#and Frigga… well she’s too busy with Loki
powerbottom-thor · 2 months
If Loki follows Thor’s instructions, he will most probably survive…
But if Thor follows Loki’s instructions, he’s definitely dying.
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
The Selection || Chapter One ||
Hello and welcome to The Selection! I am super excited to share this story with you and I hope you all enjoy it as well! This chapter is 3.2k so manageable, I hope you like it!
The Selection has come again, too quick for some.
Preview || Masterlist
Warnings: descriptions of poverty, other things?, (gif has no links to the readers appearance)
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The Selection came around again and this year, you were within the eligible age group. You didn’t want to, of course, coming from a family that barely got by through the winter and knowing that the Royals had no idea how much people like you suffered. Usually it was a rare event, only seen twice in somebody’s life but Queen Frigga had given King Odin two sons and so, for the third time, The Selection was happening again. Your little sister had signed you up for it after you protested and you knew that it was fine, no one from your town won anyway.  
The other negative to this year’s Selection was the Prince that was up for marriage. Prince Loki. The ‘Dark Prince’. Hardly seen other than at public events when Prince Thor dragged him outside. He was closed off. Self-centred. Jealous. Arrogant. That is what you believed.  
As you walked through the door to your 2-up 2-down house, you heard the squeal of children and yelling of your father upstairs and you chuckled before setting down your bag of firewood and toeing off your boots before you stepped into the living room. You took a moment to admire the hand-made decorations that had been accumulated throughout your life with your parents. The rickety dining table that had been made in the cold of winter nine years ago as the big tree in your back yard collapsed. The chairs that were donated by the lovely neighbours down the road before their passing from the flu just two summers ago. The little trinkets that you and your sisters had sat and created for ours that were now proudly displayed on the walls or on the furniture. You never dreamed of living a different life, this life was perfect. 
“Ah, Y/N,” came the happy voice of your mother as she opened the splintering door leading to the kitchen, “welcome home. Go help your father gather your siblings, it’s almost time for tea.” 
“Yes, mother,” you replied with a happy smile, venturing up to the next floor and your smile widened at the sound of your little sisters laughing and running around their room. The stairs creaked beneath you as you climbed them and that created a hush in the bedroom that made you giggle.  
“It’s Y/N!” came the squeaky voice of your youngest sister, Milly, and you heard Donna, Millie’s older sister by two years, running into the rickety wardrobe with the squeaky doors pulling closed. 
You knocked on the door before turning the doorknob and stepping inside the bedroom. You saw Milly sitting beside your father, a book in her hand, eagerly looking in your direction. You heard muffled laughter of Donna, and you shook your head before walking over to the shaky wardrobe and pulling the doors open with a grin, laughing when Donna screamed and jumped into your arms. 
“Mother says that tea is almost ready!” you announced through laughter as you spun around with your little sister, causing her to laugh to the sky and wrap her arms around your neck, “so that means playtime is over!” 
“Wha’s she cookin’, Y/N?” your father asked, looking away from Milly’s book to meet your eyes. Your father worked in the mines just outside of town so he was rarely here when you were all awake, but The Selection was airing tomorrow so all businesses were preparing for the show, it would be the first time that electricity would work in their homes for six months.  
“I assume it will be another spinach soup, father,” you responded quickly with a smile, setting Donna down on her feet before walking over to the bed and lifting Milly up for a cuddle. “There wasn’t much in the market this week,” you whispered solemnly. 
Donna gagged and leaned against her bed’s broken bedpost, and she sighed. “We have spinach soup constantly, Y/N! Can’t we have something more exciting? Like the chicken we see on TV!” she complained, holding her stomach and faking being ill. 
You sighed and put Milly down before turning your attention to your other sister. “Do you have the means to pay for it?” you asked, your arms folding and your head going on a slant as you waited for her to respond. 
“Well- no...” Donna replied, her gaze falling to the floor with a frown plastered on her lips.  
You sighed and knelt before her, holding her arms and gazing up into her eyes. “I promise, Donna, it’ll get better in summer,” you whispered, trying your best to help Donna feel better but you knew that her spirits weren’t lifted that much.  
Soon enough, you were all gathered at the aged dining table, spinach soup in front of you all in chipped bowls and your mother hummed as she sat down in her seat. “Well, go on!” she chirped happily, gesturing to you and your sisters, “you’ll like it, I promise!” 
“You said that last time,” Milly snapped, picking up her spoon before dipping it into the soup and taking a mouthful, repressing the gag that you knew she wanted to display.  
“Milly, be nice,” you whispered softly, watching your mother’s smile drop into a frown at your sister’s spiteful comment, “mother tries.” 
Milly slumps in her chair and continues to eat the soup, only getting to halfway before she pushes the bowl away and her chair scrapes across the bare concrete floor and she disappears from the table to hide upstairs. You sigh and return to eating your own food.  
Minutes later, Donna taps your arm, and you turn to her with a smile, prompting her to begin speaking. “What if when you marry Prince Loki, we live in the castle with you!” she grinned, her eyes sparkling with her fantasy. 
You giggle and ruffle her hair, shaking your head as you smiled fondly, “I’m not going to marry Loki, I’m probably not even going to be selected.” 
Your mother’s eyes rose to meet yours as she raised an eyebrow, “you could be selected. It’s a random name call.” 
“Out of all Nine Realms, twelve people are going to be chosen, I highly doubt it’s going to be a simple girl from Midgard, mother,” you responded with a huff, wanting the conversation to be over. You didn’t want to go. You didn’t want to even see Prince Loki! 
“Y/N,” your father spoke, his voice rough and deep from lack of use down in the mines, “Queen Frigga was a middle-class lady from Vanaheim, I highly doubt that was staged.” 
You sighed and finished off your soup before standing and taking everyone’s bowls into the kitchen. Closing the door behind you, you sighed and leaned against it as you thought about your chances. “It’s impossible,” you whispered to yourself as you began to clean the dirty pans and dishes, “out of over twenty billion, I am not going to be chosen.” 
Crawling into the top bunk that night, you heard your sisters eagerly whispering beneath you about your chances of getting into the “Lucky Twelve”. You slid down the broken ladder and knelt between their beds with an exasperated sigh. “I’m not going to be picked,” you reiterated, smiling at both of them, “maybe one day, you will marry Prince Thor’s future son?” 
“But we’d be so much older,” Donna complained, draping her arm over her eyes while she laughed, “you’re eighteen, Y/N! Prince Loki is twenty! You have more of a chance!” 
You laughed and shook your head as you kissed her forehead and doing the same for Milly. “Go to sleep,” you whispered before climbing back up into your bunk and relaxing your body. 
“Sing for us?” Milly whispered, her voice light and laced with sleep. 
With a tender smile, you sang the nursery rhymes that your mother loved to sing, and you sang until you heard the soft snoring of both of your sisters before you rolled over in bed and allowed yourself to sleep.  
You worked tirelessly in the field the next day, aiming to work well into the night and miss the livestream of The Selection but you weren’t alone in the field. 
“I don’t know what you have against the show!” your best friend moaned, hacking into the ground and planting the seeds you had been tasked to plant. “It’s an opportunity to leave the town! I would take it at the drop of a hat!” 
You ceased your raking to glower at the girl. “I don’t want to leave,” you replied quickly, your temper rising as you saw the surprise on your best friend’s face, “I don’t! I am perfectly happy in our little home with Donna and Milly!” 
“Y/N…” your best friend sighed, laying down her rake to grasp your hands with a smile, “your family does so much for the town, you’re the most generous out of all of us and yet, you have the most horrible house. It’s falling to pieces. Think of what the money could get you!” 
“The money is meaningless!” you countered, rolling your eyes and pulling your hands from hers with a deep sigh, “they’d donate it, do another good thing, further the town before they even thought to keep it for themselves. 
Your best friend hesitated before relenting and turning back to her work. She knew you were right. Your family never kept money for long if something needed donations. You turned and continued your work, your mind lost in thought. 
How bad would it be to be Selected?  Even if you were forced to interact with eleven other women and even Prince Loki, your family would be getting the money to benefit the town and hopefully themselves, why would you be so against that?  
You knew that the only reason that you didn’t wish to be Selected was because of who you would be trying to win. Prince Thor was the one that everybody wanted, the one that everyone talked about and mostly everyone forgot that the heir to the throne had a little brother anyways. Prince Loki was cut off and never spoke when in public unless he was forced to make a speech on Thor’s behalf when the Prince was participating in The Selection.  
He wasn’t bad looking, Gods no! His eyes shone like a thousand emeralds, his leathers accentuated the godly body beneath and everything about him screamed that he was good in bed but that is what you disliked about him, he probably slept around more than anyone else. He knew his worth as a Prince of Asgard and the God of Mischief. The royal family hardly paid attention to Midgard and you were thankful for that but now that The Selection was coming around again, their eyes were equally everywhere. 
“Y/N?” the soft voice of your friend broke you from your thoughts and you turned to her curiously before she gestured to her watch with a smile, “it’s time to go! The livestream is in an hour!” 
You sighed, pulled off your mud-covered gloves, and headed back to town with your best friend. As the rain began to fall, you took the time to gaze at the girl before you, your sweet best friend. She was so animated with excitement that it brought a smile to your face. You thought that she would be a worthy Princess, able to understand how impoverished Midgard was in its towns and maybe she could help them. She would be a better Princess than Loki could be a Prince, anyway. 
“I still don’t understand,” she was saying with a smile, her hands making big gestures as she spoke, her eyes on the pavement ahead, “you are one of the most honest and helpful girls in our town and yet you do not wish to represent us in The Selection?” 
“It’s not about that,” you replied quickly, shaking your head firmly as your friend eyed you with a raised brow, “I just don’t think that the Asgardian castle is where I want to spend the next however long it takes to get sent home! I also don’t think that Prince Loki would look to the poorer sides of Midgard for a wife.” 
“You never know!” your friend bit back, her eyes blazing with determination, “you’ll be great if you get Selected, Y/N!” 
With a roll of your eyes, you watched as your friend unlocked the door to her house and stepped inside. Silently, you carried on down the cobbled street towards your house. When you opened the door this time, Donna was there to grab your hand and pull you into the living room. 
“It’s starting! It’s starting!” Milly was chanting from her place on the tattered sofa, cuddled up to your mother. The girl was beaming ear to ear as the anthem of Asgard sounded through the television and you sat silently through it all. 
It was only five thirty and The Selection happened at six so you had to sit through thirty minutes of interviews with elites that got to go to Asgard and you listened to the commentary given by Synthia Wards, a noblewoman from Scotland, about what was happening in the stream. 
“And now, we go to Asgard’s pavilion for the King’s speech and The Selection,” Synthia announced before the camera’s cut to the golden pavilion where you saw King Odin and Queen Frigga standing near the microphone with Thor and his lady wife Elysia Makson from Alfheim. Prince Loki was off to the side, hands held behind him and a nonchalant expression on his face. 
“Oh, isn’t he handsome, Y/N?” Donna swooned, dropping into your lap and laughing, “you’ll get to live with him for so long! I’m so jealous!” 
“Donna,” you groaned, pushing your little sister off of you with a fond smile, “out of all the people in the Nine, I doubt I’d be picked.” 
Everyone in the house was quiet as King Odin stepped up to the microphone. The God was exactly as you had seen him two years ago with maybe a few more wrinkles but he was otherwise looking perfectly healthy.  
“People of the Nine,” the King’s voice boomed, the absolute power in his voice overpowering you for a moment before you calmed yourself, “we are all very excited for this year’s Selection! As you know, two years ago my son found his lady wife Elysia and she has been quite a wonderful addition to the family. We are happy that Prince Loki will get to have the same experience! Twelve lucky ladies will be Selected today and brought to the castle. Those lovely ladies will slowly be whittled down to just one lucky lady that will win my son Loki’s hand. To the lucky girl out there, we await your arrival.” 
With King Odin’s speech out of the way, the raffle box was brought forward, and you tensed, knowing that your name was in that box somewhere. The names were announced, and your shoulders became more relaxed when your name continued not to be called. 
“Lady Elaine Falardottir.” Lucky girl, sounds lovely 
“Lady Robecca Danes.” Midgard, how nice. 
“Lady Georgina Xanerdottir.” Respectable family of Vanaheim, well done. 
“Y/N Y/L/N.” hey that one has the same name as me. WAIT- 
The screaming in the house after your name was announced deafened you and you stood quickly, staring at the TV while shaking your head. “No,” you whispered, backing out of the small living room as the last two names were called and you watched Milly hug your leg, “no, they meant someone else.” 
“They didn’t!!” Milly squealed, a bright smile plastered over her face as she hugged your leg tighter, “you’re going to be a princess, Y/N!!” 
You faltered when there was a harsh knock on the door, and you gulped when your mother floated past you to the door, and she opened it. When she came back, two officials followed her and you stared at them, terrified.  
“Miss Y/L/N?” one of them asked and you stepped forward nervously and they bowed to you before the first spoke again, “we are here to go over the terms of The Selection. Please, sit down.” 
You hesitantly led the men into the small dining room and sat at the dining table with them opposite you. “You must head to the train station at eight am tomorrow, with this ticket,” one of them explained and handed you a blue ticket that had Odin’s sigil in the top left, “from there, you will ride into three different towns until you get to the designated Bifrost site and from there, you shall be taken to Asgard.” 
Nodding, you released a sigh and nervously fiddled with a thread that had come loose from your already tattered cardigan. “And my family?” you asked softly, watching the men straighten and their eyes glisten with concern, “what shall happen to them while I am away from my field?” 
“Your family get paid £1,000 for every week that you are away, my lady,” the second man explained with a kind smile, sliding a contract to your side of the table, “it’s not much but it shall help in your absence.” 
“£1,000?” your mother breathed, her hand on her heart as if she had died and gone to heaven. Perhaps she had. “That is more than generous of the royal family. I had expected £20 at the most!” 
You read through the contract patiently and found that you agreed with it all. Follow the rules, be polite, be practical, no fighting with the contestants or you will be sent home and finally, any harm befalls the prince thanks to you will lead to immediate imprisonment. With a shaky hand, you signed your name and watched the man slide it back over to him and store it away in a folder.  
“We shall see you at the train station bright and early in the morning, Miss Y/L/N,” the first man spoke, rising from his chair along with the second man, “good day to you.” 
The men left and you were still sat in your chair, absolutely stunned with the progression of the day. You hadn’t expected it to be like this! You were fully prepared to watch The Selection from the comfort of your living room! Not participate in it! 
“Y/N is going to be a princess!!” Milly screamed minutes later, and you flinched from the sound, the instinctual ‘no I’m not’ fully rising in your throat before you realised that you had a one in eleven chance that you would actually be Prince Loki’s bride and therefore, a Princess.  
With a gulp, you looked at your family and saw the pleased expressions on their faces and despite yourself, you were happy that they were going to get money out of this, they would be okay even if you stayed for one week! “I better go pack,” you whispered before leaving the dining room and slipping up the creaking stairs until you got to your room, and you began to pack all the clothes you had. You left your best dress out for tomorrow, ready to wear for your departure for the train.  
Teatime that night was animated with excited chatter about you being Selected and getting the opportunity of a lifetime! You, however, remained silent as you feasted on the carrot and pea soup that your mother had put together as a celebration. You didn’t want to go to Asgard but you would for your family. That was why you needed to go. 
It was all for them, in the end.  
Main tags:
@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins @iamsherlocked1479 @kittiowolf210 @just-someone11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
Fic tags:
@paperclippedmime @lokidbadguy @pauline-s12 @lokixryss @here4thefanfics @lokisgirll @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @goblingirlsarah
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darsynia · 1 year
Happy Val | Steve Rogers/Reader Fluff
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Summary: You work at 'Bean Charge,' a coffee shop run by a man who everyone jokes might just be the real Thor. It's a great place to work, and part of what makes it that way are the customers-- and for you, one of those customers in particular. You look forward to when he comes in, but the handsome lawyer named Steve is probably just being polite to his local barista, right? Belated Valentine's Oneshot
Warnings | Pairing: Fluffy fluff | Lawer!Steve Rogers/Barista!Reader
Square filled: Coffee Shop AU for @avengersbingo
Length: 2,536
Tags: @ronearoundblindly @munstysmind @tiny-anne @themaradaniels @starryeyes2000 @deepbatched
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Happy Val
It’s all a little ‘While You Were Sleeping’ to you, this absurd crush you have on the handsome lawyer that periodically shows up at the coffee shop.
Part of the problem is that you’re shy. Excruciatingly shy, which is usually not a problem at work, because the bombastic shop owner Thor loves to take orders during your morning shifts. Everyone jokes that he’s the real Thor, with his golden hair and muscles, and Thor plays it up. ‘Bean Charge’ has a resident black cat named Loki, lightning themed decor and drinks, and Thor’s crowning glory, a food section named, what else? Meal Near.
Thor’s a really great boss, really protective. The last place he’d worked had some regulars that harassed the staff so badly that he’s given all of you the choice of using aliases on your nametags. That means you work with ‘Lady Sif,’ ‘Fandral,’ ‘Heimdall,’ and ‘Frigga’ as the typical morning crew. Your own nametag reads ‘Valkyrie,’ but everyone calls you ‘Val.’ The previous Valkyrie drops by sometimes (for fun, she calls herself Brunhilde, if anyone asks) to tell the rest of you about her job working as personal security for some uber rich CEO.
For some reason, Thor always disappears into the back when she shows up, and it was during one of those times that you first met Steve. You fill in as the order-taker when Thor’s not around, so there you were, looking up at the most handsome man you’d ever laid eyes on. He’d been wearing a silver-gray suit with a blue shirt that perfectly matched his eyes, and most of all, he seemed to exude an aura of kindness you found really attractive.
“What can I get for you?”
“I like to ask the barista what the shop specialty is, when I try a new place,” he’d said, smiling kindly at you.
“Right now we’re featuring Caramelstruck, an iced caramel latte with lightning bolts of caramel on the sides of the cup,” you had said, noting with your typical intuition that it might be a bit too fancy for his tastes. “A simpler option to try would be our Red Valkyrie, a warm red velvet latte. It goes very well with the white chocolate hoofprint cookies.”
“That sounds great; I have a little time before my client shows up.” As he’d handed you his card, Steve had said, “Is that your favorite?”
You’d frozen in confusion, and Steve (he still hasn’t told you his last name countless visits later, and you’re pretty sure that’s because he knows you’d use it out of deference, if you knew what it was) had just nodded toward your nametag.
“Oh,” you’d said vacantly as you handed his card back (you go back over this moment in your mind on bad days and worse nights). “Right.”
“I’ll guess that it isn’t, then,” he’d said, offering you a respectful nod before heading away from the counter. No one was in line behind him, so you’d tidied up the register area and surreptitiously watched him pick up his drink and go sit at a two top. At least none of your coworkers had noticed you forget how to be a person in the face of male beauty?
Except for Loki, but the cat always meowed his snark at the lot of you. It was part of his princely charm.
The next time Steve came in was more than a month later. The shop was pretty busy, and you’d been the one making his order. He’d opted for a very simple drink, but because Thor was in one of his moods, you were supposed to ask if each person wanted shaved white chocolate on their drinks in honor of a really early snow. You’d held the cup up and called out a name, and there he was, Steve in the suit (blue this time, oh my god).
You’d blurted out, “Do you want shaved?”
Steve had looked at you.
You had looked at Steve, knowing any attempt you’d make at fixing things would go badly.
“I’d say something like, ‘only if you have a steady hand,’ but something tells me that might make the moment more awkward,” he had said.
“Shaved chocolate,” you’d whispered, and he had smiled.
“I’d love some. Thank you.”
Ever since, Steve makes eye contact with you when he gets in line, and you dearly wish you knew whether that means he thinks his particular presence makes you stupid, or what. He’s always really kind about it, though, and the ribbing that your coworkers had started up back in November has died down to a disgruntled rumble. 
You don’t understand why they’re so grumpy. Everyone has ‘their’ customers, the ones happy to see them in particular, and it never really means anything. In the six months since Steve first came into the shop, you’d made ‘kindred spirit’ connections with 2 other customers! Sure, you spend more time thinking about Steve than you do about Hal the Flat White Connoisseur, but who wouldn’t?
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It’s Valentine’s Day, and you hope you’ll see Ruby, the retiree. You’d persuaded Thor to get Ruby Chocolate, a pink variation that you’re offering to shave into people’s coffees. ‘Can I shave some you into your coffee?’ is going to be simply delightful.
You have five minutes left on your shift when you look up and catch sight of Steve walking in. As usual, he’s got a briefcase, but unusually, he’s also carrying a long, thin canvas bag with something boxy in it. When he looks for you, the two of you make eye contact right away-- but this time, after his smile, he looks uncomfortable for some reason. You wonder what’s up, but you have a job to finish up doing, so you refocus.
You get the ‘Steve’ cup started and see that it’s the Red Valkyrie, one of the more popular drinks during your shift, given the day.
“Shaved chocolate in your cup?” you offer Steve, and he nods, his attention taken up by something or someone behind you. You feel a little twinge of disappointment-- if your coworkers are going to tease you about this man, the least they could do is not distract him when he shows up!
You maintain your pleasant expression, though, and when you hand him his cup, Steve takes it with a little finger swipe against your hand. You freeze still, unable to avoid enjoying the little frisson of excitement.
“I can clock you out, Val, if you have plans this fine evening!” Thor booms behind you. Steve takes his drink and steps away, and you whirl around, eyes wide.
“Did you have to announce-- I mean, I don’t, I don’t have plans, but--”
“That is welcome news, I think,” Thor says gently, nodding over your shoulder. When you look, Steve is settling down at a table by the window, laying out his odd package in behind his coffee cup. He takes a sip; the sweet smile crossing his face gives you mixed feelings. By all rights he ought to be meeting a young woman here, or if he isn’t, that smile should belong to that young woman, a recollection of their time together-- but you dearly wish you could prompt him to look like that.
You startle again, realizing that Heimdall is trying to take over your station, and you’re in the way.
“Sorry, sorry,” you mumble, stepping back and untying your apron.
“I foresee you forgetting this whole incident in short order,” he teases you. Heimdall has really leaned into the archetype, he’s always prophesying and joking about what he Sees.
“Right, because I’ll be jostling with my fellow man as I mount the multiperson chariot,” you shoot back before heading into the back. You don’t mind taking the bus, but some days it’s more stressful than not. Holidays tend to be like that. People are rushing to be somewhere by a certain time, and they can always somehow sense that there’s not much fight in you. Since starting at this job, you’ve felt a lot more empowered to stand up for yourself, though. Working at a place that exhorts you to ‘be in charge’ of your own life, with a boss that treats you like a valued partner probably has a lot to do with it.
Thor would argue that it’s also about the ‘lightning energy of caffeine,’ but he’s definitely touched by the Aesir, or something.
You freshen up a little bit in the mirror before you leave the back. You’d worn a cute outfit today, mostly to declaw the nosy comments of some of the patrons, who'd wanted to know if you have a date later. Frigga had warned you yesterday: if you’re in regular clothes, they’ll lament about your prospects, but if you’re already dressed up, they just assume the best.
Steve’s still at his table when you walk out, but now there’s a long, ribboned box in the place where the canvas bag had been. You smile warmly at him on your way to the door, and to your surprise, he calls out to you and gets up to come over.
“Will you sit with me a minute?”
“I--” You’re speechless.
His smile is so charming that you nod shyly. Steve pulls out a chair for you (!), and once you’re seated, he rubs at his beard and looks down at the table.
“I wanted to thank you for being a smiling, welcoming face when I come in. I have to admit I’ve looked forward to seeing you, whether or not that’s appropriate,” he says quietly.
“That’s one of the things we try to do, actually-- give people the sense that they’re stopping by to get coffee from people they trust, friends, even,” you tell him.
For some reason, that doesn’t hit the way you expected. Steve winces a little, then nods. When he looks at your face again, though, he seems to realize he’s concerned you.
“That’s a good thing, don’t get me wrong. I meant me, I’m inappropriate.”
The warm look on his face is doing things to your insides, and it does not help that your coworkers at the counter are doing their level best to watch you without looking like they are.
“I can’t imagine what that would even look like,” you say, attempting to reassure Steve. You can and have, many times, and your blood heats up just remembering some of them.
“It looks a little like this,” Steve tells you, and he reaches over and removes the lid from the long rectangular box. Inside the box are red long-stem roses, a whole lot of them. You gasp, and he says, “I got you twelve roses. Five for each month I should have asked you out, and seven more for the time I’m hoping to pick you up for dinner tomorrow.”
You’d been reaching out a tentative hand toward the flowers, but as soon as he says ‘should have asked you out,’ they’re forgotten as you stare at the sheepish smile on his handsome face. 
“Really?” you whisper, stunned. You’re standing on the precipice of joy, but it’s hard to let yourself drop without being absolutely sure.
“Really. I wanted to thank you, by the way. I work with some people who have been really beaten down by an unjust system, the kind of system full of people who look and sound like me. As you can imagine, it’s hard for them to relax and be honest at the law office.” Steve traces a droplet of coffee on the table, his jaw clenching. It’s easy to think that he’s picturing some of that injustice, and just witnessing this opens your heart even more towards him. “I’ve started to bring new clients here instead, for that first meeting. It’s done a world of good for that level of trust, and part of that is the atmosphere you and your coworkers have created.”
“Yes,” you say, the word breathy but somehow still too loud. You close your eyes tightly and try not to spontaneously combust from everything that’s happening right now. “Yes to the date, yes to you being the person I was hoping you were. And yes, I just said that out loud!”
You open your eyes to see Steve smiling, joyful, just like you are.
“That has to be the best first conversation I’ve had at this table since I started bringing clients here.” The two of you laugh, and it’s easy, despite the pressure you feel to get every part of this right. “Do you mind if I ask for your number? I assume you’d rather meet me or have me pick you up for dinner, instead of giving the peanut gallery more to rib you about.”
“Yes, good idea,” you say, digging your phone out and opening it up to contacts in as calm a manner as you can manage. “You realize this means you’ll have to tell me your last name, finally? I have my theories about why you kept that back.”
He actually rubs his neck in chagrin, at this. “You caught me. I’ll text you with it later--”
“Steve!” you interrupt, frustrated. “It’s about respect!”
The warmth in his eyes intensifies, at this. “I get it. I have a bit of a reputation-- nothing bad, I promise. Name recognition, that’s all.” Your eyes widen at this, but you nod. Before you can say anything else, his watch beeps, and so does his phone. Steve holds it up. “Duty calls.”
“I’ll look forward to hearing from you, truly,” you say, standing up. That’s when you remember the roses, and you’re struck by their beauty in the box for a long minute, during which Steve just watches you. You catch his scrutiny from the corner of your eye, and let out a little embarrassed laugh. “Sorry, these are simply stunning. Thank you again.”
“You seem like exactly the person I was hoping you’d be too,” Steve says, standing up. “This meeting will be a few hours, I’ll make sure to send you a message by seven tonight.”
He offers you a respectful nod and walks out. You’re left with the twelve most beautiful roses you’ve ever seen, a heart full of possibilities, and an obnoxiously nosy group of coworkers who rush over as soon as Steve’s suited figure turns the street corner and walks out of view.
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Steve is as good as his word-- he sends you a message with a few upscale restaurant options (complete with links to their websites, which you feel is a pro move, but not a player one). He signs his name ‘Steve Rogers,’ which definitely sounds familiar.
Even though you know he’s expecting you to do it, you still feel a little icky googling his name. You know some people go as far as scanning years of social media and ordering up criminal backgrounds on their dates, and you were never that person. The search pops up-- and there are pages of results. And yes, you’ve heard of him.
Steve Rogers is one of the country’s preeminent humanitarian lawyers. He’s just got done arguing a case in front of the Supreme Court. And you have a date with him tomorrow.
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anonymousewrites · 8 months
Portal to My Heart (Book 2) Chapter Two
Loki x Reader
Chapter Two: Over Time
Summary: As time passes in Asgard, Loki and (Y/N) begin to understand each other more.
