#am i overreacting?
colfy-wolfy · 2 days
someone reposted my art on twitter and got 2k likes without crediting me at all ?! help what do I do
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do I report them ?! do I dm them what
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goryhorroor · 1 month
oh do i have a story to tell (i wanna know what I should). so like a day ago I was at work and i was having this conversation with this other guy that i work with & i suddenly disssociated and when i stopped I look at my coworker & said "i feel like i had a seizure," and then i moved on with my day.
well, i come in today & one of the girls that's a barista at my job asks me if I saw this facebook post & it's aimed at me. she shows it to me and it goes on framing me like I'm some kind of monster & that i made a joke about epilepsy. she then compares having epilepsy to being gay (only mentions it cause I'm gay), and saying they're the same thing (newsflash they're vastly different). but I wasn't angry at the post, no I was angry at the comments. they range from offensive to downright sexist. some of the comments were telling her to report me to hr, some we're saying that "i should fuck a d*ck. and that I don't get laid enough," one said "i have words for them and they're not going to be church lady words," and the last one says "i might just come in there," and the girl tells him to do it. I even went to her originally and apologized, and then asked her to take down the post because the comments were turning into very offensive things, and she told another girl that she is fuming pissed. so am I expecting another facebook post about me? yea probably, and I'm thinking of going to hr myself to report it.
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Pray for me, friends.
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wbswag · 2 months
Years. YEARS and FINALLY one of the theories about him is CONFIRMED IM SCREAMING AND PIROUETTING
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asparklethatisblue · 6 months
Ok I‘m not even gonna be mad about my mother nearly killing me by giving me food with nuts in it (it’s been 19 years)…
but she just asked me “hey do you like X food” and I told her no, cause I have been telling her I hate it so much I won’t eat a single bite for decades at this point? And she’s annoyed? Literally why do I even bother when all I get is being screamed at + anything I actually say is ignored? Is it normal to just? So completely not give a shit about anything your son tells you? Ever?
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leramybeloved · 1 month
so i was browsing on pinterest when i came across this...
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this struck me as odd because this is VERY OBVIOUSLY AI???? and of course im livid,,, like how hard is it to pop into game and hit c while using your mod for your promo picture? since it's a link to a patreon post, i click it and see that it is made by jellypaws,, as an artist as well as a modder, does she not see the harm in ai art? i might be over reacting but like ai art is a HUGE issue for artists
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atyd1960 · 14 days
Is it controversial to say that Daphne 🍇-ed Simon on s1😭
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idkhowtoread-ink · 18 days
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teddyjamesro · 1 year
If you are not disabled, especially if your not physically disabled or use a mobility aid, DO NOT tell us how to do things or what we should do to help us.
Today, I definitely should have been using my cane at school, but was I going to? No. Absolutely not. Being physically disabled in highschool is very hard and I am not at a point in my disability journey where I am comfortable just using my cane out and about in public, especially in school.
That being said, I was doing my normal thing and talking to some friends and being like oh yeah today I would’ve benefited from using my cane whilst out and about. After saying that, one if my friends, who is not physically disabled and has never experienced being physically disabled or using an aid, started going on and on about how I should just use it if I need to and not care about what people think. While I do agree to a certain degree, its a lot easier said than done. I am already mocked and made fun of, being a trans and neurodivergent person in high school.
I might be overreacting, but I don’t think people who aren’t physically disabled or use aids should be able to dictate what we do to help ourselves or when we do it. You are not in my shoes, you do not experience what I experience, do not tell me what to do.
(Sorry if it was aggressive, Ive been thinking about it all day)
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thirstdrafts · 3 months
Real conversation just now:
Me: I’m holding out hope for at the very least a bittersweet ending for the batch where everything doesn’t suck.
Wife: They are all gonna die.
Me: 😑 Omega might be able to help them…
Wife: Nah, Omega’s gonna die, too.
Wife: 😐
Me: 😑
Wife: 😐
Me: 😑 you’re trash.
Wife: 😲
Me: also, I kinda hate you right now.
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diegopenate · 5 months
Just know I do it to myself
I give my heart at the first sign of love.
Why live any other way?
I don't care if it hurts.
but i do.
I'd rather know that I am capable of deep and passionate love than push it aside and ignore it because it's safer and doesn't hurt.
it still hurts.
