment. 
When he nods and starts to walk away you smile at him, happy that he seems to be in a good mood, that he is happy himself.  You were worried practice might not go well after a few weeks off, but it must have because he seems to be having a decent day. It makes you happy to see him in a decent mood, he looks cute when he's happy. 
You settle in his bedroom, taking a seat on the bed, reading while you wait for him to finish his shower. You get distracted while you wait, not realizing that he has finished his shower until he takes a seat next to you.  
Damp hair, in a clean pair of boxers and nothing else… fuck, your boyfriend is attractive like this. Or is that just the fact the romance novel you were reading just had a really smutty scene you just finished… or both?  Either way you shamelessly check out your boyfriend where he sits next to you, not caring if he notices.
“Like what you see?” He asks, a smirk playing on his lips as you look over at him.  Catching you in the act as you let your eyes run over his body. Instantly making you flush and glance away, caught.
“Maybe I do, have a problem with that?” you ask, trying to sound more confident than you currently feel.
“I’d say do something about it… wait, I never told you what our letter is.  Chris was pretty generous, it's just a pearl necklace, and I know you know what that means because of the books you read.  Thing is.. After I give it to you I have to take a photo to show him.” He says, fingers ghosting along your thigh that is barely covered by the shorts you have on.
“Hmmm, okay.  I’m game,” you respond, settling yourself on your knees in front of him.  Looking up at him as you slowly ghost your hands over his little bit of the bulge that is starting to grow.  “It’s me paying you back for our letter F huh?”
You tease, lightly slipping your fingers underneath the band of his boxers enough to feel it but not enough to actually touch him, wanting to toy with him a little bit.  You’re feeling confident for once and it definitely shows.  You decide to lighty run your fingers along his length as you slowly slide his boxers down his thighs, your eyes watching his as you do.
You smile, realizing he's already hard for you and you’ve barely touched him. He’s always really responsive, ready to go for you and you love it.  Love that you don’t have to try that hard to make him want you.  You can feel his eyes on you as your hand wraps around him, lightly stroking him to bring him standing the rest of the way before you lower your head.  You tongue leaves teasing trails down the length of him before you then circle the head with it a couple times.  Happy when you hear him groan softly as you tease him, letting you know that you are getting to him, which is your goal.
“I’m getting to you aren’t I?” You ask, watching him as you continue to tease him.  
“Fuck baby, yeah you are,” he says softly, one of his hands threading in your hair to pull it back from your face so he can see you easier.
You finally wrap your lips around him as you slowly take more of him, moving a bit lower along his length as you slowly bob your head, not quite giving him enough and knowing it.  You want to see how far you can push him before he gets rougher with you, gets annoyed and takes over.  
The answer is not much, because he slowly uses his hand that is in your hair to gently push you down further, making you take all of him as you try to relax around him, gagging slightly but trying to control it the best you can for him as he slowly uses his hold to help you move along his length, but not enough to make it uncomfortable.  You still have a majority of the power here as you do as he wants, him not taking control from you quite yet but you hope that changes soon.
“Can I?” He asks you, you know exactly what he is asking and nod.  Backing away from him slightly so he has room to stand up and do what he wants to with you, you are just as excited about it as he is.
This time when you take him back in your mouth his hand in your hair holds you in place as he starts to rock his hips, working himself as he sees fit in your mouth, slowly at first but then going harsher.  Knowing that you can take his cock like a good girl and let him fuck your face with it as he sees fit.
“You look so pretty like that, tears running down your face as you try not to choke around me,” he praises, his thrusts getting harsher, finding himself growing closer.
There's something about seeing you down on your knees, so willing to let him use you for what he needs, how he sees fit that makes you that much more attractive to him.  Makes him want this that much more.
Eventually he stalls when he pulls you all the way down on him, able to feel your throat swallowing around him on instinct for a moment before pulling back, watching you closely as you choke on him.  Knowing that he has this power of you right now, you’re letting him do this.   That’s all it takes for him to fully go for it, now chasing his high as it grows closer and closer as he uses you, thrusting rather harshly now as he hits his end.  Quickly pulling out of you and holding your head back so that he can finish against your throat, meeting his end of the deal as he watches it slowly start to run down your body. Realizing he still needs his photo as proof he quickly takes the photo and then runs off to find you something to clean yourself off with, helping you do so as you move to sit on the bed. 
He also has a second damp washcloth that he uses to help you clean up the makeup that's now running down your cheeks from when you eyes were watering while you worked him over.  He gently takes the rag and does it to help you, wanting to help take care of you like you did for him. 
Sometimes it amazes you when he does this, how he can go from being rather harsh with you to so gentle in just a few moments but that is a part of why you love him. That he can go back and forth with you and keep you on your toes, be harsh with you and then remind you that he loves you. 
When he’s done cleaning you up one of his hands settles on your thigh again, slowly tracing patterns on it as he trails it up, glancing at you.
“Your turn.”
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ultralightpoe · 4 months
Pinky Promises - Chapter Two
Authors Note: Another Part in the series is up, I am very excited for their story.
Word Count: 8532
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-Main Masterlist -
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October 13th, 1977 - Thursday 
“Both of you need to be on your best behavior.” Charlotte Fraser warns, watching as the two children in front of her give each other wide smiles that she knows firsthand will only cause trouble. “You hear me?” 
They nod, staring blankly back at her before turning to each other and giving that same smile once more. Before she can call them on it another figure emerges in the kitchen, limping slightly as she laughs at the scene before her. 
“Lottie, dear. They are just getting ready for the day. Take it easy on them.” Nana defends, coming to kiss her granddaughter's head lightly. “Are we doing pancakes for the birthday girl then?” 
Everyone blinks, and Steve watches as Lottie tries coming up with an answer to her mothers question. But Ollie is quick to beat them too it. 
“We already ate breakfast Nana. I wanted you to sleep because you stayed up late making my dress.” She smiles, spinning to show her the work she had done. “Thank you so much by the way.” 
Nana blinks, looking at the clock before realizing what time it is and nodding slowly. “Right. I must have overslept. Silly me. Alright. Let me say goodbye at least.” 
She kisses Ollie’s head, and then kisses Steves before limping off to find where Wiley ran off to in an effort to flee from his father and school. The second she turns the corner Lottie bends down to fix Ollie’s dress a bit and wipe some of the hair out of her daughter's hair. “You’re such a pretty birthday girl. Let’s get you to school.” 
Steve watches in silence as Ollie runs to grab her backpack and Charlotte wipes the tears before everyone is being ushered out the door. 
“I have your gift.” He mumbles to Ollie on the way to the car. “I’m giving it to you later.” 
“Are you going to have dinner over here tonight?” 
“My mom is going out with an old friend so yeah. That and I want to come celebrate your birthday.” 
“I know.” She smiles, leaning to hug him. “You’re my best friend.” 
“You're my best friend.” He sighs, hugging her back, nerves filling his body. 
October 13th, 1983 - Thursday 
“I am so irritated with you right now I can’t even begin to describe it.” Cece snaps, her hand slamming into the locker next to the one Via currently stood in front of, shuffling through to find her lighter as her friend went on a rant. “It’s not even worth arguing over.” 
“Good because-“ 
“You know what? I changed my mind. It is worth arguing over because how dare you? How. Dare. You.” The brunette seethes, eyes narrowing as Via’s fingers finally wrap around the lighter and drag it out from the abyss of a locker. “I’ve been your best friend for how many years now?” 
“4 I believe. Might be 5.” 
“And this is the treatment I get?” 
“Okay, let me get this straight. You’re mad at me because I accepted a shift tonight? I need money and Thursday nights are the best since it’s just a bunch of middle schoolers and their parents.” Via mumbles, exhaustion coating her every movement. It had been a rough couple nights, spent unable to sleep and so she crammed herself in that tiny desk and tried drawing or painting until she got tired enough to pass out at the desk until her father woke her up for school. All. Week. 
“It’s your birthday, Olivia.” A couple people turn their heads to them at the tone which makes Via panic and shush her. 
“Not so loud. Alaska can probably hear you.” They glare at each other for a moment, both unwilling to give up on their stances. 
Finally, with a growl of frustration, Cece stomps her heel into the ground. “We should be celebrating tonight Via.” 
“I need to work.” Via huffs, rolling her shoulders to release some of the tension that had built up. “Besides, Hartson wasn’t really offering it. It was more of a ‘I need this shift covered so do it’. And so I agreed.”
“He can’t do that. That’s not legal is it? He can’t do that.” 
“I’m not sure but it’s already been done so who cares-“ Before she can finish her sentence a body shoves into her, wrapping her in a hug that sends them both careening into the lockers by them. 
“Gareth.” It’s a warning enough, but the brown haired boy doesn’t listen to Eddie and continues hugging Via with a big smile. 
“You smell like fish.” She scoffs, trying to push him away. 
“It’s my new deodorant. I call it sweat.” The fool smiles, lifting his armpit for her to smell which leads to her gasping and pushing him harshly. In their little scuffle they both accidently push into another figure that had been at her locker. 
A soft grunt of pain could be heard as Barb dropped the books she was holding, making the group in front of her stop quickly. 
“I’m sorry.” Gareth blushes, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as Barb nods, doing her best not to make eye contact. 
Relatively Barb and the group before her sat at the same rank on the food chain of this school, barely making it by with Tommy Hagan. And yet their groups sat on opposite sides. 
Via and her friends were considered ‘burnouts’ whilst Barb was considered….a ‘goody two shoes’ not that there was anything wrong with that. But it’s safe to say they all normally avoided each other. 
“We didn’t mean to do that.” Via confirms, bending down to grab the books for her as the redhead keeps nodding. 
“No it was me. I was in the way.” Barb tries a laugh, grabbing the books back from Vias outstretched hand slowly. 
“Hey I saw you in the hall the other day while I was ditching. You told the teacher the wrong way when they asked where I went.” Eddie smiles, and Via watches in real time as her cousin does what he does best. Break tension and make people feel comfortable. “That was totally cool. You rock for that.” 
Barb's face turns a deep red as she ducks her head a bit, fighting off a smile. “Oh that was nothing.” 
“And that top is extremely cute.” Cece smiles, reaching forward to feel one of the ruffles between her fingers. “Have you ever seen Vogue magazine? It’s got a top that looks a lot like this-“
“I just got it from my moms closet if I’m being honest.” Barb admits. “It’s hard finding sweaters that fit me sometimes.” 
“Oh here we go.” Eddie rolls his eyes, watching Cece’s face light up with excitement as Gareth groans out when she shoves him out of the way to get closer to Barb. 
“I can make you something out of any sweaters you don’t like anymore. I actually think you would look so good in-“ As she starts going on and on Gareth groans again and Eddie reaches out to shove him and give him a death glare as Via shuffles to make her escape. 
She normally waits until her free period to sneak out and smoke near the track field, it was the perfect time of day to do so. No student or teacher traffic, she didn’t have to worry about missing class and got the perfect amount of silence to work in her sketchbook. Not that she needed silence, she just liked letting her thoughts run free without anyone near. 
She would miss math class, and her dad won’t like that call when he gets it later but she’ll say she wasn’t feeling well and lie about going to the nurse. It was her birthday after all. So she takes a sharp breath in and walks through the halls while patting her jacket to make sure she had everything she needed before taking the side exit out of the school and heading to the weird alley left between the gym building and the main building. 
The gravel digs into her legs as she sits on the ground, shuffling around to get comfortable as best she could before dragging out her sketchbook and lighting a cigarette as she begins working. 
Via liked to follow her instincts when it came to art, she trusted her imagination more than anything else, and it had never really caused a problem before. If a project wasn’t working then she moved on to the next. 
But this one had been killing her, and she had no clue why. 
It was a rough sketch, shadowed figures all huddled in the forest. There were four young boys, and Via kept seeing images of her brother flash in her mind as she detailed them out before she finally gave up and focused on the fifth figure but that was the thing that caught her the most. 
She couldn’t tell if she had been drawing a boy or a girl, the images flashing in her mind were always hazy and undistinguished and yet it was so clear. The hospital gown that reached their knees, torn a bit on the right. The hair cut short, a sort of buzzcut that reminded her of Eddie back when he was in middle school. The nose was bleeding, but there was something on the wrist that she could never make out. A tattoo of sorts that-
“Are you smoking?!” An angry voice snaps her attention quickly, she had been so involved in the sketch that she didn’t even hear the person exit the gym, a soft curse falling from her lips as panic claims her, making her drop the cigarette to the ground desperate to stomp it out until she sees Steve there with his hands on his hips. “Really, Ollie?!”
“Someone needs to put a bell on you.” She snaps, her skin flush with heat as she tries to glare at him while he shakes his head gently. His face is puckered between amusement and shock, his eyes bright with something that makes Via nervous. “What? You going to run and snitch on me now?”
“First you shoplift-”
“So did you.”
“And now you’re smoking on school property. What? You buy eyeliner and suddenly feel like a bad girl?” His tone is teasing, but Via stays on edge. Teasing probably means his friends were soon to follow and she would become the butt of the joke. 
She had to get out of here. Her eyes narrow in on his slow shuffling, like he was trying to move closer without her knowing. His shoulders tense and he is messing with the white towel balled up between his hands as he begins looking everywhere but her. 
Without another thought she grabs the handle to her bag, keeping her sketchbook gripped in her hand as she gets ready to jump up and scram. 
“Don’t you know those cause cancer?” He asks after an awkward moment of silence passes, laughing a little under his breath. She goes rigid, turning to glare at him rather than her exit. 
“So does your hairspray, you don’t hear me raggin on ya.” 
“My hairspray does not cause cancer.” He argues, eyes snapping to hers. “It is completely safe to use-”
“That’s such a lie, Harrington.” His face falls slightly at the last name, blinking as he nods. “What? I offend your hair?”
“I just can’t get used to my last name.” He admits, shrugging a bit. 
“You’ve had it since you were born.” 
“Yeah but you never used it.” And the silence that follows that sentence is deafening, it settles between them like a wall and Steve inhales quickly. “I just figured you would be the most cautious about cancer and-”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She snaps, sitting up quickly as his eyes widen in fear. 
“It wasn’t supposed to mean anything-”
“You really want to bring up my nana, you little shit?!” 
“I’m a little shit?! You’re a little gremlin!”
“Oh I’m a gremlin now?! Listen here you half baked ken doll, you are the most annoying person on this earth. You walk into a room and your ego sucks out all the air in it!” She stands to be at his height, the sketchpad dropping from her hand. 
He’s quick to snatch it up, when she moves to snatch it back he turns his back to her and keeps it away. “If I’m a half baked Ken doll then you're a metal melted barbie.”
“Give it back Harrington.” She seethes, trying to jump over him to grab the book. Doing so she wraps her arms around him and just hangs from his back as he laughs. Dropping the white towel to reach his free hand up to hold her arm there so she doesn’t fall from his back. She reaches out once more, face heating as she catches a whiff of his overly priced cologne. 
“Jesus, Ollie…via. This is really good.”
“Yeah, right. Okay.” She rolls her eyes, diving for the book once more. He slips a bit, and they both panic. She wraps her legs around him to stop from falling and he catches himself on the wall. 
“Your dad said not to koala me!” He gasps, still gripping her arm to keep her up. “This isn’t fair.”
“Give me the book then!” “No!”
“Yes!” “I just wanna see it!” 
“You are such a pain in the ass-”
“Who is the girl?” He asks before gasping for air a bit when her arm tightens around his neck as she begins sliding off. “Ollie-”
The strangled sound of his voice makes her let her legs to, moving to unravel her arms from his neck, too focused on what he said about the sketch to care about grabbing the book back. He keeps a hold on her arm though, and a part of her feels like he just wanted to keep her near him while the other part of her knows he’s getting ready to block her again. 
“Girl? What makes you think it’s a girl?”
“The eyebrows? A random feeling? How am I supposed to know? You’re the artist.” He scoffs, keeping a hold on her elbow as he pulls the book closer to himself. “Is that…that’s Wiley right?” 
“I…. don’t know.” She blinks, suddenly feeling way too exposed and snatching the book finally. “Just get on with the mocking already-”
“I’m not here to mock you-”
“Here, I’ll even get it started for you. ‘What are you doing in the alley you freak?’ or ‘It’s creepy to draw people you stalker’ or-”
“Can I have a cigarette?” He interrupts her, wiping his palms on his shirt as his eyebrows pinch together, a look of pain passing across his face so fast that she thinks she must have imagined it. 
“And then I say something like ‘why don’t you go make out with a mirror you narcissist?’ and-”
“Olivia, can I please have a cigarette? Please?” He tilts his head, holding out a hand as she rolls her own eyes and reaches into her pocket to grab one for him. She freezes halfway through, blinking up at him with suspicion which makes him smile slightly. “I’m not trapping you to snitch.”
“Fine.” She pulls out the box and opens it to him, he is quick to snatch one, their fingers brushing together a bit which makes her pull her hand back quickly with a sneer, the heat from his touch rising up her arm and somehow sending chills down her spine. 
“How bout a light?” He asks with it between his lips, hands on his hips as she pulls out her lighter and tries to hand it to him. After a moment of standing there she realizes he won’t grab it so with a huff she flicks it on and leans to light it for him. He shrugs and leans his head forward so she can light it while it’s still between his lips. A cocky smile spreads across his features. . “Remember when we used to talk about stealing our first cigarette from your dad when you hit high school?”
“No. I don’t.” 
“Jackass.” Her words were supposed to piss him off, and she gets aggravated and annoyed when it seems to have the exact opposite reaction and instead drags a smile onto his face. 
She didn’t understand why he was even bothering to bring it up, it obviously never happened. Whispering their plans of sharing their first cigarette and first drink had been useless. He had started his freshman year without her and somewhere along the way she had completely been dropped from his life. 
Eddie’s warnings from middle school are still right there in her ear as she watches him now. 
“I know you both are close but…. He’s not the person you think he is you know? He hurts people. You’re not like that.” 
She hadn’t understood then, hadn’t been able to process that her very best friend in the world was a bully. But the second she moved up to the same school as him once more it all made sense. And the betrayal of finding out who he really was hurt like a bitch. 
The apologies she had to give Eddie for not believing him tore at her chest. 
As if he knows what she is thinking while she stares he awkwardly clears his throat before taking a drag from the cigarette and shuffling to find a spot. 
After a few moments he leans against the brick wall, trying to seem relaxed as he smokes while she shuffles to the opposite wall, moving to pick up her bag and toss all her supplies in. The sketch pad is thrown in, and she fights a cringe when the pages bend against the other books but she’s too interested in getting the hell out of here. 
“What are you doing today?” He asks after yet another minute of silence, his voice a little cracked, almost as if he was desperate to keep the conversation going before she could escape. Alarm rings through her, waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him to reveal what he actually needed. 
“Oh just the usual, plotting your murder and then robbing a bank after school.” She scoffs, trying to fix the hair that had fallen out of her bun when she attacked him earlier.  “Any requests? I’m partial to the throwing you down a well idea but I would also be willing to set you on fire.”
“Oh. Interesting. I think I’m gonna go with Plan B.” He smiles, shuffling closer once more and she finds herself trying to find something to say that would piss him off. Anything that might shred his heart the way he shredded hers, but the words get caught on her tongue whenever she thinks of something close.  “Seriously, what are the big plans tonight? For Ollie’s birthday extraordinaire?”
There’s a bite to the words, and she tries not to scoff at it, noting the small tinge of jealousy. 
“I have work. And I already told you not to call me that. ” She admits, shrugging a bit. Torn between dashing away and or staying near him. Why was it so hard to leave? She hates him. 
“You work at the theater, right?”
“Yes? How did you know that?” 
“I’ve seen you there. Not in a stalkerish way but like- you work the snack counter. Why are you working on your birthday? That is the biggest sin known to man. Especially in your family.” 
“I…..” For a second the words almost tumble out, desperate to finally rant to someone about the situation. For a second it’s not Harrington and Via, rather than Ollie and Stevie and she feels the emotions hit her chest as she breathes in air for what feels like the first time in forever. 
She wants to tell him that she hasn’t celebrated her birthday without her Nana before, and explain that her family had no money to do a warm dinner or cake so what was the point of making them feel guilty? It wasn’t worth it anyways considering she wasn’t anything to celebrate over. 
For a second she almost slips and admits her sad thoughts to the longest friend she ever had. 
But his laughing face appears in her memory next, and she could just about vomit all over the gravel beneath them as it engraves itself there in the forefront of it all. 
This was not how it used to be, and she needed to remember that. 
It finally made sense why he was out here, he was looking for things to throw at her. Looking to trick her into talking to him so he would have fresh material. 
“Why am I wasting time talking to you?” She scoffs. “You’ll just throw it back in my face the first chance you get. Fuck off Harrington.”
She storms off after that, and she should have felt victorious because she got to tell Steve to fuck off. But she didn’t, she only felt lame and hurt. 
And the worst part was she knew exactly what to say to hurt him in the way he had hurt her, but she didn’t have the guts to do so. 
She was pathetic. 
October 13th, 1977 
Ollie’s birthday dinner was spent with her family, just as it always was, elbow to elbow as they poured over the meal before them. 
Nana, who sat at the head of the table, was recounting her trip at the store earlier to the little ones who had been in school, watching their faces as they listened intently. 
“And the damn price of corn went up again. By the time you bunch are grown it’s gonna be damn near 5 dollars for one stock of it.” She grunts out, rolling her eyes gently. “You better become rich.” 
“I am!” Wiley yells, raising his hand. “I’m gonna go to space!” 
“Ollie is going to be a famous painter.” Stevie smiles, leaning forward. “She’s gonna be in a museum one day.” 
“No I’m not!” Ollie laughs, shaking her head at her friend as he turns to her shocked. “They only put the really good ones in those museums. There is no way I make it.” 
“They have to! I’ll make them!” Stevie snaps, his face thrown into one of disbelief. 
“How are you going to make them?” The adults can do nothing but watch as the two turn to face each other, all aware just how this process goes with them. 
“I’ll….. I’ll….. break their kneecaps!” Stevie rushes out, face growing red as Ollie gapes at him. 
“You’re going to break their kneecaps to get my work in a museum?” She asks, her face melting into one of giddiness as Steve nods aggressively. 
“I’ll break the museum's kneecaps. No question.” He confirms and his best friend shoves forward to hug him tightly. “Who even works at a museum anyways?” 
“I have no clue. But they better watch themselves.” Ollie giggles with her arms still wrapped around Steve. 
“I pray for them.” Flip mutters, shaking his head at the two kids. “I pray for anyone who bothers you two.” 
“Do you believe in god?” Wiley blurts out, fully staring his father down. 
