#mischief and fidelity
shambelle97 · 1 year
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𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐲𝐧 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
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annachum · 2 years
I've been seeing A LOT of Sigyn fan works, and the #JusticeforSigyn trend on social media. I'm a Sigyn fan and I stand by Justice for Sigyn too.
However.....I actually have a feeling that Sigyn exists in the MCU THE WHOLE TIME, except she is CURRENTLY offscreen ( still manifesting for her official debut in MCU, possibly in Loki S2 )
Like, imagine her and Loki being childhood friends to lovers ( with a crazy love story ). They attend Yggadrsil Hall of Learning together ( alongside with Thor, the Warriors 3, Sif, Brunnhilde and Heimdall. Amora, Lorelei and Theoric go to school there too and they are part of a gang of mean kids, and Amora and Lorelei fled to Nornheim to learn dark magic from Queen Karnilla of Nornheim in their high school years ).
And as Loki and Sigyn grew, they got together sometime before Thor 1
Imagine her, an Aesir Light Elf hybrid from Alfheim with Aurora Manipulation powers, and a Valkyrie veteran who is one of the very few that survived the Massacre of Valkyrie. And she at first is unwilling to go back to Alfheim and Asgard because HER MOTHER DIED THERE TOO.
Yet she exhaustedly agreed, cuz those who survived inspired her to realize that there is still hope around the horizon. And she soon became a bodyguard/lady in waiting to Frigga and a diplomat in Alfheim Embassy in Nine Realms Intercosmic Embassy.
Imagine her being Loki's consort lover in Thor 1 during Loki's 1st rule of Asgard, yet she began to feel torn between her love for Loki and her understandable concern of Loki slowly turning to dark side. And then she mourns for Loki's 1st fake death.
Imagine her, after coming back from multiple intercosmic diplomatic business trips, and hearing all about Loki causing havoc in Earth all to try to offer her a throne ' worthy of Sigyn ', she found herself joining the Asgardian fleets to defend Asgard from the Dark Elves. And on top of that, even as she rightfully calls out Loki's crap, she defends him through thick and thin and CANNOT bear him to be possibly executed. AND THEN Theoric ( an abhorrent admirer WHO TURNS OUT TO BE A SPY WORKING FOR THE DARK ELVES ) TRIES to woo her ( actually tryna glean some spy info from her ) yet Sigyn spurred his advances and still remained loyal to Loki.
And then she also mourns for Frigga's death, gave Thor and Loki magical first aid kits for their big escape...and manages to tell her Nine Realms cohorts that Theoric is a double crossing spy. Well that ( and upon hearing Theoric is bothering Sigyn ) is more than enough to have Loki pull strings to have Theoric killed in battlefield.
Imagine her, thinking that Loki died ( again ), reunited with Loki in secret and became a bodyguard of Loki/Odin and a Chief diplomat in the Alfheimr embassy in the Nine Realms Intercosmic Embassy, and eventually Loki and Sigyn married in secret
Imagine Sigyn, during Ragnarok, joining the Light Elfs to battle against Hela's forces while also help run a refuge behind the waterfalls in Hummingbird Bay ( where the Sea Elves dwell in Alfhem in coral abodes ). And she broke down witnessing her healer dad died trying to save her life.....
And all the while, EVERYONE else found out her and Loki's initially secret marriage, and also Sigyn and Loki kept in touch via crystal ball communications and magical notes while they had their crazy adventures.
Imagine Sigyn managing to escape the Massacre of the Airship caused by Thanos to an alternate timeline where Alfheim is ruled by a council of Valkyrie veterans and military leaders ( via Sylvie unleashing the Multiverse via Stabbing Kang )
And imagine Sigyn, who soon heard an Alt Loki was out there somewhere, began a time hopping journey to find Loki when she was abducted by the TVA yet manages to escape and eventually reunite with Loki, and the 2 commence a coupe against the TVA together ( this is what I would LOVE to see happen in Loki S2 )
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dank-art · 4 months
Practising character deisgn with the assistance of TANGLED sketch bases of mother Gothel and Rapunzel. ( but a lot of this is my own tweaking)
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november-rayne · 1 year
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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sigyn's Virtue
Summary: Sigyn's faith is tested. Could this be the end of Loki's happily ever after?
Word Count: 2500
Rating: Mature
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+
*Minors DNI*
Tags: unplanned pregnancy, mentions of termination of pregnancy
Chapter Index
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/fə deləde̅/
Definition: faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support
Loki raised his gaze from Sera’s belly back to her eyes. They were pleading, desperate. He stood up straighter and steeled himself; he looked directly at the King, “Again, what is this about?”
Odin gave him an exasperated sigh, “I will give you one more opportunity to send Sigyn away so we may settle this matter privately.”
Loki’s grip tightened on her hand. He looked at her; his face was apologetic.
Sigyn touched his neck and pulled him down to kiss his forehead. She rested her head against his and whispered, “It is ok. You can send me away if you want to. Or I can stay if you need me to. I love you, Loki Odinson. Nothing is going to change that. Whatever happens in this room today will not change that. Do you understand me?”
He took a slow breath, “I do not deserve you.” He whispered back, his eyes closed.
“Tell that to the Norns. You believe yourself wiser than the Nornir who saw fit to bring us together? Or my heart that swells to bursting when I think of you?”
“Sigyn, I…” he raised his head to look at her. He could not finish his sentence. What he saw took his breath away.
Sigyn was surrounded, head to toe, in a sky-blue glow. Heatless azure flames licked her skin. Light danced around her, pushing away from her. It was emanating from her, originating from deep within her. He had seen flashes of it in her eyes before, but now it was surrounding her.
Loki pried his eyes from her to look at his father; he was leaning forward on the throne. Sights set intently on Sigyn.
“Send for the Queen,” Odin ordered without taking his eyes off her.
“Right away, sire.” Henrik motioned to the messenger.
Confusion set in on Sigyn’s face as Loki picked up her hand, turning it to and fro, admiring the patterns the light made on her skin.
“Do you not see it?” he whispered.
She held her hands out in front of herself. “What am I looking for? Loki, what are you on about?”
He shook his head in response, “We can talk about that later.” He kissed her palm and placed it on his cheek. “I have no right to ask you this but, will you stay by my side? Will you stay here with me? For me?”
“Of course, my love.” She ran her thumb across his cheekbone.
Loki turned back to the King, “Sigyn is staying.”
“Very well,” Odin nodded curtly. Sitting back on his throne. “This woman claims that you are the father of her unborn child.”
“That is simply not possible,” Loki replied matter-of-factly. He heard Sera scoff beside him.
Odin eyed him carefully, “Are you telling me you never brought this woman into your bed?”
“I am telling you,” he took a deep breath, “that I took precautions.”
Odin was thoughtful for a moment, “Has your seiðr ever failed you before?”
“Yes,” Loki answered truthfully, “but never in those instances. I would never take such a gamble.”
Odin drummed his fingers on the arms of his throne. He turned his attention to Sera, “Young lady, is it possible that another man could have fathered this child?”