            “My Lady?”
            (Y/N) jolted up out of bed in a panic to see two women in simple peach robes. “Who the hell—Why are you in my room?!”
            “I am Ilsa,” said the first, red hair piled up in braids.
            “And I am Karla,” said the second, golden hair in a bun with ringlets framing her face.
            “Lady Frigga has asked us to be your handmaidens during your stay in Asgard,” said Ilsa.
            “Handmaidens?” (Y/N) blinked in confusion. She was too asleep to deal with this.
            “Yes. We’ll help you with what to wear, arrange your hair, prepare your bath, bring you breakfast, whatever you require,” said Karla.
            “…” (Y/N) stared at them. They stared back. “…I don’t need that…I can do it myself.”
            “…My, Lady…may I speak candidly?” said Ilsa.
            I’m about to be insulted, aren’t it? “…Yes.”
            “We’ve seen the outfit you wore when you arrived here. It could be…” Ilsa trailed off as she considered her words carefully. “…improved.”
            Damn. She’s not wrong. “I found the gowns yesterday. I’ll just put one on again today.”
            “My Lady, you are to meet Lady Frigga today,” said Karla. “We all must look our best to see the Queen.”
            They have a point. “I’m not in the business of making other people dote on me. Especially when I can’t pay them,” said (Y/N).
            “We’re paid well by the palace,” said Ilsa.
            “With healthcare?” said (Y/N).
            “Of course,” said Karla.
            Alright, so the justice system is fucked by the labor system isn’t taking advantage of everyone. “…Fine. You can dress me up.”
            Ilsa grinned. “Karla, grab all the hair products stored in the bath. I’ll pull the gowns. We have some work to do.”
            I’ve gotten insulted again. I like these two.
            (Y/N) hurried down the stairwell to the room Ilsa and Karla had directed her to. The gown billowed around her as she turned the corner and slowed to a respectable stroll in order to appear casual. Plus, she didn’t want to ruin Ilsa and Karla’s hard work. She wore a long blue gown that was structured and reinforced at the top with cascading skirts that faded to white. (Y/N)’s hair had been washed professionally to remove all the grime of battle (and kidnapping) from it and styled perfectly to frame her face.
            “Lady (Y/N),” said Frigga, smiling from the center of a large, round room with a soft flooring, similar to rubber.
            “Queen Frigga,” said (Y/N). Is that how you address a Queen? Should I bow? No, isn’t it a curtsey? Shit, I have no clue.
            “I see Ilsa and Karla have dedicated themselves to their work,” said Frigga.
            “Yeah, they’ve been nice,” said (Y/N).
            “I’m sure. They were once my own handmaidens,” said Frigga. “However, I could see they enjoy working with different people and different styles, figures, and hair, so I allowed them to move to work with guests.” She smiled. “I knew they’d be perfect for you.”
            “Thank you,” said (Y/N) awkwardly. “Um, Queen Frigga? What do you need with me?”
            “I was being serious when I told my husband you could find help with your abilities here on Asgard,” said Frigga.
            (Y/N) blinked. “Really?”
            “Yes,” said Frigga.
            “Thank you for helping me find someone,” said (Y/N).
            Frigga smiled. “Oh, no, my dear. I am going to teach you.”
            “You?” The word was blurted out before (Y/N) could stop. “Sorry, not to be rude, but you’re the Queen. I didn’t think you would teach me.”
            “Have no fear, Lady (Y/N). I instructed my son Loki. I can deal with a sharp tongue, especially one that doesn’t mean to harm,” said Frigga kindly. “And as for me being the Queen…it is my duty to help people in need. You are in need.” She straightened. “So, tell me, what are your abilities? Not magic, I suppose, but the elements will be close enough for me to understand in such terms.”
            “I’m not entirely sure what my powers are,” admitted (Y/N). “But so far what’s happened is that I’ve rejected mind control, I’ve teleported by creating a portal, and I struck, uh, Loki with energy.”
            Frigga considered. “The mind control is most likely a subconscious reaction, a protection your magic lends you instinctually. Teleportation with portals is related to summoning, so that’s a clear path, and as for the pure energy manipulation, I could use either fire or lightning magic to instruct you, depending on the exact manifestation of your own abilities.”
            (Y/N) stared at her in surprise. Frigga understood and had already created a plan to address (Y/N)’s abilities without speaking down on her for not controlling her powers yet, without suggesting experimentation, and without treating her as strange. It was a nice feeling to be respected.
            “So, if you’ll allow me, I can use my own magic to read into your abilities and draw them out. If I have a better understanding of them, I’ll be able to instruct you with more precision,” said Frigga.
            “You can do that,” said (Y/N).
            Frigga smiled and raised a hand, allowing a pale green magic to swirl in her palm. She held it before (Y/N), and the light flew around them. A sudden blue light manifested, overtaking the pale green. (Y/N) felt a sharp tug in her chest as her abilities were pulled out. The shock caused her magic to break, and the blue energy exploded upwards in a swirl of magic. Frigga stepped back and observed it.
            “Hm. Spatial energy, condensing and expanding,” murmured Frigga before smiling. “I have a few ideas.”
            (Y/N) brightened. “Really?”
            “Yes.” Frigga smiled lightly with a subtle cleverness, and (Y/N) realized Loki got his expressions from her. “Now, let’s get started. You have a ways to go, but I’ll make a sorceress out of you yet.”
            “And to what do I owe the pleasure of another visit?” said Loki with a false smirk. “Are you here in concern for my wellbeing once more?”
            (Y/N) scoffed. “I’m not concerned for your wellbeing. I’m just curious about what the hell goes through your head when you decide not to defend yourself and explain that you are mentally ill and need proper treatment instead of just being locked up.”
            “I’m not mentally ill,” lied Loki.
            “Yeah, okay, the God of Lies lying to himself. That tracks,” said (Y/N), rolling her eyes in annoyance.
            Loki couldn’t hold back the amused smile at her rude rambles, entertaining as always. “If you’re calling me a god, does that mean you finally understand my glorious purpose?”
            “Don’t distract me. We’re talking about your mental illness,” said (Y/N).
            “I’m not mentally ill,” repeated Loki.
            “Yes, you are. I would know. I’m fucked in the head, too,” said (Y/N). “I think you should ask your mom about getting some help for that. She seems reasonable. She’d listen to you.”
            “You’ve been speaking to my mo—Frigga?” said Loki.
            “She’s teaching me to use my abilities,” said (Y/N). She smirked. “And I haven’t know her for long, but I know one thing.”
            “Don’t tell me you understand your magic already. You were hopeless when we arrived. I can’t imagine a week or two would change much,” said Loki. “It would take a miracle to change it.”
            “First of all, shut up,” said (Y/N). “Second of all, no, what I know is that any good traits you have are from Frigga, so you have some hope.”
            Loki paused. “I have hope?”
            “Yeah, for not being a completely terrible person,” said (Y/N).
            “My, quite a bit of concern you show,” said Loki.
            “Again, it’s not concern, it’s curiosity for why you decide to be so insufferable, and honestly, you’re more entertaining to me than a lot of the people here,” said (Y/N).
            “Then I suppose it’s not terrible for me to admit you’re fairly entertaining as well,” said Loki.
            “Thank you. Maybe Asgard will keep me on as court jester if I don’t manage to control my abilities,” said (Y/N) brightly.
            Loki couldn’t conceal the chuckle at that. “Then we must hope you manage to control them. I doubt a jester uniform will be flattering.”
            “Wow, does the gown look that good?” said (Y/N) sarcastically, thinking he was teasing again.
            “Why, yes, it does,” said Loki with a smirk.
            (Y/N) blinked at him, and Loki’s grin widened.
            “Oh, great, so you’re annoying even when you’re being nice. Great,” said (Y/N), groaning in frustration, and Loki chuckled. A small smile appeared on (Y/N)’s face at the sound. Okay. So he wasn’t completely terrible when he wasn’t on a murder spree.
            Loki paused in his pacing as he heard someone step up to his cell. “Another visit within a week? My, you really must be bored with Asgard if you’re here again.”
            Loki froze and turned to see Frigga standing within his cell as an illusion.
            Frigga raised an eyebrow and laced her fingers. “If I recall, I haven’t visited you yet.”
            “No, you didn’t, ‘Mother,’ ” said Loki scathingly.
            “I thought you might want some time to yourself to consider the consequences of your actions,” said Frigga. “But I see that you have had visitors. I doubt your father—”
            “He’s not my father,” spat Loki.
            “—He would not visit you as he is quite busy. Thor is traveling the Nine Realms and battling chaos. I have not visited you.” Frigga looked at him in consideration. “So I wonder, who is visiting you?”
            “Why should you care?” said Loki.
            Frigga gazed at him. “You know why.”
            Loki scoffed. “You and (Y/N) should learn to mind your business. Your visits mean nothing.”
            “(Y/N)? She visited you?” said Frigga.
            Loki cursed himself. “…Yes.”
            “Why?” said Frigga. Loki could see the calculating, observant look on her face.
            “Boredom,” said Loki.
            “I hardly think a woman you kidnapped, especially one with as stubborn a heart as (Y/N), would visit you just for boredom,” said Frigga.
            “I don’t try to understand her mind,” said Loki. “Truly, I don’t think she has one.”
            “Oh, we both know she has one. She mentioned you attempted to control it,” said Frigga.
            “…I did,” admitted Loki. He forced himself not to wince at the disappointed look in Frigga’s eyes.
            “I thought I had taught you better than to use magic to harm innocents,” said Frigga.
            “(Y/N) is not innocent,” said Loki.
            “But she was before you pulled her into a fight,” said Frigga. Loki hated how right his mot—Frigga was. “Loki. What did you do?”
            “I did what was necessary for my power,” said Loki. “I tied her to me until I ensured my own power with hers. Then I released her.”
            Frigga paused. He released her. Just as (Y/N) had said, Loki had confirmed it. “You released her?”
            “She wasn’t…necessary anymore,” said Loki, standing confidently.
            Frigga smiled, unconcerned with Loki’s callous tone. Unlike a true monster or cruel ruler, Loki hadn’t just “disposed” of (Y/N) once she wasn’t helpful. Something of her son still stood before her, even if it was lost.
            More interestingly, he and (Y/N) had spoken to each other multiple times.
            And, most interestingly, Frigga didn’t sense true animosity in the way either spoke of the other.
            (Y/N) held her hand before her and furrowed her brow. It had been slow going, but she had gotten to summoning small portals (when she focused hard. But, hey, progress). (Y/N) let the small circle of blue light expand.
            “So, I’ve heard you visited Loki.”
            The blue energy exploded into a tiny firework as Frigga’s words completely distracted (Y/N). Her head flipped to the Queen of Asgard. “I, uh, what?”
            Frigga laced her fingers behind her. “Hm. I thought your focus would have steadied.”
            (Y/N) stared at her. Frigga’s casual nature as she caused slight mischief to (Y/N) was extremely reminiscent of Loki. That explained where he got it. “It doesn’t when you drop that you know that on me.”
            “So it’s true?” remarked Frigga.
            Damn. She trapped me. She’s smart. (Y/N) sighed. “Yes.”
            “You visited the man who kidnapped and tortured you,” said Frigga musingly. “Why?” She knew (Y/N) respected directness, so she didn’t have to soften her words.
            (Y/N) considered how to respond. “I think he’s an idiot and definitely deserves so, so many legal repercussions and jailtime for all the shit he did, but I also think just leaving him there doesn’t actually help anything, and Loki isn’t completely insufferable, and from what I’ve gathered, every warrior on Asgard has been involved in an incredible amount of death and destruction, so there could probably be some degree of rehabilitation on this floating rock of a city in my opinion.” She paused after speaking and thought that perhaps she had said too much to the Queen of Asgard about the issues of Asgard.
            Frigga smiled and chuckled lightly. While (Y/N) stared at her and her reaction, she said, “My, you do have heart.”
            “My Lady?” said (Y/N).
            “Summon another portal. We’ll have a less burdensome conversation as you do to make it more natural to bring out your abilities,” said Frigga.
            (Y/N) gazed at her curiously but obeyed. Frigga watched her and smiled.
            They could be good for each other.
            The months passed, and as (Y/N) trained with Frigga, her abilities strengthened. At the same time, (Y/N) and Loki spent time together, entertained by each other’s wittiness and banter that they couldn’t get with others.
            “You can’t even create a portal to crawl through?” Loki scoffed. “By the time I was the Asgardian equivalent of a ten-year-old Midgardian child I could expertly shapeshift.”
            “And when you were ten years old, you had your magic for ten years. I’ve had it for less than ten months,” retorted (Y/N). She smiled brightly. “But I’ll make sure to show you by coming in there and punching you as soon as I figure out the portals!”
            Over time, they grew more comfortable and spoke slightly more amicably.
            “If you can’t focus, try channeling emotions,” said Loki.
            “Huh?” (Y/N) looked at him in confusion.
            “Magic responds to intention,” explained Loki. “If focus doesn’t work, using an emotion to light your magic can work until the focus comes more easily.”
            (Y/N) blinked. “That’s the calmest, most helpful thing you’ve ever said to me.”
            Loki scoffed. “It’s simply frustrating to watch you fail over and over. It bores me.”
            “Yeah, sure, whatever you say,” said (Y/N). “I’d say thanks for the advice, but that’ll have to wait until I know it works.”
            Their short discussions grew to ones that lasted long enough that poor Ilsa or Karla (sworn to silence about (Y/N) and Loki’s visits by Frigga) had to brave the dungeon to call (Y/N) for meals or training.
            “M-My Lady.” Karla peered into the dungeon and awkwardly hovered in the entrance. In front of her, (Y/N) sat on the floor in front of Loki’s cell, gown collected around her. Karla swallowed and shuffled a little farther in. “It is time for dinner.”
            “A Lady now?” Loki smirked. “I hardly think they’ve given you any manners.”
            (Y/N) shot him a look. “It’s not like you’re the model gentleman, so don’t think you can criticize me.”
            Karla looked ready to faint at how easily (Y/N) insulted Loki, the prince and criminal of Asgard.
            (Y/N) turned to her and smiled. “Sorry about him. I’m coming.”
            “Very good,” said Karla, backing away hurriedly.
            “I should go. Everyone stares at me when I come in late.” (Y/N) scowled. “I’m not a fan.”
            “Good luck with the nobles,” said Loki with an amused smile. “I’m sure you’ll find them boring and your Midgardian mannerisms will amuse them.”
            “I can hear your sarcasm,” said (Y/N).
            Loki smirked.
            Frigga was no fool. In fact, she was the most reasonable and perceptive of her family. And due to that fact, she could see when people changed. Right now, she noticed Loki and (Y/N).
            The Midgardian woman had grown quite a bit during her time in Asgard. Not in anything material or in heart, but Frigga could see her skills in magic increasing. However, Frigga could see more than that. (Y/N) was in a better mood as the days passed, and even though Frigga never saw her interact with many Asgardians, she seemed to feel more at ease as if there was someone she spent time with. It didn’t take Frigga long to discover that (Y/N) and Loki’s visits had continued.
            Which led her to Loki’s changes. He seemed calmer. Yes, he remained bitter and vengeful towards Odin for his imprisonment, but he seemed more at ease, like he had something of interest going on in his time imprisoned. (Y/N) was that someone of interest, and their visits kept Loki relaxed and amused. From what Frigga had gathered of their interactions from Isla and Karla, the Queen had determined that Loki’s sharp tongue lessened when turned towards (Y/N), turning teasing rather than offensive, like when he was young.
            Frigga smiled as she made the connection. Yes. They were good for each other. She didn’t understand how precisely anything resembling friendship could develop between the two, but their time spent together there on Asgard seemed to create a bond between them and some connection lay beneath the surface. However, as a mother, Frigga had certain suspicions of what might become of such a blooming bond.
            Well, some might think the friendship or acquaintance strange, but Frigga was not going to deny (Y/N) and Loki the person they found an understanding with.
            (Y/N) held a hand up while tossing an apple through it. She grinned as it reappeared, whole and unbruised, on the table where the other end of the portal was.
            “See how long you can hold it while letting objects move through it,” said Frigga. As (Y/N) continued tossing fruit, Frigga spoke casually. “Have your visits with Loki improved?”
            (Y/N) glanced at her, and the portal glowed fainter for a moment before (Y/N) focused again. “What do you mean?”
            “His mood,” said Frigga. She smiled. “I’d hate to think he was still being coarse with you.”
            “Well, he’s never going to be necessarily nice to me,” said (Y/N). “You know, me being a poor Midgardian and all, but he’s not as insufferable as he was when we first met or even when he first got put in that cell.” They considered and paused in their activity. “So I guess his mood has improved. In a Loki way, though.”
            Frigga hummed and nodded.
            “Another visit from the Queen,” said Loki. “What can this poor lost soul do for you now?”
            “I simply came to check on how you’re doing,” said Frigga.
            Loki gave a tight, false smile and laced his fingers behind his back. “I told you before, I have no need for pity.”
            Frigga was tempted to smirk. Her son walked right into her conversational trap. “Very well, then I can just ask (Y/N).” When Loki paused, Frigga smiled. “You two do speak quite a bit.”
            “We do,” acknowledged Loki. “She happens to visit.”
            “Yes, frequently and for long periods of time,” said Frigga. “I’m glad your…relationship has improved.”
            “There is no relationship,” said Loki. “Just toleration. And some mutual entertainment. She’s more amusing than any of the other ‘acquaintances’ in my current home.” He glanced distastefully at the thugs in other cells.
            “Indeed,” remarked Frigga, carefully filing away the information. Time was changing the pair.
            Loki tsked in annoyance. “I don’t need you prying. If you cared, I wouldn’t be here.”
            Unfortunately, Loki’s bitterness towards his family hadn’t changed.
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years
Mafia AU
Guide Book
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Belle’s Mafia AU
This AU (alternate universe) is set in New York, following the four most prominent Mafia Families and their business. The series, for now, will be focused on the Barnes-Rogers Family, specifically Bucky and Steve, and their little Dove. In this AU Little’s are a common thing, everyone is sort of placed into three categories, Little, Caregiver (Cg) and Little/Caregiver. (Some characters do not have a label, this is because their label is insignificant to the plot, feel free to label them as whatever you want in your head.). Because I do not know extensively what New York living is like, nor do I know extensive history of the area, I am going off of what the internet says, if you think I have something wrong, it’s probably because I do, but this is a fictional world, the vibes will be different, so even though I try to keep things accurate, I cannot promise native New Yorkers will enjoy this series care free. This series is completely fictional, I am not romanticizing real Mafia life, I am simply making up a fake world and creating a storyline within it, please do not think that the real Mafia world is like this, as it definitely isn’t.
Odinson Family - (All of New York) The oldest and most respected Mafia family, the Family holding the rights over all other Mafia families in New York. Odin’s sons are known for fighting over the leadership of the Family, too stubborn to agree to Co-Lead, instead swapping leadership every so often. Though the Family has a small inner circle, it’s known for it’s many allies, the Odinson empire far larger than meets the eye.
Odin - Head of all New York Mafia Families, nothing happens without his approval, he is basically the ‘King’ over everyone.
Thor (Cg) - Odin’s son, and leader of the ‘Odinson’ Mafia Family.
Loki (Cg/Little) - Odin’s son, right hand man of the ‘Odinson’ Mafia Family
Frigga - Odin’s wife, the voice of reason to Odin’s ruling, the mother to all.
Valkyrie (Cg) - Trusted member of The Odinson Family
Carol (Cg) - Trusted member of the Odinson Family
Barnes-Rogers Family (Brooklyn/Queens) - Bucky and Steve have never done anything apart, so when each of them were given the opportunity to move rank and create a Mafia family, on their own, they chose to merge together, creating a strong empire together. The Barnes-Rogers family is known for it’s kindness to allies as well as the community, but it’s harshness to it’s enemies, second chances are hardly ever handed out.
Steve (Cg) - Co-Leader of the Barnes-Rogers Family
Bucky (Cg) - Co-Leader of the Barnes-Rogers Family
Sam (Cg) - Right hand man of the Barnes-Rogers Family
Peter (Little) - The newest recruit to the Barnes-Rogers Family
Ned (Cg) - The newest, and only, tech guy, and member, of the Barnes-Rogers Family
Romanov Family - (Manhattan) Run by the best Russian assassin, turned Mafia leader, her ruthlessness and ability to see through lies allowing her leadership to never be questioned and instead be praised. The Romanov family is known for loyalty and shady deals, the leader keeping family close, and enemies unknowing closer. Though the Romanov Family is newly established, it’s value is heavily recognized by the others around them.
Natasha (Cg) - Leader of the Romanov Family
Clint (Cg) - Right hand man to the Romanov Family
Kate (Little) - The newest recruit of the Romanov Family
Yelena (Cg) - Trusted member of the Romanov Family
Wanda (Cg/Little) - Trusted member of the Romanov Family
Stark-Potts Family - (Staten Island) Tony, Howard Starks son, was destined for political greatness, his fathers standing as Mayor on New York opened the door to corruption above the sewers for his son. In a act of, seemingly, rebellion, Tony ended up fallowing in his uncles footsteps, taking over his Mafia Family and beginning a name for himself on his own terms. Pepper’s family was always the right hand to Tony’s uncle, helping him run the business successfully, she took on that role and more when it came to Tony, him giving her a true standing, a label that properly represented what she did within the family.
Tony (Cg) - Co-Leader of the Stark-Potts Family
Pepper (Cg) - Co-Leader of the Stark-Potts Family
Happy (Cg) - Right Hand Man of the Stark-Potts Family
Bruce (Cg) - Trusted Member of the Stark-Potts Family
Vision (Cg) - Trusted Member of the Stark-Potts Family
Rumlow Family - (The Bronx) The newest, and least trusted, as well as least established, Mafia Family.
Brock Rumlow - Leader of the Rumlow Family
Y/n Rumlow (Little) - Sibling of the leader
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meowmeow-motherfucker · 6 months
Covenant- Chapter 5
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Summary: With the five year anniversary of the attack on New York approaching, Odin and Fury come to the agreement that an arranged marriage between Asgard and Earth would show good faith toward all future interactions. When Odin refuses Jane’s candidacy, Agent Coulson is tasked with finding a suitable wife for the prince of Asgard.
Pairing: Loki x OFC
Warnings: pot smoking, fluff, more fluff, flirting, pining, Asgardian pearl-clutching, more wedding prep and princess lessons, mentions of archaic wedding traditions
Taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @gigglingtiggerv2 @icytrickster17 @mysteriouslyfriedjellyfish @lokislilkitten @justjoanne242 @amlocked @ddmariegirl @mags-04-blog @sharris8 @meepycheep @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @the-fantasy-loving-angel @jaidenhawke @smolvenger
Back at it again after a break. Thanks as always for coming along on the journey!
Two weeks until the wedding
“Good morning, dear!” Frigga chirped as Claire stepped into the sitting room. It was early morning, the suns rays already casting golden beams on the walls. Outside on the balcony, a songbird praised the sun, its harmonious song adding a cheerful melody to the morning.
“Good morning,” Claire replied, remembering too late she was supposed to curtsy. Behind Frigga, Loki snickered as she gave an awkward bob. Claire glared at him over Frigga’s shoulder, and he grinned.
She looked beautiful today. Her official wardrobe had been completed, and today she wore the first of the dresses in her official court color. The lush fabric lapped at her ankles as she walked toward him, the full skirt accentuating the curves of her waist. The high-necked bodice had no sleeves, her bare arms protected from the early morning chill by a matching stole. Loki spied the ever-present silver band around her bicep.
She looked as though she belonged.
The marketplace was busy as usual, crowded with throngs of people scurrying about. The crowd parted as they walked, bowing low to the prince and future princess, as well as the queen walking behind them with her attendants.
“This is so surreal,” Claire giggled, wiping a hand over her face. “We just met two weeks ago and here we are, on our way to pick out wedding rings,” she looked up at him with a shy smile. “If this was happening on Earth, we would have been on hundreds of dates by now.”
“Hundreds?” Loki chuckled. “Exactly what does one do on hundreds of dates?”
“All kinds of things,” Claire replied wistfully. “Skip school to go to the mall, arcade dates, spend the day at Santa Monica pier…”
“What is the mall?”
“Remember what I told you about a lot of stores being separate?”
“Of course.”
“A mall is the opposite. It’s a big building with lots of stores inside.”
“This all seems rather...muddled. Some are together, some are separate...what is the purpose of that?” Loki asked. “What is an arcade date? And this Santa Monica pier?”
“The pier is like the ones here, but instead of docking for boats, the Santa Monica pier has shops and restaurants. There’s a really nice Ferris wheel too. I had my first kiss at the top of that Ferris wheel.” Claire smiled fondly at the memory.
“Sounds dreadfully romantic.”
“It was,” Claire sighed. “It was sunset, the ocean was all sparkly...it seems like a lifetime ago.” she chuckled.
“And which of those was your favorite?” Loki asked.
“Honestly, all of them were nice, but the ones I liked the most were the simple ones. My boyfriend and I used to go to the drive-in on the weekends and hold hands. We didn’t have to talk, it was just nice to be together, you know?”
“I can’t say that I do,” Loki replied somberly, dropping his gaze from her lips. The berry shade she’d chosen to wear today was enchanting. “What was his name?”
“Mateo,” Claire said fondly. “God, I haven’t seen him in...twenty years?” she laughed.
“Not much time for romance while working for S.H.I.E.L.D., I imagine.”
“God, no!” Claire laughed loudly. “Not that I was particularly interested, but everyone gets lonely and a girl has needs.”
“Is that so?” Loki asked with interest. Claire’s eyes darted down to his mouth when he licked his lips. “Do tell.”
“A magician never reveals her secrets,” Claire turned away, a secretive smile tugging at her lips. “You’ll find out eventually anyway.”
“I think you’ll find I can be rather persuasive.” a flash of green pulled her attention back to him, drawing her eyes to the flower he’d manifested in his outstretched hand.
“Isn’t it better to learn from a source that hasn’t been persuaded?” Claire asked as they reached the jeweler’s storefront. Loki graced her with a smile, the flower disappearing.
“Indeed,” he opened the door and gestured for her to step inside. “My lady.”
Inside the store, they were guided to plush chairs and the owner presented tray after tray of rings for them to choose from. Loki and Claire sat side by side, Frigga and her attendants sat behind them offering commentary on the selection.
Many of the rings Claire was shown were too feminine for her taste, or were gaudy or just plain ugly. All of the offerings were gold with green stones, of course, to match Loki’s colors.
Claire felt annoyed that her ring had to be yet another reminder she was signing her life away, but pushed it aside and focused on finding a ring she liked. There were several that were beautiful of course, made with actual gold and sizable emeralds in impressive settings, but Claire had never been one for flashy jewelry. She would wear this ring for the rest of her life- it had to be right.
The owner brought out another tray, this time with less flashy offerings.
“Perhaps Her Majesty will like these better?” the owner said as he placed te tray in front of her. Claire felt an odd twinge as she realized he was talking about her- she still wasn’t used to people treating her special and that title-
“These are different,” Claire replied as she gazed at the tray. The stones were still green, but they were not emeralds. Opaque white stones with delicate tendrils of deep green sat in luxurious settings of gold, some clustered with smaller round diamonds, some with delicate looking details that seemed so fragile they would unravel if you touched them. “Is this moss agate?”
“Excellent eye, madam,” the owner smiled proudly. “My apprentice wished to make some offerings as well- he is not yet skilled enough to work with finer gems, but as nothing has caught your eye yet, I thought…” Claire spied a ring with a large oval cut central stone, flanked by crescent moons and smaller, teardrop shaped ingots of moss agate.
“This is beautiful,” she murmured, lifting it from the tray to inspect it more closely. “What do you think?” she asked Loki.
“Your opinion matters more than mine; you’re the one who will wear it,” Loki replied, but he leaned closer to inspect it nonetheless. “It is lovely.”