“Eat your mashed potatoes, Wye.” Flip grunts, going red in the face himself at his youngest son's attention, flustered. 
October 13th, 1983 - Thursday. 
Standing outside Hawkins Theater, Steve Harrington shuffled about on his feet awkwardly with his hands in his pockets debating whether he should be here or not. 
He knew, deep down, that this was a bad idea. Like pouring gasoline on himself and then lighting a match. And yet he stood there, wanting nothing more than to light the match. 
It was an addiction, he was sure of it, having to be near Ollie. One that he had managed to avoid so well, until that night at the Mini Mart gave him a taste again and he found himself looking for her throughout the day. 
It made sense, this was his best friend at one point. He used to spend nights at her house and eat with her family. This was the person who taught him to ride a bike and dared him to eat a worm. It’s only natural to miss her….. right? 
He messed it up earlier, he moved too fast and asked too many questions. He made her paranoid, and that was on him. This time he would be more careful, ease into the conversation. He would-
Jesus when did Ollie go from his best friend to talking about her like she’s a scared kitten in an alley?
This was a bad idea, he knows this, the sinking feeling in his gut making him turn to walk away. He’d go to the store and get something for dinner and forget all about this. Go back to the way it was, completely ignoring her existence. 
But her face flashes in his mind and he finds himself turning right back around and facing the theater. It was her birthday. He missed it last year, an away game for basketball, and even if he was in Hawkins he didn’t know what he would have done for her. 
And the year before that had been the year when Cece emerged, the girl hating him through and through. He remembered her narrowed eyes as he carried the painting set to the house, the look of distrust. 
He had gotten to watch from the sidelines last year just how close Cece was to Via, a firm layer of annoyance lacing his mind every time he saw them hanging out. Steve liked to blame Cece on Via's new look, the new shorts and dark colors. The chopped and bleached hair. Via looked completely different than what he was used to. 
And it wasn’t bad, she was still beautiful, always had been. Even he could admit that as her best friend. But it was a shock to the system seeing her now. The first day of school this year he had kept an eye out for long brown hair and one of Nana's signature creations. 
He had not known what to do with the new Via, or how to stop his heart from racing through his chest when she walked by with her middle finger pointed at his group. 
But that didn’t matter, he had spent the year avoiding her, and had missed her birthday. 
“Come on Harrington. Just get it together.” He mutters to himself, wiping the sweat from his palms down the front of his jacket before hopping on his feet a bit to hype himself up before he finally makes his way to the ticket booth. 
“What can I do for you?” The kid sitting in the booth huffs, staring at Steve like he was crazy. 
“Oh um. My friend is working. Can I just come in? I don’t really need a ticket.” He explains, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. 
“Can’t get in without a ticket.” 
“Okay. Fine. Just a ticket to a movie then.” Steve rushes out, grabbing his wallet and paying for the ticket before he heads into the building and takes a deep breath in. 
The smell of buttered popcorn fills the air, the red decorations around mixed with the maroon carpet and warm lighting making everything about this place feel so welcoming. It almost manages to ease all his anxiety as he shuffles to the snack counter, wiping his palms one more time as her voice fills the air. 
“Just this today Miles?” She asks, even though she is already grabbing the money like she already knows it will be. The taller figure nods quickly, grabbing his snack and turning to walk away. 
He makes quick eye contact with Steve before he whirls around and bends his head in thanks and blurts out a fast. “Thank you Ms. Olivia.” 
With that he walks away, back ramrod straight and not making eye contact with anyone as he passes. And while Steve was busy watching him walk away he completely forgot that Ollie could see him. 
“What are you doing?” She snaps out and he whirls to meet her eyes quickly, suddenly feeling insane. 
“I’m….. here to see a movie.” He lies, stepping forward until his fingers touch the counter. “Obviously.” 
She blinks up at him, her lips shut in a thin line. “Then go see your movie.” 
“Well I need snacks.” He smiles, pointing behind her at all the snacks displayed on the shelves and the large popcorn display. “What do you recommend?” 
“Popcorn.” She keeps her face bland, it makes his chest tighten as he panics for ways to make her smile. 
“That guy before me was a little weird, huh?” 
“Miles is really nice.” She rushes out, standing to grab a bucket and fill it with popcorn quickly. “He comes every Thursday for that Star Wars movie. And he always says thank you. So leave him alone.” 
“Right. Got it.” He rushes out, nodding a little too much as he tries to come off relaxed. “So…. Nice hat.” 
Her work uniform was a yellow button up with a red tie, and Steve was a bit frustrated by the fact that she actually managed to make it look good. With bracelets stacked on her arm and black nail polish. But the thing that caught his attention was the birthday hat on her head. Blue with the words ‘happy birthday’ printed all over it but it printed wrong so it mostly said happy with only about 3 birthdays. And there was so much color on the hat that he had to blink to focus. 
“My manager gave it to me. Get your jokes out now.” She snaps, slamming the bucket on the counter. “And my ears were cold because they blast the ac so people don’t fall asleep.”
“People fall asleep a lot?” 
“More often than not.” She hits the buttons on the register before looking at him with a raised brow. “Anything else?” 
“A drink. Please.” Anything to stay here a little longer. 
“What are you seeing anyways?” She asks and he struggles to pull the ticket out of his pocket to see. 
“The… last Jedi?” 
“Oh fun! You should sit by Miles.” She smiles, pointing to the soda machine and waiting for him to answer what he wants. 
“Coke please.” 
“The theater is almost always empty now. That movie came out in like May and we were packed back then for weeks and now it’s just Miles.” She explains, filling the cup. “He comes every Thursday. He used to come with his brother but I haven’t seen George in a minute. I think he got married and moved to Nebraska.” 
Her voice holds a dreamy tone in the end, one that he catches a little too quickly. 
“You want to move to Nebraska?” 
“Not specifically. I’d like to move one day though.” She snaps the lid on the drink, coming back over to set it down, she’s close enough that he can smell the perfume she wore. It wasn’t too flowery or strong. Just a nice sage smell that had him at ease. 
“Why would you want to leave Hawkins?” 
“It’s…. Hawkins. Who wouldn’t I?” She laughs, slamming the buttons on the register once more before the total pops up. He pulls the cash from his wallet and sets it down gently. 
“I like it here.” He mumbles, shrugging a bit. He always thought she liked it here too. 
“It’s different when you’re the king.” She snaps a little, and he registers that wall building back up before his very own eyes. He had to switch the topic. 
“Where were you from originally? Denver?” 
“Yup. But my parents were from here.” 
“I remember. Your mom got accepted into college out there? Right? She studied… history?”  And Flip had followed her. From what Steve could remember of their story Flip had graduated a year before Lottie and he got a contracting job here in Hawkins. When Lottie left for Denver he stayed for a bit before he moved out there to be with her. He got a job with a construction company out there and they lived in a small one bedroom apartment when they got pregnant with Ollie. 
Lottie had been 18 and in college but the way his mothers friends talk about it makes it sound like she had gotten pregnant in high school. And as a kid he never understood the big issue, and now that he can do basic math he knows that his own mother had gotten pregnant senior year. 
She would never admit to that, too busy harping on everyone else. 
“She studied history and artifacts.” Ollie answers, seeming to be a little more at ease. “But right now she’s working as a temp in a legal aid office.” 
“Really? Wow.” His fingers tap against the counter as excitement courses through him. “How’s Wiley?” 
“Good.” That answer comes out clipped and he sees red flags in his vision. 
“Right. Well if you could tell him hi-“
“You’re gonna miss your movie.” She mumbles, pushing the popcorn and drink forward. “Wouldn’t want that.” 
“Right. The movie….. that I came here to see.” He nods, picking both of the containers up and moving to leave before turning back once more. “They are playing trailers though. I don’t mind missing those. What was that thing you were drawing earlier?” 
“I’m not sure. It just kinda…. I don’t know.” She answers truthfully. 
“Have you seen those murals all around? Of the famous people?” He asks, leaning against the counter easily. “There was one recently of Marilyn Monroe. It was really cool.” 
“Yeah I’ve seen them. My parents keep an eye on the paper for articles about the tagger.” She shrugs, cheeks turning red. 
“It’s not tagging though….. technically.” 
“Its not?” 
“Tagging is like…. Graffiti. The paintings are nothing like graffiti. They are really good. They are murals.” He explains, feeling proud of the fact that he is getting her to smile a bit. Truth was he had studied different art topics all week knowing she would be interested in them. Art was her weakness. “And I think whoever is doing them knows that. They hit popular spots when they are mad, like the store. But most of them are for fun.” 
“Who would think spending hours outside in the cold weather painting a wall would be fun?” 
“People with something to say. I would if I had any talent. And I know for a fact you would if you knew how to paint faces.” He smiles and her head tilts a bit which makes his heart speed up. 
“Who says I can’t paint faces?” 
“You always struggled with it growing up. Remember that one you did of…. Oh what was his name? You know with the-“ his hands puff out around his head in attempt to show poofy hair. “With the- damn it. You obsessed over him.” 
“Bob ross. And I didn’t obsess I just…. Liked him a little.” 
“You drew picture after picture of him. You planned a wedding.” Steve laughs. 
“I did not! I planned a proposal. You called me a donkey before I could start planning the wedding.” She huffs, her cheeks bright red. “And yes. I struggle with drawing eyes.” 
“Struggle? Struggle?! You can’t do it period. He looked like a lizard. One eye staring at me and the other trying to find the lost treasure of Atlantis.” He laughs, trying to cross his eyes the same way that drawing had. 
“Ohhhh you wanna talk about drawing. Let’s talk about-“ 
“Please don’t bring it up. I already know what you’re going to say.” He huffs. 
“The family portrait! The one you drew with nanas colored pencils of all of us. But it was just stick figures, and you overdrew dads and it looked like-“ 
“I didn’t mean to give your dads stick figure a dick! I didn’t mean to do it!” He laughs, rubbing his eyes as he remembers that drawing. “It wasn’t my intent.” 
“And you gave Wiley a unibrow.”
“The kid always had his face scrunched in confusion at the time! It looked like one eyebrow every time I saw him!” He tries to explain. “I’ve never seen a baby more confused.” 
“He was always so confused! And so curious! Every time you came over he stared at you like you were some ancient mystery!” She laughs loudly, snorting a bit. “Remember the day you tried making him laugh and got mashed potatoes up your nose?” 
“Oh my god! And then when I laughed it hit his face!” Steve cackles, bending over to try and catch his breath. 
“You scarred him. I swear. That’s why he’s always so nervous now.” 
“Always on the lookout for nose mash now.” He chuckles. “That was your 10th birthday. Right?” 
“I think so, Wiley got so mad that he refused to let me blow out the candles.” She remembers with a laugh, before the sound of blasters fills the air. “I think your movie is starting-“ 
“HARRINGTON!” The voice sounds out from the doors, drawing both their attention to the doors as a couple of the boys from the basketball team show up. “What are you doing here?” 
“W-watching a movie.” Steve rushes out. 
“Nice man.” Nicky laughs, shoving past him. “Nice hat.” 
His tone is sarcastic and the bitter laugh that falls from his lips makes Steve tense. 
“Thanks.” Ollie sneers. “What can I get you?” 
The next couple minutes pass way too slowly, the snarky comments from the boys as Ollie gets their snacks. He laughs, of course he laughs every time they make a comment because he is a coward. Always has been. 
Ollie knew that. And judging by the look she gives him as he is dragged off by his friends he knows she’s remembered why. 
All that work he did over the past 30 minutes ruined. 
October 13th, 1977 - Thursday 
Wiley gets cranky halfway through the dinner and he begins staring at his plate which makes Steve feel bad. He didn’t like when Wiley got upset. He elbows Ollie to get her attention and then leans in to whisper in her ear his plan. She nods with excitement as they both turn back. 
Wiley gives them a skeptical look, casting a brief look to Nana then back to them. Steve scoops up a bunch of potatoes in his hand, rubbing it all over his face as Ollie does the same thing, both of them moaning out like zombies. 
“Me like potatoesssssss.” Stevie groans. 
“Eat brains.” Ollie groans back and Wiley starts laughing which makes the other two start laughing. But it slowly starts turning out of control, all of them laughing a little too hard. 
Then it happens, Steve snorts and a bunch of the mashed potatoes fly across the table and hit Wiley in the face. Chaos breaks out quickly. 
His face falls quickly, a scream tearing from his mouth as he swipes his face quickly, already crying for their mom. 
“I didn’t mean to!” Steve rushes out as Ollie cackles loudly, barely breathing which just makes Wiley cry more. “Ollie!” 
“I HATE YOU STEVIE!” Wiley screams, picking up a handful of mashed potatoes from the center bowl, and throwing it right at Steve only for it to hit Ollie. 
“Enough!” Lottie yelps when her daughter reaches for the same bowl. “How about some cake?” 
“No! I’m gonna kill them!” Wiley yells. 
10 minutes later as the family sings happy birthday to Ollie, Wiley keeps leaning over to blow out the candles before Ollie can, which makes Steve laugh. All three of them huddled around the cake and beginning to hit each other as the adults try to keep them all contained. 
Ollie leans forward to blow out her candles but when Flip lifts the cake to avoid Wiley’s attempts he accidentally smashes it into her face. Another wave of laughter hits all of them as her face is covered in chocolate. 
“Happy birthday Ollie,” Steve mumbles with a mouthful of cake, sliding his gift over to her. She unwraps it quickly, smiling from ear to ear when she sees the pack of colored pencils. 
“50 colors?!” She yells out, already standing. “I can’t believe it!” 
October 15th, 1983 - Saturday - Wiley 
“Are you serious?” Flip asks, blinking slowly at his son from his spot on the couch, trying to glue a chair back together as the sounds of Via slamming things in her room fill the air. “You’re not messing with me are you?” 
Wiley can do nothing but blink at his father, feeling nervous and excited in the same moment. 
Another thud comes from Via’s room followed by a muffled “FUCK-“ 
“Olivia! Language!” Flip huffs, shaking his head before setting the remains of the chair down and looking at his son. “Go get your shoes. I’ll get my keys.” 
Wiley dashes to go grab a pair of shoes that she shoved in his closet earlier, struggling to put them on because he was moving so quickly as he hears his dad knock on Via’s door. 
“Hey Via? I’m running your brother to the store. You need anything?” 
“No!” She snaps back, followed by another thud. She had been in a mood since her birthday, had come home and marched straight to her room. Not saying a word to and from school the next day and remaining in her room at every other moment. 
Mom said to leave her alone, telling both Wiley and his dad that it was probably girl stuff and it would all be fine. 
What Wiley didn’t admit was he snuck into her room yesterday while she ate breakfast and walked to her desk to see that she had drawn a very detailed flower with teeth on the petals and sprawled across the paper she wrote “Fuck Steve Harrington.” 
He wasn’t stupid, he knew something happened between them last year, but Wiley would ve the first to admit he missed the older teen and he missed the way things used to be. 
“Wiley! Come on let’s go!” 
He doesn’t respond, prefers not to, and rushes down the hall to meet his dad at the door with a wide smile. One Flip matches with his own excitement. 
“I’m about to drop my boy off to hang out with a friend.” He narrates, huffing a bit. “Can’t believe it.” 
Wiley’s eyes narrow at the slight diss hidden in the words, but they were also the truth so he shuffles past his dad to get to the car. 
The ride to the Hawkins comic store was long, not because of the actual ride but more so because Wiley was so excited to get there. When his dad parked the truck in front of it he hops out and meets him around the front. 
“Okay. I’m gonna head to the general store and grab your ma’s prescription. You good here?” 
A nod. 
“No talking to strangers. If you need me then come get me okay?” Another nod. Flip smiles, ruffling his hair before nodding his own head in the direction of the door. “Go knock ‘em dead kid.” 
And he makes sure Wiley gets in the building before walking down the block to the store, leaving his truck there so Wiley would have somewhere to run just in case. 
The bell to shop rings out, causing Wiley’s cheeks to heat as he shuffles inside, looking around at everything within the building. He begins to panic, what if Lucas didn’t show up? What if this was all a joke and -
“Wiley! Hey you came!” Lucas Sinclair smiles, coming around the corner with another smaller figure in tow. “Was that your dad?” 
“Y-yes-sss.” Wiley answers, hand coming up to rub his chest as a form of anxiety. He just had to remember to talk slow and breathe. It would be fine. 
“Dude he’s tall.” Lucas laughs. “Mike has a tall dad too but he doesn’t ever talk to us. His name is Ted. He’s kind of boring but your dad looks cool. I like his truck. Have you read the new Wolverine? I just found it, we can go find a spot and read it.” 
“Are you actually gonna let him speak airhead?” The smaller of the two sneers, her eyebrows pinching together in anger. “Or keep talking over him?” 
“I’m f-f-fin-ne.” Wiley smiles, moving forward to take a closer look at the comic in Lucas’ hands. 
“My parents made me bring her so she can play Pac man. Which she promised to do once we got here so scram forehead.” 
“Whatever Buck teeth.” She snaps back before heading to the pac man game while Wiley and Lucas dash to find a spot to read their comic. 
The friendship with Lucas was new. After school a couple days ago Wiley ran into him at the comic book store and at first he avoided him like he usually does. It had taken one bad play date with the wheeler kid to know that he would not belong in their group. They talked fast and often talked over each other.  He wouldn’t be able to keep up and he knew that his stutter bothered Wheeler. So he had never gone out of his way to talk to them. 
That is until Lucas saw Wiley holding a comic he was looking for and they ended up talking about marvel for a while….. Lucas talked and Wiley tried here and there. 
But he slowly realized that when he did choose to talk that Lucas was willing to wait, and he never talked over him to finish the sentence, he just waited. 
“I invited Dustin but he’s in a bit of trouble because he threw his bike in front of his garage and his mom nearly ran over it. Do you have a bike?” 
“I hav-ve my-my sist-ters old bike.” He explains, shrugging. “S-she spr-spraypaint-Ted it for me.” 
“You should ride your bike to school with us! Dustin passes my place and we normally meet at 7:40.” 
And just like that Wiley Fraser was making friends, and he barely had to talk. 
October 15th, 1983 - Saturday - Steve 
It’s not like he planned on wasting the past two days thinking about Olivia Fraser. That’s just what happened, which was embarrassing considering the fact that he spent most of Friday afternoon sitting with Nancy Wheeler at the picnic tables outside after school. 
She was cute, in that nerdy notebook way. She made him smile and all things considered she wasn’t the worst he had flirted with, that prize went to the muppet from study hall. 
But Nancy Wheeler, as pretty and smart as she was, could not compete with Ollie in his mind. Ever since that interaction at the theater he found that she coated his mind like an oil spill. 
Hey, my tire on the car looks flat; suddenly he remembers the year his bike broke and she had to help him limp home. 
He needed to study for a history exam, suddenly he thinks back to the time they were doing homework at the table and she realized that she had been misspelling her name for years. Which had led to a full blown meltdown and she decided that she would steal his last name. 
Her teacher had sent back all her work with the last name Harrington crossed off on each and every one. And Ollie learned that her name was Fraser and not Frazier. 
Over and over and over. 
But it got bad when Barb reminded him of Nana. That is what hurt his heart the most. 
It was while he and Nancy were packing up after pretending to study and the redhead had come out to take her friend home. 
It started off easy with a simple “can we stop by the craft store on the way home?” 
And Nancy had simply responded “yeah. I love that place.” 
Steve hadn’t even realized the connection, and had been partially listening when Barbs next words made him stop. “Remember that older lady that used to work there? I miss her! She owned the house on Steves street didn’t she?” 
And just like that he is seeing Nana, the very last time he saw her. So frail and tired, so ready for the end and yet still so welcoming. Suddenly he is back to being that bloodied up kid who just needed to be near them. 
“Yeah I think.” He mumbles, snatching his books. “How am I supposed to know?” 
But it clung to him, of course it did. And he was still bothered by it a day later as he pulled into the general store with a bad attitude. 
His mom would be home that Wednesday, so he just needed groceries until she got back and he figured the best time to do so would be early afternoon when the store was at its peak so he wasn’t trapped in the silent house all day. Peak hours meant he could browse the aisles without having to worry about being stopped since everyone was in a rush. 
That was until he saw Flip with a basket in hand grabbing a box from one of the shelves near him. The man still wore his classic flannel, and his mouth was set into a from as he read on the box while Steve tried to figure out what he should do. 
Say hi right? Or had Ollie told him what a dick he had become? He should just walk away and pretend he didn’t even-
“Stevie! How ya’ doing pal?” Flip smiles, coming up to shake his hand. “It’s been way too long, bud.” 
“It’s good to see you Mr. Fraser.” He smiles awkwardly, his hand shaky in the hold of Flips. 
“Oh? Long enough to go back to the Mr. Fraser then? Or am I just that old now?” 
“No no. I just- I don’t know.” Steve laughs, moving out of the way of an older woman passing by. “It’s been awhile. I miss you guys.” 
The admission makes his skin heat up, still nervous about it all. 
“You need to come by for dinner. We haven’t had you over since we moved.” Flip mumbles, setting his basket down and pulling out a small notepad. Steve recognized it as one of the ones he used to carry around for contracting, so he could write down measurements and such. 
Taking the tiny pencil Flip sprawls something across the lines on the paper before ripping it out and handing it to the boy. 
“November 2nd we are making dinner for Lotties birthday. You should come over. That’s the address.” The man smiles, patting his back once more before heading to checkout while Steve stares at the paper in his hands with wide eyes. 
It was like a golden ticket had just been handed to him, a chance to be near the Fraser’s again and be near Ollie again. 
It was obvious he would go for dinner. The only problem was how mad Ollie was going to be when she found out.
{New Chapter out Monday}
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crowtrobotx · 2 years
Let your followers love you and write us a ficlet of Karl trying to get Lottie to eat her least favorite food.
This is my first time posting one of these, pls be gentle lol. But thank you very much for sending this, and thank you for your patience! I am old and always tired. And sorry for any bad/weird formatting, I am having a Boomer Moment™️ on mobile and can’t figure out how to do anything.
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Beets Me
Characters: Karl Heisenberg, Original character (daughter)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None, unless you count swearing and an old man negotiating with a child.
Word count: 1068
That was the only word that came to mind - Karl Heisenberg was a Lord, a nigh indestructible and powerful demigod who instilled awe and terror in all who stumbled across his path. He could make life from death, had built machines the likes of which no one in world had seen or would ever see again, and for God’s sake he could wield a fucking lightning hammer. He had worked incredibly hard for all of these things, for his reputation, which made the fact that he was currently being bested by his own personal tiny tyrant all the more miserable.