Loki focused intently on her face as she answered, “No, Your Majesty.”
“She is lying!”
“Your Highness, no, please.” Sera shook her head, “I have taken no lovers since you. My Prince, please. No one after you. No one could ever-”
“Finally, an honest statement. But that does not mean that is my child.”
“It cannot be anyone else. It just can’t be.” Tears started streaming down her face.
“Another lie! Just because you wish something to be true does not make it so! Father, her timing could not be more suspect.”
Odin nodded, “Are you familiar with the laws of succession, girl?”
“Only what I remember from school, Your Majesty.”
The Queen walked quickly through the side entrance. “What is so urgent?” She stopped in her tracks when she saw Sigyn. “Norns…”
Sigyn’s aura had retreated somewhat, but she still had a sky-blue halo of light circling her head.
Frigga pulled Sigyn into a hug before she had a chance to curtsey. “Oh, you precious girl. This is wonderful!” The Queen released her and clasped their hands together in front of her heart.
Sigyn’s confused expression and the woman's sobs to Loki’s other side jolted Frigga back into the moment, “What is going on?” She asked the King, “Is this not why you called me here?”
He gave a grave shake of his head, “We have another matter to discuss first.”
“What could be more important than-”
“Later, Frigga.” He motioned for her to join him.
“I see. Very well, someone, please fill me in.”
Frigga settled into her seat beside the King and nodded for him to continue as she straightened her skirts.
“This woman came to the palace today to claim that Prince Loki is the father of her unborn child. He admits to knowing her and taking her to bed but refutes that the child could not be his because he used seiðr to prevent such an event from occurring. The woman denies taking any other lovers. Loki sensed falsehood in her statement. Then you arrived.”
Frigga nodded slowly, her thoughts tumbling like pebbles in the surf. “I have questions.”
“By all means,” Odin motioned to Sera.
“What is your name, dear?”
“My name is Sera Nilsen, Your Majesty.” She curtsied shakily.
“And how do you know my son?”
“I… Prince Loki employed me as his chambermaid.”
Frigga narrowed her eyes. “Loki, is this the same woman who snuck into your chambers on the day of your betrothal?”
“Yes, Mother. But nothing happened.”
Sera huffed quietly.
“Nothing happened that would result in pregnancy.” Loki amended as he threw his hand up in defense.  “She tried to seduce me, but I sent her away, heeding your warning, Mother.”
“But you do not deny sharing a bed with this girl before that day?”
“I do not deny it.”
“More than once?”
"Yes.” He hung his head, anticipating the line of questioning to come.
“How many times?”
Loki swallowed hard, not meeting his mother’s eyes, “It is impossible to say. It was almost every day while I employed her. Multiple times per day...” Sigyn’s hand clenched around his arm, and he felt her go rigid at his side.
“And you are certain your contraceptive charm could keep up with that much activity?”
Loki ran his hand down his face, “I renew it as often as needed. I never proceed until I feel it take effect. After all these centuries, it almost feels wrong when I do not use it.”
“There are occasions when you do not use it?” Frigga tilted her head in concern.
Loki sighed, “Not all lovers can conceive children, Mother.”
“Yes, right.” Her hands busied themselves on the arms of the throne while she tried to remember her next set of questions. “When did the affair start?”
“I object to you calling it an affair.”
Frigga took a deep breath and counted to five in her head to regain her patience, “When did her employment start?”
Loki looked to the ceiling, “Roughly five months ago? Give or take a week. The employment records would have the exact date.”
“Is that an accurate estimate, Sera?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“And how far along into your pregnancy are you now?”
“I…I am unsure, Your Majesty.”
“A lie,” Loki protested. “Mother, she is willfully withholding information.”
“Sera, you must realize that it is futile to lie or lie by omission. You are leveling a very serious allegation here; we must have all the facts.”
“I am uncertain because I have yet to visit a midwife, Your Majesty.”
“Why would you put off seeing a midwife?”
Fresh tears spilled down her pretty face. “I am afraid to say.”
“Go on, child. You must continue.”
She took a few deep breaths, “I did not wish to see a midwife. I went to see a witch instead.”
“A witch?” Odin asked, “Why would a pregnant woman visit a witch instead of a midwife?”
“Because not all pregnant women wish to become mothers,” Frigga replied.
“Please,” she wiped her snotty nose with her hand, “Please have mercy on me. I drank the secret tea, and I prayed to the Norns to take the child back from me. But it did not work. And now,” she motioned to her tiny bump, “it will come regardless. I have no husband; I have no parents. I did not want this. I only wanted to be of service to the Prince. I have nowhere else to go. The Prince has always been so kind to me…” She sobbed uncontrollably.
Sigyn released Loki and went to the weeping woman’s side. “Hey,” She gently put her hand on her shoulder. Sera looked up in surprise, “You did the right thing by coming here.” Sigyn gave her a reassuring smile. “You should not have to endure this alone.” She rubbed one hand on Sera’s back and held the other out to Loki, “Handkerchief,” she demanded without looking at him.
He gaped at her momentarily before conjuring a handkerchief and placing it in her open palm.
“Now dry your tears. We are going to get this all sorted out.”
“Thank you, My Lady.”
Sigyn took the time to look her over. Her shoes were worn thin. She could feel her bones through the thin material of her dress as she rubbed her back. “Did you walk the entire way here?”
Sera nodded.
“Your feet must be sore. Do you want to take a break?”
“She needs to finish answering our questions.” The King interjected.
“She needs a warm meal and a fresh change of clothes! She needs somewhere to sit and rest. She came here out of desperation, and you are treating her like she is on trial!”
The King and Queen stared back at Sigyn in stunned silence.
“She is not a criminal! She is scared and needs our help. A piece of Loki could be trying to survive in her, needing sustenance, safety, and security. Bastard, it may be, but that does not change the fact it might be your first grandchild.” The radiance of her virtue flared brightly from her body anew.
Frigga brought her hand to her mouth to cover her gasp.
Sigyn stepped in front of Sera protectively, “She will not answer another question until she is offered a modicum of hospitality.”
Loki could only stare, shifting his focus nervously back and forth between Sigyn and the King, both wearing the same expression of fierce determination. The longer the silence hung in the air, the more anxious he became, unsure if he should say something to dissolve the tension.
Henrik stared straight ahead, eyes fixed on some point on the back wall. He was looking as if he may pass out at any moment.
The Queen folded her hands in her lap and kept her expression neutral.
Sigyn crossed her arms over her chest and doubled down on her rebellion by jutting her chin out slightly as if daring the King to reprimand her.
The chimes in the palace rang, signaling the eight o’clock hour.
Odin never took his eyes off Sigyn as he spoke, “Henrik, send a message to Thor to start the feast. Send our apologies to the guests regarding our absence.”
“Right away, sir.” Henrik looked relieved as he exited the dais to the messenger.
The King looked away first, standing and offering his hand to his wife, “We will all retreat to the small council room. Follow me.”
