jaca3rys · 1 year
orange haired yoongi is giving me the WORST horny brainrot,, help
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nitw · 2 months
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devotioncrater · 6 months
you expect me, a bisexual woman, to see a trailer set to bronski beat's "smalltown boy" for a lesbian 80s mafia crime-thriller drama where one woman is a bodybuilder played by a marital artist while the other woman is played by kristen stewart, and NOT completely dyke out??????
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cardi-c · 10 months
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down on your knees
c: @thealamay
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
Chase Young/First Ninja is such a good ship though? It has it all. The tragedy. The drama. The clashing of ideals, assuming Chase even has any ideals left. The villain starting out with purely selfish intentions and ending up desperately trying to stop the hero from self-destructing, while the hero refuses to turn away from his path no matter what, which leads him to become just as inhuman as the villain--okay, I will stop. Seriously though, there's probably a parallel to be made about Chase having lost his soul to his magical transformation while the First Ninja seems to be more himself than ever despite being stuck in a book. Perhaps that's the difference between someone who lost sight of what truly mattered and someone who hyperfocused on the most important things.
Anyway, I just imagined the events of RC9GN playing out, but Chase Young is chained up somewhere really inconvenient (for Randy) and giving (bad) advice the entire time, so. Laugh rule, I need to tell you your idea rocks.
This is a fascinating angle that I haven't considered before! I mean, there is trully something very tragic about an inherently selfish villain's motivations becoming just a little bit less selfish as he tries to essentially 'save' the hero from his noble self-sacrifice/destruction in the name of duty. And it really fits their dynamic, because while Chase is an evil selfish asshole, no one can deny that he is honorable and that he can care and First is certainly stubborn enough about his duty. Gives just even more angst flavor to this ship, like WOW thats something I'm going to brood about for awhile.
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And yes, their transformations (ascensions?) at the cost of their souls (i mean if we look at it closely, First basically sacrificied his soul to be forever preserved??? AND lost his mortal body in the process. so, inhuman in a sense.) in pursuit of their goals, is something that I see as parallels too! (wow anon, same brainwave!!) (It's also why i really like the ship name i made up for them haha)
akljadfkadsk xD yeah!!! thats basically the idea when I first sketched out the Captured Outcome for Chase in the VS event! Chase is just sort of hanging out in his forever prison, bothering spirit of First, and Randy somehow discovers him and Chase becomes that charismatic captured manipulative antagonist that gives morally dubious advice, than Nomicon/First, to the hero (that ultimately leads to Randy accidently releasing Chase and so on). (In my head, I call this AU a Hidden Chapter because Randy is basically browsing Ninjanomicon when he accidently stumbles on a reference to Chapter/Page dedicated to Chase and tries to find the rest of the info.)
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Dude thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3 And thank you for some good ideas like 👀 gonna use that energy as fuel for some projects. >;3c
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bratphilia · 6 months
Stepdad!William joining his babygirl in the shower to help her shave her pussy 🥺
"i dont think you can touch me there, daddy..."
"I'm your daddy, i'm allowed to touch you anywhere" he'd sit her on the counter
"Um, that feels funny..." She'd say when she's getting wet when he works on her 🌸
omgomgomgomg william afton who accidentally rubs your clit and spreads your lips out. he wants to make sure he's as precise as possible with you!! he covers his thumb over your pussy to "prevent nicking" your sensitive skin, but come on, he's pressing so hard that you're biting your lip and trying to still your hips.
"d-daddy," you'd say in a small voice, "feels good when you do that."
"yeah? does my baby like it when i touch her cute cunt? like how i can mold you into however i see fit, even controlling the hair down here?"
you'd giggle dumbly at his perversion, drunk off the atmosphere. he's so fucking dirty. he'd def finger you with his ring finger after this, fill you up so you can feel his wedding band that matches your mom's.
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
This might just me being tired and dumb, but I kind of get how Ace having a more supportive family would lead to isolation? Like. People who have no family to rely on form their own, and that kind of bond can be beat by very little else. There's not only possibly shared trauma, but there's probably also a shared understanding that "we all we got". It gives a weird sense of hope to see someone else in your situation, someone who relates to you even a little bit, and you want more anything in the world for them to make it out and thrive, and you can trust that they want the same for you.
So with Ace, who's trauma (that we know about) mainly comes from association and the iverblot fights, it's a bit harder to make that bond. He (assumably) got all the love and support that he was supposed to get from his family. And yeah! Sure! He can still seek it out elsewhere! But it's a thing he already has, he already has somewhere to go at the end if the day for comfort.
This is actually a theme that I'm gonna play with in my 80s fic, Deuce is lower middle class, while Yuu is just a slightly glorified version if homeless. Ace is squarely middle class, if not upper middle, he never has to really want for anything. Not like Deuce and certainly not like Yuu.
Learning how to pinch for pennies and find deals are things that makes Aces life more convenient, but it's something that Deuce and Yuu need. And that's where the divide is.
He wants to take care of his friends (he's still in denial) more than anything, but he also feels like there's this weird line he can't cross, with him on one side and Yuu and Deuce on the other. It honestly doesn't help that Yuu has a separate, small friend group outside of him and Deuce that are all in the same "Shit is completely fucked right now but by God are we gonna make it out" boat. A boat that Ace will probably never be in. Ace loves his family and is grateful, and knows exactly how much he lucked out. But he still wants to have that bond. That "the world feels like it's ending but atleast we'll be going down together" type of bond. Comforting Yuu while they cry about not having heating in the winter will never be the same as having to suffer alongside them and know they were in this together. Trying to find the cheapest possible version of a food products with Deuce and discovering knock off brands that Ace would never imagine existing (who the hell made knock off cheerios?) Will never be the same as actually having to rely on those knock off and part time sales, and feeling a sense pride that they were able to save enough money this month that they could actually buy something nice. Ace probably won't ever be on that side of the invisible line.