“Lottie,” he called not for the first time, his tone even but with a twinge of desperation. His latest soldat was due to wake up soon, and he preferred to be present lest the stupid things felt the need to have a destructive existential crisis upon realizing they were decidedly not dead anymore. He searched about what passed as the living room, grimacing internally at all of the not-so-childproof items carelessly strewn about.
Is that a rusty bone saw— nope, better not think about it.
He’d already checked all of the kid’s usual hiding places, and it would have been a lie to say there wasn’t a twinge of panic beginning to worm its way up his throat. Most of the horrors that lurked outside and below couldn’t reach her here, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t leave of her own accord - and there was one person he knew he couldn’t stop, not until his army was finished. Not that he trusted a damn thing dearest Mother said, but she’d sworn she wouldn’t take Lottie - she wasn’t a suitable vessel, she’d made that abundantly and infuriatingly clear.
At last, two little grey-blue eyes appeared from beneath a milk crate stashed under one of the many workbenches that littered the factory. Karl quirked a brow, amusement and relief playing on his lips. After a small squeak of alarm, Lottie disappeared just as quickly back into the shadows - as if it would change the fact that she’d been undeniably caught.
Karl snorted, his knees cracking in protest when he begrudgingly knelt to her level. It was fortunate she was cute - the frankly embarrassing amount of shenanigans she got away with made him feel ridiculous. He barely remembered his own father but he knew that he sure as shit wouldn’t have taken this lying down from his own son. Lucky Lottie, he wasn’t his father. He tossed his hat aside and ran a hand through his wiry hair, waiting for her to reappear.
And reappear she did, squishing her nose up against the plastic to get a better view. Stifling a laugh when he saw the rebellious and familiar expression his daughter boasted, Karl knocked politely on the top of the crate. “Anybody home?”
“No? Then who’s talkin’?”
A pause. “…Not Lottie, that’s for sure”
Heisenberg sighed, removing his trademark glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, Not Lottie, you still have to eat dinner, I’m afraid. I’m running behind already and don’t have time for hide and seek right now.”
The little demon glared out in defiance from the baby jail of her own design. “I hate beets.”
Ah. So she’d seen the cans he’d set on the counter earlier in the day. Observant.
“Yeah, not my favorite either,” he conceded, “but Duke ain’t due back here until tomorrow and it’s dark out. I don’t want to go stomping out there to shake down the village grocer just because you’re being picky.”
Not that he hadn’t been conned into doing that before. Not that there hadn’t been at least three separate occasions where he’d found himself crossing the ancient bridge that separated the Heisenberg Factory from the rest of town and audibly yelled “What the fuck am I doing” to no one in particular. Not that he hadn’t always found it completely worthwhile to see Lottie’s little face light up when he returned with a bag of goodies for the two of them.
“It’s not just beets, y’know,” he attempted to reason with her. “I’m not a monster. There’s some, uh…. Meat of some sort, too.”
Lottie groaned. “But what if the beets touch everything else! They’ll ruin it! Can’t you call the supersized bi—”
“No, absolutely not,” the Lord had never answered a question so quickly in his life. “Although it would be pretty funny to piss her off with a takeout order from those ridiculous kitchens of hers, I think I got on her last mega nerve at the meeting yesterday and she might actually try to kill me this time. Then what’d you do? You might have to live with her. And wear dresses.”
Lottie gasped in horror.
They sat in silence for a moment after, clearly at a standstill. The ambient noises of the factory were much fainter here, amounting to little more than distant humming. Karl could practically hear the gears in that little head of hers overheating while she tried to think of a way out of Beet Hell.
“I’ll tell you what,” he said at last, “you suffer through this hideous torment tonight, and I’ll make it up to you with extra good stuff from the Duke tomorrow. Sound good?” He threw in a good natured wink for added effect.
Lottie drummed her fingers on the floor, her nose scrunching while she considered the offer. “Five donuts this time,” she declared firmly.
“Three,” Karl countered.
“Three and I’ll throw in that new bright ass pink screwdriver you were eyeing last time.”
“Hmm,” Lottie was making an obvious show of trying to sustain the suspense. “I dunno… Maybe… I guess we have a deal.”
“Perfect,” Karl grinned. “I’d shake your hand but you’d have to come out for that.”
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’,” she grumbled, the sounds of shuffling now audible from beneath the crate.
Karl rose with a grunt, satisfied with the negotiations. He returned his shades to their proper place and glanced at the grimy old clock that hung sadly in his makeshift living quarters, relieved to see that he still had plenty of time to feed the little gremlin and get back down into the bowels of the factory.
He hadn’t made it but two steps toward the kitchen when he heard an uncertain voice call out from behind.
“Yes, princess?”
“I think I’m stuck.”
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rachelswifey · 1 year
Paring: Rachel Weisz as a photographer x model!reader
Summary: Rachel hasn’t had a photo shoot in a while and she’s been moody for the past week.
Warning: swearing, slight guilt tripping
Currently, I’m attempting to raise Rachel’s spirits after none stop cancellations and push backs of photo shoots that she had planned endlessly for.
It’s hell for the both of us. She is upset. And i’m upset because she’s upset. Yet, she won’t let me help her.
The amount of times Rachel has complained and then ranted and then complained again about how unglamorous being a photographer was, is uncountable.
I walked to the back of the couch after making dinner and then putting it into the oven, my hands on her shoulders and rubbing them affectionately.
“Rachel- You’re still as gorgeous as ever-“ I attempted to cheer her up out of the blue, not wanting to annoy her.
“Don’t start..” She huffed.
“No, i am starting.” I laughed, walking around the sofa and taking her hands into mine
I sat down beside her, pulling her legs that were sprawled over the sofa onto my lap and then took one of her hands which she tried to pull away but I didn’t let her.
“Ray.. I know these past few weeks have been shit, but you can’t keep being nasty and moody and grotty- And you can’t keep denying my compliments!” I laughed at the last part I said, my arms slightly being thrown in the air.
Rachel said nothing, looking at me to let me know that she was listening and a slight glimmer in her eyes let me know that she didn’t mean any of it.
“I just want you to sit here, kiss me and then watch a shitty TV programme and eat my lasagne that I have spent the last two hours on.” I mumbled, trying not to make her feel bad but it seemed as though I did when she turned her head away and her bottom lip moved in-between her teeth.
“I’m sorry, Y/N..” She whispered, sniffling slightly before turning back to me and sat up, pulling me into a hug and her head quickly moving into my neck.
“Oh, my darling..” I sighed, knowing that these feeling have all been bundled up inside for ages, I just set her off with my attempt at being overly nice.
I let her cry it all out and I ran my hand up and down her back as my hand had moved under the back of her shirt, letting her calm down.
Around five minuets later, Rachel pulled away and looked at me with a sad smile before snorting and wiping away the snot and tears that coated her face with the sleeve of her shirt.
“You absolute grub- we have tissues!” I shouted, my eyebrows furrowed as her sleeve was now covered in germs and was wet with tears.
“It was gunna be washed either way..” She spoke with a playful smile, then turning her head to the kitchen as the timer I had set went off to take the lasagna out of the oven.
“Now, how about some dinner?” I asked, stroking the side of her face.
“Yes, please.” She sighed, standing up with me but smacked my ass as she followed behind.
My Ray Ray was back.
A/N: No idea who to use Tumblr but here we are.
Also, let me know if this was any good and if there was any typos.
Double also, I saw a short story (if that’s what you call it on here) about Rachel and the writer used ‘Ray’ as a nickname for her and I thought it was adorable so I borrowed it- I believe the user is https://www.tumblr.com/lizziecanrailme
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moth--knight · 1 year
goatman anon back again - this isn’t my theory but my friend’s theory instead, your tags on the walter post reminded me of and made me laugh because my friend has been adamant since Walter Scene 1 that Misty is going to kill him and eat him and that the season will end with a bunch of cuts/montage of the girls in the wilderness eating someone and Misty and everyone in current times carving up Walter, probably at Lottie’s camp in the woods. My friend keeps smacking her hand on the table and going “this is a show about parallels!” when asked to explain further
welcome back goatman anon!!! hope you are well (personally I am not because we don't have a new yj episode this friday. alas.) some of my long rambling below the cut, you know the drill.
THIS SHOW IS ABOUT PARALLELS. 100%. And parallels between Misty/Walter and Misty/Crystal in last week's episode leads me to believe that Walter ending up dead is most certainly a possibility!! My own dear friend is adamant that he will not be gone for good (and considering his Moriarty line, that tracks for me as well). We have seen Adult Misty kill and clean up other kills without remorse when it comes to people threatening the Yellowjackets. So if Walter decides to make himself a problem for the team (most likely by inserting himself into the Adam case further, or trying to stick his nose into Lottie's tree cult somehow) I have no doubt that he will end up six feet under <3
HOWEVER. I don't think they will eat him. Lol. The showrunners themselves have made it clear they don't think the cannibalism is the most fucked up thing about the show, and there would be no way for them to justify it - such a huge part of each of their psyches is *justifying* their behavior, and the horrors of not being able to (such as with Tai's sleepwalking and Shauna's hunger for chaos).
I would argue what most of the girls are craving is less the devouring (literal) but more so the devouring (metaphorical) that the wilderness offered them. No societal rules, just violence and desire and community. When it comes to Misty, while she was pretty blasé about the eating Snackie thing (though disappointed about the lack of bone broth #RIP), the cannibalism doesn't itch at her skin like it did with Shauna. No, what she wants instead so badly is to feel *needed* and a part of something bigger. That's why she breaks the black box, after all. And also to be allowed to be a little freak <3 LOL
Last episode makes it a point to set up the parallels between Walter and Crystal (wanting Misty's attention, sharing similar interests, flattering her, sharing secrets) but also between Walter and Misty herself (see: the hotel scene). Misty, while initially being flattered by Walter's attention, becomes increasingly annoyed by it, because it reminds her of HERSELF. Specifically the worst parts, the things that have made her an outcast her whole life.
But whereas Walter is content to be an outcast and has no idea the horrors of the wilderness, Misty has *never* been content in her own loneliness and craves the wilderness because even if she can't be LIKED, she can be NEEDED out there. This is why Nat's rejection hurts her, right? Like Misty is nuts™ but KNOWS, on some level, that Nat doesn't love her like she loves Nat (platonically, though I am a mistynat shipper for funsies lol) so she settles for Nat NEEDING her instead. Being liked is fleeting but being needed is forever (in her head, at least).
Walter just doesn't get that. He wants companionship, sure, and if he truly is seeking out Misty because he sees her as a kindred spirit (I am reserving judgement on whether his arc will have some twist about his intentions) then that is a wonderful opportunity in his eyes. But he doesn't need to be needed, he doesn't need to sink his claws into someone because he is afraid of being left without them. When Misty told Walter to leave, he did without much argument. But when Nat told Misty to leave, she fucking REFUSED and dug her heels in.
All of this is to say.....I am hoping Misty kills Walter, because it will be satisfying to see the parallels of her killing what *could* have been her next Crystal, but also killing herself in a way.....yes indeed. But eating him? Nah, I just don't see it.
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India de Beaufort
Bring on The Night Court
by Jay S. Jacobs
British-born actress India de Beaufort is courting fame in the colonies.
De Beaufort is turning heads as Olivia, the brilliant-but-neurotic assistant district attorney on NBC’s popular new reimagining of the beloved 1980s situation comedy Night Court. The original series, about the crazy goings on the late-night hearings in an eccentric New York City courtroom starred the late Harry Anderson, Markie Post and John Larroquette as an unconventional judge, assistant district attorney and public defender.
The new series has Larroquette returning in his star-making role of cynical lawyer Dan Fielding, although he has switched roles from prosecution to defense. Former Big Bang Theory co-star Melissa Rauch plays the new judge for the Night Court – the sweet and slightly naïve daughter of Harry Anderson’s character from the original. De Beaufort’s Olivia is a whip-smart but horribly insecure barrister working for the State to get all the oddball plaintiffs off the street, or at least make sure that justice is served.
De Beaufort also currently has an extended arc in the second (and final) season of Netflix’s popular series Firefly Lane. In that, she plays Charlotte, the sorta other woman character. In the 1980s, she was a nervous aspiring TV journalist called Lottie who had a crush on her boss Johnny (Ben Lawson), not knowing he was involved with her co-worker Kate (Sarah Chalke). In later years, she has become a confident, assured foreign war correspondent called Charlie who returns to Johnny’s life while he and Kate are broken up.
Beyond these roles, the British-born actress has been getting lots of gigs since moving across the pond, like playing the girlfriend of her real-life husband, actor Todd Grinnell, on the reboot of One Day at a Time. De Beaufort also had recurring roles on series like Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, NCIS: Los Angeles, Jane By Design, One Tree Hill and Veep. She has even done voiceovers on such animated shows as All Hail King Julian, Fast and Furious Spy Racers and It’s Pony.
We recently had the chance to chat via Zoom with de Beaufort about Night Court, Firefly Lane, working with her husband, going to Fashion Week and even her musical aspirations.
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I spoke with your husband a couple of years ago when he did [the movie] Paradise Cove.
Oh, that's awesome.
You grew up in the UK and you started out acting there. When did you decide that you were ready to come to the to the United States and do some acting?
It was kind of accidental. I shot a movie in London (the 2007 film Run Fat Boy Run with Simon Pegg) with David Schwimmer (the former Friends actor), who directed. At the time, I wanted to be a singer. He said, “I think you should be an actor.” I thought about it and thought that could be kind of fun. (laughs) I had a girlfriend who was living out in LA at the time. She said, “Why don't you come out and hang out? Come and see what LA is all about.” So I came out for a few months. Loved it. Loved the sunshine. Loved the pace of life, just shaking it up a little bit. Before I knew it, I was shooting a series for Comedy Central in the UK (Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire). It was a co-production, half and half. That was my first step into something that wasn't only showing in the UK. I got a manager. Next thing I know, here I am.
Coming from the UK, and also, you're a little bit young, were you familiar at all with the original series of Night Court before you got involved with the new version?
No, not at all. When I had the first audition, I did some homework and checked out the show. I continued to binge it while we were shooting so that I could get a feel for the original and make sure that I was doing it justice.
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Olivia is a very smart woman, at least professionally, but she's also a little bit insecure and neurotic about her personal life and even her career to a certain extent. How was that dichotomy fun for you to play as an actress?
She's so fun. I get to say all the things I would never normally say in real life. I love that she's a bit of a broken mess. She's a bit of a broken bird, looking for a nest. Then there is this courthouse, there is Night Court. That is the perfect band of misfits for her to find a place to call home, whether or not she would like to admit it.
You've got a really terrific cast. Obviously, John Larroquette from the original series is there, and Melissa Rauch, and Lacretta. What's it like on set?
It's an education. I feel like I spend all my time observing, watching, planning to steal. It's so incredible being with so many wonderful comedians, who also just bring a whole lot of heart to the show. I’m just absorbing and learning.
How do you feel that the new version is different from the old version? And how do you think that it's similar?
Well, we have a new cast, obviously, except John. That brings in a whole new, fresh take. But in a lot of ways, I love how much we've paid homage to the original. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I don't think our goal was to try to reboot, I think our goal was to create a continuation of the original show. The writers have done a beautiful job of capturing that. It's a cozy throwback to the 80s that's delightful for all the family. That's welcoming to an old audience and a new audience because of this fresh cast.
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It's also a multi-cam show, which is not all that common anymore. Is that fun to do?
Yeah, it's my favorite. It's my favorite kind of television to make. I wish it was more common. My husband was on a multi-cam for four or five years. A Norman Lear multi-cam. Another technical reboot of One Day at a Time. There's just nothing like a live audience. You can't beat it. We get to be on TV and have an audience. That's the only medium where that exists. It’s pretty magical.
Well, you just mentioned your husband being on One Day at a Time. You were in the series as well with him. What was it like to work with him on the show?
A dream. I believe on my first day, I’d had a baby three weeks prior. I was so really just grateful to Gloria Calderón Kellett and Mike Royce, the show runners, for giving me the opportunity to get back into work and find my sense of self while I was being a mom. A multi-cam schedule is the best way to do that. Three days a week you're home for dinner. Maybe you have a couple of longer days, but for the most part, you get to be around and be with your family, while still continuing in the workplace, which has been traditionally challenging for women. It was incredible to feel supported in that way.
With both of you being working actors, how do you handle being parents and family? Do you schedule around each other's work?
It hasn't been easy. I almost missed our wedding. (laughs) I was at my brother's wedding for 36 hours. I flew into my grandmother's 90th birthday for 24 hours. Also, there's a lot of begging studios and networks and show runners to let you off for huge family events. But thanks to Night Court, I get to pick my son up and drop him off from preschool three days a week, and I'm home for dinner five days a week. I get to see a whole lot more of him. He gets to come to work with me too. So, not only is it a show made for families, but it is a show that's the right one to be shooting if you have a family.
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Not only do you have Night Court going on right now, but you're also in the second season of Firefly Lane. The first half has dropped, and the second half is coming in April. That show had been going for a season before you got there. How quickly did you feel like you fit into the cast?
They were so welcoming. They made me feel a part of the group on day one. Sarah Chalke and Katherine Heigl are pros, and two of the nicest human beings I've ever worked with. I only ever continually saw them support each other and their crew and every guest cast member that came through. It was one of my favorite jobs to date.
I had actually read the book of Firefly Lane, which is very different than the series. But were you familiar with the book or even the first season before you got involved with it?
I wasn't familiar with the book. But I always check out the first season, or at least a good stretch of episodes of a show before I audition for it, let alone start working on it. So that I can be respectful, but make sure I'm going to slot in right. I loved it. I thought it was heartwarming and funny and engaging and handled a lot of crazy subjects with grace. It's a beautifully made show. It's just a little pocket of sunshine.
You're playing Charlotte over a period of many different years and in many different positions. She starts out sort of like a slightly nerdy worker, and then she finds herself as a professional. Is it interesting for you to be able to cover the entire scope of her growth?
I loved it. That's the only time I've ever essentially gotten to pay to play two characters on one show. They were the same person – both characters were Charlotte – but Lottie, as you said, was early days finding her feet, a bit of a wallflower. Charlie, once she had aged into herself, was an assertive, accomplished, sexy, young woman. It was incredible to get to flip flop between the two. Also find those two parts of myself. I had a hoot, but I will say Lottie was my favorite by far.
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You were recently in New York for Fashion Week. What was that like? And what did you do while you were there?
I had a blast with my mom [British actress Karen de Beaufort]. (laughs) Mom was my partner in crime. We hit the streets and New York loved her. I swear photographers were stopping her left, right and center and she was giving it, and making everybody laugh. I saw a bunch of shows which were really phenomenal and inspiring. We had a bunch of great meals and walked the city. Then after that, we flew to London and hit London Fashion Week. And now back in LA, so busy, busy. But all of it just ignited the flame of my love for fashion, so it was really fun to be there.
You had mentioned earlier that you were originally interested in being a singer before an actress. Do you still do music?
Yeah, I released a single called “Crack” a few years ago. That was sort of political. I never intended it for it to become what it was. I was shooting Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist at the time. I had a lot of time in a hotel room by myself. I just started writing something that I couldn't put down. Then the next thing I knew I had a song. Then the next thing I knew I made a music video. (chuckles) Now it exists, so you can check that out. It's on Spotify streams everywhere. You can see the video on YouTube, or on Instagram. I just directed and I'm editing my next music video which is called “Karma,” that I'm hoping to release in the next couple of months.
Have you heard whether Night Court is going to be coming back?
We have been renewed for a second season. We’re going to hopefully start production sometime soon.
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: March 22, 2023.
Photos #1-4 © 2023 Robert Trachtenberg and Jordin Althaus. Courtesy of NBC/Universal. All rights reserved.
Photos #5-6 © 2022 Netflix, Inc. Courtesy of Netflix. All rights reserved.
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ravenadottir · 2 years
How do the LIs have MC saved in their phone contacts?
can i add a couple of the friends’ too?
bobby. i know what you're thinking, "boo". it's not, not unless it's halloween, with a little 👻 on its side. "cupcake 🧁" if it's not cupcake, i'll retire.
carl. i struggled really hard to find something and that's because... carl is not really playful or have lots of inside jokes. he's already having to get used to calling the girl 'babe', so i reckon that's definitely what he wrote down as her name in his phone, but it's super awkward, like in all caps "BABE" and no emoji, because he's trying his best but it doesn't come naturally to him. he's just getting the hang of memes now, there's a tough road ahead.
chelsea. "the wine". and mc has hers as "🥂"
elisa. "beebee" a pun with babe and bees. say what you want nothing changes my mind that elisa digs puns and is particularly dorky when in love.
gary. he can be sweet sure, but he's probably calling her "dinosaur" so he can piss her off lol i would like to think he would also use "mate" but with a heart, because they call each other mate all the time in the villa.
hannah. am i too hannah if i say it's the name of her favorite character at the moment? like, if she's reading 'pride and prejudice' mc would be "mr. darcy" in her contact list, even though they never had that arc. does that make sense? 'cause she talks about the great gatsby at prom and like... that doesn't make much sense either.
henrik. i have a strong feeling it's gonna be either his favorite place or favorite animal that mc resembles the feeling of, like "mountain pillar" because it was breathtaking, or "chipmunk" because it's so adorable.
hope. things that absolutely elevate mc, like "favorite". or if you're really close, "sister". and her actual sisters have their real names in there lol
ibrahim. definitely super hero stuff, probably from violet man. since we didn't get the full scoop on it, i'mma say "ultra babe" or something in that genre. very cheesy but very sweet.
jakub. mc's full name. he probably is one of those people that have the contacts' full info, like email, address, home number, work number, the whole file. the picture is from her ID lol
kassam. it's musical most of the times, and it changes from moment to moment, all of them are to either piss her off or elevate her, no in between. it goes from "stairway to heaven 🎶" to "baby shark 🎶" real fucking quickly.
lottie. i wrote "it depends on the horoscope" before but like, it got me thinking whether she would go that far. but i do believe lottie would name mc after a goddess or planet, because of how it might be affecting mc's life that week/month. usually "venus" but i do think she would be naming mc "mercury in retrogade to tease her sometimes.
lucas. he wouldn't be the type to use anything too sugary but that's the surprising bit. one day he loses his phone at home and mc calls it and sees on the screen something sweet like "babe" or "love" and he rolls his eyes with "what did you expect? your ID number?" and when she makes fun of him or say "awww" he respond with "alright, don't make a big deal out of it..." but can't help a smile.
marisol. mc's name, but with a heart next to it. we know she doesn't dig pet names and that's not changing after the villa, but i believe she puts some sugar on it.
noah. it changes depending on what he's currently reading. i think he likes using places and animals, like henrik, although it's not about the feeling, but how interesting they are. like, if he reads about a particular cute salamander, then "salamander" will be her contact name until the next article.
priya. she changes it constantly, mostly to make mc laugh, so it's things like "hot ass", "dem tiddies" or "daddy". things that would be cringey if she wasn't kidding, basically. the cringier the funnier to her.