Sigyn helped Sera climb the steps and cross the dais to the room tucked behind the throne. Loki followed close behind. The King seated himself at the head of the table, Frigga to his right, Loki to his left. The younger women chose seats slightly further down from Loki.
Odin sat back in his seat and nodded to Frigga. Henrik entered, and Odin motioned for him to come closer. Henrik nodded as he listened to the King’s instructions, then took off again.
“There will be tea and platters brought up momentarily,” Frigga announced. “Could you answer a few more questions while we wait?” She addressed Sera with a gentler expression.
“Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you, Your Majesty,” she replied, grateful to finally be off her feet.
Frigga folded her hands on the top of the opulent table. She organized her thoughts before speaking.
“Sera, the Crown sympathizes with your situation. Personally, it breaks my heart to see someone in such distress. We will do everything we can to ensure your health and the health of your unborn child as citizens of Asgard.” She splayed her hands wide on the glossy tabletop, “With that being said, I must explain to you the potential problems this news causes our family and the political ramifications this could bring.”
Sera nodded in understanding.
The Queen motioned to Sigyn, “Sigyn, by law, cannot inherit her father’s lands or title outright. However, her husband may inherit them in her name. The line of succession begins again with the birth of Loki’s first male heir.
“If this child is Loki’s, born after Sigyn becomes his wife, and happens to be a boy, then, by law, the child could claim rights to the title when Loki dies. Ending the Anderson pedigree connected to those lands. Given the new information presented, Lord Anderson would be well within his rights to call off the wedding now to keep the title in his bloodline.”
Sigyn was livid but kept her voice neutral, “Just so I understand this correctly, your Majesties, did I just hear that a common bastard male would have more claim to my familial lands than myself, a high-born legitimate female or any of our legitimate children born after him?”
“The laws of succession state lands and titles go to the first male heir,” Odin replied.
“Apologies, Your Majesty, but that is ignorant and antiquated.”
Odin slammed his fist on the table, “It is the law!”
“The law is fucked!”
Loki stood abruptly and held out his hand. “It has been a long day for everyone. Let us finish this business so we may retreat to our respective chambers and get a good night's sleep in our own beds.” He looked at Sigyn with an expression that told her to drop it for now.
She nodded curtly and leaned back in her chair. “Apologies, My King. I have no excuse for my offensive language. I should not have said that out loud. I am simply beside myself over the mention of canceling the wedding.”
Odin gave her a sardonic smile, picking up the sarcasm in her apology, “You are forgiven. But you will mind your tongue from here on out.”
“Yes, My King.”
“Let me put an end to this discussion right now.” Loki quickly stepped behind Sera and placed his hand on the side of her head as he closed his eyes. Sera gasped briefly before her expression went blank, her jaw went slack, and she slumped in her seat.
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XOXO - Rayne 💚
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jessfandrawer · 2 years
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Sigyn and Loki: Acid Rain Character detail below
Yay, it's finally done! I've been working this piece on and off for a long time (as in years). I'm considering putting it in my portfolio, though I'm not sure if it's too fanart-y for that. My portfolio site is through Tumblr, by the way, so maybe you'll see this one again.😅
Special thanks to the artists on Unsplash for providing my texture layers and some help with the background too!
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hollustu · 19 days
tag dump. feel free to keep scrolling.
˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · out of fidelity. // ooc. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · loyal to a few. // promos. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · remember me fondly. // self promo. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · passages in time. // prompts. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · a sweet face is not all this flower is. // headcanons. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · the goddess of fidelity herself. // sigyn. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · her loyalty is not fickle ... but not free. // isms. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · a smile that lit up a room ... and the tears that drown. // musing. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · verse. 01. // the loyal wife to the god of mischief. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · verse. 02. // the queen of asgard. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · verse. 03. // she sold her soul so he could live. ˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · verse. 04. // the world belongs to the dead.
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starwrittenfates · 2 months
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫
“Sigyn is weak” “Sigyn is a doormat” “Sigyn doesn’t have a story/purpose” “Sigyn is boring”
I’m sorry, but it bugs me when I come across posts where someone says these things about Sigyn (and don’t get me started on how a good majority of literature writers tend to write Sigyn as.)
Remaining kind and loving and compassionate when you’re repeatedly put through abuse and trauma is one of the bravest and strongest things you can do (and no, Loki is not abusive towards Sigyn! I’m talking about the other gods here – the Æsir – who not only had Sigyn’s husband’s mouth sewn shut, but had him working as their servant/errand boy to clean up their messes, took his children away, forced one of their children to turn into a wolf and kill the other, and bound him to a cave with snake venom dripping over him for centuries….among other things.)
Remaining beside your loved one’s side no matter what trials and tribulations come your way is one of the bravest and strongest things you can do (I mean, Sigyn brought a BOWL with her and stood there, collecting venom for CENTURIES, in order to PROTECT her husband! Even though Loki’s actions with killing Baldr resulted in Narfi’s death, Sigyn never once blamed Loki for it. She also didn’t have to be there doing what she does. As far as we know, she wasn’t forced into it. She CHOSE to be there, even through her grief. Not once did she falter…and because of this, because of Sigyn doing what she chose to do, Loki was able to make it to Ragnarok and fight the Æsir.)
