#and Eve was a great POV to get a taste about them
lilyharvord · 3 years
Loved your response to the Julian and Sara wedding ask. Your vision of their wedding is so perfect for them and sweet. Now, what do you think Ptolemus and Wren's wedding was like? Thank you for taking the time to answer ❤
Alright, so listen to me... its a... uh... how do I put this?....It's a *cocks shotgun* wedding. For people who don't understand this reference... it's a "shotgun" wedding, aka getting married very quickly cause the girl is pregnant kind of thing.
It's a little bigger than Sara and Julian's wedding. Cal is at that one, but Mare is not for obvious reasons. It's very subtle and sweet. They get married in the People's Assembly Hall (cause they ask for one of the assembly members to do it so the wedding can be lawful). Wren wears a very simple slip dress. Plain, white crushed silk. She looks heavenly in it. No veil, just her natural hair haloing her face. She glows. (Pregnancy glow does wonders for her complexion). Eve and Elane act as witnesses, Cal is there because Ptolemus asks him quietly to be there a few days before and sort of sheepishly and awkwardly. They were "friends" before, but after everything he isn't sure where they stand. Cal is more than happy to come, clapping him on the shoulder when he asks, congratulating him and agreeing whole heartedly to be there. A couple other people come, mostly people Wren works with in the little health center where she has taken up work. Ptolemus wears a super simple military suit. Montfort green of course. Evangeline looks at it and tries not to grimace because it makes his complexion look pale or sickly. But Wren sees him in it and runs her hands up the arms and smiles up at him, telling him in her quiet voice how much she loves the color on him, how well it complements his hair, yak yak yak. Eve walks away actually grimacing cause public displaces of affection like that are disgusting.
The ceremony is very simple, rings, vows (ptolemus pricks his finger with a blade and Wren cups his hand like it's a wounded bird and heals it-> kinda like when Iris and Maven canceled each others abilities out in their own wedding), a very short, sweet kiss. And its done, they're married.
They all go to a little dinner afterward, just the close friends (aka Cal, Eve, Elane, Ptolemus, and Wren). They sit and talk about the past a little bit, about how strange all of this is and how they never could have foreseen it happening. It gets quiet at one point because they all get sort of... reminiscent about the past, about the people they were kind of thing. Then Eve brings up something Ptolemus did when he was younger that was stupid, and it quickly becomes a game of "remember when?" And they end up staying up and a laughing for hours. Then Ptolemus and Wren leave to go home, and he sweeps her off her feet and carries her across the threshold cause it's cute and they're really cute.
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hotchnerxo · 3 years
Holiday Insecurities (One shot)
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x OC Coral Bennett Words: 5.2k (I got super carried away) Summary: Holidays have never been easy for Coral. But meeting her boyfriend's family for the first time around the holidays can be a new Christmas ritual for them. Hurt/Comfort/ DomesticFluff Warnings: A lot of discussion involving food and eating. Internalized fatphobia. Insecurity involving weight and size. A/N: This is first time writing my OC Coral, who I have fallen in love with. This is a nice challenge, writing in Me pov. There might be some grammar errors, feel free to point them out. I will be starting a longer OC fic sometime soon, so here's a little taste of that. Happy Holidays to everyone celebrating! Love yall!
Holiday Insecurities
I have never really been a big fan of christmas. Not even as a kid. It has always felt like a hassle, just stressing over things too much. About presents, about having a lot of food around, yet at the same time stressing about eating too much food. About relatives and family, about conversations and how to avoid different topics in said conversations. All the stress overtaking the joy and relaxation the holiday is supposed to be about.
And ever since my teenage years, it’s become even more and more unpleasant. I was a late bloomer, in a way. I was never really interested in dating as a teenager, but were more excited about studies and finding a career I would enjoy. That topic was often frowned upon in my family, though. I have always wanted to become a journalist, ever since high school, but my mother has always been excited about getting grandchildren and her only daughter to follow her footsteps to the most fulfilling career of all: a mom.
On top of that, I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 19, and started to eat antidepressants regularly, which were a major help for my own well being. This, too, was frowned upon, especially in the early 2000’s. As long as I would find the right man and just started to smile more, I would do great in life. Thanks mom for that great advice.
Even though the new medicine was a great help, and still is, during the first year I’ve gained almost 40lbs. That on its own is hard for a young woman, not to mention how annoying and hurtful it is to hear about it from your own family constantly. To mom it was a hard pill to swallow, because according to her, no man would ever want a woman my size. And she makes sure to bring it up whenever I visit. That usually being the holidays.
For years, I haven't been close with my parents. I do have an older brother, Cameron, who I love and my parents treat him like the perfect child. He’s got a wife of 6 years and a young daughter who just turned 3 about a month prior. We have only 2 years between them, but our lives are so different now, pushing us further from one another.
I don’t mind. Quite the opposite, actually. I have felt more free. Free to be myself, enjoy my own life, spend time with friends and focus on my career. But the holidays tend to bring these insecurities back up, no matter how I try to avoid them. And seeing my parents and brother yesterday, on Christmas eve, for sure didn’t help. It’s hurtful to have your own mother asking if “you should be eating that?” about whatever I had on my plate. Just because I’m not thin like my family, according to mom, I shouldn’t be eating anything that isn’t celery and carrots. Yet, she thinks that her comments are totally fair and justified, I’m just too sensitive about everything.
A knock on the door startles me from my thoughts, even if I had been expecting it to happen any moment now. It’s Christmas day and my boyfriend of almost five months is about to pick me up to come celebrate with his family and friends. I’ve been anxious about it all day, more than I’d like to admit.
I straighten up my red cardigan, take a quick look in the mirror and hurry to open the door. “Merry Christmas, Coral!” a little boy cheers.
“Merry Christmas Jack! Wow, you look so handsome!” I kneel down in front of him and offer him a hug, Jack was more than excited to give it. I have only known the boy for a couple of months, but the 7-year-old has captured my heart completely. I ruffle the boy’s dark hair, right before the boy zooms off to find my cat, Romeo.
I brush the fallen strands of my red hair behind my ear. I took a mental note to fix my hair before leaving, the hair clip clearly wasn't tight enough to hold it all. I straighten back up, now looking at the other man on her door.
The man looks amazing. To be fair, he always does. He’s wearing a tight black button up, neatly tucked in his dark blue jeans. It was such a relaxed look on him, which was refreshing. And most important of all, he had a big smile on his face that brought his dimples out. He’s clearly gotten some well needed rest as the dark circles around his eyes were nearly non-existent. His dark hair was neatly brushed, yet a couple of stubborn strands didn’t obey his orders. I could feel my heart fill in awe.
I go to wrap my arms around his neck and raise on my toes to reach in for a kiss. He puts his large hands on my hips, which at the moment I am awfully insecure about, but I try to ignore it. He firmly pulls me close to kiss me deeply “You look stunning” he whispers as he parts. His eyes basically sparkle as he speaks, leaving me all flustered.
“Right back at you, handsome” you run my palms to straighten up his collar, even if it didn’t need fixing. I just want to feel the fabric between my fingers. Jack’s cheery voice makes me turn my head towards the bedroom, where apparently the boy has wandered off to.
“Merry christmas, mr cat!” Jack cheers and I can’t help but laugh. I hadn’t realized how much I needed a laugh right now, to ease my nervousness. Even if it was just a little chuckle, the tension on my shoulders relaxed a little bit.
And hearing Aaron laugh made it even better. He isn’t a big fan of christmas either, but giving his son the celebrations he didn’t have as a kid is very exciting for him, too. “He’s been so excited all day” he smiles, not letting go, still holding me close to his body.
I love the way his hands are so firmly holding me in place and in a way possessive. But I feel my insecurities screaming in my head and becoming extremely aware of how his fingers are digging into my soft hips. I take a step back, away from his grasp, but try to keep the smile on my face. I don’t want him to worry about me today. Just a rough day, I’ll get over it.
“I’m a bit nervous. I hope they won’t hate me” I admit. You’ve met his teams earlier, but only briefly. And now, I’m going to spend the rest of my day with them all. And with my insecurities running wild today, it makes me nervous to see his friends and family, who are all so close to each other and kind. And it makes me nervous that they’ll judge me because I’m not in as good of a shape as they all are, and if I end up making a fool out of myself.
Aaron’s face turns into a frown but quickly it turns into a soft smile “they’ve been so excited to meet you properly today. Of course they won’t hate you Coral, why would they?” he asks, trying to find a way to ease my nerves. I shake my head and fall quiet, not sure how I’d explain my thoughts to him right now. I feel dumb for feeling the way I do. Damn holidays.
Jack runs back to his father. Apparently his mission was now complete, as he had gotten to pet Romeo. “Let’s go daddy! Let’s go!” he jumps up and down. “You’re going to meet my best friend!” Jack tells me with a similar spark in his eyes as his father had moments ago.
The boy goes to tell about his friend Henry as we leave the apartment. Like a gentleman, Aaron opens the door for his son first, then rushing to open a door for me. It always surprises me that men like him actually exist these days. And not just in fairytales. Aaron is the image of chivalry and it never stops impressing me.
The ride goes quickly, Jack talking about anything and everything on the backseat. Aaron’s holding his hand on my thigh as he drives, and I notice him looking at me every so often, making the butterflies in my stomach take flight. It’s so easy to be around him and I notice my nerves calming down.
Until we make it to the house. Although, it is more like a mansion than a house. My jaw drops as I see the house we’re pulling up to. It’s a huge white house with a nice yard, in a beautiful condition. I can’t help but look at Aaron, asking if he’s sure this is the right place. He nods, clearly finding my confusion amusing.
The nerves are back for sure.
We make our way to the door. I have a big bag on my hands filled with presents, Aaron has one on his hands, the other resting on the small of my back. The smaller Hotchner is filled with pride as he has a big bowl on his arms, a pasta salad he had made with his father earlier that day. He was so excited to be a part of preparing the dinner, like a big boy he is. Apparently the dinner is a potluck style, everyone bringing something. I didn’t know that, or I would have brought something as well, even if Aaron tried to convince me that just being there with him was more than enough.
The door swings open and a man you recognize to be David Rossi, the owner of this mansion greets us all with open arms. Literally. “Welcome welcome” he goes to hug Jack first, taking the bowl off his hands soon after.
“Merry Christmas Uncle Dave!” Jack grins. He quickly enters the house before David gets to answer and tosses his jacket on the floor and goes to take off his shoes.
The olden man turns to his best friend and they share a hug “Glad you could make it”
“Of course” Aaron answers with a smile. “You remember Coral” he turns to look at me and softly soothes his hand on my arm, encouraging.
“How could I forget! Welcome, so happy you could make it as well” he comes to greet me with a hug too and a theatrical kisses by my cheeks. I’m taken by surprise by his embrace, but I welcome it. David opens the door and Aaron waits until I enter before him, following close behind me.
“Jack” Aaron calmly calls for his son, who had already disappeared from his view. Fast footsteps lead back to his father. “Forgot something?” he asks, gesturing towards the fallen coat on the floor.
“Sorry, daddy!” Jack quickly goes to pick it up and put it on the coat rack before running back off. Giggles fill the room as Jack returns to his friend who had been waiting for him all day, too.
I’m quickly meeting up with the other guests, most who I have met before. Only one of them I haven’t met before, but before I get to do anything, the woman runs up to me and introduces herself as Savannah. And detecting from Derek’s hand being so close to her’s, she is most likely with him tonight. They’re a cute couple, can’t argue with that.
Everyone’s gathered around the living room area, sitting on the couches and armchairs, Jack and JJ’s son Henry were gathered around the christmas tree, whispering to each other, probably trying to think what Santa has brought them. Me and Aaron are the only ones standing, except for David who was working around the kitchen. I feel a little out of place, being the newest addition. But I’m glad there are some perks being the boss’ date, no one would probably feel comfortable asking too probing questions.
It’s clear that Aaron has noticed my nervousness as he runs his hand in circles on my back “Everything alright, hun?” he asks quietly. I’m glad he’s so reassuring and calm and most of all, staying by my side. I’ve been left alone in situations like these way too many times and end up super uncomfortable and awkward. I just nod as an answer, I don’t want to draw more attention to myself, nor is anything even wrong. Holidays are just rough for me.
“Dinner is ready!” David announces from the kitchen. Aaron calls for Jack to go wash his hands and the youngest two head to the restroom to get cleaned up.
In no time, everyone’s got a plate full of food and a glass full of a beverage of choice. Most people have wine, myself and Aaron included. The kids are over the moon for a glass of soda. Everyone cheers around, glasses clinking. It’s lovely. It gets me awestruck how peaceful it all is, everyone getting along, laughing and talking about anything and everything. Nothing was off limits, no one had to worry about what to say in fear of someone getting upset. It was so new.
The food is also great. There was so much, well, everything. There was turkey, there was tofu, different kinds of salads and breads and side dishes. Trying my best to be mindful of my portion, I still want to try everything. And I fear being rude to someone, if I don’t try something. Why is being social this hard today?
During the dinner, I try my best to enjoy the conversations and keep my insecurities away. No one here is going to judge me, no one here is going to care how much or little I eat or if I should be doing so. No one thinks anything bad about me. I try to remind myself of these things.
I try to focus on the laughter, the stories and smiles around. The way my boyfriend is relaxed next to me with a wide smile. He’s telling a story about how one Christmas, he and his team back then were stuck at the airport and the closest thing for a christmas feast was crappy coffee and pretzels.
Whenever Aaron has a hand free, he holds it on my thigh under the table or squeezes my hand. I love how much he enjoys physical touch, even if it is for a brief moment and he isn’t afraid of it even with his friends around him. He looks at me fondly every now and then and everytime it makes my heart melt. Especially if I join in the conversation, he looks at me the entire time, really paying attention, wanting to hear what I have to say. It’s almost strange, if I hadn’t gotten somewhat used to it being in a relationship with him. He’s a great listener and he always tells me how he wants to hear about my day, my thoughts and everything, no matter how small or boring it may be inside of my head.
Why aren’t there more men like him in the world?
“Are you from Virginia, Coral?” Jennifer asks after everyone’s talked about different kinds of holiday rituals they’ve had in their families.
I take a sip of my wine “I was actually born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania but my family moved to Virginia right before I started High-School” I tell her, feelling everyone’s eyes on me.
“No way!” the blonde exclaims and she tells me that it’s where she grew up too. “What are the odds” she asks, rhetorically before taking a sip of her own drink. No one is surprised that Spencer actually knows the odds. It’s so fascinating how one of the youngest agents just somehow knows these things and can calculate it inside his head within seconds. And then there’s me, who would probably lose my head if it wasn’t attached to my body.
Time goes by, lost in conversation and good time. I go to look at my plate and realize it’s empty. I’ve eaten everything on it, and it was all delicious. But a part of me is screaming in guilt. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that much, what if someone noticed. And worst of all, what if someone’s going to bring it up later. And I’ve had almost two small glasses of wine, I hope no one thinks I’ve had too much and think I’m bad company for Aaron. I hope I won’t embarrass myself in front of his family.
My thoughts spiral quickly, and I feel becoming shy, putting up walls in my head. Aaron’s hand is resting on my thigh but he is in deep conversation with Morgan about something that I can’t focus on right now. I put my own hand on top of his, and he offers me a quick smile before turning back to the conversation. Jack and Henry had gotten off the table already and were playing a board game in the living room.
“Coral?” I almost jump as I hear my name being called. “Are you alright?” Penelope asks next to me. Apparently I’ve zoned out and hadn’t heard something she was asking me about. I feel myself flustering but try my hardest to put my strong face on and nod.
“Yeah, sorry. What did you ask?”
“I was just wondering. Your name is so pretty and quite rare. Is there a story behind it?” I notice she has such pretty eyes and the frame of her glasses really make the color in them pop.
I feel my hand shaking and as it’s still on top of Hotchner’s, he’s probably noticed it too. “Oh, actually y-yeah” I stutter slightly as my nerves are taking over me. Aaron turns his palm to hold my hand, still in conversation with Derek the whole time. “When I was born, I already had bright red hair and my parents loved how it reminded them of the color of coral reefs they were a few years prior to me and my brother. So they named me after them”
“That’s such a beautiful name,” Savannah agrees.
Aaron had turned to me as well, listening to my explanation. I don’t think I ever explained it to him before. Or can’t remember the conversation, if I have. The conversation goes on a little bit longer before I can’t sit still any longer “Please, excuse me” I apologize as I get up. I put down the napkin I had on my lap before on to the table and walk off to the bathroom I saw by the hallway.
As I lock the door, I almost feel my knees buckle beneath me. I lean my hands to the marble countertop and try to focus on the cool surface. A couple of shaky breaths laters, I’m ready to face my reflection in the mirror. Normally, I have come to love my curvier, fuller figure, but all I can see is everything wrong with it.
My eyes are bloodshot, on the verge of tears. My face is too round, my chest is too big and so is my stomach and thighs. The outfit doesn’t hide how bloated I am after all that food. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten any of it, I should have found an excuse to not eat. I’m so big compared to everyone. Everyone’s so thin and gorgeous and in amazing shape, maybe I’m just an embarrassment and gr…
“Coral?” a soft voice spoke behind the door. I recognize it to be Jennifer, one of Aaron’s closest friends and who happens to be an absolute model-material. “Coral?” she knocks again and I realized I never answered her.
I clear my throat and try to sound as normal as I can. “Yeah?”
“Are you alright?” She sounds worried. Crap. I don’t want anyone to worry over me, I don’t want anyone to pay attention to me at my current, pathetic shape.
“Y-yeah” I stutter and curse the moment I opened my mouth. “I’m alright. Just one second please”
She seems to consider my words for a few seconds “Can you let me in?”
I fan my hands in front of my eyes, hoping the tears stay away. The door unlocks with a silent click as I turn it, thinking it’s better to let her in than worry anyone else. The blonde steps in swiftly and closes the door right behind her. Same kind of click echoes the restroom as the door is again locked.
It then hits me. I have just shared a table with a handful of profilers, who are basically mind readers to the common folk, like myself. Well, masters of human behavior, but that’s almost the same thing. Anyways. They have all probably been able to read me like an open book the whole dinner. Great.
“Holidays are just hard for me” I go to explain as Jennifer doesn’t say anything for a moment. She nods in understanding.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She leans her back to the countertop right next to me. She’s in no way threatening or pressuring you. I think she really cares.
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to ruin your evening”
“You’re not ruining anything, dear!” she assures softly “I’m here as a friend. It’s what friends are for”.
Friends. Does she really consider me her friend already? That’s so sweet of her. I would love to get to know her better. She seems like a really lovely person and I know how much she (and the whole team) mean to Aaron and Jack.
I take a deep breath, trying to find the best way to explain things. “Don’t get me wrong, I love my family” I begin.
“But…” she leads my upcoming sentence.
“But, they don’t always think before they speak” I take another deep breath, trying to keep my voice from cracking. “They’ve never understood that not everything I am has to do about my weight or my size. And holidays are usually very centered around food. Everyone here is so super kind and all, but I can’t help but feel the insecurities resurfacing. I feel like I’m too big and I’ve eaten too much and I’m an embarrassment or something. Everyone’s so gorgeous and in amazing shape and I really don’t look like I fit in. I just hear my mom’s voice in my head over and over again basically saying that no one is going to love me at my size” I ramble. And it feels so good to actually say it out loud. To say out loud that it is your mother’s words, not your own.
“Okay, first of all. You are gorgeous” she smiles and turns towards the mirror, meeting my eyes through the reflection “Second of all, your mom’s words are absolutely trash. You are so so much more than the number on your scale or size of clothes. And trust me, you’re not the only one to feel like this, especially this time of year. It’s very common. But I want you to know that no matter what, we don’t judge you. You make Aaron and Jack so happy, that’s all we care about”.
I feel the tears building back up in my eyes, but I try to hold them back. I don’t want to ruin my makeup. I stand up straight and adjust my black tank top, tucking it better inside my high-waisted blue jeans. The fabric of my cardigan is soft and soothing as I fidget it with my fingers.
“Also, if you haven’t noticed, Hotch can’t keep his eyes off of you” Jennifer smirks. “He’s absolutely smitten by you, there is no way you could do anything to embarrass him. And so what, you’re bigger in size! You look incredible, and I know that Aaron more than agrees with me. But most importantly, I want you to know that your worth has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks. The most important thing is that you’re happy. If it pisses someone off, they’re not worth your time or energy” she continues and her energy is catching up to me.
“I appreciate that” I sniff and shake my head as if I was physically trying to shake away the negativity in my head. “I usually love the way I look, I love my curves. The holidays are just hard” I admit. Also, I just noticed that I never fixed my hair before we left, so I go to do it now. Twisting the front pieces of hair into a twisted braid and securing it with a few golden colored bobby pins. Much better.
“Good, you should love the way you look!” She hypes me up and I appreciate it more than I can put into words. She offers me a hug and I am more than happy to take it.
Few moments later, you’re ready to head back to the others. You and JJ walk to the living room, everyone’s gathered around on the sofas again and Jennifer goes to take a seat beside her husband Will and I sit next to my own man, who has worry written all over his face. I offer him a warm smile and squeeze his hand as I sit down. He raises his eyebrows as if asking a telepathic question to which I answer with a small nod; “yes, I am alright. For real this time”.
It’s time for presents and the boys are so excited to hand everyone their gifts. Henry hands me a heavy square gift that’s wrapped in beautiful golden and white striped wrapping paper. I quickly recognize the handwriting to be Aaron’s, who tries to look as innocent as possible next to me.
“This is for you, daddy” Jack runs over with a lot smaller box, wrapped in rich blue paper. It’s a really pretty paper and it’s wrapped really carefully. I made sure to spend a good amount of time to get it perfect.
“To me? Are you sure you’ve read that right?” he asks.
“Yeah” Jack assures. “It’s A-A-R-O-N. That’s you, dad!” I can’t stop my giggle as the boy spells out his name with such a concentrated look in his eyes. And the way his eyebrows furrow mimics exactly the way his father does. Like father, like son.
Once everyone’s gotten their gifts, the room is filled with the sound of paper rustling and little oohs and ahhs.
“Go on, open it” Hotch tucks my arms as I’m frozen watching everyone opening their presents. I carefully open the delicate paper and reveal a book I’ve been wanting for awhile “I remember you talking about getting it some time ago” he admits and his eyes light up as he sees my excitement.
“Thank you so much! I’ve been meaning to get this for so long” I almost squeal, turning the book over to read over the back cover, for the sixth time ever. I’ve had Joyce Carol Oates’ Blonde -book in my hands many times at the bookstore. “But it's your turn, mister. You haven’t opened yours, either” It’s my turn to tuck his arm for an exchange.
With ease, he unwraps the gift, revealing a small jewelry box. He lifts the lid. “Wait, are these”
“Opals. Jack’s birthstone” I reveal as the man takes a more careful look. He takes out two rounded cufflinks, both stunning rich blue colored, much like the paper they were wrapped in earlier.
The man hasn’t yet found words but is still inspecting the box. “Wow, Coral. These are amazing. You didn’t have to” I know that. But once I saw them at the store, I knew I couldn’t leave without them. “Thank you” he kisses my warm cheek.
About an hour and a glass of mulled wine later, Jack climbs up to his father’s lap. He’s so worn out from the excitement and running around with his friend, barely able to keep his eyes open. “Are you tired, buddy?” Aaron asks, kissing Jack’s forehead. The boy hums as a yes, nuzzling against Aaron’s chest. Henry goes to his mom, exhausted as well. “I think it’s time for us to call it a night” he then says and gets up, still holding his son in his arms.
Hotch goes to help Jack put his jacket on as I feel a hand grasping me by my arm. I notice Derek with Savannah and David standing close to me. “I just wanted to say thank you” Derek speaks quietly. I’m not quite sure what he’s talking about. “Aaron speaks very highly of you and it’s really clear that you make him and Jack happy. It might sound weird, but thank you for being in his life. He deserves to be happy”.
I could burst into tears right then and there. It’s so sweet how they look out for their boss and friend like this, wishing all the best for him. I know they have gone through a lot and poor Jack lost his mother way too young. I turn to look at the man in question, zipping up his son’s jacket. It’s so clear how much Aaron adores his little boy and what a great father he is, even if he doesn’t always remember that himself. “He really does” I agree. I then join the Hotchners, pulling my own shoes on. Aaron helps my jacket on, once again, impressing me with his chivalry.
“I’m so glad you all could make it! Drive home safely” David smiles and waves at Jack. Aaron lifts him up again, Jack quickly resting his head on the side of his hero’s neck.
“Thank you for inviting me, too. This was no doubt the most fun I’ve had over Christmas” I say wholeheartedly. This is what family is supposed to feel like. I could get used to this. “Good night!”
