#and 97% of it is positive
tearsofperseides · 1 year
Just know that all I've been wanting to write about is The Haunting of Hill House, but I'm restraining myself because those posts would be a thousand pages long
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timbit-robin-art · 20 days
Hii! Adore you x-men drawings (you should consider making prints or stickers, I would definitely buy) but could u draw storm and gambit hanging out and being pals (I can’t stand their underrepresented relationship in the comics 😤) THANKS!! ❤️
Thank you very much, I actually have been researching how to set up a shop for the past week, so we’ll see if that finally comes into fruition. I’ve always been nervous about people not being interested, so it’s nice to see that maybe there are people that would buy stickers and other stuff from me.
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As for Storm and Gambit’s dynamic, while I’m not too well-versed in X-Men comics (it’s a slow and steady process… comics are confusing), I’m also appalled that they don’t get that much rep. Has it been retconned out of existence in modern comics that Storm was turned into a kid and Gambit took her under her wing? Because if so, I’m going to start throwing my furniture. There’s something so funny about Storm being Gambit’s little sister when they meet, and then his big sister when he joins the X-Men. They cannot take that away from me.
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himbosuplex · 2 months
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THIS IS ME... CUTE HUH? Maxine LeBeau. This is my dad... and this is my dad! How'd I get two dads? They're both dating my mom! She's gonna make sure we're one big happy family... with one dad who's down to earth, and one dad with his head in the clouds.
Do zoomers know "My Two Dads"? I'm guessing zoomers don't know "My Two Dads"...... Anyway, it's show about a girl who has two dads, which is to say, nobody yet knows which of them is her biological father. So, in the meantime, both have to learn to like each other for the sake of this teen girl. Also, the show has a baller theme song, up there with the likes of "Perfect Strangers."
After the sitcom bit in "Motendo" I couldn't get this idea out of my head. Even if it's a different situation since all three of Max's parents are in a polycule... the gag was too funny. The idea of a sitcom where Erik and Remy get into hijinks trying to raise a teen daughter and her toddler brother, and the viewer learns a lesson via Rogue having to repeat bail her idiot husbands out of whatever mundane situation they are failing spectacularly at.
"One of them is a Master of Magnetism... the other a Master Thief! But can they band together for their daughter's first day of high school?" This program was filmed in front of a live studio audience. *laugh track*
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sepal-sea · 2 months
oh nooo rogue broke gambit's heart boo hoo- You know you don't owe other people your neverending devotion just because you had a relationship or you flirt with each other.
To be clear I have a deep discomfort with rogue/magneto and I'm very glad she decided to reject magneto after the dance BUT she's not evil or wrong for wanting to be close with someone and kiss someone aside from gambit! I love rogue/gambit but it's not like he owns her, and she's not being bad to him by going off with magneto. Yes, it broke gambit's heart when they danced, but SHE didn't break his heart. She can't reach into his brain and force him to be heartbroken (maybe jean or emma could lol) and she can't take full responsibility for his emotional reactions. She is allowed to be with other people than him. The fact that it upsets him is not something she should bend over backwards to avoid. It's normal for someone you love to love another person, there's like a million songs about it!
I think, in general, fandom behavior about "OTP" typified characters leads to a weird rigidity around these relationships, and makes everything less fun for the people who actually enjoy the couple but don't think they should belong exclusively and always to each other
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97-liners · 2 years
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me too, mingyu, me too...
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moodr1ng · 23 days
(making my own post after being in someones replies again lol) i do think there was kind of a Moment on tumblr in i wanna say circa 2019-2021 where a lot of the accumulated biphobia that was present in the lgbt community at large and in particular on tumblr sort of blew up into a number of bi bloggers starting to talk a lot more on the subject and make a lot of posts explaining the material consequences of biphobia, the lack of support bisexuals have always gotten from the rest of the community, the specific biphobic opinions/takes that are popular both offline and in online communities, and also a lot of conversations about bisexuality, what its like to be bisexual, what it means to us, a ton of education on bisexual history, a lot of trans and nonbinary bisexuals talking about how bisexuality interacts w our genders, etc. at the time and being involved in all of this tangentially it felt a bit like a sort of tumblr bisexual renaissance where the pot finally boiled over and a ton of us started to be really loud and in your face about bisexuality and biphobia. i think this was a major reason for why a lot of takes that had previously been very widespread and either accepted or at least treated as debatable (thinking about butch/femme discourse for example) got rolled back and a lot of people who had been very casually biphobic all over the place suddenly changed their tune, switched their public opinions, and started sharing a lot more of support for bisexuals (though, tbh, i dont think i have seen literally one apology for past biphobia).