When you look up the meaning of the word “Staying Power”, this is the definition you get:
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thecupidwitch · 6 months
Day of the Week Magickal Correspondences:
Planet: Moon
Tarot: High Priestess, Moon
Color: white, light blue, gray
Stones: moonstone, pearl, fluorite, amethyst, quartz, sapphire
Herbs: moonflower, jasmine, gardenia, white rose
Influences : astral realm, clairvoyance, creativity, dream work, emotions, family, fertility, healing the home, illumination, inspiration, intuition, love, prophecy, protection, psychic ability, travel, truth
Planet: Mars
Tarot: Strength, Wands (5, 6)
Color: red, orange
Stones: carnelian, ruby, bloodstone, garnet, red jasper
Herbs: basil, ginger, blak pepper, patchouli, holly, dragon’s blood, nettle, thistle, thorns, wormwood, hawthorn,
Influences : power, war, courage, agression, revenge, hexes and curses, distruction, ambition, sexual identity, sex magick, self confidence
Planet: mercury
Tarot: The Magician, Wheel of Fortune, Pentacles (8)
Color: blue
Stones: Agate, citrine, aventurine, sodalite, lapis, hematite, emerald
Herbs: lavender, rosemary, fern, cherry, licorice, poppy, mugwort, plantain, apple, fennel
Influences : communication, arts, change, mental power, education, divination, psychic power, divination, wisdom, knowledge, traveling, spiritual enlightenment, mischief
Planet: jupiter
Tarot: Pentacles (ace, 9, 10)
Color: royal blue, green and purple
Stones: amethyst, sapphire, turquoise, lepidolite, sugilite
Herbs: cinnamon, sage, nutmeg, melissa, clove, honeysuckle
Influences : money, business, manifestion, justice, healing, abundance, luck, fidelity, honor, justice (legal matters), leadership, loyalty, prosperity, relationships, well-being, success
Planet: Venus
Tarot: Empress, Lovers, Cups (2)
Color: pink
Stones: rose quartz, pink tourmaline, moonstone, jade, peridot, emerald, ruby
Herbs: red hibiscus, rose, lavender, rosemary, jasmine, blue lotus, violet, birch, sage, ivy
Influences : beauty, emotions, fertility, friendship, happiness, love, passion, pleasure, sexuality, wisdom
Planet: Saturn
Tarot: Temperance, Swords (knight, 2)
Color: Black, Gray (dark), Indigo, Purple (dark)
Stones: onyx, obsidian, smokey quartz, jet, pumice
Herbs: myrrh, moss, thyme, basil, hemlock, nettle, peppermint, pomegranate, hyacinth, mallow, juniper
Influences : banish, binding magick, death, protection, freedom, justice, karma, banishing, uncrossing magick, hexes and curses
Planet: Sun
Color: yellow, gold
Tarot: Chariot, Sun, Wands (ace)
Stones: citrine, sunstone, pyrite, gold, goldstone, carnelian, orange calcite, tiger’s eye, amber
Herbs: sunflower, chamomile, calendula, marigold, bergamot, oak, rosemary, oregano
Influences : accomplishment, action, ambition, attraction, authority, beauty, confidence, creativity, energy (solar), fame, freedom, friendship, goals, personal growth, healing, hope, illumination, justice, leadership, light, protection, spirituality
tip jar
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the-mortuary-witch · 3 months
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Planet: Moon
Tarot: High Priestess and Moon
Colours: white, light blue, and grey
Stones: moonstone, pearl, fluorite, amethyst, quartz, and sapphire
Herbs: moonflower, jasmine, gardenia, and white rose
Influences: astral realm, clairvoyance, creativity, dream work, emotions, family, fertility, healing the home, illumination, inspiration, intuition, love, prophecy, protection, psychic ability, travel, and truth
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Planet: Mars
Tarot: Strength and Wands (5 and 6)
Colours: red and orange
Stones: carnelian, ruby, bloodstone, garnet, and red jasper
Herbs: basil, ginger, black pepper, patchouli, holly, dragon’s blood, nettle, thistle, thorns, wormwood, and hawthorn
Influences: power, war, courage, aggression, revenge, hexes and curses, destruction, ambition, sexual identity, sex magick, and self confidence
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Planet: Mercury 
Tarot: The Magician, Wheel of Fortune, and Pentacles (8)
Colour: blue
Stones: agate, citrine, aventurine, sodalite, lapis, hematite, and emerald
Herbs: lavender, rosemary, fern, cherry, liquorice, poppy, mugwort, plantain, apple, and fennel
Influences: communication, arts, change, mental power, education, divination, psychic power, divination, wisdom, knowledge, traveling, spiritual enlightenment, and mischief. 
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Planet: Jupiter
Tarot: Pentacles (ace, 9, 10)
Colours: royal blue, green, and purple
Stones: amethyst, sapphire, turquoise, lepidolite, and sugilite
Herbs: cinnamon, sage, nutmeg, melissa, clove, and honeysuckle
Influences: money, business, manifestation, justice, healing, abundance, luck, fidelity, honour, justice (legal matters), leadership, loyalty, prosperity, relationships, well-being, and success
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Planet: Venus
Tarot: Empress, Lovers, and Cups (2)
Colour: pink
Stones: rose quartz, pink tourmaline, moonstone, jade, peridot, emerald, and ruby
Herbs: red hibiscus, rose, lavender, rosemary, jasmine, blue lotus, violet, birch, sage, and ivy
Influences: beauty, emotions, fertility, friendship, happiness, love, passion, pleasure, sexuality, and wisdom
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Planet: Saturn
Tarot: Temperance and Swords (knight, 2)
Colours: black, dark grey, indigo, and dark purple 
Stones: onyx, obsidian, smokey quartz, jet,  and pumice
Herbs: myrrh, moss, thyme, basil, hemlock, nettle, peppermint, pomegranate, hyacinth, mallow, and juniper
Influences: banish, binding magick, death, protection, freedom, justice, karma, banishing, uncrossing magick, hexes, and curses
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Planet: Sun
Colours: yellow and gold
Tarot: Chariot, Sun, and Wands (ace)
Stones: citrine, sunstone, pyrite, gold, goldstone, carnelian, orange calcite, tiger’s eye, and amber
Herbs: sunflower, chamomile, calendula, marigold, bergamot, oak, rosemary, and oregano
Influences: accomplishment, action, ambition, attraction, authority, beauty, confidence, creativity, energy (solar), fame, freedom, friendship, goals, personal growth, healing, hope, illumination, justice, leadership, light, protection, and spirituality 
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manorpunk · 6 months
In the White House press briefing room in the year 2069, the presidential lectern was alight for the first time in decades. On the dais, hidden behind thick blue curtains, a series of lenses came to life, powered by thrumming machines the size of cabinets. In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea, The light from the lenses reflected along an array of precision mirrors, engineered down to the nanometer, reflecting and warping the light, directing every beam to a spot just behind the lectern. A shimmering orb of color began to grow and take shape. It was a hologram, the first of its kind in quality and fidelity, but needing time to form. With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me… The hologram grew, like a multicolored egg, until it took the shape of a body - a woman’s body, thin but not too thin, tan but also pale, tall but not too tall or too short, a work of perfection as delicately engineered as the machinery that created it. The Mary Jane shoes, the pleated skirt, the puffy blouse with Juliet sleeves. The cherry-red hair with a big white bow on top. The baby blue eyes with little white five-pointed stars for pupils. For better or for worse, the USA’s decades-long interregnum was drawing to a close. As He died to make men holy… With a thrum of light, the hologram was now displaying at one-hundred percent fidelity. The first president of the American League, a rough and discordant coalition of states that had emerged from the fall of the United States federal government, newly embodied with vague and untested powers in the transition out of provisional government, was an anime girl vtuber. Let us die to make men free, While God is marching on! She smiled. It was a wide, sharp smile, like the letter v, brimming with barely-concealed pride, the smile of someone who was always up to mischief, but never too much. She turned her head, letting the cameras see it from every angle, waving and winking as the booming chorus of Glory, Glory, Hallelujah faded into the background. “And we’re back, folks!” she said. Her voice was light and airy, like a rich pastry or a strong dose of anesthetics.  “In case you’ve been living under a rock for these past few years, I’m Sunny Roosevelt: winner of Miss Vtuber North America 206X, named ‘America’s Cloth Mother’ by the GLN Worldwide Weekly, and now, your president!” The ‘living under a rock’ comment wasn’t a rhetorical gesture; a non-negligible amount of people in the former USA had spent the past few years under some form of rock, whether that was an apocalypse bunker, abandoned basement, or literal rock. “Folks, I know it’s been a rough couple decades for America. There was mass infrastructure failure, natural disasters, zombie COVID, falling real estate prices, and I’m pretty sure most of Florida’s still underwater. But that - ends - here!” she thumped her fist on the podium. “Because I love America. I love America so much I am kissing America with tongue. To all my loyal voters, followers, and subscribers, my promise to you, now that I’m here…” her eyes narrowed and slanted sharply as she gripped the podium and leaned closer. “...big things are coming.”