Aaron wishes everyone good night, as well and opens the door. He helps Jack on the back seat and closes the door quietly. Before I get to enter the car, he pulls me close to him. His hands hold me by my waist, underneath my open jacket. I have to look upwards to meet his eyes as he is much taller than I am, but it is a small price to pay for such a great view. “Thank you for coming with me tonight” he whispers, his lips close to mine.
“Thank you for letting me”
His lips finally find mine as he kisses me so tenderly it makes my heart feel like bursting. “Merry Christmas”.
“Merry Christmas, Aaron. I love you” I say and he kisses me again, more passionately than earlier, before I even realize what I’ve said. It’s the first time I’ve said those words to him. I’ve wanted to, for a while now. But tonight, they just slipped out. I don’t regret it, though. Especially if they get a reaction like this from him.
The kiss leaves us both breathless “I love you, Coral”.
Taglist: @ssahotchsbitch @mayasreadingnook @rousethemouse @averyhotchner @ssamorganhotchner @kajjaka @reidsbookmark @thenewnormalforensicator @wheelsupkels @thedancingnerdmermaid ( mention or message me if you want to be added)
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tennessoui · 3 years
when is anakin going to get his revenge and kiss divorced obi-wan back
yes hello this got out of hand and the best moment would be in the hypothetical part two but here is a KUWSK directly post kiss from Anakin's pov. For context, this snippet and this snippet probablllyyyy should be read?
(2.8k, ffs @ kit)
“He was thinking about Satine,” Anakin tells himself after he drops the kids off at school and starts making the drive back home. His hands are tight on the wheel. He’s been trying to think about something else--anything else ever since it happened, but his mind refuses to let go of that moment.
He’s replayed it so many times in the last hour and a half that it doesn’t even feel like an actual memory anymore, just a combination of sensations.
The chill of the almost winter morning that made the hair on his arms stick up. The tacky feeling in his mouth because he had slept a bit later than he had wanted to and didn’t have time to brush his teeth if he wanted to make breakfast before the kids and Obi-Wan left.
The woodsy-spiced smell of Obi-Wan’s cologne, stronger than normal. They’d been standing closer together than normal too, but it had been so early and Obi-Wan’s mind had obviously been miles away.
Anakin had been saying something stupid, something that didn’t mean anything, and Obi-Wan had replied and then Obi-Wan had leaned in and kissed him, full on the mouth. His beard had felt so soft against Anakin’s skin, his lips even softer, if a bit chapped.
Had they been chapped? Now Anakin can’t remember, he’s turned this memory over in his head so often. It had been for less than a handful of seconds. A quick brush of lips, a taste of a life Anakin has dreamt about for well over a year now. And Obi-Wan had just turned and left, as if he hadn’t done anything extraordinary. As if he hadn’t just kissed Anakin on the porch for everyone to see.
Obi-Wan would never be that cruel on purpose. Perhaps to that one profesor who always tries to refute Obi-Wan’s papers, but not to Anakin.
Which means Obi-Wan hadn’t been thinking. He had been perhaps caught up in the domesticity of it all, of having someone wish him luck and see him off. And maybe Anakin has been doing something like that for the last two years, but there’s a person who did that for Obi-Wan for much longer. A person they ran into at the park just two days ago.
“He was thinking about Satine,” Anakin tells himself as he gets out of the car and unlocks the house. He tries desperately to keep the despair and jealousy out of his voice, but at least no one’s around. It’s not that he hates the woman or anything. Really, he doesn’t. He doesn’t understand her, but that’s a given.
He’d never have Obi-Wan’s heart and soul and throw it away. He’d never get tired of fighting with Obi-Wan if he was fighting to stay with the man. He’d never be able to run into him at a park and then just leave again as if seeing him stirred up nothing inside of him.
Seeing Obi-Wan always stirs things up inside of Anakin. It makes no sense that Satine, who had had Obi-Wan’s love--knew all those things about the man that Anakin did not and could not know as just his housemate--had just been satisfied with saying hello and then just as quickly goodbye.
The same cold sinking feeling that Anakin’s been trying to shake off for the last two and a half days returns, and he has to lean against the countertop in the kitchen for a second to ground himself.
They’re going to get back together. They will.
At the park, they had seemed so in their own world, as if everything else had disappeared except for them. Anakin had had to send Luke over, couldn’t stand watching that reconnection happen without at least trying to remind Obi-Wan that he has a family now, that he’s not alone anymore, that there are people who love him.
Obi-Wan had glared at him for his meddling, which hadn’t admittedly done wonders to his confidence. And when Obi-Wan had deposited Luke--Luke--on the ground to chase after Satine, when he had hugged her, Anakin knew for sure.
They were going to lose him.
Anakin had had his set of chances and had taken none of them, and now Obi-Wan’s going to re-fall in love with his ex-wife and Anakin’s going to have to be the supportive best friend who has to figure out how to tell his children that due to unforeseen and tragic circumstances, their Obi is probably going to elope to Paris and maybe send a postcard once or twice a year addressed solely to the children and Anakin will grow old and die alone and the name Obi-Wan Kenobi will be banned from his small, shadowy apartment, and all Anakin will have is a few memories of the two most important and heart wrenching kisses he’s ever been a part of in his entire life.
“He was thinking about Satine,” he tells himself. “He kissed me but it wasn’t about me. It hasn’t ever been about me.”
There’s no denying that Obi-Wan loves Anakin’s children and also no denying that his children love Obi-Wan. Anakin thinks he wouldn’t love Obi-Wan half as much if he hadn’t absolutely been charmed by the kids and vice versa. But he had been. They had been. Those few weeks when Anakin had thought about leaving a year ago had been absolutely awful because he knew he would be breaking his twins’ hearts, not just his. He’d be hurting Obi-Wan too, he had known that.
But he had had to try. Because he knew that if he didn’t try to leave then he’d have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of Obi-Wan’s life when it came time for the man to grow tired of his presence.
It had been a last ditch attempt at saving his dignity. And it hadn’t taken much argument from everyone else to get him to abandon the idea completely.
Now he can’t help but to think he should have put his foot down, gotten some distance. Because now he’s entrenched in Obi-Wan’s world, the same way Obi-Wan is entrenched in his and the twins’ world. Leaving now will feel like ripping himself in two. He’ll probably wake up in the middle of the night five years from now and wonder about the academic response to Obi-Wan’s most recent publication.
He’ll probably have read it. He’ll probably still be fielding questions from his kids’ friends’ parents about whatever happened to that handsome man that used to come in to help during Show-And-Tell Day? Do you remember who I’m talking about, Anakin?
If he had left then, the idea of leaving now wouldn’t hurt so much. But there’s a ticking clock in his head.
Obi-Wan kissed him.
But he was thinking about Satine.
He calls Padme, because that’s sort of what he does when he doesn’t know what to do. She’s never turned him away--with the rejected marriage proposal being the one glaring exception, of course.
Thankfully, she doesn’t start now, though she does sound a little stressed when she picks up.
“Hey,” he says trying to sound normal and as if he isn’t a few minutes alone with his thoughts away from crying like a baby.
“Are you--are you busy? Something sort of happened.”
“My flight is boarding,” Padme admits, but there’s a rustle on the other end of the line like she’s just sat down. “But it’s not like I’m not assigned a seat. They won’t leave without me. What happened?”
Anakin smiles in spite of himself. She’s really just such an angel of a person.
“Are the children alright?” she asks, sounding worried the longer it takes for Anakin to respond. “Ani?”
“No, yeah, the children are fine. I dropped them off at school this morning. But. Um.” He takes a deep breath. “Obi-Wankissedme.”
“I’m sorry?” Padme asks.
“Obi-Wan kissed me.”
The other end of the line is silent. “And we’re calling this a problem now?” she asks faintly. “Is he a bad kisser?”
“He’s a great kisser,” Anakin defends, shifting awkwardly on his feet, catching sight of the fridge door and quickly turning away.
“Then I don’t…?” Padme trails off uncertainly. Anakin can understand this confusion. Padme has only had to hear about how much Anakin wants Obi-Wan to kiss him for about two years now.
“I don’t think he realized he did it,” Anakin confesses. “He just did it as he was leaving. Because I said goodbye. It--I don’t think he realized who he was kissing.”
Now Padme sounds a distinct mix of skeptical and sympathetic, a tone Anakin’s only ever heard her use with him. “What makes you say that?”
“Because--because we went to the park the other day and he ran into his ex-wife and they were together for, for years so--so obviously he just--he wasn’t--it wasn’t me he was kissing. He was thinking about Satine.”
The words sound dull and practiced and lifeless.
“Oh, Anakin,” Padme says.
“And they’re probably gonna get back together, and we’re going to have to leave, and he’ll never know that I--” Anakin cuts himself off and thunks his head on the countertop with a groan.
Padme hums disbelievingly. “Anakin, I know you’ve never believed me when I say this, but that man is gone over you. And I think if he kissed you long enough for you to tell me for certain that he’s a good kisser, then he definitely knew he was kissing you.”
Anakin bites his lip and debates the pros and cons of being completely truthful. But he had called Padme for help, and she can’t provide the best advice if she doesn’t know the full story.
“That’s not the first time he’s kissed me,” Anakin finally admits, rubbing bashfully at the back of his neck.
“What?” Padme exclaims, probably much louder than appropriate for a public space. “Anakin Skywalker, explain yourself right now.”
He exhales forcefully. “Last New Year’s Eve party.”
“That was almost a year ago! And nothing else ever happened between you two? What? We always thought that once the first kiss was out of the way we’d need to beat you both with sticks to keep you off each other.”
“Well--wait, who’s we?”
Padme tsks. “Myself and Obi-Wan’s coworker.”
“You’ve been gossiping about me?” Anakin asks, torn between being flabbergasted and offended.
“That’s not important right now,” Padme says airily. “What’s important here is the fact that you apparently kissed Obi-Wan Kenobi and never told me?”
“He doesn’t remember, okay?” Anakin snaps. “He. We’d been drinking. A lot. It was after everyone left. And. I was in the kitchen and he was in the kitchen and he--”
--had pinned him to the front of the fridge and just looked at Anakin for a few seconds like he was the most precious, important thing in the entire world, and Anakin had opened his mouth to say something and Obi-Wan had--
“--kissed me,” Anakin says out loud. “And then he--”
He had pressed impossibly closer to Anakin, one hand wrapped around his hip, caressing the thin skin there while his other hand ghosted down Anakin’s hair and back as if he couldn’t decide where he wanted to touch, as his tongue mapped out Anakin’s mouth for what could have been seconds or minutes, and Anakin could have stayed there forever, but his own hands had grabbed too tightly onto Obi-Wan’s shoulders, must have jerked him forward too roughly, because he had been pushed away and--
“--threw up in the kitchen sink,” he finishes.
There’s dead silence on the other end of the line before Padme bursts out laughing. “Okay, okay,” she says once she’s calmed down. “But how do you know for sure he forgot about that? Sounds like something he might just never want to talk about if it ended up with him vomiting in the kitchen.”
“I just know,” Anakin promises. And he does. Obi-Wan had no idea about that kiss. It was a secret Anakin thought about too often, but one he had kept to himself for nearly a year, too afraid to reveal it to Obi-Wan only for the man to say he hadn’t meant to, it hadn’t meant anything, he’d been much too drunk.
Even the idea of Obi-Wan apologizing for one of the hottest kisses Anakin’s ever experienced in his life has been enough to keep Anakin silent on the matter.
But now he’s been kissed again, this time by a sober Obi-Wan, and it still--it still doesn’t mean anything.
“It didn’t mean anything to him then, or he would have remembered,” Anakin tells Padme. “And this one doesn’t mean anything either. The timing is just...it can’t be a coincidence, Padme. He’s never once thought about kissing me, about...about coming home to me like that, and now, a few days after he runs into his ex-wife he’s suddenly planting one on me as he walks out the door? I know--I know you think he...he might...he might have liked me, or...or wanted me, but. There’s no way I can hold a candle to a decades long marriage. I just. I can’t compete with that. He doesn’t want me to.”
Padme’s Anakin is cut off on her end by what sounds like a flight attendant. “Yes, I’m coming,” Padme tells the person, and there’s shuffling and then the distinct sound of the harsh beep of the ticket scanner, before Padme’s heels are clicking on the flight tunnel. “Do not rush me,” Padme tells someone. “What are you going to do, close this thing while I’m in it?”
Anakin has to hide his only sort of watery smile in his hand as he listens quietly on his end.
“Anakin?” Padme asks, and she must be on the plane because there’s a buzz of other people’s noises around her. “Anakin, I know you won’t believe me, and maybe--maybe you’re right and they’ll get back together, maybe you’re going to lose him.” Anakin’s heart hurts quite painfully at these words. “But do you remember what you did the first time you proposed to me and I said no?”
Great, yeah. Just bring up all his biggest failures in love. Sure, why start with Padme? When Anakin had been five he had tried to kiss a boy and been shoved into the mud for his efforts. That’s a fine place to begin, really. Just drag up all the old hurts. He sighs. “I went and got you a bigger ring.”
“And do you remember what you did when I told you that I couldn’t raise the children, but my parents wanted to?”
“I threatened to take them to court if they didn’t let me have them,” Anakin says. It hadn’t been his proudest moment, of course, but Padme’s parents had never really liked him. They still don’t.
Someone’s trying to talk to Padme on the other end of the line. “Yes, fine,” she snaps. “Anakin. Anakin, what I’m trying to say is I’ve never seen you give up on anything without at least trying to fight for it. And I don’t know why this should be different. You won’t be able to live with yourself if you have to watch him get back together with his ex-wife and know you never even tried to tell him he had other options.”
Anakin opens and closes his mouth, speechless. “Then what--”
“So go,” Padme cuts him off. “Go tell him he has other options! For fuck’s sake, yes, alright I’m getting off the phone. Anakin, when I land I expect to have a very detailed account of events waiting for me on my email. Goodbye.”
She hangs up. Anakin stares at the phone in his hand for a handful of seconds, thinking over what she’s said. What she’s implied.
She’s right, of course. Anakin never gives in this easily. He doesn’t fully understand why he’s so ready to capitulate now. Maybe he knows full-well he can’t compete with whatever Obi-Wan had with his ex-wife. They have history. They grew up together, became adults together. Anakin’s just this weird twenty-eight year old man with a pair of kids too old for his age who crashed at Obi-Wan’s house during the lowest moment of his life. Of maybe both of their lives.
Love can’t bloom from that. Not really. Not...not the sort of love that turns into a lifelong marriage.
But. Padme’s right. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he doesn’t try. If he doesn’t know for sure.
So either he could putter around the house all day waiting for Obi-Wan to text or call or come home, talking himself into and out of confessing every emotion he’s harbored for the man for the past two years, or….or he could drive to his campus and confront him in his office, put himself on the execution block and hand Obi-Wan the axe. At least it would be a quick death.
He glances at the digital clock on the oven. 9:38. The idea of waiting ten hours for a resolution makes his skin crawl.
And besides. 
Obi-Wan hadn’t packed a lunch.
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🎄Twelve Days of Promptmas🎄
It’s that time of year again, my friends! It’s nov. 1st!! 2020 Promptmas is here!!!
Under the cut there will be a list of concepts (caroling, baking, mistletoe) and a list of various pieces of dialogue! From these, you can make your very own prompts for each day! You could choose a concept, some dialogue, or maybe two concepts and a dialogue option, etc. Mix and match ‘em! You can write a small, three sentence fic, or something 10k and beyond! Whatever you want! We’ll start posting on December 14th, all the way up until Christmas Day!
Happy Writing!! 🎄
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Gift wrap
Gingerbread house
Lighting the Menorah
Mistletoe kisses
Fake dating at a family Holiday party
Baby’s first Holiday season
Watching Christmas movies together
Cold, sleepy cuddles
Making latkes together
Snowball fight
Ice skating
Picking out the perfect tree
Putting up lights
Fireplace cuddles
Secret Santa
Going to midnight mass
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Stuck at the airport on Christmas Eve
Holding hands while walking in the snow
Hot chocolate
First day of Hanukkah
Playing dreidel
First snow
Outsider POV
Cross-country road trip
Drunkenly singing Mariah Carey
White Elephant gifts
Building a snowman
Work rivals forced to plan a holiday party together
Snow angels
Paper snowflakes
Apple cider
Superhero shenanigans ruining plans
Naughty or Nice
Awkward family photo
Mall Santa
Opening presents
Meeting when last-minute gift shopping
Identity reveal
Canon nudged to the left (Holiday Edition)
Homemade ornaments
Going on a sleigh ride
Making a holiday dinner together
The true spirit of the holiday season
Driving around looking at Christmas Lights
Candy canes
Festive MATCHING PJs!!!
Only one bed
Fuzzy socks
Festive enemies to lovers
Home for the Holidays
Christmas morning
All bundled up
Christmas markets
Getting ready for Santa
Winter power outage
Holiday smut
winter proposal
Icy sidewalks
Getting a cold
Meeting the family
Kid fic
The only single people at the holiday party
‘Twas the night before Christmas
Apart for the Holidays
Late night shopping
board game shenanigans
“Do you mind?” “What? I’m cold.”
“Do not throw that snowball.”
“No peeking!”
“Hey! Those cookies were for Santa!”
“Will you help me light this?”
“All I want for Christmas is you!” “You’re Jewish.” “So?”
“Your hands are freezing!”
“That ornament doesn’t go there.”
“You look like Rudolph.”
“Oh come on, don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.”
“It’s hand holding season.”
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!”
“You didn’t think I’d let you spend the holidays alone, did you?”
“It’s snowing!”
“Listen, Santa doesn’t have to know about this.”
"You’ve ruined my favorite sweater!”
“It’s Christmas Eve, so that means I get to open a gift!”
“If your hands get cold, you can put them in my pockets.”
“Do you like it?” “I love it.”
“Are the lights out?” “No, I love sitting in the dark by myself.”
“Oh, I know exactly what you’re trying to do. But you will not ruin my Christmas. Not again. Not this year.”
“Is that a candy cane in your pocket or are you just--” “Yeah, do you want one?”
“Usually it’s just a kiss under the mistletoe...”
“It’s freezing out here! Let me in!”
“I want latkes.” “It’s eight in the morning.”
“I can think of one way to warm you up.”
“I love you, but your taste in Christmas music is horrible.”
“We’re stuck in here, aren’t we?” “Yep.”
"What’s Christmas really about?” “VENGEANCE!” 
“Hug me!” “Why?” “I’m cold and I love you!”
“Let’s make snow angels!” “How old are you?”
“No, no, no. You’re the reindeer this year. I get to be Santa.”
“Why are you staring at me?” “Nothing... You just look really cute right now.”
“The cookies! They’re burning!”
“There. All bundled up.” “I can’t move my arms!”
“Who wrapped this?”
“Stay in bed. It’s warmer.”
“Keep doing that if you wanna end up on the naughty list.”
“But it’s Christmas!” “...It’s November 19th.”
“You do know that Santa’s not real, right?”
“Is that... mistletoe?”
“Bah humbug!”
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
“Man, I need to slow down on the eggnog.” “It’s not even spiked?” “...Oh”
“You did all this for me?”
“You have frosting on your face.”
“I’m bringing the holiday cheer to you!”
“Where’s all your holiday spirit, Scrooge?”
“Why are you under the tree?” “Because I’m a gift.”
“Don’t let the fact that I’m freezing my ass off out here fool you; I’m having a great time.”
“You know... the older I get, the more and more I can relate to the Grinch.”
“I’m sorry, but you make a terrible Santa.”
“Where did you get that sweater?”
“Wake up! It’s Christmas!” “It’s 6 am, go away!”
“I can’t believe you dropped the turkey.”
“Do you wanna build a snowman?”
“Ha, this gingerbread man looks like you.”
“But baby, it’s cold outside--” “Absolutely not.”
“Merry Christmas.”
“National Lampoon wishes they had a Christmas this chaotic.”
“Why are the gifts wrapped in ______?”
“I thought this was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year?”
“If you sing Jingle Bells one more time...”
“Next year we’re going to Florida.”
“No, you can’t change your name to Santaman.”
A note that while this is not just for Spideychelle, this is NOT for pedophiliac or incestous ships. 
Feel free to tag me in your creations! I’d love to see what y’all come up with! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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I reaaally like your taste in UT content, do you have any fic recs?
I ABSOLUTELY do thank you for asking!!  I’m guessing if you like my taste in content you’re okay with whatever I ship lol.  Most of what I’ve read is Soriel or gen but anyway!!  Also all fics will be rated T or below; I don’t read anything graphic.
When Life Hands You Enantiomers - Sans & Alphys friendship, pre-Undertale.  Mostly Alphys focused with EXCELLENT writing and great puns.  Alphys works on making the tile puzzle you find in Snowdin.
Keep an Eye on the Shadow’s Smile - Soriel.  My personal favorite take on how they became friends pre-Undertale.  Also very well done puns which is a necessity.  
i can move to this groove (and so can you) - Frisk POV Soriel, post-pacifist.  I’m a sucker for Frisk trying to get Soriel together lol and this one is very funny.  Bonus points for Frisk asking the rest of the cast what “romantic action” is.  Very well put together.
arabesque - Toriel-centric Soriel, with the rest of the fam there too, post-pacifist. Toriel wanted to be a ballerina when she was younger, and Sans gets her and the fam tickets to see a ballet.  Lovely original premise and great writing.
miscere - Frisk & Sans, mixed up timelines.  Judgement Hall fight where Sans thinks it’s the genocide timeline when Frisk is a pacifist.  Short, sad, and angsty in an aesthetic way.  (No permanent character death but Frisk does die and reload several times.)
Friendshipping - Sans & Alphys friendship.  “Sans finds Alphys's secret Sans/Grillby RPF. This won't get weird or awkward or anything, we're sure.” As hilarious and awkward as the summary sounds.  I just love Alphys fics a lot okay
Social Links - Sans & Alphys friendship.  Again.  PLEASE by all means if anyone has more Sans & Alphys fics send them to me.  I don’t remember as much about this fic but I trust it was good. Garbage friends forever
The Tree Fell Down; Just Plant the Apple - Frisk & Sans, Frisk & Toriel, post-pacifist, slight AU but I can’t tell you the premise without spoiling the fic lol.  I’m not usually an AU fan but this was a very heartwarming one.  Everyone (mostly Toriel) wants Frisk to see a doctor and Frisk is very against that.  
waterproof - undyne centric.  Papyrus & Undyne friendship and Alphyne so you can’t go wrong there.  Has some great backstory for her family too.  Takes place before/during/after pacifist route so there’s a bit of everything
Multichapter (complete):
A Monster Guide to Love - Soriel with Frisk wingmanning again, post-pacifist.  I’m such a sucker for this trope and this fic is laugh-out-loud hilarious, I liveblogged a good portion of it on a discord call when I first read it.
Blood of the Covenant - very long, very good, lots of everything post-pacifist.  Mostly Soriel and Frisk, a little bit of Papyton and Alphyne, PTA Sans, Monster Kid friendship, the works.  Plus Frisk is ace so there’s a special place for this fic in my heart.  (There is one noncon kiss in chapter 25 just as a warning.)
And because I’m trash here are a few of my fics:
Paved with Good Intentions - the working title of this fic was “Toriel shreds Asgore dubstep remix” so make of that what you will.  They have a talk about the fallen children after reaching the surface.
New Year, New Fashion - Papyton with a small side of Soriel.  The fam has a New Year’s Eve party at Toriel’s house.  Shenanigans ensue.  I was still getting used to writing a lot of the characters so forgive me if they’re a bit overdramatic haha
Be Good, Alright? - multichapter WIP, Frisk & Toriel and Frisk & Chara.  AU where Frisk stayed with Toriel in the Ruins.  Split between family fluff and hurt/comfort/angst.  Very short slice-of-life chapters so it’s good if you don’t have a long attention span.
Okay I hope that wasn’t too overwhelming!! good fics are hard to find so I’m always excited to share what I’ve hunted down.  You can always scramble through my bookmarks on AO3 if you want more recs too!
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hyunllx · 4 years
The Christmas Baker
A Hyunlix Hallmark Fic Chapter 1/5 wc: 4k Hwang Hyunjin is a rich, cocky, famous dancer that prefers to keep to himself during the holidays. When his roommate drags him along to visit his hometown, however, Hyunjin meets a boy who helps him believe in the spirit of the season. Primarily Hyunjin’s pov with Felix’s pov added in occasionally. series warnings: Extremely cliche. You will probably cringe at some points but its okay. chapter warnings: Brief mentions of alcohol. note: This fic is not meant to accurately reflect or portray the members of SKZ. This is just for fun. Next Chapter
    A deep pounding in the temples roused Hyunjin from his sleep, a groan escaping him as he tried to sit up, his head spinning. He remembered he’d crashed on the couch again in the middle of the night after coming home from another company party. As usual, he’d had too much to drink and couldn’t make it all the way to his bedroom to undress or sleep properly. Now his neck and shoulders hurt from the uncomfortable couch and he felt like he needed a year long hot shower.