“There is another band that my apprentice designed to go with it,” the owner held up a second gold band, this one in a sloping shape to accentuate the first band. The band was decorated along the bottom, with a triquetra in the center and triple moons on each side. The center of the triquetra and the full moons were set with small diamonds, crescent moons solid gold, and tiny emeralds sat within the corner loops of the triquetra. Claire pressed the two bands together on her finger, her heart fluttering at the sight of them. They were absolutely gorgeous. “The knot in the center is not as popular in our culture, but the triquetra represents-”
“Past, present, and future,” Claire smiled at the ring on her hand. Claire had long been a believer that the universe would sends signs if one was simply willing to see them- she felt it was no coincidence that she was presented a wedding ring with the trinity knot on it. Whatever her misgivings about how she got here, this felt like a sign that she was in the right place. “I love it.”
“Is this the one?” Loki asked from beside her. Claire nodded, confident in her choice.
“Yep, this is it.”
“Excellent choice, Your Majesty,” the owner bowed respectfully. He whisked the rings away, Claire’s selection set aside for safekeeping. He returned with a tray of rings for Loki to choose from. Loki was not much for jewelry either, but one of them stood out as a clear match for the ring Claire had chosen.
It was a smooth, thick gold band with a thin seam of moss agate running through the center.
“What do you think?” he asked, offering it to Claire for her appraisal.
“It’s beautiful work,” Claire said, inspecting the ring from all angles. “And it would match mine. It suits you.”
“I like it,” Loki agreed, setting the ring aside on the tray. “This one.”
“Excellent choice, Your Majesty,” the owner said. “We shall have both rings ready in two days’ time.”
“Wonderful,” Frigga said from behind them. “I think it is time for some lunch before our afternoon outing.”
Lunch took place two streets away in an elegant restaurant that made Claire feel out of place. She looked the part, sure, but she still felt like Oliver Twist in a room full of rich people.
“Claire?” she felt the feather-light touch Loki’s hand at her lower back and she looked over to see him looking at her with concern. “Are you alright?”
“Sorry, things just got real,” Claire laughed nervously. “I'm feeling really nervous now.”
“Here,” Loki guided her to a seat, taking the space beside her. “What troubles you?”
“I was just thinking about the-” Claire grimaced, shrinking in on herself. “The wedding night.”
“Oh! I would never force myself on you,” Loki swore, pulling away from her. “You have my word.”
“No, no, that's- that’s not what I'm worried about, I don't feel threatened by you,” Claire said hurriedly, keeping him close with a hand on his arm. “I just remembered that the original plan was for us to-”
“Ah, yes,” Loki ducked his head, a frown marring his handsome features. “The lovely tradition of having witnesses for the consummation is both ancient and disturbing.”
“Yeah,” Claire gave a relieved sigh. “I rejected that part of the treaty real quick.”
“As did I,” Loki replied. “Not that I'm particularly shy, but whenever my mother talked about it I could tell it had bothered her to go through it and I didn’t wish to put you through that.” Their conversation was interrupted as their party was directed to their table. Claire and Loki were seated beside each other, with Frigga on Loki’s other side and the crones opposite them. As they were perusing the menus, Claire leaned over to keep talking to Loki.
“You talked to your mom about sex?”
“I was an inquisitive child!” Loki said defensively. “I also had a very negative outlook on marriage and thought it stupid. Still do,” He admitted, shaking his head. “But she was determined that Thor and I both learned the traditions and all of it, as someday we would have to go through it.” They were interrupted again as a server arrived to take their orders.
“Well that's cool. And for what it's worth, I also think marriage is stupid.”
“Yet here you are.”
“Here I am,” Claire replied. “Though I will admit I am feeling more...optimistic about it.” she smiled warmly as their food arrived, and their private conversation ended as they were roped into conversing with the crones.
Frigga’s afternoon outing was a play- a retelling of an ancient tale of love and war. Claire read over the playbill with a mix of excitement and dread. She enjoyed theater, she supposed, in a general sense (S.H.I.E.L.D didn’t give much time off for attending plays) but she didn’t know what to expect from this. She’d come to learn that the Asgardians LOVED telling exaggerated tales of war and men occasionally would write poems for women they wanted to court. Claire was just thankful Loki hadn’t accosted her with a shitty poem- it would have been too difficult not to laugh in his face.
She liked his face, but romantic gestures were pushing it- devastating jawline or not. The thought of being surrounded by the vulturous young ladies of the court, all of them gawking at her while Loki botched iambic pentameter made her want to vomit.
She was grateful that she’d been seated next to Loki for the play though. It made it easier to have private conversation with him.
“Hey, thanks for refusing the consummation thing. It would have been difficult to pretend that I'm innocent.” she whispered.
“Are you not a good actress?” Loki whispered back with a hint of disappointment. “What a pity. I'd thought all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s agents were professionals.”
“Oh no, I'm very good,” Claire grinned wolfishly. “Just not that good.”
“If there is anything I can do to perhaps...make things easier for you-” Claire snorted, the sound decidedly unladylike.
“I’m not worried,” she smacked his arm with the back of her hand. “I just didn’t want an audience.”
“I see,” Loki paused before leaning closer. “Circumstances being what they are...we will still need to put on a bit of a show.” the low timbre of his voice gave her goosebumps, and Claire shifted in her seat.
“I know, your mom told me,” she murmured back. “I think it's dumb, but apparently putting a couple drops of blood on bed sheets is easier than accepting I'm a sexually liberated woman.”
“Liberated?” Loki parroted.
“Oh yes,” Claire grinned. “I do what I want, when I want. Or I guess more accurately, who.”
“A trait I can admire,” Loki replied with a smirk. “And does my oafish brother make the list? Were you disappointed-”
“Oh no, Thor is nowhere near the list,” Claire pulled a face, shaking her head in disgust. “You are, though.” she winked at him, meeting his gaze boldly as the lights dimmed. Loki's mind went blank, his brows furrowed as her words sank in. It was an unusual thing, to be desired so openly. He was not a stranger to being desired- as a prince, second or not, he was a desirable bedfellow- but more often that not, it was his status and what it afforded them that people were after, not him. His past trysts had been secluded in shadow, for his admirers never shared their affection once the sun rose. All the same, he’d accepted their suits; after all, he was a hedonist by nature and not one to turn away from pleasure.
There was something novel about this odd woman. The labyrinthine societal rules kept most wrapped in layers of deceit like fabric, suffocating any truth before it could fall from their lips. But not Claire- she had not yet been indoctrinated by the ridiculous rules of court, and not once had he sensed that she was lying to him. It was refreshing indeed, and Loki appreciated it more than he could say.
Loki clasped Claire’s hand in his own in the darkness, unwilling to give voice to such vulnerability. Claire settled her other hand on his arm, leaning into his side as the lush red curtain was raised. Rapt silence fell over the room as the play began, and Loki whiled away the first act tracing his thumb over the empty spot on her hand that her ring would soon occupy.
13 days until the wedding
Loki was lost in thought as he walked around the palace. It was now less than two weeks before he would wed, and although his future wife was an intriguing puzzle he longed to unravel, Loki still felt less than giddy about the event. Servants bowed to him respectfully but gave him a wide berth, afraid and unwilling to anger the dark prince. Loki was used to such treatment even before his incursions on Midgard, but he supposed his dark mood did nothing to dampen their fear of him.
He found himself in his mother’s garden, the tall flowers swaying soothingly in the breeze. Some of the flowers in the center of the garden were moving oddly, wiggling rapidly and disturbing the surrounding flowers. Loki ducked under the thick branches to investigate, picking his way to the center of the flower bed.
He found his future wife sitting on the ground, legs crossed in front of her. She had an array of things spread in the dirt in front of her, and she was smoking.
“Uh…hi,” Claire said, exhaling pungent smoke into the space between them. “What’s up?” Confused by her question, Loki looked overhead only to see the canopy of flowers with specks of bright blue sky peeking through.
“The sky?” he wagered. Claire laughed as he sat down in the dirt opposite her. Her shawl lay on the ground beside her, a soft blue that heralded her as a favorite of his mother. The silver band on her bicep matched the soft gray of her dress, sparkling sporadically as the flowers above them danced in the breeze and the sunlight shone through in minuscule rays.
His future wife was rather beautiful, Loki was man enough to admit it. Today her lips were tinted a dark grey which complimented the soft hue of her gown. She was slender in frame but well built from years of working for S.H.I.E.L.D.. In the short time he had known her, Loki had learned she was fierce with her words and her wit. She was shorter than him, but most everyone was. Her unbound hair hung down to her breasts, the thick chocolatey tresses practically concealing them from his gaze. Her eyes intrigued him- she was so young compared to him, but her eyes had seen much. The rich dark blue shade of them made Loki think of the sea, and sapphires. And she was…she was talking to him.
“What?” he asked stupidly. Like a fool, he’d been caught up in being able to actually look at her. They had spent time together of course, but always, always under supervision.
“I asked if you wanted a hit,” Claire repeated, holding out her cigarette to him. It wasn’t like any he’d seen before- the smell wasn’t as offensive and it was clearly hand-rolled in white paper. “It’s good stuff.”
“Is it tobacco?” Loki asked.
“No way, that stuff is nasty,” Claire replied, her nose scrunching adorably in disgust. “It’s pot.”
“I don’t know what that is,” Loki replied, accepting the cigarette and giving it a sniff. “It’s not as offensive as tobacco.”
“You guys don’t have weed here?” Claire asked in astonishment. “Damn, I’ll have to add it to my list of stuff I want brought here.”
“What is it?” Loki asked.
“It’s a plant. There’s different strains and they have different effects, but this is called Granddaddy Purple. It’s to help you relax.”
“Why are you smoking to relax?” Loki asked, even as he smoked from the cigarette. The smoke had a pleasant burn and a pungent aroma.
“Gee, I don’t know, probably because I signed my entire life away,” Claire replied sarcastically, giving him a judgmental stare when Loki choked on the smoke and started to cough. “Dude, don’t- hold it in for a second- wow, you suck at this.” she snickered.
“Believe it or not, I’ve never done this before.” Loki passed the cigarette back to her.
“You’ve never done drugs? Like, at all?” Claire balked, holding the smoke in her lung before exhaling toward the flower canopy. “But you’re- you’re old! You probably witnessed the big bang!”
“That was before my time, actually,” Loki laughed, his mind starting to feel a little hazy. “You’re upset.”
“You bet your ass I’m upset,” Claire’s nose wrinkled as she exhaled sharply. “No offense. It’s not you, it’s them. The crones.”
“I take it lessons are not going well?”
“I mean…” Claire shrugged. “They’re okay, if you like being corrected constantly. Everything I do is wrong, apparently, and I’m hopeless.”
“I’m sure you’re doing fine.”
“I’m really not. Ask your mom,” Claire sighed. “Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they sent me home, the way they were talking.”
“You think they would?”
“I don’t know. And I don’t know whether I want them to send me back or keep me here. There’s a lot of variables.”
“I understand. I have...reservations as well.”
“Are we stupid for doing this?” Claire asked, exhaling slowly into the air between them.
“I don’t know, sometimes quitting is the best solution to a problem.”
“You wish to leave?”
“Yeah, kind of,” Claire admitted. “I left everything behind to come here. What exactly am I getting out of this?” Loki began to count on his fingers.
“A considerably longer lifespan, immeasurable wealth and respect-”
“More like loneliness and a gilded cage.” Claire muttered.
“-Stability,” Loki countered. “Can I try that again?”
“Please,” Claire scoffed as she passed him the roach. “I’ve never been stable a day in my life.”
“An auspicious match, then,” Loki chuckled, taking a deep hit from the blunt. “Neither have I. At least, not that I remember,” He took another hit before passing it back to her, relaxing back into the grass beneath them. Loki took stock of himself, and he was starting to feel…something. “It takes a moment, doesn’t it?”
“Isn’t it nice?” Claire gave a dreamy sigh as she laid down beside him. “If you want it to hit faster, hold it in your lungs for a few seconds before you exhale,” she coached, giggling when Loki started coughing again. “Coughing also helps.”
“Does it?” Loki managed weakly.
“Oh yeah, it does,” Claire giggled. “It makes me feel all tingly and disconnected.”
“Doesn’t it make you feel…vulnerable?” He glanced over at her.
“I guess so, yeah,” Claire shrugged. “But it’s nice to escape reality for a while.”
“Do all Midgardians smoke this? What did you call it, grandfather purple?”
“Granddaddy,” Claire corrected with a laugh. “And no, not all of us Earthlings smoke the ganja. But there are lots of uses for it.”
“Like what?” Loki asked.
“Like I said, there are different strains for different things. You can smoke it, cook or bake with it, use the fibers to make clothing…this stuff though- it’s mostly for relaxing, but it also makes colors richer, food taste better…sex feel better,” Claire sighed wistfully. Loki looked surprised by her answer. “What?”
“I have never heard a woman speak so freely about such things.” Loki seemed genuinely scandalized by the idea.
“Dude, you’re cute, but you need to loosen up,” Claire cackled, propping herself up on her elbow to look at him. “It’s the 21st century, lots of women have recreational sex.”
“I am not cute,” Loki scoffed, his face scrunching with disgust as he said the word. “I am a god.”
“Yeah, y’are,” Claire said flirtatiously, short bursts of smoke escaping her nose as she giggled. “Maybe cute isn’t the most accurate word, but I stand by it.” Loki thought she looked enchanting, mirthful and sun-dappled beneath the flowers, and the now-familiar churning in his belly returned with a vengeance.
“I will never mistreat you,” he pledged, his eyes never leaving the golden shimmer the sun revealed in her lip polish. “You have my word.”
“I know.” Claire grinned at him.
“Do you?” Loki laughed.
“I fascinate you,” Claire shrugged, offering him another hit from the roach. Loki took it, enjoying the burn and the fuzzy feeling behind his eyes. “That and you think I’m pretty.” Loki snorted, a puff of smoke escaping his nostrils as he glanced over at her with pinkened cheeks.
“A bit of both.” he admitted.
“I knew it.” Claire said smugly.
“You are so self-assured!” Loki crowed indignantly.
“Well I was right, wasn’t I?”
“You were,” Loki agreed softly, turning on his side to stare at her fondly before seeming to come back to himself. “I should go,” he said suddenly, getting up from the grass. He made a show of brushing dirt off of his leathers to hide the flush taking over his face. He’d become overwhelmed with desire to kiss her, and now he was running like a coward. “We’re not supposed to be alone.”
“Right,” Claire rolled her eyes, inhaling from the roach again. “Propriety and whatnot.”
“Oh, she does have sense,” Loki replied sarcastically. “I’d like to leave our reputations intact, if at all possible.”
“Why do you care so much what people think of you?” Claire asked. “We’re getting married in less than two weeks regardless, so who gives a shit?”
“I do,” Loki dusted off his pants. Claire sat back and watched the show, enjoying the way the fabric clung to the muscle of his thighs. “Unless of course you decide to leave.”
“We’re still good, right?” Claire asked, looking him up and down. “Or did I cross a boundary?”
“We are fine,” Loki said shortly. “What was the percentage you gave us the other day?” Claire grinned, exhaling smoke through her nose.
“I predicted a respectable seventy percent, but it’s up to eighty-five now that we’ve smoked pot together.”
“I barely smoked any,” Loki argued weakly. Claire laughed loudly. “Perhaps another time I can try more.”
“Alright, it’s a date,” Claire smiled. “I’ll put in an intergalactic order for more kinds,” she snickered at her joke, which Loki didn’t understand. “Hey, don’t tell anyone where I am, okay? I honestly can’t handle any more princess lessons today.”
“It will be our secret.”
“Awesome,” Claire sighed, relaxing back into the soothing embrace of the grass. “I like secrets.”
When Claire eventually emerged from the garden, she had just enough time to meet Frigga for tea. Claire liked the queen, but she was nervous about meeting with her, especially having cut out of princess lessons early that day. Believe it or not, Claire did not find needlepoint compelling. Her knowledge with ropes and knot-tying didn’t exactly translate, and Claire would rather stab her tutor with the needle than use it to make delicate flowers with thread.
Frigga looked radiant as always when Claire arrived. Claire had a passing hope that she didn’t smell like pot as she sat down to tea with her future mother-in-law.
“Hello dear,” Frigga greeted her with a warm smile. She got to her feet and gathered Claire in a warm hug, which never failed to prick at Claire’s heartstrings. “You look well. How are your lessons going?”
“They’re okay.” Claire offered with a shrug. Frigga picked up the tea pot to begin pouring tea.
“Are you certain?” Frigga asked knowingly as she poured Claire a cup of steaming hot tea. “Your tutors are of a different mind, especially your needlepoint instructor.” Shit.
“I mean...I’m definitely struggling. For all my skills, I can’t seem to do anything right here. It’s frustrating.”
“Every new venture is a challenge,” Frigga replied smoothly as she poured her own tea. “I too felt out of sorts when I first came to Asgard.”
“Oh yes,” Frigga smiled fondly at the memory. “Odin and I were betrothed from a very young age, and although I spent most of my youth preparing to take my place as his wife, preparing and doing were very different things. It is understandable that you should feel upset or overwhelmed.”
“I definitely feel overwhelmed,” Claire agreed. “There’s so much for me to learn, and just when I think I have a grip on things, something else gets added. And it’s also very frustrating that ever since I came here, I’m basically viewed for nothing more than my reproductive potential. I have so much more to offer than that and I feel like no one cares.”
“Childbearing is an integral part of our society, Lady Claire. All women have talents, this is true, but through our children our people survive. The children you have with Loki will ensure the alliance between Asgard and Midgard will endure for centuries to come.”
“But isn’t that degrading?” Claire asked sharply. “Not every woman wants to have children. Shouldn’t they be allowed to choose for themselves?”
“Perhaps, but that is not the issue at hand. You do not have the luxury of choosing, dear. You made your choice when you agreed to come here.” Frigga said gently.
“Well maybe I’m having second thoughts,” Claire set her cup down with more force than she meant to, the loud clink drawing a pointed look from Frigga. “This is not what I had in mind.”
“Is leaving truly what you wish?” Frigga asked. She could tell the young woman was discouraged, but much was at risk if she backed out of the treaty.
“I don’t know,” Claire spun her empty tea cup in its saucer instead of meeting the queen’s eyes. “I’m not sure I’m the right person for this. It seems like no matter what I do, it’s not enough.”
“I appreciate this is a tremendous undertaking for you,” Frigga replied gently. “What young women learn over the course of years, you must learn in weeks. I can also appreciate that my son is not the easiest young man to get along with.”
“Right,” Claire grimaced. Frigga knew about their spats; practically everyone in the palace did. “Maybe it would be best if I left.”
“Do you know what happens if you do?”
“I know this is to form an alliance, but Asgard and Earth aren’t on bad terms. There’s no threat of war.”
“There is not, that is correct. There is however, significant threat to Loki. Should this alliance fail, he will be returned to his cell in the dungeons.”
“I thought that was only if it failed after we married.”
“I’m afraid not, dear. I have tried to change the king’s mind, but he will not be swayed.” Frigga pursed her lips behind her tea cup.
“But-” That’s not fair. Why does Odin have it out for Loki? “This isn’t right.”
“No, it is not. One of the hardest aspects of being royalty is that we often must swallow knives to make peace.”
“So if I leave- even if Odin himself says I won’t cut it- Loki goes back?”
“Indeed,” Frigga replied, a sour look upon her face. “I’m sure I don’t need to impress upon you how vital it is that you and this marriage succeed,” she grabbed Claire’s hands in her own. “I am sorry to burden you with such responsibility. But I fear you are the only means I have to save my son,” Claire swallowed nervously. “I would beg you to reconsider. Please.”
Twelve days until the wedding
Claire struggled to sleep the night before, still trying to figure out why Odin was so dead-set on Loki going back to jail. Hadn’t he served enough time?
She wasn’t sure if five years equaled eighty deaths, but it definitely was unfair to release someone from prison only to throw them back in. Somehow Claire doubted whether Asgardian law had the concept of double jeopardy on the books.
After tossing and turning for hours, Claire had examined and re-examined the problem from every possible angle. She’d finally come to a solution- the only solution that didn’t leave her in an ethical quagmire and Loki in a jail cell.
She was going to stay.
Somehow, she would successfully finish her princess lessons and shove her success in her tutor’s faces. She would fulfill the obligations of the treaty and become princess royal of Asgard, and Loki’s wife.
Her mind made up, she’d finally fallen asleep for what seemed like five minutes before Ragna was waking her up for the day. She struggled to stay awake as her hair was brushed to perfection, the promise of seeing Loki at breakfast forcing her from her chambers. He was probably worried sick she was going to leave him to his wretched fate. She had to talk to him.
Except he wasn’t at breakfast. Ignoring the nerves upsetting her stomach, Claire forced herself to eat.
After breakfast, Claire set off with Ragna and a guard under the guise of walking off her meal. Loki was somewhere in the palace, and she was determined to find him.
The hallways seemed to grow busier on the lower levels they explored, and Claire followed the crowds. People curtsied and bowed to her as she walked the halls, making her feel like a celebrity. She gave polite nods to everyone they passed, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of Loki.
A flash of green caught her attention and Claire perked up, scanning the clusters of people for Loki.
Loki stood with his back to her, in an animated discussion with two men she didn’t recognize. Without a thought, she dashed toward Loki, leaving Ragna and Gunnar in the dust. People parted like the red sea as she ran, gawking with dismay at the woman who dared to run.
Loki was in a discussion with two fellow council members when Claire raced up to their group.
“Hey,” she said breathlessly as she pulled him aside. “I’m sorry to interrupt. I need to talk to you.” The council members bowed to her respectfully as her hands clasped around his arm. She seemed genuinely upset, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she fought to catch her breath.
“Are you alright, my lady? Where is your escort?”
“Oh, um...somewhere back there,” Claire gestured over her shoulder. “I promise I’m fine.” Loki’s companions shared a concerned look at her boldness.
“A moment, please,” Loki said to the men he was with before steering her a few feet down the opulent hall. “What troubles you?”
“I wanted to clarify what I said yesterday.”
“My lady, we didn’t see each other yesterday.” Loki squinted at her in warning.
“Right, of course,” Claire winked. “But what I said, about feeling indecisive.”
“I see,” Loki nodded. “Then you have decided-”
“I’m staying.” Claire spoke over him.
“But you-” Loki blanched, clearly confused. “I beg your pardon?”
“I was freaking out,” Claire sighed. “I wasn’t kidding when I said lessons were going badly. It’s my fault...I- you know what, no. I’m not taking blame for this-”
“For what?”
“Everything about this just…” Loki looked concerned as she clenched her fists and growled angrily. “Goes completely against my feminist beliefs. Having to sit there and listen to those old bats go on and on and on about how my entire life is supposed to be about you! I’m supposed to let you make all the decisions about everything! Where we live, how many babies we have, you name it! I’m not supposed to have opinions!?” she threw her hands up questioningly between them.
“I suspect that would be like asking you not to breathe.” Loki joked, regret filling him instantly when Claire’s stormy eyes settled on him.
“If you think for one second that I’m going to be trailing after you like a lost puppy-” she jabbed a finger at his chest plate angrily, and Loki’s eyebrows nearly reached his hairline. “You’ve got another thing coming, pal. Either I walk next to you like an equal or not at all.”
“I would not want you to,” Loki replied slowly. “I apologize for your difficulty. I did not realize-”
“How sexist your culture is?”
“What?!” Claire huffed. “Are you gonna tell me I’m wrong? Is that too strong of an opinion for you; because it sure is for everyone else.”
“I do not wish for any of those things,” Loki replied, a pinched look on his face. He sighed, glancing with concern at the people milling around them. Many of them gave the engaged couple odd looks at they passed. “It is difficult to discuss this openly here.” Neither of them could say what they really wanted to say with so many others around them, but Claire did not seem to care at all.
“Why? I don’t give a shit. You wanna know the truth?” she asked. “When you totally didn’t see me yesterday, I was fully prepared to cut and run. I had my things packed and ready to go. I was on board with stepping up for my people- I still am- but I draw the line at making myself small so other people can be comfortable.”
“I see.”
“But...then your mom told me what would happen to you if this doesn’t work out, and I don’t think you deserve that,” She placed a hand on his vambrace as she spoke, and Loki stared down at her for a beat, making her think she’d overstepped. He swallowed as she stepped slightly closer and if Claire didn’t know any better, she’d think he was nervous. “I’m still not vibing with all of this, but I think there’s more to you than what I’ve seen. I am trying to be as open about this as possible. I just need to know it’s not for nothing.”
“Thank you,” he said finally. “I still think this endeavor foolish, but it is far preferable to the alternative. That said, you are not alone in your concerns, and I would like to discuss them with you at length,” Loki grimaced as his companions summoned him. Claire offered a faint smile when his expression soured. “I’m afraid I must go. I shall see you soon, Lady Claire. I look forward to discussing this further. Do enjoy the rest of your day, my lady.” He drew her hand into his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, keeping his intense eyes focused on hers and setting her heart to racing. His lips were soft and warm, his touch gentle. Something in Claire quivered and turned to a puddle as she fought back a swoon. How could something so innocent make her stomach clench and turn her knees to jelly?
She thought about it for the rest of the day.
Long after a respectable princess-to-be should have been asleep, Claire sat awake in her apartment going over her notes. What little intelligence S.H.I.E.L.D. possessed on the god who had laid siege to New York lay in front of her. Claire had read the dossier back to front and at this point could likely recite it in her sleep. It was her personal notes that she scrutinized now, unable to make them fall in line with the printed narrative. The Loki written on the page was calculating, grandiose, and malevolent. The Loki she was coming to know was none of those things. Well, he was still grandiose, but Claire figured that was part and parcel of being raised as royalty. The man was literally a god, worshipped for thousands of years. Still worshipped, Claire corrected herself as she thought of his rapid fans who’d pledged their undying loyalty to him before the debris in New York had been cleared.
Claire had done research of her own before her arrival in Asgard, doing countless deep dives of obscure forums and social media, and had managed to unearth a small collection of personal accounts which had yet to be verified. One such account came from a subreddit, posted by a woman living in New York at the time of the attack. The woman claimed that Loki had pushed her aside as a large piece of debris had fallen, sparing her from certain death. If it true, perhaps her husband-to-be was not the monster that the people of Earth thought him to be.
Most of what Claire found was unhelpful. Comments ranging from the typical ‘I can fix him’, ‘he’s just misunderstood’ to pure filth about what the poster would do to the man if given half a minute with him. Claire had originally dismissed them all with a roll of her eyes- she might be a monster fucker, but having witnessed the carnage of New York firsthand she wasn’t ready to ride the man’s dick at the time. Now that she was getting to know him and riding on his dick was a fast-approaching reality, Claire wasn’t too mad about it. The circumstances, sure, but not the getting-to-fuck-one-of-the-hottest-men-in-the-galaxy part. The man was FINE.
And he wasn’t like S.H.I.E.L.D. had thought he would be. Bruce had described him as ‘bag full of cats’, but Claire felt she was beginning to see behind the curtain. Sure he was mischievous, and kind of a dick, but he was thoughtful, and gentlemanly, and at least willing to listen to her concerns about the rampant sexism. And so fucking tall.
Focus, Claire. She fought not to melt at the memory of him kissing her knuckles earlier. For all the smut she consumed, a kiss on the hand was what made her all gooey inside? What was she, twelve?
She blamed the forced separation. In the limited time they spent together, they were watched like hawks in the name of propriety. Would things change after they married? Claire quite liked the intense stirrings their interactions caused, and hoped the feeling remained after the wedding. Her eyes dropped to the hand Loki had kissed, her skin tingling as she remembered the feeling of his lips. She wanted another. Fuck it, she may as well admit she wanted him to kiss up her arm like Gomez Addams. She deserved to be loved like Morticia.
Claire sighed wistfully before pulling herself out of her rose-tinted thoughts. She could daydream about Gomez and Morticia later. For now, she needed to focus. Shaking her head, Claire pulled the dossier back in front of her, rifling through the small stack of photos inside. She’d already seen them several times, but this time she caught something she hadn’t seen before.