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smolvenger · 2 months
The Boat in the Water: A Beauty and the Beast Story (Loki x Stella Ransome, An MCU/The Essex Serpent Crossover Multi-Part) Part Six
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Fic Summary: Having lost her health and her husband's fidelity and love, Stella has nothing more to lose than her life. Then...she is swept away to another realm, to an enchanted castle. A castle whose master is a god...a god with a striking resemblance to her husband.
Chapter One//Chapter Two//Chapter Three//Chapter Four//Chapter Five//Chapter Six//Chapter Seven Finale (coming soon)
Chapter Summary: A black cat arrives at the Ransome house
Chapter Word Count: 4K
Chapter Warnings: Cheating, portrayed in a negative light with the Will/Cora affair (don't like, don't interact), and somewhat of emotional cheating portrayed in a positive light with our main couple (not that Stella would ever act on it, you know our girl would never). Small plot things, but this is mainly a lot of fluff with a little angst.
A/N: This is a lot of filler fluff, but the idea of Loki becoming a cat to infiltrate the Ransome house was so cute and so funny I had to write about it. So I hope you like it and think it's as cute and funny as I did! Shout out to @muddyorbsblr and @mari-malgamore and @steasstuff for letting me indulge in a Lokitty AU with the Ransomes. I also discovered too late that the show only has two of the Ransome kiddos and not all three like in the book (which makes it worse for Show! Stella because it technically means she lost three children, not just two :'( ) But for continuity's sake for the fic, John is still in.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @anukulee @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr @mari-malgamore @steasstuff
One day in Aldwinter, a black cat had never been there before. It walked across the marshes to the white house amid a field. It strutted over with an alert tail, as cats usually do, heading to the backyard with a little stick house and a tree and tall poles with lines of laundry.
Loki couldn’t stand it. Being alone in Asgard, in his palace. He did nothing but pace for hours. He was worrying over her. Would she go back into that boat? Or hurt herself in another way? Even if she was better, still…not to mention, would she be unhappy? 
He couldn’t sit about and do nothing. He had to make sure Stella was…was…was safe, at least. That she wasn’t miserable. 
But he couldn’t do it looking like himself. Stella would recognize him and act differently. And not to mention her husband. 
He walked over. Ready for his mission. To appear like an ordinary cat no one would notice- and black to blend into shadows. And secretly glad to have a black fur coat. The air was chilly. Even for spring.
He felt confident. Smug as he could be, for a cat cannot smirk. He would simply stay outside. If anything unpleasant came up, he’d change to his Aesir form and blast it away with magic. He would wait and watch. Probably near the little hut with all of the sticks. Yes, check on her then-
“Ruff! Ruff!”
He turned at the sound of the back door and froze. 
Loki forgot to consider they had a dog.
The brown terrier took off, charging towards him. All wagging tail and barks and slobber and teeth. 
In a panic, Loki turned and ran as fast as his little cat body would allow. The dog lumbered after him- but it couldn’t match his agile feline speed. 
Loki found the closest tree, and getting out his claws, quickly attached himself to the bark and climbed up. Frantically, beyond canine reach. He perched up on a tree, his back arching up and his ears slant.
The dog kept wagging his tail, his bark sharp. He put his front paws on the bark and wagged his tail, announcing to all of Essex that there was a cat on the tree.
Loki glared at him from the branch.
“I am a god, you dull beast! And I shall not be trifled with the likes of you!” he threatened.
But what came out of his mouth was a bunch of meows.
“What’s that?!” cried a small voice, like the cooing of a dove.
Loki was about to deliver a new threat that would come out as a hiss. The dog stopped pawing the tree and turned his head.
Out from the back door were two young children. The first was a girl. A pale face with freckles and long, light brown hair. The boy with a mop of curly dark brown hair. 
He remembered they weren’t just any children…
“Look, James, up in the tree!” cried Jo. “Get John! He can calm him down!” 
They were Stella’s children. The ones she loved so much, the ones he even saw her deliver to the world in visions. The ones she stayed in the palace to heal. The ones that mattered to the woman he loved. 
Out emerged the third, the middle boy. He went to the dog and ordered him to sit and the dog obeyed. Loki found himself relaxing.
“I’ll get him!” offered the girl.
She easily climbed up with her long, slender limbs. She sat on the branch and petted him. He purred and leaned into her touch. He noticed the blue eyes and the sweet smile. Traits she got from her mother- little signs that signaled this was a bit of Stella out there in the world for all to see, how to love. 
She scooped the Loki into her arms. Though the dog sniffed at him and wagged his tail, Loki gave him a warning hiss. But he settled.
“Look how sweet he is! Do you think we can let him inside? Do we have a cat now?!” James asked.
“What will Mama and Papa say?” John asked.
“They won’t mind!” Jo assured him. She scratched Loki’s head.
“Feral cats won’t let you do all that- maybe he’s hungry! We should feed him!” John replied.
Yes, he would let them. For then, he would be allowed in the house. He would keep a closer eye on her again and see Stella in her element. No poetic suicide attempts. Just a close watch. Maybe the odd thing of mischief or two. But only to see that Stella and her children too were happy and alive and safe.
 Curled like a baby, he let Jo carry her into the house. He even gave another purr and felt her smile over him. 
This was already too easy.
He could do it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
He couldn’t do it.
Already, seconds after they fed him, Jo broke out her old dolls. And her old doll’s clothes. 
He was in his third humiliating outfit of a ruffled white dress.
“Look at how they fit! It’s perfect!” John laughed, being the one to hold Loki up.  
The last one was a gown where they declared her (since they were unsure of Loki’s gender as a cat) the fairest princess in the land.
Loki was tempted to hiss and scratch his way out. Wriggle until he was out of their arms and bite off the clothes. Or even change to his Aesir form, the clothes ripping into bits as he grew to his actual size. The look on their faces would have been worth it. And the screams!
But no.
These were Stella’s children. They were happy. They deserved to be happy, even if it meant another babydoll dress and hat on him. So he gritted his feline teeth and bore it, though his ears flattened with annoyance.
“Here! Add the hat!” James cheered, handing over a little pink baby’s bonnet from the doll.
Loki let out a meow in protest. But the boys’ little hands fitted the bonnet over his ears. He tied a bow beneath his chin. The children smiled even bigger at the sight of it.
“Just like a real baby!!” Jo cooed.
John began to sway him as they all made up a song to parade him around the brown house. Marching like he was their prize and swinging him back and forth as they sang to the tune of Greensleeves.
‘I am a little cat oh so faaaaiiir just pet and hold and giiiive me miiiilk!”