  The smell of cooking registered in his nose, turning his stomach but waking him up a little more. He could hear the soft voice of his room mate and best friend, Chan, chiming from the kitchen, singing along to a christmas song he couldn’t quite make out.
  Chan emerged from the kitchen carrying a steaming bowl, grinning wide as he noticed Hyunjin up and somewhat alert,
  “Hey sleepyhead, you’re finally awake.” His voice was high and babyish as he approached the couch.
  Hyunjin groaned again. No matter how close they were, he was still embarrassed whenever Chan pulled out his cute charms around him. Lacking the energy to complain so soon after waking up, he just took the bowl from Chan and brought it to his lips without a word. Despite expecting the taste of Chan’s famous hangover soup, Hyunjin still recoiled as the spices burned his tongue and throat. He coughed sharply, earning a pat on the head from his friend,
  “That’ll wake you up for sure.”
  “What’s that?” Hyunjin pointed to the luggage piled next to their apartment’s front door, distracting himself as he took another scalding sip of the soup broth. Chan tilted his head like a confused puppy, frowning,
  “I’m leaving to stay with my brother for break, remember?”
  “That’s today?”
  “Of course. Christmas is only four days away you know.” He didn’t know, but Hyunjin didn’t want to say that out loud. People were always either appalled that he didn’t celebrate the holidays or they pitied him. In reality he never got to celebrate like others did when his parents were busy with holiday music events and parties. He was used to being alone this time of year. Still, he couldn’t help eye the stack of bags with jealousy. The thought of waking up on christmas morning without his best friend was not something he looked forward to.
  Chan noticed the way his eyes kept flicking toward the door,
  “Are you sure I can leave you alone for so long?”
  Hyunjin scoffed, “What do you mean? I’m an adult, I can take care of myself.”
  “Getting drunk every night until Christmas is not taking care of yourself, Hyunnie.” Hyunjin grimaced at the nickname. Chan only used it when he was sincerely worried about him, and Hyunjin didn’t want to have this serious of a conversation when he’d be leaving right after. He focused on finishing his breakfast instead, skin burning where Chan was watching him.
  “Why don’t you come with me?”
  Hyunjin choked as he inhaled broth in shock at the proposition,
  “Excuse me?” He managed between coughs.
  “I mean it. I don’t want you to be here by yourself.”
  The witty come back on Hyunjin’s tongue burned away when he met Chan’s sad eyes. Truthfully, he didn’t want to be here alone either, but the thought of staying in a stranger’s house in a strange town was equally unappealing. 
  “I know my brother won’t mind. He loves company, and we’ll make room for you.”
  “I’m not going to win this fight, am I?” Hyunjin sighed, defeated.
  “Nope!” Chan grinned and dragged him into a one-sided hug, “I’ll help you pack once you wake up.”
  It didn't take long for Hyunjin to shower and collect his things. Though what he owned was luxurious and expensive, he didn't own much of anything. His clothes for the trip took up a rolling suitcase and everything else fit neatly in his shoulder bag. How Chan managed to fill three duffle bags, a laptop case, and his backpack, Hyunjin would never know. Still, between the two of them packing up Chan’s car, they managed to get on the road by the time he’d wanted to leave. 
  “Do you mind if I call him to let him know we’re coming?” Chan asked, fiddling with his dashboard to connect the car to his phone.
  Hyunjin shrugged, putting in his ear buds to respect the privacy of their conversation. Even with his volume turned, though, the reverberating bass of the deepest “Hello?” he’d ever heard cut through to his ears. 
  Hyunjin had never seen Chan’s brother, but he couldn’t imagine the person that voice must be coming from. His eyes widened as he listened to them talk,
  “I’m on my way over now!” Chan said, flashing Hyunjin a bright smile when he noticed his friend’s face, “Hey, I’m sorry for not asking earlier but my roommate didn’t have a place to celebrate Christmas, so is it alright I brought him along?”
  “Of course, of course!” His brother responded, his voice lightening only slightly with warmth, “I’ll get the guest room ready. Will he be coming to the party?”
  Hyunjin sat up straighter at the mention of a party, looking toward Chan, who only rolled his eyes,
  “Yeah, I think it’ll be good for him to go.”
  “Sweet! I’ll see you guys when you get here.”
  “Love you, Lix.”
  “Love you too!”
  “Party?” Hyunjin asked curiously as soon as they hung up the call, “I thought you wanted me to stay away from parties.”
  “It’s not the kind of party you’re thinking of.” Chan shook his head, a laugh hiding behind his lips, “It’s a celebration on Christmas Eve. Everyone comes together for free food and gifts.”
  “Sounds boring.” As long as there’s liquor for the adults, he thought to himself. He knew he’d need it to get through that kind of Christmas cheer. Chan only hummed in response, turning on the radio. It didn’t take long for him to start singing along to the holiday music, definitely not helping Hyunjin’s mood, even with his own music playing through his headphones.
  It took a couple songs passing without him registering the music for Hyunjin to realize he was still thinking about the voice on the other end of the car speakers. So warm yet so deep and mysterious at the same time. Chan talked often with pride about his younger brother, but Hyunjin had never taken the time to envision what the boy was actually like. In his head he was just a younger Chan. Clearly not with that voice. If he’d heard someone speak like that in a club or at a venue, he’d be flirting with them in an instant.
  After an hour of passive contemplation and at least ten plays of Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You, Hyunjin finally pulled out his ear buds and turned down the radio. Chan turned to look at him mid-lyric,
  "What's wrong?"
  "Tell me more about your brother." Chan opened his mouth to gush like usual but paused, looking at him curiously,
  "You've never asked about him before."
  "It would be rude to show up at his house and not know anything about him."
  “I talk about him all the time?”
  “I don’t listen.” He lied.
  Chan rolled his eyes, “Well… his name is Felix. He’s the same age as you are, 6 months younger. I basically raised him when we were kids because our parents were gone all the time. He owns and works at a little bakery in town-”
  “He’s a baker?” Now Hyunjin was really confused. 
  “The BEST baker!” Chan corrected, a little over-excited, “Seriously, all your stress will melt away the second you taste his brownies. He’s also a great cook, of course. And he’s a dancer, like you!”
  Hyunjin couldn’t figure this boy out. Every detail Chan shared over the following half hour was like gaining a new jigsaw piece that belonged to a completely different puzzle. “Felix” was a baker at heart with a passion for singing and dancing. Somehow he’d never followed in his elder brother’s footsteps despite being a gifted musician. By the time he was done listening, he both regretted asking and was unimaginably curious. All because of that stupidly deep voice on the other end of the call. 
  They drove from late morning until sunset, the city passing by them giving way to towns and eventually just an expanse of highway and trees. Occasionally an off-ramp would lead to some semblance of civilization beyond the humming of the cars around them, otherwise there was nothing this far out of the city. Clouds on the horizon turned deep red and purple as Chan finally took an exit, a storm in the distance squeezing the last drops of golden light from the sun before it set.
  They took several winding turns through the trees until the sun disappeared behind them and lights flared up around the car. Hyunjin stared in amazement as the trees lining the main road held strings of christmas lights in their branches, leading them straight to the town’s center. Though he would never admit it out loud, Hyunjin thought they were beautiful. 
  The entire town was decorated as though they had just entered the north pole. Every light pole held an oversized wreath, every tree strung with lights, every hovel and storefront decorated as if they wanted to see their tiny town from space. Hyunjin was dumbstruck; he was used to this kind of sight in big cities. It was to draw tourists and commerce for the big stores and the attractions. But here, this tiny town had none of that. They did this for the joy of it. How anyone could be in love with this holiday in such a way, he did not know. He was so lost in wonder he didn’t even notice they’d stopped until Chan turned the car off and the radio stopped playing, snapping Hyunjin’s attention back to reality.
  They’d pulled up to the small driveway of an equally small house. It was two stories tall, but only wide enough to fit the front door and a window on the first story. Thin trails of smoke rose from the back of the house, and a porch enclosed the entrance, orange light spilling out onto the wooden steps from the door’s frosted glass window.
  Shivers ripped through Hyunjin as he stepped out of the car, his breath swirling around him in a puff of steam. The temperature had dropped below freezing already, the cold eating away the nerves that started bubbling in Hyunjin’s stomach. The house in front of him looked cozy and warm and he just wanted to get inside.
  “Come on!” Chan grinned, motioning for Hyunjin to follow as he nearly sprinted up the stairs. The door was unlocked for them, and he shuffled after his friend into the heat of the home. He rubbed his hands together as he stood over the humming radiator of the entryway, taking in the overwhelming sensory experience of the home. Other than the warmth, the first thing to hit Hyunjin was the smell of food cooking somewhere deeper in the house, making his stomach growl. He hadn’t eaten much more than a few snacks since his breakfast soup. 
  Secondly, everything was covered in christmas decorations. Everything. The walls, the stairs to the second floor, the doors, the dining room to their left. Even the crown molding lining the ceiling of the old house. The warm orange light he’d seen from outside was emitted by dozens if not hundreds of little warm-white bulbs. It was as if Santa Claus himself lived there.
  “We’re here!” Chan called out, waddling into the hallway with Hyunjin right behind. A half-laugh half-yell of excitement burst from what Hyunjin assumed was the kitchen, startling him. Yet the human that emerged from the doorway was the most shocking part.
  The boy was just a tiny bit shorter than Chan, and petite enough to be swimming in his oversized sweater and apron. His hair was a shade more platinum than Hyunjin's own blonde, his skin a soft russet with splashes of dark freckles across his nose and cheeks.
  "Hyung!" He exclaimed in a high-pitched voice as he ran into Chan's outstretched arms. Certainly this wasn't the same boy that spoke over the car speakers.
  "You must be Hyunjin!" His deep voice returned as he pulled away from his brother, beaming up at Hyunjin with the world's brightest grin, "It's nice to meet you!"
  "Nice to meet you t-" Hyunjin had extended a hand for a handshake but Felix quickly ignored it, pulling him into a sudden hug. Hyunjin stiffened at the informality, entirely unprepared to meet someone that was even more physically affectionate than Chan. He could see the family resemblance. 
  “Don’t be nervous,” Felix tried to soothe him, patting his back before pulling away, “You’re hyung’s friend, so this is your home too.”
  Hyunjin couldn’t respond, his brain was short-circuiting from the physical affection and the deep voice and all the lights. All he could process was Chan trying desperately yet failing to suppress a laugh in his direction. Thankfully, an obnoxious beeping from the kitchen saved him from having to formulate a response.
  “Ah! Dinner’s ready, you guys made it just in time!” He scurried off to fetch the food, bouncing along with excitement as he ran like a child.
  “You alright?” Chan chuckled, smacking Hyunjin between the shoulderblades to grab his attention.
  “What have you dragged me into?” He whispered, hoping his host wouldn’t hear.
  “Come on Hyunjin, I know you guys are going to end up getting along just fine.” Chan winked at him, which Hyunjin thought was odd, but at this point everything around him was twisted backwards and upside down so he didn’t think much more of it. 
  They hung up their jackets and Chan led him into the dining room where Felix was setting out three large bowls of rice next to three bowls of the most delicious smelling kimchi stew Hyunjin had ever seen. The chandelier that hung over the small table was turned off, the room illuminated instead by the vibrant white glow of the christmas tree in the corner of the room. Felix’s smile as they entered was just as bright; Hyunjin felt he couldn’t look too long or else he’d get lost in it. Instead he turned to Chan as he took a seat next to him, watching his friend’s nose scrunch up at the thought of a spicy meal.
  “Don’t worry, it’s not very spicy.” Felix assured, reading Hyunjin’s exact train of thought. Of course he’d know Chan couldn’t handle spicy food. He couldn’t even eat the hangover soup he made Hyunjin in the mornings. 
  “Thank God.” Chan nodded with relief, “Shall we eat? I’m starving.”
  “Of course, please help yourselves.” Felix said as he took a seat across from Hyunjin at the table, still smiling. Hyunjin still couldn’t look at him, his heart skipping at the sight of his grin. Instead, he dug into his stew. 
  An involuntary groan rumbled in his throat at the flavor, his body warming instantly as he slowed to savor the taste. Not that he’d had many home cooked meals in his life, but Hyunjin couldn’t help but think it was the best tasting meal he’d ever had.
  When he came back up from his bowl, Hyunjin froze under the stares of both Chan and Felix. They looked at him eagerly, leaning in as if waiting for him to speak.
  “Uh…” He struggled to find words as he swallowed a mouthful of beef, “It’s really good.”
  Felix let out a sigh of relief then a loud, sudden laugh. His grin swallowed his face again as he picked up his chopsticks,
  “Good! I was worried whether or not you’d like it.”
  The comment came off so casual that it left Hyunjin’s ears burning with embarrassment. Why did he care what Hyunjin thought about his food? They were strangers. Yet the longer he lingered in this house the more it felt familiar. Like he was visiting a beloved family member after years apart. He shook off the feeling. 
  He’s a stranger. Hyunjin reminded himself.
  “Is Seungmin still working at the bakery after moving out?” Chan asked when Hyunjin’s senses were ready to return to the conversation.
  “Yeah, but I gave him the week off.” Felix waved his hand dismissively, though a smirk lingered on his lips, “He deserves to spend as much time as he can with Minho.”
  “They’re back together?”
  “Do they ever really break up?” Both brothers laughed in agreement, nodding vigorously. Hyunjin was lost in the conversation, so he just sat and smiled awkwardly. Chan giggled teasingly as he continued, 
  “What about you? Is there a special boy I should meet while I’m here?”
  Hyunjin and Felix immediately locked eyes at the question. Felix’s face grew tomato-red, and the intense fire in his ears told Hyunjin they looked much the same. His head reeled as he realized that’s why Chan was never awkward whenever he came home to find Hyunjin with a boy, or why they never had the talk about it after. 
  “Uh.. No- no. I’m not seeing anyone.” Felix stuttered, stuffing his mouth with rice so he wouldn’t have to keep talking. Hyunjin felt sorry for him as the boy’s sunny smile vanished. He could sense Felix’s anxiety at being outed to a stranger. Even if he’d welcomed Hyunjin with open arms, this was a different level of personal information. He tried to catch Felix’s eye again but the boy was too focused on his food. Hyunjin cleared his throat instead,
  “That’s too bad. I was hoping to meet a cute boy while we were here.”
  Felix perked up a little at that, a smile entertaining the corners of his lips while he chewed. They finished their dinner in mostly silence, the sweet hum of christmas music filtering into the room via the kitchen. Though he knew he’d regret it when he returned to the dance studio after break, Hyunjin ate until he was completely full, letting himself indulge in the delicious food just this once.
  “So… just you in the bakery tomorrow?” Chan asked as they all leaned back in their chairs, finished and satisfied.
  “Yep!” Felix smiled and nodded as he stood to gather the empty dishes from the table, “I’m only aiming for 1000 this year so the two days should be plenty of time. As long as you’ll help?”
  “Of course! What are brothers for?”
  “1000 what?” Hyunjin looked between them, confused and apprehensive about being in a stranger’s home by himself.
  “Cookies! For the Christmas Eve Party. You’re welcome to come help too if you want.”
  Hyunjin screwed up his face at the idea; he was NOT a good cook, or baker. Hence his lack of experience with home-cooked meals, “I think I’ll just take the day to look around town.”
  “Well you’re welcome to stop by. It’ll just be us in there.” Was that disappointment in his deep voice? Hyunjin shook his head at the thought. While he certainly had a reputation for being cocky, he wasn’t typically this full of himself. There was no reason for this boy he’d just met to have such an impact on his emotions. Felix didn’t care about him or what he did. They didn’t know each other. Hyunjin was only here because of Chan. 
  “I’m going to start unloading the car.” He said, already heading for the front door. He needed to clear his head. The cold night air would help.
    “Is that everything?” Felix asked as he helped his brother tuck the last of the gifts he’d brought under the giant tree in his living room. His cheeks hurt from smiling, and he had to restrain himself from shaking the boxes whenever he glimpsed his name written on the tag.
  “Yep!” Chan smiled just as wide, pretending to dust off his hands, “Just have to unpack my clothes and stuff.”
  “Do you want help?”
  “Nah. I’ll be back down in a bit.” He scratched his fingers in Felix’s hair as he stood, making the younger boy giggle. Felix hadn’t realized how much he had missed his hyung; Chan was gone to the big city to chase his dreams and rarely got a break to come home. Whenever he visited, it felt like Felix’s heart was whole again. 
  As he stood up from his spot in front of the tree, Felix’s mind wandered from his brother to the stranger upstairs, Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin. 
  Being a dancer himself, Felix was familiar with the dancers that Chan worked with, spending hours memorizing their routines. The fact that Hyunjin was here in his home made nervous, star-struck butterflies flutter in his stomach. Even despite his cold demeanor.
  Felix could tell it was an act; the mask had slipped when Hyunjin rescued him from Chan accidentally outing that he liked boys in front of a stranger. It slipped in the way Hyunjin looked to Chan like a brother, for comfort and reassurance. There was a kind person underneath all that ice. He’d warm up once they got to know each other, Felix was sure of it.
  “I’ll go check on him, I think.” He mumbled to himself as he checked his pulse, a nervous tick he’d had since he was a child. He stopped to grab a pillow and blankets from the closet under the stairs, just in case his guest needed an extra one, before heading up.
  The door to the guest bedroom was ajar so Felix opened it with a nudge of his foot. He found Hyunjin standing in the middle of the room, vigorously texting on his phone. His long, golden hair hung loose, free from the ponytail he’d had it in before. His plump bottom lip was trapped between his teeth, his eyebrows pulled together in concern. It was the first time Felix really recognized how breath-takingly beautiful the man was in person.
  When he noticed light spilling into the room from the hall, Hyunjin looked up from his phone, startled as though Felix had caught him doing something he shouldn’t have been. Frowning, he paused in the doorway,
  “Is everything okay?”
  “Y-yeah. Sorry, you just surprised me.” Hyunjin spoke as if finding his breath again, his ears turning pink again like they had been at dinner.
  “Um… Is there anything you need? Like another blanket or something?” Felix shuffled his feet awkwardly. The star-struck butterflies were back in full-force and he was sure he looked just as embarrassed as Hyunjin himself did.
  “No thank you, I’m alright.” An awkward pause, “Hey… is that offer to help at the bakery still open?” 
  Felix’s heart flipped up into his throat,
  “Yeah of course! You… you changed your mind?”
  “I don’t think I’ll be seeing much of the town.” He stepped back and pointed to the small window. Half an inch of snow already clung to the outer windowsill while large, heavy flakes sparkling in the lights lining the house dove through the air. The storm that had been threatening the sky all day finally arrived. 
  “Oh that’s alright,” Felix grinned at the sight, excitement mingling with his nervousness making him bounce on his toes, “We’ll have a white christmas at least! You’re welcome to join me and Chan any time.”
  “Thank you.” Hyunjin bowed slightly, still being awkward, “Um… good night.”
  “Good night, Hyunjin.” Before he could see his reaction, Felix stepped back and shut the door. His heart raced and he had to take a moment to catch his breath.
“It’s going to be a long three days…”
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blackdragonturds · 4 years
“Here” part 3!
Here is part 3! Enjoy! ******** I woke up early that next morning, yawning and stretching myself. I found that a neatly folded pile of fresh clothes were by my bedside and new shoes. I smiled putting them on.
It was a soft and nice blue blouse and pants as I looked quite nice in it.  I could hear chatter outside my room as I looked outside.
D’Vorah and Erron seemed to be discussing something.
“That broken flower of a human is powerless! How can they be able to serve the Kahn?”
“Indigos are rare, D’Vorah. They’re one of a kind and they can alter their abilities if given time.”
Indigo? What in God’s name is an Indigo?
I hid behind my door listening in on it. The bug lady began,
“Erron, you wasted your money. That human will die young you know. The only way to spare them is to take them to Shang Tsung and slow their aging process.”
“I know.  I plan to.”
“Without the Kahn’s consent?”
“Beat you to the punch. He said I can last night.”
“If you insist, but if that moon child turns into bloody slime its your responsibility.”
I gulped at that statement. What were they gonna do to me?!
I had to keep myself calm as I could hear footsteps approach my door.
“Hey, Y/N, you awake?” Erron called.
“Just a second!”
I open the door to see Erron with a veil over his arm and he tells me,
“Well, you’re comin’ with me kid.”
“Okay. Where to?”
“To a friend of mine. He can answer your questions.”
He approaches me to place the veil over my head.
“Nuttin’ personal kid, but the Kahn wanted me to see to slowing down your aging process. That way you’ll be around for a few centuries.”
I was in total disbelief.
“Wait, what?! What are you saying?”
He sighed with an annoyed tone informing me,
“I am saying that the Kahn doesn’t like the shortness of a human life span, so I’m taking you to a special friend of mine to take care of that. Now come with me.”
I nodded and he called to D’Vorah.
“Hey! Toss me that amulet will ya’?”
The bug lady smiled and handed him the device,
“With pleasure Erron.”
Taking the item, he opens another portal wiping slime off his hand with his pants. He looked at me for a split second before he looked away.
I wonder what this was all about…
“Well, let’s go.” he didn’t sound confident but I obey.
“Y…yes sir…”
I follow him through the portal, and he grabbed my wrist. It didn’t hurt, but he was frighteningly strong.
“You move too slowly. Stay behind me.”
“Okay, sorry…”
Once through the portal, I find myself in a place not like the throne room of Kotal Kahn’s palace. It had a temple feel with jade statues everywhere.
I see Erron walk with me, my wrist still in his hand to a man with what seemed to be Chinese features. Long black hair neatly braided behind him and silk black and yellow robes. He smiles seeing the man holding my wrist.
“My dear friend Erron Black. What a pleasant surprise.”
“Hello Shang. I have a problem.”
Erron let go of my wrist finally but left a welt in me. He pushed me towards the man as Shang coyly replied,
“Be gentle! You brought a fine specimen. What do you plan on with this mortal? An offering to my experiments?”
Erron told him,
“I need you to slow down that kid’s aging process. Kahn’s orders.”
Shang gathered my hands into his while he stared at me,
“Pity I can’t keep you my dear. This one is quite beautiful…Is this one a sleigh beggy by chance?”
“No, They’re an Indigo, a moon child. Or as some call them lost souls.” Erron’s tone sounded concerned, or maybe it was just me. I can sense a person’s tone how they really feel. Is he actually concerned about me?
“Ahhh I see. If this one were a sleigh beggy that would be twice as difficult to work with.”
Shang brought his hand up to touch my face. I felt odd receiving such compliments.
“I see why Kotal Kahn wants this one, quite special indeed. Thank you Black. i will see to that at once.”
Erron warned him,
“No funny business, we clear?”
“Whatever do you mean?” Shang asked in a playful tone.
“I mean, don’t make any stupid mistakes or fuck up. I payed good money for that Indigo.” Erron growled.
Shang’s expression turned into a smirk.
“You bought this moon child? As much as I am opposed to buying slaves I will admit, you bought a beauty.”
Shang lowers his hands off my face and takes my hand.
“Come with me you two so we may begin.”
I turn my gaze to Erron, and I could see a bit of fear or concern in his eyes. Well, I am scared too a bit. I don’t know this Shang Tsung from Adam or Eve for that matter.
Shang led us to a work room I presume, full of all kinds of items I never saw on Earth. Were there embalming tools on the table? And I wondered why there were fetuses in jars of some odd orange liquid on a high shelf. I felt uneasy as Shang strides into his small back room for something.
“Ah ha! Here it is!”
He reveals a large green box with an ornately decorated lid. In a way it resembled a treasure chest but with a heart design on the lock. He handed it to Erron,
“You know the procedure Black.”
“Of course. Hey Y/N…”
I turned my attention to Erron.
“Can you reach behind me and grab that satchel hanging off my belt? Its the brown one next to the small vials of sand. I would but my hands are full.”
“Okay.” I replied.
I walk behind him, pushing his cape aside reaching for the small pouch.
Erron said calmly,
“Shang, how’s a hundred thousand for payment?”
“That will be just fine. If you were a stranger I’d charge extra.”
“I know,”
Erron informed me,
“Hand the coin pouch to him. I have what you need.”
Nodding, I handed the coin purse to the man,
“Thank you my dear.” Shang smiled, placing the bag on his desk. Knitting his fingers together, he purred,
“Now I just need a blood sample and we can get started.”
“Blood sample? What are you up to?” Erron asked.
“Not from you, them.” He said pointing to me. I felt afraid and hugged Erron’s side. I began to tremble fearing the worst.
“Don’t be afraid, he’s gonna help you…I hope.” His last statement was more of a whisper.
Shang patted my head,
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, child.”