In many of the photos, the photo was blurry- having been pulled from subpar traffic cameras or someone’s shaky cell phone. However there was one, from his time aboard the helicarrier, where the image was crystal clear. In this photo, it was clear how haggard Loki was. Just like the times before, Claire noted the dark shadows beneath his sunken eyes, the grayish tint to his alabaster skin and how pale and chapped his lips were. In the margins of the glossy photo paper, Claire had made notes: -not sleeping? -drugs? Anything she could think of to explain his appearance. Prior to meeting him, Claire had had no way of knowing, but the biggest clue had been staring her in the face the whole time. Loki’s eyes were blue in the photo.
Weren’t his eyes green? Claire dropped the photo, thinking back to the times she’d seen him in the past few days. The marketplace, the garden, the hallway that morning, dinner...his eyes had been green each time. No blue whatsoever.
What the hell?
Just as she was scribbling a new note in the margins, a knock on her chamber doors startled her. Wasn’t it a bit late for social calls? Ever cautious, Claire closed the dossier and hid it beneath the couch cushion before she went to the door.
A handmaiden stood waiting, bearing a heavy looking tray of dishes and a cloche. The guard watched from his post beside the door, looking bored.
“The meal you requested, madam.” The handmaiden said, giving her a curtsy.
Claire hadn’t requested shit. She didn’t recognize the woman, but she was still pretty new to the palace. Just as she was about to close the door, the handmaiden winked at her. Claire paused, thinking for a moment that the wink looked familiar. The fuck?
“Right. Yes. Sorry, I must be more tired than I realized. Come in.” The guard relaxed, allowing the handmaiden to step inside and closing the door behind her.
“Do you allow anyone into your chambers, or am I special?” Loki asked from behind her, grinning when Claire whirled to face him.
“You sneaky little shit,” she hissed quietly, looking at the door in alarm. “You can’t be here! The paw patrol will be pissed!”
“Paw patrol?” Loki’s face scrunched in confusion. God damn it, he was cute. And in fewer layers than usual. His leather armor had been exchanged for soft looking leisure clothes, but his long limbs were still covered by dark fabric. “I am not familiar with this band of enforcers,” he set the tray upon the table in front of the couch. “May I sit?” he gestured to the couch.
“Never mind,” Claire sighed. “Yes, please.” his loose collar gaped to the side as he sat down, and Claire was granted a teasing glimpse of his collar bone. “Why are you here? Why is Gunnar not barging in to haul you back out?”
“Because princess lessons are going poorly, and you clearly need the extra help,” Loki sighed, brushing his hair back from his face and exposing a strip of skin at his waist. “As to your second question, the room is cloaked in my magic. Your guard will not be able to hear us. I’m not risking imprisonment again so you can learn how to properly curtsy.”
“Hey, fuck you.” Claire spat. It was nice of him to offer his help, but he didn’t have to be condescending about it.
“Not yet, darling,” Loki brushed off her words, clasping his hands together. “Now then, let’s get started.” He dragged the heavy table closer to them with ease, the fabric of his sleeves barely containing the muscles in his arm as they flexed.
“Oh goody.” Claire said flatly as she sat beside him. Loki shot her a dark look as he reached to pull the cloche off the gilded charger beneath it. He set it aside, letting her see what he’d brought. A small assortment of little sandwiches and what looked like miniature fruit tarts sat on the charger, waiting to be consumed. In front of the charger, he’d arranged a proper place setting and Claire was actually a little impressed.
“This is how the table settings are arranged for state dinners,” he explained, naming each utensil as he touched it. His thigh pressed against hers as he spoke, and Claire struggled to focus on his words instead of the steely muscle she could feel. This was the closest they had ever been and her body was intensely focused on that fact. “You start from the outside and work your way in with each course.”
“Yeah, I know,” Claire replied, pushing away her desire to ride his thigh. God, how good would that feel? “I’m a commoner, not an idiot.”
“Well how was I to know?” Loki chuckled. “Better to start with the basics and work our way up,” I’ve got something he could work up. “Focus darling, or we’ll never finish.” Claire snorted, drawing another ireful glare from her husband-to-be. He waved his hand and the dishes disappeared from the tray, replaced with a scroll of parchment.
“Aw, snacks.” Loki rolled his eyes, returning the charger with another wave of his hand.
“I swear you’re just like Thor,” he shook his head, taking one of the sandwiches for himself before handing it to her. “Now pay attention. This will help you remember the rank of anyone you may meet. It’s very important that you know how to address members of the court and in what order.”
An hour later, Claire was able to recite the flow chart back to Loki and had satisfactorily answered all of his questions on how to address the various nobles.
“Maybe I’m not such a shit princess after all,” Claire remarked as she rolled the scroll back up. The charger rested beside her on the couch, the snacks long devoured. “I’m definitely making flash cards.” Loki grinned.
“It helps to have study materials. No doubt the crones expected you to memorize it after hearing it once.”
“Pretty much.”
“Do you have any questions before I take my leave?” Claire’s eyes flicked to his as he looked up at her.
They were green. So why were they blue in the surveillance photo?
“Why are you helping me?” Loki licked his lips as he considered the question, his brows bunching as he met her gaze again.
“Because regardless of how we got here, our paths are now intertwined,” he said gently. “I will not let you fail, Claire. Even if it means risking life and limb to teach you.”
“Life and limb, huh?”
“Of course,” Loki nodded. “Should you fail, the alliance would be in ruins and you would be sent back to Midgard. I, however, will either be sent back to prison or to the executioner’s block. Most likely the latter.” Claire paled as the weight of their situation crushed her.
“Your mom didn’t tell me that part,” she murmured. “Fuck, I really am a get-out-of-jail-free card.”
“A what?”
“Remind me to introduce you to Monopoly,” Claire smiled weakly. “Actually, that would be a great way to teach you about capitalism.”
“A lesson for another night, I think. You should get some rest.” he got to his feet, gathering the tray in his hands.
“Probably,” Claire agreed as she yawned. She got to her feet as well, her back popping as she stretched. Loki’s eyes trailed over her body, lingering on the curve of her hips. “Will there be more lessons tomorrow night?”
“But of course,” he replied easily, his eyes darting up to meet hers. “I will be sure to bring snacks, since that seems to motivate you.”
“I was hungry!” Claire cried defensively, both of them giggling. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” Loki nodded as he made his way to the door. Suddenly, he wheeled back around to face her. “About what you said earlier-”
“There are many things I would change, if I could,” Loki pursed his lips. “I may not ever have that power, but I will always treat you as an equal.”
“Wow,” Claire smiled, relief flooding her veins. “Than-”
“An annoying, hot-headed one, but an equal nonetheless.” Loki smirked as she scowled at him with annoyance clear on her face. “A jarl?” he questioned before she could speak.
“My lord.” Claire replied, giving a sarcastic curtsy. A corner of Loki’s mouth curled upward at her cheek.
“The second prince?” he pressed.
“Pain-in-my-ass,” Claire cackled. “Good night.” Loki’s half smile evolved into a full one, and before Claire could blink, the handmaiden from before stood where he’d been.
“Sleep well, my lady.”
28 notes · View notes
mochie85 · 2 years
So I had an idea if you want to take it. I love your writing sooooooo much.
So the reader is the newest maid and when She goes to clean Loki's room she's surprised to see him in the bath. Everything in her is telling her to leave but she stays and watches him. Well this turns into a somewhat daily ritual. She saves Loki's room for last so she gets there as he's getting into the bath. Of course Loki knows. He knew she was watching him from day one but let it go on because he was curious as to what she would do. Would she join him or stay in the literal shadows. We'll Loki makes that decision for her one night and tells her that if she is going to watch him she might as well join him. While they bath together and get "busy", Loki discovers that she's ticklish and decides to tickle her for making him wait so long.
Hope you like the idea but feel free to say no. 💙💚💜🖤
All The Right Places
One-Shot Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
A/N: I'm sorry this took a while friend. I had never written a tickle fic before. My research was very eye-opening indeed 😈. This is a long one too. I hope you enjoy it. As always my ASKS are open. Stop by even just to say 'Hi'. 😁😘 Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Word Count: 3.5k Warnings: Smut-fingering, masturbation, voyeurism. Tickling. Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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Life in the palace wasn’t so bad. You received new sets of clothes with a clean apron. The kitchen arranged three meals a day for you. And, provided that there wasn’t some big event or someone very important visiting, you would have one day a week, off.
You started as a chambermaid for the lowly courtiers, hoping to work your way up as one of Queen Frigga’s maids-in-waiting. You knew it wouldn’t be overnight, but if you were diligent and worked hard, you could be there in no time.
You worked mostly in the mornings, making the beds after they had been slept in. You left small tokens on the courtier’s pillows; flowers, or books that the courtiers mentioned they were looking for. Sometimes chocolates for the children.
At night, you would turn down the beds and make them look inviting for the residences of the palace. In the short time, you worked there, you had moved up from being the chambermaid to the dignitaries and courtiers to the chambermaid to the princes themselves. It won’t be long now, till you get to work for the queen herself.
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Having just finished Prince Thor’s room, you made your way down the gilded halls into Prince Loki’s wing. You smiled at the guard posted to the prince’s door and knocked. No answer.
The guard wouldn’t stand by if Prince Loki was not in his room. You knocked louder, hoping to get the prince’s attention. You decided to go in and announce your presence. Looking down to the floor, you quickly came in and bowed.
“Your highness, I’m here to turn down your chambers for the night.”
There was no response. You stood there, bowed, waiting for a reply, or a rebuke. Anything. You dared to look up, only to be met with an empty room. Taking a big sigh, you decided to just finish what you came here to do.
You stoked the fire, adding two more pieces of wood to the hearth. You opened the windows slightly, to let the scent from the Queen’s garden inside. You tidied up here and there, picking up books and parchment off the floor and settling them upon the prince’s desk. Lastly, you pulled his blanket and top sheet down to an angle and fluffed the pillows making sure it was inviting for the royal.
Putting the last pillow down on the bed, you heard a soft humming and splashing coming from the comfort room to the side. You rolled your eyes at the realization that Prince Loki was in the en suite. Of course, he was there. How had I not considered looking in the restroom when I came in?
To confirm your suspicion, you went over to the door of the en suite. You were about to knock but his warm humming and loud sighs made you reconsider. He was relaxing and you didn’t want to bother him.
The door was slightly ajar, and you peaked in as you smelled the steam of pine and citrus wafting towards you. I really shouldn’t be doing this. If I get caught, he’ll think I’m a spy or worse. A pervert! Ladies should not be in the habit of spying on their betters.
You were about to turn away when the deep sound of a moan caressed your ear. Your eyes found the prince. His eyes were closed. His hair, damp and dark, like ink, stuck to the nape of his neck which was outstretched as he laid his head back resting on the edge of the clawfoot tub.
Prince Loki’s defined arms spread on either side of him as if he were welcoming you to join him. You rolled your eyes at the thought. In what realm would that ever happen? He lifted a foot outside the water and rested it on the edge. His arms sank back under, and another lip-biting moan escaped his lips.
A spontaneous whimper left your lips. You turned away, your cheeks flushed, and your eyes beamed as you realized what you had witnessed. Covering your mouth, you quickly gathered yourself and stalked out of the Prince’s room, not bothering to bid the poor guard goodnight.
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The following night had you nervous and embarrassed as you prepared to turn down Prince Loki’s room. The thought of his hands sinking below the water, his long fingers gripping himself, eliciting the most erotic sound you’ve ever heard in your life, made you want to combust right there in the hallway.
“Your highness, I’m here to turn down your chambers for the night.” You were met with silence yet again as you looked up from your bow.
You noticed the thin opening of his en suite door. Calling you, beckoning you to have a glimpse. Your eyes never took off from the opening as you tended to his fire. Or, when you picked up his books and papers from the floor. Not even when you had turned down his bed and fluffed his pillows did your eyes wander far from the gap at the door.
You were drawn to it. The steam from the prince’s hot bath lured you in like an aphrodisiac. Licking your lips, you hesitantly walked over to the door.
Just like last night, Prince Loki’s well-defined arms stretched out from either side of him. His chest was heaving slowly, sensually, as he relaxed from the warm vapors of his bath. There was a terrycloth covering his eyes, warm and soothing as he let out a deep sigh.
His hands rubbed his neck, and you found yourself doing the same.  He trailed his hands down the expanse of his heaving chest and into the steaming water. He lifted one knee as his strong fingers found what he was searching for.
His moans started low at first, a gentle vibration. Then you saw the waves form in the tub as he increased his movements. You witnessed his arms flexing and relaxing in rapid succession. A sultry moan escaped his open lips. You couldn’t help but bite your lip down and close your eyes as your own hands found your pebbled nipple underneath the sheath dress and apron you had on tonight.
When you heard him reach his pleasure, your hands found themselves in between your legs, rubbing furiously, as you sought your own high in tandem with the Prince. You let out a quiet orgasm as you leaned back on the wall, trying to support yourself as your knees gave way.
What had you just done? Reality sunk back into your body. The threat of the Prince finding out you had pervasive thoughts and touched yourself to his private moments scared you. You quickly ran out of the room and hurried back to your chambers.
You couldn’t stop thinking about what you just witnessed. The prince’s strong arms, his long neck stretched out to pleasure. The sound of the water splashing as his hands brought himself to his orgasm. His moans quivering in your memories as if you can still hear him.
This was wrong. You shouldn’t be spying on his most intimate moments. But you couldn’t stop. Night after night, you had saved Prince Loki’s room for last. You always announce your presence, warning the prince, but hoping he couldn’t, or rather, wouldn’t hear you.
And each night, whenever his hands would wander down the soapy waters, your own hand would complement his actions until you both found yourself in the throes of passion.
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Loki had noticed your presence around the palace. The courtiers were often thanking him and his mother for their gracious gifts upon their pillows every morning, which made them confused. For they had not requested anyone to do so.
To his mother’s investigation, it turns out you had left tokens, or sometimes small chocolates, for the courtiers after their return to their chambers. The Queen was impressed by your kindness and generosity and promoted you as the Prince’s chambermaid. Perhaps, when there is an opening in her inner circle, she might consider taking you on.
The first time Loki was on the receiving end of your kindness was when he was looking to read a new book. He had already read the ones in his personal library twice over and the ones in the main library already.
That night, as he dried himself off from his bath, he noticed a book of poetry laid out on his pillow. He stayed up all night reading the book from cover to cover. He was pleasantly surprised that you had found something he had not read. And was even more surprised that he enjoyed it.
He stalked you afterward. As much as a busy prince could. You were kind and always had on a smile. He would hear you laugh at the guard’s jokes outside his door, and often wondered how you would react to his class of humor.
The first time you had spied on him, he had no warning that you were watching him from the sliver of the doorway. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have dared such voyeuristic perversion. But he heard you moan. A faint whisper of passion that was stifled by propriety. A sound he was sure that no one else had heard of. Not even those unworthy guards outside who could make you laugh.
The next night, he wanted to see if you would be so bold enough to watch him again. And so, without reservation, he waited till he knew he had your attention and imagined that his hand was yours. It was your hand roaming his wet body. Your touch, that sought out his pleasure underneath the waters.
He heard you whimper again, and he knew he had you. Night after night, he invited you to watch him. Always leaving a small opening for the door. Hoping your urges would just overtake you and you would march through the doors and give yourself to him. Hearing you shuffle around in his chambers excited him. Does she know that I think about her? Does she know how much I crave her attention?
All his frustrations finally climaxed in one night. He noticed you come into the great hall as Fandral’s attendant. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were visiting his loutish brother and his mother had ascribed you to be Fandral’s maid while he was here.
Anyone but Fandral! Loki thought. That scoundrel wouldn’t be able to admire you properly as he could. He wouldn’t know how kind and generous you are with your attention. How forward and lascivious you could be.
Yet, all too soon, Fandral got caught up in your gracious manner as well. He couldn’t take his rascal eyes off you. Loki witnessed him tuck a stray hair away from your face and into the back of your ear. You let out a ticklish laugh.
Realizing what you had just divulged. You clapped your hands over your mouth and let out an apology. A warm blush traveled along your body and Loki followed the hue. His eyes enjoyed the sight as he perused over you. Fandral laughed, almost mocking you for having a secret ticklish spot.
When Loki heard your laugh, that same carefree laugh he heard when you were out mingling with his guard, he was instantly jealous. He was so entranced by the sounds you made. He treasured your moans. But that was behind closed doors and in secret. He wanted to hear you laugh carefree and only for him.
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After finishing your nightly chores, and obligations to Fandral, you hurried down to Prince Loki’s chambers to set his room for the night. Greeting the guard hurriedly, you set to come inside and hurry your duties. As always, the room was empty. The door to his en suite was slightly ajar and steam from his bath furled outward luring you to come closer.
You slowly made your way toward the en suite. The familiar tile and clawfoot tub appears in your sight. Tendrils of steam gave way, but the tub was empty.
“Hello, pet,” Loki said in a deep growl behind your ear. You turned around surprised and almost giggled at the tingling sensation his voice sent down your body.
“Your highness! I – I apologize, your grace. I didn’t m-mean to…” Loki uncloaked himself from his seidr and was wearing nothing but a towel, which hung low around his waist. His defined chest was stronger and more intimidating up close. Your throat dried up and you were at a loss for words.
“I know you’ve been watching me, dear. I can hear your soft whimpers even from behind the thick door.” He said to you as he studied you. A flush of red, as the roses outside, bloomed on your lovely face and crept throughout your body.
You had been caught. There goes your goal of working for the Queen. You would be put in the dungeons for spying. Or maybe the stocks. Worse yet, exiled! You did the only thing you could do. You knelt and begged for forgiveness.
“I-I apologize your majesty please forgive me. I didn’t mean to intrude. I just saw you an…”
“How shall I punish you?” Loki said teasingly.
“Please have mercy, your highness.” You started to cry. A sound that broke Loki’s heart. He’d rather hear you laugh or better yet come undone under his many talents.
“Come now, dear pet.” He said as he tucked your hair behind your ear. The action alone made you stop crying, forcing you to hold back your giggle.  You were always so sensitive around your ears. “I think it’s only fair I get to watch you, don’t you think?”
Your eyes grew wide, and your breath hitched at what the prince had just asked you to do. He held out his hand to help you up.
You looked at it and hesitantly took his offer to help you stand. He led you to the steaming bath. The humidity steamed up the windows and made it hard for you to breathe. The smell of citrus and pine beguiles your senses as Prince Loki started to undress you.
He started with your apron, reaching behind you and untying your knot. He pushed the soft tule of your dress off your shoulders, letting them pool onto the floor. Loki noted that your blush had reddened your skin. He was eager to touch you. To find all your hidden spots that would make you lose control.
Loki bit his lip as he circled you. Trailing his finger from your back up to your shoulder. The action caused you to shiver and jump away from him. “Ah, ah, ah. Jump away like that and I’ll have to tie you down.”
“Please your highness, I’m very…sensitive to touch. I can’t handle it.” You begged.
“Oh, I can tell.” Loki traced his fingers down your neck, eliciting a moan this time. “I wonder if I can find all your sensitive areas. Get in, darling. Show me how you play with yourself.” This was only fair. After all, you had been taking your pleasure as you watched him for many nights now.
You looked at him hesitantly. His eyes sparkled and his smile was predatory. He was handsome and intoxicating. The definition of deadly charm, all wrapped up in muscle and sinew. You slowly laid yourself down on his spacious tub. The warm, soapy water felt amazing against your skin.
Loki couldn’t help but think how brave you were. You had gotten caught and instead of making up excuses and sniveling about it. You took on your punishment, as a good girl should. “Open your legs darling.” You followed his directions. Bending your knees, your feet on opposite sides of the tub. “Go on.” He said. “Pretend as if I’m not in the bath and no one can see you.”
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You wanted to please him. You wanted to make this right. You didn’t want to be cast out of the palace. You love your employment here.
You closed your eyes as your hand delicately trailed down your neck. You caressed your breast and pinched your taut nipples, eliciting a deep moan from your lips.
You imagined that your hands were his, roving your body. Trapped in between his strapping muscles. His heady moans echo in your ears. You rubbed yourself, bringing you to the edge. Sticking two of your fingers inside as Loki watched licking his lips.
He dropped his towel on the floor and exposed his hardening cock. Your eyes widened at how well-endowed he was. You had never seen him out of the water. He got inside the tub, kneeling on the opposite end.
“Are you thinking about me?” Loki asked in a deep, but subdued voice.
“Mmm, yes.” You whimpered, close to your release.
“Good girl.” He praised. “I wonder what happens when I touch you here?” he began to trace his fingers up your calves to the back of your knees. You began to giggle and move your legs away from him.
“Oh, no, no, no. Remember what I said about moving away, pet? Now I’m going to have to tie you down.” He said with faux remorse. Invisible cuffs held your hands up and tied to the faucet behind you.
Your heart beat faster. You were helpless against him. He leaned closer to your body as he stroked your arm. “Where else are you sensitive, my dear?” his fingers got dangerously close to your axilla, lingering above it. You shook your head, smiling. You were ticklish, yes. But not in the usual places.
Loki had figured this out when you giggled as he touched your ear. His hands found your sides and he ran his fingers up and down, earning a sharp laugh from your lips, making you splash water around you.
The sound of your honeyed laugh immediately excited him. He loved the sound- any sound -you made. He was so glad that he could make you laugh.
“M-mercy, your ha, ha, ha-highness, please.” You begged.
“Oh, but I love the sound of your laughter.” He trailed his fingers down your body. Caressing every inch. He lingered by the apex of your thighs. Your warm cunt tempting him. “Soon.” He said more to himself. “But first, I need to hear more of your sweet, sweet laughter.” He continued his touch down, behind your knees. The contact made you close your legs and kick up and down. Splashing water over the tub.
Loki laughed as well enjoying your reactions to his teasing. “Oh, you are perfect, my dear.” He continued to tickle you behind your knees. Your laughter rang through his ears like a siren’s song. He couldn’t get enough.
He brought up your leg from under the water and began kissing your thighs. Then your calves. Granting you a momentary reprieve. He bent your knees towards your head as he brought your feet closer to him.
“No! Please, please! Your Highness. No! I-I beg of you.” You tried to pull your feet away, but Prince Loki was a lot stronger. His thumbs pressed deep into the balls of your feet, making you smile and bite down on your lip. He massaged you gently and he felt you relax at his ministrations. He gently kissed your foot and then nipped your heel making you snort ungracefully.
“What a delightful creature you are,” he said smirking. He bit your heel again, making you laugh vehemently, and he continued to kiss his way up your leg.
When his lips found the bend of your knee, he snaked his tongue out and licked you, causing you to laugh again. “Hahaha…Your high…your highness. P-plea-se hahaha.”
His fingers continued massaging their way up your thighs, leaving marks. “Just so I know all the right places where I can touch you to get your angelic laugh.”
He reached your glistening folds, and he rubbed your sensitive pearl with his thumb. A different sound came out of your lips then. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of that sound. I want all of it.”
He proceeded to insert two of his fingers inside you, holding your thighs apart. You had gotten so close earlier that it didn’t take long for you to reach your pleasure now. “Y-Your highness…L-Lokiii.”
When you moaned his name, he went feral! He took you in his mouth. His fingers rimmed inside you as his thumb rubbed your delicate nub. He would not let off till your screams echoed in his en suite. Something Loki has dreamt of often.
He felt you tighten around his fingers as the tingling sensation traveled throughout your body, making you cry out his name. You panted and came down from your high, after several moments. Loki continued to kiss you. His lips felt soft and confident.
“You beautiful siren,” he said kissing the side of your lips and all along your cheek. “What other beautiful noise can I draw out from you?” He tugged your ear with his lips and you started to laugh.
He smiled and said, “I’m going to spend the rest of the night finding out.”
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@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @britishserpent @huntress-artemiss @mischief2sarawr @user13cabs @one-oblivious-nerd @crimson25 @nopenottodayson @el-zef @lokiprompts21 @lokisninerealms @lokisgoodgirl @michelleleewise @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane @lucylaufeyson3 @loopsisloops @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vbecker10 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @salempoe @theaudacitytowrite @immersed-in-mischief
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ladylovesloki · 2 years
I’ll Never Let Go: Ch 1
Pairings: Loki X Reader
Warnings: Language
Summary: You and Loki have been courting, you’re both ready to move on to the next step. Someone isn’t too happy about that.
💚🖤This was only supposed to be a One Shot….🤷🏻‍♀️🖤💚 💚🖤It should only be two chapters though👀🖤💚
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Prince Loki and you have been courting for some time now, have gone through countless hours of princess etiquette lessons, supervised walks in the park and visits to the library. It has all led to this moment right now. You both are now standing in front of the dais, the throne room is filled with Asgardian people and visitors from other realms that have business with Odin. Odin himself is sitting on his throne, Frigga and Thor standing on both sides of the golden perch. 
“Prince Loki, Lady y/n, I was informed this morning that you wish to announce something to the court and to the people of Asgard. The floor is yours.” Odin’s booming voice fills the entire room, you and Loki step up hand in hand.
“My King, father”, Loki starts and then takes a quick glance at you with a smile on his face. You smile back, nod and he continues, “today I have asked the Lady y/n to be my wife and she has accepted.” Cheers come from all around you, you look over to Frigga and see a smile on her face and tears in here eyes and Thor looked like he was bursting to run to his brother to give him the biggest hug.
“This pleases the court and all of Asgard as well, it seems everyone is excited to have a new princess in the house of Odin, you have my blessing my son. Lady y/n, speaking for myself and the rest of my family, welcome.” He waits until the crowd silences again, “we will announce the wedding in the coming days for now we celebrate the engagement of my son Prince Loki and the Lady y/n, may the Gods bless them and their impending marriage.
Frigga certainly didn’t run down the steps of the dais but she was swift about it in order to get to you as fast as she could. 
“My darlings!” She brings you both into a hug, “I am so happy, y/n we must speak about the wedding preparations! We have so much to do…”
“Mother, let them enjoy their engagement a moment, give them at least a week.” Thor jokes, giving his brother the hug he was dying to give him as soon as the announcement was over.
“Sister, I am so happy you will be joining our family. Loki is a lucky man”, Thor smiles kindly at you and then brings you in for a hug.
“Thank you Prince Thor, My Queen I am so excited to have you in this, I know if my mother were she here would’ve loved to be apart of it”, you feel a bang of sadness in the middle of your elation. 
You missed your mother, after your father died in battle she was all you had. You didn’t have any siblings so when your mother died when you were a young girl you were left to the mercy of the ladies in waiting. Your father was a captain for Odin’s royal army so you were a lady of status, when you became an orphan the Queens ladies in waiting took you in and taught you how to be a lady of this court.
You had a love for the healing arts and eventually wanted to be a healer, you spent time with Eir and Queen Frigga learning as much as you could about healing herbs, flora, anything that would help you meet your goal of becoming a palace healer. That was until you met Loki, you always saw him when you went to see the Queen for your lessons. One day as you waited for the Queen in her sitting room Prince Loki came in with a burn on his hand in extreme pain.
“You? Where is my mother?” He asks, annoyed you were not who he was looking for.
“She has not arrived for our lesson just yet, is there something I can help you with my prince?” You ask him, your eyes not leaving his hand that’s being clutched by his other one.
“Not unless you know how to heal this..” he holds out his hand and you see the burn. 
Thankfully you had went over different burns not too long ago with Eir and knew exactly what you needed to aid the prince.
“Oh goodness, yes that looks painful. Over here my Prince.” You guide him over to Frigga’s medicinal cabinet and pulled out a jar, you opened it and the smell of flora and healing tonic immediately seep out of it. You gently rub the prince’s hand, not taking your eyes off the wound, watching the redness slowly dull and the boiled skin heal. You don’t notice Loki staring at you as you work with wonder on his face. He fell in love with you right then and there.
So here you are, announcing your engagement to the entire kingdom, you were so happy and so in love. You couldn’t wait to marry your handsome prince, of course you knew certain things needed to happen first. Greetings, feasts and more etiquette classes..wonderful..