 They were not natural poets, the Ransome children. Not when the eldest was merely thirteen. So the latter part of the verse required simplicity.
“Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meoooooowww, meow meow moew meow meow meeeow meow meow!”
AllMother forbid Thor to see this. Loki was sure that Ragnorak beginning at this moment would be merciful over his brother having more ammunition to tease him. 
The door opened and they stopped their song and turned their heads.
“Why, what are you doing, my loves?” asked a soft, feminine voice from the entrance.
Loki felt his ears and face turn. 
Stella then entered. She took off the kerchief on her head and her shawl and set it on a doorknob. She smiled at the parade around the house. 
“Mama! We found a cat!” James explained.
John held him up to show her proudly.
Loki let go of his glare. He had to be appealing to her. So he fired his biggest, cutest eyes and gave her his sweetest mew.
Stella burst into delighted laughter.
“Set him down- he is probably wanting it,” she instructed.
James relented and released Loki down. He found a way to walk towards her, despite his peripheral vision blocked by the bonnet and the dress. He walked towards Stella’s blue skirt. He heard her ask the children if they knew if the cat belonged to anyone and they replied no, they did not.
“Can we keep him? He doesn’t seem feral!” asked Jo.
“You must remember- you must feed and look after him and give him water and a place to relieve himself. Animals are like babies themselves- you cannot be cruel to deny them their needs. And they may cause some trouble- it is your responsibility!” she lectured them, even leaning down to look into their eyes.
The children claimed that they would nod their heads. 
The cat went before Stella. He purred loudly and rubbed against her skirts, giving his sweetest meow. He heard her gasp and melt a little. She leaned down her arm and began to pet him. He leaned even closer to her touch- its smoothness, its gentleness that he loved, even in this form.
“Oh, what a little dear you are!” she cooed. She got him out of his little doll clothes by picking him up and putting him in her lap on the chair. But he made sure to be sweet and pliant. She looked carefully at his body, and then at the children.
 “I think he is male. But how is he with Dan?” Stella asked.
Loki looked over and there was the dog, wagging his tail and wanting to play again.
“Dan doesn’t hurt him!” John explained. “They get along! Dan’s always good with cats! He just wants to chase them and play with them!”
“Well, you know your father must name any male pet we have after the twelve sons of Jacob…” Stella began.
Jo stood up proudly and began to recite.  “I already know all of them now- Nephtali, Issacar, Judah, Benjamin, Joseph, Asher-”
“It should be Asher! For his ashy face!” cried James.
Stella looked down with a laugh as she stroked Loki again.
“Oh, then Asher it is!” Stella laughed.
Allowed into the house, Loki began his mission to make himself the best cat he could for her. Followed her as she made dinner, took care of a few chores, and asked after the children. At one point, he heard a noise beneath the table and found James hiding there. He meowed at Stella to signal her. She leaned down, pulled up the tablecloth, and smiled at the hiding boy. Then she got up and fixed a saucer of biscuits. Crouching down, she brought them to James beneath the table with a smile that made Loki melt on the inside.
The second she sat down, Loki was on her lap. Kneading on her, much to her joy. Or laying down in the submissive pose with his belly up and his paws curled. 
“Oh, he likes you, mama!” John said.
Loki was happily in her lap, curled up and warm and content.
Then the dog barked at him, Jumping and wanting to play. Loki gave him a good swat.
“You shall leave us alone, shall you!” he cried. Only it came out as a “Mrow!”.
But the dog obeyed Stella’s commands and left her alone. This was it- this was almost like the peace of Valhalla. She was petting him, everything was warm and cozy. Jo was reading her book and the boys were playing a game. It was perfect, absolutely per-
The door creaked open.
“Papa!” shouted James.
In came Will, looking perfectly snug in his large, green scarf and coat, a sweater beneath him. Loki felt himself stiffen as he turned his curly head towards there, even with three children who all got up to hug him. 
Will went over to Stella with the chair, looking down at Loki. A half-laugh came out of him with a smile. But Loki did not smile back. He instead gave him his biggest death glare. Which, given his current species, proved quite simple.
This did not deter the reverend.
“The children found a cat,” Stella explained.
Will went over and reached his large hand towards the new pet.
“Hello there, little fellow,” he began.
Loki could not play sweet little kitten around him. 
He swatted at Will’s paw quickly.
“A feisty fellow!” Will chuckled.
He reached again to pet the cat. Loki batted Will away and hissed at him. 
“Oh, he is only not used to you!” Stella claimed. “Give him time!”
She did scoop him off of her lap (to a protesting meow) to embrace and kiss her husband. Loki did everything in him not to gag.
As dinner was being served and plates were appearing on the table, Loki wished to join them. That wish was not granted.
The dog wanted to play. He barked and wagged his tail, prancing around him. Loki could not avoid him wherever he was. He tried to ignore him by lying down on a small blue rug on the floor. 
“I shall have nothing with you, Midgardian scum,” Loki silently cursed.
The dog in answer picked up the rug and dragged it across the house with Loki dragging on it. He meowed in protest, much to the amusement of the Ransome family. Who applauded and laughed like they were watching a play.
It had felt like ages and dinner was done by the time the dog was bored of him and he went to the table. Stella had picked some bits of chicken, set it on a blue saucer, and leaned down on the floor offering it to Loki. 
“Here you are. For your troubles,” she offered.
He ate every bit of it. 
The world was inky with night as each person settled into their bed. Stela noted that the cat ended up in her room. As she unbuttoned her dress and removed her corset and petticoats, she noticed the cat in a corner with both paws over his eyes. She giggled lightly as she finally put her nightgown on.
After all, Loki was a gentleman. 
He did not do the same when the husband undressed into his shift. What did he care if Will was the one undressing? For some godsforsaken reason unknown to him, it was his own cock anyway.
Will went to the chair to read, the pages flipping quietly. Settling in.
With a contented sigh, Stella pulled up the covers of the blankets and settled into bed. Her hair was still in her braid, draping over her shoulder. With her ruffled nightgown, she seemed every bit. 
 Loki hopped up over the blankets to her.
“Oh, hello!” she said.
He curled up on her chest and her chest, purring. With another beautiful smile, she stroked his fur.
He loved it- to just touch her, be with her in this form. To hold her and feel her. How warm and comfortable and safe and alive she felt.
The bed shifted as a second weight got on.
Loki shot the occupant a glare and then focused on Stella again.
Will each time Will got close, Loki would turn around and glare at him. Daring him to lay a hand on Stella, bonds of  Christian matrimony be damned. And Loki would let out a growl or a slap if Will attempted to pet him. The viar only sighed and settled into his half of the bed.
Stella slept all night with the cat curled on her. When she awoke, he stretched and greeted her, wishing to snuggle more before she got out of bed. She had never been this cozy in ages.
The week passed on blissfully. Will was gone for long periods. Stella remained at home, keeping everything tidy, rearranging her collection, sometimes making trips to pay calls, and waiting for the children to come home. Sunday morning came and went with everyone scrambling to get ready and head to church, then return home, and sink into a half exhaustion all afternoon.