He'll bring them to his side though. Ace wants to take care of them more than anything. He wants them in his life more than anything. And he'll have them. No matter what he has to do to make that happen.
Sorry if I missread your post and just dropped a huge angst bomb in your inbox! I just have thoughts and there are a lot of AceYuu and ADeuce moments in chapter three and one or two of them digs into this a little.
You didn't misread my post at all I swear we are sharing custody of a braincell because this is just *chef's kiss* exactly what I was thinking.
Having that solid middle class stability and parent's who genuinely love you and each other is nothing to be ashamed of, not that I think Ace has enough humility for that, but it does mean that he has a gap in his understanding for Deuce and especially Yuu's situation. I keep thinking about how he ended up eating those tarts because he skipped a meal over worrying about Yuu and their circumstances, he cares. He is crass and rude with it but he cares! I love how you say he'll bring them to his side of the line, that's exactly how I see him thinking about it.
Ace's isolation (in my view) seems to come from how much more he values his friendship with Yuu and Deuce over literally anyone else in the school. He'd benefit from talking to Jack and Epel more, they also have solid home lives and Jack at least I think has financially stable parents, but those guys aren't his people. For better or worse, for sickness or health, Yuu and Deuce are who he is sticking it out with. He'll never say it in game, but he really does love you both, in what way is of course up to the interpretation of the player.
but you know which one we both prefer frfr
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southfarthing · 1 year
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send help
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arguablysomaya · 2 years
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i am completely normal about this (<- lying)
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artsycooky13 · 1 year
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cringo shoe fam for the soles
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degenerateshinji · 7 months
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some of the favs<3
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mag200 · 2 years
one of my favorite things about mag200 was how open ended it was actually and leaving you to draw your own conclusions about what happened to everyone and i. like. this is silly and i do actually trust that jonny & rq wouldnt bring tma back if they didnt have a damn good plan but a part of me is also like please, i dont want canon confirmation on if jon and martin made it somewhere else or not. please. like im excited but also i live in fear. which. i suppose. is thematically appropriate!! themagnusarchivestwo are you still listening october 30 LETS TALK ABOUT IT.
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azirafuck · 11 months
is the second coming of christ going to go like the adam thing but worse. are they actually going to grow fond of the kid. is the kid gonna have to die in a horrible way to really be considered the second coming of christ. are people who are in a position of power gonna murder him (her? them?). is aziraphale gonna get fired because he puts himself, once again, between heaven's will and his human nature. is he going to protect the kid. is he gonna realize people/beings in power are always going to fuck over normal, everyday people whenever they can just to assert their power. is he gonna realize he's, again, on the side of the pieces of shit.
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autumngracy · 2 months
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Not me creeping up to the wordcount of the fourth longest book ever written
#A Reflection of Starlight#AROS#valvert#fanfic#writing#Hey I switched back to LibreOffice again after setting up my new computer#(RIP my old computer's installation of MS Office 2009)#And also my old computer in general as it is now giving me the blue screen of death upon boot#but ANYWAY#does anybody know how to make LibreOffice stop highlighting formatted areas? BC with Dark Mode it's highlighting white text#which makes it impossible to read my footnote and page numbers#Also I CANNOT believe this program was coded to be so that 'Ignore' and 'Ignore All' options only do so for the CURRENT SESSION ONLY#Like what in god's name???#I spent 3-4 hours reformatting AROS after converting it only to learn that all the 'errors' I told it to ignore just popped back#the second I reopened the document like jesus christ#Why even offer those options if it doesn't do it permanently for that document file#HHHHHHHhhhhhhHHHHHH#I then spent another several hours being forced to change the language formatting to French for all the French bits#JUST so it would stop underlining all of them in red#And there's no way for me to get rid of the underlining on things like cut off bits of dialogue#bc they are NOT proper words and I refuse to add them to my Dictionary (thus polluting it) just to get rid of them#Ugh#So anyway remember years ago how I joked about what if I accidentally wrote a fanfic longer than the source material itself#That being one of the longest books ever written (technically THE longest book ever written#if we're counting the FRENCH version of it and not the English translation#And yeah I know I technically split AROS into 3 books but that was only for reader convenience#It's still one book in my heart#And also because I think it would be REALLY funny to surpass Hugo's wordcount#Which is entirely plausible bc in English it was only about 531k so I only a little over 100k off and I think I can easily make that#with the material I have left to write but is already mostly plotted out
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ziskeyt · 1 year
totk trailer:
finally gave Ganon some fucking water
we get to fight with allies???
there is a man using a bucket as a helmet
we become a flying squirrel
mission impossible music
you can fuse a shield to a sword and it looks so stupid i love it
you can become a taxi
actual development of places!!!!
there is a new clothing item that includes multiple earrings for Link i am going to wear it all the time
my daughter out here dancing while fighting yes absolutely
time travel
Ganon also says no to clothing that covers his chest
Ganon has green skin???? pls no
New beings new beings new beings new beings!!!!!!!
get bubbled, idiot
Game of the year
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etincelleart · 4 months
Finally reading The Guy I Was Interested In Wasn't A Guy At All
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