A few weeks later, you are getting ready for your engagement dinner, beings from all over the universe were here to celebrate with you and your new family.
You’re taking a final look at yourself in the mirror when you hear your door open behind you.
“My lady, you look exquisite.” You turn and see Loki in all of his glory, armor shining, glints from the fire showing in the shiny metal. You can’t help but zero in on his bulge in between his legs, the tight leather never leaving anything to the imagination. You have not had sex with Loki yet, every visit the two of you had were heavily supervised. So to say you have been anxiously waiting for your wedding night is an understatement. You couldn’t wait to finally have your prince.
“Thank you my Prince, you look like a dream.”
He hums a small laugh, “your dreams I hope.”
You smack him in the chest and he raps his arms around you giving you a small kiss.
It apparently lasted too long because your lady maid clears her throat and eyes you with a look that says patience my lady..
“Are you ready?” Loki asks you, “yes, let us go so that we can be done with the festivities and get back to the real fun…”
“You were just at the library this morning woman!”
“I know, I know but I’m trying to go as much as I can before my Princess duties take away from my library time.” 
You both laugh on your way to the feast hall, you reach the golden doors and Loki addresses the guard, “announce us.”
The guard nods, opens the door and steps out, “Prince Loki, God of Mischief, Second son of Odin, Brother of Thor and the Lady Y/n, daughter of Arild and Estrid, soon to be Princess of Asgard.”
The crowd cheers, everyone stands in their seats as they watch you move towards the royal table. Once you get there, you greet your soon to be family, you say your hello’s you give a slight nod in thanks to the crowd and take your seats.
Some time has passed during the feast, everyone has eaten their fill and are now busy getting drunk on Asgardian ale and wine. You are sitting with Loki, his hands have been touching you in some way all night, whether it be on your knee as your sitting, your lower back as your making your way through a crowd or when you are taking a sip of your wine he places his chilled hand on the back of your neck cooling you down. You were so happy and then you were approached by a lady in a dress in Loki’s colors.
“Lady y/n, congratulations on your engagement, I look forward to the wedding.”
You give your thanks, cautiously, this woman is wearing your fiancée’s colors, strike number one.
The lady then shifts her attention to Loki.
She gives a deeeppp curtsy, her ample breasts almost spilling out of the dress.
“Prince Loki, congratulations to you as well, your soon to be wife is stunning.”
He clears his throat, all eyes watching to see how he reacts to the lady.
“Thank you my lady, I was blessed by the Norns the day I injured my hand, my lady heals me mind body and soul.” He leans over and gives you a kiss, making it very clear his eyes only see you.
After the awkward encounter with the lady in green, you excused yourself from the table.
“Excuse me my prince, I need some air.”
“Of course” he stands to rise from his seat. 
“No, stay, I think your brother is about to make a fool of himself again, you should stay to be sure he doesn’t do anything too scandalous.”
“Now my darling, you know I’ll just sit there and enjoy the show.” 
“Then sit and enjoy the show, I’ll be back shortly.”
You get up before he can protest and walk to the balcony.
You take a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air. 
You hear foot steps behind you, when you turn you see the Lady in green.
“Lady y/n, how is it that you managed to catch the eye of the dark prince? You seem so…innocent.”
“That’s not your business my lady, I suggest you take care of how you speak to me about my fiancée.” You’re getting upset but you don’t want her to see it, you need her to see strength, that you’re someone not to be messed with. You knew Loki had a past, you knew that women and men alike lusted over him and many would test how solid his commitment is to you.
“I mean no disrespect, only curious…” then she walks closer to you, “he’ll be better off, it might take him some time to forget you but I’ll help him with that..”
You were just about to call for Loki when everything went black.
You wake up and your body is in motion, you’re walking but you are not in control of your body. You’re trying to get your legs to stop but its like something else is controlling you. You look forward and see the glow of the rainbow bridge in the horizon.
To be continued…
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The Promise Of A King Pt. 5
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none, the usual bickering lol
Genre: parts of this are actually fluffy
Summary: When your parents surprise you with the news that you are going to marry one of Asgard's princes you're not exactly thrilled. It's not made any better by said prince giving you the cold shoulder from the very moment you arrive. Now, not only do you have to worry about acclimating to an unfamiliar place but you must do so while preparing to marry someone who seems to absolutely detest you before you've said five words to him. You know you're duty-bound but why does it have to be so difficult?
You're reading in your room when a knock at the door distracts you. Before you've even put the book down though, one of your maids is at the door speaking quickly to whoever is on the other side of it.
"It's one of the queen's ladies." Lily tells you.
"One of the queen's ladies?" You frown.
"Well let her in! Or do I have to meet her at the door?" You ask standing from your window bench.
"No she can come in." Lily says and rushes to invite her into the room.
"Hello lady y/n. I hope I'm not interrupting you this afternoon." The girl says with a slight bow.
"Don't be ridiculous, the queen and her ladies are always welcome here. What can I do for you?"
"The queen has requested you join her in the gardens for tea if you aren't too busy."
"Too busy for tea with the queen? Never. Please tell her I'll be on my way to meet her shortly." You tell her. She nods and scurries out of the room and you turn to Lily.
"Tea with Queen Frigga?! Do I look okay to have tea with the queen? Should I change my dress?" You look down at the lilac-colored dress you're in today.
"You look lovely y/n. We ensure that whatever you're dressed in is appropriate to see the king or queen at any given moment. You have nothing to worry about. You should head over soon though."
"Of course! I can't very well keep the queen waiting."
"Do you want me to join you?"
"No, I'm sure we can manage Lily thank you. Feel free to eat or take a nap or have some fun." You tease as you rush out of your room with her laughter trailing after you. You make your way to the gardens and find a table set with pastries and a tea set. The only missing piece is the queen hasn't arrived yet. You take the moment to admire some of the flowers. You've been in the gardens before of course, but the blooms here never stop seeming magical every time you're here.
"What are you doing here?" A voice you couldn't miss huffs behind you. You spin around to face Loki.
"Well I-"
"Actually, it doesn't matter what you're doing here. You need to leave." He says.
"Excuse me?" You scoff.
"Yes, you're excused. I'm using the garden so you need to go."
"I- would- trust me I have no desire to argue with you but I was asked to meet Queen Frigga here so-"
"I don't think you were. Seeing as my mother and I are planning to have tea here as you can see from the table setting." Loki gestures. It only takes a moment for you to realize what's happening here and you can't help but chuckle slightly. This was the queen's plan? Surprise both of you with an invitation and hope he sticks around to talk once he realizes he's been duped.
"What's so funny?" He frowns.
"It would appear, that the queen has played a bit of a trick on us." You say, stifling your smile.
"What are you talking about?"
"She made plans with you and invited me here, yet she is nowhere to be found."
"You think she's trying to force us together?"
"I think she's hopeful this engagement will be a happy one and this is her way of- encouraging that outcome." 
"What did you say to her?" Loki's eyes narrow suspiciously.
"My mother can be meddlesome sure, mothers tend to be but this is farther than she has ever gone. I can't imagine she did so of her own accord." Loki scoffs.
"First of all if you think I can sway the queen of Asgard to do anything you greatly overestimate my power. Secondly, her desire to see us together is all her own, I already told you I'm here because I'm duty-bound to you. I'm not going to jump through hoops to pretend this union is my happily ever after." You roll your eyes. "Look, the queen only wants to see you happy and seems to think you can be happy with me, but I'm not in the business of forcing people to be around me when they don't want to be. I would like to enjoy the gardens a bit longer, and maybe have some tea but you are free to go." You tell him, turning your attention back to the flowers.
"Did you just dismiss me?"
"No? All I did was tell you that you don't have to stay here just because the queen is trying to encourage us to get along." You roll your eyes.
"I don't need you to tell me that I don't have to stay. I was just leaving."
"Okay." You say without turning to him.
"Get OUT of my way." At the sound of Loki's command, you turn around to find him face to face with a guard.
"Sorry your highness, but my orders come from above you."
"My mother?" Loki frowns.
"And father." The guard nods.
"Now he's involved too!? What have you done to my parents?!"
"I haven't even spoken to the king outside of at dinner. What is with you and blaming people for things they can't fix?! Namely me." You cross your arms.
"Is that what you think?"
"Is that what I think? It's what I've experienced. You've been nothing but rude and dismissive to me since I arrived here not to mention you actively playing the blame game a few weeks ago, coupled with your completely baseless assumptions about my apparently not obvious enough lack of desire for your approval. Honestly, I have never met someone as arrogant, self-absorbed, inconsiderate, and entitled as you!"
"Watch your tongue. I'll remind you that I am a prince of Asgard."
"And I'll remind you I do not care. You're whiny and selfish and you can throw your titles around all you want but I haven't broken any laws and I'm not Asgardian as everyone here loves to remind me. You may not like me but your family does so you can't very well punish me for hurting your feelings. Not without pissing them off and straining your political relationship with Alfheim."
"Why would our affairs with Alfheim be affected by anything I do to you?" Loki scoffs.
"The prince of Alfheim is my cousin."
"Wait- you're directly related to the crown prince of Alfheim?" Loki frowns.
"I had no idea."
"Obviously. You don't know anything about me plus it's not really a well-known fact outside of Alfheim." You shrug.
"Now it all makes sense."
"Why my parents want me to marry you. Nobody told me you were directly tied to the royal family. Now it makes sense." Loki hums.
"I already told you I was here because I had to be. Even if I wasn't related to the royal family our marriage is obviously one of interest. We don't know each other, it's not like anyone was thinking about us when they decided we would wed." You roll your eyes.
"You seem so willing to accept this."
"Yeah well, I could throw tantrums all day but that's exhausting and you throw more than enough for the both of us so- I'd rather spend my time trying to find ways to be... content with the cards I've been dealt." You shrug.
"You should spend your time speaking less judgmentally."
"Oh give me a break." You scoff.
"I beg your pardon?"
"When I first arrived here the look on your face could freeze nitrogen. You want to talk about judgmental? You've had not a single kind thing to say to me since I got here. I speak to you exactly how you deserve based on the way you've behaved."
"I don't have to justify myself to you."
"Yeah and I didn't ask you to but if you want to act like an asshole do not be surprised that I'm not nice to you. I'm nice to people who don't glare at me when I walk by or ignore me when I speak."
"Oh like Thor?"
"Yes like Thor. I don't know why you sound so mad, you don't even want me here. Why do you care if Thor and I are friends?" You go ahead and sit at the table at this point, intent on enjoying your afternoon tea plans even if Loki is stuck here and determined to argue.
"I am not mad."
"You sound mad." You pour yourself a cup of tea.
"Well I'm not."
"If you say so." You shrug, biting one of the pastries on the table.
"I can't believe you're just going to sit there having tea."
"That's what I came here to do. Would you like a cup?"
"No! I'd like to leave!"
"Yeah- well I can't help you with that one. I can just offer you tea."
"How do you do that?!"
"Do what?"
"Just- accept that things happen to you."
"Well not everyone is next in line for a throne you know. You change the things you can change and as for the things you can't change, you do what you need to in order to deal."
"What are you talking about? You're related to the prince of Alfheim."
"Unless my cousin doesn't marry and never has kids the throne of Alfheim is not in my future. I haven't been prepared for it, no one expects me to sit on it so, like I said, if I can change things I do, if I can't change things I make the best of it."
"Guard. How long are you planning to hold us hostage here?" Loki crosses his arms.
"We've been told you are to remain here for at least one hour your highness." One of the guards says.
"An hour!?"
"Approximately the length of an afternoon tea." You muse. "Would you like that cup of tea now or are you going to sulk for the next 45 minutes?" You ask from your seat.
"You are entirely too amused by this." Loki says.
"Oh I'm sorry, would you prefer it if I got all upset like you are doing?"
"If I said yes would it make a difference?" He scoffs.
"Well I wouldn't get upset if that's your question, do you realize how irrational it would be to expect me to base my emotional reactions on yours?"
"I don't need a lecture on my behavior from you."
"I asked you a single question. Though you're free to interpret it however you'd like to." You shrug. Loki rolls his eyes but doesn't respond this time, choosing to pace back and forth while you quietly enjoy your tea. "And the silver-tongued prince chooses to sulk." You mutter quietly. Loki fixes you with a glare at your chuckle. With your first cup of tea empty, you notice an unopened flower, wilting towards the ground. When you stand, Loki's eyes snap to your form, though you don't notice as you crouch near the flower. With a gentle brush of your fingers, you urge the flower to open and stretch towards the sky with a touch of magic. "That's better." You smile to yourself and return to your table. Loki doesn't quite see you use magic but he notices the open flower and wonders what you did. You pour yourself another cup of tea, bringing heat to the pot with your fingertips.
"Isn't that cold by now?" Loki asks.
"It isn't."
"It's been here for over 40 minutes there's no way it's not cold."
"Well it's not."
"That's impossible."
"I have no reason to lie about the temperature of my tea your highness." You muse.
"Are you teasing me?" You pour tea into the other cup sitting at the table and walk it over to Loki whose eyes are narrowed in suspicion.
"See for yourself." You hold the teacup out to him.
"I just don't understand." Loki shakes his head when he feels the warm cup. You suppress a smile as you return to your seat.
"These pastries should be warm." You mutter so quietly you don't expect Loki to hear.
"What was that?"
"Just thinking out loud. I wish some of the pastries were warm. No biggie." You shrug.
"Which one did you want warm?"
"This one would be good warm, but the rest are fine at- whatever temperature this is." You shrug. Loki opens his palm for a moment and a green spark flashes from it so quick you almost miss it.
"Is it warm enough?" Loki asks. You pick up the pastry in question and to your surprise, it is.
"Um yes, thank you." You say almost quietly. It's the most gentle Loki has ever heard your voice, so used to your sharp tone the difference catches him off guard.
"You're welcome." He says with a slight smile that he hides by taking a sip of his tea. He finds himself imagining, momentarily, what it would be like to spend afternoons like this regularly, perhaps with a book.
"Your highness?" One of the guards clears his throat after another spell of silence.
"You're both allowed to leave the garden now." He tells you.
"Thank the Norns." Loki huffs walking off.
"If it's alright, I'll be here for a little while longer." You say to the guard with a gentle smile.
"Of course lady y/n." He nods. "Would you like someone to stay with you?"
"Oh don't let me keep you from your duties. If you have other things to tend to please feel free to leave." You tell them both.
"A guard, well me, I will stay nearby in case you need anything." He says, dismissing the others who were there.
"Alright that's fine. Would you like tea? Or a pastry?" You offer.
"I'm here to aid you."
"You can aid me and still have a snack you know." You say. He nods and grabs one of the pastries from the table.
"Thank you." He nods.
"What's your name?"
"Ulf, it's nice to meet you." You smile. He offers one back as he finishes off his pastry. You stand from the table, with your second cup of tea finished you decide to walk around the gardens, taking in the plants from various regions.
"Lady y/n?" Ulf calls to you after a while.
"Yes Ulf? Is something wrong?"
"Well I was just wondering earlier- with the flower. What did you do? It suddenly opened when you touched"
"Oh that? It was magic."
"You can do magic?"
"I can." You nod.
"Does Loki know?"
"Loki doesn't even know my middle name." You snort.
"Well Loki does magic- I'm surprised you haven't talked about it."
"I'm sure you were listening to us speaking earlier. That's honestly the most we've spoken since I got here."
"And do you like things that way? Not speaking very often?"
"He's not that nice to me which means it's probably better that way. Loki doesn't seem that eager to talk with me so I'll leave it be. Queen Frigga has her fingers crossed it'll get better but I can't say for sure, I don't think Loki wants things to change."
"And are you liking Asgard otherwise?"
"Mostly. I don't think the people are fond of me but-" you trail off with a shrug.
"I'm sure they'll come around. You seem quite lovely from what I've seen."
"Thank you Ulf. You're very kind." You smile. You walk around the gardens for a while longer before you head inside. The queen's plan may not have worked exactly but you'd call this afternoon one of your more interesting ones since arriving in Asgard.
Part 5/???
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annachum · 2 years
I've been seeing A LOT of Sigyn fan works, and the #JusticeforSigyn trend on social media. I'm a Sigyn fan and I stand by Justice for Sigyn too.
However.....I actually have a feeling that Sigyn exists in the MCU THE WHOLE TIME, except she is CURRENTLY offscreen ( still manifesting for her official debut in MCU, possibly in Loki S2 )
Like, imagine her and Loki being childhood friends to lovers ( with a crazy love story ). They attend Yggadrsil Hall of Learning together ( alongside with Thor, the Warriors 3, Sif, Brunnhilde and Heimdall. Amora, Lorelei and Theoric go to school there too and they are part of a gang of mean kids, and Amora and Lorelei fled to Nornheim to learn dark magic from Queen Karnilla of Nornheim in their high school years ).
And as Loki and Sigyn grew, they got together sometime before Thor 1
Imagine her, an Aesir Light Elf hybrid from Alfheim with Aurora Manipulation powers, and a Valkyrie veteran who is one of the very few that survived the Massacre of Valkyrie. And she at first is unwilling to go back to Alfheim and Asgard because HER MOTHER DIED THERE TOO.
Yet she exhaustedly agreed, cuz those who survived inspired her to realize that there is still hope around the horizon. And she soon became a bodyguard/lady in waiting to Frigga and a diplomat in Alfheim Embassy in Nine Realms Intercosmic Embassy.
Imagine her being Loki's consort lover in Thor 1 during Loki's 1st rule of Asgard, yet she began to feel torn between her love for Loki and her understandable concern of Loki slowly turning to dark side. And then she mourns for Loki's 1st fake death.
Imagine her, after coming back from multiple intercosmic diplomatic business trips, and hearing all about Loki causing havoc in Earth all to try to offer her a throne ' worthy of Sigyn ', she found herself joining the Asgardian fleets to defend Asgard from the Dark Elves. And on top of that, even as she rightfully calls out Loki's crap, she defends him through thick and thin and CANNOT bear him to be possibly executed. AND THEN Theoric ( an abhorrent admirer WHO TURNS OUT TO BE A SPY WORKING FOR THE DARK ELVES ) TRIES to woo her ( actually tryna glean some spy info from her ) yet Sigyn spurred his advances and still remained loyal to Loki.
And then she also mourns for Frigga's death, gave Thor and Loki magical first aid kits for their big escape...and manages to tell her Nine Realms cohorts that Theoric is a double crossing spy. Well that ( and upon hearing Theoric is bothering Sigyn ) is more than enough to have Loki pull strings to have Theoric killed in battlefield.
Imagine her, thinking that Loki died ( again ), reunited with Loki in secret and became a bodyguard of Loki/Odin and a Chief diplomat in the Alfheimr embassy in the Nine Realms Intercosmic Embassy, and eventually Loki and Sigyn married in secret
Imagine Sigyn, during Ragnarok, joining the Light Elfs to battle against Hela's forces while also help run a refuge behind the waterfalls in Hummingbird Bay ( where the Sea Elves dwell in Alfhem in coral abodes ). And she broke down witnessing her healer dad died trying to save her life.....
And all the while, EVERYONE else found out her and Loki's initially secret marriage, and also Sigyn and Loki kept in touch via crystal ball communications and magical notes while they had their crazy adventures.
Imagine Sigyn managing to escape the Massacre of the Airship caused by Thanos to an alternate timeline where Alfheim is ruled by a council of Valkyrie veterans and military leaders ( via Sylvie unleashing the Multiverse via Stabbing Kang )
And imagine Sigyn, who soon heard an Alt Loki was out there somewhere, began a time hopping journey to find Loki when she was abducted by the TVA yet manages to escape and eventually reunite with Loki, and the 2 commence a coupe against the TVA together ( this is what I would LOVE to see happen in Loki S2 )
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ramrage · 1 year
Loki Laufeyson is a Man of Many Complexes
chapter 1 of ???
“This is a very funny joke if you had all the details,” Loki says. He’s out of breath and it’s mostly likely because he’s bouncing on some blond behemoth’s behemoth dick. The man kneads at Loki’s ass, seemingly unaware of this whole exchange. Loki just smiles wryly at you.
On a particularly naughty thrust, the blond man smacks roughly at Loki’s ass, growls out a “Who’s your daddy?”
Loki turns to you with a grin, “So was that. Pardon me for a moment,” he says before leaning down to his blond’s face for a kiss. This situation would feel much more odd if Loki seemed more perturbed, but he doesn’t. In fact, having an audience seems to egg him on. He whines out a pornographic, breathless “you are, you’re my daddy”. The blond man seems pleased by this, given the appreciative sound he grunts out.
Loki smirks at this. “For context,” he says as he grinds his hips, “this is no one.” He nods to the man. “No one of import, at least. Met him at a bar and well, I couldn’t resist the opportunity.” The man grabs Loki’s hips, stilling them. Loki shoots a puzzled glance your way but complies as the large man arranges him on all fours. With an appreciative hum, Loki remarks, “Ah, backshots.” The man reinserts himself, groaning.
“So tight,” the two say in sync. Loki rolls his eyes.
“Just for you,” Loki says, glancing back. He can’t help but melt bodily into the sensation, rolling his hips. This was good.
After settling himself, the man starts up at a punishing pace, filling the room with lewd slaps of flesh against flesh. Very good, indeed. Loki leans into his touch as hands slide across his flanks, across his chest, up his neck. Fingers roughly press at the seam of Loki’s lips, and he allows them in, sucking.
“The punchline is coming,” Loki assures you around the mans fingers, pausing to smirk at the double-entendre. “I’ll tell you when.”
“When?” Loki says, sort of outraged. A limp asparagus drops to his plate, plopping lamely next to a congealing mess of gravied mashed potatoes. A mandatory excursion of unknown but longer-than-desired duration to the middle of bumfuck nowhere was not ideal. Not remotely ideal.
Frigga, otherwise known as “Mom”, spoons a heap of mashed potatoes onto Odin-Father’s plate. “As soon as your brother’s semester ends,” she explains, nodding at the blond behemoth sat at the opposite end of the dinner table.
Loki raises his brows knowingly at you. “Ba-dum tish.”
Interpreting his silence as moody disapproval, Frigga scolds her youngest son, “Loki, your grandmother left behind a lot for us to sort out with the house. This is an all-hands-on-deck operation.”
“Are we forgetting that I am employed? With a job?” Loki asks incredulously. To be fair, he didn’t exactly care about this job, but the real offense was the general lack of consideration vis-a-vis his life. “What am I supposed to do? Just leave indefinitely?”
“Family comes first,” Odin interjects.
Loki scowls impressively. “He’s become a man of few words in his later years,” Loki says, addressing you. “Mostly chiming in to offer obnoxious, unyielding moral platitudes when they’re least wanted. He also enjoys reminding me that I’m the worst.”
Odin sighs like an old man. “Your brother will be attending classes remotely and he hasn’t complained.”
Thor knows better than to react to that statement. Or maybe he doesn’t give a shit, too busy looking gorgeous as he inhales his eighth helping of steak.
“He’s a super senior.” Loki nods in Thor’s direction, but no one seems to notice. They continue eating silently in the oppressive awkwardness specific to tense family dinners. They’ve made it a weekly tradition, keeping the family bonds strong, or whatever “You can spend ten years at school and no one seems to give a shit if it means holding onto their star QB. America is weird.”
As if closing off any further commentary, Frigga sighs, not looking up from her plate. “We’re all going, and that’s that.”
“Well, you heard her,” Loki says sardonically, shrugging, “that’s that.”
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kinnoth · 2 years
Ok but like, Thor leaves his mother's garden, gets fostered out, comes of age at 14, and like, now that he's a Man, tries to like, develop a man's sense of sexuality. Tries to develop at least like, a flirtation, something light, normal, in keeping with other boys his age. And like, he has no dearth of willing recipients to his attention, like, he is very eligible. But he can't quite make anything stick. He spends a couple hours every now and again doing vague courtship gestures with all manner of well-bred, suitable girls and just never really feels anything other than awkward and a bit impatient.
(The only girl he is actually repeatedly spends any time with is his foster sister sif, and it was more her idea than his. It starts when they're 14, just as Thor is leaving her father's house, and it goes off and on for about a year. They court very casually, as young people do, and are seen in each other's company a few times in public. Like all his other dalliances, it never officially ends so much as it just peters out. Sif doesn't appear to take it one way or another, and if she holds a torch for him, it's privately)
It's just he does not like spending time with anyone as much as he likes spending time with Loki.
But, like, Loki has other friends. He has a whole host of scholarly types from vanaheim he keeps correspondence with; their cousins visit him all the time; he's popular with Frigga's women, who find him unthreatening and entertaining. Loki does not ever seem to be lacking for company, where thor is constantly surrounded by all manner of retainers and courtiers, but he just feels so isolated all the time.
And yeah, he's jealous of the time he gets with Loki. Like, Loki is so far and above his favourite person, but what if Loki likes other people more than he likes Thor?
(down down beneath several dozen layers of Things He Doesn't Think About, Thor knows that his jealousy and possessiveness over his brother's attention is inappropriate and unnatural. But as long as he doesn't think about it and Loki never knows about it, it's fine right? Like, he suspects he couldn't live with himself if loki ever rejected him, but he knows absolutely he couldn't live with himself if Loki ever found out about revolting his feelings actually were. If he thinks about it at all, he can see Loki's reaction: the white blanch of his horror and then his anger, and then Loki would never see or talk to him again, and he would be right, bc Thor is actually disgusting --)
At least part of the anxiety Thor has when Loki comes of age and strikes out on his own is that he suspects Loki will have no trouble with finding and keeping his courtships. Loki isn't like Thor, who can't seem to hold an interest, sexual or romantic, in other people, bc nobody is like Thor. Everybody else seems to be having a perfectly easy time doing this perfectly easy thing that everybody has done since the beginning of time.
(When suggestions are made, for this girl or that, Thor says he's too busy, and he is, granted. He is very busy. Sometimes he makes himself busier than he is, just to make it visible.)
And Thor is just, disgusted with himself, really, with his relief when, by all accounts, Loki keeps totally chaste. If anything, he seems even less interested than Thor is in pursuing romance, and even when Thor explicitly asks around, all the talk of the court suggests that his brother doesn't even have flirtations, much less special favourites.
(Loki has a short fling one summer on Vanaheim when he's 16. It was for 2 months and word of it never got back to Asgard bc he was exceedly discreet, not for any particular reason, just that he generally deplores having his business known. He gives his friend an official office and pension and no incentive to break confidence.)
Thor settles into life with a certain amount of expectation that things are going to stay the way they are.
And then Loki brings a boyfriend home from Vanaheim and Thor about loses his goddamn mind lol
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dyinglikenarcissus · 2 years
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Day 5
Loki x black female oc
Warning: 18+ only!!! Contains: Olympian oc named Eris who is represented as Eris from Greek mythology, very clean, implied smut, implied public sex, family issues, otherwise pretty clean
Please don’t copy or repost my work, thanks! Plagiarism is rude
Comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated ☺️
15k words
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Another day. Loki watched on as his brother spared with his friends in the yard. They all seemed so happy and worked so well together. Loki had been invited to “play” too but he never really felt included with the boisterous crowd. Fandral was too self-absorbed for his liking. Volstagg was loud and he had such a one tracked mind. Hogun could be bearable some days but he never had much to talk about. Lady Sif was gorgeous and Loki sometimes found his quick tongue dying at the sight of her. Considering her as a companion wasn't the best choice of descriptives. So instead he watched from the sidelines, tending to his horse. It wasn't a job he was forced to do but rather one he enjoyed. Bringing pleasure to the animal life around him lifted his spirits. They also gave him someone to talk to when his fellow Asgardians weren't suitable. Then there was his mother. Teaching him tricks and magic since he could stand. Loki always believed parents had their favorites. He liked to think he was mother’s because Thor was definitely father’s.
Yes, just another day. Loki considered simply going inside and practicing his magic. He'd recently perfected duplication and now had the luxury of projecting images of himself in situations where he'd rather be absent. This worked wonderfully for actual physical training. His and Thor's instructor could drill sword play into a clone while Loki stayed inside and sharpened his mind.