Loki wasn’t complaining. He liked being her companion. Being near her all the time.
Tuesday, there was a visitor.
In walked a woman with small eyes and high cheekbones with a soft face. Her nose was up in the air with confidence and her long, almost wavy blonde hair, streaked with red was up in a bun, though strands came loose. She wore a grey coat. Beside her was a young boy with straight brown hair that fell over his eyes. He kept his eyes low but looked up softly as Stella went forward to greet them.
Her steps paused. Loki noticed why.
The woman wore Will’s green scarf.
She said she was here to see him and go off on another walk. She patted her son’s shoulder. Stella kept her gentle smile, but remained still, though her eyes sometimes flickered to the scarf. She said he would be in the backyard and that yes, Frankie is welcome to stay.
The woman looked down at the black cat. Loki backed down, ears flat, and gave her a loud hiss.
“Don’t mind him, he doesn’t like strangers!” Stella replied.
Then the lady squeezed the boy’s shoulder, turning off with almost a flourish. And the boy stayed behind, his shoulders tight.
“How are you, Mrs. Ransome? I-I heard you got better,” he asked.
“Oh, I’m fine, Frankie. Come on in, I’ll fix you some tea,” she offered. Taking his hand.
Loki wasn’t sure of the lad at first. It seemed unfair to hiss at him because of who his mother was.  Yet Stella liked him. She smiled at him and talked to him like a friend. She made him tea with some honey. He held his cup with both hands and sipped it politely.
“Mrs. Ransome…I know people call me disturbed. I can’t pretend like I don’t…am I?” he asked.
“Oh, no, you’re not at all. I think you’re a very wise, patient, sensitive boy and you have nothing to be ashamed of,” she spoke to him.
As she got out her collection to show the new additions, they talked happily. She beamed at him, letting him go through whatever he wanted.  He then found the flowers from the time she was with Loki in the field and pulled them up.
“Where did you find these?” he asked.
Loki jolted up from the floor.
“I was sent to a place to recover. And it was run by a man. Loki is his name. He was incredibly kind to me. And he found out about my collection so he took me on a trip to see a field full of those flowers. I will never forget him…it’s thanks to him and his generosity I am still alive,” she recalled. A slight pink to her face and her smile was genuine.
“He sounds nice,” Frankie said.
“He didn’t think himself as nice. He…he had some troubles in his life, just like you. But sometimes people don’t realize that they’re not as bad as they think they are.” she replied, adding on.
She touched his arm and looked at him with a motherly glow.
“So do not worry if others think you are disturbed. You have done nothing wrong. And if you continue to be as you are, they will learn they are wrong about you.” she said.
Loki went up to Frankie’s legs and began to rub on them, purring. The boy almost jumped.
“You said he doesn’t like strangers!” said Frankie.
“Well, he likes you,” Stella replied.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
But what use is a mischief god if he just sits around rubbing against people’s legs and purring all day? Loki had to cause some trouble. And he knew how.
Stella was hardly in Will’s office. So she couldn’t stop him. Sneaking in the shadows thanks to his black fur, he arrived that day in Will’s study. No doubt what was happening right now with him and Cora was not in the least bit academic. So he needed to be punished.
After all, he promised Stella he wouldn’t end his life. That meant everything else could be done instead.
Loki hopped onto the desk and the bookshelves. Maneuvering his paws, he knocked over one book. Then he snuck into its crevice and knocked down the one next to that. Being a cat, he could squeeze easily into the shelves for books that weren’t pushed in. 
When Will returned, whole rows of his precious, long-kept book collection were knocked onto the floor. 
Will shooed the cat out.
The cat got back into the room. He targeted the large, open book on the desk and clawed up.
Will shooed him out.
The cat returned to the room. He scratched up a love letter from Cora. He urinated in it for good measure.
Will tossed him out and kept the door locked from that point on.
Then again every night, Loki would snuggle with Stella. Playing the devil with the husband and the angel with the wife. 
But every time he thought he could knock something of Will’s over with her present, she would look at him and tilt her head. He would back down with lowered ears and widen his eyes. If only he could let his magic conjure a halo over his head.
There was one afternoon, as he went about to cause mischief to Will’s belongings again, Stella said “Loki, is that you?”
He froze, looking at her. Blinking slowly. What should he do?
But she went up and leaned down.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. But you must behave yourself or I will not give you any chicken from dinner.”
Loki went up to her, purring and rubbing against her to seal the promise. 
As another week passed, Will was spending even less time at home. And the time he was with Stella, they were more quiet. More stiff. They talked less. Smiled even fewer.
One morning, Will was already gone. Stella awoke in her nightgown, went to the window, and stared out, her face pale and frowning. When Loki hopped by her, he could only see the fields and forests outside.
He touched a paw on her just barely, and she did not respond. Her memories coming up to him.
Will and Cora- Cora in her red dress. They were in the marshes and muck…and Will was on top of her.  Doing what you would expect from the lusty vicar.
And Stella watched it all through that very window.
He returned his paw. Fury building silently in him. How he wished he could turn into his Aesir form and bring more chaos to Will than a few upturned books. But he saw a tear go down her eye.
He meowed sweetly, touching a paw at her until she turned her head. He crawled up to her and purred, leaning against her. She picked him up and he leaned close to her She needed comfort, to not be alone. To not tear herself apart for others and never consider herself. No, right now, she only needed to be loved.
That night, he was especially affectionate at bedtime. He laid right on Stella’s lap to cuddle her. The picture of a perfect feline companion.
Will had already undressed. It was a warmer night and he was sleeping bare this time. He sat up in bed reading his Bible. Loki wouldn’t even look at him and remained on Stella. 
He heard the Bible close and being put away. 
Then Will caught Loki off guard and scooped up the cat into his arms. Loki was so surprised he let out a meow despite himself. 
He was plopped onto Will’s bare chest.
“Ah! There I have you! I think I got you now! I think it’s time we be friends and let a man enjoy embracing his wife,” Will replied triumphantly, a smile on his face. 
Loki had enough.
He bit Will’s nipple.
A loud, masculine scream exploded in the white house.
Will let go of his hold on Loki as he hopped out of his arms. He went onto the floor and sat to watch with triumphant slow blinks. Will lept out of bed, hunching over in pain. Stella ran over to him to put a hand on his arm.
“Will-it’s alright! Let me see!” she was consoling. But there was a smile on her face, trying to suppress chuckling and be a good wife.
The children scurried over, wondering about the commotion as the door barely creaked open. They took in the scene of their father naked with nothing to cover him. Without saying another word, they closed the door and hurried back into their rooms, the image, unfortunately, burned into their mind. Even as handsome as Will was, papa’s bum is papa’s bum
Stella helped him with the bite marks. But she laughed. Despite her scolding the cat and seeing that the marks didn’t bleed, she was laughing the whole time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Cora returned to be with Will the next afternoon. Dropping off Frankie for Stella to look after the whole time. But today, Stella stood up folded her hands, and went to her.