He pulls a small knife out from his sleeve,
“May I see your arm?”
I reluctantly stretch my arm out, and as quick as a wink, Shang cut my wrist across with a swift motion. I wince in pain as I saw blood drain from my wrist.
“Don’t hurt them, Shang.” Erron hissed.
“Oh I won’t friend.”
The man took his now bloody knife and tasted it.
He smiled, and said in a pleased tone.
“I knew it…that taste is one in three trillion.”
Erron looked at me in a fearful manner as Tsung continued,
“This one is truly an indigo. You chose a great specimen. Now, you two may leave to your own accord. The instructions on the age slowing process are in the chest.”
Erron gave a polite tip of his hat, and walked with me out the door. I held the door open for him as he set the box down onto the ground. He inspected my cut as he shook his head.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“He shouldn’t have cut you like that. Any deeper you would get an infection.”
He reaches into one of his pockets and bandages up my wound with a handkerchief.
“That should slow down the bleeding.”
“Where you afraid of what would happen?”
He looked down to his shoes and took a while to answer me.
“He’s been different for a while now. I…I can’t explain how.”
I hugged him tightly out of whatever instinct I had telling me to.
“Thank you Erron. I oddly feel safe around you…” I whispered.
Rubbing my head, he said to me in a softer tone,
“You’re welcome. Let’s get you back to the Kahn’s quarters so I can get your age slowing started.”
I nodded letting go of him. He pushed my face up to look at me.
“Are you feeling all right? You look kind of pale…”
“I’m fine…what the…”
Suddenly, the world around me felt like it was spinning. I felt dizzy and I fell to the ground. Everything turned black as I closed my eyes.
Erron’s POV
I tried to grab them as they fell but I managed to keep their head from hitting the ground. I felt my throat grow tight in concern as I looked around wondering how to assess the situation. The veil I had on Y/N to protect them didn’t work it seemed. That thing was supposed to help protect from Shang’s spellwork! But wait…
What exactly am I feeling? Why did my heart suddenly feel tight when Y/N fell?
Tossing Y/N over my shoulder, I try to reach for my belt for Shinnok’s amulet. Opening a portal to Kotal Kahn’s throne room, I stick it back to my belt and lift the box of things Y/N needed. I get up to walk through the portal. Soon, I see Kotal Kahn stand waiting by the portal.
“What has happened?” He demanded.
“Y/N passed out on our way back. I dunno what Shang did to them. He acted totally different when I went to get the things we need.”
The Kahn rubbed his chin to think.
“That sorcerer has been different? How?”
“When I informed him Y/N was an indigo, he seemed to grow malicious. I think he wanted to keep them for his experiments.”
The Kahn nodded,
“Good thing you left early then. I don’t want my future soothsayer to be dead.”
“Yes my lord.”
I carried the box and Y/N to their small bed, placing the chest on the floor. Opening the chest was a small vial, a note and some things I used when I slowed my aging. But this didn’t seem right.
Closing the chest, the Kahn tisk-tisks at me.
“I did what I had to my Emperor.”
“That is not the issue Erron. If what happened was because of Shang Tsung, you are not in the wrong here. You may stay with Y/N until they awaken.”
“Yes my lord…”
Now what should I do? But I didn’t ask. No way would I risk it.
to be continued…
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thegayfromrulid · 4 years
Can you do a pov reader with SAO gang holiday special?
This was a fun challenge! I’ve only ever written ONE POV reader before, and it was an x Reader for a mutual’s birthday! I thought long and hard about how to fit the reader into this fic, and I think it turned out pretty decent! Let me know how I did! 
           As you’re walking home from school, your phone vibrates in your pocket. Since you’re on the train, you slip it out and check the notification, curious if it’s a friend texting or just your mom telling you what to do about dinner. To your delight, it’s a group text. You flip it open to see a few people have already responded to the initial message. It looks like Asuna’s invited everyone over to the log cabin for a small holiday party in ALO. Lisbeth spammed the chat with a bunch of excited emojis, and a few confirmations had already been sent from Sinon, Leafa, and Klein. You think about how much homework you have to do for a moment, and then, with a shrug, you decide that it’s just one day. You deserve to hang out with your friends, especially for the holidays.
           With your confirmation typed up and sent, you smile and pocket your phone just in time to get off at your train stop. If you hurry and get a decent amount of homework done, you won’t have as much to worry about when you head to the ALO party later. You speed down the sidewalk at a quicker pace than usual, already feeling excited to have some much-needed break time from all of the school stress. Racing into your home, you barely stop long enough to slip into your house slippers and then you dash past the kitchen to grab a snack before you head into your room. You check the time. You have a couple of hours before the party.
           In that time, you complete as much homework as you can, checking off each subject’s work as you go in your planner. You get a lot more done than you thought you would have; perhaps the motivation of the holiday party gave you more energy. When you’re finally closing the last tab on your homework readings, you breathe out a sigh of relief and turn your head to look at your Amusphere, sitting there on the headboard of your bed, waiting to be turned on. With an eager grin, you change into some more comfortable clothes for diving, crawl onto the bed after closing your door and putting a note on it for your family, and then you slip the Amusphere over your eyes. You say the two magic words that will take you to Alfheim, and before you know it, you’re materializing in the living area, receiving a smile from Asuna and Sinon, who are setting up the coffee table with little decorations.
           “Oh, you’re a little early!” Asuna says. “Good! Can you take care of some of the decorations? Lisbeth was supposed to be here by now, but she’s running a little late because her mom needed her to do something.”
           You’re eager to help, so you ask her what decorations need taking care of. As it turns out, they’ve purchased pretty much everything the game had to offer in the ways of holiday decorations. There were wreaths, decorative candles that burned in different colors to resemble holiday string lights, more traditional candles, lots of red and green ribbons and garlands, strings of popcorn, and candy canes. Asuna has even gone through the trouble of making everyone holiday outfits that fit with their ALO races. She gives you yours, and you equip it quickly to get in the spirit of the party.
           Decorating goes fairly easy in ALO. All one has to do is hold something up to the wall and then press a button on the menu to say that it was where you wanted it. You take care of the wall decorations; Lisbeth and Silica show up a little after you and insist on putting up a tree by themselves. Sinon catches your eyes and rolls hers as Silica accidentally wrapps herself up in tree garlands. You can’t help but giggle at the sight. You’re stuck between untangling Silica and possibly taking a screenshot. In the end, Klein shows up and takes care of the issue—only to get himself stuck.
           Alice and Eugeo are the next to arrive, closely followed by Agil. They get to work immediately, making sure everything is in place. By the time Kirito and Leafa arrive, most of the work was done. Sinon immediately accuses Kirito of trying to get out of sharing the work, and Asuna jumps to his defense quite calmly, saying that he wouldn’t have been much of a help anyways. Kirito looks as if he’d wilted. Eugeo pats him on the back, laughing and telling him that it was okay that he was late. Asuna shares the remainder of the holiday outfits with the latecomers, and soon, everyone is festively dressed.
           The little log cabin looks splendid. You give Silica and Lisbeth a thumbs’ up for how nice the tree looks. The coffee and dinner tables both look grand, and they’d been filled with holiday-themed goodies, both traditional and ALO-specific treats. Asuna and Kirito said they’d paid for all of it. You think about how much yrd this all cost, and then you immediately put that thought out of your mind. They wouldn’t want you to think about that—they wanted everyone to have fun and spread cheer.
           “Shall we propose a toast?” Agil suggests.
           Lisbeth picks up a champagne glass and holds it in the air.
           “Yeah, a toast!” she says. “To another year of successful questing!”
           Kirito nods and picks up a glass of his own. You follow suit, and the others aren’t that far behind.
           “It’s been a long year of adjusting,” he says. “But we’ve all come to appreciate this world as our own as much as the world we were born in. This holiday season, let’s just be grateful that we can be ourselves in VRMMOs freely.”
           Sinon rolls her eyes.
           “And cheers to the increased drop rate for the holiday event,” he throws in at the end.
           Lisbeth snorts and starts laughing.
           “Kiritooo,” she says. “Be serious!”
           Asuna jumps in before Kirito could make things any less serious.
           “Alright, everyone!” she says. “We’ve got the savory foods ready on the big table and the sweet ones are in here on the coffee table! Please, do, take as much as you like! There’s plenty for a few more rounds of completely filled plates! And drinks are in the kitchen!”
           Not a word more needed to be said. Everyone hurries to grab a plate, and you find yourself trying to decide what all to try. The traditional treats could be found offline, but they were sure to be great, since Asuna most likely made them with her high cooking skill. On the other hand, the ALO holiday-themed treats were probably unique and interesting in their own right, and you’d never be able to recreate those in the real world—at least, not without some help from a decent cook friend, that is. In the end, you try to take a little bit of everything. After all, your virtual stomach doesn’t fill up the same way your real one did. You’d be safe trying as much food as possible.
           You take a seat on the long futon in the living area, seated between Lisbeth and Sinon. Lisbeth, like you, has filled up her plate with everything she could fit on it, while Sinon has selected a few things and separated them evenly on her plate. You look across the room to see Kirito with an equally stuffed-looking plate in his usual place in the rocking chair, and Yui is seated on his head eagerly downing a gingerbread cookie. Asuna sits down beside them in the chair, and across from you, Leafa, Alice, and Silica take up the opposite futon. Klein and Agil have cornered Eugeo to ask him questions about life in the real world. Everyone seems excited and talkative.
           “So, are you ready for the big New Year’s Eve quest?” Lisbeth asks you.
           Nodding, you smile at her and tell her you’re making sure to have the whole night clear in order to come and complete it.
           “It’s gonna be great!” she exclaimes.
           Sinon chuckles and shakes her head.
           “I think the eggnog is getting to her head, don’t you?” she asks.
           You laugh and shake your head. Lisbeth is always easily excitable at these kinds of gatherings. You’ve been with this group long enough to know it’s just the spirit of being together that gets her going. You ask them if they’ve got any holiday plans with their families. Sinon is staying by herself. Lisbeth’s family is throwing a big gift exchange party, which apparently is mostly gag gifts for laughs. In turn, they ask you what you’ve got planned, and you tell them what your family plans to do and which parts you’re excited for and which you aren’t.
           Asuna comes over and asks you if you’d like a refill on your drink. You nod and thank her as she pours you some more. It’s warm and smells delicious. It isn’t what you were drinking before, but you’re excited to drink it. Bringing it to your lips, you taste something spiced with a little tinge of apple. It’s a bit like a cider. Lisbeth sees the look on your face and excitedly leans over to ask Asuna for some of the drink. The drink, which Asuna calls Undine Spiced Wine, is a big hit with everyone in the group. By the end of the night, there’s not a drop left.
           No one wants to leave, of course. There’s a bit of chatter—maybe on the actual date of the holiday, there’ll be a gift exchange. The rules are simple; the item has to cost two thousand yen or less. Kirito says everyone can meet at his house. Anyone who hasn’t been before should text him for the address. As your friends start to log out, you tell them to have a happy holiday as you tell each one goodbye. Finally, it’s just you, Asuna, and Kirito there. They turn to you and ask when you’re planning to log out. You tell them you don’t want the holiday party to end.
           “Don’t worry, it’s not really the end,” Kirito says. “We’re just pausing to sleep before resuming at my place in a few days. You’ve got the address, right?”
           You shake your head. You’ve only ever met up with them online.
           “Oh, my bad!” Kirito says. “I’ll text it to you as soon as I log out. I look forward to seeing you! Bring something really fun! I know I’m hoping Klein will open the gag gift I’m bringing!”
           Asuna jabs him in the ribcage.
           “Kirito-kun!” she says. “You bring something nice!”
           You laugh and thank him, telling them both that you’ll see them at school. You log out and return to your bedroom, hearing only the running heat. It sounds like your parents aren’t home just yet. You take off your Amusphere and roll over to see your phone lit up with the message from Kirito. It’s his address. You smile and clutch the phone to your chest.
           The holidays have only just begun.
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furidojasutin · 4 years
Title: Demon’s Cove
Pairing: Fraxus (Freed x Laxus)
Universe: Modern AU
Rating: K+
a/n: Fraxus Week, Day 1 - He likes guys. I guess I simply like the idea of Club/Coffee Shop/etc. AUs. I also enjoy either Laxus or Freed having a brotp with Mira and Cana. And I also like having more content of Laxus POV about Freed around, so that’s what I do. I hope you guys enjoy it!!
He always needed a few moments to adjust when he entered the building. From the outside it was a weird but appealing mixture of classy and shady. Or perhaps it was just his own odd taste that classified the look of the building as 'appealing'. Then again, attendances and the overall success of this place entirely spoke for themselves.
The 'Demon's Cove' was a damn popular destination for various night-life activities.
Right after setting foot in the main hall there was an influx of effects. He was right there by the dance floor, neon lights of different colors tinting the area and moving along of the beat of the music. It was loud and drumming on his ears and he knew it would only be a matter of time until his hearing would be duller. The music that the DJ was playing right now wasn't his favorite genre, but it wasn't horrible either. And really, he didn't come here for the music or dancing in the first place.
If he thought about it, it was odd enough that a place with so many people and such a boisterous energy had become one of his favorite places to distract himself at and, occasionally, even relax. Huh.
Laxus didn't linger in the main dancing area for long and instead began to slither through the crowd of people. It wasn't exactly an easy task for a man of broad stature and with people crowded even on the sidelines, but he was kind of used to it by now and could manage. It still wasn't comfortable and he didn't like doing it, but he could handle it better by now. The accidental random touches, dancing bodies, loud and chaotic people.
Yea... it was really odd that he would choose such a place for his free time, voluntarily.
Sweat and alcohol wafted off the people near him and he crinkled his nose at the invasive scent. He would get used to it while being and staying here, and he also fully planned on having the one or other drink for himself.
Once he reached the bar, he immediately spotted the familiar faces that he had come here for. Working here meant busy shifts, a high stress level and exhausting people. And damaged ears, probably, honestly. It meant little free time. That's why he would often come here on Friday or Saturday evening; to visit some of his friends and catch up on some stuff that happened, have the one or other conversation or just listen while he had his drinks. He was really more of a listener than a talker, really.
“Hey, man!” A tall girl with wavy brown hair strutted towards him, a wide grin on her face.
“Cana, what's up,” he greeted back casually, lips barely giving away the hint of a grin in return. Cana Alberona. She had been one of his longest friends and they still had a good bond with one another. They had also been through some shitty stuff together... Her alcohol problem had been one thing. She had made quite some progress and usually, logically one might argue that she absolutely shouldn't be working at a place like this if she wanted to see progress with her addiction. Oddly enough though, working here gave her less time to drink and helped her get a more healthy connection to alcohol. Huh.
Thinking about this kinda stuff gave Laxus the feeling that this night club was some special place for real.
“Been pretty busy.” She handed two shot glasses over to two guys who were laughing loudly before she walked away from behind the bar and towards him instead. They shared a fist-bump and then she brushed some stray strands of thick hair out of her face. Pearls of sweat were on her forehead. “You missed Bixlow, he stopped by here for an hour or so. Said he had some shit to finish until tomorrow so he couldn't stay long.”
Ah, right. “Yea, told me somethin' like that, too. I think it was something for his theater performance.”
“Sounds about right,” Cana agreed with a small nod.”Will you go see it?”
“The play?” Laxus raised a brow.
“No, his stripping performance,” she retorted and then elbowed him in a friendly manner when Laxus gave a gruff huff. “Of course I mean the play.”
“I guess.” He would. He just felt like, for some stupid reason, he couldn't seem all too excited about it. Display of feelings had never been his strong suite anyway.
“He did invite all of us, huh? Anyway, bet it's gonna be awesome. Should be good entertainment. Bix has a fun taste.”
She definitely had a point. Knowing Bixlow, this wouldn't be some boring, old-fashioned play. Theater wasn't exactly his thing but Laxus truly didn't believe that it was gonna be all too horrible to experience.
Cana's eyes darted around the hall, then back to the bar and then to Laxus again. Apparently there was more to take care of. “Say hi to Mira, I bet she's happy to see and talk to you. She's on the other side of the bar.”
With a bump to his shoulder she left his side to pursue her work.
He didn't really know the other three bartenders he spotted on this side of the bar and they seemed distracted anyway. He kept walking around the large, round bar until he spotted the familiar head of white hair.
Much like Cana predicted, Mira's face lit up the second she spotted him. “Laxus,” she practically beamed and waved him over to her after handing two freshly mixed cocktails to a girl and a guy. “I didn't expect you here tonight.”
She was clearly happy to see him, though, and sometimes Laxus wondered how he had even managed to make solid acquaintances or even friends, and such great ones, too. “Yea, had some stuff to take care of,” he explained curtly once he stood in front of her with the bar counter between the two of them. He didn't have to shout here at least, and the neon lights didn't reach this area as strongly. All in all the bar was definitely the more complacent area.
“I see,” she replied and the smile didn't leave her face. “So, what can I get you to drink?”
“I take the usual.”
“The usual it is. And it's good to see you,” Mira added swiftly and then proceeded to prepare his drink.
Mirajane Strauss. She was a romantic and a dreamer... and an aspiring singer. Her voice really was something. But the rational part of her had made sure that she had a secure income, so she finished an education first and had now been working at the Demon's Cove for a year.
Somewhere in the crowd he saw Cana slithering through the people with a tray in her hand and it was so much more skillful than what he would ever be able to do in that regard. Hibiki as well as Eve and Ren and Jenny seemed to be off duty today. And...
“Loke not here today or is he turning innocent people's heads again?”
Loke was probably the biggest flirt he knew and for a long time he just hadn't been able to become comfortable with the ginger. Laxus had learned that he was actually a genuinely good guy, but they would never become best friends, he didn't think.
Mira seemingly hadn't heard him and when he turned his head back towards her she was talking to another customer. His drink was almost ready, though.
Then the next moment happened and if Laxus was to give that very moment a title, then it would get the title 'doom'. How very fitting, wasn't it? He was in the Demon's Cove, after all.
A new guy walked into the picture and his presence immediately caught Laxus' attention. Not very subtly, too. For this entire moment, he found himself unable to rip his orange gaze off this other man. His brain turned off, all noise disappeared into the background. He had never been a fan of clichés and sappy shit... and he had never thought that he of all people would become victim of such a cliché moment. Him. Laxus Dreyar. Staring like some teenage boy.
The moment was over and Laxus blinked once before his expression instantly turned into a frown. Thick but defined eyebrows drew together and he looked over towards Mirajane who was thankfully handing him the drink now. He noticed that he wanted to catch another glimpse of the other bartender again.
He thought he was in full control of himself again and absolutely didn't notice Mira's sneaky, knowing smile.
“So...,” Laxus began, making his best effort to sound as disinterested and casual as possible. “Who's your new Incubus, huh?”
Mira chuckled at that and he really didn't understand what was so funny now. Deciding that she had a moment, she rested her elbows on the counter and leaned in a bit so Laxus could hear her better. “Oh? Do you mean him?”
She nodded towards the man and he just knew that she wanted him to look at him again. Thus, he just grumbled and made a vague, annoyed gesture with his hand. “Yea, Yea. Him.”
“That's Freed.” At least she was really answering now, without more teasing. “Loke will be busy with some traveling for two weeks, so Freed will help us out during that time. He has worked at a bar before and,” She paused. For a split-second there was a spark in her blue eyes. “He's quite popular among our customers.”
Laxus wasn't sure what else to answer. He wasn't dumb and not oblivious (most of the time) but he had now noticed the little change in Mirajane's behavior and he knew exactly what she was doing.
The thing is, she was right to do so. Because apparently he was already feeling some kind of interest towards that guy, Freed, without even knowing him.
And when he dared to look over a second time, just a quick once-over, he noticed the group of three women practically hanging on his every word. He couldn't hear what they were talking about and he couldn't be sure if that absolutely charming, smirky-like smile on the man's face was real or fake, but... Damn.
It made him feel things and he didn't exactly like it.
Before he could think twice he had already downed half of his drink. It was great but his mind was suddenly too occupied to really enjoy its taste.
“Do you want me to introduce you to him?” Mira rested her chin on her folded hands.
He absolutely didn't like her look and his frown only deepened. He knew he would have to be careful what to say if he didn't want to catapult himself deeper into this situation and Mirajane's possible teasing, so all he did was to glare at her.
Of course it didn't faze her. At all. But he still felt good doing it.
It quickly turned out that 'doom' had been a fitting title for that moment, though, and Laxus was... conflicted. Because suddenly, Freed was near by.
When had he left the bar? When had he walked towards him? Shit, he'd been too occupied with Mira and now she got what she wanted anyway.
Or maybe he wanted this too?
Either way, it didn't look like Freed actually wanted to walk towards him. He was just about to walk past him when Mira beckoned him to stop.
“Freed, wait a second!”
The addressed man turned his head towards Mira's shouting voice and blinked once. Then his gaze landed on Laxus for a brief moment and he demonstratively looked away and grabbed his drink.
Wow, very mature.
“That's Laxus, a good friend of mine,” Mira started to introduce and smiled. Laxus wanted to curse her right then.
Freed's attention was back on him again and he stubbornly took another sip of his drink. It didn't seem to unnerve the bartender.
“Laxus? Well then, it's nice to meet you. Mirajane has told me a lot about you.” His voice was deep and smooth. It was nice to listen to and Laxus almost hadn't heard the second part. Almost.
He threw a small glare at his friend. Told him about him? Did she now?
But much as expected, Mira only smiled.
And Freed was still waiting for a response.
“Uh, yea. Nice to meet you, too.”
He was half tempted to ask what Mira had told him but then decided that he probably didn't really want to know.
Freed was just acknowledging that with a nod and a smile and apparently he was ready to pursue his work again when suddenly somebody bumped into Laxus from behind. The impact was so hard that he stumbled forward against Freed and... spilled the rest of his drink on his white dress shirt.
“What the hell?!” Mira's eyes had gone wide and Freed jumped back in surprise. There was a lot going on in that scene. Somebody was frantically apologizing and then disappearing into the crowd, Freed was cursing under his breath for a moment and Laxus was cursing as well. With his voice. In his mind. He wanted to curse everything. “Fuck!” He shouted and then looked over at the bartender.
After Freed had released his own quick series of cuss words, he was seeming very calm and actually not bothered so much. Perhaps this kind of thing happened often. It didn't make Laxus feel better for spilling his own fucking drink on the man that worked here, was an acquaintance of Mira and the man he was apparently interested in.
He hadn't dared to look before, but now he kind of had an excuse. The white-dress shirt was hugging Freed's body very nicely. The sleeves were rolled up exposing his forearms, he could see arm muscles play under the fabric and overall he looked like a fit and healthy guy. Two buttons were loose. His long, striking hair was tied up into a ponytail and it suited him perfectly. Bangs covered one of his eyes, the other had an intense, light-blue color. There was a mole under it, as well. He was attractive.
That man was hot.
And Laxus probably owed him an apology now. Or did he? Before he even got the chance to say something, Freed was already waving him off.
“It's fine, don't worry. It's not the first time that this happened, after all.” He gave a soft huff as he tugged at his drained shirt but when he looked up there was an assertive, reassuring look in his eye that made Laxus believe that it was fine.
Mira mumbled agreement and Laxus handed over the now empty glass. What a waste.
“I'll go to the bathroom to wash some of it out and then I'll be back as fast as possible,” Freed announced and Mirajane didn't hesitate to give her agreement. He gave both Laxus and Mirajane a nod before already turning around and making his way through the laughing, discussing, drinking, dancing people.
Well, if that wasn't absolutely shitty.
Perhaps he should just go home again.
To Laxus' surprise there was a small frown on Mira's face now and he felt a comforting touch of her small hand against his shoulder. “It's like he said, this happens all the time and it wasn't your fault.”
With a snort, he was quick to retort and avoid her gaze, “Don't be ridiculous, I don't care.”
Mira removed her hand and was suddenly out of his sight. He couldn't hear her rustle over all the other, much louder sounds so he was more than a little surprised when she popped back up in front of the counter and had a navy blue dress shirt in her hand. She practically forced the clothing into his hand and gave him a firm squeeze. “I have to keep working. Bring this over to the staff bathroom so he can change.”
He looked at the fabric in his hand, then back up. He really wasn't sure about this. Narrowing his eyes, he studied her face. “You want me to give the shirt to Freed?”
“Yes. It will be more comfortable for him to wear a clean shirt rather than the ruined one, don't you think?”
Clearly, he couldn't argue with that logic. Was it coincidence that they had a spare shirt behind the bar? Did they have multiple ones and Freed just didn't know about it?
One way or another, Laxus knew that he wasn't going to decline. With a remaining spark of undefined resentment he shifted and was about to make his way to the staff bathroom where Freed would be. Fortunately, he had been there once before so he knew exactly where to go. And his known presence wouldn't raise any questions as to why he was entering it. Having friends here did have its perks.