He would love to show mother his new skill but she was busy preparing for some princess coming to visit from a different realm. No doubt another suitor for Thor.
Their parents had recently started hosting all these women from every corner of the universe all for Thor. They were all beautiful, strong women with the same mental capacity as his brother. Some with even less. Not that Thor was moronic. Loki simply thought that the sibling excelled in different aspects of life. Thor was good with a hammer. Loki was better with illusions. They each had their strengths and weaknesses. Loki simply thought that his was the better strength.
Loki continued brushing his horse until an attendant came to fetch him.
“The queen has requested your presence,” the guard announced to the younger prince. Loki nodded the man away and made to take his horse back to the stables. “I can take her, sire,” another attendant offered.
“No,” Loki denied quietly, “I’ll do it myself.” Loki excused himself from the group.
After stabling his horse, Loki made his way to his way to the palaces receiving chamber. He glanced out of the open air walkway. It looked like a storm was brewing on the horizon. Strange. It had been such a clear day.
He approached a set of guarded double doors that were opened for him. Frigga was standing near the back of the room, dressed in flowery green ensemble. Green was her favorite color and it grew on him.
“Mother?” he announced himself as he approached the woman.
She turned and he caught a glimpse of a woman standing behind her but only a glimpse of white fabric and dark skin.
“Loki, dear. There you are.”
“All is well?” he questioned. It was strange for his mother to bother him about visitors and his concern must have read on his face.
“Yes, of course. I only wished to introduce you to Eris of Olympus. She will be staying with us for a duration.” His mother stepped aside so Loki had a full view of the woman. She was small; at least two heads shorter than him. And her clothing was so revealing. Definitely not Asgardian. But that was the only fault he found with her. She was beautiful. He skin was the deepest shade of ebony he’d ever seen on a being that was stretched over a frame that consisted of perfect bone structure. Her eyes were the palest shade of blue that seemed to reflect the last of the peaceful sky outside. Her hair was formed in tight coils that were intricately piled on top of her head.
Loki bowed shallowly. “I am Loki. It is an honor to make your acquaintance.”
Her lips were painted a deep burgundy color and they curved into a smile. “Likewise.”
Frigga glanced between the two with a secretive smile. “Loki, would you mind escorting Eris to her chambers?”
“Of course, mother.” Loki agreed and extended his arm for the little woman. As soon as they were free of Frigga, Loki spoke. “What brings you to Asgard?”
“I guess our parents struck up an accord: yours are looking for a daughter and mine are looking to rid themselves of me.”
A grin split across Loki's face. “That can't possibly be the case.”
“They believe I am cursed.”
“That is what my twin said but he was sent away so he could not defend me.” She would not meet the taller man’s gaze but she looked at the ground at his feet as they walked together. “I just hope my reputation does not follow me.” Her eyes finally met his once more and there was so much sadness there he failed to detect when he first laid eyes on her.
“Asgard is a peaceful realm. I'm sure this cruel reputation will not pursue you.”
A small smile once again graced her lips. “You are kind.”
Loki wrenched open a set of double doors placed in a seemingly endless corridor. “These are your rooms,” he stated and swept his arm to indicated that she should enter first. The little woman stepped into a large room with a decorative fountain at its center, a door that led to a bed and a bathroom on one wall and a door that led to spacious balcony on the wall next to that. The room was decorated in rusty reds and purples and golden drapes hung from the ceiling that warmed the room. She walked slowly around the fountain inspecting the view through the open doors and out of the balcony.
“Is it to your liking?” Loki asked when Eris failed to speak.
“It looks as though rain is on the horizon,” she observed instead of answering.
“It's very strange for this time of year.” Loki replied. He'd yet to step any further into the room than the entry way.
“May I ask you a question?”
Loki smirked. “You do not need permission to inquire.”
She gave an embarrassed chuckle. “Of course. I only wondered as to the whereabouts of the library. I do not read Asgardian. I wish to learn.”
Loki almost balked at the request. The library was the last thing guests wondered about. They normally wanted to know about food or winged women or other aspects the realm was famous for.
“The main library is on the other side of the palace and I'm sure you would rather rest than make that trek. I keep a small collection of books in my chambers down the hall if you would like to choose from that.”
Eris nodded then followed him away from her posh room to his rooms that were decorated in blacks and golds. Hints of green and royal blue could be seen through the open door to the bedroom but Eris ignored that walked directly to the door opposite the bedroom that was over stuffed with books of every kind.
“I know very little Olympian. Maybe we can exchange lessons.”
Eris met Loki’s gaze once more but it was clear she was absorbed in the sheer amount of books. There were cases that covered every wall that went to the arched ceiling.
“Small collection?” she asked with a small smirk.
“Comparatively small,” he informed her. “I imagine you'll need reference books. I have a couple books in Olympian that I translated,” the taller man trailed and perused the shelves and pulled out a book here and there. “Here’s one I attempted to translate to Olympian, to test my knowledge.”
“Is there a reason you've studied Olympian?” Eris asked taking the book from the top of the pile he held.
“I pride myself in knowing at least a little of all the languages in all the realms.”
“Quiet the task,” Eris muttered scanning his handy work written in the lines between the printed text. “Your tenses and conjunctions could use some work,” she observed. “I would be happy to exchange lessons.”
Loki pulled out a few more books that should keep her busy for a few days. Eris took Loki's arm with one hand and tucked the book she was holding under her other arm and followed the man back to her room.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” Loki asked as he piled the books on a table by one of the many lounges.
The woman shook her head then bowed deeply. “You have been a very kind host. Thank you, dear Loki.”
Loki nodded in return then left her room. He stopped outside the double doors and took a deep breath. His mind raced over the exchanged words between him and Eris. His parents sent for her to become their daughter but she was obviously not Thor’s type. She was quiet, learned, observant. She wasn't the loud boisterous type they typically requested for his brother. Was she a suitor for himself? She certainly was perfect in his mind.
He glanced out at the sky opposite of the rooms in the hall. There was a full out storm brewing now.
He had to talk to his mother.
He rushed away to the library on the other side of the palace where his mother normally spent her time when it started to rain. Normally, Frigga could be found in the gardens this time of day but the rain would no doubt bring her inside.
Loki's intuition was correct about his mother. She was elegantly posed on a plush couch with a book levitating in front of her.
“Mother, I have to talk to you,” Loki announced as he entered the room.
“About Eris?” the woman speculated. She was so perceptive. “Your father sent for her as a possible match for Thor but I've spoken intimately with the girl and I do not believe her and your bother would get along all that well.” Loki heaved an internal sigh of relief. Watching his brother torment this new woman with tales of battle and feats of strength sounded like torture. A woman like Eris would probably enjoy a trip to the mountains to drink from the healing springs or watch a debate between the high scholars.
“How long will she be with us?” Loki questioned taking a peek at the book his mother was reading. Kree lore. She read their tales to him at night before bed when he was a boy. He remembered them fondly.
“As long as she wishes, I suppose. We have never implemented time limits on your brother’s courtships, why should we start?” Loki smiled and nodded his thanks.
The rain and his newly peaked interest seemed to make the day drone on at a slower pace. He wanted to know all about the girl now housed in his eastern wing of the palace. What did she like to eat? What was her favorite color? Her favorite scents? But he resisted bothering the girl in what might seem like a desperate attempt to get closer to her. He instead wished to get outside and exhaust himself but the rain impeded that as well.
After what seemed like years of practicing magic in the antechamber, Frigga requested that he fetch Eris for dinner. With his spirits high, he marched down the halls with purpose. His head held high and his heart held even higher only for both of them to crash.
Loki knocked on Eris’ door once than once more but there was no answer. He then called into the room, asking if she was well. There was still no answer. Loki slowly pushed open the door and peaked inside through the small crack. A small smile graced his lips at the sight before him: Eris lay curled on a lounge, one book lie open tucked under her arm and another had obviously fallen to the floor based on its crumpled state.
Loki picked up and straightened the book, laying it on a nearby table before using his powers to levitate Eris and put her in her bed. Olympus lived by a different time cycle than they did on Asgard. It was probably quite early to the woman.
She looked quiet discomforted in her sleep. He wanted to know what her dreams could possibly consist of to mar her features in such a way. He brushed a stray lock from her face and Eris let out a soft sigh. The warm air rushed past his palm and the heat seemed to radiate through his body. Loki quickly backed away from the woman, remembering himself, and turned to leave the room. He only turned back to pull the thick quilts over her body.
Dinner was uneventful. Frigga questioned him about their guest and Loki told her that he found the woman in deep sleep and ordered some food to be brought to her rooms for when she awoke. This seemed to satisfy his mother but Thor was instantly interested in the guest. Odin ordered for his older son to take the woman out for a ride on horseback the next day and to watch a session of his training. Loki opened his mouth to protest. His mother obviously hadn’t told his father that she did not think Eris was a good fit for Thor but his Frigga cut in before Loki had a chance to.
“That is a wonderful idea,” she agreed and Loki gave her a pointed look. His mother shook her head slightly to dissuade an argument from him so Loki brooded for the rest of the meal.
“How could you?” he hissed when his mother found him after dinner.
But the smile on her face told him that she knew more than she let on. Frigga was a bit of a schemer. Often going behind Odin’s back or above his rule to get her own way but it was always for the good of the realm or her sons. “What is it?” Loki asked at her smirk.
“Oh, nothing.” Her tone was demure and the knowing grin remained. “Only that I went to check on Eris soon after you left her. She wished to know more about you.” Loki’s eyes widened. “Your interests. Your favorite books. Your favorite color,” Frigga smirked. “I think it would be a good test of her intentions to let her go with your brother. You know he turns every woman he comes across into love struck ponies. If her interest in you can trump your brother’s charisma, then we shall know her intentions are good.”
Loki nodded at his mother’s ploy. Women were often sent to join realms or become spies but his brother seemed to have a power over them, rooting them out with his charm. It almost made Loki sick but to use it to his advantage was another thing entirely.
“Fair enough. I trust you, mother.”
“If it doesn’t work out. I know of two unwed daughters of a great space lord that wholly remind me of you and your brother. Always in competition. Maybe you can find companionship in a similar plight.” Loki smirked and shook his head. If Eris didn’t work out, he would find his own wife. It was his first time being set up for his parent’s interest and he was already tired of it.
The next day, Loki left Eris in his brother’s hands. It did indeed rain but the weather never deterred Thor. He’d simply use the powers awarded to him by Mjolnir to prevent him and his companion from getting drenched. Eris was in good hands but it didn’t stop Loki for worrying. Would she fall for him? That was a notion that was all too likely and a scenario he’d seen all too often. Woman would come from far off lands for political reasons or for leisure with their husbands or suitors or they would have loves they left at home but the second they met Thor there was no other man in the universe.
Maybe she was a spy with ulterior motives. That was all too possible as well though Loki hoped it wasn’t. He spent his day locked away in his rooms. Preferring not to have any reminders of Eris in case he never again was awarded the chance to feel her soft skin or smell her sweet fragrance. He tried to get those thoughts out of his mind but they persisted like blood sucking insects.
The two should be back by now.
Loki made his way to Eris’s rooms but he noticed his bother training out of the open air hall. He’d diverted the rain so him and his sparring partners were dry but the rain continued around them. He also noticed Eris perched on a wall just within the dry circle, watching attentively to the action going on in front of her.
Loki sighed externally. She was lost to him. He watched her for another moment before deciding to venture to the library and drown his woes in a good book.
Not an hour later he heard his brother’s boisterous voice from the hall. “I’m sure he’s hiding out in here. He only has so many haunts,” his announced.
“Thank you, Thor,” he heard the smile in Eris’s voice.
“Ah!” Loki’s blond brother came around the corner and spotted him, “there he is!”
Eris followed him around that corner and her face lit up upon seeing him and Loki’s did as well in response to her presence. She was yet again wearing one of her revealing outfits and her body gave away the fact that she was definitely cold. Or maybe something else.
“Eris,” Loki greeted her. “Brother.”
“We’ve been looking for you. Eris wanted to know where you were hiding.”
“Loki,” Eris nodded.
“Well, I’ll leave you two. Thank you for the wonderful morning,” Thor turned with a flourish and left the two in peace.
Loki waited for the thud of the library door to close before speaking. “How has your day been?”
“Very interesting,” she smiled. “Your brother took me on a tour of the kingdom on horseback but I have never ridden a horse so it was extremely terrifying,” she giggled.
“Never ridden a horse?” Loki questioned skeptically. “Do they not have them in Olympus?”
“We have winged horses but I have never ridden one of those either. Father normally presents one to us when we are born but I was the second of twins so no horse for me.”
“Your father sounds rather-”
“Pigheaded? Boorish? Sexist?”
“I was going to say harsh but we all have issues with our fathers.”
“Yours seems kind. He raised you and your brother as equals.”
“You simply haven’t been here long enough,” Loki chuckled. “Would you like to get out of the palace for a little while?” A grin split her face. “As long as you don’t mind the rain.”
“I love the rain.”
Loki rose from his spot on a plush chair and held out his arm for the girl. He ordered a maid to pack them a lunch and went to her rooms to find her a cloak. He pulled out the thickest one in wardrobe and wrapped securely around her shoulders before retrieving one for himself. He then led her out to the stables where his horse was packed and waiting for him.
“We are to ride there?” Eris questioned.
“You’ll ride with me so you won’t have to think about it too much.” Eris sighed gratefully; relieved she wouldn’t have another experience of trying to reign in one of the giant equines of this realm. Loki helped the small woman into the saddle then swung on behind her and they trotted off toward the forest. This trip was probably a little more uncomfortable and wetter than her last trip, but the woman never stopped smiling and chatting and laughing while they rushed through the trees to a secluded cave a few miles up a mountain.
“Not many people know about this place,” Loki informed Eris as he helped her from his horse. The cave entrance was large enough for the horse to enter and dry off while his riders explored.
“Shall it be our secret?” Eris grinned. She seemed to be opening up to him and Loki to her. He smiled back and took her hand, leading her deep within the cavern. Small stones glowed within the walls that grew the further they explored until they reached a steaming pool. Eris dipped her hand in the hot water and the chill from the rain instantly left her. “Magic?”
“A hot spring,” Loki corrected. “It is warmed from lava deep below the ground.”
“We don’t have such things in Olympus,” she commented in awe.
“People normally bathe in them to absorb their healing properties.”
“Have you?” Eris questioned.
“A couple times.”
“May I?”
“Why else would I bring you here?” Eris giggled and relieved herself of her heavy cloak, finding a high rock to hang it from, she then proceeded to untie the golden sash that held her draping garment together and Loki cleared his throat and averted his gaze.
“I’m sorry,” Eris paused noticing his actions, “do Asgardians bathe clothed?”
“No,” Loki blushed, “but we often have a level of modesty.”
“Olympians care little for modesty,” Eris chuckled, “If two beings fall on each other, it is only right for them to make the most of the tumble.” She continued to disrobe and Loki heard the sound of moving water.
“Is that why your clothes are so revealing?” Loki questioned and peaked to be sure the steam obscured her figure.
“It makes falling a little easier,” Eris giggled. “I will avert my eyes,” she assured him. Loki stripped quietly, facing away from the water for as long as possible, and found another high rock to hang his clothes upon.
When he turned, Eris had wondered deeper within the spring, the only sign of her was a shadow in the mist. “Have you found the inscription?” Loki questioned following her.
“It is a tale about your grandfather?” she questioned.
“Yes, it is in Old Asgardian. No one writes like that anymore. The oracles have long used this spring and others like it for rituals.”
“Is it safe to be here? We won’t wake any monsters or vengeful spirits, will we?”
“No, they claim their spiritual awareness is heightened in places like this but the place has no spiritual value.”
Eris made a noise of understanding. “There are certain places in Olympus we are not allowed to venture because monsters or my grandparents.”
“Your grandparents?”
“What you say is true: we all have issues with our fathers. My father is no exception. He locked up my grandparents or rendered them helpless or indisposed so he could rule without opposition.”
“Olympus is a strange place,” Loki observed and found a spot to sit and relax properly. “Are all the Olympians as small as you?”
Eris turned toward the prince and approached slowly. The water was at her collar bone and the combination of the darkness of the cave with the glowing crystals turned the water into a black mirrored surface. “I am not tall by Olympian standards but I don’t think there are many as tall as the people here. Asgardians are like a race of giants.” Loki chuckled. “Thank you for bringing me here. Though your palace is beautiful, it is in the middle of a city and can be very…loud.”
“Yes, it is. I try to get away as often as possible.”
“You should put in a petition to set a noise curfew and make the fixtures more assessable for smaller beings. Like the shelves. And the men.” Loki’s focus fell back on the little woman who was now directly in front of him. She’d managed to slip between his out stretched legs with nary a sound or touch.
“Are you attempting to fall on me?” Loki questioned as he bent forward, closing the gap between their lips.
“I don’t see why I shouldn’t. Would you like me to fall on you?”
A small smirk played on Loki’s lips at the innocent look Eris gave him. “I would like nothing more.”
The two shared a packed lunch at the mouth of the cave, watching as the rain now fell in heavy sheets, reminiscing about their recent fall. Despite the downpour, they were in no rush to get back to the palace. They laughed and joked the entire journey back only to be met in the reception hall by an extremely concerned Frigga.
“Where have you two been?” she cried.
Loki and Eris exchanged glances. “Exploring,” Loki stated definitively.
“I’ve been worried sick. And you’re both soaking wet!”
Loki sighed. “I’m sorry, mother. We should have told someone we were leaving.”
Frigga’s expression remained stern but it slowly settled into a relieved smile. “You two go get dry. You’ll get sick. You may have long lives but you aren’t invulnerable.”
“Yes, mother,” Loki nodded then extended his hand to Eris. Their gait was crestfallen until they were out of sight of the queen. They then broke into laughter.
Loki led the little woman to his rooms. “But I have no dry clothes here,” Eris said dubiously but her voice held a hint of mischief.
“I’m sure I can find something for you to wrap yourself in,” Loki assured her before pulling her close, into a soft kiss.
“You wanted to see me?” Loki called as he entered the training room. Thor was lying across a bench lifting a heavy looking bar over his head while Hogun and Fandral spared in the far corner.
“Brother!” Thor grunted in greeting. “Find a weight and a bench! I wish to speak to you.” Loki’s gaze roamed the room disdainfully before he declined the offer. “Well then, I will get right to the point. Heimdall has brought something to my attention about you. And Eris.”
“Has he now?” Loki replied, settling onto a weight bench, sensing that this might be a long conversation.
“It made me realize that I haven’t seen either of you in days!” Loki couldn’t repress a chuckle. “I was under the impression that she was sent for me.”
“Do you fancy her?”
“No,” Thor stated quickly with almost a repulsed look as he sat up to face his brother properly. “She is so small. Like a child with a woman’s body.”
“I’m sure she has similar feelings about you.” Loki jested. “She was sent for you but mother thought she would prefer me.”
“Mother was right as usual.”
“She didn’t tell me much about your ride through the city.”
“There was a lot of screaming. She did not take to the horse,” Thor laughed causing Loki to join in.
“She is not one for any wild creature, really. It is a point of contingency with us.”
“You like her then?”
“She is in my bed now if that is any indication.”
“You will marry her?” Thor asked as if sex was the most scandalous act two people could commit.
“We hardly know each other,” Loki denied quickly.
“Scared of commitment, brother?” Loki only rolled his eyes in response. His brother never listened. Or he simply failed to understand that having a relationship that lasted more than one night did not equal a betrothal. “I imagine you two make a handsome couple. You are both very scrawny,” Thor snickered before lying back on his bench to press his weights once more.
“Very funny,” Loki frowned. “Do you need me for something else? A philosophy lesson? A wardrobe restyling? All that red can be a bit harsh on the eyes.”
“Well, it must cover my muscles, dear brother.” Loki scoffed and waved a finger, making Thor’s weights twice as heavy and causing them to fall painfully on his chest. “Loki!” Thor bellowed as his brother got up and left the training room. He heard the other two warriors run to the aid of the prince in his wake.
Loki, of course, didn’t leave his brother in the state. As soon as the door closed behind him, he snapped his fingers and the weights would be teleported back to their stands. It was all in good fun. The brothers had their disagreements and squabbles but at the end of the day they would always be brothers. Loki made a quick stop at the kitchens before returning to his room where he found Eris perched in the center of his bed, strumming her fingers across a small harp. The song was slightly melancholy, he had never heard before but it reminded him of their ride through the woods in the rain.
“There you are,” she smiled without looking up from her instrument. “I woke and you weren’t by my side and it gave me a very strange feeling. I don’t like waking without you.”
Loki stayed standing in the doorway to his bedroom, watching the woman with interest. She was nude from the waist up, the sheets bunched around her covering her lower half. Her fingers seemed to work on their own accord across the harps strings; the song was created so effortlessly by her hands. “I will do my best to prevent you from ever feeling that way again.” Loki finally replied.
“Will you stand there all day? Apart from me?” Eris asked and finally glanced up at him.
“I am at a cross roads. I want to join you in that bed and never leave it again but I have just returned from a talk with my brother. He complains that he never sees me anymore.”
“Then perhaps we should make an effort to leave the bed,” Eris suggested and ceased playing.
“No, not yet,” Loki whispered. “A couple more days. Besides, I asked the kitchen staff to send some food. I’d hate to waste their efforts.”
Eris picked up the tune again. “In that case, we will eat then we will lie together and make the most of our final days as recluses” Loki smiled and finally approached the bed, resting against the pillows while Eris played on.
“Thor thinks we should marry,” Loki announced, his eyes closed imagining the first time he held Eris in his arms.
“We hardly know each other.”
“That is exactly what I said.”
Eris remained silent for a moment while her music filled their quiet. “What if I came to be with child?”
“I would marry you then. Are you with child?”
Eris abruptly stopped playing to look her lover in the eye. “Yes,” she stated gravely.
Loki scrutinized her for a moment before casting judgement. “You lie.” The woman giggled and placed her harp on the nightstand. “You can control your reproductive parts. If you don’t think we should marry, why would you think we should raise a child? It wouldn’t make sense.”
“But it would be a little chaotic,” Eris grinned then her face fell abruptly before she took a calming breath.
“What is it?” Eris shook her head slightly, refusing to make eye contact. Loki sat up and took her small chin between his fingers forcing her to meet his gaze. “Eris, speak to me.”
“I have been so good here,” she sighed. “There is something I haven’t told you. I started the Trojan War and people killed each other because of my instigations. I was banished to the human world for thousands of years because of my trouble making. If I can behave myself while I am a guest here, father will allow me back into Olympus.”
Loki stared agape at her then his face slowly broke into a grin. “So, you’ve started wars as well?” Eris shook her head, not understanding. “Maybe we aren’t good for each other because I’ve started my fair share of battles because of pranks and hurled insults. They call me a mischief maker.”
“Mother says chaos follows me wherever I go.” A small smile finally spread across Eris’s face as she let out a relieved laugh. “Maybe we are drawn to each other. Or maybe we aren’t good for each other,” she repeated, “but if I am to fall into ruin, I want it to be in your arms.”
“I could not have stated it better.” Eris pressed her hand against his stomach and her lips met his cheek.
“Why do you wear such complex clothes here?” Eris complained tugging on his collar.
“I’m dressed for the climate,” Loki laughed and slipped out of the bed to strip. “You should try it.”
“I have you to keep me warm,” Eris sighed as she watched him.
As the months past, Loki and Eris fell into a routine. They did eventually leave Loki’s room to join regular society. Loki resumed his princely duties: training, studying, learning war strategies while Eris was whisked away with Frigga and the other women of the court to learn the ways of the Asgardian woman. When they had free evenings, Loki taught Eris some magic because she was one of the few people around him with the patience for it. Studying spells and incantations became second nature for the little woman who was already a scholar in her own right. Frigga wanted her to learn to use a weapon but Eris refused citing that she would never be called on to battle in Olympus. She didn’t think herself born for such things. She preferred to learn and watch the art of war and weapon wielding but would never partake. Frigga was quickly making it her mission to change that but Eris had every excuse in the book. The Asgardian queen seemed placated to learn that she was learning magic and hoped it would become a stepping stone to wanting to learn to use it in combat. Loki half wished she would take up some form of combat so he’d have an excuse to spend more time with her during training but she never did, always opting to watch from the surrounding walkways and doors.
It didn’t depress the prince too greatly though because they always had their nights together. Eris practically moved into his rooms where they fell asleep together every night and woke together every morning. And some blessed afternoons, they found themselves in that same place together in passing, each on their way to their separate lessons, when they could find a few minutes for themselves.
One of these very afternoons was interrupted by an uncomfortable guard announcing visitors for Eris.
“Me?” the woman questioned, sitting nude atop her prince in the middle of making love on a lounger. While Loki scrabbled for some type of covering, Eris simply called the guard in as if they were sitting around reading. “Alright. I’ll be there in a moment,” Eris assured the man and he left quickly.
“Have you absolutely no shame?” Loki asked, pulling her face back toward him.
Eris smirked. “I have learned a lot about it here but, sadly, very little of it has rubbed off on me.” The two finished their coupling then redressed quickly. “Who do you think it is?” Eris asked in a tone that suggested she didn’t really expect an answer.
“Modest clothing, perhaps,” Loki laughed.
“I have adopted your Asgardian wear,” Eris scoffed. It was true. Her wardrobe now consisted of more than just white and metals. She now wore a rainbow of colors in the more Asgardian style but it wasn’t exactly the style of Asgardian royalty; more like a conservative Asgardian prostitute. His mother hated it but she had to admit it was better than her Olympian wear.
Eris and Loki walked hand in hand to the receiving room. Loki couldn’t help but notice the way her orange shift looked against her dark skin. How her tight curls were arranged in an elaborate bun at the top of her head leaving the rest to drape down her body, covering her breasts which were left partially exposed by the thin clothing. If she moved a certain way and the light hit her just right, she was practically nude and the risqué nature of the outfit was so alluring. But Loki had to ignore his urges for the moment, at least until tonight.
The couple was paces from the door to their destination when Eris stopped suddenly. “What is it?” Loki questioned, turning to stop with her.
“No,” was all Eris whispered, a look of pure terror on her face. “No.”
“Eris,” Loki trailed but the guard saw them and opened the door, revealing the visitors. A blonde was in fervent conversation with a man that looked like the mirror image of Eris. They were both dressed in the white drapery, similar to what Eris wore when she first arrived. The blonde woman’s sun kissed left breast was exposed but her long hair covered her nudity for the most part. She was beautiful, there was no denying that, but there was something not quite right about her that Loki could not quite pinpoint. The man’s hair was in many tightly locked dreads that were pulled back into a tail at the back of his head. Though he was taller and his bone structure was manlier, there was no denying that this was Eris’s twin, Ares. He only wore his white draping around his waist, showing his muscular torso and golden tattoos depicting battles scenes and brutality. The blonde woman’s attention was alerted when the doors opened and her blue eyed gaze fell on the couple and centered on Eris.
“Sister!” she cried and ran for the woman, pulling her into a tight hug.
Eris showed a much less enthusiastic reply, stiffening in the blonde’s grip before attempting to pull away. “Why are you here, Aphrodite?” Eris asked. She did not return the hug so the blonde woman released her.
“How this realm has changed you!” Aphrodite exclaimed, holding Eris out at arm’s length to look at her and ignoring her question. “Why do you wear such bright colors? It is so human!” Eris snorted out a discontent breath.
The man walked up behind the sisters and announced himself. “Sister,” he grinned and opened his arms.
“Brother,” Eris laughed and fell into his arms in a way Loki had only seen her fall into his. “I have missed you! Why are you here?”
“Father sent me to check on you. I’m sorry we didn’t send word of our arrival but you know father. He had a feeling you were up to something.”
Eris huffed again and pushed out of her brother’s embrace. “Well, he was wrong.” She glanced up at Loki at last, as if just remembering him. “This is Loki, prince of Asgard. He has been watching over me during my adjustment to this realm. Loki this is my brother Ares and Aphrodite.”