i do think there was some discourse that went a bit too far and ended up counterproductive (ive personally rolled back a lot of my past anger about the pansexuality vs bisexuality shit into a view that i think is a lot more charitable and community-oriented), but overall bisexuals on here did a lot of work to get heard, get understood, and get some much-needed support by the rest of the lgbt community, and there were also a lot of behind the scenes conversations where bi people created spaces like very active discord servers where bisexuality was explored in-depth among bisexuals, which tbh i largely credit for me being able to comfortably identify as bigender.
but, well, this Moment of bisexuals being loud and proud about bisexuality and refusing to continue to tolerate biphobia was met with, like, extremely caustic and vicious backlash which has led SO many bi bloggers who i followed, knew, was in servers and dms with, was/am friends with etc to either quit tumblr or move to new blogs where they only keep around vetted people and no longer widely engage w the topic of biphobia. my alter ran one of those blogs which i dont think could have really been qualified as popular, but which had a ton of constant interaction and some really big posts, all of which led to daily biphobic harassment as well as scrutiny of every other part of his identity and repeated cruelty about things that it was incredibly inappropriate for people to attack him on - some of you who followed him will recall the repeated attacks and accusations of ableism for his 'weird' typing style, despite a disclaimer on his blog that he types like this bc of autism+adhd+did, as well as a lot of vitriol and aggression which i think was at least partially racially motivated. like, im not even willing to disclose the url or his name here because im STILL paranoid about getting harassed years after he deactivated, which, like many others i know, he did because the constant biphobia was so bad for his mental health that the blog even just continuing to exist was not sustainable.
im not sure to what degree the conversations that were started on here during this time are continuing - im not seeing much of it anymore, but then again maybe im just not following the people having them - but it certainly feels like that Moment has died down now, though i certainly still feel the aftereffects in how a lot of people have changed their stances on bisexuality. it does feel like an acute loss still that so many bi people were effectively shut down and harassed off tumblr or into silence and reclusiveness by the backlash to bisexuals speaking out (and this especially imo affected bisexuals of color, especially black bisexuals, as per usual on tumblr). i miss the posts i would get to read daily as well as the very active discord servers and other conversations i got to be privy to at the time. i think this, as much as the discussions on biphobia themselves, rendered very explicit the degree of biphobia thats present within the lgbt community. as soon as a number of bisexuals got fed up with it and started to talk about it openly, the open and unashamed biphobia also ramped up.
ig the thing im stuck on is - were not talking about it as much, but all the people who dedicated themselves to harassing bisexuals into silence for years are still here. some stances have been changed and a lot of performative "we love bisexuals!" posts got shared but ultimately the work is still cut out for us going forward. however, i dont think i or my alter will be doing any of that work on tumblr in the future. the focus will have to be on real-life community to spare ourselves the backlash that comes from speaking about this on here.
idk, not sure how to end this whole tirade. i just happened to be thinking about all this earlier today and a mutual brought it up again just now so its on my mind. i do still miss that sense of heightened bisexual community that came from all of this. i personally not only was able to re-identify as bisexual after identifying as gay for a few years bc these conversations led me to reevaluate my sexuality in a more accepting light, but also i unlearned a ton of internalized biphobia which i had not only tolerated but often strongly believed myself, usually with a sort of self-flagellating notion of "i have to bow down to the rest of the community and accept that my opinion is inherently lesser because bisexuality is an inferior sexuality" which i only stopped believing after being in these bisexual communities. ig i just have to be content with the circle of bi friends ive built both online and offline and what benefits ive gained from these discussions.