Before he was out of earshot, however, Mira threw a couple of final words at him.
“Oh, and he likes guys, by the way.”
Laxus stopped in his movement abruptly. He hadn't wanted to because that meant Mira would know that he had heard him. Clearly. He refused to turn around, refused to look at her.
But these words undeniably did something to him.
He likes guys...
So entertaining the group of women with his charming smirk had only been part of his job, too, right?
And Mira had introduced him to one another.
He had spilled his drink on the man's shirt and he was now going to supply him with a dry shirt to change into.
His thoughts were a mess but he was moving again. Hopefully, none of those thoughts would show on his face when he entered.
Admittedly, not much of that hope was left when he joined Freed in the bathroom, explained why he was here and handed the new shirt to him.
Because not only did Freed seem much more content with that solution and thanked him for the piece of clothing, but he also started unbuttoning the wet shirt immediately and slipped out of it, revealing his bare torso, and Laxus discovered that he had been correct about the earlier impression that this man seemed quite fit.
He was doomed.
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Christmas Love
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Chapter: 2/4
Prompt: It is Christmas Eve and you are at your friend’s celebrating and exchange gifts. You just got out of a relationship and surrounded my couples. Tom Hiddleston is your best friend and long standing crush that you have come to terms with that you will never have. The night isn’t as great as you thought it would be, but then you get an unexpected visitor.
Warning: Low self-esteem, unsupportive friends
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            Lacing up the last bit of your skates, you make your way to the rink. Your whole life you have struggled with balance and it shows at this very moment. Stopping every few feet to keep from falling you finally meet were the ice and safe carpet meet. Taking a deep breath you look back at Tom helping a little girl lace up her skates and push off before he can start looking for you.
             Attempting to move a few strides forward you begin to feel like you can do this, but then you feel a cool sting against your butt. Confusion and shock flush your features as you try and fail to get up on your own. Persistently you continue to position yourself to stand until you finally do.
“I think we finally found something you’re not good at.” Sam snickers. “It’s about time Mrs. Perfect.”
“Mrs. Perfect? Now you couldn’t be talking about (Y/N).” Tom strolls up cheerfully. “Have you tasted her cooking? Or heard her snort when she laughs too hard?”
             Shooting him a look you can’t figure out his angle. You definitely know you are far from perfect and no one knows this better than Tom and your mother. All your life your friends have taunted you about being too perfect but confusingly they do the same when you make a mistake, no matter how small. After a while their jabs at you being ‘Mrs. Perfect’ made you strive to be. Their taunts about being perfect hurt less than them finding any little flaw they can and blowing it out of proportion. Though you have no idea why Tom is bringing this up. A pinching appears in your head from trying to figure it out.
Oh there is no way ‘Mrs. Perfect’ would ever do that. It would taint her flawlessness.
Oh no a 95% what happened? Guess you’re not as smart as we thought.
There is no way you know how I feel, your family is as perfect as you are. They say after you find out you have an older sister you never knew about, that your mom’s side of the family is in the middle of their own civil war, and your household dynamic has been completely out of order for months.
             Stepping off the ice you rip the skates from your feet. One takes a bit longer than the other and you feel the frustration bubble within rising like bread. Still struggling you finally manage to get the skate off and you throw it across the hall to relieve some tension. Sniffling you strain back some tears as you breathe away the urge to rip your hair out.
“Why?” You ask hearing his footsteps. “You know all that crap about ‘Mrs. Perfect’ or ‘Mrs. Imperfect’ that is too confusing to figure out for me. I’m not sure if I should even be mad. I am mad, but- ugh!” Tears stream down your face. “See! So tell me why?”
“Honestly? Not entirely sure.” This rises a soft sad chuckle from you. “Why do we have to throw perfect and imperfect in the mix? Can’t you just be human? That means both, that means beautiful.”
             At the world ‘beautiful’ a small sob escapes past your chapped lips. Never once could you recall anyone but your mom call you that and since she’s your mom she isn’t really allowed to say ugly. Tom doesn’t miss a beat and takes a seat next to you. His arm protectively wraps around you despite you shaking your head in protest. When you’re like this Tom knows you don’t really want to be alone. Being held makes it harder for you to put up those walls of yours and Tom wants you to soak in his words. Giving in you allow yourself to rest against Tom’s thin but warm frame.
             Tom’s fingers stroke through your hair while producing soothing sounds in your ear. Closing your eyes you imagine that you are at home or Tom’s apartment. He is keeping you warm after you deny his earlier offer of a blanket. You’ve always declined his offer thinking you’d be fine, but every time you’re proven wrong.
“I’m sorry tonight is not going very well,” Tom pulls back to look into your eyes. “And I am sorry that I caused some of this headache.”
“Apology accepted.” You fight a tight grin. “But for the record you’re the best part of tonight.”
“Dude.” Josh, Sam’s boyfriend pops out of nowhere with a big grin. “(Y/N) the girls are looking for you. Wanting to talk to you about something. They’re by the snack bar, go on ahead I’ll keep Tom company.”
             Glancing over at Tom you find that both of you are waiting for the other to nod an ‘okay.’ You nod first and Tom follows suit. Getting up you make your way towards the girls but before rounding a corner you sneak a look at Tom and find his eyebrows knitted together. Josh is quietly conversing with Tom and you can’t help but wonder what it is about.
             Despite your curiosity you wander over to where the girls are at. Upon arrival you hear several shushes coming from their lips once they noticed you are near. Slowing your pace you cautiously close the gap between you and the rest of the girls.
“What’s up guys?” Glancing around the group you notice their eyes shifting across each other waiting for someone to speak.
“We don’t think – I mean umm.” Frankie glances at Sam.
“Tom isn’t good for you,” Sam blurts out. “We think Jake has a problem with him being in your life, and I gotta say that we agree.”
             The girls go in to explain that every time Tom gets back into town from shooting you are stuck to his side for the first few days. Though it’s not just you, it’s what Tom does as well. Tom shows up out of the blue, like tonight, and surprises you like a boyfriend would. How they feel threatened cause you spend more time with him and tell him more about your life.
“You guys, Tom is my best friend. Once upon a time you guys used to surprise me at work for lunch like he does. There is nothing he does that crosses a line.”
“What about what we walked into at the house, in the kitchen?” Shiloh points between her and Jordan. “He seemed offlay comfy being that close and so did you in fact. Lucky Jake isn’t here, huh?”
             Rubbing your fingers against your temples you try to sooth your returning headache. The reason you never tell them anything anymore is because they never listen. They even try to out beat you on best things or even worst things that have happened to them. Tom actually listens and tries to help, and you try to do that for him as well.
“Guys Jake and I aren’t together anymore. We broke up!” You raise your voice irritated. “Please stay out of my business unless you are really willing to be helpful. Thanks.”
“You know he doesn’t like you right?” Shiloh stands firm. “Tom can have anyone he wants. Why would he pick you?”
             Storming off you don’t know where you are going but in the light of the situation, you don’t really care. The only thing you want is to get far away as possible. Though once you make it out to the parking lot frustration rumbles in your core as you remember that you did not drive here yourself. The only thing you can do to get away is to walk.
             Tom’s voice is faint behind you. Wanting to wait for him, to run to him surges through you, but your feet propel your body forward. Everything is my fault! I’m the reason Jake left me, why no one likes me. Not even Tom.
Tom’s POV
“Dude.” Josh, Sam’s boyfriend pops out of nowhere with a big grin. “(Y/N) the girls are looking for you. Wanting to talk to you about something. They’re by the snack bar, go on ahead I’ll keep Tom company.”
             Following her nod, Tom watches as (Y/N) heads toward her friends on the other side of the room. Tom’s desperately wants to follow her but he knows she can handle herself, and he knows his presence could make things worse. Tom knows the girls don’t like him, but he doesn’t care most of the time. He only cares if their jealousy pulls (Y/N) into the cold war.
“Hey, Tom I like you I really do.” Josh starts in. “But Jake and I have been buds since the sixth grade-“
“I’m sorry I must be missing something,” Tom defends himself. He stares down Josh hoping to read it on his face. “I believe your bud cheated on (Y/N).”
             That is what (Y/N) told him back at the house. He couldn’t understand how one could do such a thing to someone as wonderful as (Y/N). Really to any one period, no one deserves feeling like they aren’t enough. Tom knows how rejected (Y/N) has felt growing up by people she considered family. He couldn’t imagine what was and is running through her mind from it happening.
“(Y/N) spends all her time with you. He felt lonely, left out. Jake knew that he would never mean as much to her as you do.”
             Tom stands in place frozen in time. He had no idea that was what was going on. That he was the reason behind the break-up. Tom can’t say he wasn’t at least a little thrilled about them breaking up. (Y/N) was never her bright happy self around him, there was always something holding her back. Though (Y/N) always insisted that she was great and couldn’t be happier, and she has dated Jake the last few years. But he feels like he has to do something even if it may kill him.
             From the corner of his eye, Tom sees (Y/N) run out leaving her perplexed friends spinning on their heels. Feeling the cool air race into his own lungs, Tom takes after her. Whatever the girls told her wasn’t good, he doesn’t have to know exactly what they said but he wants to be there for her.
“(Y/N)!! Please stop, let me help!”
             Her body continues to run many paces ahead of him before eventually collapsing to the ground. She gasps for air trying to fill her lungs and Tom is tempted to do the same. Not until he gets to her though. Reaching (Y/N) is the only thing keeping him going, even as the cold air pierces his chest.
“Tom…” (Y/N) breaths seeing Tom fall to his knees in front of her.
             Everything would be so much easier if Jake didn’t break-up with me. You think of how your friends love him, your family likes him well enough, and you have to admit he is a pretty good guy. I didn’t give him enough attention.
“It is all my fault,” you repeat in a whisper.
             Tom’s arms engulf you as he pulls your body close to him. His soothing voice tickles your left ear as you feel his warm fingers trail through your hair. His hand stopping on your lower back, lingering a few seconds before circling back at the top.
“Tell me how to make this better.” Tom begs. “What can we do to make this all better?”
             The only thing you can do to make things better is to do the one thing you do not want to do. Looking into Tom’s eyes you watch everything you want, everything that is possible skate across his eyes. A shutter escapes past your lips as you think about never getting to see them again. Though does it matter? Shiloh is right, he could never possibly care for me the way I care for him.
“Jake,” you choke on your own words. “I need to get back together with Jake.”
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period-dramallama · 4 years
A skim read of jean plaidy’s St Thomas Eve
For @thalassodromid bc this is our Niche
General thoughts on quality (TLDR)
-First off, I should give this book something of a pass because it was written 60+ years ago. Historical research, like science, Marches On.
-I skimmed it because i was not loving the style. There’s very little description, the pacing feels like This Happened And Then This Happened. With this story, you should have a sense of the stakes, the tension. It lacks atmosphere.
-This book really didn’t spark much emotion in me. I was heartwarmed and amused, but never frightened, horrified, fascinated or upset. I felt no panic when Meg got the sweat. 
-Honestly i was so bored I started wondering if maybe this is too difficult a story to tell, because i came in loving these historical figures and wanting content. How bored must the unobsessed reader be?
-Show don’t tell, Jean! Don’t tell me everyone’s very upset, show me them upset. Don’t tell me Meg loves Thomas, show their bond. Don’t tell me everyone loves Thomas for his honesty, show me him helping his neighbours.
-To be fair, there’s a lot to get through in 260 pages.
-I just love how historical fiction pulp novels have Book Club questions at the back. It just feels rather cocky, imo. Like you think your book is Deep enough for me to sit and ponder the characters. Like there was a question that was something like: “do you prefer Katherine of Aragon or Anne Boleyn” which was kind of hilarious because the whole book it was Poor Loyal Old Ugly Katherine and Six Fingered Anne Boleyn Is A Minx And Wants Thomas More Dead
Pet peeves
-at the beginning of the book, it says “Secretly Henry VII was unbothered by his wife’s death” or something along those lines. Given that Henry VII locked himself away after Elizabeth died and his mum had to step in and rule because he stopped functioning, this left a bitter taste in my mouth. Henry VII in this book is a Mean Evil Miser so of course he can’t love or be loved by a Good Woman.
-John More jnr being described as the family dunce. To be fair, maybe the book came out before we knew he was a translator too, but STILL. Don’t put John down to raise the girls up. He is valid too. 
-the language is what my old tutor would call ‘mock Tudor’. I think it was expected at the time that you had to try and make the language authentic- The Blanket of the Dark and the Man on a Donkey both use Tudor language. It really made the dialogue annoying. Lots of ‘tis and ‘twas and it was this close to beshrew me verily and hey fucking nonny nonny. Every time Alice said fuckign ‘Tilly valley’ I went AAAARGGGH. JUST HAVE HER SAY THE WORD ‘NONSENSE’. There’s a happy middle, imo, between too Tudor and too modern, and it’s quite a broad middle, you can move around a lot in it, but there are limits. 
-SPEAKING OF ALICE. Her character introduction was so good- first described as ‘an authoritative feminine voice’ *chef’s kiss* she stops a fainting Jane from being trampled at Henry’s coronation, accompanies her home and cares for her while simultaneously lowkey roasting her interior decoration. But then she becomes a bit of a caricature. When Meg gets the sweat she nags her for going near anyone who might have the sweat. The book club questions say ‘there’s more to her than meets the eye’ THEN SHOW ME MORE THAN ONE SIDE OF HER. Also Thomas loves her even though she’s ‘rude and stupid’ but Meg doesn’t understand why. Grr. 
-”mistress middleton will hear you [2 year old John] crying and box your ears” NO NO NO NO NO!
-also i get a 1950s Spanking Children Is Good Parenting vibe because Alice hits the Morelings with a slipper if they don’t study, and Tm’s described as too much of “a coward” (literally the word coward is used) to hit his children other than with peacock feathers.
-Utopia being described as an ideal state...it’s really more than that. I don’t like the idea that Meg and Thomas were okay with religious toleration but then Thomas became Consumed With Hate and he says “well religious toleration would be great in an IDEAL state...”
-Meg being horrified by heretic burning. Maybe the evidence of her views wasn’t yet available and so social mores of the 50s meant that writers and historians assumed that Of Course Being a Delicate Woman She Would Have A Natural Desire For Peace And Mercy. Grr.
-Too romancey. To be fair, Jean Plaidy wrote a lot of historical romances so maybe that’s just what she’s comfortable with (and these are historical figures that never get a chance to shine) but between Meg and Will, Clement and Mercy, Joan and Thomas, Giles and Cecily... it’s a bit like Pearl Harbour in that it’s hard to care about the cute romance when men are getting burned alive in the background. A good historical romance is more like Titanic: the lovers are directly connected with the Big Historical Events ongoing. Skip!
-in this book, Mercy thinks to herself that Meg would have Tm sign the oath, but Mercy would prefer tm to do as his conscience dictates...that feels like the wrong way round.
-Erasmus and Thomas More speaking in English...Doubt.jpeg. 
-Thomas More muses on how Complex men are because there’s Proud Cold Thomas Howard who is Soft for Simple Launderess Bess Holland...yeah given the multiple colossal power imbalances in that real-life affair, I’d be very surprised if it never strayed into abuse.
-baby Meg is a lil too precocious.
-dying Joan tells Meg to look after her father, no Joan stop I love you but don’t give a six year old responsibility, I don’t care if she’s six but acts eleven, looking after TM is Alice’s job not Meg’s. 
-Tm using the phrase ‘our little secret’ with Meg. The context is not abusive, but the phrase is so weighted, it’s like referring to something as “a final solution”: the famous meaning is too horrifying to feel comfortable with that combination of words in any context at all. 
-Joan’s younger sister being described as beautiful and flirtatious, and the whole bit about More fancying the younger sister but going for the older out of honour. The book says that More’s fascination with joan’s sister is the reason he realised he couldn’t be a priest. Given Joan’s 16, her sister’s 15 at the oldest, possibly 14. So a 26 year old can’t be a priest because he’s lusting after a 14-15 year old girl who is attractive and who has been flirting with him. Squick. 
-also no mention of erasmus at the end of tm’s life. Boo. I think a dude in the tower would think about his BFF of 30+ years who he hasn’t seen for 10+ years 
Good bits
-It’s obviously unintentional, but given how the word ‘gay’ has changed, i gave a little cheer every time a character was described as gay. Cecily and John are both gay, Thomas More is very gay, and later in the book wishes he could go back to being gay again. Loving the accidental representation 
-”a boy who is not worth the tossing” i have a dirty mind ok
-Joan getting something of a personality! She even feels insecure because she’s a normal person stuck in a family of geniuses.
-George Boleyn is described as being ‘a bright boy’ and later the girls joke that if they meet him they’ll probably fall in love THIS SO REFRESHING. Otoh, Mary Boleyn is slutshamed and Anne is a scheming minx so the double standard does spoil it a little. 
-Thomas More makes puns! At one point Alice says “more’s the pity” and then immediately says “don’t you dare make a pun out of that. i know u will. DON’T I AM NOT IN THE MOOD FOR PUNS” Granted, Plaidy stresses that his wit is never cruel or mocking (Doubt.jpeg) but i think this is maybe the funniest More. 
-It acknowledges the heretic burning! Not bad for 1950-something. At the end there’s a sort of Hm Thomas More Is A Complex Dude How Do We Approach Him page from H8′s POV.
-More’s father getting all misty-eyed when his son becomes Chancellor
-Henry VIII kissing tm’s forehead
-the flogging of the mentally ill upskirter being depicted
-Wolsey not being a caricature but a worldly and practical man. He’s explicitly described as “not a bad man”
-”He [TM] was no Erasmus, who, having thrown the stone that shattered the glass of orthodox thought, must run and hide himself lest he should be hurt by the splinters” not a very fair way to depict Erasmus (as he spent a lot of the last decades of his life arguing against Luther and trying to mediate between religious factions, esp in Basel) However, I like the metaphor
-Meg talking about how she and her sisters will always compare men unfavourably to their father... understandable.
-More explaining why Heretic Burning is Good Actually is done well
-Meg pointing out that More and Erasmus both criticised the Church, only it’s a bit half-baked because More never experiences any doubt or crisis over it. 
-Meg being torn between the Lutheran and the Catholic men she loves is at least some conflict and stakes when it finally shows up.
-Alice standing trial for dogknapping on page 195. A Big Lipped Alligator Moment, and I’ve no idea the source (i doubt Plaidy would make it up completely, it’s so out of nowhere) but it’s fun. It feels like one of More’s ‘merry tales’
“[Erasmus] read aloud to Thomas when he came home; and sometimes Thomas would sit by his friend’s bed with Margaret on one side of him and Mercy on the other; he would put an arm about them both, and when he laughed and complimented Erasmus so that Erasmus’ pale face was flushed with pleasure, then Margaret believed that there was all the happiness in the world in that room.” my emotions! my emotions! my ship is sailing, i repeat, the ship is sailing!
-”Meg, this is one of the happiest days of my life. it is a day I shall remember on the day i die. i shall say to myself when i find death near me: ‘the great erasmus said that of my daughter, my meg.’”
-”So the King likes verses!” said mistress middleton, her voice softening a little. 
“Ah, madam,” said Thomas. “What the King likes today, may we hope Mistress Middleton will like tomorrow?” Do I smell... flirtation...
-”His face was pleasant and kindly, [Alice] concluded....She would like to feed him some of her possets, put a layer of fat on his bones with her butter.” Does this version of Alice have a feeding kink I definitely think, in this ‘verse, Tm and Alice are 100% having sex.
-John Colet’s in it, though described as tm’s confessor (who i think was actually grocyn or linacre)
-Alice clearing a path for a fainting Jane with “Stand aside, you oafs.” alexa, play X gon give it to you. 
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
Captive Chapter 6 : Secrets
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gif not mine
_Dean x Reader_
Summary :
Dean Winchester is an enemy.
Every man of letters and hunters are enemies.
During the Great Purge in Europe, when every european Men of Letters allied to eradicate monsters once and for all, using hunters as their cold-blooded hounds, long before the BMOL took an interest in USA, they killed my mother, and made me go through hell. I killed so many of them I lost count, and lived a life on the run. Until one day I heard about American Men of Letters extinction, and decided to try and find peace there.
That was without counting on the exile of some BMOL, and the existence of the two best hunters of the world.The fisrt time I saw Sam Winchester, I almost killed him, and Dean has me now…
He is going to kill me, right ?
Future warnings : Violence and captivity, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, Smut.
Chapter Warnings : Angst, heartbreak, secrets, swearing, blood, fluff, smut.
Words : 8.5 k (I did it again…)
Sam's pov
           Billie never answered. Angels never let Cas go to Heaven to check on Dean, they didn't even confirm he is there. Rowena can't bring him back, not the real him anyway.
           I'm desperate.
           The first minute I was stoned, dizzy. I watched Y/n has she understood faster than me, she was screaming and begging, her breathing was whistling. And my brother was lying in her arms, inert but intact, not like when the Hellhound tore him apart or when Metatron broke his face before stabbing him.
           It's almost like he is sleeping.
           Then I have to call Cas and he tells me, tears in his eyes and in his voice, that we can't stay in that parking motel. I spend an eternity trying to make Y/n let go of Dean's body. She won't, she yells at me. And when Cas and I take him from her, she begs. It's unbearable.
           I lose track of hours. I'm frenzied. Trying to find a way to bring him back, I forget to eat or pee... Everything. I need my brother. I can't lose my brother. Not again, not for good. Y/n stays by his bed completely silent, looking at him, barely blinking. She just sits there, dry tears all over her face, his hand in hers.
           It's her that makes me react. That's her complete torpor, like she died with him, that makes me realize we have to burn his body now. She refuses, silently at first but when Cas enters the room she panics and starts yelling at me again. It's like she was possessed, her screams make the walls tremble, her blue eyes shine like never, she fights us like a lioness would fight for her cubs. But when she unintentionally hits me hard, she stops and falls on her knees, crying.
           She doesn't come with me to the hunter funeral, and even if I'm a little afraid to leave her alone, I have to say this is a relief, her pain is more than I can bear. I cry for hours watching Dean's body burn, even after everyone left.
           And a week pass... I still try to find a way to bring Dean back and I try to keep Y/n alive. She doesn't eat, she lays on his bed all the time and when I try to talk to her she just says she's sorry, that she can't move.
           Then I realize she is going to die. That's what she wants to, she has nothing left I guess. And for a second I envy her, because right now I want nothing more than to lay next to my brother's ashes in that forest and sleep forever. But there is Jack, and Cas. And there is her. Dean, he loved her truly, like I never seen him, like he was ready to let her in his life. That thing between them is sacred, and it is my duty to take care of her now.
             I knock on Dean's door and bite my lips as I come in, it still kind of smells like him in here.
"Hey Y/n..." I try.
She doesn't answer so I put a knee on the bed to get closer. She squeezes the pillow she's been cuddling.
"Let me help you" I say weakly. "Talk to me."
"I can't..." she whispers.
I sigh and come closer, then I lay on the bed beside her. We stay silent for a moment, she, turning her back on me and holding that pillow, I, looking at the ceiling.
"I miss him like crazy, you know" I start, hoping that talking to her would make her talk to me. "This morning I found expired bacon in the fridge and start crying like a baby... This is so painful I don't think I'm realizing fully."
"I do..." she says with a broken voice. "I realize perfectly" she starts to cry. "I realize that I won't see him ever again and that I won't hear his voice, he will never say knew words and taste new food... Th-that he will never know what happens at the end that show we watched together... I perfectly realize that his smell will fade and, and that nothing will ever compare to it."
Her words break my heart and I start to cry. The things she says are true and I have a thousand more of those ideas when it comes to my brother, but it is her voice, that tone like every one of her cells were in agony.
"I... I need him to take me in his arms" she sobs. "I need him so bad and he will never come back. I... I'm not ev-even human... I'm not sure I'll see him in Heaven. But I c-can't, I'm sorry Sam I can't keep going. There is nothing left for me..."
"There is me" I try, strangled.
"And I love you Sammy, you are the only friend I ever had... But I..." she's struggling to breathe. "I can't... It has to stop, that p-pain. I can't take it... I can't take it Sammy. I can't..."
           I turn to take her in my arms, spooning her. She's shaking and cold, her stifling sobs preventing her from talking. I know I can't make her feel better, I have to give her a purpose so she won't kill herself.
"Martins did that" I whisper. "The man who hurt you all those years took Dean from us. Don't let me avenge him all alone. Fight with me, one last time, Y/n. Fight."
She stiffens in my arms.
"Okay..." she says and I silently take a deep breath.
 Reader's Pov
             I totally lost track of this motherfucker. I found one or two Men of Letters and they told me Martins was missing. He just vanished a few days after he killed Dean. I guess he fears what I'm going to do to him.