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Benedict Bridgerton / Anthony Bridgerton Imagines - Best Man Wins Part 3
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AN: Here’s part 3! A little bit of a filler chapter but I promise things will start to pick up quickly!
(🎶🎶🎶) = Link to song
Overall Summary:  Entering a society you thought you had left behind, you find yourself in a tricky triangle with two gentleman you never thought you’d fall for.
This Chapter: A sibling rivalry like no other. 
(PART 1) // (PART 2)
Pairing(s): Anthony Bridgerton x fem!Reader, Benedict Bridgerton x fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,169
Warnings: None
Anthony reentered the Bridgerton house to see Benedict sat on the settee with Eloise and Francesca munching on some chocolates that Francesca had received as a gift that morning. 
“Benedict, may I have a word?” Anthony asked, pulling off his gloves as he entered the drawing room. 
“Go ahead, Brother.” Benedict said through a mouthful of chocolate. 
“Privately.” Anthony shot a look at his sisters to which neither moved. 
Benedict sighed as everyone in the family knew of the girls stubbornness and so he left the room with Anthony.
They entered Anthony’s study where Benedict sat down in the corner on a comfy chair and Anthony leant against his desk.
“What is it, Brother?” Benedict asked, popping a chocolate he had brought with him in his mouth. 
“What are your intentions with (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?” Anthony asked with complete seriousness. 
Benedict chuckled lightly as he leant forward. 
“What ever do you mean, Brother?” Benedict pondered. 
“I know you paid her a call today. And you danced with her last night.” Anthony informed his younger brother. 
“So?” Benedict couldn’t understand why his brother was being so serious. 
“Do you wish to marry this girl?” Anthony asked the same question as his mother had to him. 
“Anthony. She’s a beautiful woman. The most beautiful I’ve seen in a very long time. If I wish to spend time with her, it doesn’t mean I wish to marry her. Why are you so curious about this one? I’ve danced with many other girls before.” Benedict had an idea. He wasn’t stupid, he knew that Anthony had paid (Y/n) a visit too that day. 
“You haven’t sent flowers to a girl before.” Anthony stated. Which was the truth, none of them had. 
“Neither have you, Brother.” Benedict retorted. 
“Seems we have a situation here.” Anthony folded his arms across his chest. 
“Seems we do.” Benedict rose to his feet and mimicked his older brother. 
“I say...” Anthony sighs. “...We both can spend time with Miss (Y/l/n) if we wish and if anything comes of it then we shall see just which brother she prefers.” 
Benedict could see the mischievous glint in his brother’s eye. 
“But we do not let this get in the way of the family. If this spirals out of our control and comes between us then we both agree to leave the girl alone?” Anthony added. 
“Agreed.” Benedict held out his hand and the brothers shook on it. 
Surely this was just harmless courting... there wasn’t any wedding bells ringing just yet...
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After a long day of suitors, you decided to flop on the settee with your book and curl up comfortably, munching on some of the treats that were brought to you today. 
“Oh sit up, (Y/n).” Your mother chided you as she went to leave the room. “It’s  unladylike.”
“There are currently no men in this house. I may sit how I please.” You argued as you popped another macaroon into your mouth just to irritate her. 
“Stop eating all those sweets too! We have another event to attend tomorrow night and you don’t want me instructing the tightening of your corset if you are bloated because of it.” Your mother called back before disappearing into the house. 
You groaned and pushed the pack away, taking only one extra. 
You felt the sun through the window find it’s way to your face, warming you. It truly was a lovely day outside and you had been stuck indoors the entire time. 
“Lottie!” You called out as you pushed yourself to your feet. 
“Yes Miss.” She appeared quickly as she flattened her skirt. 
“I shall like to take a stroll.” You announced, putting down the book that you had failed to read all day 
“I shall fetch your coat and cap, miss.” Lottie rushed out into the hall to which you followed. 
You tied your cap to your head and Lottie helped you with your coat before you left the house. 
You walked in silence, raising your head slightly to feel the sun as Lottie followed a short distance behind you. 
“Miss (Y/l/n)!” A girls voice cried out. 
You looked across the street towards the park where you spotted two young girls heading towards you. 
You recognised the both of them from the night before. One had the familiar chestnut hair of the Bridgerton family and the other a rather bright red head of hair. 
“I don’t know if you remember me, Miss (Y/l/n) but I’m Penelope Featherington.” Penelope lowered her head as she greeted you with a bright smile. 
“Of course I remember you, Miss Featherington.” You had some recollection of an orange haired tot. 
“Please call me Penelope.” Penelope insisted. 
“And you must call me Eloise. I remember how kind you used to be offering for me to play with you and Daphne when all I wanted to do was play with Colin and the boys.” Eloise greeted you with the same enthusiasm. 
“It’s pleasure to see you again, Eloise. And I must extend the same invitation, you both must call me (Y/n).” You were thankful for their warm welcome. Before this social season you were terrified no one would wish to speak to you after your fathers scandal. 
“You simply must promenade with us!” Eloise took hold of your arm as she guided you towards the park.
“How is your brother Colin? I remember how he used to pull Daphne’s hair and make her scream for your mother.” You couldn’t help but giggle at your childhood memories. 
“He is off seeing the world. He left after the last season and only seems to come back for a handful of weeks at a time.” Eloise explained. He had always been the naughtiest of the Bridgeton siblings yet the one who seemingly could always get away with murder. 
“And your sisters, Penelope?” You queried. 
“Still unmarried despite Mother’s attempts to sell them to then men of the ton.” Penelope mumbled to your enjoyment. 
The three of you laughed together as you walked through the park. 
“Mother has not stopped talking about you since she saw you last night. I believe she’s already written Daphne three letters insisting they come down to London earlier than they had planned.” Eloise told you as she squeezed your arm. 
“Oh goodness. I hope Daphne doesn’t trouble herself and rush down just to see me. We haven’t seen each other in lord knows how long.” You shook your head at Violet’s attempt to rekindle old relationships.
“11 years to be exact.” Eloise spoke up. You furrowed your eyebrows at her in curiosity and amusement. 
“Lady Whistledown.” Penelope explained for her. 
“That woman really does know everything, doesn’t she?” You chuckled. 
“Incredible woman, I think. I’ve searched for her but my efforts have resulted in nothing so far.” Eloise pouted at the idea she hasn’t been the genius to unmask the anonymous writer. 
You felt yourself shiver slightly as the wind blew past the three of you. The clouds had made the sky overcast and the wind had picked up sending through a chill. 
“You must come back with me and Penelope and have some tea to warm up. You can’t walk all the way back to your house in this cold. You can borrow one of our carriages.” Eloise took notice of your shudder and you couldn’t refuse in a polite way as she was right and so you found yourself at the Bridgerton house front door. 
“Mama! I have a guest!” Eloise announced loudly in the house which made you laugh again. Eloise hadn’t become any more ladylike than she had been as a toddler. 
“Eloise, you mustn't shout.” Violet had begun to scold Eloise as she exited the drawing room but her face lit up at the sight of you. 
“Miss (Y/l/n)!” Violet’s face shone as she announced your name. 
“Please, Lady Bridgeton, call me (Y/n).” You squeezed her hands as she took hold of your own. 
“(Y/n), I believe I told you to call me Violet.” She gave you a jesting warning stare and you nodded with a smile. 
“Violet.” You started. “I’m sorry to arrive unannounced, I bumped into Eloise and Penelope in the park and Eloise insisted I come back to warm up.” 
“No worries, my dear! No worries at all! I’ll have a fresh pot of tea brought up with some cakes and biscuits.” Violet guided you all into the drawing room to which you spotted Francesca playing the pianoforte. 
“(Y/n)!” Francesca paused her playing to greet you. 
“Oh my goodness. I thought Eloise had grown so much. Now look at you!” You gushed over the beautiful girl. “Both of you have blossomed into such beautiful women.”
“Thank you.” Francesca smiled warmly at you. “But I am not the seasons incomparable, that is you.” 
“As Whistledown writes.” You mutter. 
“As the reaction from the ton’s men last night proclaimed.” Eloise laughed along with her sister. 
“Still, I gather you’ve been busy today with callers.” You gestured to the flower displays around the room.
“Not as busy as your residence. I hear every man in the ton went to call on you today.” Francesca brushed off her own accomplishments. 
“I bet it’s exhausting. Constantly, ‘hello, oh yes thank you for the flowers that will die in a couple of weeks if not days, goodbye, hello, oh yes thank you, goodbye, oh hello, another man coming with the intention to enslave me as his wife’...” Eloise mocked the gentleman which made you burst out in laughter that you could not contain. 
“I’m glad to know you find my sister as amusing as she finds herself.” Anthony’s voice seemed to come from nowhere. 
You spun around to see him stood in the doorway. Just as handsome as he was earlier that day. 
“Lord Bridgerton.” You bowed your head in greeting to which he replied with the same.
“I was just coming to find my mother.” Anthony told you. “But I am glad to have found you instead.”
“Are you saying you’d rather see someone more than your dear mother?” Violet came up behind Anthony with a maid holding a tray of tea beside her. 
“There are very few people I’d rather see than you, Mother.” Anthony tried to charm his mother but she only responded with a ‘hmmmm’. 
You couldn’t help but smile at the exchange. 
The maid placed the tray down and Violet began to pour cups of tea.
“Tea, Anthony?” She asked her eldest who had been watching you as you sat down on the settee beside Eloise and Penelope.
“Just a small cup, please, Mother. I had intended to go to the club shortly.” Anthony sat himself down on the opposite settee, his attentions never leaving you.
You glanced towards the man and felt your cheeks flush slightly at his bold stare. 
 “Where has Benedict got too?” Eloise questioned her older brother. 
“I believe he is in the back garden getting some air.” Anthony responded, finally letting his attention move from you over to his sister. 
“It was lovely all day until just now, the clouds covering the sun suddenly made the temperature drop.” You spoke up as you took your tea from Violet. 
“It has been one of our colder starts to the season.” Violet sighed. 
“I don’t mind it being colder than usual. Saves me from sweating through my ridiculous dresses.” Eloise stated which earned a disapproving look from her mother.
“Eloise!” Violet scolded her quietly. 
“It’s quite alright. I must agree that conditions can become quite unpleasant in the summer when we are expected to look our best.” You were on Eloise’s side. It had been terrible working hot summer days in the thick second hand dresses you often wore as a lady’s companion. 
“I bet summer by the sea was enjoyable these past few years however?” Anthony asked as if he had read your mind. 
“Indeed. We were very fortunate.” You didn’t want to expand on the matter as your mother had warned you about speaking of your previous life before society. 
“What did you do all these years out in the country?” Eloise pressed but fortunately Violet cut in. 
“Eloise enough! (Y/n) has not been here five minutes, she does not need your interrogation.” Violet quietened Eloise to which you were grateful. 
You sent her a subtle smile which Anthony didn’t miss. 
He had too wondered what your life had been like after your father’s scandal but he knew it wasn’t his place to ask... yet. 
“I hear from Eloise that you sent Daphne news of my arrival?” You were the one to initiate change of topic. 
“Oh yes! Daphne has written back and has expressed just how terribly excited she is to see you again, Dear.” Violet smiled widely as she thought on the letter. 
“I can’t imagine just how beautiful she must be now after seeing Eloise and Francesca so grown.” You were excited to see your old playmate but you also felt nervous. Daphne had always been the pretty one, the clever one out of the two of you. After seeing the other Bridgerton daughters, you couldn’t even begin to picture what Daphne looked like now. 
“She was named her season’s incomparable, however, I fear that may not have been true if you had returned earlier.” Anthony placed his cup down and smirked mischievously at you. 
“It is a good thing that (Y/n) returned this year instead then.” Violet sent Anthony a sideways glance.
“Mother, may I steal our guest away for a tour of the house since she has not visited in such a long while?” Anthony had a playful look in his eyes which his mother never failed to notice. 
“If (Y/n) agrees to it.” Violet looked towards you. 
“That would be lovely. I was only just gushing over the wisteria from the house in Benedict’s bouquet earlier today.” You suddenly regretted your choice of words as you said them. It was awkward enough for you to have received flowers from both brothers only for you to mention it in front of everyone. 
“I assured Benedict you’d like them.” Violet only smiled warmly as Fran and Eloise shared a look. 
Anthony rose to his feet and offered you his arm. 
He lead you from the drawing you and began his tour.
“I must admit I didn’t expect to be seeing you again so soon.” Anthony smirked as you walked alongside him. 
“I simply ran into Eloise and Penelope in the park and Eloise insisted I visit and use one of your carriages to travel home.” You explained again even though you had mentioned it earlier. “If that’s still alright, of course.”
“I insist. The walk to your residence may not be very long but in the wind it can be disagreeable.” Anthony looked straight ahead as he spoke which allowed you a closer view at his side profile. He had a strong jaw and the curve of his lips was enhanced by the light from the window ahead which made you nibble down on your own. It was almost enough to make you forget it was rude to stare.
“I feel I must apologise for my intrusion. You had told your mother you were meant to be heading for the gentleman’s club. I fear I am keeping you.” You tried to keep from a silence falling between you two. 
“Believe me, Miss (Y/l/n), there is nothing I would rather be doing than this right at this moment.” Anthony glanced down at you with honest eyes. It caused your chest to tighten. 
“I must admit I find that hard to believe.” You tried to hide your smile as you tested the man. 
“Is that so?” Anthony cocked his eyebrow at you. “And what do you suppose I would find more interesting than spending this time with you?” 
“Oh boyish things I suppose. Watching boxing, gambling, visiting the theatre after hours.” You smiled as you listed off the events on your fingers. 
“Are you insinuating I visit the theatre’s after hours? I thought we had already discussed these matters earlier, Miss (Y/l/n)?” Anthony feigned hurt as he spoke. 
“Discussed? No. I’d say we approached the topic of your rakish reputation before my mother interrupted and you fled the house.” You were having too much fun with this. 
“Fled? Now that is where I have to disagree. I would never flee anywhere.” Anthony continued walking you through the house as you conversed. 
You spotted from a distance, the backdoor of the house was ajar and through the window you could see Benedict sat in the garden with a book and a pencil. 
Was Benedict an artist?
As you grew closer to the backdoor you suddenly felt a nervosa rise in your stomach. You didn’t think you were quite ready to speak to both Anthony and Benedict alone. 
“Do you suppose we should return to the drawing room before Eloise starts conspiring where we have gotten too?” You stopped in your step to try and turn both you and Anthony around. 
“You’re right. I don’t doubt she has already been gossiping with miss Featherington about our whereabouts.” Anthony turned on his heels and you both started back to the drawing room. 
“Will I be expecting to see you at the Helliwell’s ball the day after the next?” Anthony asked as you drew closer to company once again. 
“Yes. My Mama has already accepted the invitation so we will be attending.” You informed him. 
“Well, until then, Miss (Y/l/n).” Anthony stopped just before you reached the door to the drawing room and faced you. He pressed a light kiss to your knuckles and hovered your hand before his lips. “I must be off to the club now but I will send a carriage for you before I go.”  
“Thank you, Lord Bridgerton.” You nodded your head politely. 
“Please, it’s Anthony.” Anthony smirked at you, refraining from sending you a wink as he backed away. 
“Is that Anthony off, dearest?” Violet asked as you reentered the drawing room. 
“Yes.” You nodded. “Which does remind me that I must be off home before my mother worries I've been gone too long.” 
“Well, it’s been lovely seeing you, Dear.” Violet rose from her seat and embraced you warmly. 
“Thank you for having me.” You hugged her back with a grateful smile. “I will be back soon no doubt.” 
“I’ll be holding you to that.” Violet held her finger to you with a gay squint. 
You heard the horses out front and you knew this was your cue to leave. 
You bid farewell to Penelope, Francesca and Eloise before entering the carriage.
As you looked back at the house, you felt something arise in you. It was a worrying feeling. A worry that the attention from both the Bridgerton men was going to get you into trouble or worse...
(Next part soon!)
If you’d like to be added to the taglist then either private message me, leave an ask in my inbox or comment on here! 
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majormaxam · 4 years
won’t you bring me an angel?
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Part II
Pairing: Jasper Whitlock (Hale)  x Reader
Summary: You find yourself to be a victim of Maria’s growing newborn army in Southern Texas. Maria finds your ability more than special, but a weapon. What she doesn’t expect is for you to be as defiant as others and to Maria’s dismay, you just happen to grow close with Major Jasper Whitlock. 
Warnings: mentions of death
Word Count: 4K
Author’s Note: Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for the next update. 
A young southern maiden was to be married after her eighteenth birthday and a mother at her twenty-first, but to your mother’s dismay you weren’t one of them. In fact, you were quite the opposite. You drove your mother mad with how you rebelled against those teachings. At the age of twelve you ripped a brand new dresses while climbing a grand oak tree outside your home, also scraping your knee in the process. Your mother’s anger could not be forgotten that day, nor could you shake the anger of the day you nearly fainted while wearing a corset for the first time. She acted as if a lady was made to have her ribs crushed and smile while doing so. 
The Texas heat was enough to withstand, but added layers of fabric was enough to make even the strongest buckle. You adored the night sky beaming over the southern sky at night and you often wandered out into the fields of bluebonnets to admire its beauty. Much to your mother’s pleasing approval. She couldn’t stand it, especially when finding you wore a pure cotton nightgown while strolling into the night. 
She even tried scaring you by mentioning the gruesome animal attacks occurring outside the families land, but it didn’t stop you. You found freedom in the Texas night. 
The soft grass under your feet was enough temptation as the scent of fresh lavender filled the air with the cool evening breeze. It was enough to make you smile as you strayed from home to dance under the stars gleaming above. These were the moments you cherished the most and how could you not when such beauty could be adored? 
It was a cool April night when you first felt the cold-blooded presence nearing the edge of the woods, but you didn’t near it. You didn’t fear much, however, the sight of red eyes watching you out of the dark shadows was enough to cause your stomach to turn. You raced back into your home without looking over your shoulder or pausing to catch a breath. The next night, you locked your window by the latch and covered them with curtains in hopes of whatever was outside stayed hidden. 
When hearing of the animal attacks, you simply ignored them… not imagining they would ever occur close. Until now. 
You waited a full week to finally gain courage to go back outside during nightfall, but this time you were careful to wander far. Instead, you rested under the familiar oak tree as the current of air flowing was enough to make you chill as the warmth of bluebonnets kept you warm. The fear of the unknown seemed to subside with nature as the whistle of tree branches above you kept distracted, until the erie presence lurked over the land. 
The horses a few yards away began to neigh and take off running across the fields, causing you to sit up and catch them. However, your human eye couldn’t see what they were running from. Until the moonlight from above casted a figure of another standing over your shoulder. You were quick to turn around and take the other by surprise, but were shocked to find it wasn’t one, but three figures. 
The three females stood side by side with matching crimson eyes burning into you as their whispers were too low to overhear. You wanted to scream, but the panic rising in your throat kept you from opening your mouth. Each one of them were unbelievably beautiful as the full moon exposed each flawless feature: from their alluring smile to their perfectly curled lips. Their presence alone felt deadly as they inched closer with smiles and smirks deceiving your fate. And the moment you tried to run a bone chilling touch sent you falling to the ground with a harsh shove before the brunette stood over you. 
“Lottie says you possess quite an ability…” The turn of her head gestured towards the blonde haired female standing over her shoulder, her eyes breaking with your connection. Almost as if she was ashamed of her undoings. “I do hope she’s right.”
Within seconds pain coursed throughout your body as your screams were the only vivid memories to remind you of that night. Along with the two bite marks branded along your collarbone. It seemed like an eternity as you withered in pain, begging for it to subside and death to take its course. However, no bright lights greeted you when waking from the agony. Instead, you woke with the scent of hay and dust thick in the air and when rolling onto your side, you weren’t familiar with the surroundings as you picked your head up and observed where you were. 
It was a tattered barn grounds you laid in with the moonlight shuddering in between the tainted wood holding it up. Thick dirt traveled into the air as if someone walked along the grounds moments ago, but no one stood close. You pushed yourself up out of the hay to stand, but a pair of familiar crimson eyes cause you to freeze. It struck fear in you as your body responded within seconds, jolting back from where she stood and a deep growl traveling into your chest. 
It seemed to humour the female as she chuckled at your attempt in protection, but watched with an observing eye. “I see we have a fighter on our hands.” She spoke as if another person was present and with a stiff hand gesture, he came into view. “Do teach her what will happen if she becomes difficult… we cannot afford to lose her, yes?” 
You dug your heels into the dirt crawling further from view in hopes of avoiding her eyes, along with another unseen to you. Yet, when the female stepped away with a smirk curled into her lips you felt the shake of your legs itching to attack her. Her presence was dominant but arrogant as she disappeared into night, causing you to search with quick eyes for answers… but a deep voice hidden in the darkened corners of the barn heard your thoughts. 
“Do stay calm… Maria isn’t one to restrain from angered actions.” You followed the sound of his voice to the right as he appeared from the shadows. His matching red eyes meeting yours as the light mood shine from outside exposed his handsome features and well built body. It was hard to deny him of even a glance as you were tempted to look away, but caught yourself admiring instead. His presence sent a calming wave of emotions to settle the anger and confusion racing in your thoughts. “Do you know what you are?” 
The closer he grew you found yourself sinking further into the hay with comfort seeping in and riding out fear. Your bottom lip quivered as his question urged you to ask further and end up begging for more. “Your eyes bring death, do they not?” You were surprised to watch him stop in place with the insult thrown out. “I… I’ve been told stories about your kind since I was a child and yet, I never believed them.” He tilted his head with an alluring factor convincing you to speak more. “I am one too now, am I not?” 
He answered with a stiff nod and kept his stance a few yards away with his eyes catching the tears welling up. You hung your head low as his silence was enough to make you scream for life. His footsteps scurried into the dirt with intention, but you jerked your head up with anger filled eyes burning into him. 
“Do not come any closer.” You found him pausing once more, even lifting his hands in surrender to show he was listening to the demand. It wasn’t until you spotted the Confederate Army patch on sewn into the faded white shirt her wore on his back. “You… you’re a solider?” 
He shared a glance at his own clothing and slowly raised his head once more. “Major, ma’am… I was a major.” Her features softened once he explained further and her shoulders sunk with sadness at the sight of the patch he wore with pride. 