“I am making dinner. And I will need help- could you please return in an hour? I don’t want my husband to be late,” she asked.
Cora blinked. Loki turned his head between them. 
She never did that. She let them run about and do whatever. For as long as they wanted.
But now…now was different…was it, perhaps, she was remembering him? 
Cora then dropped her shoulders.
“Of course. One hour,” she replied.
“If he is not, I will go and search for you both,’ she replied.
Cora nodded begrudgingly. 
Loki smiled as much as a cat could smile. He purred again with pride. She was doing even better than he expected and she was slowly standing up for herself more. Asserting what she wanted, bit by bit. Far more than the sacrificial wife in the boat.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After some time, Loki decided enough was enough. With his magic, he snuck out and made himself a lady in town and conjured the black cat. He knocked on the door and explained that her cat was long missing the family and thanked them for taking care of him and keeping him safe. They all assured her that he was perfect. The lady promised the family their friend would be just as petted and spoiled as he was here. He made the conjured cat happy and grateful to be in his real owner’s arms. So they said their goodbyes, and despite the tears, they were joyful little Dan found his home again.
With a silent smile, he returned to Asgard. 
That next afternoon, the house was completely quiet. The children were away. Will was away. The dog was asleep. And Stella thought to herself of how alone she felt. Alone-and at least she could indulge in her memories. 
The castle. The dances. The dinners. The flower field. His dark hair. His impish smile. 
She went to her room and from her wardrobe. On the bottom was a box, rectangular and long. Opening the lid, she looked down on the soft velvet where she kept the dagger. 
 Perfectly safe. Lovely as a gem. She traced the hilt with a finger, careful to avoid the blade. 
“Oh, Loki…” she whispered with longing.
She missed Loki. Missed him so badly, so much…but she would never see him again.
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shambelle97 · 2 years
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1) Absolute Fidelity
2) Wedding Of Deception
3) Forbidden Passion
4) Jealousy
5) Poison
6) Hell Is Living Without You
7) Snake Bite
8) God Jul 
9) First Meeting
10) In The Dragon’s Lair
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annachum · 2 years
Loki in Season 1 Loki
Loki : Love is a dagger - it inflicted upon thee when least expected
In Loki S2 ( possible scene )
Sigyn : Since when love is a dagger?
Loki : I thought you have forsaken me after all the * gulps * chaos in Midgard
Sigyn : * slowly * I personally don't think love is a dagger
Loki : Uhm....then how would you define love?
Sigyn :* hugs him and emanates auroral energy to him * Personally I think love is like a warm hug or blanket.
Loki : * gets emotional * Sigyn......
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dank-art · 2 years
Mages Of Asgard
the magic trio
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plz help me find a ship name for them 😭
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lukreziaaa · 4 months
“I, Loki, prince of Asgard…Odinson…the rightful king of Jotunheim…god of mischief…do hereby pledge to you…my undying fidelity.” “Undying? You should choose your words more carefully.”
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“You…will never be…a god.”
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Spiritual Dieties
A/N: Just realised that I've included a list of god/esses BUT Christian will be excluded because theirs is too BIG, seraphims, archangels, and the names of who is what that is it's own seperate post -_- they're christian witches so even my own opinion of christianty (I don't hate them but dont love them either) I would still respect anyone who still follows it.
Divine status, quality or nature. A god or Goddess, a supreme being. Most well known in Persian/Norse/Celtic/Greek/Roman/Egyptian/Hindu/Pagan/ Christian Angels-Demons, etc.
Celtic Gods:
Alator: God of war and protection, name means “he who nourishes the people.”
Albiorix: God of protection and war, name means “King of the world.”
Belenus: God of healing, name means “Bright one.”
Borvo: God of healing waters and minerals.
Bres: God of fertility, tyrant ruler
Cernunnos: Horned god of Nature, fertility, the underworld, wealth and fruit
Esus: God of strength and human sacrifice.
Lenus: God of healing, associated with Roman god Mars
Lugh: God of the sun and craftsmanship, justice and ruleship
Maponus: God of music, poetry and youth
Nuada: God of healing, the sea and warfare.
Celtic Goddesses:
 Brigantia: Goddess of rivers and waters, poetry and crafts
Brigit: Goddess of fire, fertility, healing, cattle and poetry
Ceridwen: Goddess and sorceress, poetic wisdom, prophecy, magic and rebirth.
Epona: Horse goddess, fertility and cornucopias, horses and mules
Medb: Goddess of sovereignty and motherhood
Morrigan: Goddess of seafarers, fertility, and abundance
Nemausicae: Mother goddess, fertility and prosperity
Saitada: Goddess of grief.
Norse Deities:
Baldur: God of Beauty, peace, innocence, rebirth.
Bragi: God of Poetry, music, the harp
Hodr: God of Winter, Blind God, god of Darkness.
Hoenir: God of Silence, passion, spirituality, poetry
Kwasir: God of inspiration, god of wisdom.
Loki: God of trickery, mischief
Magni: God of strength and bravery
Njord: God Of the sea, wind, fish and wealth.
Odin: The allfather, God of war, poetry, magic and wisdom.
Thor: God of Thunder and battle, protection of mankind.
Try: God of War and Justice, god of skies
Ulr: God of skis and bows, god of winter.
Ali: God of revenge and vengeance.
Eir: Goddess of healing and medical skill.
Eostre: Goddess of spring and dawn.
Freyja: Goddess of love, fertility, battle and witchcraft
Frigg: Goddess of marriage and motherhood, Queen of the gods.
Gefjun: Goddess of fertility and plough, abundance and prosperity.
Hlin: Goddess of consolation and protection
Jord: Goddess of the Earth, Mother Earth.
Nanna: Goddess of joy, peace, and the moon.
Nott: Goddess of the night and darkness.
Sif: Goddess of the harvest, grain and earth
Sigyn: Goddess of fidelity, mercy and mourning.
Skadi: Goddess of Winter, mountains and skiing.
Sol: Goddess of the Sun and healing
Vor: Goddess of Wisdom, knowledge and awareness. 
Greek Goddess
Greek Gods:
Roman Goddess Minerva
Roman Gods
Egyptian Gods/Goddess
Persian Gods/esses
Ahura Mazda
Angra Mainyu
Vohu Manah
Spenta Armaiti
Aka Manah
Kshatra Vairya
Azhi Dahāka
Apam Napat
Hindu Gods/esses
What is similar?
One type of ‘Leader’ along with a ‘Mother’ a ‘son’ or ‘Consort’ a god of death, healing, creativity, the Sun, the Moon, wisdom, mischief, fertility. Or some deities symbolise a couple of things based on their story. Or domain that they rule over. But most do have similarities or cross over to other religions. For example the Roman gods are just the Tumblr edgy oc’s of the Greek Gods. {And the Romans twisted greek stories but those stories is what we in modern day take as 'canon' }
“Our gods are stronger and better than yours!” ha, just kidding.
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