           He has no idea...
           Even if I'm a wreck, I stand like a hollow shell. I eat to power my body but nothing have taste, I shower because that's what people do, but I don't remember I did most of the time, I puke most of what I eat, and I still can't sleep, pleading the pain to stop at night. I can't feel anything, neither real physical pain nor pleasure, only that unbearable agony of him being dead, each and every second. I have that image of Dean burned inside my eyelid, so I cry whenever I close my eyes... But I'm still alive.
           My body is constantly craving, but I don't really understand what it asks for, except Dean. I guess that's what they call missing.
           Sam is the kindest human being. Even with the immeasurable loss he's dealing with, he's still sweet and patient with me, yet I can see him lose weight and grow more tired every day. Dean would know how to take care of him...
           I killed exactly fourteen Men of Letters since my love was taken from me. They all told me the mission was aborted, because Martins was missing. No more recruitment, no more talking about the Blue Death. Dean would have loved that. But he's not here to hear them, so I cut their throat and move to the other without any relief.
           I come back home covered in blood and nod to Sam when he asks me if I found one more.
"I bought pizza" he says.
Dean will never eat pizza again... I'm not hungry, I'm nauseous even, so I frown and leave the room telling him I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say, he's trying so hard to make me live. But he has to understand I'm already dead.
           I get in the shower and wash the blood off of my hands, watching it run around my fingers and fall in the water at my feet. I'm dizzy, my stomach hurts but I don't care. Dean will never shower again... I play in repeat that time I yelled at him in that bathroom in my head. I was so afraid he would break my heart ; that's strange to think of this now...
           I remember him thrusting inside of me and it's almost like I could still feel him there, stretching me too reach deep within me. How I felt full and whole with him around and inside me. I put a hand on my lower stomach. I would kill to feel him here again.
           Tears fall from my eyes and I bite my lips to focus on revenge, to let the sharp pain going through me without killing me. Not yet.
           When I wrap myself in his blanket, knowing I won't sleep at all, I start to pray out loud.
"Please... Just please tell me he's in Heaven... I'm begging you" I burst in tears. "I won't- I won't ask anything anymore, I just need to know he's happy and warm. I... I need to be sure someone takes care of him. Please. Please. Please..." I ignore how pathetic I sound.
"Dean..." I cry. "Dean baby, please..."
 Sam's Pov
             She's crying again, begging Dean to come back, pleading him, saying she can't breathe, saying she needs him to make her breathe like he used to do.
           I'm crying against her door again. Is it possible that she loves him that much ? Is it possible that my brother will never come back ? Tonight I can't come inside the room 11 like I sometimes do. This is beyond my strength.
           And my lie is killing me.
           Castiel said I shouldn't lie to her, but I can't do other way, she would have died if I told her what I did.
           I killed Martins.
           I found him, and I watched life leave him as I killed him slowly, high on grief, not even recognizing myself. I hid the lead I was following because I knew if she finds him, she'll kill him and die. And she's the best hunter, so I knew I had to find him quick, I had to do it first. He was strong, he was redoubtable, I almost got killed during that fight, but I had my hate to make me stronger. He asked me why I would care for that girl, that monster. And I stabbed him once more.
"She was just a baby angel..." I told him.
"You have no idea Winchester."
           I stole her vengeance, for Dean and for her childhood, for her life.
           Since then I watch her look under every rocks, follow every path, torture and kill to find him. And I just don't say a word.
           I lied to her about those bruises he made on my face, and about the one Bobby made on my jaw that time we fought. He told me it was her fault Dean was dead, and I lost my temper, I just hit the man in the face, and he fought back.
           Everything is falling apart...
 Reader's Pov
             I get up at 5, I fell asleep for the first times in a long time, I slept three or four hours. I'm still exhausted, defeated by despair, but I need to find Martin. Sooner I get him, sooner I can end this hell.
           But lately, there is something strange about me, I mean, except the fact that my soul shattered, it's like my energy wasn't regenerating anymore. My wounds don't heal, the bruises don't fade, the exhaustion won't leave me. Is it because of how bad I want to die ?
           As I try to get up, I fall loudly, taking the bedside lamp with me when I try to lean on the nightstand. It shatters on the floor. I'm stunned for a moment. It never happened to me before, not even when they poisoned me to see if my body could heal without antidote and I was extremely sick for a month.
"Y/n, you're okay ?" Sam says, opening the door.
When he sees me on the floor he rushes to help me.
"What happened ?"
"I don't know" I frown. "My head keeps spinning."
"You have to eat and sleep" he sighs.
"But I eat ! I ate a full meal yesterday, I even drank the smoothie you made me..."
I struggle to get on my feet, even with the tall hunter's help.
           In the bathroom, I grunt. If I can't stand properly, I will fail in front of the enemy. And I can't. I can't fail because I look forward to stop feeling anything.    
           "Maybe you should rest today" Sam states when I enter the kitchen to take a piece of bread.
"No, I can't offer that son of a bitch a bonus day. He has to die, this is taking too long."
"Y/n... Are you sure you're eating ? Because you look skinnier everyday" he says and I point at my mouth full of bread.
"Well I don't know, you don't look so good..." he shrugs.
"Of course I don't" I say with my mouth full and drink milk from the bottle.
           When I turn I almost fall again, catching myself on the counter. Sam gets up and grabs my arm. He sighs.
"Y/n..." I push him away. "Dean would have wanted you to live" he whispers.
I look at him with so much hurt in my eyes, it reflects on his.
"Dean would have wanted to live" I grunt.
"He sacrificed to save your life, are you going to act like it means nothing ?"
"He died because of me..." I murmur trying not to cry again.
"That's not what I said. I just... You fought all your life, are you going to just give up now ?"
"Yeah ! Why not ?" I groan.
"You know what ? Dean would be so disappointed in you right now !" Sam mutters, clenching his fists.
"FUCK YOU SAM !" I yell running out of the room.
             I hate myself and I hate everything. I hate that Sam is right, and that I yelled at him.
           I enter Dean's room and let my body fall on the bed. My stomach and my head ache. I put my face in my hands and take a deep breath. I feel like I could faint.
"Y/n" Sam says, entering slowly.
"I'm sorry Sammy. I shouldn't have talked to you like that" I whisper.
"I guess I had it coming... Y/n, let me ask Cas to check on you, please."
"Sam... Sam can't heal me, you know that... he tried once, remember ?"
"Please Y/n..." he pleads.
"Bring me mac and cheese..."
"What ?" he raises his eyebrows.
"Dean always made me mac and cheese. I want some... If you do this for me I'll let Cas check on me even if I'm sure he won't be able to see or do anything. I have to be in a good shape to fight Martins."
           Sam offers me a beautiful smile and I see the Winchesters genes on his face, somehow it makes the pain even worse, because those similarities remind me of a thousand ways Dean was different.
             When he leaves, I look down at my body. What is happening to me ? I undress and stare at myself. Bruises are still not fading, even that one Dean made digging in my hips while we were making love.
           I put my hand on the three little blue points his fingers made, and start crying. I would like them to never vanish, I want Dean everywhere on me. I want to keep every remains on my skin.
           My body is an altar, my body is his. They tried to control it, break it, own it, but he made me feel it and love it...
           Thinking about that I notice the tattoo on my hip. That fucking enochian symbol, the same Ketch carved on my skin. Except Dean took care of it and the scars disappeared completely... Now it's my turn to make the unwanted marks go.
           With steady hands and a straight, determined face, I decide I won't die with their mark on me, only Dean's. I take a knife.
           I don't want to get my love's room dirty, so I take a tank top of mine, panties, and leave it.
           I enter the dungeon and take a deep breath. Who would have know my time in here were among my best memories ? I sit on the floor where my mattress were. I think about that first kiss, about Dean's wrinkles and about the way he used to smile when he was tired... I just, as always, think about him.
           The knife enters my skin, right below the tattoo and I clench my teeth. I'm done being marked like an animal, I know what love is now, I know what I want and what I deserve.
           Blood is running abundantly on my thigh and I try to remove the entire tattoo without damaging my muscles and nerves too much. I have to fight soon and I clearly don't heal fast, or at all, anymore...
"Shit..." I grunt when pieces of my flesh fall on the floor. Still, I don't really care about anything anymore.
           But before I can finish completely, my head spins and the smell of blood unexpectedly makes me sick. It never has before.
I faint.
             I open my eyes and see I'm bathing on my own blood, half naked on the dungeon's floor. My stomach aches so much.
"You're beautiful" a voice makes me jump.
I lift my head in a moan of effort, realizing I might actually be dying.
           A man is here. A middle aged man, not that tall, with dirty blond slightly long hair and incredible golden eyes.
"Who are you ?" I mutter trying to sit. "Where is Sam ?"
"Sam just run out of gas..." he says calmly.
"If you want me dead, get in line... behind me actually" I groan, putting a hand on my lower belly. Is that what women describe has period cramps ?
"I'm not here to hurt you" he states.
"Does Martins send you ?"
"Actually, he prevented me from knowing about you for years. I'm not fond of him. Good thing he is in hell."
"He's not..." I frown. "He killed Dean."
"Yeah and Sam killed him" he shrugs. "Let me look at you... Wow, you are really pretty and brave."
I take a deep breath because just talking is exhausting now.
"He didn't find him..."
"Yes" he insists. "He did, and never told you because, well, you know our sweet Sam, he's going to do all it takes to keep you safe."
A tear roll down my eyes as I think about Sam lying to me, I don't have enough strength to be furious, but I feel anger punch my chest.
"Now I have a mistake to undo" he says. "Y/n... I'm so sorry they used me to do this to you. And I'm sorry for your mother, she seemed like a brave girl, and you clearly got her looks."
He kneels next to me and helps me sit straight.
"Who are you ?" I ask with my jaw clenched.
"They call me Gabriel."
"Gabriel ?" I sigh puzzled. "The archangel ?... Didn't you die ?"
"Well, hiding I'm not actually dead has been my specialty... And Y/n... I'm your father."
"What ?" my head spin and I have to put my palm under it to keep straight.
"That tattoo kept me from knowing about you, they used me. I don't know how they found out I was on Earth back then... I'm here now."
I look into his eyes and feel cold heavy tears fall on my thighs.
           I prayed all my life, I begged Heaven, I cried so many night and waited for an angel for so long. And my father is Gabriel. The last archangel alive... All I had to do was removing that tattoo... That's why they carved it so often on me.
"Too late" I sigh.
"It's not, I can heal you. I'm here to make things right."
"Dean is dead. Nothing matters anymore. The only thing you could do is tell me if he's in Heaven"
"Rah ! Dean... If anyone had told me my daughter would... Dean Winchester. I mean. Fate won't let me forget about them... Listen. He is. He is in Heaven and it's a beautiful Heaven..."
I inhale like I just escaped drowning, loudly and powerfully. And the stranger claiming to be my father continues talking :
"I know about you now. Let me take you back in time, I will protect your mother and you, give you a good life. No more pain, loneliness, no more misery. Dean promised you no one would hurt you again, I can promise you no one would have ever done it..."
"What ?" my head's spinning.
"I never knew I wanted an offspring, until fifteen minutes ago, for you, for me it's been months. Now I need to protect you. My first thought was to go back in past and turn down your mother's mouthwatering offer... But you are my daughter, Y/n, just seeing you..."
"No, thank you."
"How can you refuse to let me offer you the life you prayed for all those years ?" he frowns, searching my face. "I heard all your prayers in one go when you ripped that off your skin, you know. I started to cry in the middle of a poker game..."
"If Dean is not part of this life, it means nothing at all..."
"Dean again !" he rolls his eyes.
"Unless that means he doesn't die because of me..."
"Y/n... I froze time I spent an entire year digging into your past, I can't stand what they did to you. You could grow so powerful without those spells, you could compete with Jack, with me... No one would be able to hurt you ever again."
I bend because of the pain in my belly. And he sits, soaking his pants in my blood.
"You are not changing you mind, aren't you ? You're suborn, just like your father" he seems to fight an internal war, and finally sighs. "Okay listen. You are going to live."
"What for..." I cry.
"Because those strange feeling you are experimenting, the headache, the sharp pain in your belly, this dizziness and all... This is pregnancy."
My eyes widen, my hands start to shake like crazy even if I'm not sure I'm processing what he just said.
"What ? Are you crazy ? I'm not... I can't !"
"I'm used to announce pregnancies, now I guess" he tries to joke, referring to the Bible.
"I can't be pregnant !" I yell, indifferent to his humor.
"Except it happened, true love can be surprising sometimes... I just learned I was a father, and I have to be a grandfather right away..." he smiles wistfully.
He touches my sweaty hair but I'm too shocked to protest. I look down at my lower belly and burst in tears.
           I can feel it now. I know he's not lying.
"Listen to me Y/n."
I don't, I rub my stomach, and breathe laboriously.
"Y/n, listen to me carefully" he says seriously, taking my face in his hands. "I give you two options : Either you come with me, I make you happy and powerful, give you the childhood you deserve, clean this mess... I can even show you Heaven. Dean... he will die anyway, but you will never miss him because you won't know him. You won't need him to be happy." I cry even more but keep my eyes on his beautiful golden ones. "Or... I let you there, with that little boy in your belly. But you have to fight for your life. You have to take care of you because he takes your energy, and you can't allow to brutalize your body like you always did. You have to eat and walk and sleep. You have to take care of you, and him."
I nod.
"Tell me" he says letting go of my face.
"I- want that b-baby" I stammer, shaken by emotions. "He's Dean's. I won't ever choose a life in which it disappears. This baby boy is a part of Dean..."
"So... you are ready to suffer that agonizingly sorrow of losing the man you love because you love him too much to forget about him or to lose something you never wanted..." he shakes his head. "Are you sure ?"
I nod.
           He touches my hair and the pain on my waist fades. The bruises vanish, the dizziness calms a little. He bends and puts a kiss on my forehead.
"Dean tricked the Trickster good in the end, knocking up my daughter, depriving me of the opportunity to be a father..." he looks a bit sad. "But he's a good man. I never thought I'll say that but the Winchesters are great men, I'm happy my grandson will have this name... I guess he's the only one that could make you happy now I missed this opportunity as a father. I'm sorry for everything, Y/n, I know you don't need me in your life, I'm too late like you said. Please let me see him from time to time, if he looks like you it will be quite a sight" he kindly takes my hand.
"I hope he'll look like Dean" I smile in a sob.
"Just know your prayers are heard from now on..."
With that he vanishes in a majestic sound of wings.
             I look down at my still flat belly and try to calm my heart. I can't do this without him. I can't do this without Dean... I need him...
"DEAN !" I scream in sobs.
           Sam enters running. He let himself fall on his knees and takes me in his arms, he's shaking and sweating.
"I thought they got you... I thought... I knew for sure I had enough gas and suddenly... Someone wanted me to be far from you..." he looks at my face and my body. "Did somebody hurt you ? What is all thas blood ?" he panics.
"It's mine, but I'm okay. He healed me."
"What ? Who ?" he pants.
His eyes widen.
"Gabriel is dead" he says.
"No... He... Sam it's him. My-my father..."
He searches my eyes and stop breathing for a second.
"The archangel Gabriel ?"
I nod.
"He was the Target, they knew he was on Earth, they knew he was among humans and let the ladies... the tattoo kept him from feeling me but now... I... removed... Sam I'm pregnant." I blurt out.
"What ?" he asks puzzled.
           I sit and tell him everything, I tell him what the archangel said. I'm confused and crying and clinging to his flannel but he listens to me.
"He has to bring Dean back !" he says. "He owes you that !"
I shrug, lowering my eyes.
"He gave me a choice, Sammy..."
           I'm sitting on the war room table, stroking at my still absent baby bump, Sam is talking continuously, about Gabriel, about using him to bring Dean back, about that child in my belly, about everything... He's walking fast between the kitchen, the bathroom to bring me what I need to remove the blood, and the war room, giving me tones of food while he asks me a thousand questions and answers it before I can open my mouth every time.
"I can't do this without him..." I whisper, making him stop.
"You can, you are the toughest person I've met... And I've met my family" he smiles. "And you won't be alone, I'm right here, Y/n."
"I want Dean, now..." I cry like a child.
           The doors opens in a loud noise, and when I look up it's like the sun had just switched itself back on.
           Dean is there.
           He looks down at us and sighs in relief, a hand on his heart.
"Shit ! What happened ?" he looks so worried.
I can't move, I stare at him while he quickly goes down the stairs and Sam join him in long steps to hug him roughly.
           In the arms of his brother, Dean doesn't stop looking right in my red puffy eyes. I didn't even remember how beautiful he was. I stand there, tears still running down my cheeks but I stay silent, motionless.
"You were dead, Dean !" Sam cries in his brother's arms.
Not being the one against his chest is painful but keeping my eyes on him eases everything.
"I know... I woke up in the forest... How long ?"
"Almost two months" Sam says letting go of him.
           And Dean turns to me. He walk slowly as if he didn't want to scare me. I get up.
"You look exhausted and leaner..." he says low.
"You were dead" I shrug.
"Shit angel, look at you..." he whines with tears in his eyes.
"I love you too" I says, sniffing.
He bends slowly and cups my face like I was fragile, then he puts his lips on mine gently.
"I love you..." I cry against his perfect plumb lips.
He kisses me again.
"You were gone and I..." I continue. "I can't live without you, Dean. I can't..."
"I'm here" he takes me in his arms. "I'm here, angel..."
             I don't know how long I stay in his arms, but when I stop focusing on only his face, I'm laying on the couch on him, he strokes my hair while talking to Sam.
"Gabriel !" he suddenly says a little louder.
He looks down at me. I nod.
"Angel, you're the Trickster's daughter ?"
I nod again and wrap my arms tighter around him, almost afraid he would be mad at me for that.
"She's an archangel Nephilim, Dean, that makes sense" Sam says handing his brother a beer.
"Your father killed me a hundred times, you know that baby ? With a piano once, and with a taco..." he smiles at me, squeezing me a little more. "He also helped us so many times..."
           Sam talks about the fact that he killed Martins, and I don't even react. I know I'm mad at him deep down, but Dean is here, nothing else matters.
"Sammy..." Dean cuts him. "I'm going to bed."
"But you just came back !"
Then there is a silence and I look up. They're having a silent talk like they often do.
"Okay we'll talk about everything tomorrow" Sam says. "I'm so glad you're back, Dean."
He gets up, kiss my forehead, touches his brother's shoulder, I take his hand and squeeze it, like I was thanking him. He smiles sweetly and leaves, taking a book with him.
           Dean hums slightly, puts his beer down and wraps his two strong arms around me, crushing me just a little.
"What did you tell your bother ?" I whisper, snuggling even more against him.
"Something like : The last thing I told her before I die is that I love her, I would love some private time with her to talk about that" he says and I can't help smiling.
"All that ? What did he answer ?"
"A lot of things angel... That he had been worrying like hell for you, that he can't believe I'm back, that he understands... And there was something else in his look..." he wonders. "Like... I don't know."
I look down at my stomach and start to shake a little. I was too drown in him, I had almost forgotten. Shit, what am I going to do ?
"Are you okay angel ?" he suddenly worries, sensing my body tense.
"Did you eat today ?" he says kissing my cheek.
"I did"
"So come here" he says taking me in his arms to help me get up. "We're going to bed" he slips a arms under my knees to carry me. "You don't weight anything angel, you better gain weight."
I bite my cheek, thinking about my belly going round in a few weeks.
"I will" I promise in a sigh.
           He puts me down on his bed and takes his shirt off. When my tank top goes up and shows my stomach I tug on it to hide, even if I know he can't see it yet. It's too much, I'm just not ready, I'm afraid I'll ruin his life. He's a hunter, he doesn't want this...
"Have you seen my pillow ?" he asks in a soft murmur and I start panicking again.
With trembling hands I take it from the side of the bed I've been crying every night and give it to him.
"Hey, calm down. I'm here now. Breathe angel... look at me... breathe. Look at my mouth, baby" he says making that o with his lips.
"I couldn't b-breathe when y-you were..."
           He lays next to me and take me in his arms, making me feel the warmth of his soft skin, and his lips on my shoulder.
"My bed smells like you" he whispers in a shy smile.
I would like to tell him how I was terrified by his smell fading away but I stay silent, and lower my head to allow my lips to touch his hair.
           "How was it ?" I murmur after a while.
"What ?"
"Heaven ?" I dare, moving his hand a little when it rest on my lower stomach.
"Hum... It was you mostly..." he murmurs and I feel a tear run down my cheek, but not a heavy, painful tear ; that one is calm, silent.
Then we fall asleep, not right away, but after a while I just let it take me, focusing on Dean's body, feeling him wrap me like he does, like only him can do, with the large and warm wings of his magnificent soul.
 Dean's Pov
             I wake up before her. Of course I do, I don't really need sleep, I slept for weeks. She looks so tired and so beaten. I can't even imagine what she's been through, if what she says is true, if she loves me... The idea of losing her is killing me.
           Is it possible that she loves me ? I tortured her, captured her, kept her locked up, yelled at her... And yet, just by the way she's holding me, I could swear I can feel it. That love. No one ever touched me like that, no even Lisa.
           I look at her body, the tattoo is gone, the scars are gone, and yet she's so pale, her tank top still stained with blood. I want to kiss her lips and every part of her skin, but she has to sleep, so I stay still, watching her.
           I try to find resemblance with Gabriel, but I don't, I guess his vessel doesn't really count. It's strange to know I fell in love with his daughter... I think about what we've been through together, about everything, even Casa Erotica, I hope he doesn't know how I Casa-eroticated his daughter. I smile for myself at the thought...
           First a cold blooded monster, then Sam's murderer, then a cute lost girl, an experiment, a fierce warrior, then the woman I love. And now, an archangel daughter... She is full of surprises, that is the thing she has in common with her father.
           She moves and puts a hand on her stomach, whining a little in her sleep. I take her hand away and stroke where it seems to hurt, she wraps her arms around my neck. But soon she stars panting and sobbing in her sleep.
"Dean" she calls. "Dean please I can't... bring him back... please" she cries.
"Hey, hey... angel, I'm here. I'm right here."
           She opens her eyes and for a second she seems confused, then she turns to nuzzle against me.
"It was a nightmare, I'm here to stay... I want to take a shower" I add. "Will you come with me ?"
           I can't help it. I know I should just give her some time, she obviously went through a lot, but having her naked against me is a new kind of torture, and she's not helping, brushing against me and kissing my chest all the time. My hands lay on her waist and go up on her currently too visible ribs while she's washing her hair.
           Just with that gesture I make her moan under her breath. She puts her head under shower head, her arms above her head and my cock twitches. The foam is sensually running along her skin like it wanted her as much as I do. When the shampoo slides along her pussy down her inner thighs, I groan.
           She opens her eyes and bites her lip, her eyelashes wet, making cute spikes. I bend to kiss her jaw and start nibbling at it. I'm getting hard, I can feel my stomach tremble in anticipation already.
"Dean..." she moans.
"God Y/n..."
Her hand brushes the head of my cock and I jump a little.
"Yes... Yeah baby, touch me please..." I whisper in her ear.
           She wraps her hand around my length and comes closer, flattening her breast on my chest. I close my eyes and let my head fall on her shoulder under the water, breathing droplets of water with each inhale.
"Don't drown" she murmurs with that deep voice she has when she's aroused.
I shake my head and take her hand in mine, adding pressure. Shit, I should stop. But when I'm about to push her hand away she kisses me deep, her tongue obscenely caressing mine, her hips rolling against me. She making me crazy again. I can feel her hunger and it's the hottest thing ever.
"Let me make love to you, angel" I pant, letting go of her hand.
"Yes..." she moans.
"Not here... Shit, this is..." I feel that electricity go through my body, and I know exactly what this feeling means. I'm going to loose control. "Oh fuck Y/n stop touching me. Please... You have to stop now."
She smiles and bites her lips. Then teasingly strokes me again, very slowly. I have to focus hard not to come in her hand, I have to grab her hair but that makes her moan, so it's even worse...
"You remember Dean, that you promised I could taste you ?" she sensually purrs in my ear, rolling her wrist.
"Sh-shit... yeah I remember..." I wince.
"Because right now I really would love to have this" she squeezes my cock just a little more. "On my tongue."
While I take a shaking breath, she licks my earlobe.
"But baby..." I whine pathetically. "I want to make... I want..."
"Can't I have both ?" she purrs again.
"Yes... damn angel. Please, do it" I give in and she falls on her knees.
           The minute I feel her lips on me, I groan low. She takes the base in her hand and starts licking at the head like I was fucking delicious. I put my two hands on the tiles to steady myself and look down at her.
           When she takes me in her mouth I groan, watching her beautiful lips around my cock, her cheeks hollowing, her eyes looking up at me.
"Fuck !" I cry out.