“My brother is a colonel.” You felt the bitter laugh leave your lips as he intently locked in on the mention of a fellow man. “he’s in Galveston, headed back home in the next month.” His eyes spoke with sorrow as your mind raced with excitement at reuniting with your brother. 
You felt a stir of emotions course in the pit of your stomach as it dramatically switched towards a controlling moment of silence. His eyes were reading you while the tilt of his head left you understanding what he was undoing. Your emotions… he was playing off your emotions. You didn’t know how or why you understood the look in his eyes or the reason behind them, but you weren’t afraid to say it either. 
“… you’re controlling me.” His eyes narrowed in disbelief as you took him by surprise with the rather extensive observation, but before he could explain you continued. “You’re controlling how I feel, are you not?” 
In that moment, his control ended as the intense warmth ran down your throat to enhance the reality of your life. You tried breathing to exhaust it, but it wasn’t even close to calming the rage filled pain. Within seconds you caught scent of a desired taste wafting in the air and before you knew it, your body responded by carrying you effortlessly towards the barn door. 
However, the major beat you to the entrance and blocked you from leaving the sliding doors. The sudden growl once against left your throat as he dared to hold you back causing your jaw to clench. 
“You can sense other’s gifts…” His words left you raising an eyebrow as the moon danced upon his blonde curls cascading over. “It seems Lottie wasn’t lying when she sensed you were unusual.” He said it as if it was an insult and immediately you wanted to react. “Do calm yourself, newborn. Maria doesn’t take to fighters in her army.” 
“I have a name… Major.” You seemed to have angered him as well as you sensed him attempting to calm himself down, but instead you found yourself craving more anger in hopes of conflict. His eyes widened as you spent those six seconds yearning for a fight, but he soon stepped away with parted lips and befuddled eyes filled with rage. His top lip snarled and nose flared as anger flared into the crimson eyes staring back at you. “…” 
“She can manipulate another’s power.” Her ice-filled tone broke both of your attentions as she appeared into view with an eager eye. “She used it against you, Jasper… did she not?” Maria seemed to receive an answer through silence as Jasper stepped away from you to return to Maria’s side. 
You blinked as he left your view and stood at her side, eager to please with just a simple task as his emotions rushed through you with admiration for the woman. He was quite smitten by her. It sent a questionable envy her way as her red eyes continued to study you. Jasper. His name was Jasper. Her hand was quick to rest on his shoulder, leaning in to place a kiss on his ear and whisper sweet names. 
“You will certainly be useful to me, love.” Maria voice was seducing the idea of life, but her eyes revealed the omissions of her lifetime. “You must feed in order to stay strong for me.” She angered you and she feed off it. “Don’t travel too far or there will be consequences.” 
Her words were enough to get you to run from the barn doors and further into the night without looking back for her seal of approval. You didn’t want it. Your legs were carrying you farther than expected as the speed of your newly reformed body kept up with the deadened heart. It felt as if you were traveling at the speed of light and you weren’t slowing down, not for a single second. 
You found yourself running into the wooded area surrounding you, but the time seemed to end with the scent of hunger causing you to travel north. It left your lip snarling and jaw quivering and within seconds, you followed the hunger. 
The unfamiliar town nearby was silent through nighttime, but the open tavern filled with drunks left you glancing twice inside the faded window. The humans inside falling prey to your starvation and before you knew it, a drunken man has stumbled out the back doors and fallen into your hands. You didn’t waste a single moment before you sunk your teeth into flesh. The blood on your tongue was enough to awaken the death inside you and before you knew it, he dropped dead at your feet. 
Footsteps followed close over your ear, but not too far from where you stood and without wiping the blood off your lips you turned your head. There he stood, his red eyes looking over you with the temptation seeming to fall over him as well. 
“… why are you following me?” You managed to whisper as the tip of your tongue licked away the blood resting at the edge of your lip. “I believed I was allowed without a watcher.” You seemed to draw out the littlest smirk on his lips before he glanced at the human by your feet. 
“I’ve seen too many newborns feast without thought, I’d rather not care for another mess.” Jasper was honest as you then seemed to mourn the death of the man at your feet. He could feel you mentally processing a life you had taken and it ran your emotions high. “It’s difficult to process.” 
You didn’t like his response as he attempted to send a calm wave over you, but you quickly stepped back from the human and him. “Says the Major…” It was harsh, but you weren’t refraining from lashing out at this time. “I don’t need your failed attempts of control or looking over my shoulder, please leave.” His footsteps followed, but this time he began to walk beside you as you began to feel the cravings crawl back up your throat. 
Hunger seemed to be feeding off your energy, but you didn’t want to give it anything in return. It was difficult to succumb to… knowing you were killing innocent humans in order to survive. How could this be your life? You awoke to crave the scent of blood and feasted. You woke with a gift that you couldn’t understand, nor control. You woke enchanted by the Major, but found him to be someone else’s instead. 
Jasper felt the pain of her hunger withering his body and he struggled to withstand it. He could hear a pulse from a mile away and he craved her itch as well. He broke his eyes away from the sights ahead and gazed upon the newborn, he was quite taken by her beauty from the moment he found her ten nights ago. He’d fallen prey to hunting that night and when he’d roamed the land to find a human girl sitting along a clearing, his bite was found. However, he couldn’t give in that night. 
He instead stood near the woods edge watching as she laid in the field of wild bluebonnets, listening to her count the stars from above before whispering lullabies. Jasper was taken by her as human, but even more spellbound as vampire. It only helped to see a fire in her belly and lawless eyes… which made him fear Maria’s doings in the future. 
“You’re still in hunger.” His words caused you to shiver as you were attempting to deny it by digging your nails into the palm of your hand. But he was right. You were still craving more. “As a newborn the hunger is unruly, you must obtain control over it.” 
You ignored him, continuing onto path less followed as you strolled further out of the unfamiliar town. However, the thumping grew heavier in your ears as the cravings of a pulse on your tongue began to take over once more. “I’m not doing that again.” You weren’t speaking to him, but yourself. 
“It will only grow worse… the aches will spread.” He was attempting to give advice, but it came off as if he knew better than you. Ultimately, he did. “If you deny this hunger, you will not be able to fight and Maria will not be happy.” 
You stopped in that moment as his words mentioned Maria and turning directly to him, you spoke. “I don’t wish to be anything to her, nor will I allow myself to be anything to her.” His eyes stayed on you, while his stoic attributes kept you begging for a reaction. “I had never seen her before, until she appeared on my father’s land…” You immediately began to think of your father and mother, who had been laid asleep inside the home. And the first thought was if she harmed them. “My parents.” 
You’d taken off before allowing your emotions to settle or even the cravings to swallow, but you knew you were close to family land. The scent of the fresh lavender was the scent you followed and fought for and Jasper followed behind you. He attempted to stop you, three times but you didn’t listen. It was as if he was sparring you from torturing yourself any further. 
The familiar sweet grass under your feet left you gasping for answers and as you passed the gates to travel further, it hit you. It was the scent of death. You could hardly bare it, nor believe it. Jasper wasn’t fighting at this point, he couldn’t defeat your strength as he tried pulling you from the porch. You made your way into the wide open door and the sight alone was enough to destroy you. 
There laid your father and mother, side by side, dead. 
A cry escaped your lips as you fell to your knees with your stomach shuttering at the sight burned into your mind. You wanted to look away, but how could you? The woman who gave you life, has lost hers… the woman who begged for grandchildren, now would never see one. Your father would never lay witness to his son returning home and your brother would return to a family deceased. 
You cradled your abdomen as the pain of loss was too much to bare and the tears soaked your cheeks. You began to cry out for your mother and father… begging for them to wake and let this horror be unreal. It had to be, because creatures like them were not real. Creatures as you are now weren’t real.  
Jasper fought her from the moment her parents were mentioned and when running after her, he tried grabbing her by the waist to draw her back. Her strength won and she’d made it back to her homeland, but he expected to have her fall witness to parents alive and well. Which is why he fought her once more as he didn’t want her hunger to cause havoc to her loved ones, but the stench of death was thick in the air and she sensed it too. Her hand slapped him away. It wasn’t until Jasper caught sight of the dead humans inside that it clicked, Maria had killed off her family. 
Her screams filled his ears as the inconsolable pain coursed through his body and he experienced the unsettling truth. Jasper’s knees were close to buckling as she fell on the porch, begging and screaming for her ‘Mamma’ and ‘Pappa’ to get up… but she was stranded. His grimaced face glanced down at the soil under his boots as the scent of dry blood mixed in causing him to shutter. It seemed Maria didn’t want the girl returning home and if she did, she’d return to nothing. 
He could hardly bare the pain she cried out and when he placed a hand on her shoulder, hoping to ease her of the pain… she didn’t fight him, nor use it against him. Jasper felt her body soften under his touch as the shaking from her sobs began to wither away. Soon, her cries turned silent and she sat still with her eyes burning into the body of her dead loved ones. Jasper wanted to say sorry for Maria’s cruel actions, but his loyalty to the woman was rejecting him to do so. 
The numb wounds entering your body weren’t physical, but it felt as if a sharpened dagger was puncturing your dull lungs. It seemed Maria had not only taken your life, but the life of those you loved most. Silent anger was working its way into your body as the tears began to disappear and your stomach began to twist with despair. 
“…” You pushed yourself off the porch with Jasper’s hand falling from your shoulder, leaving the emotions to settle in. It took everything out of you to step into the home and passing by your mother and father’s body, daring to look away as you stepped around them. It wasn’t long before you possessed the golden locket belonging to your mother. 
Jasper watched the newborn step into them home using her speed to withstand her parents dead bodies to pass them, he soon followed. His eyes running along the home and feeling the sense of warmth families possessed, but he paused before the bedroom further into the home. He could tell it belonged to the newborn, her soft pink bedding bunched together and the leather journal resting on her nightstand. He glanced down the hall to hear her making her way throughout the home and stepped further into the home. 
Jasper grasped the journal with a tight hand and began to flip through the pages, immediately finding her name printed in black ink. (Y/N)… it suited her, a prepossessing name for quite a girl. He slammed the journal shut as her footsteps grew closer and placed it back down on her nightstand. She appeared in the doorway of her bedroom with her eyes burning into him, questioning as to why he entered the home. 
You ran your eyes along the bedroom as you stood in the doorway, allowing you to capture the last moments of your childhood before leaving. Jasper stood beside your bed with his eyes capturing the littlest details, along with the wildflowers growing at your windowsill. The locket hanging around your neck seemed to catch his attention at the sight of the gold. 
“She took my life from me.” You whispered with hatred rolling from the back of your throat. His eyes burning into you with more questions to follow. “She had no right to take my family from theirs.” He seemed to silently agree as he picked his head up and forced a stiff nod. 
It was difficult to withstand as you bitterly took one last glance and exited the home, not daring to look back at your parents. You could feel the tremble of your chest shaking as you left the family land, knowing you could never return home, nor fall to help your brother’s sudden loss. Your brother no held no family to retune home too, not anymore. 
You stayed silent while returning home to the barn, Jasper close on your tail as the sun began to rise over the Texas land. However, the sight of Maria left you enraged. She stood by the barn doors with the two females at her side as newborns began to scatter inside, following the demand she called out for. You didn’t restrain yourself, once her eyes landed on you… it was done. 
Within seconds of standing before her, you had your hand grasping her throat as your strength overpowered hers and the others attempting to rip you off. Her eyes wide as you tested her authority before all the others surrounding you. “You spilled my families blood for your own miserable pleasure.” Her eyes gleamed as the anger began to excite her. “You immoral witch.” The insult was easing off your lips as Jasper’s attempt to calm you down only caused the anger to rise. Her eyes darted over your shoulder, searching for help from Jasper as he stood only a few feet away. 
The tension between you and Maria caught attention of every vampire standing near, their eyes glance at you with questions. Each surprised to find Maria not fighting back, not even Jasper fighting for her. Maria’s smirk curled into her lips and it only flared the anger in your belly, which was enough to get you to tighten the grip on her neck. 
“We needed to feed, love. They just happened to be present.” Maria’s cold tone left you with a chill running down your spine as her soul left her emotionless eyes that stared you down. “Do not fret, it gets easier once you turn off your emotions.” Her fingers stroked your cheek as the sickened words left you frozen to her touch. “Do release me before I make you regret it.” 
You didn’t. Jasper’s strong hands grabbed you by the hips and forced you away from Maria, but you fought him with a simple push causing him to stumble. It seemed you were stronger than him… at least for now. You narrowed your eyes as Maria’s nod of approval left you realising you possessed no allies, nor friends. The major wasn’t a friend… he was far too infatuated by Maria’s twisted ways.  
You dispersed from Maria and Jasper by entering the barn and ignoring each pair of eyes that followed. This was a life you would certainly have to become accustomed to, but not one you wished to live prolonged. The stares from the surrounding vampires were causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up as their questions and whispers were in your ear. It seemed being a vampire gave you sharper hearing. 
You had yet to understood the new creature you had become, but you knew one thing… you wanted nothing more than to destroy the person who created you. You carried your eyes across the barn to find Jasper watching you, his ability noting the taste for vengeance as you had your hands wrapped around Maria’s throat. He might’ve been kind in ways, but he certainly showed where his loyalties lied. 
Jasper stepped away from Maria as (Y/N) stood alone from across the barn, her eyes burning into him as he grasped her anger and resentment flashing at him. He took his stance beside the newborn and raised an eyebrow. “Do you feel better?” His question was enough to heighten her anger again. 
“You tell me.” You were quick to snap at his rhetorical questions before glancing at Maria, who watched from afar as the two familiar woman stood at her side. “I don’t want your help Major… do return to your post and keep far from me because I will not follow a word you say.” 
Jasper was humoured by the frisky tone of hers, but caught Maria’s desperate glance as she overheard the newborn. Maria asked him to manipulate (Y/N) and he desired to do so for his sire, but she was unlike the others from the past and he couldn’t stomach his intentions. “… If defy Maria she will-“ 
“She has taken everything away from me at this point…” You held your chin high not daring to break your gaze off Maria, who seemed threatened by Jasper standing near you. “I might be unaware of why I was created, but I will fight tooth and nail to make sure I understand it to end her.” You watched his eyes break way from Maria and meet your own. “Rely the message to your Master, kiss her ring for me as well.” 
Jasper’s gaze was burned into the newborn as she left him with the threatening words directed towards Maria. He knew she possessed a fiery spirit, but he never expected her to fight back without hesitation at knowing Maria’s strength over others. Hell, he’d fallen prey to it… but Maria made a mistake with this young one. He saw it the moment she found the lifeless bodies of her parents and Jasper truly feared the worst. If it came down to Maria making the final call on her, he didn’t know if he could resist her ways.
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“Entangled” (c.h) (h.s)
Pairing: Calum Hood X Reader / Harry Styles X Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: You never wanted to be caught up in a love triangle, you never asked to be entangled in this situation. Now you have a choice to make. You know it has to be one of them at the end but, who would it be? And why is it so hard?
Warnings: Love Triangle! Pinning, unrequited love, language, angsty with a little fluff, mentions of alcohol and some grammatical error (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 7.2 k
Author’s Note: Requested by my darling @rime-warrior a few weeks ago, I decided to turn her wonderful promt into a series. This part serves as the intro of the series! It starts with the reader in the “present” (just go with it) and then it will follow their journey with the boys since 2014. Reblogs, comments and feedback are always welcome 💕 You can read my other works for Harry and 5SOS HERE. Hope you like it and happy reading 🦋✨
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@rime-warrior : Hi! I’m back lol I loved the heather imagine and I was wondering if you could do a calum/reader/Harry imagine where they’re on tour and trying to get the readers attention by being goofballs
Part 1: The beginning.
Never in a million years did you think you would end up making a decision like this. Hell, never in a million years did you think you would be here in the first place! If somebody would’ve come to you a year ago to tell you that you would’ve been in one of the biggest reunion tours of one of the biggest boy bands that's ever existed and one of the greatest pop/alt bands of the new generation you’d call them crazy and probably pepper spray them as you run away. But here you are and, surprisingly, it’s the last place you want to be at.
You are currently sitting at the stairs outside the venue, it’s the last concert on the “Here We Go Again” One Direction/5 Seconds of Summer Reunion Tour. Tapping your feet relentlessly against the cold metal and regretting not bringing a jacket with you as you can hear the fans going crazy inside the stadium, and who could blame them? They waited so long to see their favorite people again, not only that but together! After almost six years apart. You would’ve been just like them if it weren’t for the stomach ache your nerves are giving to you at this exact moment.
You knew what you had to do. It was the right thing after all, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like crazy. Somehow you were going to lose someone tonight and you weren’t ready for that, you’ll never be ready for that.
How the hell did this all start in the first place? How did you become so entangled in this mess without realizing? And how would you get out of it?
So many thoughts are running through your head, yet none of them seem to stick around for more than ten seconds before rushing onto another. Head spinning at a thousand miles per hour as you clenched your fists at the side of your body, knuckles turning white as they grasped the cold and dirty metal of the staircase.
You could run… you were kinda fast and they are all inside so they wouldn’t be able to catch you. Maybe you could move to Peru, you always wanted to visit Machu Picchu and its alpacas, plus the ponchos look really good on you. The problem was that 1. You didn’t know Spanish. 2. You had exactly 9.57 dollars left on one of your pockets because you left your wallet inside and 3. You weren’t a coward.
Well, you were. That's why you let it come this far. But you were not going to do that anymore. You need to make a decision and it has to be tonight. But why was it so hard though?
A few years ago
“Y/N! C’mon!” You heard your best friend say “We are going to be late again!”
Lottie was impatiently pacing around the hotel room once again, she had her bags around her shoulders as she considered leaving you behind.
“You know I have to start early today! There’s gonna be four more people to style and I don’t want to do it all rushed.” She whined, sitting on one of the beds.
You came out of the bathroom soon after, cheeks a little bit flushed because it wasn’t like you to slow things down, especially when it came to work. But you wanted to look cute today, well, more cute than usual.
The tour was about to start and you were lucky enough that management let you come with Lottie to work on the stylish team with her. Her older brother, Louis, was a close friend of yours as well, so when he proposed the idea a few months back, you just couldn’t resist.
“Sorry, love” you replied sheepishly “I lost track of time”
Lottie lifted her gaze towards you and rolled her eyes playfully “Oh, shush. You and I both know that you are bluffing. I know exactly what you’re doing wearing that outfit and honestly? Can’t blame ya”
She was right, she’s always right when it comes to these kinds of stuff.
It’s not like you’ve never met the guys! I mean, you know Louis and Zyan because of Lottie, you’ve never seen the other members of the band in person, yet. But it’s not like you don’t know them either, they are everywhere! It was impossible to escape from the impact One Direction had. And now you were going to work with them as a stylist, it seemed like a dream.
Not only that, but you were also in charge of styling the opening number: An Australian band called 5 Seconds of Summer that Louis likes. You don’t know much about them other than this is the second time they’ll open for One Direction and they’ll be around for the European and American leg of the tour. You googled them to have a reference of what they’d look like so you’ll know how to work around them and, honestly, where do they get those guys? They don’t even look like eighteen year olds! And they are also talented and successful at such a young age? You promised yourself that you were going to listen to some of their songs, but still haven’t gotten around to do it just yet, but tonight will definitely change that.
You were nervous. You could feel your hands get clammy just thinking about the pressure that’s on you to make those guys look like absolute gods on stage (though that wouldn’t be a challenge, knowing the nine of them are incredibly handsome already) But that thought didn’t ease you a bit. You wanted to be good. No, scratch that. You know you are good. You want to impress them, hence the cool outfit.
“Think you know it all?” You said, already grabbing a pillow and throwing it to Lottie’s face.
“I know it all, darling” She laughed, throwing it back at you “Now, move your ass. We need to ge to the stadium as soon as possible”
You could hear the fans from a mile away before you walked through the backstage doors. The adrenaline was contagious, everyone was moving around like crazy but you could feel the excitement in the air. You already knew this was where you were meant to be, haven’t even started but you love it already. This was meant to be.
Lottie was walking fast, easily leaving you behind as you stared in awe at your surroundings, not paying any attention towards where you were going until you felt something hard crashing into you, making you lose your balance and you fell to the floor with a massive weight crushing your lungs.
All you could feel was the painful sting that shocked your body as your ass touched the ground with a big “thud” Luckily, the person that knocked you down was quick enough to put a hand behind your head so you don’t hit it too harshly as it came in contact with the cement floors. You tried to curse but the weight in your chest made it almost impossible to talk, making you only gasp in surprise.
The person lying on top of you groaned in discomfort, they must’ve hurt themselves too when you both hit the ground. “Are you okay?” The deep voice said, trying to hide the pain. You opened your eyes at the sound of his voice and were shocked to find two green orbs staring right back at you.
Harry’s face was too close to yours. Noses almost brushing as you took in all the details on his panicked expression. He was beautiful. Breathtaking in the metaphorically and literally since he was still on top of you, crushing your chest with his.
You tapped on his arm trying to push him off you. He seemed to get the hint as he quickly apologized and stood up, offering you his hand to help you do the same. You gladly took it as the air came rushing back to your lungs, a little whine escaping your throat as you felt how your muscles ached after the impact.
“Oh shit, are you hurt?” Harry asked, faced filled with worry as he looked at you up and down, trying to make sure there were no visible injuries.
“Not really, but-“ You said bringing a hand to your lower back and rubbing it gently, hissing when you felt a hint of pain when you touched a certain spot “Definitely gonna bruise in a few hours”
“I am very, very sorry. I didn’t mean to- Do you need ice? I can get you some ice if you-“
“I’m fine” You raised your palm to cut him off, smiling as you saw how worried he actually was “Really, I’m fine. It could’ve been worse if it wasn’t for your hand working as a cushion for my head” You giggled “Are you okay, though?”
Harry nodded, smiling as well “I truly am sorry, I was not paying attention to where I was going”
“Well, that makes two of us. But why were you running?”
“Oh, ’m running away from my bodyguard. You see, they really don’t like it when you do that and steal the keys to the van” He said with mischievous eyes, flashing a smile as he showed you the key dangling in his finger. Soon after, you heard someone yell ‘Harry Styles come back here!’ You couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous the situation was. Harry stared at you for a little while, eyes gleaming at the sound of your giggles “Gotta go! Are you sure you’re okay…?”
“Y/N” You said, nodding your head.
“Y/N…” He repeated in a low voice, eyes scanning you once again as he backed away slowly “See yeh round, love” The last thing you saw was his flirty wink before he started running again.
You felt your cheeks get warmer but you were quick to hide it. This was your job, you need to be professional. Though, you gotta admit, having Harry Styles knocking you off your feet on your first day wasn’t bad at all. Really not bad at all.