“Her sister,” the blonde insisted and Eris only rolled her eyes at the comment.
Loki nodded at the two new comers. “Welcome to Asgard.”
“He’s cute,” Aphrodite said quietly to Eris.
Eris narrowed her eyes at the blonde. “He’s mine. Keep away from him.” Loki chuckled at the possessive little woman.
“I heard there were visitors,” Frigga announced herself as she walked into the room. Loki greeted her and she nodded slightly in return. “I’m glad you came to welcome them in my stead.”
Eris nodded to the queen as well. “Queen Frigga, these are my siblings from Olympus, Ares and Aphrodite. They apologize for not announcing their arrival. Our father sent them urgently but they won’t be staying long.”
“Oh, Eris, there’s no need to rush them away. It is always nice to have visitors. Loki, have some rooms made up in your wing so Eris can be close to her family.”
“Yes, mother,” Loki nodded and left the room to alert the maids. As he left he heard Aphrodite’s loud voice exclaim about the fashion of the realm. The two Olympian women were certainly sisters. It was hard to wrap his mind around Eris’s siblings being in the same realm. She didn’t speak much about any of her family much besides her twin. He knew she had a large family but one would never know it from the way she behaved. She was independent and celebrated her time alone.
He did not see his bedmate for the rest of the day but that could be pretty typical if his mother had her working on more domestic projects. Loki spent the rest of his day studying war strategies because that was the latest on his father’s long list of skills that the princes must be an expert at before they could take the throne. This was one of the rare subjects that both he and Thor enjoyed. Sometimes Loki swore one of them was adopted but when they set up mock wars against each other, the family resemblances begin to show. Loki was more prone to stealth set ups while Thor liked to charge head on into battle but it was the subtle nuances that brought them together: Thor sending hidden troops ahead for ambushes and Loki putting his best fighters at the front of battle in an effort to reduce the enemy’s troops at a faster pace.
As much as they enjoyed watching the tiny simulated warriors in their father’s counsel room, real battles were always much more fun. When their father sent them off to plan wars with allied realm facing invasion, the brothers got a chance to combine their styles and were always victorious. Suffice it to say the Loki and Thor spent the majority of their day enjoying little simulated skirmishes and Loki was looking forward to enjoying a quiet evening after using quite a bit of mental prowess. He curled up with one of his favorite books and lounged on a settee in the main room of his chambers. He was far into the first half of the book when Eris stormed into the room. She didn’t bother to greet him, she simply fell face first into his chest.
Loki ran a hand over her hair attempting to comfort her. “Talk to me,” he whispered, setting his book aside.
“I hate her,” the woman cried. “With every fiber, I hate her!”
Loki sighed, “You cannot truly mean that. She’s your sister-”
“She is not my sister,” Eris hissed then there was a knock at the door.
“Not now,” Loki called to the intruder. Comforting his bedmate was his first priority at the moment.
“I would like to speak to my twin,” the voice called from the other side of the door. Loki looked at the woman in his arms and she nodded without glancing up. He then called for Ares to enter. “I’m sorry. I’m interrupting,” the Olympian deemed when he saw the two in a tight embrace. “I noticed Eris was upset when she left us and I wanted to ensure her wellbeing.”
“I’d be a lot better off if that witch was not here.”
“I know,” Ares sighed sagely.
“Then why did you bring her?”
“She is your sister, Eris,” Ares reminded her.
“She is not my sister,” Eris shouted causing Loki to hush her gently.
“She is our father’s daughter.”
“Mother hates her.”
“Mother is not very fond of you, either.”
“At least I am her child. Father loves her more than any of us. Ever since he brought her home, she’s all he ever talks about. ‘Aphrodite is so beautiful. She’s so perfect’,” she spat then took a calming breath. She let out a loud huff and the prince knew she was attempting to calm herself but was failing miserably. It suddenly started snowing outside. “Why did you bring her?” Eris asked again but her brother didn’t respond immediately.
She glared at him and an answer finally came tumbling out, “She insisted on following.”
Eris shot up from her seat at this bit of information and marched in front of him. She took a deep breath at the nape of his neck.
“You’re sleeping with her,��� she deduced quietly, staring Ares down. “How could you?” she shrieked making Loki jump at the sudden outcry but Ares stood unfazed. “All she does is inspire war and chaos but I see she inspires you in a different way, now.” Eris turned from him and now the snow was mixing with ice and was pelting the ground heavily. “Take your assessment of me and leave.” Ares remained still and quiet at his twin’s outburst but his fist clenched at his sides. “What? Has the witch made you senile? Did you not hear me?” Lightning flashed outside and the electricity seemed to enter the room. The uncommonly foul weather could only be due to the quarreling deities in the middle of Loki’s rooms.
“She carries my child,” Ares finally stated before turning to leave. But before he could reach the door Eris hissed, “You mated with it?”
“Eris, that’s enough,” Loki tried but a golden sword had already appeared in Ares’s hand and he was running at his sister. He swung at his sister’s neck as Loki stood in the hopes of stopping the blow and let out a silent cry when he was too late. But, before the blade could touch Eris’s skin, liquid gold poured from her body and shielded her from the blow.
“You always were the weaker twin,” she sneered and grabbed the blade of his sword with her bare hands, crushing the metal between them. “Have Hephaestus make you a new one,” she growled referring the destroyed sword, “if you can face your lover’s husband. Now, get out!” she cried. Ares glared at his sister before attempting to leave once more and this time succeeding.
“Well, that was dramatic,” Loki sighed as he approached the little woman. His hands slipped onto her shoulders to knead the cold metallic flesh. With a deep sigh, the gold dripped away leaving her soft dark skin in its wake.
“I’m sorry, Loki,” she whispered. “You should not have seen that.”
“It’s fine. Thor and I have our quarrels all the time. Though he has never swung a sword at me while I was unarmored,” he chuckled.
“Ares could never hurt me even if he wanted to. There can be no war without chaos.”
“That is why you have never bothered to learn to fight?”
“You cannot destroy chaos,” Eris finished for him.
“You are a true immortal,” Loki observed in awe.
“Most Olympians are,” she shrugged.
Her body language still read melancholy so Loki slipped his hand into hers and pulled her close. Her face fell into his chest where she kept it smothered for a moment. “You should apologize to your brother.”
“Not until he kills that thing and brings me her head.”
“It’s obvious he loves her-”
“And that in itself is truly disgusting,” Eris interrupted.
“And,” Loki emphasized indicating that he was attempting to finish his statement, “he just wants your approval.”
“He gets enough approval from our parents. What am I supposed to say? Congratulations on being the newest on a long list of Aphrodite’s consorts. You got her pregnant, too? Great job!”
“You’re starting to sound very much like me.” At the comment, Eris met his gaze and giggled for a moment before letting out a cry of anguish.
“Fine! I’ll apologize. But I won’t like it.”
“I know you won’t,” Loki sighed and led her to his bed. “Get rid of some energy with me then go deal with Ares.”
“I’d really like that,” Eris smirked.
“To apologize to your brother? What a change of heart,” Loki joked. “Then do that first. I’ll wait here. Maybe I’ll get to know your sister a little better.”
Eris’s face slackened to an unamused frown at the comment. “Don’t even joke about that,” she warned.
“Why not?” Loki questioned, lifting the woman into the bed. “I know how you got to know me. Is the practice universal in Olympus? And I just really want to know what about her can make loving twins fight like wild animals.” He smiled innocently at the irate look slowly forming on his bedmates face.
“That mouth of yours is going to get you into a lot of trouble one day.”
Loki knelt at Eris’s feet while she sat on the edge of the bed and lifted her skirts. “Why don’t I let it get me into trouble now?”
By the time morning came, Loki had to force Eris out of his bed, sending her off to reconcile with her brother. Loki thought he might be able to savor a few more hours of sleep but his own brother came calling with his own plans.
“There’s snow to my ankles,” Thor laughed. “Would that bedmate of yours have anything to do with it?”
“She’s a little upset with her siblings. Well, mostly with her sister.”
“Sister?” Thor questioned skeptically. “That must be the little blonde prostitute bewitching the palace guards.”
“That would be the one,” Loki chuckled.
“I personally prefer Eris to be the only Olympian around here. At least I’m used to her.”
“You may get along with her twin.”
“Eris is easy enough to get along with. I can’t imagine her twin being that bad.”
“As long as she isn’t causing weather anomalies. The poor farmers. They probably aren’t anywhere near finishing their harvest.”
“Get that woman of yours under control. In the meantime, come, train with me. It will keep our body temperatures up.” Thor had a point. The weather had taken an unseasonably bitter turn that he was not ready for.
“Fine. Let me dress.” Loki spent the day in the training room with Thor and his companions. It wasn’t as bad as their normal training sessions for some reason. The weather had taken a turn for the worse, so he wasn’t relieved by the fact that Eris was playing nice with her siblings. It was something else. He felt like he belonged today. To the group of warriors. To his family. To the realm. And he’s never really felt that way before. His spirits managed to remain high throughout the day and long into the night as he lay with his arms wrapped tightly around Eris’s sleeping form. They only dipped when he was awoken by someone creeping into his chambers.
Loki summoned a knife but stayed in the bed, thinking it might only be an attendant but what would anyone have to say to him at this time of night? When the door to the bedroom opened and no one announced themselves, the Asgardian prince knew something was amiss. Loki produced a floating sphere of light that hovered to the intruder illuminating the face of Aphrodite of all people.
“What are you doing here?” Loki questioned coldly as the woman had caused nothing but distress in Eris’s life since she arrived and he wanted no part of it.
“I wanted to talk to my sister,” she muttered, shading her eyes from the bright light. She was far from the bubbly woman he had met only the previous day. Her face was swollen and tear streaked.
“She is asleep. You may speak to her in the morning.” The coldness didn’t leave his voice. It was hard to feel sorry for the woman when she had reduced loving twins into bitter enemies.
Aphrodite opened her mouth to protest but Loki cut her off. “Have you not caused your sister enough anguish? Let her be at peace at least in her dreams.” The little blonde woman outwardly deflated then gave a reluctant nod.
After she left, Loki thought of waking Eris. Whatever Aphrodite had to say would surly cause distress and more unseasonable weather. But the blonde looked so tormented.
“Eris,” he called softly, shaking her shoulder gently. She was slow to rise, without the warrior tendencies that were ingrained in the Asgardian people.
“What is it?” she finally asked after stretching and sitting up to face him.
“Aphrodite was here wishing to speak to you. She looked distraught.”
“Aphrodite distraught?” she snorted with a small smirk. “And she didn’t say what ailed her?” Loki shook his head. Eris let out a deep sigh and fell back onto the pillows beneath her. Loki watched as she stared at the bed’s canopy for a moment before resolving to check on her sister. Loki followed her out of the bed and into the main room of his chambers where he sat by a window to watch the sky and await Eris’s return.
This gave him a rare moment to contemplate his life. Before Eris, he would never be awake in the small hours of the morning gazing out a blizzard in the middle of harvest season. Then he thought about how father had complimented Thor’s work during training despite Loki having made twice as many killing blows that day. His mother praised him for his accomplishments, though. But, it made him wonder if those small slights would be enough for him to cause torrents of weather if he had such powers. That was probably why the Olympians wished to rid themselves of Eris. But that negative thought quickly passed. He’d resolved long ago that he wouldn’t get the same praise as Thor did from their father. And like that, the weather seemed to shift to reflect his melancholy mood.
Eris must not have had a hard time finding Aphrodite. As the snow fall began to take the shape of tunnels, picking up leaves and small plants from the palace grounds, Loki sighed to himself, “I think I’m in love.”
The prince was dozing on his settee when Eris returned. The look on her face said it all and Loki opened his arms for her. She fell into his lap and groaned.
“She lost the child and they are blaming me. It is not my fault she wasn’t smart enough to stay home during her first weeks. I can’t be blamed for every bad thing that happens. I’m not an evil creature but sometimes I feel like I was only created to be a scapegoat! I wished no ill will on my twin’s child. He is my best friend and now he will hate me forever!” She began to sob into his shoulder. Loki sighed deeming that this was quickly becoming too much drama for him and he wondered if this kind of intrigue was normal in Olympus.
“I’m beginning to look forward to their departure,” Loki disclosed.
“We are on the same plane of thought as usual,” she replied. “Is it time to cut ties with my home?”
“You have a home here,” he assured her causing her to glance up to meet his gaze, her eyes glittering with unshed tears and the ones that fell now streaked her cheeks.
“To be truthful, I feel more at home here than I ever felt on Olympus.”
“Probably because you never found your equal on Olympus.”
A small smile graced her lips. “Do you believe you found your equal in me?”
“Before you came, I felt alone though I was constantly surrounded by others. I think I have found more than an equal in you, Eris. I think I have found a home.”
“You have such a way with words. It is how I feel but I could never hope to describe it so eloquently.”
“I believe the simplest description is love.”
“I love you, too” Eris smiled the let out another sob. “How can I feel so happy while my brother is in such despair?”
“Eris, you are not your brother. You are both allowed to have your own feelings.” Eris pulled herself closer to the prince and pressed her face into his neck. He might have just figured out the woman in his arms and why her emotions were so blistered: some parts of her personality were underdeveloped because she was so often lumped with her twin. Here, she was her own person and she was an extremely calm person as long as a catalyst was not introduced. She’d found freedom in Asgard and the presence of her siblings was scaring her into believing that freedom would be stolen from her. Olympus was a bad place for her.
Loki was beginning to wonder why she was so upset when she was first banished.
“What else do you leave on Olympus?”
“My stupid bird and my children.”
Loki pulled away from her rapidly and balked, “Children?”
Eris nodded. “I have fourteen.”
“Fourteen?” Loki cried in shock. “Who are their fathers?”
“They have none. They came to me once a month for a year after the humans were created. They grew rapidly so I knew they were beings like me. They have long been adults but they are still mine.”
He was silent while he processed this then her voice broke his thoughts. “Do you have children?”
“Not in this lifetime,” Loki answered carefully.
Eris stared blankly at him for a moment before realization donned on her. “Oh! I remember reading about this!” she exclaimed. “Reincarnation is a large part of the culture here. It’s a bit difficult to wrap my head around that. When someone dies in Olympus, it basically means they can now travel to Tartarus uninhibited and bother the dead and Uncle Hades. No one ever dies and stays dead at home,” she rolled her eyes at this as if never facing mortality was the worst inconvenience possible.
“No one from Olympus dies?”
“Not really. We’ll all make a big show and hold a ceremony and mourn and cry and then the person will just reappear a few centuries later as if nothing happened. It’s quite annoying.” Annoying? “Someone will decide they want a change in scenery and will change rooms with someone who ‘died’ but the second they get settled in, the rooms’ original owner will miraculously return and demand their space back. You have no idea how many times I’ve had to fight over space with my siblings. It helps that my twin is so violent. We can be quiet the sinister pair when we’re of the same mind. But as you saw, when we don’t get along, it is catastrophic.”
Loki tangled his fingers in her hair. “Tell me about your children,” he whispered, attempting to distract her, pulling their bodies together once more.
A small smile graced her lips before she let out a gasp of a laugh, “Where do I start? Horkos, my sweet, sweet boy. He was my first. When I raised him, I knew I wasn’t dealing with a normal child because he would get so upset whenever I told him the smallest of untruths. Telling a virtual five year old where babies come from was one of the most awkward conversations of my life. But when he grew up, he became my constant companion, pointing out all the liars and oath breakers around me. Everyone needs someone that can decipher half-truths and false truths. He and Pseudea, my second, never get along though. Hysminai and Makhai are Ares’s favorites. He takes them hunting all the time and he trained them when they were boys. Amphillogiai was always so jealous of their relationship with their uncle but she would much rather spend time at the council meetings than in the wilderness. She loves politics.” She sighed in thought. “There are so many of them. Although, Dysnomia is my favorite. We get into so much trouble together. She’s the only one I truly bonded with when she was born but it might simply be because she is the youngest. I had time to spend with her.”
“I would love to meet them,” Loki sighed. This woman he’d gotten to know so well was harboring a huge secret from him. He wondered what else she kept hidden.
“They would love you,” she smiled but then her face fell, “I am sorry for not telling you about them sooner. I just miss them so much. And most of them are so despised on Olympus it pains me to think of the horrors they face without my protection.”
Loki gave the woman a pained look. “They are adults. I’m sure they can handle themselves.” Eris nodded but she didn’t meet his gaze. “Are you keeping any other secrets from me? A husband? A wife?” Loki smirked prodding the woman to perk up.
“No. No other secrets. A long history of chaos and destruction, a strained relationship with my family, and my brood are all I have to my name. And that damned bird,” she finished with a quick roll of her eyes. “Are you keeping any secrets?” Eris asked with a soft sigh. Loki could tell that she wasn’t really expecting an answer.
“You’re not the only one harboring a past,” he disclosed.
Eris bolted up and her eyes widened in surprise. “Do tell!” she grinned.
Loki let out a sigh. “As you know, I am a creature of vast moods. I am calm and level headed by default but sometimes something is triggered and I go into these rages of mischief and mayhem.”
“Yes, yes, my love,” Eris persisted, “we can both be terrible people when the chance arises but I was hoping for something juicy-”
“I was married once,” the Asgardian interrupted. Eris’s face lit up with questions but she remained silent to allow him to elaborate. “She was a beautiful placid creature with a hand for magic and a knack absolute for loyalty. But she was in love with another and engaged. I was in some form of trouble or another as I usually am and she fit the description for what I needed in a companion at the time.”
“You didn’t?” Eris gasped.
“I did,” Loki confirmed. “I killed her fiancé and married her under false pretenses. I had her trail me around for years like a lost animal, doing my bidding while I was exiled. She genuinely cared for me and in my mind she was little more than an attractive servant.”
“What happened to her?” Eris questioned as she tangled their fingers together.
“She died.” Loki shook his head softly in thought. “I don’t know how it happened. I was in a regenerative state when she passed. But the worst of it is that I have little grief for her. I miss her like I miss a good hand maid: none of the other servants can live up to her usefulness but her loss was not a major inconvenience.”
“You are a naughty thing,” Eris cooed and pressed her free hand against Loki’s chest. “And what would you do if I were torn from you?”
This woman knew she had him around her little finger. She didn’t find his apathy for his late wife a weakness. She only saw it as strength. Using others for your own good without remorse is one of the most desirable skills to have where she is from. If anything it made the Asgardian more attractive in her eyes. This only made Loki love her more.
“I would destroy the nine realms until I was reunited with you.” Eris smirked and untied the sash that held her sleeping robe together. The silken fabric gave way to expose her flawless dark skin, her supple breast, her smooth stomach, and that core that he made it a point to enter at least once a day.
“I hope one day your resolve won’t be tested,” she teased. She watched him examine her partially nude body. Her fingers found their way to his hair to rake though it and direct his attention back to her face. “Loki,” Eris sighed while holding his gaze, “I fear my feelings for you might be becoming…absolute. I am afraid of the path that might lead us down.”
Loki searched her face for a moment and found nothing but openness and trust. Something he never saw when this woman was around anyone else. “I believe I feel the same way,” he whispered in reply. “Marry me,” he demanded. It came out before the thought even completely formed. Some subconscious part of his brain made the decision for him and he blurted it out before the rational part of him could refute it.
But Eris nodded almost immediately after he said it. “I will,” she agreed. And just like that, they were engaged. And then they consummated that engagement. Again and again and again.
After the couple’s brief sabbatical from the world, they shared their engagement with Loki’s family and soon all of Asgard knew before the engagement was officially announced. There was mixed reaction about the couple. Some believed that the second in line for the throne should be marrying an Asgardian others believed that it was wonderful for Asgardian-Olympian relations. There was no word from Eris’s family though she’d sent word of the future wedding as soon as it was made official. Eris didn’t seem too upset about it but it troubled her that her children had yet to respond.
That her father had not yet given them permission to leave Olympus.
“Do you think they will come?” Loki wondered aloud to the woman as she looked over the balcony from his rooms. He stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms protectively around her waist.
“It depends upon if my father will allow them. He likes to keep an unnecessarily close watch on them.” Just as the words left her mouth a freak bolt of lightning flashed in front of the couple, hitting the balcony’s marble railing and leaving a scroll in the mist of the charred stone. “I guess this is our answer,” Eris muttered and lifted the message gingerly.
“I wish your father would think of a less damaging way to communicate,” Loki muttered and rubbed his finger against the charred stone. Eris held her hand about the scorch mark and it quickly faded from existence. “You’ll have to teach me that.”
The Olympian woman broke the seal of the scroll and the parchment floated before the couple. It was in Olympian, of course, and Loki read it without assistance but Eris read it faster before letting out a gasp of joy.
“He’s letting them come!” she exhaled.
“They’ll be here in a week,” Loki grinned and squeezed the woman. “We’ll have to let the staff know to prepare for fourteen guests.”
“All my babies are going to be here.” The woman in his arms seemed to be in shock until she flipped in his arms and gave her future husband a deep kiss. “You’ll finally get to meet them.”
“The rest of my family?”
“All of your new children, daddy,” Eris joked.
“I didn’t notice you were pregnant but time flies so incredibly fast when you’re in love.” Loki kissed her back, slowly and passionately.
“At the rate we are going I’ll become pregnant before you know it,” she whispered against his lips.
“I’ve always preferred odd numbers.” She allowed him to sweep her up into another kiss. Their connection broke at the sound of a knock on the prince’s chamber door. “They must be summoning us for dinner.”
Eris nodded, “We should join your family and tell them about our coming guest.” The couple prepared to go to dinner in silence then followed each other from the room.
“Would you want a child of your own?” Eris asked as the couple walked hand in hand through the grand halls.
Loki remained silent and thought for a moment. It was not something he considered. But he did like the idea of having a small version of him to teach the basics of life to. “When the time comes, I would want one or two,” he replied carefully.
“But not now?”
“No. I want to spend time with you first. Travel and wreak as much havoc as we can muster. Then we can bring about a little monster to replace us.” The comment sent Eris into a fit of giggles.
“The child of chaos and mischief; what a hated child they will be.”
“They would probably get more done in a morning than we could in a year.”
The two stopped their trek to meet each other’s gaze. “I love you,” Eris smiled.
“And I love you,” Loki replied and kissed the inside of her wrist. And again. And again. “We should have ignored the call to dinner,” Loki sighed holding her palm to his face. He inhaled deeply and kissed the sensitive skin once more. Eris only smiled seductively and stepped closer so his kisses could trail farther down her arm.
“Brother!” A voice boomed causing the couple to jump and pull away from each other. “Future sister!” Thor greeted the couple cheerily as he made his way down the hall. “Is dinner not ready? Why are you loitering in the halls?”
“We are free to loiter about where we wish, brother,” Loki replied shortly.
“Be nice,” Eris warned and greeted Thor properly. “We were simply discussing floral colors. We’ve agreed on gold dipped roses.”
Thor cut the woman a suspicious glance. “Eris, you seem cheerful this evening,” the prince stated carefully. It was true. The Olympian had lived in a perpetual state of melancholy since she began planning the wedding. The notion that her children would be allowed to join the festivities brought about the woman of carefree smiles and warmth once again.
“We have a surprise but we’re waiting until after dinner to divulge it,” Loki goaded.
Thor lifted his brows in shock. “What kind of surprise?” Loki shot his brother a look before continuing on to the dining hall. The Allfather and Allmother were already there awaiting their children. “Loki has a secret,” Thor announced as he took his seat next to his father.
“Thor,” Eris hissed but her outburst was ignored by the king and queen.
“What kind of secret, son?” Odin asked with a level of concern in his voice that he rarely ever used when it came to Loki.
Loki blinked quickly at his father in an attempt to get over his shock at his father’s tone before answering. “Well, isn’t a secret, Thor!” Loki glared at his brother. “And it is more Eris’s story to tell.” Loki explained.
All the eyes turned to the little woman. Eris sat up straighter and closed her eyes for a moment. “As you know, I sent word of our upcoming nuptials to my family in Olympus and have yet to hear word back until today. My father has given permission to my children to attend the wedding.”
“Children? I was unaware you had children,” Frigga responded. “Did you know about this, Loki?”
“I did, mother,” Loki nodded. “She has fourteen.”
Thor choked on his mead. “Fourteen children?” his brother almost shouted. “Who are their fathers?”
“They have no fathers. They were simply born to me after the humans were created.”
“Olympus is an interesting place,” Loki stated delicately. “They were born to fit the needs of the humans.”
“They are all centuries old. I had them soon after I reached maturity. They have always been a part of me.”
The king and queen glanced at each other, an unspoken conversation crossing between them. Frigga finally blinked at her husband and a pleasant smile came over her features. “Well, I’m glad that you have family coming. I don’t know if Loki has told you but our marriage ceremonies are very family centric. I know you don’t have the best relationship with your parents or siblings,” Eris glanced away from the queen at that statement. She’d yet to patch things up with her twin. “But we will make do.”
“I will be a much shorter ceremony if only one set of ancestors must be summoned,” Thor muttered to his brother. That garnished a soft chuckle from Loki.
“Sons, do not scoff at tradition,” the Allfather scolded. The princes straightened at their father’s words. “I personally believe this is all going a bit fast. Eris, you do know that this will be Loki’s second union?”
The little woman nodded. “He explained the circumstances.”
“Then you know my youngest son has a history of abusing his things.”
“I would hardly call my last marriage abusive,” Loki interrupted aghast.
“The circumstances were different then,” Eris stated sagely. “A marriage of convenience and greed,” she smirked at her fiancé. “Our marriage will be different.”
“To be young and optimistic,” Odin sighed.
“Well, I will never marry,” Thor declared and took a large bite of meat.
“You will one day,” Frigga assured her eldest son.
“Loki will do all the marrying for me. Besides, you are about to have enough grandchildren to win a war.”
“But Eris’s children are full grown,” Frigga frowned. “I wanted to hear the sound of tiny feet running through the halls once more.”
“Eris, you should run more for my mother,” Loki requested causing the table to burst into laughter.
“My feet are not that small,” Eris smirked once the couple was back in the confines of Loki’s chambers.
“They aren’t?” the prince chuckled and lifted the little woman so her legs wrapped around his waist. “They seem pretty little to me.” The woman only rolled her eyes. “I would know. I rub them every night before worshipping at my private temple which is your perfect body.” Eris giggled and smothered her face in his shoulder at his words. “Your perfectly miniature body,” he joked. Eris pinched his shoulder in retaliation. “I’m so excited to meet your children,” Loki sighed as he placed Eris on his bed. “I just hope they like me.”
Eris’s face screwed in thought at his statement. “They won’t warm up to you quickly,” she stated delicately. “And if you do something they do not approve of, they will speak their minds. I sadly do not have as much of a reign on them as others tend to believe. We get on very well but I do not control them.”
“They are their own beings just like you or I.”
“Exactly. No one in Olympus seems to understand that.” Eris sighed and allowed her fiancé to remove her sandals. Loki hummed in agreement and kissed the inside her ankle softly as his fingers worked circles around her heel. “They basically use my brother and I interchangeably. It’s not fair.”
“It’s not,” Loki mimicked as his lips trailed up her leg, his nimble fingers massaged her feet gingerly.
“You’re trying to distract me?”
“Is it working?” Eris giggled and fell back on to the bed to allow her future husband to pleasure her. “Test me on them again,” Loki requested after he nipped the back of her knee.
“You’re closest with Horkos,” Loki responded quickly. “He hates lies. Does not get on with Pseudea at all.”
“And Pseudea?”
“Your second eldest. Don’t trust anything she says.”
“Anything at all,” Eris emphasized. “Ponos?”
“He’s an extremely hard worker to the point where he will exhaust himself and everyone around him if they aren’t careful.”
“But he gets things done. Lethe?”
“Extremely short memory. She wouldn’t remember her head if it weren’t attached to her body. She and Horkos are close.”
“She never eats. And your aunt hates her. That’s all I know of her. You don’t speak of her much.”