And she takes me even deeper, swallowing around me, her eyes watering as I hit the back of her mouth, feeling the tightness of her throat. The bobs of her head are steady, and my heart is not anymore. I feel it violently beat my chest. I try not to move, I try to fight the urge to thrust forward, and somehow I manage to stay still while she takes me even deeper when I thought it wasn't possible.
"Oh God..." I pant. "Y/n, I... I'm gonna..."
But when I thought she would move away, she takes my ass with both hands and pushes me further inside, making me moan loudly as I come hard, not able to hold back anything anymore.
           I'm a panting mess, shaking and smiling like an idiot when she gets up.
"I missed you" she says, wrapping her arms around me. "Never leave me again."
 Reader's Pov
             Dean went to the kitchen to bring food. I wouldn't dare to remind him how horny I was : he wanted me to eat something, so I'm going to eat.
           I take the towel away and look down at my body, I can't believe a little Dean is growing in there... I never thought I would become a mother, I still don't really realize I will. I never imagined living long enough for that, or my body allowing that. I don't even know if I can be a mom, if I want to... I'm pretty sure I can't. I only know torture and fighting, suffering and running away. But this is Dean's. Oh God, Dean has been inside of me all this time.
           He opens the door with a tray and his eyes widen. He closes the door quickly.
"Angel, you're naked !"
"And ?"
"I almost asked my brother to bring the food while I was washing my hands" he smiles.
He puts the tray on his bed and cups my face, kissing me slowly.
"I don't want to rush you, but... would you move in with me, baby ?" he says stroking my back.
"I already kinda live here..."
"Mh... In my bedroom" he kisses me, staring that fire again, the wet one that was waiting between my legs. "I want to be with you baby" he whispers in my ears, making Goosebumps appear on my skin. "Do you want me ?"
"I always want you..." I moan when he cups my ass.
"I mean in your life Y/n... I want to be yours" he kisses my throat one time and searches my eyes.
I nod, not really knowing what to say. I'm his. I'm just his...
He lays me on the bed and starts kissing me everywhere, I try to stop thinking about that secret inside my womb and focus on every parts I love about him. Freckles, lips, hands, that little chubby part on his waist, and those piercing eyes... absolutely everything. He gives it all to me...
           When he takes his pants off, I'm already trembling, clinging to him like my life depends on it, and actually I think it does.
           He takes his time, kissing every inch of my skin, letting me touch every scars, count every freckles. His kisses are slow but passionate, his hands are calloused but soft. I feel that connection between us, I feel that perfect warmth coming from his soul, and those perfect tickles from his nails.
He kisses my jaw and go down my body.
"Yeah, keep saying that angel..."
"Dean..." I moan when he wraps his lips around my nipple.
And just then I realize how sensitive my breasts are. I arch my back and grab his hair, tugging at it. His tongue keeps teasing me and I bite my lips to hold back screams.
           Then he lets it go and kiss under it, nibbling at the skin, licking at it. When he reaches my lower stomach and kisses it I freeze, and push him.
"What ?" he asks looking up at me.
"Just... come here, I want you up here with me" I answer.
           He comes back up and looks right in my eyes.
"I love you" he smiles.
"I love you" I say seriously, stroking his hair.
           When he enters me, I stay silent, mouth open wide to adjust to all those feelings, of him being so strong and tall, and stretching me, but also of him being back.
           His thrusts are slow, lazy even, like it wasn't even about chasing the end, but just about being together. He looks at me the whole time, and I wrap my thighs around him to have him deeper.
           Just like that. I want to spend my life just like that. With his arms holding me while his beautiful thighs contracting to thrust softly inside me. With his mouth leaving burning kisses all over me, with his voice so low and lost.
"Y/n, angel... You're perfect... I love you..." he praises the whole time.
           But the pleasure builds too fast, Dean is inside of me, making love to me, so even if I want it to last forever, I start to sweat, and my thighs squeeze him...
           Before I can tell him how much I love this, I come, in a strangled breath, with a happy tear. And he fasten his thrusts for just an instant before he fills me with his cum in a low groan, reminding me of my secret...
 Dean's Pov
             I open my eyes and yawn silently, feeling her asleep in my arms. I have to stop doing that, I didn't know I was such a cuddler. Every morning I wake up all wrapped around her and she's sweaty, telling me my body's too hot... But I can't stop touching her. I just can't.
           I've never been so happy in my entire life, these last two weeks were better than Heaven. Just making love and cuddling, eating a lot and taking long showers. Sam says we have a case, so tomorrow we are back on the road I guess.
           Sammy took care of everything for me while I was spending my time with Y/n, he even contacted the BMOL to ask them if they heard of a Blue Death. They haven't. Every man that knew about Y/n his dead or mysteriously vanished. He tried to contact Gabriel but no one heard from him. Castiel didn't even know he wasn't dead.
           She moves slightly, her back still on me. And when she hums I know she's awake. She takes my hand and puts it lovingly on her heart like she always does.
"Morning angel" I whisper, kissing her neck.
"Morning baby..." she answers sleepily.
I pass my hand on her side, enjoying her naked form, and the curves she got back since I make her eat three times a day.
           When my hand comes front, brushing against her stomach she takes my hand, squeezes it like she was anxious, and get up quickly.
"What ? No morning cuddles ?" I pout.
"I... I'm hungry she says" but I can sense something odd in her voice again.
"Are you okay ?" I ask, suddenly terrified.
What if she was really hiding something from me ? What if she was regretting this ? Me ? It's the third time in three days that she won't let me touch her. Maybe I was stupid to think she could actually love a man like me, flawed, violent, old, damaged...
           She takes one of my flannels and this actually eases the fear a little. She always takes my flannels. Then she turns toward me with a soft but preoccupied smile.
"I have to talk to Sam about that case" she says casually.
"Yeah, but before that..." I stretch my hand to take hers and kiss her knuckles. "I need to take a warm shower with my girl."
"Yeah not today Dean..." she says, her words punching me in the guts. "Take your shower" she kisses my forehead. "I'll make you coffee."
           When she's about to leave the room, I sit on the bed and call her.
"Angel ?"
"Yeah ?"
"I love you" I say desperately.
"I love you" she says absent-mindedly.
           Then she closes the door. No "baby", no "and I love you more", no morning sex or morning cuddles.
           Is she already tired of me ?
           In the shower I try to calm. She says she's in love with me, she wouldn't lie. We don't lie to each other. She still wants me, she proved it yesterday when she bent forward on the ironing board, pushing her panties down, begging me to take her here and now. We broke the dawn board !
           I'm worrying for nothing... Maybe she just looks forward to go out of the bunker. Yet I took her out, often, that time I took her to that restaurant, I know she enjoyed it, even if she told me to never do this again. I smile at myself remembering her words while she was laughing so hard : We're not fancy people, it was great, but it was not us. We were freaking out the whole time baby, have you seen you holding a glass of wine ? You don't have to spend money on me baby. Take me for a ride, or to that food truck that makes incredible donuts-burgers next time. I want Dean, I love Dean, not Christian Grey...
           Then I remember her pushing my hand away yesterday, when I took her in my arms from behind and my smile fades instantly. I remember her smile fading when I told her I wanted to eat her out. I remember that time she turned off the light while I was making love to her...
           When I approach the kitchen I hear her voice, it's sad, and I stop walking, silently listening to what they're saying. I hate myself for spying on her, but :
"I can't tell him Sammy ! I just can't..." she whines, making me worrying more.
"He loves you, you can't keep secrets from him" my brother answers with his serious smart voice.
"I'm afraid..." she whines.
"Y/n, it's been two weeks since he came back" you have to talk to him. "You have to tell him what happened. It's was an accident... And I'm sure he'll"
"I know but every time I try..." she cuts him. "I see this beautiful happiness in his eyes... I can't undo it now, but I'm freaking out !"
"I wouldn't want you to undo this, Y/n, you hear me ? This is the greatest thing happening in ages..." my brother groans.
My heart falls at my feet. She wants to leave me. They're talking about my return, why are they... Or maybe she had an affair with my brother. I... I was away and... Now that I think about it, Sam often avoided being alone with me those last two weeks...
"He will find out, Y/n, what will you do ? Hide from him ? Sleep in another room ? You will break his heart..."
"I know ! I know... don't say that. I just have to find the right time."
           I turn around and go back to the bathroom. I put my hands on the sink, look in the mirror. Why would you love her, you have nothing to offer, she doesn't even think you belong in a nice restaurant for your dates. She hates you.
           I take a deep strangle breath. A single tear falls on the sink, I think I just heard my heart break, that's an awful sound.
@tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @animegirlgeeky@thefaithfulwriter @parinarain @vicariouslythruspn @paradoxical–intentions  @emeow1496
Thank you for you feedback and your kindness, you are awesome <3
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motleycrueimagine · 5 years
This Ain’t A  Love Song - Part Sixx - Nikki Sixx Fanfiction
Words count:    1771
Warnings: Language, alcol, drugs
N/A: Believe it or not I’m struggling to stick to my own deadlines XD I’ll try to post more regularly but i cannot fix a precisce schedule, at least for now. For the story i’m trying to keep all the events in a believable timeline and at the same time I’m trying to stick to some key events that marked the Crue’s real lives. I let you read now, as always taglist is open and feedbacks are really appreciated. xx
Huge thanks to @blonde-shamrock
Maya Prescott has done anything possible to fix her life. It was 1977 when she left her groupie life: no more parties, no more concerts, no more drugs, alcohol or casual sex, just to achieve a full standard life. Now it’s 1981 and after a four years disappearance  Maya Prescott unexpectedly shows up to the party of one of the most promising emerging bands of the LA’s rock’n roll scene: Motley Crue. But what should be her last ride is destined to change her life in so many unexpected ways.  
TagList: @motleycrueee  @babygal-babygal@unknownoblivion @sweetshutter
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31 December 1981
We were singing out loud down the stage of the Troubadour; the guys were rocking their New Year’s Eve performance. The beginning of Live Wire was marking the end of the concert and the crowd was ecstatic.
Vince came closer to us and shared the mic, “Cause I’m hot young running free a little bit better than I use to be!”  we sang out loud, I kissed his cheek before he got back up to keep singing the refrain.
Carol patted my shoulder and came closer to my ear, “Nik is looking at you,” she informed me and immediately my eyes wandered towards him.
“As always” I replied sending him a kiss, he winked back. He was outstandingly beautiful, even with all that makeup smudged around his face.
As the song ended, they started thanking the audience and saying goodbye to the fans. Me and my friends moved over to the back stage where a bouncer, 6 ft tall and covered in muscles, tasked with letting through the prettiest girls of the club, was already waiting for us.
“Thank you, Clive” I waved at him and then headed towards the back of the stage, Allan Coffman, Motley’s manager was waiting for them as well. I did not like him at all, he was weird and honestly made me kind of uncomfortable.
“Maya, it’s always a pleasure to see you around,” he greeted me, as always. I was struggling to understand if he was being sarcastic or not.
“Hi Allen.” I kept a neutral tone. Tommy ran down the stage clearly overexcited
“Woah it was fucking great!” he exclaimed grabbing a bottle of water and emptying it directly on his head. All the guys followed him.
“You did amazing guys.” I assured them, tossing a water bottle to Nikki and he grabbed it promptly.
“Thank you, honey.” While he reached to me sliding his arm around my shoulders.
“Oh c’mon you’re all sweaty, “ I laughed trying at the same time to free myself from him.
He was able to kiss my cheek playfully before being pushed away. “Really? You don’t like my hyper manly perfume?” he joked gaining another push on his shoulder.
“Cut it Nikki, go get cleaned up and we’ll talk about your manly perfume,” I retorted while he was walking towards the changing room. My eyes followed his figure until he disappeared behind the door, followed by Mick.
“What was that?” Emma asked as I turned to face my friends.
“What?” I was confused.
“All that flirtiness and puppy eyes,” Carol continued. All of my friends were looking at me.
“It was nothing -we weren’t flirting! We’re just friends, so stop dreaming.”
I knew how the relationship between me and Nikki could be perceived by the people, but the truth was that there was nothing. Yes, we had bonded in the last month because we had spent a lot of time together, but just as I had bonded with Vince, Tommy and Mick. I get that there was chemistry, and the sexual attraction was clear, but I wasn’t going to involve myself with that adorable dickhead.
“So if I were to fuck him, you wouldn’t be jealous?” Emma teased, making me raise a brow.
“No?” I answered just before letting a puff out of my mouth, “I can’t stand you. Let’s go I need a drink.” And without waiting for them I headed in the direction of the small living room where the staff had prepared some drinks for the guys.
Three hours and a new year later we were still drunkenly partying at the Rainbow. I was laying on the table letting the guys drink shots from my body, Tommy was licking rum from my collarbone while I was giggling because his tongue was tickling me.
“Okay enough, enough!” I laughed trying to catch my breath, I sat on the table feeling the alcohol flow from my skin into my top.
“C’mon I wasn’t done yet!” Tommy protested with a childish smile.
“You were tickling me on purpose you asshole!” His face was enough to confirm my theory. I jumped down the table and attempted to regain my balance before staggering towards the bar.
“Two shots of tequila please.” I asked the bartender. I was clinging to the bar counter trying to stand straight and to compose myself.
“I was patiently waiting for my turn and then I sadly discover that you are done with body shots.” Nikki’s fake sad voice joined me.
“It’s Tommy’s fault.” I cackled. I used to try to not be alone around Nikki when I was drunk, incidents would always occur when it happened.
“You ignored me for most of the night” he accused while the guy behind the bar served my shots. I frowned.
“I haven’t ignored you, I just decided not to ruin your date,” I explained. Beth had brought a friend that had clearly gone mad for Nikki, and they seemed to get along pretty well during the night.
“Well my date went home a few hours ago…” the smirk he gave me drove me crazy as always.
“Don’t look at me like that.” I warned him, gently pushing is face away.
“Like what?” He questioned making very clear how amused he was.
I chose not to answer - ignoring him was the best tactic. I started pouring salt on the back of my hand.
“Like what?” He repeated poking my side.
“Do you want your shot or not?!” He nodded in response, “So shut up and drink.” I licked the salt and then, with all the courage that the alcohol had gave me, I kissed him. It was not the kind of kiss you’d see in a romantic movie, more likely in a porn film. It had clearly caught him by surprise but he didn’t back down. His lips tasted like the cheap liquors he had drank the whole night. The flavour mixed weirdly well with the salt on my tongue. His hands reached my hair keeping me close and allowing him to deepen the kiss. That wet, breath-taking kiss lasted for a few seconds before I took a step back ending it to drink my tequila shot as nothing had happened.
Nikki took a little longer to finally drink his shot; I must had caught him a little off guard. Standing against the counter I was now looking at him with a drunk smirk.
“Was it worth the waiting?” I asked then biting my lower lip softly. Bad ideas were accumulating in my head. He came towards me, locking his eyes into mine.
“I’m still not sure, lemme…” and as he got dangerously close…
“Maya! We need a referee over here!” Tommy and his perfect timing were screaming from the other side of the club.
I was still looking at Nikki “I’m coming, honey!” And the atmosphere was over.
Nikki’s POV
As I entered the room, I found Maya sitting on the ground laughing hysterically, I was pretty confused.
“Are you testing the softness of the moquette?” I asked helping her to get back on her feet.
“Your stupid boots made me fall,” She mumbled while gripping my shoulder to get rid of her heels.
“I’m tired… my feet hurt, and I think I’m gonna throw up…” she walked across my room throwing her shoes to the side.
“Please don’t throw up in here,” I begged her. She was completely shitfaced. The night full of alcohol and drugs had destroyed all of us, but Maya and Tommy’s decision to attempt to roll in the middle of the road had sobered me up in seconds. So now here I was babysitting this stubborn beautiful girl that… well was now getting undressed in my room.
“Maya what are you doing?” I asked again for the millionth time.
“Making myself comfortable,” she answered while fighting with the dress that was stuck on her head. I got closer and I helped her free herself. She looked at me with a weird gaze.
“Let me guess, this doesn’t mean we’re about to fuck, right?” Already knowing the answer, I allowed myself to take a longer look at her exposed body.
Her flat belly was crossed by a big tattoo that I had only glimpsed till now, it was a huge snake: its tail was tangled on her left thigh and it went up crossing her hip diagonally till her right ribcage. The sight was almost enough to make me hard.
“Are you done staring at me like a creep?” she asked before turning around to get to the bed. And no, I definitely wasn’t done - not looking at that perfectly round butt would have been a real shame. Alright, now I was definitely hard.
“Maya where are you going?” I asked her as she slipped under my sheets. I was being a good boy but she could not sleep with me half naked and expect me to resist the temptation to put a hand on her.
“When you’re done complaining turn the light off.” I sighed passing my hand through my messy hair. I could not believe I was about to have the hardest night of my life.
So, I took all my self-control, got rid of my clothes and I joined her in bed.
“I was pretty sure you were going to sleep on the couch,” she said with an amused pitch, turning on my side “oh god…” she started giggling covering her eyes with one hand, “What the hell, why are you naked?!” she asked with a full sweet and drunk laughter.
“Well this is my bed, and I always sleep like this so…” since she wanted to play it dirty, I was going to do the same. “Just don’t touch me, I don’t want to fuck you tonight,” I said mimicking her voice.
“Oh shut up, I know you want it. This reverse psychology is not going to work with me,” she continued playfully before turning around again with her back to me. I gave her a not-so-gentle spank because the temptation was too strong.
“I knew it was coming,” she laughed shaking her head a little bit. “Can you at least cover yourself so that if I turn around I’m not gonna get blinded by your manhood?” I smiled enjoying this scene way too much.
“I don’t know if I feel like it,” I simply stated turning on my side. “Have a good night, Maya,” I wished her and then I turned the lights off.
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angelsfalling16 · 6 years
Fic Masterlist
All of my fics together in one place. There are a lot, so I’m putting them below a cut.
Chaptered Fics
A Fairytale Love (4k)
Penelope tells a bedtime story to her children about a dragon named Simon and a boy named Baz.
Part 2 | Read on ao3
A Terrible Idea (13k)
Simon and Baz live in neighboring apartments, and one day, Simon smells something burning in the next apartment over. When he finds out what is going on with Baz, he offers to be Baz’ fake boyfriend when he goes home to visit his family. This is obviously not a good idea because we all know how this will end.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Read it on ao3
Beautiful Stranger (25k)
Simon's car breaks down during a storm, and he gets stranded in the middle of nowhere. Deciding to seek shelter, he comes across a large, seemingly abandoned house. It isn't abandoned, though, and he is almost certain that the boy inside is a vampire, planning to kill him.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Read it on ao3
Friends Don’t French-Kiss (30k)
Simon and Baz have one of their many arguments, but this time, it ends with them going on fake dates and trying to compete to see who would make a better boyfriend.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Read it on ao3
Friends Don’t Get Engaged (13k - in progress)
Plans are well under way for Simon and Baz's wedding, but to Simon, it feels as though everything is spinning out of control. The engagement was supposed to end months ago, but instead, Baz and Penny are planning the most extravagant wedding he's ever seen. What happens when Simon has had enough of all of it? Will Simon and Baz be able to make up, or will this be it for them?
Sequel to Friends Don’t French-Kiss
Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Read it on ao3
Home Is Wherever You Are - aka the farmer!baz au (130k)
Baz and Simon grew up in neighboring farms and were best friends as kids. But one day, everything changed. Baz quit talking to Simon, and he still doesn’t know why. Now, they’re about to start their senior year of high school, and neither is sure whether they will make up before they graduate.
Chapters: 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  Bonus Scene | Read it on ao3
Impulse (4.8k)
Baz gets angry at his father and does something impulsive, taking Simon by surprise.
Parts 2 & 3 | Read on ao3
I’m Not the Queen, Snow (2k)
Baz is a dramatic gay, and he kisses Simon first.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Read on ao3
Roller Diner (33k)
Simon gets repeatedly stood up by Agatha at a diner where Baz happens to work. Baz begins to take pity on him, and he isn’t completely sure that the girl really exists. Then, Baz starts to fall for the cute lonely boy. One day, Agatha finally shows up, and nothing goes as any of them would have expected.
 Read on ao3
Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down
Rating: E
Simon keeps running into Baz at various bars, and even though he knows that there is no way that it will end well, he can't keep his hands off of him.
Read on ao3
The Thin Line Between Pretending and Actually Loving You
Baz needs a fake date so that Dev and Niall will stop setting him up, and who better to be that date the guy he hasn't seen since they graduated college several years ago?
Simon and Baz struggle to fool Dev and Niall, but it seems like they're great at fooling themselves. Will they be able to work through whatever this is between them before their planned "break up"? Or are they destined to be separated again?
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Read on ao3 
Tyrannosaurus? Like the Dinosaur? (11k)
Simon enters a bookshop where Baz works, and they start talking, both clearly attracted to each other. They start to hang out together, but neither of them know whether this thing between them is more than just friendship. Then, they get snowed-in and have to spend the night together.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Read it on ao3
Walk A Mile In My Shoes (22k)
Simon and Baz switch bodies, and the only way to switch back is by finding a way to work together. It isn’t easy at first, but the boys find that there is more to each other than they know.
Read it on ao3
Series - 20 First Kisses
20 different ways that Simon and Baz could have had their first kiss. These can all be read alone and in any order that you want.
It Was Just A Dream (1k)
What happens when Simon wakes up and everything that happened in Carry On was just a dream?
Read it on ao3
It Was Just A Dream (rewrite) (2k)
What happens when Simon wakes up and everything that happened in Carry On was just a dream?
Read it on ao3
In Pieces (2k)
Baz is hurting, and all Simon wants to do is help him in any way possible.
Read it on ao3
Almost Gone (1.9k)
Warnings: self-harm/suicide attempt
Simon Snow doesn’t want to be the chosen one anymore, and Baz doesn’t know how to help him.
Read it on ao3
Fifth Year Feelings (3.6k)
Simon and Baz have just gotten back from Christmas break during their fifth year, and Simon hasn’t started dating Agatha.
Read it on ao3
Love’s a Game (2.6k)
Simon and Baz are dancing around each other all morning with gentle touches, but neither one knows why the other is doing it. Simon thinks Baz is plotting something, and Baz thinks Simon is just messing with him.
Read it on ao3
Secret Writings (6.4k)
Baz is writing constantly, and Simon thinks he’s plotting.
Read it on ao3
When the Smoke Clears (1k)
Baz and Simon have gotten rid of the dragon, and Simon is glad Baz is safe.
Read it on ao3
Let’s Not Fight (2.4k)
What if that conversation between Simon and Baz before Baz left for break went a little bit differently?
Read it on ao3
Proof of Your Love (7k)
Baz asks Simon out, but Simon thinks that it’s all a trick and that he is plotting something. Baz has to figure out a way to show Simon that his feelings for him are real.
Read it on ao3
What I’m Trying Say (509 words)
Baz tries to tell Simon how he feels.
Read it on ao3
Just a Taste (994 words)
Simon wants a taste of Baz’ chapstick.
Read it on ao3
Happy Birthday, Baz (4k)
It’s Baz birthday, and Simon can’t keep his eyes off of him or the new makeup that he’s wearing.
Read it on ao3
You’ll Always Be My Princess (7k)
Simon wants Baz to stop calling him ‘Snow’, so Baz comes up with a bunch of other names to call him.
Read it on ao3
Talk Too Much (3.9k)
Simon thinks that Baz talks too much and decides to do something about it.
Read it on ao3
The Touch That Heals (2.8k)
Your soulmate's touch can heal any wounds/scars that you have. With Simon and Baz always fighting, it takes them a long time to realize that they're meant to be.
Read it on ao3
Heated Gaze (3k)
Baz dreams of a future with Simon but knows that he can never have what he wants. But when Simon starts acting strangely, Baz begins to wonder if he was wrong.
Read it on ao3
What Happens in the Dark (4.6k)
Simon and Baz are locked together when the power goes out. Will they find a way to get along, or will the night end with the two of them worse off than before?
Read it on ao3
"I think I might be gay.” (2.7k)
Simon figures out that he has feelings for Baz, and he decides to act on it.
Read it on ao3
The Family You Choose (2.5k)
Baz is hurting after something that his father said to him, and Simon is there to comfort him.
Read it on ao3
First Kisses (1.3k)
Just before they kiss, Simon and Baz think about what they always imagined a first kiss would be like.
Read it on ao3
One Shots
A New Year and A New Beginning (2k)
Penny sets Simon up with a blind date on New Year's Eve. What happens when Simon kisses the wrong person? Will they turn out to be the right person?
Read it on ao3
Acting Up - Simon’s POV (5.9k)
Simon and Baz are actors on a tv show, but they can’t seem to get along. They are given the weekend to learn how to get along or one of them will be fired.
