#and I LOVE the silly hat
flosimo · 1 year
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Evil Jaskier!
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egophiliac · 6 months
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like mother, like son, but less wholesome this time?
(I couldn't decide whether or not to put them together, so have them in all the different ways!)
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 months
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I come back for a hot second (and go into hiding pretty much right again) with some redrawn screencaps of what I'm watching currently!! 👀 All I have in me are the sillies-
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m3lth3ph4nt0m · 27 days
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Makes my grand return to tumblr with in stars and time <3 heres my autism <3 spoilers??? under the cut??? for two hats??? uh loop stuff proceed at ur own risk i guess???
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clownsuu · 8 months
What does a clown do when someone steals his identity?
…The ‘clownsuu’s.
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LMAOO HEHEH this gave a big ol giggle, thank u my guy, take some random ass doodles I was able to scrub up—
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Not a new character (a old one in fact- some of y’all may actually remember xem) but I had a undying (pun not intended) urge to draw my lil vampire goober as a muppet (and xem xemselves-)
for newer gamers, this is Xi! Xey go by xe/xem/xeir (xey don’t mind they/them, but prefers xe/xem)
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goodtimeswithgrian · 6 months
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local dungeon master overwhelmed by the love people have for his murder dungeon, already making notes for another murder dungeon
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ryuubff · 4 months
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more winter outfits and froggy hat sebby inspired by this post that i saw o-<-< (it's so cute)
close ups below the cut~✮!
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first we have our beautiful man
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and everyone's favorite trio ^_^ i didnt know whether i shld do a guinea pig or cat for abby but i went w a kitty since she wants one .. and of course puppy for sam!!
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scrollonso · 2 months
missing fernandos magic tricks rn
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frmulcahy · 10 months
Good Omens S2 AU where everything is exactly the same except the copy of the Good Omens book that Gabriel finds is like the version that I have with little drawings at the beginning of chapters including this silly one of Crowley on the first page:
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loves2spwge · 3 months
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Hey, thanks for going through all that to save my life, Stan.
Dude, you're my best friend. I don't want you to die until I do.
💙💚 @judgedarts did this incredibly gorgeous page for me for my two most favorite dudes everrrr 💚💙
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qwakque · 6 months
falalalala la la la la
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
zolu, namivivi and sanuso go on a triple date:
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solanadium · 26 days
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you don't know how much longer you can keep doing this
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paperultra · 7 months
eye to eye.
Pairing: OPLA!Monkey D. Luffy x Reader Word Count: 781 words Warnings: None
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He’s been staring for five minutes now.
Five minutes and thirty-three seconds, to be exact. Twenty-seven more seconds and it’ll be six minutes, and you don’t know if you can handle six minutes of him looking at you; everyone on this ship has fallen prey to those big brown eyes, and you are certainly no exception – how many times have you scraped off the last portion of your meal onto his plate, or let him trail after you and chatter away while you did inventory, or sat on the figurehead with him despite your fear of heights because of those eyes? The answer is more than once, and you know you’d do it again in a heartbeat as you finally look up from your newspaper.
“You need anything, Luffy?”
“Nope,” he says.
He continues to stare at you, that achingly wide, sunny grin on his face. You blink. He does too.
“Are you sure?”
“... Well,” you say slowly, more befuddled as the seconds tick by – surely, it’s now been over six minutes – “do you want something?”
(There is always a ninety-two percent chance that Luffy wants something, concrete or not. Seventy percent of the time it is concrete, and the thing he wants is food.)
Luffy shakes his head. He props his elbows onto his knees and rests his chin in his hands, and you swear you see his eyes sparkle underneath the tattered brim of his straw hat.
“I just like looking at your face,” he chirps.
The force of those few words is enough to stop your heart in your chest. It stutters in place, then starts again, jumping with glee.
“I like looking at your face,” he repeats as if you didn’t hear it the first time.
You lick your lips, grappling for something to say in response to such a strange answer. “It’s … it’s not much to look at,” you finally say, curling up out of habit. “There’re better faces out there.”
“But I want to look at yours.” Luffy jabs a finger towards you. You shrink back a bit, cheeks beginning to warm. “And there’s lots to look at, like your nose and eyes and stuff.”
You wonder if you should take that as a compliment. But Luffy doesn't do compliments; he only does the truth, and maybe that makes what he’s said infinitely more valuable.
"Thanks for noticing," you reply, awkward but fond. He nods happily, and you find yourself adding, "I like looking at your face too."
It's not a lie, nor an attempt to return the favor. You do like looking at Luffy's face. You like the wild, coal-black curls framing it, the perpetually goofy smile, the scar, the eyes that turn into dark honey in the sunlight. The eyes that look back at you and promise freedom and joy and everything good the world has to offer.
"You do?" He sounds very pleased and scoots closer. "That's great! We can look at each other."
"Won't that get boring after a while?"
"If it does, we can go and eat something."
You snort, face now very hot as you move to sit cross-legged. "You're funny, Luffy."
And so you look at Luffy, and Luffy looks at you, knees touching and the room still with a few rare seconds of contemplative silence. A few seconds, because that is all you can take before you dissolve into giggles, half flustered and half entertained. (This is how you often are around him nowadays.)
It isn't long before Luffy joins you, and the two of you end up lying on the floor, cackling until you're out of breath.
"Ahhh! That was fun," Luffy gasps once he can speak coherently again. "Now let's get something to eat!"
"You're bored already?" you ask in between gulps of air.
"No, but I'm hungry." With a grunt, he rolls back and catapults himself onto his feet, then picks you up and sets you down to stand before tugging on your arm. "Let's ask Sanji to make us a snack."
You nod, and soon enough, the floor of the Going Merry thrums with the sound of two scruffy pairs of shoes running over it, laughter bouncing off the walls as Luffy's hand grips yours. It's the same way he holds your heart, tightly but kindly. You squeeze back.
Three words balance on the tip of your tongue. You swallow them.
One day, you think. One day, he will look at you like he did today, and you will tell him how much a person like him means to a person like you.
But right now, you're going to ask Sanji to make you and Luffy something to eat.
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radioroxx · 2 months
in. clover lives aus or aus where they choose to live in the underground whatnot. i think more ppl should play with the idea that their friends know Jackshit About Humans. please and thanks
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clownsuu · 8 months
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