“There you are!” You heard your best friend call from the other end of the hall “C´mon, we need to set everything up before they come here” Lottie came close to you, softly grabbing you by the hand and tugging it so you could follow her. She had an understanding smile on her face “Don´t worry, I was in the same position as you when I first visited the tour. It's amazing, isn't it?”
“Kinda intimidating, actually”
Lottie laughed and linked your arms together as you walked through the enormous hall downt to a small room.
You spent the next hour or so getting everything ready for when they come, laughing and joking around each other like you always do, making you almost forget that you were here to do a job and not just hang out. That's one of the many good things about the Tomlinsons, they make you feel so comfortable that you forget all your worries.
The playlist you chose was blasting on the small speaker you had brought to entertain yourselves while waiting for the boys. You were both laughing and jumping around with brushes in your hands, pretending they were microphones and you were having your own little concert with the Spice Girls. You were in the middle of your solo, already lost in the sound of Baby Spice´s voice when the door opened at the same time you were stretching your arm in an improvised dance move, accidentally hitting the person next to you with the heavy brush.
“Ouch!” The boy said as he quickly brought his hand to his nose, trying to make sure it wasn't bleeding.
You covered your mouth immediately and threw the brush into one of the cushions “Oh my- I´m so sorry. I'm so so so so sorry” You soon apologized and went over to him, trying to assess the damages and hoping you didn't break his nose “Are you okay? I really am sorry I didn´t-”
The boy opened his eyes, locking them with yours. You have never seen such an intense stare in your life, it was intriguing, magnetic. You could feel yourself blush, but you didn't know if it was because of the embarrassing situation or because you felt intimidated by those brown eyes.
“Uh.. Yeah” He said blinking when he realized he was staring at you for a little too long “I just wasn't expecting that” He chuckled to ease the tension. He had a beautiful smile, like the kind that's just so welcoming and warm, so you couldn't help but join in his laughter.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Lottie trying to hold herself together so she wouldn´t burst into fits of laughter at the scenario playing in front of her. You quickly cleared your throat and asked “Are you sure you are okay? Nothing's broken?”
“Nah, that's just his face” A voice with a thick accent said.
The boy rolled his eyes as you peeked over his shoulders. Leaning into the door frame were three other people, boys of apparently the same age, taller than life and equally amused by his hurt friend. You recognized them immediately (mostly thanks to the color haired boy) They were the opening act. They were 5 Seconds of Summer. And you just hit their bassist on the nose.
“Way to make an impression, Cal” Laughed the boy with the long curly hair. Ashton? or was that Luke?
Calum flipped them off as they made their way into the little room and you felt your cheeks get warmer again. The three of them went to say hi to Lottie, having already met her at the last tour, and started a whole new conversation with her.
“Uhmm, I can go get some ice. If you want?” You asked, feeling a little self conscious now that there were more people in the room.
Calum smiled.
“I´m good, but thanks sweetheart” He winked at you “I´m Calum, by the way” He extended his hand for you to shake.
“Y/N” You said with a smile.
“Beautiful” He said, barely even a whisper before his eyes met yours again and you swore your heart just skipped a beat right there and there.
“Hey, Calum!” Lottie greeted him with a hug “We are starting with you today, okay? Go grab a seat” Calum nodded and sat in front of one of the vanities. Lottie came closer to you and whispered “Talk about a meet cute” She teased.
You rolled your eyes and muttered a “Shut up” before you walked away and started to work with one of the other boys.
This was going to be an interesting first day.
For the next hour or so, you found yourself amazed at the fact of how much you had in common with the Aussie band. You bonded over music, fashion and you laughed at the same dumb jokes, and were genuelly surprised at how grounded they all were. They were just as excited as you for the tour, knowing what big of a chance it was and how lucky they were to be here, just like you. In a matter of minutes you were acting like old friends.
From time to time you would look at Calum over the mirror, only to find that he was already staring at you, flashing you a smile every time your eyes met. He wasn’t much of a chatter like his friends, but he still engaged in every conversation, especially if you were part of it.
When their time at “your office” as Lottie calls it, ended, he was the last one to go out. But before he stepped out the door, he gave one last look at you and said “You’ll be watching our set tonight, right?”
You smiled “Wouldn't miss it”
Calum's smile grew until it almost reached his ears, he muttered a last goodbye before closing the door.
“Well, someone has a crush” You turned around and saw Lottie wiggle her eyebrows in a suggestive way, pressing her lips into a teasing fine line. You just rolled your eyes.
“What are you talking about? He was just being friendly”
“Who was being friendly?” A familiar voice said.
You looked behind you and ran towards the slim figure that just opened the door, pulling him into a hug.
“Louis!” You squealed in excitement, circling your arms around his back as he held tighter to you.
Louis was the closest thing you had to an older brother. Growing up as Lottie’s best friend made you an unofficial member of their family and you loved them all as your own. He was always the life of the party, making jokes, teasing you and sometimes reprimanding you if you messed up. You couldn’t count how many times he took you both for a late night snack or let you hang out with him and his friends when you got bored. He also gave great advice, and you trusted him more than anything (besides Lottie, of course) The day that he went away to chase his dreams was one of the most bittersweet moments of your lives, for one part you were happy for him but you would miss him like crazy.
And now, almost five years later, here you were. The three of you, together again like old times but with a more busy schedule. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Y/N/N! It’s so good to see you, love”
“What? No hug for me?” Said Lottie sarcastically, cocking an eyebrow to his older brother.
“Only if you tell me who was being friendly with Y/N” He said as he let you go and her in for a tight bear hug.
“Who’s being friendly with who?” Someone called out from the door.
The three of you turned around to see Harry leaning onto the door. His brows frowned as his eyes scanned the room until they met yours. If he was surprised to see you there then he didn’t show it. After all, you didn’t get to tell him what you were doing here.
“H!” Lottie gasped in delight as she pushed her brother away and went to hug the curly haired man.
Harry hugged her with the same energy, holding her close and muttering a sweet ‘hello’, just like Louis did with you.
“Oi, mate! Have you met Y/N? The new stylist and best friend anyone could have?” Asked Louis as he put his arm around your shoulder, showing you off like a proud big brother.
Harry looked at you and smiled “Yeah, we ran into each other earlier” He shared a knowing smirk with you and you couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.
“Quite literally, I must say”
He was about to say something when the door opened again, you realized no one here bothered to knock first, apparently. Niall, Liam and Zayn entered the room, ready to get themselves ready before the show. Lottie introduced you to each one of them and immediately started working when she noticed how knotted Niall’s hair was.
The conversations started flowing with ease, all of them genuinely curious to get to know you, convinced that any friend of Louis was a friend of them. They were all very sweet and welcoming, and, just like with the members of 5SOS, you bonded rather quickly. All the nerves you once had easily faded away as you felt more comfortable in this space, more convinced than ever that this was where you were meant to be.
“Oi, what about those pretty eyes you saw earlier, Harold?” Liam’s voice filled the room “Seen them again?”
Harry instantly lifted his gaze to watch his friend through the mirror and shot him a deathly glare “Don't know wha you’re talkin ’bout” He stated.
You could’ve swore he looked your way, just for a moment his green eyes met yours through the mirror. It was quick, almost like a reflex. Maybe you were just imagining things.
“Ooh, does Harry have a crush?” Lottie teased while applying some oils to his curls. He just rolled his eyes “Wouldn’t be the first one to catch feelings in this room”
You snapped your head towards your friend, knowing and dreading what she was going to say next.
“Spill” Said Louis, living for the drama.
“Well…” She started, searching for your face in the mirror. But you quickly averted your eyes, suddenly finding Zayn’s hair very interesting “Let’s just say that one of your Australian mates already started making eyes at our Y/N”
The room filled with “oooohs” and “aaawwws” from all of the boys. All except Harry, who was just staring straight at his reflection with a rather serious look.
You laughed and shook your head “Honestly, Lottie. You are just imagining things”
Staring at the mirror one more time, your eyes quickly met Harry’s green orbs, already staring at you from his seat. You shot him a smile and he returned it as the topic of the conversation changed once again.
Time flew without any of you really noticing it. All the boys were done with their hair and make up, ready to move on to the wardrobe department. Lottie tagged along with Louis, wanting to say hi to a few friends she made last year. You wanted to go too, but a quick glance at your phone made you aware of the time and the promise you had made.
“Oh shoot” You breathed, quickly grabbing your phone from the vanity as you rushed through the door.
“What’s the hurry, love?” Asked Harry, amused at your behavior. You didn’t notice that he was the only person left in the room.
“The show’s about to start and I kinda promise someone that I wouldn’t miss it” You smiled “But, now that I think about it, I don’t even know how to get to the side of the stage!”
Harry got up from his chair, wiping his palms onto his black skinny jeans “I could take you there, but only if you promise to stay there for our set as well”
“What? Are you kidding?” You laughed “You really think I wasn’t planning on doing that already?”
His eyes gleamed with joy at your words and you swore you saw a glimpse of his pink tinted cheeks as he nudged his head and asked you to follow him.
You followed Harry though a complicated mess of halls filled with people running around, making sure that everything was already set to start. You had to admit, he really knew how to navigate, not only on stage but backstage as well, you would’ve gotten lost the moment you stepped outside the door if it weren’t for him.
Once you reached the side of the stage, making sure that you stayed way out of the fans point of view, Harry said he had to go back and change.
“‘S not Ashton, is it?” He asked, just before he turned to leave.
“The boy who was a crush on you” He stated, eyes locked to the stage, almost like he was trying too hard not to meet yours “‘s not him, right? Cos I’ve seen him look at my sister and I don’t-“
“Nobody has a crush on me!” You laughed as you rolled your eyes, reminding yourself to kill your friend right after the show. “Lottie was just teasing. Besides, I’m here to work, not to look for a relationship”
Harry nodded, seemingly pleased with your answer, making his way back to the maze called ‘backstage’
You watched him walk away with a soft smile on your face. Harry was not like everyone in the media said he was, and you were glad. You didn’t need more drama in your life, no boyfriends nor toxic relationships. You could feel that this was going to be your safe space, and who knows? maybe when the tour finishes you’ll have a new friend to lean on.
The sound of a guitar riff caught you off guard, pulling your attention away from the black background and into the stage. You could hear the fans go absolutely bonkers as the four Australians came into view, smiling as they took their places on stage.
Sharing one understanding look among each other, Ashton banged his drumsticks together, setting the pace for their first song. The crowd goes wild as they recognize the melody immediately, singing and jumping along the words of a song about a girl friendzoning one of the guys.
They sounded incredible. It was hard to imagine that they were still teenagers like yourself, like most of the people in the crowd, actually. The way they moved on stage was erratic, always walking around and messing with each other as they sang and played their instruments like it was nothing. It was easy to tell that they’ve been friends for a long time now and they feel comfortable with each other, having the most fun up there, seizing every moment like it was their last,
You, on the other hand, found yourself enjoying their set a little too much. Since you’ve never gotten the chance to actually listen to most of their songs before tonight, you were quite surprised at how much fun and kinda edgy they were, making you want to dance and jump like the rest of the fans. So you did. You didn’t care about if people around you were watching, you just let yourself go to the rhythm and enjoyed your night. This was the beginning of your new life, what better way to celebrate it than letting all your worries go while your new favorite band played on stage, just mere meters in front of you.
You were so lost in your own little world, completely immersed in the music, that you didn’t notice the looks Calum gave to you while onstage. Everytime he had the chance, his head spinned towards you, watching with joy as you danced along to their songs. Once you caught his eyes staring at you, you smiled at him and stuck your tongue out, mocking him. He just laughed wholeheartedly, bringing one finger to the side of his nose, the same one you punched a few hours ago. You did the same without questioning it, turning that little gesture into your first inside joke.
The guys played a few more songs before their set ended. Calum came to you as soon as they finished their bows.
“Hey!” He said, still pumped with adrenaline.
He was sweaty, very sweaty. But his energy was contagious as he flashed one of his beautiful smiles to you, eyes shining from excitement.
“You came!”
“Told ya I was going to!” You exclaimed “You guys are amazing!”
“You really think so?” Calum looked like a boy on Christmas, genuinely happy that you like how they sound like “Or are you just being nice because you almost broke my nose?”
“Almost! That’s the key word there” You chuckled “But no, I’m being honest. You killed it tonight!”
Calum’s smile almost reached his eyes, making all of his little dimples pop out as he looked at you softly.
“Hey… Uhm.. I need to get back to our dressing room, Wanna come with me?” He asked, suddenly shy.
“Sure!” You said, making his eyes sparkle “Then we can come back and watch the others perform”
Calum furrowed his eyebrows “Oh, you’re staying for that?” He sounded a little bit disappointed.
“Well, yeah? How could I miss it” You chuckled, but stopped once you saw his expression change “Why? You’re not staying for the whole show?”
“Management doesn’t let us stay long after our set”
You muttered a surprised ‘oh’ That wasn’t fair at all! Why couldn’t they enjoy the show like the rest of you? Or even just stay backstage and do nothing but chill until the show was done? You could see Calum was disappointed in that fact too, it must be a bummer for them not to have the full experience.
“But..” He said smiling, bringing his eyes up to meet with yours again “There is an after party at the hotel later tonight, will I see you there as well?”
You nodded “Of course! I’ll be there”
“Yes! Can’t wait!” He jumped in excitement as he took a step forward and started walking towards the dressing rooms. Not before turning back around and saying “See ya there, Y/N” Putting his finger to the side of his nose and smiling when you did the same.
A few minutes later Lottie showed up beside you, knowing the concert was about to start.
“How did the guys do?” She asked.
“Oh, they were amazing! I don´t know why I´ve never heard of them until a few weeks ago!”
She hummed “Yes, they are pretty good. How was Calum?”
You looked at her confused. Was this going to become a thing now? Couldn't you just have a friend without getting involved in some relationship drama? It was frustrating and it will only end up making things awkward for everyone. It has happened before and you were not ready to experience that again.
She seemed to notice your discomfort and immediately changed the topic. Not wanting to upset you. Clearing her throat she said “Uhm.. the boys really like you”
You snapped your head towards her direction.
“They´ve talked about you a little bit, they all say you are really nice and all the yadah yadah I already know” She smiled “Harry was especially pleased with your work. He says could come and stay with me permanently on the team”
You blushed at his compliment, but before you could even say anything you were interrupted by his voice.
“Straight off the plane to a new hotel..”
The fans go wild. Quite feral, you might add. But you couldn't blame them, not even a little bit. The five boys walking down the runway was truly a sight to behold.
You felt the goosebumps run around your body as the energy grew into something quite impossible to understand. This was it. This was the feeling everyone's been talking about, and now it was your turn to experience it every night.
As the music flew through the stadium. All five of them took over the stage like it was their home, and in some way, it was. They practically grew up there, being in the spotlight since a very young age and stealing the hearts of millions around the world. They were as professionals as they were goofy, always finding an excuse to have fun and tease each other in the middle of the songs and with the public, creating an atmosphere of pure bliss wherever they went on that huge structure in the middle of the stadium.
With every song they sang, Lottie grabbed your arm and started dancing and jumping like it's the first time she heard their music and you did the same, getting completely lost in the feeling, so much so that you didn't even notice how much time had passed and just before you know it, the concert was getting to an end.
When the last song came through, the guys were scattered around the stage, running around as they took in everything they could from this experience. At some point, Harry stood right in front of you, just like Calum did a few hours ago, and while he sang his heart out, his eyes connected with yours. His green eyes sparkled like stars when he met your gaze, only for a second too long before he joined his brothers in the middle of the runway, ready to give one final bow and exit the stage where he came from.
“C´mon!” Said Lottie, pulling you out of your trance “They are going to shower and get ready for the after party. We should get going now, because I am not going to show up there with this outfit!”
You laughed at her and followed her to grab a cab, feeling more than excited for the afterparty.
You walked along the lobby, Lottie right by your side. Both of you clean, fresh and looking hot as hell as you made your way to the venue. To say you were nervous was an understatement, you were downright terrified. This was your first VIP party celebrating, not only your first day, but also the first day of one of the biggest tours of the year.
“Hey,” Lottie calmed you down, placing her little hand on your shoulder. “We did an amazing job today, sweetie. It’s time to celebrate”
You nodded and let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, trying to calm the stomach ache that your nerves created and opening the door of the hotel club.
You immediately got caught up in the dark atmosphere, flashing colored lights flying around the room and reflecting themselves onto the mirrored dance floor. Out of the corner of your eyes you spotted a few people sitting on the bar stools, some were already on the dance floor and others were just sitting on dark booths pulled against the walls, chilling as they watched the party go by. You recognize some of them, but most of them were strangers, elite people that came to celebrate and wish another successful tour for the boys.
The pressure on your chest became tighter. You grabbed Lottie‘s hand and felt some kind of comfort when she squeezed it for a second, at least you weren’t alone.
“LOTTIE!” Someone called from one of the dark booths. You could recognize Zayn’s thick accent anywhere. With one reassuring look, Lottie pulled your hand and guided you through the sea of people flooding the room.
Once you reached the booth it was easier to identify its occupants. Zayn was sitting next to Louis who, at the same time, was beside Ashton and Luke. You all exchanged your hellos as you took a seat next to Lottie.
“What’d think of the show?” Asked Louis, taming a sip of his beer.
The group started rambling on and on about the different parts of the show, their favorite moments and about the craziest fans they managed to see. You spend quite a bit talking and laughing with the guys, slowly getting more comfortable being there. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy parties at all, on the contrary, you loved them. The problem was that this was new territory, pleasure mixing with your responsibilities and you didn’t want to fuck this up. The sheer thought of that possibility made you feel ill again and you wanted nothing more than to breathe a little air into your lungs before you passed out from overthinking too much.
Scanning the room you spotted a glass door that led to some sort of balcony, you cheered internally “I’ll be right back” You whispered to Lottie, who was having a nice chat with Luke about his bone structure. She looked at you, worried. You smiled at her “I’m just going to get some air, keep talking. I won’t take long”
You almost sprinted to the door, heart racing at the thought of a moment alone to gather yourself. Once the cool air of the night grazed your skin, you felt like you could finally breathe properly. You always felt more like yourself when nighttime arrived, it was complicated to explain but it seemed like the stars could understand you better than anyone. They were your comfort and your confidants, because no matter what, you knew they wouldn't ever leave you alone.
“‘S nice to know ‘m not the only one who needed a break” You heard a familiar voice say next to you.
Harry was standing next to railing, green eyes fixed on you as you took a step closer.
“You’re not having fun?” You asked, resting your elbows on the cold metal of the balcony.
“Parties are all the same after a while,” He said absentmindedly “‘m just really tired”
“Well, that’s understandable. After the night you had? If I were you I would be sleeping until I turned 40!”
Harry laughed and shook his head at your comment “How’s your bum?”
“My what now?”
“Your ass” He said pointing at your backside “From the fall?”
“Oh! It’s fine, just a little bruised up. Which is surprising since I expected a lot worse from being run over by a six foot man”
He smiled “‘m sorry, love. If it makes you feel better I got my ass handed to me by a six foot five man right after that”
“Yeah, that does make me feel better” You chuckled, looking at the sky again “Still can’t believe I’m here”
Harry came closer to you, his arm barely inches from yours. You didn’t notice as he studied your face carefully, almost like he was trying to remember every detail “‘s like a dream, isn’t it?”
“It truly is. I-“ You turned your face to him, only to find his way closer than you remember “Is everything alright, Harry?”
He hummed, distancing himself from you as he laid his back to the railing “Just thinking”
“That I might actually enjoy the parties if you’re around”
You were about to return the compliment when you heard the glass door open with a ferocious amount of force.
“Y/N!” Lottie yelled from the insides of the party “Get your little perky arse in here! They’re playing our song!”
You knew better than to say no to that. So you laughed as you made your way back inside, but not before saying bye to Harry.
“I’ll come and find you soon” He said with a dashing smile.
“As long as you don’t throw me to the ground, then that’s okay”
You grabbed Lottie’s hand and she pulled you over to the dance floor, not wasting any time before she started moving along to the song blasting from the stereos, you joined her almost instantly.
At that moment, you didn’t care who saw. You were having the time of your life dancing with your best friend in a party celebrating your new life. Your new beginning. Yes, you were scared. But why be scared now? Why don’t just enjoy the moment? Life’s too short to be moping around hypotheticals. Right now, you wanted to dance.
And you did, for five more songs you let all your worries go down the drain. Tonight you were living the dream and you silently promised yourself to cherish every moment like it’s the last one, no time for worries nor fears. Just fun.
“Ugh! I need a wee!” Lottie called over the music.
“I’m gonna grab some water!” You said to her before each of you made your way to your own destinations.
Once you reached the bar, you tried and failed to get the bartender’s attention. Them being to worried about the other clients waiting for a line of shots at the other side of the bar.
Wanting to rest your feet for a while, you decided to sit up on one of the tall stools they had, trying to catch your breath after that intense dance workout you just had. Your eyes began to wander across the room again out of curiosity, you wanted to know what your friends were up to at the moment.
You quickly found Liam and Niall on the dance floor, trying to copy some choreography they probably saw online and failing miserably while doing so. Louis, Zayn and Ashton were still at the booth, they were laughing hard at something that Josh had said, making Louis spill his drink onto the table. You scanned the room a little bit more, pretending like you were in a game of ‘Where’s Waldo?’ Without looking for anyone in particular. That’s when your eyes met Calum’s.
He was sitting at the other end of the bar, eyes already fixed at you when you met them. When he noticed you were staring, he quickly shot you a smile and brought his finger to the side of his nose, remembering your secret greeting from earlier. You smiled back and did the same, beckoning him to come talk to you.
He was by your side in a second
“Hey you!” He said excitedly “Was wondering where you went”
“I was just dancing with Lottie a few minutes ago” You pointed out the dance floor.
“Oh I know, hard to keep the eyes from ya” He smiled “Looks like karaoke is not your only talent”
“Oh shut up!” You laughed as you playfully punched him in the arm “I could still break your nose, you know?”
“I’m completely aware, darling. Wouldn’t mind it if you did, though”
You rolled your eyes at him “Are you having fun?”
“I am now”
You laughed again and Calum swore he had never listened to such a beautiful sound before. His brown eyes met yours again, trying to communicate everything you needed to know with just one gaze, just one moment. He was never a man of many words, but he hoped that this would be enough.
“So..” You said, trying not to get lost in his stare but failing miserably as you felt how his dark eyes took you in “What’ve you been doing, if you weren’t having fun?”