Read it on ao3
Acting Up - Baz’s POV (5.5k)
Simon and Baz are actors on a tv show, but they can’t seem to get along. They are given the weekend to learn how to get along or one of them will be fired.
Read it on ao3
Baz Loves Snow (1.8k)
Baz has a notebook with 'I love Snow' written all over it, and Simon thinks that he means actual snow.
Read it on ao3
Baz Met a Bloke (1.7k)
Someone requested a fic where Fiona and Simon interact, so I decided to rewrite that scene in chapter 56 when Baz visits Fiona. Simon is also there, which Fiona isn't happy about, but not so unhappy that she isn't willing to embarrass Baz.
Read it on ao3
The Best Man (2.8k)
Baz is the best man at his aunt’s wedding, and Simon is his date, who can’t seem to keep his eyes off of him and who is impatient to get back to their hotel room.
Read it on ao3
Can’t See Straight (2k)
Baz spends the night at Simon's flat, and Simon finds out something about him.
Read it on ao3
Carry On, Simon (3k)
Set not too long after Carry On takes place, Baz and Simon are happy boyfriends.
Read it on ao3
Coffee and Flowers (3k)
Simon thinks Baz is up to something (what’s new?) so he follows him to try to find out what he’s up to. It turns out that the thing Baz is doing isn’t bad at all, and Simon’s even decides to help him.
Read it on ao3
It Doesn’t Mean Anything, Right? (1k)
It was right next to the lips, so it doesn’t mean anything. Right?
Or, Simon is oblivious and thinks Baz is plotting something. Again.
Just Relax (4.3k)
Rating: E
Baz gives Simon an oily massage to help him relax.
Read it on ao3
Kisses and Blood (1.6k)
Warnings: Major Character Death
A fic based on this quote from Carry On: Those were my fifth-year fantasies: kisses and blood and Snow ridding the world of me.
Read it on ao3
Kisses and Blood (alternate ending) (1.9k)
This is the alternate (happier) version of another fic that I wrote with the same title.
A fic based on this quote from Carry On: Those were my fifth-year fantasies: kisses and blood and Snow ridding the world of me.
Read it on ao3
Not Like This (4.1k)
Simon and Baz are playing a game, and their friends are forcing them to kiss, but Baz doesn’t want to kiss Simon. Not like this anyway.
Read it on ao3
Returning to Watford (3k)
Baz returns to Watford after winter break, and he has to figure out how to be in their room without Simon there. He’s lonely and misses Simon.
Read it on ao3
Rolling Around (2k)
Simon is covered in leaves and grass, and Baz is curious about what he was doing.
Read it on ao3
Scrapbooking (1k)
Simon collects tickets, photos, and other various items but never gets around to doing anything with them. They just sit around in a drawer until one day, Baz surprises him.
Read it on ao3
Snowbaz in Rome (1.8k)
Simon and Baz hide their relationship in ancient Rome. Simon wants to kill his father, but Baz has to save him before he gets himself killed.
Read it on ao3
The Spark (1.6k)
The first time that Baz kisses Simon it’s because he lost a bet, but after that, he’s chasing a feeling, and neither of them can seem to stay away from each other.
Read it on ao3
Together Forever
Inspired by the song Forever and Always by Parachute. Actually, this fic was built around the lyrics.
Read on ao3
True Love Mistletoe
(Technically, this is a Dev x Niall fic, but snowbaz is in there, too.)
It’s the annual Christmas party, and two people are brought together by a magical mistletoe.
Read on ao3
(Wishing to be) The Friction in Your Jeans (3k)
Rating: E
Inspired by the song “Sugar We’re Goin' Down” by Fall Out Boy
Read it on ao3
The Worst Has Passed (1k)
The Humdrum is gone, and the Mage is dead. This is what happens immediately after. (I tweaked the events of the book just a bit, but it's still the same. If that makes sense.)
Read it on ao3
5 Pranks That Go (Almost) As Planned and 1 Prank That Doesn’t (4.4k)
Baz and Simon pull pranks on each other. None of them go completely as planned, but there is one that doesn't go at all as planned.
Read it on ao3
<1000 words
Better Than Fighting (195 words)
Call Your Girlfriend (777 words)
Baz wants to be with Simon but not like this. He insists that Simon talks to his girlfriend before anything can happen between them.
Read it on ao3
Carry On - Alternate Ending  (884 words)
Warnings: Major Character Death, depression
Just imagine for a moment that things in the woods that fateful night went just a little bit differently..
What if Baz is the one who kisses Simon first and then succeeds in spelling Simon away?
Read it on ao3
Good Morning, Darling (484 words)
Happy Birthday, Simon (848 words)
Here’s a short fic for the Worst Chosen One Who’s Ever Been Chosen’s Golden Birthday!
In the Dark (536 words)
Read on ao3
Just Breathe (481 words)
Light in the Darkness (610 words)
Simon wakes in the middle of the night and seeks comfort from the tree lights.
Read it on ao3
Little Puff (656 words)
Baz gets a Visiting from his mother.
Read on ao3
One Last Kiss as the Sun Rises (838 words)
Baz is leaving on a trip, and Simon and Baz kiss goodbye, neither of them wanting him to go.
Read it on ao3
Snowbaz and Stuffed Bears (465 words)
Baz gives Simon a stuffed bear.
Snowbaz and Paddington Bear (740 words)
Simon gives Baz a gift for Valentine’s Day. 
This is technically a sequel to Snowbaz and Stuffed Bears, but it can be read alone.
[Untitled] (697 words)
Based on the song lyric,  "And I can't change into the person I don't want to be"
[Untitled] (337 words)
Based on the song lyric, “I really thought you were on my side But now there's nobody by my side.”
[Untitled] (904 words)
Prompt: What if sharing magic was this really addictive thing that Baz and simon discovered they loved to do. (I mean baz's fascination for simon's magic is canon, but what if it felt good for Simon, too?) Even when it wasn't necessary at all, like just reheating a cup of tea. How would that go? 
[Untitled] (906 words)
(Another Deniall fic, which might be getting there own section at some point..)
Prompt: ooooh what about a deniall mutual pining but then both being stupid and not picking up on any of the other’s “tells”
[Untitled] (470 words)
Prompt: ficlet based on the lyrics of northern downpour by p!atd (any lyrics, really, but i'm feeling "The ink is running toward the page/It's chasin' off the days/Look back at both feet/And that winding knee/I missed your skin when you were east/You clicked your heels and wished for me" 
[Untitled] (622 words)
Prompt: impulsive/kinda agressive first kiss but without the angsty running away scenes that always come after those,,,, just cute fluff please
[Untitled] (999 words)
Prompt:  ooo, for the ficlet requests could you do snowbaz with the song “Sugar We’re Goin Down” by Fall Out Boy? specifically the line “wishing to be the friction in your jeans” because i feel like that’s just a really snowbaz line considering simon’s reaction to baz in jeans, thanks you!!
[Untitled] (351 words)
A/N: I saw @carryonsnowbaz doing this prompt, and when I saw it, my first thought was deniall, so I decided to write a quick thing.
Song Parody
Pair of Jeans
Parody of the song Fireflies by Owl City
All for You (1k words)
Cas proposes to Dean when they're sitting together on a park bench and watching the sun set.
Read on ao3
Anywhere in Time (11k)
Dean is accidentally sent back in time to 1901, where he meets a woman who seems strangely familiar. He and the woman have to find a way to get him back to his time. In the present time, Cas is running from an angel, and he has to find a way to defeat so that he is still alive when Dean returns.
Chapter 2 | Read on ao3
Dr. Sexy? (5.6k )
Rating: E
Cas finds himself in a hospital that looks eerily similar to the one on Dr. Sexy MD. Then, he sees Dr. Sexy himself, except isn't Dr. Sexy. It's Castiel. They have to find a way to get out of here, but the only way is to do as Gabriel tells him to. Dean isn't sure that he wants to go through with it. At least, not like this.
Read it on ao3
Gross Stuff (1k)
Cas and Dean are reorganizing the storage room in the bunker, and Dean keeps labeling things as "gross stuff."
Read it on ao3
Will you be my wingman? (579 words)
Dean asks Cas to be his wingman, and Cas misunderstands what Dean means.
Scarlet Lover (807 words)
Barry Allen and Leonard Snart are in a secret relationship, and this is just a tiny bit of fluff.
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thelittlefanpire · 5 years
Up Next for thelittlefanpire:
I’ve got a terrible habit of starting things and not finishing them...but I did write 12 fics(80k+) so far in 2k19, most of them are one shots and complete but there’s a few WIPs I’d like to wrap up and ideas that definitely need to be laid to rest before the fandom dies. #RIPTwilightWIPs. Most of these are titled. All of these probably have their own board on Pinterest and a moodboard in my drafts.
Here’s a neverending list of ideas that I would very much like to write, so...prompt me?! Help me fight through the writer’s block and publish these babies in some form! ilysm.
The 100
Chopped 2.0 Final - reaching the light - I started the first life but the prose is slowing me down now. Premise: Octavia reincarnating into fics I’ve already written. [Goal: Lives 2-5]
Chopped 1.0 Final - Killing Me Softly Part 6 & 7 - ITS LIKE THE LAST ACTION SCENE JUST WRITE IT SARA. Premise: Genderswapped Most Dangerous Game AU [Goal: Part 6 & 7]
Chopped 2.0 Round 2: Spec - Bellamy Beard fic - there is no plot only a Twitter tweet inspo that I want to explore with the tropes. [Goal: OS]
Chopped 2.0 Round 1: Divergence - a civil twilight Part 2 -adding a trope...SEX POLLEN because I totally wanted it the first round with this fic [Goal: Part 2]
Bellarke Bingo - The Legend of Arkadia’s Cove - we’re hitting full B-I-N-G-O card with all 25 tropes in one go! Premise: City of Light AU [Goal: Long OS]
Christmas Fic - The Twelfth Night - plz be a short fic Premise: Sanctum Christmas Cinderella AU [OS]
Chopped Holiday Trope Exchange - ??? -
Sea Mechanic - to the sea - WRITE IT SARA. Premise: Post-Conclave/S5 AU. Selkie AU. [Goal: 3 parts]
Winter Fic - sweet home arkadia - you’re going to have to write a minute of Becho, Sara. Premise: Completely based on the movie and a moodboard. [Goal: 3 parts]
Soulmate AU - The Dressmaker - it’s the opening aesthetic that still needs acquiring and then it should just flow. Premise: Modern Soulmate AU + Mutual Pining [Goal: OS]
Bellarke Big Bang - WHAT LOVE IS - terribly, embarrassingly late on this one but trying to write a fic in reverse is harder than it seems. Premise: Modern Romance AU w/ Event Planner!Clarke & Photographer!Bellamy set at a hotel! [Goal: 10k]
College AU - steady - Will this ever see the light of day? Probably not. Is that *scene* going to be so HOT whenever I write it? Yes. Premise: Modern College AU with Bartender!Bellamy & Artist!Clarke with Drunk Nights and Mutual Pining and Eventual Smut! [Goal: 5 parts]
Band AU - Hymns + Handcuffs - the idea was so fun but god, do my fics drop like flies after 2k. This started off as TwiFic! Premise: Music Festival AU inspired by Tonight You’re Mine - Two opposite musicians get handcuffed together at a Christian Music Festival.[Goal: 500 words per chap]
IDK what to make bold here - #wildfire - based on too much daydreaming during the hashtag days. this also started off as TwiFic Premise: Lawyer!Bellamy & Student!Clarke. Age Difference. Secret Relationship. Kid fic. [?]
S5 AU - a great title - I love poetry but I’m feeling inadequate for this project that I love so much. @ me for a tease. Premise: S5 Canon Compliant Poetry. [Goal: 14 poems]
Bellamy Beard Fic - Chopped 2.0 Round 2: Spec Fic on the Ring [OS]
Blodreina’s Knight - S5 Bunker AU [OS]
The One That Got Away - Band AU inspired by The Civil Wars [Multi-Chap]
the dressmaker - Modern Soulmate AU [OS]
a three ring cathedral - Night Circus AU [Multi-Chap]
Zombie AU [OS]
sanctuary for the gods - S6 Sanctum AU with Clones and Mind Drives and Royalty [Multi-Chap]
heavy lies the crown - S1 Canon AU with Arranged Marriages and Royalty Love Triangle. Azgeda!Roan. Flokru!Bellamy. Skaikru!Clarke. [Multi-Chap]
the traveling griffin - Social Media AU [OS]
Griffin’s Anatomy - Grey’s Anatomy AU [OS]
we’ll return home (when the world ends where the stars fade) - Flashbacks of Summer Camp AU with young Delinquents / Apocalypse AU of Delinquents returning to Camp Jaha to survive the end of the world [?]
the ruins are not our home - Modern Mythology AU [?]
Killing Clarke -Killing Eve AU [OS]
a million little things - 10 Year HS Reunion/A Million Little Things AU [OS]
just pretending - Modern Celebrity Fake Dating AU [?]
what is lost can be found - Modern Blake Sibling Angst [OS]
Sleeptalker - Bellarke Military AU. Bed Sharing Fluff. [drabble]
The Traveler’s Blessing - LOTR AU Hobbit!Bellamy Hobbit/Elf!Clarke [?]
Set It Up AU in HS setting [OS]
sense of wonder - 5 senses, 5 POVs S7 Spec Canon AU [OS]
Harry Potter Party - Kid Fic Clarke throws Madi an epic 11th Birthday Party. Octavia is one of Madi’s best friend. Bellamy POV. [OS]
Harry Potter AU [Multi-Chap]
Taste Of Arkadia - Modern AU [?]
The Legend of Arkadia’s Cove - Bellarke Bingo 25 Tropes Fic [Long OS]
BrotherF*cker - Bellarketavia A Simple Favor AU [OS]
Falling Inn Love AU [O/S]
F•R•I•E•N•D•S Modern AU with Octavia, Bellamy, Clarke, Josephine, and Gabriel as siblings and roommates, lovers, and friends (Not a TV Show AU) [?]
#CloneClub - Orphan Black AU [?]
Christmas Cinderella Sanctum AU [OS]
Harry Potter
The Hidden Magic Tales:
The Train - Draco POV [OS]
Magic Among The Muggles - HP in a modern world where magic is forbidden [Multi-Chap]
Dramione Soulmate AU [OS]
Forget Me Not - Post-Last Battle Susan Pevensie Fic Angst [Multi-Chap]
Circus AU [OS]
Narnia Hogwarts AU [?]
Wes *spoilers* AU
Vampire Diaries
Coffee at Midnight - Stelena Coffe Shop AU. [OS]
Twilight - #RIPTwilightWIPs
Seventeen And Holding - Twilight AU Vamp!Bella & Human!Edward
Swan - Human Trafficking AU
When Death Comes Knocking / When The Trumpet Sounds - To Save A Life AU.
eyes on fire - inspired by the TwiFic Dusty and the #darkdays
Countdown Soulmate AU
Ask me about my WIPs or tell me about yours!
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johnlockficclub · 6 years
Author Discussion
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Welcome @silentauroriamthereal!!! We were so happy to read The Bells of King’s College, and even happier to have the lovely SilentAuror answer our questions about her fantastic story. It’s been a great journey, and now it’s time to get the inside scoop on the boys in this story. We’ve had a lot of fun with this one, and thank you all for joining us! We look forward to seeing you all again for the next round!!!
The most important question is, who did YOU envision when writing Greg? @sherlock-nanowrimo
Greg? No one, actually!
How do you get inspiration too a new fic? @tildathings
I don't know, honestly. I never sit down and go, "hmm, I'd like to write a new fic, what should I write?" I just have ideas in my head all the time and generally order them so that I know what I'm going to work on next. I don't typically go hunting for story ideas
I want to know how you write in general. This story to me feels like one of those write as you go stories. Was it? @elwinglyre
I NEVER write as I go. I always have the entire thing planned before I write a single word I always know the beginning, the ending, and at least several major points that come between, at least - overplanning is just as bad as underplanning
What was the purpose of using familiar names for original characters? @wildishmazz
For OCs, it just made sense for the setting? They were going to a conference, so it couldn't possibly be all people that they already knew?
Hiiiii! Here's one for you! What was your purpose for the swans? What did they represent to you when you wrote it? We speculated on it a bit but I’d love to hear what your intentions were. @hpswl-cumbercookie
The swans! I just like swans, haha! Plus, Cambridge is full of them! No specific symbolism there... I'm pretty un-symbolic, generally. Just straight up narrative
So is Cambridge a location that is familiar to you? @bluebellofbakerstreet
Yes, not as familiar as I'd like, but I once spent three weeks in residence at one of the colleges as a guest cantor (I'm a classical singer and conductor)
Was Mycroft really just interested in solving the case, or did he have ulterior motives? @sherlock-nanowrimo
Yes, Mycroft in my writing never has ulterior romantic intentions. He rolls his eyes heartily at the entire notion, though in his heart of hearts he knows that it's probably good for Sherlock. But he would never do anything to help it happen
I loved the tension you built up between John and Sherlock, especially John not realizing that Sherlock had loved him for so long. When you're writing characterization, how exactly do you plan things out? Outline, character sketch? @elwinglyre
It all depends on the specific context. In this case, I was taking them from literally two weeks out from the end of series 4, where things were cautiously okay on the surface, but there was still all this crap lying right beneath it: John still projecting his literal self onto his notion of what and who Mary was and needing to come to see that in a more realistic and healthy (especially in terms of his mental health) way, and having the two of them (him and Sherlock) actually talk for real about their issues over the years and actually fix them. I had also already written one fake-couple-for-a-case trope and wanted this one to specifically be one where it didn't work very well for them My sole purpose in life is to make these two idiots have a full, direct, and honest conversation just ONCE, since Moftiss isn't ever going to let that happen
Is it a deliberate choice for a specifc effect that you write in present tense, or it just sounds better, or.... something else? (I'm more used to long texts being in past tense) @srebrnafh
I used to always write in past tense, but something about this fandom in particular just makes it feel right to use the present! I don't know why, but virtually all of my Sherlock stories are in present, even in my 152K novel!
Do you think Greg could tell there was seething jealousy revolving around him? @sherlock-nanowrimo
No, he's a pretty typically thick straight dude, hahaha
It's difficult to make Sherlock be all sentimental without him going out of character, yet you suceeded very well with that. How do you walk that fine line? Any tips for us common mortals writing fics? @shiplocks-of-love
it definitely has to be approached with caution! Sherlock is FULL of emotion, though - it's all there, right beneath the surface, and the very reason that Mycroft always lectures him about it, because he IS vulnerable. The entire façade of disinterest is a carefully cultivated, yet absolutely untrue one! He cares so much - but he's also absolutely unused to expressing any of it, or whether he should at all, and if so, how. He hates looking bad at anything, which makes it all extra difficult for him and John, being emotionally repressed and all around hung up, doesn't make it any easier!
Do you find it easier to write as John or Sherlock's POV? You do both so brilliantly, so I'm just curious @inevitably-johnlocked
Sherlock, all the way. I love writing John's POV wholeheartedly, but I'm very much Sherlock in my own head/heart!
Jodie, she was a very good character in this fic. She really made us think about how we have become mistrusting against and good people in fic’s. Why are there not so many good people written in fic’s do you think. @tildathings
Jodie WAS also meant to be a red herring! It's not a technique that I've used often - revealing the murderer quite obviously very early on, and then just having the case revolve around them needing to prove it. So Jodie was also just meant to throw in some suspicion, for interest heh
What inspired you to use evensong in this story? I don’t know much about it so I don’t really know its significance. @hpswl-cumbercookie
I'm an Anglican who's worked in Anglican churches for a long time and it's just a really beautiful service! Plus, in the music world, Evensong is a service that non-Christians often attend strictly for the music, so it made sense to me that the Holmes family might have, too? I depicted Sherlock's mother as being the Vegas show-type, but his father being the one who took them to Evensong. Plus the Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols at King's College really is a place for society people to be seen, etc It's a beautiful service that's more music than anything else
Would you ever write Pre S4 or Pre S3 again, in that case? Or do you go with "as each series happens"? @inevitably-johnlocked
No, once a new series has aired, I'm stuck in the phase of post-that series but I don't consider anything written pre-canon to be AU, either - just canon compliant with the then-known canon
I also think of Jodie as a Mary Sue (one that I would like to be like). Is she you? @elwinglyre
No, I would never deliberately write a Mary Sue!
LoL I was legit just about to ask about how you do your case research lol @inevitably-johnlocked
Hmm - that's hard to answer! it depends on the case! sometimes I'll google street view parts of London for hours just until I've found the perfect street to set the murder on  I've also googled "dodgy parts of London" and stuff like that
I was wondering very much over  why Andrea didn’t try to kill the bride or the ex? @tildathings
The bomb could easily been going of somewhere else then at the conference. She wouldn't have killed outside her "territory", though. If they'd ever gone to her hotel, she might well have!
Can I say a thing about the antidote? I researched poisons a LOT for this story, like how quickly they act, what they taste like, how curable they are, etc, and I chose the poisons in this story very specifically, the only antidote that acts this quickly - aka, fast enough to save Jodie here - is literally the one that comes up in this story, and it's literally not in use in the UK yet. It's been approved for use in the US only, since it was developed there, so that's why the random American doctor showed up. It was the only realistic way to get that antidote into this conference it's called hydroxocobalamin and it's only been around for about three months now I genuinely do my homework for my fics, lol @silentauroriamthereal
The scene where John gets upset that the others are congratulating Sherlock on sex, we talked about it a lot and it was my favorite conversation in the chat. There were some slightly different takes on what exactly it was that John was pissed about.  Being a bottom?  Being a conquest? Gay sex in general? What does this say about his views on sex?  What were your thoughts in writing it? @sherlock-nanowrimo
All of the above! Being thought of as gay is something that I truly believe that John has a problem. John suffers from classic Short Man Syndrome, and being naturally perceived as the bottom is something I feel like he would naturally rebel against when he's not in his best place in terms of being emotionally healthy but especially the thought of having been a conquest, or having "caved" to something that Sherlock wanted and he didn't so much but I also think that John is so fascinating because his range of possibility is so huge. While I would say that it's absolutely in character for him to be a COMPLETE douche (because he absolutely has been!), I would say that it's equally in charater for him to be the soft-eyed, gently-smiling guy that we see after Sherlock's "England would fall" scene
LOL As an author, do YOU get frustrated that they're just not talking? I've always wondered. @inevitably-johnlocked
YES, omg, all the time!! like I said, it's my purpose in life to MAKE THEM TAAAALK but it has to get there realistically and there's just this huge backlog of stuff that needs talking about now, which makes it all the harder
John fascinates me, his relationship with family and friends. What do you think happened to his parents? Have you thought about them before writing anyone of your fic’s? @tildathings
I don't have a single theory. I've written multiple versions of what could have happened, just as I have at least 6 different versions of Harry now
I was reading another fic recently, where the author said in the notes that they had already addressed certain S4 things in other fics and didn't feel like it in this one.  Do you ever feel that way? @sherlock-nanowrimo
Oh, for sure for instance, I've written John discovering Sherlock's whip scars so many times now that I don't always include it in every single story now. Ditto for him discovering that he would have died (snipers) if Sherlock hadn't jumped, that it was blackmail, that Sherlock's silence was protecting his life so I don't always have them have the FULL DISCUSSION OF EVERYTHING in every single story
Did you have headcanons for Sherlock's past memories of the place (Cambridge)? @sherlock-nanowrimo
Not specifically, just family trips, usually during the holidays
Last fic club meeting all of us had ideas for a second fic. From bachelor party sorry forgot what that’s called in English, to marriage with very much fluff. Is fluffy story something you could think of  writing? Oh! And competition between Rock Greg and Greg Lestrade who made the best party! @tildathings
I never deliberately write "fluff" and find the term insulting, honestly that said, I am planning on a sequel to Isosceles, my most recent, where they go to LA to visit Corey (the OC in that story) and that will be on the lighter side, haha "fluff", to me, says "without substance" rather than simply "romantic" or "happy ending"
Can I just ask, as the author, writing that first get together after the ball, where was your mind? I'm not quite sure how to word it. like, Sherlock's and John's actions both make a lot of sense and very much feed off one another, but how did you get to that action specifically?. does that make sense? @hpswl-cumbercookie
My intention there was for them to hook up but without having had the major conversations that needed to happen first, plus John's jealousy rearing its ugly head and causing him (and remember, he was drunk and very much sans filters!) to say something hurtful that Sherlock definitely remembered, and for it to be the opposite of fixing their issues, but exacerbate them even further I did want their natural (and seven years built-up!) chemistry to take over, but for it to have happened out of order
Alrighty friends! Thank you all so much for joining us on this adventure, and obviously a million thanks for @silentauroriamthereal for joining us and speaking with us, as well as for writing this beautiful piece of fiction. From the whole JFC crew I want to say thank you and we will see you soon!
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