It hurts when I was wrong again.
She wasn't the one who would match my love.
Did I pour too much into her?
no. I love pouring myself into others.
She just doesn't want me.
Not like I want her.
I wanted her to be the one so bad.
I was wrong again.
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nana-mizu-shiki · 5 months
When You Just Went Through Something Traumatic And Mom Says Not To Tell Anyone:
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mcwexlerscigarette · 6 months
the person I'm dating invited me to their family's Christmas but now it's like four days away and they won't give me ANY details about it lol. like they actively avoid ANY questions whenever I ask. like... if you don't want me to go just say that. what's the point of fucking around
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wolfish-trickster · 1 year
All the bad stuff they did to me and i actively remember (because so many people treated me bad so most of the stuff they did became normal to me) :
When i had a DOFE (duke of edinburg award) ceremony in my school all four of them asked if they could come (since only i was the one recieving the award) and i said yes please i need someone i know in the audience. When i actually walked up to get the award? None of them were there.
One of them was writing a test from chemistry and i was supposed to write the exact same one few days later. Same questions and all. I asked her multiple times to at least tell me what parts to focus on the most and yet she never had the time. Until the night before the exam. Real fast girl. Real fast.
Ironically i asked the same girl to study with me before graduation and yet she stayed silent every time I texted her about it. I also asked if i could study with her and her bestie i was so deslerate. They both said sure but when the day actually came both of them were silent and i studied alone.
Week before graduation i messaged into the group chat and asked for a tutorial to this one chemistry problem. Only one person of the three (the fourth one wasn't graduating from chemistry so i don't blame her) responded and said no. After i figured it out on my own i stupidly sent a pic of it to the group chat but the same person that told me no said she already had it written in her notes but didn't understand it. Bitch i asked for a picture of the sequence, i would've figured it out from that. I didn't ask you to explain it to me. And so i wisely deleted the picture.
And lastly today. Actually they were talking about it like a week ago but i was busy and didn't check my notifications at all so i barely knew what they were discussing. Today i found out that the four of them rented a volleyball court for an hour or so. For 4 people max. All four of them talked about how to get to the place and stuff. I was left out. Like a fool.
I'm not close to 3 of them anymore. The fourth one... I can't really make a war with her because i'm going on a very expensive trip with her and i don't want the money to go to waste by not going.
My plan for now? Lay low. Not send anything in the group chat. Not react. Not speak unless spoken to. I'll mind my own business. If they want to meet up without me sure go ahead, have fun. Wanna hang out with me as well and even ask me? Fine. I'll go. But only because i have to. Summer ends and i'm done. (which will be hard af because one of them is going to the same university as me but oh well, she'll find herself a new group of friends and leave me)
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Alright apparently disco elysium got an update with a photo mode
I may be joyless in this but I do not trust this at all it feels like pandering and it kinda destroys the atmosphere of the game
Maybe I’m just being dramatic but this DEFINITELY feels like a soulless reputation grab from za/um to make people forget about the whole rights thing
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tinkerbitch69 · 2 months
The struggles of being a closeted trans woman in a writing class:
Teacher to me (visibly AMAB): I think you should rework the last scene. I think the female character gets too emotional. It’s too stereotypical, women don’t really act that.
5 seconds later…
Teacher to other student (visibly AFAB): I think you’re character (female) should be more emotionally intuitive. Maybe she asks her (other female character) if she’s ok ‘cause she’s clearly distressed.
For context my character was being coerced into a the position of condoning the murder of the first sentient android and absolving the cyberpunk corporation that created it of any ethical responsibility. She was (understandably) pissed off, upset, concerned for the android and even a little scared about what they may do to her for refusing to cooperate. She had also just had her worldview entirely shattered as she had built her whole career on arguing that A.I could never achieve consciousness. Suffice to say she was a little shaken up emotionally speaking. The character in the other script was just walking in on another student looking a little down in their uni dorms. (No hate to that writer, they’re very good)
Seriously maybe instead of saying ‘oh it’s too stereotypical’ for female characters to act emotional, we stop reinforcing the societal pressure to suppress our emotions and let characters (and people!) express intense emotional reactions??? Especially in intense emotional situations!!! HOW ABOUT THAT HUH???
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