Calum smiled and shook his head “Trying to get Michael and Luke out of trouble-“
“CALUM” A voice was heard from across the room, probably Luke’s
“Like I said…” He pointed behind you at the two young men on the dance floor next to Liam and Niall, trying to balance some beer bottles onto Niall’s quiff “Cal! Come here!”
Calum sighed “I better go see what they’re doing”
“Make sure they don’t hurt themselves, I certainly don’t want to deal with covering them with make up tomorrow if they end up cutting their faces off” You joked.
“I’ll take that into account” He chuckled “I’ll find you later, Y/N” Calum said, turning around to their friends.
After a while, you decided to go over the booth and hang out with Louis, not wanting to be alone on a stool bar any longer.
“I can see you’re having fun, aren’t ya, love?” He said, putting his arm around your shoulder in a brotherly kind of way.
“I am, in fact. Thank you for asking”
“Been a bit flirty from what I can see as well, haven’t ya?”
You looked at him. He had a smug smile on his face, one brow raising teasingly as he waited for your answer. What did he mean by that?
“Uhm.. what? I haven’t been flirting with anyone” You state, confused by his question.
“Yeah? Do they know that?” Louis said, pointing behind you.
You turned your head to where he was pointing and you could see Calum and Harry, both coming from different sides of the room each one with two drinks in their hands, approaching the booth. Both of their eyes were fixed on you as they walked closer and closer, until they stopped completely in front of you.
It seemed like only then did they acknowledge each other, as they comically turned their heads to their side, looked down at each other’s drinks and then lifted their gaze to meet again face to face, mirroring each other’s movements and expressions.
“Guess you got a handful there, love” Louis whispered in your ear.
Oh, boy.
Part 2
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narcissasdaffodil · 3 years
Femslash February 2021
Day 2: Tears
This one is also for the 6 month anniversary of LCBC, I’m using multiple prompt lists x Here’s the A03 link if you prefer reading on there x
It’s unexpected, mostly. When you give your entire heart to someone, you don’t expect them to stamp on it. Marisol found herself replaying the same section of the episode over and over, watching Lottie getting ready to leave.
On screen, the door opened and a tall redhead ran through, and hugged her from behind.
“You can’t leave. I seriously won’t let you. What am I going to do without your witchy love to support me?” Just the soft voice of the redhead breaks Marisol’s heart again. Aderyn Bevan had stolen her heart from the moment she had arrived all those months ago. She had tried to make relationships work with everyone but her mind always came back to her.
When they finally got together, she was so happy. It hurts to remember those memories, but she doesn’t have a heart to break any more. She feels it beating occasionally, but feels so entirely numb.
She forces herself to turn back to the TV, her eyes drawn in by Aderyn, even now. The musician had played her like a fiddle, and managed it effortlessly. Pretending to be in love with her despite holding a small crush on Lottie persistently. Despite taking your side during Roccogate, you could tell how much it hurt her to do that. Going against Lottie wasn’t something she could do without guilt.
“I wish I could stay too, you know. Seeing you and Marisol together, made me realise something. I’ve been sitting on these feelings and pretending they don’t exist, but…” Lottie’s cut off by Aderyn pulling her close and kissing her on the lips. Lottie gasps in surprise, but kisses her back, her arms wind around Aderyn’s back and pull her close. They only separate to breathe and stare into each other’s eyes.
“I’m sorry, was that too forward of me? Have I seen something you didn’t?” Aderyn watched Lottie with wild eyes, strands of hair escaping from her elaborate braided bun. For someone who usually looks so polished, to see the mascara tears trailing down her cheeks and the hair slowly escaping and coming loose in wild auburn curls, felt so strange. Come to think of it, Aderyn had always kept part of herself hidden around you. It was only Lottie, and Lucas who she let herself loose with. You were just left with the public image version of her, the one who kept all emotions hidden and solved all problems with a wide smile on her face. Elisa had warned you about her, said she was far too good to be true. But she had everyone else wrapped around her little finger, so there was no hope for you, really.
Fresh tears spilt down Marisol’s cheeks and she let them go. Her flat was such a tip currently, pizza boxes stacked in piles on every available surface, and tissues. She was usually so neat, but the current situation had left her unable to clean up her own stuff, she had become such a mess. She no longer cared about her flat being a mess, she had barely been out recently. She only went out for the essentials and nothing more. Her phone beeped and she left it on the table, not having the energy to move from the sofa.
“No, of course not. I feel it too. But what about Marisol? I know I left it so late to even say anything, and I have to leave soon. I just never thought you might like me in that way. And can you promise me something? Win, and we’ll work out what’s happening from there,” Lottie squeezed her hand before letting go. She grabbed her suitcase and they left the room together.
Marisol fast forwarded the rest of the episode, not able to see herself and Aderyn together, and in love. Or was she even in love with you? She didn’t accept to be your girlfriend, and looked...uneasy when you said ‘I love you’. Did she just lead you on and were you too blind to see it?
Her flat turned silent as the episode finished and she turned off the TV. She sat in the silent dark room, unable to convince herself to move. We were something, don’t you think so? You’ve turned from someone who as a rule doesn’t listen to Taylor Swift and hates too much noise to needing noise all the time and having a full playlist of sad Taylor Swift songs. Anything to prevent your thoughts from spiralling. But you were the same after Olivia, so of course this happened again.
Her phone beeped again and she continued to leave it. She was in the Islanders group chat, but struggled to see everyone so happy. Everyone found their person, even if they didn’t always leave with them. Hope and Lucas were together, which fit far better than Hope and Noah. Noah himself was with Priya and those were just the people she remembered. She struggled to stay in touch with most of them and could feel them slipping away from her. Hope and Bobby were the only ones who keep contacting you, but they’ll give up eventually. Priya was always saying that she was the outcast, but that was more like you.
As for her, she who cannot be named, the little bird was enjoying life with Lottie. No sign of an apology, or anything to even explain what happened. You were the first person to give her that nickname. To call Aderyn little bird, which started as a joke. To her, you were the sunshine, she took that from your name. Now you can’t even see the sunlight without thinking of her.
She snapped herself out of her head, the loud knocking coming from the door making her jump out of her skin. The knocking didn't appear to stop, so she stood up and slipped her feet into her slippers and made her way to the door, retrieving her keys as she passed the key bowl. She slid her keys into the keyhole and opened the door, to see Bobby and Hope on the other side. She tried to smile, but fresh tears spilled down her cheeks and she stepped backwards into her flat.
“It’ll probably be better if you come in, don’t particularly want to be a mess out in the hallway. Excuse the mess, I didn’t plan for guests,” she laughs slightly. She was such a mess she didn’t feel like pretending otherwise, and she was relieved they didn’t comment on it.
They followed her, Hope closed the door behind her and locked it. She put the keys back in the key dish as she passed it.
“I’ve been very worried about you. You haven’t been answering any texts or phone calls, I know that the...situation with Aderyn must really hurt,” Hope moved forward and puts her arms around Marisol, giving her a hug. Marisol sniffed, and let out fresh tears into Hope’s shoulder. Hope stroked her back, and held onto her. The small attempt at comfort helped her relax a little bit, and eventually they separated.
“T...thank you. I keep wondering if you’re going to give up on me eventually. If you’re going to leave like she did. I don’t even know what I did wrong, why she chose me of all people’s hearts to break. She had the pick of everyone, even Bobby. As for Lottie, after last time she kissed Gary and there was all that backlash, you’d think she’d think twice about starting another kiss gate. Trust my luck to be fucked over twice,” her eyes flash in anger as she looks over to Hope. It’s a relief to feel something other than heartbreak, or numbness.
“It was far from your fault. It was her choice to make, entirely. I won’t give up on you, and that’s a promise,” Bobby nodded from next to Hope.
“And same for me, too. I don’t support either of them with that decision. I’m pretty certain Aderyn knew all too well what she was doing. She appeared too good to be true, I got ensnared myself by her. Don’t blame yourself for that either. You deserve better, I know that,” Bobby took her hands in his and squeezed them tight.
“What about Gary? How did he take this? Considering how he was together with Aderyn for so long, until I coupled up with her, this must’ve hurt him too…” she wiped her eyes with her sleeve and looked back at them.
Bobby sighed.“About as well as can be expected, really. It was a surprise for him too. And both of them are just pretending they did absolutely nothing wrong, and have moved to California to get away from all the backlash. The rest of us are very much there for you, though. You deserve so much better.”
“Elisa warned me and all. She said Aderyn’s far too good to be true. Yet I was too stubborn to listen. Not only that, but she was always hiding stuff from me, so I guess I expected it...anyway, I could do with a distraction. This is going to sound pathetic, but I keep replaying that kiss, and noticing something. How different she seems with Lottie, how much more free and happy she is. But an apology would be nice, but of course that’s too much to ask…” Marisol bit her lip hard and blinked. She ignored the tears reappearing and moved into the kitchen. She stared at the mess, sighed softly, and turned back around.
“Do you fancy pizza? My treat,” Hope winked at her. “I’ll even get ham and pineapple. Even though I can’t stand it,” Marisol’s eyes lit up and she grinned.
“Sure. But maybe split it, so half ham and pineapple, and half ham and mushroom. As you like mushrooms, right? I would make something, but…” she gestured towards the mess in her flat. It’s weird you no longer care about the mess, but oh well.
Hope retrieved her phone and started to order pizza.
“I’ll help with the mess, if you’re comfortable with that,” Bobby said from beside her.
“Thank you. I’ve been meaning to tackle it. But don’t have the energy, for obvious reasons,” she gave him a wobbly smile.
Once Hope finished her phone call, the three of them started tackling the mess. The stacks of boxes are nearly taller than Marisol herself, and as she started to see the countertops beneath the mess she breathed a sigh of relief. Nearly normal again. Hopefully soon you can heal.
She heard a knock at the door and Hope scrambled to answer it, getting there before Marisol and paying the delivery person.
“I did say I would pay. Now you need to relax. Maybe we can find something on TV?” Hope moved with the boxes and drinks towards the sofa, and Marisol and Bobby followed suit.
Marisol retrieved the remote and switched on Netflix. As they choose something to watch she feels a smile settle on her face and relaxed, focused on her food and the pleasure of having company. Maybe you didn’t find love in Love Island. But you found something more valuable, friends for life.
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crookedkittyperson · 4 years
A Disaster Recoupling
Pairing: Lucas x Luna
Summary: This my take on disaster coupling where Luna despite not participating in Operation Nope is snapped by Noah from Lucas. 
Note: This is my first time uploading something like this. Might take it down. If there is any criticism or suggestion. Please let me know. All I can say is that I tried my level best. Hope you like it.
Luna PoV
I woke up suddenly to the feeling of something heavy on top of me. I stiffened, only to see that Lucas had his right arm draped around and right leg on top of me. He was snoring slightly. The look on his face was peaceful and I giggled at him. 
Looking at his face made me think of last couple of days – Ministry of sound, operation ‘Nope’, the argument between Lottie, Priya and Chelsea, and lastly the argument between Priya and Hope regarding the Noah. Gosh! To think I was going to have a peaceful summer.
To be honest thinking about everything made me gave me thirsty. And I tried to remove myself out of Lucas’s grasp.
He groaned at the sudden movement and pulled me closer to fill up a non-existent gap while nuzzling his face in my hair making my breath hitch.I slowly tried to lift his arms and failed. He was sleeping like a rock and wouldn’t budge. I groaned and tried wiggle out of his arms.
“Luna”, he growled lowly. I froze for a moment thinking I woke him but I soon realized he was till sleeping. 
‘Awe, he talks in his sleep’ I thought. But seeing him calling my name in his sleep gave me butterflies in my stomach and an unknown feeling in my heart. Thinking that I’ll talk to him about it later, I chuckled under my breath. 
I tried again and again to get out of his deathly trap and almost got successful, but suddenly he pulled me with both of his arm and tucked me under him. He tucked me in such a way that I felt as I was his personal pillow as he had his chin resting top of my head, his both arms around me and his legs tangled against mine. He sighed. 
“How can he continue to sleep with everything going on”, I asked myself.
“That’s because he never got to sleep properly and don’t you remember he told you that he got his best sleep in years when you two slept together on the daybed”, My mind retorted.
 Suddenly I heard laughter echoing in the room. I tried to turn around and see what was happening. And I realized that everyone in the room might have seen what happened a few minutes ago. I was stunned.
Suddenly, I heard Lottie saying, “Well tried Luna!” And everyone cracks up again. I complained, “If you guys are done laughing will you guys help me or at least wake him up.”
To which everyone said no. Though I couldn’t breathe properly, a part of me was actually enjoying it (which I am not gonna admit openly). I tried to wriggle out but I failed, which everyone found amusing. Great!
I tried tapping on his arms so that at least he would loosen his hold on me but instead he tried to squeeze me even tighter. 
Woah! And I to think that I was enjoying it.
“You guys are so cute,” Priya and Chelsea cooed. I blushed.
“As much as I agree that we’re cute, I feel like I am trapped,” I said though my voice came out as muffled but Priya being in the bed next to mine heard it properly. She laughed. She fucking laughed at my misery. And quoted my statement in a baby voice to everyone. 
I still for nth time couldn’t believe that Lucas was sleeping though all this like a rock.
Suddenly he snuggled further into me and said, “Mine!” which everyone heard. The girls awed while the boys started to laugh.
“Looks like someone has werewolf instincts. A proper alpha-like behavior,” Bobby remarked, which doubled the laughter.
I could hear Hope rolling her eyes and saying, “Disgusting. I am out of here.” And then heard footstep fading away. Honestly, I was feeling bad for Hope given what happen in these few days. Here, being I am being all loved while Hope had to go through Noah admitting that Priya kind of turned his head.
Though I was feeling bad, the HBIC part of me decided to take advantage of my current situation and I decided to wrap my arms around Lucas and rest my cheeks against his chest. I could hear his heart beating.
Suddenly, Noah piped in, “Luna, let me wake Lucas up. give me a minute.”
Lottie sarcastically said, “What a gentleman.” To which Priya chocked on a laughter.
Noah tapped on Lucas arms and started to shake Lucas gently. Lucas sighed, “10 mins more”.
Noah replied, “Wake up, man. You are squeezing Luna to death.”
That perked up Lucas’s attention. Lucas opened his eyes immediately to look up to Noah quizzically. Noah gestures towards me and walked away.
Lucas turned towards me confused, his eyes widened when he realizes our current position and that everyone had been watching us. I giggled at his reaction. He quickly pulled himself away and looked away blushing profusely. We both sat up and collected ourselves. My heart was beating frantically as I reached for my water bottle.
“Guys! Let’s go get ready and leave the loved-up couple alone,” Gary announced controlling his laughter. Everyone started to leave the bedroom. The girls were giggling and shot me wink while leaving. Noah stood near the door looking at us both of us with an unreadable expression and then shook his head and left. 
“What was that?” I asked myself. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind not knowing that the look is gonna cost me up something tonight at the recoupling. I kept my bottle on the table next to our bed and turn around to face Lucas. I couldn’t see his expression as he had covered his face with his hands. I touched his arms to bring him back to the reality. He looked at me with an embarrassed smile, which made me laugh.
“Good morning to you too, babe,” he said with sarcasm dripping in his voice. I looked at him only to notice that his still sleepy eyes were filled with amusement and a smile was threatening to spill. I smiled and sat in crossed leg position facing towards him.
“That was something”, I said him.
He shook his head and said, “I thought you were a pillow. Goodness sake, everyone saw that. It was embarrassing.”
“It was cute minus everyone seeing it”, I said, “But do you know that you talk in your sleep?”
He groaned, “Wait! What? No way. I don’t speak in my sleep.”
“I wish I could say I was lying, but you do talk in your sleep. Everyone heard it and moreover it might even be shown on telly.”
He took a pillow and groaned in it. “please tell me I didn’t say something weird.”
Remembering what he said made me look away as a blush was starting to creep on my face. Lucas noticed it and I felt his finger under my chin to make me look at him. Reluctantly, I turned towards him with a shy smile. He looked at a tender look which I never saw on his face since the day we met, although it has only been 7 days since we met, I never came across this facial expression on his face. 
The look on his face made me forget how to breath…. literally. He asked me softly, “Babe, what I did say.”
I whispered softly enough for him to hear, “You not only mumble…. Wait no… you kind of said my name in your sleep but you when I tried to wriggle out of your death trap… you hugged me tighter and growled ‘mine’ lowly but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.”
I tried to look away but he had a firm yet gentle grip on my chin. He cupped my cheeks and mad me look at him. He smiled softly and chuckled.
“As embarrassing as it is, the look on your face kind of makes it worth it.” He blurted out without thinking. He looked away for a minute. He cleared his throat before looking back at me and mumbled something similar to sorry.
 “Shhh! No need to apologize. And you are right, I did like it.” I whispered back.
I was about to say something when the bedroom door opened, we turned to see Noah entering the room. He looks at us and immediately looked up away before sighing. He said, “Bobby and Lottie are making breakfast and they asked me guys to get you guys.” 
Before I could say anything, Lucas said in a straight voice, “It’s alright. Give us 10 mins we’ll be there. You can go ahead.”
Out of nowhere both the boys started having a staring competition. I just sat there thinking what was going on. Both of them had their jaw clenched as if they were having a silent conversation. I tapped on Lucas’s arm and he broke the eye contact.
 “I’m hungry. Can we go and brush our teeth asap?” I asked. He nodded and threw a smirked towards Noah as if to point something. 
“Lucasssssss! Pleassseeeeee!” I whined.
He laughed and took my hand in his and helped me out of the bed. He took the mics in his free hand and led us towards bathroom. I looked back to see Noah glaring at Lucas back.
We brushed our teeth and went towards the kitchen only to find Bobby and Lottie making French toast for everyone. I squealed at the sight of my favorite food…. Aside sweets and fish and chips. Everyone started to laugh at my childish behavior. Lucas ruffled my hair making me pout at him while Priya came to my side gave me cuddle.
“Looks like someone is in a great mood,” Bobby said teasingly. I eagerly nodded and rushed towards the bar to get me plate of French toast with berry jam and powdered sugar.
“Lucas, we never knew you were a werewolf?” Marisol asked teasingly, to which many of the islanders agreed. Lucas just scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and sighed before taking a plate from Bobby.  
“Stop teasing them,” Noah said gruffly, “it’s getting too much.”
But soon Lottie spat, “Just because some couples are not getting on well doesn’t mean other couples can’t enjoy themselves. At least, they look happy unlike others.” Which I think for directed towards Noah. 
Lucas and I shared a look. And I said, “Lottie it’s fine. Anyways, thanks for the breakfast.”
And we left towards the terrace. We enjoyed breakfast silently in each other’s company. 
After finishing our breakfast, we back to the kitchen to only find it empty. I washed our dishes while Lucas made himself a smoothie. After washing the plates, I told him I was going to take a shower and left Lucas alone in the kitchen. 
When I went to the dressing room after getting ready to get my sunscreen lotion, I found Marisol and Bobby on the terrace talking. I decided to join them for a while.
 “Hey guys!” I said.
They said both simultaneously said, “Hey! Thank you so much for helping us clearing the tension in the air last night.” 
I laughed. I replied, “No need to thank me. It’s was necessary for me to clear the air as despite being a drama magnet, I love my life to be a little peaceful.”They snickered. 
Marisol then said, “Despite the fact everything is normal, I feel like something is about to happen tonight at the recoupling. There is this weird vibe I can’t point out.”
I tried comfort her by saying nothing would happen. But she was reluctant to accept it. We spoke for a while before I left them alone. I went towards the picnic area where the boys were sitting. I sat between Lucas and Ibrahim, resting my head on Lucas’s shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me while the boys muttered greetings.
“What were you guys talking about?” I asked.
Gary replied, “Nothing much…. We were talking about recoupling.”
Everyone nodded.
Lucas whispered in my ears, “I know who I want to recouple up with.” I blushed. 
Suddenly Chelsea popped next to me making me jump. We all continued the conversation, while Chelsea decided it would fun to poke me. Suddenly I found my bottle empty, so I stood up and said, “See you guys later, need to fill the bottle.” And I left.
While I was filling the bottle, Lucas came up to me and asked, “Do you have a minute.” I nodded. He asked me, “So there is recoupling tonight, So I was wondering if you want to recouple with me despite the conversation, we had last night?”
I nodded and responded, “Yes! I would love to recouple up with you. Did I give you any wrong signs that made you ask this?”
He said, “No you didn’t. But it’s just that Jakub said he is going to recouple with someone who no one expects him to couple with. I was wondering if you he is into you?”
I scoff, “You gotta be kidding me. I haven’t even spoken to him properly. And I don’t think he is into me. I like you, you know, that right?” 
He smiled and nodded. He kissed me softly on lips before whispered against, “I like you too.”
And he left.
Soon Noah came to the kitchen, mumbling something under his breath. He took the mug, and when he saw it empty, he let out a string of curses. I said, “I didn’t know it was your jug. I filled my bottle through it.” I apologized. His eyes softened when he saw me and nodded.
And then before he could say anything, Hope came to the kitchen and sat on the bar stool. Her eyes narrowed when she saw both of us alone in the kitchen and she, “Noah, Lana you both in the kitchen…. alone.”
I shook my head and said, “I was filling the bottle when came.” She gave me a strained smile.
“I was here to make tea.” Noah curtly replied. Hope asked him, “and you didn’t think of asking me if I wanted one.”
And I kept my silence seeing them having conversation. That’s when I heard her phone go off. She shouted everyone to come in the kitchen. Lucas I arrived last and when he saw me, he gave me a wink. I went to towards him and stood next to him. He closed the distance between us. Hope read out the message which said that there was cake decorating challenged, to which Bobby agreed immediately. Everyone left for the challenge platform while Lucas and I left behind. He grinned and said, “The challenge is gonna be fun. There might be some kind of twist to it.” I agreed him on that.
Turns out Lucas right, there was twist to the challenged. The girls were blind folded while the boys stood me behind us and had their hand cuffed together in front of their partners. It was teamwork testing challenge. Somehow the challenge took a dirty turn for me and Lucas, which didn’t go unnoticed by everyone as they could hear us and the boys including Chelsea could see us. The cake came out pretty amazing despite the fact there was a thick layer of sexual tension around both of us. Once we were free of blind folds and handcuffs. Jakub and Chelsea judged everyone’s cake. Needless to say, that each and every couple had done their best. But when we saw Hope and Noah’s cake, it was mess. The boys were talking about the cake looking like someone had cried on it. But to much our surprise, Jakub choose their cake to which everyone argued to be unfair. He mentioned something along the line that Hope had used the best decorating skill to which Gary replied sarcastically. Everyone left to get cleaned while Lucas and I left behind with all the cakes.
“Whew! This challenge made me hungry. I can at least go for 3 slices of cake,” said Lucas.