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orpheuslookingback · 3 months
i said a little of this in tags for another post and im also not the only person saying this at all lol but i'm really enjoying xmen 97 in general and it definitely deserves so many shoutouts for how its portraying scott. because yeah even the comics have fucked up his character sometimes but the live action movies fucked him up SO much worse imo. like 1) he's a hard-ass but he's not BORING. His intensity and his seriousness actually are what make him interesting when they're written right but the movies were like "what if he was just kind of. there." and 2) his skill as a strategist and a leader is so important. even when he's sucking as person. he still has traits that make him fundamentally suited to those roles and that is not at all apparent in the films 3) his powers can be cool!! They can used for offense and defense and doing cool tricks and not just be treated like an indiscriminate laser gun. So I love that 97 is both writing his personality well and demonstrating that his powers can be both useful and visually interesting when someone creative is writing him. Like that little battle at the start of the first episode alone was a much cooler use of his abilities than all the live action movies combined. Anyway mwah xmen 97 thank you for doing this for my boy
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themoonking · 2 months
at least there was a single frame of warren worthington iii in episode five so its not a total loss 🙃
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padawanton · 3 months
You'd think Kris Anka was working on X Men '97 with all the cunt Magneto is serving
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ace-and-ink · 5 months
magpie, magpie
i loved you at first glance
i kept my distance
i didn’t want to scare you off
magpie, magpie
a little birdie told you my secret
but you said you felt the same
and i really did believe you
magpie, magpie
i loved you when your feathers were blue
dark blue to match your dark eyes
i half wish you had kept them short
magpie, magpie
you never told your parents
or even the rest of your flock
i only met one because they were perched with you
magpie, magpie
i remember when you dyed your feathers green
your wings and neck stained green
because you wouldn’t listen to a word i said
magpie, magpie
i was deafened by your birdsong
and gentle pecks on the cheek
i never paid attention to the flags you carried
magpie, magpie
you got bored after a month
you sought other thrills
you left in the middle of your song
magpie, magpie
you were never honest
gave me different reasons over time
and each one hurt more than the last
magpie, magpie
you never take a hint
i’m sick of your song
yet you still perch and sing
magpie, magpie
you’d never listen anyway
pierce your beak in the last place you should
just don’t cry to me when it hurts
magpie, magpie
you still perch next to me
sing things to me i never said you could sing
and you ask why i sit so angry
magpie, magpie
i know i’m the only one you’re still attached to
i don’t want to hate birds like you
but you never learned your lesson
magpie, magpie
i’m beyond ready to let you go
i don’t how how else i’m supposed to say it
when the door to your cage has been open the whole time
— magpie, magpie
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piduai · 9 months
dungeon meshi was a cute little story i liked it, it was very nice. people seemed to expect a dark or sad ending but i like that it ended on a happy and peaceful note. love and peace on planet earth
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shewantsitall · 1 year
Reaaaaalllly missing The South rn tbh... people here are Different
^REALLY just here for a Tag Rant but this could 100% be a Southern Whizzer post
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97-liners · 10 months
like i don’t even care about ppl defending the author, y’all can read whatever you want. but everybody who came and tried to tell me that the content wasn’t fatphobic, that it’s not actually harmful, that the author’s intent wasn’t malicious so the content isn’t harmful. like come on.
i admit, i was shady. i didn’t feel like disclosing the author’s url, and i didn’t engage with them because we don’t know each other and i was fine just blocking them and forgetting about it in a few days. but the fact that y’all are so fervently defending cruel and problematic content…. just because it’s a smut writer you like? like THIS is why people hate fanfiction writers. fic writers are not above criticism. this is where all the weird “there’s no bad writers here!” “people need to stop being so negative to writers!” leads to
i may be a bitch and a hater but at least i have a moral backbone
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moodr1ng · 21 days
told my psych i finally got on the autism assessment waitlist but since the average wait to get an appointment is 2 years i was considering private screening even though it costs quite a lot of money. he was just like "to be honest even if you get diagnosed we dont really have any support tools to offer you, its usually just behavioral therapy and social skills training" and therefore its not that useful to be diagnosed faster since i wont get any support either way. i am disappointed to be told straight up that even w a diagnosis i wont get shit to help me but at least he was honest so i can moderate my expectations and not waste hundreds of euros on private screening lol..
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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A man from Idaho is facing felony aggravated battery charges for abusing his NEWBORN daughter.
He “slapped” the 7 DAY old on the side of the head an FRACTURED ITS SKULL. Sure…slapped. 😒
I may be young but I ain’t stupid
Say🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼to Kade Michael Jones.
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