“Well, there isn’t much to her. She lives in the human realm as a model but she doesn’t have much of a personality. She’s quiet and watchful. Just don’t offer her food if she doesn’t ask for it. She’ll become amazingly cross. What do you remember of Algea?”
“A very angry child that will often cause herself and others harm without a second thought.”
“Be careful around her. Hysminai?”
“This was the point when you became very creative with names,” Loki smiled making Eris giggle softly. “Hysminai and Makhai are your brother’s favorites. You say they might as well be twins but Hysminai tends to be less violent than Makhai but they are both equally prone to viciousness. Amphillogiai is also very close to these two but she tends to keep more to herself. She enjoys the war games but not the actual wars. Neikea was born soon after Amphillogiai and became her close companion. She’ll go to wars with Hysminai and Makhai but she prefers her sister’s company.”
“You are very good at this,” Eris noted and lifted her hips so Loki could push her skirts up her body. “Androktasiai?” Eris sighed out as Loki blew across the sensitive skin of her core.
“Androktasiai and Phonoi are best friends. They could think of a million ways to kill someone and their body would never be found.” Loki kissed both of Eris’s thighs then the tip of the very sensitive bundle of nerves at the woman’s center. “And there’s only two more. Ate, who you claim I will get along very well with. And Dysnomia, her mother’s favorite. The two are almost inseparable and get into all sorts of trouble together.”
Eris hummed in approval. “So far, you’re off to a great start.”
Loki glanced up at his future wife. “With this,” he gestured to her, “or with your children?”
“Both,” Eris smiled.
“I just hope all my hard work pays off,” Loki muttered and kissed the woman’s lower lips.
“One step at a time, love,” Eris sighed and pressed his head closer to her core.
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Wedding plans continued steadily in the following days but there was a part of Asgardian tradition that Loki had yet to share with his soon to be bride. He wrestled with the best way to tell her and finally decided that through written lore was the best way to explain anything to Eris.
He corralled her into the library one evening after dinner when he knew it would be empty and had her wait in one of the many plush chairs scattered around the space. He left her to find the perfect book: the account of his grandparent’s lives. Loki returned to the little woman and allowed her to curl into his lap.
“This is a retelling of the lives’ of my grandparents, Borr and Bestla” Loki explained softly. “It includes details of the nuptials and I believe it will be the best way to explain our wedding traditions.” Eris nodded and ran her finger over the ornate cover of the ancient tome.
“Shall I read it on my own, or do you want to read it together?” she asked seductively. Loki smirked the opened the book to the retelling of his grandparent’s meeting. “My grandfather was a great warrior and had his pick of women. Naturally, my grandmother wanted nothing to do with him. It made her all the more attractive to him. He pined and wooed all to no avail but my grandfather never gave up. So he killed all her other suitors leaving her no choice but to marry him. But grandmother was wise to his plot and she had one more trial for him to complete before they could marry: a witnessed consummation.”
Eris gasped and looked up at her future husband. “How Olympian!”
“Very Olympian, indeed,” Loki joked. “So my grandfather, never one to back down from the challenge, made it part of the marriage ritual to gather all the holy men and priestesses to watch the consummation of royal unions.”
Eris’s gaze remained on the page with a moving illustration of Borr and Bestla reigning over the golden Asgardian kingdom. “Is this what you’ve been worrying about these past few days?” she questioned.
“Public relations are not…common,” Loki explained slowly.
Eris glanced back up at him with that naughty glint in her eyes that he was becoming so fond of. “You should see the orgies we have in Olympus. Bestla must have taken a trip there and became rather fond of it,” the woman smirked and turned over so they were face to face.
“I always surmised she might have had a fetish,” Loki sighed wrapping his hand around Eris’s waist to pull her closer. “You agree to the ritual, then?”
“You can invite all of Asgard to watch if you’d like,” Eris whispered and slipped her hands under his tunic. Her fingers caressed his stomach gently, edging him on to pull the woman closer.
“No, thank you. It was hard enough doing it once with just the holy beings,” Loki sighed and let his hand roam to her backside. Eris lifted her hips slightly so the Asgardian could access her more sensitive parts.
“You won’t even notice they’re there while I have my way with you.” Loki’s eyes widened at her comment and he stopped his ministrations but she didn’t give him a chance to respond. “We can even practice. I’m sure a few of the guards and some of the ladies in waiting would love to watch.”
Loki exhaled harshly in amusement. “I’d rather not have half the kingdom knowing all of my bride’s bedroom secrets.”
Eris smirked. “You don’t want to share the secrets of Olympian intercourse?”
“The population would spike,” Loki muttered and met her lips softly.
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A few days later, fourteen expected guest arrived via lightning bold plus one surprise extra. Eris was so ecstatic to see her children that she didn’t even notice the plus one. The little Olympian was in a tight embrace with the pale statuesque Dysnomia and Horkos who was the spitting image of Ares. It was an easy comparison to make because Ares stood in the shadows of his nieces and nephews.
“Eris,” the twin called quietly when his sister pulled away from greeting the last of her children.
The little woman blinked up her at her twin, noticing him hiding in the shadows for the first time.
“Ares,” she whispered. “What are you doing here?”
The twin sighed before answering. “Hysminai convinced me to come. Amphillogiai convinced me to apologize.” Ares gave his sister a half smirk. “I’m sorry, Eris. I shouldn’t have blamed you. ‘Dite can be erratic and all-consuming and I lost sight of my first relationship: the one I have with my twin.”
“It’s not all your fault,” Eris sighed. “I had a part to play in it, as well. I just hate her so much,” Eris sneered cause Ares to grin.
“I know sister. We all do.”
“We all?” Eris questioned.
“She ran back to Hephaestus after we lost the child,” Ares disclosed.
“That bitch.”
This caused Ares to emit an actual laugh. “I knew seeing you would cheer me,” he smiled. “Congratulations on the engagement, sister.”
“I’m so glad you’re here to celebrate it with me, brother.” Eris turned to her children who were muttering to each other quietly. “Children, I’d like to introduce you all to my fiancé, Loki. I hope you all will get to know him before passing judgement, Pseudea.”
“Why are you pointing me out?” the stout, red head whined.
“Because I’m your mother and I know you,” Eris stated in a stern voice. “No lies, no rumors, talking little birds, am I clear?”
“Crystal, mother,” Pseudea groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Come along. Loki and I will show you to your rooms and I want to hear all of your exploits while I’ve been away.”
And did the children of Eris have exploits. Loki began to wonder if there was any trouble the children hadn’t gotten into. And why Eris was expelled from Olympus and not the rest of her clan. Affairs, death, drugs, war, there weren’t any sins left to dabble in once the children were done with their tales. And Eris was the quintessential beaming mother to all of it. Ares often chimed in on the tales having a firsthand account of how the stories’ conclusions played out. Loki’s worry about meeting Eris’s clan quickly dissipated after Algea told a story of how she went on a rampage through her grandparent’s chambers after they took away her prized winged horse. She recounted how she stole one of her grandfather’s lightning bolts and severed her grandparent’s rooms from the Mount and watched as the structure fell from the heavens onto an unsuspecting town. Even the Asgardian could get a laugh from the image of the almighty Zeus returning home from a long day to find he had no home to return to. This threw Eris into a fit of giggles.
“Serves him right,” the little Olympian woman smirked.
“That is what caused them to send me, just so you know,” Ares disclosed. “They were sure you were behind your children’s rebelling. Yet another case of them lumping us all together,” Ares muttered under his breath. The twins really were of the same mind.
“After you all are settled in,” Eris started, “we can go on a little tour of Asgard. My dear Loki knows all the intimate little hideaways. We can go to this little hot spring where we first kindled our love.”
“Eris!” Loki almost gasped at how blunt the woman was around her children.
“There are no secrets from my children, love,” Eris smiled seductively.
“None,” Horkos emphasized with a smirk that looked all too much like his mother’s.
“I know. It will be a lot to become accustomed to,” Ate said quietly, “but we are like an extension of our mother. It was just us for so long. It will be difficult enough that we now have to share her with stranger from a different realm. Don’t ask us to amend our relationship with her as well.”
“No one is asking you to amend our relationship with mother,” Dysnomia argued.
“And maybe it is time distance ourselves,” Limos sighed.
“You’d distance yourself from life if you could,” Algea hissed.
Limos was silent for a moment in thought. “I would,” she finally decided. “Maybe there is a secret to such a separation here on Asgard.”
The familiar banter did its job to relax Loki’s nerves at meeting Eris’s family. They had their struggles like any family but they obviously loved each other. And Ares seemed to be a very intimate part of their family dynamic.
The wedding came all too soon. The ceremony was beautiful. Frigga’s hand could be seen in every detail. And the feast was legendary. Loki never believed so many would attend to celebrate his union but it seemed like every subject in the kingdom was present.
And then the mating ritual was announced and Eris was whisked away by attendants shortly before Loki himself was taken and scrubbed in a bath full of petals and milked until he was deem ready for his bride.
Loki arrived first, as tradition states, to the designated room in the temple. The observers had yet to arrive. They would wait until the bride made her appearance before they made themselves known. Loki took a quick glance around. He remembered this place but vaguely. The ceiling was high with animated paintings of cherubs and clouds to help bring about the mood. That was nearly impossible with fifteen sets of eyes on you while the deed was done.
And the bed. A rounded mattress on a high pedestal surrounded by gauzy drapes meant to keep the modesty but there was really no way to accomplish that. Loki sighed and let his gaze fall back on the double doors he’d walked through. Now was the waiting game.
He imagined it would take a while to ‘purify’ his new wife.
Good luck with that.
The doors opened to reveal a servant laden with a tray of various libations. Loki nodded his thanks as the servant left and moved to pour himself a drink. He lifted a decanter’s lid before deciding better of it. He didn’t need it.
But his nerves were on edge.
He took a shaky breath and made the decision to wait for Eris.
He turned and paced the around the large room. He made it around four laps before he heard the doors open again. He turned slowly expecting another servant dropping off food or something else of the sort. He wasn’t expecting to see a vision.
Eris changed out of her Asgardian wedding garb and into something he was more accustomed to seeing her in. But it wasn’t anything he expected.
Two sheer pieces of white silk covered her chest and back and connected to skirt that seemed to billow without wind and flowed down to the ground beneath her feet. Loki met her gaze and she smiled in that way that always drew him in without fail.
She nodded a bow, “Loki, God of Mischief, Prince of Asgard, husband.”
Loki returned the gesture, “Eris, Goddess of Chaos, Princess of Olympus, wife.” She grinned at the title.
“Wife,” she repeated. “I love it. And I love you.”
Loki smiled and extended his hand toward her. Her gaze never strayed from his even though Loki felt eyes begin to peer in on them. He kissed her palm, then her wrist, and slowly pulled the little woman closer to him until she was flush against his body. He bent to meet her ear “I love you more,” he sighed against her ear. He felt her lips quirk up against his neck. He pulled away from her slightly. “Would you like to sit?” She nodded and followed him to the bed. “Drink?”
She smirked at his question. “Nervous?”
“Of course I am. But this must normal for you.”
“Comfortable, even,” she joked. Loki hummed knowingly and took a sip of ale. His hand shook slightly. It would have gone unnoticed by anyone else but of course Eris took note. Her small hand met the back of the one he held his glass in and proceed to work its way down and up his arm to his shoulder where she gently kneaded his muscles. “Relax, my love,” she breathed. Her hands worked their way up to the base of his skull, massaging behind his ears, then up to his temple before making their way back down but the stopped at the collar of his top.
“Keep going,” Loki urged. Instead of reconnecting her nimble fingers to where he carried the most stress, she unbuttoned his collar, then undid the straps around his torso just enough so that her hands could reach into his shirt and massage against his skin. Loki leaned back into her touch. It was like she was sending calming energy through her touch.
Or maybe the alcohol was finally doing its job.
Then there was a cough from one of the spectators and it immediately pulled Loki from Eris’s trance. He stifled a gasp as he stiffed against her. She pulled her hands from his body.
“Maybe we should try something else,” the little woman suggested. “Lie down.” She pressed him onto the bed softly before sitting on his lap above him. “What do you love most about me?”
“That you understand me. You never judge me. You always listen.”
She gave him a small smile. “I meant physically but I will take that too.”
“Ah,” Loki grinned. “You’re eyes. They reflect your mood. I never have to speculate about what is on your mind.”
“And sexually?” she almost whispered.
Loki thought for moment before answering. He had a quick answer and he had a thought out answer but he had the distinct feeling that Eris wanted to quick answer. “Truthfully?” She nodded once. “Your breasts.”
“I knew it!” she grinned.
“Is there a point to this exercise?” Loki smirked. She only smirked in return before rolling off of him. Loki turned to his side so he could watch her.
“How far have your abilities in illusion come?”
“Again, Eris, the point?”
“Create me a beach.” Loki didn’t even need to blink. The space around them became an ocean and ground beneath the bed a tiny island. Eris rolled off the bed and walked into waves. “Perfect,” she grinned back at him before taking the short stroll around the bed. When she returned to his view, she was dressed in skin tight strip of white leather that covered just her most intimate regions. Loki couldn’t stop the expression that crossed his face. He stood, as if beckoned and stepped in front of her. She quirked an expectant brow at him.
“Perfect,” he whispered. She stepped into his arms and pushed his top from his shoulders. He felt the artificial sun warm his skin as soon as the article was removed. Loki lifted the little woman and she kissed him. Softly at first before becoming more needy. He toted her back to the bed and placed her on her back before crawling over her. Their lips met once more and the Asgardian couldn’t stop his free hand from massaging her chest roughly. He loved the way the soft flesh molded around his hands and how she groaned out protests when he was too rough. But she didn’t stifle her moans this evening. The tiny strip of fabric covering her was gone and forgotten and there was nothing between the object of his desires and him but his own clothing. When Loki pulled away to remedy this, he made the mistake of making eye contact with his new wife. Her expression was pleading, begging to be had in roughest ways possible. Loki nodded, needing to give that to her. His remaining clothes were gone in a blink and they were both left nude and vulnerable on an illusioned island surrounded by spectators.
But they were the last thing on his mind.
Her legs were already wrapped around his torso so he didn’t have to do much: just enter. A soft whine escaped her lips and her eye fluttered closed.
Loki woke the next morning to see his new wife perched on the edge of their bed plaiting her hair and watching the sun rise. He lifted himself and crawled behind her. “Good morning, wife,” he whispered in her ear softly and kissed her neck.
Her gaze shifted to his and a small smile graced her lips. “Good morning, husband.”
“You are up far too early for the night we had,” Loki sighed and fell across the bed just behind her.
“I am thanking my mother for this union. And my brother for this beautiful sun rise on this first day of marriage. And my other brother for such a wonderful reception. I feel our union has been blessed by my family despite their disapproval of me.” Loki hummed in agreement and kissed her shoulder.
“And what about the show we put on for the holy men? Who have you thanked for that?” Loki questioned with a smirked.
“For that, I thank myself,” the little woman grinned and sent her new husband into a fit of laugher as well.
“I love you so much,” Loki sighed between chuckles.
“And I love you,” Eris smiled and lied back so her head rested on his stomach. “A piece of me is in shock that I am actually married to someone. It is status I never imagined I would claim.”
“And why is that?” Loki probed and ran his hand over her head.
“I was such an outcast on Olympus. Why would anyone want me? Why did you want me?”
Loki inhaled deeply considering how to answer her question. “My first thought of you was you are the most beautiful creature I have ever set my eyes on. My second was of kinship. A fellow outcast among the gods.” Eris hummed accepting his answer before turning fully to face him.
“Shall we put on another show?” She asked, much more lighthearted.
“For whom? We are alone now.”
“I hear Heimdall is always watching.”
“You little minx,” Lokie grins before pulling his wife back down into his embrace.
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okilokiwithpurpose · 2 years
Lokius Batman AU!
Yep, I’m back with a New Dumb AU Idea (I think it’s my AU post #4 if I count fake Mobius and Mr Tesseract? Yes I went back to count... Anyways!):
With Loki as Bruce Wayne and Mobius as Commissioner Gordon
Of course, Loki is very rich and lives alone in his big mansion (I don’t see him having an Alfred so he really is all alone)
He lost his parents at a young age after a night at the movie theatre (though I’m not sure who his parents are...should it be Laufey and his wife? It would explain why Loki’s an only child... Should it be Odin and Frigga? At least we know how they interact...but then what about Thor? Maybe he could have left the house to live a life of adventures not too long after the tragedy? (in this case, could Laufey have been the butler who raised up Loki (and might have been his actual father?)...ghghgh I like the idea but at the same time I don’t see adult Loki living with anyone...🤔))
I suppose Villains managed to piss Loki off (+ he wants to find who killed his parents) and he started fighting crime in the middle of the night (on his own terms)
Does he wear a bat suit? I have a hard time picturing this but since it’s a Batman AU I suppose he does😉 (that or an Aligator costume?)
Mobius is a police dude who just wants do do his job...
...but somehow discovers corruption runs deep in the Gotham City Police Department...
...and tries to put an end to this while fighting other criminals
Mobius and Loki are wary of each other at first but end up working together and learn to respect and trust each other (and maybe get feeling for each other ooops)
B-15 or Bea might be Mobius’ partner, or at least one of the only coworkers he truly believes to be honest and one he can rely on (of course she discovers Mobius’ connection with Loki (well, Batman) and is not that happy but ends up tolerating it)
Kang could be the boss of a powerful organisation that’s ruling the city in the shadows (thought it had to defend its territory against rival bands)
Ravonna would of course be Mobius’ superior, the head of the Police Department. I see her as someone honest with the best intentions at first, before she is faced with corruption. She may at first want to fight it, but then realises how much disruption it would cause, how it would make the established “order” vacillate. And she might decide it’s better (for the “Greater Good”) not to destroy a system that still kind of works. She knows Kang is no choirboy but at least he needs the city for his business and therefore “protects” it from other, “more serious” threats.
Of course Casey must be there too! Maybe he’s at the reception desk at the police station? Or he works in the archives? Anyways, he is doing good !!!
Part of me wants Valkyrie to be Catwoman😸 ...but I’m not sure... Maybe she used to work for the police or as a private investigator or body guard until she lost faith in the system (maybe it has something to do with her girlfriend’s death?) and is now a loose cannon? That or she has a passion for burglary. Or both...
Hela might be a vicious villain who wants Gotham City for herself (is she or is she not Loki’s long lost sister? Who knows?)
The Grandmaster is probably the boss of his own band. They would have great suits, and, despite not being taken seriously by most, they’d know every single gossip one could know about the city. (Could they also organise big fighting tournaments?)
Malekith, The Other, Sulfur, Thanos, Gorr,... may be other dangerous criminals roaming the streets of Gotham...
There may or may not be a point where Mobius comes to know (or suspect) Batman’s real identity is Loki...and Mobius may or may not be in trouble if it reaches the ears of villains (or of Mobius’ boss)...
As forSylvie, I don’t really know... Could she be the Batman (or Batwoman) from another dimension? I think it might make sense...
Also lol if Thor has become a superhero in another city 😋 
And that’s it for now. It got longer than I expected... Don’t hesitate to comment or add your own ideas as I’d be really happy to read them!!!!!!
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The Ball - Knight Steve Rogers X Prince Loki Odinson
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Title: The Ball
Knight Steve Rogers X Prince Loki Odinson
Additional Characters: Most of the Avengers (Mentioned), Baron Helmut Zemo (Mentioned), Chloe (OC) (Mentioned), Samantha (Mentioned), Basenji (OC) (Mentioned), Kitty (OC) (Mentioned), Maximillian (OC) (Mentioned), Ann (OC) (Mentioned), and Lance (OC) (Mentioned)
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
WC: 1,382
Warnings: Slight angst
The day was bright and all clear skies and the castle staff were all busy setting up for Loki’s Sutor Ball. Streamers were hung from the high ceilings, all the mirrors, walls, floors, and chandeliers were polished to perfection. King Odin, looking dapper in his gold suit. He had it custom made by King Anthony’s very talented team, made with the finest silks and gems. Odin walked around the main ballroom, keeping an eye on his staff and making sure they were making the room as perfect as can be. 
Queen Frigga was in her chambers, her ladies in waiting were tending to her hand and foot. She was wearing another custom-made dress by King Anthony’s team. It was gold like her husband’s but with deep red undertones. Her hair was being done in curls and a large crystal and diamond crown was placed on her head. It was a sad but joyous day for her son, she knew. And, she would try and make it as enjoyable as she could for him.
Loki was already ready, along with his brother, Thor. Loki was reading ‘Snakes And Wolves',’ a book about a God who had many children, and the main characters were two of his children, a wolf and a snake. Loki liked the book, even though it was more suited towards children, Loki found the book calming and spirit-lifting. It helped him forget about his fears and forget his worries. 
Loki tried reading, but it seemed fruitless. All Loki could think of was what he didn’t do. He didn’t invite his mystery crush. He regretted not doing so. But, if he did, then his crush would know who he was. He didn’t want them to know. Loki thought of him, his handsome features, strong jawline, bold blue eyes, and adorable dirty blonde hair. His determination. His freewill. His love for others and those whom he is close to. He was beautiful, amazing, awe-inspiring. 
Loki had loved his Knight ever since he turned fifteen years. He was always there for him, no matter what happened. When his father was too much, he was there to lend an ear. When Loki was bored, he was there to distract him. When Loki just wanted… Needed someone to spend time with him, he was there.
Steve was there.
Samantha, one of the staff, opened the chamber door, alerting the two Princes that the ball was beginning. Thor thanked her, as well as Loki. Loki liked Samantha. She was the only staff member besides Kate that didn’t annoy him, and she had a small chicken farm. 
Walking down the hall with his brother, Loki adjusted his mask. He was wearing a deep green and black suit, his mask gold with horns attached to it. Thor was wearing a gold and red suit with a gold mask. Ever like his father. 
Entering the ballroom, Loki and Thor headed straight to their throne next to their father and mothers. Odin didn’t greet them, only watching the staff finishing up like a hawk. Frigga turned to her sons and smiled softly, eyes somber as she met Loki’s. 
“I want both of you on your best behavior.” Odin finally spoke up, voice deep and demanding.
Loki rolled his eyes, slightly slouching in his seat. 
“We are not children anymore, father.” He spoke, but Odin turned and glared at his youngest son.
“Don’t talk back to me. If you mess this up, there will be consequences.” Odin spoke, threateningly, before turning back  and looking ahead.
Loki sighed, resting his arms on his throne chair’s arms. Pressing the marble and stone against his fingers. 
Soon the guests arrived, being announced as they walked into the main ballroom.
“Baron Zemo and Baroness Chloe from the Southern Isles.” The announcer spoke as the Baron and Baroness walked in.
“Earl Basenji and his daughter, Lady Kitty of the Shih-Tzu Empire.” The announcer introduced them as they too walked in.
Odin turned to look at Loki and gestured to Lady Kitty. “She would be a good sutor for you. She is wealthy and would bring you a good heir.”
Loki rolled his eyes and turned away, watching as more people walked in. “Would they be born with ears and tails too?”
Odin turned to his son with a glare.
Loki faked innocence. “What? I don’t want to get arrested for beastiality.”
“Marquess Maximilian and Marchioness Ann, and their son Lord Lance.” As they walked in, Lord Lance automatically walked to the table with the horderves, pulling out a small pouch and stuffing various fruits and chocolates in the bag, before hiding it away.
“King Anthony and Queen Virginia of the New Yorkshire Kingdom.” 
Odin quickly got up and made his way through the ever growing crowd, shaking hands with King Anthony. 
“Duke Vision and Duchess Wanda, and her brother Lord Pietro of the Westenview Kingdom.” Pietro went straight to a group of young women in the corner, flexing his muscles and making them giggle.
“King Clint and Queen Laura of the Iowana Kingdom.” Clint also made his way to chat with Anthony and Odin, while Laura went to speak with Wanda.
Loki rested his head in his hand, eyes bored as he watched the people around him mingle. He could mingle with them, find a sutor perfect enough for his father, get married, and be sad and depressed for the rest of his life. The perfect life for his father. Well, have a child perfect enough for his father to have taken the throne when he died or was dethroned by the people, which would never happen. 
“Introducing Lord Johnathan of Glenville.” 
Loki’s eyes widened, straightening in his seat, he couldn’t look away from the man entering the ballroom before him. He was dressed in a light blue suit jacket, black slacks, and black boots. His mask was white with hints of red. He stood tall, hands at his side, looking around the room. The stranger’s eyes met Loki’s before he froze and broke eye contact. 
Frigga noticed her son’s change in demeanor and leaned towards him. “He seems nice. Why don’t you go say hello?” 
Loki nodded, standing and brushing off his suit. Strutting down the steps, he met the stranger at the punchbowl. Noticing a figure beside him, the stranger turned and froze. 
Loki cleared his throat and held out his hand. “Would you like to dance?” 
The stranger looked to his hand and took it hesitantly. “Of course, my Prince.”
Leading the stranger to the dance floor, a slow waltz begins, taking his hand, Loki leads, the stranger placing their hands on his hand and shoulder. The music softly flows through the ballroom, as the two danced their way to the center of the dancefloor. People stop and stare at the two as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. Loki and the stranger couldn’t take their eyes off each other, dancing as if they were the only ones in the room.
Loki took a closer look at this handsome stranger. His blue eyes stood out from his white mask, and his height was oddly familiar. Loki was exactly four inches taller than this mystical stranger. There was only one person he knew that was four inches shorter than he was. 
Hiding this information, as if he never knew, Loki hid his smirk. So, his knight had joined the party. Loki’s mind went a bit wild. 
“So, that’s why he captivated me so. My knight has come for me. To whisk me away. But… What if he is just here to keep me company, like he does best? What if his feelings don’t match mine?”
Snapping out of his daydreaming thoughts, Loki gave the not-so mysterious person a smirk. “So, handsome. Your name is Johnathan?”
Loki could see a faint blush work its way up the man’s face.
“I… Um, yes, my name is Johnathan. But, you can call me Johnny.” He spoke, awkwardly at first, but he gained the courage to wink at the end.
As the song came to an end, Loki stared longingly into the man’s blue eyes.
“Well, Johnny… Would you like to take a stroll through our gardens? They look amazing at this time of year.” He spoke, fiddling with the man’s suit jacket collar.
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thissmallplace · 1 year
Hello! Hope you're doing well!
Just saw that you had rebloged an ask meme a few days ago and even though it may be a bit late for that, was wondering whether you wanted to answer 7, 11 and 14 for Thunder in the Land of Sun?
Hey! Hello! I'm doing well. I'm happy to talk to you! I hope you're doing very well, too. It's not late at all.
7.What is a fun fact about a thing you need to research?
I have to research a lot of interesting things about the Olmec and Aztec civilizations because Thor is going to meet with some gods from those cultures. I am Mexican so it's not so difficult to remember what I learned about my national history at school, but I still need to brush it up a little.
11. What’s going through each character’s head in this moment?
In my fic Thor is grieving. It is set after TDW and AOU, after he lost both Frigga and Loki. It is just heart-wrenching to see your loved ones die, you don't truly recover. And Thor is never given time to actually grieve. He is aware that he has been trying to keep busy, not to allow himself to face the excruciating pain of his loss because it hurts so bad he is afraid of it. He is looking for a place where he might be able to grieve without alarming his friends.
As for the others, Steve is worried about Thor and he doesn't know how to help him. His friendship with Thor has just kept growing stronger. I think Natasha's friendship with Thor is going to become closer in my fic because Thor is always trying to seem strong and stoic, but Nat is too good at reading people, even if they are gods, and she knows Thor is suffering.
And Loki is watching Thor from Asgard. And he is wishing he could go and show Thor he is alive.
14. What do you like about this WIP?
I like the idea of exploring Thor's relationships, old and new. I want to talk about his friendship with The Avengers and with Sif and The Warriors Three.
I also want to explore his relationship with other gods, particularly with the Olmec and Aztec gods. Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl have always sounded to me a lot like Loki and Thor. And, of course, I want to write about Thor's most important relationship which is the one he has with Loki. There is going to be a lot of Thor and Loki in my fic.
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