I playfully mocked, “Only 3 slices! Dude I am ravenous. I can eat an entire cake.”
He challenged, “Oh really! Then if you finish an entire cake, I’ll give you my favorite t-shirt.”
I gasped, “Are you bantering me?”
He said, “Nope. I seriously bet my favorite t-shirt.”
And I nodded. We went towards our cake and I strategically started eating my cake. Soon Marisol came to call us only to find about our bet and she ended up getting an audience. Lucas added on a rule which forced me eat the cake without drinking water.
 And then when I asked him for fork, he said, “You want to do it right now. In front of everyone. You know what they spooning leads to forking.”
“Cheeky” I said to myself.
And I glared at him before Marisol told him that I needed a fork to eat. He mumbled an apology and handed me a fork. And within 10 minutes after that I completely demolished the cake claiming my right over Lucas’s shirt. After giving a speech, we went back to the villa to get changed for the recoupling. As soon as we reached villa, I was on sugar rush. Lucas had to made me drink multiple glass of water to came me down. Then Marisol, Lottie, Chelsea and I were sitting on beach loungers while everyone was spread around the villa. I knew Lucas had gone to the bedroom to get me my prize. Soon rest of the boys came over and we all started talking about non sensible stuff. And then Lottie got a text about the recoupling.
We all got ready for the recoupling. The girls were nervous which made me started to freak out. Marisol said, “Anything could happen considering what happened with Noah and Hope. And now add Jakub and Chelsea to the mix. Anything is possible.” 
To which most girl nodded but I couldn’t imagine myself with anyone but Lucas. After getting ready we left the dressing room to got towards the fire pit. There we saw Jakub doing something which Priya and Marisol could be his way of calming his nerves. And everyone started talking about their ways. But I couldn’t find myself to join their conversation as my mind went back to what Marisol said in the dressing room.
When we arrived to the fire pit, we saw all the boys sitting there looking nervous. Which made me even more uncomfortable. Lucas caught my eyes and noticing that I was nervous gave me calming yet encouraging smile. Which I managed to return shakingly.
Suddenly, someone’s phone pinged with a text. It was Jakub. He checks his phone and rises up to his feet. 
He starts, “I want to couple up with this girl because I think a lot of people in here might have given up on her. And because I think I see something in her that nobody else does. She’s a great laugh and I want to see where things could go with her. I always say I’m not afraid to shake things up. I want to see where my journey takes me. So, the girl I want to couple up with is…… Hope.”
“Oh my god” I said to myself. 
Everyone was shocked. No one knew what to say. 
Hope exclaimed, “Woah”
That made my stare at her as if she had grown two giant heads. That girl is nuts. Yesterday she spent entire time arguing with Noah and Priya over there little conversation and now she is acting as if she didn’t like Noah. She was so amused. She walked over to him and kisses him on the cheeks and sits down. 
Nobody said anything. I looked at Lottie to try to figure out what happened but she was also blank as I was. 
Just then Noah’s phone beep.  Noah stood up and looking at Hope he sighed. He started, “Right, right, OK. This is bit of a shock.” He looked at Hope and continued, “it’s completely unexpected but I know what to do. I like to couple up with this girl because even though this wasn’t how I was expecting it to go this evening…… I’m excited to embrace this opportunity to it a try with someone new. Given what happened yesterday, I wanted to take my chance on this particular person.” He looked at Hope again then at Priya, “Moreover, ever since the beginning, I’ve wanted to see what it would be like to get to know this girl. So, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the girl I want to couple up with is……. Luna.”
I stood there still. I couldn’t believe that he said my name. I was silently looking at fire pit not knowing what to do. Lucas looked furious. He looked like he was ready to pounce on Noah any second. But Ibrahim put a hand on his shoulder to calm down. I didn’t know how long I was standing there until Lottie nudged me as if to bring me back from my trance.
 I walked over to Lucas straight without even acknowledging Noah and bend down for getting face to face. Lucas avoided my eyes. But I knew well that he was upset.
I softly took his face in my hand and said, “We’ll get another chance. No matter what happens you that I like you and only you. Right babe?”
He looked me in my eyes and said, “I know it, babe.” He smiled sadly.
He kisses my hand and forehead and says softly, “Go on, be with him. We won’t be apart for long.”
I nodded and went to stand next to Noah. Without even looking at him or giving him any reaction, I sat down looking straight at the fire pit. I was furious. I knew I had all eyes on me but I didn’t give them any reaction as I knew if I opened my mouth, I wouldn’t spare Noah. I kind of have a temper problem so I decided to keep my thoughts to myself at least until the recoupling gets over. 
Soon it was Lucas turn, he said, “Because of a certain someone I couldn’t partner up with the girl I really like,” which was jab at Noah, to which he scoffed. “So, I want to couple up with this girl who is the best friend to the person I like to know more things about her which she hasn’t told me yet.” He looked at Ibrahim for some sort of approval which the golfer gave, “the girl I want to couple up with is Priya…. Only if she doesn’t mind.”
Priya looked at me for permission to which I slightly nodded and she said, “If you are coupling with me for Luna. I would be happy to oblige. And I am definitely doing to tell you things she I know about her.” She went towards Lucas and gave him a friendly hug and sat down next to him. I gave them a smile and then turned my eyes back to the fire pit and I completely zoned out for the rest of the recoupling. Ibrahim coupled up with Lottie, Gary coupled up with Marisol and Bobby couple up with Marisol.
After the recoupling everyone asked Jakub about his decision to which he completed denied. Noah and Hope broke up to which I again ignored. 
And I immediately left the fire pit ignoring everyone calling me. I straight went and sat at the daybed to my calm myself down. After a few minutes, I heard footstep coming closer to me.
When I looked up it was Noah. I immediately burst out, “Why me? Out of all the girls, why me? You could have chosen Priya, she like you but no.But you had to go ahead and choose me. You knew that I really like Lucas yet you messed up. you are genuinely messed up. You couldn’t see me happy could you. Why?”
Unknown to me, that the girls except Hope were listening to my conversation, I ended up slamming Noah in every possible way I could.
Noah still looked calm in front of me and calmly said, “I had a small crush on you since day 1. I just wanted to see if it was true or not. I am sorry. I just thought to give us shot considering we couple up first before Hope came in.”
I was shocked. I said, “We were fucking coupled up for 15 mins. Do you get that? I never gave you any sign that I like you. Do you get me? I just made a snap decision that day which turned out to be my biggest mistake.” And I immediately left.
When I went towards the kitchen, I found all the girls standing there and I broke down right then and there. My anger was all gone and I was upset and sad. The girls hugged me. I apologized Hope and Priya constantly for what happened. They tried to calm me down but it did not work. Chelsea sneaked off to get Lucas as she thought he would be able to calm me down. 
Minutes later, I found myself in familiar arms. And I cried harder than I was. Lucas hold me for what seemed like forever. He soothes me down by whispering sweet nothing. And when I was able to control myself, I saw everyone except Noah in the kitchen looking at us sitting on the floor. Just then Noah arrived, he saw me in Lucas arm and glared at Lucas.
He angrily said, “Hands off, my girl.” This made everyone including Hope gasp in shock.
Lucas stood up after making sure that I was fine. He coolly replied, “Last time I check, you were not the guy she said she fancied.”
Before both of them do something idiotic, I stood in between and pleaded, “This is not the right time to fight. I need some time to figure out what happened. We all can discuss it quietly tomorrow morning.” 
And before any could say anything, I said to no one in particular, “I am sleeping on the daybed.” And left the kitchen. 
After getting dressed into my pjs, I went towards the daybed only to find Priya sitting there.
As soon as she saw me, she hugged me tightly. She indeed had become like my older sister in the villa. She stroked my hair gently as I silently sobbed in her arm. 
“Everything is going to be fine. Calm down.” She said.I reluctantly pulled out of the hug and wiped my eyes. We sat on the daybed and talked for seemed like hours about everything inside the villa and of outside world.
Before leaving, she said, “Lucas really likes you. You don’t have to worry about anything. We talked about it while you were gone for changing. Don’t worry I am not going to try anything on him and neither is he because I don’t think he has seen any other girl than you ever since he has arrived to the villa. Moreover, I have to fixed some things with Ibrahim. I like him and I need to apologize him for the operation and try to fix everything with him. Good night!” and then she left giving me one last hug.
I laid down on the bed thinking about everything that happened today. Moreover, it’s unlike me to get such strong feelings for a boy in 7 days. I have always been the kind of girl who is careful because of my previous relationship which left a huge scar on me. As much as I was scared about my feelings for Lucas, I was trying to let myself got with the flow. I don’t even know what’s happening. My mind was completely jumbled. I couldn’t believe that Noah had minor crush on me and decided to take action on it when his girl was snapped from him and when he knew I was happy in my couple……. 
With all things making no sense in my mind I started singing to my self ‘Up All Nights’ by ‘The Vamps’, as it made me somehow connected to my cousin, Connor. I miss him dearly. I being the only the child, Connor became more of an actual older brother than a cousin to me.And I soon dozed off while reaching the end of the song. 
Before I could dose off completely, I heard a familiar voice saying, “Don’t worry. I’ll try my best to make things right.” And I felt a kiss on my forehead and nose before I entered to my dream world.
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butchersmiles · 4 years
thank you to @lightpurplelilies for tagging me and sorry for taking so long to get around to participating!
the words were cruel, opposite, ice, and silence, and i'm doing this from my current work, pray the sun will rise.
cruel only shows up once, which is kind of surprising:
“I don’t recall Elizabeth asking to be excused. Am I being forgetful? Did she ask my permission, and I’ve suddenly forgotten? Perhaps I’m getting old. Do you think that might be it, Lucille? That I’ve gotten old?”
What a cruel man. Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to play with your food, James?
opposite shows up twice. here's the first:
"Charlotte,” James said gravely. I saw his feet turn to point toward her. “I think you need to go lie down for a while, until you're feeling right.”
“Now, Charlotte.”
There was a pause, then she stormed out, slamming the door behind her. The mattress creaked at Jasper and James perched themselves on opposite ends.
ice shows up three times. this is my favorite passage it occurs in:
James swallows down his whiskey and puts his head in his hands. He looks old like this. He looks like my dad the day after mom left.
"Lucy," he laughs, "she's gone. Lottie is gone."
He swipes the glass off the table. Ice cubes hit the carpet, melt into little piles of nothing.
silence shows up seven times. this is the first:
A bed without sheets in an attic without windows. A stolen copy of a forbidden book. A lifetime of wanting spelled out in the silence before a prayer. It’s funny how you start to call these things home.
i don't really have many friends in the writeblr community! so i'm tagging anyone who sees this to do this cause it was funnn
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Chapter Ten
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The next morning Gemma woke them up bright and early. She began to pull back the curtains to the tent, “Harry! Hannah! Time to party!!” She let out a quiet gasp when she saw that Harry and Hannah were in the same bed. Harry was shirtless with his arm around Hannah’s side, so Gemma could only assume something happened last night. Luckily, she couldn’t see that Harry was only in his boxers next to Hannah in her underwear, and knowing his sister, she would’ve flipped out on the spot.
Hannah and Harry stirred in bed. “Oh gosh,” Hannah spoke. She immediately sat up. “Hey, Gemma.”
“Soooo…. You two slept in the same bed?”
Hannah’s eyes went wide at the realization of what Gemma walked in on. “Well I refused to let him sleep on the floor, as much as he insisted. He paid for a lot for me to be here so I couldn’t let him do that.”
Gemma tried to read both of their faces to see if one of them would break and say what actually happened, especially Harry since he was always truthful with his older sister. “Mhmm… Sure…” She took a short pause to see if either of the two wanted to mention anything else, her eyes scanning them. “Well, Louis just got back with breakfast so come on and eat, drink some mimosas!” She said as she turned on her heels to walk out.
Once Gemma left the tent, Harry turned to Hannah who was searching for new clothes to wear for the day. “Sorry I put my arm around you during the night, wasn’t intentional.”
Hannah giggled at Harry, “It’s quite alright. I know you enjoy a cuddle while you sleep.”
Harry blushed slightly at this. “That I do, but still, after the conversation we started last night, I’m very sorry.”
Hannah placed her hand on Harry’s bicep to console him, “You don’t need to apologize for anything, H.” Hannah chewed her bottom lip, a nervous habit. “But maybe keep what happened between us on the down low? At least ‘til we have time to actually discuss it?”
“Sure,” he replied, a small smile playing on his lips as memories of their kiss last night flashed in his mind and tingled on his lips.
“Thank you. I just don’t wanna make things more complicated than they already are.” She smiled up at him.
“Though you should know, Gemma has already told at least three people what she just walked in on.”
“I figured as much, but I think that’s all they need to know for now, yeah?” Harry nodded in agreement. “I’m gonna go get ready for the day, and I’ll meet you back here soon for breakfast, ok?” She kissed his cheek and began to walk away. “Make sure to save me some food!”
Harry put on a t-shirt to go with the sweatpants he already put on. “Ayyye! There’s my man!” Louis called out to Harry as he approached the table filled with eggs and pancakes. Louis looped an arm around Harry’s shoulders as he began to grab a plate. Much more quietly this time, “So I hear you and Hannah ~cuddled~ last night.”
Harry threw his head back in annoyance. “On accident! Ugh, I knew that Gemma would say something.” He let out a big sigh. “It’s not what you think.”
“Well, tell me what to think then! Come on, bud!”
Harry eyed Louis. “Please don’t say anything else to anyone until I actually know what’s going on. I promised Han I wouldn’t say anything.”
“You have my word.” Harry trusted Louis that he’d keep what he was about to say a secret.
Harry began to fill his plate with food along with Louis who joined in next to him. “So, when we came back last night, we smoked. And we were both definitely feeling the high.” Harry paused, unsure if he should still say something about all this since he just told Hannah he wouldn’t, but he also needed to talk to somebody about this, and he knew Louis could keep his mouth shut.
Louis’ eyebrows wiggled on his forehead. “And…?”
“And…. We kissed.” Louis raised his eyebrows with a small gasp taken in, and Harry gave him a jab in his side. “Ok, we made out, and that’s all that happened. The only thing we know is that we are both seeing other people. We went to bed after I mentioned that I’m kind of still seeing Cami, agreeing to talk about it later.”
“Hm, well, it definitely sounds like you’ve gotten yourself into a very sticky situation. Also, you ‘accidentally cuddled’?”
“I must’ve started cuddling her in my sleep. It wasn’t a conscious thing.” Harry’s shoulders were partially scrunched up from stressing about this but let them sink down as he continued to talk about his thoughts. “I broke up with her over a year yet here I am still hung up on her, even initiating all this between us. She’s happy in her current relationship, and I’m fucking it all up.”
They walked away from everyone else and stood eating their breakfast so no one would hear their conversation. “How do you know she’s happy with this new guy?”
“Well she definitely expressed it when we had lunch a month ago.”
“It seems that if she was truly happy she would’ve cut you off after your concert. And a lot can happen in a month. I mean, she is here with you instead of at home with her boyfriend.”
“I’ve thought about that, but I just don’t want to get my hopes up if I’m wrong.”
As if on cue to end the conversation, Hannah walked up with a plate full of food, dressed and ready for the day. “What are you guys doing over here? Party is behind you!” She took a bite of her scrambled eggs.
Louis chimed in, seeing as Harry was thrown off and knowing he afraid she overheard them talking. “Just catching up! I was just about to tell Harry that he needs to go get ready for the day.”
Hannah chimed in in agreement. “Yes! You do! I wanna see as many performers as I can today. So, get your ass to the showers!” Louis smacked Harry on the butt, causing a giggle to leave Hannah’s lips. They both walked away from Harry as his heart fluttered at the sound of her laugh. He used this time to collect his thoughts. What the hell am I supposed to do here? Fuck. She’s so amazing, Harry thought to himself as he watched Hannah walk away. Today she was wearing two plaid pieces. Her top was a bandeau with purple plaid paired with a plaid orange skirt and some black combat boots to top it off.
Confidence was radiating off of her, and it was something she honestly hadn’t felt in a long time. She didn’t even need any alcohol to get her to feel like this, and she was happy for it. Everyone could see it around her. Harry was staring her down, watching her every move. If something bad happened between them after this weekend, he needed to remember how she looked when she was happy with him. She caught his gaze though, shooting him a daring wink that made his heart skip a beat. She was brave, flirting with him like this. They couldn’t have each other, but with every move she made, he just wanted to be right there next to her, even just to witness her actions. She captivated him, and she had no idea.
Harry walked away into their tent to get ready for the day, and even though she knew she wasn’t missing out on anything, Hannah immediately missed his presence. When they dated a year ago, she always missed his presence, but she also expected him to be gone. He was filming a movie and writing an album; she knew what she was in for. But now she knew that he was free of his responsibilities for the time being, she didn’t want to miss him for a second, especially considering she didn’t know when, or if, she would see him again.
It was weird feeling like this. She occasionally missed Ryan, especially the first few months of their relationship when they had to be separated by school, but that seemed to disappear. She felt as if she was just going through the motions. She hadn’t really been fully enjoying herself, but she knew that he was good for her. So far at least. He held her when she needed to be held. He praised her for her accomplishments, and she did the same for him. But there were those times that he talked down to her, like he was better than her, and she was not fond of that. But he was good for her. Yeah, some people thought he was controlling at times, but she needed someone to push her and motivate her. He was good for her, though he did have his downsides, just as everyone does. He’d blatantly flirt with other girls in front of her, once even while still holding Hannah’s hand. But they talked through it, and so far, it has yet to happen this summer. Unless he’s doing it behind my back. With that pushed to the past, she thought that she was happy, but there was something about being here at this music festival with Harry. She was bursting at the seams just being in Harry’s presence. No, stop that. Ryan is good for you. He’s there for you when you needed him. He’s never a continent away.
Hannah was pulled out of her thoughts as Lottie asked if she wanted a drink, forcing her to socialize instead of fantasizing about Harry. She gladly accepted and began to enjoy herself as the sun was beating down on her skin, heating up her cold body. Time really flies by when you’re having fun, and before she knew it, Harry came back out from the tent ready for the day. He walked right up behind Hannah, poking her sides to scare her, succeeding. She has always been one that scares easy, even when she knows someone is going to come around the corner she’ll jump.
A few drops spilled from her cup as she gasped at Harry’s touch. She turned around and swatted him. “You asshole! You know I hate when people do that!” By now, their entire friend group was laughing at Hannah’s dismay. Harry let out a deep laugh, putting a hand to his stomach. “You’re gonna pay for this, Styles. Just you wait.”
He smirked back at her while raising his eyebrows before he walked away, “Mhmm, yeah. Sure, I definitelybelieve you,” easily making Hannah irritated.
He came back a few moments later with a drink in his hand. As he walked up, Hannah turned to ask him to apply sunscreen to her back as she could feel her skin beginning to burn. She didn’t think much into what she had just asked Harry to do until his hands were touching her skin. Immediately, his touch sent shivers all over her body. He massaged the sunscreen into her shoulders, and it felt amazing. After applying the lotion to the top half of her back, he moved down to the exposed skin between the bottom of her bandeau and the top of her skirt. Hannah quietly moaned at his touch, not going unnoticed by Harry who now had a small smirk across his face. He rubbed the lotion into her lower back, gaining a “Oooh, that’s nice,” response from Hannah. She just might melt into the palms of his hands if he continued this way, a noticeable sense of heat rose from a very private region of hers.
On the other hand, Harry was just happy to be this close to her again. She now smelled like her flowery body mist and sunscreen, and he was not upset about it. He wished that he could stay close enough to her all time just to be able to wallow her scent. Her skin was as soft as silk, and he wanted to run his hands over every inch of her body. His thoughts began to imagine him slipping off her bandeau over her head and unzipping her skirt, but he quickly shook those thoughts out of his head as he felt his black jeans tighten. He finished applying sunscreen to Hannah’s back. “All set back here. Did you get everywhere else? You burn pretty easily.”
“Oh yes, and I’m probably going to have to apply more again later knowing my pale, Irish ass.” The two let out synchronized chuckles. “I like this shirt on you by the way.” His shirt was a see-through orange silk. It had hand drawn flowers, some with red petals and others with a deeper orange than the background of the shirt, dark green leaves attached to their stems. You could see all his tattoos perfectly, and Hannah just wanted to trace their outlines at the sight of them. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you wear it. It’s a rare occasion if Harry Styles repeats an outfit.”
“Don’t tell anyone. It’s my dirty little secret,” he said with a wink and a quick swipe of his tongue across his lips.
“I’ll be sure not to tell anyone,” Hannah said with a laugh.
Harry smiled back at her. “You also look amazing by the way. I never thought purple and orange would go together, but you’re pulling it off.”
“Why thank you, good sir.” Harry laughed at her horrible, fake English accent. “Looks like we’re kind of matching today.”
“Please, please never speak like that ever again.”
Hannah put a fake shocked expression across her face, “I sounded just like you!”
“My voice is way sexier than what you just did. Nice try.” Harry said as he walked around Hannah to put the sunscreen away.
Though she disagreed with what she was about to say, Hannah was determined to win this argument over her horrible accent. “Your voice is not sexy. Sounds like a little boy’s if you ask me.” She crossed her arms over her chest, slightly pushing up her breasts.
Harry started to speak in a very low tone as he walked back around to face his friend. The hairs on the back of Hannah’s neck stood up as he spoke. He made sure his hot breath hit her neck, “Don’t think I have forgotten how you used to tell me how much my voice turned you on when we used to lay naked between the sheets.” He caught her ear lobe between his teeth and nibbled ever so slightly, and it was enough to make that heat rise again from between her legs with a blush across her face. This set the tone for the entire day. Harry pulled away, now a safe, friendly distance away and said in a very soft voice, “I love the way a blush looks on your face.” And he walked away.
Flirtatious nothings exchanged for the remainder of the day. After that interaction, both of their feelings were heightened, and they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other. Harry stood behind Hannah with his arms loosely wrapped around Hannah’s neck as her dainty fingers held onto his forearms. He would fetch new bottles of water for everyone, and after handing Hannah a new one, he’d wrap an arm around her shoulder, and she’d lean her head into his chest as he pulled her closer to his tall body. She’d wrap an arm around his waist, drawing small circles on his lower back. They attempted to keep their flirtatious gestures as friendly looking as possible. Hopefully no fans or paparazzi took pictures. Occasionally between sets, everyone would sit down on the blankets the group brought over with them, and, naturally, Hannah sat next to Harry. Sometimes she sat up and ran one hand up and down his jean covered shin or thigh mindlessly while she conversed with everyone. No one said anything, but everyone noticed immediately.
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